[edit]- sheene - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- floopy - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- fanless - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- creationary - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- acanthocephalous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- acanthopodious - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- acanthopterous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- acanthopterygious - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- acarine - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- acaroid - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- accessional - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- accessorial - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- acclivous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- accrementitial - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- achroous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- achylous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- achymous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Lethean - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- accomplishable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- queachy - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- after - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- worst - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- latin - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- XXXX - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- transcultural - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- my - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- southeast - {{infl|en|adjective}} ''(US) or'' '''[[south-east]]''' ''(UK)''
- indigo - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- tangerine - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- unvariable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hazel - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- charcoal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- carmine - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- carnation - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- mustard - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hamous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- pyramidic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- acanthophorous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- dissociative - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- flaxen - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- upcaught - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- self - {{infl|en|adjective|head=self}}
- swell - {{infl|en|adjective|usually not comparable; nonstandard comparative|sweller|superlative|swellest}}
- wedded - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- piano - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- lil - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- communist - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- awakened - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hallucinatory - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- academical - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- acalysinous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- ventripotent - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- genitocrural - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hamulate - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hamulose - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hamular - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- acatalectic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- lies - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- unprecedented - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hallelujatic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- dampy - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- vivisectional - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- beplumed - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- kiganda - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- accentual - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- accentuable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- acaulose - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- acceleratory - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- lil' - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- zoöphagous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- acclamatory - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- acclimatable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- generical - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- accendible - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- acclimatizable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- ignescent - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- igniferous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- echt - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- accompanable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- lauriferous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- laureled - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- laurelled - {{infl|en|adjective}}
[edit]- Titoism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- Hoxhaism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hidation - {{infl|en|noun}}
- vrykolakas - {{infl|en|noun}}
- smithwork - {{infl|en|noun}}
- go-off - {{infl|en|noun}}
- bingtuan - {{infl|en|noun}}
- misíthra - {{infl|en|noun}}
- X-bar - {{infl|en|noun}}
- Gaianism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- small-pox - {{infl|en|noun}}
- exh - {{infl|en|noun}}
- Galant - {{infl|en|noun}}
- postwork - {{infl|en|noun}}
- acritude - {{infl|en|noun}}
- bunniah - {{infl|en|noun}}
- veather - {{infl|en|noun}}
- veekend - {{infl|en|noun}}
- vife - {{infl|en|noun}}
- jodhpur - {{infl|en|noun}}
- X - {{infl|en|noun}}
- civics - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hammochrysos - {{infl|en|noun}}
- polycrotism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- AB - {{infl|en|noun}}
- accidie - {{infl|en|noun}}
- accismus - {{infl|en|noun}}
- accordancy - {{infl|en|noun}}
- acetary - {{infl|en|noun}}
- baglo - {{infl|en|noun}}
- lightspeed - {{infl|en|noun}}
- French - {{infl|en|noun}}
[edit]- be - {{infl|en|verb|[[#Inflection|highly irregular]]}}
- bee - {{infl|en|verb}}
- imp. - {{infl|en|verb|usually [[imperative]]; not [[conjugate]]d}}
- bacteria - {{infl|en|noun}}
- true - {{infl|en|noun}}
- upgrowth - {{infl|en|noun}}
- ni - {{infl|en|noun}}
- orthodoxia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- acalephan - {{infl|en|noun}}
- errata - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hamule - {{infl|en|noun}}
- acolyth - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hanch - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hanch - {{infl|en|noun}}
- ile - {{infl|en|noun}}
- flea - {{infl|en|verb}}
- appel - {{infl|en|verb}}{{attention|en|conjugation?}}
- accentuality - {{infl|en|noun}}
- accidentality - {{infl|en|noun}}
- accendibility - {{infl|en|noun}}
- accipenser - {{infl|en|noun}}
- accomodator - {{infl|en|noun}}
- laurone - {{infl|en|noun}}
- lauriol - {{infl|en|noun}}
- laurin - {{infl|en|noun}}
- laurustine - {{infl|en|noun}}
- laurestina - {{infl|en|noun}}
- laurer - {{infl|en|noun}}
- laureation - {{infl|en|noun}}
- laureateship - {{infl|en|noun}}
- launce - {{infl|en|noun}}
- launce - {{infl|en|noun}}
- launce - {{infl|en|noun}}
- loggets - {{infl|en|noun}}
- must - {{infl|en|verb}}
- liturgical - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- multi-billion - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- multicolor - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- multi-million - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- multicolour - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- multibillion - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- countdown - {{infl|en|verb}}
- accustomable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- acentric - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- aceric - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- acerval - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- acervative - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- acetabular - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- acetabuliferous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- acetification - {{infl|en|noun}}
- acetifier - {{infl|en|noun}}
- accumb - {{infl|en|verb}}
- accomplisher - {{infl|en|noun}}
- accomptable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- rectangular - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- cruciform - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- kefalotyri - {{infl|en|noun}}
- Euboean - {{infl|en|noun}}
- Myanmarese - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Myanmarese - {{infl|en|noun}}
- burkinabe - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- zabaglione - {{infl|en|noun}}
- diamonds - {{infl|en|noun}}
- Achatina - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hypergraphia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- ditheism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- gris-gris - {{infl|en|noun}}
- achenial - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- acherontic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- major - {{infl|en|adjective|head=major}}
- aprosexia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- preferences - {{infl|en|noun|g=p}}
- da - {{infl|en|article}}
- achlamydate - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- achromaticity - {{infl|en|noun}}
- achromatization - {{infl|en|noun}}
- achromatopsy - {{infl|en|noun}}
- exoreic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- mote - {{infl|en|verb}}
- buccaneering - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- buccaneering - {{infl|en|noun}}
- less - {{infl|en|adjective}} ({{superl}} '''[[least]]''')
- lumbar - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- naturism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- lah - {{infl|en|particle}}
- assertoric - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- ny - {{infl|en|verb}}
- edh - {{infl|en|noun}}
- IP - {{infl|en|noun}}
- vespine - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- homonymic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- opposite - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- op - {{infl|en|noun}}
- acushla - {{infl|en|noun}}
- afeared - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- od - {{infl|en|noun}}
- od - {{infl|en|noun}}
- olio - {{infl|en|noun}}
- oca - {{infl|en|noun}}
- Velcro - {{infl|en|noun}}
- alterative - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- alterative - {{infl|en|noun}}
- isochronal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- ambassadorial - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- ratshit - {{infl|en|noun}}
- heretic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- heretical - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- ancle - {{infl|en|noun}}
- bord - {{infl|en|noun}}
- apocrypha - {{infl|en|noun}}
- dulcet - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- constructivist - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- apostolic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- herbicidal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- fungicidal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- redheaded - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- uppercase - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- atomic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- xylographic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- xylographical - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hypoallergenic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- oversquare - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- aproned - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hexahedra - {{infl|en|noun|g=p}}
- uppercase - {{infl|en|noun}}
- Quidditch - {{infl|en|noun}} (''always capitalised'')
- achromatopsia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- acierage - {{infl|en|noun}}
- mesa - {{infl|en|noun}}
- genitalia - {{infl|en|noun|g=p}}
- zee - {{infl|en|article}}
- anti-gay - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hebephilia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- phelloplastics - {{infl|en|noun}}
- abra - {{infl|en|noun}}
- unco - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- smoko - {{infl|en|noun}}
- cher - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- faire - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- transcendentalism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- omphalic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- cabbesse - {{infl|en|noun}}
- cacaine - {{infl|en|noun}}
- cauline - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- cauliform - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- cauma - {{infl|en|noun}}
- einherjar - {{infl|en|noun}}
- laccic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- cacoxenite - {{infl|en|noun}}
- acutangular - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- acutifoliate - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- aggerose - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- agglomerative - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- agglutinate - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- aggrandizable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- azoic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- azurn - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- azymous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- azymic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- azymite - {{infl|en|noun}}
- ayle - {{infl|en|noun}}
- axunge - {{infl|en|noun}}
- axtree - {{infl|en|noun}}
- axiomatical - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- axinite - {{infl|en|noun}}
- axillary - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- awanting - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- aweless - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- awlwort - {{infl|en|noun}}
- awned - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- awninged - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- awny - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- avertible - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- c. - {{infl|en|noun|sort=c}}
- unitary - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- effeminacy - {{infl|en|noun}} (''no [[comparative]] or [[superlative]]'')
- mecomtronics - {{infl|en|noun}}
- vanward - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- mytacism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- cecity - {{infl|en|noun}}
- metaverse - {{infl|en|noun}}
- dilettantism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- catty - {{infl|en|noun}}
- U.S. - {{infl|en|noun}}
- autonomous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- frequent - {{infl|en|adjective|[[Appendix:Glossary#comparable|comparative]]|'''more frequent''' or, rarely, '''[[frequenter]]'''|[[Appendix:Glossary#comparable|superlative]]|'''most frequent''' or, rarely, '''[[frequentest]]'''}}
- demogogue - {{infl|en|noun}}
- rubbish - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- love-struck - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hearing - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- parenteral - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- intramuscular - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- amphibious - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- dreamwork - {{infl|en|noun}}
- aciculate - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- kI - {{infl|en|noun}} ''or'' '''[[ki]]''' ''or'' '''[[KY]]'''
- iconoclastic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- aciculated - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- aciculiform - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- absolut - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- v. - {{infl|en|verb}}
- acidifiable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- acidulous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- acinesia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- acinetae - {{infl|en|noun}}
- acnodal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- castellated - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- lauhala - {{infl|en|noun}}
- deckle-edged - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hammada - {{infl|en|noun}}
- dubash - {{infl|en|noun}}
- flavid - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- ensa - {{infl|en|noun}}
- taphophilia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- ribald - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- garnet - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- durn - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- confuzzle - {{infl|en|noun|countability unattested}}
- spiffing - {{infl|en|verb}}
- gymnosophy - {{infl|en|noun}}
- 've - {{infl|en|verb}}
- bor - {{infl|en|noun}}
- gorge - {{infl|en|adjective}}<!--comparative and superlative?-->
- mustachioed - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- expandable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- arboreal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hongi - {{infl|en|noun}}
- parvenue - {{infl|en|noun}}
- acred - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- amort - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- axled - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- cannel - {{infl|en|noun}}
- cereus - {{infl|en|noun}}
- citric - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- cowled - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- curr - {{infl|en|verb}}
- dourer - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- dun - {{infl|en|verb|head=dun}}
- elate - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- fugal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- irised - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- jakes - {{infl|en|noun}}
- jejune - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- jessed - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- kerned - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- leveed - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- liens - {{infl|en|noun}}
- lobar - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- lossy - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- lye - {{infl|en|verb}}
- machos - {{infl|en|noun}}
- medics - {{infl|en|noun}}
- mere - {{infl|en|adjective}} (''[[comparative]]'' -, ''[[superlative]]'' '''[[merest]]''')
- mir - {{infl|en|noun}}
- mort - {{infl|en|noun}}
- omened - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- reb - {{infl|en|noun}}
- reeded - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- resiny - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- slewed - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- tapa - {{infl|en|noun}}
- tared - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- washy - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- yond - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- strait - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- botheration - {{infl|en|noun}}
- cauterization - {{infl|en|noun}}
- ciliate - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- crapy - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- dandelion - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- disseveration - {{infl|en|noun}}
- encincture - {{infl|en|noun}}
- eugenics - {{infl|en|noun}}
- exigible - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- exhilaration - {{infl|en|noun}}
- expectoration - {{infl|en|noun}}
- exportation - {{infl|en|noun}}
- extrication - {{infl|en|noun}}
- fain - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- frisk - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- gang - {{infl|en|verb|second-person singular simple present|gangst}}
- glorification - {{infl|en|noun}}
- graticulation - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hep - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hep - {{infl|en|noun}}
- horripilation - {{infl|en|noun}}
- inanimation - {{infl|en|noun}}
- incineration - {{infl|en|noun}}
- inconsideration - {{infl|en|noun}}
- incoordination - {{infl|en|noun}}
- inculpation - {{infl|en|noun}}
- indetermination - {{infl|en|noun}}
- indiscrimination - {{infl|en|noun}}
- intact - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- isthmian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- lithe - {{infl|en|verb}}
- precipitous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- scene - {{infl|en|verb}}
- spatial - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- subject-matter - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[subject]]-[[matter]]}}
- acologic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- underplay - {{infl|en|noun}}
- volcanic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- manet - {{infl|en|verb}}
- perspectivism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- claree - {{infl|en|noun}}
- glottogony - {{infl|en|noun}}
- argent - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- khakis - {{infl|en|noun|g=p}}
- bluggy - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- edaphology - {{infl|en|noun}}
- edaphic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- despect - {{infl|en|noun}}
- acondylous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- cypripareuniaphila - {{infl|en|noun}}
- orthoclase - {{infl|en|noun}}
- myxoid - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- alumni - {{infl|en|noun}}
- zygapophysial - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- fistounia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- larghissimo - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- larghissimo - {{infl|en|noun}}
- babingtonite - {{infl|en|noun}}
- bacchanalianism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- addititious - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- additory - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- addlings - {{infl|en|noun}}
- adelaster - {{infl|en|noun}}
- adenose - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- loose-fitting - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[loose]]-[[fitting]]}}
- aconitia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- aconitum - {{infl|en|noun}}
- exegetical - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- anxitie - {{infl|en|noun}}
- askey - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- freestanding - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- neoclassicism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- adjuvant - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- mid-April - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[mid]]-[[April]]}}
- entirety - {{infl|en|noun}}
- coex - {{infl|en|noun}}
- acouchy - {{infl|en|noun}}
- romanesque - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- gat - {{infl|en|verb}}
- hierarchal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hierarchic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hierarchism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- akinetopsia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- kyujitai - {{infl|en|noun}}
- goods - {{infl|en|noun}}
- levanter - {{infl|en|noun}}
- restiff - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- fasces - {{infl|en|noun}} (''singular'' [[fascis]])
- dissolutionism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- anhypostasis - {{infl|en|noun}}
- euthanasiate - {{infl|en|verb}}<!-- see usage notes -->
- shaven - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- paludism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- bloomery - {{infl|en|noun}}
- atopic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- anachoretic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- cobreil - {{infl|en|noun}}
- idiothetic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- counterfactual - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- colubrine - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- rheme - {{infl|en|noun}}
- Sindhi - {{infl|en|noun}}
- polyeidism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- ancipital - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hypersensitive - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- self-absorption - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[self]]-[[absorption]]}}
- blithering - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- asea - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- biochemical - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- opprobrium - {{infl|en|noun}}
- sundry - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- gombeen - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- aerobeacon - {{infl|en|noun}}
- caffled - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- cacography - {{infl|en|noun}}
- ecky - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- choss - {{infl|en|noun}}
- athletics - {{infl|en|noun}}
- opulence - {{infl|en|noun}}
- derv - {{infl|en|noun}}
- gumba - {{infl|en|noun}}
- radiant - {{infl|en|noun}}
- skiffle - {{infl|en|noun}}
- flocculation - {{infl|en|noun}}
- vixenly - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- rusted - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- indoor - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- demographics - {{infl|en|noun}}
- submersible - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- jerran - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- forlornity - {{infl|en|noun}}
- optimum - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- bagwash - {{infl|en|noun}}
- victuals - {{infl|en|noun}}
- asafoetida - {{infl|en|noun}}
- rake-and-scrape - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[rake]]-and-[[scrape]]}}
- vacant - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- reverence - {{infl|en|noun}}
- ze - {{infl|en|article}}
- forked - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- exponential - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- bibliobibuli - {{infl|en|noun}}
- glottochronology - {{infl|en|noun}}
- cloak-and-dagger - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[cloak]]-and-[[dagger]]}}
- acrocephaly - {{infl|en|noun}}
- isotach - {{infl|en|noun}}
- extelligence - {{infl|en|noun}}
- Cablinasian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- wight - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- measles - {{infl|en|noun}}
- cryptospora - {{infl|en|noun}}
- propagandist - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- jodhpurs - {{infl|en|noun|g=p}}
- actinism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- baramin - {{infl|en|noun}}
- -bloody- - {{infl|en|infix|sort=bloody}}
- cacoepy - {{infl|en|noun}}
- cacoepistic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- circumfluent - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- rock-dumb - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[rock]]-[[dumb]]}}
- palatial - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- pietà - {{infl|en|noun}}
- fave - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- extracellular - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- galactic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- bloatware - {{infl|en|noun}}
- alphabetic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- valueless - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- watersports - {{infl|en|noun}}
- rem - {{infl|en|noun}}
- retiring - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- matura - {{infl|en|noun}}
- vincinal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hamartia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- grassroots - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- askew - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- heterophile - {{infl|en|adjective}} (or ''heterophil'')
- cerebropathy - {{infl|en|noun}}
- anfractuosity - {{infl|en|noun}}
- anthropophilic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- biometry - {{infl|en|noun}}
- flamen - {{infl|en|noun}}
- anti-abolitionism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- deferred - {{infl|en|verb}}
- screenburn - {{infl|en|noun}}
- campestral - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- elderly - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- adamantanoid - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- V8 - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hermaphroditism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- old-world - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[old]]-[[world]]}}
- acroamatics - {{infl|en|noun}}
- chatterati - {{infl|en|noun|g=p}}
- ichthyic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- ichthyological - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- yiffable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- aretegenic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- rag-chewing - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[rag]]-[[chewing]]}}
- methinks - {{infl|en|contraction}} (past tense: '''[[methought]]''')
- out-of-pocket - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[out]]-[[of]]-[[pocket]]}}
- graceless - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- lots - {{infl|en|noun}}
- laryngological - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- gridding - {{infl|en|noun}}
- timpani - {{infl|en|noun}}
- vermian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- sanguinary - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- dop - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- cornetto - {{infl|en|noun}}
- stumps - {{infl|en|noun}}
- stumps - {{infl|en|verb}}
- congruency - {{infl|en|noun}}
- bitts - {{infl|en|noun}}
- aperient - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- aperient - {{infl|en|noun}}
- grounds - {{infl|en|noun}}
- wick - {{infl|en|noun}}
- G&T - {{infl|en|noun}}
- unconscious - {{infl|en|noun|head=the unconscious}} {{singulare tantum}}
- egestion - {{infl|en|noun}}
- grammage - {{infl|en|noun}}
- rimose - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- share-in-savings - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[share]]-in-[[savings]]}} (abbreviated as [[SiS]])
- childe - {{infl|en|noun}}
- afebrile - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- cholera - {{infl|en|noun}}
- Christadelphian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Lincoln - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- applicable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Asiatic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Asiatic - {{infl|en|noun}}
- finned - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- basileus - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hypotrophy - {{infl|en|noun}}
- desalination - {{infl|en|noun}}
- airmail - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- undaunted - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- high-pitched - {{infl|en|adjective}} ({{compar}} '''higher-pitched''' ''or'' '''more high-pitched''', {{superl}} '''highest-pitched''' ''or'' '''most high-pitched''')
- pigging - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- meng - {{infl|en|verb}}
- pietism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- undergraduate - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- catoptric - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- ulcus - {{infl|en|noun}} <!-- neither "ulcera" nor "ulci" can be properly attested -->
- sentencing - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- boro - {{infl|en|verb}}
- histolysis - {{infl|en|noun}}
- archiepiscopal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- caffeinism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- li'l - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- all-star - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- futhermost - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- inter-war - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[inter]]-[[war]]}}
- hetroepitaxy - {{infl|en|noun}}
- multiparous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- dining - {{infl|en|noun}}
- grevilia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- æsthetics - {{infl|en|noun|g=p}}
- rike - {{infl|en|verb}}
- spur-of-the-moment - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[spur]]-of-the-[[moment]]}}
- lemmata - {{infl|en|noun}}
- kludgy - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- blazed - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- enamoured - {{infl|en|adjective|UK}}
- cryogenics - {{infl|en|noun}}
- pingas - {{infl|en|noun}}
- grievance - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hexode - {{infl|en|noun}}
- heptode - {{infl|en|noun}}
- anti-climb - {{infl|en|adjective}} (''no comparative or superlative; used only before the noun'')
- pent - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- gynogenesis - {{infl|en|noun}}
- concomitance - {{infl|en|noun}}
- anagetic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- anti-catarrhal - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[anti]]-[[catarrhal]]}}
- landaulette - {{infl|en|noun}}
- convulsive - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- inhalant - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- metonomy - {{infl|en|noun}}
- kunstleroman - {{infl|en|noun}}
- enzymatic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- in-flight - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hypotrichosis - {{infl|en|noun}}
- cryptoporticus - {{infl|en|noun}}
- fleeceable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- depredation - {{infl|en|noun}}
- make-work - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[make]]-[[work]]}}
- landed - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- eggshell - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- bung - {{infl|en|adjective}} (no comparative or superlative)
- shit-for-brains - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[shit]]-for-[[brains]]}} {{singulare tantum}}
- antidopaminergic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- neutrality - {{infl|en|noun}}
- catch-as-catch-can - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[catch]]-as-catch-[[can]]}}
- tabon-tabon - {{infl|en|noun}}
- larval - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- touch-up - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- goldenrod - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- grizzle - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- antibacterial - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- contumacy - {{infl|en|noun}}
- rhapsodic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- aplomb - {{infl|en|noun}}
- off-white - {{infl|en|noun|sg=[[off]]-[[white]]}}
- man-mark - {{infl|en|verb|head=[[man]]-[[mark]]}}
- remanent - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- level-coil - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[level]]-[[coil]]}}
- pewter - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- seashell - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- silver-grey - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- trichophilia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- verisimilar - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- morpho-syntax - {{infl|en|noun}}
- nitration - {{infl|en|noun}}
- atrophied - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- inertial - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- blue-pencil - {{infl|en|verb|head=[[blue]]-[[pencil]]}}
- eugenic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- evacuant - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- euryhaline - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- evaporable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- monied - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- a - {{infl|en|article|indefinite}}
