User:Matthias Buchmeier/ru-en-p
р. {f inan} | :: river |
р. {m inan} | :: rouble [singular or plural] |
р {letter} | :: The eighteenth letter of the Russian Cyrillic alphabet |
раб {noun} | :: slave, serf, bondslave [in common sense and about male person, not female separately] |
раба {noun} | :: female slave |
Рабат {prop} | :: Рабат (capital city) |
раблезианский {adj} | :: Rabelaisian |
раболепный {adj} | :: servile, obsequious, fawning |
работа {noun} | :: work |
работа {noun} | :: labor, toil |
работа {noun} | :: assignment, task |
работа {noun} | :: job, occupation |
работать {v impf} | :: to work |
работать {v impf} | :: to function |
работать {v impf} | :: to labor, to toil |
работать {v impf} | :: to be open (for business) |
работать как папа Карло {v impf} [simile] | :: to work hard (literally, to work like papa Carlo) |
работаться {v impf} [impersonal] | :: to be working [typically in a certain condition] |
работающий {adj} | :: labouring, in service, timer, working |
работёнка {noun} [low colloquial] | :: pejorative of работа: nasty work, nasty job |
работка {noun} | :: diminutive of работа |
работник {noun} | :: worker, blue-collar worker, employee |
работница {noun} | :: working woman, working girl, female worker |
работница {noun} | :: female clerk, female laborer, female employee |
работница {noun} | :: maid, housemaid |
работодатель {noun} | :: employer (person or entity which employs others) |
работодательница {noun} | :: female employer |
работорговля {noun} | :: slave trade |
работоспособность {noun} | :: capacity for work, efficiency |
работоспособность {noun} | :: functionality, operability |
работоспособный {adj} | :: able-bodied, able to work |
работоспособный {adj} | :: efficient at work (able to work well and efficiently) |
работоспособный {adj} | :: functioning (able to fulfill one's purpose, of an institution or organization) |
работоспособный {adj} [technical] | :: operating as expected [of a machine or product] |
работяга {m anim} {f anim} [colloquial, approvingly] | :: hard worker; plodder, slogger |
работящий {adj} [colloquial] | :: industrious, hardworking |
рабочая {noun} | :: female worker |
рабочая станция {noun} [computing] | :: workstation |
рабоче-крестьянский {adj} | :: Workers’ and Peasants’ |
рабочий {noun} | :: industrial worker |
рабочий {noun} | :: worker |
рабочий {adj} | :: industrial worker's |
рабочий {adj} | :: worker's |
рабочий {adj} [relational] | :: work, working |
рабочий {adj} [relational] | :: labor |
рабочий {adj} | :: working, functioning (of a device, machine, etc.); viable, feasible (of a plan, proposal, etc.) |
рабочий {adj} | :: preliminary, working, draft |
рабочий класс {noun} | :: working class (social class doing physical work) |
рабочий люд {noun} | :: workpeople |
рабски {adv} | :: slavishly |
рабский {adj} [relational] | :: slave; slavish, servile |
рабство {noun} | :: slavery, thralldom |
рабфак {noun} [Soviet Union] | :: workers' faculty, rabfak |
рабыня {noun} | :: female slave |
раввин {noun} [religion] | :: rabbi |
равенство {noun} | :: equality, parity (fact of being equal) |
равнина {noun} | :: plain (an expanse of land with relatively low relief) |
равнинный {adj} [relational] | :: plain, plains (flat expanse of land) |
равнинный {adj} | :: flat [of terrain], low [of relief] |
равно {adv} | :: equally, as well, as well as |
равно {pred} | :: it is equal |
равноапостольность {f} | :: isapostolicity |
равноапостольный {adj} | :: isapostolic |
равнобедренный {adj} [geometry] | :: isosceles (having two sides of equal length, used especially of an isosceles triangle) |
равновесие {noun} | :: balance, equilibrium (condition of a system in which competing influences are balanced) |
равновесие {noun} | :: harmony |
равновесие {noun} | :: parity |
равновесный {adj} [relational] | :: equilibrium, balance |
равновесный {adj} | :: balanced |
равноденствие {noun} | :: equinox (intersection of the ecliptic with the celestial equator) |
равнодушие {noun} | :: indifference, unconcern, disregard |
равнодушно {adv} | :: indifferently |
равнодушный {adj} | :: indifferent, apathetic (void of feeling) |
равнозначащий {adj} | :: equivalent, equipollent |
равнозначный {adj} | :: equivalent, equal in significance |
равномерно {adv} | :: evenly, uniformly |
равномерный {adj} | :: even, uniform |
равноправие {noun} | :: equality (equal treatment of people irrespective of social or cultural differences) |
равноправный {adj} | :: equal in rights, possessing/enjoying equal rights |
равносильный {adj} | :: equipotent, equally strong |
равносильный {adj} | :: equal (to), tantamount (to) |
равносторонний {adj} [geometry] | :: equilateral |
равносторонний треугольник {noun} [geometry] | :: equilateral triangle (a triangle having all three sides equal) |
равноценный {adj} | :: equal in value, equivalent |
равный {adj} | :: equal (the same in all respects) |
равнять {v impf} | :: to equalize |
равнять {v impf} [imperfective only] | :: to equate [с with] |
равняться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to compete, to match |
равняться {v impf} | :: to be equal, to be equivalent, to amount |
равняться {v impf} | :: to emulate, to follow the example |
равняться {v impf} [military] | :: to dress, to align oneself |
рагу {n inan} | :: ragout |
Рагуза {prop} | :: Рагуза (city) |
рад {adj} | :: glad |
рад {noun} | :: rad (non-SI unit of absorbed radiation dose) |
рад {noun} | :: radian |
рада {noun} | :: rada, Rada (a parliamentary body in a number of Slavic countries) |
радар {noun} | :: radar |
радетель {noun} [dated or ironic] | :: patron, benefactor, guardian |
радеть {v impf} | :: [dated] to oblige, to take care |
раджа {noun} | :: rajah |
ради {prep} | :: for the sake of |
радиальный {adj} | :: radial |
радиатор {noun} | :: heatsink |
радиатор {noun} [automotive] | :: radiator |
радиатор {noun} [automotive] | :: grille |
радиационный {adj} [relational] | :: radiation |
радиация {noun} | :: radiation (radioactive energy) |
ради бога {interj} | :: for God's sake (exclamation of surprise, impatience, etc.) |
ради бога {interj} | :: by all means, please, feel free, of course, go ahead |
радивый {adj} [folk poetic] | :: diligent |
радивый {adj} [folk poetic] | :: zealous |
радий {noun} | :: radium |
радийный {adj} [relational] | :: radio |
радийный {adj} | :: radio-equipped |
радикал {noun} [mathematics] | :: radical |
радикал {noun} [chemistry] | :: radical |
радикал {noun} [politics] | :: radical (person with radical opinions) |
радикализация {noun} | :: radicalization (the process or result of radicalizing) |
радикализм {noun} | :: radicalism |
радикально {adv} | :: radically (in various senses) |
радикальный {adj} | :: radical |
радикулит {noun} [medicine] | :: radiculitis |
радио- {prefix} | :: radio- (radiation; radio (broadcasting)) |
радио {n inan} | :: radio, tuner |
радио {n inan} | :: Romeo (R in the ICAO spelling alphabet) |
радиоактивность {noun} | :: radioactivity |
радиоактивный {adj} | :: radioactive |
радиоаппарат {noun} | :: radio set |
радиоаппаратура {noun} | :: radio equipment |
радиовещание {noun} | :: radio broadcasting |
радиоволна {noun} | :: radio wave |
радиограмма {noun} | :: radiogram, wireless (message), radio-telegram, aerogram |
радиозонд {noun} [meteorology] | :: radiosonde |
радиоинтерферометр {noun} | :: radio interferometer |
радиоинтерферометрия {noun} | :: radio interferometry |
радиокоммуникационный {adj} [relational] | :: radiocommunications |
радиола {noun} | :: radiogram (combination radio and record player) |
радиола {noun} | :: allseed flax (Radiola linoides, syn. Linum radiola) |
радиолокационный {adj} [relational] | :: radar |
радиолокационный дальномер {noun} | :: radar gunsight |
радиомолчание {noun} | :: absence of radio signals |
радиопередатчик {noun} | :: radio transmitter |
радиопередача {noun} | :: radio broadcast |
радиоприёмник {noun} | :: radio, receiver, receiving set, radio, radio set |
радиоприёмник {noun} | :: wireless receiver, wireless |
радиопромышленность {noun} | :: radio industry |
радиосвязь {noun} | :: radio communication/contact |
радиостанция {noun} | :: radio station, broadcasting station |
радиотелефон {noun} | :: radiotelephone |
радиотехнический {adj} [relational] | :: radio engineering |
радиочастотный {adj} [relational] | :: radio frequency |
радиоэлектронный {adj} | :: radio-electronic |
радировать {v both} | :: to radio (to send a message by radio) |
радист {noun} | :: radio operator, radioman |
радист {noun} | :: telegraphist, telegrapher |
радистка {noun} | :: (female) radio operator, radioman |
радистка {noun} | :: (female) telegraphist, telegrapher |
радистский {adj} [relational] | :: radio operator(s) |
радиус {noun} | :: radius (line segment) |
радовать {v impf} | :: to gladden, to please, to rejoice, to make happy |
радоваться {v impf} | :: to rejoice, to be glad, to be happy |
радон {noun} | :: radon |
радостно {adv} | :: joyfully, gladly, joyously |
радостный {adj} | :: joyful, glad, joyous |
радость {noun} | :: joy, delight |
радуга {noun} [meteorology] | :: rainbow |
радужный {adj} [relational] | :: rainbow |
радужный {adj} | :: cheerful |
радужный {adj} | :: optimistic, bright, roseate, rosy |
радушие {noun} | :: cordiality, kindliness, hospitality |
радушно {adv} | :: cordially (in a friendly manner) |
радушный {adj} | :: cordial, kindly, hearty |
радушный {adj} | :: hospitable |
раж {noun} [colloquial] | :: rage, passion, frenzy |
раз- {prefix} [used with verbs] | :: asunder, apart |
раз- {prefix} [used with verbs] | :: dis-, di-, un- |
раз- {prefix} [used with verbs] | :: enlarged action |
раз- {prefix} [used with verbs] | :: with reflexives, giving rein to |
раз- {prefix} [used with verbs, in the negative] | :: not quite |
раз {noun} | :: time (an instance or occurrence) |
раз {noun} | :: one [in counting] |
раз {adv} [colloquial] | :: once, one day, once upon a time |
раз {conj} [colloquial] | :: if, since; as long as |
разанатомировать {v pf} [medicine] | :: to dissect, to anatomize |
разбавить {v pf} | :: to dilute, to thin |
разбавление {noun} | :: dilution (action) |
разбавлять {v impf} | :: to dilute |
разбазаривать {v impf} | :: to squander |
разбазарить {v pf} | :: to squander |
разбалтывать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to reveal, to give away (a secret) |
разбалтывать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to shake up, to mix, to stir |
разбалтывать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to loosen |
разбег {noun} | :: running start |
разбегаться {v impf} | :: to scatter |
разбегаться {v impf} | :: to take a run, to run up (before jumping, diving, etc) |
разбегаться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to start running strenuously |
разбегаться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to start running and not stop |
разбежаться {v pf} | :: to scatter |
разбежаться {v pf} | :: to take a run, to run up (before jumping, diving, etc) |
разбередить {v pf} | :: to touch (a wound), causing pain |
разбередить {v pf} [figurative] | :: to disturb, to stir up, to agitate (one's heart or soul, etc.), causing one to relive painful experiences |
разбивать {v impf} | :: to break, to crash, to crush, to smash, to shatter |
разбивать {v impf} | :: to defeat, to beat, to smash |
разбивать {v impf} | :: to divide, to break/down) |
разбивать {v impf} | :: to lay out (park), to mark out |
разбивать {v impf} | :: to pitch (a tent), to set up (a tent or a camp) |
разбивать {v impf} | :: a body part to knock, to hurt badly, to break, to fracture, to damage severely |
разбивать {v impf} | :: polygraphy to space out |
разбиваться {vi impf} | :: to break, to crash, to shatter |
разбиваться {vi impf} | :: to break up, to split, to divide |
разбиваться {v impf} | :: to collapse, to die (e.g. of dreams) |
разбиваться {v impf} | :: to get seriously hurt |
разбиение {noun} | :: splitting, dividing, partitioning, decomposition, fragmentation |
разбиение {noun} [mathematics] | :: partition |
разбиение {noun} [telecommunications] | :: splitting |
разбиение {noun} [information technology] | :: decomposition |
разбирательство {noun} | :: hearing, examination, investigation (proceeding at which discussions are heard) |
разбирать {v impf} | :: to dismantle, to disassemble, to take apart, to deconstruct |
разбирать {v impf} | :: to analyse, to parse |
разбираться {v impf} | :: to deal with, to sort out |
разбираться {v impf} | :: to see into, to comprehend, to work with |
разбираться {v impf} | :: to figure out, to work out |
разбираться {v impf} | :: to sort out |
разбитый {adj} | :: broken |
разбитый {adj} [colloquial] | :: jaded |
разбить {v pf} | :: to break, to crash, to crush, to smash, to shatter |
разбить {v pf} | :: to defeat, to beat, to smash |
разбить {v pf} | :: to divide, to break down |
разбить {v pf} | :: to lay out (park), to mark out |
разбить {v pf} | :: to pitch (a tent), to set up (a tent or a camp) |
разбить {v pf} | :: to knock, to hurt badly, to break, to fracture, to damage severely (a body part) |
разбить {v pf} [polygraphy] | :: to space out |
разбить {v pf} [billiard] | :: to make the first shot |
разбиться {vi pf} | :: to break, to crash, to shatter |
разбиться {vi pf} | :: to break up, to split, to divide |
разбиться {v pf} | :: to collapse, to die (e.g. of dreams) |
разбиться {v pf} | :: to get seriously hurt |
разблокировать {v both} | :: to unblock, to release, to unlock |
разблюдовка {noun} [dated or humorous] | :: menu |
разбогатеть {v pf} | :: to grow rich |
разбой {noun} | :: robbery, brigandage |
разбой {noun} [law] | :: armed robbery, aggravated robbery [robbery with the threat or use of dangerous or deadly force] |
разбой {noun} [billiards] | :: break shot |
разбойник {noun} | :: brigand, robber |
разбойник {noun} [colloquial] | :: rogue, wretch |
разбойница {noun} | :: a female brigand |
разбойница {noun} [colloquial] | :: female rogue, wretch |
разбойничать {v impf} | :: to rob; to maraud; to plunder |
разбойничий {adj} [relational] | :: robber; robber's |
разбойничий {adj} | :: predatory, piratical |
разболеться {v pf} | :: to fall ill (badly or continuously) |
разболеться {v pf} | :: to start to hurt/ache (of a body part) |
разболтанный {adj} | :: unstable, unsteady |
разболтанный {adj} | :: unruly, disorganized |
разболтанный {adj} | :: soft, loose [of movements or gait] |
разболтать {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to reveal, to give away (a secret) |
разболтать {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to shake up, to mix, to stir |
разболтать {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to loosen |
разбомбить {v pf} | :: to destroy by bombing |
разбор {noun} | :: analysis, review, critique, investigation, examination, inquiry |
разбор {noun} [grammar] | :: parsing |
разбор {noun} [legal] | :: trial, hearing |
разбор {noun} | :: selectivity |
разборка {noun} | :: sorting out |
разборка {noun} | :: disassembling, dismantling, taking apart |
разборка {noun} [colloquial] | :: showdown |
разборчивый {adj} | :: legible, readable |
разборчивый {adj} | :: scrupulous, fastidious |
разборчивый {adj} | :: particular, choosy |
разбрасывать {v impf} | :: to scatter, to throw about, to strew |
разбредаться {v impf} | :: to wander off in different directions [of many people] |
разбрестись {v pf} | :: to wander off in different directions [of many people] |
разброд {noun} [dated] | :: dispersal |
разброд {noun} [dated] | :: dispersed location |
разброд {noun} [figurative] | :: disorder, disarray, confusion |
разброс {noun} | :: dispersion, spread |
разбросать {v pf} | :: to scatter, to throw about, to strew |
разбрызгивать {v impf} | :: to sprinkle, to spray, to splatter |
разбудить {v pf} | :: to wake up, to awake, to waken |
разбуться {v pf} [rare, nonstandard] | :: to take one's shoes off |
разбухать {v impf} | :: to swell, to distend |
разбухать {v impf} | :: to grow excessively/immoderately, to inflate |
разбухнуть {v pf} | :: to swell, to distend |
разбухнуть {v pf} | :: to grow excessively/immoderately, to inflate |
разбушеваться {v pf} | :: to start to rage [harder and harder], to go wild [of a storm, a drunk person, etc.] |
развал {noun} | :: disintegration, breakdown |
развал {noun} | :: disorganization, disorder |
развал {noun} | :: open-air bazaar |
развал {noun} | :: (wheel) camber |
разваливать {v impf} | :: to pull down |
разваливать {v impf} | :: to disorganize, to mess up |
разваливаться {v impf} | :: to tumble down, to collapse |
разваливаться {v impf} | :: to go/fall to pieces, to break down |
разваливаться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to sprawl, to lounge |
развалина {noun} | :: ruins, ruin (construction withered by time) |
развалистый {adj} [colloquial] | :: sprawling; broad |
развалить {v pf} | :: to pull down |
развалить {v pf} | :: to disorganize, to mess up |
развалиться {v pf} | :: to tumble down, to collapse |
развалиться {v pf} | :: to go/fall to pieces, to break down |
развалиться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to sprawl, to lounge |
развалюха {noun} [colloquial] | :: clunker, wreck (anything in poor condition or of poor quality) |
развалюха {noun} [colloquial] | :: jalopy (old, dilapidated car) |
раз в году и палка стреляет {phrase} | :: to indicate that infrequent events are still occurring |
разве {adv} | :: really |
разве {adv} [colloquial] | :: perhaps [often used in rhetorical questions] |
разве {adv} [colloquial] | :: only |
разве {adv} [colloquial] | :: unless |
развевать {vt impf} | :: to wave [e.g. a flag] |
развевать {v impf} | :: to cause to flutter or blow about |
развеваться {v impf} | :: to flutter, to fly, to stream |
развеваться {vi impf} | :: to scatter, to disperse, to dissipate |
разведать {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to find out (about) |
разведать {v pf} [military] | :: to reconnoitre, to reconnoiter |
разведать {v pf} [geology] | :: to prospect, to explore |
разведданные {noun} | :: intelligence (information about the enemy) |
разведение {noun} | :: breeding, rearing, cultivation |
разведение {noun} | :: swinging open, opening |
разведёнка {noun} [low colloquial] | :: divorcée |
разведённый {noun} | :: divorcee |
разведка {noun} | :: reconnaissance, intelligence |
разведка {noun} | :: scouting, exploration |
разведслужба {noun} | :: intelligence service; intelligence (a department, agency or unit designed to gather information, usually secret, about the enemy or about hostile activities) |
разведчик {noun} [military] | :: scout |
разведчик {noun} | :: intelligence officer |
разведчик {noun} [military, inanimate] | :: reconnaissance plane or ship |
разведчик {noun} | :: prospector |
разведывание {noun} | :: reconnaissance |
разведывательный {adj} [relational] | :: reconnaissance, intelligence |
разведывать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to find out (about) |
разведывать {v impf} [military] | :: to reconnoitre, to reconnoiter |
разведывать {v impf} [geology] | :: to prospect, to explore |
развезти {v pf} | :: to deliver, to transport (multiple people or things to their respective destinations) |
развезти {v pf} [colloquial, impersonal] | :: to make impassable |
развеивать {vt impf} | :: to scatter, to disperse |
развеивать {v impf} | :: to dispel |
развеивать {v impf} | :: to cast away, to lay aside, to put out of mind |
развеиваться {vi impf} | :: to scatter, to disperse, to dissipate |
развеиваться {v impf} [figurative] | :: to disappear, to be dispelled |
развеиваться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to be distracted from one's cares, to have fun |
развернуть {v pf} | :: to unroll, to unwind, to unfold, to unwrap |
развернуть {v pf} | :: to show, to display |
развернуть {v pf} | :: to start (up) |
развернуть {v pf} | :: to put on a wide scale, to widen, to broaden, to expand |
развернуть {v pf} [military] | :: to deploy, to extend |
развернуть {v pf} [military] | :: to expand (into) |
развернуть {v pf} | :: to turn, to swing about, to swing around, to slew (about), to make a U-turn |
развернуться {v pf} | :: to turn around, to swing about / around; to make a U-turn (vehicle); to slew (about) |
развернуться {v pf} | :: to be deployed (of troops) |
развернуться {v pf} | :: to come unrolled / unfolded / unwrapped |
развернуться {v pf} | :: to spread, to expand |
развернуться {v pf} | :: to display oneself |
развеселить {v pf} | :: to cheer up, to brighten up |
развеселиться {v pf} | :: to cheer up, to become cheerful |
развесистая клюква {noun} | :: highbush cranberry |
развесистая клюква {noun} [idiomatic] | :: Western stereotypes about Russia |
развесистый {adj} | :: spread-out, sprawling; spreading [of a tree] |
развесить {v pf} | :: to weigh out |
развесить {v pf} | :: to hang (in different places) |
развесить {v pf} | :: (boughs) to spread, to stretch out |
развести {v pf} | :: to take along, to bring; to conduct |
развести {v pf} | :: to part, to move apart, to pull apart, to separate |
развести {v pf} | :: to dilute, to mix |
развести {v pf} | :: to dissolve |
развести {v pf} | :: to start |
развести {v pf} | :: to divorce |
развести {v pf} | :: to mount, to relieve, to post (sentinels) |
развести {v pf} | :: to rear, to breed (animals) |
развести {v pf} | :: to plant, to cultivate, to grow (plants) |
развести {v pf} | :: to make, to plant, to lay out (a park, garden, etc.) |
развести {v pf} [slang] | :: to cheat, to swindle |
развестись {v pf} | :: to be divorced, to divorce, to obtain a divorce [с + instrumental] |
развестись {v pf} | :: to grow in number, to breed |
разветвить {v pf} | :: to cause to branch out, to cause to ramify |
разветвить {v pf} [figurative] | :: to divide into separate industries |
разветвиться {v pf} | :: to branch out, to ramify |
разветвление {noun} | :: bifurcation; branching; ramification |
разветвлённый {adj} | :: extensive, far-flung |
разветвлённый {adj} | :: ramified |
разветвлять {v impf} | :: to cause to branch out, to cause to ramify |
разветвлять {v impf} [figurative] | :: to divide into separate industries |
разветвляться {v pf} | :: to branch out, to ramify, (road) to fork, to divide |
развешать {v pf} | :: to hang (in different places) |
развешивать {v impf} | :: to weigh out |
развешивать {v impf} | :: to hang (in different places) |
развешивать {v impf} | :: (boughs) to spread, to stretch out |
развеять {vt pf} | :: to scatter, to disperse |
развеять {v pf} | :: to dispel |
развеять {v pf} | :: to cast away, to lay aside, to put out of mind |
развеять {vt pf} | :: to wave [e.g. a flag] |
развеять {v pf} | :: to cause to flutter or blow about |
развеяться {vi pf} | :: to scatter, to disperse, to dissipate |
развеяться {v pf} [figurative] | :: to disappear, to be dispelled |
развеяться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to be distracted from one's cares, to have fun |
развеяться {v pf} [rare] | :: to flutter, to blow about |
развёрнутый {adj} | :: extensive, large-scale, full-scale, all-out |
развёрнутый {adj} | :: detailed |
развёрнутый {adj} [military] | :: deployed |
развёрстка {noun} | :: apportionment, allotment, assessment |
развёрстка {noun} [polygraphy] | :: making-up, make-up |
развёртывание {noun} | :: unrolling, unwinding, unfolding, unwrapping |
развёртывание {noun} | :: development, expansion |
развёртывание {noun} [military] | :: deployment |
развёртывать {v impf} | :: to unroll, to unwind, to unfold, to unwrap |
развёртывать {v impf} | :: to show, to display |
развёртывать {v impf} | :: to start (up) |
развёртывать {v impf} | :: to put on a wide scale, to widen, to broaden, to expand |
развёртывать {v impf} [military] | :: to deploy, to extend |
развёртывать {v impf} [military] | :: to expand (into) |
развёртывать {v impf} | :: to turn, to swing about, to swing around, to slew (about), to make a U-turn |
развёртываться {v impf} | :: to become undone, to become unrolled/unfolded |
развёртываться {v impf} | :: to develop |
развёртываться {v impf} [military] | :: to deploy |
развивать {vt impf} | :: to develop, to evolve, to advance |
развивать {vt impf} | :: to untwist, to unwind |
развиваться {vi impf} | :: to develop (to progress) |
развиваться {v impf} | :: to untwist; to come unwound; to come uncurled, to lose its curl [of hair] |
развивающийся {adj} | :: developing |
развилка {noun} | :: fork [in a road] |
развитие {noun} | :: development, growth, progress |
развитой {adj} | :: developed, mature, cultivated, advanced |
развитость {noun} | :: development, maturity |
развитый {adj} | :: developed (mature) |
развить {vt pf} | :: to develop, to evolve, to advance |
развить {vt pf} | :: to untwist, to unwind |
развиться {vi pf} | :: to develop (to progress) |
развиться {v pf} | :: to untwist; to come unwound; to come uncurled, to lose its curl [of hair] |
развлекательный {adj} [relational] | :: entertainment, entertaining |
развлекать {v impf} | :: to entertain, to amuse |
развлекать {v impf} | :: to divert |
развлекаться {v impf} | :: to have fun, to have a good time, to amuse oneself |
развлечение {noun} | :: entertainment, amusement (entertaining activity or process of being entertained) |
развлечение {noun} | :: recreation, pastime (entertaining activity) |
развлечь {v pf} | :: to entertain, to amuse |
развлечь {v pf} | :: to divert |
развлечься {v pf} | :: to have fun, to have a good time, to amuse oneself |
развод {noun} | :: divorce |
развод {noun} | :: opening, raising, swinging open |
развод {noun} [military] | :: relief, mounting, posting |
развод {noun} | :: breeding |
развод {noun} [plural only] | :: free designs, broad pattern |
развод {noun} [plural only] | :: stains |
развод {noun} [slang, colloquial] | :: scam, cheating |
развод {noun} [colloquial] | :: hoaxing; making a practical joke |
разводить {v impf} | :: to take along, to bring; to conduct |
разводить {v impf} | :: to part, to move apart, to pull apart, to separate |
разводить {v impf} | :: to dilute, to mix |
разводить {v impf} | :: to dissolve |
разводить {v impf} | :: to start |
разводить {v impf} | :: to divorce |
разводить {v impf} | :: to mount, to relieve, to post (sentinels) |
разводить {v impf} | :: to rear, to breed (animals) |
разводить {v impf} | :: to plant, to cultivate, to grow (plants) |
разводить {v impf} | :: to make, to plant, to lay out (a park, garden, etc.) |
разводить {v impf} [slang] | :: to cheat, to swindle |
разводиться {v impf} | :: to be divorced, to divorce, to obtain a divorce [с + instrumental] |
разводиться {v impf} | :: to grow in number, to breed |
развозить {v impf} | :: to deliver, to transport (multiple people or things to their respective destinations) |
развозить {v impf} [colloquial, impersonal] | :: to make impassable |
разволновать {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to excite, to agitate |
разволноваться {v pf} | :: to get excited/agitated |
разворачивать {v impf} | :: to unroll, to unwind, to unfold, to unwrap |
разворачивать {v impf} | :: to develop |
разворачивать {v impf} | :: to show, to display |
разворачивать {v impf} | :: to start (up) |
разворачивать {v impf} | :: to put on a wide scale, to widen, to broaden, to expand |
разворачивать {v impf} [military] | :: to deploy, to extend |
разворачивать {v impf} [military] | :: to expand (into) |
разворачивать {v impf} | :: to turn, to swing about, to swing around, to slew (about), to make a U-turn |
разворачивать {v impf} | :: to play havoc (among, with), to turn upside down |
разворачиваться {v impf} | :: to turn around, to swing about / around; to make a U-turn (vehicle); to slew (about) |
разворачиваться {v impf} | :: to be deployed (of troops) = развёртываться |
разворачиваться {v impf} | :: to come unrolled / unfolded / unwrapped = развёртываться |
разворачиваться {v impf} | :: to spread, to expand |
разворачиваться {v impf} | :: to display oneself |
разворовать {v pf} | :: to steal (in parts or regularly), to sack, to embezzle, to plunder |
разворовывать {v impf} | :: to steal (in parts or regularly), to sack, to embezzle, to plunder |
разворот {noun} | :: U-turn |
разворот {noun} | :: centerfold (single sheet of paper that forms the middle two pages of a magazine) |
разворотить {v pf} | :: to wreak havoc (of), to play havoc (among, with), to turn upside down |
разврат {noun} | :: debauch, debauchery, depravity, dissipation, lechery |
развратить {v pf} | :: to debauch, to corrupt |
развратник {noun} | :: libertine, debauchee, rake, profligate |
развратница {noun} | :: libertine, debauchee, rake, profligate |
развратничать {v impf} | :: to fornicate, to whore around |
развратный {adj} | :: dissolute, lewd, lecherous |
развращать {v impf} | :: to debauch, to corrupt |
развращение {noun} | :: corruption, depravation |
развязать {v pf} | :: to untie, to unbind, to undo, to unleash |
развязать {v pf} | :: to liberate (from) |
