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User:Matthias Buchmeier/pt-en-d

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
d' {prep} [used before words beginning in a vowel, archaic except in fixed expressions] :: alternative form of de
d {letter} :: letter
d {m} :: abbreviation of dom (as a title)
d+ {adj} [Internet slang] :: demais
D. {n} :: abbreviation of Dom
D {letter} :: letter
D {m} :: abbreviation of dom (as a title)
D+ {adj} [Internet slang] :: demais
d'a {contraction} :: dated form of da
da {prep} /dɐ/ :: contraction of de a Of the; from the (feminine singular)
d'A {contraction} [poetic] :: alternative form of da, used to give a sense of uniqueness or excessive grandiosity to the following feminine noun
{interj} :: duh!
dáblio {m} [Brazil] :: double-u
dâblio {m} [Portugal] :: alternative form of dáblio
da boca para fora {adj} [idiomatic, usually with falar] :: said but not actually meant, often in reference to something offensive or exaggerated that is impulsively said, as in shoot one's mouth off
da boca para fora {adv} [idiomatic] :: of something said in that way
da boca pra fora {adj} [idiomatic] :: alternative form of da boca para fora
da boca pra fora {adv} [idiomatic] :: alternative form of da boca para fora
da breca {adv} :: very; extremely
Dabrowski {prop} {mf} :: surname
Daca {prop} {f} :: Daca (capital city)
dação {f} [legal] :: dation
Dacar {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of Dakar
da cartola {adv} [idiomatic] :: out of nowhere; out of the blue (unexpectedly)
dacha {f} :: dacha (a Russian villa, or summer house, in the countryside)
dachshund {mf} :: dachshund (breed of dog)
Dácia {prop} {f} :: Dácia (ancient kingdom/and/province)
dácio {adj} :: Dacian (of or pertaining to Dacia or the Dacians)
dácio {m} :: Dacian (member of an ancient ethnic group from Dacia)
dácio {m} [uncountable] :: Dacian (language)
dacito {m} [geology] :: dacite (an igneous, volcanic rock with a high iron content)
daco-romeno {m} :: Daco-Romanian (a more specific name for the Romanian language)
dactilografar {v} :: alternative form of datilografar
dactilógrafo {m} [European orthography] :: alternative form of datilógrafo
dactilologia {f} [European orthography] :: fingerspelling; dactylology (the use of the hands to spell out words, especially in the context of sign languages)
dactiloscopia {f} [European orthography] :: alternative form of datiloscopia
dada {pron} /ˈda.dɐ/ :: feminine singular of dado
dadaísmo {m} :: dadaism (cultural movement)
-dade {suffix} :: Used to form a noun from an adjective; especially, to form the noun referring to the state, property, or quality of conforming to the adjective's description
-dade {suffix} :: Used to form other nouns, especially abstract nouns
dádiva {f} /ˈda.ði.vɐ/ :: gift (something given without charge as a gesture of good will)
dádiva {f} :: blessing (a very favourable circumstance, occurrence or object)
dadivar {v} :: to gift
dadivoso {adj} :: generous (willing to give and share unsparingly)
dado {m} [gaming] /ˈda.ðu/ :: A die
dado {adj} :: offered
dado {adj} :: granted, conceded (given)
dado {adj} :: given, fixed
dado {adj} :: friendly, sociable
dado {adj} :: prone, inclined
dado {m} [computing, science] :: data; datum (item of information)
dado {pron} :: a given; a particular; a specific
dado que {conj} :: given that; whereas (it being the case that)
Dadra e Nagar Haveli {prop} :: Dadra e Nagar Haveli (state)
dafne {f} :: daphne (any of several shrubs in the genus Daphne)
Dafne {prop} {f} [Greek god] /ˈdaf.ni/ :: Daphne (mythological dryad)
da frigideira para o fogo {adv} [idiomatic] :: out of the frying pan, into the fire (from an already bad situation to a worse one)
Dagmar {prop} {f} /daɡ.ˈmaʁ/ :: given name
d'água {contraction} /ˈda.ɣwɐ/ :: contraction of da água
d'água {adj} :: (generally an animal) living in a water body; aquatic; waterly
daguerreótipo {m} :: daguerreotype (type of photograph)
Daguestão {prop} {m} :: Daguestão (republic)
d'ahi {contraction} :: obsolete spelling of daí
dahi {contraction} :: obsolete spelling of daí
da hora {adj} [São Paulo] :: cool
d'ahy {contraction} :: obsolete spelling of daí
dahy {contraction} :: obsolete spelling of daí
daí {contraction} /dɐ.ˈi/ :: contraction of de ; "from there" (where you are)
daí {contraction} [Brazil] :: then, afterwards
daí {contraction} [dialectal, Southern Brazil] :: used after finishing a sentence
daikon {m} [botany] :: daikon (a large East Asian radish cultivar)
Daillencourt {prop} {mf} :: surname
daime {m} :: ayahuasca (psychoactive infusion made from the ayahuasca vine)
daimio {m} [historical] :: daimyo (Japanese feudal lord)
daimiô {m} [Brazil, historical] :: alternative form of daimio
dáimio {m} [historical] :: alternative form of daimio
Daisuke {prop} {m} :: given name
Dakar {prop} {f} /da.ˈkaʁ/ :: Dakar (capital city)
Dakota do Norte {prop} {f} :: Dakota do Norte (state)
Dakota do Sul {prop} {f} :: Dakota do Sul (state)
Dal Agnol {prop} {mf} :: surname; alternative form of Dall'Agnol
dalai lama {m} :: Dalai Lama (the supreme head of Tibetan Buddhism)
Dalanhol {prop} {mf} :: surname; alternative form of Dall'Agnol
dalgum {contraction} /daw.ˈɡũ/ :: contraction of de (of) + algum (some)
dalguma {contraction} /daw.ˈɡu.ma/ :: contraction of de (of) + alguma (some)
dalgumas {contraction} /daw.ˈɡu.mas/ :: contraction of de (of) + algumas (some)
dalguns {contraction} /daw.ˈɡũs/ :: contraction of de (of) + alguns (some)
d'alho {contraction} :: contraction of do alho
d'ali {contraction} :: archaic spelling of dali
dali {contraction} /dɐ.ˈli/ :: Contraction of de (of; from) + ali (there)
dália {f} :: dahlia (any plant of the genus Dahlia)
Dalian {prop} {f} :: Dalian (major sub-provincial city)
Dalila {prop} {f} [Biblical character] :: Delilah (mistress of Samson)
Dalila {prop} {f} :: given name
dalit {mf} :: Dalit (member of an outcaste people of India)
Dallagnol {prop} {mf} :: surname; alternative form of Dall'Agnol
Dall'Agnol {prop} {mf} /ˌda.lɐ.ˈɲɔw/ :: surname
Dallas {prop} {f} :: Dallas (city)
Dalmácia {prop} {f} :: Dalmácia (traditional region)
Dalmácia {prop} {f} [historical] :: Dalmácia (province)
dalmaciano {adj} :: Dalmatian (relating to Dalmatia or its people)
dalmaciano {m} :: Dalmatian (person from Dalmatia)
dálmata {adj} :: Dalmatian (relating to Dalmatia or its people)
dálmata {mf} [demonym] :: Dalmatian (person from Dalmatia)
dálmata {mf} :: Dalmatian (breed of dog)
dálmata {m} :: Dalmatian (extinct Romance language of Croatia)
dalmatense {adj} :: Dalmatian (relating to Dalmatia or its people)
dalmatense {mf} [demonym] :: Dalmatian (person from Dalmatia)
dalmática {f} /dal.ˈma.ti.kɐ/ :: dalmatic
dalmático {m} :: Dalmatian (extinct Romance language of Croatia)
dalmatino {adj} :: Dalmatian (relating to Dalmatia or its people)
daltoniano {adj} :: color blind
daltónico {adj} [European orthography] :: alternative form of daltônico
daltónico {m} [European orthography] :: alternative form of daltônico
daltônico {adj} [Brazilian orthography] :: color blind
daltonismo {m} :: color blindness
daly {contraction} :: obsolete spelling of dali
dama {f} /ˈdɐ.mɐ/ :: lady
dama {f} [chess] :: queen
dama {f} [card games] :: queen
dama de ferro {f} :: iron maiden (torture device)
dama de honra {f} :: bridesmaid (woman who attends the bride at a wedding ceremony)
Damaõ {prop} {mf} :: obsolete spelling of Damão
damão {m} :: hyrax (mammal of the order Hyracoidea)
Damão {prop} {mf} :: Damão (city/state capital)
Damão e Diu {prop} :: Damão e Diu (state)
dâmar {m} :: dammer (resin obtained from trees of the genera Shorea and Symplocus)
dâmara {f} :: dammara (any of various trees of the genus Agathis)
damas {fp} /ˈdɐ.mɐʃ/ :: checkers; draughts
damasceno {adj} :: Damascene
damasco {m} /dɐˈmaʃku/ :: apricot
damasco {m} :: damask
Damasco {prop} {f} /da.ˈmas.ku/ :: Damasco (capital city)
damasqueiro {m} :: apricot (tree)
damasquinar {v} :: to damask (decorate or weave in damascene patterns)
Damião {prop} {m} :: given name
damnação {f} :: obsolete spelling of danação
damnado {adj} :: obsolete spelling of danado
damnado {m} :: obsolete spelling of danado
damnar {v} :: obsolete spelling of danar
damno {m} :: obsolete spelling of dano
danação {f} :: damnation
danado {adj} [religion] /dɐ.ˈna.ðu/ :: damned to Hell
danado {adj} :: rabid (suffering from rabies)
danado {adj} [colloquial] :: very angry; pissed off
danado {adj} [colloquial] :: mischievous; impish; badly behaved
danado {adj} [colloquial, sometimes followed by de + definite article] :: generic intensifier
danado {m} :: a mischievous person
danar {v} [religion] /da.ˈna(ɾ)/ :: to damn to Hell
danar {v} :: to damage (to cause damage)
danar {v} [colloquial] :: to piss off (to cause to become angry)
Danbo {m} /ˈdɐ̃bu/ :: Danbo (a type of cheese originating in Denmark)
dança {f} /ˈdɐ̃.sɐ/ :: dance (movements to music)
dança da chuva {f} :: rain dance (ceremonial dance)
dança da morte {f} [arts] :: danse macabre (a conventional subject of artistic painting or drawing)
dança das cadeiras {f} [games] :: musical chairs
dança do ventre {f} :: belly dance (form of dance)
dança macabra {f} [arts] :: danse macabre (a conventional subject of artistic painting or drawing)
dançar {v} /dɐ̃.ˈsa(ʁ)/ :: to dance
dançar {v} [Brazil, slang] :: to fail, be unsuccessful
dançar {v} :: to oscillate [particularly fire]
dançarina {f} :: feminine noun of dançarino
dançarina exótica {f} [euphemism] :: exotic dancer, dancer; stripper
dançarino {m} /dɐ̃sɐˈɾinu/ :: dancer
Danelaw {prop} {m} [history] :: Danelaw (part of Great Britain under Nordic control during the Middle Ages)
danês {adj} :: Danish (of Denmark)
danês {m} :: Dane (person from Denmark or of Danish descent)
danês {m} [uncountable] :: Danish (language)
dane-se {interj} :: screw it (mildly vulgar expression of indifference)
Dani {prop} :: given name
Dani {prop} :: given name
Daniel {prop} {m} [biblical character] /ˌdɐ.ni.ˈɛw/ :: Daniel (Old Testament prophet)
Daniel {prop} {m} :: given name
Daniela {prop} {f} :: given name
Danielle {prop} :: given name borrowed from French
danificar {vt} /dɐ.ni.fi.ˈka(ʁ)/ :: to damage, to harm
daninho {adj} :: harmful, noxious
dano {m} /ˈdɐ.nu/ :: damage (an instance or the state of being damaged)
dano {m} [legal] :: injury (violation of a person, their character, feelings, rights, property, or interests)
dano {m} [video games, role playing games] :: damage (a measure of how many hitpoints a weapon or unit can deal or take)
dano {adj} :: Danish (of Denmark)
dano {adj} [historical] :: of the Danes (Germanic tribe of the Danish islands and southern Sweden)
dano {m} :: Dane (person from Denmark)
dano {m} [historical] :: Dane (member of the Danes)
da noite para o dia {adv} [idiom] :: suddenly, from one day to the other
da noite pro dia {adv} :: alternative form of da noite para o dia
danoso {adj} /dɐˈnozu/ :: detrimental, harmful
danoso {adj} :: hurtful, spiteful
Dantas {prop} {mf} /ˈdɐ̃.tɐs/ :: surname
Dante {prop} {m} /ˈdɐ̃.t͡ʃi/ :: given name
dantes {adv} :: formerly
danubiano {adj} :: Danubian (pertaining to the Danube river)
Danúbio {prop} {m} /dɐ.ˈnu.βju/ :: Danúbio (river)
Danzig {prop} {f} :: Danzig (capital city)
Dão {prop} {m} /ˈdɐ̃w̃/ :: Dão (river)
daonde {contraction} [colloquial] :: contraction of de aonde (a + onde)
daora {adj} [Brazil, colloquial] /da.ˈɔɾɐ/ :: cool, very cool,
daora {adj} [Brazil, colloquial] :: incredible, awesome
Daphne {prop} {f} :: archaic spelling of Dafne
daquela {contraction} /dɐ.ˈkɛ.lɐ/ :: Contraction of de (of) and aquela (that)
daquelas {contraction} /dɐ.ˈkɛ.lɐʃ/ :: Contraction of de (of) and aquelas (that)
daquele {contraction} /dɐ.ˈke.lɨ/ :: Contraction of de (of) and aquele (that)
daquêle {contraction} :: superseded spelling of daquele
daqueles {contraction} /dɐ.ˈke.lɨʃ/ :: Contraction of de (of) and aqueles (that)
daquella {contraction} :: obsolete spelling of daquela
daquelle {contraction} :: obsolete spelling of daquele
daquêlle {contraction} :: obsolete spelling of daquele
daqui {contraction} /dɐ.ˈki/ :: Contraction of de (of; from) + aqui (here)
daqui a {prep} :: See: pt daqui a
daqui a {prep} :: in (after a period of time)
daqui a pouco {adv} /daˌki a ˈpo(w)ku/ :: in a while
daquilo {contraction} /dɐ.ˈki.lu/ :: contraction of de (of) + aquilo (that)
daquy {contraction} :: obsolete spelling of daqui
dar {v} [ditransitive] /daɾ/ :: to give
dar {v} :: to transfer one’s possession of something to someone without anything in return
dar {v} :: to hand over (to pass something into someone’s hand)
dar {v} :: to make a present or gift of
dar {v} :: to provide a service
dar {v} :: to administer (to cause to take (medicine))
dar {vt} :: to give; to issue; to emit
dar {v} :: to carry out a physical interaction with something
dar {v} :: to cause a sensation or feeling
dar {v} :: to cause (to produce as a result)
dar {v} :: to yield; to produce; to generate
dar {vt} [impersonal, followed by para when transitive] :: to be possible, to can
dar {vt} :: to throw (to organise an event)
dar {v} [transitive with que; impersonal with em] :: to report (publish or broadcast news)
dar {v} [em] :: to result in
dar {v} [para, .transitive, .or] :: to suffice, to be enough
dar {vt} :: to make (to tend or be able to become)
dar {v} [por, como] :: to consider (assign some quality to)
dar {v} [com] :: to come across (to find something accidentally or in an unexpected condition)
dar {v} [para, .Brazil, .vulgar, .slang] :: to put out, to allow to be sexually penetrated
dar {v} [de, .Brazil, .slang] :: to defeat by a given score
darabuca {f} [musical instrument] :: darbouka; tombak (a type of goblet drum)
dar a cara a tapa {v} [idiomatic] :: To face boldly some possibly unpleasant situation
dar a entender {v} :: to imply (to express suggestively rather than as a direct statement)
dar à luz {v} [idiomatic, euphemism] /da.ɾa.ˈluʃ/ :: to give birth
dar a mão {v} [idiomatic] :: lend a hand (to help or assist)
dar a mão à palmatória {v} [idiomatic] :: used to express disbelief about a proposition
dar a mínima {v} [idiomatic, usually in the negative] :: to give a shit; to care
dar ao manifesto {v} :: to manifest (to exhibit the manifests or prepared invoices of; to declare at the customhouse)
dar asas à imaginação {v} [idiom] :: to imagine freely, wildly
dar a volta por cima {v} /ˈdaɾ ɐ ˈvɔɫ.tɐ puɾ ˈsi.mɐ/ :: See: pt dar a volta por cima
dar a volta por cima {v} [idiomatic] :: to overcome or recover from a setback
dar bandeira {vi} [idiom] :: to give oneself away (to unintentionally reveal one's own secret)
dar bandeira {vi} [idiom] :: to draw someone's attention unintentionally
dar bobeira {v} [idiom] :: to be inattentive or indifferent
dar bola {v} [para] :: [idiomatic] to care [about], to give attention [to]
dar bola {v} :: to flirt [with], to make oneself available [to]
darbuca {f} :: alternative form of darabuca
dar com a língua nos dentes {v} [idiomatic] :: let the cat out of the bag (reveal a secret)
dar conta {v} [formal in Brazil] :: [de] to give [someone] notice [of something], to give account, to inform
dar conta {v} [de, .pronominal] :: to realize, to notice
dar conta {v} [de] :: to be sufficient or adequate [for something], to be able to handle, e.g. dar conta do recado (to do the trick)
dar conta {v} [by extension] :: to endure, to suffer through
dar conta do recado {vi} [idiom] :: to successfully carry out, fulfill a job or task
Dardanelos {prop} {mp} :: Dardanelos (strait)
dardânio {adj} :: Trojan
dardânio {m} :: Trojan
dar de dez a zero em {vi} [colloquial] :: to be much better than; to surpass, to a great extent
dardejando {v} :: gerund of dardejar
dardejar {v} :: to throw darts (or similar)
dardejar {v} :: to dart
dar de mamar {v} :: to breastfeed (feed a baby milk via the breasts)
dar de ombros {v} :: to shrug
dar distância {vi} :: to stand back (maintain a safe distance)
dardo {m} /ˈdaɻ.do/ :: dart
dardo {m} :: javelin
dar duro {v} [idiomatic] :: to work one’s butt off (to work excessively)
dar em {v} :: See: pt dar em
dar em {v} :: to get into (to behave uncharacteristically)
dar em cima {v} [de, .idiomatic, .slang] :: to come on; to hit on (to show sexual or relational interest)
dar em cima {v} :: See: pt dar em cima
dar em cima de {v} [idiomatic] :: to hit on (to approach seeking romance, love, sex, etc)
dar fé {v} :: [a] to trust (to believe to be true or truthful)
dar fé {v} :: [de] to assure or testify that something is truthful or genuine
dar fé {v} :: [de] to notice (to observe or detect something previously unseen or undetected)
dar graças {v} [idiomatic] :: to say grace (say a prayer of thanks)
dari {m} :: Dari (variety of Middle Persian)
dar ibope {v} [Brazil, slang] :: to show enough attention or interest towards something
darico {m} :: daric (gold coin from Persia)
dárico {m} :: alternative form of darico
dar ideia {v} [slang] :: to suggest, to purpose
dar ideia {v} [slang] :: to incentivize, to urge
Dario {prop} {m} :: given name
Dário {prop} {m} :: given name
Dário Meira {prop} :: Dário Meira (municipality)
darknet {f} [internet] /ˌdaɹk.ˈnɛt͡ʃ/ :: darknet (networks that can only be accessed with special software, configuration or authorisation)
darma {m} [Hinduism, Buddhism] /ˈdaɹ.ma/ :: dharma (principle that orders the universe)
dar mole {v} [colloquial] :: to be inattentive to a risk, or to become vulnerable by a mistake;
dar mole {v} :: to waver, to hesitate, or to miss an opportunity;
dar mole {v} :: to tease (sexually etc.), to flirt
darmstádio {m} :: darmstadtium
dar nome aos bois {v} [idiomatic] :: to accuse by name, to grass, to snitch
dar nome aos bois {v} [idiomatic] :: to name, to give names to yet unnamed things
dar no mesmo {v} :: to make no difference
dar no pé {v} :: to skedaddle; to haul ass (to run away quickly)
dar nos nervos {vt} [idiomatic] :: to get on someone's nerves (to annoy or irritate)
dar nos nervos {v} :: See: pt dar nos nervos
dar o bolo {v} [idiomatic] :: to stand (someone) up (to avoid a prearranged meeting with a person – especially a date – without prior notification)
dar o bolo {v} :: See: pt dar o um bolo
dar o bote {vi} :: to pounce (to leap into the air intending to seize someone or something)
dar o bote {vi} :: to pounce (to attack suddenly)
dar o bote {vi} :: to pounce (to eagerly seize an opportunity)
dar o braço a torcer {v} [idiom] :: to admit that one is wrong
dar o cavaco {v} :: to become angry
daroês {m} :: Dervish (a Sufi Muslim ascetic fraternity)
dar o fora {vi} [slang] :: to get out; to leave
dar o máximo de si {v} :: to bring it (to apply maximum effort to an effort)
dar o troco {vi} [euphemism] :: to pay back (to enact revenge)
dar para {v} :: See: pt dar para
dar para {v} [impersonal] :: to be possible or allowed
dar para {v} :: to start doing something obsessively
dar para o gasto {v} [idiomatic] :: to be sufficient
dar pau {vi} [colloquial, computing, said of a machine or computer] :: to crash, to freeze (to come to a halt, to stop working)
dar pé {vi} [idiomatic, of a water body] :: to have good footing; to be shallow enough to step on the underwater ground
dar pé {v} :: See: pt dar
dar pérolas a porcos {v} [idiomatic] :: cast pearls before swine
dar pitaco {n} [Brazil, pejorative] :: to express an opinion without having a considerable knowledge on the subject
dar razão {v} :: to agree with someone, particularly in a fight or conflict with someone else
dar ruim {vi} [idiomatic] :: to result in something bad
dar-se ao trabalho {v} [de, .reflexive] :: to bother (to do something which is of negligible inconvenience)
dar-se bem {v} [com] :: get along (to have a good relationship with)
dar-se conta {v} [idiomatic] :: to realise (to come to understand)
dar sopa {v} [idiomatic, mostly used in gerund] :: to be inattentive or indifferent
dar trela {v} [colloquial] :: to give attention to someone, to appear interested in what one has to say
dar uma de {v} [colloquial, slang] :: to fake, to pretend to be, to try to be something one isn't
dar uma de {v} [colloquial, slang, ] :: to imitate someone or act in a particular way one isn't
dar uma força {v} [idiom] :: to give a hand; to help out [+ com (object) = task], [+ a, para or an objective pronoun (object) = person being helped]
dar uma mão {v} :: alternative form of dar a mão
dar uma vista de olhos {v} [idiom] :: to take a look
dar um bolo {v} [idiomatic] :: alternative form of dar o bolo, but using indefinite article "um" instead of definite article "o"
dar um jeito {v} :: (with preposition de) to find a way of [doing something]
dar um jeito {v} :: (with preposition em) to solve or eliminate [a problem]
dar um passo maior do que a perna {v} [idiomatic] :: to bite off more than one can chew (to try to do more than one can handle)
dar um pulo {v} :: See: pt dar um pulo
dar um pulo {v} :: to visit a place for a short time
dar um show {v} [slang, idiom] :: to cry or yell out loud and desperately in order to protest or complain about something, often in the context of a discussion or argument
dar um susto {v} :: to startle (to excite by sudden alarm, surprise, or apprehension)
dar um tiro no pé {v} [idiomatic] :: to shoot oneself in the foot
dar um toque {v} [Portugal, colloquial, idiomatic] /da.ɾũ.ˈtɔ.kɨ/ :: to call a mobile phone and let it ring once so that the other person will call back and save the first caller money, or so the other person can more easily save the first person's number to their phone's memory
dar um toque {v} [Brazil, colloquial, idiomatic] :: to contact someone informally, especially by phone; to give a call
dar um toque {v} :: See: pt dar um toque
dar valor {vt} :: to appreciate (to value highly)
dar vexame {v} :: to make an exhibition of oneself (to embarrass oneself in public)
darvinismo {m} :: Darwinism (principles of natural selection)
Darwin {prop} {f} /ˈdaʁ.vĩ/ :: Darwin (capital city)
Darwin {prop} {m} :: Darwin (Charles Darwin, English naturalist)
darwiniano {adj} :: Darwinian (relating to the theory of evolution)
darwinismo social {m} :: social Darwinism (theory)
darwinista {adj} :: Darwinian (relating to the theory of evolution)
darwinista {mf} :: Darwinian (adherent of Darwin’s theory)
d'as {contraction} :: dated form of das
das {contraction} /dɐʃ/ :: contraction of de as; of the; from the (feminine plural)
das antigas {adj} :: See: pt das antigas
das antigas {adj} [Brazil, colloquial] :: old-time; old-fashioned (from or reminiscent of an earlier time)
das duas, uma {phrase} :: either one or the other
da Silva {prop} {mf} :: surname
da Sylva {prop} {mf} :: obsolete spelling of da Silva
data {f} /ˈda.tɐ/ :: date (point of time at which a transaction or event takes place)
data {f} [colloquial] :: a large quantity
datação {f} :: dating (estimation of the age of something)
data de nascimento {f} :: date of birth (date and year when something was born)
datando {v} :: gerund of datar
datar {v} :: to date (estimate the age of)
Datas {prop} :: Datas (municipality)
datashow {m} /ˌda.ta.ˈʃow/ :: video projector
data venia {phrase} [formal] :: I beg to differ (said before politely disagreeing with someone else)
datcha {f} :: alternative form of dacha
datilografar {v} :: to type (to use a typewriter)
datilógrafo {m} /dɐ(k).ti.ˈlɔ.ɣɾɐ.fu/ :: typist (person who types)
datilologia {f} :: alternative form of dactilologia
datiloscopia {f} /dɐ(k).ti.lɔʃ.ku.ˈpi.ɐ/ :: dactyloscopy (forensic analysis of fingerprints)
dativo {m} :: dative
Daugavpils {prop} {f} :: Daugavpils (city)
dauphin {m} [historical] :: dauphin (eldest son of the king of France)
Davi {prop} {m} /da.ˈvi/ :: given name
Davi {prop} {m} [biblical character] :: David (king of Judah)
David {prop} {m} /ˈdej.vid͡ʒ/ :: given name
David {prop} {m} :: alternative spelling of Davi
da vida {adv} :: See: pt da vida
da vida {adv} [colloquial, with certain adjectives expressing emotions] :: extremely
David Canabarro {prop} :: David Canabarro (municipality)
DC {adv} :: AD (after the birth of Christ)
DCE {m} [education, initialism] :: Diretório Central dos Estudantes (Central Directory of Students, an entity representing all students of a higher learning institution)
de {prep} /dɨ/ :: of (in relation to)
de {prep} :: of (forms compounds; often untranslated)
de {prep} :: of; about (on the subject of)
de {prep} :: of; -'s (belonging to)
de {prep} :: -'s (made by)
de {prep} :: of (being a part of)
de {prep} :: of (introduces the month a given day is part of)
de {prep} :: of (introduces the object of an agent noun)
de {prep} :: of (introduces the name of a place following its hypernym)
de {prep} :: of; -en (made or consisting of)
de {prep} :: -long (having the duration of)
de {prep} :: of (indicates the composition of a given collective or quantitative noun)
de {prep} :: of (characterised by; having the given quality)
de {prep} :: of (introduces the noun that applies a given adjective or past participle)
de {prep} :: from (born in or coming out of)
de {prep} :: by means of; by
de {prep} :: as (in the role of)
de {prep} :: in (wearing)
{m} /ˈde/ :: dee (name of the Latin letter D, d)
de A a Z {adv} :: In alphabetical order, from A to Z, A to Z
de A a Z {adv} [idiomatic] :: Covering a complete range, comprehensively, thoroughly
de acordo {interj} :: Agreed!
