User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-sv-s
-s {suffix} (regular plurals of nouns) | :: -ar -er -or -r -n |
Saaremaa {prop} (island and county) | :: Ösel |
SaaS {n} (Software as a Service) | :: SaaS {c} |
Sabbath {n} (Jewish Saturday) | :: sabbat {c} |
Sabbath {n} (Christian Sunday) | :: söndag {c}, sabbat {c} |
Sabbath {n} (witches' Sabbath) | :: häxsabbat {c} |
Sabbath-day {n} (Sabbath day, Sabbath-day, day of the Sabbath) | :: sabbatsdag {c} |
sabbatical {adj} (relating to the Sabbath) | :: sabbatlig |
sabbatical {n} (extended period of leave) | :: sabbatsår {n} |
saber {v} (sabre) SEE: sabre | :: |
saber-toothed tiger {n} (sabre-toothed tiger) SEE: sabre-toothed tiger | :: |
Sabina {prop} (female given name) | :: Sabina |
sable {n} (animal) | :: sobel {c} |
sable {n} (fur) | :: sobelpäls {c} |
sable {adj} (of black colour on a coat of arms) | :: svart |
sabot {n} (a wooden shoe worn in various European countries) | :: träsko |
sabot {n} (a carrier around projectile(s) in firearms, cannons and artillery which holds the projectile in precision within the barrel) | :: drivspegel |
sabotage {n} (deliberate action of subversion, obstruction, disruption, destruction) | :: sabotage {n} |
sabotage {n} (act with intent to injure) | :: sabotage {n} |
sabotage {n} | :: sabotage |
sabotage {v} (deliberate destruction to prevent success) | :: sabotera |
saboteur {n} (a person who intentionally causes the destruction of property) | :: sabotör {c} |
sabre {n} (light sword, sharp along the front edge, part of the back edge, and at the point) | :: sabel {c} |
sabre-toothed tiger {n} (prehistoric cat) | :: sabeltandad tiger {c} |
saccharide {n} (the unit structure of carbohydrates, of general formula CnH2nOn) | :: sackarid |
Sachertorte {n} (type of chocolate torte) | :: sachertårta {c} |
sack {n} (bag for commodities or items) | :: säck {c} |
sack {n} (amount that can be put in a sack) | :: säckfull {c} |
sack {n} (the plunder and pillaging of a city) | :: plundring {c} |
sack {n} (informal: dismissal from employment) | :: [definite form] sparken |
sack {v} | :: sparka, kicka [slang] |
sack barrow {n} (two-wheeled vehicle used for moving sacks) SEE: hand truck | :: |
sackbut {n} (brass instrument) | :: barocktrombon |
sack race {n} (type of children's game) | :: säcklöpning {c} |
sack truck {n} (hand truck) SEE: hand truck | :: |
sacrament {n} (sacred act or ceremony) | :: sakrament {n} |
sacred {adj} (made holy) | :: helig |
sacred cow {n} (something which cannot be tampered with) | :: helig ko {c} |
sacred ibis {n} (Threskiornis aethiopicus) | :: helig ibis {c} |
sacrifice {v} (to offer as a gift to a deity) | :: offra |
sacrifice {v} (to give away something valuable in order to gain something else of value) | :: offra |
sacrifice {n} (something sacrificed) | :: offer {n} |
sacrificial {adj} (relating to sacrifice) | :: offer- |
sacrificial lamb {n} (lamb) | :: offerlamm |
sacrificial lamb {n} (person) | :: offerlamm |
sacrilege {n} (desecration, profanation, misuse or violation of something sacred) | :: helgerån {n}, skändlighet {c}, hädelse {c} |
sacrilegious {adj} (committing sacrilege) | :: vanhelgande |
sacristy {n} (room in a church) | :: sakristia {c} |
sacrosanct {adj} (beyond alteration, criticism, or interference, especially due to religious sanction; inviolable) | :: okränkbar |
sacrum {n} (bone at the base of the spine) | :: korsben {n} |
sad {adj} (feeling sorrow) | :: ledsen, sorgsen |
sad {adj} | :: olycklig |
sad {adj} (dialect: soggy) SEE: soggy | :: |
Saïda {prop} (port city in Lebanon) SEE: Sidon | :: |
saddle {n} (harness saddle on an animal) | :: sadel {c} |
saddle {n} (seat on a bicycle etc) | :: sadel {c} |
saddlecloth {n} (blanket placed under a saddle) | :: sadeltäcke {n}, vojlock {c} |
saddlemaker {n} (saddler) SEE: saddler | :: |
saddle point {n} (geometry) | :: sadelpunkt {c} |
saddler {n} (someone who makes and repairs saddles) | :: sadelmakare {c} |
Sadducee {n} (member of an ancient Jewish sect) | :: sadducé {c} |
sadism {n} (psychology: the enjoyment of inflicting pain or humiliation) | :: sadism |
sadism {n} (sexual gratification from inflicting pain or humiliation, or watching it inflicted) | :: sadism {c} |
sadism {n} (deliberate cruelty) | :: sadism {c} |
sadist {n} (one who derives pleasure through cruelty or pain to others) | :: sadist {c} |
sadly {adv} (unfortunately) SEE: unfortunately | :: |
sadness {n} (state/emotion) | :: sorgsenhet {c} |
sadomasochism {n} (practices of sadism and masochism collectively) | :: sadomasochism {c} |
sadomasochism {n} (sadism and masochism in one person) | :: sadomasochism {c} |
sadomasochism {n} (sadomasochism for sexual gratification) | :: sadomasochism {c} |
sad to say {adv} (unfortunately) SEE: unfortunately | :: |
safari {n} (a trip into any undeveloped area) | :: safari {c} |
safari park {n} (zoo-like attraction) | :: safaripark |
safe {adj} (not in danger) | :: säker, trygg, i säkerhet |
safe {adj} (free from risk) | :: säker, riskfri |
safe {adj} (providing protection from danger) | :: säker |
safe {adj} (baseball: in the base) | :: säker |
safe {adj} (properly secured) | :: säker |
safe {adj} (not in danger from a specified source of harm) | :: -säker |
safe {adj} | :: säker |
safe {n} (box in which valuables can be locked for safekeeping) | :: kassaskåp |
safebreaker {n} (safecracker) SEE: safecracker | :: |
safecracker {n} (translation one who practices safecracking) | :: kassaskåpssprängare {c}, dynamitard {c} [archaic] |
safe-deposit box {n} (box for holding valuables safe) | :: bankfack {n} |
safe mode {n} ((computing) troubleshooting mode) | :: felsäkert läge {n} |
safe room {n} | :: panikrum {n} |
safety {n} (condition or feeling of being safe) | :: säkerhet {c}, trygghet {c} |
safety {n} (mechanism to prevent accidental firing) | :: säkring {c} |
safety {n} (safety bicycle) SEE: safety bicycle | :: |
safety bicycle {n} (dated: style of bicycle) | :: säkerhetscykel {c} |
safety card {n} (sheet with safety information) | :: säkerhetskort {n} |
safety match {n} | :: säkerhetständsticka {c} |
safety net {n} (net) | :: skyddsnät {n} |
safety razor {n} (type of razor) | :: rakhyvel {c} |
safeword {n} (a word used to indicate that a participant wants to stop) | :: stoppord {n} |
safflower {n} (plant) | :: safflor, färgtistel {c} |
saffron {n} (plant) | :: saffran |
saffron {n} (spice) | :: saffran |
saffron {n} (colour) | :: saffran |
saffron {adj} (having an orange-yellow colour) | :: saffransfärgad, saffransgul |
sag {v} (to sink) | :: sagga, sjunka |
sag {v} (to wear pants low) | :: ha häng |
saga {n} (Old Norse Icelandic prose) | :: saga {c} |
sage {n} (Salvia officinalis) | :: kryddsalvia, salvia {c} |
sage {n} (Salvia officinalis used in cooking) | :: salvia {c} |
Sagittarius {prop} (constellation) | :: Skytten |
Sagittarius {prop} (astrological sign) | :: Skytten |
Sahara {prop} (desert) | :: Sahara {c} |
said {adj} (mentioned earlier) | :: i fråga |
said and done {adj} (agreed to and accomplished or finished) | :: sagt och gjort |
saiga {n} (antelope) | :: saigaantilop |
Saigon {prop} (former name of Ho Chi Minh City) | :: Saigon |
Saigonese {n} (person from Saigon) | :: saigones {c} |
sail {n} (a piece of fabric attached to a boat) | :: segel {n} |
sail {n} (a trip in a boat) | :: seglats {c} |
sail {v} (to ride in a boat, especially sailboat) | :: segla |
sail {v} (to move briskly and gracefully through the air) | :: segla |
sailboat {n} (a boat propelled by a sail) | :: kutter, segelbåt {c} |
sailing {adj} (travelling by ship) | :: seglande |
sailing {n} (motion across water) | :: segling {c} |
sailing ship {n} (type of ship) | :: segelfartyg {n} |
sailmaker {n} (occupation) | :: segelmakare |
sailor {n} (worker on a ship, seaman, seawoman) | :: matros {c}, sjöman {c} |
sailplane {n} (sailplane) SEE: glider | :: |
saint {n} (person proclaimed as saint) | :: helgon |
saint {n} ((figuratively) a person with positive qualities) | :: helgon {n} |
Saint {n} (title given to a saint) | :: Sankt {m}, Sankta {f} |
Saint Andrew's cross {n} (cross that has a form of two intersecting oblique bars) | :: andreaskors |
Saint Barbara {prop} (saint) | :: Sankta Barbara |
Saint George {prop} (Patron saint of England and several other places) | :: Sankt Göran |
Saint Helena {prop} (island in the Atlantic Ocean) | :: Saint Helena |
Saint John's bread {n} (carob) SEE: carob | :: |
Saint Kitts and Nevis {prop} (a country in the Caribbean) | :: Saint Christopher och Nevis |
Saint Lucia {prop} (country in the Caribbean) | :: Saint Lucia |
Saint Mary {prop} (the mother of Jesus Christ) | :: Sankta Maria |
Saint Nicholas {prop} (Santa Claus) SEE: Santa Claus | :: |
Saint Nicholas {prop} (4th-century Greek bishop, patron of children and marines) | :: Sankt Nikolaus |
Saint Petersburg {prop} (city in Russia) | :: Sankt Petersburg |
Saint Pierre and Miquelon {prop} (overseas territory of France) | :: Saint Pierre och Miquelon |
Saint Valentine's Day {prop} (Saint Valentine's Day) | :: alla hjärtans dag |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines {prop} (country in the Caribbean) | :: Saint Vincent och Grenadinerna |
sake {n} (cause, interest or account) | :: skull |
sake {n} (benefit) | :: skull |
sake {n} (Japanese rice wine) | :: sake |
saker {n} (falcon) | :: tatarfalk {c} |
Sakha {n} (Turkic language) SEE: Yakut | :: |
Sakhalin {prop} (island in Russia) | :: Sachalin {n} |
sakura {n} (cherry) SEE: cherry | :: |
sakura {n} (cherry blossom) SEE: cherry blossom | :: |
sakura {n} (cherry tree) SEE: cherry tree | :: |
salad {n} (food) | :: sallad |
salad burnet {n} (Sanguisorba minor) | :: pimpinell {c} |
salad dressing {n} (salad seasoning liquid) | :: dressing {c} |
salad spinner {n} (tool) | :: salladsslunga {c} |
Salafi {adj} (of or pertaining to Salafism) | :: salafistisk |
salamander {n} (amphibian) | :: salamander {c} |
salami {n} (penis) SEE: penis | :: |
salami {n} (sausage) | :: salami {c} |
salami tactics {n} (piecemeal removal) | :: salamitaktik {c} |
salaried {adj} (describing one who is paid a salary) | :: avlönad |
salary {n} (fixed amount of money paid on monthly or annual basis) | :: lön {c} |
salat {n} (Islamic prayer) | :: salah |
sale {n} (exchange of goods or services for currency or credit) | :: försäljning {c} |
sale {n} (sale of goods at reduced prices) | :: rea {c}, realisation {c} |
sale {n} (act of putting up for auction to the highest bidder) | :: auktion {c} |
salesman {n} (man whose job it is to sell things) | :: försäljare, köpman, handlare |
salesperson {n} (person who sells) | :: försäljare |
salicylic acid {n} (salicylic acid) | :: salicylsyra {c} |
salient {adj} (worthy of note) | :: framträdande, iögonfallande |
salient {adj} (prominent) | :: utskjutande, framspringande |
salient {adj} (in a leaping posture) | :: springande, hoppande |
salient {n} (part of a fortification) | :: utbuktning {c}, utskjutande vinkel {c} |
saliva {n} (liquid secreted into the mouth) | :: spott {n}, saliv {c} |
salivary gland {n} (Any of exocrine glands producing saliva to break down carbohydrates in food enzymatically) | :: spottkörtel {c} |
salivate {v} (to show eager anticipation) | :: dregla |
sally {n} (excursion or side trip) | :: utflykt |
sally {v} (to make a sudden attack ) | :: göra utfall |
sally {n} (willow) SEE: willow | :: |
salmon {n} (fish) | :: lax |
salmon trout {n} (rainbow trout) SEE: rainbow trout | :: |
salon {n} (large room) | :: salong {c}, sal {c}, gemak {n}, finrum {n} |
salon {n} (art gallery) | :: salong {c}, galleri {n} |
salon {n} (beauty salon) | :: salong {c} |
salon {n} | :: sal {m} |
saloon {n} (sedan) SEE: sedan | :: |
salpinx {n} (Fallopian tube) SEE: Fallopian tube | :: |
salsa {n} (spicy tomato sauce) | :: salsa {c}, tomatsalsa {c} |
salsa {n} (style of music) | :: salsa {c} |
salsa {n} (dance) | :: salsa {c} |
salt {adj} (salty) | :: salt |
salt {adj} (saline) | :: salthaltig |
salt {v} (to add salt to) | :: salta |
salt {v} (to include colorful language) | :: krydda |
salt {n} (sodium chloride) | :: salt {n}, koksalt {n}, bordssalt {n} |
salt {n} (compound of an acid and a base) | :: salt {n} |
salt and pepper {adj} (mixed black and white) | :: gråsprängd, svartvit |
saltbush {n} (plant of the genus Atriplex) | :: målla |
salt cod {n} (Cod that has been dried and salted) | :: kabeljo {c} |
saltiness {n} (property of being, or tasting, salty) | :: sälta {c} |
saltire {n} (Saint Andrew's cross) SEE: Saint Andrew's cross | :: |
salt lick {n} (block of salt) | :: saltsten {c} |
salt of the earth {n} (a decent, dependable person) | :: Jordens salt |
saltpetre {n} (potassium nitrate) SEE: potassium nitrate | :: |
salt shaker {n} (a small container designed to hold salt and facilitate sprinkling) | :: saltkar {n} |
salt water {n} (brine) SEE: brine | :: |
salt water {n} (any water containing dissolved salt) | :: saltvatten {n} |
saltwater crocodile {n} (Crocodylus porosus) | :: deltakrokodil {c}, saltvattenskrokodil {c}, australisk saltvattenskrokodil, listkrokodil {c} |
salty {adj} (tasting of salt) | :: salt |
salty {adj} | :: salt |
salty dog {n} (seadog) SEE: seadog | :: |
salty licorice {n} | :: saltlakrits, salmiaklakrits |
salubrious {adj} (promoting health) | :: hälsosam, frisk [especially when related to air] |
Salvadoran {n} (a person from El Salvador) | :: salvadoran {c} |
Salvadorian {n} (Salvadoran) SEE: Salvadoran | :: |
Salvadorian {adj} (Salvadoran) SEE: Salvadoran | :: |
Salvation Army {prop} (Protestant Christian church and international charitable organization) | :: Frälsningsarmén {c} |
samarium {n} (chemical element) | :: samarium |
sambuca {n} (Italian liqueur made from elderberries and flavoured with licorice) | :: sambuca {c} |
sambuca {n} (ancient triangular harp having a sharp, shrill tone) | :: sambuca {c} |
same {adj} (not different as regards self; identical) | :: samma |
same {adj} (similar, alike) | :: samma, lik |
same {adj} | :: samma |
same {pron} (the identical thing) | :: samma |
same {pron} (something similar, something of the identical type) | :: samma |
same {pron} | :: samma |
same old story {n} (the repetition of an annoying occurrence) | :: samma gamla visa |
same-sex {adj} (of or relating to homosexual men or women) | :: samkönad |
same-sex marriage {n} (gay marriage) SEE: gay marriage | :: |
same to you {phrase} (I wish to you what you have just wished to me) | :: detsamma |
Sami {n} (member of indigenous people of Lapland) | :: same {c}, lapp {m} {c}, lapska {f} |
Sami {prop} (any of the languages of the Sami) | :: samiska |
Sami {adj} (relating to the Sami people or languages) | :: samisk |
Samland {prop} (peninsula which juts into the Baltic) | :: Samland |
Sammarinese {adj} (of, or pertaining to, San Marino) | :: sanmarinsk |
Sammarinese {n} (someone from San Marino) | :: sanmarinier {c} |
Samoa {prop} (Independent State of Samoa) | :: Samoa |
Samoan {n} (person) | :: samoan {c} |
Samoan {n} (Samoan language) | :: samoanska {c} |
Samoan {adj} (of or pertaining to Samoa) | :: samoansk |
Samogitia {prop} (Samogitia) | :: Samogitien |
Samogitian {adj} (Of, from, or pertaining to the region of Samogitia, or its people) | :: samogitisk |
Samogitian {prop} (Baltic language spoken in Samogitia) | :: samogitiska |
samogon {n} (moonshine) SEE: moonshine | :: |
Samosata {prop} (city in Commagene) | :: Samosata |
Samothracian {n} (An inhabitant or a resident of Samothrace) | :: skatare |
samovar {n} (metal urn with a spigot, for boiling water for making tea) | :: samovar {c} |
sampan {n} (Chinese boat) | :: sampan |
sample {n} (part taken for inspection) | :: stickprov, provbit {c} |
sample {n} (statistics) | :: stickprov {n}, urval {n} |
sample {n} (cooking) | :: smakbit {c}, provsmakning {c}, försmak {c}, smakprov {n} |
sample {n} (business) | :: prov {n}, varuprov {n}, gratisprov {n} |
Samson {prop} (Israelite judge) | :: Simson |
Samuel {prop} (male given name) | :: Samuel |
Samuel {prop} (book of the Bible) | :: Samuel {m} |
Samuel {prop} (biblical person) | :: Samuel {m} |
samurai {n} (feudal Japanese warrior) | :: samuraj |
-san {suffix} (Mrs) SEE: Mrs | :: |
-san {suffix} (Miss) SEE: Miss | :: |
Sana'a {prop} (capital of Yemen) | :: Sanaa |
séance {n} (a ceremony where people try to communicate with the spirits) | :: seans {c} |
sanctimonious {adj} (making a show of being morally better than others, especially hypocritically) | :: skenhelig |
sanction {n} (penalty, coercive measure) | :: sanktion {c} |
sanctity {n} (holiness) SEE: holiness | :: |
sanctuary {n} (consecrated area) | :: sanktuarium |
sand {n} (finely ground rock) | :: sand {c} |
sand {n} (beach) | :: sandstrand, strand |
sand {n} (colour) | :: sandfärgad |
sand {v} (to abrade with sand or sandpaper) | :: slipa, sandpappra |
sand {v} (to cover with sand) | :: sanda [in particular slippery surfaces; surfaces covered with snow or ice] |
sandal {n} (type of footwear) | :: sandal {c} |
sandal {n} (sandalwood) SEE: sandalwood | :: |
sandalwood {n} (any of various tropical trees of the genus Santalum) | :: sandel |
sandalwood {n} (the aromatic heartwood of the trees of the genus Santalum) | :: sandel |
sandbag {n} (a bag filled with sand) | :: sandsäck {c} |
sandbank {n} (ridge of sand) | :: sandbank {c} |
sandblast {v} (to spray with sand) | :: sandblästra |
sandbox {n} (box with sand for children) | :: sandlåda {c} |
sandbox {n} (wiki sandbox) | :: sandlåda {c} |
sandcastle {n} (a sculpture made of sand and resembling a miniature castle) | :: sandslott {n} |
sand dune {n} (mound of windblown sand) | :: sanddyn {c} |
sanderling {n} (Calidris alba) | :: sandlöpare {c} |
sandhill crane {n} (Grus canadensis) | :: trumpetartrana |
sanding sheet {n} (sheet of sanding paper) | :: slipark {n} |
sandman {n} (figure who brings good sleep and dreams) | :: John Blund |
sand martin {n} (bird) | :: backsvala {c} |
sandpaper {n} (paper coated with abrasive material) | :: sandpapper {n} |
sandpaper {n} (a sheet) | :: sandpapper {n}, slipark {n} |
sandpaper {v} (to polish or grind a surface) | :: sandpappra |
sandpit {n} (children's play area) | :: sandlåda {c} |
sandstone {n} (sand/clay sedimentary rock) | :: sandsten {c} |
sandstorm {n} (strong wind carrying clouds of sand) | :: sandstorm {c} |
sandwich {n} (snack consisting of two slices of bread) | :: dubbelmacka {c}, [also for open sandwiches] macka {c}, sandwich |
sandwich {n} (open sandwich) SEE: open sandwich | :: |
sandwich cake {n} (savory Swedish cake) | :: smörgåstårta |
Sandwich tern {n} (species of tern, Thalasseus sandvicensis) | :: kentsk tärna {c} |
sandy {adj} (covered with sand) | :: sandig |
sandy {adj} (sand-coloured) | :: sandfärgad |
San Francisco {prop} (San Francisco, California city) | :: San Francisco |
sangfroid {n} (composure, self-possession or imperturbability) | :: behärskning {c} |
sangria {n} (Spanish wine drink with fruit, sugar and soda) | :: sangria {c} |
sanguinary {adj} (accompanied by bloodshed) | :: blodig |
sanguinary {adj} (eager for bloodshed) | :: blodtörstig |
sanguinary {adj} (consisting of or similar to blood) | :: blodig |
sanguine {adj} (having the colour of blood; red) | :: blodröd |
sanguine {adj} (having a bodily constitution characterised by a preponderance of blood over the other bodily humours) | :: sangvinisk |
sanguine {adj} (warm; ardent) | :: sangvinisk |
sanguine {adj} (anticipating the best) | :: sangvinisk, optimistisk, hoppfull, förtröstansfull |
sanitary {adj} (of health) | :: sanitär, sanitets- |
sanitary {adj} (hygienic) | :: sanitär, hygienisk, sanitets-, hygien- |
sanitary napkin {n} (pad of cotton or other absorbent material) | :: dambinda, binda {c}, mensskydd |
sanitary towel {n} (pad of cotton) SEE: sanitary napkin | :: |
sanitation {n} (the hygienic disposal or recycling of waste) | :: avloppsrening {c} |
sanitation {n} (the policy and practice) | :: hygien {c} |
sanitation {n} | :: renhållning {c}, sanitär utrustning {c}, sanitära anläggningar {c}, hälsovård {c} |
sanitize {v} (to free from microorganisms) | :: sanera |
sanity {n} (the condition of being sane) | :: förnuft {n}, förstånd {n} |
sanity {n} (reasonable and rational behaviour) | :: förnuft {n} |
San Marino {prop} (Republic of San Marino) | :: San Marino |
sans {prep} (without) SEE: without | :: |
sans-culottic {adj} | :: sansculottistisk, sanskulottisk |
Sanskrit {n} (language) | :: sanskrit {c} |
Santa {prop} (Santa Claus) SEE: Santa Claus | :: |
Santa Claus {prop} (fictional figure) | :: jultomten, julgubben [Finland], tomten |
saola {n} (ruminant) | :: vuquangoxe {c}, vietnamantilop {c} |
sap {n} (juice of plant) | :: sav {c} |
sapper {n} (one who saps; combat engineer) | :: sappör |
sapphire {n} (gem) | :: safir {c} |
sapphire {n} (colour) | :: safirblå [adjective] |
sapphire {adj} (colour) | :: safirblå |
Sappho {prop} (Greek female name) | :: Sapfo |
sappy {adj} (excessively sweet, emotional, nostalgic; cheesy; mushy) | :: fånig, sentimental |
Sara {prop} (female given name) SEE: Sarah | :: |
Saracen {n} (member of a nomadic people from the Sinai near the Roman province of Arabia in the early centuries CE) | :: saracen {c} |
Saracen {n} (Arab or any Muslim, especially one involved in the Crusades) | :: saracen {c} |
Sarah {prop} (the wife of Abraham) | :: Sara |
Sarah {prop} (given name from Hebrew) | :: Sara |
Sarajevo {prop} (city) | :: Sarajevo {n} |
sarcasm {n} (derision, facetiousness) | :: sarkasm |
sarcastic {adj} (Containing sarcasm) | :: sarkastisk |
sarcastic {adj} (Having the personality trait of expressing sarcasm) | :: sarkastisk |
sarcoma {n} (type of malignant tumor) | :: sarkom {n} |
sarcomere {n} (contractile unit in a striated muscle's myofibril) | :: sarkomer |
sarcophagus {n} (coffin) | :: sarkofag {c} |
sardine {n} (fish) | :: sardin {c} |
Sardinia {prop} (island of Italy) | :: Sardinien {n} |
Sardinian {prop} (language) | :: sardiska {c} |
Sardinian {adj} (relating to Sardinia) | :: sardisk |
Sardinian {n} (person from Sardinia) | :: sard {c}, sardinare {c} |
Sardinian warbler {n} (Sylvia melanocephala) | :: sammetshätta {c} |
sardonic {adj} (scornfully mocking) | :: bitter, sardonisk |
sardonic {adj} (ironically humorous) | :: ondskefull |
sari {n} (cloth) | :: sari {c} |
Sarkozy {prop} (surname) | :: Sarkozy |
sartorial {adj} (of or relating to tailoring or clothing) | :: skräddar- |
sash {n} (decorative length of cloth) | :: skärp {n} |
sash {n} (opening part of a window) | :: båge {c}, fönsterbåge {c} |
sash window {n} (type of window) | :: skjutfönster {n} |
Saskatchewan {prop} (Province in western Canada) | :: Saskatchewan {n} |
sass {n} (backtalk, cheek, sarcasm) | :: malis, gliring {c}, spydighet, stickord {n}, giftighet {c}, förtal {n} |
sassy {adj} (bold and spirited, cheeky, impudent, saucy) | :: fräck, kraftfull, livfull, livlig, modig, oförskämd, trotsig |
sassy {adj} (lively, vigorous) | :: levande, livfull, livlig, levnadsglad, spänstig, vital |
Satan {prop} (the Devil) | :: Satan |
Satanism {n} (devil worship) | :: djävulsdyrkan {c} |
Satanism {n} (a religion founded by Anton Szandor LaVey) | :: satanism {c} |
Satanist {n} (one who identifies with Satanism) | :: satanist |
Satanist {n} (one who worships Satan) | :: satanist |
satay {n} (dish) | :: satay |
sate {v} (To satisfy; fill up) | :: mätta, tillfredsställa |
satellite {n} (man-made apparatus designed to be placed in orbit around a celestial body) | :: satellit {c} |
satellite dish {n} (parabolic antenna) | :: parabol {c}, parabolantenn {c} |
satellite town {n} (self-contained town near a metropolis) | :: drabantstad {c}, satellitstad {c} |
Saterland Frisian {prop} (language) | :: saterfrisiska {c} |
satin {n} (cloth with a glossy surface and a dull back) | :: siden |
satire {n} (literary technique) | :: satir |
satirist {n} (a person who writes satire) | :: satiriker {c} |
satirize {v} (make a satire) | :: satirisera, satirisera över, förlöjliga |
satisfaction {n} (fulfillment of a need or desire) | :: tillfredsställning {c} |
satisfaction {n} (pleasure obtained by such fulfillment) | :: belåtenhet {c} |
satisfied {adj} (in a state of satisfaction) | :: nöjd {c}, nöjt {n}, belåten |
satisfy {v} (to meet needs, to fulfill) | :: tillfredsställa |
satisfying {adj} (that satisfies) | :: tillfredsställande |
satrap {n} (governor of a Persian province) | :: satrap {c} |
satrapy {n} (territory governed by a satrap) | :: satrapi {c} |
satsuma {n} (seedless cultivar of tangerine) | :: satsuma {c} |
saturated fat {n} (fat containing a high proportion of saturated fatty acids) | :: mättat fett {n} |
saturation {n} (the act of saturating or the process of being saturated) | :: mättnad |
saturation {n} (vividness of color) | :: mättnad {c} |
saturation {n} | :: mättnad |
Saturday {n} (day of the week) | :: lördag {c} |
Saturn {prop} (planet) | :: Saturnus {c} |
Saturn {prop} (god) | :: Saturnus {c} |
satyr {n} (Greek mythology) | :: satyr {c} |
sauce {n} (liquid condiment) | :: sås {c} |
saucepan {n} (deep cooking vessel) | :: kastrull {c} |
saucer {n} (small dish) | :: tefat {n} |
saucy {adj} (impudently bold) | :: fräck |
Saudi {prop} (Saudi Arabia) SEE: Saudi Arabia | :: |
Saudi {n} (person from Saudi Arabia) | :: saudier {c}, saudiarab {c}, saudiska {c} [female], saudiarabiska {c} [female] |
Saudi {adj} (pertaining to Saudi Arabia) | :: saudisk |
Saudi Arabia {prop} (country in the Middle East) | :: Saudiarabien |
Saudi Arabian {n} (person from Saudi Arabia) SEE: Saudi | :: |
Saudi Arabian {adj} (pertaining to Saudi Arabia) SEE: Saudi | :: |
sauerkraut {n} (a dish made by fermenting finely chopped cabbage) | :: surkål {c} |
Saul {prop} (first king of Israel) | :: Saul |
Saul {prop} (original name of Paul) | :: Saul |
sauna {n} (sauna room or house) | :: bastu {c}, sauna {c} |
sauna {n} (act of using a sauna) | :: bastande {n}, bastubadande {n} |
sauna {v} (to use a sauna) | :: basta, bada bastu |
saunter {v} (stroll or walk at a leisurely pace) | :: strosa, flanera |
sausage {n} (a food made of minced meat packed into a tubular casing) | :: korv {c} |
sausage casing {n} (membrane into which filling of a sausage is stuffed) | :: fjälster |
sauté {v} (to cook food) | :: sautera |
savage {adj} (wild, not cultivated) | :: vild |
savage {adj} (barbaric, not civilized) | :: barbarisk, ociviliserad, okultiverad |
savage {adj} (brutal, vicious or merciless) | :: grym, brutal |
savage {n} (uncivilized or feral person) | :: vilde {c}, barbar {c} |
savanna {n} (tropical grassland with scattered trees) | :: savann {c} |
save {n} (block that prevents an opponent from scoring) | :: räddning {c} |
save {n} (computing: act, process, or result of saving data to a storage medium) | :: sparning {c} |
save {v} (to help someone to survive, or rescue someone) | :: rädda |
save {v} (to spare somebody from effort, or from something undesirable) | :: skona |
save {v} (theology: to redeem or protect someone from eternal damnation) | :: frälsa |
save {v} (to sports: to catch or deflect a shot at goal) | :: rädda |
save {v} (to store for future use) | :: spara |
save {v} (to conserve or prevent the wasting of) | :: spara |
save {v} (computing: to write a file to a storage medium) | :: spara |
save {v} (to economize) | :: spara |
save {v} (to accumulate money) | :: spara |
save {prep} (except, with the exception of) | :: förutom |
save face {v} (preserve reputation) | :: rädda ansiktet |
savings account {n} (account that yields a better interest than a current account) | :: sparkonto {n} |
savings bank {n} (financial institution) | :: sparbank {c} |
savior {n} (a person who saves someone, rescues another from harm) | :: frälsare {c}, frälserinna {c} |
Savi's warbler {?} (Locustella luscinioides) | :: vassångare {c} |
Savonia {prop} (region of Finland) | :: Savolax |
savory {adj} (tasty, attractive to the palate) | :: välsmakande |
savory {adj} (salty or non-sweet) | :: salt |
savory {n} (herb of genus Satureja) | :: kyndel {c} |
savour {n} (the specific taste or smell of something) | :: smak {c}, arom {c} |
savour {v} (to possess a particular taste or smell, or a distinctive quality) | :: smaka |
savour {v} (to appreciate, enjoy or relish something) | :: njuta av, avnjuta |
Savoy {n} (Savoy cabbage) SEE: Savoy cabbage | :: |
Savoy cabbage {n} (cultivar of cabbage) | :: savoykål {c} |
savvy {adj} (well-informed and perceptive) | :: smart, slug, klok |
saw {n} (tool) | :: såg {c} |
saw {v} (cut with a saw) | :: såga |
saw {n} (sawtooth wave) SEE: sawtooth | :: |
sawbuck {n} (a framework for holding wood so that it can be sawed) | :: sågbock {c} |
sawdust {n} (dust created by sawing) | :: sågspån {n}, spån {n} |
sawhorse {n} (a device used to temporarily raise and support pieces of material) | :: sågbock {c} |
sawmill {n} (machine, building or company) | :: sågverk |
sawpit {n} (pit over which lumber is positioned to be sawn) | :: såggrop {c} |
sawtooth {n} (cutting bit of a saw) | :: sågtand {c} |
sawyer {n} (one who saws timber) | :: sågare {c}, sågverksarbetare {c} |
Saxon {n} (member of Saxon tribe) | :: saxare {c}, sachsare {c} |
Saxony {prop} (state) | :: Sachsen |
saxophone {n} (a musical instrument of the woodwind family) | :: saxofon |
say {v} (to pronounce) | :: säga |
say {v} (to indicate in a written form) | :: stå |
say {v} (imperative: let's say) | :: ponera, låt oss säga, låt säga |
say {v} | :: säga |
say {v} (to say) SEE: tell | :: |
say goodbye {v} (wish someone farewell upon their leaving) | :: ta farväl |
say grace {v} (say a prayer of thanks) | :: be bordsbön |
saying {n} (proverb or maxim) | :: ordspråk {n}, ordstäv {n} [dated] |
sayonara {interj} (goodbye, adieu) SEE: farewell | :: |
say what {phrase} | :: ursäkta |
scab {n} (mange) SEE: mange | :: |
scab {n} (incrustation over a wound) | :: skorpa, sårskorpa {c} |
scab {n} (scabies) SEE: scabies | :: |
scab {n} (strikebreaker) SEE: strikebreaker | :: |
scabbard {n} (the sheath of a sword) | :: skida {c}, balja {c}, slida {c} |
scabby {adj} (full of scabs) | :: skabbig |
scabies {n} (an infestation of parasitic mites, Sarcoptes scabiei) | :: skabb |
scaffold {n} (structure made of scaffolding for workers to stand on) | :: byggnadsställning {c} |
scaffold {n} (platform for executions) | :: schavott |
scaffolding {n} (system of tubes or poles used to support people and material) | :: byggnadsställning {c} |
scalability {n} (property of being scalable) | :: skalbarhet |
scalable {adj} (capable of being climbed) | :: bestigbar |
scalable {adj} (able to be changed in scale; resizeable) | :: skalbar |
scalar {adj} (having magnitude) | :: skalär |
scalar {n} (quantity with magnitude) | :: skalär {c} |
scalar field {n} (mathematical function) | :: skalärfält {n} |
scalar product {n} (product of two vectors) | :: skalärprodukt {c} |
scald {v} (to burn with hot fluid) | :: skålla |
scale {n} (sequence for measurement) | :: skala {c} |
scale {n} (size or scope) | :: skala {c} |
scale {n} (ratio of distances) | :: måttstock, skala {c} |
scale {n} (series of notes) | :: skala {c} |
scale {v} (to change size of) | :: skala |
scale {v} (to climb) | :: bestiga |
scale {n} (keratin pieces covering the skin of certain animals) | :: fjäll |
scale {n} (scale mail) | :: fjällpansar {c} |
scale {v} (remove the scales of) | :: fjälla |
scale {v} (become scaly) | :: fjälla |
scale {n} (ladder) SEE: ladder | :: |
scale {n} (device) SEE: scales | :: |
scales {n} (device for weighing goods for sale) | :: balansvåg {c}, våg {c}, vågskål {c} |
scallion {n} (Allium fistulosum) SEE: spring onion | :: |
scallop {n} (mollusc) | :: mussla; pilgrimsmussla; |
scalp {n} (top of the head) | :: hjässa {c} |
scalp {n} (part of head where the hair grows) | :: huvudsvål {c}, skalp {c} |
scalp {n} (part of the skin of the head of an enemy kept as a trophy) | :: skalp |
scalp {n} (victory) | :: skalp {c} |
scalp {v} (to remove part of the head) | :: skalpera |
scalpel {n} (small straight knife) | :: skalpell |
scalper {n} (one who sells tickets unofficially) | :: skalperare |
scaly {adj} (covered or abounding with scales) | :: fjällig |
scaly anteater {n} (pangolin) SEE: pangolin | :: |
scam {n} (fraudulent deal) | :: lurendrejeri |
scam {v} (to defraud or embezzle) | :: lura, scama [colloquial] |
scammer {n} (swindler, cheat) | :: lurendrejare |
scan {v} (examine sequentially) | :: avsöka, genomsöka |
scan {v} (create a digital copy of an image using a scanner) | :: läsa in (en bild), skanna |
scan {v} (look about for) | :: avsöka |
scan {n} (instance of scanning) | :: genomsökning {c}, avsökning {c} |
scan {n} (result or output of a scanning process) | :: bild {c} |
scandal {n} (incident that brings disgrace) | :: skandal {c} |
scandalous {adj} (wrong, immoral, causing a scandal) | :: skandalös |
Scandinavia {prop} (Denmark, Norway, and Sweden) | :: Skandinavien |
Scandinavia {prop} (Scandinavian Peninsula) SEE: Scandinavian Peninsula | :: |
Scandinavian {n} (someone from Scandinavia) | :: skandinav {c} |
Scandinavian {adj} (of Scandinavia) | :: skandinavisk |
Scandinavian {adj} (of the North Germanic family of languages) | :: skandinavisk |
Scandinavian mile {n} (Scandinavian unit of length) | :: mil {c} |
Scandinavian Peninsula {prop} (peninsula in Northern Europe, see also: Scandinavia) | :: Skandinaviska halvön |
scandium {n} (chemical element) | :: skandium {n} |
Scania {prop} (region of Sweden occupying the southernmost tip of the Scandinavian peninsula) | :: Skåne {n} |
Scanian {n} (person) | :: skåning |
Scanian {adj} (of Scania) | :: skånsk |
Scanian {adj} (of a Scanian, Scanian) | :: skånsk |
Scanian {prop} (dialect) | :: skånska |
scanner {n} (device which scans documents) | :: bildläsare {c}, skanner {c} |
scanty {adj} | :: knapp |
scanty {adj} (sparing, niggardly) SEE: niggardly | :: |
scapegoat {n} (a goat imbued with the sins of the people) | :: syndabock {c} |
scapegoat {n} (someone punished for someone else's error(s)) | :: syndabock |
scapula {n} (large flat bone) SEE: shoulder blade | :: |
scar {n} (cliff) SEE: cliff | :: |
scar {n} (permanent mark on the skin) | :: ärr {n} |
scarce {adj} | :: knapp |
scarcely {adv} (almost not, by a small margin) | :: knapp |
scare {v} (to frighten) | :: skrämma |
scarecrow {n} (an effigy made to scare the birds away) | :: fågelskrämma {c} |
scared {adj} (afraid, frightened) | :: rädd |
scaremongering {v} | :: skräckpropaganda {c}, skrämselpropaganda {c} |
scarf {n} (long garment worn around the neck) | :: halsduk {c} |
scarf {v} (eat very quickly) | :: sluka |
scarf {n} (headscarf) SEE: headscarf | :: |
scarificator {n} (cupping glass) | :: skarifikator {c} |
scarlatina {n} (scarlet fever) SEE: scarlet fever | :: |
scarlet {n} (colour) | :: scharlakansrött |
scarlet {adj} (colour) | :: scharlakansröd |
scarlet eggplant {n} (species of fruiting plant) | :: afrikansk vildaubergine {c} |
scarlet fever {n} (streptococcal infection) | :: scharlakansfeber {c} |
scarred {adj} (having scars) | :: ärrig, ärrad |
scary {adj} (causing, or able to cause, fright) | :: läskig |
scat {n} (tax, tribute) | :: skatt {c} |
scat {n} (animal excrement) | :: spillning {c} |
scatter {v} (to cause to separate) | :: sprida, strö, strö ut, skingra |
scatter {v} (to disperse) | :: skingras, skingra sig |
scatter {v} (to distribute loosely) | :: beströ |
scatter {v} (physics: to deflect) | :: sprida |
scatter {v} (to occur at intervals) | :: sprida |
scatterbrain {n} (flighty, disorganized or forgetful person) | :: tankspridd person |
scatterbrained {adj} (absent-minded) SEE: absent-minded | :: |
scatterbrained {adj} (having the qualities of scatterbrain) | :: tankspridd, virrig, tanklös |
scavenger {n} (animal feeding on decaying matter) | :: asätare {c} |
scenario {n} (outline of the plot of a dramatic or literary work) | :: scenario {n} |
scenario {n} (outline or model of an expected or supposed sequence of events) | :: scenario {n} |
scenario {n} | :: scenario {n} |
scene {n} ((theater) the stage) SEE: stage | :: |
scene {n} (the location of an event that attracts attention) | :: scen {c} |
scene {n} (decorations and fittings of a stage) | :: scen {c}, sceneri {n} |
scene {n} (subdivision of an act) | :: scen {c} |
scene {n} (place, time, circumstance, etc., in which anything occurs) | :: scen {c} |
scene {n} (exhibition of passionate or strong feeling before others) | :: scen {c}, uppträdande {n} |
scene {n} (large informal group of people with a uniting interest) | :: scen {c} |
scene {n} | :: scen {c} |
scene {n} (landscape, scenery) SEE: scenery | :: |
scenery {n} (view, natural features, landscape) | :: sceneri {n}, bakgrund {c}, fond {c}, vy {c}, utsikt {c}, landskap {n} |
scenery {n} (stage backdrops, property and other items on a stage that give the impression of the location of the scene) | :: sceneri {n}, bakgrund {c}, kuliss {c}, fond {c} |
scene-shifter {n} (stagehand) SEE: stagehand | :: |
scenography {n} (design of theatrical sets) | :: scenografi {c} |
scenography {n} (art or act of representation in perspective) | :: scenografi {c} |
scent {n} (distinctive odour or smell) | :: doft {c} |
scent {n} (figuratively: any traces that can be followed) | :: spår {n} |
scent {n} | :: lukt {c} , vittring {c} , stank {c} (strong, awful odour), doft {c} , doftspår {n} |
scent {v} (to detect the scent of) | :: lukta, vittra |
sceptre {n} (ornamental staff) | :: spira {c} |
schadenfreude {n} (malicious enjoyment derived from observing someone else's misfortune) | :: skadeglädje |
schedule {n} (a procedural plan, usually but not necessarily tabular in nature, indicating a sequence of operations and the planned times at which those operations are to occur) | :: schema {n} |
schedule {v} (to create a schedule) | :: schemalägga |
schedule {v} (to plan an activity at a specific date or time) | :: inplanera |
scheelite {n} (mineral) | :: scheelit {c}, tungsten {c} |
Scheldt {prop} (river) | :: Schelde |
schematic {adj} (represented simply) | :: schematisk |
schematic {adj} (sketchy, incomplete) | :: schematisk |
scheme {n} | :: schema {n} |
scheme {v} (to contrive a plan) | :: smida ränker |
schemer {n} (he who plots secret, devious plans) | :: intrigmakare {c} |
scheming {adj} (tending to scheme) | :: beräknande |
Schengen Area {prop} (group of European countries) | :: Schengenområdet {n} |
Schillerian {adj} | :: schillersk |
schism {n} (split, division, separation, discord) | :: schism {c}, splittring {c} |
schist {n} (crystalline foliated rock) | :: glimmerskiffer {c} |
schizoid personality disorder {n} (personality disorder) | :: schizoid personlighetsstörning |
schizophrenia {n} (mental disorder) | :: schizofreni {c} |
schlager {n} (style) | :: schlager {c} |
schlager {n} (piece) | :: schlager {c} |
schmaltzy {adj} (Overly sentimental, emotional, maudlin or bathetic) | :: tårdrypande, sliskig |
schnapps {n} (liquor) | :: snaps {c} |
schnitzel {n} (a meat dish) | :: schnitzel {c} |
schnozzle {n} (slang: human nose, especially large one) | :: kran {c}, tryne |
scholar {n} (a student; one who studies at school or college, typically having a scholarship) | :: stipendiat {c} |
scholar {n} (specialist in a particular branch of knowledge) | :: forskare {c} |
scholarship {n} (study allowance) | :: stipendium |
scholar's mate {n} (checkmate which occurs after the moves 1.e4 e5 2.Qh5 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.Qxf7#) | :: skolmatt {c} |
school {n} (a group of fish) | :: stim |
school {n} (an institution dedicated to teaching and learning) | :: skola |
school {n} (an institution dedicated to teaching and learning before college or university) | :: skola {c} |
school {n} (college or university) | :: högskola [college], universitet [university], lärosäte |
school {n} (a department/institute at a college or university) | :: fakultet , institution |
school {n} (an art movement) | :: skola {c} |
school {n} ((collectively) the followers of a particular doctrine) | :: skola , lära , skolbildning {c} |
school {v} (to educate, teach, or train) | :: skola , lära |
schoolbag {n} (satchel) | :: skolväska {c} |
schoolboy {n} (young male student) | :: skolpojke {c} |
school bus {n} (transport for schoolchildren) | :: skolbuss {c} |
school counselor {n} (school-oriented counselor) | :: Studie- och yrkesvägledare |
schoolie {n} (schoolteacher) SEE: teacher | :: |
schoolmate {n} (person who attended school with the subject) | :: skolkamrat {c} |
school of hard knocks {n} (source of education by adverse experience) | :: livets hårda skola [the tough school of life] |
schoolteacher {n} (schoolteacher) SEE: teacher | :: |
school uniform {n} (uniform items to be worn by students in a school) | :: skoluniform {c} |
schooner {n} (sailing ship) | :: skonert {c}, skonare {c} |
schottische {n} (Bohemian dance) | :: schottis {c} |
Schrödinger's cat {prop} (thought experiment) | :: Schrödingers katt {c} |
schwa {n} (indeterminate central vowel) | :: schwa {n} |
science {n} (collective discipline of learning acquired through the scientific method) | :: vetenskap {c} |
science {n} (particular discipline or branch of learning) | :: vetenskap |
science {n} (fact of knowing something) | :: vetande {n} |
science {n} (knowledge gained through study or practice) | :: kunskap {c} |
science park {n} (an area with a collection buildings dedicated to scientific research) | :: teknikpark {c} |
scientia potentia est {proverb} (knowledge is power) SEE: knowledge is power | :: |
scientific {adj} (of or having to do with science) | :: vetenskaplig |
scientist {n} (one whose activities make use of the scientific method) | :: vetenskapsman {c}, forskare {c}, vetenskapskvinna {c} |
scientocracy {n} (members of an elite community of scientists) | :: scientokrati |
Scientologist {n} (follower of Scientology) | :: scientolog {c} |
Scientology {prop} (belief system developed by L. Ron Hubbard) | :: scientologi {c} |
scimitar {n} (sword with curved blade) | :: kroksabel {c} |
scintillating {adj} (sparkling) | :: blixtrande, bländande, gnistrande |
scintillating {adj} (witty) | :: bländande |
scion {n} (descendant) | :: efterkomma {c} |
scion {n} (heir to a throne) | :: ättling {c} |
scion {n} ((detached) shoot or twig) | :: ympkvist {c} |
scissor {n} (one blade on a pair of scissors) | :: skänkel {c}, skalm {c} |
scissor {n} (noun adjunct) | :: sax- |
scissor {v} (to cut using scissors) | :: klippa, saxa |
scissor binoculars {n} (stereoscopic periscopic binoculars) | :: batterikikare {c} |
scissor kick {n} (kick in football) | :: cykelspark {c}, bicykleta {c} |
scissors {n} (tool used for cutting) | :: sax {c} |
sclera {n} (white of the eye) | :: sklera, ögonvita |
sclerosis {n} (abnormal hardening of body tissues) | :: skleros {c} |
scold {n} (person who scolds, particularly a woman) | :: argbigga {c} |
scold {v} (rebuke) | :: gräla på |
scolding {n} (succession of critical remarks) | :: banna , |
sconce {n} (light fixture on a wall) | :: applick {c} |
Scooby-Doo {prop} (the fictional dog) | :: Scooby-Doo |
scoop {n} (any cup- or bowl-shaped object) | :: skopa |
scoop {n} (amount held by a scoop) | :: skopa |
scoop {n} (news learned and reported before anyone else) | :: scoop {n} |
scoop {n} (digging attachment on a front-end loader) | :: skopa {c} |
scoop {v} (to lift, move, or collect with or as though with a scoop) | :: skopa |
scoop {v} | :: supa |
scooter {n} (foot-propelled vehicle) | :: sparkcykel |
scooter {n} (type of small two-wheeled vehicle, see also: motorscooter) | :: moped, skoter |
scope {n} (breadth, depth or reach of a subject; a domain) | :: omfattning |
-scope {suffix} (suffix to name viewing instruments) | :: -skop {n} |
scops owl {n} (Otus scops) | :: dvärguv {c} |
scorch {v} (to burn the surface of something so as to discolour it) | :: bränna |
scorched {adj} (dried, damaged, burnt by exposure to sunlight or heat) | :: bränd |
scorched earth {n} | :: bränd jord {c}, brända jordens taktik {c} |
score {v} (to score) SEE: strike | :: |
score {n} (number of points earned) | :: poängsumma {c} |
score {n} (number of points accrued) | :: poängställning {c} |
score {n} (performance of an individual or group on an examination or test) | :: resultat {n} |
score {n} (twenty, see also: twenty) | :: tjog |
score {n} (sheet music showing all parts) | :: partitur {n} |
score {n} (slang: prostitute's client) | :: torsk {c} |
score {v} (to cut a groove in a surface) | :: skåra |
score {v} (to earn points in a game) | :: göra mål, näta [colloquial], måla [colloquial] |
score {v} (to achieve a score in e.g. a test) | :: få |
scorer {n} (one who scores) | :: målgörare {c} (goal maker) |
scores {pron} (many) SEE: many | :: |
scoria {n} (slag or dross) SEE: slag | :: |
scoria {n} (volcanic rock) SEE: slag | :: |
scorn {v} (to scoff or express contempt) | :: förakta |
scorn {n} (contempt, disdain) | :: förakt, hån |
scornful {adj} (showing scorn or disrespect; contemptuous) | :: föraktfull |
scorpion {n} (any of various arachnids of the order Scorpiones) | :: skorpion {c} |
scorzonera {n} (black salsify) SEE: black salsify | :: |
Scot {n} (a person born in or native to Scotland) | :: skotte {c} |
Scotch crow {n} (hooded crow) SEE: hooded crow | :: |
Scotch tape {n} (adhesive tape) SEE: adhesive tape | :: |
scotfree {adv} (scot-free) SEE: scot-free | :: |
scot-free {adv} (without consequences or penalties) | :: stafflös |
Scotland {prop} (country in northwest Europe to the north of England) | :: Skottland |
Scots {n} (Lowland Scots language) | :: lågskotska {c}, skotska |
Scots {adj} (Scottish) | :: skotsk |
Scots Gaelic {n} (Scottish Gaelic) SEE: Scottish Gaelic | :: |
Scotsman {n} (a man from Scotland) | :: skotte {c} |
Scottish {adj} (of a person) | :: skotsk |
Scottish {adj} (of a thing or concept) | :: skotsk |
Scottish {n} (the people of Scotland) | :: skottar {c-p} |
Scottish Deerhound {n} (Scottish Deerhound) | :: skotsk hjorthund {c} |
Scottish Gaelic {n} (The Gaelic language of Scotland) | :: skotsk gäliska {c} |
scoundrel {n} (villain) | :: usling {c}, lymmel {c}, svinpäls {c} |
scour {v} (to clean, polish, or wash something by rubbing and scrubbing it vigorously) | :: skura, skrubba |
scour {v} (to search an area thoroughly) | :: genomsöka |
scourge {n} (persistent pest, illness, or source of trouble) | :: gissel {n}, plåga {c} |
scourge {n} (a whip often of leather) | :: gissel {n} |
scourging {n} (flogging) SEE: flogging | :: |
scout {n} (person sent out to gain and bring in tidings) | :: spanare {c} |
scout {n} (member of the scout movement) | :: scout {c} |
scout {v} (to explore a wide terrain) | :: spana |
scouting {n} | :: scouting |
scowl {n} (wrinkling of the brows or face) | :: bister uppsyn |
Scrabble {prop} (board game with interlocking words) | :: Scrabble |
scramble {n} (a rush or hurry) | :: rusch {c}, rusning {c}, huggsexa {c} |
scrambled egg {n} (dish) | :: äggröra {c} |
scrape together {v} (collect small amounts) | :: skrapa ihop |
scrapheap {n} (pile of junk) | :: skräphög |
scrap paper {n} (used paper, to be reused for jotting notes) | :: kladdpapper |
scrapyard {n} (a junkyard, a place where scrap is stored, discarded or resold) | :: skrotupplag {n} |
scratch {v} (to rub a surface with a sharp object) | :: klösa |
scratch {v} (to dig or scrape with claws or fingernails with the intention to injure) | :: riva |
scratch {n} (disruption or mark on a surface) | :: repa {c} |
scratch card {n} (lottery ticket) | :: skraplott {c} |
scratch together {v} (collect small amounts) SEE: scrape together | :: |
scrawny {adj} (Thin, malnourished and weak) | :: mager, tanig, skranglig, skraltig, spinkig |
scream {n} (loud exclamation) | :: skrik {n} |
scream {v} (to make the sound of a scream) | :: skrika, gasta |
scree {n} (loose stony debris on a slope) | :: taluskon |
screech owl {n} (Tyto alba) SEE: western barn owl | :: |
screen {n} (physical divider) | :: skärm {c} |
screen {n} (viewing area of electronic output device) | :: skärm |
screen {n} (movie viewing area) | :: duk {c}, filmduk |
screencap {n} (screenshot) SEE: screenshot | :: |
screening {n} (process of checking or filtering) | :: screening {c} |
screenplay {n} (script for a movie or a television show) | :: manuskript {n}, scenario {n} |
screen printing {n} (printing method) | :: silkscreentryck, serigrafi |
screensaver {n} | :: skärmsläckare {c} |
screenshot {n} (image of computer screen output) | :: skärmbild {c}, skärmdump {c} |
screenshot {v} (take a screenshot) | :: ta skärmbild, ta skärmdump |