развязать {v pf} [pejorative] | :: to start |
развязаться {vi pf} | :: to untie, to come untied |
развязаться {vi pf} [colloquial] | :: to disassociate, to free oneself [с + genitive, from someone/something burdensome or interfering] |
развязка {noun} | :: The conclusion or resolution of a plot |
развязка {noun} | :: outcome, issue, upshot |
развязка {noun} | :: traffic interchange |
развязка {noun} [electrotechnology] | :: isolating device, cross coupling, decoupling, uncoupler |
развязность {noun} | :: impudence, insolence, cheekiness, undue familiarity, swagger, abandon, forwardness |
развязность {noun} | :: unceremoniousness, familiarity |
развязный {adj} | :: cheeky, impudent, insolent |
развязный {adj} | :: unceremonious, familiar |
развязный {adj} [dated] | :: overly relaxed |
развязывание {noun} | :: untying |
развязывать {v impf} | :: to untie, to unbind, to undo, to unleash |
развязывать {v impf} | :: to liberate (from) |
развязывать {v impf} [pejorative] | :: to start |
развязываться {vi impf} | :: to untie, to come untied |
развязываться {vi impf} [colloquial] | :: to disassociate, to free oneself [с + genitive, from someone/something burdensome or interfering] |
разгадать {v pf} | :: to unravel |
разгадать {v pf} | :: to guess, to divine |
разгадка {noun} | :: solution, answer |
разгадывать {v impf} | :: to unravel |
разгадывать {v impf} | :: to guess, to divine |
разгар {noun} | :: height (of), high point (of) |
разгар {noun} | :: (of a weapon barrel) scoring, erosion |
разгибать {vt impf} | :: to straighten, to unbend |
разгибаться {vi impf} | :: to straighten, to straighten up, to unbend |
разгильдяй {noun} | :: slob |
разгильдяйство {noun} | :: slovenliness |
разглагольствовать {v impf} | :: to expatiate, to spout (to speak tediously and at length) |
разгладить {v pf} | :: to smooth with a hot iron |
разгладить {v pf} | :: to straighten out the folds/wrinkles/etc. of |
разглаживать {v impf} | :: to smooth with a hot iron |
разглаживать {v impf} | :: to straighten out the folds/wrinkles/etc. of |
разгласить {v pf} | :: to reveal, to disclose [something secret or unseemly, to all or many] |
разгласить {v pf} | :: to announce |
разглашать {v impf} | :: to reveal, to disclose [something secret or unseemly, to all or many] |
разглашать {v impf} | :: to announce |
разглашение {noun} | :: disclosure, divulgation |
разглядеть {v pf} | :: to make out, to discern, to descry |
разглядеть {v pf} | :: to detect, to discern |
разглядывание {noun} | :: examination, scrutinizing |
разглядывать {v impf} | :: to examine, to view, to scrutinize |
разгневанный {adj} | :: angry, irate [experiencing anger; of a person] |
разгневанный {adj} | :: angry, irate [expressing anger; of a look, words, etc.; inanimate] |
разгневать {v pf} | :: to anger, to enrage, to incense |
разгневаться {v pf} | :: to get angry |
разговаривать {vi impf} | :: to speak, to talk, to converse (with) |
разговаривать {vi impf} | :: to be on speaking terms (with) |
разговаривать {vt impf} | :: to dissuade (someone) |
разговаривать {vt impf} | :: to get (someone) talking |
разговариваться {v impf} [colloquial, impersonal, only imperfective] | :: to want/be in the mood to talk |
разговариваться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to talk eagerly |
разговение {noun} [Christianity] | :: breaking fast |
разговеться {v pf} [Christianity] | :: to break one's fast |
разговляться {v impf} [Christianity] | :: to break one's fast |
разговор {noun} | :: talk, conversation |
разговор {noun} [plural] | :: rumours, talk |
разговорить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to get talking |
разговорить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to dissuade |
разговорить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to cause/get to speak more easily/fluently |
разговориться {v pf} [colloquial, usually, perfective] | :: to enter into a conversation (with), to find plenty to talk about (with) |
разговориться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to speak more eagerly, to warm to one's topic |
разговориться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to become more fluent (in a language), to speak more easily/fluently |
разговорник {noun} | :: phrasebook |
разговорный {adj} | :: colloquial (relating to oral communication language) |
разговорный {adj} | :: conversational, spoken |
разговорчивый {adj} | :: talkative, loquacious |
разговорчик {noun} | :: endearing diminutive of разговор |
разгон {noun} | :: dispersal, dispersion |
разгон {noun} | :: acceleration |
разгон {noun} | :: gap, spacing |
разгон {noun} | :: shim, wedge |
разгонять {v impf} | :: to disperse, to scatter |
разгонять {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to banish, to dismiss (many people) |
разгонять {v impf} | :: to disband (an organization) |
разгонять {v impf} | :: to cause (a feeling) to pass |
разгонять {v impf} | :: to speed up (something) |
разгонять {v impf} | :: to race (a vehicle) |
разгоняться {vi impf} | :: to accelerate |
разгораться {v impf} | :: to flame up, to flare up, to get very hot |
разгораться {v impf} | :: to flare up, to run high |
разгореться {v pf} | :: to flame up, to flare up, to get very hot |
разгореться {v pf} | :: to flare up, to run high |
разгорячить {v pf} | :: to excite |
разгорячиться {v pf} | :: to get hot |
разгорячиться {v pf} | :: to be flushed (with) |
разграбить {v pf} | :: to ransack, to plunder, to pillage, to loot |
разграбление {noun} | :: plundering, pillaging, ransacking, looting |
разграничение {noun} | :: delimitation, demarcation |
разграничение {noun} | :: differentiation, discrimination |
разгребать {v impf} | :: to shovel, to rake [to the side] |
разгрести {v pf} | :: to shovel, to rake [to the side] |
разгром {noun} | :: destruction, defeat, downfall, rout |
разгром {noun} | :: discord, chaos, mayhem |
разгромить {v pf} | :: to smash up, to raid, to sack, to loot |
разгромить {v pf} | :: to rout, to smash, to pound, to defeat, to destroy |
разгромить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to attack, to pan, to inveigh (against), to fulminate (against) |
разгружать {v impf} | :: to unload, to discharge |
разгружать {v impf} | :: to relieve |
разгрузить {v pf} | :: to unload, to discharge |
разгрузить {v pf} | :: to relieve |
разгрузка {noun} | :: unloading |
разгрузка {noun} | :: relief |
разгул {noun} | :: revelry, debauch, bacchanalia, saturnalia |
разгул {noun} | :: (wild) outburst, spree |
разгуливать {v impf} [colloquial, imperfective only] | :: to stroll about/around, to walk about/around |
разгуливать {v impf} [colloquial, imperfective only] | :: to walk around unhindered, to be on the loose |
разгуливать {v impf} [colloquial, imperfective only] | :: to spread around, to circulate (a rumor, etc.) |
разгуливать {v impf} [colloquial, imperfective only] | :: to blow |
разгуливать {v impf} | :: to keep from falling asleep, to wake up |
разгуливать {v impf} | :: to cast away, to lay aside, to put out of mind |
разгуливаться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to give oneself free rein |
разгуливаться {v impf} [low colloquial, figurative] | :: to binge |
разгуливаться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to become very powerful [of a blizard, a wave, etc.] |
разгуливаться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to stop wanting to sleep |
разгуливаться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to become clearer, to clear up [of the weather] |
разгулять {v pf} | :: to keep from falling asleep, to wake up |
разгулять {v pf} | :: to cast away, to lay aside, to put out of mind |
разгуляться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to give oneself free rein |
разгуляться {v pf} [low colloquial, figurative] | :: to binge |
разгуляться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to become very powerful [of a blizzard, a wave, etc.] |
разгуляться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to stop wanting to sleep |
разгуляться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to become clearer, to clear up [of the weather] |
раздавать {v impf} | :: to hand out, to distribute, to give out, to pass out |
раздаваться {v impf} | :: to sound, to ring out (usually unexpectedly), to go off (e.g. telephone, gunshot) |
раздаваться {v impf} [dated] | :: to give way, to make way; to move aside |
раздаваться {v impf} | :: to expand, to become wide; to gain weight |
раздавить {v pf} | :: to crush, to squash |
раздавить {v pf} | :: to overwhelm |
раздавить {v pf} | :: to suppress |
раздавливать {v impf} | :: to squash |
Раздан {prop} | :: Раздан (town/capital) |
Раздан {prop} | :: Раздан (major river) |
раздать {v pf} | :: to hand out, to distribute |
раздаться {v pf} | :: to sound, to ring out (usually unexpectedly), to go off (e.g. telephone, gunshot) |
раздаться {v pf} [dated] | :: to give way, to make way; to move aside |
раздаться {v pf} | :: to expand, to become wide; to gain weight |
раздача {noun} | :: distribution, dispensing, dispensation |
раздача {noun} | :: expansion |
раздваивать {v impf} | :: to bisect, to divide into two, to bifurcate |
раздваивать {v impf} | :: to make appear double |
раздвигать {v impf} | :: to move apart |
раздвигать {v impf} | :: to slide apart |
раздвигать {v impf} | :: to pull/draw apart |
раздвигать {v impf} | :: to extend, to expand |
раздвигаться {vi impf} | :: to expand |
раздвигаться {v impf} | :: to make way [of a crowd] |
раздвигаться {vi impf} | :: to part [of a curtain] |
раздвинуть {v pf} | :: to move apart |
раздвинуть {v pf} | :: to slide apart |
раздвинуть {v pf} | :: to pull/draw apart |
раздвинуть {v pf} | :: to extend, to expand |
раздвинуться {vi pf} | :: to expand |
раздвинуться {v pf} | :: to make way [of a crowd] |
раздвинуться {vi pf} | :: to part [of a curtain] |
раздвоение {noun} | :: bifurcation; dichotomy; a splitting in two |
раздвоенность {noun} | :: bifurcation |
раздвоенный {adj} | :: forked, bifurcated |
раздвоить {v pf} | :: to bisect, to divide into two, to bifurcate |
раздвоить {v pf} | :: to make appear double |
раздевалка {noun} [colloquial] | :: changing room, locker room |
раздевалка {noun} [colloquial] | :: cloakroom, checkroom |
раздевальня {noun} | :: cloakroom |
раздевать {vt impf} | :: to undress (to remove somebody’s clothing) |
раздеваться {v impf} | :: to take off one’s clothes, to undress, to disrobe, to get undressed |
раздеваться {v impf} | :: to strip (down to one’s underwear) |
раздеваться {v impf} | :: to take off one’s coat |
раздел {noun} | :: division, section |
раздел {noun} | :: column (newspaper column), rubric |
раздел {noun} | :: subarea |
раздел {noun} | :: category |
раздел {noun} | :: division, partition, allotment |
разделать {v pf} | :: to process, to prepare |
разделать {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to treat the surface of, to apply a treatment or finish to |
разделать {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to do (something) expertly or dazzlingly |
разделать {v pf} [figurative, colloquial] | :: to strongly criticize |
разделать {v pf} [figurative, low colloquial] | :: to beat violently, to damage |
разделаться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to get rid of |
разделаться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to evade (something unpleasant) |
разделаться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to pay off, to settle accounts with (someone) |
разделаться {v pf} [low colloquial] | :: to beat severely, to punish |
разделение {noun} | :: division, separation |
разделение {noun} | :: discrimination, differentiation |
разделительный {adj} | :: dividing, separating (of things that divide or separate) |
разделительный падеж {noun} [grammar] | :: partitive (partitive case) |
разделить {v pf} | :: to divide |
разделить {v pf} | :: to separate |
разделить {v pf} | :: to share (to have in common) |
разделиться {v pf} | :: to divide (into) |
разделиться {v pf} | :: to separate, to part |
разделиться {v pf} [mathematics] | :: to divide |
разделка {noun} | :: processing; dressing [of meat]; handling; cutting |
разделка {noun} | :: something processed |
разделка {noun} | :: finishing [of a surface, of furniture] |
разделка {noun} | :: fire-retardant brickwork around a stovepipe |
разделка {noun} [bicycling] | :: individual time trial |
разделочная доска {noun} | :: chopping board (a sturdy board, upon which one chops and prepares food) |
разделочный {adj} [relational] | :: chopping; carving |
разделывать {v impf} | :: to process, to prepare |
разделывать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to treat the surface of, to apply a treatment or finish to |
разделывать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to do (something) expertly or dazzlingly |
разделывать {v impf} [figurative, colloquial] | :: to strongly criticize |
разделывать {v impf} [figurative, low colloquial] | :: to beat violently, to damage |
разделываться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to get rid of |
разделываться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to evade (something unpleasant) |
разделываться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to pay off, to settle accounts with (someone) |
разделываться {v impf} [low colloquial] | :: to beat severely, to punish |
раздельно {adv} | :: separately, distinctly |
раздельно {adv} | :: clearly [of speech] |
раздельный {adj} | :: separate, distinct (followed by "from": not together with) |
разделять {v impf} | :: to divide |
разделять {v impf} | :: to separate |
разделять {v impf} | :: to share (to have in common) |
разделяться {v impf} | :: to divide (into) |
разделяться {v impf} | :: to separate, to part |
разделяться {v impf} [mathematics] | :: to divide |
раздеть {vt pf} | :: to undress (to remove somebody’s clothing) |
раздеться {v pf} | :: to undress (oneself), to get undressed |
раздирать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to tear up |
раздирать {v impf} | :: to tear (apart), to rend, to split |
раздобреть {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to gain weight, to get fat |
раздобывать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to procure, to get |
раздобыть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to procure, to get |
раздолбай {noun} [vernacular, pejorative] | :: no-account, goof |
раздолбать {v pf} [low colloquial] | :: to break using multiple blows |
раздолбать {v pf} [low colloquial] | :: to destroy by using sloppily |
раздолбать {v pf} [low colloquial] | :: to scold, to criticize |
раздолье {noun} | :: expanse |
раздолье {noun} | :: freedom, liberty |
раздольный {adj} | :: free; carefree |
раздольный {adj} | :: vast (of a location) |
раздор {noun} | :: discord, contention, dissension |
раздосадованный {adj} | :: annoyed, vexed (troubled, irritated by something unwanted or unliked) |
раздосадованный {adj} | :: dissatisfied |
раздосадованный {adj} | :: sick, mad |
раздосадованный {adj} | :: discontented |
раздосадовать {v pf} | :: to vex, to annoy, to anger |
раздражать {v impf} | :: to irritate |
раздражать {v impf} | :: to annoy, to vex, to get on nerves |
раздражаться {v impf} | :: to become irritated |
раздражаться {v impf} | :: to get irritated/annoyed, to chafe |
раздражающий {adj} | :: annoying, irritating, vexing |
раздражающий {adj} | :: exasperating |
раздражающий {adj} | :: irritative |
раздражающий {adj} | :: provoking |
раздражающий {adj} | :: jarring |
раздражающий {adj} | :: grating |
раздражающий {adj} | :: provocative |
раздражающий {adj} | :: acrid |
раздражающий {adj} | :: sore |
раздражающий {adj} | :: trying, nerve-racking |
раздражающий {adj} | :: disgruntling |
раздражающий {adj} | :: niggling |
раздражение {noun} | :: irritation, annoyance |
раздражённо {adv} | :: with irritation, in an irritated manner |
раздражённый {adj} | :: irritated, annoyed, angry, exasperated (experiencing or expressing a feeling of irritation) |
раздражитель {noun} | :: irritant |
раздражительность {noun} | :: irritability |
раздражительный {adj} | :: irritable |
раздражить {v pf} | :: to irritate |
раздражить {v pf} | :: to annoy, to vex, to get on nerves |
раздражиться {v pf} | :: to become irritated |
раздражиться {v pf} | :: to get irritated/annoyed, to chafe |
раздразнивать {v impf} | :: to tease, to pester |
раздразнивать {v impf} | :: to whet (appetite), to stimulate (curiosity) |
раздразнить {v pf} | :: to tease, to pester |
раздразнить {v pf} | :: to whet (appetite), to stimulate (curiosity) |
раздрай {noun} [colloquial] | :: discord, quarrel, strife |
раздрай {noun} [colloquial] | :: confusion, mess, turmoil |
раздробить {v pf} | :: to crush |
раздробить {v pf} | :: to smash, to shatter |
раздробить {v pf} | :: to fragment, to split up |
раздробить {v pf} | :: to reduce [to smaller units] |
раздробиться {v pf} | :: to break up into small parts, to be crushed |
раздробиться {v pf} | :: to break [of waves] |
раздробиться {v pf} | :: to be refracted [of rays of light] |
раздробиться {vi pf} [figurative] | :: to disintegrate |
раздробленность {noun} | :: fragmentation |
раздробленный {adj} | :: fragmented, crushed, broken, splintered, shattered |
раздроблённость {noun} | :: alternative form of раздробленность |
раздроблённый {adj} | :: alternative form of раздробленный |
раздроблять {v impf} | :: to crush |
раздроблять {v impf} | :: to smash, to shatter |
раздроблять {v impf} | :: to fragment, to split up |
раздроблять {v impf} | :: to reduce [to smaller units] |
раздробляться {v impf} | :: to break up into small parts, to be crushed |
раздробляться {v impf} | :: to break [of waves] |
раздробляться {v impf} | :: to be refracted [of rays of light] |
раздробляться {vi impf} [figurative] | :: to disintegrate |
раздувать {v impf} | :: to fan, to blow |
раздувать {v impf} | :: to inflate, to blow (out) |
раздувать {v impf} [impersonal] | :: to swell |
раздувать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to blow up, to exaggerate |
раздувать {v impf} | :: to fan, to boost |
раздувать {v impf} | :: to blow about, to flutter |
раздуваться {v impf} | :: to swell up |
раздуваться {v impf} | :: to bulge |
раздумать {v pf} | :: to change one's mind, to decide not |
раздумывать {v impf} | :: to think (about), to muse (over), to ponder (over), to consider, to ruminate (on), to brood (over), to deliberate |
раздумывать {v impf} | :: to hesitate |
раздумывать {v impf} | :: to change one's mind |
раздумье {noun} | :: meditation, thought, reflection, reflexion |
раздумье {noun} | :: afterthought, recollection |
раздуплить {v pf} [slang] | :: to start to grok, to get to grasp |
раздуплять {v impf} [slang] | :: to grok, to grasp |
раздуть {v pf} | :: to fan, to blow |
раздуть {v pf} | :: to inflate, to blow (out) |
раздуть {v pf} [impersonal] | :: to swell |
раздуть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to blow up, to exaggerate |
раздуть {v pf} | :: to fan, to boost |
раздуть {v pf} | :: to blow about, to flutter |
раздуться {v pf} | :: to swell up |
раздуться {v pf} | :: to bulge |
разевать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to open (wide) |
разжаловать {v pf} | :: to demote |
разжать {v pf} | :: to undo, to open, to unclench, to let down, to release |
разжечь {v pf} | :: to light, to kindle |
разжечь {v pf} | :: to inflame, to stir up |
разжечь {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to rouse |
разживаться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to get rich, to cash in |
разживаться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to get, to obtain [+ instrumental, something] |
разжигание {noun} | :: kindling |
разжигание {noun} | :: incitement |
разжигать {v impf} | :: to light, to kindle |
разжигать {v impf} | :: to inflame, to stir up |
разжигать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to rouse |
разжимать {v impf} | :: to undo, to open, to unclench, to let down, to release |
разжиться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to get rich, to cash in |
разжиться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to get, to obtain [+ instrumental, something] |
раззява {f anim} {m anim} | :: gawk, gaper, scatterbrain (a distracted, inattentive, clumsy person) |
разинуть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to open (wide) |
разиня {f anim} {m anim} | :: gawk, gaper, scatterbrain (a distracted, inattentive, clumsy person) |
разительный {adj} | :: striking |
разить {v impf} | :: to strike, to hit, to smite |
разить {v impf} | :: to strike down, to defeat, to crush |
разить {v impf} [imperfective only] | :: to reek (of), to stink (of) |
разлагать {v impf} [chemistry] | :: to decompose, [mathematics] to factorize, [physics] (force) to resolve |
разлагать {v impf} | :: to demoralize, to corrupt |
разлагаться {v impf} [mathematics] | :: to decompose, to be factorized |
разлагаться {v impf} | :: to decompose, to rot, to decay |
разлагаться {v impf} | :: to get corrupted/demoralized |
разлад {noun} | :: disorder |
разлад {noun} | :: discord, dissension |
разламывать {v impf} | :: to break apart, to break into pieces |
разламывать {v impf} | :: to destroy |
разламывать {v impf} [impersonal, low colloquial] | :: to ache severely |
разлепить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to unglue, to unstick |
разлепить {v pf} [colloquial, figurative] | :: to force apart, to open with difficulty (one's eyes, one's lips, etc.) |
разлеплять {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to unglue, to unstick |
разлеплять {v impf} [colloquial, figurative] | :: to force apart, to open with difficulty (one's eyes, one's lips, etc.) |
разлетаться {v impf} | :: to fly away, to scatter (in the air) |
разлетаться {v impf} | :: to come apart, to be blown apart |
разлетаться {v impf} | :: (news, rumour etc) to spread, to be spread about/around, to become known |
разлетаться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to smash, to shatter |
разлетаться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to be ruined/shattered/squashed/upset |
разлететься {v pf} | :: to fly away, to scatter (in the air) |
разлететься {v pf} | :: to come apart, to be blown apart |
разлететься {v pf} | :: (news, rumour etc) to spread, to be spread about/around, to become known |
разлететься {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to smash, to shatter |
разлететься {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to be ruined/shattered/squashed/upset |
разлив {noun} | :: flood, overflow |
разлив {noun} | :: bottling |
разлив {noun} | :: spill |
разливать {v impf} | :: to spill |
разливать {v impf} | :: to pour out, to bottle |
разливаться {v impf} | :: to spill |
разливаться {v impf} | :: to overflow |
разливаться {v impf} | :: to spread |
разливаться {v impf} | :: to pour out one's song |
разлить {v pf} | :: to spill |
разлить {v pf} | :: to pour out, to bottle |
разлиться {v pf} | :: to spill |
разлиться {v pf} | :: to overflow |
разлиться {v pf} | :: to spread |
различать {v impf} | :: to distinguish, to tell apart, to tell the difference between two entities |
различать {v impf} | :: to differ |
различать {v impf} | :: to discriminate |
различать {v impf} | :: to recognize |
различаться {vi impf} | :: to differ (in) (+ instrumental) |
различение {noun} | :: differentiation, recognition |
различие {noun} | :: difference (quality of being different, used in a comparison) |
различимый {adj} | :: perceptible, discernible, distinguishable |
различить {v pf} | :: to distinguish |
различиться {vi pf} | :: to differ (in) (+ instrumental) |
различный {adj} | :: different (not the same) |
различный {adj} | :: diverse, various |
разложение {noun} | :: decomposition, decay |
разложение {noun} | :: dissolution, dissipation |
разложение {noun} | :: corruption |
разложение {noun} | :: dissociation |
разложение {noun} | :: analysis (chemistry: process of breaking down a substance or the result of this process) |
разложение {noun} | :: putrefaction |
разложить {v pf} | :: to put [in separate locations], to put away |
разложить {v pf} | :: to lay out, to display |
разложить {v pf} | :: to lay flat [e.g. a newspaper or cot] |
разложить {v pf} | :: to spread out (cards) |
разложить {v pf} | :: to distribute, to apportion, to allocate |
разложить {v pf} | :: to build and light (a fire) |
разложить {v pf} [dated, figurative] | :: to unharness |
разложить {v pf} [chemistry] | :: to decompose |
разложить {v pf} [mathematics] | :: to factorize |
разложить {v pf} [physics] | :: (force) to resolve |
разложить {v pf} | :: to demoralize, to corrupt |
разложиться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to unpack |
разложиться {v pf} | :: to unfold, to spread out, to open up, to open out |
разложиться {v pf} [mathematics] | :: to decompose, to be factorized |
разложиться {v pf} | :: to decompose, to rot, to decay |
разложиться {v pf} | :: to get corrupted/demoralized |
разлом {noun} | :: breaking, break-up |
разлом {noun} | :: break |
разлом {noun} [geology] | :: fault, fracture, rupture |
разломать {v pf} | :: to break apart, to break into pieces |
разломать {v pf} | :: to destroy |
разломить {v pf} | :: to break apart, to break into pieces |
разломить {v pf} [impersonal, low colloquial] | :: to ache severely |
разлука {noun} | :: separation |
разлука {noun} | :: parting, separation |
разлучать {v impf} | :: to separate, to part, to sever |
разлучить {v pf} | :: to separate, to part, to sever |
разлюбить {v pf} | :: to fall out of love (with) someone, to stop loving |
размазать {v pf} | :: to spread |
размазать {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to pad out, to spin out |
размазня {noun} [colloquial] | :: gruel |
размазня {m anim} {f anim} [colloquial] | :: ditherer, wishy-washy person |
размазывать {v impf} | :: to spread |
размазывать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to pad out, to spin out |
разматывать {vt impf} | :: to unwind, to unreel |
размах {noun} | :: swing |
размах {noun} | :: sweep |
размах {noun} | :: wingspread, wingspan |
размах {noun} | :: (of activity) scope, range, sweep, scale |
размахивать {v impf} | :: to sway, to swing |
размахивать {v impf} | :: to dangle |
размахивать {v impf} | :: to brandish |
размахивать {v impf} [nonstandard] | :: to cause to swing? |
размахиваться {v impf} | :: to swing one's arm |
размахиваться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to do things in a big way |
размахнуть {v pf} | :: to spread (one's hands) |
размахнуть {v pf} | :: to open (a door) wide |
размахнуть {v pf} | :: to brandish [+ instrumental] |
размахнуться {v pf} | :: to swing one's arm |
размахнуться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to do things in a big way |
размашистый {adj} | :: sprawling, wide, broad |
размашистый {adj} | :: sweeping, swinging [motion] |
размежевание {noun} | :: division, delineation, demarcation |
размежевание {noun} | :: separation, disengagement |
размежевать {v pf} | :: to divide up |
размежевать {v pf} | :: to separate, to delineate |
размежёвывать {v impf} | :: to divide up |
размежёвывать {v impf} | :: to separate, to delineate |
размен {noun} | :: exchanging, changing, breaking [of money or other valuable items for smaller units] |
размен {noun} [chess] | :: exchange |
разменивать {v impf} | :: to change (money for lesser units) |
разменивать {v impf} | :: to exchange |
разменивать {v impf} | :: to live to certain age |
разменивать {v impf} [chess] | :: to exchange |
разменять {v pf} | :: to change, to break (money for lesser units) |
разменять {v pf} | :: to exchange |
разменять {v pf} | :: to live to certain age |
разменять {v pf} [chess] | :: to exchange |
размер {noun} | :: size, dimension, measure, amount |
размер {noun} [poetry] | :: meter, metre |
размер {noun} [music] | :: time, measure |
размеренный {adj} | :: measured |
размерить {v pf} | :: to measure off, to measure |
размерность {noun} | :: dimension, dimensionality |
размерный {adj} | :: dimensional, mensural |
размерять {v impf} | :: to measure off, to measure |
размерять {v pf} [colloquial] | :: alternative form of размерить |
размести {v pf} | :: to sweep clean |
размести {v pf} | :: to sweep away |
разместить {v pf} | :: to place, to put, to stow |
разместить {v pf} | :: to accommodate, to put up, to house, to quarter, to billet |
разместить {v pf} | :: to deploy, to station |
разместить {v pf} [finance] | :: to invest, to place |
разместиться {v pf} | :: to take seats |
разместиться {v pf} | :: to be quartered, to be housed, to be accommodated |
разметать {v impf} | :: to sweep clean |
разметать {v impf} | :: to sweep away |
разметать {v pf} | :: to destroy |
разметать {v pf} | :: to scatter |
разметать {vt pf} | :: to spread apart |
разметить {v pf} | :: to mark |
разметить {v pf} | :: to mark out |
