User:Matthias Buchmeier/hu-en-a
# Hungarian :: English dictionary generated from
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# Version :: 20200901
# Size :: 38256 Hungarian glosses; 61089 English translations
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-a- {interfix} | :: A suffix-initial vowel (or linking vowel) inserted interconsonantally between the word stem and the suffix, to ease pronunciation, without contributing to the meaning |
-a {suffix} [possessive suffix] | :: his, her, its, -'s, of (third-person singular, single possession) |
-a {suffix} [possessive suffix, after a plural possessor] | :: -s', of…-s (third-person plural, single possession) |
-a {suffix} [with time expressions, referring to a point in time] | :: ago |
-a {suffix} [with time expressions, referring to a duration of time preceding the point of time in question] | :: for |
-a {suffix} [mostly with quantities, often following -ik] | :: of, out of (partitive sense) |
-a {suffix} [personal suffix, archaic] | :: Used to form an archaic past tense, in third-person singular, indefinite conjugation, for back-vowel verbs. The front-vowel version is -e#Etymology_3_4. The suffix currently used in this place is -t, -tt, or -ott. For the full paradigm, see the usage template |
a {art} | :: the |
a {art} [before some time phrases] | :: this |
a {pron} [rare, except before postpositions] | :: that |
a {determiner} [very, rare, only in some fixed phrases beginning with a consonant, as a counterpart of az, followed by no article] | :: that |
a {letter} | :: letter: a |
A {letter} | :: letter: a |
-á- {interfix} | :: A suffix-initial vowel (or linking vowel) inserted interconsonantally between the word stem and the suffix, to ease pronunciation, without contributing to the meaning |
-á {suffix} [personal suffix, archaic] | :: Used to form an archaic past tense, in third-person singular, definite conjugation, for back-vowel verbs. The front-vowel version is -é. The suffix currently used in this place is -ta. For the full paradigm, see the usage template |
á {interj} | :: oh, ah (expression of surprise) |
á {interj} | :: oh (expression of dismissiveness, disagreement, or disbelief) |
á {letter} | :: letter: á |
Á {letter} | :: letter: á |
Aba {prop} | :: given name |
a baj nem jár egyedül {proverb} | :: when it rains, it pours, it never rains but it pours, misfortunes never come singly (unfortunate events occur in quantity) |
abakusz {n} | :: abacus (an instrument for performing arithmetical calculations by balls sliding on wires) |
abakusz {n} [architecture] | :: abacus (the uppermost member or division of the capital of a column) |
-abb {suffix} [comparative suffix] | :: -er, more |
abba- {prefix} [verbal prefix] | :: It indicates an action that is no longer continued |
abbahagy {vt} | :: to stop, to cease, to quit, to discontinue something |
abbamarad {vi} | :: to stop, cease, break off |
ábécé {n} | :: alphabet (an ordered set of letters used in a language) |
ábécé {n} [colloquial] | :: convenience store |
Ábel {prop} | :: given name |
aberráció {n} | :: aberration |
abház {n} | :: Abkhaz (person) |
abház {n} [singular only] | :: Abkhaz (language) |
Abigél {prop} | :: given name |
abiogén {adj} [biology] | :: abiogenic (not produced or derived by means of living organisms) |
a biztonság kedvéért {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: to be on the safe side |
ablak {n} | :: window (opening on a building or vehicle, usually covered by one or more panes of glass) |
ablak {n} | :: teller window, ticket window (windowed part of a counter where transactions are made in a bank, post office, etc.) |
ablak {n} [computing] | :: program window (rectangular area on a computer screen displaying the output of a program) |
ablak {n} [figurative] | :: window (period of time when something can be done due to favorable circumstances) |
ablak {n} | :: window (rectangular cutout on the front of an envelope allowing the recipient's address to show through) |
ablak {n} [historical, colloquial] | :: exit permit issued under the Soviet regime in the form of a passport stamp valid for one trip |
ablakcsa {n} [obsolete] | :: little window |
ablakdeszka {n} | :: windowsill |
ablakpárkány {n} | :: windowsill |
ablaktalan {adj} | :: windowless |
ablaktalanság {n} | :: windowlessness |
ablaktörlő {n} | :: wiper (a towel that is used for wiping windows) |
ablaktörlő {n} | :: windshield wiper (US), windscreen wiper (UK) |
ablaküveg {n} | :: windowpane (a piece of glass filling a window or a section of a window) |
abnormális {adj} | :: abnormal (not conforming to rule or system; deviating from the usual or normal type) |
abnormális {adj} | :: abnormal (of or pertaining to that which is irregular, in particular, behaviour that deviates from norms of social propriety or accepted standards of mental health) |
abortál {vi} | :: to abort, miscarry (to bring forth a non-living offspring prematurely) |
abortálás {n} | :: abortion (the expulsion from the womb of a fetus or embryo) |
abortusz {n} | :: abortion |
ábra {n} | :: figure, illustration |
ábra {n} | :: graph |
Ábrahám {prop} | :: Abraham (prophet in the Old Testament) |
Ábrahám {prop} | :: given name |
abrak {n} | :: fodder (food for animals) |
ábránd {n} | :: fancy, fantasy, reverie, dream, daydream (fanciful series of thoughts not connected to immediate reality) |
ábránd {n} [music] | :: fantasia |
ábrándozik {vi} | :: to daydream, dream (to indulge in wishful thinking) |
ábrándvilág {n} | :: dreamworld, dreamland |
ábráz {n} [obsolete] | :: image |
ábráz {v} [obsolete] | :: to illustrate |
ábrázat {n} | :: countenance, facial expression |
ábrázol {vt} | :: to represent, picture, depict, portray |
ábrázol {vt} | :: to depict, describe |
ábrázol {vt} [of actors] | :: play, perform |
ábrázolás {n} | :: representation, portrayal, description, delineation, depiction |
ábrázoló geometria {n} [mathematics] | :: descriptive geometry (branch of geometry) |
Ábris {prop} | :: given name |
abroncs {n} | :: hoop (of a barrel) |
abroncs {n} [e.g. on a cart, train etc. wheel] | :: ring |
abroncs {n} [slightly, formal] | :: tyre |
abrosz {n} | :: tablecloth (a cloth used to cover and protect a table) |
abrosz {n} [obsolete] | :: map |
abszint {n} | :: absinth, absinthe (anise-flavored liquor) |
abszolút {adj} | :: absolute |
abszolút {adv} | :: absolutely |
abszolút érték {n} [mathematics] | :: absolute value |
abszolút hőmérséklet {n} [physics] | :: absolute temperature |
abszolutórium {n} | :: graduation exam (a formal final test concluding one's studies in a university or college) |
abszolutórium {n} | :: diploma (a document issued by a university or college testifying that the recipient has earned a degree) |
abszorpció {n} [physics] | :: absorption |
absztinencia {n} | :: abstinence |
absztrakció {n} | :: abstraction (an abstract quality) |
absztrakció {n} | :: abstraction (the act of generalizing characteristics) |
absztrakció {n} | :: abstraction (an abstract concept or term) |
absztrakt {adj} | :: abstract |
absztrakt {n} [art] | :: abstract (an abstract work of art) |
absztraktabb {adj} | :: comparative of absztrakt |
absztrakt adattípus {n} [computing] | :: abstract data type |
absztraktság {n} | :: abstractness |
abszurd {adj} | :: absurd |
abszurdabb {adj} | :: comparative of abszurd |
abszurditás {n} | :: absurdity |
abszurdum {n} | :: absurdity |
Abu-Dzabi {prop} | :: Abu-Dzabi (emirate) |
Abu-Dzabi {prop} | :: Abu-Dzabi (capital city) |
acél {n} | :: steel (artificial metal produced from iron) |
acél {n} [attributive] | :: made of steel |
acél {n} | :: steel (item made of steel) |
acél {n} [archaic, literary] | :: sword |
acél {n} [attributive] | :: steely, strong, tough, sturdy |
acélgyártás {n} | :: steelmaking (the manufacture of steel) |
acélipar {n} | :: steel industry |
acélkék {adj} | :: steel blue |
acéllemez {n} | :: steel sheet |
a cél szentesíti az eszközt {proverb} | :: the end justifies the means |
acetaldehid {n} [organic compound] | :: acetaldehyde |
acetilén {n} [organic compound] | :: acetylene |
aceton {n} [organic compound] | :: acetone (the organic compound (CH3)2CO) |
achát {n} [mineralogy] | :: agate |
aciditás {n} [chemistry] | :: acidity |
-áció {suffix} | :: -ation (added to foreign words to create a noun) |
ács {n} | :: carpenter |
a csapból is folyik {v} [idiomatic, somewhat, derogatory] | :: to be all over the news, or something that a lot of people are talking about |
ácsi {interj} | :: wait a minute! |
ácsi {interj} | :: hey! |
ácsi {interj} | :: stop! |
ácsi {interj} | :: silence! |
-acska {suffix} [diminutive suffix] | :: -let, -ette |
ácsorog {vi} | :: to loiter (to stand about idly) |
-ad {suffix} [possessive suffix] | :: your (second-person singular informal, single possession) |
-ad {suffix} [fraction-forming suffix] | :: Appended to a cardinal number to form a fraction |
-ad {suffix} [verb-forming suffix] | :: Appended to a stem to form a verb |
-ad {suffix} [settlement suffix] | :: Suffix in names of settlements |
ad {vt} | :: to give (to someone nak) |
ad {vt} | :: to throw, organize, hold, give (a party/celebration/dinner, especially in honour of someone) |
ád {vt} [archaic, poetic or dialectal] | :: alternative form of ad |
adag {n} | :: portion, serving, helping (allocated amount) |
adag {n} [medicine] | :: dose (a measured portion of medicine taken at any one time) |
adagol {vt} [of medicine] | :: to dose |
-adal {suffix} [noun suffix, rare] | :: Added to a verb to form a noun to express the action and the object of the action |
-adalom {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] | :: Added to a verb or a noun to form an abstract noun |
Ádám {prop} | :: given name |
ádámcsutka {n} [anatomy] | :: Adam's apple |
Ádám és Éva {prop} | :: Adam and Eve |
ádámkosztüm {n} [humorous, idiomatic, of a man] | :: birthday suit, nakedness |
adandó {adj} [usually of an opportunity] | :: …… to arise (that which is expected to arise) |
adaptáció {n} | :: adaptation |
adás {n} | :: giving |
adás {n} [television, radio] | :: broadcast, transmission |
adat {n} | :: data |
adatállomány {n} [computing] | :: file |
adatátvitel {n} [computing] | :: data transmission, data transfer |
adatátviteli {adj} [computing] | :: data transmission |
adatbázis {n} [computing] | :: database |
adatfeldolgozás {n} | :: data processing |
adatik {vi} [archaic] | :: to be given |
adatlap {n} | :: datasheet |
adattípus {n} [computing] | :: data type |
adattudós {n} | :: data scientist (an expert who extracts knowledge or insights from large digital data collections) |
adatvédelem {n} [computing] | :: data protection |
ádáz {adj} [literary] | :: ferocious, fierce |
ádázabb {adj} | :: comparative of ádáz |
addig {adv} | :: as far as (until a given point in space) |
addig {adv} [often, followed by negation] | :: until, as long as (until or up to a given point in time) |
addig {adv} | :: in the meantime (during a given period in time) |
addig-addig {adv} | :: till, until, for so long that.. |
addigi {adj} | :: till then |
addiglan {adv} [dialectal, archaic] | :: synonym of addig |
addig üsd a vasat, amíg meleg {proverb} | :: strike while the iron is hot, make hay while the sun shines |
addiktológus {n} | :: addictologist |
-adék {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] | :: Added to a verb to form a noun to indicate the result of the action. No longer productive |
adekvát {adj} | :: adequate |
adekvátabb {adj} | :: comparative of adekvát |
Adél {prop} | :: given name |
Ádi {prop} | :: given name |
adiabatikus {adj} [physics, thermodynamics, of a process] | :: adiabatic (that occurs without gain or loss of heat) |
-adik {suffix} [numeral-forming suffix] | :: -th. Added to a cardinal number to form an ordinal number |
Ádika {prop} | :: given name |
adja a bankot {v} | :: to talk big, put on airs, show off, boast, brag |
adjonisten {n} [dialectal] | :: good morning, good day, good evening |
admin {n} | :: administrator |
adminisztráció {n} | :: administration |
adminisztrációs {adj} | :: administrative |
adminisztrál {vit} | :: to administrate, administer |
adminisztratív {adj} | :: administrative |
adminisztrátor {n} | :: administrator, secretary, clerk |
admirális {n} | :: admiral |
admittancia {n} [physics] | :: admittance |
adó {adj} | :: giving |
adó {n} | :: tax |
adó {n} | :: transmitter (something that transmits signals) |
adó {n} [television, radio] | :: station, channel |
adóbevallás {n} | :: tax return |
adócsalás {n} | :: tax evasion |
adócsökkentés {n} | :: tax reduction |
adódik {vi} | :: to happen, present itself, arise |
adófizető {n} | :: taxpayer (a person who pays tax) |
adóhatóság {n} | :: tax authority (a government organization responsible for collecting taxes) |
adókedvezmény {n} | :: tax credit, tax relief, tax allowance |
adókulcs {n} | :: tax rate |
Adolf {prop} | :: given name |
adomány {n} | :: donation, gift |
adományoz {vt} | :: to donate |
adományozás {n} | :: donation |
adómentes {adj} | :: tax-free, tax-exempt |
adómentesség {n} | :: tax exemption |
adóparadicsom {n} | :: tax haven |
adoptál {vt} | :: to adopt (to take by choice into relationship, as, child, heir, friend, citizen) |
adoptálás {n} | :: adoption (acceptance of a child of other parents as if he or she were one's own child) |
Adorján {prop} | :: given name |
adós {adj} | :: indebted |
adós {n} | :: debtor |
adósság {n} | :: debt (state or condition of owing something to another) |
adószedő {n} | :: tax collector (one who has the responsibility for collecting taxes) |
adott {adj} | :: given |
adottság {n} | :: aptitude, gift, bent (a talent or natural ability) |
adottság {n} [usually in plural] | :: circumstances, (existing) conditions, constraints |
adózás {n} | :: taxation |
adózik {vi} | :: to pay taxes |
adózó {n} | :: taxpayer |
Adri {prop} | :: given name |
Adrienn {prop} | :: given name |
adszorpció {n} [physics] | :: adsorption |
adu {n} | :: trump (the suit, in a game of cards, that outranks all others) |
A-dúr {n} [music] | :: A major |
adventista {adj} | :: adventist |
aerobik {n} | :: aerobics |
aeroszol {n} [physics] | :: aerosol |
áfa {n} | :: VAT (value-added tax) |
a falnak is füle van {proverb} | :: walls have ears |
afféle {pron} [adjectival, sometimes, slightly, pejorative] | :: such, of that sort, a sort of |
afféle {pron} [substantival, sometimes, slightly, pejorative] | :: such thing, person |
affin geometria {n} [mathematics] | :: affine geometry |
affin transzformáció {n} [mathematics] | :: affine transformation |
affixum {n} [linguistics] | :: affix |
afgán {adj} | :: Afghan (of, from, or pertaining to Afghanistan) |
afgán {n} | :: Afghan (a person from Afghanistan or of Afghan descent) |
afgán agár {n} | :: Afghan Hound |
Afganisztán {prop} | :: Afganisztán (landlocked) |
afganisztáni {adj} | :: Afghan (of or relating to Afghanistan) |
Afganisztáni Iszlám Köztársaság {prop} | :: Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (the official name of Afghanistan) |
áfium {n} [archaic] | :: opium |
áfonya {n} | :: Vaccinium, a genus of shrubs in the plant family Ericaceae including the bilberry, bog bilberry, cowberry and cranberry |
aforizma {n} | :: aphorism |
Afrika {prop} | :: Africa |
afrikaans {n} | :: Afrikaans (language) |
afrikai {adj} | :: African (of or relating to Africa) |
afrikai {n} | :: African (person) |
Afrika-kutató {n} | :: Africanist (a specialist in African studies) |
afrikanista {n} | :: Africanist (a specialist in African studies) |
Afro-Eurázsia {prop} | :: Afro-Eurasia |
a füle botját sem mozdítja {v} [idiomatic] | :: to turn a deaf ear, not respond, ignore a request, give no answer |
-ag {suffix} [frequentative suffix] | :: Added to a stem - often an onomatopoeia - to form a verb expressing a (quickly) repeating or continuous action |
-ag {suffix} [nominal suffix] | :: Added to a verb or a noun to form a noun or an adjective |
ág {n} | :: branch |
aga {n} | :: agha |
Agamemnón {prop} [Greek mythology] | :: Agamemnon (a Greek mythological hero) |
agancs {n} | :: antler |
agár {n} | :: sighthound |
agát {n} [dated] | :: alternative form of achát |
ágazat {n} | :: branch (an area in business or of knowledge) |
ágazati {adj} | :: departmental, branch, sectoral, sectorial |
ágazik {vi} | :: to branch, fork (to divide into two or more branches) |
ágens {n} [archaic] | :: agent (one who acts in place of another) |
ágens {n} [grammar] | :: agent |
agg {adj} [literary] | :: very old, aged |
agg {n} | :: old man |
agg {vi} | :: to shrivel, shrink, diminish (to become smaller, denser, or more compact) |
agg {vi} | :: to worry, to be anxious |
agg {vi} | :: to age, elden, grow old |
aggály {n} | :: misgiving, scruple, anxiety, anguish |
aggaszt {vt} | :: to worry, bother |
aggkor {n} [literary] | :: old age or its late phase |
agglegény {n} | :: bachelor (older man) |
agglomeráció {n} | :: agglomeration |
agglomeráció {n} | :: metropolitan area |
agglomerátum {n} [geology] | :: aglomerate (coarse accumulations of large blocks of volcanic material) |
aggodalom {n} | :: worry |
aggódás {n} | :: anxiety, distress, concern, worry |
aggódik {vi} | :: to worry about something, to be anxious about something or for somebody ( ért) |
aggódó {adj} | :: worried |
aggódóbb {adj} | :: comparative of aggódó |
Ági {prop} | :: given name |
Ágica {prop} | :: given name |
Ágika {prop} | :: given name |
agitáció {n} | :: agitation |
agitál {vit} | :: to agitate |
Ágnes {prop} | :: given name |
Ágoston {prop} | :: given name |
Ágota {prop} | :: given name |
agresszió {n} | :: aggression |
agresszív {adj} | :: aggressive (tending or disposed to aggress) |
