User:Matthias Buchmeier/es-en-b
b {letter} | :: letter: be |
B {letter} | :: letter: be |
baasista {adj} | :: Ba'athist |
baasista {mf} | :: Ba'athist |
baazista {adj} | :: alternative form of baasista |
baazista {mf} | :: alternative form of baasista |
baba {f} | :: drool, dribble |
baba {f} | :: slime |
baba {f} [Venezuela] | :: baby alligator, caiman or crocodile |
babaco {m} | :: The babaco |
babalao {m} | :: babalawo |
babalawo {m} | :: alternative spelling of babalao |
Baba Yaga {prop} {f} [Slavic mythology] | :: Baba Yaga (hag who flies through the air in a mortar) |
babazorra {f} | :: feminine noun of babazorro |
babazorro {adj} | :: Of, from, or relating to Álava |
babazorro {m} | :: Someone from Álava |
babeante {adj} | :: slobbering; drooling |
babear {v} | :: to drool |
Babel {prop} | :: Babel (city and tower) |
babélico {adj} | :: Babel (attributive) |
babélico {adj} | :: chaotic, confused |
babelización {f} | :: internationalisation |
babero {m} | :: bib |
babi {m} | :: smock |
babí {mf} | :: Babist |
babilla {f} | :: the stifle, or hind knee, of a quadruped |
babilla {f} [Colombia] | :: spectacled caiman (Caiman crocodilus) |
Babilonia {prop} {f} | :: Babylon |
babilónico {adj} | :: Babylonic |
babilonio {adj} | :: Babylonian |
babilonio {m} | :: Babylonian |
babirusa {f} | :: babirusa |
bable {m} | :: Asturian (language) |
babor {m} [nautical] | :: port (side) |
babosa {f} | :: slug |
babosada {f} [Central America] | :: folly, idiocy |
babosada {f} [Peru] | :: nonsense, bullshit (something that is stupid, dumb) |
babosear {v} | :: to slobber or drool over |
babosear {v} | :: to wine and dine |
babosito {adj} | :: diminutive of baboso |
baboso {adj} | :: slimy |
baboso {adj} | :: dribbling, drooling |
baboso {adj} | :: immature, callow |
baboso {adj} | :: foolish, stupid |
baboso {adj} [colloquial] | :: mushy; oversentimental |
baboso {m} | :: dribbler |
baboso {m} | :: immature or callow person |
baboso {m} | :: moron, fool, stupid person |
baboso {m} | :: blenny (fish) |
baboso {m} [figuratively] | :: slimeball, groper (contemptible flatterer) |
babucha {f} | :: slipper, babouche (low soft shoe that can be slipped on and off easily, especially in Middle Eastern contexts) |
babuino {m} [primate] | :: baboon |
baby {m} | :: baby |
baby boom {m} | :: baby boom |
babyboomer {m} | :: baby boomer |
baca {f} [Spain] | :: luggage rack |
bacacho {m} [colloquial, Mexico] | :: Bacardi white rum |
bacaladero {adj} [attributive] | :: cod-fishing |
bacaladero {m} | :: cod fishing boat |
bacalado {m} | :: nonstandard form of bacalao |
bacalaíto {m} | :: codfish fritter |
bacalao {m} | :: cod |
bacallao {m} | :: alternative form of bacalao |
bacán {m} [colloquial, Argentina, Uruguay] | :: pimp |
bacán {m} [colloquial, dated, Argentina, Uruguay] | :: boss, owner |
bacán {m} [colloquial, dated, Argentina, Uruguay] | :: concubine |
bacán {m} [colloquial, dated, Argentina, Uruguay] | :: lover of a kept woman |
bacán {adj} [colloquial, Ecuador, Perú, Chile, Colombia, Cuba] | :: cool, awesome |
bacán {adj} [colloquial, Argentina, Uruguay] | :: posh |
bacán {adj} [colloquial, Argentina, Uruguay] | :: snobbish |
bacán {adj} [colloquial, Argentina, Uruguay] | :: luxurious, refined |
bacanal {f} | :: bacchanal |
bacano {adj} [Colombia, Chile, colloquial] | :: cool; sweet; wicked |
bacanora {m} | :: bacanora |
bacante {mf} | :: bacchante |
bacante {mf} | :: drunken and out of control woman |
bacará {m} | :: baccarat (card game) |
bacarrá {m} | :: alternative form of bacará |
bachaco {m} [Venezuela] | :: big voracious ant, usually red |
bachaquear {v} [Colombia, Venezuela] | :: to sell on at a much higher price |
bachaqueo {m} | :: illegal stall |
bachaqueo {m} | :: black market |
bachaquera {f} | :: feminine noun of bachaquero |
bachaquerismo {m} [chiefly Venezuela] | :: The turning of the economy into a black market |
bachaquero {m} [Venezuela] | :: hawker of goods bought at government-set prices |
bachata {f} | :: bachata |
bachata {f} [Antilles] | :: party |
bachatera {f} | :: bachata musician |
bachatero {m} | :: bachatero |
bache {m} | :: pothole, bump |
bache {m} | :: rut, tricky/barren spell |
bachear {v} | :: to repair a road full of potholes |
Bachelet {prop} | :: surname |
bacheletista {adj} | :: Being a supporter of the Chilean president Michele Bachelet |
bacheletista {adj} | :: Of or relating to the Chilean president Michele Bachelet |
bacheletista {mf} | :: A supporter of the Chilean president Michele Bachelet |
Bachelor of Arts {m} | :: Bachelor of Arts |
bacheo {m} | :: the reparation of potholes in roads |
bacher {m} | :: badger |
bachiano {adj} [music] | :: Bach (attributive) |
bachicha {mf} | :: Italina; wop |
bachiche {mf} [pejorative, Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador] | :: wop (person of Italian descent) |
bachiller {m} | :: bachelor (person with bachelor degree) |
bachiller {m} | :: graduate (person) |
bachiller {m} | :: bachelor (university degree) |
bachiller {m} | :: graduate (school degree) |
bachillera {f} | :: feminine noun of bachiller |
bachillerato {m} | :: graduation certificate (degree from high school) |
bachillerato {m} | :: short for bachillerato universitario (bachelor’s degree) |
bacilo {m} [bacteriology] | :: bacillus |
bacín {m} | :: little bowl |
bacín {m} | :: chamber pot |
bacina {f} | :: vessel |
bacineta {f} | :: chamber pot |
bacinica {f} | :: chamber pot |
bacinilla {f} | :: chamber pot |
backgammon {m} | :: backgammon |
background {m} | :: background |
backlog {m} | :: backlog |
backstage {adv} | :: backstage |
Baco {prop} {m} | :: Bacchus |
bacon {m} | :: bacon |
bacón {m} | :: bacon |
bacteria {f} | :: bacterium |
bacterial {adj} | :: bacterial |
bacteriano {adj} | :: bacterial |
bactericida {adj} | :: bactericidal |
bactericida {m} | :: bactericide |
bacteriemia {f} [pathology] | :: bacteraemia |
bacterio- {prefix} | :: bacterio-; bad; badly |
bacteriófago {m} [bacteriology] | :: bacteriophage |
bacterióloga {f} | :: feminine noun of bacteriólogo |
bacteriología {f} | :: bacteriology |
bacteriológico {adj} | :: bacteriological |
bacteriólogo {m} | :: bacteriologist |
bacteriorodopsina {f} [protein] | :: bacteriorhodopsin |
bacteriostático {adj} | :: bacteriostatic |
Bactriana {prop} {f} | :: Bactria |
bactriano {adj} | :: Bactrian |
báculo {m} | :: staff (long, straight stick, especially one used to assist in walking) |
badajear {v} [colloquial] | :: to waffle |
badajo {m} | :: clapper (the tongue of a bell) |
badajo {m} [colloquial] | :: penis |
Badajoz {prop} | :: Badajoz (province) |
Badajoz {prop} | :: Badajoz (city) |
Badalona {prop} {f} | :: Badalona (city) |
badalonés {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to Badalona |
badalonés {m} | :: Someone from Badalona |
badalonesa {f} | :: feminine noun of badalonés |
badana {f} | :: sheepskin |
badea {f} | :: giant granadilla (Passiflora quadrangularis) |
badén {m} | :: dip (in the road) |
badén {m} | :: speed bump |
badián {m} | :: star anise |
badiana {f} | :: alternative form of badián |
bádminton {m} | :: badminton |
badmintonista {mf} | :: badminton player |
badulaque {adj} [offensive, obsolete, Spain] | :: dumb, having the properties of an imbecile |
badulaque {mf} [offensive, obsolete, Spain] | :: dimwit, imbecile |
badulaque {mf} [historical, Spain] | :: chanfaina |
badulaque {mf} [historical, Spain] | :: a cosmetic made of various plants and herbs |
baenero {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to Baena |
baenero {m} | :: Someone from Baena |
Báez {prop} | :: surname |
baezana {f} | :: feminine noun of baezano |
baezano {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to Baeza |
baezano {m} | :: Someone from Baeza |
bafle {m} | :: speaker; loudspeaker |
bagaces {mp} | :: An extinct indigenous people of Costa Rica |
bagaje {m} | :: baggage, luggage |
bagaje {m} | :: baggage (emotional, psychological) |
bagaje {m} | :: background (knowledge, experience, familiarity) |
bagallera {f} | :: feminine noun of bagallero |
bagallero {m} [Argentina, Uruguay] | :: A seller of smuggled or contraband goods |
bagatela {f} | :: bagatelle, trifle (an unsubstantial thing) |
bagaudas {mp} | :: bagaudae |
bagazo {m} | :: bagasse (sugarcane pulp) |
Bagdad {prop} | :: Bagdad (capital city) |
bagdadí {adj} | :: Baghdadi |
bagdadí {mf} | :: Baghdadi (native or resident of Baghdad, Iraq) |
bagel {m} | :: bagel (toroidal bread roll) |
bagler {adj} | :: Bagler |
bagler {mf} | :: Bagler |
bagrátida {adj} | :: Bagratid |
bagre {m} [fish] | :: catfish |
Bagua {prop} | :: Bagua (province) |
bagual {m} [Argentina, Uruguay] | :: an untamed horse |
bagual {adj} [Uruguay, Paraguay] | :: uncivil |
baguala {f} [music] | :: a genre of folk music of northeastern Argentina |
baguel {m} | :: alternative spelling of bagel |
baguet {f} | :: alternative form of baguete |
baguete {f} | :: alternative form of baguette |
baguette {f} | :: baguette, French bread (a long, narrow, parbaked bread) |
baguio {m} [Philippines] | :: A typhoon |
bah {interj} | :: indicates disdain or unbelief |
bahague {m} | :: a type of loincloth that was commonly used throughout the Philippines before the arrival of the European colonizers and is currently still in use today by some indigenous tribes of the Philippines |
bahaí {adj} | :: Bahá'í |
bahaí {mf} | :: Bahá'í |
bahaísmo {m} | :: Bahá'í Faith (an Abrahamic monotheistic religion) |
Bahamas {prop} {fp} | :: Bahamas (archipelago/and/country) |
bahameña {f} | :: feminine noun of bahameño |
bahameño {adj} | :: Bahamian |
bahameño {m} | :: Bahamian |
bahamés {adj} | :: Bahamian |
bahamés {m} | :: Bahamian |
bahamesa {f} | :: feminine noun of bahamés |
bahareque {m} | :: bahareque |
bahía {f} | :: bay (geographical feature) |
bahía de Cochinos {prop} {f} | :: Bay of Pigs (small inlet in Cuba) |
bahía de Guantánamo {prop} {f} | :: Guantanamo Bay (US naval base) |
bahiense {adj} | :: Of or from Bahía Blanca |
bahiense {mf} | :: Someone from Bahía Blanca |
bahman {m} | :: Bahman |
baho {m} | :: A dish made with rice and yucca |
bahorrina {f} | :: dirt, filth |
Bahréin {prop} {m} | :: alternative spelling of Baréin |
bahreiní {adj} | :: Bahraini |
bahreiní {mf} | :: Bahraini |
baht {m} | :: baht |
baiano {adj} | :: Bahian |
baiano {m} | :: Bahian |
baicaleína {f} | :: baicalein |
baidefeis {adj} [humorous] | :: free |
baído {adj} | :: alternative spelling of vaído |
bailable {adj} | :: danceable |
bailador {m} | :: dancer |
bailador {adj} | :: dancing |
bailanta {f} [Argentina] | :: town party |
bailaor {m} | :: flamenco dancer |
bailaora {f} | :: flamenco dancer |
bailar {v} | :: to dance |
bailar {v} [soccer] | :: to dribble [the ball] |
bailar al son que le tocan {v} [idiom] | :: to do as one is told; to obey; to follow the rules |
bailar con la más fea {v} [idiomatic] | :: to get the short straw |
bailar con los cinco latinos {v} [idiomatic, vulgar, Cuba] | :: to masturbate |
bailarín {m} | :: dancer |
bailarina {f} | :: (female) dancer |
baile {m} | :: dance (a sequence of rhythmic steps or movements usually performed to music) |
baile {m} | :: dance (a social gathering where dancing is the main activity) |
baile {m} | :: ball (a formal dance) |
baile {m} | :: dance (the art, profession, and study of dancing) |
bailecito {m} | :: folk dance |
baile de fin de curso {m} [Spain] | :: prom |
baile de graduación {m} | :: prom |
baile del caño {m} | :: pole dance |
baile del tubo {m} | :: pole dance |
baile de salón {m} | :: ballroom dance |
baile en barra {m} | :: pole dance |
baile en tubo {m} | :: alternative form of baile del tubo |
bailetón {m} | :: danceathon |
bailía {f} | :: bailiwick |
bailiazgo {m} | :: bailiwick |
bailío {m} | :: bailiff |
bailón {adj} | :: dancy (prone to or keen on dancing) |
bailongo {adj} | :: dance [attributive] |
bailotear {v} | :: to dance around, to shimmy |
bailoteo {m} | :: shimmy, jig |
bailoterapia {f} | :: dance therapy |
baipás {m} [medicine] | :: bypass |
baja {f} | :: casualty, loss |
baja {f} | :: drop, fall, reduction |
baja {f} | :: sick leave (absence for illness) |
baja {f} | :: withdrawal, retirement |
bajá {m} | :: pasha |
Baja Austria {prop} {f} | :: Baja Austria (state) |
Baja California {prop} {f} | :: Baja California (state) |
bajacaliforniano {adj} [demonym] | :: Of or pertaining to the Mexican state of Baja California |
Baja California Sur {prop} {f} | :: Baja California Sur (state) |
bajada {f} | :: drop, descent |
bajada {f} | :: declivity |
bajalato {m} | :: pashalik |
bajamar {f} | :: low tide |
bajamente {adv} | :: basely |
bajamiento {m} [obsolete] | :: lowering |
bajante {adj} | :: lowering, going down |
bajante {f} | :: downspout, drainpipe |
bajante {f} | :: lowering of water level |
bajar {v} | :: to go down, come down |
bajar {v} | :: to get off, to get down, to climb down, to step down, to get out (e.g., of/from a platform or vehicle) |
bajar {v} [colloquial] | :: to kill (a person) |
bajar {v} | :: to descend |
bajar {v} [computing] | :: to download |
bajar {v} | :: to lower, reduce, fall |
bajar {v} | :: to drop, lower, put down, turn down, move down (an object, the volume, etc.) |
bajar {v} | :: to lose (e.g., weight) |
bajar {v} | :: to take down, bring down |
bajar {v} | :: to dim (the lights) |
bajar {v} | :: to let down (one's guard) |
bajar {v} | :: to wash down (accompany food) |
bajar {vr} | :: to get off, to get down |
bajar {vr} [computing] | :: to download (for one's own private use) |
bajar al pilón {v} [vulgar, idiomatic] | :: To eat pussy; to go down on |
bajareque {m} | :: synonym of bahareque |
bajar la guardia {v} [idiom] | :: to lower one's guard, to let down one's guard, to drop one's guard |
bajarse al moro {v} [vulgar, idiomatic, Spain] | :: to visit Morocco or the Maghreb in order to procure hashish |
bajarse al pilón {v} | :: alternative form of bajar al pilón |
Baja Sajonia {prop} {f} | :: Lower Saxony |
Baja Verapaz {prop} {f} | :: Baja Verapaz (department) |
bajel {m} | :: A type of historical ship |
bajel {m} | :: ship; vessel |
bajera {f} [architecture] | :: lower ground floor, basement |
bajetón {adj} | :: short or stumpy |
bajez {f} | :: obsolete form of bajeza |
bajeza {f} | :: baseness |
bajeza {f} | :: base act |
bajeza {f} | :: meanness |
bajini {adj} | :: only used in por lo bajini |
bajío {m} | :: shoal, shallows, sandbank |
bajísimo {adj} | :: superlative of bajo, very low, very short |
bajista {adj} [finance] | :: downward, falling, bearish |
bajista {mf} [music] | :: bassist |
bajista {mf} [finance] | :: bear |
bajito {adj} | :: diminutive of bajo |
bajito {adv} | :: diminutive of bajo |
bajo {adj} | :: short (of little height) |
bajo {adj} | :: low, ground (situated close to the ground) |
bajo {adj} | :: low, bottom, poor (not high in status, amount or quality) |
bajo {adj} [music] | :: bass |
bajo {adj} | :: base, mean, low, despicable |
bajo {adv} | :: low |
bajo {adv} | :: down (location) |
bajo {adv} | :: down, quietly, softly (volume) |
bajo {m} [music] | :: bass (sound, voice or instrument) |
bajo {prep} | :: under (in both literal and figurative senses) |
bajo alemán {m} | :: Low German (language) |
Bajociano {prop} {m} | :: Bajocian |
Bajociense {prop} {m} | :: Bajocian |
bajocubierta {f} | :: attic |
bajo cuerda {adv} [idiomatic] | :: underhandedly, under the counter |
bajo eléctrico {m} | :: electric bass |
bajoimperial {adj} | :: late-Roman Empire |
bajo la manga {adv} [idiom] | :: alternative form of bajo manga |
bajo manga {adv} [idiom] | :: under the counter |
bajomedieval {adj} | :: of the late Middle Ages |
bajón {m} | :: bassoon |
bajón {m} | :: bassoonist |
bajón {m} | :: lull, low, dip, drop (decline) |
bajón {m} | :: blues, slump (lack of spirit) |
bajonazo {m} [bullfighting] | :: low-down injury on the bull |
bajoneado {adj} [Latin America] | :: sad, unhappy, down |
bajonear {vt} [colloquial, South America] | :: to get down, cause to feel bad |
bajonista {mf} | :: bassoonist |
bajo quinto {m} [musical instrument] | :: bajo quinto |
Bajo Rin {prop} | :: Bajo Rin (department) |
bajorrelieve {m} | :: bas relief |
bajo sajón {m} | :: Low Saxon (language or language group) |
bajo sexto {m} [musical instrument] | :: bajo sexto |
bajuno {adj} | :: underhand |
bajura {f} | :: lowness |
bajura {f} | :: lowland |
bakalao {m} | :: A style of aggressive electronic music originating in Valencia, Spain, in the early 1990s |
Bakú {prop} | :: Bakú (capital) |
bakuense {adj} | :: Bakuvian (of or pertaining to Baku, Azerbaijan) |
bakuense {mf} | :: Bakuvian (native or resident of Baku, Azerbaijan) |
bakuninista {adj} | :: Bakuninist |
bakuninista {mf} | :: Bakuninist |
bala {f} | :: bullet |
balacear {v} [Cuba, Honduras, El Salvador, Mexico] | :: to shoot up, shoot |
balacera {f} | :: shootout |
balada {f} | :: ballad |
baladí {adj} | :: trivial, banal, of no importance, meaningless |
baladista {mf} | :: one who writes or sings ballads |
baladronada {f} | :: boastfulness |
bálago {n} | :: straw, especially straw of cereals left after the grain is removed |
bálago {n} | :: Spanish broom |
balahú {m} [obsolete] | :: a type of schooner |
balajú {m} | :: ballyhoo (fish) |
balalaica {f} | :: balalaika |
balance {m} [accounting] | :: balance |
balance {m} | :: balance; weighing up |
balanceado {adj} | :: balanced, even-keeled |
balancear {v} | :: to balance |
balancearse {v} | :: reflexive of balancear |
balanceo {m} | :: balancing |
balancín {m} | :: seesaw |
balancín {m} | :: rocking chair |
balancín {m} | :: swingletree, whiffletree |
balancón {m} | :: A species of shrub native to the Canary Islands, Cape Verde, and Morocco, taxonomic name Traganum moquinii |
balandra {f} [watercraft, historical] | :: bilander |
balandra {f} | :: A type of sauce from Catalonia, made with bread, vinager and garlic |
balandrán {m} | :: A type of clerical robe; a cassock |
balandro {m} [nautical] | :: Bermudan sloop |
balandronada {f} | :: boastful behaviour |
balanitis {f} [pathology] | :: balanitis |
balano {m} [zoology] | :: acorn barnacle |
bálano {m} | :: glans (apex of the penis) |
balanopostitis {f} [medicine] | :: balanoposthitis (inflammation of the glans penis and the prepuce) |
balanoprepucial {adj} | :: balanopreputial |
balanza {f} | :: balance, scale (device used to measure weight) |
balanza {f} [figuratively] | :: comparative estimate, judgment |
balanza {f} [astronomy, constellations] | :: Libra |
balar {v} | :: to bleat |
balasto {m} | :: ballast |
balata {f} | :: brake lining |
balatá {f} | :: balata |
balaustrada {f} [architecture] | :: balustrade (row of balusters) |
balaustre {m} | :: banister |
balazo {m} | :: gunshot, shot |
balboa {m} | :: balboa |
Balboa {prop} | :: surname |
balbuceante {adj} | :: muttering |
balbuceante {adj} | :: stuttering |
balbuceante {adj} | :: babbling |
balbucear {v} | :: to mutter |
balbucear {v} | :: to stutter, to stammer |
balbucear {v} | :: to prattle |
balbucear {v} | :: to lisp |
balbuceo {m} | :: mutter |
balbuceo {m} | :: stutter |
balbuciente {adj} | :: stammering; that stutters or stammers |
balbucir {v} | :: to stammer |
Balcanes {prop} {mp} | :: Balkans |
balcánico {adj} | :: Balkan |
balcanización {f} | :: Balkanization |
balcón {m} | :: balcony |
balconada {f} | :: row of balconies |
balconaje {m} | :: synonym of balconada |
balconazi {m} [derogatory] | :: during the coronavirus epidemic, someone who sits on their balcony and criticizes other people going outside without knowing if they have a legitimate reason |
balconcillo {m} | :: diminutive of balcón |
balconcito {m} | :: diminutive of balcón; little balcony |
balconear {v} [Latin America] | :: to spy on; to snoop (from a balcony, or similar elevated place) |
balconing {m} | :: balconing |
balconismo {m} | :: balconing |
balda {f} | :: shelf (flat structure fixed to a wall) |
baldado {adj} [colloquial] | :: knackered |
baldado {adj} [colloquial] | :: crippled |
baldado {m} | :: bucket; bucketful; bucket poured over someone's head |
baldao {adj} | :: pronunciation spelling of baldado |
baldao {m} | :: pronunciation spelling of baldado |
baldaquín {m} | :: baldachin |
baldaquino {m} | :: alternative spelling of baldaquín |
baldar {v} | :: to cripple |
baldazo {m} | :: A splashing of water from a bucket |
balde {m} | :: bin, bucket |
baldeador {adj} | :: sweeping; mopping |
baldeadora {f} | :: street washing truck |
baldear {v} | :: to hose down, wash |
baldear {v} [nautical] | :: to bail out |
baldío {adj} | :: barren, waste |
baldío {adj} | :: lazy, idle |
baldío {m} | :: wasteland |
baldón {m} | :: insult |
baldosa {f} | :: tile, slab |
baldosín {m} | :: small tile |
baldosita {f} | :: diminutive of baldosa |
Balduino {prop} {m} | :: given name |
balduque {m} | :: red tape |
balear {v} | :: to shoot |
balear {adj} | :: Balearic |
Baleares {prop} {fp} | :: synonym of Islas Baleares |
baleárico {adj} | :: Balearic |
baleario {adj} | :: alternative form of baleárico |
Bali {prop} | :: Bali (island/and/province) |
balido {m} | :: The sound of a sheep, lamb, goat, deer; baa, bleat |
balígrafo {m} | :: a bullet that has been converted into a pen, especially the one used to sign the peace treaty on September 26, 2016, between FARC and the Colombian government |
balín {m} | :: pellet (small compressed object) |
balinera {f} | :: ball bearing |
balinés {adj} | :: Balinese |
balista {f} | :: ballista |
balística {f} | :: ballistics (study of the motion of projectiles) |
balístico {adj} | :: ballistic |
balita {f} [Paraguay] | :: marble (toy) |
baliza {f} [nautical] | :: buoy, marker |
baliza {f} [aerial] | :: beacon, marker |
balizamiento {m} | :: marking with buoys |
balizar {vt} | :: to mark with buoys or beacons |
ballena {f} | :: whale |
ballena {f} | :: baleen, whalebone |
ballena asesina {f} | :: orca, killer whale |
ballena azul {f} | :: blue whale |
ballena de aleta {f} | :: fin whale |
ballena jorobada {f} | :: humpback whale |
ballenato {m} | :: whale calf |
ballenero {adj} | :: whaling (attributive) |
ballenero {m} | :: whaler |
ballenero {m} | :: whaling ship; whaler |
ballesta {f} | :: crossbow (mechanised weapon, based on the bow and arrow) |
ballesta {f} | :: ballista (ancient military engine, in the form of a crossbow) |
ballesta {f} [mechanics] | :: leaf spring (spring in the form of a curved length of steel, used in the suspension of wheeled vehicles) |
Ballester {prop} | :: surname |
ballestera {f} | :: feminine noun of ballestero |
ballestero {m} | :: crossbowman |
ballestero {m} | :: crossbow builder |
Ballesteros {prop} {m} | :: surname |
ballestrinque {m} | :: clove hitch |
ballet {m} | :: ballet |
balletista {mf} | :: ballet dancer |
balletómano {m} | :: balletomane |
ballotage {m} | :: ballotage |
Balmaceda {prop} | :: surname |
balmacedista {adj} | :: supporting José Manuel Balmaceda, president of Chile 1886-1891 |
balmacedista {mf} | :: A supporter of José Manuel Balmaceda |
Balmaseda {prop} {f} | :: Balmaseda (town/municipality) |
Balmes {prop} | :: surname of Catalan origin |
balneario {adj} | :: spa |
balneario {m} | :: seaside resort, bathing resort |
balneario {m} | :: spa |
balompédico {adj} [attributive] | :: football |
balompié {m} | :: football (soccer) |
balón {m} | :: ball |
balón {m} | :: balloon |
balona {f} | :: balloon tyre |
balonazo {m} | :: hit (of a ball) |
balonazo {m} | :: A blow/hit with a ball |
baloncestista {mf} | :: basketballer (basketball player) |
baloncestístico {adj} | :: basketball (attributive) |
baloncesto {m} | :: basketball (sport) |
balón intragástrico {m} | :: gastric balloon |
balonmanista {mf} | :: handballer (handball player) |
balonmanístico {adj} | :: handball (attributive) |
balonmano {m} | :: handball |
balón parado {m} [sports] | :: set piece |
balón saltarín {m} | :: space hopper |
balonvolea {f} [rare] | :: volleyball |
balonvoleísta {mf} | :: volleyballer |
balota {f} [chiefly Latin America] | :: ballot |
balotaje {m} | :: second round of voting |
balotar {v} | :: to ballot |
balotar {v} [rare] | :: to vote |
balsa {f} | :: pool |
balsa {f} | :: raft |
balsa {f} | :: ferry |
balsa {f} | :: balsa (tree) |
balsa de aceite {f} [idiom] | :: A place where there is smooth sailing; sea of tranquillity |
balsámico {adj} | :: balsamic |
bálsamo {m} | :: balsam |
bálsamo {m} | :: balsam (tree or shrub) |
bálsamo {m} | :: hair conditioner |
balsa salvavidas {m} [nautical] | :: lifeboat |
balsear {vt} | :: to ferry, raft |
balsera {f} | :: feminine noun of balsero |
balsero {m} | :: balsero |
baltasariano {adj} | :: Balthasarian |
Baltazar {prop} | :: Balthazar (one of the possible names of the Magi) |
Baltazar {prop} | :: given name |
Baltazar {prop} | :: surname, the 496th most common in Mexico |
balti {m} | :: balti |
báltico {adj} | :: Baltic |
báltico {m} | :: Balt |
Báltico {prop} {m} | :: Baltic |
baluarte {m} | :: bastion |
baluchi {adj} | :: Balochi |
baluchi {mf} | :: Balochi |
balumba {f} | :: mess |
balumba {f} | :: pile; head |
balzareña {f} | :: feminine noun of balzareño |
balzareño {adj} | :: Of or from Balzar Canton in Ecuador |
balzareño {m} | :: An inhabitant of Balzar Canton in Ecuador |
Bamako {prop} | :: Bamako (capital city) |
Bámako {prop} | :: alternative spelling of Bamako |
bamba {f} | :: hit, strike (in a game) |
bamba {f} | :: a Latin American dance |
bamba {f} | :: flip-flop, thong, jandal |
bamba {f} | :: sneaker |
bambalina {f} | :: backdrop |
bambara {f} | :: Bambara (language) |
bambara {f} | :: Bambara (people) |
bambi {m} [colloquial] | :: deer |
bambinazo {m} [baseball] | :: home run, homer |
bamboleante {adj} | :: unsteady, staggering |
bambolear {v} | :: to swing |
bambolear {v} | :: to sway, to wobble |
bambolla {f} | :: bubble |
bambú {m} | :: bamboo (plant) |
bambú {m} | :: bamboo (wood) |
bambuco {m} [music genre] | :: Bambuco |
bañadera {f} [Argentina, Cuba, Paraguay] | :: bathtub |
bañador {m} | :: swimming costume, bathing costume |
bañador {m} | :: swimming trunks |
banal {adj} | :: banal |
banalidad {f} | :: banality |
banalización {f} | :: trivialization |
banalizador {adj} | :: banalizing |
banalizar {vt} | :: banalize |
banana {f} [Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Uruguay] | :: banana (fruit) |
bananero {adj} | :: of or pertaining to bananas |
bananero {m} | :: banana (plant) |
banano {m} [Colombia, Central America] | :: banana (fruit) |
bañar {v} | :: to bathe |
bañarse {vr} | :: To bathe oneself |
banasta {f} | :: (large) basket |
banca {f} | :: small bench |
banca {f} | :: seat (in an elective body) |
