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See also: sobresaltó and sobre-salto



Etymology 1




sobresalto m (plural sobresaltos)

  1. Pre-reform spelling (used until 1943 in Brazil and 1911 in Portugal) of sobressalto.
    • 1557, Luís Fróis, chapter 76, in História de Japam [History of Japan], pages 264v–265r; republished as José Wicki, editor, volume 3, Lisbon: Biblioteca Nacional, 1981, page 188:
      Porem, ainda que em quazi todos houve este sobresalto e movimento, somente em Sancho se vio huma serenidade e quietação tão grande, como dantes que a nova chegasse e, chamando todos os christãos, lhes fez huma pratica dizendo, como não entendião elles claramente ser aquillo ardil do demonio que pretendia inquietá-los?
      However, although in almost all of them there was this jump and movement, only Sancho was as serene and quiet as before the news had arrived and, calling all the Christians together, he made a practice of saying to them, how could they not clearly understand that this was a ruse by the demon who wanted to disturb them?
    • 1660, Francisco Manuel de Melo, “Naufragio da armada portugueza em França. Enaphora tragica segunda [Shipwreck of the Portuguese armada in France. Second tragic epanaphor]”, in Epanaphoras de varia historia portugueza [] em cinco relaçoens de sucessos pertencentes a este reyno [Epanaphors from various Portuguese histories in five lists of successes belonging to this kingdom], volume 2, Lisbon: Officina de Henrique Valente de Oliueira, page 250:
      Então porque o temor não he racional, hauendo grande perturbação em todos, cauſada do ſobreſalto deſte desẽgano, ſem embargo de ſer o meſmo q̃ buscauão; reconhecẽdo D. Manoel a nouidade, & quão cuſtoso podia ſer o enleyo a todos os que o padecião; com palauras conſtantes, & animo ſeguriſſimo, ordenou: Que o nauio tornaſse a ſer ſeguido, na forma de antes.
      Then, because fear is not rational, there being great disturbance in everyone, caused by the start of this disillusionment, notwithstanding that it was the same one they were looking for, recognizing the novelty, and how costly the entanglement could be to all who suffered it; with constant words and very sure spirit, he ordered the ship to be followed again in the manner of before.
    • 1882, Fialho de Almeida, “Os novilhos [The calfs]”, in A cidade do vicio [City of vice], Porto: Ernesto Chardon, pages 26–27:
      — Pois isto é tarde por aqui, juntou vagarosamente o pastor. / Rosaria teve um sobresalto, o monte ficava longe, não andava viv'alma, e tão fóra de horas!...
      — Well, it's late around here — said the shepherd slowly. Rosaria had a start: the hill was far away, there was no one around, and it was too late.

Etymology 2





  1. first-person singular present indicative of sobresaltar




  • IPA(key): /sobɾeˈsalto/ [so.β̞ɾeˈsal̪.t̪o]
  • Rhymes: -alto
  • Syllabification: so‧bre‧sal‧to

Etymology 1


From sobre- +‎ salto.



sobresalto m (plural sobresaltos)

  1. jolt
  2. scare, fright, tizzy
    Synonym: susto
    • 1983 December 3, “Gustavo (personal advertisement)”, in Gay Community News, volume 11, number 20, page 21:
      ?Por que te suicidaste — colgando en la entrada de mi casa? La manana despues cuando te descubri, muerto, te grite con sobresalto.
      Why did you commit suicide — hanging at the entrance of my house? The morning after when I found you dead I screamed in shock.

Etymology 2


See the etymology of the corresponding lemma form.




  1. first-person singular present indicative of sobresaltar

Further reading