agresszívabb {adj} | :: comparative of agresszív |
agresszívebb {adj} | :: comparative of agresszív |
agresszivitás {n} | :: aggressiveness |
ágrólszakadt {adj} [of a person] | :: friendless, vagrant (having arrived from a far place, with an unknown origin or past and with no family or friends) |
ágrólszakadt {adj} [of a person] | :: poor, dirt-poor (having no money or possessions) |
ágrólszakadt {adj} [of a person] | :: seedy, shabby, unkempt, raggedy (clothed with ragged, much worn, or soiled garments) |
ágrólszakadt {n} | :: down-and-outer, poor person |
ágrólszakadt {n} | :: shabby-looking person |
agronómus {n} | :: agronomist (scientist specialized in agronomy) |
ágú {adj} | :: -branched, -forked, -pointed |
agy {n} [anatomy] | :: brain (control center of the central nervous system), [in compounds] cerebral (of or relating to the brain) |
agy {n} [mostly in set phrases] | :: brains, mind, intellect (the figurative substance of a brain; mental ability) |
agy {n} | :: butt (of a rifle or pistol) |
agy {n} | :: hub (of a wheel) |
ágy {n} | :: bed |
agyafúrt {adj} [often, pejorative] | :: crafty, artful, cunning, knowing, shrewd, tricky |
agyafúrtabb {adj} | :: comparative of agyafúrt |
agyag {n} | :: clay |
agyaghadsereg {n} | :: Terracotta Army |
agyalapi mirigy {n} [anatomy] | :: pituitary gland (an endocrine gland, about the size of a pea, that sits in a small, bony cavity at the base of the brain whose secretions control the other endocrine glands and influence growth, metabolism, and maturation) |
agyar {n} | :: tusk, fang (e.g. that of an elephant or a boar) |
agyarú {adj} | :: -tusked, -fanged, with …… tusk(s) or fang(s) (having some specific type or number of tusk[s] or fang[s]) |
ágyas {adj} | :: bedded |
ágyas {n} | :: concubine |
ágyás {n} | :: flowerbed |
ágyaz {vi} | :: to make the bed |
ágyaz {vi} | :: to bed (to make a garden bed) |
ágyaz {vt} | :: to embed |
ágybetét {n} | :: mattress |
ágyékcsigolya {n} [anatomy] | :: lumbar vertebra (any of the five vertebrae in the loin or lower back region of the spine) |
agyfélteke {n} [anatomy, neuroanatomy] | :: cerebral hemisphere, brain hemisphere |
agyhalál {n} | :: brain death |
agyhalott {adj} | :: brain-dead |
agyhártya {n} | :: meninx (membrane of the brain) |
agyhártyagyulladás {n} [diseases] | :: meningitis (inflammation of the meninges) |
agyhullám {n} | :: brainwave (any of many rhythmic fluctuations of electric potential between parts of the brain) |
agyi {adj} | :: cerebral, encephalic, brain- (of or relating to the brain) |
agyideg {n} [neuroanatomy] | :: cranial nerve (any of the twelve paired nerves that originate from the brainstem instead of the spinal cord) |
agykárosodás {n} [medicine] | :: brain damage |
agykéreg {n} [neuroanatomy] | :: cerebral cortex |
agykoponya {n} [anatomy] | :: braincase, neurocranium (the part of the skull that contains the brain) |
ágyláb {n} | :: bedpost |
ágynemű {n} | :: bedclothes, bedding |
ágynemű {n} | :: bedlinen |
agyon- {prefix} [verbal prefix] | :: It has two different but related meanings: |
agyon- {prefix} | :: When it is attached to verbs indicating strong physical effects, it means to kill something or someone using physical force |
agyon- {prefix} | :: When it is attached to verbs expressing several kinds of activities, it indicates exaggeration, to do something to excess, beyond measure |
agyoncsap {vt} | :: to swat, crush, squash |
agyoncsap {vt} | :: to kill someone, to strike to death |
agyoncsap {vt} [of time] | :: to kill, waste |
agyondicsér {vt} | :: to praise someone or something to the skies |
agyonlő {vt} | :: to shoot dead |
agyonszúr {vt} | :: to stab someone to death |
agyonüt {vt} | :: to strike someone dead |
agyonvág {vt} | :: to strike someone to death |
agyrázkódás {n} | :: concussion (of the brain) |
ágytál {n} | :: bedpan (a chamber pot used while still in bed) |
agyú {adj} | :: -brained (having a specific kind of brain or mind) |
ágyú {n} | :: cannon |
ágyúgolyó {n} [military, artillery] | :: cannonball |
ágyúnaszád {n} | :: gunboat |
ágyútöltelék {n} | :: cannon fodder |
ágyúz {vt} | :: to bombard, to cannon, to shell |
ágyúzás {n} | :: cannonade, bombardment, shelling, gunfire |
agyvelőgyulladás {n} | :: encephalitis |
agyvérzés {n} | :: apoplexy, stroke |
ah {interj} | :: ah |
aha {interj} [colloquial] | :: aha (an exclamation of sudden understanding, realization, or recognition) |
aha {interj} [colloquial] | :: uh-huh (used informally in place of a yes) |
ahány {pron} | :: as many |
ahányszor {pron} | :: whenever, every time, as often as, as many times as |
a hazug embert hamarabb utolérik, mint a sánta kutyát {proverb} | :: a lie has no legs |
ahelyett {adv} | :: instead of that |
ahogy {conj} | :: as |
ahogy {conj} | :: as soon as |
ahogyan {adv} | :: as (often paired with úgy or ugyanúgy) |
ahol {adv} | :: where |
ahol a madár se jár {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: in the middle of nowhere, at an out-of-the-way place, on a remote, unfrequented area (all the way out there where nobody goes) |
ahonnan {adv} | :: from where |
-ai {suffix} [possessive suffix] | :: his/her/its ...-s (third-person singular, multiple possessions) |
-ai {suffix} [possessive suffix] | :: your …-s (second-person singular and plural formal, multiple possessions) |
-aid {suffix} [possessive suffix] | :: your ... -s (second-person singular informal, multiple possessions) |
AIDS {n} [disease] | :: AIDS |
-aik {suffix} [possessive suffix] | :: their …-s (third-person plural, multiple possessions) |
-aik {suffix} [possessive suffix] | :: your …-s (second-person singular and plural formal, multiple possessions) |
aikidó {n} | :: aikido |
-aim {suffix} [possessive suffix] | :: my ... -s (first-person singular, multiple possessions) |
-aink {suffix} [possessive suffix] | :: our ...-s (first-person plural, multiple possessions) |
-aitok {suffix} [possessive suffix] | :: your ...-s (second-person plural informal, multiple possessions) |
-aj {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] | :: Added to an onomatopoeic (sound-imitative) root to form a noun |
aj {interj} | :: oh |
aj {n} [obsolete] | :: opening |
ajak {n} [anatomy] | :: lip (either of the two fleshy protrusions around the opening of the mouth) |
ajak {n} [anatomy] | :: labium (one of the two pairs of folds of skin either side of the vulva) |
ajakbalzsam {n} | :: lip balm, lip salve, chapstick |
ajakír {n} | :: lip balm, lip salve, chapstick |
ajakos {adj} | :: with lips, having lips |
ajakos medve {n} | :: sloth bear, lip bear (Melursus ursinus) |
ajakrúzs {n} | :: lipstick |
ajándék {n} | :: present, gift, donation |
ajándékbolt {n} | :: gift shop |
ajándék lónak ne nézd a fogát {proverb} | :: don't look a gift horse in the mouth |
ajándékoz {vt} | :: to present, to gift |
ajándékozás {n} | :: bestowal |
ajándéktárgy {n} | :: gift (in plural also giftware) |
ajánl {vt} | :: to recommend (to commend to the favorable notice of another) |
ajánl {vt} | :: to offer |
ajánlás {n} | :: recommendation |
ajánlás {n} | :: dedication, inscription |
ajánlat {n} | :: offer |
ajánlati {adj} | :: of or relating to offer, proposal, bid |
ajánlatkérő {n} [law] | :: caller for bids, contracting entity/company/authority |
ajánlatos {adj} | :: advisable, recommended, recommendable |
ajánlatosabb {adj} | :: comparative of ajánlatos |
ajánlattevő {adj} | :: bidding |
ajánlattevő {n} | :: bidder, tenderer, offerer, contractor, supplier (one who tenders a bid, a contract, etc.) |
ajánlható {adj} | :: commendable, recommendable |
ajánlólevél {n} | :: letter of recommendation |
ajánlott {adj} | :: suggested, recommended |
ajánlott {adj} [post] | :: registered (mail) |
ajánlottabb {adj} | :: comparative of ajánlott |
a jég hátán is megél {v} [idiomatic] | :: to get by/make it anywhere (to be resourceful to manage and survive even under the most challenging circumstances) |
a jéghegy csúcsa {n} [figurative] | :: tip of the iceberg (a small indication of a larger possibility; the first part encountered of a problem that is much bigger than it seems) |
ajk {n} [archaic, literary] | :: alternative form of ajak |
Ajka {prop} | :: Ajka (town) |
ajkai {adj} | :: Of, from, or relating to Ajka |
ajkai {n} | :: A person from Ajka |
ajkú {adj} | :: -lipped, with a …… lip or lips (having a specific kind of lip[s]) |
ajkú {adj} [preceded by the name of a language] | :: -speaking |
-ajt {suffix} [verb-forming suffix] | :: Appended to a verb to form a causative verb |
ajt {v} [obsolete] | :: to form an opening |
ajtó {n} | :: door (portal of entry into a building or room) |
ajtós {adj} | :: with door |
ajtót mutat {v} [idiom] | :: to show someone the door (to order someone to leave) (followed by nak) |
ájul {vi} | :: to faint, collapse, pass out (to lose consciousness into: ba, onto: ra) |
ájulás {n} | :: fainting |
ajvé {interj} | :: oy vey |
ajz {vt} [archery] | :: to draw (to pull back the bowstring and its arrow in preparation for shooting) |
ajz {vt} | :: to excite, suspend (to create a state or excitement or suspension) |
ajz {vt} | :: to turn on (sexually) |
-ak {suffix} [plural suffix] | :: -s, -es |
Aka {prop} | :: A village in Komárom-Esztergom county, Hungary |
akác {n} | :: Robinia |
akácos {adj} | :: of or relating to acacia, with acacia |
akácos {n} | :: acacia grove |
akad {vi} | :: to get stuck/caught (in something: n, into something: ba) |
akad {vi} | :: to occur, there is |
akad {vi} | :: to come across, find (something: ra) |
akadály {n} | :: obstacle, hindrance |
akadálymentes {adj} | :: accessible (especially for physically disabled or sometimes for visually or otherwise impaired people) |
akadályoz {vt} | :: to hinder, prevent, inhibit (to delay or impede movement) |
akadálytalan {adj} | :: unhindered, unimpeded, unobstructed |
akadálytalanabb {adj} | :: comparative of akadálytalan |
akadálytalanság {n} | :: unobstructedness |
akadálytalanul {adv} | :: unhinderedly, unimpededly, unobstructedly, freely |
akadémia {n} | :: academy (a society of learned people united for the advancement of the arts and sciences, and literature, or some particular art or science) |
akadémiai {adj} | :: academic |
akadémikus {adj} | :: academical, academic |
akadémikus {n} | :: academician, academic (a member of an academy, or society for promoting science, art, or literature, such as the French Academy, or the Royal Academy of Arts) |
akadozik {vi} | :: to stall, to work by fits and starts |
akar {vt} [auxiliary with an infinitive] | :: to want |
akár- {prefix} | :: any (person/thing/way/kind/place/size/amount/etc.) |
akár {conj} | :: might as well, even |
akár {conj} | :: just like |
akár {conj} | :: whether ... or .. |
akarat {n} | :: will (volition) |
akaraterő {n} | :: willpower (strength of will) |
akárcsak {conj} | :: (the) same as, just like |
akár esik, akár fúj {phrase} | :: alternative form of ha esik, ha fúj |
akárha {conj} [rare, literary] | :: as if, as though |
akárhány {pron} | :: any number of, however many |
akárhogy {adv} | :: anyway, anyhow, whatever (either this way or that way, in any way or manner) |
akárhogyan {adv} | :: synonym of akárhogy |
akárhol {adv} | :: anywhere |
akárhol {adv} | :: wherever |
akárhonnan {adv} | :: from anywhere, from wherever |
akárhonnét {adv} [dialectal] | :: synonym of akárhonnan |
akárhova {adv} | :: anywhere |
akárhová {adv} | :: alternative form of akárhova |
akárki {pron} | :: whoever |
akárki {pron} | :: anyone, anybody |
akárkicsoda {pron} [colloquial, slightly, derogatory] | :: synonym of akárki |
akármeddig {adv} | :: however far (to any location or distance) |
akármeddig {adv} | :: however long, indefinitely, forever (for any length of time, no matter how long) |
akármekkora {pron} | :: no matter what size, whatever size |
akármelyik {determiner} | :: any |
akármelyik {pron} | :: any |
akármennyi {pron} | :: no matter how much |
akármerre {adv} | :: wherever, anywhere, no matter where (whichever way, to any direction from the point of view of the speaker) |
akármerről {adv} | :: from whatever direction, no matter from which way |
akármi {pron} | :: anything, whatever, whatsoever |
akármiféle {pron} | :: any, any kind of, whatever |
akármikor {adv} | :: at any time |
akármikor {adv} | :: whenever |
akármilyen {pron} | :: any kind of |
akár tetszik, akár nem {phrase} | :: willy-nilly, like it or not (whether desired or not) |
akaszt {vt} | :: to hang (to cause something to be suspended, e.g. from a hook) |
akasztás {n} | :: hanging (means of execution) |
akasztó {n} | :: hanger (a clothes hanger) |
akasztó {n} | :: loop, tab (sewn on a coat) |
akasztófa {n} | :: gallows (wooden framework on which persons are put to death by hanging) |
akasztófahumor {n} | :: gallows humor, black humor |
akceleráció {n} | :: acceleration |
akció {n} | :: action (fast-paced activity especially in a movie) |
akció {n} | :: undertaking, effort, mission, operation, initiative, action (any business, work, or project which a person or a group engages in, or attempts to perform; an enterprise) |
akció {n} | :: discount, sale, deal (a transaction offered which is financially beneficial) |
akciódús {adj} | :: action-packed |
akciófilm {n} | :: action movie, action film |
akciós {adj} | :: action |
akciós {adj} | :: promotional, discount, sale, reduced (price) |
akciós potenciál {n} [physics, biology] | :: action potential |
akcióterv {n} | :: action plan |
akcse {n} [historical] | :: akçe |
Akhilleusz {prop} [Greek mythology] | :: Achilles (a Greek mythological hero) |
aki {pron} [relative] | :: who |
aki időt nyer, életet nyer {proverb} | :: he who gains time gains everything |
aki kapja, marja {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: It's catch-as-catch-can. (one can use any available means or methods) |
aki kíváncsi, hamar megöregszik {proverb} | :: curiosity killed the cat |
aki korpa közé keveredik, megeszik a disznók {proverb} | :: one who mixes with bad company, will oneself become corrupted |
aki mer, az nyer {proverb} | :: nothing ventured, nothing gained |
aki sokat markol, keveset fog {proverb} | :: grasp all, lose all |
aki szelet vet, vihart arat {proverb} | :: sow the wind, reap the whirlwind |
a kivétel erősíti a szabályt {proverb} | :: the exception proves the rule |
a kivétel erősíti a szabályt {proverb} | :: there is an exception to every rule |
akkor {adv} | :: then |
akkora {pron} | :: so large, so great |
akkord {n} [music] | :: chord, harmony (combination of three or more pitches) |
akkori {adj} | :: then, of that time (existing, as it was then) |
akkorka {pron} [affectionate] | :: small, young (the same small size or young age as the one in question) |
akkorra {adv} | :: by that time, by then |
akkreditál {vt} | :: to accredit |
akkreditált {adj} | :: accredited |
akkreditív {n} | :: accreditive (letter of credit) |
akkumulátor {n} | :: accumulator (an apparatus by means of which energy or power can be stored) |
akna {n} | :: shaft (in a mine; in a building) |
akna {n} | :: mine (an explosive device) |
aknamező {n} | :: minefield |
aknás {adj} [engineering] | :: shaft (of or relating to an equipment built with an internal tunnel-like channel) |
aknás {adj} [military] | :: mined, booby-trapped, with land mine (of or relating to an area filled with explosive devices) |
aknász {n} | :: miner |
aknáz {vt} [mining] | :: to mine (to open up, excavate) |
aknáz {vt} [military] | :: to shoot with a mortar |
akó {n} [archaic] | :: an old liquid measure, about 50 liters |
a kocka el van vetve {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: the die is cast (the future is already determined; the recent actions are bound to have consequences) |
-akodik {suffix} [verb-forming suffix] | :: Added to a noun or adjective to form a verb. Most of the time it means to behave as. The derived verb may have a pejorative meaning |
-akodik {suffix} [verb-forming suffix] | :: Added to a verb to form a reflexive verb |
ákombákom {n} | :: squiggle, scrawl (illegible handwriting) |
-akozik {suffix} [verb-forming suffix] | :: Added to a verb, noun or adverb to form a reflexive verb |
akrobata {n} | :: acrobat |
akrobatika {n} | :: acrobatics |
akrobatikus {adj} | :: acrobatic |
akrobatikusabb {adj} | :: comparative of akrobatikus |
akrofóbia {n} | :: acrophobia (fear of heights) |
akrosztichon {n} | :: acrostic |
aksi {n} [slang] | :: accumulator, battery (a device used to power electric devices) |
-akszik {suffix} [verb-forming suffix] | :: Added to a verb to form a reflexive verb. Verbs with this suffix always have an alternative form suffixed with -akodik. The conjugation table is the same for both types |
akt {n} | :: nude (figure) |
akta {n} | :: document, paper, file, dossier |
aktatáska {n} | :: briefcase |
aktínium {n} | :: actinium (chemical element) |
aktív {adj} | :: active |
aktívabb {adj} | :: comparative of aktív |
aktívabban {adv} | :: comparative of aktívan |
aktivál {vt} | :: to activate, to enable (to put something into action) |
aktivál {vt} [chemistry] | :: to activate (to accelerate the chemical reaction of a material) |
aktivál {vt} [physics] | :: to activate (to make something radioactive) |
aktivál {vt} [psychology] | :: to activate, retrieve (to recall information from long-term memory) |
aktiválás {n} | :: activation |
aktívan {adv} | :: actively |
aktivitás {n} | :: activity |
aktivizál {vt} | :: to activate |
aktuális {adj} | :: current (in action at the time being) |
aktuálisabb {adj} | :: comparative of aktuális |
aktualizáció {n} [rare] | :: update |
aktualizál {vt} | :: to update (to make something up to date) |
