User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-es-p
p. {n} (page) | :: p., pl. pp. |
pa {n} /pɑː/ (father) | :: papá {m} |
pa {n} (grandfather) | :: abuelo {m}, abuelito {m} |
pabulum {n} /ˈpabjʊləm/ (food or fodder) | :: pábulo |
paca {n} /ˈpækə/ (rodent of genus Cuniculus) | :: boruga {f} [Colombian Amazonia], conejo pintado {m} [Panama]; guagua {f} [Colombia], guanta {m} [Ecuador], guartinaja {m} [Northwestern Colombia]; jochi pintado {m} [Bolivia], lapa {f} [Colombian Llanos, Venezuela]; majaz {m} [Peru], paca {f} [especially Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay], tepezcuinte {m} [Central America], tepezcuintle {m} [Central America, Mexico], tinajo {m} [Northeastern Colombia] |
pacarana {n} (rodent) | :: pacarana {f} |
pace {n} /peɪs/ (step: step) | :: paso {m} |
pace {n} (step: distance covered) | :: paso {m} |
pace {n} (way of stepping: gait of a horse) | :: trote {m} (slow), galope {m} (speedy) |
pace {n} (speed) | :: paso {m}, ritmo {m} |
pace {prep} /ˈpætʃeɪ/ (With due respect to) | :: con el debido respeto, con todo respeto |
pacemaker {n} /ˈpeɪsˌmeɪkəɹ/ (anatomy: set of nerves) | :: marcapasos {m} |
pacemaker {n} (medical implement) | :: marcapaso {m}, marcapasos {m}, estimulador cardíaco {m} |
Pachamama {prop} (goddess) | :: Pachamama |
pachyderm {n} /ˈpæk.ɪˌdɜː(ɹ)m/ (someone with thick skin) | :: paquidermo |
pachyderm {n} (member of the group Pachydermata) | :: paquidermo {m} |
pachyptile {n} (seabird in Pachyptila) SEE: prion | :: |
pacific {adj} /pəˈsɪfɪk/ (calm, peaceful, see also: calm; peaceful) | :: pacífica |
pacific {adj} (preferring peace in nature; avoiding violence) | :: pacífica |
pacification {n} (the process of pacifying) | :: pacificación {f} |
Pacific Northwest {prop} (region of North America) | :: Noroeste Pacífico {m} |
Pacific Ocean {prop} (the world's largest body of water) | :: océano Pacífico {m}, Pacífico {m} |
pacifier {n} /ˈpæsɪfaɪɚ/ (one who pacifies) | :: pacificador {m} |
pacifier {n} (for a baby) | :: chupete {m}, bobo {m} [Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico], chupa {f} [Venezuela], chupo {m} [Colombia], chupón {m} [Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela], consuelo {m} [Panama] |
pacifism {n} (doctrine that disputes should be settled without violence) | :: pacifismo {m} |
pacifist {adj} /ˈpæsɪfɪst/ (one who loves, supports, or favours peace) | :: pacifista {m} {f} |
pacify {v} /ˈpæsɪfaɪ/ (bring peace, ending fighting) | :: pacificar |
pack {n} /pæk/ (bundle to be carried) | :: paquete {m} |
pack {n} (full set of playing cards) | :: baraja {f} |
pack {n} (group of dogs) | :: jauría {f}, manada {f} |
pack {v} (to make a pack) | :: empaquetar |
package {n} /ˈpækɪdʒ/ (something which is packed) | :: paquete {m} |
package {n} (computing: piece of software that it can be installed with a package manager) | :: paquete {m} |
package {n} (act of packing) | :: embalaje {m} |
package {n} (something resembling a package) | :: paquete {m}, bulto {m} |
package {n} (package holiday) | :: paquete {m} |
package {n} (male genitalia) | :: [Chile, Mexico] paquete {m} |
package {v} (to pack) | :: empacar, empaquetar |
package store {n} (liquor store) SEE: liquor store | :: |
packaging {n} (the act of packing something) | :: enpaquetar; envolver |
packaging {n} (the manner in which a person or product is promoted) | :: envoltura |
pack animal {n} (animal used to carry heavy items) SEE: beast of burden | :: |
packed {adj} /pækt/ (put into a package) | :: empaquetado |
packed {adj} (filled with a large number or large quantity) | :: repleto |
packed {adj} (filled to capacity) | :: colmado, repleto, atestado |
packer {n} /ˈpækɚ/ (person packing things) | :: embalador {m} |
packet {n} /ˈpæk.ɪt/ (small pack) | :: paquete |
packet {n} (small fragment of data) | :: paquete |
packet switching {n} (means of directing information in a network) | :: conmutación de paquetes {f} |
packing plant {n} (manufacturing warehouse for shipping) | :: empacadora {f} |
pack one's bags {v} | :: liar el hato, liar el petate |
pact {n} /pækt/ (an agreement; a league; a compact; a covenant) | :: pacto {m} |
pad {v} (to stuff) SEE: stuff | :: |
pad {n} /pæd/ (flattened mass of anything soft) | :: almohadilla {f} |
pad {n} (soft or small cushion) | :: almohadilla {f} |
pad {n} (block of paper) | :: bloc {m} |
padawan {n} (any apprentice or student) SEE: apprentice | :: |
paddle {n} /ˈpʰæ.ɾɫ̩/ (two-handed, single-bladed oar) | :: remo {m} |
paddle {n} (double-bladed oar used for kayaking) | :: pala {f} |
paddle {n} | :: paleta {f} |
paddle {v} (to propel something through water with a paddle, hands or similar instrument) | :: remar, bogar |
paddle {v} (toddle) SEE: toddle | :: |
paddleboat {n} (pedalo) SEE: pedalo | :: |
paddlefish {n} (fish of the family Polyodontidae) | :: pez espátula {m} |
paddle wheel {n} (wheel fitted with paddles) | :: rueda de paletas {f} |
paddock {n} /ˈpædək/ (small enclosure or field) | :: dehesa {f}, [Latin America] potrero {m} |
paddy {n} /ˈpædi/ (rice unmilled) | :: arroz con cáscara {m}, arroz en cáscara {m} |
paddy {n} (wet land where rice grows) | :: arrozal {m} |
paddy field {n} (field where rice is grown) SEE: paddy | :: |
padel {n} /pəˈdɛl/ (racquet sport) | :: pádel {m} |
pademelon {n} (species of Thylogale) | :: pademelón {m} |
padlock {n} /ˈpadˌlɒk/ (type of lock) | :: candado {m} |
padlock {v} (to lock using a padlock) | :: candar |
Padua {prop} (city) | :: Padua {f} |
paella {n} /pɑːˈeɪ.(j)ə/ (Savory, cooked dish) | :: paella {f} |
paellera {n} | :: paellera |
pagan {adj} /ˈpeɪɡən/ (relating to non main world religions) | :: pagano |
pagan {n} (person not adhering to a main world religion) | :: pagano {m}, pagana {f} |
paganism {n} /ˈpeɪɡənɪzm̩/ (local religions practiced before the introduction of Christianity) | :: paganismo {m} |
page {n} (boy child) SEE: boy | :: |
page {n} /peɪd͡ʒ/ (one side of a leaf of a book) | :: página {f} |
page {n} (one of the pieces of paper bound together within a book or document) | :: página {f} |
page {n} (serving boy) | :: paje {m} |
page {n} (Internet: web page) SEE: web page | :: |
pageant {n} /ˈpædʒənt/ (public display) | :: muestra {f}, cabalgata {f}, comparsa {f} |
pageant {n} (spectacular ceremony) | :: espectáculo {m}, exhibición {f}, ceremonia {f} |
pageant {n} (beauty pageant) SEE: beauty pageant | :: |
pageantry {n} /ˈpædʒəntɹi/ (A colourful show or display) | :: pompa {f}, fasto {m}, boato {m}, esplendor {m}, aparato {m}, fausto {m} |
pageboy {n} (boy that is a page) | :: page {m}, pagecito {m} |
pager {n} /peɪdʒə(ɹ)/ (device) | :: buscapersonas {m}, bíper {m}, busca {m}, mensáfono {m} |
pagoda {n} /pəˈɡoʊ.də/ (a tiered tower with multiple eaves) | :: pagoda {f} |
PAH {n} (abbreviation: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon) | :: HAP {m} |
pail {n} (bucket) SEE: bucket | :: |
pain {n} /peɪn/ (ache or bodily suffering) | :: dolor {m} |
pain {n} (suffering or anguish, especially mental) | :: pena {f} |
pain {n} (suffering as punishment) | :: pena {f} |
pain {n} | :: [3] molestia, [3] fastidio |
pain {v} (to hurt; to put to bodily uneasiness or anguish) | :: apenar, doler |
pain {v} (to render uneasy in mind, to grieve) | :: apenar |
pain {v} (to inflict suffering upon as a penalty) | :: castigar, condenar |
painful {adj} /ˈpeɪn.fəl/ (causing pain) | :: doloroso |
painful {adj} (suffering with pain) | :: dolorido, adolorido [Americas] |
painfully {adv} /ˈpeɪnfəli/ (in a painful manner) | :: dolorosamente |
pain in the arse {n} (pain in the ass) SEE: pain in the ass | :: |
pain in the ass {n} (something that causes discomfort) | :: patada en las bolas, patada en los huevos, coñazo |
pain in the butt {n} (nuisance) SEE: pain in the ass | :: |
pain in the neck {n} (that which is annoying) SEE: pain in the ass | :: |
painkiller {n} /ˈpeɪnˌkɪlə(ɹ)/ (a drug that numbs the pain in the body) | :: analgésico {m} |
painless {adj} (without pain or trouble) | :: sin dolor, indoloro |
painstaking {adj} /ˈpeɪnˌsteɪkɪŋ/ (careful attentive; diligent) | :: minucioso {m}, esmerado |
paint {n} /peɪnt/ (substance) | :: pintura {f} |
paint {v} (apply paint to) | :: pintar |
paint {v} (apply in the manner of paint) | :: pintar |
paint {v} (practise the art of painting pictures) | :: pintar |
paintbrush {n} /ˈpeɪntˌbɹʌʃ/ (thin brush) | :: pincel {m} |
painted {adj} /ˈpeɪntɪd/ (painted) | :: pintado {m}, pintada {f} |
painter {n} /ˈpeɪntɚ/ (artist) | :: pintor {m}, pintora {f} |
painter {n} (one who paints surfaces using a paintbrush) | :: pintor {m}, pintora {f}, barnizador {m}, barnizadora {f} |
painter's tape {n} (masking tape intended to protect areas from paint) | :: cita de pintor {f} |
painting {n} /ˈpeɪn.tɪŋ/ (an illustration or artwork using paint) | :: cuadro {m}, pintura |
painting {n} (the action of applying paint) | :: pintado {m} |
painting {n} (artistic application of paint) | :: pintura {f} |
painting by numbers {n} (art, recreation) | :: pintura por números {f} |
paint oneself into a corner {v} /ˈpeɪnt wʌnsɛlf ɪntʊ ə ˈkɔɹnɚ/ (to create a predicament or problem for oneself) | :: meterse en un berenjenal [colloquial], meterse en un jardín [colloquial] |
paintress {n} (female painter) | :: pintora {f} |
paint stripper {n} (substance) | :: quitapinturas {m} |
paint the town red {v} (party in a rowdy, wild manner) | :: correrse una juerga, ir de parranda |
paint thinner {n} (solvent) | :: diluyente {m} |
pair {n} (number of things resembling one another, or belonging together) SEE: set | :: |
pair {n} /pɛə(ɹ)/ (two similar or identical things) | :: par {m} |
pair {n} (two people in a relationship) | :: pareja |
pair {n} (kinematics: two elements, which permit only certain kind of relative motion) | :: par {m} |
pair {v} (to group into sets of two) | :: emparejar |
pair of binoculars {n} (binoculars) SEE: binoculars | :: |
pair of compasses {n} (tool used to draw circles) | :: compás {m} |
pair of eyeglasses {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles | :: |
pair of forceps {n} (forceps) SEE: forceps | :: |
pair of glasses {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles | :: |
pair of goggles {n} (goggles) SEE: goggles | :: |
pair of pincers {n} (pincers) SEE: pincers | :: |
pair of scissors {n} (scissors) SEE: scissors | :: |
pair of specs {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles | :: |
pair of spectacles {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles | :: |
pair of tongs {n} (tongs) SEE: tongs | :: |
pair of tweezers {n} (tweezers) SEE: tweezers | :: |
Paiwan {prop} (the language) | :: paiwan {m} |
pajamas {n} /pəˈd͡ʒɑ.məz/ (clothes for wearing to bed and sleeping in) | :: pijama, pijamas {n} |
Paki shop {n} (corner shop run by a Pakistani) | :: paki {m} |
Pakistan {prop} /ˈpækɪsˌtæn/ (country in South Asia) | :: Pakistán {m}, Paquistán {m} |
Pakistani {n} (A person from Pakistan or of Pakistani descent) | :: pakistaní {m} {f}, paquistaní {m} {f} |
Pakistani {adj} (Of, from, or pertaining to Pakistan, or its people) | :: pakistaní {m} {f}, paquistaní {m} {f} |
palace {n} /ˈpælɪs/ (large, lavish residence) | :: palacio {m} |
palace coup {n} | :: golpe de palacio {m} |
Palace of Westminster {prop} (building in London housing the House of Commons and House of Lords) | :: Palacio de Westminster {m} |
paladin {n} /ˈpælədɪn/ (heroic champion) | :: paladín {m} |
palaeoclimatology {n} (science) | :: paleoclimatología {f} |
palanquin {n} /ˌpæləŋˈkiːn/ (a covered type of litter) | :: palanquín {m} |
palatable {adj} /ˈpæl.ə.tə.bəl/ (pleasing to the taste) | :: sabroso, apetecible |
palatable {adj} (tolerable, acceptable) | :: regular |
palatal {adj} /ˈpælətl̩/ (pertaining to the palate) | :: palatal |
palatal {adj} ((phonetics) articulated at the hard palate) | :: palatal |
palatal {n} ((phonetics) palatal consonant) | :: palatal {f} |
palatalization {n} /ˌpælətəlaɪˈzeɪʃən/ (state) | :: palatalización {f} |
palatalization {n} (instance) | :: palatalización {f} |
palatalize {v} (to pronounce a sound with the tongue against the palate) | :: palatalizar |
palate {n} /ˈpælɪt/ (roof of the mouth) | :: paladar {m} |
palate {n} (sense of taste) | :: paladar {m} |
palatial {adj} (of or relating to a palace) | :: palacial, palaciego |
palatine bone {n} (bones that make up the hard palate) | :: palatino {m}, hueso palatino {m} |
Palau {prop} /pəˈlaʊ/ (Republic of Palau) | :: Palaos |
Palauan {n} (someone from Palau) | :: palauano {m} |
Palauan {adj} (from Palau) | :: palauano {m} |
palaver {n} /pəˈlɑː.və(ɹ)/ (unnecessary talk, fuss) | :: parla {f} |
pale {adj} /peɪl/ (light in color) | :: pálido |
pale {v} (to become pale) | :: palidecer |
pale {n} (heraldry: vertical band) | :: palo |
palea {n} (zoology: pendulous process of the skin on the throat of a bird) SEE: dewlap | :: |
paleanthropology {n} (study of ancient human remains) SEE: paleoanthropology | :: |
pale in comparison {v} (appear unimportant) | :: no compararse con |
palely {adv} (in a pale manner) | :: pálidamente |
Palencia {prop} /pəˈlɛnsiə/ (province) | :: Palencia {f} |
Palencia {prop} (city) | :: Palencia {f} |
paleness {n} (condition or degree of being pale or of lacking color) | :: palidez {f} |
paleoanthropology {n} (study of ancient human remains) | :: paleoantropología {f} |
paleobotany {n} (branch of paleontology) | :: paleobotánica {f} |
paleoclimate {n} (the climate of the Earth at a specified point in geologic time) | :: paleoclima {m} |
paleoclimatology {n} (palaeoclimatology) SEE: palaeoclimatology | :: |
paleoecology {n} | :: paleoecología {f} |
paleography {n} /ˌpeɪliˈɑɡɹəfi/ (study of old forms of writing) | :: paleografía {f} |
paleography {n} (ancient scripts or forms of writing) | :: paleografía {f} |
paleolinguistics {n} /ˌpeɪ.li.əʊ.lɪŋˈɡwɪs.tɪks/ (study of the distant human past by linguistic means) | :: paleolingüística {f} |
Paleolithic {n} /ˈpæl.ɪi.oʊˌlɪθ.ɪk/ (Old Stone Age) | :: paleolítico {m} |
Paleolithic {adj} (of or referring to the Old Stone Age) | :: paleolítico |
paleomagnetism {n} /peɪlɪə(ʊ)ˈmaɡnətɪzm/ (study of the Earth's magnetic field as it has changed over time) | :: paleomagnetismo {m} |
paleontological {adj} (of or pertaining to paleontology) | :: paleontológico |
paleontologist {n} (one who studies paleontology) | :: paleontólogo {m}, paleontóloga {f} |
paleontology {n} (study of prehistoric forms of life) | :: paleontología {f} |
paleozoology {n} (branch of zoology dealing with fossils) | :: paleozoología {f} |
Palestine {prop} /ˈpæləsˌtaɪn/ (West Bank and Gaza Strip collectively) | :: Palestina {f} |
Palestine {prop} | :: Palestina |
Palestinian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Palestine and/or the Palestinian people) | :: palestino |
Palestinian {n} (inhabitant of Palestine or Arab of Palestinian descent) | :: palestino {m}, palestina {f} |
Palestinian Arabic {prop} (Palestinian Arabic) | :: árabe palestino |
paletot {n} /ˈpalɪtəʊ/ (A loose outer jacket, overcoat) | :: gabán {m}, paletó {m}, sobretodo {m}, abrigo {m} |
palette {n} /ˈpælɪt/ (board) | :: paleta {f} |
palette {n} (range of colors) | :: gama de colores {f}, paleta {f} |
palfreyman {n} | :: palafrenero {m} |
Palikir {prop} (The capital of the Federated States of Micronesia) | :: Palikir |
palimpsest {n} /ˈpælɪmpsɛst/ (manuscript scraped clean for reuse) | :: palimpsesto {m} |
palindrome {n} /ˈpælɪndɹoʊm/ (a sequence of units that reads the same forwards as backwards) | :: palíndromo {m} [word or phrase], capicúa {f} [number] |
palingenesic {adj} /ˌpælɪndʒɪˈniːsɪk/ (pertaining to palingenesis) | :: palingenésico |
palingenesis {n} /ˌpælɪnˈdʒɛnəsəs/ (theology) | :: palingenesia {f} |
palinspastic {adj} /pælɪnˈspæstɪk/ (showing previous locations of geological features) | :: palinspástico |
palisade {n} (wall of wooden stakes) | :: palizada {f} |
pall {n} /pɔːl/ (charge representing an archbishop's pallium) | :: perla {f} |
Palladian {adj} /pəˈleɪ.dɪ.ən/ (in the style of the Italian neoclassical architect Andrea Palladio) | :: palladiano {m}, palladiana {f} |
Palladian {n} (architect who designs buildings in the Palladian style) | :: palladiano {m}, palladiana {f} |
palladium {n} /pəˈleɪdiəm/ (a safeguard) | :: paladión {f} |
palladium {n} (chemical element) | :: paladio {m} |
Pallas's grasshopper warbler {n} (Locustella certhiola) | :: buscarla de Pallas {f} |
Pallas's gull {n} (Ichthyaetus ichthyaetus) | :: gavión cabecinegro {m} |
pallet {n} /ˈpælɪt/ (a portable platform) | :: palé, pallet [Mexico] |
pallet jack {n} (manually operated device for lifting and moving pallets) | :: patín hidráulico {m}, transpalet {m} |
pallet truck {n} (manually operated device for lifting and moving pallets) SEE: pallet jack | :: |
palliate {v} /ˈpæl.i.eɪt/ (to relieve the symptoms of) | :: paliar, mitigar, remediar, atenuar |
palliate {v} (to cover or disguise the seriousness of something by excuses and apologies) | :: paliar, cohonestar, encubrir, disimular |
palliative {adj} /ˈpæli.eɪtɪv/ (reducing progression and relieving symptoms) | :: paliativo |
palliative care {n} (specialized area of healthcare) | :: cuidados paliativos {m-p} |
pallid {adj} /ˈpælɪd/ (appearing weak, pale or wan) | :: pálido |
pallidity {n} (state of being) SEE: pallor | :: |
pallium {n} (cerebral cortex) SEE: cerebral cortex | :: |
pallor {n} /pælə(r)/ (paleness; want of color; pallidity) | :: palidez {f} |
palm {n} /pɑm/ (inner, concave part of hand) | :: palma {f}, palma de la mano {f} |
palm {v} | :: agarrar con la palma, mover con la palma |
palm {n} (palm tree) SEE: palm tree | :: |
Palma {prop} (city) | :: Palma {f}, Palma de Mallorca {f} |
palmar {adj} (of or pertaining to the palm of the hand) | :: palmar |
palm cabbage {n} (heart of palm) SEE: heart of palm | :: |
palmier {n} (puff pastry) | :: palmera {f} |
Palmilla {prop} (Palmilla) | :: Palmilla {m} |
palmiped {n} (web-footed bird) | :: palmípedo |
palmipedous {adj} (web-footed) | :: palmípedo |
palmistry {n} (telling fortunes from the lines on the palms of the hand) | :: quiromancia {f} |
palm oil {n} (edible plant oil) | :: aceite de palma {m} |
Palm Sunday {n} (Sunday before Easter) | :: domingo de ramos |
palm syrup {n} (syrup made from sap of a palm tree) | :: miel de palma {f} |
palm thief {n} (coconut crab) SEE: coconut crab | :: |
palm tree {n} (tropical tree) | :: palmera {f}, palma {f} |
Palmyra {prop} /pælˈmaɪɹə/ (ancient city) | :: Palmira {f} |
Palmyrene {adj} /ˌpælməˈɹiːn/ (of, from or relating to ancient Palmyra or Palmyrena) | :: palmireno |
Palmyrene {n} (native or inhabitant of ancient Palmyra or Palmyrena) | :: palmireño {m} |
palomino {n} /pæləˈmiːnoʊ/ (horse) | :: caballo palomino {m} |
palpable {adj} /ˈpælpəbəl/ (capable of being touched) | :: palpable |
palpable {adj} (obvious) | :: palpable |
palpebral {adj} (pertaining to eyelids) | :: palpebral |
palpitation {n} (abnormal beating of the heart) | :: palpitación {f} |
palsy {n} /ˈpɔːlzi/ (complete or partial muscle paralysis of a body part) | :: parálisis {f} |
palter {v} /ˈpɔːltə/ (to talk insincerely) | :: insincero; mentir |
paltry {adj} /ˈpɔltɹi/ (trashy, trivial, of little value) | :: insignificante, ridículo |
paltry {adj} (meager; worthless; pitiful; trifling) | :: irrisorio, miserable |
palustral {adj} /pəˈlʌstɹəl/ (Pertaining to or living in marshes; marshy) | :: palustre |
Pamir {prop} (mountain range) | :: cordillera del Pamir {f}, Pamir {m} |
pamper {v} /ˈpæmpə(ɹ)/ (to treat with excessive care, to indulge) | :: mimar, consentir, malacostumbrar, [Chile] regalonear, tener entre algodones |
pamphlet {n} (booklet) SEE: booklet | :: |
Pamphylia {prop} (region) | :: Panfilia |
pampiniform {adj} (in the form of tendrils) | :: pampiniforme |
Pamplona {prop} /pæmˈploʊnə/ (city in Navarre of northern Spain) | :: Pamplona |
pan {n} /pæn/ (flat vessel used for cooking, see also: frying pan) | :: sartén {f} |
Pan {prop} (Greek god of nature) | :: Pan {m} |
panacea {n} /ˌpæn.əˈsiː.ə/ (remedy believed to cure all disease) | :: panacea {f} |
panacea {n} (something that will solve all problems) | :: panacea {f} |
panache {n} /pəˈnæʃ/ (ornamental helmet plume) | :: penacho {m} |
panache {n} (flamboyant style or action) | :: gracia {f}, garbo {m} |
Panama {prop} /ˈpæn.ə.mɑː/ (country) | :: Panamá {m} |
Panama {n} (Panama hat) SEE: Panama hat | :: |
Panama Canal {prop} (Canal) | :: canal de Panamá {m} |
Panama City {prop} (capital of Panama) | :: Panamá |
Panama hat {n} (a type of brimmed hat from South America) | :: sombrero Panamá {m}, panamá {m}, jipijapa {f}, sombrero de paja toquilla {m} |
Panama hat palm {n} (species of palm) | :: toquilla {f} |
Panamanian {n} /pænəˈmeɪni.ən/ (person from Panama) | :: panameño {m}, panameña {f}; canalero {m} |
Panamanian {adj} (pertaining to Panama) | :: panameño; canalero |
Pan-American {adj} (covering or representing all of the Americas) | :: panamericano |
Pan-Americanism {n} (belief in the benefit of Pan-American organization) | :: panamericanismo {m} |
pan-Arabism {n} /panˈaɹəbɪz(ə)m/ (movement) | :: panarabismo {m} |
panarchism {n} (advocacy of panarchy) | :: panarquismo {m} |
Panathenaea {prop} (A festival in ancient Greece) | :: Panateneas {f-p} |
pancake {n} /ˈpæn.keɪk/ (thin batter cake) | :: hot cake {m} [Mexico], pancake {m} [Costa Rica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico], panqueca {f} [Venezuela], panqueque {m} [Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Peru, Uruguay], tortita {f} [Spain], crep {f}, crepe {f}, filoa {f}, hojuela {f} |
Pancake Day {prop} (Shrove Tuesday) SEE: Shrove Tuesday | :: |
Pancake Tuesday {prop} (Shrove Tuesday) SEE: Shrove Tuesday | :: |
Panchatantra {prop} (a collection of Sanskrit and Pali animal fables in verse and prose) | :: Panchatantra |
Panchen Lama {n} (second-highest ranking lama of the Gelug sect of Tibetan Buddhism) | :: Panchen Lama |
panchromatic {adj} (sensitive to all visible colours) | :: pancromático |
Pancras {prop} /ˈpæŋkɹəs/ (saint) | :: Pancracio {m} |
pancreas {n} /ˈpæŋkɹɪəs/ (gland near the stomach) | :: páncreas {m} |
pancreatic {adj} (of or pertaining to the pancreas) | :: pancreático |
pancreatic cancer {n} (malignant neoplasm of the pancreas) | :: cáncer de páncreas {m} |
pancreaticoduodenal {adj} (relating to the pancreas and duodenum) | :: pancreaticoduodenal |
pancreatitis {n} (inflammation of the pancreas) | :: pancreatitis {f} |
panda {n} /ˈpændə/ (Ailuropoda melanoleuca, see also: giant panda) | :: panda {m} |
panda {n} (police car) SEE: police car | :: |
panda {n} (red panda) SEE: red panda | :: |
panda bear {n} (panda) SEE: panda | :: |
Pandarus {prop} (archer in Greek mythology) | :: Pándaro {m} |
pandeiro {n} /pænˈdɛəɹəʊ/ | :: pandeiro {m} |
pandeism {n} (worship which admits or tolerates favourable aspects of all religions) SEE: omnitheism | :: |
pandeism {n} /pænˈdiːɪz(ə)m/ (belief in a god both pantheistic and deistic) | :: pandeísmo {m} |
pandeist {n} /pænˈdiːɪst/ (one who believes in pandeism) | :: pandeísta {f} |
pandeistic {adj} /pændiːˈɪstɪk/ (pertaining to pandeism) | :: pandeísta {f} |
pandemic {adj} (general, widespread) SEE: general | :: |
pandemic {adj} /pænˈdɛmɪk/ (epidemic over a wide geographical area and affecting a large proportion of the population) | :: pandémico |
pandemic {n} (disease that affects a wide geographical area and a large proportion of the population) | :: pandemia {f} |
pandemonism {n} | :: pandemonismo |
pander {n} (pimp or procurer) SEE: pimp | :: |
pandiculation {n} (stretching and stiffening of the trunk and extremities as when fatigued and drowsy) | :: estiramiento {m} |
Pandora {prop} /ˌpænˈdɔɹə/ (Character in Greek mythology) | :: Pandora {f} |
Pandora's box {n} (a source of unforeseen trouble) | :: caja de Pandora {f} |
panegyric {n} /ˌpænəˈd͡ʒɪɹɪk/ (formal speech or opus publicly praising someone or something) | :: panegírico |
panegyrical {adj} (lavish with praise) | :: panegírico |
panel {n} /ˈpænəl/ (rectangular section of a surface) | :: panel {m} |
panel {n} (group of people gathered to judge, interview, discuss etc) | :: panel {m} |
panel {n} (single frame in a comic strip) | :: viñeta {f} |
panel {n} | :: panel {m}, entrepaño {m} |
panela {n} (unrefined sugar product) | :: panela {f}, [Mexico] piloncillo {m} |
panelist {n} (member of a panel) | :: panelista {m} {f} |
Panenka {n} | :: penalti a lo Panenka {m} |
panentheism {n} /pænˈɛnθiɪzəm/ | :: panenteísmo {m} |
panettone {n} /ˌpænəˈtoʊni/ (Christmas brioche with candied fruit) | :: panetone {m}, panettone {m}, [Peru, Bolivia, Venezuela] panetón {m}, [Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay] pan dulce {m} |
pan flute {n} (panpipes) SEE: panpipes | :: |
panforte {n} (dense flat cake) | :: panforte {m} |
panga {n} /ˈpaŋɡə/ (type of knife) | :: panga {f} |
panga {n} (fish, see also: iridescent shark) | :: panga |
Pangaea {prop} /pænˈdʒiːə/ (supercontinent prior to Triassic) | :: Pangea {f} |
Panglossian {adj} /pænˈɡlɑsi.ən/ (naively or unreasonably optimistic) | :: panglossiano |
pangolin {n} /ˈpæŋɡəlɪn/ (mammal) | :: pangolín {m} |
pangram {n} /ˈpæn.ɡɹæm/ (a sentence that contains every letter of the alphabet) | :: pangrama, frase holoalfabética |
Panhellenic {adj} | :: panhelénico |
panic {n} /ˈpænɪk/ (overpowering fright) | :: pánico |
panic {v} (to feel overwhelming fear) | :: aterrarse, espantarse, entrar en pánico, alarmarse |
panic attack {n} (sudden period of intense anxiety) | :: ataque de pánico {m} |
panic buying {n} (buying of commodities earlier than normal) | :: compras de pánico {f-p} |
panicky {adj} (in a state of panic) | :: aterrado, aterrorizado |
Panixtlahuaca {prop} (town) | :: Panixtlahuaca, San Miguel Panixtlahuaca |
pankration {n} /pæn.ˈkɹeɪti.ɒn/ (ancient Greek martial art) | :: pancracio {m} |
pannier {n} /ˈpæn.i.ɚ/ (large basket or bag fastened to the back of a bicycle or pack animal) | :: alforja {f} |
panning {v} /ˈpænɪŋ/ (Present participle of pan) | :: panorámica {f} |
Pannonia {prop} (province of the Roman Empire) | :: Panonia |
panoply {n} /ˈpænəpli/ (collection or display of weaponry) | :: panoplia {f} |
panoply {n} (complete set of armour) | :: panoplia {f} |
panopticon {n} (type of prison) | :: panóptico {m} |
panorama {n} /ˌpæ.nəˈɹæ.mə/ (unbroken view of an entire surrounding area) | :: panorama {m} |
panorama {n} (picture representing a continuous scene) | :: panorama {m} |
panoramic {adj} (with a wide view) | :: panorámico |
pan pipes {n} (panpipes) SEE: panpipes | :: |
panpipes {n} (musical instrument) | :: zampoña {f}, flauta de Pan {f} |
panpsychism {n} /panˈsʌɪkɪz(ə)m/ (the doctrine that all matter has a mental aspect) | :: pampsiquismo {m} |
pansexuality {n} /ˌpænsɛkʃuˈælɪti/ (sexual orientation) | :: pansexualidad {f} |
Pan-Slavism {n} (movement) | :: paneslavismo {m} |
pansy {n} /ˈpæn.zi/ (plant) | :: pensamiento {m} |
pant {n} (a pair of pants) SEE: pants | :: |
pant {n} /pænt/ (a quick breathing) | :: jadeo {m} |
pant {n} (a violent palpitation of the heart) | :: palpitación {f} |
pant {v} (to breathe quickly or in a labored manner) | :: jadear |
pant {v} (long for (something); be eager for (something)) | :: anhelar, ansiar, desear |
pant {v} (of the heart, to beat with unnatural violence) | :: palpitar |
pantheism {n} /ˈpæn.θi.ɪz.əm/ (belief that the universe is divine) | :: panteísmo {m} |
pantheist {n} (person who believes in pantheism) | :: panteísta {m} {f} |
pantheistic {adj} /pænˈθiɪstɪk/ (pertaining to pantheism) | :: panteísta {m} {f} |
pantheistical {adj} (pantheistic) SEE: pantheistic | :: |
pantheon {n} (all the gods of a particular religion) | :: panteón {m} |
Pantheon {prop} | :: Panteón {m} |
panther {n} /ˈpænθɚ/ (big cat with black fur) | :: pantera negra {f} |
panties {n} (underpants for women or girls) | :: bragas {f}, blumen {m} [Dominican Republic, recessive usage - better : panty], blúmer {m} [Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua], bombacha {f} [Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay], braga {f} [Spain - also : braguita], calzón {m} [Bolivia, Chile, Colombian Atlantic Coast, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Peru], chingo {m} [Costa Rica], cuadros {m-p} [Chile, recessive usage - better : calzón], cucos {m-p} [Colombian standard usage], pantaleta {f} [Colombian Atlantic Coast, Mexico, Venezuela], panty {f} [Dominican Republic, Panama, Puerto Rico] |
pant leg {n} (either of the legs of a pair of pants) | :: pernera {f} |
pantograph {n} /ˈpantəɡɹɑːf/ (mechanical drawing aid) | :: pantógrafo {m} |
pantograph {n} (rail transport: device that collects electric current from overhead lines) | :: pantógrafo {m} |
pantry {n} /ˈpæntɹi/ (storage room) | :: despensa {f} |
pants {n} /pænts/ (garment covering the body from the waist downwards) | :: pantalón {m}, pantalones {m-p}, calzones {m} |
pants {n} (undergarment covering the genitals) | :: [for women] bragas {f-p} or braga {f}, [for men] calzoncillos {m-p} or calzoncillo {m} |
panty {n} (panties) SEE: panties | :: |
pantyhose {n} /ˈpæntɪhəuz/ | :: pantimedias {f-p}, media {f}, panti {f} |
panvitalism {n} (belief that all things are part of a single living universe) | :: panvitalismo {m} |
panvitalism {n} (belief that all things in the universe are alive) | :: panvitalismo {m} |
Pao-t'ou {prop} (Baotou) SEE: Baotou | :: |
pap {n} /pæp/ (soft food) | :: papilla {f} |
pap {n} (porridge) SEE: porridge | :: |
papa {n} (Father (familiar, conversational)) SEE: dad | :: |
papabile {adj} /pəˈpɑːbɪleɪ/ (among those likely to be elected pope) | :: papable |
papabile {n} (a papabile cardinal) | :: papable |
papacy {n} (the office) | :: papado {m} |
papacy {n} (the period) | :: papado {m} |
papakha {n} (type of hat) | :: papaja |
papal {adj} /ˈpeɪpəl/ (related to the pope or papacy) | :: papal |
Papal States {prop} (state) | :: Estados Pontificios {m-p} |
paparazzi {n} (paparazzo) SEE: paparazzo | :: |
paparazzo {n} /ˌpɑpəˈɹɑtsoʊ/ (freelance photographer of celebrities) | :: paparazi {m}, paparazzi {m} |
papaya {n} /pəˈpaɪə/ (tree) | :: papayo {m} |
papaya {n} (fruit) | :: papaya {f}, fruta bomba {f} [Cuban standard usage - Eastern Cuba: papaya], lechosa {f} [Dominican Republic, Eastern Central Colombia and Llanos, Venezuela - Colombia standard usage: papaya], mamón {m} [Argentina, Paraguay] |
Papenburg {prop} /ˈpæpənˌbɜːɡ/ (city in Lower Saxony) | :: Papenburgo |
paper {n} /ˈpeɪpɚ/ (sheet material) | :: papel {m} |
paper {n} (written document shorter than a book) | :: artículo {m} |
paper {n} (academic paper) | :: papel académico {m}, artículo científico |
paper {adj} (made of paper) | :: de papel |
paper {n} (newspaper) SEE: newspaper | :: |
paper {n} (wallpaper) SEE: wallpaper | :: |
paper {n} (wrapping paper) SEE: wrapping paper | :: |
paper {v} (to document) SEE: document | :: |
paper aeroplane {n} (toy aeroplane made by folding up a sheet of paper) | :: avión de papel {m} |
paper airplane {n} (paper aeroplane) SEE: paper aeroplane | :: |
paperback {n} | :: libro de bolsillo {m}, libro de tapa blanda {m} |
paper birch {n} (Betula papyrifera) | :: abedul papirífero {m} |
paperboard {n} (thick paper) | :: cartulina {f} |
paperboy {n} (male who delivers newspapers) | :: repartidor de periódicos {m} |
paper clip {n} (paper clip) | :: clip {m}, sujetapapeles {m} |
paper cup {n} (disposable cup) | :: vaso de papel {m} |
paper jam {n} (malfunction in a printer or photocopier) | :: atasco de papel {m} |
paperknife {n} (a knife for cutting paper or opening envelopes) SEE: letter opener | :: |
paperless {adj} (without documentation of identity) | :: sin papeles |
paper money {n} /ˌpeɪpəɹ ˈmʌni/ (a form of banknotes) | :: papel moneda {m} |
paper mulberry {n} (tree) | :: mahute |
papers {n} /ˈpeɪpɚz/ (official documents or identification) | :: papeles {m-p} |
paper towel {n} (sheet of absorbent paper) | :: servilleta de papel {f} |
paperweight {n} (small, decorative, somewhat weighty object) | :: pisapapeles {m} |
paperweight {n} (any object for this purpose) | :: pisapapeles {m} |
paperwork {n} /ˈpeɪ.pɚˌwɝk/ (work involving written documents) | :: papeleo {m} |
papess {n} (female pope) | :: papisa {f} |
Paphian {adj} /ˈpeɪfɪən/ (of or relating to Paphos) | :: pafio {m} |
Paphlagonia {prop} (historical region) | :: Paflagonia {f} |
Paphos {prop} (city in Cyprus) | :: Pafos {m}, Pafo {m} |
Papiamento {prop} (creole language) SEE: Papiamentu | :: |
Papiamentu {prop} /ˌpɑːpiəˈmɛntoʊ/ (language) | :: papiamento {m} |
papier-mâché {n} /ˌpeɪpɚ məˈʃeɪ/ (paper mixed with glue to create a sculptural object) | :: papel maché {m} |
papilla {n} (anatomical structure) | :: papila {f} |
papillar {adj} (papillary) SEE: papillary | :: |
papillary {adj} (having the properties of a papilla) | :: papilar |
papilloma {n} (epithelial tumour) | :: papiloma {m} |
papissa {n} (female pope) SEE: papess | :: |
pappardelle {n} /ˌpæpɑːˈdɛleɪ/ (broad form of fettuccine) | :: pappardelle |
pappus {n} | :: vilano {m}, papus {m} |
paprika {n} /pəˈpɹiːkə/ (ground spice) | :: pimentón {m}, páprika {f} |
paprika {n} | :: pimentón {m}, paprika {f} |
Pap smear {n} (gynaecology: screening test) | :: prueba de Papanicolau {f}, papanicolau, frotis vaginal {m} |
Pap test {n} (gynaecology: screening test) | :: prueba de Papanicolaou {f} |
Papua {prop} (the southern part of Papua New Guinea) | :: Papúa |
Papua New Guinea {prop} /ˈpæp.u.ə ˌnu ˈɡɪn.i/ (country in Oceania) | :: Papúa Nueva Guinea {f} |
Papua New Guinean {n} (citizen of Papua New Guinea or of Papua New Guinean descent) | :: papú {m} {f} |
Papua New Guinean {adj} (pertaining to Papua New Guinea) | :: papú {m} {f} |
papule {n} (small, inflammatory spot on skin without pus) | :: pápula {f} |
papyrologist {n} (a student of papyrology) | :: papirólogo {m}, papiróloga {f} |
papyrology {n} (the study of ancient texts written on papyrus) | :: papirología {f} |
papyrus {n} /pəˈpaɪɹəs/ (plant in the sedge family) | :: papiro {m} |
papyrus {n} (material made from this plant) | :: papiro {m} |
papyrus {n} (scroll or document written on this material) | :: papiro {m} |
para- {prefix} (above, beyond) | :: para- |
parabenzoquinone {n} (isomer of quinone) | :: parabenzoquinona {f} |
parable {n} /ˈpæɹ.ə.bəl/ (short story illustrating a lesson) | :: parábola {f} |
parabola {n} /pəˈɹæbələ/ (a conic section) | :: parábola {f} |
parabolic {adj} (of or pertaining to a parabola or paraboloid) | :: parabólico |
parabolic {adj} (of or pertaining to a parable) | :: parabólico |
Paracelsus {prop} /ˌpæɹəˈsɛlsəs/ (The adopted name of Philippus von Hohenheim) | :: Paracelso {m} |
paracetamol {n} (acetaminophen) SEE: acetaminophen | :: |
parachute {n} /ˈpæɹəʃuːt/ (a device designed to control the fall of an object) | :: paracaídas {m} |
parachute {v} (to jump with a parachute) | :: lanzarse en paracaídas |
parachuting {n} (sport) | :: paracaidismo {m} |
parachutist {n} (parachute user) | :: paracaidista {m} {f} |
paraclete {n} /ˈpæɹəkliːt/ (advocate) | :: paráclito {m} |
paraclinical {adj} | :: paraclinico |
parade {n} /pəˈɹeɪd/ (organized procession) | :: desfile {m} |
parade {n} (any succession or series) | :: desfile {m} |
parade {n} (ground where a military display is held) | :: parada {f} |
parade {n} (posture of defense) | :: [in fencing and boxing] guardia {f} |
paradigm {n} /ˈpæɹ.ə.daɪm/ (way of viewing reality) | :: paradigma {m} |
paradigm {n} (example serving as a model or pattern) | :: paradigma {m} |
paradigm {n} (linguistics: all forms which contain a common element) | :: paradigma {m} |
paradigm shift {n} (change in thinking from an accepted point of view to a new one, necessitated by scientific discoveries) | :: cambio de paradigma {m} |
paradisaic {adj} (relating to paradise) | :: paradisíaco |
paradisaical {adj} (paradisaic) SEE: paradisaic | :: |
paradise {n} /ˈpæ.ɹə.daɪs/ (heaven) | :: paraíso {m} |
paradise {n} (very pleasant place) | :: paraíso {m} |
paradise on earth {n} (ideal or idyllic place) | :: paraíso terrenal {m} |
paradise parrot {n} (colourful parrot) | :: perico del paraíso {m} |
paradisiac {adj} /ˌpæɹəˈdɪziæk/ (of or like Paradise) | :: paradisíaco |
paradox {n} /ˈpæɹədɑks/ (apparent contradiction which is nonetheless true) | :: paradoja {f} |
paradox {n} (in logic: a self-contradictory statement) | :: paradoja {f} |
paradoxical {adj} /ˌpæɹəˈdɒksɪkəl/ (having self-contradicting properties) | :: paradójico, paradojal |
paradoxically {adv} (in a paradoxical manner) | :: paradójicamente |
paraffin {n} (kerosene) SEE: kerosene | :: |
paraffin {n} /ˈpɛɹ.ə.fɪn/ (alkane hydrocarbon) | :: parafina {f} |
paraffin {n} (paraffin wax) SEE: paraffin wax | :: |
paraffin wax {n} (paraffin wax) | :: parafina {f} |
paraglider {n} (one who paraglides) | :: parapentista {m} {f} |
paraglider {n} (equipment) | :: parapente {m} |
paragliding {n} /ˈpæɹəɡlaɪdɪŋ/ (the sport of gliding with a paraglider) | :: parapente {m} |
paragoge {n} /pæɹəˈɡəʊd͡ʒi/ (the addition of a sound, syllable or letter to the end of a word, either through natural development or as a grammatical function) | :: paragoge {f} |
paragogic {adj} | :: paragógico |
paragon {n} /ˈpæɹəɡən/ (model or pattern) | :: modelo {m}, dechado |
paragon {n} (comparison; competition) | :: parangón {m} |
paragon {n} (20-point type) | :: gran paragon |
paragraph {n} /ˈpɛɹəɡɹæf/ (passage in text) | :: párrafo {m} |
Paraguay {prop} /ˈpɛɹ.ə.ɡweɪ/ (country in South America) | :: Paraguay {m} |
Paraguayan {n} (person from Paraguay) | :: paraguayano {m}, paraguayo {m} |
Paraguayan {adj} (pertaining to Paraguay) | :: paraguayano, paraguayo |
parakeet {n} /ˈpaɹəkiːt/ (various species of small parrots) | :: perico {m} |
paralanguage {n} (non-verbal elements of speech) | :: paralenguaje {m} |
paralinguistic {adj} /ˌpæɹəlɪŋˈɡwɪstɪk/ (pertaining to paralanguage) | :: paralingüístico |
paralinguistics {n} /ˌpæɹəlɪŋˈɡwɪstɪks/ (paralinguistics) | :: paralingüística {f} |
paralipsis {n} /ˌpæ.ɹəˈlɪp.sɪs/ | :: paralipsis |
parallactic {adj} (pertaining to parallax) | :: paraláctico {m} |
parallax {n} | :: paralaje {m} {f} |
parallel {adj} /ˈpæɹəˌlɛl/ (equally distant from one another at all points) | :: paralelo |
parallel {n} (line of latitude) | :: paralelo {m} |
parallelepiped {n} /ˌpæɹəˌlɛləˈpaɪpɪd/ (solid figure) | :: paralelepípedo {m} |
parallel import {n} (import without permission of the intellectual property owner) | :: importación paralela {f} |
parallelism {n} /ˈpaɹəlɛlɪz(ə)m/ (state or condition of being parallel) | :: paralelismo {m} |
parallelogram {n} /ˌpæ.ɹə.ˈlɛl.ə.ˌɡɹæm/ (convex quadrilateral in which each pair of opposite edges are parallel and of equal length) | :: paralelogramo {m} |
parallel universe {n} (universe that exists separately alongside another universe) | :: universo paralelo {m} |
paralogous {adj} (having a similar structure) | :: paralogo |
Paralympic Games {prop} (international sports competition for people with physical disabilities, see also: Paralympics) | :: Juegos Paralímpicos {m-p} |
paralyse {v} (paralyse) SEE: paralyze | :: |
paralysis {n} /pəˈɹæləsəs/ (loss of muscle control) | :: parálisis |
paralytic {n} /ˌpæɹəˈlɪtɪk/ (person suffering from paralysis) | :: paralítico {m}, paralítica {f} |
paralytic {adj} (affected by paralysis) | :: paralítico |
paralyze {v} (to afflict with paralysis) | :: paralizar |
paralyzed {adj} ((of a person or part of the body) partly or wholly incapable of movement; disabled) | :: paralizado |
paralyzing {adj} (that paralyzes) | :: paralizador, paralizante |
paramagnetic {adj} (exhibiting paramagnetism) | :: paramagnético |
paramagnetism {n} /ˌpæ.ɹə.ˈmæɡ.nə.tɪ.zəm/ (tendency of dipoles) | :: paramagnetismo {m} |
Paramaribo {prop} (capital of Suriname) | :: Paramaribo {m} |
paramecium {n} /ˌpæ.ɹəˈmiː.si.əm/ (organism) | :: paramecio {m} |
paramedic {n} (individual trained to stabilize people outside of hospital) | :: paramédico {m}, paramédica {f} |
parameter {n} /pəˈɹæm.ɪ.tə/ (variable kept constant during an experiment, calculation or similar) | :: parámetro |
parameter {n} (name in a function or subroutine definition) | :: parámetro {m} |
parametric {adj} (of, relating to, or defined using parameters) | :: paramétrico |
paramilitary {n} /ˌpɛɹəˈmɪlɪˌtɛɹi/ (a group of civilians trained and organized in a military fashion) | :: organización/grupo/ejército paramilitar |
paramilitary {n} (a member of a paramilitary group) | :: paramilitar {m} {f} |
paramilitary {adj} (relating to a paramilitary) | :: paramilitar {m} {f} |
paramount {adj} /ˈpæ.ɹəˌmaʊnt/ (supreme) | :: supremo, sumo |
paramour {n} /ˈpæɹəmɔɹ/ (illicit lover) | :: amante {m} {f}, amor prohibido {m} |
paranoia {n} /ˌpæɹ.əˈnɔɪ.ə/ (A psychotic disorder characterized by delusions of persecution) | :: paranoia {f} |
paranoia {n} (Extreme, irrational distrust of others) | :: paranoia {f} |
paranoiac {n} (somebody who has paranoia) SEE: paranoid | :: |
paranoid {adj} /ˈpɛɹ.ə.ˌnɔɪd/ (of, related to, or suffering from paranoia) | :: paranoico {m}, paranoide {m} |
paranoid {adj} (exhibiting extreme and irrational fear or distrust of others) | :: paranoico {m} |
paranoid {n} (someone suffering from paranoia) | :: paranoico |
paranoid schizophrenia {n} (form of schizophrenia accompanied by delusions) | :: esquizofrenia paranoide {f} |
paranormal {adj} (can not be explained by scientific methods) | :: paranormal |
parapet {n} /ˈpæɹ.ə.pɪt/ (a low retaining wall) | :: parapeto {m} |
parapet {n} (a fortification consisting of a wall) | :: parapeto {m} |
paraphernalia {n} /ˌpæɹəfəˈneɪli.ə/ (miscellaneous items) | :: parafernalia {f} |
paraphilia {n} /ˌparəˈfɪlɪ.ə/ (sexual deviation) | :: parafilia {f} |
paraphrase {n} (restatement of a text) | :: paráfrasis |
paraphrase {v} (to compose a paraphrase) | :: parafrasear |
paraplegia {n} (paralysed condition) | :: paraplejia {f} |
paraplegic {adj} /ˌpɛɹəˈplid͡ʒɪk/ (of, related to, or suffering from paraplegia) | :: parapléjico {m}, parapléjica {f} |
paraplegic {n} (person who suffers from paraplegia) | :: parapléjico {m}, parapléjica {f} |
parapolice {n} | :: parapolicial {m} {f} |
parapsychological {adj} (of or pertaining to parapsychology) | :: parapsicológico {m} |
parapsychology {n} /ˌpɛɹəˌsaɪˈkɑlədʒi/ (study of that which cannot yet be explained) | :: parapsicología {f} |
pararenal {adj} (next to the kidney) | :: pararrenal |
parasailing {n} (recreational activity) | :: parapente {m} |
parasite {n} /ˈpæɹəˌsaɪt/ (useless person who always relies on other people's work and gives nothing back) | :: parásito {m} |
parasite {n} ((generally undesirable) living organism that exists by stealing resources from another living organism) | :: parásito {m} |
parasitic {adj} /pɛɹ.əˈsɪt.ɪk/ (pertaining to a biological or symbolic parasite) | :: parasítico, parasitario |
parasitic {adj} (drawing upon another organism for sustenance) | :: parasitario, parásito |
parasitical {adj} (parasitic) SEE: parasitic | :: |
parasiticide {n} /ˌpæɹəˈsɪtɪsaɪd/ (substance used to kill parasites) | :: parasiticida {m} {f} |
parasitise {v} (parasitize) SEE: parasitize | :: |
parasitism {n} /ˈpæɹəs(a)ɪˌtɪzm̩/ (interaction between two organisms) | :: parasitismo {m} |
parasitization {n} | :: parasitación {f} |
parasitize {v} (live off a host) | :: parasitar |
parasitoid {n} (organism that is parasitic during part of its life cycle) | :: parasitoide {m} |
parasitology {n} (study of parasites) | :: parasitología {f} |
parasol {n} /ˈpɛɹəˌsɑl/ (umbrella used as protection from the sun) | :: parasol, sombrilla |
parasympathetic {adj} (relating to part of the autonomic nervous system) | :: parasimpático |
parasympathetic nervous system {n} (parasympathetic nervous system) | :: sistema nervioso parasimpático {m} |
parasynonym {n} (near-synonym) SEE: near-synonym | :: |
parasynthesis {n} | :: parasíntesis {f} |
parataxis {n} /paɹəˈtaksɪs/ (in grammar) | :: parataxis {f} |
paraterminal {adj} (over or above a terminus) | :: paraterminal |
paratransit {n} (auxiliary transit service for the disabled) | :: paratránsito {m}, paratransporte {m} |
paratrooper {n} (soldier that parachutes from aircraft) | :: paracaidista {m} {f}, paracaidista militar {m} {f} |
paraumbilical {adj} (beyond the umbilicus) | :: paraumbilical |
parbake {v} (bake partially and fronze it) | :: precocer |
parboil {v} (partially boil) | :: sancochar |
parcel {n} /ˈpɑɹsəl/ (package wrapped for shipment) | :: paquete {m} |
parcel {n} (division of land bought and sold as a unit) | :: parcela {f} |
parcel {n} (indiscriminate number, collection, group) | :: hatajo {m} |
parcel {v} (to wrap into a package) | :: embalar |
parcel {v} (to divide and distribute by portions) | :: parcelar |
parch {v} /pɑɹtʃ/ (to burn the surface of; to scorch) | :: torrefacer |
parch {v} (to dry to extremity) | :: agostar |
parched {adj} /pɑɹtʃt/ (dry) | :: reseco |
parched {adj} (thirsty) | :: sediento |
parchment {n} /ˈpɑːtʃmənt/ (material) | :: pergamino {m} |
parchment {n} (document) | :: pergamino {m} |
parchment paper {n} (paper used in baking) | :: papel sulfurizado {m}, papel del horno {m} |
pardon {n} /ˈpɑɹ.dn̩/ (forgiveness for an offence) | :: perdón {m} |
pardon {n} (releasing order) | :: indulto {m} |
pardon {v} (to forgive) | :: perdonar |
pardon {v} (to grant an official pardon) | :: indultar |
pardon {interj} (interjection, request to repeat) | :: ¿cómo?, ¿perdón?, ¿ah? [Colombia, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, colloquial], ¿eh? [Cuba, Spain, colloquial], ¿mande? [Mexico, colloquial] |
pardon me {phrase} (sorry, as an apology) | :: discúlpeme |
pardon my French {v} (please excuse my swearing or bad language (idiomatic)) | :: perdona mis garabatos |
pare {v} /peə(ɹ)/ (To remove the outer covering or skin of something with a knife) | :: pelar, mondar |
Paredones {prop} (Paredones) | :: Paredones {m} |
pareidolia {n} /pæɹ.aɪˈdəʊ.li.ə/ (tendency to interpret vague stimuli as something familiar) | :: pareidolia {f} |
pareidolic {adj} /pɛɹ.aɪˈdoʊ.lɪk/ (pertaining to pareidolia) | :: pareidólico |
paremiology {n} (the study of proverbs) | :: paremiología {f} |
parenchyma {n} /pəˈɹɛŋ.kɪm.ə/ (functional part of an organ, as opposed to supporting tissue) | :: parénquima {m} |
parent {n} /ˈpɛəɹənt/ (person from whom one is descended) | :: padre |
parent {n} | :: padre {m}, madre {f}, origen {m} |
parent {n} (parent company) SEE: parent company | :: |
parentage {n} (identity of one's parents) | :: parentela {f} |
parental {adj} (relating to parent) | :: parental |
parental leave {n} (leave of absence for a parent to take care of a baby) | :: permiso por paternidad {m} |
parent company {n} (a company that owns or controls another company) | :: casa central |
parenteral {adj} (Intravenously or by injection) | :: parenteral |
parenthesis {n} /pəˈɹɛnθəsɪs/ (either of a pair of brackets ( )) | :: paréntesis {m} |
parenthesis {n} ((mathematics, logic) brackets used to clarify expressions by grouping terms affected by a common operator) | :: paréntesis {m} |
parenthesis {n} | :: paréntesis {m} |
parenthesize {v} /pəˈɹɛnθ.ə.saɪz/ (place in parentheses) | :: poner entre paréntesis |
parenthetically {adv} /ˈpæɹənˌθɛtɪkli/ (incidentally) | :: como ladillo, entre paréntesis |
parents {n} /ˈpɛɹənts/ (one's parents) | :: padres {m-p} |
par excellence {adj} /ˌpɑɹ ˌɛksəˈlɑns/ (being a quintessential example of a general type) | :: por antonomasia, por excelencia |
parhelion {n} (bright spot in the sky due to refraction of the sun by ice crystals) SEE: sun dog | :: |
pariah {n} /pəˈɹaɪə/ (an outcast) | :: paria {m} {f} apestado {m} |
parietal lobe {n} /pəˈɹaɪətəl ˌloʊb/ (division of cerebrum) | :: lóbulo parietal {m} |
parieto- {prefix} (parietal bone) | :: parieto- |
parietooccipital {adj} (of or pertaining to the parietal and occipital lobes or bones) | :: parietooccipital |
paring knife {n} (A thin-bladed knife for paring fruit) | :: puntilla {f}, cuchillo de pelar {m}, cuchillo de mondar |
Paris {prop} /ˈpæɹ.ɪs/ (capital of France) | :: París {m} |
Paris {prop} (Trojan prince) | :: Paris {m} |
parish {n} /ˈpæɹɪʃ/ (part of a diocese) | :: parroquia {f}, congregación {f} |
parish {n} (members of the parish) | :: feligreses {m-p} |
parish church {n} (church that serves as the religious centre of a parish) | :: iglesia parroquial {f} |
parishioner {n} /pəˈɹɪʃənə(ɹ)/ (member of a parish) | :: feligrés {m}, parroquiano {m} |
Parisian {n} /pəˈɹiʒən/ (someone from Paris) | :: parisiense {m} {f}, parisino {m}, parisina {f} |
Parisian {adj} (of Paris) | :: parisino, parisiense |
parity {n} /ˈpæɹɪti/ (equality, comparability) | :: paridad {f} |
parity {n} (math: set whose elements all belong to one of exactly two disjoint subsets) | :: paridad {f} |
parity {n} (math: classification into one set or the other) | :: paridad {f} |
park {n} /pɑɹk/ (ground for preservation of game, etc.) | :: parque {m} |
park {n} (ground for recreation) | :: parque {m} |
park {n} (an enclosed parcel of land stocked with animals for hunting) | :: coto {m} |
park {v} (bring to a halt) | :: estacionar, aparcar, parquear |
parka {n} /ˈpɑɹkə/ (long jacket) | :: parka {f} |
parking {n} /ˈpɑːkɪŋ/ (action) | :: aparcamiento {m}, estacionamiento {m} |
parking {n} (space) | :: plaza de estacionamiento {f}, estacionamiento {m}, plaza de aparcamiento {f}, aparcamiento {m} |
parking garage {n} (building) | :: aparcamiento {m}, estacionamiento {m}, parking, parqueadero {m}, parqueo {m} |
parking lot {n} (open area, generally paved, where automobiles may be left when not in use) | :: aparcamiento {m}, estacionamiento {m}, parking, parqueadero {m}, parqueo {m} |
parking meter {n} (device for collecting parking fees) | :: parquímetro {m} |
Parkinson's disease {n} (Parkinson's disease) | :: enfermedad de Parkinson {f} |
parkour {n} /pɑɹˈkʊɹ/ (athletic discipline) | :: parkour |
Parla {prop} (city) | :: Parla |
parlance {n} /ˈpɑɹ.ləns/ (A certain way of speaking (or using words)) | :: jerga {f}, sociolecto {m} |
parley {v} /ˈpɑɹli/ (discuss) | :: parlamentar |
parliament {n} /ˈpɑːləmənt/ (institution with elected or appointed members) | :: parlamento {m} |
Parliament {prop} (parliament) SEE: parliament | :: |
parliamentarian {n} (member of parliament) | :: parlamentario {m}, parlamentaria {f} |
parliamentary {adj} /ˌpɑːɹləˈmentəɹi/ (of, relating to, or enacted by a parliament) | :: parlamentario |
parlor {n} /ˈpɑːlə/ (room for talking, room for entertaining guests, living room) | :: sala {f}, sala de estar {f} |
parlous {adj} (appalling, dire, terrible) SEE: appalling | :: |
parlous {adj} (attended with peril) SEE: dangerous | :: |
Parma {prop} (province) | :: Parma |
Parma {prop} (city) | :: Parma |
Parmenides {prop} (philosopher) | :: Parménides |
parmesan {n} /ˈpɑːmɪˌzæn/ (hard, full-fat Italian cheese from Parma) | :: parmesano {m} |
Parmesan {n} (parmesan) SEE: parmesan | :: |
Parmesan {adj} (from Parma) | :: parmesano |
Parmesan {n} (someone from Parma) | :: parmesano {m} |
parochial {adj} /pəˈɹoʊki.əl/ (pertaining to a parish) | :: parroquial |
parochial {adj} (characterized by an unsophisticated focus on local concerns) | :: provinciano |
parochialism {n} (state of being parochial) | :: provincianismo |
parochial vicar {n} (priest) | :: vicario parroquial {m} |
parodic {adj} (of, related to, or having characteristics of parody) | :: paródico |
parodist {n} (person who parodies) | :: parodista |
parody {n} /ˈpæɹədi/ (expression making fun of something else) | :: parodia {f} |
parody {v} (to make a parody of something) | :: parodiar |
paroemia {n} (proverb) SEE: proverb | :: |
parole {n} /pə.ˈɹoʊɫ/ (law: a release of (a prisoner)) | :: libertad condicional {f} |
parole {v} (to release) | :: ser puesto en libertad condicional |
paronomasia {n} /pæɹənɵˈmeɪzɪə/ (a pun or play on words) | :: paronomasia |
paronychia {n} (infection under the cuticle) SEE: whitlow | :: |
paronym {n} (word derived from the same root/stem) | :: parónimo {m} |
paronym {n} (word that sounds like another word) | :: parónimo {m} |
parotid {n} (parotid gland) SEE: parotid gland | :: |
parotid gland {n} (salivary gland) | :: parótida {f} |
parotitis {n} (inflammation of parotid gland) | :: parotiditis {f} |
parousia {n} (Second Coming of Christ) | :: parusía {f} |
paroxysm {n} /ˈpæɹ.əkˌsɪz.əm/ (random or sudden outburst) | :: paroxismo {m} |
paroxysmal {adj} /pæɹ.əkˈsɪz.məl/ (of, pertaining to, causing or accompanied by paroxysms) | :: paroxístico {m} |
paroxytone {adj} /pəˈɹɒk.sɪˌtəʊn/ (paroxytone) | :: grave |
paroxytone {n} (paroxytone) | :: palabra llana {f} |
parquet {n} (the part of a theatre between the orchestra and the parquet circle) SEE: stall | :: |
parrot {n} /ˈpæɹət/ (kind of bird) | :: papagayo {m}, loro {m}, cotorra {f} |
parrot {n} (person who repeats what was said) | :: papagayo, loro {m}, cotorra {f} |
parrot {v} (to repeat exactly without showing understanding) | :: hablar como un papagayo, hablar por boca de ganso |
parrot {n} (puffin) SEE: puffin | :: |
parse {v} /pɑːz/ ((linguistics) to resolve into elements) | :: analizar, descomponer |
parse {v} ((computing) to split data into pieces) | :: procesar |
parse {n} (act of parsing) | :: procesamiento {m}, análisis {m} |
parse {n} (result of parsing) | :: resultado {m}, análisis {m} |
parse {v} (to examine closely) SEE: scrutinize | :: |
parsec {n} /ˈpɑɹsɛk/ (parallax second) | :: parsec, pársec |
parseltongue {prop} (language of snakes in Harry Potter) | :: pársel {m} |
parser {n} /ˈpɑː(ɹ).zə/ (computer program) | :: escrutador {m} |
parsimonious {adj} /pɑɹ.sɪˈmo͡ʊn.i.əs/ (Exhibiting parsimony) | :: parsimonioso |
parsimonious {adj} (Using a minimal number of assumptions, steps, or conjectures) | :: parsimonioso |
parsimony {n} /ˈpɑɹ.sə.ˌmoʊ.ni/ (great reluctance to spend money unnecessarily) | :: parsimonia |
parsley {n} /ˈpɑː(ɹ)sli/ (plant Petroselinum crispum) | :: perejil {m} |
parsnip {n} /ˈpɑɹ.snɪp/ (the plant Pastinaca sativa) | :: chirivía {f} |
parsnip {n} (the edible root of Pastinaca sativa) | :: chirivía {f} |
parson {n} /ˈpɑɹsən/ (cleric having full control of a parish) | :: párroco {m} |
parson {n} (protestant minister) | :: pastor {m} |
parson's nose {n} (tail of a cooked fowl) | :: rabadilla del pollo {f}, chunchucuyo {m} [colloquial, El Salvador] |
part {n} (math: factor) SEE: factor | :: |
part {n} /pɑːt/ (fraction of a whole) | :: parte {f}, porción {f}, pedazo {m}, trozo {m} |
part {n} (group inside a larger group) | :: categoría {f}, parte {f} |
part {n} (section of land; an area of a country or other territory; region) | :: pago {m} [usually in plural] |
part {n} (position or role, especially in a play) | :: papel {m} |
part {n} (hair dividing line) | :: raya {f}, carrera {f} [Colombia, Costa Rica, Venezuela], partido {m} [Northwestern Venezuela], partidura {f} [Chile, Panama, Puerto Rico], retiro {m} [Eastern Venezuela] |
part {v} (to leave the company of) | :: separarse, partir |
part {v} (to divide in two) | :: partir, repartir |
part {v} (to become divided in two or separated) | :: partirse, apartarse |
part {v} | :: hacer una raya |
part {adj} (partial) SEE: partial | :: |
part {adv} (partially) SEE: partially | :: |
partake {v} /pɑɹˈteɪk/ (to take part in an activity) | :: participar |
part and parcel {n} (essential piece) | :: parte integral {f}, parte integrante {f}, parte |
parthenocarpic {adj} (relating to parthenocarpy) | :: partenocárpico |
Parthenon {prop} /ˈpɑːɹθənɑːn/ (ancient temple to Athena) | :: Partenón {m} |
Parthia {prop} /ˈpɑɹθi.ə/ ((historical) region) | :: Partia |
Parthian {adj} /ˈpɑɹθiən/ (relating to Parthia) | :: parto {m}, parta {f} |
Parthian {n} (person) | :: parto {m}, parta {f} |
Parthian {n} (language) | :: parto {m} |
partial {adj} /ˈpɑɹʃəl/ (existing in part) | :: parcial |
partial {adj} (biased) | :: parcial |