banca {f} | :: financial system |
bancada {f} | :: bench for government officials |
banca electrónica {f} | :: e-bank |
bancar {v} [Argentina, Uruguay] | :: to finance, pay for |
bancar {vr} [Argentina, Uruguay] | :: to stand, to put up with |
bancario {adj} | :: related to banks (financial institution) |
bancario {m} | :: banker |
bancarización {f} | :: Accessibility of, or access to, banking services |
bancarizar {v} | :: to turn into a bank |
bancarizar {v} | :: to provide with banking services |
bancarizar {v} | :: to pay using banking services |
bancarrota {f} | :: bankruptcy |
bancazo {m} [Mexico] | :: bank robbery; hold-up |
banco {m} | :: bank |
banco {m} | :: bench |
banco {m} | :: pew |
banco {m} | :: school of fish |
Banco Central Europeo {prop} {m} | :: European Central Bank (central bank for the European Union) |
banco de datos {m} | :: database |
banco de prensa {m} [weightlifting] | :: bench press |
banda {f} [music] | :: band (musical group) |
banda {f} | :: gang, band, group |
banda {f} | :: band, sash |
banda {f} [heraldiccharge] | :: bend |
banda ancha {f} | :: broadband |
bandada {f} | :: flock (of birds) |
bandada {f} | :: swarm (of insects) |
bandada {f} | :: shoal (of fish) |
bandada {f} | :: flock, swarm (of people) |
Banda de los Cuatro {prop} {f} | :: Gang of Four (leftist political faction) |
bandado {adj} [heraldry] | :: barry |
bandanese {adj} | :: Bandanese |
bandanese {mf} | :: Bandanese |
Banda Oriental {prop} {f} [historical] | :: A colonial territory disputed between Spain and Portugal that covered modern Uruguay and Rio Grande do Sul |
Banda Oriental {prop} {f} [Argentina, obsolete] | :: The country of Uruguay |
Bandar Seri Begawan {prop} {m} | :: Bandar Seri Begawan (capital city) |
banda sonora {f} [cinema, television] | :: soundtrack |
banda sonora {f} | :: speed bump [Spain] |
bandazo {m} | :: swerve |
bandeado {adj} | :: striped |
bandeado {m} | :: banding |
bandear {vi} | :: to rock, sway, move from side to side |
bandear {vt} [Central America] | :: to chase someone, wound someone |
bandear {vt} [South America] | :: to change political affiliation |
bandear {vt} [South America] | :: to cross [a body of water] |
bandear {vr} | :: to shift for oneself, manage, get by |
bandearse {v} | :: reflexive of bandear |
bandeja {f} | :: tray, platter (small, typically rectangular or round, flat, and rigid object upon which things are carried) |
bandejón {mf} | :: median strip |
bandeneonista {mf} | :: bandoneonist |
bandeo {m} [genetics] | :: banding |
bandera {f} | :: flag |
bandera {f} | :: banner |
banderazo {m} | :: wave of a flag |
bandería {f} | :: faction |
banderilla {f} | :: banderilla (decorated barbed stick) |
banderillazo {m} | :: wave of a flag |
banderillear {vt} [bullfighting] | :: To stick banderillas in the bull |
banderillero {m} [bullfighting] | :: banderillero |
banderillero {m} [by extension] | :: lackey, lickspittle |
banderín {m} | :: banner, pennant |
banderita {f} | :: diminutive of bandera; small flag |
banderizo {adj} | :: of or pertaining to the War of the Bands |
banderola {f} | :: banner (especially one for publicity) |
banderola {f} | :: (small) flag |
banderón {m} | :: augmentative of bandera |
bandicut {m} | :: bandicoot |
bandida {f} | :: feminine noun of bandido |
bandidaje {m} | :: banditry |
bandidismo {m} | :: organised crime, banditry |
bandido {m} | :: outlaw, bandit |
bando {m} | :: faction, party, side |
bando {m} | :: swarm, flock [of fish, birds, etc.] |
bando {m} | :: edict |
bandolera {f} | :: female equivalent of bandolero |
bandolera {f} | :: shoulder bag |
bandolerismo {m} | :: banditry |
bandolero {m} | :: bandit, outlaw |
bandolín {m} | :: small mandolin |
bandoneón {m} | :: bandoneon |
bandoneonista {mf} | :: bandoneon player |
bandrullo {m} [Western Spain] | :: A type of tripe filled with meat |
bandujo {m} | :: A type of tripe filled with meat |
bandurria {f} | :: bandurria |
bandurria austral {f} | :: black-faced ibis |
bandurria de collar {f} | :: black-faced ibis |
bandurrista {mf} | :: bandurria player |
bandurrita {f} | :: earthcreeper |
banear {v} | :: To ban (to block from participation) |
bañera {f} | :: bathtub |
bañera {f} [nautical] | :: cockpit |
bañera {f} [Argentina, Chile, Uruguay] | :: female equivalent of bañero |
bañero {m} [Argentina, Chile, Uruguay] | :: lifeguard |
banesto {mf} [Spain] | :: Someone who banks with Banesto, a Spanish bank, |
banfileña {f} | :: feminine noun of banfileño |
banfileño {adj} | :: of or from Banfield, Buenos Aires |
banfileño {m} | :: someone from Banfield, Buenos Aires |
banga {m} | :: A kind of soup |
Bangalore {prop} {m} | :: Bangalore (megacity/state capital) |
bangaña {f} | :: gourd |
Bangkok {prop} | :: Bangkok (capital city) |
bangkokiana {f} | :: feminine noun of bangkokiano |
bangkokiano {adj} | :: Bangkokian (of or pertaining to Bangkok, Thailand) |
bangkokiano {m} | :: Bangkokian (native or resident of Bangkok, Thailand) |
Bangladés {prop} {m} | :: Bangladés (country) |
Bangladesh {prop} {m} | :: Bangladesh (country) |
bangladeshí {adj} | :: Bangladeshi |
bangladeshí {mf} | :: Bangladeshi |
bangladeshís {adj} | :: plural of bangladeshí |
bangladesí {adj} | :: Bangladeshi |
bangladesí {mf} | :: Bangladeshi |
Bangui {prop} | :: Bangui (capital city) |
baniano {m} | :: banyan |
banileja {f} | :: feminine noun of banilejo |
banilejo {adj} | :: Of or from the city of Baní in the Dominican Republic |
banilejo {m} | :: An inhabitant of the city of Baní in the Dominican Republic |
bañista {mf} | :: bather |
banjo {m} | :: banjo |
Banjul {prop} | :: Banjul (capital city) |
banjulí {adj} | :: of or pertaining to Banjul, The Gambia |
banjulí {mf} | :: native or resident of Banjul, The Gambia |
banner {m} | :: banner |
baño {m} | :: bath |
baño {m} | :: bathroom |
baño {m} | :: toilet |
baño de masas {m} | :: walk into the crowd (by a famous person) |
baño de sangre {m} [idiom] | :: bloodbath |
baño maría {m} | :: bain-marie |
baño turco {m} | :: Turkish bath |
banquera {f} | :: feminine noun of banquero |
banquero {m} | :: banker (conducting the business of a bank) |
banquero {m} | :: banker (dealer in a gambling house) |
banqueta {f} [furniture] | :: footstool |
banqueta {f} [furniture] | :: small bench |
banqueta {f} [Guatemala, Mexico, Philippines] | :: sidewalk |
banquete {m} | :: banquet |
banquete {m} | :: catering |
banquetear {v} | :: to feast, to take part in a feast |
banquetera {f} | :: caterer |
banquillo {m} | :: bench |
banquina {f} [Argentina, Uruguay] | :: shoulder (part of a road) |
banquisa {f} | :: floe |
banquisa {f} | :: sea ice |
banquita {f} | :: diminutive of banca |
banquito {m} | :: stool |
bantoide {adj} | :: Bantoid |
bantú {m} | :: Bantu (language family) |
bantú {adj} | :: Bantu |
bantustán {m} | :: bantustan |
bao {m} | :: bao (Chinese bread) |
baobab {m} | :: baobab |
Baotou {prop} | :: Baotou (prefecture-level city/largest city) |
baptista {adj} | :: Baptist |
baptista {mf} | :: Baptist |
baptisterio {m} | :: A baptistery. (place where a baptismal font is located) |
baptisterio {m} | :: A baptismal font |
baptizar {v} [obsolete] | :: to baptise |
baqueana {f} | :: feminine noun of baqueano |
baqueano {adj} | :: alternative form of baquiano |
baqueano {m} | :: alternative form of baquiano |
baquelita {f} | :: Bakelite (a heat-resisting chemically inert resin) |
baqueta {f} | :: drumstick (stick to play drums) |
baqueta {f} | :: ramrod |
baquetazo {m} | :: A hit with a drum stick |
baqueteado {adj} | :: battered, beaten up (in rough condition) |
baquetear {v} | :: to pester, bother |
baquetear {v} | :: to batter, beat up |
baquetón {m} [architecture] | :: A type of columnella used in Gothic architecture |
baquiano {adj} | :: knowledgeable |
baquiano {adj} | :: acting as a guide |
baquiano {m} | :: expert |
baquiano {m} | :: guide |
baquiar {v} [Latin America] | :: to train |
báquico {adj} | :: bacchic |
Baquílides {prop} {m} | :: Bacchylides |
báquiro {m} | :: peccary |
bar {m} | :: bar, coffee shop, café, pub [an establishment where refreshments and alcohol drinks are served] |
bar {m} | :: bar (unit of pressure) |
baracaldés {adj} | :: from Barakaldo |
baracaldés {m} | :: someone from Barakaldo |
baracaldesa {f} | :: feminine noun of baracaldés |
baracoense {adj} | :: Of or from the municipality of Baracoa, Cuba |
baracoense {mf} | :: An inhabitant of the municipality of Baracoa, Cuba |
Barahona {prop} | :: surname |
barahúnda {f} | :: uproar, hubbub |
baraja {f} | :: deck (of cards) |
barajada {f} | :: shuffle (act of shuffling cards) |
barajado {adj} | :: shuffled |
barajadura {f} | :: shuffling (of cards) |
barajar {v} | :: to shuffle |
barajar {v} | :: to consider, to weigh up |
barajear {v} [Cuba, Mexico] | :: to shuffle (mix up cards in a random order) |
barajita {f} | :: trading card |
baraka {f} | :: good fortune |
barakaldarra {adj} | :: Of, from, or relating to Baracaldo |
barakaldarra {mf} | :: Someone from Baracaldo |
barakaldés {adj} | :: Of, from, or relating to Baracaldo |
barakaldés {m} | :: Someone from Baracaldo |
barakaldesa {f} | :: feminine noun of barakaldés |
baranda {f} | :: railing |
baranda {f} | :: banister, handrail |
baranda {f} | :: balustrade |
barandal {m} | :: handrail, guardrail |
barandilla {f} | :: handrail, banister (the handrail on the side of a staircase) |
barandilla {f} [Mexico] | :: detention centre; jailhouse |
barangay {m} [Philippines] | :: barangay |
barata {f} [Chile, Zamora] | :: cockroach |
baratamente {adv} | :: cheaply |
baratar {v} [obsolete] | :: to barter |
baratija {f} | :: trinket, trifle |
baratija {f} | :: gimcrack, catchpenny |
baratija {f} | :: cheapjack's shop |
baratillo {m} | :: junk, trash |
baratillo {m} | :: secondhand objects |
baratísimo {adj} | :: superlative of barato |
baratito {adj} | :: diminutive of barato |
barato {adj} | :: cheap; inexpensive; sold at a low price |
baratura {f} | :: cheapness (of a product) |
barba {f} | :: beard |
barba {f} | :: chin |
barba {m} | :: beardy, bearded man |
barba {m} [archaic] | :: the part of an old man (in a play) |
barba {m} [archaic] | :: the villain (of a play) |
barbablanco {adj} | :: blue-bearded; blue-chinned (said of various species of birds) |
barbacana {f} | :: barbican |
barbacoa {f} | :: barbecue (fireplace or pit for grilling food) |
barbacoa {f} | :: meats (traditionally from the inside of a cow's cheek or jaw) or a whole sheep slow cooked over an open fire, or more traditionally, in a hole dug in the ground covered with maguey leaves, although the interpretation is loose |
barbacoa {f} | :: meat steamed until tender (most common present use) |
barba de cabra {f} | :: Jerusalem star; goatsbeard (Tragopogon porrifolius) |
barba de cabra {f} | :: baneberry (Actaea spicata) |
barba de chivo {f} | :: goatee (beard) |
barbadense {adj} | :: Barbadian |
barbadense {mf} | :: Barbadian |
barbado {adj} | :: bearded |
Barbados {prop} | :: Barbados (island/and/country) |
Barbanegra {prop} {m} | :: Blackbeard (pirate's name) |
barba partida {f} | :: cleft chin |
barbar {v} | :: to beard (to grow hair on the chin and jaw) |
bárbara {f} | :: feminine noun of bárbaro |
Bárbara {prop} {f} | :: given name |
bárbaramente {adv} | :: barbarically |
barbárico {adj} | :: barbaric |
barbaridad {f} | :: barbarity |
barbaridad {f} | :: nonsense; something ridiculous |
barbaridad {f} | :: atrocity |
barbaridad {f} [colloquial] | :: (a) (heck of a) lot, (a) ridiculous amount |
barbaridad {interj} | :: incredible!, unbelievable! |
barbarie {f} | :: barbarity |
barbarismo {m} | :: barbarism |
barbarización {f} | :: barbarization |
barbarizar {v} | :: to barbarize |
bárbaro {adj} | :: barbaric |
bárbaro {adj} [colloquial] | :: enormous |
bárbaro {adj} [colloquial] | :: stupendous |
bárbaro {adj} [colloquial] | :: cool |
bárbaro {m} | :: barbarian |
barbas de ballena {fp} | :: baleen, whalebone |
barbastrense {adj} | :: alternative form of barbastrino |
barbastrense {mf} | :: alternative form of barbastrino |
barbastrina {f} | :: feminine noun of barbastrino |
barbastrino {adj} | :: of or pertaining to Barbastro |
barbastrino {m} | :: someone from Barbastro |
barbateña {f} | :: feminine noun of barbateño |
barbateño {adj} | :: Of or from the town of Barbate in Spain |
barbateño {m} | :: An inhabitant of the town of Barbate in Spain |
barbechar {vt} | :: to fallow |
barbechera {f} | :: fallow land |
barbecho {m} | :: fallow |
barbera {f} | :: the barber's wife |
barbera {f} | :: a female barber |
barbera {f} | :: razor, cutthroat razor |
barbería {f} | :: barbershop |
barberillo {m} | :: diminutive of barbero |
barbero {m} | :: barber |
barbeta {f} | :: barbette |
barbiblanco {adj} | :: Having a gray beard |
barbicano {adj} | :: Having a gray beard |
barbie {f} | :: Barbie |
barbiespeso {adj} | :: Having a thick beard |
barbijo {m} [Latin America] | :: face mask, surgical mask |
barbilampiño {adj} | :: beardless |
barbilla {f} | :: chin |
barbilla {f} [sports] | :: pull-up |
barbilla partida {f} | :: cleft chin |
barbiquejo {m} | :: chinstrap |
barbiquejo {m} [nautical] | :: bobstay |
barbirrojo {adj} | :: Having a red beard |
barbitúrico {m} | :: barbiturate |
barbo {m} | :: barbel |
barbón {adj} | :: bearded |
barboquejo {m} | :: chinstrap |
barbotar {v} | :: alternative spelling of barbotear |
barbotear {v} | :: to babble; waffle |
Barbuda {prop} {f} | :: Barbuda |
barbudo {adj} | :: bearded |
barca {f} | :: a small boat |
Barça {prop} {m} [soccer] | :: clipping of FC Barcelona |
barcada {f} | :: boatload |
barcada {f} [Philippines, colloquial] | :: group of friends, gang |
barcaje {m} | :: transport of goods in a small boat or bark |
barcaje {m} | :: toll paid for such transport |
barcaje {m} | :: toll that was paid to go from one part of a river to another in a small boat |
barcaza {f} | :: barge |
Barcelona {prop} {f} | :: Barcelona (capital city) |
Barcelona {prop} {f} | :: Barcelona (province) |
Barcelona {prop} {f} | :: The letter B in the Spanish phonetic alphabet |
barcelonés {adj} | :: Barcelonian |
barcelonés {m} | :: Barcelonian |
barcelonesa {f} | :: feminine noun of barcelonés |
barcelonismo {m} | :: Support of the football club FC Barcelona |
barcelonista {adj} [football, attributive] | :: connected with FC Barcelona, as a player, fan, coach etc |
barcelonista {mf} [football, attributive] | :: A person connected with FC Barcelona, as a player, fan, coach etc |
barcino {m} | :: tabby cat |
Barcino {prop} {m} [poetic or dated] | :: Barcino (capital city) |
Barcino {prop} {m} [poetic or dated] | :: Barcino (province) |
barcinonense {adj} | :: Barcelonan |
barcinonense {mf} | :: Barcelonan |
barcito {m} | :: small bar |
barco {m} | :: boat (usually with a concave hull) |
barco de vapor {m} | :: steamboat |
barco dragón {m} | :: dragon boat |
barco lanzatorpedos {m} | :: torpedo boat |
barco pirata {m} | :: pirate ship |
barda {f} [Mexico] | :: fence |
barda {f} | :: barding |
bardal {m} | :: barbed-wire fence |
bardana {f} | :: burdock (any of the species of biennial thistles in the genus Arctium) |
bar de alterne {f} | :: hostess bar |
bar de ambiente {m} | :: gay bar |
bar de copas {m} | :: bar, wine bar |
bardo {m} | :: bard |
bardo {m} | :: conflict |
Baréin {prop} | :: Baréin (country) |
bareiní {adj} | :: alternative spelling of bahreiní |
bareiní {mf} | :: alternative spelling of bahreiní |
baremación {f} | :: assessment |
baremar {v} | :: to assess |
baremo {m} | :: scale (numerical sequence used for measurement) |
baremo {m} | :: scale (used to assess magnitudes) |
baremo {m} | :: pricelist |
barequear {v} [Colombia] | :: to pan for metals |
barequeo {m} | :: panning for metals |
Bargas {prop} | :: A town near Toledo, Spain |
bargueño {m} | :: vargueno |
Bari {prop} | :: Bari (town) |
Bari {prop} | :: Bari (province) |
bariátrico {adj} | :: bariatric |
baricéntrico {adj} | :: barycentric |
baricentro {m} [physics] | :: barycenter |
barillo {m} | :: A tree, Calophyllum brasiliense |
barilochense {adj} | :: of or from Bariloche |
barilochense {mf} | :: Someone from Bariloche |
barimetría {f} | :: barymetry |
barinés {adj} | :: Of or from the city, municipality or state of Barinas (state) in Venezuela |
barinés {m} | :: An inhabitant of the city, municipality or state of Barinas (state) in Venezuela |
bario {m} | :: barium |
barión {m} [particle] | :: baryon |
bariónico {adj} | :: baryonic |
barista {mf} | :: barista |
barita {f} [mineral] | :: barite |
baritina {f} | :: alternative form of barita |
barítono {m} | :: baritone (male voice) |
barítono {m} | :: baritone (musical range) |
barítono {adj} | :: baritone |
barloa {m} | :: a thick cable used to fasten an anchored ship to a wharf; hawser |
barloventear {v} [nautical] | :: to beat (sail close to the wind) |
barloventeña {f} | :: feminine noun of barloventeño |
barloventeño {adj} | :: Of or from the region of Barlovento, Venezuela |
barloventeño {m} | :: An inhabitant of the region of Barlovento, Venezuela |
barlovento {m} | :: windward side |
barman {mf} | :: barman, bartender |
Barna {prop} | :: clipping of Barcelona |
barnacla {f} | :: brant (goose of genus Branta) |
barnacla canadiense {f} | :: The Canada goose |
barnacla cariblanca {f} | :: The barnacle goose, a freshwater bird |
barnacla carinegra {f} | :: The brent goose (UK), or brant goose (US). A water bird |
Barnaúl {prop} | :: Barnaúl (city) |
barniz {m} | :: varnish, gloss |
barnizador {m} | :: varnisher |
barnizadora {f} | :: feminine noun of barnizador |
barnizar {v} | :: to varnish |
baro- {prefix} | :: baro- |
barojiano {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to the Spanish writer Pío Baroja |
barométrico {adj} | :: barometric |
barómetro {m} | :: barometer |
barón {m} | :: baron |
baroncito {m} | :: diminutive of barón |
baronesa {f} | :: baroness |
baronet {m} | :: baronet |
baronía {f} | :: barony |
barquera {f} | :: feminine noun of barquero |
barquero {m} | :: boatman, ferryman (man who operates a boat) |
barquía {f} [Cantabria] | :: a type of rowboat |
barquichuela {f} | :: pejorative of barca |
barquichuelo {m} | :: pejorative of barco |
barquilla {f} | :: cone (for ice-cream) |
Barquilla {prop} | :: surname |
barquillo {m} | :: ice cream cone |
barquisimetana {f} | :: feminine noun of barquisimetano |
barquisimetano {adj} | :: Of or from the city of Barquisimeto in Venezuela |
barquisimetano {m} | :: An inhabitant of the city of Barquisimeto in Venezuela |
barquita {f} | :: diminutive of barca |
barquito {m} | :: diminutive of barco: small boat |
barra {f} | :: bar, rod [a solid, more or less rigid object of metal or other material with a uniform cross-section smaller than its length] |
barra {f} | :: bar [a counter, or simply a cabinet, from which alcoholic drinks are served in a private house or a hotel room.] |
barra {f} [typographic] | :: bar (various lines used as punctuation or diacritics, such as the pipe ⟨|⟩, fraction bar (as in 1/2)) |
barra {f} | :: slash ("/ " symbol)
barra {f} [computing, rare, proscribed] | :: backslash ("\ " symbol)
barra {f} [heraldiccharge] | :: bend sinister |
barra {f} [exercise, weightlifting] | :: barbell |
barra americana {f} | :: breakfast bar [a counter in a domestic kitchen at which light meals may be eaten, often seated on stools] |
barra americana {f} | :: pole dance [the pole used to make pole dance] |
barra americana {f} [by extension] | :: pole dance [a form of dancing and acrobatics centred on a pole.] |
barrabás {m} [colloquial] | :: scoundrel, rogue, rascal |
barrabasada {f} | :: mischief, rude or uncouth action, rash act |
barrabasada {f} | :: base/dirty trick |
barra brava {f} [Latin America] | :: Mafia organisation that controls football-based businesses |
barrabrava {f} | :: alternative form of barra brava |
barraca {f} | :: barrack |
barraca {f} | :: tent, hut |
barraca {f} | :: storage shed |
barracón {m} | :: bunkhouse |
barra con pesas {f} | :: barbell |
barracuda {f} [fish] | :: barracuda |
barracudina {f} | :: barracudina |
barra de compás {f} [music] | :: bar line |
barra de equilibrio {f} | :: balance beam |
barra de pan {f} | :: baguette, French bread (a long bread) |
barra fija {f} [gymnastics] | :: horizontal bar |
barragán {adj} [obsolete] | :: brave |
barragán {m} | :: the lover of a married person; a concubine |
barragán {m} [obsolete] | :: companion |
barragán {m} | :: barracan; a waterproof woolen fabric |
barragán {m} | :: a coat made of this fabric |
barragana {f} | :: feminine noun of barragán |
barra libre {m} | :: open bar, hosted bar |
barra libre {m} [figurative] | :: free rein, no limit |
barranca {f} | :: barranca, canyon, ravine |
Barranca {prop} {f} | :: Barranca (province) |
barranco {m} | :: gully, gulch, ravine, barranca |
barrancoso {adj} [of terrain] | :: broken, uneven, full of cliffs or ravines |
barranqueña {f} | :: feminine noun of barranqueño |
barranqueño {adj} | :: Of or from Barrancos |
barranqueño {m} | :: Someone from Barrancos |
barranquero {m} | :: Any of a number of species of birds found in Central and South America, including some motmots, jacamars and foliage-gleaners |
barranquillera {f} | :: feminine noun of barranquillero |
barranquillero {adj} | :: from Barranquilla |
barranquillero {m} | :: someone from Barranquilla |
barranquillo {m} | :: diminutive of barranco |
barranquina {f} | :: feminine noun of barranquino |
barranquino {adj} | :: of or from the district of Barranco District, Peru |
barranquino {m} | :: an inhabitant of the district of Barranco District, Peru |
barranquismo {m} | :: canyoning (sport) |
barraquista {mf} | :: slumdog, slum-dweller |
barrar {v} | :: to mud, to muddy |
barras asimétricas {fp} [gymnastics] | :: uneven bars |
barrear {v} | :: to bar; to bar up |
barrebases {m} [baseball] | :: An act of clearing the bases |
barredor {adj} | :: sweeping, that sweeps |
barredor {m} | :: sweeper |
barredora {f} | :: roadsweeper (machine) |
barreminas {m} | :: minesweeper |
barrena {f} | :: drill, a tool for creating holes in a workpiece |
barrena {f} | :: tailspin |
barrenador {m} | :: A driller of holes |
barrenador {m} | :: A competitor in the sport of harri zulaketa |
barrenadora {f} | :: feminine noun of barrenador |
barrenar {v} | :: to bore holes |
barrenar {v} [nautical] | :: to scuttle |
barrenar {v} [colloquial] | :: to foil; frustrate; scuttle |
barrenar {v} [legal] | :: to infringe |
barrendera {f} | :: roadsweeper |
barrendero {m} | :: street sweeper |
barreno {m} | :: drill, a tool for creating holes in a workpiece |
barreño {m} | :: bowl; tub |
barrer {vt} | :: to sweep |
barrera {f} | :: barrier |
barrera {f} [football] | :: wall (line of players standing side-by-side to block a free kick) |
Barrera {prop} | :: surname |
barrera de hielo {f} | :: ice shelf |
barrera idiomática {f} | :: language barrier |
barreta {f} | :: crowbar |
barreta {f} | :: batten |
barretear {v} | :: To bar; bar up |
barretera {f} | :: feminine noun of barretero |
barretero {m} [mining] | :: driller (who used a barrena) |
barriada {f} | :: barriada (shanty town) |
barriada {f} | :: neighborhood |
barrial {adj} | :: neighborhood |
barrial {m} | :: bog, marsh, mire |
barrica {f} | :: barrel, cask (container for liquids) |
barricada {f} | :: barricade (a barrier constructed across a road, especially as a military defence) |
barrida {f} | :: sweeping (instance of sweeping) |
barrida {f} [Latin America] | :: police raid |
barrido {adj} | :: swept |
barrido {m} | :: sweep (act of sweeping) |
barriecito {m} | :: diminutive of barrio |
Barrientos {prop} | :: surname |
barriga {f} | :: belly, paunch, tummy |
barriga cervecera {f} [idiom, humorous] | :: beer belly |
barrigón {adj} [colloquial] | :: potbellied |
barrigudo {adj} | :: potbellied |
barrigudo {adj} | :: plump |
barrigudo {m} | :: brown woolly monkey |
barriguita {f} | :: diminutive of barriga, tummy |
barriguita {f} | :: pot belly |
barrikoztarra {adj} | :: Of or from Barrika |
barrikoztarra {mf} | :: Someone from Barrika |
barril {m} | :: barrel (round vessel) |
barrila {f} | :: fuss; cacophony |
barril de oro {m} | :: the barrel cactus, Echinocactus grusonii |
barrilete {m} [Argentina, Nicaragua] | :: kite (toy carried on the wind) |
barrilito {m} | :: diminutive of barril |
barrilla {f} | :: barilla, saltwort |
barrio {m} | :: neighbourhood |
barrio {m} [Mexico] | :: any neighbourhood of the original or ancient part of a city (usually excluding new growths after 30s, 40s or 50s, depending on the state or city) |
barrio {m} [Venezuela, Dominican Republic] | :: slum |
barrio bajo {m} | :: slum (dilapidated neighborhood) |
barriojarense {adj} | :: of or from Jara (Asunción) |
Barrios {prop} {m} | :: surname |
barriquita {f} | :: diminutive of barrica |
barrista {mf} | :: barista |
barritar {v} | :: to trumpet (to make an elephant call) |
barrito {m} | :: trumpet (elephant noise) |
barrizal {m} | :: mire (muddy area) |
barro {m} [geology] | :: mud |
barro {m} [materials] | :: clay |
barro {m} [dermatology] | :: pustule (caused by acne), closed comedo |
barroco {adj} | :: Baroque |
barroquismo {m} | :: Baroque |
barros jarpa {m} [Chile] | :: a sandwich made with ham and melted cheese |
barros luco {m} [Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Peru] | :: a sandwich made with grilled steak and melted cheese |
Barros Luco {m} | :: alternative form of barros luco |
barroso {adj} | :: muddy |
barrote {m} | :: bar, crossbeam |
barrote {m} | :: bolt |
barrueco {m} | :: Irregular pearl |
barruntar {v} | :: to foresee |
barrunto {m} | :: foreboding; omen |
bartender {mf} | :: bartender |
bartolina {m} [Cuba, El Salvador, Honduras] | :: prison cell |
Bartolomé {prop} {m} | :: Bartholomew, the apostle |
Bartolomé {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Bartoniano {prop} {m} | :: Bartonian |
Bartoniense {prop} {m} | :: Bartonian |
bártulos {mp} | :: belongings |
barullo {m} | :: uproar |
barullo {m} | :: din, noise |
baruteña {f} | :: feminine noun of baruteño |
baruteño {adj} | :: of or from Baruta |
baruteño {m} | :: someone from Baruta |
barvecho {m} [obsolete] | :: fallow |
Basa {prop} | :: surname |
basal {adj} | :: basal |
Basallote {prop} | :: surname |
basalmente {adv} | :: basally |
basáltico {adj} | :: basaltic |
basalto {m} | :: basalt (hard rock) |
basamento {m} | :: the base of a column or another structure, plinth |
basar {v} | :: to base |
basarse {v} | :: reflexive of basar |
basca {f} | :: nausea |
basca {f} | :: female equivalent of basco |