aktus {n} | :: act |
akupunktúra {n} | :: acupuncture (insertion of needles for remedial purposes) |
akusztikus {adj} | :: acoustic |
akusztikusabb {adj} | :: comparative of akusztikus |
a kutya ugat, a karaván halad {proverb} | :: the dogs bark, but the caravan goes on |
akvamarin {n} | :: aquamarine (the bluish-green colour of the sea) |
akvamarin {n} | :: aquamarine (a bluish-green variety of beryl) |
akvamarin {adj} | :: aquamarine (of a bluish-green colour) |
akvarell {n} | :: watercolour (a water-soluble pigment) |
akvarell {n} | :: watercolour, aquarelle (a painting made by using such pigment) |
akvarell {n} | :: watercolour (this kind of painting as a genre) |
akvarellfestő {n} | :: aquarellist, watercolourist, watercolorist [US] (an artist who paints watercolours) |
akvárium {n} | :: aquarium (a tank, often made of glass, for keeping live fish or other aquatic animals) |
akvárium {n} | :: aquarium (a public building where live fish and other aquatic animals and plants are exhibited) |
-al {suffix} [verb-forming suffix] | :: Added to a noun to form a verb |
-al {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] | :: Added to a verb to form a noun (no longer productive in this role) |
-al {suffix} [organic chemistry] | :: -al (forms the names of aldehydes) |
al- {prefix} | :: sub-, under- |
al- {prefix} | :: vice, deputy (used with a rank of a person in office) |
al {n} | :: lower part of something |
-ál {suffix} [verb-forming suffix] | :: Same as -l with the -á- linking vowel. Used for integrating loanwords into Hungarian |
-ál {suffix} [frequentative suffix] | :: Appended to a verb to form a verb to express repetitive action |
-ál {suffix} [noun-forming suffix, archaic] | :: Appended to a verb to form a noun |
-ál {suffix} [personal suffix] | :: Used in the second-person singular indefinite form of verbs. It appears in past tense as -tál, in conditional mood present as -nál and in subjunctive mood present as -jál |
ál- {prefix} | :: false, fake, sham, phoney, make-believe, bogus, pseudo-, counterfeit |
ál {adj} [rare] | :: false, fake, sham, phoney, make-believe, bogus, pseudo-, counterfeit |
alá- {prefix} [verbal prefix] | :: under |
alá {postp} | :: under, underneath, below, beneath |
alá {pron} | :: synonym of alája |
alá {n} [education] | :: minus (slightly worse result than the preceding grade) |
aláaknáz {vt} [literal, figurative] | :: to undermine |
aláás {vt} [literal] | :: to dig underneath, to dig beneath |
aláás {vt} [figurative] | :: to undermine |
alabástrom {n} | :: alabaster (a fine-grained white or lightly-tinted variety of gypsum, used ornamentally) |
alabástrom {adj} | :: alabaster (resembling alabaster: white, pale, translucent) |
alább- {prefix} [verbal prefix] | :: It indicates action continuing on a lower level |
alább {adv} | :: down, below |
alábbhagy {vi} | :: to subside |
alábbi {adj} | :: below, following |
alábbszáll {vi} | :: to lower (to descend to a lower level) |
alábecsül {vt} | :: to underestimate, to underrate |
alacsony {adj} | :: short, low |
alacsonyabb {adj} | :: comparative of alacsony |
alacsony Föld körüli pálya {n} | :: low Earth orbit |
Aladár {prop} | :: given name |
alag- {prefix} [noun prefix] | :: under-, lower |
alagsor {n} | :: basement |
alagút {n} | :: tunnel |
alágyújtós {n} | :: kindling, tinder, primer, firelighter (small pieces of wood and twigs or a small block of flammable substance used to start a fire) |
aláhúz {vt} | :: to underline (to draw an underline) |
aláír {vt} | :: to sign (to write one's name on a document as a means of confirmation) |
aláírás {n} | :: signature |
aláírási {adj} | :: signing, of, or relating to signature or the act of signing a document |
aláírási címpéldány {n} [legal] | :: specimen signature |
alája {pron} | :: under/underneath/below/beneath him/her/it |
-alak {suffix} [personal suffix] | :: Used to form the first-person singular of transitive verbs with a second-person object (if no other suffixes are present before it, in indicative mood, present tense) |
alak {n} | :: figure, form, shape |
alak {n} | :: character (in a book, drama etc.) |
alak {n} [linguistics] | :: word form (usually including its inflection, if there is any) |
alak {n} | :: figure, build (of a person) |
alak {n} [colloquial] | :: bloke, fellow, chap, guy |
alakhű {adj} | :: faithful/true to form (of work of arts, translation: accurate in detail compared to the original) |
alaki {adj} | :: formal, relating to (the) form, of/in (the) form |
alakít {vt} | :: to form, shape, alter |
alakít {vt} | :: to act, play, portray (take the role of) |
alakítható {adj} | :: pliable, shapable, ductile, malleable (easily bent, formed, shaped, or molded) |
alaktalan {adj} | :: formless, shapeless |
alaktalanság {n} | :: formlessness, shapelessness, structurelessness |
alaktan {n} [linguistics] | :: morphology |
alakú {adj} | :: -shaped, -formed |
alakú {adj} [taxonomy] | :: -iformes (referring to an order of animals) |
alakul {vi} | :: to take shape, become, turn out |
alakulás {n} | :: formation, development, shaping |
alakuló {adj} | :: forming |
alakult {adj} | :: formed |
alakzat {n} | :: shape, figure, configuration |
alakzat {n} [geometry] | :: shape |
alakzat {n} [military] | :: formation |
alamizsna {n} | :: alms |
alamuszi {adj} | :: cunning, sly, treacherous |
alany {n} [grammar] | :: subject (word or word group that is dealt with) |
alany {n} | :: subject (human, animal or an inanimate object that is being examined) |
alanyeset {n} [grammar] | :: nominative, nominative case |
alanyi {adj} | :: subjective (relating to subjects as opposed to objects) |
alanyi {adj} [linguistics, grammar] | :: subjective |
alap {n} | :: base, foundation |
alapanyag {n} | :: material, base (the essential component or ingredient of a product or procedure) |
alapanyag {n} [education] | :: the most important part of the curriculum that has to be covered |
alapbér {n} | :: basic salary, basic wage |
alapértelmezett {adj} | :: default |
alapfém {n} | :: base metal |
alapfizetés {n} | :: base salary (money paid to an employee by an employer, it does not include benefits and bonuses) |
alapfok {n} [grammar] | :: positive degree |
alapfokú {adj} | :: basic, elementary, primary |
alapfokú {adj} [grammar] | :: positive (describing the primary sense of an adjective or adverb; not comparative or superlative) |
alapismeret {n} [chiefly in the plural] | :: basic (a fundamental piece of knowledge) |
alapít {vt} | :: to found, establish |
alapítás {n} | :: founding, forming, establishing |
alapító {adj} | :: founding |
alapító {n} | :: founder (one who founds, establishes, and erects) |
alapító okirat {n} [law] | :: articles of association, charter, statute |
alapító tag {n} | :: founding member [US], founder member [UK] (a member of an organization that was involved in, or whose membership commenced with, the organization's foundation) |
alapítvány {n} | :: foundation, endowment, fund, trust |
alapítványi {adj} | :: of or relating to foundation, funding |
alapján {postp} | :: based on, by |
alapján {postp} | :: on account of, because of, due to, owing to |
alapkamat {n} | :: prime rate |
alaplap {n} [computer hardware] | :: motherboard |
alapműveltség {n} | :: basic education, basic knowledge |
alapos {adj} | :: thorough |
alaposabb {adj} | :: comparative of alapos |
alaposabban {adv} | :: comparative of alaposan |
alaposan {adv} | :: thoroughly |
alaposság {n} | :: thoroughness, profoundness |
alapoz {vt} | :: to lay the foundation of (a house) |
alapoz {vt} | :: to base on, build upon (to establish a basis for something) |
alapoz {vt} [of a housepainter] | :: to apply the first coat of paint |
alapozó {n} [cosmetics] | :: foundation (cosmetic cream roughly skin-colored, designed to make the face appear uniform in color and texture) |
alapozó {n} | :: undercoat (a coat of paint or other material applied onto a surface before that of a topcoat; a coloured primer) |
alapszabály {n} | :: ground rule, statute, rules (the basic rules or standards; whatever someone must know before proceeding) |
alapszik {vi} | :: to be founded/based upon something ( on) |
alapszik {vi} | :: to rest on something ( on) |
alapszint {n} | :: basic level |
alapszintű {adj} | :: basic (elementary, simple, fundamental) |
alaptalan {adj} | :: baseless, groundless, unfounded |
alaptalanabb {adj} | :: comparative of alaptalan |
alaptalanság {n} | :: baselessness, groundlessness, unfoundedness |
alapterület {n} | :: surface area, floorspace |
alapú {adj} | :: -based |
alapul {vi} | :: to be founded/based upon something ( on) |
alapul {vi} | :: to rest on something ( on) |
alapvető {adj} | :: fundamental, basic |
alapvetőbb {adj} | :: comparative of alapvető |
alapvetően {adv} | :: fundamentally, basically, essentially |
alapvető kölcsönhatás {n} [physics] | :: fundamental interaction |
alapvonal {n} [soccer] | :: goal line (boundary of the field that runs along its width at each end) |
alapvonal {n} [typography] | :: baseline (line used as the basis for the alignment of glyphs) |
álarc {n} | :: mask |
álarcos {adj} | :: masked |
álarcos {n} | :: masker, masquerader |
álarcosbál {n} | :: masked ball |
Alaszka {prop} | :: Alaszka (state) |
alászolgája {interj} [formal, dated] | :: hello |
alászolgája {interj} [formal, archaic] | :: at your service |
alátámaszt {vt} | :: to prop, shore up, support, strut (to support a load-bearing object from underneath) |
alátámaszt {vt} [figuratively] | :: to support, verify, corroborate, back up, confirm (to confirm or support something with additional evidence) |
alátámasztás {n} | :: support (something which supports) |
alátámasztás {n} [figuratively] | :: support, evidence |
alátét {n} | :: underlay, chock, mat, pad, washer (an object or fabric that is placed under something) |
a látszat csal {proverb} | :: appearances are deceptive |
alatt {postp} | :: under, below, underneath |
alatt {postp} | :: in, in/over the course of (temporal) |
alatta {pron} | :: below/under/beneath him/her/it |
alatti {adj} | :: under |
alattomos {adj} [of a person] | :: catty, cunning, sneaky, sly, treacherous (surreptitiously malevolent) |
alattomos {adj} [of a disease] | :: insidious (wasting in a stealthy, gradual manner) |
alattomos {adj} [of an action, behavior] | :: sneaky, dishonest, deceitful (done in secret) |
alattomosabb {adj} | :: comparative of alattomos |
alattvaló {n} | :: subject (a citizen in a monarchy) |
alávágás {n} [historical, printing, typography] | :: the kerning of metal type (filing off a part of a metal sort to allow letters to fit closer together) |
alávaló {adj} | :: despicable, nefarious, contemptible |
alávalóbb {adj} | :: comparative of alávaló |
alázat {n} | :: humility, humbleness |
alázatos {adj} | :: humble, submissive, servile |
alázatosabb {adj} | :: comparative of alázatos |
albán {adj} | :: Albanian (of or relating to Albania, its people or language) |
albán {n} | :: Albanian (person) |
albán {n} [singular only] | :: Albanian (language) |
Albánia {prop} | :: Albánia (country) |
albániai {adj} | :: Albanian (of, from, or relating to Albania) |
albániai {n} | :: Albanian (person) |
Albán Köztársaság {prop} | :: Republic of Albania (the official name of Albania) |
albatrosz {n} | :: albatross (seabird) |
albérlet {n} [law] | :: sublease, subrental |
albérlet {n} | :: lodgings (a flat or a room rented out from a private person to a private person for the purpose of residence) |
Albert {prop} | :: given name |
album {n} | :: album |
álca {n} | :: mask |
álca {n} | :: disguise, camouflage, cover-up |
álca {n} | :: larva |
álcáz {vt} | :: to mask, disguise, camouflage |
álcázás {n} | :: disguising, camouflage |
áld {vt} | :: to bless |
áldás {n} | :: blessing |
áldatlan {adj} | :: unfortunate, unblessed |
áldatlanabb {adj} | :: comparative of áldatlan |
áldomás {n} | :: pledge (a drinking toast) |
áldomás {n} | :: feast |
áldomás {n} [archaic] | :: blessing |
áldott {adj} | :: blessed |
áldottabb {adj} | :: comparative of áldott |
áldoz {vt} | :: to sacrifice |
áldozat {n} | :: sacrifice (action) |
áldozat {n} | :: victim, casualty (person) |
áldozatul esik {v} [idiomatic] | :: to fall prey (to be affected, or overcome by a bad situation) |
álef {n} | :: aleph (the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet) |
alef-nulla {num} [mathematics] | :: aleph-null (the smallest infinite cardinal number) |
-alék {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] | :: Added to a verb or other parts of speech to form a noun |
alél {vi} | :: to faint, lose consciousness |
a lélek kész, de a test erőtlen {proverb} | :: the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak |
alelnök {n} | :: vice president |
Alex {prop} | :: given name |
Alexander {prop} | :: given name |
alez. {n} | :: abbreviation of alezredes |
alezredes {n} | :: lieutenant colonel (an army officer ranking below a colonel and above a major) |
alfa {n} | :: alpha |
alfabetikus {adj} | :: alphabetical (according to the sequence of the letters of the alphabet) |
alfa-sejt {n} [anatomy] | :: alpha cell (an endocrine cell, located in the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas, that synthesizes and secretes glucagon) |
alföld {n} | :: lowland |
alföld {n} | :: plain, an expanse of land with relatively low relief |
Alföld {prop} | :: Great Hungarian Plain |
alföldi {adj} | :: lowland- (of, from, or relating to the lowland) |
alföldi {n} | :: lowlander |
algarat {n} [anatomy] | :: laryngopharynx (the part of the pharynx below and behind the larynx) |
algebrai {adj} | :: algebraic |
algebraibb {adj} | :: comparative of algebrai |
algebrai geometria {n} [mathematics] | :: algebraic geometry |
algebrai struktúra {n} [mathematics] | :: algebraic structure (sets with operations) |
Algéria {prop} | :: Algéria (country) |
algériai {adj} | :: Algerian (of, from, or relating to Algeria or the Algerian people) |
algériai {n} | :: Algerian (a person from Algeria or of Algerian descent) |
Algír {prop} | :: Algír (capital city) |
algológus {n} | :: algologist (one who studies algology) |
algoritmus {n} [mathematics] | :: algorithm |
álházasság {n} | :: sham marriage, fake marriage, bogus marriage |
álhír {n} | :: fake news (false information, deliberately created to misinform) |
aliázik {v} | :: alternative form of alijázik |
alig {adv} | :: barely, hardly, scarcely |
alig-alig {adv} | :: barely, hardly, scarcely (to a limited extent) |
alig-alig {adv} | :: with difficulty |
alig-alig {adv} | :: barely (to emphasize the smallness of the named quantity or measure) |
alig áll a lábán {v} [idiomatic] | :: to be exhausted, ready to collapse, too tired to stand |
aligátor {n} | :: alligator |
aligha {adv} | :: hardly, scarcely, probably not |
alighanem {adv} | :: in all probability (very probably; almost certainly) |
alig vár {vt} | :: to look forward to, to be on pins and needles (to anticipate, expect, or wait for, especially with a feeling of approval or pleasure; be excited or eager to) |
alijázik {vi} [Judaism] | :: to make aliyah (emigrate to Israel) |
-ális {suffix} | :: Added to foreign words to create an adjective or a noun |
alj {n} | :: bottom, lower part |
alj {n} | :: skirt |
aljas {adj} | :: abject, vile, nasty, contemptible, base |
aljasabb {adj} | :: comparative of aljas |
aljnövényzet {n} | :: undergrowth, underbrush, understory (the small trees and other plants that clutter the floor of a forest) |
aljzat {n} | :: jack, socket (an opening into which a plug or other connecting part is designed to fit) |
aljzat {n} [technology, architecture] | :: foundation |
aljzat {n} | :: bottom, floor, bed (the lowermost surface of a body of water, as of a river, lake, or sea) |
alka {n} | :: razorbill (Alca torda) |
alkáli {adj} [chemistry] | :: alkaline, alkali |
alkáli {n} [chemistry] | :: alkali |
alkalmából {postp} | :: on the occasion of |
alkalmanként {adv} | :: on occasion, occasionally |
alkalmankénti {adj} | :: occasional (occurring or appearing irregularly from time to time, but not often) |
alkalmas {adj} | :: suitable, suited, fitting |
alkalmas {adj} [after a numeral] | :: valid for a given number of occasions |
alkalmasabb {adj} | :: comparative of alkalmas |
alkalmasint {adv} [archaic or literary] | :: probably (in all likelihood) |
alkalmasint {adv} [proscribed, colloquial] | :: when opportunity arises |
alkalmasság {n} | :: qualification, aptness, suitability, aptitude |
alkalmatlan {adj} | :: unfit, unsuited |
alkalmatlan {adj} | :: inconvenient |
alkalmatlan {adj} | :: inopportune |
alkalmatlan {adj} | :: inappropriate |
alkalmatlanabb {adj} | :: comparative of alkalmatlan |
alkalmaz {vt} | :: to apply, use for, employ |
alkalmazás {n} | :: application |
alkalmazás {n} | :: employment |
alkalmazási {adj} | :: of or related to application |
alkalmazhatatlan {adj} | :: inapplicable, unadaptable |
alkalmazhatatlanabb {adj} | :: comparative of alkalmazhatatlan |
alkalmazható {adj} | :: applicable, adaptable |
alkalmazhatóbb {adj} | :: comparative of alkalmazható |
alkalmazkodás {n} | :: accommodation, adaptation, conformity, adjustment, acclimatization (to someone or something hoz) |
alkalmazkodik {vi} | :: to adapt oneself (to something hoz) |
alkalmazó {n} [rare] | :: employer |
alkalmazott {adj} | :: applied |
alkalmazott {n} | :: employee |
alkalmazott matematika {n} [mathematics] | :: applied mathematics (area of mathematics) |
alkalmi {adj} | :: occasional |
alkalmi {adj} | :: casual |
alkalmibb {adj} | :: comparative of alkalmi |
alkalom {n} | :: occasion, opportunity, chance |
alkalom {n} | :: occasion (the time when something happens) |