partial derivative {n} (derivative with respect to one variable) | :: derivada parcial {f} |
partial differential equation {n} (equation) | :: ecuación en derivadas parciales {f} |
partiality {n} /pɑɹʃiˈælɪti/ (preference) | :: parcialidad {f} |
partially {adv} /ˈpɑɹʃəli/ (to a partial degree) | :: en parte, parcialmente |
participant {n} /pɑːɹˈtɪsəpənt/ (one who participates) | :: participante {m} {f}, partícipe {m} {f} |
participate {v} /pɑːˈtɪsɪpeɪt/ (to join in, to take part, to involve oneself) | :: participar |
participation {n} (act of participating) | :: participación {f}, colaboración {f}, constribución {f} |
participator {n} (one who participates) | :: participante {m} {f} |
participatory democracy {n} (Political system) | :: democracia participativa {f} |
participial {n} (participle) SEE: participle | :: |
participial {adj} (of or relating to a participle) | :: participial {m} {f} |
participle {n} /ˈpɑɹtɪˌsɪpəl/ (verb form) | :: participio {m} |
particle {n} /ˈpɑɹtɪkəl/ (body with very small size) | :: partícula {f} |
particle {n} (elementary particle or subatomic particle) | :: partícula {f} |
particle {n} (word that does not obviously belong to any particular part of speech) | :: partícula {f} |
particle accelerator {n} (a device that accelerates electrically charged particles to extremely high speeds) | :: acelerador de partículas {m} |
particle physics {n} (particle physics) | :: física de partículas {f} |
particular {adj} /pəˈtɪkjəlɚ/ (specific; discrete; concrete) | :: particular |
particular {adj} (partial) SEE: partial | :: |
particular {adj} (known only to an individual person or group) SEE: confidential | :: |
particularly {adv} /pəˈtɪkjəlɚli/ (especially) | :: particularmente |
particulate {n} (solid or liquid in a subdived state) SEE: particulate matter | :: |
particulate matter {n} (solid or liquid in a finely subdivided state) | :: material particulado {m} |
parting {n} /ˈpɑɹtɪŋ/ (line dividing hair) | :: raya del cabello {f}, raya del pelo {f} |
partisan {n} /ˈpɑɹ.ɾɪ.zən/ (adherent to a party) | :: partidario {m} |
partisan {n} (type of spear) | :: partisana {f} |
partisan {n} (member of a body of detached light troops) SEE: guerrilla | :: |
partisanship {n} (partiality) SEE: partiality | :: |
partisanship {n} (an inclination to be partisan) | :: partidismo {m} |
partition {n} /pɑɹˈtɪʃən/ (part of something that has been divided) | :: parte {f} |
partition {n} (division of a territory) | :: partición {f} |
partition {n} (section of a hard disk separately formatted) | :: partición {f} |
partition {n} (collection of non-empty, disjoint subsets of a set) | :: partición {f} |
partition {v} (to divide something parts) | :: partir |
partitive {adj} (grammar: indicating a part) | :: partitivo |
partitive {n} (partitive case) | :: caso partitivo {m} |
partitive case {n} (case used to indicate that an object is affected only partially by the verb) SEE: partitive | :: |
partiture {n} (score (music)) SEE: score | :: |
partly {adv} /ˈpɑɹtli/ (in part) | :: en parte, en cierto modo |
partner {n} /ˈpɑɹtnɚ/ (someone who is associated with another in a common activity or interest) | :: compañero {m} |
partner {n} (a member of a business or law partnership) | :: socio |
partner {n} (spouse, domestic, or romantic partner) | :: pareja {f}, compañero {m}, compañera {f} |
partnership {n} (state of being associated with a partner) | :: asociación {f}, colaboración {f} |
partnership {n} (association of two or more people to conduct a business) | :: compañía {f}, sociedad {f} |
partocracy {n} (government by political parties) | :: partitocracia {f}, partidocracia {f} |
part of speech {n} (the function a word or phrase performs) | :: parte de la oración {f}, parte de oración {f}, categoría gramatical {f}, parte del habla {f} |
partridge {n} /ˈpɑɹtɹɪd͡ʒ/ (any bird of the genera Perdix or Alectoris) | :: perdiz {f} |
partridgeberry {n} (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) SEE: lingonberry | :: |
partridgeberry {n} (Gaultheria procumbens) SEE: teaberry | :: |
part-time {adj} (involving less than the normal time) | :: tiempo parcial {m}, jornada parcial {f} |
parturition {n} (act of giving birth) | :: parto {m}, nacimiento {m} |
party {n} /ˈpɑɹ.ti/ (law: particular side in a contract or legal action) | :: parte contratante {f} |
party {n} (group of people forming one side in a given dispute, contest etc.) | :: partido {m} |
party {n} (social gathering) | :: fiesta {f}, reventón {m}, pachanga {f}, carrete {m}, guateque, sarao |
party {v} (to celebrate at a party) | :: divertirse, fiestar |
party {n} (political group) SEE: political party | :: |
party animal {n} (person known for frequent, enthusiastic attendance at parties) | :: fiestero {m}, fiestera {f}, marchoso {m}, marchosa {f}, balarrasa {m} {f} |
party of the first part {n} | :: primera parte {f} |
party of the second part {n} (party against whom a complaint was initially raised in a court) | :: segunda parte {f} |
party pooper {n} (one who dampens the fun of a group activity) SEE: spoilsport | :: |
party wall {n} (commonly shared wall) | :: (pared) medianera {f}, citara {f} |
par value {n} (face value) SEE: face value | :: |
parvenu {n} /ˈpɑɹ.və.nju/ (a person who has risen, climbed up, or has been promoted to a higher social class) | :: advenedizo {m} |
parvenu {adj} (being a parvenu; also, like or having the characteristics of a parvenu) | :: advenedizo |
Pasargadae {prop} (ancient city of Persia) | :: Pasargada |
pascal {n} /pæˈskæl/ (SI unit of pressure and stress) | :: pascal {m} |
Pascal {prop} /pæsˈkæl/ (male given name) | :: Pascual |
Pascal's wager {prop} (Pascal's wager) | :: la apuesta de Pascal |
paschal candle {n} (a large white candle used at Easter) | :: cirio pascual {m} |
Paschal Lamb {n} /ˈpæs.kəl ˈlæm/ (the lamb eaten at Passover) | :: cordero de Pascua Florida |
Paschal Lamb {n} (Jesus Christ symbolized as a sacrifice) | :: Cordero de Dios |
pasha {n} /ˈpɑʃə/ (title) | :: pachá {m}, bajá {m} |
pashalik {n} | :: bajalato {m} |
Pashto {n} /ˈpæʃtəʊ/ (official language of Afghanistan) | :: pastún {m}, pasto {m} |
Pashtun {prop} (Pashto) SEE: Pashto | :: |
Pashtun {adj} (of or relating to the Pashtuns) | :: pastún {m} |
Pashtun {n} (Pashtun person) | :: pastún {m} |
Pashtunistan {prop} (geographic region historically inhabited by the indigenous Pashtun people) | :: Pastunistán {m}, Pashtunistán {m}, Pakhtunistán {m} |
paska {n} (paskha) SEE: paskha | :: |
paskha {n} (Easter dessert) | :: paska {f} |
paso doble {n} (Spanish ballroom dance) | :: pasodoble {m}, paso-doble {m} |
pass {v} /pɑːs/ (move or be moved from one place to another) | :: pasar |
pass {v} (to go past) | :: pasar |
pass {v} (change from one state to another) | :: pasar |
pass {v} (move beyond the range of the senses or of knowledge) | :: pasar |
pass {v} (die) | :: fallecer |
pass {v} (happen) | :: pasar, ocurrir, suceder |
pass {v} (go from one person to another) | :: pasar |
pass {v} (advance through all the steps or stages necessary to validity or effectiveness) | :: pasar |
pass {v} (go through any inspection or test successfully) | :: pasar, (exam) aprobar |
pass {v} (to be tolerated) | :: pasar |
pass {v} (to continue) | :: pasar |
pass {v} (go through the intestines) | :: pasar |
pass {v} (decline to play in one's turn) | :: pasar |
pass {v} (go by, over, etc) | :: pasar |
pass {v} (sports: to move the ball or puck to a teammate) | :: pasar |
pass {n} (opening, road, or track, available for passing) | :: paso {m}, pasaje {m} |
pass {n} (password) SEE: password | :: |
passacaglia {n} /ˌpɑsəˈkɑljə/ (historical Spanish dance) | :: pasacalle {m}, pasacalles {m} |
passage {n} /ˈpæsɪd͡ʒ/ (section of text or music) | :: pasaje {m} |
passageway {n} (any way for passing in, out or through something) | :: pasillo {m} |
pass away {v} (to die (euphemistic)) | :: fallecer |
pass by {v} (go by) SEE: go by | :: |
pass down {v} (to hand over) | :: heredar, pasar |
passed pawn {n} (pawn that has passed beyond enemy pawns) | :: peón pasado {m} |
passenger {n} /ˈpæsɪnd͡ʒɚ/ (one who rides or travels in a vehicle) | :: pasajero {m} |
passenger car {n} (A road vehicle that carries passengers) | :: turismo {m} |
passenger kilometer {n} (unit) | :: kilómetros-pasajero {m} |
passenger mile {n} (unit) | :: millas-pasajero {f} |
passenger pigeon {n} (an extinct bird of the species Ectopistes migratorius) | :: paloma migratoria {f} |
passenger train {n} (type of train) | :: tren de pasajeros {m} |
passer-by {n} (a person who is passing by) | :: transeúnte {m} {f}, viandante {m} {f}, paseante |
passerine {n} /ˈpæsəɹən/ (any bird of the order Passeriformes) | :: paseriforme {m} |
pass gas {v} (break wind) SEE: break wind | :: |
passing {adj} /ˈpɑːsɪŋ/ (that passes away; ephemeral) | :: pasajero |
passing {adj} (pre-eminent, excellent) | :: excelente |
passing {adj} (vague, cursory) | :: superficial, somero |
passing {adv} ((now literary or archaic) Surpassingly, greatly) | :: extremadamente |
passing {n} (death, dying; the end) | :: muerte {f} |
passing {n} (fact of going past; movement from one place or state to another) | :: paso {m} |
passing {n} (law: act of approving a bill etc.) | :: aprobación {f} |
passing {n} (sports: act of passing) | :: pase {m} |
passion {n} /ˈpʰæʃən/ (any great emotion) | :: pasión {f} |
passionate {adj} /ˈpæʃənɪt/ (fired with intense feeling) | :: apasionado |
passionately {adv} /ˈpæʃənətli/ (in a passionate manner) | :: apasionadamente |
passionflower {n} (plant of the genus Passiflora) | :: pasionaria {f} |
passionflower {n} (flower) | :: pasionaria {f} |
passion fruit {n} (edible fruit) | :: granadilla {f}, maracuyá {m}, calala {f} [Nicaragua], chinola {f} [Dominican Republic], parcha {f} [Puerto Rico], parchita {f} [Venezuela] |
Passionist {n} (member of a Roman Catholic institute with emphasis on the Passion) | :: pasionista {m} {f} |
passion pit {n} (drive-in theatre) SEE: drive-in | :: |
Passion Sunday {n} (fifth Sunday in Lent) | :: Domingo de Pasión {m} |
passive {n} (passive voice) SEE: passive voice | :: |
passive {adj} /ˈpæs.ɪv/ (not active, but acted upon) | :: pasivo |
passive {adj} (psychology: being inactive and receptive in a relationship) | :: pasivo |
passive {adj} | :: pasivo |
passively {adv} /ˈpæs.ɪ (in a passive manner; without conscious or self-directed action) | :: pasivamente |
passiveness {n} (passivity) SEE: passivity | :: |
passive smoker {n} | :: fumador pasivo {m} |
passive voice {n} (grammatical term) | :: voz pasiva {f} |
passivity {n} /pæˈsɪvɪti/ (the state of being passive) | :: pasividad {f} |
pass on {v} (to convey or communicate) | :: pasar |
pass on {v} (To die) SEE: die | :: |
pass out {v} (to faint) | :: desmayarse |
pass out {v} (to distribute) | :: distribuir |
pass out {v} (to graduate) | :: graduarse |
Passover {prop} (Jewish festival) | :: pascua {f} |
passport {n} /ˈpæspɔɹt/ (official document) | :: pasaporte {m} |
pass through {v} (to infiltrate) SEE: infiltrate | :: |
pass through {v} (to transit) | :: atravesar |
pass wind {v} (break wind) SEE: break wind | :: |
password {n} /ˈpæswɜːɹd/ (word used to gain admittance) | :: contraseña, santo y seña |
password {n} (computing: string of characters known only to a user) | :: contraseña {f} |
past {adj} (ago) SEE: ago | :: |
past {n} /pæst/ (period of time that has already happened) | :: pasado {m} |
past {n} ((grammar) past tense) | :: pretérito {m} |
past {adj} (having already happened; in the past) | :: pasado |
pasta {n} /ˈpɑstə/ (dough) | :: pasta {f} |
Pastafarianism {n} (a parody religion) | :: pastafarismo {m} |
past anterior {n} (a compound tense used in literary French, Spanish, and Italian) | :: pretérito anterior {m} |
paste {n} /peɪst/ (a soft mixture) | :: pasta {f} |
paste {n} (soft mixture used in making pastry) | :: masa {f} |
paste {n} (soft mixture of pounded foods) | :: paté {m}, budín {m} |
paste {n} (an adhesive paste) | :: engrudo {m}, cola {f} |
paste {n} (lead-containing glass, or an artificial gemstone thereof) | :: pasta {f} |
paste {v} (to cause to stick, adhere) | :: pegar |
paste {v} (to insert a piece of text) | :: pegar |
pastern {n} /ˈpæstəɹn/ (area on a horse's leg) | :: cuartilla {f} |
pasteurisation {n} (treatment of perishable food) | :: pasterización {f}, pasteurización {f} |
pasteurise {v} (pasteurize) SEE: pasteurize | :: |
pasteurize {v} /ˈpæstʃəɹaɪz/ (to heat food in order to kill harmful organisms) | :: pasterizar, pasteurizar |
past historic tense {n} (tense) | :: pretérito |
pastiche {n} /pæsˈtiːʃ/ (work that imitates the work of a previous artist) | :: pastiche {m} |
pastie {n} (pie) | :: paste {m} |
pastiera {n} (Neapolitan Easter tart) | :: pastiera {f} |
pastime {n} /ˈpæs.taɪm/ (that which amuses) | :: pasatiempo {m} |
pastor {n} (shepherd) SEE: shepherd | :: |
pastor {n} /ˈpæstɚ/ (a minister or priest) | :: pastor {m} |
pastor {n} | :: pastor {m}, pastora {f} |
pastoral {adj} /ˈpæs.tə.ɹəl/ (of or pertaining to shepherds) | :: pastoral |
past participle {n} (past participle) | :: participio pasado {m} |
past perfect {n} (pluperfect tense) SEE: pluperfect tense | :: |
pastrami {n} /pəˈstɹɑːmi/ (seasoned smoked cut of beef) | :: pastrami {m}, pastrón {m} |
pastry {n} /ˈpeɪstɹi/ (food group) | :: pastel {m}, pastelería {f} |
pastry bag {n} (bag used to pipe cakes with icing) | :: manga pastelera {f}, manga confitera {f} |
past tense {n} (grammatical form) | :: tiempo pasado {m}, pretérito |
pasture {v} (graze) SEE: graze | :: |
pasture {n} /ˈpæstʃɚ/ (land on which cattle can be kept for feeding) | :: pasto {m}, pradera |
pasture {v} (to herd animals into a pasture) | :: pastar |
pastureland {n} (land for grazing) | :: pastizal {m} |
pasty {adj} /ˈpeɪsti/ (like paste, sticky) | :: pastoso {m}, pegajoso {m} |
pasty {adj} (pale, lacking colour) | :: pálido {m}, opaco {m} |
pasty {n} /ˈpæsti/ (A type of seasoned meat and vegetable pie) | :: empanada {f} |
pataca {n} (monetary unit of Macau) | :: pataca {f} |
patagium {n} /pætəˈdʒaɪəm/ | :: patagio {m} |
Patagonia {prop} (geographical region) | :: Patagonia {f} |
Patagonian {adj} (of or pertaining to Patagonia) | :: patagónico |
Patagonian cypress {n} (South American tree) | :: alerce {m}, lahuán {m}, alerce patagónico {m}, ciprés de la Patagonia {m} |
patch {n} (figuratively: fit) SEE: fit | :: |
patch {n} (paltry fellow) SEE: fool | :: |
patch {n} /pætʃ/ (piece of cloth used to repair a garment) | :: parche {m} |
patch {n} (small piece of anything used to repair a breach) | :: parche {m} |
patch {n} (piece of black silk stuck to the face) | :: parche |
patch {n} (medicine: adhesive piece of material impregnated with a drug) | :: parche {m} |
patch {n} (computing: file describing changes made to source code) | :: parche {m} |
patch {v} (mend by sewing on cloth) | :: remendar |
patch {v} (computing: update source code with a patch) | :: parchear |
patch file {n} (patch) SEE: patch | :: |
patchouli {n} /pəˈtʃuli/ (any of several East Indian plants) | :: pachulí |
patchouli {n} (the oil or perfume made from these plants) | :: pachulí |
patch up {v} (to mend quickly and roughly) | :: parchear |
patchwork {n} (a work composed of many different colors and shapes) | :: almazuela |
patchy {adj} /ˈpætʃi/ (Full of, or covered with, patches) | :: hecho a retales |
pate {n} /peɪt/ (top of the head) | :: corona {f} |
pate {n} (wit, cleverness) | :: vivaracho |
patella {n} (kneecap) SEE: kneecap | :: |
paten {n} /ˈpætən/ (plate for the host during Eucharist) | :: patena {f} |
patent {n} /ˈpeɪtənt/ (declaration issued by a government to an inventor) | :: patente {m} |
patent {v} (successfully register an invention with a government agency; to secure a letter patent) | :: patentar |
patent {adj} (explicit and obvious) | :: patente |
patent {n} (patent leather) SEE: patent leather | :: |
patented {adj} (for which a patent has been granted) | :: patentado |
patent leather {n} (glossy leather) | :: charol {m}, patente {m} [Venezuela] |
patent medicine {n} | :: específico {m}, especialidad farmacéutica {f} |
patent troll {n} /ˈpætənt ˌtɹəʊl/ (company, person, etc., that owns and enforces patents in an aggressive and opportunistic manner) | :: trol de patentes {m} |
paterfamilias {n} (a man who is the head of a household) | :: paterfamilias {m} |
paternal {adj} /pəˈtɜː(ɹ)nəl/ (of or pertaining to one's father) | :: paterno |
paternal {adj} (fatherly; behaving as or characteristic of a father) | :: paternal |
paternal aunt {n} (the sister of one's father) | :: tía {f} |
paternal grandfather {n} (one's father's father) | :: abuelo paterno {m} |
paternal grandmother {n} (one's father's mother) | :: abuela paterna {f} |
paternal uncle {n} (brother of one's father) | :: tío {m}, tío paterno {m} |
paternity {n} (fatherhood) SEE: fatherhood | :: |
paternoster {n} (a rosary) SEE: rosary | :: |
paternoster {n} /ˈpɑːtəˌnɒstə(ɹ)/ (Lord's prayer) | :: paternóster {m}, padrenuestro {m} |
path {n} /pʰæθ/ (a trail for the use of, or worn by, pedestrians) | :: senda {f}, sendero {m} |
path {n} (a course taken) | :: camino |
path {n} (computing: a specification for a location within a hierarchical or tree-like structure) | :: ruta {f} |
path {n} (graph theory: a sequence of vertices from one vertex to another) | :: camino {m}, mixtilínea {f} [computer graphics] |
path {n} | :: camino {m}, sendero {m} |
pathetic {adj} /pəˈθɛtɪk/ (arousing pity, sympathy, or compassion) | :: patético, penoso |
pathetic {adj} (arousing scorn or contempt) | :: patético, penoso |
-pathic {suffix} /pæθɪk/ | :: -pático {m} |
pathogen {n} /ˈpæθədʒn̩/ (an organism or substance that causes disease) | :: patógeno {m} |
pathogenesis {n} (pathogenesis) | :: patogénesis {f}, patogenia |
pathogenic {adj} (able to cause disease) | :: patógeno {m} |
pathognomonic {adj} /ˌpaθəɡnə(ʊ)ˈmɒnɪk/ (Beyond any doubt diagnostic for a particular disease) | :: patognomónico |
pathologic {adj} (pathological) SEE: pathological | :: |
pathological {adj} (pertaining to pathology) | :: patológico |
pathological {adj} (relating to or caused by a physical or mental disorder) | :: patológico, malsano, enfermizo, morboso |
pathologically {adv} (in a pathological manner) | :: patológicamente |
pathologist {n} (expert in pathology) | :: patólogo |
pathology {n} /pəˈθɒlədʒi/ (branch of medicine) | :: patología {f} |
pathology {n} (abnormality) | :: patología {f} |
pathway {n} /ˈpæθˌweɪ/ (biochemistry: sequence of biochemical compounds) | :: via, ruta |
patience {n} /ˈpeɪʃəns/ (quality of being patient) | :: paciencia {f} |
patience {n} (game that can be played by one person) | :: solitario |
patience is a virtue {proverb} (it is better to be patient than impatient) | :: la paciencia es una virtud, la paciencia es la madre de la ciencia |
patience of Job {n} (great amount of patience) | :: tener más paciencia que el santo Job |
patient {adj} /ˈpeɪʃənt/ (not losing one's temper while waiting) | :: paciente {m} {f} |
patient {n} (someone who receives treatment from a doctor) | :: paciente |
patiently {adv} /ˈpeɪʃəntli/ (in a patient manner) | :: pacientemente |
patient zero {n} (index case) SEE: index case | :: |
patina {n} /pəˈtiː.nə/ (colour or incrustation which age and wear give to objects) | :: pátina {f} |
patine {v} /pəˈtiːn/ (coat an object with a patina) | :: patinar |
patio {n} /ˈpætioʊ/ (a paved outside area, adjoining a house, used for dining or recreation) | :: patio {m} |
patio {n} (an inner courtyard typical of traditional Spanish houses) | :: patio {m} |
patisserie {n} (pastry shop) | :: pastelería {f} |
patois {n} /ˈpæˌtwɑ/ (regional dialect of a language) | :: dialecto {m} |
patolli {n} (board game) | :: patole {m} |
Patras {prop} /pəˈtɹæs/ (city of Greece) | :: Patras |
patriarch {n} /ˈpeɪt(ʃ)ɹiɑɹk/ (male leader) | :: patriarca {m} |
patriarchal {adj} (relating to patriarchy) | :: patriarcal |
patriarchy {n} /ˈpeɪt(ʃ)ɹiɑɹki/ (social system) | :: patriarcado {m} |
patriarchy {n} (power structure) | :: patriarcado {m} |
patriarchy {n} (dominance of men in social or cultural systems) | :: patriarcado {m} |
Patricia {prop} /pəˈtɹɪʃə/ (female given name) | :: Patricia |
patriciate {n} (aristocracy or nobility) | :: patriciado {m} |
patricide {n} /ˈpætɹɪsaɪd/ (murder of one's father) | :: parricidio {m} |
Patrick {prop} /ˈpætɹɪk/ (given name) | :: Patricio |
patrimony {n} (inheritance from one's ancestor) | :: patrimonio {m} |
patriot {n} /ˈpeɪ.t(ʃ)ɹi.ət/ (person who loves, supports and defends their country) | :: patriota {m} {f} |
patriotic {adj} /ˈpeɪ.t(ʃ)ɹi.ɑ.tɪk/ (inspired by patriotism) | :: patriótico {m}, patriótica {f}, patriota {m} {f} |
patriotically {adv} (in a patriotic manner) | :: patrióticamente |
patriotism {n} /ˈpeɪtɹi.əˌtɪzəm/ (love of one's own country) | :: patriotismo {m} |
patristic {adj} (pertaining to early Christian church leaders) | :: patrístico {m} |
patristics {n} (patristics) | :: patrística {f} |
Patroclus {prop} (character in the Iliad) | :: Patroclo {m} |
patrol {n} /pəˈtɹoʊl/ (going of the rounds) | :: patrulla {f} |
patrol {n} (guards who go the rounds for observation) | :: ronda {f} |
patrol {v} (go the rounds along a chain of sentinels) | :: patrullar |
patrol {v} (go the rounds of, as a sentry, guard or policeman) | :: patrullar, hacer la ronda |
patrol boat {n} (small naval vessel designed for coast defence) | :: patrullera {f} |
patrol car {n} (police car) | :: patrulla |
patrolman {n} (police officer, especially a junior officer assigned patrol duty) | :: patrullero {m} |
patron {n} /ˈpeɪ.tɹən/ (supporter) | :: patrón {m} |
patron {n} (regular customer) | :: cliente {m} {f}, parroquiano {m}, casero {m}, vecero {m} |
patron {n} (wealthy individual who supports an artist etc.) | :: mecenas {m} {f}, patrocinador {m}, auspiciador {m} |
patronage {n} /ˈpeɪtɹənɪd͡ʒ/ (the act of providing approval and support) | :: patrocinio {m} |
patronage {n} (customers collectively; clientele; business) | :: clientela {f} |
patronage {n} | :: patrocinio {m} |
patronising {adj} (offensively condescending) SEE: condescending | :: |
patronize {v} /ˈpeɪt(ʃ)ɹənaɪz/ (to act as a patron of; to defend, protect, support) | :: patrocinar |
patronize {v} (to make oneself a customer of a business) | :: frecuentar |
patronize {v} (to assume a tone of unjustified superiority) | :: hablar con tono paternalista, menospreciar, sermonear |
patronizing {adj} (offensively condescending) SEE: condescending | :: |
patron saint {n} /ˈpeɪtɹən ˈseɪnt/ (saint from whom a specific group claims special protection or prayer) | :: patrono {m}, santo patrón {m}, santo patrono {m} |
patronymic {n} (patronymic (noun)) | :: patronímico |
patsy {n} /ˈpætsi/ (a person who is taken advantage of) | :: cabeza de turco |
patter {n} /ˈpætə/ (soft repeated sound) | :: pisada {f} |
patter {v} (to make irregularly repeated sounds) | :: golpetear |
patter {n} (glib and rapid speech) | :: rollo {m}, parloteo {m} |
patter {v} (to speak glibly and rapidly) | :: parlotear |
pattern {n} /ˈpætəɹn/ (that from which a copy is made) | :: molde, patrón {m}, modelo |
pattern {n} (motif or decoration) | :: diseño {m}, estampado {m}, ornamento {m}, adorno {m} |
pattern {n} (intelligible arrangement which has a mathematical, geometric, statistical etc. relationship) | :: dibujo {m}, forma {f} |
pattern {n} | :: patrón {m} |
pattern {v} (apply a pattern) | :: estructurar, estampar, perfilar |
patty {n} /ˈpæti/ (a portion of ground meat or vegetarian equivalent) | :: empanadilla {f}, tortita {f}, hamburguesa {f} |
pattycake {n} (children's game in which two people alternately clap their own and each other's hands) | :: arepitas |
Patzcuaro {prop} | :: Pátzcuaro |
paucity {n} /ˈpɑsɪti/ (fewness in number; a small number) | :: penuria {f}, escasez {f}, paucidad, poquedad |
Paul {prop} /pɔl/ (the Apostle) | :: Pablo |
Paul {prop} (male given name) | :: Pablo |
Paula {prop} /ˈpɔːlə/ (female given name) | :: Paula |
pauldron {n} (plate armor that protects the shoulders) | :: hombrera {f} |
Paulette {prop} (female given name) | :: Paulette |
Paulistano {n} (someone from São Paulo) | :: paulistano {m} |
paunch {n} /pɔːntʃ/ (first stomach of ruminant; rumen) | :: panza {f} |
paunch {n} (large, protruding belly) | :: panza {f}, barriga {f}, guata {f} |
paunchy {adj} (having a paunch) | :: panzón {m}, panzudo {m}, barrigudo {m}, barrigón {m}, guatón {m} [South America] |
pauper {n} /ˈpɔpɚ/ (one who is extremely poor) | :: indigente {m} {f} |
pause {v} /pɔz/ (to take a temporary rest or break) | :: receso, descanso |
pause {v} (to interrupt something) | :: pausar, interrumpir, suspender, parar |
pause {n} (temporary stop or rest) | :: pausa {f} |
pave {v} /peɪv/ ((British) to cover with paving stones) | :: pavimentar |
pave {v} ((North American) to cover with stones, asphalt, etc) | :: pavimentar |
paved {adj} /peɪvd/ (covered in pavement) | :: asfaltado, enlosado |
pavement {n} /ˈpeɪvmənt/ (footpath) | :: acera {f}, [Guatemala, Mexico] banqueta {f}, [Southern Cone] vereda {f} |
pavement {n} (surface of road) | :: pavimento {m}, asfalto {m} |
pave the way {v} /ˈpeɪv ðə ˈweɪ/ (to make future development easier) | :: allanar el camino |
Pavia {prop} /pəˈvi.ə/ (province) | :: Pavía {f} |
Pavia {prop} (capital) | :: Pavía {f} |
pavilion {n} /pəˈvɪljən/ (ornate tent) | :: pabellón {m} |
pavilion {n} (light roofed structure used as a shelter in a public place) | :: pavillón |
pavilion {n} (structure erected to house exhibits at a fair, etc) | :: pabellón {m} |
pavilion {n} (cartiliginous part of the outer ear) SEE: pinna | :: |
Pavo {prop} (constellation of the southern sky) | :: Pavo |
paw {n} /pɔ/ (soft foot of an animal) | :: pata {f}, zarpa {f}, garra {f} |
pawa {n} (edible univalve mollusc) | :: oreja de mar {f}, abulón {m} |
pawl {n} /pɔːl/ (pawl) | :: matraca {f} |
pawn {n} /pɔn/ (chess piece) | :: peón {m} |
pawn {n} (someone who is being manipulated) | :: peón {m} |
pawn {n} (instance of pawning something) | :: empeño {m} |
pawn {n} ((rare) type of shop) | :: casa de empeños {f} |
pawn {v} (give as security for loan) | :: empeñar, pignorar |
pawnbroker {n} /ˈpɔːnˌbɹəʊ.kə(ɹ)/ (person who makes monetary loans at interest, taking personal property as security) | :: prestamista {m} {f} |
pawnshop {n} /ˈpɔnʃɑp/ (business premises of a pawnbroker) | :: casa de empeño {f} |
pawpaw {n} (Any of several trees) | :: papayo {m} |
pawpaw {n} (Asimina) | :: chirimoyo de la Florida {m}, banano de montaña {m} |
pawpaw {n} (fruit) | :: papaya {f} |
Pax Americana {prop} | :: Pax Americana |
pay {v} /peɪ/ (to give money in exchange for goods or services) | :: pagar, comprar |
pay {v} (to be profitable) | :: pagar, redituar, valer la pena, salir a cuenta |
pay {n} (money given in return for work) | :: pago {m}, paga {f} |
pay {v} (to cover with a waterproof substance) | :: calafatear |
pay-as-you-go {n} (payment method) | :: prepago {m} |
pay attention {v} (to be attentive) | :: prestar la atención (to a person), poner la atención (to an idea or thing), tomar en cuenta, pescar [colloquial], prestar atención, estar pendiente, estar atento {m}, atender |
pay back {v} /peɪ bæk/ (to repay) | :: devolver |
pay back {v} (to exact revenge) | :: hacer pagar, vengarse, desquitarse |
payback {n} /ˈpeɪbæk/ (an act of revenge) | :: venganza {f}, desquite {m}, revancha {f} |
payback {n} (a form of recompense) | :: recompensa {f} |
payday {n} /ˈpeɪdeɪ/ (day on which an employee's salary is paid) | :: día de pago |
payee {n} (One to whom money is paid) | :: beneficiario |
payer {n} /ˈpeɪ.ɚ/ (one who pays) | :: pagador {m} |
pay gap {n} /ˈpeɪ ɡæp/ (difference in salaries between one group and another) | :: brecha salarial {f} |
payment {n} /ˈpeɪmənt/ (the act of paying) | :: pago |
payment {n} (a sum of money paid in exchange for goods or services) | :: pago {m} |
payment order {n} (instruction to pay or cause a bank to pay an amount of money) | :: libranza {f}, libramiento {m} |
payment terminal {n} | :: datáfono {m}, datófono {m} |
pay off {v} (to bribe, especially to deter oversight) | :: sobornar |
pay off {v} (to become worthwhile; to produce a net benefit) | :: valer la pena, recompensar, rendir frutos, salir a cuenta |
pay off {v} (to pay back; to repay) | :: pagar |
pay off {v} (to pay back (repay, pay off) the entirety of a loan, thereby effecting the release of a lien on) | :: pagar, cancelar |
pay-off {n} /ˈpeɪ.ɔːf/ (a payment) | :: pago {m} |
pay-off {n} (a reward) | :: recompensa {f}, retribución {f} |
pay-off {n} (a bribe) | :: soborno {m} |
pay one's last respects {v} | :: dar las condolencias, pagar (mis/sus/los) respetos |
payphone {n} (a public telephone) | :: teléfono público {m} |
pay raise {n} (increase in salary) SEE: pay rise | :: |
pay respect {v} (demonstrate respect) | :: rendir pleitesía [formal] |
pay rise {n} (increase in pay) | :: aumento de sueldo |
payrise {n} (pay rise) SEE: pay rise | :: |
payroll {n} /ˈpeɪɹoʊl/ (list of employees who receive salary or wages, together with the amounts due to each) | :: nómina {f} [Latin America], planilla {f} [Central America], plantilla {f} [Spain] |
paysheet {n} (document) SEE: payroll | :: |
pay the bills {v} (provide enough income) | :: pagar las cuentas |
paywall {n} /ˈpeɪ.wɔːl/ (a feature of a website that only allows access to paying subscribers) | :: muro de pago {m} |
pe {n} /peɪ/ (Semitic letter) | :: pei |
pea {n} /piː/ (plant) | :: guisante {m}, ervilla {f}, arveja {f} |
pea {n} (edible seed) | :: [raw pea] [Colombia, Ecuador, Peru] alverja {f} , [Latin America, Spain's Canary Islands] arveja {f}, [Cuba, Mexico, Spain's Costa del Sol and Northwest] chícharo {m}, [Spain standard usage, formal in other countries] guisante {m}, [Southeastern Spain - also : présol] pésol {m}, [tender pea] petit pois {m} [Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, Venezuela - pronounced 'petipuá'], bisalto {m} |
pea {n} (in baseball) | :: bola rápida |
peace {n} /piːs/ (tranquility, quiet, harmony; absence of violence) | :: paz {f}, sosiego {m} |
peace {n} (state of mind) | :: paz {f} |
peace {n} (harmony; lack of conflict in personal relations) | :: paz {f} |
peace {n} (state of being free from war) | :: paz {f} |
peaceable {adj} /ˈpiːsəb(ə)l/ (in favour of peace) | :: pacifista |
peaceable {adj} (characterized by peace) | :: pacífico, apacible |
Peace Corps {prop} (US volunteerism agency) | :: Cuerpo de Paz |
peaceful {adj} /ˈpiːsfəl/ (not at war or disturbed by strife or turmoil) | :: pacífico |
peaceful {adj} (motionless and calm; placid) | :: tranquilo, plácido |
peaceful coexistence {n} (mutual non-interference) | :: coexistencia pacífica {f} |
peacefully {adv} /ˈpiːsfəli/ (in a peaceful manner) | :: pacíficamente |
peacekeeping {n} /ˈpiːskiːpɪŋ/ (preserving peace) | :: mantenimiento de la paz {m} |
peacemaker {n} (someone who restores peace, especially by settling disputes) | :: pacificador {m}, pacificadora {f} |
peace out {v} (to pass out) SEE: pass out | :: |
peacetime {n} /ˈpiːstaɪm/ (period of peace) | :: tiempo de paz {m} |
peach {n} /piːt͡ʃ/ (tree) | :: duraznero {m}, durazno {m}, melocotonero {m}, melocotón {m} |
peach {n} (fruit) | :: durazno {m} [Mexico], melocotón {m} [Colombia, Spain] |
peach {n} (pleasing person/thing) | :: perita en dulce {f} [colloquial] |
peach blossom {n} (flower) | :: [Spain] flor de melocotón {f}, [Latin America] flor de durazno {f} |
peachfuzz {n} (soft, scanty beard of an adolescent male) | :: vellos {m} |
peachfuzz {n} (fuzz on the skin of a peach) | :: vellosidad {f} |
peach palm {n} (Bactris gasipaes) | :: chonta [Ecuador], chontaduro {m} [Colombia, Ecuador], manaco [Guatemala], pifá, pivá [Panama], pijguao [Venezuela], pijibay [Honduras, Nicaragua], pijuayo [Peru], pixbae [Panama], tembé [Bolivia] |
peachtree {n} (peach) SEE: peach | :: |
peacock {n} /ˈpikɑk/ (pheasant of one of the genera Pavo and Afropavo) | :: pavo real {m}, pavorreal {m} |
peafowl {n} /ˈpiːˌfaʊl/ (pheasant of the genera Pavo or Afropavo) | :: pavo {m}, pavo real {m}, pavorreal {m} |
peak {n} /piːk/ (highest value reached) | :: pico |
peak {n} (mountain top) | :: cima {f} |
peak {n} | :: cima {f} |
peak {v} (to reach a peak) | :: culminar |
peak flow meter {n} (instrument that monitors the peak expiratory flow rate) | :: medidor de flujo espiratorio {m} |
peak hour {n} (rush hour) SEE: rush hour | :: |
peak season {n} (highest demand) | :: temporada alta {f} |
peal {n} /piːl/ (loud sound) | :: estruendo {m} |
peal {n} (the sound of ringing bells) | :: campanada {f}, campaneo {m}, tañido {m}, repique {m}, repiqueteo {m} |
peanut {n} /ˈpinət/ (a legume resembling a nut) | :: maní {m} [Latin America], cacahuate [Mexico], cacahuete {m} [Spain] |
peanut butter {n} /ˈpi.nʌtˌbʌ.tɚ/ (spread made from ground peanuts) | :: [Mexico] crema de cacahuate {f}, mantequilla de maní {f}, manteca de maní {f} [Argentina, Uruguay] |
peanut milk {n} (milky liquid from peanuts) | :: leche de maní {f}, leche de cacahuates {f} |
peanuts {n} /ˈpinəts/ (insignificant amount of money) | :: cuatro cuartos |
pea pod {n} (botany) | :: vaina {f} de guisante |
pear {n} /pɛɚ/ (fruit) | :: pera {f} |
pear {n} (tree) | :: peral {m} |
pear cider {n} (perry) SEE: perry | :: |
pearl {n} (light-colored tern) SEE: tern | :: |
pearl {n} (mother-of-pearl) SEE: mother-of-pearl | :: |
pearl {n} /pɝl/ (rounded shelly concretion produced by certain mollusks) | :: perla {f} |
pearl {n} (5-point type) | :: parisienne, perla |
pearl {n} (fringe or border) SEE: fringe | :: |
pearl {n} (one of the tubercles on a deer's antler) SEE: tubercle | :: |
pearl barley {n} (barley with the husk and bran removed) | :: mote {m}, mote de trigo {m}, cebada perlada {f}, trigo perlado {m} |
pearl diver {n} (dishwasher) SEE: dishwasher | :: |
pearl necklace {n} (necklace made of pearls) | :: collar de perlas {m} |
pearl of wisdom {n} (succinct, insightful saying, piece of advice, or moral precept) | :: perla de sabiduría {f} |
pearl oyster {n} (bivalve mollusc that is a source of pearls) | :: ostra perlífera {m} |
pearly antshrike {n} (passerine bird) | :: batará perlado |
pearly whites {n} (idiom for "teeth") | :: [dienties] blanquitos {m} |
pear-shaped {adj} (shaped like a pear) | :: en forma de pera, piriforme |
pear tree {n} (a tree of the genus Pyrus) | :: peral {m} |
peasant {n} /ˈpɛzənt/ (member of the agriculture low class) | :: campesino {m} |
peasant {n} (country person) | :: campesino {m} |
peasant {n} | :: montañero {m}, peón {m} |
peasantry {n} (impoverished rural farm workers) | :: campesinado {m} |
peashooter {n} (toy gun) | :: cerbatana |
peat {n} /piːt/ (soil) | :: turba {f} |
peat bog {n} (bog composed of peat) | :: turbal {m}, turbero {m} |
pebble {n} /ˈpɛb.əl/ (stone) | :: guijarro {m}, canto pelado {m}, canto rodado {m}, china {f} |
pebble {v} (To pave with pebbles) | :: empedrar |
pecan {n} /piːˈkɑːn/ (tree) | :: pacano {m}, pecán {m}, pacana {f} |
pecan {n} (nut) | :: nuez pecana {f}, pecana {f}, pacana {f}, pecán {m}, nuez de la isla {f}, nuez encarcelada {f} |
peccadillo {n} /ˌpɛ.kəˈdɪ.loʊ/ (small sin or flaw) | :: pecadillo {m} |
peccaminous {adj} (sinful) | :: pecaminoso |
peccary {n} (a family of mammals related to pigs and hippos) | :: pecarí {m}, báquiro {m} [Venezuela], chancho de monte {m} [Argentina, Bolivia, El Salvador, Honduras], coche de monte {m} [Guatemala], jabalí {m} [Mexico], jabalina {f} [Mexico], saíno {m}, [Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama], sahíno {m} [Ecuador, Nicaragua], sajino {m} [Peru] |
peck {v} /pɛk/ (to strike or pierce with the beak or similar) | :: picotear |
peck {v} (to kiss) | :: bicar |
peck {n} (act of striking with a beak) | :: picada {f} |
peck {n} (short kiss) | :: bico {m} |
pecker {n} (slang for penis) SEE: dick | :: |
pecker {n} (slang for woodpecker) SEE: woodpecker | :: |
pecker {n} (slang for courage) SEE: courage | :: |
peckerwood {n} (woodpecker) SEE: woodpecker | :: |
peckerwood {n} (white, especially ignorant or rustic) SEE: redneck | :: |
pectin {n} /ˈpɛktɪn/ (substance) | :: pectina {f} |
pectinate {adj} /ˈpɛktəneɪt/ (resembling a comb) | :: pectinado |
pectineal {adj} (relating to the pubic bone) | :: pectíneo |
pectineus {n} (muscle) | :: pectíneo {m} |
pectoral {adj} /pɛkˈtɔɹəl/ (of or pertaining to the breast or chest) | :: pectoral |
pectoral fin {n} (fin located on each side of a fish) | :: aleta pectoral {f} |
pectoral sandpiper {n} (Calidris melanotos) | :: correlimos pectoral {m} |
pectus excavatum {n} (deformity) | :: pectus excavatum {m} |
peculiar {adj} /pʰə̥ˈkʰj̊uljʊɹ̠/ (out of the ordinary) | :: peculiar, raro |
peculiar {adj} (common or usual for a particular place or circumstance) | :: peculiar, específico |
peculiarity {n} /pɪˌkjuliˈɛɹɪti/ (the quality or state of being peculiar) | :: peculiaridad {f} |
peculiarity {n} (that which is peculiar) | :: peculiaridad {f} |
pecuniary {adj} /pəˈkjuniɛɹi/ (of or relating to money) | :: monetario |
ped {n} (pedestrian) SEE: pedestrian | :: |
pedagogic {adj} (pedagogical) SEE: pedagogical | :: |
pedagogical {adj} (of, or relating to pedagogy) | :: pedagógico |
pedagogically {adv} (in a pedagogical manner) | :: pedagógicamente |
pedagogy {n} /ˈpɛdəˌɡoʊdʒi/ (profession of teaching) | :: pedagogía {f} |
pedagogy {n} (activities of educating, teaching or instructing) | :: pedagogía {f} |
pedal {n} /ˈpɛdəl/ (lever operated by one's foot) | :: pedal {m} |
pedal {v} (to operate a pedal) | :: pedalear |
pedalo {n} /ˈpɛdələʊ/ (small boat propelled by pedals) | :: hidropedal {m}, velomar {m}, pedalo {m}, [colloquial] pedalina {f}, [colloquial] pedaleta {f}, [colloquial] patín {m} |
pedant {n} /ˈpɛdənt/ (person overly concerned with formal rules and trivial points of learning) | :: pedante {m} {f} |
pedantic {adj} /pəˈdæn.tɪk/ (like a pedant) | :: pedante, pretencioso |
pedantic {adj} (being showy of one's knowledge) | :: pedante |
pedantic {adj} | :: cursi, maniático, pedante, puntilloso |
pedantical {adj} (pedantic) SEE: pedantic | :: |
pedantry {n} /ˈpɛd.ən.tɹi/ (instance of being pedantic) | :: pedantería {f} |
pedantry {n} (overly ambitious display of learning) | :: pedantería {f} |
peddle {v} /ˈpɛdəl/ (to sell illegal narcotics) | :: traficar |
peddler {n} (itinerant seller of small goods) | :: buhonero {m}, vendedor ambulante {m} |
peddler {n} (drug dealer) SEE: drug dealer | :: |
pederast {n} /ˈpɛd.ɚ.ɹæst/ (practitioner of pederasty) | :: pederasta {m} |
pederastic {adj} (relating or pertaining to pederasty) | :: pederastico |
pederasty {n} /ˈpɛd.ə.ɹæs.ti/ (pederasty) | :: pederastia {f} |
pederasty {n} (archaic: homosexual anal sex) SEE: sodomy | :: |
pedestal {n} /ˈpɛdɪstəl/ (the base or foot of a column, statue, vase, lamp, or the like) | :: pedestal {m}, peana {f} |
pedestrian {adj} /pəˈdɛst.ɹi.ən/ (of or intended for pedestrians) | :: peatonal |
pedestrian {adj} (ordinary) | :: común, prosaico {m}, banal, pedestre, vulgar |
pedestrian {n} (somebody walking rather than using a vehicle) | :: peatón {m}, viandante {m} {f} |
pedestrian crossing {n} (place for pedestrians to cross a street) | :: paso de peatones {m}, paso de cebra {m} |
pedestrian island {n} (refuge island) SEE: refuge island | :: |
pedestrianization {n} (the restriction of access to a street to pedestrians only) | :: peatonalización {f}, peatonización |
pedestrianize {v} (restrict access to a street to pedestrians only) | :: peatonalizar, peatonizar |
pedestrian refuge {n} (refuge island) SEE: refuge island | :: |
pediatric {adj} (of or pertaining to pediatrics) | :: pediátrico |
pediatrician {n} /ˌpidi.əˈtɹɪʃən/ (physician who specialises in pediatrics) | :: pediatra {m} {f} |
pedicab {n} /ˈpɛdiˌkæb/ (vehicle) | :: bicitaxi {m}, tricitaxi {m}, velotaxi {m}, pedicab {m} |
pedicel {n} /ˈpɛd.ɪs.əl/ (stalk of an individual flower) | :: pedicelo {m} |
pedicel {n} (stalk-like body part) | :: pedicelo {m} |
pedicel {n} (slender stalk of a fungus) | :: pedicelo {m} |
pedicure {n} (superficial cosmetic treatment of the feet and toenails) | :: pedicura {f} |
pedigree {n} /ˈpɛd.ɪ.ɡɹi/ (chart of ancestors) | :: pedigrí |
pediment {n} /ˈpɛd.ɪ.mənt/ (architectural element) | :: frontón {m} |
pedology {n} (soil science) | :: pedología {f} |
pedology {n} (study of children's behaviour) | :: paidología {f} |
pedometer {n} /pɪˈdɑː.mə.t̬ɚ/ (device) | :: podómetro {m}, odómetro {m}, cuentapasos {m} |
pedophile {n} /ˈpɛ.dəˌfaɪl/ (an adult who is sexually attracted to children) | :: pedófilo {m} |
pedophilia {n} /ˌpɛ.dəˈə/ (sexual feeling or desire by adults towards children) | :: pedofilia {f} |
pedophilic {adj} (of, relating to, or pertaining to pedophilia) | :: pedófilo |
peduncle {n} /pɪˈdʌŋ.k(ə)l/ (stalk supporting an inflorescence, etc) | :: pedúnculo {m} |
peduncle {n} (bundle of neurons) | :: pedúnculo {m} |
peduncular {adj} (of or pertaining to a peduncle) | :: peduncular |
pedunculate {adj} (having a peduncle) | :: pedunculado |
pee {n} /piː/ | :: pis, pipí {m}, [Chile] pichí {m} |
pee {v} | :: hacer pis, mear, hacer chichí, hacer pipí |
pee {n} (name of the letter P, p) | :: pe {f} |
peek {v} /piːk/ (To look slyly, or with the eyes half closed, or through a crevice; to peep) | :: entrever |
peek {v} (To be only slightly, partially visible) | :: entreverse, atisbarse |
peel {v} /piːl/ (to remove skin) | :: pelar |
peel {n} (skin of a fruit) | :: cáscara {f} |
peel {n} (spadelike implement for removing loaves from an oven) | :: pala {f} |
peeler {n} /ˈpiːlɚ/ (kitchen utensil) | :: peladora |
pee one's pants {v} (wet oneself) SEE: wet oneself | :: |
peep {n} /pip/ (quiet sound, particularly one from a baby bird) | :: pío {m} |
peep {n} (feeble utterance or complaint) | :: susurro {m} |
peep {v} (make a noise like a baby bird) | :: piar |
peep {v} (speak briefly with a quiet voice) | :: susurrar |
peep {v} (to look) | :: husmear, espiar |
peep {n} (look) | :: vistazo {m} |
peep {n} (sandpiper) SEE: sandpiper | :: |
pee-pee {n} (childish: urine) SEE: wee-wee | :: |
pee-pee {n} (childish: genitalia) SEE: wee-wee | :: |
peephole {n} /pʰiphoʊɫ/ (hole) | :: mirilla {f} |
peeping tom {n} (person who secretly watches someone to gain sexual pleasure) | :: voyeur {m}, mirón {m} |
peepshow {n} (sex show) | :: peepshow {m}, mundonuevo {m}, espectáculo sicalíptico {m} |
peepul {n} (Ficus religiosa) SEE: sacred fig | :: |
peer {v} /pɪə/ (to look with difficulty or as if searching) | :: escrutar |
peer {n} /pɪə/ (someone or something of equal level) | :: par {m} |
peer {n} (noble) | :: par {m}, noble {m} |
peerage {n} (the rank or title of a peer) | :: pairía {f}, título nobiliario {m} |
peerless {adj} (without peer or equal) | :: sin par, señero |
peer pressure {n} (encouragement by one's peers) | :: presión de los pares {f}, presión social {f} |
peer review {n} (scholarly process) | :: revisión por pares {f} |
peeve {n} /piːv/ (annoyance or grievance) | :: fastidio |
peeve {v} (annoy; vex) | :: fastidiar |
peevish {adj} /ˈpivɪʃ/ (constantly complaining) | :: quejica {m}, quejicoso, alaraco, alharaquiento |
peewah {n} (Bactris gasipaes) SEE: peach palm | :: |
peewah {n} /ˈpiːwɑː/ (edible fruit of this plant) | :: pejibaye [Costa Rica, Dominican Republic] |
peg {n} /pɛɡ/ (a cylindrical object) | :: clavija {f}, tarugo {m} |
peg {n} (a protrusion used to hang things on) | :: colgador, perchero |
peg {n} (an event that triggers news coverage (journalism)) | :: gancho {m} |
peg {n} | :: gancho {m} |
peg {v} (To fix a price or value) | :: fijar |
peg {v} (To indicate or ascribe an attribute to) | :: tachar |
pegasus {n} (winged horse) | :: pegaso {m} |
Pegasus {prop} (mythical winged horse) | :: Pegaso {m} |
Pegasus {prop} (constellation) | :: Pegaso |
pegbox {n} (part of a stringed instrument) | :: voluta |
Pei-ching {prop} (Beijing) SEE: Beijing | :: |
pejorative {adj} /pəˈdʒɔɹəɾɪv/ (disparaging, belittling or derogatory) | :: despectivo, peyorativo |
pejorative {n} (disparaging, belittling or derogatory word or expression) | :: peyorativo {m} |
pejoratively {adv} (pejorative manner) | :: despectivamente |
pekan {n} (fisher) SEE: fisher | :: |
Peking {prop} (Beijing) SEE: Beijing | :: |
Peking duck {n} (dish consisting of duck and pancake) | :: pato laqueado a la pekinesa {m}, pato laqueado {m}, pato a la pekinesa {m}, pato pekinés {m} |
Pekingese {n} (someone from Beijing) | :: pekinés {m}, pekinesa {f} |
Pekingese {n} (dog) | :: pekinés {m} |
Pekingese {adj} (of or related to Beijing) | :: pekinés |
Peking willow {n} (Salix babylonica) SEE: weeping willow | :: |
pelagic {adj} /pəˈlædʒɪk/ (living in the open sea) | :: pelágico |
Pelagius {prop} /pɪˈleɪdʒiəs/ (a given name of historical usage) | :: Pelayo |
Peleus {prop} /ˈpiː.li.əs/ (surname) | :: Peleo |
pelican {n} /ˈpɛl.ɪ.kən/ (any of various seabirds of the family Pelecanidae) | :: pelícano {m} |
pelite {n} ( A sedimentary rock containing very fine particles) | :: pelita {f} |
pellagra {n} /pɪˈlaɡɹə/ (disease) | :: pelagra {f} |
pellet {n} /ˈpɛlɪt/ (Compressed byproduct of digestion regurgitated by owls) | :: egagrópila {f} |
pellucid {adj} /pəˈluːsɪd/ (transparent) | :: transparente, diáfano, cristalino |
pellucid {adj} (easily understood) | :: diáfano |
Pelluhue {prop} (Pelluhue) | :: Pelluhue {m} |
pelmeni {n} (Russian dumplings) | :: pelmeni {m} |
Peloponnese {prop} /pɛləpəˈniːs/ (region of Greece) | :: Peloponeso {m} |
Peloponnesian {adj} (pertaining to the Peloponnesus) | :: peloponesio, peloponense |
Peloponnesian {n} (inhabitant of the Peloponnesus) | :: peloponesio {m}, peloponense {m} |
peloton {n} (main group of riders in a cycling race) | :: pelotón {m} |
pelt {n} /pɛlt/ (skin of a beast with the hair on) | :: piel {f} |
pelt {n} (human skin, see also: skin) | :: piel {f} |
pelvic {adj} /ˈpɛlvɪk/ (of, pertaining to, or in the region of, the pelvis; as, pelvic cellulitis) | :: pélvico, pelviano |
pelvic fin {n} (either of a pair of fins) | :: aleta pélvica {f} |
pelvis {n} /ˈpɛlvɪs/ (bone) | :: pelvis {f} |
pen {n} (wing) SEE: wing | :: |
pen {n} /pɛn/ (enclosure (enclosed area) for animals) | :: corral {m} |
pen {n} (prison cell) | :: celda {f}, calabozo {m}, mazmorra {f} |
pen {n} (writing tool) | :: pluma {f} [not a ballpoint pen], bolígrafo {m}, boli {m} [colloquial, short form for bolígrafo], lapicera {f}, lapicero {m}, esfero {m}, lapiz de pasta {m} |
pen {n} (writer, or his style) | :: pluma {f}, cálamo {m} |
pen {v} (to write) | :: escribir |
pen {n} (female swan) | :: cigne {m} {f}, cisne {m} {f} |
pen {n} ((baseball) bullpen) SEE: bullpen | :: |
penal code {n} (penal code) SEE: criminal code | :: |
penal colony {n} (colonial territory) | :: colonia penal {f} |
penalize {v} /ˈpiː.nəl.aɪz/ (to subject to a penalty) | :: penalizar |
penalize {v} (to impose a handicap on) | :: infligir un castigo |
penalty {n} /ˈpɛnəlti/ (legal sentence) | :: pena {f} |
penalty {n} (punishment for violating rules of procedure) | :: castigo {m} |
penalty {n} (penalty kick) SEE: penalty kick | :: |
penalty kick {n} ((soccer) a form of direct free kick) | :: penal, penalti {m}, tiro penal {m} |
penalty shootout {n} (a series of penalty kicks) | :: tanda de penaltis {f} |
penance {n} /ˈpɛn.əns/ (voluntary self-imposed punishment) | :: penitencia |
penance {n} (sacrament in some churches) | :: penitencia {f} |
penchant {n} /ˈpɛnt͡ʃənt/ (taste, liking, or inclination (for)) | :: inclinación, gusto |
pencil {n} /ˈpɛnsəl/ (graphite writing-instrument) | :: lápiz {m} |
pencil box {n} (container for stationery) SEE: pencil case | :: |
pencil case {n} /ˈpɛnsəl ˌkeɪs/ (object purposed to contain stationery) | :: estuche {m}, estuche escolar {m}, cartuchera {f} |
pencil holder {n} | :: lapicero {m} |
pencil pusher {n} (one who does office work) | :: chupatintas {m} (ink sucker), cagatintas {m} (ink shitter) |
pencil sharpener {n} (device used to sharpen pencils) | :: sacapuntas {m}, afila {m} [Northwestern Spain], afilador {m} [Canary Islands], maquineta {f} [Northeastern Spain], tajador {m} [Bolivia, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Aragon, Navarre, Peru, Southeastern Mexico], sacaminas {m} [Aragon], tajalápiz {m} [Colombian standard usage], sacapuntas [Asturias, Colombian Atlantic Coast] |
pencil skirt {n} (very narrow skirt) | :: falda de tubo {f}, falda lápiz {f}, pollera tubo {f} |
pendant {n} /ˈpɛnd(ə)nt/ (a piece of jewellery hung from a chain worn around the neck) | :: colgante {m}, pendiente {m} |
pendentive {n} (triangular section of vaulting) | :: pechina {f} |
pending {adj} /ˈpɛndɪŋ/ (awaiting a conclusion or a confirmation) | :: esperando, pendiente |
pending {adj} (begun but not completed) | :: pendiente |
pen drive {n} (flash drive) SEE: flash drive | :: |
pendulum {n} /ˈpɛnd͡ʒələm/ (body suspended from a fixed support) | :: péndulo {m} |
pendulum clock {n} (clock that uses a pendulum) | :: reloj de péndulo {m} |
Penelope {prop} /pɨˈnɛləpi/ (wife of Odysseus) | :: Penélope {f} |
Penelope {prop} (female given name) | :: Penélope {f} |
penetrate {v} /ˈpɛnɪtɹeɪt/ (enter into) | :: penetrar |
penetrate {v} (insert the penis into an opening, such as a vagina) | :: penetrar |
penetration {n} /pɛnɪˈtɹeɪʃ(ə)n/ (act of penetrating) | :: penetración {f} |
penfriend {n} (person with whom one exchanges letters) SEE: pen pal | :: |
penguin {n} /ˈpɛŋɡwɪn/ (flightless sea bird) | :: pingüino {m} |
penicillamine {n} (breakdown product of penicillin) | :: penicilamina {f} |
penicillin {n} /ˌpɛnɪˈsɪlɪn/ (penicillin) | :: penicilina {f} |
penile {adj} /ˈpiːnaɪl/ (having to do with the penis) | :: peniano |
peninsula {n} /pəˈnɪn.sjə.lə/ (piece of land projecting into water) | :: península {f} |
peninsular {adj} (of or connected with a peninsula) | :: peninsular |
penis {n} /ˈpinɪs/ | :: [Spain] pene {m}, carajo {m}, pirula {f}, pirulo, pito {m}, polla {f}, [Colombia] pija {f}, [Bolivia] tranca {f}, [Argentina] verga {f}, chota {f}, garompa {f}, pipe {m}, poste {m}, poronga {f}, papirola {f}, miembro {m} |
penis {n} (penis) SEE: member | :: |
penis envy {n} (unconscious desire) | :: envidia del pene {f} |
penis pump {n} (tubelike device placed over the penis) | :: bomba de pene {f} |
penitentiary {n} /ˌpɛnɪˈtɛnʃəɹi/ (prison) | :: penitenciaría {f} |
penknife {n} (small pocketknife) | :: navaja {f}, cortaplumas {m} |
penmanship {n} (art of good handwriting) | :: caligrafía {f} |
pen name {n} (writer's pseudonym) | :: seudónimo |
pennant {n} /ˈpɛnənt/ (flag on ship to represent special condition) | :: gallardete {m} |
Pennsylvania {prop} /ˌpɛnsɪlˈveɪni.ə/ (US state) | :: Pensilvania {f} |
penny {n} /ˈpɛ.ni/ (1/240 of a pound sterling or Irish pound) | :: penique {m} |
penny {n} (1/100 of a pound sterling or British pound) | :: penique {m} |
penny {n} (one-cent coin in US and Canada) SEE: cent | :: |
penny bun {n} (Boletus edulis) SEE: porcini | :: |
penny farthing {n} (bicycle) | :: velocípedo, biciclo {m} |
pennyroyal {n} /pɛnɪˈɹɔɪəl/ (Mentha pulegium) | :: poleo {m} |
penny wise and pound foolish {adj} (thrifty with small amounts of money but wasteful with large amounts) | :: ahorra en el chocolate del loro, el dinero del avaro, dos veces va al mercado [proverb, dated], el dinero del pobre dos veces se gasta |
penology {n} (study of punishment and prevention of crime) | :: penología {f} |
pen pal {n} (friend with whom one communicates using letters) | :: amigo por correspondencia {m} |
pen-pusher {n} (person who performs routine office work) SEE: pencil pusher | :: |
pension {n} /ˈpɛnʃ(ə)n/ (regular payment due to a person in consideration of past services) | :: pensión {f} |
pension {n} (boarding house) | :: pensión {f} |
pension {v} (to grant a pension) | :: pensionar |
pensioner {n} /ˈpɛnʃənɚ/ (someone who lives on a pension) | :: pensionista {m} {f} |
pensioner {n} (someone at typical age for a pensioner) SEE: senior citizen | :: |
pensive {adj} /ˈpɛn.sɪv/ (having the appearance of thinking) | :: pensativo, meditabundo |
pensive {adj} (looking thoughtful or sad) | :: pensativo, amohinado, melancólico, meditabundo |
pensively {adv} (in a thoughtful or reflective manner) | :: pensativamente |
penta- {prefix} /pɛntə-/ (five) | :: penta- |
pentacle {n} /ˈpɛnt.ə.kl̩/ | :: pentáculo {m} |
pentaerythritol tetranitrate {n} (explosive) | :: pent {m}, tetranitrato de pentaeritritol {m}, pentrita {f} |
pentagon {n} /ˈpɛn.tə.ɡɑn/ (a polygon with five sides and five angles) | :: pentágono {m} |
Pentagon {prop} /ˈpɛntəɡɑn/ (headquarters of the United States of America's Department of Defense) | :: Pentágono {m} |
pentagonal {adj} /pɛnˈtæɡənəl/ (of, relating to, or shaped like a pentagon) | :: pentágono, pentagonal |
pentagram {n} (shape of five-pointed star) | :: pentagrama {m} |
pentahedron {n} /ˌpɛntaˈhiːdɹən/ (solid geometric figure) | :: pentaedro {m} |
pentalogy {n} (series of five related works of art) | :: pentalogía {f} |
pentane {n} (aliphatic hydrocarbon: C5H12) | :: pentano {m} |
pentaquark {n} /ˈpɛntəkwɔːk/ (subatomic particle consisting of five quarks) | :: pentaquark {m} |
Pentateuch {prop} /ˈpɛn.təˌtjuːk/ (first five books of the Bible) | :: Pentateuco {m} |
pentathlete {n} /ˈpɛn.tæθ.lit/ (An athlete who competes in the pentathlon) | :: pentatleta {m} {f} |
pentathlon {n} (ancient pentathlon) | :: pentatlón {m} |
pentathlon {n} (modern pentathlon) | :: pentatlón {m} |
Pentecost {prop} /ˈpɛntɪkɔst/ (Christian festival) | :: Pentecostés |
Pentecostalism {n} (Christian religious movement) | :: pentecostalismo {m} |
penthouse {n} /ˈpɛnthaʊs/ (an outhouse or other structure attached to the outside wall of a building) | :: apéndice {m} |
penthouse {n} (an apartment or suite on the top floor of a tall building) | :: ático |
pentose {n} (saccharide containing five carbon atoms) | :: pentosa {f} |
pentoxide {n} (oxide containing five oxygen atoms) | :: pentóxido {m} |
pentyl {n} (univalent hydrocarbon radical, C5H11) | :: pentilo {m} |
penultimate {adj} /pɪˈnʌltɪmət/ (next-to-last in a sequence) | :: penúltimo, anteúltimo |
penultimate {n} (something right before the last one) | :: penúltimo {m}, anteúltimo |
penumbra {n} /pəˈnʌmbɹə/ (partially shaded area around a shadow, especially an eclipse) | :: penumbra {f} |
penumbra {n} (region around a sunspot) | :: penumbra {f} |
penury {n} /ˈpɛnjʊɹi/ (poverty, destitution) | :: pauperismo {m}, pobrisimo {m}, pobreza {f} |
Penza {prop} (a city in Russia) | :: Penza |
peon {n} /ˈpiː.ən/ (peasant or serf) | :: peón {m} |
peony {n} /ˈpiːəni/ (Paeonia genus of flowering plants) | :: peonía {f} |
people {n} /ˈpipəl/ (a body of human beings; a group of two or more persons) | :: gente {f} |
people {n} (a group of persons forming or belonging to a particular nation etc.) | :: pueblo {m} |
people {n} (a person's ancestors, relatives or family) | :: familia {f} |
people {n} (the mass of community as distinguished from a special class) | :: pueblo {m} |
people {v} (to fill with people) | :: poblar con |
people {v} (to become populous) | :: poblarse |
people {v} (to inhabit, to occupy) | :: poblar |
People's Democratic Republic of Algeria {prop} (official name of Algeria) | :: República Argelina Democrática y Popular {f} |
People's Democratic Republic of Yemen {prop} (South Yemen) | :: República Democrática Popular del Yemen |
people's house {n} (leisure and cultural centre) | :: casa del pueblo {f} |
People's Liberation Army {prop} (army branch) | :: Ejército Popular de Liberación {m} |
people's republic {n} (self-designation of states with Marxist-Leninist governments) | :: república popular {f} |
People's Republic of Bangladesh {prop} (People's Republic of Bangladesh) | :: República Popular de Bangladesh |
People's Republic of China {prop} (official name of China) | :: República Popular de China {f} |
