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User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-sv-i

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I {pron} (personal pronoun) :: jag
IaaS {n} (Infrastructure as a Service) :: IaaS {c}
I am {interj} (I'm) SEE: I'm ::
iamb {n} (a metrical foot) :: jamb {c}
iambic {adj} (consisting of iambs or characterized by their predominance) :: jambisk
iambic pentameter {n} (a poetic meter) :: jambisk pentameter
Iamblichus {prop} (Syrian Neoplatonist philosopher) :: Iamblichos {m}
I am blind {phrase} (I'm blind) SEE: I'm blind ::
I am English {phrase} (I am English) :: jag kommer från England, jag är engelsman {m}, jag är engelska {f}
I am hungry {phrase} (I'm hungry) SEE: I'm hungry ::
I am thirsty {phrase} (I'm thirsty) SEE: I'm thirsty ::
I am tired {phrase} (I'm tired) SEE: I'm tired ::
I am twenty years old {phrase} (I'm twenty years old) SEE: I'm twenty years old ::
I am ... year(s) old {phrase} (I'm ... year(s) old) SEE: I'm ... year(s) old ::
Iberia {prop} (region south of the Pyrenees) :: Pyreneiska halvön, Iberiska halvön
Iberian chiffchaff {n} (Phylloscopus ibericus) :: iberisk gransångare {c}
Iberian lynx {n} (Lynx pardinus) :: panterlo {c}, iberiskt lodjur {n}
Iberian Peninsula {prop} (peninsula) :: Iberiska halvön {c}
Iberian Sea {prop} (Balearic Sea) SEE: Balearic Sea ::
ibex {n} (type of wild mountain goat) :: alpstenbock {?}
Ibiza {prop} (island) :: Ibiza {n}
-ible {suffix} (able to be done) :: -bar
-ible {suffix} (relevant or suitable to, in accordance with) :: -abel, -bar
-ible {suffix} (expressing capacity or worthiness in a passive sense) :: -bar
ibuprofen {n} (pharmaceutical drug) :: ibuprofen
-ic {suffix} (Note: these translations are a guide only. For more precise translations, see individual words ending in -ic) :: -isk
I came, I saw, I conquered {phrase} (used to indicate a total swift victory) :: jag kom, jag såg, jag segrade
I can't find my ... {phrase} (I can't find my ...) :: jag kan inte hitta min ... {c}, jag kan inte hitta mitt ... {n}, jag kan inte hitta mina ... {p}
ICAO {prop} (International Civil Aviation Organization) :: ICAO, Internationella civila luftfartsorganisationen {c} [official Swedish name]
ICAO spelling alphabet {n} (ICAO radiotelephony spelling alphabet) :: ICAO:s bokstaveringsalfabet {n},
Icarus {prop} :: Ikaros {m}
ice {v} (to cover with icing) :: glasera
ice {n} (diamond) SEE: diamond ::
ice {n} (water in frozen form) :: is {c}
ice {n} (frozen volatile chemical) :: is {c}
ice {n} (frozen dessert) :: glass {c}, isglass {c}
ice {n} (ice hockey: area where game is played) :: is {c}
ice age {n} (period of glaciation at the poles) :: istid {c}
ice age {n} (period of extensive glaciation (glacial period)) :: istid {c}
ice bear {n} (polar bear) SEE: polar bear ::
iceberg {n} (huge mass of floating ice) :: isberg {n}
iceberg lettuce {n} (vegetable) :: isbergssallad {c}
icebox {n} (compartment of a refrigerator used as a freezer) :: frysfack {n}
icebox {n} (refrigerator) SEE: refrigerator ::
icebreaker {n} (ship designed to break through ice) :: isbrytare {c}
icebreaker {n} (game, anecdote, or other activity to help introduce people) :: isbrytare {c}
ice circle {n} :: issnurra, isskiva
ice-cold {adj} (as cold as ice) :: iskall
ice-cold {adj} (distant) :: iskall
ice cream {n} (dessert) :: glass {c}
ice cream {n} (in a cone) :: glasstrut {c}, strutglass {c}
ice cream cone {n} (conical confection for holding ice cream) :: glasstrut {c}, strut {c}, våffla {c}
ice cream cone {n} (any edible container used to hold ice cream) :: behållare {c}, tråg {n}, båt {c}
ice cream cone {n} (cone filled with ice cream) :: glasstrut {c}, strut {c}
ice cream maker {n} (machine used to make homemade ice cream) :: glassmaskin {c}
ice cream parlor {n} (business) :: glassbar {c}
ice cream truck {n} (vehicle) :: glassbil
ice cream van {n} (vehicle from which ice cream is sold) SEE: ice cream truck ::
ice cube {n} (small piece of ice used for cooling drinks) :: isbit {c}, iskub {c}
ice dancing {n} (figure skating) :: isdans {c}
iced coffee {n} (beverage) :: iskaffe {n}
iced tea {n} (cold tea) :: iste {n}
ice fishing {n} :: pimpelfiske {n}
ice floe {n} (floe) SEE: floe ::
ice hockey {n} (hockey) :: ishockey {c}
icehouse {n} (a deep cellar or outdoor building used for the storage of ice) :: iskällare {c}, ishus {n}
Iceland {prop} (country in Europe) :: Island
Icelander {n} (person from Iceland or of Icelandic descent) :: islänning {c}, isländska {c} [female]
Iceland gull {n} (Larus glaucoides) :: vitvingad trut {c}
Icelandic {n} (language) :: isländska {c}
Icelandic {adj} (of or relating to Iceland) :: isländsk, isländskt {n}, isländska {p}
Icelandic {n} (Icelander) SEE: Icelander ::
Icelandic {n} (Icelandic horse) SEE: Icelandic horse ::
Icelandic horse {n} (breed of horse) :: islandshäst {c}
Icelandic Sheepdog {n} (Icelandic Sheepdog) :: isländsk fårhund
Icelandish {prop} (Icelandic) SEE: Icelandic ::
Icelandish {adj} (Icelandic) SEE: Icelandic ::
ice lolly {n} (frozen juice) :: isglasspinne {c}, isglass {c}
ice plant {n} (Mesembryanthemum crystallinum) :: isört {c}
ice resurfacer {n} (implement used to renew ice surface) :: ismaskin {c}
ice sculpture {n} (sculpture carved from ice) :: isskulptur {c}
ice skate {n} (a light boot, fitted with a blade, used for skating on ice) :: skridsko {c}
ice skating {n} (the act, or the sport, of skating on ice) :: skridskoåkning {c}
ice swimmer {n} (one who participates in ice swimming) :: vinterbadare {c}
ice swimming {n} (swimming in iced-over water) :: vinterbad {n}
ice wedge {n} (vertical wedge of subterranean ice) :: iskil {c}
Ichabod {prop} (given name) :: I-Kavod
ichthyology {n} (branch of zoology devoted to the study of fish) :: iktyologi
ichthyosaur {n} (extinct reptile) :: fisködla {c}, ichthyosaurie {c}
icicle {n} (a spear-shape of ice) :: istapp {c}
icing {n} (sweet glaze used for baked goods) :: glasyr
icing {n} (minor violation of ice hockey rules) :: icing {c}
icing sugar {n} (powdered sugar) SEE: powdered sugar ::
icky {adj} (unpleasantly sticky; yucky; disgusting) :: äcklig
icky {adj} (excessively sentimental) :: sliskig
icon {n} (image) :: ikon {c}, bild {c}
icon {n} (religious painting) :: ikon {c}; ikon {c}, förebild {c}
icon {n} (small picture, computer icon) :: ikon {c}, symbol {c}
iconoclasm {n} (belief in, participation in, or sanction of destroying religious icons) :: bildstorm {c}, ikonoklasm {c}
iconoclast {n} (one who destroys religious images or icons) :: bildstormare {c}, ikonoklast {c}
iconoclast {n} (one who opposes orthodoxy and religion) :: bildstormare {c}, ikonoklast {c}
iconostasis {n} (a wall of icons) :: ikonostas
icosahedron {n} (a polyhedron) :: ikosaeder {c}
I could eat a horse {phrase} (I am very hungry) :: jag är hungrig som en varg
-ics {suffix} (fields of knowledge or practice) :: -tik
icterine warbler {n} (Iduna rama) :: härmsångare {c}
ICU {n} (intensive care unit) :: intensivvårdsavdelning {c}, IVA {c}
ID {n} (identification or identity documentation) SEE: ID card ::
Ida {prop} (female given name) :: Ida
IDaaS {n} (Identity as a Service) :: IDaaS {c}
ID card {n} (card or badge showing the official identity of the wearer) :: identifikation {c}, legitimation {c}, ID-kort {n}
ide {n} (fish) :: id {c}, ort [dialectal]
-ide {suffix} (binary compound of a nonmetal) :: -id
-ide {suffix} (any of a group of several elements) :: -oid
idea {n} (an image of an object that is formed in the mind or recalled by the memory) :: idé, tanke
idea {n} (a conception in the mind of something to be done; a plan for doing something, an intention) :: idé {c}
ideal {n} (perfect standard of beauty, intellect etc.) :: ideal {n}
ideal {n} (subring closed under multiplication by containing ring) :: ideal {n}
ideal gas {n} (hypothetical gas) :: perfekt klassisk gas
idée fixe {n} (idea dominating the mind) :: fix idé {c}
idempotent {adj} (mathematics: an action which, when performed multiple time, has no further effect on its subject after the first time it is performed) :: idempotent
identical {adj} (bearing full likeness) :: identisk
identical {adj} (of twins, such that they share the same genetic code) :: enäggstvilling
identical {adj} (mathematics: exactly equivalent) :: identisk
identification {n} (the act of identifying, or proving to be the same) :: identification
identify {v} (to establish the identity of someone or something) :: identifiera
identify {v} (to associate oneself with some group) :: identifiera sig
identity {n} (name or persona) :: identitet {c}
identity {n} (knowledge of who one is) :: identitet
identity {n} :: identitet {c}
identity {n} (algebra: element) SEE: identity element ::
identity card {n} (a card showing one's identity) SEE: ID card ::
identity element {n} (member of a structure) :: identitetselement {n}
identity matrix {n} (diagonal matrix with all diagonal elements equal to 1) :: enhetsmatris {c}
identity politician {n} (identity politician) :: identitetspolitiker {c}
identity politics {n} (politics focusing on the self-interest and perspectives of people in various groupings) :: identitetspolitik {c}
identity theft {n} (deliberate assumption of another person's identity) :: identitetsstöld {c}
ideolog {n} (ideologue) SEE: ideologue ::
ideologic {adj} (ideological) SEE: ideological ::
ideological {adj} (of or pertaining to an ideology) :: ideologisk
ideological {adj} (based on an ideology) :: ideologisk
ideologist {n} (ideologue) SEE: ideologue ::
ideologue {n} (advocate of a particular ideology) :: ideolog
ideology {n} (doctrine, body of ideas) :: ideologi {c}
ideophone {n} (sound symbolic word) :: ideofon {c}, ideofoni {c}
idiolect {n} (variant of a language used by a particular individual) :: idiolekt {c}
idiom {n} (idiomatic expression) :: idiom {n}, idiomatiskt uttryck {n}
idiomaticity {n} (the quality of being idiomatic) :: idiomacitet {c}
idiosyncrasy {n} (way of behaving or thinking) :: egenart {c}, egenhet {c}, egenskap {c}
idiosyncrasy {n} ((medicine) individual reaction to a generally innocuous substance) :: idiosynkrasi {c}
idiosyncrasy {n} :: egenhet
idiosyncratic {adj} (peculiar to a specific individual) :: idiosynkratisk, säregen, egenartad
idiot {n} (person of low general intelligence) :: idiot {c}
idiot {adj} (idiotic) SEE: idiotic ::
idiot box {n} (television (pejorative)) :: dumburk {c}
idiotic {adj} (pertaining to or resembling an idiot) :: idiotisk
idiotic {adj} (having the quality of idiocy) :: idiotisk, dum
idioticon {n} (dictionary of a specific dialect) :: dialektlexikon {n}
idle {adj} (not engaged in any occupation or employment) :: overksam
idle {v} (to run at a slow speed, or out of gear) :: gå på tomgång
idleness {n} (state of being idle; inactivity) :: sysslolöshet {c}
I'd like to kiss you {phrase} (I'd like to kiss you) :: jag vill kyssa dig, jag skulle vilja kyssa dig
I'd like to know {phrase} (phrase) :: jag skulle vilja veta
idol {n} (cultural icon, especially popular person) :: idol {c}
idolater {n} (one who worships idols) :: avgudadyrkare {c}
idolator {n} (idolater) SEE: idolater ::
idolatry {n} (worship of idols) :: idoldyrkan {c}
I don't care {phrase} (I don't care) :: jag bryr mig inte
I don't drive {phrase} (I don't drive (a car, a vehicle)) :: jag kör inte bil
I don't eat fish {phrase} (I don't eat fish) :: jag äter inte fisk
I don't eat meat {phrase} (I don't eat meat) :: jag äter inte kött
I don't eat pork {phrase} (I don't eat pork) :: jag äter inte fläsk, jag äter inte fläskkött, jag äter inte gris, jag äter inte griskött
I don't know {phrase} (I don’t know) :: jag vet inte
I don't speak English {phrase} (I don't speak English (specifically English)) :: jag talar inte engelska, jag pratar inte engelska
I don't speak English {phrase} (I don't speak (fill with the name of the current foreign language)) :: jag talar inte svenska
I don't think so {phrase} (I think that what has been said is untrue) :: det tror jag inte
I don't think so {phrase} (sarcastic) :: jag skulle inte tro det
I don't understand {phrase} (I don't understand) :: jag förstår inte
I don't want it {phrase} (I don't want it) :: jag vill inte den {c}, jag vill inte det {n}
I don't want to buy anything {phrase} (I don't want to buy anything) :: jag ska inte köpa nåt, jag ska inte ha nåt
I don't want to talk about it {phrase} (I don't want to talk about it) :: jag vill inte prata om det här
idyllic {adj} (happy, peaceful, picturescue) :: idyllisk
i.e. {adv} (that is) :: dvs, d v s, d.v.s.
