User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-eo-a
# English :: Esperanto dictionary extracted from
# License :: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License; GNU Free Documentation License
# Version :: 20200901
# Size :: 25274 English glosses; 25128 Esperanto translations
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a {n} (name of the letter A, a) | :: a |
Aachen {prop} /ˈɑkən/ (city in North Rhine-Westphalia) | :: Akeno |
aardvark {n} /ˈɑɹd.vɑɹk/ (mammal) | :: orikteropo, terporko |
aardwolf {n} /ˈɑɹd.ˌwʊlf/ (the mammal species Proteles cristatus) | :: protelo |
aback {adv} /əˈbæk/ (in the rear) | :: malantaŭen |
aback {n} (abacus) SEE: abacus | :: |
abacus {n} /ˈæbəkəs/ (device for performing arithmetical calculations) | :: abako |
abandon {v} /əˈbæn.dn̩/ (to give up control of, surrender) | :: forlasi |
abandon {v} (to leave behind or desert; to forsake) | :: forlasi, postlasi |
abandon {v} (to cast out, expel, reject) | :: elpeli |
abandon {n} (a giving up to natural impulses) | :: senĝeneco |
abandonment {n} /əˈbæn.dn̩.mn̩t/ (act of abandoning) | :: dezerteco, natureco |
abasement {n} /əˈbeɪs.mənt/ (the act of abasing) | :: malaltigo, humiligo |
abate {v} (to dull the edge or point of) SEE: blunt | :: |
abattoir {n} /ˈæb.əˌtwɑɹ/ (public slaughterhouse) | :: buĉejo |
abbacy {n} /ˈæb.ə.si/ (dignity, estate, or jurisdiction of an abbot) | :: abateco, abata jurisdikcio |
Abbas {prop} (A male given name) | :: Abaso |
abbatial {adj} /əˈbeɪ.ʃl̩/ (belonging to an abbey) | :: abata, abateja |
abbess {n} /ˈæb.ɪs/ (female superior of a nunnery) | :: abatino |
abbey {n} /ˈæb.i/ (monastery headed by an abbot) | :: abatejo |
abbot {n} /ˈæb.ət/ (superior or head of an abbey or monastery) | :: abato |
abbreviate {v} /əˈbɹɪt/ (to make shorter) | :: mallongigi |
abbreviated {adj} /əˈbɹi.viˌeɪ.tɪd/ (shortened) | :: mallongiga |
abbreviation {n} /əˌbɹi.viˈeɪ.ʃn̩/ (shortened or contracted form of a word or phrase) | :: mallongigo |
abbreviature {n} (abbreviation) SEE: abbreviation | :: |
ABC {n} (alphabet) SEE: alphabet | :: |
ABC book {n} (primer) SEE: primer | :: |
abdomen {n} /ˈæb.də.mən/ (belly) | :: ventro |
abdomen {n} (cavity) | :: abdomeno |
abdomen {n} (the posterior section of an arthropod's body) | :: abdomeno |
abduct {v} /æbˈdʌkt/ (to take away) | :: forrabi |
abduction {n} /æbˈdʌk.ʃn̩/ (leading away, carrying away) | :: forrabo |
abduction {n} (law: wrongful carrying off of a human being) | :: kidnapo , forkapto |
abductor {n} /æbˈdʌk.tɚ/ (muscle) | :: abduktoro, abdukcimuskolo, abdukcia muskolo |
abearance {n} (behavior) SEE: behavior | :: |
abecedarium {n} (a book used to teach the alphabet) SEE: primer | :: |
abelian group {n} /əˈən ɡɹup/ (group in which the group operation is commutative) | :: abela grupo, komuta grupo |
abend {n} /ˈæbɛnd/ (abnormal end) | :: misfino |
aberration {n} /ˌæb.əˈɹeɪ.ʃn̩/ (optics: convergence to different foci) | :: aberacio |
aberration {n} (astronomy: small periodical change of position of heavenly bodies) | :: aberacio |
Abha {prop} (city in Saudi Arabia) | :: Abha |
abhor {v} /æbˈhɔɹ/ (to regard with horror or detestation) | :: abomeni, malamegi |
abhorrence {n} /əbˈhɔɹ.n̩s/ (extreme aversion) | :: abomeno, malamego |
Abidjan {prop} /ˌæb.ɪˈdʒɑn/ (the largest city of Ivory Coast) | :: Abiĝano |
ability {n} /əˈbɪl.ə.ti/ (quality or state of being able) | :: povo |
abiogenesis {n} /ˌeɪbaɪəʊˈdʒɛnəsɪs/ (origination of living organisms from lifeless matter) | :: abiogenezo |
a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush {proverb} (small but certain advantage is preferable) | :: Pli bona ol dek branĉoj sur centono |
a bit {adv} (a little) SEE: a little | :: |
abjad {n} (writing system) | :: abĝado |
Abkhaz {prop} /ɑbˈkɑz/ (a Northwest Caucasian language spoken in Abkhazia) | :: abĥaza lingvo |
Abkhazia {prop} /æbˈkeɪ.ʒi.ə/ (territory in the Caucasus, see also: Republic of Abkhazia) | :: Abĥazujo |
Abkhazian {adj} (Of or pertaining to Abkhazia) SEE: Abkhaz | :: |
Abkhazian {n} (Abkhaz) SEE: Abkhaz | :: |
Abkhazian {prop} (Abkhazian language) SEE: Abkhaz | :: |
ablative {adj} /ˈæb.lə.tɪv/ (applied to one of the cases of the noun in other language) | :: ablativa |
ablative {n} (ablative case) SEE: ablative case | :: |
ablative case {n} (grammatical case used to indicate movement away from something, removal, separation, source) | :: ablativo |
able {adj} /ˈeɪ.bl̩/ (permitted to) | :: [to be able] povi, rajti |
able {adj} (skillful) | :: lerta |
able {adj} (legally qualified) | :: kompetenta |
-able {suffix} /ə.bl̩/ | :: -ebla |
able {adj} (healthy) SEE: healthy | :: |
able {v} (enable) SEE: enable | :: |
ableism {n} /ˈeɪ.bəl.ɪz.m̩/ (discrimination against persons with disabilities) | :: kapablismo, handikapismo |
abnegation {n} /ˌæbnɪˈɡeɪʃən/ (denial; renunciation) | :: abnegacio |
abnormal {adj} /ˈæbˌnɔɹ.ml̩/ (not conforming to rule or system) | :: anomalia, nenormala |
abnormal {adj} | :: nenormala |
abnormality {n} /ˌæbˌnɔɹˈmæl.ət.i/ (something abnormal) | :: anomalio |
abnormalness {n} (abnormality) SEE: abnormality | :: |
aboard {adv} /əˈbɔɹd/ (on board) | :: surŝipe [ship] |
abolish {v} /əˈbɑl.ɪʃ/ (to end a law, system, institution, custom or practice) | :: abolicii, forigi, aboli |
abolition {n} /ˌæb.əˈlɪʃ.n̩/ | :: abolicio, forigo |
abolitionism {n} /ˌæb.əˈlɪʃ.əˌnɪz.m̩/ (opinion in favor of the abolition of something) | :: aboliciismo |
abolitionist {n} /ˌæ.bə.ˈlɪʃ.n̩.ɪst/ (person who favors the abolition) | :: aboliciisto |
abomasum {n} /ˌæb.oʊˈmeɪ.səm/ (fourth or digestive stomach of a ruminant) | :: abomaso |
abominable {adj} /əˈbɑm.ə.nə.bl̩/ (hateful; detestable; loathsome) | :: abomena |
abominate {v} /əˈbɒm.əˌnəɪt/ (to feel disgust towards, to hate in the highest degree) | :: abomeni |
abomination {n} /əˌbɑm.əˈneɪ.ʃn̩/ (an abominable act) | :: abomenaĵo |
abomination {n} (the feeling of extreme disgust) | :: abomeno |
abomination {n} (something abominable) | :: abomenaĵo |
Aboriginal {n} /ˌæb.əˈɹɪd͡ʒ.n̩.l̩/ (original inhabitant of Australia) | :: aborigeno |
abort {v} /əˈbɔɹt/ (to miscarry) | :: aborti |
abort {v} (to cause a premature termination) | :: abortigi |
abortion {n} /əˈbɔɹ.ʃn̩/ (miscarriage) | :: abortigo |
abortion {n} (induced abortion) | :: abortado |
abortion {n} (act of inducing abortion) | :: abortigo |
abortionist {n} /əˈbɔɹ.ʃə.nɪst/ (one who performs a legal abortion) | :: abortigisto [♂(♀)], virabortigisto [explicitly ♂], abortigistino [explicitly ♀], geabortigistoj {p} [♂♀] |
abortive {adj} /əˈbɔɹ.tɪv/ (coming to naught; fruitless) | :: aborta |
abound {v} /əˈbaʊnd/ (to be plentiful) | :: abundi, sufiĉegi |
abound with {v} (abound) SEE: abound | :: |
about {prep} /əˈbaʊt/ (on every side of) | :: ĉirkaŭ |
about {prep} (over or upon different parts of) | :: ĉirkaŭ, ĉirkaŭe en, tra |
about {prep} (on the point or verge of) | :: -ota |
about {prep} (concerning) | :: pri |
about {prep} (concerned with, engaged in) | :: pri |
about {prep} (in the immediate neighborhood of) | :: ĉirkaŭ, kun (2, on one’s person) |
about {prep} | :: ĉirkaŭ |
about {adv} (on all sides) | :: ĉirkaŭe |
about {adv} (here and there) | :: ĉirkaŭe |
about {adv} (nearly, approximately) | :: proksimume, ĉirkaŭ |
about {adv} (to a reversed order, or opposite direction) | :: returnen |
about {adv} (in circuit) | :: ĉirkaŭe |
about to {phrase} (indicating imminence) | :: [expressed by the future participle of the verb] |
above {prep} /əˈbʌv/ (over, on top of) | :: sur |
above {prep} (in or to a higher place) | :: super |
above all {prep} (of prime importance) | :: precipe, antaŭ ĉio |
abracadabra {interj} /ˌæ.bɹə.kəˈdæ.bɹə/ (used to indicate that a magic trick or other illusion has been performed) | :: abrakadabra |
Abraham {prop} /ˈeɪ.bɹəˌhæm/ (prophet in the Old Testament) | :: Abrahamo |
Abraham {prop} (male given name) | :: Abraham |
Abraham {prop} (surname) | :: Abraham |
abroad {adv} /əˈbɹɔd/ | :: eksterlande |
abrogate {v} /ˈæb.ɹəˌɡət/ (to annul by an authoritative act) | :: abrogacii |
abruptly {adv} /əˈbɹʌ (in an abrupt manner) | :: abrupte |
abruptness {n} /əˈbɹʌp.nəs/ (state of being abrupt) | :: abrupteco |
abscess {n} /ˈæbsɛs/ (cavity filled with pus) | :: absceso |
absence {n} /ˈæ̩s/ (state of being away) | :: foresto |
absinthe {n} /ˈæb.sɪnθ/ (liquor) | :: absintaĵo |
absinthe {n} (Artemisia absinthium) | :: absinto |
absinthium {n} (Artemisia absinthium) SEE: wormwood | :: |
absolute {adj} /ˈæb.səˌlut/ | :: nepra |
absolutely {adv} /ˌæb.səˈ (in an absolute manner) | :: nepre, absolute |
absolute space {n} /ˈæb.səˌlut speɪs/ (physics) | :: absoluta spaco |
absolute time {n} /ˈæb.səˌlut taɪm/ (unchangeable time) | :: absoluta tempo |
absolute value {n} /ˈæb.səˌlut ˈvæl.ju/ (numerical value of a real number) | :: absoluta valoro |
absolute value {n} (modulus of a complex number) | :: modulo |
absolute zero {n} /ˈæb.səˌlut ˈzi.ɹoʊ/ (coldest possible temperature) | :: absoluta nulo |
absolution {n} /ˌæb.səˈl(j)u.ʃn̩/ (absolving or setting free from guilt, sin or penalty; forgiveness of an offense) | :: absolvo |
absolutism {n} /ˈæb.səˌluˌtɪz.m̩/ (political science: absolute or arbitrary government; despotism) | :: absolutismo |
absolve {v} /æbˈzɑlv/ (law: to pronounce not guilty; to grant a pardon for) | :: malkondamni |
absolve {v} (theology: to pronounce free or give absolution from sin) | :: senpekigi, pekliberigi |
absorb {v} /æbˈsɔɹb/ (to suck up or drink in) | :: absorbi |
absorbent {adj} /æbˈsɔɹ.bn̩t/ (absorbing) | :: sorba |
absorption {n} /æbˈsɔɹp.ʃn̩/ (act or process of absorbing or sucking in anything) | :: absorbo |
absorption {n} (entire occupation of the mind) | :: absorbo |
abstain {v} /əbˈsteɪn/ (refrain from) | :: abstini |
abstemiousness {n} /æbˈsti.mi.əs.nəs/ (austerity) | :: abstemio [literary], abstinado, ŝparemo |
abstention {n} /æbˈstɛn.ʃn̩/ (the act of abstaining) | :: sindeteno, abstino |
abstinence {n} /ˈæb.stɪ.nəns/ (the act or practice of abstaining) | :: abstinado |
abstract {adj} /ˌæbˈstɹækt/ (apart from practice or reality; not concrete) | :: abstrakta |
abstract art {n} /ˈæbˌstɹækt ɑɹt/ (art that does not depict objects in the natural world) | :: abstraktismo |
abstraction {n} /æbˈstɹæk.ʃn̩/ (idea of a visionary nature) | :: abstraktaĵo |
abstractly {adv} /æbˈstɹæ (in an abstract manner) | :: abstrakte |
abstractness {n} /æbˈstɹæk.nəs/ (the quality of being abstract) | :: abstrakteco |
absurd {adj} /æbˈsɝd/ (contrary to reason or propriety) | :: absurda |
absurdism {n} (absurdity) SEE: absurdity | :: |
absurdity {n} /æbˈsɝd.ɪ.ti/ (the quality of being absurd) | :: absurdeco |
absurdity {n} (an absurd action) | :: absurdaĵo |
Abu Dhabi {prop} /ˈɑ.bu ˈdɑ.bi/ (capital of UAE) | :: Abu-Dabio |
abugida {n} /ɑːbuˈɡiːdə/ (writing system, see also: alphasyllabary) | :: abugido |
Abuja {prop} /əˈbuːd͡ʒə/ (The capital city of Nigeria) | :: Abuĝo |
abundance {n} /əˈbʌn.dn̩s/ (ample sufficiency) | :: sufiĉego, abundo, abundeco |
abundant {adj} /əˈbʌn.dn̩t/ (fully sufficient; plentiful) | :: abunda |
abuse {v} /əˈbjuːz/ (to use improperly) | :: misuzi |
abuse {v} | :: mistrakti |
abutment {n} /əˈbʌ̩t/ (architecture: support for an arch or vault) | :: abutmento |
Abydos {prop} /əˈbaɪ.dɑs/ (ancient city in Egypt) | :: Abidozo |
abysm {n} (abyss) SEE: abyss | :: |
abyss {n} /əˈbɪs/ (hell, bottomless pit) | :: abismo |
abyss {n} (bottomless or unfathomed depth) | :: abismo |
abyss {n} | :: abismo |
acacia {n} /əˈkeɪ.ʃə/ (shrub or tree) | :: akacio |
academic {adj} /ˌækəˈdɛmɪk/ (belonging to an academy or other higher institution of learning) | :: akademia |
academician {n} /ˌæ.kə.dəˈmɪʃ.n̩/ (member of an academy) | :: akademiano |
academy {n} /əˈkæd.ə.mi/ (learned society) | :: akademio |
academy {n} (specialized school) | :: akademio |
acajou {n} (wood from trees of Meliaceae family) SEE: mahogany | :: |
acajou {n} (cashew tree) SEE: cashew | :: |
acajou {n} (cashew nut) SEE: cashew nut | :: |
acarbose {n} /ˈæ.kɑɹ.boʊs/ (antidiabetic drug) | :: acarboso |
accelerate {v} /ək.ˈsɛl.ə.ˌɹeɪt/ (to cause to move faster) | :: rapidigi, akceli |
accelerate {v} (to quicken natural or ordinary progression or process) | :: akceli |
accelerate {v} (to hasten) | :: akceli |
accelerate {v} (to become faster) | :: akceliĝi |
acceleration {n} /ək.ˌsɛl.ə.ˈɹeɪ.ʃən/ (act or state) | :: akcelo |
acceleration {n} (amount) | :: akcelo |
acceleration {n} ((physics)) | :: akcelo |
accelerator {n} /æk.ˈsɛl.ə.ˌɹeɪ.tɚ/ (device for causing acceleration) | :: akcelilo |
accelerator {n} (accelerator pedal) | :: akcelilo |
accent {n} /ˈæk.sɛnt/ (stronger articulation) | :: akcento |
accent {n} (emphasis or importance in general) | :: akcento |
accent {n} (distinctive pronunciation associated with a region, social group, etc.) | :: akĉento |
accent {v} /ækˈsɛnt/ (to emphasize) | :: akcenti |
accent {v} (to express the accent of) SEE: accentuate | :: |
accent {v} (to mark with written accents) SEE: accentuate | :: |
accentuate {v} /əkˈsen.tʃu.eɪt/ (to pronounce with an accent) | :: akcenti |
accept {v} /əkˈsɛpt/ (to receive with consent) | :: akcepti, alpreni |
acceptable {adj} /æk.ˈsɛp.tə.bəl/ (capable, worthy or sure of being accepted) | :: akceptebla, akceptinda |
acceptance {n} /ək.ˈsɛp.təns/ (act of accepting) | :: akcepto |
acceptancy {n} (acceptance) SEE: acceptance | :: |
accepting {adj} /əkˈsɛptɪŋ/ (characterized by acceptance) | :: akceptema |
access {n} /ˈæksɛs/ (way or means of approaching) | :: aliro |
accessibility {n} /ækˌsɛs.əˈbɪl.ət.i/ (the quality of being accessible, or of admitting approach) | :: alirebleco |
accessible {adj} /əkˈsɛs.ə.bəl/ (easy of access or approach) | :: alirebla |
accessible {adj} (easily understood) | :: facile komprenebla |
accession {n} /æk.ˈsɛ.ʃən/ (act of coming to or reaching a throne, an office, or dignity) | :: surtroniĝo, ĉefiĝo |
accessory {adj} /əkˈsɛsəɹi/ (having a supplementary function) | :: akcesora |
accident {n} /ˈæk.sə.dənt/ (unexpected event with negative consequences) | :: akcidento |
accident {n} (transport: unintended event that causes damage) | :: akcidento |
accident {n} | :: akcidento |
accidental {adj} /ˌæk.sɪ.ˈdɛ̩/ (happening by chance) | :: neatendita, hazarda, akcidenta |
accidentally {adv} /ˌæksəˈdɛnt(ə)li/ (unexpectedly, unintentionally) | :: akcidente |
accidently {adv} (unexpectedly, unintentionally) SEE: accidentally | :: |
accommodate {v} /əˈkɑməˌdeɪt/ (to render fit or suitable) | :: akomodi, alfari |
accommodating {adj} /ə.ˈkɒm.ə.ˌdeɪ.tɪŋ/ (affording accommodation) | :: cedema, akomodiĝema |
accommodation {n} /ə.ˌkɑm.ə.ˈdeɪ.ʃən/ (lodging) | :: intertempa loĝejo |
accompaniment {n} /ə.ˈkʌm.pə.ni.mənt/ (music: that which gives support or adds to the background) | :: akompanaĵo |
accompanist {n} /əˈ.kʌm.pə.nɪst/ (performer who takes the accompanying part) | :: akompanisto |
accompany {v} /ə.ˈkʌm.pə.ni/ (to perform an accompanying part or parts in a composition) | :: akompani |
accompany {v} (to attend as a companion) | :: akompani |
accompany {v} (to perform an accompanying part next to another instrument) | :: akompani |
accompany {v} (to keep company) | :: kunesti |
accomplice {n} /ə.ˈkɑm.pləs/ (associate in the commission of a crime) | :: kunkulpulo, kunkulpulino |
accomplishment {n} /ə.ˈkʌm.plɪʃ.mənt/ (the act of accomplishing) | :: plenumo, kompletigo |
accordingly {adv} /ə.ˈkɔɹ.dɪŋ.li/ (in natural sequence; consequently; so) | :: sekve, laŭ tio sekvas |
according to {prep} (based on statement) | :: laŭ |
accordion {n} /ə.ˈkɔɹ.di.ən/ (A small, portable, keyed wind instrument) | :: akordiono |
accordionist {n} /ə.ˈkɔɹd.i.ə.nəst/ (player of the accordion) | :: akordionisto |
accoucheur {n} /ˌæ.ku.ˈʃɝ/ (person who assists women in childbirth) | :: akuŝisto |
account {n} /ə.ˈkaʊnt/ (a registry of pecuniary transactions) | :: konto |
account {n} (an authorization to use a service) | :: konto |
accountant {n} /ə.ˈkæʊn.(t)ən̩(t)/ (a reckoner, or someone who maintains financial matters for a person(s)) | :: kalkulisto |
accountant {n} (one whose profession includes organizing, maintaining and auditing the records of another) | :: kalkulisto |
accounting {n} /ə.ˈkaʊn.tɪŋ/ (development and maintenance of system for recording and analyzing financial transactions) | :: librotenado |
accourage {v} (encourage) SEE: encourage | :: |
Accra {prop} /ə.ˈkɹɑ/ (capital of Ghana) | :: Akrao |
accredit {v} /ə.ˈkɹɛd.ɪt/ (To put or bring into credit; to invest with credit or authority; to sanction) | :: akrediti |
accredit {v} (To send with letters credential, as an ambassador, envoy, or diplomatic agent; to authorize, as a messenger or delegate.) | :: akrediti |
accretion disk {n} (structure formed by matter falling into a gravitational source) | :: alkreska disko |
accumulate {v} /əˈkjuːmjʊˌleɪt/ (to pile up) | :: amasigi |
accumulate {v} (to grow in number) | :: amasiĝi |
accumulation {n} /ə.ˌkjuːm.jə.ˈleɪ.ʃən/ (act of accumulating, the state of being accumulated) | :: amasigo |
accumulator {n} /ə.ˈkjum.jə.ˌleɪ.tɚ/ (wet-cell storage battery) | :: akumulatoro |
accurate {adj} /ˈæk.jə.ɹɪt/ (exact or careful conformity to truth) | :: preciza |
accursed {adj} /əˈkɝ.sɪd/ (hateful) | :: malbenita |
accusation {n} /ˌæk.jʊ.ˈzeɪ.ʃən/ (act of accusing or charging with a crime) | :: akuzo |
accusation {n} | :: akuzo |
accusative {adj} /əˈkjuzətɪv/ (related to accusative case) | :: akuzativa |
accusative {n} (accusative case) | :: akuzativo |
accusative case {n} (case used to mark the immediate object) SEE: accusative | :: |
accusatory {adj} /ə.ˈkju.zə.ˌtɔɹ.i/ (pertaining to, or containing, an accusation) | :: kulpiga, akuza |
accuse {v} /əˈkjuz/ (attribute blame to someone) | :: akuzi |
accused {n} /ə.ˈkjuzd/ (defendant) | :: akuzito |
accuser {n} /əˑˈkju.zɚ/ (one who accuses) | :: akuzanto |
ace {n} /eɪs/ (card with a single spot) | :: aso |
ace {n} (excellent military aircraft pilot) | :: aso |
acedia {n} (boredom) SEE: boredom | :: |
ace of clubs {n} (playing card) | :: trefa aso |
ace of diamonds {n} (playing card) | :: karoa aso |
ace of hearts {n} (playing card) | :: kera aso |
ace of spades {n} /eɪs.əv.speɪdz/ (playing card) | :: pika aso |
acephalic {adj} (headless) SEE: headless | :: |
acephalocyst {n} /ɑˈsɛfəloʊsɪst/ (larval entozoön) | :: acefalocisto |
acephalous {adj} (headless) SEE: headless | :: |
acerbic {adj} /əˈsɜ(ɹ)bɪk/ (sour or bitter) | :: acerba |
