User:Matthias Buchmeier/nl-en-n
-n- {interfix} | :: Interfix used to link elements in some compounds, sometimes short for -en- |
'n {art} | :: contraction of een |
n- {prefix} | :: Used to negate the pronoun or adverb which follows it, yielding the same part of speech |
n {letter} | :: letter |
N {letter} | :: The fourteenth letter of the Dutch alphabet |
N {noun} | :: abbreviation of noord; north |
na- {prefix} | :: after |
na {prep} | :: after |
na {prep} [op ... na, with a cardinal number] | :: bar, except Used to form ordinal numbers in relation to a superlative quality. The number that is used is 1 lower than in the English translation |
na {adj} | :: close |
naad {m} | :: A seam, as where pieces of textile are sewn together |
naad {m} [figuratively] | :: Another joint or juncture, notably in construction, mechanics, etc |
naad {m} [figuratively, vulgar, often diminutive] | :: The gluteal cleft or the vulva |
naadloos {adj} | :: seamless |
naadloos {adv} | :: seamlessly |
naaf {f} {m} | :: hub, nave |
naafversnelling {f} | :: hub gear (for changing speeds on a bike) |
naaiboek {n} | :: sewing book, sewing pattern book |
naaien {vti} | :: to sew |
naaien {vti} [vulgar] | :: to screw, to fuck, to have sex |
naaien {vt} [vulgar] | :: to screw, to screw over (someone) |
naaimachine {f} | :: Sewing machine |
naakt {adj} | :: nude, not wearing any clothing; can also apply to part of the body with exposed hide |
naakt {adj} | :: naked, bald, without protective fur, feathers etc. on the skin |
naakt {adj} | :: bare, stripped, reduced to its essence |
naakt {n} | :: A nude, an artwork representing a naked subject |
naakt {n} | :: nakie is informally used in the expression In m'n nakie — In the nude |
naakte {noun} | :: naked person |
Naaktgeboren {prop} | :: surname |
naaktheid {f} | :: The naked state or nude condition, nudity |
naaktloper {m} | :: A nudist |
naaktloper {m} [historical] | :: A 16th-century Anabaptist practicing nudism |
naaktloperij {f} | :: The activity of nudism |
naaktloperij {f} [historical] | :: A movement of XVIth century Anabaptists practicing nudism, mostly based in Amsterdam |
naaktslak {f} | :: slug (mollusc) |
naaktstrand {n} | :: A nudist beach, a nude beach; a beach where one is allowed or required to practice nudism |
naald {f} | :: A needle, a pin (for sewing, injections, tattooing etc.) |
naald {f} | :: A needle (leaf of coniferous trees) |
naald {f} | :: The needle of a record player |
naald {f} [architecture] | :: A obelisk or column (monument, memorial) |
naaldaar {noun} | :: Setaria, a genus of grasses |
naaldboom {m} | :: A conifer, tree of the order Coniferales |
naaldbos {n} | :: coniferous forest |
naaldgeweer {n} [historical] | :: needle gun |
naaldhak {m} | :: stiletto heel |
naaldhakje {noun} | :: diminutive of naaldhak |
naaldwoud {n} | :: conifer forest |
naam {m} | :: name |
naambord {n} | :: nameplate |
naamchristen {m} [Protestantism, pejorative] | :: false Christian, a Christian (practising or nominal) who doesn't adhere to orthodox Pietist standards |
naamdag {m} | :: name day |
naamdrager {m} | :: A name-bearer |
naamgenoot {mf} | :: A person's homonym, who shares the same name; namesake |
naamgever {m} | :: eponym |
naamkunde | :: onomastics |
naamloos {adj} | :: nameless, anonymous |
naamloze vennootschap {f} | :: public limited company, corporation |
naampje {noun} | :: diminutive of naam |
naamval {m} [grammar] | :: case |
naamvers {n} | :: acrostic, often one spelling out a name |
naam voluit {m} | :: The full name identifying an individual person: first name and last name of a person |
naamwaarde {f} | :: face value |
naamwaarde {f} | :: worth of one's name |
naamwoord {n} [part of speech] | :: noun (in the general sense, adjectives included) |
naamwoordelijk {adj} [grammar] | :: nominal |
naamwoordstijl {m} | :: writing style which relies heavily on the use of nouns |
na-apen {v} | :: to imitate |
naar {prep} | :: to, towards in time, space, consequence, purpose etc |
naar {prep} [dated] | :: according to, in accordance with |
naar {adj} | :: nasty, scary |
naar {adj} | :: unpleasant, sickening |
naar aanleiding van {prep} | :: because of, on account of |
naar beneden {adv} | :: downwards |
naar beneden {adv} | :: down the stairs |
naar boven {adv} | :: upwards |
naar boven {adv} | :: up the stairs |
naar buiten brengen {vt} | :: to make public, to publicise, to announce |
naar buiten brengen {v} | :: See: nl naar buiten brengen |
naar buiten komen {vi} | :: to make public, to publicise, to announce [+ met (object)] |
naar buiten komen {v} | :: See: nl naar buiten komen |
naar de filistijnen {prep} [colloquial] | :: down the khazi, destroyed, wasted |
naar de gallemieze {adj} | :: alternative form of naar de gallemiezen |
naar de gallemiezen {adj} | :: ruined, destroyed, done for, to the dogs |
naar de mosterd ruiken {v} | :: alternative form of naar de mutsaard rieken |
naar de mosterd ruiken {v} | :: to be expensive |
naar de mutsaard rieken {v} | :: to be suspicious [originally involving suspicion of having heretical opinions] |
naar de ratsmodee {prep} [Netherlands, colloquial] | :: broken, ruined, down the khazi |
naargeestig {adj} | :: melancholy, despondent |
naargeestig {adj} | :: depressing, sombre, gloomy |
naargelang {prep} | :: according to, depending on |
naargelang {prep} | :: as, to the extent that, along |
naar het schijnt {adv} [idiomatic] | :: apparently |
naarling {m} | :: annoying or unpleasant person |
naarling {m} | :: scoundrel, rapscallion, pain in the neck |
naarmate {conj} | :: as, to the extent that |
naarst {m} [obsolete] | :: diligence, industry, keenness |
naarstig {adj} | :: assiduous, diligent, industrious |
naartoe {circump} | :: to, towards (an end point or destination) |
naar verluidt {adv} | :: allegedly, supposedly (according to general belief, true or otherwise) |
naast {prep} | :: beside, next to |
naast {prep} | :: in addition to |
naast de pot pissen {vi} [idiom] | :: to cheat, to commit adultery (to have sex with someone other than one's partner, esp. when misleading one's partner about it) |
naaste {m} | :: fellow human, someone close to oneself (such as a neighbour, relative etc.) |
naasten {v} | :: to take as one's property |
naastenliefde {f} | :: altruism, charity, philanthropy |
naaststaand {adj} | :: adjacent |
naaststaande {m} [dated] | :: relative, agnate |
naast zijn schoenen lopen {v} [intransive, figurative] | :: to be arrogant, to be conceited |
naatje {n} [Netherlands, slang, only used as part of a predicate] | :: Something that is of poor quality or that is unpleasant; something that sucks |
naauw {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of nauw |
naauw {n} | :: obsolete spelling of nauw |
nabestaande {mf} | :: surviving dependant |
nabeurs {adj} | :: after the closing of the stock exchange |
nabewerken {v} | :: to put a finishing touch on |
nabij {prep} | :: near |
nabij {adv} | :: near |
nabij {adj} | :: near, proximal |
Nabije Oosten {prop} {n} | :: Near East |
nabijgelegen {adj} | :: nearby |
nabijheid {f} | :: proximity |
nabla {c} [analysis] | :: nabla, ∇ |
nablijven {v} | :: to stay behind (remain after class, as punishment) |
nablijven {n} [education] | :: detention |
nabootsen {v} | :: to imitate, to mimic |
nabootsen {v} | :: to copy |
nabootsen {v} | :: to replicate |
naburig {adj} | :: neighboring |
nabuur {m} [archaic] | :: neighbour |
nabuur {m} | :: neighbouring country, state |
nabuur {m} | :: The ruler of the above |
nabuurlijk {adj} | :: neighbourly |
nabuurschap {n} | :: the quality neighborhood |
nabuurschap {n} | :: a neighborly disposition |
nabuurschap {n} | :: the proximity (of) |
nacht {m} | :: night |
nachtactief {adj} [zoology] | :: nocturnal, active at night |
nachtapotheker {m} [slang, Netherlands, uncommon] | :: A clandestine drug dealer |
nachtapotheker {m} [uncommon] | :: A pharmacy that (also) serves customers at night |
nachtblind {adj} | :: night-blind |
nachtblindheid {f} | :: night blindness |
nachtbraken {v} [Brabant] | :: to stay up late at night |
nachtbus {m} | :: night bus (bus that operates at night) |
nachtclub {f} {m} | :: nightclub |
nachtdienst {m} | :: night shift |
nachtdienstje {noun} | :: diminutive of nachtdienst |
nachtdier {n} | :: A nocturnal animal |
nachtegaal {m} [zoology] | :: nightingale, Luscinia megarhynchos (songbird) |
nachtegaal {m} [figuratively] | :: vocal talent, born singer |
nachtelijk {adj} | :: nocturnal |
nachtevening {f} | :: equinox |
nachtgoed {n} | :: nightwear, nightclothes |
nachthemd {n} | :: nightgown |
nachtjapon {m} | :: nightgown, nightshirt, nightdress |
nachtje {noun} | :: diminutive of nacht |
nachtkast {f} | :: [chiefly diminutive] nightstand |
nachtmerrie {f} [also, figurative] | :: nightmare (bad dream) |