разметить {v pf} [computers] | :: to mark up |
разметка {noun} | :: marking |
разметка {noun} | :: mark |
разметка {noun} [computers] | :: markup |
размечать {v impf} | :: to mark |
размечать {v impf} | :: to mark out |
размечать {v impf} [computers] | :: to mark up |
размешать {v pf} | :: to stir, to mix |
размешивать {v impf} | :: to stir, to mix |
размещать {v impf} | :: to place, to put, to stow |
размещать {v impf} | :: to accommodate, to put up, to house, to quarter, to billet |
размещать {v impf} | :: to deploy, to station |
размещать {v impf} [finance] | :: to invest, to place |
размещаться {v impf} | :: to take seats |
размещаться {v impf} | :: to be quartered, to be housed, to be accommodated |
размещение {noun} | :: placing, placement |
размещение {noun} | :: accommodation |
размещение {noun} | :: deployment, stationing |
размещение {noun} | :: placement, layout; distribution pattern |
размещение {noun} [finances] | :: placement |
размётывать {v impf} | :: to destroy |
размётывать {v impf} | :: to scatter |
размётывать {v impf} | :: to spread apart |
разминать {v impf} | :: to knead |
разминать {v impf} | :: to mash |
разминать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to stretch (one's legs, muscles, etc.) |
разминка {noun} [sport] | :: warm-up, limbering-up |
разминуться {v pf} | :: to miss; to fail to meet |
размножаться {vi impf} | :: to reproduce, to breed, to spawn, to propagate |
размножаться {vi impf} | :: to multiply |
размножение {noun} | :: reproduction (the act of reproducing new individuals biologically), breeding |
размножение {noun} | :: propagation, duplication |
размножиться {vi pf} | :: to reproduce, to breed, to spawn, to propagate |
размножиться {vi pf} | :: to multiply |
размолвка {noun} | :: tiff, spat, quarrel, disagreement |
размораживать {v impf} | :: to defrost, to unfreeze |
разморозить {v pf} | :: to defrost, to unfreeze |
размотать {vt pf} | :: to unwind, to unreel |
размывание {noun} | :: washing away, erosion |
размывание {noun} [figurative] | :: blurring |
размывание {noun} [figurative] | :: dilution |
размывать {v impf} | :: to erode, to wash away, to destroy with a stream of water |
размывать {v impf} [figurative] | :: to blur |
размывать {v impf} [figurative] | :: to reduce (a role, stake, etc.) |
размытый {adj} | :: washed out |
размытый {adj} | :: blurry, fuzzy, dim; smudgy |
размыть {v pf} | :: to erode, to wash away, to destroy with a stream of water |
размыть {v pf} [figurative] | :: to blur |
размыть {v pf} [figurative] | :: to reduce (a role, stake, etc.) |
размышление {noun} | :: reflection, thought |
размышлять {v impf} | :: to ponder, to muse, to meditate, to think (over), to reflect |
размягчать {v impf} | :: to soften |
размягчать {v impf} [figuratively] | :: to mellow, to melt, to disarm [of emotion] |
размягчить {v pf} | :: to soften |
размягчить {v pf} [figuratively] | :: to mellow, to melt, to disarm [of emotion] |
размякать {v impf} | :: to soften, to grow soft |
размякать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: (person) to be softened, to melt |
размякнуть {v pf} | :: to soften, to grow pulpy |
размякнуть {v pf} | :: to grow flabby, to become soft |
размять {v pf} | :: to knead |
размять {v pf} | :: to mash |
размять {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to stretch (one's legs, muscles, etc.) |
разнарядка {noun} | :: distribution (in a planned manner) |
разнарядка {noun} | :: distribution list |
разнарядка {noun} | :: distribution instructions |
разнарядка {noun} | :: voucher, order |
разнашивать {v impf} | :: to break in (shoes) |
разнашиваться {v impf} | :: to become comfortable (clothes, shoes) |
разнести {v pf} | :: to carry, to convey, to deliver |
разнести {v pf} [colloquial] | :: (news, rumor etc) to spread around |
разнести {v pf} | :: to enter, to book |
разнести {v pf} [impersonal, colloquial] | :: to cause to swell |
разнести {v pf} | :: to smash, to destroy |
разнести {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to scatter, to disperse |
разнести {v pf} | :: to give a rating/dressing-down, to dress down, to blow up |
разнестись {v pf} | :: to spread |
разнестись {v pf} | :: to resound |
разнимать {v impf} | :: to disjoint, to dismantle, to separate, to part, to pull apart |
разниться {vi impf} | :: to vary, to differ |
разница {noun} | :: difference (quality of being different, can be used to refer to the difference itself without talking about its size) |
разнобой {noun} | :: disagreement, inconsistency, contradiction |
разнобой {noun} | :: broken things, scrap |
разновидность {noun} | :: variety, kind, form, sort |
разновидность {noun} | :: manner, nature |
разновидность {noun} [zoology] | :: breed, species |
разногласие {noun} | :: difference, disagreement, discord |
разногласие {noun} | :: discrepancy |
разнонаправленный {adj} | :: multidirectional |
разнонаправленный {adj} | :: in different directions |
разнонаправленный глагол {noun} | :: abstract verb |
разнообразие {noun} | :: diversity, variety (quality of being diverse; difference) |
разнообразить {v impf} | :: to diversify |
разнообразный {adj} | :: diverse, manifold, various, varied |
разноплемённый {adj} | :: of different races, of different tribes |
разнородный {adj} | :: heterogeneous, diverse, variegated |
разнос {noun} | :: carrying, delivery |
разнос {noun} [colloquial] | :: rating, dressing-down, blowing-up |
разносить {v impf} | :: to carry, to convey, to deliver |
разносить {v impf} [colloquial] | :: (news, rumor etc) to spread around |
разносить {v impf} | :: to enter, to book |
разносить {v impf} [impersonal, colloquial] | :: to cause to swell |
разносить {v impf} | :: to smash, to destroy |
разносить {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to scatter, to disperse |
разносить {v impf} | :: to give a rating/dressing-down, to dress down, to blow up |
разносить {v pf} | :: to break in (shoes) |
разноситься {v impf} | :: to spread |
разноситься {v impf} | :: to resound |
разноситься {v pf} | :: to become comfortable (clothes, shoes) |
разносторонний {adj} [mathematics] | :: scalene |
разносторонний {adj} | :: many-sided, versatile |
разность {noun} | :: difference |
разность {noun} [mathematics] | :: remainder, the result of substraction |
разносчик {noun} | :: peddler, hawker, delivery man |
разносчик {noun} | :: messenger |
разносчик {noun} [animate or inanimate] | :: carrier (e.g. of a disease) |
разноцветный {adj} | :: multicolored, motley |
разночинец {noun} | :: raznochinetz, raznochinets (Historical: an intellectual of 18th–19th-century Russia who did not belong to the gentry) |
разночтение {noun} [philology] | :: variant reading, textual discrepancy |
разночтение {noun} [colloquial] | :: disagreement, difference in opinion |
разношёрстный {adj} | :: (of a single animal) having different types of fur colours |
разношёрстный {adj} [colloquial] | :: variegated, diverse, motley, mixed |
разнузданный {adj} | :: unbridled |
разнузданный {adj} | :: orgiastic (relating to an orgy) |
разный {adj} | :: different, diverse, unlike |
разный {adj} | :: various, varied, miscellaneous |
разнять {v pf} | :: to disjoint, to dismantle, to separate, to part, to pull apart |
разо- {prefix} | :: alternative form of раз- [used before certain consonant clusters] |
разоблачать {v impf} [humorous] | :: to disrobe, to divest, to unclothe, to undress |
разоблачать {v impf} | :: to disclose, to expose, to unmask, to lay bare, to denounce |
разоблачаться {v impf} | :: to disrobe, to divest oneself, to undress oneself |
разоблачение {noun} | :: exposure, exposing, disclosure, disclosing, unmasking, denunciation |
разоблачить {v pf} [humorous] | :: to disrobe, to divest, to unclothe, to undress |
разоблачить {v pf} | :: to disclose, to expose, to unmask, to lay bare, to denounce |
разобрать {v pf} | :: to dismantle, to disassemble, to take apart, to deconstruct |
разобрать {v pf} | :: to analyse, to parse |
разобраться {v pf} | :: to deal with, to sort out |
разобраться {v pf} | :: to figure out, to work out |
разобраться {v pf} | :: to understand, to define for oneself [в + prepositional, something] |
разобщать {v impf} | :: to separate, to disconnect, to uncouple |
разобщать {v impf} [figurative] | :: to estrange, to alienate |
разобщённость {noun} | :: disunity |
разобщённость {noun} | :: estrangement |
разобщённость {noun} | :: isolation |
разобщить {v pf} | :: to separate, to disconnect, to uncouple |
разобщить {v pf} [figurative] | :: to estrange, to alienate |
разовый {adj} | :: valid for a single occasion |
разовый {adj} | :: one-time, one-shot, nonrecurrent |
разовый {adj} | :: single |
разовый {adj} | :: disposable |
разогнать {v pf} | :: to disperse, to scatter |
разогнать {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to banish, to dismiss (many people) |
разогнать {v pf} | :: to disband (an organization) |
разогнать {v pf} | :: to cause (a feeling) to pass |
разогнать {v pf} | :: to speed up (something) |
разогнать {v pf} | :: to race (a vehicle) |
разогнаться {vi pf} | :: to accelerate |
разогнуть {vt pf} | :: to straighten, to unbend |
разогнуться {vi pf} | :: to straighten, to straighten up, to unbend |
разогревать {v impf} | :: to warm up, to heat up |
разогревать {v impf} | :: to reheat |
разогреть {v pf} | :: to warm up, to heat up |
разогреть {v pf} | :: to reheat |
разодрать {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to tear up |
разодрать {v pf} | :: to tear (apart), to rend, to split |
разозлить {v pf} | :: to provoke to anger, to get a rise out of someone |
разозлиться {v pf} | :: to get angry (with someone, at something) |
разойтись {v pf} | :: to go away, to disperse (in different directions), to spread |
разойтись {v pf} | :: to break up [of a crowd, meeting, etc.] |
разойтись {v pf} | :: to part, to separate, to break up [of two or three persons], to get divorced, to drift apart |
разойтись {v pf} | :: to be sold out (well), to sell well [of a product] |
разойтись {v pf} | :: to disagree, to differ [of opinions] |
разойтись {v pf} | :: to diverge, to branch off |
разойтись {v pf} | :: to miss one another, to fail to meet |
разойтись {v pf} | :: to be spent, to go [of money] |
разойтись {v pf} | :: to separate, to not close [of clothes] |
разок {m inan} | :: diminutive of раз |
разом {adv} | :: at the same time, simultaneously |
разом {adv} | :: suddenly, all of a sudden |
разомлевать {v impf} | :: to languish |
разомлеть {v pf} | :: to languish |
разорвать {v pf} | :: to tear apart/asunder, to tear up |
разорвать {v pf} | :: to sever, to break (ties), to rend |
разорвать {v pf} [impersonal] | :: to burst, to explode |
разорваться {v pf} | :: to break, to tear, to burst |
разорваться {v pf} | :: to burst, to go off, to explode |
разорваться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to struggle to do (cope with) everything at once |
разорение {noun} | :: (financial, economical) ruin, bankruptcy |
разорение {noun} | :: devastation, ravage |
разорить {v pf} | :: to destroy, to ravage |
разорить {v pf} | :: to ruin, to bring to ruin |
разориться {v pf} | :: to ruin oneself, to come to ruin |
разориться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to spend money (on), to fork out money (for) |
разоружать {v impf} | :: to disarm |
разоружение {noun} | :: disarmament (the reduction of military forces and armaments) |
разоружить {v pf} | :: to disarm |
разорять {v impf} | :: to destroy, to ravage |
разорять {v impf} | :: to ruin, to bring to ruin |
разоряться {v impf} | :: to ruin oneself, to come to ruin |
разоряться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to spend money (on), to fork out money (for) |
разоряться {v impf} [vernacular] | :: to shout, to clamor, to make a din, to drone on, to drivel on, to nag (at), to carp (at) |
разослать {v pf} | :: to send (about, round), to distribute, to circulate |
разостлать {v pf} | :: to spread (out), to lay |
разостлаться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to spread |
разостлаться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to fawn (upon), to bow and scrape (before) |
разочарование {noun} | :: disappointment (emotion) |
разочарованно {adv} | :: with disappointment, disappointedly |
разочарованный {adj} | :: disappointed [in someone or something] |
разочарованный {adj} | :: pessimistic |
разочарованный {adj} | :: sad |
разочаровать {v pf} | :: to disappoint, to underwhelm, to disillusion, to disenchant |
разочароваться {v pf} | :: to be disappointed (in smb; with smth) |
разочаровывать {v impf} | :: to disappoint, to underwhelm, to disillusion, to disenchant |
разочаровываться {v impf} | :: to be disappointed (in smb; with smth) |
разрабатывать {v impf} | :: to work out, to elaborate, to develop, to design, to engineer, to devise |
разрабатывать {v impf} | :: to exploit, to work up (mining) |
разрабатывать {v impf} | :: to cultivate, to till |
разрабатывать {v impf} | :: to exhaust, to use up |
разрабатываться {v impf} | :: to begin to work with a zest, to get involved with one's work |
разрабатываться {v impf} | :: to begin to work/run smoothly |
разработать {v pf} | :: to work out, to elaborate, to develop, to design, to engineer, to devise |
разработать {v pf} | :: to exploit, to work up (mining) |
разработать {v pf} | :: to cultivate, to till |
разработать {v pf} | :: to exhaust, to use up |
разработаться {v pf} | :: to begin to work with a zest, to get involved with one's work |
разработаться {v pf} | :: to begin to work/run smoothly |
разработка {noun} | :: development, designing, elaboration |
разработка {noun} [agriculture] | :: cultivation |
разработка {noun} | :: mine workings |
разработчик {noun} | :: developer |
разработчик {noun} | :: designer, design group |
разражаться {v impf} | :: (war, storm etc.) to break out, to burst out |
разражаться {v impf} | :: to burst (into), to burst (out) |
разразиться {v pf} | :: (war, storm etc.) to break out, to burst out |
разразиться {v pf} | :: to burst (into), to burst (out) |
разрастание {noun} | :: expansion, spreading, sprawl |
разрастаться {v impf} | :: to grow, to expand, to spread (out), to grow thick, to bush out |
разрастись {v pf} | :: to grow, to expand, to spread (out), to grow thick, to bush out |
разрез {noun} | :: cut |
разрез {noun} | :: section (cutting) |
разрез {noun} | :: open-pit mine, strip mine |
разрезать {v pf} | :: to cut off, to bisect |
разрезать {v impf} | :: to cut off, to bisect |
разрешать {v impf} | :: to permit, to allow |
разрешать {v impf} | :: to solve, to resolve |
разрешать {v impf} | :: to authorize |
разрешать {v impf} | :: to settle (a problem) |
разрешаться {v impf} | :: to be solved |
разрешаться {v impf} | :: to be settled/resolved |
разрешаться {v impf} | :: to be allowed |
разрешающий {adj} | :: permissive, approbative (giving authorization or approval) |
разрешение {noun} | :: permission, authorization, approval |
разрешение {noun} | :: solution |
разрешение {noun} | :: settlement |
разрешение {noun} [computing] | :: resolution (of a screen or picture) |
разрешимый {adj} | :: solvable |
разрешить {v pf} | :: to permit, to allow, to let |
разрешить {v pf} | :: to authorize |
разрешить {v pf} | :: to solve, to settle, to resolve |
разрешиться {v pf} | :: to be solved |
разрешиться {v pf} | :: to be settled/resolved |
разрешиться {v pf} | :: to be allowed |
разрисованный Пикассо {noun} | :: humuhumunukunukuapuaa (either of two species of triggerfish) |
разрисовать {v pf} | :: to draw all over, to cover with drawings |
разрисовывать {v impf} | :: to draw all over, to cover with drawings |
разрозненный {adj} | :: odd, incomplete |
разрозненный {adj} | :: separate, uncoordinated |
разрознивать {v impf} | :: to break up [a set of things] |
разрознить {v pf} | :: to break up [a set of things] |
разрубать {v impf} | :: to cut up, to chop up |
разрубить {v pf} | :: to cut up, to chop up |
разруха {noun} | :: ruin, devastation |
разрушать {v impf} | :: to destroy, to demolish, to wreck |
разрушать {v impf} | :: to ruin |
разрушать {v impf} | :: to frustrate, to blast, to blight, to wreck |
разрушаться {v impf} | :: to go to ruin, to collapse |
разрушаться {v impf} | :: to fail, to fall to the ground |
разрушение {noun} | :: destruction, demolition, devastation (the act of destroying) |
разрушенный {adj} | :: ruined; destroyed |
разрушитель {noun} | :: destroyer, depredator |
разрушительный {adj} | :: destructive |
разрушить {v pf} | :: to destroy, to demolish, to wreck |
разрушить {v pf} | :: to ruin |
разрушить {v pf} | :: to frustrate, to blast, to blight, to wreck |
разрушиться {v pf} | :: to go to ruin, to collapse |
разрушиться {v pf} | :: to fail, to fall to the ground |
разрыв {noun} | :: rupture |
разрыв {noun} | :: explosion |
разрыв {noun} | :: break, gap |
разрывать {v impf} | :: to rend, to sever |
разрывать {v impf} | :: to dig, to excavate |
разрывать {v impf} | :: to jumble |
разрываться {v impf} | :: to break, to tear, to burst |
разрываться {v impf} | :: to burst, to go off, to explode |
разрываться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to struggle to do (cope with) everything at once |
разрывный {adj} [mathematics] | :: discontinuous |
разрыдаться {v pf} | :: to burst into tears/sobs |
разрыхлитель {noun} | :: aerator-fluffer |
разрыхлитель {noun} | :: detergent |
разрыхлитель {noun} | :: baking powder |
разрыхлять {v impf} | :: to loosen |
разрыхлять {v impf} | :: to make light, to hoe |
разряд {noun} | :: category, class |
разряд {noun} | :: discharge |
разряд {noun} | :: unloading |
разряд {noun} | :: numerical place, digit |
разрядить {v pf} | :: to discharge (battery) |
разрядить {v pf} | :: to ease (tensions) |
разрядить {v pf} | :: to dress someone (in a fancy way) |
разрядить {v pf} [typography] | :: to increase distance between letters |
разрядка {noun} [electricity] | :: discharge |
разрядка {noun} | :: (of weapon) discharge, unloading |
разрядка {noun} | :: relaxation |
разрядка {noun} [polygraphy] | :: spacing |
разряжать {v impf} | :: to discharge |
разряжать {v impf} | :: to defuse |
разряжаться {v impf} | :: to self-discharge, to run out (for a battery) |
разубедить {v pf} | :: to dissuade |
разубеждать {v impf} | :: to dissuade |
разувать {v impf} | :: to take somebody's shoes off |
разувать {v impf} [figurative] | :: to deprive of, to take away |
разуваться {v impf} | :: to take one's shoes off |
разузнавать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to find out, to make inquiries (about), to try to find out |
разузнать {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to find out, to make inquiries (about), to try to find out |
разукрасить {v pf} | :: to adorn, to decorate |
разукрасить {v pf} | :: to beautify, to embellish (a song, performance, etc.) |
разукрашивать {v impf} | :: to adorn, to decorate |
разукрашивать {v impf} | :: to beautify, to embellish (a song, performance, etc.) |
разукрашивать {v impf} [colloquial, figurative] | :: to embellish (a story) |
разукрашивать {v impf} [low colloquial] | :: to beat to the point of leaving bruises or abrasions, to beat black and blue |
разум {noun} | :: reason, mind, intellect |
разумеется {idiom} | :: it goes without saying, of course (it's obvious, apparent or clear) |
разумение {noun} | :: understanding, comprehension |
разуметь {v impf} [dated, poetic] | :: to understand (to be aware of the meaning of) |
разуметься {v impf} [impersonal] | :: to be meant / understood; to be taken to mean |
разумно {adv} | :: reasonably, judiciously, wisely, rationally |
разумно {adv} | :: cleverly, sensibly |
разумность {noun} | :: reasonableness, rationality, sanity |
разумный {adj} | :: rational |
разумный {adj} | :: reasonable, sensible |
разумный {adj} | :: clever, wise |
разумный замысел {noun} | :: intelligent design |
разуть {v pf} | :: to take somebody's shoes off |
разуть {v pf} [figurative] | :: to deprive of, to take away |
разуться {v pf} | :: to take one's shoes off |
разучивать {v impf} | :: to learn, to prepare to perform |
разучиваться {v impf} | :: to lose the skill (of), to forget (how to) |
разучить {v pf} | :: to learn, to prepare to perform |
разучиться {v pf} | :: to lose the skill (of), to forget (how to) |
разъебать {v pf} [vulgar] | :: to break, to crash, to crush, to smash, to shatter |
разъебать {v pf} [vulgar] | :: to defeat, to beat, to smash |
разъебать {v pf} [vulgar] | :: to knock, to hurt badly, to break, to fracture, to damage severely (a body part) |
разъебать {v pf} [vulgar] | :: to kick ass |
разъедать {v impf} | :: to eat away, to corrode |
разъединить {v pf} | :: to separate, to part, to disjoin |
разъединить {v pf} | :: to disconnect, to break, to cut off |
разъединять {v impf} | :: to separate, to part, to disjoin |
разъединять {v impf} | :: to disconnect, to break, to cut off |
разъезд {noun} | :: departure |
разъезд {noun} | :: travelling |
разъезд {noun} | :: moving into separate homes |
разъезд {noun} [railroads] | :: passing track, double track section, halt |
разъезд {noun} [military] | :: mounted patrol |
разъезжать {vi impf} | :: to drive about, to ride about, to travel about |
разъезжаться {v impf} | :: to depart, to leave |
разъезжаться {v impf} | :: to disperse |
разъезжаться {v impf} | :: to pass by one another (on a narrow road, etc.) |
разъезжаться {v impf} | :: to pass by and miss one another, to fail to meet |
разъезжаться {v impf} | :: to separate, to break up (of a couple) |
разъезжаться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to fall apart |
разъесть {v pf} | :: to eat away, to corrode |
разъехаться {v pf} | :: to depart, to leave |
разъехаться {v pf} | :: to disperse |
разъехаться {v pf} | :: to pass by one another (on a narrow road, etc.) |
разъехаться {v pf} | :: to pass by and miss one another, to fail to meet |
разъехаться {v pf} | :: to separate, to break up (of a couple) |
разъехаться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to fall apart |
разъём {noun} | :: socket, slot, connector |
разъярённый {adj} | :: angry, mad, furious, enraged |
разъярить {v pf} | :: to infuriate, to enrage, to rouse to fury |
разъярять {v impf} | :: to infuriate, to enrage, to rouse to fury |
разъяснение {noun} | :: clarification, explanation, elucidation, interpretation |
разъяснительный {adj} | :: explanatory |
разъяснить {v pf} | :: to explain, to interpret |
разъяснить {v pf} [low colloquial] | :: to clear up, to become clear [of the weather] |
разъяснять {v impf} | :: to explain, to interpret |
разыграть {v pf} | :: to play, to perform |
разыграть {v pf} | :: to raffle off, to draw |
разыграть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to play a trick, to play a practical joke, to pull one's leg |
разыграться {v pf} | :: to become frolicsome |
разыграться {v pf} | :: (pianist, actor etc) to warm up |
разыграться {v pf} | :: (wind, sea etc) to rise, to break |
разыграться {v pf} | :: to run high |
разыграться {v pf} | :: to unfold, to develop, to take place |
разыгрывать {v impf} | :: to play, to perform |
разыгрывать {v impf} | :: to raffle off, to draw |
разыгрывать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to play a trick, to play a practical joke, to pull one's leg |
разыгрываться {v impf} | :: to become frolicsome |
разыгрываться {v impf} | :: (pianist, actor etc) to warm up |
разыгрываться {v impf} | :: (wind, sea etc) to rise, to break |
разыгрываться {v impf} | :: to run high |
разыгрываться {v impf} | :: to unfold, to develop, to take place |
разыскать {v pf} | :: to find |
разыскивать {v impf} | :: to search, to look (for) |
разыскной {adj} [relational] | :: searching, investigation |
Раиса {noun} | :: given name |
рай {noun} | :: paradise, heaven |
райисполком {noun} [Soviet Union] | :: district executive committee |
райком {noun} [Soviet Union] | :: district committee |
район {noun} | :: district |
район {noun} | :: region, area |
районирование {noun} | :: division into districts |
районный {adj} [relational] | :: district; regional |
Райская Птица {prop} [constellation] | :: Apus (a constellation of the southern sky) |
райский {adj} | :: paradisiacal, paradisiac, Edenic |
райцентр {noun} | :: capital/centre of a district/region |
райя {noun} | :: rayah, the non-Muslim population in the Ottoman Empire |
рак {noun} | :: crawfish, crayfish |
рак {noun} [astronomy, astrology] | :: Cancer |
рак {noun} [disease] | :: cancer (disease of uncontrolled cellular proliferation) |
рак {noun} [disease] | :: cancer |
Рак {prop} [constellation] | :: Cancer (a constellation of the zodiac in the shape of a crab) |
Рак {prop} [astrology] | :: Cancer (the zodiac sign for the crab, covering June 22–July 22) |
рака {noun} | :: shrine (a massive tomb holding the relics of a saint’s body) |
ракель {noun} [printing] | :: doctor blade |
ракета {noun} | :: rocket (vehicle propelled by a rocket engine) |
ракета {noun} | :: missile |
ракета-носитель {noun} | :: launch vehicle, carrier rocket |
ракетка {noun} | :: racket, racquet [implement] |
ракетка {noun} | :: small rocket |
ракетное реактивное оружие {noun} | :: rocket weapon (includes all types rockets, from guided and nonguided antitank rockets, to rocket mortar and artillery projectiles, to guided and nonguided intercontinental ballistic missiles) |
ракетно-космический {adj} [relational] | :: space rocket |
ракетный {adj} [relational] | :: missile |
ракетный {adj} [relational] | :: rocket |
ракита {noun} | :: sallow, willow (Salix fragilis, Salix caprea) (tree or wood) |
ракита {noun} | :: broom |
ракля {noun} | :: steel ruler used in textile printing machines to remove excess paint from the surface of the printing shaft |
ракля {noun} | :: spatula for leveling self-leveling concrete |
раковина {noun} | :: shell (hard calcareous external covering of mollusks) |
раковина {noun} [anatomy] | :: pinna, auricle, helix (the external ear) |
раковина {noun} | :: sink, washbowl, basin, bowl |
раковина {noun} | :: vesicle |
раковина {noun} | :: bandstand |
раковина {noun} [metallurgy] | :: blister, cavity, bubble, flaw, blowhole |
раководство {noun} | :: crawfish farming |
раковый {adj} [relational] | :: crawfish, crayfish |
раковый {adj} [relational] | :: cancer (medical condition); cancerous |
раком {adv} [colloquial] | :: ass-backwards [moving backwards, rear end first; or hopelessly misguided] |
раком {adv} [colloquial, vulgar] | :: doggy style |
раком {adv} [colloquial, vulgar, often, figurative] | :: bent over [ready to be sexually penetrated] |
ракообразное {noun} | :: crustacean (arthropod of the subphylum Crustacea) |
ракурс {noun} [painting, cinematography, photography] | :: angle, foreshortening |
ракурс {noun} | :: angle, viewpoint, perspective |
ракушка {noun} | :: diminutive of раковина: shell, seashell |
ракша {noun} [ornithology] | :: European roller |
ралли {n inan} | :: rally (motor racing event) |
рало {noun} | :: plough (plow) |
рама {noun} | :: frame (structural elements of a building, bicycle, or other constructed object) |
рама {noun} | :: frame [of a photo, picture, etc.] |
рама {noun} | :: window frame |
рамадан {noun} [Islam, usually, uncountable] | :: Ramadan |
Рамадан {prop} | :: alternative case form of рамадан |
рамазан {noun} [Islam, usually, uncountable] | :: Ramadan |
Рамазан {prop} | :: alternative case form of рамазан |
рамбутан {noun} | :: rambutan (fruit) |
рамка {noun} | :: frame |
рамка {noun} | :: framework |
рамка {noun} | :: limits |
рамка {noun} | :: metal detector (walk-through) |
рамочка {noun} | :: diminutive of рамка |
рампа {noun} [theater] | :: footlights |
рампа {noun} [theater] | :: low barrier along the proscenium, hiding the lights |
рампа {noun} [theater, dated] | :: low barrier separating a box from the auditorium |
рампа {noun} [dated] | :: railing |
рампа {noun} [military, historical] | :: embrasure, crenel |
рампа {noun} [technical or skateboarding] | :: ramp |
рампа {noun} | :: apparatus for centralized distribution to consumers of compressed gas cylinders |
рамэн {noun} | :: ramen |
рамя {noun} [archaic] | :: shoulder |
рамя {noun} [obsolete, collective] | :: shoulders |
рана {noun} | :: wound, injury |
ранг {noun} | :: rank, grade, degree |
рангоут {noun} [nautical] | :: spar (linear object used as a mast, sprit, yard, boom, pole or gaff) |
Рангун {prop} | :: Рангун (former name of Yangon, the <<capital>> of <<r:Suf/Yangon>> and the largest <<city>> in <<c/Burma>>) |
рандеву {n inan} [sometimes ironical] | :: rendezvous |
ранее {adv} | :: earlier, already (prior to some time) |
ранее {prep} | :: previous to [+ genitive (object)] |
ранение {noun} | :: wound, wounding, injury, injuring |
раненный {adj} | :: wounded |
раненый {adj} | :: wounded, injured |
раненый {noun} | :: wounded person, injured person |
ранетка {noun} | :: rennet, pippin (variety of apple) |
ранетка {noun} [slang] | :: ranetka (of a sexually precocious girl) |