-ie {suffix} (forming diminutive nouns or names) :: -is
if {conj} (supposing that) :: om
if {conj} (whether) :: om
if and only if {conj} (implies and is implied by) :: om och endast om
if anything {adv} (used to suggest or state tentatively that something may be the case) :: om något
iff {conj} (abbreviation of if and only if) :: omm
iffy {adj} (Of dubious authenticity, legitimacy or legality) :: skum
if I'm honest {phrase} (if-claused ”to be honest”) :: om jag ska vara ärlig, om jag ska va ärlig [colloquial]
if I were you {phrase} (advice introduction) :: om jag vore du
if need be {adv} (if necessary) :: om så krävs, om så behövs, om så erfordras, vid behov
ifs, ands, or buts {n} (speculation, doubt) :: om och men
if the mountain won't come to Muhammad {proverb} (if one cannot get one's own way) :: om berget inte kan komma till Muhammed, får Muhammed komma till berget
if you know what I mean {phrase} (used to allude to something unsaid or hinted at) :: om du vet vad jag menar
if you see what I mean {phrase} (if you know what I mean) SEE: if you know what I mean ::
igloo {n} (Inuit snow house) :: snöhydda {c}, igloo {c}
Ignatius {prop} (male given name) :: Ignatius
igneous rock {n} (one of the major groups of rock that makes up the crust of the Earth) :: magmatisk bergart
ignis fatuus {n} (will o' the wisp) SEE: will o' the wisp ::
ignitable {adj} (able to burn) :: antändbar, antändlig
ignite {v} (to set fire to, to light) :: tända
ignite {v} (to trigger) :: tända
ignoble {adj} (not honorable) :: simpel, tarvlig
ignominious {adj} (marked by shame or disgrace) :: vanhedrande, skymflig, neslig, skamlig
ignominy {n} (great dishonor, shame, or humiliation) :: vanära, skam, nesa, skymf, smälek
ignoramus {n} (totally ignorant person) :: dumhuvud {n}
ignorance {n} (condition of being uninformed or uneducated) :: okunnighet {c}, ignorans, okunskap {c}
ignorance is bliss {proverb} (Ignorance is bliss) :: okunnighet är salighet
ignorant {adj} (characterized by ignorance) :: ovetande, okunnig
ignore {v} (to deliberately pay no attention to) :: ignorera
iguana {n} (any of several members of the lizard family Iguanidae) :: leguan {c}
iguana {n} (a green iguana (Iguana iguana)) :: grön leguan {c}
I hate you {phrase} (expression of intense dislike) :: jag hatar dig {s}, jag hatar er {p}
I have a cold {phrase} (I have a cold) :: jag har en förkylning, jag är förkyld
I have a headache {phrase} (I have a headache) :: jag har huvudvärk
I have AIDS {phrase} (I have AIDS) :: jag har aids
I have a question {phrase} (I have a question) :: jag har en fråga
I have asthma {phrase} (I have asthma) :: jag har astma
I have cancer {phrase} (I have cancer) :: jag har cancer
I have diabetes {phrase} (I have diabetes) :: jag har diabetes
I have high blood pressure {phrase} (I have high blood pressure) :: jag har högt blodtryck
I have low blood pressure {phrase} (I have low blood pressure) :: jag har lågt blodtryck
I have no money {phrase} (I have no money) :: jag har inga pengar
Ikaalinen {prop} (town) :: Ikalis
IKEA {prop} (international, originally Swedish retailer) :: Ikea
I know {phrase} (response indicating agreement with prior statement before it was made) :: jag vet
I know you are but what am I {phrase} (assertion that an insult made by the party to whom the phrase is directed is actually true of that party) :: den som sa det kan va det
ikra {n} (red caviar) :: kaviar {c}, rysk kaviar {c}
ileocecal valve {n} (sphincter muscle valve that separates the small intestine and the large intestine) :: ileocekalklaff {c}
Iliad {prop} (ancient Greek epic poem about the Trojan War) :: Iliaden
I like you {phrase} (I like you) :: jag tycker om dig
I live in Melbourne {phrase} (I live in Melbourne (example city)) :: jag bor i Melbourne
ill {adj} (bad) SEE: bad ::
ill {adj} (in poor health, suffering from a disease) :: sjuk
ill {adj} (having an urge to vomit) :: illamående
illative case {n} (case used to indicate movement into something) :: illativ
ill-bred {adj} (ill-mannered and unrefined) :: ouppfostrad
I'll call the police {phrase} (I'll call the police) :: jag ringer polisen
illegal {adj} (contrary to or forbidden by law) :: olaglig, illegal, lagstridig
illegal combatant {n} (one who engages in combat without meeting the Geneva Convention) :: olaglig stridande {c}
illegal immigrant {n} (immigrant who has entered a country illegally) :: illegal invandrare {c}
illegally {adv} (in a manner contrary to the law) :: olagligt
illegible {adj} (not clear enough to be read) :: oläsbar
illegitimate {adj} (against the law) :: olaglig, illegal, illegitim, lagstridig
illegitimate {adj} (born to unmarried parents) :: illegitim, utomäktenskaplig
illegitimate {adj} (not genuine; not authorized by good usage) :: illegitim
ill-intentioned {adj} (malevolent) SEE: malevolent ::
illiquid {adj} (lacking liquidity) :: illikvid
illiteracy {n} (inability to read and write) :: analfabetism {c}
illiterate {adj} (unable to read and write) :: analfabetisk
illiterate {adj} (having less than an expected standard of familiarity with language and literature) :: obildad, illitterat
illiterate {n} (an illiterate person) :: analfabet {c}, icke läskunnig {c}
ill-mannered {adj} (of or pertaining to having bad manners) :: obelevad
illness {n} (an instance of a disease or poor health) :: sjukdom {c}
illness {n} :: sjukdom {c}
illocutionary {adj} (of, pertaining to, or derived from illocution) :: illokut, illokutionär
illogical {adj} (contrary to logic; lacking sense or sound reasoning) :: ologisk
illusion {n} (anything that seems to be something that it is not) :: illusion {c}, synvilla {c}
illusion {n} (belief in something that is in fact not true) :: illusion {c}, förvillelse {c}
illusion {n} (magician's trick) :: illusion {c}, trick {n}
illusion {n} (state of being misled or deceived) :: illusion {c}
illusive {adj} (illusory) SEE: illusory ::
illusory {adj} (illusory) :: illusorisk, skenbar
illustration {n} (that which illustrates) :: illustration {n}
illustration {n} (picture designed to decorate) :: illustration {n}
illustrator {n} (person who draws pictures) :: illustratör {c}
illustrious {adj} (admired, respected, or well-known) :: illuster
Illyria {prop} (region in the Balkan Peninsula) :: Illyrien
Ilmajoki {prop} (town) :: Ilmola
Ilomantsi {prop} (municipality) :: Ilomants
I lost my glasses {phrase} (I lost my glasses) :: jag har tappat bort mina glasögon
I lost my keys {phrase} (I lost my keys) :: jag har tappat bort mina nycklar
I lost my wallet {phrase} (I lost my wallet) :: jag har tappat bort min plånbok
I love you {phrase} (affirmation of affection or deep caring) :: jag älskar dig
I love you {phrase} (affirmation of romantic feeling) :: jag älskar dig
I love you {phrase} (platonic expression of inclination or liking) :: jag gillar dig, jag tycker om dig
I'm {contraction} (I am) :: jag är
I'm a Buddhist {phrase} (I'm a Buddhist) :: jag är buddist
I'm a Catholic {phrase} (I'm a Catholic) :: jag är katolik
I'm a Christian {phrase} (I'm a Christian) :: jag är kristen
I'm afraid not {phrase} (unfortunately, no) :: tyvärr inte
I'm afraid so {phrase} (unfortunately, yes) :: jag är rädd för det
image {n} (graphical representation) :: bild {c}
image {n} (mental picture) :: bild {c}
image {n} (characteristic as perceived by others) :: image {c}
image processing {n} (information processing for graphical data) :: bildbehandling {c}
imaginable {adj} (able to be imagined; conceivable) :: tänkbar
imaginary {adj} (existing in the imagination) :: imaginär
imaginary {adj} (non-real part of a complex number) :: imaginär
imaginary part {n} (of a complex number) :: imaginärdel
imagination {n} (image-making power of the mind) :: fantasi {c}, inbillning {c}
imagination {n} (construction of false images) :: inbillning {c}
imagination {n} (mental image) :: fantasi {c}, inbillning {c} [false image]
imagine {v} ((transitive) to form a mental image of something) :: föreställa sig
I'm agnostic {phrase} (I'm agnostic) :: jag är agnostisk, jag är agnostiker
imagological {adj} :: imagologisk
imagology {n} :: imagologi {c}
I'm allergic to aspirin {phrase} (I'm allergic to aspirin) :: jag är allergisk mot aspirin
I'm allergic to nuts {phrase} (I'm allergic to nuts) :: jag är allergisk mot nötter
I'm allergic to penicillin {phrase} (I'm allergic to penicillin) :: jag är allergisk mot penicillin
I'm allergic to pollen {phrase} (I'm allergic to pollen) :: jag är allergisk mot pollen
imam {n} (Muslim leader) :: imam {c}
I'm a Muslim {phrase} (I'm a Muslim) :: jag är muslim
I'm an atheist {phrase} (I'm an atheist) :: jag är ateist
I'm a Protestant {phrase} (I'm a Protestant) :: jag är protestant
I'm ashamed {phrase} (I'm ashamed) :: jag skäms
I'm a vegetarian {phrase} (I'm a vegetarian) :: jag är vegetarian
imbalance {n} (property of not being in balance) :: obalans {c}
imbalanced {adj} (unbalanced) SEE: unbalanced ::
I'm bisexual {phrase} (I'm bisexual) :: jag är bisexuell
I'm bleeding {phrase} (I'm bleeding) :: jag blöder
I'm blind {phrase} (I'm blind) :: jag är blind
imbue {v} (to permeate or impregnate completely) :: genomsyra
imburse {v} (to save, to store up) SEE: save ::
imburse {v} (to give money to) SEE: fund ::
imburse {v} (to pay back money that is owed) SEE: refund ::
I'm cold {phrase} (I'm cold) :: jag fryser
I'm deaf {phrase} (I'm deaf) :: jag är döv
I'm divorced {phrase} (I'm divorced) :: jag är skild
IMF {prop} (International Monetary Fund) :: IMF, IVF
I'm fine, thank you {phrase} (expected, polite response to How are you?) :: tack, jag mår bra
I'm full {phrase} (I'm full) :: jag är mätt
I'm gay {phrase} (I'm gay) :: jag är bög, jag är gay
I'm Hindu {phrase} (indicates that the speaker is Hindu) :: jag är hindu
I'm hot {phrase} (I'm hot) :: jag är varm, jag är het
I'm hungry {phrase} (I'm hungry) :: jag är hungrig
I'm in love with you {phrase} (declaration of romantic feeling) :: jag är kär i dig, jag är förälskad i dig, jag älskar dig
imitate {v} (to follow as a model) :: imitera , imitera, härma
I'm Jewish {phrase} (I'm Jewish (ethnic)) :: jag är jude
I'm Jewish {phrase} (I'm Jewish (religious)) :: jag är judisk
I'm looking for a grocery store {phrase} (I'm looking for a grocery store) :: jag letar efter en livsmedelsbutik
I'm looking for a job {phrase} (I'm looking for a job) :: jag söker arbete
I'm lost {phrase} (I'm lost) :: jag är vilse
immaculate {adj} (having no stain or blemish, spotless, undefiled, clear, pure) :: obefläckad, fläckfri
Immanuel {prop} (male given name) SEE: Emmanuel ::
Immanuel {prop} (this figure, regarded as Christ) :: Immanuel
I'm married {phrase} (I'm married) :: jag är gift
immaterial {adj} (irrelevant) :: ovidkommande, irrelevant
immature {adj} (not fully formed) :: omogen
immature {adj} (childish) :: omogen
immediate {adj} (without delay) :: ögonblicklig, omedelbar
immediate {adj} (very close) :: omedelbar
immediately {adv} (in an immediate manner) :: ögonblickligen, på direkten, omedelbart, genast, omgående
immemorial {adj} (that is beyond memory; ancient) :: uråldrig
immigrant {n} (person who comes to a country to settle) :: invandrare {c}, immigrant {c}
immigrate {v} (to move into a foreign country or area) :: immigrera, invandra
immigration {n} (the act of immigrating) :: invandring {c}, immigration {c}
imminence {n} (state or condition of being imminent) :: förestående
imminent {adj} (about to happen, occur, or take place very soon) :: nära förestående, överhängande
immobiliser {n} (splint) SEE: splint ::
immobility {n} (the state or condition of being unable to change one's location, move or be moved) :: orörlighet {c}
immodest {adj} (lacking modesty) :: oblyg, fräck, oförskämd
immolate {v} (kill as sacrifice) :: offra
immoral {adj} (not moral) :: omoralisk
immortal {adj} (not susceptible to death) :: odödlig
immortality {n} (condition of not being susceptible to death) :: odödlighet {c}
immovable property {n} (real estate) SEE: real estate ::
immune {adj} (protected due to innate resistance to pathogens) :: immun
immune system {n} (system that protects the body from foreign material and organisms) :: immunförsvar {n}, immunsystem {n}
immunization {n} (process of immunization) :: immunisering {c}
immunodeficiency {n} (A depletion in the body's natural immune system) :: immunbrist, immundefekt, immunsvaghet
immunoglobulin {n} (glycoprotein protecting the host) :: immunoglobulin {n}
immunology {n} (branch of medicine) :: immunologi {c}
immutable {adj} (unable to be changed without exception) :: oföränderlig
I'm not interested {phrase} (I'm not interested) :: jag är inte intresserad
I'm not religious {phrase} (I'm not religious) :: jag är inte religiös, jag är inte troende
IMO {prep} (in my opinion) :: efter min mening {c}, enligt min åsikt {c}, enligt mitt förmenande, i mitt tycke, enligt mig
imp {n} (demonic creature) :: smådjävul {c}
impaired {adj} (Rendered less effective) :: nedsatt, försämrad
impairment {n} (accounting) :: nedskrivning {c}
impartial {adj} (treating all parties, rivals or disputants equally) :: opartisk
impasse {n} (deadlock or stalemate situation) :: dödläge, död punkt
impasse {n} (road with no exit) SEE: dead end ::
impassionate {adj} (dispassionate) SEE: dispassionate ::
impatience {n} (quality of being impatient) :: otålighet {c}
impatient {adj} (restless and intolerant of delays) :: otålig, utan tålamod
impatient {adj} (anxious and eager) :: ivrig
impatiently {adv} (without patience) :: otåligt
impeachment {n} (act of impeaching or charging a public official with misconduct) :: riksrättsförfarande {n}, riksrättsåtal {n}, riksrättsdom {c}
impeccable {adj} (Perfect, having no faults, flaws or errors) :: fläckfri, oantastlig
impeccable {adj} (Incapable of wrongdoing or sin; immaculate) :: ofelbar
impeccably {adv} (in a perfect or flawless manner) :: felfritt, oklanderligt
impediment {n} (hindrance; that which impedes progress) :: hinder {n}
impending {adj} (about to happen) :: hotande, förestående, kommande
imperative {adj} (grammar: of, or relating to the imperative mood) :: imperativ
imperative {n} (imperative mood) SEE: imperative mood ::
imperative mood {n} (imperative mood) :: imperativ {n}
imperfect {n} (past tense) :: imperfekt
imperfective aspect {n} (feature of a verb) :: imperfekt, imperfektum [dated]
imperial {adj} (related to an empire) :: kejserlig
imperial {adj} (related to the British measurement system) :: brittisk, imperiell
imperial {adj} (very grand) :: mäktig, storslagen, majestätisk
imperial {adj} (excellent, superior) :: kunglig, förnäm, majestätisk
imperialism {n} (the policy of extending power, by force) :: imperialism {c}
imperil {v} (to put in peril) :: sätta på spel, äventyra
imperil {v} (to risk) :: hota
imperium {n} (sovereignty) SEE: sovereignty ::
impermeable {adj} (impossible to permeate) :: ogenomtränglig, tät
impermeable {adj} (not allowing passage of liquids) :: ogenomtränglig, tät, vattentät
impersonal verb {n} (verb used only in the infinitive or in the third-person) :: opersonligt verb {n}