alkalom {n} | :: time, instance, occurrence |
alkalom {n} | :: event, meeting, session (of a group or community) |
alkalom szüli a tolvajt {proverb} | :: opportunity makes the thief |
alkancellár {n} | :: vice-chancellor |
alkar {n} [anatomy] | :: forearm (the part of the arm between the wrist and the elbow) |
alkarcsont {n} [anatomy] | :: forearm bone (either of the two bones, i.e. ulna and radius, that make up the skeletal part of the forearm) |
alkat {n} | :: build, physique, constitution (a person's physique) |
alkat {n} | :: temper, character, type (a person's temperament) |
alkatrész {n} | :: component, part (of a machine) |
alkatú {adj} | :: of/with (a/an) …… built or physique |
alkatú {adj} [taxonomy, often but not always] | :: -idea (referring to a member of a suborder, infraorder, or superfamily of animals) |
alkén {n} [organic chemistry] | :: alkene |
alkímia {n} | :: alchemy |
alkimista {n} | :: alchemist (one who practices alchemy) |
alkirály {n} | :: viceroy (a royal official) |
alkirályi {adj} | :: viceregal |
alkirályné {n} | :: vicereine (the wife of a viceroy) |
alkirálynő {n} | :: vicereine (a woman who is a viceroy) |
alkirályság {n} | :: viceroyalty |
alkohol {n} | :: alcohol (an organic compound) |
alkohol {n} | :: alcohol (an intoxicating beverage) |
alkoholba fojtja a bánatát {v} [idiomatic] | :: to drown one's sorrows |
alkoholfogyasztás {n} | :: alcohol consumption |
alkoholfüggő {adj} | :: alcohol-dependent (addicted to alcohol) |
alkoholfüggő {n} | :: alcohol addict |
alkoholista {n} | :: alcoholic (a person addicted to alcohol) |
alkoholizmus {n} | :: alcoholism (chronic disease) |
alkoholmentes {adj} | :: alcohol-free |
alkoholos {adj} | :: alcoholic (containing alcohol) |
alkoholosabb {adj} | :: comparative of alkoholos |
alkoholtartalom {n} | :: alcohol content |
alkoholtilalom {n} | :: prohibition (law prohibiting the manufacture or sale of alcohol) |
alkony {n} | :: dusk, twilight, nightfall |
alkonyat {n} | :: dusk, twilight, nightfall (time of the day or by extension one's declining years) |
alkonyattól hajnalig {adv} | :: from dusk to dawn |
alkot {vt} | :: to make, form |
alkot {vt} | :: to create (to be or do something creative, imaginative, originative) |
alkotás {n} | :: creation (invention etc.) |
alkotmány {n} [government, legal] | :: constitution |
alkotmánybíróság {n} | :: constitutional court |
alkotmányellenes {adj} | :: unconstitutional, anticonstitutional |
alkotmányellenesebb {adj} | :: comparative of alkotmányellenes |
alkotmányos {adj} | :: constitutional (relating to the constitution) |
alkotmányosabb {adj} | :: comparative of alkotmányos |
alkotmányos monarchia {n} | :: constitutional monarchy (a monarchy that is limited by laws and a constitution) |
alkotó {adj} | :: creative, constructive, productive |
alkotó {n} | :: creator, maker, author |
alkotóbb {adj} | :: comparative of alkotó |
alkotóelem {n} | :: component |
alkotói {adj} | :: creative |
alkotórész {n} | :: component, constituent, ingredient |
alku {n} | :: bargain, deal |
alku {n} | :: negotiation, bargaining |
alkudozik {vi} | :: to negotiate, bargain (at length, either in a controversial issue or in a business transaction) |
alkuszik {vi} | :: to bargain |
-all {suffix} [instantaneous suffix, rare] | :: Added to a verb to form a new verb expressing instantaneous action. It is no longer productive in this sense |
-all {suffix} [verb-forming suffix] | :: Added to an adjective to form a verb meaning "to consider/find/think as". In this sense, it is still productive |
áll. {adj} | :: abbreviation of állami |
áll {n} | :: chin |
áll {vi} | :: to stand (to be in an upright position) |
áll {vi} [of plants] | :: to stand; to exist |
áll {vi} [of mobile objects, slightly, literary] | :: to stand |
áll {vi} [said of clothes, hairstyle or other fashion item] | :: to suit (to be suitable or apt for one's image) |
áll {vi} | :: to stop (to cease moving or working) |
áll {vi} | :: to say (to indicate in a written form) |
áll {vi} | :: to go, walk, step, get (to place oneself somewhere and stay there) |
áll {vt} [mainly in set phrases] | :: to stand |
áll {vi} | :: to consist of something (followed by ból) |
állag {n} | :: consistence, consistency |
állam {n} | :: state (nation) |
államadósság {n} | :: national debt, state debt (debt owed by the government of a nation state) |
államcsíny {n} | :: coup d'état (sudden overthrow of a government by a small group of people) |
államfő {n} | :: head of state (the chief public representative of a nation) |
államháztartás {n} | :: public finances, public expenditure (government finances) |
állami {adj} | :: state, public, governmental |
államigazgatás {n} | :: public administration |
államigazgatási {adj} | :: administrative (relating to public administration) |
államilag {adv} | :: state-, federally (by the state or government) |
államiság {n} | :: statehood |
államkincstár {n} | :: treasury (place where state or royal money and valuables are stored) |
államközi {adj} | :: interstate (of or relating to two or more states) |
államosítás {n} | :: nationalization |
állampolgár {n} | :: citizen (legal member of a state) |
állampolgári {adj} | :: civic, civil |
állampolgárság {n} | :: citizenship |
állampolgársági {adj} [attributive] | :: citizenship |
állampolgárságú {adj} [attributive] | :: with citizenship, national, nationality |
államszövetség {n} | :: federation of states |
államtitkár {n} | :: undersecretary |
államvasút {n} | :: state railway |
állandó {adj} | :: constant (unchanged through time), permanent |
állandó {n} | :: constant |
állandóan {adv} | :: constantly, permanently, steadily |
állandóbb {adj} | :: comparative of állandó |
állandóbban {adv} | :: comparative of állandóan |
állandóság {n} | :: permanence, steadiness |
állandósul {vi} | :: to become permanent |
állandó tartózkodási engedély {n} | :: permanent residency (a visa status which allows a person to reside indefinitely in a foreign country without acquiring citizenship in that country) |
állapít {vt} | :: to find, establish, state (used with the verbal prefix meg-) |
állapot {n} | :: state (a condition) |
állapotos {adj} | :: pregnant, in a family way |
állás {n} | :: standing (not sitting), inactivity, stopping |
állás {n} | :: state, condition, situation |
állás {n} | :: job, position |
állás {n} [sports] | :: score |
állásfoglalás {n} | :: attitude, stand, position on something |
állásinterjú {n} | :: job interview (a formal interview in which a job applicant must answer questions to determine whether they are suitable for the job applied for) |
álláspont {n} | :: point of view, viewpoint, view, outlook, position (an attitude, opinion, or set of beliefs) |
állat {n} | :: animal |
állat {vt} | :: to keep someone standing, to make someone stand |
állati {adj} | :: animal (of or relating to animals) |
állati {adj} [pejorative] | :: brute, brutal, brutish (cruel, lacking human sensibility) |
állati {adj} [colloqial, exaggeration] | :: very, really |
állati {adj} [slang] | :: awesome |
állatibb {adj} | :: comparative of állati |
állatidomár {n} | :: animal trainer |
állatkert {n} | :: zoo |
állatkórház {n} | :: veterinary hospital |
állatnév {n} | :: pet's name (the given name of a domestic animal such as a cat, dog, cow etc.) |
állatnév {n} | :: animal name (species of an animal) |
állatorvos {n} | :: veterinarian |
állatorvosi {adj} | :: veterinary |
állatorvosi ló {phrase} [figurative] | :: epitome, exemplification, exemplar, embodiment, poster child for the ills (…of something, e.g. an institution or a procedure, with practically all imaginable faults and deficiencies present in one single specimen; originally: all illnesses present in one hand-drawn horse for the purpose of illustration for veterinary students; usually used with the possessive of the category of the relevant items) |
állatorvostan {n} | :: veterinary medicine |
állatöv {n} | :: zodiac |
állattan {n} | :: zoology |
állattani {adj} | :: zoological (of or relating to zoology) |
állatvilág {n} | :: fauna, animal kingdom (the set of all animals) |
állcsont {n} [anatomy] | :: jawbone |
álldogál {vi} | :: to stand about, loiter |
allegorikus {adj} | :: allegoric |
Allen {prop} | :: Allen |
allergia {n} | :: allergy |
allergiás {adj} | :: allergic |
allergiás vagy valamilyen gyógyszerre {phrase} | :: are you allergic to any medications? |
állhatatos {adj} | :: steadfast, persistent, constant, unswerving, patient, enduring, persevering (firmly loyal to one's principles, resolutions, opinions, intentions) |
állhatatos {adj} | :: loyal, faithful (adhering firmly to a person) |
állít {vt} | :: to place, put, set, stand (to place in an upright or standing position) |
állít {vt} | :: to assert, claim, state, allege |
állítás {n} | :: verbal noun of állít, placement, placing, setting, standing (of an object, [in]to some place or position) |
állítás {n} | :: statement |
állítható {adj} | :: adjustable |
állítmány {n} [grammar] | :: predicate |
állítólag {adv} | :: supposedly, allegedly, reportedly |
állítólagos {adj} | :: alleged, so-called, supposed |
állj {interj} | :: stop! |
állja a sarat {v} | :: to hold one's own, hold one's ground (to endure against all odds and difficulty, to stand firm) |
állja a szavát {v} [idiomatic] | :: to abide by one's promise, to be as good as one's word (to be faithful to a promise one has made) |
állkapocs {n} [anatomy] | :: jaw |
állkapocscsont {n} [anatomy] | :: jawbone, mandible (the bone of the lower jaw) |
állkapocsízület {n} [anatomy] | :: temporomandibular joint (the joint on either side of the human head where the jaw (mandible) meets the skull (at the temporal bone)) |
álló {adj} | :: standing, upright, erect |
álló {adj} | :: portrait-format (oriented so that the vertical sides are longer than the horizontal sides) |
álló {adj} [after egész; before nap, sometimes év or esztendő] | :: Emphasizes the length of a period of time |
álló {adj} [typography] | :: Roman (upright, as opposed to oblique or italic) |
álló {adj} [in compounds] | :: resistant, -proof |
állóhely {n} | :: standing room, standing place (somewhere to stand) |
állókép {n} [art] | :: standing portrait (a painting of a standing person) |
állókép {n} | :: freeze frame (a picture or screenshot taken from a video clip) |
állóképesség {n} | :: stamina |
állólétra {n} | :: step ladder |
állomány {n} | :: stock (a store or supply) |
állomány {n} [formal, except in set phrases] | :: substance, matter |
állomány {n} [formal] | :: staff |
állomány {n} [computing, rare] | :: file |
állomás {n} | :: station (a regular stopping place for ground transportation) |
allomorf {n} [linguistics] | :: allomorph (any of the different phonological representations of a morpheme) |
állong {vi} [literary] | :: to stand about, loiter |
állott {adj} [of food, air] | :: stale (no longer fresh) |
állott {adj} [of liquid] | :: lukewarm, room-temperature |
állú {adj} | :: -chinned, -jawed, with …… chin/jaw (having some specific type of chin or jaw) |
állvány {n} | :: stand, platform, base, frame |
alma {n} | :: apple |
almabor {n} | :: cider |
almafa {n} | :: apple tree |
almalé {n} | :: apple juice |
almanach {n} | :: almanac |
álmatag {adj} | :: drowsy, dreamy, sleepy |
álmatagabb {adj} | :: comparative of álmatag |
álmatlan {adj} | :: sleepless |
álmatlanabb {adj} | :: comparative of álmatlan |
álmatlanság {n} | :: insomnia, sleeplessness |
álmatlanul {adv} | :: sleeplessly |
almazöld {adj} | :: apple-green |
álmodik {vt} | :: to dream |
álmos {adj} | :: sleepy, tired, drowsy (feeling the need for sleep) |
álmos {adj} | :: somnolent, lazy |
álmos {adj} [figuratively] | :: sleepy, drowsy, boring |
álmosabb {adj} | :: comparative of álmos |
álmosabban {adv} | :: comparative of álmosan |
álmosan {adv} | :: sleepily |
almoz {vi} | :: to bed, litter (to supply cattle, horse etc. with litter; to cover with litter, as the floor of a stall) |
almozás {n} | :: bedding, littering (the act of supplying litter, such as straw, for animals in a barn stall) |
álnév {n} | :: pseudonym, pen-name, pen name |
álnok {adj} | :: treacherous, deceitful, perfidious, disingenuous |
álnok {n} [archaic] | :: scoundrel, crook |
alól {postp} | :: from under, from below |
alól {adv} [archaic, dialectal] | :: synonym of alul |
alóla {pron} | :: from under him/her/it |
alóli {adj} | :: under |
-alom {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] | :: Added to a verb to form a noun. No longer productive |
alom {n} | :: litter, bedding, bed of straw (for animals) |
álom {n} | :: dream |
álom {n} [with a possessive suffix and -ban or -ból] | :: sleep, the state of being asleep |
álomgyár {n} | :: dream factory |
álom jön a szemére {v} [idiomatic, often in the negative] | :: to be able to fall asleep |
álomország {n} | :: dreamland |
álomszerű {adj} | :: dreamlike |
álomvilág {n} | :: dreamworld, dreamland |
álorca {n} [archaic] | :: mask |
alosztály {n} | :: subdivision (group of houses) |
alpaka {n} | :: alpaca (Vicugna pacos, a sheep-like animal of the Andes) |
alpári {adj} | :: vulgar, rude |
alpáribb {adj} | :: comparative of alpári |
alperes {n} [law] | :: defendant |
alpesi {adj} | :: alpine (of, relating to, or inhabiting high mountains) |
alpesi {adj} | :: of or relating to the Alps, a mountain range in Western Europe |
alpesi hófajd {n} | :: rock ptarmigan (a medium-sized gamebird in the grouse family, Lagopus muta) |
alpinizmus {n} | :: alpinism |
Alpok {prop} [plural only] | :: Alpok (mountain range) |
alpolgármester {n} | :: vice mayor, deputy mayor |
alrendszer {n} | :: sub-system, subsystem |
álruha {n} | :: disguise |
alsó {adj} | :: bottom, lower |
alsóbb {adj} | :: comparative of alsó |
alsóbbrendű {adj} | :: inferior |
alsó index {n} [typography] | :: subscript (type of lettering form that appears in small size below the normal line of type) |
alsónadrág {n} | :: underpants |
alsónemű {n} | :: underwear, undergarment |
alsó orrkagyló {n} [anatomy] | :: inferior nasal concha (the largest of the three nasal conchae located within the nasal cavity) |
alsószoknya {n} | :: petticoat, underskirt, jupon, slip |
álszent {adj} | :: hypocritical (characterized by hypocrisy or being a hypocrite) |
álszent {n} | :: hypocrite (someone who practices hypocrisy, who pretends to hold beliefs, or whose actions are not consistent with their claimed beliefs) |
álszentebb {adj} | :: comparative of álszent |
alszik {vi} | :: to sleep |
alszik, mint a bunda {v} [simile] | :: sleep like a log, sleep like a top, sleep like a baby (to sleep very soundly) |
alszik rá egyet {v} [idiomatic] | :: to sleep on it (to postpone a decision at least overnight, to avoid making a hasty choice) |
alt {n} | :: alto (voice) |
ált. {adj} | :: abbreviation of általános |
által {postp} [archaic, dialectal] | :: through, over |
által {postp} | :: by (by the actions of …), by means of, by dint of, owing to |
általa {pron} | :: by/through him/her/it |
általában {adv} | :: in general, generally, usually |
általános {adj} | :: general (not specific or particular) |
általánosabb {adj} | :: comparative of általános |
általános forgalmi adó {n} | :: value-added tax |
általános háromszög {n} [geometry] | :: scalene triangle (a triangle having each of its three sides of different lengths) |
általános iskola {n} [education] | :: elementary school, grammar school (for children ages 6 to 14) |
általános névmás {n} [grammar] | :: general pronoun (a pronoun that refers to all persons, things, abstract ideas and their characteristics) |
általános relativitáselmélet {n} [physics] | :: general theory of relativity, general relativity |
általánosság {n} | :: generality (the quality of being general) |
általánosság {n} [plural only] | :: generality (vague statements not containing any facts) |
általi {adj} | :: by |
altat {vt} | :: to make someone fall asleep, lull to sleep |
altat {vt} [medicine] | :: to place someone under general anesthesia |
áltat {vt} | :: to mislead, delude, deceive |
altató {adj} | :: soporific (something inducing sleep) |
altató {n} | :: sleeping pill (a pill having a soporific effect) |
altató {n} | :: lullaby |
altatóbb {adj} | :: comparative of altató |
altatódal {n} | :: lullaby |
altatóorvos {n} | :: anesthesiologist |
alternatív {adj} | :: alternative |
alternatíva {n} | :: alternative, choice, option |
alternatívabb {adj} | :: comparative of alternatív |
altruista {adj} | :: altruistic (regardful of others; beneficent; unselfish) |
altruista {n} | :: altruist (a person showing altruism) |
altruistább {adj} | :: comparative of altruista |
altruizmus {n} | :: altruism |
áltudomány {n} | :: pseudoscience |
áltudományos {adj} | :: pseudoscientific |
áltudományosabb {adj} | :: comparative of áltudományos |
aludttej {n} | :: clabber milk (prepared by spontaneous souring in room temperature; its texture is similar to yoghurt, but much lighter) |
alufólia {n} | :: aluminium foil |
alul- {prefix} [verbal prefix] | :: under |
alul {adv} | :: at the bottom, below, under, beneath, underneath |
alul {postp} | :: below (with on) |
alulexponál {vt} [photography] | :: to underexpose (expose to light for a shorter time than is required) |
aluli {adj} | :: below, under-, beneath |
alulírott {adj} | :: undersigned |
alulírott {n} | :: undersigned |
aluljáró {n} | :: underpass (a passage that crosses a road, railroad or similar obstacle in a tunnel underneath it) |
alulról {adv} | :: from below, from beneath |
alumínium {n} | :: aluminium [UK], aluminum [US] (symbol: Al) |
alumíniumipar {n} | :: aluminium industry |
aluszékony {adj} | :: somnolent (inclined to sleep often or to be sleepy all the time) |