ранец {noun} | :: backpack |
ранимый {adj} | :: fragile, vulnerable [of a person] |
ранить {v both} | :: to wound, to injure |
ранить {v both} | :: to hurt |
ранка {noun} | :: diminutive of рана: (small) wound |
ранний {adj} | :: early |
рано {adv} | :: early |
рано или поздно {adv} | :: sooner or later, eventually |
рантье {m anim} {f anim} | :: rentier (an individual who receives an income from his or her assets and investments) |
ранчо {n inan} | :: ranch [usually in the North American context] |
раньше {adv} | :: earlier, before, in the past |
рапира {noun} | :: rapier, foil (slender straight sharply-pointed sword) |
рапорт {noun} | :: report |
рапортовать {v impf} | :: to report |
раритет {noun} | :: rarity, curiosity (rare or unusual object) |
рас- {prefix} | :: alternative form of раз- [before voiceless consonants] |
раса {noun} | :: race (group of people) |
расам {noun} | :: rasam |
Расея {prop} [colloquial, often, ironic or derogatory] | :: Russia (country) |
расизм {noun} | :: racism |
расист {noun} | :: racist |
расистка {noun} | :: racist (female) |
расистский {adj} | :: racist |
раскадровка {noun} [cinematography] | :: storyboard |
раскаиваться {v impf} [religion] | :: to repent (of) |
раскаиваться {v impf} | :: to be remorseful (of), to regret |
раскалённый {adj} | :: burning hot, scorching, red-hot |
раскаливать {v impf} | :: to make burning hot, to bring to a great heat, to incandesce |
раскалить {v pf} | :: to make burning hot, to bring to a great heat, to incandesce |
раскалывать {v impf} | :: to split, to cleave, to break (sugar), to crack (nuts), to chop (firewood) |
раскалывать {v impf} [figurative] | :: to divide, to split up |
раскалываться {v impf} | :: to cleave, to split, to crack |
раскалываться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to start talking, to tell/reveal/disclose the truth, to blab, to let it out, to spill the beans, to spill |
раскалять {v impf} | :: to heat (in an extreme way) |
раскапывать {v impf} | :: to dig out, to grub up, to grub out |
раскапывать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to dig out, to dig up, to unearth |
раскапывать {v impf} [archeology] | :: to excavate |
раскат {noun} | :: reverberation, roll (a heavy, reverberatory sound) |
раскат {noun} | :: roar |
раскат {noun} | :: growl |
раскатать {v pf} | :: to roll (out) |
раскатать {v pf} | :: to make slippery (by sliding on) |
раскатать {v pf} | :: to roll apart, (a log building) to take apart |
раскатистый {adj} | :: rolling, resounding |
раскатить {v pf} | :: to accelerate by rolling |
раскатить {v pf} | :: to roll apart, (a log building) to take apart |
раскатывать {v impf} | :: to roll (out) |
раскатывать {v impf} | :: to make slippery (by sliding on) |
раскатывать {v impf} | :: to roll apart, (a log building) to take apart |
раскатывать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to drive (about, around), to ride (about, around) |
раскачать {vt pf} | :: to swing, to rock |
раскачать {v pf} | :: to loosen, to shake loose, to undermine |
раскачать {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to move, to stir up |
раскачать лодку {v pf} | :: to rock the boat (to disturb the status quo) |
раскачаться {vi pf} | :: to swing, to rock |
раскачаться {v pf} | :: to rock oneself to and fro, to sway |
раскачаться {v pf} | :: to become rickety/shaky/unsteady |
раскачаться {v pf} [disapproving] | :: to be sluggish, to mark time, to barely drag one's feet |
раскачаться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to bestir/move oneself, to start moving |
раскачивать {vt impf} | :: to swing, to rock |
раскачивать {v impf} | :: to loosen, to shake loose, to undermine |
раскачивать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to move, to stir up, to motivate |
раскачивать лодку {v impf} | :: to rock the boat (to disturb the status quo) |
раскачиваться {vi impf} | :: to swing, to rock |
раскачиваться {v impf} | :: to rock oneself to and fro, to sway |
раскачиваться {v impf} | :: to become rickety/shaky/unsteady |
раскачиваться {v impf} [pejorative] | :: to be sluggish, to mark time, to barely drag one's feet |
раскачиваться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to bestir/move oneself, to start moving |
раскачка {noun} [colloquial] | :: rocking, swinging |
раскачка {noun} [colloquial] | :: swaying |
раскачка {noun} [colloquial] | :: motivation [action or result] |
раскаяние {noun} | :: repentance, remorse (feeling of regret or remorse) |
раскаяться {v pf} [religion] | :: to repent (of) |
раскаяться {v pf} | :: to be remorseful (of), to regret |
расквартирование {noun} | :: quartering, billeting (the act of providing housing for military personnel), accommodation (lodging) |
расквитаться {v pf} | :: to settle accounts (with), to reckon (with), to square up (with), to settle up |
расквитаться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to get even; to get revenge |
раскидать {v pf} | :: to throw in different directions |
раскидистый {adj} | :: branchy; spreading (of a tree); sprawling |
раскидывать {v impf} | :: to throw in different directions |
раскидывать {v impf} | :: to stretch out, to spread |
раскидывать {v impf} | :: to spread, to deal |
раскидывать {v impf} | :: (a tent, a campto ) to pitch, to set up |
раскидываться {v impf} | :: to spread out, to stretch out, to stretch far away |
раскидываться {v impf} | :: to sprawl |
раскинуть {v pf} | :: to stretch out, to spread |
раскинуть {v pf} | :: to spread, to deal |
раскинуть {v pf} | :: to pitch, to set up (a tent, a camp) |
раскинуться {v pf} | :: to spread out, to stretch out, to stretch far away |
раскинуться {v pf} | :: to sprawl |
раскисать {v impf} | :: to become soft/limp |
раскисать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to be slack/loose/flabby/droopy/drooping, to be out of sorts, to feel seedy/weak/spent/wasted, to become maudlin, to lose heart |
раскисать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to become sentimental/tearful/maudlin/mawkish/lachrymose |
раскиснуть {v pf} | :: to become soft/limp |
раскиснуть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to be slack/loose/flabby/droopy/drooping, to be out of sorts, to feel seedy/weak/spent/wasted, to become maudlin, to lose heart |
раскиснуть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to become sentimental/tearful/maudlin/mawkish/lachrymose |
расклад {noun} [cards] | :: spread, layout, deal |
расклад {noun} | :: state of affairs/things, the lie of the land, the lay of the land, ball game |
раскладка {noun} [colloquial] | :: distribution, apportionment, allocation |
раскладка {noun} [colloquial] | :: share |
раскладка {noun} [colloquial] | :: recipe |
раскладка {noun} [colloquial] | :: laying out, spreading; laying flat |
раскладка {noun} [colloquial] | :: layout [e.g. of a keyboard] |
раскладка {noun} [colloquial] | :: building and lighting [of a fire] |
раскладка {noun} [typography] | :: ratio of margin width to margin height [on a page] |
раскладушка {noun} | :: folding bed, camp bed, cot |
раскладушка {noun} [colloquial] | :: clamshell phone, flip phone |
раскладывать {v impf} | :: to put [in separate locations], to put away |
раскладывать {v impf} | :: to lay out, to display |
раскладывать {v impf} | :: to lay flat [e.g. a newspaper or cot] |
раскладывать {v impf} | :: to spread out (cards) |
раскладывать {v impf} | :: to distribute, to apportion, to allocate |
раскладывать {v impf} | :: to build and light (a fire) |
раскладывать {v impf} [dated, figurative] | :: to unharness |
раскладываться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to unpack |
раскладываться {v impf} | :: to unfold, to spread out, to open up, to open out |
раскланиваться {v impf} | :: to bow [e.g. of a gentleman or performer] |
раскланиваться {v impf} | :: to greet by bowing [с + instrumental] |
раскланяться {v pf} | :: to bow [e.g. of a gentleman or performer] |
раскланяться {v pf} [rare] | :: to greet by bowing [с + instrumental] |
раскланяться {v pf} [rare] | :: to say goodbye, to bid farewell |
раскованность {noun} | :: relaxedness, uninhibitedness |
раскованный {adj} | :: relaxed, uninhibited |
раскованный {adj} | :: unshod [of a horse] |
раскованный {adj} | :: unshackled, unchained |
раскол {noun} | :: split, dissidence |
раскол {noun} | :: cleavage |
раскол {noun} | :: disunity |
раскол {noun} | :: schism, dissent |
расколоть {v pf} | :: to split, to cleave, to break (sugar), to crack (nuts), to chop (firewood) |
расколоть {v pf} [figurative] | :: to divide, to split up |
расколоть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to make to talk |
расколоться {v pf} | :: to cleave, to split, to crack |
расколоться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to start talking, to tell/reveal/disclose the truth, to blab, to let it out, to spill the beans, to spill |
раскольник {noun} | :: [historical, religion] Raskolnik |
раскопать {v pf} | :: to dig out, to grub up, to grub out |
раскопать {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to dig out, to dig up, to unearth |
раскопать {v pf} [archeology] | :: to excavate |
раскопки {noun} | :: excavations, diggings |
раскостить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to scold, to berate, to lambast, to chide |
раскосый {adj} | :: slant-eyed |
раскосый {adj} | :: suffering from strabismus, cross-eyed |
раскосый {adj} [colloquial] | :: slanted, inclined, oblique |
раскошеливаться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to be cough up (money), to shell out (money) |
раскошелиться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to be cough up (money), to shell out (money) |
раскрадывать {v impf} | :: to steal (in parts or regularly), to sack, to embezzle, to plunder |
раскраивать {v impf} | :: to cut out (fabric to specific lengths and shapes to make clothes) |
раскрасить {v pf} | :: to paint, to colour |
раскраска {noun} | :: coloring, coloration (action or result) |
раскраска {noun} [colloquial] | :: coloring book |
раскраснеться {v pf} | :: to get red in the face, to redden, to flush, to blush |
раскрасть {v pf} | :: to steal (in parts or regularly), to sack, to embezzle, to plunder |
раскрашивать {v impf} | :: to paint, to colour |
раскроить {v pf} | :: to cut out (fabric to specific lengths and shapes to make clothes) |
раскрой {noun} | :: (pattern) cutting |
раскрой {noun} | :: cut, cutout, layout |
раскрутить {v pf} | :: to unwind, to unroll, to unspin |
раскрутить {v pf} | :: to promote, to market, to hype |
раскрутить {v pf} | :: to persuade someone into doing something (often with deceit), to hustle someone into doing something/out of their money, etc |
раскрутиться {vi pf} | :: to unwind, to untwist, to unscrew |
раскрутиться {vi pf} [colloquial] | :: to spin [strongly] |
раскрутиться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to succeed in business, to become well-known [through business] |
раскрутка {noun} | :: untwisting, untwining, undoing |
раскрутка {noun} | :: unwinding |
раскрутка {noun} | :: spin, spinning, rotation |
раскрутка {noun} [colloquial] | :: publicity campaign, buildup, hype, promotion |
раскручивать {v impf} | :: to unwind, to unroll, to unspin |
раскручивать {v impf} | :: to promote, to market, to hype |
раскручивать {v impf} | :: to persuade someone into doing something (often with deceit), to hustle someone into doing something/out of their money, etc |
раскручиваться {vi impf} | :: to unwind, to untwist, to unscrew |
раскручиваться {vi impf} [colloquial] | :: to spin [strongly] |
раскручиваться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to succeed in business, to become well-known [through business] |
раскрывать {v impf} | :: to open |
раскрывать {v impf} | :: to uncover, to expose, to bare |
раскрывать {v impf} | :: to disclose, to reveal, to discover |
раскрываться {v impf} | :: to open |
раскрываться {v impf} | :: to uncover oneself |
раскрываться {v impf} | :: (crime, cheat etc.) to come out, to come to light |
раскрываться {v impf} | :: to reveal/manifest oneself |
раскрываться {v impf} [cards] | :: to show one's cards/hand, to lay one's cards on the table |
раскрытие {noun} | :: opening |
раскрытие {noun} | :: disclosure |
раскрытие {noun} | :: solving, exposure |
раскрытие {noun} | :: disclosure |
раскрытие {noun} | :: discovery |
раскрытый {adj} | :: open |
раскрытый {adj} | :: exposed |
раскрытый {adj} | :: detected, uncovered, disclosed |
раскрыть {v pf} | :: to open |
раскрыть {v pf} | :: to uncover, to expose, to bare |
раскрыть {v pf} | :: to disclose, to reveal, to discover |
раскрыться {v pf} | :: to open |
раскрыться {v pf} | :: to uncover oneself |
раскрыться {v pf} | :: (crime, cheat etc.) to come out, to come to light |
раскрыться {v pf} | :: to reveal/manifest oneself |
раскрыться {v pf} [cards] | :: to show one's cards/hand, to lay one's cards on the table |
раскулачивание {noun} [historical, Soviet Union] | :: dekulakization (dispossession of kulaks, i.e. better-off peasants, of their resources, often killing them in the process) |
раскулачивание {noun} [figurative, ironic] | :: forcible seizure of ill-gotten assets, illegal confiscation |
раскулачивать {v impf} [historical] | :: to dekulakize, to dispossess (a kulak) of his/her property and/or rights |
раскулачивать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to disassemble (a car, structure, etc.) |
раскулачить {v pf} [historical] | :: to dekulakize, to dispossess (a kulak) of his/her property and/or rights |
раскулачить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to disassemble (a car, structure, etc.) |
раскусить {v pf} | :: to bite through |
раскусить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to guess, to get to the core, to get to the heart, to get to the bottom (of), to see through (someone), to get (someone's) measure |
раскусывать {v impf} | :: to bite through |
раскусывать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to guess, to get to the core, to get to the heart, to get to the bottom (of), to see through (someone), to get (someone's) measure |
расово {adv} | :: racially (relating to race) |
расовый {adj} | :: racial (of a race) |
распад {noun} | :: disintegration, breakup, collapse |
распад {noun} [physics, chemistry] | :: decay, dissociation |
распадаться {v impf} | :: to disintegrate, to fall to pieces, to come apart, to come asunder |
распадаться {v impf} | :: to break up (into) |
распадаться {v impf} [chemistry] | :: to dissociate |
распадаться {v impf} | :: to break up, to collapse |
распаривать {v impf} | :: to steam |
распаривать {v impf} | :: to soften by steaming |
распаривать {v impf} | :: to stew |
распаривать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to cause to sweat |
распарить {v pf} | :: to steam |
распарить {v pf} | :: to soften by steaming |
распарить {v pf} | :: to stew |
распарить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to cause to sweat |
распарывать {v impf} | :: to unstitch, to tear at the seams |
распарывать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to rip open (skin, a body part, etc.) with a sharp object |
распасться {v pf} | :: to disintegrate, to fall to pieces, to come apart, to come asunder |
распасться {v pf} | :: to break up (into) |
распасться {v pf} [chemistry] | :: to dissociate |
распасться {v pf} | :: to break up, to collapse |
распахать {v pf} | :: to plough up, to till |
распахивать {v impf} | :: to throw open, to fling open; to open wide |
распахивать {v impf} | :: to plough up, to till |
распахиваться {v impf} | :: to fly/swing/sweep open |
распахиваться {v impf} | :: to throw open one's coat |
распахнуть {v pf} | :: to throw open, to fling open; to open wide |
распахнуться {v pf} | :: to fly/swing/sweep open |
распахнуться {v pf} | :: to throw open one's coat |
распев {noun} [music] | :: liturgical chant |
распев {noun} | :: prolonged pronunciation, approachng singing |
распевать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to spend time singing |
распевать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to sing loudly |
распевать {v impf} | :: to rehearse (a song) |
распевка {noun} | :: chant |
распереть {v pf} | :: to burst open, to cause to burst |
распереть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to overflow, to fill up, to fill to the brim, to be brimming over (with), to swell (with), to bloat (with) |
распереть {v pf} | :: to hold apart; to strut off |
распеть {v pf} | :: to rehearse (a song) |
распечатать {v pf} | :: to unseal (to break the seal of (something) in order to open it) |
распечатать {v pf} | :: to print (using a printer) |
распечатка {noun} | :: unsealing |
распечатка {noun} | :: printing out |
распечатка {noun} | :: printout, listing |
распечатывать {v impf} | :: to unseal (to break the seal of (something) in order to open it) |
распечатывать {v impf} | :: to print (using a printer) |
распивать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to drink (usually alcohol) with someone else |
распивать {v impf} [colloquial, imperfective only] | :: to take one's time drinking (something) |
распиздяй {noun} [vulgar, taboo slang] | :: irresponsible, unreliable person; slob |
распиливать {v impf} | :: to saw to pieces |
распиливать {v impf} [figurative, slang] | :: to embezzle (money, e.g. from a contract) by intentionally padding costs |
распилить {v pf} | :: to saw to pieces |
распилить {v pf} [figurative, slang] | :: to embezzle (money, e.g. from a contract) by intentionally padding costs |
распинать {v impf} | :: to crucify |
распинать {v pf} | :: to kick away |
распирать {v impf} | :: to burst open, to cause to burst |
распирать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to overflow, to fill up, to fill to the brim, to be brimming over (with), to swell (with), to bloat (with) |
распирать {v impf} | :: to hold apart; to strut off |
расписание {noun} | :: schedule (time-based plan of events) |
расписание {noun} | :: timetable (trains, lessons, etc.) |
расписать {v pf} | :: to paint |
расписать {v pf} [accounting] | :: to enter (numerical values, dates, or names) |
расписаться {v pf} | :: to sign (documents) |
расписаться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to register one's marriage |
расписаться {v pf} [в + prepositional, colloquial] | :: to admit openly, to acknowledge |
расписка {noun} | :: receipt (written acknowledgement) |
расписной {adj} | :: painted |
расписной {adj} [figurative, colloquial] | :: multicolored, motley |
расписывать {v impf} | :: to paint |
расписывать {v impf} [accounting] | :: to enter (numerical values, dates, or names) |
расписываться {v impf} | :: to sign (documents) |
расписываться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to register one's marriage |
расписываться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to admit openly, to acknowledge [в + prepositional] |
распить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to drink (usually alcohol) with someone else |
расплавить {v pf} | :: to melt (down), to found, to fuse |
расплавиться {vi pf} | :: to melt |
расплавлять {v impf} | :: to melt (down), to found, to fuse |
расплавляться {vi impf} | :: to melt |
расплакаться {v pf} | :: to burst into tears |
распластать {v pf} | :: to cut into layers |
распластать {vt pf} | :: to spread flat |
распластаться {v pf} | :: to lie flat |
распластывать {v impf} | :: to cut into layers |
распластывать {vt impf} | :: to spread flat |
распластываться {v impf} | :: to lie flat |
расплата {noun} | :: payment, pay |
расплата {noun} | :: reckoning |
расплата {noun} | :: payoff |
расплата {noun} | :: penalty |
расплата {noun} | :: satisfaction |
расплата {noun} | :: atonement (reconciliation of God and mankind) |
расплатиться {v pf} | :: to pay off, to settle accounts with [с + intrumental] |
расплатиться {v pf} | :: to get even with, to take revenge on [с + intrumental] |
расплатиться {v pf} | :: to pay for, to receive punishment for [за + accusative] |
расплачиваться {v impf} | :: to pay off, to settle accounts with [с + intrumental] |
расплачиваться {v impf} | :: to get even with, to take revenge on [с + intrumental] |
расплачиваться {v impf} | :: to pay for, to receive punishment for [за + accusative] |
расплеваться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to break off [with, esp. after a quarrel] |
расплеваться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to be done [with], to see the back [of] |
расплескать {vt pf} | :: to spill (liquid) out |
расплеснуть {vt pf} | :: to spill (liquid) out [once] |
расплести {v pf} | :: to untwine, to untwist, to unweave, to undo, to unbraid, to unplait |
расплетать {v impf} | :: to untwine, to untwist, to unweave, to undo, to unbraid, to unplait |
расплёскивать {vt impf} | :: to spill (liquid) out |
расплываться {v impf} | :: to run |
расплываться {v impf} | :: to be blurred, to become fuzzy |
расплываться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to run to fat, to grow obese |
расплываться {v impf} | :: to sail away (from one another) |
расплываться {v impf} | :: to spread |
расплывчатый {adj} | :: blurred, indistinct, fuzzy |
расплывчатый {adj} | :: vague, indistinct |
расплыться {v pf} | :: to run |
расплыться {v pf} | :: to be blurred, to become fuzzy |
расплыться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to run to fat, to grow obese |
расплыться {v pf} | :: to sail away (from one another) |
расплыться {v pf} | :: to spread |
расплющивать {v impf} | :: to flatten, to crush |
расплющить {v pf} | :: to flatten, to crush |
распознавание {noun} | :: recognition, discerning, discernment |
распознавать {v impf} | :: to recognize, to discern |
распознать {v pf} | :: to recognize, to discern |
располагать {v impf} | :: to dispose, to have available |
располагать {v impf} | :: to place, to dispose, to arrange, to set |
располагать {v impf} | :: to gain, to win over |
располагать {v impf} | :: to dispose, to be favourable, to be conducive |
располагаться {v impf} | :: to settle oneself, to make oneself comfortable |
располагаться {v impf} | :: to camp, to set up a camp, to take up a position |
расползаться {v impf} | :: to crawl away |
расползаться {v impf} | :: to spread, to run, to blur |
расползаться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to spread, to sprawl |
расползаться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to tear (apart) |
расползаться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to run to fat, to grow obese |
расползтись {v pf} | :: to crawl away |
расползтись {v pf} | :: to spread, to run, to blur |
расползтись {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to spread, to sprawl |
расползтись {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to tear (apart) |
расползтись {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to run to fat, to grow obese |
расположение {noun} | :: placement, arrangement, placing |
расположение {noun} | :: situation, location, disposition |
расположение {noun} | :: favour, liking |
расположение {noun} | :: inclination (to, for); disposition (to, for), propensity |
расположенный {adj} | :: disposed (towards, to) |
расположенный {adj} | :: inclined (to) |
расположить {v pf} | :: to place, to dispose, to arrange, to set |
расположить {v pf} | :: to gain, to win over |
расположить {v pf} | :: to dispose, to be favourable, to be conducive |
расположиться {v pf} | :: to settle oneself, to make oneself comfortable |
расположиться {v pf} | :: to camp, to set up a camp, to take up a position |
распороть {v pf} | :: to unstitch, to tear at the seams |
распороть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to rip open (skin, a body part, etc.) with a sharp object |
распорядитель {noun} [dated] | :: administrator, manager, steward (one who administers affairs) |
распорядитель {noun} | :: master of ceremonies, host |
распорядиться {v pf} | :: to order, to make arrangements, to see to it (that) |
распорядиться {v pf} | :: to deal (with), to handle |
распорядок {noun} | :: order, routine |
распоряжаться {v impf} | :: to order, to make arrangements, to see (that) |
распоряжаться {v impf} | :: to deal (with), to handle |
распоряжаться {v impf} [imperfective only] | :: to manage, to direct (+ instrumental) |
распоряжение {noun} | :: disposal, direction |
распоряжение {noun} | :: order, instruction, direction |
расправа {noun} | :: massacre, carnage |
расправа {noun} | :: (savage) punishment (of), harsh treatment (of), reprisals (against), violence |
расправа {noun} | :: short work |
расправить {v pf} | :: to smooth out |
расправить {v pf} | :: to straighten, to stretch |
расправиться {v pf} | :: to beat violently, to punish |
расправиться {v pf} | :: to get rid of (someone) by destroying them or rendering them harmless |
расправиться {v pf} [figurative, colloquial] | :: to deal with (something), to handle (something), to manage (something) |
расправиться {v pf} [figurative, colloquial] | :: to eat up (something) without leaving a trace |
расправиться {v pf} | :: to get smoothed out, to even out |
расправиться {v pf} | :: to become straight, to straighten out |
расправлять {v impf} | :: to smooth out |
расправлять {v impf} | :: to straighten, to stretch |
расправляться {v impf} | :: to beat violently, to punish |
расправляться {v impf} | :: to get rid of (someone) by destroying them or rendering them harmless |
расправляться {v impf} [figurative, colloquial] | :: to deal with (something), to handle (something), to manage (something) |
расправляться {v impf} [figurative, colloquial] | :: to eat up (something) without leaving a trace |
расправляться {v impf} | :: to get smoothed out, to even out |
расправляться {v impf} | :: to become straight, to straighten out |
распределение {noun} | :: distribution (act of distribution or being distributed) |
распределение {noun} | :: allocation (e.g. of resources) |
распределение {noun} | :: assignment (e.g. of young specialists by educational institutions) |
распределённый {adj} [technical, statistics] | :: distributed |
распределитель {noun} [animate, inanimate] | :: distributor (various senses) |
распределитель {noun} | :: distribution center |
распределительный {adj} [relational] | :: distribution |
распределительный {adj} | :: distributive |
распределить {v pf} | :: to distribute, to apportion, to allocate (to divide and distribute portions of a whole) |
распределиться {v pf} | :: to spread |
распределять {v impf} | :: to distribute, to apportion, to allocate (to divide and distribute portions of a whole) |
распределяться {v impf} | :: to spread |
распродавать {v impf} | :: to sell (everything to many people), to sell out |
распродажа {noun} | :: sale (sale of goods at reduced prices) |
распродать {v pf} | :: to sell (everything to many people), to sell out |
распростереть {v pf} | :: to stretch, to extend |
распростирать {v impf} | :: to stretch, to extend |
распространение {noun} | :: spread, expansion |
распространение {noun} | :: distribution, circulation |
распространение {noun} | :: dissemination, propagation, spreading, distribution |
распространение {noun} | :: prevalence, ubiquitousness |
распространённость {noun} | :: prevalence |
распространённый {adj} | :: widespread, prevalent, common |
распространитель {noun} | :: disseminator, propagator, purveyor |
распространитель {noun} | :: dealer, distributor |
распространить {v pf} | :: to proliferate, to spread, to diffuse, to distribute |
распространиться {v pf} | :: to spread, to extend |
распространиться {v pf} | :: to apply |
распространиться {v pf} | :: to enlarge, to expatiate, to dilate |
распространять {v impf} | :: to proliferate, to spread, to diffuse, to distribute |
распространяться {v impf} | :: to spread, to extend |
распространяться {v impf} | :: to apply |
распространяться {v impf} | :: to enlarge, to expatiate, to dilate |
распрощаться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to bid farewell, to say goodbye |
распря {noun} | :: discord, strife, skirmish (violent conflict) |
распрягать {v impf} | :: to unharness, to unbridle |
распрямить {v pf} | :: to straighten, to unbend |
распрямиться {v pf} | :: to straighten up, to unbend |
распрямлять {v impf} | :: to straighten, to unbend |
распрямляться {v impf} | :: to straighten up, to unbend |
распрячь {v pf} | :: to unharness, to unbridle |
распускать {v impf} | :: to dismiss |
распускать {v impf} | :: to disband |
распускать {v impf} | :: to loosen |
распускать {v impf} | :: to let out |
распускать {v impf} | :: to dissolve, to melt |
распускать {v impf} | :: to unknit |
распускать {v impf} | :: to untuck, to let out |
распускать {v impf} | :: to allow to get out of hand, to let get out of hand |
распускать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to set afloat, to spread |