people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones {proverb} (one shouldn't criticize others for having the same fault) | :: quien tiene tejado de vidrio no tire piedras al de su vecino, vemos la paja en el ojo ajeno, y no vemos la viga en el nuestro, el burro hablando de orejas |
Peor es Nada {prop} (Peor es Nada) | :: Peor es Nada {m} |
pepita {n} (edible seed) | :: pepita {f} |
pepper {n} /ˈpɛpɚ/ (plant) | :: pimentero |
pepper {n} (spice) | :: pimienta {f} |
pepper {n} (fruit of the capsicum) | :: pimiento {m}, chile {m} [El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, México] |
pepper {v} (strike with small particles) | :: acribillar |
peppered {adj} (speckled) SEE: speckled | :: |
pepper mill {n} (a small handheld grinder) | :: molinillo {m}, pimentero {m} |
peppermint {n} /ˈpɛpɚˌmɪnt/ (herb) | :: menta piperita {f}, piperita {f} |
pepper spray {n} (non-lethal riot-control agent) | :: aerosol de pimienta |
pepperwort {n} /ˈpɛpəwəːt/ (plant in the genus Lepidium) | :: lepidium {m}, hierba de la pimienta {f} |
pep talk {n} /ˈpɛp ˌtɔk/ (a rallying speech made to instill enthusiasm) | :: arenga {f} |
peptic {adj} /ˈpɛptɪk/ (of, pertaining to digestion) | :: péptico |
peptide {n} (class of organic compounds) | :: péptido {m} |
peptidic {adj} (pertaining peptides) | :: peptídico |
peptone {n} (water-soluble product of partial protein hydrolysis) | :: peptona {f} |
per {prep} /pɝ/ (for each) | :: por |
per {prep} (used in expressing ratios of units) | :: por |
per {prep} (via) | :: por |
per {prep} (in accordance with) | :: por, según |
per {prep} | :: por |
Peralillo {prop} (Peralillo) | :: Peralillo {m} |
perambulator {n} (pram) SEE: pram | :: |
percale {n} /pəˈkeɪl/ (textile) | :: percal {m} |
per capita {adj} (per person) | :: por cabeza |
perceive {v} /pəˈsiːv/ (to understand) | :: percibir, entender |
percent {n} /pɚˈsɛnt/ (a part or other object per hundred) | :: por ciento |
percentage {n} /pəˈsɛntɪd͡ʒ/ (part of a whole) | :: porcentaje {m} |
percentage {n} (share of the profits) | :: porcentaje {m} |
percentage point {n} (unit of the difference of two percentages) | :: punto porcentual {m} |
percentile {n} (any of the ninety-nine points) | :: percentil {m} |
perceptible {adj} /pɚˈsɛptəbl̩/ (able to be perceived) | :: perceptible |
perceptibly {adv} (in a perceptible manner) | :: perceptiblemente |
perception {n} /pɚˈsɛpʃ(ə)n/ (conscious understanding of something) | :: percepción {f} |
perception {n} (that which is detected by the five senses) | :: percepción |
perception {n} | :: percepción {f} |
perception {n} (acuity) SEE: acuity | :: |
perceptive {adj} /pəˈsɛptɪv/ (having or showing keenness of perception, insight, understanding, or intuition) | :: perspicaz |
perch {n} /pɝtʃ/ (fish of the genus Perca) | :: perca {f} |
perch {n} (fish in the taxonomic family Percidae) | :: perca {f} |
perchlorate {n} (salt) | :: perclorato {m} |
perchloric acid {n} (HClO4) | :: ácido perclórico {m} |
percolate {v} /ˈpəɹkəleɪt/ | :: filtrarse |
per curiam {phrase} (opinion) | :: por el tribunal entero |
percussion {n} /pɚˈkʌʃən/ (music: section of percussion instruments) | :: percusión {f} |
percussion cap {n} (metal cap on muzzleloading firearms) | :: pistón, cápsula fulminante |
percussionist {n} (musician) | :: percusionista {m} {f} |
percussive {adj} /pəˈkʌsɪv/ (pertaining or related to percussion) | :: percutivo |
percussive {n} (rhotic consonant) | :: (adj.) percusivo |
percutaneous {adj} /pɜːkjuːˈteɪnɪəs/ (taking place through the skin) | :: percutáneo |
perdition {n} /pɜː(ɹ).ˈdɪ.ʃən/ (eternal damnation) | :: perdición {f} |
perdition {n} (hell) | :: infierno {m} |
perdition {n} (absolute ruin) | :: perdición {f} |
peregrinate {v} /ˈpɛ.ɹɪ.ɡɹəˌneɪt/ (to travel from place to place) | :: peregrinar |
peregrine falcon {n} /ˈpɛɹəɡɹɪn ˈfælkən/ (Falco peregrinus) | :: halcón peregrino {m} |
peremptory {adj} /pəˈɹɛmptəɹi/ ((law) Precluding debate or expostulation; not admitting of question or appeal) | :: irrefutable, irrebatible, inapelable |
peremptory {adj} (Positive in opinion or judgment; decided, dogmatic) | :: perentorio |
peremptory {adj} (imperious, dictatorial) | :: imperioso, autoritario, dictatorial |
perennial {adj} /pəˈɹɛni.əl/ (lasting or remaining active throughout the year, or all the time) | :: perenne |
perestroika {prop} /pɛɹ.ɪˈstɹɔi.kə/ (reform in the Soviet Union in 1980s) | :: perestroika {f} |
perfect {adj} /ˈpɝfɪkt/ (fitting its definition precisely) | :: perfecto |
perfect {adj} (without fault or mistake) | :: perfecto {m} |
perfect {adj} (excellent and delightful in all respects) | :: perfecto {m} |
perfect {v} /pɚˈfɛkt/ (make perfect) | :: perfeccionar |
perfect crime {n} (undetected crime) | :: crimen perfecto {m} |
perfect fifth {n} (interval between the first and second overtones or of seven semitones) | :: quinta justa {f} |
perfection {n} /pɚˈfɛkʃən/ (being perfect) | :: perfección {f} |
perfectionism {n} (a dislike for anything less than perfection) | :: perfeccionismo {m} |
perfectionist {n} (person who does not settle for anything that is not perfect) | :: perfeccionista {m} {f} |
perfectionist {adj} (inclined or related to perfectionism) | :: perfeccionista |
perfectionistic {adj} (perfectionist) SEE: perfectionist | :: |
perfectitude {n} (perfection) SEE: perfection | :: |
perfective {adj} /pə(ɹ)ˈfɛktɪv/ (relative to the perfect tense or perfective aspect) | :: perfectivo |
perfective aspect {n} (grammatical term) | :: perfecto {m} |
perfectly {adv} /ˈpɝfɪktli/ (with perfection) | :: perfectamente |
perfectly {adv} (wholly, completely) | :: perfectamente |
perfect number {n} (a number that is the sum of all of its divisors except itself) | :: número perfecto {m} |
perfect pitch {n} (ability) | :: oído absoluto {m} |
perfidious {adj} /pɚˈfɪdi.əs/ (pertaining to perfidy) | :: pérfido |
perfidy {n} /ˈpɝ.fɪ.di/ (the act of violating faith or allegiance.) | :: perfidia {f} |
perforate {v} (to pierce or penetrate) | :: perforar |
perforate {v} (to make a line of holes) | :: perforar |
perforation gauge {n} (device for measuring perforation) | :: odontómetro {m} |
perforator {n} (hole punch) SEE: hole punch | :: |
perforator {n} (machine that bores) | :: máquina perforadora {f} |
perforce {adv} /pəˈfɔːs/ (by force) | :: por fuerza, forzadamente, de juro |
perform {v} /pəˈfɔːm/ (to do something) | :: hacer, realizar, efectuar, ejecutar, llevar a cabo |
perform {v} (to do something in front of an audience) | :: actuar [actor], cantar [singer], danzar [dancer], ejecutar [musician], interpretar [musician] |
performance {n} /pɚ.ˈfɔɹ.məns/ (the act of performing; carrying into execution or action; accomplishment) | :: actuación {f}, cumplimiento {m}, ejecución {f}, desempeño {m} |
performance {n} (that which is performed or accomplished) | :: realización {f}, ejecución {f}, rendimiento {m}, prestación {f}, ejecución, desempeño |
performance {n} (live show or concert) | :: actuación {f}, número {m}, espectáculo {m}, representación {f}, prestación {f}, exhibición {f} |
performance {n} (amount of useful work accomplished) | :: rendimiento {m}, desempeño {m}, prestación {f} |
performance anxiety {n} (anxiety about performing in front of an audience) SEE: stage fright | :: |
performance art {n} (a form of art) | :: performance {f} |
performance bond {n} (a contractor's bond) | :: fianza de cumplimiento {f} |
performative utterance {n} (An expression which, when expressed in an appropriate context, actually does or accomplishes something) | :: enunciado realizativo {m} |
performativity {n} | :: performatividad {f} |
performer {n} /pɚˈfɔɹmɚ/ (performer, see also: actor; singer; musician) | :: artista {m} {f}, ejecutor {m}, ejecutora {f}, intérprete {m} {f} |
performing arts {n} (arts involving performance) | :: artes escénicas {f-p} |
perfume {n} /pɚˈfjuːm/ (pleasant smell) | :: aroma {m} |
perfume {n} (substance providing a pleasant smell) | :: perfume {m} |
perfume {v} (to apply perfume to) | :: perfumar |
perfumer {n} /pəˈfjuːmə/ (person who makes or sells perfume) | :: perfumista {m} |
perfunctory {adj} /pɚˈfʌŋk.tɚ.i/ (performed out of routine, with little care) | :: superficial, perfunctorio, rutinario |
perfusion {n} /pəɹˈfjuʒən/ (act of perfusing) | :: perfusión |
pergola {n} /ˈpɜːɡələ/ (framework) | :: pérgola {f} |
perhaps {adv} /pɚˈhæps/ (indicating a lack of certainty) | :: acaso, quizá, quizás, tal vez |
peri {n} /ˈpɪə.ɹi/ (sprite in Persian mythology) | :: peri |
perianth {n} (sterile parts of a flower) | :: periantio {m}, perianto {m} |
pericardial {adj} (of or relating to the pericardium) | :: pericárdico |
pericardiocentesis {n} ((surgery) removal of fluid from the pericardium) | :: pericardiocentesis {f} |
pericarditis {n} (inflammation of the pericardium, the membrane that surrounds the heart) | :: pericarditis {f} |
pericardium {n} (serous membrane that surrounds the heart) | :: pericardio {m} |
pericarp {n} /ˈpɛɹɪˌkɑːp/ (outermost layer of a ripe fruit or ovary) | :: pericarpio {m} |
perichondritis {n} (inflammation of the perichondrium) | :: pericondritis {f} |
periclase {n} (a mineral, cubic magnesium oxide) | :: periclasa {f} |
Pericles {prop} /ˈpɛɹɪkliːz/ (Greek politician) | :: Pericles {m} |
pericyte {n} (Mesenchymal cell) | :: pericito {m} |
peridot {n} /ˈpɛɹɪdɒt/ (form of olivine) | :: peridoto {m} |
peridotite {n} /pəˈɹɪd.əˌtaɪt/ (rock) | :: peridotita {f} |
perigee {n} /ˈpɛɹədʒi/ (closest point in an orbit about the Earth) | :: perigeo {m} |
periglacial {adj} /pɛɹɪˈɡleɪʃəl/ (pertaining to the area around the edge of a glacier) | :: periglaciar |
perigon {n} (round angle) SEE: round angle | :: |
perigone {n} (perianth) SEE: perianth | :: |
perihelion {n} (point where the planet or comet is nearest to the Sun) | :: perihelio {m} |
peril {n} /ˈpɛɹɪl/ (a situation of serious danger) | :: peligro {m}, riesgo {m} |
peril {n} (something that causes, contains, or presents danger) | :: riesgo {m}, peligro {m} |
perilous {adj} /ˈpɛɹ.ɪ.ləs/ (dangerous, full of peril) | :: peligroso {m} |
perimeter {n} /pəˈɹɪmɪtə(ɹ)/ (sum of the distance of all the lengths of the sides of an object) | :: perímetro {m} |
perimuscular {adj} (around a muscle or muscles) | :: perimuscular |
perineal {adj} (perineal) | :: perineal |
perineum {n} /ˌpɛɹ.ɪˈniː.əm/ (anatomical term) | :: periné {m}, perineo {m} |
period {n} /ˈpɪəɹɪəd/ (a length of time) | :: período {m} |
period {n} (history: period of time seen as coherent entity) | :: período {m} |
period {n} (punctation mark “.”) | :: punto {m} |
period {n} (length of time during which something repeats) | :: período {m} |
period {n} (division of school day) | :: hora {f} |
period {n} (division of sports match) | :: período {m} |
period {n} (chemistry: row in the periodic table) | :: periodo {m} |
period {n} (geology: subdivision of an era) | :: período {m} |
period {interj} (and nothing else) | :: y punto {m} |
period {n} (menstruation) SEE: menstruation | :: |
periodic {adj} /ˌpɪɹiˈɒdɪk/ (having repeated cycles) | :: periódico |
periodic {adj} | :: periódico |
periodically {adv} (in a regular, periodic manner) | :: periódicamente |
periodic table {n} /ˌpɪɹiˈɒdɪk ˈteɪb(ə)l/ (tabular chart of the chemical elements) | :: clasificación periódica {f}, tabla periódica {f} |
periodontal {adj} (surrounding a tooth) | :: periodontal |
periodontal {adj} (of or relating to periodontics) | :: periodontal |
Perioikoi {n} /ˌpɛɹiˈɔɪkɔɪ/ (ancient inhabitant of Laconia) | :: perieco |
perioperative {adj} (relating to operation) | :: perioperatorio |
peripatetic {n} (Aristotelian) SEE: Aristotelian | :: |
peripeteia {n} /pɛɹɪpɪˈtɪə/ (a reversal of fortune; a sudden change in circumstances) | :: peripecia {f} |
peripheral {adj} /pəˈɹɪf(ə)ɹ(ə)l/ (on the periphery or boundary) | :: periférico {m} |
peripheral {adj} (beside the point) | :: periférico {m} |
peripheral {adj} (auxiliary) | :: periférico {m} |
peripheral {n} (computing device) SEE: peripheral device | :: |
peripheral brain {n} (Any hardware containing vast amounts of information, which is in constant flux and is important to the owner but not so important as to be stored in wetware) | :: cerebro periférico {m} |
peripheral device {n} (device that is outside the computer's system unit) | :: periférico {m}, dispositivo periférico {m} |
peripheral nervous system {n} (part of the nervous system which is not the central nervous system) | :: sistema nervioso periférico |
periphery {n} /pəˈɹɪfəɹi/ (outside boundary, parts or surface) | :: periferia {f} |
periphrase {n} (use of more words than necessary) SEE: periphrasis | :: |
periphrasis {n} /pəˈɹɪfɹəsɪs/ (use of a longer expression instead of a shorter one) | :: perífrasis {f} |
periphrastic {adj} /ˌpɛ.ɹəˈfɹæ.stɪk/ (expressed in more words than are necessary) | :: perifrástico |
periphrastic {adj} (grammar: characterized by periphrase or circumlocution) | :: perifrástico |
periphrastically {adv} /pɛɹɪˈfɹæstɪkli/ (with periphrasis) | :: perifrásticamente |
periphyton {n} | :: perifitón |
peripubescent {adj} /ˌpɛɹipjʊˈbɛsənt/ (in or of the early onset of puberty) | :: peripúber |
perirenal {adj} (around the kidney) | :: perirrenal |
periscope {n} (viewing device) | :: periscopio {m} |
perish {v} /ˈpɛɹɪʃ/ (to decay and disappear; to waste away to nothing) | :: perecer |
perish {v} (to die, to pass away, see also: die) | :: perecer |
perishable {n} (food that does not keep) | :: perecedero |
perishable {adj} (liable to perish) | :: perecedero, caduco, efímero |
peristalsis {n} /ˌpɛɹɪˈstælsɪs/ (rhythmic contraction of the digestive tract) | :: peristalsis {f} |
peritoneal {adj} (of, relating to or affecting the peritoneum) | :: peritoneal |
peritoneal dialysis {n} (treatment for patients with severe chronic kidney disease) | :: diálisis peritoneal {f} |
peritoneum {n} /ˌpɛɹ.ɪt.əˈniː.əm/ (serous membrane in mammals) | :: peritoneo {m} |
peritonitis {n} (inflammation of the peritoneum) | :: peritonitis {f} |
perivascular {adj} (around or surrounding a blood vessel) | :: perivascular |
periwinkle {n} /ˈpɛɹiˌwɪŋkəl/ (plant) | :: vinca |
periwinkle {n} (mollusc) | :: bigarro {m} |
perjure {v} /ˈpɜː(ɹ)dʒə(ɹ)/ (knowingly make a false statement of witness) | :: perjurar |
perjurer {n} /ˈpəɹdʒəɹəɹ/ (Someone who has lied under oath) | :: perjurador {m}, perjuradora {f} |
perjury {n} /ˈpɜː(ɹ)dʒəɹi/ (deliberate giving of false or misleading testimony under oath) | :: perjurio {m} |
perky {adj} /ˈpɝki/ (lively or enthusiastic) | :: vivaz |
perlèche {n} (angular cheilitis) | :: queilitis angular {f} |
perlite {n} (perlite) | :: perlita {f} |
perlocution {n} /pɜɹləkjuʃən/ (effect of utterance) | :: perlocución {f} |
Perm {prop} (city in Russia) | :: Perm {m} |
permaban {v} (to ban permanently) | :: bloquear permanentemente, [verb] bloquear permanentemente |
permafrost {n} /ˈpɝməˌfɹɔst/ (permanently frozen ground) | :: permafrost {m}, permacongelamiento {m}, permagel {m}, pergelisuelo {m}, pergelisol {m}, suelo permanentemente congelado {m}, suelo permanentemente helado {m} |
permalink {n} /ˈpɜː(ɹ).mə.lɪŋk/ (static address) | :: permalink {m} |
permanence {n} /ˈpɜɹmənəns/ (the state of being permanent) | :: permanencia {f} |
permanent {adj} /ˈpɝmənənt/ (without end) | :: permanente |
permanent {adj} (lasting for an indefinitely long time) | :: permanente |
permanently {adv} /ˈpɝmənəntli/ (in a permanent manner) | :: permanentemente, constantemente, continuamente |
permanent marker {n} (felt-tip pen used to create permanent water-resistant writing) | :: permanente {m}, marcador permanente {m} |
permanent wave {n} (series of waves in the hair) SEE: permanent | :: |
permanganate {n} (salt of permanganic acid) | :: permanganato {m} |
permeable {adj} (that absorbs or allows the passage of fluids) | :: permeable |
permeate {v} /ˈpɝmiˌeɪ̯t/ (to pass through the pores or interstices of; to penetrate and pass through without causing rupture or displacement) | :: percolar, permear |
permeate {v} (to enter and spread through; to pervade) | :: permear |
permille {n} /pə(ɹ)ˈmɪli/ (per thousand) | :: por mil |
permission {n} /pəˈmɪʃən/ (authorisation) | :: permiso {m}, venia, beneplácito |
permission {n} (in computing) | :: permiso {m} |
permissive {adj} (lenient) | :: laxo |
permit {v} /pɚˈmɪt/ (allow (something) to happen) | :: permitir |
permit {n} (an artifact or document rendering something allowed or legal) | :: permiso {m} |
permittivity {n} (property of a dielectric medium) | :: permitividad {f} |
permutation {n} (one-to-one mapping) | :: permutación {f} |
permutation {n} (ordering of a set of distinct elements) | :: permutación {f} |
Pernambucan {adj} | :: pernambucano |
Pernambucan {n} | :: pernambucano |
pernicious {adj} /pəˈnɪʃəs/ (causing much harm) | :: pernicioso |
pernicious {adj} (causing death or injury) | :: pernicioso |
pernickety {adj} /pɜː(ɹ)ˈnɪk.ɪ.ti/ (paying undue attention to minor details) | :: punctilloso, puntilloso |
pernickety {adj} (requiring attention to minor details) | :: puntilloso |
pernoctation {n} (an overnight stay) | :: pernoctación |
Peron {prop} | :: Perón |
Peronism {prop} (the ideology of the presidents Perón) | :: peronismo {m} |
Peronist {n} (A supporter or Juan Perón and/or Eva Perón and/or their regime.) | :: peronista |
Peronist {n} (An adherent of modern-day Peronism including any of the political parties that identify themselves as such.) | :: peronista |
Peronist {adj} (Of or describing Juan and Eva Perón and/or their regime) | :: peronista |
Peronist {adj} (Adhering to or describing modern day Peronism, including any of the political parties that self-identify as such) | :: peronista |
perovskite {n} (a mineral, calcium titanate) | :: perovskita {f} |
peroxidation {n} (all senses) | :: peroxidación |
peroxide {n} (chemical compound with two oxygen atoms) | :: peróxido {m} |
peroxide {n} (hydrogen peroxide) SEE: hydrogen peroxide | :: |
per pale {adv} (heraldry: perpendicularly to the horizontal plane) | :: partido |
perpendicular {adj} /pɝ.pɛnˈdɪk.ju.lɚ/ (at or forming a right angle to) | :: perpendicular |
perpendicularly {adv} (in a perpendicular manner) | :: perpendicularmente |
perpent stone {n} (perpender) | :: perpiaño {m} |
perpetrate {v} /ˈpɜː(ɹ).pə.ˌtɹaɪt/ (to be guilty of, or responsible for; to commit) | :: perpetrar |
perpetrator {n} /ˈpɜː(ɹ).pɪ.ˌtɹeɪt.ə(ɹ)/ (one who perpetrates) | :: perpetrador {m} {f} |
perpetual {adj} /pɚˈpɛtʃuəl/ (lasting forever) | :: perpetuo |
perpetually {adv} /pɚˈpɛtʃuəli/ (seeming to never end) | :: perpetuamente |
perpetuate {v} (to make perpetual) | :: perpetuar |
perpetuate {v} (to prolong the existence of) | :: perpetuar |
perpetuity {n} (the quality or state of being perpetual) | :: perpetuidad {f} |
Perpignan {prop} /ˌpɝpiˈnjɑ̃/ (city in Pyrénées-Orientales, France) | :: Perpiñán {f} |
perplex {v} /pɚˈplɛks/ (To cause to feel baffled) | :: confundir, desconcertar |
perplexed {adj} /pɚˈplɛkst/ (confused or puzzled) | :: perplejo |
per procurationem {adv} (by the agency of) | :: por poder |
perquisite {n} /ˈpɜːkwɪzɪt/ (benefit beyond salary) | :: beneficios {m-p} |
perquisite {n} (gratuity) | :: propina {f} |
perquisite {n} (privilege) | :: privilegio {m} |
perry {n} /ˈpɛɹi/ (Beverage from pears) | :: perada {f} |
per se {adv} /pəːˈseɪ/ (by itself) | :: per se |
persecute {v} /ˈpɝsəkjut/ (to pursue in a manner to injure, grieve, or afflict) | :: perseguir |
persecution {n} /ˌpɝsəˈkjuʃən/ (the act of persecuting) | :: persecución {f} |
persecution {n} (a program or campaign to subjugate or eliminate a specific group of people) | :: persecución {f} |
Persephone {prop} /pɚˈsɛfəniː/ (Greek goddess) | :: Perséfone {f} |
Persepolis {prop} /pɝˈsepəlɪs/ (ancient city of Persia) | :: Persépolis {f} |
Perseus {prop} /ˈpɝsi.əs/ (mythical Greek warrior) | :: Perseo {m} |
Perseus {prop} (constellation) | :: Perseus |
perseverance {n} /ˌpɜːsəˈvɪəɹəns/ (persistent determination to adhere to a course of action; insistence) | :: perseverancia {f} |
persevere {v} (persist steadfastly) | :: perseverar |
persevering {adj} (tending to persevere) | :: perseverante {m} {f} |
Persia {prop} (Iran) SEE: Iran | :: |
Persia {prop} /ˈpɜː(ɹ).ʒə/ (region of ancient Iran) | :: Persia {f} |
Persian {n} /ˈpɝʒən/ (the Persian language) | :: persa {m} |
Persian {n} (person from Persia) | :: persa {m} {f} |
Persian {n} | :: [2] persa {m} {f} |
Persian {adj} | :: persa |
Persian cat {n} (breed of cat) | :: gato persa |
Persian Gulf {prop} /ˌpɝʒən ˈɡʌlf/ (gulf between Iran and the Arabian peninsula) | :: golfo Pérsico {m} |
Persianization {n} (assimilation of Persian (Iranian) cultural values) | :: persianización {f} |
persimmon {n} /pəɹˈsɪmən/ (fruit) | :: caqui {m} |
persimmon {n} (tree) | :: caqui {m} |
persist {v} /pɚˈsɪst/ (continue to exist) | :: persistir |
persistence {n} /pəˈsɪst(ə)ns/ (property of being persistent) | :: persistenciaperseverancia |
persistent {adj} /pɚˈsɪstənt/ (refusing to give up) | :: persistente |
persistently {adv} (in a persistent manner) | :: persistentemente |
person {n} /ˈpɝsən/ (individual) | :: persona {f} |
person {n} (specifically a human being, see also: human; human being; man) | :: humano {m} |
person {n} (the physical body seen as distinct from the mind) | :: cuerpo {m} |
person {n} (any individual or formal organization with standing before the courts) | :: persona {f} |
person {n} (grammar: linguistic category) | :: persona {f} |
person {n} | :: individuo {m} |
persona {n} /pɝˈsoʊnə/ (character played by an actor) | :: personaje {m} |
persona {n} (the appearance one presents to the world) | :: personaje {m} |
personable {adj} /ˈpɜː(ɹ)sənəbəl/ (having pleasing appearance or manner) | :: simpatico, amable |
personage {n} /ˈpɝsənɪd͡ʒ/ (a famous or important person) | :: personaje {m} |
personal {adj} /ˈpɜɹ.sən.əl/ (of or pertaining to a particular person) | :: personal |
personal data {n} | :: dato personal {m-s}, datos personales {m-p} |
personal day {n} (day off for attending to personal matters) | :: moscoso {m} [Spain, colloquial] |
personal injury {n} (injury to the body) | :: daño moral {m} |
personality {n} /pɜːsəˈnælətɪ/ (set of qualities that make a person distinct from other people) | :: personalidad {f} |
personality disorder {n} (class of mental disorders) | :: trastorno de la personalidad {m} |
personalization {n} /ˌpɝs(ə)nəlaɪˈzeɪʃən/ (act of personalizing) | :: personalización {f} |
personalize {v} (adapt to an individual) | :: personalizar |
personally {adv} /ˈpɜːsnəli/ (in a personal manner) | :: personalmente |
personally {adv} (concerning oneself) | :: personalmente |
personal pronoun {n} (part of speech) | :: pronombre personal {m} |
personal property {n} (any property that is movable) | :: bien mueble {m} |
personal trainer {n} (someone employed to help another with their fitness) | :: entrenador personal {m} |
persona non grata {n} /pə(ɹ)ˈsəʊnə nɒn ˈɡɹɑːtə/ (a person who is not welcome) | :: persona non grata |
personification {n} (person, thing or name typifying a certain quality or idea) | :: personificación {f} |
personification {n} (literary device) | :: personificación {f}, prosopopeya {f} |
personification {n} (artistic representation of an abstract quality as a human) | :: personificación {f} |
personify {v} (to be an example of) | :: personificar |
personify {v} (to create a representation in the form of a character) | :: personificar |
personnel {n} /pɝ.səˈnɛl/ (employees, office staff) | :: personal {m} |
personocracy {n} | :: personocracia {f} |
persons {n} /ˈpɜːsənz/ (More than one person; considered individually) | :: personas {f-p} |
perspective {n} /pɚˈspɛktɪv/ (view, vista or outlook) | :: perspectiva {f} |
perspective {n} (appearance of depth in objects) | :: perspectiva {f} |
perspective {n} (technique of representing three-dimensional objects on a two-dimensional surface) | :: perspectiva {f} |
perspective {n} | :: perspectiva {f} |
perspicacious {adj} /ˌpɜːɹ.spɪˈkeɪ.ʃəs/ (showing keen insight) | :: perspicaz {s}, perspicaces {p} |
perspicacious {adj} (Able to physically see clearly) | :: clarividente |
perspicaciously {adv} (with sharp of sight) | :: perspicazmente |
perspicacity {n} /ˌpɜːɹ.spɪˈkæs.ə.tiː/ (Acute discernment or understanding; insight) | :: perspicacia {f} |
perspicuous {adj} /pəˈspɪkjuːəs/ (clearly expressed) | :: perspicuo {m}, perspicua {f} |
perspiration {n} (sweat) SEE: sweat | :: |
perspiration {n} /ˌpɜːspəˈɹeɪʃən/ (process of perspiring) | :: sudor {m} |
perspire {v} (sweat) SEE: sweat | :: |
per stirpes {phrase} (method of distributing an estate to the descendants of a deceased legatee in which the estate is divided equally among the branches of a family, without regard to differing numbers of people in different branches) | :: por estirpe |
persuade {v} /pɚˈsweɪd/ (convince) | :: persuadir |
persuasion {n} /pɚˈsweɪʒən/ (the act of persuading) | :: persuasión {f} |
persuasive {adj} (convincing) | :: persuasivo, convincente |
persuasively {adv} (in a manner intended to convince or persuade) | :: persuasivamente |
pertain {v} /pɚˈteɪn/ (to belong) | :: pertenecer |
Perth {prop} /pɝθ/ (city in Western Australia) | :: Perth {m} |
pertinacious {adj} /pɝtn̩ˈeɪʃəs/ (holding tenaciously to an opinion or purpose) | :: firme convicción |
pertinacious {adj} (stubbornly resolute or tenacious) | :: pertinaz |
pertinence {n} (the quality of being pertinent) | :: pertinencia {f} |
pertinent {adj} /ˈpəːtɪnənt/ (pertaining) | :: atinado, pertinente |
perturb {v} /pɚˈtɝb/ (to disturb; to bother or unsettle) | :: perturbar |
perturbation {n} (agitation) | :: perturbación {f} |
perturbation {n} (a small change in a physical system or any definable system) | :: perturbación {f} |
perturbation {n} (variation in an orbit) | :: perturbación {f} |
pertussal {adj} (pertaining to pertussis) | :: pertúsico, tosferínico |
pertussis {n} (whooping cough) SEE: whooping cough | :: |
Peru {prop} /pə.ˈɹuː/ (country in South America) | :: Perú {m} |
Perugia {prop} | :: Perugia, Perusa |
peruke {n} /pəˈɹuːk/ (wig) | :: peluca |
peruse {v} /pəˈɹuːz/ (to examine or consider with care) | :: examinar |
peruse {v} (to lazily skim read for main ideas) | :: ojear, hojear, leer por encima, ver por encima, leer a la rápida |
Peruvian {n} /pə.ˈɹuː.vi.ən/ (person from Peru) | :: peruano {m}, peruana {f} |
Peruvian {adj} (pertaining to Peru) | :: peruano |
Peruvian slaty antshrike {n} (bird) | :: batará variable |
pervade {v} /pɚˈveɪd/ (to be in every part of) | :: permear |
pervasive {adj} /pɚˈveɪ.sɪv/ (manifested throughout) | :: penetrante, determinante, dominante |
pervasiveness {n} (the state or quality of being present in all parts of a particular thing or place) | :: omnipresencia {f} |
pervert {n} /ˈpəɹvəɹt/ (sexually perverted person) | :: pervertido {m} |
pervert {v} | :: pervertir |
pervy {adj} (like a sexual pervert) | :: pervertido, rarito {m} |
Pesach {prop} (Passover) SEE: Passover | :: |
pescetarian {n} /ˌpɛskɪˈtɛəɹi.ən/ (a person who consumes no animal flesh with the exception of fish) | :: pescetariano {m}, pescetariana {f} |
peseta {n} /pəˈseɪtə/ (currency) | :: peseta {f} |
peso {n} /ˈpeɪsəʊ/ (currency) | :: peso {m} |
pessary {n} (vaginal suppository) | :: pesario {m} |
pessimism {n} (general belief that bad things will happen) | :: pesimismo {m} |
pessimist {n} /ˈpɛsɪmɪst/ (someone who habitually expects the worst outcome) | :: pesimista {m} {f}, agorero {m} |
pessimistic {adj} /ˌpɛ.səˈmɪs.tɪk/ (marked by pessimism and little hopefulness) | :: pesimista, agorero {m} |
pessimistic {adj} (always expecting the worst) | :: pesimista |
pest {n} /pɛst/ (plague) | :: peste {f}, pestilencia {f}, epidemia {f} |
pest {n} (annoying person) | :: moscardón {m} |
pest control {n} (regulation or management of another species defined as a pest) | :: control de plagas {m} |
pest control {n} (pest control service) | :: control de plagas {m} |
pester {v} /ˈpɛstɚ/ (to annoy persistently) | :: molestar, dar la tabarra, jorobar |
pesticidal {adj} /(ˌ)pɛstɨˈsaɪd(ə)l/ (pertaining to pesticides) | :: pesticida |
pesticide {n} /ˈpɛstɨsaɪd/ (substance used to kill or repress the activities of pests) | :: pesticida, plaguicida |
pestiferous {adj} /ˌpɛsˈtɪfəɹəs/ (containing organisms that cause contagious diseases) | :: pestífero |
pestiferous {adj} (annoying, vexatious) | :: pestífero, pernicioso, pesado |
pestilence {n} /ˈpɛstələn(t)s/ (any highly contagious epidemic disease) | :: pestilencia {f} |
pestle {n} /ˈpɛsəl/ (instrument used with a mortar to grind things) | :: mano, maneta, maja, macilla |
pesto {n} /ˈpɛstoʊ/ (an Italian sauce especially for pasta) | :: pesto {m} |
pet {n} /pɛt/ (an animal kept as a companion) | :: mascota {f} |
pet {v} (fondle (an animal)) | :: acariciar |
pet {v} (fondle (another person) amorously) | :: acariciar |
PET {n} (polyethylene terephthalate) SEE: polyethylene terephthalate | :: |
peta- {prefix} /ˈpɛtə/ (SI prefix) | :: peta- |
petal {n} /ˈpɛtl̩/ (one of the component parts of the corolla of a flower) | :: pétalo {m} |
petasus {n} (low-crowned hat worn by the Ancient Greeks and Romans) | :: petaso |
PETE {n} (polyethylene terephthalate) SEE: polyethylene terephthalate | :: |
petechia {n} /pɪˈtiːkɪə/ (a small spot, especially on an organ, caused by bleeding underneath the skin) | :: petequia {f} |
Peter {prop} /ˈpiːtə/ (male given name) | :: Pedro |
Peter {prop} (the Apostle) | :: Pedro |
Peter {prop} (one of the epistles of Peter) | :: Pedro {m} |
peter out {v} (to diminish) | :: disminuirse, flojear, flaquear, debilitarse, extinguirse |
Peter Pan syndrome {prop} /piːtə pan ˈsɪndɹəʊm/ (Supposed psychological phenomenon) | :: síndrome de Peter Pan {m} |
Peterson {prop} /ˈpitɚsən/ (surname meaning "son of Peter") | :: Pérez |
petiole {n} /ˈpɛdiˌoʊl/ (stalk of a leaf) | :: pecíolo, peciolo {m} |
Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen {n} (dog breed) | :: pequeño basset grifón vendeano |
petite bourgeoisie {n} (petite bourgeoisie) | :: pequeña burguesía {f} |
petition {n} /pəˈtɪ.ʃən/ (formal, written request made to an official person) | :: petición {f} |
petition {n} (legal: formal request for judicial action) | :: petición {f} |
petitioner {n} (someone who presents a petition to a court) | :: accionante {m} {f}, peticionario |
petit jury {n} (regular trial jury, assembled to determine criminal or civil liability) | :: jurado de juicio {m} |
Petrarch {prop} /ˈpetɹɑːɹk/ (the scholar and poet Petrarca) | :: Petrarca {m} |
Petrarchan {adj} (of or relating to Petrarch) | :: petrarquista |
Petrarchan sonnet {n} (type of sonnet) | :: soneto italiano {m}, soneto petrarquista {m}, soneto petrarquiano {m} |
Petrarchism {n} (Petrarch's literary style) | :: petrarquismo {m} |
petrel {n} /ˈpɛtɹəl/ (Procellariiformes) | :: petrel {m}, damero {m} |
petrichor {n} /ˈpɛtɹɪkɚ/ (distinctive scent which accompanies rain) | :: petricor {m} |
Petri dish {n} /ˈpiːtɹi ˌdiʃ/ (dish used to culture bacteria) | :: placa de Petri {f} |
petrification {n} (process of replacing the organic residues with insoluble salts) | :: petrificación {f}, silicatización |
petrify {v} /ˈpɛ.tɹəˌfaɪ/ (to harden organic matter) | :: petrificar |
petrify {v} (to immobilize with fright) | :: petrificar |
petrochemistry {n} (the branch of chemistry that deals with petroleum) | :: petroquímica {f} |
petrodollar {n} (money earned from oil) | :: petrodólar {m} |
petroglyph {n} (a rock carving, especially one made in prehistoric times) | :: petroglifo {m} |
petrol {n} (gasoline) SEE: gasoline | :: |
petrolatum {n} (petroleum jelly) SEE: petroleum jelly | :: |
petroleum {n} (oil) SEE: oil | :: |
petroleum jelly {n} (pale yellow semisolid mixture of hydrocarbons obtained from petroleum) | :: petrolato {m} |
petrology {n} /pɛˈtɹɒlədʒi/ (the study of rock) | :: petrología {f} |
petrol pump {n} (device at a petrol station that dispenses petrol) SEE: gas pump | :: |
petrol station {n} (gas station) SEE: gas station | :: |
petrol tank {n} (petrol tank) SEE: gas tank | :: |
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky {prop} (city in Russia) | :: Petropávlovsk-Kamchatski |
petrous {adj} (anatomy: of the dense portion of the temporal bone) | :: petroso |
pet shop {n} (shop) | :: tienda de animales {m} |
petticoat {n} /ˈpɛtɪkəʊt/ (woman's undergarment worn under a skirt) | :: enaguas {f} , combinación {f} [Colombian Atlantic Coast], fondo {m} [Mexico, Venezuela], fustán {m} [Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua], peticote {m} [Panama], sayuela {f} [Cuba] |
pettifogger {n} /ˈpɛtɪˌfɑːɡɚ/ (An unscrupulous lawyer) | :: leguleyo, picapleitos, buscapleitos, rábula, soplacausas, abogadillo {m} |
petty {adj} /ˈpʰɛɾi/ (little, trifling, or inconsiderable, as a petty fault) | :: pequeño, insignificante, baladí, nimio, menor, de pitiminí |
petty {adj} (small-minded) | :: meticuloso, detallista, mezquino, nimio |
petty {adj} (begrudging) | :: malvado |
petty bourgeoisie {n} (social class) | :: pequeña burguesía {f} |
petty cash {n} (small amount of cash kept by a business) | :: caja menor {f} |
petty crime {n} (minor crime collectively) | :: delito menor {m} |
petty theft {n} (theft of property of low value) | :: hurto {m} |
petunia {n} /pəˈtuːnjə/ (flower) | :: petunia {f} |
Peumo {prop} (Peumo) | :: Peumo {m} |
pew {n} /pjuː/ (long bench in a church) | :: banco de iglesia {m} |
pewter {n} /ˈpjutɚ/ (alloy of tin, copper and antimony) | :: peltre {m} |
peyote {n} /peɪˈjoʊti/ (cactus) | :: peyote {m} |
phablet {n} /ˈfæblɪt/ (electronic handheld device) | :: tabléfono {m} |
-phage {suffix} /feɪd͡ʒ/ (something that eats, or consumes) | :: -fago {m} |
phagocytosis {n} /ˌfeɪɡəʊsaɪˈtəʊsɪs/ | :: fagocitosis |
-phagous {suffix} /-fəɡəs/ (feeding on) | :: -fago |
-phagy {suffix} (the consumption of) | :: -fagia {f} |
Phaistos {prop} /ˈfɛstɒs/ (ancient Minoan city in southern Crete) | :: Festo {m} |
phalange {n} (phalanx) SEE: phalanx | :: |
phalanx {n} /ˈfeɪlæŋks/ (finger or toe bone) | :: falange {f} |
phalarope {n} /ˈfæləɹəʊp/ (wading bird in the family Scolopacidae) | :: falaropo {m} |
phaleristics {n} (the study of orders, fraternity, and award items) | :: falerística |
phallic {adj} (having to do with the penis) SEE: penile | :: |
phallic {adj} /ˈfælɪk/ (having to do with the penis) | :: fálico |
phallicism {n} (phallus-worship) | :: falismo {m} |
phallocentrism {n} (Focus on the phallus or on a male point of view.) | :: falocentrismo {m} |
phallus {n} (penis) SEE: penis | :: |
phallus {n} /ˈfæləs/ (the penis or its representation) | :: falo {m} |
phanerogam {n} (plant that produces seeds) | :: espermatofita {f}, espermatófita {f}, espermatofito {m}, espermatófito {m} |
Phanerozoic {adj} (relating to the Phanerozoic eon) | :: Fanerozoico |
phantasmagoria {n} /ˌfæntæzməˈɡɔːɹi.ə/ (a dreamlike state) | :: fantasmagoria {f} |
phantom {n} /ˈfæntəm/ (something having no physical reality) | :: fantasma {m} |
phantosmia {n} | :: fantosmia {f} |
pharaoh {n} /ˈfæɹoʊ/ (supreme ruler of ancient Egypt) | :: faraón {m} |
pharaonic {adj} /ˌfɛəɹeɪˈɒnɪk/ (of or pertaining to a pharaoh) | :: faraónico |
pharaonic {adj} (impressively large or luxurious) | :: faraónico |
Pharisee {n} /ˈfɛɹɪsiː/ (member of an ancient Jewish political party, social movement, etc) | :: fariseo {m} |
pharmaceutical {adj} /ˌfɑɹməˈs(j)utɪkl̩/ (of, or relating to pharmacy or pharmacists) | :: farmacéutico |
pharmaceutically {adv} (in a pharmaceutical manner) | :: farmacéuticamente |
pharmaceutics {n} (pharmacy) SEE: pharmacy | :: |
pharmacist {n} /ˈfɑɹməsɪst/ (professional who dispenses prescription drugs) | :: farmacéutico {m}, farmacéutica {f}, boticario {m} |
pharmacologic {adj} (pharmacological) SEE: pharmacological | :: |
pharmacological {adj} /ˌfɑɹməkəˈlɒdʒɪkəl/ (of or having to do with pharmacology) | :: farmacológico |
pharmacologist {n} /ˌfɑɹməˈkɒlədʒɪst/ (student of or one who is versed in pharmacology) | :: farmacólogo {m}, farmacóloga {f} |
pharmacology {n} /ˌfɑɹməˈkɒlədʒi/ (science that studies the effects of chemical compounds on living animals) | :: farmacología {f} |
pharmacopoeia {n} /ˌfɑɹ.mə.kəˈpi.ə/ (official book of medicines) | :: farmacopea {f} |
pharmacovigilance {n} /ˌfɑːməkəʊˈvɪdʒɪl(ə)ns/ (detection, assessment, understanding and prevention of adverse effects of medicines) | :: farmacovigilancia {f} |
pharmacy {n} /ˈfɑɹməsi/ (a place where prescription drugs are dispensed) | :: farmacia {f}, botica {f}, droguería |
pharmacy {n} (science of medicinal substances) | :: farmacia {f} |
Pharsalia {prop} /ˌfɑːˈseɪli.ə/ (poem by Lucan) | :: Farsalia {f} |
pharyngeal {adj} /fəˈɹɪndʒəl/ (of or pertaining to the pharynx) | :: faríngeo |
pharyngeal {adj} (of pharyngeal sounds) | :: faríngeo |
pharyngitis {n} (inflammation of the pharynx) | :: faringitis |
pharynx {n} /ˈfæɹɪŋks/ (part of alimentary canal) | :: faringe {m} |
phase {n} /feɪz/ (distinguishable part of a sequence) | :: fase {f} |
phase {n} (astronomy: particular appearance or state in a regularly recurring cycle) | :: fase {f} |
phase {n} (physics: point or portion in a recurring series of changes) | :: fase {f} |
phase {n} (haplotype) SEE: haplotype | :: |
phase modulation {n} (form of modulation) | :: modulación de la fase |
phasmid {n} /ˈfæz.mɪd/ (an insect) | :: fásmido {m} |
phasor {n} (representation of a complex number) | :: fasor {m} |
Phaëthon {prop} /ˈfeɪəθən/ (son of Helios) | :: Faetón {m}, Faetonte {m} |
phatic {adj} /ˈfætɪk/ (more polite than meaningful) | :: fático |
pheasant {n} /ˈfɛzənt/ (bird of family Phasianidae, often hunted for food) | :: faisán {m} |
pheasantry {n} (place for keeping pheasants) | :: faisanería {f} |
phenobarbital {n} (barbiturate sedative) | :: fenobarbital {m} |
phenol {n} /ˈfinəl/ (caustic compound derived from benzene) | :: fenol {m} |
phenol {n} (any of a class of aromatic organic compounds having at least one hydroxyl group attached directly to the benzene ring) | :: fenol {m} |
phenolic {adj} (organic chemistry: of, relating to, or derived from a phenol) | :: fenólico |
phenological {adj} (pertaining to phenology) | :: fenológico |
phenolphthalein {n} /fiːnɒlˈfθæliːn/ (pH indicator) | :: fenolftaleína {f} |
phenomenal {adj} (remarkable) | :: fenomenal {n} |
phenomenally {adv} (in a phenomenal manner) | :: fenomenalmente |
phenomenological {adj} (of or relating to phenomenology) | :: fenomenológico {m} |
phenomenology {n} /fɪˌnɑməˈnɑləɡi/ (philosophy based on intuitive experience of phenomena) | :: fenomenología {f} |
phenomenon {n} /fɪˈnɑmənɑn/ (observable fact or occurrence) | :: fenómeno {m} |
phenomenon {n} (unusual, curious, or astonishing fact or event) | :: fenómeno {m} |
phenomenon {n} (philosophy: experienced object structured by the mind) | :: fenómeno {m} |
phenotype {n} /ˈfiːnə(ʊ)ˌtaɪp/ (appearance of organism) | :: fenotipo |
phenotypic {adj} /fiːnə(ʊ)ˈtɪpɪk/ (of, or relating to a phenotype) | :: fenotípico |
phenyl {n} /ˈfɛ.n(ə)l/ (univalent hydrocarbon radical (C6H5)) | :: fenilo {m} |
phenylalanine {n} (amino acid; C9H11NO2) | :: fenilalanina {f} |
pheochromocytoma {n} (tumour) | :: feocromocitoma {m} |
pheromone {n} (chemical) | :: feromona {f} |
phew {interj} /fjuː/ (Used to show relief, fatigue, or surprise) | :: ¡fíu!, ¡menos mal! |
phew {interj} (Used to show disgust) | :: puaj |
phi {n} /faɪ/ (Greek letter) | :: fi {f} |
phial {n} (glass vessel) SEE: vial | :: |
Philadelphia {prop} /fɪləˈdɛlfi.ə/ (largest city in Pennsylvania) | :: Filadelfia {f} |
philander {n} (lover) SEE: lover | :: |
philanderer {n} /fɪ.ˈlæn.də.ɹɚ/ (fickle lover) | :: donjuán {m} |
philanderer {n} (someone who engages in casual sex) | :: mujeriego {m} |
philanthropic {adj} (of or pertaining to philanthropy; characterized by philanthropy) | :: filantrópico |
philanthropically {adv} (in a philanthropic manner) | :: filantrópicamente |
philanthropist {n} (person who loves mankind) | :: filántropo {m} |
philanthropist {n} (very generous person) | :: filántropo {m} |
philanthropy {n} (charity) SEE: charity | :: |
philanthropy {n} /fɪˈlænθɹəpiː/ (benevolent altruism with the intention of increasing the well-being of mankind) | :: filantropía {f} |
philatelic {adj} (relating to stamp collecting) | :: filatélico |
philatelist {n} /fɪˈlætəlɪst/ (a person who studies or collects stamps) | :: filatelista {m} {f}, filatélico {m} |
philately {n} /fɪˈlæt.ə.li/ (stamp collecting) | :: filatelia {f} |
philately {n} (the study of postage stamps, postal routes, postal history, etc.) | :: filatelia {f} |
-phile {suffix} (Forming nouns and adjectives denoting "friend") | :: -filo |
Philemon {prop} /ˌfaɪˈliːmɒn/ (book of the Bible) | :: Filemón {m} |
Philemon {prop} (male given name) | :: Filemón |
philharmonic {adj} (appreciative of the performance of music) | :: filarmónico {m} |
philharmonic {n} (full-sized symphonic orchestra) SEE: symphony orchestra | :: |
philharmonic orchestra {n} (symphony orchestra) SEE: symphony orchestra | :: |
philia {n} /ˈfɪli.ə/ (psychological disorder) | :: filia {f} |
philia {n} (friendship) SEE: friendship | :: |
-philia {suffix} (forming words denoting abnormal linking towards a given thing) | :: -filia {f} |
philia {n} (liking) SEE: liking | :: |
Philip {prop} /ˈfɪlɪp/ (biblical persons) | :: Felipe {m} |
Philip {prop} (male given name) | :: Felipe {m} |
Philippi {prop} /fɪˈlɪpaɪ/ (ancient town) | :: Filipos {m-p} |
Philippians {prop} (book of the Bible) | :: Filipenses {p} |
Philippine {adj} (Filipino) SEE: Filipino | :: |
Philippine eagle {n} (species of eagle endemic to the Philippines) | :: águila monera {m} |
Philippines {prop} /ˈfɪlɪpinz/ (Republic of the Philippines) | :: Filipinas {f-p} |
Philistia {prop} (ancient pentapolis in the Levant) | :: Filistea |
philistine {n} (Philistine) SEE: Philistine | :: |
philistine {adj} /ˈfɪləstaɪn/ (lacking in appreciation for art or culture) | :: filisteo |
Philistine {n} /ˈfɪl.ɪ.staɪn/ (person from Philistia) | :: filisteo |
Philistine {adj} (philistine) SEE: philistine | :: |
philogyny {n} (love or respect for women) | :: filoginia {f} |
philological {adj} (pertaining to the history of literature) | :: filológico {m} |
philologically {adv} (in a philological manner) | :: filológicamente |
philologist {n} (person who engages in philology) | :: filólogo {m}, filóloga {f} |
philology {n} /fɪˈlɒlədʒɪ/ (historical linguistics) | :: filología {f} |
Philomena {prop} (female given name) | :: Filomena |
philopolemic {adj} /ˌfɪləʊpəˈlɛmɪk/ (exalting or supporting conflict or war) | :: filopolémico {m}, beligerante , belicoso {m} |
philopolemic {adj} (fond of polemics or controversy) | :: filopolémico {m} |
philosophaster {n} (a pretender to philosophy; a petty or charlatan philosopher) | :: filosofastro {m} |
philosopher {n} /fəˈlɑsəfəɹ/ (person devoted to studying philosophy) | :: filósofo {m}, filósofa {f} |
philosopher's stone {n} (philosopher's stone) | :: piedra filosofal {f} |
philosophical {adj} /ˌfɪləˈsɑfɪkl̩/ (of or pertaining to philosophy) | :: filosófico |
philosophically {adv} (in a philosophical manner) | :: filosóficamente |
philosophy {n} /fɪˈlɒsəfi/ (academic discipline) | :: filosofía {f} |
philosophy {n} | :: filosofía {f} |
philosophy of science {n} (study of the assumptions, foundations, and implications of science) | :: filosofía de la ciencia {f} |
philter {n} /ˈfɪltɚ/ (love potion) | :: pócima {f}, pócima de amor {f}, poción de amor {f}, filtro {m} |
philtrum {n} /ˈfɪltɹəm/ (shallow groove running down the centre of the outer surface of the upper lip) | :: surco nasolabial {m} |
phishing {n} /ˈfɪʃɪŋ/ (malicious act) | :: phishing {m} |
phlebitis {n} /flɪˈbaɪtɪs/ (inflammation of vein) | :: flebitis {f} |
phlebotomist {n} (medical worker) | :: flebotomista |
Phlegethon {prop} /ˈflɛɡɪθɒn/ (river of the underworld) | :: Flegetonte {m} |
phlegm {n} /flɛm/ (mucus secreted in the bronchial passages) | :: flema {f} |
phlegmatic {adj} /flɛɡˈmætɪk/ (not easily excited to action) | :: flemático |
phlegmatic {adj} (abounding in phlegm) | :: flemático |
phloem {n} /ˈfləʊ.əm/ (vascular tissue) | :: floema {m} |
phlogiston {n} /flə(ʊ)ˈdʒɪstɒn/ (hypothetical fiery principle) | :: flogisto |
phlogopite {n} (a mica, the magnesium endmember of biotite) | :: flogopita {f} |
phlogosis {n} (phlogosis) | :: flogosis |
phlox {n} (plant of genus Phlox) | :: flox {m} |
Phnom Penh {prop} /pəˈnɔːm ˈpɛn/ (capital city of Cambodia) | :: Nom Pen {f} |
-phobe {suffix} (used to form nouns denoting a person having a fear of a specific thing) | :: -fobo {m} |
-phobe {suffix} (used to form nouns denoting a person who hates or despises a specific thing) | :: -fobo {m} |
-phobia {suffix} /ˌfəʊbi.ə/ (used to form nouns meaning fear) | :: -fobia {f} |
phobia {n} /ˈfəʊbi.ə/ (irrational or obsessive fear or anxiety) | :: fobia {f} |
-phobic {suffix} /-ˈfoʊbɪk/ (fear) | :: -fobo |
-phobic {suffix} (dislike or aversion) | :: -fobo |
phobophobia {n} (fear of fear) | :: fobofobia {f} |
Phobos {prop} /ˈfoʊbəs/ (mythology) | :: Fobos {m} |
Phobos {prop} (moon of Mars) | :: Fobos |
phocine {adj} /ˈfəʊsʌɪn/ (pertaining to seals) | :: fócido {m} |
phocomelia {n} /ˌfəʊkəˈmiːlɪə/ (phocomelia) | :: focomelia {f} |
Phoenicia {prop} /fəˈnɪʃɪə/ (land of the Phoenicians) | :: Fenicia |
Phoenician {adj} /fəˈniːʃən/ (of, from, or related to the country or civilisation of Phoenicia) | :: fenicio |
Phoenician {prop} (Semitic language spoken by the inhabitants of Phoenicia) | :: fenicio {m} |
Phoenician {n} (inhabitant of Phoenicia) | :: fenicio {m} |
phoenix {n} /ˈfiːnɪks/ (mythological bird) | :: fénix {m} |
Phoenix {prop} /ˈfiːnɪks/ (mythical firebird) | :: Fénix |
Phoenix {prop} (constellation) | :: Phoenix |
phonation {n} (process of producing vocal sound) | :: fonación {f} |
phone {v} /foʊ̯n/ (to call (someone) on the telephone) | :: telefonear, llamar por teléfono |
phone {n} (speech segment) | :: fono {m} |
phone {n} (telephone) SEE: telephone | :: |
phone book {n} (telephone directory) SEE: telephone directory | :: |
phonebook {n} (telephone directory) SEE: telephone directory | :: |
phone booth {n} (telephone booth) SEE: telephone booth | :: |
phone call {n} (telephone call) SEE: telephone call | :: |
phonecard {n} (a chargecard used to pay for telephone calls) | :: tarjeta telefónica {f} |
phoneme {n} /ˈfoʊnim/ (indivisible unit of sound) | :: fonema {m} |
phonendoscope {n} (a form of stethoscope used in auscultation) | :: fonendoscopio {m} |
phone number {n} (telephone number) SEE: telephone number | :: |
phone sex {n} (erotic or sexual telephone conversation between two or more people) | :: sexo telefónico {m} |
phonetic {adj} /fəˈnɛtɪk/ (relating to sounds of spoken language) | :: fonético |
phonetic {adj} (linguistics: relating to phones) | :: fonético |
phonetically {adv} (in the way it sounds) | :: fonéticamente |
phonetician {n} /ˌfoʊnəˈtɪʃ(ə)n/ (person who specializes in phonetics) | :: fonetista {m} {f} |
phonetics {n} /fəˈnɛtɪks/ (study of speech sounds and their representation by written symbols) | :: fonética {f} |
Phoney War {prop} (Phoney War) | :: guerra de broma |
phonic {adj} (phonic) | :: fónico |
phonics {n} (phonetics) SEE: phonetics | :: |
phonics {n} (acoustics) SEE: acoustics | :: |
phono- {prefix} (relating to sound) | :: fono- |
phonograph {n} /ˈfəʊnəˌɡɹɑːf/ (device that records or plays sound from cylinder records) | :: fonógrafo {m} |
phonograph {n} (archaic record player) SEE: gramophone | :: |
phonograph record {n} (record) SEE: record | :: |
phonological {adj} (of or relating to phonology) | :: fonológico |
phonologically {adv} (in acoordance with phonology) | :: fonológicamente |
phonologist {n} /fəˈnɑlədʒɪst/ (person who specializes in phonology) | :: fonólogo {m} |
phonology {n} /fəˈnɑlədʒi/ (subfield of linguistics concerned with the way sounds function in languages) | :: fonología {f} |
phonometer {n} (instrument) | :: fonómetro {m} |
phono-semantic compound {n} (a type of Chinese character) | :: carácter radical-fonético {m} |
phonotactics {n} /ˈfəʊnə(ʊ)ˌtaktɪks/ (branch of phonology) | :: fonotaxis {f} |
phony {adj} /ˈfoʊni/ (fraudulent; fake) | :: falso |
phony {n} (a person who assumes an identity or quality other than their own) | :: fingidor {m} |
phony {n} (a person who professes beliefs or opinions that they do not hold) | :: falso {m}; farsante |
phony as a three-dollar bill {adj} | :: más falso que un duro sevillano [Spain, old-fashioned], más falso que un duro de madera [Spain, old-fashioned] |
phorbol {n} (diterpene derivative) | :: forbol {m} |
-phore {suffix} (bearer or carrier of) | :: -foro {m} |
phosphatase {n} (an enzyme that hydrolyzes phosphate esters) | :: fosfatasa |
phosphate {n} /ˈfɒsfeɪt/ (any salt or ester of phosphoric acid) | :: fosfato {m} |
phosphatidylinositol {n} (a phospholipid) | :: fosfatidilinositol {m} |
phosphide {n} (binary compound of phosphorus) | :: fosfuro {m} |
phosphofructokinase {n} (enzyme) | :: fosfofructoquinasa {f} |
phospholipase {n} (enzyme that hydrolyses phospholipids) | :: fosfolipasa {f} |
phospholipid {n} (lipid consisting of a diglyceride combined with a phosphate group) | :: fosfolípido {m} |
phosphoresce {v} (to exhibit phosphorescence) | :: fosforescer |
phosphorescence {n} /ˌfɑːsfəˈɹɛsəns/ (emission of light without heat) | :: fosforescencia {f} |
phosphorescent {adj} (emitting light for a period of time after the source of excitation is taken away) | :: fosforescente |
phosphoric acid {n} (the colourless liquid; H3PO4) | :: ácido fosfórico {m} |
phosphorus {n} /ˈfɑsfɚəs/ (element) | :: fósforo {m} |
phosphorylation {n} (the process of transferring a phosphate group from a donor to an acceptor) | :: fosforilación {f} |
photic {adj} (irradiated by light) | :: fótico |
photo {n} (photograph) SEE: photograph | :: |
photo {v} /ˈfoʊ.toʊ/ (to take a photograph) | :: instantánea {f} |
photo- {prefix} (light) | :: foto- |
photo album {n} (book with a collection of photographs placed inside) | :: álbum de fotos {m}, álbum fotográfico {m} |
photoallergy {n} | :: fotoalergia {f} |
photocell {n} (photoelectric cell) SEE: photoelectric cell | :: |
photochemical {adj} (relating to photochemistry) | :: fotoquímico |
photochemical reaction {n} (chemical reaction) | :: reacción fotoquímica {f} |
photochemistry {n} (study of photochemical reactions) | :: fotoquímica {f} |
photocopier {n} (machine which reproduces documents by photographing the original over a glass plate and printing duplicates) | :: copiadora {f} |
photocopy {n} (copy made using a photocopier) | :: fotocopia {f} |
photocopy {v} (to make a copy using a photocopier) | :: fotocopiar |
photodiode {n} (semiconductor) | :: fotodiodo {m} |
photodisintegration {n} (physics: any nuclear reaction initiated by absorption of high-energy electromagnetic radiation) | :: fotodesintegración {f} |
photoelectric {adj} (relating to electric effects) | :: fotoeléctrico |
photoelectric cell {n} (transducer) | :: célula fotoeléctrica |
photoelectric effect {n} (emission) | :: efecto fotoeléctrico {m} |
photoemission {n} (ejection of electrons) | :: fotoemisión {f} |
photoemitter {n} (material) | :: fotoemisor {m} |
photofluorography {n} (photographic recording of fluoroscope image) | :: fotofluorografía {f} |
photogenic {adj} /ˌfoʊ.toʊˈdʒɛn.ɪk/ (producing or emitting light) | :: fotogénico |
photogenic {adj} (looking good when photographed) | :: fotogénico |
photogenicity {n} (photogenicity) | :: fotogenia {f} |
photograph {n} /ˈfoʊ.tə.ˌɡɹæf/ (picture) | :: fotografía {f}, foto {f} |
photograph {v} (to take a photograph) | :: fotografiar, tomar una foto |
photographer {n} /fəˈtɑɡɹəfɚ/ (one who takes photographs) | :: fotógrafo {m}, fotógrafa {f} |
photographic {adj} /ˌfoʊtəˈɡɹæfɪk/ (of or pertaining to photographs) | :: fotográfico |
photographic {adj} (of or pertaining to photography) | :: fotográfico |
photographically {adv} (using photography) | :: fotográficamente |
photography {n} /fəˈtɑɡɹəfi/ (art and technology of producing images on photosensitive surfaces) | :: fotografía {f} |
photography {n} (occupation of taking (and often printing) photographs) | :: fotografía {f} |
photoisomerization {n} (formation of isomers) | :: fotoisomerización {f} |
photojournalism {n} (journalism via photographs or images) | :: fotoperiodismo {m} |
photojournalist {n} (journalist who uses photojournalism) | :: fotoperiodista {m} {f} |
photoluminescence {n} (luminescence due to photon absorption) | :: fotoluminiscencia |
photolysis {n} (chemical reaction) | :: fotólisis {f} |
photomask {n} | :: máscara fotográfica |
photometer {n} /fəˈtɑmədəɹ/ (measuring instrument) | :: fotómetro {m} |
photomultiplier {n} (device that uses a photocathode) | :: fotomultiplicador {m} |
photon {n} /ˈfəʊtɒn/ (quantum of light) | :: fotón {m} |
photonics {n} (science and technology of generating and controlling photons) | :: fotónica |
photophobia {n} (excessive sensitivity to light) | :: fotofobia {f} |
photophosphorylation {n} (photosynthetic phosphorylation) | :: fotofosforilación {f} |
photoreceptor {n} (biology: a specialized neuron able to detect and react to light) | :: fotorreceptor {m} |
photosensitive {adj} (sensitive to light) | :: fotosensible {m} {f} |
photo shoot {n} (photo session) | :: sesión fotográfica {f} |
photoshoot {n} (photo shoot) SEE: photo shoot | :: |
photoshop {n} (to digitally edit a picture) | :: photoshopear, fotoshopear |
photosphere {n} (A visible surface layer of a star) | :: fotosfera {f} |
photosynthesis {n} /ˌfoʊ.toʊ.ˈsɪn.θə.sɪs/ (biological process) | :: fotosíntesis {f} |
photosynthetic {adj} (of or relating to photosynthesis) | :: fotosintético |
phototoxicity {n} (adverse effect) | :: fototoxicidad {f} |
phototube {n} (gas-filled electron tube) | :: fototubo {m} |
photovoltaic {adj} (producing a voltage when exposed to light) | :: fotovoltaico |
phrasal verb {n} (idiomatic phrase) | :: locución verbal {f} |
phrase {n} /fɹeɪz/ (short written or spoken expression) | :: expresión {f}, frase {f} |
phrase {n} (grammar: group of two or more words that express an idea but do not form a complete sentence) | :: sintagma {m} |
phrase {n} (music: small section of music in a larger piece) | :: frase {f} |
phrase {v} (to express by means of words) | :: formular, expresar, frasear |
phrase book {n} (book of everyday expressions and vocabulary) | :: libro de frases {m} |
phrasebook {n} (book used to learn foreign language) SEE: phrase book | :: |
phraseology {n} (phrasebook) SEE: phrase book | :: |
phraseology {n} /fɹeɪziˈɑlədʒi/ (study of set or fixed expressions) | :: fraseología |
phraseology {n} (group of specialized words and expressions) | :: fraseología |
phreatic {adj} /fɹiːˈætɪk/ (Of, or pertaining to ground water) | :: freático |
phrenic {adj} /ˈfɹɛnɪk/ (of or pertaining to the diaphragm) | :: frénico |
phrenicocolic {adj} (relating to the diaphragm and colon) | :: frenocólico |
phrenological {adj} (of, or relating to phrenology) | :: frenológico |
phrenology {n} (the discredited "science" or pseudo-science of phrenology) | :: frenología {f} |
Phrygia {prop} /ˈfɹɪdʒ.i.ə/ (ancient kingdom) | :: Frigia {f} |
Phrygian {prop} /ˈfɹɪdʒɪən/ (language) | :: frigio {m} |
Phrygian cap {n} (conical close-fitting cap with the top bent forward) | :: gorro frigio {m} |
phthalate {n} /ˈ(f)θaleɪt/ (salt or ester) | :: ftalato {m} |
phthalic {adj} /ˈ(f)θælɪk/ (of or relating to naphthalene or phthalic acid) | :: ftálico |
phthisic {adj} (of or relating to phthisis) | :: tísico {m} |
phthisis {n} /ˈtaɪsɪs/ (phthisis) | :: tisis {f} |
phubbing {n} (act of ignoring a conversation going on around oneself to focus on one's phone) | :: ningufoneo {m} |
phycology {n} (study of algae) | :: ficología {f} |
phylactery {n} /fɪˈlæktəɹi/ (leather case containing biblical scrolls, worn by Jewish men; the tefilla) | :: filacteria {f} |
