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o- (un-) +‎ förklarlig (explainable)


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oförklarlig (not comparable)

  1. inexplicable, unexplainable
    av någon oförklarlig anledning
    for some inexplicable reason
  2. unexplained
    oförklarlig fågeldöd
    unexplained bird death

Usage notes


Oförklarad would be the literal translation in (sense 2), but oförklarlig is more idiomatic, focusing on people's (current) inability to explain something rather than on it not being explained.


Inflection of oförklarlig
Indefinite positive comparative superlative1
common singular oförklarlig
neuter singular oförklarligt
plural oförklarliga
masculine plural2 oförklarlige
Definite positive comparative superlative
masculine singular3 oförklarlige
all oförklarliga

1 The indefinite superlative forms are only used in the predicative.
2 Dated or archaic.
3 Only used, optionally, to refer to things whose natural gender is masculine.

Derived terms