распускаться {v impf} | :: (plants) to open, to blossom out |
распускаться {v impf} | :: to become loose, to unloosen, to slacken |
распускаться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to become undisciplined, to get out of hand |
распускаться {v impf} | :: to dissolve, to melt |
распускаться {v impf} | :: (woolen cloth) to get/come unravelled |
распустить {v pf} | :: to dismiss |
распустить {v pf} | :: to disband |
распустить {v pf} | :: to loosen |
распустить {v pf} | :: to let out |
распустить {v pf} | :: to dissolve, to melt |
распустить {v pf} | :: to unknit |
распустить {v pf} | :: to untuck, to let out |
распустить {v pf} | :: to allow to get out of hand, to let get out of hand |
распустить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to set afloat, to spread |
распуститься {v pf} | :: (plants) to open, to blossom out |
распуститься {v pf} | :: to become loose, to unloosen, to slacken |
распуститься {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to become undisciplined, to get out of hand |
распуститься {v pf} | :: to dissolve, to melt |
распуститься {v pf} | :: (woolen cloth) to get/come unravelled |
распутица {noun} | :: season of impassable roads |
распутица {noun} | :: impassable roads, flooded roads |
распутничать {v impf} | :: to fornicate, to whore around |
распутный {adj} | :: dissolute, libertine, profligate, dissipated |
распутный {adj} | :: immoral |
распутный {adj} | :: lecherous |
распутный {adj} | :: wanton, promiscuous |
распутный {adj} | :: lewd, salacious |
распутный {adj} | :: rakish |
распутный {adj} | :: reprobate |
распутный {adj} | :: abandoned (wicked, self-abandoned, given to sin) |
распутный {adj} | :: lickerish |
распутный {adj} | :: Cyprian |
распутный {adj} | :: meretricious |
распутный {adj} | :: liquorish |
распутство {noun} | :: lechery, profligacy, lasciviousness |
распутье {noun} | :: crossroads, parting of the ways |
распутье {noun} | :: intersection |
распухнуть {v pf} | :: to swell |
распущенность {noun} | :: laxity, lack of discipline |
распущенность {noun} | :: licentiousness, libertinism, dissoluteness |
распыление {noun} | :: spraying, atomizing |
распыление {noun} | :: spray |
распыление {noun} | :: grinding into dust, pulverizing, pulverization |
распыление {noun} | :: dissipating, dissipation |
распылитель {noun} | :: spray; pulveriser |
распылить {v pf} | :: to spray, to atomize |
распылить {v pf} | :: to grind into dust, to pulverize |
распылить {vt pf} | :: to dissipate |
распылить {v pf} [figurative, colloquial] | :: to distract |
распылять {v impf} | :: to spray, to atomize |
распылять {v impf} | :: to grind into dust, to pulverize |
распылять {vt impf} | :: to dissipate |
распылять {v impf} [figurative, colloquial] | :: to distract |
распятие {noun} | :: crucifixion, crucifix |
распятие {noun} | :: cross |
распять {v pf} | :: to crucify |
рассада {noun} | :: seedlings |
рассадить {v pf} | :: to seat, to offer seats |
рассадить {v pf} | :: to separate, to seat separately |
рассадить {v pf} | :: to transplant, to plant out |
рассадник {noun} | :: nursery, seed-plot (place for cultivation of young plants) |
рассадник {noun} [figuratively] | :: hotbed, breeding-ground |
рассаживать {v impf} | :: to seat, to offer seats |
рассаживать {v impf} | :: to separate, to seat separately |
рассаживать {v impf} | :: to transplant, to plant out |
рассаживаться {v impf} | :: to take one's seats |
рассаживаться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to sprawl |
рассвести {v pf} [impersonal] | :: to dawn |
рассвет {noun} | :: dawn, daybreak |
рассветать {v impf} [impersonal] | :: to dawn |
рассвирепеть {v pf} | :: to grow furious, to begin to see red |
рассвирепеть {v pf} | :: to become fierce, to become ferocious, to become cruel |
расседаться {v impf} | :: to crack, to split |
рассеивать {v impf} | :: to dissipate, to disseminate, to scatter, to diffuse, to disperse |
рассеивать {v impf} | :: to sow (seeds) in various places |
рассеиваться {v impf} | :: to disperse, to scatter |
рассеиваться {v impf} | :: (darkness, clouds etc) to disperse, to dissipate, (smoke, fog) to clear away |
рассеиваться {v impf} | :: (fears, doubts) to blow over |
рассеиваться {v impf} | :: to divert/distract oneself |
рассекать {v impf} | :: to cut, to cleave |
рассекать {v impf} | :: to pass (through), to cleave |
рассекать {v impf} | :: to cut, to slash |
рассекретить {v pf} | :: to declassify |
рассекречивание {noun} | :: declassification |
рассекречивать {v impf} | :: to declassify |
расселение {noun} | :: settling, settlement |
расселение {noun} | :: separation, settling apart |
расселить {v pf} | :: to settle (in a new place) |
расселить {v pf} | :: to separate, to settle apart |
расселиться {v pf} | :: to settle (in a new place) |
расселиться {v pf} | :: to separate, to settle separately |
расселять {v impf} | :: to settle (in a new place) |
расселять {v impf} | :: to separate, to settle apart |
расселяться {v impf} | :: to settle (in a new place) |
расселяться {v impf} | :: to separate, to settle separately |
рассердить {v pf} | :: to make angry, to anger, to rile |
рассердиться {v pf} | :: to get angry |
рассесться {v pf} | :: to take one's seats |
рассесться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to sprawl |
рассесться {v pf} | :: to crack, to split |
рассечь {v pf} | :: to cut, to cleave |
рассечь {v pf} | :: to pass (through), to cleave |
рассечь {v pf} | :: to cut, to slash |
рассеяние {noun} | :: dispersion |
рассеянно {adv} | :: absently, absent-mindedly |
рассеянность {noun} | :: dispersion |
рассеянность {noun} | :: absent-mindedness |
рассеянный {adj} | :: scattered, dispersed |
рассеянный {adj} | :: absent-minded (inattentive) |
рассеять {v pf} | :: to dissipate, to disseminate, to scatter, to diffuse, to disperse |
рассеять {v pf} | :: to sow (seeds) in various places |
рассеяться {v pf} | :: to disperse, to scatter |
рассеяться {v pf} | :: (darkness, clouds etc) to disperse, to dissipate, (smoke, fog) to clear away |
рассеяться {v pf} | :: (fears, doubts) to blow over |
рассеяться {v pf} | :: to divert/distract oneself |
расскажи это кому-нибудь другому {phrase} | :: tell it to Sweeney; tell it to the marines (literally, “tell it to somebody else”) |
расскажи это своей бабушке {idiom} | :: tell it to Sweeney, tell it to the marines (literally, “tell it to your grandma”) |
рассказ {noun} | :: story, tale, narrative |
рассказ {noun} | :: short story |
рассказать {v pf} | :: to tell |
рассказать {v pf} | :: to relate, to narrate |
рассказец {noun} | :: diminutive of рассказ: little story, little tale |
рассказик {noun} | :: diminutive of рассказ |
рассказчик {noun} | :: narrator, storyteller |
рассказывать {v impf} | :: to tell |
рассказывать {v impf} | :: to relate, to narrate, to recount |
рассказываться {v impf} [imperfective only] | :: to be told |
расслабить {vt pf} | :: to relax |
расслабить {v pf} | :: to weaken, to enfeeble, to unnerve |
расслабиться {vi pf} | :: to relax |
расслабление {noun} | :: weakening |
расслабление {noun} | :: relaxation, relaxing |
расслабленность {noun} | :: relaxedness, relaxation, lack of stress |
расслабленность {noun} | :: limpness, slackness, flaccidity |
расслабленность {noun} | :: enervation, lack of strength and energy |
расслабленный {adj} | :: relaxed, at ease |
расслабленный {adj} | :: limp, flaccid |
расслабленный {noun} [dated] | :: paralytic |
расслаблять {vt impf} | :: to relax |
расслаблять {v impf} | :: to weaken, to enfeeble, to unnerve |
расслабляться {vi impf} | :: to relax |
расследование {noun} | :: investigation (the act of investigating) |
расследовать {v both} | :: to investigate, to look (into), to hold an inquiry (into) |
расслоение {noun} | :: exfoliation, stratification |
расслышать {v pf} | :: to hear successfully, to catch |
рассматривать {v impf} | :: to look at, to peruse, to examine |
рассматривать {v impf} | :: to regard, to consider |
рассмешить {v pf} | :: to make (someone) laugh |
рассмеяться {v pf} | :: to burst out laughing, to start laughing |
рассмотрение {noun} | :: examination (the process of examining) |
рассмотрение {noun} | :: consideration (the process of considering) |
рассмотреть {v pf} | :: to look at, to peruse, to examine |
рассмотреть {v pf} | :: to regard, to consider |
рассол {noun} | :: brine; pickle |
рассольник {noun} | :: rassolnik |
рассосаться {v pf} | :: to resolve, to dissolve |
рассосаться {v pf} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to disperse, to scatter |
расспрашивать {v impf} | :: to question, to make inquiries (about) |
расспрос {noun} | :: questioning, making inquiries |
расспросить {v pf} | :: to question, to make inquiries (about) |
рассрочка {noun} | :: credit |
расставание {noun} | :: parting (farewell) |
расставаться {v impf} | :: to part, to separate |
расставаться {v impf} | :: to leave (homeland, home) |
расставаться {v impf} | :: to give up |
расставаться {v impf} | :: to break up |
расставить {v pf} | :: to place, to arrange |
расставить {v pf} | :: to move apart |
расставить {v pf} | :: (a dress etc.) to let out |
расставлять {v impf} | :: to place, to arrange |
расставлять {v impf} | :: to move apart |
расставлять {v impf} | :: (a dress etc.) to let out |
расстановка {noun} | :: arrangement (act of arranging) |
расстановка {noun} | :: ranking |
расстановка {noun} | :: collocation |
расстановка {noun} | :: disposal |
расстаться {v pf} | :: to part, to separate |
расстаться {v pf} | :: to leave (homeland, home) |
расстаться {v pf} | :: to give up |
расстаться {v pf} | :: to break up |
расстегнуть {v pf} | :: to unbuckle, to unzip, to unbutton, to unfasten |
расстелить {v pf} | :: to spread (out), to lay |
расстелиться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to spread |
расстелиться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to fawn (upon), to bow and scrape (before) |
расстёгивать {v impf} | :: to unbuckle, to unzip, to unbutton, to unfasten |
расстилать {v impf} | :: to spread (out), to lay |
расстилаться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to spread |
расстилаться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to fawn (upon), to bow and scrape (before) |
расстояние {noun} | :: distance, interval, length, range, space |
расстраивать {v impf} | :: to disorder, to disturb, to unsettle |
расстраивать {v impf} | :: to upset, to disrupt, to derange |
расстраивать {v impf} | :: to frustrate, to derange, to thwart |
расстраиваться {v impf} | :: to fall into confusion |
расстрел {noun} | :: shooting, execution (by a firing squad) |
расстрел {noun} | :: shooting down, fusillade |
расстреливать {v impf} | :: to shoot, to execute (by shooting) |
расстреливать {v impf} | :: to expose to heavy (artillery or gun-) fire |
расстрелять {v pf} | :: to shoot someone dead, to execute (by shooting) |
расстрелять {v pf} | :: to expose to heavy (artillery or gun-) fire |
расстроенный {adj} | :: upset, sad, downcast |
расстроенный {adj} [of a musical instrument] | :: untuned |
расстроить {v pf} | :: to disorder, to disturb, to unsettle |
расстроить {v pf} | :: to upset, to disrupt, to derange |
расстроить {v pf} | :: to frustrate, to derange, to thwart |
расстроиться {v pf} | :: to fall into confusion |
расстройство {noun} | :: upset, disappointment, frustration, vexation (emotions) |
расстройство {noun} | :: Something that causes the above |
расстройство {noun} [uncountable] | :: upset, disturbance, disruption, imbalance |
расстройство {noun} | :: disorder |
расстройство {noun} [musical instruments] | :: The state of an instrument being out of tune |
расстройство {noun} [physics] | :: The state of a receiver being out of tune |
расстройство {noun} [healthcare] | :: A disease where an organ is malfunctioning |
расстройство {noun} [psychology] | :: A state of inner turmoil |
расстройство личности {noun} [psychiatry] | :: personality disorder (one of a class of mental disorders) |
расступаться {v impf} | :: to give way, to step aside |
расступаться {vi impf} | :: to open, to part |
расступиться {v pf} | :: to give way, to step aside |
расступиться {vi pf} | :: to open, to part |
расстыковка {noun} | :: undocking (the process of disconnecting one spacecraft from another) |
рассудительный {adj} | :: level-headed, rational, reasonable |
рассудить {v pf} | :: to argue, to reason |
рассудить {v pf} | :: to debate, to discuss (о + prepositional case) |
рассудить {v pf} | :: to judge |
рассудок {noun} | :: reason, sense, senses |
рассудок {noun} | :: judgment, mind |
рассуждать {v impf} | :: to argue, to reason |
рассуждать {v impf} | :: to debate, to discuss (о + prepositional case) |
рассуждение {noun} | :: reasoning (action of the verb 'to reason') |
рассуждение {noun} [dated] | :: judgement |
рассусоливать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to talk slowly or for too long with unnecessary details |
рассусоливать {v impf} [by extension] | :: to do something very slowly (lingering or procrastinating) |
рассчитать {v pf} | :: to calculate, to compute |
рассчитать {v pf} | :: to dismiss, to pay off; to sack; to discharge, to fire |
рассчитать {v pf} | :: to number off, to order to number |
рассчитаться {v pf} | :: to settle accounts (with), to reckon (with), to square up (with), to settle up |
рассчитаться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to get even, to get back some of one's own |
рассчитаться {v pf} [military] | :: to number (off) |
рассчитаться {v pf} | :: to pay (for) |
рассчитывать {v impf} | :: to calculate, to compute |
рассчитывать {v impf} | :: to dismiss, to pay off; to sack; to discharge, to fire |
рассчитывать {v impf} [imperfective only] | :: to count / reckon (on); to calculate (on, upon), to depend (on, upon), to rely |
рассчитывать {v impf} | :: to number off, to order to number |
рассчитываться {v impf} | :: to settle accounts (with), to reckon (with), to square up (with), to settle up |
рассчитываться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to get even, to get back some of one's own |
рассчитываться {v impf} [military] | :: to number (off) |
рассчитываться {v impf} | :: to pay (for) |
рассылать {v impf} | :: to send (about, round), to distribute, to circulate |
рассылка {noun} | :: distribution, delivery, mailing, sending |
рассылка {m anim} [dated] | :: courier, runner, delivery boy |
рассыпать {v pf} | :: to spill, to strew, to scatter |
рассыпать {v pf} | :: to pour out |
рассыпать {v impf} | :: to spill, to strew, to scatter |
рассыпать {v impf} | :: to pour out |
рассыпаться {v pf} | :: to crumble, to fall to pieces; to disintegrate |
рассыпаться {v impf} | :: to crumble, to fall to pieces; to disintegrate |
рассыпчатый {adj} | :: crumbly, friable |
расталкивать {v impf} | :: to push away, aside, or apart (all or many people) |
расталкивать {v impf} | :: to shake awake |
растапливать {v impf} | :: to light, to kindle |
растапливать {v impf} | :: to melt, to thaw |
растаптывать {v impf} | :: to trample, to stamp (on), to crush |
растаптывать {v impf} | :: to crush, to stamp out, to ride roughshod (over) |
растаскать {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to take away (bit by bit), to remove (part by part), to pilfer |
растаскивать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to take away (bit by bit), to remove (part by part), to pilfer |
растаскивать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to drag/pull apart |
растащить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to take away (bit by bit), to remove (part by part), to pilfer |
растащить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to drag/pull apart |
растаять {v pf} | :: to melt, to thaw |
растаять {v pf} | :: to melt away, to wane, to dwindle |
растаять {v pf} | :: to melt (with) |
раствор {noun} [chemistry] | :: solution |
раствор {noun} | :: mortar, grout |
раствор {noun} | :: extent of opening/span |
растворение {noun} | :: dissolution |
растворимый {adj} | :: soluble, dissoluble, dissolvable |
растворимый кофе {noun} | :: instant coffee (beverage) |
растворитель {noun} | :: dissolvent, solvent, thinner, dilutant |
растворить {vt pf} | :: to open suddenly (e.g. a window) |
растворить {vt pf} | :: to spread (e.g. legs of a compass or person) |
растворить {vt pf} | :: to dissolve |
растворить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to knead (dough or clay) |
раствориться {vi pf} | :: to open [of doors, flaps, etc.] |
раствориться {vi pf} | :: to dissolve |
растворять {v impf} | :: to open |
растворять {v impf} | :: to dissolve |
растворяться {vi impf} | :: to dissolve |
растворяться {vi impf} | :: to open [of doors, flaps, etc.] |
растекаться {v impf} | :: to spread, to run |
растекаться {v impf} | :: to spread about |
растение {noun} [botany] | :: plant (living organism) |
растениеводство {noun} | :: plant growing, agricultural cultivation |
растениеводство {noun} | :: agricultural science |
растереть {v pf} | :: to grind |
растереть {v pf} | :: to spread |
растереть {v pf} | :: to rub, to massage |
растерзание {noun} | :: torment; laceration; tearing to pieces |
растерзать {v pf} | :: to tear to pieces |
растерзывать {v impf} | :: to tear to pieces |
растеря {noun} [colloquial] | :: an absentminded person, loser (of things), a heedless person, muddler |
растерянно {adv} | :: perplexedly (in a confused or puzzled manner) |
растерянность {noun} | :: perplexity (quality of being confused or puzzled) |
растерянный {adj} | :: embarrassed, abashed |
растерянный {adj} | :: mixed-up |
растерянный {adj} | :: at a loss |
растерять {v pf} | :: to lose little by little |
растеряться {v pf} | :: to get lost (of multiple objects, especially if they are many or they are lost one after another) |
растеряться {v pf} | :: to lose one's head; to become confused, to mixed up flustered; to be bewildered |
растечься {v pf} | :: to spread, to run |
растечься {v pf} | :: to spread about |
расти {v impf} | :: to grow, to increase |
растирать {v impf} | :: to grind |
растирать {v impf} | :: to spread |
растирать {v impf} | :: to rub, to massage |
растираться {v impf} | :: to become powdered, to turn into powder, to become triturated |
растираться {v impf} | :: to rub oneself |
растительное масло {noun} | :: vegetable oil (oil produced from plants) |
растительность {noun} | :: vegetation, verdure |
растительность {noun} [colloquial] | :: hair |
растительный {adj} [relational] | :: vegetation, vegetable; vegetative |
растить {v impf} | :: to grow, to raise, to cultivate |
растить {v impf} | :: to breed, to rear, to raise |
растить {v impf} | :: to bring up |
растить {v impf} | :: to train, to prepare, to form |
растлевать {v impf} | :: to deflower (a virgin by rape or seduction) |
растлевать {v impf} | :: to corrupt morally |
растление {noun} | :: deflowering [of a virgin by rape or seduction] |
растление {noun} | :: moral corruption [action or result] |
растлить {v pf} | :: to deflower (a virgin by rape or seduction) |
растлить {v pf} | :: to corrupt morally |
растолкать {v pf} | :: to push away, aside, or apart (all or many people) |
растолкать {v pf} | :: to shake awake |
растолковать {v pf} | :: to explain (smth to smb), to make someone see/understand something |
растолковывать {v impf} | :: to explain (smth to smb), to make someone see/understand something |
растопить {v pf} | :: to light, to kindle |
растопить {v pf} | :: to melt, to thaw |
растоптать {v pf} | :: to trample, to stamp (on), to crush |
растоптать {v pf} | :: to crush, to stamp out, to ride roughshod (over) |
растопыривать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to spread wide apart |
растопырить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to spread wide apart |
расторгать {v impf} | :: to cancel, to dissolve, to annul, to abrogate |
расторгнуть {v pf} | :: to cancel, to dissolve, to annul, to abrogate |
расторжение {noun} | :: cancellation, rescission, breaking off |
расторжение брака {noun} | :: divorce |
расторопность {noun} | :: lightness |
расторопность {noun} | :: alacrity (promptness) |
расторопный {adj} [colloquial] | :: prompt, efficient, and quick-witted |
растрата {m inan} | :: spending |
растрата {m inan} | :: waste |
растрата {m inan} | :: embezzlement, peculation |
растратить {v pf} | :: to squander, to waste, to fritter away |
растратить {v pf} | :: to illegally spend or use (someone else's money or property) |
растрачивать {v impf} | :: to squander, to waste, to fritter away |
растрачивать {v impf} | :: to illegally spend or use (someone else's money or property) |
растревоживать {v impf} | :: to very strongly alarm |
растревоживать {v impf} | :: to disturb very much, to upset strongly |
растревожить {v pf} | :: to very strongly alarm |
растревожить {v pf} | :: to disturb very much, to upset strongly |
растрепать {v pf} | :: to disarrange |
растрепать {v pf} | :: (book etc) to tatter, to deface |
растрепать {v pf} | :: to tear to pieces |
растрепать {v pf} [colloquial, deprecative] | :: to blab, to blabber, to give away |
растрёпанный {adj} | :: ruffled, disheveled [of hair] |
растрёпанный {adj} | :: unkempt, slovenly |
растрёпанный {adj} | :: ragged, tattered [from use] |
растрогать {v pf} | :: to move, to touch, to affect deeply |
раструб {noun} | :: funnel-shaped extension, e.g. flare [of a skirt, bell, jeans, etc.], bell [of a trumpet] |
раструб {noun} [botany] | :: ochrea, ocrea |
растущий {adj} | :: growing, rising, increasing |
растягивать {v impf} | :: to stretch (out) |
растягивать {v impf} | :: to wear out, to strain [clothes] |
растягивать {v impf} | :: to strain, to sprain |
растягивать {v impf} | :: to stretch out, to spread out |
растягивать {v impf} | :: to protract, to prolong, to spin out, to drag out |
растягиваться {v impf} | :: to stretch, to lengthen out |
растягиваться {v impf} | :: to be worn out |
растягиваться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to stretch oneself, to sprawl |
растягиваться {v impf} | :: to stretch out, to spread |
растягиваться {v impf} | :: to drag on |
растяжение {noun} | :: expansion, stretching |
растяжение {noun} | :: sprain (act or result of spraining) |
растяжка {noun} | :: stretching, extension, lengthening out |
растяжка {noun} [sport, ballet] | :: stretch, flexibility |
растяжка {noun} | :: device for stretching |
растяжка {noun} [military, colloquial] | :: pull-action mine, trip-wire mine |
растянутый {adj} | :: stretched, prolonged, unnecessarily long |
растянуть {v pf} | :: to stretch (out) |
растянуть {v pf} | :: (clothes) to wear out, to strain |
растянуть {v pf} | :: to strain, to sprain |
растянуть {v pf} | :: to stretch out, to spread out |
растянуть {v pf} | :: to protract, to prolong, to spin out, to drag out |
растянуться {v pf} | :: to stretch, to lengthen out |
растянуться {v pf} | :: to be worn out |
растянуться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to stretch oneself, to sprawl |
растянуться {v pf} | :: to stretch out, to spread |
растянуться {v pf} | :: to drag on |
растянуться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to go sprawling, to measure one's length |
растяпа {f anim} {m anim} | :: gawk, gaper, scatterbrain, (a distracted, inattentive, clumsy person) |
расформировать {v pf} | :: to disband, to dissolve (an organization or group) |
расформировать {v pf} | :: to decouple, to uncouple (a train) |
расформировывать {v impf} | :: to disband, to dissolve (an organization or group) |
расформировывать {v impf} | :: to decouple, to uncouple (a train) |
расхаживать {v impf} | :: to walk/strut about |
расхваливать {v impf} | :: to praise strongly, to commend |
расхвалить {v pf} | :: to praise strongly, to commend |
расхититель {noun} | :: thief that stole on many occasions, or on many locations |
расхитить {v pf} | :: to plunder, to steal, to embezzle |
расхищать {v impf} | :: to plunder, to steal, to embezzle |
расхлёбывать {v impf} [dated] | :: to eat together (liquid food) |
расхлёбывать {v impf} [figuratively] | :: to disentangle, to fix or face consequences, to face the music |
расход {noun} | :: expense, expenditure |
расход {noun} | :: pl. charges, expenses, exps, outlay |
расход {noun} | :: debit |
расход {noun} | :: consumption |
расходиться {v impf} | :: to go away, to disperse (in different directions), to spread |
расходиться {v impf} | :: to break up [of a crowd, meeting, etc.] |
расходиться {v impf} | :: to part, to separate, to break up [of two or three persons], to get divorced, to drift apart |
расходиться {v impf} | :: to be sold out (well), to sell well [of a product] |
расходиться {v impf} | :: to disagree, to differ [of opinions] |
расходиться {v impf} | :: to diverge, to branch off |
расходиться {v impf} | :: to miss one another, to fail to meet |
расходиться {v impf} | :: to be spent, to go [of money] |
расходиться {v impf} | :: to separate, to not close [of clothes] |
расходный {adj} [relational] | :: expense |
расходный {adj} | :: expendable, consumable |
расходование {noun} | :: expense, expenditure |
расходование {noun} [colloquial] | :: consumption |
расходовать {v impf} | :: to spend, to expend |
расходовать {v impf} | :: to consume, to use up |
расходоваться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to spend, to lay out money |
расходоваться {v impf} | :: to be used (up), to be spent/consumed |
расходомер {noun} | :: flow meter |
расхождение {noun} | :: discrepancy |
расхожий {adj} [colloquial] | :: (goods) in demand, popular |
расхожий {adj} [colloquial] | :: in everyday use |
расхожий {adj} [colloquial] | :: common, widespread, commonplace, stock, stereotyped |
расхотеть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to stop wanting [something or to do something]; to lose desire [for something or to do something] |
расхотеться {v pf} [colloquial, impersonal] | :: to stop wanting [something or to do something]; to lose desire [for something or to do something] |
расхохотаться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to burst out laughing, to roar with laughter |
расцвести {v pf} | :: to blossom, to bloom (have or open into blossoms) |
расцвести {v pf} [figuratively] | :: to flourish, to thrive, to prosper |
расцвет {noun} | :: flowering, blooming, blossoming |
расцвет {noun} | :: boom (period of prosperity) |
расцветать {v impf} | :: to blossom, to bloom (have or open into blossoms) |
расцветать {v impf} [figuratively] | :: to flourish, to thrive, to prosper |
расцветка {noun} [colloquial] | :: colours, colouration, colouring |
расцеловать {v pf} | :: to kiss fervently, to kiss over and over, to smother with kisses |
расцеловывать {v impf} | :: to kiss fervently, to kiss over and over, to smother with kisses |
расценивать {v impf} | :: to estimate, to value, to assess |
расценивать {v impf} | :: to rate (as), to consider, to regard (as) |
расценить {v pf} | :: to estimate, to value, to assess |
расценить {v pf} | :: to rate (as), to consider, to regard (as) |
расценка {noun} | :: price, pricing, rate, tariff |
расчесать {v pf} | :: to comb |
расчесать {v pf} | :: to card (flax or wool) |
расчесать {v pf} | :: to scratch raw, to irritate by scratching |
расчесать {v pf} [low colloquial] | :: to beat, to defeat |
расчесаться {v pf} | :: to comb one's hair |
расчесть {v pf} [colloquial or dated] | :: alternative form of рассчитать |
расчесться {v pf} [colloquial or dated] | :: alternative form of рассчитаться |
расчёска {noun} | :: comb (toothed implement for grooming the hair) |
расчёсывать {v impf} | :: to comb |
расчёсывать {v impf} | :: to card (flax or wool) |
расчёсывать {v impf} | :: to scratch raw, to irritate by scratching |
расчёсывать {v impf} [low colloquial] | :: to beat, to defeat |
расчёсываться {v impf} | :: to comb one's hair |
расчёт {noun} | :: calculation |
расчёт {noun} | :: estimation |
расчёт {noun} | :: payment, settlement of accounts |
расчёт {noun} | :: dismissal, firing, sack |
расчёт {noun} | :: consideration, account |
расчёт {noun} | :: intention, providence |
расчёт {noun} [military, in the plural] | :: gunners |
расчётливый {adj} | :: prudent, calculating |
расчётливый {adj} | :: self-seeking, calculating |
расчётливый {adj} | :: economical, thrifty |
расчётный {adj} [relational] | :: calculation |
расчётный {adj} [relational] | :: pay, payment |
расчётный {adj} | :: estimated |
расчистить {v pf} | :: to clear, to clear away |
расчистка {noun} | :: clearing [of land, etc.] |
расчищать {v impf} | :: to clear, to clear away |
расчленение {noun} | :: dismemberment, dissection |
расчленение {noun} | :: division |
расчленить {v pf} | :: to dismember |
расчленить {v pf} | :: to divide, to break up |
расчленить {v pf} [military] | :: to break up, to open out, to break down |
расчленять {v impf} | :: to dismember |
расчленять {v impf} | :: to divide, to break up |
расчленять {v impf} [military] | :: to break up, to open out, to break down |