screen time {n} (time spend using a screen) | :: skärmtid {c} |
screenwriter {n} (one who writes for the screen) | :: manusförfattare {c}, filmförfattare {c} |
screw {n} (fastener) | :: skruv {c} |
screw {n} (ship’s propeller) | :: propeller {c} |
screw {n} (act of screwing) | :: knull {n} |
screw {v} (to connect or assemble pieces using a screw) | :: skruva |
screw {v} (to have sexual intercourse with) | :: knulla |
screw cap {n} (cap of a bottle or jar which screws onto the threaded lip of the container) | :: skruvkork {c} |
screwdriver {n} (tool) | :: skruvmejsel {c} [hand tool], skruvdragare {c} [machine tool] |
screwdriver {n} (drink) | :: screwdriver {c} |
screw thread {n} (helical ridge or groove) | :: gänga {c} |
scrimmage {n} (practice game) SEE: exhibition game | :: |
script {n} (writing; written document) | :: handskrift {c} |
script {n} (written characters, style of writing) | :: skrivstil {c} |
script {n} (text of the dialogue and action for a drama) | :: manus {n}, manuskript {n} |
script {n} (procedure or program in computing) | :: skript |
scripting language {n} | :: skriptspråk {n} |
scriptorium {n} (room set aside for the copying, writing, or illuminating of manuscripts) | :: skriptorium {n}, scriptorium {n} |
Scripture {prop} (Tanakh) SEE: Tanakh | :: |
Scripture {prop} (Bible) SEE: Bible | :: |
scriptwriter {n} (screenwriter) SEE: screenwriter | :: |
scrofulous {adj} (morally degenerate; corrupt) SEE: corrupt | :: |
scroll {n} (roll of paper or parchment) | :: skriftrulle |
scroll {v} ((Computing) to change one's view of data on a computer's display) | :: rulla |
scroll bar {n} (graphical widget) | :: rullningslist {c} |
scrotum {n} (the bag of the skin and muscle that contains the testicles) | :: pung {c}, scrotum, skrotum |
scrub {n} (cancellation) SEE: cancellation | :: |
scruff {n} (loose skin at the back of the neck of some animals) | :: nackskinnet |
scruffy {adj} (untidy in appearance) | :: ovårdad, sjabbig, tilltufsad |
scrum {n} (a tightly packed and disorderly crowd of people) | :: klunga |
scrummage {n} (rugby formation of all forwards) SEE: scrum | :: |
scrump {v} (to steal fruit, especially apples, from a garden or orchard) | :: palla |
scrunch {v} (crumple) | :: knyckla ihop, skrynkla ihop, krossa |
scrunch {n} (crunching noise) | :: knaster {n}, krasande {n} |
scrupulous {adj} (meticulous) | :: noggrann, omsorgsfull, sorgfällig, grundlig, skrupulös, försiktig, betänksam, nogräknad |
scrupulous {adj} (having scruples) | :: skrupulös, samvetsgrann, samvetsöm |
scrutinise {v} (scrutinize) SEE: scrutinize | :: |
scrutinize {v} (to examine with great care) | :: granska, mönstra, nagelfara, skärskåda, lusläsa, syna |
scrutore {n} (escritoire) SEE: escritoire | :: |
scuffle {n} (rough, disorderly fight or struggle at close quarters) | :: slagsmål {n}, handgemäng {n} |
scull {n} (single oar mounted at the stern of a boat) | :: åra {c} |
scull {n} (one of a pair of oars) | :: åra {c} |
scull {n} (small boat) | :: singelsculler {c} |
sculpin {n} (small fish of the family Cottidae) | :: hornsimpa |
sculpt {v} (be a sculptor) | :: skulptera |
sculptor {n} (a person who sculpts) | :: skulptör {c}, bildhuggare {c} |
Sculptor {prop} (constellation) | :: Bildhuggaren {c} |
sculpture {n} (art of sculpting) | :: skulptur {c} |
sculpture {n} (work of art created by sculpting) | :: skulptur |
scum {n} (person or persons considered to be reprehensible) | :: jävel {c} |
scumbag {n} (condom) SEE: condom | :: |
scupper {n} (nautical: drainage hole) | :: spygatt {n} |
scupper {v} (thwart, destroy) | :: torpedera, stjälpa, kullkasta, sänka |
scurry {v} (to run away with quick light steps) | :: kila |
scurvy {n} (deficiency of vitamin C) | :: skörbjugg {c} |
scurvy-grass {n} (Cochlearia) | :: skörbjuggsört {c} |
scutch grass {n} (couch grass) SEE: couch grass | :: |
scuttle {n} (a container like an open bucket) | :: kolhink |
scuttle {n} (small hatch or opening in a boat) | :: lucka |
scuttle {v} (To deliberately sink a ship (often by order of the captain)) | :: borra i sank |
scythe {n} (farm tool) | :: lie {c} |
scythe {v} (to cut with a scythe) | :: slå, slå med lie |
sea {n} (body of water) | :: sjö {c}, hav {n} |
sea anchor {n} (parachute to slow a drifting ship) | :: drivankare {c} |
sea anemone {n} (polyp) | :: anemon {c} |
seabed {n} (floor or bottom of the sea or ocean) | :: havsbotten {c} |
seabird {n} (any bird that spends most of its time in coastal waters) | :: havsfågel {c} |
sea bluebell {n} (Mertensia maritima) | :: ostronört {c} |
seaborgium {n} (chemical element with atomic number 106) | :: seaborgium {n} |
sea buckthorn {n} (shrub of the genus Hippophae) | :: havtorn |
sea cow {n} (marine mammal of the order Sirenia) | :: sirendjur {n}, sjöko {c} |
sea cucumber {n} (sea cucumber) | :: sjögurka {c} |
seadog {n} (sailor accustomed to the sea) | :: [lit.: sea bear] sjöbjörn {c} |
sea eagle {n} (Haliaeetus albicilla) SEE: white-tailed eagle | :: |
sea-ear {n} (a type of shellfish) | :: havsöra {n} |
seafarer {n} (sailor) SEE: sailor | :: |
seafarer {n} (one who travels by sea) | :: sjöfarare {c} |
seafaring {adj} (fit to travel on the sea) SEE: seagoing | :: |
seafloor {n} (seafloor, see also: seabed) | :: sjöbotten {c} (bottom of a sea), havsbotten {c} (bottom of the ocean) |
seafood {n} (fish, shellfish, seaweed and other edible aquatic life) | :: fisk och skaldjur |
seagoing {adj} (made for or used on the high seas) | :: sjögående |
seagrass {n} (grasslike marine plants) | :: sjögräs |
seagull {n} (bird of the family Laridae) | :: mås {c}, trut {c} |
sea hare {n} (large marine gastropod mollusc) | :: sjöhare {c} |
sea horse {n} (walrus) SEE: walrus | :: |
sea horse {n} (fish) | :: sjöhäst {c} |
sea ice {n} (frozen seawater) | :: havsis {c} |
seal {n} (pinniped) | :: säl {c} |
seal {n} (stamp used to impress a design on a soft substance) | :: sigill {?} |
seal {n} (design or insignia associated with organization or official role) | :: sigill {?} |
seal {n} (something which will be visibly damaged when a covering or container is opened) | :: sigill {?} |
seal {n} (tight closure) | :: sigill {?} |
sea level {n} (nominal height of the surface of the oceans above which heights of geographical features and aircraft flight levels are measured) | :: havsnivå {c} |
sea lion {n} (member of the Otariidae family) | :: sjölejon {n} |
seam {n} (folded back and stitched piece of fabric) | :: söm {c} |
seam allowance {n} (part of the material or fabric added to the dimensions of a pattern outside the seam) | :: sömsmån {c} |
seaman {n} (mariner or sailor) SEE: sailor | :: |
seamless {adj} (Having no seams) | :: sömlös |
sea monster {n} (large, aggressive creature in the sea) | :: havsvidunder {n}, havsmonster {n} |
seamster {n} (person who sews clothes) | :: sömmare {c} |
seamstress {n} (a woman who sews clothes professionally) | :: sömmerska {c} |
Sea of Azov {prop} (sea) | :: Azovska sjön {c} |
Sea of Japan {prop} (the sea between Japan and the rest of Asia) | :: Japanska havet {n} |
Sea of Marmara {prop} (a deep inland sea in north-western Turkey) | :: Marmarasjön {c} |
Sea of Okhotsk {prop} (sea) | :: Ochotska havet |
sea otter {n} (Enhydra lutris) | :: havsutter {c} |
sea-parrot {n} (puffin) SEE: puffin | :: |
seaplane {n} (an aircraft) | :: sjöflygplan {n} |
sear {v} (To char, scorch, or burn the surface of something with a hot instrument) | :: sveda, bränna |
sear {n} (Part of a gun that retards the hammer until the trigger is pulled) | :: spärr {c}, spänntand {c} |
search {v} (to search) SEE: look | :: |
search {n} (an attempt to find something) | :: sökning {c}, sökande {n} |
search {v} (to look throughout (a place) for something) | :: genomsöka, söka |
search {v} ((followed by "for") to look thoroughly) | :: söka, leta |
search engine {n} (application that searches for data) | :: sökmotor {c} |
search warrant {n} (court order authorising the search of a place) | :: husrannsakningsorder {c} |
sea salt {n} (salt prepared by evaporating sea water) | :: havssalt {n} |
seascape {n} (piece of art that depicts the sea or shoreline) | :: havsbild {c}, havsmålning {c} |
sea serpent {n} (sea monster) | :: sjöorm {c}, havsmonster {n} |
seashell {n} (shell) | :: snäcka {c}, musselskal {n} |
seashore {n} (the coastal land bordering a sea or ocean) | :: havskust {c} |
seasick {adj} (ill due to the motion of a ship at sea.) | :: sjösjuk, rörelsessjuk |
sea-sickness {n} (seasickness) SEE: seasickness | :: |
seasickness {n} (a feeling of nausea caused by the motion of a ship) | :: sjösjuka {c} |
seaside resort {n} (coastal holiday resort) | :: badort {c} |
season {n} (quarter of a year) | :: årstid {c} |
season {n} (part of year with something special) | :: säsong {c} |
season {n} (a group of episodes) | :: säsong {c} |
season {v} (to flavour food) | :: krydda |
seasonal affective disorder {n} (Depression associated with lack of natural light in winter) | :: årstidsbunden depression {c} |
seasoned {adj} (experienced) | :: erfaren, rutinerad, van |
seasoning {n} (cooking ingredient) | :: krydda {c} |
sea squirt {n} (animal of the class Ascidiacea) | :: sjöpung {c} |
seat {n} (place in which to sit) | :: sittplats {c}, plats {c} |
seat {n} (piece of furniture) | :: sits {c} |
seat {n} (horizontal portion of a chair) | :: säte {n} |
seat {n} (membership in a representative body) | :: säte {n} |
seat {n} (location of a governing body) | :: säte {n} |
seat belt {n} (restraining belt) | :: säkerhetsbälte {n}, bilbälte |
sea turtle {n} (any turtle that inhabits oceans) | :: havssköldpadda {c} |
sea urchin {n} (any of many marine echinoderms of the class Echinoidea) | :: sjöborre {c} |
seawater {n} (salt water of a sea or ocean) | :: havsvatten {n} |
seaweed {n} (marine plants and algae) | :: tång {c}, sjögräs {n} |
seawolf {n} (Anarhichas lupus) | :: havskatt {c} |
seaworthiness {n} (property of being fit to go to sea) | :: sjövärdighet {c} |
sea-worthy {adj} (fit for service at sea) | :: sjövärdig |
Sebastian {prop} (given name) | :: Sebastian |
sebum {n} (thick oily substance) | :: talg {c} |
secateurs {n} (pruning shears) SEE: pruning shears | :: |
secede {v} (To split from or to withdraw from membership of a political union, an alliance or an organisation) | :: utträda |
secession {n} (The act of seceding) | :: utträde, utbrytning, secession |
secluded {adj} (in seclusion, isolated, remote) | :: avskild |
seclusion {n} (The act of secluding, or the state of being secluded; a shutting out or keeping apart, or the state of being shut out) | :: avskildhet |
second {adj} (second (numeral), see also: 2nd) | :: andra |
second {adj} (that comes after the first) | :: andra |
second {n} (number two in a series) | :: tvåa {c} |
second {n} (place next below first in a race or contest) | :: tvåa {c} |
second {n} (manufactured item that fails to meet quality control standards) | :: utskottsvara {c}, andrahandsvara {c} |
second {n} (another chance to achieve what should have been done the first time) | :: andra chans {c} |
second {n} (second gear) | :: tvåan |
second {n} (one-sixtieth of a minute; SI unit of time) | :: sekund {c} |
second {n} (unit of angular measure) | :: sekund {c}, bågsekund {c} |
second {n} (short, indeterminate amount of time) | :: ögonblick {n}, sekund {c} |
second {v} (to agree as a second person) | :: bifalla, instämma, sekundera, stödja |
second {n} (attendant of a duel or boxing match standing in for a contestant) | :: sekundant {c}, sekond {c} |
second {n} (one who agrees in addition) | :: stödjande {c} |
secondary market {n} (part of financial market) | :: andrahandsmarknad {c} |
secondary smoking {n} (passive smoking) SEE: passive smoking | :: |
second cousin {n} (grandnephew or grandniece of a grandparent) | :: tremänning {c}, syssling {c}, nästkusin {c} |
second cousin once removed {n} (son or daughter of one’s second cousin) | :: sysslingbarn {n} |
second fiddle {n} | :: spela andrafiolen (=to play the second fiddle) |
second hand {n} (the hand or pointer that shows the number of seconds that have passed) | :: sekundvisare {c} |
second hand {adj} (secondhand) SEE: secondhand | :: |
secondhand {adj} (not new; previously owned and used by another) | :: begagnad |
second-hand smoke {n} (smoke from cigarettes, that any person including non-smokers could breathe in) | :: passiv rökning |
second helping {n} (a second portion of the same thing (usually of food)) | :: påtår (coffee) {c} |
second language {n} (language spoken other than the mother tongue) | :: andraspråk {n} |
second last {adj} (penultimate) SEE: penultimate | :: |
second of arc {n} (angle of an arc) | :: bågsekund {c} |
second person {n} (the form of a verb used when the subject of a sentence is the audience) | :: andra person {c} |
seconds {n} (second serving) | :: backning {c} |
second to last {adj} (penultimate) SEE: penultimate | :: |
second to none {n} (heroin) SEE: heroin | :: |
Second World {prop} (countries aligned with the East during the Cold War) | :: öst, östländerna {p}, socialistländerna {p} |
Second World War {prop} (World War II) SEE: World War II | :: |
secret {n} (knowledge that is hidden) | :: hemlighet {c} |
secret {adj} (being or kept hidden.) | :: hemlig |
secret agent {n} (member of an intelligence agency whose identity or affiliation is kept confidential) | :: hemlig agent {c} |
secretarial {adj} (connected with a secretary's work) | :: sekreterar- |
secretariat {n} (the office or department of a government secretary) | :: sekretariat {n} |
secretary {n} (person keeping records and handling clerical work) | :: sekreterare {c} |
secretary {n} (head of a department of government) | :: minister {c} |
secretary bird {n} (member of bird family) | :: sekreterarfågel {c} |
Secretary General {n} (chief administrator of an international body) | :: generalsekreterare |
Secretary of State {n} (government position) | :: utrikesminister {c} |
secretion {n} (secreted substance) | :: sekret {n} |
secretion {n} (act of secreting) | :: sekretion {c}, utsöndring {c}, insöndring {c} [to the blood] |
secretive {adj} (having an inclination to secrecy) | :: hemlighetsfull |
secret service {n} (government organization) | :: säkerhetspolis {c} |
sect {n} (religious movement) | :: sekt {c} |
section sign {n} (typographical character marking sections) | :: paragraftecken {n} |
sector {n} (part of circle) | :: sektor {c}, cirkelsektor {c} |
sector {n} (a field of economic activity) | :: sektor {c} |
secular {adj} (not specifically religious) | :: sekulär |
secular {adj} (long-term) | :: sekulär, långsamt skeende |
securely {adv} (in a secure manner) | :: säkert, tryggt |
securitization {n} (process of securitizing assets) | :: värdepapperisering {c} |
security {n} (condition of not being threatened) | :: säkerhet {c}, trygghet {c}, trygghetskänsla {c} |
security {n} (something that secures) | :: skydd {n}, säkerhetsåtgärd {c} |
security {n} (organization or department responsible for providing security) | :: säkerhetstjänst {c}, vaktbolag {c} |
security {n} (something that secures the fulfillment of an obligation) | :: borgen {c}, garanti {c}, säkerhet {c} |
security {n} (finance: tradeable financial asset) | :: värdepapper {n} |
security {n} (finance: property temporarily relinquished) | :: säkerhet {c} |
security blanket {n} (blanket used to produce secure feeling) | :: snuttefilt {c} |
security blanket {n} (any object used to produce sense of security) | :: snuttefilt |
Security Council {prop} (UN Security Council) SEE: UN Security Council | :: |
security guard {n} (person employed to provided security) | :: säkerhetsvakt {c} |
security service {n} (government organisation) | :: säkerhetstjänst |
sedan {n} (style of automobile) | :: sedan {c} |
sedan chair {n} (small litter or palanquin) | :: bärstol {c} |
sedentary {adj} (not moving much; sitting around) | :: stillasittande |
sedge warbler {n} (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus) | :: sävsångare {c} |
sedimentary rock {n} (one of the major groups of rock that makes up the crust of the Earth) | :: sedimentär bergart, sedimentbergart |
Sedna {prop} (planetoid) | :: Sedna |
seduce {v} (to beguile or lure someone away from duty, accepted principles, or proper conduct; to lead astray) | :: förleda |
seduce {v} (to entice or induce someone to engage in a sexual relationship) | :: förföra, förleda |
seductive {adj} (attractive, alluring, tempting) | :: förförisk |
seductress {n} (woman who seduces) | :: förförerska |
sedulous {adj} (of a person: diligent in application or pursuit) | :: flitig, oförtruten, trägen |
see {v} (perceive with the eyes) | :: se |
see {v} (understand) | :: förstå |
see {n} (diocese) | :: stift {n}, stiftstad {c} |
see also {phrase} (a suggestion that other topics of study are related to a current topic) | :: se även |
seed {n} (fertilized grain) | :: frö {n} |
seed {n} (precursor) | :: frö {n} |
seed {n} (semen) | :: sperma, säd |
seed {n} (competitor or team occupying a given seed) | :: seedning |
seed {v} (assign a position to in a tournament) | :: seeda |
seeding {n} (Arrangement of positions in a tournament) | :: seedning |
seedpod {n} (pouch-like form on a plant) SEE: pod | :: |
seeing-eye dog {n} (seeing-eye dog) SEE: guide dog | :: |
seeing is believing {proverb} (you need to see something to believe it) | :: det tror jag när jag ser det |
seek {v} (to try to find) | :: söka, leta |
seek and ye shall find {proverb} (one finds what one looks for) | :: de söker och de skall nå |
seel {v} (To blind) SEE: blind | :: |
seem {v} (to appear, to seem) SEE: look | :: |
seem {v} (to appear) | :: förefalla, verka, tyckas, synas |
seemingly {adv} (apparently) SEE: apparently | :: |
seemly {adj} (appropriate) | :: passande |
see Naples and die {proverb} (since nothing compares to the beauty of Naples, you can die after you've seen it) | :: se Neapel och sedan dö |
see off {v} (to defeat) SEE: defeat | :: |
see off {v} (to accompany someone to a point of departure) | :: vinka av |
seep {n} (to ooze through pores) | :: sippra |
seer {n} (someone who foretells the future) | :: siare {c}, sierska [only female] |
see red {v} (to become angry) | :: se rött |
seeress {n} (a female seer) | :: sierska {c} |
seesaw {n} (structure moving up and down, balanced in the middle) | :: gungbräda {c} |
seethe {v} (to boil vigorously (intransitive verb)) | :: sjuda |
see the forest for the trees {v} (to be overwhelmed by detail to the point where it obscures the overall situation) | :: inte se skogen för alla träd |
see-through {adj} (transparent) SEE: transparent | :: |
see ya {interj} (see you) SEE: see you | :: |
see you {phrase} (see you later) | :: vi ses |
see you later {phrase} (goodbye) | :: vi ses, ses senare, vi ses senare |
see you soon {interj} (goodbye) | :: ses snart, vi ses snart |
see you tomorrow {phrase} (see you tomorrow) | :: vi ses imorgon, vi ses i morgon, vi syns imorgon, vi syns i morgon, syns imorgon, syns i morgon |
segment {v} (to divide into segments or sections) | :: segmentera |
Segorbe {prop} (municipality in Castellón, Spain) | :: Segorbe |
segue {n} (an instance of segueing, a transition) | :: övergång {c} |
seine {n} (fishing net) | :: not {c}, vad {c} |
Seinäjoki {prop} (a city in Finland) | :: Östermyra |
seismic {adj} (related to, or caused by an earthquake or other vibration of the Earth) | :: seismisk |
sei whale {n} (whale of the rorqual family) | :: sejval {c} |
seiyuu {n} (voice actor) SEE: voice actor | :: |
seize {v} (grab) | :: gripa, fånga, tillskansa |
seize the day {v} (enjoy the present) | :: fånga dagen |
sejunct {adj} (separate) SEE: separate | :: |
seldom {adv} (infrequently, rarely) | :: sällan |
select {v} (to choose one or more elements from a set) | :: välja, välja ut, utvälja |
selected {adj} (that have been selected or chosen) | :: vald |
selection {n} (process or act of selecting) | :: urval {n} |
selection {n} | :: urval {n} , val {n} |
selenium {n} (chemical element) | :: selen {n} |
selenology {n} (the study of the moon and several satellites) | :: selenologi |
self {n} (individual person as the object of his own reflective consciousness) | :: själv |
self-actualization {n} (psychological development) | :: självförverkligande |
self-adhesive {adj} (adhesive) | :: självhäftande |
self-assessment {n} (assessment of oneself) | :: självskattning {c} |
self-awareness {n} (state of being self-aware) | :: självkännedom {c}, självförnimmelse {c}, självinsikt {c} |
self-centered {adj} (egotistically obsessed with oneself) | :: självupptagen |
self-confidence {n} (state of being self-confident) | :: självförtroende {n} |
self-confident {adj} (confident in one's abilities) | :: självsäkra |
self-conscious {adj} (aware of oneself as an individual being) | :: självmedveten |
self-consciousness {n} (awareness of the self as an entity) | :: självmedvetenhet |
self-consciousness {n} (shyness) | :: förlägenhet |
self-control {n} (ability to control one's desires and impulses) | :: självbehärskning {c}, självkontroll {c} |
self-criticism {n} (criticism of oneself) | :: självkritik {c} |
self-defense {n} (means of defending oneself from attack) | :: självförsvar {n} |
self-defense {n} ((law) Defense for oneself against violence) | :: nödvärn {n} |
self-deprecating {adj} (critical of oneself) | :: självironisk |
self-deprecation {n} (disparaging view of oneself) | :: självironi |
self-deprecatory {adj} (self-deprecating) SEE: self-deprecating | :: |
self-discipline {n} (control of oneself) | :: självdisciplin {c} |
self-disciplined {adj} (having self-discipline) | :: självdisciplinerad |
self-distance {n} (the ability to critically reflect on oneself) | :: självdistans {c} |
self-esteem {n} (confidence in one's own worth) | :: självkänsla |
self-evident {adj} (obviously true) | :: självklar |
self-fulfilling {adj} (describing a prediction that causes itself to occur as predicted) | :: självuppfyllande |
self-fulfilling prophecy {n} (A prediction that, by being voiced, causes itself to come true) | :: självuppfyllande profetia {c} |
self-government {n} (self-government) | :: självstyre {n}, autonomi {c} |
self-hatred {n} (hatred of oneself) | :: självhat {n} |
selfie {n} (photographic self-portrait) | :: selfie, egobild, självis |
selfie stick {n} (extendable arm to hold a camera) | :: selfiepinne |
self-image {n} (way a person views themself) | :: självbild {c} |
self-immolate {v} (to set oneself on fire) | :: sätta eld på sig själv |
selfish {adj} (holding one's self-interest as the standard for decision making) | :: självisk, självcentrerad |
selfish {adj} (regard for oneself above others' well-being) | :: egoistisk, självisk |
self-isolation {n} (isolation from others) | :: självisolering {c} |
self-knowledge {n} (knowledge or insight into one's own nature and abilities) | :: självkännedom {c} |
self-lacing {adj} | :: självsnörande |
selfless {adj} (having, exhibiting or motivated by no concern for oneself; unselfish) | :: osjälvisk |
self-pity {n} (feeling of pity for oneself) | :: självömkan {c} |
self-portrait {n} (portrait of the painter who painted it) | :: självporträtt {n} |
self-preservation {n} (self-preservation) | :: självbevarelsedrift {c} |
self-promotion {n} (the act of promoting oneself) | :: självpromotion {c}, självbefordran |
self-propelled {adj} (having its own means of propulsion) | :: självgående |
self-quarantine {n} (isolation by avoiding physical contact with other individuals) | :: självkarantän {c} |
self-reference {n} (act or process of referring to itself) | :: självreferens {c} |
self-referential {adj} (that or who refers to itself or oneself) | :: självrefererande |
self-reliance {n} (independence) | :: självförtroende {n}, självtillit {c} |
self-respect {n} (knowledge of one's own worth) | :: självaktning {c} |
self-rule {n} (rule of a group of people by their own leaders) | :: självstyre {n} |
self-sacrifice {n} (giving up of one's own benefit) | :: självuppoffring {c} |
self-satisfied {adj} (satisfied with oneself) | :: självbelåten {c} |
self-service {n} (the practice of serving oneself) | :: självbetjäning |
self-study {n} (study without the aid of a formal education institution) | :: självstudie {c} |
self-sufficiency {n} (condition of being self-sufficient) | :: självförsörjning {c} |
self-sufficient {adj} (able to provide for oneself independently of others) | :: självförsörjande |
Selkup {prop} (language) | :: selkupiska |
sell {v} (to agree to transfer goods or provide services) | :: sälja |
sell {v} | :: sälja |
sell-by date {n} (final date on which a product can be sold) | :: bäst före-datum {n} |
seller {n} (someone who sells) | :: försäljare {c}, försäljerska {c} [female], säljare {c}, säljerska {c} [female] |
seller {n} (something which sells) | :: säljare {c} |
sell like hot cakes {v} (sell quickly) | :: sälja som smör, sälja som smör i solsken |
sellotape {n} (adhesive tape) SEE: adhesive tape | :: |
Sellotape {n} (adhesive tape) SEE: adhesive tape | :: |
sell short {v} (to underestimate the value of something) SEE: underestimate | :: |
Selma {prop} (female given name) | :: Selma |
selvage {n} (finished edge of a woven fabric parallel with warp) | :: stad {c}, stadkant {c} |
semantic {adj} (of or relating to semantics or the meanings of words) | :: betydelsemässig, semantisk |
semantic field {n} (group of words relating to same subject) | :: semantiskt fält {n} |
semantics {n} (science of the meaning of words) | :: semantik {c} |
semantics {n} | :: semantik {c} |
semaphore {n} (mechanism used to restrict access to a shared function or device to a single process at a time) | :: semafor {c} |
semblance {n} (likeness, similarity) | :: likhet {c} |
semen {n} (semen (fluid)) SEE: sperm | :: |
semen {n} (male reproductory fluid) | :: sädesvätska, sperma, sagge {c} |
semester {n} (half of school year) | :: termin {c} |
semi- {prefix} (half (prefix)) | :: halv- |
semibreve {n} (whole note) | :: helnot {c} |
semicircle {n} (half of a circle) | :: halvcirkel {c} |
semicircular {adj} (in the shape of a semicircle) | :: semicirkulär |
semicolon {n} (punctuation mark ';') | :: semikolon {c} |
semiconductor {n} (substance with electrical properties between conductor and insulator) | :: halvledare {c} |
semiconsonant {n} (semivowel) SEE: semivowel | :: |
semi-detached {n} (house) | :: parhus {n} |
semifinal {n} (competition) | :: semifinal |
semifinalist {n} (person who competes in the semifinals) | :: semifinalist {c} |
semigroup {n} (set for which a closed associative binary operation is defined) | :: semigrupp |
seminal {adj} (highly influential) | :: nyskapande, inflytelserik |
seminal vesicle {n} (seminal vesicle) | :: sädesblåsa {c} |
seminar {n} (class held for advanced studies) | :: seminarium {n} |
seminar {n} (meeting held for the exchange of useful information) | :: seminarium {n} |
seminary {n} (theological school) | :: seminarium {n} |
seminoma {n} (form of testicular cancer) | :: seminom {n} |
semi-norm {n} (a function that maps a vector to a non-negative value) | :: seminorm |
seminude {adj} (half-naked) SEE: half-naked | :: |
semiology {n} (semiotics) | :: semiologi |
semiotics {n} (study of signs) | :: semiotik {c} |
semipalmated sandpiper {n} (Calidris pusilla) | :: sandsnäppa {c} |
semipornographic {adj} (partly pornographic) | :: halvpornografisk, halvporrig |
semi-skimmed milk {n} (type of milk) | :: mellanmjölk {c} |
Semitism {n} (Jewishness) | :: semitism |
semi-trailer {n} (trailer without a front axle and with wheels only at the trailing end) | :: semitrailer {c} |
semivowel {n} (sound in speech) | :: halvvokal |
semla {n} (Swedish pastry eaten on Shrove Tuesday) | :: semla {c}, fastlagsbulle {c}, fettisdagsbulle {c} |
semolina {n} (hard grains of flour left after milling) | :: mannagryn {n} |
semolina pudding {n} (dessert) | :: mannagrynsgröt {c} |
senate {n} (the upper house in some bicameral legislative systems) | :: senat {c} |
senator {n} (member in the house or chamber of a legislature called a senate) | :: senator {c} |
send {v} (make something go somewhere) | :: skicka, sända |
sender {n} (someone who sends) | :: avsändare, sändare {c} |
send for {v} (summon) | :: skicka efter |
send for {v} (request a delivery of) | :: skicka efter |
sending off {n} (a dismissal from the field of play) | :: utvisning {c} |
send off {v} (show someone a red card) | :: utvisa, visa ut |
sendoff {n} (farewell party) | :: avskedsfest {c} |
send-up {n} (satirical imitation) | :: parodi {c}, drift {c} |
Senegal {prop} (Republic of Senegal) | :: Senegal |
senescent {adj} (growing old) | :: åldrande |
senile {adj} (exhibiting the deterioration in mind) | :: senil |
senility {n} (the losing of memory and reason) | :: senilitet {c} |
senior {adj} (older) | :: senior |
seniority {n} (time) | :: anciennitet {c}, tjänsteålder {c} |
sensation {n} (physical feeling) | :: känsla {c}, förnimmelse {c} |
sensation {n} (widespread excitement) | :: sensation {c} |
sensational {adj} (exceptionally great) | :: sensationell, uppseendeväckande |
sense {n} (manner by which living beings perceive the physical world) | :: sinne {n} |
sense {n} (conscious awareness) | :: sinne {n} |
sense {n} (sound judgement) | :: förnuft {n}, förstånd {n}, sinne {n} |
sense {n} (meaning or reason) | :: mening {c}, bemärkelse {c} |
sense {n} (semantics term) | :: betydelse {c} |
sense {v} (to instinctively be aware) | :: märka, uppfatta |
sense of humour {n} (quality of an individual to find certain things funny) | :: sinne för humor {n} |
sense organ {n} (an organic sensor) | :: sinnesorgan {n} |
sensible {adj} (acting with or showing good judgement) | :: förnuftig |
sensitive {adj} (easily offended) | :: känslig |
sensitive {adj} (accurate) | :: känslig |
sensitive {adj} | :: [1, 2] känslig |
sensitivity {n} (the quality of being sensitive) | :: känslighet {c} |
sensor {n} (device or organ that detects certain external stimuli) | :: sensor {c} |
sensorimotor {adj} (of or pertaining to both sensory and motor activity) | :: sensomotorisk |
sent {v} (past participle of "to send") | :: sänt |
sentence {n} (decision of a jury) | :: dom {c} |
sentence {n} (judicial order for punishment, conviction) | :: dom {c} |
sentence {n} (punishment imposed on a person convicted of a crime) | :: straff {n} |
sentence {n} (grammatically complete series of words consisting of a subject and predicate) | :: mening {c}, fras {c}, sättning {c} |
sentence {v} (declare a sentence on a convicted person) | :: avkunna dom, döma |
sentencing range {n} (range of allowed punishments for a given crime) | :: strafskala {?} |
sententious {adj} (obsolete: full of meaning) | :: konsis |
sententious {adj} (using as few words as possible) | :: kärnfull, koncis |
sententious {adj} (tending to use aphorisms or maxims) | :: moraliserande, aforistisk |
sentimental {adj} (characterized by sentiment, sentimentality or excess emotion) | :: sentimental, känslosam, lättrörd , känslig, känslosam |
sentinel {n} (A sentry or guard) | :: vaktpost {c}, skyltvakt {c} |
sentry {n} (guard) | :: vaktpost {c} |
sentry-box {n} (booth for a sentry) | :: vaktkur {c}, skyllerkur {c} |
Seoul {prop} (capital of South Korea) | :: Söul {n}, Seoul {n} |
separable {adj} (able to be separated) | :: avtagbar, delbar, separabel |
separate {adj} (apart from; not connected to) | :: avskild, skiljd, separat |
separate {adj} (followed by "from": not together with) | :: skild, separat |
separate {v} (to disunite, disconnect) | :: avskilja, skilja, dela |
separate {v} (to cause to be separate) | :: dela, skilja, avskilja |
separate {v} (to divide itself) | :: dela, splittra, söndra |
separate the wheat from the chaff {v} (to select only that which is of value) | :: skilja agnarna från vetet |
separatism {n} (separatism) | :: separatism {c} |
separatist {n} (political separatist) | :: separatist {c} |
separatist {adj} (Advocating or seeking the separation of a country or territory) | :: separatist-, separatistisk |
separatistic {adj} | :: separatistisk |
separator {n} (an object located between two or more things and hence separating them) | :: avbalkning {c}, separator {c} |
separator {n} (device for removing one substance from another) | :: separator {c} |
separator {n} (one who separates) | :: separatör {c}, separatorskötare {c} |
Sephardi {n} (a Jew of Iberian ancestry, whose native language was Ladino) | :: sefard {c} |
sepia {n} (pigment) | :: sepia {c} |
sepia {adj} (of a dark reddish-brown colour) | :: sepiafärgad |
sepia {n} (cuttlefish) SEE: cuttlefish | :: |
sepsis {n} (serious medical condition in which the whole body is inflamed) | :: sepsis, blodförgiftning {c} |
September {prop} (ninth month of the Gregorian calendar) | :: september {c} |
septet {n} (group of seven) | :: septett {c} |
septic {adj} (of or pertaining to sepsis) | :: septisk |
septic tank {n} (slang: Yank) SEE: Yank | :: |
septillion {num} (a trillion trillion, 1024, see also: quadrillion) | :: kvadriljon {c} |
septillion {num} (a billion quintillion, 1042, see also: tredecillion) | :: septiljon {c} |
septuagenarian {adj} (in one's eighth decade) | :: sjuttioårig |
septuagenarian {n} (One who is between the age of 70 and 79) | :: sjuttioåring {c} |
Septuagint {prop} (an ancient translation of the Hebrew Bible into Greek) | :: Septuaginta |
septum {n} ((mycology) partition separating the cells of a fungus) | :: septum {n} [scientific; pl. septa] |
sepulchral {adj} (suggestive of grave) | :: gravlik |
sepulchre {n} (burial chamber) | :: grift {c} |
sequel {n} (a narrative written after another narrative set in the same universe) | :: uppföljare {c} |
sequela {n} (a disease or condition which is caused by an earlier disease or problem) | :: följdsjukdom {c}, svit {c}, följdtillstånd {n}, sekvele {c} |
sequence {n} (in mathematics, an ordered list of objects) | :: följd {n} |
sequence {n} (series of shots that depict a single action or style) | :: sekvens |
sequent {adj} (that comes after) SEE: subsequent | :: |
sequin {n} (Italian/Turkish coin) | :: sekin, dukat |
sequin {n} (sparkling spangle used for decoration of ornate clothing:) | :: paljett |
sequoia {n} (tree) | :: sekvoja {c}, rödvedsträd {n} |
Sequoyah {prop} (Inventor of the syllabary for writing Cherokee) | :: Sequoyah |
seraph {n} (highest order of angels) | :: seraf |
Serb {n} (person of Serb descent, see also: Serbian) | :: serb {c}, serbiska {f} |
Serb {adj} (of or pertaining to the Serbs or their culture) | :: serbisk, serbiskt, serbiska |
Serbia {prop} (a country in southeastern Europe) | :: Serbien |
Serbia and Montenegro {prop} (former country on the Balkan Peninsula) | :: Serbien och Montenegro |
Serbian {n} (person from Serbia, see also: Serb) | :: serb {m}, serbiska {f} |
Serbian {n} (the standardized variety of Serbo-Croatian) | :: serbiska |
Serbian {adj} (pertaining to Serbia and Serbians) | :: serbisk, serbiskt, serbiska |
Serbian {adj} (pertaining to the Serbian language) | :: serbisk, serbiskt, serbiska |
Serbian {n} (Serb) SEE: Serb | :: |
Serbo-Croatian {n} (South Slavic language) | :: serbokroatiska, serbo-kroatiska |
serendipity {n} (unsought, unintended... and/or learning experience that happens by accident) | :: serendipitet {c} |
serendipity {n} (a combination of events which are not individually beneficial, but occurring together produce a good or wonderful outcome) | :: serendipitet {c} |
serene {adj} (peaceful, calm) | :: fridfull, lugn |
serenity {n} (state) | :: lugn {n}, stillhet {c}, ro {c}, frid {c}, sinnesro {c} |
serenity {n} (lack of agitation) | :: lugn {n} |
serenity {n} (title given to a prince or other dignitary) | :: Durchlaucht (of German princes) |
serf {n} (semifree peasant) | :: livegen |
serfdom {n} (state of being a serf) | :: livegenskap {c}, träldom {c} |
serfdom {n} (feudal system) | :: livegenskap {c} |
sergeant {n} (non-commissioned officer rank) | :: sergeant |
sergeant major {n} (sergeant major) | :: regementsförvaltare {c} [in the Swedish Army], militärmästare {c} [in the Finnish Army] |
serial {n} (literal work) | :: följetong |
serial killer {n} (person who commits multiple murders) | :: seriemördare {c} |
series {n} (a number of things that follow on one after the other) | :: serie {c}, svit {c} |
series {n} (television or radio program) | :: serie {c}, följetong {?} [especially radio] |
series {n} (in analysis: sum of the terms of a sequence) | :: serie {c}, oändlig summa {c}, summa {c} |
serigraphy {n} (printing method) SEE: screen printing | :: |
serine {n} (nonessential amino acid; CH2OH.CH(NH2)COOH) | :: serin |
serious {adj} (without humor or expression of happiness) | :: allvarsam |
serious {adj} (important; weighty; not trifling; leaving no room for play) | :: allvarlig, seriös |
serious {adj} (really intending what is said; being in earnest) | :: seriös |
seriously {adv} (in a serious or literal manner) | :: allvarligt, seriöst |
sermon {n} (religious discourse) | :: predikan {c}, betraktelse {c} |
sermon {n} (speech of reproval) | :: förmaning {c}, straffpredikan {c}, moralpredikan {c} |
Sermon on the Mount {prop} (public discourse given by Jesus) | :: bergspredikan {c} |
serotonin {n} (the compound 5-hydroxytryptamine) | :: serotonin |
serous {adj} (containing, secreting, or resembling serum) | :: serös |
serous membrane {n} (thin membrane that secretes serum in body cavity) | :: serosa {c}, serös hinna {c} |
serpent {n} (snake) | :: orm {c} |
serpentine {n} (mineral) | :: serpentin {c} |
serrated {adj} (Having a row of sharp or tooth-like projections) | :: sågtandad, sågad |
serval {n} (medium-sized African wild cat) | :: serval {c} |
servant {n} (one who is hired to perform regular household or other duties, and receives compensation) | :: betjänt {c}, tjänare {c} |
servant {n} (one who serves another, providing help in some manner) | :: tjänare {c} |
servant {n} | :: betjänt, tjänare {c}, tjänstefolk {n}, hjon {n} |
serve {n} (sports: act of putting the ball or shuttlecock in play) | :: serve |
serve {v} (to work for) | :: serva |
serve {v} (to be subordinate to) | :: tjäna |
serve {v} (to be suitor to) | :: uppvakta |
serve {v} (to bring food to) | :: servera |
serve {v} (to perform duties) | :: tjäna |
serve {v} (to spend time (of punishment)) | :: avtjäna |
serve {v} (to copulate (of animals)) | :: [especially of animals] betäcka |
serve {v} (sports: to lead off with first delivery (of the ball)) | :: serva |
serve {v} (to be a servant) | :: tjäna |
serve {v} (to be of use) | :: tjäna, fungera |
serve {n} (AUS: portion of food) SEE: serving | :: |
server {n} (one who serves) | :: betjänt {c}, servitör {c} |
server {n} (preferred unisex term for a waitress or waiter) | :: personal {c}, serveringspersonal {c} |
server {n} (a tray for dishes) | :: bricka {c} |
server {n} (computing: a program which provides services to other programs or users) | :: server {c} |
server {n} | :: server {c} |
serve someone right {v} (happen to someone who deserves it) | :: vara rätt åt någon |
serve someone right {v} (serves you right!) | :: rätt åt (någon) |
Servian {adj} (Serbian) SEE: Serbian | :: |
Servian {n} (Serbian) SEE: Serbian | :: |
Servian {prop} (Serbian) SEE: Serbian | :: |
service {n} (practice of providing services as economic activity) | :: tjänst {c} |
service {n} (religious rite or ritual) | :: gudstjänst {c} |
service {n} (legal: delivery of a summons or writ) | :: delgivning {c} |
service {v} (to serve) | :: betjäna |
service {v} (to perform maintenance) | :: serva, underhålla |
service {n} (service tree) SEE: service tree | :: |
serviceberry {n} (plant) | :: häggmispelsläktet |
service charge {n} (fee charged for a service) | :: serviceavgift {c} |
service fee {n} (service charge) SEE: service charge | :: |
serviceman {n} (man who serves in the armed forces) | :: militär {c} |
service station {n} (gas station) SEE: gas station | :: |
service tree {n} (Sorbus domestica) | :: äppelrönn, päronrönn |
service tree {n} (Sorbus torminalis) SEE: wild service tree | :: |
serviette {n} (napkin) SEE: napkin | :: |
servile {adj} (of or pertaining to a slave) | :: slav- |
servile {adj} (submissive or slavish) | :: servil, underdånig, fjäskig, devot |
servility {n} (condition of being servile) | :: servilitet, underdånighet, kryperi [pejorative] |
serving {n} (portion of food) | :: portion {c} |
servitude {n} (the state of being a slave) | :: träldom {c} |
servitude {n} (qualified beneficial interest) | :: servitut {n} |
sesame oil {n} (oil extracted from sesame seeds) | :: sesamolja {c} |
sessile {adj} (zoology) | :: sessil, fastsittande |
sessile oak {n} (deciduous tree) | :: bergek {c}, druvek {c}, vinterek {c} |
session {n} (period devoted to a particular activity) | :: session |
set {v} (to put something down) | :: sätta, ställa, placera, lägga |
set {v} (to adjust) | :: sätta, ställa, ställa in |
set {v} (to punch a nail into wood) | :: sänka, försänka |
set {v} (to arrange with dishes and cutlery) | :: duka |
set {v} (to introduce) | :: presentera, beskriva |
set {v} (to locate, to backdrop) | :: placera |
set {v} (to arrange type) | :: sätta |
set {v} (to direct the ball to a teammate for an attack) | :: lägga upp, passa |
set {v} (to solidify) | :: stelna |
set {v} (of a heavenly body: to disappear below the horizon) | :: gå ned, gå ner |
set {n} (device for receiving broadcast radio waves; a radio or television) | :: apparat {c} |
set {adj} (fixed in position) | :: fastställd |
set {adj} (ready, prepared) | :: klar, redo, färdig |
set {adj} (intent, determined) | :: besluten, bestämd |
set {adj} (prearranged) | :: fast, bestämd, spikad |
set {adj} (of hair: fixed in a certain style) | :: satt, uppsatt |
set {n} (matching collection of similar things, such as a set of tables) | :: set {n} |
set {n} (collection of various objects for a particular purpose, such as a set of tools) | :: mängd {c}, uppsättning {c} |
set {n} (set theory: collection of objects) | :: mängd {c} |
set {n} (group of people, usually meeting socially) | :: band {n}, grupp {c}, klick {c}, kotteri {n}, krets {c}, lag {n}, liga {c}, umgängeskrets {c} |
set {n} (in tennis) | :: set {n} |
set {v} (to sit) SEE: sit | :: |
set {n} (badger’s home) SEE: sett | :: |
set {n} (plural: set theory) SEE: set theory | :: |
seta {n} (bristle or hair) | :: seta |
set back {v} (delay) | :: fördröja, försena |
set back {v} (cost) | :: kosta |
setback {n} (adverse event, obstacle) | :: bakslag {n} |
set forth {v} (to start) SEE: start | :: |
set forth {v} (to present for consideration) | :: lägga fram |
Seth {prop} (the third son of Adam and Eve) | :: Set |
Seth {prop} (a male given name) | :: Seth, Set |
set off {v} (To leave; begin a journey or trip) | :: avgå |
set on fire {v} (cause to begin to burn) | :: sätta eld på, antända, sätta i brand, sätta fyr på |
set on fire {v} (arouse passionate feelings in) | :: sätta i brand [poetic] |
sett {n} (home of a badger) | :: gryt {n}, grävlingsgryt {n} |
sett {n} (paving stone) | :: gatsten |
setter {n} (volleyball player) | :: passare {c} |
set-theoretic {adj} (Of, relating to or using set theory) | :: mängdteoretisk |
set theory {n} (mathematical theory of sets) | :: mängdlära {c} |
set the table {v} (arrange plates, dishes, etc. in preparation for a meal) | :: duka |
setting {n} (time, place, circumstance) | :: miljö {c} |
settlement {n} (newly established colony) | :: koloni {c} |
settlement {n} ((law) resolution) | :: förlikning {c} |
settlement agreement {n} (agreement) | :: förlikning {c} |
settler {n} (someone who settles in a new location) | :: bosättare {c}, nybyggare {c} |
setup {n} (computing: an installer) | :: installationsprogram {n} |
set upon {v} (to attack) | :: överfalla, anfalla, attackera |
sevdalinka {n} (genre of folk music) | :: sevdah |
seven {num} (cardinal number 7) | :: sju |
seven {n} (the figure seven) | :: sjua {c} |
seven {n} (a card bearing seven pips) | :: sjua {c} |
seven deadly sins {n} (the cardinal sins) | :: sju dödssynderna [definite plural] |
sevenfold {adj} (multiplied by seven (adjective)) | :: sjufaldigad {c}, sjufaldigat {n} |
sevenfold {adj} (having seven parts (adjective)) | :: sjufaldig {c}, sjufaldigt {n} |
sevenfold {adv} (by a factor of seven (adverb)) | :: sjufaldig {c}, sjufaldigt {n} |
seven hundred {num} (cardinal number 700) | :: sjuhundra |
seven hundred and fifty {num} (number) | :: sjuhundrafemtio |
seven hundred and fifty {n} (the figure 750) | :: sjuhundrafemtio |
seven-league boots {n} (boots enabling great stride) | :: sjumilastövlar {c-p} |
sevennight {n} (period of seven consecutive days and nights) SEE: week | :: |
seventeen {num} (cardinal number) | :: sjutton |
seventeenth {adj} (ordinal number, see also: 17th) | :: sjuttonde |
seventh {adj} (ordinal form of the number seven, see also: 7th) | :: sjunde |
seventh {n} (something in the seventh position) | :: sjua {c} |
seventh {n} (one of seven equal parts of a whole) | :: sjundedel {c} |
seventh grade {n} (period in school that comes after sixth grade and before eighth grade) | :: sjunde klass |
seventh heaven {n} (state of great joy and satisfaction) | :: sjunde himlen |
seventies {n} (the decade of the 1970s) | :: sjuttiotalet {n}, sjuttiotal {n}, 1970-tal {n} |
seventieth {adj} (ordinal form of the number seventy (70)) | :: sjuttionde |
seventieth {n} (the person or thing in the seventieth position) | :: sjuttionde {c} |
seventieth {n} (one of seventy equal parts of a whole) | :: sjuttiondel {c} |
seventy {num} (cardinal number) | :: sjuttio |
seventy-first {adj} (ordinal number 71st) | :: sjuttioförsta |
seventy-five {num} (75) | :: sjuttiofem |
seventy-four {num} (74) | :: sjuttiofyra |
seventy-one {num} (71) | :: sjuttioen, sjuttioett |
seventysomething {n} (septuagenarian) SEE: septuagenarian | :: |
seventy-three {num} (73) | :: sjuttiotre |
seventy-two {num} (72) | :: sjuttiotvå |
seven virtues {n} (seven heavenly virtues) | :: de sju dygderna |
sever {v} (to cut free) | :: kapa, klippa av, hugga av |
several {determiner} (consisting of a number more than two, but not very many) | :: flera |
severe {adj} | :: sträng |
Seville {prop} (city in Andalusia, Spain) | :: Sevilla {c} |
Seville orange {n} (Seville orange) SEE: bitter orange | :: |
sevruga {n} (Acipenser stellatus) | :: stjärnstör {c} |
sew {v} ((transitive) use a needle) | :: sy |
sewage {n} (suspension of water and waste) | :: avloppsvatten {n} |
sewage fungus {n} (colony of bacteria, fungi and other species) | :: smutsvattensvamp {c} |
sewer {n} (pipes used to remove human waste and to provide drainage) | :: kloak {c} |
sewer {n} (person who sews clothing) | :: sömmare {c}, sömmerska {c} |
sewerage {n} (sewage) SEE: sewage | :: |
sewing machine {n} (device) | :: symaskin |
sewn {v} (past participle of sew) | :: sydd |
sex {n} (act of sexual intercourse) | :: sex {n}, samlag {n} |
sex {n} (gender (female or male)) | :: kön {n} |
sex {v} (to determine the sex of) | :: könsbestämma |
sex {v} (informal: to have sex with) | :: knulla, ha samlag med |
sexagenarian {adj} (in one's seventh decade) | :: sextioårig, 60-årig |
sexagenarian {n} (a person who is between the ages of 60 and 69) | :: sextioåring {c}, 60-åring {c} |
sex appeal {n} (sexual attractiveness) | :: sex appeal |
sex drive {n} (tendency to engage in sexual activity) | :: sexualdrift {c}, sexdrift {c} |
sex education {n} (sex education) | :: sexualkunskap, sex- och samlevnadsundervisning, sexualundervisning, sexualupplysning |
sex gland {n} (gland in which sex cells are produced) SEE: gonad | :: |
sex hair {n} (sex hair) | :: knullrufs {n} |
sexily {adv} (in a sexy manner) | :: sexigt |
sexism {n} (gender discrimination or dislike) | :: sexism |
sex life {n} (part of a person's life that is directly concerned with sexual activity) | :: sexliv {n} |
sex object {n} (person seen only as sexually attractive) | :: sexobjekt {n} |
sex offender {n} (somebody who has committed a crime of a sexual nature) | :: sexualförbrytare {c} |
sexologist {n} (someone who studies, or is an expert in, sex and sexuality) | :: sexolog {c} |
sexology {n} (study of sex and sexuality) | :: sexologi {c} |
sex organ {n} (organ used in sexual reproduction) | :: könsorgan {n} |
sex position {n} (sex position) | :: samlagsställning {c} |
sex symbol {n} (person who embodies sexual ideals) | :: sexsymbol {c} |
sext {n} (noon) SEE: noon | :: |
sextant {n} (navigational instrument) | :: sextant {c} |
sextet {n} (composition for six voices or instruments) | :: sextett {c} |