aluszékonyabb {adj} | :: comparative of aluszékony |
aluszékonyság {n} | :: somnolence, sleepiness, drowsiness |
aluszik {vi} [regional, archaic] | :: to sleep |
alvajáró {adj} | :: somnambulant |
alvajáró {n} | :: somnambulist, sleepwalker |
alvállalkozó {n} | :: subcontractor (a contractor hired by a general contractor employed by the contractor rather than directly hired by the customer) |
alvás {n} | :: sleep |
alvaszt {vt} | :: to congeal, coagulate (to cause to solidify) |
álvéletlen {adj} | :: pseudorandom |
alvilág {n} | :: underworld (that part of society that is engaged in crime or vice) |
alvilág {n} [mythology] | :: underworld, netherworld (the world of the dead, located underneath the world of the living; the afterlife) |
alvó {adj} | :: asleep, sleeping, dormant, slumberous |
alvó {n} | :: sleeper, slumberer (one who sleeps) |
-ály {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] | :: Added to a verb or other parts of speech to form a noun |
-am {suffix} [possessive suffix] | :: my (first-person singular, single possession) |
-am {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] | :: Added to a noun or a verb to form a noun |
-ám {suffix} [noun suffix] | :: Added to a stem or other parts of speech to form a noun |
ám {adv} | :: [giving emphasis] truly |
ám {adv} | :: [introduces contradiction, used at the end of a phrase] |
ám {adv} | :: [introduces a surprising claim] |
ám {conj} | :: but (indicates contradiction or restriction, like bár) |
ama {pron} [archaic] | :: that, as in yon or yonder |
Amadé {prop} | :: given name |
Amália {prop} | :: given name |
amarra {adv} | :: the other way there, in the other direction there, on the other route there |
amarra {adv} | :: in the other area there, around the other neighborhood there |
amárra {pron} [dialectal] | :: in that other direction (variant of amarra) |
amatőr {n} | :: amateur |
amaz {pron} | :: that one there |
amaz {determiner} | :: that other |
amazon {n} [Greek mythology] | :: Amazon (a member of a mythical race of female warriors) |
amazon {n} | :: amazon (a tall, strong, athletic woman) |
Amazonas {prop} | :: Amazon (river) |
ámbár {conj} [slightly, literary] | :: although, though |
ámbátor {conj} [archaic] | :: synonym of ámbár |
ambíció {n} | :: ambition (eager or inordinate desire for some object that confers distinction, as preferment, honor, superiority, political power, or literary fame; desire to distinguish one's self from other people) |
ambíció {n} | :: ambition (a personal quality similar to motivation, not necessarily tied to a single goal) |
ambiciózus {adj} | :: ambitious (having or showing ambition) |
ambiciózus {adj} | :: ardent, enthusiastic, zealous |
ambuláns {adj} | :: ambulant |
ambulatórium {n} [archaic, medicine] | :: outpatient clinic (a medical health center where ambulatory care can be delivered for outpatients) |
amcsi {adj} [colloquial] | :: American |
amcsi {n} [colloquial] | :: American (person) |
ámde {conj} | :: but, however |
ameddig {adv} [of place] | :: as far as, to |
ameddig {adv} [of time] | :: as long as, while |
ameddig {adv} [of time, with a negated verb] | :: till, until |
amekkora {pron} | :: as large as, as much as |
amellett {adv} | :: besides |
amely {pron} [relative] | :: which; that |
amelyik {pron} [relative] | :: which |
amelyik kutya ugat, az nem harap {proverb} | :: barking dogs seldom bite |
ámen {interj} | :: amen (at the end of religious prayers: so be it) |
ámen {n} | :: amen (the last word of a religious prayer) |
amennyi {pron} | :: as much as |
amennyiben {conj} | :: inasmuch as, insofar as, in that |
amennyiben {conj} [formal] | :: if, providing, provided that |
amennyire {adv} | :: as much as |
amerícium {n} | :: americium |
Amerika {prop} [colloquial] | :: synonym of Amerikai Egyesült Államok |
Amerika {prop} | :: Amerika (the <<continents>> of North America and South America) |
Amerika-ellenes {adj} | :: anti-American |
amerikai {adj} | :: American |
amerikai {n} | :: American (person) |
amerikai angol {n} | :: American English (language) |
Amerikai Egyesült Államok {prop} [plural only] | :: Amerikai Egyesült Államok (country) |
Amerikai Szamoa {prop} | :: Amerikai Szamoa (territory) |
amerikanista {n} | :: Americanist (an expert in the study of America) |
amerikanizmus {n} | :: Americanism |
amerre {adv} | :: where (in which direction) |
ametiszt {n} | :: amethyst |
Ametiszt {prop} | :: given name, meaning "amethyst" |
amfetamin {n} | :: amphetamine |
amfiteátrum {n} | :: amphitheatre |
amfóra {n} | :: amphora |
amhara {n} [singular only] | :: Amharic (language) |
ami {pron} [relative] | :: which; that |
amiatt {adv} | :: on account of, because of |
amiatt {adv} | :: about |
amid {n} [chemistry] | :: amide |
ami elmúlt, elmúlt {proverb} | :: let bygones be bygones |
amiért {adv} | :: because of, for, on account of |
amíg {adv} | :: as long as, while |
amíg {adv} [used with a negative verb] | :: until, till |
amíg világ a világ {phrase} [idiom] | :: until the end of the world, till the end of time, until the sky falls down (forever) |
ami igaz, az igaz {phrase} [idiom] | :: whatever is true, it is true (it is said when we have to admit the truth even if we don't like it) |
amikor {adv} | :: when |
amiláz {n} [enzyme] | :: amylase |
amilyen {pron} [relative] | :: such as, as |
amilyen az adjonisten, olyan a fogadjisten {proverb} | :: give as good as one gets, what goes around, comes around, tit for tat (as we treat others, so will we be treated) |
amilyen hamar csak lehetséges {phrase} | :: as soon as possible, ASAP |
amin {n} [organic chemistry] | :: amine |
a minap {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: recently, lately, the other day |
a mindenit {interj} | :: alternative form of azt a mindenit! |
a mindenségit {interj} | :: alternative form of azt a mindenségit! |
amint {adv} | :: as |
amint {adv} | :: as soon as |
amióta {adv} | :: since when |
ami sok, az sok {phrase} [especially as an expression of exasperation] | :: enough is enough (the limit of patience or tolerance has been reached) |
ámít {vt} | :: to delude, deceive |
amit nyer a réven, elveszti a vámon {phrase} | :: what you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabouts, swings and roundabouts |
Ammán {prop} | :: Ammán (capital) |
ammónium {n} | :: ammonium |
amnesztia {n} | :: amnesty (act of the sovereign power granting oblivion, or a general pardon, for a past offense) |
amnézia {n} | :: amnesia |
ámokfutás {n} | :: running amok/amuck |
ámokfutó {adj} | :: amok (out of control, especially when armed and dangerous) |
ámokfutó {adj} | :: amok, berserk (in a frenzy of violence, or on a killing spree) |
ámokfutó {n} | :: amok (one who runs amok; in Malay and Moro/Philippine culture, one who attempts to kill many others, especially expecting that they will be killed themselves) |
a-moll {n} [music] | :: A minor |
amolyan {adv} | :: kind of, sort of |
amolyan {pron} | :: such, that, that kind of, sort of |
amortizáció {n} | :: amortization (the reduction of loan principal over a series of payments) |
amortizáció {n} | :: depreciation, wear and tear |
amott {adv} | :: there, over there (it refers to a place farther from the speaker, even farther than indicated with ott) |
amőba {n} [biology] | :: amoeba (a single-celled organism) |
amper {n} | :: ampere (unit of electrical current) |
ampulla {n} | :: ampoule |
amputál {vt} | :: to amputate |
amputálás {n} | :: amputation (surgical removal of all or part of a limb) |
Amszterdam {prop} | :: Amszterdam (capital city) |
Amu-darja {prop} | :: Amu Darya (river) |
amúgy {adv} [slightly, colloquial] | :: otherwise, anyway |
amúgy {adv} [slightly, colloquial] | :: by the way, for that matter, incidentally |
ámul {vi} | :: to marvel, to wonder, to be amazed (at something on) |
ámulat {n} | :: amazement, surprise, astonishment |
ámulatba ejt {vt} [idiom] | :: to amaze, to astonish greatly |
ámul-bámul {vi} | :: to marvel, to be amazed (to become filled with wonderment or admiration) |
-an {suffix} | :: [deadjectival adverb suffix] Added to an adjective to create an adverb |
-an {suffix} | :: [denumeral and depronominal adverb suffix] Added to a numeral or a pronoun with this sense to create an adverb, expressing the number of people |
-an {suffix} | :: [verb-forming suffix] Added to a stem ― often an onomatopoeia ― to form a verb expressing an instantaneous action |
-ana {suffix} [personal suffix] | :: Used to form the third-person singular present tense of verbs (conditional mood, indefinite conjugation) |
-aná {suffix} [personal suffix] | :: Used to form the third-person singular present tense of verbs (conditional mood, definite conjugation) |
-anád {suffix} [personal suffix] | :: Used to form the second-person singular present tense of verbs (conditional mood, definite conjugation) |
anagramma {n} | :: anagram (word or phrase created by rearranging letters from another word or phrase) |
-anak {suffix} [personal suffix] | :: third-person plural present tense (indicative mood, indefinite conjugation) |
-anák {suffix} [personal suffix] | :: Used to form the third-person plural present tense of verbs (conditional mood, definite conjugation) |
anakronisztikus {adj} | :: anachronistic, (erroneous in date; containing an anachronism; in a wrong time; not applicable to or not appropriate for the time) |
anakronisztikus {adj} | :: anachronistic, behind the times |
anakronizmus {n} | :: anachronism (a chronological mistake; the erroneous dating of an event, circumstance, or object) |
anakronizmus {n} | :: anachronism (a person or thing which seems to belong to a different time or period of time) |
-anál {suffix} [personal suffix] | :: Used to form the second-person singular present tense of verbs (conditional mood, indefinite conjugation) |
-análak {suffix} [personal suffix] | :: Used to form the first-person singular present tense of transitive verbs with a second-person object (conditional mood, definite conjugation) |
analfabéta {adj} | :: illiterate (unable to read and write) |
analfabéta {adj} | :: illiterate (having little formal education) |
analfabéta {n} | :: illiterate, analphabet (person) |
analfabétább {adj} | :: comparative of analfabéta |
analitikus {adj} | :: analytical, analytic |
analitikus {n} | :: analyst |
analitikus geometria {n} [mathematics] | :: analytic geometry |
analízis {n} | :: analysis |
analóg {adj} | :: analogue (being represented by a continuously variable physical quantity) |
analógia {n} | :: analogy |
-anám {suffix} [personal suffix] | :: Used to form the first-person singular present tense of verbs (conditional mood, definite conjugation) |
-anának {suffix} [personal suffix] | :: Used to form the third-person plural present tense of verbs (conditional mood, indefinite conjugation) |
ananász {n} | :: pineapple |
-anánk {suffix} [personal suffix] | :: Used to form the first-person plural present tense of verbs (conditional mood, indefinite and definite conjugation) |
anarchia {n} | :: anarchy (the state of a society being without authorities or an authoritative governing body) |
anarchia {n} | :: anarchy (confusion in general; disorder) |
anarchikus {adj} | :: anarchic, anarchical (chaotic, without law or order) |
anarchista {adj} | :: anarchistic |
anarchista {n} | :: anarchist |
anarchistább {adj} | :: comparative of anarchista |
anarchizmus {n} | :: anarchism |
Anasztázia {prop} | :: given name |
-anátok {suffix} [personal suffix] | :: Used to form the second-person plural present tense of verbs (conditional mood, indefinite and definite conjugation) |
Anatólia {prop} | :: Anatólia (peninsula) |
Anatólia {prop} | :: given name |
anatómia {n} | :: anatomy (the science of dissecting a body) |
anatómiai {adj} | :: anatomical |
-ancia {suffix} | :: A foreign word ending in nouns |
-and {suffix} [personal suffix, archaic] | :: Added to a verb to form the future tense |
-and {suffix} [instantaneous suffix] | :: Added to a stem to form a verb with an instantaneous meaning |
andalító {adj} | :: lulling, soothing |
andalítóbb {adj} | :: comparative of andalító |
andalog {vi} | :: to go about dreamily |
andalog {vi} [archaic, literary] | :: to indulge in daydreams |
Andalúzia {prop} | :: Andalúzia (autonomous community) |
Andi {prop} | :: given name |
Andi {prop} | :: given name |
-andó {suffix} [future participle suffix] | :: Added to a verb to form the future participle |
Andok {prop} | :: Andok (mountain range) |
andoki flamingó {n} | :: Andean flamingo (Phoenicopterus andinus) |
Andor {prop} | :: given name |
Andorra {prop} | :: Andorra (country) |
andragógia {n} | :: andragogy (methods used to teach adults) |
András {prop} | :: given name |
Andrea {prop} | :: given name, feminine form of András |
andris {n} [dated, slang] | :: police officer |
Andris {prop} | :: given name |
androgün {adj} | :: androgynous |
Androméda {prop} [Greek mythology] | :: Andromeda, daughter of Cepheus and Cassiopeia |
Androméda {prop} [constellation] | :: Andromeda, an autumn constellation of the northern sky |
Androméda {prop} | :: given name |
-anék {suffix} [personal suffix] | :: Used to form the first-person singular present tense of verbs (conditional mood, indefinite conjugation) |
anekdota {n} | :: anecdote (short account of a real incident or person) |
anekdotikus {adj} | :: anecdotic, anecdotal (of the nature of or relating to an anecdote) |
anélkül {adv} | :: without (it) |
anémia {n} | :: anaemia |
anesztézia {n} [medicine] | :: anesthesia |
aneszteziológus {n} [medicine] | :: anesthesiologist |
Anett {prop} | :: given name |
-ang {suffix} [frequentative suffix] | :: Added to a verb to form a verb denoting repetitive action |
Angéla {prop} | :: given name |
Angelika {prop} | :: given name |
angina {n} [medicine, cardiology] | :: angina, angina pectoris (intermittent crushing chest pain caused by reversible myocardial ischemia) |
anginázik {vi} [colloquial, medicine] | :: to experience angina pectoris |
Anglia {prop} | :: Anglia (country) |
angliai {adj} | :: English, of England, British (of, from, or relating to England) |
anglicizmus {n} [grammar] | :: anglicism |
anglikán {adj} | :: Anglican |
anglista {n} | :: Anglicist (an expert on English studies) |
anglisztika {n} [humanities] | :: English studies (an academic discipline that includes the study of literatures written in the English language, English linguistics, and English sociolinguistics) |
angol {adj} | :: English (of or relating to England, its people or language) |
angol {n} | :: English (people) |
angol {n} [singular only] | :: English (language) |
Angola {prop} | :: Angola (country) |
angolkór {n} [diseases] | :: rickets (a disorder of infancy and early childhood caused by a deficiency of vitamin D, causing soft bones) |
angolna {n} | :: eel |
angolnyelv-tudás {n} | :: knowledge of English |
angolság {n} | :: English (speech, writing) |
angolszász {adj} | :: Anglo-Saxon |
angolszász {n} | :: Anglo-Saxon (person) |
angolszász {n} [singular only] | :: Anglo-Saxon (language) |
angolul {adv} | :: in English, English |
ángy {n} [folksy] | :: sister-in-law (the wife of a usually close, older male relative, such as a brother or an uncle) |
angyal {n} | :: angel |
angyali {adj} | :: angelic |
angyalibb {adj} | :: comparative of angyali |
angyalka {n} | :: little angel, cherub |
Angyalka {prop} | :: given name |
angyalsereg {n} | :: host of angels |
-ani {suffix} [infinitive suffix] | :: Used to form the infinitive |
-ania {suffix} | :: Used to form the third-person singular and the second-person singular formal of an infinitive |
Anikó {prop} | :: given name. Comparabale to Annie, Nancy, Nanny, Nina |
animáció {n} | :: animation |
animációs {adj} | :: animated |
anime {n} | :: anime (artistic style originating in, and associated with, Japanese animation) |
anime {n} | :: anime (animated work originated in Japan, regardless of the artistic style) |
animizmus {n} | :: animism |
Anita {prop} | :: given name |
-aniuk {suffix} [conjugated infinitive suffix] | :: Used to form the third-person plural of a conjugated infinitive |
ánizs {n} | :: anise (Pimpinella anisum) |
ánizscukorka {n} | :: anise candy |
-ánk {suffix} [adjective-forming suffix, rare] | :: Added to a monosyllable verb to form an adjective to express a permanent, habitual quality or nature |
-anként {suffix} [distributive suffix] | :: Added to a noun |
-anként {suffix} | :: It can express the manner when something happens to each member of a set one by one |
-anként {suffix} | :: It can also express the frequency in time |
ankét {n} | :: conference |
ankét {n} [press] | :: (all-around) inquiry |
Anna {prop} | :: given name |
Annácska {prop} | :: given name |
annak {pron} | :: as such, in that capacity |
Annamária {prop} | :: given name |
annektál {vt} | :: to annex (to add something to another, to incorporate into) |
-anod {suffix} | :: Used to form the second-person singular informal of an infinitive |
-anom {suffix} | :: Used to form the first-person singular of an infinitive |
anomália {n} | :: anomaly |
-anotok {suffix} [conjugated infinitive suffix] | :: Used to form the second-person plural of a conjugated infinitive |
-áns {suffix} | :: A distinguishable foreign word ending in nouns and adjectives. It is not an independent Hungarian suffix |
-ant {suffix} [instantaneous suffix] | :: Added to a stem - often an onomatopoeia - to form a verb expressing an instantaneous action |
-anta {suffix} [distributive-temporal suffix] | :: Added to a temporal noun to form an adverb |
antagonizmus {n} | :: antagonism |
Antal {prop} | :: given name |
Antarktisz {prop} | :: Antarctica |