расчувствоваться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to be deeply moved [emotionally] |
расшатать {v pf} | :: to rock, to shake, to sway, to make loose, to unsteady, to shaky |
расшатать {v pf} [figuratively] | :: to undermine, to weaken, to destabilize |
расшатывать {v impf} | :: to rock, to shake, to sway, to make loose, to unsteady, to shaky |
расшатывать {v impf} [figuratively] | :: to undermine, to weaken, to destabilize |
расширение {noun} | :: widening, expansion (act of widening) |
расширение {noun} | :: (file) extension |
расширенный {adj} | :: expanded, enlarged, broadened |
расширить {vt pf} | :: to widen, to broaden |
расширить {vt pf} | :: to increase |
расширить {vt pf} | :: to broaden, to enlarge, to extend, to expand |
расшириться {vi pf} | :: to widen, to broaden |
расшириться {vi pf} | :: to increase |
расшириться {vi pf} | :: to broaden, to enlarge, to extend, to expand |
расширять {vt impf} | :: to widen, to broaden |
расширять {vt impf} | :: to increase |
расширять {vt impf} | :: to broaden, to enlarge, to extend, to expand |
расширяться {vi impf} | :: to widen, to broaden |
расширяться {vi impf} | :: to increase |
расширяться {vi impf} | :: to broaden, to enlarge, to extend, to expand |
расшить {v pf} | :: to embroider |
расшить {v pf} | :: to unseam, to rip, to undo |
расшифровать {v pf} | :: to decipher, to decode, to decrypt |
расшифровка {noun} | :: deciphering, decoding, decryption |
расшифровывать {v impf} | :: to decipher, to decode, to decrypt |
расщелина {noun} | :: cleft, crevice, fissure (narrow crack in rock or ice) |
расщелина {noun} | :: crack |
расщепить {v pf} | :: to split, to cleave |
расщепление {noun} | :: splitting, splintering |
расщепление {noun} [chemistry] | :: breaking up, decomposition |
расщепление {noun} [physics] | :: splitting, fission |
расщеплять {v impf} | :: to split, to cleave |
рататуй {noun} | :: ratatouille |
ратификация {noun} | :: ratification |
ратифицировать {v both} | :: to ratify |
ратник {noun} [obsolete] | :: warrior, soldier |
ратный {adj} [relational, literary] | :: military, combat |
ратовать {v impf} [bookish] | :: to fight (for), to stand up (for) |
ратовать {v impf} [bookish] | :: to declaim (against), to inveigh (against) |
ратуша {noun} [historical] | :: administrative body of a city or township |
ратуша {noun} | :: town hall |
рать {noun} [archaic or folk poetic] | :: army, host, array |
рать {noun} [archaic or folk poetic] | :: battle, war |
раунд {noun} [sports] | :: round |
раут {noun} | :: rout (fashionable assembly or large evening party) |
рафик {noun} [colloquial] | :: minibus, van (manufactured by RAF works in Riga) |
рафинированный {adj} | :: purified, refined |
рафинированный {adj} [literary] | :: pure, genuine |
рафинированный {adj} [literary, pejorative] | :: overly refined, recherché |
рафинированный {adj} | :: refined, exquisite, sophisticated |
рафинировать {v both} | :: to refine, to purify |
рахат-лукум {noun} | :: Turkish delight, rahat lokum, lokum |
рахит {noun} | :: rachitis (rickets) |
рацея {noun} [archaic, disapprovingly] | :: long edifying speech |
рацион {noun} | :: diet, the food and beverage a person or animal consumes |
рацион {noun} | :: ration, food allowance |
рационализация {noun} | :: rationalization (process or result of rationalizing) |
рационализировать {v both} | :: to rationalize (to make something rational) |
рационализм {noun} | :: rationalism |
рационалист {noun} | :: rationalist |
рационально {adv} | :: rationally |
рационально {adv} | :: sensibly, in a worthwhile manner |
рационально {adv} | :: logically |
рациональность {noun} | :: rationality |
рациональный {adj} | :: rational |
рациональный {adj} | :: sensible, worthwhile |
рациональный {adj} [colloquial] | :: logical |
рациональный {adj} [mathematics] | :: rational |
рация {noun} | :: portable radio transmitter, walkie-talkie |
рачий {adj} [relational] | :: crayfish, crawfish |
рачить {v impf} [obsolete] | :: to desire, to want |
рачить {v impf} [obsolete] | :: to be diligent, to strive |
рачить {v impf} [video games slang, colloquial, pejorative] | :: to play unskillfully |
рачить {v impf} [slang, pejorative, by extension] | :: to do anything unskillfully |
Раша {prop} [chiefly pejorative] | :: Russia |
рашизм {noun} [neologism, politics] | :: Ruscism (ideology) |
рашпер {noun} | :: grill, grid, gridiron |
рашпиль {noun} | :: rasp [coarse file] |
РБ {m inan} | :: initialism of республика Башкортостан: republic of Bashkortostan |
РБ {m inan} | :: initialism of республика Беларусь: republic of Belarus |
РБ {m inan} | :: initialism of республика Болгария: republic of Bulgaria |
РБ {m inan} | :: initialism of республика Бурятия: republic of Buryatia |
рвануть {v pf} | :: to tear |
рвануть {v pf} | :: to jerk, to tug |
рвануть {v pf} | :: to start with a jerk, to get off with a jerk |
рвануть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to dash, to rush, to race, to scurry, to spurt; (car) to speed, to tear off, to zip, to zoom |
рвануть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to take flight, to take to one's heels, to whip off, to whip away, to dash off |
рвануть {v pf} | :: to blow up, to blast |
рвануться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to rush, to dash, to dart |
рваный {adj} | :: torn |
рваный {adj} | :: jagged |
рваный {adj} | :: uneven |
рвать {v impf} | :: to tear (rend) |
рвать {v impf} | :: to tear apart |
рвать {v impf} | :: to tear out |
рвать {v impf} | :: to break |
рвать {v impf} | :: to break up, to break off (a relationship) |
рвать {v impf} | :: to pick, to pluck flowers or fruits |
рвать {v impf} [impersonal] | :: to vomit, to puke, to feel sick [impersonal, the person vomiting is the object] |
рвать когти {v impf} [colloquial, idiomatic] | :: to run for it; to run for one's life; to get out of Dodge (literally, to tear claws) |
рваться {vi impf} | :: to break, to burst, to be torn |
рваться {v impf} | :: to strive, to long, to be dying to (to do something) |
рвач {noun} [colloquial] | :: self-seeker, grabber |
рвение {noun} | :: fervor, zeal, ardor |
рвота {noun} | :: vomit (the regurgitated contents of the stomach) |
рдест {noun} | :: pondweed |
рдеть {v impf} [dated or poetic] | :: to redden, to blush |
ре {n inan} | :: D (musical note) |
реабилитационный {adj} [relational] | :: rehabilitation |
реабилитация {noun} | :: rehabilitation |
реабилитация {noun} | :: exoneration |
реабилитировать {v both} | :: to rehabilitate, to exonerate |
реагент {noun} | :: reagent, agent (active power or cause) |
реагирование {noun} | :: reacting |
реагировать {v impf} | :: to react |
реактив {noun} | :: agent, reagent (active power or cause) |
реактивная артиллерия {noun} | :: rocket artillery (artillery consisting of ballistic missiles and rocket launchers such as the Katyushas, as well as cross-country combat vehicles outfitted with multiple rocket launchers) |
реактивная установка {noun} | :: rocket launcher |
реактивное сопло {noun} | :: jet efflux |
реактивный {adj} | :: reactive |
реактивный {adj} [relational] | :: jet, impulse, pulse; jet-propelled |
реактивный {adj} [relational] | :: rocket |
реактивный двигатель {noun} | :: reaction engine |
реактивный двигатель {noun} | :: jet engine |
реактивный конус {noun} | :: tailpipe (of a jet plane) |
реактивный самолёт {noun} | :: jet (airplane) |
реактор {noun} | :: reactor (a device which uses atomic energy to produce heat) |
реакционный {adj} | :: reactionary |
реакция {noun} | :: reaction |
реакция {noun} | :: response |
реакция {noun} [politics] | :: reaction, extreme conservatism |
реал {noun} [numismatics] | :: real (former unit of currency of Spain and Spain's colonies) |
реал {noun} [printing] | :: composing frame, rack |
реал {noun} | :: real world, reality, realtime |
реализация {noun} | :: realization (the act of making real) |
реализация {noun} | :: implementation (the process of moving an idea from concept to reality) |
реализация {noun} | :: implementation (a result of implementing something) |
реализм {noun} | :: realism |
реализовать {v both} | :: to realize, to bring about, to see fulfilled |
реализовать {v both} | :: to sell, to convert into cash |
реализоваться {v both} | :: to materialize, to appear, to be realized |
реализовывать {v impf} | :: to implement, to carry out, to realize |
реализовывать {v impf} | :: to sell, to realize |
реализовываться {v impf} | :: to materialize, to appear, to be realized |
реалии {noun} | :: realia |
реалист {noun} | :: realist |
реалистический {adj} | :: realistic |
реалистичный {adj} | :: realistic |
реалити-шоу {n inan} | :: reality show (a program of reality television) |
реалия {noun} | :: actual, (plural) realia, reality |
реально {adv} | :: really, in reality |
реально {adv} | :: objectively |
реально {adv} | :: specifically, factually |
реальность {noun} | :: reality |
реальный {adj} | :: real (that has physical existence) |
реальный {adj} | :: realistic |
реанимация {noun} [medicine] | :: resuscitation |
реанимация {noun} [colloquial] | :: resuscitation department |
реанимация {noun} [colloquial] | :: resuscitation ambulance |
реанимация {noun} | :: revival, effort to breathe life |
реанимировать {v both} | :: to reanimate |
ребёнок {noun} | :: [plural дети, less commonly ребята] child, kid, baby: children, kids, babies |
ребёнок {noun} [plural only] | :: [plural ребята] guys, fellows, friends, comrades |
ребёночек {noun} | :: diminutive of ребёнок: (little) baby, child, kid |
ребристый {adj} | :: ribbed; ribby |
ребро {noun} [anatomy] | :: rib |
ребро {noun} | :: edge, verge, arc |
ребро {noun} [slang] | :: roentgenizdat; music illicitly reproduced on X-ray film |
ребус {noun} | :: rebus |
ребята {m animp} | :: young men, boys, friends, comrades |
ребятишки {noun} [colloquial] | :: endearing diminutive of ребята: (small) children, kids |
ребятишки {noun} [colloquial] | :: group of children, kids |
ребятки {noun} | :: diminutive of ребята children, kids; lads, boys |
ребятня {noun} [colloquial, collective] | :: children, kids |
ребяческий {adj} | :: childish, infantile (behaving immaturely) |
ребячий {adj} [colloquial] | :: children's, child's |
ребячий {adj} [colloquial] | :: childish |
реванш {noun} | :: revenge, retaliation |
реванш {noun} | :: rematch |
реваншизм {noun} | :: revanchism (political policy of endeavouring to regain lost territory) |
ревень {noun} | :: rhubarb |
реверанс {noun} | :: curtsey |
реверанс {noun} [figurative] | :: servility |
реветь {v impf} | :: to roar, to bellow, to howl |
реветь {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to cry, to weep (loudly) |
ревизионизм {noun} | :: revisionism (advocacy of a revision of some accepted theory, doctrine or a view of historical events) |
ревизионный {adj} [relational] | :: audit |
ревизия {noun} | :: audit (independent review) |
ревизия {noun} [colloquial] | :: inspection, examination |
ревизия {noun} | :: revision [of a theory or treaty] |
ревизия {noun} [historical] | :: census of the male population [for calculating poll taxes] |
ревизия {noun} | :: tax roll, tax register |
ревизор {noun} | :: auditor, inspector |
ревматизм {noun} | :: rheumatism |
ревниво {adv} | :: jealously |
ревнивый {adj} | :: jealous |
ревнитель {noun} [literary or high-style] | :: zealot, strict adherent, ardent advocate |
ревновать {v impf} | :: to be jealous of |
ревновать {vi impf} [dated] | :: to envy |
ревновать {vi impf} [dated] | :: to be zealous (о or к about something) |
ревновать {vi impf} [dated] | :: to compete (с with someone) |
ревностный {adj} | :: zealous, eager |
ревность {noun} | :: jealousy |
револьвер {noun} | :: revolver (a handgun with revolving chambers) |
революционер {noun} | :: revolutionary (a revolutionist; a person who revolts) |
революционерка {noun} | :: female revolutionary |
революционный {adj} | :: revolutionary (various senses) |
революция {noun} | :: revolution (political upheaval) |
ревю {n inan} | :: revue (form of theatrical; any entertainment featuring skits, dances, and songs) |
регалия {noun} [history or dated, usually, in the plural] | :: regalia |
регби {n inan} | :: rugby |
регги {m inan} [music] | :: reggae |
регенерация {noun} | :: regeneration |
регент {noun} | :: regent |
регент {noun} | :: precentor (director of a church choir) |
регентство {noun} | :: regency |
регентша {noun} | :: female regent |
Регина {prop} | :: given name |
регион {noun} | :: region |
региональный {adj} | :: regional (relating to a specific region) |
регистр {noun} | :: register |
регистр {noun} [informatics] | :: registry |
регистр {noun} [informatics] | :: case |
регистратор {noun} [animate] | :: registrar, recordkeeper, file clerk |
регистратор {noun} [animate, medicine] | :: hospital receptionist |
регистратор {noun} [inanimate] | :: recorder, recording device |
регистратор {noun} [inanimate, computers, engineering] | :: logger |
регистратор {noun} [inanimate, technical] | :: display, monitor |
регистратор {noun} [inanimate] | :: file, folder |
регистратура {noun} | :: registry, registration office, reception, front desk (especially in a clinic) |
регистрационный {adj} [relational] | :: registration |
регистрация {noun} | :: registration (the act of signing up or registering for something) |
регистрация {noun} | :: check-in |
регистрирование {noun} | :: registry, registering |
регистрировать {v impf} | :: to register, to log, to record |
регистрировать {v impf} | :: to enroll |
регистрироваться {v impf} | :: to register oneself, to check in |
регистрироваться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to register one's marriage |
регламент {noun} | :: order, regulations |
регламент {noun} | :: time limit (for speeches) |
регламентация {noun} | :: regulation |
регламентировать {v both} | :: to regulate |
регрессия {noun} [mathematics] | :: regression |
регулирование {noun} | :: regulation, adjustment |
регулировать {v impf} | :: to regulate, to control |
регулировать {v impf} | :: to adjust, to tune up |
регулировка {noun} | :: adjustment, readjustment (small change) |
регулировка {noun} | :: control, regulation |
регулировка {noun} | :: alignment, aligning |
регулировка {noun} | :: tuning, tune-up |
регулируемый {adj} | :: adjustable |
регулярно {adv} | :: regularly |
регулярность {noun} | :: regularity |
регулярный {adj} | :: regular (with constant frequency) |
регулярный {adj} | :: recurrent (about event) |
регулятор {noun} | :: regulator, control |
регуляция {noun} | :: regulation, control |
ред. {f inan} | :: editorial office |
ред. {m inan} | :: editor |
редактирование {noun} | :: editing |
редактировать {v impf} | :: to edit |
редактировать {v impf} | :: to edit, to lead the publication of [as an editor] |
редактировать {v impf} [computing] | :: to edit |
редактор {noun} [animate] | :: editor (person who edits) |
редактор {noun} [inanimate, computing] | :: editor, processor; editing program |
редакторский {adj} [relational] | :: editor; editor's (related to someone who edits, or to software that helps someone edit) |
редакторский {adj} | :: editorial |
редакционный {adj} [relational] | :: editorial, drafting, [relational] editing |
редакция {noun} | :: editorship |
редакция {noun} | :: editorial staff, editorial board |
редакция {noun} | :: editorial office |
редакция {noun} | :: version, edition |
редеть {v impf} | :: to thin, to thin out, to get thin |
редеть {v impf} | :: to be depleted, to thin out |
редис {noun} | :: (European small) radish |
редиска {noun} [botany] | :: radish (plant or vegetable) |
редиска {noun} [slang, irony] | :: bad man, turd, asshole, twit |
редкий {adj} | :: rare |
редкий {adj} | :: thin, sparse |
редкий {adj} | :: scarce |
редкий {adj} | :: (adverb) seldom |
редко {adv} | :: rarely, seldom |
редко {adv} | :: sparsely |
редколлегия {noun} | :: editorial board |
редкостный {adj} | :: rare, unique, uncommon |
редкость {noun} | :: rarity, uncommon thing; scarcity |
редуктор {noun} | :: reduction drive |
редуктор {noun} | :: reduction gear |
редуктор {noun} | :: pressure regulator |
редька {noun} | :: radish |
реестр {noun} | :: register, registry |
реестр {noun} | :: roll (an official or public document) |
реже {adv} | :: comparative of редкий |
реже {adv} | :: comparative of редко |
режим {noun} | :: regime (mode of rule or management) |
режим {noun} | :: routine |
режим {noun} | :: conditions, rate |
режим {noun} | :: mode |
режимный {adj} [relational] | :: regime, state |
режимный {adj} [relational] | :: regimen, mode, method |
режимный {adj} | :: operating according to a regimen |
режимный {adj} [relational] | :: defense industry, military industry |
режимный {adj} | :: strictly regimented |
режиссёр {noun} | :: director (film/theatre) |
режиссёрский {adj} [relational] | :: film director; (film) directorial |
режиссура {noun} | :: (of a film, spectacle) direction, stage direction, production |
режиссура {noun} | :: the art of direction |
режиссура {noun} [obsolete] | :: directors |
режущий {adj} | :: cutting |
режущий {adj} | :: sharp [pain] |
рез {noun} | :: cut |
рез {noun} | :: slice |
резануть {v pf} [low colloquial] | :: to cut once with a choppy movement |
резать {v impf} | :: to cut up, to cut open, to slice, to carve |
резать {v impf} | :: to slaughter, to knife, to kill |
резать {v impf} | :: (on wood or metal) to carve, to cut, to engrave |
резать {v impf} | :: to cut off, to slice, to chop |
резать {v impf} | :: (on a test) to give a failing grade |
резать {v impf} | :: (cause pain) to hurt, to cut into |
резать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to operate, to cut open |
резать {v impf} | :: to irritate, to offend (eyes), to grate on (ears) |
резать {v impf} [nautical] | :: to pass close, to shave |
резать {v impf} | :: to speak bluntly |
резаться {vi impf} | :: to cut, to be cut |
резаться {v impf} | :: to cut through [of teeth] |
резаться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to fight with knives |
резаться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to play (a game) with passion [в + accusative] |
резвиться {v impf} | :: to gambol, to frisk, to romp |
резво {adv} | :: quickly, swiftly, sprightly, with agility |
резвый {adj} | :: frisky, frolicsome, playful, high-spirited |
резвый {adj} | :: fast [horse] |
резеда {noun} [botany] | :: mignonette |
резерв {noun} | :: reserve, reserves (that which is reserved, or kept back, as for future use) |
резервация {noun} | :: reservation [in various senses] |
резервация {noun} | :: indigenous reservation |
резервирование {noun} | :: reservation, booking |
резервирование {noun} | :: redundancy |
резервировать {v both} | :: to reserve |
резервный {adj} | :: reserve |
резервуар {noun} | :: reservoir, vessel, tank; basin |
резерфордий {noun} | :: rutherfordium |
резец {noun} | :: cutter, cutting tool, chisel, draw knife |
резец {noun} | :: incisor (tooth) |
резец {noun} | :: drill bit, tool bit |
резец {noun} | :: plow colter |
Резец {prop} [astronomy] | :: Caelum |
резидент {noun} [literary] | :: resident |
резидент {noun} [espionage] | :: fixed-post spy; resident spy, resident, "rezident", chief of a country's intelligence operations in another country |
резиденция {noun} [literary] | :: residence |
резина {noun} | :: rubber (pliable material derived from the sap of the rubber tree) |
резина {noun} [colloquial] | :: tire/tyre |
резинка {noun} | :: eraser (thing used to erase something written or drawn) |
резинка {noun} | :: elastic band; scrunchie [for hair]; garter [for stockings] |
резинка {noun} | :: gum [for chewing] |
резинка {noun} [slang] | :: condom, rubber |
резиновый {adj} [relational] | :: rubber |
резистор {noun} | :: resistor (an electric component that transmits current in direct proportion to the voltage across it) |
резка {noun} | :: cutting |
резка {noun} [technical] | :: cutter (device for cutting) |
резкий {adj} | :: sharp, keen |
резкий {adj} | :: sharp, abrupt (offensive, critical, or acrimonious) |
резкий {adj} | :: biting, piercing |
резкий {adj} | :: harsh, shrill, glaring |
резкий {adj} | :: acute, sharp, pungent |
резко {adv} | :: sharply, harshly, abruptly |
резко {adv} | :: bluntly |
резкость {noun} | :: harshness |
резкость {noun} | :: acuity |
резкость {noun} | :: abruptness |
резкость {noun} | :: sharpness (of an image) |
резной {adj} | :: cut, carved |
резня {noun} | :: massacre, bloodbath, slaughter (intentional mass killing) |
резня {noun} [colloquial] | :: a vicious, bloody fight [with knives or other cold steel weapons] |
резолюция {noun} | :: resolution (of an assembly, etc) |
резолюция {noun} | :: instructions |
резон {noun} | :: reason |
резонанс {noun} [physics] | :: resonance |
резонанс {noun} [figuratively] | :: response; repercussions |
резонно {adv} [colloquial] | :: reasonably |
резонный {adj} [colloquial] | :: reasonable, logical |
результат {noun} | :: effect, result, return, outcome |
результативная передача {noun} [basketball] | :: assist (statistical recognition of making a pass) |
результативность {noun} | :: potency, effectiveness, fecundity |
результативный {adj} | :: effective, efficacious |
резчик {noun} | :: cutter (person that cuts) |
резь {noun} [medicine] | :: sharp pain, colic |
резь {noun} [dialectal] | :: carving |
резьба {noun} | :: carving, fretwork |
резьба {noun} [engineering] | :: thread, threading |
резюме {n inan} | :: summary |
резюме {n inan} | :: curriculum vitae, CV, resume |
резюмировать {v both} | :: to sum up, to summarize, to recapitulate |
реинкарнация {noun} | :: reincarnation |
реинкарнировать {v both} | :: to reincarnate |
рей {noun} | :: yard, a crossways-mast on a ship |
рейд {noun} [military, law enforcement] | :: raid |
рейд {noun} [nautical] | :: roads, roadstead, anchorage |
рейдерство {noun} [military] | :: commerce raiding |
рейдерство {noun} [business] | :: corporate raids |
рейдерство {noun} [business, pejorative] | :: illegal takeovers, e.g. through fraud, bribery, or intimidation |
рейка {noun} | :: lath; strip of wood |
рейка {noun} | :: measuring rod |
Рейкьявик {prop} | :: Рейкьявик (capital city) |
Рейн {prop} | :: Rhine |
рейс {noun} | :: flight [a specific journey made by an aircraft] |
рейс {noun} | :: trip, voyage |
рейсовый {adj} [relational] | :: trip, voyage, flight |
рейсовый {adj} | :: fixed-route, scheduled [of a bus or airplane] |
рейсфедер {noun} | :: ruling pen, drawing pen |
рейсшина {noun} | :: T-square |
рейтинг {noun} | :: rating, ranking |
рейтинговый {adj} [relational] | :: rating, ratings, ranking |
рейтузы {noun} | :: jodhpurs |
рейх {noun} | :: Reich |
рейхстаг {noun} | :: Reichstag |
река {noun} | :: river, stream |
реквием {noun} | :: requiem |
реквизит {noun} [theatre] | :: properties, props |
реквизит {noun} | :: (plural) details |
реквизиция {noun} | :: confiscation, requisition |
реклама {noun} | :: advertising, publicity |
реклама {noun} | :: advertisement, ad, commercial (advertisement in a common media format) |
рекламировать {v both} | :: to advertise, to publicize |
рекламировать {v both} | :: to boost, to push, to play up |
рекламист {noun} | :: advertiser |
рекламист {noun} [dated, pejorative] | :: self-advertiser, publicity seeker |
рекламный {adj} [relational] | :: advertising, publicity; promotional |
рекламодатель {noun} | :: advertiser (one who advertises) |
рекламодательница {noun} | :: female advertiser (one who advertises) |
рекогносцировка {noun} | :: reconnaissance |
рекомбинантный {adj} | :: recombinant |
рекомендация {noun} | :: recommendation, character reference |
рекомендация {noun} | :: advice |
рекомендовать {v both} | :: to recommend, to advise |
рекомендоваться {v both} | :: to introduce oneself |
рекомендоваться {v both} | :: to be advisable/recommended (+ infinitive) |
реконструировать {v both} | :: to reconstruct |
реконструкция {noun} | :: reconstruction (act of restoring) |
рекорд {noun} | :: record (most extreme known value of some achievement) |
рекордер {noun} | :: recorder (judge) |
рекордный {adj} [relational] | :: record, record-breaking |
рекордсмен {noun} | :: record holder, record breaker |
ректор {noun} | :: chancellor, president, rector (of a university) |
ректор {noun} [church] | :: rector |
рекурсия {noun} [mathematics] | :: recursion |
релаксация {noun} | :: relaxation |
релаксация {noun} | :: the process of establishing equilibrium in a physical system |
реле {n inan} | :: relay, switch |
релевантность {noun} | :: relevance (property or state of being relevant, pertinency) |
релевантный {adj} [linguistics] | :: relevant (serving to distinguish linguistic units) |
религиозность {noun} | :: religiousness, religiosity; piety, piousness |
религиозный {adj} | :: religious |
религия {noun} | :: religion |
релиз {noun} | :: release (distribution of a new product, software, movie, etc.) |
реликвия {noun} | :: relic, cherished object, treasure |
реликт {noun} [literary] | :: relict |
реликтовый {adj} [literary] | :: relict |
рельеф {noun} | :: relief (difference of elevations on a surface) |
рельеф {noun} [sculpture] | :: relief |
рельефный {adj} | :: convex, protruding |
рельефный {adj} | :: embossed, relief |
рельефный {adj} | :: expressive, clear |
рельс {noun} [railroad] | :: rail (the metal bar that makes the track for a railroad) |
реляция {noun} [dated] | :: war report (report on a wartime incident, especially concerning one's own troops) |
ремарка {noun} | :: remark, note |
ремарка {noun} [theater] | :: stage direction |
ремень {noun} | :: strap, thong, sling |
ремень {noun} | :: belt, waist-belt |
ремень безопасности {noun} | :: seat belt, safety belt |
ремесленник {noun} | :: artisan, craftsman |
ремесленный {adj} [relational] | :: craft, trade |
ремесленный {adj} [relational, colloquial] | :: profession, occupation; occupational |
ремесленный {adj} | :: artisanal |
ремесленный {adj} [pejorative] | :: uncreative, stereotyped, according to a template |
ремесло {noun} | :: trade, craft (skilled practice) |
ремесло {noun} | :: handicraft |
ремесло {noun} [colloquial] | :: profession, occupation |
ремесло {noun} [pejorative] | :: uncreative work, unimaginative work, work according to a template |
ремешок {noun} | :: diminutive of ремень |
ремешок {noun} | :: small strap, thong, wristlet [of a watch] |
ремённый {adj} [relational] | :: belt |
ремикс {noun} [music] | :: remix |
ремонт {noun} | :: repair, overhaul |
ремонт {noun} | :: maintenance |
ремонт {noun} | :: mending, renovation, refurbishment |
ремонт {noun} | :: refit |
ремонт {noun} | :: remount service |
ремонтировать {v impf} | :: to repair, to refit, to recondition, to overhaul, to renovate, to refurbish |
ремонтировать {v both} [historical, military] | :: to resupply (the cavalry) with horses |
ремонтироваться {v both} [figurative, humorous] | :: to recuperate |
ремонтник {noun} | :: repairer, repairman |
ремонтный {adj} [relational] | :: repair |
ренегат {noun} | :: renegade, turncoat |
ренессанс {noun} | :: Renaissance |
рений {noun} | :: rhenium |
реноме {n inan} | :: reputation, fame |
рента {noun} | :: rent, rente |
рентабельность {noun} | :: profitability, profitableness |
рентабельный {adj} | :: profitable, paying |
рентген {noun} [medicine] | :: X-ray (short wavelength electromagnetic radiation or photograph made with X-rays) |
рентген {noun} [physics] | :: röntgen (roentgen) (a unit of exposure to ionizing radiation) |
рентгениздат {noun} | :: Flexi disc |
рентгений {noun} | :: roentgenium |
рентгеновский {adj} [relational] | :: X-ray; radiographic |
рентгеновский {adj} [relational] | :: roentgen (a unit of exposure to ionizing radiation) |
рентгеновский луч {noun} | :: X-ray |
рентгеновское излучение {noun} | :: X-ray radiation, X-radiation, X-rays |
рентгенограмма {noun} | :: X-ray (photograph made with X-rays) |
рентгенодиагностика {noun} [medicine] | :: radiodiagnosis |
рентгеноэлектрокардиографический {adj} | :: X-ray electrocardiographic |
рентный {adj} [relational] | :: rent, annuity; rental |
реорганизация {noun} | :: reorganization |
реорганизовать {v both} | :: to reorganize |
репа {noun} | :: turnip |
репа {noun} [colloquial] | :: head |
репей {noun} | :: bur |
репейник {noun} | :: burdock |
репертуар {noun} | :: repertoire, repertory |
репертуарный {adj} [relational] | :: repertoire, repertory; repertorial |
репетировать {v impf} | :: to rehearse |
репетировать {v impf} | :: to coach |
репетитор {noun} | :: (private) tutor, coach |
репетиционный {adj} [relational] | :: rehearsal |
репетиция {noun} | :: rehearsal (practicing of performance to test or improve it) |
репица {noun} | :: tailhead, dock (sacrum and coccyx, the last part of the spine before the tail in animals such as horses, lambs, dogs, and cats) |
репка {noun} [colloquial] | :: endearing diminutive of репа: (small) turnip |
репка {noun} [nautical] | :: knot or sealing at the end of a rope cable to prevent it from unraveling |