de acordo com {adv} :: Based on what is said or stated by; according to
deadlock {m} [computing] /ˌdɛd.ˈlɔ.ki/ :: deadlock (inability to continue operating due to two processes requiring a response from one other)
Deagle {f} [slang, video games] :: IMI Desert Eagle (a type of pistol)
de agora em diante {adv} /dʒi aˈɡɔra ĩ dʒiˈãtʃi/ :: From this moment; from now on
deambular {vi} :: to wander
deão {m} [ecclesiastical] :: dean (church dignitary)
de araque {adj} :: phony; fraudulent; fake
debaixo {adv} /d͡ʒiˈbaiʃu/ :: underneath
debandada {f} :: stampede (any sudden flight or dispersion)
debate {m} /de.ˈba.tʃi/ :: debate
debatendo {v} :: gerund of debater
debater {v} :: to debate, discuss, dispute, contest
debater-se {vr} :: to flounder (to flop around)
debelar {vt} [military] /de.beˈla(ɾ)/ :: to win, to conquer
debelar {vt} [medicine] :: to neutralize/neutralise, to stop the effects of (e.g. a disease)
debelar {vt} [by extension] :: to stop or prevent
debicando {v} :: gerund of debicar
debicar {v} :: to peck
débil {adj} /ˈdɛ.biw/ :: debilitated; weak (lacking in force or ability)
debilidade {f} /dɨ.βi.li.ˈða.ðɨ/ :: debility, weakness
debilitado {adj} :: feeble (wanting force, vigor or efficiency in action or expression)
debilitar {vt} :: to enervate (to reduce strength or energy; debilitate)
débil mental {mf} :: retard (person with mental retardation)
debilmente {adv} :: weakly
debitar {v} /de.bi.ˈta(ɾ)/ :: to debit (to record a debt)
débito {m} /ˈdɛ.bi.tu/ :: debit
débito {m} :: debt, indebtedness
de boa {adj} [Brazil, slang] :: fine, tranquil, not worried, relaxed
de boas {adj} [Brazil, slang] :: alternative form of de boa
de boas intenções está cheio o inferno {proverb} :: alternative form of de boas intenções o inferno está cheio
de boas intenções está o inferno cheio {proverb} :: alternative form of de boas intenções o inferno está cheio
de boas intenções o inferno está cheio {proverb} :: the road to hell is paved with good intentions
de boa vontade {adv} :: willingly (of one’s own free will)
de bobeira {adj} [slang] :: not paying attention
debochando {v} :: gerund of debochar
debochar {v} :: to mock
debochar {v} :: to debauch
deboche {m} :: debauchery
de bolso {adj} :: pocket (of a size suitable for putting into a pocket)
de bom grado {adv} :: happily; gladly; willingly
Débora {prop} {f} [biblical character] :: Deborah (prophetess mentioned in the Book of Judges)
Débora {prop} {f} :: given name
de borla {adv} :: See: pt de borla
de borla {adv} [colloquial] :: for free (not requiring any payment)
de bosta {adj} [vulgar] :: worthless; pissass; crappy
debruçado {adj} /ˌde.bɾu.ˈsa.du/ :: leaning over/on
debruçar {v} /ˌde.bɾu.ˈsa(ʁ)/ :: to bend
debruçar {v} [sobre, .pronominal, .figuratively] :: to study, analyze; to dedicate oneself to
de bruços {adj} :: prone, face-down
debrum {m} :: edging, binding, hem
debugar {v} [programming] :: to debug (to search for and eliminate software bugs)
debugger {m} [programming] :: debugger (program that helps the programmer debug code)
debulhar {vt} [agriculture] :: to thresh (to separate the grain from the straw or husks)
debutar {v} :: to debut (to formally introduce, as to the public)
debuxando {v} :: gerund of debuxar
debuxar {v} /dɨβuˈʃaɾ/ :: to sketch (all senses)
de cabeça {adv} :: In one's head; from one's thoughts
de cabeça para baixo {adv} :: upside down (inverted)
de cabo a rabo {adv} [idiomatic] :: To a complete extent; one hundred percent; completely; utterly; fully
década {f} /ˈdɛ.kɐ.ðɐ/ :: decade
decadência {f} /ˌde.ka.ˈdẽ.sjɐ/ :: decadence (state of moral, social or artistic decline)
decaedro {m} [geometry] :: decahedron (polyhedron with ten faces)
decágono {m} /dɨˈkaɡunu/ :: decagon
decaimento {m} :: decay
decaimento alfa {m} [radiation] :: alpha decay (radioactive decay by emitting alpha particles)
decaimento radiativo {m} :: alternative form of decaimento radioativo
decaimento radioativo {m} [radiation] :: radioactive decay (emission of subatomic particles by unstable nuclei)
decaindo {v} :: gerund of decair
decair {v} :: to decay
decalina {f} [organic compound] :: decalin (decahydronaphthalene)
decálogo {m} :: decalogue
decalque {m} :: calque (word formed by word-for-word translation of a word in another language)
decalque {m} :: sticker (adhesive label or decal)
de cama {adj} [of a person] :: resting in a bed due to fever or similar disease
decâmetro {m} :: decametre (the length of 10 metres)
decano {m} [ecclesiastical] :: dean (church dignitary)
decano {m} [organic compound] :: decane (aliphatic hydrocarbon isomer having the chemical formula C10H22)
decantação {f} :: decantation
decantando {v} :: gerund of decantar
decantar {v} :: to decant
decapitação {f} :: beheading (an instance of beheading)
decapitador {m} :: beheader; decapitator (one who decapitates)
decapitador {adj} :: which beheads
decapitante {adj} :: which beheads
decapitar {vt} :: to behead; to decapitate (remove the head of)
Decápole {prop} {f} [Ancient Rome] :: Decapolis (ten cities on the eastern frontier of the Roman Empire)
Decápolis {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Decápole
decatlo {m} :: decathlon
decência {f} :: decency (the quality of being decent)
decender {v} :: obsolete spelling of descender
decénio {m} [European orthography] :: decade (a period of ten years)
decênio {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of decénio
decente {adj} /dɨ.ˈsẽ.tɨ/ :: decent, proper
decepar {vt} :: to chop (a body part)
decepção {f} :: deception
decepção {f} :: disillusion
decepcionado {adj} :: disappointed (defeated of hope or expectation)
decepcionante {adj} :: disappointing (that disappoints)
decepcionar {v} :: to disappoint; to let down
de certa forma {adv} :: in a way
de certo {adv} :: nonstandard spelling of decerto
decerto {adv} /dɨ.ˈsɛɾ.tu/ :: certainly
deci- {prefix} :: deci- (10-1)
decibel {m} :: decibel (a common measure of sound intensity)
decididamente {adv} :: decidedly
decididamente {adv} :: bravely
decididamente {adv} :: resolutely
decidido {adj} /dɨ.si.ˈði.ðu/ :: brave
decidido {adj} :: resolute
decidir {v} /dɨ.si.ˈðiɾ/ :: to decide
decidir {v} :: to determine
decidir {v} :: to resolve
decidir {v} :: to deliberate
decídua {f} [anatomy] :: decidua (mucous membrane that lines the uterus)
decíduo {adj} [biology] :: deciduous (describing a part that falls off, or is shed)
decíduo {adj} [botany] :: deciduous (of or pertaining to trees which lose their leaves in winter or the dry season)
decifrando {v} :: gerund of decifrar
decifrar {v} :: to decipher, decode, unscramble
decifrável {adj} :: decipherable
decigrama {m} :: decigram (one tenth of a gram)
decilitro {m} :: decilitre (one tenth of a litre)
decimal {adj} [arithmetic, computing] :: decimal (concerning numbers expressed in decimal or calculations using decimal)
decimal {m} [countable] :: decimal (number expressed in the decimal system)
decímetro {m} :: decimetre (one-tenth of a metre)
decímetro cúbico {m} :: cubic decimetre; cubic decimeter [US]
décimo {ordinal num} /ˈdɛ.si.mu/ :: tenth
décimo nono {adj} :: nineteenth (the ordinal form of the number nineteen)
décimo nono {m} :: nineteenth (person or thing in the nineteenth position)
décimo oitavo {adj} :: eighteenth (the ordinal form of the number eighteen)
décimo oitavo {m} :: eighteenth (the person or thing in the eighteenth position)
décimo primeiro {adj} :: eleventh
décimo quarto {adj} :: fourteenth (ordinal form of the number fourteen)
décimo quinto {adj} :: fifteenth (ordinal form of number fifteen)
décimo segundo {adj} :: twelfth (ordinal form of the number twelve)
décimo sétimo {adj} :: seventeenth (ordinal form of seventeen)
décimo sexto {adj} :: sixteenth (the ordinal form of the number sixteen)
Décio {prop} {m} :: given name
decisão {f} /dɨ.si.ˈzɐ̃w̃/ :: decision
decisegundo {m} :: decisecond (one tenth of a second)
decisivo {adj} /dɨ.si.ˈzi.vu/ :: decisive (having the power or quality of deciding a question or controversy)
decisor {m} /de.si.ˈzoɾ/ :: decider (someone who decides)
decisor {adj} :: who decides
declamador {adj} :: declamatory
declamando {v} :: gerund of declamar
declamar {v} :: to declaim
declaração {f} /dɨ.klɐ.ɾɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: declaration
declaração {f} :: statement, assertion
declaração {f} :: affidavit, testimony
declaradamente {adv} :: overtly; openly
declarar {v} /dɨ.klɐ.ˈɾaɾ/ :: to declare, to state
declarar guerra {v} [of a governmental authority] :: to declare war (initiate a state of war)
declarar guerra {v} [figurative] :: to start vehemently opposing something
declarativo {adj} :: declarative
declaratório {adj} :: declaratory
declinação {f} [grammar] /de.kli.na.ˈsɐ̃õ/ :: declension (a way of categorizing nouns)
declinação {f} :: decline, decadence, fall
declinação {f} :: declination, refusal
declinar {v} :: to abate (decrease or become less in strength)
declinar {v} :: to decline (refuse)
declinar {v} :: to decline (inflect)
declinativo {adj} [grammar, rare] /de.ˌkli.na.ˈt͡ʃi.vu/ :: declensional (relating to declension)
declinio {m} :: superseded spelling of declínio
declínio {m} :: decline, descent
declínio {m} :: declension
declínio {m} :: decay
declive {m} /dɨ.ˈkli.vɨ/ :: decline (a downward slope)
decoada {f} :: a type of bleach
decolagem {f} /ˌde.ko.ˈla.ʒẽj̃/ :: takeoff (start of flight)
decolando {v} :: gerund of decolar
decolar {v} :: to take off; to begin flight
decollagem {f} :: obsolete spelling of decolagem
decompondo {v} :: gerund of decompor
decompor {v} /dɨ.kõ.ˈpoɾ/ :: to decompose (to break something down into its components)
decompor {v} :: to decompose; to rot; to decay
decompor {v} [figuratively] :: to analyse every element of something individually
decompor {v} [linguistics] :: to parse (to resolve a sentence into its elements)
decompôr {v} :: superseded spelling of decompor
decompor-se {vr} :: to decay (deteriorate)
decomposição {f} /ˌde.kõ.po.zi.ˈsɐ̃õ/ :: decomposition, decay
decomposição {f} :: decomposition, act of taking something apart
de cor {adv} [idiomatic] /dɨˈkɔɾ/ :: by heart (knowing completely)
de cor {adj} [sometimes, offensive] /dɨˈkoɾ/ :: colored; of color (said of a black person)
decoração {f} /dɨ.ku.ɾɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: decoration (act of adorning)
decorador {m} /dɨ.ku.ɾɐ.ˈðoɾ/ :: decorator
decoradora {f} :: feminine noun of decorador
decorando {v} :: gerund of decorar
decorar {v} /dɨ.ku.ˈɾaɾ/ :: to learn by heart, to memorize
decorar {v} :: to decorate, adorn, ornament
decorativo {adj} :: decorative (that serves to decorate)
decorativo {adj} [by extension] :: useless
decoreba {f} [pejorative] :: cram (hasty memorisation of information)
de cor e salteado {adv} :: alternative form of de cor
decoro {m} :: appropriateness; decency (behaviour suitable to a social situation)
decôro {m} :: obsolete spelling of decoro
decorrência {f} :: consequence, result
decorrendo {v} :: gerund of decorrer
decorrente {adj} :: due
decorrente {adj} :: happening, occurring
decorrer {vi} [of time] :: to pass; to elapse
decorrer {vi} :: to occur; to happen; to take place
decorrer {v} [de] :: to derive from; to result from (to be caused by; to be the result of)
decotado {adj} :: low-cut [neckline]
decotando {v} :: gerund of decotar
decotar {v} :: to cut over or around; to trim
decote {m} :: the act of cutting or trimming
decote {m} :: neck, neckline; décolletage
decrépito {adj} :: decrepit (weakened or worn out)
decrepitude {f} :: decrepitude (the state of being decrepit)
decrescer {v} :: dwindle (to decrease, shrink, vanish)
decrescimento {m} :: degrowth (decrease in size or extent)
decretando {v} :: gerund of decretar
decretar {v} :: to decree
decretar {v} :: to enact
decreto {m} :: decree
decúbito {m} :: decubitus (the position assumed when lying down)
de cu é rola {phrase} [vulgar, idiomatic] :: Used as reply, insults the interlocutor's statement; "my ass"
decuplicando {v} :: gerund of decuplicar
decuplicar {v} :: to decuple (multiply tenfold)
décuplo {adj} :: decuple (ten times as much)
decurso {m} /dəˈkursu/ :: course
decurso {m} :: duration
dedal {m} /dɨ.ˈðaɫ/ :: thimble (cap for the fingers, used in sewing to push the needle)
dedal {m} :: thimbleful (as much as a thimble would hold)
dedal {m} [botany] :: a tree, Lafoensia densiflora
dedaleira {f} :: foxglove (plant of the genus Digitalis)
dedão {m} :: thumb
dedão {m} :: big toe
dedão {m} :: augmentative of dedo
dedetização {f} /de.de.t(ʃ)i.za.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: the cleaning act that removes and drives away insects or removes their eggs; similar to deinsectization
dedetizar {v} :: to apply chemicals, such as DDT, that kill or drive away insects
de dia {adv} :: during daytime
dedicação {f} [uncountable] /de.ˌd͡ʒi.ka.ˈsɐ̃õ/ :: dedication (state of being dedicated)
dedicação {f} :: dedication (note prefixed to a work of art)
dedicado {adj} :: dedicated (devoted or loyal)
dedicar {v} [a] /ˌde.d͡ʒi.ˈka(ʁ)/ :: to dedicate (to set apart for a deity or for religious purposes)
dedicar {v} [a] :: to dedicate; to earmark (to set apart for a special use)
dedicar {v} [a, -without a second object, .pronominal] :: to dedicate (to commit (oneself) to a particular course of thought or action)
dedicar {v} [a, para] :: to dedicate (to address or inscribe (a literary work, for example) to another as a mark of respect or affection)
dedicatoria {f} :: obsolete spelling of dedicatória
dedicatória {f} :: inscription (dedication in a book)
dedicatorio {adj} :: obsolete spelling of dedicatório
dedilhação {f} [music] :: fingering (playing a musical instrument)
dedilhado {m} [music] :: fingering (act of playing an instrument with one’s fingers)
dedilhado {m} [music] :: fingering (the position of the fingers when playing a given chord)
dedilhado {adj} [music] :: played with one’s fingers
dedilhamento {m} [music] :: fingering (playing a musical instrument)
dedilhar {v} :: to finger or touch, especially the strings of a musical instrument
dedinho {m} :: diminutive of dedo
dedinho {m} :: little finger
dedinho {m} :: little toe
de direita {adj} [politics] :: right, right-wing (pertaining to the political right; conservative)
dedo {m} /ˈde.ðu/ :: finger
dedo {m} [by extension] :: an informal unit of measurement
dedo {m} :: toe
dedo annular {m} :: obsolete spelling of dedo anular
dedo anular {m} :: ring finger (finger between the middle finger and little finger)
dedo auricular {m} :: little finger (outermost and smallest finger of the hand)
dedo duro {m} :: alternative form of dedo-duro
dedo duro {m} :: See: pt dedo duro
dedo-duro {mf} [slang] :: informer, snitch, grass (someone who informs authorities about someone else's illegal behaviour, usually with bad intents)
dedo indicador {m} [anatomy] :: forefinger (first finger next to the thumb)
dedo médio {m} :: middle finger (finger between the forefinger and the ring finger)
dedo mínimo {m} :: little finger (outermost and smallest finger of the hand)
dedo polegar {m} :: alternative form of polegar
dedução {f} :: deduction
dedução {f} :: inference
dedurar {v} [slang] :: to grass; to snitch (to inform on)
deduzindo {v} :: gerund of deduzir
deduzir {v} /dɨ.ðu.ˈziɾ/ :: to deduce, infer
de então {adj} :: from the specified time
de envolta com {prep} /di ĩˈvou̯.ta kũ/ :: mixed with; together with (especially in a disorderly way)
de esquerda {adj} [politics] :: left, left-wing (pertaining to the political left; liberal)
de facto {adv} [European orthography] :: truly
de facto {adv} [European orthography] :: indeed
de facto {adv} [European orthography] :: in fact
defasagem {f} :: gap, gulf
de fato {adv} [Brazil] :: alternative form of de facto
default {m} [computing] /de.ˈfo/ :: default (original settings)
default {m} [computing] :: default (value used when none has been given)
default {adj} [computing] :: being a default setting or value
defecar {v} :: to defecate
defectivo {adj} :: lacking a part
defectivo {adj} [grammar, of a lexeme, especially a verb] :: defective (having only some tenses)
defeito {m} /dɨ.ˈfɐj.tu/ :: defect, fault
defeito {m} :: a weakness of character
defeituoso {adj} :: defective
defeituoso {adj} :: imperfect
defender {v} /dɨ.fẽ.ˈdeɾ/ :: to defend (repel an attack)
defender {v} :: to defend (represent as a legal professional)
defender {v} [rhetoric] :: to defend
defender {v} :: to support (to back a cause, party etc.)
defender {v} [sports] :: to defend (to prevent the opponent from scoring)
defender {vi} [sports] :: to play in defense
defender {v} [higher education] :: to formally present a dissertation, thesis or project
defenestração {f} :: defenestration
defenestrar {vt} :: to defenestrate (eject from a window)
defensão {f} [archaic] :: that which defends
defensável {adj} /de.fẽ.ˈsa.vew/ :: defensible (capable of being defended against armed attack)
defensável {adj} :: defensible (capable of being morally or legally justified)
defensiva {f} [usually as ficar na defensiva] /ˌde.fẽ.ˈsi.vɐ/ :: defensive (a means, attitude or position of defence)
defensor {m} :: defender (someone or something which defends)
defensor {m} :: advocate (person who speaks in support of something)
defensor {m} [law] :: defender (a lawyer)
defensora {f} :: feminine noun of defensor
deferência {f} :: deference (great respect)
deferindo {v} :: gerund of deferir
deferir {v} :: to grant
defesa {f} /dɨ.ˈfe.zɐ/ :: defence (the act of defending)
defesa {f} :: that which defends
defesa {f} [legal] :: the defendant’s representation (lawyers and staff who argue on behalf of the defendant in court)
defesa {f} :: defence (argument in support or justification of something)
defesa {f} [sports] :: defence (portion of a team dedicated to preventing the other team from scoring)
defesa {f} [higher education] :: the formal presentation of a dissertation, thesis or project
defesa Alekhine {f} [chess] :: Alekhine's Defence (a chess opening)
defeso {adj} /dɨ.ˈfe.zu/ :: forbidden, prohibited
deficiência {f} :: deficiency
deficiência {f} :: deficit
deficiência {f} :: shortcoming
deficiente {adj} /ˌde.fi.ˈsjẽ.t͡ʃi/ :: handicapped (having a handicap)
deficiente {adj} :: deficient (lacking resources or material)
deficiente {mf} :: disabled or handicapped person
deficiente {mf} [colloquial] :: idiot, fool
deficit {m} :: alternative form of déficit
déficit {m} /ˈdɛ.fi.si.t(ʃ)i/ :: deficit
deficitário {adj} /de.fi.si.ˈta.rju/ :: in deficit
déficit comercial {m} [economics] :: trade deficit (negative balance of trade)
definhar {v} :: to languish; to wither
definição {f} /de.fi.ni.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: definition
definicional {adj} :: definitional (relating to or being a definition)
definido {adj} :: clear
definir {v} /de.fi.ˈni(ʁ)/ :: to define
definitivamente {adv} /dɨ.fi.ni.ti.vɐ.ˈmẽ.tɨ/ :: definitely (without question and beyond doubt)
definitivo {adj} /dɨ.fi.ni.ˈti.vu/ :: definitive (not temporary, partial or tentative)
definitivo {adj} :: definitive; final; conclusive (that is not expected to change)
deflação {f} [economics] :: deflation (decrease in the general price level)
deflagração {f} /de.fla.ɡɾa.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: deflagration, conflagration (intense explosion)
deflagração {f} [figuratively] :: diffusion, dispersion
deflagração {f} [figuratively] :: a sudden and often violent apparition of something
deflagrar {vti} /de.fla.ˈɡɾa(ɾ)/ :: to deflagrate, to burn
deflagrar {vt} [figuratively] :: to cause something to appear or happen, to lead to
deflexão {f} :: deflection, glance
deflorar {vt} :: to deflower, to take away the sexual virginity
de forma alguma {adv} :: no way
deformação {f} /dɨfuɾmɐˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: deformation
deformando {v} :: gerund of deformar
de forma nenhuma {adv} :: no way
deformar {v} :: to deform
deformidade {f} [uncountable] :: deformity (the state of being deformed)
deformidade {f} :: deformity (the deformed part of something)
defraudar {v} :: to dupe (to swindle, deceive, or trick)
defraudar {v} :: to defraud (to obtain money or property by fraud)
defronte {adv} /dɨ.ˈfɾõ.tɨ/ :: opposite
defronte {adv} :: face to face
defumar {v} :: to smoke (to preserve or prepare by treating with smoke)
defuncto {m} :: obsolete spelling of defunto
defuncto {adj} :: obsolete spelling of defunto
defunto {m} /de.ˈfũ.tu/ :: corpse (dead person)
defunto {adj} :: dead; deceased (no longer alive)
de gatas {adv} :: on all fours
degelar {v} [of frozen things] :: to defrost; to thaw
degelo {m} /de.ˈʒe.lu/ :: thaw (the melting of ice, snow or other congealed matter)
degeneração {f} :: degeneration (in all senses)
degeneração {f} :: degeneration, degeneracy (the process or state of growing worse, or the state of having become worse)
degenerando {v} :: gerund of degenerar
degenerar {v} :: to degenerate, deteriorate
degenerativo {adj} :: degenerative
deglaçar {vt} [cooking] :: to deglaze (to detach small pieces of cooked food from a pan)
deglacear {v} :: to deglaze
deglutir {vt} :: to swallow (to pass from the mouth into the stomach)
degolando {v} :: gerund of degolar
degolar {v} :: to behead, decapitate
de graça {adv} :: for free (without payment)
de graça até injeção na testa {proverb} :: anything that is available for free is worth its while
de graça, até injeção na testa {proverb} :: alternative spelling of de graça até injeção na testa
degradação {f} :: degradation, humiliation
degradação {f} :: destruction, deterioration
degradando {v} :: gerund of degradar
degradante {adj} :: degrading, demeaning, humiliating
degradar {v} :: to degrade
degradável {adj} :: degradable
de grão em grão a galinha enche o papo {proverb} :: alternative form of grão a grão enche a galinha o papo
de grátis {adv} [nonstandard] :: free of charge (not requiring any payment)
degrau {f} /dɨˈɣɾaw/ :: step (of a staircase) or rung (of a ladder)
degrau {f} [figurative] :: step (a distinct part of a progression)
degustação {f} :: tasting
degustando {v} :: gerund of degustar
degustar {v} :: to taste
de hoje em diante {adv} /dʒi ˈoʒi ĩ dʒiˈãtʃi/ :: From this moment; from now on
de honra {adj} :: See: pt de honra
de honra {adj} [legal] :: done in order to defend one’s honour
deia {f} [poetic] /ˈdɛjɐ/ :: goddess
Deia {prop} :: given name
deicida {mf} :: deicide (killer of a god)
deicídio {m} :: deicide
de idade {adj} [euphemistic, of a person] :: old aged; elderly
deidade {f} :: deity
deificação {f} /de.ifikɐˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: deification (the act of deifying)
deificar {v} :: to deify
deiscência {f} [botany] :: dehiscence (opening of an organ by its own means)
deísmo {m} :: deism
deísta {adj} /de.ˈis.tɐ/ :: deist
deísta {mf} :: deist
deitado {adj} /dɐj.ˈta.ðu/ :: lying down,
deitado {adj} :: in bed
deitar {vip} /dɐj.ˈtaɾ/ :: [sometimes] to lie down (to rest in a horizontal position)
deitar {vi} :: [by extension] to go to sleep
deitar {vt} :: to lay (to place in a horizontal position)
deitar {v} :: [a, em, sobre] to throw (to cause to fall off onto)
deitar {vt} :: to emit; to give off; to give out
deitar cedo e cedo erguer dá saúde e faz crescer {proverb} :: early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise
deitar-se {vr} :: to drop (to lower oneself quickly to the ground)
deitar-se {vr} :: to lie down (to assume a reclining position)
Deiver {prop} /ˈdei̯.ʋer/ :: given name
Deiviane {prop} /ˈdei̯.ʋi.ani/ :: given name
Deivid {prop} {m} :: given name; alternative spelling of David
deixa {f} /ˈdɐj.ʃɐ/ :: a permission to act or speak
deixa {f} [hydrology] :: floodplain (plain surrounding a river that experiences periodical flooding)
deixado {adj} /dɐj.ˈʃa.ðu/ :: abandoned;
deixado {adj} :: indifferent, disinterested
deixar {vt} /de(j).ˈʃa(ʁ)/ :: to leave; to exit (to go out of or away from a place)
deixar {vt} :: to leave (to refrain from taking)
deixar {vt} :: to leave (to cause to exist after its occurrence)
deixar {vt} :: [_, with an adjective complement] to leave (to cause to be in a state)
deixar {vt} :: to leave (to end one’s connection, affiliation or relationship with)
deixar {v} :: [de] to quit (to stop doing something habitually)
deixar {v} :: [de] not to do something; to refrain from
deixar {v} :: [ditransitive, auxiliary with a verb in the impersonal or personal (proscribed) infinitive for the second object] to let; to allow to (to give permission to)
deixar {v} :: [ditransitive, auxiliary with a verb in the impersonal or personal (proscribed) infinitive for the second object] to let (to give possibility to)
deixar {v} :: [para] to postpone until; to put off (to reschedule or avoid doing something until a later time)
deixar {vt} :: to leave; to bequeath (to give something to someone after dying or leaving)
deixar {vt} :: to leave off; to omit (not to include)
deixar {vt} :: to leave alone (not to bother)
deixar a desejar {v} [idiomatic] :: to be underwhelming; to be worse than expected; not to live up to expectations
deixar de {v} :: to refrain from doing
deixar em paz {vt} :: to leave alone (to stop bothering)
deixar na mão {vt} [idiomatic] :: to hang out to dry (to abandon someone in need)
deixar para lá {v} :: to forget about; not to care about
deixar passar {v} :: to overlook (to pretend not to have noticed; to pass over without censure or punishment)
deixar quieto {v} :: to forget (to stop worrying or arguing about something)
deixar quieto {v} :: not to interfere; to leave alone
deixar rabo {v} [idiom] :: to half-ass (to leave something poorly or incompletely done)
dêixis {f} [linguistics] /ˈdejksis/ :: deixis (reference requiring context to be understood)
deja vu {m} :: alternative spelling of déjà vu
dejavu {m} :: alternative spelling of déjà vu
déjà vu {m} /deʒa vu/ :: déjà vu (something which one has or suspects to have seen or experienced before)
dejeção {f} :: dejection (a state of melancholy or depression)
dejeção {f} [physiology] :: evacuation; discharge (the act of expelling substance, especially faeces, from the body)
dejeção {f} [earth science] :: material expelled or deposited by natural forces, such as alluvium and scoria
dejecção {f} :: obsolete spelling of dejeção
de jeito algum {adv} :: no way
de jeito maneira {adv} :: no way (under no circumstances)
de jeito nenhum {interj} :: no way
dejejum {m} :: alternative form of desjejum
dejeto {m} :: waste (useless products, garbage)
de jure {adj} :: de jure (according to the law)
dela {contraction} /ˈdɛ.lɐ/ :: Contraction of de (of; from) + ela (she; her; it)
delação {f} :: accusation
delação premiada {f} [Brazil, law] :: plea bargain
de lambuja {adv} :: additionally, unexpectedly and desirably
delas {contraction} /ˈdɛ.lɐs/ :: contraction of de elas
delatar {vt} :: to grass; to snitch (to inform on)
delator {m} :: informant; whistle-blower
delatora {f} :: female equivalent of delator
Delaware {prop} {m} :: Delaware (river)
Delaware {prop} {m} :: Delaware (state)
delay {m} [posh, except in technical contexts] /de.ˈlej/ :: delay (period of time before an event being initiated and actually occurring)
delay {m} [audio engineering] :: delay (effect that produces echo-like repetitions in sound)
delay {m} [audio engineering] :: delay (unit that produces a delay effect)
dele {contraction} /ˈde.lɨ/ :: Contraction of de (of) and ele (him)
dêle {contraction} :: superseded spelling of dele
deleção {f} :: deletion
deleção {f} [by extension] :: destruction, decimation
delecção {f} :: superseded spelling of deleção
delecionista {mf} :: deletionist
delegação {f} :: delegation (a group of delegates)
delegacia {f} /de.le.ɡa.ˈsi.ɐ/ :: delegation
delegacia de polícia {f} :: police station (building of police force)
delegado {m} :: delegate
delegando {v} :: gerund of delegar
delegar {v} /dɨ.lɨ.ˈɣaɾ/ :: to delegate
deleite {m} /de.ˈlej.te/ :: delight (joy, pleasure)
deles {contraction} /ˈde.lis/ :: contraction of de eles
deletado {adj} [computing] :: deleted; erased
deletamento {m} :: deletion (the act of deleting)
deletar {v} [computing, Brazil] :: delete (to remove a computer file)
delete {m} /dˈlɛ.t(ʃ)i/ :: Delete (key)
deletério {adj} :: which corrupts or destroys
deletério {adj} :: harmful to health
délfico {adj} :: Delphic (of or relating to Delphi)
delfim {m} :: dolphin (mammal)
Delfim Moreira {prop} :: Delfim Moreira (municipality)
delfina {f} :: female equivalent of delfim
Delfinópolis {prop} :: Delfinópolis (municipality)
Delfos {prop} {f} :: Delfos (ancient sanctuary)
Delfos {prop} {f} :: Delfos (modern town)
delgadez {f} :: alternative form of delgadeza
delgadeza {f} :: thinness (the quality of being thin in shape)
delgadeza {f} :: thinness (the quality of being thin in bodyweight)
delgado {adj} /dɛɫ.ˈɣa.ðu/ :: thin (having little thickness)
delgado {adj} :: slender; slim (having little body fat or flesh)
delgado {adj} [of a tube] :: having a small diameter
delgado {adj} [of clouds, fog, mist, etc] :: sparse (not dense)
Deli {prop} {f} /ˈdɛ.li/ :: Deli (megacity/and/union territory)
Déli {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of Deli, Déli (megacity/and/union territory)
deliberação {f} :: deliberation
deliberadamente {adv} :: deliberately (intentionally)
deliberadamente {adv} :: deliberately (slowly and carefully)
deliberando {v} :: gerund of deliberar
deliberar {v} :: to deliberate, debate
deliberar {v} :: to resolve
delicadamente {adv} :: delicately
delicadeza {f} :: delicateness (the characteristic of being delicate)
delicadíssimo {adj} :: very delicate
delicado {adj} /ˌdɨ.li.ˈka.ðu/ :: delicate (easily damaged)
delicado {adj} :: delicate (characterized by a fine structure or thin lines)
delicado {adj} :: refined (showing or having good feelings)
delicatesse {f} :: alternative form of delicatessen
delicatessen {f} :: delicatessen (shop selling prepared foods)
delícia {f} :: delight
delícia {f} :: delectation
delícia {f} :: charm
delícia {f} :: voluptuousness
deliciar {v} :: to delight (to give pleasure to)
delícia turca {f} :: Turkish delight (confection)
deliciosamente {adv} /dɨ.li.sjɔ.zɐ.ˈmẽ.tɨ/ :: In context of being pleasing to taste; deliciously
deliciosamente {adv} [by extension] :: In context of being pleasant; pleasantly
deliciosidade {f} [rare] :: deliciousness (state or quality of being delicious)
deliciosissimamente {adv} :: superlative of deliciosamente
delicioso {adj} /dɨ.li.ˈsjo.zu/ :: Pleasing to taste; delicious
delimitação {f} :: delimitation
delimitando {v} :: gerund of delimitar
delimitar {v} :: to delimit
delimitar {v} :: to confine, restrict
delindo {v} :: gerund of delir
delineação {f} :: definition (sharp demarcation of outlines or limits)
delinear {v} :: lay down (to specify or establish (rules))
delinquência {f} :: delinquency (misconduct)
delinquência {f} :: delinquency (a criminal offense)
delinquente {mf} :: delinquent (one who breaks the law)
delinquir {vi} :: to commit a crime
deliquescência {f} :: deliquescence
deliqüescência {f} :: obsolete spelling of deliquescência
delir {v} :: to destroy, erase; to delete
delirante {adj} :: delusional; delirious (being in the state of delirium)
delirante {adj} [colloquial] :: awesome; amazing; exciting
delírio {m} /dɨ.ˈli.ɾju/ :: delirium; frenzy
delírio {m} :: hallucination
delírio de grandeza {m} :: delusion of grandeur (false belief that one is extremely important or powerful)
delito {m} /dɨ.ˈli.tu/ :: crime; offense
delituoso {adj} :: criminal
delivery {m} [Brazil] /de.ˈli.ve.ɾi/ :: delivery (the transportation of goods, usually food, directly to the customer’s house)
della {contraction} :: obsolete spelling of dela
delle {contraction} :: obsolete spelling of dele
dêlle {contraction} :: obsolete spelling of dele
delles {contraction} :: obsolete spelling of deles
delonga {f} :: delay, protraction
delongando {v} :: gerund of delongar
delongar {v} :: to delay
de longas vias, longas mentiras {proverb} :: long ways, long lies (people from far away can tell lies without fear of being contradicted)
Delphos {prop} {f} :: archaic spelling of Delfos
delta {m} /ˈdɛɫ.tɐ/ :: delta (Greek letter)
delta {m} :: delta (landform at the mouth of a river)
Delta {prop} :: Delta (municipality)
de lua {adj} :: mercurial (having a volatile or lively character)
delusão {f} :: delusion (state of being deluded or misled)
demagogia {f} :: demagogy
demagogicamente {adv} :: demagogically
demagógico {adj} :: demagogic, demagogical
demagogo {m} :: demagogue
de maior {mf} [slang] :: grownup, major, adult
demais {adj} [colloquial] /dɨ.ˈmajʃ/ :: great; awesome
demais {adv} :: too much; exceedingly; excessively
demais {adv} :: very much; a lot
demais {adv} [conjunctive] :: besides; furthermore
demais {pron} [with article] :: the rest (of them), others
demanda {f} /de.ˈmɐ̃.dɐ/ :: demand, claim
demanda {f} [uncountable, economics] :: demand (desire to purchase goods and services)
demanda {f} [legal] :: lawsuit
demandando {v} :: gerund of demandar
demandar {v} /de.mɐ̃.ˈda(ʁ)/ :: to demand
demandar {v} [law] :: to file suit
de maneira nenhuma {adv} :: no way
de mansinho {adv} [idiom] :: slowly and cautiously
de mão beijada {adv} [idiomatic] :: effortlessly, often said in a critic context
de mãos a abanar {adv} :: alternative form of de mãos abanando
de mãos abanando {adv} :: empty-handed (having given or received nothing)
de mãos dadas {adv} :: hand in hand (holding or clasping hands)
de mãos dadas {adv} [figuratively] :: hand in hand (having a correlation or relationship)
de mãos vazias {adv} :: empty-handed (having given or received nothing)
demarcação {f} :: demarcation
de marca maior {adv} [idiom, said of a characteristic, especially an unpleasant one] :: to a great extent
