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Etymology 1

gräddfil 1 (left)

Attested since 1952 according to Nationalencyklopedins ordbok. From grädde (cream) + fil (soured milk).



gräddfil c

  1. Sour cream.
    Glöm inte att köpa gräddfil till sillen.
    "Don't forget to buy sour cream for the herring."
Declension of gräddfil
nominative genitive
singular indefinite gräddfil gräddfils
definite gräddfilen gräddfilens
plural indefinite
See also

Etymology 2

gräddfil 2 (left)

Attested since 1983 according to Nationalencyklopedins ordbok. From grädda (cream (of society)) + fil (lane). Formed by influence of etymology 1.



gräddfil c

  1. (colloquial, ironic) A traffic lane for certain types of vehicles, such as car pooling automobiles, buses and taxi cabs; car pool lane.
    Har man råd att åka taxi får man alltid åka i den förbannade gräddfilen.
    "If you can afford a taxi you can always go in the damned car pool lane."
  2. (colloquial, ironic) A collective term for the various methods through which privileged individuals can attain benefits such as housing, schooling, employment, etc.
    Hans föräldrar är höga partipolitiker, så han har fått åka i gräddfilen hela sitt liv.
    "Since his parents are high-ranking party politicians, he's been privileged all his life."
See also

Further reading
