User:Matthias Buchmeier/es-en-s
-s {suffix} | :: Used to form the regular plural of nouns which end in vowels |
s {letter} | :: letter |
S. {n} | :: San, santo |
S. {n} | :: Santa |
S {letter} | :: letter: es |
S {m} | :: abbreviation of sur; south |
S. A. {f} | :: initialism of Sociedad Anónima (Incorporated (Inc.)) (Limited liability company (Ltd.)) |
S.A. {f} | :: initialism of sociedad anónima |
saadí {adj} | :: Saadi |
saami {adj} | :: alternative form of sami |
saami {mf} | :: alternative form of sami |
Saavedra {prop} {f} | :: surname, the 307th most common in Mexico, the 64th most common in Peru, the 51st most common in Chile, and 50th most common in Bolivia |
Sabadell {prop} | :: Sabadell (city) |
sabadellense {adj} | :: of or pertaining to Sabadell |
sabadellense {mf} | :: someone from Sabadell |
sabadete {m} [humorous] | :: Saturday |
sabádico {adj} | :: sabbatical |
sábado {m} | :: Saturday |
sábado {m} | :: Sabbath, sabbath |
sábado {m} | :: The letter S in the Spanish phonetic alphabet |
sábado sabadete {m} [Spain, idiom] | :: weekly Saturday shag |
sabalera {f} | :: feminine noun of sabalero |
sabalero {adj} [football] | :: associated with Club Atlético Colón, a football club from Santa Fe, Argentina |
sabalero {m} | :: scad fisher |
sabalero {m} [football] | :: Someone associated with Club Atlético Colón, a football club from Santa Fe, Argentina |
sábalo {m} | :: shad |
sabana {f} | :: savanna |
sábana {f} | :: sheet; bedsheet |
sabandija {f} | :: pest; bug; small reptile |
sabandija {f} | :: rascal, scoundrel, weasel, punk |
sabanera {f} | :: feminine noun of sabanero |
sabanero {adj} | :: Of or from the savannah |
sabanero {m} | :: Someone from the savannah |
sabanero {m} | :: Any of a number of birds (see derived terms below) |
sabañón {m} [pathology] | :: chilblain |
Sabaté {prop} | :: surname a transcription of Sabater |
Sabater {prop} {m} | :: surname |
sabático {adj} | :: sabbatical |
sabático {m} | :: sabbatical |
sabatino {adj} [attributive] | :: Saturday |
sabayeña {f} | :: feminine noun of sabayeño |
sabayeño {adj} | :: Of or from Sabaya |
sabayeño {m} | :: Someone from Sabaya |
sabea {f} | :: feminine noun of sabeo |
sabeca {f} | :: alternative spelling of zabeca |
sabedor {adj} | :: aware, informed, in the know |
sabelotodo {mf} [familiar] | :: know-it-all |
sabeo {adj} | :: Sabaean |
sabeo {m} | :: Sabaean |
saber {v} | :: to know (a fact) |
saber {v} | :: to know how to do something |
saber {v} [in the preterite tense] | :: to find out, to learn |
saber {v} | :: to taste |
saber {v} | :: to realize, to know (e.g. recognize) |
saber {v} | :: to tell, to know (i.e. to discern or distinguish if something is the case) |
saber {v} [colloquial] | :: to figure out |
saber {v} | :: to hear from (+ de) |
saber {v} | :: to hear of, to hear about, (+ de) |
saber {v} | :: to learn of, to learn about, to find out about, to know about (+ de) |
saber {vr} | :: to be known |
saber {vr} | :: to know (extremely well) |
saber {m} | :: knowledge |
saber de qué pie cojea {v} [idiom] | :: to know one's weaknesses |
saber más que los ratones colorados {v} [idiom] | :: to be sly as a fox |
sabia {f} | :: feminine noun of sabio |
sabiamente {adv} | :: wisely |
sabido {adj} | :: well-known |
sabidor {adj} [obsolete] | :: wise, knowledgeable |
sabiduría {f} | :: wisdom |
sabiduría {f} | :: learning; knowledge |
sabiendas {n} | :: only used in a sabiendas |
sabihondo {adj} [pejorative] | :: know-it-all |
sabihondo {adj} [pejorative] | :: prolix |
sábila {f} [Central America] | :: aloe vera |
sabina {f} | :: savin (Juniperus sect. Sabina) |
sabina {f} | :: sandarac (Tetraclinis articulata Masters) |
sabinar {m} | :: wood or forest of Spanish junipers |
sabio {adj} | :: learned |
sabio {adj} | :: prudent; wise |
sabio {m} | :: learned person |
sabio {m} | :: wise person |
sabiondo {adj} [pejorative] | :: know-it-all |
sablazo {m} | :: slash or thrust with a sword |
sablazo {m} | :: sword wound |
sablazo {m} [colloquial, Spain] | :: rip-off/ripoff, overcharge (an unfair or exorbitant price or rate) |
sablazo {m} [colloquial] | :: scrounging for money |
sable {adj} [heraldry] | :: sable |
sable {m} | :: saber, cutlass |
sable {m} [fencing] | :: saber |
sablear {v} | :: to scrounge |
sable de luz {m} [science fiction] | :: lightsaber |
sablista {mf} | :: scrounger |
sabor {m} | :: flavor; taste |
saborcillo {m} | :: diminutive of sabor |
saborear {vt} | :: to taste; to savour, savor |
saborear {vt} | :: to relish |
saborete {m} | :: diminutive of sabor |
saborizante {m} | :: flavouring, flavoring |
saborizar {vt} | :: to spice up; to make tasty or tastier |
sabotaje {m} | :: sabotage |
saboteador {m} | :: saboteur |
saboteadora {f} | :: feminine noun of saboteador |
sabotear {v} | :: to sabotage |
Saboya {prop} {f} | :: Saboya (region) |
Saboya {prop} {f} | :: Saboya (department) |
saboyana {f} | :: feminine noun of saboyano |
saboyano {adj} | :: Of or from Savoy |
saboyano {m} | :: An inhabitant of Savoy |
sabrosamente {adv} | :: tastily |
sabrosamente {adv} | :: in good taste |
sabrosísimo {adj} | :: superlative of sabroso |
sabroso {adj} | :: delicious; tasty |
sabroso {adj} | :: agreeable; pleasant |
sabrosura {f} | :: tastiness |
sabueso {m} | :: bloodhound |
sabueso {m} [colloquial] | :: detective, sleuth |
sabueso húngaro {m} | :: Hungarian hound |
sabueso lituano {m} | :: Lithuanian Hound |
saca {f} | :: large sack, bag |
saca {f} | :: removal, extraction |
saca {f} | :: exportation |
saca {f} | :: certified or notarized copy of a document |
sacabocados {m} | :: punch (device used to create holes in materials) |
sacabotas {m} | :: bootjack |
sacabuche {m} | :: sackbut |
sacaclavos {m} | :: pincer (for removing nails) |
sacacorazones {m} | :: corer |
sacacorchos {m} | :: corkscrew |
sacacuartos {m} [colloquial] | :: waste of money |
sacacuartos {m} [colloquial] | :: swindler, rip-off merchant |
sacádico {adj} | :: saccadic |
sacadineros {m} [colloquial] | :: waste of money |
sacadineros {m} [colloquial] | :: swindler, rip-off merchant |
sacadólares {m} [colloquial] | :: swindler, rip-off merchant |
sacador {m} [tennis] | :: server |
sacadora {f} | :: feminine noun of sacador |
sacafaltas {m} | :: faultfinder |
sacaleche {m} | :: alternative form of sacaleches |
sacaleches {m} | :: breast pump |
sacamanchas {m} | :: stain remover |
sacamantecas {m} | :: bogeyman |
sacamiche {m} | :: a kind of fish |
sacamuelas {m} | :: tooth-puller |
sacapuntas {m} | :: pencil sharpener, sharpener |
sacar {vt} | :: to put out, to get out (e.g. a public statement, an APB, a release of media or entertainment) |
sacar {vt} | :: to take out (e.g. the trash) |
sacar {vt} | :: to pull out, to take out (e.g. a badge, an ID card, a picture, paperwork, the keys) |
sacar {vt} | :: to get out, to take out (e.g. the family, a partner, a friend, a dog) |
sacar {vt} | :: to remove, to extract, to get out, to take out, to dig up or dig out (e.g., the weeds, a tooth, military forces, information, the truth, remove someone from the equation or a situation) |
sacar {vt} | :: to take (e.g. a photograph, advantage of, etc.) |
sacar {vt} | :: to withdraw, to take out (e.g. money) |
sacar {vt} | :: to drive out, expel, to eject |
sacar {vt} | :: to send out or move out something or somebody from some place |
sacar {vt} | :: to extricate, to lift from or out of, to rescue somebody from an entanglement or trouble |
sacar {vt} | :: to bring up (a subject or issue for talk or discussion) |
sacar {vt} | :: to stick out |
sacar {vt} | :: to get, to make, to take, to receive, to derive (e.g. a benefit, make or take something out of an experience or to make the most of) or (e.g., a profit, money, etc.) |
sacar {vt} | :: to lift (e.g. a fingerprint) |
sacar {vt} [literally] | :: to draw (e.g. water, blood, a weapon, straws) |
sacar {vt} [figuratively] | :: to draw (e.g. a lesson, conclusions, strength, power, energy, hope) |
sacar {vt} | :: to make (a copy, etc.) |
sacar {vt} | :: to take off, remove (e.g. clothing, jewelry) |
sacar {vt} | :: to bring out (e.g. the best or worst in someone, a certain quality or trait) |
sacar {vt} | :: to scoop (e.g. fruit, flour, sugar, salt, sand) |
sacar {vt} [sports] | :: to serve |
sacar {vt} [soccer, football] | :: to kick off |
sacar {vr} | :: to obtain, receive |
sacar {vr} | :: to win, get, obtain (a prize, award) |
sacar {vr} | :: to receive, get, be inflicted with |
sacar adelante {v} [idiom] | :: to run; to be in charge of |
sacar a la luz {v} [idiomatic] | :: to bring to light, to expose, to unearth, to bring out, to bring into the open |
sacarasa {f} [enzyme] | :: sucrase |
sacar de la manga {vr} [idiom] | :: to make up, to come up with |
sacar de quicio {v} [idiomatic] | :: to rile up, to annoy; to drive crazy; to cause somebody to come unhinged |
sacar de quicio {v} [idiomatic] | :: to blow out of proportion |
sacar de sus casillas {v} [idiomatic] | :: to drive up the wall |
sacar el ascua con la mano del gato {v} [idiomatic] | :: to get someone else to do one's dirty work |
sacar el ascua con mano ajena {v} [idiomatic] | :: to get someone else to do one's dirty work |
sacar el quite {v} [Latin America, idiom] | :: to avoid |
sacar el quite {v} [Latin America, idiom] | :: to ignore |
sacar hierro {v} [idiomatic] | :: synonym of quitar hierro |
sacárico {adj} | :: saccharic |
sacárido {m} [organic chemistry] | :: saccharide |
sacarificar {v} | :: to saccharify |
sacarímetro {m} | :: saccharometer (device used to measure the sugar content of a liquid) |
sacarina {f} [organic compound] | :: saccharine |
sacarino {adj} | :: saccharine (of or relating to sugar) |
sacar la piedra {v} [Colombia, Venezuela, idiomatic] | :: to tick off; get someone's goat |
sacar las castañas del fuego {v} [idiom] | :: pull someone's chestnuts out of the fire (to solve someone's problems, to rescue someone, to do someone's difficult work) |
sacar la vuelta {v} [Andes, idiom] | :: to cuckold |
sacar lo mejor de {v} [idiom] | :: to make the best of |
sacar lo mejor de {v} [idiom] | :: to bring out the best of / in |
sacar lo que el negro del sermón {v} [idiomatic] | :: to not make head or tail of |
sacar los pies del plato {v} [idiomatic] | :: to step out of line |
sacar los trapitos al sol {v} [idiomatic] | :: to wash one's dirty linen in public |
sacarosa {f} [carbohydrate] | :: sucrose |
sacar partido {v} [idiomatic] | :: to make the most of |
sacar provecho {v} [idiomatic] | :: to make the most of |
sacar punta {v} [idiom] | :: to sharpen (a pencil) |
sacarse {v} | :: reflexive of sacar |
sacarse de encima {v} [idiomatic] | :: to shake loose, get rid of |
sacar tajada {v} [idiomatic] | :: to get a piece of the action, to get one's share |
sácate {interj} | :: get out! |
sácate {interj} | :: do not dare!, do not even think it! |
sácate {interj} | :: forget it! |
Sacatepéquez {prop} | :: Sacatepéquez (department) |
sacerdocio {m} | :: priesthood |
sacerdota {mf} | :: priest |
sacerdotal {adj} | :: sacerdotal |
sacerdote {m} | :: priest |
sacerdotisa {f} | :: priestess |
sachar {vt} | :: to weed (with a hoe) |
sachavaca {f} [Peru] | :: tapir |
saciar {v} | :: to satiate |
saciarse {v} | :: reflexive of saciar |
saciedad {f} | :: satiety (state of being satiated) |
sacio {adj} | :: sated, satiated, full |
saco {m} | :: bag |
saco {m} | :: sack |
saco {m} [Latin America] | :: jacket |
saco de dormir {m} | :: sleeping bag (protective bag for a person to sleep in) |
saco de mierda {m} [vulgar, idiom] | :: shithead; piece of shit |
sacodir {v} | :: obsolete spelling of sacudir |
sacrafamiliano {adj} | :: from the Chilean city of Sagrada Familia |
sacral {adj} | :: sacral (sacred) |
sacralidad {f} | :: sacredness |
sacralización {f} | :: sacralization |
sacralizar {vt} | :: to sacralize (make sacred) |
sacramental {m} | :: sacramental |
sacramentalmente {adv} | :: sacramentally |
sacramentar {vt} [religion] | :: to administer the sacraments |
sacramento {m} [Christianity, theology] | :: sacrament |
Sacramento {prop} {m} | :: Sacramento, capital city of California |
sacratísimo {adj} | :: superlative of sacro |
sacrificador {m} | :: sacrificer |
sacrificadora {f} | :: feminine noun of sacrificador |
sacrificar {v} | :: to sacrifice |
sacrificar {v} | :: to put down, euthanize [an animal] |
sacrificarse {v} | :: reflexive of sacrificar |
sacrificatorio {adj} | :: sacrificatory (of or relating to sacrifice) |
sacrificatorio {m} | :: a specific place set aside for animal sacrifice |
sacrificial {adj} | :: sacrificial |
sacrificio {m} | :: sacrifice |
sacrificio {m} | :: slaughter |
sacrílegamente {adv} | :: sacrilegiously |
sacrilegio {m} | :: sacrilege |
sacrílego {adj} | :: sacrilegious (committing or being sacrilege) |
sacristán {m} | :: sexton |
sacristán {m} | :: sacristan |
sacristana {f} | :: female equivalent of sacristán |
sacristía {f} | :: sacristy (room in a church) |
sacro- {prefix} [anatomy] | :: sacro- |
sacro {adj} | :: sacred |
sacro {adj} [anatomy] | :: sacral (of the sacrum) |
sacro {m} [anatomy] | :: sacrum |
sacrococcígeo {adj} | :: sacrococcygeal |
sacrofamiliense {adj} | :: from the Chilean city of Sagrada Familia |
sacroilitis {f} [pathology] | :: sacroiliitis |
Sacro Imperio romano {prop} {m} [historical] | :: Holy Roman Empire |
sacrosanto {adj} | :: sacrosanct |
sacrouterino {adj} [anatomy] | :: uterosacral |
sacudida {f} | :: jolt, shock |
sacudido {adj} | :: determined, resolute |
sacudimiento {m} | :: shake, jerk, rumble |
sacudir {v} | :: to shake off, dust |
sacudir {v} | :: to shake |
sacudir {v} | :: to shake (the head, to give a negative response) |
sacudir {v} | :: to nod (the head, to give a positive response) |
sacudir {v} | :: to jolt |
sacudir de encima {v} [idiomatic] | :: to shake off |
sacudón {m} | :: massive shake |
sacular {adj} | :: saccular |
sáculo {m} | :: saccule |
S.A.D {f} | :: es:sociedad anónima deportiva (sports club) |
S. A. de C. V. {f} [business] | :: initialism of sociedad anónima de capital variable |
sádicamente {adv} | :: sadistically |
sádico {adj} | :: sadistic |
sadismo {m} [chiefly psychiatry] | :: sadism (enjoyment of inflicting pain) |
sadista {mf} | :: sadist |
sado {m} | :: sadomasochism |
sadoerótico {adj} | :: sadistically erotic |
sadomasoquismo {m} | :: sadomasochism (sexual gratification from causing and receiving pain) |
sadomasoquista {adj} | :: sadomasochist |
Sadowski {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
saducea {f} | :: feminine noun of saduceo |
saduceo {adj} | :: Sadducee |
saduceo {m} | :: Sadducee |
Sáenz {prop} | :: surname |
saeta {f} | :: arrow |
saeta {f} | :: dart |
saeta {f} | :: hand (of a clock or watch) |
saetar {v} | :: alternative spelling of saetear |
saetear {v} | :: alternative form of asaetear |
saetera {f} | :: arrow hole, embrasure |
saetero {m} | :: Archer, bowman |
Sáez {prop} | :: surname |
safari {m} | :: safari |
safávida {adj} | :: Safavid |
safávida {mf} | :: Safavid |
safena {f} [anatomy] | :: saphenous vein |
sáfico {adj} | :: Sapphic (relating to the Greek poetess Sappho or her poetry) |
Safo {prop} {f} | :: Sappho |
safranina {f} [organic compound] | :: safranin |
safrol {m} [organic compound] | :: safrole |
SAG {f} | :: initialism of secretaria de agricultura y ganadería |
saga {f} | :: saga |
sagacidad {f} | :: sagacity; astuteness |
sagacísimo {adj} | :: superlative of sagaz |
sagaz {adj} | :: sagacious, prudent, visionary |
sagaz {adj} | :: acute; astute |
sagaz {adj} [canine] | :: proficient at dragging (prey) |
sagaz {adj} [zoology] | :: markedly clairvoyant |
sagazmente {adv} | :: sagaciously |
Sagita {prop} [constellation] | :: Sagitta (constellation) |
sagitado {adj} | :: sagittate |
sagital {adj} | :: sagittal |
Sagitario {prop} {m} [astrology] | :: Sagittarius (astrological sign) |
Sagrada Familia {prop} {m} | :: holy family |
Sagrada Familia {prop} {m} | :: Sagrada Familia (city) |
sagrado {adj} | :: holy, sacred |
sagrario {m} | :: tabernacle |
sagrera {f} | :: holy ground |
sagú {m} | :: arrowroot |
saguaro {m} | :: saguaro (a large species of cactus of the Sonoran Desert) |
saguntino {adj} | :: of or from Sagunto, Valencia, Spain |
saguntino {m} | :: Someone from Sagunto, Valencia, Spain |
Sagunto {prop} {m} | :: Sagunto (city) |
sah {m} | :: shah (king of Persia) |
Sahagún {prop} | :: surname |
Sahara {prop} {m} | :: Sahara (desert) |
Sáhara {prop} {m} | :: Sahara |
Sahara Occidental {prop} {m} | :: Sahara Occidental (territory) |
Sáhara Occidental {m} | :: Western Sahara |
saharaui {adj} | :: Saharan |
saharaui {adj} | :: Sahrawi |
saharaui {mf} | :: Sahrawi (a person from Western Sahara) |
saharaui {mf} | :: Saharan |
sahariana {f} | :: feminine noun of sahariano |
sahariano {adj} | :: Saharan |
sahariano {m} | :: Saharan |
saheliano {adj} | :: Sahelian |
sahíno {m} | :: alternative spelling of saíno |
sahumar {vt} | :: to perfume; to scent (with incense) |
sahumerio {m} | :: incense |
sahumo {m} | :: alternative spelling of sahumerio |
SAI {m} | :: initialism of sistema de alimentación ininterrumpido: UPS (uninterruptible power supply) |
saiga {m} | :: saiga |
Saigón {prop} | :: Saigon |
saigonense {adj} | :: Saigonese (of or pertaining to Ho Chi Minh City or historically Saigon) |
saigonense {mf} | :: Saigonese (native or resident of Ho Chi Minh City or historically Saigon) |
saín {m} | :: fish oil, which was used for lighting |
saín {m} | :: lard; rendered lard |
saines {n} | :: plural of saín |
sainete {m} | :: short play, skit |
sainetera {f} | :: feminine noun of sainetero |
sainetero {m} | :: A writer of sainetes |
saíno {m} | :: peccary |
Sainz {prop} | :: surname |
Sajalín {prop} {m} | :: Sajalín (island) |
sajar {v} | :: to slice open |
sajón {adj} | :: Saxon |
sajón {m} | :: Saxon |
Sajonia {prop} {f} | :: Sajonia (state) |
sake {m} | :: sake (Japanese rice wine) |
Sakmariano {prop} {m} [geology, paleontology] | :: Sakmarian (subdivision of the Permian period) |
Sakmariense {prop} {m} [geology, paleontology] | :: Sakmarian (subdivision of the Permian period) |
sal {f} | :: salt; table salt |
sal {f} [chemistry] | :: salt |
sala {f} | :: room (a separate part of a building) |
sala {f} | :: large hall |
sala {f} | :: ward (section of a hospital) |
sala {f} | :: courtroom |
Sala {prop} | :: surname |
salabre {m} | :: (small) net |
salacidad {f} | :: salaciousness, salacity |
saladar {m} | :: salt marsh |
sala de chat {f} | :: chat room |
sala de emergencias {f} | :: emergency room |
sala de espera {f} | :: waiting room |
sala de espera {f} | :: lounge |
sala de estar {f} | :: living room (room in a house used for social and leisure activities) |
sala de máquinas {f} | :: engine room |
sala de maternidad {f} | :: maternity ward |
saladería {f} | :: the industry of salting meat |
saladería {f} | :: a place where meat is salted |
saladerista {mf} | :: someone who works in a saladero |
saladero {m} | :: A room or building (often a the slaughterhouse itself) where meat is cured by drying and salting |
Saladino {prop} {m} [History] | :: Saladin |
saladísimo {adj} | :: superlative of salado |
saladito {adj} | :: diminutive of salado |
salado {adj} | :: salty |
salado {adj} | :: salted |
salado {adj} | :: brackish |
salado {adj} | :: nice, pleasant, likable (of a person) |
salado {adj} [Latin America, colloquial] | :: unlucky (of a person) |
salado {adj} [Argentina, Chile, colloquial] | :: expensive |
salado {adj} [Uruguay, colloquial] | :: awesome |
salafismo {m} | :: Salafism |
salafista {mf} | :: Salafist |
Salamanca {prop} {f} | :: Salamanca (province) |
Salamanca {prop} {f} | :: Salamanca (city) |
salamandra {f} | :: salamander (a type of amphibian) |
salamandra {f} [alchemy, folklore] | :: salamander |
salamanquesa {f} | :: gecko |
salamanquino {adj} | :: of Salamanca |
salamanquino {m} | :: a native of Salamanca |
salamantino {adj} | :: Salamancan |
salamantino {m} | :: Salamancan |
salami {m} | :: salami |
salar {m} | :: a salt pan |
salar {v} | :: to salt |
Salar Grande {prop} {m} | :: Salar Grande (salt flat) |
Salar Grande {prop} {m} | :: Salar Grande (caldera) |
salarial {adj} [attributive] | :: wages, salary |
salariar {vt} [uncommon] | :: to salary; to put on the payroll |
salario {m} | :: wage, wages, salary |
salario {m} | :: income |
salario mínimo {m} | :: minimum wage |
Salas {prop} | :: surname |
Salaverria {prop} | :: surname |
salaz {adj} | :: salacious |
Salazar {prop} | :: surname |
salazarista {mf} | :: A supporter of António de Oliveira Salazar, former dictator of Portugal |
salazarista {adj} | :: of or relating to António de Oliveira Salazar, or his reign |
salazón {m} | :: salting (of food) |
salazón {m} | :: salted food |
salbutamol {m} [pharmaceutical drug] | :: salbutamol |
salce {m} [archaic] | :: willow |
salceda {f} | :: willow plantation |
Salceda {prop} | :: surname |
salcedo {m} | :: willow plantation |
salchicha {f} | :: sausage |
salchicha {f} | :: hotdog |
salchicha de Viena {f} | :: Vienna sausage |
salchichero {m} | :: sausage seller or maker |
salchichero {adj} | :: sausage (attributive) |
salchichón {m} | :: thick sausage for slicing |
salchipapa {f} | :: In Peru, a street food consisting of fries and fried slices of hot dog sausage |
sal común {m} | :: common salt; table salt |
Saldaña {prop} | :: surname |
saldar {v} | :: to settle |
saldar {vr} [with "con"] | :: To claim (e.g. a life) |
sal de mesa {m} | :: table salt |
saldo {m} | :: balance |
sale {interj} [Mexico] | :: ok |
saledizo {adj} | :: overhanging |
saledizo {m} | :: overhang |
salegar {m} | :: salt lick |
Salejard {prop} {m} | :: Salejard (city) |
salentina {f} | :: feminine noun of salentino |
salentino {m} | :: someone from Salento |
salentino {m} | :: Salento dialect |
salentino {adj} | :: Of or from Salento |
Salerno {prop} | :: Salerno (city/and/province) |
salero {m} | :: salt shaker |
salero {m} | :: salt cellar |
saleroso {adj} | :: witty in a disgusting way |
Sales {prop} | :: surname |
salesiana {f} | :: feminine noun of salesiano |
salesiano {adj} | :: Salesian |
salesiano {m} | :: Salesian |
sale y vale {interj} [idiom] | :: OK!, roger that!, deal! |
salga el sol por Antequera {adv} [idiom] | :: come what may |
salga el sol por donde quiera {adv} [idiom] | :: come what may |
salgareño {adj} | :: Of or from Puerto Salgar |
salgareño {m} | :: Someone from Puerto Salgar |
salga sapo o salga rana {adv} [idiom] | :: come what may |
salicilato {m} [chemistry] | :: salicylate |
salicílico {adj} | :: salicylic |
salicina {f} | :: salicin |
sálico {adj} | :: Salic |
salicornia {f} | :: Any plant of the genus Salicornia |
salida {f} | :: exit, way out |
salida {f} | :: departure |
salida {f} | :: future, future opportunity |
salida {f} [computing] | :: output |
salida de auxilio {f} | :: emergency exit |
salidero {m} | :: exit |
saliente {adj} | :: Projecting; protruding |
saliente {adj} | :: prominent, main |
saliente {adj} | :: leaving, departing, outgoing |
saliente {m} | :: projection |
saliente {m} | :: ledge |
saliente {m} | :: hard shoulder |
salina {f} | :: salt pan, salt marsh, salt works |
salina {f} | :: salt mine |
Salinas {prop} | :: surname |
salinera {f} | :: salt pan |
salinero {adj} [attributive] | :: salt pan, salt marsh |
salinero {adj} | :: salt-producing |
salinero {m} | :: salter, salt maker |
salinidad {f} | :: salinity |
salinización {f} | :: salinization |
salinizar {v} | :: to salinize |
salino {adj} | :: saline |
salir {v} | :: to go out, to leave, to depart, to head out |
salir {v} | :: to go out, to come out (to leave one's abode to go to public places) |
salir {v} | :: to go out, date (be in a relationship) |
salir {v} | :: to come out (e.g. from hiding), to come off (e.g. off the bench in a sport; off of a high place like a roof or ladder) |
salir {v} | :: to exit, to leave, to walk out, to slip out |
salir {v} | :: to step out (e.g. of a room, house or building) |
salir {v} | :: to get off, to leave (e.g., get off work) |
salir {v} | :: to get off (e.g. get off the plane, an island, someone's property, the street) (+ de) |
salir {v} | :: to get out (e.g. out of the way, out of the sun) (+ de) |
salir {v} | :: to go off (e.g. go off the grid, go off the air) (+ de) |
salir {v} | :: to log out, to quit, to exit (e.g. a web page or document) |
salir {v} | :: to emerge |
salir {v} | :: to rise (the sun) |
salir {v} | :: to climb out (e.g. a hole, a window, a canyon) |
salir {v} | :: to escape, to break out |
salir {v} | :: to run (e.g. a bus or other form of public transportation) |
salir {v} | :: to come off, to go off (i.e. to project a certain quality) |
salir {v} | :: to appear, to look (on a painting, photo, movie, play, TV, platform, etc) |
salir {v} | :: to result, to arise as a consequence |
salir {v} | :: to turn out, to work out, to go off |
salir {vir} | :: to be out, to get out (e.g. of a deal, of a situation) |
salir {vir} | :: to come off (i.e. to project a certain quality) |
salir {vir} | :: to pop out (e.g. a contact lens, a cork, someone popping out of a dark space) |
salir {vr} | :: to get away with (+ con) |
salir {vr} | :: to get out, to go out (e.g. get out of control, get out of hand, go out of sync) |
salir {vr} | :: to go off, to turn off (go off script, on a tangent, go off the road/track/path) |
salir {vr} [colloquial, Spain] | :: to rock, rule (be fantastic) |
salir a cuenta {v} [idiom] | :: to pay off; to be worthwhile |
salir adelante {v} | :: to get ahead, to come out ahead, to succeed |
salir adelante {v} | :: to pull through, to come through, to get through |
salir adelante {v} | :: to get by, to cope, to make ends meet |
salir adelante {v} | :: to move on |
salir adelante {v} | :: to move forward, to go forward, to move ahead |
salir al paso {v} [idiom] | :: to collar |
salir al paso {v} [idiom] | :: to overcome; get over (a difficulty) |
salir como alma que lleva el diablo {v} [idiomatic, simile] | :: to leave like a bat out of hell |
salir de cuentas {v} [idiomatic] | :: to be due (of a woman, to be expected to give birth) |
salir de dudas {v} [idiom] | :: to find out the answer |
salir de Guatemala y meterse en Guatepeor {v} [idiom] | :: to go from bad to worse; to go out of the frying pan into the fire |
salir del armario {v} [idiom] | :: to come out of the closet |
salir del cascarón {v} | :: to hatch |
salir del cascarón {v} [idiomatic] | :: come out of one's shell |
salir el tiro por la culata {v} [idiomatic] | :: to backfire [to fail in a manner that brings down further misfortune] |
salir por patas {v} [idiom, colloquial] | :: to scram; to run off |
salir por peteneras {v} [idiomatic] | :: to come up with something odd; to say something inappropriate |
salirse con la suya {v} [idiomatic] | :: to get one's way |
salirse de madre {v} [idiom] | :: To spiral out of control |
salita {f} | :: diminutive of sala |
salitre {m} | :: saltpetre, nitre |
salitrería {f} | :: nitrary |
salitrero {adj} [attributive] | :: saltpeter |
salitrosidad {f} | :: brininess |
salitroso {adj} | :: briny |
saliva {f} | :: saliva, spittle |
salivación {f} | :: salivation |
salival {adj} | :: salivary |
salivar {vi} | :: to salivate (to secrete saliva) |
salivazo {m} | :: spit wad |
sallar {v} | :: to weed out [with a hoe] |
sallekhana {f} | :: sallekhana |
salmantina {f} | :: feminine noun of salmantino |
salmantino {adj} | :: of Salamanca |
salmantino {m} | :: a native of Salamanca |
salmer {m} [architecture] | :: springer |
salmista {mf} | :: psalmist |
salmo {m} | :: psalm |
salmodia {f} [music] | :: psalmody |
salmodiar {v} | :: to sing or chant psalms |
salmodiar {v} | :: to drone on and on |
salmón {m} | :: salmon |
salmón {m} | :: salmon (color) |
salmón del Danubio {m} | :: Danube salmon, huchen |
salmonela {f} | :: salmonella |
salmonella {f} | :: salmonella |
salmonelosis {f} | :: salmonellosis |
salmonera {f} | :: salmon ramp |
salmonera {f} | :: salmon-fishing net |
salmonero {adj} [attributive] | :: salmon |
salmonero {m} | :: salmon fisher |
salmonete {m} | :: mullet (fish) |
salmónido {m} | :: salmonid |
salmón zancado {m} | :: kelt |
salmorejo {m} | :: A Cordoban soup consisting of tomato and bread |
Salmos {prop} {m} [bible] | :: Psalms (the book of the Bible) |
salmuera {f} | :: salt water, brine |
salmueroducto {m} | :: A brine conveyor |
salobre {adj} | :: salty |
salobre {adj} [of water] | :: brackish, briny |
Salomón {prop} {m} [biblical character] | :: Solomon |
Salomón {prop} {m} | :: given name |
salomonense {adj} | :: Of, from, or pertaining to the Solomon Islands |
salomonense {mf} | :: Solomon Islander |
salomónicamente {adv} | :: wisely |
salomónico {adj} | :: Solomonic |
salomónico {adj} [legal] | :: wise |
salón {m} | :: living room, front room, sitting room, parlor, lounge, drawing room (room where guests are received) |
salón {m} | :: salon (room) |
salón {m} | :: salon (gathering) |
salón {m} | :: hall (meeting hall) |
salón {m} | :: exhibition hall |
salón {m} [Mexico, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, Uruguay] | :: classroom (long form is "salón de clases") |
saloncillo {m} | :: diminutive of salón |
saloncito {m} | :: diminutive of salón |
salón comedor {m} | :: lounge-dining room, parlor-dining room, sitting-dining room, living-dining room; i.e., a room in some house designs that serves and combines two functions: the salón (the room of a house where visiting guests are received and can lounge) and also the comedor (dining room) |
salón de actos {m} | :: assembly hall, conference room [as in a big hall where a conference or speaking event might be held] |
salón de baile {m} | :: ballroom (place) |
salón de estudios {m} | :: study hall |
salón de la fama {f} | :: hall of fame |
Salón del Reino {prop} {m} | :: Kingdom Hall |
salón de té {m} | :: tea room |
salonero {m} | :: waiter |
Salónica {prop} {f} | :: Salónica (city) |
saloon {m} | :: saloon (bar) |
salpicadera {f} [Mexico] | :: mudguard |
salpicadero {m} | :: dashboard |
salpicadero {m} | :: backsplash |
salpicadura {f} | :: fleck |
salpicadura {f} | :: sprinkling, splashing |
salpicar {v} | :: to splatter, splash |
salpicar {v} | :: to sprinkle, scatter |
salpicón {m} | :: chopped, seasoned meat or seafood |
salpicón {m} | :: salad, fruit salad |
salpimentar {v} | :: to season with salt and pepper |
salpimentar {v} | :: to spice up, sex up |
salpingectomía {f} [medicine] | :: salpingectomy |
salpresar {vt} | :: to salt, to season or preserve with salt |
salpullido {m} | :: rash |
salsa {f} | :: sauce, gravy (liquid condiment) |
salsa {f} | :: salsa (spicy tomato sauce) |
salsa {f} | :: salsa (style of music) |
salsa {f} | :: salsa (dance performed to salsa music) |
salsa agridulce {f} | :: sweet-and-sour sauce |
salsa alfredo {f} | :: Alfredo sauce |
salsa barbacoa {f} | :: barbecue sauce, BBQ sauce |
salsa bearnesa {f} | :: bearnaise sauce |
salsa blanca {f} | :: white sauce |
salsa bordelesa {f} | :: Bordelaise sauce |
salsa brava {f} | :: brava sauce |
salsa cazadora {f} | :: chasseur (sauce) |
salsa cóctel {f} | :: cocktail sauce |
salsa de menta {f} | :: mint sauce |
salsa de ostras {f} | :: oyster sauce |
salsa de pimienta {f} | :: pepper sauce |
salsa de queso {f} | :: cheese sauce |
salsa de soja {f} | :: soy sauce |
salsa de tomate {f} | :: tomato sauce |
salsa española {f} | :: espagnole sauce |
salsa golf {f} | :: salsa golf |
salsa hoisin {f} | :: hoisin sauce |
salsa holandesa {f} | :: hollandaise sauce |
salsa marinara {f} | :: marinara sauce |
salsa marrón {f} | :: brown sauce |
salsa Mornay {f} | :: mornay sauce |
salsa napolitana {f} | :: Neapolitan sauce |
salsa ravigote {f} | :: ravigote |
salsa rosa {f} | :: cocktail sauce |
salsa rusa {f} | :: Russian dressing |
salsa suprema {f} | :: suprême sauce |
salsa tártara {f} | :: tartar sauce |
salsateca {f} | :: A salsatheque; a discotheque that only plays salsa music |
salsa verde {f} | :: salsa verde |
salsa vinagreta {f} | :: vinaigrette |
salsa Worcestershire {f} | :: Worcestershire sauce |
salsear {v} | :: to add sauce to; to sauce up |
salsear {v} [colloquial, Spain] | :: to gossip |
salseo {m} [colloquial, internet slang] | :: gossip |
salsera {f} | :: A small bowl for serving salsa or other sauces |
salsera {f} | :: mixing bowl (for sauces, colors etc.) |
salsera {f} | :: salsa dancer |
salsero {adj} [attributive] | :: salsa |
salsero {adj} | :: salsa-loving |
salsero {m} | :: salsa musician |
salsita {f} | :: diminutive of salsa |
salso {adj} [rare] | :: salty |
Salta {prop} | :: Salta |
saltabanco {m} | :: alternative form of saltimbanqui |
saltador {m} | :: jumper, diver |
saltador {m} | :: pogo stick |
saltadora {f} | :: feminine noun of saltador |
saltamontes {m} | :: grasshopper |
saltante {adj} | :: outstanding; exceptional |
saltar {v} | :: to jump |
saltar {v} | :: to skip; miss (a meal etc.) |
saltar {v} [cooking] | :: to sautée |
saltar {vr} | :: to miss (accidentally) |
saltar {vr} | :: to break, breach (rules etc.) |
saltarín {adj} | :: jumping |
saltarrocas {m} | :: klipspringer |
saltarse {v} | :: reflexive of saltar |
saltarse a la torera {v} [idiom] | :: to flout; ignore (a rule or duty) |
salteador {m} | :: marauder |
salteador {m} | :: highwayman |
saltear {v} | :: to sauté, to stir-fry, to pan fry |
saltear {v} | :: to skip (disregard, miss or omit part of a continuation (some item or stage)) |
salteño {adj} | :: of or from Salta, a city in Argentina, or Salto, a city and department in Uruguay |
salteño {m} | :: Someone from Salta or Salto |
salterio {m} [musical instruments] | :: psaltery |
salterio {m} [music] | :: psalter |
saltillense {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to the Mexican city of Saltillo |
saltillo {m} | :: saltillo |
saltimbanco {m} | :: alternative form of saltimbanqui |
saltimbanqui {m} | :: A quack, charlatan |
saltimbanqui {m} | :: acrobat, equilibrist |
saltito {m} | :: diminutive of salto; small jump |
salto {m} | :: jump, leap, jumping |
salto {m} | :: skip |
salto {m} | :: gap; difference |
salto {m} [sport] | :: dive |
salto {m} [sport] | :: jump, vault |
salto {m} | :: waterfall |
Salto {prop} | :: Salto (department) |
Salto {prop} | :: The capital city of the department |
Salto Ángel {prop} {m} | :: Angel Falls (waterfall in Venezuela) |
salto BASE {m} | :: BASE jumping |
salto con pértiga {m} [athletics] | :: pole vault |
salto de agua {m} | :: waterfall |
salto de altura {m} [athletics] | :: high jump |
salto de ángel {m} | :: swan dive |
salto de carnero {m} [rail] | :: flyover, flying junction |
salto de longitud {m} [athletics] | :: long jump |
salto de potro {m} [gymnastics] | :: vault |
salto ecuestre {m} | :: show jumping |
salto elástico {f} [regional] | :: bungee jumping |
saltón {adj} | :: bulging; jumping out; sticking out |
saltón {m} | :: grasshopper |
saltos en esquí {mp} | :: ski jumping |
salto triple {m} [athletics] | :: triple jump |
salú {interj} [colloquial, El Salvador] | :: Bye!, Good-bye! |
salubérrimo {adj} | :: superlative of salubre |
salubre {adj} | :: healthy, healthful, salubrious |
salubridad {f} | :: healthiness, health |
salubrista {adj} [attributive] | :: public health |
salubrista {mf} | :: public health expert |
salud {f} | :: health |
salud {interj} | :: bless you (said to somebody who has sneezed) |
salud {interj} | :: cheers (the usual toast when drinking alcohol) |
salud {interj} [dated] | :: greetings! |
saludabilísimo {adj} | :: superlative of saludable |
saludable {adj} | :: healthful |
saludablemente {adv} | :: healthily |
saludador {m} | :: greeter |
saludador {m} | :: quack, quack doctor |
saludar {v} | :: to greet |
saludar {v} | :: to wave |
saludazo {m} | :: superlative of saludo; cheeser, rally, great, affectionate, or jovial greeting |
saludito {m} | :: diminutive of saludo |
salud mental {f} | :: mental health |
saludo {m} | :: greeting, greetings |
saludo {m} | :: salutation |
salutación {f} | :: greeting; salutation |
salutación {f} [Christianity] | :: salutation |
salutífero {adj} [formal] | :: healthy; healthful |
salva {f} [military] | :: salvo, volley |
Salvá {prop} | :: surname |
salvabarros {m} | :: mudguard |
salvable {adj} | :: savable |
salvación {f} | :: salvation |
salvadera {f} | :: pounce (in calligraphy) |
salvado {m} | :: bran |
salvador {m} | :: saviour, savior |
Salvador {prop} {m} | :: given name, given in honor of Christ as the Savior (Salvador) |
salvadora {f} | :: feminine noun of salvador |
salvadoreño {adj} | :: Salvadoran |
salvadoreño {m} | :: Salvadoran |
salvaguarda {f} | :: alternative form of salvaguardia |
salvaguardar {v} | :: to safeguard |
salvaguardia {f} | :: safeguard, safeguarding |
salvajada {f} | :: savagery (brutal or stupid action) |
salvaje {adj} [especially, of animals] | :: wild, savage (untamed, not domesticated) |
salvaje {adj} | :: savage, feral, uncivilized (said of a person) |
salvaje {mf} | :: savage |
salvajemente {adv} | :: wildly |
salvajismo {m} | :: savagery |
salvamanteles {m} | :: trivet (used to support hot dishes and protect a surface) |
salvamanteles {m} | :: coaster |
salvamanteles {m} | :: place mat |
salvamente {adv} | :: safely; smoothly |
salvamento {m} | :: rescuing, saving |
salvamento {m} | :: salvage |
salvamiento {m} | :: alternative spelling of salvamento |
salvapantallas {m} [computing] | :: screensaver |
salvaplatos {m} | :: place mat |
salvar {v} | :: to save |
salvar {v} | :: to rescue |
salvar {v} | :: to salvage |
salvar {v} [formal] | :: to cover (a distance) |
salvataje {m} | :: rescue, salvage |
Salvatierra {prop} | :: surname |
salvatrucha {f} | :: feminine noun of salvatrucho |
salvatrucho {adj} [usually, pejorative] | :: Salvadoran |
salvatrucho {m} [usually, pejorative] | :: A Salvadoran |
salvavidas {adj} | :: emergency, life saving |
salvavidas {m} | :: life preserver, life belt |
salvavidas {m} | :: lifeboat |
salvavidas {mf} | :: lifeguard |
salve {interj} [archaic] | :: hello |
salve {interj} [poetic] | :: hail |
salvedad {f} [formal] | :: exception |
salvedad {f} | :: caveat (modifying detail) |
sálvese quien pueda {interj} | :: every man for himself |
salvia {f} | :: sage |
salvia real de México {f} | :: orange-ball-tree |
salvífico {adj} | :: salvific; salvative |
salvilla {f} | :: salver |
salvo {adj} | :: safe |
salvo {adv} | :: except, apart from |
salvoconducto {m} | :: safe-conduct |
Salzburgo {prop} {m} | :: Salzburgo (city) |
Salzburgo {prop} {m} | :: Salzburgo (state) |
salzburgués {adj} | :: Salzburgian |
salzburgués {m} | :: Salzburgian |
