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ur +‎ bot



urbota (not comparable)

  1. utterly (usually of something negative)
    Hur kunde jag vara så urbota dum att jag skrev på utan att ha läst igenom kontraktet ordentligt?
    How could I be so utterly stupid as to sign without having read through the contract carefully?
    ett urbota korkat förslag
    an utterly stupid proposal
    Filmen blir så urbota förutsägbar mot slutet
    The movie becomes so utterly predictable towards the end

Usage notes


"Urbota dum" (along with "urbota korkad" and the like) is a common collocation.



urbota (not comparable)

  1. (dated) not able to be atoned for with a fine (of a criminal act); irremissible
  2. incorrigible
    en urbota egoist
    an incorrigible egomaniac

See also