basco {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of vasco |
basco {m} | :: obsolete spelling of vasco |
Basco {prop} | :: surname |
báscula {f} | :: scale (device used to measure weight) |
basculación {f} | :: swinging, tilting, shifting |
basculante {m} | :: dump truck |
bascular {v} | :: to tilt, totter, move to and fro, oscillate |
bascular {v} | :: to sway, swing |
base {f} | :: base |
base {f} | :: basis |
base {f} [linear algebra] | :: basis |
base {f} | :: grounding |
base {f} | :: foundation |
base {f} [basketball] | :: point guard |
base {f} [baseball] | :: base |
base de datos {m} | :: database |
base de datos relacional {f} | :: relational database |
básicamente {adv} | :: basically |
basicidad {f} | :: basicity |
básico {adj} | :: basic |
básico {adj} [chemistry] | :: basic |
basidio {m} [mycology] | :: basidium |
basidiocarpo {m} [mycology] | :: basidiocarp |
basidioliquen {m} [lichenology] | :: basidiolichen |
basidiomiceto {m} | :: basidiomycete |
basidiospora {f} | :: basidiospore |
basilar {adj} | :: basilar |
Basilea {prop} {f} | :: Basilea (city) |
basilecto {m} [linguistics] | :: basilect |
basiliano {adj} | :: Basilian |
basílica {f} | :: basilica (Christian church having a nave) |
basílica {f} | :: basilica (Roman Catholic church with basilican status) |
basílica {f} [poetic] | :: palace |
basiliense {adj} | :: of or from Basel |
basiliense {mf} | :: Basler |
Basilio {prop} | :: given name |
basilisco {m} [mythology, fantasy, heraldry] | :: basilisk |
basilosaurio {m} | :: basilosaurid |
básket {m} [proscribed] | :: alternative spelling of básquet |
baskonista {mf} | :: A player on the basketball team Saski Baskonia |
Baskortostán {prop} {m} | :: Baskortostán (republic) |
basmachí {adj} | :: Basmachi |
basmachí {mf} | :: Basmachi |
basmati {m} | :: basmati |
basocelular {adj} | :: basocellular |
basófilo {m} | :: basophil |
basquet {m} | :: basketball |
básquet {m} | :: basketball (sport) |
basquetbol {m} | :: alternative spelling of básquetbol |
básquetbol {m} | :: basketball (the sport) |
basquetbolista {mf} [Latin America] | :: basketball player, basketballer |
basquetbolístico {adj} [Latin America] | :: synonym of baloncestístico |
basquetero {m} | :: basketball player |
basquiña {m} [historical] | :: A type of frock worn in Spain between the 17th and 19th centuries |
Basseterre {prop} | :: Basseterre (capital city) |
basta {interj} | :: enough, quit it |
basta {f} [sewing] | :: basting |
bastamente {adv} | :: coarsely |
bastante {adj} | :: enough; sufficient |
bastante {adj} | :: quite some; quite a bit (of) |
bastante {adv} | :: quite, rather, pretty, fairly |
bastante {adv} | :: Enough; sufficiently |
bastante {adv} | :: quite a bit; to a considerable degree |
bastantemente {adv} [rare] | :: sufficiently |
bastantísimo {adj} | :: superlative of bastante |
bastar {vi} | :: to be enough; to suffice |
bastardear {vt} | :: to bastardize |
bastardía {f} | :: bastardry |
bastardilla {f} | :: word in italics; italic type |
bastardo {adj} | :: bastard |
bastardo {m} | :: bastard |
bastarse {v} | :: reflexive of bastar |
bastar y sobrar {v} [idiomatic] | :: to be more than enough |
bastedad {f} | :: crudeness, coarseness, roughness |
bastedad {f} | :: rudeness, vulgarity |
bastidor {m} | :: frame, framework |
bastidor {m} | :: embroidery hoop |
bastidor {m} [architecture] | :: sash, casement |
bastidor {m} [automotive] | :: chassis |
bastidor {m} [painting] | :: stretcher |
bastidor {m} [theater] | :: wing, coulisse, slip |
bastilla {f} [sewing] | :: hem |
bastilla {f} | :: bastille |
Bastilla {prop} {f} | :: Bastille (a prison in France) |
bastimento {m} | :: supplies |
bastión {m} | :: bastion, bulwark |
bastir {v} [obsolete] | :: to build |
bastir {v} [obsolete] | :: to provide |
bastitana {f} | :: feminine noun of bastitano |
bastitano {adj} | :: of or pertaining to Baza, Granada |
bastitano {m} | :: someone from Baza |
basto {m} | :: packsaddle, saddle pad |
basto {m} [cards] | :: clubs |
basto {adj} | :: rough, coarse |
basto {adj} | :: gross |
basto {adj} | :: homespun |
bastón {m} | :: walking stick, staff, cane |
bastón {m} | :: baton (in a marching band) |
bastón {m} [heraldiccharge] | :: riband |
bastón {m} [anatomy] | :: rod cell |
bastonada {f} | :: beating with a stick or cane |
bastonazo {m} | :: A hit with a walking stick or staff |
bastoncillo {m} | :: cotton swab, Q-tip |
bastoncillo {m} | :: diminutive of bastón |
bastoncillo de algodón {m} | :: cotton swab |
bastoncito {m} | :: diminutive of bastón |
bastón de caramelo {m} | :: candy cane |
bastón de mando {m} | :: staff of power; baton (a symbolic staff held by a person in authority, especially by the mayor in Spanish towns) |
bastón de mando {m} [figurative] | :: baton, balance of power |
bastonear {v} | :: to hit with a staff or stick |
bastonera {f} | :: majorette |
basura {f} | :: trash, waste, garbage, rubbish, nonsense |
basura {f} | :: something trashy or undesirable |
basural {m} | :: landfill, dump (place where waste or garbage is left) |
basurear {vt} [Latin America] | :: to trash (to treat with disrespect) |
basurera {f} | :: feminine noun of basurero |
basurero {m} | :: dustman, garbage collector (worker who removes refuse) |
basurero {m} | :: landfill, dump (place where waste or garbage is left) |
basurero {m} [Chile, Costa Rica, Peru] | :: dustbin, dust bin, garbage can |
bat {m} [baseball] | :: bat (act of batting) |
bata {f} | :: dressing gown, robe |
bata {f} | :: lab coat |
bata {f} | :: smock |
bata {m} [Philippines] | :: child |
batá {m} | :: batá drum |
batabanoense {adj} | :: Of or from the municipality of Batabanó, Cuba |
batabanoense {mf} | :: An inhabitant of the municipality of Batabanó, Cuba |
batacazo {m} | :: thump, thud |
Bataglia {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
batahola {f} | :: racket, clamor |
batalla {f} | :: battle |
batallador {adj} | :: battling, fighting, scrappy |
batallar {v} | :: to battle |
batallita {f} | :: yarn, story |
batallón {m} | :: battalion |
batamanta {f} | :: Snuggie, sleeved blanket |
batán {m} [textile] | :: fulling mill |
Batangas {prop} {f} | :: Batangas (province) |
Batangas {prop} {f} | :: Batangas (city/provincial capital) |
batangueño {adj} | :: Batangueño |
batangueño {m} | :: Batangueño (person) |
batangueño {m} | :: The Tagalog dialect spoken in Batangas |
batará {m} | :: antshrike |
batará dorsicastaño {m} | :: lined antshrike |
batará lineado {m} | :: fasciated antshrike |
batará luctuoso {m} | :: glossy antshrike |
batará mayor {m} | :: great antshrike |
batará murino {m} | :: mouse-colored antshrike |
batará pintado {m} | :: large-tailed antshrike |
bataraz {adj} | :: mottled |
batarito {m} | :: antvireo |
batasuna {f} | :: feminine noun of batasuno |
batasuno {m} | :: A person involved with Batasuna, the Basque political party |
batata {f} [Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, parts of Argentina] | :: sweet potato |
batata dulce {f} | :: synonym of batata |
batatal {m} | :: piece of land cultivating sweet potato |
bátava {f} | :: feminine noun of bátavo |
bátavo {adj} | :: of or pertaining to the Batavi |
bátavo {m} | :: a member of the Batavi |
batazo {m} [baseball] | :: hit (with the bat) |
bate {m} [sports] | :: bat |
bate {m} [Honduras, slang] | :: reefer, joint (a marijuana cigarette) |
batea {f} | :: shallow pan (wide receptacle used in gold washing) |
batea {f} | :: tray (for foods such as shellfish, fruit) |
batea {f} | :: bed (of a truck) |
bateador {m} | :: batter |
bateadora {f} | :: feminine noun of bateador |
batear {v} | :: to bat |
batel {m} | :: rowboat for four rowers and a cox |
bateo {m} [baseball] | :: batting |
batera {f} | :: feminine noun of batero |
batería {f} | :: large battery |
batería {f} | :: drum set |
batería {f} | :: set (collection of things) |
batería {mf} | :: drummer |
baterista {mf} | :: drummer |
batero {m} | :: dressing gown maker |
batero {m} | :: labcoat maker |
batero {m} [Argentina, Uruguay] | :: drummer |
batey {m} [Caribbean] | :: A residential area on a plantation for its workers |
Bathoniense {prop} {m} | :: Bathonian |
batible {adj} | :: beatable |
batiburrillo {m} | :: mishmash, motley |
batida {f} [hunting] | :: beating |
batida {f} | :: search |
batida {f} | :: raid |
batido {adj} | :: chatoyant, variegated, shot (silk) |
batido {adj} | :: trodden, beaten (path) |
batido {m} [cooking] | :: batter |
batido {m} | :: whipped cocktail |
batido {m} | :: smoothie (fruit drink), milkshake |
batido {m} | :: beating (of metal, batter, wool, etc.) |
batidor {m} | :: whisk |
batidora {f} | :: immersion blender, stick blender, hand blender, wand blender |
batidora {f} | :: mixer |
batidora {f} [Spain] | :: blender (electrical) |
batidora {f} | :: whisk (hand-powered) |
batiente {adj} | :: banging, hitting |
batiente {m} | :: frame (of a door) |
batiente {m} | :: shoreline |
batimento {m} | :: alternative form of esbatimento |
batimetría {f} | :: bathymetry |
batimétrico {adj} | :: bathymetric |
batímetro {m} | :: bathometer |
batimiento {m} [acoustics] | :: beat |
batín {m} | :: dressing gown, nightgown |
batintín {m} [music] | :: Chinese gong |
batipelágico {adj} | :: bathypelagic |
batiplancton {m} [biology] | :: bathyplankton |
batir {vt} | :: to beat, to pound repeatedly |
batir {vt} [cooking] | :: to beat, whisk, whip |
batir {vt} | :: to beat, overcome (an opponent, record, etc.) |
batir {vt} | :: to coin (a word, etc.) |
batirse {v} | :: reflexive of batir |
Batista {prop} | :: surname |
batistato {m} | :: The rule of Fulgencio Batista in Cuba |
batistiana {f} | :: feminine noun of batistiano |
batistiano {adj} | :: of or pertaining to Fulgencio Batista |
batistiano {m} | :: a supporter of Fulgencio Batista |
batllismo {m} | :: The political beliefs of José Batlle y Ordóñez, president of Uruguay between 1911 and 1915 |
batllista {mf} | :: A supporter of José Batlle y Ordóñez, president of Uruguay between 1911 and 195 |
Batman {prop} {m} | :: Batman (superhero) |
bato {m} [dated] | :: dork, dimwit |
bato {m} [Latin America, colloquial] | :: young man, youth |
bato {m} [Mexico, colloquial] | :: chump, punk |
bato {m} [Mexico, colloquial] | :: dude, guy, buddy |
bato {m} [Spain, slang] | :: father |
batoideo {m} | :: ray (fish) |
batolito {m} | :: batholith |
batón {m} | :: dress for a baby |
batoniana {f} | :: feminine noun of batoniano |
batoniano {adj} | :: Baton Rougean (of or pertaining to Baton Rouge, Louisiana) |
batoniano {m} | :: Baton Rougean (native or resident of Baton Rouge, Louisiana) |
Batoniano {prop} {m} | :: Bathonian |
batracio {adj} | :: batrachian (of a frog or toad) |
Battaglia {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
batucada {f} | :: batucada |
batuka {m} | :: A sport combining elements of gymnastics and dance |
baturra {f} | :: feminine noun of baturro |
baturro {adj} | :: Aragonese |
baturro {adj} | :: uncouth |
baturro {m} | :: Aragonese (language) |
baturro {m} | :: Aragonese peasant |
batuta {f} | :: baton (stick used by conductors) |
batuta {f} | :: rule, sway |
batzoki {m} | :: A headquarters of the Basque Nationalist Party |
baudio {m} | :: baud |
bauhinia {f} | :: bauhinia |
baúl {m} | :: chest, trunk, footlocker, steamer trunk |
baúl {m} [Argentina, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Venezuela, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, Puerto Rico] | :: (of a car) trunk [US], boot [UK, Australia] |
baula {f} | :: leatherback (species of sea turtle) |
baumanómetro {m} | :: sphygmomanometer |
bauprés {m} [nautical] | :: bowsprit |
bautismal {adj} | :: baptismal |
bautismo {m} | :: baptism (rite, ceremony) |
bautismo de fuego {f} | :: baptism of fire |
bautista {m} | :: baptist (person who baptizes) |
Bautista {prop} | :: surname |
bautisterio {m} | :: alternative spelling of baptisterio |
bautizar {v} | :: to baptize |
bautizo {m} | :: baptism, christening |
bauxita {f} [mineral] | :: bauxite |
bávara {f} | :: female equivalent of bávaro |
bávaro {adj} | :: Bavarian |
bávaro {m} | :: Bavarian person |
bavarois {m} | :: bavarois |
Baviera {prop} {f} | :: Baviera (state) |
baxo {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of bajo |
baya {f} | :: berry (a small fruit) |
baya de enebro {f} | :: juniper berry |
baya de junípero {f} | :: juniper berry |
baya del saúco {f} | :: elderberry |
bayamés {adj} | :: of or pertaining to Bayamo |
bayamés {m} | :: someone from Bayamo |
bayamesa {f} | :: feminine noun of bayamés |
bayesiano {adj} [statistics] | :: Bayesian |
bayeta {m} | :: baize |
bayeta {m} | :: sponge cloth |
baygón {m} | :: insecticide |
baylar {v} | :: obsolete spelling of bailar |
bayo {adj} | :: bay (of a horse) |
bayo {m} | :: bay (horse) |
Bayona {prop} {f} | :: Bayona (city) |
bayoneta {f} | :: bayonet |
bayonetazo {m} | :: A wound caused by a bayonet |
bayuco {m} [Louisiana] | :: bayou |
bayunco {adj} [El Salvador, colloquial, somewhat pejorative] | :: silly |
baza {f} [card games] | :: trick |
baza {f} | :: Aviceda, cuckoo-hawk [bird genus] |
baza {f} | :: trump, trump card (something that gives one an advantage) |
bazar {m} | :: bazaar (marketplace) |
bazo {m} [anatomy] | :: spleen |
bazofia {f} [pejorative] | :: pigswill, hogwash, slop (low-quality food) |
bazoka {f} | :: alternative spelling of bazuca |
bazuca {m} | :: bazooka |
bazuco {m} | :: basuco |
bazuka {m} | :: bazooka |
BCB {prop} | :: initialism of Bloque Central Bolívar |
BCE {prop} {m} | :: initialism of Banco Central Europeo |
BCN {prop} | :: abbreviation of Baja California, a state of Mexico |
BCN {prop} | :: abbreviation of Barcelona |
be {f} | :: letter: b |
be {m} | :: baa (bleating of a sheep) |
Bea {prop} {f} | :: given name |
beagle {m} | :: beagle |
be alta {f} | :: synonym of be |
bearnés {adj} | :: béarnaise |
beatamente {adv} | :: happily |
beatbox {m} | :: beatbox |
beatería {f} | :: sanctimoniousness |
beaterio {m} | :: beguinage |
beaterío {m} | :: convent |
beatificación {f} | :: beatification |
beatíficamente {adv} | :: beatifically |
beatificar {vt} | :: to beatify |
beatífico {adj} | :: beatific |
beatísimo {adj} | :: superlative of beato |
beatitud {f} | :: bliss |
beatitud {f} | :: blessedness, beatitude |
beatle {m} | :: Beatle |
beatlemanía {f} | :: Beatlemania |
beatlemaniaca {f} | :: Beatlemaniac |
beatlemaniaco {m} | :: Beatlemaniac |
Beatles {prop} {mp} | :: Beatles (rock music quartet) |
beato {adj} | :: having too much beatitude, goody goody, pious, sanctimonious |
beatón {adj} | :: sanctimonious; holier-than-thou |
Beatriz {prop} | :: given name |
beaumontés {adj} | :: of, pertaining to, or supporting, any of the counts of Lerín called Luis de Beaumont |
beaumontés {mf} | :: A supporter of any of the Luis de Beaumonts |
bebe {n} [Peru] | :: baby |
bebé {m} | :: baby |
bebecillo {m} | :: diminutive of bebé |
bebecita {f} | :: feminine noun of bebecito |
bebecito {m} | :: diminutive of bebé, little baby |
bebedero {m} | :: water fountain (device to dispense drinking water) |
bebedizo {adj} | :: potable; drinkable |
bebedizo {m} | :: potion |
bebedor {adj} | :: drinking |
bebedor {adj} | :: hard drinking, bibulous (drinking alcohol) |
bebedor {m} | :: drinker (one who drinks) |
bebedor {m} | :: drunkard (one who drinks alcohol) |
bebedora {f} | :: feminine noun of bebedor |
beber {vt} | :: to drink |
beber {vt} [figurative] | :: to draw from (to be inspired by) |
beberaje {m} | :: drink (beverage, usually alcoholic) |
bebercio {m} [colloquial] | :: booze |
beber como un cosaco {v} [idiomatic, simile] | :: to drink like a fish |
beber como un pez {v} [idiom, simile] | :: drink like a fish |
beberecua {f} | :: boozing; drinking |
beber los vientos {v} [idiomatic] | :: to be head over heels in love (with) |
beberrón {m} | :: heavy drinker; boozer; boozehound |
beberrón {adj} | :: heavy-drinking |
beberrona {f} | :: feminine noun of beberrón |
bebestible {adj} | :: drinkable |
bebestibles {mp} | :: drinks, beverages |
bebezón {f} [Caribbean] | :: booze-up |
bebible {adj} | :: drinkable |
bebida {f} | :: drink, beverage |
bebida {f} [Chile] | :: soda (soft drink) |
bebido {adj} | :: drunk |
bebido {m} | :: obsolete form of bebida |
bebistrajo {m} | :: concoction (strange drink) |
bebita {f} | :: diminutive of bebé |
bebito {m} | :: diminutive of bebé, little baby |
bebop {m} | :: bebop |
beca {f} | :: grant, stipend |
beca {f} | :: scholarship |
becada {f} | :: feminine noun of becado |
becado {m} | :: one who has been granted a scholarship |
becar {v} | :: to grant a stipend or scholarship for studying |
becaria {f} | :: feminine noun of becario |
becario {m} | :: grant-holder, scholarship-holder |
becario {m} | :: trainee, intern |
becerra {f} | :: heifer |
becerrada {f} [bullfighting] | :: bullfight with a yearling calf |
becerrear {v} | :: alternative spelling of berrear |
becerrista {mf} [bullfighting] | :: A novice bullfighter who fights yearling calves |
becerro {m} | :: calf, young cow, bull calf |
becerro {m} | :: calfskin |
bechamel {m} | :: béchamel |
Bechuanalandia {prop} {f} [historical] | :: Bechuanaland (former name for Botswana) |
becquerelio {m} | :: becquerel |
becuadro {m} [music] | :: natural (♮) |
bed and breakfast {m} | :: bed and breakfast |
bedel {mf} | :: janitor, porter |
beduina {f} | :: feminine noun of beduino |
beduino {adj} | :: bedouin |
beduino {m} | :: bedouin |
beefeater {m} | :: Beefeater |
beethoveniano {adj} | :: Beethovenian, Beethoven (attributive) |
befa {f} | :: jeering |
begarda {f} | :: feminine noun of begardo |
begardo {m} | :: Beghard |
Begoña {prop} {f} | :: given name |
begonia {f} | :: begonia |
beguina {f} | :: feminine noun of beguino |
beguinaje {m} | :: beguinage |
beguino {m} | :: Beguine |
begurense {adj} | :: Of or from Begur |
begurense {mf} | :: Someone from Begur |
beicon {m} | :: bacon |
beige {adj} | :: alternative form of beis |
beige {m} | :: alternative form of beis |
Beirut {prop} | :: Beirut (capital city) |
beirutí {adj} | :: Beiruti (of or pertaining to Beirut, Lebanon) |
beirutí {mf} | :: Beiruti (native or resident of Beirut, Lebanon) |
beis {adj} | :: beige |
beis {m} | :: beige |
beisbol {m} [Latin America] | :: alternative spelling of béisbol |
béisbol {m} | :: baseball (ballgame) |
beisbolero {adj} [Latin America] | :: baseball |
beisbolero {m} [Latin America] | :: baseball player |
beisbolero {m} [Latin America] | :: baseball fan |
beisbolista {mf} | :: baseballer |
beisbolístico {adj} | :: baseball |
bejarana {f} | :: feminine noun of bejarano |
bejarano {adj} | :: of or from Béjar |
bejarano {m} | :: someone from Béjar |
bejuco {m} | :: liana (any climbing tropical vine) |
be larga {f} | :: synonym of be |
Belarmino {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Belarús {prop} {m} | :: Belarús (country) |
belatobe {m} [Mexico] | :: maguey worm |
Belau {prop} | :: Palau |
belcantismo {m} | :: bel canto style |
belcantista {adj} [attributive] | :: bel canto |
belcebú {m} | :: Beelzebub |
belcebú {m} | :: demon, devil |
beldad {f} [uncountable] | :: feminine beauty |
beldad {f} [countable] | :: belle |
belén {m} | :: crib, nativity (nativity scene) |
Belén {prop} {f} | :: Belén (city) |
Belén {prop} {f} | :: given name |
belenismo {m} | :: The art of making nativity scenes |
belenista {mf} | :: nativity scene artist |
beleño {m} | :: henbane (plant) |
beleño negro {m} | :: henbane; black henbane; stinking nightshade (Hyoscyamus niger) |
belesa {f} | :: doctorbush (Plumbago scandens) |
Belfast {prop} | :: Belfast (capital city) |
belfo {adj} [of a person] | :: Having thick lips |
belfo {m} | :: lip (part of the body) |
belga {adj} | :: Belgian (from or native to Belgium) |
belga {adj} | :: Belgian (pertaining to Belgium) |
belga {mf} | :: a Belgian |
Bélgica {prop} {f} | :: Bélgica (country) |
bélgico {adj} [rare] | :: Belgian (from or native to Belgium) |
bélgico {adj} [rare] | :: Belgian (pertaining to Belgium) |
Bélgorod {prop} | :: Bélgorod (city) |
belgradense {adj} | :: Belgradian |
belgradense {mf} | :: Belgrader, Belgradian |
Belgrado {prop} {m} | :: Belgrado (capital city) |
bélicamente {adv} | :: in a warlike manner |
bélicamente {adv} | :: when it comes to war |
Belice {prop} {m} | :: Belice (country) |
Bélice {prop} {m} | :: Bélice (country) |
beliceña {f} | :: feminine noun of beliceño |
beliceño {adj} | :: Belizean (pertaining to Belize) |
beliceño {m} | :: Belizean (person) |
belicismo {m} | :: warmongering |
belicista {adj} | :: warmongering |
belicista {mf} | :: warmonger |
bélico {adj} | :: military, war, warlike (relating to war) |
belicosidad {f} | :: bellicosity |
belicoso {adj} | :: bellicose, warlike |
beligerancia {f} | :: belligerence |
beligerante {adj} | :: belligerent |
belígero {adj} [poetic] | :: warmongering |
Belisario {prop} {m} | :: Belisarius (a general of the Byzantine Empire) |
bellaca {f} | :: feminine noun of bellaco |
bellacamente {adv} | :: wickedly, crookedly |
bellaco {m} | :: scoundrel, rascal |
bellaco {m} [Peru] | :: plantain (banana) |
belladona {f} | :: deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna) |
bellamente {adv} | :: beautifully, finely, prettily |
bellaquera {f} [Panama] | :: bravery, guts |
bellaquera {f} [Colombia] | :: horniness |
bellaquería {f} | :: scoundrelry |
bellas artes {fp} | :: fine arts |
Bellavista {prop} | :: Bellavista (province) |
belleza {f} | :: beauty (the quality of being beautiful) |
belleza {f} | :: beauty (beautiful person or object) |
belleza sureña {f} | :: southern belle |
bellezón {m} | :: augmentative of belleza; stunner |
bellísimo {adj} | :: superlative of bello, very beautiful |
bello {adj} | :: beautiful, fair |
bello {adj} | :: lovely (wonderful) |
bello sexo {m} [dated] | :: fair sex: women, taken collectively |
bellota {f} | :: acorn (fruit of the oak) |
bellota de mar {f} [colloquial] | :: acorn barnacle |
Belmonte {prop} | :: surname |
Belmopán {prop} | :: Belmopán (capital city) |
Belotenia {prop} {f} | :: Beltane, the Wiccan bonfire celebration |
Beltrán {prop} {m} | :: surname |
Beltrán {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Beluchistán {prop} {m} | :: Balochistan (region) |
beluga {f} | :: beluga (cetacean, Delphinapterus leucas) |
bemba {f} [Canary Islands, Antilles, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela] | :: Mouth with large and bulky lips |
bemba {adj} [El Salvador, Mexico] | :: feminine singular form of bembo |
bemol {adj} [music] | :: flat |
bemol {m} [music] | :: flat symbol |
benahoarita {mf} | :: Benahoarite |
bencedrina {f} | :: benzedrine |
bencénico {adj} | :: benzenic |
benceno {m} [organic compound] | :: benzene |
bencenodiol {m} [organic compound] | :: benzenediol |
bencílico {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: benzylic |
bencilo {m} [organic chemistry] | :: benzyl |
bencina {f} [Chile, Peru] | :: gasoline, petrol |
bencinera {f} [Chile] | :: petrol station, garage, filling station, gas station, service station |
bendecir {v} | :: to bless |
bendición {f} | :: blessing |
benditísimo {adj} | :: superlative of bendito |
bendito {adj} | :: blessed |
bendito sea Dios {phrase} | :: good Lord, good heavens |
benedictina {f} | :: female equivalent of benedictino |
benedictino {adj} | :: Benedictine |
benedictino {adj} [figurative] | :: large, monumental |
benedictino {m} | :: Benedictine (monk) |
benefactor {m} | :: benefactor |
benefactora {f} | :: feminine noun of benefactor |
beneficencia {f} | :: beneficence, charity |
beneficiar {vt} | :: to benefit |
beneficiaria {f} | :: feminine noun of beneficiario |
beneficiario {adj} | :: beneficiary |
beneficiario {m} | :: beneficiary |
beneficiarse {v} | :: reflexive of beneficiar |
beneficiencia {f} | :: welfare |
beneficio {m} | :: benefit |
beneficio {m} | :: profit |
beneficioso {adj} | :: beneficial |
benéfico {adj} | :: charitable |
benéfico {adj} | :: beneficial |
benéfico {adj} | :: beneficent |
Beneharo {prop} {m} | :: given name from the Canary Islands |
benemérito {adj} | :: one who is deserving or meritorious |
beneplácito {m} | :: approval |
Benevento {prop} {f} | :: Benevento (province) |
Benevento {prop} {f} | :: Benevento (capital city) |
benévolamente {adv} | :: benevolently |
benevolencia {f} | :: benevolence |
benevolente {adj} | :: benevolent |
benévolo {adj} | :: benevolent |
bengala {f} | :: flare (light signal) |
bengala {f} | :: Bengal (cat breed) |
Bengala {prop} {m} | :: Bengal |
Bengala Occidental {prop} {f} | :: Bengala Occidental (state) |
bengalí {adj} | :: Bengali |
bengalí {mf} | :: Bengali (person) |
bengalí {m} | :: Bengali (language) |
Bengasi {prop} {m} | :: Bengasi (port city) |
bengasí {adj} | :: Benghazian (of or pertaining to Benghazi, Libya) |
bengasí {mf} | :: Benghazian (native or resident of Benghazi, Libya) |
Bengazi {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Bengasi |
Beni {prop} | :: Beni (department) |
beniano {adj} | :: Of or from Beni |
beniano {m} | :: Someone from Beni |
Benicio {prop} {m} | :: given name |
benignamente {adv} | :: benignly |
benignidad {f} | :: benignity |
benignísimo {adj} | :: superlative of benigno |
benigno {adj} | :: benign |
Benigno {prop} {m} | :: given name |
benimerín {adj} | :: Marinid |
Benín {prop} {m} | :: Benín (country) |
beninés {adj} | :: Beninese |
beninés {m} | :: Beninese |
beninesa {f} | :: female equivalent of beninés |
Benita {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Benítez {prop} | :: surname |
benito {m} | :: Benedictine monk |
Benito {prop} {m} | :: given name |
benjamín {adj} [sports] | :: Of or corresponding to a certain age group, usually around 8 to 11. See Spanish Wikipedia for ages corresponding to particular sports |
benjamín {m} | :: baby (lastborn of a family) |
benjamín {m} [sports] | :: A player in a certain age group, usually around 8 to 11. See Spanish Wikipedia for ages corresponding to particular sports |
Benjamín {prop} {m} [biblical character] | :: Benjamin |
Benjamín {prop} {m} | :: given name |
benjamina {f} | :: feminine noun of benjamín |
benjamincito {m} | :: diminutive of benjamin |
benjuí {m} | :: benzoin (aromatic balsam, a medicinal plant) |
benteveo {m} | :: kiskadee |
bentón {m} | :: wolf fish (Hoplias malabaricus) |
bentónico {adj} | :: benthic |
bentonita {f} | :: bentonite |
bentopelágico {adj} | :: benthopelagic |
bentos {m} | :: benthos |
benzalconio {m} | :: benzalkonium |
benzaldehído {m} [organic chemistry] | :: benzaldehyde |
benzatínico {adj} | :: containing benzathine |
benzfetamina {f} [pharmaceutical drug] | :: benzphetamine |