salzburguesa {f} | :: feminine noun of salzburgués |
salzmimbre {m} [Aragon] | :: a willow that yields wicker suitable for basketry |
samán {m} | :: rain tree, saman (Albizia saman) |
samanense {adj} | :: Of or from the province of Samaná Province in the Dominican Republic |
samanense {mf} | :: An inhabitant of the province of Samaná Province in the Dominican Republic |
samaní {adj} | :: Samanid |
samaní {mf} | :: Samanid |
Samaniego {prop} | :: surname |
Samanta {prop} {f} | :: given name of modern usage, derived from English Samantha |
sámara {f} [botany] | :: samara |
samareño {m} | :: Waray |
samaria {f} | :: feminine noun of samario |
samario {m} | :: samarium |
samario {adj} | :: Of or from Santa Marta, Colombia |
samario {m} | :: Someone from Santa Marta |
samaritana {f} | :: feminine noun of samaritano |
samaritano {m} | :: Samaritan |
samaritano {adj} | :: Samaritan |
samba {f} | :: samba |
sambenitar {vt} | :: to stigmatize; to blemish someone's reputation |
sambenito {m} | :: stigma (mark of disgrace or embarrassment) |
sambo {m} | :: Sambo (a Russian martial art) |
sambódromo {m} [neologism] | :: sambadrome (exhibition place for samba schools in Brazil) |
sambódromo {m} [neologism, figuratively] | :: A great variety of different things |
samborondeña {f} | :: feminine noun of samborondeño |
samborondeño {adj} | :: Of or from the city or canton of Samborondón Canton, Ecuador |
samborondeño {m} | :: An inhabitant of the city or canton of Samborondón Canton, Ecuador |
samborondondeña {f} | :: feminine noun of samborondondeño |
samborondondeño {adj} | :: Of or from Samborondón, Ecuador |
samborondondeño {m} | :: Someone from Samborondón |
sami {mf} | :: Sami; Saami |
sami {adj} | :: Sami; Saami |
samia {f} | :: feminine noun of samio |
samica {f} [vesre] | :: shirt |
samio {adj} | :: Samian |
samio {m} | :: Samian |
samnita {adj} | :: Samnite |
samnita {mf} | :: Samnite |
Samoa {prop} {f} | :: Samoa |
Samoa Americana {prop} {f} | :: American Samoa (US overseas territory in Oceania) |
samoana {f} | :: feminine noun of samoano |
samoana americana {f} | :: feminine noun of samoano americano |
samoano {adj} | :: Samoan |
samoano {m} | :: Samoan (person) |
samoano {m} | :: Samoan (language) |
samoano americano {adj} | :: American Samoan (of or pertaining to American Samoa) |
samoano americano {m} | :: American Samoan (native or resident of American Samoa) |
Samogitia {prop} {f} | :: Samogitia (region) |
Samonis {prop} {f} | :: Samhain, the Wiccan celebration of final harvest and of the blessed dead |
samosa {f} | :: samosa |
Samotracia {prop} {f} | :: Samothrace |
samoyedo {m} | :: samoyed |
sampaguita {f} [Philippines] | :: Arabian jasmine |
sampedrano {adj} | :: Of or from San Pedro Sula, Honduras |
sampedrano {adj} | :: Of or from San Pedro Manrique, Spain |
sampedrano {adj} | :: Of or from San Pedro Sacatepéquez, Guatemala |
sampedrano {adj} | :: Of or from San Pedro department, Paraguay |
sampedrano {adj} | :: Of or from San Pedro de Ycuamandiyú, Paraguay |
sampedrano {m} | :: Someone from San Pedro Sula, Honduras |
sampedrano {m} | :: Someone from San Pedro Manrique, Spain |
sampedrano {m} | :: Someone from San Pedro Sacatepéquez, Guatemala |
sampedrano {m} | :: Someone from San Pedro department, Paraguay |
sampedrano {m} | :: Someone from San Pedro de Ycuamandiyú, Paraguay |
sampi {f} | :: sampi; the Greek letter Ϡ, ϡ |
sample {m} [music] | :: sample |
samplear {v} [music] | :: to sample |
sampleo {m} [audiovisual] | :: sample; sampling |
Samu {prop} {m} | :: given name |
SAMU {prop} {m} | :: (Servicio de Atención Médica Urgente) Spanish emergency medical service |
Samuel {prop} {m} | :: Samuel (biblical figure) |
Samuel {prop} {m} | :: given name |
samurái {m} | :: samurai |
san {m} [Dominican Republic] | :: financial, temporal-savings scheme. The participants periodically contribute a quota to a communal pot that is given to one member, based on his/her turn amongst all the others |
san {f} | :: san; the Greek letter M, ϻ |
San {adj} | :: Saint (title) |
Saná {prop} {f} | :: Saná (capital city) |
saña {f} | :: furore, rage, brutality |
sanabrés {adj} | :: of or from Sanabria |
sanabrés {m} | :: Someone from Sanabria |
sanabresa {f} | :: feminine noun of sanabrés |
sanación {f} | :: healing |
sanador {adj} | :: healing |
sanador {m} | :: healer |
sanamente {adv} | :: healthily |
San Andrés Chicahuaxtla {prop} | :: San Andrés Chicahuaxtla (town) |
sanantoniana {f} | :: feminine noun of sanantoniano |
sanantoniano {adj} | :: San Antonian (of or pertaining to San Antonio, Texas) |
sanantoniano {m} | :: San Antonian (native or resident of San Antonio, Texas) |
San Antonio {prop} | :: San Antonio |
sanar {v} | :: to cure |
sanar {v} | :: to heal |
sanatorio {m} | :: sanatorium |
San Bartolomé {prop} | :: Saint Barthélemy |
sanbenito {m} | :: sanbenito |
sancarleña {f} | :: feminine noun of sancarleño |
sancarleño {adj} | :: Of or from the canton of San Carlos (canton) in Costa Rica |
sancarleño {m} | :: An inhabitant of the canton of San Carlos (canton) in Costa Rica |
San Carlos {prop} | :: The name Saint Charles |
San Carlos {prop} | :: Places named after Saint Charles |
sanch {interj} | :: oi, piggy!; come on, piggy! |
Sánchez {prop} | :: surname |
sanchismo {m} | :: Unyielding realism |
sanchismo {m} | :: Spanish political current based on the defence of the ideas of Pedro Sánchez , president of Spain |
sanchista {mf} | :: Someone supporting Pedro Sánchez (Spanish politician) |
sancho {m} | :: pig |
Sancho {prop} {m} | :: given name |
sanchopancesco {adj} | :: Of or relating to the character Sancho Panza in the 1605 novel Don Quixote |
sanchopancesco {adj} | :: Sancho Panza-esque; having the characteristics associated with the character, including lowbrow wit and cynical realism |
sanción {f} | :: sanction |
sancionable {adj} | :: sanctionable |
sancionador {adj} | :: sanctioning |
sancionador {m} | :: sanctioner |
sancionar {v} | :: to sanction |
sancionatorio {adj} [legal] | :: penal |
sancochadito {m} | :: diminutive of sancochado |
sancochado {m} | :: synonym of sancocho |
sancochar {v} | :: to parboil |
sancocho {m} | :: sancocho |
San Cristóbal de La Laguna {prop} | :: San Cristóbal de La Laguna (city) |
sancristobaleño {adj} | :: Kittsian |
sancristobaleño {m} | :: Kittsian |
San Cristóbal y Nieves {prop} {m} | :: San Cristóbal y Nieves (a <<country>> consisting of two <<islands>> in the <<r/Caribbean>>) |
sancta {f} | :: feminine noun of sancto |
sanctasanctórum {m} | :: sanctum sanctorum |
sanctísimo {adj} | :: superlative of santo |
sancto {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of santo |
sancto {m} | :: obsolete spelling of santo |
sancto {particle} | :: only used in non sancto |
sanda {mf} | :: sanda (Chinese kickboxing) |
sandalia {f} | :: sandal |
sándalo {m} | :: sandalwood |
sandboard {m} | :: sandboard |
sandboarding {m} | :: sandboarding |
sandez {f} [Spain] | :: nonsense, rubbish |
Sandia {prop} | :: Sandia (province) |
sandía {f} | :: watermelon (Citrullus lanatus, a vine-like flowering plant) |
sandía {f} | :: watermelon (the fruit of the watermelon plant) |
sandiar {m} | :: watermelon plot, watermelon patch |
San Diego {prop} {m} | :: Saint James |
San Diego {prop} {m} | :: Any of several places named after him, such as San Diego, California |
sandieguino {adj} | :: San Diegan |
sandieguino {m} | :: San Diegan |
sandinismo {m} | :: Sandinism |
sandinista {adj} | :: relating to the Sandinista National Liberation Front |
sandinista {mf} | :: Sandinista (member of the Sandinista National Liberation Front) |
sandio {adj} | :: foolish |
Sandoval {prop} | :: Sandoval (city) |
Sandoval {prop} | :: surname |
Sandra {prop} {f} | :: given name |
sanducero {adj} | :: Of or from the city of Paysandú, Uruguay |
sanducero {m} | :: Someone from the city of Paysandú, Uruguay |
sánduche {m} [Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Ecuador, Colombia] | :: alternative form of sándwich |
sanduchería {f} [Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Ecuador, Colombia] | :: alternative form of sandwichería |
sandunguear {vi} | :: to grind; to twerk |
sándwich {m} | :: sandwich |
sándwich {m} [Spain] | :: A sandwich only made with sandwich bread |
sándwich {m} [Chile] | :: long weekend; a day which falls between two work-free days (holidays or weekend days), on which leave is preferred |
sandwichera {f} | :: pie iron, sandwich toaster |
sandwichería {f} | :: sandwich bar, sandwich shop |
saneamiento {m} | :: sanitation, drainage, sewer |
saneamiento {m} | :: cleaning up |
saneamiento {m} | :: Commercial, or financial restructuring, reorganization |
sanear {v} | :: to guarantee; to promise satisfaction |
sanear {v} | :: to make amends |
sanear {v} | :: to sanitize |
sanear {v} | :: to drain |
sanedrín {m} | :: Sanhedrin |
San Fermín {prop} {m} | :: Fermin, 3rd-century Spanish saint from Pamplona, Navarre |
San Fermín {prop} {m} | :: A week-long annual celebration in Pamplona, held in July in honour of St. Fermin, including a well-known bull run |
sanferminero {adj} | :: Of or relating to the festival of San Fermín |
sanfermines {mp} | :: San Fermín, annual Spanish festival held in Pamplona, Navarre |
sanfernandino {adj} | :: from the Chilean city of San Fernando |
sanfernandino {adj} | :: from the former Chilean department of San Fernando |
San Fernando {prop} | :: San Fernando (town) |
San Fernando {prop} | :: San Fernando (town) |
San Fernando {prop} | :: San Fernando (town) |
San Fernando {prop} | :: A name of various cities and municipalities in the Philippines |
San Fernando {prop} | :: San Fernando (city) |
sanfranciscana {f} | :: feminine noun of sanfranciscano |
sanfranciscano {adj} | :: San Franciscan (of or pertaining to San Francisco, California) |
sanfranciscano {m} | :: San Franciscan (native or resident of San Francisco, California) |
San Francisco {prop} {m} | :: Saint Francis |
San Francisco {prop} {m} | :: Places named after Saint Francis |
San Francisco {prop} {m} | :: San Francisco |
sangileña {f} | :: feminine noun of sangileño |
sangileño {adj} | :: Of or from the municipality of San Gil, Colombia |
sangileño {m} | :: An inhabitant of the municipality of San Gil, Colombia |
Sangley {n} [archaic] | :: A person of pure Chinese ancestry living in the Philippines during the Spanish Colonial period |
sangradera {f} | :: small channel from which one gets water for agricultural purposes, irrigation furrow |
sangradera {f} | :: the sluice where such a channel is tapped, irrigation aperture |
sangradera {f} | :: lancet, instrument for tapping blood, bloodletting tweezers |
sangradura {f} | :: bight (of elbow) |
sangradura {f} | :: bleeding; bloodletting |
sangramiento {m} | :: bleeding |
sangrante {adj} | :: bloody |
sangrar {v} | :: to bleed |
sangrar {v} [typography] | :: to indent (begin a line at a greater or lesser distance from the margin) |
sangrar {v} | :: to harvest resin by cutting a tree |
sangre {f} | :: blood |
sangre azul {m} | :: blue blood (noble or aristocratic ancestry) |
sangrecita {f} | :: diminutive of sangre |
sangrecita {f} | :: A dish made of chicken blood with various spices |
sangre fría {f} | :: sang-froid, sangfroid |
sangre fría {f} | :: cold-bloodedness |
sangre y carne {m} | :: flesh and blood |
sangría {f} [medicine] | :: bloodletting |
sangría {f} | :: sangria (type of wine punch with cubed pieces of fruit and fruit soda) |
sangría {f} [typography] | :: indentation |
sangría {f} [anatomy] | :: elbow pit, cubital fossa |
sangrientamente {adv} | :: bloodily, cruelly |
sangriento {adj} | :: bloody, blood |
sangrita {f} | :: diminutive of sangre |
sangrón {adj} [Mexico] | :: disagreeable, antipathic |
sangrón {adj} [Central America] | :: abusive, being a bully |
sangrón {m} [Mexico] | :: a disagreeable, antipathic person |
sangrón {m} [Central America] | :: bully, an abusive person |
sánguche {m} [Peru, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile] | :: alternative form of sándwich |
sanguchería {f} [Peru, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay] | :: alternative form of sandwichería |
sangüeño {m} | :: dogwood |
sanguijuela {f} | :: leech (animal) |
sanguina {f} | :: sanguine |
sanguinariamente {adv} | :: bloodthirstily |
sanguinariedad {f} | :: bloodthirstiness, viciousness |
sanguinario {adj} | :: bloodthirsty, sanguinary, vicious |
sanguíneamente {adv} | :: sanguineously |
sanguíneo {adj} | :: sanguineous (related to blood) |
sanguíneo {adj} | :: akin (related by blood) |
sanguíneo {adj} [heraldry] | :: sanguine |
sanguinolento {adj} | :: bloody, bleeding |
sanguinolento {adj} [of eyes] | :: bloodshot |
sanguinolento {adj} | :: [of steak] rare, bloody |
sanguja {f} | :: leech (animal) |
sanidad {f} | :: health |
San Ignacio {prop} {m} | :: San Ignacio (province) |
sanisidrense {adj} | :: of or from San Isidro (any of a number of places with the same name) |
sanisidrense {mf} | :: Someone from San Isidro |
sanísimo {adj} | :: superlative of sano |
sanitaria {f} | :: feminine noun of sanitario |
sanitario {adj} | :: sanitary |
sanitario {m} | :: sanitary worker |
sanitario {m} | :: toilet |
sanitarista {mf} | :: manufacturer of bathroom goods |
sanitización {f} | :: To sanitization |
sanitizante {m} | :: sanitizer |
sanitizar {v} | :: to sanitize |
sanito {adj} | :: diminutive of sano |
sanjacado {m} | :: sanjak |
sanjar {v} [Salamanca] | :: to make cuts in flesh |
San Jorge {prop} {m} | :: Saint George (patron saint of England and several other places) |
San Jorge {prop} {m} | :: San Jorge (capital city) |
San José {prop} {m} | :: The name Saint Joseph |
San José {prop} {m} | :: San José (capital city) |
San José {prop} {m} | :: San José (city) |
San Juan {prop} | :: The name Saint John |
San Juan {prop} | :: Sometimes short for the name San Juan Bautista, meaning Saint John the Baptist |
San Juan {prop} | :: Places named after Saint John or Saint John the Baptist |
San Juan Bautista {prop} | :: The name Saint John the Baptist |
San Juan Bautista {prop} | :: Places named after Saint John the Baptist |
San Juan Colorado {prop} | :: San Juan Colorado (town) |
San Juan Colorado {prop} | :: San Juan Colorado (municipality) |
sanjuandarra {adj} | :: Of or related to San Juan Pasaia |
sanjuandarra {mf} | :: Someone from San Juan Pasaia |
sanjuanero {m} | :: Sanjuanero, a native or resident of San Juan, Puerto Rico |
sanjuanero {m} | :: common cockchafer |
sanjuanino {adj} | :: of or from San Juan |
sanjuanino {m} | :: Someone from San Juan |
sanjuanista {adj} | :: of or pertaining to the Order of Saint John |
sanjuanista {mf} | :: Someone in the Order of Saint John |
sanjuanito {m} | :: An upbeat music genre from the Andes |
sanlorenzana {f} | :: feminine noun of sanlorenzano |
sanlorenzano {adj} | :: Of or from San Lorenzo, Valle, Honduras |
sanlorenzano {adj} | :: Of or from San Lorenzo, Paraguay |
sanlorenzano {m} | :: Someone from San Lorenzo, Honduras |
sanlorenzano {m} | :: Someone from San Lorenzo, Paraguay |
San Luis {prop} {m} | :: Saint Louis |
San Luis {prop} {m} | :: A name of several places named after the saint |
San Luis {prop} {m} | :: San Luis (province) |
San Luis {prop} {m} | :: San Luis (town) |
sanluiseño {adj} | :: of or from San Luis |
sanluiseño {m} | :: Someone from San Luis |
sanluisino {adj} | :: St. Louisan |
sanluisino {m} | :: St. Louisan |
San Luis Potosí {prop} {f} | :: San Luis Potosí (state) |
sanluqueña {f} | :: feminine noun of sanluqueño |
sanluqueño {adj} | :: Of or from Sanlúcar de Barrameda |
sanluqueño {m} | :: someone from Sanlúcar de Barrameda |
San Marcos {prop} {m} | :: San Marcos (department) |
San Marcos {prop} {m} | :: San Marcos (province) |
sanmarinense {adj} | :: Sammarinese |
sanmarinense {mf} | :: Sammarinese |
San Marino {prop} {m} | :: San Marino (microstate) |
San Marino {prop} {m} | :: San Marino (capital city) |
sanmarqueña {f} | :: feminine noun of sanmarqueño |
sanmarqueño {adj} | :: Of or from San Marcos, Guerrero |
sanmarqueño {m} | :: Someone from San Marcos, Guerrero |
sanmarquina {f} | :: feminine noun of sanmarquino |
sanmarquino {adj} | :: Of or related to the National University of San Marcos, a university in Lima, Peru |
sanmarquino {m} | :: A student of the National University of San Marcos |
San Martín {prop} {m} | :: San Martín (region) |
San Martín {prop} {m} | :: San Martín (province) |
sanmartiniano {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to José de San Martín |
sanmartiniano {m} | :: A supporter of José de San Martín or his politics |
San Mateo {prop} {m} | :: Saint Matthew |
San Miguel {prop} {m} | :: San Miguel (province) |
san Miguelito {prop} {m} [colloquial] | :: diminutive of Miguel; a term of endearment for the archangel Michael |
san Miguelito {m} [colloquial, usually plural, Mexico] | :: A person devoted archangel Michael, especially one who makes pilgrimage in his honor |
san Miguelito {m} [colloquial, usually plural, Mexico] | :: A ritual dancer or member of procession donning the archangel Michael's traditional Roman military attire |
san Miguelitos {n} | :: plural of san Miguelito |
San Nicolás {prop} {m} | :: Saint Nicholas |
sano {adj} | :: healthy, sound |
sano {adj} | :: earnest |
sano {adj} | :: pure |
sano {adj} | :: whole, unbroken, sound |
sañoso {adj} | :: furious |
sano y salvo {adj} [idiom] | :: safe and sound |
San Pablo {prop} {m} | :: Paul the Apostle, Paul of Tarsus, Saint Paul |
San Pablo {prop} {m} | :: Pope Paul I |
San Pablo {prop} {m} | :: San Pablo (municipality/state capital) |
San Pablo {prop} {m} | :: San Pablo (state) |
San Pablo {prop} {m} | :: San Pablo (village/and/municipality) |
San Pablo {prop} {m} | :: San Pablo (village/and/municipality) |
San Pablo {prop} {m} | :: San Pablo (village) |
San Pablo {prop} {m} | :: San Pablo (town/and/commune) |
San Pablo {prop} {m} | :: San Pablo (dormant volcano) |
San Pablo {prop} {m} | :: San Pablo (town/and/municipality) |
San Pablo {prop} {m} | :: San Pablo (town/and/municipality) |
San Pablo {prop} {m} | :: San Pablo (canton) |
San Pablo {prop} {m} | :: San Pablo (capital city) |
San Pablo {prop} {m} | :: San Pablo (barrio) |
San Pablo {prop} {m} | :: San Pablo (river) |
San Pablo {prop} {m} | :: San Pablo (town/and/municipality) |
San Pablo {prop} {m} | :: San Pablo (river) |
San Pablo {prop} {m} | :: San Pablo (district) |
San Pablo {prop} {m} | :: San Pablo (neighborhood) |
San Pablo {prop} {m} | :: San Pablo (town/non-city capital) |
San Pablo {prop} {m} | :: San Pablo (province) |
San Pablo {prop} {m} | :: San Pablo (former leper colony) |
San Pablo {prop} {m} | :: San Pablo (district) |
San Pablo {prop} {m} | :: San Pablo (district) |
San Pablo {prop} {m} | :: San Pablo (district) |
San Pablo {prop} {m} | :: San Pablo (district) |
San Pablo {prop} {m} | :: San Pablo (municipality) |
San Pablo {prop} {m} | :: San Pablo (city) |
San Pablo {prop} {m} | :: San Pablo (municipality) |
San Pablo {prop} {m} | :: San Pablo (city) |
San Pablo {prop} {m} | :: San Pablo (unincorporated community) |
San Pedro {prop} [Biblical character] | :: Saint Peter |
San Pedro {prop} | :: surname |
San Pedro {prop} | :: Any of a number of place names is Spanish-speaking countries named after St. Peter |
San Pedro y Miquelón {prop} | :: San Pedro y Miquelón (overseas territory) |
San Pedro y San Pablo Teposcolula {prop} | :: San Pedro y San Pablo Teposcolula (town) |
San Pedro y San Pablo Teposcolula {prop} | :: San Pedro y San Pablo Teposcolula (municipality) |
San Petersburgo {prop} {m} | :: San Petersburgo (federal city) |
San Román {prop} {m} | :: San Román (province) |
San Salvador {prop} {m} | :: San Salvador (capital city) |
sansalvadoreña {f} | :: feminine noun of sansalvadoreño |
sansalvadoreño {adj} | :: Of or from San Salvador, El Salvador |
sansalvadoreño {adj} | :: of or from San Salvador de Jujuy, Argentina |
sansalvadoreño {m} | :: person from San Salvador, El Salvador |
sansalvadoreño {m} | :: person from San Salvador de Jujuy, Argentina |
sansara {m} | :: samsara |
sánscrito {adj} | :: Sanskrit |
sánscrito {m} | :: Sanskrit |
sanscritóloga {f} | :: feminine noun of sanscritólogo |
sanscritólogo {m} | :: Sanskritist |
sanseacabó {interj} | :: that's it; no more |
San Sebastián {prop} {m} | :: San Sebastián (city) |
santa {f} | :: feminine noun of santo |
Santa Ana {prop} {f} | :: Santa Ana (municipality) |
santabárbara {f} | :: powder magazine |
santabarbarense {adj} | :: Of or from Santa Bárbara Department, Honduras |
santabarbarense {mf} | :: Someone from Santa Bárbara Department, Honduras |
Santa Clara {prop} {f} | :: The name Saint Clare |
Santa Clara {prop} {f} | :: Any of a number of places named after Saint Clare of Assisi, Italy |
santaclareña {f} | :: feminine noun of santaclareño |
santaclareño {adj} | :: Of or from Santa Clara |
santaclareño {m} | :: Someone from Santa Clara |
santacruceño {adj} | :: of or from Santa Cruz |
santacruceño {m} | :: Someone from Santa Cruz |
santacrucero {adj} | :: From Santa Cruz de Tenerife |
santacrucero {m} | :: Someone from Santa Cruz de Tenerife |
Santa Cruz {prop} {f} | :: Holy Cross; meaning the cross Jesus died on |
Santa Cruz {prop} {f} | :: A name of various places named after the Holy Cross |
Santa Cruz {prop} {f} | :: Santa Cruz (department) |
Santa Cruz {prop} {f} | :: Santa Cruz (municipality) |
santacruzano {adj} | :: from the Chilean city of Santa Cruz |
santacruzano {adj} | :: from the former Chilean department of Santa Cruz |
Santa Cruz de Tenerife {prop} | :: Santa Cruz de Tenerife (province) |
Santa Cruz de Tenerife {prop} | :: Santa Cruz de Tenerife (city) |
Santa Fe {prop} {f} | :: Santa Fe (the <<capital city>> of < |
Santa Fe {prop} {f} | :: Santa Fe (province) |
Santa Fe {prop} {f} | :: Santa Fe (capital city); in full, Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz |
Santa Fe {prop} {f} | :: Santa Fe (several other places in <<c/Bolivia,Colombia,Chile,Cuba,Honduras,Panama,Philippines,Spain,United States>>) |
santafecino {adj} | :: alternative spelling of santafesino |
santafecino {m} | :: alternative spelling of santafesino |
Santa Fe de Bogotá {prop} {f} | :: Santa Fe de Bogotá (the full name of Bogota, the <<capital city>> of <<c/Colombia>>) |
santafereña {f} | :: feminine noun of santafereño |
santafereño {adj} | :: Of or related to Independiente Santa Fe, a soccer team from Bogotá, Colombia |
santafereño {m} | :: Someone involved with Independiente Santa Fe, as a player, fan, coach etc |
santafesino {adj} | :: of or from Santa Fe |
santafesino {m} | :: Someone from Santa Fe |
Santa Helena {prop} {f} | :: Santa Helena (island) |
santaluceño {adj} | :: Of or from Santa Lucía, Corrientes |
santaluceño {m} | :: Someone from Santa Lucía, Corrientes |
santalucense {adj} | :: Saint Lucian |
santalucense {mf} | :: Saint Lucian |
Santa Lucía {prop} {f} | :: Santa Lucía (island/and/country) |
santaluciana {f} | :: feminine noun of santaluciano |
santaluciano {adj} | :: Saint Lucian |
santaluciano {m} | :: Saint Lucian |
Santa María {prop} {f} | :: Saint Mary (the mother of Jesus Christ) |
santamente {adv} | :: saintly |
Santana {prop} | :: surname |
Santander {prop} | :: Santander (city of Colombia) |
Santander {prop} | :: Santander (city of Spain) |
Santander {prop} | :: Santander (region) |
santandereana {f} | :: feminine noun of santandereano |
santandereano {adj} | :: Of or from the department of Santander Department, Colombia |
santandereano {m} | :: An inhabitant of the department of Santander Department, Colombia |
Santanderes {prop} {mp} | :: The two departments of Colombia, Santander Department and Norte de Santander Department |
santanderiense {adj} | :: From Santander, Spain |
santanderiense {mf} | :: Someone from Santander, Spain |
santanderino {adj} | :: From Santander, Spain |
santanderino {m} | :: Someone from Santander, Spain |
santanderista {adj} | :: Of, pertaining to, or supporting, Francisco de Paula Santander, Colombian soldier and politician |
santanderista {mf} | :: A supporter of Francisco de Paula Santander |
santaneca {f} | :: feminine noun of santaneco |
santaneco {adj} | :: Of or from the city of Santa Ana, El Salvador, El Salvador |
santaneco {m} | :: An inhabitant of the city of Santa Ana, El Salvador, El Salvador |
santanense {adj} | :: Of or from the Santana do Livramento in Brazil |
santanense {mf} | :: someone from The Santana do Livramento, Brazil |
santa patrona {f} | :: feminine noun of santo patrono or santo patrón |
Santa Rosa {prop} {f} | :: Santa Rosa (department) |
Santa Rosa {prop} {f} | :: Santa Rosa (district) |
Santa Sede {prop} {f} | :: Holy See (episcopal see of the Roman Catholic Church) |
Santa Sofía {prop} {f} | :: Hagia Sophia (a former basilica, now a museum in Turkey) |
santateresa {f} | :: mantis |
santeña {f} | :: feminine noun of santeño |
santeño {adj} | :: Of or from Los Santos Province in Panama |
santeño {m} | :: An inhabitant of Los Santos Province in Panama |
santería {f} | :: santería |
santero {adj} | :: Excessively devoted to saints |
santero {adj} [attributive] | :: saint |
Santi {prop} | :: given name, diminutive of Santiago |
Santiago {prop} {m} [biblical character] | :: James |
Santiago {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Santiago {prop} {m} | :: Santiago (capital city) |
Santiago {prop} {m} | :: Santiago (province) |
Santiago {prop} {m} | :: Santiago (city) |
Santiago {prop} {m} | :: Santiago (one of the ten <<islands>> of <<c/Cape Verde>>) |
Santiago {prop} {m} | :: Santiago (The name of several <<cities>> in <<c/Chile>>, <<c/Cuba>>, the <<c/Dominican Republic>>, <<c/Colombia>>, <<c/Spain>>, and several other Spanish-speaking countries) |
Santiago de Chile {prop} {m} | :: Santiago de Chile (the full name of Santiago, the <<capital city>> of <<c/Chile>>) |
Santiago de Compostela {prop} {m} | :: Santiago de Compostela (city) |
Santiago del Estero {prop} | :: Santiago del Estero |
santiagueño {adj} | :: of or from Santiago del Estero |
santiagueño {m} | :: Someone from Santiage del Estero |
santiaguense {adj} | :: Of or from the city of Santiago de los Caballeros in the Dominican Republic |
santiaguense {mf} | :: An inhabitant of the city of Santiago de los Caballeros in the Dominican Republic |
santiaguera {f} | :: feminine noun of santiaguero |
santiaguero {m} [Latin America] | :: faith healer |
santiagués {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to Santiago de Compostela |
santiagués {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to Santiago Province (Dominican Republic), Dominican Republic |
santiagués {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to Santiago de los Caballeros |
santiagués {m} | :: Someone from Santiago de Compostela |
santiagués {m} | :: Someone from Santiago province, Dominican Republic |
santiagués {m} | :: Someone from Santiago de los Caballeros |
santiaguino {adj} | :: of or pertaining to Santiago, Chile |
santiaguino {m} | :: someone from Santiago, Chile |
santiaguista {adj} | :: Of, belonging to or relating to the Order of Santiago |
santiaguista {mf} | :: A member of the Order of Santiago |
santiamén {m} | :: jiffy, jiff, flash, short time, moment, lickety-split |
santidad {f} | :: sanctity, holiness |
santificación {f} | :: sanctification |
santificado {adj} | :: sanctified, hallowed, made holy |
santificar {vt} | :: to sanctify, to hallow, to make holy |
santiguamiento {m} | :: sign of the cross |
santiguar {v} | :: to bless |
santiguar {v} | :: to make the sign of the cross |
santiguar {vr} | :: to cross oneself |
Santillán {prop} {f} | :: surname |
santísimo {adj} | :: superlative of santo |
santista {adj} | :: Of or from Santos, Brazil |
santista {mf} | :: Someone from Santos |
santito {adj} | :: diminutive of santo |
santito {m} | :: diminutive of santo |
santo {adj} | :: holy, godly |
santo {m} | :: saint |
santo {m} | :: name day |
Santo {m} | :: Saint |
Santo Domingo {prop} {m} | :: Santo Domingo (capital city) |
Santo Domingo de Guzmán {prop} {m} | :: Santo Domingo de Guzmán (the full name of Santo Domingo, the <<capital city>> of the <<c/Dominican Republic>>) |
santo grial {m} | :: holy grail |
Santo Grial {prop} {m} | :: Holy Grail (artifact in Christian mythology) |
santol {m} | :: santol |
santón {m} | :: santon |
Santoniano {prop} {m} [geology, paleontology] | :: Santonian (subdivision of the Late Cretaceous epoch) |
Santoniense {prop} {m} [geology, paleontology] | :: Santonian (subdivision of the Late Cretaceous epoch) |
Santo Niño {prop} {m} | :: Christ child (child Jesus) |
Santo Padre {prop} {m} | :: Holy Father (papal title) |
santo patrón {m} [religion] | :: patron saint |
santo patrono {m} [religion] | :: patron saint |
santoral {m} | :: saint-day calendar |
Santo Tomás Ocotepec {prop} | :: Santo Tomás Ocotepec (town) |
Santo Tomás Ocotepec {prop} | :: Santo Tomás Ocotepec (municipality) |
santotomense {adj} | :: São Toméan |
santotomense {mf} | :: São Toméan |
Santo Tomé y Príncipe {prop} | :: São Tomé and Príncipe |
santo y seña {m} [military] | :: watchword, password |
santuario {m} | :: sanctuary, shrine |
santurrón {m} [pejorative] | :: sanctimonious, bigot, holier-than-thou (person) |
santurrona {f} | :: feminine noun of santurrón |
santurtziarra {adj} | :: Of or related to Santurtzi |
santurtziarra {mf} | :: Someone from Santurzi |
sañudamente {adv} | :: angrily |
sañudamente {adv} | :: cruelly, viciously |
sañudo {adj} | :: cruel; wicked |
sanvicentano {adj} | :: from the Chilean city of San Vicente de Tagua Tagua |
San Vicente {prop} {m} | :: Saint Vincent |
San Vicente {prop} {m} [obsolete] | :: San Vicente (city) |
San Vicente de Tagua Tagua {prop} {m} | :: San Vicente de Tagua Tagua (city) |
sanvicentera {f} | :: feminine noun of sanvicentero |
sanvicentero {adj} | :: of or from San Vicente del Raspeig |
sanvicentero {m} | :: someone from San Vicente del Raspeig |
San Vicente y las Granadinas {prop} | :: San Vicente y las Granadinas (archipelago/and/country) |
sanvicentino {adj} | :: Vincentian |
sanvicentino {m} | :: Vincentian |
Saona {prop} {m} | :: Saona (river) |
sapa {f} | :: feminine noun of sapo; a female toad or peeper |
sapa {f} | :: A reduction of must in Ancient Roman cuisine, made by boiling down grape juice or must in large kettles until reduced to a third of the original volume |
sapear {v} [Latin America] | :: to dob in; snitch |
sapear {v} [Latin America] | :: to spy; observe |
sapidez {f} | :: tastiness |
sápido {adj} | :: tasty (having a taste) |
sapiencia {f} | :: wisdom |
sapiencial {adj} | :: sapiential |
sapiente {adj} | :: wise; knowing |
sapientísimo {adj} | :: superlative of sabio |
sapillo {m} | :: Any of a number of uninteresting plants, see Spanish Wikipedia |
sapo {m} | :: toad |
sapo {m} [Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, colloquial] | :: a very curious person |
sapo {m} [Chile, Ecuador, Peru, colloquial] | :: a voyeur |
sapo {m} [Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela, colloquial, pejorative] | :: informer |
sapo de caña {m} | :: cane toad |
saponificable {adj} | :: saponifiable |
saponificación {f} | :: saponification |
saponificar {v} | :: to saponify |
saponina {f} [organic compound] | :: saponin |
sapo veranero {m} | :: summer toad (found in Central America, Peruvian Amazon; possibly refers to the cane toad/marine toad, Bufo marinus in some regions, or a small variety of toad in others) |
Sapporo {prop} {m} | :: Sapporo (caplc) |
saprissista {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to Deportivo Saprissa, a football team from Costa Rica |
saprissista {mf} | :: Someone connected to Deportivo Saprissa, as a fan, player, coach etc |
saprofita {f} | :: alternative form of saprofito |
saprofito {m} [biology] | :: saprophyte |
saprolito {m} [geology] | :: saprolite |
saque {m} | :: expulsion, extraction, act of putting something out |
saque {m} [sports] | :: service; serve (in racquet sports, the first shot) |
saque {m} [soccer] | :: kick-off |
saque {m} | :: appetite |
saqueador {m} | :: plunderer |
saqueador {m} | :: looter |
saqueador {m} | :: sacker |
saqueadora {f} | :: feminine noun of saqueador |
saquear {v} | :: to sack |
saquear {v} | :: to plunder, to pillage |
saque de banda {m} [soccer] | :: throw-in |
saque de castigo {m} [rugby] | :: penalty kick |
saque de esquina {m} [soccer] | :: corner kick |
saque de falta {m} [Spain, sports] | :: free kick |
saque de gol {m} [sports] | :: goal kick |
saque de mano {m} [volleyball] | :: serve |
saque de mano {m} [soccer] | :: throw-out |
saque de meta {m} [soccer] | :: goal kick |
saque de puerta {m} [soccer] | :: goal kick |
saque de valla {m} [soccer] | :: free kick |
saque inicial {m} [soccer] | :: kick-off |
saque lateral {m} [soccer] | :: throw-in |
saque libre {m} [sports] | :: free kick |
saqueo {m} | :: sack, plunder, pillage |
saquete {m} | :: charge bag (for a cannon) |
saquillo {m} | :: diminutive of saco |
saquito {m} | :: pouch |
saquito {m} | :: diminutive of saco, a small sack |
SAR {n} | :: HRH |
Sara {prop} {f} [biblical character] | :: Sarah |
Sara {prop} {f} | :: given name |
sarabanda {f} | :: sarabande |
Sarabia {prop} {f} | :: surname, the 575th most common in Mexico |
saracustí {adj} | :: Saragossan |
saracustí {mf} | :: Saragossan |
saragura {f} | :: feminine noun of saraguro |
saraguro {adj} | :: Of or from the Saraguro group of people |
saraguro {adj} | :: Of or from the Saraguro canton of Ecuador |
saraguro {m} | :: Saraguro (member of the Saraguro people) |
saraguro {m} | :: An inhabitant of the Saraguro canton of Ecuador |
Saraguro {prop} {m} | :: Saraguro (canton) |
Sarai {prop} {f} [biblical character] | :: Sarai |
sarajevés {adj} | :: Sarajevan |
sarajevés {m} | :: Sarajevan |
sarakof {m} | :: A type of hat, resembling a safari helmet, worn by officers during the Mexican civil war |
sarampión {m} | :: measles |
sarandunga {f} | :: A lively dance from Dominican Republic |
sarantontón {m} [Canarian] | :: ladybird, ladybug |
sarao {m} | :: party |
sarao {m} | :: fuss, big thing |
sarasa {m} [Spain, slang] | :: effeminate man or homosexual |
sarasa {m} [Spain, slang] | :: queerboy; fag; faggot; poofter |
Sarátov {prop} {m} | :: Sarátov (city) |
sarcasmo {m} | :: sarcasm |
sarcasmo {m} | :: snark |
sarcásticamente {adv} | :: sarcastically |
sarcástico {adj} | :: sarcastic |
sarcástico {adj} | :: snarky, snide |
sarchiseña {f} | :: feminine noun of sarchiseño |
sarchiseño {adj} | :: Of or from Sarchí, Costa Rica |
sarchiseño {m} | :: Someone from Sarchí, Costa Rica |
sarcófago {m} | :: sepulcher |
sarcófago {m} | :: sarcophagus |
sarcoidosis {f} [pathology] | :: sarcoidosis |
sarcolema {m} [anatomy] | :: sarcolemma |
sarcoma {m} [oncology] | :: sarcoma |
sarcopenia {f} | :: sarcopenia |
sarcoplasma {m} [cytology] | :: sarcoplasm |
sarcoplásmico {adj} | :: sarcoplasmic |
sarcopterigio {m} | :: sarcopterygian |
sarda {f} | :: feminine noun of sardo |
sardana {f} | :: sardana |
sardanista {mf} | :: A sardana dancer |
sardina {f} | :: sardine |
sardinada {f} | :: meal of sardines |
sardinal {m} | :: sardine-fishing net |
sardinel {m} | :: kerb |
sardinera {f} | :: feminine noun of sardinero |
sardinero {m} | :: A seller or sardines |
sardinero {m} | :: A sardine fisherman, a sardiner |
sardinilla {f} | :: baby sardine |
sardo {adj} | :: Sardinian (relating to Sardinia) |
sardo {m} | :: Sardinian |
sardo {m} [mineral] | :: sard |
sardo {m} | :: Sardinian language |
sardónica {f} | :: alternative form of sardónice |
sardónicamente {adv} | :: sardonically |
sardónice {mf} | :: sardonyx |
sardónico {adj} | :: sardonic |
sardónix {mf} | :: alternative form of sardónice |
sarga {f} | :: twill |
sarga {f} | :: Any of a number of plants. See The Spanish Wikipedia for more details |
sargazo {m} | :: sargasso, gulfweed (brown algae) |
sargenta {f} | :: sergeant |
sargentear {vt} | :: to command, to order |
sargento {m} | :: sergeant |
Sargón {prop} {m} | :: Sargon (Akkadian emperor) |
sari {m} | :: sari |
sarín {m} | :: sarin |
Sarita {prop} {f} | :: A diminutive of the given name Sara |
SARM {m} [bacteriology] | :: MRSA |
sármata {adj} | :: Sarmatian |
sármata {mf} | :: Sarmatian |
sarmatismo {m} | :: Sarmatism |
sarmentar {v} | :: to gather pruned vine-shoots |
sarmentosa {f} [carbohydrate] | :: sarmentose |
sarmiento {m} | :: vine shoot |
Sarmiento {prop} | :: surname, the 102nd most common in Colombia and 514th most common in Mexico |
sarna {f} | :: scabies (an infestation of parasitic mites) |
sarna {f} | :: mange |
sarna con gusto no pica {phrase} | :: It's not a chore if you're enjoying it |
sarnoso {adj} | :: mangy |
sarong {m} | :: sarong |
sarpullido {m} [colloquial] | :: dermatitis, rash (area of reddened, irritated, and inflamed skin) |
sarraceno {adj} | :: Of or relating to Saracens |
sarraceno {adj} [dated] | :: Of or relating to Muslims and the Islamic religion |
sarraceno {m} | :: Saracen |
sarraceno {m} [dated] | :: Muslim |
Sarraga {prop} {f} | :: surname |
Sarre {prop} | :: Saarland (state) |
sarrio {m} [Aragón] | :: chamois (goat) |
sarro {m} [dentistry] | :: tartar |
sarro {m} | :: mildew |
sarro {m} | :: limescale |
sarta {f} | :: string (of objects connected on a thread) |
sarta {f} | :: line, queue |
sarta {f} | :: string, series, array |
sartal {m} | :: string (items put on a string) |
sartén {mf} | :: frying pan |
sartenada {f} | :: panful |
sartenazo {m} | :: A blow/hit with a saucepan |
sartorio {adj} | :: sartorial |
sartorio {m} [anatomy] | :: sartorius |
sasafrás {m} | :: sassafras |
sasánida {adj} | :: Sassanian |
sasánida {mf} | :: Sassanian |
Saskatchewan {prop} {f} | :: Saskatchewan |
saskatchewaniana {f} | :: feminine noun of saskatchewaniano |
saskatchewaniano {adj} | :: Saskatchewanian (of or pertaining to Saskatchewan, Canada) |
saskatchewaniano {m} | :: Saskatchewanian (native or resident of Saskatchewan, Canada) |
sastra {f} | :: feminine noun of sastre |
sastre {mf} | :: tailor (person who makes, repairs, or alters clothes professionally) |
Sastre {prop} | :: surname |
sastrecillo {m} | :: diminutive of sastre |
sastrería {f} | :: tailor's (shop) |
satán {m} | :: satan |
Satán {prop} {m} | :: Satan (the Devil) |
satanás {m} | :: devil |
Satanás {prop} {m} | :: Satan (the Devil) |
satanasa {f} | :: feminine noun of satanás |
satánico {adj} | :: satanic |
satanismo {m} | :: Satanism |
satanista {adj} | :: satanist |
satanista {mf} | :: satanist |
satanización {f} | :: demonization |
satanizar {vt} | :: to demonize (to malign as evil) |