demarcando {v} :: gerund of demarcar
demarcar {v} :: to demarcate
de marré deci {adv} :: alternative form of de marré de si
de marré de si {adv} :: to a high degree, to the extreme
demasia {f} :: excess
demasiadamente {adv} :: overly
demasiadamente {adv} :: unduly
demasiadamente {adv} :: excessively
demasiado {adj} /dɨ.mɐ.zi.ˈa.ðu/ :: superfluous
demasiado {adj} :: excessive
demasiado {adv} :: excessively, too, too much
de mau gosto {adj} :: tacky (colloquial: in bad taste)
de memória {adv} :: by memory
demência {f} :: dementia
de menor {mf} [slang] :: underage, minor
demente {adj} :: demented
demente {adj} :: crazy
demente {adj} :: stupid, idiotic
de mentira {adj} :: fake (not real)
de merda {adj} [vulgar] :: worthless; pissass; crappy
Deméter {prop} {f} [Greek god] :: Demeter (goddess of the harvest)
Demetra {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Deméter
Demétrio {prop} {m} /de.ˈmɛ.tɾi.u/ :: given name
demissão {f} :: resignation
demissão {f} :: dismissal
demissexual {adj} /de.mi.se.ksu.ˈaɫ/ :: demisexual
demissexual {mf} :: a demisexual person
demitindo {v} :: gerund of demitir
demitir {v} /de.mi.ˈt͡ʃi(ɹ)/ :: to fire (terminate the employment of)
demitir {v} :: to dismiss, displace
demitir-se {vr} :: to resign (quit a job or position)
demittir {v} :: obsolete spelling of demitir
demiurgo {m} [gnosticism] :: Demiurge (inferior creator deity in Gnosticism)
demo {m} /ˈde.mu/ :: devil; demon
demo {m} [computing] :: demo (a software edition of limited functionality)
demo {adj} [computing, of a software] :: of limited functionality
democracia {f} [uncountable] /dɨmukɾɐˈsiɐ/ :: democracy (rule by the people)
democracia {f} [countable, government] :: democracy (government under the rule of its people)
democracia participativa {f} [politics] :: participatory democracy (political system emphasising participation in all decision-making)
democracia participatória {f} :: synonym of democracia participativa
democrata {mf} :: democrat (supporter of democracy)
democrata {mf} :: Democrat (member or supporter of the Democrat Party)
democraticamente {adv} :: democratically (in a democratic manner)
democrático {adj} /de.mo.ˈkɾa.tʃi.ku/ :: democratic (pertaining to democracy)
democratização {f} :: democratisation (the introduction of democracy)
democratizar {vt} :: to democratize (make democratic)
Demócrito {prop} {m} :: Democritus (Greek philosopher)
demodê {adj} :: old-fashioned (outdated or no longer in vogue)
démodé {adj} :: alternative spelling of demodê
de modo algum {adv} :: no way
de modo geral {adv} :: generally (without reference to specific details)
de modo que {conj} :: so that
demografia {f} :: demography (study of human populations)
demográfico {adj} /dɨmuˈɣɾafiku/ :: demographic (of or pertaining to demography)
demolição {f} :: demolition, destruction
demolindo {v} :: gerund of demolir
demolir {vt} :: to demolish, knock down, destroy
demonho {m} :: obsolete form of demónio
demonho {m} :: eye dialect of demónio
demoníaca {f} :: a demoness
demoníaco {adj} :: demoniacal; demonic (of a demon, evil, devilish)
demónio {m} [European orthography] /dɨ.ˈmɔ.nju/ :: demon
demónio {m} [European orthography] :: poltergeist
demónio {m} [European orthography] :: gremlin
demônio {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of demónio
demonização {f} :: demonisation (the act of demonising)
demonologia {f} :: demonology (study of demons)
demonológico {adj} :: demonological
demonstração {f} :: demonstration (all senses)
demonstração {f} :: show
demonstração do resultado do exercício {f} [accounting] :: income statement (financial statement of net income)
demonstrado {adj} :: demonstrated (to be true)
demonstrado {adj} :: established, proven
demonstrador {adj} :: demonstrative (that serves to demonstrate)
demonstrador {m} :: someone who demonstrates something
demonstrar {v} /dɨ.mõʃ.ˈtɾaɾ/ :: to demonstrate [all senses]
demonstrar {v} :: to show, prove
demonstrativo {adj} :: demonstrative (that serves to demonstrate, show or prove)
demonstrativo {adj} [grammar] :: demonstrative (that specifies the thing or person referred to)
de montão {adj} :: alternative form of de monte
de montão {adv} :: alternative form of de monte
de monte {adj} [idiomatic] :: in great amount
de monte {adv} [idiomatic] :: excessively
demora {f} /dɨ.ˈmɔ.ɾɐ/ :: delay
demorar {v} /dɨ.mu.ˈɾaɾ/ :: to take time (to require a comparatively long period of time)
demorar {v} :: to linger (to stay or remain in a place or situation)
de morte matada {adv} [colloquial, as cause of death] :: Due to being killed by someone
de morte morrida {adv} [colloquial, as cause of death] :: Due to being old or sick; of natural causes
de nada {interj} /dɨ.ˈna.ðɐ/ :: think nothing of it, you're welcome, don't mention it
denada {interj} :: informal form of de nada
denário {m} [Ancient Rome] :: denarius (Roman silver coin)
de nascença {adj} :: present since birth
dendê {m} /dẽ.ˈde/ :: the fruit of the African oil palm (dendezeiro)
dendê {m} :: the oil produced with that fruit
dendezeiro {m} :: African oil palm (Elaeis guineensis), a palm tree native to west and southwest Africa
dendrita {m} [historical] :: dendrite (hermit who lives inside a tree)
dendrita {f} [rare] :: alternative form of dendrito
dendrítico {adj} [cytology] :: dendritic (relating to or possessing dendrites)
dendrito {m} [cytology] :: dendrite (projection of a nerve cell)
dendrito {m} [crystallography, metallurgy] :: dendrite (tree-like structure of crystals)
dendrocronologia {f} [biology, archaeology] :: dendrochronology (science of counting tree rings)
dendrologia {f} :: dendrology (the study of trees)
denegrir {vt} :: denigrate (to criticise so as to besmirch; to treat as worthless)
de nenhuma maneira {adv} :: no way (absolutely not)
dengo {m} [Brazil] /ˈdẽ.ɡu/ :: tantrum (childish display of bad temper)
dengo {m} [Brazil] :: a display of sadness or loneliness in order to receive affection
dengoso {adj} :: seductive (of a woman)
dengoso {adj} :: sly, cunning
dengoso {adj} :: sulky (of a child)
dengoso {adj} :: affectionate, gentle
dengue {f} [pathology] :: dengue (disease)
dengue {m} :: tantrum
denguice {m} /dẽ.ˈɡi.si/ :: the practice of throwing tantrums
denguice {m} :: the practice of displaying sadness or loneliness in order to receive affection
denigrante {adj} :: denigratory (tending to denigrate)
denigrativo {adj} :: denigratory (tending to denigrate)
denigratório {adj} :: denigratory (tending to denigrate)
denigrir {v} :: alternative form of denegrir
Dênis {prop} {m} [Brazil] /ˈde.nis/ :: given name
de noite {adv} :: at night
denominação {f} :: denomination
denominação {f} :: designation
denominação {f} :: name
denominador {m} [arithmetic] :: denominator (the number or expression written below the line in a fraction)
denominando {v} :: gerund of denominar
denominar {v} :: to call, name, denominate
denotação {f} /de.ˌno.ta.ˈsɐ̃õ/ :: denotation (act of denoting)
denotando {v} :: gerund of denotar
denotar {v} :: to denote, mean
de novo {adv} /d͡ʒi.ˈno.vu/ :: again (another time)
denovo {adv} :: obsolete spelling of de novo
densidade {f} :: density
densidade aritmética {f} [geography, statistics] :: arithmetic density (population density measured as the number of people per unit area of land)
densidade demográfica {f} [geography, ecology] :: population density (ratio of number of individuals per unit of area)
densímetro {m} :: densimeter, densitometer
densitometria {f} :: densitometry (measurement of optical density)
denso {adj} /ˈdẽ.su/ :: dense, thick
dentada {f} /dẽ.ˈta.da/ :: bite (instance of biting)
dentada {f} :: bite (wound left behind after having been bitten)
dentadura {f} /dẽ.ta.ˈdu.ɾa/ :: dentition (one’s set of natural teeth)
dentadura {f} :: denture (artificial set of teeth)
dental {adj} /dẽˈtaɫ/ :: dental
dentário {adj} /dẽˈtaɾju/ :: dental
dente {m} /ˈdẽ.tɨ/ :: tooth (hard structure found in the jaws of most vertebrates)
dente {m} :: tooth; prong; tine (sharp projection in a tool)
dente {m} :: clove (any of the pieces that make up a bulb of garlic)
denteado {adj} :: serrated; jagged; toothed (having tooth-like projections)
denteado {adj} [botany, of a leaf] :: dentate (having an edge with symmetrical tooth-like projections)
dente canino {m} :: canine tooth
dente-de-leão {m} [countable] :: dandelion (plant, wild flower of the genus Taraxacum)
dente de leite {m} :: milk tooth (tooth of the first set of teeth)
dentição {f} :: dentition
dentifrício {m} [Brazil] :: alternative form of dentífrico
dentífrico {m} [Portugal] /dẽ.ˈti.fɾi.ku/ :: toothpaste (paste for cleaning the teeth)
dentista {mf} /dẽ.ˈtiʃ.tɐ/ :: dentist (specialized medical doctor)
dentre {prep} /ˈdẽ.tɾɨ/ :: among
dentro {adv} /ˈdẽ.tɾu/ :: inside (within or into something’s interior)
dentro {adv} :: indoors (in a building)
dentro de {prep} :: within; inside; in (in a place or spatial enclosure)
dentro de {prep} :: inside; in; into (towards the inside of)
dentro de {prep} :: within (in the scope of)
dentro de {prep} :: within; in (before the specified duration ends and after it starts)
dentuça {f} :: buckteeth (long front teeth)
dentuça {f} :: feminine noun of dentuço
dentuço {adj} :: bucktoothed (having buckteeth)
dentuço {m} :: a person with buckteeth
denúncia {f} :: denunciation
denúncia {f} [legal] :: criminal charge
denunciador {m} :: denunciator, telltale, informer
denunciando {v} :: gerund of denunciar
denunciar {v} /de.nũ.si.ˈa(ʁ)/ :: to denounce
Deodato {prop} {m} /dew.ˈda.tu/ :: given name
de olho {adv} :: paying attention
deôntico {adj} [ethics] :: deontic
deontologicamente {adv} :: deontologically
deos {m} :: obsolete spelling of deus
Deos {prop} {m} :: obsolete spelling of Deus
de ouro {adj} :: See: pt de ouro
de ouro {adj} [idiomatic] :: golden (advantageous or very favourable)
deparando {v} :: gerund of deparar
deparar {vt} :: to reveal (to present unexpectedly)
deparar {v} [com, .pronominal] :: to come across (to find, usually by accident)
de par em par {adv} :: wide open
departamento {m} /de.paʁ.ta.ˈmẽ.tu/ :: department (administrative subdivision of an organisation)
departamento {m} [political subdivision] :: département (county-level administrative unit in various French-speaking countries)
depauperar {vt} :: to impoverish
de pé {adj} :: up; standing
de pé {adj} :: awake
de pé {adj} [of an appointment or plan] :: not cancelled
depenando {v} :: gerund of depenar
depenar {v} :: to pluck (remove feathers from)
dependência {f} /dɨpẽˈdẽsjɐ/ :: dependency, dependence
dependendo {v} :: gerund of depender
dependente {adj} :: dependent (relying upon; depending upon)
dependente {mf} :: dependent (one who relies on another for support)
dependentemente {adv} :: dependently
depender {v} /dɨpẽˈdeɾ/ :: to depend (on)
dependurar {v} :: to hang
de permeio {adv} :: mixed among something; in between something
de perto {adv} :: closely (from a small distance)
de perto {adv} :: closely; intimately
depilação {f} /de.ˌpi.la.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: hair removal
depilar {vt} :: to depilate (remove hair from the body)
depillação {f} :: obsolete spelling of depilação
depleção {f} :: depletion
depletado {adj} :: depleted
deplorar {v} :: to deplore
deplorável {adj} :: deplorable (deserving strong condemnation; shockingly bad)
deplorável {adj} :: deplorable (to be felt sorrow for; worthy of compassion)
depoimento {m} :: testimony, evidence
depois {adv} /dɨ.ˈpojʃ/ :: later (afterwards in time)
depois {adv} :: besides; after all
depois {adv} :: immediately beyond, just after
depois de {prep} :: after (subsequent; following in time; later than)
depois de amanhã {adv} :: See: pt depois de amanhã
depois de amanhã {adv} :: on the day after tomorrow
depois de Cristo {adv} :: anno Domini (in the year of our Lord)
depondo {v} :: gerund of depor
de ponta {adj} :: high-tech (of highly advanced technology)
de ponta cabeça {adv} :: rare spelling of de ponta-cabeça
de ponta-cabeça {adv} :: upside down (inverted)
de pontacabeça {adv} :: rare spelling of de ponta-cabeça
depor {v} :: to depose (make a deposition)
deportação {f} :: deportation (act of deporting or exiling)
de porta em porta {adv} :: door to door (from one household or business to the next)
deportar {v} :: to deport (to evict, especially from a country)
deposição {f} :: deposition (all senses)
deposição {f} :: resignation, abandonment
depositado {adj} :: deposited
depositando {v} :: gerund of depositar
depositar {v} :: to deposit
depositário {m} :: depository
depósito {m} :: deposit (sediment or rock different from the surrounding material)
depósito {m} [banking] :: deposit (money placed in an account)
depósito {m} :: deposit (anything left behind on a surface)
depósito {m} :: store; depot; warehouse (place where items may be kept)
de poucas palavras {adj} :: of few words (who speaks very little)
de pouquinho em pouquinho {adv} :: step by step; gradually; little by little
depoys {adv} :: obsolete spelling of depois
depravado {m} :: lecher (a lecherous person)
depravado {m} :: depraved (morally wrong or wicked)
deprê {adj} [colloquial] /deˈpɾe/ :: depressed
deprê {f} [colloquial] :: depression
deprecado {adj} [computing] :: deprecated (that should be avoided because it is being superseded)
deprecar {v} /de.pɾe.ˈka(ɾ)/ :: to beg, to supplicate
deprecar {v} [anglicism, chiefly computing] :: To declare something obsolescent; to recommend against a function, technique, command, etc. that still works but has been replaced
depreciação {f} :: deprecation (act or instance of deprecating)
depreciação {f} :: depreciation (act or instance of depreciating)
depreciar {v} :: to deprecate (express disapproval of)
depreciar {v} :: to depreciate (to reduce in price)
depreciativo {adj} /de.pɾe.sja.ˈt(ʃ)i.vu/ :: derogatory, pejorative
depredar {vt} :: to destroy, vandalize
depredar {vt} :: to rob
depreender {vt} :: to understand, to grasp
de preferência {adv} :: rather; preferably
depressa {adv} /dɨ.ˈpɾɛ.sɐ/ :: quickly
depressão {f} [psychology] /ˌde.pɾe.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: depression (state of mind producing serious long-term lowering of enjoyment)
depressão {f} [geography] :: depression (lower area)
depressão maníaca {f} [dated, psychology] :: manic depression (former name of bipolar disorder)
depressivo {adj} :: depressive (dispiriting; melancholic)
de primeira {adv} :: in the first attempt
de primeira {adv} :: at first; initially
de primeira {adj} [colloquial] :: first class; excellent; amazing; high-quality
deprimente {adj} :: depressing (causing depression or sadness)
deprimido {adj} :: depressed
deprimir {v} :: to depress (to make depressed, sad or bored)
de prontidão {adj} :: at the ready
de propósito {adv} :: on purpose
depuração {f} :: depuration, purification
depurador {m} [programming] :: debugger (program that helps the programmer debug code)
depurar {v} :: to purify, cleanse
depurar {v} [computing] :: to debug
deputada {f} :: female equivalent of deputado
deputado {m} /dɨ.pu.ˈta.ðu/ :: deputy, Member of Parliament
de qualidade {adj} :: quality (being of good worth, of high quality)
de qualquer forma {adv} [conjunctive] :: anyway regardless
de qualquer forma {adv} :: in any case
de qualquer jeito {adv} [conjunctive] :: nevertheless (in spite of what preceded)
de qualquer maneira {adv} [conjunctive] :: anyway (regardless)
de qualquer modo {adv} :: anyway (used to indicate change of subject)
de quatro {adv} [idiomatic] :: on all fours (on hands and knees)
deque {m} [nautical] /dˈɛ.k(i)/ :: deck
deque {m} [computing] :: deque
de quê {phrase} :: asking what is a person's surname
de quê {phrase} :: See: pt de quê
de quebra {adv} [idiom] :: to boot: additionally, besides, also (normally used to remark something positive)
de que forma {phrase} :: how
de que jeito {phrase} :: how
de que maneira {phrase} :: how
de rachar {adj} [colloquial, idiom] :: Intensifier used with frio (cold) or calor (heat)
de relance {adv} :: quickly; momentaneously
de renome {adj} :: renowned; famous
de repente {adv} /dɨ ʁɨ.ˈpẽ.tɨ/ :: suddenly; unexpectedly
deriva {f} :: drift (course or direction along which anything is driven; setting)
derivação {f} :: derivation
derivação regressiva {f} [uncountable, linguistics] :: back-formation (linguistic process)
deriva continental {f} [geology] :: continental drift
derivada {f} [calculus] /ˌde.ɾi.ˈva.da/ :: derivative [in analysis: value]
derivada parcial {f} [mathematics] :: partial derivative (derivative with respect to one variable)
derivando {v} :: gerund of derivar
derivar {v} :: to derive
derivativo {adj} :: derivative (obtained by derivation; not radical or original)
derivativo {m} [chemistry] :: derivative (chemical derived from another)
dermatite {f} [pathology] :: dermatitis
dermatologia {f} [medicine] :: dermatology (the study of the skin and its diseases)
dermatologicamente {adv} :: dermatologically
dermatológico {adj} :: dermatological
dermatologista {mf} :: dermatologist (one who is skilled, professes or practices dermatology.)
dérmico {adj} [anatomy] :: dermic, dermal
de rotina {adj} :: routine; regular; habitual; not exceptional
derrabar {vt} :: to dock (to cut off an animal’s tail)
derradeiro {adj} /dɨ.ʁɐ.ˈðɐj.ɾu/ :: last (coming after all others)
derradeyro {adj} :: obsolete spelling of derradeiro
derramamento {m} /dɨ.ʁɐ.mɐ.ˈmẽ.tu/ :: outpouring
derramamento {m} :: spillage
derramamento de sangue {m} :: a battle that results in injuries or deaths
derramando {v} :: gerund of derramar
derramar {v} /dɨ.ʁɐ.ˈmaɾ/ :: to spill
derrame {m} /dɨˈʁamɨ/ :: leakage, effusion
derrame {m} :: stroke (loss of brain function due to interruption of blood supply)
derrapagem {f} :: skid (out of control sliding motion)
derrapar {v} /ˌde.ha.ˈpa(ɻ)/ :: to skid (to slide in an uncontrolled manner as in a car with the brakes applied too hard)
dérreal {contraction} [colloquial, nonstandard] :: ten reals
derretendo {v} :: gerund of derreter
derreter {v} :: to liquefy, melt, thaw
derreter {v} [figurative] :: to consume
derretimento nuclear {m} :: meltdown (severe overheating of the core of a nuclear reactor)
derribar {v} :: alternative form of derrubar
derriço {m} :: boyfriend, girlfriend
derriço {m} :: dating, chatting up
derrocada {f} :: collapse
derrocada {f} :: ruin
derrocada {f} [geology] :: landslide
derrocar {vt} /dɨʁuˈkaɾ/ :: to overthrow (to bring about downfall)
derrogação {f} :: derogation
derrogando {v} :: gerund of derrogar
derrogar {v} :: to derogate
derrogatório {adj} :: derogatory (tending to lessen in value)
derrota {f} :: defeat
derrota {f} [nautical] :: route (course travelled by a ship)
derrotado {adj} :: defeated; beaten
derrotado {m} :: loser (somebody who has been defeated)
derrotar {vt} :: to defeat
derrotar {vp} :: to ruin oneself
derrotismo {m} :: defeatism (acceptance of defeat without struggle)
Derrubadas {prop} :: Derrubadas (municipality)
derrubando {v} :: gerund of derrubar
derrubar {v} /de.ʁu.ˈba(ʁ)/ :: to overthrow, overturn
derrubar {v} :: to fell, knock down
derrubar {v} :: to destroy
derruindo {v} :: gerund of derruir
derruir {v} :: to knock down
derruir {v} :: to fall down
dervixe {m} :: dervish (a member of Dervish fraternity of Sufism)
des- {prefix} /dɨʃ/ :: un-; de-; dis- (forms verbs indicating the reversal of the prefixed verb)
des- {prefix} :: un- (forms nouns indicating the lack or opposite of the prefixed noun)
desabafando {v} :: gerund of desabafar
desabafar {v} :: to unburden
desabafar {v} :: to air
desabafar {v} [by extension] :: to vent one's spleen, let off steam, rant
desabafo {m} /ˌde.za.ˈba.fo/ :: ventilation (the act of replacing stale or noxious air with fresh)
desabafo {m} :: the venting of one's frustrations; rant
desabalroando {v} :: gerund of desabalroar
desabalroar {v} [nautical] :: To unberth
desabamento {m} :: collapse (act of collapsing)
desabando {v} :: gerund of desabar
desabar {vi} :: to collapse
desabar {vi} [figuratively] :: to fall through
desabar {vt} :: to topple, to knock down
desabilitar {v} :: to disable (to render unable; to take away the ability)
desabilitar {v} :: to disable (to deactivate a function of an electronic or mechanical device)
desabitado {adj} :: uninhabited (not inhabited)
desabituando {v} :: gerund of desabituar
desabituar {v} :: to wean from (lose the habit of)
desabonar {v} :: to lose or cause to lose consideration or esteem
desabotoando {v} :: gerund of desabotoar
desabotoar {v} :: to unbutton
desabotoar {v} [figuratively] :: to speak one's mind
desabraçar {v} [rare] :: unhug (release from a hug)
desabridamente {adv} :: rudely, insolently
desabrido {adj} :: rude, insolent
desabrigado {m} :: homeless, especially one who lost his dwelling due to a natural disaster or was unfairly expelled from it
desabrigado {adj} :: homeless
desabrigado {adj} :: unsheltered
desabrigo {m} :: homelessness (the state of being homeless)
desabrimento {m} :: rudeness, insolence
desabrochar {v} /de.za.bɾo.ˈʃaɹ/ :: to blossom (have or open into blossoms)
desabrochar {v} :: to remove brooches
desacato {m} [legal] /ˌde.za.ˈka.tu/ :: contempt (open disrespect or willful disobedience of the authority)
desaceleração {f} :: deceleration
desacelerando {v} :: gerund of desacelerar
desacelerar {v} :: to decelerate
desacompanhando {v} :: gerund of desacompanhar
desacompanhar {v} /ˌde.za.ˌkõ.pɐ.ˈɲa(ɾ)/ :: to stop accompanying someone or something
desacompanhar {v} :: to stop paying close attention to someone or something
desaconselhando {v} :: gerund of desaconselhar
desaconselhar {v} :: to advise against
desaconselhável {adj} /dɯ̽.zə.kõ.sɨˈʎä.vɛɫ/ :: inadvisable (not advisable)
desacordado {adj} :: unconscious (not awake)
desacordo {m} :: disagreement, variance
desacordo {m} :: discord
desacostumado {adj} :: unused (not accustomed to something)
desacreditando {v} :: gerund of desacreditar
desacreditar {v} :: to discredit
desacreditar {v} :: to disbelieve
desactivando {v} :: gerund of desactivar
desactivar {vt} :: to deactivate (to make something inactive)
desactivar {vt} :: to disable (to deactivate a function of an electronic or mechanical device)
desaçucarado {adj} [very, rare] :: sugar-free
desacustumado {adj} :: obsolete form of desacostumado
desafeto {m} :: lack of affection
desafeto {m} [Brazil] :: someone towards no affection or consideration is held; an enemy
desafeto {adj} :: showing hostility
desafiador {adj} :: defiant
desafiador {adj} :: challenging
desafiar {v} /dɨ.zɐ.ˈfjaɾ/ :: to challenge
desafinado {adj} :: out of tune (not in correct musical pitch)
desafinar {v} /dəz.ɐfiˈnaɾ/ :: to sing or play out of tune
desafio {m} /dɨ.zɐ.ˈfi.u/ :: challenge
desafio {m} :: provocation
desafio {m} :: dare
desafio {m} :: match (competitive sporting event)
desafivelar {vt} :: to unbuckle (to unfasten the buckle of a belt)
desafogar {v} :: to loosen
desafogar {v} :: to relieve
desafogar {v} :: to unburden
desafogo {m} :: relief
desaforamento {m} /d(ʒ)i.za.fo.ɾa.ˈmẽ.tu/ :: alternative form of desaforo
desaforar {vr} /d(ʒ)i.za.fo.ˈɾa(ɾ)/ :: to give up, to renounce
desaforar {vr} :: to act audaciously and impudently; to be insolent
desaforo {m} /d(ʒ)i.za.ˈfo.ɾu/ :: effrontery, outrage (audacious and disrespectful act)
desafortunado {adj} [of a person] :: unfortunate (not favoured by fortune)
desafortunado {adj} [of an event] :: unfortunate (marked by or resulting in misfortune)
desagradado {adj} :: displeased
desagradável {adj} /dɯ̽.zə.ɣɾə.ˈðä.vɛɫ/ :: unpleasant, disagreeable
desagradavelmente {adv} :: unpleasantly
desagradecendo {v} :: gerund of desagradecer
desagradecer {v} :: to be unthankful for, to be unappreciative of
desagravaando {v} :: gerund of desagravar
desagravar {v} :: to make reparation(s) (for)
desagravar {v} :: to avenge
desagravar {v} :: to sooth, soften
desagregando {v} :: gerund of desagregar
desagregar {v} :: to disintegrate, separate
desagregar {v} :: to dissociate, decompose
desaguisado {m} :: quarrel; row
desaguisar {vt} :: to provoke
desaguisar {vt} :: to disturb
desaguisar {v} [com, .pronominal] :: to get upset; to get annoyed
desajeitadamente {adv} :: awkwardly, clumsily
desajeitado {adj} /dzɨʒei̯ˈtaðʊ/ :: awkward; clumsy
desajeitamento {m} :: clumsiness (the quality of being clumsy)
desajustado {adj} :: unadjusted (not adjusted)
desajustado {m} :: misfit (a badly adjusted person)
desalentar {vt} :: to discourage; to dishearten (to make someone lose their enthusiasm)
desalento {m} :: dismay
desalento {m} :: consternation
desalento {m} :: despondency
desalinhamento {m} :: misalignment (state of being misaligned)
desalojado {adj} /de.ˌza.lo.ˈʒa.du/ :: dislodged (moved from its proper position)
desalojado {adj} :: displaced (forced to abandon one’s home)
desalojado {m} :: a displaced person
desalojando {v} :: gerund of desalojar
desalojar {v} :: to evict, dislodge
desalquilação {f} [organic chemistry] :: dealkylation
desamarrando {v} :: gerund of desamarrar
desamarrar {v} :: to untie
desamarrar {v} :: to loose
desamarrar {v} :: to unlace
desambição {f} :: ambitionlessness (lack of ambition)
desambicioso {adj} :: ambitionless (without ambition)
desambiguação {f} /dzɨmbiɡwəsə̃ʊ/ :: disambiguation
desamericanizado {adj} :: de-Americanized
desamor {m} :: lovelessness, unlove (lack of love)
desamor {m} :: indifference, coldness
desamoroso {adj} :: loveless (without love)
desamparado {adj} :: forlorn; abandoned; left behind
desamparado {adj} :: lacking care, support or aid
desamparado {adj} :: forlorn (feeling miserable, especially due to loneliness)
desamparado {adj} :: unsupported (lacking a physical support)
desamparado {m} :: an abandoned, unsupported person
desamparar {vt} /de.zɐ̃.pa.ˈɾa(ʁ)/ :: to forsake; to abandon; to leave behind (to stop or refrain from supporting)
desamparar {vt} [architecture] :: to remove a physical support
desamparo {m} :: abandoning
desancorar {v} [nautical] :: to weigh (to raise an anchor)
desandando {v} :: gerund of desandar
desandar {v} :: to undo, unravel, unscrew, rewind
desanimando {v} :: gerund of desanimar
desanimar {v} :: to discourage, dishearten
desanimar {v} :: to dismay, dispirit
desânimo {m} /de.ˈzɐ.ni.mu/ :: lack of eagerness; listlessness
desanuviar {vt} :: to dissipate, to disperse
desanuviar {vr} [the sky] :: to become clear, free of clouds
desanuviar {vtr} [figuratively] :: to tranquilize/tranquilise, to calm down
desaparecer {v} :: to disappear
desaparafusar {vt} :: to unscrew
desaparecer {vi} /ˌdɨ.zɐ.ˌpɐ.ɾɨ.ˈseɾ/ :: to disappear; to vanish (to become lost, unseen or stop existing)
desaparecer {v} :: [com] to make something disappear; to get rid of
desaparecido {adj} /dɨ.zɐ.pɐ.ɾɨ.ˈsi.ðu/ :: disappeared
desaparecimento {m} /dɨ.zɐ.pɐ.ɾɨ.si.ˈmẽ.tu/ :: disappearance
desaparição {f} :: disappearance (action of disappearing or vanishing)
desapegando {v} :: gerund of desapegar
desapegar {v} :: to detach
desapegar {v} :: to lose affection, interest
desapercebido {adj} /d(ʒ)i.za.peɾ.se.ˈbi.du/ :: incautious
desapercebido {adj} :: unnoticed
desapercebido {adj} :: unprepared
desapetitoso {adj} :: unappetizing (not appetizing; looking like it has a bad taste)
desapiedadamente {adv} :: heartlessly, pitilessly
desapiedado {adj} :: heartless, pitiless
desapontado {adj} :: disappointed (defeated of hope or expectation)
desapontar {v} :: disappoint; to let down
desapparecer {v} :: obsolete spelling of desaparecer
desaprender {v} [.transitive, .or, a] /de.za.pɾẽ.ˈde(ʁ)/ :: to forget or discard one’s knowledge of; to unlearn or forget
desaprovado {adj} :: disapproved (considered wrong or inappropriate)
desaprovar {v} :: to disapprove (to have or express an unfavourable opinion of something)
desarcado {adj} [architecture] :: archless (lacking arches)
desarmamentista {adj} [politics] /dʒi.zaɾ.ma.mẽ.ˈtʃis.ta/ :: pro-control (positive towards gun control)
desarmamentista {mf} [politics] :: a pro-control person, a gun control advocate
desarmamento {m} :: disarmament (the reduction of military forces and armaments)
desarmar {v} :: to disarm
desarmonia {f} :: disharmony
desarmonia {f} :: dissonance, inconsonance
desarmonia {f} [figuratively] :: discord, divergence, division
desarmónico {adj} [European orthography] :: disharmonious (not harmonious)
desarmônico {adj} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of desarmónico
desarmonioso {adj} :: disharmonious (not harmonious)
desarranjar {vt} :: to upset (disturb, disrupt, unfavourably alter)
desarrazoar {v} /dɨ.zɐ.ʁɐ.ˈzwaɾ/ :: to talk nonsense
desarrumar {vt} :: to mess up (make a physical mess of)
desarticular {v} /de.zar.tʃi.ku.ˈlar/ :: to disarticulate
desarvorado {adj} :: disoriented
desasar {v} /dɨ.za.ˈzaɾ/ :: to clip the wings
desaseis {adj} :: obsolete form of dezesseis
desaseys {adj} [rare] :: obsolete form of dezesseis
desasseado {adj} :: not clean; dirty
desasseis {adj} :: obsolete spelling of dezasseis
desassombradamente {adv} :: fearlessly, boldly
desassombrado {adj} :: fearless, bold
desassossegado {adj} [of a place or situation] :: restless (not allowing or affording rest)
desassossegado {adj} [of a person] :: restless (unable to be still or quiet)
desassossego {m} /dəzɐsuˈseɡu/ :: unrest, uneasiness
desastrado {adj} :: fumbling, awkward, ungainly
desastrado {adj} :: reckless
desastrado {adj} :: disastrous
desastre {m} /dɨ.ˈzaʃ.tɾɨ/ :: disaster (unforeseen event causing great loss, etc.)
desastrosamente {adv} :: disastrously
desastroso {adj} :: disastrous (being a disaster)
desatando {v} :: gerund of desatar
desatar {v} /dɨzɐˈtaɾ/ :: to untie
desatarraxando {v} :: gerund of desatarraxar
desatarraxar {v} /dɨ.zɐ.tɐ.ʁɐ.ˈʃaɾ/ :: to unscrew
desatencioso {adj} :: careless (not giving sufficient attention or thought)
desatento {adj} :: absent-minded
desatinado {adj} :: crazy, wild
desatinar {vt} :: to make somebody go crazy
desatinar {vi} :: to go crazy, flip out
desatino {m} :: lack of tact, moderation, or prudence
desatino {m} :: nonsense, an act of madness
desativado {adj} :: deactivated
desativado {adj} :: disabled
desativando {v} :: gerund of desativar
desativar {vt} :: to deactivate, to disable (to put something out of action)
desavença {f} :: disagreement
desavença {f} :: quarrel
desaventurado {adj} :: damned, cursed, ill-fated
desavergonhadamente {adv} :: Without shame; impudently; shamelessly
desavergonhado {adj} :: shameless
desavergonhar {vt} :: to make shameless
desavergonhar {vp} :: to become shameless
desavindo {adj} :: disagreeing; quarreling
desazo {m} :: clumsiness
desbastar {vt} :: to thin out (to make sparser)
desbastar {vt} :: to hew; to whittle (to cut or shape wood)
desbloquear {v} /dez.blo.ki.ˈa(ɾ)/ :: to unblock (remove or clear a block or obstruction from)
desbloquear {v} :: to jailbreak (to remove an electronic device’s restrictions that prevent it from running unofficial software)
desbocado {adj} /dez.boˈka.du/ :: foul-mouthed (who uses obscene language)
desbotado {adj} :: faded (having lost some dye)
desbotado {adj} :: lackluster (having no shine or lustre; dull)
desbotar {vi} :: to fade (become faint in hue or tint)
desbotar {vt} :: to fade (cause to fade)
desbravador {adj} :: pioneering
descabelado {adj} [of hair or something hair-like] :: disheveled (messy, unkempt)
descabelar {v} :: to depilate (remove hair)
descabelar {vr} :: to become angry
descabelar o palhaço {v} [slang, a male] :: to jerk off, to wank (to masturbate)
descabido {adj} :: inappropriate
descaindo {v} :: gerund of descair
descair {v} /ˌdes.ka.ˈi(ɾ)/ :: to be hanging; to be suspended
descair {v} :: to suspend, hang something
descair {v} :: to be inclined
descair {v} :: to droop (to slowly become limp)
descair {v} :: to become less intense
descair {v} :: to fall down due to not having enough strength to stand
descalçado {adj} :: barefoot
descalçar {vt} /dɨʃ.kaɫ.ˈsaɾ/ :: to take off (a shoe)
descalçar {vr} :: to take off one's shoes
descalcificação {f} :: decalcification
descalço {adj} /dɨʃ.ˈkaɫ.su/ :: barefoot, barefooted
descalço {adj} :: discalced
Descalvado {prop} :: Descalvado (municipality)
descamar {v} :: to scale (remove the scales of)
descambando {v} :: gerund of descambar
descambar {v} :: to degenerate
descansado {adj} :: not tired; having rested
descansado {adj} :: without worries
descansando {v} :: gerund of descansar
descansar {v} /dɨʃ.kɐ̃.ˈsaɾ/ :: to rest
descansar em paz {v} :: to rest in peace (blessing or expression of hope)
descanso {m} /dɨʃ.ˈkɐ̃.su/ :: rest (relief from exertion; state of quiet and recreation)
Descanso {prop} :: Descanso (municipality)
descanso de tela {m} :: screensaver
descanso eterno {m} [euphemistic] :: rest (repose afforded by death)
descaradamente {adv} :: In bald-faced way
descarado {adj} :: brazen (impudent, immodest, or shameless)
descaramento {m} :: effrontery (insolent and shameless audacity)
descarbonizador {m} :: decarbonizer
descarbonizando {v} :: gerund of descarbonizar
descarbonizar {v} :: to decarbonize
descarga {f} :: flush (automatic cleansing of a toilet)
descaridoso {adj} :: uncharitable
descarnar {v} :: to flesh (remove the flesh)
descaroçado {adj} [of a fruit] /ˌka.ɾo.ˈsu.du/ :: whose seeds have been removed
descaroçador {m} :: a person or machine which removes seeds
descaroçamento {m} :: the process of removing seeds from fruits or bolls
descaroçando {v} :: gerund of descaroçar
descaroçar {v} :: to remove seeds from fruits or bolls
descarregamento {m} :: download (file transfer to the local computer)
descarregando {v} :: gerund of descarregar
descarregar {v} /dɨʃ.kɐ.ʁɨ.ˈɣaɾ/ :: to unload (unload cargo, wares, etc from a vehicle)
descarregar {v} :: to discharge (release an electrical charge)
descarregar {v} :: to discharge (release a person, object from hospital, storage, etc.)