impersonator {n} (one who fraudulently impersonates) :: imitatör
impersonator {n} (entertainer) :: imitatör {c}
impertinent {adj} (insolent, ill-mannered) :: uppstudsig, oförskämd, näsvis, impertinent
impertinent {adj} (irrelevant) :: ovidkommande, irrelevant
impious {adj} (not pious) :: ogudaktig, gudlös
implacable {adj} (adamant; immovable, see also: adamant; immovable) :: enveten
implant {n} (anything surgically implanted in the body) :: implantat {n}
implausible {adj} (unlikely) :: osannolik
implement {n} (a tool) :: redskap
implement {v} (bring about) :: implementera
implementation {n} (process of moving an idea from concept to reality) :: implementering {c}
implementation {n} (result of implementing something) :: implementation {c}
implicate {v} (to intertwine) SEE: intertwine ::
implicature {n} (An implied meaning) :: implikatur {c}
implied {adj} (suggested without being stated directly) :: underförstådd
implode {v} (to collapse or burst inward violently) :: implodera
imply {v} (to have as a consequence) :: implicera
imply {v} (to express suggestively rather than as a direct statement) :: antyda, insinuera
impolite {adj} (not polite) :: oartig
import {n} (something brought in from a foreign country) :: import {c}, införsel {c}
import {n} (practice of importing) :: import {c}, införsel {c}
import {n} (significance, importance) :: vikt {c}, betydelse {c}
import {v} (to bring in from a foreign country) :: importera, föra in
importance {n} (quality or condition of being important or worthy of note) :: vikt {c}, betydelse {c}
importance {n} (significance or prominence) :: vikt {c}
importance {n} (personal status or standing) :: ställning {c}
important {adj} (having relevant and crucial value) :: viktig, betydelsefull
importantness {n} (importance) SEE: importance ::
importune {v} (to harass with persistent requests) :: besvära
impose {v} (to be an inconvenience) :: vara till besvär
impossibility {n} (The quality of being impossible) :: omöjlighet {c}
impossible {adj} (not able to be done) :: omöjlig, ogörlig, orealiserbar
impossible {adj} (very difficult to deal with) :: omöjlig
impossibly {adv} (in an impossible manner) :: omöjligen
impostor {n} (someone who uses assumed identity) :: bedragare {c}
impostorism {n} (impostor syndrome) SEE: impostor syndrome ::
impostor syndrome {n} (psychological phenomenon in which a person is unable to internalize accomplishments) :: bluffsyndromet
impotable {adj} (not drinkable) SEE: undrinkable ::
impotent {adj} (incapable of sexual intercourse) :: impotent
impoverished {adj} (with no possessions or money) SEE: poor ::
impracticable {adj} (not practicable) :: ogenomförbar, outförbar
imprecation {n} (act of imprecating, or invoking evil upon someone) :: förbannelse {c}
imprecation {n} (a curse) :: förbannelse {c}
I'm pregnant {phrase} (I'm pregnant) :: jag är gravid, jag är med barn
impregnate {v} (to cause to become pregnant) :: befrukta
impregnate {v} (to fill pores or spaces with a substance) :: impregnera
impregnation {n} (act of making pregnant) :: befruktning {c}
impressed {adj} (strongly affected, especially favourably) :: imponerad
impressed {adj} (stamped, under pressure) :: tryckt
impression {n} (overall effect of something) :: intryck {n}
impressive {adj} (making, or tending to make, an impression; having power to impress) :: imponerande, maffig
imprimatur {n} (official license to publish) :: godkännande, sanktion
imprimatur {n} (any mark of official approval) :: sanktion
imprint {n} (an impression; the mark left behind by printing something) :: avtryck {n}
imprison {v} (put in prison) :: fängsla
imprisonment {n} (confinement) :: fångenskap {c}
improbable {adj} (not likely to be true) :: osannolik
improbable {adj} (not likely to happen) :: osannolik, föga troligt
impromptu {adj} (improvised) :: improviserad
improper fraction {n} (arithmetic: a vulgar fraction) :: oäkta bråk {n}, oegentligt bråk {n}
improper integral {n} (integral) :: generaliserad integral {c}
improve {v} (to make something better) :: förbättra
improve {v} (to become better) :: bli bättre, förbättras
improvisation {n} (act or art of composing and rendering music, poetry, and the like, extemporaneously) :: improvisation {c}
improvisation {n} (that which is improvised; an impromptu) :: improvisation {c}
improvisation {n} (musical technique, characteristic of blues music) :: improvisation {c}
improvise {v} (to make something up as one goes on) :: improvisera
improvised explosive device {n} (explosive weapon, see also: IED) :: improviserade sprängmedel {c}
impudent {adj} (Not showing due respect; impertinent; bold-faced) :: näsvis, oförskämd
impugn {v} (To assault, attack) :: attackera, angripa
impugn {v} (To verbally assault, especially to argue against an opinion, motive, or action) :: bestrida, ifrågasätta
impugn {v} (question the validity of) :: ifrågasätta, jäva
impulse {n} (sudden force that impels) :: impuls, ingivelse
impulse {n} ((physics) integral force over time) :: impuls {c}
impulsiveness {n} (the quality of being impulsive) :: impulsivitet {c}
impulsivity {n} (impulsivity) :: impulsivitet {c}
impure {adj} (impure) :: oren
impute {v} (to attribute to a cause or source) :: tillskriva {n}
impute {v} (to ascribe sin or righteousness) :: tillskriva {n}
I'm rubber, you're glue {phrase} (I'm rubber, you're glue) :: den som sa det, var det
I'm sick {phrase} (I'm sick/ill) :: jag är sjuk
I'm single {phrase} (I'm single) :: jag är ensamstående, jag är singel
I'm sorry {phrase} (I'm sorry) :: ursäkta, förlåt, jag är ledsen, jag ber om ursäkt
I'm straight {phrase} (I'm straight) :: jag är straight, jag är hetero, jag är heterosexuell
I'm thirsty {phrase} (I need a drink) :: jag är törstig
I'm tired {phrase} (I am tired (in need of rest or sleep)) :: jag är trött
I'm twenty years old {phrase} (I am twenty years old) :: jag är tjugo år
I must go {phrase} (I must go) :: jag måste gå
I'm ... year(s) old {phrase} (I am ... year(s) old) :: jag är ... år, jag är ... år gammal
in {adv} (moving to the interior) :: in
in {adv} :: inne
in {adj} (in fashion, popular) :: inne
in- {prefix} (reversal of meaning) :: o-, in-
-in' {suffix} (-ing) SEE: -ing ::
in {prep} (contained by) :: i
in {prep} (surrounded by) :: i
in {prep} (part, member of) :: i,
in {prep} (during) :: under
in {prep} (within a certain elapsed time) :: om,
in {prep} (after a period of time) :: om
in {prep} (into) :: i
in {prep} (indicating a state) :: med
in {prep} (pertaining to) :: i
in {prep} (indicating language, script, or tone) :: [language]
in {prep} :: inne, i; under
Ina {prop} (female given name) :: Ina
inability {n} (lack of the ability to do something; incapability) :: oförmåga
inacceptable {adj} (unacceptable) SEE: unacceptable ::
inaccuracy {n} (lack of accuracy) :: felaktighet {c}
inaccuracy {n} (inaccurate statement) :: felaktighet {c}
inactive {adj} (not active, temporarily or permanently) :: inaktiv
in addition {adv} (also; as well) :: dessutom, därtill
in advance {prep} (in advance) SEE: beforehand ::
inadvertent {adj} (not intentional) :: oavsiktlig
inadvertently {adv} (unintentionally) :: oavsiktligt
in a jiffy {prep} (very quickly; without delay) :: på momangen
inalienable {adj} (grammar: of a noun class belonging to a special class) :: oförytterlig
in all honesty {prep} (in truth) :: i ärlighetens namn
inane {adj} (lacking sense or meaning) :: intetsägande, andefattig
inanimate {adj} (in grammar) :: obesjälad, livlös
in a nutshell {adv} (in summary) :: i ett nötskal
in any case {adv} (at any rate) :: hur som helst, i alla fall
inapposite {adj} (inappropriate) :: olämplig, opassande
inappropriate {adj} (not appropriate or suitable) :: opassande, olämplig
Inari {prop} (lake) :: Enare träsk
Inari {prop} (municipality and village) :: Enare
Inari {prop} (language) :: enaresamiska {n}
Inari Sami {prop} (language) :: enaresamiska {c}
in a row {prep} (successively) :: i sträck
inaudible {adj} (unable to be heard) :: ohörbar
inaugurate {v} (to induct into office) :: inviga
inaugurate {v} (to dedicate ceremoniously) :: inviga
inauguration {n} (act of inaugurating) :: installation {c}
inauspicious {adj} (boding ill) :: olycksbådande
inbalance {n} (imbalance) SEE: imbalance ::
in black and white {prep} (explicitly) :: svart på vitt
in black and white {prep} (using shades of gray) :: svartvitt
inbox {n} (container) :: inkorg {c}
inbox {n} (electronic folder) :: inkorg
inbred {adj} (having an ancestry characterized by inbreeding) :: inavlad
in broad daylight {prep} (in blatant and visible manner) :: mitt på ljusa dagen
inc. {adj} (incorporated) :: AB
incalculable {adj} (impossible to calculate) :: oberäknelig
incandescence {n} (emission of visible light by a hot body) :: glöd {c}, glödning {c}
incandescent {n} (incandescent lamp) SEE: light bulb ::
incandescent {adj} (shining brightly) :: bländande
incantation {n} (process) :: besvärjelse {c}
incantation {n} (formula) :: besvärjelse {c}
incarcerate {v} (to lock away in prison) :: inspärra
incarnate {adj} (flesh-colored) SEE: crimson ::
in case {conj} (Because event X might occur) :: i händelse, ifall
in case of {prep} (in the event of) :: ifall, i det fall
incendiary {n} (one who maliciously sets fires) SEE: arsonist ::
incense {n} (A perfume often used in the rites of various religions) :: rökelse {c} (virak {c})
incentive {n} (something that motivates) :: morot {c}, incitament {n}
inception {n} (the creation or beginning of something) :: början, påbörjande, start
incessant {adj} (without pause or stop; not ending) :: oavbruten, oavlåtlig, oupphörlig, ständig
incest {n} (sexual relations between close relatives) :: incest {c}
inch {n} (unit of length) :: tum {c}
inchoate {adj} (not fully formed) :: outvecklad
incidence {n} (The extent, or the relative frequency of something happening) :: incidens {c}
incident {n} (event or occurrence) :: händelse, incident, tilldragelse
incident {n} (event causing interruption or crisis) :: olyckshändelse, tillbud
incidentally {adv} (in an incidental manner) :: apropå, i förbigående
incinerate {v} (destroy by burning) :: förbränna
incineration {n} (the act of incinerating) :: förbränning {c}
incircle {n} (the circle within a polygon that is tangent to each side) :: invändig tangeringscirkel {c}
incisor {n} (tooth) :: framtand {c}, incisiv {c}
inclement {adj} (stormy) :: stormig, bister, omild, sträng
inclement {adj} (merciless) :: oförsonlig, obeveklig
inclination {n} (mental tendency) :: böjelse {c}
include {v} :: inkludera, innefatta
including {prep} (Such as, among which) :: inklusive, däribland, bland annat
inclusive {adj} (including (almost) everything within its scope) :: fullständig, allomfattande, omfattande
inclusive or {n} (logic, computing (noun)) :: inklusivt eller {n}
incognito {adj} (Without being known; in disguise; in an assumed character, or under an assumed title) :: inkognito
incognito {adv} (without revealing one's identity) :: inkognito
incoherently {adv} (in an incoherent manner) :: osammanhängande
in cold blood {prep} (in a ruthless and unfeeling manner) :: kallblodigt, med berått mod
incombustibility {n} (quality or state of being incombustible) :: obrännbarhet {c}
incombustible {adj} (not flammable) :: obrännbar
income {n} (money one earns by working or by capitalising on the work of others) :: inkomst {c}
income statement {n} (financial statement of net income) :: resultaträkning {c}
income tax {n} (tax levied on income) :: inkomstskatt {c}
incommensurability {n} (state or characteristic of being incommensurable) :: inkommensurabilitet {c}
incommensurable {adj} :: inkommensurabel
in common {prep} (shared with others) :: gemensamt
incompatible {adj} (impossible to coexist; irreconcilable) :: inkompatibel, oförenlig
incompetence {n} (inability to perform) :: inkompetens
incomplete {adj} (not complete) :: ofullständig, inkomplett, ofullbordad
incompleteness {n} (incomplete state or condition) :: ofullständighet
incomprehensible {adj} (impossible or very difficult to understand) :: obegriplig
incompressible {adj} (not compressible) :: inkompressibel
inconceivable {adj} (unable to be conceived, unbelievable) :: ofattbar, obegriplig
inconsequential {adj} (having no consequence) :: oviktig
inconsiderate {adj} (not considerate of others) :: hänsynslös
inconsistent {adj} (not consistent) :: inkonsekvent
inconspicuous {adj} (not prominent or easily noticeable) :: oansenlig, diskret, tillbakadragen, undangömd, fördold, dold, förstulen, omärklig
incontestable {adj} (Not contestable; indisputable) :: obestridlig
incontinence {n} (inability to restrain discharge) :: inkontinens {c}
incontrovertible {adj} (not capable of being denied, challenged, or disputed; closed to questioning) :: obestridlig
incontrovertibly {adv} (in incontrovertible manner) :: ovedersägligen
inconvenience {n} (something inconvenient or bothering) :: olägenhet {c}, besvär {n}, krångel {c}, strul {c}
inconvenience {v} (to bother or discomfort) :: besvära, förorsaka besvär
incorporate {v} (include as a part or ingredient) :: arbeta in, innefatta, införliva, inkorporera, inlemma, lägga till
incorporate {v} (mix, blend) :: blanda, legera
incorporate {v} (admit as a member of a company) :: uppta
incorporate {v} (form into a legal company) :: göra till en korporation
incorrect {adj} (erroneous) :: felaktig, inkorrekt
incorrigible {adj} (incurably depraved) :: oförbätterlig
increase {v} (become larger) :: öka
increase {v} (make larger) :: öka
increase {n} (increased amount) :: ökning {c}
increase {n} (act of becoming larger) :: ökning {c}
increasing function {n} (mathematical function) :: växande funktion {c}
incredible {adj} (too implausible to be credible) :: otrolig
incredible {adj} (amazing) :: otrolig
incredulity {n} (unwillingness to believe; doubt about the truth of something) :: misstrogenhet {c}, klentrogenhet
incredulous {adj} (Skeptical, disbelieving) :: misstrogen, skeptisk
incredulous {adj} (difficult to believe; incredible) :: otrolig
incredulously {adv} (in an incredulous manner) :: misstroget
incredulousness {n} (incredulity) SEE: incredulity ::
increment {n} (The action of increasing or becoming greater) :: ökning, tillväxt
incubation period {n} (time between exposure and symptoms) :: inkubationstid {c}
incubator {n} (support program for entrepreneurial companies) :: inkubator {c}, företagskuvös {c}
incubus {n} (an evil spirit) :: incubus
incumbent {adj} (imposed on someone as an obligation, especially due to one's office) :: ansvarig, pliktig, pliktskyldig
incumbent {adj} (being the current holder of an office) :: sittande
incumbrance {n} (burden) SEE: encumbrance ::
incumbrance {n} (interest, right, burden or liability) SEE: encumbrance ::
incunabulum {n} (book, sheet or image) :: inkunabel {m}
incur {v} (to expose oneself to something inconvenient) :: utsätta sig för, ådra sig
incurable {adj} (unable to be cured) :: obotlig
incus {n} (anvil) SEE: anvil ::