antarktiszi {adj} | :: Antarctican |
anti- {prefix} | :: anti- |
Anti {prop} | :: given name |
antialkoholista {n} | :: teetotaler |
antibiotikum {n} [pharmacology] | :: antibiotic (any substance that can destroy or inhibit the growth of bacteria and similar microorganisms) |
antidemokratikus {adj} | :: antidemocratic |
antidepresszáns {n} [pharmacology] | :: antidepressant (an agent that prevents or counteracts depression) |
antifasizmus {n} | :: antifascism |
Antigua {prop} | :: Antigua (the largest island of the nation of Antigua and Barbuda, in the Caribbean) |
Antigua és Barbuda {prop} | :: Antigua és Barbuda (country) |
antihisztamin {n} | :: antihistamine (a drug used to counteract the effects of histamine) |
antik {adj} | :: antique, ancient (belonging to ancient history) |
antik {adj} | :: period, antique (furniture, etc.) |
antikabb {adj} | :: comparative of antik |
Antikrisztus {prop} | :: Antichrist |
antikva {n} [typography] | :: serif typeface (typeface with a short line added to the end of strokes) |
antikvárium {n} | :: second-hand bookshop |
antikvitás {n} | :: antiquity (ancient times) |
antikvitás {n} | :: antiquity (a relic or monument of ancient times) |
antilop {n} | :: antelope |
antimon {n} | :: antimony (symbol: Sb) |
antinómia {n} | :: antinomy |
antipátia {n} | :: antipathy |
antipatikus {adj} | :: antipathetic |
antiszemita {adj} | :: anti-Semitic, anti-Jewish (relating to or exhibiting anti-Semitism) |
antiszemita {n} | :: anti-Semite (someone with anti-Semitic views) |
antiszeptikum {n} [pharmacology] | :: antiseptic (any substance that inhibits the growth and reproduction of microorganisms) |
antiszeptikus {adj} | :: antiseptic |
antiszociális {adj} | :: antisocial |
antitest {n} [immunology] | :: antibody |
antitézis {n} | :: antithesis |
antitoxikus {adj} | :: antitoxic |
antológia {n} | :: anthology (a collection of literary works, such as poems or short stories) |
antonima {n} | :: antonym (word which has the opposite meaning) |
antropológia {n} | :: anthropology |
antropológiai {adj} | :: anthropological (relating to anthropology) |
antropológus {n} | :: anthropologist |
-anunk {suffix} | :: Used to form the first-person plural of an infinitive |
-any {suffix} [nominal suffix] | :: Added to a word to form a noun or an adjective |
-ány {suffix} [nominal suffix] | :: Added to a verb to form a noun or less frequently an adjective |
anya {n} | :: mother |
anya {n} [engineering] | :: nut (piece of metal intended to be screwed onto a bolt) |
anyag {n} | :: material, matter, substance |
anyag {n} [education] | :: a unit of knowledge to be taught and learnt |
anyag {n} [slang] | :: drugs |
anyagcsere {n} [physiology] | :: metabolism (the chemical processes that occur within a living organism in order to maintain life) |
anyagi {adj} | :: material |
anyagi {adj} | :: monetary, pecuniary, financial |
anyagi {n} [plural only] | :: funds, wherewithal (material resources) |
anyagilag {adv} | :: financially, materially |
anyahajó {n} | :: mother ship |
anyahajó {n} | :: ellipsis of repülőgép-anyahajó |
anyai {adj} | :: maternal, motherly |
anyaibb {adj} | :: comparative of anyai |
anyai örömök elé néz {vi} [idiomatic, literary] | :: to be expectant, to be in the family way (said of a pregnant woman) |
anyajegy {n} | :: mole, birthmark (a pigment patch on the skin) |
anyák napja {n} | :: Mother's Day |
anyakönyv {n} | :: register of births, marriages and deaths |
anyanyelv {n} | :: mother tongue, native language |
anyanyelvi {adj} | :: native |
anyanyelvű {adj} | :: -speaking (of or relating to mother tongue, native language) |
anyaország {n} | :: fatherland, motherland |
anyáskodik {vi} [also, derogatory] | :: to mother (to treat an adult like his/her mother, usually with unasked and excessive care; the subject is followed by felett or val) |
anyátlan {adj} | :: motherless (without a living mother) |
anyátlan {adj} [colloquial, of a person] | :: helpless |
anyavállalat {n} | :: parent company |
annyi {pron} | :: so much, so many |
annyian {adv} | :: so many (in such great number) |
annyira {adv} | :: so much |
annyiszor {adv} | :: so many times, so often |
anyó {n} | :: little old woman, granny |
anyóka {n} | :: little old woman, granny |
anyós {n} | :: mother-in-law (spouse's mother) |
anyu {n} | :: mom, mum (mother) |
anyuka {n} | :: mom |
apa {n} | :: father |
apáca {n} | :: nun |
apácafőnöknő {n} | :: abbess (a female superior or governess of a nunnery, or convent of nuns, having the same authority over the nuns which the abbots have over the monks) |
apad {vi} | :: to ebb (sea) |
apad {vi} | :: to lessen, shrink |
apai {adj} | :: paternal |
apaibb {adj} | :: comparative of apai |
apály {n} | :: low tide |
apanázs {n} | :: monthly allowance |
apanázs {n} [colloquial] | :: pocket money |
apanázs {n} [historical] | :: appanage |
apanév {n} | :: patronym; father's name |
apaság {n} | :: paternity, fatherhood, parenthood (the state of being a father) |
apasági {adj} [attributive] | :: paternity, fatherhood, parenthood |
apaszt {vt} | :: to decrease, reduce, lessen (to bring down the size, quantity of something) |
apát {n} | :: abbot (the superior or head of an abbey or monastery) |
apátia {n} | :: apathy, disinterest (lack of emotion or motivation; lack of interest or enthusiasm towards something) |
apatikus {adj} | :: apathetic |
apatit {n} [mineralogy] | :: apatite |
apátlan {adj} | :: fatherless (without a living father) |
apátnő {n} | :: abbess (a female superior or governess of a nunnery, or convent of nuns, having the same authority over the nuns which the abbots have over the monks) |
apátság {n} | :: abbey (monastery headed by an abbot) |
apátság {n} | :: abbacy (the rank of an abbot) |
Apc {prop} | :: Apc (village) |
APEH {prop} [historical] | :: initialism of Adó- és Pénzügyi Ellenőrzési Hivatal Since 2011, it is named Nemzeti Adó- és Vámhivatal, abbreviated as NAV |
a pénz nem boldogít {proverb} | :: money can't buy happiness |
aperitif {n} | :: apéritif |
apetitus {n} [archaic] | :: appetite |
Aphrodité {prop} [Greek mythology] | :: Aphrodite, the god of beauty and love |
a pohár fenekére néz {v} [idiomatic] | :: to get drunk (to intoxicate oneself with alcohol) |
apokalipszis {n} | :: apocalypse (end of life on earth) |
ápol {vt} | :: to nurse |
ápol {vt} | :: to take care of |
ápol {vt} | :: to cultivate |
ápolás {n} | :: nursing |
ápolás {n} | :: care |
ápolás {n} | :: grooming |
ápolás {n} | :: cultivation |
ápolási {adj} | :: of or pertaining to nursing, care |
ápolatlan {adj} | :: untended (patient) |
ápolatlan {adj} | :: ill-groomed (looks) |
ápolatlan {adj} | :: unkempt (hair) |
ápolatlanabb {adj} | :: comparative of ápolatlan |
ápolatlanság {n} | :: unkempt appearance |
ápolatlanság {n} | :: frowziness |
ápolatlanság {n} | :: slovenliness |
Apollón {prop} [Greek mythology] | :: Apollo, god of the sun, poetry, prophecy, music, dance, arts, archery and more |
Apollónia {prop} | :: given name |
ápoló {adj} | :: nursing |
ápoló {adj} | :: cultivating |
ápoló {n} | :: (male) nurse |
ápoló {n} | :: keeper |
ápolói {adj} | :: nursing |
ápolóintézet {n} | :: nursing home |
ápolónő {n} | :: nurse |
ápolónői {adj} | :: nursing |
ápolt {adj} | :: properly cared for |
ápolt {adj} | :: well-groomed |
ápolt {n} | :: inpatient |
ápoltabb {adj} | :: comparative of ápolt |
ápoltság {n} | :: neatness, trimness, well-groomed appearance |
apoplexia {n} | :: apoplexy |
após {n} | :: father-in-law (one's spouse's father) |
apostol {n} | :: apostle |
apostoli {adj} | :: apostolic, apostolical |
aposztróf {n} | :: apostrophe (the character ’) |
app {n} [computing] | :: app, application |
apparátus {n} | :: apparatus |
Appenninek {prop} | :: Apennines, Apennine Mountains |
ápr. {n} | :: Apr, Apr. (April) |
apránként {adv} | :: gradually, piecemeal, bit by bit, little by little |
április {n} | :: April |
áprilisi {adj} | :: April, in April, of April |
apró {adj} | :: tiny, small |
apró {n} | :: change, loose change (small denominations of money) |
apró {n} [in the plural, with the verb lép] | :: small steps |
apró {n} [rare] | :: small child |
apróbb {adj} | :: comparative of apró |
apród {n} [historical] | :: page, page boy |
aprópénz {n} | :: change, loose change (coins kept in one's pocket) |
apropó {adv} | :: apropos, by the way |
apropó {adv} | :: apropos, timely, at a good time |
apropó {n} | :: reason |
apróság {n} | :: trifle, bagatelle (a small thing) |
apróság {n} | :: tot, littlun (a small child) |
aprósütemény {n} | :: cookie, cake |
aprózódik {vi} | :: to fragment (to get broken up into small pieces) |
apsziskápolna {n} [architecture] | :: apse chapel |
apu {n} | :: dad |
apus {n} | :: dad, daddy |
ÁPV Rt. {prop} | :: abbreviation of Állami Privatizációs és Vagyonkezelő Rt. |
-ár {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] | :: Added to a verb to form a noun indicating the place of the action or the doer or the result of the action |
ár {n} | :: price |
ár {n} [figuratively] | :: cost (a negative consequence or loss that occurs or is required to occur) |
ár {n} | :: flood |
ár {n} | :: high tide, flow (as opposed to the ebb) |
ár {n} | :: awl (pointed instrument for piercing small holes, as in leather or wood) |
ár {n} | :: are (accepted SI unit of area equal to 100 square metres) |
ara {n} [literary] | :: bride |
arab {adj} | :: Arabic (relating to Arabia) |
arab {n} | :: Arabian (person) |
arab {n} [singular only] | :: Arabic (language) |
arabeszk {n} | :: arabesque |
Arab-félsziget {prop} | :: Arabian Peninsula |
Arábia {prop} | :: Arabia |
arábiai {adj} | :: Arabian |
arab írás {n} | :: Arabic script, Arabic alphabet |
arabisztika {n} | :: Arab studies, the study of Arab culture |
arab szám {n} [mathematics] | :: Arabic numeral |
arachnofóbia {n} | :: arachnophobia (an abnormal or irrational fear of spiders) |
Arad {prop} | :: The capital city of Arad County, in western Romania |
árad {vi} | :: to rise, flood (river) |
árad {vi} | :: to flow, stream (liquid) |
árad {vi} | :: to radiate, emanate (light) |
áradás {n} | :: flood |
áradat {n} | :: torrent |
áradmány {n} | :: accretion, alluvion (the increase in the area of land due to the deposition of sediment by a river) |
aragonit {n} [mineralology] | :: aragonite |
árajánlat {n} | :: (price) quotation, tender, bid |
áram {n} | :: power, electricity (a supply of electricity) |
áram {n} [electricity] | :: current |
áram {n} | :: current, stream, flow (fluid or air that moves continuously in a certain direction) |
áramkör {n} [electricity] | :: circuit (enclosed path of an electric current) |
áramlás {n} | :: flow, stream, current |
áramlat {n} | :: current (part of a fluid that moves continuously in a certain direction) |
áramlik {vi} | :: to flow, stream, circulate |
áramütés {n} | :: electric shock (the physical shock caused by the flow of electricity through the body) |
áramvonalas {adj} | :: streamlined (shaped to offer little resistance to the flow of fluid) |
Aranka {prop} | :: given name. Hungarian equivalent of Aurelia |
arany {adj} | :: gold, golden (made of gold or having the colour of gold) |
arany {n} | :: gold (elemental metal of great value) |
arany {n} | :: gold (coin made of gold) |
arany {n} | :: gold medal |
arány {n} | :: ratio, proportion, scale |
aranyabb {adj} | :: comparative of arany |
aranyárfolyam {n} [economics] | :: gold price, exchange rate of gold (the market value of gold) |
aranyásó {n} | :: gold digger (someone who digs or mines for gold) |
aranybánya {n} [mining] | :: gold mine |
aranyér {n} | :: piles, haemorrhoids |
aranyérem {n} | :: gold medal |
aranyérme {n} | :: gold coin (a coin made of gold) |
aranyérmes {adj} | :: gold-medal |
aranyérmes {n} | :: gold medalist (someone who has received a gold medal) |
aranyfüst {n} | :: gold leaf |
aranygaluska {n} | :: a Hungarian dessert consisting of dumpling balls layered into a cake with vanilla custard-filled pockets |
aranyhal {n} | :: goldfish |
aranyhörcsög {n} | :: golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) |
aranykeret {n} | :: gold frame |
aranykor {n} | :: golden age (period of greatest happiness, prosperity, and/or progress) |
aranykor {n} [mythology] | :: Golden Age (The oldest and best of the Classical Ages of Man) |
aránylag {adv} | :: relatively, comparatively |
aranylakodalom {n} | :: golden wedding |
aranyláz {n} | :: gold rush |
aranymetszés {n} [mathematics] | :: golden ratio |
aranyos {adj} [archaic] | :: aurous (containing gold) |
aranyos {adj} [dated] | :: adorned, covered or decorated with gold, gilded |
aranyos {adj} [dated] | :: golden, gold-colored |
aranyos {adj} | :: cute |
arányos {adj} | :: proportionate, proportional |
aranyosabb {adj} | :: comparative of aranyos |
arányosabb {adj} | :: comparative of arányos |
arányosan {adv} | :: proportionately, proportionally |
aranyoz {vt} | :: to gild |
aranyozott {adj} | :: gilded (made of gold or covered by a thin layer of gold) |
aranyozottabb {adj} | :: comparative of aranyozott |
aranyrög {n} | :: gold nugget |
aranysakál {n} | :: golden jackal |
aránytalan {adj} | :: disproportionate |
aránytalanabb {adj} | :: comparative of aránytalan |
aránytalanság {n} | :: disproportion, disproportionateness (the state of being out of proportion; an abnormal or improper ratio; an imbalance) |
aránytalanul {adv} | :: disproportionately |
aranytartalék {n} | :: gold reserve |
arányú {adj} | :: of proportion, rate, ratio (of a certain proportion) |
áraszt {vt} [of water, tears] | :: to cause to flood |
áraszt {vt} | :: to radiate, emit, emanate |
árasztó {adj} | :: radiating, emanating, emitting |
arat {vt} | :: to harvest, to reap |
aratás {n} | :: harvesting (the process of gathering the ripened crop) |
aratás {n} | :: harvest (the season of gathering ripened crops; specifically, the time of reaping and gathering grain) |
aratás {n} | :: harvest (the yield of harvesting, i.e., the gathered crops or fruits) |
aratás {n} [by extension] | :: harvest (proceeds, reward, profit) |
aratási {adj} [attributive] | :: harvest |
arató {n} | :: reaper (one who reaps) |
aratógép {n} | :: reaper (a machine used to harvest crops) |
árbevétel {n} | :: turnover, revenue, sales returns (the amount of money that a company receives from the sale of goods and services to customers) |
árboc {n} | :: superseded spelling of árbóc |
árbóc {n} | :: mast (support of a sail) |
arborétum {n} | :: arboretum |
arc {n} [anatomy] | :: face |
arcátlan {adj} | :: impudent, insolent, impertinent, bold-faced, brazen, audacious (shameless and insulting in manner or words) |
arcátlanabb {adj} | :: comparative of arcátlan |
arca verítékével {phrase} | :: by the sweat of one's brow |
arcfestés {n} | :: face painting (the application of decorative paint to the face) |
archaizmus {n} | :: archaism |
archeológia {n} | :: archaeology, archeology (US) |
archeológiai {adj} | :: archaeological |
archeológus {n} | :: archaeologist, archeologist [US] |
architektúra {n} | :: architecture |
archív {adj} | :: archive (stored in the archive) |
archivál {vt} | :: to archive (to put into an archive) |
archívum {n} | :: archive |
arcideg {n} [neuroanatomy] | :: facial nerve |
arcizom {n} | :: facial muscle |
arckép {n} | :: portrait |
arckifejezés {n} | :: countenance, look, facial expression |
arckoponya {n} [anatomy] | :: facial skeleton (the facial bones that form a portion of the skull; the remainder of the skull is the braincase) |
arcpirosító {n} | :: blusher (face makeup that makes the cheeks rosier) |
arcú {adj} | :: -faced, with a …… face (having a specific kind of face) |
arculat {n} | :: image (characteristic of a group, nation, etc.; how one is, or wishes to be, perceived by others) |
arculat {n} [marketing, graphic design] | :: corporate identity (consistent outward appearance of a company, especially with regard to visual style including logo, stationery, uniforms, etc.) |
arcul csap {v} [idiomatic] | :: to slap/strike someone on the face |
arculcsapás {n} [idiom] | :: slap in the face (something unexpectedly said or done which causes shock or offense; an insult, rebuke, or rebuff) |
arcul üt {v} [idiomatic] | :: to slap/strike someone in the face |
arcüreg {n} [anatomy] | :: maxillary sinus (a paranasal sinus found in the body of the maxilla) |
arcvonás {n} | :: feature, lineament (of face) |
árcsökkenés {n} | :: price decrease |
arcszín {n} | :: complexion, colour (colour of the skin on the face) |
arcszőrzet {n} | :: facial hair |
aréna {n} | :: arena |
árérzékeny {adj} [economics] | :: price-sensitive |
a rest kétszer fárad {proverb} | :: a stitch in time saves nine |
Árész {prop} [Greek god] | :: Ares (the god of war) |
árfolyam {n} [finance] | :: exchange rate, rate |
Argentína {prop} | :: Argentína (country) |
argó {n} | :: argot, jargon, slang, cant (a secret language or conventional slang peculiar to thieves, tramps and vagabonds) |
argó {n} | :: argot, jargon (the specialized informal vocabulary and terminology used between people with special skill in a field) |
argon {n} | :: argon (a chemical element, symbol Ar, with an atomic number of 18) |
ária {n} [music] | :: aria (a musical piece written typically for a solo voice with orchestral accompaniment in an opera or cantata) |
árindex {n} | :: price index |
arisztokrácia {n} | :: aristocracy |
arisztokrata {adj} | :: aristocratic |
arisztokrata {n} | :: aristocrat |
arisztokratább {adj} | :: comparative of arisztokrata |
arisztokratikus {adj} | :: aristocratic |
arisztokratikusabb {adj} | :: comparative of arisztokratikus |
Arisztotelész {prop} | :: Aristotle |
arisztotelészi {adj} | :: Aristotelian, Aristotelean |