acerbic {adj} (sharp, biting) | :: acerba |
acetaldehyde {n} /ˌæs.ɪˈtæl.dəˌhaɪd/ (the organic compound CH3CHO) | :: acetaldehido |
acetanilide {n} (amide derived from acetic acid and aniline) | :: acetanilido |
acetimeter {n} (an instrument) | :: acetimetro |
acetone {n} /ˈæ.sə.toʊn/ (the organic compound (CH3)2CO) | :: acetono |
acetyl {n} /ˈæsətɪl/ (univalent radical) | :: acetilo |
acetylcholine {n} (the neurotransmitter compound) | :: acetilkolino |
acetylene {n} /ə ˈsɛt əl ˌin/ (acetylene) | :: acetileno, etino |
Achaemenes {prop} /əˈkɛməniːz/ (the founder of the Achaemenid dynasty) | :: Aĥemeno |
ache {v} /eɪk/ (be in pain) | :: dolori |
achene {n} /əˈkiːn/ (small dry fruit) | :: akeno |
achieve {v} /əˈtʃiːv/ (to carry out successfully; to accomplish) | :: atingi |
Achilles {prop} /əˈkɪliːz/ (Greek mythical hero) | :: Aĥilo, Akilo |
achromatic {adj} /ˌækɹəʊˈmæt.ɪk/ (optics: free from colour) | :: akromata |
acid {adj} /ˈæs.ɪd/ (sour, sharp, or biting to the taste) | :: acida |
acid {adj} (sour-tempered) | :: acida |
acid {adj} (of or pertaining to an acid) | :: acida |
acid {n} (in chemistry) | :: acido |
acid {n} (LSD) | :: acido |
acidic {adj} /əˈsɪdɪk/ (of or relating to acid) | :: acida |
acidosis {n} (abnormally increased acidity of the blood) | :: acidozo |
acid rain {n} (unusually acidic rain) | :: acida pluvo |
acknowledge {v} /ækˈnɑː.lɪdʒ/ (to admit the knowledge of) | :: agnoski |
acknowledgment {n} /əkˈnɑl.ɪd͡ʒ.mənt/ (act of acknowledging) | :: agnosko |
acknowledgment {n} (act of owning or recognizing in a particular character or relationship) | :: agnosko |
acne {n} /ˈæ (a skin condition) | :: akneo |
acolyte {n} /ˈæ.kə.laɪt/ (Catholic church: highest of the minor orders; ordained to carry wine, water and lights at the Mass) | :: akolito |
aconite {n} /ˈæ.kə.naɪt/ (herb wolfsbane) | :: akonito |
aconitine {n} (intensely poisonous alkaloid) | :: akonitino |
acorn {n} /ˈeɪ.kɔɹn/ (fruit of the oak tree) | :: glano |
A Coruña {prop} /ˌɑ kəˈɹunjə/ (city in Galicia) | :: Korunjo |
acoustic {adj} /əˈkuːstɪk/ (pertaining to hearing or the science of sounds) | :: akustika |
acoustic {adj} (producing or produced without electrical amplification) | :: akustika |
acoustic guitar {n} (hollow-body guitar) | :: akustika gitaro |
acoustics {n} /əˈkuːstɪks/ (quality of a space for doing music) | :: akustiko |
acoustics {n} (physics: a science of sounds) | :: akustiko |
acqua alta {n} /ˌækwə ˈæltə/ (regular flooding in Venice) | :: alta akvo |
acquaintance {n} /ʌˈkweɪn.təns/ (person) | :: konato |
acquaintanceship {n} (the state of being acquainted) SEE: acquaintance | :: |
acquaintanceship {n} (acquaintance) SEE: acquaintance | :: |
acquire {v} /əˈkwaɪɹ/ (to get) | :: akiri |
acquired immune deficiency syndrome {n} (infectious disease caused by HIV, see also: AIDS) | :: akirita imundeficita sindromo |
acquisition {n} /æ.kwɪ.ˈzɪ.ʃən/ (act or process of acquiring) | :: akiro |
acquisition {n} (thing acquired or gained; an acquirement; a gain) | :: akiraĵo |
acquit {v} /əˈkwɪt/ (to declare or find innocent or not guilty) | :: malkondamni |
acre {n} /ˈeɪ.kə/ (unit of surface area) | :: akreo |
acrobat {n} /ˈæk.ɹə.bæt/ (an athlete who performs acts requiring skill, agility and coordination) | :: akrobato, ekvilibristo |
acrobatic {adj} (of or pertaining to an acrobat) | :: akrobata |
acrobatics {n} (art of performing acrobatic feats) | :: akrobataĵo |
acronym {n} /ˈæk.ɹə.nɪm/ (any abbreviation formed by initial letters) | :: akronimo |
acronym {n} (word formed by initial letters) | :: akronimo |
Acropolis {prop} /əˈkɹɒpəlɪs/ | :: Akropolis |
across {prep} /əˈkɹɒs/ (from the far side) | :: trans |
across {prep} (on the opposite side) | :: trans |
across {prep} (from one side to another) | :: trans |
acrostic {n} /əˈkɹɒstɪk/ (poem or text in which certain letters spell out a name or message) | :: akrostiĥo |
act {n} /ækt/ (deed) | :: ago |
act {n} (drama: division of theatrical performance) | :: akto |
act {v} (to do something) | :: agi, aktori |
act {v} (to perform a theatrical role) | :: aktori |
act {v} (to feign) SEE: feign | :: |
acting {adj} /ˈæk.tɪŋ/ (temporarily assuming the duties or authority) | :: portempa |
acting {n} (occupation of an actor) | :: aktorado |
actinia {n} (a sea anemone) | :: aktinio, maranemono, marrozo |
actinium {n} /ækˈtɪniəm/ (chemical element) | :: aktinio |
actinolite {n} (mineral with monoclinic crystals belonging to the amphibole group) | :: aktinoto |
actinote {n} (genus of butterflies) | :: aktinoto |
action {n} /ˈæk.ʃən/ (something done so as to accomplish a purpose) | :: ago |
action {n} | :: ago |
action at a distance {n} | :: agado ĉe distanco |
action word {n} (verb) SEE: verb | :: |
activate {v} /ˈæktɪˌveɪt/ (to put into operation) | :: aktivigi |
activate {v} (to activate a software functionality) SEE: enable | :: |
activation {n} /æktɪˈveɪʃən/ (making active) | :: aktivigo, funkciigo |
active {adj} /ˈæk.tɪv/ (given to action) | :: agema |
active {adj} (in grammar) | :: aktiva |
actively {adv} (in an active manner) | :: aktive |
active voice {n} (the form in which the subject of a verb carries out some action) | :: aktiva voĉo |
activism {n} /ˈæk.tɪ.vɪz.m̩/ (practice of using action to achieve a result) | :: aktivismo |
activist {n} /ˈæk.tɪ.vɪst/ (one who is politically active) | :: aktivulo |
activistic {adj} (activist) SEE: activist | :: |
activity {n} /ækˈtɪ.vɪ.ti/ (state or quality of being active) | :: aktiveco |
actor {n} /ˈæk.tə/ (person who performs in a theatrical play or film, see also: actress) | :: aktoro, aktorino [female] |
actor {n} (one who acts; a doer) | :: aganto |
actor {n} (plaintiff) SEE: plaintiff | :: |
actress {n} /ˈæk.tɹəs/ (female actor, see also: actor) | :: aktorino |
actual {adj} /ˈæk(t)ʃ(əw)əl/ (existing in act or reality, not just potentially) | :: reala |
actual {adj} (factual, real, not just apparent or even false) | :: fakta, vera |
actual {adj} (in action at the time being) | :: nuna, aktuala , efektiva |
actual {adj} | :: efektiva |
actually {adv} /ˈak.(t)ʃ(ʊ).ə.li/ (In act or in fact; really; in truth; positively) | :: efektive |
acuity {n} /əˈkjuːɪti/ (sharpness or acuteness) | :: sagaceco |
acumen {n} /əˈkjumən/ (quickness of perception) | :: sagaceco |
acupuncturation {n} (acupuncture) SEE: acupuncture | :: |
acupuncture {n} /ˈæ.kju.ˌpʌŋk.t͡ʃɝ/ (insertion of needles for remedial purposes) | :: akupunkturo |
acupuncturist {n} (healthcare professional) | :: akupunkturisto |
acute {adj} /əˈkjuːt/ (intense, sensitive, sharp, see also: intense; sensitive; sharp) | :: akra |
acute {adj} ((geometry) of an angle: less than 90 degrees) | :: akuta |
acute {adj} ((medicine) of a short-lived condition) | :: akuta, akra |
acutely {adv} (In an acute manner) | :: akute |
acuteness {n} (quality of being pointed) | :: akro, akreco |
acuteness {n} (of the senses or feelings: sensitiveness) | :: akro, akreco |
AD {adv} (anno Domini) | :: p.K. (post Kristo) |
Adam {prop} /ˈæ.dəm/ (first man in Abrahamic religions) | :: Adamo |
Adam {prop} (male given name) | :: Adamo |
Adam and Eve {prop} (the first man and woman (according to Genesis)) | :: Adamo kaj Evo |
Adam's apple {n} (lump in the throat) | :: tireoido |
Adamstown {prop} (capital of the Pitcairn Islands) | :: Adamstaŭno |
adapt {v} /əˈdæpt/ (to make suitable) | :: adapti, akomodi |
adapt {v} (to fit by alteration) | :: alaranĝi, alfari |
adapt {v} (to make oneself comfortable to a new thing) | :: adaptiĝi, akomodiĝi |
adapt {v} | :: alaranĝi |
adapt {adj} (adapted (adjective)) | :: adaptita |
adaptable {adj} /əˈdæptəbəl/ (capable of adapting or of being adapted) | :: akomodiĝema |
adaptation {n} /ˌædæpˈteɪʃən/ | :: adapto |
adapter {n} /əˈdaptə/ (device to allow compatibility (in general)) | :: adaptilo |
adapter {n} (device allowing more plugs at an outlet) | :: adaptilo |
adapter {n} (device allowing plug to fit in an outlet of different type) | :: adaptilo |
add {v} /æd/ (to append, as a statement) | :: aldiri, aldoni |
add {v} (to make an addition) | :: aldoni |
add {v} (to perform the arithmetical operation of addition, to add up) | :: adicii |
addendum {n} (something to be added) | :: alaĵo |
addict {n} /ˈæ.dɪkt/ (person who is addicted, especially to a harmful drug) | :: maniulo, toksomaniulo |
addiction {n} /əˈdɪkʃən/ (the state of being addicted) | :: manio |
addiction {n} (a habit or practice) | :: manio |
Addis Ababa {prop} /ˌædɪs ˈæbəbə/ (capital of Ethiopia) | :: Adisabebo |
addition {n} /əˈdɪʃən/ (thing added) | :: aldono, alaĵo, aldonaĵo |
additional {adj} /əˈdɪʃənəl/ (Supplemental or added to) | :: kroma, aldona |
additionally {adv} (by way of addition) | :: aldone, plie |
addition sign {n} (plus sign) SEE: plus sign | :: |
additive {n} /ˈæ.də.tɪv/ (substance added to another substance to produce certain properties) | :: aldonaĵo |
add-on {n} (software: extension of core application) | :: kromprogramo |
address {n} /əˈdɹɛs/ (direction for letters) | :: adreso |
address {v} (to direct, as words) | :: alparoli, adresi |
address {v} (to direct in writing) | :: adresi |
address book {n} (small book with addresses) | :: adreslibro, adresaro |
address book {n} (computing: storage area for contacts) | :: adresaro |
addressee {n} (person or organization to which something is addressed or sent) | :: adresulo, adresito, ricevonto |
add up {v} (be reasonable or consistent) SEE: make sense | :: |
Adelaide {prop} /ˈæ.dɜ.læɪ̯d/ (state capital of South Australia) | :: Adelajdo |
Aden {prop} (seaport of Yemen) | :: Adeno |
adenine {n} /ˈæ.dəˌniːn/ (base that pairs with thymine or uracil) | :: adenino |
adenitis {n} /ædəˈnaɪtɪs/ (glandular inflammation) | :: adenito |
adenoma {n} /æd ˈənoʊ mʌ/ (benign tumour) | :: adenomo |
adequate {adj} /ˈæ.də.kwɪt/ (equal to some requirement) | :: adekvata, konvena, taŭga |
adhere {v} /ædˈhiɹ/ (To stick fast or cleave) | :: alteniĝi |
adherent {n} /ædˈ(h)ɪəɹənt/ (a person who has membership in some group) | :: adepto |
adhesive {adj} /ædˈhi.sɪv/ (sticky) | :: gluebla |
adhesive tape {n} | :: glubendo |
ad hoc {adj} /ˌæd ˈhɒk/ (for this particular purpose) | :: specialcela |
ad hoc {adj} (special) SEE: special | :: |
adieu {interj} (farewell, goodbye) SEE: goodbye | :: |
Adige {prop} /ˈadɪdʒeɪ/ (river in South Tyrol) | :: Adiĝo |
adios {interj} (goodbye) SEE: goodbye | :: |
adjacent {adj} /əˈdʒeɪ.sənt/ (lying next to, close, or contiguous; neighboring) | :: najbara, apuda |
adjectival {adj} /ˌæ.dʒəkˈtaɪ.vəl/ (functioning as an adjective) | :: adjektiva |
adjectivally {adv} /ˌædʒɛkˈtaɪvəli/ (as an adjective) | :: adjektive |
adjectival pronoun {n} (pronoun) | :: adjektiva pronomo |
adjective {n} /ˈæ.d͡ʒɪk.tɪv/ ((grammar) a word that modifies a noun or describes a noun’s referent) | :: adjektivo |
adjective {adj} (adjectival) SEE: adjectival | :: |
adjust {v} /əˈdʒʌst/ (to modify) | :: adapti, akomodi |
adjust {v} (to improve or rectify) | :: alĝustigi, ĝustigi |
adjust {v} (to change to fit circumstances) | :: akomodiĝi, adaptiĝi |
adjusted {adj} /əˈdʒʌstɪd/ (compensated in order to avoid bias) | :: adaptita, alĝustigita |
adjustment {n} /əˈdʒʌst.mənt/ (result of adjusting, small change) | :: adapto, akomodo, alĝustigo, ĝustigo |
adjutant {n} /ˈæ.dʒə.tənt/ (lower-ranking officer) | :: adjutanto |
adminicle {n} (aid) SEE: aid | :: |
adminicle {n} (auxiliary) SEE: auxiliary | :: |
administer {v} /ədˈmɪnɪstɚ/ (to work in an administrative capacity; to supervise) | :: administri |
administrate {v} (administer) SEE: administer | :: |
administration {n} /ədˌmɪnəˈstɹeɪʃən/ (the act of administering) | :: administrantaro, administracio |
administration {n} (the executive part of government) | :: administrado, administracio |
administrative {adj} /ədˈmɪ.nəsˌtɹeɪ.ɾɪv/ (of or relating to administering or administration) | :: administra |
administratively {adv} (in an administrative manner) | :: administre |
administrator {n} /ədˈmɪnɪstɹeɪtɚ/ (one who administers affairs) | :: administranto |
admirable {adj} /ˈæd.məɹ.ə.bəl/ (deserving of the highest esteem or admiration) | :: admirinda |
admiral {n} /ˈæd.mə.ɹəl/ (naval officer of the highest rank) | :: admiralo, ŝiparestro |
admiralty {n} /ˈæd.mɪ.ɹəl.ti/ (office or jurisdiction) | :: admiralejo |
admiration {n} /ˌæd.mɚˈeɪʃ.ən/ (adoration; appreciation) | :: admiro |
admirer {n} /ædˈmaɪɚ.ɹɚ/ (one who admires) | :: admiranto |
admiring {adj} /æd.ˈmaɪ.ɚ.ɪŋ/ (feeling or showing admiration) | :: admira |
admiringly {adv} (in an admiring manner) | :: admire |
admissible {adj} (capable or deserving to be admitted, accepted or allowed; allowable, permissible, acceptable) | :: akceptebla |
admit {v} /ədˈmɪt/ (to concede as true) | :: agnoski |
admonish {v} /ædˈmɑn.ɪʃ/ (warn or notify of a fault; exhort) | :: admoni |
admonish {v} (warn against danger or an offense) | :: admoni |
admonish {v} (To instruct or direct; to inform; to notify) | :: admoni |
admonishingly {adv} (in an admonishing manner) | :: admone |
admonition {n} (gentle or friendly reproof) | :: admono, admonado |
adobe {n} /əˈdoʊ.bi/ (unburnt brick) | :: adobo |
adolesce {v} (commence or progress through adolescence) | :: adoleski |
adolescence {n} /ˌædəˈlɛsəns/ (period between childhood and maturity) | :: plenkreskiĝeco, adolesko |
adolescent {adj} /ˌædəˈlɛsənt/ (characteristic of adolescence) | :: adoleska |
adolescent {n} (a teenager) | :: adoleskulo, adoleskanto |
Adolf {prop} (male given name) SEE: Adolph | :: |
Adolph {prop} /ˈeɪ.dɔlf/ (male given name) | :: Adolfo |
Adolphus {prop} (male given name) SEE: Adolph | :: |
Adonis {prop} /əˈdoʊnɪs/ (the young man loved by Aphrodite) | :: Adoniso |
adopt {v} /əˈdɑpt/ (to take by choice into relationship, as, child, heir, friend, citizen) | :: adopti |
adopt {v} (to take or receive as one's own what is not so naturally) | :: adopti, alpreni |
adoptee {n} | :: adoptito |
adoption {n} /əˈdɑp.ʃən/ (act of adopting, or state of being adopted) | :: adopto |
adoptive {adj} (related through adoption) | :: adopta |
adorable {adj} /əˈdɔːɹəbəl/ (befitting of being adored) | :: adorinda, ĉarmega |
adoration {n} /ˌæ.dəˈɹeɪ.ʃən/ (an act of religious worship) | :: adoro, adorado |
adoration {n} (admiration or esteem) | :: adoro, adorado |
adoration {n} (the act of adoring) | :: adoro, adorado |
adore {v} /əˈdɔɹ/ (love with entire heart and soul) | :: adori, amegi |
adorn {v} /əˈdɔɹn/ (to make more beautiful and attractive; to decorate) | :: ornami |
adornment {n} (a decoration; that which adorns) | :: ornamaĵo |
adrenaline {n} /əˈdɹɛnəlɪn/ (the compound epinephrine) | :: adrenalino |
Adriatic {prop} (Adriatic Sea) SEE: Adriatic Sea | :: |
Adriatic Sea {prop} /eɪ.dɹiˈæt.ɪk/ (sea that stretches from the Ionian Sea to the Gulf of Venice) | :: Adriatiko |
adult {n} /əˈdʌlt/ (fully grown human) | :: adolto, viradolto [male], adoltino [female], plenkreskulo, virplenkreskulo [male], plenkreskulino [female] |
adult {adj} (fully grown) | :: plenkreska, adolta |
adulterer {n} /əˈdʌltəɹɚ/ (husband or wife who commits adultery) | :: adultulo, adultulino [female], adultinto, adultintino [female] |
adulteress {n} (woman or girl who commits adultery) | :: adultulino |
adulterous {adj} (of or characterized by adultery) | :: adulta |
adultery {n} /əˈdʌltəɹi/ (sexual intercourse by a married person with someone other than their spouse) | :: adulto |
adultery {n} (lewdness or unchastity of thought as well as act, as forbidden by the seventh commandment) | :: adulto |
adulthood {n} (time of life) | :: adolteco, plenaĝo |
advance {v} /ədˈvæns/ (to bring forward; to move towards the front; to make to go on) | :: antaŭenigi, antaŭenpuŝi, antaŭenmovi |
advance {v} (to raise to a higher rank; to promote) | :: plialtigi |
advance {v} (to accelerate the growth or progress; to further; to forward) | :: antaŭenigi, antaŭenpuŝi, antaŭenmovi, akceli |
advance {v} (to make earlier, as an event or date; to hasten) | :: akceli |
advance {v} (to move forwards, to approach) | :: antaŭeniĝi |
advance {n} (opening approach) | :: amindumo |
advanced {adj} /ədˈvænst/ (at or close to state of the art) | :: altnivela, progresinta |
advancement {n} /ɛdˈvæns.mɛnt/ (act of advancing) | :: antaŭenigo |
advantage {n} /ədˈvæn.tɪdʒ/ (any condition, circumstance, opportunity, or means, particularly favorable to success) | :: utilo, avantaĝo, supereco |
advantage {n} | :: avantaĝo |
advantageous {adj} /ˌædvənˈteɪd͡ʒəs/ (being of advantage, see also: beneficial) | :: avantaĝa |
advent {n} (Christianity) SEE: Advent | :: |
Advent {prop} (season before Christmas) | :: Advento |
adventure {n} /ədˈvɛnt͡ʃɚ/ (encountering of risks) | :: aventuro |
adventurous {adj} /ædˈvɛn.tʃɚ.ʌs/ (inclined to adventure) | :: aventurema |
adverb {n} /ˈæd.vɝb/ (lexical category) | :: adverbo |
advert {n} (advertisement) SEE: advertisement | :: |
advertise {v} /ˈadvə(ɹ)taɪz/ ((intransitive) to provide information about a person or goods and services to influence others) | :: reklami |
advertise {v} | :: reklami |
advertisement {n} /ədˈvɜːtɪsmənt/ (commercial solicitation) | :: reklamo |
advertiser {n} (one who advertises) | :: anoncanto |
advice {n} /ædˈvaɪs/ (opinion recommended or offered, as worthy to be followed; counsel) | :: konsilo |
advocate {n} /ˈæd.və.kət/ (person who argues the case of another) | :: advokato |
Aeneid {prop} /ˈiː.ni.ɪd/ (Classic epic poem that tells the story of Aeneas fleeing Troy and settling in Italy.) | :: Eneado |
aerial {adj} /ˈɛɹ.i.əl/ (taking place in the air) | :: aera |
aerial {n} (device for receiving or transmitting) | :: anteno |
aerobic {adj} /ɛˈɹoʊbɪk/ (involving or improving oxygen consumption by the body) | :: earobia |
aerolite {n} /ˈɛə.ɹə.laɪt/ (a meteorite consisting of silicate minerals) | :: aerolito |
aerology {n} (branch of meteorology) | :: aerologio |
aerometer {n} (instrument used to measure mass and density of gases) | :: aerometro |
aeronautical {adj} (pertaining to the scientific study of flight) | :: aeronaŭtika |
aeronautics {n} (mechanics and science of aircraft) | :: aeronaŭtiko |
aeronautics {n} (theory and practice of aircraft navigation) | :: aerveturado |
aeroplane {n} (airplane) SEE: airplane | :: |
aerosol {n} /ˈɛɹəsɔl/ (fine solid particles or liquid droplets suspended in a gaseous medium) | :: aerosolo |
aerostat {n} (aircraft) | :: aerostato |
aerostat {n} (balloon) | :: aerostato |