descarregar {v} [Portugal, computing] :: to download (download programs, images, etc from websites or removable storage media)
descarrego {m} :: a ritual in Afro-Brazilian religions, such as umbanda and candomblé, that involves weeds and prayer
descarrilador {m} [rare] :: something that serves to derail
descarrilamento {m} /ˌdes.ka.ˌʁi.la.ˈmẽ.tu/ :: derailment (instance of a train leaving its rails)
descarrilamento {m} [figurative] :: an instance of going
descarrilar {vi} [of a train] :: to derail (to come off the tracks)
descarrilar {vt} :: to derail (to cause a train to come off the tracks)
descarrilhamento {m} :: alternative form of descarrilamento
descarrilhar {v} :: alternative form of descarrilar
descartar {vt} :: to discard; to throw away
descartar {vt} :: to rule out
descartar {v} [de, .pronominal] :: to get rid of; to throw away
descartável {adj} /deʃ.kaχ.ˈta.vɛɫ/ :: disposable
descartável {adj} :: expendable
descarte {m} /d͡ʒisˈkaʁ.t͡ʃi/ :: discarding (the act of discarding: throwing away or rejecting)
descascar {vt} :: to peel (to remove skin of a fruit or tree)
descendência {f} :: offspring, progeny, issue (all the descendants of a person)
descendente {adj} :: descending
descendente {adj} :: downward
descendente {mf} :: descendant
descender {vi} :: to descend (to pass from a higher to a lower place)
descender {v} [genealogy, with de] :: to descend (from) (to have as an ancestor)
descender {v} [etymology, with de] :: to descend (from) (to have as an etymon)
descentralização {f} :: decentralization
descentralizar {v} :: to decentralize (reduce the power of a governing body)
descer {v} /dɨʃ.ˈseɾ/ :: to descend, to go down
descer a lenha {v} [idiom] :: to harshly criticize
descer a lenha {v} [idiom] :: to scold; to reprehend
descer a lenha {v} :: See: pt meter o pau
descercar {v} :: to release, to set free
descerebrado {adj} [derogatory] :: brainless; unintelligent; stupid
descerebrado {m} [derogatory] :: a stupid person
descer o cacete {v} [idiom, mildly vulgar] :: to harshly criticize
descer o cacete {v} [idiom, mildly vulgar] :: to scold; to reprehend
descer o cacete {v} :: See: pt meter o pau
descida {f} /dɨʃ.ˈsi.ðɐ/ :: decline (a downward slope)
descida {f} :: descent (instance of descending, going down)
descida {f} :: an instance of a value becoming smaller
descoberta {f} /dɨʃ.ku.ˈβɛɾ.tɐ/ :: discovery
descoberto {adj} /dɨʃ.ku.ˈβɛɾ.tu/ :: uncovered (all senses)
descoberto {adj} :: discovered
Descoberto {prop} :: Descoberto (municipality)
descobridor {m} /dɨʃkuβɾiˈðoɾ/ :: discoverer
descobridora {f} :: feminine noun of descobridor
descobrimento {m} /dɨʃkuβɾiˈmẽtu/ :: discovery
descobrindo {v} :: gerund of descobrir - discovering
descobrir {v} /dɨʃ.ku.ˈβɾiɾ/ :: to discover (to find something for the first time)
descobrir {v} :: to uncover (to remove something’s cover)
descolando {v} :: gerund of descolar
descolar {v} :: to unstick
descolonização {f} :: decolonization
descolonizando {v} :: gerund of descolonizar
descolonizar {vt} :: to decolonize
descolorar {v} :: alternative form of descolorir
descolorindo {v} :: gerund of descolorir
descolorir {v} :: to discolor, discolour
descolorizante {adj} :: decolorizing
descomer {v} [euphemism] :: to defecate
descomparecimento {m} [idiomatic] :: no-show (a failure to make a scheduled appearance)
descompassado {adj} :: wild, rambling
descomplicar {vt} :: to simplify
descompondo {v} :: gerund of descompor
descompor {v} :: to discompose
descompor {v} :: to alter, change
descompor {v} :: to deface
descompostura {f} :: censure
descompostura {f} :: scolding
descompostura {f} :: quarrel
descompressão {f} :: decompression
descomunal {adj} :: extraordinary
descomunal {adj} :: enormous, huge, colossal
desconcertado {adj} :: nonplussed; flummoxed (totally confused or puzzled)
desconcertante {adj} :: disconcerting; unsettling; baffling
desconcertar {v} :: to bewilder; to puzzle; to perplex; to baffle
desconexo {adj} / dʒis.koˈnɛ.ksu/ :: unconnected (not connected or united)
desconexo {adj} :: incoherent
desconfiado {adj} /dɨʃ.kõ.ˈfja.ðu/ :: distrustful, mistrustful, suspicious
desconfiança {f} :: mistrust, distrust, suspicion
desconfiar {v} :: to distrust, mistrust
desconforme {adj} :: inconsistent
desconforme {adj} :: nonconformist
desconforme {adj} :: awry
desconformidade {f} :: variance
desconformidade {f} :: disconformity
desconfortando {v} :: gerund of desconfortar
desconfortar {v} :: to discomfort
desconfortável {adj} :: uncomfortable
desconforto {m} :: discomfort
descongelar {vi} :: to thaw (to melt, dissolve, or become fluid)
descongelar {v} :: to defrost
descongestionante {m} :: decongestant (drug that relieves congestion)
desconhecendo {v} :: gerund of desconhecer
desconhecer {v} /dɨʃ.ku.ɲɨ.ˈseɾ/ :: to be unaware (of)
desconhecer {v} :: to ignore
desconhecido {adj} /dɨʃ.ku.ɲɨ.ˈsi.ðu/ :: unknown, strange
desconhecido {adj} :: unfamiliar
desconhecido {m} :: stranger
desconhecimento {m} /dɨʃ.ku.ɲɨ.si.ˈmẽ.tu/ :: ignorance
desconjurar {v} :: to make someone swear or promise
desconjurar {v} :: to exorcise/exorcize (ask a superior entity to cast evil spirits away)
desconjurar {v} :: to curse
desconjurar {v} [figurative] :: to insult, to offend
desconsagrar {vt} :: desecrate (to remove the consecration)
desconseguir {v} [Africa] :: to be unsuccessful; not to get or achieve
desconsideração {f} /dɨʃ.kõ.si.ðɨ.ɾɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: disregard
desconsiderando {v} :: gerund of desconsiderar
desconsiderar {v} :: to disregard
desconsoladamente {adv} :: disconsolately
desconsolado {adj} /dɨʃ.kõ.su.ˈla.ðu/ :: disconsolate
desconsolar {vt} /dʒiskõsoˈlar/ :: to sadden, depress
desconsolar {vr} :: to despair
desconsolo {m} :: sorrow, sadness
desconsolo {m} :: disappointment
desconstrução {f} :: deconstruction (the act of deconstructing)
desconstrução {f} [philosophy, literature] :: deconstruction (a philosophical theory of textual criticism)
desconstrucionismo {m} [philosophy, literature] :: deconstruction (a philosophical theory of textual criticism)
descontaminação {f} :: decontamination (process of removing contamination)
descontando {v} :: gerund of descontar
descontar {v} :: to discount
descontentamento {m} :: discontent
descontentamento {m} :: dissatisfaction
descontentar {vt} :: to displease, dissatisfy
descontente {adj} :: Not happy; unhappy; sad
descontentemente {adv} :: In context of being unhappy; unhappily
descontinuar {v} :: to discontinue (to stop a process)
descontinuidade de Mohorovicic {prop} {f} [geology] :: Mohorovičić discontinuity (the boundary between the Earth’s crust and mantle)
desconto {m} :: discount, deduction
desconto {m} :: rebate
desconto {m} :: compensation
descontrolado {adj} :: out of control
desconversar {vi} /des.ˌkõ.veʁ.ˈsa(ʁ)/ :: to change the subject, especially to avoid an uncomfortable topic
desconvidar {v} :: to uninvite (to cancel an invitation)
descorado {adj} :: pale, wan, pallid
descorante {m} :: bleach (chemical)
descoroçoar {v} :: to dishearten; to discourage (to make someone lose their enthusiasm or courage)
descortês {adj} :: discourteous; impolite
descortinar {v} /des.ˌkoɾ.t͡ʃi.ˈna(ɾ)/ :: to reveal something by opening curtains
descortinar {v} [figurative] :: to reveal (to show what was hidden or unknown)
descortinar {v} :: to observe a panorama
descrédito {m} :: discredit (a degree of dishonour or disesteem)
descrença {f} :: disbelief (unwillingness or inability to believe in something)
descrente {adj} :: unfaithful, unbelieving (lacking faith or belief)
descrente {mf} :: non-believer (someone who does not believe)
descrente {mf} :: godless, atheist, heathen (someone who does not believe in any god or religion)
descrer {vt} :: to disbelieve, to not believe
descrevendo {v} :: gerund of descrever
descrever {vt} /des.kɾe.ˈve(ʁ)/ :: to describe (to represent in words; to give an account of)
descrever {vt} :: to describe; to delineate (to move in a way that the path forms a given shape)
descrever {vt} [taxonomy] :: to describe (to introduce a taxon to science)
descrever {vt} [mathematics] :: to describe (to give rise to a geometrical structure)
descrição {f} /dɨʃkɾiˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: description
descriminação {f} [law] :: acquittal
descriminação {f} :: decriminalization
descriminalização {f} [law] :: acquittal
descriminalização {f} :: decriminalization (the act of making something no longer a crime)
descriminalizar {v} [law] :: to absolve
descriminalizar {v} :: to decriminalize
descriminar {v} [law] :: to absolve
descriminar {v} :: to decriminalize
descritibilidade {f} :: describability
descritivamente {adv} :: descriptively
descritivismo {m} [linguistics] :: descriptivism (the practice of describing real forms of linguistic usage)
descritivo {adj} :: descriptive (of, or relating to description)
descrito {adj} /des.ˈkɾi.tu/ :: described (having a description)
descrito {adj} [taxonomy, of a taxon] :: described (having been formally described to science)
descuberto {adj} :: obsolete spelling of descoberto
descuberto {v} :: obsolete spelling of descoberto
descuidadamente {adv} :: carelessly (in a careless manner; without enough attention)
descuidado {adj} :: careless (not giving sufficient attention or thought)
descuido {m} [uncountable] :: recklessness (quality of being reckless)
descuido {m} :: an instance of being reckless
desculpa {f} /dɨʃ.ˈkuɫ.pɐ/ :: excuse, pretext (explanation designed to avoid or alleviate guilt or negative judgement)
desculpa {f} :: apology (expression of remorse)
desculpa esfarrapada {f} [idiomatic] :: a very unconvincing excuse
desculpando {v} :: gerund of desculpar
desculpante {adj} :: apologetic (being an apology; saying sorry)
desculpante {mf} :: apologiser (one who apologises, says sorry)
desculpar {v} /des.kuw.ˈpa(ʁ)/ :: to forgive
desculpar {v} :: to justify
desculpar-se {vr} :: to apologise (to make an apology or excuse)
desculpável {adj} :: excusable
descumprir {v} :: to fail or refuse to comply with an obligation, rule or law
desdar {vt} :: to ungive (to take back something that had been given)
desde {prep} /ˈdeʒ.ðɨ/ :: since
desde {prep} :: from
desde {prep} :: (condition, followed by subjunctive)
desde então {adv} :: ever since; since then (continuously since a specified time or event)
desdém {m} /dɨʒˈðɐ̃j̃/ :: disdain, contempt, scorn
desdemocratizar {v} :: to undemocratise (to reduce democracy)
desdenhando {v} :: gerund of desdenhar
desdenhar {v} /dɨʒðɐˈɲaɾ/ :: to despise; to detest
desdenhoso {adj} /dɨʒðɐˈɲozu/ :: contemptuous, disdainful, scornful
desdentado {adj} :: toothless (having no teeth)
desde quando {adv} [literally] :: Asks when something started. Similar to "how long" in English, but inquiring about when something began rather than how much time has passed since then.
desde quando {adv} [rhetorical question] :: since when (expresses doubt)
desde que {conj} :: since; ever since (from the time that)
desde que {conj} [idiomatic] :: as long as (if, assuming)
desde que eu me conheço por gente {adv} :: since I remember
desde que o mundo é mundo {adv} [idiom] :: since time immemorial; since the beginning of time
desdita {f} :: bad luck, unhappiness
desditoso {adj} :: unfortunate, unlucky, ill-fated, disgraced
desdizer {v} :: to contradict (deny the truth of a statement or statements)
desd'o {contraction} :: obsolete spelling of desdo
desdo {contraction} [archaic] /ˈdeʒ.ðu/ :: contraction of desde o
desdobramento {m} [literally] :: the act of unfolding an object
desdobramento {m} :: posterior development; effect, consequence
desdobramento {m} :: dedication, effort
desdobramento {m} :: duplication, doubling
desdobrar {vt} :: to unfold, to open up
desdobrar {vt} :: to extend, to stretch out
desdobrar {vt} :: to spread out
deseducado {adj} /d(ʒ)i.ze.du.ˈka.du/ :: impolite, ill-mannered, rude, disrespectful
de segunda {adj} [derogatory] :: Of low quality; second-rate
de segunda mão {adj} [of goods] :: secondhand (not new; previously owned and used by another)
desejada {adj} :: feminine singular form of desejado
desejadas {adj} :: feminine plural form of desejado
desejado {adj} :: wanted
desejado {adj} :: intended
desejados {adj} :: masculine plural form of desejado
desejar {v} /dɨ.zɨ.ˈʒaɾ/ :: to wish
desejar {v} [formal] :: to desire
desejável {adj} :: desirable
desejo {m} /dɨ.ˈzɐ(j).ʒu/ :: desire
desejoso {adj} /dɨ.zɨ.ˈʒo.zu/ :: wishful (expressing a wish or longing for something)
desejoso {adj} :: eager (excited by desire in the pursuit of something)
deselegante {adj} :: unelegant (not elegant)
desemaranhar {v} :: to unravel (to separate the threads (of))
desembalado {adj} /de.zẽ.ba.ˈla.do/ :: unpackaged, loose (not packaged)
desembalar {v} :: to unwrap
desembaraçadamente {adv} :: glibly, freely
desembaraçado {adj} :: clear, free, unencumbered
desembaraçar {vt} :: to disentangle (to free from entanglement)
desembaraçar {v} [de] :: to get rid of (to remove or get away from something unpleasant)
desembaraçar {vt} :: to disembarrass (to free from embarrassment)
desembaraço {m} :: agility
desembaraço {m} :: resourcefulness
desembaraço {m} :: courage
desembarcar {vt} :: to disembark (remove from on board a vessel)
desembarcar {vi} :: to disembark (to leave a watercraft or vehicle)
desembargador {m} [law] :: a type of appellate judge in Portuguese-speaking countries
desembargadora {n} :: feminine of desembargador
desembargando {v} :: gerund of desembargar
desembargar {vt} :: to lift an embargo on
desembargo {m} :: the lifting of an embargo
desembarque {m} :: disembarkation
desembestar {vi} :: to be out of control
desembocadura {f} :: mouth (the end of a river out of which water flows)
desembolado {adj} :: unmuzzled
desembrulhar {v} :: to unwrap
desembrulhar {v} [by extension] :: to sort out, to unravel
desembrulho {m} :: the act of unwrapping (a bundle, package, etc.)
desemparado {adj} :: obsolete form of desamparado
desempate {m} :: tiebreaker (something that is used to pick a winner from a tied situation)
desempenadeira {f} :: hawk (tool used to hold plaster or cement while applying it)
desempenhando {v} :: gerund of desempenhar
desempenhar {v} :: to comply or perform (a task)
desempenhar {v} :: to redeem (a pledge)
desempenhar {v} [cinema, theatre] :: to play (a role or part)
desempenho {m} /de.zẽ.ˈpe.ɲu/ :: achievement
desempenho {m} :: performance (amount of useful work accomplished by someone or something)
desempenho {m} [cinema, theatre] :: performance; acting
desempoar {vt} :: to dust (to remove dust from)
de sempre {adv} :: usual
de sempre {adv} :: ever
desempregado {adj} :: unemployed (having no job)
desemprego {m} /de.zĩ.ˈpɾe.ɡu/ :: unemployment; joblessness
desencadeamento {m} :: triggering (the initiation of an action)
desencadear {vt} /dɨzẽkɐˈðjaɾ/ :: to trigger; to unleash (initiate something)
desencaminhar {v} :: to mislead (lead in an incorrect direction)
desencaminhar {v} :: to corrupt; to pervert (to draw away from the right path)
desencantar {v} :: to disenchant
desencantar {v} :: to find, track down
desencargo {m} :: discharge
desencargo {m} :: exoneration
desencargo {m} :: relief
desencargo {m} :: reprieve
desencarnado {adj} :: disincarnate (without a body)
desencarnado {adj} :: a disincarnate person; a ghost; a spirit
desencarnar {vi} [religion] :: to disincarnate (to become a bodiless soul or spirit)
desencontrado {adj} :: mismatched, disagreeing, contrary
desencontrar {vt} /d͡ʒi.zĩ.cõ.ˈtɾa(ʁ)/ :: to hinder a meeting
desencontrar {vi} :: to differ
desencontrar {vp} :: to miss each other; to fail to meet
desencontrar {vp} :: to disagree
desencontro {m} :: failure to meet
desencontro {m} :: failed meeting
desencontro {m} :: mismatch (of ideas or principles)
desencorajar {v} :: to daunt; to discourage
desencorajar {vt} :: to deter (to persuade someone not to do something)
desencriptação {f} :: decryption
desencriptar {v} :: to decrypt (convert encrypted text to plain text)
desenfadado {adj} :: carefree, stressless
desenfadar {vt} :: to amuse; to entertain
desenfadar {vp} :: to enjoy oneself
desenfreado {adj} :: unrestrained (not restrained or held in check)
desenganando {v} :: gerund of desenganar
desenganar {v} :: to disabuse
desengano {m} :: disillusion
desengonçado {adj} :: gangling, clumsy, disjointed
desenhação {f} [rare] :: drawing (act of producing a picture)
desenhador {m} /de.ze.ɲa.ˈdoɾ/ :: drawer (someone who creates drawing)
desenhar {v} /dɨ.zɨ.ˈɲaɾ/ :: to draw
desenhista {mf} /de.ze.ˈɲis.tɐ/ :: drawer; draughtsman/draughtswoman (professional who creates drawings)
desenho {m} /dɨ.ˈze.ɲu/ :: drawing
desenho {m} [uncountable] :: design
desenho {m} :: cartoon
desenho animado {m} :: cartoon
desenraizar {vt} :: to eradicate; to uproot (to remove a plant’s roots from the ground)
desenrascanço {m} [Portugal] /ˌdɨ.zɐ̃j̃.ʁɐʃ.ˈkɐ̃.sʊ/ :: disentanglement (removal of complications or confusion)
desenrascanço {m} [Portugal] :: hack, improvised solution; a “MacGyverism
desenrascanço {m} [uncountable, Portugal] :: the ability to find improvised solutions to problems
desenrolando {v} :: gerund of desenrolar
desenrolar {v} :: to unroll, unwind
desentender {vp} :: to have an argument, to verbally fight with someone
desentendimento {m} /ˌde.zẽ.tẽ.d(ʒ)i.ˈmẽ.tu/ :: disagreement, argument, fight
desenterrar {v} :: to exhume; to unearth (to dig out of the ground)
desentranhar {v} :: to disembowel (to take or let out the bowels)
desentupidor {m} :: plunger (device for removing blockages by suction)
desenvencilhar {v} /des.ẽ.vẽ.si.ˈʎa(ɾ)/ :: alternative form of desvencilhar
desenvincilhar {v} /des.ẽ.vĩ.si.ˈʎa(ɾ)/ :: alternative form of desvencilhar
desenvolvedor {m} :: developer (someone engaged in the development of something)
desenvolvedor {m} :: developer; programmer (someone who writes software)
desenvolvedor {adj} :: developing (which causes something to develop)
desenvolvendo {v} :: gerund of desenvolver
desenvolver {v} /dɨ.zẽ.voɫ.ˈveɾ/ :: to develop
desenvolver {v} :: to explicate (explain in great detail)
desenvolver {v} :: to evolve
desenvolver {v} [mathematics] :: to calculate
desenvolver-se {vr} :: to develop; to thrive
desenvolvido {adj} /de.zẽ.vow.ˈvi.du/ :: developed ; mature
desenvolvido {adj} [of a country] :: developed (not third world; not primitive; having industries)
desenvolvimento {m} /dɨzẽvoɫviˈmẽtu/ :: development (process of developing)
desenvolvimento sustentável {m} [ecology] :: sustainable development
desequilibrado {adj} :: unbalanced (without equilibrium)
desequilibrado {adj} :: unbalanced (irrational or mentally deranged)
desequilíbrio {m} :: imbalance (property of not being in balance)
deserção {f} :: desertion (act of leaving one’s duty or post)
deserdação {f} :: disinheritance
deserdando {v} :: gerund of deserdar
deserdar {v} :: to disinherit
desertar {v} :: to desert (leave military service)
desertificar {v} /dɨzɨɾtifiˈkaɾ/ :: to desertify
deserto {m} /dɨ.ˈzɛɾ.tu/ :: desert (barren area)
deserto {adj} :: deserted, abandoned
deserto {adj} :: arid, desertic
desertor {m} [military] :: deserter (person who leaves a military unit without permission)
desertor {m} [figuratively] :: someone who abandons a cause
desertora {f} :: female equivalent of desertor
deseseis {adj} :: obsolete spelling of dezesseis
desesperação {f} :: desperation (the act of despairing or becoming desperate)
desesperadamente {adv} /dɨ.zɨʃ.pɨ.ɾa.ðɐ.ˈmẽ.tɨ/ :: desperately (in a desperate manner)
desesperado {adj} :: desperate (filled with despair)
desesperado {adj} :: hopeless (destitute of hope)
desesperador {adj} :: despairing
desesperador {adj} :: nerve-racking
desesperança {f} :: hopelessness (the lack of hope; despair)
desesperançado {adj} :: hopeless (destitute of hope)
desesperar {v} :: to despair (to despair of)
desespero {m} :: despair (loss of hope)
desesseis {adj} :: obsolete spelling of dezesseis
desestabilização {f} :: destabilization (the act of making something unstable)
desestabilizando {v} :: gerund of desestabilizar
desestabilizar {v} :: to destabilize
deseuropeizar {v} :: to de-Europeanize
desfaçatez {f} [uncountable] :: effrontery (insolent and shameless audacity)
desfalcar {v} :: to take away, to remove part of a larger amount
desfalcar {v} :: to decrease, reduce, diminish
desfalcar {v} :: to defraud
desfalecendo {v} :: gerund of desfalecer
desfalecer {v} :: to weaken, fade
desfalecer {v} :: to falter
desfalecer {v} :: to faint, swoon
desfalecimento {m} :: swoon
desfarçando {v} :: gerund of desfarçar
desfarçar {v} :: obsolete form of disfarçar
desfastio {m} :: interest, appetite
desfastio {m} :: joviality
desfavor {m} :: disfavour
desfavorável {adj} :: unfavourable
desfavorável {adj} :: adverse
desfavoravelmente {adv} :: Not pleasing nor approving; inconveniently; unfavorably
desfazendo {v} :: gerund of desfazer
desfazer {vi} /dɨʃ.fɐ.ˈzeɾ/ :: to depreciate
desfazer {vt} :: to undo; to unfasten
desfazer {vt} :: to unpack
desfazer {vt} :: to destroy
desfazer {vt} :: to dissolve
desfazer {vp} :: to come undone
desfazer {vp} :: to disappear
desfazer {vp} :: to melt
desfazer {vp} :: to break up (to end a relationship)
desfazer {v} [de, .pronominal] :: to get rid of; to give away
desfazimento {m} /des.fa.zi.ˈmẽ.tu/ :: the act of undoing something
desfechando {v} :: gerund of desfechar
desfechar {v} :: to shoot with or unload a gun
desfechar {v} [figuratively] :: to throw
desfechar {v} :: to remove a seal
desfecho {m} /dəʃ.ˈfɐj.ʃu/ :: conclusion, end
desfecho {m} :: solution of a problem or mystery
desfecho {m} :: shot of a firearm
desfecho {m} [veterinary medicine] :: a change on the horse's dentition
desferindo {v} :: gerund of desferir
desferir {v} /dɨʃ.fɨ.ˈɾiɾ/ :: to carry out a violent physical interaction
desferir {v} :: to produce notes with a musical instrument
desfiando {v} :: gerund of desfiar
desfiar {v} :: to unravel (all senses)
desfiar {v} :: to fray
desfibrilador {m} [medicine] :: defibrillator (device that delivers an electric shock to correct ventricular fibrillation)
desfigurar {vt} :: to mangle; to disfigure (to change appearance for worse)
desfiladeiro {m} :: gorge, canyon
desfile {m} :: parade (organized procession)
desfile de moda {m} :: fashion show (event)
desfivelar {v} :: alternative form of desafivelar
desfloração {f} :: defloration (the act of deflowering)
desfloramento {m} :: defloration (the act of deflowering)
desflorestamento {m} :: deforestation (process of destroying a forest)
desflorestar {v} :: to clear (to fell all trees of a forest)
desfocar {v} :: to unfocus (to bring out of focus)
desfocar {v} :: to blur (to make indistinct or hazy)
desforra {f} :: redress
desfosforilação {f} :: dephosphorylation
desfragmentação {f} [computing] :: defragmentation
desfragmentador {m} [computing] :: defragmenter
desfragmentar {vt} [computing] :: to defragment
desfraldando {v} :: gerund of desfraldar
desfraldar {v} :: to unfurl, unroll
desfrutando {v} :: gerund of desfrutar
desfrutar {v} :: to enjoy
desfrutar {v} :: to appreciate
desgalhar {v} :: to limb; to debranch (to remove branches from a tree)
desgarrado {adj} :: lost
desgarrado {m} :: stray (domestic animal at large or lost)
desgastante {adj} :: tiring; exhausting (that makes someone tired)
desgastante {adj} :: that wears something out
desgastar {vt} /dez.ɡas.ˈta(ʁ)/ :: to wear out; to chafe
desgastar {v} :: to wear thin (to lessen or weaken over time, as from overuse)
desgostar {v} /dɨʒ.ɣuʃ.ˈtaɾ/ :: to dislike (to have a feeling of aversion or antipathy towards)
desgostar {v} :: to displease (to make not pleased)
desgostar {v} :: to neither like nor dislike something; to feel neutral about something
desgosto {m} /dɨʒˈɣoʃtu/ :: disgust, distaste
desgosto {m} :: displeasure, unpleasantness
desgovernado {adj} :: out of control
desgoverno {m} [politics] :: a bad government
desgraça {f} /dɨʒ.ˈɣɾa.sɐ/ :: disgrace
desgraça {f} :: misfortune
desgraça {f} :: disaster
desgraça {f} :: tragedy
desgraça {f} [colloquial, vocative] :: wretch!
desgraçado {adj} /dɨʒ.ɣɾɐ.ˈsa.ðu/ :: wretched, miserable, poor, hapless
desgraçado {m} :: wretch
desgraçar {v} /d͡ʒizɡraˈsaχ/ :: to disgrace, to dishonor
desgracioso {adj} :: ungainly
desgrenhado {adj} :: shaggy; unkempt (rough with ungroomed hair)
deshumano {adj} :: obsolete spelling of desumano
desídia {f} /de.ˈzi.d(ʒ)ja/ :: negligence
desidratação {f} /dɨzidɾɐtɐˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: dehydration
desidratando {v} :: gerund of desidratar
desidratante {adj} :: dehydrating, drying
desidratar {v} :: to dehydrate
desidratase {f} [enzyme] :: dehydratase
desidrogenação {f} :: dehydrogenation
desidrogenase {f} [enzyme] :: dehydrogenase
design {m} :: design (plan)
designação {f} :: designation
designação {f} :: appointment, assignment
designação {f} :: denomination
designadamente {adv} /dɨziɣˌnaðɐˈmẽtɨ/ :: namely
designado {adj} /dɨziɣˈnaðu/ :: designate, designated
designado {adj} :: nominated, named
designando {v} :: gerund of designar
designar {v} :: to designate
designar {v} :: to appoint, nominate
designer {mf} :: designer (person who designs)
design inteligente {m} :: intelligent design
desígnio {m} /de.ˈzi.ɡn.ju/ :: that which was designated; designation
desigual {adj} :: unequal
desigual {adj} :: uneven
desigual {adj} :: disparate
desigualdade {f} :: inequality (unfair or unequal state)
desigualdade triangular {f} [analysis] :: triangle inequality (inequality that states that the magnitude of the sum of two vectors is less than or equal to the sum of the magnitudes of the vectors)
desigualmente {adv} :: unequally
desillusão {f} :: obsolete spelling of desilusão
desiludido {adj} :: disillusioned (experiencing disillusionment)
desiludir {vt} :: to disillusion (to free or deprive of illusion; to disenchant)
desilusão {f} /dɨ.zi.lu.ˈzɐ̃w̃/ :: disillusion (act or state of disenchanting or freeing from a false belief)
desilusão {f} :: delusion (false belief)
desimpedindo {v} :: gerund of desimpedir
desimpedir {v} :: to disengage
desimpedir {v} :: to unblock
desimportante {adj} :: Not important or noteworthy; unimportant; petty
desindustrialização {f} :: deindustrialization/deindustrialisation
desindustrializar {v} :: to deindustrialize
desinência {f} [linguistics] :: desinence (inflectional suffix)
desinfeção {f} [European orthography] :: alternative form of desinfecção
desinfecção {f} [Brazilian orthography, public health, medicine] :: disinfection (treatment with disinfectant substances)
desinfectante {adj} :: disinfectant
desinfectante {m} :: disinfectant
desinfetante {adj} :: disinfectant
desinfetante {f} :: disinfectant
desinfetar {v} :: to disinfect (to sterilize by the use of cleaning agent)
desinflar {vt} :: to deflate (to reduce in gas volume)
desinformação {f} :: disinformation (dissemination of intentionally false information)
desinibido {adj} :: uninhibited
desinsetização {f} :: the cleaning act that removes and drives away insects or removes their eggs by means of insecticides; similar to deinsectization
desinsetizar {v} :: to apply insecticides (chemicals that kill or drive away insects)
desinstalação {f} :: uninstallation (process of removing a program)
desinstalador {m} [computing] :: uninstaller (a program that uninstalls software)
desinstalar {vt} [computing] :: to uninstall (completely remove hardware or software)
desintegração {f} :: disintegration
desintegração {f} :: decomposition
desintegrando {v} :: gerund of desintegrar
desintegrar {v} :: to disintegrate
desintegrar {v} :: to degrade
desinteressadamente {adv} :: disinterestedly
desinteressadamente {adv} :: unselfishly
desinteressadamente {adv} :: impartially
desinteressado {adj} :: disinterested
desinteressado {adj} :: unselfish
desinteressado {adj} :: impartial
desinteressante {adj} :: uninteresting (not interesting; boring or uneventful)
desinteresse {m} /dɨ.zĩ.tɨ.ˈɾe.sɨ/ :: disinterest
desinterêsse {m} :: obsolete spelling of desinteresse
desintoxicação {f} :: detoxification
desintoxicando {v} :: gerund of desintoxicar
desintoxicar {v} :: to detoxify
desionização {f} [chemistry] :: unionization (the process of an atom losing electrical charge)
desistência {f} :: waiver
desistência {f} :: renunciation
desistindo {v} :: gerund of desistir
desistir {v} [de] /de.zis.ˈt͡ʃi(ʁ)/ :: to desist
desistir {v} [de] :: to give up
desjejuando {v} :: gerund of desjejuar
desjejuar {v} /des.ʒe.ʒu.ˈa(ɻ)/ :: to breakfast (to eat breakfast)
desjejuar {v} :: to stop fasting
desjejum {m} /dɨ.ʒɨ.ˈʒũ/ :: breakfast
desktop {m} [computing] :: desktop computer (computer of a size designed to be used on a desk)
desktop {m} [computing] :: desktop (the main graphical user interface of an operating system)
deslastrar {v} :: to deballast (to remove ballast from a vessel)
deslavado {adj} :: disjointed, incoherent
deslavado {adj} :: faded (having lost some dye)
desleal {adj} :: not adhering to the rules of propriety, dishonest, unfair, disloyal, not true
deslealdade {f} :: disloyalty (quality of being disloyal)
deslealmente {adv} :: disloyally (in a disloyal manner)
desleixado {adj} /ˌdes.lej.ˈʃa.do/ :: tacky (dowdy, shabby in one's appearance)
desleixado {adj} :: negligent
desleixar {vt} /dɨʒ.lɐjˈʃar/ :: to neglect
desleixar {vp} :: to neglect oneself
desleixo {m} :: negligence, neglect
desligado {adj} [of an electronic device] /dɨʒ.li.ˈɣa.ðu/ :: turned off
desligado {adj} [of a person, colloquial] :: unattentive (not paying attention or missing important details)
desligar {v} /dɨʒ.li.ˈɣaɾ/ :: to hang up
desligar {v} :: to turn off
desligar {v} :: to unbind
deslindar {vt} /dɨʒlĩˈdaɾ/ :: to unravel; to solve; to figure out (to find a solution)
deslindar {vt} :: to delimit; to demarcate (to find or mark the limits of)