benzoato {m} [organic compound] | :: benzoate |
benzocaína {f} | :: benzocaine |
benzodiacepina {f} | :: benzodiazepine |
benzodiazepina {f} | :: benzodiazepine |
benzofurano {m} [organic compound] | :: benzofuran |
benzoico {adj} | :: benzoic |
benzoilecgonina {f} | :: benzoylecgonine |
benzoilo {m} | :: benzoyl |
benzoílo {m} | :: benzoyl |
benzol {m} | :: benzol |
benzonitrilo {m} [organic compound] | :: benzonitrile |
benzopireno {m} [organic compound] | :: benzopyrene |
benzoquinona {f} [organic compound] | :: benzoquinone |
Beocia {prop} {f} | :: Beocia (district) |
beocio {adj} | :: Beotian |
beocio {adj} | :: dumb; stupid |
beoda {f} | :: feminine noun of beodo |
beodez {f} | :: drunkenness |
beodo {adj} | :: drunk, drunken |
beodo {m} | :: drunk, drunkard |
berberecho {m} | :: cockle |
Berbería {prop} {f} | :: Barbary |
berberina {f} | :: berberine |
berberisco {adj} | :: Berber |
berbiquí {m} | :: brace, bitstock |
berciano {adj} | :: Of or from El Bierzo |
berciano {m} | :: Someone from El Bierzo |
bereber {adj} | :: Berber |
bereber {mf} | :: Berber (person) |
bereber {mf} | :: Berber (the languages, taken as a whole) |
beréber {adj} | :: alternative form of bereber |
beréber {mf} | :: alternative form of bereber |
berebere {mf} | :: alternative spelling of bereber |
berengo {adj} [Mexico] | :: stupid, naive |
berenjena {f} | :: aubergine, eggplant |
berenjenal {m} | :: aubergine field or plantation |
berenjenal {m} [colloquial, figurative] | :: mess, trouble |
berezo {m} | :: alternative spelling of brezo |
bergamasco {adj} | :: Of or relating to Bergamo or the Bergamo people |
Bérgamo {prop} | :: Bergamo (town and capital of Bergamo) |
bergamota {f} | :: bergamot |
bergante {m} | :: rascal, rogue |
bergantín {m} [nautical] | :: brig |
bergararra {adj} | :: Of or from Vergara |
bergararra {mf} | :: Someone from Vergara |
bergmaniano {adj} | :: Bergmanian |
berguense {adj} | :: Bergenser (of or pertaining to Bergen, Norway) |
berguense {mf} | :: Bergenser (native or resident of Bergen, Norway) |
berilio {m} | :: beryllium |
berilo {m} | :: beryl |
beritense {adj} | :: Berytian |
beritense {mf} | :: Berytian |
Berito {prop} {m} | :: Berytus |
berkelio {m} | :: berkelium |
berlín {m} [Chile] | :: donut (fried pastry, usually in an ellipsoidal shape and filled with cream) |
Berlín {prop} {m} | :: Berlín (caplc) |
Berlín {prop} {m} | :: Berlín (state) |
berlina {f} | :: a sedan |
berlinés {adj} | :: from Berlin |
berlinés {m} | :: Berliner |
berlusconismo {m} [politics] | :: Berlusconism (Berlusconi's policies) |
berma {f} | :: a berm |
bermeano {adj} | :: From Bermeo |
bermeano {m} | :: Someone from Bermeo |
bermejo {adj} | :: reddish, vermilion |
bermejo {adj} | :: russet, auburn |
bermellón {m} | :: vermillion (pigment) |
bermellón {m} | :: vermillion (color) |
bermeotarra {adj} | :: From Bermeo |
bermeotarra {mf} | :: Someone from Bermeo |
Bermudas {prop} {f} {p} | :: Bermuda |
bermudeña {f} | :: feminine noun of bermudeño |
bermudeño {adj} | :: Bermudian |
bermudeño {m} | :: Bermudian |
Bermúdez {prop} | :: surname |
bermudista {adj} | :: of, pertaining to, or supporting, Pedro Pablo Bermúdez, Peruvian soldier and politician, ruler of Peru in 1834 |
bermudista {mf} | :: A supporter of, or soldier in the army of, Pedro Pablo Bermúdez |
Berna {prop} {f} | :: Berna (capital city) |
Bernabé {prop} {m} | :: Barnabas [biblical character] |
Bernabé {prop} {m} | :: surname deriving from the Biblical character |
Bernabéu {prop} {m} | :: surname |
Bernal {prop} | :: surname |
bernarda {f} | :: Bernardine |
Bernarda {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Bernárdez {prop} | :: surname |
Bernardino {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Bernardo {prop} {m} | :: given name |
bernés {adj} | :: Bernese |
bernés {m} | :: Bernese |
bernesa {f} | :: feminine noun of bernés |
bernsteiniano {adj} | :: Bernsteinian |
berón {adj} | :: of or relating to the Berones |
berón {m} | :: A member of the Berones |
berona {f} | :: feminine noun of berón |
berquelio {m} [uncommon] | :: alternative spelling of berkelio |
berraca {f} | :: feminine noun of berraco |
berraco {m} [Colombia, slang] | :: gutsy person; someone with some balls |
berraquera {f} [Colombia] | :: guts; frenzy; furor |
berrear {v} | :: to bellow |
berrido {m} | :: lowing; mooing (of cow) |
berrido {m} | :: bawling |
berrinche {m} [colloquial] | :: tantrum, skirmish |
berrinchito {m} | :: diminutive of berrinche |
berrinchudo {adj} [colloquial] | :: one who throws tantrums all the time |
berriztarra {adj} | :: Of or from Bérriz |
berriztarra {mf} | :: Someone from Bérriz |
berro {m} | :: cress |
berro {m} | :: watercress |
berrocal {m} [geology] | :: An outcrop of rocks that have undergone spheroidal weathering |
berro chino {m} | :: Chinese cabbage |
berro de agua {m} | :: watercress |
berroqueña {f} | :: feminine noun of berroqueño |
berroqueño {adj} | :: granitic |
berroqueño {adj} | :: of, from, or pertaining to Barruecopardo, Salamanca |
berroqueño {adj} | :: of, from, or pertaining to El Berrueco, Madrid |
berroqueño {m} | :: someone from Barruecopardo, Salamanca |
berroqueño {m} | :: someone from El Berrueco, Madrid |
Berroya {prop} | :: surname |
berrueco {m} [geology] | :: A rock that has undergone spheroidal weathering |
Berta {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Bertrán {prop} {m} | :: given name |
bertso {m} | :: A spontaneous song sung in Basque |
bertsolari {mf} | :: bertso singer |
bertsolarismo {m} | :: The art of singing bertsos |
berza {f} | :: cabbage |
besador {adj} | :: kissing |
besador {m} | :: kisser |
besaflor {m} | :: A hummingbird |
besamanos {m} | :: hand-kissing |
besamel {f} | :: béchamel |
besante {m} | :: bezant |
besante {m} [heraldiccharge] | :: bezant |
besapié {m} | :: foot kiss |
besapiés {m} | :: foot kiss |
besar {v} | :: to kiss |
besar {v} [reciprocal] | :: to kiss (each other, one another) |
besar {vr} | :: to make out with, to neck with (+ con) |
Besarabia {prop} {f} [historical] | :: Bessarabia (region) |
besarse {v} | :: reflexive of besar |
besito {m} | :: diminutive of beso |
beso {m} | :: kiss |
beso blanco {m} | :: snowball (sex act in which ejaculated semen is passed between the mouths of two people) |
beso con lengua {m} | :: tongue kiss, French kiss |
beso francés {m} | :: French kiss |
beso negro {m} [colloquial] | :: anilingus; rimjob |
Besós {prop} {m} | :: Besòs (river) |
besote {m} | :: augmentative of beso, big kiss |
bestezuela {f} | :: diminutive of bestia |
bestia {f} | :: beast |
bestia {f} | :: animal |
bestia {f} [pejorative] | :: brute (person who acts stupidly) |
Bestia {prop} {f} [biblical] | :: Beast (a figure in the Book of Revelation) |
bestia de carga {f} | :: a beast of burden |
bestial {adj} | :: beastly |
bestial {adj} | :: massive, huge, giant |
bestial {adj} | :: tremendous, fantastic, awesome |
bestialidad {f} | :: beastliness |
bestialidad {f} | :: bestiality |
bestialismo {m} | :: bestiality |
bestialmente {adv} | :: cruelly; brutally |
bestia negra {f} | :: bête noire |
bestiario {m} | :: bestiary |
bestseller {m} | :: bestseller |
besucar {v} | :: to cover with kisses |
besucón {adj} | :: being fond of kissing |
besucón {m} | :: one who is fond of kissing |
besucona {f} | :: feminine noun of besucón |
besugo {m} | :: blackspot sea bream (Pagellus bogaraveo) |
besugo {m} | :: booby, dummy, yokel, clumsy (awkward or stupid person) |
besuquear {v} | :: to cover with kisses |
besuquear {v} [reciprocal] | :: to make out, to snog, to smooch |
bet {f} | :: beth; the Hebrew letter ב |
beta {f} | :: beta; the Greek letter Β, β |
betabel {m} [Mexico] | :: beet, beetroot |
betabloqueante {m} | :: beta blocker |
betacaroteno {m} | :: beta-carotene |
betahidroxibutirato {m} | :: betahydroxybutyrate |
betahidroxibutírico {adj} | :: betahydroxybutyric |
betaína {f} [organic compound] | :: betaine, trimethylglycine |
betalactamasa {f} | :: betalactamase |
betalactámico {adj} | :: beta-lactam |
Betancourt {prop} | :: surname |
Betania {prop} {f} | :: Bethany |
betarraga {f} [Chile] | :: beet, beetroot |
beteraga {f} | :: beetroot |
beterraga {f} | :: beetroot |
Bethancourt {prop} | :: surname |
bético {adj} | :: Baetic |
bético {adj} [football] | :: of or relating to Real Betis, a Spanish football team from Seville |
bético {m} [football] | :: A fan, player, coach or person associated with Real Betis |
betlemita {adj} | :: Bethlehemi (of or pertaining to Bethlehem) |
betlemita {mf} | :: Bethlehemi (native or resident of Bethlehem) |
Beto {prop} {m} | :: A diminutive of male given names ending in -berto, such as Roberto, Alberto, Gilberto and Humberto |
betónica {f} | :: betonica |
Betsabé {prop} {f} | :: Bathsheba |
Betsy {prop} {f} | :: given name |
betulense {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to Badalona |
betulense {mf} | :: Someone from Badalona |
betulina {f} [organic compound] | :: betulin |
betún {m} | :: bitumen |
betún {m} | :: shoe polish |
betún {m} | :: pipe joint compound |
betún {m} | :: pine sap |
betunera {f} | :: feminine noun of betunero |
betunero {m} | :: shoeblack |
beudo {adj} | :: obsolete form of beodo |
bey {m} | :: bey |
beyako {adj} [Puerto Rico, colloquial, vulgar] | :: slang spelling of bellaco |
bezaar {m} [rare, obsolete] | :: bezoar |
bezante {m} [heraldry] | :: bezant |
bezo {m} [Canarian] | :: lip |
bezoar {m} | :: bezoar |
bezoárdico {adj} | :: bezoardic |
bezoárico {adj} | :: alternative form of bezoárdico |
bi- {prefix} | :: bi- |
bi {adj} | :: bi (bisexual) |
Bianchi {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
bianconero {adj} | :: Pertaining to the Juventus football club of Turin |
biangular {adj} | :: biangular |
bianual {adj} | :: biennial |
biárbol {adj} | :: two-shaft |
biarticulado {adj} | :: biarticulated |
biatleta {mf} | :: biathlete |
biatlón {m} | :: biathlon |
biaumentado {adj} [geometry] | :: biaugmented |
biberón {m} | :: bottle (for a baby) |
bibi {m} [colloquial] | :: baby bottle |
Bibiana {prop} {f} | :: given name |
biblia {f} | :: bible (a comprehensive manual that describes something) |
Biblia {prop} {f} | :: Bible |
bíblicamente {adv} | :: biblically |
bíblico {adj} [religion, theology] | :: biblical |
biblio- {prefix} | :: biblio- |
biblio {f} | :: clipping of biblioteca |
bibliobús {m} | :: mobile library |
bibliófaga {f} | :: feminine noun of bibliófago |
bibliófago {m} | :: bookworm (avid reader) |
bibliófila {f} | :: feminine noun of bibliófilo |
bibliofilia {f} | :: bibliophilia |
bibliófilo {m} | :: bibliophile |
bibliógrafa {f} | :: feminine noun of bibliógrafo |
bibliografía {f} | :: bibliography |
bibliográfico {adj} | :: bibliographic; bibliographical |
bibliógrafo {m} | :: bibliographer |
bibliomanía {f} | :: book-mania |
bibliómano {adj} | :: bibliomaniac |
bibliómano {mf} | :: bibliomaniac |
bibliométrico {adj} | :: bibliometric |
biblioteca {f} | :: library |
biblioteca {f} | :: bookcase |
bibliotecaria {f} | :: female equivalent of bibliotecario |
bibliotecario {m} | :: professional librarian |
bibliotecóloga {f} | :: feminine noun of bibliotecólogo |
bibliotecología {f} | :: The academic study of libraries |
bibliotecólogo {m} | :: One who studies libraries |
biblioteconomía {f} | :: library science |
biblista {mf} | :: biblist (a Biblical scholar) |
Biblos {prop} | :: Byblos (city) |
bicameral {adj} | :: bicameral |
bicameralidad {f} | :: bicameralism |
bicameralismo {m} | :: bicameralism |
bicampeón {m} | :: two-time champion; double winner |
bicampeona {f} | :: feminine noun of bicampeón |
bicampeonato {m} | :: Two-time championship |
bicapa {f} | :: bilayer |
bicarbonatado {adj} | :: containing bicarbonate |
bicarbonato {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: bicarbonate |
bicarbonato de amonio {m} [inorganic compound] | :: ammonium bicarbonate (NH4HCO3) |
bicarbonato de potasio {m} [inorganic compound] | :: potassium bicarbonate (KHCO3) |
bicarbonato de sodio {m} | :: baking soda, bicarbonate of soda, sodium bicarbonate |
bicatenario {adj} | :: two-stranded |
bicefalia {f} | :: bicephaly |
bicéfalo {adj} [zoology] | :: bicephalous (having two heads) |
bicentenario {adj} | :: bicentenary, bicentennial |
bicentenario {adj} | :: two-hundred-year-old |
bicentenario {m} | :: bicentenary, bicentennial |
bicéntrico {adj} | :: bicentric |
bícep {m} | :: bicep |
bíceps {adj} | :: two-headed; having two peaks or extensions |
bíceps {adj} [muscle] | :: bicipital |
bíceps {m} | :: biceps, especially the biceps brachii |
bíceps braquial {m} | :: biceps brachii |
bíceps crural {m} | :: biceps femoris |
bicha {f} | :: feminine noun of bicho |
bicha {f} | :: beer, brew |
bicharraco {m} | :: creepy crawly |
biche {m} | :: alternative spelling of viche |
bichear {vt} | :: to observe |
bichear {vt} | :: to spy on |
bichero {m} [nautical] | :: boathook |
bichi {m} [regional, colloquial] | :: cat |
bichillo {m} | :: diminutive of bicho |
bichito {m} | :: diminutive of bicho |
bicho {m} | :: bug |
bicho {m} | :: vermin |
bicho {m} | :: beast (non-human animal) |
bicho {m} [Nicaragua, vulgar] | :: vulva |
bicho {m} [Puerto Rico, vulgar] | :: penis |
bicho {m} [Honduras, El Salvador, pejorative, colloquial] | :: kid, boy |
bicho bolita {m} | :: pill bug |
bicho malo {m} [idiom] | :: nasty piece of work |
bicho malo nunca muere {phrase} | :: the devil looks after his own |
bicho raro {m} [idiom, colloquial] | :: freak, oddball, weirdo |
bichote {mf} [slang, Puerto Rico] | :: big shot |
bici {f} | :: clipping of bicicleta; bike |
bicicleta {f} [exercise, vehicle] | :: bicycle, pushbike, cycle |
bicicleta balona {f} | :: cruiser bicycle |
bicicletada {f} | :: ride (mass bicycle ride) |
bicicleta de montaña {f} | :: mountain bike |
bicicleta elíptica {f} | :: elliptical trainer |
bicicleta estática {f} [exercise] | :: exercise bike, ergometer, stationary bicycle |
bicicletero {m} | :: bike rack |
bicíclico {adj} | :: bicyclic |
biciclo {m} | :: velocipede |
bici de montaña {f} | :: mountain bike |
bicilíndrico {adj} | :: two-cylinder |
bicimontaña {f} | :: mountain bike |
bicisenda {f} [Argentina] | :: bicycle lane |
bicitaxi {m} | :: rickshaw, cycle taxi |
Bico {prop} {f} | :: given name |
bicoca {f} | :: bargain |
bicoca {f} | :: piece of cake, duck soup (task that is pleasant, easy or simple) |
bicolanas {n} | :: feminine plural of bicolana |
Bicolandia {prop} | :: Bicol Region |
bicolano {adj} | :: Bicolano |
bicolano {m} | :: Bicolano (person) |
bicolano {m} | :: Bicol (language) |
bicolor {adj} | :: bicolour (having two colors) |
bicóncavo {adj} | :: biconcave |
bicondicional {adj} | :: biconditional |
biconvexo {adj} | :: biconvex |
bicorne {adj} | :: two-horned |
bicornio {m} | :: bicorne |
bicromía {f} | :: duotone |
bicultural {adj} | :: bicultural |
biculturalismo {m} | :: biculturalism |
bicúpula {f} [geometry] | :: bicupola |
BID {prop} | :: initialism of Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo |
bidé {m} | :: bidet |
bidegorri {m} [Basque Country] | :: cycle path |
bidentado {adj} | :: bidentate |
bidet {m} | :: alternative form of bidé |
bidimensional {adj} | :: two-dimensional, bidimensional |
bidimensionalidad {f} | :: bidimensionality |
bidireccional {adj} | :: bidirectional (moving in two directions) |
bidireccional {adj} | :: bidirectional (operating or functioning in two directions) |
bidisminuido {adj} [geometry] | :: bidiminished |
bidón {m} | :: drum, can, jerrycan (barrel for liquid) |
bidún {adj} | :: Bidoon |
bidún {mf} | :: Bidoon |
biela {f} | :: connecting rod, conrod |
bieldo {m} | :: pitchfork |
Biella {prop} | :: Biella (city/and/province) |
bielorrusa {f} | :: feminine noun of bielorruso |
bielorrusia {f} | :: feminine noun of bielorrusio |
Bielorrusia {prop} {f} | :: Bielorrusia (country) |
bielorrusio {adj} | :: Belarusian |
bielorrusio {m} | :: Belarusian |
bielorruso {adj} | :: Belarusian (pertaining to Belarus) |
bielorruso {m} | :: Belarusian (person) |
bielorruso {m} | :: Belarusian [language] |
biempensante {adj} | :: well-thinking |
bien {adv} | :: well (adverbial form of bueno) |
bien {adv} | :: well, fine, okay (state of being satisfied with the status quo) |
bien {adv} | :: hasta aquí todo bien ― so far so good |
bien {adv} | :: properly |
bien {adv} | :: willingly |
bien {adv} | :: very |
bien {adv} | :: as well |
bien {adj} [postpositive, colloquial] | :: well-to-do; affluent; wealthy; upper-class |
bien {adj} [postpositive, colloquial] | :: exclusive; upscale; high-class |
bien {m} | :: good (as opposed to evil) |
bien {m} | :: goodness |
bien {m} | :: good, better [substantive] |
bien {m} | :: welfare, benefit |
bien {m} | :: (plural) goods, property, possessions, assets, wealth, estate |
bienal {adj} | :: biennial, two-year |
bienal {f} | :: biennial exhibition or show |
bienalmente {adv} | :: biennially; every two years |
bienamado {adj} | :: beloved |
bienandanza {f} | :: joy; glee |
bienaventurado {adj} | :: blessed |
bienaventuranza {f} [Christianity] | :: beatitude |
bienaventuranza {f} | :: beatitude (happiness) |
bien cuidado {m} [Latin America] | :: A, usually self-employed, parked automobile attendant intended to prevent vandalism and theft |
bien de consumo {m} | :: consumer good |
bien dotado {adj} | :: well-endowed |
bienes {mp} | :: goods (that which is produced, traded, bought or sold) |
bienes gananciales {mp} | :: marital property |
bienestar {m} | :: well-being |
bienhadado {adj} | :: happy, fortunate |
bienhechor {m} | :: benefactor, welldoer |
bienhechora {f} | :: feminine noun of bienhechor |
bien inmueble {m} [legal] | :: real property, real estate |
bienintencionadamente {adv} | :: well-meaningly |
bienintencionado {adj} | :: well-intentioned, well-meaning |
bienio {m} | :: A period of two years; biennium |
bienmesabe {m} | :: any of various cakes with regional variations |
bienmesabe {m} [Canary Islands] | :: a sweet sauce made from ground almonds |
bienmesabe {m} [Spain] | :: a dish of fried dogfish, typical of Cádiz |
bien mirado {adv} [idiomatic] | :: all things considered; all in all; when you look at it from all angles |
bien mueble {m} [legal] | :: chattel, personal property |
bien nacido {adj} | :: well-born, well-bred |
bien predica quien bien vive {proverb} | :: He who preaches well is he who lives well |
bienquista {f} | :: feminine noun of bienquisto |
bienquisto {adj} | :: well-liked, well-regarded |
bienquisto {m} | :: one who is well-liked or well-regarded |
bien raíz {m} | :: (item of) real estate |
bienteveo {m} | :: Any of various kiskadees or flycatchers |
bienvenida {f} | :: welcome, greeting |
bienvenida {interj} | :: welcome (when saying this to a female) |
bienvenido {adj} | :: welcome |
bienvenido {interj} | :: welcome (when saying this to a male) |
Bienvenido {prop} | :: given name |
bies {m} [textiles] | :: bias |
biesfenocíngulo {m} [geometry] | :: disphenocingulum |
biesfenoide {m} [geometry] | :: disphenoid |
biestable {m} [electronics] | :: flip-flop |
biestatal {adj} | :: two-state |
bifacial {adj} | :: bifacial |
bifásico {adj} | :: biphasic |
bifaz {m} [archaeology] | :: biface (tool) |
bife {m} [South America] | :: steak |
bifenilo {m} [organic compound] | :: biphenyl |
bifenol {m} [organic compound] | :: biphenol |
bífero {adj} | :: biferous |
bífido {adj} | :: forked, divided in two |
bifidobacteria {f} | :: bifidobacterium |
biflagelado {adj} | :: biflagellate |
bifobia {f} | :: biphobia |
bifocal {adj} | :: bifocal |
bífora {f} | :: bifora |
bifosfato {m} | :: biphosphate |
bifronte {adj} | :: two-faced |
bifuncional {adj} | :: bifunctional |
bifurcación {f} | :: bifurcation |
bifurcación {f} | :: fork; split |
bifurcar {vt} | :: to bifurcate, to cause to fork off |
bifurcar {vr} | :: To diverge, fork off |
bifurcarse {v} | :: to split, divide, fork, branch off |
bígama {f} | :: feminine noun of bígamo |
bigamia {f} | :: bigamy (the state of having two spouses) |
bígamo {adj} | :: bigamous |
bígamo {m} | :: bigamist |
bígaro {m} | :: periwinkle |
bigarro {m} | :: alternative spelling of bígaro |
big bang {m} | :: big bang |
Big Ben {prop} {m} | :: Big Ben (the hour bell in London) |
Big Ben {prop} {m} [by extension] | :: Big Ben (the clocktower itself) |
bigdata {m} | :: big data |
bigleaguer {m} [baseball] | :: a player in the big leagues |
Big Mac {mf} | :: Big Mac |
bigoleador {m} [sports] | :: double goalscorer; scorer of a brace (two goals) |
bigos {m} | :: bigos (Polish stew dish) |
bigotazo {m} | :: augmentative of bigote, big moustache |
bigote {m} | :: moustache, mustache; moustaches, mustaches |
bigote {m} | :: whisker, whiskers (used when it's large and thick) [often in plural] |
bigotera {f} | :: milk moustache (or similar mark left by another drink, food, blood, spunk, lady cum etc.) |
bigotera {f} | :: small compass |
bigotillo {m} | :: small moustache |
bigotito {m} | :: diminutive of bigote; small moustache |
bigotón {m} | :: augmentative of bigote; huge moustache |
bigotudo {adj} | :: moustachio'd |
bigotudo {m} | :: The bearded tit. A bird |
bigudí {m} | :: hair curler |
Bihar {prop} | :: Bihar (state) |
bija {f} [Dominican Republic, Cuba] | :: annatto |
bijao {m} | :: The plant Calathea lutea |
biker {m} | :: biker |
bikini {m} | :: bikini |
bikini {m} [Catalonia] | :: ham and cheese sandwich |
bilabiado {adj} | :: bilabiate |
bilabial {adj} [phonetics] | :: bilabial (articulated with both lips) |
bilabial {f} [phonetics] | :: bilabial (a sound articulated with both lips) |
bilateral {adj} | :: bilateral |
bilateralidad {f} | :: bilaterality |
bilateralismo {m} | :: bilateralism |
bilateralizar {v} | :: to bilateralize |
bilateralmente {adv} | :: bilaterally |
bilbaino {adj} [dialectal, Basque Country] | :: alternative form of bilbaíno |
bilbaino {m} [dialectal, Basque Country] | :: alternative form of bilbaíno |
bilbaíno {adj} | :: Bilbaoan |
bilbaíno {m} | :: Bilbaoan |
Bilbao {prop} | :: Bilbao (largest city) |
bilbilitano {m} | :: A person from Calatayud |
bilbilitano {adj} | :: of or from Calatayud |
bildungsroman {m} | :: bildungsroman |
biliar {adj} | :: biliary |
-bilidad {suffix} | :: -bility; Form of -dad used generally for adjectives ending in -ble; Comparable generally to English suffix -ity |
bilineal {adj} | :: bilineal |
bilingüe {adj} | :: bilingual |
bilingüe {mf} | :: bilingual |
bilingüismo {m} | :: bilingualism |
bilioso {adj} | :: bilious |
bilirrubina {f} [organic compound] | :: bilirubin |
bilirrubinemia {f} [medicine] | :: bilirubinemia |
bilis {f} | :: bile |
biliverdina {f} | :: biliverdin |
billar {m} | :: billiards |
billar {m} | :: pool (game) |
billar {m} | :: An establishment accommodating billiard tables; a billiard room |
billardo {m} | :: billiard |
billetaje {m} | :: ticketing |
billetazo {m} | :: augmentative of billete; big boy (big banknote) |
billetazo {m} | :: spending a lot of money |
billete {m} | :: banknote, bill (paper currency) |
billete {m} [Spain] | :: ticket |
billete {m} [heraldiccharge] | :: billet |
billete {m} [colloquial, uncountable] | :: money |
billetera {f} | :: wallet |
billete verde {m} | :: greenback (US dollar) |
billetico {m} | :: diminutive of billete |
billetito {m} | :: diminutive of billete |
billón {num} | :: 1012; a trillion (short system) |
billón {num} [obsolete] | :: 109: a billion (long system) |
billonaria {f} | :: billionaire |
billonario {m} [US Spanish, colloquial] | :: billionaire |
billullo {m} [Colombia, slang] | :: silver |
bilobulado {adj} | :: bilobed |
bilocación {f} | :: bilocation |
bilocular {adj} | :: bilocular |
bilogía {f} | :: dilogy |
bilunabirrotonda {f} [geometry] | :: bilunabirotunda |
bimbache {adj} | :: Bimbache |
bimbache {mf} | :: Bimbache |
bimediana {f} | :: bimedian |
bimensual {adj} | :: bimonthly |
bimensualmente {adv} | :: bimonthly |
bimestral {adj} | :: Occurring at intervals of two months; bimonthly |
bimestralmente {adv} | :: bimonthly |
bimestre {adj} | :: bimonthly |
bimestre {m} | :: two month period |
bimetálico {adj} | :: bimetallic |
bimetalismo {m} [economics] | :: bimetallism |
bimetalista {mf} | :: bimetallist (advocate of bimetallism) |
bimetalista {adj} | :: bimetallist (advocating bimetallism) |
bimilenario {adj} | :: bimillenary |
bimilenario {m} | :: bimillenary |
bimini {m} | :: bimini |
bimodal {adj} | :: bimodal |
bimodalidad {f} | :: bimodality |
bimotor {adj} | :: twin-engine |
bimundialista {mf} | :: player appearing two times at a world cup |
binacional {adj} | :: binational |
binar {v} | :: to plow over |
binar {v} | :: to dig over |
binarie {adj} [gender-neutral, nonstandard] | :: binary |
binario {adj} | :: binary |
binarismo {m} | :: binarism |
binaural {adj} | :: binaural |
bingo {m} | :: bingo (game) |
binocular {adj} | :: binocular |
binomial {adj} | :: binomial |
binominal {adj} | :: binomial |
binomio {m} [mathematics] | :: binomial |
binomio {m} | :: duo; pairing |
binuclear {adj} | :: binuclear |
biñuelo {m} | :: a type of fritter |
bio- {prefix} | :: bio- |
bio {adj} | :: bio (biological) |
bioabono {m} | :: biofertilizer |
bioabsorbente {adj} | :: bioabsorbable |
bioactividad {f} | :: bioactivity |
bioactivo {adj} | :: bioactive |
bioacumulación {f} | :: bioaccumulation |
bioacumular {v} | :: to bioaccumulate |
bioaerosol {m} | :: bioaerosol |
bioanálisis {f} | :: bioanalysis |
bioanalista {mf} | :: bioanalyst |
bioartificial {adj} | :: bioartificial |
biobanco {m} | :: biobank |
biobibliografía {f} | :: biobibliography |
biobibliográfico {adj} | :: biobibliographical |
Biobío {prop} | :: Biobío |
biobutanol {m} | :: biobutanol |
biocapacidad {f} | :: biocapacity |
biocarburante {m} | :: biofuel |
bioceánico {adj} | :: bioceanic |
biocida {f} | :: biocide |
biociencia {f} | :: bioscience |
bioclimático {adj} | :: bioclimatic |
bioclimático {adj} [architecture] | :: bioclimatic |
biocombustible {m} | :: biofuel, ecofuel |
biocompatibilidad {f} | :: biocompatibility |
biocompatible {adj} | :: biocompatible |
bioconcentrar {v} | :: to bioconcentrate |
biocrón {m} [paleontology] | :: biochron |
biocronología {f} | :: biochronology |
biodegradabilidad {f} | :: biodegradability |
biodegradable {adj} | :: biodegradable |
biodegradación {f} | :: biodegradation |
biodegradar {vt} | :: to biodegrade |
biodiésel {m} | :: biodiesel |
biodigestor {m} | :: biodigester |
biodinamica {f} | :: biodynamics |
biodisponibilidad {f} | :: bioavailability |
biodisponible {adj} | :: bioavailable |
biodiversidad {f} [biology] | :: biodiversity |
