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User:Matthias Buchmeier/es-en-b

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b {letter} :: letter: be
B {letter} :: letter: be
baasista {adj} :: Ba'athist
baasista {mf} :: Ba'athist
baazista {adj} :: alternative form of baasista
baazista {mf} :: alternative form of baasista
baba {f} :: drool, dribble
baba {f} :: slime
baba {f} [Venezuela] :: baby alligator, caiman or crocodile
babaco {m} :: The babaco
babalao {m} :: babalawo
babalawo {m} :: alternative spelling of babalao
Baba Yaga {prop} {f} [Slavic mythology] :: Baba Yaga (hag who flies through the air in a mortar)
babazorra {f} :: feminine noun of babazorro
babazorro {adj} :: Of, from, or relating to Álava
babazorro {m} :: Someone from Álava
babeante {adj} :: slobbering; drooling
babear {v} :: to drool
Babel {prop} :: Babel (city and tower)
babélico {adj} :: Babel (attributive)
babélico {adj} :: chaotic, confused
babelización {f} :: internationalisation
babero {m} :: bib
babi {m} :: smock
babí {mf} :: Babist
babilla {f} :: the stifle, or hind knee, of a quadruped
babilla {f} [Colombia] :: spectacled caiman (Caiman crocodilus)
Babilonia {prop} {f} :: Babylon
babilónico {adj} :: Babylonic
babilonio {adj} :: Babylonian
babilonio {m} :: Babylonian
babirusa {f} :: babirusa
bable {m} :: Asturian (language)
babor {m} [nautical] :: port (side)
babosa {f} :: slug
babosada {f} [Central America] :: folly, idiocy
babosada {f} [Peru] :: nonsense, bullshit (something that is stupid, dumb)
babosear {v} :: to slobber or drool over
babosear {v} :: to wine and dine
babosito {adj} :: diminutive of baboso
baboso {adj} :: slimy
baboso {adj} :: dribbling, drooling
baboso {adj} :: immature, callow
baboso {adj} :: foolish, stupid
baboso {adj} [colloquial] :: mushy; oversentimental
baboso {m} :: dribbler
baboso {m} :: immature or callow person
baboso {m} :: moron, fool, stupid person
baboso {m} :: blenny (fish)
baboso {m} [figuratively] :: slimeball, groper (contemptible flatterer)
babucha {f} :: slipper, babouche (low soft shoe that can be slipped on and off easily, especially in Middle Eastern contexts)
babuino {m} [primate] :: baboon
baby {m} :: baby
baby boom {m} :: baby boom
babyboomer {m} :: baby boomer
baca {f} [Spain] :: luggage rack
bacacho {m} [colloquial, Mexico] :: Bacardi white rum
bacaladero {adj} [attributive] :: cod-fishing
bacaladero {m} :: cod fishing boat
bacalado {m} :: nonstandard form of bacalao
bacalaíto {m} :: codfish fritter
bacalao {m} :: cod
bacallao {m} :: alternative form of bacalao
bacán {m} [colloquial, Argentina, Uruguay] :: pimp
bacán {m} [colloquial, dated, Argentina, Uruguay] :: boss, owner
bacán {m} [colloquial, dated, Argentina, Uruguay] :: concubine
bacán {m} [colloquial, dated, Argentina, Uruguay] :: lover of a kept woman
bacán {adj} [colloquial, Ecuador, Perú, Chile, Colombia, Cuba] :: cool, awesome
bacán {adj} [colloquial, Argentina, Uruguay] :: posh
bacán {adj} [colloquial, Argentina, Uruguay] :: snobbish
bacán {adj} [colloquial, Argentina, Uruguay] :: luxurious, refined
bacanal {f} :: bacchanal
bacano {adj} [Colombia, Chile, colloquial] :: cool; sweet; wicked
bacanora {m} :: bacanora
bacante {mf} :: bacchante
bacante {mf} :: drunken and out of control woman
bacará {m} :: baccarat (card game)
bacarrá {m} :: alternative form of bacará
bachaco {m} [Venezuela] :: big voracious ant, usually red
bachaquear {v} [Colombia, Venezuela] :: to sell on at a much higher price
bachaqueo {m} :: illegal stall
bachaqueo {m} :: black market
bachaquera {f} :: feminine noun of bachaquero
bachaquerismo {m} [chiefly Venezuela] :: The turning of the economy into a black market
bachaquero {m} [Venezuela] :: hawker of goods bought at government-set prices
bachata {f} :: bachata
bachata {f} [Antilles] :: party
bachatera {f} :: bachata musician
bachatero {m} :: bachatero
bache {m} :: pothole, bump
bache {m} :: rut, tricky/barren spell
bachear {v} :: to repair a road full of potholes
Bachelet {prop} :: surname
bacheletista {adj} :: Being a supporter of the Chilean president Michele Bachelet
bacheletista {adj} :: Of or relating to the Chilean president Michele Bachelet
bacheletista {mf} :: A supporter of the Chilean president Michele Bachelet
Bachelor of Arts {m} :: Bachelor of Arts
bacheo {m} :: the reparation of potholes in roads
bacher {m} :: badger
bachiano {adj} [music] :: Bach (attributive)
bachicha {mf} :: Italina; wop
bachiche {mf} [pejorative, Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador] :: wop (person of Italian descent)
bachiller {m} :: bachelor (person with bachelor degree)
bachiller {m} :: graduate (person)
bachiller {m} :: bachelor (university degree)
bachiller {m} :: graduate (school degree)
bachillera {f} :: feminine noun of bachiller
bachillerato {m} :: graduation certificate (degree from high school)
bachillerato {m} :: short for bachillerato universitario (bachelor’s degree)
bacilo {m} [bacteriology] :: bacillus
bacín {m} :: little bowl
bacín {m} :: chamber pot
bacina {f} :: vessel
bacineta {f} :: chamber pot
bacinica {f} :: chamber pot
bacinilla {f} :: chamber pot
backgammon {m} :: backgammon
background {m} :: background
backlog {m} :: backlog
backstage {adv} :: backstage
Baco {prop} {m} :: Bacchus
bacon {m} :: bacon
bacón {m} :: bacon
bacteria {f} :: bacterium
bacterial {adj} :: bacterial
bacteriano {adj} :: bacterial
bactericida {adj} :: bactericidal
bactericida {m} :: bactericide
bacteriemia {f} [pathology] :: bacteraemia
bacterio- {prefix} :: bacterio-; bad; badly
bacteriófago {m} [bacteriology] :: bacteriophage
bacterióloga {f} :: feminine noun of bacteriólogo
bacteriología {f} :: bacteriology
bacteriológico {adj} :: bacteriological
bacteriólogo {m} :: bacteriologist
bacteriorodopsina {f} [protein] :: bacteriorhodopsin
bacteriostático {adj} :: bacteriostatic
Bactriana {prop} {f} :: Bactria
bactriano {adj} :: Bactrian
báculo {m} :: staff (long, straight stick, especially one used to assist in walking)
badajear {v} [colloquial] :: to waffle
badajo {m} :: clapper (the tongue of a bell)
badajo {m} [colloquial] :: penis
Badajoz {prop} :: Badajoz (province)
Badajoz {prop} :: Badajoz (city)
Badalona {prop} {f} :: Badalona (city)
badalonés {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Badalona
badalonés {m} :: Someone from Badalona
badalonesa {f} :: feminine noun of badalonés
badana {f} :: sheepskin
badea {f} :: giant granadilla (Passiflora quadrangularis)
badén {m} :: dip (in the road)
badén {m} :: speed bump
badián {m} :: star anise
badiana {f} :: alternative form of badián
bádminton {m} :: badminton
badmintonista {mf} :: badminton player
badulaque {adj} [offensive, obsolete, Spain] :: dumb, having the properties of an imbecile
badulaque {mf} [offensive, obsolete, Spain] :: dimwit, imbecile
badulaque {mf} [historical, Spain] :: chanfaina
badulaque {mf} [historical, Spain] :: a cosmetic made of various plants and herbs
baenero {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Baena
baenero {m} :: Someone from Baena
Báez {prop} :: surname
baezana {f} :: feminine noun of baezano
baezano {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Baeza
baezano {m} :: Someone from Baeza
bafle {m} :: speaker; loudspeaker
bagaces {mp} :: An extinct indigenous people of Costa Rica
bagaje {m} :: baggage, luggage
bagaje {m} :: baggage (emotional, psychological)
bagaje {m} :: background (knowledge, experience, familiarity)
bagallera {f} :: feminine noun of bagallero
bagallero {m} [Argentina, Uruguay] :: A seller of smuggled or contraband goods
bagatela {f} :: bagatelle, trifle (an unsubstantial thing)
bagaudas {mp} :: bagaudae
bagazo {m} :: bagasse (sugarcane pulp)
Bagdad {prop} :: Bagdad (capital city)
bagdadí {adj} :: Baghdadi
bagdadí {mf} :: Baghdadi (native or resident of Baghdad, Iraq)
bagel {m} :: bagel (toroidal bread roll)
bagler {adj} :: Bagler
bagler {mf} :: Bagler
bagrátida {adj} :: Bagratid
bagre {m} [fish] :: catfish
Bagua {prop} :: Bagua (province)
bagual {m} [Argentina, Uruguay] :: an untamed horse
bagual {adj} [Uruguay, Paraguay] :: uncivil
baguala {f} [music] :: a genre of folk music of northeastern Argentina
baguel {m} :: alternative spelling of bagel
baguet {f} :: alternative form of baguete
baguete {f} :: alternative form of baguette
baguette {f} :: baguette, French bread (a long, narrow, parbaked bread)
baguio {m} [Philippines] :: A typhoon
bah {interj} :: indicates disdain or unbelief
bahague {m} :: a type of loincloth that was commonly used throughout the Philippines before the arrival of the European colonizers and is currently still in use today by some indigenous tribes of the Philippines
bahaí {adj} :: Bahá'í
bahaí {mf} :: Bahá'í
bahaísmo {m} :: Bahá'í Faith (an Abrahamic monotheistic religion)
Bahamas {prop} {fp} :: Bahamas (archipelago/and/country)
bahameña {f} :: feminine noun of bahameño
bahameño {adj} :: Bahamian
bahameño {m} :: Bahamian
bahamés {adj} :: Bahamian
bahamés {m} :: Bahamian
bahamesa {f} :: feminine noun of bahamés
bahareque {m} :: bahareque
bahía {f} :: bay (geographical feature)
bahía de Cochinos {prop} {f} :: Bay of Pigs (small inlet in Cuba)
bahía de Guantánamo {prop} {f} :: Guantanamo Bay (US naval base)
bahiense {adj} :: Of or from Bahía Blanca
bahiense {mf} :: Someone from Bahía Blanca
bahman {m} :: Bahman
baho {m} :: A dish made with rice and yucca
bahorrina {f} :: dirt, filth
Bahréin {prop} {m} :: alternative spelling of Baréin
bahreiní {adj} :: Bahraini
bahreiní {mf} :: Bahraini
baht {m} :: baht
baiano {adj} :: Bahian
baiano {m} :: Bahian
baicaleína {f} :: baicalein
baidefeis {adj} [humorous] :: free
baído {adj} :: alternative spelling of vaído
bailable {adj} :: danceable
bailador {m} :: dancer
bailador {adj} :: dancing
bailanta {f} [Argentina] :: town party
bailaor {m} :: flamenco dancer
bailaora {f} :: flamenco dancer
bailar {v} :: to dance
bailar {v} [soccer] :: to dribble [the ball]
bailar al son que le tocan {v} [idiom] :: to do as one is told; to obey; to follow the rules
bailar con la más fea {v} [idiomatic] :: to get the short straw
bailar con los cinco latinos {v} [idiomatic, vulgar, Cuba] :: to masturbate
bailarín {m} :: dancer
bailarina {f} :: (female) dancer
baile {m} :: dance (a sequence of rhythmic steps or movements usually performed to music)
baile {m} :: dance (a social gathering where dancing is the main activity)
baile {m} :: ball (a formal dance)
baile {m} :: dance (the art, profession, and study of dancing)
bailecito {m} :: folk dance
baile de fin de curso {m} [Spain] :: prom
baile de graduación {m} :: prom
baile del caño {m} :: pole dance
baile del tubo {m} :: pole dance
baile de salón {m} :: ballroom dance
baile en barra {m} :: pole dance
baile en tubo {m} :: alternative form of baile del tubo
bailetón {m} :: danceathon
bailía {f} :: bailiwick
bailiazgo {m} :: bailiwick
bailío {m} :: bailiff
bailón {adj} :: dancy (prone to or keen on dancing)
bailongo {adj} :: dance [attributive]
bailotear {v} :: to dance around, to shimmy
bailoteo {m} :: shimmy, jig
bailoterapia {f} :: dance therapy
baipás {m} [medicine] :: bypass
baja {f} :: casualty, loss
baja {f} :: drop, fall, reduction
baja {f} :: sick leave (absence for illness)
baja {f} :: withdrawal, retirement
bajá {m} :: pasha
Baja Austria {prop} {f} :: Baja Austria (state)
Baja California {prop} {f} :: Baja California (state)
bajacaliforniano {adj} [demonym] :: Of or pertaining to the Mexican state of Baja California
Baja California Sur {prop} {f} :: Baja California Sur (state)
bajada {f} :: drop, descent
bajada {f} :: declivity
bajalato {m} :: pashalik
bajamar {f} :: low tide
bajamente {adv} :: basely
bajamiento {m} [obsolete] :: lowering
bajante {adj} :: lowering, going down
bajante {f} :: downspout, drainpipe
bajante {f} :: lowering of water level
bajar {v} :: to go down, come down
bajar {v} :: to get off, to get down, to climb down, to step down, to get out (e.g., of/from a platform or vehicle)
bajar {v} [colloquial] :: to kill (a person)
bajar {v} :: to descend
bajar {v} [computing] :: to download
bajar {v} :: to lower, reduce, fall
bajar {v} :: to drop, lower, put down, turn down, move down (an object, the volume, etc.)