sexton {n} (church official) | :: kyrkvaktmästare {c} |
sex tourism {n} (travel for sex) | :: sexturism {c} |
sex toy {n} (sex aid) | :: sexleksak {c} |
sexual {adj} (of or relating to having sex) | :: sexuell, sex- |
sexual {adj} (of or relating to the sex of an organism) | :: sexuell, könlig, köns- |
sexual {adj} (of or relating to sexuality) | :: sexuell |
sexual {adj} | :: sexuell |
sexual abuse {n} (forcing of undesired sexual activity by one person on another) | :: sexuella övergrepp |
sexual harassment {n} (sexual harassment) | :: sexuella trakasserier {p}, sexuellt ofredande {n} |
sexual intercourse {n} (sexual interaction) | :: samlag |
sexuality {n} (sexual orientation) SEE: sexual orientation | :: |
sexuality {n} (that which is characterized or distinguished by sex) | :: sexualitet {c} |
sexuality {n} (sexual identity) | :: sexuell identitet {c} |
sexually {adv} (in a sexual manner) | :: sexuellt |
sexually {adv} (with respect to sex (division)) | :: köns- |
sexually {adv} (with respect to intercourse) | :: sexuellt |
sexually {adv} (by means of intercourse) | :: sexuellt |
sexually mature {adj} (able to reproduce) | :: könsmogen |
sexually transmitted disease {n} (contagious disease spread through sexual intercourse) SEE: venereal disease | :: |
sexually transmitted disease {n} (disease contracted through sexual contact) | :: könssjukdom |
sexual orientation {n} (sexual orientation) | :: sexuell läggning {c} |
sexual reproduction {n} (process whereby a new organism created by combining the genetic material of two organisms) | :: sexuell förökning, sexuell fortplantning, könlig förökning |
sexy {adj} (having sexual appeal) | :: sexig |
sexy {adj} (slang: very attractive or appealing) | :: sexig |
Seychelles {prop} (country in East Africa) | :: Seychellerna |
shabby {adj} (torn or worn; poor; mean; ragged) | :: sjabbig, sjavig, sliten, maläten |
shabby {adj} (clothed with ragged, much worn, or soiled garments) | :: luggsliten, sjavig |
shabby {adj} (mean; paltry; despicable) | :: sjaskig |
shabrack {n} (saddlecloth of a cavalry horse) | :: schabrak {n} |
shackle {n} (restraint fit over an appendage) | :: boja {c} |
shackle {n} (stubble) SEE: stubble | :: |
shad {n} (fishes of the herring family) | :: majfisk {c} |
shadbush {n} (serviceberry) SEE: serviceberry | :: |
shade {n} (darkness where light is blocked) | :: skugga {c} |
shade {n} (something that blocks light, particularly in a window) | :: gardin {c}, persienn {c} |
shade {n} (variety of color) | :: nyans {c}, färgton {c}, ton {c} |
shade {v} (to shield from light) | :: skugga |
shade horsetail {n} (Equisetum pratense) | :: ängsfräken |
shadow {n} (dark image projected onto a surface) | :: skugga {c} |
shadow {n} (area protected by an obstacle) | :: skugga {c} |
shadow {v} (to secretly track or follow another) | :: skugga |
shadow {n} (spirit, ghost) SEE: ghost | :: |
shadowbox {n} (diorama) SEE: diorama | :: |
shadow-box {n} (diorama) SEE: diorama | :: |
shadow government {n} (government-in-waiting that is prepared to take control) | :: skuggregering {c} |
shady {adj} (not trustworthy; unfit to be seen or known) | :: skum, suspekt |
shaft {n} (long narrow body of spear or arrow) | :: skaft {n} |
shaft {n} (beam or ray of light) | :: stråle {c} |
shaft {n} (any long, thin object) | :: stång {c} |
shaft {n} (long passage sunk into the earth) | :: schakt {n} |
shaft {n} (vertical passage housing a lift) | :: schakt {n} |
shaft {n} (ventilation or heating conduit) | :: schakt {n} |
shag {v} (to shake) | :: skaka |
shag {v} (to have sexual intercourse with) | :: knulla, ligga |
shag {n} (act of sexual intercourse) | :: knull, ligg {n} |
shag {n} (sexual partner) | :: knull {n}, ligg {n} |
shaggy {adj} (with long, thick, and uncombed hair, fur, or wool) | :: raggig, lurvig, rufsig |
shah {n} (king of Persia) | :: shah {c} |
shaheed {n} (martyr) SEE: martyr | :: |
shake {v} (transitive: to cause to move) | :: skaka |
shake {v} (to move one's head from side to side) | :: skaka (på) |
shake {v} (transitive: to disturb emotionally) | :: skaka |
shake {v} (transitive: to lose, evade) | :: skaka av sig |
shake {v} (intransitive: to move from side to side) | :: skaka |
shake {v} (intransitive: to shake hands) | :: skaka hand (på) |
shake {v} (intransitive: to dance) | :: shejka |
shake {n} (act of shaking) | :: skakning {c} |
shake {n} (milkshake) | :: milkshake {c} |
shake {n} (beverage made of ice cream and carbonated drink) SEE: float | :: |
shakedown {n} (extortion) SEE: extortion | :: |
shake hands {v} (grasp another person's hands) | :: skaka hand |
shake one's head {v} (move one's head from side to side) | :: skaka på huvudet |
Shakespearean sonnet {n} (type of sonnet) | :: engelsk sonett {c} |
shakeup {n} (reorganization) | :: ommöblering {c} [especially in politics], omorganisering {c} |
shakshuka {n} | :: shakshuka {c} |
shale {n} (sedimentary rock) | :: lerskiffer, skiffer |
shall {v} (indicating the simple future tense) | :: skola |
shall {v} (indicating determination or obligation) | :: böra |
shall {v} (in questions to suggest a possible future action) | :: skola |
shallot {n} (vegetable in the onion family, A. ascalonium or A. oschaninii) | :: schalottenlök {c} |
shallow {adj} (having little depth and significantly less deep than wide) | :: ytlig {c} |
shallow {adj} (extending not far downward) | :: ytlig {c}, grund [when referring to water] |
shallow {adj} (concerned mainly with superficial matters) | :: ytlig {c} |
shallow {adj} (lacking interest or substance) | :: ytlig {c} |
shallow {adj} | :: grund |
shallow {n} (shallow portion of an otherwise deep body of water) | :: grund {c} |
shaman {n} (a medium between the concrete and spirit worlds) | :: schaman {c}, völva {c} |
shamanism {n} (range of traditional beliefs) | :: schamanism |
shambles {n} (a great mess or clutter) | :: röra {c} |
shame {n} (uncomfortable or painful feeling) | :: skam {c} |
shame {n} (something to regret) | :: synd {c} |
shamefaced {adj} (bashful or ashamed) | :: skamsen |
shameful {adj} (causing or meriting shame or disgrace) | :: skamlig |
shameless {adj} (having no shame) | :: skamlös |
shame on you {interj} (expression of disapproval) | :: fy skäms, skäms på dig |
sham marriage {n} (fake marriage) | :: skenäktenskap {n} |
shampoo {n} (product for washing the hair or other fibres) | :: schampo {n} |
shampoo {n} (instance of washing the hair with shampoo) | :: schamponering {c} |
shampoo {n} (instance of washing other fibres with shampoo) | :: schamponering {c} |
shampoo {v} (to wash hair with shampoo) | :: schamponera |
shampoo {v} (to wash (the hair, carpet, etc.) with shampoo) | :: schamponera |
shamrock {n} (any of several small plants, forms of clover) SEE: clover | :: |
shamrock {n} (trefoil leaf of any clover) | :: treklöver {c} |
shanghai {v} (to force or trick into joining a ship) | :: sjanghaja |
shanks' mare {n} (walking) | :: apostlahästar {c-p} |
shanks' nag {n} (walking) | :: apostlahästar {c-p} |
shanks' pony {n} (idiomatic references to walking) | :: använda apostlahästarna |
shanty {n} (An old run-down house or shack) | :: ruckel {n} |
shantytown {n} (area containing a collection of shacks and shanties) | :: kåkstad {c} |
shape {n} (status or condition) | :: form {c}, tillstånd {n} |
shape {n} (appearance or outline) | :: form {c} |
shape {n} (figure) | :: form {c} |
shape {v} (to give something a shape) | :: forma |
shaper {n} (A machine tool) | :: kipphyvel |
shapeshifter {n} (creature capable of changing its appearance) SEE: shape-shifter | :: |
shape-shifter {n} (a person who can transform) | :: hamnskiftare {c} |
shape up {v} (to improve; correct one's bad habits) | :: rycka upp sig, komma i form |
shape up {v} (transform into) | :: forma sig |
sharbat {n} (sherbet) SEE: sherbet | :: |
shard {n} (piece of glass or pottery) | :: skärva {c} |
share {n} (portion of something) | :: andel, del |
share {n} (financial instrument) | :: aktie |
share {v} (to give) | :: dela, fördela, utdela |
share {v} (to have in common) | :: dela |
share {v} (to divide and distribute) | :: dela ut, dela, fördela |
share {v} (to tell to another) | :: delge, förmedla |
share {n} (sharebone) SEE: pubis | :: |
share {n} (plowshare) SEE: plowshare | :: |
share dilution {n} (loss of stock value due to new issues) | :: utspädning {c} |
shareholder {n} (one who owns shares of stock) | :: aktieägare {c} |
shareholders' agreement {n} (agreement between shareholders) | :: aktieägaravtal {n} |
shareholders' meeting {n} (meeing of shareholders) | :: bolagsstämma {c}, årsstämma {c} |
sharemarket {n} (stock market) SEE: stock market | :: |
shareowner {n} (shareholder) SEE: shareholder | :: |
shari'a {n} (Islamic religious law) | :: sharia |
shark {n} (fish) | :: haj {c} |
shark attack {n} (attack on a human by a shark) | :: hajattack {c} |
shark fin {n} (fin of a shark) | :: hajfena {c} |
shark fin soup {n} (soup made from shark fins) | :: hajfenssoppa {c} |
sharp {adj} (able to cut easily) | :: skarp, vass |
sharp {adj} (intelligent) | :: skarpsinnig, klyftig |
sharp {adj} (pointed, able to pierce easily) | :: vass |
sharp {adj} (of a note, played a semitone higher than usual) | :: -iss |
sharp {adj} (having an intense, acrid flavour) | :: skarp |
sharp {adj} (intense and sudden (of pain)) | :: skarp |
sharp {adv} (exactly) | :: prick |
sharp {n} (sign for a sharp note on the staff) | :: korsförtecken {n} |
sharpen {v} (to make sharp) | :: vässa |
Sharpe ratio {n} (measure of risk-adjusted performance of an asset) | :: Sharpekvot {c} |
sharp-shinned hawk {n} (a small hawk) | :: amerikansk sparvhök {c} |
sharpshooter {n} (marksman) | :: skarpskytt {c} |
sharp-tailed sandpiper {n} (Calidris acuminata) | :: spetsstjärtad snäppa {c} |
shashlik {n} (skewered dish) | :: saschlik |
shatter {v} (to violently break something into pieces) | :: krossa |
shatter {v} (to smash, or break into tiny pieces) | :: krossa, krascha, krasa |
shave {v} (to remove hair from) | :: raka |
shave {v} (to remove hair from one's face) | :: raka sig |
shave {v} | :: [sig/någon] raka |
shave {n} (an instance of shaving) | :: rakning {c} |
shaven {adj} (having been shaved) | :: rakad |
shaver {n} (boy) SEE: boy | :: |
shaver {n} (barber) SEE: barber | :: |
shaver {n} (electric razor) | :: rakapparat {c} |
shaving {n} (A thin, shaved off slice of wood, metal, or other material) | :: spån {n}, borrspån {n}, hyvelspån {n}, sågspån {n} |
shaving brush {n} (brush for applying shaving cream) | :: rakborste {c} |
shaw {n} (the leaves and tops of vegetables, as of potatoes, turnips, etc.) | :: blast {c} |
shawl {n} (a square piece of cloth worn as a covering for the head, neck, and shoulders) | :: sjal {c} |
shawm {n} (wind instrument) | :: skalmeja {c} |
shchi {n} (a type of Russian soup) | :: sjtji |
she {pron} (person) | :: hon |
she- {prefix} (the prefix she- for a female animal or a woman) | :: hon-, hona |
shea {n} (tree) | :: sheanötsträd {n} |
shea {n} (fruit) | :: sheanöt {c} |
shea butter {n} (fat extracted from the fruit of the shea tree) | :: sheasmör |
sheaf {n} (bundle of grain or straw) | :: kärve, sädeskärve {c} |
sheaf {n} (any collection of things bound together; a bundle) | :: bunt |
sheaf {n} (mathematical construct) | :: kärve |
shear {v} (to deform because of shearing forces) | :: skjuva |
shear {n} (a force that produces a shearing strain) | :: skjuvning {c} |
shear stress {n} (component of stress) | :: skjuvspänning {c} |
she-ass {n} (female ass, female donkey, jenny) | :: åsnesto |
sheatfish {n} (fish of the genus Silurus) | :: gädda |
sheath {n} (scabbard) SEE: scabbard | :: |
sheath {n} (condom) SEE: condom | :: |
sheath {n} (long case) | :: fodral {n} |
sheath {n} (insulating outer cover of an electrical cable) | :: hölje |
sheath {n} (tight-fitting dress) | :: fodral {n}, fodralklänning {c} |
sheathe {v} (to put (something) into a sheath) | :: sticka i slidan |
Sheba {prop} (biblical kingdom) | :: Saba |
she-bear {n} (a female bear) | :: björnhona {c}, björninna {c} |
shebop {v} (masturbate) SEE: masturbate | :: |
she-cat {n} (female cat) | :: honkatt {c}, katta {c} |
shed {v} (to cast off, to let fall, be divested of) | :: ömsa |
shed {v} (to pour; to make flow) | :: utgjuta |
shed {n} (temporary structure to shelter something) | :: skjul {n} |
sheen {n} (splendor; radiance; shininess) | :: glans |
sheep {n} (animal) | :: får {n} |
sheepdog {n} (dog used for herding sheep) | :: fårhund {c} |
sheepherder {n} (shepherd) SEE: shepherd | :: |
sheep ked {n} (Melophagus ovinus) | :: fårlus {c} |
sheepshank {n} (type of knot) | :: trumpetstek {c} |
sheepskin {n} (skin of a sheep) | :: fårskinn {n} |
sheer {adj} (pure) SEE: pure | :: |
sheet {n} (sheet of paper) | :: ark {n}, pappersark {n}, blad {n} |
sheet {n} (rope to adjust a sail) | :: skot {n} |
sheet {n} (area on ice for curling game) | :: bana {c} |
sheet {v} (to trim a sail) | :: skota |
sheet {n} (thin bed cloth) SEE: bedsheet | :: |
sheet bend {n} (knot) | :: skotstek {c} |
sheet cake {n} (A simple, flat, rectangular cake) | :: långpannekaka {c} |
sheet metal {n} (Metal worked into a thin, flat sheet) | :: plåt {c} |
sheet music {n} (hand-written or printed form of musical notation) | :: noter |
sheik {n} (leader of an Arab village, family or small tribe) | :: schejk, shejk {c} |
sheik {n} (Islamic religious clergy) | :: shejk {c}, schejk {c} |
sheik {n} (Gulf countries: official title for members of the royal family) | :: shejk {c}, schejk {c} |
shekel {n} (ancient unit of weight) | :: sikel {c} |
shelduck {n} (waterfowl) | :: gravand {c} |
shelf {n} (structure) | :: hylla {c} |
shelf life {n} (the length of time a product will last without deteriorating) | :: hållbarhet {c} |
shell {n} (hard calcareous or chitinous external covering of many invertebrates) | :: skal {n} |
shell {n} (hard covering of an egg) | :: äggskal {n}, skal {n} |
shell {n} (entomology: exoskeleton of certain insects) | :: skal {n} |
shell {n} (covering of a nut) | :: skal {n} |
shell {n} (pod) | :: balja {c}, skida {c} |
shell {n} (husks of cacao seeds) | :: skal {n} |
shell {n} (conjoined scutes that comprise the "shell" of a tortoise or turtle) | :: skal {n} |
shell {n} (overlapping hard plates comprising the armor covering armadillo's body) | :: skal {n}, fjäll {n} |
shell {n} (casing of an artillery projectile) | :: granat {c} |
shell {n} (hollow usually spherical or cylindrical projectile fired from a mortar or a cannon) | :: granat {c} |
shell {n} (any hollow structure; framework, or exterior structure) | :: skal {n} |
shell {n} (engraved copper roller used in print works) | :: plåt {c} |
shell {n} (computing: general-purpose environment) | :: skal {n}, shell {c}, kommandotolk {c}, tolk {c} |
shell {n} (chemistry: set of atomic orbitals that have the same principal quantum number) | :: skal {n} |
shell {n} (psychological barrier to social interaction) | :: skal {n} |
shell {n} (business: legal entity that has no operations) | :: skal {n}, skalbolag {n} |
shell {v} (to remove the outer covering or shell of something) | :: skala |
shell {v} (to bombard, to fire projectiles at) | :: bombardera, bomba, beskjuta |
shell {v} (to cast the shell, or exterior covering) | :: ömsa |
shellac {n} (processed secretion of the lac insect) | :: schellack {c} |
shellfish {n} (aquatic food that has a shell) | :: skaldjur {n} |
shell shock {n} (psychiatric condition characterized by fatigue caused by battle) | :: stridsutmattning {c} |
shelter {n} (a refuge or other protection) | :: skydd {n} |
shelter {v} (transitive, to provide cover) | :: skydda |
shelve {v} (to set aside, quit, or halt) | :: skrinlägga |
shemale {n} (a male-to-female transsexual or transgender person) | :: shemale [anglicism], transsexuell person |
shenanigan {n} (singular of shenanigan) SEE: shenanigans | :: |
shenanigans {n} (deceitful tricks) | :: fiffel, fuffens |
shepherd {n} (a person who tends sheep) | :: fåraherde {c} |
shepherd {n} (someone who watches over or guides) | :: herde {c} |
sherbet {n} (frozen fruit juice) | :: sorbet {c} |
sherbet {n} (powder) | :: bruspulver {n} |
Sheremetyevo {prop} (airport in Russia) | :: Sjeremetievo |
sheriff {n} (all meanings) | :: sheriff {c} |
Sherwood Forest {prop} (country park) | :: Sherwoodskogen {c} |
she-tiger {n} (tigress) SEE: tigress | :: |
Shetland {prop} (Shetland Islands) SEE: Shetland Islands | :: |
Shetlander {adj} (related to Shetland Islands) | :: shetländsk |
Shetlander {n} (person from the Shetland Islands) | :: shetländare, shetlänning {c} |
Shetland Islands {prop} (group of islands) | :: Shetlandsöarna {n}, Shetland {n} |
Shetland pony {n} (small horse) | :: shetlandsponny {c} |
she-wolf {n} (female wolf) | :: varginna {c}, varghona {c}, vargtik {c}, ylva {f} [archaic], varghona |
shh {interj} (requesting silence) | :: shh |
Shiba Inu {n} (dog) | :: shiba {c} |
shibboleth {n} (a word, especially seen as a test, to distinguish someone as belonging to a particular nation, class, profession etc) | :: schibbolet |
shield {n} (lavatory) SEE: toilet | :: |
shield {n} (outhouse) SEE: outhouse | :: |
shield {n} (armor) | :: sköld {c} |
shield {n} (anything that protects or defends) | :: sköld, skyddsplåt, skärma |
shield {n} (heraldry) | :: vapensköld {c} |
shield {v} (to protect, to defend) | :: skydda |
shieldmaiden {n} (virgin who had chosen to fight in battle) | :: sköldmö |
shift {n} (type of women's undergarment) SEE: slip | :: |
shift {n} (change of workers) | :: skift {n}, arbetsskift {n}, arbetspass {n}, pass {n} |
shift {n} (act of shifting) | :: skifte {n}, byte {n} |
shift {n} (gear mechanism in a motor vehicle) | :: växel {c} |
shift {n} (button on a keyboard) | :: skift, skifttangent {c} |
shift {v} (to change, swap) | :: byta, skifta, ändra, växla |
shift {v} (to move from one place to another) | :: flytta, skifta |
shift {v} (to change position) | :: flytta, skifta, ändra |
shift {v} (to change gears) | :: växla |
shift key {n} (key on a typewriter) | :: omskiftare {c}, skifttangent {c} |
shift key {n} (key on a personal computer or terminal keyboard) | :: skifttangent {c} |
shifty {adj} (Having the appearance of someone dishonest, criminal or unreliable) | :: lömsk, skum |
shiitake {n} (Lentinula edodes, an edible mushroom) | :: shiitake {c} |
Shiite {adj} (of or pertaining to the Shi'a branch of Islam) | :: shiitisk |
shill {n} (a person paid to endorse a product favourably) | :: lockfågel {c} |
shimmer {v} (to shine with a veiled light; to gleam faintly; to glisten; to glimmer) | :: skimra |
shimmer {n} (faint or veiled and tremulous gleam or shining; a glimmer) | :: skimmer {n} |
Shimshon {prop} (given name) SEE: Samson | :: |
shin {n} (front part of the leg below the knee) | :: skenben {n} |
shinbone {n} (inner bone of the hind limb below the knee) | :: skenben |
shine {v} (to emit light) | :: lysa, skina, stråla |
shine {v} (to reflect light) | :: blänka, glänsa, reflektera |
shine {v} (to distinguish oneself) | :: glänsa, vara lysande |
shine {v} (to be immediately apparent) | :: lysa i ögonen |
shine {n} (brightness from a source of light) | :: sken {n} |
shine {n} (brightness from reflected light) | :: glans {c} |
shine {n} (excellence in quality or appearance) | :: finish {c}, polish {c} |
shine {v} (to polish) | :: blanka, polera, putsa |
shine {n} (slang: moonshine) SEE: moonshine | :: |
shine {n} (sunshine) SEE: sunshine | :: |
shiner {n} (black eye) SEE: black eye | :: |
shingles {n} (herpes zoster) | :: bältros {c}, helveteseld |
shinkansen {n} (bullet train) SEE: bullet train | :: |
shin pad {n} (clothing) | :: benskydd {n} |
shiny {adj} (reflecting light) | :: skinande, glittrande |
shiny {adj} (emitting light) | :: lysande |
shiny cowbird {n} (shiny cowbird) | :: glanskostare |
ship {n} (large water vessel) | :: skepp {n}, fartyg {n} |
ship {v} (to send a parcel or container) | :: skeppa, frakta |
-ship {suffix} (Property or state of being) | :: -skap |
shipbuilding {n} (construction of ships) | :: skeppsbyggnad {c} |
shipment {n} (load of goods) | :: försändelse |
shipping {n} (transportation of goods) | :: frakt |
shipping company {n} (company) | :: rederi {n} |
shipworm {n} (Marine mollusc that bores through wood) | :: skeppsmask {c} |
shipwreck {n} (A ship that has sunk or run aground so that it is no longer seaworthy.) | :: skeppsvrak {n} |
shipwreck {n} (An event where a ship sinks or runs aground.) | :: skeppsbrott {n}, förlisning {c} |
shipyard {n} (place to build and repair ships) | :: skeppsvarv {n}, varv {n} |
Shiraz {prop} (a city in southern Iran) | :: Shiraz |
Shiraz {n} (variety of black grape) | :: Shiraz, Syrah |
shire {n} (former administrative area of Britain; a county) | :: grevskap {n} |
shirk {v} (avoid a duty) | :: smita från, undvika |
shirt {n} (article of clothing) | :: skjorta {c} |
shirtless {adj} (not wearing a shirt) | :: bara bröst |
shirty {adj} (ill-tempered or annoyed) | :: sur |
shisha {n} (arabic water-pipe) SEE: hookah | :: |
shit {n} | :: skit {c}, bajs {n} |
shit {n} (rubbish) | :: skit {c} |
shit {n} (the best of its kind) | :: skit {c} |
shit {n} (nonsense, bullshit) | :: skit {c}, skitsnack {n} |
shit {n} (nasty, despicable person) | :: skit {c}, skitstövel {c} |
shit {n} (not anything, nothing) | :: skit {c} |
shit {adj} (of poor quality) | :: skit |
shit {adj} (despicable) | :: skit |
shit {v} | :: skita, bajsa |
shit {v} (vulgar: to excrete (something) through the anus) | :: skita ut, bajsa ut |
shit {v} (vulgar: to be stricken with fear) | :: skita på sig ((to) shit one self) |
shit {interj} (expression of worry, failure) | :: skit! [not considered a swearword], fan! [considered a swearword], jävlar! [considered a swearword] |
shit a brick {v} (To react strongly in fear) | :: skita knäck |
shitfaced {adj} (very drunk) | :: stupfull, dyngrak, asfull, skitfull |
shit happens {phrase} (expression of acceptance of misfortune) SEE: such is life | :: |
shithead {n} (card game) | :: vändtia {c} |
shithole {n} (anus) SEE: asshole | :: |
shithole {n} (unpleasant person) SEE: asshole | :: |
shithole {n} (dirty or unpleasant place) | :: skitställe {n} |
shit hot {adj} (brilliant or exceptional) | :: skitbra |
shit oneself {v} (vulgar slang: be very scared) | :: skita på sig |
shit oneself {v} (vulgar slang: soil oneself) SEE: soil oneself | :: |
shits {n} (vulgar slang for diarrhea) | :: diarré {c}, rännskita {c} |
shit sandwich {n} | :: bajsmacka {c} |
shitter {n} (coarse slang for the anus) SEE: anus | :: |
shitter {n} (coarse slang for toilet, see also: toilet) | :: skithus, dass, muggen |
shitty {adj} (drunk) SEE: drunk | :: |
shitty {adj} (high) SEE: high | :: |
shive {n} (wood fragment of the husk of flax or hemp) | :: skävor |
shiver {v} (to tremble or shake) | :: darra |
Shlomo {prop} (given name) SEE: Solomon | :: |
Shoah {prop} (the systematic mass murder of 6 million Jews) SEE: Holocaust | :: |
shoal {n} (group of fish) SEE: school | :: |
shoal {n} (sandbank) | :: sandbank {c} |
shock {n} (sudden, heavy impact) | :: chock {c}, skräll {c} |
shock {n} (something surprising) | :: chock {c}, överraskning {c} |
shock {n} (electric shock) | :: elstöt {c}, stöt {c}, elchock {c}, chock {c} |
shock {n} | :: chock |
shock absorber {n} (device to absorb shocks) | :: stötdämpare {c} |
shock wave {n} (A powerful compression wave) | :: chockvåg, chockfront |
shoddy {adj} (of poor quality) | :: tafflig, slarvig |
shoe {n} (protective covering for the foot) | :: sko {c} |
shoe {n} (something resembling a shoe (e.g. brake shoe)) | :: sko {c} |
shoe {v} (to put horseshoes on a horse) | :: sko |
shoe {v} (to equip with protection) | :: sko |
shoe {v} | :: sko |
shoe {n} (piece of metal designed to be attached to a horse’s foot) SEE: horseshoe | :: |
shoebill {n} (wading bird) | :: träskonäbb {c} |
shoeblack {n} (shoeshiner) SEE: shoeshiner | :: |
shoebox {n} (box in which shoes are sold) | :: skokartong {c} |
shoehorn {n} (tool used to assist the foot) | :: skohorn {n} |
shoehorn {v} (to use a shoehorn) | :: tränga, knö, tvinga, klämma in |
shoelace {n} (for fastening a shoe, see also: lace) | :: skosnöre {n} |
shoeless {adj} (without shoes) | :: skolös, oskodd, barfota |
shoemaker {n} (a person who makes shoes) | :: skomakare {c}, skomakerska {c} |
shoemaking {n} (shoemaking) | :: skomakeri {n} |
shoe polish {n} (product used to make shoes shine) | :: skokräm {c} |
shoeshine boy {n} (shoeshiner) SEE: shoeshiner | :: |
shoeshine girl {n} (shoeshiner) SEE: shoeshiner | :: |
shoeshiner {n} (person who shines shoes) | :: skoputsare {c} |
shoe shop {n} (a shop that sells footwear and related items) | :: skobutik, skoaffär {c} |
shoe store {n} (shoe shop) SEE: shoe shop | :: |
shoestring {n} (the string or lace used to secure the shoe to the foot; a shoelace) SEE: shoelace | :: |
shofar {n} (ram’s-horn trumpet) | :: shofar {c} |
shogun {n} (supreme generalissimo of feudal Japan) | :: shogun |
shoo {v} (to induce someone to leave) | :: sjasa, sjasa bort, sjasa iväg |
shoo {interj} (go away) | :: sjas |
shoot {v} (to fire a shot) | :: skjuta |
shoot {v} (to fire multiple shots) | :: skjuta |
shoot {v} (to hit with a shot) | :: skjuta |
shoot from the hip {v} (discharge a firearm) | :: skjuta från höften |
shoot from the hip {v} (react quickly) | :: skjuta från höften, höfta |
shooting {n} (instance of shooting) | :: skjutning {c} |
shooting range {n} (a facility designed for firearms practice) | :: skjutbana |
shooting star {n} (meteor) | :: fallande stjärna {c}, stjärnfall {n} |
shoot oneself in the foot {v} (to act against one's own interest) | :: skjuta sig själv i foten |
shoot oneself in the foot {v} | :: skjuta sig själv i foten |
shoot one's mouth off {v} (make reckless or exaggerated statements) | :: prata skit, snacka skit |
shoot up {v} (To inject (a drug) intravenously) | :: skjuta upp |
shop {n} (establishment that sells goods) | :: affär {c}, butik {c}, kiosk {c} |
shop {n} (workshop) | :: verkstad {c} |
shop {n} (a class taught typically in junior high school, teaching vocational skill) | :: slöjd {c} |
shop {v} (to visit shops) | :: handla , shoppa |
shop {v} (to digitally edit a picture or photograph) SEE: photoshop | :: |
shop assistant {n} (shop employee) | :: expedit {c}, butiksbiträde {n} |
shopkeeper {n} (trader who sells goods in a shop) | :: handlare |
shoplift {v} (transitive: to steal something) | :: snatta |
shoplift {v} (intransitive: to steal) | :: snatta |
shoplifter {n} (one who steals from shops) | :: snattare {c} |
shoplifting {n} (action of the verb to shoplift) | :: snatteri {n} |
shoppe {n} (shop) SEE: shop | :: |
shopping {n} (activity of buying) | :: shopping {c} |
shopping cart {n} (conveyance used to carry items while shopping) | :: kundvagn |
shopping center {n} (shopping centre) SEE: shopping centre | :: |
shopping centre {n} (large retail outlet) | :: köpcenter {n}, affärscenter {n} |
shopping list {n} (list of items that need to be bought) | :: inköpslista {c} |
shopping mall {n} (shopping centre) SEE: shopping centre | :: |
shopping trolley {n} (shopping cart) SEE: shopping cart | :: |
shop window {n} (large window at the front of a shop) | :: skyltfönster {n} |
Shor {prop} (language) | :: sjoriska {c} |
shore {n} (land adjoining a large body of water) | :: strand |
shore fly {n} (fly of the family Ephyridae) | :: vattenfluga {c} |
short {adj} (having a small distance between ends or edges) | :: kort |
short {adj} (of a person, of comparatively small height) | :: kort |
short {adj} (having little duration) | :: kort |
short {adj} (constituting an abbreviation or shortened form) | :: kort, förkortning |
short {adj} | :: kort |
short {v} (transitive: to cause a short circuit) | :: kortsluta |
short {v} (intransitive: to short circuit) | :: kortsluta |
short {v} (business: to sell something one does not own at the moment) | :: blanka |
short {n} (short circuit) SEE: short circuit | :: |
short {n} (finance: short sale) SEE: short selling | :: |
short {n} (finance: short seller) SEE: short seller | :: |
short {n} (short film) SEE: short film | :: |
short-billed dowitcher {n} (Limnodromus griseus) | :: mindre beckasinsnäppa {c} |
shortbread {n} (biscuit) | :: mördegskaka |
short circuit {n} (unintentional connection) | :: kortslutning {c} |
short circuit {v} (cause a short circuit) | :: kortsluta |
shortcoming {n} (deficiency) | :: tillkortakommande {c}, brist {c}, svaghet {c} |
shortcut {n} (path) | :: genväg {c} |
shortcut {n} (method) | :: genväg {c} |
shortcut {n} (symlink) | :: genväg {c}, alias {n} |
shortcut {n} (keyboard shortcut) SEE: keyboard shortcut | :: |
short-eared owl {n} (owl) | :: jorduggla {c} |
short film {n} (motion picture) | :: kortfilm {c} |
shorthand {n} (rough and rapid method of writing) | :: stenografi |
shorthorn sculpin {n} (species of fish) | :: rötsimpa |
short-lived {adj} (not existent for very long) | :: kortlivad, kortvarig |
shortness {n} (The property of being short, of being small of stature or brief) | :: korthet |
shortness of breath {n} (dyspnea) | :: dyspné, andnöd |
short of {phrase} (except) SEE: except | :: |
shorts {n} (plural of short) SEE: short | :: |
shorts {n} (pants worn primarily in the summer that do not go lower than the knees) | :: shorts, kortbyxor {c-p} |
short sale {n} (sale of a security that one does not own, delivery obligation met by borrowing the security from another owner) SEE: short selling | :: |
short seller {n} (person or organization that participates in short selling) | :: blankare {c} |
short selling {n} (The practice of selling items or stock which one does not currently possess) | :: blankning {c} |
short-sighted {adj} (myopic) SEE: myopic | :: |
short-sighted {adj} (lacking foresight) | :: kortsynt |
short-sightedness {n} (disorder of the vision) SEE: nearsightedness | :: |
short story {n} (work of fiction) | :: novell {c} |
short-tailed parrot {n} (Graydidascalus brachyurus) | :: kortstjärtad papegoja |
short-tailed weasel {n} (Mustela erminea) SEE: ermine | :: |
short-toed snake eagle {n} (Circaetus gallicus) | :: ormörn {c} |
short ton {n} (USCS ton) | :: engelskt kort ton {n} |
shortwave {adj} (of radio waves) | :: kortvågig |
shortwave {n} (wave) | :: kortvåg {c} |
Shoshone {prop} (Amerind people) | :: shoshoner |
Shoshone {prop} (Amerind language) | :: shoshone |
shot {adj} | :: utsliten |
shot {n} (result of launching a projectile) | :: skott {n} |
shot {n} (launching of a ball or similar object toward a goal) | :: skott {n} |
shot {n} (small metal balls used as ammunition) | :: hagel, skrot |
shot {n} (opportunity or attempt) | :: chansning {c}, försök {n} |
shot {n} (measure of alcohol) | :: shot {c} |
Shota {prop} (male given name) | :: Sjota |
shot glass {n} (small glass) | :: shotglas {n} |
shotgun {n} (gun) | :: hagelgevär {n} |
shotgun {n} (front seat next to driver) | :: framsäte {n} |
shot put {n} (athletics event) | :: kulstötning {c} |
shot-putter {n} (athlete) | :: kulstötare {c}, kulstöterska {c} |
should {v} (expressing obligation) | :: skola |
should {v} (expressing opinion) | :: bör, borde |
should {v} (expressing likelihood) | :: böra |
should {v} (if; in case of) | :: om, skulle |
shoulder {n} (joint between arm and torso) | :: axel {c}, skuldra {c} |
shoulder {n} (a verge to the side of a road) | :: vägren {c} |
shoulder bag {n} (bag suspended from the shoulder) | :: axelremsväska {c} |
shoulder blade {n} (bone) | :: skulderblad {n} |
shoulder bone {n} (shoulder blade) SEE: shoulder blade | :: |
shoulder-length {adj} (reaching the shoulders) | :: axellång |
shoulder pad {n} (type of padding) | :: axelvadd {c} |
shoulder-to-shoulder {adv} (in close proximity) | :: skuldra vid skuldra |
shoulder-to-shoulder {adv} (whilst closely cooperating) | :: skuldra vid skuldra |
shout {v} (to utter a sudden and loud outcry) | :: skrika |
shovel {n} (spade) SEE: spade | :: |
shovel {n} (tool for moving portions of material) | :: skyffel {c}, skovel {c}, spade {c} |
shovel {v} (to move materials with a shovel) | :: skyffla, skotta [snow] |
show {v} (to display) | :: visa |
show {v} (to indicate (a fact) to be true) | :: visa, demonstrera |
show {v} (to be visible) | :: synas, märkas |
show {n} (entertainment) | :: show {c} |
show {n} (exhibition) | :: uppvisning {c} [living objects], utställning {c} [non-living objects] |
show {n} (demonstration) | :: demonstration |
show {v} (show up) SEE: show up | :: |
showboat {n} (river steamer with theatre) | :: teaterbåt {c} |
showcase {n} (a setting for displaying something favorably) | :: skyltfönster {n}, vitrin {c} |
showcase {v} (to display, demonstrate, show, or present) | :: ställa ut, förevisa |
shower {n} (brief fall of rain) | :: skur {c} |
shower {n} (device for bathing) | :: dusch {c} |
shower {n} (instance of using of this device) | :: dusch {c} |
shower {v} (to spray with) | :: duscha, spraya |
shower {v} (to bathe using a shower) | :: duscha |
shower curtain {n} (waterproof curtain) | :: duschdraperi {n} |
shower gel {n} (gel shower soap) | :: duschgel |
shower head {n} (part of a shower where the water comes out) | :: duschhuvud {n} |
showerhead {n} (perforated nozzle that showers water on a bather) | :: duschhuvud {n}, duschmunstycke |
showing {n} (occasion) | :: visning {c} |
show jumping {n} (equestrian event in which a rider's horse is jumped over an array of obstacles) | :: hästhoppning {c}, banhoppning {c} |
showmanship {n} (strong performance) | :: artisteri {n} |
show of hands {n} (vote by raising a hand) | :: handuppräckning {c} |
show one's true colors {v} (to reveal how one really is) | :: visa sitt rätta ansikte, visa sitt rätta jag, visa sin sanna natur, bekänna färg |
show trial {n} (trial held for appearance's sake) | :: skenprocess {c}, skenrättegång {c} |
show up {v} (to appear) | :: dyka upp |
show up {v} (to expose) | :: avslöja, blottlägga |
shrapnel {n} (fragments and debris thrown out by an exploding device) | :: splitter |
shred {n} (strip) | :: remsa {c} |
shred {n} (fragment; piece; particle) | :: uns, tillstymmelse {c}, spår {c} {n} |
shred {v} (to cut or tear into narrow pieces or strips) | :: strimla |
shredder {n} (machine) | :: dokumentförstörare {c} (paper shredder) |
shrew {n} (mouselike animal) | :: näbbmus {c} |
shrewd {adj} (showing clever resourcefulness in practical matters) | :: klok |
shrewd {adj} (artful, tricky or cunning) | :: listig, slug, fiffig, finurlig |
shrewdly {adv} (in a shrewd manner) | :: klokt |
shrift {n} (act of going to or hearing a religious confession) | :: skriftermål {n}, bikt {c} |
shrift {n} (confession to a priest) | :: skriftermål {n}, bikt {c} |
shrift {n} (forgiveness given by a priest after confession) | :: syndaförlåtelse {c} |
shrike {n} (Any of various passerine birds of the family Laniidae) | :: törnskata {c} |
shrill {adj} (high-pitched and piercing) | :: gäll |
shrimp {n} (decapod crustacean) | :: räka {c} |
shrine {n} (a holy place dedicated to a specific figure of respect) | :: helgedom, vallfärdsplats {c}, mecka {n} |
shrink {v} (intransitive: to contract, to become smaller) | :: krympa |
shrink {v} (transitive: to cause something to shrink) | :: krympa |
shrink {n} (psychiatrist or therapist (informal, belittling)) | :: hjärnskrynklare {c} |
shrithe {v} (to creep) SEE: creep | :: |
shrive {v} (confess) SEE: confess | :: |
shrivel {v} (collapse inward) | :: krympa, sjunka ihop |
shrivel {v} (become wrinkled) | :: skrumpna |
shroom {n} (mushroom) SEE: mushroom | :: |
shroud {n} (dress for the dead) | :: svepning {c} |
shroud {n} (mast support) | :: vant |
Shrovetide {n} (period of three days) | :: fastlag {c} |
Shrove Tuesday {n} (day before the beginning of Lent) | :: fettisdag {c} |
shrub {n} (woody plant) | :: buske |
shrug {n} (gesture) | :: axelryckning {c} |
shrug {v} (to raise the shoulders to express uncertainty, lack of concern, etc.) | :: rycka på axlarna |
shtick {n} (gimmick) | :: gag |
shtum {adj} (silent; speechless; dumb) | :: stum |
shudder {v} (to shake nervously, as if from fear) | :: rysa |
shuffle {v} (to put in a random order) | :: blanda |
shufti {n} (glance) SEE: glance | :: |
shut {v} ((transitive) to close) | :: stänga |
shut one's eyes {v} (to ignore or deliberately overlook) SEE: turn a blind eye | :: |
shut one's trap {v} (shut up) SEE: shut up | :: |
shutter {n} (protective panels over windows) | :: fönsterlucka {c} |
shutter {n} (part of a camera) | :: slutare {c} |
shutterbug {n} (person who makes a hobby of photography) | :: amatörfotograf |
shuttle {n} (part of a loom) | :: skyttel {c} |
shuttle {n} (transport service) | :: skyttelbuss {c}, skytteltrafik {c} |
shuttlecock {n} (badminton ball) | :: fjäderboll |
shut up {v} (close (a building) so that no one can enter) | :: stänga, låsa |
shut up {v} (terminate (a business)) | :: stänga, slå igen |
shut up {v} (enclose (a person, animal or thing) in a room or other place so that it cannot leave) | :: låsa in, bura in |
shut up {v} (put (an object) in a secure enclosed place) | :: låsa in |
shut up {v} (transitive: to stop (a person) from talking or (a person or thing) from making noise) | :: tysta, kväsa |
shut up {v} (intransitive: to stop talking or making noise) | :: tiga |
shut up {v} (imperative: "Shut up!", see also: hold one's tongue) | :: håll tyst, håll käften, tig, håll mun, håll klaffen, häll käft |
shut up {v} ("I don't believe it!") | :: vad säger du, du skojar, seriöst |
shvitz {n} (sweat) SEE: sweat | :: |
shy {adj} (easily frightened) | :: skygg |
shy {adj} (reserved) | :: blyg, skygg |
shy {adj} (cautious) | :: försiktig, skygg |
shy {adj} (short, less than) | :: knapp |
shy {adj} (embarrassed) | :: besvärad, skamsen |
shylock {v} (to lend at exorbitant rates) | :: ta ockerränta, ockra |
shylock {n} (loan shark) SEE: loan shark | :: |
shyster {n} (someone who acts in a disreputable, unethical, or unscrupulous way) | :: brännvinsadvokat |
Siam {prop} (the former name of Thailand) | :: Siam |
Siamese {adj} (Thai) | :: siamesisk |
Siamese {prop} (Thai language) | :: siamesiska {c} |
Siamese {n} (Siamese cat) | :: siames {c}, siameskatt {c} |
Siamese cat {n} (mammal) | :: siames katt |
Siamese fighting fish {n} (a freshwater fish) | :: siamesisk kampfisk |
Siamese twin {n} (conjoined twin) | :: siamesisk tvilling {c} |
sib {n} (sibling) SEE: sibling | :: |
Siberia {prop} (region of Russia) | :: Sibirien {c} |
Siberian {adj} (from, of or pertaining to Siberia) | :: sibirisk |
Siberian {n} (person) | :: sibirier {c} |
Siberian {n} (cat) | :: sibirier {c}, sibirisk katt {c} |
Siberian Husky {n} (Siberian Husky dog) | :: sibirisk husky {c} |
Siberian jay {n} (Perisoreus infaustus) | :: lavskrika {c} |
Siberian tiger {n} (Panthera tigris altaica) | :: Sibirisk tiger |
sibilant {adj} (characterized by a hissing sound) | :: väsande |
sibilant {n} (phonetics: a hissing sound) | :: väsljud {n}, sibilant {c} |
siblicide {n} (killing of a sibling) | :: syskonmord |
sibling {n} (person who shares same parents) | :: syskon {n} |
sibyl {n} (a pagan female oracle) | :: sibylla {c} |
Sibyl {prop} (female given name) | :: Sibylla |
sic {adv} (thus, thus written) | :: sic, så |
Sichuan {prop} (a province in China) | :: Sichuan {n} |
Sichuan pepper {n} (pod of Zanthoxylum) | :: sichuanpeppar {c} |
Sichuan tit {n} (Poecile weigoldicus) | :: sichuanmes {c} |
Sicilian {adj} (relating to Sicily or its inhabitants) | :: siciliansk |
Sicilian {prop} (language) | :: sicilianska {c} |
Sicilian {n} (person) | :: sicilianare {c} |
Sicilian {n} (chess opening) SEE: Sicilian Defence | :: |
Sicilian Defence {prop} (chess opening) | :: siciliansk öppning {c}, sicilianskt {n}, sicilianskt försvar {n} |
Sicily {prop} (island) | :: Sicilien {n} |
sick {adj} (having an urge to vomit) | :: må illa, illamående, sjuk |
sick {adj} (tired (of), annoyed (by)) | :: trött |
sick {adj} (colloquial: mentally unstable, disturbed) | :: sjuk |
sick {adj} (colloquial: in bad taste) | :: sjuk |
sick {n} (sick people) | :: sjuka, (sjuke) |
sick {n} (vomit) | :: spya, kräks |
sick {adj} (ill) SEE: ill | :: |
sick and tired {adj} (frustrated and annoyed) SEE: fed up | :: |
sickbed {n} (a bed used by a person who is sick) | :: sjuksäng {c}, sjukbädd {c} |
sickle {n} (agricultural implement) | :: skära {c} |
sick leave {n} (a type of leave from work) | :: sjukskrivning |
sickle cell anaemia {n} (sickle cell anaemia) SEE: sickle-cell anemia | :: |
sickle-cell anaemia {n} (sickle-cell anaemia) SEE: sickle-cell anemia | :: |
sickle-cell anemia {n} (disease characterized by sickle-shaped red blood cells) | :: sickelcellanemi {c} |
sickle-cell disease {n} (sickle-cell disease) SEE: sickle-cell anemia | :: |
sickly {adj} (frequently ill) | :: sjuklig {c}, sjukligt {n}, sjukliga {p} |
sick man of Europe {prop} (Ottoman Empire) | :: Europas sjuke man {c} |
side {n} (bounding straight edge of an object) | :: sida {c}, kant {c} |
side {n} (flat surface of an object) | :: sida {c} |
side {n} (left or right half) | :: sida |
side {n} (surface of a sheet of paper) | :: sida |
side {n} (region in a specified position with respect to something) | :: sida {c} |
side {n} (one possible aspect of a concept) | :: sida {c} |
side {n} (group having a particular allegiance in a war) | :: sida {c} |
side {n} (television channel) SEE: channel | :: |
sideband {n} (band of frequencies on each side of the frequency of a carrier wave) | :: sidband {n} |
sideboard {n} (sideburns) SEE: sideburns | :: |
sideburn {n} (sideburns) SEE: sideburns | :: |
sideburns {n} (facial hair reaching from the top of the head down the side of the face to the side of the chin) | :: polisong {c} |
side by side {adv} (literally) | :: sida vid sida |
side by side {adv} | :: sida vid sida |
side cap {n} (military cap) | :: båtmössa |
side effect {n} (unintended consequence of any action) | :: bieffekt {c} |
side effect {n} (medicine: an adverse effect) | :: biverkan {c}, biverkning {c} |
sidefoot {v} (To kick something with the instep of the foot) | :: bredsida |
sideproduct {n} (byproduct) SEE: byproduct | :: |
side-straddle hop {n} (jumping jack) SEE: jumping jack | :: |
side street {n} (side street) | :: sidogata {c} |
sidewalk {n} (paved footpath) | :: trottoar |
sidewalk cafe {n} (an outdoor portion of a restaurant) | :: uteservering {c}, trottoarservering {c} |
sidewall {n} (side of a tire) | :: däcksida {c} |
sidewall {n} (wall) | :: sidovägg {c}, gavel {c} |
siding {n} (material to cover the sides of a building) | :: väggpanel {c}, brädfodring {c} |
siding {n} (side track) | :: sidospår {n}, stickspår {n} |
Sidon {prop} (city state of Phoenicia) | :: Sayda |
siege {n} (lavatory) SEE: toilet | :: |
siege {n} (outhouse) SEE: outhouse | :: |
siege {n} (military blockade of settlement) | :: belägring |
siege {v} (besiege) SEE: besiege | :: |
siege tower {n} (tower used as siege weapon) | :: belägringstorn {n}, stormtorn {n} |
siemens {n} (derived unit of electrical conductance) | :: siemens |
Sierra Leone {prop} (Republic of Sierra Leone) | :: Sierra Leone |
siesta {n} (an afternoon nap) | :: siesta {c} |
sieve {n} (device to separate larger objects from smaller ones or from liquids) | :: såll {n}, sikt {c}, sil {c} |
sieve {n} (process that filters out unwanted pieces of input) | :: sållning {n} |
sievert {n} (SI unit of radiation dose) | :: sievert {c} |
Sif {prop} (wife of Thor) | :: Siv |
sift {v} (to separate or scatter (things) as if by sieving) | :: sikta |
sift {v} (to examine (something) carefully) | :: granska |
sigh {v} (to inhale a larger quantity of air than usual, and immediately expel it) | :: sucka |
sigh {v} | :: sucka |
sigh {n} (act of sighing) | :: suck |
sigh {n} | :: suck {c} |
sigh {interj} (expression of fatigue, exhaustion, grief, sorrow, frustration or the like) | :: suck |
sight {n} (something seen) | :: anblick {c}, syn {c}, åsyn {c} |
sight {n} (something worth seeing) | :: sevärdhet {c} |
sight {n} (device used in aiming a firearm) | :: sikte {n} |
sight {v} (visually register) | :: se |
sight {v} (get sight of) | :: få syn på, sikta |
sight {v} (take aim at) | :: sikta |
sight {n} (eyesight) SEE: eyesight | :: |
sighthound {n} (sighthound) | :: vinthund {c} |
sight read {v} (to perform a musical piece while reading it for the first time) | :: a vista-läsa |
sigillography {n} (study of seals and sigils) | :: sigillografi {c}, sfragistik {c} |
sigma {n} (letter of the Greek alphabet) | :: sigma |
sign {n} (visible indication) | :: tecken |
sign {n} (flat object bearing a message) | :: skylt {c} |
sign {n} (math: positive or negative polarity) | :: tecken {n} |
sign {n} (linguistic unit in sign language) | :: tecken {n} |
sign {n} (omen, see also: omen) | :: tecken {n}, järtecken {n}, omen {n} |
sign {n} (meaningful gesture) | :: tecken {n} |
sign {n} (any of several specialized non-alphabetic symbols) | :: tecken {n} |
sign {v} (to make (a document) official by writing one's signature) | :: skriva på, underteckna |
sign {v} (to write one's signature on a document) | :: signera, skriva under |
sign {v} (to persuade a sports player etc. to sign a contract) | :: värva, skriva kontrakt med |
signal {n} (sign made to give notice) | :: signal {c} |
signal {n} (device to give indication) | :: signal {c} |
signal {n} (telecommunication: electric or electromagnetic action that conveys information) | :: signal {c} |
signal crayfish {n} (Pacifastacus leniusculus) | :: signalkräfta {c} |
signal-to-noise ratio {n} (figure of merit) | :: signal-brusförhållande {n} |
signatory {n} (one who signs or signed) | :: undertecknare {c} |
signature {n} (person’s autograph name) | :: underskrift {c}, signatur {c} |
significance {n} (extent to which something matters) | :: betydelse, vikt {c}, signifikans {c} |
significance {n} (meaning) | :: betydelse {c} |
significant {adj} (having noticeable effect) | :: signifikant, betydelsefullt, betydande |
significant {adj} (statistics: having a low probability of occurring by chance) | :: signifikant |
significant other {n} (romantic partner, regardless of marital status) | :: Not used in Swedish [See boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife or Swedish terms sambo and särbo instead.] |
sign in {v} (log in) SEE: log in | :: |
sign language {n} (sign language) | :: teckenspråk {n} |
sign of the cross {n} (gesture) | :: korstecken {n} |
sign of the times {n} (symbol of an era) | :: tidstecken {n} |
sign up {v} (to add one's own name to the list of people who are participating in something) | :: anmäla |
Sigrid {prop} (female given name) | :: Sigrid |
Sigurd {prop} (the hero of the Volsungasaga) | :: Sigurd |
Sikh {n} (an adherent of Sikhism) | :: sikh {c} |
Sikh {adj} (relating to Sikhism) | :: sikhisk, sikh- [with or without a hyphen] |
silence {n} (lack of any sound) | :: tystnad |
silence {v} (to make something silent) | :: tysta |
silence {v} (to suppress criticism) | :: tysta |
silence {interj} (be silent) | :: tyst! |
silence is golden {proverb} (proverb) | :: tiga är guld |
silencer {n} (attachment) | :: ljuddämpare {c} |
silent {adj} (free from sound or noise; absolutely still; perfectly quiet) | :: tyst |
silent {adj} (not speaking; indisposed to talk; speechless; mute; taciturn) | :: tystlåten |
silent {adj} (not pronounced; having no sound; quiescent) | :: stum |
silent {adj} (to refrain from speaking) SEE: be silent | :: |
silent film {n} (film without sound) | :: stumfilm {c} |
Silesia {prop} (region) | :: Schlesien |
Silesian {adj} (of or pertaining to Silesia) | :: schlesisk |
Silesian {n} (inhabitant of Silesia) | :: schlesisk |
Silesian {prop} (Slavic dialect) | :: schlesiska |
silhouette {n} (representation of the outlines of an object filled in with a black color) | :: silhuett {c}, siluett {c} |
silica {n} (silicon dioxide) | :: kiseldioxid |
silicate {n} (salt or mineral) | :: silikat {n} |
siliceous {adj} (relating to silica) | :: kiselhaltig, kiselartad, kisel- |
silicic acid {n} (any of a range of hydrates of silica) | :: kiselsyra {c} |
silicon {n} (non-metallic element) | :: kisel {n} |
silicone {n} (any of a class of inert compounds of silicon) | :: silikon {n} {c} |
silicosis {n} (silica dust pneumoconiosis) | :: silikos {c} |
silk {n} (fiber) | :: silke {n} |
silk {n} (fabric) | :: siden {n}, silke {n} |
Silk Road {prop} (routes used by silk traders across Europe, Asia and northern Africa) | :: sidenvägen {c} |
silk-screen printing {n} (screen printing) SEE: screen printing | :: |