nachtmerrie {f} [obsolete, pejorative] | :: ugly woman, witch |
nachtmerrie-achtig {adj} | :: alternative form of nachtmerrieachtig |
nachtmerrieachtig {adj} | :: nightmarish, resembling a nightmare |
nachtpermissie {f} [military] | :: permission for members of the armed forces to spend the night outside the barracks |
nachtpermissie {f} | :: permit for a drinking establishment to be open after closing time |
nachtpo {m} | :: chamberpot for nocturnal use |
nachtpon {m} | :: nightshirt, nightgown |
nachtpot {m} | :: chamberpot for nocturnal use |
nachtroofdier {n} | :: nocturnal predator |
nachtroofvogel {m} | :: nocturnal bird of prey |
nachtrust {f} | :: night's rest, nightly rest; sleep |
nachtschade {f} {m} | :: nightshade, any plant of the genus Solanum |
nachtschaduw {f} [less common] | :: alternative form of nachtschade |
nachtschaduw {f} [rare, literal] | :: nightly shadow |
nachttemperatuur {f} | :: night temperature, nocturnal temperature |
nachttrein {mf} | :: night train (train with facilities for spending the night) |
nachtval {m} | :: nightfall, sundown |
nachtvlinder {m} | :: nocturnal moth (nocturnal insect of the order Lepidoptera) |
nachtvorst {m} | :: overnight frost, ground frost |
nachtvrijen {n} [historical] | :: Bundling; a mostly rural tradition where a suitor would visit a woman in her bedroom at night, usually entering through the window, to sleep and canoodle together |
nachtwacht {f} | :: night guard, night watchman or night watchwoman (person belonging to a night watch, standing guard at night) |
nachtwacht {f} | :: night watch, night guard (group of people who stand guard at night) |
nachtwacht {f} | :: guard duty for the night watch (look-out duty at night) |
nachtwaker {m} | :: A nightguard (person), a night watchman [usually male] |
nachtwakersstaat {m} | :: night watchman state |
nachtzoen {m} | :: A good-night kiss |
nachtzwaluw {f} | :: European nightjar, Caprimulgus europaeus |
nachtzwaluw {f} | :: nightjar, any bird of the family Caprimulgidae |
nada {pron} | :: nothing |
nadar {m} [Belgium] | :: crush barrier |
nadat {conj} | :: after, after which |
nadeel {n} | :: disadvantage |
nadelig {adj} | :: disadvantageous, adverse |
nadelig {adv} | :: disadvantageously |
nadenken {v} | :: to muse, to get lost in thought |
nader {adj} | :: closer, more nearby |
nader {adj} | :: more precise |
nader {adv} | :: closer, near |
naderen {vti} | :: to approach |
naderhand {adv} | :: afterwards |
nadien {adv} | :: afterwards, since then |
nadoen {v} | :: to imitate |
nadorst {m} | :: thirst caused by (excessive) alcohol consumption, especially in combination with a hangover |
nadruk {m} | :: emphasis |
nadrukkelijk {adj} | :: emphatic |
nadrukkelijk {adv} | :: emphatically |
Naftali {prop} {m} | :: Naphtali (mythological son of Jacob) |
Naftali {prop} {m} | :: Naphtali (tribe of Israel) |
naftbak {m} | :: fuel tank |
nagaan {v} | :: to check, to verify |
nagalm {m} | :: echo |
nageboorte {f} | :: afterbirth, placenta |
nagedachtenis {f} | :: remembrance |
nagel {m} | :: nail (on the fingers or toes) |
nagel {m} | :: nail (metal pin) |
Nagel {prop} | :: surname |
nagelborstel {m} | :: nailbrush |
nagelborsteltje {noun} | :: diminutive of nagelborstel |
nagellak {m} | :: nail polish |
nagelriem {m} | :: the strip of hardened skin at the base and sides of a fingernail or toenail; a cuticle |
nagenoeg {adv} | :: almost, virtually, practically |
nagerecht {n} | :: dessert |
nageslacht {n} | :: offspring |
nageslacht {n} | :: posterity |
nagras {n} | :: The lattermath, grass grown after the first crop has been harvested for hay |
nagras {n} [figuratively] | :: The leftovers |
nahouden {v} | :: (erop ~) to have, possess |
naïef {adj} | :: naive |
najaar {n} | :: fall, autumn (season after summer) |
najagen {v} | :: to pursue |
nak {c} [slang] | :: a bump or small line of an insufflated drug |
naken {vi} | :: to draw near, to approach, to be imminent |
nakend {adj} [dialectal] | :: naked |
nakie {n} [slang] | :: The nude; a naked state |
nakijken {vt} | :: to check, to review |
nakijken {vt} | :: to grade, to mark (to review tests or assignments to determine marks) |
nakijken {vt} | :: to look back at |
nakkie {n} [Netherlands, slang] | :: An insufflated dose of a powdered drug, especially cocaine; a bump |
nakomeling {m} | :: descendant, offspring |
nakomen {v} | :: to fulfill (one's promise), to carry out (an obligation) |
nakroost {n} [formal, somewhat dated] | :: progeny, descendants |
nalaten {v} | :: to leave behind, bequeath |
nalaten {v} | :: to neglect |
nalatenschap {f} | :: heritage |
nalatenschap {f} | :: legacy |
nalatig {adj} | :: negligent |
nalatigheid {f} | :: negligence (failure to exercise a standard of care (law)) |
naleven {vt} | :: To observe, live by, respect a rule etc |
naleven {vi} | :: To live on, have an afterlife, be continued after one's own time |
naleven {n} | :: A continued existence in a reduced form, a state of living on in a lesser form |
nalever {m} | :: An abider, one who observes rules etc |
naleving {f} | :: living up to, observance |
namaak {m} | :: imitation, counterfeit, knockoff |
namaken {v} | :: to create copies or additional specimens of (e.g. a spare) |
namaken {v} | :: to create in imitation, to counterfeit |
namelijk {adv} | :: namely |
namelijk {adv} | :: Used to indicate that a statement explains an earlier one |
Namen {prop} {n} | :: Namur, a province of Belgium |
Namen {prop} {n} | :: Namur, the capital city of that province |
namens {prep} | :: on behalf of |
Namibië {prop} {n} | :: Namibia |
Namibisch {adj} | :: Namibian |
namiddag {m} [Belgium] | :: afternoon, between 12 and 6 o'clock |
namiddag {m} [Netherlands] | :: late afternoon, between 4 and 6 o'clock |
na mij de zondvloed {prep} | :: Used to express indifference about events after one's death or more generally indifference about the future |
nanacht {m} | :: late night, hours just before dawn |
nano- {prefix} | :: nano- |
nanoampère {m} | :: nano-ampere: 10-9 of an ampere |
nano-ohm {m} {n} | :: nano-ohm: 10-9 ohm |
nanosteradiaal {m} | :: nanosteradian: 10-9 of a steradian |
Naomi {prop} {f} | :: Naomi (Biblical figure) |
Naomi {prop} {f} | :: given name |
naoorlogs {adj} | :: post-war (allmost always: after World War II) |
nap {m} | :: drinking cup |
napalm {m} {n} | :: napalm |
napalmbom {f} | :: napalm bomb |
napoleon {m} [historical, numismatics] | :: The 20-franc gold coin, the franc germinal, originally issued under Napoleon, but also used of subsequent gold coins of the same denomination |
Napoleon {prop} {m} | :: Napoleon Bonaparte |
Napoleon {prop} {m} | :: Louis Bonaparte [generally called "Lodewijk Napoleon"] |
napoleontisch {adj} | :: Napoleonic |
napraten {v} | :: to say the same as, to copy |
napraten {v} | :: to talk lightly in private after a social event |
nar {m} {c} [masculine, history] | :: court jester |
nar {m} {c} [common] | :: fool |
narcis {f} [botany] | :: daffodil |
narcis {f} | :: any related flower of the genus Narcissus |
Narcis {prop} {m} | :: obsolete form of Narcissus |
narcisme {n} | :: narcissism |
Narcissus {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] | :: Narcissus |
narcist {m} | :: narcissist |
narcostaat {m} | :: narcostate |
narcoterrorisme {n} | :: narcoterrorism |
nardus {c} | :: nard (plant) |
nardus {c} | :: nard (oil, fragrance) |
na regen komt zonneschijn {proverb} | :: after a storm comes a calm |
nareis {f} [asylum, collective] | :: close family members of successful asylum seekers who may rejoin them without needing to seek asylum themselves |
nareizen {v} | :: to travel later, after somebody else |
narekenen {v} | :: to recalculate, to check one's calculations |
naricht {n} | :: message |
naricht {n} | :: warning |
naricht {n} | :: announcement, notification |
narigheid {f} | :: unpleasantness |
narratief {adj} | :: narrative |
narratief {n} | :: The systematic recitation of an event or series of events; a narrative |
narratief {n} | :: That which is narrated; a narrative |
narratief {n} | :: A representation of an event or story; a narrative |
narrenschip {n} | :: ship of fools |
narrig {adj} | :: peevish, grumpy, irritable |
narwal {m} | :: narwhal, Monodon monoceros |
nasaal {adj} | :: nasal, relating to the nose and/or a quality imparted by means of it |
nasaal {f} | :: A nasal |
nasaleren {vti} | :: to nasalise |
naschok {m} | :: aftershock |
nasi {m} | :: Indonesian-style fried rice; nasi goreng |
nasi {m} | :: fried rice in general |
nasibal {m} [chiefly Netherlands] | :: A deep-fried spherical snack made from nasi goreng with a breadcrumb crust |
nasi goreng {m} | :: nasi goreng |
naslaan {v} | :: to look up, to check (for reference) |
naslaan {v} [numismatics] | :: to restrike |