deslinde {m} :: unravelling; solving (the act of solving a mystery or fixing a complication)
deslizamento {m} :: slide (rubble, earth and stones moving down)
deslizamento {m} :: slide (act of sliding)
deslizamento {m} [geology] :: landslide; mudslide (natural disaster)
deslizando {v} :: gerund of deslizar
deslizar {v} /dɨʒ.li.ˈzaɾ/ :: to slip; to slide
deslizar {v} [computing] :: to swipe (to interact with a touch screen)
deslocação {f} /dez.ˌlo.ka.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: journey, trip
deslocação {f} [medicine] :: dislocation
deslocação {f} [geology] :: displacement
deslocalização {f} :: relocation
deslocalização {f} [physics, chemistry] :: delocalization
deslocalizando {v} :: gerund of deslocalizar
deslocalizar {v} :: to relocate
deslocalizar {v} [physics, chemistry] :: To delocalize
deslocamento {m} :: displacement
deslocamento {m} [pathology] :: dislocation
deslocando {v} :: gerund of deslocar
deslocar {v} /des.lo.ˈka(ʁ)/ :: to move, displace, divert
deslocar {v} [medicine] :: to dislocate
deslocar {v} :: to change places
deslogar {v} [computing] :: to log out (to exit an account in a computing system)
deslumbrado {adj} :: awestruck (filled with awe)
deslumbrante {adj} :: dazzling
deslustrar {vt} :: to make something lose its lustre
deslustrar {vt} [figurative] :: to besmirch; to tarnish (ruin someone’s reputation)
desmagnetização {f} :: demagnetization
desmagnetizando {v} :: gerund of desmagnetizar
desmagnetizar {v} :: to demagnetize
desmaiando {v} :: gerund of desmaiar
desmaiar {vi} /ˌdɨʒ.maj.ˈaɾ/ :: to faint (to lose consciousness)
desmaiar {vi} [figurative] :: to dishearten
desmaiar {vi} [figurative] :: to fall asleep suddenly, usually by excessive tiredness
desmaiar {vt} :: to cause a person to faint, often by drugging them and with criminal intentions
desmaio {m} /dɨʒ.ˈmaj.u/ :: faint, swoon
desmaio {m} :: paleness, discouragement
desmamar {vi} :: to wean (cease giving milk)
desmanchar {v} /dɨʒ.mɐ̃.ˈʃaɾ/ :: to disassemble (to undo something piece by piece)
desmanchar {v} :: to unmake; to destroy
desmantelar {vt} :: to dismantle (take apart)
desmarcar {vt} :: to unmark (to remove a mark)
desmarcar {vt} :: to unschedule (to cancel a scheduled event)
desmascarado {adj} :: Not wearing a mask; unmasked
desmascarado {adj} :: Not hidden; not concealed; unmasked
desmatamento {m} :: deforestation (process of destroying a forest)
desmatar {v} :: to clear (to fell all trees of a forest)
desmembramento {m} :: dismemberment
desmembrar {vt} :: to dismember (to remove limbs)
desmembrar {vt} :: to dismember (to separate into pieces)
desmentindo {v} :: gerund of desmentir
desmentir {v} :: to belie
desmentir {v} :: to deny
desmerecedor {adj} :: undeserving (considered unworthy of reward)
desmerecendo {v} :: gerund of desmerecer
desmerecer {v} :: to belittle
desmerecer {v} :: to fade
desmiolado {adj} [colloquial] :: brainless, stupid, dumb
desmistificar {vt} :: to demystify (explain)
desmitificar {vt} :: to demystify (explain)
desmobilização {f} :: demobilization
desmobilizar {v} :: to demobilize
desmontando {v} :: gerund of desmontar
desmontar {v} :: to demount
desmoralizando {v} :: gerund of desmoralizar
desmoralizante {adj} :: daunting, intimidating
desmoralizar {v} :: to demoralize
desmoralizar {v} :: to corrupt, pervert
desmoronamento {m} :: collapse (act of collapsing)
desmoronar {vi} :: to collapse; to crumble (to fall down suddenly; to cave in)
desmotivação {f} :: demotivation (feeling or state of being demotivated)
desmotivador {m} :: demotivator (one who, or that which, demotivates)
desmotivador {adj} :: which demotivates
desmotivar {v} :: to demotivate (to decrease the motivation)
desnecessariamente {adv} :: needlessly (in a needless manner)
desnecessário {adj} :: unnecessary
desnitrificação {f} :: denitrification
desnivelado {adj} /dez.ni.ve.ˈla.du/ :: unlevel (not level)
desnivelar {v} /dez.ni.ve.ˈla(ɾ)/ :: to make unlevel
desnorteado {adj} :: disoriented, confused
desnublado {adj} :: clear (without clouds)
desnudar {vt} :: to undress (remove someone’s clothing)
desnudo {adj} :: Without clothes; naked
desnutrição {f} :: malnutrition
desobediência {f} :: disobedience
desobediência civil {f} :: civil disobedience (non-violent refusal to comply with the authorities)
desobediente {adj} :: disobedient
desobrigando {v} :: gerund of desobrigar
desobrigar {v} :: to release, free
desobrigar {v} :: to relieve
desobstruir {vt} :: to clear (to remove obstructions or impediments)
desocupação {f} :: unemployment
desocupado {adj} :: free (not in use)
desocupado {adj} :: idle (not engaged in any occupation or employment)
desodorante {m} :: deodorant (odor-controlling cosmetic for the underarm)
desolação {f} /de.zo.la.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: desolation
desolação {f} :: abandonment, negligence
desolação {f} :: state of sadness and misfortune
desolado {adj} /dɨ.zu.ˈla.ðu/ :: bleak; desolate
desolar {v} /de.zo.ˈla(ɾ)/ :: to destroy, to devastate, to ruin
de sol a sol {adv} [duration] :: from dusk to dawn (from sunset to sunrise)
desonerando {v} :: gerund of desonerar
desonerar {v} /dɨzunɨˈɾaɾ/ :: to relieve, ease
desonestamente {adv} :: dishonestly
desonestidade {f} [uncountable] :: dishonesty (the characteristic or condition of being dishonest)
desonestidade {f} :: dishonesty (a dishonest act)
desonesto {adj} :: Not honest; dodgy; dishonest
desonrado {adj} :: dishonoured
desonrado {adj} :: deflowered
desonrar {v} :: to dishonour (to bring disgrace upon someone or something)
desonroso {adj} /dɨ.zõ.ˈʁo.zu/ :: dishonorary (causing dishonour)
desordeiro {m} :: troublemaker (one who causes trouble, especially deliberately)
desordem {f} /dɨ.ˈzɔɾ.ðɐ̃j̃/ :: disorder
desordem {f} :: clutter, jumble
desordem {f} :: disarray
desordem {f} [physics] :: entropy
desordenadamente {adv} :: disorderly, untidily
desordenadamente {adv} :: inordinately
desordenado {adj} :: disorderly, untidy
desordenado {adj} :: inordinate
desorganização {f} /dɨ.zɔɾ.ɣɐ.ni.zɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: disorganization
desorganização {f} :: dislocation
desorganizado {adj} /dɨ.zɔɾ.ɣɐ.ni.ˈza.ðu/ :: disorganized, untidy
desorganizar {v} /dɨ.zɔɾ.ɣɐ.ni.ˈzaɾ/ :: to disorganize, disarray
desorganizar {v} :: to dislocate
desorientação {f} :: bewilderment
desorientação {f} :: disorientation
desorientado {adj} :: disoriented, lost, confused
desorientar {vt} :: to bewilder; to disorientate
desossar {vt} :: to bone (to remove bones)
desovar {v} :: to spawn (to produce or deposit (eggs) in water)
desovar {v} [Brazil, colloquial] :: to ditch, to dispose of [a corpse or stolen vehicle]
desoxidando {v} :: gerund of desoxidar
desoxidante {m} [chemistry] :: deoxidant
desoxidante {adj} :: deoxidizing
desoxidar {v} :: to deoxidize
desoxigenando {v} :: gerund of desoxigenar
desoxigenar {v} :: to deoxygenize
desoxirribonucleico {adj} :: deoxyribonucleic
desoxirribonucléico {adj} :: obsolete spelling of desoxirribonucleico
desoxirribose {f} [carbohydrate] :: deoxyribose (derivative of ribose)
despachando {v} :: gerund of despachar
despachar {v} :: to dispatch, despatch
despachar {v} :: to expedite
despadronizado {adj} :: uneven (varying in quality)
despadronizado {adj} :: not following a standard
desparafusar {v} :: alternative form of desaparafusar
despassarado {adj} [Portugal] /dɨʃpɐsɐˈɾaðu/ :: clumsy (lacking coordination, not graceful, not dextrous)
despedaçando {v} :: gerund of despedaçar
despedaçar {v} :: to shatter
despedaçar {v} :: to crumble
despedida {f} :: farewell
despedida de solteira {f} :: bachelorette party
despedida de solteiro {f} :: stag night, bachelor party
despedido {adj} /dɨʃpɨˈðiðu/ :: laid off, dismissed [employees]
despedindo {v} :: gerund of despedir
despedir {vt} /dɨʃ.pɨ.ˈðiɾ/ :: fire (terminate the employment of)
despedir {vr} :: To say goodbye to someone
despedir-se {vr} [reciprocal] :: to farewell (to bid farewell)
despedir-se {v} :: to quit; to resign (to stop working a job)
despeitado {adj} :: spiteful, resentful
despeito {m} /dɨʃ.ˈpɐj.tu/ :: spite
despeito {m} :: resentment
despeito {m} :: pique
despeito {m} :: jealousy
despejamento {m} :: pour (instance of pouring)
despejar {vt} :: to pour (to cause to flow in a stream)
despejar {vt} :: to pour (to send forth as in a stream or a flood)
despejar {vt} :: to evict (to expel)
despelado {adj} :: hairless (destitute of body hair)
despelado {adj} :: skinned (having skin removed)
despencar {vi} :: to plummet (to drop swiftly, in a direct manner; to fall quickly)
despender {v} /dɨʃ.pẽ.ˈdeɾ/ :: to spend, to expend
despenhadeiro {m} /dɨʃpɐɲɐˈðɐjɾu/ :: cliff
despensa {f} /dɨʃ.ˈpẽ.sɐ/ :: pantry
desperceber {v} :: to overlook (to fail to notice)
despercebido {adj} :: unnoticed
despercebido {adj} :: unseen
despercebido {adj} :: unheeded
desperdiçador {adj} :: wasteful (tending to waste)
desperdiçador {m} :: waster (someone who wastes)
desperdiçando {v} :: gerund of desperdiçar
desperdiçar {v} /dɨʃpɨɾðiˈsaɾ/ :: to waste, squander
desperdício {m} /dɨʃpɨɾˈðisju/ :: waste, wastage
desperdício {m} [in the plural] :: rubbish
despersuadir {v} :: to discourage (to persuade somebody not to do something)
despertador {m} /dɨʃ.pɨɾ.tɐ.ˈðoɾ/ :: alarm clock
despertar {vi} /dɨʃ.pɨɾ.ˈtaɾ/ :: to awake (gain consciousness)
despertar {vi} :: to go off [alarm]
despertar {vt} :: to awaken somebody
despertar {vt} :: to alarm (put on the alert)
despertar {v} [para] :: to become interested in
despertar {v} [para] :: to wake up to (become more aware of a situation)
despertar {vt} [poetic] :: to awake (excite or to stir up something latent)
desperto {adj} /dɨʃ.ˈpɛɾ.tu/ :: awake (conscious)
despesa {f} /dɨʃ.ˈpe.zɐ/ :: expense
despesa {f} :: charge, cost
despidir {v} :: obsolete spelling of despedir
despido {adj} :: naked (not wearing any clothes)
despir {vt} [formal] /dɨʃ.ˈpiɾ/ :: to undress (to remove somebody’s clothes)
despistar {v} :: to throw off track
desplante {m} :: audacity; nerve; effrontery
despois {adv} [regional or archaic] :: alternative form of depois
despojar {vt} :: to deprive of
despolarização {f} :: depolarization
despolarizador {m} :: depolarizer
despolarizando {v} :: gerund of despolarizar
despolarizar {v} :: to depolarize
despolitização {f} :: depoliticization, depoliticisation
despolitizar {v} :: to depoliticize
despontar {vi} :: to emerge; to come out
despontar {vi} [botany] :: to sprout
despontar {vt} :: to trim
despontar {vt} :: to blunt
despontar {m} :: beginning
desporte {m} :: alternative form of desporto
desportivo {adj} [Portugal] /dɨʃ.puɾ.ˈti.vu/ :: sports (attributive), sporting
desportivo {adj} [Portugal] :: sporty
desporto {m} [Portugal] /dɨʃ.ˈpoɾ.tu/ :: sport
desposar {vt} :: to espouse (become married to)
desposto {adj} :: obsolete spelling of disposto
déspota {m} :: despot
despótico {adj} [government] :: despotic (of or pertaining to a despot)
despótico {adj} [government] :: despotic (acting or ruling as a despot)
despotismo {m} :: despotism (government by a singular authority)
despoys {adv} :: obsolete spelling of despois
despregando {v} :: gerund of despregar
despregar {v} :: to unstick, unpin
desprendendo {v} :: gerund of desprender
desprender {vt} /dəʃ.prẽˈder/ :: to loosen
desprender {vt} :: to release, detach
desprendimento {m} :: release
desprendimento {m} :: renunciation
desprendimento {m} :: extrication
despreocupado {adj} :: careless; carefree (not concerned or worried)
despreparado {adj} :: unprepared
despretensioso {adj} :: unpretentious, modest
desprevenido {adj} :: unprepared (susceptible to being caught by surprise)
desprezar {v} /des.pɾe.ˈza(ɻ)/ :: to despise (regard with contempt or scorn)
desprezar {v} :: to ignore
desprezível {adj} /ˌdes.pɾe.ˈzi.vew/ :: despicable (deserving to be despised)
desprezo {m} /des.ˈpɾe.zu/ :: contempt; disdain (the act of regarding someone or something as worthless)
desprêzo {m} :: obsolete spelling of desprezo
desproporção {f} :: disproportion
desproporcionado {adj} :: disproportionate
desproporcionado {adj} :: misshapen
desproporcional {adj} :: disproportionate (having different proportions)
desproporcionamento {m} [chemistry] :: disproportionation
desproporcionando {v} :: gerund of desproporcionar
desproporcionar {v} [chemistry] :: to disproportionate
despropositadamente {adv} :: unintentionally (in an unintentional manner)
desprotegendo {v} :: gerund of desproteger
desproteger {v} :: to unprotect
desprover {v} :: to deprive, to deplete of
desprover {v} :: to be devoid of something, to lack
desprovido {adj} :: devoid
desprovido {adj} :: unprovided (with)
despudor {m} :: impudence (impudent language, conduct or behaviour)
desqualificar {v} /dɨʃkwɐlifiˈkaɾ/ :: to disqualify
desqueixado {adj} :: Without a (pronounced) chin; chinless
desratização {f} :: deratization (extermination of rats)
desregramento {m} :: profligacy
desregulação {f} :: deregulation
desregulamento {m} :: deregulation (the removal of regulations)
desregulando {v} :: gerund of desregular
desregular {v} :: to deregulate
desrespeitar {v} /dez.ʁes.pej.ˈta(ɾ)/ :: to disrespect (to show a lack of respect)
desrespeito {m} [uncountable] /dez.ʁes.ˈpej.tu/ :: disrespect (lack of respect)
desrespeito {m} :: an instance of disrespecting someone
desrespeitosamente {adv} :: disrespectfully
desrespeitoso {adj} /dez.ʁes.pej.ˈto.zu/ :: disrespectful (lacking respect)
desrespeitoso {adj} :: disrespectful (showing lack of respect)
dessa {contraction} /ˈdɛ.sɐ/ :: contraction of de essa
dessalinização {f} :: desalination
dessalinizando {v} :: gerund of dessalinizar
dessalinizar {v} :: to desalinate
dessas {contraction} /ˈdɛ.sɐʃ/ :: contraction of de essas
desse {contraction} /ˈde.sɨ/ :: contraction of de esse
dêsse {contraction} :: obsolete spelling of desse
desseguir {v} [rare, Internet] :: to unfollow (to cease to subscribe to (a feed of another user’s activity))
dessemelhança {f} :: dissimilarity
desserviço {m} :: disservice (an act that does more harm than good)
desses {contraction} /ˈde.sɨʃ/ :: contraction of de esses
dessulfuração {f} :: desulfurization
dessulfurando {v} :: gerund of dessulfurar
dessulfurar {v} :: to desulfurize
dessulfurização {f} [chemistry] :: desulfurization
dessulfurizando {v} :: gerund of dessulfurizar
dessulfurizar {v} :: to desulfurize
desta {contraction} /ˈdɛʃ.tɐ/ :: contraction of de (of) + esta (this)
destacamento {m} /dɨʃˌtakɐˈmẽtu/ :: the act of peeling something off
destacamento {m} :: emphasis; highlight; prominence (the condition of being given more importance than others)
destacamento {m} [chiefly military] :: detail; detachment (unit organized for special duties)
destacando {v} :: gerund of destacar
destacar {v} /dɨʃ.tɐ.ˈkaɾ/ :: to highlight, to underline
destacar {v} :: to detach (or send on detachment)
destacar {vr} :: to stand out (to be noticeable among many)
destacável {adj} :: detachable (designed to be unfastened)
destampatório {m} :: noise, shouting
destampatório {m} :: nonsense
destampatório {m} :: mocking
destaque {m} :: highlight, prominence
destarte {adv} :: thus
destas {contraction} /ˈdɛʃ.tɐʃ/ :: contraction of de (of) + estas (these)
deste {contraction} /ˈdeʃ.tɨ/ :: contraction of de (of) + este (this)
dêste {contraction} :: obsolete spelling of deste
destelhar {v} :: to untile a roof
destemido {adj} :: fearless (free from fear)
destemor {m} :: fearlessness (quality of being fearless)
destempero {m} :: distemper (lack of temperance)
desterrar {v} /dɨʃ.tɨ.ˈʁaɾ/ :: to banish
desterro {m} /dɨʃ.ˈte.ʁu/ :: exile (the state of being banished from one's home or country)
Desterro de Entre Rios {prop} :: Desterro de Entre Rios (municipality)
Desterro do Melo {prop} :: Desterro do Melo (municipality)
destes {contraction} /ˈdeʃ.tɨʃ/ :: contraction of de (of) + estes (these)
dêstes {contraction} :: obsolete spelling of destes
destilação {f} :: distillation
destilar {v} /ˌdes.t͡ʃi.ˈla(ɻ)/ :: to distill (to subject a substance to distillation)
destilar {v} :: to drip
destillar {v} :: obsolete spelling of destilar
destinar {v} :: to destine, decide, resolve
destinar {v} :: to appropriate
destinatária {f} :: feminine noun of destinatário
destinatário {m} :: addressee, receiver
destino {m} /dɨʃ.ˈti.nu/ :: destiny, fate
destino {m} :: destination
destituição {f} :: destitution, deprivation
destituição {f} [legal] :: exoneration, dismissal
destituindo {v} :: gerund of destituir
destituir {v} :: to dismiss
destituir {v} :: to exonerate
destoando {v} :: gerund of destoar
destoante {adj} [music] :: out of tone
destoante {adj} [figurative] :: improper, inconvenient
destoante {adj} [figurative] :: that or who does not agree; divergent
destoar {v} :: to detune
destoar {v} :: to disagree
destra {f} /ˈdɛʃ.tɾɐ/ :: the right hand or foot
destra {f} :: feminine noun of destro
destrancar {v} :: to unlock (to undo or open a lock)
destrancar {v} :: to unclog
destratar {vt} :: to mistreat (treat someone or something roughly or badly)
destreinado {adj} :: rusty (lacking recent practice)
destreza {f} /dɨʃˈtɾezɐ/ :: ability; prowess (a high level of capability or skill)
destreza {f} :: dexterity (skill in performing tasks, especially with the hands)
destrinça {f} :: disentanglement
destrinça {f} :: distinction
destrinçar {vt} :: to disentangle
destrinçar {vt} [figuratively] :: to distinguish
destrinçar {vt} [figuratively] :: to detail
destrinchar {v} [Brazil] :: alternative form of destrinçar
destro {adj} /ˈdɛʃ.tɾu/ :: right-handed (more skillful with one’s right hand)
destro {adj} :: dexterous (skillful with one’s hands)
destro {adj} :: expert (having exceptional skill in a field)
destro {adj} :: smart; astute (knowledgeable in practical matters)
destro {m} :: a right-handed person
destro {m} :: a dexterous person
destro {m} :: expert (person with exceptional skill in a field)
destro {m} :: an astute person
destroçar {vt} :: to destroy (to damage beyond use or repair)
destroçar {v} [figuratively] :: to murder (to defeat decisively)
destroço {m} :: destruction, devastation
destroço {m} :: havoc
destroços {mp} [metaphonic] :: wreck
destroços {mp} [metaphonic] :: wreckage
destroços {mp} [metaphonic] :: floatage
destroços {mp} [metaphonic] :: flotsam
destroços {mp} [metaphonic] :: remains
destroços {mp} [metaphonic] :: ruins
destrogiro {adj} :: alternative form of dextrógiro
destrógiro {adj} :: alternative spelling of dextrógiro
destróier {m} [military] :: destroyer (type of warship)
destruiçaõ {f} :: obsolete spelling of destruição
destruição {f} /dɨʃtɾuiˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: destruction
destruição {f} :: demolition
destruição {f} :: havoc
destruído {adj} /dɨʃ.tɾu.ˈi.ðu/ :: destroyed, ruined, wrecked
destruidor {m} /dɨʃ.tɾu.i.ˈðoɾ/ :: destroyer (that who/which destroys)
destruindo {v} :: gerund of destruir
destruir {v} /dɨʃtɾuˈiɾ/ :: to destroy
destrutivamente {adv} :: destructively (in a destructive manner)
destrutividade {f} :: destructiveness (the state or quality of being destructive)
destrutivo {adj} /dɨʃtɾuˈtivu/ :: destructive
destrutor {m} [programming] :: destructor (cleaning-up command in object oriented programming)
destruyção {f} :: obsolete spelling of destruição
desultório {adj} :: desultory (passing from one thing to another without order or rational connection)
desumanidade {f} :: inhumanness (quality of being inhuman, cruel)
desumanidade {f} :: inhumanity (an inhuman act)
desumanização {f} :: dehumanization
desumanizando {v} :: gerund of desumanizar
desumanizar {vt} :: to dehumanize
desumano {adj} :: inhuman
desuniforme {adj} :: ununiform (not uniform)
de supetão {adv} :: suddenly, unexpectedly
desuso {m} /de.ˈzu.zu/ :: disuse (lack of use)
desuso {m} :: obsolescence (state of being no more used)
desvairado {adj} :: mad, crazy, nuts
desvairado {adj} :: disoriented, confused
desvairado {adj} :: incoherent
desvairado {adj} :: frantic, frenzied
desvairando {v} :: gerund of desvairar
desvairar {v} :: to go mad, hallucinate
desvairar {v} :: to obsess, exalt
desvalioso {adj} :: valueless
desvalorização {f} :: devaluation
desvalorização {f} :: depreciation
desvalorizando {v} :: gerund of desvalorizar
desvalorizar {v} :: to devalue
desvalorizar {v} :: to depreciate
desvanecer {v} :: to vanish or cause to vanish
desvanecer {vr} :: to fade
desvanecimento {m} :: evanescence; fade (the act of vanishing away)
desvanecimento {m} :: complacency (feeling of contented self-satisfaction)
desvantagem {f} :: disadvantage, drawback
desvantagem {f} :: handicap
desvelando {v} :: gerund of desvelar
desvelar {vt} :: to uncover, to unveil
desvencilhar {v} /des.vẽ.si.ˈʎa(ɾ)/ :: to free, to liberate, to release
desvencilhar {v} :: to solve (e.g. a problem)
desvencilhar {v} :: to untie
desvendando {v} :: gerund of desvendar
desvendar {v} :: to unveil
desventurado {adj} :: unfortunate
desventurado {adj} :: wretched
desviado {adj} :: separated
desviado {adj} :: lost (who has lost its way)
desviado {adj} :: perverted
desviado {adj} [derogative, offensive] :: homosexual, gay
desviando {v} :: gerund of desviar
desviar {v} /dɨʒ.ˈvjaɾ/ :: to divert
desviar {v} :: to deviate
desviar {v} :: to deflect
desviar {v} :: to swerve
desviar {v} :: to detour
desvincular {v} :: to separate from, unlink
desvio {m} /d͡ʒis.ˈvi.u/ :: deviation (the act of deviating; a wandering from the way)
desvio {m} :: distraction (diversion of attention)
desvio {m} :: bypass (a road that passes around something)
desvio {m} :: curve (bend in a road)
desvio {m} [rail transportation] :: points (movable rails used to switch a train from one track to another)
desvio {m} :: embezzlement (fraudulent conversion of property from a property owner)
desvio {m} :: deviation from norms or good conduct
desvio {m} [mathematics, physics] :: difference between values
desvio padrão {m} [statistics] :: standard deviation (measure of how spread-out data values are around the mean)
desvio para o vermelho {m} [physics] :: redshift (change in wavelength)
desvirginar {vt} :: to deflower (take away the sexual virginity of)
desvirtuar {v} :: to distort; to skew
desvirtuar {v} :: to compromise or weaken (virtues, pledges or values)
de Tal {prop} {mf} :: Doe; Roe (placeholder surname)
detalhadamente {adv} :: in detail (with all particulars)
detalhando {v} :: gerund of detalhar
detalhar {vt} :: to detail
detalhe {m} /dɨ.ˈta.ʎɨ/ :: detail
detecção {f} :: detection
detectando {v} :: gerund of detectar
detectar {v} /de.tek.ˈta(ʁ)/ :: to detect
detectar {v} :: to reveal
detectável {adj} :: detectable
detective {m} :: alternative form of detetive
detector de fumaça {m} :: alternative form of detetor de fumaça
de tempos em tempos {adv} [idiom] :: from time to time; every once in a while; occasionally
detenção {f} :: detention, custody
detenção {f} :: arrest
detenção {f} :: deterrence
detentor {m} :: holder
deter {v} :: to stop, arrest, detain, restrain
deter {v} :: to deter
deter {v} :: to withhold
detergente {adj} :: detergent
detergente {m} :: detergent
deterioração {f} /dɨtɨɾjuɾɐˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: deterioration
deterioração {f} :: decay, dilapidation
deterioramento {m} :: deterioration (the process of making or growing worse)
deteriorando {v} :: gerund of deteriorar
deteriorar {v} /dɨ.tɨ.ɾju.ˈɾaɾ/ :: to deteriorate, worsen
deteriorar {v} :: to damage, spoil
determinação {f} /dɨ.tɨɾ.mi.nɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: determination (all senses)
determinação {f} :: resolve, will, firmness
determinação {f} :: ambition
determinação {f} :: demarcation
determinado {adj} /de.teɾ.mi.ˈna.du/ :: determinate; ascertained
determinado {adj} :: determined; resolute; unyielding in the pursuit of something
determinado {adj} :: set; fixed; scheduled
determinado {pron} [adjectival, formal] :: certain (having been determined but unspecified)
determinado {m} [grammar] :: determiner (dependent function in a noun phrase)
determinador {m} :: determiner (something that determines)
determinador {adj} :: which determines
determinante {m} :: determinant (a determining factor)
determinante {m} [grammar] :: determiner (class of words that identify or distinguish a referent without modifying it)
determinante {m} [mathematics] :: determinant (a value associated with a square matrix)
determinante {adj} :: which determines
determinar {v} /de.teʁ.mi.ˈna(ʁ)/ :: to determine
determinável {adj} :: determinable
determinismo {m} [ethics] :: determinism (doctrine that all actions are determined by immutable laws of the universe)
determinismo {m} [computing] :: determinism (property of having behaviour determined only by initial state and input)
deterrência {f} :: deterrence (action taken by states to prevent hostile action)
detestar {v} :: to detest, loathe, abominate
detestável {adj} :: foul; hateful; detestable; odious; loathsome
detetar {v} /də.tɛˈtar/ :: alternative form of detectar
detetive {m} :: detective
detetizar {v} [proscribed] :: alternative form of dedetizar
detetor {m} :: detector
detetor de fumaça {m} :: smoke detector (device)
de tirar o fôlego {adj} :: breathtaking (very surprising, shocking or beautiful)
de todo {adv} :: all in all
de todo {adv} :: at all
de todo modo {adv} :: in any case; at any rate
detonação {f} :: detonation, explosion
detonado {m} [Brazil] /de.to.ˈna.du/ :: walkthrough (a step-by-step tutorial on how to play a video game)
detonador {m} :: detonator (device used to detonate an explosive device)
detonando {v} :: gerund of detonar
detonar {v} :: to detonate
Detran {m} :: alternative spelling of DETRAN
DETRAN {m} /de.ˈtɾɐ̃/ :: contraction of Departamento Estadual de Trânsito
detrás {adv} :: behind, at the rear
detrás {adv} :: after
detrás de {prep} :: behind (at the back of)
detrimento {m} :: detriment; harm; damage
detritos {mp} :: debris (rubble, wreckage, scattered remains of something destroyed)
detritos {mp} :: detritus
Detroit {prop} {f} /de.ˈtɾɔjt͡ʃ/ :: Detroit (city)
deturpação {adj} /de.tuɾ.pa.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: misrepresentation, corruption
deturpar {v} :: To corrupt, to defile
deturpar {v} :: To disfigure
deturpar {v} :: To misrepresent
de uma hora para outra {adv} [idiom] :: (very) quickly
de uma hora pra outra {adv} :: alternative form of de uma hora para outra
de uma penada {adv} [idiomatic] :: at one stroke; at once
de uma vez {adv} :: See: pt de uma vez
de uma vez {adv} [idiomatic] :: already (used to emphasize impatience or express exasperation)
de uma vez por todas {adv} [idiomatic] :: With finality; once and for all; finally; conclusively
de um dia para o outro {adv} [idiomatic] :: overnight (in a very short amount of time)
deus {m} /dewʃ/ :: god; deity
Deus {prop} {m} /ˈdewʃ/ :: God (the deity of monotheistic religions)
deusa {f} /ˈdew.zɐ/ :: feminine noun of deus; goddess
Deus ajuda quem cedo madruga {proverb} :: the early bird gets the worm (whoever arrives first has the best chance of success)
Deus ajuda quem se ajuda {proverb} :: heaven helps those who help themselves (a maxim encouraging people to get involved in their own problems)
deus ex machina {m} [narratology] :: deus ex machina (contrived plot resolution)
Deus lhe pague {phrase} :: An expression of gratitude used by religious people
Deus me perdoe {phrase} :: I hate to say it (introduces an impolite remark)
Deus me perdoe {phrase} :: God forbid (don’t let it be)
Deus me perdoe {phrase} :: See: pt Deus me perdoe
Deus que me perdoe {phrase} :: alternative form of Deus me perdoe
deus-rio {m} [mythology] :: river god (tutelary deity of a river)
Deus sabe {phrase} [idiomatic] :: God knows (I don't know; nobody knows; it is unclear)
Deus te abençoe {phrase} :: God bless you (said as a short prayer for the recipient)
Deus te crie {phrase} :: gesundheit; bless you (said to someone who has just sneezed)
deutereto {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: deuteride
deutério {m} :: deuterium (isotope of hydrogen)
Deuterômio {prop} {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of Deuteronómio
Deuteronómio {prop} {m} [European orthography] :: Deuteronomy (book of the Bible)
Deuteronômio {prop} {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of Deuteronómio
devagar {adv} /dɨ.vɐ.ˈɣaɾ/ :: slowly (at a slow speed)
devagar e sempre {proverb} :: slow and steady wins the race (slowness and patience are helpful for achieving a goal)
devagarinho {adv} /dɨ.vɐ.ɣɐ.ˈɾi.ɲu/ :: superlative of devagar
devagar se vai ao longe {proverb} :: slow and steady wins the race (slowness and patience are helpful for achieving a goal)
devanágari {m} :: Devanagari (the Devanagari abugida script)
devanear {v} :: to rave (to speak or write incoherently)
devaneio {m} :: reverie; dreaminess; muse
devassa {m} /dɨ.ˈva.sɐ/ :: Ample investigation
devassa {m} :: A libertine woman
devassar {v} /ˌde.va.ˈsa(ɹ)/ :: to break into (to enter illegally or by force)
devassar {v} :: to divulge (to make public) facts about someone or something, especially reproachful facts
devassar {v} :: to corrupt; to pervert
devassidão {f} :: profligacy (shameless and immoral behaviour)
devasso {adj} /dɨ.ˈva.su/ :: Lecherous, libertine
devasso {m} :: A libertine man
devastação {f} :: havoc; devastation
devastar {vt} :: to devastate; to lay waste (to completely destroy)
devedor {m} /dɨvɨˈðoɾ/ :: debtor (person or firm that owes debt)
developer {mf} :: developer (software programmer)
dever {v} /dɨ.ˈveɾ/ :: should (indicates that an action is considered by the speaker to be obligatory)
dever {v} :: ought (indicates that the subject of the sentence has some obligation to execute the sentence predicate.)
dever {v} :: will likely (indicates that the subject of the sentence is likely to execute the sentence predicate.)
dever {v} :: owe (to be in debt.)