indebted {adj} (obligated to someone) :: skyldig
indecision {n} (inability to decide on a course of action) :: obeslutsamhet {c}, vankelmod {n}, velighet {c}
indecisive {adj} (not decisive) :: velig, obeslutsam, villrådig, tvehågsen, vankelmodig
indecisive {adj} (inconclusive or uncertain) :: osäker
indecisiveness {n} (condition of being indecisive) SEE: indecision ::
indecorous {adj} (improper) :: opassande, otillbörlig, otillständig
indeed {interj} (indication of agreement) :: sannerligen
indefatigable {adj} (extremely persistent and untiring) :: outtröttlig
indefensible {adj} (not capable of being defended) :: försvarslös
indefensible {adj} (incapable of being justified) :: oförsvarlig
indefinite {adj} (without limit; forever, or until further notice; not definite) :: obestämd
indefinite {adj} (vague or unclear) :: oklar
indefinite {adj} (undecided or uncertain) :: obestämd
indefinite {adj} (an integral without specified limits) :: obestämd
indefinite {adj} ((linguistics) designating an unspecified or unidentified person or thing) :: obestämd
indefinite article {n} (word preceding a noun to indicate any member of the class of objects) :: obestämd artikel {c}
indefinite integral {n} (antiderivative) :: obestämd integral {c}
indegree {n} (the number of edges directed into a vertex in a directed graph) :: ingrad {c}
indelible {adj} (incapable of being canceled or forgotten) :: outplånlig
in demand {adj} (sought-after) :: eftersökt, efterfrågad
indentation {n} (act of indenting or state of being indented) :: indentering {c} [programming]
indentation {n} (act of beginning a line at a distance from the flush line) :: indrag {n}
independence {n} (state or quality of being independent) :: oavhängighet
independence {n} :: självständighet {c}
Independence Day {n} (annual celebration) :: självständighetsdag {c}
independent {adj} (not dependent; not contingent or depending on something else; free) :: självständig, oberoende
independent clause {n} (grammar: clause that can stand alone) SEE: main clause ::
independently {adv} (in an independent manner) :: självständigt
independent variable {n} (independent variable) :: oberoende variabel {c}
in depth {prep} (thorough, comprehensive) SEE: in-depth ::
in-depth {adj} (thorough, comprehensive) :: djupgående, ingående
indescribable {adj} (impossible, or very difficult to describe) :: obeskrivlig
indescribably {adv} (in an indescribable manner) :: obeskrivligt
indestructible {adj} (not destructible) :: oförstörbar, outplånlig, oförgänglig
in detail {adv} (with all particulars) :: utförligt
index {n} (alphabetical listing of items) :: index {n}, förteckning {c}
index {n} (economics: single number calculated from an array of prices or quantities) :: index {n}
index {n} (programming: key indicating location of data) :: index {n}
index {n} (data structure) :: index {n}
index {n} (index finger) SEE: forefinger ::
index {v} (to take stock) SEE: inventory ::
index {n} (prologue) SEE: prologue ::
index card {n} (piece of heavy paper stock used to record information to be stored in an index) :: kartotekskort {n}
index finger {n} (index finger) SEE: forefinger ::
India {prop} (the country) :: Indien
Indian {adj} (of or pertaining to India) :: indisk
Indian {adj} (of, or related to, the aboriginal people of the Americas) :: indiansk
Indian {n} (a person from India) :: indier {c}, indiska {c}
Indian {n} (individual of, or related to, the aboriginal people of the Americas) :: indian {c}, indianska {c}
Indianapolis {prop} (capital of the State of Indiana, USA) :: Indianapolis
Indian black-lored tit {n} (Machlolophus aplonotus) :: indisk gyllenmes {c}
Indian cobra {n} (cobra species) :: glasögonorm
Indian fig {n} (prickly pear) SEE: prickly pear ::
Indian Ocean {prop} (the ocean separating Africa, southern Asia, Australia and Antarctica) :: Indiska oceanen
Indian summer {n} (stretch of warm days in autumn) :: indiansommar {c}, brittsommar
indicate {v} (to point out; to discover; to direct to a knowledge of; to show; to make known) :: anvisa
indicator {n} (pointer) :: indikator {c}
indicator {n} (meter or gauge) :: mätare {c}
indicator {n} (needle or dial on a meter) :: indikator {c}
indicator {n} (chemical) :: indikator {c} [often used in combination]
indicator {n} (economic measure) :: indikator {c}
indicator {n} (turn signal) :: körriktningsvisare {c}, [colloquial] blinker {c}, blinkljus
indict {v} (to accuse of wrongdoing) :: beskylla, anklaga, angripa
indict {v} (to make a formal accusation or indictment) :: åtala
indictment {n} (accusation) :: anklagelse
Indies {prop} (West Indies) SEE: West Indies ::
Indies {prop} (East Indies) SEE: East Indies ::
indifference {n} (the state of being indifferent) :: likgiltighet
indifferent {adj} (not caring) :: likgiltig
indigent {adj} (poor; destitute) :: fattig, behövande, utblottad, nödlidande
indigent {n} (a person in need or in poverty) :: behövande [nominalized adjective]
indigestion {n} (condition caused by eating too quickly) :: indigestion
indign {adj} (unworthy) SEE: unworthy ::
indigo {n} (colour) :: indigoblå
indigo {n} (dye) :: indigo
indigo {adj} (colour) :: indigo
indigo bunting {n} (Passerina cyanea) :: indigofink {c}
indirect free kick {n} (soccer) :: indirekt frispark {c}
indiscreet {adj} (not discreet; wanting in discretion) :: indiskret, oblyg
indiscriminate {adj} (Without care or making distinctions, thoughtless) :: oaktsam, urskillningslös
indispensable {adj} (absolutely necessary) :: oumbärlig
indium {n} (metallic chemical element) :: indium {n}
individual {n} (person considered alone) :: individ {c}, enskild {c}
individual {adj} (relating to a single person or thing) :: enskild
individual {adj} (intended for a single person) :: individuell
individual {adj} :: individuell, enskild
individualism {n} (moral stance) :: individualism {c}
individuality {n} (person) SEE: person ::
individual pursuit {n} (Cycling discipline) :: individuell sprint {c}
indivisible {adj} (incapable of being divided) :: odelbar
indivisible {adj} (incapable of being divided by a specific integer) :: odelbar
Indochina {prop} (part of Southeast Asia) :: Indokina
indoctrinate {v} (teach) SEE: teach ::
indoctrinate {v} (teach with a biased or one-sided ideology) :: indoktrinera
indoctrination {n} (act of indoctrinating) :: indoktrinering {c}
Indo-European {adj} (of or relating to languages originally spoken in Europe and Western Asia) :: indoeuropeisk
Indo-European {adj} (of or relating to hypothetical parent language of Indo-European language family, see also: Proto-Indo-European) :: indoeuropeisk, urindoeuropeisk
Indo-European {adj} (of or relating to hypothetical group of peoples having spread Indo-European languages) :: indoeuropeisk
indolence {n} (Habitual laziness or sloth) :: indolens {c}, slöhet {c}, lojhet {c}
indomitable {adj} (incapable of being subdued, overcome, or vanquished) :: otämjbar, oregerlig, ostyrbar, genstörtig
Indonesia {prop} (country) :: Indonesien
Indonesian {adj} (referring to Indonesia) :: indonesisk
Indonesian {n} (person) :: indones
Indonesian {n} (language) :: indonesiska {c}
indoors {adv} (in or into a building) :: inomhus
indri {n} (Indri indri) :: indri
indubitably {adv} (Undoubtedly; unquestionably) :: utan tvivel, otvivelaktigt
induced abortion {n} (procedure that terminates pregnancy by removing the fetus) SEE: abortion ::
induct {v} (to formally or ceremoniously install in an office, position, et cetera.) :: installera
induct {v} (to draft into military service) :: inkalla, kalla in
in due course {prep} (when the time is right) :: i sinom tid
in due time {prep} (eventually) :: när tiden är inne, i sinom tid
indulge {v} (to yield to a temptation) :: unna
indulgent {adj} (prone to indulge) :: svag, överseende, tillåtande, eftergiven
induration {n} (hardness) SEE: hardness ::
Indus {prop} (the river) :: Indus {c}
industrial {adj} (of or relating to industry) :: industriell
industrial action {n} (workplace protest) :: stridsåtgärd {c}
industrial espionage {n} (use of clandestine methods to acquire secret information for commercial advantage) :: industrispionage {n}
industrialization {n} (process of social and economic change) :: industrialisering {c}
industrial peace {n} (absence of industrial action) :: arbetsfred {c}
Industrial Revolution {prop} (major technological change in the late 18th and early 19th century) :: industriella revolutionen
industrious {adj} (hard-working and persistent) :: flitig, ihärdig, idog
industry {n} (businesses of the same type) :: bransch {c}, industri {c}, gren {f}
industry {n} (businesses that produce goods) :: industri
Indus Valley Civilization {prop} (ancient civilization) :: Indiens historia: Indus-Sarasvati
indweller {n} (inhabitant) SEE: inhabitant ::
inebriated {adj} (behaving as though affected by alcohol) :: berusad
inedible {adj} (not edible; not appropriate, worthy, or safe to eat) :: oätlig
I need ... {phrase} (I need ... (something)) :: jag behöver ...
I need a guide {phrase} (I need a guide (a person who guides)) :: jag behöver en guide
I need a guide {phrase} (I need a guide (a written guide)) :: jag behöver en guidebok
ineffable {adj} (beyond expression) :: obeskrivlig, outsäglig
ineffable {adj} (forbidden to be uttered) :: onämnbar
inefficient {adj} (not efficient; not producing the effect intended or desired) :: ineffektiv
inefficient {adj} (incapable of, or indisposed to, effective action) :: improduktiv, verkningslös
ineluctable {adj} (impossible to avoid or escape) :: ofrånkomlig, oundviklig
inequality {n} (unfair, not equal, state) :: ojämlikhet {c}
inequality {n} (statement that one quantity is less (or greater) than another) :: olikhet {c}
inequation {n} (a statement that two expressions are not the same) SEE: inequality ::
inert gas {n} (noble gas) SEE: noble gas ::
inertia {n} (in physics) :: tröghet
inertia {n} (unwillingness to take action) :: tröghet
inessive {n} (inessive case) :: inessiv {c}
inessive case {n} (case used to indicate location inside something) SEE: inessive ::
inevitability {n} (the condition of being inevitable) :: oundviklighet {c}
inevitability {n} (an inevitable condition or outcome) :: oundviklighet {c}
inevitable {adj} (impossible to avoid or prevent) :: oundviklig, ofrånkomlig
inevitably {adv} (in a manner that this impossible to avoid) :: ofrånkomligen
inexact {adj} (imprecisely or indefinitely conceived or stated) :: oexakt, oprecis
inexhaustible {adj} (impossible to exhaust) :: outtömlig
inexistent {adj} (nonexistent) SEE: nonexistent ::
inexorably {adv} (in an inexorable manner; relentlessly) :: oundvikligen, obönhörligen
inexperience {n} (lack of experience) :: oerfarenhet {c}
inexperienced {adj} (not experienced) :: oerfaren
inexplicable {adj} (impossible to explain) :: oförklarlig
inexpugnable {adj} (impregnable, unconquerable) :: ointaglig
in extenso {adv} (at full length) :: in extenso
inextricable {adj} (impossible to solve) :: olöslig
inextricable {adj} (impossible to escape from) :: omöjlig att komma ur
inextricably {adv} (In an inextricable manner) :: oupplösligt
inextricably {adv} (To an inextricable degree) :: oupplösligt
Inez {prop} (female given name) :: Inez
in fact {prep} (actually, in truth) :: faktiskt
infallibility {n} (the ability to never make a mistake) :: ofelbarhet {c}
infallible {adj} (without fault or weakness; incapable of error or fallacy) :: ofelbar
infamous {adj} (having a bad reputation) :: ökänd, vanärande, vanfrejdad, äreslös
infamous {adj} (disgraceful) :: vanhederlig, skändlig, avskyvärd
infamy {n} (the state of being infamous) :: vanära {c}, vanrykte {n}, vanfrejd {c}, äreslöshet {c}
infant {n} (very young human being) :: spädbarn
infant {n} (legal minor) :: underårig
infanteer {n} (soldier) SEE: infantryman ::
infant massage {n} (massage therapy for infants) :: spädbarnsmassage
infant mortality {n} (death of children under one year old) :: spädbarnsdödlighet {c}, spädbarnsmortalitet {c}
infantry {n} (soldiers who fight on foot) :: infanteri {n}
infantry {n} (the part of an army consisting of infantry soldiers) :: infanteri {n}
infantryman {n} (soldier who fights on foot) :: fotsoldat {c}, infanterist {c}
infarct {n} (area of dead tissue) :: infarkt
infarction {n} (infarct) SEE: infarct ::
infatuation {n} (The act of infatuating; the state of being infatuated; folly; that which infatuates) :: förälskelse {c}
infatuation {n} (An unreasoning love or attraction) :: förälskelse {c}
in favor of {prep} (in support of) :: för
in favor of {prep} (for the benefit of) :: för
in favor of {prep} (out of preference for) :: för
infect {v} (to bring into contact with a substance that causes illness) :: smitta, infektera
infect {v} (to make somebody enthusiastic about one's own passion) :: smitta
infection {n} (uncontrolled growth of harmful microorganisms in a host) :: infektion
infectious {adj} ((of feelings and behaviour) spreading quickly between persons) :: smittande
infectiousness {n} (state or condition of being infectious) :: smittsamhet
infer {v} (to introduce as a reasoned conclusion) :: sluta sig till
inferior {adj} (of lower quality) :: undermålig
inferior {adj} (of lower rank) :: underordnad
inferiority {n} (quality of being inferior) :: underlägsenhet {f}
inferiority complex {n} (a sense of inferiority) :: mindervärdeskomplex {n}
inferno {n} (place or situation resembling Hell) :: inferno {n}
infestation {n} (presence of a large number of pest organisms in an area) :: angrepp {n}, härjning {c}
infidel {n} (non-believer) :: otrogen
infighting {n} (fighting/quarreling among group members) :: inbördes strid {c}
infiltrate {v} (to surreptitiously penetrate, enter or gain access) :: infiltrera
infiltration {n} (entering secretly) :: infiltration {c}
infiltrator {n} (one who infiltrates) :: infiltratör {c}
infinite {adj} (figuratively, very large) :: oändlig, ändlös
infinite {adj} (boundless, endless) :: oändlig, ändlös, gränslös
infinite {adj} (greater than any positive quantity or magnitude) :: oändlig
infinitesimal {n} (A non-zero quantity whose magnitude is smaller than any positive number) :: infinitesimal
infinitive {n} (a mood or mode of verbs) :: infinitiv {m}, obestämmt sätt
infinitive marker {n} :: infinitivmärke {n}
infinity {n} (endlessness, unlimitedness, absence of end or limit) :: oändlighet {c}, ändlöshet {c}
infinity {n} (a number that has an infinite, uncountable numerical value) :: oändlighet {c}
infinity {n} (a number which is very large compared to some characteristic number) :: oändlighet {c}
infinity {n} (the symbol ∞) :: oändlighetstecken {n}
infirmity {n} (feebleness) :: skröplighet {c}, bräcklighet {c}
infix {n} (morpheme inserted into word) :: infix {n}
in flagrante delicto {adv} (in the act of committing a misdeed) :: på bar gärning, med byxorna nere
in flagrante delicto {adv} (while performing sexual activity) :: med byxorna nere
inflamed {adj} (affected by inflammation) :: inflammerad
inflammable {adj} (capable of burning, see also: flammable) :: lättantändlig, brännbar