phylactery {n} (small object worn for its magical power; amulet or charm) | :: amuleto {m} |
phyllo {n} /ˈfiːloʊ / (type of dough) | :: masa filo {f}, pasta filo {f} |
phylloquinone {n} (polycyclic aromatic ketone) | :: filoquinona {f} |
phyllosilicate {n} (type of silicate) | :: filosilicato {m} |
phyllotaxis {n} /fɪləˈtæksɪs/ (The arrangement of leaves on a stem) | :: filotaxis {f} |
phylogenetics {n} /ˌfaɪləd͡ʒəˈnɛtɪks/ (study of organism relationships) | :: filogenia {f} |
phylogenetic tree {n} (tree diagram) | :: árbol filogenético {m} |
phylogeny {n} /faɪˈlɑdʒəni/ (evolutionary history of an organism) | :: filogenia {f} |
phylum {n} /ˈfaɪləm/ ((biology, taxonomy) A rank in the classification of organisms, below kingdom and above class) | :: filo {m} |
physalis {n} /ˈfɪsəlɪs/ (plant of the genus Physalis) | :: uchuva {f} [Physalis peruviana] |
physiatrist {n} | :: fisiatra |
physical {adj} /ˈfɪzɪkəl/ (having to do with the material world; tangible) | :: físico |
physical {adj} (having to do with physics) | :: físico |
physical {adj} (having to do with the body; corporeal) | :: físico |
physical {n} (physical examination) | :: revisación {f} |
physical chemistry {n} (the chemistry subdiscipline) | :: fisicoquímica {f} |
physical culture {n} (bodybuilding) SEE: bodybuilding | :: |
physical education {n} (curriculum component) | :: educación física |
physical law {n} (physical law) | :: ley de la naturaleza {f}, leyes naturales {f-p}, ley científica {f} |
physically {adv} /ˈfɪzɪkli/ (in a physical manner) | :: físicamente |
physical therapy {n} (therapy of exercises and activities to treat injury or dysfunction) SEE: physiotherapy | :: |
physician {n} /fɪˈzɪʃən/ (medical doctor) | :: médico {m}, médica {f}, facultativo {m} {f} |
physicist {n} /ˈfɪz.ɪ.sɪst/ (person whose occupation specializes in the science of physics) | :: físico |
physic nut {n} (small tree) | :: piñón de tempate, jatrofa |
physicochemical {adj} (of or pertaining to physical chemistry) | :: fisicoquímico |
physics {n} /ˈfɪz.ɪks/ (branch of science) | :: física {f} |
physiography {n} (subfield of geography) | :: fisiografia {f} |
physiologic {adj} (of or pertaining to physiology) SEE: physiological | :: |
physiological {adj} /ˌfɪzi.əˈlɑdʒɪkəl/ (of, or relating to physiology) | :: fisiológico |
physiologically {adv} (in accordance with the science of physiology) | :: fisiológicamente |
physiologist {n} (person) | :: fisiólogo {m}, fisióloga {f} |
physiology {n} /ˌfɪziˈɑ.lə.d͡ʒi/ (branch of biology) | :: fisiología {f} |
physiotherapist {n} (therapist who treats physical injury or dysfunction, usually with exercise) | :: fisioterapeuta {m} {f} |
physiotherapy {n} (therapy that uses physical techniques such as massage and exercise) | :: terapia física {f}, rehabilitación {f}, recapazitación {f} |
physique {n} (physical structure of a person) | :: físico {m} |
phyto- {prefix} (Pertaining to or derived from plants) | :: fito- |
phytochemical {n} (any chemical substance characteristic of plants) | :: fitoquímico {m} |
phytoclimatic {adj} | :: fitoclimático |
phytogeography {n} (geobotany) SEE: geobotany | :: |
phytomining {n} (planting of vegetation that will selectively concentrate specific metals) | :: fitominería {f} |
phytopathogen {n} | :: fitopatógeno |
phytophagous {adj} (feeding on plants) | :: fitófago |
phytoplankton {n} (plankton which obatin energy by photosynthesis) | :: fitoplancton {m} |
phytosanitary {adj} (concerning the health of plants) | :: fitosanitario {m}, fitosanitaria {f} |
phytosociology {n} (the study of the ecology, classification and distribution of plant communities) | :: fitosociología {f} |
phytosterol {n} | :: fitoesterol |
phytotomy {n} (study of the internal structures of plants) | :: fitotomía {f} |
pi {n} /paɪ/ (letter of Greek alphabet) | :: pi {f} |
pi {n} (irrational mathematical constant) | :: pi {f} |
Piacenza {prop} (province) | :: Plasencia |
Piacenzian {prop} (subdivision of the Pliocene epoch) | :: Piacenziense |
pia mater {n} (innermost of the meninges) | :: piamadre {f} |
pianissimo {adv} (very soft) | :: pianissimo |
pianist {n} /ˈpi.ənɪst/ (piano player) | :: pianista {m} {f} |
piano {n} /piˈænoʊ/ (a keyboard musical instrument) | :: piano {m} |
piano {adv} /piˈɑnoʊ/ (music: softly) | :: piano |
piano bench {n} (a rectangular wooden bench used while playing the piano) | :: banqueta del piano {f} |
pianola {n} (music) SEE: player piano | :: |
piano roll {n} (A perforated roll of paper containing encoded music to be played by a pianola or player piano) | :: rollo de piano {m} |
piastre {n} (historical: Spanish or Spanish-American coin) | :: piastra {f} |
piastre {n} (Ottoman or Middle Eastern currency) | :: piastra {f} |
pica {n} /ˈpaɪkə/ (disorder) | :: pica {f} |
pica {n} (12 Didot-point type) SEE: cicero | :: |
picador {n} (a lancer mounted on horseback who assists a matador) | :: picador {m} |
Picardy {prop} (region of France) | :: Picardía {f} |
picaresque {adj} /pɪkəˈɹɛsk/ (of or pertaining to rogues) | :: picaresco {m}, picaresca {f} |
picaresque {n} (picaresque novel) | :: novela picaresca {f} |
picaroon {v} /ˌpɪkəˈɹuːn/ (to behave as a pirate) | :: piratear |
Picasso {prop} (Pablo Picasso) | :: Picasso {m} |
Picasso {n} (work of art by Pablo Picasso) | :: Picasso {m}, picasso {m} |
Picassoesque {adj} | :: picassesco, picassiano |
picayune {n} (Something of very little value) SEE: trifle | :: |
piccolo {n} /ˈpɪkoloʊ/ (musical instrument) | :: flautín {m}, píccolo {m} |
piccolo {n} | :: flautín {m} |
pièce de résistance {n} /piˈɛs də ɹəˈzɪs.tɑ̃s/ (masterpiece) | :: obra maestra {f} |
piceous {adj} /ˈpɪ.sɪ.əs/ (of or pertaining to pitch; having a quality like pitch) | :: piceo {m} |
piceous {adj} (resembling pitch in colour) | :: piceo {m} |
Pichidegua {prop} (Pichidegua) | :: Pichidegua {m} |
Pichilemu {prop} (Pichilemu) | :: Pichilemu {m}, Pichilemo {m} |
pick {v} (to pick) SEE: choose | :: |
pick {n} /pɪk/ (pickaxe) | :: pico {m} |
pick {n} (tool to open a lock) | :: ganzúa |
pick {v} (to grasp and pull with fingers) | :: hurgar |
pick {v} (to remove a fruit or plant for consumption) | :: pelar |
pick {v} | :: coger |
pick {n} (music: plectrum) SEE: plectrum | :: |
pickaxe {n} /ˈpɪkˌæks/ (heavy iron tool) | :: pico {m} |
picket {n} (sentry) SEE: sentry | :: |
picket {n} /ˈpɪkɪt/ (protester outside a workplace during a strike) | :: piquete |
picket line {n} (barrier or fortification formed by pickets) SEE: stockade | :: |
picket line {n} /ˈpɪkɪt laɪn/ (boundary created by workers participating in a strike) | :: piquete {m} |
pickle {n} /ˈpɪkl̩/ (preserved cucumber) | :: pepinillo |
pickle {n} (any vegetable preserved in vinegar and consumed as relish) | :: escabeche {m}, picles {m-p} |
pickle {n} (brine used for preserving food) | :: vinagreta {f} |
pickle {v} (to preserve food in a salt, sugar or vinegar solution) | :: encurtir, escabechar, conservar |
picklock {n} (device designed to pick locks) | :: ganzúa {f} |
pick on {v} (bully, bother, or harass) | :: hostigar, meterse con, hacer rabiar |
pick one's nose {v} (insert a finger into one's nostril) | :: hurgarse la nariz, hacer píldoras [Spain, colloquial] |
pickpocket {n} /ˈpɪkpɒkɪt/ (one who steals from the pocket of a passerby) | :: carterista, bolsista {m} {f} [Mexico], punguista {m} {f} [Argentina], chorizo {m} [Spain, colloquial] |
pickpocket {v} (to steal) | :: bolsear [ Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico], punguear [Argentina], carterear [Cuba, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Chile] |
pick up {v} (to lift; to grasp and raise) | :: coger, asir |
pick up {v} (to improve, increase, or speed up) | :: mejorar, repuntar, remontar |
pick up {v} (to restart or resume) | :: retomar, reanudar |
pick up {v} (to collect an object, especially in passing) | :: recoger, recolectar |
pick up {v} (to collect a passenger) | :: recoger, buscar |
pick up {v} (to learn, to grasp; to begin to understand) | :: captar |
pick up {v} (to receive (a signal)) | :: captar |
pick up {v} (to meet and seduce somebody for romantic purposes) | :: meter fichas, tirar los tejos, tirar los trastos |
pick up {v} (to answer (a telephone), see pick up the phone) | :: contestar, descolgar |
pick up {v} | :: pepenar [Central America, Mexico] |
pickup {n} (pickup truck) SEE: pickup truck | :: |
pick-up game {n} | :: pachanga {f} |
pick-up line {n} (vocal introduction intended to garner sexual interest from a stranger) | :: [Argentina] piropo |
pick up the phone {v} (to pick up the receiver of a telephone to answer a call) | :: contestar el teléfono |
pickup truck {n} (truck with an open cargo bed) | :: camioneta {f}, pickup {f} [Latin America], picop {m} [Guatemala], troca {f} [Northern Mexico], troque {m} [Northwestern Mexico] |
picky {adj} /ˈpɪki/ (fussy, particular) | :: exigente, selectivo |
picnic {n} /ˈpɪknɪk/ (a meal eaten outdoors) | :: jira {f}, pícnic {f} |
picnic site {n} | :: merendero {m} |
pico de gallo {n} /ˌpikoʊdəˈɡaɪ.oʊ/ (condiment generally made with diced raw onions, tomatoes, chiles, and cilantro) | :: pico de gallo {m} |
picometer {n} (10-12 of a meter) | :: picómetro {m} |
picometre {n} (picometer) SEE: picometer | :: |
Picos de Europa {prop} (mountain range in northern Spain) | :: Picos de Europa {m-p} |
picric acid {n} (picric acid) | :: ácido pícrico {m} |
picross {n} (puzzle in which cells of a grid must be filled) SEE: nonogram | :: |
pictogram {n} (picture that represents a word or an idea) | :: pictograma {m} |
pictographically {adv} (in a pictographic manner) | :: pictográficamente |
Pictor {prop} (constellation) | :: Pictor |
picture {n} /ˈpɪk(t)ʃɚ/ (representation of visible reality produced by drawing, etc) | :: imagen {f} |
picture {n} (photograph) | :: foto {f}, fotografía {f} |
picture {n} (informal: cinema) | :: cine {m} |
picture {v} (to depict or describe vividly) SEE: depict | :: |
picture {n} (painting) SEE: painting | :: |
picture book {n} (a book for young children with illustrations) | :: libro ilustrado {m} |
picturesque {adj} /pɪktʃəˈɹɛsk/ (resembling a picture or painting) | :: pintoresco |
Pi Day {prop} /ˈpaɪ deɪ/ (March 14th, an annual celebration of the mathematical constant π (pi)) | :: Día de Pi {m} |
piddly {adj} /ˈpɪ (small, of no consequence) | :: de chichinabo |
pidgin {n} /ˈpɪ.dʒən/ (amalgamation of two languages having no native speakers) | :: pidgin {m} |
pie {n} /paɪ/ (type of pastry) | :: pastel {m}, pay {m}, tarta {f} |
pie {n} (pizza) SEE: pizza | :: |
pie {n} (pie chart) SEE: pie chart | :: |
piebald {adj} /ˈpaɪ.bɔld/ (spotted or blotched) | :: moteado |
piece {n} /piːs/ (part of a larger whole) | :: pieza {f}, pedazo {m}, trozo {m} |
piece {n} (chess: figure other than pawn; similar counter in other games) | :: pieza, ficha |
piece {n} (small coin) | :: pieza {f} |
piece {n} (artistic creation) | :: pieza {f} |
piece {n} (artillery gun) | :: pieza de artillería {f} |
piece {n} | :: pedazo {m}, trozo {m} |
piece {n} (distance) SEE: distance | :: |
piece {n} (castle; a fortified building) SEE: castle | :: |
piece {n} (pacifier) SEE: pacifier | :: |
piecemeal {adj} /ˈpiːs.miːl/ (Made or done in pieces or one stage at a time) | :: deslavazado, poco sistemático |
piecemeal {adv} (piece by piece) | :: deslavazadamente, desordenadamente |
piece of cake {n} /ˈpiːsə(v)ˈkeɪk/ (simple or easy job) | :: coser y cantar, bicoca {f}, pan comido, papita pal loro |
piece of clothing {n} (garment) SEE: garment | :: |
piece of furniture {n} (item of furniture) | :: mueble {m} |
piece of meat {n} (penis) SEE: penis | :: |
piece of paper {n} (sheet or scrap of paper) | :: papel {m}, papelito {m}, hoja {f} |
piece of shit {n} (a bad thing) | :: pedazo de mierda m, mierda {f} |
piece together {v} (to physically assemble from fragments or pieces) | :: juntar, montar |
piece work {n} (type of work) | :: trabajo a destajo {m} |
pie chart {n} (graph) | :: diagrama de tarta {m} |
Piedmont {prop} /ˈpiːdmɒnt/ (region) | :: Piamonte {m} |
Piedmontese {adj} /ˌpiːdmɒnˈtiːz/ (of, from, or relating to Piedmont) | :: piamontés |
Piedmontese {n} (inhabitant) | :: piamontés {m}, piamontesa {f} |
Piedmontese {prop} (language) | :: piamontés {m} |
pie-eyed {adj} ((extremely) drunk or intoxicated) SEE: drunk | :: |
pie-eyed {adj} /ˈpaɪˌaɪd/ (with one's eyes wide open and staring in an expressionless manner) | :: los ojos como platos [with the verb tener ], ojiplático {m} |
pieing {n} (an instance of throwing a pie at someone) | :: tartazo {m}, pastelazo {m} |
pie iron {n} (device for making sandwiches) | :: sandwichera {f} |
piem {n} /ˈpaɪ.əm/ (mnemonic) | :: piema |
Piemontese {prop} (language) SEE: Piedmontese | :: |
piemontite {n} /ˈpiməntaɪt/ (mineral) | :: piemontita {f} |
pier {n} /pɪə/ (raised platform built from the shore out over water) | :: muelle {m}, embarcadero {m}, malecón {m} |
pier {n} (structure supporting the junction between two spans of a bridge) | :: pilar (de puente) {m} |
pier {n} (rectangular pillar, or similar structure, that supports an arch, wall or roof) | :: pilar {m} |
pierce {v} /pɪɹs/ (puncture) | :: perforar |
pierce {v} (create a hole for jewelry) | :: perforar, agujerear |
pierce {v} (to pierce) SEE: puncture | :: |
piercing {n} /ˈpɪɹsɪŋ/ (hole for jewelry) | :: pirsin {m}, perforación {f} |
piercing {n} (the jewelry itself) | :: pirsin {m} |
piercing {adj} (appearing to look deeply into; penetrating) | :: punzante {m} {f} |
Pieria {prop} (Greek prefecture) | :: Pieria |
piety {n} /ˈpaɪ.ɪ.ti/ (reverence and devotion to God) | :: piedad {f} |
piety {n} | :: piedad {f} |
piezoelectric {adj} (of or relating to piezoelectricity) | :: piezoeléctrico |
piezoelectricity {n} (capacity of crystal to generate electricity) | :: piezoelectricidad {f} |
piezomagnetism {n} (magnetism) | :: piezomagnetismo {m} |
piezometer {n} (instrument used to measure pressure) | :: piezómetro {m} |
piffle {n} /ˈpɪf.əl/ (nonsense, foolish talk) | :: parloteo, chapurreo, chamullo, cháchara, jerga, jerigonza |
piffle {v} (to act or speak in a futile, ineffective, or nonsensical manner) | :: parlotear, chamullar, chacharear, chapurrar, chapurrear, farfullar |
pig {n} /ˈpɪɡ/ (mammal of genus Sus) | :: cerdo {m}, chancho {m} [Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay], chon {m} [Northern Central Spain, specifically Cantabria], coche {m} [Guatemala], cochi {m} [Northwestern Mexico], cochín {m} [Northern Spain, specifically Aragon], cochino {m} [Mexico, Southwestern Spain and Canary Islands, standard usage in Venezuela], cocho {m} [Northern Spain, specifically Leon], cuchi {m} [Northern Central and Northwestern Argentina], cuto {m} [Northern Spain - specifically Aragon, La Rioja and Navarra], gocho {m} [Northern Spain, specifically Asturias and Leon], gorrino [Southern Central and Eastern Central Spain], guarro {m} [Western Spain, specifically Extremadura], marrano {m} [Central and Western Venezuela, Colombia], puerco {m} [Caribbean Islands, Costa Rica, Mexico, Panama], tocino {m} [Northern Spain, specifically Aragon], tunco {m} [El Salvador], pitzote [early modern Mexico] |
pig {n} (derogatory slang for police officer) | :: milico {m} [Andes, River Plate region], tira {f} [S Mexico], chota [N Mexico, El Salvador] |
pig {n} (piglet) SEE: piglet | :: |
pig {n} (pork) SEE: pork | :: |
pigeon {n} /ˈpɪ.dʒən/ (bird of the dove and pigeon family Columbidae) | :: paloma {f}, palomo {m} [male], pichón {m} [offspring, young] |
pigeonhole {n} (one of an array of compartments for mail) | :: casilla {f}, casillero {m} |
pigeonhole {v} (to categorize; especially to limit or be limited to a particular category, role, etc) | :: encasillar |
pigeon loft {n} (housing for pigeons) | :: palomar {m} |
pigeon pea {n} (Cajanus cajan plant) | :: guandú {m} |
pigeon pea {n} | :: gandul {m}, guandul {m}, [Peru] frijol de palo, [Venezuela] quinchoncho {m} |
piggyback {adv} (on somebody's back or shoulders) | :: a cuestas, a la espalda, al apa [Chile], al caballito |
piggyback {v} (to carry someone on the back or shoulders) | :: llevar a cuestas, llevar a la espalda, llevar al apa [Chile], llevar al caballito |
piggy bank {n} (small container to store small saved coins in) | :: alcancía {f} [Latin America, Southern Spain and Canary Islands, Philippines], hucha {f} [Spain standard usage]; (pig-shaped) chanchito {m} [Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Peru, Uruguay], cochinito {m} [Mexico, Venezuela], cochito {m} [Guatemala], marranito {m} [Colombia], puerquito {m} [Mexico], tunquito {m} [El Salvador] |
pigheadedly {adv} (in a pigheaded manner) | :: erre que erre |
pig in a poke {n} (something whose true value is concealed or unknown) | :: dar gato por liebre |
pig iron {n} (type of crude iron) | :: arrabio {m} |
pig Latin {n} (wordplay) | :: jeringoso {m} [wordplay resembling pig Latin] |
piglet {n} /ˈpɪɡ.lət/ (young pig) | :: lechón {m}, cerdito {m} |
pigling {n} (piglet) SEE: piglet | :: |
pigment {n} /ˈpɪɡ.mənt/ (any color in plant or animal cells) | :: pigmento |
pigment {n} (dry colorant) | :: pigmento {m} |
pigment {v} (add color or pigment) | :: pigmentar |
pig out {v} (eat voraciously or ravenously) | :: apiparse, empacharse, ahitarse, ponerse las botas |
pigpen {n} (pigsty) SEE: pigsty | :: |
pigskin {n} | :: piel de cerdo {m} |
pigsty {n} /ˈpɪɡstaɪ/ (enclosure where pigs are kept) | :: pocilga {f}, chiquero {m}, cochiquera {f}, cochitril {m}, porqueriza {f}, zahúrda {f} |
pigsty {n} (dirty or very untidy place) | :: pocilga {f}, chiquero {m} |
pigtail {n} /ˈpɪɡ.teɪl/ (braided plait of hair) | :: coleta {f}, trenza {f} |
pigtail {n} (either of two braids or ponytails) | :: coleta {f} |
pigweed {n} (plant of genus Amaranthus) SEE: amaranth | :: |
pigweed {n} (Chenopodium albumää) SEE: white goosefoot | :: |
Pikachu {n} /ˈpiːkət͡ʃuː/ (Pokémon) | :: Pikachu |
pike {n} /paɪk/ (long spear) | :: pica {f} |
pike {n} (fish of the genus Esox) | :: lucio {m} |
pikeman {n} (soldier) | :: piquero {m} |
pike-perch {n} (zander) SEE: zander | :: |
pilaf {n} (dish) | :: pilaf {m} |
pilaff {n} (pilaf) SEE: pilaf | :: |
pilaster {n} /pɪˈlastə/ (a column attached to the wall) | :: pilastra |
Pilate {prop} /ˈpaɪlət/ (Pontius Pilate) | :: Pilato {m} |
Pilates {n} /pɪˈlɑːtiːz/ (physical fitness system) | :: pilates {m} |
pilau {n} (pilaf) SEE: pilaf | :: |
pilcrow {n} (a paragraph mark) | :: signo de antígrafo {m}, calderón {m} |
pile {n} (funeral pile) SEE: pyre | :: |
pile {n} (nap of a cloth) SEE: nap | :: |
pile {n} /paɪl/ (heap) | :: montón {m} |
pile {n} (large building, or mass of buildings) | :: conjunto {m} |
pile {n} (galvanic pile) | :: pila {f} |
pile {n} | :: [6,11] pila {f} |
pile {v} (to lay or throw into a pile) | :: apilar |
pile {n} (heraldry: one of the ordinaries) | :: pila {f} |
pile {n} (hemorrhoid) SEE: hemorrhoid | :: |
pile {n} (obsolete: reverse of a coin) SEE: tails | :: |
pileated gibbon {n} (Hylobates pileatus) | :: gibón de capelo {m} |
pile driver {n} (machine for forcing a pile into the ground) | :: martinete {m} |
pileous {adj} (hairy) SEE: hairy | :: |
piles {n} (plural of pile) SEE: pile | :: |
piles {n} (haemorrhoids) SEE: haemorrhoids | :: |
pile up {v} (to form a pile etc.) | :: acumular, arrumar, apilar |
pile up {v} (idiomatic: to accumulate) | :: amontonarse |
pile-up {n} (pile of crashed cars) | :: choque múltiple {m} |
pileus {n} (the cap of a mushroom) | :: píleo {m} |
pileus {n} (small cloud) | :: píleo {m} |
pileus {n} (felt hat worn in ancient Rome and Greece) | :: píleo {m} |
pilfer {v} /ˈpɪl.fɚ/ (to steal in small quantities) | :: sisar, ratear |
pilgarlic {n} (bald-headed person) SEE: egghead | :: |
pilgrim {n} /ˈpɪlɡɹɪm/ (traveler, especially to religious sites) | :: peregrino {m}, colonista {m} |
pilgrimage {n} /ˈpɪlɡɹɪmɪd͡ʒ/ (religious journey, or one to a sacred place) | :: peregrinación {f}, peregrinaje {m} |
pilgrimage {v} (to go on a pilgrimage) | :: peregrinar |
pill {n} /pɪl/ (small object for swallowing) | :: píldora {f}, pastilla {f}, comprimido {m}, tableta {f} |
pill {n} (the pill - functions as a contraceptive) | :: pastilla {f}, pastilla anticonceptiva {f}, píldora {f}, píldora anticonceptiva {f} |
pillage {v} /ˈpɪl.ɪdʒ/ (loot or plunder by force) | :: saquear |
pillage {n} (the act of pillaging) | :: saqueo {m}, pillaje {m} |
pillager {n} (one who pillages) | :: saqueador {m} |
pillar {n} /ˈpɪlɚ/ (large post, often used as supporting architecture) | :: pilar {m} |
Pillars of Hercules {prop} (two promontories at the Strait of Gibraltar) | :: Columnas de Hércules {f-p} |
pillbox {n} /ˈpɪl bɑːks/ (box for pills) | :: pastillero |
pillbox {n} (gun emplacement) | :: fortín |
pill bug {n} (terrestrial crustacean) | :: bicho bola, bicho bolita, cochinilla |
pillion {n} /ˈpɪlɪjən/ (second saddle on a motorcycle) | :: asiento de pasajero {m}, asiento trasero {m} |
pillion {n} (person riding in the pillion) | :: de paquete |
pillion {n} | :: grupera {f} |
pilliwinks {n} (torture device for squeezing the fingers) SEE: thumbscrew | :: |
pillory {n} /ˈpɪləɹi/ (framework on a post used as a means of punishment and humiliation) | :: picota {f} |
pillory {v} (subject someone to humiliation, scorn, ridicule or abuse) | :: poner en la picota |
pillow {n} /ˈpɛloʊ/ (soft cushion used to support the head in bed) | :: almohada {f} |
pillow-biter {n} | :: bardaje {m} |
pillowcase {n} /ˈpɪləʊˌkeɪs/ (sheet for covering a pillow) | :: funda (de almohada) {f} |
pillow fight {n} /ˈpɪləʊ ˌfaɪt/ (a play fight that involves hitting others with pillows) | :: pelea con almohadas {f} |
pill popper {n} | :: pastillero {m}, pastillera {f} |
pill to swallow {n} (something to accept) | :: trago amargo {m} |
pilot {n} /ˈpaɪlət/ (controller of aircraft) | :: piloto {m} |
pilot {n} (sample TV series episode) | :: piloto {m} {f} |
pilot {adj} (used as indicator) | :: piloto {m} {f} |
pilot {v} (to control an aircraft or watercraft) | :: pilotar |
pilot {v} (to test) | :: probar |
pilot fish {n} (marine fish) | :: pez piloto {m} |
pilot light {n} (flame used to ignite gas) | :: llama piloto {f} |
pilot whale {n} (either of two species of whale) | :: calderón {m} |
pimento {n} /pɪˈmɛntoʊ/ (red sweet pepper) | :: pimentón |
pimp {n} /pɪmp/ (prostitution solicitor) | :: chulo {m}, proxeneta, rufián {m}, cafiche {m}, cabrón {m}, padrote {m}, alcahuete {m}, lenón {m} |
pimp {v} (to act as procurer of prostitutes) | :: putear, proxenentizar, encafichar |
pimp {v} (to excessively customize) | :: tunear |
pimpernel {n} /ˈpɪmpənɛl/ (plant of genus Anagallis) | :: murajes {m} |
pimpernel {n} (Sanguisorba minor) SEE: salad burnet | :: |
pimping {n} /ˈpɪmpɪŋ/ (practise of procuring prostitutes) | :: alcahuetería {f}, proxenetismo {m}, rufianería {f}, lenocinio {m}, celestinazgo {m} |
pimple {n} /ˈpɪmp(ə)l/ (inflamed spot on the surface of the skin) | :: espinilla {f} |
pimple {n} (annoying person) | :: pendejo {m} |
pin {n} /pɪn/ (needle without an eye, used for fastening) | :: alfiler {m}, aguja {f} |
pin {n} (any of the individual connecting elements of a multi-pole electrical connector) | :: pin, conector |
pin {n} (US: accessory attached with a pin) | :: pin |
pin {n} (in chess) | :: clavado {m}, clavada {f} |
pin {v} (to fasten/attach with a pin) | :: clavar |
pin {v} (in chess) | :: clavar |
pin {n} (jewellery attached with a pin) SEE: brooch | :: |
pinata {n} /pɪnˈjɑːtə/ (candy-filled container that is hit with a stick) | :: piñata {f} |
pince-nez {n} /pænsˈneɪ/ (type of eyeglasses) | :: quevedos {m-p} |
pincers {n} /ˈpɪnsəɹz/ (gripping tool) | :: pinzas {f-p}, tenaza {f} |
pincers {n} (front claws) | :: pinzas {f-p}, tenazas {f-p} |
pinch {v} /pɪntʃ/ (to squeeze a small amount of skin) | :: pellizcar, repizcar |
pinch {v} (to steal) | :: pellizcar, afanar, chorizar |
pinch {n} (action of squeezing a small amount of skin) | :: pellizco {m}, repizco |
pinch {n} (small amount of powder) | :: pizca {f} |
pinch {n} (difficult situation) | :: aprieto {m} |
pinchbeck {n} (an alloy of copper and zinc) | :: similor |
pincushion {n} /ˈpɪnˌkʊʃn̩/ (device designed to have sewing pins and needles stuck into it) | :: agujero {m}, acerico {m}, alfiletero {m} |
Pindar {prop} /ˈpɪndɚ/ (poet) | :: Píndaro |
Pindus {prop} (mountain range) | :: Pindo {m} |
pine {n} /paɪn/ (tree of the genus Pinus) | :: pino {m} |
pine {n} (tree which resembles pine in some respect) | :: pino {m} |
pine {n} (wood of pine tree) | :: pino |
pine {n} (painful longing) | :: ansia {f}, anhelo {m}, añoranza {f} |
pine {v} (to languish, to droop) | :: marchitar, ajar, languidecer |
pine {v} (to long for sufferingly) | :: ansiar, anhelar |
pine {v} (to grieve or mourn for) | :: añorar |
pine {v} (to inflict pain upon; to torment; to torture; to afflict) | :: angustiar, afligir, atormentar, |
pineal gland {n} /ˈpaɪ.niːəl ˌɡlænd/ (small endocrine gland) | :: glándula pineal {f} |
pineapple {n} /ˈpaɪnæpəl/ (plant) | :: piña {f}, ananás {m} |
pineapple {n} (fruit) | :: piña {f}, ananás {m} |
pineapple guava {n} (feijoa) SEE: feijoa | :: |
pinecone {n} (seed-bearing cone of a pine tree) | :: piña {f}, estróbilo {m}, cono {m} |
pine needle {n} (leaf of a pine tree) | :: pinocha {f}, pinaza {f} [plural] |
pine nut {n} /ˈpaɪn ˌnʌt/ (edible seeds of evergreen pine) | :: piñón {m} |
pinery {n} (pinewood) SEE: pinewood | :: |
pine torch {n} | :: ocote {m} |
pine tree {n} (pine) SEE: pine | :: |
pinewood {n} (wood of the pine) | :: pino {m} |
pinewood {n} (forest or grove of pines) | :: pinar {m} |
ping pong {n} (table tennis) SEE: table tennis | :: |
pinion {v} (restrain) SEE: restrain | :: |
pinion {n} /ˈpɪnjən/ (gear in a gear drive train) | :: piñón {m} |
pink {n} /piŋk/ (flower) | :: clavel {m} |
pink {n} (pale red colour) | :: rosado, rosa |
pink {adj} (colored/coloured between red and white) | :: rosado |
pink-footed goose {n} (Anser brachyrhynchus) | :: ánsar piquicorto {m} |
pinkie {n} (little finger) SEE: little finger | :: |
pinkish {adj} /ˈpɪŋkɪʃ/ (somewhat pink) | :: rosadizo, arosado |
pink jersey {n} (shirt worn by the leader in the Giro d'Italia) | :: maillot rosa {m} |
pink slime {n} (meat by-product) | :: baba rosada {f}, baba rosa {f}, viscosidad rosada {f} |
pinky {n} (little finger) SEE: little finger | :: |
pinna {n} (visible part of the ear) | :: oreja {f}, pinna {f}, aurícula {f}, pabellón auricular {m} |
pinnacle {n} /ˈpɪnəkəl/ (highest point) | :: cumbre {f}, pináculo {m} |
pinnacle {n} (tall, sharp and craggy rock or mountain) | :: pico {m} |
pinnacle {n} (figuratively: all-time high) | :: ápice {m}, pináculo {m} |
pinnacle {n} (architecture: an upright member) | :: pináculo {m} |
Pinocchian {adj} (of or relating to Pinocchio) | :: pinochesco |
Pinocchio {prop} /pɪˈnoʊki.oʊ/ (protagonist) | :: Pinocho {m} |
Pinocchio {prop} (fairy tale) | :: Pinocho {m} |
Pinocchio {n} | :: pinocho {m} |
Pinochetism {n} (Ideology of Pinochet) | :: pinochetismo {m} |
pinocytosis {n} (a form of endocytosis) | :: pinocitosis {f} |
Pinotepa Nacional {prop} (city) | :: Pinotepa Nacional, Santiago Pinotepa Nacional |
Pinotepa Nacional {prop} (municipality) | :: Pinotepa Nacional, Santiago Pinotepa Nacional |
pinout {n} (signals that correspond to each pin) | :: patillaje {m} |
pinprick {n} | :: pinchazo {m}, piquete {m} |
pins and needles {n} (tingling felt in limb) | :: hormigueo {m} |
pint {n} /paɪnt/ (unit of volume for liquids) | :: pinta {f} |
pinta {n} (pint) SEE: pint | :: |
pinta {n} /ˈpɪn.tə/ | :: pinta {f}, mal de pinto {m} |
pintail {n} (Anas acuta) SEE: northern pintail | :: |
pinwheel {n} (fake flower for children) | :: ventolera {f}, molinillo {m}, molinete {m}, [Mexico] rehilete {m} |
pinworm {n} (worms) | :: oxiuro {m} |
Pinyin {prop} /ˈpɪnjɪn/ (romanization of Mandarin Chinese) | :: pinyin {m} |
piñon {n} (pine nut) SEE: pine nut | :: |
pioneer {n} /ˌpaɪəˈnɪəɹ/ (one who goes before) | :: pionero {m} |
pioneer {n} (member of a child organization in the Soviet bloc) | :: pionero {m} |
pious {adj} /ˈpaɪəs/ (of or pertaining to piety) | :: piadoso |
pious {adj} | :: piadoso |
piously {adv} (in a pious manner) | :: piadosamente |
pip {n} /pɪp/ (seed) | :: pipa {f} |
pipe {n} /paɪp/ (wind instrument) | :: caramillo {m}, flauta {f}) |
pipe {n} (organ pipe) | :: tubo de órgano {m} |
pipe {n} (rigid tube) | :: tubería {f}, tubo {m} |
pipe {n} (slang: penis) | :: fierro {m} |
pipe {n} (textiles: decorative edging) | :: encaje {m}, orla {f}, ribete {m} |
pipe {n} (type of pasta) | :: codos {m-p}, coditos {m-p} |
pipe {n} (geology: vertical conduit through the Earth's crust) | :: chimenea {f} |
pipe {n} (computing: mechanism that enables one program to communicate with another) | :: tubería {f} |
pipe {n} (data backbone or broadband Internet access) | :: banda ancha {f} |
pipe {n} (the character <nowiki>) | :: pleca {f} |
pipe {n} (smoking implement) SEE: tobacco pipe | :: |
pipe dream {n} (near impossibility) | :: sueño guajiro, castillo en el aire {m} |
pipefish {n} (small fish) | :: pez aguja {m} |
pipeline {n} /ˈpaɪpˌlaɪn/ (conduit made of pipes) | :: oleoducto {m} [for oil], tubería {f} [for water] |
piper {n} (baby pigeon) SEE: squab | :: |
piper {n} (bagpiper) SEE: bagpiper | :: |
piperaquine {n} (antimalarial drug) | :: piperaquina {f} |
pipes of Pan {n} (panpipes) SEE: panpipes | :: |
pipette {n} /paɪˈpɛt/ (small glass tube used for transferring liquid) | :: pipeta {f} |
pipit {n} /ˈpɪpɪt/ (passerine bird from the genus Anthus) | :: bisbita {f} |
pipérade {n} (dish) | :: piperrada {f} |
piquant {adj} /ˈpiːkənt/ (favorably stimulating to the palate) | :: picante |
pique {n} /piːk/ (feeling of irritation or resentment) | :: resentimiento {m}, pique {m} |
pique {v} (to wound the pride of) | :: encender, picar |
pique {v} (to take pride in) | :: picarse |
pique {v} (to excite to action) | :: picar, encorajinar, azuzar |
Piquet {prop} | :: Piquet |
piracy {n} /ˈpaɪɹəsi/ (robbery at sea) | :: piratería {f} |
piracy {n} (hijacking) | :: piratería {f}, secuestro {m} |
piracy {n} (unauthorized duplication) | :: piratería {f}, falsificación {f} |
Piraeus {prop} (city) | :: Pireo |
Pirandellian {adj} /ˌpɪɹənˈdɛlɪ.ən/ (characteristic of the works of Luigi Pirandello) | :: pirandeliano |
piranha {n} /pɪˈɹɑnjə/ (South American fish) | :: piraña {f} |
pirate {n} /ˈpaɪ̯(ə)ɹɪt/ (one who plunders at sea) | :: pirata {m} |
pirate {n} (armed ship) | :: barco pirata {m} |
pirate {n} (one who breaks intellectual property laws) | :: pirata {m} |
pirate {v} (appropriate by piracy) | :: piratear |
pirate {v} (make and/or sell an illegal copy) | :: piratear |
pirate {v} (engage in piracy) | :: piratear |
pirate ship {n} /ˈpaɪ.ɹət ˌʃɪp/ (ship manned by pirates) | :: barco pirata {m} |
Pisa {prop} (city in Italy) | :: Pisa {f} |
Pisces {prop} /ˈpaɪsiːz/ (constellation) | :: Piscis {m-p} |
Pisces {prop} (astrological sign) | :: Piscis {m-p} |
Pisces {n} (Someone with a Pisces star sign) | :: piscis {m} {f} |
Piscis Austrinus {prop} (constellation) | :: Piscis Austrinus |
pisiform bone {n} (os pisiforme) | :: pisiforme {m} |
pismire {n} (ant) SEE: ant | :: |
piss {n} /pɪs/ (urine) | :: meado {m}, orina {f}, meada {f}, pis, pipí {m} (coloquial) |
piss {v} | :: mear, empapar de meado |
pissass {adj} (worthless, backward, or small) | :: cagado {m}, de mierda, vale mierda, cochinada {f}, mierda {f} |
pissed {adj} /pɪst/ (drunk) | :: borracho |
pissed {adj} (annoyed, angry) | :: enojado, disgustado |
pissed off {adj} (annoyed, upset, angry) | :: cabreado, emputado [some countries], encabronado, puteado |
pisser {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet | :: |
piss off {v} (to leave, to go away) | :: pirar |
piss off {v} (to annoy) | :: cabrear, mosquear, asquear, repatear, tocar los cojones a alguien, tocar los huevos a alguien |
piss oneself {v} (vulgar slang: wet oneself) | :: hacerse en los pantalones, orinarse, mearse |
piss oneself {v} (vulgar slang: be very scared) | :: hacerse en los pantalones, orinarse, mearse |
piss oneself {v} (vulgar slang: laugh uncontrollably) | :: hacerse en los pantalones, orinarse, mearse |
piss one's pants {v} (wet oneself) SEE: wet oneself | :: |
pistachio {n} /pɪsˈtæʃioʊ/ (fruit) | :: pistacho {m}, alfóncigo {m}, alfónsigo {m} |
pistil {n} (a discrete unit in the center of a flower which receives the pollen and produces a fruit) | :: pistilo {m} |
Pistoia {prop} (capital) | :: Pistoya |
pistol {n} /ˈpɪstəl/ (handgun) | :: pistola {f} |
pistol {n} (the mechanical component of a fuse) | :: pistola {f} |
pistol {n} | :: pistola {f} |
piston {n} /ˈpɪstən/ (solid disk or cylinder that fits inside a hollow cylinder) | :: pistón {m}, émbolo {m} |
pit {n} /ˈpɪt/ (hole in the ground) | :: fosa {f} |
pit {n} (service area at a motor racetrack) | :: [anglicism] pit {f} |
pit {n} (archaeology: excavation hole) | :: foso {m}, excavación {f} |
pit {v} (to bring into opposition) | :: oponer |
pit {n} (seed or stone inside a fruit) | :: semilla {f}, hueso {m}, pepita {f} |
pit {n} (the stone of a drupaceous fruit) | :: hueso {m} |
pit {v} (remove the stone from) | :: deshuesar |
pit {n} (mine) SEE: mine | :: |
pit {n} (armpit) SEE: armpit | :: |
pita {n} /ˈpɪtə/ (bread pouch used for making sandwiches) | :: pita {m} |
pitaya {n} (dragon fruit) SEE: dragon fruit | :: |
Pitcairn Islands {prop} (British territory) | :: islas Pitcairn {f-p} |
pitch {n} /pɪtʃ/ (sticky, gummy substance secreted by trees) | :: brea {f}, pez {f} |
pitch {n} (dark, extremely viscous material made by distilling tar) | :: pez {f} |
pitch {n} (throw, toss or cast from the hand) | :: tiro {m} |
pitch {n} (act of pitching a baseball) | :: lanzamiento {m} |
pitch {n} (field on which cricket, soccer, rugby or field hockey is played) | :: campo {m} |
pitch {n} (distance between evenly spaced objects) | :: distancia {f}, paso {m} (de rosca o hélice) |
pitch {n} (angle at which an object sits) | :: declive |
pitch {n} (level or degree) | :: tono {m} |
pitch {v} (to throw) | :: echar, lanzar |
pitch {v} (baseball: to throw the ball toward home plate) | :: echar, lanzar |
pitch {v} (to promote, advertise, or attempt to sell) | :: promover |
pitch {v} (to assemble or erect (a tent)) | :: armar, plantar |
pitch {n} (the perceived frequency of a sound or note) | :: tono {m}, altura {f}, altura tonal {f} |
pitch accent {n} (phonology) | :: acento tonal {m}, acento musical {m} |
pitch-black {adj} (of the blackest black) | :: negro como la pez, muy oscuro |
pitched battle {n} (pitched battle) | :: batalla campal {f} |
pitcher {n} /ˈpɪtʃɚ/ (the player who throws the ball to the batter) | :: lanzador {m}, lanzadora {f} |
pitcher {n} (Gay dominant sex partner) | :: activo, soplanucas |
pitcher {n} (A wide-mouthed, deep vessel for holding liquids) | :: jarra {f} |
pitchfork {n} /ˈpɪtʃˌfɔɹk/ (farm tool with tines) | :: bieldo {m}, horca {f} |
piteous {adj} (pitiful) | :: lamentable |
pitfall {n} /ˈpɪtfɔl/ (potential problem, hazard, or danger) | :: obstáculo {m}, trampa {f}, asechanza |
pitfall {n} (trapping pit) | :: trampa {f} |
pith {n} /pɪθ/ (soft spongy substance in the center of the stems of many plants and trees) | :: médula, medula, pulpa |
pith {n} (essential or vital part) | :: médula, medula, meollo |
pith {n} (albedo) SEE: albedo | :: |
pith {n} (spinal cord; marrow) SEE: spinal cord | :: |
pithy {adj} /ˈpɪθi/ (Concise and meaningful) | :: conciso |
pitiable {adj} /ˈpɪti.əbəl/ (that deserves, evokes or can be given pity) | :: lastimero, lastimoso |
pitiful {adv} /ˈpɪt.ɪ.fl̩/ (so appalling or sad that one feels or should feel sorry for it) | :: lastimoso, lastimero |
pitiful {adv} | :: lamentable |
pitiless {adj} (having no pity) | :: despiadado |
pit lane {n} (lane adjacent) | :: calle de garajes {f}, calle de boxes {f} |
pitot tube {n} (pressure measuring instrument) | :: tubo de Pitot {m} |
pit stop {n} /ˈpɪt.stɑp/ (stop made during an automobile race at the pit to refuel) | :: parada en boxes {f} |
pit stop {n} | :: parada en boxes |
pitta bread {n} (flat bread made from wheat flour) SEE: pita | :: |
Pittacus {prop} (statesman and lawgiver) | :: Pítaco |
pittance {n} /ˈpɪtəns/ (a small amount) | :: miseria {f} |
pitter {n} (Device) | :: descarozador |
pituitary {adj} /pɪˈtuːɪˌtɛɹi/ (of or pertaining to the pituitary gland) | :: pituitario |
pituitary gland {n} (endocrine gland) | :: glándula pituitaria {f} |
pit viper {n} | :: víbora de foseta {f}, crótalo {m}, crotalino {m} |
pity {n} /ˈpɪti/ (feeling of sympathy) | :: compasión {f}, piedad, lástima {f} |
pity {n} (something regrettable) | :: lástima {f} |
pity {v} | :: tener lástima, compadecer |
pity {interj} (what a pity) SEE: what a pity | :: |
pityriasis {n} (any of several varieties of skin diseases) | :: pitiriasis {f} |
pivot {n} /ˈpɪvət/ (that on which something turns) | :: perno {m} |
pivotal {adj} /ˈpɪvətəl/ (of, relating to, or being a pivot) | :: pivotal |
pivotal {adj} (being of crucial importance; central, key) | :: crucial, pivotal |
pixel {n} /ˈpɪksəl/ (one of the tiny dots that make up the representation of an image in a computer's memory) | :: píxel {m}, pixel {m} |
pixelate {v} (divide an image into pixels) | :: pixelar |
pixelate {v} (transform an image into large pixels) | :: pixelar |
pixelated {adj} /ˈpɪk.səˌleɪt.əd/ (of an image, having pixels that are large enough to be individually visible from a normal viewing distance) | :: pixelado |
pixellated {adj} (pixelated) SEE: pixelated | :: |
pizza {n} /ˈpiːt.sə/ (baked Italian dish) | :: pizza {f} |
pizza {n} (a single instance of that dish) | :: pizza {f} |
pizzaiolo {n} (man who makes pizzas) | :: pizzero {m} |
pizza parlor {n} (pizzeria) SEE: pizzeria | :: |
pizzeria {n} /ˌpiːt.səˈɹiː.ə/ (outlet that primarily sells pizza) | :: pizzería {f} |
placard {n} /ˈplæk.ɑɹd/ (a sheet of paper or cardboard) | :: letrero {m}, pancarta {f} [at protest], cartel {m} |
placate {v} /ˈpleɪkeɪt/ (to calm) | :: aplacar |
place {n} /pleɪs/ (location, position) | :: lugar {m}, sitio {m} |
place {n} (open space, courtyard, market square) | :: plaza {f} |
place {n} (somewhere to sit) | :: asiento {m} |
place {n} (informal: house or home) | :: casa {f} |
place {n} (numeric: the column counting a certain quantity) | :: lugar {m}, posición {f} |
place {n} (the position of a contestant in a competition) | :: lugar {m}, posición {f}, puesto {m} |
place {n} (the position as a member of a team) | :: lugar {m}, puesto {m} |
place {v} (to put in a specific location) | :: colocar, poner, situar |
place {v} (to earn a given spot in a competition) | :: clasificarse, colocarse |
place {v} (to remember where and when something or someone was previously encountered) | :: situar |
place {v} (passive: to achieve (a certain position)) | :: clasificarse, colocarse |
place {v} (to sing (a note) with the correct pitch) | :: entonar |
place {v} (to arrange for, make (a bet)) | :: apostar |
place {v} (to recruit or match an appropriate person for a job) | :: colocar, contratar |
placebo {n} /pləˈsi.boʊ/ (a dummy medicine containing no active ingredients; an inert treatment) | :: placebo {m} |
placebo effect {n} (tendency for a substance to exhibit results due to belief of the recipient) | :: efecto placebo {m} |
placeholder {n} /ˈpleɪsˌhoʊldɚ/ (that which holds, denotes or reserves a place for something to come later) | :: marcador {m} |
place mat {n} (protective table mat) | :: salvamanteles {m}, individual {m} |
placement {n} /ˈpleɪsmənt/ (the act of placing or putting in place) | :: colocación {f}, disposición {f} |
placename {n} /ˈpleɪsːneɪm/ (the name of a place) | :: topónimo {m} |
placenta {n} /pləˈsɛntə/ (anatomy: placenta) | :: placenta {f} |
placenta {n} (botany) | :: placenta {f} |
placental {adj} (relative to placenta) | :: placentario |
placental abruption {n} (tearing away of the placenta) | :: desprendimiento prematuro de placenta {m} |
place setting {n} (items arranged for a person at a dining table) | :: cubierto {m} |
placid {adj} /ˈplæs.ɪd/ (calm and quiet; peaceful) | :: plácido |
placidity {n} /pləˈsɪd.ə.ti/ (state of being placid) | :: placidez {f} |
Placilla {prop} (Placilla) | :: Placilla {m} |
plagiarism {n} /ˈpleɪdʒəˌɹɪzm/ (copying of someone's ideas) | :: plagio {m} |
plagiarism {n} (act of plagiarizing or something plagiarized) | :: plagio {m} |
plagiarist {n} /ˈpleɪdʒəɹɪst/ (one who plagiarizes) | :: plagiador {m} |
plagiarize {v} (use, and pass off as one's own, someone else's writing/speech) | :: plagiar, fusilar [colloquial] |
plagioclase {n} /ˈplædʒɪəkleɪz/ (group of feldspar minerals) | :: plagioclasa {f} |
plague {n} /pleɪɡ/ (specific disease "the Plague") | :: plaga {f} |
plague {n} (an epidemic or pandemic caused by any pestilence) | :: plaga {f} |
plague {n} (a nuisance) | :: plaga {f} |
plague {n} | :: plaga {f} |
plague {v} (to harass) | :: plagar, molestar, atormentar, asaetear |
plaice {n} /pleɪs/ (Pleuronectes platessa) | :: platija {f}, solla {f} |
plaid {n} /pled/ (material) | :: tela escocesa {f} |
plaid {n} (pattern) | :: cuadros escoceses {m-p}, cuadrillé {m} |
plain {adj} /pleɪn/ (ordinary; lacking adornment or ornamentation) | :: sencillo |
plain {adj} (unseasoned) | :: desabrido {m}, natural |
plain {adj} (computing: containing no non-printing characters) | :: con caracteres normales, libre de caracteres especiales, sin caracteres especiales |
plain {n} (an expanse of land with relatively low relief) | :: llanura {f}, planicie {f} |
plain as day {adj} | :: con claridad meridiana, de cajón [preceded by the verb ser] |
plainchant {n} (plainsong) SEE: plainsong | :: |
plainclothes {adj} (wearing civilian clothes) | :: de civil |
Plain of Jars {prop} (plateau in Laos) | :: Llanura de las Jarras {f} |
plainsong {n} (monophonic chant) | :: canto llano {m} |
plaintiff {n} /ˈpleɪntɪf/ (party bringing a suit in civil law against a defendant) | :: demandante, querellante |
plaintive {adj} /ˈpleɪntɪv/ (Sorrowful, mournful or melancholic) | :: morriñoso, melancólico, triste, nostálgico |
plain-winged antshrike {n} (bird) | :: batará alillano |
plait {n} (braid) SEE: braid | :: |
plait {v} (to interweave) SEE: braid | :: |
plait {v} (to double in narrow folds) SEE: pleat | :: |
plan {n} /plɛən/ (technical drawing) | :: plano {m} |
plan {n} (set of intended actions) | :: plan {m} |
plan {n} (2-dimensional drawing from above) | :: plano {m} |
plan {v} (to create a plan for) | :: planear |
plan {v} (to intend) | :: planear, pensar, pretender |
Planalto slaty antshrike {n} (bird) | :: batará pizarroso del Planalto |
planar {adj} /ˈpleɪnɚ/ (of or pertaining to a plane) | :: plano |
planarian {n} (flatworm) | :: planaria {f} |
planche {n} /plɑːn(t)ʃ/ (position where the gymnast is horizontal and face-down) | :: plancha {f} |
Planck's constant {n} (constant) | :: constante de Planck {f} |
plane {adj} /pleɪn/ (of a surface: flat or level.) | :: plano |
plane {n} (level or flat surface) | :: plano {m} |
plane {n} (math: flat surface extending infinitely in all directions) | :: plano {m} |
plane {n} (a tool) | :: cepillo {m} |
plane {v} (to smooth with a plane) | :: cepillar, dolar |
plane {n} (airplane) | :: avión {m} |
plane {v} (to glide) | :: planear |
plane {n} (deciduous tree) | :: platano {m} |
plane geometry {n} (study of figures having parts that lie in a singular plane) | :: geometría plana {f} |
planet {n} /ˈplænɪt/ (each of the seven major bodies which move relative to the fixed stars in the night sky) | :: planeta {m} |
planet {n} (rocky or gaseous spherical bodies orbiting the Sun) | :: planeta {m} |
planet {n} (similar body in orbit around a star) | :: planeta {m} |
planetarium {n} /plænɪˈtɛːɹɪəm/ (museum which displays images of space) | :: planetario {m} |
planetary {adj} /ˈplæ.nə.ˌtɛr.i/ (of or relating to planets) | :: planetario |
planetary nebula {n} (nebulosity) | :: nebulosa planetaria {f} |
planetology {n} (the study of planets) | :: planetología {f} |
planetree {n} (plane) SEE: plane | :: |
planetree {n} (sycamore) SEE: sycamore | :: |
Planet X {prop} (hypothetical planet) | :: planeta X {m} |
plangent {adj} /ˈplænd͡ʒənt/ (having a loud mournful sound) | :: plañidero, quejumbroso, triste, consternado |
planimeter {n} (measuring device) | :: planímetro {m} |
plank {n} /plæŋk/ (long, broad and thick piece of timber) | :: tablón |
plank {n} (political issue) | :: artículo |
plank {v} (to cover something with planking) | :: entablar |
planking {n} (series of planks) | :: entablado, entarimado |
planking {n} (practice of lying face down with arms to the sides) | :: planking {m} |
planktology {n} (study of plankton) | :: planctología {f} |
plankton {n} /ˈplæŋktən/ (generic term for all the organisms that float in the sea) | :: plancton {m} |
planned {adj} /plænd/ (existing or designed according to a plan) | :: planeado |
planned obsolescence {n} (policy) | :: obsolescencia programada {f} |
planner {n} /ˈplænɚ/ (planning notebook or software) | :: agenda {f} |
planning {n} /ˈplænɪŋ/ (action of the verb to plan) | :: planificación {f}, planeamiento {m} |
plant {n} (factory) SEE: factory | :: |
plant {n} (organism capable of photosynthesis) | :: planta {f}, mata {f} |
plant {n} (a small or herbaceous organism, rather than a tree) | :: planta {f} |
plant {n} (organism of the kingdom Plantae) | :: vegetal {m}, planta {f} |
plant {n} (object placed to incriminate) | :: fabricación {f} |
plant {v} (place in soil or other substrate in order that it may live and grow) | :: plantar, sembrar |
plant {v} (to place (an object, or sometimes a person), often with the implication of intending deceit) | :: colocar [incriminating evidence], infiltrar [a spy] |
plant {v} (to place or set something firmly or with conviction) | :: plantar, colocar |
plantain {n} /ˈplæn.teɪn/ (small plant) | :: llantén {m} |
plantain {n} (fruit) | :: [Mexico] plátano macho {m}, plátano {m} |
plantar fascia {n} (the thick connective tissue which supports the arch of the foot) | :: faja plantar |
plantar fasciitis {n} (painful inflammation of the plantar fascia) | :: fascitis plantar {f} |
plantation {n} /plænˈteɪʃən/ (large farm) | :: plantación {f} |
plantigrade {adj} /ˈplæntɪɡɹeɪd/ (walking with the entire sole of the foot) | :: plantígrado |
plantigrade {n} (animal that walks with the entire sole of the foot) | :: plantígrado {m} |
plaque {n} /plɑːk/ (flat, thin piece of clay, ivory, metal, etc., used for ornament) | :: placa |
plaque {n} (piece of flat metal with writing on it to remind people of a person or event) | :: placa conmemorativa |
plaque {n} (accumulation of biofilm, or bacteria, on teeth) | :: placa {f} |
Plasencia {prop} (city) | :: Plasencia |
plasma {n} /ˈplæzmə/ (high energy state of matter) | :: plasma {f} |
plasma {n} (component of blood) | :: plasma {f} |
plasma membrane {n} (cell membrane) SEE: cell membrane | :: |
plasmatic {adj} (pertaining to plasma) | :: plasmático |
plasmid {n} /ˈplæzmɪd/ (loop of double-stranded DNA that is separate from the chromosomes) | :: plásmido {m} |
plasmodesma {n} (a microscopic channel traversing the cell walls of plant cells and some algal cells, enabling transport and communication between them) | :: plasmodesmo {m} |
plasmon {n} /ˈplazmɒn/ (quanta of waves) | :: plasmón {m} |
plaster {n} /ˈplæstɚ/ (healing paste) | :: ungüento {m} |
plaster {n} (mixture for coating) | :: yeso {m}, escayola {f}, enlucido {m}, revoque {m}, estuco {m} |
plaster {n} (cast) | :: yeso {m}, escayola {f} |
plaster {v} (to cover with plaster) | :: estucar |
plaster {n} (adhesive bandage) SEE: band-aid | :: |
plaster {n} (plaster of Paris) SEE: plaster of Paris | :: |
plaster cast {n} (healing aid) | :: yeso {m} |
plaster of Paris {n} (hemihydrate of calcium sulfate) | :: yeso blanco {m} |
plastic {n} /ˈplæstɪk/ (synthetic thermoplastic polymer) | :: plástico {m} |
plastic {n} (any similar synthetic material) | :: plástico {m} |
plastic {adj} (biology: capable of adapting to varying conditions) | :: maleable |
plastic {adj} (made of plastic) | :: plástico, de plástico |
plastic art {n} (three-dimensional art form) | :: arte plástica {f} |
plastic bag {n} (type of packaging) | :: bolsa de plástico {f}, bolsa plástica {f} |
plasticine {n} (modeling clay) | :: plastilina {f} |
plasticity {n} (quality of being plastic) | :: plasticidad {f} |
plasticity {n} (property of a solid body) | :: plasticidad {f} |
plasticizer {n} /ˈplæs.tɪ.saɪ.zə/ (substance added for pliability in plastics) | :: plastificador |
plastic surgery {n} (surgery involving the transfer of tissue) | :: cirugía plástica {f} |
plastic surgery {n} (cosmetic surgery) | :: cirugía estética {f} |
plastid {n} (any of various organelles) | :: plasto {m}, plástido {m}, plastidio {m} |
plastiglomerate {n} (type of rock) | :: plastiglomerado |
plat {n} (a braid; a plait) SEE: braid | :: |
plat {v} (to braid, plait) SEE: braid | :: |
plat {n} (plot of land) SEE: lot | :: |
plate {n} (Cockney rhyming slang: foot) SEE: foot | :: |
plate {n} /pleɪt/ (flat dish) | :: plato {m} |
plate {n} (contents of a plate) | :: plato {m} |
plate {n} (course at a meal) | :: plato {m} |
plate {n} (flat metallic object) | :: placa {f}, lámina {f} |
plate {n} (vehicle license plate) | :: matrícula {f}, placa {f} |
plate {n} (printing: engraved surface used to transfer an image to paper) | :: placa {f} |
plate {n} (printing, photography: image or copy) | :: grabado {m} |
plate {n} (printing, publishing: full page illustration) | :: lámina {f} |
plate {n} (dental plate) | :: placa {f} |
plate {n} (historical: plate armour) | :: armadura {f} |
plate {n} (flat electrode) | :: placa {f} |
plate {n} (chemistry: flat piece of material) | :: placa {f} |
plate {v} (to cover the surface material of an object with a thin coat of another material) | :: chapar |
plate {n} (prize given to the winner in a contest) SEE: prize | :: |
plate {n} (geology: tectonic plate) SEE: tectonic plate | :: |
plateau {n} /plæˈtoʊ/ (level expanse) | :: meseta {f}, altiplano {m} |
platelet {n} (particle found in the blood of mammals) | :: plaqueta {f}, trombocito {m} |
plate tectonics {n} (large-scale movement of tectonic plates) | :: tectónica de placas {f} |
platform {n} /ˈplætfɔːm/ (computing: particular type of operating system or environment) | :: plataforma {f} |
platform {n} (travel: raised structure for passengers) | :: andén {m}, plataforma {f} |
platform {n} | :: plataforma {f} |
platform game {n} (A video game characterized by jumping to and from suspended platforms or over obstacles) | :: videojuego de plataformas {m} |
Platine {adj} (of or from River Plate) | :: rioplatense |
platiniferous {adj} (yielding or containing platinum) | :: platinífero |
platinous {adj} (containing divalent platinum) | :: platinoso {m} |
platinum {n} /ˈplæt.nəm/ (metal) | :: platino {m} |
platitude {n} /ˈplætɪtjuːd/ (often-quoted saying) | :: perogrullada, tópico, lugar común {m} |
platitude {n} (triteness) | :: obviedad {f}, trivialidad |
Plato {prop} /ˈpleɪ.toʊ/ (Greek philosopher) | :: Platón {m} |
platometer {n} (planimeter) SEE: planimeter | :: |
platonic {adj} /pləˈtɔnɪk/ (not sexual in nature) | :: platónico |
Platonic {adj} (related to Plato) | :: platónico |
platonic love {n} (intimate but non-sexual affection) | :: amor platónico {m} |
platoon {n} /pləˈtuːn/ (unit of 30-40 soldiers) | :: pelotón |
platter {n} (tray for serving food) | :: fuente {f} |
platter {n} (part of a turntable on which a gramophone record rests) | :: plato {m} |
platykurtic {adj} /ˌplatɪˈkəːtɪk/ (having negative excess kurtosis) | :: platicúrtico |
platypus {n} /ˈplætɪpəs/ (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) | :: ornitorrinco {m} |
plausibility {n} (believability) | :: plausibilidad |
plausible {adj} /ˈplɔːz.ɪ.bəl/ (likely, acceptable) | :: probable, plausible |
plausible {adj} (worthy of being applauded) | :: plausible |
play {v} /pleɪ/ (act in a manner such that one has fun) | :: jugar |
play {v} (produce music using a musical instrument (transitive sense), affecting a noun) | :: tocar |
play {v} (produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense, not affecting a noun)) | :: tocar |
play {v} (act in a performance) | :: actuar |
play {v} (participate in (a sport or game)) | :: jugar a |
play {v} (use a device to hear (a recording)) | :: reproducir, poner, tocar |
play {v} (manipulate or deceive someone) | :: engrupir, engañar, embaucar, hacer tonto |
play {v} (feign, pretend) | :: fingir, simular |
play {n} (playful activity) | :: juego {m} |
play {n} (individual's performance in a sport) | :: juego {m} |
play {n} (literary composition intended to be represented) | :: obra teatral {f} |
play {n} (theatrical performance) | :: obra teatral {f} |
play {n} (major move by a business) | :: jugada {f} |
play {n} (action carried out when it is one's turn to play) | :: jugada {f} |
play {n} (instance of watching or listening to digital media) | :: reproducción |
play {n} (area of free movement for a part of a mechanism) SEE: backlash | :: |
playability {n} (property of being playable) | :: jugabilidad {f} |
playability {n} (overall quality of a gameplay) | :: jugabilidad {f} |
playable {adj} (able to be played) | :: jugable, reproducible {m} {f} |
playable {adj} (of a game, able to be played and enjoyed) | :: jugable |
play along {v} (2.) | :: seguir la corriente |
playback {n} (replaying of recorded sound or moving images) | :: reproducción {f} |
playboy {n} /ˈpleɪbɔɪ/ (man who devotes himself to pleasure) | :: golfo {m}, mujeriego {m} |
Playboy Bunny {n} /ˈpleɪbɔɪ ˈbʌni/ (waitress at a Playboy Club) | :: conejita de Playboy {f} |
play by ear {v} (play music guided by one's musical ear) | :: tocar de memoria {m} |
play dead {v} (to act as though defeated) | :: hacerse el muerto |
playdough {n} (childrens' modeling clay) | :: plastilina |
play down {v} (play down) SEE: downplay | :: |
play dumb {v} (to pretend to be slow-witted) | :: hacerse el sueco {m}, hacerse el longuis |
player {n} /ˈpleɪɚ/ (one who plays any game or sport) | :: jugador {m}, jugadora {f} |
player {n} (dramatic actor) | :: actor {m} |
player {n} (one who plays a musical instrument) | :: instrumentista {m} |
player {n} (person "playing the field") | :: golfo {m}, golferas {m} {f} [colloquial], frescales {m} {f} [colloquial], bandarra {m} {f} [colloquial] |
player {n} | :: jugador |
player piano {n} (music) | :: pianola {f} |
playfield {n} (playing field) SEE: playing field | :: |
playful {adj} /ˈpleɪfəl/ (liking or prone to play) | :: juguetón |
playful {adj} (funny, humorous, jesting, frolicsome) | :: divertido |
play God {v} (make life-and-death decisions) | :: jugar a ser Dios |
playground {n} /ˈpleɪɡɹaʊnd/ (large open space to play on, usually for children) | :: parque infantil {m} |
playground {n} (open-air space on a school campus where the children can play) | :: parque de recreo {m} |
playground {n} (small area for children) | :: juegos infantiles {m} |
playground {n} (space to do what one pleases) | :: campo libre {m} |
play hooky {v} (to stay away from school, work, etc. without suitable permission or excuse) | :: [Spain] hacer novillos, [Argentina] hacerse la rata, capar clase [Colombia], chacharse [Bolivia], comer jobo [Puerto Rico], correrse la clase [Northern Spain, specifically Cantabria], echarse la pera [Ecuador], fullarse de clase [Spain's Balearic Islands], fumarse la clase [Spain], hacer borota [Northern Spain, specifically Navarra], hacer campana [Northeastern Spain], hacer la chancha [Chile], hacer chicarra [Spain, Basque Country], hacer la cimarra [Chile], hacer fuchina [Central Eastern Spain], hacer monta [Western Spain, specifically Extremadura], hacer pellas [Spain, Madrid], hacer la rabona [Argentina, Southern Spain, Paraguay, Uruguay], hacerse la chupina [Northern Central Argentina], hacerse la piarda [Spain, specifically Malaga], hacerse la rata [Argentina, Uruguay], ratearse [Argentina, Uruguay], hacer la vaca [Peru], hacerse la yuta [Northwestern Argentina], hacer pira [Spain, Basque Country], hacer pirola [Northern Spain, specifically Aragon], irse de capiusa [Guatemala], irse de pinta [Mexico], pinteársela [Mexico], jubilarse [Venezuela], latar [Northwestern Spain], palmar a clase [Northwestern Spain], pavearse [Panama], pegarse la huyona [Spain, Canary Islands], pelarse la clase [Central Eastern Spain], tirarse la pera [Peru], hacer la choca [Chile] |