silkworm {n} (caterpillar) | :: silkesmask {c} |
silky {adj} (similar in texture or appearance to silk) | :: silkeslen |
silliness {n} (that which is perceived as silly or frivolous) | :: larv {n}, dumhet {c}, fånighet {c} |
silly {adj} (playful, giggly) | :: lekfull, fnittrig |
silo {n} (vertical building for storing grain) | :: silo {c} |
silovik {n} (former member of the security services and the military, any power structure (Russia)) | :: silovik |
silver {n} (metal) | :: silver {n} |
silver {n} (coins) | :: silver {n} |
silver {n} (cutlery/silverware) | :: bordssilver {n} |
silver {n} (items made of silver or other white metal) | :: silver- |
silverback {n} (mature male gorilla) | :: silverrygg {c} |
silver ball {n} (pinball) SEE: pinball | :: |
silverfish {n} (type of bristletail) | :: silverfisk {c}, nattsmyg {c} |
silver lining {n} (a good aspect of a mostly bad event) | :: guldkant {c} |
silver medal {n} (medal made of, or having the colour of, silver) | :: silvermedalj {c} |
silver medalist {n} (silver medal winner) | :: silvermedaljör {c} |
silvern {adj} (made from silver) SEE: silver | :: |
silver screen {n} (cinema screen) | :: bioskärm {c}, filmskärm {c}, bioduk {c}, filmduk {c} |
silverside {n} (fish of the families Atherinidae and Atherinopsidae) | :: prästfisk {c} |
silversmith {n} (person who makes articles out of silver) | :: silversmed {c} |
silverweed {n} (plant) | :: gåsört {c} |
silvery {adj} (resembling silver) | :: silvrig |
silver Y {n} (Autographa gamma) | :: gammafly {n} |
Silvia {prop} (female given name) | :: Sylvia |
silviculture {n} (forestry) | :: skogsskötsel {c} |
SIM card {n} (small, removable card which stores mobile phone data) | :: SIM |
simian {adj} (of or pertaining to apes) | :: ap- |
similar {adj} (having traits or characteristics in common; alike, comparable) | :: lik, liknande |
similarity {n} (closeness of appearance) | :: likhet {c}, similaritet {c} |
similarly {adv} (in a similar style or manner) | :: likadant, likaledes |
similarness {n} (similarity) SEE: similarity | :: |
simile {n} (figure of speech in which one thing is compared to another) | :: liknelse {c} |
simmer {v} ((intransitive) to cook or undergo heating slowly) | :: sjuda |
simmer {v} ((transitive) to cause to cook or undergo heating slowly) | :: sjuda |
simmer {n} (process of simmering) | :: sjudning {c} |
simmer down {v} (to become less angry) | :: lugna ner sig |
Simon {prop} (biblical characters) | :: Simon |
Simon {prop} (male given name) | :: Simon |
simony {n} (act of buying or selling spiritual things) | :: simoni {c} |
simoom {n} (hot, dry wind) | :: samum {c} |
simper {v} (To smile in a frivolous manner) | :: le tillgjort |
simple {adj} (uncomplicated) | :: enkel, simpel |
simple {adj} (simple-minded) | :: enkel |
simple fraction {n} (type of fraction) SEE: common fraction | :: |
simple interest {n} (interest paid on principal) | :: enkel ränta {c} |
simpleness {n} (property of being simple) | :: enkelhet |
simple past {n} (the simple past tense) | :: preteritum (imperfekt) |
simpleton {n} (simple-minded naive person lacking common sense) | :: medelsvensson, dumbom, dummerjöns |
simplex {n} (a simple word) | :: simplex {n} |
simplification {n} (act of simplifying) | :: förenkling {c} |
simplified {adj} (made simpler) | :: förenklad |
simplify {v} (to make simpler) | :: förenkla, simplifiera |
simplify {v} (to become simpler) | :: förenklas, simplifieras |
simply {adv} (in a simple manner) | :: helt enkelt |
simply connected {adj} (in topology, having its fundamental group a singleton) | :: enkelt sammanhängande |
simulate {v} (to model, replicate, duplicate the behavior) | :: simulera |
simulation {n} (something which simulates) | :: simulering {c} |
simulation {n} (process of simulating) | :: simulering {c} |
simulation {n} (soccer: attempt of feigning a foul) | :: filmning {c} |
simultaneity {n} (the quality or state of being simultaneous) | :: samtidighet {c} |
simultaneous {adj} (occurring at the same time) | :: samtidig |
simultaneous interpretation {n} (type of oral translation) | :: simultantolkning {c} |
simultaneous interpreting {n} (simultaneous interpretation) SEE: simultaneous interpretation | :: |
simultaneously {adv} (occurring at the same time) | :: samtidigt |
sin {n} (violation of religious law) | :: synd {c} |
sin {n} (misdeed) | :: synd {c}, missdåd {n} |
sin {v} (to commit a sin) | :: synda |
Sinaic {adj} (of or relating to Mount Sinai) | :: sinaitisk |
since {adv} (from a specified time in the past) | :: sedan dess [formal, written language], sen dess [informal, spoken language] |
since {prep} (from (time)) | :: sedan [formal, written language], sen [informal, spoken language] |
since {conj} (from the time that) | :: sedan [formal, written language], sen [informal, spoken language] |
since {conj} (because) | :: då |
sincere {adj} (earnest) | :: uppriktig |
since when {adv} (from what time) | :: sedan när, sen när [eye dialect] |
since when {adv} (Used to indicate doubt as to the veracity of a statement) | :: sedan när, sen när [eye dialect] |
sine {n} (trigonometric function) | :: sinus |
sine qua non {n} (prerequisite) | :: ofrånkomligt villkor {n}, nödvändig förutsättning {c}, oeftergivligt villkor {n} |
sinew {n} (cord or tendon of the body) SEE: tendon | :: |
sinew {n} (muscular power, muscle; vigor, vigorous strength) | :: spänst {c}, styrka {c} |
sine wave {n} (waveform) | :: sinusvåg {c} |
sinful {adj} (evil) SEE: evil | :: |
sinful {adj} (constituting sin) | :: syndig |
sing {v} (to produce harmonious sounds with one’s voice) | :: sjunga |
sing along {n} | :: allsång {c} |
sing-along {n} (an event) | :: allsång {c} |
Singapore {prop} (Republic of Singapore) | :: Singapore |
Singaporean {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Singapore) | :: singaporiansk |
Singaporean {n} (a person from Singapore) | :: singaporian {c} |
singe {v} (to burn slightly) | :: sveda, bränna |
singer {n} (person who sings) | :: sångare {c} |
singer {n} (female person who sings) | :: sångerska {c} |
singer-songwriter {n} (singer-songwriter) | :: trubadur {c}, visartist {c}, singer-songwriter {c}, sångartist {c} |
singing voice {n} (quality of voice when singing) | :: sångröst {c} |
single {adj} (not accompanied by anything else) | :: enda, enstaka |
single {adj} (not divided in parts) | :: enhetlig, odelad |
single {adj} (designed for the use of only one) | :: enkel |
single {adj} (not married nor dating) | :: ensamstående, ogift |
single {adj} (botany: having only one rank or row of petal) | :: enkel |
single {n} (45 RPM vinyl record) | :: singel {c} |
single {n} (popular song) | :: singel {c} |
single {n} (one who is not married) | :: ensamstående, ogift, singel {c} |
single {n} (one-way ticket) SEE: one-way ticket | :: |
single-handedly {adv} (alone; without assistance; by oneself) | :: på egen hand, egenhändigt [almost exclusively as a modifier to participles] |
single-minded {adj} (intensely focused) | :: målmedveten |
single point of failure {n} (a component in a device, or a point in a network, that, if it were to fail would cause the entire device or network to fail; normally eliminated by adding redundancy) | :: felkritisk systemdel {c} |
single room {n} (a hotel room with one single bed) | :: enkelrum {n} |
singlet {n} (sleeveless shirt) | :: undertröja {c}, linne {n} |
single ticket {n} (one-way ticket) SEE: one-way ticket | :: |
single transferable vote {n} (voting system) | :: enkel överförbar röst |
singular {adj} (being only one of larger population) | :: ensam, enstaka |
singular {adj} (being the only one of a kind) | :: ensam, unik |
singular {adj} (distinguished by superiority) | :: enastående, utmärkt |
singular {adj} (being out of the ordinary) | :: besynnerlig, egendomlig, säregen |
singular {adj} (grammar: referring to only one thing) | :: singular, entals- |
singular {adj} (linear algebra: of matrix: having no inverse) | :: singulär |
singular {n} (grammar: form of a word that refers to only one thing) | :: ental {n}, singularis {n}, singular {n} |
singularity {n} (point where infinite value is reached) | :: singularitet {c} |
singularity {n} (physics: point of infinite density) | :: singularitet {c} |
Sinhala {n} (language) SEE: Sinhalese | :: |
Sinhalese {adj} (of or pertaining to Sri Lanka) | :: singalesisk |
Sinhalese {n} (Sinhalese person) | :: singales {c} |
Sinhalese {n} (the language) | :: singalesiska {c} |
Sinhalese {n} | :: singales {c}, singalesiska {c} ({f}) |
sinicization {n} (process of sinicising) | :: sinifiering |
sinistromanual {adj} (left-handed) SEE: left-handed | :: |
sink {v} (descend into liquid, etc) | :: sjunka |
sink {v} (cause (ship, etc) to sink) | :: sänka |
sink {n} (basin) | :: handfat {n}, skål {c}, vask {c}, ho {c}, diskho {c} |
sink {n} (heat sink) | :: värmesänka {n} |
sink {n} (sinkhole) SEE: sinkhole | :: |
sinkhole {n} (geology: hole formed in soluble rock) | :: slukhål {n}, sänka {c} |
Sinkiang {prop} (Xinjiang) SEE: Xinjiang | :: |
sink or swim {v} (to fail or succeed, on a project attempted) | :: bära eller brista [carry/bear or break] |
sinless {adj} (without sin) | :: syndlös, syndfri |
sinner {n} (person who has sinned) | :: syndare {c} |
Sinn Féin {prop} (Irish political party) | :: Sinn Féin |
sinuous {adj} (having curves in alternate directions; meandering) | :: slingrande, kurvig, krokig |
sinuous {adj} (moving gracefully and in a supple manner) | :: smidig, mjuk, vig |
sinusitis {n} (inflammation) | :: bihåleinflammation {c}, sinusit {c}, sinuit {c} |
sinusoid {adj} (sinusoidal) SEE: sinusoidal | :: |
sinusoid {n} (sine curve) | :: sinuskurva {c} |
sinusoidal {adj} (in the form of a sine wave) | :: sinusformad |
Sioux {n} (tribes) | :: siouxer |
Sioux {prop} (language group) | :: siouxspråk |
sip {n} (A small mouthful of drink) | :: slurk {c} |
sir {n} (address to any male, especially if his name or proper address is unknown) | :: herr {c}, herre {c} |
siren {n} (nymph of Greek mythology) | :: siren {c} |
siren {n} (device for making a sound alarm) | :: siren {c} |
Sirius {prop} | :: Sirius {c}, Hundstjärnan |
sirloin {n} (cut of beef) | :: ryggbiff {c} |
sirocco {n} (wind) | :: sirocco |
siskin {n} (small European finch) SEE: Eurasian siskin | :: |
sissy {n} (an effeminate boy or man) | :: vekling |
sister {n} (woman or girl having the same parents) | :: syster {c} |
sister {n} (a nun; a female member of a religious community) | :: syster {c} |
sister {n} (senior nurse) | :: sjuksköterska {c}, sjuksyster {c}, syster {c} |
sister {n} (any woman or girl with whom a bond is felt) | :: medsyster |
sister city {n} (city in a relationship of cordiality) | :: vänort {c} |
sisterhood {n} (state of being sisters) | :: systerskap {c} |
sisterhood {n} (quality of being sisterly) | :: systerskap {c} |
sisterhood {n} (religious society of women) | :: systerskap {n} |
sister-in-law {n} (wife's sister) | :: svägerska {c} |
sister-in-law {n} (husband's sister) | :: svägerska {c} |
sister-in-law {n} (brother's wife) | :: svägerska {c} |
sister-in-law {n} (wife's brother's wife) | :: svägerska {c} |
sister-in-law {n} (husband's brother's wife) | :: svägerska {c} |
Sisyphus {prop} (figure) | :: Sisyfos |
sit {v} (of a person, be in a position in which the upper body is upright and the legs are supported) | :: sitta |
sit {v} (move oneself into such a position) | :: sätta sig |
sit {v} (of an object: occupy a given position permanently) | :: sitta, ligga |
sit {v} (to be a member of a deliberative body) | :: sitta |
sit {v} (of an agreement or arrangement, to be accepted) | :: välkomnas |
sit {v} | :: sitta |
sitar {n} (musical instrument) | :: sitar {c} |
sitcom {n} (situation comedy, see also: situation comedy) | :: situationskomedi, sitcom |
sit down {v} (to assume a sitting position from a standing position) | :: sätta sig |
site {n} (place where anything is fixed; situation; local position) | :: ställe, plats |
site {n} (place fitted or chosen for any certain permanent use or occupation) | :: säte |
site {n} (a website) | :: sajt {c}, webbplats {c}, webbsida, hemsida |
site map {n} (webpage that lists the contents of a website) | :: översikt {c}, sidöversikt {c}, siteöversikt {c}, sajtöversikt {c}, sitemap {c}, sajtkarta {c}, sitekarta {c}, webkarta {c}, webbkarta {c}, webböversikt {c}, webbplatsöversikt {c} |
sit-in {n} (type of protest) | :: sittstrejk {c} |
sitting {n} (a period during which one is seated for a specific purpose) | :: sittning {c} |
sitting {n} (a legislative session) | :: session {c} |
sitting {n} (incubation of eggs; the clutch of eggs under a brooding bird) | :: ruvning {c} |
sitting room {n} (living room) SEE: living room | :: |
situation {n} (position vis-à-vis surroundings) | :: läge, plats, placering |
situation {n} (location) | :: plats, läge {n} |
situation {n} (one's status with regard to circumstances) | :: plats, status, ställning, situation {c} |
situation {n} (state of affairs) | :: läge, ställning, situation |
situation {n} (position of employment) | :: plats, ställning, tjänst, anställning |
situation {n} | :: situation {c} |
situational {adj} (of or pertaining to a particular situation) | :: situationell |
situation comedy {n} (episodic comedy television program, see also: sitcom) | :: situationskomedi {c} |
six {num} (cardinal number) | :: sex |
six {n} (digit) | :: sexa |
six hundred {num} (cardinal number 600) | :: sexhundra |
six of one, half a dozen of the other {proverb} (two alternatives are equivalent or indifferent) | :: hugget som stucket [cutting (is) like stinging] |
six pack {n} (set of six beverage cans) | :: sexpack; sexpack |
six-pack {n} (set of six beverage cans) | :: sexpack {n}; tvättbräda {c} |
sixteen {num} (cardinal number 16) | :: sexton |
sixteenth {adj} (the ordinal form of the number sixteen, see also: 16th) | :: sextonde |
sixth {adj} (ordinal form of the number six, see also: 6th) | :: sjätte |
sixth {n} (person or thing in sixth place) | :: sexa {c} |
sixth {n} (one of six equal parts of a whole) | :: sjättedel {c} |
sixth cousin {n} (sixth cousin) | :: sjumänning {c} |
six thousand {num} (6000) | :: sextusen, sex tusen |
sixth sense {n} (extrasensory perception) | :: sjätte sinne {n} |
sixties {n} (decade of the 1960s) | :: sextiotalet {n}, sextiotal {n} |
sixtieth {adj} (the ordinal form of the number sixty) | :: sextionde |
sixty {num} (cardinal number) | :: sextio |
sixty-eight {num} (cardinal number) | :: sextioåtta |
sixty-four {num} (cardinal number) | :: sextiofyra |
sixty-nine {n} (cardinal number) | :: sextionio |
sixty-one {num} (cardinal number) | :: (abstract counting) sextioett, (counting objects) sextioett {n}, sextioen {c} |
sixtysomething {n} (sexagenarian) SEE: sexagenarian | :: |
sizable {adj} (fairly large) | :: ansenlig |
size {n} (dimensions or magnitude of a thing) | :: storlek {c} |
size {n} (a specific set of dimensions for clothing) | :: storlek {c} |
size {n} | :: storlek {c} |
ska {n} (Jamaican dance music) | :: ska {c} |
skate {n} (ice skate or roller skate) | :: skridsko {c} |
skate {n} | :: skena {c} , skridsko {c} |
skate {v} (to move along a surface (ice or ground) using skates) | :: åka skridskor |
skate {v} (to skateboard) | :: skejta |
skate {v} | :: skrinna, åka skridskor |
skateboard {n} (platform on wheels) | :: skateboard |
skater {n} (person who skates) | :: skrinnare {c}, skridskoåkare {c}, skatare {c} (slang, mainly person who rollerskates) |
skater {n} (insect) SEE: water strider | :: |
skedaddle {v} (move or run away quickly) | :: sticka, pysa, dra, kila, rusa, springa |
skeeter {n} (mosquito) SEE: mosquito | :: |
skein {n} (quantity of yarn) | :: härva {c} |
skein {n} (zoology: wild fowl in flight) | :: fylking {c}, plogformation {c}, v-formation {c} |
skeleton {n} (system that provides support to an organism) | :: skelett {n} |
skeleton {n} (type of tobogganing) | :: skeleton {c} |
skeleton in the closet {n} (shameful secret) SEE: skeleton in the cupboard | :: |
skeleton in the cupboard {n} (shameful secret) | :: skelett i garderoben {n} |
skeptic {n} (someone who habitually doubts beliefs and claims) | :: skeptiker {c} |
skeptical {adj} (having, or expressing doubt) | :: skeptisk |
skeptical {adj} (related to skepticism) | :: skeptisk |
skepticism {n} (general disposition to doubt) | :: skepticism |
skerry {n} (small rocky island) | :: skär {n} |
sketch {v} (to make a basic drawing) | :: skissa |
sketch {v} | :: skissa |
sketch {n} (quick freehand drawing) | :: skiss {c} |
sketch {n} (rough design or draft) | :: skiss {c} |
sketch {n} (brief musical, dramatic or literary work etc.) | :: sketch |
sketchbook {n} (book or pad with blank pages for sketching) | :: skissbok {c} |
sketchy {adj} (Roughly or hastily laid out; intended for later refinement) | :: skissartad, hastig |
sketchy {adj} (Of questionable or doubtful quality) | :: tveksam, tvivelaktig, dubiös |
sketchy {adj} (Suspected of taking part in illicit or dishonorable dealings) | :: skum, suspekt |
skew {v} (to bias or distort in a particular direction) | :: förvränga |
skewer {n} (pin used to secure food during cooking) | :: spett {n} |
skew-symmetric {adj} (whose entries on one side of the diagonal are the additive inverses of their correspondents on the other side of the diagonal and whose elements on the main diagonal are zero) | :: skevsymmetrisk, antisymmetrisk |
ski {n} (one of a pair of long flat runners designed for gliding over snow) | :: skida {c} |
ski {v} (to move on skis) | :: skida [especially going long distances - not necessarily downhill], åka skidor |
ski boot {n} (specialized footwear used in skiing) | :: pjäxa {c} |
skid {n} (out of control sliding motion) | :: sladd {c} |
skid {n} (runner of a sled) | :: mede {c} |
skid {v} (to slide in an uncontrolled manner) | :: slira |
skid mark {n} (black mark left on a road surface from tires) | :: bromsspår {n} |
skidmark {n} (visible stain left on underpants) | :: bromsspår {n} |
skier {n} (someone who practices skiing) | :: skidåkare {c}, skidåkerska {c} |
skiing {n} (sport or activity) | :: skidåkning |
ski jumping {n} (a winter sport) | :: backhoppning {c} |
skilful {adj} (possessing skill, skilled) SEE: skillful | :: |
skill {n} (capacity to do something well) | :: färdighet {c}, skicklighet {c} |
skilled {adj} (having or showing skill) | :: kunnig, skicklig |
skillet {n} (pan for frying) | :: stekpanna {c}, stekplåt {c} |
skillful {adj} (possessing skill, skilled) | :: skicklig |
skillfully {adv} (in a skillful manner) | :: skickligt |
skim {v} (throw an object so it bounces on water) | :: kasta macka |
skim {v} (ricochet) | :: rikoschettera, studsa |
skim {v} (read quickly, skipping some detail) | :: skumma, ögna igenom |
skim {v} (remove cream) | :: skumma |
skimble-skamble {n} (gibberish, mumbo-jumbo, nonsense) SEE: nonsense | :: |
skimble-skamble {adj} (confused, chaotic, disorderly) SEE: chaotic | :: |
skimmed milk {n} (skim milk) SEE: skim milk | :: |
skimmer {n} (spoon) | :: hålslev {c}, skumslev {c} |
skimmer {n} (bird of genus Rynchops) | :: saxnäbb {c} |
skim milk {n} (milk with removed cream) | :: skummjölk {c}, lättmjölk {c} |
skimp {v} (to save; to be parsimonious or stingy) | :: snåla |
skimpy {adj} (small or inadequate; not generous, or of a garment, very small, light, or revealing) | :: torftig, snål |
skin {n} (outer protective of the body of a person or animal) | :: hud {c}, skinn {n} |
skin {n} (skin and fur of an animal used by humans) | :: skinn {n} |
skin {n} (image used as the background of graphical user interface) | :: skal {n} |
skin {n} (skinhead (clipping of)) | :: skinnskalle {c}, skinhead {c} |
skin {v} (to remove the skin of) | :: flå |
skin {v} (to high five) SEE: high five | :: |
skin and bones {n} (emaciated; very skinny) | :: skinn och ben |
skin cancer {n} (malignant growth on the skin) | :: hudcancer {c} |
skin color {n} (color of human skin) | :: hudfärg {c}, hudton {c} |
skinhead {n} (someone with a shaved head) | :: skinnskalle {c} |
skinhead {n} (member of skinhead subculture) | :: skinhead {c}, skinnskalle {c} |
skink {n} (lizard) | :: skink {c} |
skinny {adj} (thin) | :: mager |
skinny-dip {v} (swim in the nude) | :: nakenbada, bada näck |
skinny-dipper {n} (someone who swims in the nude) | :: nakenbadare {c} |
skinny dipping {n} (swimming in the nude) | :: nakenbad {n} |
ski orienteering {n} (winter sport) | :: skidorientering {c} |
skip {v} (to move by hopping on alternate feet) | :: hoppa, skutta |
skip {v} (to omit or disregard intermediate items or stages) | :: skippa, hoppa över |
skip {v} (not to attend) | :: skippa, hoppa över |
skip {n} (An open-topped rubbish bin) | :: container {c} |
skip {n} (curling: player who calls the shots) | :: skipper {c}, skip {c} |
skip {v} (to jump rope) SEE: jump rope | :: |
ski pole {n} (a slender stick used by skiers) | :: skidstav {c} |
skipper {n} (master of a ship) | :: skeppare {c}, kapten {c} |
skipping rope {n} (rope for play or exercise) | :: hopprep |
skip rope {n} (rope used) SEE: skipping rope | :: |
skip rope {v} (to jump over a rope) SEE: jump rope | :: |
ski resort {n} (resort for skiers) | :: skidanläggning {c} |
skirmish {n} (brief battle between small groups) | :: skärmytsling {c} |
skirmish {n} (minor dispute) | :: skärmytsling {c} |
skirt {n} (clothing) | :: kjol {c} |
skirt {n} (part of dress) | :: kjol {c} |
skirt {n} (slang for woman) | :: kjoltyg {n} |
skirting board {n} (panel between floor and interior wall) | :: golvlist {c} |
ski school {n} (place where skiing lessons are taught) | :: skidskola {c} |
ski slope {n} (slope for skiing) | :: skidbacke {c} |
ski stick {n} (a slender stick used by skiers) | :: skidstav {c} |
skit {n} (comedy) | :: sketch {c} |
skivvy {n} (domestic servant) | :: husa {c}, hushållerska {c}, piga {c} |
ski wax {n} (wax for skis and snowboards) | :: skidvalla {c}, valla {c} |
skoal {interj} (toast) | :: skål |
Skolt Sami {prop} (language) | :: skoltsamiska {c} |
Skopje {prop} (capital of North Macedonia) | :: Skopje |
Skopje {prop} (North Macedonia) SEE: North Macedonia | :: |
Skopostheorie {n} (idea that translating and interpreting should take into account function) SEE: Skopos theory | :: |
Skopos theory {n} (idea that translating and interpreting should consider function of texts) | :: skoposteori {c} |
Skraeling {n} (Skraeling) | :: skräling {c} |
skua {n} (predatory seabird of the family Stercorariidae) | :: labb {c}, kustlabb {c} |
skulduggerous {adj} (involving skulduggery) SEE: tricky | :: |
skulduggery {n} (devious device or trick) | :: skurkstreck |
skulk {v} (to conceal oneself; to hide) | :: lurpassa |
skull {n} (bones of the head: cranium and mandible) | :: skalle {c}, kranium {n}, kranie {n} |
skull {n} (death's-head, skull) | :: dödskalle {c}, döskalle {c} |
skunk {n} (animal) | :: skunk {c} |
sky {n} (atmosphere above a point) | :: himmel {c}, sky {c} |
sky {n} (specific view, condition) | :: himmel {c} |
sky {n} (heaven) | :: himmel {c} |
sky blue {adj} (light blue, see also: dark blue; blue) | :: himmelsblå |
skyclad {adj} (nude) SEE: nude | :: |
skydive {n} (an instance of skydiving) | :: fallskärmshopp |
skydiver {n} (someone who skydives) | :: fallskärmshoppare |
sky-high {adj} (extremely tall) | :: skyhög |
skylark {n} (small brown passerine bird) | :: sånglärka |
skylight {n} (opening in the roof) | :: ljusöppning {c}, takfönster, taklucka {c} |
skyline {n} (horizon) SEE: horizon | :: |
skyrocket {n} (pocket) SEE: pocket | :: |
skyrocket {v} (to increase suddenly and extremely) | :: skjuta i höjden, stiga våldsamt |
skyscraper {n} (tall building) | :: skyskrapa {c} |
slab {n} (flat piece of material) | :: skiva, platta {c} |
slacken {v} (to make less taut) SEE: loosen | :: |
slacker {n} (procrastinating or lazy person) | :: latmask {c}, slöfock {c} |
slag {n} (the impurities which result and are separated out when melting a metal or refining it from its ore) | :: slagg {c} {n} |
slag off {v} (to talk insultingly to or about someone or something) | :: snacka skit om, baktala |
slalom {n} (sports) | :: slalom {c} |
slalom {v} (to race in a slalom) | :: åka slalom |
slam {v} (to shut with sudden force and noise) | :: slå igen |
slam {v} (to put with force and loud noise) | :: slå, släppa |
slam {v} (to strike forcefully with some implement) | :: slå, dunka |
slam {v} (to speak badly of) | :: baktala, slå ner på |
slam {n} (sudden impact or blow) | :: skräll {c}, duns {c}, slag {n} |
slam {n} (shock and noise produced by slamming) | :: skräll {c}, smäll {c}, duns {c} |
slander {n} (false or unsupported spoken malicious statement) | :: förtal {n} |
slander {v} (utter a slanderous statement about) | :: baktala, förtala |
slang {n} (jargon) SEE: jargon | :: |
slang {n} (unconventional language ) | :: slang |
slang {n} (cant) SEE: cant | :: |
slant {n} (typography: slash) SEE: slash | :: |
slapdash {adj} (done hastily) | :: hafsig, slarvig |
slap in the face {n} (slap in the face or on the cheek) | :: örfil {c} |
slapper {n} (prostitute) | :: hora {c} |
slapper {n} (female of loose morals) | :: slampa {c} |
slap shot {n} (fastest shot in hockey) | :: slagskott {n} |
slash {n} (swift cut with a blade) | :: hugg {n} |
slash {n} (typography: / symbol) | :: snedstreck {n}, streck {n} |
slash {v} (to make a broad cut with an edged weapon) | :: hugga, kapa |
slash and burn {n} (technique) | :: svedjebruk |
slate {n} (rock) | :: skiffer {c} |
slate {n} (sheet of slate for writing on) | :: griffeltavla {c} |
slate {n} (tile) | :: skifferplatta {c} |
slate {n} (record of money owed) | :: krita {c} |
slate {adj} (bluish-grey/gray like slate, see also: slate blue; slate gray; blue-gray) | :: skiffergrå |
slate {v} (criticise/criticize harshly) | :: fördöma |
slate {v} (schedule) | :: planera, schemalägga |
slate {v} (anticipate or strongly expect) | :: förutspå, förutse, förutsäga, förvänta |
slattern {n} (slut) SEE: slut | :: |
slaty-backed gull {n} (Larus schistisagus) | :: skiffertrut {c} |
slaughter {n} (killing of animals (also kosher and halal rituals)) | :: slakt |
slaughter {v} (to butcher animals, generally for food (also kosher and halal rituals)) | :: slakta |
slaughter {v} (to massacre people in large numbers) | :: slakta |
slaughter {v} (to kill in a particularly brutal manner) | :: slakta |
slaughterhouse {n} (abattoir) SEE: abattoir | :: |
Slav {n} (a member of a group of peoples in Eastern Europe speaking a Slavic language) | :: slav |
slave {n} (person owned by another) | :: slav {c}, slavinna {c}, träl {c} |
slave {n} (person forced to work for another) | :: slav {c}, slavinna {c} |
slave {n} (submissive partner in a BDSM relationship who (consensually) submits to (sexually) serving) | :: slav |
slave {n} (person forced to perform sexual acts; (nonconsensual) sex slave) | :: slav {c}, slavinna {c}, sexslav {c}, sexslavinna {c} |
slave {n} (device that is controlled by another device) | :: slav {c}, slavinna {c} |
slave {v} (to work hard) | :: slava |
slavedealing {n} (slave trade) SEE: slave trade | :: |
slaveowner {n} (anyone that has control over another human being) | :: slavägare {c} |
slaver {n} (a person engaged in the slave trade) | :: slavhandlare {c} |
slaver {n} (slave ship) | :: slavskepp {n} |
slavery {n} (institution or practice of owning human beings) | :: slaveri {n} |
slavery {n} (condition of servitude endured by a slave) | :: slaveri {n} |
slavery {n} (condition in which one is captivated or subjugated) | :: slaveri {n} |
slave trade {n} (traffic in slaves) | :: slavhandel {c} |
Slavic {adj} (of the Slavs, their culture or languages) | :: slavisk |
slavish {adj} (in the manner of a slave) | :: slavisk, trälaktig |
Slavonia {prop} (region of Croatia) | :: Slavonien |
Slavonian grebe {n} (Podiceps auritus) | :: svarthakedopping {c} |
Slavonic {adj} (Slavic) SEE: Slavic | :: |
Slavyansk {prop} (Slovyansk) SEE: Slovyansk | :: |
slay {v} (to kill, murder) | :: dräpa, slå ihjäl |
slayer {n} (one who slays) | :: baneman {c} |
sled {n} (sledge) SEE: sledge | :: |
sledge {n} (sledgehammer) SEE: sledgehammer | :: |
sledge {n} (sleigh or sled) | :: släde {c}, kälke {c}, pulka {c} |
sledgehammer {n} (kind of hammer) | :: slägga {c} |
sledge hockey {n} (version of ice hockey) | :: kälkhockey {c} |
sleek {adj} (smooth) | :: slät, glatt |
sleep {v} (to rest in state of reduced consciousness) | :: sova |
sleep {n} (state of reduced consciousness) | :: sömn {c} |
sleep {n} (informal: act or instance of sleeping) | :: sovande {n} [the act], sömn {c} [the instance], tupplur {c} [brief instance] |
sleep {n} (substance found in the corner of the eyes (gound), sometimes as a figurative objectification of sleep, see also: ) | :: morgongrus {n}, godmorgon {n}, gomorron {n}, sömn {c} |
sleep apnea {n} (brief interruptions of breathing during sleep) | :: sömnapné |
sleeper {n} (someone who sleeps) | :: sovare {c} |
sleeper {n} (railroad sleeping car) SEE: sleeping car | :: |
sleeper {v} (to mark a calf by cutting its ear) SEE: earmark | :: |
sleeper {n} (railroad tie) SEE: railroad tie | :: |
sleep in {v} (to sleep late) | :: sova ut |
sleepiness {n} (property of being sleepy) | :: sömnighet |
sleeping bag {n} (padded or insulated bag) | :: sovsäck {c} |
Sleeping Beauty {prop} (fairy tale) | :: Törnrosa |
Sleeping Beauty {prop} (main character in this story) | :: Törnrosa |
sleeping car {n} (a railroad car with sleeping facilities for passengers travelling overnight.) | :: sovvagn {c} |
sleeping partner {n} (a business partner who is not involved in the day-to-day business, but puts up capital) | :: passiv delägare |
sleepless {adj} (absence of sleep) | :: sömnlös |
sleeplessness {n} (property of being sleepless) | :: sömnlöshet {c} |
sleep like a log {v} (to sleep well, without disturbance) | :: sova som en stock |
sleep over {v} (to sleep over) | :: övernatta |
sleep tight {interj} (good night) | :: dröm sött |
sleepwalk {v} (somnambulate) SEE: somnambulate | :: |
sleepwalker {n} (somnambulist) SEE: somnambulist | :: |
sleepwear {n} (nightclothes) SEE: nightclothes | :: |
sleep with {v} (have sex with) | :: ligga med |
sleepy {adj} (feeling the need for sleep) | :: trött, sömnig, pömsig |
sleepy head {n} (a sleepy person) SEE: sleepyhead | :: |
sleepyhead {n} (sleepy person) | :: sömntuta {c} |
sleepyhead {n} (ruddy duck) SEE: ruddy duck | :: |
sleet {n} (mixture of rain and snow) | :: slask {n}, snöblandat regn {n}, snöglopp {n} |
sleeve {n} (part of a garment that covers the arm) | :: ärm {c} |
sleeve {n} (record cover) | :: fodral {n} |
sleigh {adj} (sly) SEE: sly | :: |
sleigh {n} (vehicle on runners) SEE: sledge | :: |
sleighbell {n} (bell on a sleigh) | :: bjällra {c} |
sleight of hand {n} (skill) | :: fingerfärdighet {c} |
sleight of hand {n} (performance) | :: trick {n}, knep {n} |
slender {adj} (thin) | :: slank |
slender-billed gull {n} (Chroicocephalus genei) | :: långnäbbad mås {c} |
sleuth {n} (bloodhound) | :: blodhund {c} |
sleuth {n} (detective) | :: deckare, snok {c}, detektiv |
sleuth {v} (detective) | :: spana, skugga |
slew {n} (a large amount) | :: massa {c}, mängd {c} |
slice {n} (thin, broad piece cut off) | :: skiva {c} |
slice {v} (to cut into slices) | :: skiva |
slick {adj} (extraordinarily great or special) | :: schyst |
slide {v} (to move in continuous contact with a surface) | :: glida |
slide {v} (to lose balance) | :: halka |
slide {v} (to pass along smoothly) | :: sladda, slira |
slide {n} (item of play equipment) | :: rutschkana, rutschbana |
slide fastener {n} (zip fastener) SEE: zip fastener | :: |
slide rule {n} (analog calculator) | :: räknesticka {c} |
slideshow {n} (presentation) | :: presentation {c} |
slide tackle {n} (soccer tackle) | :: glidtackling {c} |
slide-tackle {v} (To tackle another player by sliding on the ground feet-first.) | :: glidtackla [transitive], glidtacklas [intransitive] |
sliding door {n} (door) | :: skjutdörr {c} |
slight {adj} (small in amount, insignificant) | :: obetydlig |
slightly {adv} (to a small extent or degree) | :: aningen, något |
slime {n} (mud) | :: slam |
slime {n} (mucilaginous substance or mucus-like substance) | :: slem |
slimy {adj} (like slime; glutinous) | :: slemmig |
sling {v} (to throw) | :: slunga |
sling {n} (instrument for throwing, see also: slingshot) | :: slunga {c} |
sling {n} (bandage) | :: mitella {c} |
sling {n} (a loop of cloth or a strap around the neck to carry a load) | :: sele {c}, [for carrying a baby] bärsele {c} |
slingshot {n} (Y-shaped stick with an elastic sling between the arms used for shooting small projectiles, see also: sling) | :: slangbella {c} |
slip {n} (nautical: space for a ship to moor) SEE: berth | :: |
slip {n} (twig or shoot) | :: stickling {c}, reva {c} |
slip {n} (small piece of paper) | :: lapp {c} |
slip {v} (to lose one's traction) | :: halka, slinta |
slip {v} (to err) | :: slinta, fela |
slip {v} (to quickly and invisibly depart, to escape) | :: smita |
slip {n} (error) | :: misstag {n} |
slip {n} (nautical: difference between theoretical and actual advance of a vessel) | :: avvikelse {c} |
slip of the tongue {n} (mistake in speech) | :: felsägning {c} |
slipped disc {n} (protruding vertebral disc) | :: diskbråck {n} |
slipper {n} (low shoe usually worn indoors) | :: toffel {c} |
slipperiness {n} (property of being slippery) | :: halka {c} |
slippery {adj} (of a surface) | :: hal |
slippery as an eel {adj} (slippery) | :: hal som en ål |
slip road {n} (a segment of roadway that joins a motorway to ordinary roads) | :: avfart {c}, avfartsväg {c} |
slipstick {n} (slide rule) SEE: slide rule | :: |
sliver {n} (a long piece cut or rent off; a sharp, slender fragment) | :: flisa, speta, sticka, speta, sticka |
sliver {n} (bait made of pieces of small fish) | :: livagn |
slivovitz {n} (rakija made from distilled, fermented plum juice) | :: slivovits |
slöjd {n} (system of handicraft-based education started in Finland) | :: slöjd {c} |
sloe {n} (fruit of Prunus spinosa) | :: slånbär {n} |
sloe {n} (tree Prunus spinosa) SEE: blackthorn | :: |
slogan {n} (phrase associated with a product, used in advertising) | :: slogan |
sloop {n} (single-masted sailboat) | :: slup |
slop {n} (A liquid or semi-solid; goo, paste, mud) | :: slem |
slop {n} (scraps which are fed to pigs) | :: skula |
slope {n} (area of ground that tends evenly upward or downward) | :: brant {c}, sluttning {c}, backe {c}, slänt {c} |
sloppy {adj} (messy; not neat, elegant, or careful) | :: slarvig |
sloppy {adj} (imprecise or loose) | :: slapp |
sloth {n} (laziness) | :: lättja {c}, lathet {c} |
sloth {n} (mammal) | :: sengångare {c} |
slot machine {n} (vending machine) SEE: vending machine | :: |
slot machine {n} (gambling machine) | :: enarmad bandit {c} |
slouch hat {n} (broad-brimmed felt hat) | :: slokhatt |
slough {v} (to shed (skin)) | :: ömsa |
slough {v} (card games: to discard) | :: kasta |
slough {v} (to commit truancy) | :: skolka |
Slovak {adj} (of Slovakia or its language) | :: slovakisk |
Slovak {n} (native of Slovakia) | :: slovak {c}, slovakiska {c} [female] |
Slovak {n} (language of Slovakia) | :: slovakiska {c} |
Slovakia {prop} (Slovakia) | :: Slovakien |
Slovakian {adj} (of or pertaining to Slovakia) SEE: Slovak | :: |
Slovakian {n} (a person from Slovakia or of Slovakian descent) SEE: Slovak | :: |
Slovak Republic {prop} (official name of Slovakia) | :: Republiken Slovakien {c} |
sloven {n} (man or boy habitually negligent of neatness and order) | :: slusk {c}, smutsgris {c}, slarver {c}, hafser {c} |
Slovene {adj} (adjective) | :: slovensk |
Slovene {n} (a person) | :: sloven {m}, slovenska {f} |
Slovene {prop} (the language) | :: slovenska |
Slovenia {prop} (country in Europe) | :: Slovenien {c} |
Slovenian {adj} (Slovene) SEE: Slovene | :: |
Slovenian {n} (language) SEE: Slovene | :: |
Slovenian {n} (person) SEE: Slovene | :: |
slovenliness {n} (state or quality of being slovenly) | :: sjabbighet |
slovenly {adj} (having an untidy appearance; unkempt) | :: sjabbig |
slovenly {adj} (dirty, unwashed; disorderly) | :: smutsig, lortig |
slovenly {adj} (careless or negligent; sloppy) | :: slarvig, hafsig |
Slovyansk {prop} (city) | :: Slovjansk |
slow {adj} (not quick in motion) | :: långsam, seg |
slow down {v} (to reduce speed) | :: sakta, bromsa |
slowly {adv} (at a slow pace) | :: sakta |
slow match {n} (slow burning fuse) | :: lunta {c} |
slowness {n} (quality of being slow) | :: långsamhet |
slow street {n} (street in which traffic has been structurally slowed down) | :: lågfartsväg {c} |
sluff {n} (slough) SEE: slough | :: |
sluff {v} (slough) SEE: slough | :: |
slug {n} (gastropod) | :: snigel {c} |
slum {n} (dilapidated neighborhood) | :: slum {c} |
slumber {n} (a very light state of sleep) | :: slummer {c} |
slumber {v} (to be in a very light state of sleep) | :: slumra |
slumber party {n} (a sleepover) | :: pyjamasparty {n}, övernattning {c} |
slur {n} (symbol indicating a legato passage) | :: bindebåge |
slur {v} (to articulate poorly) | :: sluddra |
slurp {v} (eat or drink noisily) | :: sörpla, slurpa |
Slurpee {n} (flavored shaved ice served as a drink) SEE: slush | :: |
slush {n} (half-melted snow) | :: slask {n}, modd {c} |
slushie {n} (flavored shaved ice served as a drink) SEE: slush | :: |
Slush Puppie {n} (slush) SEE: slush | :: |
slushy {n} (flavored shaved ice served as a drink) SEE: slush | :: |
slut {n} (prostitute) SEE: prostitute | :: |
slut {n} (sexually promiscuous woman) | :: slampa {c} |
slut {n} (a female dog) | :: tik {c}, hynda {c} |
sly {adj} (artfully cunning; secretly mischievous; wily) | :: slug |
sly {adj} | :: slug, listig |
sly as a fox {adj} (very sly) | :: slug som en räv |
slyly {adv} (in a sly manner) | :: skälmskt |
smack {v} (to strike a child as a form of discipline) SEE: spank | :: |
smack {n} ((slang) heroin) SEE: horse | :: |
small {adj} (not large) | :: liten |
small {adj} (young) | :: liten, ung |
small beer {n} (beer with low alcohol content) | :: lättöl {c} |
small circle {n} (circle formed by a plane that cuts a sphere not through its centre) | :: småcirkel {c} |
smallest room {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet | :: |
small game {n} (small hunted animals) | :: småvilt {n} |
small intestine {n} (upper part of the intestine) | :: tunntarm {c} |
smallish {adj} (somewhat small) | :: ganska liten |
Small Magellanic Cloud {prop} (galaxy) | :: Lilla magellanska molnet {n} |
small of the back {n} (lumbar region of the back) | :: ländrygg, korsrygg {c} |
smallpox {n} (disease) | :: smittkoppor {p} |
small-scale {adj} (having a modest scope or extent) | :: småskalig |
small talk {n} (idle conversation) | :: kallprat {n}, småprat {n} |
small white {n} (Pieris rapae) | :: rovfjäril {c} |
smaragdine {n} (emerald) SEE: emerald | :: |
smaragdine {adj} (of or pertaining to emeralds) | :: smaragd- |
smaragdine {adj} (having the colour of emeralds) | :: smaragdgrön |
smarmy {adj} (Falsely earnest, smug, or ingratiating) | :: inställsam |
smart {v} (to hurt or sting) | :: göra ont, smärta |
smart {adj} (exhibiting intellectual knowledge, such as that found in books) | :: smart, klok |
smart {adj} | :: smart, klyftig, [1] intelligent |
smartphone {n} (electronic handheld device) | :: smarttelefon {c}, smart telefon {c}, smartphone {c}, smartmobil {c}, smart mobil {c}, pekmobil {c} |
smartwatch {n} (wristwatch) | :: smartklocka {c} |
smarty boots {n} (know-it-all) SEE: know-it-all | :: |
smash {n} (colloquial: traffic accident) | :: krock {c} |
smash {n} (in tennis) | :: smash {c} |
smear {v} (to damage someone's reputation by slandering, making false accusations) | :: smutskasta |
smear campaign {n} (negative propaganda) | :: smutskastningskampanj {c}, nedsvärtningskampanj {c}, smutskampanj {c} |
smegma {n} (sebaceous secretion) | :: smegma {c}, [vulgar] flensost {c}, kukost {c} [vulgar] |
smell {n} (sensation) | :: lukt {c} |
smell {n} (sense of smell) | :: luktsinne {n} |
smell {v} (sense with nose) | :: lukta |
smell {v} (to have a particular smell, whether good or bad; if descriptive, followed by "like" or "of") | :: lukta, dofta [pleasant], stinka [unpleasant] |
smell a rat {v} (to sense something suspicious) | :: ana ugglor i mossen (to sense owls in the marsh) |
smell-brain {n} (part of brain involved with smelling) | :: lukthjärnan |
smelling salt {n} (ammonium carbonate when used to restore consciousness) | :: luktsalt {n} |
smelly {adj} (having a bad smell) | :: illaluktande |
smell you later {interj} (see you later; goodbye) SEE: goodbye | :: |
smelt {n} (fish of the family Osmeridae) | :: nors |
smelt {n} (production of metal, especially iron, from ore) SEE: smelting | :: |
smelting {n} (process of melting or fusion, especially to extract a metal from its ore) | :: smältning |
smetana {n} (type of soured cream) | :: smetana |
smew {n} (Mergus albellus) | :: salskrake {c} |
smidgen {n} (very small amount) | :: gnutta {c}, smula {c} |
smile {n} (a happy face expression using mouth, but without producing voice) | :: leende {n}, smil {n} |
smile {v} (to have a smile on one's face) | :: le |
smiley {n} (representation of a smiling face) | :: smiley {c} |
smiley {n} (emoticon) SEE: emoticon | :: |
smith {n} (craftsperson who works metal, see also: blacksmith) | :: smed {c} |
Smith {prop} (surnames derived from the equivalents of “smith”) | :: Smed |
smithereens {n} (Fragments or splintered pieces; numerous tiny disconnected items) | :: småbitar {p} |
smithsonite {n} (mineral) | :: zinkspat {c}, galmeja, smithsonit |
smithy {n} (forge) SEE: forge | :: |
smock {n} (a blouse) | :: blus |
smock mill {n} (windmill with rotating cap) | :: holländare {c} |
smog {n} (urban air pollution) | :: smog {c} |
smoke {v} (to inhale and exhale smoke from a burning cigarette) | :: röka |
smoke {v} (to inhale and exhale tobacco smoke regularly or habitually) | :: röka |
smoke {v} (to give off smoke) | :: ryka |
smoke {v} (to preserve or prepare by treating with smoke) | :: röka |
smoke {n} (visible particles and vapour given off by burning material) | :: rök {c} |
smoke {n} (colloquial: cigarette) | :: cigg |
smoke {n} (colloquial: instance of smoking) | :: rök {c} |
Smoke {prop} (44th sura of the Qur'an) | :: Rök {c} |
smoke alarm {n} (smoke detector) SEE: smoke detector | :: |
smokebox {n} (chamber before chimney) | :: sotskåp {n}, rökskåp {n} |
smoked {adj} (of food, preserved by treatment with smoke) | :: rökt |
smoke detector {n} (device) | :: brandvarnare {c} |
smoke-free {adj} (reserved for non-smokers) | :: rökfri |
smoker {n} (person who smokes tobacco habitually) | :: rökare {c} |
smokery {n} (smoking facility) | :: rökeri {n} |
smokescreen {n} (smoke used as a disguise, mask or cover) | :: rökridå {c} |
smokescreen {n} (anything used (metaphorically) to conceal or distract) | :: rökridå |
smokeshop {n} (tobacconist's) SEE: tobacconist's | :: |
smokestack {n} (a conduit or group of conduits atop a structure allowing smoke to flow out) SEE: chimney | :: |
smoking {n} (smoking of tobacco) | :: rökning {c} |
smoking room {n} (room designated for smokers) | :: rökrum {n} |
smoky {adj} (filled with smoke) | :: rökig |
smoky {adj} (having a smoke flavor) | :: rökig |
smoldering {v} (burning slowly without flame) | :: glöda |
smooch {n} ((informal) a kiss) | :: puss {c} |
smooch {v} ((informal) to kiss) | :: hångla |
smooth {adj} (lacking friction, not rough) | :: jämn, len, hal, slät |
smooth {adj} (without difficulty) | :: smidig |
smoothie {n} (drink) | :: smoothie {c} |
smorgasbord {n} (Swedish-style buffet comprising a variety of cold sandwiches and other dishes, see also: buffet) | :: smörgåsbord {n} |
smother {v} (to suffocate) | :: kväva |
smother {v} (to extinguish or deaden) | :: kväva, utsläcka |
smother {v} (to reduce to a low degree of vigor or activity) | :: dämpa |
smother {v} (to be suffocated) | :: kvävas |
smother {v} (to burn very slowly for want of air) | :: tyna |
smother {v} (Figuratively: to perish, grow feeble, or decline) | :: tyna |
SMS {n} (a text message sent on a cell phone) | :: sms |
smug {adj} (irritatingly pleased with oneself; self-satisfied) | :: självgod, självbelåten |
smuggle {v} (to import or export, illicitly or by stealth, without paying lawful customs charges or duties) | :: smuggla |
smuggle {v} | :: smuggla |
smuggling {n} (an act of something being smuggled) | :: smuggling {c} |
smurf {n} (fictional character) | :: smurf {c} |
smut {n} (sexually vulgar or pornographic material) | :: snusk {n} |
smut {n} (soot) SEE: soot | :: |
snack {n} (a light meal) | :: mellanmål, fika |
snack {n} (an item of food eaten between meals) | :: mellanmål |
snag {n} (problem or difficulty) | :: krux, hake, stötesten, aber |
snail {n} (any animal of the class Gastropoda having a shell) | :: snigel {c} |
snail mail {n} (postal mail) | :: snigelpost {c} |
snail's pace {n} (a very slow pace) | :: snigelfart {c} |
snake {n} (legless reptile) | :: orm {c} |
snake {n} (treacherous person) | :: orm {?} |
snake {v} (to move in a winding path) | :: slingra, slingra sig, vindla, orma sig |
snakebite {n} (the bite of a snake) | :: ormbett {n} |
snake charmer {n} (snake charmer) | :: ormtjusare {c} |
snake eagle {n} (bird of prey) | :: ormörn {c} |
snake pit {n} (pit with snakes) | :: ormgrop {c} |
snake pit {n} (institution) | :: ormgrop {c} |
snakeskin {n} (skin of a snake) | :: ormskinn {n} |
snap {n} (quick breaking or cracking sound or the action of producing such a sound) | :: knäpp {c} |
snap {n} (act of of producing sound with fingers) | :: knäpp {c}, knäppning {c} |
snap {n} (fastening device) | :: tryckknapp {c} |
snap {v} (to fit or fasten together with a snapping sound) | :: snäppa |
snap {v} (to say abruptly or sharply) | :: snäsa |
snap {v} (to speak to abruptly or sharply; to treat snappishly) | :: snäsa |
snap {v} (to snap one's fingers) | :: knäppa |
snap {v} (to take a photograph; to photograph) | :: knäppa |
snap bean {n} (unripe or green fruit pod of a bean plant) SEE: green bean | :: |
snapdragon {n} (any plant of the genus Antirrhinum) | :: lejongap {n} |
snap election {n} (election called before the regularly scheduled time) | :: nyval {n} |
snap fastener {n} (fastening mechanism) | :: tryckknapp {c} |
snap one's fingers {v} (create a sound with one's fingers) | :: knäppa fingrarna |
snappish {adj} (likely to snap or bite) | :: bitsk |
snappish {adj} (exhibiting irritation) | :: snäsig, argsint |
snappy {adj} (rapid and without delay) | :: kvick |
snapshot {n} (A photograph) | :: ögonblicksbild {c} |
snapshot {n} (A glimpse of something) | :: ögonblicksbild {c} |
snare {n} (trap) | :: snara |
snare {n} (music: type of drum) | :: virveltrumma {c}, militärtrumma {c} |
snare drum {n} (tubular drum) | :: virveltrumma |
snatch {n} (piece of sound) | :: snutt {c} |
snatch {n} (vagina) | :: murra {c}, fitta {c}, mutta {c}, kussimurra {c} |
snath {n} (shaft of a scythe) | :: orv |
snazzy {adj} (elegantly dressed, stylish, flashy) | :: tjusig |
sneak {n} (a cheat; con artist; trickster) | :: bluffmakare {c} |
sneak {v} (to creep) | :: smyga |
sneaker {n} (leisure shoes, often worn for sports; trainers) | :: gymnastikskor, gympadojor [slang], gympaskor {c-p} |
sneaking suspicion {n} (premonition, or hunch; belief based on very little evidence) | :: aning {c}, (smygande) föraning {c} |
sneer {v} (raise a corner of the upper lip slightly in scorn) | :: grina |
sneeze {v} (expel air as a reflex) | :: nysa |
sneeze {n} (act of sneezing) | :: nysning {c} |
snide {adj} (nasty, sarcastic) | :: spydig, nedsättande, insinuant |
sniff {v} (to inhale drugs in powder form through the nose) | :: sniffa |
sniffles {n} (symptoms of a cold) | :: snuva {c} |
snigger {v} (to emit a snigger) | :: fnissa |
snipe {n} (bird of the family Scolopacidae) | :: beckasin {c} |
sniper {n} (a person using long-range small arms for precise attacks from a concealed position) | :: prickskytt {c}, krypskytt {c} |
sniper {n} | :: krypskytt |
snitch {v} (steal) | :: sno, snatta, knycka |
snitch {v} (inform on) | :: skvallra, tjalla, gola |
snitch {v} (contact or cooperate with the police) | :: tjalla, gola |
snitch {n} (thief) | :: snattare |
snitch {n} (informer, usually one who betrays his group) | :: tjallare {c} [colloquial], skvallerbytta {c} [colloquial, child language], golare {c} [slang] |
snitches get stitches {proverb} (people who snitch or tattle will in return receive repercussions) | :: golare har inga polare |