aerostatic {adj} /ˌeɪəɹə(ʊ)ˈstætɪk/ (pertaining to aerial navigation) | :: aerostata |
Aeschylus {prop} /ˈɛs.kə.ləs/ (Greek tragedian) | :: Esĥilo |
aesthetic {n} (the study of art or beauty) SEE: aesthetics | :: |
aesthetics {n} /ɛsˈθɛt.ɪks/ (study or philosophy of beauty) | :: estetiko |
aetiology {n} /itiˈɑlədʒi/ (study of causes or origins) | :: etiologio |
Afar {prop} (language) | :: afara lingvo |
a few {determiner} (a small number of) | :: kelkaj |
affability {n} (state or quality of being affable) | :: afableco |
affable {adj} /ˈæf.ə.bəl/ (friendly, courteous, sociable) | :: afabla |
affably {adv} (in an affable manner) | :: afable |
affair {n} /əˈfɛɹ/ (that which is done or is to be done) | :: afero |
affair {n} (any proceeding or action which it is wished to refer to or characterize vaguely) | :: afero |
affair {n} (material object (vaguely designated)) | :: aĵo, afero |
affair {n} (adulterous relationship) | :: amafero, amaĵo, amintrigo |
affair {n} | :: afero |
affect {n} /ˈæ.fɛkt/ (psychology: feeling in response to a stimulus) | :: afekcio |
affectation {n} /ˌæf.ɛkˈteɪ.ʃən/ (an attempt to assume or exhibit what is not natural or real) | :: afektaĵo |
affected {adj} /əˈfɛktɪd/ (simulated in order to impress) | :: afekta, afektita |
affected {adj} (emotionally moved, touched) | :: afekciita |
affection {n} /əˈfɛkʃən/ (feeling of love or strong attachment) | :: simpatio, ŝato |
affectionate {adj} /əˈfɛkʃənət/ (loving) | :: ama, amema, amplena |
affectionately {adv} /əˈfɛkʃənətli/ (in an affectionate manner) | :: ame, aminde |
affective {adj} /əˈfɛktɪv/ (relating to, resulting from, or influenced by the emotions) | :: afekcia |
affidavit {n} /ˌæfɪˈdeɪvɪt/ (legal, signed document wherein an affiant makes a sworn statement) | :: afidavito |
affiliate {v} (to adopt) SEE: adopt | :: |
affinity {n} /əˈfɪnɪti/ (natural attraction for something) | :: afineco |
affirmance {n} (affirmation) SEE: affirmation | :: |
affirmation {n} /æfɝˈmeɪʃn/ (that which is affirmed) | :: jeso |
affix {n} /ˈæ.fɪks/ (linguistics: a bound morpheme added to a word’s stem) | :: afikso |
affix {n} | :: afikso |
affix {n} (suffix) SEE: suffix | :: |
afflict {v} /əˈflɪkt/ (To cause pain to) | :: aflikti, malĝojigi, ĉagreni |
afflicted {adj} /əˈflɪktɪd/ (Suffering from an affliction, or suffering from pain, distress or disability.) | :: afliktita |
affliction {n} /əˈflɪkʃən/ (a state of pain, suffering, distress or agony) | :: aflikto |
affluent {n} (tributary) SEE: tributary | :: |
afforest {v} /əˈfɔɹɪst/ (make into a forest) | :: arbarigi |
afforestation {n} (creating a forest) | :: arbarigo |
affront {n} /əˈfɹʌnt/ (open or intentional offense, slight, or insult) | :: insulto |
Afghan {n} /ˈæfˌɡæn/ (person from Afghanistan) | :: afgano |
Afghani {n} (citizen or native of Afghanistan) SEE: Afghan | :: |
Afghani {adj} (relating to Afghanistan) SEE: Afghan | :: |
Afghanistan {prop} /æfˈɡæn.ɪˌstæn/ (country) | :: Afganio, Afganistano, Afganujo |
Afghanize {v} (to cause to have an Afghani character) | :: afganigi |
Africa {prop} /ˈæf.ɹɪ.kə/ (continent south of Europe) | :: Afriko |
Africa-Eurasia {prop} (Afro-Eurasia) SEE: Afro-Eurasia | :: |
African {adj} (language) SEE: Afrikaans | :: |
African American {adj} (African-American) SEE: African-American | :: |
African American {n} (African-American) SEE: African-American | :: |
African-American {n} (A black American) | :: afrik-usonano |
Africanize {v} (to make African) | :: afrikigi |
Afrikaans {prop} /ˌɑːfɹɪˈkɑːnz/ (language) | :: afrikansa, afrikansa lingvo |
Afro-American {n} (African-American) SEE: African-American | :: |
Afro-American {adj} (African-American) SEE: African-American | :: |
Afro-Eurasia {prop} /ˈæf.ɹoʊ.jʊɹˈeɪ.ʒə/ (supercontinent) | :: Afrik-Eŭrazio |
after {prep} /ˈæf.tə(ɹ)/ (subsequently; following in time; later than) | :: post |
after all {prep} (in the end; anyway) | :: post ĉiom, finfine |
afterlife {n} /ˈæftɚˌlaɪf/ (life after death) | :: postmorto, transtombo |
afternoon {n} /ˌɑːf.tə.ˈnuːn/ (part of the day between noon and evening) | :: posttagmezo |
aftertaste {n} (The persistence of the taste of something no longer present) | :: daŭragusto |
afterward {adv} (afterwards) SEE: afterwards | :: |
afterwards {adv} /ˈæf.tɚ.wɚdz/ (at a later or succeeding time) | :: poste |
afterword {n} (appendix) SEE: appendix | :: |
afterword {n} (postscript) SEE: postscript | :: |
afterword {n} (epilogue) | :: postparolo |
again {adv} /əˈɡɛn/ (another time) | :: denove, ree |
against {prep} /əˈɡɛnst/ (in a contrary direction to) | :: kontraŭ |
against {prep} (close to) | :: ĉe, apud |
against {prep} (in front of; before a background) | :: antaŭ |
against {prep} (in opposition to) | :: kontraŭ |
against {prep} (in contrast or comparison with) | :: kontraste, kompare |
against {prep} (in competition with) | :: kontraŭ |
against {prep} (in exchange for) | :: kontraŭ |
against {prep} (as counterbalance to) | :: anstataŭ |
agaric {n} /ˈæɡəɹɪk/ (any fungus having a cap with gills) | :: agariko |
agate {n} /ˈæ.ɡət/ (mineral) | :: agato |
Agatha {prop} /ˈæɡəθə/ (female given name) | :: Agata |
agave {n} /əˈɡeɪviː/ (genus) | :: agavo |
age {n} (century) SEE: century | :: |
age {n} /eɪd͡ʒ/ (whole duration of a being) | :: aĝo |
age {n} (particular period of time in history) | :: mondaĝo, tempaĝo, epoko |
age {n} (great period in the history of the Earth) | :: mondaĝo, tempaĝo, epoko |
age {n} (part of the duration of a being or thing between its beginning and any given time) | :: aĝo |
age {n} | :: poko |
age {v} (intransitive: become old) | :: maljuniĝi |
ageful {n} (eternity) SEE: eternity | :: |
ageful {adj} (aged, old) SEE: elderly | :: |
ageism {n} /ˈeɪdʒ.ɪzm̩/ (the treating of a person or people differently from others based on assumptions or stereotypes relating to their age) | :: aĝismo |
agency {n} /ˈeɪ.dʒə (capacity of acting or of exerting power) | :: ageneremo |
agency {n} (office of an agent, or relation between a principal and his agent) | :: agentejo |
agency {n} (establishment engaged in doing business for another) | :: agentejo |
agender {adj} (having no gender) | :: sengenra |
agent {n} /ˈeɪ.dʒənt/ (one who acts in place of another) | :: agento |
agent {n} (someone who works for an intelligence agency) | :: agento |
agent provocateur {n} /aʒɑ̃ pʁɔvɔkatœʁ/ (a person who disrupts a group's activities from within) | :: provoka agento |
age of majority {n} (age at which the rights and privileges of an adult are legally granted) | :: plenaĝo |
ageplay {n} /eɪd͡ʒ pleɪ/ (Form of roleplay.) | :: aĝoludo |
agglomeration {n} (act of collecting in a mass) | :: aglomero |
agglomeration {n} (state of being collected in a mass) | :: aglomero |
aggravate {v} /ˈæɡ.ɹə.veɪ̯t/ (To exasperate; to provoke; to irritate) | :: agaci |
aggression {n} /əˈɡɹɛʃən/ (act of initiating hostilities or invasion) | :: agreso |
aggression {n} | :: agresemo |
aggressive {adj} /əˈɡɹɛs.ɪv/ (tending or disposed to aggress) | :: agresema |
aggressiveness {n} (state or quality being aggressive) | :: agresemo |
agile {adj} /ˈæd͡ʒ.aɪl/ (having the faculty of quick motion in the limbs) | :: facilmova |
agitation {n} /æ.d͡ʒɪˈteɪ.ʃən/ (act of agitating) | :: agitado, agitiĝo |
agitator {n} (one who agitates) | :: agitisto |
agnate {n} /ˈæɡneɪt/ (relative whose relation is traced only through male members of the family) | :: agnato |
agnostic {adj} /æɡˈnɑstɪk/ (of or relating to agnosticism) | :: agnostika |
agnostic {n} (one who holds to a form of agnosticism.) | :: agnostikulo |
agnosticism {n} /æɡˈnɑstɪsɪzəm/ (view that the existence of a God or gods is unknown, unknowable, unproven, or unprovable) | :: agnostikismo |
agnotology {n} (promotion of inaccurate or misleading scientific data) | :: agnotologio |
ago {adv} /əˈɡoʊ/ (past; gone by; since) | :: antaŭ |
agonist {n} (molecule that can combine with a receptor on a cell) | :: agonisto |
agonize {v} (to writhe with agony; to suffer violent anguish.) | :: angori |
agonizing {adj} (causing agony) | :: angoriga |
agonizingly {adv} (in a way that causes agony) | :: angorige |
agony {n} /ˈæ.ɡə.niː/ (extreme pain) | :: angoro, dolorego |
agorism {n} /ˈæ.ɡəˌɹɪzm̩/ (philosophy that advocates the creation of a voluntaryist society through counter-economics) | :: agorismo |
agouti {n} /əˈɡuːti/ (a rodent similar in appearance to a guinea pig but having longer legs) | :: agutio |
agrarian {adj} /əˈɡɹɛ(ə)ɹi.ən/ (relating to the cultivation of land) | :: agrara |
agree {v} /əˈɡɹiː/ (harmonize in opinion; be in unison or concord; be united; concur) | :: samopinii |
agree {v} | :: akordi |
agreeableness {n} (quality of being agreeable or pleasing) | :: agrableco |
agreeableness {n} | :: agrableco |
agreeably {adv} (in an agreeable manner) | :: agrable |
agreement {n} /əˈɡɹiːmənt/ (understanding to follow a course of conduct) | :: interkonsento |
agreement {n} (state whereby several parties share a view) | :: samopinio |
agreement {n} (legally binding contract) | :: interkonsento |
agreement {n} (grammatical agreement) | :: konkordo |
agricultural {adj} /ˌæɡɹɪˈkʌlt͡ʃəɹəl/ (of or pertaining to agriculture) | :: agrikultura |
agriculture {n} /ˈæɡɹɪˌkʌltʃɚ/ (the art or science of cultivating the ground) | :: agrikulturo, terkulturo |
agriculturist {n} (one who practices agriculture, a farmer, a gardener) | :: terkulturisto |
agrimony {n} /ˈæɡ.ɹɪ.mən.i/ (plant of the genus Agrimonia) | :: agrimonio |
agronomist {n} /əˈɡɹɑːnəmɪst/ (scientist specialized in agronomy) | :: agronomo, agronomiisto |
agronomy {n} /əˈɡɹɑːnəmi/ (science of utilizing plants, animals, and soils for food, fuel, feed and more) | :: agronomio |
ague {n} (malaria) SEE: malaria | :: |
ah {interj} /ɑː/ (an expression) | :: ha, ah |
aha {interj} /ɑːhɑː/ (exclamation of understanding, realization, invention, or recognition) | :: aha, ha |
Ahasuerus {prop} /əˈhæz.wə.ɹəs/ (biblical king of Persia) | :: Aĥaŝveroŝ |
ahoy {interj} (used to hail a ship, etc) | :: hoj! |
aid {n} /eɪd/ (help; succor; assistance; relief) | :: helpo |
aid {n} (aide-de-camp) SEE: aide-de-camp | :: |
aide {n} (assistant) SEE: assistant | :: |
aide {n} (military: officer who acts as an assistant to a more senior one) SEE: aide-de-camp | :: |
aide-de-camp {n} /ˌeɪd dɪ ˈkæmp/ (military officer) | :: adjutanto |
AIDS {n} /eɪdz/ (acquired immune deficiency syndrome, see also: acquired immune deficiency syndrome) | :: aidoso |
ailing {adj} /ˈeɪ.lɪŋ/ (sick) | :: malsana |
ailment {n} /ˈeɪlmənt/ (something which ails one; a disease; sickness) | :: malsano, afekcio |
aim {n} /eɪm/ (intention; purpose) | :: celo |
aim {v} (to point or direct a missile weapon) | :: celi |
aim {v} (to direct the intention or purpose) | :: celi |
aimless {adj} /ˈeɪm.ləs/ (without aim) | :: sencela |
aimlessly {adv} /ˈeɪmləsli/ (without an aim) | :: sencele |
aimlessness {n} (state or quality of being aimless, or without purpose or direction) | :: senceleco |
Ainu {prop} /ˈaɪnuː/ (language) | :: ajnua lingvo |
Aion {prop} (Greek god associate with time, the universe and the zodiac) | :: Aion |
air {v} /ˈɛəɹ/ (to bring into contact with the air) | :: aerumi |
air {v} (to ventilate) | :: aerumi |
air {n} (historical: one of the basic elements) | :: aero |
air {n} (mixture of gases making up the atmosphere of the Earth) | :: aero |
airan {n} /ˈaɪ.ɹɑn/ (a Turkish and Altaic yoghurt drink) | :: ajrano |
airbag {n} (protective system in automobiles) | :: aersako |
air conditioner {n} (a machine that is used to control temperature and humidity in an enclosed space) | :: malhejtilo |
aircraft {n} /ɛə.kɹɑːft/ (machine capable of atmospheric flight) | :: aerveturilo |
aircraft carrier {n} (warship for launching aircraft) | :: aviadila ŝipo, aviadilporta, aviporta ŝipo, aviadilŝipo |
airfoil {n} (wing of an aircraft) SEE: wing | :: |
air force {n} (branch of the military devoted to air warfare) | :: aerarmeo, flugarmeo |
air hostess {n} (female flight attendant) SEE: stewardess | :: |
airing cupboard {n} (clothes storage cupboard) | :: sekigoŝranko |
airline {n} (company that flies airplanes) | :: flugkompanio |
airlock {n} (used to provide access to and from the sealed area) | :: aerkluzo |
air mail {n} (airmail) SEE: airmail | :: |
air mail {v} (airmail) SEE: airmail | :: |
airmail {n} /ˈɛə.meɪl/ (the system of conveying mail using aircraft) | :: aerpoŝto |
air out {v} (to expose to air) | :: aerumi |
airplane {n} /ˈɛəɹˌpleɪ̯n/ (powered aircraft) | :: avio, aviadilo, flugmaŝino |
airport {n} /ˈɛɹ.pɔɹt/ (place designated for airplanes) | :: flughaveno |
air pressure {n} (air pressure within something) | :: aerpremo |
airship {n} (aircraft) SEE: aircraft | :: |
airship {n} (self-propelled lighter-than-air aircraft that can be steered) SEE: dirigible | :: |
airstream {n} (flow or current of air) | :: aerfluo |
air traffic control {n} (system designed to give assistance to aircraft) | :: aviada regantaro |
air traffic controller {n} (operator of air traffic control system) | :: aviada reganto |
air travel {n} (journeying through the sky, usually in an aeroplane) | :: aerveturado |
airway {n} (trachea) SEE: trachea | :: |
airway {n} (flight path used by aeroplanes) | :: aervojo |
airy {adj} /ˈɛəɹ.i/ (breezy, in an airy situation) | :: aera |
aitch {n} /eɪtʃ/ (name of the letter H, h) | :: ho |
Ajax {prop} /ˈeɪ.dʒæks/ (either of two heroes of the Trojan War) | :: Ajakso |
a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step {proverb} (a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step) | :: milmejla vojaĝo komenciĝas per unu paŝo |
Akan {prop} (language group spoken in Ghana) | :: akana |
Akhenaten {prop} /ˌækəˈnɑːtən/ (Pharaoh in 14th century BCE, founder of Atenism) | :: Aĥnaton |
akimbo {adj} /əˈkɪ͡ʊ/ (with a crook or bend; with the hand on the hip and elbow turned outward) | :: mansurkokse |
akin {adj} /ʌˈkɪn/ (of the same kin; related by blood) | :: relata |
Alabama {prop} /ˌæ.lə.ˈbæ.mə/ (U.S. State) | :: Alabamo |
alabaster {n} /ˈæl.əˌbæs.tɚ/ (variety of gypsum) | :: alabastro |
alabaster {adj} (made of alabaster) | :: alabastra |
al-Andalus {prop} (Islamic Spain) | :: Al-Andalus |
alanine {n} (nonessential amino acid; C3H7NO2) | :: alanino |
Alaric {prop} (king of Visigoths) | :: Alariko |
alarm {n} /əˈlɑːm/ (mechanical contrivance for awaking) | :: alarmilo |
alarm {v} (to give notice (by sound or otherwise) of approaching danger) | :: alarmi |
alarm {v} (to surprise with apprehension of danger) | :: alarmi |
alarm clock {n} (type of clock) | :: vekhorloĝo |
alarming {adj} /ə.ˈlɑɹm.ɪŋ/ (causing alarm) | :: alarma |
alarmist {n} /əˈlɑɹmɪst/ (one who causes others to become alarmed without cause) | :: alarmisto |
alas {interj} /əˈlæs/ (exclamation of sorrow, etc.) | :: ve |
Alaska {prop} /əˈlæs.kə/ (US state) | :: Alasko |
Alaskan {adj} /əˈlæskən/ (of or pertaining to Alaska, its people or its culture) | :: alaska |
Alaskan {n} (someone from Alaska) | :: alaskano |
Alaskanize {v} (to make Alaskan) | :: alaskigi |
Albania {prop} /ælˈbeɪ.ni.ə/ (country in south-eastern Europe) | :: Albanio, Albanujo |
Albanian {adj} /ælˈbeɪ.ni.ən/ (of or pertaining to Albania) | :: albana |
Albanian {n} (person from Albania) | :: albano |
Albanian {prop} (language) | :: albana |
Albanianize {v} (to make Albanian) | :: albanigi |
albatross {n} /ˈæl.bəˌtɹɔs/ (seabird) | :: albatroso |
albeit {conj} /ɔlˈbi.ət/ (despite its being; although) | :: kvankam |
Albert {prop} /ˈæl.bɚt/ (male given name) | :: Alberto |
Alberta {prop} /ˌælˈbɜː(ɹ).tə/ (province) | :: Alberto |
albinism {n} /ˈælbəˌnɪzəm/ (lack of melanin pigmentation) | :: albinismo |
albino {adj} /ælˈbaɪnoʊ/ (congenitally lacking melanin) | :: albina |
albino {n} (one congenitally lacking melanin) | :: albino |
albinoism {n} (albinism) SEE: albinism | :: |
Albion {prop} /ˈælbi.ən/ (England) | :: Albiono |
albite {n} (plagioclase feldspar) | :: albito |
album {n} /ˈælbəm/ (book for photographs, stamps, or autographs) | :: albumo |
album {n} (phonograph record (LP)) | :: albumo |
albumen {n} /ˈælbjʊmən/ (white part of an egg) | :: albumeno |
albumin {n} /æl.ˈbjuː.mən/ (class of monomeric proteins that are soluble in water) | :: albumino |
alburnum {n} (sapwood) SEE: sapwood | :: |
alcazar {n} /ˌælkəˈzɑɹ/ (Moorish fortress in Spain) | :: alkazaro |
alchemical {adj} (pertaining to alchemy) | :: alkemia, alĥemia |
alchemist {n} /ˈæl.kə.mɪst/ (one who practices alchemy) | :: [♂♀] alkemiisto, [explicitly ♂] viralkemiisto, [explicitly ♀] alkemiistino, [♂♀] alĥemiisto, [explicitly ♂] viralĥemiisto, [explicitly ♀] alĥemiistino |
alchemy {n} /ˈælkəmi/ (ancient chemistry) | :: alkemio, alĥemio |
alcid {n} /ˈal.sɪd/ (seabird of the family Alcidae - an alcid) | :: aŭkedo |
alcohol {n} /ˈæl.kə.hɔl/ (organic chemistry sense) | :: alkoholo |
alcohol {n} (intoxicating beverage) | :: alkoholo |
alcoholic {n} /ˌælkəˈhɑlɪk/ (a person addicted to alcohol) | :: alkoholulo |
alcoholism {n} /ˈælkə(ˌ)hɔlˌɪzəm/ (chronic disease) | :: alkoholismo |
alcoholometer {n} (Specialized form of hydrometer used to measure amount of alcohol in liquid) | :: alkoholmetro |
alcoholometry {n} (Measurement of concentration of alcohol in liquid) | :: alkoholmetrio |
alcove {n} /ˈæl.kəʊv/ (small recessed area) | :: alkovo |
aldehyde {n} /ˈæl.dɨ.haɪd/ (organic compound of the general formula R·CHO) | :: aldehido |
alder {n} /ˈɔːldə/ (any tree or shrub of the genus Alnus) | :: alno |
alderman {n} (member of a municipal legislative body in a city or town) | :: skabeno |
aldose {n} (any of a class of monosaccharides) | :: aldozo |
aldrin {n} (insecticide) | :: aldrino |
ale {n} /eɪl/ (beer produced by warm fermentation) | :: elo |
Alejandro {prop} (cognates of Alejandro) SEE: Alexander | :: |
Alemannic {prop} /ˌælɪˈmænɪk/ (High German language or dialect group) | :: alemana lingvo |
alert {adj} /əˈlɜːt/ (attentive) | :: vigla, mallaca |
alert {n} (an alarm) | :: alarmo, averto |
alert {n} (a notification) | :: sciigo |
alert {v} (to give warning to) | :: alarmi |
alertly {adv} (with alertness) | :: vigle |
A level {n} (a non-compulsory examination taken in the final two years in British high schools) | :: abiturienta ekzameno, abiturienteco |
alewife {n} /ˈeɪlˌwaɪf/ (Alosa pseudoharengus) | :: riveraringo, falsa haringo |
Alexander {prop} /ˌæ.lɨɡˈzæn.dɚ/ (male given name) | :: Aleksandro |