naslag {m} | :: strike that occurs afterwards |
naslag {m} | :: (act of) looking up for reference |
naslag {m} [numismatics] | :: restrike |
naslagwerk {n} | :: reference work |
nasleep {m} | :: aftermath |
nasmaak {m} | :: aftertaste |
nasmaken {vi} | :: to leave an aftertaste, to have an aftertaste |
naspel {n} | :: afterplay |
naspelen {v} | :: to imitate |
naspelen {v} | :: to reenact |
nasporen {v} | :: to trace, to search, to investigate |
nasporing {f} | :: investigation |
nastreven {v} | :: to pursue |
nasynchroniseren {v} | :: to dub (as in a movie) |
nat {adj} | :: wet |
nat {n} | :: moisture |
natafelen {v} | :: to stay at the table after eating in order to continue talking |
Natalie {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of Nathalie |
Natasja {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Nathalie {prop} {f} | :: given name |
natie {f} | :: nation |
natie {f} [by extension, historical] | :: early modern student society, organised by region or nation of origin |
natiestaat {m} | :: A nation-state |
nationaal {adj} | :: national |
nationalisme {n} | :: nationalism (separatist ideology) |
nationalisme {n} | :: nationalism (ideology favouring the own nation to an extreme degree) |
nationalisme {n} [obsolete] | :: patriotism |
nationalist {mf} | :: nationalist |
nationalistisch {adj} | :: nationalistic |
nationaliteit {f} | :: nationality |
natrium {n} | :: sodium (a reactive metal) |
natronloog {f} | :: soda lye, caustic soda |
natte droom {m} [literally] | :: A wet dream, sexual eruption while asleep |
natte droom {m} [figuratively] | :: A wet dream, wildly exciting aspiration |
natto {m} | :: natto (Japanese fermented soybean dish) |
naturisme {n} | :: Naturism |
naturist {m} | :: A naturist |
naturistisch {adj} | :: naturist |
natuur {f} [uncountable] | :: nature |
natuur {f} | :: character |
natuurbrand {m} | :: wildland fire, wildfire (fire in a natural area) |
natuurgebied {n} | :: nature reserve |
natuurgeweld {f} {m} [countable, uncountable] | :: natural disaster; strong or violent force of nature |
natuurgids {m} | :: wildlife guide (person) |
natuurgids {m} | :: wildlife guide (text) |
natuurijs {n} | :: natural ice |
natuurkracht {mf} | :: A force of nature, such as the elements and geological forces |
natuurkracht {mf} [figuratively] | :: An impressively forceful 'wild' person or creature |
natuurkunde {f} | :: physics |
natuurkundig {adj} | :: physical, having to do with matter, nature, the material world |
natuurkundig {adj} | :: having to do with physics, the natural science |
natuurkundige {noun} | :: physicist |
natuurlijk {adv} | :: naturally |
natuurlijk {adv} | :: of course |
natuurlijk {adj} | :: natural |
natuurlijk getal {n} | :: natural number |
natuurmagneet {m} [chiefly plural] | :: A natural magnet, a lodestone |
natuurmens {m} [philosophy] | :: natural man, the archetypical human in a state of nature held to be a representative agent for all humanity in some philosophical systems |
natuurmens {m} | :: nature lover (person who loves to be in the wild) |
natuurparel {f} | :: pearl of natural beauty, beautiful natural location |
natuurramp {m} | :: natural disaster |
natuurrecht {n} [philosophy] | :: natural law |
natuurreservaat {n} | :: A nature reserve |
natuurscheikunde {f} | :: science class (junior highschool subject teaching basic physics and chemistry) |
natuurschoon {n} | :: Natural beauty |
natuurtalent {n} | :: A natural (one with innate talent) |
natuurtalent {n} | :: A natural talent, an innate talent |
natuurvorser {m} [dated] | :: naturalist, natural scientist (person who studies nature or natural history) |
natuurvreemd {adj} | :: foreign to nature, unnatural |
natuurwet {n} [philosophy] | :: natural law (moral law set by nature) |
natuurwet {n} [science] | :: law of nature, physical law |
natuurwet {n} [politics] | :: environmental law (legislation regarding the environment) |
natuurwetenschap {f} | :: natural science |
nautische schemering {f} | :: nautical twilight |
nauw {adj} | :: narrow |
nauw {adj} [figuratively] | :: close |
nauw {n} | :: strait |
nauwelijks {adv} | :: hardly, barely |
nauwen {v} [ergative, archaic] | :: to narrow, to become/make narrower |
nauwkeurig {adj} | :: precise, accurate |
nauwkeurigheid {f} | :: accuracy, precision |
Nauw van Kales {prop} {n} [chiefly Belgium] | :: The English Channel or Strait of Dover, the North Sea strait between Dover (England) and Calais (France) |
navalisme {n} | :: navalism |
navel {m} | :: navel |
navelpiercing {m} | :: navel piercing |
navelsnoer {f} | :: umbilical cord |
navelstreng {f} {m} | :: umbilical cord |
naveltrui {f} [chiefly diminutive] | :: crop top |
navenant {adv} | :: in keeping |
navigatie {f} | :: navigation |
navigatie {f} [colloquial] | :: a satnav |
navigeren {v} | :: to navigate |
NAVO {prop} | :: Noord-Atlantische Verdragsorganisatie (NATO) |
navolgen {v} | :: to succeed, to come after, to follow (an example) |
navolging {f} | :: imitation |
navorser {m} [chiefly Belgian] | :: researcher |
navragen {vti} | :: to enquire about, to ask about |
nawee {f} [chiefly plural] | :: afterpain (pain after childbirth caused by contractions) |
nawee {f} [figurative, chiefly plural] | :: lingering negative result |
nawee {f} [chiefly plural] | :: lingering pain |
nawoord {n} | :: afterword, epilogue |
nawoordje {noun} | :: diminutive of nawoord |
nazaat {m} | :: descendant |
nazaat {m} | :: child, scion, spawn |
nazaat {m} [obsolete] | :: successor |
nazeggen {v} | :: to repeat after, to say the same as |
nazi {m} | :: Nazi, member of the NSDAP |
nazi {m} | :: a member of similar movements, whether Nazi, fascist, neo-Nazi or in any other way ultranationalist |
nazi {m} [slang, pejorative, offensive] | :: an authoritarian, strict or nitpicky person |
nazinderen {vi} [of emotions] | :: to linger, to last, to resonate |
nazi van dienst {noun} | :: overly strict person in a certain situation |
nazomer {m} | :: Indian summer |
nazorg {f} | :: aftercare |
NBV {prop} | :: initialism of Nieuwe Bijbelvertaling |
n. Chr. {phrase} | :: abbreviation of na Christus |
n.Chr. {adv} | :: abbreviation of na Christus; AD |
ne {art} [Brabantian] | :: a, an |
neanderthaler {m} | :: A Neanderthal, Homo neanderthalensis |
Neanderthaler {m} | :: superseded spelling of neanderthaler |
necropolis {f} | :: necropolis (burial site, esp. an old one) |
necrose {f} | :: necrosis, localized death of cells or living tissue |
nectar {m} [Greek mythology, Roman mythology] | :: nectar, beverage drunk by the Olympians |
nectar {m} [botany, insects] | :: nectar, liquid produced by flowers |
neder {adv} | :: down |
neder {adv} | :: low- |
Neder-Betuwe {prop} | :: Neder-Betuwe (municipality) |
nederdalen {v} [dated] | :: alternative form of neerdalen |
Nederduits {prop} {n} | :: The Low German or Low Saxon language, now in general usage often restricted to German Low German |
Nederduits {prop} {n} [obsolete] | :: Any continental West Germanic language that is neither High German nor Frisian, thus including Dutch as well as Low German |
Nederduits {prop} {n} [obsolete] | :: Dutch |
Nederduits {adj} | :: Low German [see above] |
Nederduits {adj} [obsolete] | :: Dutch |
Nederduitsch {prop} {n} | :: obsolete spelling of Nederduits |
Nederduitsch {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of Nederduits |
Neder-duytsch {prop} {n} | :: obsolete spelling of Nederduits |
Neder-duytsch {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of Nederduits |
Nederduytsch {prop} {n} | :: obsolete spelling of Nederduits |
Nederduytsch {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of Nederduits |
Nederduytsche {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of Nederduitse |
Nederfrankisch {adj} | :: Low Franconian, Low Frankish |
Nederfrankisch {prop} {n} | :: The Low Franconian languages |
nederig {adj} | :: humble, with humility |
nederigheid {f} | :: humility, characteristic of being humble |
nederjazz {m} | :: a style of improvisational jazz music originating from the Netherlands |
nederlaag {f} | :: defeat |
Nederland {prop} {n} | :: The Netherlands |
Nederlanden {prop} {p} | :: Low Countries, Benelux |
Nederlander {m} | :: A Dutchman, citizen of - or person originating from the kingdom of the Netherlands |
Nederlander {m} [history] | :: Inhabitant of the Low Countries, roughly including present Dutchmen, Belgians and Luxemburgers |
Nederlands {adj} | :: of or relating to the Netherlands; Dutch, Netherlandish |
Nederlands {prop} {n} | :: Dutch, the language spoken in the Netherlands and in Flanders (i.e. the north of Belgium), Netherlandish |
Nederlandsch {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of Nederlands |
Nederlandse {f} | :: Dutch female (from the Netherlands) |