biodiversificar {v} [rare] | :: to biodiversify |
biodiverso {adj} | :: biodiverse |
bioeconomía {f} | :: bioeconomy |
bioeléctrico {adj} | :: bioelectric |
bioempresa {f} | :: biobusiness |
bioenergía {f} | :: bioenergy |
bioequivalencia {f} | :: bioequivalence |
bioerosión {f} [geology] | :: bioerosion |
bioestadística {f} | :: biostatistics |
bioestimulación {f} | :: biostimulation |
bioestimulante {m} | :: biostimulant |
bioestratigrafía {f} [paleontology] | :: biostratigraphy |
bioestratigráfico {adj} | :: biostratigraphic |
bioetanol {m} | :: bioethanol |
bioética {f} | :: bioethics |
bioético {adj} | :: bioethical |
biofarmacético {adj} | :: biopharmaceutical |
biofarmacéutico {adj} | :: biopharmaceutical |
biofijación {f} | :: biosequestration |
biofilm {m} | :: biofilm |
biofísica {f} | :: biophysics (the application of methods from physics to biology) |
biofísico {adj} | :: biophysical |
biofortificar {v} | :: to biofortify |
biogás {m} | :: biogas |
biogenealógico {adj} | :: biogenealogical |
biogénesis {f} | :: biogenesis |
biogenético {adj} | :: biogenetic |
biogénico {adj} | :: biogenic |
biogeografía {f} | :: biogeography |
biogeográficamente {adv} | :: biogeographically |
biogeográfico {adj} | :: biogeographic |
biogeoquímico {adj} | :: biogeochemical |
biógrafa {f} | :: feminine noun of biógrafo |
biografía {f} | :: biography |
biografía {f} | :: life story |
biografiar {vt} | :: to write a biography of |
biográfico {adj} | :: biographic |
biógrafo {m} | :: biographer |
bioimpresión {f} | :: bioprinting |
bioindicador {m} [biology] | :: bioindicator |
bioindicador {adj} [attributive] | :: bioindicator |
bioinformática {f} | :: bioinformatics |
bioinformático {adj} | :: bioinformatic |
bioingeniera {f} | :: feminine noun of bioingeniero |
bioingeniería {f} | :: bioengineering |
bioingeniero {m} | :: bioengineer |
bioinspirado {adj} | :: bioinspired |
biointensivo {adj} | :: biointensive |
biolixiviación {f} | :: bioleaching |
bióloga {f} | :: female equivalent of biólogo |
biología {f} | :: biology |
biología evolutiva {f} | :: evolutionary biology |
biológicamente {adv} | :: biologically |
biológico {adj} | :: biological, biologic |
biológico {adj} [agriculture, uncommon] | :: organic (grown without agrochemicals) |
biólogo {m} | :: biologist |
bioluminiscencia {f} | :: bioluminescence |
bioluminiscente {adj} | :: bioluminescent |
bioma {m} [biology] | :: biome |
biomarcador {m} | :: biomarker |
biomasa {f} | :: biomass |
biomaterial {m} | :: biomaterial |
biombo {m} | :: folding screen |
biomecánico {adj} | :: biomechanic |
biomedicina {f} | :: biomedicine (a branch of medical science) |
biomédico {adj} | :: biomedical |
biometeoróloga {f} | :: feminine noun of biometeorólogo |
biometeorología {f} | :: biometeorology |
biometeorólogo {m} | :: biometeorologist |
biometría {f} | :: biometrics |
biométrico {adj} | :: biometric |
biomimético {adj} | :: biomimetic |
biomineralización {f} | :: biomineralization |
biomolécula {f} [biochemistry] | :: biomolecule |
biomolecular {adj} | :: biomolecular |
biomórfico {adj} | :: biomorphic |
biomusical {m} | :: biomusical |
biomusical {adj} | :: biomusical |
bionda {f} | :: crash barrier, guardrail, traffic barrier |
biónico {adj} | :: bionic |
bionomía {f} | :: bionomy |
biopelícula {f} [biology] | :: biofilm |
biopic {m} | :: biopic |
bioplástico {adj} | :: bioplastic |
biopolímero {m} | :: biopolymer |
biopolítica {f} | :: biopolitics |
biopsia {f} [medicine] | :: biopsy |
biopsicóloga {f} | :: biopsychologist |
biopsicosocial {adj} | :: biopsychosocial |
bioquímica {f} | :: biochemistry |
bioquímica {f} | :: feminine noun of bioquímico |
bioquímicamente {adv} | :: biochemically |
bioquímico {adj} | :: biochemical |
bioquímico {m} | :: biochemist |
biorevitalización {f} | :: biorevitalization |
biorreactor {m} | :: bioreactor |
biorremediación {f} | :: bioremediation |
biorritmo {m} | :: biorhythm |
biosaludable {adj} [attributive] | :: fitness |
bioseguridad {f} | :: biosecurity |
biosensor {m} | :: biosensor |
bioserie {f} | :: bioseries |
biosfera {f} | :: biosphere |
biósfera {f} | :: biosphere |
biosicosocial {adj} | :: alternative spelling of biopsicosocial |
biosimilar {m} | :: biosimilar |
biosíntesis {f} | :: biosynthesis |
biosintéticamente {adv} | :: biosynthetically |
biosintético {adj} | :: biosynthetic |
biosintetizar {v} | :: to biosynthesize |
-biosis {suffix} | :: -biosis |
biota {f} | :: biota |
biotecnóloga {f} | :: feminine noun of biotecnólogo |
biotecnología {f} | :: biotechnology |
biotecnológica {f} | :: biotechnology |
biotecnológico {adj} | :: biotechnological |
biotecnólogo {m} | :: biotechnologist |
biotelenovela {f} | :: biographical soap opera |
biotemperatura {f} | :: biotemperature |
bioterrorismo {m} | :: bioterrorism |
bioterrorista {mf} | :: bioterrorist |
biótico {adj} | :: biotic |
biotina {f} [vitamin] | :: biotin |
biotinidasa {f} | :: biotinidase |
biotipo {m} | :: biotype |
biotita {f} [mineral] | :: biotite |
biotopo {m} | :: biotope |
biotransformación {f} | :: biotransformation |
bioturbación {f} | :: bioturbation |
bióxido {m} | :: dioxide |
biozona {f} [paleontology] | :: biozone |
bip {m} | :: bip; beep |
bipala {adj} | :: two-blade |
biparental {adj} | :: biparental |
bipartición {f} | :: bipartition |
bipartidismo {m} [politics] | :: bipartisanship |
bipartidista {adj} | :: bipartisan |
bipartito {adj} | :: Divided into two; having two parts |
bipedación {f} | :: bipedalism |
bipedal {adj} | :: bipedal |
bipedestación {f} | :: bipedalism |
bípedo {adj} | :: bipedal |
bípedo {m} | :: A biped |
bíper {m} [Latin America] | :: pager (device for receiving alpha-numeric messages) |
bipersonal {adj} | :: bipersonal; involving exactly two people |
bipinnado {adj} | :: bipinnate |
bipiramidal {adj} | :: bipyramidal |
bipirámide {f} [geometry] | :: dipyramid |
biplano {adj} | :: two-winged |
biplano {m} | :: biplane |
biplaza {adj} | :: two-seated |
bípode {m} | :: bipod |
bipolar {adj} | :: bipolar |
bipolaridad {f} | :: bipolarity |
bipolarismo {m} [politics] | :: two-coalition system, two-party system |
bipolarización {f} | :: bipolarization |
biprovincial {adj} | :: biprovincial (concerning two provinces) |
biquini {m} | :: alternative spelling of bikini |
birlar {v} | :: to swipe, pinch or steal |
birlibirloque {m} | :: magic |
birllas {fp} | :: A type of bowling game from Aragón |
birmana {f} | :: feminine noun of birmano |
Birmania {prop} {f} | :: Burma (Southeast Asian country) |
birmano {adj} | :: Burmese (pertaining to Burma or its contemporary name, Myanmar) |
birmano {m} | :: Burmese (person) |
birmano {m} | :: Burmese (language) |
birminghense {adj} | :: Brummie (of or pertaining to Birmingham, West Midlands, England) |
birminghense {adj} | :: Birminghamian (of or pertaining to Birmingham, Alabama) |
birminghense {mf} | :: Brummie (native or resident of Birmingham, West Midlands, England) |
birminghense {mf} | :: Birminghamian (native or resident of Birmingham, Alabama) |
Birobidzhán {prop} | :: Birobidzhán (city) |
birome {m} [Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay] | :: ballpoint pen |
birr {m} | :: birr (currency) |
birra {f} | :: beer |
birra {f} | :: beer, glass of beer |
birracial {adj} | :: biracial |
birreactor {m} | :: twin-engine jet |
birrectangular {adj} | :: birectangular; containing two right angles |
birrefringencia {f} | :: birefringence |
birregional {adj} | :: biregional |
birreta {f} | :: biretta |
birrete {m} | :: biretta |
birria {f} | :: garbage, junk, slop |
birria {f} [Mexico] | :: birria (stewed meat) |
birrita {f} | :: diminutive of birra |
birrodado {m} | :: A two-wheeled vehicle |
birrotonda {f} [geometry] | :: birotunda |
biruji {m} [colloquial] | :: cold wind |
bis- {prefix} | :: bis- |
bis- {prefix} | :: great- |
bisabuela {f} | :: great-grandmother (feminine noun of bisabuelo) |
bisabuelo {m} | :: great-grandfather (great-grandmother for the feminine form) |
bisabuelo {m} [usually plural] | :: great-grandparent (either a great-grandmother or a great-grandfather) |
bisagra {f} | :: hinge |
bisalto {m} | :: pea; specifically the field pea, Pisum sativum subsp. arvense |
bisar {v} | :: to repeat (perform an encore) |
Bisáu {prop} | :: alternative spelling of Bissau |
bisauguineana {f} | :: feminine noun of bisauguineano |
bisauguineano {adj} | :: Bissau-Guinean (of or pertaining to Guinea-Bissau) |
bisauguineano {m} | :: Bissau-Guinean (native or resident of Guinea-Bissau) |
bisaya {f} | :: feminine noun of bisayo |
bisayo {adj} | :: Visaya |
bisayo {m} | :: Visaya |
bisbisar {v} | :: to mutter |
bisbita {f} | :: pipit (bird) |
biscocho {m} | :: alternative spelling of bizcocho |
biscotte {m} | :: biscotte |
bise {m} | :: encore |
bisecar {vt} | :: to bisect |
bisección {f} | :: bisection |
bisectriz {f} [geometry] | :: bisection |
bisel {m} | :: bevel |
biselar {v} | :: to bevel |
bisemanal {adj} | :: biweekly, fortnightly |
bisemanario {m} | :: fortnightly |
bisexual {adj} | :: bisexual |
bisexual {mf} | :: bisexual |
bisexualidad {f} | :: bisexuality |
bisfenol {m} | :: bisphenol |
bisfosfonato {m} | :: bisphosphonate |
bisiesto {m} | :: leap year |
bisilábico {adj} | :: disyllabic |
bisílabo {adj} | :: disyllabic |
Biskek {prop} | :: Biskek (capital) |
bislama {m} | :: Bislama (language) |
bismarqués {adj} | :: Bismarcker, Bismarck (of or pertaining to Bismarck, North Dakota) |
bismarqués {m} | :: Bismarcker (native or resident of Bismarck, North Dakota) |
bismarquesa {f} | :: feminine noun of bismarqués |
bismutita {f} [mineral] | :: bismuthite |
bismuto {m} | :: bismuth |
bisnieta {f} | :: feminine noun of bisnieto |
bisnieto {m} | :: great-grandchild; great-grandson (great-granddaughter for the feminine form) |
biso {m} | :: byssus |
bisoñé {m} | :: toupee |
bisoñez {f} | :: inexperience, rookieness |
bisoño {adj} | :: inexperienced |
bisonte {m} | :: bison |
bisonte americano {m} | :: American bison |
bisonte europeo {m} | :: wisent |
bísquet {m} [Mexico] | :: A type of lightly salted biscuit |
Bissau {prop} | :: Bissau (capital city) |
bisté {m} | :: steak (food) |
bistec {m} | :: steak, beefsteak |
bistro {m} | :: bistro |
bistró {m} | :: bistrot |
bisturí {m} | :: scalpel, bistoury |
bisulfato {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: bisulfate |
bisulfato de sodio {m} [inorganic compound] | :: sodium bisulfate (NaHSO4) |
bisulfito {m} | :: bisulphite |
bisulfuro {m} [chemistry] | :: bisulphide, bisulfide |
bisutería {f} | :: Fake jewellery, or costume jewellery |
bit {m} | :: bit (binary digit) |
bitácora {f} | :: a captain's log or journal on a ship |
bitácora {f} | :: the closet where aforementioned journal is kept; binnacle |
bitácora {f} | :: weblog, blog |
bitacula {f} | :: binnacle |
bitangente {m} | :: bitangent |
bitcoin {m} | :: bitcoin (a cryptocurrency) |
bitcóin {m} | :: bitcoin (currency unit) |
bitensión {adj} | :: twin-voltage |
Bitinia {prop} | :: Bithynia |
Bitola {prop} | :: Bitola (city) |
bitonalidad {f} | :: bitonality |
bitono {m} | :: duotone |
bituminoso {adj} | :: bituminous |
biturbo {adj} | :: Having twin turbochargers |
biunívoco {adj} | :: biunivocal |
biuora {f} | :: obsolete spelling of víbora |
bivalente {adj} | :: bivalent |
bivalvo {m} | :: bivalve |
biventricular {adj} | :: biventricular |
bividí {m} [Ecuador, Peru, slang] | :: sleeveless undershirt, singlet |
biyección {f} [mathematics] | :: bijection |
biyectivo {adj} | :: bijective |
Bizancio {prop} {m} | :: Byzantium (ancient Greek city) |
bizantina {f} | :: feminine noun of bizantino |
bizantinista {mf} | :: Byzantinist |
bizantino {adj} | :: Byzantine |
bizantino {m} | :: Byzantine |
bizarramente {adv} | :: gallantly |
bizarría {f} | :: gallantry; boldness |
bizarría {f} | :: generosity |
bizarro {adj} | :: dashing, brave, spirited, gallant |
bizarro {adj} | :: generous, magnanimous, noble |
bizarro {adj} [Argentina, Chile] | :: bizarre, strange, weird |
bizcar {v} | :: synonym of bizquear |
bizco {adj} | :: crosseyed |
bizco {adj} [bullfighting] | :: Having non-symmetrical horns |
bizcochito {m} | :: diminutive of biscocho |
bizcocho {m} | :: sponge cake |
bizcocho {m} | :: bisque (fired unglazed pottery) |
bizcocho {m} [Argentina] | :: a kind of salty cookie |
bizcocho {m} [Uruguay] | :: croissant |
bizcocho {m} | :: ellipsis of bizcocho de soletilla; ladyfinger |
bizcochuelo {m} | :: pejorative of bizcocho |
bizma {f} | :: poultice, cataplasm |
bizmar {vt} | :: to apply a poultice |
biznaga {f} | :: toothpickweed, khella (Visnaga daucoides (syn. Ammi visnaga)) |
biznaga {f} [Mexico] | :: Any of several species of small, prickly cacti, especially barrel cacti |
biznieta {f} | :: feminine noun of biznieto |
biznieto {m} | :: alternative form of bisnieto |
bizona {f} | :: bizone |
bizquear {v} | :: to cross one's eyes |
bizquear {v} | :: to squint |
bizquear {v} | :: to wink |
bla {m} | :: blah (idle talk) |
bla bla {m} | :: alternative spelling of blablablá |
bla-bla {m} | :: alternative spelling of blablablá |
blablá {m} | :: alternative spelling of blablablá |
bla bla bla {m} | :: alternative spelling of blablablá |
bla-bla-bla {m} | :: alternative spelling of blablablá |
blablablá {m} | :: blah blah blah |
Black Friday {m} | :: Black Friday |
blackjack {m} | :: blackjack (card game) |
blackout {m} | :: blackout |
blada {f} | :: sycamore |
Blagovéshchensk {prop} {m} | :: Blagovéshchensk (city) |
blairismo {m} [politics] | :: Blairism (ideology of British Prime Minister Tony Blair) |
Blanca {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Blancanieves {prop} {f} | :: Snow White |
Blanca Nieves {prop} {f} | :: alternative spelling of Blancanieves |
blanca y en botella, leche {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: no doubt about it, no question |
blanca y en botella, leche {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: is the Pope Catholic |
Blanchard {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
blanco {adj} | :: white |
blanco {adj} [heraldry] | :: argent |
blanco {m} | :: white |
blanco {m} | :: target |
Blanco {prop} | :: surname |
blanco apagado {adj} | :: off-white |
blanco como el papel {adj} [idiom, simile] | :: white as a sheet |
blanco como la cera {adj} [idiom, simile] | :: white as a sheet |
blanco como la pared {adj} [idiom, simile] | :: white as a sheet |
blancor {m} | :: whiteness |
blanco roto {adj} | :: off-white |
blancura {f} | :: whiteness |
blancuzco {adj} | :: whitish |
blandamente {adv} | :: gently; softly |
blandear {v} | :: synonym of blandir |
blandengue {adj} | :: weak, soft |
blandengue {mf} | :: sissy, weakling, softie |
blandenguería {f} | :: softness, weakness |
blandir {vt} | :: to brandish |
blandísimo {adj} | :: superlative of blando |
blandito {adj} | :: diminutive of blando |
blando {adj} | :: soft |
blando {adj} | :: bland |
blando {adj} | :: flabby |
blando {adj} | :: cowardly |
blando {adj} [music] | :: flat |
blandón {m} | :: candlestick |
blandón {m} | :: large candle |
blandura {m} | :: softness; tenderness |
blandura {m} | :: praise |
blandura {m} | :: kindness; tact |
blandura {m} | :: mildness (of weather) |
blandura {m} [obsolete] | :: synonym of blanquete |
blanqueador {adj} | :: whitening |
blanqueador {m} | :: bleach |
blanqueador {m} | :: whitener |
blanqueamiento {m} | :: whitening, whitewashing, bleaching [the process of making something white or whiter] |
blanqueamiento {m} | :: whitewashing [a deliberate attempt to conceal unpleasant or incriminating facts about a person or organization in order to protect their reputation] |
blanqueamiento {m} | :: laundering [adjust the black money to the fiscal legality] |
blanquear {v} | :: to bleach |
blanquear {v} | :: to whiten; to turn white |
blanquear {v} | :: to whitewash |
blanquear {v} [sports] | :: to win without allowing rival to get points |
blanquecer {v} | :: To whiten |
blanquecino {adj} | :: whitish |
blanquedad {f} | :: whiteness |
blanqueo {m} | :: synonym of blanqueamiento |
blanqueo de capitales {m} | :: money laundering |
blanquiazul {adj} | :: blue and white |
blanquiazul {adj} | :: Of or related to RCD Espanyol, a football team in Barcelona |
blanquiazul {mf} | :: A fan, player, or other person connected to RCD Espanyol |
blanquiazulal {adj} | :: Blue and white |
blanquiazulal {adj} [football] | :: relating to a number of clubs who have a blue and white strip (below are just a number of such clubs) |
blanquiazulal {mf} | :: Someone connected to any of the above clubs, as a player, coach, fan etc |
blanquillo {adj} | :: whitish |
blanquillo {m} | :: blanquillo |
blanquinegro {adj} | :: black and white |
blanquinegro {adj} | :: black-and-white |
blanquinegro {adj} [football] | :: Of or pertaining to Real Balompédica Linense, a football team in La Línea de la Concepción, Andalusia |
blanquinoso {adj} | :: whitish |
blanquirrojo {adj} | :: white and red |
blanquísimo {adj} | :: superlative of blanco |
blanquito {adj} | :: diminutive of blanco |
blanquitos {adj} | :: masculine plural of blanquito |
blanquitos {mp} | :: pearly whites |
blanquitud {f} | :: whiteness |
blanquiverde {adj} | :: white and green |
blanquivioleta {adj} [football] | :: Related or connected to Real Valladolid, a football team in Valladolid, Spain |
blanquivioleta {mf} [football] | :: A player, fan, coach or other person connected to Real Valladolid, a football team in Valladolid, Spain |
blao {adj} [heraldry] | :: azure |
blao {adj} [obsolete] | :: blue |
blao {m} [heraldry, obsolete] | :: azure |
blao {m} [obsolete] | :: azure (color) |
Blas {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Blasco {prop} {m} | :: surname |
blasfema {f} | :: feminine noun of blasfemo |
blasfemamente {adv} | :: blasphemously |
blasfemar {vi} | :: to blaspheme (to speak against God or religious doctrine) |
blasfematorio {adj} | :: blasphemous |
blasfemia {f} | :: blasphemy |
blasfemo {adj} | :: blasphemous |
blasfemo {m} | :: blasphemer |
blasón {m} [heraldry] | :: blazon |
blasón {m} [heraldry] | :: coat of arms |
blasón {m} [heraldry] | :: heraldry |
blasón {m} | :: honor, glory |
blasonamiento {m} [heraldry] | :: blazon (description of a coat of arms) |
blasonar {v} | :: to blazon |
blasonar {v} [heraldry] | :: to emblazon |
blasonar {v} | :: to boast |
bláster {m} | :: blaster; blastor |
-blasto {suffix} | :: -blast |
blastocisto {m} | :: blastocyte |
blastocito {m} | :: blastocyte |
blastodermo {m} | :: blastoderm |
blastómera {f} | :: blastomere |
blastómero {m} | :: blastomere |
blastoporo {m} | :: blastopore |
blástula {f} | :: blastula |
blaugrana {adj} [football, attributive] | :: of or relating to FC Barcelona, a football club from Barcelona |
blaverismo {m} | :: blaverism |
blaxploitation {f} | :: blaxploitation |
blazer {m} | :: blazer |
Blázquez {prop} | :: surname |
bledo {m} | :: blite, pigweed (a plant of the genus Amaranthus, especially the purple amaranth (Amaranthus blitum) and common amaranth, (Amaranthus retroflexus)) |
bledo {m} [figuratively] | :: something insignificant |
blefaritis {f} | :: blepharitis |
blefaroplastia {f} [surgery] | :: blepharoplasty |
bléiser {m} | :: blazer |
-blema {suffix} | :: -blem |
blemio {adj} | :: Blemmye |
blemio {mf} | :: Blemmye |
blenda {f} [mineral] | :: blende |
blender {m} | :: blender |
blenorragia {f} | :: gonorrhea |
blenorrea {f} | :: gonorrhea |
blindado {adj} | :: armoured |
blindado {m} | :: armoured car; armoured vehicle |
blindado {m} | :: armor-plated |
blindaje {m} | :: armor-plating, armor, shielding |
blindar {vt} | :: to shield, to armor |
blíster {m} | :: blister pack |
blistera {f} | :: blister machine |
B. L. M. {phrase} [archaic] | :: abbreviation of besa la mano a formal way to close a letter |
bloc {m} | :: pad (such as of paper) |
blocao {m} [military] | :: movable blockhouse |
blocar {v} [sport] | :: to block, tackle |
block {m} [Guatemala] | :: cement block |
blockbuster {m} | :: blockbuster (film or book that sustains exceptional and widespread popularity and achieves enormous sales) |
blockchain {m} | :: blockchain |
blockera {f} [Guatemala] | :: Place where cement blocks are sold |
bloco {m} | :: carnival block |
blofear {v} | :: to bluff |
blog {m} [internet] | :: blog |
blogger {m} | :: blogger |
bloggera {f} | :: feminine noun of bloggero |
bloggero {m} | :: blogger |
blogosfera {f} [Internet] | :: blogosphere |
bloguear {v} | :: to blog |
bloguer {m} | :: blogger |
bloguera {f} [Internet] | :: blogger |
bloguero {adj} | :: blogging |
bloguero {m} [Internet] | :: blogger |
blonda {f} | :: lace |
blondie {m} | :: blondie (dessert) |
blondo {adj} [literary] | :: blonde |
blooper {m} | :: blooper |
bloque {m} | :: bloc |
bloque {m} | :: block (street block or a piece of something) |
bloque {m} | :: slab |
bloqueador {m} | :: blocker (something or someone that blocks) |
bloqueador {adj} | :: blocking (that blocks) |
bloqueadora {f} | :: feminine noun of bloqueador |
bloqueante {m} | :: blocker |
bloqueante {adj} | :: blocking |
bloquear {vt} | :: to block |
bloquear {v} | :: to block (physically), to barricade, to obstruct |
bloquear {v} | :: to jam, to wedge, to fix in place |
bloquear {v} | :: to freeze (e.g. prices) |
bloquear {v} | :: to block, to impede, to hinder, to stymie |
bloquear {vr} [of a computer program] | :: To freeze, to lock up |
bloquear {vr} | :: To become jammed |
bloquecito {m} | :: diminutive of bloque |
bloqueo {m} | :: blockade |
bloqueo {m} | :: blockage |
bloqueo {m} | :: locking |
bloqueo {m} | :: freeze |
bloquera {f} | :: concrete block machine |
bloquera {f} [Guatemala] | :: place where cement blocks are sold |
bloquismo {m} | :: The political beliefs of the Partido Bloquista de San Juan |
B. L. P. {phrase} [archaic] | :: abbreviation of besa los pies a formal way to close a letter |
bluegrass {m} | :: bluegrass (a style of country music) |
bluejeans {m} | :: jeans (trousers) |
blues {mp} {m} [music genre] | :: blues |
bluesístico {adj} | :: bluesy |
bluesman {m} | :: bluesman |
bluetooth {m} [networking] | :: Bluetooth (personal area wireless network) |
bluf {m} | :: bluff |
blufileña {f} | :: feminine noun of blufileño |
blufileño {adj} | :: Of or from Bluefields |
blufileño {m} | :: Someone from Bluefields |
blujins {mp} [rare] | :: blue jeans |
blumer {m} | :: knickers |
blúmer {m} | :: bloomer (clothing) |
blusa {f} | :: blouse |
blusera {f} | :: feminine noun of blusero |
blusero {adj} [Argentina, Chile, music] | :: blues [attributive] |
blusero {m} [music] | :: bluesman (blues artist; blues aficionado) |
blusita {f} | :: diminutive of blusa |
blusón {m} | :: nightshirt |
bluyín {m} | :: jeans |
BM {prop} | :: initialism of Banco Mundial |
bo {interj} [Uruguay, colloquial] | :: hey, mate, dude |
boa {f} | :: boa (snake) |
boa {f} | :: boa (scarf made from feathers) |
Boaco {prop} | :: Boaco (department) |
boadillense {adj} | :: Of or from Boadilla del Monte |
boadillense {mf} | :: Someone from Boadilla del Monte |
boato {m} | :: pomp |
bob {m} | :: bob, bob haircut (hairstyle) |
bobada {f} | :: nonsense, tosh (stupid act) |
Bobadilla {prop} | :: surname |
bobalicón {adj} | :: idiotic |
bobalicón {m} | :: buffoon, prat, idiot |
bobalicona {f} | :: feminine noun of bobalicón |
bobear {vi} | :: to do or say stupid things |
bobera {f} | :: alternative spelling of bobería |
bobería {f} | :: folly, foolishness, something foolish |
bobina {f} | :: reel, bobbin, spool |
bobina {f} | :: electrical coil |
bobinar {vt} | :: to wind, to wind up |
bobo {adj} | :: stupid, silly, naive |
bobo {m} | :: A stupid or naive person; a fool |
bobsleigh {m} | :: bobsleigh |
boca {f} [anatomy] | :: mouth, oral cavity |
boca {f} | :: entrance, opening |
boca {f} | :: estuary |
boca abajo {adv} | :: face-down/face down, upside down |
boca a boca {m} [idiom] | :: word of mouth |
boca a boca {m} [idiom] | :: mouth-to-mouth (breathing into a person’s mouth as a first-aid technique) |
boca arriba {adv} | :: face-up |
bocabajeado {adj} [Mexico] | :: crestfallen; downbeat |
bocabajo {adv} | :: alternative spelling of boca abajo |
bocabarra {f} | :: breakwater |
bocacalle {f} | :: turning (into a street) |
bocacha {f} | :: muzzle (firearm) |
bocachancla {mf} [pejorative, Spain] | :: big mouth, chatterbox |
bocachico {m} | :: Prochilodus magdalenae (fish) |
boca de dragón {f} | :: snapdragon (plant) |
boca del lobo {f} [idiomatic] | :: lion's den, belly of the beast |
boca de sonido {f} [music] | :: sound box |
bocadillería {f} | :: sandwich bar |
bocadillo {m} [Spain] | :: sandwich |
bocadillo {m} | :: snack |
bocadillo {m} [comics] | :: speech bubble (rounded outline, containing words, representing speech) |
bocadito {m} | :: diminutive of bocado |
bocado {m} | :: mouthful |
bocado {m} | :: snack |
bocado {m} | :: bit |
bocado de Adán {m} | :: Adam's apple |
bocado del león {m} [idiomatic] | :: lion's share |
Bocaja {prop} | :: A barrio of San Salvador, Hidalgo, Mexico |
bocajarro {particle} | :: only used in a bocajarro |
bocamanga {f} | :: cuff (of clothing) |
bocamina {f} | :: entrance to a mine |
bocana {f} | :: estuary |
bocanada {f} | :: puff |
bocanada {f} | :: mouthful, lungful, gulp (usually of an aeriform or gaseous substance) |
bocanada {f} [figurative] | :: breath |
bocanada {f} | :: gust |
bocanada {f} | :: gasp, breath |
boca-oreja {m} | :: word of mouth |
bocarriba {adv} | :: alternative spelling of boca arriba |
bocata {m} [Spain, colloquial] | :: sandwich |
bocatería {f} [Spain] | :: sandwich bar, sandwich shop |
bocatoma {f} | :: (water) intake |
bocatoreña {f} | :: feminine noun of bocatoreño |
bocatoreño {adj} | :: Of or from Bocas del Toro Province in Panama |
bocatoreño {m} | :: An inhabitant of Bocas del Toro Province in Panama |
bocaza {mf} [rare] | :: alternative spelling of bocazas |
bocazas {mf} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: big mouth, bigmouth, chatterbox (someone who talks too much) |
bocel {m} | :: A type of cylindrical mould |
boceto {m} | :: sketch, outline |
boceto {m} | :: draft |
bocha {f} | :: bowl (ball thrown in the game of bowls) |
bocha {f} [in plural] | :: bowls (sport) |
bochar {vt} [Latin America] | :: to flunk |
bochar {v} [bowls] | :: to knock away (another bowl) |
bochinche {m} [Panama, Puerto Rico] | :: Gossip, particularly that which is malicious, spread deliberately with the intention to defame the victim and amuse others, or disseminated by a busybody or meddler |
bochinche {m} [Venezuela, Uruguay] | :: A social gathering, particularly a lively one |