Alexander the Great {prop} (King of Macedonia) | :: Aleksandro la Granda |
alexandrine {n} (line of a twelve-syllable poetic meter) | :: aleksandro |
Alfred {prop} (Male given name) | :: Alfredo |
alga {n} /ˈæl.ɡə/ (any of many aquatic photosynthetic organisms) | :: algo |
algal bloom {n} (dense spread of algae) | :: algoflorado |
algebra {n} /ˈæl.dʒɪ.bɹə/ (system for computation) | :: algebro |
Algeria {prop} /ælˈdʒɪəɹi.ə/ (country) | :: Alĝerio |
Algerian {n} /ælˈdʒɪɹi.ən/ (person from Algeria) | :: alĝeriano |
Algerian {adj} (of Algeria or its people) | :: alĝeria |
Algiers {prop} /ælˈdʒɪɹz/ (the capital of Algeria) | :: Alĝero |
algorithm {n} /ˈælɡəɹɪðəm/ (well-defined procedure) | :: algoritmo |
algorithmic {adj} /ˌælɡəˈɹɪðmɪk/ (relating to an algorithm) | :: algoritma |
Ali {prop} (male given name from Arabic) | :: Eljo |
alias {n} /ˈeɪ.li.əs/ (another name; an assumed name) | :: alinomo |
alibi {n} /ˈæl.ə.baɪ/ (criminal legal defense) | :: alibio |
alien {n} /ˈeɪ.li.ən/ (person, etc. from outside) | :: alilandano |
alien {n} (foreigner) | :: alilandano |
alien {n} (life form of non-Earth origin) | :: aliplanedano |
alien {adj} (very unfamiliar, strange) | :: fremda |
alienate {v} /ˈeɪ.li.ə.neɪt/ (to estrange) | :: fremdigi |
alienism {n} /ˈeɪ.lɪ.ən.ɪz.əm/ (fact or position of being an alien) | :: alienismo |
alienist {n} /ˈeɪ.lɪ.ən.ɪst/ | :: alienisto |
alienist {n} (psychologist) SEE: psychologist | :: |
alimony {n} /ˈæ.lɪ.moʊ.ni/ (a court-enforced allowance) | :: nutramono, alimento |
a little {adv} (to a small extent or degree) | :: iom, iomete |
Al Jazeera {prop} /æl dʒəˈziːɹə/ (Arabic satellite TV news channel) | :: Al-Ĝazira |
alkali {n} /ˈæl.kə.laɪ/ (class of caustic bases) | :: alkalo |
alkali metal {n} (soft, light, reactive metals of Group 1 of the periodic table) | :: alkala metalo |
alkaline {adj} /ˈæl.kə.laɪn/ (of or relating to an alkali) | :: alkaleca |
alkaline {adj} (having a pH greater than 7) | :: alkaleca |
alkaline earth metal {n} (any element of group II of the periodic table) | :: teralkala metalo |
alkaloid {n} /ˈæl.kə.lɔɪd/ (organic heterocyclic base) | :: alkaloido |
alkane {n} /ˈæl.keɪn/ (acyclic saturated hydrocarbon of formula CnH2n+2) | :: alkano |
alkene {n} (unsaturated aliphatic hydrocarbon with one or more carbon–carbon double bonds) | :: alkeno |
alkyne {n} (hydrocarbon containing at least one carbon-carbon triple bond) | :: alkino |
all {determiner} /ɔːl/ (every individual of the given class) | :: ĉiuj, ĉiaj, ĉia |
all {determiner} (throughout the whole of (a stated period of time)) | :: ĉiu |
all {pron} (everyone) SEE: everyone | :: |
all {pron} (everything) SEE: everything | :: |
Allah {prop} /əˈlɑː/ (God, in Islam) | :: Alaho {m} |
all along {adv} (duration) | :: ekde la komenco |
all around {adj} (including everything about a topic) | :: tutĉirkaŭ |
allative case {n} (case used to indicate movement onto, or to the adjacency of something) | :: alativo |
all but {adv} (very nearly) | :: preskaŭ |
all day {adv} (the entire day) | :: tuttage |
allegiance {n} /əˈliː.dʒəns/ (loyalty to some cause, nation or ruler) | :: fideleco |
allegory {n} /ˈæl.ɘˌɡoʊɹ.i/ (the representation of abstract principles) | :: alegorio |
allergy {n} /ˈæl.ɚ.dʒi/ (disorder of the immune system) | :: alergio |
allergy {n} | :: trosentemo |
alleviate {v} /əˈɪt/ (make less severe) | :: mildigi, moderigi |
alley {n} /ˈæ.li/ (narrow street) | :: strateto |
alleyway {n} (narrow street) SEE: alley | :: |
All Fools' Day {n} (April Fools' Day) SEE: April Fools' Day | :: |
All Hallows' Day {prop} (All Saints' Day) SEE: All Saints' Day | :: |
alliance {n} /əˈlaɪ.əns/ (persons or parties allied) | :: alianco |
alligator {n} /ˈæl.ɪ.ɡeɪ.tə/ (large amphibious reptile of genus Alligator) | :: aligatoro |
alligator pear {n} (avocado) SEE: avocado | :: |
alliterate {v} /əˈlɪ.tə.ɹeɪt/ (to exhibit alliteration) | :: aliteracii |
alliteration {n} /əˌlɪtəˈɹeɪʃən/ (the repetition of consonants) | :: aliteracio |
alliterative {adj} (in the form or style of alliteration) | :: aliteracia |
all night {adv} (entire night) | :: tutnokte |
allocate {v} /ˈæl.ə.keɪt/ (to set aside for a purpose) | :: kvotigi |
allophone {n} /ˈæləˌfoʊn/ (alternative pronunciation for a phoneme) | :: alofono |
allophonic {adj} (pertaining to allophones) | :: alofona |
allow {v} /əˈlaʊ/ (to permit) | :: allasi |
allowance {n} (a child's allowance; pocket money) SEE: pocket money | :: |
alloy {n} /ˈæ.lɔɪ/ (metal combined of more elements) | :: alojo |
alloy {v} (mix or combine) | :: aloji |
all rights reserved {phrase} (copyright notice formula) | :: ĉiuj rajtoj rezervitaj |
all roads lead to Rome {proverb} (different paths can take to the same goal) | :: ĉiuj vojoj kondukas al Romo |
All Saints Day {prop} (All Saints Day) SEE: All Saints' Day | :: |
All Saints' Day {prop} (feast day) | :: Tago de Ĉiuj Sanktuloj |
All Souls' Day {prop} (Christian feast day) | :: Tago de la Mortintoj |
all's well that ends well {proverb} (A happy ending makes up for everything that has gone before...) | :: fino bona, ĉio bona |
all that glitters is not gold {proverb} (things that appear valuable or worthwhile might not actually be so) | :: ne ĉio brilanta estas diamanto |
all too {adv} (way too) SEE: way too | :: |
alluring {adj} /ɚˈluɚ.ɹɪŋ/ (having to power to allure) | :: alloga |
allusion {n} /əˈlu.ʒən/ (indirect reference, hint) | :: aludo |
alluvial {n} (deposition of sediment) SEE: alluvium | :: |
alluvium {n} (deposited material) | :: aluvio |
ally {v} /ˈæl.aɪ/ (to unite by agreement) | :: alianci |
ally {v} (to form a relation on less formal basis) | :: alianci |
ally {n} | :: aliancano |
almanac {n} /ˈɔl.mə.næk/ (book or table listing astronomical, nautical or other events for the year) | :: almanako |
Almaty {prop} (Astana) SEE: Astana | :: |
Almaty {prop} (city) | :: Almato |
almighty {adj} /ɔːlˈmaɪti/ (unlimited in might) | :: ĉiopova |
Almighty {prop} /ɔːlˈmaɪti/ (God, the supreme being) | :: Ĉiopovulo |
almond {n} /ˈɑː(l).mənd/ (nut) | :: migdalo |
almost {adv} /ˈɔl.moʊst/ (very close to) | :: preskaŭ |
alms {n} /ɑmz/ (something given to the poor as charity) | :: almozo |
aloe {n} /ˈæ.loʊ/ (plant of the genus Aloe) | :: aloo |
aloe vera {n} /ˈæ.loʊ ˈvɛ.ɹə/ (Aloe vera) | :: aloo vera |
aloha {interj} (hello) SEE: hello | :: |
aloha {interj} (goodbye) SEE: goodbye | :: |
alone {adv} /əˈloʊn/ (by oneself) | :: sole |
along {prep} /əˈlɔŋ/ (by the length of; in a line with the length of; lengthwise next to) | :: laŭ |
along {adv} (in company, together) | :: kun- |
alopecia {n} (baldness) SEE: baldness | :: |
a lot {pron} /əˈlɒt/ (a large amount) | :: multa |
a lot {pron} (many things) | :: multa |
a lot {adv} (very much) | :: multe |
a lot {adv} (often) | :: ofte |
aloud {adv} /əˈlaʊd/ (audibly, not silent) | :: laŭte |
alpaca {n} /ælˈpækə/ (camelid animal of the Andes) | :: alpako |
alpha {n} /ˈælfə/ (name of the letter Α, α) | :: alfo |
alphabet {n} /ˈæl.fə.bɛt/ (an ordered set of letters used in a language) | :: alfabeto |
alphabetic {adj} (alphabetical) SEE: alphabetical | :: |
alphabetical {adj} /ˌæl.fəˈbɛt.ɪ.kəl/ (pertaining to the alphabet) | :: alfabeta |
alphabetical {adj} (in the sequence of the letters of the alphabet) | :: laŭalfabeta, alfabeta |
alphabetically {adv} (in an alphabetical manner) | :: alfabete |
alphabetically {adv} (arranged in the sequence of the alphabet) | :: laŭalfabete, alfabete |
alphabetical order {n} (the sequence of a collection of items) | :: leksikografia ordo |
alpine chough {n} /ˈalpaɪn ˈtʃʌf/ (Pyrrhocorax graculus) | :: flavbeka montokorvo |
alpinism {n} /ˈælpɪnɪzəm/ | :: alpismo |
alpinist {n} (mountain climber) SEE: mountaineer | :: |
Alps {prop} /ælps/ (a mountain range in Western Europe) | :: Alpoj |
al-Qaeda {prop} /ɒl ˈkaɪdə/ (The global network of militant Islamic extremists.) | :: Al-Kaida |
al-Quds {prop} (Jerusalem) SEE: Jerusalem | :: |
already {adv} /ɔːlˈɹɛdi/ (prior to some time) | :: jam |
Alsace {prop} /ælˈseɪs/ (region on the west bank of the upper Rhine) | :: Alzaco |
Alsatian {adj} /ælˈseɪʃən/ (of or relating to Alsace) | :: alzaca |
also {adv} /ˈɔl.soʊ/ (in addition; besides; as well; further; too) | :: ankaŭ |
Altai Republic {prop} (federal subject of Russia) | :: Respubliko Altajo |
altar {n} /ˈɔːl.tə/ (flat-topped structure used for religious rites) | :: altaro |
alter {v} /ˈɔːl.tə/ (to change the form or structure of) | :: aliigi, ŝanĝi, aliformi, aliformigi |
alternately {adv} /ˈɔl.tɚ.nə (succeding by turns) | :: alterne |
alternate universe {n} (hypothetical world) SEE: parallel universe | :: |
alternation {n} /ˈɔl.tɚ.ˌneɪ.ʃən/ (alternate succession) | :: alternado |
alternative {n} /ɔl.ˈtɝ.nə.tɪv/ (a situation which allows a choice between two or more possibilities) | :: alternativo |
alternative {n} (one of several things which can be chosen) | :: alternativo |
although {conj} /ɔlˈðoʊ/ (in spite of the fact that) | :: kvankam |
although {conj} (but) | :: tamen |
although {conj} | :: kvankam |
altitude {n} /ˈælt.ɪˌtuːd/ (absolute height) | :: alteco, alto |
altitude {n} (distance measured upwards) | :: alteco, alto |
altitude {n} (distance measured perpendicularly from a figure's vertex to the opposite side of the vertex) | :: alteco |
altitude {n} (distance measured angularly of a heavenly body) | :: alteco |
altrose {n} (aldohexose epimeric with mannose) | :: altrozo |
altruism {n} (policy that benefits others' interests) | :: altruismo |
altruistic {adj} /ˌæl.tɹuˈɪs.tɪk/ (regardful of others; beneficent; unselfish) | :: altruisma |
aluminium {n} /ˌæl.(j)uˈmɪn.i.əm/ (silvery metal) | :: aluminio |
aluminium oxide {n} (alumina, Al2O3) | :: aluminia oksido |
aluminum {n} (aluminium) SEE: aluminium | :: |
always {adv} /ˈɔl.weɪz/ (at all times) | :: ĉiam |
Alzheimer's disease {n} /ˈɑːltshaɪmə(ɹ)z/ (mental disorder from brain tissue changes) | :: alchajmero |
a.m. {adv} (before noon) | :: atm. |
AM {adv} (before noon) | :: a.t.m. |
amanuensis {n} /əˌmænjuˈɛnsɪs/ | :: skribisto |
amass {v} /əˈmæs/ (to collect into a mass or heap) | :: amasigi |
amateur {n} /ˈæ.mə.tɚ/ | :: amatoro |
amateur {adj} (nonprofessional) SEE: nonprofessional | :: |
amateurish {adj} /ˈæ.mə.tʃʊɚ.ɪʃ/ (reflecting the efforts of an amateur) | :: amatoreca |
amateur radio {n} (hobby) | :: amatora radio, radioamatorismo |
amazing {adj} (very good) SEE: good | :: |
amazing {adj} /əˈmeɪzɪŋ/ (causing wonder and amazement) | :: mirinda |
Amazon {n} /ˈæm.əˌzɑn/ (Mythological female warrior) | :: amazono |
Amazon {prop} (river) | :: Amazono |
amœba {n} (amoeba) SEE: amoeba | :: |
ambassador {n} /æmˈbæs.ə.dɚ/ (representative) | :: ambasadoro [male], ambasadorino [female] |
ambassadress {n} (female ambassador) | :: ambasadorino, ambasadoro [male or female] |
ambassadress {n} (wife of an ambassador) | :: ambasadoredzino [of a male ambassador], ambasadorinedzino [of a female ambassador] |
amber {n} /ˈæm.bɚ/ (fossil resin) | :: sukceno |
amber {n} (colour) | :: sukcenkoloro |
amber {adj} (of a brownish yellow colour) | :: sukcenkolora |
amber {n} (ambergris) SEE: ambergris | :: |
ambergris {n} /ˈæm.bɚ.ɡɹɪs/ (waxy substance produced by sperm whales) | :: ambro |
ambiance {n} /ˈæəns/ (particular mood or atmosphere of an environment) | :: etoso |
ambidextrous {adj} /æm.biˈdɛk.stɹəs/ (having equal ability in both hands) | :: ambaŭmana |
ambiguity {n} /æmbɪˈɡjuːɪti/ (something liable to more than one interpretation) | :: dusencaĵo, ambiguo |
ambiguous {adj} /æmˈbɪɡjuəs/ (open to multiple interpretations) | :: ambigua |
ambiguous {adj} (vague and unclear) | :: ambigua |
ambiguously {adv} (in an ambiguous manner) | :: ambigue |
ambition {n} /æmˈbɪ.ʃən/ (desire) | :: gloramo, ambicio |
ambitious {adj} /æmˈbɪʃ.əs/ (possessing, or controlled by, ambition) | :: ambicia, glorama |
ambitiously {adv} (in an ambitious manner) | :: ambicie |
amble {n} /ˈæm.bəl/ (an unhurried leisurely walk or stroll) | :: vagadi |
amble {n} (an easy gait, especially that of a horse) | :: amblo |
amble {v} (to stroll or walk slowly and leisurely) | :: ambli |
amble {v} (of a horse: to move along by using both legs on one side, and then the other) | :: ambli |
Ambrose {prop} /ˈæmbɹoʊz/ (male given name) | :: Ambrozio |
ambrosia {n} /æmˈbɹoʊʒə/ (food of gods or delicious foods) | :: ambrozio |
ambulance {n} /ˈæm.bjə.ləns/ (emergency vehicle) | :: ambulanco |
amen {adv} /eɪˈmɛn/ (so be it) | :: amen |
amen {interj} (expression of strong agreement) | :: amen |
amend {v} /əˈmɛnd/ (to make a formal alteration) | :: amendi |
amendment {n} /ʌˈmɛnd.mənt/ (correction or addition to a law) | :: amendo |
amendment {n} (addition to and/or alteration to the Constitution) | :: amendo |
amenity {n} (convenience) SEE: convenience | :: |
amerce {v} (to make an exaction) SEE: punish | :: |
amerce {v} (to impose a fine on) SEE: fine | :: |
America {prop} (United States of America) SEE: United States of America | :: |
America {prop} (Americas) SEE: Americas | :: |
American {n} /ə.ˈmɛɹ.ɪ.kən/ (inhabitant of the Americas) | :: amerikano |
American {n} (person born in, or a citizen of, the U.S.) | :: usonano |
American {adj} (of or pertaining to the Americas) | :: amerika |
American {adj} (of or pertaining to the U.S. or its culture) | :: usona |
American badger {n} (Taxidea taxus) | :: taksideo |
American bison {n} /əˈmɛɹɪkən ˈbaɪ̯sən/ (mammal) | :: bizono, amerika bizono |
American Civil War {prop} (civil war in the United States (1861-1865)) | :: Usona Enlanda Milito |
American football {n} (American football) | :: usona futbalo, usona piedpilko |
American Indian {n} (a member of some indigenous peoples of the Americas) SEE: Indian | :: |
Americanism {n} (custom) | :: usonismo |
Americanism {n} (linguistic feature) | :: amerikanisme {c} |
Americanize {v} (to make American) | :: usonigi |
American Samoa {prop} /əˈmɛɹ.ɪ.kən səˈmoʊ.ə/ (US overseas territory in Oceania) | :: Samoo Usona, Usona Samoo |
Americas {prop} /əˈmɛɹɪkəz/ (North and South America) | :: Ameriko |
americium {n} /ˌæməˈɹɪsiəm/ (chemical element with atomic number 95) | :: americio |
Amerindian {n} (an American Indian) SEE: Indian | :: |
amethyst {n} /ˈæm.ə.θɪst/ (gem) | :: ametisto |
amigo {n} (friend) SEE: friend | :: |
amino acid {n} (any organic compound containing amino and carboxylic acid) | :: amina acido |
amino acid {n} (any of the twenty α-amino acids) | :: amina acido |
Amish {prop} /ˈɑː.mɪʃ/ (a strict Anabaptist sect) | :: amiŝoj |
Amish {adj} (relating to the Amish sect) | :: amiŝa |
amiss {adj} (wrong) SEE: wrong | :: |
a mite {adv} (to a small extent) SEE: a little | :: |
Amman {prop} /ɑːˈmɑːn/ (the capital of Jordan) | :: Amano |
ammeter {n} (device that measures an electric current) | :: ampermetro |
ammonia {n} /əˈmoʊn.jə/ (the compound NH3) | :: amoniako |
amnesia {n} (forgetfulness) SEE: forgetfulness | :: |
amnesty {n} /ˈæm.nɪ.sti/ (act of the sovereign power) | :: amnestio |
amnesty {v} (to grant a pardon (to a group)) | :: amnestii |
amnion {n} /ˈæm.nɪ.ɑːn/ (a fetal membrane of reptiles, birds, and mammals, see also: amniotic sac) | :: amnio |
amoeba {n} /əˈmiːbə/ (member of a genus of unicellular protozoa) | :: amebo |
among {prep} /əˈmʌŋ/ (mingling or intermixing) | :: inter |
among other things {adv} (inter alia) SEE: inter alia | :: |
amorous {adj} /ˈæ.mɹəs/ (inclined to love) | :: amema, amorema |
amorously {adv} /ˈæ.mə.ɹə (in an amorous manner) | :: ameme |
amorphous {adj} /əˈmɔɹfəs/ (lacking a definite form or clear shape) | :: amorfa |
amorphous {adj} (being without definite character or nature) | :: amorfa |
amortization {n} /ˌæmɚtəˈzeɪʃən/ (process of distributing asset cost) | :: amortizo |
amortize {v} /ˈæmɚtaɪz/ (decrease (debt) in installments) | :: amortizi |
amount {n} (number of elements in a set) SEE: number | :: |
amount {n} /əˈmaʊnt/ (total or sum of items) | :: monsumo [money] |
amperage {n} (electric current) SEE: current | :: |
ampere {n} /ˈæmˌpɪər/ (unit of electrical current) | :: ampero |
ampersand {n} /ˈæm.pə(ɹ).sænd/ (the symbol &) | :: kaj-signo |
ampersat {n} (at sign) SEE: at sign | :: |
amphetamine {n} /æmˈfɛtəmin/ (amphetamine) | :: amfetamino |
amphibian {adj} /æmˈfɪbɪən/ (of or relating to the class Amphibia) | :: amfibia |
amphibian {n} (vertebrate) | :: amfibio |
amphibious {adj} /æmˈfɪbi.əs/ (capable of functioning on land or in water) | :: amfibia |
amphibrach {n} /ˈam.fɪ.bɹak/ (metrical foot of three syllables) | :: amfibraĥo, amfibrako |
amphibrachic {adj} (consisting of amphibrachs) | :: amfibraĥa |
amphora {n} /ˈæm.fə.ɹə/ (type of jar) | :: amforo |
amplitude {n} /ˈæm.plɪ.tud/ (magnitude) | :: amplekso |
amplitude {n} (maths: maximum absolute value) | :: amplitudo |
amplitude {n} (physics: maximum absolute value) | :: amplitudo |
ampoule {n} /ˈæm.puːl/ (small glass vial hermetically sealed) | :: ampolo |
amputation {n} (surgical removal of a limb) | :: amputado |
Amsterdam {prop} /ˌæmstəˈdæm/ (capital of the Netherlands) | :: Amsterdamo |
Amsterdammer {n} (An inhabitant or a resident of Amsterdam) | :: amsterdamano |
Amu Darya {prop} /ˌɑːmuːˈdɑːɹɪə/ (river) | :: Amudarjo |
amulet {n} /ˈæm.jə.lɪt/ (protective charm) | :: amuleto |
Amur {prop} (the river between the Far East Russia and China) | :: Amuro |
amuse {v} /əˈmjuːz/ (to entertain or occupy in a pleasant manner) | :: amuzi |
amusedly {adv} /əˈmjuːz.ə (in an amused manner) | :: amuzeme |
amusement {n} /əˈmjuzmənt/ (entertainment) | :: amuzado |
amusement {n} (an activity that is entertaining or amusing) | :: amuzaĵo |
amusement park {n} (commercially-operated collection of rides, games and other entertainment attractions) | :: amuzparko, distroparko |
amylase {n} /ˈæmɪleɪs/ (enzyme, present in saliva, that breaks down carbohydrates such as starch) | :: amelazo |
amylopectin {n} (insoluble form of starch) | :: amilopektino |
amylose {n} (soluble form of starch) | :: amilozo |
amylum {n} (amylum) SEE: starch | :: |
an {conj} /æn/ (if; so long as) | :: se |
an {article} (indefinite article) | :: Not used in Esperanto |
Anabaptism {n} /ænəˈbæptɪzm/ (doctrine of Anabaptists) | :: anabaptismo |
anabolism {n} /ə.ˈnæ.bə.ˌlɪ.zəm/ (the constructive metabolism of the body) | :: anabolo |
anachronism {n} /əˈnæ.kɹə.nɪ.z(ə)m/ (chronological mistake) | :: anakronismo |
anachronistic {adj} /əˌnæk.ɹəˈnɪs.tɪk/ (erroneous in date) | :: anakronisma |