Nederlandse Antillen {prop} {p} | :: Netherlands Antilles |
Nederlands Onderduikers Paradijs {prop} {n} | :: Nickname for the Noordoostpolder |
Nederlandstalig {adj} | :: Having knowledge of the Dutch language, said especially of native speakers |
Nederlandstalig {adj} | :: In the Dutch language |
Nederlansch {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of Nederlands |
nederpop {f} | :: pop music from the Netherlands |
nederpop {f} [by extension] | :: also used for pop music sung in Dutch (or other languages natively spoken in the Netherlands) |
Nedersaksen {prop} {n} | :: Lower Saxony |
Nedersaksisch {adj} | :: Low Saxon |
Nedersaksisch {prop} {n} | :: The Low Saxon language |
Nedersassisch {adj} | :: dated form of Nedersaksisch |
Nedersassisch {prop} {n} | :: dated form of Nedersaksisch |
Nedersticht {prop} {n} [historical] | :: The territory of Sticht that lay to the southwest of Gelre, largely corresponding to modern-day Utrecht |
Nederturk {m} | :: Dutch Turk |
Nederweert {prop} {n} | :: Nederweert (village/and/municipality) |
nederwiet {m} | :: weed, marijuana grown in the Netherlands |
nederzetting {f} | :: settlement (a territory where a population have established residence) |
nee {adv} | :: no |
neef {m} | :: male cousin |
neef {m} | :: nephew |
Neeltje {prop} | :: given name, a nickname for Cornelia |
Neeltje Jans {prop} {n} | :: An artificial island in the Eastern Scheldt, Zeeland, the Netherlands, constructed from a sand bar to be used for building the Oosterscheldekering |
neer {adv} | :: down, downwards |
Neerbeek {prop} {n} | :: Neerbeek, a village in the Netherlands |
Neerbeek {prop} {n} | :: Piétrebais, a village in Belgium |
neerbuigen {v} | :: bow down |
neerbuigend {adj} | :: condescending |
neerdalen {vi} | :: to descend, to go down |
neergang {m} | :: downfall |
neergooien {vt} | :: to cast, throw down, floor |
neerhalen {vt} | :: to shoot down |
Neerijnen {prop} | :: Neerijnen (village/and/municipality) |
neerkijken {v} | :: to look down |
neerkijken op {v} | :: to look down on, to think less of |
Neerland {prop} {n} [colloquial, somewhat, dated] | :: alternative form of Nederland |
neerlandica {f} [chiefly singular] | :: A female expert in, or student of, Dutch studies (neerlandistiek) |
neerlandicus {m} | :: an expert in, or student of, Dutch studies (neerlandistiek) |
neerlandistiek {f} | :: study of the language and literature of the Netherlands/Low Countries |
Neerlands {adj} | :: Dutch |
neerleggen {v} | :: to lay down |
neerleggen {vr} [+ bij] | :: to resign oneself (to) |
neerploffen {v} | :: to let oneself fall or drop suddenly into a resting position |
neerschrijven {v} | :: to write down |
neerslaan {v} | :: to fall down |
neerslaan {v} | :: to knock down |
neerslaan {v} [chemistry] | :: to precipitate |
neerslaan {v} [chemistry] | :: to condense |
neerslaan {v} | :: to choke, suppress |
neerslachtig {adj} | :: dejected, downcast, despondent |
neerslag {m} | :: rainfall, precipitation |
neerslag {m} | :: fallout |
neerslagradar {m} | :: weather radar |
neersteken {v} | :: to stab (in order to injure or kill) |
neerstorten {v} | :: to crash down |
neervallen {v} | :: to fall down, to collapse, to flop |
neerwaarts {adj} | :: downward |
neerwaarts {adv} | :: downwards |
neerzetten {v} | :: to set down, deposit, put down |
neerzien {v} | :: to look down (on) |
neerzijgen {vi} | :: to slowly descend to a resting position, lie or sit down, settle down |
nee-stem {f} {m} | :: nay vote |
nee-stemmer {m} | :: nay voter |
neet {f} | :: nit; egg of a louse |
nefast {adj} [chiefly Belgium] | :: adverse, damaging |
neffens {prep} | :: obsolete form of nevens |
nefrologie {f} | :: nephrology |
negatief {adj} | :: negative |
negen {num} | :: nine |
negen {c} | :: A nine, an instance or representation of the digit nine |
negen {c} | :: A nine, an instance or use (e.g. score or amount) of the number nine |
negende {adj} | :: ninth |
negenduizend {num} | :: nine thousand |
negenendertig {num} | :: thirty-nine |
negenennegentig {num} | :: ninety-nine |
negenentachtig {num} | :: eighty-nine |
negenentwintig {num} | :: twenty-nine |
negenenveertig {num} | :: forty-nine |
negenenvijftig {num} | :: fifty-nine |
negenenzestig {num} | :: sixty-nine |
negenenzeventig {num} | :: seventy-nine |
negenhonderd {num} | :: nine hundred |
negenjarig {adj} | :: nine-year old |
negenoog {m} | :: lamprey, fish of the order Petromyzontiformes |
negenoog {m} | :: carbuncle (purulent abscess) |
negentien {num} | :: nineteen |
negentiende {adj} | :: nineteenth |
negentig {num} | :: ninety |
negenvoud {n} | :: A ninefold |
negenvoudig {adj} | :: ninefold |
neger {m} [colloquial, possibly offensive] | :: a black person, a Negro [male or of unspecified gender] |
negeren {vt} | :: to ignore |
negeren {vt} [now, potentially offensive] | :: to belittle, to torment, to treat like a flunky |
Negerhollands {prop} {n} | :: Negerhollands (extinct creole language) |
Negerhollands {adj} | :: Pertaining to Negerhollands |
negerij {f} | :: alternative form of negorij |
negerin {f} [potentially offensive] | :: black woman, negress |
negerinnentet {f} [Belgium, offensive] | :: chocolate-coated cream or marshmallow treat |
negerzoen {m} [potentially offensive] | :: chocolate-coated cream or marshmallow treat |
negligé {n} | :: négligée, women's nightgown |
negligé {n} | :: bathrobe, of a type mainly worn by women |
negorij {f} [historical] | :: A district or community in pre-colonial Indonesia and Malaysia and in the Dutch East Indies |
negorij {f} [pejorative] | :: A hamlet (small village somewhere in the sticks) |
neigen {v} | :: to bend over, lean (towards) |
neigen {v} | :: to tend, incline |
neiging {f} | :: tendency, inclination |
nek {m} | :: [narrow sense] Nape of the neck |
nek {m} | :: [broad sense] Neck |
nekken {vt} | :: to neck, to kill by hitting the neck or strangulation |
nekken {vt} | :: to eliminate (e.g. a rival), to hurt very badly |
nekker {m} | :: alternative spelling of nikker: nix |
nekslag {m} [literally] | :: A hit in the neck |
nekslag {m} [figuratively] | :: A deathblow |
nekvel {n} | :: The scruff of the neck |
nekvelletje {noun} | :: diminutive of nekvel |
nekwervel {m} | :: cervical vertebra |
Nel {prop} | :: given name, diminutive of Petronella |
nemen {vt} | :: to take, to take hold of, to grasp or grab |
nemen {vt} | :: to take, to choose out of some options, to pick |
nemen {vt} | :: to take, to use a particular route or type of transport |
nemen {vt} | :: to take, to consume, to eat or drink |
nemen {vt} | :: to have sex with, to take, to fuck |
nemer {m} | :: one who takes |
nemer {m} [obsolete, grammar] | :: a word in the ablative case |
nen {art} [Brabantian] | :: alternative form of ne |
neodymium {n} | :: neodymium |
neofascisme {n} | :: neofascism |
neofiet {m} | :: neophyte (new convert, new monk) |
neofiet {m} [Belgium] | :: novice |
neofiet {m} [botany] | :: neophyte (recently introduced species of plant) |
Neolatijn {prop} {n} | :: New Latin |
neoliberaal {adj} | :: neoliberal |
neoliberaal {m} | :: neoliberal |
neoliberalisme {n} | :: neoliberalism |
neolithicum {prop} {n} | :: Neolithic |
neolithisch {adj} | :: Neolithic |
neon {n} | :: neon |
neonaat {m} | :: newborn |
neonataal {adj} | :: neonatal |
neonatus {m} | :: newborn |
neonlamp {f} | :: neon lamp |
neonlampje {noun} | :: diminutive of neonlamp |
neopaganisme {n} | :: neopaganism |
neo-tofelemoon {m} [pejorative, uncommon] | :: socialist with a Roman Catholic background |
nep {m} | :: imitation, fake |
nep {adj} | :: fake, not real |
nep {adj} | :: artificial, not natural |
Nepalees {adj} | :: Nepali |
Nepalees {m} | :: Nepali (person) |
Nepalees {prop} {n} | :: Nepali (language) |
Nepalese {f} | :: Nepali (female person) |
nepneutraliteit {f} [derogatory] | :: A form of regulated protection of internet access, etc. that doesn't amount to net neutrality |
nepnieuws {n} [neologism] | :: Fake news, especially misleading items posted and spread on social media to manipulate others towards a particular political point of view or for financial benefit |
ne post pakken {v} [Belgium] | :: receive a poor response or reception; get told off; get a beating |
ne post pakken {v} | :: fall |
nepotisme {n} | :: nepotism (favoring, regardless of merit, of relatives, or by extension personal friends) |
nepperd {m} [colloquial] | :: Someone or something fake |
neptunium {n} | :: neptunium |
Neptunus {prop} {n} | :: Neptune, the eighth planet of our solar system |
Neptunus {prop} {n} | :: Neptune, the Roman sea god |
nerd {m} | :: nerd |
nerdo {m} [slang, pejorative] | :: nerdo, nerd |
nerf {f} | :: grain of wood |
nerf {f} [dated] | :: a similar line in leather, paper, etc |
nerf {f} [obsolete] | :: nerve |