bochinche {m} [Domican Republic] | :: The sound or noise resulting from a group of people in an event or party |
bochinche {m} | :: A tumultuous or riotous situation |
bochinche {m} | :: A mouthful of food, particularly that which has been masticated |
bochinchero {adj} | :: rowdy, noisy |
bocho {adj} | :: brainy; smart |
bocho {m} | :: brainbox; poindexter; egghead |
bochófilo {m} | :: boccia player or fan |
bochorno {m} [weather] | :: hot summer wind |
bochorno {m} [weather] | :: suffocating heat; swelter |
bochorno {m} | :: blush (reddened face) |
bochornosamente {adv} | :: shamefully |
bochornoso {adj} | :: degrading, shameful |
bochornoso {adj} | :: sweltering, sultry (hot) |
bocina {f} | :: horn (loud alarm, especially on a motor vehicle) |
bocina {f} | :: loudspeaker |
bocina {f} [musical instrument] | :: horn |
bocina {f} | :: conch shell (used as a musical instrument)) |
bocinar {v} | :: to honk the horn [on a car] |
bocinar {v} | :: to speak through a loudspeaker |
bocinar {v} | :: to play on a horn or conch shell |
bocinazo {m} | :: honk (sound) |
bocinita {f} | :: diminutive of bocina |
bocio {m} | :: goiter |
bociógeno {adj} | :: goitrogenic |
bocón {adj} | :: bigmouthed, bragging, boastful |
bocón {m} | :: bigmouth, blabbermouth, braggart |
bocón {m} | :: blackfly of the family Simuliidae, found in Central America |
boconcito {m} | :: diminutive of bocón |
bocota {f} | :: augmentative of boca, a big mouth |
bocoy {m} | :: hogshead |
boda {f} [often, in the plural] | :: wedding |
bode {m} | :: goat buck |
bodega {f} | :: cellar |
bodega {f} | :: winery |
bodega {f} | :: stockroom, storeroom |
bodega {f} [US Spanish] | :: corner store owned by Hispanics |
bodega {f} [Cuba] | :: grocery store (typically owned by the government) |
bodega {f} [nautical] | :: hold (space in ship) |
bodegaje {m} | :: storage |
bodegón {m} | :: still life |
bodegón {m} | :: augmentative of bodega, a large winery, stockroom or store |
bodeguera {f} | :: feminine noun of bodeguero |
bodeguero {m} | :: winemaker (one who produces wine) |
bodi {m} | :: bodysuit |
bodorrio {m} | :: small or cheap wedding |
bodrio {m} | :: piece of junk |
body {m} | :: bodysuit |
bodyboard {m} | :: bodyboarding |
body combat {m} | :: body combat |
body step {m} | :: body step |
BOE {prop} {m} [Spain] | :: initialism of Boletín Oficial del Estado |
bóer {mf} | :: Boer (South African of Dutch descent) |
bofe {m} | :: lung (of animals) |
bofe {m} | :: lung (food) |
bofedal {m} | :: A wetland in an elevated area |
bofetada {f} | :: a slap in the face |
bofetear {v} | :: to slap |
bofetón {m} | :: slap, swat |
boga {f} | :: a species of ray-finned fish, Leporinus obtusidens |
boga {f} | :: rowing |
boga {mf} | :: rower |
boga {f} | :: vogue |
bogador {m} | :: rower |
bogadora {f} | :: feminine noun of bogador |
bogar {vi} | :: to row |
bogavante {m} | :: European lobster (Homarus gammarus) |
Bogotá {prop} {f} | :: Bogotá (capital city) |
bogotana {f} | :: feminine noun of bogotano |
bogotano {adj} | :: Bogotan |
bogotano {m} | :: Bogotan |
bohanes {mp} | :: Bohán |
bohardilla {f} | :: alternative spelling of buhardilla |
Bohemia {prop} {f} | :: Bohemia (region) |
bohemio {adj} | :: Bohemian (of or pertaining to the region of Bohemia) |
bohemio {adj} | :: bohemian (unconventional in behavior, appearance or style) |
bohemio {m} | :: Bohemian (a native or resident of Bohemia) |
bohemio {m} | :: bohemian (a nonconformist artist or writer who lives an unconventional life) |
bohío {m} | :: hut |
bohrio {m} | :: bohrium |
boicot {m} | :: boycott |
boicotear {v} | :: to boycott |
boicoteo {m} | :: boycott |
bóiler {m} [Mexico] | :: boiler |
boina {f} | :: beret |
boira {f} | :: fog |
boisense {adj} | :: Boisean (of or pertaining to Boise, Idaho) |
boisense {mf} | :: Boisean (native or resident of Boise, Idaho) |
boîte {f} | :: nightclub |
boj {m} | :: box (tree), boxwood |
bojar {vt} | :: to measure the perimeter of an island |
bojar {vt} | :: to circumnavigate an island |
bojar {vi} | :: to have a perimeter |
bojear {vt} | :: to measure the perimeter of an island |
bojear {vt} | :: to circumnavigate an island |
bojear {vi} | :: to have a perimeter |
bojeo {m} | :: periphery |
bol {m} | :: bowl |
bola {f} | :: ball |
bola {f} [Dominican Republic, slang] | :: hitchhiking, free ride |
bola {f} [slang] | :: testicle |
bola {f} [in the plural] | :: balls |
bola {f} [ice cream] | :: scoop |
bola {f} | :: hilt (of a sword) |
bola {f} [Spain] | :: muscle |
bolá {particle} | :: only used in qué bolá |
bolada {f} | :: strike of, or with, a ball |
bolada {f} | :: lucky break |
bolada {f} | :: opportune moment |
bolada {f} | :: fib; lie |
bola de cristal {f} | :: crystal ball (a globe used to foretell the future) |
bola de masa {f} | :: dumpling, dough ball |
bola de nieve {f} | :: snowball |
bola de tenis {f} | :: tennis ball |
bola de vidrio {f} | :: marble |
Bolaños {prop} | :: surname |
bolardo {m} | :: bollard (post preventing vehicles from entering pedestrian area) |
bolardo {m} [nautical] | :: bollard |
bolazo {m} | :: big ball; augmentative of bola |
bolazo {m} | :: hit by a ball, for example a snowball |
bolazo {m} | :: whopper, tall tale (lie) |
bolche {mf} | :: (Rio de la Plata, lunfardo) left-wing, commie |
bolchevique {mf} | :: Bolshevik |
bolcheviquismo {m} | :: Bolshevism |
bolchevismo {m} | :: Bolshevism |
boldo {f} | :: boldo |
Bolduque {prop} {f} | :: Bolduque (city) |
bolear {v} | :: to polish |
bolear {v} | :: to knead |
bolear {v} | :: to make into balls |
bolencia {f} [Honduras] | :: drunkenness |
bolera {f} | :: bowling alley |
bolerista {mf} | :: Someone who sings or dances boleros |
bolero {m} | :: bolero (music) |
bolero {m} | :: bolero (dance) |
bolero {m} | :: bolero (jacket) |
bolero {m} | :: bolero musician |
boleta {f} [Chile and Peru] | :: bill, receipt |
boleta {f} [Latin America] | :: ticket |
boleta {f} [Lunfardo] | :: death |
boletaje {m} | :: ticketing, tickets |
boletear {v} [Lunfardo] | :: to kill; to murder |
boletería {f} [Latin America] | :: box office |
boletero {m} | :: ticket seller |
boletín {m} | :: bulletin |
boletín {m} | :: newsletter |
boletinar {v} | :: to grade (a report) |
boletinar {v} | :: to blacklist; to put on a wanted list |
boletín de noticias {m} | :: newsletter |
boletín informativo {m} | :: newsletter |
boleto {m} | :: ticket |
boleto {m} | :: porcini (Boletus edulis) |
boleto {m} [in general] | :: any bolete mushroom |
boli {m} [Spain, colloquial] | :: clipping of bolígrafo |
boliburguesía {f} [politics, pejorative] | :: The people (bourgeois) who became rich through corruption under the Hugo Chavez administration of Venezuela |
boliche {m} | :: bowling |
boliche {m} [Mexico] | :: bowling alley |
boliche {m} [Argentina] | :: small store, small shop |
boliche {m} [Argentina] | :: bar, disco, club, nightclub |
bolichera {f} [Peru] | :: fishing boat |
bolichera {f} [Argentina, Uruguay] | :: clubber (someone who goes to a nightclib) |
bolichero {m} [Argentina, Uruguay] | :: clubber (someone who goes to a nightclib) |
bolichico {m} | :: A young rich paty-going Venezuelan businessman |
bolidista {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to bolidismo |
bólido {m} | :: racecar |
bólido {m} | :: speedboat |
bólido {m} | :: bolide |
bolígrafo {m} | :: A ballpoint pen |
bolígrafo de gel {m} | :: gel pen |
boliguayo {m} [Argentina, pejorative] | :: A poor South American immigrant to Argentina |
bolilla {f} [South America] | :: marble |
bolillero {m} | :: pot (object from which items are taken during a lottery-style draw) |
bolillito {m} | :: diminutive of bolillo |
bolillo {m} [regional] | :: bread roll |
bolillo {m} [Mexico] | :: type of bread |
bolillo {m} [regional, pejorative] | :: Someone of Caucasian race |
bolillo {m} | :: bobbin |
bolín {m} | :: jack (for bowls or similar games) |
bolín {m} [Lunfardo] | :: room |
bolina {f} | :: bowline |
bolindre {m} | :: marble (small ball, for games) |
bolinga {adj} [colloquial] | :: drunk |
bolístico {adj} [attributve] | :: bowls |
bolita {f} | :: marble (small spherical ball used as a toy) |
bolita {f} | :: small ball |
bolita {mf} [chiefly Argentina, offensive] | :: Bolivian |
bolívar {m} | :: bolívar |
Bolívar {prop} | :: surname |
Bolívar {prop} | :: Simón Bolivar |
bolivarense {adj} | :: Of or from Bolívar |
bolivarense {adj} | :: From Bolívar (a province in Ecuador) |
bolivarense {adj} | :: From Bolívar Department in Colombia |
bolivarense {adj} | :: From Bolívar, a state in Venezuela |
bolivarense {adj} | :: From Bolívar Partido, a subdivision of Buenos Aires Province, Argentina |
bolivarense {mf} | :: Someone from Bolívar |
bolivarense {mf} | :: From Bolívar (a province in Ecuador) |
bolivarense {mf} | :: From Bolívar Department in Colombia |
bolivarense {mf} | :: From Bolívar, a state in Venezuela |
bolivarense {mf} | :: From Bolívar Partido, a subdivision of Buenos Aires Province, Argentina |
bolivarianismo {m} | :: Bolivarianism |
bolivariano {adj} | :: Bolivarian (Of or pertaining to Simón Bolívar.) |
bolivarista {adj} | :: Typically Bolivian |
Bolivia {prop} {f} | :: Bolivia (country) |
boliviana {f} | :: feminine noun of boliviano |
bolivianidad {f} | :: Bolivianness |
bolivianita {m} [mineral] | :: bolivianite |
bolivianito {m} | :: diminutive of boliviano |
bolivianización {f} | :: Bolivianisation |
bolivianizar {v} | :: to make Bolivian |
boliviano {adj} | :: Bolivian |
boliviano {m} | :: Bolivian |
bollera {f} [slang, pejorative, Spain] | :: dyke, lez (lesbian) |
bollería {f} | :: A bakery that sells pastries, such as buns or rolls, usually sweet ones |
bollería {f} | :: Baked goods made from a yeast-leavened dough or from puff pastry |
bollero {m} | :: pie or pastry seller or maker |
bollito {m} | :: diminutive of bollo |
bollo {m} | :: bun |
bollo {m} [in clothing] | :: puff, tuft |
bollo {m} | :: bump on the head |
bollo {m} [colloquial] | :: confusion, chaos |
bollo {m} [colloquial, Cuba] | :: vulva |
bollo {adj} [colloquial, Spain] | :: dyke, lesbian [related to lesbians] |
bollo maimón {m} | :: A type of cylindrical cake from Salamanca and Zamora, Spain |
bollycao {m} | :: Chocolate stuffed sweet bun/bread roll |
Bollywood {prop} {m} | :: Bollywood (Hindi film industry) |
bollywoodense {adj} | :: Bollywoodian |
bollywoodiense {adj} | :: Bollywoodian |
bolo {m} | :: bolus |
bolo {m} [in plural] | :: bowling |
bolo {adj} [colloquial, Central America] | :: drunk |
bolo {m} [Venezuela, slang] | :: A bolívar (Venezuelan unit of currency) |
bolo {m} [colloquial] | :: gig |
bolo {m} [Philippines] | :: bolo (long, single-edged machete) |
Bolognesi {prop} | :: surname |
Bolognesi {prop} | :: Places named for Francisco Bolognesi |
Bolognesi {prop} | :: Bolognesi (province) |
Bolognesi {prop} | :: Bolognesi (district) |
bolométrico {adj} | :: bolometric |
bolon {m} | :: bolon (traditional harp) |
bolón {m} | :: A type of food made from mashed banana |
boloñés {adj} | :: Bolognese |
boloñés {m} | :: Bolognese |
boloñesa {f} | :: feminine noun of boloñés |
boloñesa {f} | :: bolognese (sauce) |
Bolonia {prop} {f} | :: Bolonia (province) |
Bolonia {prop} {f} | :: Bolonia (city) |
bolsa {f} | :: bag |
bolsa {f} | :: coin purse |
bolsa {f} | :: purse, handbag |
bolsa {f} [finance] | :: stock exchange |
bolsa {f} | :: pouch (of marsupials) |
bolsa {f} [Mexico, Central America, Philippines] | :: pocket (in clothing) |
bolsa de agua caliente {f} | :: hot water bottle |
bolsa de cría {f} | :: brood pouch |
bolsa de hielo {f} [medicine] | :: ice pack |
bolsa de hielo {f} | :: bag of ice |
bolsear {v} [colloquial, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico] | :: to pickpocket |
bolsear {v} [colloquial, Chile] | :: to sponge, scrounge |
bolsería {f} | :: bag making factory |
bolsería {f} | :: place where bags are sold |
bolsero {m} | :: oriole (bird) |
bolsero {m} | :: bagmaker |
bolsero {m} | :: bag seller |
bolsillo {m} | |
bolsillo {m} | :: pocketbook (personal resources) |
bolsista {mf} | :: stock trader |
bolsista {mf} [Mexico, Honduras] | :: pickpocket |
bolsita {f} | :: (small) bag |
bolsita de té {f} | :: teabag |
bolsito {m} | :: diminutive of bolso |
bolso {m} | :: purse |
bolso {m} | :: bag |
bolso {m} | :: handbag |
bolso {m} | :: pouch |
bolso {m} | :: sac, tote |
bolsón {m} | :: augmentative of bolso; large bag |
bolsón {m} | :: Baggins [Proper Noun - translation of the surname in The Lord of the Rings series] |
bolú {adj} [Rioplatense] | :: alternative form of boludo |
boludez {f} [Argentina, Uruguay] | :: nonsense, bullshit (something that is stupid, dumb) |
boludo {adj} [Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, vulgar] | :: jackass, moron, immature |
boludo {adj} [Argentina, slang, vulgar] | :: dude, mate (a friendly term of address) |
boludo {adj} [El Salvador] | :: wealthy |
boludo {adj} [Nicaragua] | :: lazy |
boludo {adj} [Mexico] | :: having the shape of a bola (ball, sphere) |
bolver {v} | :: obsolete spelling of volver |
Bolzano {prop} | :: Bolzano (provincial capital) |
bomba {f} | :: bomb (an explosive device used or intended as a weapon) |
bomba {f} | :: pump (a device for moving or compressing a liquid or gas) |
bomba {f} | :: adjustable metal slide used to tune brass instruments |
bomba {f} | :: lamp globe |
bomba {f} | :: something unusual producing excitement |
bomba {f} | :: something extraordinary |
bomba {f} | :: smash hit |
bomba {f} | :: high-hat |
bomba {f} [Andalucía, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Peru, colloquial] | :: drunkenness |
bomba {f} [Latin America] | :: firecracker |
bomba {f} [Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Panama, Venezuela] | :: petrol station |
bomba atómica {f} | :: atomic bomb |
bomba caminera {f} | :: roadside bomb |
bombacha {f} [Rioplatense] | :: panties, knickers |
bombacho {m} [singular or plural] | :: knickerbockers (trousers) |
bomba de hidrógeno {f} | :: hydrogen bomb |
bomba de neutrones {f} | :: neutron bomb |
bomba de racimo {f} | :: cluster bomb |
bomba de relojería {f} | :: time bomb |
bomba fétida {f} | :: stinkbomb |
bomba guiada {f} | :: guided bomb, smart bomb |
bomba H {f} | :: H-bomb |
bomba inteligente {f} | :: guided bomb, smart bomb |
bomba lacrimógena {f} | :: tear bomb |
bomba nuclear {f} | :: nuclear bomb |
bombarda {f} | :: bombard |
bombardear {v} | :: to bomb, to bombard |
bombardeo {m} | :: bombardment |
bombardero {adj} | :: bombing |
bombardero {m} | :: bomber |
bombardino {m} | :: euphonium |
bombástico {adj} | :: bombastic |
bomba termonuclear {f} | :: thermonuclear bomb |
Bombay {prop} {m} | :: Bombay (megacity/capital) |
bombazo {m} | :: (high-explosive bomb) blockbuster |
bombazo {m} | :: explosion from a bomb |
bombazo {m} [colloquial] | :: bombshell |
bombear {v} | :: to bomb |
bombear {v} | :: to cheat |
bombear {v} | :: to pump |
bombeo {m} | :: pumping |
bombera {f} | :: feminine noun of bombero |
bomberil {adj} [attributive] | :: firefighting; fireman |
bombero {m} | :: firefighter |
bombilla {f} | :: diminutive of bomba |
bombilla {f} | :: light bulb |
bombilla {f} | :: bombilla, drinking straw |
bombillita {f} | :: diminutive of bombilla |
bombillo {m} [Central America, Colombia] | :: light bulb, light globe |
bombín {m} | :: diminutive of bomba; small air pump |
bombín {m} [fashion] | :: bowler hat, derby |
bombista {f} | :: feminine noun of bombisto |
bombisto {m} | :: bass drum player |
bombita {f} | :: diminutive of bomba |
bombo {adj} [colloquial, of a person] | :: reckless |
bombo {adj} [Cuba, of liquids] | :: having a mild temperature |
bombo {adj} [Cuba, of fruit] | :: bland, insipid, flavorless |
bombo {interj} | :: attention! |
bombo {m} | :: bass drum |
bombo {m} | :: bass drum player |
bombo {m} | :: barge |
bombo {m} | :: noisy or excessive praise |
bombo {m} [colloquial] | :: the bump (stomach of a pregnant woman) |
bombo {m} | :: atomic bomb |
bombogénesis {f} | :: bombogenesis |
bombón {m} | :: praline, chocolate confection |
bombón {m} [Colombia] | :: lollipop |
bombón {m} [Mexico] | :: marshmallow |
bombón {m} [figuratively] | :: hottie, cutie, dreamboat, stunner, peach (attractive woman or man) |
bombona {f} | :: bottle, canister (especially for gas) |
bomboncito {m} | :: diminutive of bombón |
bombonera {f} | :: sweet jar |
bombonería {f} | :: candy store (especially chocolate) |
bombonita {f} | :: diminutive of bombona |
bombo y platillo {m} [colloquial] | :: fanfare (show of ceremony or celebration) |
bonachón {adj} | :: good-natured |
bonaerense {adj} | :: Of the Province of Buenos Aires |
bonaerense {mf} | :: An inhabitant of the Province of Buenos Aires |
bonancible {adj} | :: tranquil, calm |
bonanza {f} | :: good weather |
bonanza {f} | :: bloom, flourishing |
bonapartismo {m} | :: Bonapartism |
bonapartista {adj} | :: Bonapartist |
bonapartista {mf} | :: Bonapartist |
bonche {m} [Latin America] | :: party; knees-up |
bonchón {m} | :: fun-loving person |
bonchona {f} | :: feminine noun of bonchón |
bondad {f} | :: goodness |
bondad {f} | :: good deed |
bondad {f} | :: affability |
bondadosamente {adv} | :: kindly; amicably |
bondadosísimo {adj} | :: superlative of bondadoso |
bondadoso {adj} | :: kind, bounteous |
bondage {m} | :: bondage (sexual practice) |
Bondhi {prop} | :: Bondhi (town) |
bondi {m} [dialectal] | :: bus |
Bondi {prop} | :: A colectivo in Buenos Aires, Argentina (Lunfardo argot) |
bondiola {f} | :: A type of large, boiled, Italian sausage |
bonete {m} | :: biretta |
bonete {m} | :: cone-shaped hat, clown hat |
bonga {f} [Colombia] | :: silk-cotton tree |
Bongará {prop} | :: Bongará (province) |
bongo {m} | :: bongo (Tragelaphus eurycerus) |
bongo {m} | :: large canoe |
bongó {m} [musical instruments] | :: bongo |
bonhomía {f} | :: bonhomie |
boniatillo {m} [Cuba] | :: A sweet potato pudding dish |
boniato {m} [Cuba, Uruguay] | :: sweet potato |
boniato {m} [Spain, colloquial] | :: euro |
Bonifacio {prop} {m} | :: given name |
bonificación {f} | :: bonus (extra amount of money given as a premium) |
bonificación {f} | :: bonus point |
bonificación {f} | :: discount, rebate |
bonificador {m} [games] | :: bonus point; bonus |
bonificar {v} | :: refund, reimburse |
bonificar {v} | :: improve, meliorate (make better) |
bonificar {v} | :: credit |
bonificar {v} | :: discount |
boñiga {f} | :: cow or horse dung |
Bonilla {prop} | :: surname |
bonísimo {adj} | :: superlative of bueno |
bonista {mf} | :: bond holder |
bonitamente {adv} | :: prettily |
bonitamente {adv} | :: nicely |
bonitamente {adv} | :: craftily |
bonitísimo {adj} | :: superlative of bonito |
bonito {adj} | :: pretty |
bonito {adj} | :: nice, lovely, cute, sweet, fine, charming, great |
bonito {m} [fish] | :: tuna; bonito |
bonito {m} [fish] | :: skipjack |
bono {adj} | :: obsolete form of bueno |
bono {m} | :: bond (bank) |
bono {m} | :: voucher |
bono {m} | :: bonus |
bonobo {m} | :: bonobo |
bonometro {m} | :: metro pass |
bonsai {m} | :: bonsai |
bonsái {m} | :: bonsai |
bonus {m} | :: bonus |
bonzo {m} | :: bonze (Buddhist monk) |
boogie {m} | :: boogy |
bookcrossing {m} | :: bookcrossing |
booktuber {m} | :: booktuber |
booleano {adj} | :: Boolean |
boom {m} | :: boom (period of prosperity or high market activity) |
boomerang {m} | :: boomerang |
booster {m} | :: booster |
bootear {v} [computing] | :: to boot up, go grey |
boquear {v} | :: to pronounce |
boquear {v} | :: to gape |
boquear {v} | :: to gasp |
boquear {v} | :: to utter |
boquense {adj} [soccer] | :: Relating to Boca Juniors, a soccer club based in Buenos Aires |
boquense {mf} [soccer] | :: Someone connected to Boca Juniors, a soccer club based in Buenos Aires |
boquera {f} | :: cold sore |
boquerón {m} | :: anchovy |
boqueroncito {m} | :: diminutive of boquerón |
boquete {m} | :: gap, small opening |
Boquete {prop} | :: surname |
boquiabierto {adj} | :: open-mouthed (with the mouth open) |
boquiabierto {adj} | :: open-mouthed (gaping in surprise, wonder or astonishment) |
boquifresco {adj} | :: outspoken, mouthy |
boquilla {f} | :: mouthpiece of a wind instrument |
boquilla {f} | :: cigarette holder |
boquilla {f} | :: leg opening [in pants or a dress] |
boquilla {f} | :: nozzle |
boquita {f} | :: diminutive of boca |
boqui toqui {m} | :: walkie talkie |
borano {m} | :: borane |
borato {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: borate |
bórax {m} | :: borax |
borbollar {v} | :: to bubble |
borbón {m} | :: bourbon |
Borbón {prop} | :: surname most associated with the House of Bourbon in Spain |
borbónico {adj} | :: Bourbon |
borbónico {m} | :: Bourbon |
borbotar {v} | :: to boil |
borbotear {v} | :: to bubble, burble |
borbotón {m} | :: gush, torrent |
borbotón {m} | :: bubbling |
borcego {m} [Argentina] | :: strong boot |
borceguí {m} [Latin America] | :: combat boot |
borceguí {m} | :: Historical Spanish boot of the Middle Ages |
borda {f} [nautical] | :: gunwale; rail (of a boat) |
bordado {adj} | :: embroidered |
bordado {adv} | :: perfectly |
bordado {m} | :: embroidery |
bordador {m} | :: embroiderer |
bordadora {f} | :: feminine noun of bordador |
bordadura {f} | :: embroidery |
bordar {v} | :: to embroider |
bordar {v} [colloquial] | :: to do something very well |
borde {m} | :: edge, border, brink, verge, rim, margin |
borde {m} | :: brim, rim, lip (top edge of a vessel or container) |
borde {m} | :: side (of the road, highway, freeway, etc.) |
borde {m} | :: ledge (of a window) |
borde {m} | :: edging, fringe (shaping or dressing the edge of something) |
borde {adj} | :: bastard (born out of wedlock) |
borde {adj} [colloquial, Spain] | :: rude, impertinent |
bordeadora {f} | :: edger |
bordeadora {f} [Argentina] | :: trimmer |
bordear {v} | :: to border |
bordelés {adj} | :: Of or from Bordeaux |
bordelés {m} | :: Someone from Bordeaux |
bordelesa {f} | :: feminine noun of bordelés |
bordería {f} | :: rude remark or attitude |
borderline {mf} [colloquial] | :: Someone with borderline personality disorder |
bordillo {m} | :: kerb [UK], curb [US] |
bordo {m} [nautical] | :: side, board |
bordo {m} [nautical] | :: tack |
bordo {m} [Latin America] | :: ridge |
bordo {m} [Latin America] | :: dam |
bordó {adj} [Argentina] | :: maroon in colour |
bordó {m} [Argentina] | :: The colour maroon |
bordón {m} | :: staff, cane (stick used for support) |
bordonear {v} | :: to examine |
bordonear {v} | :: to hit with a stick |
bordonear {v} [music] | :: to strum (bass notes) |
bordoneo {m} [music] | :: strumming |
bordura {f} [heraldiccharge] | :: bordure |
boreal {adj} | :: boreal, north, northern |
borgeano {adj} | :: Borgesian |
Borges {prop} | :: surname |
borgesiano {adj} | :: Borgesian |
borgiano {adj} | :: Borgesian |
borgoña {m} | :: burgundy |
Borgoña {prop} {f} | :: Borgoña (region) |
borgoñón {adj} | :: Burgundian |
borgoñón {m} | :: Burgundian |
borgoñona {f} | :: feminine noun of borgoñón |
boria {f} | :: alternative form of boira |
boricado {m} | :: boric acid |
bórico {adj} | :: boric |
boricua {adj} [colloquial] | :: Puerto Rican |
boricua {mf} [colloquial] | :: Puerto Rican |
borinqueña {f} | :: feminine noun of borinqueño |
borinqueño {adj} | :: Puerto Rican |
borinqueño {m} | :: Puerto Rican |
Borja {prop} {f} | :: Borja (town) |
Borja {prop} {f} | :: surname |
borla {f} | :: tassel (ball-shaped bunch of plaited or otherwise entangled threads) |
borlón {m} | :: tassel |
borlón {m} | :: type of fabric with tassels |
borlón {m} [in the plural] | :: amaranth |
borlote {m} [Mexico] | :: fuss; uproar |
bornano {m} [organic chemistry] | :: bornane |
Borneo {prop} | :: Borneo |
bornita {f} [mineral] | :: bornite |
boro {m} | :: boron |
boroana {f} | :: feminine noun of boroano |
boroano {m} | :: Boroano |
borojó {m} | :: A South American fruit tree, Borojoa patinoi |
borona {f} | :: millet |
borona {f} | :: maize; corn |
borona {f} | :: corn bread |
borona {f} [Latin America] | :: crumb |
borono {m} | :: A kind of blood sausage from Cantabria |
borono {m} [Basque Country] | :: twit; eejit; dunce |
borra {f} | :: young female sheep |
borra {f} | :: rough wool |
borra {f} | :: flock (for mattress) |
borra {f} | :: stuffing (for cushions) |
borra {f} | :: cotton waste |
borrable {adj} | :: deletable |
borracha {f} | :: wineskin |
borracha {f} | :: feminine noun of borracho |
borrachazo {m} | :: augmentative of borracho; drunk |
borrachera {f} | :: drunkenness |
borrachería {f} [dated] | :: drunkenness |
borrachín {adj} | :: drunkard |
borrachín {m} | :: drunkard, alcoholic |
borrachísimo {adj} | :: superlative of borracho |
borrachito {m} | :: diminutive of borracho |
borracho {adj} | :: drunk |
borracho {m} | :: drunkard |
borracho como una cuba {adj} [colloquial, idiomatic, simile] | :: drunk as a skunk |
borrachón {m} | :: augmentative of borracho |
borrachón {adj} | :: augmentative of borracho |
borrachona {f} | :: feminine noun of borrachón |
borrachuza {f} | :: feminine noun of borrachuzo |
borrachuzo {adj} | :: often drunken |
borrachuzo {m} | :: wino; lush; drunk |
borrado {adj} | :: deleted |
borrado {m} | :: deletion |
borrado {m} | :: delete, deletion key |
borrador {m} | :: eraser, rubber |
borrador {m} | :: chalkboard eraser |
borrador {m} | :: draft (an early version of a written work) |
borraj {m} | :: borax |
borraja {f} | :: borage |
borrajear {v} | :: to scribble (words or pictures) |
borramiento {m} | :: effacement |
borrar {v} | :: to erase or delete |
borrarse {v} | :: reflexive of borrar |
borrasca {f} | :: squall, storm |
borrascoso {adj} | :: stormy, squally |
borrascoso {adj} | :: tempestuous |
borrega {f} | :: feminine noun of borrego |
borrego {m} | :: A sheep around its second year of age |
borrego {m} | :: sheep (person) |
borrego {m} | :: A woolly, white cloud reminiscent of a sheep |
borrego cimarrón {m} | :: bighorn sheep (species of wild sheep in North America) |
borreguera {f} | :: shepherdess (of yearling lambs) |
borreguero {adj} | :: pastoral |
borreguero {m} | :: shepherd (of yearling lambs) |
borreguil {adj} | :: Pertaining or relating to sheep |
borrén {m} | :: pommel (part of saddle) |
borrica {f} | :: female donkey |
borrico {m} | :: donkey |
borrico {m} | :: a stubborn, lazy, or stupid person |
Borrillo {prop} | :: surname |
borriquera {f} | :: feminine noun of borriquero |
borriquero {m} | :: donkey-keeper, donkey-driver, donkey-drover |
borriquillo {m} | :: diminutive of borrico |
borriquito {m} | :: diminutive of borrico |
borrón {m} | :: blot, smudge |
borrón {m} | :: draft, sketch |