inflammation {n} (medical condition) :: inflammation {c}
inflammatory {adj} (tending to inflame or provoke) :: provocerande
inflammatory {adj} (relating to, causing or caused by inflammation) :: inflammatorisk
inflatable {adj} (able to be inflated) :: uppblåsbar
inflatable {n} (boat that may be inflated) :: uppblåsbar båt
inflate {v} (to enlarge the volume occupied by an object) :: blåsa upp
inflate {v} :: blåsa upp
inflation {n} (expansion or increase in size) :: uppblåsning {c}
inflation {n} (increase in the general level of prices or in the cost of living) :: inflation
inflect {v} (grammar: vary the form of a word) :: böja
inflection {n} (change in the form of a word that reflects a change in grammatical function) :: böjning
inflorescence {n} (flower cluster) :: blomställning {c}
influence {n} (power to affect, control or manipulate) :: inflytande {n}
influence {n} (action exerted by a person or thing with power to cause change) :: påverkan {c}
influence {n} (person or thing exerting such power or action) :: inflytande {n}
influence {n} :: inflytande {n}
influence {v} (transitive: to exert an influence upon) :: påverka, influera
influence {v} (intransitive: to exert influence) :: påverka, influera
influence {n} (action of flowing in; influx) SEE: influx ::
influential {adj} (having considerable influence) :: inflytelserik
influenza {n} (an acute contagious disease of the upper airways and lungs) :: influensa {c}, flunsa {c}
influx {n} (inward flow) :: tillströmning {c}
info {n} (abbreviation for “information”) :: info
inform {v} (to communicate knowledge to another/others (transitive)) :: informera, upplysa, meddela
inform {v} (to impart information or knowledge (intransitive)) :: informera
inform {v} (instruct) SEE: instruct ::
informal {adj} (not formal or ceremonious) :: informell
informatics {n} (branch of information science) :: informatik {c}
information {n} (communicable knowledge) :: information {c}
information security {n} (protection of information and information systems) :: datasikkerhet informationssäkerhet {c}
information system {n} (data processing system) :: informationssystem, IT-system
information technology {n} (the practice of creating and/or studying computer systems and applications) :: informationsteknologi {c}, informationsteknik {c}
informatisation {n} (computerization) SEE: computerization ::
informative {adj} (providing useful or interesting information) :: informativ, upplysande, orienterande, informerande
infrared {n} (infrared radiation) :: infraröd strålning {c}
infrared {adj} (having the wavelength in the infrared) :: infraröd
infrastructure {n} (underlying base or foundation especially for an organization or system) :: infrastruktur {c}
infrastructure {n} (basic facilities, services and installations needed for the functioning of a community or society) :: infrastruktur {c}
infringement {n} (violation) :: överträdelse {c}
in front of {prep} (at or near the front part of) :: framför
in front of {prep} (in the presence of someone) :: framför, inför
infuriated {adj} (extremely angry) :: ursinnig
-ing {suffix} (to form present participles) :: -ande [verbs ending in -a], -ende [verbs ending in other letter than -a]
in general {adv} (generally) SEE: generally ::
ingenious {adj} (displaying genius or brilliance; tending to invent) :: finurlig
ingenious {adj} (characterized by genius; cleverly done or contrived) :: finurlig
ingenuity {n} (ability to come up with solutions to difficult problems) :: fyndighet {c}, sinnrikhet {c}, genialitet {c}
ingest {v} (to take into, or as into, the stomach or alimentary canal) :: inta
ingot {n} (solid block of more or less pure metal) :: tacka {c}
ingrained {adj} (fixed, established) :: inrotad, ingrodd
ingrate {adj} (ungrateful) SEE: ungrateful ::
ingratiate {v} (get someone's favor, especially through flattery) :: ställa sig in
ingratitude {n} (thanklessness) :: otacksamhet {c}
ingredient {n} (substance present in a mixture) :: ingrediens {c}, råvara {c}
Ingria {prop} (region to the south of Karelia) :: Ingermanland
Ingrid {prop} (female given name) :: Ingrid
inguinal {adj} (of or pertaining to the groin) :: ljumsk-
Ingushetia {prop} (federal subject of Russia) :: Ingusjien
inhabit {v} (to live or reside in some place) :: bebo, befolka
inhabit {v} (to be present in some place) :: uppta
inhabitable {adj} (fit to live in) :: beboelig
inhabitant {n} (someone or thing who lives in a place) :: invånare, inbyggare
inhabited {adj} (having inhabitants) :: bebodd
inhalation {n} (the act of inhaling) :: inandning {c}, inhalation {c}
in heat {prep} (on heat) SEE: on heat ::
inherent {adj} (natural part or consequence) :: naturligt nedärvd, inneboende {c}, inherent, naturlig, medfödd
inherently {adv} (inherently, innately) :: inherent
inherit {v} (to receive property or a title by legal succession etc.) :: ärva
inherit {v} (to receive a characteristic by genetic transmission) :: ärva
inheritance {n} (that which a person is entitled to inherit) :: arv {n}
inheritance {n} (biological attributes passed to offspring) :: arv {n}
inheritance law {n} (Area of plaw pertaining to passing on property, titles, debts, rights, and obligations upon the death of an individual) :: arvsrätt {c}
inheritance tax {n} (tax on the property of the deceased) :: arvskatt {c}
inheritor {n} (heir) SEE: heir ::
inhibit {v} (to hold in or hold back; to restrain) :: hämma, avstyra, förhindra
inhibition {n} (State of being inhibited) :: hämning {c}
inhibitory {adj} (that inhibits) :: hämmande, inhibitorisk
inhuman {adj} (of or pertaining to inhumanity) :: omänsklig
inimical {adj} (harmful) :: skadlig
inimical {adj} (hostile) :: fientlig
initial {n} (first letter of a word) :: initial {c}, initialbokstav {c}
initial {n} (first letters of a person's name as a unit) :: initial {c}, monogram {n}
initial {n} (calligraphy: distinguished initial letter) :: anfang {c}
initial public offering {n} (first offering to members of the public of stock in a company) :: börsintroduktion {c}
initiate {v} (to begin; to start) :: initiera, inleda, påbörja, sätta igång
initiate {v} (to confer membership on) :: uppta
initiative {n} (a beginning; a first move) :: initiativ {n}
injection {n} (set theory: one-to-one mapping) :: injektion {c}
injective {adj} (inverse-deterministic) :: injektiv
injudicious {adj} (showing poor judgement; not well judged) :: omdömeslös
injure {v} (to wound or cause physical harm) :: skada
injure {v} (to cause damage or impair) :: skada
injured party {n} (plaintiff) :: skadelidande
injury {n} (wound) SEE: wound ::
injury {n} (damage or violation) :: skada {c}
injury time {n} (additional time played straight after each of the two halves) :: övertid {c}, stopptid {c}
injustice {n} (absence of justice) :: orättvisa {c}
injustice {n} (violation of the rights of another) :: oförrätt {c}, orättvisa {c}
ink {n} (coloured fluid used for writing) :: bläck {n}
ink {n} (dark fluid ejected by squid etc) :: bläck {n}
ink {v} (apply ink) :: bläcka
ink bottle {n} (inkwell) SEE: inkwell ::
inkdot {n} (small spot of ink) :: bläckpunkt {c}
in kind {adv} (with goods or services) :: in natura, i natura
in-kind {adj} (consisting of goods or commodities) :: natura
inkling {n} (desire, inclination) SEE: desire ::
inkling {n} (slight hint, implication, or suggestion given) :: aning, hum {n}, vink {c}
inkpot {n} (inkwell) SEE: inkwell ::
inkwell {n} (container for ink) :: bläckhorn {n}
inlaut {n} (inlaut) :: inljud {n}, midljud {n}
in-law {n} (relative by marriage) :: släkting genom giftermål, ingift
in-law {n} (father-in-law) SEE: father-in-law ::
in-law {n} (mother-in-law) SEE: mother-in-law ::
-in-law {suffix} (related through marriage) :: svär-
in lieu {adv} (instead (of); in place (of)) :: i stället (för)
in lieu of {prep} (instead; in place of; as a substitute for) :: i stället för
in-line skate {n} (roller skate with all wheels aligned) SEE: rollerblade ::
in living memory {prep} (within extant people's recorded history) :: i mannaminne
in love {prep} (of a person or persons: enamored) :: kär,förälskad
in memoriam {adv} (in memory of) :: in memoriam, till minne av
in my opinion {prep} (according to me) :: i min mening
inn {n} (lodging) :: gästgiveri {n}, värdshus {n}, krog {c}
inn {n} (tavern) SEE: tavern ::
inner {adj} (being or occurring inside) :: inre
inner city {n} (central part of a city) :: centrum, city {c}, innerstad {c}
inner ear {n} (anatomy) :: inneröra {n}
inner emigration {n} (choice of remaining in a country during dictatorship) :: inre emigration {c}
Inner Mongolia {prop} (autonomous region in northern China) :: Inre Mongoliet
inner product {n} (generalization of the dot product) :: inre produkt
innocence {n} (absence of responsibility for a crime) :: oskuld {c}, oskyldighet {c}
innocence {n} (lack of understanding about sensitive subjects such as sexuality and crime) :: oskuld {c}
innocence {n} (lack of ability or intention to harm or damage) :: harmlöshet {c}
innocent {adj} (not legally responsible for a wrongful act) :: oskyldig
innocuous {adj} (harmless) :: ofarlig, oskadlig, oskyldig
innominate bone {n} (hip bone) SEE: hip bone ::
in no time {prep} (very soon) :: på nolltid
innovate {v} (to introduce something new) :: förnya
innovation {n} (act of innovating) :: innovation {c}
innovative {adj} (characterized by the creation of new ideas or things) :: innovativ, nyskapande, påhittig, uppfinningsrik
innovative {adj} (forward looking; ahead of current thinking) :: innovativ, visionär
innuendo {n} (A derogatory hint or reference to a person or thing, an implication or insinuation) :: anspelning {c}, allusion {c}, insinuation {c}
innumerable {adj} (not capable of being counted) SEE: countless ::
inoculate {v} (to provide immunity) :: inokulera, ympa
inoculate {v} (to add one substance to another) :: inympa, inokulera
inoculation {n} (introduction of substance into the body to produce immunity) :: ympning {c}, inokulation {c}
in order {adv} (for the purpose of) SEE: in order to ::
in order to {phrase} (as a means of achieving the specified aim) :: för att
inorganic {adj} (relating to a compound that does not contain carbon) :: oorganisk
inorganic carbon {n} (carbon not found in organic compounds) :: oorganiskt kol {n}
in other words {prep} (stated or interpreted another way) :: med andra ord, (mao)
in particular {adv} (especially, individually or specifically) :: i synnerhet, särskilt
in passing {prep} (incidentally) :: i förbifarten
in peace {prep} :: i frid
in person {prep} (actually present) :: personligen
in practice {prep} (really, in effect) :: i praktiken
in principle {prep} (with regard to fundamentals) :: i princip
in principle {prep} (according to theory) :: i princip
in private {prep} (privately) :: i enrum, mellan fyra ögon
in progress {prep} (underway) SEE: underway ::
input {v} (to enter data) :: mata in
inquiry {n} (the act of inquiring) :: förfrågan, efterforskning, undersökning
inquisitive {adj} (eager to acquire knowledge) :: vetgirig
inquisitive {adj} (too curious; overly interested; nosy) :: nyfiken
in recent memory {prep} (in living memory) SEE: in living memory ::
insane {adj} (exhibiting unsoundness or disorder of mind) :: vansinnig, galen, sinnessjuk
insane asylum {n} (mental hospital) SEE: mental hospital ::
insanity {n} (state of being insane) :: galenskap {c}, vansinne {n}
insatiable {adj} (not satiable; incapable of being satisfied or appeased) :: omättlig
insatiate {adj} (that is not satiated) SEE: insatiable ::
inscription {n} (carved text) :: inskription {c}
inscrutable {adj} (difficult or impossible to comprehend, fathom or interpret) :: outgrundlig
insect {n} (arthropod of class Insecta) :: insekt {c}
insect hotel {n} (manmade structure to house insects) :: insektshotell {c}
insecticide {n} (A substance used to kill insects) :: insektsgift {n}
insectivore {n} (insect eating animal) :: insektsätare {c}
insecure {adj} (not secure) :: osäker
insecure {adj} (not comfortable in certain situations) :: otrygg
inseminate {v} (to disperse or plant seds) SEE: sow ::
inseminate {v} (to cause to become pregnant) SEE: impregnate ::
insensate {adj} (having no sensation or consciousness) :: livlös
insensate {adj} (unfeeling, heartless, cruel, insensitive) :: känslolös, okänslig
insensitive {adj} (not having normal emotional feelings, cold, tactless, undiplomatic) :: okänslig, känslolös
insensitively {adv} (in an insensitive manner) :: okänsligt
insensitivity {n} (condition of being insensitive) :: okänslighet {c}
inseparable {adj} (unable to be separated) :: oskiljaktig
insert {v} (put in between or into) :: sätta i [into], infoga [in between], skjuta in [in between]
inshallah {interj} (God willing (Islam)) :: insha'Allah
inshore {adj} (close to shore) :: kustnära, kust-
inshore {adv} (near the shore) :: nära land, vid land, vid kusten
inshore {adv} (towards the shore) :: mot land
inside {n} (interior or inner part) :: insida {c}
inside {adj} :: insides-
inside {adv} (within the interior) :: innanför, därinne
inside {prep} (within the interior of something, closest to the center or to a specific point of reference) :: i, inuti
inside {adv} (indoors) SEE: indoors ::
inside joke {n} (joke understood by certain people) :: internt skämt {n}
inside out {adv} (with the inside turned to be on the outside) :: ut och in, på avigan (of a garment), avig
insider trading {n} (trading of securities by a person who has privileged access to information) :: insiderhandel {c}
insidious {adj} (producing serious harm in a stealthy, often gradual, manner) :: försåtlig
insidious {adj} (intending to entrap) :: förrädisk
insightful {adj} (possessing insight) :: insiktsfull
insignificance {n} (quality of being insignificant) :: betydelselöshet {c}
insignificant {adj} (not significant; not important) :: obetydlig, betydelselös
insinuate {v} (hint at (something)) :: insinuera
insofar as {conj} (to the extent that) :: såtillvida
insolation {n} (medicine: sunstroke) SEE: sunstroke ::
insolence {n} (Arrogant conduct; insulting, bold behaviour or attitude) :: fräckhet {c}, oförskämdhet {c}
insolent {adj} (rude) :: oförskämd
insoluble {adj} (not soluble; that cannot be dissolved) :: olöslig
insolvency {n} (the condition of being insolvent) :: insolvens {c}
in so many words {prep} (verbatim) :: ord för ord
insomnia {n} (sleeping disorder) :: insomni, sömnlöshet
inspect {v} (examine critically, scrutinize) :: inspektera
inspect {v} (view and examine officially) :: inspektera
inspection pit {n} (grease pit) SEE: grease pit ::
inspector {n} (person employed to inspect something) :: inspektör {c}, besiktningsman {c}
inspiration {n} (stimulating influence upon the intellect or emotions) :: inspiration {c}
inspirator {n} (inspirer) SEE: inspirer ::
inspire {v} (to infuse into the mind; to communicate to the spirit) :: inspirera
inspire {v} (to infuse into; to affect, as with a superior or supernatural influence) :: inspirera
inspirer {n} (someone who inspires) :: inspiratör {c}