bajar {v} :: to lose (e.g., weight)
bajar {v} :: to take down, bring down
bajar {v} :: to dim (the lights)
bajar {v} :: to let down (one's guard)
bajar {v} :: to wash down (accompany food)
bajar {vr} :: to get off, to get down
bajar {vr} [computing] :: to download (for one's own private use)
bajar al pilón {v} [vulgar, idiomatic] :: To eat pussy; to go down on
bajareque {m} :: synonym of bahareque
bajar la guardia {v} [idiom] :: to lower one's guard, to let down one's guard, to drop one's guard
bajarse al moro {v} [vulgar, idiomatic, Spain] :: to visit Morocco or the Maghreb in order to procure hashish
bajarse al pilón {v} :: alternative form of bajar al pilón
Baja Sajonia {prop} {f} :: Lower Saxony
Baja Verapaz {prop} {f} :: Baja Verapaz (department)
bajel {m} :: A type of historical ship
bajel {m} :: ship; vessel
bajera {f} [architecture] :: lower ground floor, basement
bajetón {adj} :: short or stumpy
bajez {f} :: obsolete form of bajeza
bajeza {f} :: baseness
bajeza {f} :: base act
bajeza {f} :: meanness
bajini {adj} :: only used in por lo bajini
bajío {m} :: shoal, shallows, sandbank
bajísimo {adj} :: superlative of bajo, very low, very short
bajista {adj} [finance] :: downward, falling, bearish
bajista {mf} [music] :: bassist
bajista {mf} [finance] :: bear
bajito {adj} :: diminutive of bajo
bajito {adv} :: diminutive of bajo
bajo {adj} :: short (of little height)
bajo {adj} :: low, ground (situated close to the ground)
bajo {adj} :: low, bottom, poor (not high in status, amount or quality)
bajo {adj} [music] :: bass
bajo {adj} :: base, mean, low, despicable
bajo {adv} :: low
bajo {adv} :: down (location)
bajo {adv} :: down, quietly, softly (volume)
bajo {m} [music] :: bass (sound, voice or instrument)
bajo {prep} :: under (in both literal and figurative senses)
bajo alemán {m} :: Low German (language)
Bajociano {prop} {m} :: Bajocian
Bajociense {prop} {m} :: Bajocian
bajocubierta {f} :: attic
bajo cuerda {adv} [idiomatic] :: underhandedly, under the counter
bajo eléctrico {m} :: electric bass
bajoimperial {adj} :: late-Roman Empire
bajo la manga {adv} [idiom] :: alternative form of bajo manga
bajo manga {adv} [idiom] :: under the counter
bajomedieval {adj} :: of the late Middle Ages
bajón {m} :: bassoon
bajón {m} :: bassoonist
bajón {m} :: lull, low, dip, drop (decline)
bajón {m} :: blues, slump (lack of spirit)
bajonazo {m} [bullfighting] :: low-down injury on the bull
bajoneado {adj} [Latin America] :: sad, unhappy, down
bajonear {vt} [colloquial, South America] :: to get down, cause to feel bad
bajonista {mf} :: bassoonist
bajo quinto {m} [musical instrument] :: bajo quinto
Bajo Rin {prop} :: Bajo Rin (department)
bajorrelieve {m} :: bas relief
bajo sajón {m} :: Low Saxon (language or language group)
bajo sexto {m} [musical instrument] :: bajo sexto
bajuno {adj} :: underhand
bajura {f} :: lowness
bajura {f} :: lowland
bakalao {m} :: A style of aggressive electronic music originating in Valencia, Spain, in the early 1990s
Bakú {prop} :: Bakú (capital)
bakuense {adj} :: Bakuvian (of or pertaining to Baku, Azerbaijan)
bakuense {mf} :: Bakuvian (native or resident of Baku, Azerbaijan)
bakuninista {adj} :: Bakuninist
bakuninista {mf} :: Bakuninist
bala {f} :: bullet
balacear {v} [Cuba, Honduras, El Salvador, Mexico] :: to shoot up, shoot
balacera {f} :: shootout
balada {f} :: ballad
baladí {adj} :: trivial, banal, of no importance, meaningless
baladista {mf} :: one who writes or sings ballads
baladronada {f} :: boastfulness
bálago {n} :: straw, especially straw of cereals left after the grain is removed
bálago {n} :: Spanish broom
balahú {m} [obsolete] :: a type of schooner
balajú {m} :: ballyhoo (fish)
balalaica {f} :: balalaika
balance {m} [accounting] :: balance
balance {m} :: balance; weighing up
balanceado {adj} :: balanced, even-keeled
balancear {v} :: to balance
balancearse {v} :: reflexive of balancear
balanceo {m} :: balancing
balancín {m} :: seesaw
balancín {m} :: rocking chair
balancín {m} :: swingletree, whiffletree
balancón {m} :: A species of shrub native to the Canary Islands, Cape Verde, and Morocco, taxonomic name Traganum moquinii
balandra {f} [watercraft, historical] :: bilander
balandra {f} :: A type of sauce from Catalonia, made with bread, vinager and garlic
balandrán {m} :: A type of clerical robe; a cassock
balandro {m} [nautical] :: Bermudan sloop
balandronada {f} :: boastful behaviour
balanitis {f} [pathology] :: balanitis
balano {m} [zoology] :: acorn barnacle
bálano {m} :: glans (apex of the penis)
balanopostitis {f} [medicine] :: balanoposthitis (inflammation of the glans penis and the prepuce)
balanoprepucial {adj} :: balanopreputial
balanza {f} :: balance, scale (device used to measure weight)
balanza {f} [figuratively] :: comparative estimate, judgment
balanza {f} [astronomy, constellations] :: Libra
balar {v} :: to bleat
balasto {m} :: ballast
balata {f} :: brake lining
balatá {f} :: balata
balaustrada {f} [architecture] :: balustrade (row of balusters)
balaustre {m} :: banister
balazo {m} :: gunshot, shot
balboa {m} :: balboa
Balboa {prop} :: surname
balbuceante {adj} :: muttering
balbuceante {adj} :: stuttering
balbuceante {adj} :: babbling
balbucear {v} :: to mutter
balbucear {v} :: to stutter, to stammer
balbucear {v} :: to prattle
balbucear {v} :: to lisp
balbuceo {m} :: mutter
balbuceo {m} :: stutter
balbuciente {adj} :: stammering; that stutters or stammers
balbucir {v} :: to stammer
Balcanes {prop} {mp} :: Balkans
balcánico {adj} :: Balkan
balcanización {f} :: Balkanization
balcón {m} :: balcony
balconada {f} :: row of balconies
balconaje {m} :: synonym of balconada
balconazi {m} [derogatory] :: during the coronavirus epidemic, someone who sits on their balcony and criticizes other people going outside without knowing if they have a legitimate reason
balconcillo {m} :: diminutive of balcón
balconcito {m} :: diminutive of balcón; little balcony
balconear {v} [Latin America] :: to spy on; to snoop (from a balcony, or similar elevated place)
balconing {m} :: balconing
balconismo {m} :: balconing
balda {f} :: shelf (flat structure fixed to a wall)
baldado {adj} [colloquial] :: knackered
baldado {adj} [colloquial] :: crippled
baldado {m} :: bucket; bucketful; bucket poured over someone's head
baldao {adj} :: pronunciation spelling of baldado
baldao {m} :: pronunciation spelling of baldado
baldaquín {m} :: baldachin
baldaquino {m} :: alternative spelling of baldaquín
baldar {v} :: to cripple
baldazo {m} :: A splashing of water from a bucket
balde {m} :: bin, bucket
baldeador {adj} :: sweeping; mopping
baldeadora {f} :: street washing truck
baldear {v} :: to hose down, wash
baldear {v} [nautical] :: to bail out
baldío {adj} :: barren, waste
baldío {adj} :: lazy, idle
baldío {m} :: wasteland
baldón {m} :: insult
baldosa {f} :: tile, slab
baldosín {m} :: small tile
baldosita {f} :: diminutive of baldosa
Balduino {prop} {m} :: given name
balduque {m} :: red tape
balear {v} :: to shoot
balear {adj} :: Balearic
Baleares {prop} {fp} :: synonym of Islas Baleares
baleárico {adj} :: Balearic
baleario {adj} :: alternative form of baleárico
Bali {prop} :: Bali (island/and/province)
balido {m} :: The sound of a sheep, lamb, goat, deer; baa, bleat
balígrafo {m} :: a bullet that has been converted into a pen, especially the one used to sign the peace treaty on September 26, 2016, between FARC and the Colombian government
balín {m} :: pellet (small compressed object)
balinera {f} :: ball bearing
balinés {adj} :: Balinese
balista {f} :: ballista
balística {f} :: ballistics (study of the motion of projectiles)
balístico {adj} :: ballistic
balita {f} [Paraguay] :: marble (toy)
baliza {f} [nautical] :: buoy, marker
baliza {f} [aerial] :: beacon, marker
balizamiento {m} :: marking with buoys
balizar {vt} :: to mark with buoys or beacons
ballena {f} :: whale
ballena {f} :: baleen, whalebone
ballena asesina {f} :: orca, killer whale
ballena azul {f} :: blue whale
ballena de aleta {f} :: fin whale
ballena jorobada {f} :: humpback whale
ballenato {m} :: whale calf
ballenero {adj} :: whaling (attributive)
ballenero {m} :: whaler
ballenero {m} :: whaling ship; whaler
ballesta {f} :: crossbow (mechanised weapon, based on the bow and arrow)
ballesta {f} :: ballista (ancient military engine, in the form of a crossbow)
ballesta {f} [mechanics] :: leaf spring (spring in the form of a curved length of steel, used in the suspension of wheeled vehicles)
Ballester {prop} :: surname
ballestera {f} :: feminine noun of ballestero
ballestero {m} :: crossbowman
ballestero {m} :: crossbow builder
Ballesteros {prop} {m} :: surname
ballestrinque {m} :: clove hitch
ballet {m} :: ballet
balletista {mf} :: ballet dancer
balletómano {m} :: balletomane
ballotage {m} :: ballotage
Balmaceda {prop} :: surname
balmacedista {adj} :: supporting José Manuel Balmaceda, president of Chile 1886-1891
balmacedista {mf} :: A supporter of José Manuel Balmaceda
Balmaseda {prop} {f} :: Balmaseda (town/municipality)
Balmes {prop} :: surname of Catalan origin
balneario {adj} :: spa
balneario {m} :: seaside resort, bathing resort
balneario {m} :: spa
balompédico {adj} [attributive] :: football
balompié {m} :: football (soccer)
balón {m} :: ball
balón {m} :: balloon
balona {f} :: balloon tyre
balonazo {m} :: hit (of a ball)
balonazo {m} :: A blow/hit with a ball
baloncestista {mf} :: basketballer (basketball player)
baloncestístico {adj} :: basketball (attributive)
baloncesto {m} :: basketball (sport)
balón intragástrico {m} :: gastric balloon
balonmanista {mf} :: handballer (handball player)
balonmanístico {adj} :: handball (attributive)
balonmano {m} :: handball
balón parado {m} [sports] :: set piece
balón saltarín {m} :: space hopper
balonvolea {f} [rare] :: volleyball
balonvoleísta {mf} :: volleyballer
balota {f} [chiefly Latin America] :: ballot
balotaje {m} :: second round of voting
balotar {v} :: to ballot
balotar {v} [rare] :: to vote
balsa {f} :: pool
balsa {f} :: raft
balsa {f} :: ferry
balsa {f} :: balsa (tree)
balsa de aceite {f} [idiom] :: A place where there is smooth sailing; sea of tranquillity
balsámico {adj} :: balsamic
bálsamo {m} :: balsam
bálsamo {m} :: balsam (tree or shrub)
bálsamo {m} :: hair conditioner
balsa salvavidas {m} [nautical] :: lifeboat
balsear {vt} :: to ferry, raft
balsera {f} :: feminine noun of balsero
balsero {m} :: balsero
baltasariano {adj} :: Balthasarian
Baltazar {prop} :: Balthazar (one of the possible names of the Magi)
Baltazar {prop} :: given name
Baltazar {prop} :: surname, the 496th most common in Mexico
balti {m} :: balti
báltico {adj} :: Baltic
báltico {m} :: Balt
Báltico {prop} {m} :: Baltic
baluarte {m} :: bastion
baluchi {adj} :: Balochi
baluchi {mf} :: Balochi
balumba {f} :: mess
balumba {f} :: pile; head
balzareña {f} :: feminine noun of balzareño
balzareño {adj} :: Of or from Balzar Canton in Ecuador
balzareño {m} :: An inhabitant of Balzar Canton in Ecuador
Bamako {prop} :: Bamako (capital city)
Bámako {prop} :: alternative spelling of Bamako
bamba {f} :: hit, strike (in a game)
bamba {f} :: a Latin American dance
bamba {f} :: flip-flop, thong, jandal
bamba {f} :: sneaker
bambalina {f} :: backdrop
bambara {f} :: Bambara (language)
bambara {f} :: Bambara (people)
bambi {m} [colloquial] :: deer
bambinazo {m} [baseball] :: home run, homer
bamboleante {adj} :: unsteady, staggering
bambolear {v} :: to swing
bambolear {v} :: to sway, to wobble
bambolla {f} :: bubble
bambú {m} :: bamboo (plant)
bambú {m} :: bamboo (wood)
bambuco {m} [music genre] :: Bambuco
bañadera {f} [Argentina, Cuba, Paraguay] :: bathtub
bañador {m} :: swimming costume, bathing costume
bañador {m} :: swimming trunks
banal {adj} :: banal
banalidad {f} :: banality
banalización {f} :: trivialization
banalizador {adj} :: banalizing
banalizar {vt} :: banalize
banana {f} [Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Uruguay] :: banana (fruit)
bananero {adj} :: of or pertaining to bananas
bananero {m} :: banana (plant)
banano {m} [Colombia, Central America] :: banana (fruit)
bañar {v} :: to bathe
bañarse {vr} :: To bathe oneself
banasta {f} :: (large) basket
banca {f} :: small bench
banca {f} :: seat (in an elective body)
banca {f} :: financial system
bancada {f} :: bench for government officials
banca electrónica {f} :: e-bank
bancar {v} [Argentina, Uruguay] :: to finance, pay for
bancar {vr} [Argentina, Uruguay] :: to stand, to put up with
bancario {adj} :: related to banks (financial institution)
bancario {m} :: banker
bancarización {f} :: Accessibility of, or access to, banking services
bancarizar {v} :: to turn into a bank
bancarizar {v} :: to provide with banking services
bancarizar {v} :: to pay using banking services
bancarrota {f} :: bankruptcy
bancazo {m} [Mexico] :: bank robbery; hold-up
banco {m} :: bank
banco {m} :: bench
banco {m} :: pew
banco {m} :: school of fish
Banco Central Europeo {prop} {m} :: European Central Bank (central bank for the European Union)
banco de datos {m} :: database
banco de prensa {m} [weightlifting] :: bench press
banda {f} [music] :: band (musical group)
banda {f} :: gang, band, group
banda {f} :: band, sash
banda {f} [heraldiccharge] :: bend
banda ancha {f} :: broadband
bandada {f} :: flock (of birds)
bandada {f} :: swarm (of insects)
bandada {f} :: shoal (of fish)
bandada {f} :: flock, swarm (of people)
Banda de los Cuatro {prop} {f} :: Gang of Four (leftist political faction)
bandado {adj} [heraldry] :: barry
bandanese {adj} :: Bandanese
bandanese {mf} :: Bandanese
Banda Oriental {prop} {f} [historical] :: A colonial territory disputed between Spain and Portugal that covered modern Uruguay and Rio Grande do Sul
Banda Oriental {prop} {f} [Argentina, obsolete] :: The country of Uruguay
Bandar Seri Begawan {prop} {m} :: Bandar Seri Begawan (capital city)
banda sonora {f} [cinema, television] :: soundtrack
banda sonora {f} :: speed bump [Spain]
bandazo {m} :: swerve
bandeado {adj} :: striped
bandeado {m} :: banding
bandear {vi} :: to rock, sway, move from side to side
bandear {vt} [Central America] :: to chase someone, wound someone
bandear {vt} [South America] :: to change political affiliation
bandear {vt} [South America] :: to cross [a body of water]
bandear {vr} :: to shift for oneself, manage, get by
bandearse {v} :: reflexive of bandear
bandeja {f} :: tray, platter (small, typically rectangular or round, flat, and rigid object upon which things are carried)
bandejón {mf} :: median strip
bandeneonista {mf} :: bandoneonist
bandeo {m} [genetics] :: banding
bandera {f} :: flag
bandera {f} :: banner
banderazo {m} :: wave of a flag
bandería {f} :: faction
banderilla {f} :: banderilla (decorated barbed stick)
banderillazo {m} :: wave of a flag
banderillear {vt} [bullfighting] :: To stick banderillas in the bull
banderillero {m} [bullfighting] :: banderillero
banderillero {m} [by extension] :: lackey, lickspittle
banderín {m} :: banner, pennant
banderita {f} :: diminutive of bandera; small flag
banderizo {adj} :: of or pertaining to the War of the Bands
banderola {f} :: banner (especially one for publicity)
banderola {f} :: (small) flag
banderón {m} :: augmentative of bandera
bandicut {m} :: bandicoot
bandida {f} :: feminine noun of bandido
bandidaje {m} :: banditry
bandidismo {m} :: organised crime, banditry
bandido {m} :: outlaw, bandit
bando {m} :: faction, party, side
bando {m} :: swarm, flock [of fish, birds, etc.]
bando {m} :: edict
bandolera {f} :: female equivalent of bandolero
bandolera {f} :: shoulder bag
bandolerismo {m} :: banditry
bandolero {m} :: bandit, outlaw
bandolín {m} :: small mandolin
bandoneón {m} :: bandoneon
bandoneonista {mf} :: bandoneon player
bandrullo {m} [Western Spain] :: A type of tripe filled with meat
bandujo {m} :: A type of tripe filled with meat
bandurria {f} :: bandurria
bandurria austral {f} :: black-faced ibis
bandurria de collar {f} :: black-faced ibis
bandurrista {mf} :: bandurria player
bandurrita {f} :: earthcreeper
banear {v} :: To ban (to block from participation)
bañera {f} :: bathtub
bañera {f} [nautical] :: cockpit
bañera {f} [Argentina, Chile, Uruguay] :: female equivalent of bañero
bañero {m} [Argentina, Chile, Uruguay] :: lifeguard
banesto {mf} [Spain] :: Someone who banks with Banesto, a Spanish bank,
banfileña {f} :: feminine noun of banfileño
banfileño {adj} :: of or from Banfield, Buenos Aires
banfileño {m} :: someone from Banfield, Buenos Aires
banga {m} :: A kind of soup
Bangalore {prop} {m} :: Bangalore (megacity/state capital)
bangaña {f} :: gourd
Bangkok {prop} :: Bangkok (capital city)
bangkokiana {f} :: feminine noun of bangkokiano
bangkokiano {adj} :: Bangkokian (of or pertaining to Bangkok, Thailand)
bangkokiano {m} :: Bangkokian (native or resident of Bangkok, Thailand)
Bangladés {prop} {m} :: Bangladés (country)
Bangladesh {prop} {m} :: Bangladesh (country)
bangladeshí {adj} :: Bangladeshi
bangladeshí {mf} :: Bangladeshi
bangladeshís {adj} :: plural of bangladeshí
bangladesí {adj} :: Bangladeshi
bangladesí {mf} :: Bangladeshi
Bangui {prop} :: Bangui (capital city)
baniano {m} :: banyan
banileja {f} :: feminine noun of banilejo
banilejo {adj} :: Of or from the city of Baní in the Dominican Republic
banilejo {m} :: An inhabitant of the city of Baní in the Dominican Republic
bañista {mf} :: bather
banjo {m} :: banjo
Banjul {prop} :: Banjul (capital city)
banjulí {adj} :: of or pertaining to Banjul, The Gambia
banjulí {mf} :: native or resident of Banjul, The Gambia
banner {m} :: banner
baño {m} :: bath
baño {m} :: bathroom
baño {m} :: toilet
baño de masas {m} :: walk into the crowd (by a famous person)
baño de sangre {m} [idiom] :: bloodbath
baño maría {m} :: bain-marie
baño turco {m} :: Turkish bath
banquera {f} :: feminine noun of banquero
banquero {m} :: banker (conducting the business of a bank)
banquero {m} :: banker (dealer in a gambling house)
banqueta {f} [furniture] :: footstool
banqueta {f} [furniture] :: small bench
banqueta {f} [Guatemala, Mexico, Philippines] :: sidewalk
banquete {m} :: banquet
banquete {m} :: catering
banquetear {v} :: to feast, to take part in a feast
banquetera {f} :: caterer
banquillo {m} :: bench
banquina {f} [Argentina, Uruguay] :: shoulder (part of a road)
banquisa {f} :: floe
banquisa {f} :: sea ice
banquita {f} :: diminutive of banca
banquito {m} :: stool
bantoide {adj} :: Bantoid
bantú {m} :: Bantu (language family)
bantú {adj} :: Bantu
bantustán {m} :: bantustan
bao {m} :: bao (Chinese bread)
baobab {m} :: baobab
Baotou {prop} :: Baotou (prefecture-level city/largest city)
baptista {adj} :: Baptist
baptista {mf} :: Baptist
baptisterio {m} :: A baptistery. (place where a baptismal font is located)
baptisterio {m} :: A baptismal font
baptizar {v} [obsolete] :: to baptise
baqueana {f} :: feminine noun of baqueano
baqueano {adj} :: alternative form of baquiano
baqueano {m} :: alternative form of baquiano
baquelita {f} :: Bakelite (a heat-resisting chemically inert resin)
baqueta {f} :: drumstick (stick to play drums)
baqueta {f} :: ramrod
baquetazo {m} :: A hit with a drum stick
baqueteado {adj} :: battered, beaten up (in rough condition)
baquetear {v} :: to pester, bother
baquetear {v} :: to batter, beat up
baquetón {m} [architecture] :: A type of columnella used in Gothic architecture
baquiano {adj} :: knowledgeable
baquiano {adj} :: acting as a guide
baquiano {m} :: expert
baquiano {m} :: guide
baquiar {v} [Latin America] :: to train
báquico {adj} :: bacchic
Baquílides {prop} {m} :: Bacchylides
báquiro {m} :: peccary
bar {m} :: bar, coffee shop, café, pub [an establishment where refreshments and alcohol drinks are served]
bar {m} :: bar (unit of pressure)
baracaldés {adj} :: from Barakaldo
baracaldés {m} :: someone from Barakaldo
baracaldesa {f} :: feminine noun of baracaldés
baracoense {adj} :: Of or from the municipality of Baracoa, Cuba
baracoense {mf} :: An inhabitant of the municipality of Baracoa, Cuba
Barahona {prop} :: surname
barahúnda {f} :: uproar, hubbub
baraja {f} :: deck (of cards)
barajada {f} :: shuffle (act of shuffling cards)
barajado {adj} :: shuffled
barajadura {f} :: shuffling (of cards)
barajar {v} :: to shuffle
barajar {v} :: to consider, to weigh up
barajear {v} [Cuba, Mexico] :: to shuffle (mix up cards in a random order)
barajita {f} :: trading card
baraka {f} :: good fortune
barakaldarra {adj} :: Of, from, or relating to Baracaldo
barakaldarra {mf} :: Someone from Baracaldo
barakaldés {adj} :: Of, from, or relating to Baracaldo
barakaldés {m} :: Someone from Baracaldo
barakaldesa {f} :: feminine noun of barakaldés
baranda {f} :: railing
baranda {f} :: banister, handrail
baranda {f} :: balustrade
barandal {m} :: handrail, guardrail
barandilla {f} :: handrail, banister (the handrail on the side of a staircase)
barandilla {f} [Mexico] :: detention centre; jailhouse
barangay {m} [Philippines] :: barangay
barata {f} [Chile, Zamora] :: cockroach
baratamente {adv} :: cheaply
baratar {v} [obsolete] :: to barter
baratija {f} :: trinket, trifle
baratija {f} :: gimcrack, catchpenny
baratija {f} :: cheapjack's shop
baratillo {m} :: junk, trash
baratillo {m} :: secondhand objects
baratísimo {adj} :: superlative of barato
baratito {adj} :: diminutive of barato
barato {adj} :: cheap; inexpensive; sold at a low price
baratura {f} :: cheapness (of a product)
barba {f} :: beard
barba {f} :: chin
barba {m} :: beardy, bearded man
barba {m} [archaic] :: the part of an old man (in a play)
barba {m} [archaic] :: the villain (of a play)
barbablanco {adj} :: blue-bearded; blue-chinned (said of various species of birds)
barbacana {f} :: barbican
barbacoa {f} :: barbecue (fireplace or pit for grilling food)
barbacoa {f} :: meats (traditionally from the inside of a cow's cheek or jaw) or a whole sheep slow cooked over an open fire, or more traditionally, in a hole dug in the ground covered with maguey leaves, although the interpretation is loose
barbacoa {f} :: meat steamed until tender (most common present use)
barba de cabra {f} :: Jerusalem star; goatsbeard (Tragopogon porrifolius)
barba de cabra {f} :: baneberry (Actaea spicata)
barba de chivo {f} :: goatee (beard)
barbadense {adj} :: Barbadian
barbadense {mf} :: Barbadian
barbado {adj} :: bearded
Barbados {prop} :: Barbados (island/and/country)
Barbanegra {prop} {m} :: Blackbeard (pirate's name)
barba partida {f} :: cleft chin
barbar {v} :: to beard (to grow hair on the chin and jaw)
bárbara {f} :: feminine noun of bárbaro
Bárbara {prop} {f} :: given name
bárbaramente {adv} :: barbarically
barbárico {adj} :: barbaric
barbaridad {f} :: barbarity
barbaridad {f} :: nonsense; something ridiculous
barbaridad {f} :: atrocity
barbaridad {f} [colloquial] :: (a) (heck of a) lot, (a) ridiculous amount
barbaridad {interj} :: incredible!, unbelievable!