- Bio - {{infl|en|noun|head=Bio}}
- Ludo - {{infl|en|noun}}
- O - {{infl|en|particle}}
- Septic - {{infl|en|noun}}
- Treasury - {{infl|en|noun}}
- cacozelia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- kilter - {{infl|en|noun}}
- kakorrhaphiophobia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- echinacea - {{infl|en|noun}}
- germanic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- mumpish - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- squits - {{infl|en|noun|head=the squits}}
- dimpsey - {{infl|en|noun}}
- inimitable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- good-by - {{infl|en|noun}}
- inhabited - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- guyed - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- mastoid - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- mastoid - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- rounds - {{infl|en|noun}}
- rounds - {{infl|en|verb}}
- extropy - {{infl|en|noun}}
- extropian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- audiogenic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hols - {{infl|en|noun|g=p}}
- macro-management - {{infl|en|noun}}
- endless - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- abram - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- all-a-mort - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[all]]-[[a]]-[[mort]]}}
- leftovers - {{infl|en|noun|head=leftovers}}
- bacon-faced - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[bacon]]-[[faced]]}}
- extance - {{infl|en|noun}}
- interlinear - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- intracase - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- elpee - {{infl|en|noun}}
- burglarproof - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Geraldine - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- aerodonetics - {{infl|en|noun}}
- aerography - {{infl|en|noun}}
- arctophily - {{infl|en|noun}}
- otorhinolaryngology - {{infl|en|noun}}
- deipnosophistry - {{infl|en|noun}}
- gothic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hazzan - {{infl|en|noun}}
- Rajab - {{infl|en|noun}}
- insiccation - {{infl|en|noun}}
- systematics - {{infl|en|noun}}
- coordinates - {{infl|en|noun}}
- infitah - {{infl|en|noun}}
- jahiliyyah - {{infl|en|noun}}
- antiknock - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- antiknock - {{infl|en|noun}}
- bioterrorism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- upmost - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- anemology - {{infl|en|noun}}
- apiology - {{infl|en|noun}}
- arachnology - {{infl|en|noun}}
- anti-federalism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- catabolic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- meare - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- acroamatic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- monitory - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- anticarcinogenic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- reddy - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- ouroboric - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- athalite - {{infl|en|noun}}
- abiogenetical - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- sebum - {{infl|en|noun}}
- dominoes - {{infl|en|noun}}
- antipapal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- antenatal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- corvine - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- linsey-woolsey - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[linsey]]-[[woolsey]]}}
- exec - {{infl|en|noun}}
- anisette - {{infl|en|noun}}
- antiballistic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- affricative - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- antiphagocytic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- evolutionary - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- antipathic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- anti-racist - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- anti-racist - {{infl|en|noun}}
- anti-federalist - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- antigay - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- antivaccinationist - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- antivivisection - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- antidiuretic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- antimonarchist - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- manners - {{infl|en|noun}}
- cilice - {{infl|en|noun}}
- anti-abortion - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- antihypertensive - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- antarthritic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- armless - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- antenuptial - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- defeatism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- heliacal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- tending - {{infl|en|noun}}
- inauthentic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Gestalt - {{infl|en|noun}}
- balbriggan - {{infl|en|noun}}
- acquirable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- imprest - {{infl|en|noun}}
- DDR - {{infl|en|noun}}
- antimitotic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- self-induction - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[self]]-[[induction]]}}
- apetalous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- stairs - {{infl|en|noun}}
- lanose - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- gelatinous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- epicyclic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- anticyclonic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- monogamous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- grouty - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- roundheels - {{infl|en|noun}}
- lytdybr - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- rinky-dink - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- orzo - {{infl|en|noun}}
- corticate - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- carso - {{infl|en|noun}}
- godforsaken - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- twisting - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- francais - {{infl|en|noun}}
- Phunababa - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hemipode - {{infl|en|noun}}
- resourceful - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- grandiloquence - {{infl|en|noun}}
- theophilanthropism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- arataxy - {{infl|en|noun}}
- left-hand - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[left]]-[[hand]]}}
- right-hand - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[right]]-[[hand]]}}
- propellant - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- pre-embryo - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[pre-]][[embryo]]}}
- intentionalism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- A-roads - {{infl|en|noun}}
- arty-farty - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- zombies - {{infl|en|noun}}
- longshore - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- ming - {{infl|en|verb}}
- zingers - {{infl|en|noun}}
- aphoristic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- extrasensory - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- extra-sensory - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- imperturbable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- introspective - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- quietus - {{infl|en|noun}} {{singularonly}}
- bortz - {{infl|en|noun}}
- bludge - {{infl|en|noun}} (used only in singular)
- ennead - {{infl|en|noun}}
- defiance - {{infl|en|noun}}
- finna - {{infl|en|verb}}
- grogram - {{infl|en|noun}}
- insides - {{infl|en|noun}}
- biometeorology - {{infl|en|noun}}
- glyptic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- set-aside - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[set]]-[[aside]]}}
- locksmithing - {{infl|en|noun}}
- kinetochore - {{infl|en|noun}}
- industrialized - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- anticlericalism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- anticlerical - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- antitrinitarian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- which's - {{infl|en|contraction|head=[[which]]’[['s|s]]}}
- ennuye - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- biomimetics - {{infl|en|noun}}
- biomimetic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- five-by-five - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[five]]-[[by]]-[[five]]}}
- griceite - {{infl|en|noun}}
- epigonism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- misgivings - {{infl|en|noun}}
- flesh-fly - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[flesh]]-[[fly]]}}
- rear-guard - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[rear]]-[[guard]]}}
- fisticuffs - {{infl|en|noun}}
- anthropocentric - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- blurse - {{infl|en|noun}}
- alkaliphilic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hyperthermophilic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- cleanshaven - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- denoising - {{infl|en|noun}}
- morbilliform - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- gilded - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- insignificance - {{infl|en|noun}}
- inextricable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- grandparents - {{infl|en|noun}}
- extensification - {{infl|en|noun}}
- carcinogenic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- cloven - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- eddress - {{infl|en|noun}}
- reticulated - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- remorseless - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- double-barrelled - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[double]]-[[barrelled]]}}
- back-pedal - {{infl|en|verb|head=[[back]]-[[pedal]]}}
- enervation - {{infl|en|noun}}
- enervative - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- windup - {{infl|en|verb}}
- antifouling - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- ziti - {{infl|en|noun|g=p}}
- anharmonic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- alfresco - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- anti-personnel - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- anadromus - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- antitheft - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- castratism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- journalistic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- legitimacy - {{infl|en|noun}}
- aprium - {{infl|en|noun|sg=aprium®}}
- aulophobia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- ecclesiophobia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- heliophobia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- gymnophobia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- astrometric - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- welter - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- overlong - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- reconstructive - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- repudiated - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- reprinted - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- muffin-warm - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- all-purpose - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- trips - {{infl|en|noun}}
- anti-establishment - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- anti-fade - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- anti-g - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- arched - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- antifriction - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- antimonarchical - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- anteorbital - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- anti-lock - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- overeager - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- climatological - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- housebroken - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- multibyte - {{infl|en|adjective}} (also '''multi-byte''')
- vocalic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- all-powerful - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- quenchless - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- anticipatory - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- venerative - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- epigrammatic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- cancerless - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- fully-fledged - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[fully]]-[[fledged]]}}
- myovascular - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- iconotropic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- irremediable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- bushed - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hi-tech - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- high-tech - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[high]]-[[tech]]}}
- zoophagous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- rotating - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- colours - {{infl|en|noun}}
- all-important - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- all-embracing - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- daresay - {{infl|en|verb}}
- reprographic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- anti-democratic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- outskirts - {{infl|en|noun}}
- extortionary - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- entheogenic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- eyebrow-raising - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[eyebrow]]-[[raising]]}}
- vide - {{infl|en|verb|head=vide!}} (''plural imperative verb;''<ref name="OED-vide1"/> ''no conjugation'')
- vide - {{infl|en|verb}} (''singular imperative verb; plural'' '''[[videte]]''')
- immunogenic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- antistatic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- baptismal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- ypsiliform - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- iodized - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- blootered - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- anthropodermic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Anselmic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- idolisation - {{infl|en|noun}}
- chompers - {{infl|en|noun}}
- bi-annual - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- decolonization - {{infl|en|noun}}
- decolourization - {{infl|en|noun}}
- decolorization - {{infl|en|noun}}
- atriovenous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- vulpecular - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- intracardiac - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- lawlessness - {{infl|en|noun}}
- liberating - {{infl|en|noun}}
- logographic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- limned - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- present-day - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[present]]-[[day]]}}
- beneficiation - {{infl|en|noun}}
- gnotobiotics - {{infl|en|noun}}
- deep-rooted - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[deep]]-[[rooted]]}}
- chemotropism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- deep-dish - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[deep]]-[[dish]]}}
- rutted - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- antiperistalsis - {{infl|en|noun}}
- rugal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- excretory - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- glamorization - {{infl|en|noun}}
- gnamma - {{infl|en|noun}}
- glossal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- gynosexual - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Serbo-Croat - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[Serbian|Serbo]]-[[Croat]]}}
- anthropophagous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- credentialism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- all-seeing - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- all-time - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- homespun - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Hijra - {{infl|en|noun}} ''(sometimes lowercase)''
- houseless - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- antiscriptural - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- inactivation - {{infl|en|noun}}
- apple-sauce - {{infl|en|noun}}
- antiskid - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- overcooked - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- châteaubriand - {{infl|en|noun}}
- vill - {{infl|en|verb}}
- suffering - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- humic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- indecent - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- ecological - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- ruffed - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- skirted - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- self-assertive - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[self-]][[assertive]]}}
- dermasurgery - {{infl|en|noun}}
- infructuous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- flaperon - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hexaploid - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- immobilization - {{infl|en|noun}}
- herbal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- abdelavi - {{infl|en|noun}}
- antechapel - {{infl|en|noun}}
- antechoir - {{infl|en|noun}}
- ante-Nicene - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- environmentalism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- heterocytotropic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- divergent - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- exhaustion - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hyporheic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- downtrodden - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- disynaptic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- countless - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- bog-standard - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[bog]]-[[standard]]}}
- all-round - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- crossbred - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- kempt - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- peritoneal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- branding - {{infl|en|noun}}
- quaking - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- halvans - {{infl|en|noun}}
- jobless - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- lending - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- studying - {{infl|en|noun}}
- has-a - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- derro - {{infl|en|noun}}
- remoteness - {{infl|en|noun}}
- greenfeed - {{infl|en|noun}}
- braced - {{infl|en|noun}}<!--surely not-->
- containerisation - {{infl|en|noun}}
- anaphylactic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- fielding - {{infl|en|noun}}
- kegs - {{infl|en|noun}}
- deep-water - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[deep]]-[[water]]}}
- 'tisn't - {{infl|en|contraction|sort=tisn't|head=[['t|’t]][[is]][[n't|n’t]]}}
- antitoxic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- popliteal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- situated - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- changeableness - {{infl|en|noun}}
- bonkers - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- euphenic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- interfaith - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- demilitarization - {{infl|en|noun}}
- cercopithecine - {{infl|en|noun}}
- parked - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- wings - {{infl|en|noun}}
- quivering - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- transmitted - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- supporting - {{infl|en|noun}}
- intertidal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- zygal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hereditarianism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- selected - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- navel-gazing - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[navel]]-[[gaze|gazing]]}}
- hypergamy - {{infl|en|noun}}
- parched - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- inducible - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- caesious - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- restrained - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- lasting - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- backpay - {{infl|en|noun}}
- anthomaniac - {{infl|en|noun}}
- transmitting - {{infl|en|noun}}
- stocks - {{infl|en|noun}}
- imagined - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- zoomorphic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- bones - {{infl|en|noun}}
- acidophilus - {{infl|en|noun}}
- cordovan - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- intracranial - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- down-to-earth - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[down]]-[[to]]-[[earth]]}}
- infusoria - {{infl|en|noun}}
- infusorial - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- chops - {{infl|en|noun}}
- indecipherable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- pupu - {{infl|en|verb}}
- arcaded - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- gud - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- eclesiastical - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- atramentous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- thewed - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- lepidopterology - {{infl|en|noun}}
- lepidoptery - {{infl|en|noun}}
- zoophytic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- A1 - {{infl|en|noun}}
- macrocosmic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- maddish - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- skivvies - {{infl|en|noun}}
- irruption - {{infl|en|noun}}
- refreshing - {{infl|en|noun}}
- ramparted - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- volumetric - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- typographica - {{infl|en|noun}}
- blix - {{infl|en|noun|uncountable}}
- monaural - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- allogeneic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- catalectic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- franchisal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- religiopolitical - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- aeolipyle - {{infl|en|noun}}
- aeolipile - {{infl|en|noun}}
- alectoria - {{infl|en|noun}}
- aludel - {{infl|en|noun}}
- anhelation - {{infl|en|noun}}
- monochorionic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- aul - {{infl|en|noun}}
- benthos - {{infl|en|noun}}
- pelB - {{infl|en|noun}}
- influencable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- chyle - {{infl|en|noun}}
- lä - {{infl|en|noun}}
- columbyn - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- costive - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- crinal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- curule - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- citizenish - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- citizenly - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- dagga - {{infl|en|noun}}
- dagga - {{infl|en|noun}}
- dagga - {{infl|en|noun}}
- entheomania - {{infl|en|noun}}
- overtness - {{infl|en|noun}}
- reversional - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- colinear - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- allocthonous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- arterioventricular - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- arachnophobic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- engouement - {{infl|en|noun}}
- epithalamion - {{infl|en|noun}}
- inesculent - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- ethel - {{infl|en|noun}}
- eutripsia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- adorative - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- falciform - {{infl|en|adjective}} (''[[Appendix:Glossary#comparable|comparative]]'' '''more falciform''', ''[[Appendix:Glossary#comparable|superlative]] not [[Wiktionary:Criteria for inclusion#Attestation|attested]]'')
- fatiloquent - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- felloe - {{infl|en|noun}}
- fluminous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- gallous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- gallus - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- gladial - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- glaur - {{infl|en|noun}}
- gloak - {{infl|en|noun}}
- goniolatry - {{infl|en|noun}}
- gregale - {{infl|en|noun}}
- grummel - {{infl|en|noun}}
- guimpe - {{infl|en|noun}}
- heavier - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hirundine - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hogo - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hydraemia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hydræmia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hydremia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hydroponic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- galenic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- galenical - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- galeniferous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- infangthief - {{infl|en|noun}}
- insessorial - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- inwit - {{infl|en|noun}}
- irruent - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- cahootchie - {{infl|en|noun}}
- Sorani - {{infl|en|noun}}
- klatsch - {{infl|en|noun}}
- krummhorn - {{infl|en|noun}}
- purported - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- latah - {{infl|en|noun}}
- latria - {{infl|en|noun}}
- leucodermic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- lipoid - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- paradoxism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- lyart - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- lyard - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- marae - {{infl|en|noun}}
- prefixed - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hypochondriatic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- rot-13 - {{infl|en|noun}}
- cartonnage - {{infl|en|noun}}
- chromaticism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hooded - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- enfeoffment - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hyperkinetic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hyperkinesis - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hyperkinesia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hypercritic - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hyperbaric - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hyperemia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hypereutectoid - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- ideographic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- overfull - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- viscoelastic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- ataxic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- adiopocere - {{infl|en|noun}}
- gymnastic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- judeophobia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- fisheye - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- blogography - {{infl|en|noun}}
- bish - {{infl|en|noun}}
- Hellenic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Hellenic - {{infl|en|noun}}
- ecumenicism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- attacking - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- bouncing - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- holozoic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- dubonnet - {{infl|en|noun}}
- dasheen - {{infl|en|noun}}
- nyctophilia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- granivorous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- dealings - {{infl|en|noun}}
- glazed - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- roaring - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- anamorphic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- cytogenic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- cytogenesis - {{infl|en|noun}}
- meddling - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- meddling - {{infl|en|noun}}
- inquisitive - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- appreciative - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- humidification - {{infl|en|noun}}
- proteacea - {{infl|en|noun|[[proteaceae]]}}
- blessèd - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- balletic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- cameralism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- zapodid - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- aplastic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- tsamba - {{infl|en|noun}}
- tsarism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- czarism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- arthroscopic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- arachnodactyly - {{infl|en|noun}}
- oligophagous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- oligophagy - {{infl|en|noun}}
- oligotrophy - {{infl|en|noun}}
- quoits - {{infl|en|noun}}
- quadrennial - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hydrometeorology - {{infl|en|noun}}
- jugs - {{infl|en|noun}}
- knockers - {{infl|en|noun}}
- self-expression - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[self]]-[[expression]]}}
- nicholaism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- dubu - {{infl|en|noun}}
- archdiocesan - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- authorial - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- incantatory - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- episodic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- formulaic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- eutonic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- bosey - {{infl|en|noun}}
- overladen - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- twopenn'orth - {{infl|en|noun}}
- areic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- oceanographic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- floorcloth - {{infl|en|noun}}, or '''floor-cloth'''
- biochipped - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- incidentaloma - {{infl|en|noun}}
- homewrecking - {{infl|en|noun}}
- ecologic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- bergshrund - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hudnah - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hudna - {{infl|en|noun}}
- radiferous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- radioimmunological - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- radiolitid - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- radiosymmetrical - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- braaivleis - {{infl|en|noun}}
- immunologic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- oracular - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- endmost - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- raniform - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- thanatophobia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- apricide - {{infl|en|noun}}
- numbers - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hydrobromic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- clandescent - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- headed - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- anaclastic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- shiv'ah - {{infl|en|noun}}
- zoogenic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- zoogenous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- zoologic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- zooplastic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- equals - {{infl|en|noun}}
- inappreciable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- backmost - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- xylophagous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- messages - {{infl|en|noun}}
- casuistic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- catmab - {{infl|en|noun}}
- infrasonics - {{infl|en|noun}}
- inhibitory - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- gonopoietic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- good-fellowship - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[good]]-[[fellowship]]}}
- good-king-henry - {{infl|en|noun}}
- good-lookingness - {{infl|en|noun}}
- good-neighborliness - {{infl|en|noun}}
- goofy-foot - {{infl|en|noun}}
- goose-rumped - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[goose]]-[[rumped]]}}
- integumentary - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- entr'acte - {{infl|en|noun}}
- gonotyl - {{infl|en|noun}}
- xanthomatous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- xenocentric - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- gordiaceous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- gorillian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- xylary - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- xiphisternal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- quasquicentennial - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- quasquicentennial - {{infl|en|noun}}
- quartzitic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- quadrivoltine - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- qualityless - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- quartz-diorite - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[quartz]]-[[diorite]]}}
- desensitisation - {{infl|en|noun}}
- aclastic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- algesic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- gelastic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- baryta - {{infl|en|noun}}
- isolytic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- isolysis - {{infl|en|noun}}
- peripeteia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- perizoma - {{infl|en|noun}}
- bardacious - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- massy - {{infl|en|noun}}
- ectoblastic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- endoscopic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- epiblastic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- epinastic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- eugonic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- quotinoctian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hemic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hemogenic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- homologic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- logisitic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- eudicots - {{infl|en|noun}}
- decomplexity - {{infl|en|noun}}
- doubles - {{infl|en|noun}}
- reechy - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- oversized - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- riq'a - {{infl|en|noun}}
