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inne +‎ fatta



innefatta (present innefattar, preterite innefattade, supine innefattat, imperative innefatta)

  1. to include, to involve (something as a constituent part)
    Kebabsåstillverkning innefattar flera moment, som att köpa och blanda kebabsåsingredienser
    Kebab sauce production involves several steps, such as buying and mixing kebab sauce ingredients
    Jag innefattar pizza bland god mat
    I include pizza among tasty food
  2. to include, to cover (of a price or the like)
    Synonym: täcka
    Priset innefattar även dragspelsframträdandet av Nisse
    The price also includes the accordion performance by Nisse


Conjugation of innefatta (weak)
active passive
infinitive innefatta innefattas
supine innefattat innefattats
imperative innefatta
imper. plural1 innefatten
present past present past
indicative innefattar innefattade innefattas innefattades
ind. plural1 innefatta innefattade innefattas innefattades
subjunctive2 innefatte innefattade innefattes innefattades
present participle innefattande
past participle innefattad

1 Archaic. 2 Dated. See the appendix on Swedish verbs.