barbarie {f} :: barbarity
barbarismo {m} :: barbarism
barbarización {f} :: barbarization
barbarizar {v} :: to barbarize
bárbaro {adj} :: barbaric
bárbaro {adj} [colloquial] :: enormous
bárbaro {adj} [colloquial] :: stupendous
bárbaro {adj} [colloquial] :: cool
bárbaro {m} :: barbarian
barbas de ballena {fp} :: baleen, whalebone
barbastrense {adj} :: alternative form of barbastrino
barbastrense {mf} :: alternative form of barbastrino
barbastrina {f} :: feminine noun of barbastrino
barbastrino {adj} :: of or pertaining to Barbastro
barbastrino {m} :: someone from Barbastro
barbateña {f} :: feminine noun of barbateño
barbateño {adj} :: Of or from the town of Barbate in Spain
barbateño {m} :: An inhabitant of the town of Barbate in Spain
barbechar {vt} :: to fallow
barbechera {f} :: fallow land
barbecho {m} :: fallow
barbera {f} :: the barber's wife
barbera {f} :: a female barber
barbera {f} :: razor, cutthroat razor
barbería {f} :: barbershop
barberillo {m} :: diminutive of barbero
barbero {m} :: barber
barbeta {f} :: barbette
barbiblanco {adj} :: Having a gray beard
barbicano {adj} :: Having a gray beard
barbie {f} :: Barbie
barbiespeso {adj} :: Having a thick beard
barbijo {m} [Latin America] :: face mask, surgical mask
barbilampiño {adj} :: beardless
barbilla {f} :: chin
barbilla {f} [sports] :: pull-up
barbilla partida {f} :: cleft chin
barbiquejo {m} :: chinstrap
barbiquejo {m} [nautical] :: bobstay
barbirrojo {adj} :: Having a red beard
barbitúrico {m} :: barbiturate
barbo {m} :: barbel
barbón {adj} :: bearded
barboquejo {m} :: chinstrap
barbotar {v} :: alternative spelling of barbotear
barbotear {v} :: to babble; waffle
Barbuda {prop} {f} :: Barbuda
barbudo {adj} :: bearded
barca {f} :: a small boat
Barça {prop} {m} [soccer] :: clipping of FC Barcelona
barcada {f} :: boatload
barcada {f} [Philippines, colloquial] :: group of friends, gang
barcaje {m} :: transport of goods in a small boat or bark
barcaje {m} :: toll paid for such transport
barcaje {m} :: toll that was paid to go from one part of a river to another in a small boat
barcaza {f} :: barge
Barcelona {prop} {f} :: Barcelona (capital city)
Barcelona {prop} {f} :: Barcelona (province)
Barcelona {prop} {f} :: The letter B in the Spanish phonetic alphabet
barcelonés {adj} :: Barcelonian
barcelonés {m} :: Barcelonian
barcelonesa {f} :: feminine noun of barcelonés
barcelonismo {m} :: Support of the football club FC Barcelona
barcelonista {adj} [football, attributive] :: connected with FC Barcelona, as a player, fan, coach etc
barcelonista {mf} [football, attributive] :: A person connected with FC Barcelona, as a player, fan, coach etc
barcino {m} :: tabby cat
Barcino {prop} {m} [poetic or dated] :: Barcino (capital city)
Barcino {prop} {m} [poetic or dated] :: Barcino (province)
barcinonense {adj} :: Barcelonan
barcinonense {mf} :: Barcelonan
barcito {m} :: small bar
barco {m} :: boat (usually with a concave hull)
barco de vapor {m} :: steamboat
barco dragón {m} :: dragon boat
barco lanzatorpedos {m} :: torpedo boat
barco pirata {m} :: pirate ship
barda {f} [Mexico] :: fence
barda {f} :: barding
bardal {m} :: barbed-wire fence
bardana {f} :: burdock (any of the species of biennial thistles in the genus Arctium)
bar de alterne {f} :: hostess bar
bar de ambiente {m} :: gay bar
bar de copas {m} :: bar, wine bar
bardo {m} :: bard
bardo {m} :: conflict
Baréin {prop} :: Baréin (country)
bareiní {adj} :: alternative spelling of bahreiní
bareiní {mf} :: alternative spelling of bahreiní
baremación {f} :: assessment
baremar {v} :: to assess
baremo {m} :: scale (numerical sequence used for measurement)
baremo {m} :: scale (used to assess magnitudes)
baremo {m} :: pricelist
barequear {v} [Colombia] :: to pan for metals
barequeo {m} :: panning for metals
Bargas {prop} :: A town near Toledo, Spain
bargueño {m} :: vargueno
Bari {prop} :: Bari (town)
Bari {prop} :: Bari (province)
bariátrico {adj} :: bariatric
baricéntrico {adj} :: barycentric
baricentro {m} [physics] :: barycenter
barillo {m} :: A tree, Calophyllum brasiliense
barilochense {adj} :: of or from Bariloche
barilochense {mf} :: Someone from Bariloche
barimetría {f} :: barymetry
barinés {adj} :: Of or from the city, municipality or state of Barinas (state) in Venezuela
barinés {m} :: An inhabitant of the city, municipality or state of Barinas (state) in Venezuela
bario {m} :: barium
barión {m} [particle] :: baryon
bariónico {adj} :: baryonic
barista {mf} :: barista
barita {f} [mineral] :: barite
baritina {f} :: alternative form of barita
barítono {m} :: baritone (male voice)
barítono {m} :: baritone (musical range)
barítono {adj} :: baritone
barloa {m} :: a thick cable used to fasten an anchored ship to a wharf; hawser
barloventear {v} [nautical] :: to beat (sail close to the wind)
barloventeña {f} :: feminine noun of barloventeño
barloventeño {adj} :: Of or from the region of Barlovento, Venezuela
barloventeño {m} :: An inhabitant of the region of Barlovento, Venezuela
barlovento {m} :: windward side
barman {mf} :: barman, bartender
Barna {prop} :: clipping of Barcelona
barnacla {f} :: brant (goose of genus Branta)
barnacla canadiense {f} :: The Canada goose
barnacla cariblanca {f} :: The barnacle goose, a freshwater bird
barnacla carinegra {f} :: The brent goose (UK), or brant goose (US). A water bird
Barnaúl {prop} :: Barnaúl (city)
barniz {m} :: varnish, gloss
barnizador {m} :: varnisher
barnizadora {f} :: feminine noun of barnizador
barnizar {v} :: to varnish
baro- {prefix} :: baro-
barojiano {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the Spanish writer Pío Baroja
barométrico {adj} :: barometric
barómetro {m} :: barometer
barón {m} :: baron
baroncito {m} :: diminutive of barón
baronesa {f} :: baroness
baronet {m} :: baronet
baronía {f} :: barony
barquera {f} :: feminine noun of barquero
barquero {m} :: boatman, ferryman (man who operates a boat)
barquía {f} [Cantabria] :: a type of rowboat
barquichuela {f} :: pejorative of barca
barquichuelo {m} :: pejorative of barco
barquilla {f} :: cone (for ice-cream)
Barquilla {prop} :: surname
barquillo {m} :: ice cream cone
barquisimetana {f} :: feminine noun of barquisimetano
barquisimetano {adj} :: Of or from the city of Barquisimeto in Venezuela
barquisimetano {m} :: An inhabitant of the city of Barquisimeto in Venezuela
barquita {f} :: diminutive of barca
barquito {m} :: diminutive of barco: small boat
barra {f} :: bar, rod [a solid, more or less rigid object of metal or other material with a uniform cross-section smaller than its length]
barra {f} :: bar [a counter, or simply a cabinet, from which alcoholic drinks are served in a private house or a hotel room.]
barra {f} [typographic] :: bar (various lines used as punctuation or diacritics, such as the pipe ⟨|⟩, fraction bar (as in 1/2))
barra {f} :: slash ("/" symbol)
barra {f} [computing, rare, proscribed] :: backslash ("\" symbol)
barra {f} [heraldiccharge] :: bend sinister
barra {f} [exercise, weightlifting] :: barbell
barra americana {f} :: breakfast bar [a counter in a domestic kitchen at which light meals may be eaten, often seated on stools]
barra americana {f} :: pole dance [the pole used to make pole dance]
barra americana {f} [by extension] :: pole dance [a form of dancing and acrobatics centred on a pole.]
barrabás {m} [colloquial] :: scoundrel, rogue, rascal
barrabasada {f} :: mischief, rude or uncouth action, rash act
barrabasada {f} :: base/dirty trick
barra brava {f} [Latin America] :: Mafia organisation that controls football-based businesses
barrabrava {f} :: alternative form of barra brava
barraca {f} :: barrack
barraca {f} :: tent, hut
barraca {f} :: storage shed
barracón {m} :: bunkhouse
barra con pesas {f} :: barbell
barracuda {f} [fish] :: barracuda
barracudina {f} :: barracudina
barra de compás {f} [music] :: bar line
barra de equilibrio {f} :: balance beam
barra de pan {f} :: baguette, French bread (a long bread)
barra fija {f} [gymnastics] :: horizontal bar
barragán {adj} [obsolete] :: brave
barragán {m} :: the lover of a married person; a concubine
barragán {m} [obsolete] :: companion
barragán {m} :: barracan; a waterproof woolen fabric
barragán {m} :: a coat made of this fabric
barragana {f} :: feminine noun of barragán
barra libre {m} :: open bar, hosted bar
barra libre {m} [figurative] :: free rein, no limit
barranca {f} :: barranca, canyon, ravine
Barranca {prop} {f} :: Barranca (province)
barranco {m} :: gully, gulch, ravine, barranca
barrancoso {adj} [of terrain] :: broken, uneven, full of cliffs or ravines
barranqueña {f} :: feminine noun of barranqueño
barranqueño {adj} :: Of or from Barrancos
barranqueño {m} :: Someone from Barrancos
barranquero {m} :: Any of a number of species of birds found in Central and South America, including some motmots, jacamars and foliage-gleaners
barranquillera {f} :: feminine noun of barranquillero
barranquillero {adj} :: from Barranquilla
barranquillero {m} :: someone from Barranquilla
barranquillo {m} :: diminutive of barranco
barranquina {f} :: feminine noun of barranquino
barranquino {adj} :: of or from the district of Barranco District, Peru
barranquino {m} :: an inhabitant of the district of Barranco District, Peru
barranquismo {m} :: canyoning (sport)
barraquista {mf} :: slumdog, slum-dweller
barrar {v} :: to mud, to muddy
barras asimétricas {fp} [gymnastics] :: uneven bars
barrear {v} :: to bar; to bar up
barrebases {m} [baseball] :: An act of clearing the bases
barredor {adj} :: sweeping, that sweeps
barredor {m} :: sweeper
barredora {f} :: roadsweeper (machine)
barreminas {m} :: minesweeper
barrena {f} :: drill, a tool for creating holes in a workpiece
barrena {f} :: tailspin
barrenador {m} :: A driller of holes
barrenador {m} :: A competitor in the sport of harri zulaketa
barrenadora {f} :: feminine noun of barrenador
barrenar {v} :: to bore holes
barrenar {v} [nautical] :: to scuttle
barrenar {v} [colloquial] :: to foil; frustrate; scuttle
barrenar {v} [legal] :: to infringe
barrendera {f} :: roadsweeper
barrendero {m} :: street sweeper
barreno {m} :: drill, a tool for creating holes in a workpiece
barreño {m} :: bowl; tub
barrer {vt} :: to sweep
barrera {f} :: barrier
barrera {f} [football] :: wall (line of players standing side-by-side to block a free kick)
Barrera {prop} :: surname
barrera de hielo {f} :: ice shelf
barrera idiomática {f} :: language barrier
barreta {f} :: crowbar
barreta {f} :: batten
barretear {v} :: To bar; bar up
barretera {f} :: feminine noun of barretero
barretero {m} [mining] :: driller (who used a barrena)
barriada {f} :: barriada (shanty town)
barriada {f} :: neighborhood
barrial {adj} :: neighborhood
barrial {m} :: bog, marsh, mire
barrica {f} :: barrel, cask (container for liquids)
barricada {f} :: barricade (a barrier constructed across a road, especially as a military defence)
barrida {f} :: sweeping (instance of sweeping)
barrida {f} [Latin America] :: police raid
barrido {adj} :: swept
barrido {m} :: sweep (act of sweeping)
barriecito {m} :: diminutive of barrio
Barrientos {prop} :: surname
barriga {f} :: belly, paunch, tummy
barriga cervecera {f} [idiom, humorous] :: beer belly
barrigón {adj} [colloquial] :: potbellied
barrigudo {adj} :: potbellied
barrigudo {adj} :: plump
barrigudo {m} :: brown woolly monkey
barriguita {f} :: diminutive of barriga, tummy
barriguita {f} :: pot belly
barrikoztarra {adj} :: Of or from Barrika
barrikoztarra {mf} :: Someone from Barrika
barril {m} :: barrel (round vessel)
barrila {f} :: fuss; cacophony
barril de oro {m} :: the barrel cactus, Echinocactus grusonii
barrilete {m} [Argentina, Nicaragua] :: kite (toy carried on the wind)
barrilito {m} :: diminutive of barril
barrilla {f} :: barilla, saltwort
barrio {m} :: neighbourhood
barrio {m} [Mexico] :: any neighbourhood of the original or ancient part of a city (usually excluding new growths after 30s, 40s or 50s, depending on the state or city)
barrio {m} [Venezuela, Dominican Republic] :: slum
barrio bajo {m} :: slum (dilapidated neighborhood)
barriojarense {adj} :: of or from Jara (Asunción)
Barrios {prop} {m} :: surname
barriquita {f} :: diminutive of barrica
barrista {mf} :: barista
barritar {v} :: to trumpet (to make an elephant call)
barrito {m} :: trumpet (elephant noise)
barrizal {m} :: mire (muddy area)
barro {m} [geology] :: mud
barro {m} [materials] :: clay
barro {m} [dermatology] :: pustule (caused by acne), closed comedo
barroco {adj} :: Baroque
barroquismo {m} :: Baroque
barros jarpa {m} [Chile] :: a sandwich made with ham and melted cheese
barros luco {m} [Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Peru] :: a sandwich made with grilled steak and melted cheese
Barros Luco {m} :: alternative form of barros luco
barroso {adj} :: muddy
barrote {m} :: bar, crossbeam
barrote {m} :: bolt
barrueco {m} :: Irregular pearl
barruntar {v} :: to foresee
barrunto {m} :: foreboding; omen
bartender {mf} :: bartender
bartolina {m} [Cuba, El Salvador, Honduras] :: prison cell
Bartolomé {prop} {m} :: Bartholomew, the apostle
Bartolomé {prop} {m} :: given name
Bartoniano {prop} {m} :: Bartonian
Bartoniense {prop} {m} :: Bartonian
bártulos {mp} :: belongings
barullo {m} :: uproar
barullo {m} :: din, noise
baruteña {f} :: feminine noun of baruteño
baruteño {adj} :: of or from Baruta
baruteño {m} :: someone from Baruta
barvecho {m} [obsolete] :: fallow
Basa {prop} :: surname
basal {adj} :: basal
Basallote {prop} :: surname
basalmente {adv} :: basally
basáltico {adj} :: basaltic
basalto {m} :: basalt (hard rock)
basamento {m} :: the base of a column or another structure, plinth
basar {v} :: to base
basarse {v} :: reflexive of basar
basca {f} :: nausea
basca {f} :: female equivalent of basco
basco {adj} :: obsolete spelling of vasco
basco {m} :: obsolete spelling of vasco
Basco {prop} :: surname
báscula {f} :: scale (device used to measure weight)
basculación {f} :: swinging, tilting, shifting
basculante {m} :: dump truck
bascular {v} :: to tilt, totter, move to and fro, oscillate
bascular {v} :: to sway, swing
base {f} :: base
base {f} :: basis
base {f} [linear algebra] :: basis
base {f} :: grounding
base {f} :: foundation
base {f} [basketball] :: point guard
base {f} [baseball] :: base
base de datos {m} :: database
base de datos relacional {f} :: relational database
básicamente {adv} :: basically
basicidad {f} :: basicity
básico {adj} :: basic
básico {adj} [chemistry] :: basic
basidio {m} [mycology] :: basidium
basidiocarpo {m} [mycology] :: basidiocarp
basidioliquen {m} [lichenology] :: basidiolichen
basidiomiceto {m} :: basidiomycete
basidiospora {f} :: basidiospore
basilar {adj} :: basilar
Basilea {prop} {f} :: Basilea (city)
basilecto {m} [linguistics] :: basilect
basiliano {adj} :: Basilian
basílica {f} :: basilica (Christian church having a nave)
basílica {f} :: basilica (Roman Catholic church with basilican status)
basílica {f} [poetic] :: palace
basiliense {adj} :: of or from Basel
basiliense {mf} :: Basler
Basilio {prop} :: given name
basilisco {m} [mythology, fantasy, heraldry] :: basilisk
basilosaurio {m} :: basilosaurid
básket {m} [proscribed] :: alternative spelling of básquet
baskonista {mf} :: A player on the basketball team Saski Baskonia
Baskortostán {prop} {m} :: Baskortostán (republic)
basmachí {adj} :: Basmachi
basmachí {mf} :: Basmachi
basmati {m} :: basmati
basocelular {adj} :: basocellular
basófilo {m} :: basophil
basquet {m} :: basketball
básquet {m} :: basketball (sport)
basquetbol {m} :: alternative spelling of básquetbol