- rutilant - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- luctiferous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- florid - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- anatase - {{infl|en|noun}}
- impaled - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- honed - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- isoantigen - {{infl|en|noun}}
- isoelectric - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- apollonian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- dodecadic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- all-overish - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- filariasis - {{infl|en|noun}}
- deregistration - {{infl|en|noun}}
- assumable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- homeostatic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- riverside - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- lakeside - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- enneadic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- rapini - {{infl|en|noun}}
- kailan - {{infl|en|noun}}
- itty - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Mercurian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- accombinations - {{infl|en|g=p}}
- multiversal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- accommodations - {{infl|en|noun|g=p}}
- fubby - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- anoia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- anomalism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- upclomb - {{infl|en|verb}}
- argus-eyed - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- carmoisine - {{infl|en|noun}}
- epifauna - {{infl|en|noun}} (''plural'' '''epifaunae''' or '''epifaunas''')
- looney - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- carbonless - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- ladies' - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- ladies' - {{infl|en|noun}}
- bitsy - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- ichnologic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- ichnological - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- fossilized - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- fossilised - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- abiocoen - {{infl|en|noun}}
- faunal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- xiphocostal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- anti-globalism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- anti-globalization - {{infl|en|noun}}
- glories - {{infl|en|verb}}
- glories - {{infl|en|noun}}
- demagoguism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- anastrophic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- interlinking - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- rains - {{infl|en|noun}}
- assets - {{infl|en|noun}}
- intracellular - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- antipyretic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- ornithophobia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- goosebumps - {{infl|en|noun}}
- drop-down - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[drop]]-[[down]]}}
- drop-down - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[drop]]-[[down]]}}
- gristle - {{infl|en|noun}}
- betting - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- calligraphic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- laborsaving - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- lin - {{infl|en|verb}}
- libidinal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- viaticals - {{infl|en|noun}}
- festal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- abulia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- landlocked - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- lathery - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- landowning - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- latish - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- naming - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- coleopteroid - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- lakefront - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- lakefront - {{infl|en|noun}}
- expectant - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- lidded - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- liturgic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- eolian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- self-evidence - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[self]]-[[evidence]]}}
- leave-taking - {{infl|en|noun}}
- leukemic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- awari - {{infl|en|noun}}
- godsent - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hippocephalic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hydroelastic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- verruciform - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- lysogenic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- lytic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- kilted - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- apostrophic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- vicariant - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- alkalosis - {{infl|en|noun}}
- anteflexed - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- retroflexed - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- menadione - {{infl|en|noun}}
- lobed - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- louvered - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- loutish - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- mycophagous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- lumpish - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- low-tech - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- low-cal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- dietetic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- letch - {{infl|en|noun}}
- antispastic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- argental - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- clarithromycin - {{infl|en|noun}}
- ceroplastic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- deliquesence - {{infl|en|noun}}
- avowable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- autoplastic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- autoplasty - {{infl|en|noun}}
- antidiarrheal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- curatorial - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- cultic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- crouched - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- cottonade - {{infl|en|noun}}
- cosmoplastic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- driftwood - {{infl|en|noun}}
- lived-in - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- liveried - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- treats - {{infl|en|noun}}
- amphiarthrotic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- ampotis - {{infl|en|noun}}
- confessionalism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- Polonaise - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Polonaise - {{infl|en|noun}}
- pape - {{infl|en|noun}}
- pape - {{infl|en|noun}}
- poliorcetics - {{infl|en|noun}}
- airside - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- landside - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- polyanthus - {{infl|en|noun}}
- authentics - {{infl|en|noun}}
- lights-out - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[lights]]-[[out]]}}
- chometz - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hamets - {{infl|en|noun}}
- monkish - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- legroom - {{infl|en|noun}}
- recreational - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- leisured - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- deregulation - {{infl|en|noun}}
- quits - {{infl|en|adjective|head=quits}}
- rhinoplastic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- methanogenesis - {{infl|en|noun}}
- latitudinal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- lawmaking - {{infl|en|noun}}
- learning-disabled - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[learning]]-[[disabled]]}}
- wyte - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hymnic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- polymathic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- koodoo - {{infl|en|noun}}
- manualism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- warmed - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- lantern-jawed - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- runty - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- dissention - {{infl|en|noun}}
- eudaemonic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- eudaemon - {{infl|en|noun}}
- drawish - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- anabasius - {{infl|en|noun}}
- kicking - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- kicking - {{infl|en|noun}}
- cacodemonic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- immovable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- impressible - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- klackers - {{infl|en|noun}}
- calico - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- self-indulgence - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[self]]-[[indulgence]]}}
- craniosophic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hydrogenous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- lexicographic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- lissom - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- lavaliere - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- logistical - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- lowermost - {{infl|en|adjective}} (Superlative)
- invigilance - {{infl|en|noun}}
- invigilancy - {{infl|en|noun}}
- low-spirited - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Aquitaine - {{infl|en|noun}}
- gold-bearing - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[gold]]-[[bearing]]}}
- libidinosity - {{infl|en|noun}}
- fur-flying - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- muscarinic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- yeshivish - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- heresthetic - {{infl|en|noun}}
- low-fat - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- enforcement - {{infl|en|noun}}
- yel - {{infl|en|verb}}
- voyeuristic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- viewsers - {{infl|en|noun}}
- arbit - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- lexicographical - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- kut - {{infl|en|noun}}
- columned - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- pointillism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- divisionism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- scoring - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- scoring - {{infl|en|noun}}
- riotous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- penalties - {{infl|en|noun|g=p}}
- edubba - {{infl|en|noun}}
- ejit - {{infl|en|noun}}
- ceili - {{infl|en|noun}}
- exoderm - {{infl|en|noun}}
- low-pressure - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- all-as-one - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- all-up - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- anti-dazzle - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- anti-chip - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- anti-federal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- candlelit - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- aeriform - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- cariogenic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- jet-propelled - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[jet]]-[[propelled]]}}
- raisins - {{infl|en|noun}}
- sparagmos - {{infl|en|noun}}
- overbore - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hysterics - {{infl|en|noun}} ''plural''
- desirability - {{infl|en|noun}}
- multichotomous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- sharpened - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- rightful - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- ideologic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- loyalism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- low-lying - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- low-keyed - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[low]]-[[key]]ed}}
- long-faced - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[long]]-[[face]]d}}
- kwela - {{infl|en|noun}}
- highness - {{infl|en|noun}}
- low-minded - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- lop-eared - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- longtime - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- breakables - {{infl|en|noun|g=p}}
- legitim - {{infl|en|noun}}
- a. - {{infl|en|noun}}
- ten-four - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[ten]]-[[four]]}}
- nanovaccinology - {{infl|en|noun}}
- STFW - {{infl|en|verb}} {{imperative|_|only}}
- inexecrable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- inly - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- heroics - {{infl|en|noun}} ''plural''
- tori - {{infl|en|noun}}
- aeropalynology - {{infl|en|noun}}
- tallies - {{infl|en|noun}}
- tallies - {{infl|en|verb}}
- second-in-command - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[second]]-in-[[command]]}}
- lithia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- lithiated - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- rechargeable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- berylline - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- armillary - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- corrosivity - {{infl|en|noun}}
- spellings - {{infl|en|noun|g=p}}
- nitrated - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- valved - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- inequitable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- smetana - {{infl|en|noun}}
- carbon-copy - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[carbon]][[-]][[copy]]}}
- avocational - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- anti-glare - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hottish - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- carbonous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- xerophthalmic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- aularian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- izzat - {{infl|en|noun}}
- callisthenic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- calisthenic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- graphitic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- nyctinasty - {{infl|en|noun}}
- acidulation - {{infl|en|noun}}
- backstairs - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- backstair - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- carbonigenous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- androgynocentrism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- sluts - {{infl|en|verb}}[[Category:English verbs that lack inflection template]]
- fissionable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- bistre - {{infl|en|noun}}
- bister - {{infl|en|noun}}
- kundalini - {{infl|en|noun}}
- ammonal - {{infl|en|noun}}
- dematerialization - {{infl|en|noun}}
- gridlock - {{infl|en|noun}}
- dematerialisation - {{infl|en|noun}}
- ocher - {{infl|en|noun}}
- salted - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- autogynephilia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- across-the-board - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[across]]-[[the]]-[[board]]}}
- iatrochemical - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- ramed - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- asymptotical - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- canalside - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- casuistical - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- kalokagathia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- rightmost - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- rightmost - {{infl|en|noun}}
- phosphatic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- phosphorism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- coeternal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- anorchid - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- actuation - {{infl|en|noun}}
- self-delusion - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[self]]-[[delusion]]}}
- ineradicable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- crambo - {{infl|en|noun}}
- crimethink - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hydrosulfuric - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- atrioventricular - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- disgenic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- imputable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- improvable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- impressionistic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- invincibility - {{infl|en|noun}}
- imprecision - {{infl|en|noun}}
- inexpedient - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- self-conceit - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[self-]][[conceit]]}}
- impermanent - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- imperishable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- imperilment - {{infl|en|noun}}
- downhole - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- imperceptive - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- imperceptibility - {{infl|en|noun}}
- impenitent - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- myalgic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- weapons-grade - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[weapon]]s-[[grade]]}}
- alundum - {{infl|en|noun}}
- ekaaluminum - {{infl|en|noun}}
- monoaluminum - {{infl|en|noun}}
- itemization - {{infl|en|noun}}
- barysphere - {{infl|en|noun}}
- feretory - {{infl|en|noun}}
- irrigable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- irreverence - {{infl|en|noun}}
- recoverable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- restorable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- irresponsibility - {{infl|en|noun}}
- irretentive - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- irretraceable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- retraceable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- irretention - {{infl|en|noun}}
- irresuscitable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- irremovable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- inapplicable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- irredeemable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- irreclaimable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- reclaimable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- coffered - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- ironstone - {{infl|en|noun}}
- ironware - {{infl|en|noun}}
- irenics - {{infl|en|noun}}
- irenicon - {{infl|en|noun}}
- invulnerability - {{infl|en|noun}}
- attractivity - {{infl|en|noun}}
- general-purpose - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[general]]-[[purpose]]}}
- psychoacoustics - {{infl|en|noun}}
- fibroblastic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- first-string - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[first]]-[[string]]}}
- birdshit - {{infl|en|noun}}
- cladic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- foundational - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- etatisme - {{infl|en|noun}}
- citationality - {{infl|en|noun}}
- citybound - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- delegitimation - {{infl|en|noun}}
- etatism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- round-robin - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[round]]-[[robin]]}}
- hot-blooded - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[hot]]-[[blooded]]}}
- free-market - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[free]]-[[market]]}}
- canella - {{infl|en|noun}}
- fun-loving - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[fun]]-[[loving]]}}
- goniometric - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- inveteracy - {{infl|en|noun}}
- invariability - {{infl|en|noun}}
- money-making - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- heathenism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- heptadic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hot-brained - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[hot]]-[[brained]]}}
- globous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hot-dipped - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[hot]]-[[dipped]]}}
- hot-wired - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[hot]]-[[wired]]}}
- hot-panted - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[hot]]-[[panted]]}}
- hot-pantsed - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hot-spirited - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[hot]]-[[spirited]]}}
- bigoli - {{infl|en|noun}}
- interphalangeal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hunchbacked - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hybridity - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hypoallergic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hypoblastic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hypoplastic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- crespelle - {{infl|en|noun|g=p}}
- Anglophilic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- intrinsical - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- like-for-like - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[like]]-[[for]]-[[like]]}} {{not comparable}}
- icteritious - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- idioblastic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- tractability - {{infl|en|noun}}
- governable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- zitone - {{infl|en|noun|g=p}}
- ssh - {{infl|en|noun}}
- ssh - {{infl|en|verb}}
- creamed - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- intransient - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- ionospheric - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- interscholastic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- flag-burning - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[flag]]-[[burning]]}}
- lignous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- palmetto - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- bonza - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- bonser - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- calme - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- choralography - {{infl|en|noun}}
- anti-caking - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- kakidrosis - {{infl|en|noun}}
- lambrequin - {{infl|en|noun}}
- aesculapian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- aesir - {{infl|en|noun}}
- ouranophobia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- idyllical - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- interrelated - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- rumpology - {{infl|en|noun}}
- adjudicative - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- adjudicatory - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- adjuratory - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- afforested - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Esperantist - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- reticular - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- antiquities - {{infl|en|noun}}
- antlered - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- improvised - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- improvised - {{infl|en|verb}}
- ribbed - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- aerobicized - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- inerrant - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- kidskin - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- mustached - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- shelving - {{infl|en|verb}}
- encephalitic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- jerrybuilt - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- self-interest - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[self]]-[[interest]]}}
- hindermost - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- in-group - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- iridization - {{infl|en|noun}}
- isopiestic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- iterability - {{infl|en|noun}}
- murine - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- drywalling - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- aufmerksam - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- shrunken - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- voidable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- calcination - {{infl|en|noun}}
- quadrumanous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- beestings - {{infl|en|noun}}
- kreplach - {{infl|en|noun|g=p}}
- litanic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Lusoga - {{infl|en|noun}}
- exultant - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- iconographic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- kicks-and-giggles - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[kicks]]-[[and]]-[[giggles]]}}
- slatted - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- biserial - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- cribbed - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- knaa - {{infl|en|verb}}
- interdenominational - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- vetted - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hippins - {{infl|en|noun}}
- heterosexist - {{infl|en|noun}}
- ectomorphic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- endomorphic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- five-nine - {{infl|en|noun}}
- cellotaph - {{infl|en|noun}}
- balletomania - {{infl|en|noun}}
- explicable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- myrmecophagous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- trucked - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- jammed - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- homicidal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- maigre - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- walled - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- toasted - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- unloved - {{infl|en|noun}}
- blokey - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- one-dimensional - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[one]]-[[dimension]]al}}
- Mosaic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- multicausal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- multiprotein - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- mycologic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- rosish - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- clinkery - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- gesticulative - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- finicking - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- jacketed - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- osmanthus - {{infl|en|noun}}
- perimorphism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- rangebound - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- regulative - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- remindful - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- rheumy - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- extrudites - {{infl|en|noun}}
- gangbangers - {{infl|en|noun}}
- naa - {{infl|en|verb}}
- self-possession - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[self-]][[possession]]}}
- self-reliance - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[self-]][[reliance]]}}
- downfallen - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- texting - {{infl|en|verb}}
- locoregional - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- crippled - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- deep-sea - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[deep]]-[[sea]]}}
- ibn - {{infl|en|noun}}
- causticization - {{infl|en|noun}}
- clacks - {{infl|en|noun}}
- cladistic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- initials - {{infl|en|noun}}
- downcoming - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- ecclesiocracy - {{infl|en|noun}}
- engageable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- morne - {{infl|en|noun}}
- morne - {{infl|en|verb}}
- aphthous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- incalcitrant - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- foody - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- loue - {{infl|en|verb}}
- hele - {{infl|en|verb}}
- innutritious - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- rotatable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- croagh - {{infl|en|noun}}
- out-of-whack - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[out]]-[[of]]-[[whack]]}}
- churmuri - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hemispherical - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- analvos - {{infl|en|noun}}
- countrypolitan - {{infl|en|noun}}
- countrypolitan - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- mache - {{infl|en|noun}}
- kittenish - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- anthropometric - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- rhombic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- affiliative - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- knockkneed - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- overstage - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Britneys - {{infl|en|noun}}
- Brittanys - {{infl|en|noun}}
- must-see - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[must]]-[[see]]}}
- diphallus - {{infl|en|noun}}
- henpecked - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- exophthalmic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- atmospherics - {{infl|en|noun}}
- exotoxic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- injudicious - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- vittles - {{infl|en|noun}}
- incisiveness - {{infl|en|noun}}
- aphemia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- imprecatory - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- endophytic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- endoplasmic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- endospermic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- endotracheal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- endotrophic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- ectothermic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- jerry-built - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[jerry]]-[[built]]}}
- low-maintenance - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[low]]-[[maintenance]]}}
- futures - {{infl|en|noun|g=p}}
- hyperrealistic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- anathematic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- inconsolate - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- justificatory - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- endemial - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- lipogramatic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Songun - {{infl|en|noun}}
- emotionalistic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- interocular - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- greyish - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- aftercare - {{infl|en|noun}}
- aftereffect - {{infl|en|noun}}
- interdictory - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- p'tcha - {{infl|en|noun}}
- audibility - {{infl|en|noun}}
- audiological - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- augustness - {{infl|en|noun}}
- auspiciousness - {{infl|en|noun}}
- allover - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- all-clear - {{infl|en|noun}}
- sounder - {{infl|en|adjective comparative form}}
- bolometric - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- cryometric - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- lairy - {{infl|en|adjective}} {{attention|en|needs comparative and superlative}}
- ringent - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- cineritious - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Evangelical - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- fungivorous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- run-down - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[run]]-[[down]]}}
- anticommunism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- euphoriant - {{infl|en|noun}}
- euphoriant - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- ignomy - {{infl|en|noun}}
- impennous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- lordotic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- illustrative - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- all-inclusive - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- alongshore - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- alphanumerical - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- ambulant - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- amebic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- ameboid - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- olfactible - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- spae - {{infl|en|verb}}
- caraboid - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- cerambycoid - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- eliasite - {{infl|en|noun}}
- redactorial - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- moniliform - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- lamellate - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- oldskool - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- kiss-and-tell - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[kiss]]-and-[[tell]]}}
- knavish - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- knowable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- doctrinal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- anti-flash - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hot-and-hot - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hot-making - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[hot]]-[[making]]}}
- long-established - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[long]]-[[established]]}}
- jawed - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- refractive - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- jet-lagged - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[jet]]-[[lagged]]}}
- jewelled - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- gormy - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- jouncy - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- jurisdictional - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- juristic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- vocational - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- drivable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- intersectarian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- bandy-legged - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- squared - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- rimed - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- assuasive - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- mycological - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- compacta - {{infl|en|noun}}
- comprendo - {{infl|en|verb}}?