play house {n} (toy house for dolls) SEE: doll's house | :: |
playhouse {n} (venue for performing plays) SEE: theater | :: |
playing card {n} (one of usually 52 rectangular pieces of card) | :: baraja {f}, carta {f}, naipe {m} |
playing field {n} (field on which a game is played) | :: campo de deportes {m} |
play it safe {v} (take a cautious, risk-free approach) | :: jugar a lo seguro, curarse en salud |
playlist {n} /ˈpleɪˌlɪst/ (computing) | :: lista de reproducción {f}, playlist {f} |
play on words {n} (pun or similar humorous use of language) | :: juego de palabras {m} |
playpen {n} (enclosure for children to play in) | :: parque para bebés {m}, corralito {m} |
play possum {v} (to pretend to be dead) | :: hacerse el muerto |
play the fool {v} (behave in a foolish manner) | :: hacer el canelo |
play the fool {v} (pretend ignorance) | :: hacerse el sueco |
play to the gallery {v} | :: hacer brindis al sol, posturear |
play truant {v} (be absent from school without permission) | :: hacer pellas, hacer novillos, colgar clase |
play with fire {v} (put oneself in a precarious situation) | :: jugar con fuego |
playwright {n} /ˈpleɪˌɹaɪt/ (writer of plays for the theatre) | :: dramaturgo {m}, dramaturga {f} |
playwriter {n} (playwright) SEE: playwright | :: |
plaza {n} /ˈplɑːzə/ (a towns' public square) | :: plaza {f} |
PLC {n} (Abbreviation for public limited company) | :: S.A. |
plea {n} /pliː/ (appeal, petition, entreaty) | :: alegato {m} |
plea {n} (law: defendant's answer to plaintiff’s declaration) | :: alegato {m} |
plea {n} | :: súplica {f} |
pleaching {n} /ˈpliːtʃɪŋ/ (technique of interweaving living and dead branches through a hedge for stock control) | :: entrelazado {m}, plicho {m} |
plead {v} /ˈpliːd/ (to beg) | :: rogar |
pleasant {adj} /ˈplɛzənt/ (giving pleasure; pleasing in manner) | :: agradable, placentero |
pleasantly {adv} /ˈplɛzəntli/ (in a pleasant manner) | :: agradablemente |
please {v} /pliːz/ (to make happy or satisfy) | :: gustar, agradar, placer, complacer, dar gusto |
please {adv} (interjection to make a polite request) | :: por favor, favor de, [informal] porfa |
pleased {adj} /pliːzd/ (happy, content) | :: contento, satisfecho |
pleased to meet you {phrase} (polite formula used when being introduced to somebody) | :: encantado [said by a man], encantada [said by a woman], encantado de conocerte, mucho gusto |
please help me {phrase} (please help me) | :: por favor, ayúdeme |
please pass the salt {phrase} (please pass the salt) | :: por favor, pase la sal |
please repeat after me {phrase} (phrase) | :: repite después de mí |
please say that again {phrase} (please say that again) | :: repita por favor, dilo otra vez por favor |
please sit down {phrase} (please sit down) | :: [formal and singular] siéntese, por favor, [formal and plural] siéntense, por favor, [singular] siéntate, por favor, [plural] sentaos, por favor |
please speak more slowly {phrase} (please speak more slowly) | :: por favor habla más despacio, por favor hable más despacio |
please turn left {phrase} (please turn left) | :: gire a la izquierda, por favor |
please turn right {phrase} (please turn right) | :: gire a la derecha, por favor |
pleasing {adj} /ˈpliːzɪŋ/ (giving pleasure) | :: grato |
pleasurable {adj} /ˈplɛʒəɹəbəl/ (that gives pleasure) | :: placentero {m} |
pleasurably {adv} (in a manner that is pleasing) | :: placenteramente |
pleasure {n} /ˈplɛʒə/ (a state of being pleased) | :: placer {m} |
pleasure {n} (person or thing that causes enjoyment) | :: placer {m} |
pleasure {n} (sexual enjoyment) | :: voluptuosidad {f} |
pleasure {v} (to give pleasure to) | :: gustar |
pleat {n} /pliːt/ (fold in a fabric of a garment) | :: plisado {m} |
pleat {v} (To form pleats in a piece of fabric or garment) | :: plisar, tablear [wider folds], alechugar |
pleb {n} /plɛb/ (common person) | :: mandado {m} |
plebe {n} (plebeian) SEE: plebeian | :: |
plebe {n} (plebs) SEE: plebs | :: |
plebeian {n} /plɪˈbiːən/ (one of the common people of ancient Rome) | :: plebeyo {m} |
plebeian {adj} (of or pertaining to the common people) | :: plebeyo, barriobajero |
plebs {n} /plɛbz/ (The common people) | :: plebe {f} |
plebvision {n} (television (pejorative)) SEE: idiot box | :: |
plectrum {n} /ˈplɛk.tɹəm/ (music: small piece for plucking strings) | :: plectro {m}, púa {f} |
pledge {v} /plɛdʒ/ (to make a solemn promise) | :: prometer, jurar |
pledge {v} (to deposit something as a security; to pawn) | :: hipotecar, empeñar, pignorar |
pledge {n} (solemn promise) | :: juramento {m}, promesa solemne {f} |
pledge {n} (security to payment) | :: garantía {f} |
pledge {n} (person who has taken a pledge of allegiance to a fraternity) | :: iniciado {m}, iniciada {f} |
pledge {n} (drinking toast) | :: brindis {m} |
pledge {n} (promise to abstain from drinking alcohol) | :: juramento {m}, manda {f} |
-plegic {suffix} ( of -plegia) | :: -pléjico |
pleiad {n} (group of people) | :: pléyade {f} |
Pleiades {prop} /ˈpliːədiːz/ (Greek mythology) | :: Pléyades |
Pleiades {prop} (astronomy) | :: Pléyades |
plenary {adj} /ˈpliːnəɹi/ (fully attended) | :: plenario |
plenary session {n} (plenary session) | :: sesión plenaria {f}, pleno {m} |
plenipotentiary {n} /ˌplɛn.ɪ.pəʊˈtɛn.ʃəɹ.i/ (person invested with supreme authority) | :: plenipotenciario {m} |
plenitude {n} /ˈplɛnɪtjuːd/ (abundance, plenty) | :: plenitud {f}, totalidad {f} |
plenitude {n} (fullness, completeness) | :: plenitud {f}, compleción {f} |
plentiful {adj} /ˈplɛntɪfl̩/ (yelding abundance) | :: abundante |
plenty {n} /ˈplɛnti/ (a more-than-adequate amount) | :: abundancia {f} |
plenty {adj} (plentiful) SEE: plentiful | :: |
plenum {n} /ˈpliːnəm/ (a legislative meeting (especially of the Communist Party) in which all members are present) | :: pleno {m} |
pleochroism {n} (optical phenomenon) | :: pleocroísmo {m} |
pleonasm {n} /ˈpliːənæzəm/ (redundancy in wording) | :: pleonasmo {m} |
pleonastic {adj} (redundant) SEE: redundant | :: |
pleonastic {adj} (of, or relating to pleonasm) | :: redundante, pleonástico |
pleroma {n} /pləˈɹoʊmə/ (the region of light above the world) | :: pléroma {m} |
plesiosaur {n} /ˈpliːsiəsɔːɹ/ (extinct marine reptile) | :: plesiosaurio {m} |
plethora {n} /ˈplɛθəɹə/ (excess, abundance) | :: plétora |
pleura {n} (serous membrane that covers the lungs and thorax) | :: pleura |
pleural {adj} (of, relating to, or affecting the pleura) | :: pleural |
pleural cavity {n} (body cavity) | :: cavidad pleural {f} |
pleurisy {n} (inflammation of lung pleura) | :: pleuresía {f} |
plexiglass {n} (common language term for polymethyl methacrylate) | :: plexiglás {m} |
pleximeter {n} (instrument) | :: plexímetro {m} |
plexus {n} /ˈplɛksəs/ (network or interwoven mass) | :: plexo {m} |
pliable {adj} /ˈplaɪəbəl/ (easily bent or formed) | :: plegable, flexible, moldeable, maleable, plegadizo |
Pliensbachian {prop} (a subdivision of the Jurassic period) | :: Pliensbachiense |
pliers {n} /ˈplaɪ.ə(ɹ)z/ (gripping tool which multiplies the strength of the user's hand) | :: alicates {m-p} |
plight {n} /plaɪt/ (unfortunate situation) | :: aprieto {m}, tribulación {f} |
plinth {n} /plɪnθ/ (base for column, pedestal or statue) | :: zócalo {m} |
plinth {n} (bottom course of stones supporting a wall) | :: fundato |
Pliny {prop} /ˈplɪni/ (Roman praenomen) | :: Plinio |
plod {v} /plɒd/ (to walk slowly) | :: caminar pesadamente |
plonk {n} /plɑŋk/ (cheap or inferior wine) | :: vino peleón {m} |
plop {v} (Heavy landing) | :: dejar caer |
plosive {n} /ˈploʊsɪv/ (consonant) | :: oclusiva {f} |
plot {n} /plɑt/ (course of a story) | :: argumento {m}, trama {f}, hilo argumental {m}, intriga {f} |
plot {n} (area of land used for building on or planting on) | :: plano {m}, lote, solar {m} |
plot {n} (graph or diagram) | :: gráfica {f}, diagrama {m} |
plot {n} (secret plan to achieve an end) | :: complot {m}, conspiración {f} |
plot {v} (transitive: to conceive) | :: tramar |
plot {v} (to trace out a graph or diagram) | :: trazar |
plot {v} (intransitive: to conceive) | :: conspirar, tramar |
plot hole {n} (an inconsistence within a storyline) | :: laguna argumental {f} |
plotter {n} (device) | :: plóter {m} |
plot twist {n} (change in the direction or expected outcome of the plot) | :: cambio de dirección del diagrama, giro {m} |
plough {n} /plaʊ/ (device pulled through the ground) | :: arado {m} |
plough {n} (alternative name for Ursa Major) | :: Carro Mayor {m} |
plough {v} (to use a plough on to prepare for planting) | :: arar, labrar, barbechar |
plough {v} (to use a plough) | :: arar |
Plough {prop} (brightest seven stars of the constellation Ursa Major) SEE: Big Dipper | :: |
ploughing {n} (breaking of the ground into furrows) | :: arada {f} |
plov {n} (pilaf) SEE: pilaf | :: |
plover {n} /ˈplʌvɚ/ (wading bird of the family Charadriidae) | :: chorlo {m}, chorlito {m}, chorlitejo {m} |
plow {n} (plough) SEE: plough | :: |
plow {v} (plough) SEE: plough | :: |
plowman {n} /ˈplaʊ.mən/ (male plower) | :: arador {m} |
plowshare {n} (cutting edge of a plow) | :: reja {f} |
ploy {n} /plɔɪ/ (strategy, tactic) | :: táctica {f}, estrategia {f}, truco {m} |
pluck {v} /plʌk/ (music: to gently play a single string) | :: herir |
pluck {v} (to remove feathers from a bird) | :: desplumar |
pluck {n} (nerve, fortitude, persistence) | :: perseverancia {f} |
plucky {adj} /ˈplʌki/ (having or showing pluck) | :: valiente, osado |
plug {n} /plʌɡ/ (electric connecting device) | :: enchufe {m} |
plug {n} (hole filler) | :: tapón {m} |
plug {v} (to stop with a plug) | :: tapar |
plug {v} (to blatantly mention) | :: promocionar |
plug in {v} (connect an electrical device) | :: enchufar |
plug-in {n} /ˈplʌɡɪn/ (computer add-on) | :: extensión |
plum {n} /plʌm/ (fruit of Prunus domestica) | :: ciruela {f} |
plum {n} (tree) | :: ciruelo {m} |
plum {n} (fool, idiot) | :: pelotudo |
plum {n} (slang: testicle) | :: huevos {m-p} |
plum {adj} (choice) | :: selecto, escogido |
plum {n} (raisin when used in pudding or cake) SEE: raisin | :: |
plumage {n} /ˈpluːmɪdʒ/ (collection of feathers covering a bird’s body) | :: plumaje {m} |
plumbago {n} /pləmˈbeɪɡoʊ/ (leadwort) | :: belesa {f} |
plumb bob {n} (metal weight) | :: peso de la plomada {m} |
plumber {n} /ˈplʌmə/ (one who works in lead) | :: plomero {m} |
plumber {n} (one who fits, etc, pipes for water, gas or drainage) | :: fontanero {m} [Spain, Mexico, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua], gásfiter {m} [Chile], gasfitero {m} [Ecuador, Peru], plomero {m} [Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Panama, Paraguay, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Uruguay] |
plumber's helper {n} (plunger) SEE: plunger | :: |
plumbery {n} (business of a plumber) SEE: plumbing | :: |
plumbing {n} /ˈplʌmɪŋ/ (pipes, etc, of a water/gas/sewage system in a building) | :: cañería {f} |
plumbing {n} (trade or occupation of a plumber) | :: fontanería {f}, plomería {f} |
plumbism {n} (lead poisoning) | :: saturnismo {m} |
plumb line {n} (plummet) SEE: plummet | :: |
plum blossom {n} (the blossom of the Prunus mume) | :: flor de ciruelo {f} |
plumcot {n} (pluot) SEE: pluot | :: |
plummet {n} /ˈplʌm.ət/ (lead on a line, plumb bob, plummet line) | :: plomada {f} |
plummet {v} (to drop swiftly, in a direct manner; to fall quickly) | :: caer en picado |
plump {adj} /plʌmp/ (Having a full and rounded shape, chubby) | :: rechoncho, rollizo {m}, regordete {m} |
plump up {v} (shake or arrange so as to be fatter) | :: ahuecar, mullir, esponjar |
plum tree {n} (tree that bears plums) SEE: plum | :: |
plumule {n} (the first bud) | :: plúmula {f} |
plunder {v} /ˈplʌndə(ɹ)/ (to take all the goods of, by force (as in war) (transitive)) | :: saquear |
plunder {v} (to take by force or wrongfully) | :: saquear |
plunder {v} (to commit robbery or looting (intransitive)) | :: saquear |
plunder {v} (to use or use up wrongfully) | :: saquear |
plunder {n} (instance of plundering) | :: saqueo {m} |
plunder {n} (loot attained by plundering) | :: botín, saqueo |
plundering {n} | :: saqueo {m}, despojo {m} |
plunge {v} /plʌndʒ/ (to thrust into water, or into any substance that is penetrable; to immerse) | :: sumergir |
plunge {v} | :: zambullir |
plunge {n} (The act of thrusting into or submerging; a dive, leap, rush, or pitch into, or as into, water; as, to take the water with a plunge) | :: inmersión {f} |
plunger {n} /ˈplʌndʒɚ/ (device for removing blockages by suction) | :: desatascador {m}, chupón {m} [Venezuela], destupidor {m} [Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua], sopapa {f} [Chile] |
pluot {n} (plum-apricot) | :: ciruela Damasco {f}, pluoto {m}, plúot {m}, pluot {m}, ciruela albaricoque {f}, ciruela chabacano {f} |
pluperfect {n} (pluperfect tense) SEE: pluperfect tense | :: |
pluperfect tense {n} (tense) | :: pluscuamperfecto {m} |
plural {adj} /ˈplʊə.ɹəl/ (more than one) | :: plural |
plural {n} (word in plural form) | :: plural {m} |
plurale tantum {n} /plʊˌɹɑleɪ̯ˈtɑntəm/ (a noun without a singular form) | :: plurale tantum |
pluralism {n} (social system with multiple cultural identities) | :: pluralismo {m} |
pluralistic {adj} (characteristic of pluralism) | :: pluralista |
plurality {n} (the state of being plural) | :: pluralidad {f} |
pluridimensional {adj} (multidimensional) SEE: multidimensional | :: |
plurinational {adj} (of different nationalities) | :: plurinacional {m} {f} |
Plurinational State of Bolivia {prop} (official name of Bolivia) | :: Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia {m} |
pluripotency {n} (the state of being pluripotent) | :: pluripotencia {f} |
plus {n} (plus sign) SEE: plus sign | :: |
plus {prep} /plʌs/ (arithmetic: sum) | :: más |
plus {prep} (in addition to) | :: más |
plus {adj} (being positive rather than negative or zero) | :: positivo {m}, positiva {f} |
plus {adj} (positive, involving advantage) | :: positivo {m}, positiva {f} |
plus {adj} (physics: electrically positive) | :: positivo {m}, positiva {f} |
plush {adj} /plʌʃ/ (having a soft, fluffy exterior) | :: suave |
plush {n} (textile fabric) | :: felpa {f} |
plush {n} (toy) SEE: plush toy | :: |
plush toy {n} (soft toy with a plush covering) | :: peluche {m} |
plus sign {n} (mathematical symbol) | :: signo más {m} |
Plutarch {prop} /ˈplu.tɑɹk/ (Greek historian) | :: Plutarco |
Pluto {prop} /ˈplutoʊ/ (god) | :: Plutón |
Pluto {prop} (Kuiper belt object - a dwarf planet) | :: Plutón {m} |
plutocracy {n} /pluːˈtɑːkɹəsi/ (government by the wealthy) | :: plutocracia {f} |
plutocratic {adj} (of, relating to, or being a plutocracy) | :: plutocrático |
plutodemocracy {n} /ˌplutoʊdɪˈmɒkɹəsi/ (pseudodemocracy that is in fact a hypercapitalist plutocracy) | :: democracia plutocrática {f} |
pluton {n} (geology) | :: plutón {m} |
Plutonian {adj} /pluːˈtəʊ.nɪ.ən/ (of or relating to Pluto, the Greek and Roman god of the underworld) | :: plutoniano {m} |
Plutonian {adj} (of, pertaining to, or supporting plutonism, see also: Plutonic) | :: plutoniano {m}, plutónico {m} |
Plutonian {adj} (of or relating to the dwarf planet Pluto) | :: plutoniano {m} |
Plutonian {n} ((imaginary) inhabitant of Pluto) | :: plutoniano {m}, plutoniana {f} |
Plutonic {adj} /pluːˈtɒnɪk/ (of or pertaining to rocks formed deep in the Earth's crust) | :: plutónico |
plutonium {n} /pluːˈtoʊniəm/ (chemical element) | :: plutonio {m} |
pluviometer {n} (instrument) | :: pluviómetro {m}, pluvímetro {m}, udómetro {m} |
pluvious {adj} /ˈpluː.vi.əs/ (of or pertaining to condition of heavy rain) | :: pluvioso {m}, pluviosa {f} |
Pluviôse {prop} /ˈpluvioʊs/ (the fifth month of the French Republican Calendar) | :: pluvioso {m} |
plywood {n} (construction material) | :: contrachapado {m}, madera contrachapada {f}, triplay {m} [Mexico], |
p.m. {adv} (after noon) | :: p. m. |
PM {n} /ˌpiː ˈɛm/ (after 12:00:00) | :: PM |
pneumatic {adj} /n(j)ʊˈmæ.tɪk/ (of or relating to air or other gases) | :: neumático {m}, neumática {f} |
pneumatic {adj} (of or relating to pneumatics) | :: neumático {m}, neumática {f} |
pneumatic {adj} (powered by, or filled with compressed air) | :: neumático {m}, neumática {f} |
pneumatic drill {n} (pneumatic drill) SEE: jackhammer | :: |
pneumo- {prefix} /(p)njuːməʊ/ (relating to the lungs) | :: neumo- |
pneumococcus {n} (Streptococcus pneumoniae) | :: neumococo {m} |
pneumoconiosis {n} (disease of the lungs) | :: neumoconiosis {f} |
pneumological {adj} (relating to pulmonology) | :: neumológico |
pneumology {n} /n(j)ʊˈmɒlədʒi/ (the study of the respiratory system and organs) | :: neumología {f} |
pneumonia {n} /nuˈmoʊniə/ (inflammation of the lungs) | :: pulmonía {f}, neumonía {f} |
pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis {n} /njuːˌmɒnəʊʌltɹəmaɪkɹəʊˈskɒpɪkˌsɪlɪkəʊvɒlkeɪnəʊkəʊniˈəʊsɪs/ (disease of the lungs) | :: neumoconiosis {f} |
pneumothorax {n} (presence of air inside the pleural cavity) | :: neumotórax {m} |
poach {v} /ˈpoʊtʃ/ (to cook in simmering liquid) | :: escalfar |
poach {v} (to take game or fish illegally) | :: [gathering] recolectar furtivamente, [logging] talar furtivamente, [fishing] pescar furtivamente, [hunting] cazar furtivamente, [poaching] practicar furtivismo |
poach {v} (to take illegally or unfairly) | :: quitar furtivamente, hurtar |
poach {v} (to entice an employee or customer to switch) | :: cazar cabeza |
poached egg {n} (type of cooked egg) | :: huevo escalfado {m} |
poacher {n} /ˈpoʊ.tʃɚ/ (a person who trespasses in order to take game illegally) | :: [game] cazador furtivo {m}, [fish] pescador furtivo {m}, [logging] leñador furtivo {m}, [logging] talador furtivo {m}, [usually an adjective] furtivo {m}, [gathering] recolector furtivo {m}, reducidor silvestre {m}, furtivista {m} |
poaching {n} (trespassing in search of game) | :: furtivismo {m}, [hunting] caza furtiva {f}, [fishing] pesca furtiva {f}, [logging] talado furtivo {m}, [gathering] recolección furtiva {f} |
PO box {n} (box hired as a collection point for mail) SEE: post office box | :: |
pochard {n} /ˈpəʊtʃəd/ (duck) | :: porrón {m} |
pock {n} /pɒk/ (pus filled swelling) | :: vejiga |
pocket {n} /ˈpɑkɪt/ (bag stitched to an item of clothing) | :: bolsillo {m}, bolsa {f} [Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Philippines] |
pocket {n} (billiards: net into which balls are struck) | :: tronera {f} |
pocket {v} (to put into a pocket) | :: embolsar |
pocketbook {n} (notebook) SEE: notebook | :: |
pocket flask {n} (pocket-size container for alcoholic beverages) SEE: hip flask | :: |
pocketknife {n} (small knife whose blades or tools can fold in its handle) | :: navaja {f} |
pocket money {n} (money given to a child) | :: paga {f}, mesada [if monthly], mensualidad {f} [if monthly] |
pocket money {n} (small amount of cash) | :: calderilla {f} |
pocket pistol {n} (Any handgun suitable to be carried in a pocket) | :: pistola de bolsillo {f} |
pocket pool {n} (masturbation through a pocket) | :: paja bolsillera {f} |
pocket protector {n} (a sheath designed to fit in a shirt pocket) | :: protector de bolsillo {m} |
pocket watch {n} (watch) | :: reloj de bolsillo {m}, reloj de faltriquera {m} |
pod {n} /ˈpɑd/ (seed case) | :: vaina {f} |
pod {n} (small vehicle) | :: cápsula de escape {f} |
pod {n} (group of whales or similar mammals) | :: manada {f} |
-pod {suffix} (related to or resembling a foot) | :: -podo |
podcast {n} (podcast) | :: pódcast {m} |
Podgorica {prop} /ˌpɒdɡəˈɹɪtsa/ (capital city of Montenegro) | :: Podgorica {f} |
pod hotel {n} (capsule hotel) SEE: capsule hotel | :: |
podiatrist {n} /pəˈdaɪətɹɪst/ (specialist in foot care) | :: podiatra {m} {f} [Latin America], podólogo {m}, podóloga {f} |
podiatry {n} /pəˈdaɪətɹi/ (podiatry, care of the feet) | :: podología {f} |
podium {n} /ˈpəʊ.dɪi.ʌm/ (platform) | :: podio {m} |
Podolia {prop} | :: Podolia {f} |
Podolsk {prop} (city) | :: Podolsk |
poem {n} /ˈpoʊ̯əm/ (literary piece written in verse) | :: poema {m}, poesía {f}, oda {f} |
poem {n} (piece of writing in the tradition of poetry) | :: poema {m} |
poem {n} (piece of poetic writing) | :: poema {m} |
poet {n} /ˈpoʊət/ (person who writes poems) | :: poeta {m} {f}, poetisa {f} |
poetaster {n} (unskilled poet) | :: poetastro {m} |
poetess {n} (female poet) | :: poetisa {f} |
poetic {adj} /poʊˈɛtɪk/ (relating to poetry) | :: poético |
poetic {adj} (characteristic of poets) | :: poético |
poetically {adv} (in a poetic manner) | :: poéticamente |
poetic licence {n} (departure from convention) | :: licencia poética {f} |
poetry {n} /ˈpəʊɪtɹi/ (literature composed in verse) | :: poesía {f} |
poetry {n} (a poet's literary production) | :: poesía {f} |
poetry {n} (poetical quality, artistic and/or artful, which appeals or stirs the imagination) | :: poeticidad {f} |
pogrom {n} /ˈpoʊɡɹəm/ (riot with the intent to massacre or terrorize a certain group, usually Jews) | :: pogromo {m} |
poignancy {n} (the quality of being poignant) | :: patetismo {m} |
poignant {adj} /ˈpɔɪn.jənt/ (sharp-pointed; keen) | :: puntiagudo, punzo-cortante |
poignant {adj} (neat; eloquent; applicable; relevant) | :: claro, elocuente, agudo, penetrante |
poignant {adj} (evoking strong mental sensation) | :: conmovedor |
poignant {adj} (piquant; pungent) | :: picante, pungente, punzante |
poignant {adj} (incisive; penetrating) | :: incisivo, penetrante, agudo |
Poincaré disk {n} (hyperbolic plane) | :: disco de Poincaré {m} |
poinsettia {n} /ˌpɔɪnˈsɛ.ɾ(i)ə/ (plant) | :: flor de Pascua {f}, corona del Inca {f} [Chile], estrella federal {f} [Argentina], flor de Nochebuena {f} [Mexico], papagayo {m} [Venezuela], pastora {f} [Costa Rica, Nicaragua]. sombrilla japonesa {f} [Colombia], nochebuena {f} [Mexico] |
point {n} /pɔɪnt/ (particular moment in an event or occurrence) | :: momento |
point {n} (location or place) | :: punto |
point {n} (geometry: zero-dimensional object) | :: punto {m} |
point {n} (full stop) | :: punto {m} |
point {n} (unit of scoring in a game or competition) | :: punto {m} |
point {n} (arithmetic: decimal point (note: many languages use a comma (',') rather than a dot as a decimal point, and hence the translations into these languages reflect this.)) | :: punto {m} |
point {n} (sharp tip) | :: punta {f} |
point {v} (to extend finger) | :: indicar, apuntar |
point {n} (wall socket) SEE: wall socket | :: |
point blank {adv} (directly; bluntly; without pretense or caution) | :: a quemarropa, a bocajarro, sin paños calientes |
point-blank {adj} (so close that a weapon may be aimed directly at its target) | :: a bocajarro, a quemarropa |
point-blank {adv} (in a direct manner, without hesitation) | :: a bocajarro, a quemarropa |
point-blank {adv} | :: bocajarro, quemarropa |
pointer {n} (advice) SEE: advice | :: |
pointer {n} /ˈpɔɪntə/ (anything that points or is used for pointing) | :: puntero {m} |
pointer {n} (teacher's pointer) | :: puntero {m} |
pointer {n} (needle of a timepiece or measuring device) | :: aguja {f} |
pointer {n} (hunting dog) | :: perro de muestra, braco |
pointer {n} (computer programming: variable that stores the address of another variable) | :: apuntador {m}, puntero {m} |
pointer {n} (computing: icon indicating mouse position) SEE: cursor | :: |
point guard {n} (ballhandling guard in basketball) | :: base {f} |
pointillism {n} (painting technique) | :: puntillismo {m} |
pointless {adj} /ˈpɔɪntləs/ (having no point or sharp tip) | :: romo {m}, chato {m} |
pointless {adj} (having no prominent or important feature) | :: irrelevante {m} {f}, fútil {m} {f} |
pointless {adj} (having no purpose) | :: inútil {m} {f}, vano {m}, innecesario {m} |
pointlessly {adv} (pointless manner) | :: inútilmente |
point of inflection {n} (point on a curve) | :: punto de inflexión {m} |
point of no return {n} ((aviation) the point in a flight when there is insufficient fuel to return to the origin) | :: punto de no retorno {m} |
point of no return {n} ((idiomatic) the point when it is no longer possible to stop the process) | :: punto de no retorno {m} |
point of reference {n} (A particular point from which to measure or compare the changes in some quantity) | :: referente, punto de referencia {m} |
point of sale {n} /ˌpɔɪnt əv ˈseɪl/ (location at which payment for goods is made) | :: terminal punto de venta {m} |
point of view {n} (position from which something is seen; outlook; standpoint) | :: punto de vista {m} |
point of view {n} (attitude, opinion, or set of beliefs) | :: punto de vista {m} |
point out {v} (identify with a bodily gesture) | :: indicar, señalar, apuntar |
point out {v} (tell, remind, indicate to someone) | :: puntualizar, indicar |
poise {n} /pɔɪz/ (That which causes a balance; a counterweight) | :: contrapeso {m} |
poise {n} (composure; freedom from embarrassment or affectation) | :: ponderación {f} |
poise {n} (a cgs unit of dynamic viscosity) | :: poise {m} |
poised {adj} /pɔɪzd/ (Ready,prepared) | :: listo |
poison {n} /ˈpɔɪz(ə)n/ (substance harmful to a living organism) | :: veneno {m}, ponzoña {f} |
poison {v} (to use poison to kill or paralyse) | :: envenenar, emponzoñar |
poisoned chalice {n} /ˈpɔɪzn̩d ˈtʃælɪs/ (something initially regarded as advantageous but which is later recognized to be disadvantageous or harmful) | :: regalo envenenado {m} |
poison hemlock {n} (poisonous plant) SEE: hemlock | :: |
poisoning {n} (administration of a poison) | :: envenenar |
poisoning {n} (state of being poisoned) | :: envenenamiento |
poison ivy {n} (one of several ivy-like urushiol-producing plants) | :: hiedra venenosa {f} |
poisonous {adj} /ˈpɔɪzənəs/ (containing sufficient poison to be dangerous) | :: tóxico, venenoso, ponzoñoso |
poke {v} /poʊk/ (to jab with an object such as a finger or a stick) | :: hurgar |
poke {v} (to poke a fire to remove ash or promote burning) | :: atizar |
poke {v} (rummage) SEE: rummage | :: |
poke {n} (ice cream cone) SEE: ice cream cone | :: |
poke around {v} (To search for something) | :: curiosear |
poke fun {v} (to subject to laughter) | :: ridiculizar, burlarse, mofarse, pitorrearse, chotearse [Spain, colloquial] |
poker {n} /ˈpoʊkɚ/ (metal rod for poking) | :: atizador |
poker {n} (card game) | :: póquer, póker {m} |
poker face {n} (impassive facial expression preventing determining whether one's actions in the game are the result of a quality hand or of bluffing) | :: doble cara {f}, cara de póquer {f} |
poker face {n} (any similar expression preventing giving away one's motives etc.) | :: doble cara {f}, cara de póquer {f} |
pokie {n} /ˈpəʊki/ | :: tragamonedas {f} [Latin America], tragaperras {f} [Spain] |
Poland {prop} /ˈpoʊ.lənd/ (European country) | :: Polonia {f} |
polao {n} (pilaf) SEE: pilaf | :: |
polar {adj} /ˈpoʊ̯lɚ/ (relating to a geographic pole) | :: polar |
polar {adj} (of an orbit passing near a geographic pole) | :: polar |
polar {adj} (having a dipole) | :: polar |
polar {adj} (of a certain coordinate system) | :: polar |
polar bear {n} (Ursus maritimus) | :: oso polar {m}, oso blanco {m} |
polar cap {n} (high-latitude region covered by ice) | :: casquete polar, capa de hielo |
polar circle {n} (either of the two parallels of the Earth) | :: círculo polar |
polar fox {n} (arctic fox) SEE: arctic fox | :: |
polar ice {n} (glacial mass) | :: casquete polar {m} |
Polaris {prop} /pɔʊˈlɑɹɪs/ (star) | :: Polaris |
polarity {n} /pəˈlærɪti/ (separation, alignment) | :: polaridad {f} |
polarity {n} (chemistry: dipole-dipole intermolecular force) | :: polaridad {f} |
polarization {n} /ˌpoʊlərɪˈzeɪʃən/ (production or condition of polarity) | :: polarización {f} |
polarization {n} (production of polarized light) | :: polarización {f} |
polarization {n} (separation of positive and negative charges) | :: polarización {f} |
polarization {n} (grouping of opinions into two extremes) | :: polarización {f} |
polarize {v} /ˈpoʊləɹaɪz/ (to cause to have a polarization) | :: polarizar |
polarize {v} (to cause a group to be divided into extremes) | :: polarizar |
polder {n} /ˈpəʊldə/ (area of ground reclaimed from a sea or lake by means of dikes) | :: pólder {m} |
pole {n} /poʊl/ (long and slender object for construction or support) | :: palo {m}, garrocha {f}, vara {f} |
pole {n} (extreme of an axis) | :: polo {m} |
pole {n} (magnetic point) | :: polo {m} |
pole {n} (contact on an electrical device) | :: polo {m} |
pole {n} (isolated point of a meromorphic function (complex analysis)) | :: polo {m} |
Pole {n} /poʊl/ (person from Poland) | :: polaco {m}, polaca {f} |
polearm {n} (close-combat weapon) | :: arma de hasta {m} |
polecat {n} /ˈpəʊlkæt/ (Mustela putorius) | :: turón {m} |
polecat {n} (skunk) SEE: skunk | :: |
pole dance {n} (dancing centred around a pole) | :: baile del caño |
polemic {n} /pəˈlɛmɪk/ (argument or controversy) | :: polémica {f} |
polemic {adj} (having the characteristics of a polemic) | :: polémico |
polemology {n} /ˌpɒləˈmɒlədʒi/ (study of human conflict and war) | :: polemología {f} |
polenta {n} /pəˈlɛntə/ (starchy accompaniment to a meal) | :: polenta {f} |
pole position {n} (top qualifying position) | :: primera posición {f} |
pole position {n} (first place) | :: primera posición {f} |
poles apart {adj} (totally opposite) | :: polos opuestos {m-p} |
pole star {n} (the star) | :: estrella polar {f} |
pole vault {n} (jumping event where an athlete vaults over a high bar with the aid of a pole) | :: salto con pértiga {m}, salto con garrocha {m} |
pole vaulter {n} (athlete who competes in the pole vault) | :: garrochista {m} {f} |
police {n} /pə̆ˈliˑs/ (an organisation that enforces the law) | :: policía {f} |
police brutality {n} (use of excessive force by a police officer) | :: brutalidad policial {f}, sevicia policial {f} |
police car {n} (automobile used by a police officer) | :: patrulla {f}, vehículo policial {m} |
police dog {n} (trained dog for police work) | :: perro policía {m}, perro policial {m} |
police force {n} (police organization, constabulary) | :: carabineros {m-p}, cuerpo de policía {m}, fuerza pública {f} |
policeman {n} /pəˈliːsmən/ (a member of a police force) | :: policía {m} {f}, agente {m} {f}, agente de policía {m} {f}, pitufo {m} [Spain, derogatory] |
police officer {n} (an officer in a law enforcement agency) | :: agente {m} {f}, agente de policía {m} {f}, policía {m} {f} |
police state {n} (nation whose government controls people by police) | :: estado policial {m} |
police station {n} (building of police force) | :: comisaría {f} |
policewoman {n} (a female police officer) | :: policía {m} {f}, agente {m} {f}, agente de policía {m} {f} |
policing {n} (monitoring or regulation) | :: vigilancia {f} |
policing {n} (patrolling by the police) | :: patrullaje {m} |
policy {n} /ˈpɑləsi/ (principle of conduct) | :: política {f} |
policy {n} (law: insurance document) | :: póliza {f} |
policy {n} (law: insurance) SEE: insurance | :: |
policymaker {n} (one involved in the formulation of policies) | :: formulador de políticas, formulador {m}, responsable político, responsable de las políticas |
poliomyelitis {n} /ˌpɒlɪəʊmaɪəˈlaɪtɪs/ (infection by the poliovirus) | :: poliomielitis {f} |
poliovirus {n} (human enterovirus) | :: poliovirus {m} |
polis {n} /ˈpɒ.lɪs/ (a city or city-state) | :: polis |
polish {n} /ˈpɑlɪʃ/ (substance used to polish) | :: pulidor {m}, abrillantador {m}, pulimento {m}, betún {m} [shoe polish] |
polish {v} (make a surface smooth or shiny) | :: pulir, acicalar |
polish {v} (to refine; improve imperfections from) | :: pulir |
Polish {adj} /ˈpoʊlɪʃ/ (of Poland or its language) | :: polaco {m}, polonés {m} |
Polish {n} (the language of Poland) | :: polaco {m} |
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth {prop} (confederation of Poland and Lithuania) | :: Mancomunidad de Polonia-Lituania {f} |
Polish notation {n} (notation for arithmetic formulae) | :: notación polaca {f} |
politburo {n} /ˈpɒlɪtˌbjʊəɹəʊ/ (the governing Communist council) | :: politburó {m}, buró político {m} |
polite {adj} /pəˈlaɪt/ (well-mannered) | :: cortés, educado |
politely {adv} /pəˈlaɪtli/ (in a polite manner) | :: educadamente, cortésmente |
politeness {n} /pəˈlaɪtnəs/ (act of being polite) | :: educación cortesía {f} |
political {adj} /pəˈlɪtɪkəl/ (concerning or relating to politics) | :: político |
political {adj} | :: político |
political cartoon {n} (editorial cartoon) SEE: editorial cartoon | :: |
political correctness {n} (being politically correct) | :: corrección política {f} |
politically {adv} (in a political manner) | :: políticamente |
politically correct {adj} (avoiding offense, selectively) | :: políticamente correcto |
politically incorrect {adj} (not politically correct) | :: politicamente incorrecto |
political party {n} (political organization) | :: partido {m}, partido político {m} |
political prisoner {n} (person) | :: preso político {m} |
political science {n} (study of politics) | :: politología {f} |
political scientist {n} (political science expert) | :: politólogo {m}, politóloga {f} |
politician {n} /pɑl.ɪˈtɪʃ.ən/ (one engaged in politics) | :: político {m}, política {f} |
politicization {n} (The state of being or process of becoming politicized) | :: politización {f} |
politicize {v} (to give something political characteristics) | :: politizar |
politicize {v} (to make someone politically active) | :: politizar |
politicking {n} | :: politiqueo |
politics {v} /ˈpɑl.ɪˌtɪks/ (a methodology and activities associated with running a government) | :: política {f} |
politology {n} (political science) SEE: political science | :: |
polity {n} /ˈpɑ.lɪ.ti/ (an organizational structure of the government) | :: régimen {m} |
polity {n} (politically organized unit) | :: estado {m} |
polka {n} /ˈpoʊ(l)kə/ (dance) | :: polca {f} |
polka {n} (music for this dance) | :: polca {f} |
polka dot {n} /ˈpoʊ.kə ˌdɑt/ (uniform round dots forming a pattern on fabric) | :: lunares {p} |
poll {n} /poʊl/ (an election or a survey of a particular group) | :: encuesta {f}, sondeo {m} |
poll {v} (to solicit mock votes from (a person or group)) | :: encuesta, encuestas {p} |
pollakiuria {n} (abnormally frequent passage of relatively small quantities of urine) | :: polaquiuria {f} |
pollen {n} /ˈpɒlən/ (fine granular substance produced in flowers) | :: polen {m} |
pollenize {v} (to impregnate with pollen) | :: polinizar |
pollinate {v} (To apply pollen to) | :: polinizar |
pollination {n} (transfer of pollen from an anther to a stigma) | :: polinización {f} |
pollinator {n} /ˈpɒlɪˌneɪtə(ɹ)/ (agent) | :: polinizador {m} |
polling booth {n} (voting booth) SEE: voting booth | :: |
polling station {n} (place where voters go to cast their ballot) | :: colegio electoral {m}, mesa electoral {f} |
pollock {n} /ˈpɑlək/ (food fish related to cod) | :: carbonero {m} [P. virens], abadejo {m} [P. pollachius] |
pollock {n} | :: gado {m} |
pollster {n} (person who conducts polls) | :: encuestador |
poll tax {n} (uniform tax per individual) | :: impuesto de capitación, impuesto electoral, capitación |
pollutant {n} (something that pollutes) | :: contaminante {m} |
pollute {v} /pəˈluːt/ (to make something harmful) | :: contaminar |
pollution {n} /pəˈl(j)uːʃn̩/ (the contamination of the environment by harmful substances) | :: polución {f}, contaminación {f} |
Pollyannaish {adj} (unreasonably optimistic) | :: demasiado optimista {m} |
polo {n} (polo shirt) SEE: polo shirt | :: |
polo {n} /ˈpoʊloʊ/ (ball game) | :: polo {m} |
polonium {n} /pəˈloʊni.əm/ (chemical element) | :: polonio {m} |
Polonization {n} (Polonization) | :: polonización {f} |
polo player {n} (player of polo) | :: polista |
polo shirt {n} /ˈpəʊləʊ ˌʃɜːt/ (casual, usually short-sleeved, shirt with a protruding collar) | :: polo {m}, chemise {f} [Venezuela], chomba {f} [Argentina], poloché {f} [Dominican Republic] |
poltergeist {n} /ˈpoʊl.tɚˌɡaɪst/ (a disruptive ghost) | :: poltergeist {m} |
poltroon {adj} (cowardly) SEE: cowardly | :: |
poltroon {n} /pɑlˈtɹun/ (an ignoble or arrant coward) | :: cobarde {m} {f}, mandria, blanco, blandengue, pendejo, rajado, gallina |
poly- {prefix} /ˈpɑli/ (many) | :: poli- |
-poly {suffix} (pertaining to the number of sellers in a market) | :: -polio {m} |
polyamide {n} (polymer) | :: poliamida {f} |
polyamory {n} /ˌpɒliˈæm(ə)ɹi/ (practices involving relationships with multiple partners) | :: poliamor |
polyandrous {adj} (Of or pertaining to polyandry) | :: poliandro |
polyandry {n} (plurality of husbands at the same time) | :: poliandria {f} |
polyangiitis {n} (inflammation of multiple blood vessels or lymph vessels) | :: poliangeítis {f} |
polyarchy {n} (government in which power is invested in multiple people) | :: poliarquía {f} |
polycarbonate {n} (polymer of aromatic carbonates) | :: policarbonato {m} |
polychete {n} (annelids of the class Polychaeta) | :: poliqueto {m} |
polychlorinated biphenyl {n} (PCB) | :: policlorobifenilo |
polychromatic {adj} (showing a variety of colours) | :: policromo, polícromo |
polyclinic {n} (a clinic in which diseases of many sorts are treated) | :: policlínico {m} |
polycotyledonous {adj} | :: policotiledóneo |
polycyclic {adj} (having two or more rings of atoms in the molecule) | :: policíclico {m} |
polycystic {adj} /pɑliˈsɪstɪk/ (having many cysts) | :: poliquístico |
polycystic ovary syndrome {n} (syndrome characterised by polycystic ovaries) | :: síndrome de ovario poliquístico {m} |
polyester {n} (polymer) | :: poliéster {m} |
polyethene {n} (polyethylene) SEE: polyethylene | :: |
polyethism {n} (different work activities) | :: polietismo |
polyethylene {n} (polyethylene) | :: polietileno {m} |
polyethylene terephthalate {n} (type of polyester) | :: tereftalato de polietileno {m}, politereftalato de etileno {m} |
polygamist {n} /pəˈlɪɡəmɪst/ (one who practices polygamy) | :: polígamo {m} |
polygamy {n} /pəˈlɪɡəmi/ (the having of a plurality of socially bonded sexual partners at the same time) | :: poligamia {f} |
polygamy {n} (polygyny) SEE: polygyny | :: |
polyglot {adj} /ˈpɒliːɡlɒt/ (Versed in, or speaking, many languages) | :: poligloto, polígloto, polígloto {m} |
polyglot {adj} (Containing, or made up of, several languages) | :: poligloto, polígloto {m} |
polyglot {n} (one who masters, notably speaks, several languages) | :: políglota {m} {f}, poliglota {m} {f} |
polyglot {n} | :: políglota {m} |
polygon {n} /ˈpɑliɡɑn/ (plane figure bounded by straight edges) | :: polígono {m} |
polygonal {adj} /pəˈlɪɡənəl/ (having many angles) | :: poligonal |
polygon mesh {n} (collection of vetrices, edges and faces) | :: malla poligonal {f} |
polygraph {n} (device to discern if a subject is lying) | :: polígrafo {m} |
polygraphic {adj} | :: poligráfico |
polygyny {n} /pəˈlɪdʒɪnɪ/ (plurality of wives at the same time) | :: poliginia {f} |
polyhedron {n} /pɒliˈhiːdɹən/ (geometry: solid figure) | :: poliedro |
polymath {n} /ˈpɒlɪmæθ/ (person with extraordinarily broad and comprehensive knowledge) | :: polímata {m} {f} |
polymathic {adj} (pertaining to polymathy) | :: polifacético |
polymer {n} /ˈpɑ.lɪ.mɚ/ (molecule) | :: polímero {m} |
polymerase {n} (enzyme that catalyses the formation of polymers) | :: polimerasa {f} |
polymerase chain reaction {n} | :: reacción en cadena de la polimerasa |
polymeride {n} (polymer) SEE: polymer | :: |
polymerize {v} /ˈpɑləməˌɹaɪz/ (to convert a monomer to a polymer) | :: polimerizar |
polymethyl methyacrylate {n} (tough, transparent thermoplastic polymer) | :: plexiglás {m} |
polymorphic {adj} /ˌpɑliˈmɔɹfɪk/ (relating to polymorphism) | :: polimorfo, polimórfico |
polymorphism {n} /pɑliˈmɔɹfɪz(ə)m/ (genetics: regular existence of two or more different genotypes within a given species or population) | :: polimorfismo |
polymorphism {n} | :: polymorfismo {m} |
polymorphonuclear {adj} (Having a nucleus with lobes of diverse shapes) | :: polimorfonuclear |
polymorphonuclear {n} (Such a leucocyte; a neutrophil) | :: polimorfonuclear {m} |
polymorphous {adj} (Having, or occurring in, several distinct forms) | :: polimorfo |
Polynesia {prop} /ˌpɑːləˈniːʒə/ (part of Oceania) | :: Polinesia |
Polynesian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Polynesia) | :: polinesio |
Polynesian {n} (person from Polynesia) | :: polinesio {m} |
polynomial {n} (algebraic expression) | :: polinomio {m} |
polynomial {adj} (in algebra) | :: polinomial, polinómico |
polynuclear {adj} (having multiple nuclei) | :: polinuclear |
polynya {n} /pə(ʊ)ˈlɪnjə/ (area of open water surrounded by sea ice) | :: polinia {f} |
polyp {n} (growth) | :: pólipo {m} |
polyp {n} (coelenterate) | :: pólipo {m} |
polypeptide {n} (organic chemistry: any polymer amino acids joined via peptide bonds) | :: polipéptido {m} |
polypeptidic {adj} (pertaining to a polypeptide) | :: polipeptídico |
polyphenol {n} (any of a large class of organic compounds) | :: polifenol {m} |
polyphonic {adj} (of or relating to polyphony) | :: polifónico |
polyphony {n} /pəˈlɪfəni/ (musical texture consisting of several independent melodic voices) | :: polifonía {f} |
polyphosphate {n} (class of inorganic polymers) | :: polifosfato {m} |
polyploidy {n} /ˈpɒlɪplɔɪdi/ (state or condition of being a polyploid) | :: poliploidía {f} |
polypore {n} (tough, leathery, poroid mushroom) SEE: bracket fungus | :: |
polyposis {n} (hereditary disease) | :: poliposis {f} |
polyptoton {n} /ˌpɑ.ləpˈtoʊ.tɑn/ (stylistic scheme) | :: políptoton {f} |
polyptych {n} /ˈpɒlɪptɪk/ (a work consisting of multiple painted or carved panels joined together) | :: políptico |
polysaccharide {n} (complex carbohydrate) | :: polisacárido {m} |
polysemantic {adj} (having multiple meanings) | :: polisemántico |
polysemic {adj} /pɒ.lɪ.ˈsiː.mɪk/ (having a number of meanings, interpretations or understandings) | :: polisémico |
polysemy {n} /ˈpɒ.lɪ.siː.mi/ (ability to have multiple meanings) | :: polisemia {f} |
polysomnography {n} | :: polisomnografía {f} |
polyspast {n} (machine consisting of many pulleys) SEE: block and tackle | :: |
polystyrene {n} (polymer) | :: poliestireno {m} |
polysyllabic {adj} /ˌpɑ.li.sɪˈlæ.bɪk/ (having more than one syllable) | :: polisílabo |
polysyndeton {n} (the use of many conjunctions to achieve an overwhelming effect in a sentence) | :: polisíndeton {m} |
polysynthetic {adj} /ˌpɒlisɪnˈθɛtɪk/ (polysynthetic) | :: polisintético |
polytechnic {adj} | :: politécnico |
polytechnic {n} (educational institute) | :: politécnica {f} |
polytheism {n} /pɒl.ɪˈθiː.ɪz.əm/ (belief in the existence of multiple gods) | :: politeísmo {m} |
polytheistic {adj} /ˌpɒlɪθiːˈɪstɪk/ (of or relating to polytheism) | :: politeísta |
polythene {n} (polyethylene) SEE: polyethylene | :: |
polytonic {adj} /ˌpɑliˈtɑnɪk/ (Using the Greek system of diacritics) | :: politónico |
polytope {n} (geometric shape) | :: politopo {m} |
polyurethane {n} (any of various polymeric resins containing urethane links) | :: poliuretano {m} |
polyuria {n} (production of an abnormally large amount of urine) | :: poliuria {f} |
pomace {n} /ˈpʌmɪs/ | :: hollejo {m} |
pomade {n} (greasy substance) | :: brillantilla {f}, pomada de pelo {f} |
pomander {n} /ˈpoʊ.mæn.dɚ/ (mixture of aromatic substances) | :: pomander |
pome {n} (type of fruit) | :: pomo {m} |
pomegranate {n} /ˈpɒm.ɪˌɡɹæn.ɪt/ (shrub/tree) | :: granado {m} |
pomegranate {n} (fruit) | :: granada {f} |
pomelo {n} (grapefruit) SEE: grapefruit | :: |
pomelo {n} /ˈpɒmɪləʊ/ (large fruit of the C. maxima or grandis) | :: pampelmusa {f}, pomelo {m} |
Pomerania {prop} (region of Europe on the southern shores of the Baltic Sea) | :: Pomerania {f} |
Pomeranian {prop} (Kashubian) SEE: Kashubian | :: |
Pomeranian {adj} (of, or relative to Pomerania) | :: pomerano |
Pomeranian {n} (native or inhabitant of Pomerania) | :: pomerano {m} |
Pomeranian {n} (breed of small, fluffy, energetic spitz-dogs) | :: spitz enano |
pommel {n} /ˈpɑ.məl/ (upper front brow of a saddle) | :: borrén {m} |
pommel {n} (round handle or knob) | :: pomo {m} |
pommel horse {n} (gymnastic apparatus) | :: caballete {m} |
pomological {adj} (pertaining to pomology) | :: pomológico |
pomology {n} | :: pomologia |
pomp {n} /ˈpɑːmp/ (show of magnificence) | :: boato, pompa {f} |
pompano {n} /ˈpɒmpənəʊ/ (carangid) | :: palometa {f}, pámpano {m} |
Pompeii {prop} /pɑːmˈpeɪi/ (a historical city) | :: Pompeya {f} |
Pompey {prop} /ˈpɒm.pi/ (a military and political leader of the late Roman Republic) | :: Pompeyo |
pompous {adj} /ˈpɒmpəs/ (affectedly grand) | :: majestuoso, pomposo, grandilocuente, altisonante, altísono, rimbombante, campanudo, hinchado |
pompously {adv} (in a pompous manner) | :: pomposamente |
poncho {n} /ˈpɑn.tʃoʊ/ (simple garment of cloth) | :: poncho {m} |
poncy {adj} (effeminate) SEE: effeminate | :: |
poncy {adj} (intended to impress others, particularly in an ostentatious way) SEE: affected | :: |
poncy {adj} (gay, homosexual) SEE: gay | :: |
pond {n} /pɑnd/ (small lake) | :: charca {m}, estanque {m}, laguna {f} |
pond {n} (the Atlantic Ocean) | :: charco {m} [colloquial] |
ponder {v} /ˈpɒn.də(ɹ)/ (to think deeply) | :: considerar, meditar, cavilar, discurrir |
ponder {v} (to consider carefully) | :: ponderar |
ponderous {adj} /ˈpɑn.dɚ.əs/ (clumsy, unwieldy, or slow, especially due to weight) | :: pesado, torpe, beocio, grosero, conformista |
ponderous {adj} (dull or boring) | :: grave, torpe, abrumador, agobiante, aplastante, dogmático |
ponderous {adj} (dense) SEE: dense | :: |
Pondicherry {prop} (Puducherry) SEE: Puducherry | :: |
pond-skater {n} (any of various predatory insects) SEE: water strider | :: |
Ponferrada {prop} (city) | :: Ponferrada |
pong {n} (bad smell) | :: tufo {m} |
poniard {n} /ˈpɒnjəd/ (dagger) | :: puñal |
pons {n} /pɒnz/ (part of the brain) | :: puente troncoencefálico {m}, pons {m} |
Pontevedra {prop} (city) | :: Pontevedra {f} |
Pontevedra {prop} (province) | :: Pontevedra {f} |
pontiff {n} /ˈpɒntɪf/ (pope) | :: papa {m}, pontífice {m} |
pontificate {n} /pɑːnˈtɪfɪkət/ (state of a pontifex) | :: pontificado |
pontificate {v} /pɑːnˈtɪfɪkeɪt/ (preside as a bishop) | :: pontificar |
pontificate {v} (speak in a patronizing, supercilious or pompous manner) | :: sentar cátedra |
Pontus {prop} /ˈpɑːntəs/ (god of the sea) | :: Ponto |
Pontus {prop} (a region on the southern coast of the Black Sea) | :: Ponto |
pony {n} /ˈpoʊni/ (small horse) | :: poni {m}, caballito {m} |
ponytail {n} /ˈpoʊniˌteɪl/ (hairstyle) | :: coleta {f}, cola de caballo {f} |
poo {n} /puː/ | :: caca {f}, popo |
poo {v} | :: hacer popó; cagar, hacer popó, hacer aguas mayores |
pooch {n} (slang: dog) | :: pichicho {m} |
poodle {n} /ˈpuː.dəl/ (any of various breeds of poodle) | :: caniche {m} |
Pooh {prop} /puː/ (short for Winnie the Pooh) | :: Pooh {m} |
pool {n} /pul/ (body of water) | :: poza {f}, pileta {f}, balsa {f} |
pool {n} (small body of standing or stagnant water; a puddle) | :: charco {m} |
pool {n} (cue sport played on a pool table) | :: billar {m} |
pool {v} (to put together) | :: reunir, compartir |
pool {v} (to combine or contribute with others) | :: participar |
pool {n} (swimming pool) SEE: swimming pool | :: |
pooled fund {n} (Investment funds that are aggregated together) | :: fondo agregado {m}, fondo combinado {m}, fondo acumulado {m}, fondo aunado {m} |
poolish {n} (mixture) | :: poolish {m}, pulís {m} |
pool table {n} (a table used for playing pool) | :: mesa de billar {f} |
poop {v} (to poop) SEE: poo | :: |
poop {n} (feces) SEE: poo | :: |
poop {n} (stern) SEE: stern | :: |
poop {v} (to break wind) SEE: break wind | :: |
poop deck {n} (stern deck on top of the cabin(s)) | :: castillo de popa {m} |
pooper scooper {n} (scoop for the collection of pet excrement) | :: pala de mierda de perro {f}, pala de caca {f} |
poor {adj} /poː/ (with little or no possessions or money) | :: pobre |
poor {adj} (of low quality) | :: pobre |
poor {adj} (used to express pity) | :: pobre [precedes the noun] |
poor as a church mouse {adj} (very poor) | :: más pobre que una rata |
poor box {n} (box for donations for the needy) | :: cepillo {m} |
poorly {adj} (ill) SEE: ill | :: |
poor man's asparagus {n} (Lincolnshire spinach) SEE: Good King Henry | :: |
poor thing {n} (someone or something to be pitied) | :: pobrecito {m}, pobrecillo {m} |
pop {v} (to hit) SEE: hit | :: |
pop {interj} /pɑp/ (sound) | :: pop |
pop {n} (affectionate form of father, see also: father) | :: papi {m} |
pop {v} (to ejaculate) SEE: ejaculate | :: |
popcorn {n} /ˈpɑp.kɔɹn/ (a snack food made from corn kernels popped by dry heating) | :: palomitas de maíz {f} [especially Costa Rica, El Salvador, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Spain], cabrita {f} [Chile], cancha {f} [Peru], canchita {f} [Peru], canguil {m} [Ecuador], cotufa {f} [Canary Islands, Venezuela], crispetas {f} [Colombia, north-central Mexico], esquite {m} [northwestern Mexico], gallito {m} [northwestern Venezuela], maíz pira {f} [Colombia], millo {m} [Panama], pipoca {f} [Bolivia], pochoclo {m} [Argentina], pop {m} [Uruguay], popcorn {m} [Panama, Puerto Rico], poporopo {m} [Guatemala], pororó {m} [eastern Bolivia, northern and western Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay], pururú {m} [Northern Central Argentina], roscas {f} [Canary Islands], roseta de maíz {f} [Puerto Rico, southern Spain], rosita de maíz {f} [Cuba], tostón {m} [southeastern Spain] |
pope {n} /poʊp/ (head of the Roman Catholic Church) | :: Papa {m} |
Popemobile {n} (any of various vehicles with bulletproof glass sides used to transport the Pope) | :: papamóvil {m} |
popess {n} (female pope) SEE: papess | :: |
pop group {n} (musical group specializing in pop music) | :: grupo de pop {m} |
popinjay {n} (Picus viridis) SEE: green woodpecker | :: |
popinjay {n} (parrot) SEE: parrot | :: |
popinjay {n} /ˈpɑpənˌdʒeɪ/ (vain, gaudy person) | :: pisaverde, gomoso |
poplar {n} /ˈpɒplə(ɹ)/ (any of various deciduous trees of the genus Populus) | :: álamo {m}, chopo {m} |
poplit {n} /ˈpɒplɪt/ (fossa at the back of the knee joint) | :: corva {f} |
popliteal {adj} /pɒˈplɪtɪ.əl/ (area behind the knee) | :: poplíteo {m} |
popliteal fossa {n} (shallow depression located at the back of the knee joint) SEE: poplit | :: |
pop music {n} (music intended for or accepted by a wide audience) | :: música pop {f}, música popular {f} |
poppy {n} /ˈpɒpi/ (plant) | :: amapola {f} |
poppyhead {n} (head of a poppy) | :: cabeza de adormidera {f} |
poppyseed {n} (the seed of the poppy) | :: semilla de amapola {f} |
popsicle {n} /ˈpɑpsɪkl̩/ (serving of frozen juice on a stick) | :: helado {m} (de agua), paleta |
pop someone's cherry {v} (deflower) SEE: deflower | :: |
populace {n} (inhabitants of a nation) SEE: population | :: |
populace {n} /ˈpɑpjələs/ (common people) | :: populacho {m} [pejorative] |
popular {adj} /ˈpɑpjələɹ/ (of or pertaining to the common people) | :: popular |
popular {adj} (liked by many people) | :: popular |
popular assembly {n} (localized citizen gathering) | :: asamblea popular {f} |
popularise {v} (to make popular) | :: popularizar |
popularity {n} /ˌpɒp.jəˈlæɹ.ɪ.ti/ (the quality or state of being popular) | :: popularidad {f} |
popularization {n} (the act of making something popular to the general public) | :: popularización {f} |
popularly {adv} (in a popular manner) | :: popularmente |
popular music {n} (genre that has wide appeal amongst the general public) | :: música popular |
popular opinion {n} (public opinion) SEE: public opinion | :: |
popular science {n} (of, or having to do with popular science) | :: de divulgación científica |
populate {v} /ˈpɒp.jʊˌleɪt/ (to supply with inhabitants) | :: poblar |
population {n} /ˌpɒpjʊˈleɪʃən/ (all people living within a political or geographical boundary) | :: población {f} |
population {n} (number of residents in a given area) | :: población {f} |
population {n} (statistics: greater group of units from which a sample can be drawn) | :: población |
populational {adj} (of or pertaining to population) | :: poblacional |
population inversion {n} (creation of a system) | :: inversión de población |
populism {n} (a political doctrine or philosophy) | :: populismo {m} |
populist {n} (person who advocates populism) | :: populista {m} {f} |
populous {adj} /ˈpɑpjələs/ (having a large population) | :: muy poblado {m}, populoso {m} |
pop up {v} (to appear without warning) | :: aparecerse |
pop-up {n} (advertisement that pops up when one accesses an Internet page) | :: ventana emergente {f} |
porbeagle {n} (a pelagic shark) | :: tiburón cailón {m}, cailón {m} |
porcelain {n} /ˈpɔɹ.sə.lɪn/ (hard white translucent ceramic) | :: porcelana {f}, loza {f} |
porcelain {n} (items (esp. dishware or objets d'art) made of porcelain) | :: porcelana {f} |
porch {n} /pɔɹtʃ/ (a covered and enclosed entrance to a building) | :: pórtico {m}, porche {m} |
porciculture {n} (raising of pigs) | :: porcicultura {f} |
porcine {adj} /ˈpoʊɹ.saɪn/ (of or pertaining to the pig) | :: porcino |
porcine {adj} (morbidly obese) | :: obeso, gordo |
porcini {n} /pɔːɹˈtʃiː.ni/ (mushroom, Boletus edulis) | :: boleto {m} |
porcupine {n} /ˈpɔː(ɹ)kjʊˌpaɪn/ (large rodent) | :: puercoespín {m} |
pore {n} /pɔɹ/ (a tiny opening in the skin) | :: poro {m} |
porgy {n} (fish of the family Sparidae) | :: pargo {m} |
poriferan {n} (any sponge of the phylum Porifera) | :: porífero {m} |
pork {n} /pɔɹk/ (meat of a pig) | :: cerdo {m}, puerco {m} |
pork belly {n} (boneless cut of fatty meat) | :: panza de cerdo {f} |
pork rind {n} (food made from pork skin) | :: chicharrón {m}, chicharrones {m-p} [mass noun] |
pork scratching {n} (pork rind) SEE: pork rind | :: |
porn {n} /pɔɹn/ (pornography) | :: porno |
porn {n} (pornography) SEE: pornography | :: |
porno {n} /ˈpɔːnəʊ/ (pornography) | :: porno {m} |
pornocracy {prop} /pɔːˈnɒkɹəsɪ/ (period of the papacy known as the saeculum obscurum) | :: Pornocracia {f} |
pornocracy {n} (government by, or dominated by, prostitutes or corrupt persons) | :: pornocracia {f} |
pornographer {n} (person involved in creation or dissemination of pornography) | :: pornógrafo {m}, pornógrafa {f} |
pornographic {adj} (containing an explicit depiction of sexual activity) | :: pornográfico |
pornography {n} /pɔɹˈnɑ.ɡɹə.fi/ (depiction of sexual subject matter with prurient intent) | :: pornografía {f} |
pornophobe {n} (person opposed to or that hates pornography) | :: pornofóbico {m} |
pornophobic {adj} | :: pornofóbico {m} |
porn star {n} (actor or actress famous for appearing in pornographic films) | :: actor porno {m}, actriz porno {f}, estrella porno {f} |
porosity {n} (state of being porous) | :: porosidad {f} |
porosity {n} (measure of how porous a material is) | :: porosidad {f} |
porous {adj} /ˈpɔːɹəs/ (full of tiny pores) | :: poroso |
porphyria {n} /pɔː(ɹ)ˈfɪɹɪə/ (abnormality of porphyrin metabolism) | :: porfiria {f} |
porphyrin {n} /ˈpɔːfɪɹɪn/ (heterocyclic compound) | :: porfirina {f} |
porpoise {n} /ˈpɔːɹpəs/ (cetacean) | :: marsopa {f} |
porridge {n} /ˈpɒɹɪdʒ/ (breakfast cereal dish, see also: oatmeal) | :: gachas {f-p}, puches {m} |
porron {n} (glass container for wine) | :: porrón {m} |
port {n} /pɔɹt/ (dock or harbour) | :: puerto {m} |
port {n} (left-hand side of a vessel when facing the front) | :: babor {m} |