satauteña {f} | :: feminine noun of satauteño |
satauteño {adj} | :: Of or from the town of Santa Brígida, Las Palmas in the Canary Islands |
satauteño {m} | :: An inhabitant of the town of Santa Brígida, Las Palmas in the Canary Islands |
satelital {adj} | :: related to satellites |
satélital {adj} | :: satellite |
satélite {m} | :: satellite |
satén {m} [fabrics] | :: sateen |
satén {m} [fabrics] | :: satin |
satín {m} | :: satin (fabric) |
satinador {adj} | :: glossing |
satinar {v} | :: to make glossy |
sátira {f} | :: satire |
satíricamente {adv} | :: satirically |
satírico {adj} | :: satirical |
satirista {mf} | :: satirist |
satirización {f} | :: satirization |
satirizante {adj} | :: satirical; satirizing |
satirizar {v} | :: to satirize, lampoon |
sátiro {m} [folklore, mythology, fantasy] | :: satyr |
satisfacción {f} | :: satisfaction |
satisfacer {vt} | :: to satisfy, fulfil / fulfill |
satisfacerse {v} | :: reflexive of satisfacer |
satisfacibilidad {f} | :: satisfiability |
satisfación {f} | :: obsolete spelling of satisfacción |
satisfactibilidad {f} | :: satisfiability |
satisfactor {m} | :: basic need |
satisfactoriamente {adv} | :: satisfactorily |
satisfactorio {adj} | :: satisfactory |
satisfechísimo {adj} | :: superlative of satisfecho |
satisfecho {adj} | :: satisfied |
sátiva {f} | :: sativa, Cannabis sativa, drug made from the dried leaves and flowers of the hemp plant |
sato {m} | :: A dog that is of mixed breed, as used by island Puerto Ricans |
sátrapa {m} | :: satrap |
satrapía {f} | :: satrapy |
saturación {f} | :: saturation |
saturación {f} | :: weariness |
saturación {f} | :: satiety |
saturado {adj} | :: saturated |
saturar {v} | :: to saturate |
saturarse {v} | :: reflexive of saturar |
saturnal {adj} | :: saturnal |
saturnino {adj} | :: saturnine, melancholy |
saturnino {adj} | :: pertaining to the planet Saturn |
Saturno {prop} {m} | :: Saturn |
sauce {m} | :: willow |
sauceda {f} | :: willow grove |
sauce llorón {m} | :: weeping willow |
saúco {m} | :: elder (tree) |
saúco menor {m} | :: dwarf elder |
saudade {f} | :: the feeling of missing something or someone |
saudí {adj} [Spain] | :: Saudi |
saudí {mf} [Spain] | :: Saudi |
saudita {adj} [Latin America] | :: Saudi |
saudita {mf} [Latin America] | :: Saudi |
Saúl {prop} {m} [biblical character] | :: Saul, the king of Israel |
Saúl {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Saulo {prop} {m} [biblical character] | :: Saul, the original name of Apostle Paul |
sauna {f} | :: sauna |
-saurio {suffix} | :: -saurus |
saurio {m} | :: saurian |
saurisquio {m} | :: saurischian |
saurópodo {m} | :: sauropod |
sauropodomorfo {m} | :: sauropodomorph |
saurópsido {m} | :: sauropsid |
sauvignon {m} | :: sauvignon |
sauz {m} [archaic or rare] | :: alternative spelling of sauce |
sauzal {m} | :: A grove of willows |
sauzgatillo {m} | :: chaste tree |
savate {m} [martial arts] | :: savate |
savia {f} [botany] | :: sap |
sávila {f} | :: alternative spelling of sábila |
saxitoxina {f} | :: saxitoxin |
saxo {m} | :: clipping of saxofone Sax |
saxo {m} | :: stone |
saxofón {m} | :: saxophone |
saxofonista {mf} | :: saxophonist |
saxófono {m} | :: saxophone |
saya {f} [archaic] | :: a woman’s skirt |
sayagués {adj} | :: Of or from Sayago |
sayagués {m} | :: someone from Sayago |
sayaguesa {f} | :: feminine noun of sayagués |
sayal {m} | :: sackcloth |
sayo {m} | :: smock |
sayo {m} | :: doublet |
sayón {m} | :: executioner |
sayonara {f} [Peru] | :: flip-flop, thong [Australia], jandal [New Zealand] |
sayuelo {m} | :: pejorative of sayo |
sazón {f} | :: ripeness |
sazón {f} [formal] | :: season |
sazón {f} | :: flavor, seasoning |
sazonador {m} | :: seasoning (something used to add flavor to food) |
sazonar {v} | :: to season |
-sca {suffix} | :: feminine singular of -sco |
SCA {m} [medicine] | :: initialism of síndrome coronario agudo |
scanner {m} | :: alternative spelling of escáner |
scheelita {f} [mineral] | :: scheelite |
Schiavone {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Schild {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
schnauzer {mf} | :: schnauzer |
Schubert {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Schumann {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
schwannoma {m} [medicine] | :: schwannoma |
Schwartz {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Schwarz {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Schwarzkopf {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Schweitzer {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
sciolismo {m} | :: The political beliefs of Daniel Scioli, Argentine politician |
sciolista {adj} | :: supporting Daniel Scioli, Argentine politician |
sciolista {mf} | :: A supporter of Daniel Scioli, Argentine politician |
-sco {suffix} | :: Forms adjectives that signify "relation" to the word stem |
scooter {m} | :: scooter (vehicle) |
-scopia {suffix} | :: -scopy |
-scopía {suffix} | :: alternative form of -scopia |
-scópico {suffix} | :: -scopic |
-scopio {suffix} | :: -scope |
score {m} | :: score (in sports) |
scout {mf} | :: scout |
scratch {m} [music] | :: scratch |
screening {m} | :: screening |
scroll {m} [computer games] | :: scroll |
SD {n} [grammar, syntax] | :: initialism of sintagma determinante |
se {pron} | :: Third person (also used for usted and ustedes) reflexive direct or indirect object oneself, himself, herself, itself, yourself; each other; one another |
se {pron} | :: Used to convey the meaning of the English passive voice in the third person and with usted and ustedes |
se {pron} | :: Used instead of indirect object pronouns le and les before the direct object pronouns lo, la, los, or las |
sé {interj} [colloquial, Chile, Mexico] | :: yes |
seaborgio {m} | :: seaborgium |
sea cual fuere {pron} [formal] | :: whatever it is |
sea lo que sea {phrase} | :: whatever may come, no matter what, whatever happens, come what may |
sea lo que sea {phrase} | :: whatever it is |
seatleita {adj} | :: Seattleite (of or pertaining to Seattle, Washington) |
seatleita {mf} | :: Seattleite (native or resident of Seattle, Washington) |
sebáceo {adj} | :: sebaceous |
Sebastián {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Sebastopol {prop} {f} | :: Sebastopol (a <<port city>> in <<pen/Crimea>>, internationally recognized as part of <<c/Ukraine>> but de facto in <<c/Russia>>) |
sebecosuquio {m} | :: sebecosuchian |
sebestén {m} | :: sebesten |
sebiche {m} | :: alternative spelling of cebiche |
sebo {m} | :: sebum |
sebo {m} | :: tallow |
sebo {m} [colloquial] | :: flab; fat |
seborrea {f} [pathology] | :: seborrhea |
seborreico {adj} [pathology] | :: seborrheic |
seboso {adj} | :: greasy |
seboso {m} | :: greasy or filthy person; pig |
secadero {adj} | :: drying |
secadero {m} | :: dryer, place for drying |
secado {m} | :: desiccation, drying |
secador {adj} | :: drying |
secador {adj} | :: dryer |
secador {m} | :: hair dryer, blow dryer (An electric device for drying hair by blowing hot air on it) |
secador {m} | :: dryer (any other device, household or industrial, designed to remove water or humidity) |
secadora {f} | :: dryer, clothes dryer (a household appliance that removes the water from clothing by accelerating evaporation, usually though heat and a tumbling motion) |
secadora {f} | :: dryer (any other device, household or industrial, designed to remove water or humidity) |
secaleche {mf} [El Salvador, Honduras] | :: The last child to be born to a parent or couple |
secallona {f} | :: synonym of fuet |
secamanos {m} | :: hand dryer |
secamente {adv} | :: dryly |
secano {m} [agriculture] | :: dryland; unirrigated land |
secante {adj} | :: drying |
secante {adj} [trigonometry] | :: secant |
secante {m} | :: blotting paper |
secante {f} [trigonometry] | :: secant |
secaplatos {m} | :: drainer; draining board |
secar {v} | :: to dry |
secarral {m} [geography] | :: A dry or arid plain |
secarropas {m} | :: clothes dryer |
secarse {v} | :: reflexive of secar To dry oneself |
sección {f} | :: section |
sección {f} | :: piece, part |
sección {f} | :: department |
seccional {f} | :: A police subdivision in Montevideo. There are 24 of them in Montevideo |
seccional {f} [Paraguay] | :: headquarters of a political party |
seccionalera {f} | :: feminine noun of seccionalero |
seccionalero {m} | :: A member of a seccional |
seccionamiento {m} | :: sectioning |
seccionamiento {m} | :: switching |
seccionar {v} | :: to section |
sección cónica {f} | :: conic section |
sección transversal {f} | :: cross section |
secesión {f} [politics] | :: secession |
secesionismo {m} | :: secessionism |
secesionista {mf} | :: secessionist |
Sechura {prop} | :: Sechura (province) |
seco {adj} | :: dry |
se coge antes al mentiroso que a un cojo {proverb} | :: alternative form of antes se coge al mentiroso que a un cojo |
se come {phrase} [jocular, idiom] | :: the hell?; the heck?; when it's at home? |
secoya {f} | :: alternative form of secuoya |
secre {mf} [colloquial] | :: clipping of secretario, sec (secretary) |
secreción {f} | :: secretion |
secretamente {adv} | :: secretly, clandestinely |
secretar {v} | :: to secrete |
secretaria {f} | :: female equivalent of secretario |
secretaría {f} | :: secretariat |
secretariado {m} | :: secretariat |
secretariado {m} | :: secretaryship |
secretariado {m} | :: secretary studies |
secretarial {adj} | :: secretarial |
secretario {m} | :: secretary |
secretear {vi} [colloquial] | :: to tell a secret |
secreteo {m} | :: secrecy |
secretillo {m} | :: diminutive of secreto |
secretina {f} [hormone] | :: secretin |
secretísimo {adj} | :: Very secret, top secret |
secretismo {m} | :: secrecy |
secretismo {m} | :: secretiveness |
secretista {adj} | :: secretive |
secretito {m} | :: diminutive of secreto |
secreto {adj} | :: secret |
secreto {m} | :: a secret |
secreto {m} | :: secrecy |
secreto a voces {m} | :: open secret |
secretor {adj} | :: secreting |
secretor {m} | :: secretor |
secta {f} | :: cult |
secta {f} | :: sect |
sectario {adj} | :: sectarian (all meanings) |
sectario {m} | :: sectarian (all meanings) |
sectarismo {m} | :: sectarianism |
sector {m} | :: section |
sector {m} | :: zone |
sector {m} | :: branch |
sectorial {adj} | :: sectorial |
sectorialmente {adv} | :: sectorially |
sectorización {f} | :: sectorisation |
sectorizar {vt} | :: to sectorise |
sector privado {m} [business, economics] | :: private sector |
sécuanos {mp} | :: Sequani |
secuaz {adj} [pejorative] | :: said of a follower of someone else's opinion, opportunistic |
secuaz {mf} [pejorative] | :: minion, henchman, stooge |
secuela {f} | :: sequel |
secuela {f} | :: after-effects |
secuela {f} [medicine] | :: sequela |
secuencia {f} | :: sequence |
secuenciación {f} | :: sequencing |
secuenciador {m} | :: sequencer |
secuencial {adj} | :: sequential |
secuencial {adj} | :: serial |
secuencialmente {adv} | :: sequentially |
secuenciamiento {m} | :: sequencing |
secuenciar {v} | :: to sequence |
secuestrado {adj} | :: kidnapped |
secuestrador {m} | :: kidnapper, hijacker |
secuestradora {f} | :: feminine noun of secuestrador |
secuestrar {v} | :: to kidnap, to abduct |
secuestrar {v} | :: to hijack (e.g. a vehicle) |
secuestrar {v} [legal] | :: to sequester, to seize |
secuestro {m} | :: kidnapping |
secular {adj} | :: secular |
secularidad {f} | :: secularism |
secularismo {m} | :: secularity |
secularista {adj} | :: secularist |
secularista {mf} | :: secularist |
secularización {f} | :: secularisation |
secularizar {v} | :: to secularize |
secularmente {adv} | :: secularly |
secundar {v} | :: to second |
secundaria {f} | :: secondary school, high school |
secundariamente {adv} | :: secondarily |
secundario {adj} | :: secondary |
secuoya {f} | :: sequoia |
securina {f} [protein] | :: securin |
securitario {adj} [attributive] | :: security |
secuta {f} [music] | :: suite |
sed {f} | :: thirst |
seda {f} | :: silk (fine fiber excreted by the silkworm or other arthropod) |
seda {f} | :: silk (fine, soft cloth woven from silk fibers) |
seda {f} | :: thin string (long, very thin, and flexible structure made from threads twisted together) |
SEDA {prop} | :: Secretaría de Estado en el Despacho del Ambiente |
sedación {f} | :: sedation |
seda dental {f} | :: dental floss |
sedal {m} | :: thin line, string |
sedán {m} | :: sedan (car) |
sedante {adj} | :: sedative |
sedar {v} | :: to sedate |
sedativo {adj} | :: sedative |
sede {f} | :: seat, headquarters |
sede {f} [event] | :: venue |
sede {f} [Christianity, Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy] | :: see |
sede {f} [building] | :: office |
sedentariamente {adv} | :: domestically |
sedentariamente {adv} | :: sedentarily |
sedentario {adj} | :: sedentary (not moving) |
sedentarismo {m} | :: sedentariness |
sedentarización {f} | :: The process of evolving to a sedentary lifestyle |
sedentarizar {vt} | :: to sedentarize |
sedente {adj} | :: seated |
sedería {f} | :: silk shop |
sedería {f} | :: haberdashery |
sedestación {f} | :: seating; sitting |
sedevacantista {adj} | :: sedevacantist |
sedevacantista {mf} | :: sedevacantist |
sedicente {adj} | :: self-styled |
sedición {f} | :: sedition, mutiny |
sediciosamente {adv} | :: seditiously, mutinously, factiously |
sedicioso {adj} | :: seditious, factious, mutinous |
sediento {adj} | :: thirsty |
sedimentable {adj} | :: sedimentable |
sedimentación {f} | :: sedimentation |
sedimentar {v} | :: to deposit a sediment |
sedimentario {adj} [geology] | :: sedimentary |
sedimentita {f} | :: diminutive of sedimenta |
sedimento {m} | :: sediment |
sedimentología {f} [geology] | :: sedimentology |
sedimentológico {adj} | :: sedimentological |
sedoheptulosa {f} [carbohydrate] | :: sedoheptulose |
sedosidad {f} | :: silkiness |
sedoso {adj} | :: silky, silky smooth |
seducción {f} | :: seduction |
seducir {vt} | :: to seduce |
seductivo {adj} | :: seductive |
seductor {adj} | :: seductive |
seductor {m} | :: seducer |
seductora {f} | :: feminine noun of seductor |
seductoramente {adv} | :: seductively |
sefaradí {adj} | :: alternative spelling of sefardí |
sefaradí {mf} | :: alternative spelling of sefardí |
sefardí {adj} | :: Sephardic |
sefardí {mf} | :: Sephardi |
sefardita {mf} | :: alternative form of sefardí |
sefardita {adj} | :: alternative form of sefardí |
Séfora {prop} {f} | :: Zipporah |
segadera {f} | :: sickle, scythe, reaphook |
segadero {adj} | :: fit to be reaped |
segador {m} | :: reaper; harvester |
segador {m} | :: mower |
segador {m} | :: daddy longlegs |
segadora {f} | :: feminine noun of segador |
segar {v} | :: to harvest |
segar {v} | :: to mow |
segar {v} | :: to reap |
seglar {adj} | :: lay, secular |
segmentación {f} | :: segmentation |
segmental {adj} | :: segmental |
segmentar {v} | :: to segment |
segmentario {adj} | :: segmental |
segmento {m} | :: segment, section |
Segorbe {prop} | :: Segorbe (municipality) |
Segovia {prop} {f} | :: Segovia (province) |
Segovia {prop} {f} | :: Segovia (city) |
segoviano {adj} | :: Segovian |
segoviano {m} | :: Segovian |
segregación {f} | :: segregation |
segregacionista {mf} | :: segregationist |
segregador {adj} | :: segregating |
segregar {v} | :: to segregate |
segregar {v} | :: to secrete |
segueta {f} | :: hacksaw (fine-toothed, frame-mounted saw used to cut metal) |
Seguí {prop} | :: surname |
seguidamente {adv} | :: immediately after, straight away |
seguidilla {f} | :: a lively, triple-time, Spanish tune and dance; a seguidilla |
seguidismo {m} | :: (blind) following or support |
seguido {adv} [Latin America] | :: often |
seguido {adj} | :: consecutive |
seguidor {m} | :: follower |
seguidor {m} | :: fan, supporter (e.g., of a sports team) |
seguidora {f} | :: female equivalent of seguidor |
seguimiento {m} | :: monitoring |
seguimiento {m} | :: following |
seguir {vt} | :: to follow |
seguir {v} | :: to continue (on); to keep, to keep on (can be combined with the gerund to indicate that someone or something continues doing something) |
seguir {v} | :: to further do something |
seguir {vt} | :: to observe, to obey (a rule, religion) |
seguir {vt} [internet] | :: to follow (to subscribe to content from an account) |
seguir {v} | :: to remain, to stay, to still be |
seguir {v} | :: to follow, to pursue, to track, to trace, to tail, to chase |
seguir {v} | :: to proceed |
seguir {vi} | :: to continue, to keep up |
seguir {v} | :: to follow up |
seguir {v} | :: to follow in, to continue |
seguir {v} | :: to stick to |
seguir {vr} | :: to follow, to be followed |
seguir adelante {v} | :: to go on, to move on, to press on, to push on, to go forth |
seguir adelante {v} | :: to keep going, to carry on, to get on, to continue, to proceed |
seguir adelante {v} | :: to go ahead, get ahead, to move ahead, to press ahead, to push ahead |
seguir adelante {v} | :: to move forward, to forge ahead, to press forward, to go forward, to continue forward, to pursue (i.e. to advance with progress) |
seguir adelante {v} | :: to follow through |
seguir adelante {v} [figurative] | :: to move on, to get on, to carry on (i.e. to deal with something and move past it) |
seguir el rollo {v} [idiomatic] | :: to go along with, play along with (something) |
seguir la corriente {v} | :: to go with the flow |
seguir la corriente {v} [idiom] | :: to play along, to humor, to humour |
seguirse {v} | :: reflexive of seguir |
segun {prep} | :: obsolete spelling of según |
según {prep} | :: according to |
según {prep} | :: as, just as, the same way |
según {prep} | :: depending on |
segund {prep} | :: obsolete spelling of según |
segúnd {prep} | :: obsolete spelling of según |
Segunda Guerra Mundial {prop} {f} | :: Second World War; World War II |
segunda intención {f} [uncountable] | :: duplicity, falsehood |
segunda intención {f} | :: ulterior motive |
segunda naturaleza {f} | :: second nature |
segundar {v} | :: to repeat an action, do again |
segundar {v} | :: [in a competition] to be in second place |
segundar {v} [South America] | :: to hit back |
segundariamente {adv} | :: secondarily |
segundario {adj} | :: secondary |
segundín {m} | :: diminutive of segundo |
segundito {m} | :: diminutive of segundo |
segundo {adj} | :: second (after the first) |
segundo {m} | :: second (unit of time) |
segundo {m} | :: second (short amount of time) |
segundo {m} | :: assistant |
Segundo {prop} {m} | :: given name |
segundogénita {f} | :: feminine noun of segundogénito |
segundogénito {adj} | :: secondborn |
segundogénito {m} | :: secondborn child |
segundo intercalar {m} | :: leap second |
segundón {m} | :: secondborn |
segundón {m} | :: secondary character |
segundo plano {m} | :: backburner (state of having lower priority) |
segundo plano {m} | :: background (computing: activity not visible to the user) |
segundo plano {m} [idomatic] | :: backseat, back seat, secondary, less important, secondly |
segúnt {prep} | :: obsolete spelling of según |
seguntina {f} | :: feminine noun of seguntino |
seguntino {adj} | :: of or from Sigüenza |
seguntino {m} | :: Someone from Sigüenza |
segur {m} | :: a small axe similar to or also fulfilling the function of an adze, a scythe, a fascis, or even a spokeshave |
Segura {prop} {m} | :: Segura (river) |
seguramente {adv} | :: surely, certainly |
seguramente {adv} | :: probably |
segurar {v} | :: obsolete spelling of asegurar |
segurata {mf} [Spain, colloquial] | :: bodyguard |
seguridad {f} | :: safety |
seguridad {f} | :: security |
seguridad {f} | :: self-confidence |
seguridad nacional {f} | :: national security |
seguridad social {f} | :: social security |
segurina {f} [protein] | :: securin |
segurísimamente {adv} | :: superlative of seguramente |
segurísimo {adj} | :: superlative of seguro |
seguro {adj} | :: secure, safe (free from danger) |
seguro {adj} | :: certain, sure, positive, definite (of being correct) |
seguro {adj} | :: secure, firm, stable, reliable, surefire, foolproof (not likely to fall) |
seguro {adj} | :: security, security-related |
seguro {adj} | :: confident, self-confident |
seguro {m} [insurance] | :: insurance (indemnity against a future occurrence) |
seguro {m} [mechanics] | :: safety, safety catch, safety lock |
seguro {adv} | :: for sure |
seguro {adv} | :: surely, certainly |
seguro de salud {m} | :: health insurance |
seguro social {m} [Mexico, US Spanish] | :: alternative form of seguridad social |
segway {m} | :: Segway |
se habla español {phrase} | :: "we speak Spanish". More precisely, "Spanish is spoken (here)." |
se habla inglés {phrase} | :: "we speak English" |
seis {num} | :: six |
seiscentista {adj} | :: 17th century |
seiscientos {num} | :: six hundred |
seismil {m} | :: a mountain 6000-6999 metres high |
seísmo {m} [Spain] | :: alternative form of sismo |
seiyu {mf} | :: voice actor (in Japanese) |
Sela {prop} {m} | :: acronym of Sistema Económico Latinoamericano |
selandés {adj} | :: Zealander (of or pertaining to Zealand, Denmark) |
selandés {m} | :: Zealander (native or resident of Zealand, Denmark) |
selandesa {f} | :: feminine noun of selandés |
Selandia {prop} {f} | :: Zealand (Danish island) |
selección {f} | :: selection |
selección {f} | :: choice |
selección {f} [sport] | :: national sports team |
seleccionable {adj} | :: choosable; selectable |
seleccionado {adj} | :: selected |
seleccionado {m} [sports] | :: team member |
seleccionador {m} | :: selector |
seleccionador {m} [sport] | :: manager, coach |
seleccionadora {f} | :: female equivalent of seleccionador |
seleccionar {v} | :: to select |
selección natural {f} | :: natural selection |
selectísimo {adj} [of people or things] | :: superlative of selecto; very select |
selectísimo {adj} [of food] | :: superlative of selecto; choice, of very good quality |
selectivamente {adv} | :: selectively |
selectividad {f} | :: selectivity |
selectivo {adj} | :: selective, choosy |
selecto {adj} | :: select, exquisite |
selector {adj} | :: selecting |
selector {m} | :: selector |
selegilina {f} | :: selegiline |
Selena {prop} {f} | :: given name |
selenato {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: selenate |
seleniforme {adj} | :: luniform |
selenio {m} | :: selenium |
selenita {f} [mineral] | :: selenite |
selenito {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: selenite (salt of selenous acid) |
seleniuro {m} | :: selenide |
selenocisteína {f} [amino acid] | :: selenocysteine |
selenografía {f} | :: selenography |
Seleucia {prop} {f} | :: Seleucia (city) |
seléucida {adj} | :: Seleucid |
seléucido {adj} | :: Seleucid |
seléucido {m} | :: Seleucid |
Seleuco {prop} {m} | :: Seleucus (ancient Greek name) |
selfi {m} | :: selfie |
selfiar {v} | :: to selfie |
selfie {mf} | :: selfie |
selknam {adj} | :: Selk'nam |
selknam {mf} | :: Selk'nam |
Sella {prop} {m} | :: Sella (river) |
sellado {adj} | :: sealed |
sellador {adj} | :: sealing (that seals) |
sellador {m} | :: sealant |
sellamiento {m} | :: boarding up, closing |
sellamiento {m} | :: sealing |
sellante {m} | :: sealant |
sellar {v} | :: to stamp |
sellar {v} | :: to seal (place a seal on a document) |
sellar {v} | :: to seal (close with a seal or hermetically) |
sellar {v} | :: to terminate, finish, end |
sellar {v} [Argentina, cookery] | :: to hotly fry or cook a piece of meat for a short time |
sello {m} | :: seal, sigil |
sello {m} | :: stamp (device for stamping designs) |
sello {m} | :: stamp (imprint made by stamping) |
sello {m} | :: postage stamp |
sello discográfico {m} | :: record label |
sello postal {m} | :: postage, postage stamp |
selva {f} [forestry] | :: forest or jungle, wood, chiefly a rainforest |
selva amazónica {f} | :: Amazon Rainforest |
selva lluviosa {f} | :: rainforest |
Selva Misionera {prop} {f} | :: the part of the Atlantic Forest in the Argentine province of Misiones |
Selva Negra {prop} {f} | :: Selva Negra (forest/and/range) |
selvático {adj} | :: sylvan, woods (attributively) |
selvoso {adj} | :: wooded; woody; sylvan |
selyúcida {adj} | :: Seljuq |
selyúcida {mf} | :: Seljuq |
Sem {prop} {m} | :: Shem (son of Noah) |
semafórico {adj} [attributive] | :: traffic light |
semaforización {f} | :: The putting in place of traffic lights |
semaforizar {vt} | :: to equip with traffic lights |
semáforo {m} | :: traffic light |
semáforo {m} | :: semaphore, flag semaphore |
semana {f} | :: week (7 days) |
semana de trabajo {f} | :: workweek |
Semana de Turismo {prop} {f} [Uruguay] | :: Holy Week |
semanal {adj} | :: weekly |
semanalmente {adv} | :: weekly |
semanario {adj} [rare] | :: weekly |
semanario {m} | :: weekly (newspaper or periodical issued every week) |
semanario {m} [Nicaragua] | :: allowance (money given to a child) |
Semana Santa {prop} {f} | :: Holy Week, Easter |
semanita {f} | :: diminutive of semana |
semántica {f} | :: semantics |
semánticamente {adv} | :: semantically |
semántico {adj} | :: semantic |
semblante {m} | :: countenance; appearance |
semblanza {f} | :: similarity, likeness |
sembradío {m} | :: field suitable for sowing |
sembrador {adj} | :: seeding |
sembrador {m} | :: sower, seeder |
sembrador {m} | :: seeding machine |
sembradura {f} | :: sowing, seeding |
sembradura {f} [obsolete] | :: tillage, land which has been sown or seeded |
sembrar {v} | :: to plant (place a seed or plant in soil or other substrate in order that it may live and grow) |
sembrar {v} | :: to sow, to seed |
sembrío {m} | :: sown field |
semejable {adj} | :: comparable |
semejante {adj} | :: similar |
semejante {adj} | :: such |
semejante {adj} | :: what a (when followed by a noun) |
semejantemente {adv} | :: similarly |
semejantísimo {adj} | :: superlative of semejante |
semejanza {f} | :: similarity |
semejar {v} | :: to resemble |
semen {m} | :: semen, sperm |
semencera {f} | :: synonym of sementera |
semental {adj} | :: seeding |
semental {adj} | :: breeding |
semental {m} | :: stud, stud stallion |
semental {m} | :: jack, jackass |
sementar {v} | :: to sow |
sementera {f} | :: sowing |
sementera {f} | :: seedtime |
sementera {f} | :: sown land |
semestral {adj} | :: six-month |
semestralmente {adv} | :: biannually, semiannually (twice per year) |
semestre {m} | :: semester |
semi- {prefix} | :: semi- (half) |
semi- {prefix} | :: semi- (partially) |
semiabandonado {adj} | :: semi-abandoned |
semiabierto {adj} | :: half-open |
semiactivo {adj} | :: semiactive |
semiacuático {adj} | :: semiaquatic |
semiadherido {adj} | :: semiadherent |
semiamargo {adj} | :: half-bitter |
semianterior {adj} | :: near-close |
semiárido {adj} | :: semiarid |
semiasfixiado {adj} | :: half-asphyxiated |
semiautobiográfico {adj} | :: semiautobiographical |
semiautomático {adj} | :: semi-automatic |
semiautónomo {adj} | :: semiautonomous |
semicálido {adj} | :: reasonably warm; mild |
semicantón {m} | :: semicanton |
semicasual {adj} | :: semicasual |
semicautiverio {m} | :: semi-captivity |
semicerrado {adj} | :: half-closed |
semiciclo {m} | :: half-cycle |
semicilíndrico {adj} | :: semi-cylindric |
semicircular {adj} | :: semicircular |
semicírculo {m} | :: semicircle |
semicircunferencia {f} | :: semicircumference |
semiclandestinidad {f} | :: semi-secrecy |
semiclandestino {adj} | :: Somewhat clandestine |
semiclásico {adj} | :: semiclassical |
semicolonial {adj} | :: semicolonial |
semicolumna {f} | :: semicolumn |
semicompleto {adj} | :: light heavyweight |
semiconductor {adj} | :: semiconducting |
semiconductor {m} [physics] | :: semiconductor |
semiconsonante {f} | :: semivowel |
semicorchea {f} | :: sixteenth |
semicorchea {f} [music] | :: semiquaver, sixteenth note |
semicualificado {adj} | :: semi-qualified |
semicultismo {m} [linguistics] | :: semi-learned borrowing |
semicúpula {f} | :: semi-dome |
semicurva {f} | :: slight curve |
semideciduo {adj} | :: semideciduous |
semidemocracia {f} | :: semidemocracy, quasidemocracy |
semidesaparecido {adj} | :: half-disappeared |
semidesarrollado {adj} | :: semi-developed |
semidescremado {adj} | :: semi-skimmed |
semidesértico {adj} | :: semi-desert |
semidesierto {m} | :: semidesert |
semidesintegración {f} | :: decay of half of a given amount radioactive material; the decay that occurs over one half-life |
semidesnatado {adj} | :: semi-skimmed |
semidesnudo {adj} | :: half-naked |
semidestruido {adj} | :: halfdestroyed |
semidiós {m} | :: demigod |
semidiosa {f} | :: demigoddess |
semidirecto {adj} | :: semidirect |
semidivino {adj} | :: semidivine |
semidocumental {m} | :: semi-documentary |
semiduro {adj} | :: semihard |
semieje {m} | :: semiaxis |
semielástico {adj} | :: partially elastic |
semielíptico {adj} | :: semielliptical |
semiente {m} | :: obsolete spelling of simiente |
semienterrado {adj} | :: semi-buried |
semiesclavitud {f} | :: semislavery |
semiescondido {adj} | :: half-hidden |
semiescrito {adj} | :: half-written |
semiesfera {f} | :: hemisphere |
semiesférico {adj} | :: semispherical |
semiespacio {m} | :: half-space |
semiespinoso {m} [muscle] | :: semispinalis |
semiesquemático {adj} | :: semi-schematic |
semiestacionado {adj} | :: half-stabilised |
semiestado {m} | :: quasi-state |
semiestalinista {adj} | :: semi-Stalinist |
semiestalinista {mf} | :: semi-Stalinist |
semiestelar {adj} [martial arts] | :: second-to-top-bill |
semiestelar {m} [martial arts] | :: the fight placed second on the bill (i.e. the second-highest-billed fight) |
semiestrella {f} | :: C-lister, minor celebrity |
semificción {f} | :: semifiction |
semifinal {f} | :: semifinal |
semifinalista {mf} | :: semifinalist |
semifondo {m} [martial arts] | :: undercard |
semifondo {m} [athletics] | :: middle-distance race |
semifrío {m} | :: semifreddo |
semigordito {adj} | :: diminutive of semigordo |
semigordo {adj} | :: pretty fat; somewhat plump |
semigrupo {m} | :: semigroup |
semihúmedo {adj} | :: semihumid |
semihundido {adj} | :: half-buried |
semiinconsciencia {f} | :: alternative form of seminconsciencia |
semiinconsciente {adj} | :: semiconscious |
semiindependiente {adj} | :: semi-independent |
semiirónico {adj} | :: semi-ironic |
semilegendario {adj} | :: semilegendary |
semileptónico {adj} | :: semileptonic |
semilibertad {f} | :: semiliberty |
semilla {f} | :: seed (of a plant) |
semillería {f} | :: seed shop |
semillero {m} | :: seedbed |
semillero {m} | :: hotbed |
semillón {f} | :: sémillon |
semiluna {f} | :: half-moon |
semilunar {adj} | :: semilunar |
semimayor {adj} | :: semimajor |
semimembranoso {adj} [anatomy] | :: semimembranous |
semimeridiano {m} [geometry] | :: semimeridian |
seminal {adj} [botany] | :: seminal (relating to seeds) |
seminal {adj} [anatomy] | :: seminal (relating to semen) |
seminal {adj} | :: seminal; creative; inventive |
seminal {adj} | :: seminal (highly influential) |
seminario {m} | :: seminar |
seminarista {mf} | :: seminarian |
seminatural {adj} | :: seminatural |
seminconsciencia {f} | :: semi-unconsciousness |
seminifero {adj} | :: seminiferous |
seminola {adj} | :: Seminole |
seminola {mf} | :: Seminole |
semínola {mf} | :: Seminole |
semínola {adj} | :: Seminole |
seminoma {m} [oncology] | :: seminoma |
seminómado {adj} | :: seminomadic |
seminternado {m} | :: semi-boarding school |
semiobligatorio {adj} | :: half-obligatory |
semiobscuridad {f} | :: alternative spelling of semioscuridad |
semioculto {adj} | :: semi-hidden |
semioficial {adj} | :: semiofficial |
semiolímpico {adj} | :: half-Olympic (size of swimming pool) |
semióloga {f} | :: feminine noun of semiólogo |
semiología {f} | :: semiology, semiotics |
semiológico {adj} | :: semiological |
semiólogo {m} | :: semiologist, semiotician |
semiopaco {adj} | :: semi-opaque |
semioruga {m} | :: half-track |
semioscuridad {f} | :: semidarkness |
semiótica {f} | :: semiotics |
semióticamente {adv} | :: semiotically |
semiótico {adj} | :: semiotic |
semiparalizado {adj} | :: semi-paralysed |
semipeatonal {adj} | :: semi-pedestrianised |
semipeatonalización {f} | :: the process of making something semi-pedestrianized |
semipenumbra {f} | :: Partially-shaded area |
semiperímetro {m} | :: semiperimeter |
semipermanente {adj} | :: semipermanent |
semipesado {adj} | :: light heavyweight |
semiplano {m} | :: half-plane |
semiplano {adj} [geography] | :: semi-flat |
semipoblado {adj} | :: semipopulated |
semiposterior {adj} [phonology] | :: near-back |
semiprecioso {adj} | :: semi-precious |
semipresencial {adj} [education] | :: blended (partly in-person, party online) |
semipresidencialismo {m} | :: A semipresidential government |
semiprivado {adj} | :: semiprivate |
semiprofesional {adj} | :: semi-professional |
semiprotegido {adj} | :: semiprotected |
semiretirado {adj} | :: half-retired |
semirreacción {f} | :: semi-reaction |
semirrecta {f} [geometry] | :: ray, half-line |
semirregular {adj} | :: semiregular |
semirremolque {m} | :: semitrailer |
semirretículo {m} | :: semilattice |
semirretiro {adj} | :: semiretired |
semirrígido {adj} | :: semirigid |
semiruina {f} | :: semi-ruin |
semirural {adj} | :: semirural |
semis {m} | :: semis |
semisalvaje {adj} | :: semiwild |
semiseco {adj} | :: semidry |
semisentado {adj} | :: half-seated; semi-sitting |
semisintético {adj} | :: semisynthetic |
semisocialista {adj} | :: semi-socialist |
semisólido {adj} | :: semisolid |
semisombra {f} | :: semishade |
semisótano {m} | :: basement, lower floor |
semisubterráneo {adj} | :: semisubterranean |
semisumergible {adj} | :: semisubmersible |
semisumergido {adj} | :: half-submerged |
semita {adj} | :: Semitic |
semita {mf} | :: Semite |
semita {mf} [Bolivia, Ecuador, El Salvador, feminine only] | :: a kind of biscuit |
semitapado {adj} | :: semi-hidden |
semitendinoso {adj} [anatomy] | :: semitendinous |
semitendinoso {m} [muscle] | :: semitendinosus |
semiterrestre {adj} | :: semiterrestrial |
semítico {adj} | :: Semitic |
semitono {m} [music] | :: semitone |
semitransparente {adj} | :: semitransparent; almost transparent |
semitrepador {adj} | :: semiclimbing |
semitrepador {m} | :: semiclimber |
semitrepadora {f} | :: feminine noun of semitrepador |
semitropical {adj} | :: semitropical |
semiurbano {adj} | :: semiurban |
semivacío {adj} | :: half empty |
semivocal {adj} | :: semivocal |
sémola {f} | :: semolina, grits, meal (coarsely ground cereal) |
semoviente {adj} [legal] | :: able to move by one's own means (i.e. livestock) |
semoviente {m} [farming, legal] | :: livestock animal |
sempasúchil {m} [Mexico] | :: Variant of cempasúchil |
sempiterno {adj} | :: sempiternal |
sen {symbol} [mathematics] | :: A symbol of the trigonometric function sine |
Sena {prop} | :: Seine (French river) |
seña {f} | :: sign, indication |
seña {f} | :: gesture |
señá {f} | :: abbreviation of señora |
senado {m} | :: senate |
Senado {prop} {m} | :: Senate (Roman senate) |
senadoconsulto {m} | :: senatus consultum |
senador {m} | :: senator |
senadora {f} | :: female equivalent of senador |
senaduría {f} | :: senatorship |
señal {f} | :: sign |
señal {f} | :: landmark |
señal {f} | :: signal |
señal {f} | :: reminder |
señal {f} | :: representation |
señaladamente {adv} | :: clearly |
señaladísimo {adj} | :: superlative of señalado |
señalador {adj} | :: signalling |
señalador {m} | :: signaler |
señalador {m} | :: bookmark |
señalamiento {m} | :: The use of traffic signs and signals |
señalamiento {m} | :: A description of someone that someone is looking for |
señalar {v} | :: to signal |
señalar {v} | :: to show, indicate |
señalar {v} | :: to point (with the fingers) |
señalarse {v} | :: reflexive of señalar |
señalera {f} | :: feminine noun of señalero |
señalero {m} | :: signalman |
señalética {f} | :: signage |
señalización {f} | :: signalling |
señalización {f} | :: signposting; the act of posting signs |
señalización {f} | :: signs, traffic signs, sign posts |
señalizador {adj} | :: guiding; indicating |
señalizador {m} | :: sign |
señalizador {m} | :: indication |
señalizar {v} | :: to signpost, to install signs |
señar {v} [Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay] | :: to pay in advance |
senatorial {adj} | :: senatorial |
sencillamente {adv} | :: in a simple manner |
sencillez {f} | :: simplicity |
sencillísimo {adj} | :: superlative of sencillo |
sencillito {adj} | :: diminutive of sencillo |
sencillo {adj} | :: plain |
sencillo {adj} | :: simple, straightforward |
sencillo {m} [music] | :: single |
sencillo {m} [Latin America] | :: small change |
sencillo {m} [baseball] | :: single |
senda {f} | :: footpath |
senderillo {m} | :: diminutive of sendero |
senderismo {m} | :: trekking, hiking, or fellwalking |
senderista {mf} | :: rambler, hiker, walker |
sendero {m} | :: trail, path, track (a route for travel over land) |
senderuela {f} | :: fairy-ring champignon |
senderuelo {m} | :: alternative form of senderuela |
sendos {determiner} | :: each, each one, both |
Séneca {prop} {m} | :: Seneca (Roman cognomen) |
senectud {f} | :: old age |
Senegal {prop} {m} | :: Senegal (country) |
senegalés {adj} | :: Senegalese |
senegalés {m} | :: Senegalese |
senepol {m} | :: Senepol (cattle breed) |
señera {f} | :: Senyera |
señero {adj} | :: unique |
señero {adj} [literary] | :: lone, alone, solitary |
senescal {m} | :: seneschal (chief mayordomo of the royal court) |
senescalía {f} | :: seneschalship |
senescencia {f} | :: senescence |
senil {adj} | :: senile |
senilidad {f} | :: senility |
senior {m} | :: senior |
sénior {adj} | :: senior |
sénior {m} | :: senior |
seno {m} [anatomy] | :: breast |
seno {m} [anatomy] | :: sinus |
seno {m} [mathematics] | :: sine |
seno {m} [geography] | :: sound (inlet) |
seno {m} [nautical] | :: trough |
seño {f} [nonstandard, Mexico] | :: Miss/Mrs (a shortened form of address for women, usually those who are 15 years or older, in some places 12 or older). Similar to English Ms |
seño {f} [Spain] | :: Miss (a way for calling female teachers, especially for kids) |
señó {m} | :: alternative form of señor |
senoidal {adj} | :: sinusoidal (in the form of a sine wave) |
seno maxilar {m} | :: maxillary sinus |
señor {m} | :: mister, sir, lord (title conferred on a married or an older male) |
señor {m} | :: gentleman |
señor {m} | :: master |
señor {adj} [before noun] | :: great big; whopping |
señor {adj} | :: free |
Señor {m} | :: alternative case form of señor, used before a name |
Señor {prop} {m} [religion] | :: The Lord |
señora {f} | :: Mrs [title given to a married, divorced or widowed woman] |
señora {f} | :: lady |
Señora {f} | :: alternative case form of señora, used before a name |