- defraude - {{infl|en|verb}}
- hyperthyroid - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hypothyroid - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- eye-drops - {{infl|en|noun|g=p}}
- qualmish - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- quivery - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- brights - {{infl|en|noun}}
- lusers - {{infl|en|noun}}
- liever - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- varicolored - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- vicennial - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- besetment - {{infl|en|noun}}
- icebound - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- attractable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- campier - {{infl|en|adjective comparative form}}
- mouth-to-mouth - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[mouth]]-[[to]]-mouth}}
- natured - {{infl|en|adjective|head=natured}}
- wash-and-wear - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[wash]]-and-[[wear]]}}
- washed-out - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[washed]]-[[out]]}}
- dout - {{infl|en|noun}}
- merismus - {{infl|en|noun}}
- furcated - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- vegetan - {{infl|en|noun}}
- anhedonic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- weak-minded - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[weak]]-[[minded]]}}
- weather-bound - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[weather]]-[[bound]]}}
- web-footed - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[web]]-[[footed]]}}
- web-toed - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[web]]-[[toed]]}}
- weedless - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- weldable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- acheiropoietic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hymenopteral - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- epidermic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- epochal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- electroscopic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- occlusive - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- green-eyed - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[green]]-[[eye]]d}}
- green-winged - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[green]]-[[wing]]ed}}
- gnomish - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- ghostwritten - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- exclamatory - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- monocled - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- monophonic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- charme - {{infl|en|noun}}
- old-line - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[old]]-[[line]]}}
- oligarchic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- oligarchical - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- saki - {{infl|en|noun}}
- homousious - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- allelopathic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- circulatory - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- ductless - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- xerarch - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- one-track - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[one]]-[[track]]}}
- on-the-job - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[on]]-the-[[job]]}}
- high-end - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[high]]-[[end]]}}
- anthropormorphic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hemolymph - {{infl|en|noun}}
- bookkeeping - {{infl|en|noun}}
- polemics - {{infl|en|plural|singular|polemic}}
- hit-or-miss - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[hit]]-[[or]]-[[miss]]}}
- homegrown - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- snow-skiing - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[snow]]-[[skiing]]}}
- malism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- armoured - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- luminiferous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- assizes - {{infl|en|noun}}
- anthropomorphous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- retributivist - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- inguinal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hypomanic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- froideur - {{infl|en|noun}}
- geochronometric - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hydromagnetic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- cosmogenic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- cosmogenetic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- long-drawn - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[long]]-[[drawn]]}}
- interisland - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- remunerative - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- win-win - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[win]]-[[win]]}}
- antegrade - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- random-access - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[random]]-[[access]]}}
- razor-sharp - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[razor]]-[[sharp]]}}
- rawboned - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- chang - {{infl|en|noun}}
- rheumatoid - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- two-bit - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[two]]-[[bit]]}}
- autosomal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- rearmost - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- herring-bone - {{infl|en|noun}}
- choreographic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- cocci - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hustings - {{infl|en|noun|g=p}}
- immemorial - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- corned - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- cotton-picking - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[cotton]]-[[picking]]}}
- rootless - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- sou'-sou'-east - {{infl|en|noun}}
- sou'-sou'-west - {{infl|en|noun}}
- nor'-nor'-east - {{infl|en|noun}}
- nor'-nor'-west - {{infl|en|noun}}
- sou'-east - {{infl|en|noun}}
- nor'-west - {{infl|en|noun}}
- nor'-east - {{infl|en|noun}}
- sou'-west - {{infl|en|noun}}
- debreasted - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- sprinkles - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hypoglossal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- endocrania - {{infl|en|noun}}
- antipollution - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- antipoverty - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- appointive - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- eustatic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- rabbinical - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- pleocytosis - {{infl|en|noun}}
- cerebrospinal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hand-to-mouth - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[hand]]-[[to]]-[[mouth]]}}
- vealy - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- anepigraphic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- incontestable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- inscient - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- inukshuks - {{infl|en|noun}}
- chalking - {{infl|en|noun}}
- rewarding - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- cooning - {{infl|en|noun}}
- anatiferous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- homewards - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- viscoplastic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- even-steven - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[even]]-[[steven]]}}
- low-budget - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[low]]-[[budget]]}}
- self-propelled - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[self-]][[propelled]]}}
- estrous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- exurban - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hydrogeological - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- expressionistic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- extendable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- extendible - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- sailboarding - {{infl|en|noun}}
- coseismic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- coseismal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- epicentral - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- savoriness - {{infl|en|noun}}
- sappiness - {{infl|en|noun}}
- blunders - {{infl|en|noun}}
- marvels - {{infl|en|noun}}
- marvels - {{infl|en|verb}}
- anserine - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- epizoic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- fathomless - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- fibular - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- verbomania - {{infl|en|noun}}
- enzymic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- inheritable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- geophysical - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- geothermic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- gerontological - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- ephemeride - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- shutup - {{infl|en|verb}}
- evolutional - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- four-on-the-floor - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[four]]-[[on]]-[[the]]-[[floor]]}}
- anconal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- euphuistic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- insectile - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- antanaclasis - {{infl|en|noun}}
- sereneness - {{infl|en|noun}}
- euchromatic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- heaven-sent - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[heaven]]-[[sent]]}}
- lysyl - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- nonparametric - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- homonymous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- depositional - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- atherogenic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- irrotational - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- dimness - {{infl|en|noun}}
- overlying - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- restrikes - {{infl|en|noun}}
- -o- - {{infl|en|interfix|sort=o|cat=interfixes}}<!-- Both “-o-” and “-i-” are interfixes, and not infixes; the latter term refers to affixes such as “-bloody-” and “-fucking-”. -->
- -o- - {{infl|en|interfix|sort=o|cat=interfixes}}
- geochemical - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- heliomagnetic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- radiodense - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- radiologic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- radiological - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- radiolucent - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- autotrophic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- rushy - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- rock-steady - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[rock]]-[[steady]]}}
- roll-top - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[roll]]-[[top]]}}
- rotatory - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- rough-and-ready - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[rough]]-and-[[ready]]}}
- rough-hewn - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[rough]]-[[hewn]]}}
- gabled - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- gametic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- ackers - {{infl|en|noun|g=p}}
- humbucking - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- ganglionic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- gastronomic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- gastronomical - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- guilt-ridden - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[guilt]]-[[ridden]]}}
- gutty - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- glycosidic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- gemological - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- generational - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- gestational - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- gestural - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- isomorphous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- regicidal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- volitionless - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- decremental - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- cingulate - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- bosox - {{infl|en|noun}}
- anorthoscopic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- biometric - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- common-and-garden - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[common]]-[[or]]-[[garden]]}}
- fogbound - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Js - {{infl|en|noun}}
- glomeromycotan - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- arbuscular - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- mycorrhizal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- cruciate - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- enterics - {{infl|en|noun}}
- erythropoietic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- elapine - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- ciconine - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- monochromated - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- entropic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- catabiotic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- axonal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- crystallized - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- shot-putting - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[shot]]-[[putting]]}}
- axisymmetric - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- anguinous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- ear-shells - {{infl|en|noun}}
- evil-minded - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[evil]]-[[minded]]}}
- self-rule - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[self]]-[[rule]]}}
- hellbound - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- fecks - {{infl|en|noun}}
- jetset - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- flukey - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- floodlit - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- grottoed - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- luteal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- self-sufficient - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[self-]][[sufficient]]}}
- epiphatic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- epiphytic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- thirls - {{infl|en|noun}}
- emulsioned - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- moustachio'd - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- mustachio'd - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- watusis - {{infl|en|noun}}
- somesuch - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[some]][[such]]}}
- somesuch - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[some]][[such]]}}
- ruched - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- emblematical - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- midship - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- midship - {{infl|en|noun}}
- disinhibitory - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- flat-rate - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- epicardial - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- jackbooted - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- bibliographic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- bibliographical - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- ill-famed - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[ill]]-[[famed]]}}
- periostitis - {{infl|en|noun}}
- micromorphology - {{infl|en|noun}}
- caecal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- celled - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- cerebellar - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- pseudobranchia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- pterygiophore - {{infl|en|noun}}
- taipo - {{infl|en|noun}}
- throated - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hyperhydration - {{infl|en|noun}}
- allophonic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- archeal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- louvred - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- acrocoracohumeral - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- filibeg - {{infl|en|noun}}
- exploratory - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hunt-and-peck - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[hunt]]-[[and]]-[[peck]]}}
- penillion - {{infl|en|noun}}
- gorseddau - {{infl|en|noun|g=p}} (sing, '''[[gorsedd]]''')
- vaticinatory - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- oligomeric - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- infotactic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- cardiopulmonary - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- symbolics - {{infl|en|noun}}
- dufus - {{infl|en|noun}}
- on-off - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[on]]-[[off]]}}
- hotcha - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- anseriform - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- intramarginal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- intracompany - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- intraday - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- halvah - {{infl|en|noun}}
- azygos - {{infl|en|noun}}
- mullioned - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- glamorama - {{infl|en|noun}}
- retaken - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- autologous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- angels-dancing-on-the-head-of-a-pin - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- effeteness - {{infl|en|noun}}
- seke - {{infl|en|verb}}
- eutaxiological - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- abade - {{infl|en|noun}}
- abade - {{infl|en|verb}}
- heptameric - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- man-o'-war - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[man]]-[[o']]-[[war]]}}
- lancers - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hexameric - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- decameric - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- dodecameric - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hexadecameric - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- heptadecameric - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- B+ - {{infl|en|noun}}
- eicosameric - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- C+ - {{infl|en|noun}}
- D+ - {{infl|en|noun}}
- C- - {{infl|en|noun}}
- F+ - {{infl|en|noun}}
- intercellular - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- fragileness - {{infl|en|noun}}
- leading-edge - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[leading]]-[[edge]]}}
- x-direction - {{infl|en|noun|head=''[[x]]''-[[direction]]}}
