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állja a szavát

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áll (to stand) +‎ -ja (personal suffix) +‎ a (the) +‎ szó (word) +‎ -a (possessive suffix) +‎ -t (accusative suffix), literally to stand one's word


  • IPA(key): [ˈaːjːɒ ɒ ˈsɒvaːt]



állja a szavát

  1. (idiomatic) to abide by one's promise, to be as good as one's word (to be faithful to a promise one has made)


  • For the verb, see the definite conjugation of áll.
  • The noun szó (word) takes the appropriate possessive suffix according to the subject of the sentence plus the accusative suffix: szavam/szavamat, szavad/szavadat, szavát, szavunkat, szavatokat, szavukat.
    Állom a szavam.I am a man of my word.
    Állod a szavad?Are you going to keep your word?
    Állták a szavukat.They kept their promises.