in spite of {prep} (despite) :: trots
install {v} (set something up for use) :: installera
install {v} (admit formally into a position) :: installera
install {v} (establish or settle in) :: installera
installation {n} (act of installing) :: installation {c}
installation {n} (something installed) :: installation {c}
installation {n} (work of installation art) :: installation {c}
installer {n} (program that installs software and prepares it for use) :: installationsprogram {n}
installment {n} (finance: portion of debt) :: avbetalning {c}, amortering {c}
installment {n} (media: part of a serial) :: [of broadcasts] avsnitt {n}, del {c}
instalment {n} (installment) SEE: installment ::
instance {n} (case occurring, a case offered as an exemplification, an example) :: instans, fall
instant {n} (period of time) :: ögonblick {n}
instant {n} (point in time) :: ögonblick {n}
instant {adj} (immediate) :: ögonblicklig, omedelbar
instant {adj} (quickly prepared) :: snabb-
instantaneous {adj} (occurring, arising, or functioning without any delay; happening within an imperceptibly brief period of time) :: omedelbar, ögonblicklig
instant coffee {n} (beverage) :: snabbkaffe, pulverkaffe {n}
instantiate {v} (to represent by a concrete instance) :: exemplifiera
instantiation {n} (something resulting from the act of instantiating) :: instansiering {c}
instant noodle {n} (a mass of precooked noodles) :: snabbnudlar {c-p}
instead {adv} (in the place of (it)) :: istället
instead of {prep} (in lieu of; in place of; rather than) :: i stället för
instigate {v} (to goad or urge forward; to set on; to provoke; to incite) :: pressa fram
instill {v} (to cause a quality to become part of someone's nature) :: ingjuta
instinct {n} (natural or inherent impulse or behaviour) :: instinkt {c}
instinctive {adj} (related to or prompted by instinct) :: instinktiv
instinctive {adj} (driven by impulse, spontaneous and without thinking) :: instinktiv
institute {n} (college) :: institut {n}
institute {v} (to begin or initiate something) :: inrätta
institution {n} (established organisation) :: institut {n}
institutional {adj} (rudimentary) SEE: rudimentary ::
instruct {v} :: instruera
instruction {n} (act of instructing, teaching, or furnishing with knowledge; information) :: instruktion {c}, undervisning {c}, skolväsen {n} {c}
instruction {n} (that which instructs, or with which one is instructed) :: instruktör {c}
instruction {n} (single operation of a processor) :: instruktion {c}
instruction set {n} (set of machine instructions that a particular CPU can execute) :: instruktionsrepertoar {c}, instruktionsuppsättning {c}
instructive case {n} (case used to indicate means) :: instruktiv
instructor {n} (one who instructs; a teacher) :: instruktör {c}, instruktris {c} [female], handledare {c}, handledarinna {c} [female], lärare {c}, lärarinna {c} [female], utbildare {c}
instrument {n} (musical device) :: instrument {n}
instrument {n} (measuring device) :: mätinstrument {n}
instrument {n} (tool) :: instrument {n} [especially a fine tool]
instrumental {n} (instrumental case) SEE: instrumental case ::
instrumental case {n} (case to express agency or means) :: instrumentalis
instrumentalist {n} (one who plays a musical instrument) :: instrumentalist {c}
insubordination {n} (quality of being insubordinate) :: olydnad {c}
insufferable {adj} (not sufferable) :: odräglig
insufficient {adj} (Not sufficient) :: otillräcklig
insufficiently {adv} (not sufficiently) :: otillräckligt
insular {adj} (of, pertaining to, or resembling an island or islands) :: ö-
insular {adj} (situated on an island) :: ö-
insular {adj} (separate or isolated from the surroundings) :: avskild
insular {adj} (having an inward-looking manner) :: tillbakadragen
insulate {v} (to separate or detach) :: isolera
insulate {v} (to separate so as to prevent a transfer) :: isolera
insulation {n} (The act of insulating) :: isolering {c}
insulation {n} (The act of separating a body from others) :: isolering {c}
insulation {n} (a medium in which it is possible to maintain an electrical field with little supply of energy from additional sources) :: isolering, isolator {c}
insulator {n} (substance) :: isolering
insulator {n} (structure) :: isolator {c}
insulin {n} (polypeptide hormone) :: insulin
insult {v} (to be insensitive, insolent, or rude to (someone)) :: förolämpa
insult {n} (action or speech deliberately intended to be rude) :: förolämpning {c}
insulting {adj} (containing insult, or having the intention of insulting) :: förolämpande
insultingly {adv} (in an insulting manner) :: förolämpande
insultive {adj} (insulting) SEE: insulting ::
insurance {n} (indemnity) :: försäkring
insurance {n} (business) :: försäkring
insurance company {n} (company that provides insurance policies) :: försäkringsbolag {n}
insure {v} (to provide for compensation if some risk occurs) :: försäkra
insurmountable {adj} (incapable of being passed over) :: oöverstiglig
insurrection {n} (mutiny or rebellion) :: uppror, resning {c}, revolt {c}
insusceptible {adj} (Not susceptible) :: oemottaglig
intake {n} (place where fluid is taken in) :: intag {n}
intake {n} (quantity taken in) :: intag {n}
integer {n} (a number that is not a fraction) :: heltal {n}
integer factorization {n} (factorization of a positive integer) :: heltalsfaktorisering
integrable {adj} (able to be integrated) :: integrerbar
integrable function {n} (mathematics) :: integrabel funktion {c}
integral {adj} (constituting a whole together with other parts or factors; not omittable or removable) :: hel, enhetlig
integral {adj} (math: of, pertaining to, or being an integer) :: compounds with heltal
integral {n} (limit of sums) :: integral {c}
integral {n} (antiderivative) SEE: antiderivative ::
integral calculus {n} (calculus of areas and volumes) :: integralkalkyl {c}
integrand {n} (function that is to be integrated) :: integrand {c}
integrate {v} (to subject to the operation of integration; to find the integral of) :: integrera
integrate {v} (to desegregate, as a school or neighborhood) :: integrera
integrated circuit {n} (thin chip) :: integrerad krets {c}
integration {n} (process of fitting into a community) :: integration {c}
integration {n} (in mathematics) :: integration, integrering
integrity {n} (steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code) :: integritet {c}
intel {n} (intelligence) SEE: intelligence ::
intellectual {adj} (spiritual) SEE: spiritual ::
intellectual {adj} (belonging to, or performed by, the intellect; mental or cognitive) :: intellektuell
intellectual {n} (intelligent person, interested in intellectual matters) :: intellektuell {c}
intellectually {adv} (in an intellectual manner) :: intellektuellt
intelligence {n} (capacity of mind) :: intelligens {c}
intelligence {n} (entity that has such capacities) :: intelligens {c}
intelligence {n} (information about the enemy) :: underrättelse {c}
intelligence {n} (a department, agency or unit designed to gather such information) :: underrättelsetjänst {c}
intelligence agency {n} (governmental agency devoted to information gathering) :: underrättelsetjänst {c}
intelligence quotient {n} (IQ score) :: intelligenskvot {c}
intelligent {adj} (of high or especially quick cognitive capacity, bright) :: intelligent, klyftig [colloquial], klok
intelligent {adj} (characterized by thoughtful interaction) :: intelligent
intelligent design {prop} (intelligent design / Intelligent Design) :: intelligent design
intelligentsia {n} (intellectual élite) :: intelligentia
intelligible {adj} (capable of being understood) :: begriplig
intend {v} (to fix the mind upon a goal) :: avse, ämna, planera
intended {n} (fiancé) SEE: fiancé ::
intended {n} (fiancée) SEE: fiancée ::
intensify {v} (to render more intense) :: intensifiera
intensify {v} (to become more intense) :: intensifieras
intensity {n} (quality of being intense) :: intensitet {c}
intensive {adj} (thorough, to a great degree, with intensity) :: intensiv
intensive care {n} (support and monitoring of critically ill patients) :: intensivvård {c}
intention {v} (intend) SEE: intend ::
intention {n} (course intended to follow) :: avsikt {c}, syfte
intentional {adj} (intended or planned; done deliberately or voluntarily) :: avsiktlig, uppsåtlig
intentional {adj} (done with intent) :: med uppsåt
interaction {n} (situation or occurrence in which two or more objects or events act upon one another) :: växelverkan {c}
interactive {adj} (responding to the user) :: interaktiv
inter alia {adv} (among other things) :: bland annat, bl.a.
intercardinal direction {n} (compass direction) :: interkardinalstreck {n}
interchangeably {adv} (with the ability of being interchanged) :: utbytbart, omväxlande, synonymt
intercom {n} (an electronic communication system) :: porttelefon
intercourse {n} (sexual intercourse) :: samlag
interdiction {n} (act of interdicting or something interdicted) SEE: prohibition ::
interdisciplinary {adj} (of or pertaining to multiple distinct academic disciplines or fields of study) :: tvärvetenskaplig
interest {n} (finance: price of credit) :: ränta {c}
interest {n} (great attention and concern from someone) :: intresse {n}
interest {n} (attention that is given to or received from someone or something) :: intresse {n}
interest {v} (to attract attention or concern) :: intressera
interest-free {adj} (not charging interest) :: räntefri
interesting {adj} (arousing or holding the attention) :: intressant
interest rate {n} (percentage of money charged for its use per some period) :: räntesats {c}
interface {n} (point of interconnection between entities) :: gränssnitt {n}, beröringspunkt {c}
interface {n} (computing: point of interconnection between systems or subsystems) :: gränssnitt {n}
interface {n} (computing: connection between a user and a machine) :: gränssnitt {n}
interface {n} (computing, object-oriented: connection between parts of software) :: gränssnitt {n}
interfaith {adj} (involving members of different religions) :: interreligiös, trosöverskridande
interfere {v} :: hindra, försvåra [to make difficult]
interference {n} (act of interfering with something, or something that interferes) :: interferens {c}
interference {n} (distortion on a broadcast signal due to atmospheric or other effects) :: störning {c}
interferon {n} (any of a group of glycoproteins, that prevent viral replication in infected cells) :: interferon
interfix {n} (an empty morph inserted between two morphemes) :: fogemorfem {n}, interfix {n}
intergalactic {adj} (occurring between galaxies) :: intergalaktisk
intergluteal cleft {n} (groove between the buttocks) SEE: gluteal cleft ::
interior {n} (the inside of an enclosed structure) :: interiör, insida, innandöme, det inre
interior design {n} (design of internal space) :: inredning, heminredning
interject {v} (to insert something between other things) :: skjuta in
interjection {n} (exclamation or filled pause in grammar) :: interjektion {c}
interlanguage {n} (creole) SEE: creole ::
interlanguage {n} (pidgin) SEE: pidgin ::
interleave {v} (to insert (pages, which are normally blank) between the pages of a book) :: interfoliera
Interlingua {prop} (interlanguage based on Romance languages) :: interlingua
interloper {n} (one who interferes) :: inkräktare {c}
intermediate {adj} (being between two extremes, or in the middle of a range) :: mellanliggande, intermediär
intermediate frequency {n} :: mellanfrekvens
intermezzo {n} (arts) :: intermezzo {n}
intermission {n} (break between performances or sessions) :: paus
intern {v} (to imprison (transitive)) :: internera
intern {n} (student or recent graduate who works in order to gain experience in their chosen field) :: praktikant {c}
internal {adj} :: intern
internal combustion engine {n} (a piston or a rotary heat engine) :: förbränningsmotor {c}
internalize {v} (make something internal) :: internalisera
internal medicine {n} (medical specialty concerned with nonsurgical treatment) :: invärtesmedicin {c}
international {adj} (between, concerning, or transcending multiple nations) :: internationell
International Court of Justice {prop} (UN court) :: Internationella domstolen {c}
internationalise {v} (to make international) SEE: internationalize ::
internationalism {n} (cooperation between nations) :: internationalism {c}
internationalize {v} (to make something international) :: internationalisera
International Klein Blue {prop} (deep blue hue achieved through ultramarine pigment and a binder) :: International Klein Blue {c}, kleinblå {c}
internationally {adv} (in an international manner) :: internationellt
International Monetary Fund {prop} (International Monetary Fund) :: Internationella valutafonden {c}
international organisation {n} (organisation established by treaty) :: internationell organisation
International Phonetic Alphabet {prop} (standardized symbols for speech) :: internationella fonetiska alfabetet
international relations {n} (study of relationships among countries) :: internationella förbindelser
International Telecommunication Union {prop} (United Nations agency) :: Internationella teleunionen
internecine {adj} (characterized by struggle within a group) :: inbördes (stridigheter)
internecine {adj} :: ömsesidigt utplånande
internet {n} (the Internet, largest global internet) SEE: Internet ::
Internet {prop} (specific internet consisting of the global network of computers) :: Internet, nätet, internet {n}
Internet cafe {n} (place where one can use a computer with Internet) :: internetkafé {n}, internetcafé {n}
Internet forum {n} (system for messages) :: forum {n}
Internet of Things {prop} (Internet-like structure connecting everyday physical objects) :: sakernas internet {n}
Internet Protocol {n} (one of the computer networking protocols) :: Internetprotokoll {c}
Internet Protocol {n} :: Internetprotokoll {c}
internist {n} (specialist in internal medicine) :: invärtesläkare {c}
internment camp {n} (euphemism) :: interneringsläger {c}
internship {n} (job taken by a student) :: praktik {c}
interoperability {n} (computing) :: interoperabilitet {c}
interplanetary {adj} (existing or occurring between between planets) :: interplanetarisk
interplay {n} (Interaction) :: samspel {n}
interpolate {v} (to introduce something, such as words, between other things, such as other words) :: interpolera
interpolation {n} (math, science: process of estimating the value of a function) :: interpolation {c}
interpret {v} (to explain or tell the meaning of) :: tolka
interpret {v} (to apprehend and represent by means of art) :: tolka
interpret {v} (to act as an interpreter) :: tolka
interpretation {n} (act of interpreting) :: tolkning {c}
interpretation {n} (sense given by an interpreter) :: tolkning {c}
interpretation {n} (artist's way of expressing his thought) :: tolkning {c}
interpreter {n} (one who interprets speech) :: tolk {c}
interrail {v} (to travel with InterRail) :: tågluffa (broader meaning)
interrobang {n} (the punctuation mark ‽) :: interrobang {c}