- y-direction - {{infl|en|noun|head=''[[y]]''-[[direction]]}}
- z-direction - {{infl|en|noun|head=''[[z]]''-[[direction]]}}
- inobtrusive - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- spearfish - {{infl|en|verb}}
- interspecies - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- angiogenic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- metaphoricity - {{infl|en|noun}}
- voluntaristic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- foretime - {{infl|en|noun}}
- good-time - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[good]]-[[time]]}}
- phallogocentrism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- clausal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- aniconic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- holpen - {{infl|en|verb}}
- anthropic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- red-blooded - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[red]]-[[blooded]]}}
- kamaitachi - {{infl|en|noun}}
- barycentric - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- overworlds - {{infl|en|noun}}
- slash-and-burn - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[slash]]-[[and]]-[[burn]]}}
- slam-dance - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[slam]]-[[dance]]}}
- high-handed - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- gooseflesh - {{infl|en|noun}}
- interlunar - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- gonadotrophic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- vanadic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- vanadious - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- vanadous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- self-regarding - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[self]]-[[regarding]]}}
- one-size-fits-all - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[one]]-[[size]]-[[fits]]-[[all]]}}
- flyaway - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- skydiving - {{infl|en|verb}}
- indexed - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- instructional - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- self-awareness - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[self]]-[[awareness]]}}
- self-cleaning - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[self-]][[cleaning]]}}
- quads - {{infl|en|noun}}
- multistage - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- vigenary - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- glumness - {{infl|en|noun}}
- junk-sick - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- coulter - {{infl|en|noun}}
- exoterica - {{infl|en|noun}}
- glassiness - {{infl|en|noun}}
- analects - {{infl|en|noun|g=p}}
- approximations - {{infl|en|noun}}
- Shetlands - {{infl|en|noun}}
- croupy - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- crow's-feet - {{infl|en|noun}}
- crow's-foot - {{infl|en|noun}}
- crow's-nest - {{infl|en|noun}}
- row-equivalence - {{infl|en|noun}}
- best-selling - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[best]]-[[selling]]}}
- cedarn - {{infl|en|adjective|head=cedarn}}
- multi-purpose - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[multi-]][[purpose]]}}
- multifocal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- salesmen - {{infl|en|noun}}
- arachnoiditis - {{infl|en|noun}}
- exceptionless - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- intranational - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- barbary - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- gimped - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- high-frequency - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[high]]-[[frequency]]}}
- barbariousness - {{infl|en|noun}}
- yard-long - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[yard]]-[[long]]}}
- boulle - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- lebkuchen - {{infl|en|noun}}
- jug-eared - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[jug]]-[[eared]]}}
- Brownite - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- f--k - {{infl|en|verb}}
- f--king - {{infl|en|verb}}
- Joe's - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[Joe]][['s]]}}
- cunctatory - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hunter-gathering - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- heteronormative - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- papas - {{infl|en|noun}}
- idiocentric - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- sables - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hydrometallurgy - {{infl|en|noun}}
- argal - {{infl|en|noun}}
- chyluria - {{infl|en|noun}}
- caddywompus - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- water-soluble - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[water]]-[[soluble]]}}
- hole-and-corner - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[hole]]-[[and]]-[[corner]]}}
- d. - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- first-aid - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[first]]-[[aid]]}}
- first-rate - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[first]]-[[rate]]}}
- fixings - {{infl|en|noun|g=p}}
- market-garden - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[market]]-[[garden]]}}
- slipper-orchid - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[slipper]]-[[orchid]]}}
- multipurpose - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- furibund - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- floodwaters - {{infl|en|noun}}
- coppe - {{infl|en|noun}}
- imputations - {{infl|en|noun}}
- monodic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- monodical - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- lustration - {{infl|en|noun}} {{wikipedia}}
- junjo - {{infl|en|noun}}
- druther - {{infl|en|verb}} ''(no infinitive, tenses, or participles)''
- gaingiving - {{infl|en|noun}}
- anestrus - {{infl|en|noun}}
- self-aggrandizement - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[self]]-[[aggrandizement]]}}
- admeasurement - {{infl|en|noun}}
- ceratoid - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- biofriendly - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- muss-be - {{infl|en|contraction|head=muss-be}}
- -fucking- - {{infl|en|infix|sort=fucking|cat=infixes}}
- euphorigenic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- frostbitten - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- looser - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- humanistic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- self-reproach - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[self]]-[[reproach]]}}
- self-righteousness - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[self]]-[[righteousness]]}}
- self-consciousness - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[self-]][[consciousness]]}}
- indefeasible - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- honeymooning - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- assuageable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- self-proclaimed - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[self-]][[proclaimed]]}}
- self-propelling - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[self-]][[propelling]]}}
- self-restraint - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[self]]-[[restraint]]}}
- self-analysis - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[self]]-[[analysis]]}}
- self-employment - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[self]]-[[employment]]}}
- swerves - {{infl|en|verb}}
- kundru - {{infl|en|noun}}
- availing - {{infl|en|noun}}
- eunuchoidism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- -i- - {{infl|en|interfix|sort=i|cat=interfixes}}<!-- Both “-i-” and “-o-” are interfixes, and not infixes; the latter term refers to affixes such as “-bloody-” and “-fucking-”. -->
- k-adic - {{infl|en|adjective|head=''k''-adic}}
- alphameric - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- ammoniacal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- machine-gun - {{infl|en|verb|head=[[machine]]-[[gun]]}}
- langers - {{infl|en|noun}}
- langers - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- self-love - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[self]]-[[love]]}}
- teensy-weensy - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[teensy]]-[[weensy]]}} (''[[superlative]]'' '''[[teensy-weeniest]]''')
- off-book - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[off]]-[[book]]}}
- acrologic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- agravic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- alaudine - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- aurulent - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hypotensive - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- trick-or-treating - {{infl|en|verb|head=[[trick]]-or-[[treating]]}}
- lampadomancy - {{infl|en|noun}}
- libanomancy - {{infl|en|noun}} ''(also '''libranomancy''', '''livanomancy''', and '''knissomancy''')''
- lithomancy - {{infl|en|noun}}
- aleuromancy - {{infl|en|noun}}
- alphitomancy - {{infl|en|noun}}
- anthropomancy - {{infl|en|noun}} (also '''antinopomancy''')
- apantomancy - {{infl|en|noun}}
- legatine - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- irrecuperable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- honorableness - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hellishness - {{infl|en|noun}}
- heavyhearted - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- sidling - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- deicing - {{infl|en|verb}}
- chope - {{infl|en|verb}}
- lumbrical - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Sicani - {{infl|en|noun}}
- preditor - {{infl|en|noun}}
- ingenui - {{infl|en|noun}}
- stumbles - {{infl|en|verb}}
- stumbles - {{infl|en|noun}}
- anti-fascism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- on-hand - {{infl|en|adjective|haed=[[on]][[-]][[hand]]}}
- lustral - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- artifactual - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- acapnotic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- anogenital - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- sravya - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- suchness - {{infl|en|noun}}
- inrushing - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- civill - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- conservation-of-mass - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[conservation#English|conservation]]-[[of#English|of]]-[[mass#English|mass]]}}
- skating-rink - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[skating]][[-]][[rink]]}}
- innoxious - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- campylobacteriosis - {{infl|en|noun}}
- drop-backs - {{infl|en|noun}}
- incondite - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- man-of-letters - {{infl|en|noun}}
- under-the-counter - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[under]]-the-[[counter]]}}
- bagnio - {{infl|en|noun}}
- ventricose - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- luteous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- monochronic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- agomphious - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- zumology - {{infl|en|noun}}
- inaniloquent - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- abozzo - {{infl|en|noun}}
- abrash - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hobilar - {{infl|en|noun}}
- ectypal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- afterwit - {{infl|en|noun}}
- capriped - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hoofstock - {{infl|en|noun}}
- egosyntonic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- egodystonic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- quail-pipe - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- machairodont - {{infl|en|noun}}
- macrophallic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- sheathers - {{infl|en|noun}}
- Paphians - {{infl|en|noun}}
- fak - {{infl|en|verb}}
- dismountable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- curtin - {{infl|en|noun}}
- educashun - {{infl|en|noun}}
- gizzing - {{infl|en|verb}}
- aspecular - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- phalacrosis - {{infl|en|noun}}
- deepe - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- saile - {{infl|en|verb}}
- splitsville - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- remand - {{infl|en|noun}}
- aughts - {{infl|en|noun|g=p}}
- infanticidal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- appeare - {{infl|en|verb}}
- eate - {{infl|en|verb}}
- cleare - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- celestiall - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- heauenly - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- fraile - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- stucke - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- farre - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- entertaine - {{infl|en|verb}}
- recouer - {{infl|en|verb}}
- eternall - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- liue - {{infl|en|verb}}
- serue - {{infl|en|verb}}
- fancie - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- poore - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- spotlesse - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- confesse - {{infl|en|verb}}
- weake - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- subiect - {{infl|en|verb}}
- lacke - {{infl|en|verb}}
- minde - {{infl|en|verb}}
- diuerse - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- knouleche - {{infl|en|noun}}
- kommos - {{infl|en|noun}}
- Clintonize - {{infl|en|verb|head=Clintonize}}
- hodiernal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- abubble - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- gradations - {{infl|en|noun}}
- calibrations - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hoit - {{infl|en|verb}}
- speake - {{infl|en|verb}}
- leaue - {{infl|en|verb}}
- keepe - {{infl|en|verb}}
- looke - {{infl|en|verb}}
- kinde - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- worke - {{infl|en|verb}}
- seeke - {{infl|en|verb}}
- drinke - {{infl|en|verb}}
- seeme - {{infl|en|verb}}
- seruice - {{infl|en|verb}}
- sleepe - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- sleepe - {{infl|en|verb}}
- deliuered - {{infl|en|verb}}
- breake - {{infl|en|verb}}
- briefe - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- easie - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- returne - {{infl|en|verb}}
- beleeve - {{infl|en|verb}}
- beautifull - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- adde - {{infl|en|verb}}
- affirme - {{infl|en|verb}}
- aliue - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- bottome - {{infl|en|noun}}
- cheere - {{infl|en|verb}}
- drunke - {{infl|en|verb}}
- happie - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- behalfe - {{infl|en|noun}}
- conuenient - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- griefe - {{infl|en|noun}}
- saye - {{infl|en|verb}}
- aforesayd - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- blossome - {{infl|en|noun}}
- pittie - {{infl|en|verb}}
- roofe - {{infl|en|noun}}
- carefull - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- extra-label - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[extra-]][[label]]}}
- cabre - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- perceiue - {{infl|en|verb}}
- antient - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- vertuous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- groane - {{infl|en|verb}}
- waite - {{infl|en|verb}}
- beginne - {{infl|en|verb}}
- lumpsum - {{infl|en|noun}}
- deare - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- kolpik - {{infl|en|noun}}
- regu - {{infl|en|noun}}
- cymotrichous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- garbological - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hyar - {{infl|en|verb}}
- housewifery - {{infl|en|noun}}
- eccyclema - {{infl|en|noun}}
- tricorne - {{infl|en|noun}}
- bitchin - {{infl|en|adjective}} (''[[superlative]]'' [[bitchinest]])
- superdelegates - {{infl|en|noun}}
- over-under - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[over]]-[[under]]}}
- myringomycosis - {{infl|en|noun}}
- 1080 - {{infl|en|noun}}
- alluvials - {{infl|en|noun|g=p}}
- versal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- worthie - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- certeine - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- yonge - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- coastwise - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- alphanumerics - {{infl|en|noun|g=p}}
- forbeare - {{infl|en|verb}}
- chaunce - {{infl|en|verb}}
- geue - {{infl|en|verb}}
- blinde - {{infl|en|verb}}
- holie - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- monie - {{infl|en|noun}}
- heate - {{infl|en|noun}}
- heate - {{infl|en|verb}}
- expresse - {{infl|en|verb}}
- colde - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- speke - {{infl|en|verb}}
- wente - {{infl|en|verb}}
- witnesse - {{infl|en|verb}}
- neede - {{infl|en|verb}}
- learne - {{infl|en|verb}}
- foole - {{infl|en|verb}}
- violinists - {{infl|en|noun}}
- leglock - {{infl|en|noun}}
- teache - {{infl|en|verb}}
- prived - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- virtueless - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- executory - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- shaddup - {{infl|en|verb}} {{context|imperative only}}
- sholde - {{infl|en|verb}}
- satisfie - {{infl|en|verb}}
- Neginah - {{infl|en|noun}}
- eyen - {{infl|en|noun}}
- fakie - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- venge - {{infl|en|verb}}
- wormshit - {{infl|en|noun}}
- quadrigenarious - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- change-of-venue - {{infl|en|noun}}
- video-game - {{infl|en|noun}}
- paper-airplane - {{infl|en|noun}}
- mammary-gland - {{infl|en|noun}}
- chaos-theory - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hot-chocolate - {{infl|en|noun}}
- civil-law - {{infl|en|noun}}
- criminal-law - {{infl|en|noun}}
- commercial-at - {{infl|en|noun}}
- at-sign - {{infl|en|noun}}
- carbon-paper - {{infl|en|noun}}
- metric-system - {{infl|en|noun}}
- past-tense - {{infl|en|noun}}
- present-tense - {{infl|en|noun}}
- future-tense - {{infl|en|noun}}
- toilet-paper - {{infl|en|noun}}
- immunocompromised - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- coulde - {{infl|en|verb}}
- brynge - {{infl|en|verb}}
- buffaloe - {{infl|en|noun}}
- doesna - {{infl|en|verb}}
- Bön - {{infl|en|noun}}
- cabré - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- black-ice - {{infl|en|noun}}
- puffed-rice - {{infl|en|noun}}
- data-structure - {{infl|en|noun}}
- centrifugal-force - {{infl|en|noun}}
- paper-plane - {{infl|en|noun}}
- kokoontua - {{infl|en|verb}}
- kepe - {{infl|en|verb}}
- flighten - {{infl|en|verb}}
- insulous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- shopping-cart - {{infl|en|noun}}
- artificial-intelligence - {{infl|en|noun}}
- country-code - {{infl|en|noun}}
- language-code - {{infl|en|noun}}
- maternal-death - {{infl|en|noun}}
- steam-engine - {{infl|en|noun}}
- fire-engine - {{infl|en|noun}}
- jet-engine - {{infl|en|noun}}
- shoulder-blade - {{infl|en|noun}}
- razor-blade - {{infl|en|noun}}
- currency-code - {{infl|en|noun}}
- muricate - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- muscicolous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- mycelioid - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- mycenoid - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- naucorioid - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- nodulose - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- omphalinoid - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- bopomofo - {{infl|en|noun}}