nerf {f} [botany] | :: vein of a leaf |
nergens {adv} | :: nowhere |
nergens {adv} | :: As part of a pronominal adverb, nothing (niets) |
nergens anders {adv} | :: nowhere else |
Nergenshuizen {prop} {n} | :: A hypothetical average village in the middle of nowhere. Roughly translates to 'Nowhereville' |
nering {f} | :: income |
nerts {m} | :: European mink, Mustela lutreola |
nerts {n} | :: the pelt of a mink |
nertsenfokker {m} | :: A mink farmer, a mink breeder |
nertsenfokkerij {f} | :: A mink farm |
nerve {f} | :: obsolete form of nerf |
nerveus {adj} | :: nervous, anxious, jumpy |
nes {f} | :: headland, spit |
Nes {prop} {n} | :: Nes (A <<village>> on <<isl/Ameland>>, < >, <<c/Netherlands>>.) |
Nes {prop} {n} | :: Nes (A <<village>> in <<municipality/Noardeast-Fryslân>>, < >, <<c/Netherlands>>.) |
nest {n} | :: A nest [place to hatch young, especially bird structure; snug residence; retreat; hideout; home] |
nest {n} [colloquial] | :: One's bed |
nest {n} | :: A nasty, ill-behaving or pretentious child; a brat |
nestblijver {m} | :: altricial animal, altricial young |
nestelen {v} | :: to nest |
nestelen {v} | :: to nestle |
nesteling {m} | :: nestling |
nesteling {m} | :: nesting, the making of a nest |
nestkast {f} | :: A nest box, a nesting box |
nestkastje {noun} | :: diminutive of nestkast |
nestvlieder {m} | :: precocial animal, precocial young |
nestwarmte {f} | :: the love and warmth of home and family |
net {n} | :: net (mesh) |
net {n} | :: net (device for catching and trapping) |
net {n} | :: television channel |
net {n} | :: omentum, caul |
net {adj} | :: clean, tidy |
net {adj} | :: decent, proper |
net {adv} | :: tidily, neatly |
net {adv} | :: decently, properly |
net {adv} | :: just, nearly, barely |
net {adv} | :: just recently |
Net {prop} {n} [constellation] | :: Reticulum |
net als {conj} | :: just like |
Nete {prop} {f} | :: A river in Flanders, Belgium, flowing through Lier |
netel {f} | :: nettle |
netel {f} [now, chiefly Belgium] | :: stinging nettle, nettle of the genus Urtica |
netel {f} [Netherlands] | :: nettle, plant of the unrelated genera Urtica or Lamium |
netelboom {m} | :: Celtis; hackberry |
neteldier {n} | :: cnidarian, any member of the phylum Cnidaria |
netelig {adj} | :: tricky |
netheid {f} | :: tidiness |
netjes {adv} | :: diminutive of net (only neatly, properly) |
netjes {adj} | :: tidy, neat |
netjes {adj} | :: decent, proper |
netjes {interj} | :: Nice! |
netkous {f} | :: A fishnet stocking |
netneutraliteit {f} | :: net neutrality |
netnummer {n} [telephony] | :: area code |
netto {adv} | :: net (weight, income etc) |
netvlies {n} | :: retina (thin layer of cells at the back of the eyeball) |
netvlies {n} [obsolete] | :: omentum, caul |
netwerk {n} | :: network (system of interconnected narrow elements) |
netwerk {n} | :: network (set of interacting devices) |
netwerk {n} | :: network, netting |
netwerk {n} | :: social network |
net zoals {prep} | :: like, just like |
neukbaar {adj} [vulgar] | :: fuckable |
neuken {vti} [vulgar] | :: to fuck, to screw |
neuken {vt} [vulgar] | :: to fuck, to disrespect; used to express one's displeasure or disrespect for something or someone |
neuken {v} [Southern Dutch, uncommon] | :: to bother, to be annoying to |
neuken {v} [Southern Dutch, uncommon] | :: to hit, to ram, to push |
neuken {v} [Southern Dutch, uncommon] | :: to toss, to throw away |
neuker {m} [vulgar] | :: fucker, someone who fucks |
neukfeest {n} [vulgar] | :: fuckfest |
neukseks {m} [humorous] | :: sexual intercourse |
neuriën {vit} | :: to hum (a melody) |
neuro {c} [politics] | :: a (putative) common currency for northern Europe |
neurochirurg {m} | :: neurosurgeon |
neurochirurgie {f} | :: neurosurgery |
neurologie {f} | :: neurology |
neuron {n} | :: neuron |
neurotisch {adj} | :: neurotic (overanxious) |
neus {mf} | :: nose |
neus {mf} [ethnic slur, highly offensive] | :: Jew, kike |
neusaap {m} | :: proboscis monkey, Nasalis larvatus |
neusbeen {n} | :: The nasal bone |
neusbeer {m} | :: coati |
neusgang {m} | :: nasal passage |
neusgat {n} | :: nostril |
neushoorn {m} | :: rhinoceros, mammal of the family Rhinocerotidae |
neushoornvogel {m} | :: hornbill, bird of the family Bucerotidae |
neusje {noun} | :: diminutive of neus |
neusklank {m} | :: A nasal |
neuspeuteren {v} | :: to nose-pick |
neut {f} | :: dram, snifter, peg, nip |
neutje {noun} | :: diminutive of neut |
neutraal {adj} | :: neutral, not taking sides in a conflict between opposite parties |
neutraal {adj} [chemistry] | :: neutral, neither acid nor alkali |
neutraal {adj} [physics] | :: having neither of two opposite qualities |
neutraal {adj} [obsolete, grammar] | :: neuter, neither masculin nor feminine |
Neutraal Moresnet {prop} {n} | :: Neutral Moresnet |
neutraliseren {vt} | :: to neutralise |
neutraliteit {f} | :: neutrality (status of being neutral) |
neutrino {n} [physics] | :: neutrino |
neutron {n} [physics] | :: neutron |
neutronenbom {f} | :: neutron bomb |
neutronenster {mf} [astronomy] | :: neutron star |
neutrum {n} | :: neuter gender |
neutrum {n} | :: a word (esp. a noun) in the neuter gender |
neuzen {vi} | :: to browse, to peruse [+ in (object) = inside] |
neuzen {vi} | :: to snoop, to peek, to peep |
neuze neuze {v} [dialectal] | :: alternative form of neuzeneuzen |
neuzeneuzen {v} | :: Rub noses as sign of affection (with kids) or as a greeting; Eskimo kissing |
neuzen-neuzen {v} | :: alternative form of neuzeneuzen |
nevel {m} | :: fog |
nevelig {adj} | :: foggy, nebulous |
nevelvlek {f} | :: nebula |
neven- {prefix} | :: secondary, side |
neveneffect {n} | :: side effect, by-product |
nevenfunctie {f} | :: side function |
nevens {prep} | :: beside, next to |
nevens {prep} | :: in addition to |
nevenstelling {f} [grammar, chiefly Austronesian languages] | :: An open compound, a compound word that is orthographically represented as multiple words separated by spaces |
nevenstelling {f} [grammar, obsolete] | :: An apposition |
nevenverschijnsel {n} | :: side effect |
newtonmeter {m} | :: newton metre |
New York {prop} {n} | :: New York (largest city) |
New York {prop} {n} | :: New York (state) |
NGT {noun} | :: initialism of Nederlandse Gebarentaal |
nhd. {prop} | :: abbreviation of Nieuwhoogduits |
NHG {prop} | :: initialism of Nationale Hypotheek Garantie a Dutch government programme to provide homebuyers with cheaper loans |
Nicaragua {prop} | :: Nicaragua (country) |
nice {adj} [slang] | :: nice |
niche {f} [especially, in ecology and business] | :: a niche |
nicht {f} | :: female cousin; daughter of someone's uncle or aunt |
nicht {f} | :: niece; daughter of someone's brother or sister |
nicht {f} | :: niece; daughter of someone's brother- or sister-in-law |
nicht {m} | :: [sometimes derogatory] male homosexual, a gay man; in particular one who is camp or effeminate |
nicht im Frage {adj} | :: out of the question |
nichtje {noun} | :: diminutive of nicht, meaning 'niece' or 'queer' |
Nico {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Nicolaas {prop} | :: given name |
nicotine {f} | :: nicotine (C10H14N2, alkaloid) |
nicotinekauwgom {m} | :: nicotine gum |
nicotinepleister {f} | :: nicotine patch |
nie {adv} [dialectal] | :: alternative form of niet |
Niel {prop} | :: town on the river Rupel in the southwest of the Belgian province of Antwerp |
Niels {prop} {m} | :: given name |
-niem {suffix} | :: -nym |
Nieman {prop} | :: surname |
niemand {pron} | :: nobody, no one |
niemandsland {n} | :: no man's land |
niemendal {pron} | :: completely nothing |
Nienke {prop} {f} | :: given name, diminutive of Catharina |
nier {f} | :: A kidney |
nier {f} [especially in the diminutive] | :: An animal kidney eaten as a food |
niercrisis {f} | :: renal crisis |
nierfalen {n} | :: kidney failure |
niersteen {m} | :: A kidney stone (calculus in a kidney) |
niesbui {f} | :: A sneezing fit |
niesen {vi} [obsolete] | :: alternative form of niezen |
niet- {prefix} | :: non- |
niet {adv} | :: Not, no: used to express negation |
niet {f} | :: staple |
niet-aanvalsverdrag {n} | :: nonaggression pact |
nietapparaat {n} | :: stapler, mechanical device to attach together papers etc |
niet eens {adv} | :: not even |
nieten {vt} | :: to staple |
nieten {v} [obsolete] | :: synonym of genieten |
nietes {interj} [negation, colloquial, childish] | :: Used to contradict a positive assertion |
niet geschoten is altijd mis {proverb} | :: nothing ventured, nothing gained |
niet-gewelddadig {adj} | :: non-violent |
nietig {adj} | :: minute, puny (very small) |
nietig {adj} | :: insignificant, powerless |
nietig {adj} | :: annulled, void |
nietjesmachine {f} | :: stapler, mechanical device to attach together papers etc |
niet lullen maar poetsen {phrase} [idiomatic, Holland, colloquial] | :: actions speak louder than words |