snob {n} (person who seeks to be a member of the upper classes) | :: snobb {c} |
snobbish {adj} (having the property of being a snob) | :: snobbig |
snog {v} (slang: kiss passionately) | :: hångla |
snooker {n} (cue sport) | :: snooker |
snoop {v} (to secretly spy on or investigate, especially into the private personal life of others) | :: spionera |
snoop {n} (the act of snooping) | :: snokande {n} |
snoop {n} (a private detective) | :: snok {c} |
Snoopy {prop} (pet beagle) | :: Snobben |
snoot {v} (slang: human nose) SEE: schnozzle | :: |
snooze {v} | :: ta en tupplur |
snooze {n} (A period of sleep; a nap) | :: tupplur {c} |
snore {v} (breathe during sleep with harsh noises) | :: snarka |
snore {n} (act and noise of snoring) | :: snarkning {c} |
snoring {n} (action or sound) | :: snarkning {c} |
snorkel {n} (hollow tube used for breathing underwater) | :: snorkel {c} |
snorkel {v} (use a snorkel) | :: snorkla |
snort {v} (to inhale (usually a drug) through the nose) | :: snorta, sniffa, dra |
snot {n} (mucus) | :: snor {n} |
snot {n} (contemptible child) | :: snorunge {c}, skitunge |
snotty {adj} (dirtied with snot) | :: snorig |
snotty {adj} (ill-tempered, impertinent) | :: kaxig |
snout {n} (long, projecting nose, mouth, and jaw of a beast) | :: tryne {n}, nos {c} |
snow {n} (precipitation) | :: snö {c} |
snow {n} (TV noise) | :: myrornas krig |
snow {n} (cocaine) | :: snö {c} |
snow {n} (collective precipitation) | :: snöfall {n} |
snow {v} (have snow fall from the sky) | :: snöa |
snow angel {n} (design) | :: snöängel {c} |
snowball {n} (ball of snow) | :: snöboll {c} |
snowball {v} (play at throwing snowballs) | :: ha snöbollskrig |
snowball fight {n} (play fight) | :: snöbollskrig {n} |
snowball's chance in hell {n} (Little or no likelihood of occurrence or success) | :: när helvetet fryser till is |
snowbank {n} (a heap of snow) SEE: snowdrift | :: |
snowberry {n} (Symphoricarpos) | :: snöbär, smällbär |
snowberry {n} (fruit) | :: smällbär, snöbär {n} |
snowbird {n} (dark-eyed junco) | :: mörkögd junco {c} |
snow-blind {adj} (blinded by abundance of reflected light) | :: snöblind |
snow blindness {n} (condition of the eyes caused by exposure to UV rays) | :: snöblindhet |
snowblower {n} (a device for clearing a path or road of snow) | :: snöslunga {c} |
snowboard {n} (board) | :: snowboard |
snowboarding {n} (the sport of sliding downhill on a snowboard) | :: snowboard {c} |
snow bunting {n} (bird) | :: snösparv |
snowcat {n} (vehicle) | :: pistmaskin {c}, vessla {c}, snövessla {c} |
snow chain {n} (a chain put on a wheel of a vehicle to give it more traction) | :: snökedja {c} |
snowclad {adj} (covered in snow) | :: snöklädd, snöhöljd, snötäckt |
snowclone {n} (a type of cliché) | :: snöklon |
snow-covered {adj} (covered with snow) | :: snötäckt, översnöad, snöhöljd, snöklädd |
snow-covered {adj} | :: snöig |
snowdrift {n} (bank of snow) | :: snödriva {c}, snövall {c} |
snowdrop {n} (plant) | :: snödroppe |
snowdrop windflower {n} (Anemone sylvestris) | :: tovsippa |
snowfall {n} (instance of falling of snow) | :: snöfall {n} |
snowfall {n} (amount of snow that falls on one occasion) | :: snöfall {n} |
snowfield {n} | :: snöfält |
snowflake {n} (crystal) | :: snöflinga {c} |
snowflake {n} (Plectrophenax nivalis) SEE: snow bunting | :: |
snow fox {n} (arctic fox) SEE: arctic fox | :: |
snow globe {n} (decorative object) | :: snöglob |
snow goose {n} (Chen caerulescens) | :: snögås {c} |
snow leopard {n} (a large feline mammal, Uncia uncia) | :: snöleopard {c} |
snowless {adj} (without snow) | :: snölös |
snowmachine {n} (snowmobile) SEE: snowmobile | :: |
snowman {n} (figure made of snow) | :: snögubbe {c} |
snowmobile {n} (vehicle) | :: snöskoter {c}, skoter {c} |
snow plow {n} (vehicle) | :: snöplog {c} |
snow plow {n} (device) | :: plog {c}, snöplog {c} |
snow plow {v} (transitive: clear (roads, etc) using a snow plow) | :: ploga |
snow plow {v} (intransitive: perform a snowplow in skiing) | :: ploga |
Snow Queen {prop} (fairy tale character with power over snow and ice) | :: Snödrottningen {c} |
snowshoe {n} (flat footwear worn to facilitate walking in deep snow) | :: snösko |
snowstorm {n} (bad weather involving blowing winds and snow) | :: snöstorm |
snowthrower {n} (snowblower) SEE: snowblower | :: |
snow-white {adj} (as white as snow) | :: snövit |
Snow White {prop} (character from Snow White (Schneewittchen)) | :: Snövit |
Snow White {prop} (character from Snow-White and Rose-Red (Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot)) | :: Snövit |
snowy {adj} (snow-covered) SEE: snow-covered | :: |
snowy owl {n} (large white owl) | :: fjälluggla {c} |
snub {v} (to slight, ignore, behave coldly toward) | :: avfärda |
snub {v} (to turn down, dismiss) | :: avfärda |
snuff {n} (fine-ground tobacco) | :: snus {n} |
snuffer {n} (candle snuffer) SEE: candle snuffer | :: |
snuggle {v} (to lie close to another person or thing, hugging or being cosy) | :: gosa |
snus {n} (type of tobacco snuff) | :: snus {n} |
so {conj} (in order that) | :: så |
so {conj} (with the result that) | :: så, därför |
so {adv} (very) | :: så |
so {adv} (to a particular extent) | :: så |
so {adv} (in a particular manner) | :: så |
so {adv} (slang: very much) | :: så |
so {interj} (interjection used to introduce a new topic) | :: så |
so {interj} (short for so what) | :: och |
soap {n} (soap opera) SEE: soap opera | :: |
soap {n} (substance) | :: tvål {c}, såpa {c} |
soap {v} (apply soap in washing) | :: tvåla in |
soap bubble {n} (sphere of soap water) | :: såpbubbla {c} |
soapery {n} (factory making soap) | :: tvålfabrik {c} |
soap opera {n} (television serial) | :: såpopera {c}, såpa {c} |
soapstone {n} (soft rock) | :: täljsten {c} |
soapwort {n} (herb) | :: såpnejlika {c} |
soar {v} (to rise rapidly or high) | :: stiga, skjuta i höjden |
sob {n} (a cry with a short, sudden expulsion of breath) | :: snyft {n}, snyftning {c} |
so be it {phrase} (indication of acceptance) | :: då så |
sober {adj} (not drunk) | :: nykter |
sober {v} (make or become sober) | :: nyktra, nyktra till |
sober {v} (overcome intoxication) | :: nyktra, nyktra till |
sober up {v} (to become sober) | :: nyktra till |
sobriety {n} (quality or state of being sober) | :: nykterhet |
sobriety {n} (quality or state of not being intoxicated) | :: nykterhet |
sob story {n} (sad story) | :: snyfthistoria, snyftare |
soccer {n} (game) | :: fotboll {c} |
soccer ball {n} (ball that is designed for use in the sport of soccer) | :: fotboll {c} |
soccer mom {n} (woman with school-age children) | :: fotbollsmamma {c} |
soccer player {n} (one who plays soccer) | :: fotbollsspelare {c} |
Sochi {prop} (city in Russia) | :: Sotji |
sociable lapwing {n} (Vanellus gregarius) | :: stäppvipa {c} |
sociable plover {n} (Vanellus gregarius) SEE: sociable lapwing | :: |
social {adj} (extroverted or outgoing) | :: social |
social {adj} (relating to society) | :: social |
social anxiety {n} (social anxiety disorder) SEE: social anxiety disorder | :: |
social anxiety disorder {n} (the most common anxiety disorder) | :: social fobi |
social class {n} (class of people) | :: socialklass {c} |
social democracy {n} (moderate left-wing political philosophy) | :: socialdemokrati {c} |
social democracy {n} (social democratic society) | :: socialdemokrati {c} |
social democrat {n} (supporter of social democracy) | :: socialdemokrat {c} |
social distancing {n} (practice of maintaining physical distance between people to reduce the spread of communicable diseases) | :: social distansering {c}, fysisk distansering {c} |
social group {n} (collection of humans or animals) | :: socialgrupp {c} |
socialism {n} (political philosophy of social and economic equality) | :: socialism {c} |
socialism {n} (group of socialist political philosophies) | :: socialism {c} |
socialism {n} (intermediate phase of social development) | :: socialism {c} |
socialist {adj} (of, promoting, practicing, or characteristic of socialism) | :: socialistisk |
socialist {n} (one who practices or advocates socialism) | :: socialist {c} |
Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia {prop} (Yugoslav state that existed from 1943 until 1992) | :: Socialistiska federativa republiken Jugoslavien |
socialistic {adj} (relating to socialism) | :: socialistisk |
Socialist Republic of Vietnam {prop} (official name of Vietnam) | :: Socialistiska republiken Vietnam {c} |
socialize {v} (to interact with others) | :: umgås |
socialize {v} (to take into collective or governmental ownership) | :: socialisera |
social justice warrior {n} (online activist who zealously promotes social justice causes) | :: batikhäxa |
social media {n} (interactive forms of media) | :: sociala medier |
social phobia {n} (social anxiety disorder) SEE: social anxiety disorder | :: |
social psychology {n} (study) | :: socialpsykologi {m} |
social science {n} (branch of science) | :: samhällsvetenskap {c} |
social worker {n} (person whose profession is social work) | :: handläggare {c}, socialarbetare {c}, socialassistent {c} |
societal {adj} (societal) | :: samhällelig |
society {n} (group of people sharing culture) | :: samhälle {n} |
society {n} (group of persons who meet from time to time to engage in a common interest) | :: förening {c} |
society {n} (people of one’s country or community as a whole) | :: samhälle {n} |
society {n} (high society) SEE: high society | :: |
Socinian {adj} (pertaining to the Socinians) | :: sociniansk {m} |
socio- {prefix} (socio-) | :: socio- |
socioeconomic {adj} (of or pertaining to social and economic factors) SEE: socio-economic | :: |
socio-economic {adj} (pertaining to a combination of social and economic factors) | :: socioekonomisk |
sociogram {n} (graphic representation of the structure of interpersonal relations in a group situation) | :: sociogram |
sociolect {n} (variant of language used by a social group) | :: sociolekt |
sociolinguist {n} (person that studies sociolinguistics) | :: sociolingvist {c} |
sociolinguistics {n} (the study of social and cultural effects on language) | :: sociolingvistik {c} |
sociological {adj} (of or pertaining to sociology) | :: sociologisk |
sociology {n} (study of society, human social interactions, etc.) | :: sociologi |
sociopath {n} (person with antisocial personality disorder) | :: sociopat {c} |
sociopolitical {adj} (socio-political) SEE: socio-political | :: |
socio-political {adj} (of or pertaining to a combination of social and political factors) | :: socialpolitisk, samhällspolitisk |
sock {n} (covering for the foot) | :: socka, strumpa |
sock {n} (sock puppet) SEE: sock puppet | :: |
socket {n} (mechanical opening) | :: uttag {n} |
sock puppet {n} (simple puppet made from a sock) | :: strumpdocka {c} |
socle {n} (a plinth or pedestal) | :: sockel {c} |
Socrates {prop} (Greek philosopher) | :: Sokrates |
Socratic method {prop} | :: maieutik {c}, majevtik {c} |
soda {n} (carbonated water) | :: läsk {c}, brus {c}, sodavatten {n} |
soda {n} (sweet, carbonated drink) | :: läsk, dricka {c}, lemonad, läskedryck {c} |
soda ash {n} (sodium carbonate) | :: kristallsoda {c} |
soda water {n} (water with carbon dioxide) | :: mineralvatten {n}, kolsyrat vatten {n} |
sodden {adj} (soaked) | :: genomblöt, genomdränkt, genomvåt |
sodden {v} (to drench, soak or saturate) | :: genomdränka, genomblöta |
sodden {v} (to become soaked) | :: bli genomblöt |
sodium {n} (reactive metal) | :: natrium {n} |
sodium benzoate {n} (the sodium salt of benzoic acid) | :: natriumbensoat |
sodium bicarbonate {n} (salt of sodium hydroxide and carbonic acid) | :: natriumvätekarbonat {n} |
sodium bicarbonate {n} (used as a raising agent) | :: bikarbonat {n}, bakpulver {n} |
sodium chloride {n} (chemical term for table salt; NaCl) | :: natriumklorid {c} |
sodium hydrogen carbonate {n} (NaHCO3) SEE: sodium bicarbonate | :: |
sodium hydroxide {n} (caustic alkali) | :: natriumhydroxid {c} |
sodomy {n} (sex held to be unnatural) | :: sodomi {c} |
sofa {n} (upholstered seat) | :: soffa {c} |
sofa-bed {n} (sofa that unfolds into a bed) | :: bäddsoffa {c} |
so far {adv} (until now; previously; yet) | :: hittills, än så länge |
Sofia {prop} (the capital city of Bulgaria) | :: Sofia |
soft {adj} (foolish) SEE: foolish | :: |
soft {adj} (giving way under pressure) | :: mjuk |
soft-boiled {adj} (of an egg) | :: löskokt |
softcore pornography {n} (form of pornography where the sexual acts are relatively unexplicit) | :: mjukporr {c} |
soft drink {n} (sweet, non-alcoholic carbonated beverage) | :: läsk {c}, dricka {c}, lemonad {c}, brus {c}, läskedryck |
soften {v} ((transitive) To make something soft or softer) | :: mjukna |
softener {n} (fabric softener) SEE: fabric softener | :: |
softly softly {adj} (discreet, careful) | :: varsam, försiktig, mjuk |
softly softly {adv} (in a very tactful, careful manner) | :: varsamt, försiktigt |
softness {n} (the quality of being soft) | :: mjukhet |
soft porn {n} (soft-core pornography) | :: mjukporr {c} |
soft roe {n} (milt) SEE: milt | :: |
soft serve {n} (frozen dessert) | :: mjukglass {c} |
soft sign {n} (Cyrillic letter Ь/ь) | :: mjuktecken {n} |
soft spot {n} (fontanelle) SEE: fontanelle | :: |
soft toy {n} (toy made of a soft material) | :: kramdjur {n}, mjukdjur {n}, mjukisdjur {n}, gosdjur {n}, gosedjur {n} |
software {n} (encoded computer instructions) | :: mjukvara {c}, programvara {c} |
Sogdian {prop} (the Sogdian language) | :: sogdiska {c} |
Sogdiana {prop} (an ancient Iranian-speaking civilization) | :: Sogdiana |
soggy {adj} (soaked with liquid) | :: blöt |
soil {n} (mixture of sand and organic material) | :: jord {c} |
soil {n} (mineral or organic material serving as a natural medium for the growth of land plants) | :: jord {c} |
soil {n} (unconsolidated mineral or organic material on the immediate surface of the earth) | :: jord {c} |
soil {n} (country or territory) | :: jord {c}, mark {c} |
soil {v} (to make dirty) | :: skita ner, smutsa ner |
soil {v} (to defecate into one's clothing) SEE: soil oneself | :: |
soil oneself {v} (to defecate on oneself accidentally) | :: skita på sig |
sojourn {n} (A short stay somewhere) | :: vistelse |
solace {n} (consolation) | :: tröst |
solace {n} (source of comfort) | :: tröst |
solace {v} (to give solace to) | :: trösta |
solace {v} | :: trösta |
solar {adj} (of or pertaining to the sun) | :: sol- |
solar cell {n} (semiconductor device) | :: solcell {c} |
solar collector {n} (device to collect solar radiation in the form of thermal energy) | :: solfångare {c} |
solar constant {n} (amount of incoming solar radiation per unit area) | :: solarkonstant {c} |
solar cycle {n} (period in Sun's activity) | :: solfläckscykel {c} |
solar day {n} (time for a planet to rotate once relative to the sun) | :: soldygn {n} |
solar eclipse {n} (when the Moon passes between the Earth and the sun) | :: solförmörkelse {c} |
solar energy {n} (energy from the sun) | :: solenergi {c} |
solarium {n} (establishment where one can rent sunbeds) | :: solarium {n} |
solar oil {n} | :: solarolja {c} |
solar panel {n} (array of connected solar cells) | :: solpanel {c} |
solar system {n} (any collection of heavenly bodies orbiting a star) | :: solsystem {n} |
solar system {prop} (Solar System) SEE: Solar System | :: |
Solar System {prop} (the Sun and all the heavenly bodies that orbit around it) | :: solsystem {n} |
solar wind {n} (outflow of charged particles from the solar corona into space) | :: solvind {c} |
solder {v} (to join with solder) | :: löda |
soldering {n} (method of joining two metallic surfaces by melting an alloy between them) | :: lödning {c} |
soldering iron {n} (tool) | :: lödkolv {c} |
soldier {n} (member of an army) | :: soldat {c} |
soldier {n} | :: [1,3] soldat {c}, [3] frälsningssoldat {c} |
sold out {adj} (completely sold) | :: slutsåld, utsåld |
sole {adj} (only) | :: enda |
sole {adj} (unmarried; widowed) | :: ensamstående |
sole {n} (bottom of the foot) | :: fotsula, sula {c} |
sole {n} (bottom of a shoe or boot) | :: sula, skosula |
sole {n} (fish) | :: sjötunga {c} |
sole {v} (put a sole on (a shoe or boot)) | :: sula |
solecism {n} (error in the use of language) | :: solecism |
solemnity {n} (quality of being solemn) | :: högtidlighet {c} |
solemnness {n} (solemnity) SEE: solemnity | :: |
solenoid {n} (solenoid) | :: spole {c} |
solicit {v} (to woo; to court) | :: uppvakta |
solid {adj} (in the solid state) | :: fast, i fast form |
solid {adj} (large, massive) | :: massiv |
solid {adj} (lacking holes or hollows) | :: massiv |
solid {adj} (extremely filling) | :: mättande |
solid {adj} (strong, unyielding (as of foundations etc)) | :: fast, solid |
solid {adj} (lacking errors or inconsistencies) | :: solid, gedigen |
solid {adj} (typography: written as one word) | :: [noun] sammanskrivning, hopskrivning |
solid {n} (chemistry: fundamental state of matter) | :: fast form, fast ämne |
solid {n} (geometry: three-dimensional object) | :: kropp |
solidarity {n} (unifying bond between individuals with common goal or enemy) | :: solidaritet {c} |
solidify {v} (intransitive: to become solid; to freeze) | :: stelna |
solid phase {n} (one of the three fundamental structural phases of matter) | :: fast form {c} |
solidus {n} (slash) SEE: slash | :: |
solifugid {n} (camel spider) SEE: camel spider | :: |
soliloquy {n} (act of a character speaking to himself) | :: monolog |
soliloquy {n} (speech or written discourse in this form) | :: monolog {c} |
solipsism {n} (theory) | :: solipsism |
solipsism {n} (self-absorption) | :: självupptagenhet |
solitaire {n} (patience) SEE: patience | :: |
solitariness {n} (state or quality of being solitary) | :: ensamhet {c} |
solitary sandpiper {n} (Tringa solitaria) | :: amerikansk skogssnäppa {c} |
solitude {n} (state of being alone) | :: ensamhet {c} |
solo {n} (piece of music for one) | :: solo {n} |
solo {n} (job or performance done by one person) | :: solo {n} |
solo {adj} (without a companion or instructor) | :: solo, ensam |
solo {adj} (of a musical solo) | :: solo |
soloist {n} (a person who performs a solo) | :: solist {c} |
Solomon {prop} (king of Israel) | :: Salomo |
Solomon Islands {prop} (A country in Melanesia) | :: Salomonöarna |
so long {interj} (informal: goodbye) | :: ajöss |
so long as {phrase} (as long as) SEE: as long as | :: |
solstice {n} (point where the earth stands at the extreme of its ellipsis around the sun) | :: sommarsolstånd (the longest day), vintersolstånd (the shortest day), solstånd {n} |
solstitial {adj} (pertaining to a solstice) | :: solstånds-, solstitial- [rare] |
solstitial {adj} (occurring on a solstice) | :: solstånds- |
soluble {adj} (able to be dissolved) | :: löslig |
soluble {adj} (able to be solved or explained) | :: lösbar |
solution {n} (liquid mixture) | :: lösning {c} |
solution {n} (answer to a problem (mathematics)) | :: lösning {c} |
solvable {adj} (capable of being solved) | :: lösbar |
solvable {adj} (capable of being dissolved) | :: löslig |
solve {v} (to find an answer or solution) | :: lösa |
solvency {n} (ability to pay debts) | :: solvens {c}, betalningsförmåga {c} |
solvent {n} (liquid that dissolves a solid, liquid, or gaseous solute) | :: lösningsmedel {n} |
solvent {adj} (able to pay all debts) | :: solvent |
solyanka {n} (a thick, spicy and sour soup in Russian and Ukrainian cuisine) | :: soljanka |
Somali {n} (a language) | :: somaliska {c} |
Somalia {prop} (country in the Horn of Africa) | :: Somalia |
Somalian {adj} (pertaining to Somalia) SEE: Somali | :: |
Somalian {n} (someone from Somalia) SEE: Somali | :: |
sombre {adj} (melancholy; dismal) | :: dyster |
some {pron} (certain number) | :: vissa, somliga, en del |
some {pron} (indefinite quantity or number) | :: några, en del |
some {pron} (indefinite amount, part) | :: lite, en del |
some {determiner} (certain proportion of) | :: några, en del |
some {determiner} (unspecified quantity or number of) | :: några, lite, en del |
some {determiner} (unspecified amount of) | :: lite, en del |
some {determiner} (certain, unspecified or unknown) | :: någon, något |
somebody {pron} (some unspecified person) | :: någon |
someday {adv} (sometime; at some time in the future) | :: någon gång |
somehow {adv} (in one way or another; in some way not yet known or designated) | :: på något sätt, på ett eller annat sätt |
someone {pron} (some person) | :: någon |
someone else {pron} (some other person) | :: någon annan |
somersault {n} (the act of going head over heels) | :: kullerbytta {c} |
somersault {v} (to perform somersault) | :: göra en kullerbyta |
something {pron} (unspecified object) | :: något, någonting, någon {c} |
something {pron} (talent that is hard to pin down) | :: något |
something {pron} (somebody who is superlative in some way) | :: något |
something is rotten in the state of Denmark {phrase} (Hamlet quotation, used in other contexts to mean "something is not right") | :: något är ruttet i konungariket Danmark, något är ruttet, i danska staten någonting är ruttet |
sometime {adj} (occasional) SEE: occasional | :: |
sometime {adv} (obsolete: sometimes) SEE: sometimes | :: |
sometime {adv} (at an unstated or indefinite time in the future) | :: någon gång |
sometimes {adv} (on certain occasions, but not always) | :: ibland, stundom, då och då, emellanåt, av och till, till och från |
somewhat {pron} (something) SEE: something | :: |
somewhat {adv} (limited extent) | :: något |
somewhere {adv} (in some place) | :: någonstans |
somewhere {adv} (to some place) | :: någonstans |
somewhere else {adv} (in or at some other place) | :: någon annanstans, annorstädes [dated] |
somewhere else {adv} (to some other place) | :: någon annanstans |
somewhither {adv} (to some place) SEE: somewhere | :: |
sommelier {n} (wine steward / stewardess, wine waiter / waitress) | :: sommelier {c}, vinkypare {c} |
somnambulate {v} (to walk while sleeping) | :: gå i sömnen |
somnambulist {n} (a sleepwalker) | :: sömngångare, somnambul {c} |
son {n} (a male person in relation to his parents) | :: son {c} |
son {n} | :: son {c} |
sonata {n} (a musical composition for one or a few instruments) | :: sonat {c} |
sonata form {n} (a form of classical music) | :: sonatform {c} |
sonatina {n} (piece resembling a sonata but shorter or simpler) | :: sonatin {c} |
song {n} (music with words) | :: låt {c}, sång, visa |
song {n} (the act or art of singing) | :: sång {c} |
song {n} (sound of another animal) | :: sång {c} |
song {n} (inexpensive deal) | :: spottstyver |
song {n} (sound of a bird) SEE: birdsong | :: |
songbird {n} (bird) | :: sångfågel {c} |
songbook {n} (book) | :: sångbok |
Song of Solomon {prop} (book of the Bible) SEE: Song of Songs | :: |
Song of Songs {prop} (book of the Bible) | :: Höga Visan |
song sparrow {n} (Melospiza melodia) | :: sångsparv |
song thrush {n} (song thrush) | :: taltrast {c} |
songwriter {n} (someone who writes the lyrics and usually the music of songs) | :: låtskrivare, kompositör |
sonic boom {n} (the audible effect of a shock wave in the air) | :: ljudbang {c} |
son-in-law {n} (son-in-law) | :: svärson {c}, måg {c} |
sonless {adj} | :: sonlös |
sonnet {n} (verse form consisting of fourteen lines) | :: sonett |
son of a bitch {n} (objectionable person) | :: jävel {c}, arsel {n}, horunge {c} |
son of a bitch {n} (objectionable thing) | :: skit {c}, fanskap {n}, jävel {c} |
son of a bitch {interj} (to express anger, contempt etc.) | :: jäklar |
Son of Man {prop} (Jesus Christ) | :: Människoson {c} |
Sonya {prop} (female given name) | :: Sonja {c} |
soon {adv} (within a short time) | :: snart |
sooner or later {adv} (set phrase; eventually) | :: förr eller senare, så småningom |
soot {n} (fine black or dull brown particles) | :: sot {n} |
soothe {v} (to ease or relieve pain) | :: lindra |
soothing {adj} (Tending to soothe) | :: rogivande, lugnande |
soothing {adj} (Giving relief) | :: lindrande, lättande |
soothing {adj} (Freeing from fear or anxiety) | :: lugnande |
soothsayer {n} (one who predicts the future) | :: siare {c} [male], sierska {c} [female], spåman {c} [male], spåkvinna {c} [female] |
soothsayer {n} (mantis or rearhorse) SEE: mantis | :: |
sop {n} (gravy) SEE: gravy | :: |
Sophia {prop} (female given name) | :: Sofia |
sophist {n} (ancient teacher of rhetoric, etc.) | :: sofist {c} |
sophisticated {adj} (having obtained worldly experience) | :: världsvan, erfaren |
Sophocles {prop} (Greek dramatic poet) | :: Sofokles |
sophomore {adj} (second in a series) | :: andra, tvåa |
sophomore {n} (second-year student) | :: andra års elev |
soprano {n} (pitch) | :: sopran {c} |
soprano {n} (person or instrument) | :: sopran {c} |
Sorani {prop} (Kurdish dialect) | :: sorani |
sorb {n} (wild service tree) SEE: wild service tree | :: |
Sorbian {prop} (language) | :: sorbiska |
sorcerer {n} (magician/wizard drawing upon natural powers) | :: trollkarl {c} |
sorcery {n} (magical power) | :: trolldom {c} |
sordine {n} (mute for music) | :: sordin {c} |
sore {adj} (causing pain) | :: öm {c} |
sore {adj} (annoyed) SEE: annoyed | :: |
sore loser {n} (one who is easily angered by losing) | :: dålig förlorare |
soreness {n} (being sore) | :: ömhet {c} |
sore throat {n} (symptom) | :: ont i halsen, halsont {n} |
sorghum {n} (cereal) | :: durra {c} |
sororal nephew {n} (sister’s son) | :: systerson {c}, nevö {c} [generic "nephew"] |
sororal niece {n} (sister’s daughter) | :: systerdotter {c} |
sororate {n} (custom) | :: sororat {n} |
sororate {n} (marriage) | :: sororat {n} |
sorority {n} (group of women or girls associated for a common purpose) | :: systerskap |
sorrel {n} (plant) | :: ängssyra {c} |
sorrow {n} (unhappiness) | :: sorg {c} |
sorry {adj} (regretful for an action or grieved) | :: ledsen |
sorry {adj} (poor, regrettable) | :: sorglig, ledsam |
sorry {interj} (expression of regret or sorrow) | :: förlåt |
sorry {interj} (request to repeat) | :: ursäkta, förlåt |
sorry {n} (act of saying sorry) | :: förlåt {n}, ursäkt {c} |
sorry I'm late {phrase} (sorry I'm late) | :: förlåt, jag är sen |
sorry, we don't accept credit cards {phrase} (sorry, we don't accept credit cards) | :: förlåt, vi accepterar inte kreditkort |
sort {n} (type) | :: sort {c}, slag {n} |
sort {n} (person) | :: typ {c} |
sort {n} (act of sorting) | :: sortering {c} |
sort {n} (computing algorithm) | :: sorteringsalgoritm {c} |
sort {v} (separate according to certain criteria) | :: sortera |
sort {v} (arrange in order) | :: ordna |
sort {v} (fix a problem) | :: fixa |
sorted {adj} | :: sorterad, ordnad |
sortie {n} (an attack made by troops from a besieged position) SEE: sally | :: |
sorting {n} (ordering) | :: sortering {c} |
sorting {n} (categorizing) | :: sortering {c} |
sort of {adv} (in a way etc.) | :: typ |
sort out {v} (to clarify) | :: reda ut |
sort out {v} (to arrange) | :: ordna, arrangera, organisera |
sort out {v} (to fix problem) | :: fixa, lösa |
sort out {v} (to organise or separate into groups) | :: organisera, sortera |
sort out {v} (to separate from the remainder of a group) | :: sortera ut, skilja, dela upp |
sort out {v} (slang: to attack physically) | :: nita |
sort out {v} (to provide (somebody) with a necessity) | :: ta hand om, fixa, fixa ihop, skaffa |
so-so {adj} (neither good nor bad) | :: sådär |
so-so {adv} (neither well nor poorly) | :: sådär |
so that {conj} (in order to) | :: så, så att |
so there {interj} (defiant expression) | :: så det så |
São Tomé and Príncipe {prop} (Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe) | :: São Tomé och Príncipe |
so to speak {adv} (in a manner of speaking) | :: så att säga |
soufflé {n} (baked dish) | :: sufflé {c} |
sought-after {adj} (sought-after) SEE: in demand | :: |
soul {n} (the spirit or essence of a person that is often believed to live on after the person's death) | :: själ |
soul {n} (life, energy, vigour) | :: själ |
soul {n} (soul music) | :: soul |
soul {n} (person, especially as one among many) | :: själ |
soulmate {n} (Someone with whom one has a special connection) | :: själsfrände {c} |
soul music {n} (music genre) | :: soul |
sound {adj} (healthy) | :: kry, frisk, sund |
sound {adj} | :: sund, frisk |
sound {n} (sensation perceived by the ear) | :: ljud {n} |
sound {n} (vibration capable of causing this) | :: ljud {n} |
sound {v} (to produce a sound) | :: ljuda, låta |
sound {n} (long narrow inlet) | :: sund {n} |
sound {n} (cuttlefish) SEE: cuttlefish | :: |
Sound {prop} (strait that separates Zealand from Scania) | :: Öresund {n} |
sound card {n} (a computer hardware device used for generating and capturing sounds) | :: ljudkort |
sound film {n} (a film with sound, as opposed to a silent film) | :: ljudfilm {c} |
sounding board {n} (A thin board that forms part of the resonating chamber of a musical instrument and serves to reinforce its sound) | :: resonansbotten {c}, klangbotten {c} |
sounding board {n} (A person, or group, whose reactions to a new idea or propsal serve to assess its acceptability) | :: bollplank {n} |
soundless {adj} (without sound) | :: ljudlös |
soundlessly {adv} (soundlessly) | :: ljudlöst |
soundly {adv} (in a thorough manner) | :: djupt, grundligt |
sound post {n} (wooden rod inside a musical instrument) | :: ljudpinne {c} |
soundproof {adj} (describing something that does not allow sound through) | :: ljudisolerad |
soundproof {v} (make resistant to sound) | :: ljudisolera |
soundproofing {n} (Something that prevents sound from traveling through it) | :: ljudisolering {c} |
sound wave {n} (longitudinal wave of pressure transmitted through any plastic material) | :: ljudvåg {c} |
soup {n} (dish) | :: soppa {c} |
souped-up {adj} (drunk, intoxicated) SEE: drunk | :: |
souped-up {adj} (excited) SEE: excited | :: |
soup kitchen {n} (place set up to provide basic food as a charity or in time of disaster) | :: soppkök {n} |
soupçon {n} (suspicion, suggestion) SEE: suspicion | :: |
soupçon {n} (very small amount) SEE: modicum | :: |
sour {adj} (having an acidic, sharp or tangy taste) | :: sur |
source {n} (person, place or thing) | :: källa {c}, ursprung {n} |
source {n} (spring etc.) | :: källa {c}, fontän {c} |
source {n} (informant) | :: källa {c} |
source {n} | :: [1,2] källa {c} |
source {n} ((computing) source code) SEE: source code | :: |
source code {n} (human-readable instructions in a programming language) | :: källkod {c}, kod {c} |
source language {n} (language from which a translation is done) | :: källspråk {n} |
source text {n} (original text to be translated) | :: källtext {c} |
sour cherry {n} (Prunus cerasus) | :: surkörsbär {n} |
sour cherry {n} (fruit) | :: surkörsbär {n} |
sour cream {n} (cream which has been treated with a benign bacterium) | :: gräddfil {c} |
sourdough {n} (dough) | :: surdeg {c} |
sour grapes {n} (expression of disdain for something one cannot have) | :: surt sa räven |
sousaphone {n} (brass instrument) | :: sousafon {c} |
south {n} (compass point) | :: söder, syd |
south {adj} (of or pertaining to the south) | :: syd |
South Africa {prop} (country) | :: Sydafrika |
South African English {n} (English dialect of South Africa) | :: sydafrikansk engelska |
South America {prop} (continent that is the southern part of the Americas) | :: Sydamerika {n} |
South American {adj} (relating to South America) | :: sydamerikansk |
South American {n} (South American person) | :: sydamerikan {c} |
South Asia {prop} (South Asia) | :: Sydasien |
southbound {adv} (toward the south) | :: söderut, södergående |
southbound {adj} (travelling south) | :: södergående |
South Carolina {prop} (US state) | :: Sydkarolina |
South China Sea {prop} (Pacific Ocean, between the Asian mainland and Taiwan, Borneo and the Philippines) | :: Sydkinesiska sjön {c}, Sydkinesiska havet {n} |
southeast {n} (compass point) | :: sydost, sydöst |
southeast {adj} | :: [3] sydöstra |
Southeast Asia {prop} (a subregion of Asia) | :: Sydostasien |
Southeast Asian {adj} (of Southeast Asia) | :: sydostasiatisk |
southerly {adj} (located towards the south) | :: sydlig |
southern {adj} (of the south) | :: södra |
southern black tit {n} (Melaniparus niger) | :: sotmes {c} |
Southern Europe {prop} (Southern Europe) | :: Sydeuropa |
Southern Hemisphere {n} (hemisphere to the south of its equator) | :: södra hemisfär {c} |
southern lights {n} (the aurora of the southern hemisphere) | :: sydsken {n} |
southernmost {adj} (farthest south) | :: sydligaste |
Southern Ocean {prop} (the ocean surrounding Antarctica) | :: Antarktiska oceanen, Södra oceanen, Södra ishavet |
Southern Sami {prop} (language) | :: sydsamiska {c} |
southernwood {n} (Artemisia abrotanum) | :: åbrodd {c} |
South Holland {prop} (province) | :: Sydholland |
South Korea {prop} (country in East Asia) | :: Sydkorea |
South Korean {n} (person from or descended from South Korea) | :: sydkorean {c} |
South Korean {adj} (of South Korea) | :: sydkoreansk |
South Ossetia {prop} (South Ossetia) | :: Sydossetien |
south pole {n} (the southernmost point on a celestial body) | :: sydpol {c} |
south pole {n} (negative magnetic pole) | :: sydpol {c} |
South Pole {prop} (the southernmost point on Earth) | :: sydpolen {c} |
South Sea {prop} (Southern Ocean) SEE: Southern Ocean | :: |
South Sea {prop} (region of Pacific Ocean) | :: Söderhavet, söderhav {n} |
South Shetland Islands {prop} (group of islands) | :: Sydshetlandsöarna |
south-south-west {adj} (halfway between south and south-west) | :: sydsydväst, syd-sydväst |
south-south-west {adv} (in a south-south-west direction) | :: sydsydväst, syd-sydväst |
South Sudan {prop} (country in Africa) | :: Sydsudan {n} |
South Sudanese {adj} (Of, from, or pertaining to the country of South Sudan or the South Sudanese people) | :: sydsudanesisk |
South Sudanese {n} (A person from South Sudan or of South Sudanese descent) | :: sydsudanes {c} |
South Vietnam {prop} (former Asian country) | :: Sydvietnam |
southward {adv} (towards the south) | :: söderut |
Southwark {prop} (borough of London) | :: Söderverk {n} |
southwest {n} (compass point) | :: sydväst |
southwester {n} (waterproof hat) SEE: sou'wester | :: |
south wind {n} (wind blowing from the south) | :: sunnanvind |
South Yemen {prop} (country) | :: Sydjemen |
souvenir {n} (item of sentimental value to remember an event or location) | :: souvenir {c} |
sou'wester {n} (waterproof hat) | :: sydväst |
sovereign {adj} (exercising power of rule) | :: självständig, suverän |
sovereign {adj} (exceptional in quality) | :: suverän |
sovereign {n} (monarch) | :: regent {c}, monark |
sovereign state {n} (completely independent state) | :: suverän stat {c} |
sovereignty {n} (of a nation: the state of making laws and controlling resources without the coercion of other nations.) | :: självständighet {c}, oavhängighet {c}, suveränitet {c} |
soviet {n} (council) | :: sovjet |
soviet {adj} | :: sovjetisk |
soviet {adj} (relating to the Soviet Union) SEE: Soviet | :: |
Soviet {n} (soviet) SEE: soviet | :: |
Soviet {adj} (pertaining to the Soviet Union or its republics) | :: sovjetisk |
Soviet Russia {prop} (Russia) SEE: Russia | :: |
Soviet Russia {prop} (Soviet Union) SEE: Soviet Union | :: |
Soviet Socialist Republic {prop} (any of the republics belonging to the former Soviet Union, see also: SSR) | :: sovjetrepublik {c} |
Soviet Union {prop} (USSR, see also: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; USSR) | :: Sovjetunionen {c} |
sow {n} (female pig) | :: so {c}, sugga {c} |
sow {n} (channel that conducts molten metal to molds) | :: gjut {n}, gjutså {c}, ingjut {n}, ingjutningskanal {c} |
sow {n} (mass of metal solidified in a mold) | :: galt {c}, göt {c}, tacka {c} |
sow {n} (contemptible woman) | :: subba {c} |
sow {v} (disperse seeds) | :: så |
so what {interj} (reply of indifference) | :: och, än sen |
sow one's wild oats {v} (to spread a male's genes) | :: så sin havre , så vildhavre |
soy {n} (soy sauce) SEE: soy sauce | :: |
soya bean {n} (soybean) SEE: soybean | :: |
soybean {n} (plant) | :: soja {c}, sojaböna {c} |
soybean {n} (seed) | :: sojaböna {c} |
soy milk {n} (beverage made from soybeans) | :: sojamjölk {c} |
soy sauce {n} (a condiment and ingredient made from fermented soybeans) | :: sojasås {c} |
spa {n} (spa) | :: spa {n} |
space {n} (while) SEE: while | :: |
space {n} (physical extent in two or three dimensions) | :: rymd {c}, utrymme {n}, rum {n} |
space {n} (area beyond atmosphere of planets) | :: rymd {c}, världsrymd {c} |
space {n} (personal freedom) | :: utrymme {n}, rum {n} |
space {n} (gap between written characters, lines etc.) | :: mellanrum, mellanslag [typographic character] |
space {n} (geometry: set of points) | :: rum {n} [mathematics], rymd {c} [physics] |
space {n} (mathematics: generalized construct or set) | :: rum {n} |
space age {n} (current historical period which started with the launch of the Sputnik) | :: rymdålder {c} |
space bar {n} (key) | :: mellanslag {n}, mellanslagstangent {c}, blanksteg {n} |
space debris {n} (objects in orbit without useful purpose) | :: rymdskrot {n} |
space elevator {n} (cable connecting ground with space) | :: rymdhiss |
space exploration {n} (investigation of space) | :: utforskning {c} av rymden, rymdforskning {c} |
space flight {n} (flight into, from, or through space) | :: rymdfärd {c} |
space flight {n} (voyage in space) | :: rymdfärd {c} |
space heater {n} (heating appliance) | :: kamin |
space hopper {n} (large rubber ball upon which one bounces) | :: hoppboll {c}, hoppeboll {c} [informal] |
space junk {n} (space debris) SEE: space debris | :: |
spaceman {n} (astronaut) | :: rymdfarare {c}, astronaut {c} |
space probe {n} (unmanned space vehicle designed to voyage beyond Earth's orbit) | :: rymdsond {c} |
space research {n} (research) | :: rymdforskning {c} |
spaceship {n} (vehicle that flies through space) | :: rymdskepp {n}; rymdfarkost {c} |
space shuttle {n} (vehicle capable of travelling repeatedly btw Earth and outer space) | :: rymdfärja {c} |
Space Shuttle {n} (a space transportation system) | :: rymdfärja {c} |
space station {n} (crewed artificial satellite) | :: rymdstation {c} |
space suit {n} (system of clothing worn by astronauts when in space) | :: rymddräkt {c} |
space-time {n} (spacetime) SEE: spacetime | :: |
spacetime {n} (four dimensional continuum) | :: rumtid {c} |
spacewalk {n} (activity by an astronaut outside of a spacecraft) | :: rymdpromenad {c} |
spacious {adj} (having much space; roomy) | :: rymlig, spatiös |
spackle {n} (powder that when mixed with water forms a plastic paste) | :: spackelfärg {c}, spackel {c} |
spackle {n} (plastic paste for filling cracks and holes) | :: spackel {c}, spackelfärg {c} |
spade {n} (a garden tool with a handle and a flat blade for digging) | :: spade {c} |
spade {n} (one of the black suits in a deck of cards) | :: spader {c} |
spades {n} (spade) SEE: spade | :: |
spades {n} (suit of playing cards) | :: spader {n} |
spaghetti {n} (informally: any type of pasta) SEE: pasta | :: |
spaghetti {n} (pasta) | :: spagetti {c}, spaghetti {c} |
spaghetti western {n} (western film produced in Europe by an Italian company) | :: spaghettivästern {c} |
Spain {prop} (country in Europe) | :: Spanien |
spam {n} (unsolicited bulk electronic messages) | :: spam, skräppost {c} |
spam {v} (intransitive) | :: spamma |
span {n} (spread between supports) | :: spann {n} |
span {n} (length between supports) | :: spann {n} |
span {n} (pair of horses or other animals) | :: spann {n} |
span {n} (mathematics: the space of all linear combinations of something) | :: spann {n} |
span {v} (to extend through the distance between or across) | :: spänna över, sträcka sig över |
span {v} (to extend through a time period) | :: spänna över, sträcka sig över |
span {v} (mathematics: to generate an entire space by means of linear combinations) | :: spänna upp |
spangled kookaburra {n} (Dacelo tyro) | :: pärlkokaburra {c} |
Spanglish {prop} (blend of English and Spanish) | :: spangelska {c} |
Spaniard {n} (somebody from Spain) | :: spanjor {c} [male], spanjorska {c} [female] |
spaniel {n} (dog) | :: spaniel {c} |
Spanish {adj} (of or pertaining to Spain) | :: spansk |
Spanish {adj} (of or pertaining to the people or culture of Spain) | :: spansk |
Spanish {adj} (of or pertaining to the Spanish language) | :: spansk |
Spanish {prop} (Romance language of Spain and the Americas) | :: spanska |
Spanish influenza {n} (influenza pandemic) | :: spanska sjukan |
Spanish Water Dog {n} (Spanish Water Dog) | :: spansk vattenhund |
spank {v} (to smack or slap a person's buttocks, with the bare hand or other object.) | :: smiska, daska |
spanking {n} (form of physical punishment) | :: smisk {n} |
spanner {n} (hand tool for adjusting nuts and bolts) | :: skruvnyckel {c}, nyckel {c} |
spanner barb {n} (fish) | :: korsbarb |
spar {v} (to fight, especially as practice for martial arts or hand-to-hand combat) | :: sparra |
spar {n} (rafter of a roof) SEE: rafter | :: |
spare the rod and spoil the child {proverb} (if one does not discipline a child he or she will never learn respect or humility) | :: den man älskar, agar man, aga din son medan han är liten, annars agar han dig när han blir stor |
spare time {n} (free time) SEE: free time | :: |
spare tire {n} (extra tire) SEE: spare tyre | :: |
spare tire {n} (fat around midsection) SEE: spare tyre | :: |
spare tyre {n} (extra tyre) | :: reservhjul {n} |
spare tyre {n} (fat around midsection) | :: bilring {c} |
spare wheel {n} (extra wheel) SEE: spare tyre | :: |
sparingly {adv} (in a sparing manner) | :: sparsamt |
spark {n} (particle of glowing matter) | :: gnista {c} |
spark {n} (burst of electrical discharge) | :: gnista {c} |
sparkler {n} (hand-held firework) | :: tomtebloss {n} |
sparkling {adj} (of an object) | :: glittrande, glimrande |
sparkling water {n} (a form of carbonated water) SEE: soda water | :: |
spark plug {n} (part of an internal combustion engine) | :: tändstift {n} |
sparrow {n} (bird of the family Passeridae) | :: sparv {c}, sparvfink {c} |
sparrow {n} (bird of the family Emberizidae) | :: fältsparv {c} |
sparrow {n} | :: sparv (gråsparv) |
sparrow {n} (Passer domesticus) SEE: house sparrow | :: |
sparrow hawk {n} (Accipiter nisus) SEE: Eurasian sparrowhawk | :: |
sparrowhawk {n} (Eurasian sparrowhawk) SEE: Eurasian sparrowhawk | :: |
Sparta {prop} (ancient city-state in southern Greece) | :: Sparta |
Spartacus {prop} (Thracian name) | :: Spartacus |
spartan {adj} (austere, lacking luxury) | :: spartansk |
Spartan {adj} (spartan) SEE: spartan | :: |
spasm {n} (contraction of a muscle) | :: kramp |
spastic {adj} (of, relating to, or affected by spasm) | :: spastisk |
spastic {adj} (of or relating to spastic paralysis) | :: spastisk |
spastic {n} (person affected by spastic paralysis or spastic cerebral palsy) | :: spastiker {c} |
spasticity {n} (state, quality or property) | :: spasticitet {c} |
spat {n} (covering worn over a shoe) | :: damask {c} |
spat {n} (quarrel) | :: gräl |
spat {v} (to quarrel) | :: gräla |
spate {n} (a sudden rush or increase) | :: ström, svall, flöde, störtflod, flod, skur |
spathe {n} (large bract that envelopes a spadix) | :: hölsterblad {n}, hölster {n} |
spatial {adj} (pertaining to space) | :: rumslig |
spatula {n} (kitchen utensil for turning and lifting) | :: stekspade {c} |
spatula {n} (kitchen utensil for scraping bowls) | :: slickepott |
spatula {n} (thin hand tool for handling chemicals or other materials) | :: spatel {c} |
spawn {n} (the numerous eggs of an aquatic organism) | :: yngel {n}, rom |
spay {v} (remove the ovaries) | :: kastrera |
speak {v} (to communicate with one's voice using words) | :: tala, prata, snacka |
speak {v} (to have a conversation) | :: konversera, snacka, tala samman, samtala |
speak {v} (to communicate or converse by some means other than orally) | :: kommunicera |
speak {v} (to deliver a speech) | :: tala |
speak {v} (to be able to communicate in a language) | :: tala |
speakeasy {n} (illegal saloon operated during the Prohibition period) | :: lönnkrog |
speaker {n} (one who speaks) | :: talare {c} |
speaker {n} (loudspeaker) | :: högtalare {c} |
speaker {n} (politics: the chair or presiding officer) | :: talman {c}, president {c}, föredragande {c}, ordförande {c} |
speaker {n} (one who makes a speech to an audience) | :: talare {c}, föreläsare {c} |
speaking {adj} (eloquent) SEE: eloquent | :: |
speaking of {adv} (relatedly) | :: på tala om [set phrase], apropå, på tal om |
speak in tongues {v} (speak in a language unknown to the speaker) | :: tala i tungor |
speak of the devil {phrase} (expression used when a person mentioned in the current conversation happens to arrive) | :: tala om trollen, när man talar om trollen |
speak out {v} (assert or promote one's opinion; to make one's thoughts known) | :: tala ut, säga sin mening |
spear {n} (long stick with a sharp tip) | :: spjut {n} |
spear carrier {n} (person in a play or movie with a minimal part) SEE: walk-on | :: |
spearcaster {n} (athlete who throws spears) SEE: javelin thrower | :: |
spearhead {n} (the pointed head, or end, of a spear) | :: spjutspets {c} |
special {adj} (distinguished by a unique or unusual quality) | :: speciell, särskild |
special {adj} (of particular interest or value; certain; dear; beloved; favored) | :: speciell |
special {adj} ((offensive slang): retarded; handicapped) | :: speciell |
special {n} (A reduction in consumer cost (usually for a limited time) for items or services rendered) | :: specialerbjudande {n} |
special {n} ((TV, radio) Unsual or exceptional episode of a series) | :: specialavsnitt {n} |
special effect {n} (effect that cannot be reasonably achieved by normal means) | :: specialeffekt {c} |
specialist {n} (expert) | :: specialist {c} |
specialist {n} (physician) | :: specialist {c} |
specialization {n} (biology: adaptation) | :: specialisering |
specially {adv} ((proscribed) extremely) SEE: extremely | :: |
specially {adv} ((proscribed) in particular) SEE: in particular | :: |
specialty {n} (that in which one specializes) | :: specialitet {c}, specialité {c} |
species {n} (group of plants or animals having similar appearance) | :: art {c} |
species {n} (rank in a taxonomic classification) | :: art {c} |
species {n} | :: art {c} |
specific {adj} (explicit or definite) | :: specifik |
specific {adj} | :: specifik |
specifically {adv} (for a specific purpose or reason) | :: specifikt |
specification {n} (explicit set of requirements) | :: specifikation {c} |
specimen {n} (example) | :: exemplar {n} |
specimen {n} (sample) | :: specimen {c} |
speckled {adj} (marked with dots) | :: spräcklig |
speckled {adj} (irregularly marked) | :: späcklig |
speckled trout {n} (freshwater game fish) | :: bäckröding {c} |
spectacle {n} (optical instrument) SEE: spectacles | :: |
spectacle {n} (something exciting or extraordinary) | :: spektakel {n} |
spectacle {n} (an embarrassing situation) | :: spektakel {n} |
spectacled {adj} (wearing spectacles) SEE: bespectacled | :: |
spectacled bear {n} (Tremarctos ornatus) | :: glasögonbjörn {c} |
spectacles {n} (a pair of lenses set in a frame) | :: glasögon {p} |
spectacles {n} (plural of spectacle) SEE: spectacle | :: |
spectacular {adj} (amazing or worthy of special attention) | :: spektakulär |
spectator {n} (observer) | :: åskådare |
spectator sport {n} (sporting activity with high number of spectators) | :: åskådarsport {c} |
specter {n} (ghostly apparition) | :: vålnad, spöke {n} |
specter {n} (mental image) | :: spöke {n} |
spectroscope {n} (optical instrument used for spectrographic analysis) | :: spektroskop {n} |
spectroscopy {n} (scientific study of spectra) | :: spektroskopi {c} |
spectrum {n} (range of colors) | :: spektrum {n} |
spectrum {n} | :: spektrum {n} |
speculate {v} (to meditate) | :: spekulera |
speculate {v} (to make a risky trade) | :: spekulera |
speculation {n} (business, finance: investment involving higher-than-normal risk) | :: spekulation {c} |
speculative fiction {n} (class of fiction involving fantastic, supernatural or futuristic elements) | :: fantastik {c}, spekulativ fiktion {c} |
speculator {n} (one who speculates; as in investing) | :: spekulant {c} |
speculum {n} (patch of colour found on the wings of ducks and some other birds) | :: vingspegel {c} |
speech {n} (dialect or language) SEE: dialect | :: |
speech {n} (vocal communication) | :: tal {n} |
speech {n} (an oration, session of speaking) | :: tal {n} |
speech act {n} (act carried out by speech) | :: talhandling {c}, talakt {c} |