dever {m} :: duty (that which one is morally or legally obligated to do)
deveras {adv} [dated] :: rather (degree)
deveras {adv} [dated] :: indeed (as in "yes, indeed")
dever até as calças {v} [idiom] :: to be extremely indebted
de verdade {adv} :: in a way that is not false, pretense or a joke: truly; really; actually
de verdade {adj} :: real; genuine; not fictional or artificial
dever de casa {m} :: homework (school work that is done at home)
deveres {m} /dɨ.ˈve.ɾɨʃ/ :: homework
devesa {f} /dɨ.ˈve.zɐ/ :: enclosure
devesa {f} :: pasture
devesa {f} :: grove or plantation of chestnut trees or oaks
devêsa {f} :: obsolete spelling of devesa
de vez em nunca {adv} [idiomatic] :: once in a blue moon (very rarely)
de vez em quando {adv} [idiomatic] :: now and then; from time to time; occasionally
devida {adj} :: feminine singular form of devido
devidamente {adv} :: duly, properly, correctly
devidas {adj} :: feminine plural form of devido
devido {adj} /de.ˈvi.du/ :: due, owing
devido a {prep} [formal] :: due to (caused by)
devido a {prep} :: See: pt devido a
devidos {adj} :: masculine plural form of devido
devir {vi} :: to become
devisar {vt} [obsolete] :: to plan; to design; to devise
devoção {f} /dɨvuˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: devotion (the act or state of devoting or being devoted)
devoção {f} [uncountable] :: devotion (feelings of strong or fervent affection)
devoção {f} [uncountable] :: devotion (religious veneration, zeal or piety)
de volta {adv} :: back (to or in a previous condition or place)
de volta {adv} :: again
devolução {f} :: refund
devolução {f} :: devolution
devolvendo {v} :: gerund of devolver
devolver {v} /de.vow.ˈve(ʁ)/ :: to return, give back
devolver {v} :: to refund, to reimburse
devolver {v} :: to devolve
Devon {prop} {m} /ˈdɛ.võ/ :: Devon (county)
devorar {v} /dɨ.vu.ˈɾaɾ/ :: to devour (to eat greedily)
devorar {v} :: (of books) to read many books in a short time (when studying for a test)
Devos {prop} {mf} :: surname
devotamente {adv} :: devoutly
devotar {v} :: to devote (commit something or someone to a certain matter)
devoto {adj} [religion] /de.ˈvɔ.tu/ :: devout; pious (devoted to religious feelings and duties)
devoto {m} :: devotee (ardent enthusiast or admirer)
devoto {m} [religion] :: devotee (zealous follower of a religion)
Dexter {prop} {m} /ˈdɛksteʁ/ :: given name
dextra {f} :: obsolete spelling of destra
dextran {m} [organic compound] :: dextran (a biopolymer of glucose produced by enzymes of certain bacteria)
dextrano {m} :: alternative form of dextran
dextro {adj} :: obsolete spelling of destro
dextro {m} :: obsolete spelling of destro
dextrogiro {adj} :: alternative form of dextrógiro
dextrógiro {adj} [chemistry] :: dextrorotatory; dextrogyre (that rotates the plane of polarised light to the right)
deyxa {f} :: obsolete spelling of deixa
deyxar {v} :: obsolete spelling of deixar
dez {num} /dɛʃ/ :: ten
dez {m} :: ten
dez {adj} [slang] :: awesome, amazing; very cool, very nice
dezanove {num} [Portugal] /dɨ.zɐ.ˈnɔ.vɨ/ :: nineteen
dezanove {m} [Portugal] :: nineteen
dezaseis {adj} :: obsolete form of dezesseis
dezasete {adj} :: obsolete spelling of dezassete
dezaseys {adj} :: obsolete form of dezesseis
dezasseis {num} [Portugal] /dɨ.zɐ.ˈsɐjʃ/ :: alternative form of dezesseis
dezassete {num} [Portugal] /dɨ.zɐ.ˈsɛ.tɨ/ :: seventeen
dezassete {m} [Portugal] :: seventeen
dezasseys {adj} [rare] :: obsolete spelling of dezesseis
Dezẽbro {m} [obsolete] :: abbreviation of dezembro
dezembro {m} /dɨ.ˈzẽ.bɾu/ :: December
Dezembro {m} :: superseded spelling of dezembro
dezena {f} :: (group of) ten
dezenove {adj} [Brazil] /de.ze.ˈnɔ.vi/ :: alternative form of dezanove
dez e seis {adj} [rare] :: obsolete spelling of dezesseis
dez e seis {adj} :: See: pt dez e seis
dezeseis {adj} :: obsolete spelling of dezesseis
dezesete {adj} :: obsolete spelling of dezassete
dez e seys {adj} [rare] :: obsolete spelling of dezesseis
dezesseis {num} [Brazil] /de.ze.ˈsejs/ :: sixteen
dezesseis {m} [Brazil] :: sixteen
Dezesseis de Novembro {prop} :: Dezesseis de Novembro (municipality)
dezessete {num} [Brazil] /de.ze.ˈsɛ.t͡ʃi/ :: seventeen
dezessete {m} :: seventeen
Dez Mandamentos {prop} {mp} [biblical] :: Ten Commandments (ten commandments given by God to Moses)
dezoito {num} /dɨ.ˈzoj.tu/ :: eighteen
dezoito {m} :: eighteen
dez-quatro {interj} [rare] :: ten-four
DF {prop} {m} :: initialism of Distrito Federal (Brazilian federal district)
Dhaka {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Daca
dharma {m} :: alternative spelling of darma
Dharma {m} :: alternative form of darma
Dheli {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of Deli, Dheli (megacity/and/union territory)
di- {prefix} :: di- (two, twice or double)
dia {m} /ˈdi.ɐ/ :: day
dia {m} :: period between sunrise and sunset
dia {m} :: period from midnight to the following midnight
dia {m} :: period of 24 hours
dia {m} :: [astronomy] rotational period of a planet
dia {m} :: [in phrases] date celebrating a particular thing, usually an event, profession or person
dia {m} [in phrases] :: a unspecified period of time either in the past or in the future
dia {adv} :: occurring on the specified day of the month
dia a dia {m} /di.aˈði.ɐ/ :: everyday life
dia-a-dia {m} :: obsolete spelling of dia a dia
diabete {morf} /d(ʒ)i.aˈbɛ.t(ʃ)i/ :: alternative form of diabetes
diabetes {morf} :: diabetes (a group of metabolic diseases)
diabetes melito {morf} :: diabetes mellitus (medical disorder)
diabético {adj} :: diabetic (relating to or suffering from diabetes)
diabético {m} :: someone who suffers from diabetes
diabo {m} [religion, fiction] /di.ˈa.βu/ :: devil; demon; fiend (creature from Hell)
diabo {m} [colloquial, with definite article] :: used to emphasise the extent of an action, usually one of a negative nature
diabo {m} :: an evil or perverse person
diabo {m} :: a mischievous person
diabo {interj} [offensive, blasphemous] :: damn! (expresses anger, irritation or disappointment)
Diabo {prop} {m} [Christianity] /di.ˈa.βu/ :: Satan; the Devil
diabo-da-tasmânia {m} :: Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus harrisii)
diabo da Tasmânia {m} :: alternative spelling of diabo-da-tasmânia
diabólico {adj} :: devilish (resembling or characteristic of a devil)
diabólico {adj} :: diabolic (extremely evil or cruel)
diabolô {m} [juggling] :: diabolo (juggling apparatus)
diabos {interj} /ˈd͡ʒja.bus/ :: damn it! (expresses exasperation)
diabrete {m} :: imp (small demonic creature)
diabrete {m} :: imp (mischievous child)
diabrura {f} :: devilry
diabrura {f} :: prank, mischief
diacho {m} [euphemistic] /ˈdja.ʃu/ :: alternative form of diabo
diacho {interj} [euphemistic] :: alternative form of diabo
diaconato {m} [ecclesiastical] :: diaconate (the rank or position of a deacon)
diaconisa {f} [ecclesiastical] :: deaconess (female deacon)
diácono {m} [Church history] :: deacon (a designated minister of charity in the early Church)
diácono {m} [Roman Catholicism] :: deacon (a clergyman ranked directly below a priest)
diácono {m} [Protestantism] :: deacon (lay leader of a Protestant congregation)
diácope {f} [prosody] :: diacope, tmesis (insertion of one or more words between the components of a compound word)
diacronia {f} :: diachrony
diacrónico {adj} [European orthography] :: diachronic (changing with time)
diacrônico {adj} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of diacrónico
Dia das Bruxas {prop} {m} :: Halloween (31st of October)
Dia das Mães {prop} {m} :: Mother’s Day (a day in honour of mothers)
Dia da Terra {prop} {m} :: Earth Day (global day of observance of the need to protect the earth)
Dia da Vitória {prop} {m} :: Victory Day (a day to commemorate victories in important battles or wars in the countries' history)
díade {f} :: dyad (a set of two different elements)
díade {f} [music] :: dyad (any set of two different pitch classes)
Dia de Ação de Graças {prop} {m} :: Thanksgiving (Thanksgiving Day)
Dia de Finados {prop} {m} :: All Souls' Day (Christian feast day)
diadema {m} :: diadem
Diadema {prop} :: Diadema (municipality)
Dia de São Valentim {prop} {m} :: Saint Valentine's Day
dia de semana {m} :: weekday
dia de todos os santos {prop} {m} :: alternative spelling of Dia de Todos-os-Santos
dia de todos os Santos {prop} {m} :: alternative spelling of Dia de Todos-os-Santos
Dia de Todos-os-Santos {prop} {m} [Christianity] :: All Saints' Day; All Hallows Day (feast day on November 1)
diádico {adj} :: dyadic (consisting of two elements or aspects)
Dia do Fico {prop} {m} :: The date January 9, 1822, when Pedro I of Brazil announced that he was going to stay in Brazil, which later lead to the Independence of Brazil in September 7 of the same year. For more information, see Pedro I of Brazil#Independence or Death
Dia dos Fiéis Defuntos {prop} {m} :: All Souls' Day (Christian feast day)
Dia dos Mortos {prop} {m} :: All Souls' Day (Christian feast day)
Dia dos Namorados {prop} {m} :: Saint Valentine's Day
dia e noite {adv} :: See: pt dia e noite
dia e noite {adv} [idiomatic] :: day and night (all the time)
diaforase {f} [enzyme] :: diaphorase
diafragma {m} [anatomy] :: diaphragm (sheet of muscle separating thorax from abdomen)
diafragma {m} :: diaphragm (contraceptive device)
diafragma {m} [mechanics] :: diaphragm (flexible membrane)
diagnosticando {v} :: gerund of diagnosticar
diagnosticar {v} :: to diagnose
diagnóstico {adj} :: diagnostic
Diago {prop} {m} :: given name
diagonal {adj} [geometry] :: diagonal (joining two nonadjacent vertices)
diagonal {adj} :: diagonal (having a slanted or oblique direction)
diagonal {f} :: diagonal (something arranged diagonally or obliquely)
diagonal {f} [geometry] :: diagonal (diagonal line or plane)
diagonal principal {f} [linear algebra] :: main diagonal (the elements of a matrix where i = j)
diagrama {m} :: diagram; graph (plan, drawing, sketch or outline to show workings or parts relationships)
diagrama de fluxo {m} :: flow chart (representation of how the different stages in a process are interconnected)
diagrama de Hertzsprung-Russell {m} [astronomy, rare] :: Hertzsprung-Russell diagram
diagrama de Venn {m} [set theory] :: Venn diagram (diagram representing sets by circles)
dialectal {adj} [European orthography, linguistics] :: dialectal (relating to a dialect)
dialectal {adj} [European orthography, linguistics] :: dialectal (not linguistically standard)
dialectismo {m} :: obsolete spelling of dialetismo
dialecto {m} :: superseded spelling of dialeto
dialetal {adj} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of dialectal
dialética {f} :: dialectic
dialético {adj} :: dialectical
dialetismo {m} :: dialectism
dialeto {m} /djɐˈlɛtu/ :: dialect
dialetologia {f} :: dialectology (the study of dialects)
dialetologista {mf} [linguistics] :: dialectologist (linguist who studies dialects)
dialetólogo {m} [linguistics] :: dialectologist (linguist who studies dialects)
diálise {f} :: dialysis
dialogalmente {adv} :: dialogically
dialogar {v} :: to dialogue; to discuss (to participate in a conversation)
dialogicamente {adv} :: dialogically
diálogo {m} /d͡ʒi.ˈa.lo.ɡo/ :: dialogue (conversation or other discourse between individuals)
diamagnético {adj} [physics] :: diamagnetic
diamante {m} /djɐ.ˈmɐ̃.tɨ/ :: Diamond
Diamante D'Oeste {prop} :: Diamante D'Oeste (village/and/municipality)
Diamante do Norte {prop} :: Diamante do Norte (village/and/municipality)
Diamante do Sul {prop} :: Diamante do Sul (village/and/municipality)
diamante-mandarim {m} :: zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata, a bird)
diamantífero {adj} [mineralogy] :: diamondiferous (yielding diamond)
Diamantina {prop} :: Diamantina (municipality)
diamantóide {m} :: diamondoid
diametral {adj} :: diametral (relating to a diameter)
diametralmente {adv} :: diametrically (on exactly the opposite side)
diâmetro {m} [geometry] /d͡ʒi.ˈɐ.me.tɾo/ :: diameter
Diana {prop} {f} [Roman god] /d͡ʒi.ˈɐ.nɐ/ :: Diana (Roman goddess)
Diana {prop} {f} :: given name
diante {adv} /ˈdjɐ̃.tɨ/ :: in front of
diante {adv} :: before
diante {adv} :: ahead
diante de {prep} :: before (physically in front of)
diante de {prep} :: facing; confronting
dianteira {f} :: front
dianteira {f} [figuratively] :: leading edge, cutting edge
dianteiro {adj} :: forward (at the front)
dia onomástico {m} :: name day (feast day of a saint)
diapasão {m} [musical instruments] :: tuning fork (fork-shaped object which emits a tone)
diapositivo {m} :: slide (transparent image for projecting)
diariamente {adv} /di.ˌa.ɾi.aˈmẽ.tɨ/ :: every day, daily
diário {adj} /ˈdja.ɾju/ :: daily
diário {adj} :: everyday
diário {m} :: diary, journal
diário {m} :: (daily) newspaper
diarista {f} /ˌd͡ʒi.a.ˈɾis.tɐ/ :: daily (a cleaner who comes in daily)
diarreia {f} :: diarrhea / diarrhoea
diarréia {f} :: obsolete spelling of diarreia
diartrose {f} [anatomy] :: diarthrosis (a joint that can move freely in various planes)
Dias {prop} :: surname
Dias d'Ávila {prop} :: Dias d'Ávila (municipality)
diáspora {f} /ˈdjaʃpuɾɐ/ :: diaspora
diástole {f} [physiology] :: diastole (period when the heart refills with blood)
diastólico {adj} :: diastolic (pertaining to a diastole)
diãte {adv} [obsolete] :: abbreviation of diante
diatomáceo {adj} :: diatomaceous
diatómico {adj} [chemistry] :: diatomic
diatômico {adj} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of diatómico
diatribe {f} :: diatribe (bitter denunciation)
diatribe {f} :: diatribe (prolongued discourse)
dia útil {m} :: workday (those days of a week in which work is done)
diazepam {m} [pharmaceutical drug] :: diazepam (minor tranquillizer, benzodiazepine)
dibromoetano {m} [organic compound] :: dibromoethane
dibromometano {m} [organic compound] :: dibromomethane
dica {f} /ˈdi.kɐ/ :: tip (piece of helpful information)
dicarbeto {m} :: dicarbide
dicção {f} :: diction (clarity of word choice)
diccionario {m} :: obsolete form of dicionário
diccionário {m} :: obsolete form of dicionário
dicionario {m} :: obsolete spelling of dicionário
dicionário {m} /ˌdi.sju.ˈna.ɾju/ :: dictionary (reference work with a list of words)
dicionário de sinónimos {m} [European orthography] :: thesaurus (book of synonyms)
dicionário de sinônimos {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of dicionário de sinónimos
dicionário enciclopédico {m} :: encyclopaedic dictionary (form of dictionary with long, detailed entries on words)
diclorodifeniltricloroetano {m} [organic compound] :: dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane
dicotiledónea {f} [European orthography, botany] :: dicotyledon
dicotiledônea {f} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of dicotiledónea
dicotomia {f} :: dichotomy (cutting in two)
dicrômico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: dichromic
dictador {m} :: obsolete spelling of ditador
dictadura {f} :: obsolete spelling of ditadura
dictafone {m} :: alternative form of ditafone
dictatorial {adj} :: obsolete spelling of ditatorial
dicto {m} :: obsolete spelling of dito
dicto {adj} :: obsolete spelling of dito
didático {adj} :: didactic (instructive or intended to teach or demonstrate)
didgeridoo {m} :: didgeridoo (Australian Aboriginal musical instrument)
didímio {m} :: didymium
Diego {prop} {m} :: given name
dielétrico {adj} :: dielectric
dielétrico {m} :: dielectric
diencéfalo {m} [neuroanatomy] :: diencephalon (region of the human brain)
diérese {f} [linguistics, prosody] :: diaeresis (separation of a vowel into two distinct syllables)
diérese {f} [orthography] :: diaeresis (name of the diacritic ¨)
diesel {m} :: diesel (fuel)
diéster {m} [chemistry] :: diester (organic compound containing two ester functional groups)
diet {adj} [of food or beverage] /ˈdajt͡ʃ/ :: diet (containing lower-than-normal amounts of calories)
dieta {f} :: diet (food a person or animal consumes)
dieta {f} :: diet (controlled regimen of food)
difamação {f} :: defamation (act of injuring another’s reputation by any slanderous communication)
difamador {adj} :: defamatory (damaging to someone’s reputation)
difamador {m} :: defamer (one who defames)
difamadora {f} :: female equivalent of difamador
difamar {v} :: to defame (to harm the reputation of)
difamar {v} :: to slander (utter a slanderous statement)
difamatório {adj} :: defamatory (damaging to someone’s reputation)
difenilo {m} [organic compound] :: diphenyl
difenol {m} [organic chemistry] :: diphenol (compound with two phenol groups)
difeomorfismo {m} [mathematics] :: diffeomorphism (differentiable homeomorphism between differentiable manifolds)
difeomorfo {adj} [mathematics] :: diffeomorphic (having a diffeomorphism)
diferença {f} [uncountable] /di.fɨ.ˈɾẽ.sɐ/ :: difference (quality of being different)
diferença {f} :: difference (an instance of being different)
diferenciação {f} :: differentiation (all senses)
diferencial {adj} :: differential (relating to, having or being a difference)
diferencial {adj} [mathematics] :: differential (relating to differentiation or differential calculus)
diferencial {f} [mathematics] :: differential (infinitesimal change)
diferencial {m} :: an aspect that makes something or someone better than its competitors
diferenciando {v} :: gerund of diferenciar
diferenciar {v} /dʒi.fe.ɾẽ.si.ˈa(ʁ)/ :: to differentiate
diferente {adj} /di.fɨ.ˈɾẽ.tɨ/ :: Not the same; unequal; different
diferente {adj} :: Consisting of a variety of elements; various; assorted; diverse; miscellaneous; different
diferentemente {adv} :: differently
diferir {vt} /difɨˈɾiɾ/ :: to postpone
diferir {vi} :: to differ, disagree, differentiate
differença {f} :: obsolete spelling of diferença
differir {v} :: obsolete spelling of diferir
difficuldade {f} :: obsolete spelling of dificuldade
diffusamente {adv} :: obsolete spelling of difusamente
diffuso {adj} :: obsolete spelling of difuso
difícil {adj} /di.ˈfi.siɫ/ :: difficult, hard
dificílimo {adj} :: superlative of difícil
dificilmente {adv} :: difficultly
dificilmente {adv} :: hardly, scarcely
dificuldade {f} [uncountable] /di.fi.kuɫ.ˈða.ðɨ/ :: difficulty (state of being difficult)
dificuldade {f} :: a difficult situation
dificultar {vt} :: to hinder (to make a task difficult)
difluoreto {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: difluoride
difração {f} [physics] :: diffraction
difratando {v} :: gerund of difratar
difratar {v} [physics] :: To diffract
difteria {f} [pathology] :: diphtheria (infectious disease of the upper respiratory tract)
diftérico {adj} :: diphtheric; diphtheria (attributive)
difundindo {v} :: gerund of difundir
difundir {v} :: to disseminate, spread
difundir {v} :: to diffuse
difusamente {adv} :: diffusely
difusão {f} :: diffusion
difusão {f} :: propagation
difusão {f} :: transfusion
difusão {f} :: prolixity
difuso {adj} /di.ˈfu.zu/ :: diffuse (not concentrated)
digama {m} :: digamma (letter of the Old Greek alphabet)
diga-me com quem andas e eu te direi quem és {proverb} :: birds of a feather flock together (people of similar character tend to associate)
dígamo {m} :: hermaphrodite (individual or organism having both male and female gonads)
digamos assim {adv} [idiomatic] :: so to speak; as it were
diga-se {phrase} :: short for diga-se de passagem
diga-se {phrase} :: See: pt diga se
diga-se de passagem {phrase} [idiomatic] :: by the way; incidentally
digerir {v} /d͡ʒi.ʒe.ˈɾi(ɾ)/ :: to digest (to break down and absorb food in the alimentary canal)
digerir {v} [figurative] :: to digest (to think over and arrange methodically in the mind)
digerir {v} [figurative] :: to deal with; to come to terms with; to cope
digerível {adj} :: digestible (capable of being digested)
digestão {f} /diʒɨʃˈtɐ̃w̃/ :: digestion
digestibilidade {f} :: digestibility
digestível {adj} :: digestible (capable of being digested)
digestivo {adj} :: digestive
digestivo {m} :: digestive
digestor {m} :: degester
digestório {adj} :: digestive
digitação {f} :: typing (the act of typing on a keyboard)
digitação {f} [music] :: fingering (act of playing an instrument with one’s fingers)
digital {adj} /di.ʒi.ˈtaɫ/ :: digital; having to do with the fingers or toes
digital {adj} :: dealing with discrete values rather than a continuous spectrum of values
digital {adj} :: dealing with the display of numerical values
digitalina {f} :: digitalin (substance extracted from the foxglove)
digitalização {f} [computing] :: digitalization
digitalizador {m} [computing] :: scanner; digitizer
digitalizando {v} :: gerund of digitalizar
digitalizar {v} :: to digitalize
digitar {vti} /ˌd͡ʒi.ʒi.ˈta(ʁ)/ :: to type (to write text with a keyboard)
digitar {vt} :: to type; to press (to press keys on a keyboard)
dígito {m} /ˈdi.ʒi.tu/ :: digit
diglossia {f} [linguistics] :: diglossia (the coexistence of two closely related native languages)
diglota {mf} :: bilingual (a person who is bilingual)
dignando {v} :: gerund of dignar
dignar {v} :: to deign, condescend
dignatário {m} :: alternative form of dignitário
dignidade {f} /diɡ.ni.ˈða.ðɨ/ :: dignity (worthiness)
dignificar {v} /diɣ(ɨ)nifiˈkaɾ/ :: to dignify
dignissimo {adj} :: obsolete spelling of digníssimo
digníssimo {adj} :: superlative of digno
dignitário {m} :: dignitary (important or influential person)
digno {adj} /ˈdiɡ.nu/ :: showing or deserving dignity; worthy; honourable
digno {adj} :: worthy (of); deserving
digo {interj} /ˈdi.ɣu/ :: I mean (introduces a correction)
digrafo {m} [graph theory] :: directed graph (type of graph)
dígrafo {m} :: digraph
digressão {f} :: digression (departure from the subject)
digressão {f} :: excursion, tour, trip
digressão {f} [music, entertainment] :: tour (journey through a given list of places, such as by an entertainer performing concerts)
dihaleto {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: dihalide
di-hidrogénio {m} [European orthography, inorganic chemistry] :: dihydrogen
di-hidrogênio {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of di-hidrogénio
dihidrogênio {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: nonstandard spelling of di-hidrogénio
Dijon {prop} {f} :: Dijon (capital city)
dilação {f} :: dilation
dilação {f} :: postponement, delay
dilacerar {vt} :: to tear apart; to rip up
dilapidado {adj} :: dilapidated (having fallen into a state of disrepair)
dilapidar {v} :: to dilapidate (to cause to become ruined or put into disrepair)
dilapidar {v} [figuratively] :: to dilapidate (to squander or waste)
dilatação {f} :: dilation
dilatação {f} :: dilatation
dilatando {v} :: gerund of dilatar
dilatar {v} :: to dilate, expand, enlarge, widen
dildo {m} /ˈdildu/ :: dildo
dilema {m} :: dilemma (circumstance in which a choice must be made between two alternatives)
dilema {m} [loosely] :: dilemma (difficult circumstance)
dilema {m} [logic] :: dilemma
Dilermando de Aguiar {prop} :: Dilermando de Aguiar (municipality)
diletante {mf} :: dilettante (someone who dabbles in a field out of casual interest)
diletantismo {m} :: dilettantism
Díli {prop} {f} :: Díli (capital city)
diligência {f} :: diligence
diligência {f} :: zeal, dedication
diligência {f} :: investigation
diligência {f} [legal] :: enforcement
diligente {adj} :: assiduous; industrious; diligent
diligentemente {adv} :: diligently (in a diligent manner)
dilúculo {m} :: dawn
dilúculo {m} :: dawnlight
diluição {f} :: dilution
diluição de capital {f} [finance] :: share dilution (loss of stock value due to new issues)
diluído {adj} :: diluted
diluído {adj} :: dilute
diluimento {m} :: dilution
diluindo {v} :: gerund of diluir
diluir {v} :: to dilute
dilúvio {m} /di.ˈlu.vju/ :: deluge, flood
dilúvio {m} :: downpour
dimensaõ {f} :: obsolete spelling of dimensão
dimensão {f} /ˌd͡ʒi.mẽ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: [geometry] dimension (measure of spatial extent in a particular direction)
dimensão {f} :: dimension; aspect (any specific feature, part or element of something)
dimensão {f} :: size; extent; scope (how big or extensive something is)
dimensão {f} :: importance; significance; prominence
dimensão {f} :: [linear algebra] dimension (number of elements of any basis of a vector space)
dimensão {f} :: [science fiction] dimension (a parallel plane of existence)
dimensional {adj} :: dimensional
dimercaprol {m} [organic compound] :: dimercaprol (the mercaptan 2,3-dimercaptopropanol used as an antidote to arsenic poisoning)
diminuendo {m} :: minuend
diminuição {f} /di.mi.nu.i.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: decrease, reduction, diminution
diminuição {f} :: impairment
diminuição {f} :: depletion
diminuição {f} :: shrinkage
diminuidor {adj} :: diminutive (serving to diminish)
diminuindo {v} :: gerund of diminuir
diminuir {v} /dimiˈnwiɾ/ :: to decrease, diminish, lessen, fall
diminuir {v} :: to reduce, shorten
diminuir {v} :: to lower
diminutivo {adj} [grammar] :: diminutive
diminutivo {m} [grammar] :: diminutive
diminuto {adj} :: diminutive (very small)
Dimitri {prop} {m} /d͡ʒi.ˈmi.tɾi/ :: given name
Dimitroff {prop} {mf} :: surname
Dimitrov {prop} {mf} :: surname
Dimitry {prop} {m} :: given name; alternative form of Dmitri
dimórfico {adj} :: dimorphic
dim sum {m} :: dim sum (Cantonese meal eaten in the late morning or early afternoon)
Dinamarca {prop} {f} /di.nɐ.ˈmaɾ.kɐ/ :: Dinamarca (country)
dinamarquês {m} :: Dane (person from Denmarks)
dinamarquês {m} [uncountable] :: Danish (national language of Denmark)
dinamarquês {adj} :: Danish
dinamarquesa {f} :: feminine noun of dinamarquês
dinamicamente {adv} :: dynamically
dinâmico {adj} /d͡ʒi.ˈnɐ.mi.ko/ :: dynamic (not steady; in motion)
dinamitar {v} :: to dynamite (to blow up with dynamite or other high explosive)
dinamite {morf} :: dynamite (class of explosives)
dinamizar {v} :: to dynamise (make dynamic)
dínamo {m} /ˈd͡ʒi.na.mo/ :: dynamo (dynamo-electric machine)
dinar {m} :: dinar (name of official currency of several countries)
dinasta {mf} :: dynast
dinastia {f} /di.nɐʃ.ˈti.ɐ/ :: dynasty (a series of rulers or dynasts from one family)
dinástico {adj} :: dynastic
dindim {m} /dʒĩˈdʒĩ/ :: A frozen dessert in a tube, freezepop, ice pop, freezie
dindim {m} [Brazil, slang] :: money
dindinho {m} [Brazil] :: godfather
diner {m} :: diner (a small and inexpensive type of restaurant)
dingo {m} :: dingo (wild dog native to Australia)
dinheirinho {m} :: diminutive of dinheiro
dinheirinho {m} :: a small amount of money
dinheirinho {m} [affectionate] :: money
dinheiro {m} [uncountable] /di.ˈɲɐj.ɾu/ :: money (means of exchange and measure of value)
dinheiro {m} [historical] :: a coin used from the 12th to the 15th century in Portugal
dinheiro, carinho e reza, nunca se despreza {proverb} [rare, religion] :: Never show disdain for money, care, or prayer
dinheiro de bêbado {m} [Brazil, colloquial] /d͡ʒi.ˈɲe(j).ɾu d͡ʒi ˈbe.ba.du/ :: banknotes that have been folded poorly and carelessly shoved into a pocket or wallet
dinheiro não compra felicidade {proverb} :: money can't buy happiness (wealth does not equal happiness)
dinheiro não cresce em árvore {proverb} :: alternative form of dinheiro não cresce em árvores
dinheiro não cresce em árvores {proverb} :: money doesn't grow on trees (you must work in order to have money)
dinheiro não dá em árvore {proverb} :: alternative form of dinheiro não cresce em árvores
dinheiro não dá em árvores {proverb} :: alternative form of dinheiro não cresce em árvores
dinheiro vivo {m} :: cash (money in the form of notes/bills)
dinheyro {m} :: obsolete spelling of dinheiro
Dinis {prop} {m} /d͡ʒi.ˈnis/ :: given name
dinitreto {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: dinitride
dinitrogênio {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: dinitrogen
Diniz {prop} {m} :: alternative spelling of Dinis
dino {adj} [obsolete or poetic] /ˈdi.nu/ :: alternative form of digno
dino {m} [familiar] :: dinosaur (any of various extinct reptiles belonging to the Dinosauria)
dinoflagelado {m} :: dinoflagellate (any of many marine protozoa of the phylum Dinoflagellata)
dinossauro {m} /dinɔˈsawɾu/ :: dinosaur
dintel {m} :: lintel
diocese {f} [religion] :: diocese (region administered by a bishop)
Diocleciano {prop} {m} :: historical given name
diodo {m} [physics, electronics] :: diode
díodo {m} :: alternative form of diodo
diodo emissor de luz {m} :: alternative form of díodo emissor de luz
díodo emissor de luz {m} :: light-emitting diode (a rectifying semiconductor device)
Diogo {prop} {m} :: given name
Diogo de Vasconcelos {prop} :: Diogo de Vasconcelos (municipality)
Dionísio {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Dioniso
Dionísio {prop} {m} :: Dionísio (municipality)
Dionísio Cerqueira {prop} :: Dionísio Cerqueira (municipality)
Dioniso {prop} {m} [Greek god] :: Dionysus (Greek god of wine)
diópsido {m} [mineral] :: diopside
dioptria {f} :: diopter (unit of measure)
dióptrica {f} [optics] :: dioptrics (study of the refraction of light)
diorama {m} [art] :: diorama (a three-dimensional display of a scenery)
diospireiro {m} /djɔʃpiˈɾɐjɾu/ :: persimmon (tree)
diospiro {m} :: alternative form of dióspiro
dióspiro {m} /ˈdjɔʃpiɾu/ :: persimmon (fruit from tree of genus Diospyros)
dióxido {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: dioxide
dióxido de carbono {m} [inorganic compound] :: carbon dioxide (CO2)
dióxido de nitrogénio {m} [European orthography, inorganic compound] :: nitrogen dioxide (NO2, a gas)
dióxido de nitrogênio {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of dióxido de nitrogénio
diphthongo {m} :: obsolete spelling of ditongo
diploide {adj} [cytology] :: diploid (of a cell, having a pair of each type of chromosome)
diploma {m} /dʒi.ˈplo.mɐ/ :: diploma
diplomacia {f} :: diplomacy (art of conducting international relations)
diplomar {vt} :: to graduate (to certify a student as having earned a degree)
diplomata {mf} /di.plu.ˈma.tɐ/ :: diplomat
diplomática {f} /ˌd͡ʒi.plo.ˈma.t͡ʃi.kɐ/ :: diplomatics (the study of old official documents)
diplomaticamente {adv} :: diplomatically
diplomático {adj} /dipluˈmatiku/ :: diplomatic (concerning relationships between governments)
diplomático {adj} :: diplomatic (exhibiting diplomacy)
dipnoico {m} :: lungfish (any of the air-breathing fish of the class Dipnoi)
dipnóico {m} :: obsolete spelling of dipnoico
díptero {m} [zoology] :: fly (insect of the order Diptera)
díptico {m} [arts] /ˈdip.ti.ku/ :: diptych
diptoto {m} [grammar] :: diptote
diquark {m} [particle physics] :: diquark (the hypothetical state of two quarks grouped inside a baryon)
dique {m} :: dike (barrier of stone or earth)
dique seco {m} [nautical] :: drydock (dock that can be drained of water)
Dirce Reis {prop} :: Dirce Reis (municipality)
direção {f} /di.ɾɛ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: direction, way
direcção {f} :: alternative form of direção
direccionar {v} :: obsolete spelling of direcionar
direcionando {v} :: gerund of direcionar
direcionar {v} /dʒi.ɾe.sjo.ˈna(ʁ)/ :: to direct; to steer (to guide the course of)
directamente {adv} :: obsolete spelling of diretamente
directiva {f} :: superseded spelling of diretiva
directo {adj} :: obsolete spelling of direto
director {adj} :: obsolete spelling of diretor
director {m} :: obsolete spelling of diretor
directora {f} :: feminine noun of director
directório {m} :: obsolete spelling of diretório
direita {f} /di.ˈɾɐj.tɐ/ :: right (opposite of left)
direita {f} [politics] :: right
direitismo {m} :: rightism (movement pro- or belief in right-wing politics)
direitista {adj} :: right, right-wing, rightist (pertaining to the political right)
direitista {mf} :: rightist (a person who holds views associated with the political right)
direito {m} /di.ˈɾɐj.tu/ :: law (body of rules and standards to be applied by courts)
direito {adj} :: Toward the right side; right-hand; right
direito {adj} :: Complying with justice, correctness or reason; correct; right
direito {adj} :: Fit for purpose; appropriate; right
direito {adj} [politics] :: Pertaining to the political right; right-wing; right
direito civil {m} [legal] :: civil law (body of law dealing with private relations)
direito consuetudinário {m} [legal] :: customary law
direito criminal {m} [legal] :: criminal law (area of law)
direito exclusivo {m} [legal] :: exclusive right (the power to allow or disallow others from taking certain actions)
direito humano {m} :: human right (a basic right that all humans should be guaranteed)
direito penal {m} [legal] :: criminal law (area of law)
direito público {m} [legal] :: public law
direito romano-germânico {m} [legal] :: civil law (legal system contrasting with common law)
direitos autorais {mp} [uncountable] :: copyright (right to publish)
direitos dos manos {mp} [Brazil, slang] :: human rights, seen as benefiting only criminals
direta {f} [colloquial] :: all-nighter (act of staying up all night)
diretamente {adv} /d͡ʒi.ˌɾɛ.tɐ.ˈmẽ.t͡ʃi/ :: directly; straight (without pause or delay)
diretamente {adv} :: directly; straight (as if in a straight line)
diretamente {adv} :: directly (by direct means; without intermediaries)
diretamente {adv} :: directly; straightforwardly; plainly (without sugarcoating or beating around the bush)
diretamente {adv} :: diametrically (absolutely [in opposition])
diretas {fp} :: clipping of eleições diretas
Diretas Já {prop} {fp} [historical] :: A civil movement that took place in Brazil in 1983–1984, demanding direct elections for the office of president of Brazil
diretiva {f} /di.ɾɛ.ˈti.vɐ/ :: directive (instruction or guideline that indicates how to perform an action or reach a goal)
diretiva {f} [European Union law] :: directive (form of legislative act addressed to the EU Member States)
direto {adj} /di.ˈɾɛ.tu/ :: in a straight line
direto {adj} :: direct, without interruption
direto {adj} :: straight, truthful, frank, sincere
direto {adv} :: directly, straightforward
direto {adv} :: constantly, all the time
diretor {adj} /di.ɾɛ.ˈtoɾ/ :: governing
diretor {m} :: director
diretor {m} :: school principal
diretor {m} :: administrator
diretor de cinema {m} :: film director
diretor executivo {m} [business] :: chief executive officer (highest-ranking corporate officer)
diretoria {f} :: principal’s office
diretoria {f} [business] :: board of directors (group of people elected by stockholders)
diretório {m} /ˌd͡ʒi.ɾe.ˈtɔ.ɾi.o/ :: directory (list of names, addresses etc.)