репка {noun} [colloquial, jocular] | :: female tutor |
реплика {noun} | :: remark |
реплика {noun} | :: retort, rejoinder |
реплика {noun} | :: theatral cue |
репликация {noun} [biology, genetics] | :: replication |
репозиторий {noun} [computing] | :: repository |
репортаж {noun} [media] | :: report |
репортёр {noun} | :: news reporter |
репрессивный {adj} | :: repressive |
репрессировать {v both} | :: to subject to repression |
репрессия {noun} | :: repression, reprisal |
реприза {noun} [circus] | :: gag |
реприза {noun} [music] | :: reprise |
репродуктивный {adj} | :: reproductive |
репродуктор {noun} | :: loudspeaker |
репродукция {noun} [art] | :: (photographic) reproduction |
репродукция {noun} [physiology, agriculture] | :: reproduction |
рептилия {noun} | :: reptile |
репутация {noun} | :: reputation, image, fame (what somebody is known for) |
репчатый {adj} | :: bulbous, turnip-shaped [usually of onions] |
ресепшен {m inan} [colloquial] | :: reception, front desk |
ресепшн {m inan} | :: alternative form of ресепшен |
рескрипт {noun} | :: rescript |
ресница {noun} | :: eyelash |
респектабельный {adj} | :: respectable |
респектабельный {adj} | :: dignified, well-bred, polished |
респектабельный {adj} | :: reputable |
респиратор {noun} | :: respirator |
респираторный {adj} [relational] | :: respirator, gas mask, breather |
респираторный {adj} [medicine] | :: respiratory |
респондент {noun} [sociology] | :: respondent |
республика {noun} | :: republic |
Республика Алтай {prop} | :: Республика Алтай (republic) |
Республика Болгария {prop} | :: Республика Болгария (country) |
Республика Конго {prop} | :: Республика Конго (country) |
Республика Корея {prop} | :: Республика Корея (country) |
республиканец {noun} | :: republican |
республиканец {noun} | :: Republican (member of the Republican Party in the United States) |
республиканский {adj} | :: republican |
рессора {noun} | :: leaf spring, spring (device made of flexible material) |
реставратор {noun} | :: restorer |
реставрация {noun} | :: restoration (the process of bringing an object back to its original state) |
реставрировать {v both} | :: to restore, to refurbish [e.g. a building] |
реставрировать {v both} [literary] | :: to restore, to bring back [e.g. an institution, custom, etc.] |
реституция {noun} | :: restitution (act of making good or compensating for loss or injury) |
ресторан {noun} | :: restaurant |
ресторанный {adj} [relational] | :: restaurant |
ресторанчик {noun} | :: diminutive of ресторан: (small) restaurant |
реструктуризация {noun} | :: restructuring, restructure |
ресурс {noun} | :: resource (something that one uses to achieve an objective) |
ресурсный {adj} [relational] | :: resource |
ретвитнуть {v pf} [Internet] | :: to retweet |
ретивый {adj} [dated] | :: zealous, diligent |
ретивый {adj} | :: lively, frisky, high-spirited |
ретивый {adj} [dated or folk poetic] | :: ardent, passionate |
ретина {noun} | :: retina (thin layer of cells at the back of the eyeball) |
ретироваться {v both} [dated or colloquial, jocular] | :: to retreat, to retire, to withdraw, to go away |
ретро {n inan} [art, fashion, style] | :: retro |
ретро {adj} [art, fashion, style] | :: retro |
ретроград {noun} | :: retrograde |
ретроспектива {noun} [literary] | :: retrospective review |
ретроспектива {noun} [art] | :: retrospective |
ретуширование {noun} | :: retouch |
ретушь {noun} | :: retouch, retouching |
реферат {noun} | :: abstract, synopsis, summary (an abrigement or summary) |
реферат {noun} | :: report, paper, essay |
референдум {noun} | :: referendum |
референт {noun} | :: reader, reviewer |
референт {noun} [linguistics] | :: referent |
рефери {m anim} [sport] | :: referee (umpire, judge, the supervisor of a game) |
рефинансирование {noun} | :: refinancing |
рефинансировать {v both} | :: to refinance |
рефлекс {noun} | :: reflex |
рефлексия {noun} [bookish] | :: reflection, consideration, meditation |
рефлектор {noun} | :: reflector |
реформа {noun} | :: reform |
реформатор {noun} | :: reformer (someone who reforms) |
реформатор {noun} [historical] | :: reformer (someone involved in the Reformation) |
реформаторский {adj} [relational] | :: reform |
реформаторский {adj} [relational] | :: reformer; reformer's |
реформаторский {adj} | :: reformatory |
реформирование {noun} | :: reforming |
реформировать {v both} | :: to reform |
рефрактор {noun} | :: refractor |
рефрен {noun} [music, poetry] | :: refrain, burden |
рефрижератор {noun} | :: refrigerator (appliance that refrigerates food) |
рехнуться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to go crazy |
рецензент {noun} | :: reviewer, referee (an expert reviewing the work prior to publishing), reader |
рецензирование {noun} | :: reviewing |
рецензировать {v impf} | :: to review, to give feedback on |
рецензия {noun} | :: review, critique, notice |
рецепт {noun} | :: recipe |
рецепт {noun} [medicine] | :: prescription |
рецептор {noun} [biology] | :: receptor |
рецептура {noun} | :: recipe |
рецепция {noun} | :: perception [detection by the senses] |
рецепция {noun} [literary, law] | :: reception [of a foreign doctrine, cultural phenomenon, etc.] |
рецепция {noun} [colloquial] | :: reception, front desk [in a hotel or other establishment] |
рецессия {noun} | :: recession (a period of reduced economic activity) |
рецидив {noun} [medocine] | :: relapse |
рецидив {noun} [law] | :: repeated commission (of an offence) |
рецидив {noun} | :: recurrence |
рецидивист {noun} | :: repeat offender, reoffender, recidivist |
рецидивист {noun} | :: (habitual) jailbird, gaol-bird |
речевой {adj} [relational, linguistics] | :: speech; vocal |
речевой {adj} [relational, computing] | :: voice |
речёвка {noun} | :: (spoken) motto, slogan |
речистый {adj} | :: eloquent, glib, voluble, loquacious |
речитатив {noun} [music] | :: recitative |
речка {noun} | :: small river |
речник {noun} | :: river-transport worker |
речной {adj} [relational] | :: river; fluvial, riverine |
речной вокзал {noun} | :: river terminal |
речушка {noun} | :: diminutive of река: small river, rivulet |
-речь {affix} | :: Combining form used to form prefixed perfective verbs, with the approximate meaning "to say" |
речь {noun} | :: speech, language (spoken) |
речь {noun} | :: discourse, talk, conversation |
речь {noun} | :: word |
Речь Посполитая {prop} [historical] | :: Rzeczpospolita, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth |
решала {m anim} [slang] | :: solver (of problems) |
решать {v impf} | :: to solve, to settle |
решать {v impf} | :: to decide, to resolve, to make up one's mind, to determine |
решать проблемы по мере поступления {proverb} | :: cross that bridge when one comes to it |
решаться {v impf} | :: to make up one's mind (to), to decide (to, on), to determine (to), to resolve (to) |
решаться {v impf} | :: to bring oneself (to); to dare, to risk; to venture |
решающий {adj} | :: decisive, deciding, critical, crucial, vital, climacteric |
решение {noun} | :: decision, solution, answer |
решение {noun} | :: solving, deciding, determining |
решение {noun} [legal] | :: resolution, judgment, decree, verdict |
решетина {noun} | :: lath (thin, narrow strip of wood for sheathing a roof]) |
решетина {noun} | :: slat or bar in a grill, grate, lattice, etc |
решетить {v pf} | :: to cover completely in holes, to pierce in many places, to riddle |
решетить {v pf} [technical] | :: to strengthen by nailing laths to |
решетник {noun} [technical, collective] | :: material for sheathing roofs; laths |
решетник {noun} | :: master sieve maker |
решето {noun} | :: sieve |
решетчатый {adj} | :: alternative form of решётчатый |
решённый {adj} | :: decided, fixed, not subject to change |
решётка {noun} | :: lattice |
решётка {noun} | :: grid |
решётка {noun} | :: bars, grating (of cage, prison etc.) |
решётка {noun} | :: hash sign |
решётчатый {adj} [relational] | :: lattice |
решётчатый {adj} | :: latticed, slatted |
решимость {noun} | :: resolution, resoluteness, determination |
решительно {adv} | :: resolutely, firmly |
решительно {adv} | :: decisively |
решительно {adv} | :: definitely |
решительно {adv} | :: absolutely |
решительность {noun} | :: resolution, resoluteness, decision |
решительный {adj} | :: decisive |
решительный {adj} | :: critical |
решительный {adj} | :: firm, absolute, resolute |
решительный {adj} | :: definite, determined |
решить {v pf} | :: to solve, to settle |
решить {v pf} | :: to decide, to resolve, to make up one's mind, to determine |
решиться {v pf} | :: to make up one's mind (to), to decide (to, on), to determine (to), to resolve (to) |
решиться {v pf} | :: to bring oneself (to); to dare, to risk; to venture |
решка {noun} [colloquial] | :: tails (the side of a coin not bearing a coat of arms) |
рея {noun} | :: alternative form of рей |
реять {v impf} | :: to soar, to fly, to hover |
реять {v impf} | :: to flutter, to fly (of a flag) |
рёберный {adj} | :: costal |
рёв {noun} | :: roar, bellow (long, loud, deep shout) |
рёв {noun} | :: howl (loud cry) |
рёва {noun} [colloquial] | :: crybaby |
рёдрый {adj} [dialectal] | :: red, reddish-yellow (of cattle hair color) |
Рёцу {prop} {m inan} | :: Рёцу (city) |
рёшти {n inan} | :: rösti (a kind of potato pancake in Switzerland) |
ржа {noun} [archaic, colloquial] | :: rust |
ржаветь {v impf} | :: to rust |
ржавчина {noun} | :: rust |
ржавчина {noun} | :: smut (fungal disease of plants) |
ржавый {adj} | :: rusty (affected by rust) |
ржание {noun} | :: neighing |
ржание {noun} [figurative, colloquial, pejorative] | :: guffawing |
ржаной {adj} [relational] | :: rye |
ржать {v impf} | :: to neigh |
ржать {v impf} [figuratively, low colloquial] | :: to laugh |
РЖД {f inanp} | :: Russian Railways or Rossiyskie Zheleznye Dorogi (RZhD) [state-owned railway company in Russia] |
ржевитянин {noun} | :: citizen of Rzhev |
РИА {n inan} | :: acronym of Российское информационное агентство: Russian Information Agency |
риал {noun} [numismatics] | :: rial (currency of Iran, Oman, Yemen, and Saudi Arabia) |
рибонуклеиновая кислота {noun} [biochemistry] | :: ribonucleic acid, RNA |
рибонуклеиновый {adj} | :: ribonucleic |
рибофлавин {noun} | :: riboflavin |
рига {noun} | :: threshing barn, rickyard |
Рига {prop} | :: Рига (capital city) |
ригель {noun} [engineering] | :: longitudinal girder/beam, crossbar |
ригель {noun} [engineering] | :: latch |
риелтер {noun} | :: alternative form of риэлтор |
риелтор {noun} | :: alternative form of риэлтор |
рижанин {noun} | :: Rigan |
рижский {adj} | :: Rigan (related to Riga, capital of Latvia) |
риза {noun} | :: chasuble |
риза {noun} [on the icons] | :: riza, ornament |
риза {noun} [obsolete, poetic] | :: robe, raiment, garments |
ризница {noun} | :: church sacristy, vestry |
ризотто {n inan} | :: risotto (dish) |
РИК {m inan} | :: RIC (Russia, India, China) |
рикошет {noun} | :: ricochet, rebound |
рикша {noun} [animate] | :: person pulling a rickshaw |
рикша {noun} [inanimate] | :: rickshaw |
Рим {prop} | :: Рим (caplc) |
римлянин {noun} | :: Roman |
Римма {prop} | :: given name |
римминг {noun} | :: anilingus (form of oral sex) |
римская цифра {noun} | :: Roman numeral (a numeral represented by letters) |
римский {adj} | :: Roman |
ринг {noun} [sports] | :: ring (place where some sports take place) |
ринггит {noun} [numismatics] | :: ringgit (currency of Malaysia) |
ринуть {v pf} | :: to rush, to dash |
ринуться {v pf} | :: to rush, to dash, to dart |
ринуться {v pf} [figuratively] | :: to plunge (into) |
Рио-де-Жанейро {prop} {m inan} | :: Рио-де-Жанейро (municipality/state capital) |
рис {noun} [plant] | :: rice, paddy (plants) |
рис {noun} | :: rice (food) |
рисайклинг {noun} | :: recycling (the practice of sorting and collecting waste materials for new use) |
рисинка {noun} | :: a grain of rice |
риск {noun} | :: risk (possible, usually negative, outcome) |
рискнуть {v pf} | :: to risk, to venture, to adventure (to run the risk of) |
рискованный {adj} | :: risky, dodgy |
рискованный {adj} | :: risque |
рисковать {v impf} | :: to risk, to venture, to adventure (to run the risk of) |
рисование {noun} | :: drawing (act of producing a picture) |
рисоварка {noun} | :: rice cooker (kitchen appliance) |
рисовать {v impf} | :: to draw, to design |
рисовать {v impf} | :: to paint |
рисоваться {v impf} | :: to be silhouetted |
рисоваться {v impf} | :: to present itself (to) |
рисоваться {v impf} | :: to pose, to show off |
рисовка {noun} [colloquial] | :: posing, showing off, pretentiousness, acting |
рисовка {noun} [dated] | :: drawing; plotting |
рисовый {adj} [relational] | :: rice |
рисунок {noun} | :: drawing |
рисунок {noun} | :: pattern |
Рита {prop} | :: given name |
ритм {noun} | :: rhythm (various senses) |
ритм {noun} [physiology] | :: heartbeat |
ритмический {adj} | :: rhythmic |
ритмичный {adj} | :: rhythmic (with a rhythm, e.g. music) |
ритмичный {adj} | :: rhythmic (having a sense of rhythm, e.g. an actor) |
ритмичный {adj} | :: measured (systematic, without long breaks, e.g. work) |
риторика {noun} | :: rhetoric |
риторический {adj} | :: rhetorical |
ритуал {noun} | :: ritual |
ритуальный {adj} | :: ritual, ritualistic |
риф {noun} | :: reef |
рифма {noun} | :: rhyme (sameness of sound of part of some words) |
Ричард {prop} | :: given name |
Ричмонд {noun} | :: Ричмонд (capital city) |
Ричмонд {noun} | :: Ричмонд (several <<cities>>, <<towns>>, <<unincorporated communities>> and <<census-designated places>> in the <<c/United States>>, <<c/Canada>>, the <<c/United Kingdom>> and other English-speaking countries) |
риэлтер {noun} | :: alternative form of риэлтор |
риэлтор {noun} | :: realtor (dealer in real estate) |
РКК {m inan} | :: Workers’ and Peasants’ Inspectorate |
РКК {f inan} | :: RCC, Radio Communications Company |
РКК {m inan} | :: Rocket and Space Complex |
РКК {f inan} | :: Raketno-kosmičeskaja korporacija (Rocket and Space Corporation) |
РКК {m inan} | :: RRC, Russian Red Cross |
РККА {prop} | :: Red Army (USSR); abbreviation of Рабоче-крестьянская Красная армия |
РНК {f inan} | :: RNA |
РНР {n inan} | :: work permit |
роба {noun} | :: overalls |
Роберт {prop} | :: given name |
робеть {v impf} | :: to be timid or shy |
робеть {v impf} | :: to funk, to quail |
Робин {prop} {m anim} | :: given name |
Робин {prop} {f anim} | :: given name |
робиния {noun} | :: Robinia, false acacia, black locust |
робить {v impf} [obsolete] | :: to do |
робить {v impf} [regional or low colloquial, rare] | :: to work |
робкий {adj} | :: shy, timid, bashful (lacking in courage or confidence) |
робко {adv} | :: shyly (in a shy manner) |
робость {noun} | :: shyness, timidity |
робот {noun} | :: robot (mechanical or virtual, artificial agent) |
робот {noun} [computing] | :: bot |
ров {noun} | :: ditch, moat, trench, fosse (defensive ditch) |
ровесник {noun} | :: contemporary, age-mate (one who is the same age as another) |
ровесница {noun} | :: female contemporary, age-mate (one who is the same age as another) |
ровнёхонько {adv} [colloquial] | :: absolutely, right at, sharp, precisely, on the dot |
ровно {adv} | :: smoothly |
ровно {adv} | :: evenly, regularly, uniformly |
ровно {adv} | :: sharp, exactly, precisely |
ровно {conj} [vernacular] | :: as if, as though, like (expresses an uncertain assumption) |
ровно {particle} [colloquial] | :: absolutely, at all, completely, quite |
ровный {adj} | :: even, level, flat, smooth |
ровный {adj} | :: straight |
ровный {adj} | :: equal, balanced |
ровный как скатерть {adj} [simile] | :: very flat and smooth (literally, "flat as a tablecloth") |
ровня {noun} | :: match, equal, peer, compeer (attribute equaling or exceeding) |
ровня {noun} | :: coordinate |
ровнять {v impf} | :: to level, to even |
рог {noun} | :: horn |
рог {noun} | :: antler |
рог {noun} | :: bugle |
рогалик {noun} | :: bagel, croissant, kifli (a small semi-circular bread roll) |
рогалик {noun} [slang] | :: roguelike |
рогатка {noun} | :: forked/Y-shaped stick |
рогатка {noun} [inanimate] | :: catapult, slingshot |
рогатка {noun} | :: obstacle, hurdle |
рогатка {noun} [animate] | :: fourhorn sculpin |
рогатый {adj} | :: horned |
рогатый {adj} [colloquial] | :: cuckolded |
рогатый {noun} [euphemistic] | :: devil |
рогач {noun} | :: stag, hart |
рогач {noun} | :: stag beetle |
рог изобилия {noun} | :: cornucopia, horn of plenty |
роговой {adj} [relational] | :: horn (substance or instrument) |
роговой {adj} | :: horny (made of horn) |
рогожа {noun} | :: matting, burlap (coarse fabric) |
рогоз {noun} [botany] | :: bulrush, cattail (any of several wetland herbs, Typha) |
рогоносец {noun} | :: cuckold (man married to an unfaithful wife) |
род {noun} | :: generation, birth, origin, stock, family, race |
род {noun} [taxonomy] | :: genus |
род {noun} | :: sort, kind, genre, style, branch |
род {noun} [grammar] | :: gender, class |
Род-Айленд {prop} | :: Род-Айленд (state) |
роддом {noun} | :: maternity home, maternity hospital |
родий {noun} | :: rhodium |
родильный {adj} | :: puerperal |
родимое пятно {noun} | :: birthmark, mole (dark spot on the skin) |
родимый {adj} | :: darling, dear |
родина {noun} | :: homeland, motherland, native land |
Родиния {prop} | :: Родиния (hypothetical <<ancient supercontinent>> of the Mesoproterozoic era, which gave way to Pannotia) |
родинка {noun} [anatomy] | :: birthmark, mole, melanism, nevus (naevus) (dark spot on the skin) |
Родион {prop} | :: given name |
родитель {noun} | :: father, parent |
родительница {noun} | :: female parent (person from whom one is descended) |
родительный {adj} [grammar] | :: genitive (relating to the case of possession) |
родительный падеж {noun} | :: genitive case |
родительский {adj} [relational] | :: parent; parental |
родить {v both} | :: to give birth |
родить {v both} | :: to give rise to |
родить {v both} | :: to bear, to yield [of land] |
родиться {v pf} | :: to be born |
родиться {v pf} | :: to arise, to come into being |
родиться {v impf} | :: to sprout, to grow, to germinate, to yield at harvest |
родич {noun} | :: relation, relative, kindred, kinsfolk, kin |
родник {noun} | :: spring (water source) |
родник {noun} | :: source, origin |
роднить {v impf} | :: to make related |
роднить {v impf} | :: to bring closer together |
роднить {v impf} [imperfective only] | :: to be in common (between), to create an affinity (between) |
родничок {noun} | :: diminutive of родник: spring (water source) |
родничок {noun} [anatomy] | :: fontanelle |
родной {adj} | :: native (characteristic of or existing by virtue of geographic origin) |
родной {adj} | :: dear |
родной язык {noun} | :: mother tongue, native language |
родные {noun} | :: relatives, kinsfolk, kin, the loved ones |
родня {noun} | :: relative(s), relation(s), folk, kin, kinfolk |
родовитый {adj} | :: wellborn, highborn |
родовой {adj} | :: ancestral, patrimonial |
родовой {adj} | :: tribal |
родовой {adj} | :: generic |
родовой {adj} [relational] | :: gender |
родовой {adj} [relational] | :: childbirth, birth |
родовспоможение {noun} | :: midwifery, obstetrics |
родовспоможение {noun} | :: organization that deals with the care of women during pregnancy, childbirth, and the recuperative period following delivery |
рододендрон {noun} | :: rhododendron (flowering shrub in the genus Rhododendron) |
родом {adv} | :: by birth, by origin |
родоначальник {noun} | :: patriarch |
родоначальник {noun} | :: apical ancestor (common ancestor) |
родоначальник {noun} | :: stirps, stirpes |
родословие {noun} | :: genealogy |
родословие {noun} | :: pedigree, lineage |
родословная {noun} | :: genealogy, pedigree |
родословный {adj} [relational] | :: genealogy |
родственник {noun} | :: relative, relation, kinsman (someone in the same family; someone connected by blood, marriage, or adoption) |
родственница {noun} | :: relative, relation, kinswoman (member of one's family) |
родственность {noun} | :: relation, affinity (family relationship through marriage of a relative) |
родственность {noun} | :: likeness, connection, tie |
родственность {noun} | :: closeness; familiarity, intimacy |
родственный {adj} | :: related |
родственный {adj} | :: kindred |
родственный {adj} | :: akin, cognate, kin, consanguineous (of the same kin; related by blood) |
родственный {adj} | :: consanguine |
родственный {adj} | :: sister |
родственный {adj} | :: allied |
родственный {adj} | :: relational |
родственный {adj} | :: congenerous |
родственный {adj} | :: agnate |
родственный {adj} | :: parental |
родство {noun} | :: relationship, kinship, affinity (family relationship through marriage of a relative) |
родство {noun} | :: kin |
родство {noun} | :: consanguinity, cognation |
родство {noun} | :: connection, connexion |
родство {noun} | :: alliance |
родство {noun} | :: blood |
родство {noun} | :: propinquity |
родство {noun} | :: cousinage |
роды {noun} | :: delivery, childbirth |
роение {noun} | :: (of bees) swarming |
рожа {noun} | :: [colloquial, pejorative] face, mug, ugly mug, puss |
рожа {noun} | :: erysipelas |
рожать {v impf} | :: to give birth, to bear |
рождаемость {noun} | :: birthrate |
рождать {v impf} | :: to give birth |
рождать {v impf} | :: to give rise to |
рождать {v impf} | :: [of land] to bear, to yield |
рождаться {v impf} | :: to be born (to come into existence through birth) |
рождение {noun} | :: birth |
рожденье {noun} | :: alternative form of рождение |
рождественский {adj} [relational] | :: Christmas |
рождество {noun} [dated] | :: birth; nativity |
рождество {noun} | :: alternative case form of Рождество |
Рождество {noun} | :: Christmas (lit., the Birth) |
Рождество Христово {prop} | :: Christmas (lit., the Birth of Christ) |
роженица {noun} | :: woman in childbirth |
роженица {noun} | :: woman recently confined (gave birth) |
рожество {noun} [dialectal] | :: Christmas |
рожество {noun} [dialectal] | :: human face |
рожество {noun} [dialectal] | :: a kind of plant |
рожица {noun} [colloquial] | :: endearing form of рожа |
рожок {noun} [zoology] | :: little horn, prong |
рожок {noun} [zoology] | :: antenna, feeler, horn |
рожок {noun} | :: ear trumpet |
рожок {noun} [music] | :: horn (any of several musical wind instruments), clarion, siren; bugle |
рожок {noun} [military] | :: rifle magazine |
рожок {noun} | :: cone (of ice-cream) |
рожок {noun} | :: gas burner |
рожок {noun} | :: feeding bottle |
рожок {noun} | :: shoehorn |
рожок {noun} | :: lamp socket |
рожок {noun} [botany] | :: St. John's bread, carob bean |
рожон {noun} [dated] | :: pointed stake (placed at an angle in a defensive fortification) |
рожон {noun} [colloquial] | :: trouble |
рожство {noun} [dialectal] | :: Christmas |
рожь {noun} [singular] | :: rye (grass; grain) |
рожь {noun} [usually, in the plural] | :: stand or field of rye |
роз- {prefix} | :: Stressed equivalent of раз-. Found primarily in deverbal nouns and past passive participles |
роза {noun} | :: rose (shrub, flower) |
роза {noun} [dated] | :: rose-coloured complexion on the skin |
Роза {prop} | :: given name |
розарий {noun} | :: rosarium, rose garden |
розга {noun} | :: birch rod, cane (for whipping) |
роздых {noun} [colloquial] | :: brief rest, breather, respite |
розетка {noun} | :: socket, outlet (opening for a plug) |
розетка {noun} | :: female jack or socket for headphones |
розетка {noun} [architecture, arts] | :: rosette |
розетка {noun} [botany] | :: rosette |
розетка {noun} | :: jam dish |
розетта {noun} | :: rosette (ornamental imitation of a rose) |
розетта {noun} | :: rosette (thin, cookie-like, deep-fried Scandinavian pastry, made using an iron, which resembles a rose blossom) |
розеттский камень {noun} | :: Rosetta Stone |
розлив {noun} | :: bottling |
розмарин {noun} | :: rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) |
розница {noun} | :: retail (sale of goods directly to the consumer) |
розничный {adj} | :: retail |
розный {adj} [dialectal] | :: separate, different |
рознь {noun} | :: discord, disagreement |
рознь {pred} | :: there is a difference (between) |
Розо {prop} {m inan} | :: Розо (capital city) |
розоватый {adj} | :: pinkish, light pink |
розоветь {v impf} | :: to turn pink |
розоветь {v impf} | :: to show pink (imperfective only) |
розовый {adj} | :: pink |
розовый {adj} | :: rosy |
розовый {adj} [relational] | :: rose; rosaceous |
розочка {noun} | :: diminutive of роза: (small) rose; a symbol or a decoration in the shape of a rose |
розыгрыш {noun} | :: draw (procedure by which the result of a lottery is determined) |
розыгрыш {noun} | :: hoax, practical joke |
розыск {noun} | :: search, investigation |
розыскной {adj} [dated] | :: alternative form of разыскной |
роить {v impf} [beekeeping] | :: to collect (bees) into a swarm |
роиться {v impf} | :: (bees etc.) to swarm |
роиться {v impf} | :: (thoughts) to crowd |
рой {noun} | :: swarm |
рок {noun} | :: fate, doom |
рок {noun} | :: rock music |
рок-группа {noun} [music] | :: rock group (musical group specializing in rock music) |
рокер {noun} [colloquial] | :: rocker (rock music performer or fan) |
рокер {noun} [colloquial] | :: biker (person whose life centers on motorcycles) |
рокировка {noun} [chess] | :: castling; a move where the castle (rook) and king swap places |
рокировка {noun} [business, government, organizations] | :: reshuffle, swap of roles or positions |
рок-н-ролл {noun} [usually, uncountable] | :: rock-’n’-roll (genre of Russian dancing that emulates the energetic American rock-’n’-roll dance-style of the 1950s) |
роковой {adj} | :: fatal, deadly, ruinous |
роковой {adj} | :: fateful |
рококо {adj} [architecture, arts] | :: rococo (style of baroque architecture) |
рококо {n inan} [architecture, arts] | :: rococo (style of baroque architecture) |
рокот {noun} | :: roar, low rumble, murmur |
рокотать {v impf} | :: to roar, to roll, to murmur |
Роксана {prop} | :: given name |
рол {noun} | :: rotating cylinder, shaft, roller |
рол {noun} | :: roll [of paper] |
ролевой {adj} [relational] | :: role |
ролевой {adj} | :: role-playing |
ролевой {adj} [relational] | :: roll [of paper] |
ролевой {adj} [relational] | :: cylindrical shaft, roller |
ролик {noun} | :: roller, roll (that which rolls) |
ролик {noun} | :: bowl |
ролик {noun} | :: pulley, block |
ролик {noun} | :: sheave |
ролик {noun} | :: trundle |
ролик {noun} | :: caster |
ролик {noun} [pluralonly] | :: [colloquial] in-line skates |
ролик {noun} | :: video clip |
роликовый {adj} [relational] | :: roller |
роликовый конёк {noun} | :: roller skate |
ролл {noun} | :: roll (makizushi) |
роль {noun} | :: role, part |
роль {noun} | :: roll [of paper] |
ром {noun} | :: rum |
ромадзи {f inan} | :: romaji |
роман {noun} | :: novel |
роман {noun} | :: affair, love affair, romance |
Роман {prop} | :: given name |
романизация {noun} | :: romanization (putting text into the Latin (Roman) alphabet) |
романист {noun} | :: novelist |
романист {noun} | :: specialist in the Romance languages |
романист {noun} | :: specialist in Roman law |
романистика {noun} | :: Romance studies |
Романов {adj} | :: Roman's |
романс {noun} | :: love song (of a sentimental nature) |
романский {adj} | :: Romanesque |
романский {adj} | :: Roman |
романский {adj} | :: romance |
романский {adj} | :: Latin (of descendants from ancient Romans) |
романский {adj} | :: Romanic |
романтизм {noun} | :: romanticism |
романтик {noun} | :: romantic |
романтик {noun} [literature] | :: romanticist |
романтик {noun} [slang] | :: romantic meeting |
романтика {noun} | :: romance, romantic appeal, romanticism |
романтический {adj} | :: romantic |
романтичный {adj} | :: romantic |
ромашка {noun} | :: camomile |
ромашка {noun} | :: oxeye daisy |
ромашка {noun} | :: mayweed |
ромашковый {adj} | :: camomile, chamomile |
ромб {noun} [geometry] | :: rhombus, diamond |
ромб {noun} [military] | :: diamond formation |
ромбик {noun} | :: diminutive of ромб: small rhombus |
ромбоикосододекаэдр {noun} | :: rhombicosidodecahedron |
Ромео {prop} {m anim} [literature] | :: Romeo |
ромовый {adj} [relational] | :: rum |
ронин {noun} | :: ronin (masterless samurai) |
-ронить {affix} | :: Combining form used to form prefixed perfective verbs with the approximate meaning "to drop" |
роно {m inan} {n inan} | :: alternative spelling of РОНО |
Роно {m inan} {n inan} | :: alternative spelling of РОНО |
РОНО {m inan} {n inan} | :: district department of people's education |
ронять {v impf} | :: to drop (something), usually unintentionally |
ропот {noun} | :: murmur, grumble, growl |
роптать {v impf} | :: to murmur, to grumble |
рос- {prefix} | :: Stressed equivalent of рас-. Found primarily in deverbal nouns |
рос- {prefix} | :: Russian (used in the names of companies or organizations) |
роса {noun} | :: dew |
росинка {noun} | :: diminutive of роса: a singe drop of dew |
Роскомнадзор {noun} | :: Roskomnadzor: The Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media: a Russian federal executive body responsible for censorship in media and telecommunications |