speech balloon {n} (speech balloon) SEE: speech bubble | :: |
speech bubble {n} (rounded outline representing speech in a cartoon) | :: pratbubbla {c} |
speech is silver, silence is golden {proverb} (proverb) | :: tala är silver, tiga är guld |
speechless {adj} (not speaking; not knowing what to say) | :: mållös |
speechreading {n} (lipreading) SEE: lipreading | :: |
speed {n} (luck, success, prosperity) SEE: luck | :: |
speed {n} (rapidity) | :: fart {c}, hastighet {c} |
speed {n} (rate of motion) | :: hastighet {c}, fart {c} |
speed {n} (slang: amphetamine) | :: tjack {c} |
speed {v} (to go fast) | :: köra fort |
speed {v} (to exceed speed limit) | :: köra för fort |
speed bump {n} (transverse ridge in the road) | :: fartgupp {n}, farthinder {n} |
speed camera {n} (camera to detect speeding vehicles) | :: fartkamera {c} |
speed dating {n} (organized event in which prospective romantic partners meet each other through a series of short one-to-one meetings) | :: speeddejtning {c} |
speeding {n} (driving faster than the legal speed limit) | :: fortkörning |
speed limit {n} (maximum speed permitted) | :: hastighetsbegränsning |
speed of light {n} (the speed of electromagnetic radiation in a perfect vacuum) | :: ljusets hastighet {c} |
speed of sound {n} (speed at which sound is propagated) | :: ljudhastighet {c} |
speedometer {n} (a device that measures, and indicates the current speed of a vehicle) | :: hastighetsmätare {c} |
speed skating {n} (The sport of racing around an oval course on ice skates) | :: skridskosport {c}, skridsko |
spell {n} (magical incantation) | :: trollformel, besvärjelse |
spell {n} (magical effect of such incantation) | :: trollformel, besvärjelse |
spell {v} (to write or say the letters that form a word) | :: stava |
spell {v} (to compose a word) | :: stava |
spell {v} (to indicate that some future event will occur) | :: betyda |
spelling {n} (manner of spelling of words; correct spelling) | :: stavning {c} |
spelling {n} (a specific spelling of a word) | :: stavning {c} |
spelling pronunciation {n} (spelling pronunciation) | :: skriftspråksuttal {n} |
spelt {n} (a type of wheat, Triticum aestivum spelta) | :: dinkel, spelt |
spelunk {n} (cave, cavern, grotto) SEE: cave | :: |
spend {v} (to pay out) | :: spendera |
spend {v} (to consume, to use up (time)) | :: tillbringa, ägna, spendera, lägga |
spend {v} | :: göra slut på, [money, etc.] förbruka, [money] spendera, [time] tillbringa |
spend {n} (expenditures) | :: fickpengar {p} |
spendthrift {n} (someone who spends money improvidently or wastefully) | :: spenderbyxa {c}, slösare {c} |
sperm {n} (semen (fluid)) | :: sperma, sädesvätska |
spermatocyte {n} (male gametocyte) | :: spermatocyt |
spermatogenesis {n} (process of sperm production in the testes) | :: spermatogenes |
spermatophyte {n} (plant that bears seeds) SEE: phanerogam | :: |
spermatozoon {n} (reproductive cell of the male) | :: spermie {c}, sädescell {c}, spermatozo {c} |
sperm bank {n} (vulgar: vagina) SEE: cunt | :: |
sperm bank {n} (place where sperm is stored) | :: spermabank {c} |
sperm whale {n} (sperm whale) | :: kaskelot {c}, pottval {c}, spermacetival {c} |
spew {n} (vomit) SEE: vomit | :: |
spew {n} (ejaculate) SEE: ejaculate | :: |
spheral {adj} (spherical) SEE: spherical | :: |
sphere {n} (mathematics: regular three-dimensional object) | :: sfär {c}, kula {c} |
sphere {n} (spherical physical object) | :: klot {c}, glob {c}, sfär {c} |
sphere {n} (region in which something or someone is active) | :: fack {n}, fält {n}, gebit {n}, klass {c}, krets {c}, område {n}, sfär {c} |
sphere {n} (astronomy: apparent outer limit of space) SEE: celestial sphere | :: |
sphere of influence {n} (area influenced by something) | :: intressesfär |
spherical {adj} (shaped like a sphere) | :: sfärisk, klotformad |
spherical harmonics {n} (mathematics) | :: klotytefunktion {c} |
sphincter {n} (band of muscle) | :: ringmuskel, sfinkter {c} |
sphinx {n} (mythology: creature with the head of a person and the body of an animal) | :: sfinx {c} |
sphinx {n} (person who keeps his/her thoughts and intentions secret) | :: gåta {c}, sfinx {c} |
sphinx {n} (sphincter) SEE: sphincter | :: |
Sphinx {prop} (large monument in Egypt) | :: Sfinxen |
Sphinx {prop} (Greek mythological creature) | :: Sfinx {c} |
sphinx moth {n} (hawk moth) SEE: hawk moth | :: |
spice {n} (Yorkshire dialect: sweets, candy) SEE: sweet | :: |
spice {n} (plant matter used to season or flavour food) | :: krydda |
spice {v} (to add spice or spices to) | :: krydda |
spicy {adj} (containing spice) | :: kryddig, kryddstark |
spicy {adj} (tangy or pungent) | :: skarp, stark, pikant |
spider {n} (arthropod) | :: spindel {c} |
spider {n} (computer program) | :: spindel {c} |
spiderlike {adj} (resembling or characteristic of a spider) | :: spindellik |
spiderweb {n} (net-like construct of a spider) | :: spindelnät {c}, spindelväv |
Spidey-sense {n} (intuitive feeling, usually of something being dangerous or risky) | :: spindelsinne |
spiel {n} (A lengthy and extravagant speech or argument usually intended to persuade) | :: svada {c} |
spigot {n} (faucet) SEE: tap | :: |
spike {n} (ear of grain) | :: ax {n} |
spike {n} (botany: kind of inflorescence) | :: ax |
spikes {n} (A pair of shoes equipped with spikes on the sole) | :: dobbsko {c} |
spill {v} (transitive: to drop something so that it spreads out) | :: spilla |
spill {n} (something that has been dropped) | :: spill {n} |
spillikins {n} (a game of skill) | :: plockepinn |
spill one's guts {v} (vomit) SEE: vomit | :: |
spin {v} (to turn around quickly) | :: snurra, snurra runt |
spin {v} (to make yarn) | :: spinna |
spin {n} (physics: quantum angular momentum) | :: spinn {n} |
spin {n} (rotation of a ball in motion) | :: skruv {c} |
spin {n} (flight condition) | :: spinn {n} |
spinach {n} (a particular edible plant, Spinacia oleracea) | :: spenat {c} |
spinal column {n} (spinal column) SEE: vertebral column | :: |
spinal cord {n} (thick, whitish cord of nerve tissue) | :: ryggmärg |
spindle {n} (dragonfly) SEE: dragonfly | :: |
spindle {n} (rod in spinning and winding thread) | :: slända {c} |
spindle {n} (rotary axis of a machine tool or power tool) | :: spindel |
spindle tree {n} (tree of the genus Euonymus) SEE: spindle | :: |
spin dryer {n} (machine to remove water taking advantage of centrifugal force) | :: centrifug {c} |
spine {n} (backbone) | :: ryggrad {c} |
spine {n} (bound edge of a book) | :: rygg {c}, bokrygg {c} |
spine {n} (rigid, pointed surface protuberance or needle-like structure on an animal, shell, or plant) | :: tagg {c} |
spine {n} (metaphor for courage or assertiveness) | :: ryggrad {c} |
spinel {n} (any of several hard minerals of cubic symmetry that are mixed oxides of magnesium and aluminium) | :: spinell |
spineless {adj} (having no spine) | :: ryggradslös |
spineless {adj} (uncourageous) | :: ryggradslös |
spine pig {n} (porcupine) SEE: porcupine | :: |
spinning jenny {n} (early spinning machine) | :: jenny, jennymaskin |
spinning top {n} (a toy) | :: snurra |
spinning wheel {n} (device for spinning thread with a wheel and a spindle) | :: spinnrock {c} |
spin-off {n} (by-product) SEE: by-product | :: |
spinster {n} (unmarried woman) | :: fröken {c}, ogift kvinna, gammal ungmö {c} |
spiny anteater {n} (common name for echidna) SEE: echidna | :: |
spiny dogfish {n} (Squalus acanthias) | :: pigghaj {c}, hå [dialectal] |
spiny lobster {n} (crustacean of the family Palinuridae) | :: langust {c} |
spiral {n} (geometry) | :: spiral {c} |
spire {n} (tapering architectural structure) | :: tornspira {c}, spira {c} |
spirit {n} (soul) | :: ande {c}, själ {c} |
spirit {n} (supernatural being) | :: ande {c}, vålnad {n} |
spirit {n} (enthusiasm) | :: anda {c} |
spirit {n} (manner or style) | :: anda {c} |
spirit {n} (alcohol) | :: sprit {c}, alkohol {c} |
spirited {adj} (lively, vigorous, animated or courageous) | :: livlig, livfull, kraftfull, modig, käck, pigg, kvick, eldig |
spiritism {n} (Spiritism) SEE: Spiritism | :: |
Spiritism {prop} (philosophical doctrine) | :: spiritism |
spirit level {n} (spirit level) | :: vattenpass |
spirits {n} (strong alcoholic drink derived from fermentation and distillation) | :: sprit {c} |
spiritual {adj} (of or pertaining to the spirit or the soul) | :: andlig |
spirometry {n} (medical measurement) | :: spirometri {c} |
spit {v} (to dig, to spade) SEE: dig | :: |
spit {n} (thin rod on which meat is skewered for cooking) | :: spett {n} |
spit {v} (to evacuate (saliva or another substance) from the mouth, etc.) | :: spotta |
spit {n} (saliva) | :: spott {n} |
spit {n} | :: spott {n} |
spite {n} (ill-will or hatred toward another; a desire to vex or injure) | :: illvilja {c} |
spiteful {adj} (filled with spite) | :: illvillig, ondskefull |
spittoon {n} (receptacle for spit) | :: spottlåda, spottkopp {c} |
spitz {n} (Any of several Nordic breeds of dog such as the Pomeranian or Samoyed) | :: spets {c} |
splake {n} (brook trout and lake trout hybrid) | :: splejk {c} |
splash {v} (to hit or agitate liquid) | :: stänka, skvätta, plaska |
splay {v} (To dislocate, as a shoulder bone) SEE: dislocate | :: |
spleen {n} (organ) | :: mjälte {c} |
splendid {adj} | :: glänsande |
splenomegaly {n} (enlargement of the spleen) | :: splenomegali {c} |
splice {v} (to unite in marriage) SEE: marry | :: |
splice {n} (junction or joining of ropes) | :: splits {c} |
splice {n} (electrical and mechanical connection between wires) | :: förbindning {c}, fog {c}, kontakt {c} |
splice {v} (to unite ropes by interweaving the strands) | :: splitsa |
splice {v} (to unite by lapping two ends together) | :: foga, sammanfoga |
splice {v} (to unite as if splicing) | :: förbinda, sammanfoga, förena |
splint {n} (immobilizing device) | :: skena {c} |
splinter {n} (fragment of material) | :: flisa {c}, sticka {c} |
splinter {n} (group) | :: avknoppning {c}, utbrytning {c}, utbrytargrupp {c} |
split {n} (crack, longitudinal fissure) | :: spricka {c} |
split {n} (split-off piece) | :: fragment {n} |
split {n} (bowling: pattern with missing intermediate pins) | :: hål {n} |
split {v} (divide along a more or less straight line) | :: dela, söndra, splittra, klyva |
split {v} (share out) | :: dela |
split {v} (leave) | :: lämna |
split {v} (separate) | :: skiljas, flytta isär |
split {v} (divulge a secret; to betray confidence; to peach) SEE: peach | :: |
split hairs {v} (to consider fine details) | :: hårklyveri |
split-level {n} (building) | :: souterränghus {n} |
splits {n} (manoeuvre, acrobatic feat) | :: spagat |
spoil {v} (ruin) | :: fördärva |
spoil {v} (to coddle or pamper) | :: skämma bort |
spoil {v} (become sour or rancid, to decay) | :: fördärva |
spoil {n} (plunder taken from an enemy or victim) | :: byte {n} |
spoiled {adj} ((of a person, usually a child) having a selfish or greedy character due to pampering) | :: bortskämd, bortklemad |
spoiler {n} (document, review or comment that discloses) | :: spoiler {c} |
spoiler {n} (automobiles: device to reduce lift and increase downforce) | :: spoiler {c} |
spoils of war {n} (profits extracted as the result of winning a war) | :: krigsbyte {n} |
spoilsport {adj} (someone who puts an end to harmless fun) | :: glädjedödare {c} |
spoilt {adj} (of food: rendered unusable or inedible) | :: förstörd, skämd |
spoilt {adj} (of a child) | :: bortskämd |
spoke {n} (part of a wheel) | :: eker {c} |
spokesman {n} (one who speaks as the voice of a group of people) | :: talesman {c}, taleskvinna {c}, talesperson {c} |
spokesperson {n} (person who acts as the voice of a group of people) | :: talesperson {c} |
spokeswoman {n} (woman who speaks as the voice of a group of people) | :: taleskvinna {f} {c} |
spondee {n} (word of two syllables) | :: spondé {c} |
spondyle {n} (joint of the backbone) SEE: vertebra | :: |
sponge {n} (piece of porous material used for washing) | :: tvättsvamp {c} |
sponge {n} (slang: person who takes advantage of the generosity of others) | :: snylta {n} |
sponge {n} (sponge cake) SEE: sponge cake | :: |
sponge cake {n} (type of soft cake made from flour, sugar, baking powder and eggs, with a spongy structure) | :: sockerkaka {c} |
sponsor {n} (person or organisation with responsibility (especially with a religious or financial aspect)) | :: fadder {c}, gudmor {c}, gudfar {c} |
sponsor {n} (One that pays all or part of the cost of an event) | :: sponsor {c} |
sponsor {v} (to be a sponsor for) | :: sponsra |
spontaneity {n} (the quality of being spontaneous) | :: spontanitet |
spontaneous {adj} (random) SEE: random | :: |
spontaneous {adj} (self generated; happening without any apparent external cause) | :: spontan |
spontaneous {adj} (done by one's own free choice, or without planning) | :: spontan |
spontaneous {adj} (proceeding from natural feeling or native tendency without external constraint) | :: spontan |
spontaneous {adj} (arising from a momentary impulse) | :: spontan |
spontaneous {adj} (controlled and directed internally) | :: reflexmässig |
spontaneous combustion {n} (combustion without a source of heat) | :: självantändning {c} |
spook {n} (spirit returning to haunt a place) | :: spöke {n}, osalig ande |
spook {n} (ghost or phantom) | :: spöke {n} |
spook {v} (to scare or frighten) | :: skrämma |
spooky {adj} (eerie; suggestive of ghosts) | :: spöklik |
spool {n} (spindle) | :: spole {c} |
spoon {n} (scooped utensil for eating (or serving)) | :: sked {c} |
spoon {v} (to flirt) SEE: flirt | :: |
spoon {n} (measure that will fit into a spoon) SEE: spoonful | :: |
spoonbill {n} (bird) | :: skedstork {c} |
spoon-feed {v} (help somebody to eat using a spoon) | :: skedmata, mata |
spoon-feed {v} (deliver information in as basic a manner as possible) | :: skedmata, dalta, klema |
spoonful {n} (amount a spoon will hold) | :: sked |
spoon lure {n} (oblong, concave lure) | :: skeddrag |
spoonwort {n} (scurvy-grass) SEE: scurvy-grass | :: |
spoor {n} (trail left by an animal) | :: spår {n} |
sporadic {adj} (rare and scattered in occurrence) | :: sporadisk |
spore {n} (reproductive particle) | :: spor {c} |
spork {n} (eating utensil) | :: skaffel {c} |
sport {n} (any athletic activity that uses physical skills) | :: sport {c}, idrott {c} |
sport {v} (display, have as feature) | :: sporta, visa upp |
sportive {adj} (gay, frolicsome, merry) SEE: merry | :: |
sportive {adj} (playful, coltish) SEE: playful | :: |
sports bra {n} (bra worn when playing various sports) | :: sportbehå {c}, sport-bh {c} |
sports car {n} (automobile designed for high speed) | :: sportbil {c} |
sports hall {n} (building or room for indoor sports) | :: idrottshall {c} |
sportsman {n} (male athlete) | :: idrottsman {c}, idrottare {c} |
sportsmanlike {adj} (good sportsmanship) | :: sportsmannamässig |
sportsperson {n} | :: idrottare {c} |
sport utility vehicle {n} (vehicle) | :: SUV stadsjeep |
spot {n} (a round or irregular patch of a different color) | :: fläck {c}, prick {c} |
spot {n} (stain) | :: fläck {c} |
spot {n} (location or area) | :: plats {c}, ställe {n} |
spot {n} (bright lamp; spotlight) | :: spotlight {c} |
spot {v} (stain; leave a spot) | :: fläcka ner |
spotless {adj} (impeccable and free from blemish) | :: fläckfri |
spotlight {n} (a bright lamp, especially one used to illuminate the center of attention on a stage) | :: strålkastare {c}, spotlight {c} |
spotlight {n} (the circle of light shed by a spotlight) | :: slagljus {n}, strålkastarljus {n} |
spotlight {n} (the center of attention; the highlight or most important part) | :: fokus {n}, strålkastarljus {n} |
spotted dragonet {n} (Callionymus maculatus) | :: fläckig sjökock |
spotted hyena {n} (Crocuta crocuta) | :: fläckig hyena |
spotted nutcracker {n} (Nucifraga caryocatactes) | :: nötkråka {c} |
spotted redshank {n} (Tringa erythropus) | :: svartsnäppa {c} |
spotted sandpiper {n} (Actitis macularius) | :: fläckdrillsnäppa {c} |
spotted wolffish {n} (Anarhichas minor) | :: fläckig havskatt {c} |
spouse {n} (husband) SEE: husband | :: |
spouse {n} (wife) SEE: wife | :: |
spouse {n} (person in a marriage or marital relationship) | :: [male] äkta make {c}, [female] äkta maka {c} |
spout {n} (a tube through which liquid is poured or discharged) | :: pip {c}, hällpip {c} |
spout {n} (a stream of liquid) | :: stråle |
Sprachgefühl {n} (the instinctive or intuitive grasp of a language) | :: språkkänsla |
sprat {n} (any of various small marine fish in the genus Sprattus) | :: skarpsill {c} |
spread {v} (to stretch out, expand) | :: sprida, vidga |
spread {v} (to extend, stretch out (limbs etc)) | :: sprida, sträcka |
spread {v} (to disperse, scatter) | :: sprida, skingra |
spread {v} (to smear, distribute in a thin layer) | :: sprida, breda, bre |
spread {v} ((transitive) to disseminate, make known or present) | :: sprida, utsprida |
spread {v} ((intransitive) to take up a larger area, expand) | :: sprida |
spread {v} | :: sprida |
spread {n} (act of spreading) | :: spridning, vidgning |
spread {n} (piece of material used as a cover) | :: pålägg, bredbar |
spread {n} (food designed to be spread) | :: pålägg |
spread {n} (two facing pages) | :: uppslag, bokuppslag, tidningsuppslag; mittuppslag [centerfold] |
spread {n} (numerical difference) | :: spridning |
spread like wildfire {v} (spread or disseminate rapidly or uncontrollably) | :: sprida sig som en präriebrand |
spreadsheet {n} (sheet of paper) | :: kalkylark {n} |
spreadsheet {n} (computer simulation) | :: kalkylark {n}, tabelldokument {n} |
spring {n} (season between winter and summer in temperate climates) | :: vår {c} |
spring {n} (water springing from the ground) | :: källa {c} |
spring {n} (device made of flexible material) | :: fjäder {c} |
spring {v} (to jump) SEE: jump | :: |
spring {n} (jump) SEE: jump | :: |
spring {n} (people sharing the same origin) SEE: race | :: |
spring {n} (shoot) SEE: shoot | :: |
spring {n} (cluster of trees) SEE: grove | :: |
spring {n} (erection of the penis) SEE: erection | :: |
spring {n} (youth) SEE: youth | :: |
spring {n} (time of growth, early stages) SEE: beginning | :: |
spring {n} (high tide) SEE: high tide | :: |
spring {n} (elasticity) SEE: elasticity | :: |
springboard {n} (flexible diving board) | :: svikt {c}, trampolin {c} |
springboard {n} (platform on springs used in gymnastics) | :: språngbräda {c} |
springboard {n} (figuratively: anything that launches or provides impulse) | :: språngbräda {c} |
springbok {n} (Antidorcas marsupialis) | :: springbock {c} |
spring cleaning {n} (systematic cleaning at the end of winter) | :: vårstädning {c} |
spring cleaning {n} (systematic cleaning of anything) | :: storstädning {c} |
spring equinox {n} (vernal equinox) SEE: vernal equinox | :: |
springer {n} (springbok) SEE: springbok | :: |
spring onion {n} (Allium fistulosum) | :: salladslök {c}, piplök {c} |
spring roll {n} (shredded vegetables wrapped in a pancake) | :: vårrulle {c} |
springy {adj} (capable of returning to its original form) | :: elastisk |
sprinkle {v} (to cause to fall in fine drops) | :: strila |
sprinkler {n} (irrigation device) | :: sprinkler {c} |
sprinkles {n} (small candy or sugar pieces as decoration) | :: strössel {n} |
sprint {n} (short race at top speed) | :: sprinterlopp |
sprint {v} (To run etc at top speed for a short period) | :: sprinta |
sprite {n} (the green woodpecker, or yaffle) SEE: green woodpecker | :: |
sprite {n} (a two-dimensional image or animation that is integrated into a larger scene) | :: sprite {c} |
spritsail {n} (type of sail) | :: sprisegel {n} |
sprocket {n} (toothed wheel) | :: tandkrans {c}, kedjehjul {n}, tandhjul {n}, drev {n} |
sprout {n} (new growth on a plant) | :: skott {n}, brodd {c} |
sprout {v} (to grow, to germinate) | :: gro |
sprout {n} (Brussels sprout) SEE: Brussels sprout | :: |
spruce {n} (tree from the genus Picea) | :: gran |
spruce {n} (wood of a spruce) | :: gran {c}, granträ {c} |
spruce {n} (attributive: made of the wood of the spruce) | :: gran- |
spruce {adj} (smart and elegant) | :: stilig, flott, elegant |
spur {n} (implement for prodding a horse) | :: sporre {c} |
spur {v} (to prod) | :: sporra |
spur {v} (to urge or encourage to action) | :: sporra |
spurdog {n} (spiny dogfish) SEE: spiny dogfish | :: |
spurious {adj} (false) | :: falsk, förfalskad, oäkta |
spurious {adj} (illegitimate) | :: oäkta |
spurn {v} (to reject disdainfully) | :: avvisa, förkasta, försmå |
spur on {v} (spur) SEE: spur | :: |
spurt {v} (to cause to gush) | :: spruta |
spurt {v} (to gush) | :: spruta |
spurt {v} (to make strong effort) | :: spurta |
sputnik {n} (a Soviet robotic space satellite) | :: sputnik {n} |
spy {n} (person who secretly watches) | :: spion {c} |
spy {v} (to act as a spy) | :: spionera |
spyglass {n} (portable telescope) | :: kikare |
spyglass {n} (binoculars) SEE: binoculars | :: |
spying {n} (espionage) SEE: espionage | :: |
spyware {n} (program) | :: spionprogram {?} |
Spy Wednesday {n} (Holy Wednesday) SEE: Holy Wednesday | :: |
SQL {n} (SQL (Structured Query Language)) | :: SQL {n} |
squab {n} (baby pigeon) | :: duvunge |
squab {n} (baby rook) | :: råkunge |
squab {n} (thick cushion) | :: soffkudde |
squabble {n} (minor fight or argument) | :: käbbel {n}, kiv {n}, bjäbb {n} |
squabble {v} (participate in a minor fight or argument) | :: käbbla |
squabbling {n} | :: käbbel {n} |
squacco {n} (Ardeola ralloides) | :: rallhäger {c} |
squad {n} (small group of people organized for a purpose) | :: trupp {c} |
squad {n} (unit of tactical military personnel or police officers) | :: trupp {c} |
squad {n} (sports team) | :: lag {n}, trupp {c} |
squadron {n} (army: body of cavalry) | :: skvadron {c} |
squadron {n} (navy: detachment of vessels) | :: eskader {c} |
squadron {n} (air force: tactical unit of at least two flights) | :: eskader {c} |
squall {n} (sudden storm, as found in a squall line) | :: kastby, stormby |
squall {v} (to cry or wail loudly) | :: skråla, skrika |
squalor {n} (squalidness) | :: snusk, smuts |
squamous {adj} (scaly) | :: fjällig |
squander {v} (to waste) | :: slösa |
square {n} (type of polygon) | :: kvadrat {c}, fyrkant {c} [informal] |
square {n} (tool) | :: vinkelhake {c} |
square {n} (open space in a town) | :: torg {n} |
square {n} (cell in a grid) | :: fyrkant {c}, ruta {c} |
square {n} (second power) | :: kvadrat {c} |
square {n} (the # symbol on a telephone) | :: fyrkant {c}, brädgård {c} [slang], fyrkant |
square {adj} (shaped like a square) | :: kvadratisk, fyrkantig |
square {adj} (forming a right angle) | :: vinkelrät mot |
square {adj} (used in the names of units) | :: kvadrat- |
square {adj} (socially conventional) | :: fyrkantig |
square {v} (math: to multiply by itself) | :: kvadrera |
square {n} (act quarrelling) SEE: quarrel | :: |
square {v} (to take opposing sides) SEE: quarrel | :: |
square {adj} (fair) SEE: fair | :: |
square bracket {n} (symbol [ or ]) | :: hakparentes {c} |
square centimeter {n} (unit of area) | :: kvadratcentimeter |
squared {adj} (raised to the second power) | :: kvadrat |
square foot {n} (unit of area equal to that of a square of one foot each side) | :: kvadratfot {c} |
square kilometer {n} (square kilometre) SEE: square kilometre | :: |
square kilometre {n} (standard unit of area) | :: kvadratkilometer {c} |
squarely {adv} (In the shape of a square; at right angles) | :: kvadratiskt |
square matrix {n} (matrix having the same number of rows as columns) | :: kvadratisk matris {c} |
square metre {n} (standard unit of area) | :: kvadratmeter {c} |
square piano {n} | :: taffel {c} |
square root {n} (number) | :: kvadratrot {c} |
square sail {n} (sail set athwartships in a yard) | :: råsegel {n} |
square wave {n} (function or waveform that alternates regularly and instantaneously between two levels) | :: fyrkantsvåg {c}, fyrkantvåg {c} |
squark {n} (hypothetical particle) | :: skvark {c} |
squash {n} (the sport) | :: squash {c} |
squash {n} (plant and its fruit of the genus Cucurbita) | :: squash {c}, zucchini {c}, courgette {c} |
squash {n} (soft drink) SEE: cordial | :: |
squat {adj} (relatively short or low and thick or broad) | :: låg |
squat {adj} (sitting low on the heels) | :: sitta på huk |
squat {n} (position assumed by bending deeply at the knees while resting on one's feet) | :: huk |
squat {n} (weightlifting: exercise) | :: knäböj |
squat {n} (building occupied without permission) | :: ockuperad byggnad |
squat {v} (to bend at the knees) | :: sitta på huk |
squat {v} (to occupy without permission) | :: ockupera |
squatter {n} (one occupying a place without permission) | :: husockupant {c}, ockupant {c} |
squeak {v} (emit sound) | :: pipa |
squeak {v} (inform) | :: gola |
squeal {n} (a high-pitched sound) | :: skrik, skri |
squeal {v} (to scream a high-pitched squeal) | :: skrika |
squeal {v} (to rat on someone) | :: gola |
squeal like a stuck pig {v} (to utter loud squeals) | :: skrika som en stucken gris |
squeamish {adj} (easily bothered or upset; tending to be nauseous or nervous) | :: äckelmagad, mjäkig, pjoskig |
squeegee {n} (tool used for cleaning glass) | :: skrapa {c}, fönsterskrapa {c} [for cleaning glass] |
squeegee {v} (to use a squeegee) | :: skrapa |
squeeze {v} (to apply pressure to from two or more sides at once) | :: trycka, klämma, krama |
squeeze {v} (to fit into a tight place) | :: klämma, tränga |
squeeze {v} (to remove something with difficulty, or apparent difficulty) | :: lirka, slita |
squeeze {v} (to put in a difficult position by presenting two or more choices) | :: dra, slita |
squeeze {v} | :: krama ur |
squeeze {n} (difficult position) | :: kläm, knipa |
squeeze {n} (hug or other affectionate grasp) | :: kram, klapp |
squelch {v} (to halt, stop, eliminate) | :: hejda, hindra, stoppa |
squelch {v} (to make a sucking, splashing noise) | :: klafsa |
squelch {v} (to walk or step through a substance such as a mud) | :: klafsa |
squelch {n} (A squelching sound) | :: klafs |
squid {n} (sea animal) | :: bläckfisk {c} |
squiggly {adj} (Not straight; wavy) | :: snirklig |
squill {n} (plant of the genus Scilla) | :: scilla {c}, blåstjärna {c} |
squinch {n} (structure between walls to transition to circular) | :: trompe |
squint {v} (to look with the eyes partly closed, as in bright sunlight) | :: kisa |
squint {v} (to look or glance sideways) | :: snegla |
squint {v} (to look with, or have eyes that are turned in different directions) | :: skela |
squire {n} (armor-bearer who attended a knight) | :: väpnare {c}, vapendragare {c} |
squirm {v} (twist in discomfort, especially from shame or embarrassment) | :: skruva [sig] |
squirrel {n} (rodent) | :: ekorre {c} |
squirrel monkey {n} (Saimiri) | :: dödskalleapa {c}, ekorrapa {c} |
squirt gun {n} (a toy gun used to shoot water) | :: vattenpistol {c} |
squirting cucumber {n} (Ecballium elaterium) | :: sprutgurka {c} |
squishy {adj} ((of an object or substance) yielding easily to pressure; very soft; especially, soft and wet, as mud) | :: geggig |
Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte {prop} (the administrative capital of Sri Lanka) | :: Sri Jayawardenapura |
Sri Lanka {prop} (a country in South Asia) | :: Sri Lanka |
Sri Lankan {n} (a person from Sri Lanka or of Sri Lankan descent) | :: lankes {c} |
Sri Lankan {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Sri Lanka or to the Sri Lankan people) | :: srilankesisk, lankesisk |
sriracha {n} (a Thai-style hot sauce) | :: srirachasås {c}, sriracha {c} |
st {interj} (expressing a sudden desire for silence) | :: sch, hyss |
-st {suffix} (first) | :: -a |
St. {n} (abbreviation of Saint) SEE: St | :: |
St {n} (abbreviation of Saint) | :: S:t {m}, S:ta {f} |
stab {n} (act of stabbing) | :: hugg {n}, stick {n} |
stab {v} (To pierce or wound with pointed object) | :: sticka |
stability {n} (condition of being stable) | :: stabilitet {c} |
stabilization {n} (process of stabilizing) | :: stabilisering {c} |
stabilizer {n} (training wheels on child's bicycle) | :: stödhjul {n} |
stab in the back {n} (Act of betrayal) | :: hugg i ryggen {n} |
stab in the back {v} (To betray somebody) | :: hugga i ryggen |
stable {n} (building for animals with hoofs) | :: stall {n} |
stable {n} (building for horses) | :: stall {n} |
stable {adj} (relatively unchanging) | :: stabil |
stable boy {n} (boy or young man who attends in a stable) | :: stalledräng {c} |
stablemaster {n} (person in charge of stable) | :: tallmästare {c}, stallgreve {c} |
stack {n} (computing: data structure) | :: stack {c} |
stack {v} (To place objects or material in the form of a stack) | :: stapla, trava, stacka |
stadium {n} (venue where sporting events are held) | :: stadion {n} {c} |
stadtholder {n} (governor-general in Sweden or Denmark) | :: ståthållare {c} |
staff {n} (long, straight, thick rod or stick) | :: stav {c} |
staff {n} (employees of a business) | :: personal {c} |
stag {n} (social event for a groom) SEE: bachelor party | :: |
stag {n} (adult male deer) | :: hjort, hjorthane |
stag-beetle {n} (a large black beetle with a pair of strong mandibles) | :: ekoxe |
stag do {n} (bachelor party) SEE: bachelor party | :: |
stage {n} (in theatre) | :: platform {?}, scen {c} |
stage {v} (to produce on a stage) | :: iscensätta, framföra, uppföra |
stage {v} (to demonstrate in a deceptive manner) | :: iscensätta |
stage {v} ((protest, strike, ...) to carry out) | :: genomföra |
stage-coach {n} (horse-drawn coach to transport passengers and mail) | :: diligens {c} |
stage fright {n} (state of nervousness about performing) | :: scenskräck {c} |
stagehand {n} (person working behind the scenes in a theatre) | :: scenarbetare {c} |
stagflation {n} (inflation accompanied by stagnant growth) | :: stagflation |
stagger {v} (to move to one side and the other, as if about to fall, in standing or walking) | :: vackla |
stagger {v} (to walk in an awkward, drunken fashion) | :: ragla |
stagger {v} (to begin to doubt and waver in purposes) | :: vackla |
stagger breathe {v} (a music breathing technique) | :: körandas |
stagger breathing {n} (a music breathing technique) | :: körandning {c} |
stagnant {adj} (lacking freshness, motion, flow, progress, or change; stale; motionless; still) | :: stagnerande, stillastående, statisk |
stagnate {v} (to cease activity) | :: stagnera |
stagnation {n} (inactivity) | :: stagnation {c} |
stag party {n} (bachelor party) SEE: bachelor party | :: |
staid {adj} (not capricious or impulsive, see also: sedate; serious) | :: stadig, lugn, stadgad |
stain {n} (discoloured spot or area) | :: fläck |
stained glass {n} (coloured glass) | :: glasmålning {c} |
stainless {n} (stainless steel) SEE: stainless steel | :: |
stainless {adj} (describing an alloy that is resistant to corrosion and discoloration) | :: rostfri |
stainless steel {n} (corrosion-free alloy) | :: rostfritt stål {n} |
stair {n} (single step) | :: trappsteg {n} |
stair {n} (series of steps) | :: trappa |
staircase {n} (stairway) | :: trappa {c} |
stairs {n} (contiguous set of steps) | :: trappa |
stairwell {n} (a shaft in a multi-story building enclosing a stairway or staircase) | :: trapphus {n}, trappuppgång {c} |
stake {n} (pointed long and slender piece of wood etc.) | :: stör, påle |
stake {n} (timber to which a martyr was affixed to be burned) | :: påle |
stakeholder {n} (person or organisation with a legitimate interest) | :: intressent {c}, berörda parter {p} |
Stakhanovite {n} ((USSR) an extremely productive or hard-working worker, see also: ) | :: stachanovit {c} |
Stakhanovite {adj} ((USSR) pertaining to a Stakhanovite; heroically hard-working) | :: stachanovitisk, stachanovistisk |
stalactite {n} (mineral deposit hanging from the roof of a cave) | :: stalaktit {c} |
stalagmite {n} (mineral deposit) | :: stalagmit {c} |
stale {adj} (having lost its freshness) | :: avslagen, däven |
stale {adj} (no longer new or interesting) | :: passé |
stalemate {n} (chess term) | :: patt {c} |
Stalinism {n} (Communist philosophies espoused by Josef Stalin) | :: stalinism {c} |
Stalinist {adj} (of or relating to Stalinism) | :: stalinistisk |
Stalinist {n} (a person who accepts the philosophy of Stalinism) | :: stalinist {c} |
stalk {n} (stem or main axis of a plant) | :: stjälk {c} |
stall {n} (compartment for a single animal in a stable or cattle shed) | :: spilta {c}, bås {n} |
stall {n} (small open-fronted shop) | :: stånd {n} |
stall {n} (seat in a theatre) | :: parkettplats {c} |
stall {v} (To come to a standstill) | :: köra fast |
stall {v} (To employ delaying tactics) | :: uppehålla |
stallion {n} (uncastrated male horse) | :: hingst {c} |
stallion {n} (male horse kept primarily as a stud) | :: hingst {c}, avelshingst {c} |
stamen {n} (A flower part that produces pollen) | :: ståndare {c} |
stammer {v} (to stutter) | :: stamma |
stammer {n} (involuntary repetition of sounds in speech) | :: stamning {c} |
stammerer {n} (stutterer) SEE: stutterer | :: |
stamp {n} (act of stamping) | :: stamp {n} |
stamp {n} (indentation or imprint made by stamping) | :: stämpel {c}, prägel {c} |
stamp {n} (device for stamping designs) | :: stämpel {c} |
stamp {n} (any small piece of paper bearing a design on one side and adhesive on the other, see also: postage stamp) | :: klistermärke {n} |
stamp {v} (to step quickly and heavily) | :: stampa, klampa, trampa |
stamp {v} (to move (the foot or feet) quickly and heavily) | :: stampa |
stamp {v} (to mark by pressing quickly and heavily) | :: stämpla, prägla |
stamp {v} (to give an official marking to) | :: stämpla |
stamp {v} (to apply postage stamps to) | :: frankera |
stamp {n} (postage stamp) SEE: postage stamp | :: |
stamp collecting {n} (stamp hobby) SEE: philately | :: |
stamp collector {n} (person who collects stamps) | :: frimärkssamlare {c} |
stampede {n} (any sudden flight or dispersion) | :: panikartad flykt |
stamping ground {n} (place one likes to go) | :: favorittillhåll |
stance {n} (manner, pose, or posture in which one stands) | :: kroppsställning {c} |
stance {n} (opinion or point of view) | :: ståndpunkt {c} |
stanchion {n} (vertical pole, post or support) | :: stolpe, stötta |
stand {v} (to support oneself on the feet in an erect position) | :: stå |
stand {v} (to rise to one’s feet) | :: ställa sig upp |
stand {v} (to remain motionless) | :: stå |
stand {v} (to undergo; withstand; hold up) | :: motstå |
stand {v} (to tolerate) | :: stå ut med, tolerera |
stand {v} (to be placed in an upright or vertical orientation) | :: stå |
stand {v} (to place in an upright or standing position) | :: ställa |
stand {v} (to seek election) | :: ställa upp, kandidera |
stand {v} (to be valid) | :: gälla |
stand {n} (act of standing) | :: stående {n} |
stand {n} (defensive position or effort) | :: ställning {c} |
stand {n} (resolute, unwavering position) | :: ställning, position |
stand {n} (period of performance in a given location or venue) | :: uppträdande {n} |
stand {n} (device to hold something upright or aloft) | :: ställ, stativ |
stand {n} (platform on which a witness testifies in court) | :: vittnesbås |
stand {n} (particular grove or other group of trees) | :: bestånd {n}, dunge {c} |
stand {n} (contiguous group of trees that may be considered a distinguishable unit) | :: bestånd {n}, dunge {c} |
stand {n} (standstill, motionless state) | :: stillestånd {n}, uppehåll {n} |
stand {n} (small building or booth) | :: stånd {n}, bås {n}, monter {c} |
stand {n} (designated spot where someone or something may stand or wait) | :: kur {c}, ställ {n}, stånd {n} |
stand {n} (rank; post; station; standing) | :: stånd {n}, ställning {c} |
stand {n} (state of perplexity or embarrassment) | :: tillstånd {n} |
stand-alone {adj} (operating without additions or assistance) | :: fristående |
standard {n} (level of quality) | :: standard {c}, nivå {c} |
standard {n} (a flag or ensign) | :: standar {n}, fana {c} |
standard-bearer {n} (person who carries flag or banner) | :: fanbärare |
standard deviation {n} (statistical measure) | :: standardavvikelse {c} |
Standard German {n} (Standard High German language) SEE: High German | :: |
standardise {v} (to establish a standard) | :: standardisera |
standardization {n} (process of complying with a standard) | :: standardisering {c} |
standardization {n} (process of establishing a standard) | :: standardisering {c} |
standardize {v} (standardise) SEE: standardise | :: |
standard language {n} (standard variety) | :: standardspråk {n}, riksspråk {n} |
Standard Model {prop} (theory) | :: standardmodellen |
standard of living {n} (relative measure of quality of life) | :: levnadsstandard {c} |
standard poodle {n} (a big poodle) | :: mellanpudel {c} (below 45 cm), storpudel {c} (over 45 cm) |
standard time {n} (synchronized clock time in each graphical locations) | :: normaltid {c} |
stand by {v} (to remain loyal or faithful) | :: stå fast vid |
stand for {v} (to mean, symbolize or represent) | :: stå för |
stand for {v} (to advocate or support) | :: stå för, stödja, förespråka |
stand-in {n} (person who stands in for an actor during shooting setup) | :: stand-in {c} |
standing {adj} (upright) | :: stående |
standing {adj} (water) | :: stående |
standing {n} (position in society) | :: ställning {c} |
standing {n} (the position of a team in a league or of a player in a list) | :: plats {c} |
standing joke {n} (laughing matter amongst a group of people) | :: stående skämt {n} |
standing ovation {n} (enthusiastic applause) | :: stående ovation {c} |
standings {n} (sports ranking) SEE: league table | :: |
standing wave {n} (a wave form which occurs in a limited, fixed medium) | :: stående våg {c} |
standpoint {n} (point of view) | :: ståndpunkt {c} |
St. Andrew's Cross {prop} (Saint Andrew's cross) SEE: Saint Andrew's cross | :: |
stand-up bass {n} (instrument) SEE: double bass | :: |
stand up to {v} (object or interfere) | :: stå emot |
stand up to {v} (withstand) | :: tåla, stå emot, stå pall för, hålla för |
stanza {n} (a unit of a poem) | :: strof |
stapes {n} (bone in the middle ear) | :: stigbygel {c} |
staphylococcus {n} (bacterium of the genus Staphylococcus) | :: stafylokock {c} |
staple {n} (basic or essential supply) | :: stapelvara {c} |
staple {n} (wire fastener used to secure stacks of paper) | :: häftklammer {c} |
staple {n} (wire fastener in general) | :: klammer {c} |
staple {n} (U-shaped metal fastener) | :: klammer {c}, krampa {c} |
staple {v} (secure with a staple) | :: häfta |
staple gun {n} (device for driving staples) | :: häftpistol {c} |
stapler {n} (device which binds together paper) | :: häftapparat {c} |
star {n} (luminous celestial body) | :: stjärna {c} |
star {n} ((astronomy) a luminous celestial body) | :: stjärna {c} |
star {n} (concave polygon) | :: stjärna {c} |
star {n} (celebrity) | :: stjärna {c} |
star {n} (actor) | :: stjärna {c} |
star {n} (talented or famous person) | :: stjärna {c} |
star {n} (asterisk) | :: stjärna {c}, asterisk {c} |
star {n} (quality rating symbol) | :: stjärna {c} |
star anise {n} (a plant, Illicium verum) | :: stjärnanis {c} |
starboard {n} (right hand side of a vessel) | :: styrbord {n} |
starch {n} (substance) | :: stärkelse {c} |
starch {n} (carbohydrates) | :: stärkelse |
starch {v} (apply laundry starch) | :: stärka |
star chart {n} (star chart) | :: stjärnkarta {c} |
star cluster {n} (group of stars) | :: stjärnhop {c} |
stardom {n} (fame or celebrity) | :: stjärnstatus {c} |
stare {v} (to look fixedly) | :: stirra, glo |
starfish {n} (various echinoderms) | :: sjöstjärna {c} |
star fruit {n} (fruit) | :: carambola, stjärnfrukt {c} |
stargazer {n} (one who stargazes) | :: stjärnskådare |
starkers {adj} (completely nude) | :: nakenfis |
starling {n} (bird) | :: stare {c} |
starling {n} (pilings) | :: isbrytare {c} |
starlit {adj} | :: stjärnbelyst |
Star of Bethlehem {prop} (star mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew) | :: Betlehemstjärnan {c}, Julstjärnan {c} |
Star of David {prop} (symbol of Jewish Community and Judaism) | :: Davidsstjärna {c}, davidsstjärna {c} |
starring {v} (present participle of "to star") SEE: star | :: |
starry sturgeon {n} (Acipenser stellatus) SEE: sevruga | :: |
Star-Spangled Banner {prop} (a nickname for the national flag of the U.S.) | :: stjärnbaneret |
star-studded {adj} (with celebrities) | :: stjärnspäckad |
start {n} (beginning of an activity) | :: start {c} |
start {n} (sudden involuntary movement) | :: ryck {n} |
start {v} (to set in motion) | :: starta |
start {v} (to begin) | :: börja |
start {v} (to initiate operation of a vehicle or machine) | :: starta, sätta igång |
start {v} (of an activity, to begin) | :: börja |
start {v} (to jerk suddenly in surprise) | :: rycka till |
start {v} | :: starta, börja |
start {n} (initial advantage over somebody else) SEE: head start | :: |
starter {n} (first course of a meal) | :: förrätt {c}, entré {c}, entrérätt {c} |
starter {n} (player that a team fields at the beginning of a game) | :: startspelare {c} |
starter motor {n} (starter motor) SEE: starter | :: |
startle {v} (to excite by sudden alarm, surprise, or apprehension) | :: spritta |
start over {v} (begin again) | :: börja om |
starvation {n} (condition) | :: svält {c} |
starve {v} (to die because of lack of food) | :: svälta |
starve {v} (to be very hungry) | :: svälta, vara svulten, vara utsvulten |
starve {v} (to destroy by deprivation) | :: svälta (ut) |
starve {v} (to deprive of nourishment) | :: svälta (ut) |
starved {adj} (extremely hungry) | :: utsvulten |
Star Wars {prop} (Saga) | :: Stjärnornas krig |
state {n} (any sovereign polity) | :: stat {c}, rike {n} |
state {n} (a political division of a federation retaining a degree of autonomy) | :: stat {c}, delstat {c} |
state {n} (a condition) | :: tillstånd {n} |
state {n} | :: nation {c}, land {n} |
state {v} (declare to be a fact) | :: påstå |
state {v} (make known) | :: ange |
state {v} | :: förklara |
state capital {n} (capital city of a state) | :: delstatshuvudstad {c} |
state capitalism {n} (form of capitalism) | :: statskapitalism {c} |
statefunction {n} (wavefunction) SEE: wavefunction | :: |
stateless {adj} ((law) without a state or nationality) | :: statslös |
statement {n} (computing: instruction in a computer program) | :: sats {c}, programsats {c} |
statement {n} | :: påstående {n}, uttalande {n}, konstaterande {n} |
state of emergency {n} (status quo) | :: undantagstillstånd {n} |
State of Israel {prop} (country (official name)) | :: Staten Israel {c} |
state of the art {n} (highest level of development) | :: sista skriket |
state-owned {adj} (owned by the government) | :: statsägd, statlig |
state religion {n} (religious body or creed officially endorsed by the state) | :: statsreligion {c} |
state secret {n} (restricted information of national importance) | :: statshemlighet {c} |
statesman {n} (man who is a leader in national or international affairs) | :: statsman {c} |
state visit {n} (formal visit) | :: statsbesök {n} |
static {adj} (unchanging) | :: statisk |
static {adj} (having no motion) | :: statisk |
station {n} (place where a vehicle may stop) | :: station {c} |
stationary bicycle {n} (exercise bicycle) SEE: exercise bicycle | :: |
stationary point {n} (A point on a curve where the gradient is zero) | :: stationär punkt {c} |
stationary wave {n} (standing wave) SEE: standing wave | :: |
stationer's {n} (stationery shop) | :: pappershandel {c} |
stationery {n} (writing materials) | :: kontorsmaterial {n} |
stationmaster {n} (the person in charge of a railroad station) | :: stins {c}, stationsinspektor {c} |
station wagon {n} (body style for cars) | :: herrgårdsvagn {c} |
statist {n} (statistician) SEE: statistician | :: |
statistician {n} (person who compiles, interprets, or studies statistics) | :: statistiker {c} |
statistician {n} (mathematician specialized in statistics) | :: statistiker {c} |
statistics {n} (mathematical science) | :: statistik {c} |
statistics {n} (collection of measurements) | :: statistik {?} |
statue {n} (three-dimensional work of art) | :: staty {c}, stod {c} |
statue {n} (portrait) SEE: portrait | :: |
Statue of Liberty {prop} (large statue in New York harbor) | :: Frihetsgudinnan |
statuette {n} (a small statue) | :: statyett |
status {n} (person’s position or standing) | :: status {c} |
status {n} (situation or state of affairs) | :: status {c}, nuläge {n} |
status symbol {n} (visible possession that is a sign of one's personal wealth or social status) | :: statussymbol |
statute of limitations {n} (law that sets a time limit after some legal action may not take place) | :: preskriptionsförordning |
statutory {adj} (relating to a statute) | :: stadgeenlig |
statutory rape {n} (intercourse with a minor) | :: samlag med minderårig |
staunch {adj} (loyal, trustworthy, reliable) | :: trogen, lojal |
staunch {adj} (dependable, persistent) | :: ståndaktig, pålitlig |
stave {n} (parallel lines to write music on) | :: notrad {c}, notsystem {n} |
stave church {n} (wooden church of a medieval type) | :: stavkyrka {c} |
stave off {v} (prevent something from happening) | :: avvärja, mota bort |
stave-rhyme {n} (word which rhymes) | :: stavrim {n}, allitteration {c} |
stay {v} (to remain in a particular place) | :: stanna; vistas |
stay {v} (to continue to have a particular quality) | :: hålla sig, förbli, förbliva [archaic] |
stay {v} (to postpone) | :: skjuta upp, senarelägga |
stay {n} (residence, sojourn) | :: vistelse {c} |
stay {n} (nautical: strong rope supporting a mast) | :: stag {n} |
stay {n} (corset) SEE: corset | :: |
staycation {n} (vacation spent at or close to home) | :: hemester |
stød {n} (a phenomenon of most Danish accents) | :: stød {n} |
stead {n} (A farmhouse and associated buildings) | :: stad {c} |
steadfast {adj} (firmly loyal or constant; unswerving) | :: orubblig, ståndaktig |
steadfastly {adv} (in a steadfast manner) | :: bestämt, ståndaktigt |
steadiness {n} (the state of being steady) | :: styrsel, stadighet |
steadiness {n} (the degree of stability) | :: stadighet |
steady {adj} (firm) | :: stadig |
steak {n} (slice of beef) | :: stek {c} |
steal {v} (to illegally take possession of) | :: stjäla, [informal] sno, [informal] knycka |
steal {v} (to move silently) | :: smyga |
steal {n} (the act of stealing) | :: stöld {c} |
stealthy {adj} (characterized by or resembling stealth or secrecy) | :: förstulen, hemlig |
steam {n} (water vapor) | :: ånga {c} |
steam {n} (pressurized water vapor) | :: ånga {c} |
steam {n} (internal energy) | :: ånga {c} |
steam {v} (cooking: to cook with steam) | :: ångkoka |
steam {v} (to produce or vent steam) | :: ånga |
steam {v} (to be covered with condensed water vapor) | :: imma igen |
steam {v} (to travel by means of steam power) | :: ånga |
steam {n} (steam-powered vehicle) SEE: steamer | :: |
steam bath {n} (room for bathing) | :: ångbad |
steam bath {n} (act of bathing) | :: ångbad |
steamboat {n} (vessel powered by steam) | :: ångfartyg {n}, ångbåt {c} |
steam engine {n} (piston engine driven by steam) | :: ångmaskin {c} |
steam engine {n} (steam locomotive) SEE: steam locomotive | :: |
steamer {n} (steamboat or steamship) | :: ångfartyg {n}, ångare {c} |
steamer duck {n} (bird of the genus Tachyeres) | :: ångbåtsand {c} |
steaming {n} (method of cooking by immersion in steam) | :: ångning |
steam iron {n} (smoothing iron) | :: ångstrykjärn {n} |
steam locomotive {n} (locomotive powered by steam) | :: ånglok {n} |
steamroller {n} (steam-powered road roller) | :: ångvält |
steamship {n} (vessel propelled by steam) | :: ångfartyg {n} |
steam shovel {n} | :: ångskovel {c} |
steam train {n} (type of train) | :: ångtåg |
steam turbine {n} (system through which steam is passed) | :: ångturbin {c} |
stearic acid {n} (fatty acid) | :: stearinsyra {c} |
stearin {n} (the triglyceride of stearic acid) | :: stearin {c} {n} |
steatosis {n} (over-retention of lipids) | :: steatos {c} |
steed {n} (stallion) | :: hingst {c}, springare {c} |
steel {n} (metal produced from iron) | :: stål {n} |
steel mill {n} (steel mill) SEE: steelworks | :: |
steel oneself {v} (concentrate in preparation for a rigorous task) | :: stålsätta sig |
steel wool {n} (fine threads of steel) | :: stålull {c} |
steelworks {n} (place where steel is manufactured and/or shaped) | :: stålverk {n} |
steelyard {n} (steelyard balance) | :: besman, betsman |
steep {adj} (expensive) SEE: expensive | :: |
steep {adj} (near-vertical) | :: brant |
steeple {n} (spire) SEE: spire | :: |