borronear {v} | :: to blot |
borrosidad {f} | :: blurriness; fuzziness |
borroso {adj} | :: blurry, fuzzy (unfocused) |
bortsch {m} | :: borscht |
boruca {f} | :: noise, din |
boruga {f} [Cuba, Dominican Republic] | :: A fermented milk drink similar to yogurt |
borujo {m} | :: alternative form of burujo |
borujo {m} | :: obsolete form of orujo |
boruro {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: boride |
borzoi {m} | :: borzoi (dog breed) |
bosal {m} | :: alternative form of bozal |
bosar {v} | :: to overflow |
boscaje {m} | :: thicket |
boschista {mf} [politics] | :: Supporter of Juan Bosch, president of the Dominican Republic in 1963, as well as the founder of the Dominican Revolutionary Party and the Dominican Liberation Party |
boschista {adj} [politics] | :: Of or pertaining to Juan Bosch, or his politic beliefs or style |
boscoso {adj} | :: woody, wooded |
Bósforo {prop} {m} | :: Bosphorus (a strait that passes through Istanbul) |
bosnia {f} | :: feminine noun of bosnio |
Bosnia {prop} {f} | :: Bosnia |
bosniaca {f} | :: feminine noun of bosniaco |
bosníaca {f} | :: feminine noun of bosníaco |
bosniaco {adj} | :: alternative spelling of bosníaco |
bosniaco {m} | :: alternative spelling of bosníaco |
bosníaco {adj} | :: Bosniac (of or pertaining to region of Bosnia) |
bosníaco {m} | :: Bosniac (native or resident of the region of Bosnia; a descendant of the people from the region of Bosnia) |
Bosnia-Herzegovina {prop} | :: Bosnia-Herzegovina (country) |
Bosnia y Herzegovina {prop} | :: alternative form of Bosnia-Herzegovina |
bosnio {adj} | :: Bosnian (of or pertaining to the nation of Bosnia-Herzegovina) |
bosnio {m} | :: Bosnian (native or resident of the nation of Bosnia-Herzegovina) |
bosnioherzegovina {f} | :: feminine noun of bosnioherzegovino |
bosnioherzegovino {adj} | :: pertaining to Bosnia and Herzegovina |
bosnioherzegovino {m} | :: native or resident of Bosnia and Herzegovina |
bosón {m} | :: boson |
bosón de gauge {m} | :: gauge boson |
bosón de Higgs {m} | :: Higgs boson |
bosónico {adj} | :: bosonic |
bosón W {m} | :: W-boson |
bosón Z {m} | :: Z-boson |
bosque {m} | :: forest |
bosquecillo {m} | :: copse, thicket |
bosquejar {v} | :: to sketch, to adumbrate (create a sketch) |
bosquejo {m} | :: stub, outline, sketch |
bosque ombrófilo {m} | :: rainforest |
bosquete {m} | :: diminutive of bosque |
bosquimano {m} | :: alternative form of bosquímano |
bosquímano {m} | :: Bushman |
bosta {f} | :: manure |
bosta {f} | :: cowpat |
bostezar {v} | :: to yawn |
bostezo {m} | :: yawn (the action of yawning) |
Boston {prop} | :: Boston (caplc) |
bostoniano {adj} | :: Bostonian |
bostoniano {m} | :: Bostonian |
bot {m} | :: bot (robot) |
bota {f} | :: wineskin, bota bag; soft pouch, usually suspended from a cord or lanyard, for carrying wine or other beverages (similar to a canteen) |
bota {f} | :: boot |
botadero {m} [Latin America] | :: dump; rubbish dump |
botadura {f} [nautical] | :: launching (of a boat) |
botalón {m} | :: outrigger |
botana {f} | :: botana |
botana {f} | :: appetizer (Mexico) |
botana {f} | :: snack |
Botana {prop} | :: surname |
botanero {adj} [attributive] | :: snack; snacky |
botanero {m} | :: snack bowl |
botanero {m} [Mexico] | :: snack bar |
botánica {f} | :: botany |
botánica {f} | :: feminine noun of botánico |
botánicamente {adv} | :: botanically |
botánico {adj} | :: botanical, botanic |
botánico {m} | :: botanist |
botanista {mf} | :: botanist |
botanizar {v} | :: to botanize |
botar {v} | :: to bounce |
botar {v} [Latin America] | :: to throw, throw away |
botar {v} [Latin America] | :: to fire, dismiss |
botarata {adj} [Chile, Colombia, Peru, Puerto Rico] | :: wasteful, thriftless, unthrifty |
botarate {adj} | :: wasteful |
botarel {m} [architecture] | :: buttress |
botarga {f} | :: bottarga |
botarga {f} | :: A type of clownish fancy dress costume or outfit |
botarga {f} | :: A person who wears the costume |
botarga {f} | :: A type of old-fashioned trousers or pantaloons |
botarse {v} | :: reflexive of botar |
botavara {f} [nautical] | :: boom |
botazón {f} | :: mass sacking |
bote {m} | :: boat, dinghy |
bote {m} | :: vessel, can, canister, container, jar, tin |
bote {m} | :: jackpot, pot, pool (large cash prize) |
botear {v} | :: to raise money for charity by getting people to give donations to a collection box |
botecillo {m} | :: diminutive of bote |
botecito {m} | :: diminutive of bote |
bote de remos {m} | :: rowboat |
botella {f} | :: bottle |
botellazo {m} | :: hit with a bottle |
botellera {f} | :: feminine noun of botellero |
botellero {m} | :: bottle rack |
botellero {m} | :: bottle maker |
botellín {m} | :: flask (small bottle) |
botellita {f} | :: diminutive of botella |
botellódromo {m} | :: A place where a botellón is held |
botellon {m} | :: obsolete spelling of botellón |
botellón {m} [colloquial, Spain] | :: street BYOB party, binge, binge drinking, booze-up (a Spanish activity when people (above all the teenagers and young adults) congregate in public places to socialize while drinking alcohol.) |
botellón {m} [colloquial, Mexico] | :: demijohn |
boteo {m} | :: The use of a collection box to raise funds for charity |
botepronto {m} | :: half-volley |
botera {f} | :: feminine noun of botero |
botero {m} | :: bootmaker |
botero {m} | :: boatsman |
bote salvavidas {m} | :: lifeboat |
botica {f} | :: drugstore, pharmacy |
botica {f} | :: drug, medicament |
boticaria {f} | :: feminine noun of boticario |
boticario {m} | :: pharmacist |
botija {f} | :: jug; vessel |
botijo {m} | :: botijo |
botil {m} | :: A type of bean |
botillería {f} [Chile, Peru] | :: bottle shop, beverage store (store selling alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages) |
botillo {m} [regional] | :: A cured meat dish, made from bits of pig meat stuffed inside a pig's cecum |
botín {m} | :: booty, loot, haul |
botín {m} | :: swag |
botinero {adj} [bullfighting] | :: Of a bull, mostly white but with black in its extremities |
botinero {m} | :: A person who makes ankle boots |
botiquín {m} | :: medicine chest |
botiquín {m} | :: first aid box |
botiquín {m} | :: medicine cabinet |
botiquita {f} | :: diminutive of botica |
botita {f} | :: little boot |
botnet {m} | :: botnet |
Botnia {prop} {f} | :: Bothnia |
boto {adj} | :: blunt |
botón {m} | :: button (clothing, mechanical) |
botón {m} | :: key (on a musical instrument) |
botón {m} | :: bud (newly formed leaf or flower that has not yet unfolded) |
botonadura {f} | :: buttoning; buttons [plural] |
botonar {v} | :: rare form of abotonar |
botonazo {m} [fencing] | :: hit |
botonear {v} [Argentina, colloquial] | :: to rat on; to squeal on |
botonear {v} [Uruguay, colloquial] | :: to pick on |
botonera {f} | :: panel (of buttons or controls) |
botones {m} | :: bellboy |
botox {m} | :: Botox |
bótox {m} | :: botox |
botsuana {f} | :: feminine noun of botsuano |
Botsuana {prop} {f} | :: Botsuana (country) |
botsuano {adj} | :: Botswanan (of, from or pertaining to Botswana) |
botsuano {m} | :: Motswana, Botswanan (person) |
Botswana {prop} {f} | :: Botswana (country) |
botswanés {adj} | :: Botswanan |
botswanés {m} | :: Botswanan |
botulínico {adj} | :: botulinic |
botulismo {m} [pathology] | :: botulism |
bou {m} | :: seine fishing |
bou {m} | :: boat for seine fishing, seiner |
Boucher {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
bouchri {f} [Louisiana] | :: butcher's |
boulangerie {f} | :: boulangerie |
bouldering {m} | :: bouldering |
bouleuterión {m} | :: bouleuterion |
boulevar {m} | :: alternative spelling of bulevar |
boulevard {m} | :: boulevard |
bourbon {m} | :: bourbon |
bourguibismo {m} | :: Bourguibism |
boutade {f} | :: wisecrack |
boutique {f} | :: boutique |
bóveda {f} [architecture] | :: arch (arch-shaped arrangement of trapezoidal stones, designed to redistribute downward force outward, or other similar architectural element) |
bóveda {f} [architecture] | :: vault (arched roof or ceiling, or a masonry structure supporting and forming this) |
bóveda {f} [architecture, El Salvador] | :: bridge (construction spanning a divide and allowing for the passage of traffic) |
bóveda {f} | :: crypt, sepulchre (underground vault, especially one beneath a church that is used as a burial place) |
bóveda celeste {f} [idiom, poetic] | :: sky |
bovedilla {f} [nautical] | :: counter stern |
bóvido {m} | :: Bovid |
bovino {adj} | :: bovine (of, relating to or resembling cattle) |
bovino {m} | :: bovine |
bowling {m} | :: bowling alley |
box {m} | :: boxing (sport) |
box {m} [motor racing] | :: pit |
box {m} [sports] | :: box |
boxeador {m} | :: boxer |
boxeadora {f} | :: female boxer |
boxear {v} | :: to box (the sport) |
boxeo {m} | :: boxing |
boxer {m} [proscribed] | :: alternative spelling of bóxer |
bóxer {m} | :: boxer (a breed of dog) |
bóxer {m} [historical] | :: Boxer (a participant in the Boxer Rebellion in China) |
bóxer {m} | :: boxer shorts |
bóxers {mp} | :: boxer shorts |
bóxers {mp} | :: plural of bóxer |
boxístico {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to boxing |
boy {m} | :: male stripper |
boya {f} | :: buoy |
boyacense {adj} | :: of or from Boyacá |
boyacense {mf} | :: someone from Boyacá |
boyal {adj} | :: cattle-grazing |
boyante {adj} | :: buoyant |
boyante {adj} | :: prosperous, thriving |
boyantía {f} | :: prosperity |
boyar {vi} | :: to float |
boyardo {m} | :: boyar |
boyera {f} | :: feminine noun of boyero |
boyero {m} | :: cowherd |
Boyero {prop} [constellation] | :: Boötes (a constellation) |
boza {f} | :: boza |
bozal {m} | :: a muzzle; device to stop an animal from biting |
bozal {m} | :: a noseband, usually on a horse bridle or halter |
bozal {m} | :: a bozal or bossale |
bozal {adj} | :: wild, untamed |
bozal {adj} [historical] | :: (of a black slave) recently-arrived (in a colony), having been born in Africa |
bozal {adj} | :: ignorant, simpleminded |
bozeria {f} | :: obsolete spelling of vocería |
bozo {m} | :: down [on the upper lip] |
bozo {m} | :: muzzle, mouth [exterior part of the mouth] |
bozo {m} | :: halter [for leading horses] |
bpd {mp} [abbreviation] | :: initialism of barriles por día (barrels per day) |
Brabante {prop} {m} | :: Brabant (historical region) |
bracamante {m} | :: falchion |
bracamarte {m} | :: alternative form of bracamante |
bracarense {adj} | :: of or from Braga |
bracarense {mf} | :: Someone from Braga |
bracear {v} | :: to stroke (while swimming) |
bracelete {m} | :: bracelet |
braceo {m} | :: swing, swinging |
bracero {m} | :: labourer, farmhand, navvy |
bracito {m} | :: diminutive of brazo |
bracket {m} | :: bracket (braces) |
bracket {m} | :: bracket (diagram representing the sequence of games in a sports tournament) |
braco {adj} | :: pug-nosed |
braco {m} | :: pointer |
braco de Weimar {m} | :: Weimaraner |
bráctea {f} [botany] | :: bract |
bracteado {adj} | :: bracteate |
bracteato {m} | :: bracteate (type of coin) |
bractéola {f} [botany] | :: bracteole |
bradicardia {f} | :: bradycardia |
bradicinina {f} | :: bradykinin |
bradiquinesia {f} | :: bradykinesia |
bradiquinina {f} | :: bradykinin |
braford {m} | :: Braford (breed of cattle) |
braga {f} | :: [also in plural] panty; panties, knickers |
braga {f} | :: bikini bottom |
braga {f} [Venezuela] | :: romper, salopette |
bragado {adj} [bullfighting] | :: Of a bull, having the skin on the crotch a different colour to the rest of the body |
Braganza {prop} {f} | :: Braganza (district) |
Braganza {prop} {f} | :: Braganza (city) |
bragueta {f} | :: fly (strip that hides the opening of trousers/pants or underpants) |
bragueta {f} [colloquial] | :: zip fastener (fastener used in clothing, bags) |
braguetazo {m} [colloquial] | :: A marriage between a poor man and a rich woman |
braguetazo {m} [colloquial] | :: (in the idiom dar el/un braguetazo) to marry money |
braguitas {fp} [colloquial, Spain] | :: panties |
brahman {m} | :: Brahman (breed of cattle) |
brahmán {m} | :: brahman |
bráhmana {m} | :: brahmin |
brahmsiano {adj} | :: Brahmsian |
braille {prop} {m} | :: braille |
brainstorming {f} | :: brainstorming (method of problem solving) |
bralette {m} | :: bralette |
brama {f} [zoology] | :: rut, mating season |
bramante {adj} | :: bellowing, roaring |
bramante {m} | :: hemp, twine |
bramante {m} | :: thin string, wrapping cord |
bramante {m} [textile] | :: brabant |
bramar {v} | :: to roar, bellow, trumpet |
bramido {m} | :: roar |
brana {f} | :: brane |
braña {f} [northern Spain] | :: meadow; meadowland |
braña {f} [Asturias] | :: village populated by Vaqueiros de Alzada |
brandada {f} | :: brandade |
Brandeburgo {prop} {m} | :: Brandeburgo (state) |
brandeburgués {adj} | :: of or from Brandenburg |
brandeburgués {m} | :: Someone from Brandenburg |
brandeburguesa {f} | :: feminine noun of brandeburgués |
branding {m} [marketing] | :: branding |
brandy {m} | :: brandy |
brangus {m} | :: Brangus |
branquia {f} | :: gill |
branquial {adj} | :: pharyngeal |
branquiespina {f} | :: gill raker |
braqui- {prefix} | :: brachy- |
braquiación {f} [zoology] | :: brachiation (movement by swinging arms between holds) |
braquial {adj} | :: brachial |
braquiblasto {m} | :: brachiblast |
braquicéfalo {adj} | :: brachycephalic (having a head that is short from front to back) |
braquigrafía {f} | :: The study of abbreviations |
braquilogía {f} [rhetoric] | :: brachylogy |
braquio- {prefix} | :: brachio- (relating to the arm) |
braquiocefálico {adj} [anatomy] | :: brachiocephalic |
braquiópodo {m} | :: brachiopod |
braquioproctal {adj} | :: brachioproctic |
braquiorradial {m} | :: brachioradialis |
braquiosáurido {m} | :: brachiosaurid |
braquiosaurio {m} | :: brachiosaur |
braquiovaginal {adj} | :: brachiovaginal |
braquiterapia {f} | :: brachytherapy |
brasa {f} | :: hot coal, ember |
brasca {f} | :: brasque |
Brasca {prop} | :: surname |
brasear {v} [cooking] | :: to braise |
braserillo {m} | :: diminutive of brasero |
brasero {m} | :: brazier, heater |
brasero {m} [Argentina, Mexico] | :: campfire; camp stove, barbecue |
brasier {m} [Central America, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Puerto Rico] | :: bra |
brasiere {f} | :: bra, brassiere |
brasil {m} | :: brazil, brazilwood |
Brasil {prop} {m} | :: Brasil (country) |
brasileña {f} | :: feminine noun of brasileño |
brasileño {adj} | :: Brazilian |
brasileño {m} | :: Brazilian (person from Brazil) |
brasilero {adj} [colloquial] | :: Brazilian |
brasilero {m} [colloquial] | :: Brazilian (person from Brazil) |
Brasilia {prop} {f} | :: Brasilia (municipality/capital city) |
brasinoesteroide {m} [organic compound] | :: brassinosteroid |
brasserie {f} | :: brasserie |
brasuca {mf} [Argentina, slang, sometimes, pejorative] | :: Brazilian |
Bratislava {prop} | :: Bratislava (capital city) |
bratislavo {adj} | :: Bratislavan (of or pertaining to Bratislava, Slovakia) |
bratislavo {m} | :: Bratislavan (native or resident of Bratislava, Slovakia) |
bratwurst {m} | :: bratwurst |
Braulio {prop} {m} | :: given name |
bravamente {adv} | :: boldly, defiantly |
bravata {f} | :: bravado, swagger |
braveza {f} | :: bravery |
braveza {f} | :: wildness; ferocity |
bravío {adj} | :: wild, untamed |
bravío {adj} | :: wild |
bravío {adj} | :: uncouth |
bravío {adj} | :: choppy, wild |
bravísimo {adj} | :: superlative of bravo |
bravo {adj} | :: angry, furious |
bravo {adj} | :: bold, courageous |
bravo {adj} | :: skilful, capable, clever, fine |
bravo {adj} | :: good, excellent |
bravo {adj} | :: agitated (sea) |
bravo {adj} | :: wild (animal) |
bravo {interj} [in general use] | :: well done!, good show! |
bravo {interj} [at the theatre, etc] | :: bravo! |
Bravo {prop} {m} | :: surname |
bravucón {m} | :: braggart |
bravucón {m} | :: bully |
bravucona {f} | :: feminine noun of bravucón |
bravuconada {f} | :: boast |
bravuconería {f} | :: synonym of bravuconada |
bravura {f} | :: courage, boldness, bravery (a display of daring) |
bravura {f} | :: ferocity, fierceness, wildness |
bravura {f} | :: anger |
bravura {f} | :: bravura |
Brayan {prop} {m} | :: given name of modern usage |
braza {f} | :: breaststroke |
braza {f} [measure] | :: fathom About 1.67 metres. Twice a vara |
brazada {f} [swimming] | :: stroke |
brazado {m} | :: armful |
brazal {m} | :: bracelet |
brazal {m} | :: armlet |
brazal {m} | :: vambrace |
brazalete {m} | :: bracelet |
brazo {m} [anatomy] | :: arm |
brazo {m} | :: branch, limb (of a tree) |
brazo de gitano {m} | :: Swiss roll |
brazo de mar {m} [geography] | :: inlet |
brazo derecho {m} [idiom] | :: right-hand man |
brazo de reina {m} | :: Swiss roll |
brazo fuerte {m} | :: tamandua |
Brazzaville {prop} | :: Brazzaville (capital city) |
brea {f} | :: tar, pitch |
brea {f} | :: tarpaulin |
break {m} | :: break (pause) |
break {m} [tennis] | :: break |
breakdance {m} | :: breakdance; breakdancing |
breakdancing {m} | :: breakdancing |
brear {v} [obsolete, rare] | :: to dip in tar (see embrear) |
brear {v} | :: to abuse, to mistreat |
brear {v} | :: to make fun of |
brebaje {m} | :: potion, concoction |
brecha {f} | :: breach |
brecha {f} | :: gap, divide, gulf, chasm |
brecha {f} | :: rift, wedge |
brecha {f} | :: break, breakthrough [change in circumstance or situation] |
brecha {f} | :: gash [wound from a cut] |
brecha {f} | :: impression |
brechtiano {adj} | :: Brechtian |
brécol {m} | :: broccoli |
brega {f} | :: fight; struggle |
brega {f} | :: joke; play |
bregar {v} | :: to toil, struggle |
bregar {v} [literary] | :: to fight |
bregar {v} [Puerto Rico] | :: to deal with |
Brema {prop} {f} | :: Brema (capital city) |
Brema {prop} {f} | :: Brema (state) |
breña {f} | :: scrub, brush (thick vegetation) |
breña {f} | :: rough ground |
Brenes {prop} | :: surname |
Brescia {prop} | :: Brescia (province) |
Brescia {prop} | :: Brescia (capital city) |
bresciano {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to Brescia |
bresciano {m} | :: A native or inhabitant of Brescia |
Breslavia {prop} {f} | :: Breslavia (city) |
Brest {prop} | :: Brest (city) |
Brest {prop} | :: Brest (city) |
Bretaña {prop} {f} | :: Bretaña (region) |
brete {m} | :: an unavoidable and inescapable predicament |
brete {m} [Costa Rica] | :: job |
brete {m} | :: difficult situation |
bretón {adj} | :: Breton |
bretón {m} | :: Breton (person) |
bretón {m} | :: Breton (language) |
bretona {f} | :: feminine noun of bretón |
breva {f} | :: black fig, breba (first fruit of the fig tree) |
breve {adj} | :: brief, short |
brevedad {f} | :: brevity, shortness |
brevemente {adv} | :: briefly |
brevete {m} [Latin America] | :: driving licence |
breviario {m} | :: breviary |
breviario {m} | :: compendium |
brevísimo {adj} | :: superlative of breve |
brexit {m} [UK politics] | :: Brexit |
Brexit {prop} {m} | :: Brexit |
brezal {m} | :: moor, heath |
brezar {v} [poetic] | :: to rock; cradle (a baby) |
Brézhnev {prop} {mf} | :: Brezhnev (surname) |
brezo {m} | :: heath |
briago {adj} [Mexico] | :: drunk |
brial {m} | :: bliaut; bliaud |
Briansk {prop} | :: Briansk (oblast) |
Briansk {prop} | :: Briansk (city/administrative center) |
briba {f} | :: vagabondage |
bribón {adj} | :: mischievous |
bribón {m} | :: rascal, villain, bad guy |
bribona {f} | :: feminine noun of bribón |
bribonada {m} | :: trick, mischief |
bribonazo {m} | :: augmentative of bribón |
bribri {m} | :: Bribri (language) |
bribri {mf} | :: Bribri |
bribri {adj} | :: Bribri |
BRIC {prop} | :: BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) |
bricbarca {m} [nautical] | :: barque |
brichera {f} | :: feminine noun of brichero |
brichero {m} | :: a person from the Andes, especially Peru, who attempts to seduce Americans and Europeans in order to get a visa or ticket to the United States or Europe |
bricolaje {m} | :: bricolage |
bricolaje {m} | :: do-it-yourself handicraft |
brida {f} | :: bridle |
brida {f} | :: cable tie |
bridar {v} | :: to truss, tie with twine |
bridge {m} [card games] | :: bridge (card game) |
Bridgetown {prop} | :: Bridgetown (capital city) |
bridón {m} | :: bridoon |
brie {m} | :: brie (variety of French cheese) |
briefing {m} | :: briefing |
brigada {f} | :: team, squad (organized group) |
brigada {f} [military] | :: brigade, a large military unit, smaller than a division, consisting of several regiments or battalions |
brigadier {m} | :: brigadier |
brigadista {mf} | :: brigadista |
brigante {m} | :: brigand, bandit |
brigantina {f} | :: brigandine |
brígido {adj} [Chile, colloquial] | :: terrible |
brígido {adj} [Chile, colloquial] | :: dangerous, difficult |
brik {m} | :: plastic-cardboard container |
brillante {adj} | :: bright, brilliant, lustrous, shiny, glowing, sparkly, glittering, glossy |
brillante {adj} | :: excellent, outstanding, exemplary, scintillating |
brillante {m} | :: diamond |
brillantemente {adv} | :: brilliantly |
brillantez {f} | :: brilliance |
brillantina {f} | :: brilliantine |
brillantísimo {adj} | :: superlative of brillante |
brillar {v} | :: to shine |
brillar {v} | :: to glow |
brillar {v} | :: to sparkle, glisten, glitter, twinkle |
brillar por su ausencia {v} [idiomatic] | :: to be conspicuously absent |
brillito {m} | :: diminutive of brillo |
brillo {m} | :: shine, glow, radiance |
brillo {m} | :: brightness, brilliance, shininess, éclat |
brillo {m} | :: sheen, luster, gleam, glitter, gloss, sparkle, glistening, glint |
brilloso {adj} [Latin America] | :: shiny |
brincar {vi} | :: to jump around, leap about, bounce (to repeatedly propel oneself rapidly upward) |
brincar {vi} | :: to frolic, gambol (to move about playfully and uninhibitedly) |
brinco {m} | :: jump, hop |
brindar {v} | :: to toast, drink a toast to |
brindar {v} | :: to offer, provide |
brindis {m} | :: toast (e.g., to one’s health) |
brío {m} | :: vigour, mettle, zest, zeal |
briofita {f} [botany] | :: bryophyte |
briofito {m} | :: alternative form of briófito |
briófito {m} [botany] | :: bryophyte |
brióloga {f} | :: feminine noun of briólogo |
briología {f} [botany] | :: bryology |
briólogo {m} | :: bryologist |
Briones {prop} | :: Briones (municipality) |
Briones {prop} | :: surname, the 385th most common in Mexico |
briosamente {adv} | :: lively; zealously |
brioso {adj} | :: lively, energetic, zestful |
briozoo {m} [zoology] | :: bryozoan |
briquet {m} [Colombia] | :: lighter |
briqueta {f} | :: briquette |
brisa {f} | :: breeze |
Brisbane {prop} | :: Brisbane (capital) |
brisbanita {adj} | :: Brisbanite (of or pertaining to Brisbane, Queensland, Australia) |
brisbanita {m} | :: Brisbanite (native or resident of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia) |
brisca {f} [card games] | :: A card game similar to briscola |
bristolense {adj} | :: Bristolian (of or pertaining to Bristol, South West England) |
bristolense {mf} | :: Bristolian (native or resident of Bristol, South West England) |
britana {f} | :: feminine noun of britano |
británica {f} | :: feminine noun of británico |
británico {adj} | :: British (from or native to Britain, in both the historical and modern senses) |
británico {adj} | :: British (pertaining to Britain) |
británico {m} | :: Briton |
britanizar {v} | :: to Britishify |
britano {adj} [literary] | :: British |
britano {m} [literary] | :: Briton |
british {adj} | :: British |
britón {m} | :: Briton (Celt) |
britona {f} | :: feminine noun of britón |
britónico {adj} | :: Brythonic |
britpop {m} | :: Britpop |
brizar {v} | :: to rock; cradle (a baby) |
brizna {f} | :: blade (of grass etc.) |
brizna {f} | :: little bit, grain |
broca {f} | :: drill bit |
brocado {m} | :: brocade |
brocal {m} | :: parapet (of well) |
brocha {f} | :: paintbrush, brush (usually thicker than a pincel) |
brochante {adj} [heraldry] | :: Having a charge overlying a semé field, or generally any charge overall |
brochazo {m} [painting] | :: dab with a brush |
broche {m} | :: clasp, brooch |
broche {m} | :: paperclip |
broche {m} | :: cuff link, cufflink |
broche {m} | :: punch line (final, concluding statement) |
broche {m} [Argentina] | :: clothes peg |
brocheta {f} | :: skewer |
brochito {m} | :: diminutive of broche |
brocho {adj} [bullfighting] | :: Having very short horns |
brócoli {m} | :: broccoli |
bróculi {m} | :: broccoli |
bróder {m} [Central America, slang] | :: bro (close friend) |
broker {m} | :: alternative spelling of bróker |
bróker {mf} | :: broker, stockbroker |
bróker {mf} | :: realtor |
broli {m} [vesre] | :: book |
broma {f} | :: joke, prank, practical joke |
broma {f} | :: banter [plural] |
broma {f} [zoology] | :: shipworm |
bromación {f} | :: bromination |
bromas las justas {phrase} | :: It's no laughing matter |
bromato {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: bromate |
bromatología {f} | :: bromatology |
bromazo {m} | :: stupid joke |
bromear {v} | :: to fool; to trick |
bromear {v} | :: to joke |
bromelia {f} | :: bromeliad |
bromeliácea {f} | :: bromeliad |
bromelina {f} [enzyme] | :: bromelain |
bromista {adj} | :: joking |
bromista {mf} | :: joker, one who jokes |
bromita {f} | :: diminutive of broma |
bromo {m} | :: bromine |
bromo {m} | :: brome |
bromobenceno {m} [organic compound] | :: bromobenzene |
bromocriptina {f} | :: bromocriptine |
bromoformo {m} [chemistry] | :: bromoform |
bromometano {m} [organic compound] | :: bromomethane |
bromosuccinimida {f} [organic compound] | :: bromosuccinimide |
bromuro {m} | :: bromide (chemistry: binary compound of bromine and another element) |
bronca {f} | :: hassle, dispute, quarrel, argument |
bronca {f} | :: reprimand, earful |
bronca {f} [Mexico] | :: problem |
bronce {m} | :: bronze |
bronceador {m} | :: suntan lotion |
bronceador {adj} | :: tanning |
bronceadora {f} | :: feminine noun of bronceador |
broncear {v} | :: to tan, bronze |
broncearse {v} | :: to become brown |
broncearse {v} | :: to tan |
broncíneo {adj} [formal] | :: bronzed; bronze-coloured |
broncista {mf} | :: bronzesmith |
bronco- {prefix} | :: broncho- |
bronco {adj} | :: harsh, sharp (of a sound) |
broncoaspiración {f} | :: bronchoaspiration |
broncoconstricción {f} [medicine] | :: bronchoconstriction |
broncodilatación {f} [medicine] | :: bronchodilation |
broncodilatador {m} | :: bronchodilator |
broncoespasmo {m} [pathology] | :: bronchospasm |
bronconeumonía {f} | :: bronchopneumonia |
broncopulmonar {adj} | :: bronchopulmonary |
broncoscopia {f} | :: bronchoscopy |
broncoscopía {f} | :: alternative form of broncoscopia |
broncoscopio {m} | :: bronchoscope |
bronquial {adj} | :: bronchial |
bronquiectasia {f} [pathology] | :: bronchiectasis |