port {adj} (of or relating to port, the left-hand side of a vessel) | :: a babor {m} {f} |
port {n} (computing: logical or physical construct into and from which data are transferred) | :: puerto {m} |
port {v} (computing: to adapt a program so that it works on a different platform) | :: portar |
port {n} (computing: program adapted to work on a different platform; act of adapting) | :: versión portada |
port {n} (fortified wine) | :: vino de Oporto {m} |
port {n} (entryway, portal) SEE: portal | :: |
port {n} (port city) SEE: port city | :: |
portable {adj} /ˈpɔɹtəbəl/ (able to be carried or moved) | :: portátil, portable |
portable {adj} (running on multiple systems) | :: portable |
portable art {n} (portable prehistoric art) | :: arte mueble {m} |
portal {n} /ˈpɔːɹtəl/ (grandiose entrance) | :: portal {m} |
portal {n} (entry point) | :: portada {f} |
portal {n} (website) | :: portal {m} |
portal {n} (vein) | :: vena porta {f} |
portal vein {n} (particular vein) | :: vena porta {f} |
Port-au-Prince {prop} /ˌpɔɹtoʊˈpɹɪns/ (capital of Haiti) | :: Puerto Príncipe {m} |
port city {n} (city built around a port) | :: puerto {m} |
portcullis {n} /pɔːtˈkʌlɪs/ (gate in the form of a grating) | :: rastrillo {m} |
porte cochère {n} /pɔːt kɒˈʃɛː/ (open-walled roof over a driveway) | :: puerta cochera {f} |
portend {v} /pɔɹˈtɛnd/ (to serve as a warning or omen) | :: presagiar |
portend {v} (to signify) | :: significar |
portentous {adj} /pɔː(ɹ)ˈtɛntəs/ (ominous; portending evil) | :: portentoso {m} |
porter {n} /ˈpɔɹtɚ/ (person who carries luggage) | :: mozo {m}, cargador {m}, changador {m}, changarín {m}, faquín {m}, fardero {m}, mecapal {m}, porteador {m}, soguilla {m} |
porter {n} (person in control of a building entrance) | :: portero {m} |
porter {n} ((Ireland) another name for stout) SEE: stout | :: |
portfolio {n} /pɔɹtˈfoʊ.liˌoʊ/ (case) | :: portafolio {m}, portafolios {m-p} |
portfolio {n} (collection) | :: carpeta de trabajos {f} |
portfolio {n} (post) | :: cartera {f} |
portfolio {n} (investments) | :: cartera de inversiones {f} |
porthole {n} (circular window) | :: tronera {f} |
portico {n} /ˈpɔːtɪkəʊ/ (small space with a roof supported by columns, serving as the entrance to a building) | :: pórtico {m} |
portion {n} /ˈpɔɹʃən/ (allocated amount) | :: porción {f} |
portion {n} (wife's fortune) SEE: dowry | :: |
portmanteau {n} /pɔːɹtˈmæntoʊ/ (case) | :: maleta {f}, valija {f} |
portmanteau {n} (portmanteau word) SEE: portmanteau word | :: |
portmanteau word {n} (word which combines the meaning of two words) | :: compuesto acronímico {m}, contracción {f} |
Port Moresby {prop} /ˌpɔɹt ˈmɔɹzbi/ (capital of Papua New Guinea) | :: Port Moresby {m} |
portocaval {adj} (relating to the portal vein and the vena cava) | :: portocaval |
Port of Spain {prop} (The capital of Trinidad and Tobago) | :: Puerto España {m} |
portolan {n} /ˈpɔːtələn/ (chart of European navigable waters) | :: portulano {m} |
Porto-Novo {prop} (the official capital of Benin) | :: Porto Novo |
portrait {n} /ˈpɔɹtɹeɪt/ (painting of a person) | :: retrato {m} |
portrait {n} (an accurate depiction of a person, a mood, etc.) | :: retrato {m} |
portray {v} /pɔɹˈtɹeɪ/ (to paint or draw the likeness of) | :: retratar |
portray {v} (figuratively: to describe in words) | :: describir |
Portsmouth {prop} (city in southern England) | :: Portsmouth |
Portugal {prop} /ˈpɔɹt͡ʃəɡəl/ (country) | :: Portugal {m} |
Portuguese {adj} /ˌpɔː.t͡ʃəˈɡiːz/ (of or relating to the region of Portugal) | :: portugués |
Portuguese {adj} (of or relating to the Portuguese language) | :: portugués |
Portuguese {n} (person native to Portugal) | :: portugués {m}, portuguesa {f} |
Portuguese {n} (the language) | :: portugués {m} |
Portuguese man-of-war {n} (Physalia physalis) | :: carabela portuguesa {f} |
Portuguese oak {n} (Quercus faginea) | :: quejigo {m}, carvallo {m}, rebollo {m} |
Portuguese Republic {prop} (official name of Portugal) | :: República Portuguesa {f} |
Portuguese Water Dog {n} /ˌpɔɹtʃəɡiːz ˈwɔtɚ dɔɡ/ (Portuguese Water Dog) | :: Perro de Agua portugues {m}, Cão de Água Português |
Portuñol {prop} (the language) | :: portuñol {m} |
Port Vila {prop} (capital of Vanuatu) | :: Port Vila |
port wine {n} (A type of fortified wine traditionally made in Portugal) | :: vino de Oporto {m}, oporto {m} |
pose {v} /poʊz/ (set in place, arrange) | :: posar |
pose {v} (assume or maintain a pose) | :: posar |
pose {n} (position, arrangement (especially of the human body)) | :: pose {f} |
Poseidon {prop} /pəˈsaɪdn̩/ (the god of the sea) | :: Poseidón {m}, Posidón {m} |
poser {n} (poseur) SEE: poseur | :: |
poseur {n} /poʊˈzʊəɹ/ (one who affects some behaviour, style, attitude or other condition, often to impress or influence others) | :: postureador {m}, postureadora {f}, posturero {m}, impostor {m} |
posh {adj} /pɑʃ/ (associated with the upper classes) | :: pijo {m} [Spain], fresa {n} [Mexico], pituco {m} [South America], cheto {m} [Argentina, Uruguay] |
posh {adj} (stylish, elegant, exclusive) | :: pijo, elitista, de postín |
posh {adj} (snobbish) | :: snob {m} {f}; esnob {m} {f} |
posit {n} /ˈpɒzɪt/ (postulate) | :: postulado |
posit {v} (to postulate) | :: postular |
posit {v} (to suggest) | :: proponer |
position {n} /pəˈzɪʃ(ə)n/ (place, location) | :: posición {f} |
position {n} (post of employment) | :: puesto {m} |
position {n} | :: posición {f} |
positive {adj} /ˈpɒzɪ̈tɪv/ (legal: formally laid down) | :: positivo |
positive {adj} (mathematics: greater than zero) | :: positivo |
positive {adj} (characterised by constructiveness) | :: positivo |
positive {adj} (physics: having more protons than electrons) | :: positivo |
positive {n} (thing capable of being affirmed) | :: supuesto {m} |
positive {n} (the positive degree of adjectives and adverbs) | :: positivo {m} |
positively {adv} /ˈpɒzɪtɪvli/ (with certainty) | :: inequívocamente, terminantemente, de todas maneras |
positive reinforcement {n} (giving of encouragement to a person who exhibits a particular behaviour) | :: refuerzo positivo {m} |
positive thinking {n} (focusing on thoughts of success) | :: pensamiento positivo {m} |
positivism {n} /ˈpɒzɪtɪvˌɪzm/ (philosophical doctrine) | :: positivismo {m} |
positivism {n} (school of thought in jurisprudence) SEE: legal positivism | :: |
positivist {n} (a believer in positivism) | :: positivista {m} {f} |
positivist {adj} (related to positivism) | :: positivista |
positivity {n} /ˌpɒzɪˈtɪvɪti/ (optimism) | :: positividad {f} |
positron {n} /ˈpɑ.zɪ.tɹɑn/ (positron) | :: positrón {m} |
positronium {n} (exotic atom) | :: positronio {m} |
posology {n} /pəʊˈsɒ.lə.dʒi/ (study of the dosages of drugs) | :: posología |
posse {n} /ˈpɑ.si/ (A group of people summoned to help law enforcement) | :: posse comitatus {m} |
posse {n} (A criminal gang) | :: cuadrilla armada {f} |
possess {v} /pəˈzɛs/ (to have; to have ownership of) | :: poseer |
possess {v} (to take control of someone's body or mind) | :: poseer |
possessed {adj} /pəˈzɛst/ (controlled by evil spirits) | :: poseído, poseso {m}, endiablado {m} |
possessing {v} (present participle of possess) | :: poseyendo |
possession {n} /pəˈzɛʃən/ (something that is owned) | :: posesión {f} |
possession {n} (ownership; taking, holding, keeping something as one's own) | :: tenencia {f} |
possession {n} (a territory under the rule of another country) | :: posesiones {f-p} |
possession {n} (the state of being possessed by a spirit or demon) | :: posesión {f} |
possession {n} | :: posesión {f} |
possessive {adj} /pəˈzɛsɪv/ (pertaining to possession) | :: posesivo |
possessive {adj} (grammar: indicating possession) | :: posesivo {m} |
possessive {adj} (unwilling to yield possession of) | :: posesivo {m} |
possessive {n} (possessive case) SEE: possessive case | :: |
possessive adjective {n} (possessive determiner) | :: adjetivo posesivo {m} |
possessive case {n} (case used to express direct possession) | :: caso posesivo {m} |
possessive determiner {n} (possessive determiner) | :: determinante posesivo {m} |
possessive pronoun {n} (pronoun which expresses possession) | :: pronombre posesivo {m} |
possessive suffix {n} (Suffix indicating possession) | :: sufijo posesivo {m} |
possessor {n} /pɒˈzɛsɔː/ (One who possesses) | :: posesor {m} |
possibility {n} /ˌpɑsɪˈbɪliti/ (quality of being possible) | :: posibilidad {f} |
possibility {n} (a thing possible) | :: posibilidad {f} |
possibility {n} (option) | :: posibilidad {f} |
possible {adj} /ˈpɑsəbl̩/ (able but not certain to happen) | :: posible |
possible {adj} (capable of being done or achieved; feasible) | :: posible |
possibly {adv} /ˈpɑsəbli/ (adverb indicating that an action may successfully be performed) | :: posiblemente |
possibly {adv} | :: posiblemente |
possibly {adv} (adverb indicating that a proposition may be true or false) SEE: perhaps | :: |
possum {n} /ˈpɒsəm/ (any of the marsupials in several families of the order Diprotodontia of Australia and neighboring islands) | :: pósum {m} |
possum {n} (opossum) SEE: opossum | :: |
post {n} /pəʊst/ (long dowel or plank protruding from the ground) | :: poste {m} |
post {n} | :: poste {m}, estaca {f} |
post {v} (to hang a notice in a conspicuous manner) | :: colgar, fijar |
post {v} (to send to an electronic forum) | :: postear |
post {v} ((Internet) to publish a message) | :: postear |
post- {prefix} /poʊst/ (later) | :: pos-, post- |
postage {n} /ˈpoʊstɪdʒ/ (charge) | :: franqueo {m} |
postage {n} (postage stamp affixed as evidence of payment, see also: postage stamp) | :: franqueo {m} |
postage stamp {n} (piece of paper indicating postage has been paid) | :: estampilla {f} [Latin America], sello {m} [Spain], [Mexico] timbre {m} |
postal {adj} /ˈpoʊstl̩/ (relating to mail) | :: postal |
postal code {n} (postcode) SEE: postcode | :: |
postalveolar {adj} /ˌpəʊstælviˈəʊlə(ɹ)/ (articulated with the tongue near or touching the back of the alveolar ridge) | :: postalveolar |
postbellum {adj} (of the period following a war) | :: de posguerra |
post box {n} (box in which post can be left to be picked up) SEE: mailbox | :: |
postcard {n} /ˈpoʊstˌkɑɹd/ (rectangular piece of thick paper to be mailed without an envelope) | :: tarjeta postal {f}, postal {f} |
postcode {n} /ˈpəʊs(t)kəʊd/ (sequence of letters and/or numbers added to a postal address) | :: código postal {m} |
poster {n} /ˈpoʊstɚ/ (picture intended to be attached to a wall) | :: cartel |
poster {n} (advertisement, see also: placard) | :: cartel |
posterior {adj} /pɒsˈtɪəriə(r)/ (located towards the rear) | :: trasero, posterior |
posterior {adj} (following in order or time) | :: posterior |
posterior {n} (buttocks) | :: trasero {m} |
posterior auricular muscle {n} (muscle) | :: músculo auricular posterior {m} |
posterior chamber {n} (space between iris and lens) | :: cámara posterior {f} |
posterity {n} /pɒˈstɛɹɪti/ (all the future generations) | :: posteridad {f} |
postern {n} /ˈpɒst(ə)n/ (secondary gateway) | :: poterna {f} |
postern {n} | :: portillo {m}, postigo {m}, poterna {f} |
postero- {prefix} (posterior; back) | :: postero- |
posteroinferior {adj} (situated back and below) | :: posteroinferior |
posterosuperior {adj} (behind and above) | :: posterosuperior |
post horn {n} (horn formerly used by postmen) | :: corneta de posta {f} |
posthumous {adj} /ˈpɒs.tʃə.məs/ (born after one's father's death) | :: póstumo |
posthumous {adj} (taking place after one's death) | :: póstumo |
posthumous {adj} (in reference to a work, published after the author's death) | :: póstumo |
posthumously {adv} (after death) | :: póstumamente, post mortem |
posthumous name {n} (posthumous title of a Chinese, Korean or Vietnamese emperor) | :: nombre póstumo {m} |
postiche {n} /pɑˈstiʃ/ (any item of false hair worn on the head or face) | :: postizo |
postilion {n} /pəˈstɪljən/ (rider mounted on leading horse) | :: postillón {m} |
postimpressionism {n} (genre of painting) | :: postimpresionismo {m} |
post-it {n} (post-it note) SEE: post-it note | :: |
post-it note {n} (a small piece of paper with an adhesive strip on one side) | :: pósit |
postman {n} (mailman) SEE: mailman | :: |
postmark {n} (marking made by a postal service on a letter) | :: matasellos {m}, timbre {m} |
postmark {v} (to apply a postmark on) | :: matasellar, matar |
postmodern {adj} (Of, relating to, or having the characteristics of postmodernism) | :: posmoderno |
postmodernism {n} /pəʊstˈmɑdɚnɪzəm/ (a style of art, literature, etc) | :: postmodernidad {f}, posmodernismo {m} |
postmodernist {adj} (postmodern) | :: posmodernista, posmoderno |
postmodernist {n} (follower of postmodernism) | :: posmodernista {m} {f} |
postmodernity {n} (the state or condition of being postmodern) | :: posmodernidad {f} |
postnatal {adj} (of or pertaining to the period immediately after birth) | :: postnatal |
post office {n} (place) | :: correos {m-p}, casa de correos {f}, oficina de correos {f} |
post office box {n} (box hired as collection point for mail) | :: apartado postal {m} |
postoperative {adj} /poʊstˈɑpəɹətɪv/ (of, pertaining to, or occurring in the period after a surgical operation) | :: posoperatorio |
postpone {v} /poʊstˈpoʊn/ (to delay or put off an event) | :: aplazar, postergar, atrasar, perecear, posponer |
postponement {n} (the state of being adjourned) | :: aplazamiento {m} |
postposition {n} ((grammar) words that come after the noun) | :: posposición {f} |
postprandial {adj} /ˌpəʊs(t)ˈpɹan.dɪ.əl/ (after a meal) | :: posprandial, de sobremesa (at the table), después de comer |
post-production {n} (stages of film production happening between the actual filming and the completed film) | :: post-producción {f} |
postromantic {adj} (relating to post-romanticism) | :: posromántico |
postscript {n} /ˈpoʊst.skɹɪpt/ (addendum to a letter) | :: posdata |
postscriptum {n} /ˌpəʊstˈskɹɪptəm/ (something written afterward) | :: posdata {f}, P. D., post scriptum |
post-Soviet {adj} (after the dissolution of the Soviet Union) | :: postsoviético |
poststructuralism {n} (extension of structuralism) | :: postestructuralismo {m} |
posttranslational {adj} (Of or pertaining to the period after a protein has been translated from mRNA) | :: posttraduccional |
posttraumatic {adj} (after, or as a result of, a trauma) | :: postraumático |
post-traumatic stress disorder {n} (condition that develops following some stressful situation) | :: trastorno de estrés postraumático {m}, trastorno por estrés postraumático {m} |
post-tropical {adj} | :: postropical |
post-truth {n} /ˌpəʊst ˈtɹuːθ/ (post-truth) | :: posverdad {f} |
postural {adj} /ˈpɑstʃəɹəl/ (relating to posture) | :: postural |
posture {n} /ˈpɑːstʃɚ/ (position of body) | :: postura |
posturing {n} (assumption of an exaggerated pose or attitude) | :: postureo {m} |
pot {n} /pɑt/ (vessel for cooking or storing food etc.) | :: olla {f}, marmita {f} [cooking]; pote {m} [storing] |
pot {n} (marijuana) | :: marihuana {f} |
pot {n} (crucible) SEE: crucible | :: |
pot {n} (plaster cast) SEE: plaster cast | :: |
potable {adj} /ˈpəʊtəbəl/ (good for drinking, see also: drinkable) | :: potable, bebedizo |
potable {n} (drinkable liquid) SEE: beverage | :: |
potash {n} /ˈpɒt.æʃ/ (pot ash) | :: potasa {f}, lejía {f} |
potassium {n} /pəˈtæsiəm/ (the chemical element) | :: potasio {m} |
potassium carbonate {n} (alkaline salt) | :: carbonato de potasio {m} |
potassium cyanide {n} (inorganic compound) | :: cianuro de potasio {m} |
potassium hydroxide {n} (potassium hydroxide) | :: hidróxido de potasio {m}, potasa cáustica {f} |
potato {n} /pəˈteɪ.təʊ/ (plant tuber eaten as starchy vegetable) | :: patata {f} [Spain], papa {f} [Latin America, Southern Spain and Canary Islands] |
potato chip {n} (potato crisp) SEE: potato crisp | :: |
potato crisp {n} (thin fried slice of potato) | :: patatas fritas |
potato masher {n} (utensil for mashing potatoes) | :: pisapatatas {m} |
potato salad {n} (salad made from chopped boiled potatoes) | :: ensalada de patatas {f} |
potato starch {n} (vegetable substance found in the extracted material of potatoes) | :: chuño, almidón de patata, harina de patata, fécula de patata |
Potawatomi {n} (member of the Potawatomi people) | :: potawatomi |
potbellied {adj} (having a potbelly) | :: panzón {m}, panzudo {m}, barrigudo {m}, barrigón {m}, guatón {m}, ventripotente |
potbelly {n} (a large, swollen, or protruding abdomen) | :: panza {f} |
pot calling the kettle black {n} /ˈpɑt ˈkɔliŋ ðə ˈkɛtl̩ ˈblæk/ (situation in which somebody accuses someone else of a fault shared by the accuser) | :: le dijo la sartén al cazo, le dijo la sartén al cazo: ¡aparta que me tiznas!! (the pan said to the pot: move away, you're blackening me!) |
pot calling the kettle black {n} | :: apártate que me tiznas, dijo la sartén al cazo (move away, you are blackening me, said the pan to the pot) el burro hablando de orejas (the donkey talking about ears) [Colombia], el comál le dijo a la olla (the grill said to the pot) [Mexico], cachicamo diciéndole a morrocoy conchúo (an armadillo telling a turtle it is too hard shelled) [Venezuela], la olla le dice a la sartén (the pot said to the frying pan) [Peru] |
poteen {n} /pəˈtʃiːn/ (illegally produced Irish whiskey) | :: poitín {m} |
potency {n} (ability or capacity to perform) | :: potencia {f} |
potent {adj} /ˈpəʊt(ə)nt/ (powerfully effective) | :: potente |
potentate {n} /ˈpoʊ.tən.teɪt/ (a powerful leader) | :: líder, potentado, podestá, líder máximo, capo |
potential {n} /pəˈtɛnʃəl/ (currently unrealized ability) | :: potencial |
potential {adj} (existing in possibility) | :: potencial |
potential energy {n} (energy possessed by an object because of its position) | :: energía potencial {f} |
potentially {adv} /pəˈtɛnʃ(ə)li/ (in a manner showing much potential; with the possibility of happening in a given way) | :: potencialmente |
potentiation {n} (the action of a substance) | :: potenciación |
potentiometer {n} (user-adjustable variable resistor) | :: potenciómetro {m} |
potenty {adj} | :: potenzado |
pothead {n} (a person who smokes cannabis frequently) | :: fumeta {m} {f}, marihuanero {m}, motero {m} |
potholder {n} (insulated pad for handling hot cooking utensils) | :: agarradera {f}, agarraollas {m} |
pothole {n} (a hole in a road) | :: bache {m} |
potion {n} /ˈpoʊ.ʃən/ (small portion or dose of a liquid which is medicinal, poisonous, or magical) | :: poción {f}, brebaje {m}, elixir {m}, pócima {f}, bebedizo {m} |
Potiphar {prop} /ˈpɑ.tə.fɚ/ (an Egyptian and captain of the guard) | :: Potiphar |
potlatch {n} /ˈpɒtlætʃ/ (communal meal to which guests bring dishes to share, see also: potluck) | :: comelata {f} [Puerto Rico] |
potluck {n} (shared meal consisting of whatever guests have brought) SEE: potlatch | :: |
potluck {n} /ˌpɒtˈlʌk/ (meal consisting of whatever food is available) | :: comida ordinaria {f} |
potsherd {n} /ˈpɒt.ʃɜːd/ (piece of ceramic from pottery) | :: casco {m}, tiesto {m} |
potter {n} /ˈpɒtə/ (one who makes pots and ceramic wares) | :: alfarero {m}, alfarera {f}, ceramista {m} {f} |
potter's wheel {n} (machine used by a potter) | :: torno de alfarero {m} |
pottery {n} /ˈpɑtəɹi/ (fired ceramic wares that contain clay when formed) | :: cerámica {f}, loza {f} |
pottery {n} (workshop where pottery is made) | :: alfarería {f} |
pottery {n} (practise or craft of making pottery) | :: alfarería {f} |
potty {n} (bathroom) SEE: bathroom | :: |
potty {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet | :: |
potty {adj} (insane) SEE: insane | :: |
potty {n} (latrine) SEE: latrine | :: |
potty {n} (chamber pot) SEE: chamber pot | :: |
potty-mouthed {adj} (foul-mouthed) SEE: foul-mouthed | :: |
pouch {n} /paʊt͡ʃ/ (small bag) | :: bolsa {f}, saquito {m} |
pouch {n} (pocket in which a marsupial carries its young) | :: marsupio {m} |
pouch {n} | :: petaca {f}, cebador {m}, valija {f} |
poultice {n} /ˈpoʊltɪs/ (A poultice or plaster) | :: cataplasma {f} |
poultry {n} /ˈpoʊltɹi/ (domestic fowl) | :: aves de corral |
poultry {n} (fowl meat) | :: carne de ave, pollería |
pounce {n} /paʊns/ (powder thrown onto the paper to make the ink dry) | :: margajita {f} [because one used pyrite or marcasite for it] |
pounce {v} (To leap into the air intending to seize someone or something) | :: brincar |
pounce {v} (To attack suddenly) | :: atacar |
pounce {v} (To eagerly seize an opportunity) | :: aprovechar |
pounce {v} | :: abalanzarse |
pound {n} /paʊnd/ (unit of mass (16 ounces avoirdupois)) | :: libra {f} |
pound {n} (unit of currency) | :: libra {f} |
pound {n} (place for the detention of stray animals) | :: perrera {f} |
pound {v} (to strike hard repeatedly) | :: pilar |
pound {v} (crush to pieces) | :: pulverizar |
pound {n} (US: symbol #) SEE: hash | :: |
pound cake {n} (dense yellow cake made from equal quantities of butter, eggs, flour and sugar) | :: panqué {m} [Mexico, Venezuela], queque {m} [Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador], ponqué {m} [Colombia] |
pound sign {n} (symbol #) SEE: hash | :: |
pound sterling {n} /paʊnd ˈstɜː(ɹ).lɪŋ/ (currency of the UK) | :: libra esterlina {f} |
pour {v} /pɔɹ/ (to cause to flow in a stream) | :: verter |
pour {v} (to flow, pass or issue in or as a stream) | :: diluviar |
pour {v} | :: verter, escanciar |
pour gasoline on the fire {v} (add fuel to the fire) SEE: add fuel to the fire | :: |
pour oil on troubled waters {v} (calm, appease or quieten) | :: templar gaitas, apaciguar los ánimos |
pour one's heart out {v} (To express one's innermost thoughts or feelings) | :: desahogarse |
pout {v} /paʊt/ (push out one’s lips) | :: hacer puchero |
pout {v} (sulk, (pretend to) be ill-tempered) | :: hacer un mohín, ponerse de morros |
pout {n} (facial expression) | :: mohín {m} |
pouting {n} /ˈpaʊtɪŋ/ (fish, Trisopterus luscus) | :: faneca {f} |
Po valley {prop} (large plain in northern Italy) | :: llanura Padana {f}, valle del Po {m} |
poverty {n} /ˈpɑːvɚti/ (quality or state of being poor) | :: pobreza {f}, pauperismo {m} |
poverty {n} (deficiency of elements) | :: pobreza {f} |
pow {interj} (sound of a violent impact) | :: zas |
pow {interj} (sound of an explosion) | :: pum |
pow {n} (sound of a violent impact) | :: zas |
powder {n} /ˈpaʊ.də(ɹ)/ (fine particles of any dry substance) | :: polvo {m} |
powder {v} (to reduce to fine particles) | :: reducir a polvo, pulverizar, triturar |
powder {v} (to sprinkle with powder) | :: espolvorear |
powder {v} (to use powder on the hair or skin) | :: ponerse polvos, empolvarse |
powder {v} (to be reduced to powder) | :: pulverizarse, hacerse polvo |
powder {n} (gunpowder) SEE: gunpowder | :: |
powdered {adj} (which has been made into a powder) | :: en polvo |
powdered milk {n} (dairy product) SEE: milk powder | :: |
powdered sugar {n} /ˈpaʊ.dɚd ˈʃʊɡ.ɚ/ (very finely ground sugar used in icings, etc) | :: azúcar flor, azúcar glas {m} |
powder keg {n} (barrel of gun powder) | :: polvorín {m} |
powder keg {n} (volatile situation) | :: polvorín |
powder puff {n} (ball or pad of soft material used to apply powder) | :: borla {f}, aplicador {m}, almohadilla {f}, cisne {m} |
powdery mildew {n} (type of mildew) | :: oídio {m} |
power {n} /ˈpaʊ.ɚ/ (capability or influence) | :: poder {m} |
power {n} (influential nation, company etc.) | :: potencia {f} |
power {n} (physical force or strength) | :: potencia {f}, poder {m} |
power {n} (electricity, electricity supply) | :: corriente {f}, electricidad {f} |
power {n} (physics: measure of the rate of doing work or transferring energy) | :: potencia {f} |
power {n} (maths: product of equal factors) | :: potencia {f} |
power {n} (statistics: probability of correctly rejecting the null hypothesis) | :: potencia, poder |
power {n} | :: poder {m} |
power {v} (to enable or provide the impetus for) | :: potenciar |
power {n} (set theory: cardinality) SEE: cardinality | :: |
power {n} (power) SEE: potency | :: |
powerbank {n} (portable device used to charge mobile phones and tablet computers) | :: cargador portátil {m}, batería externa {f}, batería portable {f} |
power board {n} (power strip) SEE: power strip | :: |
power cut {n} (interruption in the supply of power) | :: corte de electricidad {m}, apagón {m} |
power forward {n} (a basketball player) | :: ala-pívot {m} {f} |
powerful {adj} /ˈpaʊɚfəl/ (having or capable of exerting power, potency or influence) | :: poderoso |
powerfully {adv} (in a powerful manner) | :: poderosamente |
powerful shot {n} | :: cañonazo {m}, trallazo {m} |
powerless {adj} /ˈpaʊɚləs/ (lacking sufficient power or strength) | :: impotente |
powerlessness {n} (The state or character of being powerless) | :: impotencia {f} |
powerlifting {n} (strength sport) | :: potencia {f}, levantamiento de potencia {m} |
power line {n} (electrical wire) | :: línea eléctrica {f} |
power of attorney {n} /ˌpaʊə əv əˈtəːni/ (authorisation) | :: poder {m} |
power plant {n} (power station) SEE: power station | :: |
power point {n} (wall socket) SEE: wall socket | :: |
power set {n} (set of all subsets of a set) | :: conjunto de partes {m} |
power station {n} (an industrial complex where electricity is produced) | :: central eléctrica {f} |
power strip {n} (block of electrical sockets) | :: múltiple {m} |
power supply {n} (part of apparatus) | :: fuente de alimentación |
power toothbrush {n} (electric toothbrush) SEE: electric toothbrush | :: |
powertrain {n} /ˈpaʊɚˌtɹeɪn/ (powertrain) | :: tren de potencia {m} |
pox {n} (syphilis) SEE: syphilis | :: |
Poznań {prop} (Poznan) SEE: Poznan | :: |
Poznan {prop} (city in Poland) | :: Poznan |
pozole {n} /pəˈsoʊˌleɪ/ (a hominy soup) | :: pozole {m} |
practicability {n} (being practicable) | :: viabilidad {f}, factibilidad {f} |
practicable {adj} /ˈpɹæktɪkəbəl/ (capable of being accomplished; feasible) | :: realizable, alcanzable |
practical {adj} /ˈpɹæktɪkəl/ (based on practice or action rather than theory or hypothesis) | :: práctico {m}, práctica {f} |
practicality {n} (state of being practical or feasible) | :: factibilidad {f}, sentido práctico {m} |
practical joke {n} (something done for amusement to the detriment of someone else) | :: broma pesada {f} |
practically {adv} /ˈpɹæktɪkli/ (In practice, in effect) | :: prácticamente |
practically {adv} (almost completely) | :: prácticamente |
practice {n} /ˈpɹæktɪs/ (repetition of an activity to improve skill) | :: práctica {f} |
practice {n} (an ongoing pursuit of a craft or profession) | :: práctica |
practice {n} (customary action, habit, or behaviour) | :: costumbre {f} |
practice {n} | :: práctica {f} |
practice makes perfect {proverb} (if one practices an activity enough, one will eventually master it) | :: la práctica hace al maestro |
practice what one preaches {v} (act in harmony with one's teachings) | :: predicar con el ejemplo |
practise {v} /ˈpɹæktɪs/ (to repeat an activity as a way of improving one's skill) | :: practicar |
practise {v} (to perform or execute a craft or skill) | :: practicar |
practise {v} (to perform or observe in a habitual fashion) | :: practicar |
practise {v} (to pursue (a career, especially law, fine art or medicine)) | :: practicar |
practise {v} | :: practicar, entrenar, ejercer |
practiser {n} (one who practises) | :: practicante {m} {f} |
praenomen {n} (ancient Roman first name) | :: prenombre {m} |
Pragian {prop} (a subdivision of the Devonian period) | :: Praguiense |
pragmatic {adj} /pɹæɡˈmætɪk/ (practical) | :: pragmático {m}, pragmática {f} |
pragmatically {adv} (in a pragmatic manner) | :: pragmáticamente |
pragmatics {n} (study of the use of the language in a social context) | :: pragmática {f}, pragmalingüística {f} |
pragmatism {n} /ˈpɹæɡmətɪzəm/ (pursuit of practicality over aesthetic qualities) | :: pragmatismo {m} |
pragmatism {n} (political theory that problems should be met with/by practical solutions rather than ideological ones) | :: pragmatismo {m} |
pragmatism {n} (philosophical idea that beliefs are identified with the actions of a believer) | :: pragmatismo {m} |
Prague {prop} /pɹɑːɡ/ (capital of the Czech Republic) | :: Praga |
Praguer {n} (A native or resident of Prague) | :: praguense {m} {f} |
Praia {prop} /ˈpɹaɪə/ (capital of Cape Verde) | :: Praia |
Prairial {prop} /pɹɛɹˈjɑl/ (the ninth month of French Republican Calendar) | :: pradial {m} |
prairie {n} /ˈpɹɛəɹi/ (An extensive area of relatively flat grassland) | :: pradera {f} |
prairie dog {n} (burrowing rodent) | :: perrito de las praderas {m} |
praise {n} /pɹeɪz/ (commendation; favorable representation in words) | :: alabanza {f}, loa {f}, enaltecimiento {m}, elogio |
praise {n} (worship) | :: adoración |
praise {n} | :: alabanza {f} |
praise {v} (to give praise to) | :: alabar, elogiar, ensalzar, enaltecer, loar |
praise to the skies {v} | :: hacerse lenguas de, poner por las nubes, deshacerse en elogios |
praiseworthy {adj} /ˈpɹeɪz.wɝ.ði/ (meriting praise) | :: encomiable, alabable, digno de alabanza {m}, loable |
prajna {n} /ˈpɹɑːd͡ʒnə/ ((Buddhism) wisdom; understanding; insight) | :: pregnia {f} |
praline {n} /ˈpɹeɪ.liːn/ (confection) | :: bombón {m} |
pram {n} /pɹæm/ (perambulator) | :: cochecito (de bebé) {m}, carrito (de bebé) {m} |
prance {v} /pɹæn(t)s/ (of a horse) | :: encabritarse |
Prancer {prop} (reindeer of Santa Claus) | :: Acróbata {m}, Saltador {m}, Saltarín {m}, Pompón {m}, Chiqui {m} |
prank {n} /pɹæŋk/ (practical joke or mischievous trick) | :: travesura {f}, broma {f}, inocentada {f}, jugarreta, chiquillada, gamberrada, jaimitada |
prank {v} (perform a joke on) | :: embromar |
prankster {n} (one who performs pranks) | :: bromista {m} {f} |
praseodymium {n} /ˌpɹeɪzioʊˈdɪmiəm/ (chemical element) | :: praseodimio {m} |
prattle {v} /ˈpɹætəl/ (to talk incessantly; to babble) | :: parlotear |
prawn {n} /pɹɒːn/ (large shrimp) | :: gamba {f}, camarón {m} |
pray {v} /pɹeɪ/ (to petition a higher being) | :: rezar, orar |
pray {v} (to beg humbly for aid) | :: rogar |
pray {v} (to talk to God) | :: orar, rogar |
prayer {n} /pɹɛɚ/ (practice of communicating with one's God) | :: oración {f} |
prayer {n} (the specific words or methods used for praying) | :: oración {f} |
prayer {n} | :: rezo, oración |
prayer {n} /ˈpɹeɪəɹ/ (one who prays) | :: orador {m}, oradora {f}, orante {m} {f} |
prayer beads {n} (string of beads, see also: rosary) | :: rosario {m} |
prayer book {n} (book) | :: devocionario |
prayer flag {n} (colourful rectangular cloth) | :: bandera de oración {f} |
praying mantis {n} (any of various predatory insects of the Mantidae family) | :: mantis religiosa {f}, rezadora {f}, campamocha {f} [Mexico], cerbatana {f} [Venezuela], mamboretá {f} [Argentina, Uruguay], santateresa {f} [Spain], tatadiós {m} [Argentina], triquitesa {f} [Western Spain, specifically Extremadura], usamico {m} [Northwestern Argentina] |
praying mantis {n} (Mantis religiosa) | :: mantis religiosa {f} |
PRC {prop} (abbreviation of People’s Republic of China, see also: People’s Republic of China) | :: RPC {f} |
précis {n} /ˈpɹeɪsi/ (concise statement) | :: resumen {m} |
pre- {prefix} (before) | :: pre- |
preach {v} /pɹiːt͡ʃ/ (give a sermon) | :: predicar |
preach {v} (proclaim by public discourse) | :: predicar |
preach {v} (advise or recommend earnestly) | :: predicar |
preacher {n} /ˈpɹit͡ʃɚ/ (one who preaches) | :: predicador |
preach to the choir {v} (speaking to those that already believe) | :: hablar a Noé de lluvia |
preach to the converted {v} (preach to the choir) SEE: preach to the choir | :: |
Prealps {prop} (Alpine foothills) | :: Prealpes {m-p} |
preantepenultimate {adj} /ˌpɹiːˌæntɪpɪˈnʌltɪmət/ (three before the end; fourth to last) | :: trasantepenúltimo |
prebendary {n} /ˈpɹɛbəndəɹi/ (1. An honorary canon of a cathedral or collegiate church) | :: prebendado {m} |
preburner {n} | :: prequemador {m} |
prebuy {v} (forebuy) SEE: forebuy | :: |
precampaign {adj} | :: precampaña {f} |
precariat {n} (sociological group) | :: precariado {m} |
precarious {adj} /pɹəˈkɛɹi.əs/ (dangerously insecure or unstable; perilous) | :: precario |
precariously {adv} (in a precarious manner) | :: precariamente |
precariousness {n} (state of being uncertain) | :: precariedad {f} |
precarity {n} (condition of existence) | :: precaridad |
precarization {n} (process) | :: precarización {f} |
precaution {n} /pɹiːˈkɔːʃən/ | :: precaución {f} |
precautionary {adj} (of, pertaining to, or serving as a precaution) | :: preventivo, precautorio |
precede {v} /pɹəˈsiːd/ (go before, go in front of) | :: preceder, anteceder |
precedence {n} /ˈpɹɛsɪd(ə)ns/ (the state of preceding in importance or priority) | :: prioridad {f}, precedencia {f} |
precedent {n} /pɹɪˈsiː.dənt/ (past act used as example) | :: precedente {m} |
precedent {n} (leading case which is cited to justify a judgment) | :: precedente {m} |
precentral {adj} (anterior to a centre) | :: precentral |
precept {n} /ˈpɹiːsɛpt/ (rule or principle governing personal conduct) | :: precepto {m} |
precession {n} (physics term) | :: precesión |
precinct {n} /ˈpɹisɪŋkt/ (enclosed space) | :: recinto {m} |
precious {adv} (intensifier) SEE: very | :: |
precious {adj} /ˈpɹɛʃəs/ (of high value or worth) | :: precioso |
precious metal {n} (metallic element with high economic value) | :: metal precioso {m} |
preciousness {n} (the condition of being precious) | :: preciosidad {f}, preciosura {f} |
precious stone {n} (gem) | :: piedra preciosa {f} |
precipice {n} /ˈpɹɛsɪpɪs/ (very steep cliff) | :: precipicio {m} |
precipitate {v} /pɹɪˈsɪpɪteɪt/ (To throw an object or person from a great height) | :: tirar abajo, arrojar, precipitar |
precipitate {v} (To come out of a liquid solution into solid form) | :: condensar, precipitar |
precipitately {adv} (In a precipitate manner) | :: precipitadamente |
precipitation {n} /pɹɪˌsɪpɪˈteɪʃən/ (weather: water falling from the atmosphere) | :: precipitación {f} lluvia {f} |
precipitation {n} (chemistry: chemical reaction forming solid in liquid) | :: precipitación {f} |
precipitous {adj} (steep, like a precipice) | :: escarpado |
precipitous {adj} (headlong) | :: de cabeza |
precipitous {adj} (hasty; rash; quick; sudden; precipitate) | :: precipitado |
precipitously {adv} (abruptly) | :: precipitadamente |
precise {adj} /pɹɪˈsaɪs/ (exact) | :: preciso, concreto {m} |
precise {v} (exact) | :: precisar, especificar, concretar, pormenorizar, detallar |
precisely {adv} /pɹɪˈsaɪsli/ (in a precise manner) | :: precisamente |
precision {n} /pɹɪˈsɪ.ʒ(ə)n/ (the state of being precise or exact; exactness) | :: precisión {f} |
preclude {v} /pɹɪˈkluːd/ (rule out) | :: descartar, excluir, precluir [law] |
precocious {adj} /pɹəˈkəʊʃəs/ (characterized by exceptionally early development or maturity) | :: precoz |
precocious {adj} (exhibiting advanced skills at an abnormally early age) | :: precoz |
precociously {adv} (in a precocious manner) | :: precozmente |
precociousness {n} (condition of being precocious) | :: precocidad {f} |
precocity {n} (state of being precocious) | :: precocidad {f} |
precognition {n} /ˌpɹiːkɒɡˈnɪʃn̩/ (knowledge of something that is to occur in the future) | :: precognición |
pre-Columbian {adj} (before Christopher Columbus) | :: precolombino |
preconceived {adj} /ˌpɹiːkənˈsiːvd/ (conceived beforehand) | :: preconcebido |
preconception {n} (prejudice) SEE: prejudice | :: |
precook {v} (partially or completely cook in advance) | :: precocinar |
pre-cooked {adj} (cooked in advance) | :: precocinado {m}, precocinada {f} |
precum {v} (pre-ejaculate) | :: preeyacular |
precuneus {n} (division of the medial surface of the parietal lobe) | :: precuña {f} |
precursor {n} /ˈpɹiːˌkɜɹ.səɹ/ (forerunner, predecessor) | :: precursor {m} |
precursor {n} (chemical compound) | :: precursor |
predate {v} /ˈpɹiːˌdeɪt/ (move a date, event) | :: adelantar |
predate {v} (exist before) | :: anteceder, preceder |
predate {v} /pɹəˈdeɪt/ (prey) | :: predar, depredar |
predator {n} /ˈpɹɛd.ə.təɹ/ (animal or organism that hunts) | :: predador {m}, depredador {m} |
predatory {adj} /ˈpɹedətəɹi/ (relating to predators) | :: depredador |
Père David's tit {n} (Poecile davidi) | :: carbonero de David {m} |
predawn {n} (period before the rising of the sun) | :: el período antes del amanecer |
predecessor {n} /ˈpɹɛd.ə.sɛs.ɚ/ (one who precedes) | :: predecesor {m}, antecesor {m} |
predestination {n} /pɹi.dɛs.tɪˈneɪ.ʃen/ (religious doctrine) | :: predestinación {f} |
predestine {v} /pɹiˈdɛstɪn/ (to determine the future of something in advance) | :: predestinar |
predestiny {n} (predestination) SEE: predestination | :: |
predicament {n} /pɹɪˈdɪkəmənt/ (a definite class, state or condition) | :: predicamento |
predicament {n} (an unfortunate or trying position or condition) | :: aprieto, apuro |
predicate {n} /ˈpɹɛdɪkət/ ((grammar) part of sentence that states something about its subject) | :: predicado {m} |
predicate {n} ((logic) a term of a statement, where the statement may be true or false) | :: predicado {m} |
predicative case {n} (case marking a predicative nominative) | :: predicativo |
predict {v} /pɹɪˈdɪkt/ (to state, or make something known in advance) | :: predecir |
predictability {n} (The characteristic of being predictable) | :: previsibilidad {f} |
predictable {adj} /pɹɪˈdɪktəbl̩/ (able to be predicted) | :: predecible |
prediction {n} /pɹɪˈdɪkʃn/ (a statement about the future) | :: predicción {f} |
predictive {adj} (useful in predicting) | :: predictivo |
predilection {n} /ˌpɹɛ.dəˈlɛk.ʃn̩/ (tendency towards) | :: predilección {f} |
predisposition {n} (the state of being predisposed) | :: predisposición {f} |
prednicarbate {n} (topical corticosteroid drug) | :: prednicarbato {m} |
predominant {adj} (common or widespread; prevalent) | :: predominante |
predominant {adj} (significant or important; dominant) | :: predominante |
predominantly {adv} (in a predominant manner) | :: principalmente |
predominate {adj} (predominant) SEE: predominant | :: |
preeclampsia {n} (complication of pregnancy) | :: preeclampsia {f} |
pre-ejaculate {n} (pre-ejaculate) | :: líquido preseminal {m} |
preeminence {n} (status of being preeminent) | :: preeminencia {f}, prestancia |
preeminence {n} (high importance) | :: preeminencia {f} |
preeminent {adj} /pɹiːˈɛmɪnənt/ (exceeding others in quality or rank) | :: preeminente |
preemption {n} /priːˈɛmpʃən/ (the displacement of a lower jurisdiction's laws when they conflict with those of a higher jurisdiction) | :: preempción {f}, prevalencia {f}, primacía |
preemptive {adj} /pɹiːˈɛmp.tɪv/ (of or relating to preemption) | :: preventivo |
preemptive {adj} (so as to deter an anticipated unpleasant situation) | :: preventivo |
preemptive {adj} | :: preventivo |
preemptively {adv} (in a preemptive manner) | :: preventivamente |
preen {v} /pɹiːn/ (to show off) | :: ostentar |
preexist {v} (to exist prior to) | :: preexistir |
prefabricated {adj} (manufactured in advance) | :: prefabricado {m} |
prefabrication {n} (manufacture of prefabricated components) | :: prefabricación {f} |
preface {n} /ˈpɹɛfəs/ (introduction before the main text) | :: prefacio {m} |
preface {v} (to introduce a text) | :: introducir |
prefatory {adj} (introductory) | :: introductorio {m}, prefatorio |
prefecture {n} /ˈpɹiˌfɛk(t)ʃəɹ/ (The office of a prefect) | :: prefectura {f} |
prefecture {n} (The district governed by a prefect) | :: prefectura {f} |
prefer {v} /pɹɪˈfɝ/ (to favor) | :: preferir, anteponer |
preferable {adj} /ˈpɹɛf(ə)ɹəb(ə)l/ (Better than some other option) | :: preferible |
preferably {adv} /ˈpɹɛfɹəˌbli/ (in preference) | :: preferiblemente |
preference {n} /ˈpɹɛf(ə)ɹ(ə)ns/ (selection) | :: preferencia {f} |
preference {n} (liking) | :: preferencia |
preference {n} (bias) | :: preferencia {f} |
preferences {n} (plural of "preference") SEE: preference | :: |
preferential {adj} /ˈpɹɛf.ɜː(ɹ)ˌɛn.ʃəl/ (relating to preference) | :: preferente |
preferred {adj} /pɹɪˈfɝd/ (favoured) | :: preferido |
preferred stock {n} (stock senior to common stock) | :: acción preferente {f} |
preferred stockholder {n} (stockholder of preferred stock) | :: preferentista {m} {f} |
prefetch {v} ((computing) To load data or instructions in anticipation of their need) | :: prelectura |
prefix {n} /ˈpɹiːfɪks/ (morpheme at the beginning of a word) | :: prefijo {m} |
prefixation {n} (addition of a prefix) | :: prefijación {f} |
prefrontal cortex {n} (the anterior part of the frontal lobes of the brain) | :: corteza prefrontal {f} |
pregabalin {n} | :: pregabalina {f} |
pregnancy {n} (condition) | :: embarazo {m}, gravidez |
pregnant {adj} (fertile) SEE: fertile | :: |
pregnant {adj} /ˈpɹɛɡnənt/ (carrying developing offspring within the body) | :: embarazada, preñada {m}, encinta {f} |
pregnant woman {n} | :: gestante {f} |
preheat {v} (to heat something in preparation for further action, especially cooking) | :: precalentar |
prehensile {adj} /pɹiˈhɛnsəl/ (able to take hold of objects) | :: prensil |
prehistoric {adj} (of relating to the epoch before written record) | :: prehistórico |
prehistory {n} (study of events and conditions before written records) | :: prehistoria {f} |
prehnite {n} (mineral) | :: prehnita {f} |
prejudge {v} (form a judgement in advance) | :: prejuzgar |
prejudice {n} /ˈpɹɛd͡ʒədɪs/ (adverse judgement formed beforehand) | :: prejuicio {m} |
prejudice {n} (any preconceived opinion) | :: prejuicio {m} |
prejudice {n} | :: prejuicio {m} |
prejudice {v} (to have a negative impact) | :: perjudicar |
prejudice {v} (to cause prejudice) | :: prejuiciar |
prejudiced {adj} (having prejudices) | :: prejuicioso, prejuiciado |
prejudicial {adj} (exhibiting prejudice or bias) | :: prejuicioso |
prejudicial {adj} (causing harm or injury; detrimental, harmful or injurious) | :: perjudicial |
prelate {n} /ˈpɹɛlət/ (clergyman) | :: prelado {m} |
preliminarily {adv} (in a preliminary manner) | :: preliminarmente |
preliminary {adj} /pɹɪˈlɪmɪnɛɹi/ (in preparation for the main matter) | :: preliminar |
prelude {n} /ˈpɹɛl(j)uːd/ (introductory event) | :: preludio {m}, antesala {f} |
prelude {n} (short piece of music) | :: preludio {m} |
premarital {adj} (before one’s marriage) | :: premarital |
premature {adj} /ˌpɹi.məˈtʊɹ/ (occurring before a state of readiness or maturity) | :: prematuro |
premature {adj} (taking place earlier than anticipated) | :: prematuro |
premature birth {n} (childbirth occurring earlier than 37 completed weeks of gestation) | :: nacimiento prematuro {m} |
premature ejaculation {n} (premature ejaculation) | :: eyaculación precoz {f} |
prematurely {adv} (in a premature manner) | :: prematuramente |
premaxilla {n} (bone) | :: premaxilar {m} |
premedication {n} (administration of a drug (or mixture of drugs) prior to an anesthetic) | :: premedicación {f} |
premeditated {adj} (planned, considered or estimated in advance; deliberate) | :: premeditado |
premeditatedly {adv} (in a premeditated manner) | :: premeditadamente |
premier {n} (prime minister of a country) SEE: prime minister | :: |
premier {adj} /pɹɪˈmɪəɹ/ (foremost, very first or very highest in quality or degree) | :: primero, principal |
premiere {n} /pɹəˈmɪɚ/ (first showing of a film, play or other form of entertainment) | :: estreno {m} |
premiere {v} ((intransitive) of a film or play, to play for the first time) | :: estrenar |
première {n} (premiere) SEE: premiere | :: |
premise {n} /ˈpɹɛ.mɪs/ (proposition antecedently supposed or proved) | :: premisa {f} |
premise {n} (either of the first two propositions of a syllogism, from which the conclusion is deduced) | :: premisa {f} |
premises {n} /ˈpɹɛməsɪs/ (land, and all the built structures on it, considered as a single place) | :: sitio {m}, local {m}, propiedad {f}, lugar {m} |
premium {adj} /ˈpɹimiəm/ | :: premium |
premium {n} (a prize or award) | :: premio {m} |
premium {n} (a bonus paid in addition to normal payments) | :: recargo {m}, bonificación {f}, prima {f}, premio {m} |
premium {n} (the amount to be paid for an insurance policy) | :: prima {f} |
premonition {n} (strong intuition) | :: presentimiento {m}, premonición {f} |
prenatal {adj} (being or happening before birth) | :: prenatal |
prenup {n} (prenuptial agreement) SEE: prenuptial agreement | :: |
prenuptial agreement {n} (document stating legal claims upon a divorce) | :: capitulaciones prematrimoniales {f-p}, acuerdo prenupcial {m} |
preoccupied {adj} (concerned with something else, distracted) | :: preocupado, ensimismado, obsesionado {m} |
prep {n} (homework) SEE: homework | :: |
prep {n} (preparation) SEE: preparation | :: |
prep {n} (preparatory school) SEE: prep school | :: |
prep {n} (student or graduate of a prep school) SEE: preppy | :: |
prepaid {adj} /pɹiːˈpeɪd/ (paid for in advance) | :: prepago |
preparation {n} /pɹɛpəˈɹeɪʃən/ (act) | :: preparación {f} |
preparation {n} (substance) | :: preparación {f} |
prepare {v} /pɹɪˈpɛəɹ/ (to make ready for a specific future purpose) | :: preparar |
prepare {v} (to make ready for eating or drinking) | :: preparar, hacer |
prepare {v} (to make oneself ready) | :: prepararse |
prepared {adj} /pɹɪˈpɛɹd/ (ready, willing) | :: preparado |
preparedness {n} (state of being prepared) | :: preparación {f} |
prepend {v} /pɹɪˈpɛnd/ (to attach (an expression, phrase, etc.) to another, as a prefix) | :: anteponer |
preponderance {n} /pɹɪˈpɒnd(ə)ɹəns/ (state of being preponderant) | :: preponderancia {f} |
preposition {n} /ˌpɹɛpəˈzɪʃən/ (grammar: a type of word like "of, from, for, by") | :: preposición {f} |
prepositional {adj} (of, pertaining to, or of the nature of a preposition) | :: preposicional |
prepositional {adj} | :: preposicional, prepositivo |
prepositional {n} (the prepositional case) SEE: prepositional case | :: |
prepositional article {n} (contraction of a preposition and an article) | :: preposición compuesta {f} |
prepositional case {n} (case serving as object of a preposition) | :: caso preposicional {m} |
prepositional phrase {n} (phrase containing both a preposition and its complement) | :: sintagma preposicional {m} |
preposterous {adj} (absurd, or contrary to common sense) | :: insensato, ridículo, prepóstero |
preppy {n} /ˈpɹɛpi/ (student of a prep school) | :: cheto {m} [Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay], cuico {m} [Chile], fresa {m} [El Salvador, Mexico], gomelo {m} [Colombia], jailón {m} [Bolivia], jevito {m} [Dominican Republic], pijo {m} [Spain], pipi {m} [Costa Rica], pituco {m} [Peru], sifrino {m} [Venezuela], yeyé {m} [Panama] |
prep school {n} /ˈpɹɛpˌskuːl/ (US: school that prepares for university) | :: preparatoria |
prepubescent {adj} (before the age at which a person begins puberty) | :: preadolescente, prepúber |
prepuce {n} (foreskin of certain animals) SEE: sheath | :: |
prepuce {n} (foreskin) SEE: foreskin | :: |
preputial {adj} (preputial) | :: prepucial |
prequel {n} /ˈpɹiːkwəl/ (in a series of works, an installment that is set chronologically before its predecessor) | :: precuela, protosecuela, retrohistoria |
preraphaelite {adj} (Pre-Raphaelite) SEE: Pre-Raphaelite | :: |
preraphaelite {n} (Pre-Raphaelite) SEE: Pre-Raphaelite | :: |
Pre-Raphaelite {adj} (of or pertaining to Pre-Raphaelism) | :: prerrafaelista |
Pre-Raphaelite {n} (advocate of Pre-Raphaelism) | :: prerrafaelista {m} {f} |
prerequisite {n} /pɹiˈɹɛkwəzət/ (Something that must be gained in order to gain something else) | :: requisito {m}, requisito previo {m}, condición previa {f} |
prerogative {n} (right, generally) SEE: right | :: |
prerogative {n} /pɹəˈɹɑɡ.ə.tɪv/ (hereditary or official right or privilege) | :: prerrogativa {f} |
prerogative {n} (right or power that is exclusive to a monarch etc.) | :: prerrogativa {f} |
prerogative {adj} (having a hereditary or official right or privilege) | :: prerrogativa |
presage {n} /ˈpɹɛsɪdʒ/ (warning; omen) | :: presagio |
presage {n} (intuition; presentiment) | :: presentimiento {m}, intuición {f} |
presale {n} (sale of something before it is available to the public) | :: preventa {f} |
presbycusis {n} /ˌpɹɛzbəˈkjuːsəs/ (inability to focus on high-pitched sounds) | :: presbiacusia {f} |
presbyopia {n} (inability of the eye, due to ageing, to focus on nearby objects) | :: presbicia {f}, vista cansada {f} |
presbypropria {n} (inability of the proprioceptive system to accurately identify limb position) | :: presbipropria {f} |
presbyter {n} /ˈpɹezbɪtɚ/ (priest in various churches) | :: presbítero {m} |
Presbyterian {adj} /ˌpɹez.bɪˈtɪɹ.i.ən/ (relating to the Presbyterian Church) | :: presbiteriano |
Presbyterian {n} (person belonging to the Presbyterian Church) | :: presbiteriano {m} |
Presbyterianism {n} (form of Protestantism) | :: presbiterianismo {m} |
presbytery {n} (chancel) SEE: chancel | :: |
preschool {adj} (relating to years before primary school) | :: preescolar {m} {f} |
preschool {n} (nursery school) SEE: nursery school | :: |
preschooler {n} (a child who is educated at preschool) | :: párvulo {m} |
prescience {n} /ˈpɹɛʃɨns/ (Knowledge of events before they take place; foresight; foreknowledge) | :: presciencia {f} |
prescient {adj} /ˈpɹɛsɪənt/ (exhibiting or possessing prescience) | :: presciente |
prescribe {v} /pɹɪˈskɹaɪb/ (to order a drug or medical device) | :: prescribir, recetar |
prescribe {v} (to specify as a required procedure or ritual) | :: prescribir, ordenar |
prescription {n} /pɹəˈskɹɪpʃən/ (the act of prescribing a rule or law) | :: prescripción {f} |
prescription {n} (extinctive or liberative prescription) | :: prescripción extintiva {f}, prescripción liberatoria {f} |
prescription {n} (usucapion, acquisitive prescription) | :: usucapión {f}, prescripción adquisitiva {f} |
prescription {n} (written order for the administration of a medicine) | :: receta {f} |
prescription {n} (the prescribed medicine) | :: remedios recetados {m-p}, medicinas {m-p} |
prescription {n} (formal description of the lens geometry) | :: receta {f} |
prescription {n} (the act or practice of laying down norms of language usage) | :: prescripción {f} |
prescription {n} (prescriptive pronouncement) | :: prescripción {f} |
prescription {n} (plan or procedure to obtain a given end result) | :: receta {f} |
prescription {adj} (available with prescription) | :: recetado, recetario |
prescription drug {n} (licensed medicine) | :: medicamento con receta {m} |
prescriptivism {n} /pɹəˈskɹɪp.tɪ.vɪzm̩/ (prescribing idealistic language norms) | :: prescriptivismo {m}, normativismo {m} |
presence {n} /ˈpɹɛzəns/ (fact or condition of being present) | :: presencia {f} |
present {n} (gift) SEE: gift | :: |
present {n} (present tense) SEE: present tense | :: |
present {adj} /ˈpɹɛzənt/ (pertaining to the current time) | :: presente, actual |
present {adj} (in the immediate vicinity) | :: presente |
present {n} (current time) | :: presente {m}, actual {m}, ahora |
present {v} (bring into the presence of) | :: presentar, mostrar |
present {v} (give (someone) as gift or award) | :: presentar |
presentable {adj} /pɹəˈzɛntəbəl/ (able to be presented) | :: presentable |
presentation {n} /ˌpɹɛzənˈteɪʃən/ (presenting to an audience) | :: presentación {f}, ponencia {f} |
presenter {n} /pɹɪˈzɛntə(ɹ)/ (someone who presents a broadcast programme) | :: presentador {m}, presentadora {f} |
present participle {n} (verb form that indicates an ongoing action) | :: participio presente {m} |
present tense {n} (form of language) | :: presente |
preservation {n} /pɹɛ.zɝˈveɪ.ʃən/ (the act of preserving) | :: preservación {f} |
preservative {n} (any agent, natural or artificial that acts to preserve) | :: conservante {m} |
preservative {adj} (tending to preserve) | :: preservativo {m}, preservativa {f} |
preserve {n} /pɹəˈzɜːv/ (sweet spread) | :: mermelada {f} |
preserve {n} (nature preserve) | :: reserva {f}, reserva natural {f} |
preserve {n} (activity with restricted access) | :: coto {m}, terreno {m}, dominio {m} |
preserve {v} (to protect) | :: preservar |
preserve {v} (to keep; to maintain the condition of) | :: conservar |
preside {v} (to act as a president or chairperson) | :: presidir |
presidency {n} /ˈpɹezɪdənsi/ (office or role of president) | :: presidencia {f} |
presidency {n} (time during which one is president) | :: presidencia {f} |
president {n} /ˈpɹɛzɨdənt/ (the head of state of a republic) | :: presidente {m} {f}, presidenta {f} |
president {n} (the primary leader of a corporation) | :: presidente {m}, presidente director {m} |
president-elect {n} /ˌpɹɛzɪdənt ɪˈlɛkt/ (person who has been elected to a presidency but has not yet been inducted into office) | :: presidente electo {m}, presidente electa {f}, presidenta electa {f} |
presidential {adj} /pɹɛzɪˈdɛnʃ(ə)l/ (pertaining to a president or presidency) | :: presidencial |
presidential palace {n} (White House) SEE: White House | :: |
Presidents' Day {prop} (federal holiday) | :: Día del Presidente {m} |
presoak {v} (To soak in advance) | :: prerremojar |
presoak {n} (An initial soak) | :: prerremojo {m} |
press {v} (to press) SEE: bear | :: |
press {n} /pɹɛs/ (device used to apply pressure) | :: prensa {f} |
press {n} (printed media) | :: prensa {f} |
press {n} (printing machine) | :: prensa {f} |
press {n} (weightlifting exercise) | :: pres, prensa {f} |
press {v} (to apply pressure) | :: prensar, presionar, oprimir |
press {n} (publisher) SEE: publisher | :: |
Pressburg {prop} (Bratislava) SEE: Bratislava | :: |
press conference {n} (question and answer session with members of television, print and other media) | :: rueda de prensa {f} |
pressie {n} (slang; a present) | :: regalo {m} |
pressing {adj} /ˈpɹɛsɪŋ/ (needing urgent attention) | :: apremiante, acuciante |
pressing {adj} | :: acuciante |
press release {n} (official written media statement) | :: comunicado de prensa {m} |
pressure {n} /ˈpɹɛʃ.ɚ/ (a pressing; force applied to a surface) | :: presión {f} |
pressure {n} (a contrasting force or impulse of any kind) | :: presión {f} |
pressure {n} (mental strain) | :: presión {f} |
pressure {n} (physics: amount of force divided by area) | :: presión {f} |
pressure {v} (exert force or influence) | :: presionar |
pressure cooker {n} (cooking vessel) | :: marmita {f}, olla de presión {f}, olla a presión {f}, olla express {f} [Mexico, Spain] |
pressure group {n} (advocacy group) SEE: advocacy group | :: |
pressure ulcer {n} (bedsore) SEE: bedsore | :: |
pressurize {v} (to put pressure on) | :: presionar |
prestidigitation {n} /ˌpɹɛstəˌdɪdʒɪˈteɪʃən/ (sleight of hand) | :: prestidigitación {f} |
prestidigitation {n} (deceitful cleverness) | :: prestidigitación {f} |
prestidigitator {n} (who performs feats of prestidigitation) | :: prestidigitador {m} |
prestige {n} /pɹɛsˈti(d)ʒ/ (dignity, status, or esteem) | :: prestigio {m}, prestancia |
prestigious {adj} /pɹɛˈstɪdʒəs/ (of high prestige) | :: prestigioso {m} |
presumably {adv} /pɹɪˈzuːməbli/ (able to be sensibly presumed) | :: presumiblemente, probablemente, presuntamente |
presumed {adj} (appearing to be the most probable) | :: presunto, supuesto |
presumedly {adv} (presumably) SEE: presumably | :: |
presumptively {adv} (as is presumed to be the case) SEE: presumably | :: |
presumptuous {adj} /pɹəˈzəmptʃuəs/ (going beyond what is proper) | :: presuntuoso |
presuppose {v} (to assume some truth without proof) | :: presuponer |
pretend {v} /pɹɪˈtɛnd/ (to allege falsely) | :: fingir |
pretend {adj} (imaginary) | :: de mentirijillas [colloquial, Spain] |
pretender {n} (person who professes beliefs and opinions that they do not hold) | :: impostor {m}, mentiroso {m}, embustero {m}, hipócrita {m}, falso {m}, grupiento {m} |
pretender {n} (claimant to a throne) | :: pretendiente {m} |
pretension {n} (claim) | :: pretensión {f} |
pretensioner {n} | :: pretensor {m} |
pretentious {adj} /pɹɪˈtɛnʃəs/ (marked by an unwarranted claim to importance or distinction) | :: pretencioso, macanudo |