señor de la guerra {m} | :: warlord |
señorear {vt} | :: to govern; rule over or lord it over |
señorear {vt} | :: to look over; tower over |
señorear {vt} | :: to dominate; to control (one's emotions) |
señorear {vt} | :: to call (someone) "sir" |
señorear {vr} | :: to behave in a lofty manner |
señorear {vr} | :: to seize control |
señor feudal {m} | :: warlord |
señoría {f} | :: dominion |
señoría {f} | :: authority |
señoría {f} | :: gentlemen |
señoría {f} | :: worship |
señoría {f} | :: prayer |
señoría {f} | :: honor |
señoría {f} | :: lordship, Your Honour, your Honor (title applied to a lord or judge) |
señorial {adj} | :: lordly, stately noble |
señorial {adj} | :: manorial, seignorial |
señorialización {f} | :: taking control by the state |
señoril {adj} | :: masterly; master's |
señorío {m} [history] | :: feudal estate |
señorío {m} | :: rule, dominion |
señorita {f} | :: young woman |
señorita {f} | :: Miss (used as a title) |
señorita {f} | :: (female) snob |
Señorita {prop} {f} | :: alternative case form of señorita, used before a name |
señoritingo {m} [chiefly Spain] | :: A little brat |
señorito {m} | :: a son of an important or respectable person |
señorito {m} [colloquial] | :: Young master |
señorito {m} [colloquial] | :: snob |
señoro {m} [derogatory, feminist neologism, Spain] | :: mansplainer; a man who attacks feminists in a haughty and condescending way |
señorón {m} [colloquial] | :: big shot |
señorona {f} | :: feminine noun of señorón |
seno verso {m} [trigonometry] | :: versed sine |
sensación {f} | :: sensation, feeling |
sensacional {adj} | :: sensational |
sensacional {adj} | :: dynamite [informal] |
sensacionalismo {m} | :: sensationalism |
sensacionalista {adj} | :: sensationalist (characterised by sensationalism) |
sensacionalista {mf} | :: sensationalist (one who indulges in sensational behaviour) |
sensacionalmente {adv} | :: sensationally |
sensatamente {adv} | :: sensibly, reasonably |
sensatez {f} | :: sense, sensibility |
sensatez {f} | :: sensibleness; common sense (the ability to make good judgements based on reason) |
sensato {adj} | :: sensible |
sensato {adj} | :: reasonable, sound |
sensei {m} | :: sensei (martial arts instructor) |
sensibilidad {f} | :: sensibility |
sensibilidad {f} | :: sensitivity |
sensibilidad {f} | :: tenderness (condition of being tender or sore to touch) |
sensibilización {f} | :: awareness (e.g., awareness of a social issue) |
sensibilizador {adj} | :: heart-warming |
sensibilizante {adj} | :: sensitising |
sensibilizante {m} | :: sensitiser |
sensibilizar {v} | :: to raise awareness |
sensibilizar {v} | :: to sensitize |
sensible {adj} | :: sensitive |
sensible {adj} | :: sentient |
sensible {adj} | :: responsive |
sensiblemente {adv} | :: perceptively |
sensiblemente {adv} | :: painfully |
sensiblemente {adv} | :: substantially |
sensiblería {f} | :: mawkishness, sentimentality, schmalz |
sensiblero {adj} | :: maudlin, sappy, cheesy (being overdramatic, excessively emotional) |
sensitiva {f} | :: mimosa (sensitive plant) - Mimosa pudica |
sensitividad {f} | :: sensoriality |
sensitivo {adj} | :: sensitive |
sensitivo {adj} | :: sentient |
sensor {adj} | :: acting as a sensor |
sensor {m} | :: sensor |
sensorial {adj} | :: sensory |
sensorialmente {adv} | :: sensorially |
sensorio {adj} | :: sensory |
sensorio {m} | :: sensorium |
sensual {adj} | :: sensual |
sensualidad {f} | :: sensuality |
sensualismo {m} | :: sensualism |
sensualmente {adv} | :: sensually |
sentada {f} | :: sitting |
sentadero {m} | :: seat |
sentadilla {f} [weightlifting] | :: squat |
sentadito {adj} | :: diminutive of sentado |
sentado {adj} | :: seated |
sentado {adj} [figuratively] | :: settled, established |
sentado {adj} [figuratively] | :: sensible, solid |
sentamiento {m} | :: settling |
sentar {v} | :: to seat |
sentar {v} | :: to set, to establish, to lay |
sentar {v} | :: to settle down |
sentar {v} | :: to assert |
sentar {v} | :: to suit, to fit |
sentar {v} | :: to set well |
sentar {v} | :: to report |
sentar cátedra {v} [idiom] | :: to pontificate |
sentarse {vr} | :: to sit, to sit down |
sentarse {v} | :: to leave a mark on (the skin) |
sentencia {f} | :: sentence |
sentencia {f} [legal] | :: sentence |
sentenciador {adj} | :: sentencing, giving a sentence |
sentenciador {m} | :: sentencer, one who sentences |
sentenciar {v} | :: to sentence |
sentenciar {v} | :: to voice an opinion |
sentenciosamente {adv} | :: sententiously |
sentencioso {adj} | :: sententious |
sentencioso {adj} | :: pithy |
senticar {m} | :: thicket |
sentidísimo {adj} | :: superlative of sentido |
sentido {adj} | :: deeply felt, heartfelt |
sentido {m} | :: sense (faculties of perception) |
sentido {m} | :: sense, way (manner) |
sentido {m} | :: sense, meaning |
sentido {m} | :: sense, point, use |
sentido {m} | :: direction |
sentido {m} | :: feeling |
sentido común {m} | :: common sense (ordinary understanding) |
sentido de la vida {m} [religion, philosophy] | :: meaning of life |
sentimental {adj} | :: sentimental |
sentimentalidad {f} | :: sentimentality |
sentimentalismo {m} | :: sentimentalism (the condition of being overly sentimental) |
sentimentalismo {m} | :: sentimentality |
sentimentalismo {m} | :: an overly sentimental act |
sentimentalmente {adv} | :: sentimentally |
sentimiento {m} | :: feeling |
sentina {f} [nautical] | :: bilge |
sentina {f} | :: hovel; hole |
sentir {vt} | :: to feel |
sentir {vt} | :: to regret, feel/be sorry |
sentir {vt} | :: to hear |
sentir {vr} | :: to feel |
sentirse {v} | :: (reflexive of sentir) to feel (an emotion/state of being) |
señuelo {m} | :: stool pigeon |
señuelo {m} | :: lure, decoy |
señuelo {m} | :: shill |
senyera {f} | :: alternative form of señera |
senzonte {m} [Honduras] | :: alternative form of cenzontle |
seor {m} | :: syncopic form of señor |
seora {f} | :: feminine noun of seor |
sépalo {m} [botany] | :: sepal |
separabilidad {f} | :: separability |
separable {adj} | :: separable |
separación {f} | :: separation |
separación de bienes {f} | :: prenuptial agreement |
separadamente {adv} | :: separately |
separado {adj} | :: separated, apart |
separador {adj} | :: separating |
separador {m} | :: divider |
separador {m} | :: bookmark |
separar {vt} | :: to separate, to detach (to disunite from a group or mass; to disconnect) |
separar {vt} | :: to break up, to split up (a couple or group that the subject of the sentence is not a part of) |
separar {vr} | :: to break up, to split up, to separate (e.g. a relationship, a band, a fight) |
separar {vp} | :: to split off, to split up, to split apart, to separate |
separar {vp} | :: to part, to detach |
separar {vr} | :: to detach (oneself) |
separarse {vr} | :: to separate |
separarse {vp} | :: to split up |
separata {f} | :: a separate part |
separata {f} [derogatory] | :: separatist, independentist |
separatismo {m} | :: separatism (advocacy for the political separation of a region) |
separatista {adj} | :: breakaway, separatist |
separatista {mf} | :: separatist |
separrata {mf} [pejorative, politics] | :: separatist, favoring Catalan independence |
sepelio {m} | :: burial |
sepia {f} | :: cuttlefish |
sepia faraón {f} | :: pharaoh cuttlefish (Sepia pharaonis) |
se pilla antes al mentiroso que a un cojo {proverb} | :: alternative form of antes se coge al mentiroso que a un cojo |
sepiolita {f} [mineral] | :: sepiolite |
sepsis {f} [pathology] | :: sepsis |
septado {adj} | :: septate |
septal {adj} [anatomy] | :: septal |
septembrino {adj} | :: Happening during September |
septenal {adj} | :: septennial, seven-year |
septenato {m} | :: seven-year period |
septenio {f} | :: septennium |
septentrión {m} | :: north (compass point) |
septentrional {adj} | :: northern |
septeto {m} | :: septet |
septicemia {f} | :: septicemia |
séptico {adj} | :: septic |
septiembre {m} | :: September |
septillón {num} | :: 1042 |
séptima {f} | :: feminine noun of séptimo |
séptimo {adj} | :: seventh |
séptimo {m} | :: seventh |
séptimo cielo {m} [idiomatic] | :: seventh heaven |
septingentésimo {adj} | :: seven hundredth |
septo {m} [biology, anatomy] | :: septum |
septomarginal {adj} [anatomy] | :: septomarginal |
septuagenaria {f} | :: feminine noun of septuagenario |
septuagenario {m} | :: septuagenarian |
septuagésima {f} | :: feminine noun of septuagésimo |
septuagésimo {adj} | :: seventieth |
septuagésimo {m} | :: seventieth |
Septuaginta {prop} {f} | :: Septuagint |
sepulcral {adj} | :: sepulchral |
sepulcro {m} | :: sepulchre |
sepultar {vt} | :: to bury |
sepultura {f} | :: The act or state of burial |
sepultura {f} | :: A hole made in the Earth to bury a corpse |
sepultura {f} | :: A place where something is buried |
sepultura {f} | :: grave |
sepulturero {m} | :: gravedigger |
sepulturero {m} | :: sexton |
Sepúlveda {prop} | :: surname |
sequedad {f} | :: dryness |
séquel {m} | :: sheqel |
sequía {f} | :: drought |
sequísimo {adj} | :: superlative of seco; very dry |
sequito {adj} | :: diminutive of seco |
séquito {m} | :: entourage, retinue |
ser {v} | :: to be (essentially or identified as) |
ser {v} | :: to be (in the passive voice sense) |
ser {v} | :: to exist; to occur |
ser {m} | :: a being, organism |
ser {m} | :: nature, essence |
ser {m} | :: value, worth |
seráfico {adj} | :: angelic, seraphic |
seráfico {adj} | :: humble |
serafín {m} | :: seraph (angel) |
Serafina {prop} {f} | :: given name |
serape {m} [Mexico] | :: blanket or rug |
serape {m} [Mexico] | :: serape |
serbal {m} | :: sorb (tree) |
serbia {f} | :: feminine noun of serbio |
Serbia {prop} {f} | :: Serbia (country) |
Serbia y Montenegro {prop} | :: Serbia and Montenegro |
Serbia y Montenegro {prop} | :: See: es Serbia y Montenegro |
serbio {adj} | :: Serbian |
serbio {m} | :: Serbian, Serb [person] |
serbio {m} [historical] | :: Serb |
serbio {m} | :: Serbian (language) |
serbobosnio {adj} | :: Serbian and Bosnian |
serbocroata {adj} | :: Serbo-Croatian |
serbocroata {m} | :: Serbo-Croatian (language) |
ser canela en rama {v} [idiom] | :: to be the bee's knees; to be the cat's pyjamas |
ser culo de mal asiento {v} [idiom] | :: to have ants in one's pants |
ser el mismo perro con diferente collar {proverb} | :: paint from the same brush |
seremi {mf} [Chile] | :: regional minister secretary |
serenamente {adv} | :: serenely |
serenar {v} | :: to soothe |
serenata {f} | :: serenade |
serenazgo {m} [Peru] | :: public security service |
serendipia {f} | :: serendipity |
serendipidad {f} | :: serendipity |
serenense {adj} | :: Of or from La Serena |
serenense {mf} | :: Someone from La Serena |
serenidad {f} | :: serenity |
serenísimo {adj} | :: superlative of sereno |
sereno {adj} | :: serene, calm |
sereno {m} | :: nightwatchman |
sereno {m} | :: dew |
sereque {m} [Mexico] | :: agouti |
Sergio {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Serguéi {prop} {m} | :: Sergey (transliteration of Сергей) |
ser habas contadas {v} [idiom] | :: To be few and far between |
ser habas contadas {v} [idiom] | :: To be a dead cert; to be sure-fire |
ser humano {m} | :: human being |
seriación {f} | :: seriation |
seriado {m} | :: series (TV programme) |
serial {adj} | :: serial |
serial {mf} | :: serial |
serialismo {m} | :: serialism |
serialización {f} | :: serialization |
serializar {vt} | :: to serialize |
serialmente {adv} | :: serially |
seriamente {adv} | :: seriously |
seriar {vt} | :: to put in a series |
seriar {vt} | :: to serialize |
seriar {vt} | :: to mass-produce |
seríceo {adj} | :: sericious |
sérico {adj} | :: silk (attributive); silky |
sérico {adj} | :: serum (attributive) |
sericultura {f} | :: synonym of sericicultura |
serie {f} | :: series (a number of things that follow one another) |
serie {f} | :: series (a television or radio program with several episodes) |
serie {f} [mathematics] | :: series |
serie {f} [exercise, weightlifting] | :: set |
seriedad {f} | :: seriousness |
serigrafía {f} | :: serigraphy, silk-screen printing, screen printing |
serigrafía {f} | :: serigraph, silk-screen print |
serigrafiar {v} | :: to silkscreen |
serigráfico {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to serigraphy |
serín {m} | :: seedeater |
serina {f} | :: serine |
serio {adj} | :: serious, earnest, sober, solemn (without humor) |
serio {adj} | :: serious, grave, deep (important, weighty) |
serio {adj} | :: serious (really intending what was said) |
serio {adj} | :: straight (demeanor) |
serio {adj} | :: staid (formal) |
serísimo {adj} | :: superlative of serio |
ser la repanocha {phrase} [Spain, colloquial] | :: to be awesome, extraordinary |
serliano {adj} | :: Serlian |
sermón {m} | :: sermon |
sermón {m} | :: harangue |
sermoncillo {m} | :: diminutive of sermón |
sermoncito {m} | :: diminutive of sermón |
sermonear {v} | :: to sermonize |
serna {f} | :: tilled land to be seeded |
Serna {prop} | :: surname |
seroalbúmina {f} [protein] | :: seralbumin |
seroconcordante {adj} | :: seroconcordant |
seroconversión {f} | :: seroconversion |
serodiscordante {adj} | :: serodiscordant |
serofobia {f} | :: serophobia |
serogrupo {m} | :: serogroup |
seroja {f} | :: dry leaves |
seroja {f} | :: foliage |
serojo {m} | :: dry leaves |
serojo {m} | :: foliage |
serología {f} | :: serology |
serológico {adj} | :: serologic |
serón {m} | :: Large basket |
seronegativo {adj} | :: seronegative |
seropositivo {adj} | :: seropositive |
seroso {adj} | :: serous |
serotipo {m} | :: serotype |
serotonina {f} [organic compound] | :: serotonin |
serotoninérgico {adj} | :: serotoninergic |
ser otro cantar {v} [idiom, defective] | :: to be another story; to be a whole nother story |
serpear {vi} | :: alternative form of serpentear |
Serpens {prop} [constellation] | :: Serpens (large summer constellation of the northern sky) |
serpentario {m} | :: secretary (bird) |
serpentario {m} | :: serpentarium (reptile park) |
serpenteante {adj} | :: winding, windy |
serpentear {v} | :: to wind; to meander; to go like a serpent |
serpentear {v} | :: to wriggle |
serpentín {m} | :: coil |
serpentín {m} | :: serpentine (weapon) |
serpentina {f} | :: streamer (paper) |
serpentina {f} [mineral] | :: serpentine |
serpentinero {m} [baseball] | :: pitcher |
serpentinita {f} | :: serpentinite |
serpentinización {f} [geology] | :: serpentinization |
serpentino {adj} | :: serpentine |
serpentón {m} | :: serpent (musical instrument) |
serpiente {f} | :: snake, serpent (legless reptile of the sub-order Serpentes) |
serpiente {f} [specifically] | :: a large or medium-sized snake |
serpiente {f} [figuratively] | :: snake |
serpiente de cascabel {f} | :: rattlesnake |
serpiente marina {f} | :: sea snake |
serpiente marina {f} [mythology] | :: sea serpent |
serpina {f} [protein] | :: serpin |
Serpukhoviano {prop} {m} [geology, paleontology] | :: Serpukhovian (subdivision of the Carboniferous period) |
Serpukhoviense {prop} {m} [geology, paleontology] | :: Serpukhovian (subdivision of the Carboniferous period) |
serrador {m} | :: sawyer |
serrallo {m} | :: seraglio |
serrallo {m} | :: harem |
serrana {f} | :: feminine noun of serrano |
serranía {f} | :: mountains, mountainous area |
serrano {adj} | :: mountain, mountainous |
serrano {m} | :: sea bass |
serrano {m} [mollusc] | :: Iberus gualterianus |
serrano {m} | :: serrano (serrano chili) |
serrano {m} | :: mountaineer |
Serrano {prop} {m} | :: surname |
serrar {vt} | :: to saw |
serrato {m} [muscle] | :: serratus |
Serravalliense {prop} {m} [geology, paleontology] | :: Serravallian (subdivision of the Miocene epoch) |
serrería {f} | :: sawmill (a workshop for cutting lumber) |
serreta {f} | :: merganser (bird in genus Mergus) |
serrín {m} | :: sawdust |
serruchar {v} | :: to saw into pieces |
serrucho {m} | :: handsaw |
serrulado {adj} | :: serrulate |
sertanejo {m} | :: sertenejo |
ser todo oídos {v} [idiom] | :: to be all ears |
sertón {m} | :: outback; bush |
sertralina {f} | :: sertraline |
seruendo {adj} [rare, of fruit] | :: late; late-ripening |
serum {m} | :: serum |
ser una tumba {v} [idiomatic] | :: To keep a secret |
ser uña y carne {v} [idiomatic] | :: to be inseparable |
ser un mono de repetición {v} [idiom] | :: to parrot (to repeat another thing) |
serval {m} | :: serval |
servible {adj} | :: serviceable, usable |
servicentro {m} [Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay] | :: gas station, service station |
servicial {adj} | :: helpful |
servicial {adj} | :: attentive |
servicial {adj} | :: kind |
servicio {m} | :: service |
servicio {m} | :: public toilet |
servicio {m} | :: amenity |
servicio {m} | :: silverware |
serviçio {m} | :: obsolete spelling of servicio |
servicio al cliente {m} | :: customer service |
servicio militar {m} | :: military service |
servicio secreto {m} | :: secret service |
servidor {m} | :: server |
servidor {m} | :: yours truly; muggins |
servidor {m} | :: urinal |
servidor {m} [computing] | :: server |
servidora {f} | :: feminine noun of servidor |
servidor proxy {m} [computing] | :: proxy server (server that acts as an intermediary between a user and another server) |
servidumbre {f} | :: servitude |
servidumbre {f} | :: easement |
servil {adj} | :: servile |
servilismo {m} | :: servility |
servilleta {f} | :: napkin |
servilletero {m} | :: napkin ring |
servilletero {m} | :: napkin holder |
servilmente {adv} | :: slavishly, submissively |
servir {vit} | :: to serve (to be a servant or worker; to render service) |
servir {vit} | :: to serve (to be a servant for; to work for) |
servir {vi} | :: to be of use, to be good for |
servir {vi} | :: to serve (to usefully take the place of something else) |
servir {vi} | :: to serve (to be in military service) |
servir {vit} | :: to serve (to set down (food or drink) on the table to be eaten) |
servir {vi} [sports] | :: to serve (to lead off with the first delivery over the net in tennis, volleyball, ping pong, badminton, etc.) |
servir {vr} [with de] | :: to help oneself to (to take something freely) |
servitud {f} | :: serfdom |
servo {m} | :: abbreviation of servomecanismo |
servo {m} | :: abbreviation of servomotor |
servodirección {f} | :: power steering |
servofreno {m} | :: servo brake |
servomecanismo {m} | :: servomechanism |
servomotor {m} | :: servomotor |
sésamo {m} | :: sesame (tropical Asian plant Sesamum indicum) |
sésamo {m} | :: sesame, sesame seed (the seed of this plant) |
sesamoideo {m} | :: sesamoid |
seseante {adj} | :: Speaking in an accent that pronounces z as /s/ and c before e or i as /s/ |
sesear {v} | :: To speak in an accent that pronounces the letter "z" as /s/ and the letter "c" before "e" or "i" as /s/ |
sesenta {num} | :: sixty |
sesentas {fp} | :: seventies (decade) |
sesentavo {adj} | :: sixtieth |
sesentavo {m} | :: sixtieth |
sesentayochismo {m} | :: spirit of 1968 |
sesenta y tres {num} | :: sixty-three |
sesentena {f} | :: Group of about seventy |
sesentero {adj} | :: Characteristic of the decade of the 1960s |
sesentista {adj} [attributive] | :: sixties (relating to the 1960s, 1860s etc.) |
sesentón {adj} | :: sixtyish (years old) |
sesentón {m} | :: A man of around sixty years old |
sesentona {f} | :: A woman aged around sixty years old |
seseo {m} | :: An accent in Spanish and Galician that pronounces z, and c when before e or i, as /s/ as opposed to /θ/ |
sesera {f} | :: brain |
sesera {f} [colloquial] | :: noggin; nog |
sesera {f} [colloquial] | :: brains (intelligence) |
sesgadamente {adv} | :: slantwise, slopingly |
sesgadamente {adv} | :: biasedly |
sesgado {adj} | :: slanted |
sesgado {adj} | :: biased |
sesgar {v} | :: to cut diagonally |
sesgar {v} | :: to cut on the bias |
sesgar {v} | :: to slant |
sesgo {adj} | :: slanting, sloping |
sesgo {m} | :: bias, skew |
sesgo {m} | :: slant, slope |
sesgo {m} | :: twist (in a story) |
sésil {adj} [zoology] | :: sessile |
sésil {adj} [botany] | :: sessile |
sesión {f} | :: session |
sesionar {vi} [law] | :: to be in session |
sesionista {mf} | :: session musician |
seso {m} | :: brain |
seso {m} [often in plural] | :: brainwork, brain power |
sesquicentenario {m} | :: sesquicentenary |
sesquilingüismo {m} | :: sesquilingualism |
sesquipedal {adj} | :: sesquipedalian |
sesquiterpénico {adj} | :: sesquiterpenoid |
sesquiterpeno {m} [organic compound] | :: sesquiterpene |
sesquiterpenoide {m} [organic compound] | :: sesquiterpenoid |
sestaoarra {adj} | :: Of or related to Sestao |
sestaoarra {mf} | :: Someone from Sestao |
sestear {v} | :: to nap, to have a siesta |
sesteo {m} | :: nap; doze; siesta |
sestercio {m} | :: sestertius (Roman coin) |
sesterterpeno {m} [organic compound] | :: sesterterpene |
sesudamente {adv} | :: wisely |
sesudo {adj} | :: highbrow |
sesudo {adj} | :: brainy, wise, sensible |
se supone {phrase} | :: it is supposed, it is assumed |
se supone {phrase} | :: it is supposed to be that way |
se supone {phrase} [+subjunctive] | :: it is supposed to be that |
se supone {phrase} | :: it is meant |
set {m} [tennis] | :: set |
seta {f} | :: mushroom (especially edible) |
setabense {adj} | :: of or from Xàtiva |
setabense {mf} | :: Someone from Xàtiva |
setear {v} [computing] | :: to set (put as a setting) |
setecientos {num} | :: seven hundred |
setenta {num} | :: seventy |
setentas {mp} | :: seventies; 1970s |
setentavo {adj} | :: seventieth |
setentavo {m} | :: seventieth |
setentena {f} | :: seventysomething |
setentero {adj} [attributive] | :: seventies |
setentista {adj} [attributive] | :: seventies (relating to the 1970s, 1870s etc.) |
setentón {adj} | :: seventyish (years old) |
setentón {m} | :: A man of around seventy years old |
setiembre {m} | :: alternative spelling of septiembre |
sétima {f} | :: feminine noun of sétimo |
sétimo {adj} | :: alternative form of séptimo |
sétimo {m} | :: alternative form of séptimo |
seto {m} | :: fence |
seto {m} | :: hedge |
seto vivo {m} | :: hedge (thicket of bushes planted as a fence) |
seudo- {prefix} | :: alternative spelling of pseudo- |
seudo {adj} | :: pseudo |
seudocientífico {m} | :: pseudoscientist |
seudoconsulta {f} | :: pseudo-consultancy |
seudocultural {adj} | :: pseudocultural |
seudodemocrático {adj} | :: pseudodemocratic |
seudoefedrina {f} [organic compound] | :: pseudoephedrine |
seudogén {m} [genetics] | :: pseudogene |
seudointelectual {mf} | :: pseudointellectual |
seudoliterario {adj} | :: pseudo-literary |
seudónimo {m} | :: A pseudonym |
seudopeptidoglicano {m} [organic compound] | :: pseudopeptidoglycan |
seudópodo {m} [biology] | :: pseudopod |
seudoreligioso {adj} | :: pseudoreligious |
seudorrevolución {f} | :: pseudo-revolution |
seudorrevolucionario {adj} | :: pseudo-revolutionary |
seudototalitarismo {m} | :: pseudo-totalitarianism |
Seúl {prop} {m} | :: Seúl (capital city) |
seulense {adj} | :: Seoulite (of or pertaining to Seoul, South Korea) |
seulense {mf} | :: Seoulite (native or resident of Seoul, South Korea) |
seulés {adj} | :: Seoulite (of or pertaining to Seoul, South Korea) |
seulés {m} | :: Seoulite (native or resident of Seoul, South Korea) |
seulesa {f} | :: feminine noun of seulés |
Seve {prop} {m} | :: given name |
severamente {adv} | :: severely, strictly |
severidad {f} | :: severity |
severísimo {adj} | :: superlative of severo |
severo {adj} | :: severe |
seviche {m} | :: alternative spelling of cebiche |
Sevilla {prop} {f} | :: Sevilla (capital city) |
Sevilla {prop} {f} | :: Sevilla (province) |
Sevilla {prop} {f} | :: surname deriving from the city |
sevillana {f} | :: feminine noun of sevillano |
sevillana {f} | :: [in the plural] songs and dances that are typical of Seville |
sevillano {adj} | :: Sevillian, Sevillan |
sevillano {m} | :: Sevillian, Sevillan |
sevillismo {m} | :: Support of Sevilla FC, a football team from Seville |
sevillista {mf} [football] | :: A fan, player, or other person associated with Sevilla FC, a football team from the Spanish city of Seville |
sevillistas {adj} | :: plural of sevillista |
sexagenario {adj} | :: sexagenarian, sixtysomething-year-old |
sexagenario {m} | :: sexagenarian |
sexagésima {f} | :: feminine noun of sexagésimo |
sexagesimal {adj} | :: sexagesimal |
sexagésimo {adj} | :: sixtieth |
sexagésimo {m} | :: sixtieth |
sexagonal {adj} | :: hexagonal |
sex-appeal {m} | :: sex appeal |
sexappeal {m} | :: alternative spelling of sex-appeal |
sexcentésimo {adj} | :: six hundredth |
sexenal {adj} | :: sexennial |
sexenio {m} | :: a six-year period |
sexenio {m} [countable, Mexico, politics] | :: the non-renewable six-year term limit of the President of Mexico |
sexi {adj} | :: sexy |
sexismo {m} | :: sexism |
sexista {adj} | :: sexist |
sexista {mf} | :: sexist |
sexma {f} | :: synonym of sexmo |
sexmera {f} | :: feminine noun of sexmero |
sexmero {m} | :: The elected official of a sexmo |
sexmo {m} | :: A Spanish rural administrative division |
sexo {m} | :: gender |
sexo {m} | :: sex (the act) |
sexo {m} | :: sex organ |
sexoadicto {m} | :: sex addict |
sexo anal {m} | :: anal sex |
sexo débil {m} [dated, offensive] | :: weaker sex: women |
sexo feo {m} [dated] | :: men, taken collectively |
sexo fuerte {m} [dated] | :: men, taken collectively |
sexóloga {f} | :: female equivalent of sexólogo |
sexología {f} | :: sexology |
sexológico {adj} | :: sexological |
sexólogo {m} | :: sexologist |
sexo opuesto {m} | :: opposite sex |
sexo oral {m} | :: oral sex (stimulation of the genitals using the mouth) |
sexópata {mf} | :: sex addict |
sexopatía {f} | :: sex addiction |
sexoservicio {m} | :: prostitution |
sexoservidora {f} | :: sex worker; prostitute |
sexo vaginal {m} | :: vaginal sex |
sex shop {m} | :: sex shop |
sexta {f} | :: feminine noun of sexto |
sexta {f} [music] | :: sixth |
sextaferia {f} [Asturias, historical] | :: A day, usually every year, on which townsfolk were obliged gathered together to repair the roadways |
sextante {m} | :: sextant |
Sextante {prop} {m} | :: Sextans (constellation) |
sexteta {m} | :: sextet |
sextete {m} | :: sextet |
sexteto {m} | :: sextet |
sextilla {f} [poetry] | :: A poem of six lines, generally with eight syllables per line |
sextillón {num} | :: 1036 |
sexting {m} | :: sexting |
sexto {adj} | :: sixth |
sexto {m} | :: sixth |
séxtuple {m} | :: sextuple |
séxtuple {adj} | :: sextuple, six-time |
séxtuple {adj} | :: six-part |
sextuplicar {vt} | :: to sextuplicate |
sexuación {f} | :: sexuation |
sexuado {adj} [biology, of a species] | :: having individuals distinguished by sex |
sexual {adj} | :: sexual |
sexualidad {f} | :: sexuality |
sexualización {f} | :: sexualization |
sexualizar {vt} | :: to sexualize |
sexualmente {adv} | :: sexually |
sexy {adj} | :: alternative form of sexi |
seychelense {adj} | :: Seychellois, Seychellean |
seychelense {mf} | :: Seychellois, Seychellean |
seychellense {adj} | :: Seychellois |
seychellense {mf} | :: Seychellois |
Seychelles {prop} {f} | :: Seychelles |
shake {m} | :: shake (drink) |
shakespeariano {adj} | :: Shakespearian |
shakesperiano {adj} | :: Shakespearean |
shalágram {m} | :: shaligram |
shamán {m} | :: alternative form of chamán |
shamánico {adj} | :: alternative form of chamánico |
shamanismo {m} | :: alternative form of chamanismo |
shambar {m} | :: shambar |
shámbar {m} | :: shambar |
shamisen {m} | :: shamisen |
shamoji {f} | :: shamoji |
shampoo {m} | :: alternative spelling of champú |
Shanghái {prop} {m} | :: Shanghái (direct-administered municipality/major port city) |
shanghaiana {f} | :: feminine noun of shanghaiano |
shanghaiano {adj} | :: Shanghainese (of or pertaining to Shanghai, China) |
shanghaiano {m} | :: Shanghainese (native or resident of Shanghai, China) |
shanghainés {adj} | :: Shanghainese |
shanghainés {m} | :: Shanghainese |
shanghainés {m} | :: Shanghainese |
shanghainesa {f} | :: feminine noun of shanghainés |
shansho {m} [Peru] | :: hoatzin |
shantung {m} | :: shantung |
share {m} [television] | :: share of the audience |
sharia {f} | :: sharia |
sharía {f} | :: sharia |
shatranj {m} | :: shatranj |
shawarma {m} | :: shawarma |
SHCP {prop} | :: initialism of Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público de México |
Sheinwoodiense {prop} {m} [geology, paleontology] | :: Sheinwoodian (subdivision of the Silurian period) |
Shénzhen {prop} | :: Shénzhen (major sub-provincial city) |
Sheremétievo {prop} {m} | :: Sheremetyevo (airport in Russia) |
sherif {m} | :: sherrif |
sheriff {m} | :: sheriff (all senses) |
sherpa {mf} | :: sherpa |
sherpa {mf} | :: Sherpa |
shido {m} | :: shido |
shií {mf} | :: Shi'ite |
shií {m} | :: Shia |
shií {adj} | :: Shi'ite |
shiita {adj} | :: Shi'ite |
shiita {mf} | :: Shi'ite |
shiita {mf} | :: Shia |
shiitake {m} | :: shiitake (Lentinula edodes, an edible mushroom) |
shikimato {m} [organic chemistry] | :: shikimate |
shiksa {f} | :: alternative form of shikse |
shikse {f} | :: shiksa (non-Jewish woman) |
shinto {m} | :: Shinto |
shipibo {adj} | :: Shipibo |
shipibo {m} | :: Shibipo |
shiso {m} | :: shiso |
shitake {m} | :: alternative spelling of shiitake |
shivaísmo {m} | :: Shaivism |
shivaísta {mf} | :: Shivaist |
Shizuko {prop} {f} | :: given name |
shock {m} | :: shock |
shockear {v} | :: to shock |
shock eléctrico {m} | :: electric shock |
shoegazing {m} | :: shoegazing |
shogi {m} | :: shogi |
shogún {m} | :: shogun |
shogunal {adj} | :: shogunal |
shogunato {m} | :: shogunate |
shooter {m} | :: shooter (game) |
shopping {m} | :: shopping center |
shopping {m} | :: shopping (the leisure activity of going shopping) |
shorcitos {mp} | :: short shorts |
shorstop {m} | :: shortstop |
short {m} | :: shorts |
shortcitos {mp} | :: diminutive of shorts |
shorts {mp} | :: shorts |
shorts {mp} | :: plural of short |
shortstop {m} [baseball] | :: shortstop |
shot {m} | :: shot (small portion of drink) |
Shota {prop} {m} | :: Shota (male given name) |
show {m} | :: show |
show {m} [colloquial] | :: A scandal |
show {m} | :: spectacle |
show {m} | :: An exhibition motivated action or thing |
showbiz {m} | :: showbiz |
show cooking {m} | :: cooking show |
showman {m} | :: showman |
show room {m} | :: showroom |
showroom {m} | :: showroom |
showrunner {mf} | :: showrunner |
shuar {adj} | :: Of or from the Shuar people of Ecuador and Peru |
shuar {m} | :: The Shuar language |
shuco {m} [Guatemala] | :: hot dog |
shudrá {m} [Hinduism] | :: Shudra |
shuko {m} [Guatemala] | :: hot dog |
shul {m} [Judaism] | :: shul, synagogue |
shura {f} | :: shura |
si {conj} | :: if |
SI {prop} {m} | :: abbreviation of Sinaloa (Mexican state) |
sí {particle} | :: yes, affirmation. Commonly used to respond affirmatively to a question |
sí {m} | :: yes; aye, ay; approbation, acceptance |
sí {pron} | :: himself, herself, itself, themselves, yourself, yourselves (form of se used after prepositions) |
sial {m} | :: sial |
sialato {m} | :: sialate |
siálico {adj} | :: sialic |
Siam {prop} {m} [historical] | :: Siam (the former name of Thailand) |
siamés {adj} | :: Siamese (from Siam) |
siamés {m} | :: Siamese (man from Siam) |
siamés {m} | :: Siamese cat |
sibarita {m} | :: sybarite |
sibarítico {adj} | :: sybaritic |
sibarítico {adj} | :: luxurious |
sibaritismo {m} | :: sybaritism |
Siberia {prop} {f} | :: Siberia (region) |
siberiana {f} | :: female equivalent of siberiano |
siberiano {adj} | :: Siberian |
siberiano {m} | :: Siberian |
si bien {conj} | :: although, albeit |
sibil {m} | :: A small recess carved into a cave wall to preserve meat and other provisions |
sibil {m} | :: A small underground hollow |
sibila {f} | :: sibyl |
sibilancia {f} | :: wheezing |
sibilante {adj} | :: sibilant, hissing |
sibilante {f} [phonetics] | :: a sibilant |
sibilinamente {adv} | :: mysteriously |
sibilino {adj} | :: sibylline |
siboney {mf} | :: Ciboney; Siboney |
siboneyista {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to the Ciboney people |
sibutramina {f} [pharmaceutical drug] | :: sibutramine |
si cabe {adv} | :: if possible; if you can imagine |
sicaria {f} | :: feminine noun of sicario |
sicariato {m} | :: The hiring of a hitman to kill someone |
sicario {m} | :: hitman (hired killer) |
sicav {f} | :: SICAV |
Sicilia {prop} {f} | :: Sicilia (island/and/region) |
siciliana {f} | :: feminine noun of siciliano |
siciliano {adj} | :: Sicilian |
siciliano {m} | :: Sicilian (language) |
siciliano {m} | :: Sicilian (people) |
siclo {m} | :: shekel (old unit of currency) |
sico- {prefix} | :: alternative spelling of psico- |
sicoafectivo {adj} | :: psychoaffective |
sicoanálisis {m} | :: alternative spelling of psicoanálisis |
sicoanalista {mf} | :: alternative form of psicoanalista |
sicoanalítico {adj} | :: alternative form of psicoanalítico |
sicoanalizar {v} | :: alternative form of psicoanalizar |
sicodelia {f} | :: alternative spelling of psicodelia |
sicodélico {adj} | :: alternative spelling of psicodélico |
sicoeducativo {adj} | :: psychoeducational |
sicofanta {mf} | :: sycophant |
sicofante {m} | :: alternative spelling of sicofanta |
sicográfico {adj} | :: psychographic |
sicóloga {f} | :: alternative spelling of psicóloga |
sicología {f} | :: alternative spelling of psicología |
sicológicamente {adv} | :: alternative spelling of psicológicamente |
sicológico {adj} | :: alternative spelling of psicológico |
sicólogo {m} | :: alternative spelling of psicólogo |
sicometría {f} | :: alternative form of psicometría |
sicométrico {adj} | :: alternative form of psicométrico |
sicomoro {m} | :: alternative form of sicómoro |
sicómoro {m} | :: sycamore |
sicomoro americano {m} | :: A species of large tree native to eastern North America and planted elsewhere, the American sycamore, Platanus occidentalis |
sicómoro occidental {m} | :: American sycamore |
sicooncología {f} | :: alternative spelling of psicooncología |
sicópata {mf} | :: alternative spelling of psicópata |
sicopatía {f} | :: alternative form of psicopatía |
sicopatológico {adj} | :: psychopathological |
sicosis {f} | :: alternative spelling of psicosis |
sicosocial {adj} | :: psychosocial |
sicosomático {adj} | :: alternative form of psicosomático |
sicoterapeuta {mf} | :: alternative form of psicoterapeuta |
sicoterapéutico {adj} | :: psychotherapeutic |
sicoterapia {f} | :: alternative spelling of psicoterapia |
sicótico {adj} | :: psychotic |
sicotrópico {adj} | :: psychotropic |
sículo {adj} | :: Sicilian |
sículo {m} | :: Sicilian |
sida {m} | :: abbreviation of síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida (AIDS) |
SIDA {m} | :: alternative case form of sida |
sidecar {m} | :: sidecar |
sideral {adj} | :: sidereal |
sideralmente {adv} | :: sidereally |
sidéreo {adj} | :: sideral |
siderita {f} [mineral] | :: siderite |
siderito {m} | :: siderite (iron meteorite) |
siderófilo {m} | :: siderophile |
siderófilo {adj} | :: siderophile |
sideróforo {m} | :: siderophore |
sideromelano {m} [geology] | :: sideromelane |
siderurgia {f} | :: siderurgy (iron and steel industry) |
siderúrgico {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to siderurgy |
si Dios lo quiere {phrase} | :: alternative form of si Dios quiere |
si Dios quiere {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: God willing |
Sídney {prop} | :: Sídney (city) |
sidneyés {adj} | :: Sydneyite (of or pertaining to Sydney, New South Wales, Australia) |
sidneyés {m} | :: Sydneysider, Sydneyite (native or resident of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia) |
sidneyesa {f} | :: feminine noun of sidneyés |
Sidón {prop} | :: Sidon (city state of Phoenicia) |
sidonia {f} | :: feminine noun of sidonio |
sidonio {adj} | :: Sidonian (of or pertaining to Sidon, Lebanon) |
sidonio {m} | :: Sidonian (native or resident of Sidon, Lebanon) |
sidra {f} | :: cider |
sidra dulce {f} | :: A non-alcoholic apple drink bottled just after the apples have been squeezed |
sidrería {f} | :: cidery (place where cider is brewed) |
sidrería {f} | :: pub or bar where cider is sold; a cider house |
sidrero {adj} [attributive] | :: cider |
sidrero {adj} | :: cider-drinking; cider-loving |
sidrero {m} | :: cider producer |
sidrero {m} | :: cider drinker |
sidrina {f} | :: diminutive of sidra |
siembra {f} | :: seeding |
siembra {f} | :: sowing time |
siembra {f} | :: sown seed |
siempre {adv} | :: always |
siempre {adv} [colloquial] | :: ultimately, in the end |
siempre hay un roto para un descosido {proverb} | :: there's a lid for every pot |
siempre que {conj} | :: whenever, when, anytime |
siempre que {conj} | :: provided, provided that, as long as, on (the) condition that, insofar as |
siempretieso {m} [Andalusia] | :: roly-poly (toy) |
siempreverde {adj} | :: evergreen |
siempreviva {f} | :: houseleek; liveforever |
siempre y cuando {prep} [idiomatic] | :: as long as, provided that, provided, on condition that |
siempre y cuando {prep} [idiomatic] | :: whenever, if and when, as and when |
siempre y cuando {prep} [idiomatic] | :: in case, if |
sien {f} [anatomy] | :: temple (part of the skull on the side of the forehead) |
sienes {fp} [anatomy] | :: temporal (temples of the head) |
sienés {adj} | :: Sienese |
sienés {m} | :: Sienese person |
sienesa {f} | :: feminine noun of sienés |
sienita {f} | :: syenite |
sienítico {adj} | :: syenitic |
si entre burros te ves, rebuzna alguna vez {proverb} | :: when in Rome, do as the Romans do |
sierense {adj} | :: of or from Siero |
sierense {mf} | :: Someone from Siero |
sierpe {f} | :: large serpent, snake |
sierpe {f} [figuratively] | :: wriggler, anything that wriggles |
sierpe {f} [figuratively] | :: ugly person, angry person, dangerous person |
sierpe {f} [botany] | :: sprout, shoot, sucker |
sierra {f} | :: saw [tool] |
sierra {f} | :: mountain range |
sierra {f} | :: swordfish |
sierra {f} [Chile] | :: snoek (Thyrsites atun) |
Sierra {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
sierra de vaivén {f} | :: jigsaw (tool) |
sierra eléctrica {f} | :: electrical chainsaw (saw with a power driven chain) |
Sierra Leona {prop} {f} | :: Sierra Leona (country) |
sierraleonés {adj} | :: Sierra Leonian |
sierraleonés {m} | :: Sierra Leonian |
Sierra Madre Occidental {prop} {f} | :: A mountain range on the west side of the Mexican Plateau |
Sierra Negra {prop} | :: Sierra Negra |
Sierra Negra {prop} | :: Sierra Negra (mountain) |
Sierra Negra {prop} | :: Sierra Negra (mountain) |
sierva {f} | :: feminine noun of siervo |
siervo {m} | :: servant |
siervo {m} | :: serf |
siervo {m} | :: slave |
siesta {f} | :: siesta, nap |
siestecita {f} | :: diminutive of siesta |
siestero {adj} | :: siesta-liking; keen on having a siesta |
siestero {m} | :: napper; siesta-taker |