arisztotelianizmus {n} | :: Aristotelianism |
-árium {suffix} | :: -arium (a place where things are kept) |
árja {n} | :: Aryan (in Nazism: a member of an alleged master race of non-Jewish Caucasians) |
árja {adj} | :: Aryan (pertaining, in racial theories, to the alleged Aryan master race) |
árkád {n} [architecture] | :: arcade (row of arches) |
arkangyal {n} | :: archangel |
Arkhimédész {prop} | :: Archimedes (an ancient Greek mathemitician) |
arkhimédészi {adj} | :: Archimedean |
arkhimédészi test {n} [geometry] | :: Archimedean solid (one of the 13 solids first enumerated by Archimedes) |
árkon-bokron {adv} [idiomatic] | :: over hedge and ditch (followed by át or keresztül) (frantically, wildly, through everything and anything, not caring about dangers and obstacles, e.g. running) |
árkon-bokron {adv} [idiomatic] | :: far away (followed by túl) (far away to a great distance, passing through all obstacles, e.g. fleeing) |
Arktisz {prop} | :: Arctic |
ármány {n} [literary, slightly, dated] | :: intrigue, machination, cabal (a sinister plot to damage, deceive or destroy someone) |
ármányos {adj} | :: cunning, insidious |
ármányos {n} [obsolete] | :: peasant |
ármányosabb {adj} | :: comparative of ármányos |
ármerevség {n} [economics] | :: price rigidity (non-responsiveness of price to shifts in the supply and/or demand curves) |
Ármin {prop} | :: given name |
Ármina {prop} [rare] | :: given name |
Arnold {prop} | :: given name |
árny {n} | :: shadow, shade |
árny {n} | :: ghost |
árnyal {vt} | :: to shade (to shield from light) |
árnyal {vt} [painting] | :: to shade (to darken, particularly in drawing or painting) |
árnyal {vt} [painting] | :: to shade (to vary or approach something slightly, particularly in color) |
árnyal {vt} [figuratively, literary] | :: to tinge (to make slight differences, especially in writing) |
árnyalat {n} | :: shade, hue (variety of a colour) |
árnyék {n} | :: shadow (dark image projected onto a surface) |
árnyékos {adj} | :: shady (cool; overspread with shade; sheltered from the glare of light or sultry heat) |
árnyékos {adj} | :: shady (causing shade) |
árnyékos {adj} [figuratively] | :: disadvantageous, unfavourable (side of life) |
árnyékosság {n} | :: shadiness (the property of being shady and sheltered from the sun and light) |
árnyjáték {n} | :: shadow play |
árok {n} | :: ditch |
aroma {n} | :: aroma |
aromás {adj} | :: aromatic (fragrant or spicy) |
aromás {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: aromatic (having a closed ring of alternate single and double bonds with delocalized electrons) |
aromás {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: aromatic (derived from benzene) |
aromásabb {adj} | :: comparative of aromás |
Áron {prop} | :: given name |
Áron {prop} | :: Aaron (the elder brother of Moses) |
árpa {n} | :: barley |
árpa {n} [diseases] | :: stye, hordeolum (a bacterial infection in the eyelash or eyelid) |
Árpád {prop} | :: given name |
árpádsáv {n} | :: Árpád stripe (old Hungarian symbol of red and white/silver stripes) |
arra {adv} | :: that way, in that direction, on that route |
arra {adv} | :: in that area, around that neighborhood |
arrafelé {adv} | :: about that way (away from the speaker), in that direction (usually pointing to the direction) |
arrafelé {adv} | :: thereabout, thereabouts, near that place, around there |
arrogáns {adj} | :: arrogant |
arrogánsabb {adj} | :: comparative of arrogáns |
arrogánsabban {adv} | :: comparative of arrogánsan |
arrogánsan {adv} | :: arrogantly |
arszlán {n} [archaic] | :: dandy#Noun |
árt {vi} | :: to harm, hurt someone, to be bad or harmful to someone [with nak] |
árt {vr} [today chiefly with magát] | :: to meddle in, interfere in, dabble in, involve oneself in, pry into, nose into something (ba) |
ártalmas {adj} | :: harmful, injurious, detrimental (to someone or something ra) |
ártalmatlan {adj} | :: innocuous, harmless |
ártalmatlanabb {adj} | :: comparative of ártalmatlan |
ártány {n} | :: barrow (castrated male pig) |
ártatlan {adj} | :: innocent |
ártatlan {n} | :: innocent |
ártatlanabb {adj} | :: comparative of ártatlan |
ártatlanság {n} | :: innocence |
artéria {n} [anatomy] | :: artery (efferent blood vessel from the heart) |
artériás {adj} [anatomy] | :: arterial (of or relating to an artery) |
arterioszklerózis {n} | :: arteriosclerosis |
articsóka {n} | :: artichoke |
artikuláció {n} | :: articulation |
artikulált {adj} | :: articulate |
artikuláltabb {adj} | :: comparative of artikulált |
artista {n} | :: artiste, acrobat |
Artúr {prop} | :: given name |
áru {n} | :: goods, merchandise, product |
áru {n} [as an affix] | :: -ware (items made from a particular substance) |
áru {n} [as an affix] | :: -ery (a class, group, or collection of things) |
árú {adj} | :: -price, -priced, with ... price(s), of a certain price |
árucikk {n} | :: commodity, article (of merchandise), a good (an item of merchandise, anything movable that is bought and sold) |
árufeltöltő {n} | :: shelf stacker, shelf filler, stock replenisher (person whose job is to fill a shop's display units with goods) |
áruház {n} | :: department store |
áruhiány {n} | :: shortages (shortage, lack of goods, products, commodities) |
árul {vt} [imperfective] | :: to sell (spend time trying to sell, as opposed to elad, which refers to the successful sale) |
áruló {n} | :: traitor |
Arunácsal Pradés {prop} | :: Arunachal Pradesh |
árus {n} | :: seller, vendor, trader, retailer |
árva {adj} | :: orphan (deprived of parents) |
árva {adj} | :: single, sole (one in number, typically in negative sentences) |
árva {n} | :: orphan (a minor whose parents have died or permanently abandoned them) |
árvább {adj} | :: comparative of árva |
árvaház {n} | :: orphanage |
árvasor {n} [typography] | :: orphan (the first line of a paragraph separated from the rest by a page break or column break) |
árverés {n} | :: auction |
árvíz {n} | :: flood |
árvíztűrő tükörfúrógép {n} | :: flood-resistant mirror-drilling machine |
arzén {n} | :: arsenic (symbol: As) |
-as {suffix} [adjective-forming suffix] | :: Added to a noun to form an adjective meaning "having something, a quality"; sometimes referred to as ornative |
-as {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] | :: Added to a noun to form an occupation or a collective noun |
-as {suffix} [number-forming suffix] | :: Added to an ordinal number to form a digit or figure, cf. the relevant template |
-ás {suffix} [noun suffix] | :: Added to a verb to form a noun |
ás {vit} | :: to dig |
-aság {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] | :: -dom, -ness, -ity. Added to an adjective, noun or verb to form an abstract noun |
a sarkára áll {v} [idiomatic] | :: to assert one's will, to be firm, to stick to one's guns (to confront others confidently in order to protect one's own interests, opinion, situation) |
ásatag {adj} [mineralogy, attributively] | :: fossil (of the excavated mineralized remains of an animal or plant) |
ásatag {adj} | :: fossiliferous (containing fossils) |
ásatag {adj} [figuratively, humorous or pejorative] | :: outdated, ancient, antiquated, old-fashioned |
ásatagabb {adj} | :: comparative of ásatag |
ásatás {n} | :: digging (the action of making a person or thing perform digging) |
ásatás {n} [archaeology] | :: excavation, dig (archaeological research that unearths buildings, tombs and objects of historical value) |
ásatás {n} [archaeology] | :: excavation, dig (a site where an archaeological exploration is being carried out) |
ásatási {adj} [archaeology, attributive] | :: excavation, dig |
a sír szélén áll {v} [idiomatic] | :: to be on one's deathbed, to be at death's door, to be knocking on heaven's door, to be with one foot in the grave (to be close to death) |
ásít {vi} | :: to yawn (to open the mouth widely and take a long, rather deep breath, often because one is tired or bored) |
ásít {vi} | :: to yawn, gape (to display a gap, to present a wide opening) |
ásítás {n} | :: yawn |
ásó {adj} | :: digging |
ásó {n} | :: spade (a garden tool with a handle and a flat blade for digging) |
ásó {n} | :: digger (one who digs) |
a sors fintora {n} [idiomatic] | :: irony, twist of fate, quirk of fate |
aspektus {n} | :: aspect |
-asság {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] | :: -dom, -ness, -ity. Added to an adjective, noun or verb to form an abstract noun |
astanga {n} | :: ashtanga (yoga) |
-astul {suffix} [adverb-forming suffix] | :: with, together with, along with. Used to form the sociative case (sometimes also referred to as comitative case), although it is not an actual case from a strictly syntactic point of view |
ásvány {n} | :: mineral |
ásványi {adj} | :: mineral |
ásványtan {n} | :: mineralogy |
ásványvíz {n} | :: mineral water |
-asz {suffix} [personal suffix] | :: Used to form the second-person singular present tense of verbs (indicative mood, indefinite conjugation) |
-asz {suffix} [nominal-forming suffix] | :: Used to form nouns and adjectives from verb or nouns |
asz {n} [music] | :: A-flat, A♭ (a tone one semitone lower than an A) |
-ász {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] | :: Added to a noun or a verb to form a noun denoting an occupation |
ász {n} [cards] | :: ace (card with a single spot) |
ász {n} [tennis] | :: ace (serve won without the opponent hitting the ball) |
ász {n} [colloquial] | :: ace (expert at something) |
ász {n} | :: ace (excellent military aircraft pilot) |
aszal {vt} | :: to dry, dehydrate, desiccate, torrefy (to preserve by drying) |
aszalt {adj} | :: dried, dehydrated |
aszalt szilva {n} | :: prune, dried plum |
aszály {n} | :: drought, aridity, drouth |
aszályos {adj} | :: droughty |
aszályosabb {adj} | :: comparative of aszályos |
aszálytűrő {adj} | :: drought-tolerant |
aszálytűrőbb {adj} | :: comparative of aszálytűrő |
a számból vetted ki a szót {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: You took the words right out of my mouth (said in agreement), i.e., that’s what I was just about to say. |
a számlát, legyen szíves {phrase} | :: the bill, please! |
ászana {n} | :: asana |
-ászat {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] | :: Added to a noun (or rarely a verb) to form a noun, normally the name of an activity, occupation, or trade |
a szélrózsa minden irányában {adv} | :: in all quarters of the globe, in all directions, to the four winds |
aszeptikus {adj} | :: aseptic (free of disease-causing microbes) |
aszeptikus {adj} [medicine, of fever, illness] | :: aseptic (of noninfectious origin) |
aszeptikusabb {adj} | :: comparative of aszeptikus |
aszerint {adv} | :: accordingly, in accordance with, according to, as |
aszexuális {adj} | :: asexual |
aszexuális {n} | :: asexual |
aszexualitás {n} | :: asexuality |
ászf {n} [legal] | :: general terms and conditions, standard contractual clauses |
aszik {vi} | :: to dry, wither, wilt |
-ászik {suffix} | :: A verb-forming suffix |
aszimmetrikus {adj} | :: asymmetric |
aszimptota {n} [mathematics] | :: asymptote |
aszittem {contraction} | :: eye dialect of azt hittem |
aszkéta {n} | :: ascetic |
aszkézis {n} | :: asceticism |
-aszkodik {suffix} [verb-forming suffix] | :: Used to form a reflexive verb indicating repetitive action |
aszkorbinsav {n} [organic chemistry] | :: ascorbic acid |
ászok {n} | :: gantry (a supporting framework for a barrel) |
ászok {n} | :: the plank (board) or shelf placed under a beehive |
a szomszéd rétje mindig zöldebb {proverb} | :: the grass is always greener on the other side |
aszongya {contraction} | :: eye dialect of azt mondja |
aszonta {contraction} | :: eye dialect of azt mondta |
aszpirin {n} | :: aspirin |
asszaszin {n} | :: assassin (member of the historical Ismaili Muslim militant group) |
asszem {contraction} | :: eye dialect of azt hiszem |
Asszíria {prop} | :: Assyria |
asszisztál {vi} | :: to assist |
asszisztens {n} | :: assistant |
asszociáció {n} | :: association |
asszociációs {adj} | :: associative |
asszociál {vit} | :: to associate (to something ra) |
asszociatív {adj} [mathematics] | :: associative |
asszociativitás {n} [algebra] | :: associativity |
asszony {n} | :: a married or divorced woman or a widow |
asszony {n} | :: woman (adult female human) |
asszony {n} [often, colloquial] | :: woman, wife |
asszony {n} [formal] | :: lady, mistress (woman of authority) |
asszonynép {n} | :: womenfolk |
asszonyos {adj} | :: womanlike, womanly |
asszonyosabb {adj} | :: comparative of asszonyos |
asszonyt visz a házhoz {v} [idiomatic, of a man] | :: to get married, marry, wed |
-aszt {suffix} [causative suffix] | :: Added to a verb or less frequently to a noun to form a transitive verb |
aszta {interj} [colloquial] | :: eye dialect of azta |
asztácium {n} | :: astatine (the chemical element) |
asztal {n} | :: table, desk (in a flat, whether a living room or a kitchen, or in an office or that of a teacher) |
asztali {adj} | :: (of the) table/desktop/desk |
asztali bor {n} | :: table wine (a simple, light grape wine containing about 9-11 percent alcohol by volume) |
asztali számítógép {n} | :: desktop computer |
asztalitenisz {n} [formal] | :: table tennis |
asztaliteniszező {n} | :: table tennis player |
asztalkendő {n} [literary] | :: napkin, table napkin, serviette (a piece of cloth made of linen or damask used at the table for wiping the mouth and hands for cleanliness while eating) |
asztalnemű {n} | :: table linen |
asztalos {n} | :: joiner, carpenter (buildings), cabinetmaker (furniture) |
asztalosműhely {n} | :: joinery (shop), joiner's shop |
asztalterítő {n} | :: tablecloth |
Asztana {prop} | :: Asztana (former name of Nur-Sultan, <<capital city>> of <<c/Kazakhstan>>) |
aszteroida {n} [astronomy] | :: asteroid (naturally occurring solid object, which is smaller than a planet and is not a comet, that orbits a star) |
asztma {n} | :: asthma |
asztrahán {n} | :: astrakhan |
Asztrahán {prop} | :: Asztrahán (city/administrative center) |
Asztrahán {prop} | :: Asztrahán (oblast) |
asztrakán {n} | :: astrakhan |
asztrofizika {n} | :: astrophysics (the branch of astronomy or physics that deals with the physical properties of celestial bodies) |
asztrolábium {n} | :: astrolabe (an astronomical and navigational instrument for gauging the altitude of the Sun and stars) |
asztrológia {n} | :: astrology |
asztrológiai {adj} | :: astrological (of or relating to astrology) |
asztrológus {n} | :: astrologer |
asztronauta {n} | :: astronaut |
asztronómia {n} | :: astronomy |
asztronómus {n} | :: astronomer |
aszú {n} | :: sweet dessert wine from Tokaj |
-at {suffix} [causative suffix] | :: Added to a back-vowel verb (or extremely rarely to a noun) to form a verb with a meaning of let or make somebody do something |
-at {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] | :: Added to a back-vowel verb to form a noun |
-at {suffix} | :: [accusative suffix] Used to form the accusative case for a certain group of back-vowel nouns and numerals, back-vowel past participles, most back-vowel adjectives, and all back-vowel forms following any other inflectional suffix(es). |
át- {prefix} [verbal prefix] | :: through, across |
át {adv} | :: through, by means of, across, over |
-áta {suffix} | :: A distinguishable foreign word ending in nouns. It is not considerable as an independent Hungarian suffix |
átad {vt} | :: to give/hand something (over) (to someone nak) |
átad {vt} | :: to call on someone to speak ( nak) |
átad {vt} | :: to convey someone's best wishes (to someone nak), say hello to someone for someone, send one's regards to someone on another's behalf |
átad {vt} | :: to give up one's seat (to someone nak) |
átadás {n} | :: pass, transmission, delivery (the act of transmitting something to someone) |
átadás {n} [sports] | :: pass (the act of moving the ball or puck from one player to another) |
átadás {n} [formal] | :: handoff, delivery (the passing of a completed project to another person or group) |
-atag {suffix} [nominal-forming suffix] | :: Added to a stem to form a noun or an adjective |
-atal {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] | :: Added to a verb to form a noun |
átalag {n} [obsolete] | :: a smaller wine barrel holding about 75 litres, used in Tokaj, Hungary; also an old liquid measure |
átalag {n} [obsolete, attributive] | :: wine of such quantity |
átalakít {vt} | :: to reshuffle, to reshape |
átalakítás {n} | :: transformation |
átalakul {vi} | :: to transform, to change into something else, to metamorphose into, to turn into (to undergo a transformation) |
átalakulás {n} | :: transformation |
atavizmus {n} | :: atavism |
ateista vagyok {phrase} | :: I'm an atheist |
ateizmus {n} | :: atheism (absence of belief in the existence of God or gods) |
átejt {vt} | :: to let down |
-aték {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] | :: Added to a verb to form a noun |
áteresztőképesség {n} | :: permeability |
áteresztőképesség {n} | :: throughput |
átfésül {vt} | :: to comb out (one's hair) |
átfésül {vt} | :: to touch up (to make finishing touches) |
átfésül {vt} | :: to rake (to search thoroughly) |
átfog {vt} | :: to grasp, to seize, to grip, to embrace (to wrap one's arms around someone or something) |
átfog {vt} | :: to tightly enclose something (with something val) |
átfog {vt} | :: to survey an area by looking at it, to capture (with eyes, a lens, etc.) |
átfog {vt} | :: to span (to cover or extend over an area or time period) |
átfog {vt} | :: to comprehend an abstract subject in its entirety |
átfogó {adj} | :: comprehensive (broadly or completely covering) |
átfogó {adj} | :: overall |