bronquio {m} | :: bronchus |
bronquiolitis {f} | :: bronchiolitis |
bronquiolo {m} | :: bronchiole |
bronquitis {m} | :: bronchitis |
broquel {m} | :: buckler (shield) |
brotación {f} | :: budding; sprouting |
brotar {v} | :: to bud or sprout, to spring, spring up |
brote {m} [botany] | :: sprout, bud |
brote {m} [figurative] | :: outbreak (of a disease), flare-up |
Broussard {prop} | :: surname |
browniano {adj} | :: Brownian |
brownie {m} | :: brownie |
browser {m} | :: browser |
broza {f} | :: brushwood |
brucelosis {f} | :: brucellosis |
bruces {fp} [archaic] | :: knees |
brucio {adj} | :: Bruttian |
brucio {m} | :: Bruttian |
brucita {f} [mineral] | :: brucite |
bruja {f} | :: witch, sorceress (woman who practices witchcraft) |
bruja {f} | :: specifically, a Wiccan |
bruja {f} | :: crone, hag (ugly, evil-looking, or frightening old woman) |
bruja {f} | :: owl (bird of prey of the order Strigiformes) |
bruja {f} | :: knifetooth dogfish (shark species Scymnodon ringens) |
Brujas {prop} {m} | :: Brujas (capital city) |
brujería {f} | :: sorcery, witchcraft |
brujería {f} | :: a spell |
brujeril {adj} | :: witch [attributive] |
Brujilda {f} [colloquial, Latin America] | :: ugly woman |
brujilla {f} | :: diminutive of bruja |
brujita {f} | :: diminutive of bruja |
brujita {f} | :: Term of affection for a wife or girlfriend |
brujo {m} | :: a male witch, warlock, sorcerer |
brujo {m} | :: a male Wiccan |
brújula {f} | :: compass |
Brújula {prop} | :: Pyxis (constellation) |
brujulear {vi} | :: to wander, walk aimlessly |
brujulear {vt} [colloquial, rare] | :: to infer, determine from context |
brulote {m} | :: fire ship |
bruma {f} | :: haze, especially costal fog or haar |
bruma {f} [archaic] | :: winter |
brumación {f} | :: brumation |
brumario {m} | :: Brumaire |
brumoso {adj} | :: misty, foggy, especially with costal fog or haar |
brunch {m} | :: brunch |
bruneana {f} | :: feminine noun of bruneano |
bruneano {adj} | :: Bruneian |
bruneano {m} | :: Bruneian |
Brunéi {prop} | :: Brunei |
Brunilda {prop} {f} | :: given name |
bruñir {v} | :: to burnish |
bruno {adj} | :: dark brown |
brunonia {f} | :: Any plant of the genus Brunonia |
bruscamente {adv} | :: suddenly, brusquely |
bruschetta {f} | :: bruschetta (Italian bread topped with garlic and tomatoes) |
brusco {adj} | :: sudden, brusque |
brusco {adj} | :: rough, careless |
Bruselas {prop} {f} | :: Bruselas (capital city) |
bruselense {adj} | :: Bruxellois, Brusselaar, of or from Brussels |
bruselense {mf} | :: Bruxellois, Brusselaar, someone from Brussels |
bruselita {f} | :: Brussels sprout |
brusquedad {f} | :: brusqueness |
brusquedad {f} | :: coarseness |
brutal {adj} | :: brutal |
brutalidad {f} | :: brutality |
brutalista {adj} | :: brutalist |
brutalista {mf} | :: brutalist |
brutalizante {adj} | :: brutal |
brutalizar {vt} | :: to brutalize |
brutalmente {adv} | :: brutally |
brutalmente {adv} | :: extremely |
bruto {adj} | :: ignorant, stupid |
bruto {adj} | :: uncouth, clumsy |
bruto {m} | :: brute |
bruto {m} | :: ignorant, stupid person |
bruto {m} | :: uncouth person |
Bruto {prop} {m} | :: Brutus (Roman cognomen) |
bruxismo {m} | :: bruxism (grinding of the teeth) |
BS {prop} {f} [Mexico] | :: initialism of Baja California Sur |
Bs. As. {prop} {f} | :: abbreviation of Buenos Aires |
BTT {n} | :: mountain bike |
búbalo {m} | :: water buffalo |
bubi {adj} | :: Bubi |
bubi {mf} | :: Bubi |
bubi {m} | :: Bubi (language) |
bubón {m} | :: bubo |
bubónico {adj} | :: bubonic |
bucal {adj} | :: buccal |
bucal {adj} | :: oral |
Bucalemo {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Bucalemu, Bucalemo (town) |
Bucalemu {prop} {m} | :: Bucalemu (town) |
bucanero {m} | :: buccaneer |
bucaramato {m} | :: The impeachment of Abdalá Bucaram as president of Ecuador, in 1997 |
bucardo {m} | :: Pyrenean ibex |
Bucarest {prop} {m} | :: Bucarest (capital city) |
bucarestina {f} | :: feminine noun of bucarestino |
bucarestino {adj} | :: Bucharestian, Bucharester (of or pertaining to Bucharest, Romania) |
bucarestino {m} | :: Bucharester (native or resident of Bucharest, Romania) |
búcaro {m} | :: clay |
búcaro {m} | :: clay jug or vase |
bucatini {m} | :: bucatini |
buccinador {m} | :: buccinator |
buceador {adj} | :: diving |
buceador {m} | :: diver (someone who dives underwater) |
bucear {v} | :: to dive, to swim under water |
bucear {v} | :: to snorkel |
bucear {v} | :: to work as a diver |
bucear {v} [figuratively] | :: to delve into |
bucear {v} [slang, Venezuela] | :: to ogle, to check out, to watch (e.g. an attractive person) |
Bucéfalo {prop} {m} | :: Bucephalus (the horse of Alexander the Great) |
buceo {m} | :: diving |
buceo {m} | :: dive |
buchada {f} | :: A Brazilian stew made with goat entrails |
buche {m} [ornithology, anatomy] | :: crop (pouch-like part of the alimentary tract of some birds) |
buche {m} [literary] | :: belly |
buche {m} | :: mouthful |
buchito {m} | :: diminutive of buche |
buchón {m} | :: pouter (pigeon) |
bucle {m} | :: lock of hair |
bucle {m} | :: loop |
bucodental {adj} | :: oral (of the mouth) |
bucólico {adj} | :: bucolic (rustic, pastoral) |
buda {m} | :: Buddha |
buda {m} | :: bulrush (Typha latifolia) |
Buda {prop} {m} | :: Buddha |
Budapest {prop} {m} | :: Budapest (capital city) |
budare {m} [Venezuela] | :: Smooth flat griddle used to cook arepas or cazabe |
budeidad {f} | :: Buddhahood |
búdico {adj} | :: Buddhic |
budín {m} [Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Panamá, Paraguay, Perú, Puerto Rico, Uruguay, parts of Mexico, parts of Spain] | :: [desserts] pudding (sweet or salty) |
budincito {m} | :: diminutive of budín |
budismo {m} | :: Buddhism |
budista {adj} | :: Buddhist |
budista {mf} | :: Buddhist |
buelo {m} [childish] | :: pops (grandpa) |
buena estrella {f} | :: lucky star |
buena fama hurto encubre {proverb} | :: You can get away with murder if you've built up a reputation of being honest |
buena fe {f} | :: goodwill, good faith, bona fides |
buena gente {f} | :: good person |
buenamente {adv} | :: easily |
buenamente {adv} | :: best |
buenamente {adv} | :: willingly |
buena onda {adj} [Chile, Argentina, Mexico, slang] | :: cool, having good vibes |
buena onda {f} | :: good vibe |
buen apetito {interj} | :: enjoy your meal; bon appetit! |
buena proa {phrase} [nautical] | :: smooth sailing; happy sailing |
buenas {interj} [Spain, slang] | :: hello, hi |
buenas noches {interj} | :: good evening |
buenas noches {interj} | :: good night |
buenas tardes {interj} | :: good evening; good afternoon |
buena suerte {interj} | :: good luck |
buenaventura {f} | :: Good fortune |
Buenaventura {prop} {f} | :: surname |
buena voluntad {f} | :: goodwill, good will |
buena voluntad {f} | :: willingness |
buena voluntad {f} [archaic] | :: good graces, best efforts, good intentions [in the plural] |
buenazo {adj} | :: good-natured |
buen día {phrase} | :: good morning |
Buendía {prop} | :: surname |
buenecito {m} | :: diminutive of bueno |
buenfuego {prop} {m} | :: Beltane, the Wiccan bonfire celebration |
buen gusto {m} | :: good taste; preference for beautiful, aesthetic or artistic things |
buen gusto {m} | :: preference for beautiful or attractive people |
buenísimo {adj} | :: superlative of bueno; very good |
buenismo {m} | :: do-goodism |
buenista {mf} [derogatory] | :: do-gooder (someone who supports buenismo) |
buenista {adj} [derogatory] | :: do-goodist |
bueno {adj} | :: good |
bueno {adj} | :: fine |
bueno {interj} | :: okay; fine |
bueno {interj} [used at the start of a phrase] | :: well; a short pause in a sentence |
bueno {interj} [interrogatively, Mexico] | :: Expression used when answering the phone, often with the pronunciation /bweˈno/, rather than /ˈbweno/ |
Bueno {prop} | :: surname |
buenón {adj} | :: hunky |
buenón {adj} | :: smoking hot |
buenón {m} [slang] | :: hunk (attractive man) |
buenorro {adj} | :: sexy, hot; well-built; toned (especially sexually) |
Buenos Aires {prop} | :: Buenos Aires (capital city) |
Buenos Aires {prop} | :: Buenos Aires (province) |
buenos días {interj} | :: good day, good morning |
buen pan {m} [Dominican Republic] | :: breadfruit |
buen provecho {phrase} | :: bon appétit, enjoy your meal |
buen rato {phrase} [literal] | :: a long while |
buen rato {phrase} | :: good time |
buenrollismo {m} [Spain, colloquial] | :: relentless positivity; relentless good vibes; relentless optimism |
buenrollismo {m} [Spain, colloquial] | :: good vibes |
buen samaritano {m} [Christianity, biblical] | :: Good Samaritan |
buen samaritano {m} [figuratively] | :: good samaritan |
buen viaje {phrase} | :: bon voyage!; enjoy your trip! |
buey {m} | :: ox, bullock, steer |
buey {m} [Mexico, colloquial slang] | :: guy, dumb, dude (depends on context and intonation, also denotes surprise, colloquially pronounced güey) |
buey {m} [Mexico, colloquial slang] | :: cuckold |
buey {m} [Puerto Rico] | :: packet, arm and a leg (large amount of money) |
buey almizclero {m} | :: musk ox |
buey del Pacífico {m} | :: Dungeness crab |
buey de mar {m} | :: brown crab (Cancer pagurus) |
bueyera {f} | :: feminine noun of bueyero |
bueyero {adj} [attributive] | :: oxen; cattle |
bueyero {m} | :: oxherd |
buey viejo surco derecho {proverb} | :: an old broom knows the corners |
buf {interj} | :: expresses unpleasantness |
búfala {f} | :: female buffalo |
bufalino {adj} [attributive] | :: buffalo |
búfalo {m} | :: buffalo (Old World bovine) |
búfalo {m} | :: buffalo, the American bison |
búfalo de agua {m} | :: water buffalo |
bufanda {f} | :: scarf |
bufar {v} | :: to snort (to exhale roughly through the nose) |
bufarda {f} [regional, Spain] | :: vent |
bufeo {m} [Central America] | :: dolphin |
búfer {m} | :: buffer |
bufet {m} | :: alternative spelling of buffet |
bufete {m} | :: lawyer's office |
Buffalo {prop} | :: Buffalo (city) |
buffer {m} [computing] | :: buffer |
buffet {m} | :: buffet |
Buffyverso {m} | :: Buffyverse |
bufido {m} | :: snort (sound of an angry bull, person, etc.) |
bufón {m} | :: jester |
bufonada {f} | :: antic, clowning |
bufonear {v} | :: to jest, clown |
bufonesco {adj} | :: funny, clownish |
bufónico {adj} | :: buffoonic |
bug {m} [computing] | :: bug |
buga {mf} [Mexico, colloquial] | :: heterosexual (person) |
buga {adj} [Mexico, colloquial] | :: Of or pertaining to heterosexuality |
buga {m} [Spain, colloquial] | :: automobile |
buganvilia {f} [chiefly Latin America] | :: bougainvillea |
buganvilla {f} [chiefly Spain] | :: bougainvillea |
bugarrón {m} [regional, Caribbean] | :: a man who engages in sexual intercourse with other men, where he is always the penetrator, and typically does not consider himself to be gay |
buharda {f} | :: attic, loft |
buhardilla {f} | :: attic, loft |
buhardilla {f} | :: dormer window |
buharro {m} | :: the scops owl, Otus scops |
búho {m} | :: owl, eagle owl (any species of owl from the Strigidae family) |
búho {m} [colloquial] | :: informant, a squealer |
búho cornudo {m} | :: great horned owl (Bubo virginianus) |
buhonera {f} | :: peddler |
buhonería {f} | :: tack; junk; bits and bobs |
buhonero {m} | :: peddler |
búho real {m} | :: Eurasian eagle-owl (Bubo bubo) |
Buin {prop} {m} | :: Buin (city) |
buitre {m} | :: vulture (carrion-eating bird of the families Accipitridae or Cathartidae) |
buitrear {v} [colloquial, Chile, Peru, Bolivia] | :: to vomit |
buitre leonado {m} | :: griffon vulture |
buitre negro {m} | :: Eurasian black vulture |
buitrero {adj} [attributive] | :: vulture |
buitrero {m} | :: vulture hunter |
buitrón {m} | :: fish-trap |
buitrón {m} | :: Fishing net |
Bujará {prop} {f} | :: Bukhara (Bujará (city)) |
bujariano {adj} | :: Bukharan |
bujarra {m} [colloquial] | :: queer, faggot |
bujarrón {m} [pejorative, vulgar, Spain] | :: sodomite |
buje {m} | :: axle box; bushing |
buje {m} | :: hub |
bujeba {adj} | :: Bujeba; Kwasio |
bujeba {mf} | :: Bujeba; Kwasio |
bujía {f} | :: spark plug (device that forms a high-voltage spark for fuel ignition) |
bujía {f} | :: candle |
bukake {m} | :: bukkake |
bula {f} | :: bull (document) |
bula {f} | :: strength |
bula papal {f} | :: papal bull |
bula pontificia {f} | :: papal bull |
bulaqueño {adj} | :: Bulaqueño; of, or pertaining to Bulacan |
bulaqueño {m} | :: Bulaqueño |
bulbillo {m} | :: bulbil |
bulbo {m} [botany] | :: bulb |
bulbocavernoso {m} | :: bulbospongiosus |
bulboesponjoso {m} | :: bulbospongiosus |
bulboso {adj} | :: bulbous (having the shape of a bulb) |
bulboso {adj} [botany] | :: bulbous (growing from or producing bulbs) |
bulbul {m} | :: bulbul |
bulder {m} | :: bouldering |
búlder {m} | :: bouldering |
buldócer {m} | :: bulldozer |
buldog {m} | :: alternative spelling of bulldog |
bulear {v} | :: to bully |
bulería {f} | :: A fast flamenco rhythm |
bulevar {m} | :: boulevard |
búlgara {f} | :: feminine noun of búlgaro |
Bulgaria {prop} {f} | :: Bulgaria (country) |
búlgaro {adj} | :: Bulgarian (from or native to Bulgaria) |
búlgaro {adj} | :: Bulgarian (pertaining to Bulgaria) |
búlgaro {m} | :: a Bulgarian |
búlgaro {m} | :: the Bulgarian language |
bulgur {m} | :: bulgur |
bulimia {f} | :: bulimia |
bulímico {adj} | :: bulimic |
bulín {m} [Argentina] | :: bachelor pad |
bulín {m} [Argentina] | :: room (used for sex); room in a brothel |
bulín {m} | :: bowline |
bulla {f} | :: rowdiness, racket, ruckus |
bulla {f} [Andalusia] | :: urgence |
bullado {adj} [Chile, Peru, Ecuador] | :: rowdy |
bullanga {f} | :: fuss |
bullanguero {adj} | :: lively, rowdy |
bullanguero {m} | :: lively, rowdy person |
bulldog {m} | :: bulldog |
bulldozer {m} | :: bulldozer |
bullebulle {mf} | :: busybody, nosey parker |
bullectomía {f} | :: bullectomy |
bullente {adj} | :: ebullient |
bullerengue {m} | :: An African-styled music style and dance from Panama |
bullicio {m} | :: racket, clamor |
bulliciosamente {adv} | :: boisterously, tumultuously |
bullicioso {adj} | :: tumultuous |
bullidor {adj} | :: antsy; twitchy |
bullir {vi} | :: to boil (to begin to turn into a gas) |
bullir {vi} | :: to boil, to bubble, to churn (to be agitated like boiling water; to bubble; to effervesce) |
bullir {vi} | :: to bustle (to move busily and energetically) |
bullir {v} [figurative] | :: to bubble, to bubble up, to well up (to churn or foment, as if wishing to rise to the surface) |
bullir {vi} | :: to teem, to abound |
bullir {vt} | :: to move, to budge (part of one's body) |
bullpen {m} [baseball] | :: bullpen |
bully {m} | :: bully |
bullying {m} | :: bullying |
bulo {m} | :: canard, hoax (false or misleading report or story, especially if deliberately so) |
bulto {m} | :: bulge |
bulto {m} | :: lump, volume or an indeterminate object |
bulto {m} | :: piece of luggage |
bululú {m} | :: Solo performance comedian that travels around the country doing impressions |
bululú {m} | :: hubbub, noise, crowded place |
bum {interj} | :: boom [used to suggest the sound of an explosion] |
bum {interj} | :: boom [used to suggest something happening suddenly and unexpectedly] |
bumangués {adj} | :: Of or from the city of Bucaramanga, Colombia |
bumangués {m} | :: An inhabitant of the city of Bucaramanga, Colombia |
bumanguesa {f} | :: feminine noun of bumangués |
bumerán {m} | :: boomerang |
búmeran {m} [Argentina, Ecuador, Mexico] | :: alternative form of bumerán |
bumerang {m} | :: boomerang |
bumper {m} | :: bumper of a car |
bungaló {m} | :: alternative form of bungalow |
bungalow {m} | :: bungalow |
búngaro {m} | :: krait, a genus of venomous elapid snakes |
bungy {m} | :: bungee jumping |
bungy jumping {m} | :: bungee jumping |
bunker {m} | :: bunker |
búnker {m} | :: bunker |
búnker {m} [historical, politics] | :: The far-right movement in Spain in the 1970s and early 1980s that opposed reform in favor of preserving Francoist policies |
buñueliano {adj} | :: of or pertaining to the style of Luis Buñuel, a Spanish filmmaker |
buñuelo {m} | :: beignet (type of donut) |
buprenorfina {f} | :: buprenophrine |
bupropión {m} [pharmaceutical drug] | :: bupropion |
buque {m} | :: ship, vessel |
buqué {m} | :: bouquet (of wine) |
buquecillo {m} | :: diminutive of buque |
buque cisterna {m} | :: tanker ship |
buque de guerra {m} | :: warship |
buque insignia {m} | :: flagship |
buquet {m} | :: bouquet |
burbuja {f} | :: bubble |
burbuja {f} [economy] | :: bubble (period of intense speculation) |
burbuja {f} [economy] | :: excessive value due to speculation |
burbuja especulativa {f} | :: economic bubble |
burbujeante {adj} | :: bubbly, fizzy |
burbujear {v} | :: to bubble |
burbujita {f} | :: diminutive of burbuja; little bubble |
burdamente {adv} | :: coarsely, crudely |
burdégano {m} | :: hinny |
burdel {m} | :: brothel, whorehouse |
burdelito {m} | :: little brothel |
burdeos {adj} | :: burgundy |
burdeos {m} | :: burgundy colour |
burdeos {m} | :: Bordeaux wine |
Burdeos {prop} {m} | :: Burdeos (capital city) |
Burdigaliano {prop} {m} | :: Burdigalian |
Burdigaliense {prop} {m} | :: Burdigalian |
burdo {adj} | :: coarse, rough |
burdo {adj} | :: crude |
burdo {adj} | :: rude, uncouth |
burel {adj} [bullfighting] | :: reddish-brown [said of a bull] |
burel {m} [heraldry] | :: bar |
burelete {m} [heraldry] | :: torse |
burén {m} [Caribbean] | :: metal griddle |
bureo {m} | :: entertainment; fun; party |
bureta {f} | :: burette |
burgalés {adj} | :: Of, from or pertaining to Burgos (city and province of Spain) |
burgalés {m} | :: A person from Burgos (city and province of Spain) |
burgalesa {f} | :: feminine noun of burgalés |
burgés {adj} [archaic] | :: bourgeois |
burgés {m} [archaic] | :: bourgeois |
burgesa {f} | :: feminine noun of burgés |
burgo {m} | :: burg |
burgo {m} | :: city |
burgomaestre {m} | :: burgomaster |
Burgos {prop} {m} | :: Burgos (province) |
Burgos {prop} {m} | :: Burgos (city) |
burguer {m} | :: burger |
burgués {adj} | :: bourgeois |
burgués {m} | :: bourgeois |
burguesa {f} | :: feminine noun of burgués |
burguesía {f} | :: bourgeoisie |
Burgundia {prop} {f} [historical] | :: Burgundy (historical kingdom) |
burgundio {m} | :: Burgundian (person) |
burgundio {m} [uncountable] | :: Burgundian (language) |
burgundio {adj} | :: Burgundian |
buriata {f} | :: feminine noun of buriato |
Buriatia {prop} {f} | :: Buryatia |
buriato {adj} | :: Buryat |
buriato {m} | :: Buryat |
buril {m} | :: burin |
Buril {prop} | :: Caelum |
burilación {f} | :: engraving |
burilar {v} | :: to engrave |
burka {m} | :: burka or burqa |
Burkina Faso {prop} | :: Burkina Faso (country) |
burkinés {adj} | :: Burkinabe, Burkinese |
burkinés {m} | :: Burkinabe, Burkinese |
burkinesa {f} | :: feminine noun of burkinés |
burkini {m} | :: burkini |
burla {f} | :: mockery, taunt, ridicule |
burla {f} | :: prank |
burladero {m} [bullfighting] | :: a protective barrier behind which people in the bullring protect themselves from the bull |
burlador {m} | :: libertine (man with loose morals) |
burlanda {f} | :: distillers grain |
burlar {vt} | :: to outwit, to outsmart, to circumvent, to trick, to deceive |
burlar {vt} | :: to circumvent, to evade, to cheat |
burlar {vr} | :: to make fun of, to poke fun at, to mock, to ridicule, to jeer (+ de) |
burlar {vr} | :: to taunt, to tease (often uses de) |
burlar {vr} | :: to scoff, to scoff at (+ de) |
burlarse {vr} [with de] | :: to deceive oneself |
burlarse {vr} | :: to ridicule; to mock |
burlatarra {adj} | :: Of or from Burlada |
burlatarra {mf} | :: Someone from Burlada |
burlería {f} | :: jest, jeer |
burlescamente {adv} | :: in a burlesque manner |
burlesco {adj} | :: teasing, mocking |
burlesco {m} | :: burlesque |
burlete {m} | :: weatherstrip, draft excluder |
burlón {adj} | :: mocking |
burlón {m} | :: mocker, joker |
burlonamente {adv} | :: mockingly |
burmés {m} | :: Burmese (cat) |
buró {m} | :: writing desk |
buró {m} [Mexico] | :: A nightstand |
burocracia {f} [politics] | :: bureaucracy |
burócrata {mf} | :: bureaucrat |
burocráticamente {adv} | :: bureaucratically |
burocrático {adj} | :: bureaucratic |
burocratismo {m} | :: a bureaucratic attitude |
burocratización {f} | :: bureaucratization |
burocratizar {v} | :: to bureaucratize |
burofax {m} [Spain] | :: A type of registered fax |
burpee {m} | :: burpee |
burqa {m} | :: burqa or burka |
burra {f} | :: jenny, jenny-ass, she-ass |
burra {f} [colloquial] | :: bicycle |
burrada {f} [colloquial] | :: nonsense, bullshit |
burrera {f} | :: mule driver |
burrera {f} | :: someone who sells vegetables from the back of a mule |
burrerita {f} | :: diminutive of burrera |
burricie {f} | :: dimwittedness, idiocy |
burrillo {m} | :: diminutive of burro |
burrito {m} | :: diminutive of burro |
burrito {m} | :: burrito |
burro {m} | :: donkey, especially one used as a pack animal |
burro {m} [slang] | :: a dunce, an idiot |
burro {m} [slang, figuratively] | :: a well hung man |
burro {m} | :: sawhorse |
burro {m} | :: old maid (card game) |
burro {m} | :: burrito |
burro {adj} [colloquial] | :: stupid, foolish |
burro {adj} [colloquial] | :: brutish |
burro {adj} [colloquial] | :: horny |
burro {adj} [colloquial, euphemistic, of a man] | :: well-endowed |
bursa {f} [anatomy] | :: bursa |
bursátil {adj} [attributive] | :: stock market |
bursitis {f} | :: bursitis |
burujo {m} | :: lump |
burujo {m} | :: alternative form of orujo |
burundanga {f} | :: burundanga |
burundés {adj} | :: Burundian |
burundés {m} | :: Burundian |
burundesa {f} | :: feminine noun of burundés |
Burundi {prop} {m} | :: Burundi |
bus {m} | :: clipping of autobús; bus |
Busán {prop} | :: Busan |
busardo {m} | :: Any of a number of different buzzards |
busardo de Hawái {m} | :: Hawaiian hawk |
busardo moro {m} | :: long-legged buzzard |
busca {f} | :: search (an attempt to find something) |
busca {m} | :: pager (a wireless telecommunications device that receives text or voice messages) |
buscadísimo {adj} | :: superlative of buscado |
buscador {adj} | :: searching, scouting |
buscador {m} | :: seeker |
buscador {m} | :: prospector |
buscador {m} [internet] | :: search engine |
buscaminas {m} | :: synonym of barreminas |
buscapalabras {f} | :: word search |
buscapersonas {m} | :: pager (a wireless telecommunications device that receives text or voice messages) |
buscapleitos {mf} [Latin America, colloquial] | :: troublemaker, shit-stirrer |
buscapleitos {mf} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: shark lawyer |
buscar {v} | :: to seek, search for, look for, try to find |
buscar {v} | :: to fetch, get, pick up |
buscar {vr} | :: to bring on (oneself), to ask for |
buscarle tres pies al gato {v} [idiom] | :: to look for something that doesn't exist, split hairs |
buscar pelos en la sopa {phrase} [idiom] | :: to look for excuses to complain; literally "to search for hair in the soup" |
buscarruidos {m} | :: troublemaker, someone who looks for trouble |
buscarse {v} | :: reflexive of buscar |
buscársela {v} [colloquial] | :: to try to make a living |
buscársela {v} [colloquial] | :: to ask for it, to ask for trouble |
buscatalentos {mf} | :: talent scout |
buscavida {mf} | :: go-getter |
buscavidas {mf} | :: hustler, go-getter (one who is good at finding easy employment, and who can easily exploit any ability he has to succeed in life and earn money.) |
buscavidas {mf} | :: One who is excessively curious or impertinent |
busca y captura {m} | :: arrest (of a criminal) |
buscón {adj} | :: searching |
buscón {adj} | :: cunning |
buscón {adj} | :: slutty |
buscón {m} | :: whore |
buscón {m} | :: rogue |
bus de cortesía {f} | :: shuttlebus |
busera {f} | :: bus driver |
busero {m} | :: bus driver |
buseta {f} [Latin America] | :: microbus |
bushido {m} | :: bushido |
busilis {m} | :: crux (critical part of an argument or issue) |
busito {m} [Panama] | :: minibus |
búsqueda {f} | :: search |
búsqueda {f} | :: quest |
Bustamante {prop} | :: surname |
busto {m} | :: bust |
Bustos {prop} | :: surname |
bustrofedon {m} | :: alternative form of bustrófedon |
bustrófedon {m} | :: boustrophedon |
butaca {f} | :: armchair |
butaca {f} | :: seat (in theatre, cinema, etc.) |
butacón {m} | :: large armchair |
butadieno {m} [organic compound] | :: butadiene |
Bután {prop} | :: Bután (country) |
butanero {adj} | :: butane-transporting |
butanero {m} | :: A person who delivers gas bottles of butane to houses |
butanés {adj} | :: Bhutanese |
butanés {m} | :: Bhutanese |
butanesa {f} | :: feminine noun of butanés |
butano {m} [organic compound] | :: butane |
butano {m} | :: Common term for a gas cylinder of butane for household use |
butanoato {m} [organic chemistry] | :: butanoate |
butanol {m} [organic compound] | :: butanol |
butanona {f} [organic compound] | :: butanone |
butaquista {mf} | :: seatholder |
butea {f} | :: Any plant of the Butea genus |
buteno {m} [chemistry] | :: butene |
butica {f} [Louisiana] | :: boutique |
butifarra {f} | :: a sausage from Catalonia |
butifarrada {f} | :: A celebration or feast where botifarra is eaten |
butileno {m} [organic chemistry] | :: butylene |
butílico {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: butyl (attributive) |
butilo {m} [organic chemistry] | :: butyl |
butino {m} [organic compound] | :: butyne |
butirato {m} | :: butyrate |
butírico {adj} | :: butyric |
butirilcolinesterasa {f} [enzyme] | :: butyrylcholinesterase |
butrón {m} | :: hole made to help a break-in |
butronera {f} | :: feminine noun of butronero |
butronero {m} | :: A thief who enters a building by means of making a hole in the wall |
butuco {adj} [Honduras, colloquial] | :: short and stout, squat |
buyei {adj} | :: Bouyei |
buyei {mf} | :: Bouyei |
búyida {adj} | :: Buyid |
búyida {mf} | :: Buyyid |
Buyumbura {prop} | :: Buyumbura (capital) |
buzamiento {m} [geology] | :: dip |
buzar {v} [geology] | :: to dip |
buzo {m} | :: diver (someone who dives underwater) |
buzo {m} [Argentina, Ecuador, Uruguay] | :: sweatshirt (loose shirt, usually made of a knit fleece, for athletic wear and now often used as casual apparel) |
buzo {m} [Chile, Peru] | :: tracksuit, joggers (garment consisting of a top and trousers for sports and casual wear) |
buzo {m} | :: overall |
buzón {m} | :: mailbox [US], letterbox [UK] |
buzón {m} | :: box |
buzón {m} | :: big mouth |
buzón de entrada {m} | :: in-box, in-tray |
buzón de salida {m} | :: outbox |
buzón de voz {m} | :: voice mail |
buzonear {v} | :: to advertise by putting paper into letterboxes |
buzoneo {m} | :: mass mailing |
bypasear {v} | :: to bypass |
bypass {m} | :: bypass |
byte {m} | :: byte |
bytownita {f} [mineral] | :: bytownite |