siestica {f} | :: diminutive of siesta |
siestita {f} | :: diminutive of siesta |
si es un perro, muerde {phrase} | :: It's right in front of you/me etc |
siete {num} | :: seven |
siete {m} | :: seven |
sietemesino {adj} | :: born two-months premature |
sietemesino {m} | :: A baby born two-months premature |
sietemil {m} | :: a mountain 7000-7999 metres high |
siete pecados capitales {mp} | :: seven deadly sins |
Siete Sabios {prop} {mp} | :: Seven Sages (the seven ancient Greeks) |
sievert {m} | :: sievert |
siévert {m} | :: sievert (unit) |
sifaca {m} | :: sifaka |
sifilazo {m} [slang] | :: syphilis; the pox |
sífilis {f} | :: syphilis |
sifilítico {adj} | :: syphilitic |
sifón {m} | :: siphon |
sifón {m} | :: U-bend |
sifón {m} | :: soda (as a mixer) |
sifonaje {m} | :: siphoning |
sifonal {adj} | :: siphonal |
sifonáptero {m} | :: siphonapteran |
sifonóforo {m} [zoology] | :: siphonophore |
sifrinito {m} | :: diminutive of sifrino |
sifrino {adj} [Venezuela, derogatory] | :: snobbish, snobby, snob (said of a person who ostentatiously belongs to, or pretends to belong to the upper social classes) |
sifrino {adj} [Venezuela, derogatory] | :: empty, dud (a person who possesses fashion and material goods, but who has low spiritual and intellectual qualities) |
sifrino {adj} [Venezuela, derogatory] | :: stuck-up, full of airs and graces |
sigilar {vt} | :: to stamp |
sigilar {vt} | :: to hush; to silence (keep secret) |
sigilo {m} | :: stealth |
sigilo {m} | :: secrecy |
sigilo {m} | :: sigil |
sigilografía {f} | :: sigillography |
sigilosamente {adv} | :: sneakily |
sigilosamente {adv} | :: discreetly; secretively |
sigiloso {adj} | :: sneaking, stealthy |
sigiloso {adj} | :: discreet |
sigiloso {adj} | :: secretive |
sigla {f} | :: initial |
sigla {f} | :: acronym (of any type: phonetic acronym or initialism) |
siglo {m} | :: century |
siglo {m} | :: a significant period of time; an age |
siglo {m} [poetic] | :: An eon |
sigma {f} | :: sigma; the Greek letter Σ, σ |
sigmatrópico {adj} [chemistry] | :: sigmatropic |
sigmoide {adj} | :: sigmoid |
sigmoideo {adj} [anatomy] | :: sigmoid |
signar {v} | :: to sign |
signario {m} | :: script (writing system) |
signatario {adj} | :: signatory |
signatario {m} | :: signatory |
signatura {f} | :: signature (in book) |
sígnico {adj} [attributive] | :: sign; signage |
significación {f} | :: signification; significance |
significación {f} | :: sense; meaning |
significado {adj} | :: well-known |
significado {adj} | :: important, significant |
significado {m} | :: meaning |
significado {m} | :: significance |
significancia {f} | :: significance |
significante {adj} | :: significant |
significantemente {adv} | :: significantly |
significar {v} | :: to signify |
significar {v} | :: to mean |
significar {vp} | :: to stand out |
significar {v} [en, .pronominal] | :: to speak out, to assert (to voice one's opinion) |
significativamente {adv} | :: significantly |
significatividad {f} | :: significance |
significativo {adj} | :: significant |
signo {m} | :: sign |
signo de exclamación {m} | :: exclamation mark (either normal "!" or the inverted "¡") |
signo de interrogación {m} | :: question mark (either "¿" put at beginning of the question, or "?" put at the end of question) |
signo zodiacal {m} | :: astrological sign |
siguiente {adj} | :: following |
siguiente {adj} | :: next |
siguiriya {f} | :: siguiriya |
sigüís {m} [Venezuela] | :: dobber; snitch |
sii {conj} [mathematics, rare] | :: iff |
siitake {m} | :: siitake |
sij {adj} | :: Sikh |
sij {mf} | :: Sikh |
sijismo {m} | :: Sikhism |
sílaba {f} | :: syllable |
silabación {f} | :: syllabification |
silabar {v} | :: to syllabify; to enunciate each syllable |
silabario {m} | :: primer (textbook) |
silabario {m} [linguistics] | :: syllabary |
silabear {v} | :: to syllabify; to enunciate each syllable |
silabeo {m} | :: syllabification |
silábico {adj} | :: syllabic |
silabograma {f} | :: syllabogram |
si la mirada matara {phrase} | :: if looks could kill; used to characterize a look of strong hostility |
silano {m} [organic chemistry] | :: silane |
Silas {prop} {m} [biblical character] | :: Silas |
si la vida te da limones, haz limonada {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: when life gives you lemons, make lemonade |
silbada {f} [avian] | :: A tweet |
silbador {m} | :: whistler (one who whistles) |
silbador {adj} | :: whistling |
silbante {adj} | :: whistling |
silbante {adj} | :: sibilant |
silbante {f} | :: sibilant |
silbar {vi} | :: to whistle |
silbatazo {m} | :: whistle (sound) |
silbatero {m} [Costa Rica] | :: referee |
silbatina {f} | :: booing; whistling (negatively) |
silbato {m} | :: whistle (instrument) |
silbato {m} | :: whistle (sound) |
silbidito {m} | :: diminutive of silbido |
silbido {m} | :: whistling, whistle |
silbo {m} | :: whistle, whistling (sound, act of whistling) |
silbón {m} | :: widgeon; European widgeon |
sildenafilo {m} [organic compound] | :: sildenafil |
silenciador {m} | :: muffler (part of exhaust pipe) |
silenciador {m} | :: silencer (firearm attachment used to reduce firing noise) |
silenciamiento {m} | :: silencing |
silenciar {v} | :: to silence |
silencio {m} | :: silence |
silenciosamente {adv} | :: silently |
silencioso {adj} | :: silent |
silencioso {adj} | :: quiet |
silente {adj} [formal] | :: silent; noiseless |
silepsis {f} [rhetoric] | :: syllepsis |
silesia {f} | :: feminine noun of silesio |
Silesia {prop} {f} | :: Silesia (region) |
silesiano {adj} | :: Silesian (of or pertaining to the region of Silesia) |
silesiano {m} | :: Silesian (native or resident of Silesia) |
silesio {adj} | :: Silesian |
silesio {m} | :: Silesian (native or resident of Silesia) |
silesio {m} | :: Silesian (language) |
sílex {m} | :: flint |
sílfide {f} [alchemy, folklore] | :: sylph |
silfo {m} | :: sylph |
silguero {m} | :: archaic spelling of jilguero |
silicato {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: silicate |
sílice {f} | :: silica |
silíceo {adj} | :: siliceous |
silicio {m} [chemical element] | :: silicon |
silicio {m} [electronics] | :: silicon chip, silicon circuit |
silicón {f} | :: silicon, silicone |
silicona {f} | :: silicone |
silicona {f} [colloquial] | :: silicon |
sililo {m} | :: silyl |
silimanita {f} [mineral] | :: sillimanite |
silingo {adj} | :: of the Silingi |
silingo {m} | :: Silingi |
silla {f} | :: chair |
silla {f} | :: saddle |
silla de montar {f} | :: saddle (for horse) |
silla de ruedas {f} | :: wheelchair |
silla eléctrica {f} | :: electric chair (device used for execution by electrocution) |
sillar {m} | :: stone block |
sillarejo {m} | :: small ashlar |
sillera {f} | :: feminine noun of sillero |
sillería {f} | :: A store which sells chairs. |
sillero {m} | :: saddler (someone who makes, repairs and sells saddles, harnesses etc) |
silleta {f} | :: bedpan |
silleta {f} | :: a kind of millstone for making chocolate |
silletera {f} | :: feminine noun of silletero |
silletería {f} | :: seating |
silletero {m} | :: stretcher-bearer |
silletero {m} | :: someone who carries flowers on their back |
sillín {m} | :: saddle (of bicycle etc.) |
sillita {f} | :: diminutive of silla; little chair |
sillón {m} | :: armchair |
sillón {m} | :: recliner |
silloncito {m} | :: diminutive of sillón |
silo {m} [agriculture, military] | :: silo |
silogismo {m} | :: syllogism |
silogístico {adj} | :: syllogistic |
si lo sabré yo {phrase} | :: don't I know it; tell me about it |
silueta {f} | :: silhouette |
siluetear {v} | :: to outline, draw a silhouette |
silúrico {adj} | :: Silurian |
siluro {m} | :: wels catfish, sheatfish |
Silverio {prop} | :: surname, the 167th most common surname in the Dominican Republic and the 602nd most common in Spain |
silvestre {adj} [especially, of plants] | :: wild (untamed; not domesticated) |
silvestre {adj} [of land] | :: uncultivated |
silvestre {adj} | :: rustic, rural |
silvestrismo {m} | :: The capture of and training of finches |
silvestrista {mf} | :: Someone who captures finches and trains them to sing |
Silvia {prop} {f} | :: given name |
silvícolo {adj} | :: woodland (attributive) |
silvicultor {m} | :: forester |
silvicultora {f} | :: feminine noun of silvicultor |
silvicultura {f} | :: forestation |
silvina {f} [mineral] | :: sylvite |
Silvio {prop} {m} | :: given name |
sima {f} | :: abyss, chasm |
simaruba {f} [Argentina, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Venezuela] | :: A plant in the genus Simarouba |
simba {adj} | :: Simba |
simba {m} | :: Simba (language) |
simbiogénesis {f} | :: symbiogenesis |
simbiogenético {adj} | :: symbiogenetic |
simbionte {m} | :: symbiont |
simbiosis {f} [biology] | :: symbiosis |
simbióticamente {adv} | :: symbiotically |
simbiótico {adj} | :: symbiotic |
simbólicamente {adv} | :: symbolically |
simbólico {adj} | :: symbolic |
simbolismo {m} | :: symbolism |
simbolista {mf} | :: symbolist |
simbolización {f} | :: symbolization |
simbolizar {v} | :: to symbolize, stand for |
símbolo {m} | :: symbol |
simbología {f} | :: symbology |
símbolo niceno {m} | :: The Nicene Creed |
Símbolo niceno {m} | :: alternative case form of símbolo niceno |
símbolo sexual {m} | :: sex symbol |
Simeón {prop} {m} | :: Simeon (Biblical character and tribe) |
simetría {f} | :: symmetry (correspondence on either side of a dividing line, plane, center or axis) |
simétricamente {adv} | :: symmetrically |
simétrico {adj} | :: symmetrical |
Simferópol {prop} {f} | :: Simferopol |
si mi abuela tuviera ruedas, sería una bicicleta {proverb} | :: if my aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle |
simiente {f} | :: semen |
simiente {f} [botany, biology] | :: germ |
simiente {f} [botany] | :: seed |
simiente de papagayos {f} [botany] | :: safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) |
simiesco {adj} | :: simian; apelike |
símil {adj} | :: similar |
símil {m} | :: simile |
similar {adj} | :: similar |
similaridad {f} | :: similitud, sameness, similarity |
similarmente {adv} | :: similarly |
similitud {f} | :: similarity, similitude |
simio {m} | :: simian |
Simionescu {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
sí mismo {pron} | :: oneself |
simón {interj} [colloquial, Mexico] | :: yes, hell yeah (commonly used to respond affirmatively to a question) |
simón {m} | :: hackney cab |
Simón {prop} {m} [biblical character] | :: Simon |
Simón {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Simón dice {m} | :: Simon says (children's game) |
simonía {f} [chiefly historical] | :: simony |
Simónides {prop} {m} | :: Simonides |
simpa {m} [colloquial, Spain] | :: dine and dash |
simpapeles {mf} | :: alternative spelling of sin papeles |
simpatectomía {f} | :: sympathectomy |
simpatía {f} | :: sympathy |
simpáticamente {adv} | :: nicely; pleasantly |
simpático {adj} | :: nice, pleasant, likable |
simpático {adj} [anatomy] | :: sympathetic (related to the sympathetic nervous system) |
simpaticomimético {adj} | :: sympathomimetic |
simpaticomimético {m} [pharmaceutical drug] | :: sympathomimetic |
simpaticón {adj} | :: nice; cool; easy-going |
simpatiquísimo {adj} | :: superlative of simpático |
simpatizador {m} | :: sympathiser |
simpatizante {adj} | :: sympathetic to |
simpatizante {mf} | :: sympathizer |
simpatizar {v} | :: to get on (with someone), take to (someone) |
simpatizar {v} | :: to sympathize, be sympathetic |
simpatría {f} | :: sympatry |
simpátrico {adj} [biology] | :: sympatric |
simple {adj} | :: simple (uncomplicated) |
simple {adj} [before the noun] | :: mere, ordinary |
simple {adj} | :: simple, single (not divided into parts) |
simple {adj} | :: simple-minded, stupid |
simple {adj} | :: insipid, flavorless |
simple {adj} [grammar] | :: simple |
simple {mf} | :: simpleton, fool |
simple {mf} [pharmacology, masculine only] | :: simple |
simpléctico {adj} | :: symplectic |
simplemente {adv} | :: simply |
símplex {m} | :: simplex |
simpleza {f} | :: foolishness |
simplicidad {f} | :: simplicity |
simplicísimo {adj} [formal] | :: superlative of simple |
simplificación {f} | :: simplification |
simplificado {adj} | :: simplified |
simplificador {adj} | :: simplifying |
simplificar {v} | :: to simplify |
simplísimo {adj} | :: superlative of simple |
simplismo {m} | :: simplification |
simplista {adj} | :: simplistic |
simplón {adj} [colloquial] | :: plain |
simplón {adj} [colloquial] | :: naive |
simpodial {adj} | :: sympodial |
simposio {m} | :: symposium |
simposium {m} | :: Variant form of simposio |
simpósium {m} | :: Variant form of simposio |
simulación {f} | :: simulation |
simulacro {m} | :: image, simulacrum (especially of someone or something sacred) |
simulacro {m} | :: idea, fantasy (an idea resulting from fantasy) |
simulacro {m} | :: imitation, simulation |
simulacro {m} | :: test |
simulador {adj} | :: simulating |
simulador {adj} | :: simulated |
simulador {m} | :: malingerer |
simulador {m} | :: simulator |
simulador {m} | :: pretender |
simular {v} | :: to feign, to pretend |
simular {v} | :: to simulate |
simultáneamente {adv} | :: simultaneously |
simultanear {v} | :: to do two things at the same time |
simultaneidad {f} | :: simultaneity |
simultáneo {adj} | :: simultaneous (occurring or transpiring at the same moment) |
simún {m} | :: simoom |
simvastatina {f} | :: simvastatin |
sin- {prefix} | :: syn- |
sin {prep} | :: without |
sinagoga {f} | :: synagogue |
sinagogal {adj} | :: synagogal |
Sinaí {prop} {m} [Geography] | :: Sinai |
sinalefa {f} | :: synalepha |
Sinaloa {prop} {m} | :: Sinaloa (state) |
sinaloense {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to the Mexican state of Sinaloa |
Sinanché {prop} | :: Sinanché (town) |
Sinanché {prop} | :: Sinanché (municipality) |
sin ánimo de ofender {phrase} | :: no offense |
sinapismo {m} | :: mustard plaster, sinapism |
sinapomorfia {f} | :: synapomorphy |
sinapomorfía {f} | :: alternative form of sinapomorfia |
sinápsido {m} | :: synapsid |
sinapsis {f} [anatomy] | :: synapse |
sináptico {adj} | :: synaptic |
sinaptobrevina {f} | :: synaptobrevin |
sinaptofisina {f} [protein] | :: synaptophysin |
sin arcada no hay mamada {proverb} [sex, colloquial, vulgar] | :: A blowjob is not good unless it goes deep enough to make the person performing it gag |
sinartrosis {f} [anatomy] | :: synarthrosis |
sin atisbo de duda {adv} [idiomatic] | :: without a doubt |
sincárpico {adj} | :: syncarpic |
sincebollista {mf} | :: someone who asserts that onion should not be an ingredient in Spanish omelettes |
sinceramente {adv} | :: sincerely, honestly |
sincerar {vt} | :: to exculpate |
sincerar {vr} | :: See sincerarse |
sincerarse {vr} | :: to come clean, to level with, to open up, to tell the truth |
sinceridad {f} | :: honesty, sincerity |
sincerísimo {adj} | :: superlative of sincero |
sincero {adj} | :: sincere, honest |
sincho {interj} [Mexico] | :: yeah, yep, yeppers, yup, yuppers |
sincicial {adj} | :: syncytial |
sincicio {m} | :: alternative form of sincitio |
sincitial {adj} | :: syncytial |
sincitio {m} [cytology] | :: syncytium |
sinclinal {adj} | :: synclinal |
sin comentarios {phrase} | :: no comment |
sin comerlo ni beberlo {adv} [idiom] | :: unwittingly |
síncopa {f} | :: syncope |
sincopar {v} | :: to syncopate |
síncope {m} [pathology] | :: syncope |
síncope {m} [phonetics] | :: syncope |
sincrético {adj} | :: syncretic |
sincretismo {m} | :: syncretism |
sincretizar {vt} | :: to syncretize |
sincronía {f} | :: synchrony |
sincrónicamente {adv} | :: synchronically |
sincronicidad {f} | :: synchronicity |
sincrónico {adj} | :: synchronous |
sincronismo {m} | :: synchronism |
sincronismo {m} | :: synchronization |
sincronización {f} | :: synchronization |
sincronizada {f} | :: A type of quesadilla, when is made with two tortillas (wheat or maize flour made), like a sandwich, and usually one or more ham slices inside |
sincronizadamente {adv} | :: in sync |
sincronizado {adj} | :: synchronized |
sincronizador {adj} | :: synchronizing |
sincronizador {m} | :: synchronizer |
sincronizar {vt} | :: to synchronize |
síncrono {adj} | :: synchronous |
sincrotrón {m} | :: synchrotron |
sindarin {m} | :: Sindarin |
sin demora {adv} | :: immediately, straight away, without delay |
sindéresis {f} | :: synderesis |
sindesmofito {m} [medicine] | :: syndesmophyte |
síndica {f} | :: feminine noun of síndico |
sindicación {f} | :: unionization |
sindicación {f} | :: syndication [of a periodical] |
sindical {adj} | :: syndical |
sindicalismo {m} | :: syndicalism |
sindicalista {adj} [attributive] | :: trade-union |
sindicalista {mf} | :: trades unionist |
sindicalización {f} | :: unionisation |
sindicalizar {vt} | :: to unionise |
sindicalmente {adv} | :: syndically |
sindicar {vtr} | :: to unionise, syndicate |
sindicar {vt} [Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, Venezuela] | :: to accuse |
sindicato {m} | :: trade union |
sindicato {m} | :: labor union |
sindicato {m} | :: syndicate |
sindicatura {f} | :: syndicate |
síndico {m} | :: receiver (person who acts as trustee for a bankrupt) |
síndico {m} | :: syndic |
sindonología {f} | :: sindonology (study of the Shroud of Turin) |
síndrome {m} [pathology, psychology, psychiatry] | :: syndrome |
síndrome de abstinencia {m} | :: withdrawal syndrome |
síndrome de Adie {f} [neurology] | :: Adie syndrome |
síndrome de Aicardi {f} [neurology] | :: Aicardi syndrome |
síndrome de Alagille {f} | :: Alagille syndrome |
síndrome de Allan-Herndon-Dudley {f} [neurology] | :: Allan-Herndon-Dudley syndrome |
síndrome de Angelman {f} [neurology] | :: Angelman syndrome |
síndrome de Apert {f} [neurology, teratology] | :: Apert syndrome |
síndrome de Asperger {f} [neurology, psychiatry] | :: Asperger's syndrome |
síndrome de Down {f} [genetics] | :: Down's syndrome |
síndrome de Estocolmo {m} [psychology] | :: Stockholm syndrome |
síndrome de Guillain-Barré {f} [neurology, pathology] | :: Guillain-Barré syndrome |
síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida {m} [pathology] | :: acquired immune deficiency syndrome |
síndrome del intestino irritable {f} [pathology] | :: irritable bowel syndrome |
síndrome del túnel carpiano {f} [neurology, pathology] | :: carpal tunnel syndrome |
síndrome de Moebius {f} [neurology] | :: Moebius syndrome |
síndrome de Münchhausen {m} [psychiatry] | :: Münchausen syndrome |
síndrome de piernas inquietas {m} [pathology] | :: restless legs syndrome |
síndrome de Tourette {m} [neurology] | :: Tourette's syndrome |
síndrome premenstrual {f} [anatomy] | :: premenstrual syndrome |
sindrómico {adj} | :: syndromic |
sin duda {adv} [idiom] | :: without a doubt |
sin duda alguna {adv} [idiomatic] | :: without a doubt, certainly |
sinécdoque {f} [rhetoric] | :: synecdoche, synecdochy |
sinecismo {m} | :: synoecism |
sinecura {f} | :: sinecure |
sin embargo {adv} | :: however, notwithstanding, nevertheless, in spite of, nonetheless |
Sinemuriano {prop} {m} [geology, paleontology] | :: Sinemurian (subdivision of the Jurassic period) |
Sinemuriense {prop} {m} [geology, paleontology] | :: Sinemurian (subdivision of the Jurassic period) |
sinequia {f} | :: synechia |
sinergia {f} | :: synergy |
sinergía {f} | :: synergy |
sinérgicamente {adv} | :: synergistically |
sinérgico {adj} | :: synergistic |
sinergismo {m} | :: synergism |
sinestesia {f} [neurology, psychology] | :: synaesthesia (phenomenon whereby a sensory stimulus triggers a different kind of sensation) |
sinestesia {f} [narratology] | :: synaesthesia (description of a sensation in the terms of another) |
sinestésico {adj} | :: synaesthetic |
sinestética {f} | :: feminine noun of sinestético |
sinestético {adj} | :: synaesthetic |
sinestético {m} | :: synaesthete |
sinfín {m} | :: load; ton; lot |
sínfisis {f} | :: symphysis |
sinfonía {f} | :: symphony |
sinfónicamente {adv} | :: symphonically |
sinfónico {adj} | :: symphonic |
sinfonismo {m} | :: The qualities of symphonic music |
sinfonista {mf} [music] | :: symphonist |
singani {m} | :: singani |
Singapur {prop} {mf} | :: Singapur (island/and/city-state) |
singapurense {adj} | :: Singaporean |
singapurense {mf} | :: Singaporean |
singar {v} [Caribbean] | :: to have sex |
singar {v} [Cuba] | :: to annoy, to be an asshole |
singar {v} | :: to scull a boat from the stern |
singladura {f} [nautical] | :: voyage |
single {m} | :: single (song released) |
single {mf} | :: single, single person |
singlete {m} | :: singlet |
singlista {mf} [sports] | :: singles player |
singonio {m} | :: Syngonium podophyllum |
singular {adj} | :: singular |
singular {adj} | :: odd, peculiar |
singular {m} | :: singular |
singularia tantum {m} | :: An uncountable noun |
singularidad {f} | :: singularity |
singularidad desnuda {f} | :: naked singularity |
singularísimo {adj} | :: superlative of singular |
singularizar {vt} [grammar] | :: to singularize |
singularizar {vt} | :: to single out |
singularmente {adv} | :: singularly, particularly |
singulto {m} | :: hiccup |
singulto {m} | :: sob |
sinhogarismo {m} | :: homelessness |
siniestra {f} | :: left hand |
siniestrado {adj} | :: injured |
siniestrado {adj} | :: damaged, wrecked |
siniestral {adj} [attributive] | :: accident |
siniestralidad {f} | :: accident rate |
siniestramente {adv} | :: sinisterly |
siniestro {adj} | :: left, left-hand (direction) |
siniestro {adj} | :: sinister |
siniestro {adj} | :: unhappy |
siniestro {adj} | :: malicious, evil |
siniestro {adj} [heraldry] | :: sinister, sinistral |
siniestro {m} | :: accident, catastrophe, disaster |
sin ir más lejos {adv} [idiomatic] | :: as a matter of fact; actually |
sin ir más lejos {adv} [idiomatic] | :: as it happens |
sinistrorso {adj} | :: counterclockwise, anticlockwise, widdershins |
sinítico {adj} | :: Sinitic |
sinker {m} [baseball] | :: sinker |
sin lugar a dudas {adv} [idiomatic] | :: without a doubt, undoubtedly |
sin más {adv} [idiom] | :: just like that |
sin más ni más {adv} [idiom] | :: just like that |
sin más preámbulos {prep} | :: without further ado, with no further ado |
sinnúmero {m} | :: huge number; countless number |
si no {prep} | :: if not |
si no {prep} | :: otherwise |
sino {m} | :: destiny, fate, lot |
sino {conj} | :: but [after a negative clause] (i.e., "but rather", "but only", or "but rather only") |
sino {conj} | :: except, apart from |
sino {conj} | :: only, solely |
sinocoreano {adj} | :: Sino-Korean |
sinodal {adj} | :: synodal |
sinódico {adj} | :: synodic |
sínodo {m} | :: synod |
sinoestadounidense {adj} | :: Chinese American |
sinoestadounidense {mf} | :: Chinese American |
sinograma {m} | :: sinogram, Chinese character |
sinóloga {f} | :: feminine noun of sinólogo |
sinólogo {m} | :: sinologist |
sinon {conj} | :: obsolete spelling of sino |
sinonimia {f} | :: synonymity |
sinonimizar {v} | :: to synonymize |
sinónimo {adj} | :: synonymous |
sinónimo {m} | :: synonym |
sinople {adj} [heraldry] | :: vert |
sínople {m} | :: alternative spelling of sinople |
sinopsis {f} | :: synopsis |
sinóptico {adj} | :: synoptic (relating to synopses) |
si no quieres caldo, taza y media {phrase} | :: it never rains but it pours |
sinovia {f} | :: synovia |
sinovial {adj} | :: synovial |
sinovitis {f} [pathology] | :: synovitis |
sinpa {m} [colloquial] | :: the act of not paying for something, especially in a restaurant; to dine and dash |
sin papeles {mf} | :: paperless person |
sin par {adj} [idiom] | :: one-of-a-kind, unparalleled, peerless, unique |
sin proponérselo {adv} | :: unintentionally, unwittingly, without meaning to |
sin querer {adv} [idiom] | :: inadvertently, unintentionally |
sin querer queriendo {adv} [idiomatic, colloquial] | :: accidentally on purpose |
sinrazón {f} | :: injustice, misdeed |
sin remedio {adv} | :: irredeemably, necessarily, obligatorily |
sinsabor {m} | :: chagrin |
sinsabor {m} | :: trouble, difficulty |
sinsentido {m} | :: meaninglessness |
sinsonte {m} [Cuba, Honduras, Mexico] | :: alternative form of cenzontle |
sintácticamente {adv} | :: syntactically |
sintáctico {adj} | :: syntactic |
sintagma {m} [linguistics, syntax] | :: phrase, syntagma |
sintagma determinante {m} [grammar] | :: determiner phrase |
sintagma nominal {m} [grammar] | :: noun phrase |
sintagma preposicional {m} [grammar] | :: prepositional phrase |
sintagmático {adj} | :: syntagmatic |
sintagma verbal {m} [grammar] | :: verb phrase |
sin tardanza {adv} | :: with no further ado |
sintasa {f} [enzyme] | :: synthase |
sintaxina {f} | :: syntaxin |
sintaxis {f} | :: syntax |
sin techo {mf} [idiom] | :: homeless person |
sintecho {m} | :: homeless person |
sinterización {f} | :: sintering |
sinterizar {vt} [chemistry] | :: to sinter |
síntesis {f} | :: synthesis |
síntesis {f} | :: summary |
sintetasa {f} [enzyme] | :: synthetase |
sintéticamente {adv} | :: synthetically |
sintético {adj} | :: synthetic |
sintetismo {m} | :: synthesis anarchism; synthesism |
sintetización {f} | :: synthesizing |
sintetizador {m} | :: synthesiser |
sintetizar {v} | :: to synthesize |
sintiencia {f} | :: sentience |
sintiente {adj} | :: sentient |
sintipo {m} | :: syntype |
sintoísmo {m} | :: Shinto (religion) |
sintoísta {adj} | :: Shintoist |
sintoísta {mf} | :: Shintoist |
síntoma {m} | :: symptom |
sintomáticamente {adv} | :: symptomatically |
sintomático {adj} | :: symptomatic |
sintomatología {f} | :: symptomatology |
sintón {m} [chemistry] | :: synthon |
sintonía {f} | :: syntony |
sintonía {f} | :: tuning |
sintonía {f} | :: jingle |
sintonizable {adj} | :: tunable |
sintonización {f} [music] | :: tuning |
sintonizador {adj} [attributive] | :: tuning |
sintonizador {m} | :: tuner (TV or radio) |
sintonizar {v} | :: to tune in [radio or TV] |
sin ton ni son {adv} [idiom] | :: anyhow; haphazardly; without rhyme or reason |
sinuado {adj} | :: sinuate |
sinuosamente {adv} | :: sinuously |
sinuosidad {f} | :: windiness, sinuosity |
sinuoso {adj} | :: windy, winding |
sinuplastia {f} [surgery] | :: sinuplasty |
sinusal {adj} | :: sinus |
sinusitis {f} [disease] | :: sinusitis |
sinusoidal {adj} | :: sinusoidal |
sinusoide {m} | :: sine wave |
sinusoide {m} | :: sinusoid |
sin venir a cuento {adv} [idiomatic] | :: for no reason whatever; for the sake of it |
sinvergonzón {m} | :: augmentative of sinvergüenza |
sinvergonzonería {f} [colloquial] | :: impudence, shamelessness |
sinvergüencería {f} [colloquial] | :: impudence, shamelessness |
sinvergüenza {mf} | :: scoundrel |
sinvergüenza {f} [Costa Rica] | :: shamelessness |
sinvergüenzada {f} | :: shamelessness |
sinvergüenzura {mf} | :: an act of shamelessness or acted by a sinvergüenza |
Sion {prop} {m} [Christianity] | :: Zion |
Sión {prop} [Christianity] | :: Zion |
sionismo {m} | :: Zionism |
sionista {mf} | :: Zionist |
siore {m} [baseball] | :: shortstop |
sí o sí {adv} [idiomatic] | :: definitely, no matter what |
sioux {mf} | :: Sioux |
sioux {prop} {m} | :: the Sioux language |
sioux {adj} | :: Sioux |
sip {interj} [colloquial, neologism] | :: yep, yeah, uh-huh |
síp {interj} [colloquial] | :: Yup or yep |
sipi {interj} | :: yep, yup |
sipuncúlido {m} [zoology] | :: sipunculid |
sipúnculo {m} [zoology] | :: sipunculan |
siquiatra {mf} | :: alternative spelling of psiquiatra |
siquiatría {f} | :: alternative spelling of psiquiatría |
siquiátrico {adj} | :: synonym of psiquiátrico |
síquico {adj} | :: alternative spelling of psíquico |
siquiera {adv} | :: at least, at the least |
siquiera {adv} | :: (when used in the negative) even |
siquiera {conj} | :: if only |
si quieres conocer a Agapito, dale un puestito {proverb} | :: If you want to know what someone is like, give them power |
siracusana {f} | :: feminine noun of siracusano |
siracusano {adj} | :: Syracusan |
siracusano {m} | :: Syracusan |
sirena {f} | :: siren (device) |
sirena {f} | :: mermaid |
sirénido {m} | :: sea cow |
sirenio {m} | :: sea cow; sirenian |
sirenismo {m} | :: mermaiding |
sirenita {f} | :: diminutive of sirena |
sírfido {m} | :: hoverfly |
sirga {f} | :: towrope |
sirgar {vt} [nautical] | :: to tow |
siria {f} | :: feminine noun of sirio |
Siria {prop} {f} | :: Syria |
siríaco {adj} | :: Syriac |
siríaco {m} | :: Syriac |
sirimiri {m} [Spain] | :: drizzle (light rain) |
sirindanga {f} [El Salvador, Honduras, colloquial] | :: drunkenness |
siringe {f} | :: syrinx |
siringomielia {f} [medicine] | :: syringomyelia |
sirio {adj} | :: Syrian |
sirio {m} | :: Syrian (A person from Syria or of Syrian descent) |
Sirio {prop} {m} [astronomy] | :: Sirius (star) |
siriómetro {m} | :: siriometer |
sirionó {adj} | :: Sirionó |
sirionó {mf} | :: Sirionó |
sirirí {m} | :: whistling duck |
siroco {m} | :: sirocco |
sirope {m} | :: syrup |
sirsasana {f} [yoga] | :: shirshasana |
sirte {f} | :: A sandy reef that hinders the floating of ships |
sirtuina {f} [enzyme] | :: sirtuin |
sirvienta {f} | :: maid, (female) servant |
sirviente {mf} | :: servant |
sisa {f} | :: armhole (in clothing) |
sisal {m} | :: sisal |
sisar {v} | :: to filch, steal in small quantities |
sisear {v} | :: to hiss |
siseo {m} | :: sss, hiss, hissing |
Sísifo {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] | :: Sisyphus (king doomed to roll a boulder up a hill in Hades) |
sísmicamente {adv} | :: seismically |
sismicidad {f} | :: seismic activity |
sísmico {adj} | :: seismic (relating to earthquakes) |
sismo {m} | :: earthquake |
sismogénico {adj} | :: seismogenic |
sismógrafo {m} | :: seismograph, seismometer |
sismológa {f} | :: feminine noun of sismológo |
sismóloga {f} | :: feminine noun of sismólogo |
sismología {f} | :: seismology |
sismológico {adj} | :: seismologic |
sismológo {m} | :: seismologist |
sismólogo {m} | :: seismologist |
sismómetro {m} | :: seismograph, seismometer |
sismorresistente {adj} | :: earthquake resistant |
sisón {m} | :: bustard |
Sistán {prop} | :: Sistan |
sistema {m} | :: system |
sistema {m} | :: scheme (a systematic plan of future action; also, a group of independent but interrelated elements comprising a unified whole) |
sistema {m} | :: regime, system (political) |
sistema de alimentación ininterrumpido {m} | :: uninterruptible power supply |
sistema de posicionamiento global {m} [cartography] | :: Global Positioning System, GPS |
sistema digestivo {m} [anatomy] | :: digestive system |
sistema inmunitario {m} [anatomy] | :: immune system |
Sistema Internacional de Unidades {prop} {m} | :: International System of Units |
sistema límbico {m} | :: limbic system |
sistema linfático {m} | :: lymphatic system |
sistema nervioso {m} | :: nervous system |
sistema operativo {m} | :: operating system |
sistema planetario {m} | :: planetary system |
sistema solar {m} [astronomy] | :: Solar System |
sistemática {f} | :: systematics |
sistemáticamente {adv} | :: systematically |
sistematicidad {f} | :: systematicity |
sistemático {adj} | :: systematic |
sistematización {f} | :: systematization |
sistematizadamente {adv} | :: systematically |
sistematizador {adj} | :: systemising |
sistematizador {m} | :: systemizer |
sistematizar {v} | :: to systematize |
sistémico {adj} | :: systemic |
sistemismo {m} | :: systemism |
sistemizador {m} | :: systemizer |
sístole {f} | :: systole |
sistólico {adj} | :: systolic |
sistro {m} [musical instruments] | :: sistrum |
sitar {m} [musical instruments] | :: sitar (Indian string instrument) |
sitcom {m} | :: sitcom |
si te he visto no me acuerdo {phrase} | :: A phrase used to imply someone going back on their word |
sitiador {adj} | :: besieging |
sitiador {m} | :: besieger |
sitial {m} | :: seat (of honour) |
sitiar {v} | :: to besiege |
sitio {m} | :: site, place |
sitio {m} | :: siege |
sitio web {m} | :: web site |
sito {adj} [formal] | :: located, situated |
sitofobia {f} | :: sitophobia |
situación {f} | :: situation, scenario, picture |
situación {f} | :: position (based on circumstance or the effect of another's actions) |
situación {f} | :: status, state of affairs, condition |
situación {f} | :: location |
situacional {adj} | :: situational |
situacionista {adj} | :: situationist |
situacionista {mf} | :: situationist |
situado {adj} | :: located, situated, sited |
situado {adj} | :: nestled |
situado {adj} | :: set (e.g. a novel, play or film) |
situado {adj} | :: placed, positioned |
situar {v} | :: to situate, to place, to put, to position |
situar {v} | :: to invest money |
situar {v} | :: to locate (often on a map, chart, diagram or drawing of some sort) |
situar {v} [architecture] | :: to site |
situar {vr} | :: to be set (e.g. a novel or film) |
situar {vr} | :: to position oneself (physically in a location) |
situar {vr} | :: to be placed, to be located, to be situated |
situar {vr} | :: to reach (a certain level in quantity or percentage) |
situarse {v} | :: to situate or place oneself |
siútico {adj} [Chile] | :: snobby |
siútico {adj} [Chile] | :: weird |
siútico {m} [Chile] | :: arriviste |
siútico {m} [Chile] | :: snob |
siwi {m} | :: Siwi |
sixtino {adj} | :: Sistine |
sixtoclementino {adj} | :: Sixto-Clementine |
sí y no {phrase} | :: yes and no (when answering a yes-no question, implies that the answer is relative and may be both yes and no) |
sí y no {phrase} | :: See: es si y no |
si yo te contara {phrase} | :: don't get me started |
si y solo si {conj} | :: if and only if |
ska {m} | :: ska |
skate {m} | :: skating, skateboarding |
skateboard {m} | :: skateboard |
skatebord {m} | :: skateboard |
skater {m} | :: skater, skateboarder |
skate roller {m} | :: roller skates |
sketch {m} | :: sketch (short comic work) |
skimboard {m} | :: skimboarding |
skinhead {mf} | :: skinhead |
Skopie {prop} | :: Skopie (capital city) |
skopiote {adj} | :: Skopjan (of or pertaining to Skopje, North Macedonia) |
skopiote {mf} | :: Skopjan (native or resident of Skopje, North Macedonia) |
skúa {m} | :: great skua, Stercorarius skua/Catharacta skua |
skyline {m} | :: skyline |
SL {prop} | :: abbreviation of San Luis Potosí (Mexican state) |
slackline {m} | :: slackline |
slap {m} [Peru] | :: flip-flop, thong [Australia], jandal [New Zealand] |
slapstick {m} | :: slapstick |
slash {m} [punctuation] | :: slash |
slasher {m} | :: slasher (horror subgenre) |
slider {m} [baseball] | :: slider |
slip {m} | :: briefs, pants, men's underwear |
slip {m} | :: knickers, panties [less usual meaning] |
slogan {m} | :: slogan |
slowcore {m} | :: slowcore |
slugger {m} [baseball] | :: slugger |
slugging {m} [baseball] | :: slugging |
slump {m} | :: slump (decline) |
smart {adj} | :: smart (with smart technology) |
smarthphone {m} | :: alternative spelling of smartphone |
smartphone {m} | :: smartphone |
smartwatch {m} | :: smartwatch |
Smirnoff {prop} | :: surname |
smithiano {adj} | :: Smithian |
smog {m} | :: smog |
smoking {m} | :: obsolete spelling of esmoquin |
Smolensk {prop} {m} | :: Smolensk (oblast) |
Smolensk {prop} {m} | :: Smolensk (city/administrative center) |
smoothie {m} | :: smoothie (beverage) |
sms {m} | :: SMS, text |
s/n {adj} | :: abbreviation of sin número (used in postal addresses) |
s/n {adj} | :: abbreviation of sin nombre |
SN {n} [grammar, syntax] | :: abbreviation of sintagma nominal |
snack {m} | :: snack |
snackbar {m} | :: snack bar |
snap {m} | :: snap (photograph) |
sneaker {m} | :: sneaker |
snif {interj} | :: boo hoo |
snobismo {m} | :: snobbery |
snocross {m} | :: snocross |
snorkel {m} | :: snorkel |
snorkel {m} | :: snorkelling |
snow {m} | :: snowboarding |
snowboard {m} | :: snowboarding |
snowboarder {mf} | :: snowboarder |
snowcross {m} | :: snocross |
snuff {m} | :: snuff (film of death) |
so- {prefix} | :: sub- |
so {prep} [archaic] | :: under |
so {pron} | :: you [emphatic, derogatory] |
so {interj} [US Spanish, Puerto Rico, El Salvador] | :: so |
so {interj} | :: whoa! |
SO {prop} | :: abbreviation of Sonora (Mexican state) |
sobaco {m} [anatomy] | :: armpit |
sobadito {m} | :: diminutive of sobado |
sobado {m} | :: A type of butter cake |
sobajar {vt} | :: alternative form of sobajear |
sobajar {vt} [Mexico] | :: synonym of humillar |
sobaquera {f} [clothing] | :: armhole [of a garment] |
sobaquera {f} [clothing] | :: armhole reinforcement |
sobaquera {f} [clothing] | :: underarm shield [to protect clothing against sweat] |
sobaquera {f} [food] | :: large tortilla made of wheat flour and water |
sobaquina {f} | :: body odour; BO (from the armpits) |
sobar {v} | :: to knead |
sobar {v} | :: to hit or strike punishingly |
sobar {v} | :: to fondle; feel up; grope |
soberana {f} | :: feminine noun of soberano |
soberanamente {adv} | :: regally, royally (in a regal manner) |
soberanamente {adv} | :: majorly; royally (a lot) |
soberanía {f} | :: sovereignty |
soberanismo {m} | :: sovereignism |
soberanista {adj} | :: sovereigntist |
soberanista {mf} | :: sovereigntist |
soberano {adj} | :: sovereign |
soberano {m} | :: sovereign |
Soberano {prop} {m} | :: surname |
soberbia {f} | :: haughtiness |
soberbia {f} | :: arrogance |
soberbiamente {adv} | :: haughtily; arrogantly |
soberbio {adj} | :: haughty |
soberbio {adj} | :: arrogant |
soberbio {adj} | :: angry |
soberbioso {adj} | :: haughty |
sobornar {v} | :: to bribe |
sobornar {v} [formal] | :: to suborn |
soborno {m} | :: bribery |
soborno {m} | :: bribe |
soborno {m} [formal] | :: subornation |
sobra {f} | :: surplus, excess, extra |
sobra {f} [in the plural] | :: leftovers, leavings |
sobra {f} | :: rubbish, trash |
sobradamente {adv} | :: too much, excessively, overly |
sobradísimo {adj} | :: superlative of sobrado |
sobrante {adj} | :: superfluous, surplus |
sobrar {v} | :: to be superfluous; to be left over or extra |
sobrasada {f} | :: sobrassada |
sobre- {prefix} | :: over- |
sobre {prep} | :: over, above, on, upon, atop |
sobre {prep} | :: about |
sobre {m} | :: envelope |
sobreabastecimiento {m} | :: oversupply |
sobreabundancia {f} | :: overabundance |
sobreabundante {adj} | :: overabundant; all over the place |
sobreactuación {f} | :: overacting |
sobreactuar {vi} | :: to overact, ham it up |
sobreacumulación {f} | :: overaccumulation |
sobreaforo {m} | :: overcrowding |
sobreagudo {adj} [music] | :: high (to describe a note at the top of a singer's tessitura) |
sobrealimentación {f} | :: overfeeding |
sobrealimentado {adj} | :: overfed |
sobrealimentador {adj} | :: supercharging; that supercharges |
sobrealimentador {m} | :: supercharger |
sobrealimentar {vt} | :: to overfeed |
sobreasar {v} | :: To re-roast |
sobrebarriga {f} [beef] | :: A beef bavette, a flank steak |
sobrecalentamiento {m} | :: overheating |