anaconda {n} /ˌænəˈkɒndə/ (any of various large nonvenomous snake of the genus Eunectes) | :: anakondo |
anaerobic {adj} /ˌænəˈɹoʊbik/ (without oxygen) | :: neaerobia |
anaesthesia {n} (anesthesia) SEE: anesthesia | :: |
anaesthetist {n} (anaesthetist) SEE: anesthesiologist | :: |
anagram {n} /ˈæ.nə.ɡɹæm/ (word or phrase created by rearranging letters from another word or phrase) | :: anagramo |
anal {adj} /ˈeɪ.nəl/ (of, related to, intended for or involving the anus) | :: anusa |
analgesic {n} /ˌæn.l̩ˈdʒiː.zɪk/ (medicine that reduces pain) | :: analgeziko |
analgesic {adj} (of or relating to analgesia) | :: analgezika |
analog {adj} /ˈæ.nə.lɔɡ/ (represented by a continuously variable physical quantity) | :: analoga |
analogic {adj} (analogical) SEE: analogical | :: |
analogical {adj} | :: analogia |
analogous {adj} /əˈnæl.ə.ɡəs/ (having analogy; corresponding to something else) | :: analoga |
analogue {n} (analog) SEE: analog | :: |
analphabetism {n} (analphabetism) | :: analfabeteco |
anal sex {n} (sex involving the anus) | :: anusa seksumado, bugro |
analysis {n} /əˈnælɪsɪs/ (decomposition into components in order to study) | :: analizo, analizado |
analysis {n} (result of such process) | :: analizo |
analysis {n} (in mathematics) | :: analitiko |
analysis {n} (psychoanalysis) SEE: psychoanalysis | :: |
analyst {n} (person who analyses) | :: analizisto |
analyst {n} (psychoanalysis practitioner) | :: psikanalizisto |
analytic {adj} /ˌænəˈlɪtɪk/ (relating to analysis) | :: analiza |
analytic {adj} (relating to division into elements or principles) | :: analiza |
analytic {adj} (able to analyze) | :: analizema |
analytical {adj} (analytic) SEE: analytic | :: |
analyzer {n} (instrument) | :: analizilo |
anamnesis {n} /ˌænæmˈniːsɪs/ (medical history of a patient) | :: anamnezo |
ananas {n} (pineapple) SEE: pineapple | :: |
an apple a day keeps the doctor away {proverb} /əˈn‿æ.pəl‿ə ˈdeɪ ˈkips ðə ˈdɑk.tɚ əˈweɪ/ (apples are good for you) | :: pomo ĉiun tagon forturnas malsanon |
anarchic {adj} /ænˈɑɹ.kɪk/ (relating to anarchy) | :: anarkia |
anarchic {adj} (chaotic, without law or order) | :: anarkia |
anarchical {adj} (anarchic) SEE: anarchic | :: |
anarchism {n} /ˈænəɹˌkɪzəm/ (belief that proposes the absence and abolition of government in all forms) | :: anarĥiismo, anarkiismo |
anarchist {n} /ˈæn.ɑɹ.kɪst/ (believer in anarchism) | :: anarkiisto |
anarchist {n} | :: anarĥiisto |
anarcho-capitalism {n} (philosophy that advocates the elimination of the state and a self-regulating free market) | :: anarki-kapitalismo, anarkikapitalismo |
anarchy {n} /ˈæn.ɑɹ.ki/ (absence of any form of political authority or government) | :: anarkio, anarĥio |
anarchy {n} | :: anarkio, anarĥio |
Anastasia {prop} /æn.ə.ˈsteɪ.ʒə/ (female given name) | :: Anastazio |
anathema {n} /əˈnæθəmə/ (ban or curse) | :: anatemo |
Anatoli {prop} /æ.nə.ˈtɑ.li/ (transliteration of Анато́лий) | :: Anatolo |
Anatolius {prop} (male given name) | :: Anatolo |
anatomic {adj} (anatomical) SEE: anatomical | :: |
anatomical {adj} /æ.nə.ˈtɑ.mɪ.kəl/ (Of or relating to anatomy or dissection) | :: anatomia |
anatomically {adv} (pertaining to anatomy) | :: anatomie |
anatomist {n} /əˈnæt.ə.mɪst/ (one involved in the science of anatomical structures) | :: anatomiisto, anatomo |
anatomy {n} /əˈnætəmi/ (art of studying the different parts of any organized body) | :: anatomio |
ancestor {n} /ˈæn.sɛs.tɚ/ (one from whom a person is descended) | :: praulo |
anchor {n} /ˈæŋ.kɚ/ (tool to moor a vessel into sea bottom) | :: ankro |
anchor {v} (to hold an object to a fixed point) | :: ankri |
anchorage {n} (place for anchoring) | :: ankrejo |
anchorite {n} (one who lives in seclusion) | :: dezertulo |
anchovy {n} /ˈæn.tʃoʊ.vi/ (small saltwater fish) | :: sardelo, anĉovo |
ancient {adj} /ˈeɪn.(t)ʃənt/ (having lasted from a remote period) | :: malnovega, grandaĝa |
ancient {adj} (existent or occurring in time long past) | :: antikva, malnovega |
ancient {adj} (history: relating to antiquity) | :: antikva |
ancient {adj} | :: antikva |
Ancient Greek {prop} (the Greek language of classical antiquity) | :: [used attributively] malnovgreka, antikva greka lingvo, malnovgreka lingvo |
and {conj} (used to connect two similar words, phrases, et cetera) | :: kaj |
and {conj} (used at the end of a list to indicate the last item) | :: kaj |
and {conj} (used to show causation) | :: pro tio |
Andalusia {prop} /ˌændəˈluːsi.ə/ (autonomous community of Spain) | :: Andaluzio, Andaluzujo |
Andalusian {adj} (from or pertaining to Andalusia) | :: andaluza |
Andalusian {n} (someone from Andalusia) | :: andaluzo [male or female], andaluzino [female] |
Andean {adj} /ænˈdiː.ən/ (of or pertaining to the Andes mountains) | :: Anda |
Andes {prop} /ˈæn.diːz/ (mountain range in South America) | :: Andoj |
and/or {conj} /ˈændɔː(ɹ)/ (inclusive "or") | :: kaŭ |
Andorra {prop} /ænˈdɔɹ.ə/ (country) | :: Andoro |
Andorra la Vella {prop} /ænˈdɔː.ɹə lə ˈveɪl.jə/ (capital of Andorra) | :: Andoro Malnova |
Andrea {prop} /ˈændɹi.ə/ (female given name) | :: Andrea |
Andrew {prop} /ˈæn.dɹuː/ (the Apostle) | :: Andreo |
Andrew {prop} (male given name) | :: Andreo |
androgen {n} (androgen) | :: androgeno |
androgyne {n} /ˈæn.dɹə.dʒaɪn/ (a person who is androgynous) | :: androgino |
androgynous {adj} (having sex organs of both genders) SEE: hermaphroditic | :: |
androgynously {adv} (in an androgynous manner) | :: androgine |
android {n} /ˈænˌdɹɔɪd/ (robot with human form) | :: homaŭtomato, androido |
andrologist {n} (person who studies andrology) | :: andrologo |
andrology {n} (branch of medicine concerned with male diseases) | :: andrologio |
and so forth {phrase} (indicating a list continues similarly) | :: kaj tiel plu, k.t.p. |
and so on {phrase} (indicating a list continues) SEE: and so forth | :: |
and the like {phrase} (and the like) | :: k.s. |
anecdote {n} /ˈæ.nɪk.doʊt/ (short account of an incident) | :: anekdoto |
anemia {n} /əˈnimi.ə/ (medical condition with decreased oxygen transport) | :: anemio |
anemic {adj} /ʌˈni.mɪk/ (of or pertaining to anemia) | :: anemia |
anemone {n} (sea anemone) SEE: sea anemone | :: |
anemone {n} /əˈnɛm.ə.ni/ (any plant of genus anemone) | :: anemono |
aneroid {adj} (not using or containing fluid) | :: anerojda |
anesthesia {n} /ˈæn.əs.θiːz.i.ə/ (loss of bodily sensation) | :: anestezo |
anesthesiologist {n} (physician specializing in anesthesiology) | :: anestezologo |
anesthetic {adj} /ˌænəsˈθɛtɪk/ (reducing pain sensitivity) | :: anesteza |
anesthetic {n} (a substance for the reduced perception of pain) | :: anestezilo |
anesthetist {n} (person who gives an anesthetic) | :: anestezisto, anestezistino [female] |
aneurysm {n} /ˈan.jʊɹ.ɪz.əm/ (abnormal blood-filled swelling) | :: aneŭrismo |
anfractuosity {n} (a winding channel or crevice) | :: anfrakto |
anfractuosity {n} (one of the fissures (sulci) separating the convolutions of the brain) | :: anfrakto |
angel {n} /ˈeɪn.dʒəl/ (messenger from a deity) | :: anĝelo |
Angel {prop} (female given name) SEE: Angela | :: |
Angela {prop} /ˈændʒələ/ (female given name) | :: Anĝela |
angelic {adj} /ænˈdʒɛlɪk/ (belonging to, proceeding from, or resembling an angel) | :: anĝela |
angelica {n} (plants of genus Angelica) | :: angeliko |
angelical {adj} (resembling, characteristic of, an angel) SEE: angelic | :: |
angelology {n} (study of angels) | :: anĝelologio |
anger {n} /ˈæŋɡɚ/ (A strong feeling of displeasure, hostility or antagonism towards someone or something) | :: kolero |
anger {v} (to cause such a feeling of antagonism) | :: kolerigi |
anger {v} (to become angry) | :: koleriĝi |
angina {n} /ˈæn.dʒɪ.nə/ (infection of the throat) | :: angino |
angina {n} (chest pain) | :: brustangoro, brustangino |
angina {n} (angina pectoris) SEE: angina pectoris | :: |
angina pectoris {n} /ˈændʒɪnə ˈpɛktəˌɹɪs/ (intermittent chest pain) | :: brustangoro, brustangino |
angle {n} /ˈæŋ.ɡəl/ (geometrical figure) | :: angulo |
angle {n} (measure of such a figure) | :: angulo |
angle {n} (corner where two walls intersect) | :: angulo |
angle iron {n} (L-shaped iron) | :: angulaĵo |
Anglican {adj} /ˈæŋ.ɡlɪ.kən/ (pertaining to the Church of England and related churches) | :: anglikana |
Anglican {n} (member of an Anglican church) | :: anglikano |
Anglican Communion {prop} (worldwide network of churches) | :: Anglikana Komunio |
Anglicanism {n} (beliefs and practices of the Anglican Church) | :: anglikanismo |
anglicise {v} (make English) | :: angligi |
anglicise {v} (dub or translate into English) | :: angligi |
anglicise {v} (become English) | :: angliĝi |
anglicism {n} /ˈæŋɡləˌsɪzəm/ (word or other feature borrowed from English to another language) | :: anglismo |
anglicism {n} (Briticism) SEE: Briticism | :: |
Anglophile {adj} (person who loves or admires the country, culture or people of England) | :: anglamulo |
Anglophone {adj} /ˈæŋɡləˌfəʊn/ (English-speaking) | :: anglaparola |
Anglophone {n} (one who speaks English) | :: anglaparolanto, anglalingvano |
Anglo-Saxon {prop} (Old English) SEE: Old English | :: |
ang moh {n} (white person) SEE: white | :: |
Angola {prop} /æŋˈɡoʊlə/ (country in Southern Africa) | :: Angolo |
angry {adj} /ˈæŋ.ɡɹi/ (displaying anger) | :: kolera |
angst {n} /æŋ(k)st/ (emotional turmoil) | :: angoro |
angstrom {n} /ˈæŋstɹəm/ (A very small unit of length, 10−10 m) | :: angstromo |
Anguilla {prop} /æŋˈɡwɪlə/ (British overseas territory in the Caribbean) | :: Angvilo, Angilo |
anguish {n} /ˈæŋ.ɡwɪʃ/ (extreme pain) | :: angoro, dolorego |
anguish {v} (suffer pain) | :: angori |
anguish {v} (cause to suffer pain) | :: angorigi |
angular {adj} /ˈæŋ.ɡju.lɚ/ (relating to or forming an angle; sharp-cornered) | :: angula, anguleca |
angular {adj} (measured by an angle) | :: angula |
angular momentum {n} (angular momentum) | :: angula movokvanto |
anhydride {n} (Compound formally derived from another by loss of water molecule) | :: anhidrido |
anhydrous {adj} (having no water) | :: vandløs |
animal {n} (organism) | :: animalo [includes humans] |
animal {n} (organism other than man) | :: besto |
animality {n} (animal kingdom) SEE: animal kingdom | :: |
animal kingdom {n} (Regnum Animalia) | :: besta regno |
animal rights {n} (fundamental rights for animals) | :: animalaj rajtoj, bestaj rajtoj, animala liberigo, besta liberigo |
animate {v} /ˈæ.nɪ.mət/ (to impart motion or its appearance) | :: animi |
animation {n} /æn.əˈmeɪ.ʃən/ (causing images to appear to move) | :: animacio |
animator {n} (one who animates something) | :: animisto |
anime {n} /ˈæn.ɪ.meɪ/ (an animated work originated in Japan) | :: animeo |
animism {n} | :: animismo |
animosity {n} /æn.əˈmɑs.ɪ.ti/ (violent hatred leading to active opposition; active enmity; energetic dislike) | :: malamikeco |
anion {n} /ˈæn.aɪ.ɑn/ (negatively charged ion) | :: anjono |
anise {n} /æˈnis/ (plant) | :: anizujo [plant]; anizo [spice] |
anise {n} (fennel) SEE: fennel | :: |
anisette {n} (alcoholic liqueur) | :: anizlikvoro |
Ankara {prop} /ˈæŋ.kə.ɹə/ (capital of Turkey) | :: Ankara, Ankaro |
ankh {n} /æŋk/ (cross shaped like a T with a loop at the top) | :: anĥo |
ankle {n} /ˈæŋ.kəl/ (joint between foot and leg) | :: maleolo |
ankylosaurus {n} /ˌæŋkəloʊˈsɔːrəs/ (large herbivorous dinosaur of the Cretaceous) | :: ankilosaŭro |
Ann {prop} /æn/ (female given name) | :: Anno |
Anna {prop} (given name) SEE: Ann | :: |
Anne {prop} (given name) SEE: Ann | :: |
annelid {n} (annelid) | :: anelido |
annex {n} /əˈnɛks/ (addition, an extension) | :: alaĵo, aneksaĵo |
annex {n} (appendix) | :: alaĵo, aneksaĵo, anekso |
annex {n} (addition or extension to a building) | :: aneksaĵo |
annex {v} (to add something to another, to incorporate into) | :: aneksi |
annex {n} (addition of territory) SEE: annexation | :: |
annexation {n} (addition or incorporation of something) | :: anekso |
annexation {n} (legal merging of territory) | :: anekso |
annihilate {v} /əˈnaɪə.leɪt/ (to reduce to nothing, to destroy, to eradicate) | :: neniigi |
anniversary {n} /ˌænɪˈvɝs(ə)ɹi/ (day an exact number of years since an event) | :: datreveno |
anniversary {n} (wedding anniversary) | :: jubileo |
announce {v} /əˈnaʊns/ (give public notice) | :: anonci |
announcement {n} /əˈnaʊns.mɛnt/ (that which conveys what is announced) | :: anoncilo |
announcement {n} | :: anoncado |
announcer {n} /əˈnaʊnsɚ/ (announcer) | :: anoncisto, anoncistino |
announcer {n} (TV or radio announcer) | :: anoncisto, anoncistino |
annoy {v} /əˈnɔɪ/ (to disturb or irritate) | :: tedi, agaci, malamuzi |
annoy {v} (to do something to upset or anger someone) | :: ĝeni, kolerigi, ĉagreni |
annoyance {n} /əˈnɔɪəns/ (that which annoys) | :: agacaĵo, malagrablaĵo |
annoying {adj} (causing irritation or annoyance) | :: ĝena |
annual {adj} /ˈæn.ju.əl/ (happening once a year) | :: jara |
annually {adv} /ˈæn.ju.ə.li/ (once every year) | :: jare |
Annunciation {prop} (Christianity) | :: Anunciacio |
anoda {determiner} (another) SEE: another | :: |
anode {n} /ˈæn.oʊd/ (the electrode of an electrochemical cell at which oxidation occurs) | :: anodo |
anoint {v} /əˈnɔɪnt/ (to apply oil to or to pour oil upon) | :: olei |
anomalistic {adj} (irregular) SEE: irregular | :: |
anomalistic {adj} (anomalous) SEE: anomalous | :: |
anomalous {adj} (deviating from the normal) | :: anomalia |
anomaly {n} /əˈnɑməli/ (deviation from norm) | :: anomalio |
anonymity {n} /ænəˈnɪmɪti/ (the quality or state of being anonymous) | :: anonimeco |
anonymous {adj} /əˈnɒnəməs/ (wanting a name, not named and determined) | :: anonima |
anonymous {adj} (without any name (of responsible agent) acknowledged) | :: anonima, sennoma |
anonymous {adj} (of unknown name; whose name is withheld) | :: anonima, sennoma |
anonymous {adj} (lacking individuality) | :: anonima |
anonymous {adj} (without consideration of prestige, title, rank or background) | :: anonima |
anonymously {adv} /əˈnɒnəməsli/ (in an anonymous manner) | :: anonime |
anorak {n} (heavy weatherproof jacket) | :: anorako |
anorexia {n} (anorexia nervosa) SEE: anorexia nervosa | :: |
anorexia {n} /ænəˈɹɛksi.ə/ (loss of appetite) | :: anoreksio |
anorexia nervosa {n} (disorder) | :: anoreksio |
anorexic {adj} /ænəˈɹɛksɪk/ (pertaining to, or suffering from anorexia) | :: anoreksia |
anosmia {n} (inability to smell) | :: anosmio |
another {determiner} /ənˈʌ.ðɚ/ (one more, in addition to a former number) | :: alio, ankoraŭ unu, plia |
another {determiner} (not the same; different) | :: alia, malsama |
another {determiner} (any or some) | :: iu alia |
Anselm {prop} /ˈænˌsɛlm/ (male given name) | :: Anselmo |
answer {n} /ˈɑːn.sə/ (response) | :: respondo |
answer {n} (solution) | :: repliko |
answer {v} (to make a reply or response to) | :: respondi |
ant {n} /ænt/ (insect) | :: formiko |
antagonism {n} /ænˈtæɡənɪzəm/ (strong dislike) | :: antagonismo |
antagonist {n} /ænˈtæɡənɪst/ (opponent) | :: kontraŭulo, kontraŭbatalanto, antagonisto |
antagonistic {adj} /æn.tæ.ɡə.ˈnɪs.tɪk/ (antagonistic) | :: antagonista |
Antananarivo {prop} (city) | :: Antananarivo |
Antarctic {adj} /ænˈtɑɹ(k)tɪk/ (pertaining to Antarctica) | :: antarkta |
Antarctica {prop} /ænˈtɑɹ(k)tɪkə/ (southernmost continent) | :: Antarkto |
Antarctic Peninsula {prop} (the northernmost part of the mainland of Antarctica) | :: Antarkta duoninsulo |
anteater {n} /ˈæntˌitɚ/ (mammal) | :: formikomanĝulo |
antecedently {adv} (in an antecedent manner) | :: antaŭe |
antedate {v} /ˈæntiˌdeɪt/ | :: antaŭdati |
antelope {n} /ˈæn.tə.loʊp/ (mammal of the family Bovidae) | :: antilopo |
antenna {n} /ænˈtɛn.ə/ (feeler organ) | :: anteno |
antenna {n} (device to receive or transmit radio signals) SEE: aerial | :: |
anterior {adj} /ænˈtɪəriə(r)/ (before in place) | :: antaŭa |
anterior {adj} (before or earlier in time) | :: antaŭa |
anterior {adj} (anatomy: nearer the forward end) | :: antaŭa |
anthem {n} /ˈæn.θəm/ (national anthem) | :: himno |
anther {n} /ˈænθɚ/ (pollen-bearing part of the stamen) | :: antero |
anthology {n} /ænˈθɑlədʒi/ (collection of literary works) | :: antologio |
anthrax {n} /ˈæn.θɹæks/ (disease) | :: antrakso |
anthro {n} (An anthropomorphic character.) | :: homformulo, homformulino |
anthro {adj} (Anthropomorphic.) | :: homforma |
anthropologic {adj} (anthropological) SEE: anthropological | :: |
anthropological {adj} /æn.θɹə.pə.ˈlɑdʒikəl/ (relating to anthropology) | :: antropologia |
anthropologist {n} /ˌæn.θɹoʊˈpɑl.ə.d͡ʒɪst/ (one who is versed in anthropology) | :: antropologo, antropologino [female] |
anthropology {n} /ˌænθɹəˈpɑːlədʒi/ (the study of humanity) | :: antropologio |
anthropomorphic {adj} /ænθɹɒpəˈmɔɹfɪk/ (having the form of a person) | :: homforma |
anthropomorphic {adj} (given human attributes) | :: homforma |
anthropomorphism {n} /ˌænθɹəpəˈmɔɹfɪzəm/ (the attribution or ascription of human characteristics to something not human) | :: antropomorfismo |
anthropophagy {n} (the practice of eating human flesh) | :: antropofagio, hommanĝado, kanibalismo |
anthroposophy {n} /ˌænθɹəˈpɑsəfi/ (spiritual movement) | :: antropozofio |
anti- {prefix} /ænti/ (against, hostile to) | :: kontraŭ- |
antibiotic {n} /ˌæn.taɪ.baɪˈɑ.tɪk/ (substance that destroys or inhibits bacteria) | :: antibiotiko |
antibiotic {adj} (of or relating to antibiotics) | :: antibiotika |
antibody {n} (protein that binds to a specific antigen) | :: antikorpo, antipartiklo |
anticathode {n} (anode) SEE: anode | :: |
antichresis {n} (agreement by which a debtor gives a creditor the use of real property) | :: kontraŭuzo |
antichrist {n} (someone that works against the teachings of Christ) | :: kontraŭkristo |
Antichrist {prop} (one under the direct control of the Devil) | :: Antikristo |
anticipate {v} /ænˈtɪs.ə.peɪt/ (to act before someone) | :: anticipi |
anticipate {v} (to take up or introduce something prematurely) | :: anticipi |
anticline {n} /ˈæntiklaɪn/ (anticlinal fold) | :: antiklinalo |
anticlockwise {adj} /ˌæntiˈklɑkwaɪz/ (in the opposite direction to the hands of an analogue clock) | :: maldekstruma, livuma |
anticlockwise {adv} (in the opposite direction to the hands of an analogue clock) | :: maldekstrume, livume, kontraŭhorloĝdirekte |
anticlockwisely {adv} (anticlockwise) SEE: anticlockwise | :: |
anticommunism {n} /æntɪˈkɒmjʊnɪzəm/ (against communism) | :: antikomunismo |
anticonstitutionally {adv} (anticonstitutionally) | :: kontraŭkonstitucie |