interrogate {v} (to question or quiz) :: förhöra
interrogation {n} (act of interrogating or questioning) :: förhör {n}
interrogation {n} (question put; an inquiry) :: utfrågning {c}
interrogation mark {n} (question mark) SEE: question mark ::
interrogation point {n} (question mark) SEE: question mark ::
interrupt {v} (to disturb or halt an ongoing process or action) :: avbryta
interruption {n} (a time interval during which there is a cessation of something) :: avbrott {n}
intersection {n} (junction of two or more paths, etc) :: korsning {c}
intersection {n} (in geometry) :: skärning {c}
intersection {n} (in set theory) :: snitt {n}
intersectionality {n} (sociological methodology) :: intersektionalitet {c}
intersex {n} (condition) SEE: intersexuality ::
intersexuality {n} (the state of having physical features of both sexes) :: intersexualitet
Interslavic {adj} (between Slavs or Slavic nations) :: interslaviska
Interslavic {prop} (auxiliary Slavic language) :: interslaviska {c}
intersperse {v} (to mix two things irregularly) :: spränga in
interspersed {adj} (placed at intervals amongst other things) :: insprängd mellan
interstellar {adj} (between stars) :: interstellär
interstellar {adj} (among stars) :: interstellär
interstice {n} (small opening or space) :: mellanrum {n}, springa {c}, glipa {c}
intertwine {v} (To become twined together) :: sammanflätas
interval {n} (intermission) SEE: intermission ::
interval {n} (period of time) :: intervall {n}, tidsintervall {n}
interval {n} (music: distance in pitch of notes) :: intervall {n}
interval {n} (section of the real line) :: intervall {n}
interval {n} (sports:half time) SEE: half time ::
intervene {v} (to come between, or to be between, persons or things) :: ingripa, intervenera
intervention {n} (act of intervening) :: ingripande {n}
intervention {n} (medical procedure) :: ingrepp {n}
intervertebral disc {n} (disc between the vertebra in the spine) :: mellankotskiva, intervertebraldisk
interview {n} (conversation with journalist etc.) :: intervju {n}
interview {n} (a formal meeting for the assessment of a candidate or applicant) :: intervju {n}
interview {v} (to have an interview) :: intervjua
interviewee {n} (Someone being interviewed) :: intervjuobjekt
interwar {adj} (relating to the time between two wars) :: mellankrigs-
interweave {v} (to combine through weaving) :: sammanfläta
intestine {n} (alimentary canal) :: tarm {c}, inälvor {p}
intestine {n} (subdivision of the alimentary canal) :: tarm {c}, inälvor {p}
in that case {adv} :: i så fall
in the act {prep} (in the process of doing something) :: på bar gärning
in the blink of an eye {prep} (immediately, instantaneously) :: i ett huj, på ett ögonblick, i en handvändning
in the event {conj} (if) SEE: if ::
in the event of {prep} (in case of) SEE: in case of ::
in the first place {prep} (to begin with) :: från första början
in the flesh {prep} (with one's own body and presence) :: i egen hög person
in the future {prep} (at a future time) :: i framtiden
in the future {prep} (from now on) SEE: from now on ::
in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king {proverb} (In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king) :: i de blindas land är den enögde kung
in the least {prep} (at all) SEE: at all ::
in the limelight {prep} (focus of attention) :: i rampljuset
in the long run {prep} (eventually) :: i långa loppet
in the long term {prep} (eventually) SEE: in the long run ::
in the making {prep} (in the process of being made) :: i vardande
in the meantime {prep} (meanwhile) SEE: meanwhile ::
in the nick of time {prep} (at the last possible moment) :: i sista stund, i elfte timmen, i sista ögonblicket, i grevens tid
in the past {prep} (at a past time) :: i det förflutna, i det förgångna, förr i tiden, förr
in the twinkling of an eye {prep} (immediately, instantaneously) SEE: in the blink of an eye ::
in the way {prep} (obstructing) :: i vägen
in the wink of an eye {adv} (in the blink of an eye) SEE: in the blink of an eye ::
in three days {adv} :: överövermorgon, om tre dagar
inthronization {n} (enthronement) SEE: enthronement ::
intifada {n} (intifada) :: intifada {c}
intimacy {n} (feeling of closeness and openness towards someone else) :: intimitet {c}
intimate {adj} (closely acquainted; familiar) :: intim
intimate {adj} (of or involved in a sexual relationship) :: intim
intimate {adj} (personal, private) :: intim
intimate {v} (To suggest or disclose discreetly) :: antyda
intimidate {v} (to make timid or fearful) :: skrämma
intinction {n} (the act of steeping or soaking the bread in the wine) :: intinktion {c}
into {prep} (going inside) :: in i
into {prep} (producing, becoming) :: till
intolerance {n} (the state of being intolerant) :: intolerans {c}
intolerance {n} (extreme sensitivity to a food or drug; allergy) :: intolerans {c}
intonation {n} (the rise and fall of the voice in speaking) :: intonation
in total {prep} (including all aspects of something) :: sammanlagt, totalt
intracellular {adj} (within a cell) :: intracellulär
intractable {adj} (not tractable) :: ohanterlig
intractable {adj} (stubborn) :: omedgörlig
intractable {adj} (medicine: difficult to treat) :: svårbehandlad
intrahepatic {adj} (within the liver) :: intrahepatisk
intramuscular {adj} (inside a muscle) :: intramuskulär
intransigence {n} (intransigence) :: omedgörlighet {c}
intransigent {adj} (unwilling to compromise or moderate a position) :: omedgörlig
intransitive {adj} (of a verb, not taking a direct object) :: intransitiv
intransitive verb {n} (action verb not taking a direct object, see also: neuter) :: intransitivt verb
intransitivity {n} (Quality of being intransitive) :: intransitivitet
intrasexual {adj} (intrasexual) :: innerkönsmässig, innerköns-
intravenous {adj} (inside the veins) :: intravenös
intravenously {adv} (in an intravenous manner) :: intravenöst
intrepid {adj} (fearless) :: modig, oförskräckt, orädd
intricacy {n} (The state or quality of being intricate or entangled) :: besvärlighet {c}, svårighet {c}
intricacy {n} (Perplexity; involution; complication; complexity) :: komplexitet
intricate {adj} (having a great deal of fine detail or complexity) :: intrikat, invecklad
intrigue {n} (plot or scheme) :: intrig {c}
intrigue {v} (to plan) :: intrigera
intrinsic {adj} (inherent) :: inneboende
intro {n} (short form of introduction) :: intro {n}
introduce {v} (to cause someone to be acquainted) :: presentera
introduce {v} (to and make something or someone known by formal announcement or recommendation) :: presentera
introduce {v} (to bring into practice) :: införa
introduction {n} (act or process of introducing) :: introduktion {c}, presentation {c}
introduction {n} (means of presenting one person to another) :: presentation {c}
introduction {n} (initial section of a book or article which introduces subject material) :: förord {n}, inledning {c}
introductory {adj} (introducing) :: inledande, för nybörjare
introit {n} (part of a psalm or other portion of the Bible read or sung at Mass immediately after the priest ascends to the altar) :: introitus
intron {n} (genetics: portion of a split gene that is included in pre-RNA transcripts but is removed during RNA processing) :: intron
introspection {n} (the act or process of self-examination) :: introspektion {c}, själviakttagelse {c}
introverted {adj} (psychology: Of or characteristic of an introvert) :: inåtvänd, introvert
intrude {v} (to enter without welcome; to encroach) :: inkräkta
intruder {n} (someone who intrudes) :: inkräktare {c}
intrusion {n} (forcible entry) :: intrång
intuition {n} (immediate cognition without the use of rational processes) :: intuition {c}
intuitive {adj} (automatic, without requiring conscious thought) :: intuitiv, reflexmässig
in turn {prep} (one after the other; successively) :: i tur och ordning, i turordning
in turn {prep} (in due order, as a queue) :: på tur
in turn {prep} (in response, in return) :: i gengäld
in turn {prep} (having a relationship sequentially comparable to one just mentioned) :: i sin tur
in twain {prep} (in halves) :: itu
in two {prep} (into two parts) :: itu
inundate {v} (to cover with large amounts of water) :: översvämma
inundate {v} (to overwhelm) :: överväldiga, överhopa, översvämma, tynga ner
inure {v} :: vänja
in utero {adv} (occurring within the uterus) :: I livmodern
invade {v} (to move into) :: invadera
invade {v} (to enter by force in order to conquer) :: invadera
invader {n} (one who invades; an assailant; an encroacher; an intruder) :: inkräktare
in vain {adv} (without success) :: förgäves
invalid {adj} (not valid) :: ogiltig, ogill
invalid {n} (person with a handicap or disability) :: handikappad {c}, invalid {c}
invalidate {v} (to make invalid) :: ogiltigförklara
invariable {adj} (not variable) :: oföränderlig
invariant {adj} (that does not vary) :: oföränderlig
invariant {adj} (that is not affected by a specified operation) :: invariant
invariant {n} (invariant quantity, function etc.) :: invariant
invasion {n} (military action) :: invasion {c}
invasive {adj} (invading a foreign country) :: invaderande
invasive {adj} (of a plant or animal) :: invasiv
invasive {adj} (intruding on one's privacy) :: inträngande, påträngande
invective {n} (Something spoken or written, intended to cast opprobrium, censure,) :: invektiv {n}
invent {v} (design a new process or mechanism) :: uppfinna
invented {adj} (imaginary) SEE: imaginary ::
invention {n} (something invented) :: uppfinning {c}
invention {n} (capacity to invent) :: uppfinningsförmåga {c}, uppfinningsrikedom {c}
invention {n} (small self-contained musical composition) :: invention {c}
inventor {n} (one who invents) :: uppfinnare {c}
inventorize {v} (to make an inventory of) SEE: inventory ::
inventory {n} (stock of an item on hand at a particular location or business) :: lager {n}, inventarier {p}
inventory {n} (detailed list of all of the items on hand) :: inventarieförteckning {c}, lagersaldo {n}, inventering {c}
inventory {n} (process of producing or updating such a list) :: inventering {c}
inventory {v} (to take stock of the resources or items on hand; to produce an inventory) :: inventera
inverse {adj} ((mathematics) having the properties of an inverse) :: invers {c}
inverse {n} :: invers {c}
inverse function {n} (function that reverses the mapping action of a given function) :: invers funktion {c}
inverse matrix {n} (linear algebra) :: invers matris {c}
invert {n} (homosexual) SEE: homosexual ::
invertebrate {n} (animal without backbone) :: ryggradslöst djur {n}
invertebrate {adj} (lacking backbone) :: ryggradslös
invertible {adj} ((mathematics) which has an inverse) :: inverterbar
invertible matrix {n} (square matrix which, when multiplied by some other, yields the identity matrix) :: inverterbar matris {c}
invert sugar {n} (equal mixture of glucose and fructose formed by the enzymatic hydrolysis of sucrose) :: invertsocker
invest {v} (to commit resources in the hope of financial gain) :: investera
invest {v} (to spend money, time, effort into sthg) :: investera
invest {v} (to clothe or wrap with garments) SEE: clothe ::
investigate {v} (to inquire into, study) :: undersöka
investigate {v} (to examine) :: undersöka, utreda
investigate {v} (to conduct an inquiry or examination) :: utreda
investigation {n} (the act of investigating) :: undersökning
investigative {adj} (pertaining to investigation) :: undersökande, grävande
investigative journalism {n} (journalism in which the reporter deeply investigates a single topic) :: grävande journalistik {c}, undersökande journalistik {c}
investigator {n} (one who investigates) :: utredare {c}
investment {n} (placement of capital in expectation of deriving income or profit from its use) :: investering
investment bank {n} (financial institution) :: investmentbank {c}
investor {n} (person who invests money in order to make a profit) :: investerare
inveterate {adj} (malignant) SEE: malignant ::
inveterate {adj} (firmly established) :: inrotad, ingrodd
inveterate {adj} (whose habits are firmly established) :: oförbätterlig, inbiten
invigilator {n} (supervisor of students) :: tentamensvakt {c}, tentavakt {c} [colloquial]
invincible {adj} (impossible to defeat, destroy or kill) :: oövervinnerlig
invisibility {n} (the state of being invisible) :: osynlighet {c}
invisible {adj} (unable to be seen) :: osynlig
invisibly {adv} (in a way that can not be seen) :: osynlig, osynligt
invitation {n} (act of inviting) :: inbjudning {c}
invitation {n} (document or spoken words conveying the message by which one is invited) :: inbjudan {c}
invitation {n} :: inbjudan {c}, invitation {c}
invite {v} (ask for the presence or participation of someone) :: invitera, inbjuda
invite {v} (encourage) SEE: encourage ::
in vitro fertilization {n} ((medicine) the fertilization of an egg by sperm outside of a woman's body) :: provrörsbefruktning {c}, in vitro-fertilisering {c}
invocation {n} (act or form of calling for the assistance or presence of some superior being) :: åkallan {c}
invoice {n} (bill) :: faktura {c}, räkning {c}
invoice {v} (to bill) :: fakturera
involution {n} (mathematics; an endofunction whose square is equal to the identity function; a function equal to its inverse) :: involution
involved {adj} (complicated) SEE: complicated ::
involved {adj} (associated with others, be or be made a participant) :: delaktig, involverad
IOC {prop} (initialism of International Olympic Committee) :: IOK
iodide {n} (binary compound) :: jodid {c}
iodine {n} (element) :: jod {c}
ion {n} (atom or group of atoms bearing an electrical charge) :: jon {c}
Ionian Islands {prop} (a group of islands in the Ionian Sea) :: Joniska öarna
Ionian Sea {prop} (European sea) :: Joniska havet
ionization {n} (any process that leads to dissociation) :: jonisering {c}
ionizing {adj} (capable of producing ions) :: joniserande
ionizing radiation {n} (high-energy radiation that is capable of causing ionization in substances) :: joniserande strålning {c}
ionosphere {n} (part of Earth's atmosphere) :: jonosfär {c}
iota {n} (small quantity) :: jota {n}, dugg {n}, dyft {n}, smula {c}
IP address {n} (number assigned to each computer's network interface) :: IP-adress {c}
Iphigenia {prop} (Greek mythological figure) :: Ifigenia {c}
iPod {n} (device) :: iPod, ipod
ipso facto {adv} (By that fact) :: ipso facto, genom sakens natur
Iran {prop} (country in Western Asia) :: Iran
Iran {prop} (Persia) SEE: Persia ::
Irani {adj} (Iranian) SEE: Iranian ::
Irani {n} (Iranian) SEE: Iranian ::
Iranian {n} (person from Iran or of Iranian descent) :: iranier
Iranian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Iran, the people or Iranian languages) :: iransk
Iraq {prop} (country) :: Irak
Iraqi {n} (person from Iraq) :: irakier {c}
Iraqi {adj} (from or pertaining to Iraq) :: irakisk
irascible {adj} (prone to anger) :: lättretlig, hetlevrad, hetsig
Ireland {prop} (island) :: Irland {n}
Irene {prop} (female given name) :: Irene {c}