sobrecalentar {vt} | :: to overheat |
sobrecalificado {adj} | :: overqualified |
sobrecama {f} | :: coverlet, bedspread |
sobrecama {f} | :: blanket |
sobrecapacidad {f} | :: overcapacity, excess capacity |
sobrecarga {f} | :: overload |
sobrecargado {adj} | :: overloaded |
sobrecargar {vt} | :: to overload |
sobrecargo {m} | :: overcharge |
sobrecargo {m} | :: overbearing |
sobrecejo {m} | :: frown |
sobreceño {m} | :: frown |
sobrecito {m} | :: diminutive of sobre |
sobrecocción {f} | :: overcooking |
sobrecogedor {adj} | :: shocking; horrific |
sobrecogedor {adj} | :: impressive; awesome |
sobrecoger {v} | :: to surprise, catch in the act |
sobrecoger {v} | :: to overwhelm |
sobrecoger {v} | :: to scare, to appall |
sobrecogimiento {m} | :: fright |
sobrecomisión {f} | :: override |
sobreconsumir {vt} | :: to overconsume |
sobreconsumo {m} | :: overconsumption |
sobrecoste {m} | :: extra charge |
sobrecosto {m} | :: cost overrun |
sobrecrecimiento {m} | :: overgrowth |
sobrecriminalización {f} | :: overcriminalisation |
sobrecualificación {f} | :: overqualification |
sobrecualificado {adj} | :: overqualified |
sobrecubierta {f} | :: dust jacket |
sobrecumplimiento {m} | :: overachievement |
sobrecumplir {v} | :: to overachieve |
sobrecupo {m} | :: overbooking; having too many people on board |
sobredemandar {v} | :: to over-demand |
sobre de primer día {m} | :: first day cover |
sobredeterminar {v} | :: to overdetermine |
sobredicho {adj} | :: said before, said previously |
sobredimensión {f} | :: excessive size |
sobredimensionamiento {m} | :: oversizing |
sobredimensionar {vt} | :: to overblow, exaggerate the significance of |
sobredorar {vt} | :: to gild (cover with gold) |
sobredosificación {f} | :: overdosage |
sobredosificar {v} | :: to overdose |
sobredosis {f} | :: overdose |
sobredotado {adj} | :: super-gifted |
sobreedad {f} | :: attendance in school of pupils who are older than the others |
sobreelevación {f} | :: overelevation |
sobreelevado {adj} | :: raised; high |
sobreendeudamiento {m} | :: excessive debt |
sobreentender {vt} | :: to understand [something not implicitly stated] |
sobreescribir {v} | :: to overwrite |
sobreesdrújula {f} | :: alternative form of sobresdrújula |
sobreesdrújulo {adj} | :: alternative form of sobresdrújulo |
sobreesfuerzo {m} | :: excessive effort |
sobreestimación {f} | :: overestimate |
sobreestimar {vt} | :: to overvalue, overestimate |
sobreestimulación {f} | :: overstimulation |
sobreestimular {v} | :: to overstimulate |
sobreexcitación {f} | :: overexcitement |
sobreexcitar {vt} | :: alternative spelling of sobrexcitar |
sobreexplotación {f} | :: overexploitation |
sobreexplotar {vt} | :: overexploit, overuse [especially a natural resource] |
sobreexplotar {vt} | :: overwork |
sobreexposición {f} | :: overexposure |
sobreexpresar {v} | :: to overexpress |
sobreexpresión {f} | :: overexpression |
sobrefacturación {f} | :: overbilling |
sobrefaz {f} | :: surface, outside |
sobrefinanciación {f} | :: overfunding |
sobregirar {vt} | :: to overdraw |
sobregiro {m} [banking] | :: overdraft |
sobregrabación {f} | :: overdub |
sobregrabar {v} | :: to overdub |
sobre gustos no hay nada escrito {proverb} | :: there's no accounting for taste |
sobrehuipil {m} | :: A cloak worn over a huipil |
sobrehumanamente {adv} | :: superhumanly |
sobrehumano {adj} | :: superhuman |
sobreimpresión {f} [cinematography, photography, printing] | :: overprint |
sobreimpreso {adj} | :: superimposed |
sobreimprimir {v} | :: to overprint |
sobreinfección {f} | :: superinfection |
sobreinfectar {v} | :: to superinfect |
sobreinterpretación {f} | :: overinterpretation |
sobrejalma {f} | :: additional piece of saddlecloth put on top |
sobre la marcha {adv} [idiom] | :: on the fly; as one goes along |
sobrellenar {v} | :: to overfill |
sobrellevar {vt} | :: to endure, bear |
sobremanera {adv} | :: greatly, exceedingly, highly, to no end |
sobremarcha {f} [mechanics] | :: overdrive |
sobremedicar {vt} | :: to overmedicate |
sobremesa {f} | :: tablecloth |
sobremesa {f} | :: time spent at the table after eating |
sobremesa {f} [computing] | :: desktop |
sobremesa {f} [obsolete] | :: dessert |
sobremontado {adj} [heraldry] | :: surmounted |
sobremordida {f} [dentistry] | :: overbite |
sobremortalidad {f} | :: excessive death rate |
sobremuestreo {m} | :: oversampling |
sobrenadante {adj} | :: supernatant |
sobrenadar {vi} | :: to float |
sobrenatural {adj} | :: supernatural |
sobrenaturalmente {adv} | :: supernaturally |
sobrenombre {m} | :: nickname, sobriquet |
sobrentender {vt} | :: alternative form of sobreentender |
sobrenutrición {f} | :: overnutrition |
sobreoferta {f} | :: surplus |
sobreoptimismo {m} | :: overoptimism |
sobreoxigenado {adj} | :: overoxygenated |
sobrepagado {adj} | :: overpaid |
sobrepantalón {m} | :: overtrousers |
sobrepasar {v} | :: to surpass |
sobrepastoreo {m} | :: overgrazing |
sobrepelliz {f} | :: surplice |
sobrepesca {f} | :: overfishing |
sobrepeso {m} | :: overweight |
sobrepique {m} [football] | :: tap-in |
sobrepiso {m} | :: overlay |
sobrepoblación {f} | :: overpopulation |
sobrepoblado {adj} | :: overpopulated |
sobrepoblar {vt} | :: to overpopulate |
sobreponderación {f} | :: overweight; excessive weighting |
sobreponer {v} | :: to superimpose |
sobreponerse {vp} | :: reflexive of sobreponer, to defy something, flout something, overcome |
sobreposición {f} | :: overlay |
sobreprecio {m} | :: increase in price |
sobreprecio {m} | :: surcharge |
sobrepremio {m} | :: jackpot |
sobrepremio {m} | :: main prize |
sobrepresión {f} | :: overpressure |
sobreproducción {f} | :: overproduction |
sobreprotección {f} | :: overprotection |
sobreprotector {adj} | :: overprotective |
sobreproteger {v} | :: to overprotect |
sobrepuerta {f} | :: lintel |
sobrepuesto {m} [Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay] | :: austral negrito |
sobrepujar {vt} | :: to overcome; to surpass; to get over |
sobrepujar {vt} | :: to outbid |
sobrequilla {m} [nautical] | :: keelson |
sobrera {f} | :: feminine noun of sobrero |
sobrero {m} [Salamanca] | :: synonym of alcornoque |
sobrero {m} [bullfighting] | :: reserve bull |
sobrerreacción {f} | :: overreaction |
sobrerreaccionar {v} | :: to overreact |
sobrerregulación {f} | :: overregulation |
sobrerrepresentación {f} | :: overrepresentation |
sobrerrepresentado {adj} | :: overrepresented |
sobrerrepresentar {v} | :: to overrepresent |
sobrerropa {f} | :: overalls |
sobrerropa {f} | :: overcoat |
sobre ruedas {adv} [idiom, of a project or activity] | :: well, smoothly; swimmingly |
sobreruedas {m} [Mexico] | :: flea market |
sobresaliente {adj} | :: outstanding |
sobresalientemente {adv} | :: fantastically, wonderfully |
sobresalir {vi} | :: to stick out (extend beyond) |
sobresalir {vi} | :: to stick out (be prominent or noticeable) |
sobresalir {vi} | :: to stand out |
sobresaltar {v} | :: to spook, flinch, startle, shock |
sobresaltar {vr} | :: to jump |
sobresalto {m} | :: jolt |
sobresalto {m} | :: scare, fright, tizzy |
sobresaturación {f} | :: oversaturation |
sobresaturado {adj} | :: oversaturated |
sobresaturar {vt} | :: to oversaturate |
sobrescribir {vt} | :: to overwrite |
sobresdrújula {f} [phonology] | :: A word with stress or an acute accent in any position before the antepenultimate syllable |
sobresdrújulo {adj} [phonology] | :: Pertaining to a word with stress or an acute accent in any position before the antepenultimate syllable |
sobreseer {vi} | :: to stay, to prolong |
sobreseer {vi} [legal] | :: to dismiss a case or motion |
sobreseimiento {m} [law] | :: nolle prosequi, dismissal |
sobresfuerzo {m} | :: overexertion |
sobrestadía {f} | :: demurrage |
sobrestante {mf} | :: foreman; foreperson |
sobrestimación {f} | :: overestimation |
sobrestimar {v} | :: alternative form of sobreestimar |
sobresueldo {m} | :: bonus, allowance, extra pay |
sobretasa {f} | :: surcharge |
sobretensión {f} [electricity] | :: surge |
sobre todo {adv} | :: especially |
sobretodo {m} | :: overalls |
sobretono {m} | :: overtone |
sobretrabajo {m} | :: overworking; excessive work or working hours |
sobretratamiento {m} [medicine] | :: overtreatment |
sobreturismo {m} | :: overtourism |
sobreuso {m} | :: overuse |
sobrevaloración {m} | :: overvaluation |
sobrevalorado {adj} | :: overrated |
sobrevalorar {vt} | :: to overrate, overvalue |
sobrevaluación {f} | :: overvaluing |
sobrevaluado {adj} | :: overrated, overvalued |
sobrevender {vt} | :: to oversell |
sobrevendir {v} | :: alternative form of sobrevender |
sobrevenir {vi} | :: to come up, arise, come forth, be brought about |
sobreventa {f} | :: overbooking; overselling |
sobrevida {f} [medical] | :: survival |
sobreviraje {m} | :: oversteering |
sobrevirar {v} | :: to oversteer |
sobrevivencia {f} | :: alternative form of supervivencia |
sobreviviente {adj} | :: surviving |
sobreviviente {m} | :: survivor |
sobrevivir {vi} | :: to survive |
sobrevolar {vt} | :: to fly over |
sobrevoltaje {m} | :: overvoltage |
sobrevuelo {m} | :: flyby |
sobrevuelo {m} | :: overfly |
sobrexplotación {f} | :: overexploitation |
sobrexposición {f} | :: overexhibition |
sobreyectivo {adj} | :: surjective |
sobri {f} | :: short for sobrina |
sobri {m} | :: short for sobrino |
sobriamente {adv} | :: soberly, moderately, temperately |
sobriamente {adv} | :: concisely |
sobriedad {f} | :: sobriety, temperance |
sobrina {f} | :: female equivalent of sobrino |
sobrina bisnieta {f} | :: great-grandniece |
sobrina nieta {f} | :: grandniece |
sobrina segunda {f} | :: first cousin once removed (one's cousin's daughter) |
sobrinastra {f} | :: feminine noun of sobrinastro; stepniece |
sobrinastro {m} | :: stepnephew |
sobrina tercera {f} | :: second cousin once removed (daughter of one's second cousin) |
sobrinillo {m} | :: diminutive of sobrino |
sobrinita {f} | :: feminine noun of sobrinito |
sobrinito {m} | :: diminutive of sobrino |
sobrino {m} | :: nephew |
sobrino {m} | :: nibling |
sobrino bisnieto {m} | :: great-grandnephew |
sobrino nieto {m} | :: grandnephew |
sobrino segundo {m} | :: first cousin once removed (one's cousin's son/child) |
sobrino tercero {m} | :: second cousin once removed (son / child of one's second cousin) |
sobrio {adj} | :: sober (not drunk) |
sobrio {adj} | :: moderate |
soca {f} | :: soca |
socado {adj} | :: drunk |
socaliña {f} | :: swindle, deception (trick or strategy to take away something from someone) |
socarrar {v} | :: to singe; burn |
socarrat {m} [cooking] | :: The layer of toasted rice at the bottom of a paella |
socarro {adj} [archaic] | :: mocking, snide, sarcastic |
socarrón {adj} | :: mocking, snide, sarcastic |
socarronamente {adv} | :: surlily |
socarronería {f} | :: irony, snideness |
socavación {f} | :: undermining (erosion under a structure caused by water) |
socavamiento {m} | :: undermining |
socavar {v} | :: to undermine |
socavar {v} | :: to burrow |
socavón {m} | :: hole, hollow |
Sochi {prop} {m} | :: Sochi (city) |
socia {f} | :: member |
socia {f} [Spain, colloquial] | :: whore, hooker |
sociabilidad {f} | :: sociability |
sociabilización {f} | :: socialization |
sociabilizar {vt} | :: to socialize, teach about being sociable |
sociable {adj} | :: sociable |
social {adj} | :: social |
socialcristiana {f} | :: Christian Socialist |
socialcristiano {m} | :: Christian Socialist |
socialdemocracia {f} | :: social democracy |
socialdemócrata {adj} | :: social democrat |
socialdemócrata {mf} | :: social democrat |
socialidad {f} | :: sociality |
socialismo {m} | :: socialism |
socialismo democrático {m} | :: democratic socialism |
socialista {adj} | :: socialist |
socialista {adj} [politics, Spain] | :: Pertaining to PSOE (Partido Socialista Obrero Español), a Spanish political party |
socialista {mf} | :: socialist |
socialista {mf} [politics, Spain] | :: A member or supporter of PSOE (Partido Socialista Obrero Español), a Spanish political party |
socialite {mf} | :: socialite |
socialité {f} | :: socialite; It girl |
socialización {f} | :: socialization (the process of learning how to live in a way acceptable to one's own society, said especially about children) |
socialización {f} | :: socialization (the act of interacting with others, of being social) |
socialización {f} | :: socialization, nationalization (act of making private assets public) |
socializador {adj} | :: socializing |
socializante {adj} | :: socialist-leaning |
socializar {v} | :: to socialize (to interact socially with) |
socializar {v} | :: to socialize, nationalize (to make a private company part of the government) |
socialmente {adv} | :: socially |
socialrevolucionario {m} | :: socialist revolutionary |
sociata {adj} [pejorative] | :: socialist |
sociata {mf} [pejorative] | :: socialist |
sociedad {f} | :: society, social order, community |
sociedad {f} | :: high society |
sociedad {f} | :: company, firm, corporation |
sociedad {f} | :: association, partnership |
sociedad anónima {f} | :: public limited company |
Sociedad de Naciones {prop} {f} | :: League of Nations (international organization) |
societal {adj} | :: societal |
societario {adj} | :: societal |
societario {adj} [attributive] | :: corporate, corporation |
socimi {f} | :: real estate investment trust |
socio- {prefix} | :: socio- |
socio {m} | :: partner |
socio {m} | :: member |
socio {m} [colloquial] | :: buddy, mate |
socioadministrativo {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to social administration |
socioafectivo {adj} | :: social and health |
socioambiental {adj} | :: socioenvironmental |
sociobióloga {f} | :: feminine noun of sociobiólogo |
sociobiología {f} | :: sociobiology |
sociobiólogo {m} | :: sociobiologist |
sociocultural {adj} | :: sociocultural |
sociodemográfico {adj} | :: sociodemographic |
socioeconomía {f} | :: socioeconomics |
socioeconómicamente {adv} | :: socioeconomically |
socioeconómico {adj} | :: socioeconomic |
socioeducativo {adj} | :: socio-educational |
socioemocional {adj} | :: socioemotional |
socioespacial {adj} | :: sociospatial |
sociohistórico {adj} | :: sociohistorical |
sociolaboral {adj} | :: socio-occupational |
sociolecto {m} | :: sociolect |
socioliberal {adj} | :: social liberal |
socioliberalismo {m} | :: social liberalism |
sociolingüista {mf} | :: sociolinguist |
sociolingüística {f} | :: sociolinguistics |
sociolingüístico {adj} | :: sociolinguistic |
socióloga {f} | :: feminine noun of sociólogo |
sociología {f} | :: sociology |
sociológicamente {adv} | :: sociologically |
sociológico {adj} | :: sociological |
sociólogo {m} | :: sociologist (scientist studying the field of sociology) |
sociópata {mf} | :: sociopath |
sociopatía {f} | :: sociopathy |
sociopenal {adj} | :: of or pertaining to social work with prisoners |
sociopolítico {adj} | :: socio-political |
socioproductivo {adj} | :: of or relating to social production |
sociorracial {adj} | :: socioracial |
sociosanitario {adj} | :: public health (attributive) |
sociotecnológica {f} | :: sociotechnology |
sociovergente {mf} | :: A member of the elite who control present-day Catalonia |
sociovergente {adj} | :: of or pertaining to the elite who have most of the power over Catalonia |
socollón {m} [Costa Rica] | :: Violent shaking, earthquake, or upheaval |
so color de {prep} | :: under the pretext/guise of |
soconostle {m} | :: alternative form of xoconostle |
socorrer {v} | :: to assist, to help, to succor, to aid |
socorrer {v} | :: to pay on account |
socorrismo {m} | :: life-saving |
socorrista {mf} | :: lifeguard |
socorrista {mf} | :: lifesaver |
socorrista {mf} | :: bathkeeper, bath attendant, pool supervisor, swimming pool attendant, lifesaver |
socorro {interj} | :: help!, mayday! |
socorro {m} | :: relief (provision) |
socorro {m} | :: help, aid |
socoyote {m} | :: alternative form of xocoyote |
Sócrates {prop} {m} | :: Socrates |
Sócrates {prop} {m} | :: given name |
socráticamente {adv} | :: Socratically |
socrático {adj} | :: Socratic |
soda {f} | :: soda (soft drink) |
soda {f} | :: soda (sodium hydroxide) |
soda {f} [Costa Rica, Panama, rarely in United States] | :: cheap, casual restaurant |
sodalita {f} | :: sodalite |
sodálite {mf} | :: Sodalit |
sodera {f} | :: feminine noun of sodero |
sodero {m} [Argentina] | :: soda-bottle seller or distributor |
sódico {adj} | :: sodium |
sodio {m} | :: sodium |
Sodoma {prop} {f} | :: Sodoma (<<ancient>> Biblical <<city>> in <<r/Canaan>>, destroyed due to its sinfulness) |
sodomía {f} | :: sodomy |
sodomita {mf} | :: Sodomite |
sodomita {m} | :: sodomite |
sodomización {f} | :: sodomization |
sodomizar {v} | :: to sodomize |
soez {adj} | :: coarse, vulgar |
sofá {m} | :: sofa, couch |
Sofía {prop} {f} | :: Sofía (capital city) |
Sofía {prop} {f} | :: given name |
sofisma {f} [philosophy] | :: sophism |
sofista {mf} [philosophy] | :: sophist |
sofisticación {f} | :: sophistication |
sofisticadamente {adv} | :: sophisticatedly |
sofisticadísimo {adj} | :: superlative of sofisticado |
sofisticado {adj} | :: sophisticated |
sofísticamente {adv} | :: sophistically |
sofisticar {vt} | :: to sophisticate |
sofístico {adj} | :: of refined subtlety |
sofito {m} [architecture] | :: soffit |
soflama {f} | :: outburst |
soflama {f} | :: fiery speech |
sofocación {f} | :: suffocation |
sofocamiento {m} | :: suffocating |
sofocante {adj} | :: suffocating |
sofocante {adj} | :: stifling |
sofocar {v} | :: to suffocate, to stifle, to smother |
sofocar {v} | :: to quell, to suppress, to put down, to crush, to quash, to squelch |
sofocarse {v} | :: reflexive of sofocar |
Sófocles {prop} {m} | :: Sophocles |
sofoco {m} | :: hot flash |
sofocón {m} | :: grief, distress |
Sofonías {prop} {m} [bible] | :: Zephaniah (the book of the Bible) |
sofreír {v} | :: to fry lightly |
sofrenar {vt} | :: to rein in |
sofrito {m} [cuisine] | :: sofrito |
sofrología {f} | :: sophrology |
softball {m} | :: softball |
softbol {m} | :: softball |
sóftbol {m} | :: softball |
softbolista {mf} | :: softballer |
software {m} [computing] | :: software (encoded computer instructions) |
software libre {m} | :: free software (software that can be freely copied, redistributed and modified) |
soga {f} | :: rope |
soga {f} | :: noose |
soga {f} [figuratively] | :: sly or cunning person |
sogdiana {f} | :: feminine noun of sogdiano |
Sogdiana {prop} {f} | :: Sogdiana (an ancient Iranian-speaking civilization) |
sogdiano {adj} | :: Sogdian |
sogdiano {m} | :: Sogdian |
soguear {vt} [agriculture] | :: to tie a spike with a rope and shake it, in order to remove the dew |
soguear {vt} | :: to measure with a rope |
sogún {m} | :: shogun |
soja {f} | :: soya, soybean |
soja {f} | :: soy (soy sauce) |
sojal {m} | :: soybean field |
sojuzgamiento {m} | :: subjugation |
sojuzgar {vt} | :: to subjugate |
Sokolsky {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
sol {m} | :: sun |
sol {m} | :: sunlight |
sol {m} | :: sunny side [of a place] |
sol {m} | :: daylight (time between sunrise and sunset) |
sol {m} | :: sol (a unit of currency, currently used in Peru) |
sol {m} | :: sol [musical note] |
sol {m} [chemistry] | :: sol (a colloid suspension of a solid in a liquid) |
Sol {prop} {m} | :: the Sun |
Sol {prop} {f} | :: clipping of Soledad |
solador {m} | :: tiler |
solamente {adv} | :: only, alone, merely |
solana {f} | :: strong sunshine |
solana {f} | :: suntrap, sunny spot, sunny side, sunny place |
solana {f} | :: sun terrace |
solana {f} | :: sunny balcony |
solana {f} | :: solarium |
solanácea {f} | :: nightshade |
solanina {f} | :: solanine |
solano {m} | :: nightshade |
Solano {prop} | :: surname |
solapa {f} | :: lapel |
solapa {f} | :: inside flap of a book cover (typically containing a summary or information about the author) |
solapadamente {adv} | :: deceitfully, dishonestly |
solapamiento {m} | :: overlap |
solapar {v} | :: to overlap |
solapar {v} [figuratively] | :: to cover up |
solar {m} | :: house (of a family), noble lineage |
solar {m} [Cuba] | :: tenement house |
solar {m} | :: ground, land |
solar {v} | :: to pave |
solar {v} | :: to sole a shoe |
solar {adj} | :: solar |
Solares {prop} | :: surname |
solariego {adj} | :: ancestorial |
solariego {adj} | :: stately |
solario {m} | :: alternative form of solárium |
solárium {m} | :: sunroom, solarium |
solarizar {v} | :: to solarize |
solaz {f} | :: solace |
solazar {vt} | :: to entertain; to amuse |
solazar {vt} | :: to give solace to |
solazarse {vr} | :: to take pleasure, to relax |
solazo {m} | :: bright, burning sun |
solcito {m} | :: diminutive of sol |
soldada {f} | :: salary |
soldada {f} | :: feminine noun of soldado |
soldadera {f} | :: A female soldier in the Mexican Revolution |
soldadesco {adj} [attributive] | :: soldier |
soldadito {m} | :: army man, plastic soldier (toy) |
soldadito {m} [Honduras] | :: blackbird (bird of the family Icteridae) |
soldadito {m} | :: diminutive of soldado little soldier |
soldado {mf} | :: soldier |
soldador {m} | :: welder |
soldador {m} | :: soldering iron |
soldado raso {m} [military ranks] | :: private |
soldadura {f} | :: soldering |
soldadura {f} | :: welding |
soldán {m} | :: sultan |
soldar {v} | :: to weld |
soldar {v} | :: to solder, to braze |
sol de justicia {m} [idiom] | :: a blazing sun |
sol de justicia {m} [idiom] | :: Sun of Justice, Sun of Righteousness [title for God] |
soleado {adj} | :: sunny |
soleamiento {m} | :: sunlight (especially, sunlight in a building) |
solear {vr} | :: to sunbathe |
solear {v} | :: to sun, put in the sun |
soledad {f} | :: solitude |
Soledad {prop} {f} | :: given name |
soledumbre {f} [obsolete] | :: solitude, loneliness |
solemne {adj} | :: solemn |
solemnemente {adv} | :: solemnly |
solemnidad {f} | :: solemnity |
solemnidad {f} | :: festiveness |
solemnísimo {adj} | :: superlative of solemne |
solemnizar {v} | :: to solemnize (to make solemn or official) |
solemnizar {v} | :: to celebrate |
solenoide {m} | :: solenoid |
solense {m} | :: Club Sol de América player |
sóleo {m} [anatomy] | :: soleus (muscle) |
soler {v} [auxiliary] | :: to be accustomed to doing something, to do something on a regular basis |
soler {v} [auxiliary] | :: to tend to |
soler {v} [imperfect] | :: used to |
solera {f} | :: solera |
solera {f} | :: vintage (wine) |
solera {f} [figurative] | :: character, history |
solería {f} | :: flooring |
soleta {f} | :: patch (for clothing) |
soleta {f} | :: ladyfinger (biscuit) |
solevar {vt} | :: to push up |
solevar {vtr} | :: to revolt |
solfa {m} | :: sol-fa |
solfear {v} | :: to sol-fa |
solfeo {m} | :: sol-fa |
solicitación {f} | :: request |
solícitamente {adv} | :: diligently |
solicitante {adj} | :: that applies for |
solicitante {mf} | :: applicant |
solicitar {v} | :: to request, to ask for, to solicit |
solicitar {v} [physics] | :: to attract |
solícito {adj} | :: solicitous |
solicitud {f} | :: application |
solicitud {f} | :: solicitation, request |
solicitud {f} | :: survey |
sólidamente {adv} | :: solidly |
solidar {v} | :: to consolidate |
solidar {v} | :: to harden |
solidariamente {adv} | :: jointly |
solidaridad {f} | :: solidarity |
solidario {adj} | :: caring, sympathetic to; solidary |
solidarista {mf} | :: a believer of solidarity |
solidarizar {v} | :: to unite, to bring together |
solideo {m} | :: zucchetto |
solidez {f} | :: solidness |
solidificación {f} | :: freezing, solidification |
solidificar {v} | :: to solidify |
solidísimo {adj} | :: superlative of solido |
sólido {adj} | :: solid |
sólido {adj} | :: strong, firm |
sólido {m} [numismatics] | :: solidus |
sólido {m} | :: solid |
sólido arquimediano {m} | :: Archimedean solid |
sólido de Arquímedes {m} | :: Archimedean solid |
soliloquio {m} | :: soliloquy |
solimán {m} [archaic] | :: corrosive sublimate |
Solimán {prop} | :: surname |
solio {m} | :: throne; seat |
solípedo {m} | :: solipede |
solípedo {adj} | :: solipedous |
solipsismo {m} [philosophy] | :: solipsism (theory) |
solipsista {mf} | :: solipsist |
solipsista {adj} | :: solipsist |
Solís {prop} | :: surname |
solista {mf} [music] | :: soloist |
solístico {adj} | :: soloistic |
solitariamente {adv} | :: solitarily; solo; on one's own |
solitario {adj} | :: lonely |
solitario {m} | :: solitaire (card game) |
solitario {m} | :: solitaire (bird) |
solito {adj} | :: diminutive of solo |
sólito {adj} | :: accustomed, used to |
solitón {m} [physics, mathematics] | :: soliton |
solitud {f} | :: solitude |
soliviantar {v} | :: to rouse, stir up, incite |
soliviantar {v} | :: to change (someone's) emotional state (in various different ways) |
soliviantar {v} | :: to annoy |
soliviantar {v} | :: to excite |
soliviantar {v} | :: to give false hope to |
soliviantar {v} | :: to worry |
solla {f} | :: plaice |
sollozante {adj} | :: sobbing |
sollozar {v} | :: to sob |
sollozo {m} | :: sob |
solo {adj} | :: sole, only, unique, single |
solo {adj} | :: lonely, lonesome |
solo {adj} | :: alone, by oneself |
solo {adv} | :: only, solely, just |
solo {adv} | :: automatically; self-, by itself |
sólo {adv} | :: superseded spelling of solo |
Sololá {prop} | :: Sololá (department) |
sololoy {m} [colloquial, Mexico] | :: celluloid |
solomillo {m} | :: sirloin (cut of beef) |
solomo {m} | :: sirloin |
Solón {prop} {m} | :: Solon (statesman and lawgiver) |
solsticio {m} | :: solstice |
soltar {v} | :: to release |
soltar {v} | :: to let go |
soltar {v} | :: to let loose (release from restraint) |
soltar {v} | :: to give (a hit) |
soltar en banda {vt} [idiom, Caribbean] | :: to leave (someone) |
soltar en banda {vt} [idiom, Caribbean] | :: to leave (someone) alone |
soltar en banda {vt} [idiom, Caribbean] | :: to stay away from someone |
soltarse {v} | :: reflexive of soltar |
soltera {f} | :: feminine noun of soltero |
soltera {f} | :: bachelorette |
soltería {f} | :: singlehood |
solterísimo {adj} | :: superlative of soltero |
solterito {adj} | :: diminutive of soltero |
soltero {adj} | :: single, unmarried |
soltero {m} | :: bachelor |
soltero {m} | :: bachelorette |
solterón {m} [pejorative] | :: confirmed bachelor, old bachelor (older man uninterested in committed relationships) |
solterona {f} [pejorative] | :: spinster, old maid (A woman who has never been married, especially one past the normal marrying age according to social traditions) |
soltura {f} | :: fluency |
soltura {f} | :: looseness |
solubilidad {f} | :: solubility |
solubilización {f} | :: solubilization |
solubilizar {v} | :: to solubilize |
soluble {adj} | :: soluble |
solución {f} | :: solution |
solucionador {m} | :: solver |
solucionador {m} | :: troubleshooter |
solucionadra {f} | :: feminine noun of solucionador |
solucionar {v} | :: to solve; to implement a solution |
solucionarse {v} | :: reflexive of solucionar |
solución de continuidad {f} [idiom] | :: pause, break, interruption |
solucionista {mf} | :: solver, troubleshooter |
soluto {m} | :: solute |
solutrense {adj} | :: Solutrean |
solvatación {f} | :: solvation |
solvencia {f} [finance] | :: solvency |
solvencia {f} | :: clearance |
solvencia crediticia {f} [finance] | :: credit rating |
solventar {v} | :: to solve, settle |
solvente {adj} | :: solvent |
solver {v} [obsolete] | :: to solve |
sol y sombra {m} | :: A cocktail made with cognac and anisette |
somalí {adj} | :: Somali |
somalí {mf} | :: Somali |
Somalia {prop} {f} | :: Somalia |
Somalilandia {prop} {f} | :: Somaliland |
somanta {f} [colloquial] | :: beating, kicking |
somasteroide {m} | :: somasteroid |
somatén {m} | :: A former police force in Catalonia, now only exisiting in Andorra |
somático {adj} | :: somatic |
somatización {f} | :: somatization |
somatizar {vt} | :: to externalize |
somatología {f} | :: somatology |
somatosensorial {adj} | :: somatosensorial |
somatostatina {f} [hormone] | :: somatostatin |
somatotropina {f} [hormone] | :: somatotrophin |
somatotropo {adj} | :: somatotrophic |
sombra {f} | :: shade |
sombra {f} | :: shadow |
sombra {f} | :: ghost |
sombra de ojos {f} | :: eye shadow |
sombrajo {m} | :: rudimentary shade |
sombrajo {m} | :: a shadow cast over someone in order to annoy them |
sombrar {v} | :: to overshadow, adumbrate |
sombreado {adj} | :: shadowy or shaded |
sombreador {m} [computing] | :: shader |
sombrear {v} | :: to shade |
sombrerazo {m} | :: tip of the hat |
sombrerera {f} | :: hatbox |
sombrerería {f} | :: a shop where hats are being sold |
sombrerero {m} | :: hatter |
sombrerete {m} | :: diminutive of sombrero |
sombrerete {m} | :: cap (of mushroom) |
sombrerillo {m} | :: diminutive of sombrero |
sombrerito {m} | :: diminutive of sombrero |
sombrero {m} | :: hat |
sombrero de paja toquilla {m} | :: Panama hat |
sombrero de paja-toquilla {m} | :: alternative spelling of sombrero de paja toquilla |
sombrerón {m} | :: augmentative of sombrero, big hat |
sombrero Panamá {m} | :: Panama hat |
sombrerudo {adj} | :: hatted; wearing a hat |
sombríamente {adv} | :: shadily; gloomily |
sombrilla {f} | :: sunshade |
sombrilla {f} | :: parasol |
sombrío {adj} | :: bleak, shady, umbrageous |
sombrío {adj} | :: gloomy, grim, somber, dark |
sombrita {f} | :: diminutive of sombra |
sombroso {adj} | :: shady, umbrageous |
sombroso {adj} | :: gloomy, dark |
someramente {adv} | :: calmly |
someramente {adv} | :: superficially |
somero {adj} | :: light, calm |
sometedor {adj} | :: subduing |
someter {v} | :: to subdue, quell, conquer |
someter {v} | :: to subject to |
someter {v} | :: to subordinate (put under the control of) |
someter {v} | :: to submit, put forward [an opinion] |
someterse {v} | :: reflexive of someter |
sometido {adj} | :: submissive, subordinate |
sometimiento {m} | :: subjugation, submission |
somier {m} | :: base of the bed, bedframe |
somita {f} | :: somite |
sommelier {m} | :: sommelier |
somnífero {adj} | :: soporific (tending to induce sleep) |
somnífero {m} | :: soporific, sleeping pill |
somnílocuo {adj} | :: somniloquous |
somniloquia {f} | :: somniloquism; sleeptalking |
somnolencia {m} | :: drowsiness, sleepiness |
somnoliento {adj} | :: sleepy, [drowsy]] |
somnoliento {adj} | :: somniferous, soporific, somnolent |
somo {m} [obsolete] | :: summit; peak |
somocismo {m} | :: Support of Anastasio Somoza García or his ideologies |
somocismo {m} | :: The state of Nicaragua under the dictatorship of Anastasio Somoza García (between 1934 and 1979) |
somocista {adj} | :: pro-Anastasio Somoza García |
somocista {mf} | :: A supporter of Anastasio Somoza García or his ideologies |
somorgujar {v} | :: to submerge; to dive; to dive down |
somorgujo {m} | :: grebe |
somorgujón {m} | :: alternative spelling of somorgujo |
somormujo {m} | :: alternative spelling of somorgujo |
somormujo lavanco {m} | :: great crested grebe |
sompesar {vt} | :: synonym of sopesar |
son- {prefix} | :: sub-; under |
son {m} | :: A pleasant sound, tone |
son {m} | :: An Afro-Cuban musical form |
son {m} | :: A musical composition in this form |
sonado {adj} | :: famous, high-profile, sensational |
sonado {adj} | :: much talked-about |
sonado {adj} [colloquial] | :: crazy |
soñado {adj} | :: dream- |
sonador {adj} | :: sound-producing |
soñador {adj} | :: dreaming |
soñador {m} | :: dreamer |
soñadora {f} | :: feminine noun of soñador |
sonaja {f} | :: rattle |
sonajero {m} | :: rattle (baby's toy) |
sonámbula {f} | :: feminine noun of sonámbulo |
sonambulismo {m} | :: somnambulism, sleepwalking |
sonámbulo {m} | :: somnambulist, sleepwalker |
sonante {adj} | :: sonant, sounding |
sonante {adj} [phonetics] | :: voiced |
soñante {adj} | :: dreaming |
soñante {mf} | :: dreamer (person dreaming) |
sonar {v} | :: to sound, to ring |
sonar {v} | :: to sound (appear) |
sonar {v} [figuratively] | :: to ring a bell, to be familiar |
sonar {vtr} [figuratively] | :: to blow one's nose |
sonar {m} | :: sonar (a device that uses hydrophones to locate objects underwater) |
soñar {v} [con, en] | :: to dream (of/about) |
sónar {m} | :: alternative form of sonar; sonar (a device that uses hydrophones to locate objects underwater) |
sonarista {mf} | :: sonar operator |
sonar la flauta {v} [idiomatic] | :: to fluke |
soñarrera {f} | :: deep sleep |
soñarrera {f} | :: tiredness, sleepiness |
sonarse {v} | :: reflexive of sonar |
sonata {f} | :: sonata |
sonda {f} | :: probe |
sonda {f} [medical] | :: catheter, tube |
sondaje {m} | :: catheterization |
sondar {v} | :: to sound |
sondar {vt} | :: to catheterize |
sondear {v} | :: to sound, to probe (test with a probe) |
sondear {v} | :: to plumb, to fathom (to measure something's depth) |
sondear {v} | :: to sound out (to figure out someone's intent, mood, opinion or preference usually indirectly) |
sondear {v} | :: to canvass (conduct a survey) |
sondear {v} [figuratively] | :: to plumb, to explore (e.g. the depths of) |
sondeo {m} | :: survey, poll |
sondeo {m} | :: sounding, probing |
sondeo a pie de urna {m} | :: exit poll |
sondikoztarras {adj} | :: Of or related to Sondika |
sondikoztarras {mf} | :: Someone from Sondika |
sondita {f} | :: diminutive of sonda |
sonera {f} | :: (female) sonero |
sonero {m} | :: sonero |
soneto {m} | :: sonnet |
songhai {adj} | :: Songhai |
songhai {mf} | :: Songhai |
Sonia {prop} {f} | :: given name |
sonicación {f} | :: sonication |
sónicamente {adv} | :: sonically |
sónico {adj} | :: sonic |
sonidera {f} | :: feminine noun of sonidero |
sonidero {m} | :: emcee; deejay |
sonidista {mf} | :: sound technician |
sonidito {m} | :: diminutive of sonido |
sonido {m} | :: A sound, noise |
sonido {m} | :: A tone |
sonoboya {f} | :: sonobuoy |
sonografía {f} | :: sonography, ultrasonography |
sonografía {f} | :: sonography, night writing |
soñolencia {m} | :: drowsiness, sleepiness |
soñoliento {adj} | :: sleepy |
soñoliento {adj} | :: somniferous, soporific |
sonómetro {m} | :: sound level meter |
Sonora {prop} {f} | :: Sonora (state) |
sonoramente {adv} | :: loudly, noisily |
sonoramente {adv} | :: sonorously |
sonorante {adj} | :: sonorant |
sonorante {m} | :: sonorant |
sonorense {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to the Mexican state of Sonora |
sonoridad {f} | :: loudness |
sonoridad {f} [countable] | :: sound |
sonorización {f} | :: sonorization |
sonorizar {v} | :: to soundtrack |
sonorizar {v} | :: to put in a sound system |
sonorizar {v} [linguistics] | :: to voice |
sonoro {adj} | :: audible |
sonoro {adj} | :: sonorous |
sonoro {adj} [Linguistics] | :: vocalised |
sonoroso {adj} | :: sonorous |
sonreír {v} | :: to smile |
sonriente {adj} | :: smiling |
sonrisa {f} | :: smile |
sonrisilla {f} | :: diminutive of sonrisa |
sonrisita {f} | :: diminutive of sonrisa |
sonrisita {f} | :: smirk |
sonrizón {m} | :: superlative of sonrisa; grin, cheeser |
sonrojante {adj} | :: embarrassing |
sonrojar {v} | :: to cause to blush |
sonrosar {vt} | :: to color pink |
sonsa {f} | :: feminine noun of sonso |
sonsacar {v} | :: to elicit, draw out (information) |
sonso {m} | :: alternative spelling of zonzo |
sonso {adj} | :: alternative spelling of zonzo |
sonsonateca {f} | :: feminine noun of sonsonateco |
sonsonateco {adj} | :: Of or from Sonsonate |
sonsonateco {m} | :: Someone from Sonsonate |
sonsonete {m} | :: A noise or sound composed of repeated tapping or a similar jarring motion |
sonsonetudo {m} | :: pejorative of sonsonete |
sopa {f} | :: soup |
sopa {f} [Mexico] | :: noodles |
sopa de letras {f} | :: word search |
sopa de viernes {f} [Peru] | :: A type of broth made with beans, potato, cheese and other ingredients |
sopaipa {f} | :: sopaipilla |
sopaipilla {f} | :: sopaipilla |
sopanda {f} | :: brace, crossbeam |
sopanda {f} [New Mexico] | :: spring |
sopa negra {f} | :: A soup, commonly found in Costa Rica, made with black beans and other ingredients |
sopapa {f} [Chile] | :: A toilet plunger |
sopapo {m} | :: smack, whack |
sopapo {m} | :: plunger |
sopar {v} | :: to make soup |
sopeloztarra {adj} | :: Of or related to Sopela |
sopeloztarra {mf} | :: Someone from Sopela |
so pena de {prep} | :: on punishment of |
sopera {f} | :: soup tureen |
sopesar {v} | :: to evaluate, to weigh up |
sopetón {n} | :: only used in de sopetón |
sopetón {n} | :: strong blow, strong hit |
sopicaldo {m} | :: broth with sop |
sopicaldo {m} | :: excessively clear soup |
sopín {m} [Louisiana] | :: soap |
sopita {f} | :: diminutive of sopa |
soplado {adj} | :: very clean |
soplador {m} | :: blower |
soplador {m} | :: glassblower |
soplador {m} | :: blowpipe (of bagpipes) |
soplagaitas {m} | :: buffoon; idiot |
soplamocos {m} | :: slap in the face |
soplapollas {m} [vulgar] | :: twat; dick; dickhead (idiot) |
soplapollez {f} [vulgar] | :: asshattery |
soplar {v} | :: to blow |
soplar {v} | :: to tattle, to snitch |
soplar {v} | :: to whisper |
soplar {v} | :: to prompt |
soplar {v} | :: to inspire |
soplársela {v} [idiom] | :: To not give a shit |
soplar y sorber, no puede ser {phrase} | :: you can't have your cake and eat it too; you can't suck and blow |
soplete {m} | :: blowtorch |
soplete {m} | :: spray gun |
soplido {m} | :: a strong burst of air |
soplillo {m} | :: diminutive of soplo |
soplo {m} | :: a sigh, a puff |
soplo {m} | :: an exhalation |
soplo {m} | :: news; word |
soplo {m} [cardiology, medicine] | :: murmur (sound made by turbulent blood flow) |
soplo {m} | :: tipoff |
soplón {m} | :: snitch, whistle-blower, whistleblower, rat, stool pigeon, squealer, fink, informer, informant, tattler, grass [UK], stoolie, stooly |
soplona {f} | :: feminine noun of soplón |
soponcio {m} [colloquial] | :: swoon, faint, anguish |
sopor {m} | :: drowsiness |
soporífero {adj} | :: soporific (tending to induce sleep) |
soporífico {adj} | :: soporific (tending to induce sleep) |
soportable {adj} | :: tolerable, bearable |
soportal {m} | :: porch |
soportal {m} [in plural] | :: arcade, collonade |
soportar {v} | :: to bear, to endure, to withstand, put up with, tolerate, to stomach, to weather, to handle |
soportar {v} | :: to support a weight or load |
soportarse {v} | :: reflexive of soportar |
soporte {m} | :: support, strut, pillar |
soporte {m} | :: mount, mounting, stand, holder |
soporte {m} | :: bracket [to support shelves] |
soporte {m} [computing] | :: medium |
soporte {m} | :: kickstand |
soporte {m} [heraldry] | :: supporter |
soporte vital {m} | :: life support |
soprano {mf} | :: soprano (singer) |
soprano {m} | :: soprano (pitch) |
Soprano {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
so pretexto de {prep} | :: under the pretext/guise of |
sor {f} [religion] | :: sister, female member of a religious community |