básquetbol {m} :: basketball (the sport)
basquetbolista {mf} [Latin America] :: basketball player, basketballer
basquetbolístico {adj} [Latin America] :: synonym of baloncestístico
basquetero {m} :: basketball player
basquiña {m} [historical] :: A type of frock worn in Spain between the 17th and 19th centuries
Basseterre {prop} :: Basseterre (capital city)
basta {interj} :: enough, quit it
basta {f} [sewing] :: basting
bastamente {adv} :: coarsely
bastante {adj} :: enough; sufficient
bastante {adj} :: quite some; quite a bit (of)
bastante {adv} :: quite, rather, pretty, fairly
bastante {adv} :: Enough; sufficiently
bastante {adv} :: quite a bit; to a considerable degree
bastantemente {adv} [rare] :: sufficiently
bastantísimo {adj} :: superlative of bastante
bastar {vi} :: to be enough; to suffice
bastardear {vt} :: to bastardize
bastardía {f} :: bastardry
bastardilla {f} :: word in italics; italic type
bastardo {adj} :: bastard
bastardo {m} :: bastard
bastarse {v} :: reflexive of bastar
bastar y sobrar {v} [idiomatic] :: to be more than enough
bastedad {f} :: crudeness, coarseness, roughness
bastedad {f} :: rudeness, vulgarity
bastidor {m} :: frame, framework
bastidor {m} :: embroidery hoop
bastidor {m} [architecture] :: sash, casement
bastidor {m} [automotive] :: chassis
bastidor {m} [painting] :: stretcher
bastidor {m} [theater] :: wing, coulisse, slip
bastilla {f} [sewing] :: hem
bastilla {f} :: bastille
Bastilla {prop} {f} :: Bastille (a prison in France)
bastimento {m} :: supplies
bastión {m} :: bastion, bulwark
bastir {v} [obsolete] :: to build
bastir {v} [obsolete] :: to provide
bastitana {f} :: feminine noun of bastitano
bastitano {adj} :: of or pertaining to Baza, Granada
bastitano {m} :: someone from Baza
basto {m} :: packsaddle, saddle pad
basto {m} [cards] :: clubs
basto {adj} :: rough, coarse
basto {adj} :: gross
basto {adj} :: homespun
bastón {m} :: walking stick, staff, cane
bastón {m} :: baton (in a marching band)
bastón {m} [heraldiccharge] :: riband
bastón {m} [anatomy] :: rod cell
bastonada {f} :: beating with a stick or cane
bastonazo {m} :: A hit with a walking stick or staff
bastoncillo {m} :: cotton swab, Q-tip
bastoncillo {m} :: diminutive of bastón
bastoncillo de algodón {m} :: cotton swab
bastoncito {m} :: diminutive of bastón
bastón de caramelo {m} :: candy cane
bastón de mando {m} :: staff of power; baton (a symbolic staff held by a person in authority, especially by the mayor in Spanish towns)
bastón de mando {m} [figurative] :: baton, balance of power
bastonear {v} :: to hit with a staff or stick
bastonera {f} :: majorette
basura {f} :: trash, waste, garbage, rubbish, nonsense
basura {f} :: something trashy or undesirable
basural {m} :: landfill, dump (place where waste or garbage is left)
basurear {vt} [Latin America] :: to trash (to treat with disrespect)
basurera {f} :: feminine noun of basurero
basurero {m} :: dustman, garbage collector (worker who removes refuse)
basurero {m} :: landfill, dump (place where waste or garbage is left)
basurero {m} [Chile, Costa Rica, Peru] :: dustbin, dust bin, garbage can
bat {m} [baseball] :: bat (act of batting)
bata {f} :: dressing gown, robe
bata {f} :: lab coat
bata {f} :: smock
bata {m} [Philippines] :: child
batá {m} :: batá drum
batabanoense {adj} :: Of or from the municipality of Batabanó, Cuba
batabanoense {mf} :: An inhabitant of the municipality of Batabanó, Cuba
batacazo {m} :: thump, thud
Bataglia {prop} {mf} :: surname
batahola {f} :: racket, clamor
batalla {f} :: battle
batallador {adj} :: battling, fighting, scrappy
batallar {v} :: to battle
batallita {f} :: yarn, story
batallón {m} :: battalion
batamanta {f} :: Snuggie, sleeved blanket
batán {m} [textile] :: fulling mill
Batangas {prop} {f} :: Batangas (province)
Batangas {prop} {f} :: Batangas (city/provincial capital)
batangueño {adj} :: Batangueño
batangueño {m} :: Batangueño (person)
batangueño {m} :: The Tagalog dialect spoken in Batangas
batará {m} :: antshrike
batará dorsicastaño {m} :: lined antshrike
batará lineado {m} :: fasciated antshrike
batará luctuoso {m} :: glossy antshrike
batará mayor {m} :: great antshrike
batará murino {m} :: mouse-colored antshrike
batará pintado {m} :: large-tailed antshrike
bataraz {adj} :: mottled
batarito {m} :: antvireo
batasuna {f} :: feminine noun of batasuno
batasuno {m} :: A person involved with Batasuna, the Basque political party
batata {f} [Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, parts of Argentina] :: sweet potato
batata dulce {f} :: synonym of batata
batatal {m} :: piece of land cultivating sweet potato
bátava {f} :: feminine noun of bátavo
bátavo {adj} :: of or pertaining to the Batavi
bátavo {m} :: a member of the Batavi
batazo {m} [baseball] :: hit (with the bat)
bate {m} [sports] :: bat
bate {m} [Honduras, slang] :: reefer, joint (a marijuana cigarette)
batea {f} :: shallow pan (wide receptacle used in gold washing)
batea {f} :: tray (for foods such as shellfish, fruit)
batea {f} :: bed (of a truck)
bateador {m} :: batter
bateadora {f} :: feminine noun of bateador
batear {v} :: to bat
batel {m} :: rowboat for four rowers and a cox
bateo {m} [baseball] :: batting
batera {f} :: feminine noun of batero
batería {f} :: large battery
batería {f} :: drum set
batería {f} :: set (collection of things)
batería {mf} :: drummer
baterista {mf} :: drummer
batero {m} :: dressing gown maker
batero {m} :: labcoat maker
batero {m} [Argentina, Uruguay] :: drummer
batey {m} [Caribbean] :: A residential area on a plantation for its workers
Bathoniense {prop} {m} :: Bathonian
batible {adj} :: beatable
batiburrillo {m} :: mishmash, motley
batida {f} [hunting] :: beating
batida {f} :: search
batida {f} :: raid
batido {adj} :: chatoyant, variegated, shot (silk)
batido {adj} :: trodden, beaten (path)
batido {m} [cooking] :: batter
batido {m} :: whipped cocktail
batido {m} :: smoothie (fruit drink), milkshake
batido {m} :: beating (of metal, batter, wool, etc.)
batidor {m} :: whisk
batidora {f} :: immersion blender, stick blender, hand blender, wand blender
batidora {f} :: mixer
batidora {f} [Spain] :: blender (electrical)
batidora {f} :: whisk (hand-powered)
batiente {adj} :: banging, hitting
batiente {m} :: frame (of a door)
batiente {m} :: shoreline
batimento {m} :: alternative form of esbatimento
batimetría {f} :: bathymetry
batimétrico {adj} :: bathymetric
batímetro {m} :: bathometer
batimiento {m} [acoustics] :: beat
batín {m} :: dressing gown, nightgown
batintín {m} [music] :: Chinese gong
batipelágico {adj} :: bathypelagic
batiplancton {m} [biology] :: bathyplankton
batir {vt} :: to beat, to pound repeatedly
batir {vt} [cooking] :: to beat, whisk, whip
batir {vt} :: to beat, overcome (an opponent, record, etc.)
batir {vt} :: to coin (a word, etc.)
batirse {v} :: reflexive of batir
Batista {prop} :: surname
batistato {m} :: The rule of Fulgencio Batista in Cuba
batistiana {f} :: feminine noun of batistiano
batistiano {adj} :: of or pertaining to Fulgencio Batista
batistiano {m} :: a supporter of Fulgencio Batista
batllismo {m} :: The political beliefs of José Batlle y Ordóñez, president of Uruguay between 1911 and 1915
batllista {mf} :: A supporter of José Batlle y Ordóñez, president of Uruguay between 1911 and 195
Batman {prop} {m} :: Batman (superhero)
bato {m} [dated] :: dork, dimwit
bato {m} [Latin America, colloquial] :: young man, youth
bato {m} [Mexico, colloquial] :: chump, punk
bato {m} [Mexico, colloquial] :: dude, guy, buddy
bato {m} [Spain, slang] :: father
batoideo {m} :: ray (fish)
batolito {m} :: batholith
batón {m} :: dress for a baby
batoniana {f} :: feminine noun of batoniano
batoniano {adj} :: Baton Rougean (of or pertaining to Baton Rouge, Louisiana)
batoniano {m} :: Baton Rougean (native or resident of Baton Rouge, Louisiana)
Batoniano {prop} {m} :: Bathonian
batracio {adj} :: batrachian (of a frog or toad)
Battaglia {prop} {mf} :: surname
batucada {f} :: batucada
batuka {m} :: A sport combining elements of gymnastics and dance
baturra {f} :: feminine noun of baturro
baturro {adj} :: Aragonese
baturro {adj} :: uncouth
baturro {m} :: Aragonese (language)
baturro {m} :: Aragonese peasant
batuta {f} :: baton (stick used by conductors)
batuta {f} :: rule, sway
batzoki {m} :: A headquarters of the Basque Nationalist Party
baudio {m} :: baud
bauhinia {f} :: bauhinia
baúl {m} :: chest, trunk, footlocker, steamer trunk
baúl {m} [Argentina, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Venezuela, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, Puerto Rico] :: (of a car) trunk [US], boot [UK, Australia]
baula {f} :: leatherback (species of sea turtle)
baumanómetro {m} :: sphygmomanometer
bauprés {m} [nautical] :: bowsprit
bautismal {adj} :: baptismal
bautismo {m} :: baptism (rite, ceremony)
bautismo de fuego {f} :: baptism of fire
bautista {m} :: baptist (person who baptizes)
Bautista {prop} :: surname
bautisterio {m} :: alternative spelling of baptisterio
bautizar {v} :: to baptize
bautizo {m} :: baptism, christening
bauxita {f} [mineral] :: bauxite
bávara {f} :: female equivalent of bávaro
bávaro {adj} :: Bavarian
bávaro {m} :: Bavarian person
bavarois {m} :: bavarois
Baviera {prop} {f} :: Baviera (state)
baxo {adj} :: obsolete spelling of bajo
baya {f} :: berry (a small fruit)
baya de enebro {f} :: juniper berry
baya de junípero {f} :: juniper berry
baya del saúco {f} :: elderberry
bayamés {adj} :: of or pertaining to Bayamo
bayamés {m} :: someone from Bayamo
bayamesa {f} :: feminine noun of bayamés
bayesiano {adj} [statistics] :: Bayesian
bayeta {m} :: baize
bayeta {m} :: sponge cloth
baygón {m} :: insecticide
baylar {v} :: obsolete spelling of bailar
bayo {adj} :: bay (of a horse)
bayo {m} :: bay (horse)
Bayona {prop} {f} :: Bayona (city)
bayoneta {f} :: bayonet
bayonetazo {m} :: A wound caused by a bayonet
bayuco {m} [Louisiana] :: bayou
bayunco {adj} [El Salvador, colloquial, somewhat pejorative] :: silly
baza {f} [card games] :: trick
baza {f} :: Aviceda, cuckoo-hawk [bird genus]
baza {f} :: trump, trump card (something that gives one an advantage)
bazar {m} :: bazaar (marketplace)
bazo {m} [anatomy] :: spleen
bazofia {f} [pejorative] :: pigswill, hogwash, slop (low-quality food)
bazoka {f} :: alternative spelling of bazuca
bazuca {m} :: bazooka
bazuco {m} :: basuco
bazuka {m} :: bazooka
BCB {prop} :: initialism of Bloque Central Bolívar
BCE {prop} {m} :: initialism of Banco Central Europeo
BCN {prop} :: abbreviation of Baja California, a state of Mexico
BCN {prop} :: abbreviation of Barcelona
be {f} :: letter: b
be {m} :: baa (bleating of a sheep)
Bea {prop} {f} :: given name
beagle {m} :: beagle
be alta {f} :: synonym of be
bearnés {adj} :: béarnaise
beatamente {adv} :: happily
beatbox {m} :: beatbox
beatería {f} :: sanctimoniousness
beaterio {m} :: beguinage
beaterío {m} :: convent
beatificación {f} :: beatification
beatíficamente {adv} :: beatifically
beatificar {vt} :: to beatify
beatífico {adj} :: beatific
beatísimo {adj} :: superlative of beato
beatitud {f} :: bliss
beatitud {f} :: blessedness, beatitude
beatle {m} :: Beatle
beatlemanía {f} :: Beatlemania
beatlemaniaca {f} :: Beatlemaniac
beatlemaniaco {m} :: Beatlemaniac
Beatles {prop} {mp} :: Beatles (rock music quartet)
beato {adj} :: having too much beatitude, goody goody, pious, sanctimonious
beatón {adj} :: sanctimonious; holier-than-thou
Beatriz {prop} :: given name
beaumontés {adj} :: of, pertaining to, or supporting, any of the counts of Lerín called Luis de Beaumont
beaumontés {mf} :: A supporter of any of the Luis de Beaumonts
bebe {n} [Peru] :: baby
bebé {m} :: baby
bebecillo {m} :: diminutive of bebé
bebecita {f} :: feminine noun of bebecito
bebecito {m} :: diminutive of bebé, little baby
bebedero {m} :: water fountain (device to dispense drinking water)
bebedizo {adj} :: potable; drinkable
bebedizo {m} :: potion
bebedor {adj} :: drinking
bebedor {adj} :: hard drinking, bibulous (drinking alcohol)
bebedor {m} :: drinker (one who drinks)
bebedor {m} :: drunkard (one who drinks alcohol)
bebedora {f} :: feminine noun of bebedor
beber {vt} :: to drink
beber {vt} [figurative] :: to draw from (to be inspired by)
beberaje {m} :: drink (beverage, usually alcoholic)
bebercio {m} [colloquial] :: booze
beber como un cosaco {v} [idiomatic, simile] :: to drink like a fish
beber como un pez {v} [idiom, simile] :: drink like a fish
beberecua {f} :: boozing; drinking
beber los vientos {v} [idiomatic] :: to be head over heels in love (with)
beberrón {m} :: heavy drinker; boozer; boozehound
beberrón {adj} :: heavy-drinking
beberrona {f} :: feminine noun of beberrón
bebestible {adj} :: drinkable
bebestibles {mp} :: drinks, beverages
bebezón {f} [Caribbean] :: booze-up
bebible {adj} :: drinkable
bebida {f} :: drink, beverage
bebida {f} [Chile] :: soda (soft drink)
bebido {adj} :: drunk
bebido {m} :: obsolete form of bebida
bebistrajo {m} :: concoction (strange drink)
bebita {f} :: diminutive of bebé
bebito {m} :: diminutive of bebé, little baby
bebop {m} :: bebop
beca {f} :: grant, stipend
beca {f} :: scholarship
becada {f} :: feminine noun of becado
becado {m} :: one who has been granted a scholarship
becar {v} :: to grant a stipend or scholarship for studying
becaria {f} :: feminine noun of becario
becario {m} :: grant-holder, scholarship-holder
becario {m} :: trainee, intern
becerra {f} :: heifer
becerrada {f} [bullfighting] :: bullfight with a yearling calf
becerrear {v} :: alternative spelling of berrear
becerrista {mf} [bullfighting] :: A novice bullfighter who fights yearling calves
becerro {m} :: calf, young cow, bull calf
becerro {m} :: calfskin
bechamel {m} :: béchamel
Bechuanalandia {prop} {f} [historical] :: Bechuanaland (former name for Botswana)
becquerelio {m} :: becquerel
becuadro {m} [music] :: natural ()
bed and breakfast {m} :: bed and breakfast
bedel {mf} :: janitor, porter
beduina {f} :: feminine noun of beduino
beduino {adj} :: bedouin
beduino {m} :: bedouin
beefeater {m} :: Beefeater
beethoveniano {adj} :: Beethovenian, Beethoven (attributive)
befa {f} :: jeering
begarda {f} :: feminine noun of begardo
begardo {m} :: Beghard
Begoña {prop} {f} :: given name
begonia {f} :: begonia
beguina {f} :: feminine noun of beguino
beguinaje {m} :: beguinage
beguino {m} :: Beguine
begurense {adj} :: Of or from Begur
begurense {mf} :: Someone from Begur
beicon {m} :: bacon
beige {adj} :: alternative form of beis
beige {m} :: alternative form of beis
Beirut {prop} :: Beirut (capital city)
beirutí {adj} :: Beiruti (of or pertaining to Beirut, Lebanon)
beirutí {mf} :: Beiruti (native or resident of Beirut, Lebanon)
beis {adj} :: beige
beis {m} :: beige
beisbol {m} [Latin America] :: alternative spelling of béisbol
béisbol {m} :: baseball (ballgame)
beisbolero {adj} [Latin America] :: baseball
beisbolero {m} [Latin America] :: baseball player
beisbolero {m} [Latin America] :: baseball fan
beisbolista {mf} :: baseballer
beisbolístico {adj} :: baseball
bejarana {f} :: feminine noun of bejarano
bejarano {adj} :: of or from Béjar
bejarano {m} :: someone from Béjar
bejuco {m} :: liana (any climbing tropical vine)
be larga {f} :: synonym of be
Belarmino {prop} {m} :: given name
Belarús {prop} {m} :: Belarús (country)
belatobe {m} [Mexico] :: maguey worm
Belau {prop} :: Palau
belcantismo {m} :: bel canto style
belcantista {adj} [attributive] :: bel canto
belcebú {m} :: Beelzebub
belcebú {m} :: demon, devil
beldad {f} [uncountable] :: feminine beauty
beldad {f} [countable] :: belle
