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fix idé

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From fix (fixed) +‎ idé (idea), calque of French idée fixe.



fix idé c

  1. an idée fixe, an obsession, a compulsion (unreasonable idea or behavior that is stubbornly or obsessively adhered to)
    Att besöka samtliga sunkhak i Sverige började som en rolig hobby, men har blivit en fix idé
    Visiting every dive bar in Sweden started out as a fun hobby, but has turned into an obsession
    Att enbart köpa produkter med utgånget bästföredatum till nedsatt pris var blott en av hans många fixa idéer
    To only buy products with an expired best before date at reduced price was but one of his many idées fixes

Usage notes

  • More widely known in Swedish compared to English and not formal-sounding. Most native speakers are unlikely to be aware of the origin.
  • Plural forms like fixidéer might also be encountered, thinking of the term as a single word.


Declension of fix idé
nominative genitive
singular indefinite fix idé fix idés
definite fix idén fix idéns
plural indefinite fixa idéer fixa idéers
definite fixa idéerna fixa idéernas