steeple {n} (a tall tower, often on a church) | :: kyrktorn {n} |
steeplechase {n} (athletics event) | :: hinderlöpning {c} |
steer {v} (intransitive: to guide the course) | :: styra |
steer {v} (transitive: to guide the course of) | :: styra |
steer {v} (to direct a group of animals) | :: leda |
steer {v} (to maneuver or manipulate a person or group into a place or course of action) | :: styra, leda |
steer {v} (to direct the conversation) | :: styra |
steer {n} (castrated male of cattle) | :: stut |
steering column {n} (column in a vehicle) | :: rattstång {c} |
steering group {n} (A committee that arranges the schedule of business for a legislative assembly or other organization) | :: styrgupp |
steering wheel {n} (wheel-shaped control) | :: ratt {c} |
stegosaur {n} (dinosaur) | :: stegosaurus {c}, stegosaurie {c} |
stela {n} (archaeology: an obelisk or upright stone pillar) SEE: stele | :: |
stele {n} ((archaeology) tall, slender stone monument) | :: stele {c} |
stellar {adj} (of, pertaining to, or characteristic of stars) | :: stjärn- |
stellar wind {n} (equivalent of solar wind) | :: stjärnvind |
Steller sea lion {n} (Eumetopias jubatus) | :: Stellers sjölejon |
St. Elmo's fire {n} (electrical discharge) | :: Sankt Elmseld, elmseld {c} |
stem {n} (botany: above-ground stalk of a vascular plant) | :: stjälk {c} |
stem {n} (slender supporting member for an individual part of a plant) | :: stjälk {c} |
stem {n} (linguistics: main part of a word) | :: ordstam {c}, stam {c} |
stem {n} (music: vertical stroke of a symbol representing a note in written music) | :: notskaft {n} |
stem {n} (nautical: forward vertical extension of the keel) | :: stäv, förstäv {c} |
stem {n} | :: stam {c} ; skaft {n} ; fot {c} ; stapel {c} |
stem {v} (to remove the stem from) | :: härleda, ta ut stam |
stem {v} (to be caused or derived) | :: stamma, härstamma, härröra |
stem {v} (to descend in a family line) | :: stamma |
stem {v} (to stop, hinder) | :: stoppa, hejda, hindra, stämma, dämma |
stem {v} (skiing: to point the skis inward) | :: ploga |
stem cell {n} (primal undifferentiated cell) | :: stamcell {c} |
stench {n} (a strong foul smell, a stink) | :: stank {c} |
stencil {n} (utensil) | :: schablon {c} |
stenosis {n} (abnormal narrowing or stricture in a blood vessel or other tubular organ) | :: stenos {c} |
stenotic {adj} (of or pertaining to a stenosis) | :: stenotisk |
step- {prefix} (prefix used to indicate that the person being identified is not a blood relative) | :: styv- |
step {n} (pace) | :: steg {n} |
step {n} (one of a set of rests in a stair or ladder) | :: steg |
step {n} (space passed over by one movement of the foot in walking or running) | :: steg {n} |
step {n} (footstep) | :: fotspår {n}, fotsteg {n} |
step {n} (manner of walking) | :: gång {c}, gångstil {c} |
step {n} (proceeding; measure; action; act) | :: framsteg {n} |
step {n} | :: steg {n} |
stepbrother {n} (son of one's stepfather or stepmother) | :: styvbror {c}, plastbror {c} |
stepchild {n} (the child of one's spouse from his or her previous partner) | :: styvbarn {n}, (colloquial) plastbarn {n} |
step dance {n} (dance) | :: steppdans {c} |
step dance {v} (to perform step dance) | :: steppa |
stepdaughter {n} (daughter of one's spouse and not of oneself) | :: styvdotter {c} |
stepfamily {n} (a family having stepchildren or stepparents) | :: styvfamilj {c} |
stepfamily {n} (the family of one's stepparent) | :: styvfamilj {c} |
stepfather {n} (husband of one's biological mother, other than one's biological father) | :: styvfar {c}, styvfader {c}, [modern slang] plastpappa {c} |
step function {n} (mathematical function) | :: stegfunktion {c} |
Stephen {prop} (biblical martyr) | :: Stefanos |
Stephen {prop} (male given name) | :: Stefan |
step in {v} (To act) SEE: act | :: |
step ladder {n} (ladder with steps or treads instead of rungs) | :: köksstege {c}, trappsteg |
stepmother {n} (wife of one's biological father, not one's biological mother) | :: styvmor {c}, fostermor {c}, [colloquial] plastmamma {c} |
step on it {v} (to drive fast) | :: gasen i botten |
step over {n} (a dribbling move in football) | :: överstegsfint {c} |
stepparent {n} (stepfather or stepmother) | :: styvförälder {c} |
steppe {n} (the grasslands of Eastern Europe and Asia) | :: stäpp {c} |
steppe {n} (vast cold, dry grass-plains) | :: stäpp {c} |
steppe eagle {n} (Aquila nipalensis) | :: stäppörn {c} |
stepsibling {n} (stepbrother or stepsister) | :: styvsyskon |
stepsister {n} (daughter from the previous marriage of a stepparent) | :: plastsyster {c}, styvsyster {c} |
stepson {n} (son of one's spouse and not of oneself) | :: styvson {c} |
step up {v} (to increase speed or rate) | :: steppa upp |
steradian {n} (derived unit of solid angle) | :: steradian |
stereo {n} (system) | :: stereo |
stereo {n} (device) | :: stereo, stereoanläggning |
stereo {adj} (of sound) | :: stereo |
stereotype {n} (conventional, formulaic, and oversimplified conception, opinion, or image) | :: stereotyp {c} |
stereotypical {adj} (pertaining to a stereotype) | :: stereotyp |
sterile {adj} (unable to reproduce) | :: steril, ofruktbar |
sterile {adj} (germless) | :: steril |
sterilizable {adj} (able to be sterilized) | :: steriliserbar |
sterilization {n} (process of treating something to kill microorganisms) | :: sterilisering {c} |
sterlet {n} (species of sturgeon) | :: sterlett {c} |
stern {adj} (having a hardness and severity of nature or manner) | :: sträng, rigorös, strikt, barsk, hård |
stern {adj} (grim and forbidding in appearance) | :: hård |
stern {n} (the rear part or after end of a ship or vessel) | :: akter {c}, bakstam {c} poop {c} (archaic) |
stern {n} (black tern) SEE: black tern | :: |
sternpost {n} (timber or bar at the stern of a vessel) | :: akterstäv {c} |
sternum {n} (breastbone) SEE: breastbone | :: |
steroid {n} (class of organic compounds) | :: steroid |
stethoscope {n} (medical instrument) | :: stetoskop {n} |
stevedore {n} (dockworker involved in loading and unloading cargo) | :: stuvare {c} |
steven {n} (command) SEE: command | :: |
steven {n} (a prayer) SEE: prayer | :: |
steven {n} (voice) SEE: voice | :: |
Steven {prop} (male given name) SEE: Stephen | :: |
stevia {n} (any species of genus Stevia) | :: stevia {c} |
stew {n} (dish) | :: stuvning {c}, gryta {c} |
stew {v} (to cook (food)) | :: stuva |
stew {v} (to suffer under hot conditions) | :: koka bort |
steward {n} (any administrator of the property or affairs of another) | :: förvaltare |
steward {n} (ship's officer in charge of making dining arrangements and provisions) | :: steward {c} |
steward {n} (union member representing fellow workers) | :: ombudsman |
steward {n} (flight attendant) SEE: flight attendant | :: |
stewardess {n} (female flight attendant) | :: flygvärdinna {c} |
stewardship {n} (office of a steward) | :: förvaltarskap {n} [the position], förvaltning {c} [the organisation], förvaltare {c} [the title] |
St. George's Day {prop} (saint's day of Saint George) | :: Sankt Georgsdagen {c} |
stick {n} (twig or small branch) | :: kvist {c}, pinne {c}, gren {c} |
stick {n} (long piece of wood) | :: käpp {c}, stav {c}, stör {c} |
stick {n} (cylindrical piece (of chalk, wax etc)) | :: stav {c} |
stick {n} (cane or walking stick) | :: käpp {c} |
stick {n} (hockey stick) | :: hockeyklubba {c}, klubba {c} |
stick {v} (to glue; to adhere (transitive)) | :: fästa |
stick {v} (to become attached, to adhere (intransitive)) | :: fastna |
stick {v} (to jam) | :: fastna |
stick {v} (to place, set down quickly) | :: ställ, sätt, placera |
sticker {n} (adhesive label or decal) | :: etikett {c}, klistermärke {c} |
sticker {n} (price tag) SEE: price tag | :: |
stick figure {n} (simple line drawing) | :: streckgubbe {c} |
sticking plaster {n} (adhesive bandage) SEE: band-aid | :: |
stick insect {n} (insects of the order Phasmida) | :: vandrande pinne {c} |
stickman {n} (simple drawing of a man) | :: streckgubbe {c} |
stick note {n} (post-it note) SEE: post-it note | :: |
stick plaster {n} (sticking plaster) SEE: band-aid | :: |
sticky {adj} (able or likely to stick) | :: klibbig, kladdig, kletig |
sticky {adj} (of weather) | :: klibbigt |
sticky note {n} (post-it note) SEE: post-it note | :: |
sticky tape {n} (adhesive tape) SEE: adhesive tape | :: |
stiff {adj} (of an object, rigid, hard to bend, inflexible) | :: stel |
stiff {adj} (of a person, formal in behavior, unrelaxed) | :: stel |
stiff {adj} (of muscles, or parts of the body) | :: stel |
stiff {adj} | :: styv, strikt |
stiff {v} (to fail to pay money one owes) | :: sjappa |
stiffen {v} (to become stiff) | :: styvna, stelna, bli styv, bli stel |
stifle {v} (to interrupt or cut off) | :: stävja, förhindra |
stifle {v} (to repress, keep in or hold back) | :: stävja, undertrycka, dämpa, tillbakahålla |
stifle {v} (to smother or suffocate) | :: stävja, kväva |
stifle {v} (to die of suffocation) | :: kvävas |
stifling {adj} (that stifles) | :: kvävande |
stigma {n} (mark of infamy) | :: stigma {n} |
stigma {n} (part of the pistil) | :: märke {n} |
stigmatize {v} (to characterize as disgraceful or ignominious) | :: stigmatisera, brännmärka |
stile {n} (steps over or passage through a fence or wall) | :: stätta |
stiletto {n} (awl) SEE: awl | :: |
stiletto {n} (rapier) SEE: rapier | :: |
stiletto {n} (stabbing weapon) | :: stilett {c} |
still {adj} (not moving, calm) | :: stilla |
still {adv} (up to a time, as in the preceding time) | :: fortfarande, ännu |
still {adv} (to an even greater degree) | :: än, ännu, ändå |
still {adv} (nevertheless) | :: ändå, trots [e.g. "trots allt"] |
still {n} (period of calm or silence) | :: tystnad {c} [sound], vindstilla [wind], bleke {n} {c} [wind at sea, water surface], stillestånd {n} [war], stillhet {c} |
still {n} (photography: a non-moving photograph) | :: stillbild {c} |
still {n} (a device for distilling liquids) | :: destilleringsapparat {c}, hembränningsapparat {c}, lönnbränningsapparat {c}, destillator {c}, destillationsapparat {c} |
still {v} (to calm down) | :: lugna, lugna ner, stilla |
stillborn {adj} (dead at birth) | :: dödfödd {c} |
stillborn {adj} (ignored, without influence, unsuccessful, abortive) | :: dödfödd {c} |
still life {n} (work of art) | :: stilleben {n} |
stillness {n} | :: stillhet {c} |
still waters run deep {proverb} (a person's calm appearance may be misleading) | :: i de lugnaste vattnen går de största fiskarna |
stilt {n} (walking pole) | :: stylta |
stilt {n} (crutch) SEE: crutch | :: |
stilted {adj} (stiff and artificially formal) | :: uppstyltad |
Stilton {n} (blue-veined cheese made in England) | :: stilton {c} |
stilt sandpiper {n} (Calidris himantopus) | :: styltsnäppa {c} |
stimulate {v} (to encourage into action) | :: egga, reta, sporra |
stimulate {v} (to arouse an organism to functional activity) | :: ge näring åt, pigga upp, stimulera, väcka |
sting {v} (of an insect: to bite) | :: stinga, sticka |
sting {n} (pointed portion of an insect or arachnid used for attack) SEE: stinger | :: |
stinger {n} (pointed portion of an insect) | :: gadd {c} |
stingray {n} (venomous ray of the orders Rajiformes and Myliobatiformes) | :: spjutrockor |
stingy {adj} (unwilling to spend or give) | :: snål, girig |
stink {v} (have a strong bad smell) | :: stinka |
stink {v} (informal: be greatly inferior) | :: vara urusel |
stink {v} (give an impression of dishonesty or untruth) | :: stinka |
stink {n} (strong bad smell) | :: stank |
stinkhorn {n} (fungus) | :: stinksvamp {c}, liksvamp {c} |
stinky {adj} (having a strong, unpleasant smell) | :: stinkande |
stipulate {v} (to require as a condition of a contract or agreement) | :: stipulera |
stipulate {adj} (botany: having stipules) | :: stipelförsedd, stipelbärande |
stipule {n} (basal appendage) | :: stipel {c} |
stir {v} (to disturb the relative position of the particles of) | :: röra |
stir {v} | :: röra |
stir-fry {v} (fry something quickly in hot oil) | :: woka, sautera |
stir-fry {n} (dish) | :: wok {c} |
stirrup {n} (stapes) SEE: stapes | :: |
stirrup {n} (footrest used by riders) | :: stigbygel {c} |
stirrup bone {n} (stapes) SEE: stapes | :: |
stir up {v} (to cause (trouble etc)) | :: ställa till, sätta i gång |
stitch {v} (form stitches in) SEE: sew | :: |
stitch {n} (single pass of the needle in sewing) | :: stygn {n} |
stitch {n} (arrangement of stitches or method of stitching in sewing) | :: söm {c} |
stitch {n} (an intense stabbing pain under the lower edge of the ribcage) | :: håll {n}, mjälthugg {n} |
stitch {n} (single turn of the thread in knitting) | :: maska {c} |
stitch {n} (arrangement of stitches or method of stitching in knitting) | :: stickning {c} |
stitch {n} (colloquial: any least part of a fabric or dress) | :: tråd {c} |
stitch {v} (agriculture: to form land into ridges) SEE: plough | :: |
stitch {n} (furrow) SEE: furrow | :: |
stiver {n} (small Dutch coin worth one twentieth of a guilder) | :: styver {c} |
St John's wort {n} (any plant of the genus Hypericum) | :: johannesört |
stoat {n} (stoat) SEE: ermine | :: |
stochastic {adj} (random) | :: stokastisk |
stochastic matrix {n} (matrix) | :: stokastisk matris {c} |
stock {n} (store of goods for sale) | :: lager {n} |
stock {n} (supply of anything ready for use) | :: lager {n} (especially if it is supposed to last a long time), förråd {n} |
stock {n} (stack of undealt game cards) | :: talong {c} |
stock {n} (finance: capital raised by a company) | :: aktie {c} |
stock {n} (broth) | :: buljong {c}, spad {n} |
stock {n} (genus Matthiola of flowers) | :: lövkoja {c} |
stock {n} (part of gun, see also: butt) | :: kolv {c} |
stock {v} (have on hand for sale) | :: lagra |
stock {adj} (ordinary, very basic) | :: stereotyp |
stock {n} (rolling stock) SEE: rolling stock | :: |
stockade {n} (an enclosure protected by a wall of wooden posts) | :: palissad {c}, pålverk {n} |
stockbroker {n} (person who buys and sells shares) | :: aktiemäklare {c}, börsmäklare {c} |
stock certificate {n} (a paper certifying an ownership of shares) | :: aktiebrev {n} |
stock dove {n} (stock dove, Columba oenas) | :: skogsduva {c} |
stock exchange {n} (building and the associated organization) | :: fondbörs {c}, börs {c} |
stockfish {n} (cured fish) | :: torrfisk {c} |
stockholder {n} (one who owns stock) SEE: shareholder | :: |
Stockholm {prop} (capital of Sweden) | :: Stockholm |
Stockholmer {n} (someone from Stockholm) | :: stockholmare {c} |
Stockholmer {adj} (of, from or pertaining to Stockholm) | :: stockholmsk |
Stockholm syndrome {n} (psychological condition) | :: Stockholmssyndrom {n}, Norrmalmstorgssyndrom {n} |
stocking {n} (garment (for translations of "sock", see sock)) | :: strumpa {c} |
stocking cap {n} (knitted woolen cap) SEE: beanie | :: |
stock market {n} (market for the trading of company stock) | :: aktiemarknad {c} |
stock market crash {n} (sudden dramatic decline of stock prices) | :: börskrasch {c} |
stock pigeon {n} (pigeon) | :: skogsduva {c} |
stockpile {n} (supply for future use) | :: förråd, lager, upplag |
stockpile {v} (accumulate a stockpile) | :: hamstra, lagra |
stocks {n} (device for public humiliation and punishment) | :: stock {c} |
stock up {v} (acquire or increase stock) | :: bunkra, hamstra |
stoic {adj} | :: stoisk |
stoichiometric {adj} (of, or relating to stoichiometry) | :: stökiometrisk |
stoichiometry {n} (the study of the relationships of reactants and products in chemical reactions) | :: stökiometri {c} |
stoker {n} (poker) SEE: poker | :: |
stole {n} (ecclesiastical garment) | :: stola {c} |
stolen {adj} (that has been stolen) | :: stulen |
stoma {n} (botany: tiny pore in the epidermis of a leaf) | :: klyvöppning {c} |
stomach {n} (digestive organ) | :: mage {c} |
stomach {n} (belly) | :: buk, mage {c} |
stomach {n} (appetite) SEE: appetite | :: |
stomach {n} (figuratively: desire, appetite) SEE: appetite | :: |
stomach {n} (pride, haughtiness) SEE: haughtiness | :: |
stomachache {n} (pain in the abdomen) | :: magont {n}, magknip {n}, magsmärta {c} |
stomach acid {n} (gastric acid) SEE: gastric acid | :: |
stomach cancer {n} (cancer of the stomach) | :: magsäckscancer {c}, ventrikelcancer {c} |
stomp {v} (trample heavily on something or someone) | :: stampa |
stompie {n} (cigarette butt) SEE: butt | :: |
stomping ground {n} (stamping ground) SEE: stamping ground | :: |
stone {n} (substance) | :: sten {c} |
stone {n} (small piece of stone) | :: sten {c} |
stone {n} (gem stone) | :: ädelsten |
stone {n} (centre of some fruits) | :: kärna {c} |
stone {n} (medical: hard, stone-like deposit) | :: sten {c} |
stone {n} (piece of hard material used in board games) | :: pjäs {c} |
stone {v} (To pelt with stones) | :: stena |
stone {v} (to intoxicate, especially with narcotics) | :: bli stenad |
stone {adj} (constructed of stone) | :: sten- , av sten |
Stone Age {prop} (prehistoric period) | :: stenåldern {c} |
stone bramble {n} (Rubus saxatilis) | :: stenbär {n} |
stonechat {n} (bird) | :: buskskvätta {c} |
stonecrop {n} (Sedum) | :: fetknopp {c} |
stoned {adj} (drunk) SEE: drunk | :: |
stoned {adj} (high on drugs) | :: stenad |
stone dead {adj} (unquestionably dead) | :: stendöd |
stone deaf {adj} (utterly deaf) | :: stendöv |
stone fruit {n} (fruit with soft flesh and a hard pit) | :: stenfrukt {c} |
stone loach {n} (Barbatula barbatula) | :: grönlling {c} |
stone pine {n} (a species of pine native to southern Europe, Pinus pinea) | :: pinje {c} |
stone wall {n} (wall made from stone) | :: stenmur {c} |
stonewall {n} (alternative form of stone wall) SEE: stone wall | :: |
stoning {n} (lapidation) SEE: lapidation | :: |
stony {adj} (broke) SEE: broke | :: |
stony {adj} (containing stones) | :: stenig |
stool {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet | :: |
stool {n} (footstool) SEE: footstool | :: |
stool {n} (a seat) | :: pall {c} |
stool {n} | :: avföring {c} |
stool {n} (chamber pot) SEE: chamber pot | :: |
stoop {v} (to bend the upper part of the body forward and downward) | :: böja |
stop {v} (to cease moving) | :: stanna |
stop {v} (to not continue) | :: sluta, upphöra |
stop {v} (to cause to cease moving) | :: stanna, stoppa (generally more abruptly than stanna) |
stop {v} (to cause to come to an end) | :: stoppa, avbryta |
stop {v} (to stay a while) | :: stanna |
stop {n} (place to get on and off mass transport) | :: hållplats {c} |
stop {n} (interruption of travel) | :: stopp {n} |
stop {n} (device to block a moving object) | :: stopp {n} |
stop {n} (punctuation symbol) | :: punkt {c} |
stop {n} (tennis: very short shot) | :: stoppboll {c} |
stop {v} (to punctuate) SEE: punctuate | :: |
stop {n} (consonant sound) SEE: plosive | :: |
stop {v} (nautical: to make fast) SEE: stopper | :: |
stop codon {n} (codon that instructs protein synthesis to stop) | :: stoppkodon |
stoplight {n} ((US) a traffic control signal) SEE: traffic light | :: |
stoplight {n} (light on the rear of a vehicle) SEE: brake light | :: |
stopover {n} (interruption in a journey) | :: reseuppehåll {n} |
stopper {n} (football (soccer): goalkeeper) | :: målvakt {c}, [informal] målis {c} |
stop sign {n} (traffic sign) | :: stoppskylt |
stop the car {phrase} (stop the car) | :: stanna bilen |
stop the presses {v} (imperative) | :: stoppa pressarna |
stopwatch {n} (timepiece) | :: stoppur {n}, tidtagarur {n} |
storage {n} (act or state) | :: lagring, magasinering, förvaring |
storage {n} (place) | :: lager {n}, förråd {n}, magasin, magasinsutrymme, lagerutrymme |
storage {n} (price) | :: magasinshyra |
store {n} (in computing) SEE: memory | :: |
store {n} (shop) SEE: shop | :: |
store {n} (place where items may be kept) | :: lager {n} |
store {n} (supply held in storage) | :: lager {n} |
store {v} (keep (something) while not in use) | :: lagra, förvara |
store {v} (computing: write (something) into memory or registers) | :: lagra, spara |
store {v} (remain in good condition while stored) | :: hålla sig |
storey {n} (floor, level) | :: våning {c} |
stork {n} (large wading bird of the family Ciconiidae) | :: stork |
stork {n} (mythical bringer of babies) | :: storken {c} |
storm {n} (disturbed state of the atmosphere) | :: storm {c}, oväder {n} |
storm {n} (meteorology: wind scale for very strong wind) | :: storm {c} |
storm {n} (military: violent assault on a stronghold) | :: stormning {c} |
storm {v} (to move quickly and noisily) | :: storma |
storm {v} (to assault) | :: storma |
storm in a teacup {n} (tempest in a teapot) SEE: tempest in a teapot | :: |
storm petrel {n} (any of several small seabirds, of the family Hydrobatidae) | :: stormsvala |
storm surge {n} (unusual rise in sea level) | :: stormflod {c} |
stormy {adj} (of or pertaining to storms; strong winds, rough seas, heavy rain etc.) | :: stormig |
story {n} (lie) SEE: lie | :: |
story {n} (account of events) | :: historia {c}, berättelse {n} |
story {n} (storey) SEE: storey | :: |
storyteller {n} (person who relates stories to an audience) | :: berättare {c} |
stout {adj} (obstinate) SEE: obstinate | :: |
stove {n} (heater) | :: kamin {c} |
stove {n} (device for heating food) | :: spis {c} |
stovepipe {n} (sheet-metal chimney) | :: kaminrör {n}, plåtskorsten {c}, skorstenspipa {c} |
stovepipe {n} (channel for compartmentalized information) | :: stuprör {n}, silo {c} |
stovepipe hat {n} (stovepipe hat) SEE: top hat | :: |
stowaway {n} (person who hides on a ship, train, etc.) | :: fripassagerare {c} |
strabismus {n} (defect of vision) | :: skelning {c}, strabism {c} |
straddle {v} (to sit or stand with a leg on each side of something) | :: grensla, gränsla |
Stradivarius {n} (stringed instrument built by members of the Stradivari family) | :: stradivarius {c} |
straight {adj} (not crooked or bent) | :: rak |
straight {adj} (direct, truthful, frank) | :: rak |
straight {adj} (having all cylinders in a single row) | :: rak |
straight {adj} (heterosexual) | :: heterosexuell, strejt [colloquial], hetero |
straight {adv} (in a forward direction) | :: rakt fram |
straight {n} (something that is not crooked or bent) | :: raksträcka {c}, raka {c} |
straight {n} (five cards in sequence) | :: stege {c} |
straight {n} (heterosexual) SEE: heterosexual | :: |
straight angle {n} (angle equal to 180°) | :: rak vinkel {c} |
straight away {adv} (very soon; immediately) SEE: right away | :: |
straight flush {n} (poker hand) | :: färgstege {c} |
straightforward {adj} (not deviating; honest; frank) | :: ärlig, uppriktig |
straightforward {adj} (presenting few difficulties, easy) | :: enkel, entydig |
straight razor {n} (razor with a folding blade) | :: rakkniv {c} |
strain {v} (to separate) | :: sila |
strain {n} (act of straining, or the state of being strained) | :: press |
strained {adj} (tense) | :: ansträngd, spänd |
strainer {n} (utensil) | :: sil {c}, filter {n}, durkslag {n}, sikt {c} |
strait {n} (narrow channel of water) | :: sund {n}, nor {n} |
straitjacket {n} (a jacket-like garment) | :: tvångströja {c} |
straitjacket {v} (to put someone into a straitjacket) | :: sätta tvångströja på |
straitjacket {v} (to restrict the freedom of) | :: förkväva |
Strait of Gibraltar {prop} (Strait of Gibraltar) | :: Gibraltar sund {n} |
Strait of Messina {prop} (narrow section of water between Sicily and mainland Italy) | :: Messinasundet {n} |
Strait of Sicily {prop} (strait between Sicily and Tunisia) | :: Siciliensundet {n} |
strand {n} (beach) | :: strand {c} |
strand {n} (short string) | :: sträng {c} |
strand {n} (strand of hair) | :: strå {n} |
strange {adj} (not normal) | :: konstig, underlig, sällsam, märklig, egendomlig, besynnerlig |
strange {adj} (not yet part of one’s experience) | :: främmande, okänd, obekant |
strange quark {n} (strange quark) | :: särkvark {c} |
stranger {n} (person whom one does not know) | :: främling |
stranger {n} (outsider or foreigner, see also: foreigner) | :: utlänning {c}, främling {c} |
stranger {n} (newcomer) | :: främling, nykomling {c} |
strangle {v} (to kill someone by strangulation) | :: strypa |
strangle {v} (to stifle or suppress) | :: undertrycka |
strangles {n} (disease of horses) | :: kvarka {c} |
strangulation {n} (act of strangling) | :: strypning {c} |
strap {n} (a long, narrow, pliable strip of leather, cloth, or the like) | :: rem {c} |
strap {n} (specifically, a strip of thick leather used in flogging) | :: rem {c}, bälte {n} |
strap {n} (a piece of leather, or strip of wood covered with a suitable material, for sharpening a razor; a strop) | :: strigel {c} |
strap {n} (a narrow strip of anything, as of iron or brass) | :: band {n}, remsa {c} |
strap {n} (a shoulder strap) | :: axelband {n} |
strap {n} | :: slejf {c}, rem {c} |
strappado {n} (form of torture) | :: strappado |
stratagem {n} (tactic) | :: krigslist {c} |
strategic {adj} (of or pertaining to strategy) | :: strategisk |
strategical {adj} (strategic) SEE: strategic | :: |
strategically {adv} (in a strategic manner) | :: strategiskt |
Strategic Defense Initiative {prop} (Star Wars) SEE: Star Wars | :: |
strategist {n} (one who devises strategies) | :: strateg {c} |
strategy {n} (science and art of military command) | :: strategi {c} |
strategy {n} (plan of action) | :: strategi {c} |
strategy {n} (techniques in politics or business) | :: strategi {c} |
stratify {v} (to become separated out into distinct layers) | :: skikta sig |
stratosphere {n} (region of the uppermost atmosphere) | :: stratosfär {c} |
stratum {n} (one of several parallel horizontal layers of material arranged one on top of another) | :: skikt {n}, stratum {n} [scientific, pl. strata], varv {n} [seldom used; noun to vb. varva: "to layer", "to alternate"] |
stratum {n} (class of society composed of people with similar social, cultural, or economic status) | :: samhällsskikt {n}, klass {c} |
stratum {n} (layer of vegetation) | :: skikt {n} [used as a suffix, -skikt, to a determinative noun, e.g. fältskikt, trädskikt], vegetationsskikt {n}, växtskikt {n} |
straw {n} (a dried stalk of a cereal plant) | :: halm, strå, halmstrå {n} |
straw {n} (dried stalks considered collectively) | :: halm {c}, strå {n} |
straw {n} (drinking straw) SEE: drinking straw | :: |
strawberry {n} (fruit) | :: jordgubbe {c} |
strawberry {n} (plant) | :: jordgubbsplanta {c}, jordgubbsstånd {n} |
strawberry {n} (colour) | :: jordgubbsfärg {c} |
strawberry {adj} (flavour) | :: jordgubbs- |
strawberry {adj} (colour) | :: jordgubbsfärgad |
strawberry tree {n} (the European plant Arbutus unedo) | :: smultronträd {c}, jordgubbsträd {n} |
streak {n} (irregular line) | :: ränder {c-p} |
streak {n} (continuous series of events) | :: rad {c} |
streak {v} (to run naked in public) | :: springa naken, streaka |
stream {n} (small river) | :: ström {c}, flod {c}, bäck {c}, å {c} |
streamer {n} (long narrow flag) | :: vimpel {c}, serpentin {c} |
streamline {v} (to simplify a process) | :: rationalisera |
street {n} (paved part of road in a village or a town) | :: gata {c} |
street artist {n} (someone who produces art in public spaces) | :: gatukonstnär {c} |
streetcar {n} (tram) SEE: tram | :: |
streetcleaner {n} (person) SEE: street sweeper | :: |
street food {n} (food obtainable from a streetside vendor) | :: gatumat {c}, gatukäk {n}, streetfood |
streetlight {n} (lamps set along a street) | :: gatubelysning {c} |
streetlighting {n} (illumination of streets) | :: gatubelysning {c} |
street musician {n} | :: gatumusikant {c} |
street performer {n} (artist who performs in a public place) | :: gatukonstnär {c} |
street sweeper {n} (person employed to sweep streets, etc.) | :: gatsopare {c}, gatsoperska {c} [female] |
street value {n} (price of an illicit drug sold on the black market) | :: gatupris {c} |
strength {n} (quality of being strong) | :: styrka |
strength {n} (intensity of a force or power) | :: styrka {c} |
strength {n} (positive attribute) | :: styrka {c} |
strengthen {v} (to make strong or stronger) | :: förstärka, stärka |
streptococcus {n} (bacterium) | :: streptokock {c} |
stress {n} (on a syllable) SEE: accent | :: |
stress {n} ((physics) internal force across a boundary per area ) | :: spänning |
stress {n} (when speaking) | :: betoning {c} |
stressed {adj} (having a stress or accent) | :: betonad |
stretch {v} (lengthen by pulling) | :: sträcka, tänja, töja |
stretch {v} (lengthen when pulled) | :: töja |
stretch {v} (pull tight) | :: spänna |
stretch {v} (extend one’s limbs or body in order to stretch the muscles) | :: tänja, stretcha |
stretch {n} (segment of a journey or route) | :: sträcka {c} |
stretchable {adj} (capable of being stretched) | :: töjbar |
stretcher {n} (simple litter designed to carry a sick, injured, or dead person) | :: bår {c} |
stretcher-bearer {n} (person who carries people on a stretcher) | :: bårbärare {c} |
strew {v} (to distribute objects or pieces of something) | :: strö |
strewn {v} (past participle of to strew) | :: strödd, utspridd, spridd, uströdd |
striated muscle {n} (muscle tissue that appears striped under the microscope) | :: tvärstrimmig muskulatur |
strict {adj} (governed or governing by exact rules) | :: sträng |
strict {adj} (severe in discipline) | :: sträng |
strictly increasing function {n} (mathematics) | :: strängt växande funktion {c} |
strife {n} (violent conflict) | :: stridighet, tvist, fejd, kiv, konflikt {c} |
strike {v} (to delete) | :: stryka |
strike {v} (to hit) | :: slå |
strike {v} (transitive: to give, as a blow; to give force to) | :: slå, träffa |
strike {v} (intransitive: to deliver a quick blow or thrust) | :: slå |
strike {v} (to manufacture by stamping) | :: slå |
strike {v} (to cause to sound by one or more beats) | :: slå, anslå |
strike {v} (to sound by percussion) | :: anslå |
strike {v} (to act suddenly) | :: slå till |
strike {v} (to stop working to achieve better working conditions) | :: strejka |
strike {v} (to impress, seem, appear) | :: slå |
strike {v} (to make a sudden impression upon, as if by a blow; to affect with some strong emotion) | :: slå |
strike {n} (in baseball) | :: strike {c} |
strike {n} (in bowling) | :: strike {c} |
strike {n} (work stoppage) | :: strejk |
strike {n} (physical blow) | :: slag {n} |
strikebreaker {n} (worker hired to replace a striking worker) | :: svartfot {c}, guling {c} |
strike out {v} (to draw a line through a text) SEE: cross out | :: |
striker {n} (baseball: batter) SEE: batter | :: |
striker {n} (player on a team of soccer) | :: anfallare {c} |
strike through {v} (to obliterate by drawing a line over) SEE: cross out | :: |
strikethrough {n} (line) | :: genomstrykning {c} |
strike while the iron is hot {v} (act on an opportunity promptly) | :: smida medan järnet är varmt |
string {n} (long, thin structure made from twisted threads) | :: snöre {c} |
string {n} (this structure as a substance) | :: sträng {c} |
string {n} (cohesive substance in the form of a string) | :: sträng {c} |
string {n} (series of items or events) | :: serie {c}, följd {c}, rad {c} |
string {n} (computing: sequence of characters) | :: sträng {c} |
string {n} (string of a musical instrument) | :: sträng |
string {n} (stringed instruments section) | :: stränginstrument {n} |
string {v} (put strings on) | :: stränga |
string {n} (stringed instrument) SEE: stringed instrument | :: |
string bass {n} (instrument) SEE: double bass | :: |
stringed instrument {n} (type of musical instrument) | :: stränginstrument {n} |
stringent {adj} (making strict requirements) | :: sträng, stringent |
string instrument {n} (musical instrument that produces sound by strings) SEE: stringed instrument | :: |
string quartet {n} (group of four string players) | :: stråkkvartett {c} |
string quartet {n} (composition for four string players) | :: stråkkvartett {c} |
string theory {n} (candidate unified theory of all physical forces and particles) | :: strängteori |
string trimmer {n} (garden implement) | :: grästrimmer {c} |
strip {n} (long, thin piece of land or material) | :: remsa {c}, strimla {c} |
strip {n} (short for comic strip, see also translations for comic strip) | :: serie {c}, stripp {c} |
strip {v} (to remove or take away) | :: ta av |
strip {v} (to take off clothing) | :: klä av (sig) |
strip {v} (to do a striptease) | :: strippa |
strip {n} (short for striptease; see also translations for striptease) | :: stripp {c} |
strip club {n} (establishment offering striptease or other erotic dancing) | :: strippklubb {c} |
stripe {n} (long straight region of a colour) | :: linje {c}, rand {c} |
stripe-breasted tit {n} (Melaniparus fasciiventer) | :: ruwenzorimes {c} |
striped {adj} (having stripes, decorated or marked with bands differing in color) | :: randig |
stripper {n} (one who removes their clothing in a sexually provocative manner) | :: strippa {c}, strippteasedansös {c} |
strip poker {n} (variant of poker) | :: klädpoker {c} |
striptease {n} (arousing act) | :: striptease {c} |
stripy {adj} (striped) SEE: striped | :: |
strive {v} (to try to achieve) | :: sträva |
stroboscope {n} (instrument for studying or observing periodic movement by rendering a moving body visible only at regular intervals) | :: stroboskop {n} |
stroke {n} (act of stroking) | :: strykning {c} |
stroke {n} (blow) | :: slag {n} |
stroke {n} (single movement with a tool) | :: slag {n}, drag {n}, hugg {n} |
stroke {n} (- golf: single act of striking the ball) | :: slag {n} |
stroke {n} (- tennis: single act of striking the ball) | :: slag {n} |
stroke {n} (- rowing: movement of an oar or paddle through water) | :: tag {n}, årtag {n} |
stroke {n} (- cricket: shot) | :: slag {n} |
stroke {n} (- thrust of piston) | :: slag {n} |
stroke {n} (- act of striking with a weapon) | :: slag {n}, hugg {n} |
stroke {n} (line drawn with a writing implement) | :: drag {n}, streck {n} |
stroke {n} (- stroke of a Chinese character) | :: streck {n} |
stroke {n} (streak made with a brush) | :: drag {n} |
stroke {n} (time when a clock strikes) | :: slag {n}, klockslag {n} |
stroke {n} (particular style of swimming, single movement in that style) | :: tag {n}, simtag {n} |
stroke {n} (loss of brain function arising when the blood supply to the brain is suddenly interrupted) | :: stroke {c}, slag {n}, slaganfall {n} |
stroke {v} (to move one's hand or an object over the surface of) | :: stryka |
stroke {v} (cricket: to hit the ball with the bat in a flowing motion) | :: slå |
stroke {n} (- slash) SEE: slash | :: |
stroke {n} (appetite) SEE: appetite | :: |
stroke {n} (throb or beat of the heart) SEE: heartbeat | :: |
stroke {n} (- strikethrough) SEE: strikethrough | :: |
stroke order {n} (Chinese character stroke order) | :: streckordning {c} |
stroll {n} (wandering on foot) | :: strövtåg {n} |
stroll {v} (wander on foot) | :: flanera, strosa, spankulera |
stroller {n} (seat on wheels used to transport babies) | :: barnvagn {c} |
stromatolite {n} (rock-like structure built by microorganisms) | :: stromatolit {c} |
strong {adj} (capable of producing great physical force) | :: kraftfull, stark |
strong {adj} (capable of withstanding great physical force) | :: hållfast, stadig, stark |
strong {adj} (determined, unyielding) | :: energisk, stark |
strong {adj} (highly stimulating to the senses) | :: mustig, stark |
strong {adj} (having an offensive or intense odor or flavor) | :: frän, stark, skarp |
strong {adj} (having a high concentration of an essential or active ingredient) | :: stark |
strong {adj} (having a high alcoholic content) | :: stark |
strong {adj} (grammar: irregular) | :: oregelbunden, stark |
strong {adj} (military: not easily subdued or taken) | :: stark |
strong {adv} (in a strong manner) | :: krafigt, kraftfullt, starkt |
strong as an ox {adj} (very strong and powerful) | :: stark som en björn, stark som en oxe |
strongbox {n} (sturdy box with a lock) SEE: safe | :: |
stronghold {n} (place of domination, or refuge or survival) | :: högborg {c}, fäste {n}, bålverk {n} |
strongly {adv} (in a strong or powerful manner) | :: starkt |
strong nuclear force {n} (one of the four fundamental interactions in particle physics) | :: stark växelverkan {c} |
strong point {n} (excellent characteristic or ability) SEE: forte | :: |
strontium {n} (chemical element) | :: strontium {n} |
strop {n} (strap) | :: strigel {c} |
strop {v} (To sharpen with a strop) | :: strigla |
strophic {adj} (using or containing strophes) | :: strofisk |
structural {adj} (of, relating to, or having structure) | :: strukturell, struktur- |
structural unemployment {n} ((economics) a type of unemployment) | :: strukturell arbetslöshet {c} |
structure {n} (cohesive whole built up of distinct parts) | :: struktur {c} |
structure {n} (overall form or organization of something) | :: struktur {c} |
structure {n} ((computing) several pieces of data treated as a unit) | :: struktur {c} |
structure {v} ((transitive) to give structure to; to arrange) | :: strukturera |
structured {adj} (having structure; organized) | :: strukturerat |
strudel {n} (layered pastry) | :: strudel {c} |
struggle {n} (strife, effort) | :: kamp |
struggle {v} (to strive, to labour in difficulty, to fight) | :: kämpa |
strumpet {n} (A prostitute) | :: hora {c}, slinka {c} |
strut {v} (to swell; protuberate) | :: svälla, bukta ut |
strut {v} (to stand or walk stiffly) | :: strutta, kråma sig |
strut {v} (to walk proudly or haughtily) | :: stoltsera, spankulera, svassa |
strychnine {n} (very toxic, colourless, crystalline alkaloid) | :: stryknin |
St. Stephen's Day {prop} (Christian holiday commemorating Saint Stephen) | :: Annandag jul {c} |
stub {n} (something cut short, blunted, or stunted) | :: stump {c} |
stubble {n} (short, coarse hair) | :: skäggstubb {c}, stubb {n} [only for beard] |
stubble {n} (short stalks left in a field after harvest) | :: stubb {c} |
stubborn {adj} (refusing to move or change one's opinion) | :: envis, hårdnackad |
stubborn as a mule {adj} (extremely stubborn) | :: envis som en åsna, envis som en gammal get, envis som en oxe, envis som synden |
stuck {adj} (trapped and unable to move) | :: fast |
stuck {adj} (unable to progress) | :: fast |
stuck up {adj} (snobbish, conceited) | :: fisförnäm |
stud {n} (male animal kept for breeding) | :: hingst {c}, avelshingst {c} |
stud {n} (female animal kept for breeding) | :: sto {n}, avelssto {n} |
stud {n} (animal breeding place) | :: stuteri {n} |
stud {n} (sexually attractive male) | :: hingst {c} |
stud {n} (small object protruding from something) | :: knopp {c}, nit {c}, [on shoes] dobb {c} |
student {n} (person who studies a subject) | :: student {c}, studentska {c} [female], elev {c} |
student {n} (person enrolled at a university) | :: student {c}, studentska {c} [female] |
student loan {n} | :: studielån {n} |
studentship {n} (role of a student) | :: studentskap {n} |
studio {n} (studio flat/apartment) | :: etta {c} |
studs {n} (shoes with studs on the bottom to aid grip) | :: dobbsko {c}, dubbsko |
studs {n} (winter tires) | :: dubbdäck {n} |
study {v} (to revise/review materials) | :: studera, lära, läsa |
study {v} (to take a course) | :: studera, plugga |
study {v} (to acquire knowledge) | :: studera |
study {v} | :: studera, plugga (informal) |
study {n} (branch of learning or object that is being studied) | :: studie {c} |
study {n} | :: studie {c}, studierum {?}, studio {n} |
study {n} (act of studying or examining) SEE: examination | :: |
study {n} (music: piece for special practice) SEE: etude | :: |
studying {n} (the action of the verb to study) | :: studerande, pluggande |
stuff {n} (the tangible substance that goes into the makeup of a physical object) | :: stoff {c}, material {n}, stoppning {c} |
stuff {v} (to fill by crowding into) | :: fylla, stoppa |
stuff {v} (to preserve a dead animal) | :: stoppa upp |
stuffed animal {n} (soft toy in the form of an animal) | :: kramdjur {n}, gosedjur {n}, mjukisdjur |
stuffed toy {n} (soft toy) SEE: soft toy | :: |
stuffy {n} (stuffed toy) SEE: soft toy | :: |
stumble {v} (to trip or fall) | :: snubbla |
stumbling block {n} (hindrance) | :: stötesten {c} |
stumbling-block {n} (stumbling block) SEE: stumbling block | :: |
stump {n} (remains of something that has been cut off) | :: stump {c}, stubbe {c} [of a tree] |
stump {v} (to walk heavily or clumsily) | :: stövla |
stun {v} (to incapacitate) | :: bedöva |
stun {v} (to shock or surprise) | :: förstumma |
stunt {n} (dangerous feat) | :: stunt {n} |
stuntman {n} (one who performs stunts) | :: stuntman {c} |
stupa {n} (Buddhist monument) | :: stupa {c} |
stupefied {adj} (Experiencing stupefaction) | :: omtöcknad |
stupid {adj} (lacking in intelligence) | :: dum, omtöcknad |
stupid {n} (A stupid person; a person lacking in intelligence) | :: dumhuvud {n}, dumskalle {c}, knäppgök {c}, knäppskalle, tokskalle {c}, träskalle {c} |
stupidity {n} (property of being stupid) | :: dumhet {c}, enfald {c} |
stupidity {n} (act that is stupid) | :: dumhet {c} |
stupor {n} (a state of reduced consciousness or sensibility) | :: stupor, dvala {c} |
sturdy {adj} (of firm build) | :: robust, stabil, rejäl |
sturdy {adj} (solid in structure or person) | :: robust, solid, motståndskraftig, stabil |
sturgeon {n} (fish of family Acipenseridae) | :: stör |
stutter {v} (to speak with spasmodic repetition) SEE: stammer | :: |
stutter {n} (speech disorder) | :: stamning |
stutterer {n} (one who stutters) | :: stammare {c} |
stuttering {n} | :: stamning |
St. Vitus' dance {n} (Sydenham's chorea) | :: danssjuka {c} |
sty {n} (inflammation) SEE: stye | :: |
sty {n} (ladder) SEE: ladder | :: |
sty {n} (enclosure for swine) | :: stia, svinstia |
sty {n} (messy or dirty place) | :: stia, svinstia |
sty {v} (to rise up) SEE: ascend | :: |
stye {n} (bacterial infection of the eyelash or eyelid) | :: vagel |
style {n} (gnomon or pin of a sundial) SEE: gnomon | :: |
style {n} (stalk that connects the stigma(s) to the ovary in a pistil of a flower) | :: stift {n} |
style {n} (manner of creating, doing, or presenting something, especially a work of architecture or art) | :: stil {c} |
stylesheet {n} (Internet: a document consisting of markup that describes the layout and presentation to be used when displaying other documents) | :: stilmall |
stylist {n} (hairdresser) SEE: hairdresser | :: |
stylist {n} (designer) SEE: designer | :: |
stylistics {n} (study of literary style) | :: stilistik {c} |
stylite {n} (Christian ascetic cloistered atop a pillar) | :: pelarhelgon |
styrene {n} (the hydrocarbon vinyl-benzene) | :: styren {n} |
styrofoam {n} (polymer) | :: frigolit {c}, cellplast {c}, skumplast {c} |
Styx {prop} (river of the underworld) | :: Styx |
sub {n} (subordinate) SEE: subordinate | :: |
sub- {prefix} (under, beneath) | :: under- |
sub {n} (computing: subroutine) SEE: subroutine | :: |
sub {n} (subcontractor) SEE: subcontractor | :: |
subaltern {n} (subordinate) SEE: subordinate | :: |
subarachnoid space {n} (space between the arachnoid mater) | :: subaraknoidalrum |
subatomic {adj} (relating to particles that are smaller than an atom) | :: subatomär |
subconscious {adj} (below the level of consciousness) | :: undermedveten |
subconsciousness {n} (state of being subconscious) | :: undermedvetenhet {c} |
subcontinent {n} (large landmass) | :: subkontinent {c} |
subcontractor {n} (contractor hired by contractor) | :: underleverantör {c} |
subcover {n} (cover which is a subset of another cover) | :: delövertäckning {c} |
subculture {n} (portion of a culture distinguished by its customs or other features) | :: subkultur {c} |
subcutaneous {adj} (pertaining to the fatty layer under the skin) | :: subkutan |
subdue {v} (to overcome, quieten, bring under control) | :: kuva |
subdued {adj} (Not glaring in color; soft in tone) | :: dämpad |
subgroup {n} (group within a larger group) | :: undergrupp {c} |
subgroup {n} ((group theory): group within a larger group) | :: delgrupp {c} |
subject {n} (in grammar) | :: subjekt {n} |
subject {n} (main topic) | :: ämne, föremål |
subject {n} (particular area of study) | :: ämne |
subject {n} (citizen in a monarchy) | :: undersåte {c} |
subject {v} (to cause to undergo) | :: utsätta |
subject matter {n} (object of thought) | :: ämne {n} |
subjugate {v} (to forcibly impose obedience or servitude) | :: underkuva |
subjunctive {n} (subjunctive mood) SEE: subjunctive mood | :: |
subjunctive mode {n} (subjunctive mood) SEE: subjunctive mood | :: |
subjunctive mood {n} (subjunctive mood) | :: konjunktiv {c} |
sublimate {v} (to change from solid to gas) | :: sublimera |
sublimate {v} (psychoanalysis) | :: sublimera |
sublimation {n} (phase transition) | :: sublimering {c} |
sublimation {n} (transformation of an impulse) | :: sublimering {c} |
Sublime Porte {prop} (Ottoman imperial government) | :: Höga porten {c}, Porten {c} |
subliminal message {n} (message under normal perception) | :: subliminal perception |
submachine gun {n} (short range machine gun) | :: kulsprutepistol {c}, kpist {c} |
submanifold {n} (manifold which is a subset of another) | :: delmångfald {c} |
submarine {adj} (undersea) | :: undervattens- |
submarine {n} (undersea boat) | :: ubåt {c}, undervattensbåt {c} |
submenu {n} (secondary menu available through another menu) | :: undermeny {c} |
submission {n} (the act of yielding) | :: underkastelse {c}, undergivenhet {c} |
submission {n} (the thing which has been submitted) | :: inlämning {c} |
submissive {adj} (meekly obedient or passive) | :: lydig, ödmjuk, underdånig, undergiven |
submit {v} (enter or put forward something for approval, consideration, marking etc.) | :: inlämna |
submit {v} (win a fight) | :: underkasta |
submit {v} | :: framlägga |
suborder {n} (taxonomic category) | :: underordning |
subordinate {adj} (placed in a lower class, rank, or position) | :: underordnad |
subordinate {adj} (submissive to or controlled by authority) | :: underordnad |
subordinate {adj} (grammar: dependent) | :: underordnad |
subordinate {v} (to make subservient) | :: underordna |
subordinate clause {n} (a clause that cannot stand alone) | :: bisats {c} |
subpage {n} (a web page that is subordinate to another) | :: undersida {c} |
subproduct {n} (byproduct) SEE: byproduct | :: |
subroutine {n} (a section of code) | :: subrutin {c} |
subscribe {v} (to sign up to receive a publication) | :: prenumerera |
subscribe {v} (to pay for the provision of a service) | :: abonnera |
subscribe {v} (to believe or agree with an idea) | :: skriva under |
subscribe {v} (to agree to buy shares in a company) | :: teckna sig för |
subscriber {n} (a person who subscribes to a publication or a service) | :: abonnent {c}, prenumerant {c} [periodical] |
Subscriber Identity Module {n} (component on a SIM card that stores information to identify a mobile phone user) | :: SIM |
subscription {n} (access to a resource for a period of time) | :: abonnemang {n}, prenumeration {c} |
subsection {n} (Defined part of a section) | :: underavdelning {c} |
subsequent {adj} | :: följande |
subsequently {adv} (subsequently) | :: sedan |
subset {n} (set whose elements are within another given set) | :: delmängd {c} |
subside {v} (to fall into a state of calm; to settle down; to become tranquil; to abate) | :: avta, dö bort, lägga sig, lugna sig |
subsidiary {adj} (auxiliary or supplemental) | :: subsidiär |
subsidiary {n} (company owned by a parent company or a holding company) | :: dotterbolag {n} |
subsidize {v} (assist by granting a subsidy) | :: subventionera |
subsidy {n} (financial support) | :: subvention |
subsistence {n} (means of support) | :: underhåll |
subsistent {adj} (inherent) SEE: inherent | :: |
subsoil {n} (layer of earth below topsoil) | :: alv {c} |
subsonic {adj} ((of a speed) less than the speed of sound) | :: subsonisk, underljuds- |
subspace {n} (subset) | :: underrum {n} |
subspecies {n} (rank in the classification of organisms) | :: underart {c} |
subst. {n} (abbreviation of substantive or its equivalent) | :: subst. {n} |
substance {n} (physical matter; material, see also: matter) | :: ämne {n}, substans {c} |
substance {n} (essential part) | :: substans {c} |
substance {n} (material possessions) | :: resurs {c} |
substance {n} (drugs) | :: substans {c} |
substance abuse {n} (overindulgence in a drug) | :: substansmissbruk |
substantial {adj} | :: väsentlig |
substantially {adv} (in a strong substantial manner; considerably) | :: i allt väsentligt, väsentligen |
substantially {adv} (to a great extent; in essence; essentially) | :: väsentligen, i allt väsentligt |
substantive {n} (noun) SEE: noun | :: |
substantivise {v} (convert into or use as a noun) | :: substantivera |