belén {m} :: crib, nativity (nativity scene)
Belén {prop} {f} :: Belén (city)
Belén {prop} {f} :: given name
belenismo {m} :: The art of making nativity scenes
belenista {mf} :: nativity scene artist
beleño {m} :: henbane (plant)
beleño negro {m} :: henbane; black henbane; stinking nightshade (Hyoscyamus niger)
belesa {f} :: doctorbush (Plumbago scandens)
Belfast {prop} :: Belfast (capital city)
belfo {adj} [of a person] :: Having thick lips
belfo {m} :: lip (part of the body)
belga {adj} :: Belgian (from or native to Belgium)
belga {adj} :: Belgian (pertaining to Belgium)
belga {mf} :: a Belgian
Bélgica {prop} {f} :: Bélgica (country)
bélgico {adj} [rare] :: Belgian (from or native to Belgium)
bélgico {adj} [rare] :: Belgian (pertaining to Belgium)
Bélgorod {prop} :: Bélgorod (city)
belgradense {adj} :: Belgradian
belgradense {mf} :: Belgrader, Belgradian
Belgrado {prop} {m} :: Belgrado (capital city)
bélicamente {adv} :: in a warlike manner
bélicamente {adv} :: when it comes to war
Belice {prop} {m} :: Belice (country)
Bélice {prop} {m} :: Bélice (country)
beliceña {f} :: feminine noun of beliceño
beliceño {adj} :: Belizean (pertaining to Belize)
beliceño {m} :: Belizean (person)
belicismo {m} :: warmongering
belicista {adj} :: warmongering
belicista {mf} :: warmonger
bélico {adj} :: military, war, warlike (relating to war)
belicosidad {f} :: bellicosity
belicoso {adj} :: bellicose, warlike
beligerancia {f} :: belligerence
beligerante {adj} :: belligerent
belígero {adj} [poetic] :: warmongering
Belisario {prop} {m} :: Belisarius (a general of the Byzantine Empire)
bellaca {f} :: feminine noun of bellaco
bellacamente {adv} :: wickedly, crookedly
bellaco {m} :: scoundrel, rascal
bellaco {m} [Peru] :: plantain (banana)
belladona {f} :: deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna)
bellamente {adv} :: beautifully, finely, prettily
bellaquera {f} [Panama] :: bravery, guts
bellaquera {f} [Colombia] :: horniness
bellaquería {f} :: scoundrelry
bellas artes {fp} :: fine arts
Bellavista {prop} :: Bellavista (province)
belleza {f} :: beauty (the quality of being beautiful)
belleza {f} :: beauty (beautiful person or object)
belleza sureña {f} :: southern belle
bellezón {m} :: augmentative of belleza; stunner
bellísimo {adj} :: superlative of bello, very beautiful
bello {adj} :: beautiful, fair
bello {adj} :: lovely (wonderful)
bello sexo {m} [dated] :: fair sex: women, taken collectively
bellota {f} :: acorn (fruit of the oak)
bellota de mar {f} [colloquial] :: acorn barnacle
Belmonte {prop} :: surname
Belmopán {prop} :: Belmopán (capital city)
Belotenia {prop} {f} :: Beltane, the Wiccan bonfire celebration
Beltrán {prop} {m} :: surname
Beltrán {prop} {m} :: given name
Beluchistán {prop} {m} :: Balochistan (region)
beluga {f} :: beluga (cetacean, Delphinapterus leucas)
bemba {f} [Canary Islands, Antilles, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela] :: Mouth with large and bulky lips
bemba {adj} [El Salvador, Mexico] :: feminine singular form of bembo
bemol {adj} [music] :: flat
bemol {m} [music] :: flat symbol
benahoarita {mf} :: Benahoarite
bencedrina {f} :: benzedrine
bencénico {adj} :: benzenic
benceno {m} [organic compound] :: benzene
bencenodiol {m} [organic compound] :: benzenediol
bencílico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: benzylic
bencilo {m} [organic chemistry] :: benzyl
bencina {f} [Chile, Peru] :: gasoline, petrol
bencinera {f} [Chile] :: petrol station, garage, filling station, gas station, service station
bendecir {v} :: to bless
bendición {f} :: blessing
benditísimo {adj} :: superlative of bendito
bendito {adj} :: blessed
bendito sea Dios {phrase} :: good Lord, good heavens
benedictina {f} :: female equivalent of benedictino
benedictino {adj} :: Benedictine
benedictino {adj} [figurative] :: large, monumental
benedictino {m} :: Benedictine (monk)
benefactor {m} :: benefactor
benefactora {f} :: feminine noun of benefactor
beneficencia {f} :: beneficence, charity
beneficiar {vt} :: to benefit
beneficiaria {f} :: feminine noun of beneficiario
beneficiario {adj} :: beneficiary
beneficiario {m} :: beneficiary
beneficiarse {v} :: reflexive of beneficiar
beneficiencia {f} :: welfare
beneficio {m} :: benefit
beneficio {m} :: profit
beneficioso {adj} :: beneficial
benéfico {adj} :: charitable
benéfico {adj} :: beneficial
benéfico {adj} :: beneficent
Beneharo {prop} {m} :: given name from the Canary Islands
benemérito {adj} :: one who is deserving or meritorious
beneplácito {m} :: approval
Benevento {prop} {f} :: Benevento (province)
Benevento {prop} {f} :: Benevento (capital city)
benévolamente {adv} :: benevolently
benevolencia {f} :: benevolence
benevolente {adj} :: benevolent
benévolo {adj} :: benevolent
bengala {f} :: flare (light signal)
bengala {f} :: Bengal (cat breed)
Bengala {prop} {m} :: Bengal
Bengala Occidental {prop} {f} :: Bengala Occidental (state)
bengalí {adj} :: Bengali
bengalí {mf} :: Bengali (person)
bengalí {m} :: Bengali (language)
Bengasi {prop} {m} :: Bengasi (port city)
bengasí {adj} :: Benghazian (of or pertaining to Benghazi, Libya)
bengasí {mf} :: Benghazian (native or resident of Benghazi, Libya)
Bengazi {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Bengasi
Beni {prop} :: Beni (department)
beniano {adj} :: Of or from Beni
beniano {m} :: Someone from Beni
Benicio {prop} {m} :: given name
benignamente {adv} :: benignly
benignidad {f} :: benignity
benignísimo {adj} :: superlative of benigno
benigno {adj} :: benign
Benigno {prop} {m} :: given name
benimerín {adj} :: Marinid
Benín {prop} {m} :: Benín (country)
beninés {adj} :: Beninese
beninés {m} :: Beninese
beninesa {f} :: female equivalent of beninés
Benita {prop} {f} :: given name
Benítez {prop} :: surname
benito {m} :: Benedictine monk
Benito {prop} {m} :: given name
benjamín {adj} [sports] :: Of or corresponding to a certain age group, usually around 8 to 11. See Spanish Wikipedia for ages corresponding to particular sports
benjamín {m} :: baby (lastborn of a family)
benjamín {m} [sports] :: A player in a certain age group, usually around 8 to 11. See Spanish Wikipedia for ages corresponding to particular sports
Benjamín {prop} {m} [biblical character] :: Benjamin
Benjamín {prop} {m} :: given name
benjamina {f} :: feminine noun of benjamín
benjamincito {m} :: diminutive of benjamin
benjuí {m} :: benzoin (aromatic balsam, a medicinal plant)
benteveo {m} :: kiskadee
bentón {m} :: wolf fish (Hoplias malabaricus)
bentónico {adj} :: benthic
bentonita {f} :: bentonite
bentopelágico {adj} :: benthopelagic
bentos {m} :: benthos
benzalconio {m} :: benzalkonium
benzaldehído {m} [organic chemistry] :: benzaldehyde
benzatínico {adj} :: containing benzathine
benzfetamina {f} [pharmaceutical drug] :: benzphetamine
benzoato {m} [organic compound] :: benzoate
benzocaína {f} :: benzocaine
benzodiacepina {f} :: benzodiazepine
benzodiazepina {f} :: benzodiazepine
benzofurano {m} [organic compound] :: benzofuran
benzoico {adj} :: benzoic
benzoilecgonina {f} :: benzoylecgonine
benzoilo {m} :: benzoyl
benzoílo {m} :: benzoyl
benzol {m} :: benzol
benzonitrilo {m} [organic compound] :: benzonitrile
benzopireno {m} [organic compound] :: benzopyrene
benzoquinona {f} [organic compound] :: benzoquinone
Beocia {prop} {f} :: Beocia (district)
beocio {adj} :: Beotian
beocio {adj} :: dumb; stupid
beoda {f} :: feminine noun of beodo
beodez {f} :: drunkenness
beodo {adj} :: drunk, drunken
beodo {m} :: drunk, drunkard
berberecho {m} :: cockle
Berbería {prop} {f} :: Barbary
berberina {f} :: berberine
berberisco {adj} :: Berber
berbiquí {m} :: brace, bitstock
berciano {adj} :: Of or from El Bierzo
berciano {m} :: Someone from El Bierzo
bereber {adj} :: Berber
bereber {mf} :: Berber (person)
bereber {mf} :: Berber (the languages, taken as a whole)
beréber {adj} :: alternative form of bereber
beréber {mf} :: alternative form of bereber
berebere {mf} :: alternative spelling of bereber
berengo {adj} [Mexico] :: stupid, naive
berenjena {f} :: aubergine, eggplant
berenjenal {m} :: aubergine field or plantation
berenjenal {m} [colloquial, figurative] :: mess, trouble
berezo {m} :: alternative spelling of brezo
bergamasco {adj} :: Of or relating to Bergamo or the Bergamo people
Bérgamo {prop} :: Bergamo (town and capital of Bergamo)
bergamota {f} :: bergamot
bergante {m} :: rascal, rogue
bergantín {m} [nautical] :: brig
bergararra {adj} :: Of or from Vergara
bergararra {mf} :: Someone from Vergara
bergmaniano {adj} :: Bergmanian
berguense {adj} :: Bergenser (of or pertaining to Bergen, Norway)
berguense {mf} :: Bergenser (native or resident of Bergen, Norway)
berilio {m} :: beryllium
berilo {m} :: beryl
beritense {adj} :: Berytian
beritense {mf} :: Berytian
Berito {prop} {m} :: Berytus
berkelio {m} :: berkelium
berlín {m} [Chile] :: donut (fried pastry, usually in an ellipsoidal shape and filled with cream)
Berlín {prop} {m} :: Berlín (caplc)
Berlín {prop} {m} :: Berlín (state)
berlina {f} :: a sedan
berlinés {adj} :: from Berlin
berlinés {m} :: Berliner
berlusconismo {m} [politics] :: Berlusconism (Berlusconi's policies)
berma {f} :: a berm
bermeano {adj} :: From Bermeo
bermeano {m} :: Someone from Bermeo
bermejo {adj} :: reddish, vermilion
bermejo {adj} :: russet, auburn
bermellón {m} :: vermillion (pigment)
bermellón {m} :: vermillion (color)
bermeotarra {adj} :: From Bermeo
bermeotarra {mf} :: Someone from Bermeo
Bermudas {prop} {f} {p} :: Bermuda
bermudeña {f} :: feminine noun of bermudeño
bermudeño {adj} :: Bermudian
bermudeño {m} :: Bermudian
Bermúdez {prop} :: surname
bermudista {adj} :: of, pertaining to, or supporting, Pedro Pablo Bermúdez, Peruvian soldier and politician, ruler of Peru in 1834
bermudista {mf} :: A supporter of, or soldier in the army of, Pedro Pablo Bermúdez
Berna {prop} {f} :: Berna (capital city)
Bernabé {prop} {m} :: Barnabas [biblical character]
Bernabé {prop} {m} :: surname deriving from the Biblical character
Bernabéu {prop} {m} :: surname
Bernal {prop} :: surname
bernarda {f} :: Bernardine
Bernarda {prop} {f} :: given name
Bernárdez {prop} :: surname
Bernardino {prop} {m} :: given name
Bernardo {prop} {m} :: given name
bernés {adj} :: Bernese
bernés {m} :: Bernese
bernesa {f} :: feminine noun of bernés
bernsteiniano {adj} :: Bernsteinian
berón {adj} :: of or relating to the Berones
berón {m} :: A member of the Berones
berona {f} :: feminine noun of berón
berquelio {m} [uncommon] :: alternative spelling of berkelio
berraca {f} :: feminine noun of berraco
berraco {m} [Colombia, slang] :: gutsy person; someone with some balls
berraquera {f} [Colombia] :: guts; frenzy; furor
berrear {v} :: to bellow
berrido {m} :: lowing; mooing (of cow)
berrido {m} :: bawling
berrinche {m} [colloquial] :: tantrum, skirmish
berrinchito {m} :: diminutive of berrinche
berrinchudo {adj} [colloquial] :: one who throws tantrums all the time
berriztarra {adj} :: Of or from Bérriz
berriztarra {mf} :: Someone from Bérriz
berro {m} :: cress
berro {m} :: watercress
berrocal {m} [geology] :: An outcrop of rocks that have undergone spheroidal weathering
berro chino {m} :: Chinese cabbage
berro de agua {m} :: watercress
berroqueña {f} :: feminine noun of berroqueño
berroqueño {adj} :: granitic
berroqueño {adj} :: of, from, or pertaining to Barruecopardo, Salamanca
berroqueño {adj} :: of, from, or pertaining to El Berrueco, Madrid
berroqueño {m} :: someone from Barruecopardo, Salamanca
berroqueño {m} :: someone from El Berrueco, Madrid
Berroya {prop} :: surname
berrueco {m} [geology] :: A rock that has undergone spheroidal weathering
Berta {prop} {f} :: given name
Bertrán {prop} {m} :: given name
bertso {m} :: A spontaneous song sung in Basque
bertsolari {mf} :: bertso singer
bertsolarismo {m} :: The art of singing bertsos
berza {f} :: cabbage
besador {adj} :: kissing
besador {m} :: kisser
besaflor {m} :: A hummingbird
besamanos {m} :: hand-kissing
besamel {f} :: béchamel
besante {m} :: bezant
besante {m} [heraldiccharge] :: bezant
besapié {m} :: foot kiss
besapiés {m} :: foot kiss
besar {v} :: to kiss
besar {v} [reciprocal] :: to kiss (each other, one another)
besar {vr} :: to make out with, to neck with (+ con)
Besarabia {prop} {f} [historical] :: Bessarabia (region)
besarse {v} :: reflexive of besar
besito {m} :: diminutive of beso
beso {m} :: kiss
beso blanco {m} :: snowball (sex act in which ejaculated semen is passed between the mouths of two people)
beso con lengua {m} :: tongue kiss, French kiss
beso francés {m} :: French kiss
beso negro {m} [colloquial] :: anilingus; rimjob
Besós {prop} {m} :: Besòs (river)
besote {m} :: augmentative of beso, big kiss
bestezuela {f} :: diminutive of bestia
bestia {f} :: beast
bestia {f} :: animal
bestia {f} [pejorative] :: brute (person who acts stupidly)
Bestia {prop} {f} [biblical] :: Beast (a figure in the Book of Revelation)
bestia de carga {f} :: a beast of burden
bestial {adj} :: beastly
bestial {adj} :: massive, huge, giant
bestial {adj} :: tremendous, fantastic, awesome
bestialidad {f} :: beastliness
bestialidad {f} :: bestiality
bestialismo {m} :: bestiality
bestialmente {adv} :: cruelly; brutally
bestia negra {f} :: bête noire
bestiario {m} :: bestiary
bestseller {m} :: bestseller
besucar {v} :: to cover with kisses
besucón {adj} :: being fond of kissing
besucón {m} :: one who is fond of kissing
besucona {f} :: feminine noun of besucón
besugo {m} :: blackspot sea bream (Pagellus bogaraveo)
besugo {m} :: booby, dummy, yokel, clumsy (awkward or stupid person)
besuquear {v} :: to cover with kisses
besuquear {v} [reciprocal] :: to make out, to snog, to smooch
bet {f} :: beth; the Hebrew letter ב
beta {f} :: beta; the Greek letter Β, β
betabel {m} [Mexico] :: beet, beetroot
betabloqueante {m} :: beta blocker
betacaroteno {m} :: beta-carotene
betahidroxibutirato {m} :: betahydroxybutyrate
betahidroxibutírico {adj} :: betahydroxybutyric
betaína {f} [organic compound] :: betaine, trimethylglycine
betalactamasa {f} :: betalactamase
betalactámico {adj} :: beta-lactam
Betancourt {prop} :: surname
Betania {prop} {f} :: Bethany
betarraga {f} [Chile] :: beet, beetroot
beteraga {f} :: beetroot
beterraga {f} :: beetroot
Bethancourt {prop} :: surname
bético {adj} :: Baetic
bético {adj} [football] :: of or relating to Real Betis, a Spanish football team from Seville
bético {m} [football] :: A fan, player, coach or person associated with Real Betis
betlemita {adj} :: Bethlehemi (of or pertaining to Bethlehem)
betlemita {mf} :: Bethlehemi (native or resident of Bethlehem)
Beto {prop} {m} :: A diminutive of male given names ending in -berto, such as Roberto, Alberto, Gilberto and Humberto
betónica {f} :: betonica
Betsabé {prop} {f} :: Bathsheba
Betsy {prop} {f} :: given name
betulense {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Badalona
betulense {mf} :: Someone from Badalona
betulina {f} [organic compound] :: betulin
betún {m} :: bitumen
betún {m} :: shoe polish
betún {m} :: pipe joint compound
betún {m} :: pine sap
betunera {f} :: feminine noun of betunero
betunero {m} :: shoeblack
beudo {adj} :: obsolete form of beodo
bey {m} :: bey
beyako {adj} [Puerto Rico, colloquial, vulgar] :: slang spelling of bellaco
bezaar {m} [rare, obsolete] :: bezoar
bezante {m} [heraldry] :: bezant
bezo {m} [Canarian] :: lip
bezoar {m} :: bezoar
bezoárdico {adj} :: bezoardic
bezoárico {adj} :: alternative form of bezoárdico
bi- {prefix} :: bi-
bi {adj} :: bi (bisexual)
Bianchi {prop} {mf} :: surname