sor {f} [archaic] | :: sister |
sorabo {adj} | :: Sorbian |
sorabo {m} | :: Sorbian language |
soraya {f} | :: feminine noun of sorayo |
Soraya {prop} {f} | :: given name |
sorayo {m} | :: A supporter of Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría, Spanish lawyer and politician |
sorbato {m} [organic compound] | :: sorbate |
sorber {v} | :: to sip, suck |
sorber {v} | :: to absorb, suck in, soak up |
sorber {v} [figuratively] | :: to swallow |
sorbete {m} | :: sorbet |
sorbete {m} [uncountable, El Salvador] | :: ice cream |
sorbete {m} [countable, Argentina, Ecuador, Peru] | :: drinking straw |
sorbetería {f} | :: sorbet or ice cream shop |
sorbeto {m} [uncountable] | :: sorbet |
sorbeto {m} [uncountable] | :: [Cuba, Puerto Rico] sweet soft dough often with encrusted [[fruit] or candy |
sorbeto {m} [countable] | :: [Cuba, Puerto Rico] piece of such dough |
sorbeto {m} [countable] | :: [Costa Rica] wafer, oblea (thin wafer dessert filled with sweet filling) |
sorbeto {m} [countable] | :: [Panama, Puerto Rico] drinking straw |
sorbia {f} | :: feminine noun of sorbio |
sórbico {adj} | :: sorbic |
sorbio {m} | :: synonym of sorabo |
sorbio {m} | :: synonym of sorabo |
sorbitano {m} | :: sorbitan |
sorbito {m} | :: diminutive of sorbo |
sorbitol {m} [organic compound] | :: sorbitol |
sorbo {m} | :: sip |
Sorbona {prop} {f} | :: Sorbonne |
sorbosa {f} [carbohydrate] | :: sorbose |
sorda {f} | :: feminine noun of sordo |
sordamente {adv} | :: dully |
sordera {f} | :: deafness |
sordidez {f} | :: sordidness |
sórdido {adj} | :: sordid, dirty |
sórdido {adj} | :: greedy |
sordina {f} [music] | :: mute; muffler |
sordo {adj} | :: deaf |
sordo {adj} [of a sound] | :: dull, muted |
sordo {adj} [phonetics] | :: voiceless |
sordo {m} | :: deaf person |
sordoceguera {f} | :: deafblindness |
sordociego {adj} | :: deafblind |
sordociego {m} | :: a deafblind person |
sordomudo {adj} | :: deaf and dumb; deaf-mute |
sordomudo {m} | :: deaf-mute |
soredio {m} [lichenology] | :: soredium |
sorgo {m} | :: sorghum |
Soria {prop} {f} | :: Soria (province) |
Soria {prop} {f} | :: Soria (city) |
soriana {f} | :: feminine noun of soriano |
sorianita {f} | :: feminine noun of sorianito |
sorianito {adj} | :: diminutive of soriano |
sorianito {m} | :: diminutive of soriano |
soriano {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to the province of Soria |
soriano {m} | :: Native or resident of Soria, a Spanish province |
Soriano {prop} {m} | :: surname, the 309th most common in Mexico |
sorna {f} | :: sarcasm, irony |
sorna {f} | :: sarcastic tone |
sorna {f} | :: slowness |
sornar {v} [slang] | :: to sleep |
soro {m} [botany] | :: sorus |
soroche {m} | :: altitude sickness, mountain sickness |
soroche {m} [Chile, Peru, mineral] | :: galena |
sororidad {f} | :: sorority |
sororidad {f} | :: a female fraternity; a sisterhood (a fraternal group composed exclusively of females) |
sororidad {f} | :: a social organization of female students at a college or university; usually identified by Greek letters |
sorosilicato {m} | :: sorosilicate |
sorpasso {m} [politics] | :: coalition of left-wing parties |
sorprendente {adj} | :: surprising |
sorprendentemente {adv} | :: surprisingly |
sorprender {v} | :: to surprise |
sorprenderse {v} | :: reflexive of sorprender |
sorprendidísimo {adj} | :: superlative of sorprendido |
sorprendido {adj} | :: surprised |
sorpresa {f} | :: surprise (something not expected) |
sorpresa {f} | :: upset (unexpected victory) |
sorpresita {f} | :: diminutive of sorpresa |
sorpresivamente {adv} | :: surprisingly |
sorpresivo {adj} | :: surprising |
sorry {interj} [colloquial] | :: sorry (expressing regret) |
sortear {v} | :: to raffle, to raffle off, to draw lots |
sortear {v} | :: to get around, to avoid, to come around (an obstacle or a danger), to circumvent |
sorteo {m} | :: lottery, raffle |
sortija {f} | :: ring (round piece worn around the finger) |
sortija {f} | :: a Spanish guessing game |
sortija {f} [Argentina] | :: A game played by gauchos where they try to catch a suspended ring while galloping on horseback |
sortilegio {m} | :: magical spell |
sortilegio {m} | :: sorcery, witchcraft |
sortilegio {m} | :: divination |
sorullito {m} | :: A kind of fried cornflour fritter from Puerto Rico |
sorullo {m} | :: A kind of fried cornflour fritter from Puerto Rico |
sosa {f} | :: sodium hydroxide, soda ash |
sosa {f} [plant] | :: glasswort |
Sosa {prop} | :: surname |
sosaina {f} [colloquial] | :: pussy, wuss |
sosaina {f} [colloquial] | :: wet blanket, bore |
sosegadamente {adv} | :: calmly, peacefully |
sosegar {v} | :: to calm |
sosegar {v} | :: to calm down |
sosias {m} | :: double (a person resembling or standing for another) |
sosiego {m} | :: calm, peace, serenity |
soslayar {v} | :: to evade |
soslayar {v} | :: to get around, to get round, to dodge (a question, tricky issue etc.) |
soslayo {adj} | :: slanted |
soso {adj} | :: dull (not exciting) |
soso {adj} | :: bland, tasteless (lacking taste) |
sosón {m} [Louisiana] | :: sock |
sospecha {f} | :: suspicion |
sospechar {v} | :: to suspect |
sospechar {v} | :: to be on to (+ de) |
sospecho {m} | :: suspicion |
sospechosa {f} | :: feminine noun of sospechoso |
sospechosamente {adv} | :: suspiciously |
sospechoso {adj} | :: suspicious |
sospechoso {m} | :: suspect |
sostén {m} | :: support, prop |
sostén {m} [now especially Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Venezuela] | :: bra, brassière |
sostén {m} | :: sustenance, nourishment |
sostenedor {adj} | :: supporting |
sostenedor {adj} | :: load bearing |
sostenedor {m} | :: supporter (one who supports something) |
sostenedora {f} | :: feminine noun of sostenedor |
sostener {v} | :: to hold, to hold up, to prop up, to sustain, to underpin (physically) |
sostener {v} | :: to sustain, to support, to keep (i.e. to give continuity to) |
sostener {v} | :: to support, to uphold, to hold, to sustain, to contend, to maintain, to argue, to claim, to underpin, to defend |
sostenerse {v} | :: reflexive of sostener |
sostenibilidad {f} | :: sustainability |
sostenible {adj} | :: sustainable |
sosteniblemente {adv} | :: sustainably |
sostenidamente {adv} | :: sustainedly |
sostenido {adj} [music] | :: sharp |
sostenido {adj} | :: supported |
sostenido {adj} | :: sustained |
sostenido {adj} | :: sustainable |
sostenimiento {m} | :: sustenace |
sostenimiento {m} | :: sustaining |
sostenimiento {m} | :: support |
sota {f} [card games] | :: jack, knave |
sota {f} | :: insolent woman |
sota {f} [archaic] | :: hussy; harlot |
sotabanco {m} | :: attic (room) |
sota, caballo y rey {adj} [idiom] | :: clear-cut; without variation or improvisation |
sotana {f} | :: cassock |
sotanera {f} | :: someone who finishes in last place; loser |
sotanero {m} [sports] | :: last-place team |
sotanilla {f} | :: diminutive of sotana |
sótano {m} | :: cellar |
sótano {m} | :: basement |
sótano {m} [chiefly Northern Mexico] | :: pit |
sotar {vi} [Burgos or obsolete] | :: to dance |
sotavento {m} | :: leeward side |
soterramiento {m} | :: burial |
soterrar {v} | :: to bury underground, inter |
sotho {adj} | :: Sotho |
sotho {mf} | :: Sotho |
sotho {m} | :: Sotho (language) |
sotil {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of sutil |
soto {m} | :: grove; copse |
Soto {prop} | :: surname |
sotobosque {m} | :: undergrowth |
sotocoro {m} [architecture] | :: area under the choir |
sotol {m} [chiefly Mexico] | :: sotol (desert plant) |
sotol {m} [chiefly Mexico] | :: sotol (distilled spirit) |
sotuer {m} [heraldry] | :: saltire |
soubise {f} | :: soubise (sauce) |
soul {m} | :: soul, soul music |
soulman {m} | :: soul singer |
soundtrack {m} | :: soundtrack |
soutien {m} [Argentina] | :: bra; brassiere |
souvenir {m} | :: souvenir |
soviet {m} | :: soviet (an assembly, convocation, or council of workers) |
sóviet {m} | :: soviet (an assembly, convocation, or council of workers) |
soviético {adj} | :: soviet |
sovietismo {m} | :: Sovietism (belief or practice of the Soviets) |
sovietización {f} | :: Sovietization |
sovjós {m} | :: sovkhoz |
soya {f} [Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua] | :: alternative form of soja |
soyero {adj} [attributive] | :: soy; soya |
soy inglés {phrase} | :: I am English |
soy inglesa {phrase} | :: I am English |
Soyuz {prop} {m} | :: Soyuz (a Soviet/Russian spacecraft) |
spa {f} | :: spa |
space opera {f} | :: space opera |
spaguetti {m} [nonstandard] | :: alternative spelling of espagueti |
spam {m} [computing] | :: spam |
spammer {m} | :: spammer |
spamming {m} | :: spamming |
spanglish {m} | :: alternative spelling of espanglish |
spaniel {m} | :: spaniel |
sparring {m} | :: sparring |
speaker {mf} | :: speaker (in parliament) |
spenceriano {adj} | :: Spencerian |
spenseriano {adj} | :: Spenserian |
spin {m} | :: spin |
spinner {m} | :: fidget spinner |
spinning {m} | :: spinning (indoor cycling) |
spinoff {m} | :: spinoff |
spirulina {f} | :: spirulina |
split {m} | :: splits |
splitense {adj} | :: of or pertaining to Split, Croatia |
splitense {mf} | :: native or resident of Split, Croatia |
spoiler {m} | :: spoiler (document, review or comment that discloses the ending or some key surprise or twist in a story) |
sponsor {m} | :: sponsor |
Sporting {prop} {m} | :: Sporting de Gijón, a football team from Gijón, Spain |
sportinguista {mf} [soccer] | :: A supporter, player or coach of Real Sporting de Gijón |
spot {m} | :: advert, ad |
spotter {m} | :: spotter |
sprai {m} | :: rare form of espray |
spray {m} | :: alternative form of espray |
sprint {m} | :: sprint |
sprinter {mf} | :: sprinter |
spyware {m} | :: spyware |
squad {m} | :: squad |
squat {m} | :: squat (exercise) |
Sr. {m} | :: Mr.; abbreviation of Señor |
Sr {m} | :: alternative form of Sr. |
Sra. {f} | :: abbreviation of señora |
Sra {f} | :: Misspelling of Sra. |
Sri Lanka {prop} | :: Sri Lanka |
SRL {f} | :: initialism of sociedad de responsabilidad limitada |
Srta. {f} | :: abbreviation of señorita |
Srta {f} | :: alternative spelling of Srta. |
SS. HH. {mp} | :: toilet or toilets |
Sta. {f} | :: abbreviation of santa (saint) |
stablishment {m} | :: establishment |
staff {m} | :: staff (employees) |
Stalingrado {prop} {f} | :: Stalingrad |
stalinismo {m} | :: Stalinism (communist philosophies espoused by Josef Stalin) |
stalinista {adj} | :: Stalinist |
stalinista {mf} | :: Stalinist |
stalkear {v} | :: to stalk on the Internet |
stand {m} | :: stand (enclosed structure in the street) |
standing {m} | :: status, standing, class |
standopera {f} | :: feminine noun of standopero |
standopero {m} [Mexico] | :: stand-up (comedian) |
standupera {f} | :: feminine noun of standupero |
standupero {m} | :: stand-up (a comedian who performs on stage) |
startup {f} | :: startup |
statu quo {m} | :: status quo |
status {m} | :: alternative spelling of estatus |
Stávropol {prop} {m} | :: Stávropol (city) |
S.T.D. {mp} | :: total dissolved solids |
Stefanescu {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Stein {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
stent {m} | :: stent |
step {m} | :: step training |
Stern {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
stevia {f} | :: stevia |
Stgo. {prop} {m} | :: abbreviation of Santiago de Chile |
sticker {m} | :: sticker |
stiletto {m} | :: stiletto |
still {m} [photography] | :: still |
stishovita {f} [mineral] | :: stishovite |
stock {m} | :: stock, inventory |
stop {interj} | :: stop |
storyboard {f} | :: storyboard |
stout {f} | :: stout (beer) |
stream {m} [computing] | :: stream |
streaming {m} | :: streaming |
stress {m} | :: stress |
strigil {m} | :: strigil |
strike {m} [baseball] | :: strike |
strike {m} [bowling] | :: strike |
stripper {mf} | :: stripper |
striptease {m} | :: striptease |
stronguista {adj} | :: of or pertaining to The Strongest, a football club from La Paz, Bolivia |
stronguista {mf} | :: Someone connected to The Strongest, as a fan, player, coach etc |
stronismo {m} | :: The reign of, or political beliefs of, Alfredo Stroessner, ruler of Paraguay 1954-1989 |
stronista {adj} | :: Of, pertaining to, or supporting Alfredo Stroessner, ruler of Paraguay 1954-1989, or to his politics or beliefs |
stronista {mf} | :: A supporter of Alfredo Stroessner |
stupa {f} | :: stupa |
styling {m} | :: styling |
su {adj} [before the noun] | :: apocopic form of suyo His, her, its, one's, their |
su {adj} [before the noun, formal] | :: apocopic form of suyo Your |
su {adv} | :: About, approximately |
Su {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Suabia {prop} {f} [historical] | :: Suabia (historic region) |
suabo {adj} | :: Swabian (from or relating to Swabia) |
suabo {m} | :: Swabian (High German dialect) |
suadero {m} [gastronomy, Mexico] | :: a thin cut of fried beef that is commonly used as a taco filling |
suaheli {m} | :: alternative form of suajili |
suahelí {m} | :: alternative form of suajili |
suahili {m} | :: alternative form of suajili |
suahilí {m} | :: alternative form of suajili |
suajili {m} | :: Swahili (language) |
suape {m} [Dominican Republic] | :: mop |
Suárez {prop} | :: Suarez; surname |
suástica {f} [Latin America] | :: Variant form of esvástica |
suave {adj} | :: smooth, soft, fluffy |
suave {adj} | :: soft, gentle, light, mild (e.g. mild flavor, a mild winter) |
suave {adj} | :: suave (charming, confident and elegant) |
suave {adj} | :: cool, acceptable, easy |
suavecito {adj} | :: diminutive of suave |
suave como el culito de un bebé {adj} [simile] | :: smooth as a baby's bottom |
suavemente {adv} | :: softly |
suavidad {f} | :: smoothness |
suavidad {f} | :: softness |
suavidad {f} | :: mildness |
suavísimamente {adv} | :: superlative of suavemente |
suavísimo {adj} | :: superlative of suave |
suavización {f} | :: softening, smoothening |
suavización {f} [finance] | :: easing |
suavizamiento {m} | :: smoothing |
suavizante {m} | :: fabric softener |
suavizar {v} | :: to soften, smooth |
suavizar {v} | :: to ease, to relieve |
suavo {m} | :: A smooth or cool male |
suazi {adj} | :: Swazi |
suazi {mf} | :: Swazi |
suazilandés {adj} | :: Swazi |
suazilandés {m} | :: Swazi |
suazilandesa {f} | :: feminine noun of suazilandés |
Suazilandia {prop} {f} | :: Swaziland |
Suazo {prop} {m} | :: surname |
sub- {prefix} | :: sub- |
sub {prep} | :: under |
subacromial {adj} | :: subacromial |
subacuático {adj} | :: subaquatic |
subadministrador {m} | :: vice administrator |
subadulto {m} | :: subadult |
subafluente {f} | :: subaffluent |
subagente {mf} | :: subagent |
subagudo {adj} | :: subacute |
subalar {adj} | :: subalar |
subalcalde {mf} | :: vice-mayor |
subalcaldía {f} | :: The body below the city council |
subálgebra {m} | :: subalgebra |
subalimentación {f} | :: underfeeding |
subalimentar {vt} | :: to undernourish |
subalpino {adj} | :: subalpine |
subalquilar {vt} | :: to sublet |
subalquiler {m} | :: subletting |
subalterna {f} | :: feminine noun of subalterno |
subalternidad {f} | :: subaltern |
subalternizar {vt} | :: to subordinate |
subalterno {adj} | :: subordinate |
subalterno {m} | :: subordinate |
subalterno {m} | :: subaltern |
subametralladora {f} | :: submachine gun |
subanálisis {f} | :: subanalysis |
subandino {adj} | :: sub-Andean |
subanillo {m} | :: subring |
subantártico {adj} | :: subantarctic |
subapartado {m} | :: subparagraph |
subapical {adj} | :: subapical |
subaracnoideo {adj} [anatomy] | :: subarachnoid |
subárbol {f} | :: subtree |
subarbusto {m} | :: subshrub |
subarchipiélago {m} | :: subarchipelago |
subárea {f} | :: subarea |
subarrendamiento {m} | :: subtenancy (state of being a subtenant) |
subarrendar {vt} | :: to sublease, sublet |
subártico {adj} | :: subarctic |
subasignación {f} | :: subassignment |
subasta {f} | :: auction |
subastador {m} | :: auctioneer |
subastadora {f} | :: feminine noun of subastador |
subastar {v} | :: to auction, auction off |
subasta silenciosa {f} | :: silent auction |
subastero {m} | :: bidder at an auction |
subatómico {adj} | :: subatomic |
subcadena {f} | :: substring |
subcaducifolio {adj} | :: subdeciduous |
subcalibrado {adj} | :: subcaliber |
subcalloso {adj} [anatomy] | :: subcallosal |
subcampeón {m} | :: runner-up |
subcampeona {f} | :: runner-up |
subcampeonato {m} | :: runner-up (someone in second place) |
subcampo {m} | :: subfield |
subcanal {m} | :: subchannel |
subcapa {f} | :: sublayer |
subcapitán {m} | :: vice captain |
subcapítulo {m} | :: subchapter |
subcarpeta {f} [computing] | :: subfolder |
subcategoría {f} | :: subcategory |
subcategorización {f} | :: subcategorization |
subcaudal {m} | :: subcaudal |
subcaudal {adj} | :: subcaudal |
subcelular {adj} | :: subcellular |
subcentro {m} | :: subcenter |
subchasis {m} | :: subframe |
subcircuito {m} | :: subcircuit |
subcircular {adj} | :: subcircular |
subclado {m} | :: subclade |
subclase {f} | :: subclass |
subclasificación {f} | :: subclassification |
subclasificar {vt} | :: to subclassify |
subclave {f} | :: subkey |
subclavio {adj} | :: subclavian |
subclínico {adj} | :: subclinical |
subcolección {f} | :: subcollection |
subcomandante {mf} | :: subcommander |
subcomarca {f} | :: subdistrict; a division of a comarca |
subcomisaría {f} | :: a subdivision of provinces in various Latin American countries |
subcomisario {m} | :: deputy commissioner |
subcomisión {f} | :: subcommission |
subcomisionada {f} | :: deputy commissioner |
subcomisionado {m} | :: deputy commissioner |
subcomité {m} | :: subcommittee |
subcompacto {m} | :: subcompact |
subcomponente {m} | :: subcomponent |
subconciencia {f} | :: alternative spelling of subconsciencia |
subconjunto {m} [mathematics] | :: subgroup; subset |
subconjunto {m} | :: subassembly |
subconsciencia {f} | :: subconscious |
subconsciente {adj} | :: subconscious |
subconscientemente {adv} | :: subconsciously |
subcontador {m} | :: subaccountant |
subcontadora {f} | :: subaccountant |
subcontinente {m} | :: subcontinent |
subcontralor {m} | :: deputy comptroller |
subcontratación {f} | :: subcontracting |
subcontratar {v} | :: to subcontract |
subcontratista {mf} | :: subcontractor |
subcontrato {m} | :: subcontract |
subcoordinación {f} | :: subcoordination |
subcoordinador {m} | :: assistant coordinator |
subcoordinadora {f} | :: sub-coordinator |
subcordado {adj} | :: subcordate |
subcordillera {f} | :: subrange |
subcoriáceo {adj} | :: subcoriaceous |
subcortical {adj} | :: subcortical |
subcostal {adj} [anatomy] | :: subcostal (below a rib or the ribs) |
subcrítico {adj} | :: subcritical |
subcuadrado {adj} | :: subquadrate |
subcuenca {f} | :: subwatershed |
subcuenta {f} | :: subaccount |
subcuerpo {m} | :: subfield |
subcultura {f} | :: subculture |
subcutáneo {adj} | :: subcutaneous |
subdecano {m} | :: Second oldest person |
subdeclaración {f} | :: understatement (withholding of information, especially on taxes) |
subdelegación {f} | :: subdelegation |
subdelegada {f} | :: subdelegate |
subdelegado {m} | :: subdelegate |
subdeltoides {adj} [anatomy] | :: subdeltoid |
subdérmico {adj} | :: subdermal |
subdesarrollado {adj} | :: underdeveloped |
subdesarrollo {m} | :: underdevelopment |
subdiácono {m} | :: subdeacon |
subdiagnóstico {m} | :: subdiagnostic |
subdialecto {m} | :: subdialect |
subdirección {f} | :: sub-management |
subdirector {m} | :: subdirector |
subdirectora {f} | :: feminine noun of subdirector |
subdirectorio {m} | :: subdirectory |
subdisciplina {f} | :: subdiscipline |
subdistrito {f} | :: subdistrict |
súbdita {f} | :: feminine noun of súbdito |
súbdito {adj} | :: subject |
súbdito {m} | :: subject (citizen in a monarchy or person ruled over by another) |
subdividir {v} | :: to subdivide |
subdivisión {f} | :: subdivision |
subdominante {f} | :: subdominant |
subdominio {m} | :: subdomain |
subdrenaje {m} | :: subdrainage |
subducción {f} [geology] | :: subduction |
subducir {v} | :: To subduct |
subdural {adj} | :: subdural |
subejecución {f} | :: under-implementation, under-performance, under-execution, under-delivery |
subempleado {adj} | :: underemployed, underworked |
subempleo {m} | :: underemployment |
subenana {f} | :: subdwarf |
subenfriamiento {m} | :: subcooling farmer |
subentender {vt} | :: to get the gist of |
subentero {adj} | :: subentire |
subentidad {f} | :: subentity |
subepitelial {adj} | :: subepithelial |
suberecto {adj} | :: suberect |
suberoso {adj} | :: suberose |
subescala {f} | :: subscale |
subescapular {adj} [anatomy] | :: subscapular |
subescolarizado {adj} | :: under-schooled |
subesférico {adj} | :: subspherical |
subespacio {m} | :: subspace |
subespecialidad {f} | :: subspeciality |
subespecialista {mf} | :: subspecialist |
subespecie {f} [taxonomy] | :: subspecies |
subespecífico {adj} | :: subspecific |
subestación {f} | :: substation (site where electricity is transformed and regulated for local distribution) |
subestándar {adj} | :: substandard |
subestatal {adj} | :: substate |
subestelar {adj} | :: substellar |
subestilo {m} | :: subgenre; substyle |
subestimación {f} | :: underestimation |
subestimado {adj} | :: underrated |
subestimar {v} | :: to underestimate |
subestimar {v} | :: to underrate |
subestimar {vr} | :: to sell oneself short, to underrate |
subestructura {f} | :: substructure |
subetnia {f} | :: subethnicity |
subfacturación {f} | :: underbilling |
subfalla {f} | :: subfault |
subfamilia {f} [taxonomy] | :: subfamily |
subfilo {m} [taxonomy] | :: subphylum |
subfluvial {adj} | :: subfluvial |
subforo {m} | :: subforum |
subfósil {adj} | :: subfossil |
subfósil {m} | :: subfossil |
subfusil {m} | :: submachinegun |
subgénero {m} | :: subgenre |
subgénero {m} [taxonomy] | :: subgenus |
subgenital {adj} | :: subgenital |
subgenotipo {m} | :: subgenotype |
subgerencia {f} | :: submanagement |
subgerenta {f} | :: submanager |
subgerente {m} | :: submanager |
subgigante {m} | :: subgiant |
subglacial {adj} | :: subglacial |
subgloboso {adj} | :: subglobose |
subglobular {adj} | :: subglobular |
subgobernador {m} | :: sub-governor |
subgraduado {adj} | :: undergraduate |
subgrafo {m} | :: subgraph |
subgrave {m} | :: sub-bass |
subgrupo {m} [mathematics] | :: subgroup |
subhumano {adj} | :: subhuman |
subhumano {m} | :: subhuman |
subhúmedo {adj} | :: subhumid |
subibaja {m} | :: A see-saw |
subida {f} | :: rise |
subida {f} | :: acclivity |
subidísimo {adj} | :: superlative of subido |
subidita {f} | :: diminutive of subida |
subidón {m} | :: burst, rush (of energy) |
subienda {f} [Colombia] | :: season of plentiful fish |
subigual {adj} | :: subequal |
subíndice {m} | :: subindex |
subinspección {f} | :: minute inspection |
subinspector {m} | :: vice-inspector |
subintendente {mf} | :: subintendent |
subintervalo {m} | :: subinterval |
subinversión {f} | :: underinvestment |
subir {v} | :: to go up or come up |
subir {v} | :: to raise |
subir {v} | :: to climb |
subir {v} [computing] | :: to upload |
subir como la espuma {v} [idiomatic, simile] | :: to shoot up |
subirse a las barbas {vt} [idiomatic] | :: to walk all over (someone) |
subirse al carro {v} [idiom] | :: to jump on the bandwagon, to get in on the act |
súbitamente {adv} | :: suddenly, all of a sudden |
subitáneo {adj} [literary] | :: sudden |
súbito {adj} | :: sudden |
súbito {adv} | :: suddenly |
subjefa {f} | :: deputy boss |
subjefe {mf} | :: assistant, subordinate |
subjefe {mf} | :: sous-chef, assistant chef |
subjetivación {f} | :: subjectivization |
subjetivamente {adv} | :: subjectively |
subjetividad {f} | :: subjectivity |
subjetivísimo {adj} | :: superlative of subjetivo |
subjetivismo {m} | :: subjectivism |
subjetivista {adj} | :: subjectivist |
subjetivista {m} | :: subjectivist |
subjetivo {adj} | :: subjective |
subjeto {m} | :: rare form of sujeto |
subjuntivo {adj} | :: subjunctive |
subjuntivo {m} | :: subjunctive mood |
sublema {m} | :: sub-motto |
sublevación {f} | :: uprising, revolt |
sublevar {v} | :: to provoke into rebellion, to revolt |
sublíder {m} | :: second-placed team or competitor |
sublimación {f} | :: sublimation |
sublimar {vt} | :: to sublimate |
sublime {adj} | :: sublime |
sublimemente {adv} | :: sublimely |
sublimidad {f} | :: sublimeness |
subliminal {adj} | :: subliminal |
subliminalmente {adv} | :: subliminally |
sublínea {f} | :: subline |
sublingual {adj} | :: sublingual |
subliterario {adj} | :: subliterary |
sublitoral {adj} | :: subcoastal |
subluxación {f} [pathology] | :: subluxation |
submandibular {adj} [anatomy] | :: submandibular |
submarca {f} | :: subbrand |
submareal {adj} | :: subtidal |
submarginal {adj} | :: submarginal |
submarinismo {m} | :: scuba diving |
submarinista {adj} | :: underwater |
submarinista {mf} | :: diver, scuba diver |
submarinista {mf} | :: submariner |
submarino {adj} | :: submarine, underwater |
submarino {m} | :: submarine |
submatriz {f} | :: submatrix |
submaxilar {adj} | :: submaxillary |
submediterráneo {adj} | :: submediterranean |
submentoniano {adj} [anatomy] | :: submentonian |
submenú {m} | :: submenu |
submeseta {f} | :: subplateau |
submétrico {adj} | :: submetric |
submilimétrico {adj} | :: submillimetric |
subministrar {v} | :: alternative form of suministrar |
submódulo {m} | :: submodule |
submonarca {mf} [Latin America] | :: vice-champion; runner-up |
submontano {adj} | :: submontane; in the foothills |
submuestreo {m} | :: subsampling |
submúltiplo {m} | :: submultiple |
submundo {m} | :: underworld |
submunición {f} | :: submunition |
subnacional {adj} | :: subnational |
subnivel {m} | :: sublevel |
subnivel {m} [physics] | :: subshell |
subnormal {adj} | :: subnormal |
subnormalidad {f} | :: subnormality |
subobjetivo {m} | :: subgoal |
suboccipital {adj} [anatomy] | :: suboccipital |
suboficial {m} | :: non-commissioned officer |
suboficial {m} | :: petty officer |
subóptimo {adj} | :: suboptimal |
subopuesto {adj} | :: subcontrary |
suborbicular {adj} | :: suborbicular |
suborbital {adj} [anatomy] | :: suborbital |
suborbitario {adj} [anatomy] | :: suborbital |
suborden {m} [taxonomy] | :: suborder |
subordinación {f} | :: subordination |
subordinada {f} | :: feminine noun of subordinado |
subordinadamente {adv} | :: subordinately |
subordinado {adj} | :: subordinate, subordinating |
subordinado {m} | :: subordinate |
subordinante {adj} | :: subordinate |
subordinar {v} | :: to subordinate |
suborganismo {m} | :: sub-body |
subóscino {m} | :: suboscine |
subpagado {adj} | :: underpaid |
subpágina {f} | :: subpage |
subpáramo {m} | :: Páramo |
subpartida {f} | :: subparty |
subpelo {m} | :: underhair |
subpenínsula {f} | :: subpeninsula |
subpíxel {m} | :: subpixel |
subpoblación {f} | :: subpopulation |
subpolar {adj} | :: subpolar |
subportadora {f} | :: subcarrier |
subprefecto {m} | :: subprefect |
subprefectura {f} | :: subprefecture |
subproblema {m} | :: subproblem |
subproceso {m} | :: subprocess |
subprocurador {m} | :: deputy attorney general |
subprocuradora {f} | :: deputy attorney general |
subprocuraduría {f} | :: The office of the assistant attorney-general |
subproducto {m} | :: byproduct, subproduct |
subprograma {m} | :: subprogram |
subprovincia {f} | :: subprovince |
subproyecto {m} | :: subproject |
subrama {f} | :: subbranch |
subramal {m} | :: subbranch |
subrasante {f} | :: underfloor |
subrayador {m} | :: highlighter |
subrayar {v} | :: to underline, underscore |
subrayar {v} | :: to emphasize, stress |
subraza {f} | :: subrace |
subrecubrimiento {m} | :: subcover |
subred {f} [networking] | :: subnetwork |
subregión {f} | :: subregion |
subregional {adj} | :: subregional |
subregistro {m} | :: subregister |
subreino {m} | :: subkingdom |
subrelato {m} | :: subplot |
subrepción {f} | :: a hidden action |
subrepción {f} | :: hiding a fact to achieve something that could not be achieved openly |
subrepresentado {adj} | :: underrepresented |
subrepticiamente {adv} | :: surreptitiously |
subrepticio {adj} | :: having or feigning stealth |
subrepticio {adj} | :: clandestine or hidden |
subrepticio {adj} | :: surreptitious |
subrogación {f} [law] | :: subrogation |
subrogante {adj} | :: substitute, supply |
subrogante {m} | :: substitute |
subrogar {v} | :: to subrogate |
subrutina {f} | :: subroutine |
subsahariano {adj} | :: sub-Saharan |
subsanable {adj} | :: fixable, reparable |
subsanable {adj} | :: forgivable |
subsanación {f} | :: rectification |
subsanar {v} | :: to rectify |
subsanar {v} | :: to offset |
subsargento {m} | :: deputy sergeant |
subscribir {v} | :: to subscribe |
subscripción {f} | :: alternative form of suscripción |
subscriptor {m} | :: alternative form of suscriptor |
subsección {f} | :: subsection |
subsecretaria {f} | :: feminine noun of subsecretario |
subsecretaría {f} | :: undersecretaryship, subsecretaryship |
subsecretario {m} | :: undersecretary, deputy secretary |
subsector {m} | :: subsector |
subsecuencia {f} | :: subsequence |
subsecuente {adj} | :: subsequent |
subsecuentemente {adv} | :: subsequently |
subsede {f} | :: secondary venue |
subsegmento {m} | :: subsegment |
subseguir {v} | :: to follow next, be subsequent |
subsello {m} [music] | :: sublabel |
subseñal {f} | :: subsignal |
subserie {f} | :: subseries |
subsésil {adj} | :: subsessile |
subsésile {adj} | :: subsessile |
subsidencia {f} | :: subsidence |
subsidiar {v} | :: to subsidize |
subsidiariamente {adv} | :: subsidiarially |
subsidiariedad {f} | :: subordination |
subsidiario {adj} | :: subsidiary |
subsidio {m} | :: subsidy |
subsiguiente {adj} | :: subsequent |
subsiguientemente {adv} | :: subsequently |
subsistema {m} | :: subsystem |
subsistencia {f} | :: subsistence |
subsistente {adj} | :: surviving; enduring |
subsistir {v} | :: to subsist |
subsónico {adj} | :: subsonic |
subsótano {m} | :: basement |
substancia {f} | :: alternative form of sustancia |
substanciación {f} | :: alternative spelling of sustanciación |
substancial {adj} | :: alternative form of sustancial |
substancialmente {adv} | :: substantially |
substanciar {vt} | :: alternative spelling of sustanciar |
substancioso {adj} | :: alternative spelling of sustancioso |
substantivación {f} | :: alternative form of sustantivación |
substantivar {v} | :: alternative form of sustantivar |
substantivo {adj} | :: substantive |
substantivo {m} | :: noun |
substitución {f} | :: alternative spelling of sustitución |
substituir {v} | :: alternative form of sustituir |
substituta {f} | :: feminine noun of substituto |
substituto {adj} | :: alternative spelling of sustituto |
substituto {m} | :: alternative spelling of sustituto |
substracción {f} | :: alternative form of sustracción |
substraer {v} | :: alternative form of sustraer |
substrato {m} [uncommon] | :: alternative form of sustrato |
subsucesión {f} [mathematics] | :: subseries |
subsuelo {m} [soil science] | :: subsoil |
subsumir {vt} | :: to subsume |
subsunción {f} | :: subsumption |
subsuperficial {adj} | :: subsurface |
subte {m} [Argentina] | :: metro, subway, underground (underground railway, especially the Buenos Aires Underground) |
subtema {m} | :: subtopic |
subtender {v} [math] | :: to subtend |
subteniente {mf} [military] | :: sublieutenant |
subterfugio {m} | :: subterfuge |
subterminal {adj} | :: subterminal |
subterráneamente {adv} | :: subterraneously |
subterráneo {adj} | :: subterranean, underground |
subterráneo {m} | :: underground (regions beneath the surface of the earth) |
subterráneo {m} [Argentina] | :: subway, metro |
subtesorero {m} | :: subtreasurer |
subtexto {m} | :: subtext |
subtilisina {f} [enzyme] | :: subtilisin |
subtipo {m} | :: subtype |
subtitulación {f} | :: subtitling |
subtitulado {adj} | :: subtitled |
subtitular {v} | :: to subtitle |
subtítulo {m} | :: subtitle |
subtrama {f} | :: subplot |
subtramo {m} | :: subsection |
subtransmisión {f} | :: subtransmission |
subtriangular {adj} | :: subtriangular |
subtribu {f} [taxonomy] | :: subtribe |
subtropical {adj} | :: subtropical |
subtrópico {m} | :: subtropic |
subulado {adj} | :: subulated |
subunidad {f} | :: subunit |
suburbana {f} | :: feminine noun of suburbano |
suburbanización {f} | :: suburbanization |
suburbano {adj} | :: suburban |
suburbano {m} | :: inhabitant of a suburb |
suburbial {adj} | :: suburban |
suburbicario {adj} | :: suburbicarian |
suburbio {m} | :: suburb, outskirts, poor areas particularly |
subutilizado {adj} | :: underused |
subvaloración {f} | :: undervaluing |
subvaluar {vt} | :: to undervalue |
subvariante {f} | :: subvariant |
subvariedad {f} | :: subvariety |
subveguería {f} | :: A subdivision of a verguería |
subvención {f} | :: subvention |
subvencionable {adj} | :: subsidizable |
subvencionar {v} | :: to subsidize |
subvenir {v} | :: to pay for, meet |
subversión {f} | :: subversion |
subversivo {adj} | :: subversive |
subvertir {v} | :: to subvert |
subviraje {m} | :: understeer |
subviral {adj} | :: subviral |
subvirar {v} | :: to understeer |
subway {m} | :: subway |
subyacente {adj} | :: underlying |
subyacente {adj} | :: subjacent |
subyacer {vi} | :: to underlie |
subyugación {f} | :: subjugation, domination |
subyugante {adj} | :: subduing |
subyugar {v} | :: to captivate, to mesmerize |
subyugar {v} | :: to subjugate, to overpower |
subzona {f} | :: sub-area, sub-zone |
succinato {m} [organic compound] | :: succinate |
succínico {adj} | :: succinic |
succinilcolina {f} [organic compound] | :: succinylcholine |
succiniltransferasa {f} [enzyme] | :: succinyltransferase |
succino {m} | :: amber (fossil resin) |
succión {f} | :: suction |
succionador {adj} | :: sucking; suctioning |
succionador {m} | :: sucker; suction machine |
succionadora {f} | :: feminine noun of succionador |
succionar {v} | :: to suck up |
sucedáneo {adj} [of a substance] | :: substitute |
sucedáneo {m} | :: substitute |
suceder {v} | :: to happen, to befall, to occur |
suceder {v} | :: to come to pass |
suceder {v} | :: to succeed to, to follow |
suceptibilidad {f} | :: susceptibility |
sucesión {f} | :: succession |
sucesión {f} [mathematics] | :: sequence |
sucesión {f} [legal] | :: inheritance (act of inheriting, not the thing inherited) |
sucesivamente {adv} | :: successively |
sucesivo {adj} | :: successive |
suceso {m} | :: event, happening |
suceso {m} | :: outcome, result |
sucesor {adj} | :: succeeding |
sucesor {m} | :: successor |
sucesora {f} | :: female equivalent of sucesor |
sucesoral {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to successorship or successors |
sucesorio {adj} | :: successional |
súchil {m} [rare, dialectal, poetic, Mexico] | :: flower |
Suchitepéquez {prop} | :: Suchitepéquez (department) |
suciamente {adv} | :: dirtily |
suciedad {f} | :: dirt |
suciedad {f} | :: dirtiness, filth |
suciedad {f} | :: prurience; metaphorical dirtiness |
sucintamente {adv} | :: succinctly |
sucinto {adj} | :: succinct, brief, concise |
sucio {adj} | :: dirty, filthy |
sucio {adj} | :: sinful, tainted |
sucio {adj} | :: obscene, vulgar |
sucísimo {adj} | :: superlative of sucio; extremely dirty |
sucitar {v} [dated or nonstandard] | :: alternative form of suscitar |
sucra {f} [Louisiana] | :: sugar |
sucralosa {f} [carbohydrate] | :: sucralose |
sucre {m} | :: sucre (former currency of Ecuador) |
Sucre {prop} | :: Sucre (the constitutional <<capital>> of <<c/Bolivia>>) |
Sucre {prop} | :: Sucre (province) |
Sucre {prop} | :: In Venezuela |
Sucre {prop} | :: Sucre (state) |
Sucre {prop} | :: Any of several municipalities |
sucreña {f} | :: feminine noun of sucreño |
sucreño {adj} | :: Of or from Sucre, Colombia |
sucreño {m} | :: An inhabitant of Sucre, Colombia |
sucrense {adj} | :: Of or from Sucre, Bolivia |
sucrense {mf} | :: Someone from Sucre, Bolivia |
súcubo {m} | :: succubus |
suculencia {f} | :: succulence |
suculento {adj} | :: succulent, juicy |
sucumbir {v} | :: to succumb |
sucursal {adj} [attributive] | :: branch (of a company or organization) |
sucursal {f} | :: branch (a location of an organization with several locations) |
sucursalismo {m} [Spain, despective] | :: A regional political party's dependence on the central party |
sucursalista {adj} [attributive] | :: of or pertaining to sucursalismo |
sud {m} [Latin America] | :: south |
sudaca {mf} [Spain, offensive, derogatory, vulgar, slang] | :: A Hispanic American, more precisely a South American, especially one considered to have Amerindian features or a non-European accent; spic/spick |
sudadera {f} | :: sweatshirt, hoodie |
sudadero {m} | :: sweater |
Sudáfrica {prop} {f} | :: South Africa |
sudafricana {f} | :: feminine noun of sudafricano |
sudafricano {adj} | :: South African |
sudafricano {m} | :: South African |
Sudamérica {prop} {f} | :: South America (continent that is the southern part of the Americas) |
sudamericana {f} | :: feminine noun of sudamericano |
sudamericano {adj} | :: South American |
sudamericano {m} | :: South American |
Sudán {prop} {m} | :: Sudan (Republic of Sudan) |
Sudán del Sur {prop} {m} | :: South Sudan |
sudanés {adj} | :: Sudanese |
sudanés {m} | :: Sudanese |
sudanesa {f} | :: feminine noun of sudanés |
sudánico {adj} | :: Sudanic |
sudar {v} | :: to sweat |
sudar {vtr} [vulgar, Spain] | :: to not care |
sudarábigo {adj} | :: South Arabian |
sudar como un pollo {v} [simile] | :: sweat like a pig |
sudario {m} | :: shroud |
sudario {m} | :: sudarium |
sudar la gota gorda {v} [idiom] | :: to sweat buckets |
sudársela {v} [idiom] | :: To not give a shit |
sudar tinta {v} [idiom] | :: to slog hard; bust one's chops |
sudcaliforniana {f} | :: feminine noun of sudcaliforniano |
sudcaliforniano {adj} | :: Of or from the Mexican state of Baja California Sur |
sudcaliforniano {m} | :: An inhabitant of the Mexican state of Baja California Sur |
sudcoreana {f} | :: feminine noun of sudcoreano |
sudcoreano {adj} | :: alternative form of surcoreano |
sudcoreano {m} | :: alternative form of surcoreano |
sudestada {f} [Latin America] | :: alternative form of surestada |
sudeste {m} | :: southeast |
Sudetes {prop} {mp} | :: Sudeten (series of mountains) |
sudista {mf} | :: Southerner (someone from one of the states which seceded in 1861 and briefly formed the Confederate States of America) |
sudoccidental {adj} | :: southwestern |
sudoeste {m} | :: southwest |
sudoku {m} [games, puzzles] | :: sudoku |
sudor {m} | :: sweat |
sudoración {f} | :: sweating |
sudorcillo {m} | :: diminutive of sudor |
sudoriental {adj} | :: southeastern |
sudoriento {adj} | :: sweaty |
sudoríparo {adj} | :: sudoriparous, sudoriferous |