antidepressant {n} (agent that prevents or counteracts depression) | :: antideprimigaĵo, antidepresiaĵo |
antidepression {adj} (antidepressant) SEE: antidepressant | :: |
antidepressive {adj} (antidepressant) SEE: antidepressant | :: |
antidepressive {n} (antidepressant) SEE: antidepressant | :: |
antiderivative {n} (function whose derivative is a given function) | :: malderivaĵo |
antidisestablishmentarianism {n} /ˌæn.ti.dɪs.ɪsˌtæb.lɪʃ.mənˈtɛə.ɹi.ənˌɪ.z(ə)m/ (philosophy opposed to separating church and state) | :: kontraŭmalfondistismo |
antidotary {n} (antidote) SEE: antidote | :: |
antidote {n} /ˈæn.tə.dot/ (remedy to counteract a poison) | :: antidoto, kontraŭveneno |
Antifa {prop} /ænˈtiːfə/ (anti-fascist movement) | :: kontraŭfaŝistaro, kontraŭfaŝisma movado |
anti-fascism {n} (the opposition to fascist ideologies) | :: kontraŭfaŝismo, antifaŝismo |
antifascism {n} (opposition to fascism) | :: kontraŭfaŝismo |
antifascist {adj} (opposed to fascism) | :: kontraŭfaŝisma |
antifascist {n} (person opposed to fascism) | :: kontraŭfaŝisto |
antifascistic {adj} (antifascist) SEE: antifascist | :: |
antifebrine {n} (acetanilide) SEE: acetanilide | :: |
antifeminism {n} (any belief antagonistic to feminism) | :: kontraŭfeminismo |
antigen {n} (substance that induces an immune response) | :: antigeno |
Antigua and Barbuda {prop} /ænˌti.ɡ(w)ə ænd bɑɹˈbju.də/ (country) | :: Antigvo-Barbudo |
antihero {n} /ˈæn.taɪˌhi.ɹoʊ/ (protagonist who proceeds in an unheroic manner) | :: kontraŭheroo |
Antilles {prop} /ænˈtɪl.iːz/ (islands) | :: Antiloj {p} |
antimatter {n} /ˈæntimæˌtɚ/ (matter composed of antiparticles) | :: malmaterio |
anti-militarism {n} (a doctrine that opposes war) | :: kontraŭmilitarismo |
antimony {n} /ˈæn.tɪˌmoʊ.ni/ (chemical element) | :: antimono |
antinatural {adj} (unnatural) SEE: unnatural | :: |
anting {n} /ˈæntɪŋ/ (bird behaviour) | :: formikumo |
Antioch {prop} /ˈæntiˌɑk/ (Antioch on the Orontes) | :: Antioĥio |
Antiochene {adj} (Antiochian) SEE: Antiochian | :: |
Antiochene {n} (Antiochian) SEE: Antiochian | :: |
Antiochian {adj} /ˌæntiˈɑkiən/ (of or pertaining to ancient Antioch) | :: antioĥia |
Antiochian {n} (a person from, or an inhabitant of, ancient Antioch) | :: antioĥiano, antioĥianino [female] |
antipathize {v} (to feel or show antipathy) | :: antipatii |
antipathy {n} /ænˈtɪpəθi/ (contrariety or opposition in feeling) | :: antipatio, malsimpatio |
antipodal {adj} /ænˈtɪpədl̩/ (on opposite sides of the globe) | :: antipoda |
antipodal {adj} (diametrically opposite) | :: antipoda |
antipode {n} /ˈæn.tɪ.poʊd/ (something directly opposite) | :: antipodo |
antiquary {n} (a person who is knowledgeable of, or who collects antiques; an antiquarian) | :: antikvisto |
antique {adj} /ænˈtiːk/ (old; out of date) | :: antikva |
antique {n} (old piece) | :: antikvaĵo |
antiquist {n} (antiquary) SEE: antiquary | :: |
antiquity {n} /ænˈtɪk.wə.ti/ (ancient times) | :: antikveco, antikvo |
antirrhinum {n} (snapdragon) SEE: snapdragon | :: |
antisemite {n} (anti-Semite) | :: antisemito |
anti-Semitic {adj} /ˌæntiːsəˈmɪtɪk/ (exhibiting anti-Semitism) | :: kontraŭjuda |
antisemitism {n} /ˌæntɪˈsɛmɪˌtɪzəm/ (prejudice or hostility against Jews) | :: kontraŭjudismo, antisemitismo |
antisepsis {n} (countering microbial infection) | :: antisepso |
antiseptic {adj} (of or relating to antisepsis) | :: antisepsa |
antiseptic {adj} (capable of preventing microbial infection) | :: antisepsa |
antiseptic {n} (substance that inhibits the growth of microorganisms) | :: antisepsaĵo |
antisepticism {n} (antisepsis) SEE: antisepsis | :: |
antithesis {n} /ænˈtɪ.θə.sɪs/ (proposition that is opposite to other proposition) | :: antitezo |
antitrade {n} (the wind that blows from west to east above the trade wind) | :: kontraŭpasato, kontraŭalizeo |
antivenin {n} (serum) | :: kontraŭveneno |
antivenom {n} (antivenin) SEE: antivenin | :: |
antonym {n} /ˈæntəˌnɪm/ (word which has the opposite meaning) | :: antonimo, mal-vorto |
antonymic {adj} (of or relating to an antonym or antonyms) | :: antonima |
antonymy {n} /ˈæntə.nɪm.i/ (semantic relation between antonyms) | :: antonimeco |
Antwerp {prop} /ˈæn.twɝp/ (province) | :: Antverpeno |
Antwerp {prop} (city) | :: Antverpeno |
anus {n} /ˈeɪ.nəs/ (lower opening of the digestive tract) | :: anuso, postaĵotruo |
anvil {n} /ˈæn.vəl/ (block used in blacksmithing) | :: amboso |
anxietude {n} (anxiety) SEE: anxiety | :: |
anxiety {n} /ˌæŋ(ɡ)ˈzaɪ.ə.ti/ (concern) | :: anksio |
anxiety {n} (pathological condition) | :: anksio |
anxious {adj} /ˈæŋ(k).ʃəs/ (full of anxiety) | :: anksia |
anxiously {adv} /ˈæŋ(k).ʃə (in an anxious manner) | :: anksie |
anxiousness {n} (anxiety) SEE: anxiety | :: |
any {adv} /ˈɛni/ (at all) | :: iom ajn, eĉ iomete |
any {determiner} (at least one (kind)) | :: iu, iom da |
any {determiner} (no matter what kind) | :: ia, iu ajn |
any {pron} (Any things or persons) | :: iu ajn, ĉiu, ĉiuj |
anybody {pron} (anyone) SEE: anyone | :: |
anyhow {adv} (in any case) SEE: in any case | :: |
any more {adv} (not any more) SEE: no longer | :: |
anyone {pron} /ˈɛniˌwʌn/ (anybody) | :: iu, iu ajn |
anyplace {adv} (anywhere) SEE: anywhere | :: |
anytime {interj} (you're welcome) SEE: you're welcome | :: |
anytime {adv} (at any time) | :: iam ajn |
anyway {adv} /ˈɛniweɪ/ (regardless) | :: ĉiuokaze |
anywhere {adv} /ˈɛn.i.(h)wɛɹ/ (in or at any location) | :: ie ajn |
anywhere {adv} (to any location) | :: ien ajn |
Aomen {prop} (Macau) SEE: Macau | :: |
aorta {n} /eɪˈɔːɹtə/ (great artery) | :: aorto |
Aosta {prop} /ɑːˈɒstə/ (city in Italy) | :: Aosto |
apart {adv} (apart from) SEE: apart from | :: |
apart from {prep} (except for) | :: krom |
apartheid {v} /əˈpɑɹthaɪt/ (policy of racial separation in South Africa) | :: apartismo |
apartment {n} /əˈpɑːt.mənt/ (domicile occupying part of a building) | :: apartamento, ĉambraro |
apartment {n} (archaic: suite of rooms within a domicile) | :: ĉambraro |
apartmentmate {n} (one who shares an apartment (US)) SEE: roommate | :: |
apartmentmate {n} (one who shares an apartment (UK)) SEE: flatmate | :: |
apathetic {adj} /æp.əˈθɛt.ɪk/ (void of feeling) | :: apatia |
apathetically {adv} (in an apathetic manner) | :: apatie |
apatheticness {n} (apathy) SEE: apathy | :: |
apathistical {adj} (apathetic) SEE: apathetic | :: |
apathy {n} /ˈæ.pə.θi/ (lack of emotion or motivation) | :: apatio |
ape {n} /eɪp/ (animal) | :: homoideo |
ape {v} (to imitate) | :: simii |
aphasia {n} /əˈfeɪzɪə/ (pathological speech disorder) | :: afazio |
aphasic {adj} /əˈfeɪzək/ (affected by, or pertaining to, aphasia) | :: afazia |
aphasic {n} (one who is afflicted by symptoms of aphasia) | :: afaziulo |
aphelion {n} /əˈfiːlɪən/ (the point in the elliptical orbit of a planet where it is farthest from the Sun) | :: afelio |
aphid {n} /ˈeɪ.fɪd/ (insect) | :: afido |
aphis {n} (aphid) SEE: aphid | :: |
aphonia {n} (loss of voice) | :: afonio |
aphrodisiac {adj} /æf.ɹoʊ.ˈdi.zi.æk/ (intensifying sexual desire) | :: amorveka |
Aphrodite {prop} /æfɹəˈdaɪti/ (Greek goddess) | :: Afrodito |
aphroditic {adj} (venereal) SEE: venereal | :: |
aphtha {n} (foot-and-mouth disease) SEE: foot-and-mouth disease | :: |
aphthous ulcer {n} (ulcer in the mouth caused by break in mucous membrane) | :: afto |
aphyllous {adj} (leafless) SEE: leafless | :: |
Apia {prop} (capital of Samoa) | :: Apio |
apiarist {n} (beekeeper) SEE: beekeeper | :: |
apiary {n} /ˈeɪ.pi.ɛɹ.i/ (a place where bees and hives are kept) | :: abelejo |
apiculturalist {n} (beekeeper) SEE: beekeeper | :: |
apiculture {n} (beekeeping) SEE: beekeeping | :: |
apiculturist {n} (beekeeper) SEE: beekeeper | :: |
apocalyptic {adj} /əˈpɒ.kə.lɪp.tɪk/ (of or relating to an apocalypse) | :: apokalipsa |
apocalyptical {adj} (apocalyptic) SEE: apocalyptic | :: |
apocalypticist {n} (apocalyptic) SEE: apocalyptic | :: |
apocryphal {adj} /əˈpɑːkɹɪfəl/ (of doubtful authenticity) | :: apokrifa |
Apollo {prop} /əˈpɒləʊ/ (the son of Zeus) | :: Apolono |
apologise {v} (apologise) SEE: apologize | :: |
apologize {v} /əˈpɑləd͡ʒaɪz/ (to make an apology or excuse) | :: pardonpeti |
apoplexy {n} /ˈæp.əˌplɛ (loss of consciousness) | :: apopleksio |
aposematism {n} /ˌæpə(ʊ)sɪˈmætɪz(ə)m/ (adaptation that warns off potential predators) | :: aposematismo |
apostasy {n} /əˈpɒstəsi/ | :: apostateco |
apostle {n} (pioneer) SEE: pioneer | :: |
apostolate {n} (group of people that exists for the spreading of religious doctrine) | :: apostolaro |
apostolic {adj} /ˌæpəˈstɑːlɪk/ (pertaining to apostles, or to the apostles) | :: apostola |
apostolic {adj} (according to the doctrines of the apostles) | :: apostola |
apostolical {adj} (apostolic) SEE: apostolic | :: |
apostrophe {n} /əˈpɑːs.tɹə.fi/ (the character ’) | :: apostrofo |
apothecary {n} (pharmacy) SEE: pharmacy | :: |
app {n} /ʔæʔp̚/ (small computer application) | :: apo |
Appalachian {adj} /ˌæ.pəˈleɪ.(t)ʃən/ (referring to Appalachia) | :: Apalaĉa |
apparatus {n} /æ.pəˈɹeɪ.təs/ (complex machine or instrument) | :: aparato |
apparatus {n} (firefighting: vehicle for emergency response) SEE: fire engine | :: |
apparel {n} /əˈpæ.ɹəl/ (clothing) | :: vestado |
apparent {adj} /əˈpæ.ɹənt/ (seeming) | :: ŝajna |
apparently {adv} /əˈpæɹ.ɨ (seemingly) | :: ŝajne, verŝajne |
appeal {v} (to accuse) SEE: accuse | :: |
appeal {v} /əˈpiːl/ (to be attractive) | :: plaĉi |
appeal {n} | :: alvoko |
appeal {v} (to invoke) SEE: invoke | :: |
appealing {adj} /ʌˈpi.əl.ɪŋ/ (Having appeal; attractive) | :: alloga |
appear {v} (to appear, to seem) SEE: look | :: |
appear {v} (to appear) SEE: seem | :: |
appear {v} /əˈpiɹ/ (To come or be in sight; to be in view; to become visible) | :: aperi |
appear {v} (To seem; to have a certain semblance; to look) | :: aspekti |
appearance {n} /əˈpɪɹəns/ (A thing seen) | :: aperaĵo |
appearing {n} (appearance) SEE: appearance | :: |
appease {v} /əˈpiːz/ (to make quiet; to calm; to reduce to a state of peace; to still; to pacify) | :: trankviligi, kvietigi |
appeasement {n} /əˈpɪiz.mənt/ (the state of being appeased) | :: mispacigo |
appellative {n} (common noun) SEE: common noun | :: |
appendage {n} (natural prolongation or projection) | :: aneksaĵo |
appendicitis {n} /əˈpɛnd.ɪ.saɪt.əs/ (inflamation of the vermiform appendix) | :: apendicito |
appendix {n} /əˈpɛn.dɪks/ (text added to the end of a book or an article) | :: alaĵo, aneksaĵo, anekso |
appetizer {n} (small, light first course) | :: antaŭmanĝaĵo |
applaud {v} /əˈplɔd/ (to express approval by clapping) | :: aplaŭdi |
applaudable {adj} (praiseworthy) SEE: praiseworthy | :: |
applause {n} /əˈplɔz/ (act of applauding) | :: aplaŭdo, aplaŭdado |
apple {n} /ˈæp.əl/ (fruit) | :: pomo |
apple {n} (tree) SEE: apple tree | :: |
apple of discord {n} /ˈæp(ə)l əv ˈdɪskɔːd/ (object which sows anger and dissension) | :: pomo de la malakordo |
apple tree {n} /ˈæpl̩ tɹiː/ (tree that bears apples) | :: pomujo, pomarbo |
applewood {n} (apple) SEE: apple | :: |
appliable {adj} (compliant) SEE: compliant | :: |
application {n} /ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃən/ (a computer program) | :: aplikaĵo |
application {n} (a verbal or written request, especially for assistance or employment or admission to a school, course or similar) | :: kandidateco |
applied {adj} /əˈplaɪd/ (concerned with practical problems, rather that theoretical abstractions) | :: aplika |
applied mathematics {n} (area of mathematics) | :: aplika matematiko |
apply {v} (employ, apply) SEE: use | :: |
apply {v} /əˈplaɪ/ (to lay or place) | :: apliki |
apply {v} (to put to use for a purpose) | :: apliki |
apply {v} (to submit oneself as a candidate) | :: kandidatigi |
apportion {v} /əˈpɔɹʃən/ (to divide and distribute portions of a whole) | :: onigi |
apportion {v} (to apportion) SEE: distribute | :: |
apportionment {n} (The act of apportioning or the state of being apportioned) | :: onigo |
apposite {adj} /əˈpɒzɪt/ (appropriate, relevant, well-suited) | :: taŭga, konvena |
appreciate {v} /əˈpɹiː.ʃi.eɪt/ (to view as valuable) | :: alttaksi |
approach {v} /əˈpɹoʊt͡ʃ/ (to come or go near, in place or time; to draw nigh; to advance nearer) | :: proksimiĝi, alproksimiĝi |
approach {v} (To draw near, in a figurative sense) | :: proksimiĝi, alproksimiĝi |
approach {v} (To come near to in place, time, or character) | :: proksimigi, alproksimigi |
approach {v} (To take approaches to) | :: ektrakti |
approach {n} (the act of drawing near) | :: proksimiĝo, alproksimiĝo |
approach {n} (a manner in which a problem is solved or policy is made) | :: sinteno |
appropinquation {n} (approach) SEE: approach | :: |
approportionate {v} (proportion) SEE: proportion | :: |
appropriate {adj} /əˈpɹoʊ.pɹi.ɪt/ (peculiar, suitable, fit, proper) | :: konvena |
appropriate {v} (to take to oneself in exclusion of others) | :: alproprigi |
appropriateness {n} (the quality or condition of being appropriate) | :: konveneco |
approve {v} /əˈpɹuːv/ (to sanction officially; to ratify; to confirm; as, to approve the decision of a court-martial) | :: aprobi |
approve {v} (to regard as good; to commend; to be pleased with; to think well of) | :: aprobi |
approximately {adv} /əˈpɹɑk.sɪ.mə (imprecise but close to in quantity or amount) | :: proksimume |
apricot {n} /ˈeɪ.pɹɪ.kɒt/ (fruit) | :: abrikoto |
apricot {n} (tree) | :: abrikotujo, abrikotarbo |
April {prop} /ˈeɪ.pɹəl/ (fourth month of the Gregorian calendar) | :: aprilo, Aprilo |
April fool {n} (practical joke played on April Fools' Day) | :: aprila ŝerco |
April Fools' Day {n} (First day of April) | :: Ŝercotago |
apéritif {n} /ɑːˌpɛɹɪˈtiːf/ (alcoholic drink served before a meal as an appetiser) | :: aperitivo |
apron {n} /ˈeɪ.pɹən/ (clothing) | :: antaŭtuko |
apropos {adv} /ˌæp.ɹəˈpoʊ/ (by the way) | :: parenteze |
apse {n} /æps/ (semicircular projection from a building) | :: absido |
apse {n} (case in which the relics were kept) SEE: reliquary | :: |
Apulia {prop} (region of Italy) | :: Apulio |
aqua fortis {n} (nitric acid) SEE: nitric acid | :: |
aquamarine {n} /ˌæ.kwə.məˈɹiːn/ (aquamarine colour) | :: akvamarina |
aquamarine {n} (type of beryl) | :: akvamarino |
aquamarine {adj} (Of a bluish-green color) | :: akvamarina |
aquarium {n} /ˈækwəɹiəm/ (tank for keeping fish) | :: akvario |
aquatic {adj} /əˈkwɑ.tɪk/ (relating to water; living in or near water, taking place in water) | :: akva |
aquatile {adj} (aquatic) SEE: aquatic | :: |
aqueduct {n} /ˈæk.wəˌdʌkt/ (an artificial channel conveying water) | :: akvedukto |
aquiline {adj} /ˈæk.wɪ.laɪn/ (of, pertaining to, or characteristic of eagles) | :: agla, agleca |
aquiline nose {n} (human nose with a hooked, bent shape) | :: agla nazo |
ar {n} /ɑɹ/ (name of the letter R, r) | :: ro |
Arab {n} /ˈæɹ.əb/ (Semitic person) | :: arabo |
arabesque {n} /ˌæɹ.əˈbɛsk/ (ornamental design used in Islamic Art) | :: arabesko |
Arabia {prop} /əˈɹeɪbiə/ (a peninsula between the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf;) | :: Arabujo, Arabio |
Arabian camel {n} (dromedary) SEE: dromedary | :: |
Arabianize {v} (Arabize) SEE: Arabize | :: |
Arabian Sea {prop} (part of the Indian Ocean) | :: Araba Maro |
Arabic {adj} /ˈæɹəbɪk/ (of, from, or pertaining to Arab countries or cultural behaviour) | :: araba |
arabinose {n} (aldopentose that occurs most often in polysaccharides) | :: arabinozo |
Arabize {v} (to make Arab) | :: arabigi |
arable {adj} /ˈæɹəbl̩/ (suitable for cultivation) | :: kultivebla |
Arab Republic of Egypt {prop} (Official name of Egypt) | :: Araba Respubliko Egiptujo |
Arab Spring {prop} (movement) | :: Araba printempo |
arachnophobia {n} /æˌɹæk.nəˈfəʊ.bɪ.ə/ (an abnormal or irrational fear of spiders) | :: araneofobio |
Aragon {prop} /ˈæɹəɡɑːn/ (an autonomous community in Spain) | :: Aragono |
aragonite {n} (saline evaporate) | :: aragonito |
Aral Sea {prop} /ˈɑːɹəl siː/ (Aral Sea) | :: Aralo, Arala maro, Arala lago, Aral-lago |
Aramaean {prop} (Aramaic) SEE: Aramaic | :: |
Aramaic {adj} /ˌæɹ.ə.ˈmei.ɪk/ (pertaining to the language, alphabet, culture or poetry) | :: aramea |
arbalest {n} (late form of medieval crossbow) | :: arbalesto |
arbitrary {adj} /ˈɑɹ.bɪ.tɹɛ(ə).ɹi/ (determined by impulse) | :: hazarda |
arbitrary {adj} (chosen at random) | :: arbitra |
arbitrate {v} (to make a judgment on) | :: arbitracii |
arbor {n} (a shady place for sitting) | :: laŭbo |
arbor {n} (a grove of trees) | :: arbareto |
arborway {n} (avenue) SEE: avenue | :: |
arc {n} /ɑɹk/ (geometry: part of a curve) | :: arko |
arc {n} (curve) | :: arko |
arcade {n} /ɑɹˈkeɪd/ (row of arches) | :: arkado |
Arcadia {n} /ɑɹˈkeɪdi.ə/ (A district or a prefecture in the central and mid SE Peloponnese) | :: Arkadio |
arcane {adj} /ɑɹˈkeɪn/ (understood by only a few; obscure) | :: arkana |
arch {n} /ɑɹt͡ʃ/ (inverted U shape) | :: arko |
arch {n} (architectural element) | :: arko |
arch {v} (to form into arch) | :: kurbigi |
archaeologian {n} (archaeologist) SEE: archaeologist | :: |
archaeologic {adj} (archaeological) SEE: archaeological | :: |
archaeological {adj} (relating to the science or research of archaeology) | :: arĥeologia, arkeologia |
archaeologist {n} (someone who studies or practises archaeology) | :: arĥeologo |
archaeology {n} /ˌɑː.kiˈɒ.lə.dʒi/ (scientific study of past remains) | :: arĥeologio, arkeologio |
archaic {adj} /ɑɹ.ˈkeɪ.ɪk/ (old-fashioned or antiquated) | :: arkaika |
archaicism {n} (archaism) SEE: archaism | :: |
archaism {n} /ˈɑː(ɹ)keɪˌɪzəm/ (archaic word, language) | :: arĥaismo, arkaismo |
archaist {n} (antiquary) SEE: antiquary | :: |
archangel {n} /ˈɑː(ɹ)kˌeɪn.dʒəl/ (angel who leads other angels) | :: ĉefanĝelo |
Archangel {prop} (Arkhangelsk) SEE: Arkhangelsk | :: |
archbasilica {n} (major basilica) | :: ĉefbaziliko |
archbishop {n} /ɑɹtʃ.bɪʃ.əp/ (senior bishop) | :: ĉefepiskopo |
archbishopdom {n} (archbishopric) SEE: archbishopric | :: |
archbishophood {n} (archbishopric) SEE: archbishopric | :: |
archbishopric {n} (jurisdiction of an archbishop) | :: ĉefepiskopejo, ĉefepiskoplando, ĉefepiskopujo |
archbishopship {n} (archbishopric) SEE: archbishopric | :: |
archdeacon {n} (administrative official in a diocese) | :: arkidiakono, ĉefdiakono |
archdiocesan {adj} /ˌɑɹtʃˌdaɪˈɑsɪsən/ (relating to an archdiocese) | :: ĉefdioceza |
archdiocese {n} /ˌɑɹtʃˈdaɪəsɪs/ (area administered by an archbishop) | :: ĉefepiskopejo, ĉefepiskoplando, ĉefepiskopujo, ĉefdiocezo |