substation {n} (electrical substation) | :: understation {c} |
substitute {v} (to use in place of something else) | :: ersätta, substituera |
substitute {n} (replacement or stand-in) | :: substitut |
substitute {n} (player who is available to replace another) | :: avbytare {c} |
substitute {v} (to substitute) SEE: replace | :: |
substitutes' bench {n} (the bench on which substitutes sit) | :: avbytarbänk {c} |
substitute teacher {n} (supply teacher) SEE: supply teacher | :: |
substitution {n} (substitute) SEE: substitute | :: |
substitution reaction {n} (reaction) | :: substitutionsreaktion {c} |
substrate {n} (the material or substance on which an enzyme acts) | :: substrat {n} |
substrate {n} (an indigenous language) | :: substrat {n} |
subsume {v} (to place under another as belonging to it) | :: sammanfatta |
subterranean {adj} (below ground, under the earth, underground) | :: underjordisk |
subterraneous {adj} (subterranean) SEE: subterranean | :: |
subtext {n} (implicit meaning of a text) | :: undertext {c} |
subtitle {n} (heading below a title) | :: undertitel {c} |
subtitle {n} (textual versions of the dialog in films) | :: textremsa {c}, undertext {c} |
subtitle {v} (to create subtitles) | :: texta |
subtitler {n} (person) | :: undertextare {c} |
subtle {adj} (hard to grasp) | :: subtil |
subtle {adj} (cleverly contrived) | :: subtil |
subtle {adj} (cunning, skillful) | :: subtil |
subtle {adj} (insidious) | :: subtil |
subtlety {n} (quality or act of being subtle) | :: subtilitet |
subtlety {n} (an instance of being subtle) | :: finess |
subtract {v} (to remove or reduce) | :: subtrahera, dra ifrån |
subtraction {n} (process) | :: subtraktion |
suburb {n} (area on the periphery of a city or large town) | :: förort {c}, förstad {c} |
suburban {adj} (relating to outskirts of a city) | :: förorts- |
subvention {n} (subsidy) SEE: subsidy | :: |
subversion {n} (act of subverting or the condition of being subverted) | :: subversion {c} |
subversion {n} (systematic attempt to overthrow a government by working from within) | :: subversion {c} |
subversive {adj} (intending to subvert) | :: omstörtande, subversiv |
subversive {n} (a radical supporter of political or social revolution) | :: samhällsomstörtare {c} |
subvert {v} (to overthrow) | :: omstörta, störta |
subvertisement {n} (piece of subvertising) SEE: subvert | :: |
subway {n} (underground railway) | :: tunnelbana {c}, T-bana {c} |
subwoofer {n} (a woofer dedicated to the reproduction of low-pitched audio frequencies) | :: subwoofer {c}, sub {c} |
succade {n} (candied citrus peel) | :: suckat {c} |
succeed {v} (To obtain the object desired; to accomplish what is attempted or intended; to have a prosperous issue or termination; to be successful) | :: lyckas |
succeed {v} | :: lyckas |
success {n} (achievement of one's aim or goal) | :: framgång, succé |
successful {adj} (resulting in success) | :: lyckad, framgångsrik |
succession {n} (passing of royal power) | :: tronföljd {c} |
successively {adv} (in a serial manner) | :: successivt |
succinct {adj} (brief and to the point) | :: koncis |
succinctly {adv} (in a succinct manner) | :: koncist |
succuba {n} (a female demon or fiend) SEE: succubus | :: |
succubus {n} (female demon) | :: succuba {c}, succubus {c} |
succumb {v} (to die) | :: dö |
such {determiner} (used to make a comparison with something implied by context) | :: sådan |
such {determiner} (used as an intensifier) | :: så |
such as {prep} (for example) SEE: for example | :: |
such is life {phrase} (used to express the acceptance of misfortune) | :: sånt är livet |
suck {v} (to use the mouth to pull in (liquid etc)) | :: suga |
suck {v} (colloquial: term of general disparagement) | :: suga, vara skit, vara botten, vara värdelös |
suck {n} (sycophant) SEE: sycophant | :: |
sucker {n} (someone or something that sucks) | :: sugare {c} |
sucker {v} (to fool) | :: narra, lura |
sucker {n} (lollipop) SEE: lollipop | :: |
suckle {v} (to give suck to) | :: amma, dia, dägga |
suckle {v} (to nurse; to suck) | :: dia |
suckling {n} (infant that is still breastfeeding) | :: dibarn {n} |
suckling pig {n} | :: spädgris {c} |
suck up {v} (to absorb fluid) | :: suga upp |
suck up {v} (to adulate or flatter excessively) | :: fjäska, smöra, lisma, ställa sig in (hos) |
sucrose {n} (a disaccharide) | :: sackaros {c}, sukros {c} |
suction {n} (the process of creating an imbalance in pressure to draw matter from one place to another) | :: sugning |
Sudan {prop} (Republic of Sudan) | :: Sudan |
Sudanese {adj} (Of, from, or pertaining to the country of Sudan, the Sudanese people or the Sudanese language) | :: sudansk |
Sudanese {n} (person from Sudan or of Sudanese descent) | :: sudanes {c} |
sudden {n} (surprise) SEE: surprise | :: |
sudden {adj} (happening quickly and with little or no warning) | :: plötslig |
sudden infant death syndrome {n} (medical syndrome) | :: plötslig spädbarnsdöd |
suddenly {adv} (happening quickly and with little or no warning) | :: plötsligt, med ens, plötsligen |
Sudetenland {prop} (region in Czechia) | :: Sudetenland {?} |
sudoku {n} (a puzzle using numbers) | :: sudoku |
sudorific {adj} (in a state of perspiration) SEE: sweaty | :: |
suds {n} (lather, foam) | :: lödder |
sue {v} (to file a legal action) | :: stämma |
suede {n} (type of leather) | :: mocka {c} |
Suez Canal {prop} (canal) | :: Suezkanalen |
suffer {v} (undergo hardship) | :: lida |
suffer {v} (feel pain) | :: lida |
suffer {v} (become worse) | :: tillåta, låta |
suffer from {v} (have a disease or condition) | :: lida (av) |
suffering {adj} (experiencing pain) | :: lidande |
suffering {n} (condition) | :: lidande {c} |
suffice {v} (be enough, sufficient, adequate) | :: räcka, förslå |
sufficiency {n} (quality or condition of being sufficient) | :: tillräcklighet {c} |
sufficient {adj} (adequate to wants) | :: tillräcklig |
sufficient {adj} (of competent power or ability) | :: tillräcklig |
sufficient {adj} | :: tillräcklig |
sufficiently {adv} (in a sufficient manner) | :: tillräckligt |
sufficiently {adv} (to a sufficient extent) | :: tillräckligt |
suffix {n} (morpheme added at the end of a word to modify the word's meaning) | :: suffix |
suffocate {v} ((intransitive) to suffer from severely reduced oxygen intake to the body) | :: kvävas |
suffocate {v} ((intransitive) to die due to insufficient oxygen supply to the body) | :: kvävas |
suffocate {v} ((transitive) to cause someone to suffer severely reduced oxygen supply to his body) | :: kväva |
suffocate {v} ((transitive) to kill someone by depriving him of a sufficient oxygen intake) | :: kväva |
suffocation {n} (asphyxia) | :: kvävning {c} |
suffrage {n} (the right to vote) | :: rösträtt {c} |
suffragette {n} (female supporter of women's right to vote) | :: rösträttskvinna {c}, suffragett {c} |
suffragist {n} (suffragette) SEE: suffragette | :: |
sugar {v} (to add sugar to, to sweeten) | :: sockra |
sugar {v} (to make something seem less unpleasant) | :: sockra |
sugar {n} (sucrose from sugar cane or sugar beet and used to sweeten food and drink) | :: socker {n} |
sugar {n} (any of a series of carbohydrates used by organisms to store energy) | :: socker {n} |
sugar {n} (generic term for sucrose, glucose, fructose, etc) | :: socker {n} |
sugar apple {n} (sweetsop) | :: sockerannona |
sugar beet {n} (type of beet) | :: sockerbeta |
sugar cane {n} (species of grass whose sap is a source of sugar) | :: sockerrör {n} |
sugar cube {n} (sugar shaped in cubes) | :: sockerbit {c} |
sugarfree {adj} (sugar-free) SEE: sugar-free | :: |
sugar-free {adj} (not containing sugar) | :: sockerfri |
sugar-loaf {n} (conical block of sugar) | :: sockertopp {c} |
Sugarloaf Mountain {prop} (rocky peak in Rio de Janeiro) | :: Sockertoppen {c} |
sugar pea {n} (mangetout) SEE: mangetout | :: |
sugar-sweet {adj} (sweet like sugar) | :: sockersöt |
sugar water {n} (water sweetened with sugar) | :: sockervatten {n} |
suggest {v} (to imply but stop short of saying directly) | :: antyda |
suggest {v} (to make one suppose) | :: antyda |
suggest {v} (to ask for without demanding) | :: föreslå |
suggest {v} (to recommend) | :: föreslå |
suggestion {n} (something suggested) | :: förslag {n} |
Sugriva {prop} | :: Sugriva |
suicidal {adj} (likely to commit, or to attempt to commit, suicide) | :: självmordsbenägen, suicidal [technical language] |
suicide {n} (instance of killing oneself) | :: självmord {n} |
suicide {n} (person who has killed himself/herself, is killing (is attempting/has attempted to kill) himself/herself) | :: självmördare {c} |
suicide {adj} (to kill oneself intentionally) SEE: commit suicide | :: |
suicide note {n} (message left by a suicide) | :: självmordsbrev {n} |
suit {n} (set of clothes) | :: kostym, dräkt {c} |
suit {n} (card games: set of cards distinguished by color and emblems) | :: färg, svit |
suit {v} (to be appropriate or apt for) | :: passa |
suit {n} (pursuit of love interest) SEE: courtship | :: |
suit {n} (pursuit, chase) SEE: pursuit | :: |
suit {n} (company of attendants or followers) SEE: retinue | :: |
suitable {adj} (appropriate to a certain occasion) | :: lämplig |
suitcase {n} (large piece of luggage) | :: resväska, koffert |
suite {n} (connected series or succession of objects) | :: svit {c} |
suite {n} (group of connected rooms) | :: svit {c} |
suite {n} (musical form pre-dating the sonata) | :: svit {c} |
suite {n} | :: svit |
suit oneself {v} (do whatever you want) | :: skyll dig själv, gör vad du vill |
suitor {n} (wooer) | :: friare {c} |
sukiyaki {n} (a Japanese dish) | :: sukiyaki {c} |
sulfate {n} | :: sulfat {n} |
sulfite {n} (salt of sulfurous acid) | :: sulfit {c} {n} |
sulfur {n} (element) | :: svavel {n} |
sulfur {v} (treat with sulfur) | :: svavla |
sulfur dioxide {n} (the compound SO2) | :: svaveldioxid {c} |
sulfuric {adj} (relating to sulfur) | :: sulfur- |
sulfuric acid {n} (H2SO4) | :: svavelsyra {c} |
sulfur mustard {n} (mustard gas) SEE: mustard gas | :: |
sulfurous acid {n} (the weak acid, H2SO3) | :: svavelsyrlighet {c} |
sulfur trioxide {n} (the compound SO3) | :: svaveltrioxid {c} |
sulk {v} (to express ill humor or offence by remaining sullenly silent or withdrawn) | :: tjura |
sullen {adj} (having a brooding ill temper) | :: surmulen, trumpen |
sulphuric acid {n} (sulfuric acid) SEE: sulfuric acid | :: |
sulphurous acid {n} (sulphurous acid) SEE: sulfurous acid | :: |
sultan {n} (ruler) | :: sultan {c} |
sultanate {n} (state ruled by a sultan) | :: sultanat {c} |
sultan tit {n} (Melanochlora sultanea) | :: sultanmes {c} |
sum {n} (quantity obtained by addition or aggregation) | :: summa {c} |
sum {n} (arithmetic problem) | :: matematikexempel {n}, matematikuppgift {c}, räkneuppgift {c} |
sum {n} (quantity of money) | :: belopp {n}, summa {c} |
sum {n} (central idea or point) | :: kontenta {c}, kärna {c} |
sum {v} (to add together) | :: addera, summera |
sum {n} (basic unit of money in Kyrgyzstan) | :: som {c} |
sum {n} (basic unit of money in Uzbekistan) | :: som {c} |
sum {v} (give a summary of) SEE: summarize | :: |
sum {n} (summary) SEE: summary | :: |
sum {n} (summit) SEE: summit | :: |
sumac {n} (shrub or small tree of the genus Rhus, etc.) | :: sumaksläktet |
Sumerian {prop} (language) | :: sumeriska |
summarily {adv} (in a summary manner) | :: summariskt |
summarize {v} (to prepare a summary) | :: sammanfatta |
summary {adj} (concise) | :: summarisk |
summary {adj} (performed speedily) | :: summarisk |
summary {adj} (cutting the procedures of a normal trial) | :: summarisk |
summary {n} (condensed presentation) | :: sammanfattning {c} |
summer {n} (hottest season) | :: sommar |
summer camp {n} (institution devoted to housing and entertaining children) | :: barnkoloni {c}, kollo {n} [colloquially], sommarläger {n} |
summer solstice {n} (the moment when the hemisphere is most inclined toward the sun) | :: sommarsolstånd {n} |
summer time {n} (daylight saving time) SEE: daylight saving time | :: |
summertime {n} (the period or season of summer) | :: sommartid |
summery {adj} (relating to the summer) | :: somrig, sommar- |
summery {adj} (of weather, typical of summer) | :: sommar-, somrig |
summit {n} (peak, top of mountain) | :: bergstopp, topp {c} |
summit {n} (gathering of leaders) | :: toppmöte {n} [state leaders], ministermöte {n} [ministers/departmental secretaries], ledningsmöte {n} [organisational leaders], möte {n} [gathering] |
summit {v} (to reach the summit) | :: nå toppen |
summon {v} (to call people together) | :: sammankalla |
summon {v} (to ask someone to come) | :: inbjuda |
summons {n} (call to do something, especially to come) | :: kallelse {c} |
summons {n} (notice summoning someone to appear in court) | :: kallelse {c} |
sumo {n} (form of wrestling) | :: sumobrottning {c} |
sumo {n} (sumo wrestler) | :: sumobrottare {c} |
sumptuous {adj} (magnificent, luxurious, splendid) | :: överdådig, luxuös, storslagen, praktfull |
sum up {v} (sum up) SEE: summarize | :: |
sun {prop} (the star around which the Earth revolves, see also: Sun) | :: sol {c} [almost always in the determinative, "solen"] |
sun {n} (a star, especially when seen as the centre of any single solar system) | :: sol {c} |
sun {n} (light and warmth received from the sun) | :: sol {c}, solljus {n} |
sun {n} (sunrise or sunset) | :: soluppgång {c}, solnedgång {c} |
sun {v} (to expose to the warmth and radiation of the sun) | :: sola |
Sun {prop} (star) | :: solen {c} |
sunbathe {v} (to expose one's body to the sun) | :: sola, solbada |
sunbather {n} (person who basks in the sun to get a tan) | :: solbadare {c} |
sunbeam {n} (narrow, intense ray of sunlight) | :: solstråle {c} |
sunbed {n} (tanning device) SEE: tanning bed | :: |
Sundanese {prop} (language) | :: sundanesiska {c} |
Sunday {n} (day of the week) | :: söndag {c} |
Sunday best {n} (person's finest clothing) | :: söndagskläder {c-p} |
Sunday driver {n} (one who drives slowly) | :: söndagsbilist {c}, söndagsförare {c} |
Sunday school {n} (religious school providing education on Sundays) | :: söndagsskola {c} |
sundeck {n} (area used for sunbathing) | :: soldäck |
sundew {n} (group of insectivorous plants) | :: sileshår |
sundial {n} (device noting the time of day by the position of a shadow) | :: solur {n} |
sundown {n} (sunset) SEE: sunset | :: |
sunfish {n} (fish of the family Molidae) | :: klumpfisk, solfisk |
sunflower {n} (flower) | :: solros {c} |
sunflower seed {n} (seed of a sunflower) | :: solrosfrö {n} |
sunglasses {n} (tinted glasses worn to protect the eyes from the sun) | :: solglasögon, solbrillor {c-p} |
sunhat {n} (a hat to protect from the sun) | :: solhatt |
sunlight {n} (electromagnetic radiation given off by the sun) | :: solljus {n} |
sunlit {adj} (illuminated by sunlight) | :: solbelyst |
sunny {adj} (weather, day) | :: solig |
sunny side up {adv} (type of fried egg) | :: stekt ägg |
sunray {n} (sunbeam) SEE: sunbeam | :: |
sunrise {n} (time of day) | :: soluppgång {c} |
sunrise {n} (sky changing color) | :: soluppgång {c} |
sunroof {n} (opening in a vehicle roof) | :: soltak {n} |
sunscreen {n} (cream that protects the skin from the sun) | :: solskyddskräm {c}, solkräm {c}, solskyddsmedel {n} |
sunset {n} (time of day) | :: solnedgång {c} |
sunset {n} (changes in color of sky at sunset) | :: solnedgång {c} |
sunset clause {n} (legal provision) | :: solnedgångsklausul {c} |
sunshade {n} (something to keep the sun off) | :: solskydd {n} |
sunshine {n} (direct rays of the sun) | :: solsken {n} |
sunshine {n} (location on which the sun's rays fall) | :: solsken {n} |
sun shower {n} (rain shower) | :: solregn, vitterväder |
sunspot {n} (region on the sun's surface) | :: solfläck {c} |
sunstroke {n} (heatstroke caused by an excessive exposure to the sun's rays) | :: solsting {n} |
suntan {n} (darkened coloration of the skin) | :: solbränna {c} |
suntan {v} (to attempt to obtain a suntan) | :: sola, solbada |
suntanned {adj} (having a suntan) SEE: tanned | :: |
sunup {n} (time of day) SEE: sunrise | :: |
sunup {n} (change in color of sky) SEE: sunrise | :: |
super {adj} (better than usual) | :: super |
superannuate {v} (to retire due to age) | :: pensionera sig, gå i pension |
superb {adj} (of the highest quality; exceptionally good) | :: storartad |
supercell {n} (severe thunderstorm) | :: supercell {c} |
supercilium {n} (arch of hair) SEE: eyebrow | :: |
supercomputer {n} (computer that has great processing power) | :: superdator {c} |
superconductor {n} (a substance) | :: supraledare {c} |
supercontinent {n} (very large continent in the Earth's past) | :: superkontinent |
supercontinent {n} (one of modern landmasses) | :: superkontinent |
superessive case {n} (case used to indicate location on an object) | :: superessiv |
superficial {adj} (shallow, lacking substance) | :: ytlig |
superficially {adv} (in a superficial manner) | :: ytligt |
superfluity {n} (something superfluous) | :: överflöd |
superfluous {adj} (excess of what is sufficient) | :: överflödig |
superfluousness {n} (superfluity) SEE: superfluity | :: |
Super G {n} (Super Giant Slalom skiing) | :: Super G |
supergrid {n} (wide-area electrical transmission network) | :: supernät {n} |
superhero {n} (a fictional crime-fighting character with superpowers) | :: superhjälte {m} |
superhuman {adj} (beyond what is possible for a human being) | :: övermänsklig |
superintendent {n} (a person who is authorized to supervise, direct or administer something) | :: föreståndare {c}, kommissarie {c} |
superintendent {n} (manager of a building) | :: vicevärd {c} |
superionic {adj} | :: superjonisk |
superior {adj} (higher in rank or quality) | :: överlägsen |
superior {adj} (extraordinary) | :: utmärkt, förstklassig |
superior {n} (person of higher rank) | :: överordnad {c} |
superiority {n} (the state of being superior) | :: överlägsenhet {f} |
super-Jovian {adj} | :: superjovisk |
superlative {n} (form of adjective expressing "most") | :: superlativ {c} |
supermajority {n} (qualified majority) SEE: qualified majority | :: |
Superman {prop} (a fictional character with superhuman powers) | :: Stålmannen |
supermarket {n} (store) | :: stormarknad {c} |
supermodel {n} (famous fashion model) | :: supermodell |
supernal {adj} (pertaining to heaven or to the sky) | :: himmelsk |
supernatural {adj} | :: övernaturlig |
supernova {n} (exploding star) | :: supernova {c} |
supernumerary {n} (extra or walk-on in a play or movie) SEE: walk-on | :: |
superordinate {adj} (greater in degree, rank or position) | :: överordnad |
superorganism {n} (social colony) | :: superorganism |
superpower {n} (sovereign state) | :: supermakt {c}, världsmakt {c}, världsvälde {n}, stormakt {c} |
superpower {n} (fictional extraordinary ability) | :: superkraft {c} |
supersede {v} (set aside) | :: avlysa, avskaffa |
supersede {v} (take the place of) | :: ersätta |
supersede {v} (displace in favour of another) | :: tränga undan |
supersessionism {n} | :: ersättningsteologi {c} |
superstar {n} (very famous person) | :: superstjärna |
superstition {n} (a belief that events may be influenced by one's behaviour in some magical or mystical way) | :: skrock, vidskepelse {c} |
superstitious {adj} (susceptible to superstitions) | :: vidskeplig, superstitiös, skrockfull |
supervillain {n} (a fictional criminal or evil-doer with superpowers) | :: superskurk {c} |
supine {n} (verbal noun) | :: supinum {n} |
supine tense {n} (grammatical tense) | :: supinum {n} |
supper {n} (food before going to bed) | :: kvällsmat |
supper {n} (dinner at night) | :: kvällsmat {c} |
supper {n} (evening meal) | :: middag {c} |
supper {v} (to eat dinner) | :: äta middag |
supplant {v} (to take the place of, to replace) | :: ersätta, avlösa, tränga undan |
supplement {n} (additional section of a newspaper) | :: bilaga {c} |
supplementary {adj} (additional) | :: extra |
suppletive {adj} (which supplies an etymologically unrelated word with forms, or which is used as one of its forms) | :: suppletiv |
supply {v} (to provide, make available for use) | :: förse, tillgodose, leverera |
supply {v} (to furnish or equip with) | :: förse |
supply {v} (to compensate for, make up for a deficiency of) | :: supplera, avhjälpa, gottgöra |
supply {v} (to act as a substitute) | :: supplera [rare] |
supply and demand {n} (economic model of pricing) | :: utbud och efterfrågan |
supply teacher {n} (teacher who fills a temporary position) | :: lärarvikarie {c} |
support {v} (to keep from falling) | :: stötta, stödja, bära upp |
support {v} (to back a cause, party, etc., mentally or with concrete aid) | :: stödja |
support {n} (something which supports) | :: stöd {n} |
support {n} (financial or other help) | :: stöd {n} |
support {n} (answers and resolution of problems) | :: support |
support {n} | :: understöd |
supporter {n} (Person who supports, an adherent) | :: anhängare {c} |
supporter {n} (animal or figure that supports a shield in a coat of arms) | :: sköldhållare {c} |
supportive {adj} (providing support) | :: stöttande |
suppose {v} (conclude; believe) | :: anta, förmoda |
suppose {v} (theorize; hypothesize) | :: anta, förutsätta |
supposed {adj} (presumed to be true, but without proof) | :: förmodad, påstådd, förment |
supposedly {adv} (as a matter of supposition) | :: förment |
supposition {n} (assumption) | :: supposition {c} |
suppository {n} (medicine in the form of a small plug that is inserted into a bodily cavity) | :: stolpiller |
suppress {v} (to hold in place, to keep low) | :: undertrycka |
suppression {n} | :: nedhållande, undertryckande |
supreme court {n} (court of law representing the highest legal authority within a jurisdiction) | :: högsta domstol |
supremum {n} (element of a set greater than or equal to all members of a given subset) | :: supremum |
sura {n} (chapter of the Qur'an) | :: sura {c} |
surcharge {n} (addition of extra charge) | :: påslag, tilläggsavgift {c}, extraavgift {c} |
surcharge {n} (excessive price) | :: överpris |
sure {adj} (certain, reliable) | :: säker |
sure {adj} (certain in one's knowledge or belief) | :: säker |
sure {interj} (of course) | :: självklart, jodå |
surely {adv} (certainly, undoubtedly) | :: säkerligen |
surely {adv} | :: säkerligen |
surety {n} (certainty) SEE: certainty | :: |
surety {n} (law: promise to pay on behalf of another) | :: borgen |
surety {n} (law: one who undertakes such promise) | :: borgensman |
suretyship {n} (agreement) | :: borgen |
surf {v} (to ride a wave) | :: surfa |
surf {v} (to browse the Internet) | :: surfa |
surface {n} (up-side of a flat object) | :: yta |
surface of revolution {n} | :: rotationsyta {c} |
surface tension {n} (the effect on the surface of a liquid) | :: ytspänning {c} |
surface tension {n} (a measure of this effect) | :: ytspänning {c} |
surfactant {n} (lipoprotein that facilitates gas transport in the lungs) | :: surfaktant {c} |
surfboard {n} (a shaped waterproof plank used to surf on waves) | :: surfbräda {c}, surfbräde {n} [dated] |
surfer {n} (surf scoter) SEE: surf scoter | :: |
surf scoter {n} (duck) | :: vitnackad svärta {c} |
surgeon {n} (doctor who performs surgery) | :: kirurg {c} |
surgeonfish {n} (any of many brightly coloured fishes, of the family Acanthuridae) | :: kirurgfisk |
surgery {n} (procedure involving major incisions) | :: operation {c} |
surgery {n} (medical specialty) | :: kirurgi {c} |
surgery {n} (room or department where surgery is performed) | :: operationssal {c} |
surgical {adj} (of or relating to surgery) | :: kirurgisk |
surgical gown {n} (protective plastic gown worn by a surgeon when performing surgery) | :: sjukhuskläder |
surgical stocking {n} (a kind of stocking) | :: stödstrumpa |
Suriname {prop} (country) | :: Surinam |
surjection {n} (function that is a many-to-one mapping) | :: surjektion {c} |
surjective {adj} (of, relating, or being a surjection) | :: surjektiv |
surmise {v} (to imagine or suspect) | :: förmoda, gissa |
surmount {v} (to get over; to overcome) | :: överstiga |
surname {n} (name that indicates family) | :: efternamn {n}, familjenamn {n} |
surpass {v} (to exceed) | :: överskrida, överträffa |
surplice {n} (liturgical vestment) | :: mässkjorta {c} |
surplus {n} (excess, overplus) | :: överskott {n} |
surplus {n} (funds in public treasury greater than ordinary needs) | :: överskott {n} |
surprise {n} (something not expected) | :: överraskning {c} |
surprise {n} (attributively: that is unexpected) | :: överrasknings- |
surprise {n} (feeling that something unexpected has happened) | :: överraskning {c}, förvåning {c} |
surprise {v} (cause (someone) to feel surprise) | :: överraska, förvåna |
surprise {v} (do something to (a person) that they are not expecting, as a surprise) | :: överraska |
surprised {adj} (caused to feel surprise) | :: överraskad |
surprise party {n} (type of party) | :: överraskningsfest |
surprising {adj} (that is or are a surprise) | :: överraskande |
surprisingly {adv} (in a way that causes surprise because it is unexpected, or unusual) | :: överraskande |
surreal {adj} (having the intense reality of a dream) | :: overklig, drömsk |
surreal {adj} | :: surreella tal |
surrealism {n} (artistic movement and aesthetic philosophy) | :: surrealism |
surrender {v} (transitive: to give up into the power, control, or possession of another) | :: ge upp |
surrender {v} (intransitive or reflexive: to give oneself up into the power of another) | :: ge sig |
surreptitious {adj} (stealthy, furtive, well hidden, covert) | :: dold |
surreptitiously {adv} (in a surreptitious manner) | :: i smyg |
surround {v} (to encircle something or simultaneously extend in all directions) | :: omge |
surround {v} (to enclose to prevent escape) | :: omringa |
surround {v} | :: omringa |
surround {v} (surround, fence in) SEE: enclose | :: |
surrounding {adj} (which surrounds something) | :: kringliggande |
surströmming {n} (traditional Swedish delicacy made from fermented Baltic herring) | :: surströmming {c} |
surveil {v} (To keep someone or something under surveillance) | :: övervaka |
surveillance {n} (observation of individuals or groups of individuals) | :: bevakning {n}, bevarande {n}, övervakning {n} |
surveillance camera {n} (CCTV camera) | :: övervakningskamera |
survey {n} (an examination) | :: granskning, besiktning, inspektion |
surveying {n} (science of accurately determining the position of points) | :: lantmäteri {n} |
surveyor {n} (person occupied with the process of determining positions on the Earth's surface) | :: lantmätare {c} |
survive {v} (person: continue to live) | :: överleva |
survivor {n} (one who survives) | :: överlevare {c}, överlevande {c} |
survivor {n} (one who knew a specific decedent) | :: efterlevande {c} |
Susan {prop} (female given name) | :: Susanna |
Susanna {prop} (female given name) SEE: Susan | :: |
Susanna {prop} (biblical character) | :: Susanna |
susceptible {adj} (likely to be affected by) | :: känslig, mottaglig |
sushi {n} (Japanese dish) | :: sushi {c} |
suspect {v} (believe to be guilty) | :: misstänka |
suspect {n} (person suspected of something) | :: misstänkt {c} |
suspended {adj} (interrupted or delayed) | :: avbruten, pausad |
suspended {adj} (hung from above) | :: upphängd, hängande |
suspender {n} (an item used hold up trousers) | :: hängslen {p} |
suspenders {n} (trouser supporter) SEE: suspender | :: |
suspenders {n} (stocking supporter) SEE: garter | :: |
suspension {n} (temporary or conditional delay, interruption or discontinuation) | :: suspendering {c} |
suspension {n} (act of keeping a person listening in doubt and expectation) | :: spänning {c} |
suspension {n} (vehicle: system of springs and shock absorbers connected to the wheels in an automobile) | :: upphängning {c} |
suspension bridge {n} (bridge where the deck or roadway is suspended from cables) | :: hängbro |
suspicion {n} (act of suspecting something or someone, especially of something wrong) | :: misstanke {c} |
suspicion {n} (condition of being suspected) | :: misstanke {c} |
suspicion {n} (slight indication) | :: misstanke {c} |
suspicion {n} | :: misstanke |
suspicious {adj} (arousing suspicion) | :: misstänklig |
suspicious {adj} (distrustful) | :: misstrogen, misstänksam |
sustain {v} (to maintain something) | :: vidhålla |
sustainability {n} (ability to sustain something) | :: hållbarhet {c}, uthållighet {c}, långsiktighet {c} |
sustainability {n} (ecological sense) | :: hållbarhet {c}, bärkraft {c} |
sustainable {adj} (able to be sustained) | :: hållbar |
sustainable {adj} (able to be sustained: environmental term) | :: hållbar |
sustainable development {n} (development seeking to economic growth while ensuring future generations' ability to do the same, by not exceeding natural regenerative capacity) | :: hållbar utveckling {c} |
sutra {n} (a rule or thesis in Sanskrit grammar or Hindu law or philosophy) | :: sutra {c} |
suzerain {n} (feudal landowner) | :: länsherre |
Svalbard {prop} (islands north east of Greenland) | :: Svalbard |
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands {prop} (two distinct dependencies of Norway) | :: Svalbard och Jan Mayen |
Svan {prop} (language) | :: svanetiska {c} |
svarabhakti {n} (epenthesis of a vowel) | :: svarabhakti {c} |
svelte {adj} (attractively thin, slender) | :: slank, smärt, smäcker |
swab {n} (A mop, especially on a ship) | :: svabb |
swab {v} (To use a swab on something, or clean something with a swab) | :: svabba, moppa, våttorka |
Swabian {adj} (of or pertaining to Swabia) SEE: Swabish | :: |
Swabian {adj} (of or pertaining to a Swabian, Swabians) SEE: Swabish | :: |
Swabian {adj} (of or pertaining to the Swabian dialect) SEE: Swabish | :: |
Swabian {prop} (dialect) SEE: Swabish | :: |
Swabian {n} (person) SEE: Swabish | :: |
Swabish {adj} (of or pertaining to the Swabian dialect) | :: schwabisk |
Swabish {prop} (dialect) | :: schwabiska {c} |
Swadesh list {n} (lists of vocabulary) | :: swadeshlista {c}, Swadesh-lista {c} |
swag {v} ((slang) style; a fashionable appearance or manner) | :: stil {c}, klass |
swallow {v} (to cause to pass from the mouth into the stomach) | :: svälja |
swallow {v} (to take in, to consume) | :: sluka |
swallow {v} (to make muscular contractions of the oesophagus) | :: svälja |
swallow {v} (to believe or accept) | :: svälja |
swallow {v} (to put up with; to bear patiently or without retaliation) | :: svälja |
swallow {n} (a chasm or abyss) | :: svalg {n} |
swallow {n} (bird) | :: svala, ladusvala |
swamp {n} (type of wetland) | :: myr {c}, kärr {n}, sumpmark {c}, mosse {c}, träsk {c} |
swamp {v} (overwhelm) | :: översvämma |
swan {n} (waterfowl of the genus Cygnus) | :: svan {c} |
swan song {n} (a final performance) | :: svanesång {c} |
swarm {n} (large number of insects) | :: svärm {c} |
swarthy {adj} (dark) SEE: dark | :: |
swarthy {adj} (tawny) SEE: tawny | :: |
swarthy {adj} (dark-skinned) SEE: dark-skinned | :: |
swastika {n} (a cross with arms of equal length all bent halfway along at a 90° angle) | :: hakkors {n}, svastika {c} |
Swazi {prop} (Bantu language) | :: siSwati |
Swaziland {prop} (Kingdom of Swaziland, see also: eSwatini) | :: Swaziland |
swear {v} (to take an oath) | :: svära, svärja |
swear {v} (to curse, to use offensive language) | :: svära |
swear like a pagan {v} (swear very rudely) SEE: swear like a trooper | :: |
swear like a sailor {v} (swear very rudely) SEE: swear like a trooper | :: |
swear like a trooper {v} | :: svära som en borstbindare |
swear word {n} (impolite or offensive taboo word) | :: svordom {c}, svärord {n} [colloquial] |
sweat {n} (fluid that exits the body through pores) | :: svett {c} |
sweat {v} (to emit sweat) | :: svettas |
sweater {n} (similar garment worn for warmth) | :: tröja {c} |
sweat gland {n} (exocrine gland) | :: svettkörtel {c} |
sweating {n} (bodily process) | :: svettning |
sweat like a pig {v} (sweat profusely) | :: svettas som en gris |
sweatpants {n} (cotton trousers) | :: mjukisbyxor {c-p} |
sweaty {adj} (covered in sweat) | :: svettig {c} |
swede {n} (turnip) SEE: turnip | :: |
swede {n} (yellow root of Brassica napus) SEE: rutabaga | :: |
swede {n} (plant) SEE: rutabaga | :: |
Swede {n} (person from Sweden or of Swedish descent) | :: svensk {c} [males, or if gender is not important], svenska {c} [females, only if gender is important], svenne {c} [usually derogatory] |
Sweden {prop} (Scandinavian country) | :: Sverige {n} |
Swedenborgianism {n} (Christian denomination influenced by Swedenborg) | :: swedenborgianism {c} |
Swedish {prop} (language) | :: svenska {c} |
Swedish {adj} (of or pertaining to Sweden) | :: svensk |
Swedish {adj} (of or pertaining to the Swedish language) | :: svensk, svenskspråkig |
Swedish drink {n} (torture involving consuming liquids) | :: svenskdrycken {c} |
Swedish massage {n} (style of massage) | :: svensk massage {c} |
Swedish mile {n} (unit of measure) | :: mil {c} |
Swedish turnip {n} (Brassica napus var. napobrassica) SEE: rutabaga | :: |
Swedophile {n} (person) | :: svekofil {c} |
Swedophone {adj} (Swedish-speaking) | :: svensktalande, svenskspråkig |
sweep {v} (to clean using a broom or brush) | :: sopa, svepa |
sweep {n} (chimney sweep) SEE: chimney sweep | :: |
sweeper {n} (in soccer) | :: libero {c} |
sweet {adj} (having a pleasant taste) | :: söt |
sweet {adj} (having a taste of sugar) | :: söt |
sweet {adj} (containing a sweetening ingredient) | :: söt, sötad |
sweet {adj} (of a wine: retaining a portion of sugar) | :: söt |
sweet {adj} (not having a salty taste) | :: frisk, färsk, osaltad, söt [water] |
sweet {adj} (having a pleasant smell) | :: behaglig, doftande, härlig, ljuvlig, mild, väldoftande |
sweet {adj} (not decaying, rancid, sour, spoiled, or stale) | :: frisk, färsk |
sweet {adj} (having a pleasant sound) | :: ljuv, melodisk, vacker, välljudande |
sweet {adj} (having a pleasing disposition) | :: behaglig, intagande, ljuv, gullig, näpen, söt, älsklig, älskvärd |
sweet {adj} (having a helpful disposition) | :: hjälpsam, rar, vänlig, omtänksam |
sweet {adj} (free from excessive unwanted substances) | :: frisk, ren, söt |
sweet {adv} (in a sweet manner) | :: ljuvligt, härligt, sött, underbart, vackert |
sweet {n} (sugary confection) | :: karamell {c}, godsak {c}, godis {n}, snask {n}, sötsak {c} |
sweet {n} (food eaten for dessert) SEE: dessert | :: |
sweet {n} (basic taste sensation induced by sugar) SEE: sweetness | :: |
sweetbread {n} (pancreas or thymus gland of an animal as food) | :: kalvbräss |
sweet cherry {n} (Prunus avium) SEE: wild cherry | :: |
sweet dreams {phrase} (sweet dreams) | :: dröm sött, sov sött, sov gott |
sweeten {v} (to make sweet to the taste) | :: söta |
sweetener {n} (food additive) | :: sötningsmedel |
sweetheart {n} (darling) SEE: darling | :: |
sweetie {n} (sweetheart) | :: sötnos |
sweetie {n} (type of fruit) | :: sweetie |
sweetleaf {n} (plant of the genus Stevia) SEE: stevia | :: |
sweetly {adv} (in a sweet or pleasant manner) | :: sött |
sweetmeat {n} (sweet delicacy) | :: sötsak {c} |
sweetness {n} (condition of being sweet or sugary) | :: sötma {c} |
sweet pepper {n} (fruit) SEE: bell pepper | :: |
sweet potato {n} (yam) SEE: yam | :: |
sweet potato {n} (ocarina) SEE: ocarina | :: |
sweet potato {n} (tuber) | :: sötpotatis, batat |
sweets {n} (confectionery, candy) | :: godis {n} |
sweetshop {n} (shop selling predominantly confectionery) | :: godisaffär {c}, godisbutik {c} |
sweetsop {n} (sugar apple) SEE: sugar apple | :: |
sweetwater {n} (fresh water) SEE: fresh water | :: |
sweet woodruff {n} (Asperula odorata) | :: myskmadra |
swell {v} (intransitive: to become bigger, especially due to being engorged) | :: svälla |
swell {n} (series of waves, lasting after the wind has ceased) | :: svall {n}, dyning |
Swenglish {n} (English with Swedish influence) | :: svengelska {c} |
Swenglish {n} (Swedish with English influence) | :: svengelska {c} |
swerve {v} (to turn aside or deviate to avoid impact) | :: väja, gira |
swidden {n} (area cleared and burnt for cultivation) | :: sved {c} |
swift {n} (bird) | :: tornseglare |
swift {n} (swift moth) SEE: swift moth | :: |
swift moth {n} (any moth of the family Hepialidae) | :: rotfjäril {c} |
swig {n} (a drink) | :: stor klunk, slurk |
swim {v} (move through water) | :: simma |
swim {n} (act or instance of swimming) | :: simtur {c} |
swim cap {n} (cap worn by swimmers) | :: badmössa {c} |
swimmer {n} (one who swims) | :: simmare {m}, simmerska {f} |
swimming {n} (human activity of moving oneself through water) | :: simning {c} |
swimming costume {n} (garment for swimming) SEE: swimsuit | :: |
swimmingly {adv} (in a very favourable manner) | :: med god fortgång |
swimming pool {n} (pool for swimming) | :: simbassäng {c} |
swimming pool {n} (indoor facility for swimming) | :: simhall {c} |
swimming trunks {n} (a pair of shorts or briefs worn for swimming or bathing) | :: badbyxor |
swimmist {n} (swimmer) SEE: swimmer | :: |
swimsuit {n} (garment worn for swimming) | :: badkläder {c-p}, badplagg {n} |
swimsuit {n} (tight-fitting one-piece garment) | :: baddräkt {c} |
swimwear {n} (clothing for swimming) SEE: swimsuit | :: |
swindle {v} (to defraud someone) | :: svindla, bedra |
swindle {v} (to obtain money or property by fraudulent or deceitful methods) | :: svindla |
swindle {n} (an instance of swindling) | :: svindel, bedrägeri |
swindler {n} (person who swindles, cheats or defrauds) | :: svindlare |
swine {n} (pig) SEE: pig | :: |
swine {n} (contemptible person) | :: svin |
swine flu {n} (influenza caused by orthomyxoviruses) | :: svininfluensa {c} |
swineherd {n} (person who herds and tends swine, keeper of swine/pigs) | :: svinaherde {c} |
swine influenza {n} (swine flu) SEE: swine flu | :: |
swing {v} (to rotate about an off-centre fixed point) | :: gunga, svinga |
swing {v} (to ride on a swing) | :: gunga |
swing {v} (to move an object backward and forward) | :: svinga |
swing {n} (hanging seat) | :: gunga |
swing {n} | :: swing |
swing shift {n} | :: kvällsskift {n}, eftermiddagsskift {n} |
swing state {n} (A state which may vote Democratic or Republican) | :: vågmästarstat {c} |
swipe {v} (to snatch) | :: sno, stjäla |
swipe {v} (to interact with a touch screen) | :: svajpa |
Swiss {adj} (of or pertaining to Switzerland) | :: schweizisk |
Swiss {adj} (of or pertaining to the Swiss people) | :: schweizisk |
Swiss {adj} (of or pertaining to Swiss language(s) or Swiss dialect(s)) | :: schweizisk |
Swiss {n} (Swiss person) | :: schweizare {c}, schweiziska {c} |
Swiss Army knife {n} (type of pocket knife) | :: schweizisk armékniv {c} |
Swiss chard {n} (chard) SEE: chard | :: |
Swiss cheese {n} (cheese with holes) | :: schweizerost {c} |
Swiss Confederation {prop} (Official name of Switzerland) | :: Schweiziska edsförbundet {n} |
Swiss franc {n} (currency of Switzerland) | :: schweizerfranc {c}, schweizisk franc {c} |
Swiss pine {n} (Pinus cembra) | :: cembratall {c} |
Swiss roll {n} (type of sponge cake roll) | :: rolad, rulltårta {c} |
switch {n} (device to turn electric current on and off) | :: strömbrytare {c}, brytare {c} |
switch {n} (movable section of railroad track) | :: växel {c} |
switch {n} (thin rod used as a whip) | :: spö {n} |
switch {n} (command line notation) | :: växel {c} |
switch {n} (system allowing the interconnection of telephone lines) | :: växel {c} |
switch {n} (networking device) | :: switch {c} |
switch {v} (to exchange) | :: byta, ändra |
switch {v} (to change (something) to the specified state using a switch) | :: växla, koppla, knäppa, stänga, slå, släcka, tända |
switch {v} (to hit with a switch (rod)) | :: slå, piska |
switch {v} (to change places or tasks) | :: byta |
switchblade {n} (a folding knife with a blade which opens automatically (under spring pressure) when a button is pressed) | :: stilett {c}, springkniv {c} |
switchboard {n} (electronic panel used to direct telephone calls) | :: telefonväxel, växel |
switchboard {n} (electronic device) | :: elcentral, gruppcentral |
switchhook {n} (telephone button to terminate the call) | :: klyka {c} |
switch off {v} (turn switch to off position) | :: stänga av |
switch on {v} (to turn a switch to the "on" position) | :: sätta på |
Switzerland {prop} (sovereign country) | :: Schweiz |
SWLing {n} | :: kortvågslyssning {c}, DX-ing {c} |
swole {adj} (upset) SEE: upset | :: |
swole {adj} (of the penis: erect; of a person: with an erection of the penis) SEE: erect | :: |
swole {adj} (having large, well-developed muscles) SEE: muscular | :: |
swoon {n} (infatuation) SEE: infatuation | :: |
swoon {n} (a faint) | :: svimning, svimningsanfall |
swoon {v} (to faint) | :: svimma |
swoon {v} (to be overwhelmed by emotion) | :: dåna |
swoosh {v} (to move with rushing or swirling sound) | :: svischa, susa, vina |
sword {n} (weapon) | :: svärd {n} |
swordfighting {n} (swordplay) SEE: swordplay | :: |
swordfish {n} (Xiphias gladius) | :: svärdfisk |
sword of Damocles {n} (thing or situation which causes a prolonged state of impending doom or misfortune) | :: damoklessvärd {n} |
swordplay {n} (fighting with a sword) | :: svärdkamp |
sword swallower {n} (person who swallows swords) | :: svärdslukare {c} |
sworn {adj} (Given under oath) | :: svuren |
Sybil {prop} (female given name) SEE: Sibyl | :: |
sycamore {n} (sycamore maple) SEE: sycamore maple | :: |
sycamore maple {n} (Acer pseudoplatanus) | :: tysklönn |
sycophant {n} (one who uses compliments to gain self-serving favor or advantage from another person.) | :: smickrare {c}, sykofant {c}, lismare {c} |
sycophantic {adj} (obsequious, flattering, toadying) | :: lismande, smickrande |
Sydney {prop} (in Australia) | :: Sydney |
syenite {n} (obsolete: granite) SEE: granite | :: |
Sykes's warbler {n} (Iduna rama) | :: saxaulsångare {c} |
syllable {n} (unit of speech) | :: stavelse {c} |
syllabus {n} (summary of topics) | :: studieplan {n} |
syllogism {n} (inference from premises) | :: syllogism {c}, slutledning |
sylph {n} (The elemental being of air) | :: sylf |
sylph {n} (A slender girl) | :: sylfid {c} |
symbiotic {adj} (biology: living together) | :: symbiotisk |
symbol {n} (character or glyph) | :: symbol {c}, tecken {n} |
symbol {n} (object meant to represent another) | :: symbol {c} |
symbol {v} (symbolize) SEE: symbolize | :: |
symbolism {n} (representation of a concept) | :: symbolik {c} |
symbolize {v} (To be symbolic of; to represent) | :: symbolisera |
symmetric {adj} (symmetrical) SEE: symmetrical | :: |
symmetrical {adj} (exhibiting symmetry) | :: symmetrisk |
symmetry {n} (correspondence on either side of a dividing line, plane, center or axis) | :: symmetri {c} |
sympathetic {adj} (of, related to, showing, or characterized by sympathy) | :: sympatisk |
sympathetic nervous system {n} (sympathetic nervous system) | :: sympatiska nervsystemet |
sympathy {n} (ability to share the feelings of another; empathy) | :: empati {c} |
sympathy {n} | :: medkänsla |
symphonic {adj} (characteristic of a symphony) | :: symfonisk |
symphonist {n} (composer of symphonies) | :: symfoniker {c} |
symphony {n} (piece of orchestral music) | :: symfoni {c} |
symphony orchestra {n} (large orchestra that traditionally plays Western classical orchestral music) | :: symfoniorkester {c} |
symptom {n} (something that indicates a disease or disorder) | :: symptom {n}, symtom {n} |
symptom {n} (figuratively: indicator of something) | :: symptom, symtom {n} |
synaesthesia {n} (neurological or psychological phenomenon) | :: synestesi {c} |
synaesthesia {n} (literary or artistic device) | :: synestesi {c} |
synagogue {n} (Jewish place of worship) | :: synagoga {c} |
synapse {n} (junction between neurons) | :: synaps {c} |
sync {v} (synchronize) SEE: synchronize | :: |
sync {n} (synchronization) SEE: synchronization | :: |
synchronic {adj} (relating to the study of a language at only one point in its history) | :: synkronisk, synkron |
synchronisation {n} (synchronisation) SEE: synchronization | :: |
synchronised skating {n} (figure skating in a team) | :: teamåkning {c} |
synchronised swimming {n} (swimming event) | :: konstsim, synkroniserad simning |
synchronization {n} (the state or property of being synchronized) | :: synkronisering {c} |
synchronize {v} (cause two events to have coordinated timing) | :: synkronisera |
synchronized skating {n} (figure skating in a team) | :: teamåkning {c} |
synchronous {adj} (at the same time) | :: synkron |
syncopate {v} (music: to stress a weak beat) | :: synkopera |
syncopation {n} (rhythm quality) | :: synkop {c} |
syncope {n} (absence of a sound) | :: synkope |
syncope {n} (missed beat or off-beat stress) | :: synkop {c} |
syncretism {n} (fusion of different systems or beliefs) | :: synkretism {c} |
syndicalism {n} (the belief that capitalism should be replaced with labor unions) | :: syndikalism {n} |
syndicate {n} (group of individuals or companies) | :: bolag |
syndrome {n} (recognizable pattern of symptoms or behaviours) | :: syndrom {n} |
synergy {n} (behavior of a system that cannot be predicted by the behavior of its parts) | :: synergi {c}, synergieffekt {c} |
synergy {n} | :: synergi {c} |
synod {n} (ecclesiastic council or meeting) | :: synod {c} |
synonym {n} (word with same meaning as another) | :: synonym {c}, liktyding {c} |
synonym {n} (in zoological nomenclature) | :: synonym {c}, vetenskaplig synonym {c}, namnsynonym {c} |
synonym {n} (in botanical nomenclature) | :: synonym {c}, vetenskaplig synonym {c}, namnsynonym {c} |
synonymous {adj} (having a similar meaning) | :: synonym |
synonymous {adj} (of, or being a synonym) | :: synonym |
synonymously {adv} (in a synonymous way) | :: synonymt |
synonymy {n} (quality of being synonymous) | :: synonymi {c} |
synopsis {n} (brief summary) | :: sammanfattning {c}, synopsis {c}, sammandrag {n} |
synoptic {adj} (meteorology: obtained simultaneously over a wide area) | :: synoptisk |
syntactic salt {n} | :: syntaktiskt salt {n} |
syntactic sugar {n} | :: syntaktiskt socker {n} |
syntagma {n} (syntactic arrangement) | :: syntagm |
syntagma {n} (semiotic arrangement) | :: syntagm |
syntagmatarchy {n} (square formation of 256 soldiers) SEE: syntagma | :: |
syntagmatic {adj} (of a syntagma) | :: syntagmatisk |
syntax {n} (set of rules that govern how words are combined) | :: syntax {c}, grammatik {c} |
syntax {n} (formal rules of a computer language) | :: syntax {c}, grammatik {c} |
syntax {n} (study of the structure of phrases and sentences) | :: syntax {c}, grammatik {c} |
syntaxis {n} (syntax) SEE: syntax | :: |
synthesis {n} | :: syntes {c} |
synthesize {v} (To combine things to produce a new, more complex product) | :: syntetisera |
synthesize {v} (To be combined producing a new, more complex product) | :: syntetisera |
synthesize {v} (To produce a substance by chemical synthesis) | :: syntetisera |
synthesize {v} (To be produced a by chemical synthesis) | :: syntetisera |
synthesizer {n} (music: an electronic keyboard instrument) | :: synthesizer |
syphilis {n} (sexual disease caused by Treponema pallidum) | :: syfilis |
Syria {prop} (country in the Middle East) | :: Syrien |
Syriac {prop} (language) | :: syriska {c} |
Syriac {n} (Syriac Orthodox Church member) | :: syrian |
Syrian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Syria, the Syrian people or the Syrian language) | :: syrisk |
Syrian {n} (a person from Syria or of Syrian descent) | :: syrier {c} |
Syrian Arab Republic {prop} (official name of Syria) | :: Syriska arabiska republiken {c} |
syringe {n} (hypodermic syringe) | :: spruta {c} |
syrup {n} (thick liquid that has a high sugar content) | :: sirap |
syrupy {adj} | :: sliskig |
system {n} (collection of organized things; whole composed of relationships among its members) | :: system {n} |
systematic {adj} (carried out using a planned, ordered procedure) | :: systematisk |
systematic {adj} (methodical, regular and orderly) | :: systematisk |
systemic circulation {n} (part of blood circulation) | :: systemkretsloppet {n}, stora kretsloppet {n} |
system of equations {n} (set of equations) | :: ekvationssystem {n} |
systems theory {n} (field of science) | :: systemteori {c} |
systems theory {n} (study) | :: systemteori {c} |
systems theory {n} (collection of methods) | :: systemteori {c} |
systole {n} (contraction of the heart) | :: systole |
systolic {adj} (of or relating to systole) | :: systolisk |
syzygy {n} (astronomical conjunction) | :: syzygie {c}, konjunktion {c} |
syzygy {n} | :: konjunktion {c} |