- shet - {{infl|en|verb}}
- lyke - {{infl|en|verb}}
- newe - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- holde - {{infl|en|verb}}
- aboord - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- deale - {{infl|en|verb}}
- loike - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- loike - {{infl|en|verb}}
- pliothermic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- mortall - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- lawfull - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- postnuptial - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- aforesaide - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- begge - {{infl|en|verb}}
- laughing-falcon - {{infl|en|noun}}
- laughing-gas - {{infl|en|noun}}
- laughing-goose - {{infl|en|noun}}
- laughing-gull - {{infl|en|noun}}
- laughing-hyena - {{infl|en|noun}}
- laughing-jackass - {{infl|en|noun}}
- laughing-owl - {{infl|en|noun}}
- pop-culture - {{infl|en|noun}}
- public-school - {{infl|en|noun}}
- address-book - {{infl|en|noun}}
- large-intestine - {{infl|en|noun}}
- machine-translation - {{infl|en|noun}}
- wind-instrument - {{infl|en|noun}}
- computer-architecture - {{infl|en|noun}}
- knee-slapping - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[knee]]-[[slap]]ping}}
- zhuyin - {{infl|en|noun}}
- divarication - {{infl|en|noun}}
- halieutic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- fried-egg - {{infl|en|noun}}
- reasonable-person - {{infl|en|noun}}
- moral-panic - {{infl|en|noun}}
- atomic-number - {{infl|en|noun}}
- stink-bomb - {{infl|en|noun}}
- pyramid-scheme - {{infl|en|noun}}
- toilet-roll - {{infl|en|noun}}
- field-trip - {{infl|en|noun}}
- phrase-book - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- boomerang-child - {{infl|en|noun}}
- life-child - {{infl|en|noun}}
- registered-trademark - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hula-hoop - {{infl|en|noun}}
- sexual-intercourse - {{infl|en|noun}}
- exclamation-mark - {{infl|en|noun}}
- question-mark - {{infl|en|noun}}
- dollar-sign - {{infl|en|noun}}
- equal-sign - {{infl|en|noun}}
- general-election - {{infl|en|noun}}
- knock-knock - {{infl|en|noun}}
- molecular-engineering - {{infl|en|noun}}
- bodily-fluid - {{infl|en|noun}}
- atomic-weight - {{infl|en|noun}}
- gift-horse - {{infl|en|noun}}
- electronic-game - {{infl|en|noun}}
- army-ant - {{infl|en|noun}}
- water-buffalo - {{infl|en|noun}}
- spitting-cobra - {{infl|en|noun}}
- cruise-control - {{infl|en|noun}}
- ad-banner - {{infl|en|noun}}
- double-agent - {{infl|en|noun}}
- horse-race - {{infl|en|noun}}
- tea-cosy - {{infl|en|noun}}
- descriptive-geometry - {{infl|en|noun}}
- mountain-lion - {{infl|en|noun}}
- knocking-shop - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[knocking]][[-]][[shop]]}}
- fish-finger - {{infl|en|noun}}
- knock-about - {{infl|en|noun}}
- sea-lion - {{infl|en|noun}}
- sea-anemone - {{infl|en|noun}}
- sea-cow - {{infl|en|noun}}
- sea-urchin - {{infl|en|noun}}
- station-wagon - {{infl|en|noun}}
- personal-computer - {{infl|en|noun}}
- skid-lid - {{infl|en|noun}}
- mountain-goat - {{infl|en|noun}}
- birthday-boy - {{infl|en|noun}}
- birthday-girl - {{infl|en|noun}}
- birthday-card - {{infl|en|noun}}
- birthday-present - {{infl|en|noun}}
- birthday-cake - {{infl|en|noun}}
- light-bulb - {{infl|en|noun}}
- entitized - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Tritonian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- car-chase - {{infl|en|noun}}
- big-enchilada - {{infl|en|noun}}
- interstate-compact - {{infl|en|noun}}
- discovered-check - {{infl|en|noun}}
- chess-clock - {{infl|en|noun}}
- computed-tomography - {{infl|en|noun}}
- empty-nester - {{infl|en|noun}}
- progressive-verb - {{infl|en|noun}}
- chemical-compound - {{infl|en|noun}}
- chemical-bomb - {{infl|en|noun}}
- sugar-water - {{infl|en|noun}}
- tilt-barrier - {{infl|en|noun}}
- public-intoxication - {{infl|en|noun}}
- criminal-offence - {{infl|en|noun}}
- kangaroo-piss - {{infl|en|noun}}
- pocket-watch - {{infl|en|noun}}
- drum-kit - {{infl|en|noun}}
- tailgate-party - {{infl|en|noun}}
- first-floor - {{infl|en|noun}}
- gap-year - {{infl|en|noun}}
- civil-marriage - {{infl|en|noun}}
- lash-curler - {{infl|en|noun}}
- eyelash-curler - {{infl|en|noun}}
- desktop-picture - {{infl|en|noun}}
- glass-cleaner - {{infl|en|noun}}
- school-band - {{infl|en|noun}}
- snooze-button - {{infl|en|noun}}
- accident-blackspot - {{infl|en|noun}}
- cattle-grid - {{infl|en|noun}}
- present-conditional - {{infl|en|noun}}
- partial-order - {{infl|en|noun}}
- economic-development - {{infl|en|noun}}
- mountain-reindeer - {{infl|en|noun}}
- wall-clock - {{infl|en|noun}}
- auto-racing - {{infl|en|noun}}
- automobile-racing - {{infl|en|noun}}
- motor-racing - {{infl|en|noun}}
- bleu-cheese - {{infl|en|noun}}
- myocardial-infarct - {{infl|en|noun}}
- sats - {{infl|en|noun}}
- flitterjigs - {{infl|en|noun}}
- foliations - {{infl|en|noun}}
- MIS - {{infl|en|noun}}
- tar-and-feather - {{infl|en|verb|head=[[tar]]-and-[[feather]]}}
- yuruk - {{infl|en|noun}}
- Canadiens - {{infl|en|noun|g=p}}
- leade - {{infl|en|noun}}
- precarity - {{infl|en|noun}}
- calimocho - {{infl|en|noun}}
- religious-pluralism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- mother-goddess - {{infl|en|noun}}
- anorthoscopic-perception - {{infl|en|noun}}
- cooling-tower - {{infl|en|noun}}
- apocrine-gland - {{infl|en|noun}}
- microwave-radiation - {{infl|en|noun}}
- cover-crop - {{infl|en|noun}}
- creek-bed - {{infl|en|noun}}
- baggage-claim - {{infl|en|noun}}
- filing-cabinet - {{infl|en|noun}}
- indef - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- worse-off - {{infl|en|adjective|pos=[[worse]]-[[off]]}}
- best-off - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[best]]-[[off]]}}
- better-off - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[better]]-[[off]]}}
- game-point - {{infl|en|noun}}
- radio-station - {{infl|en|noun}}
- broadcast-station - {{infl|en|noun}}
- television-station - {{infl|en|noun}}
- tuna-fish - {{infl|en|noun}}
- base-metal - {{infl|en|noun}}
- love-egg - {{infl|en|noun}}
- perpetual-license - {{infl|en|noun}}
- goddesships - {{infl|en|noun}}
- kouroi - {{infl|en|noun}}
- GISs - {{infl|en|noun}}
- giss - {{infl|en|verb}}
- Bhuddas - {{infl|en|noun|g=p}}
- reupholsterers - {{infl|en|noun}}
- woz - {{infl|en|verb}}
- egg-hunt - {{infl|en|noun}}
- chocolate-egg - {{infl|en|noun}}
- chopped-liver - {{infl|en|noun}}
- road-movie - {{infl|en|noun}}
- excise-tax - {{infl|en|noun}}
- small-fry - {{infl|en|noun}}
- green-diesel - {{infl|en|noun}}
- public-law - {{infl|en|noun}}
- constitutional-law - {{infl|en|noun}}
- nest-scrape - {{infl|en|noun}}
- action-movie - {{infl|en|noun}}
- campus-legend - {{infl|en|noun}}
- endocrine-system - {{infl|en|noun}}
- plasma-screen - {{infl|en|noun}}
- plasma-display - {{infl|en|noun}}
- size-zero - {{infl|en|noun}}
- social-psychology - {{infl|en|noun}}
- glad-wrap - {{infl|en|noun}}
- archeostronomy - {{infl|en|noun}}
- acro - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Croato-Serbian - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[Croatian|Croato]]-[[Serbian]]}}
- actinal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- monogoneutic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- peeves - {{infl|en|noun}}
- emisary - {{infl|en|misspelling}}
- stalkerazzi - {{infl|en|noun}}
- lotic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- out-of-band - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[out]]-[[of]]-[[band]]}}
- Chaldee - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- phylums - {{infl|en|noun}}
- lullable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- k-rad - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- cosmotropic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Amerikkkan - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- comparison-shopper - {{infl|en|noun}}
- comparison-shopping - {{infl|en|noun}}
- fan-belt - {{infl|en|noun}}
- barber-shop - {{infl|en|noun}}
- synthetic-biology - {{infl|en|noun}}
- coherent-light - {{infl|en|noun}}
- parking-garage - {{infl|en|noun}}
- sand-art - {{infl|en|noun}}
- total-order - {{infl|en|noun}}
- timber-camp - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hand-puppet - {{infl|en|noun}}
- door-closer - {{infl|en|noun}}
- feed-drive - {{infl|en|noun}}
- angst-bunny - {{infl|en|noun}}
- baby-oil - {{infl|en|noun}}
- community-college - {{infl|en|noun}}
- junior-college - {{infl|en|noun}}
- zoological-garden - {{infl|en|noun}}
- control-freak - {{infl|en|noun}}
- allopathic-medicine - {{infl|en|noun}}
- windscreen-washer - {{infl|en|noun}}
- medivacking - {{infl|en|noun}}
- phrenzy - {{infl|en|noun}}
- dingle-dangle - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- EIC - {{infl|en|noun}}
- sware - {{infl|en|verb}}
- gudermannian - {{infl|en|noun}} {{singulare tantum}}
- Gudermannian - {{infl|en|noun}} {{singulare tantum}}
- quartiles - {{infl|en|noun}}
- coupla - {{infl|en|noun}} {{singulare tantum|slang|used attributively only|always preceded by '''a'''}}
- nuthouses - {{infl|en|noun}}
- potheads - {{infl|en|noun}}
- toolishness - {{infl|en|noun}}
- gob-up - {{infl|en|verb}}
- no-holds-barred - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- gnurled - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- bump-and-grind - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[bump]][[-]][[and]][[-]][[grind]]}}
- bump-and-grind - {{infl|en|verb|head=[[bump]][[-]][[and]][[-]][[grind]]}}
- bump-n'-grind - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[bump]][[-]][[n']][[-]][[grind]]}}
- bump-n'-grind - {{infl|en|verb|head=[[bump]][[-]][[n']][[-]][[grind]]}}
- dba - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- nighty-night - {{infl|en|phrase|head=[[nighty]][[-]][[night]]}}
- mozy - {{infl|en|adjective|head=mozy}}
- inexpressable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- expressable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- fremder - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- arcotarsium - {{infl|en|noun}}
- acrasy - {{infl|en|noun}}
- adoxography - {{infl|en|noun}}
- alieniloquy - {{infl|en|noun}}
- all-night-man - {{infl|en|noun}}
- kubasas - {{infl|en|noun}}
- anhidrosis - {{infl|en|noun}}
- anoopsia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- pilotis - {{infl|en|noun|pl}}
- Gugelhupf - {{infl|en|noun}}
- mooer - {{infl|en|noun}}
- aphagia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- aphakia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- aphronia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- apostosis - {{infl|en|noun}}
- argil - {{infl|en|noun}}
- aristology - {{infl|en|noun}}
- tozy-mozy - {{infl|en|adjective|head=tozy-[[mozy]]}}
- juvey - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- rype - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- fearfuller - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- kabballah - {{infl|en|noun}}
- kabbalah - {{infl|en|noun}}
- spectropolarimeter - {{infl|en|noun}}
- pankration - {{infl|en|noun|head=pankration}}
- social-science - {{infl|en|noun}}
- wysshe - {{infl|en|verb}}
- dibstones - {{infl|en|noun}}
- summonable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- collusitate - {{infl|en|verb}}
- deathmatches - {{infl|en|noun}}
- griefers - {{infl|en|noun}}
- minibosses - {{infl|en|noun}}
- platformers - {{infl|en|noun}}
- sidequests - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hypothenuses - {{infl|en|noun}}
- pusilanimous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Playstation - {{infl|en|misspelling}}
- moottoripurjelentokone - {{infl|en|noun}}
- yearne - {{infl|en|noun}}
- yarne - {{infl|en|noun}}
- chillis - {{infl|en|noun}}
- radicant - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- necessitudes - {{infl|en|noun|head=necessitudes}}
- oculesics - {{infl|en|noun}}
- convulsant - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- vacantness - {{infl|en|noun}}
- shye - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- glassier - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- concentual - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- provisionality - {{infl|en|noun}}
- H&P - {{infl|en|noun}}
- antigogglin - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- flinchy - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- fun-size - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[fun]]-[[size]]}}
- teleogenesis - {{infl|en|noun}}
- radiosymmetry - {{infl|en|noun}}
- sugging - {{infl|en|noun}}
- panelled - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- paneled - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- n-ary - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- BOCAT - {{infl|en|noun}}
- fiz - {{infl|en|verb}}</tt
- wingnutosphere - {{infl|en|noun}}
- bureaucratie - {{infl|en|noun}}
- finickety - {{infl|en|adjective}} <!-- can't seem to attest either -er/-est or more/most -->
- awkweird - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Auvergnese - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- tabbies - {{infl|en|noun}}
- neurogenetic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- photoheterotrophic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- submicron - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- altitudinal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- nonperturbative - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- alligatoring - {{infl|en|noun}}
- antifibrotic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- autophosphatase - {{infl|en|noun}}
- 'rents - {{infl|en|noun|g=p}} {{context|singular not attested}}
- semirounded - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- downgone - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- rheumatics - {{infl|en|noun}}
- immunoablation - {{infl|en|noun}}
- melastatin - {{infl|en|noun}}
- odortaxis - {{infl|en|noun}}
- adenylyl - {{infl|en|noun}}
- liefer - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- aridification - {{infl|en|noun}}
- dimictic - {{infl|en|noun}}
- germylium - {{infl|en|noun}}
- silylium - {{infl|en|noun}}
- stannylium - {{infl|en|noun}}
- guanylyl - {{infl|en|noun}}
- Macs - {{infl|en|noun}}
- isopentenyl - {{infl|en|noun}}
- heere - {{infl|en|verb}}
- rds - {{infl|en|noun}}
- naïveness - {{infl|en|noun}}
- egressive - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- paleolimnology - {{infl|en|noun}}
- ATW - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- nitroreduction - {{infl|en|noun}}
- blue-eyed - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[blue]]-[[eye]]d}}
- don' - {{infl|en|verb}}
- astroglia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- carbenoxolone - {{infl|en|noun}}
- facty - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- centralspindlin - {{infl|en|noun}}
- cyclopamine - {{infl|en|noun}}
- beddy-bye - {{infl|en|noun}}
- super-Earths - {{infl|en|noun}}
- physiopathology - {{infl|en|noun}}
- phenylmethyl - {{infl|en|noun}}
- preacclimation - {{infl|en|noun}}
- arpeggiation - {{infl|en|noun}}
- macropinocytosis - {{infl|en|noun}}
- nucleolytic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- 802.11e - {{infl|en|noun}}
- 802.11i - {{infl|en|noun}}
- full-on - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[full]][[-]][[on]]}}
- pajama - {{infl|en|noun}}
- groomsmen - {{infl|en|noun}}
- dual-band - {{infl|en|noun}}
- ytelle - {{infl|en|verb}}
- zirp - {{infl|en|noun}}
- waterskiing - {{infl|en|noun|head=waterskiing}}
- unshowy - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- eurozone - {{infl|en|noun}}
- castillated - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Zikat - {{infl|en|noun}}
- nonauto - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hyperawareness - {{infl|en|noun}}
- non-auto - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- ultracrisp - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- yella - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- unjuicy - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- portentousness - {{infl|en|noun}}
- frontcourt - {{infl|en|noun}}
- quadricep - {{infl|en|noun}}
- Neæra - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hakapiks - {{infl|en|noun}}
- unsurrendering - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Tolstoyan - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- tetrapla - {{infl|en|noun}}
- procatalepsis - {{infl|en|noun}}
- Talyrond - {{infl|en|noun}}
- venistasis - {{infl|en|noun}}
- osteosclerotic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- cyberchorus - {{infl|en|noun}}
- ivyed - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- psalmodic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- operating-room - {{infl|en|noun}}
- operating-theatre - {{infl|en|noun}}
- due-process - {{infl|en|noun}}
- head-of-household - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hair-spray - {{infl|en|noun}}
- lip-gloss - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hair-gel - {{infl|en|noun}}
- sewing-machine - {{infl|en|noun}}
- game-of-chance - {{infl|en|noun}}
- book-signing - {{infl|en|noun}}
- clothes-shop - {{infl|en|noun}}
- feast-day - {{infl|en|noun}}
- plain-paper - {{infl|en|noun}}
- funeral-director - {{infl|en|noun}}
- private-eye - {{infl|en|noun}}
- spray-can - {{infl|en|noun}}
- funeral-parlor - {{infl|en|noun}}
- funeral-home - {{infl|en|noun}}
- lawn-chair - {{infl|en|noun}}
- trailer-park - {{infl|en|noun}}
- caravan-park - {{infl|en|noun}}
- tour-of-duty - {{infl|en|noun}}
- bread-line - {{infl|en|noun}}
- soup-kitchen - {{infl|en|noun}}
- white-meat - {{infl|en|noun}}
- market-research - {{infl|en|noun}}
- toxic-waste - {{infl|en|noun}}
- assisted-suicide - {{infl|en|noun}}
- adult-movie - {{infl|en|noun}}
- biological-weapon - {{infl|en|noun}}
- radiological-weapon - {{infl|en|noun}}
- symphony-orchestra - {{infl|en|noun}}
- black-letter - {{infl|en|noun}}
- ghost-town - {{infl|en|noun}}
- game-bird - {{infl|en|noun}}
- sacrocaudal - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- sacrovertebral - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- electric-chair - {{infl|en|noun}}
- dual-citizenship - {{infl|en|noun}}
- pinking-shear - {{infl|en|noun}}
- exterior-angle - {{infl|en|noun}}
- air-resistance - {{infl|en|noun}}
- rock-band - {{infl|en|noun}}
- displaced-person - {{infl|en|noun}}
- auto-insurance - {{infl|en|noun}}
- re-let - {{infl|en|verb}}
- palaeographical - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- jocoserious - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- joco-serious - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- sunglass - {{infl|en|noun}}
- windfarms - {{infl|en|noun}}
- gosu - {{infl|en|noun}}
- vates - {{infl|en|noun}}
- neutral-zone - {{infl|en|noun}}
- æolian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- blam - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hijinx - {{infl|en|noun}}
- above-the-fold - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[above]]-[[the]]-[[fold]]}}
- half-standard - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[half]]-[[standard]]}}
- macritude - {{infl|en|noun}}
- dysgracia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- sprachgefuhl - {{infl|en|noun}}
- factitial - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- unhuman - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- zzzs - {{infl|en|noun}}
- glammy - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- act. - {{infl|en|noun}} (''already plural in one sense''?; ''plural of singular senses'' [[*]]'''acts.''')