pretentious {adj} (intended to impress others) | :: pretencioso {m} |
pretentiously {adv} /pɹɪˈtɛnʃəsliː/ (in a manner with unwarranted claim to importance or distinction) | :: pretenciosamente |
preterite {adj} /ˈpɹɛtəɹət/ (showing an action at a determined moment in the past) | :: pretérito {m} |
preterite {n} (preterite tense; simple past) | :: preterito |
preterition {n} (the act of passing by, disregarding or omitting) | :: preterición {f} |
pretermit {v} (to intentionally disregard) | :: pretermitir |
preternatural {adj} /ˌpɹiː.təˈnæt͡ʃ.(ə)ɹ.əl/ (existing outside of the natural world) | :: preternatural |
pretext {n} /ˈpɹiːtɛkst/ (false, contrived or assumed purpose) | :: pretexto {m} |
Pretoria {prop} (capital of South Africa) | :: Pretoria |
prettify {v} /ˈpɹɪtɪfʌɪ/ (make pretty or prettier) | :: embellecer |
prettily {adv} (in a pretty manner) | :: bellamente, hermosamente, lindamente |
pretty {adj} /ˈpɝti/ (cunning, clever, skilful) | :: ingenioso, listo |
pretty {adj} (especially of women and children: pleasant, attractive) | :: guapo {m}, bonito {m}, precioso |
pretty {adj} (of objects: nice-looking) | :: bonito |
pretty {adv} (somewhat) | :: bastante, bien |
pretty much {adv} (almost completely; very nearly; mostly) | :: más o menos |
pretzel {n} /ˈpɹɛt.səl/ (toasted bread or cracker in the shape of a knot) | :: pretzel {m} |
prevail {v} /pɹɪˈveɪl/ (To be superior in strength, dominance, influence or frequency; to have or gain the advantage over others; to have the upper hand) | :: prevalecer, vencer |
prevail {v} (To be current, widespread or predominant; to have currency or prevalence) | :: prevalecer |
prevalence {n} (wide extension) | :: predominancia {f}, predominio {m}, preponderancia {f}, prevalencia {f} |
prevalence {n} (number of cases compared to a total population) | :: prevalencia |
prevalent {adj} /ˈpɹɛvələnt/ (Superior in frequency or dominant) | :: prevalente |
prevarication {n} /pɹɪˌvæɹɪˈkeɪʃən/ (deviation from what is right or correct) | :: prevaricación {f} |
prevent {v} /pɹɪˈvɛnt/ (to keep from happening) | :: impedir, prevenir |
prevention {n} /pɹɪˈvɛnʃən/ (The act of preventing or hindering) | :: prevención |
prevention {n} (Measure to limit health risks) | :: prevención |
prevention {n} | :: prevención {f} |
preventive {adj} /pɹɪˈvɛntɪv/ (preventing, hindering, or acting as an obstacle to) | :: preventivo {m} |
preventively {adv} (in a preventive way) | :: preventivamente |
preverb {n} (word class) | :: preverbo {m} |
prevesical {adj} (in front of a bladder) | :: prevesical |
preview {n} /ˈpɹiːvjʉː/ (advance showing of a film, exhibition etc.) | :: preestreno {m} |
previous {adj} /ˈpɹivi.əs/ (prior) | :: previo, anterior |
previously {adv} /ˈpɹiːvi.əsli/ (at an earlier time) | :: anteriormente, previamente, con anterioridad |
prey {n} /pɹeɪ/ (booty, anything taken by force) | :: botín {m} |
prey {n} (that which may be seized by animals) | :: presa {f} |
Prey Nokor {prop} (Ho Chi Minh City) SEE: Ho Chi Minh City | :: |
Prey Nokor {prop} (Saigon) SEE: Saigon | :: |
prez {n} (informal, president) | :: presi |
prezygapophysis {n} | :: prezigapófisis {f} |
Priabonian {prop} (subdivision of the Eocene epoch) | :: Priaboniense |
Priam {prop} /ˈpɹaɪəm/ (king of Troy) | :: Príamo {m} |
priapism {n} (medical condition) | :: priapismo {m} |
Priapus {prop} /pɹaɪˈeɪpəs/ (son of Aphrodite and Dionysus) | :: Príapo {m} |
price {n} /pɹaɪs/ (cost required to gain possession of something) | :: precio {m} |
price {n} (cost of an action or deed) | :: precio {m} |
priceless {adj} /ˈpɹaɪsləs/ (so precious as not to be sold at any price) | :: inestimable |
price tag {n} (the tag or sticker attached to a product, displaying its price) | :: etiqueta de precio {f} |
price war {n} (repeated undercutting of prices) | :: guerra de precios {f} |
prick {n} /pɹɪk/ (small pointed object) | :: astilla {f}, pincho {m}, aguja {m} |
prick {n} (feeling of being pierced or punctured) | :: punzada {f}, piquete {m}, pinchazo {m} |
prick {n} ((slang) a penis) | :: reata {f}, [Mexico, California] macana {f}, [Spain], pichula {f}, picha {f}, pija {f} |
prick {n} (an annoying person) | :: gilipollas {m} [Spain], conchasumadre {m} {f} [South America], culeado {m} [South America] |
prick {v} (pierce) | :: pinchar |
prickle {n} /pɹɪkəl/ (A small, sharp pointed object, such as a thorn) | :: aguijón {m}, espina, púa |
prickly {adj} (covered with sharp points) | :: espinoso, espinudo, con espinas |
prickly {adj} (easily irritated) | :: irritable, malhumorado |
prickly {adj} (difficult, hairy) | :: espinoso, difícil, peliagudo |
prickly oak {n} (kermes oak) SEE: kermes oak | :: |
prickly pear {n} /ˌpɹɪkli ˈpɛː/ (any of various spiny cacti of the genus Opuntia) | :: higo chumbo {m}, tuna {f}, nopal {m}, higuera de pala {f}, higuera de tuna {f} |
prickly pear {n} (cactus fruit) | :: higo chumbo {m}, higo de pala {m}, higo de tuna {m}, tuna {f} |
prickteaser {n} (Showstopper, see also: cocktease) | :: calientapollas |
pride {n} /pɹaɪd/ (quality or state of being proud; inordinate self-esteem; an unreasonable conceit of one's own superiority in talents, beauty, wealth, rank etc.) | :: orgullo {m} |
pride {n} (sense of one's own worth, and abhorrence of what is beneath or unworthy of one) | :: orgullo {m} |
pride {n} (proud or disdainful behavior or treatment; insolence or arrogance of demeanor; haughty bearing and conduct) | :: soberbia {f} |
pride {n} (that of which one is proud; that which excites boasting or self-gratulation; the occasion or ground of self-esteem) | :: orgullo {m} |
pride {n} (lust; sexual desire; especially, an excitement of sexual appetite in a female beast) | :: cachondo {m}, toriondo {m}, verriondo {m}, moriondo {m} |
pride {n} (company of lions) | :: manada {f} |
pride {n} | :: orgullo {m} |
pride {v} (take or experience pride in something) | :: ser orgulloso de, enorgullecerse |
prie-dieu {n} /pɹiːˈdjəː/ (a piece of furniture on which someone can pray) | :: reclinatorio {m} |
priest {n} /ˈpɹiːst/ (clergyman (clergywoman, clergyperson)) | :: cura {m}, sacerdote {m}, párroco {m} |
priestess {n} /priːˈstɛs/ (woman with religious duties) | :: sacerdotisa {f} |
priesthood {n} /ˈpɹistˌhʊd/ (role or office) | :: sacerdocio {m} |
priesthood {n} (clergy) | :: sacerdocio {m} |
priesthood {n} (authority) | :: sacerdocio {m} |
prig {n} /pɹɪɡ/ (a person showing exaggerated conformity) | :: meapilas |
prim {adj} /pɹɪm/ (prudish) | :: mojigato {m}, santurrón, cartuchón |
prima donna {n} /ˌpɹiːməˈdɒnə/ (opera singer) | :: prima donna {f} |
prima donna {n} (person who considers themself important) | :: divo {m} |
primal {adj} /ˈpɹaɪməl/ (Being the first in time, or history) | :: primer |
primaquine {n} (medication) | :: primaquina {f} |
primarily {adv} /pɹaɪˈmɛɹəli/ (of a primary or central nature) | :: primariamente |
primary {adj} /ˈpɹaɪməɹi/ (first in a group or series) | :: primario |
primary {adj} (that which is placed ahead of others) | :: primario |
primary {n} (preliminary election) | :: primarias {f-p} |
primary {n} (first year of grade school) | :: primaria {f}, primero {m} |
primary {n} (base or fundamental component) | :: básico |
primary colour {n} (any of three colours which can generate all other colours) | :: color primario {m} |
primary election {n} (preliminary election to select a candidate) | :: primarias {f-p}, elecciones primarias |
primary school {n} (first formal, obligatory school) | :: primaria {f} |
primate {n} /ˈpɹaɪmeɪt/ (mammal) | :: primate {m} |
primate {n} (archbishop or bishop) | :: primado {m} |
prime {adj} /pɹaɪ̯m/ (first in time, order, or sequence) | :: primero |
prime {adj} (first in excellence, quality, or value) | :: primo, primoroso, excelente |
prime {adj} (mathematics: having no factors except itself and unity) | :: primo |
prime {v} /pɹaɪ̯m/ (to prepare a mechanism) | :: cebar |
prime {v} (to apply a coat of primer paint to) | :: imprimar |
prime {v} (to serve as priming for the charge of a gun) | :: cebar |
prime minister {n} (chief member of the cabinet and head of the government) | :: primer ministro {m}, presidente de Gobierno {m}, primera ministra {f} |
prime mover {n} (philosophy: initial agent) | :: motor principal {m} |
prime number {n} (natural number) | :: número primo {m} |
primer {n} /ˈpɹɪ.mɚ/ (children's book introducing basic literacy) | :: cartilla {f}, abecé {m}, silabario {m} |
primer {n} (introductory textbook) | :: abecé {m}, cartilla {f} |
primer {n} /ˈpɹaɪmɚ/ (biology: molecule required for replication of DNA) | :: iniciador, cebador, partidor |
primer {n} (device used to prime an internal combustion engine with gasoline) | :: ignitor |
prime time {n} (block of television programming) | :: horario central {m}, horario estelar {m}, horario de máxima audiencia {m} |
primeval {adj} /ˈpɹaɪˌmi.vəl/ (belonging to the first ages) | :: primigenio |
primeval {adj} (primary; original) | :: primario, originario |
primeval {adj} (primitive) | :: primitivo, primevo |
primigravida {n} /ˌpɹaɪmɪˈɡɹævɪdə/ (woman who is pregnant for the first time, or who has been pregnant once) | :: primigesta {f}, primigrávida {f} |
primipara {n} /ˌpɹaɪˈmɪpəɹə/ (woman or female animal during or after her first pregnancy, see also: primigravida) | :: primípara {f} |
primitive {n} /ˈpɹɪmɪtɪv/ (word not derived from another) | :: primitivo {m} |
primitive {n} | :: primitivo {m} |
primitive {adj} (one of the adjectival senses) | :: primitivo {m} |
Primitive Irish {prop} (language) | :: paleoirlandés |
primitively {adv} (in a primitive manner) | :: primitivamente |
primitiveness {n} (quality or state of being primitive) | :: primitivismo {m} |
primitivity {n} (primitiveness) SEE: primitiveness | :: |
primly {adv} (in a prudish manner) | :: mojigatamente {f} |
primogeniture {n} (state of being the firstborn of the children of the same parents) | :: primogenitura {f}, mayorazgo {m} |
primogeniture {n} (exclusive right of inheritance belonging to the eldest child) | :: primogenitura {f}, mayorazgo {m} |
primordial {adj} /pɹaɪˈmɔɹ.di.əl/ (earliest) | :: primordial |
primordial sea {n} (the oceans of the earth in Precambrian or Paleozoic times) | :: océano primordial |
primordial soup {n} (state of the Earth's oceans at a very early time in the planet's history) | :: caldo primordial {m}, sopa primordial {m} |
Primorsky Krai {prop} (federal subject of Russia) | :: Primorie, Krai de Primorie {m} |
primrose {n} /ˈpɹɪmˌɹoʊz/ (plant of the genus Primula) | :: primavera {f} |
primrose {n} (plant of the genus Oenothera) SEE: evening primrose | :: |
primum mobile {n} /ˌpɹaɪməm ˈməʊbɪli/ (prime mover or first cause, see also: prime mover) | :: primer móvil {m} |
prince {n} /pɹɪns/ (male ruler or head of a principality) | :: príncipe, conde {m} |
prince {n} (son or male-line grandson of a reigning monarch) | :: príncipe {m} (firstborn), infante {m} |
Prince Charming {n} (the fictional character) | :: príncipe azul {m} |
Prince Charming {n} (romantically ideal man) | :: príncipe azul {m} |
Prince Edward Island {prop} (Province in eastern Canada) | :: Isla Príncipe Eduardo {f} |
princely {adj} /ˈpɹɪnsli/ (relating to a prince) | :: principesco {m}, regio {m} |
princely {adj} (befitting to a prince) | :: principesco {m}, regio {m} |
Prince of Darkness {prop} (Satan; the Devil) | :: príncipe de las tinieblas {m} |
Prince of Wales {prop} (royal title) | :: príncipe de Gales {m} |
princess {n} /ˈpɹɪnsɛs/ (female member of royal family) | :: princesa, infanta {f} |
princess {n} (female monarch, or wife of a ruler) | :: princesa |
princess {n} | :: princesa {f}, infanta {f} |
principal {n} (essential point or rule) SEE: principle | :: |
principal {adj} /ˈpɹɪnsɪp̬əl/ (primary, main) | :: principal |
principal {n} (money originally invested or loaned) | :: capital {m} |
principal {n} (chief administrator of a school) | :: director {m}, directora {f}, principal de escuela, jefe de estudios |
principal {n} (chief executive and chief academic officer of a university or college) | :: rector {m}, rectora {f} |
principal {n} (legal: one on behalf of whom an agent or gestor acts) | :: principal {m}, comitente {m} |
principality {n} /pɹɪnsɪˈpælɪti/ (region) | :: principado {m} |
principate {n} (principality) SEE: principality | :: |
principate {n} (preeminence) SEE: preeminence | :: |
principate {n} (early period of the Roman Empire) | :: principado {m} |
principle {n} /ˈpɹɪnsɪpəl/ (fundamental assumption) | :: principio {m} |
principle {n} (rule to solve a problem) | :: principio {m} |
principle {n} (moral rule or aspect) | :: principio {m} |
principle {n} (rule of nature) | :: principio {m} |
principle {n} | :: principio {m} |
principled {adj} /ˈpɹɪnsɪpəld/ (having principles) | :: de principios |
Pringle {n} (individual potato snack of the Pringles brand) | :: Pringle {m} |
print {v} /pɹɪnt/ (to produce a copy of a text or image on a surface, especially by machine) | :: imprimir |
print {n} (fingerprint) SEE: fingerprint | :: |
print {n} (footprint) SEE: footprint | :: |
printed {adj} /pɹɪntɪd/ (written or published) | :: impreso |
printed circuit board {n} (board holding chips etc.) | :: circuito impreso {m}, placa de circuito impreso {f}, tablero de circuito {m} |
printer {n} /ˈpɹɪntə(ɹ)/ (one who makes prints) | :: impresor {f} |
printer {n} (operator of a printing press) | :: impresor |
printer {n} (computing: device used to print text or images) | :: impresora {f} |
printer's ink {n} (printing ink) SEE: printing ink | :: |
printing {n} /ˈpɹɪntɪŋ/ (the process or business of producing printed material, see also: typography) | :: impresión {f} |
printing {n} (all the copies of a publication that have been printed in one batch) | :: tirada {f} |
printing house {n} (commercial company) | :: imprenta {f} |
printing ink {n} (ink used for printing) | :: negro de imprenta {m}, tinta de imprenta {f} |
printout {n} (A hard copy) | :: impresión {f}, listado {m} |
printshop {n} (printing house) SEE: printing house | :: |
prion {n} /ˈpɹiːɒn/ (misfolded protein) | :: prion {m} |
prion {n} /ˈpɹʌɪən/ (petrel from the genus Pachyptila) | :: pato-petrel {m} |
prionic {adj} (pertaining to a prion) | :: priónico |
prior {adj} (former) SEE: former | :: |
prior {adj} /ˈpɹaɪɚ/ (of that which comes before, in advance) | :: previo |
prior {n} (a high-ranking member of a monastery, usually lower in rank than an abbot) | :: prior {m} |
prior {n} (a previous criminal offense on someone's record) | :: antecedentes {m-p} |
prior {adv} (previously) SEE: previously | :: |
prioress {n} (a nun in charge of a priory) | :: priora {f} |
prioritization {n} (process of assigning priorities to things or tasks) | :: priorización {f} |
prioritize {v} /pɹaɪˈɔːɹətaɪz/ (to arrange or list in order of priority or importance) | :: priorizar |
prioritize {v} (to rank as having priority) | :: priorizar |
prioritized {adj} (quality or state of being prior or antecedent in time, or of preceding something else) | :: antecedente, anterior, precedente |
prioritized {adj} (Precedence; superior rank) | :: prioritario |
priority {n} /pɹaɪˈɒɹɨti/ (item's relative importance) | :: prioridad {f} |
priority {n} (goal of a person or an organisation) | :: prioridad {f} |
priority {n} (attributive use) SEE: prioritized | :: |
priority seat {n} (seat reserved by use for people in need) | :: asiento reservado {m} |
priory {n} (monastery or convent governed by a prior or prioress) | :: priorato {m}, priorazgo {m} |
Pripyat {prop} (abandoned city in Ukraine) | :: Prípiat |
Priscilla {prop} /pɹɪˈsɪlə/ (female given name) | :: Priscila |
prise {n} (prize) SEE: prize | :: |
prism {n} /ˈpɹɪzəm/ (geometry: polyhedron with parallel ends of the same size and shape) | :: prisma {m} |
prism {n} (block used to split or reflect light) | :: prisma {m} |
prismatic {adj} /pɹɪzˈmætɪk/ (of or pertaining to a prism) | :: prismático |
prison {n} /ˈpɹɪzən/ (place of long-term confinement for those convicted of serious crimes) | :: cárcel {f}, prisión {f}, penitenciaría {f}, chirona {f} [colloquial], trullo [colloquial], talego [Spain, colloquial] |
prison {v} (imprison) SEE: imprison | :: |
prison cell {n} (room to which a prisoner is confined) | :: celda {f}, calabozo {m} |
prisoner {n} /ˈpɹɪzənə/ (person incarcerated in a prison) | :: prisionero {m}, preso {m} |
prisoner {n} (figurative: any person held against his or her will) | :: prisionero {m}, preso {m} |
prisoner {n} | :: preso {m} |
prisoner of war {n} (soldier or combatant captured by the enemy) | :: prisionero de guerra {m}, prisionera de guerra {f} |
prison guard {n} (person working to provide order to in a jail) | :: carcelero {m} |
prissy {adj} /ˈpɹɪsi/ (excessively prim, proper, particular or fussy) | :: remilgado {m}, finolis, repipi |
prissy {adj} (well-behaved, well-mannered) | :: caballero {m} |
Pristina {prop} (city) | :: Pristina {f} |
pristine {adj} /ˈpɹɪstiːn/ (unspoiled) | :: virgen, prístino [deprecated by the RAE] |
pristine {adj} (pertaining to the earliest state of something) | :: prístino |
privacy {n} /ˈpɹaɪ.və.si/ (state of being private) | :: intimidad {f}, privacidad {f} |
privacy policy {n} (statement detailing policies that an organization uses to collect information about users) | :: política de privacidad {f} |
private {adj} /ˈpɹaɪvɪt/ (belonging to, concerning, or accessible only to an individual person or a specific group) | :: privado |
private {adj} (not accessible by the public) | :: privado {m}, privada {f} |
private {adj} | :: privado |
private {n} (soldier) | :: cabo, soldado raso {m} |
private car {n} (privately owned car) | :: coche privado {m} |
private detective {n} (any agent hired by a private party for the purpose of investigation or evidence gathering) | :: detective privado {m}, investigador privado {m} |
privateer {n} /ˌpɹaɪvəˈtɪəɹ/ (privately owned warship) | :: buque corsario {m} |
privateer {n} (officer or crew of a privateer ship) | :: corsario {m} |
private international law {n} (law) | :: derecho internacional privado {m} |
private law {n} (area of law) | :: derecho privado {m} |
privately {adv} /ˈpɹaɪvɪtli/ (in a private manner) | :: privadamente |
private parts {n} (genitals or sex organs) SEE: genitalia | :: |
private property {n} (belongings owned by individuals) | :: propiedad privada {f} |
privatization {n} (transfer from the government to private ownership) | :: privatización {f} |
privatize {v} /ˈpɹaɪvətaɪz/ (to release government control to private industry) | :: privatizar |
privet {interj} (hello) SEE: hello | :: |
privet {n} /ˈpɹɪ.vɪt/ (Any of various shrubs and small trees in the genus Ligustrum) | :: alheña {f}, aligustre {m}, ligustro {m} |
privilege {n} /ˈpɹɪv(ɪ)lɪdʒ/ (particular benefit, advantage, or favor) | :: privilegio {m} |
privilege {v} (to grant some particular right or exemption to) | :: privilegiar |
privilege {v} (to bring or put into a condition of privilege or exemption from evil or danger) | :: privilegiar |
privileged {adj} /ˈpɹɪv(ɪ)lɪdʒd/ (having special privileges) | :: privilegiado |
privy {n} (lavatory or toilet) SEE: toilet | :: |
privy {adj} /ˈpɹɪv.i/ (with knowledge of; party to; let in on) | :: cómplice |
privy {n} (latrine) SEE: latrine | :: |
privy council {n} (body of advisors to a sovereign) | :: consejo privado |
prize {n} /pɹaɪz/ (something captured) | :: botín {m} |
prize {n} (honor or reward striven for in a competitive contest) | :: premio {m} |
prize {n} (that which may be won by chance) | :: premio {m} |
prize {v} (to consider something highly valuable) | :: apreciar |
prizewinning {adj} (Having won at least one prize) | :: premiado |
Pärnu {prop} (city in Estonia) | :: Pärnu |
proactive {adj} (acting in advance) | :: proactivo, precavida, preventiva |
proactively {adv} (in a proactive manner) | :: propositivamente |
probability {n} /pɹɒbəˈbɪlɪti/ (state of being probable; likelihood) | :: probabilidad {f} |
probability {n} (event that is likely to occur) | :: probabilidad {f} |
probability {n} (relative likelihood of an event happening) | :: probabilidad {f} |
probability {n} (mathematical probability) | :: probabilidad {f} |
probable {adj} /ˈpɹɑbəbl̩/ (likely to be true) | :: probable |
probable {adj} (likely to happen) | :: probable |
probably {adv} /ˈpɹɒbəbli/ (in all likelihood) | :: probablemente |
probate {n} (probate court) SEE: probate court | :: |
probate court {n} (court or tribunal that administers estates and proves wills) | :: tribunal testamentario {m} |
probe {n} /pɹoʊb/ (any of various medical instruments used to explore wounds, organs, etc) | :: tienta {f}, sonda |
probe {n} (investigation or inquiry) | :: sondeo {m} |
probe {n} (sciences: electrode or other small device) | :: sonda {f} |
probe {n} (radioactively labeled molecule) | :: sonda |
probe {v} (to explore, investigate, or question) | :: sondar, sondear |
probiotic {n} (food or dietary supplement) | :: probiótico {m} |
probiotic {adj} (that contains live bacteria for therapeutic purposes) | :: probiótico |
probity {n} /ˈpɹəʊbɪti/ (integrity) | :: probidad {f} |
problem {n} /ˈpɹɒbləm/ (difficulty) | :: problema {m}, dificultad {f}, lío {m} |
problem {n} (schoolwork exercise) | :: problema {m}, ejercicio {m} |
problem {n} (puzzling circumstance) | :: problema {m}, embrollo {m}, lío {m}, bronca {f} [Mexico] |
problematic {adj} /ˌpɹɑbləˈmætɪk/ | :: problemático |
problematic {n} (problem in a particular field of study) | :: problemática {f} |
problematical {adj} (problematic) SEE: problematic | :: |
proboscis {n} (slang: a nose) SEE: schnozzle | :: |
proboscis {n} /pɹoʊˈbɒsɪs/ (elongated tube) | :: probóscide {f} |
proboscis monkey {n} | :: násico {m} |
procedural {adj} (related to procedure) | :: procedimental |
procedural law {n} (area of law) | :: derecho procesal {m}, ley de procedimientos {f} |
procedure {n} /pɹəˈsidʒɚ/ (method for performing a task) | :: procedimiento {m} |
procedure {n} (series of small tasks to accomplish an end) | :: procedimiento {m} |
procedure {n} (set of established forms or methods of an organized body) | :: procedimiento {m} |
procedure {n} (steps taken in a legal proceeding) | :: procedimiento {m}, trámite {m} |
procedure mask {n} (surgical mask) SEE: surgical mask | :: |
proceed {v} /pɹəˈsiːd/ (go forward) | :: continuar |
proceed {v} (pass from one point to another) | :: proceder |
proceed {v} (come forth as a source or origin) | :: proceder |
proceed {v} (go on in an orderly or regulated manner) | :: proceder |
proceed {v} (have application or effect) | :: proceder |
proceed {v} (begin and carry on a legal process) | :: proceder |
proceeds {n} /ˈpɹəʊsiːdz/ (revenue) | :: ingresos |
procerus {n} (triangular muscle between the top of the nose and the eyebrows) | :: piramidal de la nariz {m}, músculo piramidal de la nariz {m} |
process {n} /ˈpɹəʊsɛs/ (series of events to produce a result) | :: proceso {m} |
process {n} (path of succession of states through which a system passes) | :: proceso {m} |
process {n} (successive physiological responses to keep or restore health) | :: proceso {m}, [anatomy] apéndice {m} |
process {n} (a structure that arises above a surface) | :: apófisis {f} |
process {v} (to perform a particular process) | :: procesar, tratar |
process {v} (to think information over, and assimilate it) | :: proceder |
processed cheese {n} (any of several types of natural cheese) | :: queso procesado {m} |
processing {n} /ˈpɹɑsəsɪŋ/ (action of the verb to process) | :: procesamiento {m} |
procession {n} /pɹəˈsɛʃən/ (act of progressing or proceeding) | :: procesión {f} |
procession {n} (group of people or thing moving along in an orderly manner) | :: procesión {f} |
processor {n} /ˈpɹɑˌsɛsə˞/ (microprocessor) | :: procesador {m} |
processual {adj} (of, or relating to a process) | :: procesal |
proclaim {v} /pɹoʊˈkleɪm/ (to state excitedly, verbosely and candidly) | :: proclamar |
proclamation {n} /ˌpɹɑkləˈmeɪʃən/ (a statement which is proclaimed) | :: proclamación {f} |
proclitic {n} (clitic which joins with the following word) | :: proclítico {m} |
proclivity {n} /pɹoʊˈklɪvɪti/ (A predisposition or natural inclination, propensity, or a predilection) | :: propensión, tendencia {f}, inclinación {f}, afición {f}, predilección {f}, gusto {m} |
proconsul {n} /pɹoʊˈkɑn.səl/ (in ancient Rome: a magistrate who served as a consul and then as the governor of a province) | :: procónsul {m} |
procrastinate {v} /pɹoʊˈkɹæstəneɪt/ (put off; to delay taking action) | :: hacer desidia, procrastinar |
procrastinate {v} (put off; delay something) | :: hacer desidia, procrastinar, dejar para después |
procrastination {n} /pɹəʊˌkɹæs.tɪˈneɪ.ʃən/ (act of postponing, delaying or putting off) | :: desidia {f}, dejar algo para más tarde, para mañana..., procrastinación {f} |
procrastinator {n} (one who procrastinates; one who delays working on things) | :: desidioso {m}, desidiosa {f} |
procreate {v} (to beget) | :: procrear, reproducirse |
procreate {v} (to procreate) SEE: beget | :: |
procreation {n} | :: procreación {f} |
procrustean {adj} /pɹəʊˈkɹʌsti.ən/ (Enforcing strict conformity through disregard of individual differences or special circumstances) | :: procústeo {m} |
Procrustes {prop} (legendary highwayman of Attica) | :: Procusto {m} |
proctologist {n} (expert in proctology) | :: proctólogo {m} |
proctology {n} (branch of medicine) | :: proctología {f} |
procurable {adj} (obtainable) SEE: obtainable | :: |
procurement {n} /pɹəˈkjʊə.mənt/ (purchasing department of a company) | :: departamento de compras |
procurement {n} | :: consecución {f}, adquisición {f}, abastecimiento {m} |
procuress {n} /pɹəˈkjʊəɹɪs/ (a female procurer) | :: alcahueta {f}, trotaconventos {f}, celestina {f}, cobertera {f}, proxeneta {f} |
Procyon {prop} /ˈpɹoʊsiˌɑn/ (Star) | :: Procyon |
prod {v} /pɹɑd/ (to encourage) | :: aguijar |
prod {n} (device used to goad livestock into moving) | :: aguijada {f}, picana {f}, garrocha {f} |
prodigal {adj} /ˈpɹɑdɪɡəl/ (wastefully extravagant) | :: pródigo |
prodigal {adj} (lavish) | :: pródigo |
prodigal {n} (prodigal) SEE: spendthrift | :: |
prodigal son {n} (one who returns) | :: hijo pródigo |
prodigal son {n} (cobia) SEE: cobia | :: |
prodigy {n} /ˈpɹɒdɪdʒi/ (something from which omens are drawn) | :: presagio, augurio, agüero, auspicio |
prodigy {n} (amazing or marvelous thing) | :: maravilla, prodigio, portento, cosa extraña, milagro |
prodigy {n} (extremely talented person, especially a child) | :: prodigio {m}, fenómeno, genio, niño prodigio |
prodrome {n} (medicine: an early symptom) | :: pródromo {m} |
produce {v} /pɹəˈdus/ (to make or manufacture) | :: producir |
produce {v} (to sponsor and present (a motion picture, etc)) | :: realizar |
produce {n} /ˈpɹɒdjuːs/ (that which is produced) | :: producto {m}, producción {f} |
produce {n} (harvested agricultural goods collectively) | :: cosecha |
produce {n} (offspring) SEE: offspring | :: |
producer {n} /pɹəˈduːsɚ/ (in economics) | :: productor |
producer price index {n} (statistical estimate) | :: índice de precios al productor {m} |
producible {adj} (able to be produced) | :: producible |
product {n} /ˈpɹɒd.əkt/ (commodity for sale) | :: producto {m} |
product {n} (amount created by a process) | :: producto {m} |
product {n} (consequence of efforts) | :: producto {m} |
product {n} (result of chemical reaction) | :: producto {m} |
product {n} (multiplication result) | :: producto {m} |
production {n} /pɹəˈdʌkʃən/ (the act of producing) | :: producción {f}, elaboración {f} |
production {n} (the total amount produced) | :: producción {f} |
productive {adj} /pɹəˈdʌktɪv/ (capable of producing something) | :: productivo |
productive {adj} (yielding good or useful results; constructive) | :: productivo |
productivity {n} /ˌpɹoʊdʌkˈtɪvəti/ (state of being productive) | :: productividad {f} |
product placement {n} (a form of advertising) | :: emplazamiento de producto {m}, publicidad por emplazamiento {m} |
Produnova {prop} (female surname) | :: Produnova {f} |
Produnova {n} (Gymnastics vault) | :: produnova, salto Produnova |
profane {adj} /pɹəˈfeɪn/ (Unclean; impure; polluted; unholy) | :: sacrílego {m} |
profane {adj} (Not sacred or holy) | :: profano {m} |
profane {adj} (Treating sacred matters with contempt, disrespect, irreverence, or undue familiarity) | :: profano {m} |
profane {adj} (taking the name of God in vain) | :: blasfemo {m} |
profane {v} (To violate, as anything sacred; to treat with abuse, irreverence, obloquy, or contempt) | :: profanar, profanar |
profanely {adv} (in a profane manner) | :: profanamente |
profaner {n} | :: profanador {m}, profanadora {f} |
profanity {n} (quality of being profane) | :: profanidad {f} |
profanity {n} (obscene, lewd or abusive language) | :: lenguaje soez {m} |
profess {v} /pɹəˈfɛs/ (to work as a professor of; to teach) | :: profesar |
profession {n} /pɹəˈfɛʃən/ (declaration of faith, belief or opinion) | :: profesión {f} |
profession {n} (occupation) | :: profesión {f} |
profession {n} (practitioners of a profession collectively) | :: gremio {m} |
profession {n} (promise or vow made on entering a religious order) | :: profesión {f}, profesión de fe {f} |
professional {n} /pɹəˈfɛʃənəl/ (person who belongs to a profession) | :: profesional {m} {f}, profesionista {m} {f} [Mexico] |
professional {n} (person who earns their living from a specified activity) | :: profesional {m} {f}, profesionista {m} {f} [Mexico] |
professional {adj} (of, pertaining to, or in accordance with the standards of a profession) | :: profesional |
professional {adj} (that is carried out as a livelihood) | :: profesional {m} {f} |
professionalism {n} (status or methods of a professional) | :: profesionalidad {f} |
professionalization {n} /pɹəˌfɛʃn̩əlʌɪˈzeɪʃən/ (act pr process) | :: profesionalización {f} |
professionalize {v} (make something professional) | :: profesionalizar |
professionally {adv} (in a professional manner) | :: profesionalmente |
professional wrestling {n} (Entertainment characterized by choreographed wrestling) | :: lucha libre {f} |
professor {n} /pɹəˈfɛsɚ/ (a higher ranking for a teacher or faculty member at a college or university) | :: profesor {m}, profesora {f} |
professorship {n} (the office of a professor) | :: cátedra {f} |
proficiency {n} /pɹəˈfɪʃənsi/ (ability or skill) | :: suficiencia, pericia, habilidad, aptitud {f} |
proficient {adj} /pɹoʊˈfɪʃ.ənt/ (skilled) | :: competente |
proficient {n} (expert) | :: experto {m}, perito {m} |
profile {n} /ˈpɹoʊfaɪl/ (outermost shape) | :: perfil {m} |
profile {n} (shape, view, or shadow of a person's head from the side) | :: perfil {m} |
profile {n} (summary or collection of information, especially about a person) | :: reseña {f} |
profile {v} (to create a summary or collection of information) | :: reseñar |
profile {n} (reputation) SEE: reputation | :: |
profiling {n} (forensic science of constructing an outline of a person's individual characteristics) | :: expediente criminal, expediente |
profit {n} /ˈpɹɒfɪt/ (benefit) | :: ganancia {f}, beneficio {m} |
profit {n} (total income or cash flow minus expenditures) | :: beneficio {m} |
profit {v} (To take advantage of, exploit, use) | :: explotar |
profit {v} | :: beneficiarse |
profitable {adj} /ˈpɹɑfɪtəbl̩/ (producing profit) | :: lucrativo, ventajoso |
profiterole {n} (choux pastry with filling) | :: profiterol {m} |
profit margin {n} (ratio of income to sales) | :: margen de beneficios {m} |
profit sharing {n} (system to divide profit) | :: reparto de utilidades |
profligacy {n} /ˈpɹɑflɪɡəsi/ (careless wastefulness) | :: derroche {m} |
profligate {adj} /ˈpɹɒflɪɡət/ (inclined to waste resources or behave extravagantly) | :: disoluto {m} |
profligate {adj} (immoral; abandoned to vice) | :: inmoral |
profound {adj} /pɹəˈfaʊnd/ (descending below the surface) | :: profundo |
profound {adj} (intellectually deep) | :: profundo |
profound {adj} (characterized by intensity) | :: profundo |
profoundly {adv} /pɹəˈfaʊndli/ (in a profound manner) | :: profundamente |
profoundly {adv} (deeply) SEE: deeply | :: |
profundity {n} /pɹəˈfʌndɪti/ (state of being profound) | :: profundidad {f} |
profundity {n} (deep intellect or insight) | :: profundidad {f} |
profuse {adj} /pɹəˈfjuːs/ (In great quantity or abundance) | :: profuso |
profusion {n} /pɹoʊˈfjuʒən/ (abundance) | :: profusión {f} |
progenitor {n} (founder) SEE: founder | :: |
progenitor {n} /pɹoʊˈdʒɛn.ɪ.tɚ/ (any of a person's direct ancestors) | :: progenitor {m} {f} |
progeny {n} /ˈpɹɒdʒəni/ (offspring) | :: descendiente {m} |
progesterone {n} /pɹəˈdʒɛstəɹəʊn/ (the steroid hormone) | :: progesterona {f} |
prognathism {n} (abnormal projection of jaws) | :: prognatismo {m} |
prognosis {n} /pɹɒɡˈnəʊsɪs/ (forecast of the future course of a disease) | :: prognóstico |
prognostic {adj} (of or pertaining to prognosis) | :: pronóstico |
prognosticate {v} /pɹɒɡˈnɒstɪke͡ɪt/ (predict, foretell) | :: pronosticar |
program {n} /ˈpɹəʊɡɹæm/ (set of structured activities) | :: programa {m} |
program {n} (leaflet listing information about a play, game or other activity) | :: programa {m} |
program {n} (performance of a show or other broadcast on radio or television) | :: programa {m} |
program {n} (software application) | :: programa {m} |
program {v} | :: programar |
programmable {adj} /pɹəʊˈɡɹæməbəl/ (capable of being programmed) | :: programable |
programme {n} (programme) SEE: program | :: |
programmer {n} /ˈpɹoʊɡɹæmɚ/ (one who writes computer programs) | :: programador {m}, programadora {f} |
programming {n} /ˈpɹəʊɡɹəmɪŋ/ (act of writing a computer program) | :: programación {f} |
programming {n} (brain-washing) SEE: brain-washing | :: |
programming language {n} /ˈpɹəʊɡɹæmɪŋ læŋɡwɪdʒ/ (code of reserved words and symbols) | :: lenguaje de programación {m} |
program trading {n} (programmed trading) | :: transacciones de alta frecuencia {f-p}, negociación de alta frecuencia {f} |
progress {n} /ˈpɹɑɡɹɛs/ (advancement to a more developed state) | :: progreso {m} |
progress {n} (movement onwards or forwards) | :: progreso {m} |
progress {v} /pɹəˈɡɹɛs/ | :: progresar |
progression {n} (moving from one thing to another) | :: progresión {f} |
progression {n} (mathematical sequence) | :: progresión {f} |
progression {n} (evolution) | :: progresión |
progressive {adj} (continuous) SEE: continuous | :: |
progressive {adj} /pɹəˈɡɹɛsɪv/ (favouring or promoting progress; advanced) | :: progresista {m} {f} |
progressive {adj} (gradually advancing in extent; increasing) | :: progresivo {m}, progresiva {f} |
progressive {n} (A person who actively favors or strives for progress towards improved conditions, as in society or government) | :: progresista {m} {f} |
progressively {adv} (in a progressive manner) | :: progresivamente |
progressive rock {n} (rock subgenre) | :: rock progresivo {m} |
progressivism {n} (political ideology) | :: progresismo {m} |
prohibit {v} /pɹoʊˈhɪbɪt/ (to proscribe officially) | :: prohibir |
prohibited {adj} (forbidden) SEE: forbidden | :: |
prohibition {n} /ˌpɹəʊ(h)ɪˈbɪʃən/ (act of prohibiting) | :: prohibición {f} |
prohibition {n} (law that prohibits something) | :: prohibición {f} |
proinflammatory {adj} /ˌpɹoʊ.ɪnˈflæm.əˌtɔɹ.i/ (producing or promoting inflammation) | :: proinflamatorio |
project {n} /ˈpɹɒdʒɛkt/ (planned endeavor) | :: proyecto {m} |
project {v} (to extend beyond a surface) | :: proyectar |
project {v} (to cast (image, shadow)) | :: proyectar |
project {v} (to extend outward) | :: proyectar |
project {v} (to make plans for; forecast) | :: proyectar |
projectile {n} /pɹəˈdʒɛk.taɪl/ (object intended to be or having been fired from a weapon) | :: proyectil {m} |
projection {n} /pɹəˈdʒɛkʃən/ (something which projects) | :: protuberancia {f} |
projection {n} (display of an image by a projector) | :: proyección {f} |
projection {n} (forecast or prognosis obtained by extrapolation) | :: proyección {f} |
projection {n} (psychology: belief that others have similar thoughts and experiences as oneself) | :: proyección {f} |
projection {n} (geometry: image of an object on a surface of fewer dimensions) | :: proyección {f} |
projection {n} (cartography: system of representing surface of the earth on a flat surface) | :: proyección {f} |
project management {n} (discipline of organizing and managing project resources) | :: gestión de proyectos {f} |
projector {n} /pɹəˈdʒɛktɚ/ (optical device) | :: proyector {m} |
prokaryote {n} (organism characterized by absence of nucleus) | :: procariota {f}, procarionte {m} |
prolactin {n} (hormone) | :: prolactina {f} |
prolactinemia {n} | :: prolactinemia {f} |
prolepsis {n} /pɹoʊˈlɛpsɪs/ (grammatical construction) | :: prolepsis {m-p} |
proletarian {adj} (relating to proletariat) | :: proletario {m}, proletaria {f}, proletarios {m-p}, proletarias {f-p} |
proletarianization {n} /ˌpɹəʊ.lɪˌtɛː.ɹɪ.ə.naɪˈzeɪ.ʃn̩/ (act or process of making somebody or something proletarian) | :: proletarización {f} |
proletarianize {v} (to turn into proletariat) | :: proletarizar |
proletariat {n} /ˌpɹoʊlɪˈtɛəɹi.ət/ (working class or lower class) | :: proletariado {m} |
pro-life {adj} (believing that life should be protected) | :: provida {m} {f} |
pro-life {adj} (opposed to abortion) | :: provida {m} {f}, antiabortista |
pro-lifer {n} (person with pro-life views) | :: provida {m} {f} |
proliferate {v} /pɹəˈlɪf.əɹ.eɪt/ (to increase in number or spread) | :: proliferar |
proliferation {n} /pɹəˌlɪfəˈɹeɪʃən/ (the process by which an organism produces others of its kind) | :: proliferación |
prolific {adj} /ˌpɹəˈlɪf.ɪk/ (Fertile, producing offspring or fruit in great abundance) | :: prolífico |
prolific {adj} (Similarly producing results or works in abundance) | :: prolífico |
proline {n} (nonessential amino acid; C5H9NO2) | :: prolina {f} |
prolix {adj} /pɹoʊˈlɪks/ (tediously lengthy) | :: prolijo {m}, fastidioso, verboso, [colloquial] chicharra |
prolix {adj} (long) SEE: long | :: |
prolixity {n} /pɹəˈlɪk.sɪ.ti/ (An excess of words) | :: prolijidad {f} |
prolog {n} (prologue) SEE: prologue | :: |
prologue {n} /ˈpɹoʊlɔɡ/ (speech or section used as an introduction, especially to a play or novel) | :: prólogo {m} |
prolong {v} /pɹoʊˈlɔŋ/ (to extend in space or length) | :: prolongar |
prolong {v} (to lengthen in time; to extend the duration of; to draw out; to continue) | :: prolongar |
prolonged {adj} /pɹoʊˈlɔŋd/ (lengthy in duration; extended; protracted) | :: prolongado |
promastigote {n} ( ) | :: promastigote |
pro memoria {n} | :: pro memoria {m} |
promenade {n} /pɹɑməˈneɪd/ (place to walk) | :: paseo {m} |
promenade {v} (to walk) | :: pasear |
promethazine {n} (first generation H1 receptor antagonist) | :: prometazina {f} |
Prometheus {prop} /pɹoʊˈmiθi.əs/ (Greek mythological figure) | :: Prometeo {m} |
promethium {n} /pɹoʊˈmiːθiəm/ (chemical element) | :: promecio {m} |
prominence {n} (being prominent) | :: prominencia {f} |
prominence {n} (bulge) | :: protuberancia {f}, prominencia {f} |
prominence {n} (relative height) | :: prominencia {f} |
prominent {adj} /ˈpɹɑmɪnənt/ (projecting, protuberant) | :: prominente, sobresaliente |
prominent {adj} (likely to attract attention) | :: prominente |
prominent {adj} (eminent, distinguished above others) | :: prominente |
prominently {adv} /ˈpɹɑmɪnəntli/ (in a prominent manner) | :: prominentemente |
promiscuity {n} (state or quality of being promiscuous) | :: promiscuidad {f} |
promiscuous {adj} /pɹəˈmɪskjuːəs/ (made up of various disparate elements mixed together) | :: promiscuo |
promiscuous {adj} (made without careful choice; indiscriminate) | :: promiscuo |
promiscuous {adj} (indiscriminate in choice of sexual partners) | :: promiscuo |
promiscuously {adv} (in a promiscuous manner) | :: promiscuamente |
promiscuousness {n} (promiscuity) SEE: promiscuity | :: |
promise {n} /ˈpɹɒmɪs/ (vow) | :: promesa {f} |
promise {n} (transaction) | :: promesa {f} |
promise {v} (to commit to something) | :: prometer |
Promised Land {prop} (land promised by God) | :: Tierra Prometida {f} |
Promised Land {n} (place which one eagerly seeks) | :: Tierra de promisión {f} |
promising {adj} /ˈpɹɑmɪsɪŋ/ (showing promise, and likely to develop in a desirable fashion) | :: prometedor {m}, prometedora {f}, halagüeño |
promissory note {n} (document saying that someone owes a specific amount of money) | :: pagaré {m} |
promo {n} /ˈpɹəʊməʊ/ (promotion) | :: promo {f} |
promontory {n} /ˈpɹɑməntɔɹi/ (a high point of land extending into a body of water, headland; cliff) | :: promontorio |
promote {v} /pɹəˈmoʊt/ (raise someone to a more important, responsible, or remunerative job or rank) | :: promover, ascender |
promote {v} (advocate or urge on behalf of something) | :: promover |
promote {v} | :: promover |
promotion {n} /pɹəˈmoʊʃən/ (advancement in position) | :: ascenso, promoción {f} |
promotion {n} (dissemination of positive information) | :: promoción {f}, divulgación {f}, propagación {f} |
promotor {n} (A material that accelerates the action of a catalyst) | :: promotor |
prompt {adj} /pɹɑmpt/ (quick) | :: rápido, pronto {m} |
prompt {adj} (on time) | :: puntual |
prompt {n} (a reminder or cue) | :: pie {m}, entrada {f}, señal {f} |
prompt {v} (to lead someone toward what they should say or do) | :: incitar |
prompt {v} (to show or tell an actor/person the words they should be saying, or actions they should be doing) | :: apuntar |
prompt {v} (to cause or lead to) | :: causar |
prompter {n} (person in a theater) | :: apuntador {m}, apuntadora {f} |
promptitude {n} (promptness) SEE: promptness | :: |
promptly {adv} /ˈpɹɑmptli/ (in a prompt manner) | :: inmediatamente, rápidamente |
promptness {n} /ˈpɹɒmptnəs/ (the habit or characteristic of doing things without delay) | :: prontitud {f}, presteza |
promptness {n} (the habit of adhering to a designated time) | :: puntualidad {f} |
promulgate {v} /ˈpɹɑ.məl.ɡeɪt/ (to make known public) | :: promulgar |
promulgate {v} (to put into effect as a regulation) | :: promulgar |
promulgation {n} (act of promulgating) | :: promulgación {f} |
pronaos {n} /pɹoʊˈneɪ.əs/ (the inner area of the portico of a Greek or Roman temple) | :: pronaos {m}, pródomo {m} |
prone {adj} /pɹoʊn/ (lying face downward; prostrate) | :: postrado {m}, de bruces, decúbito prono |
prone {adj} (predisposed) | :: propenso |
prong {n} /pɹɑŋ/ (thin, pointed, projecting part) | :: diente {m}, prolongación {f}, punta {f} |
pronged {adj} (having prongs) | :: furcado |
pronoia {n} /pɹəʊˈnɔɪə/ (imperial grant) | :: pronoia {f} |
pronoia {n} (belief that people conspire to do one good) | :: pronoia {f} |
pronominal {adj} (of a pronoun) | :: pronominal |
pronominal verb {n} | :: verbo pronominal {m} |
pronoun {n} /ˈpɹoʊ.naʊn/ (type of noun) | :: pronombre {m} |
pronounce {v} (to pronounce) SEE: say | :: |
pronounce {v} /pɹəˈnaʊns/ (to sound out (a word or phrase); to articulate) | :: pronunciar |
pronounce {v} | :: pronunciar |
pronounceable {adj} (able to be pronounced) | :: pronunciable |
pronouncing dictionary {n} (dictionary that provides pronunciations of words) SEE: pronunciation dictionary | :: |
pronto {adv} /ˈpɹɑntoʊ/ (quickly) | :: pronto |
pronunciation {n} /pɹəˌnʌn.siˈeɪ.ʃən/ (sound of a word) | :: pronunciación {f} |
pronunciation {n} (way in which words are pronounced) | :: pronunciación {f} |
pronunciation dictionary {n} (dictionary that provides pronunciations of words) | :: diccionario de pronunciación {m} |
proof {v} (proofread) SEE: proofread | :: |
proof {n} /pɹuf/ (any effort, process, or operation designed to establish or discover a fact or truth) | :: prueba {f} |
proof {n} (the degree of evidence which convinces the mind of any truth or fact, and produces belief) | :: prueba {f} |
proof {n} | :: prueba {f} |
proofing {n} /ˈpɹuːfɪŋ/ (step in creating baked goods) | :: levantamiento {m} |
proofread {v} /ˈpɹuːfɹiːd/ (to check for errors in spelling and grammar) | :: corregir pruebas |
proofreader {n} (person who proofreads) | :: corrector de pruebas {m}, corrector {m} |
prop {n} /pɹɒp/ (object placed against or under another, to support it) | :: apoyo {m}, puntal |
prop {n} (rugby: player next to the hooker in a scrum) | :: pilar {m} |
prop {n} (item placed on a stage to create a scene) | :: atrezzo {m}, utilería {f} |
prop {n} (propeller of an aircraft) | :: hélice {f} |
propaganda {n} /ˌpɹɑp.ə.ˈɡæn.də/ (concerted set of messages) | :: propaganda {f} |
propaganda of the deed {n} /ˌpɹɒ.pəˈɡæ̝ˑn.də əʋ ˌðə ˈdiːd/ (a provocative act of political violence intended to inspire imitators and foment an anarchist revolt) | :: propaganda por el acto {f}, propaganda por el hecho {f} |
propagandist {n} /pɹɒpəˈɡandɪst/ (Person who disseminates propaganda) | :: propagandista {m} {f}, panfletario {m} |
propagation {n} (the multiplication or natural increase in a population) | :: propagación {f} |
propagation {n} (the dissemination of something to a larger area or greater number) | :: propagación {f} |
propane {n} /ˈpɹoʊpeɪn/ (aliphatic hydrocarbon: C3H8) | :: propano {m} |
proparoxytone {adj} /pɹəʊpəˈɹɒksɪtəʊn/ (proparoxytone) | :: proparoxítono, esdrújulo |
proparoxytone {n} (proparoxytone) | :: esdrújula {f} |
propel {v} /pɹəˈpɛl/ (to cause to move in a certain direction) | :: propulsar |
propel {v} (to make to arrive to a certain situation or result) | :: , propulsar; impulsar |
propellant {n} | :: propulsor {m} |
propellent {adj} (capable of propelling) | :: propulsor |
propeller {n} (mechanical device used to propel) | :: propulsor {m}, hélice {f} |
propelling pencil {n} (mechanical pencil) SEE: mechanical pencil | :: |
propene {n} (organic compound of the formula C3H6) | :: propileno {m} |
propenoic {adj} (acrylic) SEE: acrylic | :: |
propensity {n} /pɹəˈpɛnsɪti/ (tendency) | :: propensión, inclinación |
proper {adj} /ˈpɹɑ.pɚ/ (fit, suitable) | :: adecuado |
proper {adj} (following the established standards of behavior or manners) | :: conveniente, preciso |
proper {adj} | :: propio |
proper fraction {n} (arithmetic: a vulgar fraction) | :: fracción propia {f} |
properly {adv} /ˈpɹɑ.pɚ.li/ (in a proper manner) | :: como es debido |
proper noun {n} (the name of a particular person, place, organization or other individual entity) | :: nombre propio |
property {n} /ˈpɹɒp.ət.i/ (something owned) | :: propiedad {f}, posesión {f}, inmueble {m}, bien {m} |
property {n} (piece of real estate) | :: propiedad {f}, finca {f}, bienes {m-p}, posesión {f}, heredad {f}, predio {m} |
property {n} (exclusive right of possessing, enjoying and disposing of a thing) | :: pertenecia {f} |
property {n} (attribute or abstract quality associated with an object, individual or concept) | :: propiedad {f}, cualidad {f} |
property {n} (an attribute characteristic of a class of objects) | :: propiedad {f} |
property rights {n} (property rights) | :: derecho de propiedad {m} |
property tax {n} (tax based on the value of property) | :: impuesto predial {m}, impuesto real {m} |
propfan {n} (modified turbofan) | :: propfan {m}, propfán {m} |
prophase {n} (the first stage of mitosis) | :: profase {f} |
prophecy {n} /ˈpɹɑfəsi/ (prediction) | :: profecía {f} |
prophesy {v} /ˈpɹɑfɪsaɪ/ (to predict) | :: profetizar |
prophesy {v} (to speak as a prophet) | :: profetizar |
prophet {n} /ˈpɹɑfɪt/ (one who speaks by divine inspiration) | :: profeta {m}, profetisa {f} |
prophet {n} (one who foretells the future) | :: profeta {m}, profetisa {f} |
prophetess {n} /pɹɒfɪˈtɛs/ (female prophet) | :: profetisa {f} |
prophetic {adj} /pɹəˈfɛtɪk/ (of, or relating to a prophecy or a prophet) | :: profético |
prophylactic {adj} /pɹɒfəˈlæktɪk/ (Serving to prevent or protect against an undesired effect, especially disease) | :: profiláctico |
prophylaxis {n} (prevention of, or protective treatment for disease) | :: profilaxis {f} |
propinquity {n} /pɹəˈpɪŋ.kwɪ.ti/ (proximity) | :: propincuidad {f}, proximidad {f} |
propinquity {n} (affiliation or similarity) | :: propincuidad {f}, projimidad |
propiska {n} /pɹəˈpɪskə/ (system of mandatory registration in ex-USSR) | :: propiska {f} |
propitiation {n} (the act of propitiating; placation, atonement, expiation) | :: propiciación {f} |
propolis {n} /ˈpɹɒpəlɪs/ (glue-like substance) | :: propóleos {m}, propóleo {m} |
proponency {n} (advocacy) SEE: advocacy | :: |
proponent {n} /pɹəˈpəʊnənt/ (one who supports something) | :: defensor {m} |
proportion {n} /pɹəˈpɔɹʃən/ (quantity that is part of the whole) | :: proporción {f} |
proportion {n} (size) SEE: size | :: |
proportional {adj} (at a constant ratio (to)) | :: proporcional |
proportional {adj} (proportionate) | :: proporcional |
proportionality {n} (the property of being proportional) | :: proporcionalidad {f} |
proportionally {adv} (in proportion) | :: proporcionalmente |
proposal {n} /pɹəˈpoʊzəl/ (that which is proposed) | :: propuesta {f} |
propose {v} /pɹəˈpoʊz/ (to suggest a plan or course of action) | :: proponer |
propose {v} (to ask for one's hand in marriage) | :: pedir la mano |
proposition {n} /ˌpɹɑpəˈzɪʃən/ (uncountable: act of offering for consideration) | :: propuesta {f} |
proposition {n} (idea or plan offered) | :: proposición {f} |
proposition {n} (terms of a transaction offered) | :: proposición {f} |
proposition {n} (math: assertion which can be considered true or false) | :: proposición {f} |
proposition {n} (an assertion which is provably true, but not important enough to be a theorem) | :: proposición {f} |
propound {v} /prəˈpaʊnd/ (to put forward; to offer for discussion or debate) | :: proponer |
proprietary {adj} /pɹəˈpɹɑɪətɛɹi/ (relating to property or ownership) | :: de propiedad |
proprietary {adj} (created or manufactured exclusively by the IPR owner) | :: privativo {m} |
proprietary {adj} (privately owned) | :: privado, particular |
proprietary {n} (a proprietor or owner) SEE: proprietor | :: |
proprietor {n} /pɹəˈpɹaɪətɚ/ (owner) | :: propietario |
proprietously {adv} (properly) SEE: properly | :: |
propriety {n} /pɹəˈpɹaɪəti/ (fitness; the quality of being appropriate) | :: aptitud {f} |
propriety {n} (correctness in behaviour and morals) | :: propiedad {f} |
proprioception {n} /ˌpɹoʊ.pɹi.oʊˈsɛp.ʃən/ (sense of the position of parts of the body) | :: propiocepción {f} |
propulsion {n} /pɹəˈpʌlʃən/ (the action of driving or pushing) | :: propulsión {f} |
prop up {v} (to support with a prop) | :: apuntalar |
propyl {n} (hydrocarbon radicals) | :: propilo {m} |
propyne {n} (alkyne) | :: propino {m} |
prorate {v} /pɹoʊˈɹeɪt/ (divide proportionately) | :: prorratear |
prorogue {v} /pɹoʊˈɹoʊɡ/ (to suspend a parliamentary session) | :: prorrogar |
prorogue {v} (to prolong or extend) | :: prorrogar |
prosaic {adj} /pɹoʊˈzeɪ.ɪk/ (pertaining to or having the characteristics of prose) | :: prosaico |
prosaic {adj} (overly plain or simple, to the point of being boring; humdrum) | :: prosaico |
pros and cons {n} (for and against) | :: el pro y el contra {m}, los pros y los contras {m-p} |
proscenium {n} /pɹoʊˈsiː.ni.əm/ (modern theatre: stage area between the curtain and the orchestra) | :: proscenio {m} |
prosciutto {n} /pɹəˈʃuː.toʊ/ (dry-cured ham from Italy) | :: prosciutto {m} |
proscribe {v} /ˈpɹoʊˌskɹaɪb/ (forbid or prohibit) | :: proscribir |
proscribe {v} (denounce) | :: proscribir |
prose {n} /ˈpɹəʊz/ (written language not intended as poetry) | :: prosa {f} |
prosecute {v} /ˈpɹɒsɪkjuːt/ (To start civil or criminal proceedings against) | :: procesar |
prosecution {n} /ˌpɹɑ.səˈkju.ʃən/ (the institution of legal proceedings against a person) | :: procesamiento {m} |
prosecution {n} (the prosecuting party of the institution of legal proceedings) | :: acusación {f}, fiscalía {f} |
prosecutor {n} /ˈpɹɑsəˌkjuːtəɹ/ (prosecuting attorney) | :: acusador {m} |
prosecutor {n} (a person instituting criminal prosecution) | :: fiscal {m} {f} |
proselyte {n} /ˈpɹɑs.ɪlˌaɪt/ (one who has converted to a religion) | :: neófito {m}, prosélito {m} |
proselytism {n} (proselytizing or being a proselyte) | :: proselitismo {m} |
proselytize {v} /ˈpɹɒs.əl.ɪ.taɪz/ (convert to one’s own faith) | :: convertir, misionar |
proselytize {v} (induce people to join a cause) | :: misionar, convertir |
prosodic {adj} /pɹəˈzɒdɪk/ (relating to prosody) | :: prosódico {m} |
prosody {n} /ˈpɹɑzədi/ (linguistics: study of rhythm and other attributes in speech) | :: prosodia {f} |
proso millet {n} /ˈpɹoʊsoʊ ˈmɪlit/ (P. miliaceum) | :: mijo común {m} |
prosopagnosia {n} /ˌpɹɑsoʊpæɡˈnoʊʒə/ (disorder of face perception) | :: prosopagnosia {f} |
prosopography {n} (a study of the individuals in a group of people within a specific context and their relationships) | :: prosopografía |
prosopopesis {n} (change of personality) | :: prosopopesis |
prospect {n} (position affording a fine view) SEE: lookout | :: |
prospect {n} /ˈpɹɒspɛkt/ (potential things that may come to pass, usually favorable) | :: expectativa, prospectiva, porvenir |
prospect {v} (to determine which minerals or metals are present in a location) | :: prospectar |
prospective {adj} /pɹəˈspɛktɪv/ (following the same population) | :: prospectivo |
prosper {v} /ˈpɹɒspə(ɹ)/ (to be successful) | :: prosperar |
prosperity {n} /pɹɑˈspɛɹ.ɪ.ti/ (condition of being prosperous) | :: prosperidad {f} |
prosperous {adj} /ˈpɹɑs.pə.ɹəs/ (well off; affluent) | :: rico |
prostaglandin {n} /pɹɒstəˈɡlændɪn/ (lipid) | :: prostaglandina |
prostate {n} /ˈpɹɒsteɪt/ (prostate gland) | :: próstata {f}, glándula prostática {f} |
prostate gland {n} (prostate) SEE: prostate | :: |
prostatic {adj} (relating to the prostate gland) | :: prostático |
prostatitis {n} (inflammation of the prostate) | :: prostatitis {f} |
prosthesis {n} (prothesis) SEE: prothesis | :: |
prosthesis {n} (artificial replacement for a body part) | :: prótesis {f} |
prosthetic {n} (prosthesis) SEE: prosthesis | :: |
prosthetic {adj} /ˌpɹɑsˈθɛtɪk/ (artificial) | :: prostético |
prosthodontics {n} (restoration or replacement of damaged or missing teeth) | :: prostodoncia {f} |
prostitute {v} /ˈpɹɑːstətuːt/ (reflexive: to perform sexual activity for money) | :: prostituirse |
prostitute {v} (to make another person, or organisation, prostitute themselves) | :: prostituir |
prostitute {v} (derogatory: to use one's talents in return for money or fame) | :: prostituir |
prostitute {v} (figuratively: to exploit for base purposes) | :: prostituir |
prostitute {n} (a person having sex for profit) | :: prostituto {m}, prostituta {f} |
prostitute {n} (promiscuous person) SEE: whore | :: |
prostitution {n} (having sex for profit) | :: prostitución {f} |
prostokvasha {n} (soured milk) | :: leche agria {f} |
prostrate {adj} /ˈpɹɑstɹeɪt/ (lying flat, facedown) | :: postrado, acostado boca abajo |
prostyle {n} (building) | :: próstilo {m} |
prosumer {n} /pɹəʊˈsjuːmə/ (person in postindustrial society who combines the economic roles of producer and consumer) | :: prosumidor {m} |
protactinium {n} /ˌpɹoʊ.tækˈtɪn.i.əm/ (chemical element) | :: protactinio {m} |
protagonist {n} /pɹoʊˈtæ.ɡə.nɪst/ (main character) | :: protagonista {m} {f} |
protagonist {n} (leading person in a contest) | :: protagonista {m} {f} |
protagonist {n} (advocate) | :: protagonista {m} {f} |
Protagoras {prop} (pre-Socratic Greek philosopher) | :: Protágoras |
protean {adj} /ˈpɹoʊ.tɪ.ən/ (exceedingly variable) | :: proteico |
protease {n} /ˈpɹəʊtɪeɪz/ (enzyme) | :: proteasa {f} |
proteasome {n} | :: proteasoma {m} |
protect {v} /pɹəˈtɛkt/ (to keep safe) | :: proteger |
protected {adj} /pɹəˈtɛktɪd/ (defended) | :: protegido |
protection {n} /pɹəˈtɛkʃən/ (process of keeping sthg safe) | :: protección {f} |
protectionism {n} /pɹəˈtekʃənɪzəm/ (A policy of protecting the domestic producers of a product by imposing tariffs, quotas or other barriers on imports) | :: proteccionismo {m} |