bianconero {adj} :: Pertaining to the Juventus football club of Turin
biangular {adj} :: biangular
bianual {adj} :: biennial
biárbol {adj} :: two-shaft
biarticulado {adj} :: biarticulated
biatleta {mf} :: biathlete
biatlón {m} :: biathlon
biaumentado {adj} [geometry] :: biaugmented
biberón {m} :: bottle (for a baby)
bibi {m} [colloquial] :: baby bottle
Bibiana {prop} {f} :: given name
biblia {f} :: bible (a comprehensive manual that describes something)
Biblia {prop} {f} :: Bible
bíblicamente {adv} :: biblically
bíblico {adj} [religion, theology] :: biblical
biblio- {prefix} :: biblio-
biblio {f} :: clipping of biblioteca
bibliobús {m} :: mobile library
bibliófaga {f} :: feminine noun of bibliófago
bibliófago {m} :: bookworm (avid reader)
bibliófila {f} :: feminine noun of bibliófilo
bibliofilia {f} :: bibliophilia
bibliófilo {m} :: bibliophile
bibliógrafa {f} :: feminine noun of bibliógrafo
bibliografía {f} :: bibliography
bibliográfico {adj} :: bibliographic; bibliographical
bibliógrafo {m} :: bibliographer
bibliomanía {f} :: book-mania
bibliómano {adj} :: bibliomaniac
bibliómano {mf} :: bibliomaniac
bibliométrico {adj} :: bibliometric
biblioteca {f} :: library
biblioteca {f} :: bookcase
bibliotecaria {f} :: female equivalent of bibliotecario
bibliotecario {m} :: professional librarian
bibliotecóloga {f} :: feminine noun of bibliotecólogo
bibliotecología {f} :: The academic study of libraries
bibliotecólogo {m} :: One who studies libraries
biblioteconomía {f} :: library science
biblista {mf} :: biblist (a Biblical scholar)
Biblos {prop} :: Byblos (city)
bicameral {adj} :: bicameral
bicameralidad {f} :: bicameralism
bicameralismo {m} :: bicameralism
bicampeón {m} :: two-time champion; double winner
bicampeona {f} :: feminine noun of bicampeón
bicampeonato {m} :: Two-time championship
bicapa {f} :: bilayer
bicarbonatado {adj} :: containing bicarbonate
bicarbonato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: bicarbonate
bicarbonato de amonio {m} [inorganic compound] :: ammonium bicarbonate (NH4HCO3)
bicarbonato de potasio {m} [inorganic compound] :: potassium bicarbonate (KHCO3)
bicarbonato de sodio {m} :: baking soda, bicarbonate of soda, sodium bicarbonate
bicatenario {adj} :: two-stranded
bicefalia {f} :: bicephaly
bicéfalo {adj} [zoology] :: bicephalous (having two heads)
bicentenario {adj} :: bicentenary, bicentennial
bicentenario {adj} :: two-hundred-year-old
bicentenario {m} :: bicentenary, bicentennial
bicéntrico {adj} :: bicentric
bícep {m} :: bicep
bíceps {adj} :: two-headed; having two peaks or extensions
bíceps {adj} [muscle] :: bicipital
bíceps {m} :: biceps, especially the biceps brachii
bíceps braquial {m} :: biceps brachii
bíceps crural {m} :: biceps femoris
bicha {f} :: feminine noun of bicho
bicha {f} :: beer, brew
bicharraco {m} :: creepy crawly
biche {m} :: alternative spelling of viche
bichear {vt} :: to observe
bichear {vt} :: to spy on
bichero {m} [nautical] :: boathook
bichi {m} [regional, colloquial] :: cat
bichillo {m} :: diminutive of bicho
bichito {m} :: diminutive of bicho
bicho {m} :: bug
bicho {m} :: vermin
bicho {m} :: beast (non-human animal)
bicho {m} [Nicaragua, vulgar] :: vulva
bicho {m} [Puerto Rico, vulgar] :: penis
bicho {m} [Honduras, El Salvador, pejorative, colloquial] :: kid, boy
bicho bolita {m} :: pill bug
bicho malo {m} [idiom] :: nasty piece of work
bicho malo nunca muere {phrase} :: the devil looks after his own
bicho raro {m} [idiom, colloquial] :: freak, oddball, weirdo
bichote {mf} [slang, Puerto Rico] :: big shot
bici {f} :: clipping of bicicleta; bike
bicicleta {f} [exercise, vehicle] :: bicycle, pushbike, cycle
bicicleta balona {f} :: cruiser bicycle
bicicletada {f} :: ride (mass bicycle ride)
bicicleta de montaña {f} :: mountain bike
bicicleta elíptica {f} :: elliptical trainer
bicicleta estática {f} [exercise] :: exercise bike, ergometer, stationary bicycle
bicicletero {m} :: bike rack
bicíclico {adj} :: bicyclic
biciclo {m} :: velocipede
bici de montaña {f} :: mountain bike
bicilíndrico {adj} :: two-cylinder
bicimontaña {f} :: mountain bike
bicisenda {f} [Argentina] :: bicycle lane
bicitaxi {m} :: rickshaw, cycle taxi
Bico {prop} {f} :: given name
bicoca {f} :: bargain
bicoca {f} :: piece of cake, duck soup (task that is pleasant, easy or simple)
bicolanas {n} :: feminine plural of bicolana
Bicolandia {prop} :: Bicol Region
bicolano {adj} :: Bicolano
bicolano {m} :: Bicolano (person)
bicolano {m} :: Bicol (language)
bicolor {adj} :: bicolour (having two colors)
bicóncavo {adj} :: biconcave
bicondicional {adj} :: biconditional
biconvexo {adj} :: biconvex
bicorne {adj} :: two-horned
bicornio {m} :: bicorne
bicromía {f} :: duotone
bicultural {adj} :: bicultural
biculturalismo {m} :: biculturalism
bicúpula {f} [geometry] :: bicupola
BID {prop} :: initialism of Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo
bidé {m} :: bidet
bidegorri {m} [Basque Country] :: cycle path
bidentado {adj} :: bidentate
bidet {m} :: alternative form of bidé
bidimensional {adj} :: two-dimensional, bidimensional
bidimensionalidad {f} :: bidimensionality
bidireccional {adj} :: bidirectional (moving in two directions)
bidireccional {adj} :: bidirectional (operating or functioning in two directions)
bidisminuido {adj} [geometry] :: bidiminished
bidón {m} :: drum, can, jerrycan (barrel for liquid)
bidún {adj} :: Bidoon
bidún {mf} :: Bidoon
biela {f} :: connecting rod, conrod
bieldo {m} :: pitchfork
Biella {prop} :: Biella (city/and/province)
bielorrusa {f} :: feminine noun of bielorruso
bielorrusia {f} :: feminine noun of bielorrusio
Bielorrusia {prop} {f} :: Bielorrusia (country)
bielorrusio {adj} :: Belarusian
bielorrusio {m} :: Belarusian
bielorruso {adj} :: Belarusian (pertaining to Belarus)
bielorruso {m} :: Belarusian (person)
bielorruso {m} :: Belarusian [language]
biempensante {adj} :: well-thinking
bien {adv} :: well (adverbial form of bueno)
bien {adv} :: well, fine, okay (state of being satisfied with the status quo)
bien {adv} :: hasta aquí todo bien ― so far so good
bien {adv} :: properly
bien {adv} :: willingly
bien {adv} :: very
bien {adv} :: as well
bien {adj} [postpositive, colloquial] :: well-to-do; affluent; wealthy; upper-class
bien {adj} [postpositive, colloquial] :: exclusive; upscale; high-class
bien {m} :: good (as opposed to evil)
bien {m} :: goodness
bien {m} :: good, better [substantive]
bien {m} :: welfare, benefit
bien {m} :: (plural) goods, property, possessions, assets, wealth, estate
bienal {adj} :: biennial, two-year
bienal {f} :: biennial exhibition or show
bienalmente {adv} :: biennially; every two years
bienamado {adj} :: beloved
bienandanza {f} :: joy; glee
bienaventurado {adj} :: blessed
bienaventuranza {f} [Christianity] :: beatitude
bienaventuranza {f} :: beatitude (happiness)
bien cuidado {m} [Latin America] :: A, usually self-employed, parked automobile attendant intended to prevent vandalism and theft
bien de consumo {m} :: consumer good
bien dotado {adj} :: well-endowed
bienes {mp} :: goods (that which is produced, traded, bought or sold)
bienes gananciales {mp} :: marital property
bienestar {m} :: well-being
bienhadado {adj} :: happy, fortunate
bienhechor {m} :: benefactor, welldoer
bienhechora {f} :: feminine noun of bienhechor
bien inmueble {m} [legal] :: real property, real estate
bienintencionadamente {adv} :: well-meaningly
bienintencionado {adj} :: well-intentioned, well-meaning
bienio {m} :: A period of two years; biennium
bienmesabe {m} :: any of various cakes with regional variations
bienmesabe {m} [Canary Islands] :: a sweet sauce made from ground almonds
bienmesabe {m} [Spain] :: a dish of fried dogfish, typical of Cádiz
bien mirado {adv} [idiomatic] :: all things considered; all in all; when you look at it from all angles
bien mueble {m} [legal] :: chattel, personal property
bien nacido {adj} :: well-born, well-bred
bien predica quien bien vive {proverb} :: He who preaches well is he who lives well
bienquista {f} :: feminine noun of bienquisto
bienquisto {adj} :: well-liked, well-regarded
bienquisto {m} :: one who is well-liked or well-regarded
bien raíz {m} :: (item of) real estate
bienteveo {m} :: Any of various kiskadees or flycatchers
bienvenida {f} :: welcome, greeting
bienvenida {interj} :: welcome (when saying this to a female)
bienvenido {adj} :: welcome
bienvenido {interj} :: welcome (when saying this to a male)
Bienvenido {prop} :: given name
bies {m} [textiles] :: bias
biesfenocíngulo {m} [geometry] :: disphenocingulum
biesfenoide {m} [geometry] :: disphenoid
biestable {m} [electronics] :: flip-flop
biestatal {adj} :: two-state
bifacial {adj} :: bifacial
bifásico {adj} :: biphasic
bifaz {m} [archaeology] :: biface (tool)
bife {m} [South America] :: steak
bifenilo {m} [organic compound] :: biphenyl
bifenol {m} [organic compound] :: biphenol
bífero {adj} :: biferous
bífido {adj} :: forked, divided in two
bifidobacteria {f} :: bifidobacterium
biflagelado {adj} :: biflagellate
bifobia {f} :: biphobia
bifocal {adj} :: bifocal
bífora {f} :: bifora
bifosfato {m} :: biphosphate
bifronte {adj} :: two-faced
bifuncional {adj} :: bifunctional
bifurcación {f} :: bifurcation
bifurcación {f} :: fork; split
bifurcar {vt} :: to bifurcate, to cause to fork off
bifurcar {vr} :: To diverge, fork off
bifurcarse {v} :: to split, divide, fork, branch off
bígama {f} :: feminine noun of bígamo
bigamia {f} :: bigamy (the state of having two spouses)
bígamo {adj} :: bigamous
bígamo {m} :: bigamist
bígaro {m} :: periwinkle
bigarro {m} :: alternative spelling of bígaro
big bang {m} :: big bang
Big Ben {prop} {m} :: Big Ben (the hour bell in London)
Big Ben {prop} {m} [by extension] :: Big Ben (the clocktower itself)
bigdata {m} :: big data
bigleaguer {m} [baseball] :: a player in the big leagues
Big Mac {mf} :: Big Mac
bigoleador {m} [sports] :: double goalscorer; scorer of a brace (two goals)
bigos {m} :: bigos (Polish stew dish)
bigotazo {m} :: augmentative of bigote, big moustache
bigote {m} :: moustache, mustache; moustaches, mustaches
bigote {m} :: whisker, whiskers (used when it's large and thick) [often in plural]
bigotera {f} :: milk moustache (or similar mark left by another drink, food, blood, spunk, lady cum etc.)
bigotera {f} :: small compass
bigotillo {m} :: small moustache
bigotito {m} :: diminutive of bigote; small moustache
bigotón {m} :: augmentative of bigote; huge moustache
bigotudo {adj} :: moustachio'd
bigotudo {m} :: The bearded tit. A bird
bigudí {m} :: hair curler
Bihar {prop} :: Bihar (state)
bija {f} [Dominican Republic, Cuba] :: annatto
bijao {m} :: The plant Calathea lutea
biker {m} :: biker
bikini {m} :: bikini
bikini {m} [Catalonia] :: ham and cheese sandwich
bilabiado {adj} :: bilabiate
bilabial {adj} [phonetics] :: bilabial (articulated with both lips)
bilabial {f} [phonetics] :: bilabial (a sound articulated with both lips)
bilateral {adj} :: bilateral
bilateralidad {f} :: bilaterality
bilateralismo {m} :: bilateralism
bilateralizar {v} :: to bilateralize
bilateralmente {adv} :: bilaterally
bilbaino {adj} [dialectal, Basque Country] :: alternative form of bilbaíno
bilbaino {m} [dialectal, Basque Country] :: alternative form of bilbaíno
bilbaíno {adj} :: Bilbaoan
bilbaíno {m} :: Bilbaoan
Bilbao {prop} :: Bilbao (largest city)
bilbilitano {m} :: A person from Calatayud
bilbilitano {adj} :: of or from Calatayud
bildungsroman {m} :: bildungsroman
biliar {adj} :: biliary
-bilidad {suffix} :: -bility; Form of -dad used generally for adjectives ending in -ble; Comparable generally to English suffix -ity
bilineal {adj} :: bilineal
bilingüe {adj} :: bilingual
bilingüe {mf} :: bilingual
bilingüismo {m} :: bilingualism
bilioso {adj} :: bilious
bilirrubina {f} [organic compound] :: bilirubin
bilirrubinemia {f} [medicine] :: bilirubinemia
bilis {f} :: bile
biliverdina {f} :: biliverdin
billar {m} :: billiards
billar {m} :: pool (game)
billar {m} :: An establishment accommodating billiard tables; a billiard room
billardo {m} :: billiard
billetaje {m} :: ticketing
billetazo {m} :: augmentative of billete; big boy (big banknote)
billetazo {m} :: spending a lot of money
billete {m} :: banknote, bill (paper currency)
billete {m} [Spain] :: ticket
billete {m} [heraldiccharge] :: billet
billete {m} [colloquial, uncountable] :: money
billetera {f} :: wallet
billete verde {m} :: greenback (US dollar)
billetico {m} :: diminutive of billete
billetito {m} :: diminutive of billete
billón {num} :: 1012; a trillion (short system)
billón {num} [obsolete] :: 109: a billion (long system)
billonaria {f} :: billionaire
billonario {m} [US Spanish, colloquial] :: billionaire
billullo {m} [Colombia, slang] :: silver
bilobulado {adj} :: bilobed
bilocación {f} :: bilocation
bilocular {adj} :: bilocular
bilogía {f} :: dilogy
bilunabirrotonda {f} [geometry] :: bilunabirotunda
bimbache {adj} :: Bimbache
bimbache {mf} :: Bimbache
bimediana {f} :: bimedian
bimensual {adj} :: bimonthly
bimensualmente {adv} :: bimonthly
bimestral {adj} :: Occurring at intervals of two months; bimonthly
bimestralmente {adv} :: bimonthly
bimestre {adj} :: bimonthly
bimestre {m} :: two month period
bimetálico {adj} :: bimetallic
bimetalismo {m} [economics] :: bimetallism
bimetalista {mf} :: bimetallist (advocate of bimetallism)
bimetalista {adj} :: bimetallist (advocating bimetallism)
bimilenario {adj} :: bimillenary
bimilenario {m} :: bimillenary
bimini {m} :: bimini
bimodal {adj} :: bimodal
bimodalidad {f} :: bimodality
bimotor {adj} :: twin-engine
bimundialista {mf} :: player appearing two times at a world cup
binacional {adj} :: binational
binar {v} :: to plow over
binar {v} :: to dig over
binarie {adj} [gender-neutral, nonstandard] :: binary
binario {adj} :: binary
binarismo {m} :: binarism
binaural {adj} :: binaural
bingo {m} :: bingo (game)
binocular {adj} :: binocular
binomial {adj} :: binomial
binominal {adj} :: binomial
binomio {m} [mathematics] :: binomial
binomio {m} :: duo; pairing
binuclear {adj} :: binuclear
biñuelo {m} :: a type of fritter
bio- {prefix} :: bio-
bio {adj} :: bio (biological)
bioabono {m} :: biofertilizer
bioabsorbente {adj} :: bioabsorbable
bioactividad {f} :: bioactivity
bioactivo {adj} :: bioactive
bioacumulación {f} :: bioaccumulation
bioacumular {v} :: to bioaccumulate
bioaerosol {m} :: bioaerosol
bioanálisis {f} :: bioanalysis
bioanalista {mf} :: bioanalyst
bioartificial {adj} :: bioartificial
biobanco {m} :: biobank
biobibliografía {f} :: biobibliography
biobibliográfico {adj} :: biobibliographical
Biobío {prop} :: Biobío
biobutanol {m} :: biobutanol
biocapacidad {f} :: biocapacity
biocarburante {m} :: biofuel
bioceánico {adj} :: bioceanic
biocida {f} :: biocide
biociencia {f} :: bioscience
bioclimático {adj} :: bioclimatic
bioclimático {adj} [architecture] :: bioclimatic
biocombustible {m} :: biofuel, ecofuel
biocompatibilidad {f} :: biocompatibility
biocompatible {adj} :: biocompatible
bioconcentrar {v} :: to bioconcentrate
biocrón {m} [paleontology] :: biochron
biocronología {f} :: biochronology
biodegradabilidad {f} :: biodegradability
biodegradable {adj} :: biodegradable
biodegradación {f} :: biodegradation
biodegradar {vt} :: to biodegrade
biodiésel {m} :: biodiesel
biodigestor {m} :: biodigester
biodinamica {f} :: biodynamics
biodisponibilidad {f} :: bioavailability
biodisponible {adj} :: bioavailable
biodiversidad {f} [biology] :: biodiversity
biodiversificar {v} [rare] :: to biodiversify
biodiverso {adj} :: biodiverse
bioeconomía {f} :: bioeconomy
bioeléctrico {adj} :: bioelectric