iridesce {v} (iridesce) :: irisera
iridescence {n} (The condition or state of being iridescent; exhibition of colors like those of the rainbow; a prismatic play of color) :: regnbågsskimmer {n}
iridescent {adj} (producing lustrous colors) :: regnbågsskimrande, iriserande
iridescent {adj} (brilliant, lustrous, or colorful) :: lysande, skimrande, iriserande
iridium {n} (chemical element) :: iridium {n}
Iriomote tit {n} (Sittiparus olivaceus) :: iriomotemes {c}
iris {n} (plant of the genus Iris) :: iris {c}
iris {n} (part of the eye) :: iris {c}, regnbågshinna
Iris {prop} (Greek messenger of the gods) :: Iris
Iris {prop} (female given name) :: Iris
Irish {n} (the language) :: iriska {c}
Irish {n} :: irländare {m} {f}, irländska {f}
Irish {adj} (pertaining to or originating from Ireland or the Irish people) :: irländsk
Irish {adj} (pertaining to the language) :: irisk
Irishman {n} (man from Ireland) :: irländare {c}
Irish setter {n} (a breed of gun dog) :: irländsk setter {c}
Irish wolfhound {n} (sighthound) :: irländsk varghund
Irkutsk {prop} (city in Siberia) :: Irkutsk
iron {adj} (made of iron) :: järn-
iron {adj} (strong, inflexible) :: järn-
iron {v} (to pass an iron over clothing) :: stryka
iron {n} (chemical element Fe) :: järn {n}
iron {n} (for pressing clothes) :: strykjärn {n}
Iron Age {prop} (archaeology) :: järnålder {c}
iron curtain {n} (impenetrable barrier) :: järnridå {c}
Iron Curtain {prop} (the dividing line between western Europe and the Soviet controlled regions) :: järnridån {c}
iron fist {n} (ruthless control) :: järnhand {c}
ironic {adj} (characterized by irony) :: ironisk
ironing {n} (act of pressing clothes with an iron) :: strykning {c}
ironing {n} (laundry that has been washed and is ready to be ironed) :: stryktvätt {c}
ironing {n} (laundry that has recently been ironed) :: strykt tvätt {c}
ironing board {n} (a long board on which one can iron) :: strykbräda {c}
iron lung {n} (a pneumonic device for assisted breathing) :: järnlunga {c}
ironmaster {n} (proprietor of an ironworks) :: bruksägare {c}, bruksidkare {c}, brukspatron {c}
ironmonger {n} (retailer in iron goods and hardware) :: järnhandlare {c}
iron ore {n} (ore containing iron) :: järnmalm {c}
ironsmith {n} (blacksmith) SEE: blacksmith ::
irony {n} (statement that may mean the opposite of what is written literally) :: ironi {c}
irony {n} (condition contrary to expectations) :: ironi {c}
Iroquois {n} (hairdo) SEE: Mohawk ::
irrational {adj} (unfounded or nonsensical) :: irrationell
irrational {adj} (mathematics: of a number) :: irrationell
Irrawaddy {prop} (river that flows through Burma) :: Irrawaddy
irrecoverable {adj} (irremediable) SEE: irremediable ::
irredentism {n} (an annexation doctrine) :: irredentism
irrefutable {adj} (undeniable, unable to be disproved) :: obestridlig, ovedersäglig
irregular {adj} (non-standard) :: oregelbunden
irregular verb {n} (verb that does not follow the normal rules for its conjugation) :: oregelbundet verb
irrelevance {n} (lack of relationship with the topic at hand, lack of importance) :: irrelevans
irrelevant {adj} (not related, not applicable, unimportant, not connected) :: irrelevant, ovidkommande
irremediable {adj} (unable to be remedied) :: urbota
irresistible {adj} (not able to be resisted) :: oemotståndlig
irresponsibility {n} (character or state of being irresponsible) :: ansvarslöshet {c}
irresponsible {adj} (not responsible; not subject to responsibility) :: oansvarig
irresponsible {adj} (lacking a sense of responsibility) :: ansvarslös, oansvarig
irreversible {adj} (incapable of being reversed) :: oåterkallelig, irreversibel
irreversibly {adv} (In an irreversible manner) :: oåterkalleligt
irrevocable {adj} (unable to be retracted or reversed) :: oåterkallelig
irrevocably {adv} (in an irrevocable manner) :: oåterkalleligen
irrigate {v} (to supply farmland with water) :: bevattna, konstbevattna
irrigation {n} (The act or process of irrigating) :: bevattning {c}
irritate {v} (to cause or induce displeasure or irritation) :: irritera
irritating {adj} (causing irritation, annoyance or pain) :: irriterande
irritating {adj} (Stimulates or exciting a response) :: irriterande
Isaac {prop} (son of Abraham and Sarah) :: Isak
Isaac {prop} (male given name) :: Isak
Isabel {prop} (female given name) :: Isabella {c}
Isabella {prop} (female given name) SEE: Isabel ::
isabelline shrike {n} (Lanius isabellinus) :: isabellatörnskata {c}
Isaiah {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Jesaja
Isaiah {prop} (prophet) :: Jesaja {m}
Isaiah {prop} (male given name) :: Esaias
ischemic {adj} (characteristic of, or accompanied by ischemia) :: ischemisk
-ise {suffix} (-ize) SEE: -ize ::
-ish {suffix} (appended to words) :: -aktig
Ishikawa diagram {n} (display of causes and effects) :: fiskbensdiagram {n}, Ishikawadiagram {n}, orsak-verkan-diagram {n}
Ishmael {prop} (eldest son of Abraham) :: Ismael
ISIL {prop} (ISIS) SEE: ISIS ::
ISIS {prop} (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) :: ISIS {c}
is it going to rain {phrase} (is it going to rain) :: kommer det (att) regna?
is it just me {phrase} :: är det bara jag?
is it safe here {phrase} (is it safe here?) :: är der säkert här?
Islam {prop} (religion) :: islam
Islamic {adj} (Adjectival form of Islam) :: islamisk, islamsk
Islamic Republic of Iran {prop} (full, official name of Iran) :: Islamiska republiken Iran
Islamic Republic of Pakistan {prop} (Islamic Republic of Pakistan) :: Islamiska republiken Pakistan {c}
Islamic State {prop} (jihadist group, see also: IS) :: Islamiska staten {c}
Islamization {n} (the conversion of a society to Islam) :: islamisering {c}
Islamophobia {n} (fear or hatred of Islam or Muslims) :: islamofobi {c}
island {n} (area of land completely surrounded by water) :: ö {c}, holme {c}, kobbe {c}, skär {n}
island {n} (entity surrounded by other entities that are very different from itself) :: ö {c}
island chain {n} (chain-like archipelago) :: ökedja {c}
islander {n} (person who lives on an island) :: öbo {c}
island-hop {v} :: öluffa
island state {n} (state consisting of one or more islands) :: östat {c}, örike {c}
isle {n} (isle) SEE: island ::
Isle of Man {prop} (island) :: Man
islet {n} (small island) :: holme {c}, skär {n}, kobbe {c}
-ism {suffix} (a principle, belief or movement) :: -ism {c}
isn't it so {phrase} (isn't it so?) :: eller hur?, inte sant?
isochrony {n} (state of being isochronous) :: isokroni {c}
isogloss {n} (line indicating geographical boundaries of a linguistic feature) :: isogloss
Isojoki {prop} (municipality) :: Storå
isolate {v} (transitive: to set apart or cut off from others) :: isolera, avskilja
isolate {v} (transitive: to place in quarantine or isolation) :: isolera
isolate {v} (transitive, chemistry: to separate a substance in pure form from a mixture) :: isolera
isolated {adj} (in isolation) :: isolerad
isolation {n} (state of being isolated) :: isolering {c}
isolation {n} (act of isolating) :: isolering {c}
isolation {n} (medicine: separation of a patient from others) :: isolering {c}
isolationism {n} (policy of non-interaction) :: isolationism {c}
isoleucine {n} (essential amino acid; C6H13NO2) :: isoleucin
isomer {n} (chemistry: compounds) :: isomer {c}
isometric {adj} (exhibiting equality in dimensions) :: isometrisk
isometry {n} (A function) :: isometri {c}
isomorphic {adj} ((mathematics) related by an isomorphism) :: isomorf
isomorphic {adj} (having identical relevant structure) :: isomorf
isosceles {adj} (having two sides of equal length, used especially of an isosceles triangle) :: likbent
isotope {n} (atoms of the same element having a different number of neutrons) :: isotop {c}
isotropic {adj} (having properties which are equivalent in all directions) :: isotropisk
isotropy {n} (The property of being isotropic) :: isotropi
ISP {n} (Internet service provider) :: ISP {c}, internetleverantör {c}
ispravnic {n} :: ispravnik {m}
I spy with my little eye {phrase} (phrase used in the game I spy) :: vad skådar mitt norra öga
Israel {prop} (the state) :: Israel
Israeli {n} (person from Israel or of Israeli descent) :: israel
Israeli {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Israel, the Israeli people) :: israelisk
Israelite {n} (native or inhabitant of Israel) :: israel {c}
Israelite {n} (descendant of Jacob) :: israelit {c}
Israelite {adj} (of or pertaining to the ancient nation(s) of Israel, their inhabitants, or to the descendants of the patriarch Jacob) :: israelitisk
-ist {suffix} (One who follows a particular ideology, doctrine, belief system or theory) :: -ist
-ista {suffix} (follower) SEE: -ist ::
Istanbul {prop} (largest city of Turkey and last capital of Ottoman Empire) :: Istanbul
is that so {phrase} (really) :: så pass?
isthmus {n} (narrow strip of land) :: näs {n}, ed
Istriot {prop} (Romance language spoken in western Istria) :: istriotiska {c}
it {pron} (subject — inanimate thing) :: den {c}, det {n}
it {pron} (object) :: den {c}, det {n}
it {pron} (subject of impersonal statement) :: det
it {pron} (impersonal pronoun, used without referent) :: det {n}
IT {n} (information technology) SEE: information technology ::
Italian {adj} (of or pertaining to Italy) :: italiensk
Italian {n} (inhabitant of Italy) :: italienare {c} {m}, {f} italienska {c}
Italian {n} (language) :: italienska {c}
Italian honeysuckle {n} (Lonicera caprifolium) :: kaprifol {c}
Italianization {prop} (process of forced assimilation into the Italian culture) :: italienisering {c}
Italianness {n} (quality of being Italian) :: italienskhet {c}
Italian Peninsula {prop} (peninsula) :: Apenninska halvön {c}
Italian Republic {prop} (official name of Italy) :: Republiken Italien {c}
italic {adj} (having a slant to the right) :: kursiv
italic {n} (typeface whose letters slant to the right) :: kursiv {c}
Italic {adj} :: italisk
Italic {prop} (Italic language) :: italiska språk
italicize {v} (to put into italics) :: kursivera
italics {n} (italic) SEE: italic ::
Italophone {adj} (Italian-speaking) :: italienskspråkig, italiensktalande
Italy {prop} (European country) :: Italien
it can't be helped {phrase} (it is inevitable) :: det kan inte hjälpas
itch {n} (a sensation felt on an area of the skin that causes a person or animal to want to scratch) :: klåda
itch {v} (to feel the need to scratch) :: klia
itchy {adj} (having or creating an itch) :: kliande
it doesn't matter {phrase} (it doesn't matter) :: det spelar ingen roll, det kvittar
-ite {suffix} (a follower or adherent of a specified person) :: -it
-ite {suffix} (used to form names of minerals and rocks) :: -it {c}
-ite {suffix} (a native or resident of a specified place) :: -it
item {n} (distinct physical object) :: föremål {n}, ting {n}, sak {c}
item {n} (matter for discussion in an agenda) :: punkt u
item of clothing {n} (garment) SEE: garment ::
iteration {n} (repetition in a computer program) :: iteration {c}
iteration {n} (single repetition of the code) :: iteration {c}
iterative {adj} (of a procedure that involves repetition) :: iterativ
iterative {adj} ((grammar) frequentative) :: iterativ
iterative {adj} ((computing) using iteration) :: iterativ
iterator {n} (computing method) :: iterator {c}
it figures {phrase} (phrase) :: det ante mig
I think so {phrase} (I think so) :: jag tror det
I think therefore I am {phrase} (philosophical proof of existence) :: jag tänker, alltså finns jag
itinerant {adj} (travelling from place to place) :: kringresande
itinerary {n} (route or proposed route of a journey) :: färdplan {n}
-itis {suffix} (suffix denoting diseases characterized by inflammation) :: -it
it is what it is {phrase} (it is what it is) :: det är vad det är
it never rains but it pours {proverb} (unfortunate events occur in quantity) :: en olycka kommer sällan ensam (a misfortune seldom comes alone), när det regnar så öser det ner (when it rains, it pours)
I told you so {phrase} (told you so!) :: vad var det jag sa
it's {contraction} (it is) :: det är, den är
it's {contraction} (it has) :: det har, den har
its {determiner} (belonging to it) :: dess
its {pron} (that which belongs to it) :: dess
it's about time {interj} (expression of impatience) :: det är/var på tiden
it's all Greek to me {phrase} (I don't understand any of this) :: det är rena grekiskan (it is pure Greek)
it's an emergency {phrase} (it's an emergency) :: det är brådskande, det är bråttom
it's a pleasure {phrase} (you're welcome) SEE: you're welcome ::
it's a small world {phrase} (phrase used when meeting an acquaintance or personal connection in an unexpected place or context) :: världen är liten
it's cold outside {phrase} (it's cold outside (weather)) :: det är kall utomhus, det är kallt ute
itself {pron} :: sig, sig själv [reflexive], i sig as in, "the door itself"
it's raining {phrase} (it's raining) :: det regnar
it's snowing {phrase} (it's snowing) :: det snöar
it's too expensive {phrase} (it's too expensive) :: det är för dyrt
it takes two to tango {proverb} (some things need the active cooperation of two parties) :: det är inte ens fel om två träter (regarding conflicts)
it was delicious {phrase} (phrase said to compliment a meal after eating it) :: det var väldigt gott, det var utsökt, det var jättegott
-ity {suffix} (Used to form nouns from adjectives.) :: -het {c}
Ivalo {prop} (village in Northern Finland) :: Ivalo
Ivan {prop} (male given name) :: Ivan {m}
Ivanovich {prop} (patronymic) :: Ivanovitj
I've {contraction} (I have) :: jag har
I've been raped {phrase} (I've been raped) :: jag har blivit våldtagen
I've been robbed {phrase} (I've been robbed) :: jag har blivit rånad
I've been shot {phrase} (I've been shot) :: jag har blivit skjuten
I've burned myself {phrase} (I've burned myself) :: jag har bränt mig
I've burnt myself {phrase} (I've burned myself) SEE: I've burned myself ::
I've lost my keys {phrase} (I lost my keys) SEE: I lost my keys ::
Ivor {prop} (male given name) :: Ivar, Ingvar
Ivorian {n} (a person from Côte d'Ivoire or of Ivorian descent) :: ivorian {m}, ivorianska {f}
Ivorian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Côte d'Ivoire) :: ivoriansk
ivory {n} (material) :: elfenben {n}
ivory {n} (colour) :: elfenbensfärg {c}, elfenbensvitt {n}
ivory {adj} (made of ivory) :: elfenbens-, Elfenbens-
ivory {adj} (having colour of ivory) :: elfenbensfärgad
Ivory Coast {prop} (Côte d'Ivoire) SEE: Côte d'Ivoire ::
ivory gull {n} (Pagophila eburnea) :: ismås {c}
ivory tower {n} (overly-academic perspective) :: elfenbenstorn {n}
ivy {n} (plant) :: murgröna
I want to know {phrase} (I want to know) :: jag vill veta
I was born in ... {phrase} (I was born in ... (year)) :: jag är född i ...
I was born in ... {phrase} (I was born in ... (place name)) :: jag är född i ...
Iwo Jima {prop} (an island in Japan) :: Ioto {n}
-ization {suffix} (act, process, or result of doing something) :: -isering {c}
-ize {suffix} (suffix used to form verbs) :: -era, -isera
Izhevsk {prop} (capital of Udmurtia) :: Izjevsk