átfogó {n} [geometry] | :: hypotenuse (side of a right triangle opposite the right angle) |
átfogóbb {adj} | :: comparative of átfogó |
átformál {vt} | :: to reshape, remodel, transform, rephrase, refashion, restructure |
átgondol {vt} | :: to think over, to consider |
áthághatatlan {adj} | :: impassable, insurmountable |
áthangol {vt} [music] | :: to tune to another pitch |
áthatolhatatlan {adj} | :: impassable, impervious, impenetrable, impermeable |
Athén {prop} | :: Athén (capital city) |
Athéné {prop} [Greek god] | :: Athena, the goddess of wisdom |
áthúz {vt} | :: to cross out (text) |
áthúz {vt} | :: to change bed linen |
áthúz {vt} | :: to pull something (across something on) |
-atik {suffix} [archaic, passive suffix] | :: Added to a back-vowel verb to form a verb with a passive meaning |
a tiltott gyümölcs mindig édesebb {proverb} | :: forbidden fruit is the sweetest |
átír {vt} | :: to rewrite |
átír {vt} | :: to transcribe |
átírás {n} | :: transcription, transliteration, transcript |
átírás {n} | :: overwriting, rewriting |
átismétel {vt} | :: to repeat, to go through again, to go over again, to revise (UK) (something previously learned, especially in preparation for an examination) |
atka {n} | :: mite |
átkelő {adj} | :: crossing (of or relating to crossing a road, a river, etc.) |
átkelő {n} | :: pedestrian (somoeone crossing the street) |
átkelő {n} | :: crossing (a place at which a river, railroad, or highway may be crossed) |
átkelőhely {n} | :: crosswalk, zebra crossing |
átkelőhely {n} | :: ford (a crossing in a river) |
átkeresztel {vt} | :: to rechristen, to rename |
átkoz {vt} | :: to curse |
átkozott {adj} | :: cursed, damned, damn |
átkozottabb {adj} | :: comparative of átkozott |
átlag {n} | :: average (arithmetic mean) |
átlagban {adv} | :: on average |
átlagéletkor {n} | :: average age |
átlagos {adj} | :: average |
átlagosabb {adj} | :: comparative of átlagos |
átlagosan {adv} | :: on average |
-atlan {suffix} [adjective suffix] | :: -less, un-, dis-. A privative suffix added to a word to form adjectives with a meaning of lacking something |
Atlanti-óceán {prop} | :: Atlantic Ocean |
Atlantisz {prop} | :: Atlantis |
atlasz {n} | :: atlas (bound collection of maps) |
atlasz {n} | :: atlas (bound collection of tables, illustrations etc. on any given subject) |
atlasz {n} [anatomy] | :: atlas (the uppermost vertebra of the neck) |
atlasz {n} [architecture] | :: atlas (figure of a man used as a column) |
Atlasz {prop} [Greek mythology] | :: Atlas (the primordial Titan who supported the heavens) |
Atlasz {prop} [rare] | :: given name |
Atlasz {prop} | :: Atlas Mountains |
átlát {vi} | :: to see across, see over (to something ra) (to have a view from one place to another) |
átlát {vt} | :: to see through something ( n) (to see to the bottom of something) |
átlát a szitán {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] | :: to know what someone is up to, to clearly see someone's game, to see through it |
átlátható {adj} | :: transparent, clear |
átláthatóság {n} [literal, figurative] | :: transparency (the quality of being see-through) |
átlátszik {vi} | :: to show through, be transparent |
átlátszó {adj} | :: see-through, transparent |
átlátszó {adj} | :: obvious (with easy-to-see background intentions) |
átlátszóbb {adj} | :: comparative of átlátszó |
atléta {n} | :: athlete |
atléta {n} | :: singlet, undershirt (US), vest (GB), tank top |
atlétanő {n} | :: (female) athlete |
atlétika {n} | :: athletics |
atlétikai {adj} | :: athletic |
atletikus {adj} | :: athletic |
atletikusabb {adj} | :: comparative of atletikus |
atletizál {vi} | :: to go in for athletics; to practise athletics |
atletizálás {n} | :: going in for athletics |
átló {n} [geometry] | :: diagonal (line) |
átlós {adj} | :: diagonal |
átlósan {adv} | :: diagonally |
átmegy {vi} | :: to cross (the street) |
átmenet {n} | :: transition |
átmeneti {adj} | :: temporary, interim, transient |
átmenetileg {adv} | :: temporarily |
átmérő {n} [geometry] | :: diameter |
atmoszféra {n} | :: atmosphere |
átnevez {vt} | :: to rename |
átnéz {vt} | :: to revise, to review, to look over, to go over, to look into |
átnéz {vi} | :: to look, to glance somewhere through, across, or above an object ( on, ba, ra, felett) |
átnéz {vi} | :: to ignore someone ( on) (to pretend to not notice someone) |
átnéz {vi} [colloquial] | :: to go over someplace for a short time |
-atok {suffix} [possessive suffix] | :: your (second-person plural informal, single possession) |
-atok {suffix} [causative suffix] | :: Used to form the first-person singular present tense causative of verbs (indefinite conjugations). Variants: -tatok, -tetek, -etek |
átok {n} | :: curse |
atom {n} | :: atom |
atombomba {n} | :: atom bomb, atomic bomb |
atomerőmű {n} | :: nuclear power plant |
atomfegyver {n} | :: atomic weapon |
atomfegyver {n} | :: nuclear weapon |
atomfizika {n} | :: nuclear physics |
atomhatalom {n} | :: nuclear power (nation that possesses nuclear weapons) |
atomi {adj} [physics] | :: atomic (pertaining to atoms) |
atommag {n} [chemistry, physics] | :: nucleus (massive, positively charged central part of an atom) |
atommodell {n} | :: atomic model |
atomóra {n} | :: atomic clock |
atomtömeg {n} [chemistry, physics] | :: atomic mass (mass of an atom) |
-átor {suffix} | :: A distinguishable foreign word ending in nouns. It is not considerable as an independent Hungarian suffix |
átöltözik {vi} | :: to get changed, to change one's clothing |
a történelem az élet tanítómestere {proverb} | :: history is life's teacher |
átrendez {vt} | :: to rearrange, reorder, realign |
átrium {n} [architecture] | :: atrium (a square hall lit from above) |
atrocitás {n} | :: atrocity (an extremely cruel act) |
átruház {vt} | :: to assign, confer, convey, hand over, transfer (rights, role, responsibiliy, authority, assets to someone: ra) |
átszökik {vi} | :: to flee into/across, to escape to, to run over to ( ba, on, ra) |
attak {n} [archaic] | :: attack |
áttekint {vi} | :: to look across/over to somewhere ( ra) |
áttekint {vt} | :: to review |
áttekintés {n} | :: overview, review, synopsis, aperçu, conspectus, panorama, survey |
áttekinthetetlen {adj} | :: unclear, inextricable, chaotic |
áttekinthetetlenebb {adj} | :: comparative of áttekinthetetlen |
áttekinthető {adj} | :: clearly arranged, easy to survey, transparent |
áttét {n} [rare] | :: transfer, translocation, transposition |
áttét {n} [automotive, archaic] | :: transmission |
áttét {n} [medicine] | :: metastasis (the transference of a bodily function or disease to another part of the body, specifically the development of a secondary area of disease remote from the original site, as with some cancers) |
Atti {prop} | :: given name |
Attila {prop} | :: given name |
Attila {prop} | :: A king of the tribes of Huns |
áttörés {n} | :: breakthrough (military advance) |
attrakció {n} | :: attraction |
attraktív {adj} | :: attractive |
attraktívabb {adj} | :: comparative of attraktív |
attribútum {n} | :: attribute (a characteristic or quality) |
a tudás hatalom {proverb} | :: knowledge is power |
-átum {suffix} | :: A distinguishable foreign word ending in nouns. It cannot be considered as an independent Hungarian suffix |
-átus {suffix} | :: A distinguishable foreign word ending in nouns and less frequently in adjectives. It is not considerable as an independent Hungarian suffix |
a türelem rózsát terem {proverb} | :: good things come to those who wait, patience is a virtue |
átver {vt} [colloquial] | :: to deceive, trick, con, rip off (to deliberately mislead someone) |
átver {vt} [colloquial] | :: to push through, force through, bulldoze, railroad something through a body ( on) (to manipulate and hasten a procedure, as of formal approval of a law or resolution) |
átverés {n} | :: con game, hoax, humbug, swindle, scam (the act of deliberately misleading someone) |
átvesz {vt} | :: to take over (to assume control of something) |
átvesz {vt} | :: to take over (to adopt a further responsibility or duty) |
átvevő {n} | :: receiver, recipient (one who receives) |
átvitel {n} | :: transmission, transfer |
átviteli {adj} | :: of or relating to transmission, transfer |
átvitt {adj} | :: figurative |
átvitt értelemben {adv} | :: figuratively, in the figurative sense |
atya {n} [family, archaic] | :: father (male parent) |
atya {n} [Christianity, Judaism] | :: Father (God) |
atya {n} [occupation] | :: father (priest) |
atya {n} | :: father (the first person who made major contribution to a field of science, art, literature, etc.) |
atyai {adj} | :: fatherly, paternal |
atyaibb {adj} | :: comparative of atyai |
audiencia {n} | :: audience (a formal meeting with a state or religious dignitary) |
audio- {prefix} | :: audio- (of, or relating to sound) |
audiokommentár {n} | :: audio commentary (an audio track on a video recording that is timed to the footage of a film that typically consists of one or more people commenting about the film being shown) |
audiovizuális {adj} | :: audiovisual |
audiovizuálisabb {adj} | :: comparative of audiovizuális |
auditórium {n} | :: auditorium (a large room for public meetings or performances) |
aug. {n} | :: Aug, Aug. (August) |
augusztus {n} | :: August |
augusztusi {adj} | :: August, in August, of August |
aukció {n} | :: auction |
aura {n} | :: aura |
Aurélia {prop} | :: given name |
ausztrál {adj} | :: Australian (of, or relating to Australia and its people) |
ausztrál {n} | :: Australian (person) |
Ausztrália {prop} | :: Ausztrália (continent) |
Ausztrál Nemzetközösség {prop} | :: Commonwealth of Australia (official name of Australia) |
Ausztria {prop} | :: Ausztria (country) |
autentikus {adj} | :: authentic |
autentikusabb {adj} | :: comparative of autentikus |
autista {adj} | :: autistic (relating to autism) |
autista {n} | :: autistic (an autistic person) |
autistább {adj} | :: comparative of autista |
autizmus {n} [clinical psychology] | :: autism |
auto- {prefix} | :: auto- (regarding oneself) |
auto- {prefix} | :: auto- (automatic) |
autó {n} | :: auto, automobile, car |
autóbusz {n} [formal] | :: bus (vehicle) |
autóbusz-állomás {n} | :: bus station (a major bus stop, one that serves as a transfer point between a large number of routes) |
autóbusz-pályaudvar {n} | :: bus station (a major bus stop, one that serves as a transfer point between a large number of routes) |
autodidakta {adj} | :: self-taught, self-educated |
autodidakta {n} | :: autodidact, automath |
autofókusz {n} [photography] | :: autofocus (a feature of cameras that allows a correct focus to be obtained automatically) |
autógumi {n} | :: tire, tyre (the rubber covering on a wheel) |
autógyár {n} | :: car factory, auto factory |
autókölcsönző {adj} | :: rent-a-car |
autókölcsönző {n} | :: car rental agency |
automata {adj} | :: automatic |
automata {n} | :: automat |
automata {n} | :: vending machine |
automata {n} | :: synonym of bankautomata, cash machine, ATM |
automatikus {adj} | :: automatic |
automatikusabb {adj} | :: comparative of automatikus |
automatikusan {adv} | :: automatically |
automatizál {vt} | :: to automate, to automatize |
autómentő {n} | :: tow truck, breakdown lorry |
autonóm {adj} | :: autonomous |
autonómia {n} [politics, government] | :: autonomy |
autonómia {n} [philosophy] | :: autonomy (the capacity to make an informed, uncoerced decision) |
autópálya {n} | :: motorway, expressway, freeway, highway |
autós {adj} | :: car |
autós {n} | :: motorist (one who drives a motor vehicle) |
autószerelő {n} | :: auto mechanic, car mechanic |
autóversenyző {n} | :: racing driver, car racer |
autózik {vi} | :: to drive (travel by a car) |
autózik {vt} | :: to finish with a time result in car racing |
avagy {adv} | :: or |
avagy {adv} | :: AKA |
avantgárd {n} | :: avant-guard |
avanzsíroz {v} [archaic] | :: to advance |
avar {n} | :: leaf litter (layer of fallen dry leaves on the ground) |
avar {n} | :: Avar (people) |
avar {n} [singular only] | :: Avar (language) |
avar {adj} | :: Avar (of or relating to the Avar language or people) |
avat {vt} | :: to inaugurate (to induct into office with a formal ceremony) |
avat {vt} | :: to let in on (on something: ba) (to disclose information to someone; to tell somebody a secret or share privileged information) |
avat {vt} [of clothing] | :: to preshrink (to shrink in advance, before sale, in order to ensure better fit) |
avatára {n} [hinduism] | :: avatar |
a vér nem válik vízzé {proverb} | :: blood is thicker than water |
ÁVH {prop} [historical] | :: initialism of Államvédelmi Hatóság the secret police of the People's Republic of Hungary from 1948 until 1956 |
avokádó {n} | :: avocado (Persea americana) |
a volán mögött {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: at the wheel, behind the wheel (while driving a car or operating a motor vehicle) |
a volánnál {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: at the wheel, behind the wheel (while driving a car or operating a motor vehicle) |
a volánnál {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: in control, in charge |
avul {vi} | :: to become obsolete |
avval {pron} [somewhat, folksy] | :: alternative form of azzal |
avval {adv} [somewhat, folksy] | :: alternative form of azzal |
axióma {n} | :: axiom |
axon {n} [cytology] | :: axon (a nerve fibre which is a long slender projection of a nerve cell, and which conducts nerve impulses away from the body of the cell to a synapse) |
-az {suffix} [verb-forming suffix] | :: Appended to a noun to form a verb |
az {art} | :: the (for words beginning with a vowel) |
az {pron} | :: that |
az {determiner} | :: [used before a noun phrase with a definite article, declined in accordance with the noun phrase it applies to] that |
az {determiner} [rare, archaic, otherwise only in certain fixed phrases beginning with a vowel, followed by no article] | :: that |
-áz {suffix} [verb-forming suffix] | :: Appended to a noun to form a verb |
az árnyékától is fél {v} | :: to be afraid of one's own shadow, to jump at one's own shadow (to be exceptionally timid) |
az ártatlanság vélelme {n} [legal] | :: presumption of innocence |
az asztal alá iszik {vt} [idiomatic] | :: to drink someone under the table (to drink more alcohol than someone while remaining relatively sober), the person has to be in accusative case, t |
a zavarosban halászik {v} [idiom, pejorative] | :: to fish in troubled waters (to take advantage from a chaotic situation) |
azaz {conj} | :: that is (in other words) |
azelőtt {adv} | :: before (in time), previously, formerly (in former times) (the amount of time that had passed until that time is expressed with val) |
azelőtti {adj} | :: before (in time) |
Azerbajdzsán {prop} | :: Azerbajdzsán (country) |
az éremnek két oldala van {proverb} | :: there are two sides to every question |
azeri {n} | :: Azeri (a person from Azerbaijan or of Azerbaijani descent) |
azeri {n} [singular only] | :: Azeri (language) |
azért {adv} [with focus, often followed by “mert”] | :: for that reason, the reason (for/why…) is (that)… (before a clause of cause) |
azért {adv} [with focus, often followed by “hogy”] | :: so as to…, in order to…, so that…, in order that… (before a clause of purpose) |
azért {adv} [without focus, often following “de”] | :: anyway, regardless, all the same, though (at the end of a sentence), nonetheless, notwithstanding, in any case, at any rate (usually after an explicit or implicit concessive clause) |
az idő pénz {proverb} | :: time is money |
-azik {suffix} [verb-forming suffix] | :: Appended to a noun to form a verb |
ázik {vi} | :: to soak, steep (to be saturated with liquid by being immersed in it) |
ázik {vi} | :: to become soaking wet in the rain, to become rainsoaked |
ázik {vi} [figuratively] | :: to be soaked in/with (followed by ban or tól) |
ázik-fázik {vi} | :: to shiver in cold and rain, to be rain-soaked and cold (to suffer due to cold weather and rain) |
az isten háta mögött {adv} [idiomatic] | :: in the middle of nowhere |
aznap {adv} | :: the same day, on that day, that day |
azon {determiner} [formal, archaic, indeclinable and invariable, followed by no article] | :: the, that, those |
azonban {conj} | :: but, however, nevertheless |
azonkívül {adv} | :: moreover, besides, in addition (in addition to what has been said) |
azonnal {adv} | :: immediately, at once, now, right away (without delay) |
azonnali {adj} | :: immediate |
azonos {adj} | :: identical |
azonosabb {adj} | :: comparative of azonos |
azonosít {vt} | :: to identify (to establish the identity of someone or something) |
azonosítatlan {adj} | :: unidentified |
azonosíthatatlan {adj} | :: unidentifiable |
azonosító {n} | :: identifier, ID, identification |
azonosul {vi} [with val] | :: to identify, to associate oneself (to have a strong affinity with) |
azóta {adv} | :: since then |
az őrületbe kerget {vt} [idiomatic] | :: to drive someone crazy (to annoy or irritate) |
azta {interj} [colloquial] | :: wow! |
azt a mindenit {interj} | :: wow! |
azt a mindenségit {interj} | :: wow! |
aztán {adv} | :: then, after it |
az uralma alatt {phrase} | :: under one's thumb |
azután {adv} | :: afterwards, after that, then, next, later |
az utazó ügynök problémája {n} [mathematics] | :: travelling salesman problem |
azzal {adv} | :: thereupon, after that, with that (after the action in question) |
-ázs {suffix} | :: A distinguishable foreign word ending in nouns. It is not considerable as an independent Hungarian suffix |
Ázsia {prop} | :: Asia |
ázsiai {adj} | :: Asian (of or pertaining to Asia) |
ázsiai {n} | :: Asian (person) |