archdruid {n} (chief druid) | :: ĉefdruido |
archducal {adj} /ɑːtʃˈdjuːkəl/ (pertaining to archdukes) | :: arkiduka, ĉefduka |
archduchess {n} (daughter or granddaughter of the Emperor of Austria-Hungary) | :: arkidukino |
archduchy {n} (territory of an archduke) | :: ĉefduklando |
archduke {n} (rank) | :: arkiduko, ĉefduko |
archebiosis {n} (abiogenesis) SEE: abiogenesis | :: |
archeological {adj} (archaeological) SEE: archaeological | :: |
archeology {n} (archaeology) SEE: archaeology | :: |
archeopteryx {n} /ɑːkiːˈɒptəɹɪks/ (ancient bird) | :: arkeopterigo |
archer {n} /ˈɑɹtʃɚ/ (one who shoots an arrow from a bow or a bolt from a crossbow) | :: arkpafisto, arbalestisto |
archeress {n} /ˈɑːtʃəɹɪs/ (a female archer) | :: pafarkistino |
archfiend {n} (Satan) SEE: Satan | :: |
archfiend {n} (a diabolically evil person) | :: ĉeffripono |
arch-heretic {n} (leader of a heresy, see also: heresiarch) | :: ĉefherezulo |
archidiaconal {adj} /ɑːkɪdʌɪˈakənəl/ (pertaining to an archdeacon) | :: ĉefdiakona |
archiepiscopality {n} (archbishopric) SEE: archbishopric | :: |
archiepiscopate {n} (archbishopric) SEE: archbishopric | :: |
Archimedes {prop} /ˌɑːɹkɪˈmiːdiːz/ (an ancient Greek mathematician) | :: Arkimedo, Arĥimedo |
archipelago {n} /ˌɑɹkɪˈpɛləˌɡoʊ/ (group of islands) | :: arĥipelago, arkipelago [modern spelling], insularo |
architect {n} /ˈɑɹkɪtɛkt/ (designer of buildings) | :: arkitekto |
architectonic {adj} (relating to architecture) SEE: architectural | :: |
architectural {adj} /ˌɑɹkɪˈtɛktʃəɹəl/ (pertaining to architecture) | :: arkitektura |
architecture {n} /ˈɑɹkɪtɛktʃɚ/ (art and science of designing buildings and other structures) | :: arkitekturo, arĥitekturo |
archive {n} /ˈɑɹkaɪv/ (place for storing earlier material) | :: arkivo, arĥivo |
archive {v} (to archive) | :: arĥivi, arkivi |
archiver {n} (archivist) SEE: archivist | :: |
archivist {n} /ˈɑː(ɹ)kəvɪst/ (one who creates, maintains or controls archives) | :: arkivisto, arĥivisto |
archly {adv} (in an arch manner) | :: malice |
archpresbyter {n} (archpriest) SEE: archpriest | :: |
archpriest {n} (religious title/rank) | :: ĉefpresbitero |
Arctic {adj} /ˈɑɹ(k)tɪk/ (Pertaining to the northern polar region of the planet) | :: arkta |
Arctic {prop} (a region of the Earth) | :: Arkto |
arctic fox {n} (Vulpes lagopus) | :: arkta vulpo |
arctic hare {n} (Lepus arcticus) | :: Arkta leporo |
Arctic Ocean {prop} (the smallest of the five oceans of the Earth, on and around the North Pole) | :: Arkta Oceano |
-ard {suffix} (someone who is in a specified condition) | :: -ulo, -ulaĉo [pejorative] |
ardor {n} /ˈɑːɹdəɹ/ (great warmth of feeling; fervor; passion) | :: ardo |
ardour {n} (ardour) SEE: ardor | :: |
are {v} (be) SEE: be | :: |
area {n} /ˈæɹ.i.ə/ (maths: measure of extent of a surface) | :: areo |
area {n} (particular geographic region) | :: ejo |
arenarious {adj} (sandy) SEE: sandy | :: |
arenose {adj} (sandy) SEE: sandy | :: |
Ares {prop} /ˈeəɹiːz/ (the god of war, son of Zeus and Hera) | :: Areso {m} |
are you doing anything tomorrow {phrase} (are you doing anything tomorrow) | :: kion vi faros morgaŭ?, ĉu vi estos okupata morgaŭ? |
are you married {phrase} (are you married?) | :: ĉu vi estas edziĝinta? |
Arezzo {prop} /əˈɹɛtsəʊ/ (capital city of Arezzo) | :: Areco |
argent {n} /ˈɑɹdʒənt/ (silver or metal tincture) | :: arĝento |
Argentina {prop} /ˌɑɹ.d͡ʒən.ˈti.nə/ (Argentine Republic) | :: Argentino |
Argentine {prop} (Argentina) SEE: Argentina | :: |
Argentine {n} /ˈɑː.dʒən.taɪn/ (person from Argentina) | :: argentinano |
Argentinian {n} (Argentine) SEE: Argentine | :: |
Argentinian {adj} (Argentine) SEE: Argentine | :: |
argileh {n} (hookah) SEE: hookah | :: |
argon {n} /ˈɑːɹɡɒn/ (a chemical element) | :: argono |
arguable {adj} /ˈɑɹɡjuəbl/ (defensible in an argument) | :: defendebla |
arguable {adj} (open to argument) | :: argumentebla |
argue {v} /ˈɑɹ.ɡju/ | :: argumenti |
argumentative {adj} /ˌɑːɡjʊˈmɛntətɪv/ (prone to argue or dispute) | :: disputema |
aria {n} /ˈɑː.ɹɪə/ (type of musical piece) | :: ario |
aril {n} (meat surrounding seed) | :: arilo, grajnomantelo |
arillus {n} (aril) SEE: aril | :: |
aristocracy {n} /ˌæ.ɹɪˈstɒk.ɹə.si/ (the nobility or the hereditary ruling class) | :: aristokrataro |
aristocracy {n} (government by such a class) | :: aristokratio |
aristocracy {n} (class of people considered superior to others) | :: aristokrataro |
aristocrat {n} /əˈɹɪstəkɹæt/ (one of the aristocracy) | :: aristokrato |
Aristotle {prop} /ˈærɪˌstɑtəl/ (ancient Greek philosopher) | :: Aristotelo |
arithmetic {n} /əˈɹɪθmətɪk/ (mathematics of numbers, etc.) | :: aritmetiko, kalkularto |
arithmetical {adj} (arithmetical) SEE: arithmetic | :: |
arithmetic logic unit {n} (part of a CPU that does calculations and logical operations) | :: aritmetikilo |
Arizona {prop} /ˌæɹɪˈzoʊnə/ (a state of the United States of America) | :: Arizono |
Arizonan {adj} (of or pertaining to Arizona) | :: arizona |
Arkansas {prop} /ˈɑɹ.kən.sɔ/ (US state) | :: Arkansaso |
Arkhangelsk {prop} (city in Russia) | :: Arkangelsko |
Ark of the Covenant {prop} (the sacred container, a gold-plated wooden chest) | :: Kesto de Interligo, Arkeo de Interligo |
arm {n} /ɑɹm/ (weapon) | :: armilo |
arm {n} (upper appendage from shoulder to wrist) | :: brako |
armadillo {n} /ɑɹməˈdɪloʊ/ (burrowing mammal covered with bony, jointed, protective plates) | :: dazipo |
armchair {n} /ˈɑɹmtʃɛɚ/ (a chair with supports for the arms or elbows) | :: fotelo, apogseĝo, brakseĝo |
armed police {n} (police) SEE: police | :: |
Armenia {prop} /ɑɹˈə/ (ancient kingdom and country) | :: Armenio, Armenujo |
Armenian {adj} /ɑːɹˈmiːni.ən/ (of, from, or pertaining to Armenia, Armenians, the language or alphabet) | :: armena |
Armenianize {v} (to make Armenian) | :: armenigi |
armhole {n} (armpit) SEE: armpit | :: |
Arminianism {n} (school of thought) | :: arminianismo |
armor {n} (tank) SEE: tank | :: |
armor {n} /ˈɑːɹ.mɚ/ (protective layer over a body, vehicle, or other object intended to deflect or diffuse damaging forces) | :: kiraso |
armour {n} (tank) SEE: tank | :: |
armour {n} /ˈɑːɹ.mɚ/ (protective layer over a body, vehicle etc.) | :: kiraso |
armpit {n} /ˈɑɹmˌpɪt/ (cavity beneath the junction of the arm and shoulder) | :: akselo, subbrako |
armpit {n} | :: akselo, subbrako |
armrest {n} (part of a seat) | :: brakapogilo |
arms race {n} (a competition for military supremacy) | :: vetarmado |
arm up {v} (arm) SEE: arm | :: |
arm wrestling {n} /ˈɑɹm ˌɹɛs.lɪŋ/ (a sport) | :: pojnduelo |
army {n} /ˈɑː.miː/ (military force concerned mainly with ground operations) | :: armeo |
army {n} | :: armeo |
arnica {n} (plant of genus Arnica) | :: arniko |
Arnold {prop} /ˈɑɹnəld/ (male given name) | :: Arnoldo |
aroma {n} /əˈɹoʊmə/ (a pleasant smell) | :: aromo |
aromatic {adj} /æ.ɹəˈmæt.ɪk/ (fragrant or spicy) | :: aroma, aromata |
around {prep} /əˈɹæwnd/ (defining a circle or closed curve containing) | :: ĉirkaŭ |
arquebus {n} (firearm) SEE: harquebus | :: |
arrange {v} /əˈɹeɪndʒ/ (to set up, organise) | :: aranĝi |
arranged marriage {n} (marriage planned by someone else) | :: aranĝita geedzeco, fiksita geedzeco, aranĝita geedziĝo, fiksita geedziĝo |
arrangement {n} /əˈɹeɪnd͡ʒmənt/ (manner of being arranged) | :: aranĝo |
arrest {v} (to stay, remain) SEE: stay | :: |
arrest {n} /əˈɹɛst/ (legal: process of arresting a criminal, suspect etc) | :: aresto |
arrest {v} (to take into legal custody) | :: aresti |
arrest {v} | :: aresti |
arrival {n} /əˈɹaɪ.vəl/ (act of arriving or something that has arrived) | :: alveno |
arrive {v} /əˈɹaɪv/ (to reach) | :: alveni |
arrive {v} (to get to a certain place) | :: alveni |
arrogant {adj} /ˈæɹəɡənt/ (having excessive pride) | :: aroganta |
arrow {n} /ˈæɹ.əʊ/ (projectile) | :: sago |
arse {n} (arse) SEE: ass | :: |
arsenic {n} /ˈɑɹsənɪk/ (chemical element) | :: arseno |
arsenic {n} (arsenic trioxide) | :: arseniko |
arson {n} /ˈɑɹsən/ (crime of setting a fire) | :: brulkrimo |
arsonry {n} (arson) SEE: arson | :: |
art {n} /ɑɹt/ (human effort) | :: arto |
art {n} | :: arto |
Artemis {prop} /ˈɑɹtəmɪs/ (Greek goddess) | :: Artemiso |
artemisia {n} /ɑːtɪˈmɪzɪə/ (plant of the genus Artemisia) | :: artemizio |
artery {n} /ˈɑɹ.təɹɪ/ (blood vessel from the heart) | :: arterio |
arthritis {n} /ɑː(ɹ)θˈɹaɪtɪs/ (inflammation of a joint) | :: artrito |
Arthur {prop} /ˈɑːθə(ɹ)/ (male given name) | :: Arturo |
artichoke {n} /ˈɑɹ.tɪˌtʃəʊk/ (vegetable) | :: artiŝoko |
article {n} /ˈɑɹtɪkəl/ (story, report, or opinion piece) | :: artikolo |
article {n} (part of speech that specifies a noun) | :: artikolo |
article {n} (object) SEE: object | :: |
artifice {n} /ˈɑː(ɹ)tɪfɪs/ (crafty but underhanded deception) | :: artifiko |
artifice {n} (A trick played out as an ingenious, but artful, ruse) | :: artifiko |
artificer {n} (trickster) SEE: trickster | :: |
artificer {n} (inventor) SEE: inventor | :: |
artificer {n} (artisan) SEE: artisan | :: |
artificial {adj} /ɑː(ɹ)təˈfɪʃəl/ (man-made) | :: artefarita |
artificial {adj} | :: artefarita |
artificial intelligence {n} (intelligence exhibited by an artificial entity) | :: artefarita inteligenteco |
artisan {n} /ˈɑɹtɪzən/ (skilled manual worker) | :: metiisto |
artist {n} /ˈɑːtɪst/ (person who creates art) | :: artisto |
artistic {adv} /ɑɹˈtɪstɪk/ (relating to art or artists) | :: artista, arta [relating to art] |
artistic {adv} (aesthetically pleasing) | :: artisma |
artistical {adj} (artistic) SEE: artistic | :: |
artless {adj} /ˈɑɹt.lɪs/ (without guile or cunning) | :: naiva, simplanima |
artmaker {n} (artist) SEE: artist | :: |
Aruba {prop} /əˈɹuː.bə/ (territory in the Caribbean) | :: Arubo |
Arunachal Pradesh {prop} /ˌɑːɹəˌnɑːtʃəl pɹəˈdɛʃ/ (Arunachal Pradesh) | :: Arunaĉal-Pradeŝo, Arunaĉalpradeŝo |
Aryanization {n} (the process or result of making Aryan) | :: arjigo |
Aryanize {v} (to make Aryan) | :: arjigi |
as {adv} /æz/ (to such an extent or degree) | :: tiel |
as {conj} (in the same way that) | :: kiel, laŭ |
as {conj} (at the same instant that) | :: kiam, dum |
as {conj} (at the same time that) | :: dum |
as {conj} (varying through time to the same proportion that) | :: kiom |
as {conj} (considering that, because) | :: ĉar |
as {conj} | :: kiel |
as {prep} (Introducing a basis of comparison) | :: kiel |
as {conj} (relative conjunction) SEE: that | :: |
as {conj} (than) SEE: than | :: |
as {conj} (as if) SEE: as if | :: |
as {adv} (for example) SEE: for example | :: |
asbestos {n} /æs.ˈbɛs.tɒs/ (any of several fibrous mineral forms of magnesium silicate) | :: asbesto |
ascend {v} /əˈsɛnd/ (to fly, to soar) | :: supreniri, plialtiĝi |
ascend {v} (to slope in an upward direction) | :: alsupri |
ascend {v} (to go up) | :: alsupri, supreniri |
Ascension {prop} (entering heaven alive) | :: ĉieliro |
ascertain {v} /ˌæsɚˈteɪn/ (find out; discover or establish) | :: konstati |
ascesis {n} /əˈsiːsɪs/ ((rigorous) self-discipline, see also: asceticism) | :: asketismo |
ascetic {adj} /əˈsɛ.tɪk/ (related to ascetics) | :: asketisma |
ascetic {n} (devotee to the practice of self-denial) | :: asketo |
asceticism {n} /əˈsɛt.əˌsɪz.əm/ (the principles and practices of an ascetic) | :: asketismo |
Asclepius {prop} /əˈskliːpi.əs/ (Greek god of medicine and healing) | :: Asklepio |
ascribe {v} /əˈskɹaɪb/ (attribute a cause or characteristic) | :: alskribi |
ASEAN {prop} /ˈæ.zi.ɑn/ (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) | :: ASOAN, Asocio de Sud-Orient-Aziaj Nacioj |
asexual {adj} /eɪˈsɛkʃuəl/ (having no interest in sex) | :: neseksema |
asexual {adj} (without sexual action) | :: neseksa |
asexual {adj} (having no distinct sex) | :: neseksa |
asexuality {n} (state of not experiencing sexual attraction) | :: neseksemo |
asexual reproduction {n} (form of reproduction that involves neither meiosis nor fusion of gametes) | :: neseksa reproduktiĝo |
as far as one knows {adv} (to the best of my knowledge) | :: laŭ mia scio |
as follows {adv} (in the manner described hereafter) | :: jene |
Asgard {prop} /ˈæsˌɡɑɹd/ (the abode of gods in Norse mythology) | :: Asgardo |
ash {n} /æʃ/ (solid remains of a fire) | :: cindro |
ash {n} (tree) SEE: ash tree | :: |
ashamed {adj} /əˈʃeɪmd/ (feeling shame or guilt) | :: hontema |
Ashgabat {prop} (the capital of Turkmenistan) | :: Aŝgabato |
Ashkenazi {adj} /ˌɑːʃkɪˈnɑːzi/ (of, or relating to Jews from Germany or Eastern Europe) | :: aŝkenaza |
Ashkenazi {n} (Jew from Germany or Eastern Europe) | :: aŝkenazo |
ashtray {n} /ˈæʃtɹeɪ/ (receptacle for ashes) | :: cindrujo |
ash tree {n} (Fraxinus tree) | :: frakseno |
Asia {prop} /ˈeɪʒə/ (the continent of Asia) | :: Azio |
Asia Minor {prop} (peninsula between the Mediterranean Sea, the Aegean Sea and the Black Sea) | :: Malgrand-Azio, Malgrandazio |
Asian {n} /ˈeɪʒən/ (person from Asia) | :: aziano |
Asianize {v} (to make something, or someone, more Asian) | :: aziigi |
Asian lion {n} /ˈeɪʒən ˈlaɪən/ (species of lion that inhabited Asia) | :: persa leono, azia leono |
as if {conj} (as though) | :: kvazaŭ |
as if {conj} (in mimicry of) | :: kvazaŭ |
ask {v} /ˈæsk/ (request an answer) | :: demandi |
ask {v} (make a request) | :: peti |
as long as {conj} (while) | :: tiel longe kiel |
Asmara {prop} /æsˈmɑːɹə/ (capital of Eritrea) | :: Asmaro |
asparagine {n} (nonessential amino acid C4H8N2O3) | :: asparagino |
asparagus {n} /əˈspɛɹ.ə.ɡəs/ (asparagus plant, Asparagus officinalis) | :: asparago, asparagoj {p} |
asparagus {n} (asparagus shoots (food)) | :: asparago, asparagoj {p} |
asperse {v} (scatter) SEE: scatter | :: |
asperse {v} (sprinkle) SEE: sprinkle | :: |
asphalt {n} /ˈæsfɔlt/ (sticky, black and highly viscous liquid) | :: asfalto |
aspheterism {n} /əsˈfɛtəˌɹɪz(ə)m/ (view that all property should be in common ownership) | :: komunismo |
asphyxia {n} (condition with extreme decrease of oxygen and increase of carbon dioxide) | :: asfiksio |
aspirant {n} /ˈæspəɹənt/ (someone who aspires to high office, etc.) | :: aspiranto |
aspirin {n} /ˈæspɹɪn/ (analgesic drug) | :: aspirino |
ass {n} /æs/ (animal, see also: donkey) | :: azeno |
ass {n} (stupid person) | :: stultulo |
ass {n} (buttocks) | :: pugo |
Assam {prop} /æˈsæm/ (state in India) | :: Asamo |
assassin {n} /əˈsæsɪn/ (one who, motivated by political reasons, intentionally kills a particular person) | :: murdinto, murdintino [female] |
assassinate {n} (assassin) SEE: assassin | :: |
assemble {v} /əˈsɛmbl̩/ (to put together) | :: kunmeti |
assemble {v} (to gather as a group) | :: kunveni |
assembler {n} /əˈsɛmb(ə)lɚ/ (program that converts assembly language to machine code) | :: asemblilo, kunmetilo |
assembler {n} (assembly language) SEE: assembly language | :: |
assembly {n} /əˈsɛ (legislative body) | :: asembleo |
assembly language {n} (programming language) | :: simbola maŝinkodo |
assert {v} /əˈsɝt/ (To affirm) | :: aserti |
assertion {n} /əˈsɜːʃən/ (affirmation; statement asserted) | :: aserto |
assertive {adj} /əˈsɝtɪv/ (boldly self-assured) | :: ordonema |
asset {n} /ˈæsɛt/ (something or someone of any value) | :: aktivo |
assfuck {n} (sodomy) SEE: sodomy | :: |
asshole {n} /ˈæsˌhoʊl/ (anus) | :: pugtruo |
asshole {n} (mean or rude person) | :: pugtruulo, anusulo, aĉulo |
assiduous {adj} /əˈsɪdʒuːəs/ (hard-working, diligent) | :: asidua |
assign {v} /əˈsaɪn/ (to designate or set apart something for some purpose) | :: asigni |
assimilate {v} /əˈsɪm.ɪ.leɪt/ (to absorb a group of people into a community) | :: asimili |
assimilate {v} | :: asimili |
assistant {n} (an auxiliary software tool) SEE: wizard | :: |
assistant {n} /əˈsɪstənt/ (person who assists) | :: asistanto |
association {n} /əˌsoʊʃiˈeɪʃən/ (act of associating) | :: asociigo |
association {n} (group of persons associated for a common purpose) | :: asociiĝo |
association {n} | :: asocio |
as soon as {conj} (immediately after) | :: tuj kiam |
assume {v} /əˈsuːm/ (to suppose to be true) | :: supozi |
assume {v} (take on a position) | :: alpreni |
assume {v} (adopt an idea) | :: akcepti, alpreni |
assumption {n} /əˈsʌmp.ʃən/ (the act of assuming, or taking to or upon oneself) | :: supozo |
assurance {n} /əˈʃʊɹəns/ (the state of being assured) | :: aplombo |
assurance {n} (insurance) | :: asekuro |
assure {v} /əˈʃʊə/ (to make sure and secure) | :: certigi |
Astana {prop} /æsˈtɑːnə/ (the capital of Kazakhstan) | :: Astano |
astatine {n} /ˈæstəˌtin/ (the chemical element) | :: astato |
-aster {suffix} (-aster) | :: -eto [diminutive], -aĉo [pejorative] |
asterisk {n} /ˈæstəɹɪsk/ (symbol used to highlight words or sentences) | :: steleto, asterisko |
Asterix {prop} (A fictional character from French comic books) | :: Asteriks |
asteroid {n} /ˈæstəɹoɪd/ (astronomy) | :: asteroido |
asthma {n} /ˈæzmə/ (chronic respiratory disease) | :: astmo |
as though {conj} /əzˈðəʊ/ (as to suggest that) | :: kvazaŭ |
astonish {v} /əˈstɒnɪʃ/ (to surprise, astound, flabbergast) | :: mirigi |
astonishing {adj} /əˈstɑnɪʃɪŋ/ (causing astonishment) | :: miriga |
astringent {adj} /əˈstɹɪn.dʒənt/ (sharp, caustic, severe) | :: acerba |
astrolabe {n} /ˈæs.tɹəˌleɪb/ (astronomical and navigational instrument) | :: astrolabo |
astrologer {n} (one who studies astrology) | :: astrologo, astrologiisto |
astrologist {n} (astrologer) SEE: astrologer | :: |
astrology {n} /əˈstɹɒlədʒi/ (star divination) | :: astrologio |
astronaut {n} /ˈæstɹəˌnɔːt/ (member of the crew of a spaceship or other spacecraft, or someone trained for that purpose) | :: astronaŭto, astronaŭtino [female], kosmonaŭto, kosmonaŭtino [female] |
astronomer {n} /ə.ˈstɹɑ.nə.mɚ/ (one who studies astronomy) | :: [♂♀] astronomo, [♀] astronomino |
astronomical unit {n} (measure of distance) | :: astronomia unuo |
astronomist {n} (astronomer) SEE: astronomer | :: |
astronomy {n} /əˈstɹɑnəˌmi/ (study of the physical universe beyond the Earth's atmosphere) | :: astronomio |
astrophysics {n} (interdisciplinary branch of astronomy and physics) | :: astrofiziko |
Asturias {prop} /æsˈtʊɹ.i.əs/ (autonomous community and province of Spain) | :: Asturio |
Asunción {prop} /əˌsuːnsiˈɒn/ (capital of Paraguay) | :: Asunciono |
as well as {conj} (and in addition) | :: same kiel |
asylum {n} /əˈsaɪləm/ (place of safety) | :: azilo |
asymmetrical {adj} (not symmetrical) | :: nesimetria |
at {prep} /æt/ (in or very near a particular place) | :: ĉe |
at {prep} (indicating time) | :: je |
at {prep} (in the direction of) | :: al |
