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From uppseende (attention, stir) +‎ väckande (awakening). Compare Danish opsigtsvækkende, German aufsehenerregend, Dutch opzienbarend.


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uppseendeväckande (comparative mer uppseendeväckande, superlative mest uppseendeväckande)

  1. startling, striking, sensational, attention-grabbing (often of something negative)
    Hans bok innehöll många uppseendeväckande avslöjanden
    His book contained many startling revelations (revelations that drew attention (and caused a stir) due to their nature)

Usage notes


Not quite as strong as startling, striking, and the like in itself. The intuition is closer to "arousing surprised (negative) attention." Often great stir is implied though, making startling, striking, and the like sensible translations.

See also