nietmachine {f} | :: stapler (device to attach bundles by staples) |
niet meer {adv} | :: Not anymore; no longer |
niet-moedertaalspreekster {f} | :: feminine noun of niet-moedertaalspreker |
niet-moedertaalspreker {m} | :: non-native speaker |
niets {pron} | :: nothing |
niets nieuws onder de zon {phrase} | :: nothing new |
nietsnut {m} | :: good-for-nothing |
nietszeggend {adj} | :: saying nothing, meaningless |
niettegenstaande {prep} | :: notwithstanding |
niettemin {adv} | :: nevertheless, nonetheless |
niet verwijtbaar werkloos {adj} [legal] | :: unemployed due to events not under one's control, such as downsizing, restructuring or employer going bankrupt |
nieuw {adj} | :: new |
Nieuw-Amsterdam {prop} | :: New Amsterdam, the Dutch colony on the North American East Coast which later became British as New York (renamed after an English city) |
Nieuw Arch. Wisk. {prop} [mathematics] | :: abbreviation of Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde[1] ≡ New Archive for Mathematics |
nieuwbouw {m} | :: new development, newly built buildings particularly in reference to housing |
nieuwbouwhuis {n} | :: A newly developed house, a recently built house |
nieuwbouwhuisje {noun} | :: diminutive of nieuwbouwhuis |
Nieuw-Caledonië {prop} {n} | :: New Caledonia |
Nieuwegein {prop} {n} | :: Nieuwegein (town) |
nieuweling {m} | :: A newcomer, newbie, new (often inexperienced) user, member etc |
nieuweling {m} | :: A novice, beginner, greenhorn, inexperienced player, participant etc |
Nieuwengels {prop} {n} | :: Modern English |
Nieuwengels {adj} | :: Modern English |
Nieuwenhuis {prop} | :: surname |
Nieuwe Testament {prop} {n} [Christianity, Bible] | :: the New Testament, in any Christian canon |
nieuwe zakelijkheid {prop} {f} | :: alternative case form of Nieuwe Zakelijkheid |
Nieuwe Zakelijkheid {prop} {f} | :: New Objectivity |
nieuwgeborene {mf} | :: newborn |
nieuwgekozen {adj} | :: newly chosen |
nieuwgepensioneerde {noun} | :: newly-retired person |
Nieuw-Guinea {prop} {n} | :: New Guinea, an island |
Nieuw Holland {prop} {n} [historical] | :: alternative spelling of Nieuw-Holland |
Nieuw-Holland {prop} {n} [historical] | :: Australia |
Nieuw-Holland {prop} {n} [historical] | :: the Dutch colonial territories in Brazil |
Nieuwhoogduits {prop} {n} | :: New High German |
Nieuwhoogduits {adj} | :: New High German |
Nieuwjaar {prop} {n} | :: New Year (celebration at 1 January) |
nieuwjaarsnacht {m} | :: New Year's Eve (night from 31 December to 1 January) |
nieuwkomer {m} | :: newcomer |
Nieuwleusen {prop} {n} | :: Nieuwleusen (village) |
nieuwlichter {m} [derogatory] | :: One who introduces or adheres to new (newfangled) notions, practices or commodities |
Nieuwnederlands {prop} {n} | :: Modern Dutch (stage of the Dutch language spoken in modern times, 1500 is a common threshold) |
Nieuwnederlands {adj} | :: Modern Dutch |
nieuws {n} | :: news |
nieuwsanker {n} [chiefly Belgium] | :: news anchor |
nieuwsbrief {m} | :: newsletter |
nieuwsgaring {f} | :: newsgathering |
nieuwsgier {adj} [archaic] | :: curious, inquisitive |
nieuwsgierig {adj} | :: curious, inquisitive |
nieuwsgierigheid {f} | :: curiosity |
nieuwslezer {m} [chiefly Netherlands] | :: A newsreader, a news anchor, a newscaster |
nieuwslezeres {f} | :: A female news anchor, a female newscaster |
nieuwsoverzicht {n} | :: news overview (summary of the news) |
Nieuwstadt {prop} {n} | :: Nieuwstadt (town) |
nieuwtestamenticus {m} | :: New Testament scholar |
Nieuw-Zeeland {prop} {n} | :: New Zealand |
Nieuw-Zeelander {m} | :: New Zealander |
Nieuw-Zuid-Wales {prop} {n} | :: Nieuw-Zuid-Wales (state) |
niezen {vi} | :: To sneeze, exhale explosively |
nift {f} [Holland] | :: obsolete form of nicht |
Nigeriaan {prop} {m} | :: Nigerian (person from Nigeria) |
Nigeriaans {adj} | :: Nigerian |
Nigeriaanse {prop} {f} | :: a female person from Nigeria; feminine form of Nigeriaan |
nihilisme {n} | :: nihilism |
nihilisme {n} | :: (also capitalized: Nihilisme) Nihilism |
nijd {m} | :: envy, jealousy |
nijd {m} | :: envious or general anger |
Nijdam {prop} | :: surname |
nijdas {m} [colloquial, Northern Dutch] | :: A grouch, cross-patch, nastily grumpy man |
nijden {vt} [obsolete] | :: to envy, to be jealous of |
nijden {vt} [obsolete] | :: to be hostile towards |
nijder {m} [obsolete, now only as a historical term in literary studies] | :: An envious hater |
nijdig {adj} | :: angry, livid, furious |
nijg {adj} | :: impressive, fabulous |
nijg {adv} | :: very |
nijg {adv} | :: very well |
nijg {adv} | :: hard |
nijg {interj} | :: cool! |
nijgen {v} | :: to bow down (out of politeness) |
nijgen {v} | :: to curtsey |
Nijkerk {prop} | :: Nijkerk (city/and/municipality) |
Nijl {prop} {m} | :: the river Nile |
nijlgans {f} | :: Egyptian goose, Alopochen aegyptiacus |
nijlpaard {n} | :: hippopotamus, Hippopotamus amphibius |
nijlpaard {n} | :: hippopotamus, any of the Hippopotamidae |
Nijman {prop} | :: surname |
Nijmegen {prop} {n} | :: Nijmegen (city/and/municipality) |
nijpen {v} | :: to pinch, squeeze |
Nijs {prop} | :: surname |
Nijssen {prop} | :: surname |
Nijvel {prop} {n} | :: Nivelles, a town in Belgium |
nijver {adj} | :: industrious, hardworking |
Nijverdal {prop} {n} | :: Nijverdal (village) |
nijverheid {f} | :: industry |
nikkel {n} | :: nickel |
nikkel {m} | :: nickel (the coin) |
nikkelallergie {f} | :: nickel allergy |
nikkelen {adj} | :: made of nickel |
nikkelien {n} [chemistry] | :: niccolite, nickeline; NiAs |
nikkelijzer {n} | :: kamacite: an alloy of nickel and iron, though mostly iron |
nikkelstaal {n} | :: nickel steel |
nikkelstuk {n} | :: a nickel or any coin made from the element nickel |
nikkelvrij {adj} | :: nickel-free (not containing nickel) |
nikker {m} [pejorative, ethnic slur, offensive] | :: A nigger (offensive slur for a black person) |
nikker {m} [mythology, dated, now likely to be confused with the ethnic slur] | :: A water spirit, especially one who lures (young) people to drown; a neck, nix, nixie |
nikker {m} [obsolete] | :: A demon, a devil |
niks {pron} | :: nothing |
niks {adj} | :: disagreeable, distasteful, not liking |
niks {adj} | :: uninteresting |
niksen {vi} [colloquial] | :: to do nothing, to loaf, to idle |
niksnut {m} | :: good-for-nothing |
Nilo-Saharaans {adj} | :: Nilo-Saharan |
nimf {f} [Greek mythology, Roman mythology] | :: nymph, female lesser divinity of nature |
nimf {f} [entomology] | :: nymph, juvenile form of a hemimetabolous insect |
Nimma {prop} {n} [slang] | :: Nijmegen |
nimmer {adv} | :: never |
nimmermeer {adv} | :: never again, not anymore |
Nintendo-duim {m} | :: Nintendo thumb, a gaming-related form of repetitive strain injury affecting the thumb |
Nintendoën {vi} | :: to play games on a Nintendo console or hand-held |
niobium {n} | :: niobium (chemical element) |
nippen {v} | :: to sip, take a nip |
nippertje {noun} | :: the very last moment |
nipt {adj} | :: narrow |
nipt {adv} | :: narrowly |
nirwana {n} [Buddhism] | :: nirvana |
-nis {suffix} | :: -ness |
nis {f} [architecture] | :: niche |
nitride {n} | :: nitride |
-nitril {suffix} [functional group suffix] | :: nitrile |
nitrisch {adj} | :: nitric (pertaining to nitrogen) |
Nitrisch {adj} | :: Nitrian (pertaining to the Wadi El-Natrun or the Nitrian Desert) |
niveau {n} | :: level |
nivelleren {vt} | :: to level economically |
nivelleren {vt} [now less common] | :: to level, to equalise, to flatten [physically or figuratively in senses not relating to economic distribution] |
nix {m} | :: nix, nixie (water spirit) |
nix {pron} [slang] | :: deliberate misspelling of niks |
njet {noun} | :: no |
nl. {adv} | :: viz. (abbreviation of namelijk) |
n.n.b. {phrase} | :: initialism of nog niet bekend |
nnd. {prop} | :: abbreviation of Nieuwnederduits |
Noach {prop} {m} [chiefly Protestantism] | :: Noah (mythological Biblical figure) |
nobel {adj} | :: noble, honourable |
nobelium {n} | :: nobelium |
Nobelprijs {m} | :: Nobel prize |
noch {conj} | :: neither...nor |
noch {conj} | :: nor |
nochtans {adv} | :: nevertheless |
Nodebeek {prop} {n} | :: Nodebais, a village in Belgium |
nodeloos {adj} | :: needless, unnecessary |
Nodevoorde {prop} {n} | :: Noduwez, a village in Belgium |
nodig {adj} | :: necessary, needed |
nodig {adj} | :: [only in attribute position] some amount or degree of, a certain level of, some |
nodig {adv} | :: necessarily, badly, urgently |
nodigen {v} [rare] | :: to invite |
nodig hebben {v} | :: to need |
Noë {prop} {m} [chiefly Roman Catholicism] | :: Noah (mythological Biblical figure) |
noedel {m} | :: noodle, especially a type from (East) Asian cuisine but sometimes also referring to those of different origin such as pasta |
noemen {vt} | :: to call, to name |