sudoroso {adj} | :: sweaty (having a tendency to sweat) |
sudrá {m} [Hinduism] | :: Shudra |
sudsudanés {adj} | :: South Sudanese (of or pertaining to South Sudan) |
sudsudanés {m} | :: South Sudanese (native or resident of South Sudan) |
sudsudanesa {f} | :: feminine noun of sudsudanés |
sudsudeste {m} | :: south-southeast |
sudsudoeste {m} | :: south-south-west |
sudsudueste {m} | :: south-southwest |
sudsueste {m} | :: south-southeast |
sudsureste {m} | :: south-southeast |
sudsuroeste {m} | :: south-southwest |
sudvietnamita {adj} | :: South Vietnamese |
sudvietnamita {mf} | :: South Vietnamese |
sueca {f} | :: feminine noun of sueco |
Suecia {prop} {f} | :: Sweden |
sueco {adj} | :: Swedish (from or native to Sweden) |
sueco {adj} | :: Swedish (pertaining to Sweden) |
sueco {m} | :: a Swede |
sueco {m} | :: the Swedish language |
suegra {f} | :: mother-in-law (spouse's mother) |
suegrastra {f} | :: stepmother-in-law |
suegrastro {m} | :: stepfather-in-law |
suegro {m} | :: parent-in-law; father-in-law (mother-in-law when feminine) |
suela {f} | :: sole |
sueldazo {m} | :: whopping salary |
sueldecillo {m} | :: diminutive of sueldo |
sueldito {m} | :: diminutive of sueldo |
sueldo {m} | :: salary |
sueldo {m} | :: Any of several historical European units of currency, including the solidus, sol, and soldo |
suelo {m} | :: ground, floor |
suelo {m} | :: soil |
suelo de fundación {m} [architecture] | :: Area where the foundations of a building or a complex are located |
suelta {f} | :: release, verbal noun of soltar |
suelta {f} [farriery] | :: hopple, hobble, pastern, a fetter to fix the feet of a beast |
suelto {adj} | :: free, loose, undone |
suelto {adj} | :: isolated, separate |
suelto {adj} | :: free, agile, fluent |
suelto {adj} [of hair] | :: shaggy |
suelto {adj} [colloquial, derogatory, of a person] | :: easy (consenting readily to sex) |
suelto {m} | :: loose change |
sueña con los angelitos {phrase} | :: sweet dreams (phrase said before going to sleep) |
sueñecito {m} | :: diminutive of sueño |
sueñito {m} | :: diminutive of sueño |
sueno {m} [obsolete] | :: sound |
sueño {m} | :: sleep, slumber |
sueño {m} | :: sleepiness |
sueño {m} | :: dream |
sueño guajiro {m} [Mexico] | :: pipe dream |
sueño libertador {m} [literally] | :: liberator dream |
sueño libertador {m} [sports, soccer] | :: The dream of winning the Copa Libertadores football (soccer) competition. Thus, when a team gets eliminated from the competition, it is said that the team has woken up from the liberator dream |
sueño mojado {m} | :: wet dream |
suero {m} | :: serum |
suero {m} | :: whey |
suero {m} | :: IV or intravenous line or fluid |
suero de soya {m} | :: whey |
suerte {f} | :: luck, fortune |
suerte {f} | :: lot, fate |
suerte {f} | :: sort, kind, type |
suerte {f} | :: oracular response |
suerte {f} [bullfighting] | :: stage in a bullfight |
suerte {f} [Latin America] | :: lottery ticket |
suerte {interj} | :: good luck! |
suertudo {adj} | :: lucky (having good luck) |
suertudo {m} | :: lucky devil; lucky sod |
sueste {m} | :: southeast (compass point) |
suéter {m} | :: sweater, pullover |
sueva {f} | :: feminine noun of suevo |
suevo {m} | :: Suevian; Suebi |
suevo {adj} | :: Suevian; Suebi |
Suez {prop} {m} | :: Suez (town) |
sufí {adj} | :: Sufi |
sufí {mf} | :: Sufi |
suficiencia {f} | :: sufficiency |
suficiencia {f} | :: smugness |
suficiente {adj} | :: sufficient, enough |
suficientemente {adv} | :: sufficiently |
sufijación {f} | :: suffixation |
sufijar {vt} [grammar] | :: to suffix |
sufijo {m} | :: suffix |
sufijo {adj} | :: [of an affix] suffixed |
sufismo {m} | :: Sufism |
sufragáneo {m} | :: suffragan |
sufragáneo {adj} | :: suffragan |
sufragante {mf} [Latin America] | :: voter |
sufragar {v} | :: to help |
sufragar {v} | :: to support |
sufragar {v} | :: to finance |
sufragar {v} [Latin America] | :: To vote |
sufragio {m} | :: suffrage |
sufragismo {m} | :: suffragism |
sufragista {mf} | :: suffragist/suffragette |
sufridor {adj} | :: suffering |
sufridor {m} | :: sufferer |
sufriente {adj} | :: suffering |
sufrimiento {m} | :: suffering |
sufrir {vt} | :: to suffer |
sufrútice {m} | :: subshrub, suffrutex |
sugerencia {f} | :: suggestion |
sugerente {adj} | :: suggestive |
sugerible {adj} | :: suggestable |
sugerir {v} | :: to suggest |
sugestión {f} | :: suggestion |
sugestionable {adj} | :: suggestible (easily convinced) |
sugestionar {v} | :: to influence |
sugestivamente {adv} | :: suggestively |
sugestivo {adj} | :: suggestive |
sugeto {m} | :: obsolete spelling of sujeto |
sugilación {f} | :: lovebite |
suicida {adj} | :: suicidal |
suicida {mf} | :: suicide (person) |
suicidar {vt} [colloquial, euphemistic] | :: to kill |
suicidar {vr} | :: to commit suicide |
suicidarse {v} | :: to commit suicide |
suicidio {m} | :: suicide (the act of killing oneself) |
sui géneris {adj} | :: sui generis |
suimanga {m} | :: sunbird |
suino {adj} | :: swine |
suión {m} | :: Swede (member of the Swedes) |
suiona {f} | :: feminine noun of suión |
suirirí {m} | :: whistling duck |
suite {f} | :: suite (rooms, hotel) |
suiza {f} | :: feminine noun of suizo |
Suiza {prop} {f} | :: Switzerland |
suizo {adj} | :: Swiss |
suizo {m} | :: A person from Switzerland |
suizo {m} | :: a type of bun covered in sugar |
sujeción {f} | :: subjection |
sujetación {f} | :: alternative spelling of sujeción |
sujetado {adj} | :: subjected |
sujetador {m} | :: holder (someone or something that holds another thing) |
sujetador {m} | :: fastener |
sujetador {m} | :: clip, pin [for hair, papers, etc.] |
sujetador {m} [Spain] | :: bra, brassiere |
sujetapapeles {m} | :: paper clip |
sujetapapeles {m} | :: binder clip |
sujetapuertas {m} | :: doorstop |
sujetar {v} | :: to steady, hold, secure, attach, fasten |
sujetar {v} | :: to subject |
sujetavelas {m} | :: third wheel (An unwanted third party accompanying two people on a date) |
sujeto {adj} | :: held, grasped |
sujeto {adj} | :: attached |
sujeto {m} | :: matter, subject |
sujeto {m} | :: person |
sujeto federal {m} | :: federal subject |
Sujumi {prop} {m} | :: Sukhumi (capital city) |
sulcar {v} | :: obsolete spelling of surcar |
suletino {m} | :: Souletin |
sulfametoxazol {m} [pharmaceutical drug] | :: sulfamethoxazole |
sulfamida {f} | :: sulfamide |
sulfatación {f} | :: sulfation |
sulfatador {m} | :: A machine used in sulfation |
sulfatar {v} | :: to sulfate |
sulfatasa {f} [enzyme] | :: sulfatase |
sulfato {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: sulfate/sulphate |
sulfhídrico {adj} | :: sulfhydric |
sulfhidrilo {m} [chemistry] | :: sulfhydryl |
sulfídico {adj} | :: sulfidic |
sulfonación {f} | :: sulphonation |
sulfonamida {f} [chemistry] | :: sulfonamide |
sulfonato {m} [chemistry] | :: sulfonate |
sulfónico {adj} | :: sulfonic |
sulfonilurea {f} | :: sulfonylurea |
sulfosal {f} [mineralogy] | :: sulfosalt |
sulfóxido {m} [chemistry] | :: sulfoxide |
sulfurar {v} | :: to sulphurate |
sulfúreo {adj} | :: sulfurous |
sulfúrico {adj} | :: sulfuric |
sulfurizador {adj} | :: sulphurising |
sulfuro {m} [chemistry] | :: sulfide |
sulfuroso {adj} | :: sulfurous |
sultán {m} | :: sultan |
sultana {f} | :: sultana |
sultanato {m} | :: sultanate |
suma {f} | :: sum |
suma {f} | :: addition |
sumación {f} | :: summation |
sumador {adj} | :: adding |
sumador {m} [electronics] | :: adder |
Su Majestad {m} | :: Your Majesty |
Su Majestad {m} | :: His Majesty, Her Majesty |
sumamente {adv} | :: most |
sumamente {adv} | :: highly |
sumamente {adv} | :: extremely |
sumando {m} [math] | :: addend |
sumar {v} | :: to add |
sumar {v} [mathematics] | :: To add, to add up |
sumar {vr} | :: to join up |
sumar dos más dos {v} [idiomatic] | :: to put two and two together |
sumarial {adj} | :: summarised |
sumariamente {adv} | :: summarily |
sumariar {vt} [law] | :: to indict |
sumario {adj} | :: summary |
sumario {m} | :: summary |
sumario {m} [legal] | :: summary |
sumario {m} | :: table of contents |
sumarísimo {adj} [legal] | :: extremely brief |
sumarse {v} | :: reflexive of sumar |
suma sacerdotisa {f} | :: feminine noun of sumo sacerdote; high priestess |
Sumatera {prop} | :: alternative form of Sumatra |
sumatoria {f} | :: summation |
sumatoria {f} | :: sum total |
sumatorio {m} | :: summation |
sumatorio {m} | :: sum total |
Sumatra {prop} {f} | :: Sumatra |
sumatrano {m} | :: tiger barb; Sumatra barb (Puntigrus tetrazona) |
suma y sigue {m} [idiom] | :: a great deal; one after another |
sumercé {pron} [Colombia, cundiboyacense] | :: Polite second-person singular pronoun |
sumergible {adj} | :: Submersible |
sumergible {adj} | :: (by extension) Waterproof |
sumergible {m} | :: A submarine |
sumergir {v} | :: to submerge |
sumergirse {v} | :: reflexive of sumergir |
sumeria {f} | :: feminine noun of sumerio |
Sumeria {prop} {f} | :: Sumer |
sumerio {adj} | :: Sumerian |
sumerio {m} | :: Sumerian (person) |
sumerio {m} | :: Sumerian (language) |
sumersión {f} | :: submersion |
sumidad {f} | :: top |
sumidero {m} | :: drain |
sumidero {m} | :: sewer |
sumilla {f} | :: short summary |
sumiller {m} | :: A wine waiter or sommelier |
suministración {f} | :: supply |
suministrador {m} | :: supplier |
suministradora {f} | :: feminine noun of suministrador |
suministrar {v} | :: to provide, supply |
suministro {m} | :: provision, supply |
sumir {v} | :: to submerge |
sumisamente {adv} | :: submissively |
sumisión {f} | :: submission |
sumisión {f} | :: submissiveness |
sumiso {adj} | :: submissive |
súmmum {m} | :: height, peak (the maximum degree) |
sumo {adj} | :: highest, greatest, superlative |
sumo {adj} | :: utmost |
sumo {m} [martial arts] | :: sumo |
sumo sacerdote {m} | :: high priest |
sunamita {adj} | :: Shunamite (of or pertaining to Shunem) |
sunamita {mf} | :: Shunamite (native or resident of Shunem) |
sunchalense {adj} | :: Of or from Sunchales |
sunchalense {mf} | :: Someone from Sunchales |
suncho {m} | :: hoop |
suncho {m} | :: Flourensia campestris |
suní {adj} | :: Sunni |
suní {mf} | :: Sunni |
sunita {adj} | :: alternative form of suní |
sunita {mf} | :: alternative form of suní |
sunní {adj} | :: alternative spelling of suní |
sunní {mf} | :: alternative spelling of suní |
sunnita {adj} | :: alternative form of suní |
sunnita {mf} | :: alternative form of suní |
sunroof {m} | :: sunroof |
suntuario {adj} | :: sumptuary |
suntuosamente {adv} | :: richly |
suntuosidad {f} | :: sumptuosity |
suntuosísimo {adj} | :: superlative of suntuoso |
suntuoso {adj} | :: sumptuous |
sup. {adj} | :: abbreviation of superior |
supeditación {f} | :: subordination |
supeditar {v} | :: to subordinate |
super- {prefix} | :: super-, over- |
super {adj} [intensifier] | :: very, mega |
súper {adj} [familiar] | :: superb, great |
súper {m} | :: supermarket |
superable {adj} | :: superable |
superabuelo {m} | :: super-grandad |
superabundancia {f} | :: redundancy; overabundance |
superabundante {adj} | :: superabundant |
superácido {m} [chemistry] | :: superacid |
superación {f} | :: overcoming |
superación {f} | :: self-improvement |
superactriz {f} | :: super actress |
superadmirable {adj} | :: superadmirable |
superagencia {m} | :: superagency |
superagente {mf} | :: superagent |
superagresivo {adj} | :: extremely aggressive |
superaleación {f} | :: superalloy |
superalimento {m} | :: superfood |
superalto {adj} | :: super-tall |
superalto {adj} | :: super-high |
superamiga {f} | :: bestie; really close friend |
superar {v} | :: to surpass, exceed |
superar {v} | :: to overcome |
superar {v} | :: to beat, to outdo |
superar {v} | :: to overtake, pass |
superar {v} | :: to get over |
superar {v} [reciprocal] | :: to outdo each other, to one-up each other |
superar {vr} | :: to outdo oneself |
superar {vr} | :: to be overcome |
superar {vr} | :: to be exceeded, to be surmounted, to be broken (e.g. a record broken) |
superarma {f} | :: superweapon |
superarse {v} | :: reflexive of superar |
superastro {m} | :: superstar |
superavit {m} | :: alternative form of superávit |
superávit {m} | :: surplus |
superavitario {adj} | :: surplus |
superbacteria {f} | :: superbug |
superbanda {f} | :: supergroup |
superbién {adv} [colloquial] | :: really well |
superbo {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of soberbio |
superbueno {adj} | :: really good; awesome; amazing |
supercalifragilisticoexpialidoso {adj} | :: supercalifragilisticexpialidocious |
supercampeón {m} [sports] | :: Winner of a super cup |
supercargador {m} | :: supercharger |
supercariñoso {adj} [colloquial] | :: really loving, really tender |
supercarretera {f} | :: superhighway |
superceloso {adj} | :: really jealous |
supercentenaria {f} | :: supercentenarian |
supercentenario {m} | :: supercentenarian |
superchería {f} | :: fraud |
superchero {adj} | :: fraudulent |
superchulo {adj} [colloquial] | :: really cute, really lovely |
superciclo {m} | :: supercycle |
superciliar {adj} [anatomy] | :: relating to or located in the supercilium (region of the eyebrows) |
superclase {f} | :: superclass |
superclase {f} [taxonomy] | :: superclass |
superclásico {m} [soccer, Argentina] | :: A soccer match between River Plate and Boca Juniors, which are both based in Buenos Aires and are the two most successful teams in Argentina |
supercola {f} | :: superglue |
supercomisaria {f} | :: feminine noun of supercomisario |
supercomisario {m} | :: super-commissioner; a rank above that of commissioner |
supercómodo {adj} [colloquial] | :: really comfortable or convenient |
supercomputación {f} | :: supercomputing |
supercomputador {m} [computing] | :: supercomputer (computer that has great processing power) |
supercomputadora {f} [Latin America] | :: supercomputer |
supercomún {adj} | :: extremely common |
supercomunidad {f} | :: super-community |
supercondensador {m} | :: supercapacitor |
superconductividad {f} | :: superconductivity |
superconductor {m} | :: superconductor |
superconductora {f} [physics] | :: superconductor |
superconjunto {m} | :: superset |
supercontento {adj} | :: really happy; over the moon |
supercontinente {m} | :: supercontinent (very large continent in the Earth’s past) |
supercopa {f} [sports] | :: super cup, cup winner's cup |
supercosecha {f} | :: great harvest |
supercreyente {adj} | :: really religious |
supercrítico {adj} [physics] | :: supercritical |
supercross {m} | :: supercross |
supercuerda {f} | :: superstring |
supercúmulo {m} | :: supercluster |
superdelegado {m} | :: superdelegate |
superdeluxe {adj} | :: superdeluxe |
superdeportiva {f} | :: superbike |
superdeportivo {m} | :: Top-range sports car |
superdepredador {m} | :: apex predator |
superdotación {f} | :: giftedness |
superdotada {f} | :: feminine noun of superdotado |
superdotado {adj} | :: well-endowed (highly gifted or talented) |
superdotado {m} | :: well-endowed (highly gifted person) |
superego {m} | :: superego |
superélite {adj} | :: superelite |
superenemigo {m} | :: archenemy |
superenrollado {adj} [genetics] | :: supercoiled |
superenrollamiento {m} [genetics] | :: supercoil |
superentidad {f} | :: alternative form of supraentidad |
superentretenido {adj} | :: superfun |
supereón {m} [geology] | :: supereon |
superescalar {adj} | :: superscalar |
superespecie {f} | :: superspecies |
superestado {m} | :: superstate |
superestrato {m} | :: superstratum |
superestrella {f} | :: superstar |
superestresante {adj} | :: extremely stressful |
superestructura {f} [nautical] | :: superstructure (any structure built above the top full deck) |
superestructura {f} [Marxism] | :: superstructure (the social sphere of ideology) |
superexcitado {adj} | :: extremely excited |
superéxito {m} | :: great success |
superexperimentado {adj} | :: really experienced |
superexplotación {f} | :: synonym of sobreexplotación |
superfamilia {f} | :: superfamily |
superfavorito {m} | :: firm favourite |
superfetación {f} | :: superfetation |
superficial {adj} | :: superficial |
superficial {adj} | :: shallow, lacking substance |
superficialidad {f} | :: superficiality |
superficialísimo {adj} | :: superlative of superficial |
superficialmente {adv} | :: superficially |
superficiario {adj} | :: leasehold |
superficie {f} | :: surface |
superfilo {m} [taxonomy] | :: superphylum |
superfinal {f} | :: superfinal |
superfluamente {adv} | :: superfluously |
superfluidad {f} | :: superfluity |
superfluidez {f} [physics] | :: superfluidity |
superfluido {adj} [physics] | :: superfluid (exhibiting superfluidity) |
superfluido {m} [physics] | :: superfluid (substance that exhibits superfluidity) |
superfluo {adj} | :: superfluous |
superfortaleza {f} | :: superpower |
superfosfato {m} | :: superphosphate |
superfruta {f} | :: superfruit |
superfuerza {f} | :: superstrength |
supergallo {adj} [boxing] | :: of super bantamweight weight class |
supergenio {m} | :: supergenius |
supergérmen {f} | :: super-germen |
supergigante {f} | :: supergiant |
supergigante azul {f} | :: blue supergiant |
supergravedad {f} | :: supergravity |
supergrupo {m} | :: supergroup |
superhabitable {adj} | :: superhabitable |
superhéroe {m} | :: superhero |
superheroína {f} | :: superheroine |
superhombre {m} | :: overman, superman |
superhumana {f} | :: feminine noun of superhumano |
superhumano {adj} | :: superhuman |
superhumano {m} | :: superhuman |
superimponer {v} | :: to superimpose |
superimportante {adj} | :: super important |
superíndice {m} | :: superscript |
superinteligencia {f} | :: superintelligence |
superinteligente {adj} | :: highly intelligent, superintelligent |
superintendencia {f} | :: superintendency |
superintendenta {f} | :: feminine noun of superintendente |
superintendente {mf} | :: superintendent |
superior {adj} | :: upper, higher |
superior {adj} | :: better |
superior {adj} | :: superior |
superior {m} | :: boss |
superiora {f} | :: mother superior |
superioridad {f} | :: superiority |
superiorísimo {adj} | :: superlative of superior |
superiormente {adv} | :: superbly |
superiormente {adv} | :: superiorly |
superjumbo {m} | :: superjumbo |
superlativamente {adv} | :: superlatively |
superlativo {adj} | :: superlative |
superlativo {m} | :: superlative |
superlíder {m} [football] | :: The overall winner of the Apertura and Clausura mini-leagues |
superliga {f} [sports] | :: superleague |
superligero {adj} [boxing] | :: light welterweight |
superlujo {m} | :: super-luxury |
superlujoso {adj} | :: extremely luxurious; in the lap of luxury |
superluminoso {adj} | :: superluminous |
superluna {f} [astronomy] | :: supermoon |
supermaduro {adj} | :: extremely mature |
supermamá {f} | :: supermum |
supermán {m} | :: superman (person of extraordinary or seemingly superhuman powers) |
supermanzana {f} | :: superblock |
supermáquina {f} | :: super-machine |
supermasivo {adj} | :: supermassive |
supermayoría {f} | :: supermajority |
supermediano {adj} | :: super middleweight |
supermedio {m} [boxing] | :: super middleweight (weight division and boxer) |
supermercadista {adj} [attributive] | :: supermarket |
supermercado {m} | :: supermarket |
supermillonario {m} | :: bazillionaire |
superministerio {m} | :: super-ministery; superior ministery |
superministro {m} | :: senior minister; overlord |
supermoda {adj} | :: high-fashion |
supermodelo {mf} | :: supermodel |
supermoderno {adj} | :: extremely modern |
supermosca {adj} | :: super flyweight |
supermujer {f} | :: superwoman |
supernatural {adj} | :: supernatural |
supernecesario {adj} | :: totally necessary |
super-Niño {m} | :: super-Niño |
supernova {m} | :: supernova |
supernumerario {adj} | :: supernumerary |
supero- {prefix} [anatomy] | :: supero- |
súpero {adj} [botany] | :: superior; upper |
superoído {m} | :: superhearing |
superola {f} | :: superwave |
superolateral {adj} [anatomy] | :: superolateral |
superomedial {adj} [anatomy] | :: superomedial |
superorden {m} [taxonomy] | :: superorder |
superordenador {m} [Spain] | :: supercomputer |
superorganismo {m} [biology] | :: superorganism |
superóxido {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: superoxide |
superpesado {adj} | :: super heavyweight |
superpesado {adj} | :: chronically annoying |
superpesado {m} [boxing] | :: super heavyweight (boxing class) |
superpetrolero {m} | :: supertanker |
superpluma {adj} | :: super featherweight |
superpoblación {f} | :: overpopulation |
superpoblado {adj} | :: highly populated |
superpoblar {vt} | :: to overpopulate |
superpoder {m} | :: superpower (fictional extraordinary ability) |
superpoderoso {adj} | :: all-powerful |
superponer {v} | :: to superimpose |
superponible {adj} | :: superimposable |
superposición {f} | :: superposition |
superpospanamax {adj} | :: Having a size larger than the post-Panamax vessels |
superpotencia {f} | :: superpower |
superpotente {adj} | :: ultrapowerful |
superprecio {m} | :: sky-high price |
superpremiado {adj} | :: multi-award-winning |
superproducción {f} | :: overproduction |
superproducción {f} [film] | :: blockbuster (specifically a big-budget film) |
superrápido {adj} | :: ultrafast, superfast |
superreducido {adj} | :: cut-price |
superrico {adj} | :: superrich |
supersaludable {adj} | :: extremely healthy |
supersecreto {adj} | :: top secret |
superserie {f} | :: superset |
superservidor {m} | :: super-server |
supersignificativo {adj} | :: Extremely significant |
supersimetría {f} | :: supersymmetry |
supersimétrico {adj} | :: supersymmetric |
supersoldado {m} | :: supersoldier |
supersónico {adj} | :: supersonic |
superstar {mf} | :: superstar |
superstición {f} | :: superstition |
supersticiosamente {adv} | :: superstitiously |
supersticioso {adj} | :: superstitious |
supersueldo {m} | :: huge salary |
supertaquillero {adj} | :: box-office smash |
supertarde {adv} [colloquial] | :: really late |
Súper Tazón {prop} {m} | :: Super Bowl |
supertelescopio {m} | :: supertelescope |
supertierra {f} | :: super-Earth |
supertifón {m} | :: supertyphoon |
supertribu {f} [taxonomy] | :: supertribe |
superturismo {m} | :: Super Touring |
superusuario {m} | :: superuser |
supervalle {adj} [Spain] | :: Pertaining to a price range in certain government-run electricity contracts, corresponding to night-time usage |
supervalorar {vt} | :: to overvalue |
supervariado {adj} | :: highly varied |
supervelocidad {f} | :: superspeed |
supervendedor {m} | :: superseller |
supervendedora {f} | :: feminine noun of supervendedor |
superveniente {adj} | :: supervenient |
supervenir {v} | :: to happen, to arise |
superventas {adj} | :: bestselling/best-selling |
superventas {m} | :: bestseller/best seller/best-seller |
supervía {f} [Mexico] | :: highway |
supervigilancia {f} | :: supervision |
supervigilar {vt} [Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico] | :: to surveil; to oversee |
supervillana {f} | :: (female) supervillain; supervillainess |
supervillano {m} | :: supervillain |
supervip {m} | :: super-VIP |
supervisar {vt} | :: to supervise, to superintend |
supervisión {f} | :: supervision |
supervisor {m} | :: supervisor |
supervisor {m} | :: handler (e.g, a secret agent's handler) |
supervisora {f} | :: feminine noun of supervisor |
supervivencia {f} | :: survival |
supervivencial {adj} [attributive] | :: survival |
supervivencialista {m} | :: A survivalist |
superviviente {adj} | :: surviving |
superviviente {mf} | :: survivor |
supervivir {v} | :: alternative form of sobrevivir |
supervolcán {m} | :: supervolcano |
superyó {m} | :: In psychoanalysis, Freud's concept of superego |
supinación {f} | :: supination |
supinador {m} [anatomy] | :: supinator; muscle that causes supination |
supinador largo {m} | :: brachioradialis |
supinamente {adv} | :: supinely |
supino {adj} | :: supine |
suplantación {f} | :: identity theft |
suplantador {adj} | :: imitating |
suplantador {m} | :: imitator, imposter |
suplantadora {f} | :: feminine noun of suplantador |
suplantar {v} | :: to supplant |
suplefaltas {m} | :: fall guy; scapegoat |
suplementación {f} | :: supplementation |
suplemental {adj} | :: supplemental, supplementary |
suplementar {v} | :: to supplement |
suplementario {adj} | :: supplementary |
suplemento {m} | :: supplement |
suplencia {f} | :: substitution, replacement |
suplente {mf} | :: substitute, surrogate (person that acts as a substitute) |
supletoriamente {adv} | :: additionally |
supletorio {adj} | :: temporary |
supletorio {adj} | :: supplementary, extra |
súplica {f} | :: plea, supplication (appeal, petition, entreaty) |
suplicación {f} | :: begging; plea |
suplicación {f} [legal] | :: appeal |
suplicación {f} | :: biscuit roll |
suplicante {adj} | :: supplicant |
suplicar {v} | :: to beg; to supplicate |
suplicatorio {m} [legal] | :: request; application |
suplicio {m} | :: anguish, suffering, torment, torture |
suplicio {m} | :: punishment |
suplidor {m} | :: supply; replacement |
suplidora {f} | :: feminine noun of suplidor |
suplir {v} | :: to substitute |
suplir {v} | :: to supply |
suplir {v} | :: to eke out |
suponer {v} | :: to suppose, to surmise, to assume, to guess, to imagine, to figure, to say, to take it |
suponer {v} | :: to presume, to expect |
suponer {v} | :: to comprise, make up |
suponer {v} | :: to pose (e.g. a risk, a threat, a danger) |
suponer {v} | :: to mean, to imply, to represent |
suponer {v} | :: to involve, to entail |
suponer {v} | :: to hypothesize |
suponer {vr} | :: to assume [without a specified subject] |
suponer {vr} | :: to be assumed |
suponer {vr} | :: to be meant, to be supposed |
suposición {f} | :: supposition |
supositorio {m} | :: suppository, (small medicinal plug that is inserted into the rectum) |
supra- {prefix} | :: supra- |
supraaórtico {adj} [anatomy] | :: supraaortic |
supracaudal {adj} | :: supracaudal |
supracondíleo {adj} [anatomy] | :: supracondylar |
supraduodenal {adj} [anatomy] | :: supraduodenal |
supraentidad {f} | :: superentity |
supraescapular {adj} [anatomy] | :: suprascapular |
supraespinoso {m} | :: supraspinatus |
supraestatal {adj} | :: suprastate |
supraglenoideo {adj} [anatomy] | :: supraglenoid |
suprahistórico {adj} | :: suprahistorical |
supralabial {adj} | :: supralabial |
supramolecular {adj} | :: supramolecular |
supramunicipal {adj} | :: supramunicipal |
supranacional {adj} | :: supranational |
supranacionalidad {f} | :: supranational union |
supraocular {adj} | :: supraocular |
supraorbital {adj} | :: supraorbital |
supraorbitario {adj} [anatomy] | :: supraorbital |
supraorganismo {m} | :: supraorganism |
suprapartido {adj} | :: above other political parties |
suprapoder {m} | :: superpower (someone with a huge amount of power) |
suprapúbico {adj} | :: suprapubic |
supraquiasmático {adj} | :: suprachiasmatic |
suprarrenal {adj} | :: suprarenal |
suprasegmental {adj} | :: suprasegmental |
supraventricular {adj} | :: supraventricular |
suprayacente {adj} | :: overlying |
supremacía {f} | :: supremacy |
supremacismo {m} | :: supremacism |
supremacista {adj} | :: supremacist |
supremacista {mf} | :: supremacist |
supremamente {adv} | :: supremely |
suprematismo {m} | :: suprematism |
suprematista {mf} | :: suprematist |
supremo {adj} | :: supreme |
supresión {f} | :: suppression |
supresión {f} | :: deletion |
supresor {m} | :: suppressor, suppressant |
supresora {f} | :: feminine noun of supresor |
suprimir {v} | :: to suppress |
supuestamente {adv} | :: supposedly |
supuestísimo {adj} | :: superlative of supuesto |
supuesto {adj} | :: supposed, self-styled, alleged |
supuesto {m} | :: assumption, hypothesis |
supuesto que {conj} | :: since, inasmuch as |
supuración {f} | :: suppuration, oozing, discharge |
supurar {v} | :: to ooze |
supurar {v} | :: to produce pus |
supurativo {adj} | :: suppurative; forming or discharging pus |
suputar {v} | :: to compute, calculate |
sur {m} | :: south |
sura {m} | :: sura |
surafricano {adj} | :: South African |
sural {adj} [anatomy] | :: sural |
Suramérica {prop} {f} | :: South America (continent that is the southern part of the Americas) |
suramericana {f} | :: feminine noun of suramericano |
suramericano {adj} | :: South American |
suramericano {m} | :: South American |
surandino {adj} | :: southern Andean |
surcana {f} | :: feminine noun of surcano |
surcano {adj} | :: Of or from Surco, Peru |
surcano {m} | :: Someone from Surco |
surcar {v} | :: to plow |
surcar {v} | :: to navigate the seas (or air) as if ploughing them |
surcarolina {f} | :: feminine noun of surcarolino |
surcarolino {adj} | :: South Carolinian |
surcarolino {m} | :: South Carolinian |
surcir {vt} [obsolete] | :: To darn; to mend |
surco {m} | :: furrow (agriculture) |
surco {m} | :: deep wrinkle, furrow |
surco {m} | :: stria |
surco {m} | :: rut, groove, line, track |
surco {m} | :: dent |
surco {m} | :: groove (of a music disc) |
surco {m} | :: sulcus |
surcoreana {f} | :: feminine noun of surcoreano |
surcoreano {adj} | :: South Korean |
surcoreano {m} | :: South Korean |
súrculo {m} | :: Single stem of a tree or plant without branches |
surdakoteña {f} | :: feminine noun of surdakoteño |
surdakoteño {adj} | :: South Dakotan |
surdakoteño {m} | :: South Dakotan |
sureña {f} | :: feminine noun of sureño |
sureño {adj} | :: southern |
sureño {m} | :: southerner |
surestada {f} [meteorology, Latin America] | :: A wet wind from the south east |
sureste {m} | :: southeast |
surf {m} | :: surfing |
surfactante {m} | :: surfactant |
surfeador {m} | :: surfer |
surfear {v} | :: to surf |
surfera {f} | :: feminine noun of surfero |
surfero {m} [chiefly US Spanish] | :: surfer |
surfing {m} | :: surfing |
surfismo {m} | :: surfing |
surfista {mf} | :: surfer |
surgencia {f} | :: upwelling |
surgidero {m} [nautical] | :: anchorage |
surgimiento {m} | :: emergence, rise |
surgir {vi} | :: to arise, emerge, surface, crop up, spring up, pop up |
surgir {vi} | :: to appear |
surgir {vi} | :: to grow out of, to come from, arise from (followed by de) |
surgir {v} | :: to advance, ascent, rise (move up socially or professionally) |
suri {m} | :: rhea |
surí {m} | :: Any of various edible worms, especially those found on the moriche palm |
suricata {f} | :: meerkat |
suricato {m} | :: suricat |
surime {m} | :: alternative spelling of surimi |
Surinam {prop} | :: Surinam (country) |
surinamés {adj} | :: Surinamese |
surinamés {m} | :: Surinamese |
surmontado {adj} [heraldry] | :: surmounted |
suroccidental {adj} | :: southwestern |
suroccidente {m} | :: southeast |
suroeste {m} | :: southwest |
suroriental {adj} | :: south-east |
suroriente {m} | :: southeast, southeastern area |
surosetia {f} | :: feminine noun of surosetio |
surosetio {adj} | :: South Ossetian (of or pertaining to South Ossetia) |
surosetio {m} | :: South Ossetian (native or resident of South Ossetia) |
surponiente {adj} | :: southwest |
surreal {adj} | :: surreal |
surrealismo {m} | :: surrealism |
surrealista {adj} | :: surreal |
surrealista {adj} | :: surrealistic |
surrealista {mf} | :: surrealist |
sursudanés {adj} | :: South Sudanese |
sursudanés {m} | :: South Sudanese |
sursudeste {m} | :: south-southeast |
sursudoeste {m} | :: south-southwest |
sursudueste {m} | :: south-southwest |
sursueste {m} | :: south-southeast |
sursureste {m} | :: south-southeast |
sursuroeste {m} | :: south-southwest |
surtido {adj} | :: assorted |
surtidor {m} | :: jet, spurt (of a liquid) |
surtidor {m} | :: supplier |
surtidora {f} | :: supplier |
surtir {vi} | :: to provide |
surtir {v} | :: to furnish, to stock |
surtir {v} | :: to spurt, to shoot up |
surtir efecto {v} | :: to take effect |
surto {adj} | :: tranquil, calm |
surubí {m} | :: Any of several catfishlike fishes of the genus Pseudoplatystoma |
survietnamita {mf} | :: South Vietnamese person |
sus {adj} | :: plural of su; one's, his, her, its, their (with plural possessee) |
sus {adj} [formal] | :: Your (with plural possessee) |
Susana {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Susana {prop} {f} [Biblical character] | :: Susanna |
susceptibilidad {f} | :: susceptibility |
susceptible {adj} | :: amenable |
susceptible {adj} | :: sensitive |
susceptible {adj} | :: capable (of) (followed by de, and an action) |
suscitar {v} | :: to provoke, to stir up, to give rise to |
suscitar {v} | :: to raise, to give rise to, to elicit (e.g., a question, a concern, support) |
suscribir {v} | :: to subscribe |
suscripción {f} | :: subscription |
suscriptor {m} [law] | :: executor |
suscriptor {m} | :: subscriber (person who subscribes to a publication) |
suscriptora {f} | :: feminine noun of suscriptor |
sushi {m} | :: sushi |
sushirrito {m} | :: A large 10 to 12 inch burrito-like sushi roll eaten like a burrito |
susidio {m} | :: worry; anxiety attack |
susmercedes {pron} [Colombia, cundiboyacense] | :: plural of sumercé (polite second-person plural pronoun) |
suso {adv} [archaic] | :: above |
Suso {prop} {m} | :: given name |
susodicho {adj} | :: aforementioned |
suspender {v} | :: to suspend |
suspender {v} | :: to flunk, to fail to pass an exam or class |
suspendido {adj} | :: suspended |
suspendido {adj} | :: failed (exam) |
suspense {m} [Spain] | :: suspense |
suspense {m} | :: thriller |
suspensión {f} | :: suspension |
suspensión {f} | :: hanging, dangling, suspending |
suspensión {f} | :: suspension, interruption, discontinuation, cessation |
suspensión {f} | :: suspense, uncertainty, anxiety |
suspensión de pagos {f} | :: receivership |
suspensivo {adj} | :: suspensive |
suspensivo {adj} | :: suspensory |
suspenso {adj} | :: failed |
suspenso {m} [Latin America] | :: suspense |
suspenso {m} | :: cliffhanger |
suspenso {m} [Spain, education] | :: fail |
suspenso {m} [legal] | :: abeyance |
suspensoide {m} | :: suspensoid |
suspensorio {m} | :: jockstrap |
suspensorio {m} | :: suspensory |
suspicacia {f} | :: suspicion, mistrust |
suspicaz {adj} | :: Distrustful or tending to suspect |
suspirante {adj} | :: sighing |
suspirar {v} | :: to sigh |
suspirillo {m} | :: diminutive of suspiro |
suspiro {m} | :: sigh |
sustancia {f} | :: substance |
sustancia blanca {f} | :: white matter |
sustanciación {f} | :: trial; litigation |
sustanciador {m} | :: litigator |
sustanciadora {f} | :: litigator |
sustancial {adj} | :: substantial |
sustancialmente {adv} | :: substantially |
sustanciar {v} [law] | :: to try or litigate a case |
sustancioso {adj} | :: substantial |
sustancioso {adj} | :: hearty, substantial |
sustantivación {f} | :: nominalization, substantivisation |
sustantivamente {adv} | :: substantively |
sustantivar {vt} [grammar] | :: to substantivise |
sustantividad {f} | :: substantiveness |
sustantivo {adj} | :: substantive |
sustantivo {m} | :: noun, substantive |
sustantivo abstracto {m} [grammar] | :: abstract noun |
sustantivo colectivo {m} | :: collective noun |
sustantivo común {m} | :: common noun |
sustantivo concreto {m} | :: concrete noun |
sustentabilidad {f} | :: sustainability |
sustentable {adj} | :: sustainable |
sustentación {f} | :: sustainment |
sustentación {f} [academic] | :: defense (of a thesis) |
sustentáculo {m} | :: substantiation |
sustentáculo {m} [anatomy] | :: sustentaculum |
sustentador {m} | :: breadwinner |
sustentadora {f} | :: feminine noun of sustentador |
sustentante {adj} | :: sustaining; nourishing; supporting; nourishing |
sustentante {m} | :: candidate; sitter (of an exam) |
sustentar {v} | :: to sustain, to support, to underpin (physically) |
sustentar {v} | :: to sustain, to support (i.e. provide resources) |
sustentar {v} [figuratively] | :: to support, to underpin, to [uphold]] |
sustentar {vr} | :: to be supported, to be underpinned, to be sustained |
sustento {m} | :: A support |
sustento {m} | :: Sustenance |
sustento {m} | :: A person's livelihood |
sustitución {f} | :: substitution |
sustituibilidad {f} | :: substitutability |
sustituible {adj} | :: replaceable, substitutable |
sustituir {v} | :: to replace |
sustituta {f} | :: feminine noun of sustituto |
sustitutivo {adj} | :: substitutive |
sustituto {m} | :: substitute |
sustitutorio {adj} | :: substitute |
sustituyente {m} | :: substituent |
susto {m} | :: fright |
sustracción {f} | :: subtraction |
sustractivo {adj} | :: substractive |
sustraendo {m} [arithmetic] | :: subtrahend |
sustraer {vt} [mathematics] | :: to subtract |
sustraer {vt} | :: to take away, put aside |
sustraer {vt} | :: to steal, rob |
sustraer {vr} [sustraerse de algo] | :: to do away with |
sustrato {m} | :: substratum, underlayer |
sustrato {m} [biochemistry] | :: substrate (what an enzyme acts upon) |
sustrato {m} [biology] | :: substrate (surface on which an organism grows) |
sustrato {m} [linguistics] | :: substrate (indigenous language) |
sustrato {m} [soil science] | :: subsoil |
sustrato {m} [gardening] | :: potting soil |
susurrante {adj} | :: whispering |
susurrar {vi} | :: to whisper, susurrate |
susurro {m} | :: whisper, murmur |
sutil {adj} | :: subtle |
sutileza {f} | :: subtlety, nicety |
sutilidad {f} | :: subtlety |
sutilísimo {adj} | :: superlative of sútil |
sutilizar {vt} | :: to thin down |
sutilizar {v} | :: to squabble; to quibble |
sutilmente {adv} | :: subtly |
sutura {f} | :: suture |
sutural {adj} | :: sutural |
sutura lambdoidea {f} [anatomy] | :: lambdoid suture |
suturar {vt} | :: to suture |
Suva {prop} | :: Suva (capital city) |
suvenir {m} | :: souvenir |
suxametonio {m} | :: suxamethonium |
suya {pron} | :: feminine singular of suyo |
suya {adj} | :: feminine singular of suyo |
suyas {pron} | :: feminine plural of suyo His, hers, its |
suyas {pron} | :: Theirs |
suyas {pron} [formal] | :: Yours |
suyas {adj} | :: feminine plural of suyo His, hers, its |
suyas {adj} | :: Theirs, their, to them |
suyas {adj} [formal] | :: Yours, your, to you |
suyo {pron} | :: His, hers, its |
suyo {pron} | :: Theirs |
suyo {pron} [formal] | :: Yours |
suyo {adj} | :: His, hers, its, to her |
suyo {adj} | :: Theirs, their, to them |
suyo {adj} [formal] | :: Yours, your, to you |
suyos {pron} | :: plural of suyo His, hers, its |
suyos {pron} | :: Theirs |
suyos {pron} [formal] | :: Yours |
suyos {adj} | :: plural of suyo His, hers, its |
suyos {adj} | :: Theirs, their, to them |
suyos {adj} [formal] | :: Yours, your, to you |
suzeranía {f} | :: suzerainty |
Svalbard y Jan Mayen {prop} | :: Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands |
svastika {f} | :: swastika |
swahili {m} | :: alternative form of suajili |
Swazilandia {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of Suazilandia |
swing {m} | :: swing (dance) |
swingman {m} | :: swingman |