diretório {m} [computing] :: directory
diretriz {f} :: guideline
diretriz {f} :: directrix
dirigente {mf} :: leader
dirigir {vt} /di.ɾi.ˈʒiɾ/ :: to drive [a vehicle]
dirigir {vi} :: to drive any vehicle
dirigir {vt} :: to command, to rule, to control [something]
dirigir {v} :: to direct a film
dirigir-se {vi} :: to head (move in a specified direction)
dirigível {m} /di.ɾi.ˈʒi.vɛɫ/ :: blimp
dirigível {adj} :: can be driven/directed (see dirigir)
dirimir {v} :: to resolve, settle
dis- {prefix} :: dis-
discalculia {f} [pathology] :: dyscalculia (difficulty with numbers)
discar {vt} :: to dial (to call someone, on a telephone)
discente {mf} /di.ˈsẽ.t(ʃ)i/ :: learner, student
discernimento {m} :: discernment
discernindo {v} :: gerund of discernir
discernir {v} :: to distinguish, discern
discinesia {f} [neurology, pathology] :: dyskinesia (impairment of voluntary movement)
disciplina {f} /diʃ.si.ˈpli.nɐ/ :: discipline
disciplina {f} :: subject (in school)
disciplinador {m} :: disciplinarian
disciplinando {v} :: gerund of disciplinar
disciplinar {vt} :: to discipline (train someone by instruction and practice)
disciplinar {vt} :: to discipline (teach someone to obey authority)
disciplinar {vt} :: to discipline (punish someone in order to (re)gain control)
discípulo {m} :: disciple (a person who learns from another, especially one who then teaches others)
discípulo {m} :: disciple (an active follower or adherent of someone, or some philosophy)
disc jockey {mf} :: disc jockey
disco {m} :: disc (a thin, flat, circular plate)
disco {m} [athletics] :: discus
disco {m} [uncountable] :: disco (type of music)
discóbolo {m} :: discobolus (a discus thrower)
discóbulo {m} :: alternative form of discóbolo
disco de acreção {m} [astronomy] :: accretion disk (structure formed by matter falling into a gravitational source)
disco de hóquei {m} :: puck (disk used in hockey)
disco duro {m} [computing] :: hard drive (device used for storing large amounts of data)
disco flexível {m} [computer hardware] :: floppy disk; diskette (flexible disk used for storing digital data)
discografia {f} :: discography (complete collection of the releases of a musical act)
discográfico {adj} :: discographical
disco intervertebral {m} [anatomy] :: intervertebral disc (disc between the vertebra in the spine)
disco-jóquei {mf} :: disc jockey
discordância {f} :: discordance, disagreement, conflict
discordância {f} :: divergence
discordância angular {f} [geology] :: angular unconformity (a type of geological unconformity)
discordar {v} [de] :: to disagree
discórdia {f} /d͡ʒis.ˈkɔɻ.d͡ʒi.a/ :: discord (lack of agreement)
discordianismo {m} :: Discordianism (parodic religion based on the worship of Eris)
disco rígido {m} [computing] :: hard drive (device used for storing large amounts of data)
discorrendo {v} :: gerund of discorrer
discorrer {v} :: to discourse
discorrer {v} :: to wander
discorrer {v} :: to daydream
discoteca {f} :: discotheque; nightclub
disco voador {m} :: flying saucer; a disk shaped UFO
disco voador {m} [by extension] :: UFO; alien spacecraft
discreção {f} :: discretion
discrepância {f} :: discrepancy
discrepância {f} :: unconformity
discretamente {adv} /d͡ʒis.kɾɛ.tɐ.ˈmẽ.t͡ʃi/ :: discreetly (in a discreet manner)
discretamente {adv} [mathematics] :: discretely (in a discrete manner)
discreteando {v} :: gerund of discretear
discretear {v} :: to discuss discretely, quietly
discretização {f} :: discretization
discreto {adj} :: discreet (respectful of privacy or secrecy)
discreto {adj} :: discreet (not drawing attention, anger or challenge)
discreto {adj} :: discrete (individual and noncontinuous)
discreto {adj} [mathematics] :: discrete (varying in steps; not continuous)
discrição {f} /diʃkɾiˈsə̃ʊ/ :: discretion
discricionário {adj} :: discretionary (available at one’s discretion)
discriminação {f} /ˌd͡ʒis.kɾi.mi.na.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: discrimination (unfair treatment on the basis of prejudice)
discriminação {f} :: discernment (distinguishing between things)
discriminar {v} :: to discriminate
discurso {m} /dɨʃˈkuɾsu/ :: talk; lecture; speech (session of speaking)
discurso {m} [uncountable] :: discourse (expression in (spoken or written) words)
discurso indireto {m} [grammar] :: reported speech (a form of speech used to express what another has said)
discurso indireto livre {m} :: free indirect speech (indirect speech imitating direct speech)
discussão {f} /diʃ.ku.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: discussion
discussão {f} :: argument, dispute, quarrel
discutibilidade {f} :: arguability (the quality or degree of being arguable)
discutidor {adj} :: argumentative (who likes to argue)
discutidor {m} :: arguer (one who argues)
discutindo {v} :: gerund of discutir
discutir {v} /diʃ.ku.ˈtiɾ/ :: to discuss
discutível {adj} :: arguable (open to doubt)
discutivelmente {adv} :: arguably (as can possibly be supported or proven, but isn’t certain)
disenteria {f} [pathology] /d͡ʒi.ˌzẽ.te.ˈɾi.ɐ/ :: dysentery (disease characterised by inflammation of the intestines)
disfagia {f} [pathology] :: dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing)
disfarçadamente {adv} :: surreptitiously, covertly
disfarçado {adj} :: disguised
disfarçado {adj} :: covert
disfarçar {vt} :: to change the appearance; to disguise
disfarçar {vp} [transitive with de] :: to disguise oneself
disfarçar {vi} :: to pretend that (something) is not happening, or did not happen
disfemismo {m} [uncountable] :: dysphemism (use of a derogatory or vulgar word to replace a neutral one)
disfemismo {m} :: dysphemism (word or phrase used to replace another in this way)
disforia {f} [pathology] :: dysphoria (state of feeling unwell, unhappy, restless or depressed)
disfórico {adj} :: dysphoric
disfunção {f} :: dysfunction
disfunção alimentar {f} [psychology] :: eating disorder (any psychological disorder that causes abnormal eating habits)
disfunção erétil {f} [pathology] :: erectile dysfunction
disfuncional {adj} :: dysfunctional (functioning incorrectly or abnormally)
disgestível {adj} :: digestible (capable of being digested)
disgeusia {f} [pathology] /ˌdis.ʒewˈzi.a/ :: dysgeusia
disgrafia {f} :: dysgraphia (disorder that affects a person’s ability to write)
disjunção {f} /di.ʒũ.ˈsɐ̃ũ/ :: disjunction (logic)
disjunção {f} :: separation
disjuncção {f} :: obsolete spelling of disjunção
disjunto {adj} [set theory] :: disjoint (having no members in common)
disjuntor {m} [electrical engineering] :: circuit breaker (electrical switch)
diskman {m} :: CD player
dislalia {f} :: dyslalia (difficulty in talking due to a structural abnormality)
dislate {m} :: synonym of disparate
dislexia {f} [neurology, pathology] :: dyslexia (learning disability)
dislipidemia {f} [medicine] :: dyslipidemia (an inbalance of lipids in the blood)
dismenorreia {f} [pathology] :: dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation)
dismenorréia {f} :: obsolete spelling of dismenorreia
Disney {adj} [Brazil, slang, neologism] :: easy, comfortable, or favorable
Disney {f} [Brazil, slang, neologism] :: the state of forgetting something; blackout; oblivion
Disney {prop} {f} :: Disney (Walt Disney Company)
Disney {prop} {f} :: any of the Walt Disney theme parks
Disneylândia {prop} {f} :: Disneylândia (theme park)
díspar {adj} [formal] /ˈd͡ʒis.paʁ/ :: disparate; unlike; dissimilar
disparador {m} :: trigger
disparador {m} [photography] :: release, shutter (of a camera)
disparando {v} :: gerund of disparar
disparar {v} :: to shoot, to fire (a weapon)
disparar {vt} [figuratively] :: to shoot up, to soar (to grow rapidly: prices etc.)
disparate {m} :: nonsense (meaningless words or actions)
disparate {m} :: Great amount; a lot
disparidade {f} :: disparity
disparidade {f} :: discrepancy
disparo {m} :: shot
dispendiosamente {adv} :: expensively, costfully
dispendiosamente {adv} :: wastefully
dispensando {v} :: gerund of dispensar
dispensar {v} :: to dispense
dispensar {v} :: to dismiss
dispensável {adj} :: dispensable, unnecessary
dispepsia {f} [pathology] :: dyspepsia (disorder of digestion)
dispersando {v} :: gerund of dispersar
dispersão {f} :: dispersion
dispersão {f} :: dispersal
dispersar {vt} :: to disperse
dispersar {vt} :: to scatter
dispidir {v} :: eye dialect of despedir
displasia {f} [pathology] :: dysplasia (abnormal development of cells or tissue)
display {m} :: display (electronic screen)
displicência {f} :: negligence
displicência {f} :: dissatisfaction
displicência {f} :: indifference
displicente {adj} :: unkempt, tacky, dowdy, shabby
displicente {adj} :: careless, negligent
dispneia {f} [pathology] :: dyspnoea
dispnéia {f} :: obsolete spelling of dispneia
disponha {interj} :: think nothing of it, you're welcome, don't mention it
disponibilidade {f} /diʃ.pu.ni.βi.li.ˈða.ðɨ/ :: availability
disponibilização {f} :: the act of making something available
disponibilizando {v} :: gerund of disponibilizar
disponibilizar {v} /diʃ.pu.ni.βi.li.ˈzaɾ/ :: to make available
disponível {adj} /diʃ.pu.ˈni.vɛɫ/ :: available, obtainable
dispor {vt} /diʃ.ˈpoɾ/ :: to dispose
dispor {vt} :: to have available
disposição {f} /diʃ.pu.zi.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: disposal
disposição {f} :: distribution, arrangement
disposição {f} :: disposition, inclination, attitude, character
disposição {f} :: mood
dispositivo {m} :: device (piece of equipment)
dispositivo intrauterino {m} :: intrauterine device
disposto {adj} /diʃ.ˈpoʃ.tu/ :: willing (prepared and wanting to do something)
disposto {adj} :: feeling all right; not indisposed
disposto {adj} :: set out (placed or displayed in a particular manner)
dispôsto {adj} :: obsolete spelling of disposto
disprósio {m} /ˌd͡ʒis.ˈpɾɔ.zi.o/ :: dysprosium (chemical element)
Dispur {prop} :: Dispur (city/state capital)
disputar {v} /diʃ.pu.ˈtaɾ/ :: to discuss
disputar {v} :: to dispute
disquete {m} /dʒis.ˈkɛ.tʃi/ :: diskette, floppy disk (small, flexible, magnetic disk for storage and retrieval of data)
disquinesia {f} :: obsolete form of discinesia
disquinésia {f} :: obsolete form of discinesia
dissabor {m} :: unpleasantness
dissabor {m} :: trouble
dissabor {m} :: heartbreak
dissacarídeo {m} [carbohydrate] :: disaccharide (a sugar consisting of two monosaccharides)
dissecação {f} :: dissection (the act of dissecting, of cutting a dead body apart)
dissecar {vt} :: to dissect
disseleneto {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: diselenide
disseminação {f} :: dissemination
disseminação {f} :: propagation, sowing
disseminação {f} :: promulgation
disseminado {adj} :: disseminated, scattered
disseminado {adj} :: broadcast
disseminado {adj} :: straggling
disseminando {v} :: gerund of disseminar
disseminar {v} :: to disseminate
disseminar {v} :: to sow
disseminar {v} :: to promulgate
dissensão {f} :: dissent (disagreement with the ideas of an authority)
dissentimento {m} :: dissent (disagreement with the ideas of an authority)
dissentir {vi} :: to dissent (to disagree)
dissertação {f} /di.sɨɾ.tɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: dissertation (formal exposition of a subject)
dissertação {f} :: master's thesis (written essay submitted for a MSc degree)
dissidente {mf} :: dissident (person who opposes the current political structure, group or laws)
dissídio {m} :: dissent (disagreement with the ideas of an authority)
dissílabo {adj} :: disyllabic (comprising two syllables)
dissílabo {m} :: disyllabic (a word consisting of two syllables)
dissimilar {adj} :: dissimilar (not similar)
dissimulação {f} :: concealment
dissimulação {f} :: dissimulation
dissimulação {f} :: disguise, camouflage
dissimulado {adj} :: covert
dissimulado {adj} :: concealed
dissimular {v} :: to conceal, to hide
dissimular {v} :: to feign
dissincronia {f} :: dyssynchrony (lack of proper synchrony)
dissipador {m} :: dissipator
dissipando {v} :: gerund of dissipar
dissipar {v} /disiˈpaɾ/ :: to dissipate, dispel, disperse
disso {contraction} /ˈdi.su/ :: contraction of de (of) + isso (this)
dissociação {f} :: dissociation
dissociável {adj} /d(ʒ)i.so.si.ˈa.vew/ :: separable, that can be separated or put apart
dissolução {f} :: dissolution
dissolução {f} :: separation
dissoluta {f} :: feminine noun of dissoluto
dissoluto {adj} :: dissolute (unrestrained by morality)
dissolver {v} :: to dissolve
dissonância {f} /d(ʒ)i.so.ˈnɐ̃.sja/ :: dissonance
dissonância {f} :: disharmony, discord (of sounds, images, ideas, etc.)
dissonância {f} [music] :: musical dissonance (lack of tuning)
dissonância {f} [grammar] :: cacophony
dissonância cognitiva {f} [psychology] :: cognitive dissonance (conflict or anxiety resulting from inconsistencies between one’s beliefs and one’s actions or other beliefs)
dissonante {adj} :: dissonant, disharmonious
dissuadir {vt} :: to dissuade (convince not to try or do)
dissuasão {f} :: dissuasion (act of dissuading)
dissuasório {adj} :: dissuasory (serving to dissuade)
dissulfeto {m} [chemistry] :: disulfide
dissulfureto {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: disulfide
distal {adj} [anatomy, geology] :: distal (remote from the point of attachment or origin)
distancia {f} :: obsolete spelling of distância
distância {f} /diʃ.ˈtɐ̃.sjɐ/ :: distance
distância focal {f} [optics] :: focal length
distanciando {v} :: gerund of distanciar
distanciar {v} :: to separate, to distance
distante {adj} /diʃ.ˈtɐ̃.tɨ/ :: distant; faraway
distante {adj} [of a relative] :: far-removed
distante {adj} :: very dissimilar
distante {adj} :: distant (emotionally unresponsive)
distante {adv} :: far (distant in space)
distante {adv} :: away (used when specifying a distance)
distantemente {adv} :: distantly
distar {v} /d͡ʒis.ˈta(ɾ)/ :: to be far
distar {v} [of concepts, ideas, systems] :: to differ (to be different)
distimia {f} [pathology] :: dysthymia
distinção {f} /diʃ.tĩ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: distinction
distincção {f} :: obsolete spelling of distinção
distincto {adj} :: obsolete form of distinto
distinguido {adj} :: discrete; distinct; individual
distinguindo {v} :: gerund of distinguir
distinguir {v} /diʃ.tĩ.ˈɡiɾ/ :: to distinguish, discern (tell apart)
distinguir {v} :: to differentiate
distinguível {adj} :: distinguishable (able, or easily able to be distinguished)
distintamente {adv} :: distinctly (in a distinct manner)
distintivo {adj} :: distinctive, distinguishing
distintivo {m} :: badge (distinctive mark)
distinto {adj} /diʃ.ˈtĩ.tu/ :: distinct; different
distinto {adj} :: distinct; separate
distinto {adj} :: distinct; clear (clearly identifiable as an individual entity)
distinto {adj} :: distinguished; eminent; prestigious (well-known for past achievements)
distinto {adj} :: elegant; refined
disto {contraction} /ˈdiʃ.tu/ :: contraction of de isto
distopia {f} [chiefly literature] :: dystopia (miserable, dysfunctional society)
distopia {f} [anatomy] :: dystopia (tissue found outside its usual place)
distorção {f} /dɨʃtuɾˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: distortion, deformation
distorcer {vt} :: to distort (to bring something out of shape)
distorcer {vt} :: to distort (to give false account of)
distorcer a realidade {v} [idiomatic] :: to bend the truth (change or leave out certain facts of a story)
distração {f} /dɨʃtɾaˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: distraction
distracção {f} :: alternative form of distração
distraidamente {adv} :: distractedly
distraído {adj} /diʃ.tɾɐ.ˈi.ðu/ :: distracted, absent-minded
distraindo {v} :: gerund of distrair
distrair {v} /diʃ.tɾɐ.ˈiɾ/ :: to distract
distrair {v} :: to amuse
distratando {v} :: gerund of distratar
distratar {v} :: to terminate a contract
distribuição {f} /diʃ.tɾi.βwi.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: distribution
distribuição hipergeométrica {f} [probability theory, statistics] :: hypergeometric distribution (probability distribution)
distribuição normal {f} [statistics] :: normal distribution
distribuição qui-quadrada {f} :: alternative form of distribuição qui-quadrado
distribuição qui-quadrado {f} [statistics] :: chi-square distribution (a type of probability distribution)
distribuidor {adj} /diʃ.tɾi.βwi.ˈðoɾ/ :: distributing
distribuidor {m} :: distributor (all senses)
distribuir {v} /diʃ.tɾi.ˈβwiɾ/ :: to distribute (divide something into portions and dispense it)
distrital {adj} [attributive] :: district
distrito {m} /d͡ʒisˈtɾitu/ :: district
distrito eleitoral {m} :: constituency; electoral district (district represented by one or more elected officials)
Distrito Federal {prop} {m} :: Distrito Federal (state); located in the Center West Region and containing the country's capital Brasilia
Distrito Federal {prop} {m} :: Distrito Federal (state)
distrofia {f} :: dystrophy
distrofia muscular {f} [pathology] :: muscular dystrophy (genetic disease which causes progressive muscle weakness)
distúrbio {m} /dɨʃˈtuɾβju/ :: disturbance
distúrbio {m} :: agitation
distúrbio {m} :: riot
distúrbio {m} :: commotion
dita {f} /ˈdi.tɐ/ :: something positive or favorable
dita {f} :: fate, destiny (that which cannot be avoided)
dita {f} [slang, uncommon] :: prison, penitentiary
dita {f} [uncommon] :: speech, saying (that which is said)
ditabranda {f} [politics] :: dictablanda (soft-handed dictatorship)
ditado {m} /diˈtaðu/ :: saying, proverb
ditado {m} :: dictation
ditado popular {m} :: proverb, maxim, adage
ditador {m} /ditɐˈðoɾ/ :: A dictator
ditadora {f} :: feminine noun of ditador
ditadura {f} /di.tɐ.ˈðu.ɾɐ/ :: dictatorship (a government led by a dictator)
ditafone {m} :: dictation machine (sound recording device)
ditame {m} :: dictate
ditame {m} :: rule, notice, order, doctrine
ditar {v} /diˈtaɾ/ :: to dictate (speak aloud for writing)
ditar {v} :: to impose, command
ditatorial {adj} /d͡ʒi.ta.to.ɾi.ˈaw/ :: dictatorial (of or pertaining to a dictator or a dictatorship)
ditatorial {adj} [figurative] :: bossy; authoritarian; tyrannical
ditatorialmente {adv} :: dictatorially
dithongo {m} :: obsolete spelling of ditongo
ditiol {m} [organic chemistry] :: dithiol
dito {m} /ˈdi.tu/ :: saying; proverb (phrase expressing a basic truth)
dito {adj} :: said (mentioned earlier)
dito e feito {phrase} :: no sooner said than done (no sooner than something is said it will be done)
ditongo {m} [phonetics] /d͡ʒi.ˈtõ.ɡo/ :: diphthong (a complex vowel sound)
ditoso {adj} :: fortunate, lucky, blessed (having a good fate)
ditranol {m} [organic compound] :: dithranol (medicine for skin affected by psoriasis)
ditto {m} :: obsolete spelling of dito
ditto {adj} :: obsolete spelling of dito
DIU {m} :: dispositivo intrauterino; IUD
diurese {f} [medicine] /d(ʒ)iuˈɾɛzi/ :: diuresis, polyuria (excessive urination)
diurético {adj} :: diuretic
diurético {m} :: diuretic
diurno {adj} /ˈdjuɾ.nu/ :: diurnal (happening during daylight; primarily active during the day)
diurno {m} [Roman Catholicism] :: diurnal (book containing canonical offices performed during the day)
diuturnamente {adv} :: diuturnally
diuturno {adj} [literary] :: diuturnal, durable, long-lasting
diva {f} /ˈd͡ʒi.va/ :: diva
diva {f} :: a role model, someone to be looked up to
divã {m} /diˈvɐ̃/ :: divan, couch
divagação {f} :: digression
divagando {v} :: gerund of divagar
divagar {v} :: to digress
divagar {v} :: to wander, ramble
divalente {adj} [chemistry] :: divalent
Divali {prop} {m} :: Diwali (annual Indian festival of lights)
divar {v} [colloquial] :: to act like a diva
divar {v} [colloquial] :: to demonstrate impressive qualities
divehi {m} [rare] :: Dhivehi (an Indo-Aryan language spoken in the Maldives)
divergencia {f} :: obsolete spelling of divergência
divergência {f} /ˌd͡ʒiveɹˈʒẽsia/ :: the act or result of diverging
divergência {f} :: divergence (the degree to which things diverge)
divergência {f} :: disagreement (the condition of not agreeing or concurring)
divergente {adj} :: divergent
divergir {v} :: to differ (to have diverging opinions, disagree)
divergir {v} :: to diverge (to run apart)
diversamente {adv} :: differently
diversaõ {f} :: obsolete spelling of diversão
diversão {f} /divɨɾˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: the act or result of diverging (to tend into different directions)
diversão {f} [military] :: diversion (tactic used to draw attention away from the real threat or action)
diversão {f} [uncountable] :: the act of entertaining
diversão {f} [uncountable] :: fun (amusement, enjoyment or pleasure)
diversidade {f} :: diversity (quality of being diverse; difference)
diversidade é o tempero da vida {proverb} [rare] :: variety is the spice of life
diversificação {f} :: diversification (act of diversifying)
diversificar {vt} :: to diversify (to make more diverse)
diverso {adj} /d͡ʒi.ˈvɛɻ.so/ :: diverse
diverticulite {f} [pathology] :: diverticulitis
divertidamente {adv} :: in a fun manner
divertido {adj} /divɨɾˈtiðu/ :: fun; amusing; entertaining
divertidor {m} :: amuser; entertainer (someone who amuses, entertains)
divertidor {adj} :: amusing; entertaining (who or which amuses, entertains)
divertimento {m} /di.vɨɾ.tiˈmẽ.tu/ :: fun, amusement, entertainment
divertindo {v} :: gerund of divertir
divertir {v} /ˌdivɨrˈtir/ :: to distract (divert the attention of)
divertir {v} :: to entertain, amuse
divertir {v} :: to dissuade (convince not to try or do)
divertir-se {v} :: to have fun; to enjoy oneself
dívida {f} /ˈdi.vi.dɐ/ :: debt (action, state of mind, or object one has an obligation to perform for another, adopt toward another, or give to another)
dívida {f} [figuratively] :: obligation
dívida ativa {f} [accounting] :: accounts receivable (total amount owed)
dívida externa {f} [finance] :: foreign debt (debt owed to foreigners)
dívida interna {f} [economics] :: domestic debt (debt owed to creditors resident in the same country as debtor)
dívida pública {f} [economics] :: domestic debt (debt owed to creditors resident in the same country as debtor)
dividendo {m} :: dividend
dividido {adj} /ˌd͡ʒi.vi.ˈd͡ʒi.du/ :: divided (separated or split into pieces)
dividido {adj} :: shared (whose parts have been given to different entities)
dividido {adj} :: divided (having conflicting interests or emotions)
dividido {adj} :: disunited (having disagreement or alienation among or within)
dividir {v} /di.vi.ˈdiɾ/ :: to divide, separate
dividir {v} :: to share
dividir {v} [arithmetic] :: to divide
dividir e conquistar {v} :: to divide and conquer
dividir e governar {v} [politics] :: to divide and rule (to maintain power by breaking up larger concentrations of power into chunks)
divindade {f} /di.vĩ.ˈda.ðɨ/ :: divinity
Divinésia {prop} :: Divinésia (municipality)
divinizar {vt} :: to deify (to make a god of)
divino {adj} /di.ˈvi.nu/ :: divine (pertaining to god)
divino {adj} :: divine (exceptionally good)
Divino {prop} :: Divino (municipality)
Divino das Laranjeiras {prop} :: Divino das Laranjeiras (municipality)
Divinolândia {prop} :: Divinolândia (municipality)
Divinolândia de Minas {prop} :: Divinolândia de Minas (municipality)
Divinópolis {prop} :: Divinópolis (municipality)
divisa {f} :: border between regions
divisa {f} [heraldry] :: motto
Divisa Alegre {prop} :: Divisa Alegre (municipality)
Divisa Nova {prop} :: Divisa Nova (municipality)
divisão {f} /di.vi.ˈzɐ̃w̃/ :: division (act or process of dividing anything)
divisão {f} :: division (each of the separate parts of something resulting from division)
divisão {f} [arithmetic] :: division
divisibilidade {f} :: divisibility
divisível {adj} :: divisible
Divisópolis {prop} :: Divisópolis (municipality)
divisor {m} [arithmetic] :: divisor
divisor de águas {m} [hydrology] :: watershed (boundary between adjacent catchment basins)
divisor de águas {m} [figurative] :: anything which sets concepts apart
divisória {f} :: partition, division
divisória {f} :: divide
divisória {f} :: bulkhead
divo {adj} [poetic] :: divine
divogado {m} :: pronunciation spelling of advogado
divorciando {v} :: gerund of divorciar
divorciar {vt} :: to divorce (to legally dissolve a marriage)
divorciar-se {vr} :: to divorce (to end one’s own marriage)
divórcio {m} :: divorce (legal dissolution of a marriage)
divulgação {f} /di.vuɫ.ɣɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: divulgation (act of divulging)
divulgar {v} /di.vuɫ.ˈɣaɾ/ :: to spread, disseminate, popularize
divulgar {v} :: to advertize, publicize
divulgar {v} :: to divulge, disclose, expose
Diwali {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Divali
díxis {f} :: alternative form of dêixis
dizem por aí {phrase} :: rumour has it (there is a rumor that...)
dizer {v} /di.ˈzeɾ/ :: to say
dizer {vt} :: to speak; to pronounce; to utter; to say
dizer {v} :: [a, para] to tell; to say to (to communicate information to someone)
dizer {v} :: [que] to say that (to indicate a given fact)
dizer {v} :: to discern; to tell to distinguish
dizer {vt} [personal] :: to mean
dizer coisa com coisa {adv} :: alternative form of falar coisa com coisa
dizer xis {v} :: to say cheese
dizesseis {num} [Brazil] :: eye dialect of dezesseis
dizimar {vt} :: to decimate, to severely reduce in quantity
dízimo {m} :: tithe (money given to the Church)
dizível {adj} :: pronounceable, utterable
diz-me com quem andas {proverb} :: a man is known by the company he keeps
diz-me com quem andas, dir-te-ei quem és {proverb} :: a man is known by the company he keeps
diz que diz {m} :: hearsay (information presented orally, without evidence)
diz que diz que {m} :: hearsay (information presented orally, without evidence)
diz-se {vr} [impersonal, with que] :: to say (to have as a common expression or common knowledge)
DJ {mf} /di.ˈd͡ʒej/ :: DJ; deejay; disk jockey (person who plays or mixes recorded music at nightclubs)
Djibuti {prop} {m} [Brazil] :: alternative form of Jibuti
djibutiana {f} :: feminine noun of djibutiano
djibutianas {f} :: feminine noun of djibutiano
djibutiano {adj} :: Djiboutian (of, from or relating to Djibouti)
djibutiano {m} :: Djiboutian (person from Djibouti)
Dmitri {prop} {m} /d͡ʒi.ˈmi.tɾi/ :: given name
Dmítri {prop} {m} :: given name; alternative form of Dmitri
Dmitry {prop} {m} :: given name; alternative form of Dmitri
Dnepropetrovsk {prop} {f} :: Dnepropetrovsk (oblast)
Dnepropetrovsk {prop} {f} :: Dnepropetrovsk (city/administrative center)
Dnieper {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Dniepre
Dniepre {prop} {m} :: Dniepre (river)
Dnipropetrovsk {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Dnepropetrovsk
d'o {contraction} :: dated form of do
do {contraction} /du/ :: contraction of de o; of the; from the (masculine singular)
d'O {contraction} [poetic] :: alternative form of do, used to give a sense of uniqueness or excessive grandiosity to the following masculine noun
{morf} /ˈdɔ/ :: pity (feeling of sympathy at the misfortune or suffering of someone or something)
{m} [music] :: do (first tonic of a major scale)
{m} [obsolete] :: abbreviation of dom
doação {f} /du.ɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: donation
doador {m} :: donor
doadora de órgãos {f} :: feminine noun of doador de órgãos
doador de órgãos {m} :: organ donor (person from whom an organ is removed)
doando {v} :: gerund of doar
doar {v} /du.ˈaɾ/ :: to present
doar {v} :: to give
doar {v} :: to donate
do avesso {adv} :: (of a piece of clothing) inside out
do balacobaco {adj} [colloquial] :: trendy, happening
doberman {mf} :: Dobermann (a large breed of guard dog from Germany)
dobermann {mf} :: alternative spelling of doberman
dobra {f} /ˈdɔβɾɐ/ :: fold (act of folding)
dobra {f} :: fold; crease
dobra {f} :: dobra (currency unit of São Tomé and Príncipe)
Dobrada {prop} :: Dobrada (municipality)
dobradiça {f} /dubrɐˈdisɐ/ :: hinge (device for the pivoting of a door)
dobradinha {f} :: diminutive of dobrada
dobradinha {f} :: Brazilian dish made of lamb guts
dobradinha {f} [colloquial] :: a double class (a class lasting the time of two)
dobrado {adj} :: folded
dobrado {adj} :: doubled
dobrador {m} :: folder (person who folds things)
dobrador {m} [Portugal] :: voice actor (an actor who provides voices for animations, dubbed films)
dobradura {f} :: fold (act of folding)
dobragem {f} :: the act of folding something
dobragem {f} [Portugal] :: dubbing (replacement of voice in film, usually into a different language)
dobrão {m} /doˈbɾɐ̃w̃/ :: doubloon (former Spanish gold coin)
dobrão {m} :: a gold coin minted by the Portuguese in the early 18th century
dobrão {m} :: a copper coin formerly used in northeastern Brazil
dobrão {m} [music] :: dobrão (a small piece of hard material (often a coin or pebble) pressed against the string of a berimbau in order to change its pitch and timbre)
dobrar {vt} /duˈβɾaɾ/ :: to double, to multiply by two
dobrar {vt} :: to fold, to bend over
dobrar {vt} :: to increase, to make larger
dobrar {vt} :: to subdue, to overcome, to bring under control
dobrar {v} [Portugal] :: to dub (replace a soundtrack with a synchronized translation)
dobrar-se {vr} :: to bend (to become curved)
dobrável {adj} :: bendable (able to be bent or flexed or twisted without breaking)
Dobrescu {prop} {mf} :: surname
dobrez {f} :: pretentiousness, hypocrisy
dobro {m} /ˈdo.βɾu/ :: double
doca {f} [nautical] /ˈdɔ.kɐ/ :: dock
do caralho {adj} [vulgar] :: kick arse or kick ass (awesome, excellent, exciting)
do caralho {adj} [vulgar] :: fucking (used to express anger at something)
do caramba {adj} [euphemistic] :: goddamn (intensifier)
doçaria {f} [Portugal] /dusɐˈɾiɐ/ :: confectionery
doçaria {f} [Portugal] :: confectioner's shop
doca seca {f} [nautical] :: drydock (dock that can be drained of water)
doce {adj} /ˈdo.sɨ/ :: sweet
doce {m} :: sweet, candy
doce {m} [Brazil, slang] :: LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide)
doce-amarga {f} :: bittersweet; woody nightshade (Solanum dulcamara, a vine native to Eurasia)
doce de leite {m} :: Dulce de leche
doceira {f} :: feminine noun of doceiro
doceiro {m} /duˈsɐjɾu/ :: confectioner
docemente {adv} /do.sɨ.ˈmẽ.tɨ/ :: sweetly
docemente {adv} :: gently
docemente {adv} :: mildly
docemente {adv} :: softly
docência {f} :: faculty (scholarly staff at colleges or universities)
docente {mf} /duˈsẽtɨ/ :: lecturer (member of university or college)
doceria {f} [Brazil] /doseˈɾia/ :: confectionery
doceria {f} [Brazil] :: confectioner's shop
dócil {adj} /ˈdɔ.siɫ/ :: docile
docilidade {f} :: docility (the quality of being docile)
docinho {m} :: diminutive of doce
docinho {m} [colloquial] :: baby (form of address to a man or a woman considered to be attractive)
docinho {adj} :: diminutive of doce
do contra {mf} :: someone who always disagrees with others or tries to go against the grain
documentação {f} :: documents, collectively
documentação {f} [computing] :: documentation (documents that explain the operation of a particular software program)
documental {adj} /dukumẽˈtaɫ/ :: documentary (of, related to or based on documents/that serves to document something)
documentar {vt} /do.ˌku.mẽ.ˈta(ʁ)/ :: to document (to record in documents)
documentar {vt} :: [programming] to write the documentation of
documentário {adj} :: documentary
documentário {m} :: documentary (film)
documentarista {mf} :: documentarian (person who creates documentary films)
documento {m} /dukuˈmẽtu/ :: document (original or official paper)
doçura {f} /du.ˈsu.ɾɐ/ :: sweetness
dodecaedro {m} /duðɨkɐˈɛðɾu/ :: dodecahedron
dodecafonismo {m} :: twelve-tone technique (system of musical composition)
Dodecaneso {prop} {m} /ˌdo.de.kɐ.ˈne.zu/ :: Dodecaneso (archipelago)
do dia para a noite {adv} [idiom] :: (very) quickly
do dia pra noite {adv} :: alternative form of do dia para a noite
dodó {m} [Portugal] /dɔˈðɔ/ :: alternative form of dodô
dodô {m} [Brazil] :: dodo (bird)
dodói {m} [childish] :: boo-boo (a minor injury)
dodói {adj} [childish] :: hurt
doença {f} /ˈdwẽsɐ/ :: illness; disease; ailment (an abnormal medical condition)
doença {f} [uncountable] :: illness; disease (a state of bad health)
doença {f} [figurative] :: illness; disease (abnormal condition or attitude)
doença celíaca {f} :: coeliac disease (auto-immune disease characterised by sensitivity of the lining of the small intestine to gluten)
doença das alturas {f} [medicine] :: altitude sickness (oxygen deficiency at high altitudes)
doença das montanhas {f} [medicine] :: altitude sickness (oxygen deficiency at high altitudes)
doença da vaca louca {f} [colloquial] :: mad cow disease (bovine spongiform encephalopathy)
doença de Addison {f} [disease] :: Addison's disease (a disorder in which the adrenal glands fail to produce a sufficient quantity of steroids)
doença de Alpers {f} [neurology] :: Alpers' disease (a progressive degenerative disease of the central nervous system)
doença de Alzheimer {f} [neurology, disease] :: Alzheimer's disease (neurodegenerative disease causing dementia)
doença de Andersen {f} [pathology] :: Andersen disease (a rare hereditary metabolic disorder)