noemen {vt} | :: to mention |
noemen {vi} [proscribed, dialectal] | :: to have as one's name |
noemenswaardig {adj} | :: worth mentioning, significant |
noemer {m} | :: denominator (the number or expression written below the line in a fraction) |
noemer {m} [obsolete, grammar] | :: a word in the nominative case |
noemereffect {n} | :: effect from a change in the denominator |
noem maar op {pron} | :: you name it |
noen {m} | :: noon |
Noen {prop} {m} | :: Nu (deification of the primordial watery abyss in Egyptian mythology) |
noenestond {f} [archaic or poetic] | :: noon, midday |
noest {adj} [dated] | :: industrious |
nog {adv} | :: still, as before |
nog {adv} [in negative phrases] | :: yet |
nog {adv} [with an amount] | :: more, in addition |
nogal {adv} | :: rather, quite |
nog eens {adv} | :: once again |
nog eens {adv} | :: yet again |
nog lang {adv} | :: so far |
nogmaals {adv} | :: once again |
nog maar {adv} | :: only, just, merely, no more than (of a remainder) |
nog niet {adv} | :: not yet |
nog nooit {adv} | :: never before |
nog steeds {adv} | :: still (as before) |
nog wat {phrase} | :: then some |
nog wel {adv} | :: sometime |
nog wel eens {adv} | :: ever (at least once) |
nog wel eens {adv} | :: (especially when used with kunnen) easily |
nok {f} | :: ridge of a roof |
nok {f} | :: cam |
nol {f} [now, chiefly Hollandic, dialectal] | :: dune, usually a sandy hill |
nomade {mf} | :: nomad |
nomenclatuur {f} | :: nomenclature |
nomen sacrum {n} [chiefly plural] | :: A nomen sacrum |
-nomie {suffix} | :: -nomy |
nominaal {adj} | :: nominal, in name but not in reality |
nominaal {adj} [grammar] | :: nominal, pertaining to nouns and/or nominals |
nominaal {adj} [economics] | :: nominal, unadjusted for inflation |
nominaal {m} | :: nominal value, value of securities or money, rate of exchange |
nominale klasse {f} [linguistics] | :: noun class |
nominatie {f} | :: nomination |
nominatief {adj} | :: nominative (giving a name, naming; designating) |
nominatief {m} [grammar] | :: nominative case |
nominativus {m} [grammar] | :: the nominative case or a word therein |
nomineren {vi} | :: To nominate |
non- {prefix} [hydrocarbon chain prefix] | :: non- |
non {f} | :: nun |
nonaan {n} [organic compound] | :: nonane |
non-binair {adj} | :: non-binary |
nonchalant {adj} | :: careless, showing no interest or effort |
nondedju {interj} [Southern Dutch] | :: damn |
none {m} [music] | :: An interval of 13 [kleine none] of 14 [grote none] halftones |
noneen {n} [organic compound] | :: nonene |
non-fictie {f} | :: nonfiction |
nonkel {m} | :: [Belgium] uncle (brother of someone’s father or mother) |
nonna {f} [historical] | :: A (young) woman of mixed Indonesian/Malay and European descent |
nonna {f} [historical] | :: A young lady, a miss |
nonnenklooster {n} | :: A nuns' monastery, a nunnery |
nonnetje {noun} [zoology] | :: The duck-related aquatic bird species Mergus albellus (smew) (so-called presumably on account of its plumage) |
nonnetje {noun} [zoology] | :: The mollusk Macoma balthica |
non plus ultra {noun} [printing, dated] | :: A small size of type, equivalent to 2 point |
nonsens {m} | :: nonsense (meaningless words) |
nonyl {n} [organic chemistry] | :: nonyl |
nonyn {n} [organic compound] | :: nonyne |
nood {mf} | :: emergency, distress (often used in compounds) |
nood {mf} | :: need |
nooddruft {f} [dated] | :: poverty |
nooddruftig {adj} [dated] | :: needy |
noodfonds {n} | :: emergency fund |
noodgeval {n} [chiefly countable] | :: emergency, emergency case |
noodhospitaal {n} | :: emergency hospital |
noodhulp {f} | :: emergency aid |
noodklok {c} | :: alarm bell |
noodlanding {f} | :: An emergency landing |
noodlot {n} | :: fate, destiny |
noodlot {n} | :: disastrous fate |
noodlot {n} | :: bad luck, misfortune |
noodlottig {adj} | :: catastrophic, disastrous |
noodlottig {adj} | :: fatal, lethal |
noodmunt {f} | :: obsidional coin |
noodsein {n} | :: A distress signal |
noodtoestand {m} | :: state of emergency |
nooduitgang {m} | :: emergency exit |
noodverband {n} | :: An emergency bandage |
noodweer {n} | :: extremely bad weather (e.g torrential rainfall) |
noodweer {f} | :: self-defence in case of emergency |
noodweer {f} [law] | :: the right to self-defense |
noodwendig {adj} | :: inevitable, inescapable |
noodwendig {adj} [archaic] | :: necessary |
noodzaak {f} | :: necessity, need |
noodzakelijk {adj} | :: necessary |
noodzakelijk {adv} | :: necessarily |
noodzakelijkerwijs {adv} | :: necessarily |
noodzaken {v} | :: to force, to compel |
nooit {adv} | :: never |
nooit ofte nimmer {adv} | :: never ever |
-noom {suffix} | :: -nomist |
Noor {m} | :: A Norwegian, member or descendant of the (Germanic) people of Norway |
Noor {m} [metonymy] | :: Something (originally or typically) Norwegian |
Noor {m} | :: notably a type of skates - usually in the plural: Noren |
Noor {m} [obsolete] | :: A Norseman, Nordic man, Scandinavian |
Noor {prop} {f} | :: A female given name, equivalent to English Nora (from Eleonora) |
noord {adv} [only in compounds] | :: north |
noord {adv} | :: northwards |
Noord-Amerika {prop} {n} | :: North America |
Noord-Beveland {prop} {n} | :: An island in Zeeland to the north of Zuid-Beveland and Walcheren and to the south of Schouwen-Duiveland |
Noord-Brabant {prop} {n} | :: North Brabant, a province of the Netherlands |
noordelijk {adj} | :: northern |
Noordelijke IJszee {prop} {f} | :: The Arctic Ocean |
Noordelijk Territorium {prop} {n} | :: The Northern Territory, a constitutive territory (not a full state) in the north of federal Australia |
noordeling {m} | :: northerner |
noordeling {m} | :: especially someone from the North of the Netherlands |
noordeling {m} | :: name of a potato variety |
noorden {n} | :: north |
Noordenveld {prop} | :: Noordenveld (municipality) |
noorder- {prefix} | :: northern |
noorderbreedte {f} | :: northern latitude - The angular distance north from the equator, measured along the meridian at a particular point |
noorderbuur {m} | :: A neighbouring country to the north |
noorderbuur {m} | :: An inhabitant or national of a northern neighbouring country |
Noorderkroon {prop} {f} [constellation] | :: Corona Borealis |
noorderlicht {n} | :: northern lights, aurora borealis |
noorderling {m} | :: northerner, someone living in, coming from or associated with the north of the world, a country etc |
Noordfries {prop} {n} | :: The North Frisian language |
Noordfries {m} | :: A North Frisian person |
Noordfries {adj} | :: North Frisian |
Noord-Germaans {adj} | :: North Germanic |
Noord-Holland {prop} {n} | :: North Holland, a province of the Netherlands |
Noord-Hollands {adj} | :: of or relating to North Holland |
Noord-Ierland {prop} {n} | :: Northern Ireland |
Noord-Korea {prop} {n} | :: North Korea |
noordoost {adv} [only in compounds] | :: northeast |
noordoost {adv} | :: towards the northeast |
noordoostelijk {adj} | :: northeastern, northeasterly |
noordoosten {n} | :: northeast (compass point) |
Noordoostpolder {prop} {m} | :: Noordoostpolder (polder) |
Noordoostpolder {prop} {m} | :: Noordoostpolder (municipality) |
noordpool {m} | :: north pole |
Noordpool {prop} {m} | :: North Pole |
Noord-Rijnland-Westfalen {prop} {n} | :: North Rhine-Westphalia |
Noordrijn-Westfalen {prop} {n} | :: North Rhine-Westphalia |
Noords {adj} | :: Nordic |
Noordsvaarder {prop} {m} | :: A sand plain forming the western end of Terschelling, formerly a sandbar |
noordvaarder {m} [historical] | :: A Dutch merchant ship that traded in wood, usually in Norway |
noordwaarts {adv} | :: northwards |
noordwaarts {adj} | :: northward, northerly |
noordwest {adv} [only in compounds] | :: northwest |
noordwest {adv} | :: towards the northwest |
Noordwestblok {prop} {n} | :: North-West Block (hypothetical prehistoric cultural region in present-day Belgium, the Netherlands, northern France and north-west Germany) |
noordwestelijk {adj} | :: northwestern, northwesterly |
noordwesten {n} | :: northwest (compass point) |
Noordwest-Germaans {adj} | :: Northwest Germanic |
Noordzee {prop} {f} | :: The North Sea, part of the Atlantic Ocean between Britain, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Scandinavia and France |
noordzeekrab {f} | :: brown crab, edible crab, Cancer pagurus |
Noors {adj} | :: Norwegian |
Noors {n} | :: The Norwegian language |
Noorwegen {prop} {n} | :: Norway |
noot {f} | :: nut |
noot {f} [vulgar, chiefly plural] | :: testicle, nut |
noot {f} | :: note (musical note) |
noot {f} | :: note (brief remark) |
noot {f} | :: note (a commentary or reference appended to a text) |
noot {n} [archaic] | :: cattle, livestock |
noot {n} [archaic] | :: cow, neat |
nootmuskaat {f} | :: A nutmeg (the hard aromatic seed of the Moluccan tree Myristica fragrans) |