protectionist {adj} | :: proteccionista {m} {f} |
protectionist {n} | :: proteccionista {m} {f} |
protectionistic {adj} (protectionist) SEE: protectionist | :: |
protection money {n} (money regular interval, extorted by criminals threatening to cause harm) | :: renta {f}, protección {f} |
protective {adj} /pɹɛtɛktɪv/ (serving, intended or wishing to protect) | :: protector |
protective {n} (Something that protects) | :: protector [sports] |
protector {n} /pɹəˈtɛktɚ/ (someone who protects or guards) | :: protector {m}, protectora {f}, valedor {m} |
protector {n} (a mechanism which is designed to protect) | :: protector {m} |
protectorate {n} /pɹəˈtɛktəɹɪt/ (government by a protector) | :: protectorado {m} |
protectorate {n} (a protected autonomous state) | :: protectorado {m} |
protectress {n} /pɹəˈtɛktɹɪs/ (female protector) | :: protectora {f} |
protein {n} /ˈpɹoʊtiːn/ (biochemistry: complex molecule) | :: proteína {f} |
protein {n} (class of food) | :: proteína {f} |
proteome {n} /ˈpɹəʊtɪəʊm/ (complete set of proteins) | :: proteoma {m} |
proteomic {adj} (Of or relating to proteomics) | :: proteómico |
proteomics {n} (branch of molecular biology) | :: proteómica {f} |
Proterozoic {prop} (eon 2,500-541 Ma) | :: Proterozoico {m} |
Proterozoic {adj} (of eon from 2,500 to 541 million years ago) | :: Proterozoico |
protest {v} /ˈpɹoʊ.tɛst/ (to make a strong objection) | :: protestar |
protest {n} (formal objection) | :: protesta {f} |
protest {n} (collective gesture of disapproval: demonstration) | :: manifestación {f} |
Protestant {n} /ˈpɹɑtɪstənt/ (someone who is a member of such a denomination) | :: protestante {m} {f} |
Protestant {adj} (pertaining to these denominatons) | :: protestante |
Protestantism {n} /ˈpɹɑtɪstəntɪzəm/ (faith) | :: protestantismo {m} |
protester {n} /pɹəˈtestəɹ/ (person who protests) | :: protestante {m}, manifestante {m} |
Proteus {prop} /ˈpɹoʊti.əs/ (mythology) | :: Proteo {m} |
Proteus {prop} (moon) | :: Proteo {m} |
prothesis {n} /ˈpɹɑθəsəs/ (the addition of a sound or syllable at the beginning of a word without changing the word's meaning or the rest of its structure) | :: prótesis {f} |
prothrombin {n} (glycoprotein) | :: protrombina {f} |
prothrombotic {adj} (that leads to thrombosis) | :: protrombótico |
protist {n} /ˈproʊtɪst/ (eukaryotic unicellular organisms) | :: protista |
protium {n} (lightest isotope of hydrogen) | :: protio {m} |
Proto-Altaic {prop} (hypothetical prehistoric ancestor language) | :: Proto-altaico |
protocol {n} /ˈpɹəʊtəˌkɒl/ (rule, guideline etc which guides diplomatic behaviour) | :: protocolo {m} |
protocollary {adj} | :: protocolario |
Proto-Germanic {prop} (hypothetical prehistoric ancestor language) | :: protogermánico {m} |
Proto-Indo-European {prop} /ˌpɹoʊ̯toʊ̯ˌɪndoʊ̯ˌjʊɹəˈpi.ən/ (ancestor language of most European and Indian languages) | :: protoindoeuropeo {m} |
Proto-Indo-European {n} (person who spoke the Proto-Indo-European language) | :: protoindoeuropeo {m} |
Proto-Indo-European {adj} (pertaining to the Proto-Indo-European language, or the people who spoke it, see also: Indo-European) | :: protoindoeuropeo |
Proto-Indo-Germanic {prop} (Proto-Indo-European) SEE: Proto-Indo-European | :: |
proto-industrialization {n} (phase before the industrialization of a country) | :: protoindustrialización {f} |
Proto-Japonic {prop} (the hypothetical ancestral language of both modern Japanese and the Ryukyuan languages) | :: Protojapónico |
proto-language {n} (common ancestor language) | :: protolengua {f} |
protologism {n} /pɹəʊˈtɒləˌdʒɪzm/ (a newly coined word or phrase defined in the hope that it will become common) | :: protologismo {m} |
protomartyr {n} (any of the first Christian martyrs) | :: protomártir {m} {f} |
proton {n} /ˈpɹoʊ.tɑn/ (positively charged nucleon) | :: protón |
protonate {v} (To add one or more protons) | :: protonar |
protonic {adj} (pertaining to protons) | :: protónico |
proton pump {n} (protein) | :: bomba de protones {f} |
protoplanet {n} (astronomical object) | :: protoplaneta {m} |
protoplanetary {adj} (of or pertaining to a protoplanet) | :: protoplanetario {m} |
protoplast {n} /ˈpɹəʊtə(ʊ)plast/ (contents of a plant cell) | :: protoplasto {m} |
Proto-Slavic {prop} (Proto-Slavic) | :: protoeslavo {m} |
protostome {n} (animal in which the mouth is derived from the embryonic blastophore) | :: protóstomo {m}, protostomado {m} |
prototype {n} /ˈpɹəʊtətʌɪp/ (original form or object which is a basis for other forms or objects) | :: prototipo {m} |
protozoal {adj} (protozoan) SEE: protozoan | :: |
protozoan {n} /ˌpɹoʊtəˈzoʊən/ (any of a diverse group of eukaryotes) | :: protozoo {m}, protozoario |
protozoan {adj} (pertaining to a protozoan) | :: protozoario |
protozoic {adj} (relating to the protozoa) | :: protozoario |
protract {v} /pɹəˈtɹakt/ (To draw out; to extend, especially in duration.) | :: prolongar |
protract {v} (to put off to a distant time; to delay; to defer) | :: diferir |
protract {v} (to extend; to protrude) | :: extender |
protracted {adj} (Lasting for a long time or longer than expected or usual.) | :: duradero, eterno [colloquial], prolongado |
protractor {n} (a circular or semicircular tool for measuring angles) | :: transportador {m} |
protrude {v} (to extend from) | :: sobresalir, protruir |
protrusion {n} | :: protuberancia {f}, protrusión |
protuberance {n} /pɹoʊˈtuːbəɹəns/ (Something that protrudes) | :: protuberancia {f} |
protuberantial {adj} (relating to a protuberance) | :: protuberancial |
proud {adj} /pɹaʊd/ (gratified, feeling honoured, feeling satisfied) | :: orgulloso |
proud {adj} | :: [1] orgulloso |
proudly {adv} /ˈpɹaʊdli/ (in a proud manner) | :: fieramente, orgullosamente |
Proustian {adj} /ˈpɹusti.ən/ (reminiscent of Marcel Proust or his works) | :: proustiano |
provable {adj} (of a statement or hypothesis, that can be proven) | :: probable |
provably {adv} (in a provable manner) | :: comprobadamente |
prove {v} /pɹuːv/ (to demonstrate that something is true; to give proof for) | :: probar, demostrar |
prove {v} (to put to the test, to make trial of) | :: probar, testear [Arg., Chile] |
prove {v} (to ascertain or establish the genuineness or validity of; to verify.) | :: validar |
Provençal {prop} /ˌpɹɒvɑːnˈsɑːl/ (language spoken in Provence) | :: provenzal |
provenance {n} /ˈpɹɑ.və.nəns/ (place or source of origin) | :: procedencia {f}, proveniencia {f} |
provenance {n} (in archaeology: the place and time of origin of some artifact) | :: procedencia {f}, proveniencia {f} |
provenance {n} (in arts: the history of ownership of a work of art) | :: procedencia {f}, proveniencia {f} |
Provence {prop} (region in France) | :: Provenza {f} |
proverb {n} /ˈpɹɑːvɝːb/ (phrase expressing a basic truth) | :: proverbio {m}, refrán {m}, paremia {f} |
proverbial {adj} /pɹəˈvɜɹb.iː.əl/ (of a proverb) | :: proverbial |
proverbial {adj} (widely known; famous) | :: proverbial |
Proverbs {prop} (book of the Bible) | :: Proverbios |
provide {v} /pɹəˈvaɪd/ (to give what is needed or desired) | :: proveer |
provide {v} (to furnish (with)) | :: proveer |
provided {conj} /pɹəˈvaɪdɪd/ (only if) | :: siempre y cuando, con tal que |
providence {n} /ˈpɹɒvɪdəns/ (prudent care and management of resources; thriftiness) | :: providencia {f} |
providence {n} (careful guardianship exercised by a deity) | :: providencia {f} |
providence {n} (manifestation of divine care or direction) | :: providencia {f} |
Providence {prop} (Capital of Rhode Island) | :: Providence |
provident {adj} /ˈpɹɒvɪdənt/ (demonstrating consideration for the future) | :: providente |
providential {adj} /pɹɒvɪˈdɛnʃl̩/ (fortunate) | :: providencial |
providentness {n} (the quality or state of being provident) | :: prudencia {f} |
provider {n} (provider) | :: suministrador {m}, proveedor |
province {n} /ˈpɹɑvɪns/ (a subdivision of government usually one step below the national level) | :: provincia {f} |
provincial {adj} /pɹɒvinʃəl̩/ (of or pertaining to a province) | :: provincial {m} {f} |
provincial {adj} (not cosmopolitan or polished) | :: provinciano |
provision {n} /pɹəˈvɪʒ.ən/ (item of goods or supplies obtained for future use) | :: provisión |
provision {v} (to supply with provisions) | :: aprovisionar, avituallar |
provisional {adj} /pɹəˈvɪʒənəl/ (temporary) | :: provisional, provisorio |
provisionally {adv} (in a provisional way) | :: provisionalmente, provisoriamente |
proviso {n} /pɹəˈvaɪzoʊ/ (conditional provision to an agreement) | :: salvedad |
provocateur {n} (one who engages in provocative behavior) | :: provocador |
provocateur {n} (undercover agent who incites suspected persons to partake in or commit criminal acts) | :: agente provocador |
provocation {n} /ˌpɹɑvəˈkeɪʃən/ (act of provoking) | :: provocación {f} |
provocative {adj} /pɹəˈvɒk.ə.tɪv/ (tending to provoke strong negative feeling) | :: provocador, provocativo |
provoke {v} /pɹəˈvoʊk/ (to cause to become angry) | :: provocar |
provoke {v} (to bring about a reaction) | :: provocar |
provost {n} /ˈpɹoʊvoʊst/ (military prison keeper) | :: preboste |
provost {n} | :: preboste {m} |
prow {n} /pɹaʊ/ (fore part of a vessel; bow) | :: proa {f} |
prowess {n} /ˈpɹaʊɪs/ (skillfulness and manual ability; adroitness or dexterity) | :: habilidad {f}, capacidad {f}, destreza {f} |
prowess {n} (distinguished bravery or courage) | :: proeza {f} |
prowl {v} /pɹaʊl/ (To be on the lookout for some prey) | :: acechar, merodear |
prowl {v} (To be watching over something) | :: aguaitar |
proxenetism {n} (procuring) SEE: pimping | :: |
Proxima Centauri {prop} /ˈpɹɒk.sɪ.mə sɛnˈtɔː.ɹi/ (a red dwarf star) | :: Próxima Centauro |
proximal {adj} /ˈpɹɒksɪməl/ (Closer to the point of attachment) | :: proximal |
proximate cause {n} (event without which an injury would not have occurred) | :: causa inmediata {f} |
proximately {adv} (approximately) SEE: approximately | :: |
proximity {n} /pɹɑkˈsɪ.mɪ.ti/ (closeness; the state of being near as in space, time, or relationship) | :: proximidad {f}, cercanía {f} |
proxy {n} /pɹɒ (agent or substitute authorized to act for another person) | :: apoderado {m} |
proxy {n} (authority to act for another, especially when written) | :: mandato {m}, poder {m} |
proxy server {n} (hardware server) | :: servidor proxy {m} |
præstige {n} (Archaic spelling of prestige) SEE: prestige | :: |
prude {n} /pɹuːd/ (A person who is or tries to be excessively proper) | :: mojigato {m}, mojigata {f} |
prudence {n} /ˈpɹuːdəns/ (The quality or state of being prudent) | :: prudencia {f} |
prudent {adj} /ˈpɹuːdənt/ (sagacious in adapting means to ends) | :: prudente |
prudent {adj} (practically wise, judicious, shrewd) | :: prudente |
prudent {adj} (frugal; economical; not extravagant) | :: prudente |
prudent {adj} | :: atentado |
prudently {adv} (in a prudent manner) | :: prudentemente |
Prudhomme {prop} | :: Prudhomme |
prudish {adj} (exaggeratedly proper) | :: pudibundo, santurrón, mojigato, pacato, timorato, cartuchón, gazmoño |
prune {v} (plum) SEE: plum | :: |
prune {v} /pɹuːn/ (dried plum) | :: ciruela pasa {f} |
prune {v} (trim a tree or shrub) | :: podar, sarper, pampinar |
prune {v} ((figuratively) cut down or shorten) | :: podar |
pruning {n} /ˈpɹuːnɪŋ/ (action of pruning) | :: poda {f} |
prurient {adj} /ˈpɹʊəɹ.i.ənt/ (uneasy with desire; lustful) | :: lascivo, lúbrico, salaz |
Prussia {prop} /ˈpɹʌʃə/ (geographical area) | :: Prusia {f} |
Prussia {prop} (former Baltic country) | :: Prusia {f} |
Prussia {prop} (former German province) | :: Prusia {f} |
Prussian {adj} /ˈpɹuː.ʃən/ (of Prussia) | :: prusiano |
Prussian {prop} (language) | :: prusiano {m} |
Prussian {n} (native or inhabitant of the geographical region of Prussia) | :: prusiano {m}, prusiana {f} |
pry {v} /pɹaɪ/ (to look where one is not welcome; to be nosey) | :: entremeter [pronominal], fisgar, fisgonear, hurgar |
pry {v} (use leverage to open or widen) | :: hacer palanca |
Przewalski's horse {n} (Equus ferus przewalskii) | :: caballo de Przewalski {m} |
PS {n} (addendum to a letter) | :: P.D. |
psalm {n} /sɑm/ (sacred song) | :: salmo {m} |
psalm {n} (a hymn collected into one book of the Old Testament) | :: salmo {m} |
psalmody {n} /ˈsɑː.mə.di/ (singing of psalms) | :: salmodia |
Psalms {prop} /ˈsɑːmz/ (book of the Bible) | :: Salmos {m-p} |
psalter {n} /ˈsɔːltə(ɹ)/ (The Book of Psalms) | :: salterio {m} |
psalterium {n} (omasum) SEE: omasum | :: |
psaltery {n} (instrument) | :: salterio |
psammoma {n} (brain tumor) | :: psamoma {f} |
psephology {n} /sɨ.ˈfɑl.ə.d͡ʒi/ (the predictive or statistical study of elections) | :: psefología {f} |
pseudarthrosis {n} (bony, flexible structure resembling a joint) | :: pseudoartrosis {f} |
pseudo- {prefix} /ˈs(j)uːdəʊ/ (not genuine) | :: pseudo-, seudo- |
pseudo {adj} (insincere) SEE: insincere | :: |
pseudoaneurysm {n} (hematoma that forms as the result of a leaking hole in an artery) | :: pseudoaneurisma {m} |
pseudo-anglicism {n} (word with an English appearance that is not current in English) | :: falso anglicismo {m}, pseudoanglicismo {m} |
pseudocardinal {n} /ˈsudoʊˌkɑɹdɪnəl/ (cardinal appointed by an antipope) | :: pseudocardenal {m} |
pseudocarp {n} (accessory fruit) SEE: accessory fruit | :: |
pseudocode {n} (description of a computer programming algorithm) | :: pseudocódigo {m} |
pseudocroup {n} (croup) SEE: croup | :: |
pseudocyesis {n} (false pregnancy) | :: pseudociesis {f}, embarazo fantasma {m} |
pseudoephedrine {n} /ˌsuːdoʊˈɛfɨdɹiːn/ (sympathomimetic alkaloid) | :: pseudoefedrina {f}, seudoefedrina {f} |
pseudofruit {n} (accessory fruit) SEE: accessory fruit | :: |
pseudogene {n} (segment of DNA) | :: pseudogén {m}, seudogén {m} |
pseudogout {n} (medical condition) | :: pseudogota {f} |
pseudomembranous {adj} (characterized by the presence of a pseudomembrane) | :: pseudomembranoso |
pseudonym {n} /ˈsudoʊnɪm/ (fictitious name) | :: seudónimo {m} |
pseudopod {n} /ˈsuːdə(ʊ)pɒd/ (temporary projection) | :: seudópodo {m} |
pseudoscience {n} (purported science) | :: pseudociencia {f} |
pseudoscientific {adj} (of, relating to, or employing pseudoscience) | :: pseudocientífico |
pshaw {interj} /ˈʃɑː/ (indicating disapproval, scoffery, irritation, impatience or disbelief) | :: ¡bah! |
psi {n} /psaɪ/ (Greek letter) | :: psi {f} |
psicose {n} (monosaccharide epimer of fructose) | :: psicosa {f} |
psionic {adj} /saɪˈɒn.ɪk/ (of or relating to psionics) | :: psiónico |
psittacosis {n} /ˌsitəˈkoʊsɨs/ (infection) | :: psitacosis |
psoas {n} /ˈsoʊ.əs/ (muscle) | :: psoas {m} |
psoriasis {n} (facial skin disease) | :: psoriasis {f} |
psyche {n} /ˈsaɪ.ki/ (the human soul, mind, or spirit) | :: psique {f}, psiquis {f} |
psyched {adj} /saɪkt/ (thrilled) | :: emocionado, mentalizado |
psyched {adj} (frightened) | :: asustado |
psychedelic {adj} /ˈsaɪ.kəˌdɛl.ɪk/ (of, containing or generating hallucinations, etc.) | :: psicodélico, sicodélico |
psychiatric {adj} /ˌsaɪ.ki.ˈæt.ɹɪk/ (of, or relating to, psychiatry) | :: psiquiátrico |
psychiatric hospital {n} (mental hospital) SEE: mental hospital | :: |
psychiatrist {n} /ˌsaɪˈkaɪ.ə.tɹɪst/ (doctor specializing in psychiatry) | :: psiquiatra {m} {f}, siquiatra {m} {f} [esp. Americas] |
psychiatry {n} /saɪˈkaɪ.əˌtɹi/ (branch of medicine dealing with mental disorders) | :: psiquiatría {f} |
psycho {n} /ˈsaɪkoʊ/ (psychotic or otherwise insane person) | :: psicópata {m} {f} |
psycho- {prefix} (relating to the mind) | :: psico- |
psychoactive {adj} (pharmacology: affecting the mind or mental processes) | :: psicoactivo |
psychoaffective {adj} | :: sicoafectivo |
psychoanalysis {n} (family of psychological theories) | :: psicoanálisis {m} |
psychoanalyst {n} (practitioner) | :: psicoanalista {m} {f} |
psychoanalytic {adj} (of or relating to psychoanalysis) | :: psicoanalítico |
psychoanalytical {adj} (psychoanalytic) SEE: psychoanalytic | :: |
psychoanalyze {v} (practice psychoanalysis) | :: psicoanalizar |
psychodrama {n} (a form of psychotherapy) | :: psicodrama {m} |
psychodynamic {adj} (of or pertaining to psychodynamics) | :: psicodinámico |
psychogenic {adj} /ˌsʌɪkɒ(ʊ)ˈdʒɛnɪk/ (originating from or caused by state of mind) | :: psicogénico, sicogénico |
psychogeriatrician {n} (psychiatrist subspecialising in elderly people) | :: psicogeriatra {m} {f} |
psychokinesis {n} /ˌsaɪkoʊkɪˈnisɪs/ (movement inanimate objects by the use of psychic power) | :: psicociensis, psicoquinesia, telequinesis, telequinesia |
psychological {adj} /ˌsaɪkəˈlɑːdʒɪkl/ (of or pertaining to psychology) | :: psicológico |
psychologically {adv} (in a psychological manner) | :: psicológicamente |
psychological warfare {n} (The use of various techniques to demoralize or intimidate someone) | :: guerra psicológica {f} |
psychologist {n} /ˌsaɪˈkɑl.ə.d͡ʒɪst/ (expert in the field of psychology) | :: psicólogo {m}, psicóloga {f}, sicólogo {m}, sicóloga {f} |
psychology {n} /saɪˈkɑlədʒi/ (study of the human mind) | :: psicología {f} |
psychology {n} (the study of the human behavior) | :: psicología {f} |
psychology {n} (the study of animal behavior) | :: psicología {f} |
psychology {n} (the mental characteristics of a particular individual) | :: psicología {f} |
psychometry {n} (paranormal ability) | :: psicometría |
psychonaut {n} | :: psiconauta {m} {f} |
psychopath {n} /ˈsaɪkoʊˌpæθ/ (person with a personality disorder) | :: psicópata {m} {f} |
psychopath {n} (popular: a person who perpetrates especially gruesome or bizarre violent acts) | :: psicópata {m} {f} |
psychopathology {n} /ˌsaɪkɒpəˈθɒlədʒɪ/ (study of mental illness) | :: psicopatología {f} |
psychopathy {n} /saɪˈkɑpəθi/ (personality disorder) | :: psicopatía {f} |
psychopharmacological {adj} (of or pertaining to psychopharmacology) | :: psicofarmacológico |
psychopolitics {n} (interaction between psychology and politics) | :: psicopolítica {f} |
psychopomp {n} /ˈsaɪkəʊpɒmp/ (entity who assists souls) | :: psicopompo {m} |
psychosis {n} /saɪˈkəʊsɪs/ (mental disorder) | :: psicosis {f} |
psychosocial {adj} (having both psychological and social aspects) | :: psicosocial |
psychosomatic {adj} /ˌsaɪkoʊsəˈmædɪk/ (of physical effects with mental causes) | :: psicosomático |
psychosynthesis {n} (form of psychology based on the direct experience of the self) | :: psicosíntesis {f} |
psychotherapist {n} (who practices psychotherapy) | :: psicoterapeuta {mf} |
psychotherapy {n} /ˌsaɪkoʊˈθɛɹəpi/ (treatment of those with mental illness) | :: psicoterapia {f} |
psychotic {adj} /ˌsaɪˈkɒtɪk/ (of, related to, or suffering from psychosis) | :: psicótico |
psychro- {prefix} (cold) | :: psicró- |
psychrometer {n} (instrument which measures atmospheric humidity) | :: psicrómetro {m} |
psyllium {n} (group of plants) | :: psyllium {m} |
psywar {n} (psychological warfare) SEE: psychological warfare | :: |
pâté {n} /ˈpæt.eɪ/ (finely-ground paste of meat, fish or vegetables) | :: paté, pasta de carne {f} |
pétanque {n} (form of boules) | :: petanca {f} |
ptarmigan {n} /ˈtɑːmɪɡən/ (a small grouse, Lagopus) | :: lagópodo {m}, perdiz nival {f} |
pâte brisée {n} (form of shortcrust pastry, see also: shortcrust pastry) | :: pasta quebrada {f} |
pteridosperm {n} (gymnosperm of the division Pteridospermatophyta) | :: pteridosperma {f} |
pterion {n} /ˈtɛɹɪən/ (the point corresponding with the posterior end of the sphenoparietal suture) | :: pterión {m} |
pterodactyl {n} /ˌtɛɹəˈdæktl̩/ (informal term for any pterosaur) | :: pterodáctilo {m} |
pterosaur {n} /ˈtɛɹəˌsɔɹ/ (extinct flying reptile) | :: pterosaurio {m} |
pterygium {n} (an abnormal mass of tissue in the corner of the eye) | :: pterigión {m} |
pterygo- {prefix} (wing-shaped; pterygoid) | :: pterigo- |
pterygoid {adj} (of or pertaining to the sphenoid bone) | :: pterigoideo, pterigoides |
pterygoid {n} (bone) | :: pterigoides {m} |
pterygopalatine {adj} (of or pertaining to the indented area medial to the pterygomaxillary fissure) | :: pterigopalatino |
Ptolemy {prop} /ˈtɑləmi/ (name of Greek origin) | :: Ptolomeo {m}, Tolomeo {m} |
ptomaine {n} /ˈtəʊmeɪn/ (any of various amines formed by putrefactive bacteria) | :: tomaína {f}, ptomaína {f} |
pub {n} /pʌb/ (public house) | :: pub, bar {m}, taberna {f} |
pub crawl {n} (The visiting of a number of public houses) | :: ruta de borrachera {f}, ruta etílica {f} |
pube {n} /pjuːb/ (a single pubic hair) | :: pendejo {m} |
puberty {n} (age at which a person is first capable of sexual reproduction) | :: pubertad {f} |
pubescent {adj} (arriving at puberty) | :: pubescente, puberto {m} |
pubic {adj} /ˈpjuːbɪk/ (of, or relating to the area of the body adjacent to the pubis) | :: púbico |
pubic hair {n} (collectively) | :: vello púbico {m}, vello pubiano {m} |
pubic hair {n} (singular) | :: pendejo {m} |
pubic louse {n} (crab louse) SEE: crab louse | :: |
pubic region {n} (part of the body near the pubes and the pubis) | :: verija {f} |
pubis {n} /ˈpju.bɪs/ (the pubic bone) | :: pubis {m}, hueso del pubis {m} |
public {adj} /ˈpʌblɪk/ (able to be seen by or known to everybody) | :: público |
public {adj} (pertaining to people as a whole) | :: público |
public {adj} (provided (by the government) for the community) | :: público |
public {adj} (open to all members of a community) | :: público |
public {n} (people in general) | :: público {m} |
publication {n} /ˌpʌblɪˈkeɪʃən/ (act of publishing) | :: publicación {f} |
publication {n} (an issue of printed or other matter) | :: publicación {f} |
publication {n} (communication of information) | :: publicación {f} |
public defender {n} (attorney) | :: abogado de oficio {m} |
public domain {n} (realm of intellectual property) | :: dominio público {m} |
public domain {n} (attributive: not subject to any copyright or patent restrictions) | :: de(l) dominio público |
public figure {n} (person subject to public interest) | :: personaje público {m} |
public good {n} (welfare of the people) | :: bien público {m} |
public good {n} (good that is non-rivalrous and non-excludable) | :: bien público {m} |
public holiday {n} (national or regional holiday from work on a specific day) | :: fiesta legal {f}, festivo {m}, feriado {m} |
public house {n} (pub) SEE: pub | :: |
publicity {n} (advertising or other activity designed to rouse public interest in something) | :: publicidad {f} |
publicity stunt {n} (staged marketing event) | :: golpe publicitario {m}, ardid publicitario {m}, truco publicitario {m} |
public law {n} (law) | :: derecho público {m} |
public life {n} (aspects of social life which occur in public) | :: vida pública {f} |
public life {n} (politics, as in the profession of being a politician) | :: política {f} |
public limited company {n} (publicly traded limited liability company) | :: sociedad anónima {f} |
publicly {adv} /ˈpʌblɪkli/ (in an open and public manner) | :: públicamente |
public opinion {n} (opinion of the public) | :: opinión pública {f} |
public policy {n} /pʌb.lɪk.ˈpɔ.lɪ.si/ (set of government policies) | :: política pública {f} |
public relations {n} (profession) | :: relaciones públicas {f-p}, RRPP |
public sector {n} (government and entities) | :: sector público {m} |
public servant {n} (convict) SEE: convict | :: |
public servant {n} (civil servant) SEE: civil servant | :: |
public service announcement {n} (advertisement intended to serve the public interest) | :: mensaje de interés público {m} |
public speaking {n} (art of public speaking) SEE: oratory | :: |
public telephone {n} (public telephone) | :: teléfono público {m} |
public toilet {n} (public toilet) | :: aseo público {m} |
public transit {n} (public transport) SEE: public transport | :: |
public transport {n} (form of transport) | :: transporte público {m} |
public transportation {n} (public transport) SEE: public transport | :: |
publification {n} (making public) | :: publificación |
publish {v} /ˈpʌblɪʃ/ (to issue a medium (e.g. publication)) | :: publicar |
publish {v} (to issue something (usually printed work) for sale and distribution) | :: publicar |
publish {v} (to announce to the public) | :: publicar, divulgar |
publisher {n} /ˈpʌblɪʃɚ/ (One who publishes, especially books) | :: editor, editorial {f} |
publishing house {n} (company that produces books) | :: editorial {f} |
puce {n} (colour) | :: granate (dark puce) |
pucelle {n} /pʊˈsɛl/ (virgin) | :: pucela {f} |
puck {n} (hockey puck) SEE: hockey puck | :: |
pucker {v} (to pinch or wrinkle; to squeeze inwardly, to dimple or fold) | :: arrugar |
pucker {n} (A fold or wrinkle) | :: arruga {f} |
Pudahuel {prop} (Pudahuel) | :: Pudahuel {m} |
pudding {n} /ˈpʊd.ɪŋ/ (dessert similar to custard or mousse, containing a starchy thickening agent) | :: pudin {m}, pudín {m} |
pudding {n} (any dessert) SEE: dessert | :: |
puddle {n} /ˈpʌdəl/ (a small pool of water) | :: charco {m}, poza {f} |
puddling {n} (the act of melting iron) | :: pudelación {f} |
pudor {n} /ˈpjuːdɔː/ (appropriate sense of modesty or shame) | :: pudor {m} |
pudu {n} /ˈpuːduː/ (South American deer) | :: pudú {m} |
Puducherry {prop} /ˌpʊdʊˈtʃɛɹi/ (Puducherry, India) | :: Pondicherry |
Puebla {prop} (city) | :: Puebla {f}, Puebla de Zaragoza {f}, Angelópolis |
Puebla {prop} (municipality) | :: Puebla {f} |
Puebla {prop} (state) | :: Puebla {f} |
Puebla {prop} (archdiocese) | :: Puebla {f} |
puerile {adj} /ˈpjʊɹɪl/ (characteristic of, or pertaining to, a boy or boys) | :: pueril {m} {f} |
puerile {adj} (childish; trifling; silly) | :: pueril {m} {f} |
puerperal {adj} (Of or pertaining to or associated with childbirth) | :: puerperal |
puerperium {n} /ˌpuː.ɝˈpiː.ɹi.əm/ (period of time following childbirth) | :: puerperio {m} |
Puerto Rican {n} /ˈpɔɹ.ɾəˌɹiː.kən/ (person from Puerto Rico) | :: puertorriqueño {m}, puertorriqueña {f}, boricua {m} {f} |
Puerto Rican {adj} (pertaining to Puerto Rico) | :: puertorriqueño |
Puerto Rico {prop} /ˌpɔɹtəˈɹikoʊ/ (Caribbean Commonwealth) | :: Puerto Rico {m} |
puff {v} (pant) SEE: pant | :: |
puff {n} /pʌf/ (sharp exhalation of a small amount of breath through the mouth) | :: bocanada {f}, vaharada {f} |
puff {n} (ability to breathe easily while exerting oneself) | :: resuello |
puff {n} (small quantity of gas or smoke in the air) | :: bocanada {f} |
puff {n} (informal: act of inhaling smoke from a cigarette, cigar or pipe) | :: calada {f} |
puff {n} (powder puff) SEE: powder puff | :: |
puffadder {n} (Britis arietans) | :: víbora bufadora |
puffed rice {n} (rice) | :: arroz hinchado {m} |
puffed rice {n} (breakfast cereal) | :: arroz hinchado {m} |
puffer {n} (blowfish) SEE: blowfish | :: |
pufferfish {n} (blowfish) SEE: blowfish | :: |
puffin {n} /ˈpʌfɪn/ (Fratercula arctica) | :: frailecillo {m} |
puff pastry {n} (light, flaky pastry) | :: hojaldre {m} |
pug {n} /pʌɡ/ (small dog) | :: doguillo {m} |
pugilist {n} /ˈpjuː.dʒəlɪst/ (one who fights with his fists; a boxer) | :: pugilista {m} {f}, púgil {m} |
Puglian {adj} (Apulian) SEE: Apulian | :: |
pugnacious {adj} /pʌɡˈneɪ.ʃəs/ (aggressive, belligerent) | :: pugnaz, belicoso |
pug-nosed {adj} (having a pug nose) | :: chato {m} |
puke {n} /pjuːk/ (vomit) | :: vómito {m} |
puke {n} (drug) | :: vomitivo {m} |
puke {n} (person) | :: mierda {f}, [Mexico] basca {f} |
puke {v} (to vomit) | :: devolver, vomitar, potar |
pulao {n} (pilaf) SEE: pilaf | :: |
pull {v} /pʰʊːɫ/ (transitive: apply force to (something) so it comes towards one) | :: tirar, jalar |
pull {v} (intransitive: apply force such that an object comes toward the person or thing applying the force) | :: jalar, halar |
pull {v} (to strain a muscle or ligament or tendon) | :: tirón {m} |
pull {n} (act of pulling) | :: tirón {m} |
pull an all-nighter {v} (work throughout the night) | :: trasnochar, pasar la noche en claro |
pull apart {v} (disassemble) SEE: disassemble | :: |
pulled {adj} /pʊld/ (of fine pieces of cooked meat torn from the bone.) | :: mechado |
pull effect {n} | :: efecto llamada {m} |
pullet {n} (spineless person) SEE: chicken | :: |
pullet {n} /ˈpʊlɪt/ (young hen) | :: polla {f} |
pulley {n} /ˈpʊli/ (one of simple machines) | :: polea {f}, roldana {f} |
pull off {v} (To achieve; to succeed at something difficult) | :: llevarse el gato al agua |
pull oneself together {v} (to become mentally focused after a period of being unfocused) | :: recobrar la compostura, recomponerse |
pull oneself up by one's bootstraps {v} (to begin an enterprise or recover from a setback without any outside help) | :: como Juan Palomo |
pull one's socks up {v} (start making an effort; to renew or redouble one's efforts) | :: ponerse las pilas |
pull out {v} (to withdraw) | :: retirarse |
pull out {v} (to use coitus interruptus as a method of birth control) | :: marcha atrás {f} |
pull out all the stops {v} (reserve nothing) | :: poner toda la carne en el asador |
pull out of the fire {v} | :: salvar los muebles |
pull over {v} (come to a stop on the roadside or the hard shoulder) | :: hacerse a un lado, orillar |
pull over {v} (cause someone/something to pull over) | :: parar |
pullover {n} (sweater) | :: pulóver {m} |
pull someone down a peg {v} | :: bajarle los humos |
pull someone's chestnuts out of the fire {v} (do someone's difficult work) | :: sacar las castañas del fuego |
pull someone's leg {v} (to tease someone) | :: picar a alguien cizañear meter cizaña, sacar picas, provocar, tomar el pelo, buscarle a alguien las cosquillas |
pull the plug {v} (disconnect from a supply) SEE: unplug | :: |
pull the trigger {v} (to fire) | :: apretar el gatillo |
pull the wool over someone's eyes {v} (to deceive someone) | :: dársela con queso |
pull up {v} (lift vertically) | :: alzar, levantar |
pull-up {n} /ˈpʊl.ʌp/ (an exercise done for strengthening the arms and back) | :: barbilla {f}, ejercicio de tracción {m}, dominada {f} |
pulmonary {adj} (related to lungs) | :: pulmonar |
pulmonary alveolus {n} (small air sac in the lungs) | :: alvéolo pulmonar {m} |
pulmonary tuberculosis {n} (tuberculosis infecting the lungs) | :: tuberculosis |
pulmonological {adj} (pneumological) SEE: pneumological | :: |
pulmonologist {n} /ˌpʊlməˈnɒlədʒɪst/ (a physician who specializes in pulmonology) | :: neumólogo {m}, neumóloga {f} |
pulmonology {n} /ˌpʊlməˈnɒlədʒi/ (the branch of medicine dealing with diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract) | :: neumología {f} |
pulp {n} /pəlp/ (center of a fruit) | :: pulpa {f} |
pulp {n} (center of a tooth) | :: pulpa dentaria {f}, pulpa dental |
pulp {n} (mass of which paper is produced) | :: pulpa de celulosa {f} |
pulp fiction {n} (shocking and sensational fiction) | :: ficción pulp {f} |
pulpit {n} /ˈpʊl.pɪt/ (raised platform in church) | :: púlpito {m} |
pulpit {n} (plane's cockpit) SEE: cockpit | :: |
pulp magazine {n} (magazine made with inexpensive paper and printing) | :: revista pulp {f} |
pulp mill {n} (factory) | :: celulosa {f}, planta de celulosa {f} |
pulpy {adj} (having the characteristics of pulp, soft, squishy) | :: pulposo {m} |
pulpy {adj} (having the characteristics of pulp fiction) | :: folletinesco |
pulsar {n} (rotating neutron star) | :: púlsar {m} |
pulsate {v} /ˈpʌl.seɪt/ (to expand and contract rhythmically; to throb or to beat) | :: latir |
pulsatile {adj} (pulsating or vibrating) | :: pulsátil {m} |
pulsatile {adj} (characterized by pulses) | :: pulsátil {m} |
pulse {n} /pʌls/ (regular beat caused by the heart) | :: pulso {m} |
pulse oximeter {n} (device used to monitor oxygen) | :: pulsioxímetro {m}, oxímetro de pulso {m} |
pulse oximetry {n} (method of monitoring of the oxygenation of hemoglobin) | :: pulsioximetría {f} |
pulsometer {n} (vacuum pump or hydrotrope) | :: pulsimetro {m} |
pulverulent {adj} /pʌlˈvɛɹjələnt/ (consisting of, covered with, or disintegrating into a fine powder) | :: pulverulento |
pulvinar {n} (prominence on the thalamus) | :: pulvinar {m} |
puma {n} (Puma concolor) SEE: cougar | :: |
Pumanque {prop} (Pumanque) | :: Pumanque {m} |
pumice {n} /ˈpʌmɪs/ (pumice) | :: pumita {f}, piedra pómez {f} |
pummel {v} /ˈpʌməl/ (To hit or strike heavily and repeatedly) | :: golpear |
pump {n} (trainer or sneaker) SEE: trainer | :: |
pump {n} /pʌmp/ (device for moving liquid or gas) | :: bomba {f} |
pump {n} (instance of the action of a pump; one stroke of a pump; any action similar to pumping) | :: bombeo {m} |
pump {n} (device for dispensing liquid or gas to be sold, especially fuel) | :: bomba {f}, surtidor {m} |
pump {v} (transitive: to use a pump to move liquid or gas) | :: bombear |
pump {v} (sports: to kick, throw or hit the ball far and high) | :: bombear |
pump attendant {n} (one who works at a petrol station) | :: gasolinero {m}, gasolinera {f}, encargado de gasolinera {m}, empleado de gasolinera {m} |
pumping iron {n} (weightlifting) | :: culturismo {m} |
pump iron {v} (to engage in weight training) | :: levantar pesas, culturizar, practicar culturismo |
pumpjack {n} (drive for a submerged pump) | :: bomba de varilla {f} |
pumpkin {n} /ˈpʌmpkɪn/ (plant) | :: calabaza {f}, calabazera {f} |
pumpkin {n} (fruit of this plant) | :: calabaza {f}, auyama {f} [Colombia, Venezuela, Dominican Republic], ayote {f} [Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala], zapallo {m} [Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Southwestern Colombia, Uruguay] |
pumpkin pie {n} (pie made from the flesh of pumpkins) | :: pastel de calabaza {m}, torta de calabaza {f} |
pump truck {n} (manually operated device for lifting and moving pallets) SEE: pallet jack | :: |
pump up {v} (to inflate by means of a pump) | :: inflar |
pump up {v} (to excite a person or group to a frenzy) | :: entusiasmar |
pun {n} /pʌn/ (joke or type of wordplay) | :: juego de palabras {m}, calambur, paronomasia {f}, doble sentido {m}, albur {m} [Mexico] |
punch {n} /pʌntʃ/ (hit or strike with one's fist) | :: puñetazo {m}, puñete {m} |
punch {v} (to strike something or someone with one's fist) | :: dar un puñetazo |
punch {v} (to make holes) | :: punzonar, agujerear |
punch {n} (mechanism for punching holes in paper) | :: sacabocado {m}, perforadora {f} |
punch {v} (to employ a punch to create a hole) | :: perforar |
punch {v} (to mark a ticket) | :: picar, taladrar |
punch {n} (beverage) | :: ponche {m} |
punch {v} (to herd cattle) SEE: herd | :: |
punching bag {n} (device used to practice punching) | :: saco de boxeo {m} |
punching bag {n} (object of abuse) | :: saco de boxeo {m} |
punch line {n} (final part of a joke) | :: remate {m} |
punch line {n} (final, concluding statement) | :: broche {m} |
punctilious {adj} /pʌŋkˈtɪli.əs/ (strictly attentive to detail) | :: punctilloso {m} |
punctilious {adj} (precise) | :: punctilloso {m} |
punctilious {adj} | :: puntilloso |
punctual {adj} /ˈpʌŋktʃuəl/ (prompt) | :: puntual |
punctuality {n} (state of being punctual) | :: puntualidad {f} |
punctually {adv} (in a punctual manner) | :: puntualmente |
punctuate {v} /ˈpʌŋkʃuːeɪt/ (add punctuation to) | :: puntuar |
punctuate {v} (emphasize, stress) SEE: emphasize | :: |
punctuation {n} /pʌŋk.tʃuˈeɪ.ʃən/ (set of symbols) | :: puntuación {f} |
punctuation mark {n} (symbol used in writing) | :: signo de puntuación {m} |
puncture {v} (puncture) SEE: pierce | :: |
puncture {n} /ˈpʌŋktʃɚ/ (hole, cut or tear) | :: pinchazo |
puncture {v} (to pierce) | :: perforar |
puncture vine {n} (Tribulus terrestris) SEE: caltrop | :: |
pundit {n} /ˈpʌn.dɪt/ (a self-professed expert) | :: comentarista experto {m} |
pundit {n} (a Hindu scholar) | :: pandito {m}, pandit |
pungency {n} /ˈpʌndʒənsi/ (foul odor) | :: tufo {m}, hedor {m}, peste {f}, hediondez {f}, fetidez {f}, tufarada {f} |
pungent {adj} /ˈpʌndʒənt/ (having a strong odour) | :: acre |
pungent {adj} (having a sharp and stiff point) | :: punzante |
Punic {prop} /ˈpjuːnɪk/ (language of Carthage) | :: púnico {m}, cartaginés {m} |
Punic War {n} (war between Ancient Rome and Carthage) | :: guerra púnica {f} |
punish {v} /ˈpʌnɪʃ/ (to cause to suffer for crime or misconduct) | :: castigar, punir |
punish {v} (to treat harshly and unfairly) | :: castigar, maltratar |
punisher {n} (one who punishes) | :: castigador {m} |
punishment {n} /ˈpʌnɪʃmənt/ (the act of punishing) | :: castigo {m} |
punishment {n} (penalty for wrongdoing) | :: castigo {m} |
punishment {n} (suffering imposed as retribution) | :: penitencia {f} |
punishment {n} | :: castigo {m}, penitencia {f} |
punitive {adj} /pjunɪtɪv/ (punishing) | :: punitivo {m} |
Punjab {prop} /pʌnˈdʒɑːb/ (geographical region in South Asia) | :: Punyab {m} |
Punjabi {adj} /pʌnˈdʒɑːbi/ (of, pertaining to, descended from the people or culture of the Punjab, or written in the Punjabi language) | :: panyabí {m} {f} |
Punjabi {n} (language spoken in the Punjab region, in Northern India and eastern Pakistan) | :: panyabí {m} |
Punjabi {n} (resident of or immigrant from the Punjab) | :: panyabí {m} {f} |
punk {n} (prostitute) SEE: prostitute | :: |
punk {n} /pəŋk/ (punk rocker) | :: punk {m} {f} |
punk rocker {n} (punk) SEE: punk | :: |
Puno {prop} (city) | :: Puno |
punt {n} /pʌnt/ (narrow shallow boat propelled by a pole) | :: batea |
punt {v} /pʌnt/ (make a highly speculative investment or other commitment) | :: especular [pejorative] |
puny {adj} /pjuːni/ (of inferior size) | :: flojo, tirillas, gualtrapas |
pupa {n} /ˈpjuːpə/ (insect) | :: crisálida {f} |
pupil {n} /ˈpjuːpəl/ (learner) | :: alumno {m}, alumna {f}, pupilo {m} |
pupil {n} (the hole in the middle of the iris of the eye) | :: pupila {f} |
puppet {n} /ˈpʌpɪt/ (movable model of a person or animal) | :: títere {m}, marioneta {f}, fantoche {m} |
puppet {n} (person or country controlled by another) | :: títere {m}, marioneta {f}, fantoche {m} |
puppet {n} (doll) SEE: doll | :: |
puppeteer {n} (person who uses a puppet) | :: titiritero {m}, muñequero {m}, marionetista {m} {f} |
puppet show {n} (theatrical performance with puppets) | :: espectáculo de títeres {m} |
Puppis {prop} (constellation) | :: Puppis |
puppy {n} /ˈpʌpi/ (young dog) | :: cachorro {m}, perrito {m} |
puppy dog eyes {n} (facial expression) | :: ojos de cachorro {m-p} |
purchase {n} /ˈpɝtʃəs/ (the act or process of seeking and obtaining something for money) | :: compra {f}, adquisición {f} |
purchase {n} (that which is obtained for a price in money or its equivalent) | :: adquisición {f}, compra {f} |
purchase {v} (to obtain by paying money or its equivalent; to buy for a price) | :: comprar |
purchasing power {n} (amount of goods and services that can be purchased with a unit of currency) | :: poder adquisitivo |
purchasing power parity {n} (long-term equilibrium) | :: paridad del poder adquisitivo {f} |
pure {adj} /ˈpjʊɹ/ (free of flaws or imperfections) | :: puro |
pure {adj} (free of foreign material or pollutants) | :: puro {m} |
pure {adj} | :: puro {m}, pura {f} |
purebred {adj} (that which has genuine parents of the same breed) | :: de pura cepa |
puree {n} /ˈpjʊəɹeɪ/ (food that has been ground into a thick liquid) | :: puré {m} |
puree {v} (to crush or grind food into a puree) | :: pasar, machacar |
purely imaginary number {n} (imaginary number) SEE: imaginary number | :: |
pure mathematics {n} (area of mathematics) | :: matemáticas puras {f-p} |
Purepecha {n} (person) | :: purépecha {m} {f} |
Purepecha {prop} (language) | :: purépecha {m}, tarasco {m}, michoacano {m} |
purgative {adj} (capable of purging) | :: purgativo |
purgatory {n} (Purgatory) SEE: Purgatory | :: |
Purgatory {prop} (intermediate state after physical death) | :: purgatorio {m} |
purge {n} /pɝdʒ/ (the act of purging) | :: purga {f} |
purge {n} (forcible removal of undesirable people from political activity, etc.) | :: purga {f} |
purge {v} (to clean thoroughly; to cleanse; to rid of impurities) | :: purgar |
purge {v} (to clear of a charge, suspicion, or imputation) | :: relevar, exonerar |
purification {n} (act of purifying) | :: [alloys] fundición {f}, purificación {f}, limpia {f} |
purify {v} (cleanse something of impurities) | :: purificar |
Purim {prop} (Jewish festival) | :: Purim {m} |
purism {n} (insistence on the traditionally correct way) | :: purismo |
purist {adj} (pertaining to purism) | :: purista |
purist {n} (advocate of purism) | :: purista {m} {f} |
puristic {adj} (purist) SEE: purist | :: |
puritan {n} /ˈpjʊɹɪtən/ (puritanical person) | :: puritano {m} |
puritan {adj} (having very strict moral standards) | :: puritano |
puritanism {n} (strict and austere religious conduct) | :: puritanismo {m} |
Puritanism {n} (practices of the Puritans) | :: puritanismo {m} |
purity {n} /ˈpjʊəɹɪti/ (the state of being pure) | :: pureza |
purlin {n} /ˈpɜːɹlɪn/ (longitudinal structural member of a roof) | :: correa {f} |
purloin {v} /pɜːˈlɔɪn/ (To convert the property of another) | :: hurtar, robar |
purple {n} /ˈpɜː(ɹ).pəl/ (colour) | :: morado {m}, púrpura {f}, lila {m}, violeta {m} |
purple {adj} (colour) | :: morado |
purple dye murex {n} (sea snail) | :: púrpura {f} |
purple emperor {n} (butterfly) | :: tornasolada {f} |
purple heron {n} (Ardea purpurea) | :: garza imperial {f} |
purple martin {n} (bird) | :: golondrina purpúrea {f} |
purple rice {n} (black rice) SEE: black rice | :: |
purple yam {n} (Dioscorea alata) | :: ñampí {m} |
purplish {adj} (somewhat purple in colour/color) | :: amoratado |
purport {v} /pəˈpɔːt/ (to intend) | :: pretender |
purport {n} (import) | :: propósito {m} |
purported {adj} /pəɹˈpɔɹ.tɪd/ (Supposed) | :: supuesto {m}, presunto {m} |
purportedly {adv} /pə(ɹ)ˈpɔː(ɹ).tə (supposedly; putatively; reputedly) | :: supuestamente {m} |
purpose {n} /ˈpɝpəs/ (target) | :: propósito {m} |
purpose {n} (intention) | :: propósito {m}, intención {f}, objetivo {m} |
purpose {n} (determination) | :: decisión {f}, determinación {f}, resolución {f} |
purpose {n} (subject of discourse) | :: tema {m}, objeto {m} |
purpose {n} (reason for doing something) | :: propósito {m}, objeto {m}, razón {f} |
purpose {v} (have set as one's purpose; intend) | :: proponerse |
purposefully {adv} (on purpose) SEE: on purpose | :: |
purposefully {adv} (in a purposeful manner) | :: intencionadamente |
purposely {adv} /ˈpɝpəsli/ (on purpose; intentionally) | :: intencionadamente, aposta, a propósito |
purpura {n} | :: púrpura {f} |
purpure {n} /pəˈpjʊə/ (purple colour on a coat of arms) | :: púrpura |
purpure {adj} (in blazon, of the colour purple) | :: púrpura |
purr {v} /pɜː(ɹ)/ (cat to make a vibrating sound in its throat) | :: ronronear |
purr {n} (vibrating sound made by a cat when contented) | :: ronroneo {m} |
purse {n} /pɝs/ (small bag for carrying money) | :: bolsa {f}, monedero {m} |
purse {n} (small bag for carrying personal items) | :: bolsa {f} [Mexico], bolso {m} [Spain], bulto {m} [Southeastern Mexico], cartera {f} [Latin America] |
purse {n} (quantity of money) | :: bolsa {f} |
purse {v} (press (the lips) together) | :: fruncir |
purslane {n} (Portulaca oleracea) SEE: common purslane | :: |
pursuant {adj} /pəˈsjuː.ənt/ (in conformance to, or in agreement with) | :: de acuerdo a |
pursuant {adv} (accordingly, consequently) | :: según, con arreglo a |
pursue {v} /pəˈsjuː/ (to follow urgently) | :: perseguir |
pursue {v} (to travel down a particular way or course of action) | :: seguir |
pursue {v} (to aim for) | :: perseguir, apuntar a |
pursuit {n} /pɝˈsuːt/ (act of pursuing) | :: persecución |
purulent {adj} /ˈpjʊəɹ(j)ʊlənt/ (consisting of pus) | :: purulento |
purvey {v} /pɚˈveɪ/ (obsolete: to prepare in advance) | :: preveer |
purvey {v} (to furnish, provide) | :: proveer |
purveyor {n} (supplier) SEE: supplier | :: |
pus {n} /pʌs/ (fluid found in regions of infection) | :: pus {m} |
Pusan {prop} (Busan) SEE: Busan | :: |
push {v} /pʊʃ/ (to apply a force to something so that it moves away) | :: empujar |
push {v} (intransitive: to tense the muscles of the abdomen in order to expel its contents) | :: pujar |
push {n} (short, directed application of force; act of pushing) | :: empujón {m} |
push {n} (act of tensing the muscles of the abdomen in order to expel its contents) | :: empujo {m}, pujo {m} |
push {n} (great effort (to do something)) | :: empujón {m} |
push {v} (to thrust the points of the horns against) SEE: gore | :: |
pushbike {n} /ˈpʊʃbaɪk/ (pedal bicycle, as distinguished from a motorized bicycle) | :: bicicleta {f}, cicla {f} [Colombia] |
pushchair {n} (stroller) SEE: stroller | :: |
pusher {n} /ˈpʊʃə/ (drug dealer) | :: camello {m} |
push in {v} (jump the queue) SEE: jump the queue | :: |
pushing up daisies {adj} ((euphemism) dead) | :: estar criando malvas |
Pushkin {prop} (Russian surname) | :: Pushkin |
push one's luck {v} | :: tanto va el cántaro a la fuente que al final se rompe |
pushover {n} (Someone who is easily swayed or influenced to change his/her mind or comply) | :: influenciable |
pushpin {n} (thumbtack) SEE: thumbtack | :: |
push scooter {n} (a child's foot-operated vehicle) SEE: scooter | :: |
push the boat out {v} | :: tirar la casa por la ventana, echar la casa por la ventana |
pushup {n} (push-up) SEE: push-up | :: |
push-up {n} /ˈpʊʃˌʌp/ (exercise performed by resting on one's toes and hands and pushing one's weight off the floor) | :: lagartijas {f}, flexión de codos {f}, flexión {f}, flexión de brazos {f}, planchas {f} |
push up daisies {v} (idiomatic: to be dead) | :: criar malvas |
pusillanimity {n} (being timid) | :: pusilanimidad {f} |
pusillanimous {adj} /pjuːsəlˈænəməs/ (showing cowardice) | :: pusilánime |
Puss in Boots {prop} (fairy tale) | :: el gato con botas {m} |
pussy {n} /ˈpʊsɪ/ (affectionate term for a girl or woman) | :: gatita {f}, nenita {f}, lolita {f}, chiquita {f} |
pussy {n} (informal: affectionate term for a cat) | :: cuchito {m}, gata {f} , minino {m} |
pussy {n} (slang: female genitalia) | :: [all of these words are vulgar usage] bollo {f} [Cuba, Venezuela], chucha {f} [Peru], cocho {f} [Bolivia], concha {f} [Argentina, Chile, Paraguay], coño {m} [Spain], cuca {f} [Venezuela], panocha {f} [Mexico], punta, raja {f}, choro {f}, concha {f} |
pussy {n} (anything soft and furry) | :: peludito {m} |
pussy {n} (vulgar: sexual intercourse with a woman) | :: pescar, culear, chingar, follar, coger, fornicar, tirar |
pussy {n} (informal: coward) | :: mujersita {m}, maricón {m}, mamón {m}, puto {m}, cagón {m}, cagado {m}, niñita {m} |
pussy {adj} /ˈpʌsi/ (containing pus) | :: purulento |
pussy magnet {n} (something that attracts women) | :: imán de chochetes {m} |
pussyman {n} (colloquial: great lover) | :: macho {m}, machorro {m} |
pussywhipped {adj} (submissive to or dominated by one's wife or other female partner) | :: calzonazos {m}, macabeo {m} |
pustule {n} (a small accumulation of pus in the epidermis or dermis) | :: pústula {f} |
pustule {n} (a pimple filled with pus) | :: pústula {f} |
put {v} /pʊt/ (to place something somewhere) | :: poner, colocar, situar |
put an end to {v} (terminate) | :: poner coto |
putative {adj} /ˈpju.tə.tɪv/ (commonly believed or deemed to be the case) | :: presunto, supuesto, putativo [only for relatives] |
put away {v} (to kill someone) SEE: kill | :: |
put away {v} (to place out of the way) | :: guardar |
put away {v} (to send (someone) to prison) SEE: imprison | :: |
put down {v} (belittle, or demean) | :: menospreciar |
put down {v} (pay a deposit) | :: pagar un depósito |
put down {v} (add a name to a list) | :: inscribir |
put down roots {v} (to become settled) | :: echar raíces, enraizar |
put forward {v} (to propose for consideration) | :: proponer, entablar |
put horns on {v} (To cuckold) | :: poner los cuernos |
put in {v} (to place inside) | :: meter |
Putin {prop} /ˈpuː.tɪn/ (surname) | :: Putin |
put in an appearance {v} (attend an event briefly) SEE: make an appearance | :: |
put in motion {v} (set in motion) SEE: set in motion | :: |
Putla {prop} (town) | :: Putla, Putla Villa de Guerrero, Putla de Guerrero |
Putla {prop} (municipality) | :: Putla Villa de Guerrero |
Putla {prop} (district) | :: Putla |
put lipstick on a pig {v} (to superficially alter something) | :: aunque la mona se vista de seda, mona se queda |
put on {v} (to don clothing) | :: ponerse |
put on airs {v} (become haughty, assume a haughty manner) | :: darse aires, darse tono, hacer el paripé |
put one's finger on {v} (identify) | :: señalar |
put one's foot in one's mouth {v} (say or do something embarrassing or wrong) | :: meter la pata |
put one's mind to it {v} (to apply oneself) | :: poner la mente |
put on weight {v} (to become heavier) | :: ganar peso |
put out {v} (place outside or eject) | :: sacar |
put out {v} (extinguish) | :: extinguir |
put out {v} (consent to sex) | :: abrirse de piernas |
put out of one's misery {v} (informal: to euthanize) | :: eutanizar |
Putrajaya {prop} (administrative capital of Malaysia) | :: Putrajaya |
Putre {prop} (Putre) | :: Putre {m} |
putrefy {v} /ˈpjutɹəfaɪ/ | :: pudrirse |
putrescible {adj} /pjuːˈtɹɛsɪb(ə)l/ (Decomposable; capable of becoming putrescent; rottable) | :: putrescible |
putsch {n} /pʊtʃ/ (a coup; an illegal effort to forcibly overthrow the current government) | :: putsh, alzamiento, pronunciamiento, golpe, militarada {f} |
put someone in their place {v} (to humble or rebuke) | :: poner a alguien en su lugar |
put that in your pipe and smoke it {phrase} (emphasizes a statement) | :: chúpate esa |
put the cart before the horse {v} (to put things in the wrong order) | :: poner el carro delante de los bueyes, poner el carro delante del caballo {m} |
put the make on {v} (pursue with romantic interest) | :: insinuarse |
put through {v} (to connect (telephoning)) | :: poner con |
putting green {n} (area on a golf course) | :: green {m} |
put to bed {v} (help someone go to bed) | :: acostar |
put to death {v} (to kill as punishment) SEE: execute | :: |
put together {v} (create, assemble or build) | :: construir, elaborar |
put together {adj} (in total) | :: en conjunto |
put to sleep {v} (to cause someone to sleep) | :: adormecer |
put to sleep {v} (to help someone to bed) SEE: put to bed | :: |
put to use {v} (to utilise) | :: valerse de, echar mano de |
put to words {v} (verbally express) SEE: articulate | :: |
putty {n} /ˈpʌti/ (a form of cement) | :: masilla |
put up {v} (to place in a high location) | :: colgar |
put up {v} (to hang or mount) | :: colgar |
put up {v} (to put up with) SEE: put up with | :: |
put up with {v} | :: aguantar, soportar, tolerar |
puzzle {n} (crossword puzzle) SEE: crossword | :: |
puzzle {n} /ˈpʌzəl/ (anything difficult to understand or make sense of) | :: rompecabezas {m} |
puzzle {n} (game for one person) | :: rompecabezas {m}, puzle {m} |
puzzle {n} (riddle) | :: enigma {m} |
puzzle {v} (to perplex) | :: intrigar, dejar perplejo, desconcertar |
puzzle {n} (jigsaw puzzle) SEE: jigsaw puzzle | :: |
puzzled {adj} /ˈpʌ.zl̩d/ (confused or perplexed) | :: confundido, perplejo, desconcertado |
Pyeongchang {prop} /pjɒŋˈt͡ʃæŋ/ (county of South Korea) | :: Pieonchang |
pygidium {n} (The posteriormost portion of certain arthropods) | :: pigidio {m} |
pygmy {n} /pɪɡmiː/ (a member of various African peoples) | :: pigmeo {m} |
pygmy {n} | :: enano {m}, pigmeo {m} |
pygmy chimpanzee {n} (alternative name for bonobo) | :: chimpancé pigmeo {m} |
pygmy cormorant {n} (Microcarbo pygmaeus) | :: cormorán pigmeo {m} |
pygmy owl {n} | :: caburé {m} |
pygmy sperm whale {n} (whale in the sperm whale family) | :: cachalote pigmeo {m} |
pygostyle {n} /ˈpaɪɡəstaɪl/ (the plate supporting the tail-feathers in birds) | :: pigóstilo {m} |
pylon {n} /ˈpaɪ.lɒn/ (a tower like structure used to support high voltage electricity cables) | :: torre |
pylon {n} | :: pilón {m} |
pylon {n} (obelisk) SEE: obelisk | :: |
pylon {n} (traffic cone) SEE: traffic cone | :: |
pylorus {n} (opening between the stomach and duodenum) | :: píloro {m} |
Pyongyang {prop} /ˌpjɑŋˈjæŋ/ (capital of North Korea) | :: Pionyang {m} |
pyramid {n} /ˈpɪɹəmɪd/ (ancient construction) | :: pirámide {f} |
pyramid {n} (construction) | :: pirámide {f} |
pyramid {n} (in geometry, a solid with triangular lateral faces and a polygonal base) | :: pirámide {f} |
pyramid {n} (pyramid scheme) SEE: pyramid scheme | :: |
pyramidal {adj} /pɪˈɹæm.ɪ.dl̩/ (pyramid-shaped) | :: piramidal |
pyramidic {adj} /pɪ.ɹəˈmɪd.ɪk/ (Of or pertaining to a pyramid) | :: piramidal |
pyramid scheme {n} (illicit money-making scheme) | :: esquema de pirámide, esquema piramidal, estafa piramidal |
pyran {n} (In chemistry) | :: pirano {m} |
pyranic {adj} (In chemistry) | :: piránico |
pyranose {n} (cyclic hemiacetal) | :: piranosa {f} |
pyrargyrite {n} (a mineral, silver sulfantimonide) | :: pirargirita {f} |
pyre {n} /ˈpaɪɚ/ (funeral pile) | :: pira {f} |
Pyrenean {adj} /ˌpɪɹəˈniːən/ (of or pertaining to the Pyrenees) | :: pirenaico |
Pyrenean ibex {n} (recently extinct subspecies of ibex) | :: bucardo {m} |
Pyrenees {prop} (the mountain range separating Spain from France) | :: Pirineos {p} |
pyridine {n} (any of a class of aromatic heterocyclic compounds) | :: piridina {f} |
pyriform {adj} (pear-shaped) | :: piriforme |
pyrimidine {n} /paɪˈɹɪ.mɪˌdiːn/ (diazine in which the two nitrogen atoms are in the meta-positions) | :: pirimidina {f} |
pyrite {n} /ˈpaɪ.ɹaɪt/ (mineral iron disulfide) | :: pirita {f} |
Pyrénées-Orientales {prop} (department of France) | :: Pirineos Orientales {m-p} |
pyro- {prefix} /paɪɹəʊ/ (relating to fire) | :: piro- |
pyro {n} /ˈpaɪɹəʊ/ (a pyromaniac) | :: piro, piromaníaco {m} |
pyroballogy {n} /ˌpaɪɹəʊˈbæləd͡ʒi/ (study of artillery) | :: pirobalística {f} |
pyrochlore {n} (mineral) | :: pirocloro {m} |
pyroclastic {adj} (composed of volcanic rock fragments) | :: piroclastico |
pyroclastic flow {n} /ˈpʌɪ.ɹə.kla.stɪk fləʊ/ (pyroclastic flow) | :: flujo piroclástico {m} |
pyrogen {n} (substance that produces fever) | :: pirógeno {m} |
pyrokinesis {n} /ˌpaɪroʊkɪˈniːsɪs/ (the ability to set objects or people on fire) | :: piroquinesis {f} |
pyroligneous acid {n} (dark liquid) | :: ácido piroleñoso {m} |
pyrolusite {n} (a mineral, manganese dioxide) | :: pirolusita {f} |
pyrolysis {n} /pɪˈɹɒlɪsɪs/ (decomposition of a material or compound due to heat where there is no oxygen or other reagents) | :: pirólisis |
pyromania {n} /ˌpʌɪɹə(ʊ)ˈmeɪnɪə/ (disorder) | :: piromanía {f} |
pyromaniac {n} /ˌpaɪɹoʊˈmeɪniæk/ (one who is obsessed with fire) | :: pirómano {m} |
pyrometer {n} (thermometer) | :: pirómetro {m} |
pyrope {n} (mineral) | :: piropo {m} |
pyrosis {n} (burning sensation due to reflux) | :: pirosis {f} |
pyrotechnic {adj} /ˌpaɪɹoʊˈtɛknɪk/ (of or relating to fireworks) | :: pirotécnico |
pyrotechnics {n} (firework) SEE: firework | :: |
pyrotechnics {n} /ˌpaɪ.ɹə.ˈtɛk.nəks/ (art and technology of fireworks) | :: pirotecnia {f} |
pyrotechnist {n} (person skilled in manufacture or setting fireworks) | :: pirotécnico {m} |
pyroxene {n} /paɪˈɹɑksin/ (mineral) | :: piroxeno {m} |
Pyrrhic {adj} /ˈpɪɹɪk/ (achieved at excessive cost) | :: pírrico |
Pyrrhic victory {n} /ˌpɪɹ.ɪk ˈvɪk.t(ə)ɹ.i/ (a costly victory) | :: victoria pírrica {f} |
pyrrole {n} /ˈpɪɹəʊl/ (any of a class of aromatic heterocyclic compounds) | :: pirrol {m} |
pyruvate {n} /pʌɪˈɹuː.veɪt/ (any salt or ester of pyruvic acid) | :: piruvato {m} |
pyruvic acid {n} /pʌɪˌruː.vɪk ˈas.ɪd/ (simplest aliphatic keto acid) | :: ácido pirúvico {m} |
Pythagoras {prop} /pɪˈθæɡ.əɹ.əs/ (Ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher) | :: Pitágoras |
Pythagorean {n} /pɪˌθaɡəˈɹiːən/ (follower of Pythagoras) | :: pitagórico {m} |
Pythagorean {adj} (of or relating to Pythagoras or his philosophy) | :: pitagórico |
Pythagorean theorem {prop} (mathematical theorem) | :: teorema de Pitágoras |
python {n} /ˈpaɪθɑːn/ (constricting snake) | :: pitón {m} |
Python {prop} /ˈpaɪθɑːn/ (Greek mythology) | :: Python {m} |
pyx {n} (nautical: box for compass) SEE: binnacle | :: |
pyxis {n} (anatomy: acetabulum) SEE: acetabulum | :: |
Pyxis {prop} (constellation) | :: Brújula, Pyxis |