роскошный {adj} | :: luxurious |
роскошный {adj} | :: magnificent |
роскошь {noun} | :: luxury |
рослый {adj} | :: tall (of a person) |
росомаха {noun} | :: wolverine |
роспись {noun} | :: paintings; mural |
роспись {noun} [colloquial] | :: signature (=подпись) |
роспуск {noun} | :: dissolution, dissolving |
роспуск {noun} [politics] | :: dissolution, dismissal |
роспуск {noun} | :: type of long trailer (vehicle) for transporting logs, I-beams, etc |
роспуск {noun} [historical] | :: similar type of sled carriage for transporting logs |
роспуск {noun} [papermaking] | :: pulp slurry |
Российская империя {prop} [historical] | :: Российская империя (former empire) |
Российская Советская Федеративная Социалистическая Республика {prop} | :: Российская Советская Федеративная Социалистическая Республика (former republic) |
Российская СФСР {prop} | :: Российская СФСР (former republic) |
Российская Федерация {prop} | :: Российская Федерация (a co-official name of Russia, a <<country>> in <<r/Eastern Europe>> and <<cont/Asia>>) |
Российская Федерация {prop} [historical, colloquial] | :: Российская Федерация (alternative name of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, a <<former republic>> of the <<c/Soviet Union>>) |
российский {adj} | :: Russian (concerning the country, nationality) |
российско-американский {adj} | :: Russian-American |
Россия {prop} | :: Россия (country) |
россиянин {noun} | :: Russian national, resident of Russia (any ethnicity) |
россиянка {noun} | :: a female Russian national, a female resident of Russia (any ethnicity) |
росстань {noun} [regional] | :: crossroads |
росстань {noun} [poetic] | :: dilemma |
россыпь {noun} [mining] | :: placer, placer/alluvial deposit |
россыпь {noun} [colloquial] | :: scattering |
россыпь {noun} | :: bulk |
рост {noun} | :: growth (in a living organism) |
рост {noun} | :: growth, increase, rise (in a quantity, price, etc.) |
рост {noun} | :: height, stature |
Ростислав {prop} | :: given name |
РОСТО {f inan} | :: Russian Defence Sports-Technical Organization |
Ростов {prop} | :: Ростов (city); also called Ростов Великий |
Ростов {prop} | :: Ростов (large city/administrative center); normally called Ростов-на-Дону |
Ростов-на-Дону {prop} | :: Ростов-на-Дону (large city/administrative center) |
ростовой {noun} [relational] | :: growth, increase |
ростовский {adj} [relational] | :: Rostov, Rostov-na-Donu |
ростовчанин {noun} | :: citizen of Rostov or Rostov-on-Don |
ростовщик {noun} | :: usurer, moneylender |
ростовщица {noun} | :: female usurer |
росток {noun} | :: sprout; shoot |
росточек {noun} | :: endearing diminutive of росток |
росточек {noun} | :: endearing diminutive of рост |
росчерк {noun} | :: flourish |
росянка {noun} [plant] | :: sundew |
рот {noun} | :: mouth |
рота {noun} [military] | :: company |
ротация {noun} | :: rotation (a regular variation in a sequence) |
ротация {noun} | :: rotary press |
ротвейлер {noun} | :: Rottweiler (type of dog) |
роти {n inan} | :: roti (a pancake-like Indian pastry, usually stuffed with curry) |
ротик {noun} | :: diminutive of рот |
ротмистр {noun} [military, historical] | :: captain (in the tsarist army) |
ротный {adj} [relational, military] | :: company |
ротный {noun} [military] | :: company commander |
ротовой {adj} [relational] | :: mouth; oral |
ротозей {noun} | :: onlooker, bystander |
ротозей {noun} | :: gawk, gaper, scatterbrain, (a distracted, inattentive, clumsy person) |
ротозейничать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to rubberneck, to gawk, to goggle |
ротор {noun} | :: rotor |
ротор {noun} [mathematics] | :: curl |
роуминг {noun} | :: roaming (using a mobile phone outside of its original registering zone) |
рофлить {v impf} | :: to joke, to jest |
рофлить {v impf} | :: to laugh |
рофлить {v impf} | :: to laugh at (над кем, над чем) |
рофлить {v impf} | :: to laugh because (с кого, с чего) |
рофлить {v impf} | :: to mock, to deride |
рохля {noun} | :: dawdle, dawdler, a sluggish or low-energy person, weakling |
рохля {noun} | :: hand pallet truck, pallet jack, which serves mainly to move cargo on pallets |
роща {noun} | :: grove (a medium-sized collection of trees) |
рощица {noun} | :: diminutive of роща |
рояль {noun} | :: grand piano |
РПЦ {f inan} | :: Russian Orthodox Church |
РСМД {f inan} | :: acronym of Баллистическая ракета средней и меньшей дальности: intermediate-range ballistic missile |
РСФСР {f inan} | :: RSFSR (Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, 1917 to 1991) |
ртутный {adj} [relational] | :: mercury, mercurial, mercuric |
ртуть {noun} | :: mercury (Hg) |
Руан {prop} | :: Руан (city/commune/and/subprefecture/capital city) |
руанда {m inan} | :: Rwanda (language) |
Руанда {prop} | :: Руанда (country) |
руандийский {adj} | :: Rwandan |
руб. {m inan} | :: rouble [singular or plural] |
рубанок {noun} | :: plane (a tool) |
рубанок {noun} | :: jointer |
рубанок {noun} | :: jack plane |
рубануть {v pf} [low colloquial] | :: to axe, to fell, to chop, to cut with an axe [one time] |
рубануть {v pf} [colloquial, figurative] | :: to not mince words, to speak the truth, to speak one's mind |
рубаха {noun} | :: shirt |
рубашечка {noun} | :: diminutive of рубашка |
рубашечка {noun} | :: diminutive of рубаха |
рубашка {noun} | :: button-up shirt |
рубашка {noun} | :: chemise |
рубашка {noun} | :: back (of a playing card) |
рубашка {noun} | :: dust jacket, dustcover (of a book) |
рубашка {noun} [anatomy] | :: fetal membranes, amniotic sac |
рубашка {noun} [technical] | :: jacket |
рубашка {noun} [slang] | :: harness, straitjacket |
рубеж {noun} | :: boundary, border, borderline, frontier (the line or frontier area separating regions) |
рубеж {noun} | :: line |
рубец {noun} | :: scar, wake, cicatrice |
рубец {noun} | :: weal, wale |
рубец {noun} | :: hem, seam |
рубец {noun} | :: paunch, rumen, the first compartment of the stomach of a ruminant |
рубец {noun} [cooking] | :: tripe, chitterlings |
рубёж {noun} [rare] | :: cutting (of wood e.g. with an axe) |
рубидий {noun} | :: rubidium |
рубильник {noun} [electricity] | :: knife switch; cutout |
рубильник {noun} [pejorative] | :: nose; face; mouth; snout; schnozzle |
рубильный {adj} [relational] | :: chopping, chiping |
рубильный {adj} | :: acting to chop up into parts |
рубин {noun} | :: ruby (type of gem) |
рубиновый {adj} [relational] | :: ruby |
рубить {v impf} | :: to axe, to fell, to chop, to cut [with an axe] |
рубить {v impf} [colloquial, figurative] | :: to not mince words, to speak the truth, to speak one's mind |
рубка {noun} | :: (of trees) cutting, felling |
рубка {noun} | :: hewing, chopping |
рубка {noun} | :: mincing, chopping |
рубка {noun} | :: slashing |
рубка {noun} | :: deckhouse, deck cabin |
рубленый {adj} | :: chopped, diced |
рубленый {adj} | :: cut, ground up |
рубленый {adj} | :: prepared from chopped or ground meat or fish |
рубленый {adj} | :: inflicted with a cutting weapon |
рубленый {adj} [figurative] | :: intermittent and sharp [of a sound] |
рубленый {adj} | :: made of logs, timbered |
рублёвка {noun} [low colloquial] | :: ruble |
рублёвый {adj} [relational] | :: ruble |
рублёвый {adj} | :: one-ruble |
рублишко {noun} [colloquial, derogatory] | :: ruble |
рубль {noun} | :: ruble, rouble (a monetary unit of Russia equal to 100 kopecks) |
рубрика {noun} | :: heading, caption |
рубрика {noun} | :: column |
ругань {noun} | :: abuse, swearing (insulting speech) |
ругань {noun} | :: quarrel, argument |
ругательный {adj} | :: abusive |
ругательство {noun} | :: curse, oath, swear word (vulgar epithet) |
ругать {v impf} | :: to reprimand, to abuse, to scold, to rail, to curse out, to swear |
ругать {v impf} | :: to criticize severely, to tear to pieces, to lash |
ругаться {v impf} | :: to call (bad) names, to curse, to swear, to use bad language |
ругаться {v impf} | :: to abuse one another, to swear at each other |
ругаться как сапожник {v impf} [simile] | :: to swear like a sailor, to swear like a trooper, to curse like a pagan |
руготня {noun} [vernacular] | :: abuse; swearing |
руда {noun} | :: ore |
руда {noun} [dated, dialectal] | :: blood |
рудимент {noun} | :: vestige |
рудник {noun} | :: ore mine, pit |
рудничный {adj} [relational] | :: mine |
рудный {adj} [relational] | :: ore |
рудой {adj} [dialectal] | :: alternative form of рудый |
рудый {adj} [dialectal] | :: red, blood-red |
рудый {adj} [dialectal] | :: redhaired, redheaded |
ружейник {noun} | :: gunsmith |
ружейный {adj} [relational] | :: gun, rifle |
ружьецо {noun} | :: diminutive of ружьё: (small) rifle, shotgun |
ружьё {noun} | :: shotgun, musket, rifle |
ружьё {noun} | :: a device resembling such a firearm |
руина {noun} [in the plural] | :: ruin (construction withered by time or calamity) |
руина {noun} | :: feeble man weakened by old age or disease |
рука {noun} | :: hand |
рука {noun} | :: arm |
рукав {noun} | :: sleeve |
рукав {noun} | :: branch (of a river) |
рукав {noun} | :: hose |
рукавица {noun} | :: glove [covering four fingers together], mitten, mitt |
рукавица {noun} | :: gauntlet |
рукавичный {adj} [relational] | :: glove, mitten |
рукавный {adj} [relational] | :: sleeve |
рукавный {adj} [relational] | :: hose |
рукастый {adj} | :: long-armed |
рукастый {adj} | :: efficient, skillful |
руки вверх {interj} | :: hands up! |
руки из жопы растут {phrase} [vulgar] | :: all thumbs (clumsy (idiom); literally, hands grow from the arse) |
руки как крюки {phrase} [simile] | :: all thumbs, clumsy (literally, “hands like hooks”) |
руки не из того места растут {phrase} | :: all thumbs (clumsy (idiom); literally, hands grow from the wrong spot) |
руккола {noun} | :: arugula (herb) |
рукоблудие {noun} [archaic] | :: masturbation, onanism |
рукоблудничать {v impf} [archaic] | :: to indulge in masturbation |
рукоборье {noun} | :: arm wrestling |
руководимый {adj} | :: directed, operated, guided |
руководитель {noun} | :: leader, chief, manager, director, instructor, teacher |
руководительница {noun} | :: chairwoman, (female) head |
руководительница {noun} | :: (female) leader |
руководить {v impf} | :: to lead, to guide, to direct, to manage, to run (conduct or direct with authority) |
руководство {noun} | :: leadership, guidance |
руководство {noun} | :: instruction |
руководство {noun} | :: textbook, guide |
руководствоваться {v impf} | :: to be guided by, to follow (e.g. some rules) |
руководящий {adj} | :: guiding, leading |
руководящий {adj} | :: senior, supervisory |
руководящий {adj} | :: chief |
рукоделие {noun} | :: needlework, fancywork, embroidery |
рукодельница {noun} | :: needlewoman |
рукодельничать {v impf} | :: to do needlework/fancywork |
рукодельный {adj} | :: handmade, handcrafted |
рукой подать {adv} | :: a stone's throw away, around the corner, very close |
рукокрылые {noun} | :: Chiroptera (of bat family) |
рукомойник {noun} | :: washstand |
руконожка {noun} | :: aye-aye (nocturnal quadruped) |
рукопашная {noun} | :: hand-to-hand fight, man to man fight (fighting without weapons) |
рукопашный {adj} | :: hand-to-hand |
рукописный {adj} [relational] | :: manuscript |
рукописный {adj} | :: handwritten |
рукописный {adj} | :: cursive, chirographic |
рукописный {adj} | :: typewritten |
рукопись {noun} | :: manuscript |
рукоплескания {noun} | :: applause, handclap (act of applauding) |
рукоплескать {v impf} | :: to applaud, to clap |
рукопожатие {noun} | :: handshake (grasping of hands by two people) |
рукополагать {v impf} [church] | :: to ordain |
рукоположение {noun} [church] | :: ordination |
рукоположить {v pf} [church] | :: to ordain |
рукоприкладство {noun} | :: assault and battery, beating (by hands) |
рукотворный {adj} [lofty] | :: man-made, artificial |
рукоятка {noun} | :: handle, grip, hilt (part of an object which is held in the hand when used or moved) |
рукоять {noun} | :: handle |
рукоять {noun} | :: hilt |
рулевой {adj} [relational] | :: steering, rudder |
рулевой {noun} | :: helmsman |
рулет {noun} | :: (food) roll |
рулет {noun} | :: Swiss roll |
рулет {noun} | :: boned gammon |
рулетка {noun} | :: tape measure |
рулетка {noun} | :: roulette (game) |
рулёжка {noun} [aviation] | :: taxiing |
рулёжка {noun} [aviation] | :: taxiway |
рулёжная дорожка {noun} [aviation] | :: taxiway |
рулёжный {adj} [aviation, relational] | :: taxiing |
рулить {v impf} [aviation] | :: to taxi |
рулить {v impf} [vernacular] | :: to steer the wheel |
рулить {v impf} [ironic] | :: to be in charge, to be in the driver's seat |
рулон {noun} | :: roll (that which is rolled up) |
рулон {noun} | :: reel |
рулон {noun} | :: bolt |
рулон {noun} | :: web |
руль {noun} | :: rudder |
руль {noun} | :: helm |
руль {noun} | :: steering wheel |
руль {noun} | :: handlebars |
руль высоты {noun} | :: elevator (of airplane wings) |
румб {noun} [nautical] | :: (compass) point |
румба {noun} | :: rumba |
Румои {prop} {m inan} | :: Румои (subprefecture) |
Румои {prop} {m inan} | :: Румои (capital city) |
румпель {noun} [nautical] | :: tiller |
румын {noun} | :: Romanian (male person from Romanian) |
Румыния {prop} | :: Румыния (country) |
румынка {noun} | :: female Romanian (person from Romania) |
румынский {adj} | :: Romanian |
румынский {noun} | :: Romanian language |
румяна {noun} | :: blush, blusher, rouge |
румянец {noun} | :: colour, flush, blush |
румяный {adj} | :: ruddy, rosy, pink |
руна {noun} | :: rune |
рунди {m inan} | :: Kirundi, Rundi (language) |
рундук {noun} [dated] | :: a large storage chest with a flat lid that could be used as a bench |
рундук {noun} [nautical] | :: locker |
рундук {noun} [military slang] | :: seabag, duffel bag |
рунет {noun} | :: alternative case form of Рунет |
Рунет {noun} | :: The Russian-language websites on the Internet, taken as a whole, Runet |
рунетчик {noun} | :: a user of Russian-language sites on the Internet |
руно {noun} | :: fleece, wool |
рупия {noun} | :: rupee |
рупор {noun} | :: megaphone |
рус {noun} | :: a representative of the Rus tribe |
русак {noun} | :: European hare (Lepus europaeus) |
русак {noun} [colloquial, rare] | :: Russian, Russki (somebody who really looks Russian or who has characteristic Russian features) |
русалка {noun} | :: mermaid |
Русе {prop} {m inan} | :: Русе (city) |
русизм {noun} | :: Russism, Russicism, Russianism (a word or other feature originating in the Russian language) |
русин {noun} | :: Rusyn [male member of a people living in the eastern Carpathian Mountains; an inhabitant of the ancient Rus] |
русинский {adj} | :: Rusyn |
русист {noun} | :: Russicist |
русистика {noun} | :: Russian studies |
русификация {noun} | :: russification |
русифицировать {v both} | :: to Russify (to make or become more Russian) |
русифицировать {v both} [computing] | :: to localize for Russia |
русифицироваться {v both} | :: to be Russified (become Russian) |
русич {noun} [historic] | :: an inhabitant of ancient Rus, Rusyn |
Руслан {prop} | :: given name |
Руслана {prop} | :: given name |
русло {noun} | :: riverbed |
русофил {noun} | :: Russophile |
русофилия {noun} | :: Russophilia (a strong interest in the country, culture, or people of Russia) |
русофильство {noun} | :: Russophilia |
русофоб {noun} | :: Russophobe |
русофобия {noun} | :: Russophobia (the fear of Russia or Russians) |
руссизм {noun} | :: alternative form of русизм |
руссицизм {noun} | :: Russism, Russicism, Russianism (a word or other feature originating in the Russian language) |
русская {noun} | :: Russian (female), an ethnic Russian person (for other ethnicities living in Russia, see россиянин, россиянка) |
Русская земля {prop} [historical] | :: Русская земля (<<region>> in <<r/Eastern Europe>>, land of the Rus, East Slavic lands) |
русская палка {noun} | :: See: ru русский палка |
русская палка {noun} | :: Russian bar (gymnastics-style beam held by two porters) |
Русская православная церковь {prop} | :: Russian Orthodox Church |
русски {adv} | :: only used in по-русски |
русский {adj} [also, figuratively] | :: Russian, related to Russian ethnicity, language, or culture |
русский {adj} [colloquial] | :: Russian, related to the Russian state |
русский {noun} [animate] | :: a Russian, an ethnic Russian person [for Russian national or resident, see россиянин] |
русский {noun} [animate, colloquial] | :: a Russian (a citizen or resident of Russia) |
русский {noun} [inanimate] | :: the Russian language (short for русский язык) |
русско- {prefix} | :: Russo- |
русскоговорящий {adj} | :: Russophone, Russian-speaking |
русскоговорящий {noun} | :: Russophone, Russian speaker |
русскость {noun} | :: Russianness (quality of being Russian) |
русскоязычный {adj} | :: Russian-speaking, Russophone (Russian-speaking) |
русскоязычный {adj} | :: written or spoken in Russian |
рустовка {noun} [architecture] | :: rustication, rustic masonry |
русый {adj} | :: fair(-haired), blond(e), light brown (of hair), dirty blond |
русь {noun} [historical, collective] | :: Rus (people of Kievan Rus) |
Русь {prop} | :: Rus |
Русь {prop} [poetic] | :: Russia |
Русь {prop} | :: Kievan Rus |
Русь {prop} | :: An umbrella term for the territory of modern Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, inhabited by the East Slavic Christian Orthodox people. Used until the 20th century |
Русь {prop} | :: name of a St. Petersburg daily newspaper published from 1903 to 1908 |
Русь {prop} | :: name of a special forces unit (ОСНАЗ) of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs (formed 1994) |
рутений {noun} | :: ruthenium |
рутина {noun} | :: routine |
рутина {noun} | :: rut, groove |
рутина {noun} | :: resistance to change, conservatism |
рутинный {adj} | :: routine, habitual, conventional |
руфер {noun} | :: roofer (a daredevil who performs stunts on tops of skyscrapers) |
руферство {noun} | :: roofing (a way of travel which consists in clambering over the roofs of skyscrapers) |
руфинг {noun} | :: roofing (a way of travel which consists in clambering over the roofs of skyscrapers) |
рухлядь {noun} [colloquial, inanimate, uncountable] | :: junk, lumber, cruft, old junk (anything old or of inferior quality) |
рухлядь {noun} [pejorative, animate] | :: an old and fragile person |
рухнуть {v pf} | :: to collapse, to crash |
рухнуть {v pf} | :: to fall through, to crash, to fail |
ручательство {noun} | :: guarantee, warrant, representation |
ручаться {v impf} | :: to warrant, to guarantee, to certify, to answer for, to vouch for [за + accusative, someone/something] |
ручаться {v impf} | :: to assure, to promise |
ручаться {v impf} | :: to bet, to be sure |
ручеёк {noun} | :: diminutive of ручей: small brook, rivulet |
ручей {noun} | :: brook, stream, creek |
ручейник {noun} | :: caddis fly |
-ручить {affix} | :: Combining form used to form prefixed perfective verbs with various transitive meanings, e.g. "instruct, give" |
ручища {noun} [colloquial] | :: augmentative of рука: large hand, paw [of a person] |
ручка {noun} | :: diminutive of рука: small hand |
ручка {noun} | :: handle, crank |
ручка {noun} | :: knob |
ручка {noun} | :: grip |
ручка {noun} | :: chair arm |
ручка {noun} | :: lever |
ручка {noun} | :: pen, fountain pen |
ручка {noun} | :: pen holder |
ручник {noun} | :: bench hammer |
ручник {noun} | :: hand brake |
ручник {noun} | :: stick shift, manual transmission |
ручник {noun} | :: alternative form of рушник |
ручной {adj} [relational] | :: hand; manual |
ручной {adj} | :: handmade |
ручной {adj} | :: tame, domesticated |
ручной противотанковый гранатомёт {noun} | :: portable rocket launcher, also known (via a backronym) as a rocket-propelled grenade |
ручонка {noun} | :: diminutive of рука, diminutive of ручка: (small) hand, (small) arm |
рушанин {noun} | :: citizen of Staraya Russa |
рушить {v impf} | :: to raze, to tear down |
рушить {v impf} | :: to husk (grain) |
рушиться {v impf} | :: to fall in, to collapse |
рушиться {v impf} | :: to fall to the ground, to collapse |
рушник {noun} [dialectal, Belarus, Ukraine] | :: towel |
рушник {noun} | :: rushnyk, rushnik, ruchnik (traditional embroidered towel or cloth) |
РФ {f inan} | :: Russian Federation (RF, an informal abbreviation for the name of the modern (since 1991) country, yet widely used in official documents) |
рцы {n inan} [archaic] | :: Name of the Cyrillic letter Р, р, called эр in modern Russian |
рыба {noun} [animate] | :: fish (as a living animal) |
рыба {noun} [inanimate] | :: fish (as food) |
рыба {noun} [inanimate, dominoes] | :: blocked game; block |
рыба {noun} [inanimate, publishing, music] | :: placeholder, lorem ipsum |
рыба-ангел {noun} | :: angelfish (marine fish of the family Pomacanthidae) |
рыбак {noun} | :: fisherman |
рыба-кит {noun} [poetic] | :: a large whale or fish (literally, fish-whale) |
рыба-кит {noun} [mythology] | :: a legendary large whale or fish, which according to legend is the mother of all fish |
рыбак рыбака видит издалека {proverb} | :: birds of a feather flock together |
рыбалка {f inan} {m anim} {f anim} [feminine, inanimate] | :: fishing trip |
рыбалка {f inan} {m anim} {f anim} [masculine or feminine, animate] | :: someone who fishes |
рыбалка {f inan} {m anim} {f anim} [feminine, animate, dialectal] | :: a bird that eats fish |
рыба-пила {noun} | :: sawfish (Pristidae fish) |
рыбарь {noun} [dated] | :: fisherman |
рыба-удильщик {noun} | :: anglerfish (fish of the bony fish order Lophiiformes) |
рыбацкий {adj} | :: fisherman's |
рыбацкий {adj} [relational] | :: fishing |
рыбачий {adj} | :: alternative form of рыбацкий |
рыбачить {v impf} | :: to fish, to angle |
рыбёха {noun} [colloquial] | :: a fish |
рыбёшка {noun} | :: diminutive of рыба |
рыбий {adj} | :: fish, piscine |
рыбий {adj} [figuratively] | :: cold-blooded |
рыбий жир {noun} | :: See: ru рыбий жир |
рыбий жир {noun} | :: fish oil, cod liver oil (nutritional supplement) |
рыбина {noun} [animate, colloquial] | :: big fish |
рыбина {noun} [inanimate, nautical] | :: ribband, diagonal; batten |
рыбка {noun} | :: diminutive of рыба: small fish, fishy |
рыбный {adj} [relational] | :: fish |
рыбный {adj} | :: abounding in fish |
рыбоводный {adj} | :: piscicultural |
рыболов {noun} | :: fisher (one that fishes) |
рыболовка {noun} | :: female fisher |
рыболовный {adj} | :: fishing, piscatory, piscatorial |
рыболовство {noun} | :: fishery, fishing |
рыбопромышленник {noun} | :: one who catches or processes fish on industrial scale |
Рыбы {prop} [constellation] | :: Pisces (a constellation of the zodiac in the shape of a pair of fishes) |
Рыбы {prop} [astrology] | :: Pisces (the zodiac sign for the fish, covering February 19–March 20) |
-рывать {affix} | :: Combining form used to form imperfective counterparts of prefixed derivatives of рвать (to tear, to break, to pick) |
рывок {noun} | :: jerk (quick, often unpleasant tug or shake) |
рывок {noun} [sport] | :: dash, burst, spurt |
рывок {noun} [weightlifting] | :: snatch (Olympic discipline) |
рыганка {noun} [dialectal] | :: swede, rutabaga |
рыгать {v impf} | :: to belch loudly |
рыгать {v impf} | :: to vomit |
рыдание {noun} | :: sobbing, weeping |
рыдать {v impf} | :: to sob, to blubber, to weep (to make noises while crying) |
рыжеватый {adj} | :: auburn, ginger [hair, etc.] |
рыжеволосый {adj} | :: red-haired |
рыженький {adj} | :: endearing diminutive of рыжий: red, sorrel; ginger [of hair] |
рыженький {noun} | :: endearing diminutive of рыжий: circus clown |
рыжий {adj} | :: red, sorrel |
рыжий {adj} [of hair] | :: red, ginger |
рыжий {adj} [of a person or other thing that has hair] | :: red-haired, red-headed, ginger |
рыжий {noun} | :: circus clown |
рыжик {noun} | :: saffron milk cap (Lactarius deliciosus) |
рыжик {noun} | :: camelina (Camelina sativa) |
рыжик {noun} [colloquial, figurative, animate] | :: person with red hair |
рызарпон {noun} [official] | :: An annual congress for palm-builders |
рызарпон {noun} [music] | :: The second part of a traditional opera |
рык {noun} | :: roar |
рыло {noun} | :: snout (of pigs) |
рыло {noun} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: mug (face) |
рыльце {noun} [colloquial] | :: endearing diminutive of рыло |
рыльце {noun} [botany] | :: stigma |
рыльце {noun} [colloquial] | :: spout [of a vessel] |
рында {noun} [historical] | :: an armor-bearer or bodyguard of a Muscovite tsar |
рында {noun} [nautical] | :: three triple strikes of a ship's bell marking noon in Russian naval tradition |
рында {noun} [colloquial] | :: a ship's bell |
рынок {noun} | :: marketplace |
рынок {noun} | :: market |
рыночная экономика {noun} | :: market economy |
рыночный {adj} [relational] | :: market |
рысак {noun} | :: trotter (type of horse) |
рыскать {v impf} | :: to prowl, to scour (about) |
рыскать {v impf} | :: to rummage (in), to ransack |
рыскать {v impf} [nautical] | :: to gripe, to yaw |
рысцой {adv} | :: trotting (namely of horses) |
рысь {noun} | :: lynx |
рысь {noun} | :: trot (horse gait) |
рытвина {noun} | :: pothole |
рытвина {noun} | :: pit |
рыть {v impf} | :: to dig |
рыть {v impf} | :: to burrow, to mine |
рытьё {noun} | :: digging |
рыться {v impf} | :: to dig (in) |
рыться {v impf} | :: to burrow (in), to rake (over, through) |
рыться {v impf} | :: to rummage (in), to ransack |
рыхлый {adj} | :: friable, crumble, loose |
рыхлый {adj} | :: flabby, podgy |
рыцарский {adj} | :: knight's, knights' |
рыцарский {adj} | :: knightly, chivalrous |
рыцарство {noun} [historical] | :: knighthood (knights collectively, in feudal Europe) |
рыцарство {noun} [figurative] | :: chivalry |
рыцарь {noun} | :: knight |
рыцарь {noun} | :: cavalier, gallant |
рычаг {noun} | :: lever (rigid thing turning about an axis, used for transmitting and modifying force and motion) |
рычажный {adj} [relational] | :: lever |
рычажок {noun} | :: diminutive of рычаг |
рычание {noun} | :: growl, grumble, snarl (a low thundering, rumbling or growling sound) |
рычать {v impf} | :: to grumble, to growl, to snarl (to make a low growling or rumbling animal noise) |
рьяно {adv} | :: zealously |
рьяный {adj} | :: zealous |
рьяный {adj} | :: mettlesome |
РЭБ {f inan} | :: acronym of радиоэлектронная борьба |
рэгтайм {noun} [music] | :: ragtime (music genre) |
рэкет {noun} | :: racket (blackmail) |
рэкетир {noun} | :: racketeer (criminal) |
рэп {noun} [music] | :: rap |
рэпер {noun} | :: rapper (performer of rap) |
рэповать {v impf} | :: to rap (speak lyrics in the style of rap music) |
рюкзак {noun} | :: backpack |
рюкзачок {noun} | :: diminutive of рюкзак |
рюмка {noun} | :: any of several types of glasses primarily used for drinking liquor, such as a wine glass or shot glass |
рюмка {noun} | :: shot (a quantity of liquor) |
рюмочка {noun} | :: diminutive of рюмка: (small) wine glass, shot glass; shot (a quantity of liquor) |
Рюрик {noun} | :: given name |
рюш {noun} | :: ruff, ruche |
рябина {noun} | :: mountain ash, rowan |
рябина {noun} | :: rowanberry |
рябина {noun} | :: spot, blot, blemish, stain [of skin] |
рябинка {noun} [colloquial] | :: diminutive of рябина: rowanberry |
рябинка {noun} [colloquial] | :: diminutive of рябина: small discolored skin patch [from disease] |
рябинник {noun} | :: fieldfare (Turdus pilaris) |
рябинник {noun} | :: Sorbaria (false spirea) (genus of flowering plants) |
рябиновка {noun} | :: rowan vodka |
рябить {vt impf} [intr] | :: to ripple |
рябить {v impf} | :: to speckle |
рябить {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to be speckled |
рябить {v impf} | :: to pockmark |
рябить {v impf} [impersonal] | :: to have spots in the eyes |
рябой {adj} | :: pitted, pocked, pockmarked |
рябой {adj} | :: speckled |
рябчик {noun} | :: hazel grouse (bird) |
рябчик {noun} | :: fritillary (plant) |
рябь {noun} | :: ripple |
рябь {noun} | :: speckling, spotting |
рябь {noun} | :: dazzle |
рявкать {v impf} | :: to bellow, to roar |
рявкнуть {v pf} | :: to bellow, to roar |
ряд {noun} | :: row, line, tier |
ряд {noun} | :: file, rank |
ряд {noun} | :: series |
ряд {noun} | :: a number of, several |
ряд {noun} [phonetics] | :: degree of backness or frontness |
рядить {v impf} | :: to dress up (as), get up (as) |
рядить {v impf} [obsolete] | :: to ordain (that), to lay down the law |
рядить {v impf} [obsolete] | :: to contract |
рядовой {adj} [relational] | :: row, line |
рядовой {adj} | :: ordinary, common, average, routine |
рядовой {adj} [relational] | :: rank and file |
рядовой {noun} [military] | :: private (rank) |
рядом {adv} | :: alongside, beside, side by side, nearby |
рядом {adv} | :: alongside, side by side |
рядом {adv} | :: near, beside, next to |
рядышком {adv} [colloquial] | :: near, nearby, alongside, same as рядом |
рязанский {adj} [relational] | :: Ryazan |
рязанский {adj} | :: from Ryazan |
Рязань {prop} | :: Рязань (city/administrative center) |
ряса {noun} | :: cassock |
ряска {noun} | :: duckweed |
ряска {noun} | :: endearing diminutive of ряса |