bioempresa {f} :: biobusiness
bioenergía {f} :: bioenergy
bioequivalencia {f} :: bioequivalence
bioerosión {f} [geology] :: bioerosion
bioestadística {f} :: biostatistics
bioestimulación {f} :: biostimulation
bioestimulante {m} :: biostimulant
bioestratigrafía {f} [paleontology] :: biostratigraphy
bioestratigráfico {adj} :: biostratigraphic
bioetanol {m} :: bioethanol
bioética {f} :: bioethics
bioético {adj} :: bioethical
biofarmacético {adj} :: biopharmaceutical
biofarmacéutico {adj} :: biopharmaceutical
biofijación {f} :: biosequestration
biofilm {m} :: biofilm
biofísica {f} :: biophysics (the application of methods from physics to biology)
biofísico {adj} :: biophysical
biofortificar {v} :: to biofortify
biogás {m} :: biogas
biogenealógico {adj} :: biogenealogical
biogénesis {f} :: biogenesis
biogenético {adj} :: biogenetic
biogénico {adj} :: biogenic
biogeografía {f} :: biogeography
biogeográficamente {adv} :: biogeographically
biogeográfico {adj} :: biogeographic
biogeoquímico {adj} :: biogeochemical
biógrafa {f} :: feminine noun of biógrafo
biografía {f} :: biography
biografía {f} :: life story
biografiar {vt} :: to write a biography of
biográfico {adj} :: biographic
biógrafo {m} :: biographer
bioimpresión {f} :: bioprinting
bioindicador {m} [biology] :: bioindicator
bioindicador {adj} [attributive] :: bioindicator
bioinformática {f} :: bioinformatics
bioinformático {adj} :: bioinformatic
bioingeniera {f} :: feminine noun of bioingeniero
bioingeniería {f} :: bioengineering
bioingeniero {m} :: bioengineer
bioinspirado {adj} :: bioinspired
biointensivo {adj} :: biointensive
biolixiviación {f} :: bioleaching
bióloga {f} :: female equivalent of biólogo
biología {f} :: biology
biología evolutiva {f} :: evolutionary biology
biológicamente {adv} :: biologically
biológico {adj} :: biological, biologic
biológico {adj} [agriculture, uncommon] :: organic (grown without agrochemicals)
biólogo {m} :: biologist
bioluminiscencia {f} :: bioluminescence
bioluminiscente {adj} :: bioluminescent
bioma {m} [biology] :: biome
biomarcador {m} :: biomarker
biomasa {f} :: biomass
biomaterial {m} :: biomaterial
biombo {m} :: folding screen
biomecánico {adj} :: biomechanic
biomedicina {f} :: biomedicine (a branch of medical science)
biomédico {adj} :: biomedical
biometeoróloga {f} :: feminine noun of biometeorólogo
biometeorología {f} :: biometeorology
biometeorólogo {m} :: biometeorologist
biometría {f} :: biometrics
biométrico {adj} :: biometric
biomimético {adj} :: biomimetic
biomineralización {f} :: biomineralization
biomolécula {f} [biochemistry] :: biomolecule
biomolecular {adj} :: biomolecular
biomórfico {adj} :: biomorphic
biomusical {m} :: biomusical
biomusical {adj} :: biomusical
bionda {f} :: crash barrier, guardrail, traffic barrier
biónico {adj} :: bionic
bionomía {f} :: bionomy
biopelícula {f} [biology] :: biofilm
biopic {m} :: biopic
bioplástico {adj} :: bioplastic
biopolímero {m} :: biopolymer
biopolítica {f} :: biopolitics
biopsia {f} [medicine] :: biopsy
biopsicóloga {f} :: biopsychologist
biopsicosocial {adj} :: biopsychosocial
bioquímica {f} :: biochemistry
bioquímica {f} :: feminine noun of bioquímico
bioquímicamente {adv} :: biochemically
bioquímico {adj} :: biochemical
bioquímico {m} :: biochemist
biorevitalización {f} :: biorevitalization
biorreactor {m} :: bioreactor
biorremediación {f} :: bioremediation
biorritmo {m} :: biorhythm
biosaludable {adj} [attributive] :: fitness
bioseguridad {f} :: biosecurity
biosensor {m} :: biosensor
bioserie {f} :: bioseries
biosfera {f} :: biosphere
biósfera {f} :: biosphere
biosicosocial {adj} :: alternative spelling of biopsicosocial
biosimilar {m} :: biosimilar
biosíntesis {f} :: biosynthesis
biosintéticamente {adv} :: biosynthetically
biosintético {adj} :: biosynthetic
biosintetizar {v} :: to biosynthesize
-biosis {suffix} :: -biosis
biota {f} :: biota
biotecnóloga {f} :: feminine noun of biotecnólogo
biotecnología {f} :: biotechnology
biotecnológica {f} :: biotechnology
biotecnológico {adj} :: biotechnological
biotecnólogo {m} :: biotechnologist
biotelenovela {f} :: biographical soap opera
biotemperatura {f} :: biotemperature
bioterrorismo {m} :: bioterrorism
bioterrorista {mf} :: bioterrorist
biótico {adj} :: biotic
biotina {f} [vitamin] :: biotin
biotinidasa {f} :: biotinidase
biotipo {m} :: biotype
biotita {f} [mineral] :: biotite
biotopo {m} :: biotope
biotransformación {f} :: biotransformation
bioturbación {f} :: bioturbation
bióxido {m} :: dioxide
biozona {f} [paleontology] :: biozone
bip {m} :: bip; beep
bipala {adj} :: two-blade
biparental {adj} :: biparental
bipartición {f} :: bipartition
bipartidismo {m} [politics] :: bipartisanship
bipartidista {adj} :: bipartisan
bipartito {adj} :: Divided into two; having two parts
bipedación {f} :: bipedalism
bipedal {adj} :: bipedal
bipedestación {f} :: bipedalism
bípedo {adj} :: bipedal
bípedo {m} :: A biped
bíper {m} [Latin America] :: pager (device for receiving alpha-numeric messages)
bipersonal {adj} :: bipersonal; involving exactly two people
bipinnado {adj} :: bipinnate
bipiramidal {adj} :: bipyramidal
bipirámide {f} [geometry] :: dipyramid
biplano {adj} :: two-winged
biplano {m} :: biplane
biplaza {adj} :: two-seated
bípode {m} :: bipod
bipolar {adj} :: bipolar
bipolaridad {f} :: bipolarity
bipolarismo {m} [politics] :: two-coalition system, two-party system
bipolarización {f} :: bipolarization
biprovincial {adj} :: biprovincial (concerning two provinces)
biquini {m} :: alternative spelling of bikini
birlar {v} :: to swipe, pinch or steal
birlibirloque {m} :: magic
birllas {fp} :: A type of bowling game from Aragón
birmana {f} :: feminine noun of birmano
Birmania {prop} {f} :: Burma (Southeast Asian country)
birmano {adj} :: Burmese (pertaining to Burma or its contemporary name, Myanmar)
birmano {m} :: Burmese (person)
birmano {m} :: Burmese (language)
birminghense {adj} :: Brummie (of or pertaining to Birmingham, West Midlands, England)
birminghense {adj} :: Birminghamian (of or pertaining to Birmingham, Alabama)
birminghense {mf} :: Brummie (native or resident of Birmingham, West Midlands, England)
birminghense {mf} :: Birminghamian (native or resident of Birmingham, Alabama)
Birobidzhán {prop} :: Birobidzhán (city)
birome {m} [Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay] :: ballpoint pen
birr {m} :: birr (currency)
birra {f} :: beer
birra {f} :: beer, glass of beer
birracial {adj} :: biracial
birreactor {m} :: twin-engine jet
birrectangular {adj} :: birectangular; containing two right angles
birrefringencia {f} :: birefringence
birregional {adj} :: biregional
birreta {f} :: biretta
birrete {m} :: biretta
birria {f} :: garbage, junk, slop
birria {f} [Mexico] :: birria (stewed meat)
birrita {f} :: diminutive of birra
birrodado {m} :: A two-wheeled vehicle
birrotonda {f} [geometry] :: birotunda
biruji {m} [colloquial] :: cold wind
bis- {prefix} :: bis-
bis- {prefix} :: great-
bisabuela {f} :: great-grandmother (feminine noun of bisabuelo)
bisabuelo {m} :: great-grandfather (great-grandmother for the feminine form)
bisabuelo {m} [usually plural] :: great-grandparent (either a great-grandmother or a great-grandfather)
bisagra {f} :: hinge
bisalto {m} :: pea; specifically the field pea, Pisum sativum subsp. arvense
bisar {v} :: to repeat (perform an encore)
Bisáu {prop} :: alternative spelling of Bissau
bisauguineana {f} :: feminine noun of bisauguineano
bisauguineano {adj} :: Bissau-Guinean (of or pertaining to Guinea-Bissau)
bisauguineano {m} :: Bissau-Guinean (native or resident of Guinea-Bissau)
bisaya {f} :: feminine noun of bisayo
bisayo {adj} :: Visaya
bisayo {m} :: Visaya
bisbisar {v} :: to mutter
bisbita {f} :: pipit (bird)
biscocho {m} :: alternative spelling of bizcocho
biscotte {m} :: biscotte
bise {m} :: encore
bisecar {vt} :: to bisect
bisección {f} :: bisection
bisectriz {f} [geometry] :: bisection
bisel {m} :: bevel
biselar {v} :: to bevel
bisemanal {adj} :: biweekly, fortnightly
bisemanario {m} :: fortnightly
bisexual {adj} :: bisexual
bisexual {mf} :: bisexual
bisexualidad {f} :: bisexuality
bisfenol {m} :: bisphenol
bisfosfonato {m} :: bisphosphonate
bisiesto {m} :: leap year
bisilábico {adj} :: disyllabic
bisílabo {adj} :: disyllabic
Biskek {prop} :: Biskek (capital)
bislama {m} :: Bislama (language)
bismarqués {adj} :: Bismarcker, Bismarck (of or pertaining to Bismarck, North Dakota)
bismarqués {m} :: Bismarcker (native or resident of Bismarck, North Dakota)
bismarquesa {f} :: feminine noun of bismarqués
bismutita {f} [mineral] :: bismuthite
bismuto {m} :: bismuth
bisnieta {f} :: feminine noun of bisnieto
bisnieto {m} :: great-grandchild; great-grandson (great-granddaughter for the feminine form)
biso {m} :: byssus
bisoñé {m} :: toupee
bisoñez {f} :: inexperience, rookieness
bisoño {adj} :: inexperienced
bisonte {m} :: bison
bisonte americano {m} :: American bison
bisonte europeo {m} :: wisent
bísquet {m} [Mexico] :: A type of lightly salted biscuit
Bissau {prop} :: Bissau (capital city)
bisté {m} :: steak (food)
bistec {m} :: steak, beefsteak
bistro {m} :: bistro
bistró {m} :: bistrot
bisturí {m} :: scalpel, bistoury
bisulfato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: bisulfate
bisulfato de sodio {m} [inorganic compound] :: sodium bisulfate (NaHSO4)
bisulfito {m} :: bisulphite
bisulfuro {m} [chemistry] :: bisulphide, bisulfide
bisutería {f} :: Fake jewellery, or costume jewellery
bit {m} :: bit (binary digit)
bitácora {f} :: a captain's log or journal on a ship
bitácora {f} :: the closet where aforementioned journal is kept; binnacle
bitácora {f} :: weblog, blog
bitacula {f} :: binnacle
bitangente {m} :: bitangent
bitcoin {m} :: bitcoin (a cryptocurrency)
bitcóin {m} :: bitcoin (currency unit)
bitensión {adj} :: twin-voltage
Bitinia {prop} :: Bithynia
Bitola {prop} :: Bitola (city)
bitonalidad {f} :: bitonality
bitono {m} :: duotone
bituminoso {adj} :: bituminous
biturbo {adj} :: Having twin turbochargers
biunívoco {adj} :: biunivocal
biuora {f} :: obsolete spelling of víbora
bivalente {adj} :: bivalent
bivalvo {m} :: bivalve
biventricular {adj} :: biventricular
bividí {m} [Ecuador, Peru, slang] :: sleeveless undershirt, singlet
biyección {f} [mathematics] :: bijection
biyectivo {adj} :: bijective
Bizancio {prop} {m} :: Byzantium (ancient Greek city)
bizantina {f} :: feminine noun of bizantino
bizantinista {mf} :: Byzantinist
bizantino {adj} :: Byzantine
bizantino {m} :: Byzantine
bizarramente {adv} :: gallantly
bizarría {f} :: gallantry; boldness
bizarría {f} :: generosity
bizarro {adj} :: dashing, brave, spirited, gallant
bizarro {adj} :: generous, magnanimous, noble
bizarro {adj} [Argentina, Chile] :: bizarre, strange, weird
bizcar {v} :: synonym of bizquear
bizco {adj} :: crosseyed
bizco {adj} [bullfighting] :: Having non-symmetrical horns
bizcochito {m} :: diminutive of biscocho
bizcocho {m} :: sponge cake
bizcocho {m} :: bisque (fired unglazed pottery)
bizcocho {m} [Argentina] :: a kind of salty cookie
bizcocho {m} [Uruguay] :: croissant
bizcocho {m} :: ellipsis of bizcocho de soletilla; ladyfinger
bizcochuelo {m} :: pejorative of bizcocho
bizma {f} :: poultice, cataplasm
bizmar {vt} :: to apply a poultice
biznaga {f} :: toothpickweed, khella (Visnaga daucoides (syn. Ammi visnaga))
biznaga {f} [Mexico] :: Any of several species of small, prickly cacti, especially barrel cacti
biznieta {f} :: feminine noun of biznieto
biznieto {m} :: alternative form of bisnieto
bizona {f} :: bizone
bizquear {v} :: to cross one's eyes
bizquear {v} :: to squint
bizquear {v} :: to wink
bla {m} :: blah (idle talk)
bla bla {m} :: alternative spelling of blablablá
bla-bla {m} :: alternative spelling of blablablá
blablá {m} :: alternative spelling of blablablá
bla bla bla {m} :: alternative spelling of blablablá
bla-bla-bla {m} :: alternative spelling of blablablá
blablablá {m} :: blah blah blah
Black Friday {m} :: Black Friday
blackjack {m} :: blackjack (card game)
blackout {m} :: blackout
blada {f} :: sycamore
Blagovéshchensk {prop} {m} :: Blagovéshchensk (city)
blairismo {m} [politics] :: Blairism (ideology of British Prime Minister Tony Blair)
Blanca {prop} {f} :: given name
Blancanieves {prop} {f} :: Snow White
Blanca Nieves {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of Blancanieves
blanca y en botella, leche {phrase} [idiomatic] :: no doubt about it, no question
blanca y en botella, leche {phrase} [idiomatic] :: is the Pope Catholic
Blanchard {prop} {mf} :: surname
blanco {adj} :: white
blanco {adj} [heraldry] :: argent
blanco {m} :: white
blanco {m} :: target
Blanco {prop} :: surname
blanco apagado {adj} :: off-white
blanco como el papel {adj} [idiom, simile] :: white as a sheet
blanco como la cera {adj} [idiom, simile] :: white as a sheet
blanco como la pared {adj} [idiom, simile] :: white as a sheet
blancor {m} :: whiteness
blanco roto {adj} :: off-white
blancura {f} :: whiteness
blancuzco {adj} :: whitish
blandamente {adv} :: gently; softly
blandear {v} :: synonym of blandir
blandengue {adj} :: weak, soft
blandengue {mf} :: sissy, weakling, softie
blandenguería {f} :: softness, weakness
blandir {vt} :: to brandish
blandísimo {adj} :: superlative of blando
blandito {adj} :: diminutive of blando
blando {adj} :: soft
blando {adj} :: bland
blando {adj} :: flabby
blando {adj} :: cowardly
blando {adj} [music] :: flat
blandón {m} :: candlestick
blandón {m} :: large candle
blandura {m} :: softness; tenderness
blandura {m} :: praise
blandura {m} :: kindness; tact
blandura {m} :: mildness (of weather)
blandura {m} [obsolete] :: synonym of blanquete
blanqueador {adj} :: whitening
blanqueador {m} :: bleach
blanqueador {m} :: whitener
blanqueamiento {m} :: whitening, whitewashing, bleaching [the process of making something white or whiter]
blanqueamiento {m} :: whitewashing [a deliberate attempt to conceal unpleasant or incriminating facts about a person or organization in order to protect their reputation]
blanqueamiento {m} :: laundering [adjust the black money to the fiscal legality]
blanquear {v} :: to bleach
blanquear {v} :: to whiten; to turn white
blanquear {v} :: to whitewash
blanquear {v} [sports] :: to win without allowing rival to get points
blanquecer {v} :: To whiten
blanquecino {adj} :: whitish
blanquedad {f} :: whiteness
blanqueo {m} :: synonym of blanqueamiento
blanqueo de capitales {m} :: money laundering
blanquiazul {adj} :: blue and white
blanquiazul {adj} :: Of or related to RCD Espanyol, a football team in Barcelona
blanquiazul {mf} :: A fan, player, or other person connected to RCD Espanyol
blanquiazulal {adj} :: Blue and white
blanquiazulal {adj} [football] :: relating to a number of clubs who have a blue and white strip (below are just a number of such clubs)
blanquiazulal {mf} :: Someone connected to any of the above clubs, as a player, coach, fan etc
blanquillo {adj} :: whitish
blanquillo {m} :: blanquillo
blanquinegro {adj} :: black and white
blanquinegro {adj} :: black-and-white
blanquinegro {adj} [football] :: Of or pertaining to Real Balompédica Linense, a football team in La Línea de la Concepción, Andalusia
blanquinoso {adj} :: whitish
blanquirrojo {adj} :: white and red
blanquísimo {adj} :: superlative of blanco
blanquito {adj} :: diminutive of blanco
blanquitos {adj} :: masculine plural of blanquito
blanquitos {mp} :: pearly whites
blanquitud {f} :: whiteness
blanquiverde {adj} :: white and green
blanquivioleta {adj} [football] :: Related or connected to Real Valladolid, a football team in Valladolid, Spain