doença de Aujeszky {f} [veterinary medicine] :: Aujeszky's disease; pseudorabies (a highly contagious herpes virus infection)
doença de Behçet {f} [disease] :: Behçet's disease (a multi-system autoimmune disease)
doença de Chagas {f} [disease] :: Chagas' disease (form of trypanosomiasis prevalent in South America)
doença de Creutzfeldt-Jakob {f} [disease, neurology] :: Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (a degenerative disease of the nervous system)
doença de descompressão {f} :: decompression sickness (condition resulting from the formation of nitrogen bubbles in the blood)
doença de Lyme {f} [disease] :: Lyme disease; borreliosis (infection by bacteria of the genus Borrelia)
doença de Newcastle {f} :: Newcastle disease (disease of poultry)
doença de Parkinson {f} [neurology, disease] :: Parkinson's disease
doença do sono {f} [disease] :: sleeping sickness (infectious disease caused by a trypanosome)
doença sexualmente transmitida {f} [disease] :: sexually transmitted disease (disease contracted through sexual contact)
doença venérea {f} [disease] :: venereal disease (contagious disease spread through sexual intercourse)
doente {adj} /ˈdwẽ.tɨ/ :: sick (in poor health)
doente {adj} [colloquial] :: mad, crazy
doente {mf} :: a sick person
doente {mf} [colloquial] :: a crazy or mad person
doente da Europa {m} [geopolitics] :: sick man of Europe (any European country undergoing economic difficulty)
doentio {adj} /dwẽˈtiu/ :: unhealthy
doer {vi} /duˈeɾ/ :: to hurt (to be painful)
doer {v} [figurative] :: to hurt; to pain (to cause emotional pain)
doer em {v} :: to pain; to grieve
doestar {v} :: to make a dishonourable accusation against [someone]
d'Oeste {contraction} :: contraction of do (de + o) oeste This is used in some place names; note the capitalized "o", characteristic of proper nouns
D'Oeste {adj} :: alternative spelling of d'Oeste
doesto {m} :: insult, offense/offence, outrage
do fundo do coração {adv} [idiomatic] :: from the bottom of one's heart
dog {m} /ˈdɔɡ/ :: clipping of hot dog
dogão {m} /dɔ.ˈɡɐ̃w̃/ :: augmentative of dog
Dogão {prop} {m} /dɔ.ˈɡɐ̃w̃/ :: a nickname
doge {m} [historical] :: doge (chief magistrate in the republics of Venice and Genoa)
dogma {m} [chiefly religion and philosophy] /ˈdɔɡ.mɐ/ :: dogma (an indisputable and authoritative principle or belief)
dogmaticamente {adv} :: dogmatically
dogmático {adj} :: dogmatic (stubbornly adhering to insufficiently proven beliefs)
dogmatismo {m} :: dogmatism (strict following of a dogma)
dogmatismo {m} :: dogmatism (arrogance in stating opinion)
dogo argentino {m} :: Dogo Argentino (dog breed)
dogue {m} [Brazil, slang] :: A small type of hot dog
dogue {m} [Brazil, slang] :: Any hot dog
dogue {m} [Brazil, slang] :: A type of dog
dogue {m} :: pug (breed of dog)
dogue alemão {m} :: Great Dane (mastiff)
Doha {prop} {f} :: Doha (capital city)
doidamente {adv} :: crazily, madly
doidão {adj} :: stoned (high on drugs)
doido {adj} /ˈdojdu/ :: crazy; out of one’s mind
doido {m} :: a crazy person; someone out of his mind
doído {adj} [colloquial] /du.ˈi.du/ :: painful (causing pain)
doido varrido {adj} :: informal form of doido (crazy, insane)
doirado {adj} :: alternative form of dourado
doirador {m} :: gilder (one who gilds)
doiradora {f} :: female equivalent of doirador
doirar {v} :: alternative form of dourar
dois {adj} /dojʃ/ :: two (2)
dois {m} :: two (the numerical value 2 or something with the value of two)
dois {m} :: [card games] deuce (card with two spots)
dois {m} :: deuce (side of a die with two spots)
dois {m} :: two (the character or digit ‘2’)
dois-amores {m} :: jewbush (Euphorbia tithymaloides, a low-growing tropical American shrub)
Dois Córregos {prop} :: Dois Córregos (municipality)
dois-irmãos {m} :: jewbush (Euphorbia tithymaloides, a low-growing tropical American shrub)
Dois Irmãos {prop} :: Dois Irmãos (municipality)
Dois Irmãos das Missões {prop} :: Dois Irmãos das Missões (municipality)
Dois Lajeados {prop} :: Dois Lajeados (municipality)
dois ou um {m} :: A children's game in which three or more players use handshapes at the same time — each player showing one or two fingers —, for the purpose of singling out the one with a different handshape or separating the players into two groups with equal handshapes
dois pesos {mp} :: double standard (the situation of groups one of whom is excused from following a standard)
dois pesos, duas medidas {phrase} :: double standard (situation of groups one of whom is excused from following a standard)
dois pontos {mp} :: colon (punctuation mark)
Dois Vizinhos {prop} {f} :: Dois Vizinhos (town/and/municipality)
dólar {m} /ˈdɔlaɾ/ :: dollar (designation for specific currency)
dólar americano {m} :: US dollar (official currency of the United States)
dólar australiano {m} :: Australian dollar (official currency of Australia)
dólar canadense {m} [Brazil] :: Canadian dollar (official currency of Canada)
dólar canadiano {m} [Portugal] :: Canadian dollar (official currency of Canada)
dolce-amarga {f} :: alternative form of doce-amarga
Dolcinópolis {prop} :: Dolcinópolis (municipality)
doleiro {m} /do.ˈle(j).ɾu/ :: doleiro (money changer on the Brazilian black market)
dolina {f} [geology] :: sinkhole (hole formed in soluble rock)
dólmen {m} :: dolmen (tomb consisting of a capstone supported by two or more upright stones)
dolomita {f} [mineral] :: dolomite (mineral)
Dolomitas {prop} {fp} :: Dolomitas (mountain range)
dolomito {m} [geology] :: dolostone
Dolores {prop} {f} /do.ˈlo.ɾis/ :: given name
dolorido {adj} :: painful (causing pain)
dolorosamente {adv} :: painfully
doloroso {adj} /du.lu.ˈɾo.zu/ :: painful (causing pain)
doloroso {adj} :: hurtful (hurting someone’s feelings)
doloroso {adj} :: dolorous (solemnly or ponderously sad)
dom {m} /ˈdõ/ :: gift
dom {m} :: talent
Dom {m} :: A honorific title usually used before a man's name, equivalent to Spanish Don. It has historically been used by members of the high nobility in Portugal and Brazil
domador {m} :: tamer (one who tames or subdues)
domadora {f} :: feminine noun of domador
domar {v} :: to tame
domar {v} :: to domesticate
domar {v} :: to curb
Dom Basílio {prop} :: Dom Basílio (municipality)
Dom Bosco {prop} :: Dom Bosco (municipality)
Dom Cavati {prop} :: Dom Cavati (municipality)
doméstica {f} /du.ˈmɛʃ.ti.kɐ/ :: domestic (house servant; a maid)
domesticação {f} :: domestication
domesticar {v} :: to domesticate
doméstico {adj} /du.ˈmɛʃ.ti.ku/ :: domestic (of or relating to the home)
doméstico {adj} :: domestic (of an animal: which is kept by someone)
doméstico {m} :: domestic, house servant
dom-fafe {m} :: bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula, a small passerine bird of Eurasia)
Dom Feliciano {prop} :: Dom Feliciano (municipality)
domiciliado {adj} :: domiciled
domiciliar {adj} :: household (found in or having its origin in a home)
domicílio {m} :: domicile
domicílio {m} :: residence
dominância {f} :: dominance (state of being dominant)
dominância {f} [physiology] :: dominance (superior development or preference for one side of the body or for one of a pair of organs)
dominância {f} [biology, genetics] :: dominance (property of a gene)
dominando {v} :: gerund of dominar
dominante {adj} :: dominant; prevailing
dominante {adj} :: dominant; predominant; prevalent
dominar {vi} :: to dominate; to predominate
dominar {vt} :: to dominate; to control
dominar {vt} :: to master (to learn to a high degree of proficiency)
dominar {vt} :: to rule
dominar {vp} :: to control oneself; to restrain oneself
dominatrix {f} /do.mi.na.ˈtriks/ :: dominatrix
dominatriz {f} :: dominatrix
domingão {m} :: augmentative of domingo
domingar {v} [Brazil, slang] :: to enjoy Sunday; to have fun (especially on Sunday)
domingar {v} [Brazil, slang, impersonal] :: to become Sunday
domingo {m} /du.ˈmĩ.ɡu/ :: Sunday
domingo {adv} :: on a Sunday
Domingo de Ramos {m} :: Palm Sunday (Sunday before Easter)
Domingos {prop} {m} :: given name
domingueiro {adj} [attributive] /du.mĩˈɡɐj.ɾu/ :: Sunday
domingueiro {m} [derogatory, colloquial] :: Sunday driver
Dominica {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Domínica
Domínica {prop} {f} :: Domínica (island/and/country)
dominicana {f} :: female equivalent of dominicano
dominicano {adj} :: Dominican (relating to St. Dominic or his religious order)
dominicano {adj} :: Dominican (of, from or relating to the Dominican Republic)
dominicano {m} :: Dominican (member of the religious order founded by St. Dominic)
dominicano {m} :: Dominican (person from the Dominican Republic)
domínio {m} /do.ˈmi.ni.o/ :: field (course of study or domain of knowledge or practice)
domínio {m} :: dominion, power
domínio {m} :: domain
domínio {m} [mathematics] :: domain
domínio {m} [computing] :: domain
domínio público {m} :: public domain (realm of intellectual property)
dominó {m} /dɔ.mi.ˈnɔ/ :: dominoes (game played by arranging domino tiles)
dominó {m} :: domino (domino tile)
domisteco {interj} [colloquial, rare, obsolete] :: may the Lord be with you
Dom Joaquim {prop} :: Dom Joaquim (municipality)
Dom Macedo Costa {prop} :: Dom Macedo Costa (municipality)
domo {m} [architecture] :: dome (hemispherical roof)
Domo da Rocha {prop} {m} :: Domo da Rocha (shrine)
Domodedovo {prop} {m} :: Domodedovo (airport in Russia)
domo de sal {m} [geology] :: salt dome (upwelling of crystalline rock salt)
Dom Pedrito {prop} :: Dom Pedrito (municipality)
Dom Pedro de Alcântara {prop} :: Dom Pedro de Alcântara (municipality)
Dom Quixote {prop} {m} /ˌdõ kiˈʃɔtɨ/ :: Don Quixote (the fictional character)
Dom Silvério {prop} :: Dom Silvério (municipality)
Dom Viçoso {prop} :: Dom Viçoso (municipality)
dona {f} /ˈdo.nɐ/ :: feminine noun of dono
dona {f} [colloquial, familiar] :: A title of address to an adult woman, especially a middle-aged one
dona {f} [colloquial, used mostly by young people] :: lady (adult female human, especially one old enough to be a mother)
do nada {adv} :: Happening quickly and without warning; suddenly; unexpectedly; out of nowhere; out of the blue
dona de casa {f} :: housekeeper; housewife (one who looks after the home by herself)
dona-de-casa {f} :: housewife
Dona Emma {prop} :: Dona Emma (municipality)
Dona Eusébia {prop} :: Dona Eusébia (municipality)
Dona Francisca {prop} :: Dona Francisca (municipality)
donaire {m} /du.ˈnaj.ɾɨ/ :: gracefulness, elegance
donairo {m} :: alternative form of donaire
donatário {m} /du.nɐ.ˈta.ɾju/ :: donee
Donatela {prop} {f} :: given name
donatismo {m} [Christianity] :: Donatism
Donbas {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Donbass
Donbass {prop} {m} /dõ.ˈbas/ :: Donbass (traditional region/and/separatist state)
donde {contraction} /ˈdõ.dɨ/ :: whereof
donde {contraction} :: whence; from where
Donetsk {prop} {f} :: Donetsk (oblast/and/separatist state)
Donetsk {prop} {f} :: Donetsk (city/administrative center)
dong {m} :: dong (currency of Vietnam)
doninha {f} /dɔˈniɲɐ/ :: weasel
doninha {f} :: skunk
Donizete {prop} {m} /ˌdo.ni.ˈzɛ.t͡ʃi/ :: given name
dono {m} /ˈdo.nu/ :: owner
dono {m} :: patriarch; head of a home or family
dono {m} [form of address] :: master (used by a slave to address his owner)
dono de casa {m} :: househusband, stay-at-home dad
donut {m} :: doughnut (deep-fried piece of dough or batter)
donzela {f} /dõ.ˈzɛ.lɐ/ :: maiden, damsel
donzela {f} :: maid, handmaid
donzela de ferro {f} :: iron maiden (torture device)
donzela em apuros {f} [literature, figurative] :: damsel in distress (stereotype of a young woman in a dangerous situation)
donzela em perigo {f} [Brazil, literature, figurative] :: damsel in distress (stereotype of a young woman in a dangerous situation)
donzelia {f} :: maidenhood (condition of being a maiden)
donzelice {f} :: maidenhood (condition of being a maiden)
donzelinha {f} :: diminutive of donzela
donzelinha {f} :: damselfly (insect)
donzelo {m} [slang, derogatory, Brazil] :: an chaste or virgin man, specifically a adult or teenager one
do Oiapoque ao Chuí {adv} :: In the whole Brazil
dopagem {f} :: doping
dopamina {f} :: dopamine (neurotransmitter associated with movement, attention, learning and pleasure)
dopante {f} :: dopant
doping {m} [sports] /ˈdɔ.pĩ/ :: doping (the use of drugs to improve athletic performance)
doping {m} [electronics] :: doping (the addition of small quantities of an element to a semiconductor)
doppelganger {m} [fantasy] :: doppelganger (ghostly double of a living person)
Doppelgänger {m} :: alternative form of doppelganger
do que {prep} :: See: pt do que
do que {prep} :: than (introduces a comparison)
do quê {phrase} :: asking what is a person's surname
do quê {phrase} :: See: pt do quê
-dor {suffix} /ˈdoɾ/ :: forms agent nouns from verbs; -er, -or
dor {f} /ˈd̪oɾ/ :: pain (physical or emotional)
-dora {suffix} :: feminine equivalent of -dor
Dorado {prop} {m} [constellation] :: Dorado (small constellation in the southern sky)
doravante {adv} :: henceforth, from now on
Dorcas {prop} {f} [biblical character] :: Dorcas (woman restored to life by Peter)
Dorcas {prop} {f} :: given name
dor de cabeça {f} [medical, literally] :: headache (pain or ache in the head)
dor de cabeça {f} [figuratively, idiom] :: something which is irritating
dor de cotovelo {f} [idiomatic] /ˈdoɾ ˈðɨ kutuˈvelu/ :: jealousy (envy towards another's possessions)
dor de cotovelo {f} [idiomatic, Brazil] :: Romantic jealousy, heartache
Dores de Campos {prop} :: Dores de Campos (municipality)
Dores de Guanhães {prop} :: Dores de Guanhães (municipality)
Dores do Indaiá {prop} :: Dores do Indaiá (municipality)
Dores do Turvo {prop} :: Dores do Turvo (municipality)
Doresópolis {prop} :: Doresópolis (municipality)
dorga {f} [internet slang] :: alternative form of droga
dórico {m} :: Doric (Ancient Greek dialect)
dórico {adj} :: Dorian, Doric (of or relating to the Dorians or the Doric order)
dorido {adj} /du.ˈɾi.ðu/ :: painful (afflicted with pain)
dorido {adj} :: dolorous (solemnly or ponderously sad)
dormência {f} :: dormancy
dormente {adj} /duɾ.ˈmẽ.tɨ/ :: dormant
dorminhoco {m} [colloquial] /duɾmiˈɲoku/ :: sleepyhead
dorminhoco {adj} [colloquial] :: sleepy, dozy
dormir {vi} /duɾ.ˈmiɾ/ :: to sleep; to be asleep (to rest in a state of reduced consciousness)
dormir {vi} :: to fall asleep (to become asleep)
dormir {vt} :: to have a given type of sleep
dormir {vi} :: [figurative] to sleep (to be temporarily inactive)
dormir {v} :: [com, .euphemistic] to sleep with (to have sex with)
dormir {v} :: [com, .figurative] to be constantly with
dormir {vi} :: [poetic] to be dead
dormir {vi} :: [colloquial, of a limb] to fall asleep (to temporarily lose blood circulation)
dormir {vi} :: [Brazil, slang] not to notice a problem
dormir com as galinhas {v} [idiom] :: to sleep early
dormir como uma pedra {v} [simile] :: to sleep like a log (to sleep well, without disturbance)
dormir sobre os louros {v} [idiomatic] :: to rest on one's laurels (to rely on a past success instead of trying to improve oneself further)
dormitar {v} /duɾmiˈtaɾ/ :: to doze or nap
dormitório {m} :: dormitory
dor na consciência {f} :: pang of conscience (a feeling of shame, guilt or embarrassment, resulting from behaviour one regrets)
Doroteia {prop} {f} /ˌdo.ɾo.ˈtɛj.ɐ/ :: given name
Dorotéia {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of Doroteia
Dorotheia {prop} {f} :: obsolete spelling of Doroteia
dorsal {adj} [anatomy] :: dorsal (of the back)
dorsal {adj} [anatomy] :: dorsal (of the top surface of a hand or foot)
dorsal oceânica {f} :: ridge (elevation on ocean bottom)
dorso {m} /ˈdoɾ.su/ :: back (the reverse side)
dorso {m} :: spine (bound edge of a book)
dorzinha {f} /ˌdoʁ.ˈzi.ɲɐ/ :: diminutive of dor
d'os {contraction} :: dated form of dos
dos {contraction} /duʃ/ :: contraction of de os; of the; from the (masculine plural)
dosagem {f} :: dosage
dosar {v} :: to dose (to administer a dose)
dosar {v} :: to dose (to prescribe a dose)
dose {f} :: dose (measured portion of medicine)
dose {f} [Portugal] :: portion (of a meal / food)
dose {f} [colloquial] :: fix (a single dose of an addictive drug)
dossel {m} /du.ˈsɛɫ/ :: dossal, dossel
dossel {m} :: canopy
dossiê {m} /dɔˈsje/ :: dossier (a collection of papers and/or other sources)
dossier {m} :: alternative spelling of dossiê
dosso {m} [archaic] /ˈdo.su/ :: alternative form of dorso
dotado {adj} :: gifted (endowed with special ability)
dotado {adj} [slang, of a man] :: hung (having a large penis)
dotar {v} :: to endow (to be furnished with something naturally)
dote {m} :: foundation (legacy constituting a permanent fund of a charity)
dote {m} :: dowry (property or payment given at time of marriage)
doudo {adj} /ˈdowdu/ :: obsolete form of doido (crazy; out of one’s mind)
Douglas {prop} {m} /ˈdow.ɡlɐs/ :: given name
Douglas {prop} {f} :: Douglas (capital city)
doula {f} :: doula (woman who provides emotional support during a childbirth)
dourado {m} [uncountable] /dow.ˈɾa.ðu/ :: gold (colour)
dourado {m} :: dorado
dourado {adj} :: golden
Dourado {prop} :: Dourado (municipality)
Douradoquara {prop} :: Douradoquara (municipality)
dourador {m} :: gilder (one who gilds)
douradora {f} :: female equivalent of dourador
douragem {f} :: gilding
douragem {f} :: gold plate
dourando {v} :: gerund of dourar
dourar {v} /dowˈɾaɾ/ :: to gild, gold-plate
Douro {prop} {m} /ˈdo(w).ɾu/ :: Douro (river)
Douro {prop} {m} :: Douro (traditional region)
dous {adj} :: obsolete form of dois
douto {m} :: scholar (learned person)
douto {adj} :: learned (highly educated)
doutor {m} /dow.ˈtoɾ/ :: a doctor (a person who has attained a doctorate)
doutor {m} :: a doctor, a physician (a member of the medical profession)
doutora {f} :: female equivalent of doutor
doutorado {m} :: doctorate
doutoral {adj} :: doctoral
doutoramento {m} :: doctorate
Doutor Maurício Cardoso {prop} :: Doutor Maurício Cardoso (municipality)
Doutor Pedrinho {prop} :: Doutor Pedrinho (municipality)
Doutor Ricardo {prop} :: Doutor Ricardo (municipality)
doutorzinho {m} /dow.toʁ.ˈzi.ɲu/ :: diminutive of doutor
doutras {contraction} :: contraction of de outras
doutrina {f} /dow.ˈtɾi.nɐ/ :: doctrine
doutrinação {f} /do(w)tɾinɐˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: indoctrination (act of indoctrinating)
doutrinal {adj} :: doctrinal (of or relating to a doctrine)
doutrinar {v} :: to indoctrinate (to teach with a biased or one-sided ideology)
doutrinário {adj} :: doctrinal (of or relating to a doctrine)
doutro {contraction} /ˈdo(w).tɾu/ :: contraction of de outro
Dover {prop} {f} /ˈdo.veʁ/ :: Dover (city)
Down {f} [colloquial] :: short for síndrome de Down
download {m} [computing] /ˌdaw̃ˈlowd͡ʒ/ :: download (file transfer to the local computer)
doxologia {f} :: doxology (expression of praise to God, especially a short hymn)
doys {adj} :: obsolete spelling of dois
doze {adj} /ˈdo.zɨ/ :: twelve
doze {m} :: twelve (the numerical value 12 or something with the value of 12)
doze {f} [Brazil, colloquial] :: shotgun (gun which fires loads consisting of small metal balls)
doze {f} :: obsolete spelling of dose
do zero {adv} [idiomatic] :: from scratch (from the beginning)
doze trabalhos de Hércules {mp} [Greek mythology, Roman mythology] :: Twelve Labours of Hercules
Dr. {m} :: abbreviation of doutor; Dr.
DR {f} :: abbreviation of discussão de relacionamento
Dracão {prop} {m} :: Draco (ancient Athenian lawgiver)
Dracena {prop} :: Dracena (municipality)
dracma {morf} :: drachma (former currency of Greece)
Draco {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Dragão
Dracon {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Dracão
Drácon {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Dracão
draconiano {adj} /dɾa.ko.ni.ˈɐ.no/ :: draconian (severe, oppressive or strict)
Drácula {prop} {m} [historical] /ˈdɾa.ku.lɐ/ :: Dracula (Vlad III, Prince of Wallachia)
Drácula {prop} {m} [fantasy] :: Dracula (fictional vampire)
dragagem {f} :: dredging
dragando {v} :: gerund of dragar
Draganoff {prop} {mf} :: surname
Draganov {prop} {mf} :: surname
dragão {m} /dɾɐˈɣɐ̃w̃/ :: dragon (mythic creature)
dragão {m} [heraldiccharge] :: dragon
dragão {m} [military unit] :: dragoon (soldier who uses horses for mobility but fights dismounted)
dragão {m} [slang] :: a very ugly woman
Dragão {prop} {m} [constellation] :: Draco (a constellation of the northern sky)
dragão-de-comodo {m} :: Komodo dragon
dragãozinho {m} :: diminutive of dragão
dragar {v} :: to dredge
dragomano {m} [historical] :: dragoman (an interpreter, especially for the Arabic and Turkish languages)
dragona {f} :: epaulet (shoulder decoration)
drama {m} :: drama (composition)
drama {m} :: drama (theatrical play)
drama {m} :: drama (dramatic situation)
dramalhão {m} :: tearjerker
dramaticamente {adv} :: dramatically
dramático {adj} :: dramatic
dramático {adj} :: drama king
dramatismo {m} :: dramatism
dramatização {f} :: dramatization
dramatizar {v} :: to dramatize
dramaturga {f} :: feminine noun of dramaturgo
dramaturgia {f} :: dramaturgy (the art of composing dramas)
dramaturgo {m} :: playwright, dramatist, dramaturge
drapejar {vi} :: to flutter (to flap or wave quickly)
drapejar {vi} :: to drape (to put a piece of cloth over something)
drasticamente {adv} :: drastically
drástico {adj} :: drastic (extreme, severe)
draubaque {m} :: drawback (partial refund of an import fee)
dravidiano {m} [uncountable] :: Dravidian (family of languages spoken in southern India)
dravidiano {m} :: Dravidian (member of any of the aboriginal peoples of India and Sri Lanka)
dravidiano {adj} :: relating to the Dravidian peoples and languages
dread {m} :: clipping of dreadlock
dreadlock {m} :: dreadlocks (hair left to grow into long matted strings)
dreidel {m} :: dreidel (four-sided spinning top with Hebrew letters)
drenagem {f} :: drainage (removal of water)
drenar {v} :: to drain (cause liquid to flow out of)
drenar {v} :: to drain (dry out a wet place)
drenar {v} :: to drain (deplete of energy)
dreno {m} :: drain (a conduit for liquids)
Drente {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of Drenthe
Drenthe {prop} {f} :: Drenthe (province)
drento {adv} :: nonstandard form of dentro
Dresda {prop} {f} :: Dresda (city/state capital)
Dresdem {prop} {f} /ˈdɾɛz.dẽj̃/ :: Dresdem (city/state capital)
Dresden {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of Dresdem
driblar {v} [sports] :: to dribble (to advance by dribbling)
drible {m} [football] /ˈdɾi.bli/ :: dribble
Drina {prop} {m} :: Drina (river)
drink {m} :: alternative form of drinque
drinque {m} /ˈdɾĩ.ki/ :: drink (a fancy alcoholic beverage)
drive {m} [computer hardware] /ˈdɾajv/ :: drive (a mass-storage device)
drive-in {m} :: drive-in (an outdoor cinema)
driver {m} [computing] /ˈdɾaj.veʁ/ :: driver (program acting as interface between an application and hardware)
droga {f} /ˈdɾɔ.ɣɐ/ :: drug (substance used to treat an illness or relieve a symptom)
droga {f} :: drug (psychoactive substance, especially one which is illegal and addictive)
droga {f} [colloquial] :: crap (something of poor quality)
droga {interj} [Brazil] :: damn! [expresses anger or irritation]
drogadição {f} :: drug addiction (dependency on illegal drugs)
drogado {adj} :: drugged (under the influence of drugs)
drogado {m} :: drug addict (person with a chemical or psychological dependency on drugs)
drogaria {f} /dɾu.ɣɐ.ˈɾi.ɐ/ :: drugstore
drogaria {f} [dated] :: pharmacy (place where prescription drugs are sold)
drogomano {m} :: alternative form of dragomano
droguinha {f} :: diminutive of droga
dromedário {m} :: dromedary
dromi {v} :: eye dialect of dormir
dromir {v} [dialectal, nonstandard] :: alternative form of dormir
-dromo {suffix} :: -drome
drone {m} :: drone (unmanned aircraft)
dronte {m} :: dodo (†Raphus cucullatus)
dropar {v} [surfing] /dɾoˈpa(ʁ)/ :: to stand up and ride a wave
dropar {v} [skateboarding] :: to drop in (to start riding down a ramp)
dropar {v} [golf] :: to take a drop (to drop a new ball if the original has been lost)
dropar {v} [video games] :: to drop (to produce (an item) upon death)
dropes {m} :: drop (small, round piece of hard candy)
drósera {f} :: sundew; drosera (any insectivorous plant of the genus Drosera)
drosófila {f} :: drosophila (any insect of the genus Drosophila)
druida {m} :: druid
druidismo {m} :: druidism (religion of the druids)
drumi {v} :: pronunciation spelling of dormir
drumi {v} :: pronunciation spelling of dormi
drumir {v} :: eye dialect of dormir
drupa {f} [botany] :: drupe; stone fruit (fruit with soft flesh and a hard pit)
drusa {f} [mineralogy] /ˈdɾuzɐ/ :: druse (an inner surface with a crust of tiny crystals)
drusa {f} [botany] :: druse (an aggregation of calcium oxalate crystals found in certain plants)
drusa {f} [ophthalmology] :: druse (a tiny yellow or white accumulation of extracellular material that builds up in Bruch's membrane of the eye)
druso {m} :: Druze (member of a secretive religious community based mainly in the Middle East)
DSR {m} :: initialism of descanso semanal remunerado
DST {f} :: initialism of doença sexualmente transmitida; STD
Du {prop} {m} :: A diminutive of the male given name Eduardo
dual {adj} :: dual (having two elements)
dualidade {f} [mathematics, physics] :: duality
Duarte {prop} {m} :: given name
Duartina {prop} :: Duartina (municipality)
duas {num} /ˈdu.ɐʃ/ :: feminine of dois
Duas Barras {prop} :: Duas Barras (municipality)
duas cabeças pensam melhor do que uma {phrase} :: two heads are better than one
Dubai {prop} {f} /du.ˈbaj/ :: Dubai (emirate)
Dubai {prop} {f} :: Dubai (capital city)
Dubinsky {prop} {mf} :: surname
dúbio {adj} :: dubious, doubting
dubitável {adj} :: dubitable, contestable, questionable
dubitável {adj} :: ambiguous, open to interpretation
dubitavelmente {adv} [rare] :: doubtfully (doubtful manner)
dublador {m} [Brazil] :: voice actor (an actor who provides voices for animations, dubbed films)
dublagem {f} :: dubbing (replacement of voice in film, usually into a different language)
dublar {v} :: to dub (to replace speech with its translation)
dublê {mf} :: stuntman (one who performs stunts)
dublê de corpo {mf} [cinematography] :: body double (double for scenes not involving the face)
Dublim {prop} {f} /ˈdɐb.lĩ/ :: Dublim (capital city)
Dublin {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of Dublim
dúbnio {m} /ˈdub.ni.o/ :: dubnium (chemical element)
Dubrovnik {prop} {f} :: Dubrovnik (city)
ducado {m} :: duchy (a dominion or region ruled by a duke or duchess)
ducado {m} [historical] :: ducat (historical gold coin)
ducentésimo {ordinal num} :: two hundredths
ducha {f} [Brazil] :: douche (a jet or current of water or vapour directed upon some part of the body to benefit it medicinally)
ducha {f} [Brazil] :: shower (device for bathing that makes water fall on the body)
ducha {f} [Brazil] :: shower (an instance of bathing with this device)
Duchambe {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of Dushanbe
duchar {v} :: to douche (to use a douche)
duche {m} [Portugal] :: alternative form of ducha
ductal {adj} [anatomy] :: ductal (relating to a duct)
dúctil {adj} :: ductile
ductilidade {f} :: ductility
ducto {m} [European orthography] :: duct (a pipe, tube or canal which carries air or liquid from one place to another)
ducto deferente {m} [anatomy] :: vas deferens
Duda {prop} :: given name
Duda {prop} :: given name
Dudinka {prop} {f} /du.ˈd͡ʒĩ.kɐ/ :: Dudinka (port city)
Dudu {prop} {m} :: A diminutive of the male given name Eduardo
duelar {v} :: to duel (engage in a duel)
duelista {mf} :: duelist (a person who fights a duel)
duelo {m} :: duel (combat between two persons)
duelo {m} :: duel (struggle between two parties)
duende {m} [Iberian folklore] /duˈẽ.dɨ/ :: a small humanoid creature who invades homes at night to carry out mischief and scare the residents
duende {m} [by extension, fiction] :: any small fictional humanoid, especially a mischievous or evil one
dueto {m} [music] :: duet (a musical composition for two performers)
Dufour {prop} {mf} :: surname
dugongo {m} :: dugong
Dulcigno {prop} {f} :: Dulcigno (city)
d'um {contraction} :: dated spelling of dum
dum {contraction} /dũ/ :: contraction of de um; of a; from a (masculine singular)
d'uma {contraction} :: dated form of duma
duma {contraction} /ˈdu.mɐ/ :: contraction of de umaof a; from a (feminine singular)
d'umas {contraction} :: dated form of duma
dumas {contraction} /ˈdu.mɐʃ/ :: contraction of de umasof some; from some (feminine plural)
Dumitrescu {prop} {mf} :: surname
Dumont {prop} :: Dumont (municipality)
dumping {m} [economics] :: dumping (the sale of goods at less than their normal price)
duna {f} [geomorphology] /ˈdu.nɐ/ :: dune (ridge or hill of sand piled up by the wind)
d'uns {contraction} :: dated form of duns
duns {contraction} /dũʃ/ :: contraction of de uns someof some; from some (masculine plural)
duo- {prefix} :: duo-
duo {m} :: duo
duodécimo {ordinal num} :: twelfth
duodenal {adj} :: duodenal
duodeno {m} [anatomy] :: duodenum (first part of the small intestine)
duopólio {m} :: duopoly
dupla {f} /ˈdu.plɐ/ :: pair, duo
dupla {f} [tennis] :: doubles
duplamente {adv} :: twice
duplas mistas {f} {p} :: mixed doubles
duplicação {f} :: duplication, doubling
duplicar {vt} :: to duplicate (to make a copy of)
duplicidade {f} :: the condition of being double (having two complementary elements)
duplicidade {f} :: duplicity (intentional deceptiveness)
duplipensar {m} :: doublethink (the holding two contradictory beliefs)
duplo {adj} /ˈdu.plu/ :: double (made up of two matching or complementary elements)
duplo negativo {m} :: alternative form of negativo duplo
duplo sentido {m} [idiomatic] :: double entendre
duplo vê {m} /du.plu.ˈve/ :: double-u (name of the letter W, w)
Dupont {prop} {mf} :: surname
duque {m} /ˈdu.kɨ/ :: duke (male ruler of a duchy)
duque {m} [cards] :: deuce (a card with two spots)
Duque de Caxias {prop} :: Duque de Caxias (municipality)
duquesa {f} :: duchess (female spouse or widow of a duke)
duquesa {f} :: duchess (female ruler of a duchy)
-dura {suffix} :: Forms nouns from verbs. The form used depends on the suffix of verb being appended: for -ar verbs use -adura, for -er verbs -edura, and for -ir verbs -idura
durabilidade {f} :: durability
duração {f} :: duration
duradoiro {adj} :: alternative form of duradouro
duradouro {adj} /duɾɐˈðowɾu/ :: long-lived (having a long lifespan)
dural {adj} [anatomy] :: dural (relating to the dura mater)
durame {m} :: heartwood
Durandé {prop} :: Durandé (municipality)
durando {v} :: gerund of durar
durante {prep} /du.ˈɾɐ̃.tɨ/ :: during (for all of a given time interval)
durante {prep} :: during (at any point within a given time interval)
durante {prep} :: for (introduces the duration of an occurrence)
durante {m} :: a type of glossy wool fabric
durão {adj} :: tough (in character); brave
durar {v} /duˈɾaɾ/ :: to last, endure
durável {adj} :: Able to resist decay; lasting; enduring; durable
Durazzo {prop} {f} /duˈɾatsu/ :: Durazzo (city)
Durban {prop} {f} /duʁ.ˈbɐ̃/ :: Durban (city)
durex {m} [Portugal] /du.ˈrɛks/ :: Durex (brand of condom)
durex {m} [Brazil] :: Durex (brand of adhesive tape)
dureza {f} /du.ˈɾe.zɐ/ :: hardness
dureza {f} :: toughness
dureza {f} :: insensibility
durião {m} :: durian
durio {m} :: durian
duríssimo {adj} /du.ˈɾi.si.mu/ :: superlative of duro
durma com Deus {phrase} [idiomatic] :: sweet dreams
durmir {v} :: obsolete form of dormir Nowadays an eye dialect or a misspelling
duro {adj} /ˈdu.ɾu/ :: hard (resistant to pressure; not soft)
duro {adj} :: hard (difficult; not easy)
duro {adj} [of a person] :: unrelenting; unfriendly; severe; brutal; harsh
duro {adj} [colloquial] :: with little or no money; hard up, broke, tapped out
duro {adj} [colloquial, of a penis] :: erect
duro {adv} :: hard
Durres {prop} {f} :: Durres (city)
Dushanbe {prop} {f} :: Dushanbe (capital city)
dútil {adj} :: alternative form of dúctil
duto {m} [Brazil] :: alternative form of ducto
duty-free {m} /ˈdu.t͡ʃi ˈfɾi/ :: duty-free (a shop where duty-free goods can be bought)
duunvirato {m} /du.ũ.vi.ˈɾa.tu/ :: duumvirate
dúvida {f} /ˈdu.vi.dɐ/ :: doubt, uncertainty
dúvida {f} :: question
duvidando {v} :: gerund of duvidar
duvidar {v} /duviˈðaɾ/ :: to doubt
duvidar {v} :: to disbelieve
duvideodó {interj} [Brazil, colloquial] :: expresses doubt
duvidosamente {adv} :: dubiously
duvidoso {adj} /duviˈðozu/ :: doubtful, dubious
duvidoso {adj} :: questionable
duvidoso {adj} :: uncertain
duzentas {num} :: feminine of duzentos
duzentos {adj} /du.ˈzẽ.tuʃ/ :: two hundred; 200
duzentos {m} :: two hundred (the value of 200, or something with the value of 200)
dúzia {f} /ˈdu.zjɐ/ :: dozen (group of twelve)
dúzia de frade {f} :: baker's dozen (set of thirteen units)
dúzia de treze {f} [idiomatic] :: baker's dozen (set of thirteen units)
DVD {m} :: DVD (digital video disc)
Dyle {prop} {m} :: Dyle (river)
dynamico {adj} :: obsolete spelling of dinâmico
dysenteria {f} :: obsolete spelling of disenteria
dzeta {m} [less common] :: alternative form of zeta