nope {interj} [colloquial] | :: nope |
nopen {vt} [now, chiefly figurative] | :: to force, to compel |
nopen {vt} | :: to excite, to rouse, to stimulate |
nopen {vt} [obsolete] | :: to goad, to jab [with a goad] |
nopens {prep} | :: concerning, with respect to, regarding |
noppes {pron} [colloquial] | :: nothing |
nor {noun} [colloquial] | :: Jail, prison; imprisonment |
Nora {prop} {f} | :: given name |
norit {mf} {n} [pharmaceutical drug] | :: a brand of activated carbon |
norm {f} | :: norm, standard |
normaal {adj} | :: normal, usual, in accordance with what is common |
normaal {adj} [mathematics] | :: normal, perpendicular |
normaal {adv} | :: normally, usually |
normaal {f} [mathematics] | :: normal (line or vector perpendicular to another element) |
normaalkracht {f} [physics] | :: normal force |
normaalvector {m} | :: A vector that is perpendicular to another element (e.g. a plane or line) |
normaalverdeling {f} | :: normal distribution (Gaussian distribution) |
normaliseren {vt} | :: to normalize, to make normal |
normaliseren {vt} [statistics, mathematics] | :: to normalize, to correct for variables or to adjust values to a given norm |
normaliseren {vt} | :: to normalize, to standardize |
normaliter {adv} [formal] | :: normally |
normtaal {f} | :: normative language, a language standard that is considered normative |
norovirus {n} | :: norovirus, virus of the genus Norovirus |
nors {adj} | :: surly, sulky |
nosologie {f} | :: nosology |
nostalgisch {adj} | :: nostalgic |
Nostratisch {adj} | :: Nostratic |
nota {f} | :: notice, official message or document |
nota {f} [Belgium] | :: note, memorandum |
nota bene {phrase} | :: nota bene (used to add an aside or warning to a text) |
notarieel {adj} | :: notarial |
notaris {m} [legal] | :: notary |
notatie {f} | :: notation |
notenboom {m} | :: nut tree, especially walnut tree |
notenolie {f} | :: nut oil |
notenschrift {n} | :: musical notation |
noteren {v} | :: to write down, note |
notie {f} | :: notion |
notitie {m} | :: note (writing) |
notitieboek {n} | :: notebook (book in which notes are written) |
notities {noun} | :: plural of notitie |
notuleren {v} [rare] | :: to minute, to write down the minutes of a meeting |
nou {adv} | :: now; alternative form of nu |
nou {adv} | :: come on; modal particle indicating a certain degree of urgency or impatience on behalf of the speaker |
nou {interj} | :: so, well; when pressing someone |
nou {interj} | :: well; indicates a certain degree of doubt |
nou {interj} | :: wow; indicates amazement or surprise |
nou breekt mijn klomp {phrase} | :: An expression of surprise |
nou eenmaal {adv} | :: alternative form of nu eenmaal |
nou en {interj} | :: so what (reply of indifference) |
nou en of {interj} [colloquial] | :: you bet, certainly, hell yes [enthusiastic affirmative] |
nou ja {interj} | :: would you look at that!, well well well.. |
Nouméa {prop} | :: Nouméa, the capital of the French overseas possession New Caledonia |
nova {f} [astronomy] | :: nova, nova star |
Nova Zembla {prop} {f} | :: Novaya Zemlya |
noveen {f} | :: alternative form of novene |
novelle {f} | :: a literary essay on closely related events |
novelle {f} | :: a short novel, short story |
november {m} | :: November |
novene {f} | :: A novena |
novum {n} | :: A novelty, a novum |
nozem {m} | :: someone who belonged to a 1950s Dutch youth culture revolving around (light) motorcycles, similar to a greaser, raggare or Teddy boy |
nozem {m} | :: rowdy, especially one with long hair, beard and tattoos like an archetypical Hells Angel |
nr. {noun} | :: No., no. abbreviation of nummer |
nr {n} | :: No.; no.; abbreviation of nummer |
NRW {prop} {n} | :: abbreviation of Noordrijn-Westfalen |
NS {prop} [rail transport] | :: initialism of Nederlandse Spoorwegen |
NSB'er {m} | :: adherent of the NSB or Nationaal-Socialistische Beweging |
NSB'er {m} [pejorative] | :: quisling |
NSB'er {m} [colloquial] | :: traitor, backstabber |
NSDAP {prop} {f} [history] | :: NSDAP, abbreviation of Nationaalsocialistische Duitse Arbeiderspartij (National Socialist German Workers Party) |
NS-station {n} [Netherlands] | :: train station |
nu {adv} | :: now, at the present moment |
nu {adv} | :: now, this time (indicating a certain amount of impatience) |
nu {conj} | :: now (that) |
nuance {f} | :: nuance, subtle distinction |
nuanceren {vt} | :: to nuance, to detail |
nuancering {f} | :: A nuance or the act of nuancing |
nu breekt mijn klomp {phrase} | :: alternative form of nou breekt mijn klomp |
nuchter {adj} | :: prosaic, matter of fact |
nuchter {adj} | :: sober, not drunk |
nuchter {adj} [of a person] | :: having neither eaten nor drunk anything |
nuchter {adj} [of a body] | :: empty as a result of fasting |
nuchter {adj} [of an animal] | :: newborn |
nuchter {adv} | :: matter-of-factly |
nuchterheid {f} | :: soberness |
nuchterheid {f} | :: level-headedness, prosaicness |
nucleon {n} | :: nucleon |
nucleus {m} | :: nucleus, core |
nudisme {n} | :: Nudism |
nudist {m} | :: A nudist |
nudistisch {adj} | :: nudist, pertaining to nudism or nudists |
Nudorp {prop} {n} | :: Wihogne, a village in Belgium |
nu eenmaal {adv} | :: just, as a matter of fact; (a modal particle indicating a certain fact that the speaker accepts is unlikely to change.) |
Nuenen {prop} {n} | :: Nuenen (village) |
Nuenen, Gerwen en Nederwetten {prop} {n} | :: Nuenen, Gerwen en Nederwetten (municipality) |
nuf {f} [derogatory] | :: a woman, in particular a girl, who is considered arrogant or posh |
nuffig {adj} | :: arrogant, supercilious, snobbish; particularly in a way associated with diva-like young women |
nufje dundoek {n} [dated, pejorative] | :: A girl who is tidy, wears elegant clothing and is considered snobbish and prudish |
nuk {f} | :: whim, impulse |
nukkig {adj} [describing moods or personalities] | :: moody, inconstant, temperamental |
nul {num} | :: zero, nought |
nul {m} [mathematics] | :: A zero, naught, the numerical expression of none, nothing |
nul {m} [figuratively] | :: A score of zero, the worst possible result |
nul {m} [figuratively] | :: A good-for-nothing, worth-/use-less person |
nul {adj} [archaic] | :: nul, void |
nul {adj} | :: worthless |
nulde {adj} | :: zeroth |
nulles {adv} | :: a colloquial term for nothing |
nulletje {noun} | :: diminutive of nul |
nulliteit {f} | :: insignificance, negligible value |
nulliteit {f} | :: human zero, cipher, insignificant person |
nulmeridiaan {m} | :: prime meridian |
nulsomspel {n} | :: zero-sum game |
nulurencontract {n} | :: zero-hour contract |
nuluurcontract {n} | :: zero-hour contract |
nul-zes-nummer {n} [Netherlands] | :: alternative form of 06-nummer |
Numeri {prop} | :: Numbers (book of the Bible) |
numeriek {adj} | :: numerical |
Numidië {prop} {n} | :: Numidia |
Numidiër {m} | :: a Numidian |
Numidisch {adj} | :: Numidian |
Numidisch {prop} {n} | :: Numidian (language spoken by the inhabitants of the ancient kingdom in modern day Algeria) |
nummer {n} | :: number used as a means of identification |
nummer {n} | :: number (used to show the rank of something in a list or sequence) |
nummer {n} | :: a song or musical performance; a track |
nummer {n} | :: issue of a publication (e.g. a magazine) |
nummer {n} [by extension] | :: number of an item on a menu; a dish identified by such a number |
nummerbord {n} | :: A number plate, a license plate (plate containing an (alpha)numeric identifier for a road vehicle) |
nummerbordje {noun} | :: diminutive of nummerbord |
nummer honderd {n} [colloquial, idiom] | :: A toilet, in particular in a hotel; a loo |
nummerplaat {f} | :: license plate, number plate |
Nunspeet {prop} | :: Nunspeet (village/and/municipality) |
nuntius {m} [Roman Catholicism] | :: A nuncio (diplomatic representative of the Holy See) |
nurks {adj} | :: grumpy |
nurks {adj} [uncommon] | :: callous |
nurks {m} | :: grouch, curmudgeon |
nut {n} | :: use, point, utility, sense |
nut {n} | :: benefit |
nut {adj} [obsolete] | :: useful |
Nuth {prop} {n} | :: Nuth (village) |
nutsbank {f} | :: utility bank |
nutsbedrijf {n} | :: utility company |
nutsdier {n} | :: livestock, productive domestic animal |
Nutsman {m} | :: A male member of the Maatschappij tot Nut van 't Algemeen |
nutteloos {adj} | :: useless, pointless |
nutteloos {adj} | :: meaningless, purposeless |
nutteloosheid {f} | :: uselessness |
nutten {vt} [obsolete] | :: to use, to enjoy use of |
nutten {vt} [obsolete] | :: to consume, to eat |
nuttig {adj} | :: useful, handy |
nuttigen {v} | :: to consume (food), imbibe (drinks) |
N.V. {f} | :: initialism of naamloze vennootschap |
n.v.d.r. {phrase} [initialism] | :: editor's note, note from the editors |
nylon {n} | :: Nylon |
nylon {m} | :: A nylon stocking |
nylonkous {f} | :: A nylon stocking |