- streete - {{infl|en|noun}}
- haemodynamic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- haemodynamics - {{infl|en|noun}}
- steam-powered - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[steam]]-[[powered]]}}
- nonguaranteed - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- unguaranteed - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- mujahedeen - {{infl|en|noun}}
- botox - {{infl|en|noun}}
- N-benzyl-N-isopropylpivalamide - {{infl|en|noun}}
- nyctinastism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- nyctitropism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- genopathy - {{infl|en|noun}}
- barometz - {{infl|en|noun}}
- armor-piercing - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- carnitas - {{infl|en|noun}}
- glore - {{infl|en|verb}} (''archaic'')
- iliocostalis - {{infl|en|noun}}
- midconstruction - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- electro-magnetics - {{infl|en|noun}}
- compacity - {{infl|en|noun}}
- kernelisation - {{infl|en|noun}}
- butching - {{infl|en|noun}}
- Utu - {{infl|en|noun}}
- sab - {{infl|en|verb}}
- bazas - {{infl|en|noun}}
- schiffli - {{infl|en|noun}}
- unsalvagable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- ma-in-law - {{infl|en|noun}}
- chitlin - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hypouricaemia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- eq'n - {{infl|en|noun}}
- powers-that-be - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[powers]][[-]][[that]][[-]][[be]]}}
- eu-stress - {{infl|en|noun}}
- BOFHs - {{infl|en|noun}}
- LARTs - {{infl|en|noun}}
- biometrical - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- towardly - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- mark-to-model - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[mark]][[-]][[to]][[-]][[model]]}}
- destigmatization - {{infl|en|noun}}
- biggen - {{infl|en|verb}}
- overpronation - {{infl|en|noun}}
- distribution-free - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[distribution]][[-]][[free]]}}
- cryocardioplegia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- cuckoo-doves - {{infl|en|noun}}
- proportioner - {{infl|en|noun}}
- dinarization - {{infl|en|noun|mostly or entirely uncountable}}
- dinarization - {{infl|en|noun|mostly or entirely uncountable}}
- chylus - {{infl|en|noun}}
- ilion - {{infl|en|noun}}
- snite - {{infl|en|verb}} {{attention|en}} <!-- is this a strong verb - e.g. "snite(s), sniting, snote, snitten" - or a weak one, "snite(s), sniting, snited"? -->
- stated-income - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[stated]]-[[income]]}}
- jack-up - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- supermodular - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- str - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- house-trained - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[house]]-[[trained]]}}
- magid - {{infl|en|noun}}
- bucky - {{infl|en|noun}}
- effectualness - {{infl|en|noun}}
- heerd - {{infl|en|verb}}
- bed-wet - {{infl|en|verb}}
- bedwet - {{infl|en|verb}}
- marv - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- rascetta - {{infl|en|noun}}
- sillyness - {{infl|en|noun}}
- comelyness - {{infl|en|noun}}
- homelyness - {{infl|en|noun}}
- saintlyness - {{infl|en|noun}}
- untyreable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- mastuprate - {{infl|en|verb}}
- uneath - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- eath - {{infl|en|adjective|cat=adjectives|head=eath}}
- soothfast - {{infl|en|adjective|cat=adjectives|head=soothfast}}
- matty - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- bludy - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- bluidy - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- soccer-ball - {{infl|en|noun}}
- military-school - {{infl|en|noun}}
- military-academy - {{infl|en|noun}}
- curtain-call - {{infl|en|noun}}
- graph-paper - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hemrods - {{infl|en|noun}}
- demineralize - {{infl|en|verb}}
- demineralized - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- decocainize - {{infl|en|verb}}
- thermal-paper - {{infl|en|noun}}
- escatology - {{infl|en|noun}}
- ten-o'clock - {{infl|en|noun}}
- steel-wool - {{infl|en|noun}}
- other-woman - {{infl|en|noun}}
- legal-eagle - {{infl|en|noun}}
- legal-beagle - {{infl|en|noun}}
- leather-jacket - {{infl|en|noun}}
- sleep-debt - {{infl|en|noun}}
- secondhand-smoke - {{infl|en|noun}}
- telephone-jack - {{infl|en|noun}}
- cable-jack - {{infl|en|noun}}
- truck-driver - {{infl|en|noun}}
- report-card - {{infl|en|noun}}
- emergency-brake - {{infl|en|noun}}
- parking-brake - {{infl|en|noun}}
- wan't - {{infl|en|verb|head=wan’t}}
- -k- - {{infl|en|interfix|sort=k|cat=interfixes}}
- stomach-flu - {{infl|en|noun}}
- ONTOS - {{infl|en|noun}}
- orgillous - {{infl|en|adjective|cat=adjectives|head=orguillous}}
- -n- - {{infl|en|interfix|cat=interfixes|sort=n}}
- apogamy - {{infl|en|noun}}
- Dannebrog - {{infl|en|noun}}
- aretalogists - {{infl|en|noun}}
- Christologies - {{infl|en|noun}}
- homeokinetics - {{infl|en|noun}}
- touch-move - {{infl|en|noun}}
- straight-from-the-shoulder - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[straight]][[-]][[from]][[-]][[the]][[-]][[shoulder]]}}
- kerlix - {{infl|en|noun}}
- square-root - {{infl|en|noun}}
- arboreous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- dolefull - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- helpe - {{infl|en|noun}}
- helpe - {{infl|en|verb}}
- helpelesse - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- evill - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- evill - {{infl|en|noun}}
- mischivous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- darke - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- darke - {{infl|en|noun}}
- auriscalpium - {{infl|en|noun}}
- white-cell - {{infl|en|noun}}
- acroatics - {{infl|en|plural|g=p}}
- summer-camp - {{infl|en|noun}}
- visible-light - {{infl|en|noun}}
- saddle-point - {{infl|en|noun}}
- club-foot - {{infl|en|noun}}
- gee-gees - {{infl|en|noun}}
- bureau-ocracy - {{infl|en|noun}}
- thick-headed - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[thick]]-[[head]]ed}}
- enow - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- doesnae - {{infl|en|verb}}
- anaglyphic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- glass-cockpit - {{infl|en|noun}}
- quotient-space - {{infl|en|noun}}
- mistle-toe - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[mistle]]-[[toe]]}}
- s/ - {{infl|en|verb}} {{imperative|_|only}}
- whom're - {{infl|en|contraction|head=whom’re}}
- diedral - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- plumeria - {{infl|en|noun}}
- vid. - {{infl|en|verb}} (''[[invariant]] [[imperative]] verb'')
- vidê - {{infl|en|verb}} (''singular imperative verb; plural'' '''[[videte]]''')
- videte - {{infl|en|verb}} (''plural imperative verb; singular'' '''[[vide]]''')
- osterducken - {{infl|en|noun}}
- MMR - {{infl|en|noun}}
- soup-to-nuts - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[soup]]-[[to]]-[[nuts]]}}
- swaggie - {{infl|en|noun}}
- Burkinese - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- crazy-paving - {{infl|en|noun}}
- meve - {{infl|en|verb}}
- wyueles - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- lyuelode - {{infl|en|noun}}
- awreak - {{infl|en|verb}}
- raundon - {{infl|en|noun}}
- rynge - {{infl|en|noun}}
- rynge - {{infl|en|verb}}
- cyte - {{infl|en|noun}}
- daunyng - {{infl|en|noun}}
- healthe - {{infl|en|noun}}
- inuysybel - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hippotamus - {{infl|en|noun}}
- physnomy - {{infl|en|noun}}
- tempory - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- behight - {{infl|en|verb}}
- behote - {{infl|en|verb}}
- syege - {{infl|en|noun}}
- outrageousty - {{infl|en|noun}}
- moone - {{infl|en|noun}}
- moone - {{infl|en|verb}}
- alyaunte - {{infl|en|noun}}
- dryte - {{infl|en|verb}}
- drytt - {{infl|en|verb}}
- family-size - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[family]]-[[size]]}}
- ferys - {{infl|en|noun}}
- creyme - {{infl|en|noun}}
- interwebs - {{infl|en|noun|g=p}}
- LULU - {{infl|en|noun}}
- correctio - {{infl|en|noun}}
- lybard - {{infl|en|noun}}
- re-evaluates - {{infl|en|verb|head=[[re-]][[evaluates]]}}
- re-evaluating - {{infl|en|verb|head=[[re-]][[evaluating]]}}
- re-evaluated - {{infl|en|verb|head=[[re-]][[evaluated]]}}
- extry - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- finde - {{infl|en|verb}}
- doot - {{infl|en|verb}}
- dooty - {{infl|en|noun}}
- Batswana - {{infl|en|noun}}
- fut. - {{infl|en|noun|[[Appendix:Glossary#uncountable|uncountable]] in one sense; already plural in the other}}
- forgit - {{infl|en|verb}}
- fotch - {{infl|en|verb}}
- generall - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- halfe - {{infl|en|noun}}
- greate - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hould - {{infl|en|verb}}
- stilly - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- subchorionic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- interlunation - {{infl|en|noun}}
- medium-term - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[medium]]-[[term]]}}
- off-brand - {{infl|en|noun}}
- sociative - {{infl|en|noun}}
- Obergruppenführer - {{infl|en|noun}}
- bigender - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- fone - {{infl|en|noun}}
- ph33r - {{infl|en|verb}}
- come-to-Jesus - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[come]]-[[to]]-[[Jesus]]}}
- trapes - {{infl|en|verb}}
- trapes - {{infl|en|noun}}
- werst - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- yabbut - {{infl|en|phrase}}
- Jack-go-to-bed-at-noon - {{infl|en|noun}}
- jingbang - {{infl|en|noun}}
- draw-bridge - {{infl|en|noun}}
- med-mal - {{infl|en|noun}}
- pathognomic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- top-gun - {{infl|en|noun}}
- tee-ball - {{infl|en|noun}}
- kujang - {{infl|en|noun}}
- præscriptions - {{infl|en|noun|g=p}}
- pilliwinks - {{infl|en|noun}} {{plural only}}
- three-parent - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- cruisey - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- erotolalia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- inguinodynia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- ecgonine - {{infl|en|noun}}
- café-chantant - {{infl|en|noun}}
- zay - {{infl|en|verb}}
- puff-pastry - {{infl|en|noun}}
- Ghomara - {{infl|en|noun|g=p}}
- yaller - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- ycleped - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- cedmata - {{infl|en|noun|g=p}}
- yeeld - {{infl|en|verb}}
- yeelde - {{infl|en|verb}}
- yerth - {{infl|en|noun}}
- piecewiselinear - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- piecewise-linear - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- trowsers - {{infl|en|noun}}
- transpadane - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- coprostasi - {{infl|en|noun}} {{f|inv}}
- holliers - {{infl|en|noun|g=p}}
- waitasec - {{infl|en|verb}} {{context|imperative|_|only}}
- faile - {{infl|en|verb}}
- rotynge - {{infl|en|noun}}
- hereditaries - {{infl|en|noun}}
- incidentalome - {{infl|en|noun|head=the incidentalome}} {{singulare tantum}}
- down-at-heel - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[down]][[-]][[at]][[-]][[heel]]}}
- secresy - {{infl|en|noun}}
- austausch - {{infl|en|noun}}
- bakeout - {{infl|en|verb}}
- stick-to-it-iveness - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[stick]][[-]][[to]][[-]][[it]][[-ive]][[ness]]}}
- lisencephaly - {{infl|en|noun}}
- awrath - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- alteriority - {{infl|en|noun}}
- what-not - {{infl|en|noun}}
- Schützenfest - {{infl|en|noun}}
- corrolate - {{infl|en|noun}}
- corrolate - {{infl|en|verb}}
- cfr. - {{infl|en|verb|not [[conjugate]]d}}
- Charcot-Marie-Tooth - {{infl|en|noun}}
- Purkinje-cell - {{infl|en|noun}}
- lemmie - {{infl|en|contraction|head=lemmie}}
- unmournful - {{infl|en|adjective}} (''comparative'' '''less mournful''', ''superlative'' '''least mournful''' ''or'' {{qualifier|rare}} '''most unmournful''')
- connex. - {{infl|en|noun}}
- creplach - {{infl|en|noun|g=p}}
- onescore - {{infl|en|noun}} {{singulare tantum}}
- purly - {{infl|en|noun}}
- blossomest - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- writin' - {{infl|en|noun}}
- pull-focus - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[pull]]-[[focus]]}}
- ring-theoretical - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- group-theoretical - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- group-theoretic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- ring-theoretic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- obstetr. - {{infl|en|noun}}
- wagge - {{infl|en|verb}}
- waight - {{infl|en|noun}}
- waile - {{infl|en|verb}}
- wante - {{infl|en|noun}}
- wante - {{infl|en|verb}}
- eye-candy - {{infl|en|noun}}
- 110% - {{infl|en|noun}}
- appeale - {{infl|en|verb}}
- swallowe - {{infl|en|verb}}
- choake - {{infl|en|verb}}
- paltok - {{infl|en|noun}}
- bigge - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- scita - {{infl|en|noun|g=p}}
- charleyhorse - {{infl|en|noun}}
- scienda - {{infl|en|noun|g=p}}
- begaud - {{infl|en|verb}}
- beletter - {{infl|en|verb}}
- endecasyllable - {{infl|en|noun}}
- brooke - {{infl|en|verb}}
- data-base - {{infl|en|noun}}
- teare - {{infl|en|verb}}
- effray - {{infl|en|verb}}
- yuory - {{infl|en|noun}}
- portesse - {{infl|en|noun}}
- esloyne - {{infl|en|verb}}
- darrayne - {{infl|en|verb}}
- glyde - {{infl|en|verb}}
- tr00 - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- troo - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- wet-behind-the-ears - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- cuntlips - {{infl|en|noun}}
- Noahtic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- priefe - {{infl|en|noun}}
- schizy - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- b****cks - {{infl|en|noun}}
- pandaedalian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- scarmoge - {{infl|en|noun}}
- glitterand - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- bittur - {{infl|en|noun}}
- mas'r - {{infl|en|noun}}
- offski - {{infl|en|verb}}
- compane - {{infl|en|verb}}
- areach - {{infl|en|verb}}
- coöccur - {{infl|en|verb}}
- currywurst - {{infl|en|noun}}
- jing-bang - {{infl|en|noun}}
- maple-syrup - {{infl|en|noun}}
- bad-boy - {{infl|en|noun}}
- sowe - {{infl|en|verb}}
- sorie - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- solly - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- mornin' - {{infl|en|noun}}
- puddin' - {{infl|en|noun}}
- talke - {{infl|en|verb}}
- sweete - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- disdaine - {{infl|en|noun}}
- disdaine - {{infl|en|verb}}
- equall - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- cruell - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- meete - {{infl|en|verb}}
- sempergreen - {{infl|en|noun}}
- shuddup - {{infl|en|verb}} {{context|imperative only}}
- hennin - {{infl|en|noun}}
- fynde - {{infl|en|verb}}
- sawe - {{infl|en|verb}}
- avize - {{infl|en|verb}}
- quight - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- quight - {{infl|en|verb}}
- impertinency - {{infl|en|noun}}
- sowre - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- 6in4 - {{infl|en|noun}}
- natting - {{infl|en|noun}}
- fynd - {{infl|en|verb}}
- UIM - {{infl|en|noun}}
- shmork - {{infl|en|noun}}
- M.Y.O.B. - {{infl|en|phrase}}
- wuld - {{infl|en|verb}}
- stryve - {{infl|en|verb}}
- septennial - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- sexennial - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- quindecennial - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- lamellicorn - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- longicorn - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Millean - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Millian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- knicks - {{infl|en|noun}}
- first-past-the-post - {{infl|en|noun}}
- antistasis - {{infl|en|noun}}
- nonmoral - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- adiaphanous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- stool-ball - {{infl|en|noun}}
- Milbenkäse - {{infl|en|noun}}
- mimolette - {{infl|en|noun}}
- con-sensual - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[con-]][[sensual]]}}
- con-sensual - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[con-]][[sensual]]}}
- valuative - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- re-up - {{infl|en|verb}}
- oh-dark-thirty - {{infl|en|noun}}
- ungregarious - {{infl|en|adjective}} (''[[Appendix:Glossary#comparable|comparative]]'' '''less gregarious''', ''[[Appendix:Glossary#comparable|superlative]]'' '''least gregarious''')
- apostatise - {{infl|en|verb}}
- pretoir - {{infl|en|noun}}
- tzarism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- supermicron - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- underivatized - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- laye - {{infl|en|verb}}
- moudiwarp - {{infl|en|noun}}
- gabey - {{infl|en|noun}}
- unmachicolated - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- popsy - {{infl|en|noun}}
- irrelative - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- siddown - {{infl|en|verb}} {{context|imperative only}}
- Algerine - {{infl|en|noun}}
- Arean - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Cyllenian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Cererian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Didonian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Iridian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Isidian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Junonian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- nemetic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Sphingian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- sphingian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Themistian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Vestian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Dionean - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Ganymedean - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Enceladan - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Enceladean - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Japetian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Iapetian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Janian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Tethyan - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Linian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Nyctian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Charonian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Aeginetan - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Artemisian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Eosphorus - {{infl|en|noun}}
- Venerian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Protean - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Arielian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Mirandan - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Mirandian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Oberonian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Umbrielian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- psoitis - {{infl|en|noun}}
- Phoebean - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Elpidian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Echonian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Cupidinian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Byblian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Idean - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Calliopean - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Melpomenean - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Nausicaan - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Sabinian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Thetidian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Thulean - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Hyperionian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- eye-tooth - {{infl|en|noun}}
- Metidian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- arhythmia - {{infl|en|noun}}
- wiselier - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- saie - {{infl|en|verb}}
- keester - {{infl|en|noun}}
- fewe - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- tenour - {{infl|en|noun}}
- tzetze - {{infl|en|noun}}
- Apophian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Artemidean - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- water-bath - {{infl|en|noun}}
- weazand - {{infl|en|noun}}
- witch-hazel - {{infl|en|noun}}
- water-bed - {{infl|en|noun}}
- wood-pulp - {{infl|en|noun}}
- kayles - {{infl|en|noun}}
- agreable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- gownd - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- dichromasy - {{infl|en|noun}}
- Yue - {{infl|en|noun}}
- decenter - {{infl|en|verb}}
- deluster - {{infl|en|verb}}
- sartin - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- sanhedrim - {{infl|en|noun}}
- trompe-d'œil - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[tromper#French|trompe]]-[[de#French|d’]][[œil#French|œil]]}}
- sylva - {{infl|en|noun}}
- tlk - {{infl|en|verb}}
- wnt - {{infl|en|verb}}
- Thameside - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- impræscriptible - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Socinian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- ungood - {{infl|en|adjective|superlative|double-plus-ungood}}
- movent - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- undry'd - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- undry - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- undry - {{infl|en|verb}}
- double-dips - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[double]]-[[dips]]}}
- prebaking - {{infl|en|noun}}
- dim-headed - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[dim]]-[[headed]]}}
- tiple - {{infl|en|noun}}
- cloddy - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- eyren - {{infl|en|noun}}
- owndoms - {{infl|en|noun}}
- cornett - {{infl|en|noun}}
- pocones - {{infl|en|noun}}
- rarowcun - {{infl|en|noun}}
- saxefras - {{infl|en|noun}}
- Proto-Vietic - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[proto|Proto-]][[Vietic]]}}
- rawranoke - {{infl|en|noun}}
- herycano - {{infl|en|noun}}
- Obatzda - {{infl|en|noun}}
- tockwough - {{infl|en|noun}}
- metoo - {{infl|en|sentence}}
- similia - {{infl|en|plural|g=p}}
- sophy - {{infl|en|noun|plural only}}
- sophies - {{infl|en|plural|g=p}}
- anti-choice - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- sophi - {{infl|en|noun|plural only}}
- anti-life - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- pro-death - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- prolifer - {{infl|en|noun}}
- prochoicer - {{infl|en|noun}}
- pro-abortion - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- proabort - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- proabort - {{infl|en|noun}}
- anti-choicer - {{infl|en|noun}}
- enemata - {{infl|en|plural|g=p}}
- youngstock - {{infl|en|noun}} {{plural}}
- wrengths - {{infl|en|plural}}
- boy-shorts - {{infl|en|noun|head=[[boy]]-[[shorts]]}} {{pluralonly}}
- woulder - {{infl|en|verb}}
- dramata - {{infl|en|plural|g=p}}
- outgangs - {{infl|en|plural}}
- ingangs - {{infl|en|plural}}
- Areopagites - {{infl|en|plural|g=p}}
- jahiliya - {{infl|en|noun}}
- Kümmelweck - {{infl|en|noun}}
- GLWT - {{infl|en|phrase}}
- monomaniæ - {{infl|en|plural|g=p}}
- zugzwänge - {{infl|en|plural|g=p}}
- sowwy - {{infl|en|adjective}}<!--comp&sup not attested AFAICT-->
- Babbitts - {{infl|en|noun}}[[Category:English nouns that lack inflection template]]
- backslidden - {{infl|en|verb}}