at {n} (at sign) SEE: at sign | :: |
a tad {adv} (a little) SEE: a little | :: |
at all {prep} /æˈɾɔɫ/ (at all) | :: ajn |
at all costs {prep} (sparing no effort) | :: ĉiakoste |
at any rate {prep} (in any case) SEE: in any case | :: |
at a time {prep} (in a continuous period) | :: -ope |
at best {prep} (in the most favorable of conditions) | :: plejbonokaze |
-ate {suffix} (having property) | :: -ulo [person or zoology] |
-ate {suffix} (characterized by the specified thing) | :: -ulo [person or zoology] |
at first {prep} (initially; at the start) | :: unue |
at first blush {prep} (upon first impression or consideration) | :: unuavide |
at first glance {prep} (after only a superficial examination or review) | :: unuavide |
at first sight {prep} (at first glance) SEE: at first glance | :: |
at gunpoint {prep} (under coercion by someone with a firearm) | :: al pinto de pistolo, per armila forto |
atheism {n} /ˈeɪθiɪzəm/ (rejection of belief that any deities exist (with or without a belief that no deities exist)) | :: ateismo |
atheist {n} /ˈeɪθiɪst/ (a person who believes that no deities exist) | :: ateisto, ateistino [female] |
atheist {n} (a person who rejects belief that any deities exist, whether or not that person believes that deities do not exist) | :: ateisto |
atheist {adj} (relating to atheists) SEE: atheistic | :: |
atheistic {adj} (relating to atheists) | :: ateisma, ateista |
Athena {prop} /əˈθiːnə/ (Greek goddess) | :: Atena |
Athenian {n} /əˈθiː.ni.ən/ (an inhabitant, resident, or citizen of Athens, Greece) | :: atenano |
Athenian {adj} (of or pertaining to Athens, Greece) | :: atena |
Athens {prop} /ˈæθənz/ (capital city of Greece) | :: Ateno |
athlete {n} /ˈæθ.liːt/ (participant in one of several sporting activities) | :: atleto, sportisto |
athlete {n} (person who actively participates in physical sports) | :: atleto |
athletic {adj} /æθˈlɛt.ɪk/ (having to do with athletes) | :: atleta |
athletic {adj} (physically active) | :: atleta |
athletic {adj} (having a muscular, well developed body, being in shape) | :: atleta |
athletic {adj} (an attribute of a motion or play which requires fine physical ability) | :: atleta |
at home {prep} (In one's place of residence) | :: hejme |
Atlanta {prop} /ætˈlæntə/ (capital and largest city of the State of Georgia) | :: Atlanto |
Atlantic {adj} /ətˈlæn.tɪk/ (pertaining to the Atlantic Ocean) | :: atlantika |
Atlantic Ocean {prop} (the ocean lying between the Americas to the west and Europe and Africa to the east) | :: Atlantika Oceano |
Atlantic puffin {n} (Fratercula arctica) | :: Atlantika fraterkulo |
Atlantic salmon {n} (species of fish) | :: atlantika salmo |
Atlantis {prop} /ətˈlæntəs/ (mythical country said to have sunk into the ocean) | :: Atlantido |
atlas {n} /ˈætləs/ (bound collection of maps) | :: atlaso, maparo |
at last {prep} (in the end; finally; ultimately) | :: finfine |
at least {prep} (at a lower limit) | :: minimume, almenaŭ |
at length {prep} (for a long time) | :: longe |
at length {prep} (finally) | :: fine, finfine [emphatic] |
at length {prep} (in full; without omission or abbreviation) | :: detale, plene |
at long last {prep} (at last) SEE: at last | :: |
atmosphere {n} /ˈætməsˌfɪɹ/ (gases surrounding the Earth) | :: atmosfero |
atmosphere {n} (air in a particular place) | :: atmosfero |
atmosphere {n} (mood or feeling) | :: etoso |
at most {prep} (at the most; at a maximum or upper limit) | :: maksimume |
at night {adv} (during the night) | :: nokte |
at no time {prep} (never) SEE: never | :: |
atom {n} /ˈatəm/ (chemistry, physics: smallest possible amount of matter retaining its chemical properties) | :: atomo |
atomic {adj} /əˈtɑː.mɪk/ (of, or employing nuclear energy or processes) | :: atoma |
atomic bomb {n} (nuclear weapon) | :: atombombo |
atomic clock {n} (reference clock) | :: atoma horloĝo |
atomic mass {n} (mass of an atom) | :: atomomaso |
atomic nucleus {n} (nucleus of an atom) | :: atomkerno, atoma nukleo |
atomic weapon {n} (nuclear weapon) SEE: nuclear weapon | :: |
atrophy {n} /ˈæ.tɹə.fi/ (reduced functionality) | :: atrofio |
atropine {n} /æ-tɹo-pin/ (alkaloid extracted from the plant deadly nightshade) | :: atropino |
at sign {n} (name of the symbol @) | :: heliko |
at-sign {n} (at sign) SEE: at sign | :: |
at symbol {n} (at sign) SEE: at sign | :: |
attach {v} /əˈtætʃ/ (to fasten, to join to) | :: kroĉi, alligi |
attack {n} /əˈtæk/ (attempt to cause damage or injury) | :: atako, agreso |
attack {n} (offense of a battle) | :: atako |
attack {v} (to apply violent force) | :: ataki, agresi |
attack {v} (to aggressively challenge with words) | :: ataki, agresi |
attack {v} | :: ataki |
attain {v} /əˈteɪn/ (to accomplish; to achieve) | :: atingi |
attainable {adj} /əˈteɪnəb(ə)l/ (able to be accomplished, achieved, or obtained) | :: atingebla |
attempt {v} /əˈtɛmpt/ (to try) | :: provi |
attempt {n} (the action of trying at something) | :: provo |
attend {v} /əˈtɛnd/ (to be present at) | :: ĉeesti |
attentive {adj} /əˈtɛntɪv/ (paying attention) | :: atenta |
attentively {adv} (in an attentive manner) | :: atenteme |
attest {v} /əˈtɛst/ (to affirm to be correct, true, or genuine) | :: atesti |
attested {adj} /əˈtɛstɪd/ (proven; shown to be true with evidence) | :: atesta, atestata |
attested {adj} (supported with testimony) | :: atesta, atestata |
attested {adj} (certified as good, correct, or pure) | :: atesta, atestata |
attested {adj} (in linguistics: of words or languages, proven to have existed by records) | :: atesta, atestata |
at the moment {prep} (right now) | :: momente, ĉi-momente |
at the outside {prep} (at most) SEE: at most | :: |
at the time {prep} (at the time referred to in the past) | :: tiutempe |
at this moment in time {prep} (currently) | :: ĉimomente |
attic {n} /ˈætɪk/ (space, often unfinished and with sloped walls, directly below the roof) | :: mansardo |
attitude {n} /ˈætɪtud/ (position of the body or way of carrying oneself) | :: sinteno |
attitude {n} (disposition or state of mind) | :: sinteno |
attorney {n} /əˈtɜː(ɹ)ni/ (lawyer) | :: advokato |
attract {v} /əˈtɹækt/ (pull without touching) | :: altiri |
attraction {n} /əˈtɹækʃən/ (tendency to attract) | :: altiro |
attractive {adj} /əˈtɹæktɪv/ (having the power of charming) | :: alloga |
attractive {adj} (pleasing or appealing to the senses) | :: alloga |
attractive {adj} | :: alloga |
attribute {n} /ˈætɹɪbjuːt/ (characteristic or quality) | :: trajto, eco, propreco |
attribute {v} (to associate ownership or authorship with) | :: atribui |
attribute {v} (attribute a cause or characteristic) SEE: ascribe | :: |
attrition {n} /əˈtɹɪʃən/ (wearing by friction) | :: forfrotiĝo |
attrition {n} (the gradual reduction in a tangible or intangible resource due to causes that are passive) | :: malkreskado |
attrition {n} (reduction in membership) | :: malkreskado |
attrition {n} (wearing of teeth) | :: forfrotiĝo |
attrition {n} (the loss of a first or second language or a portion of that language) | :: perdo |
aubergine {n} (eggplant) SEE: eggplant | :: |
auburn {adj} /ˈɔ.bɚn/ (reddish-brown) | :: ruĝbruna |
auction {n} /ˈɔːkʃən/ (public sales event) | :: aŭkcio |
audible {adj} /ˈɔːdɪbl̩/ (able to be heard) | :: aŭdebla |
audibly {adv} (in context of being heard) | :: aŭdeble |
audience {n} /ˈɔːdi.əns/ (group of people seeing a performance) | :: spektantaro |
audience {n} (readership of a written publication) | :: legantaro |
audience {n} (formal meeting with a dignitary) | :: aŭdienco |
audience {n} (following) | :: sekvantaro |
audient {adj} /ˈɔː.dɪ.ənt/ (listening, paying attention, see also: attentive) | :: aŭskultanta, atenta |
Augsburg {prop} (city in southern Germany) | :: Aŭgsburgo |
August {prop} /ˈɔː.ɡəst/ (eighth month of the Gregorian calendar) | :: aŭgusto, Aŭgusto |
Augustine {prop} /ɔːˈɡʌstɪn/ (male given name) | :: Aŭgusteno |
auk {n} /ɔːk/ (seabird of the family Alcidae) | :: aŭko |
aunt {n} /ɑ(ː)nt/ (a parent’s sister or sister-in-law) | :: onklino |
aunt {n} (grandmother) SEE: auntie | :: |
aunt {n} (great-aunt or grandaunt) SEE: great-aunt | :: |
auntie {n} /ˈæn.ti/ (Diminutive of aunt) | :: onjo |
auricle {n} (outer ear) SEE: pinna | :: |
aurist {n} (one skilled in treating and curing disorders of the ear) | :: orelisto |
aurochs {n} (European bison) SEE: European bison | :: |
aurora {n} /əˈɹɔː.ɹə/ (atmospheric phenomenon) | :: aŭroro |
aurora australis {n} (southern lights) SEE: southern lights | :: |
aurora borealis {n} (aurora of the northern hemisphere) SEE: northern lights | :: |
Auschwitz {prop} /ˈaʊ̯ʃ.vɪts/ (city in Poland) | :: Osviecimo |
Auschwitz {prop} (concentration camp) | :: Aŭŝvico |
auscultation {n} /ˌɔːskəlˈteɪʃən/ (diagnosis by stethoscope or similar auditory device) | :: aŭskultumado |
Austerlitz {prop} /ˈɔstɚlɪts/ (former name of Slavkov u Brna) | :: Aŭsterlico |
Austin {prop} /ˈɔstɪn/ (capital of Texas) | :: Aŭstino |
Austin {prop} (surname) | :: Aŭguĉjo |
Australasia {prop} (Oceania) SEE: Oceania | :: |
Australasia {prop} /ˌɒstɹ(ə)lˈeɪʒə/ (Australia, NZ, New Guinea and neighbouring islands) | :: Aŭstralazio |
Australia {prop} /ɔˈstɹeɪliə/ (Commonwealth of Australia) | :: Aŭstralio |
Australian {n} /ɔˈstɹeɪ.li.ən/ (a person from the country of Australia or of Australian descent) | :: aŭstraliano |
Australian {n} (a person from the continent of Australia) | :: aŭstraliano |
Australian {adj} (of or pertaining to Australia, the Australian people or languages) | :: aŭstralia |
Australian {adj} (of or pertaining to the country of Australia) | :: aŭstralia |
Australian {adj} (of or pertaining to the continent of Australia) | :: aŭstralia |
Australian Capital Territory {prop} (Territory of Australia) | :: Aŭstralia Ĉefurba Teritorio |
Australianise {v} /ɒˈstɹeɪljənaɪz/ (make Australian) | :: aŭstraliigi |
Australianise {v} (localise a medium for sale or use in Australia) | :: aŭstraliigi |
Australian rules football {n} (Australian rules football) | :: Aŭstralia piedpilko |
Australian white ibis {n} (species of wading bird) | :: Aŭstralia blanka ibiso |
australopithecine {adj} /ˌɒstɹələ(ʊ)ˈpɪθɪsiːn/ (of or pertaining to australopithecines) | :: aŭstralopiteka |
Austria {prop} /ˈɔs.tɹi.ə/ (country in Central Europe) | :: Aŭstrio, Aŭstrujo |
Austrian {adj} /ˈɔːstɹi.ən/ (related to Austria) | :: aŭstria |
Austrian {n} (Austrian person) | :: aŭstriano |
Austrianize {v} (to make Austrian) | :: aŭstrigi |
Austro-Hungarian {adj} (of or pertaining to the monarchy composed of Austria and Hungary) | :: aŭstra-hungara |
Austronesian {adj} /ˌɔːs.tɹoʊˈniː.ʒən/ (of or pertaining to Austronesia) | :: aŭstronezia |
autarchy {n} (autocratic government) SEE: autocracy | :: |
authentic {adj} /ɔ.ˈθɛn.tɪk/ (of undisputed origin) | :: aŭtentika |
authentic {adj} (conforming to reality and therefore worthy of trust, reliance, or belief) | :: aŭtentika |
authenticity {n} /ɑθɛnˈtɪsɪti/ (the quality of being genuine or not corrupted from the original) | :: aŭtentikeco |
authenticity {n} (truthfulness of origins) | :: aŭtentikeco |
author {n} (writer) SEE: writer | :: |
author {n} /ˈɔ.θɚ/ (originator or creator of a work) | :: verkinto, aŭtoro |
author {n} | :: aŭtoro |
author {v} (to create a work as its author) | :: aŭtori, verki |
authoress {n} (female author) | :: aŭtorino |
authoritative {adj} /əˈθɔɹɪˌteɪtɪv/ (accurate or definitive) | :: aŭtoritata |
authority {n} /əˈθɔɹəti/ (power to enforce rules or give orders) | :: aŭtoritato |
authority {n} (persons in command; specifically, government) | :: instanco |
authorize {v} /ˈɔθəɹaɪz/ | :: rajtigi |
authorship {n} (quality or state of being an author) | :: aŭtoreco |
autism {n} /ˈɔːtɪzəm/ (neurological disorder) | :: aŭtismo |
autist {n} /ˈɔː.tɪst/ (person with autism) | :: aŭtismulo |
autistic {adj} /ɔːˈtɪs.tɪk/ (having or pertaining to autism) | :: aŭtisma |
autistic {n} (person who has autism) | :: aŭtismulo |
autobiographic {adj} (autobiographical) SEE: autobiographical | :: |
autobiographical {adj} /ˌɑtoʊˌbaɪəˈɡɹæfəkəl/ (of or relating to person's life) | :: membiografia |
autobiography {n} (biography of oneself) | :: aŭtobiografio, membiografio |
autocracy {n} (form of government) | :: aŭtokratio, solrego, absolutismo |
autocrat {n} (ruler with absolute power) | :: aŭtokrato |
autocratic {adj} (of or pertaining to autocracy or an autocrat) | :: aŭtokratia |
autocratic {adj} (of or pertaining to the manner of an autocrat) | :: aŭtokratia |
autofiction {n} | :: aŭtofikcio |
autogiro {n} (aircraft with unpowered rotating wings) | :: aŭtogiro |
autograph {n} (signature) | :: aŭtografo |
autograph {v} (to sign, or write one’s name or signature on a book) | :: aŭtografi |
autolysis {n} (the destruction of an organism's cells by enzymes) | :: aŭtolizo |
automated teller machine {n} (banking) | :: bankaŭtomato |
automatic {adj} /ˌɔtəˈmætɪk/ | :: aŭtomata |
automatically {adv} /ˈɔːtəʊˌmæt.ɪk(.ə)li/ (In an automatic manner) | :: aŭtomate |
automatic teller machine {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine | :: |
automobile {n} /ˈɔ.tə.moʊ.ˌbil/ (passenger vehicle) | :: aŭtomobilo, aŭto |
autonomous {adj} /ɔˈtɑnəməs/ (self-governing) | :: aŭtonoma |
autopsy {n} /ˈɔtɑpsi/ (a dissection performed on a cadaver) | :: obdukcio |
autotelic {adj} (containing its own meaning or purpose) | :: aŭtotela |
autoteller {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine | :: |
autumn {n} /ˈɔtəm/ (season) | :: aŭtuno |
autumnal equinox {n} (moment) | :: aŭtuna ekvinokso |
autumn equinox {n} (autumnal equinox) SEE: autumnal equinox | :: |
auxiliary {n} (auxiliary verb) SEE: auxiliary verb | :: |
auxiliary {adj} /ɔɡˈzɪljəɹi/ (helping; giving assistance or support) | :: helpa |
auxiliary language {n} (international auxiliary language) SEE: international auxiliary language | :: |
auxiliary language {n} (auxiliary language) | :: helplingvo |
auxiliary verb {n} (a helping verb) | :: helpverbo |
availability {n} /əˌveɪləˈbɪlɪtɪ/ (the quality of being available) | :: havebleco |
available {adj} /əˈveɪləb(ə)l/ (capable of being used) | :: preta, uzebla |
available {adj} (readily obtainable) | :: havebla, akirebla |
available {adj} (law: valid) | :: valida |
avalanche {n} /ˈævəlæntʃ/ (large sliding mass of snow and ice) | :: lavango |
avalanche {v} (to come down upon) | :: lavangi |
avaricious {adj} /ˌævəˈɹɪʃəs/ (actuated by avarice) | :: avara |
avenger {n} (one who avenges or vindicates; as, an avenger of blood) | :: venĝanto, venĝantino |
avenue {n} /ˈæv.əˌnu/ (broad street) | :: avenuo |
average {n} /ˈævəɹɪd͡ʒ/ (arithmetic mean) | :: meznombro, aritmetika meznombro |
average {adj} (constituting or relating to the average) | :: mezgranda |
Avernus {prop} (underworld) SEE: underworld | :: |
avian {adj} /ˈeɪvi.ən/ (of birds) | :: birda |
avian flu {n} (avian influenza) SEE: avian influenza | :: |
avian influenza {n} (strain of influenza) | :: birda gripo |
aviary {n} /ˈeɪvɪəɹi/ (confinement for keeping birds) | :: birdobredejo, birdarkaĝo |
aviation {n} /eɪviˈeɪʃən/ (art or science of flying) | :: aerveturado |
avid {adj} /ævɪd/ (longing eagerly; eager; greedy) | :: avida |
avocado {n} /ævəˈkɑːdəʊ/ (fruit) | :: avokado |
avocado {n} (tree) | :: avokadarbo, avokadujo |
Avogadro constant {n} (number of atoms present in 0.012 kilograms of isotopically pure carbon-12) SEE: Avogadro's number | :: |
Avogadro's number {n} (number of atoms present in 0.012 kilograms of isotopically pure carbon-12) | :: konstanto de Avogadro |
avoid {v} /əˈvɔɪd/ (to keep away from) | :: eviti |
Avraham {prop} (given name) SEE: Abraham | :: |
avuncular {adj} /əˈvʌŋkjʊlɚ/ (in the manner of an uncle) | :: onkla, onklina |
await {v} /əˈwɛɪt/ (transitive: to wait for) | :: atendi |
awake {adj} /əˈweɪk/ (conscious) | :: maldorma, veka |
awara {n} /əˈwɑːɹə/ (Astrocaryum vulgare) | :: tukumo |
award {n} /əˈwɔɹd/ (trophy or medal) | :: premio |
award {v} (give an award/prize for merit) | :: premii |
awareness {n} /əˈwɛɹnəs/ (the state or quality of being aware of something) | :: konscio |
away with the fairies {adj} /əˈweɪ wɪð ðə ˈfɛəɹɪːz/ (lost in thought) | :: for kun la feinoj |
awe {n} /ɔ/ (feeling of amazement) | :: admirego |
awesome {adj} /ˈɔːsəm/ (causing awe or terror) | :: miriga, terura |
awesome {adj} (excellent, exciting) | :: bonega, mojosega |
awestricken {adj} (awestruck) SEE: awestruck | :: |
awestruck {adj} (filled or overcome with awe) | :: admirega |
awful {adj} /ˈɔːfʊl/ (causing fear; appalling; terrible) | :: aĉa |
awfully {adv} (very) SEE: very | :: |
awfully {adv} (badly) SEE: badly | :: |
awkward {adj} /ˈɔːkwəd/ (lacking dexterity in the use of the hands) | :: mallerta |
awkward {adj} (not easily managed or effected; embarrassing) | :: konsterna, senaplombiga |
awkward {adj} (perverse; adverse; untoward) | :: maloportuna |
awkwardness {n} (the state or quality of being awkward) | :: malgracieco |
awl {n} /ɔl/ (pointed instrument) | :: aleno |
awning {n} /ˈɔːnɪŋ/ (a rooflike cover) | :: alero, markezo |
axe {n} /æks/ (tool) | :: hakilo |
axial {adj} /ˈæksi.əl/ (of or pertaining to an axis) | :: aksa |
axially {adv} (in relation to or in line with an axis) | :: akse |
axilla {n} /ækˈsɪlə/ (armpit) | :: akselo, subbrako |
axiom {n} /ˈaks.ɪ.əm/ (philosophy: supposed self‐evident or necessary truth) | :: aksiomo |
axis {n} /ˈæksɪs/ (geometry: imaginary line) | :: akso |
axis {n} (basis of space or part of graph) | :: akso |
axle {n} /ˈæksəl/ (the pin or spindle on which a wheel revolves, or which revolves with a wheel) | :: akso |
axle {n} (an axis) | :: akso |
axolotl {n} /ˈæk.səˌlɑ.təl/ (endangered salamander) | :: aksolotlo |
ayah {n} /aɪə/ (A verse in the Quran.) | :: ajaho |
ayatollah {n} (a religious leader) | :: ajatolo |
aye-aye {n} /ˈaɪˌaɪ/ (nocturnal quadruped) | :: fingrobesto |
Aymara {prop} /ˌaɪməˈɹɑː/ (language of South America) | :: Ajmara lingvo |
Azerbaijan {prop} /ˌæz.ə(ɹ).baɪˈ(d)ʒɑːn/ (country) | :: Azerbajĝano |
Azerbaijanize {v} | :: azerbajĝanigi |
azide {n} (N3 radical) | :: azido |
azide {n} (N3- anion) | :: azido |
Azorean {n} (someone from the Azores) | :: acorano |
Azrael {prop} (angel of death) | :: Azraelo {m} |
azure {n} /ˈæʒɚ/ (colour of the sky) | :: lazuro |
azure {adj} (sky-blue coloured) | :: lazura |
azure {n} (lapis lazuli) SEE: lapis lazuli | :: |
azurite {n} /ˈæʒ.əˌɹaɪt/ (blue, vitreous mineral) | :: azurito |