- discorsioun - {{infl|en|noun}}
- daughtren - {{infl|en|plural|g=p}}
- comiserate - {{infl|en|verb}}
- comisserate - {{infl|en|verb}}
- comiserat - {{infl|en|verb}}
- magnetencephalographies - {{infl|en|plural|g=p}}
- kaiak - {{infl|en|noun}}
- relagate - {{infl|en|noun}}
- bad-faith - {{infl|en|noun}}
- shooting-spree - {{infl|en|noun}}
- partial-fraction - {{infl|en|noun}}
- g'd - {{infl|en|adjective|head=g’d}}
- walrii - {{infl|en|plural|g=p}}
- fetii - {{infl|en|plural}}
- inventrix - {{infl|en|noun|masculine|inventor|plural|inventrices}}
- inventrices - {{infl|en|plural|g=p}}
- inuentrix - {{infl|en|noun}}
- aren'chu - {{infl|en|contraction|head=[[are]][[not|n’ch]][[you|u]]}}
- interwebz - {{infl|en|noun|g=p}}
- reight - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- byworks - {{infl|en|plural}}
- bybidders - {{infl|en|plural}}
- Leibnizian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- epistemai - {{infl|en|plural|g=p}}
- status - {{infl|en|plural|g=p}}
- walri - {{infl|en|plural|g=p}}
- embryones - {{infl|en|plural|g=p}}
- bookstaves - {{infl|en|noun|plural}}
- blees - {{infl|en|noun|plural}}
- golubtsy - {{infl|en|noun|plural only}}
- grammary - {{infl|en|noun}}
- anti-stress - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- speights - {{infl|en|noun|plural}}
- byspells - {{infl|en|noun|plural}}
- bylands - {{infl|en|noun|plural}}
- bilands - {{infl|en|noun|plural}}
- mereswines - {{infl|en|noun|plural}}
- ferds - {{infl|en|noun|plural}}
- no-questions-asked - {{infl|en|adjective|head=[[no]][[-]][[question]]s[[-]][[ask]]ed}}
- troaking - {{infl|en|noun}}[[Category:English nouns that lack inflection template]]
- coun - {{infl|en|noun}}
- brickle - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- peccable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- inlooks - {{infl|en|noun|plural}}
- foredeals - {{infl|en|noun|plural}}
- forbisens - {{infl|en|noun|plural}}
- whyte - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- afterdeals - {{infl|en|noun|plural}}
- Arretine - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- 'oly - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- 'istorical - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- 'ope - {{infl|en|verb}}
- 'old - {{infl|en|verb}}
- 'art - {{infl|en|noun}}
- 'igh - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- 'umble - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- happlicable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- hunseemly - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- happroach - {{infl|en|verb}}
- hopposite - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- 'ear - {{infl|en|verb}}
- respec' - {{infl|en|verb}}
- guestmeals - {{infl|en|noun|plural}}
- sympodium - {{infl|en|noun}}
- afterbites - {{infl|en|noun|plural}}
- smatches - {{infl|en|noun|plural}}
- selfdoms - {{infl|en|noun|plural}}
- reards - {{infl|en|noun|plural}}
- bields - {{infl|en||plural}}
- binary-compatible - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- tobrest - {{infl|en|verb}}
- ichthyologic - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- pick-up - {{infl|en|noun}}
- Multikulti - {{infl|en|noun}}
- double-down - {{infl|en|verb|head=[[to]] [[double]][[-]][[down]]}}
- umstrokes - {{infl|en|plural}}
- to-names - {{infl|en|noun|plural}}
- tonames - {{infl|en|noun|plural}}
- beddy-byes - {{infl|en|noun}}
- nonservile - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- unservile - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- vareniki - {{infl|en|noun|plural only}}
- dubitacion - {{infl|en|noun}}
- dubitatioun - {{infl|en|noun}}
- bobbasheely - {{infl|en|verb}}
- 'rithmetic - {{infl|en|noun}}
- irreplicable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- non-replicable - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Eriksonian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Quinian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- starven - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- huchen - {{infl|en|noun}}
- rize - {{infl|en|verb}}
- non-identical - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- DDx - {{infl|en|noun}}
- transworld - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- Wittgensteinian - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- work-release - {{infl|en|noun}}
- woebetide - {{infl|en|verb}}
- noseslide - {{infl|en|verb}}<!--there's not much use of this used in the past: noseslid or noseslided?-->
- workerism - {{infl|en|noun}}
- northwind - {{infl|en|noun}}
- esteeme - {{infl|en|noun}}
- furst - {{infl|en|adjective|superlative}}
- esteeme - {{infl|en|verb}}
- befal - {{infl|en|verb}}
- walke - {{infl|en|verb}}
- cleane - {{infl|en|verb}}
- burne - {{infl|en|verb}}
- drawe - {{infl|en|verb}}
- area-denial - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- goode - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- ryght - {{infl|en|adjective}}
- orchideous - {{infl|en|adjective}}
[edit]- narmean - {{infl|en|sentence}}
[edit]- shood - {{infl|en|verb}}
- fuhgeddaboud - {{infl|en|verb}}
- seponate - {{infl|en|verb|simple past and past participle|seponated}}
- snopes - {{infl|en|verb|present participle|snopesing|simple past and past participle|snopesed}} {{transitive}}
- Snopes - {{infl|en|verb|present participle|Snopesing|simple past and past participle|Snopesed}} {{transitive}}
- stupify - {{infl|en|misspelling|third-person singular simple present|stupifies|present participle|stupifying|simple past and past participle|stupified}}
[edit]Cardinal number
[edit]- seven - {{infl|en|cardinal number}}
- zero - {{infl|en|cardinal number}}
- one - {{infl|en|cardinal number}}
- two - {{infl|en|cardinal number}}
- three - {{infl|en|cardinal number}}
- four - {{infl|en|cardinal number}}
- five - {{infl|en|cardinal number}}
- dick - {{infl|en|cardinal number}}
- six - {{infl|en|cardinal number}}
- eight - {{infl|en|cardinal number}}
- nine - {{infl|en|cardinal number}}
- ten - {{infl|en|cardinal number}}
- nineteen - {{infl|en|cardinal number}}
- quadrillion - {{infl|en|cardinal number}}
- quintillion - {{infl|en|cardinal number}}
- yin - {{infl|en|cardinal number}}
- XX - {{infl|en|cardinal number}}
- thirty-two - {{infl|en|cardinal number|head=[[thirty]]-[[two]]}}
- thirty-three - {{infl|en|cardinal number|head=[[thirty]]-[[three]]}}
- thirty-four - {{infl|en|cardinal number|head=[[thirty]]-[[four]]}}
- thirty-five - {{infl|en|cardinal number|head=[[thirty]]-[[five]]}}
- thirty-six - {{infl|en|cardinal number|head=[[thirty]]-[[six]]}}
- throtteen - {{infl|en|cardinal number}}
[edit]- few - {{infl|en|determiner|comparative|fewer|superlative|fewest}}
- this - {{infl|en|determiner|plural|these}}
- little - {{infl|en|determiner|comparative|less|superlative|least}}
Proper noun
[edit]- Merovingians - {{infl|en|proper noun|g=p}}
- Graces - {{infl|en|proper noun|g=p}}
- Vandals - {{infl|en|proper noun|head=the Vandals}}
- Æsir - {{infl|en|proper noun|singular|[[Áss]]|sometimes|[[Aes]]|by folk [[appendix:Glossary#back-formation|back-formation]]}}
- Dolomites - {{infl|en|proper noun|g=pl}}
- LPC - {{infl|en|proper noun|tr=[[Liberal]] [[Party]] [[of]] [[Canada]]}}
- CPC - {{infl|en|proper noun|tr=[[Communist]] [[Party]] [[of]] [[China]]; [[Conservative]] [[Party]] [[of]] [[Canada]]}}
- ADQ - {{infl|en|proper noun|tr=[[action|Action]] [[democratique]] [[du]] [[Quebec]]}}
- Saqqaq - {{infl|en|proper noun|g=p}}
[edit]- -vir- - {{infl|en|suffix|cat=suffixes|sort=vir}}
- -ner- - {{infl|en|affix|sort=ner}}
- -kin- - {{infl|en|suffix|cat=suffixes|sort=kin}}
- -mul- - {{infl|en|affix|sort=mul}}
- -os- - {{infl|en|affix|sort=os}}
- -fung- - {{infl|en|affix|sort=fung}}
- -toxa- - {{infl|en|affix|sort=toxa}}
[edit]- -um - {{infl|en|suffix|sort=um|plural|-a}}
- -ess - {{infl|en|suffix|plural|-esses|sort=ess}}
- -a - {{infl|en|suffix|cat=suffixes|plural|sort=a}}
- -a - {{infl|en|suffix|sort=a|plural|-ae|or|-æ}}
- 's - {{infl|en|suffix|cat=suffixes|head=’s|clitic}}
- 're - {{infl|en|suffix|sort='re}}
- 'll - {{infl|en|suffix|head=’ll|sort='ll}}
- -o - {{infl|en|suffix|plural|<nowiki/>'''-os''' or '''-oes''', depending on the word|sort=o}}
- -oma - {{infl|en|suffix|sort=oma|plural|-omata|or|-omas}}
- -coccus - {{infl|en|suffix|plural|-cocci|sort=coccus}}
- -poleis - {{infl|en|suffix|g=p|sort=poleis}}
- -man - {{infl|en|suffix|sort=man|plural|-men}}
- -ski - {{infl|en|suffix|plural|[[-skis]] or [[-skies]]}}
- -nazi - {{infl|en|suffixe|plural|-nazis|sort=nazi}}
- -oi - {{infl|en|suffix|sort=oi|g=p}}
[edit]- 1 - {{infl|en|symbol|plural|1s}}
[edit]- MS - {{infl|en|abbreviation|g=s|p|MSS}}
[edit]- AD - {{infl|en|initialism|head=AD or A.D.}}
- BC - {{infl|en|initialism|head=BC or B.C.}}
- IM - {{infl|en|initialism|plural|IMs|past tense|IM'd}}
- ytf - '''YTF''' ''or'' {{infl|en|initialism}}
- LPQ - {{infl|en|initialism|tr=[[Liberal]] [[Party]] [[of]] [[Quebec]]}}
- PTHC - {{infl|en|initialism|[[Appendix:Glossary#uncountable|uncountable]]}}
[edit]- twelfth - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- googol - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- sixteenth - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- seventeenth - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- eighty-first - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- seventy-first - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- infinite - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- fower - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- umpteenth - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- yan - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- yan - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- fortyish - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- thirty-first - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- forty-eighth - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- forty-ninth - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- forty-first - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- sixty-fourth - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- ninety-second - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- thirty-second - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- forty-second - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- fifty-second - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- sixty-second - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- seventy-second - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- eighty-second - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- fifty-first - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- sixty-first - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- ninety-first - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- thirty-third - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- thirty-fourth - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- ninety-fourth - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- eighty-fourth - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- seventy-fourth - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- fifty-fourth - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- forty-fourth - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- thirty-fifth - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- forty-fifth - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- fifty-fifth - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- sixty-fifth - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- seventy-fifth - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- ninety-fifth - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- eighty-fifth - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- thirty-sixth - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- ninety-sixth - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- seventy-sixth - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- fifty-sixth - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- forty-sixth - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- eighty-sixth - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- sixty-sixth - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- seventy-third - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- eighty-third - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- ninety-third - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- sixty-third - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- fifty-third - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- forty-third - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- ninety-ninth - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- fifty-ninth - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- sixty-ninth - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- seventy-ninth - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- eighty-ninth - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- thirty-ninth - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- ninety-eighth - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- eighty-eighth - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- sixty-eighth - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- fifty-eighth - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- thirty-eighth - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- seventy-eighth - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- ninety-seventh - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- eighty-seventh - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- thirty-seventh - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- seventy-seventh - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- sixty-seventh - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- forty-seventh - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- fifty-seventh - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- foure - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- tway - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- fifteen - {{infl|en|numeral|cardinal||ordinal|fifteenth}}
- twenty - {{infl|en|numeral}}
- forty - {{infl|en|numeral}}
Verb form
[edit]- you'se - {{infl|en|verb form|head=[[you]]'se}}
- r - {{infl|en|verb form||conjugated form of|b}}
- chillaxin' - {{infl|en|verb form|head=chillaxin’}}
- awent - {{infl|en|verb|cat=verb forms}}
- 'ganst - {{infl|en|verb form|head=?ganst}}
- dintcha - {{infl|en|phrase}}<!--?-->[[Category:English verb forms]]<!--?-->
- dain't - {{infl|en|auxiliary verb form}}
[edit]- YC - {{infl|en|prefix|head=[[Y]][[C]]}}
- RF - {{infl|en|prefix|head=[[R]][[F]]}}
- paleo- - {{infl|en|prefix|prevocalic form|pale-}}
- eka- - {{infl|en|prefix|sort=eka}}
- hydr- - {{infl|en|prefix|sort=hydr}}
- hydro- - {{infl|en|prefix|sort=hydro}}
- vaso- - {{infl|en|prefix}} (or [[vas-]] before a vowel)
- lepto- - {{infl|en|prefix}} (''[[lept-]]'' before a vowel)
- toxi- - {{infl|en|prefix}} (or [[tox-]] before a vowel)
- afore- - {{infl|en|prefix|head=afore-|cat=prefixes}}
- FB - {{infl|en|prefix|head=[[F]][[B]]}}
- YF - {{infl|en|prefix|head=[[Y]][[F]]}}
- XP - {{infl|en|prefix|head=[[X]][[P]]}}
- oeno- - {{infl|en|prefix|sort=oeno}}
- Helleno- - {{infl|en|prefix|sort=helleno}}
- Hiberno- - {{infl|en|prefix|sort=hiberno}}
- Hispano- - {{infl|en|prefix|sort=hispano}}
- hispano- - {{infl|en|prefix|sort=hispano}}
- luso- - {{infl|en|prefix|sort=luso}}
- Germano- - {{infl|en|prefix|sort=germano}}
- germano- - {{infl|en|prefix|sort=germano}}
- æqui- - {{infl|en|prefix|sort=aequi-}}
- paedo- - {{infl|en|prefix|sort=paedo}}
- pilo- - {{infl|en|prefix|sort=pilo}}
- pœcilo- - {{infl|en|prefix|sort=poecilo-}}
- cœn- - {{infl|en|prefix|sort=coen-}}
- cœno- - {{infl|en|prefix|sort=coeno-}}
- Catalano- - {{infl|en|prefix|sort=Catalano}}
- quarter- - {{infl|en|prefix}} ''(also spelled with adjective [[quarter#Adjective|quarter]])''<!--Many words have the two spellings such as "quarter century/quarter-century", etc.-->
- lexico- - {{infl|en|prefix|sort=le}}
- tessara- - {{infl|en|prefix|[[prevocalic]] form|tessar-}}
- F/A - {{infl|en|prefix|head=[[F]]/[[A]]}}
- hippo- - {{infl|en|prefix|sort=hippo}}
[edit]Verb with 'to'
[edit]- wit - {{infl|en|verb|head=to wit}} {{qualifier|see [[#Conjugation|below]] for this verb’s conjugation}}
- proove - {{infl|en|verb|head=to proove}} {{qualifier|see [[#Conjugation|below]] for this verb’s conjugation}}
Present participle
[edit]- joinin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- comin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- 'arbourin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- happroachin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- mutatin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- teachin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- learnin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- lookin' - {{infl|en|}}
- spritzing - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- eatin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- oozin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- fixin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- aimin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- ailin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- answerin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- appraisin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- appropriatin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- annexin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- writin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- seein' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- goin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- fakin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- knockin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- playin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- puttin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- meetin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- wantin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- sittin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- fuckin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- shittin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- suckin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- wankin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- poppin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- buggerin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- lickin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- crappin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- masturbatin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- shaftin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- whippin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- beatin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- bleedin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- blowin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- shootin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- womanizin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- lazin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- edittin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- poopin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- pukin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- winnin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- hopin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- bashin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- warmin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- touchin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- amelioratin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- flagellatin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- nickin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- takin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- makin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- f***in' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- knowin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- layin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- askin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- walkin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- singin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- cryin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- callin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- speakin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- readin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- drivin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- dyin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- leavin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- turnin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- watchin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- talkin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- sayin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- tellin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- tryin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- havin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- runnin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- joggin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- fallin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
- freewheelin' - {{infl|en|present participle}}
[edit]- giuen - {{infl|en|past participle}}
- arrove - {{infl|en|simple past form}}
- arriven - {{infl|en|past participle}}
- should - {{infl|en|defective verb|simple past of|shall}}
- shoulda - {{infl|en|verb|past subjunctive}}
- ad. - {{infl|en|verb|[[indeclinable]], past form, or [[imperative]]}}
- tooke - {{infl|en|simple past form}}
[edit]- down - {{infl|en|adverb|head=down '''''([[incomparable]] and [[comparable]]), ([[comparative]]''''' farther down, '''''[[superlative]]''''' farthest down''''')''}}
- least - {{infl|en|adverb|negative superlative}}
- out-of-pocket - {{infl|en|adverb|head=[[out]]-[[of]]-[[pocket]]}}
- downe - {{infl|en|adverb}}
- scotfree - {{infl|en|adverb}}
- all-as-one - {{infl|en|adverb}}
- ever-so- - {{infl|en|adverb|head=[[ever]]-[[so]]-}}
- programatically - {{infl|en|adverb}}
- oftener - {{infl|en|adverb}}
- liever - {{infl|en|adverb}}
- scrawly - {{infl|en|adverb}}
- argal - {{infl|en|adverb}}
- upon't - {{infl|en|adverb|head=[[upon]][[’t]]}}
- sidling - {{infl|en|adverb}}
- apropo - {{infl|en|adverb}}
- soone - {{infl|en|adverb}}
- timelesslie - {{infl|en|adverb}}
- tricorne - {{infl|en|adverb}}
- aboord - {{infl|en|adverb}}
- fare-thee-well - {{infl|en|adverb|head=[[fare]][[-]][[thee]][[-]][[well]]}}
- hereuntofore - {{infl|en|adverb}}
- unidirectionally - {{infl|en|adverb}}
- proly - {{infl|en|adverb}}
- jus' - {{infl|en|adverb}}
- aboue - {{infl|en|adverb}}
- full-on - {{infl|en|adverb|head=[[full]][[-]][[on]]}}
- imprimis - {{infl|en|adverb|head=[[imprimis]]}}
- nevah - {{infl|en|adverb}}
- str - {{infl|en|adverb}}
- uneath - {{infl|en|adverb}}
- eath - {{infl|en|adverb|cat=adverbs|head=eath}}
- soothfast - {{infl|en|adverb|cat=adverbs|head=soothfast}}
- fele - {{infl|en|adverb}}
- enow - {{infl|en|adverb}}
- unneth - {{infl|en|adverb}}
- anyhoo - {{infl|en|adverb}}
- bimeby - {{infl|en|adverb}}
- arste - {{infl|en|adverb}}
- nowhile - {{infl|en|adverb}}
- fragilely - {{infl|en|adverb}}
- arithmatically - {{infl|en|adverb}}
- mos' - {{infl|en|adverb}}
- ageyne - {{infl|en|adverb}}
- purly - {{infl|en|adverb}}
- nerehonde - {{infl|en|adverb}}
- absobloodylutely - {{infl|en|adverb}}
- atcha - {{infl|en|adverb}}
- widelier - {{infl|en|adverb comparative form}}
- reight - {{infl|en|adverb}}
- no-strings-attached - {{infl|en|adverb|head=[[no]][[-]][[string]]s[[-]][[attached]]}}
- aforehan' - {{infl|en|adverb}}
- cartilaginously - {{infl|en|adverb}}
- furst - {{infl|en|adverb|superlative}}
- lateward - {{infl|en|adverb}}
- straightforth - {{infl|en|adverb}}
- whar - {{infl|en|adverb}}