blanquivioleta {mf} [football] :: A player, fan, coach or other person connected to Real Valladolid, a football team in Valladolid, Spain
blao {adj} [heraldry] :: azure
blao {adj} [obsolete] :: blue
blao {m} [heraldry, obsolete] :: azure
blao {m} [obsolete] :: azure (color)
Blas {prop} {m} :: given name
Blasco {prop} {m} :: surname
blasfema {f} :: feminine noun of blasfemo
blasfemamente {adv} :: blasphemously
blasfemar {vi} :: to blaspheme (to speak against God or religious doctrine)
blasfematorio {adj} :: blasphemous
blasfemia {f} :: blasphemy
blasfemo {adj} :: blasphemous
blasfemo {m} :: blasphemer
blasón {m} [heraldry] :: blazon
blasón {m} [heraldry] :: coat of arms
blasón {m} [heraldry] :: heraldry
blasón {m} :: honor, glory
blasonamiento {m} [heraldry] :: blazon (description of a coat of arms)
blasonar {v} :: to blazon
blasonar {v} [heraldry] :: to emblazon
blasonar {v} :: to boast
bláster {m} :: blaster; blastor
-blasto {suffix} :: -blast
blastocisto {m} :: blastocyte
blastocito {m} :: blastocyte
blastodermo {m} :: blastoderm
blastómera {f} :: blastomere
blastómero {m} :: blastomere
blastoporo {m} :: blastopore
blástula {f} :: blastula
blaugrana {adj} [football, attributive] :: of or relating to FC Barcelona, a football club from Barcelona
blaverismo {m} :: blaverism
blaxploitation {f} :: blaxploitation
blazer {m} :: blazer
Blázquez {prop} :: surname
bledo {m} :: blite, pigweed (a plant of the genus Amaranthus, especially the purple amaranth (Amaranthus blitum) and common amaranth, (Amaranthus retroflexus))
bledo {m} [figuratively] :: something insignificant
blefaritis {f} :: blepharitis
blefaroplastia {f} [surgery] :: blepharoplasty
bléiser {m} :: blazer
-blema {suffix} :: -blem
blemio {adj} :: Blemmye
blemio {mf} :: Blemmye
blenda {f} [mineral] :: blende
blender {m} :: blender
blenorragia {f} :: gonorrhea
blenorrea {f} :: gonorrhea
blindado {adj} :: armoured
blindado {m} :: armoured car; armoured vehicle
blindado {m} :: armor-plated
blindaje {m} :: armor-plating, armor, shielding
blindar {vt} :: to shield, to armor
blíster {m} :: blister pack
blistera {f} :: blister machine
B. L. M. {phrase} [archaic] :: abbreviation of besa la mano a formal way to close a letter
bloc {m} :: pad (such as of paper)
blocao {m} [military] :: movable blockhouse
blocar {v} [sport] :: to block, tackle
block {m} [Guatemala] :: cement block
blockbuster {m} :: blockbuster (film or book that sustains exceptional and widespread popularity and achieves enormous sales)
blockchain {m} :: blockchain
blockera {f} [Guatemala] :: Place where cement blocks are sold
bloco {m} :: carnival block
blofear {v} :: to bluff
blog {m} [internet] :: blog
blogger {m} :: blogger
bloggera {f} :: feminine noun of bloggero
bloggero {m} :: blogger
blogosfera {f} [Internet] :: blogosphere
bloguear {v} :: to blog
bloguer {m} :: blogger
bloguera {f} [Internet] :: blogger
bloguero {adj} :: blogging
bloguero {m} [Internet] :: blogger
blonda {f} :: lace
blondie {m} :: blondie (dessert)
blondo {adj} [literary] :: blonde
blooper {m} :: blooper
bloque {m} :: bloc
bloque {m} :: block (street block or a piece of something)
bloque {m} :: slab
bloqueador {m} :: blocker (something or someone that blocks)
bloqueador {adj} :: blocking (that blocks)
bloqueadora {f} :: feminine noun of bloqueador
bloqueante {m} :: blocker
bloqueante {adj} :: blocking
bloquear {vt} :: to block
bloquear {v} :: to block (physically), to barricade, to obstruct
bloquear {v} :: to jam, to wedge, to fix in place
bloquear {v} :: to freeze (e.g. prices)
bloquear {v} :: to block, to impede, to hinder, to stymie
bloquear {vr} [of a computer program] :: To freeze, to lock up
bloquear {vr} :: To become jammed
bloquecito {m} :: diminutive of bloque
bloqueo {m} :: blockade
bloqueo {m} :: blockage
bloqueo {m} :: locking
bloqueo {m} :: freeze
bloquera {f} :: concrete block machine
bloquera {f} [Guatemala] :: place where cement blocks are sold
bloquismo {m} :: The political beliefs of the Partido Bloquista de San Juan
B. L. P. {phrase} [archaic] :: abbreviation of besa los pies a formal way to close a letter
bluegrass {m} :: bluegrass (a style of country music)
bluejeans {m} :: jeans (trousers)
blues {mp} {m} [music genre] :: blues
bluesístico {adj} :: bluesy
bluesman {m} :: bluesman
bluetooth {m} [networking] :: Bluetooth (personal area wireless network)
bluf {m} :: bluff
blufileña {f} :: feminine noun of blufileño
blufileño {adj} :: Of or from Bluefields
blufileño {m} :: Someone from Bluefields
blujins {mp} [rare] :: blue jeans
blumer {m} :: knickers
blúmer {m} :: bloomer (clothing)
blusa {f} :: blouse
blusera {f} :: feminine noun of blusero
blusero {adj} [Argentina, Chile, music] :: blues [attributive]
blusero {m} [music] :: bluesman (blues artist; blues aficionado)
blusita {f} :: diminutive of blusa
blusón {m} :: nightshirt
bluyín {m} :: jeans
BM {prop} :: initialism of Banco Mundial
bo {interj} [Uruguay, colloquial] :: hey, mate, dude
boa {f} :: boa (snake)
boa {f} :: boa (scarf made from feathers)
Boaco {prop} :: Boaco (department)
boadillense {adj} :: Of or from Boadilla del Monte
boadillense {mf} :: Someone from Boadilla del Monte
boato {m} :: pomp
bob {m} :: bob, bob haircut (hairstyle)
bobada {f} :: nonsense, tosh (stupid act)
Bobadilla {prop} :: surname
bobalicón {adj} :: idiotic
bobalicón {m} :: buffoon, prat, idiot
bobalicona {f} :: feminine noun of bobalicón
bobear {vi} :: to do or say stupid things
bobera {f} :: alternative spelling of bobería
bobería {f} :: folly, foolishness, something foolish
bobina {f} :: reel, bobbin, spool
bobina {f} :: electrical coil
bobinar {vt} :: to wind, to wind up
bobo {adj} :: stupid, silly, naive
bobo {m} :: A stupid or naive person; a fool
bobsleigh {m} :: bobsleigh
boca {f} [anatomy] :: mouth, oral cavity
boca {f} :: entrance, opening
boca {f} :: estuary
boca abajo {adv} :: face-down/face down, upside down
boca a boca {m} [idiom] :: word of mouth
boca a boca {m} [idiom] :: mouth-to-mouth (breathing into a person’s mouth as a first-aid technique)
boca arriba {adv} :: face-up
bocabajeado {adj} [Mexico] :: crestfallen; downbeat
bocabajo {adv} :: alternative spelling of boca abajo
bocabarra {f} :: breakwater
bocacalle {f} :: turning (into a street)
bocacha {f} :: muzzle (firearm)
bocachancla {mf} [pejorative, Spain] :: big mouth, chatterbox
bocachico {m} :: Prochilodus magdalenae (fish)
boca de dragón {f} :: snapdragon (plant)
boca del lobo {f} [idiomatic] :: lion's den, belly of the beast
boca de sonido {f} [music] :: sound box
bocadillería {f} :: sandwich bar
bocadillo {m} [Spain] :: sandwich
bocadillo {m} :: snack
bocadillo {m} [comics] :: speech bubble (rounded outline, containing words, representing speech)
bocadito {m} :: diminutive of bocado
bocado {m} :: mouthful
bocado {m} :: snack
bocado {m} :: bit
bocado de Adán {m} :: Adam's apple
bocado del león {m} [idiomatic] :: lion's share
Bocaja {prop} :: A barrio of San Salvador, Hidalgo, Mexico
bocajarro {particle} :: only used in a bocajarro
bocamanga {f} :: cuff (of clothing)
bocamina {f} :: entrance to a mine
bocana {f} :: estuary
bocanada {f} :: puff
bocanada {f} :: mouthful, lungful, gulp (usually of an aeriform or gaseous substance)
bocanada {f} [figurative] :: breath
bocanada {f} :: gust
bocanada {f} :: gasp, breath
boca-oreja {m} :: word of mouth
bocarriba {adv} :: alternative spelling of boca arriba
bocata {m} [Spain, colloquial] :: sandwich
bocatería {f} [Spain] :: sandwich bar, sandwich shop
bocatoma {f} :: (water) intake
bocatoreña {f} :: feminine noun of bocatoreño
bocatoreño {adj} :: Of or from Bocas del Toro Province in Panama
bocatoreño {m} :: An inhabitant of Bocas del Toro Province in Panama
bocaza {mf} [rare] :: alternative spelling of bocazas
bocazas {mf} [colloquial, pejorative] :: big mouth, bigmouth, chatterbox (someone who talks too much)
bocel {m} :: A type of cylindrical mould
boceto {m} :: sketch, outline
boceto {m} :: draft
bocha {f} :: bowl (ball thrown in the game of bowls)
bocha {f} [in plural] :: bowls (sport)
bochar {vt} [Latin America] :: to flunk
bochar {v} [bowls] :: to knock away (another bowl)
bochinche {m} [Panama, Puerto Rico] :: Gossip, particularly that which is malicious, spread deliberately with the intention to defame the victim and amuse others, or disseminated by a busybody or meddler
bochinche {m} [Venezuela, Uruguay] :: A social gathering, particularly a lively one
bochinche {m} [Domican Republic] :: The sound or noise resulting from a group of people in an event or party
bochinche {m} :: A tumultuous or riotous situation
bochinche {m} :: A mouthful of food, particularly that which has been masticated
bochinchero {adj} :: rowdy, noisy
bocho {adj} :: brainy; smart
bocho {m} :: brainbox; poindexter; egghead
bochófilo {m} :: boccia player or fan
bochorno {m} [weather] :: hot summer wind
bochorno {m} [weather] :: suffocating heat; swelter
bochorno {m} :: blush (reddened face)
bochornosamente {adv} :: shamefully
bochornoso {adj} :: degrading, shameful
bochornoso {adj} :: sweltering, sultry (hot)
bocina {f} :: horn (loud alarm, especially on a motor vehicle)
bocina {f} :: loudspeaker
bocina {f} [musical instrument] :: horn
bocina {f} :: conch shell (used as a musical instrument))
bocinar {v} :: to honk the horn [on a car]
bocinar {v} :: to speak through a loudspeaker
bocinar {v} :: to play on a horn or conch shell
bocinazo {m} :: honk (sound)
bocinita {f} :: diminutive of bocina
bocio {m} :: goiter
bociógeno {adj} :: goitrogenic
bocón {adj} :: bigmouthed, bragging, boastful
bocón {m} :: bigmouth, blabbermouth, braggart
bocón {m} :: blackfly of the family Simuliidae, found in Central America
boconcito {m} :: diminutive of bocón
bocota {f} :: augmentative of boca, a big mouth
bocoy {m} :: hogshead
boda {f} [often, in the plural] :: wedding
bode {m} :: goat buck
bodega {f} :: cellar
bodega {f} :: winery
bodega {f} :: stockroom, storeroom
bodega {f} [US Spanish] :: corner store owned by Hispanics
bodega {f} [Cuba] :: grocery store (typically owned by the government)
bodega {f} [nautical] :: hold (space in ship)
bodegaje {m} :: storage
bodegón {m} :: still life
bodegón {m} :: augmentative of bodega, a large winery, stockroom or store
bodeguera {f} :: feminine noun of bodeguero
bodeguero {m} :: winemaker (one who produces wine)
bodi {m} :: bodysuit
bodorrio {m} :: small or cheap wedding
bodrio {m} :: piece of junk
body {m} :: bodysuit
bodyboard {m} :: bodyboarding
body combat {m} :: body combat
body step {m} :: body step
BOE {prop} {m} [Spain] :: initialism of Boletín Oficial del Estado
bóer {mf} :: Boer (South African of Dutch descent)
bofe {m} :: lung (of animals)
bofe {m} :: lung (food)
bofedal {m} :: A wetland in an elevated area
bofetada {f} :: a slap in the face
bofetear {v} :: to slap
bofetón {m} :: slap, swat
boga {f} :: a species of ray-finned fish, Leporinus obtusidens
boga {f} :: rowing
boga {mf} :: rower
boga {f} :: vogue
bogador {m} :: rower
bogadora {f} :: feminine noun of bogador
bogar {vi} :: to row
bogavante {m} :: European lobster (Homarus gammarus)
Bogotá {prop} {f} :: Bogotá (capital city)
bogotana {f} :: feminine noun of bogotano
bogotano {adj} :: Bogotan
bogotano {m} :: Bogotan
bohanes {mp} :: Bohán
bohardilla {f} :: alternative spelling of buhardilla
Bohemia {prop} {f} :: Bohemia (region)
bohemio {adj} :: Bohemian (of or pertaining to the region of Bohemia)
bohemio {adj} :: bohemian (unconventional in behavior, appearance or style)
bohemio {m} :: Bohemian (a native or resident of Bohemia)
bohemio {m} :: bohemian (a nonconformist artist or writer who lives an unconventional life)
bohío {m} :: hut
bohrio {m} :: bohrium
boicot {m} :: boycott
boicotear {v} :: to boycott
boicoteo {m} :: boycott
bóiler {m} [Mexico] :: boiler
boina {f} :: beret
boira {f} :: fog
boisense {adj} :: Boisean (of or pertaining to Boise, Idaho)
boisense {mf} :: Boisean (native or resident of Boise, Idaho)
boîte {f} :: nightclub
boj {m} :: box (tree), boxwood
bojar {vt} :: to measure the perimeter of an island
bojar {vt} :: to circumnavigate an island
bojar {vi} :: to have a perimeter
bojear {vt} :: to measure the perimeter of an island
bojear {vt} :: to circumnavigate an island
bojear {vi} :: to have a perimeter
bojeo {m} :: periphery
bol {m} :: bowl
bola {f} :: ball
bola {f} [Dominican Republic, slang] :: hitchhiking, free ride
bola {f} [slang] :: testicle
bola {f} [in the plural] :: balls
bola {f} [ice cream] :: scoop
bola {f} :: hilt (of a sword)
bola {f} [Spain] :: muscle
bolá {particle} :: only used in qué bolá
bolada {f} :: strike of, or with, a ball
bolada {f} :: lucky break
bolada {f} :: opportune moment
bolada {f} :: fib; lie
bola de cristal {f} :: crystal ball (a globe used to foretell the future)
bola de masa {f} :: dumpling, dough ball
bola de nieve {f} :: snowball
bola de tenis {f} :: tennis ball
bola de vidrio {f} :: marble
Bolaños {prop} :: surname
bolardo {m} :: bollard (post preventing vehicles from entering pedestrian area)
bolardo {m} [nautical] :: bollard
bolazo {m} :: big ball; augmentative of bola
bolazo {m} :: hit by a ball, for example a snowball
bolazo {m} :: whopper, tall tale (lie)
bolche {mf} :: (Rio de la Plata, lunfardo) left-wing, commie
bolchevique {mf} :: Bolshevik
bolcheviquismo {m} :: Bolshevism
bolchevismo {m} :: Bolshevism
boldo {f} :: boldo
Bolduque {prop} {f} :: Bolduque (city)
bolear {v} :: to polish
bolear {v} :: to knead
bolear {v} :: to make into balls
bolencia {f} [Honduras] :: drunkenness
bolera {f} :: bowling alley
bolerista {mf} :: Someone who sings or dances boleros
bolero {m} :: bolero (music)
bolero {m} :: bolero (dance)
bolero {m} :: bolero (jacket)
bolero {m} :: bolero musician
boleta {f} [Chile and Peru] :: bill, receipt
boleta {f} [Latin America] :: ticket
boleta {f} [Lunfardo] :: death
boletaje {m} :: ticketing, tickets
boletear {v} [Lunfardo] :: to kill; to murder
boletería {f} [Latin America] :: box office
boletero {m} :: ticket seller
boletín {m} :: bulletin
boletín {m} :: newsletter
boletinar {v} :: to grade (a report)
boletinar {v} :: to blacklist; to put on a wanted list
boletín de noticias {m} :: newsletter
boletín informativo {m} :: newsletter
boleto {m} :: ticket
boleto {m} :: porcini (Boletus edulis)
boleto {m} [in general] :: any bolete mushroom
boli {m} [Spain, colloquial] :: clipping of bolígrafo
boliburguesía {f} [politics, pejorative] :: The people (bourgeois) who became rich through corruption under the Hugo Chavez administration of Venezuela
boliche {m} :: bowling
boliche {m} [Mexico] :: bowling alley
boliche {m} [Argentina] :: small store, small shop
boliche {m} [Argentina] :: bar, disco, club, nightclub
bolichera {f} [Peru] :: fishing boat
bolichera {f} [Argentina, Uruguay] :: clubber (someone who goes to a nightclib)
bolichero {m} [Argentina, Uruguay] :: clubber (someone who goes to a nightclib)
bolichico {m} :: A young rich paty-going Venezuelan businessman
bolidista {adj} :: Of or pertaining to bolidismo
bólido {m} :: racecar
bólido {m} :: speedboat
bólido {m} :: bolide
bolígrafo {m} :: A ballpoint pen
bolígrafo de gel {m} :: gel pen
boliguayo {m} [Argentina, pejorative] :: A poor South American immigrant to Argentina
bolilla {f} [South America] :: marble
bolillero {m} :: pot (object from which items are taken during a lottery-style draw)
bolillito {m} :: diminutive of bolillo
bolillo {m} [regional] :: bread roll
bolillo {m} [Mexico] :: type of bread
bolillo {m} [regional, pejorative] :: Someone of Caucasian race
bolillo {m} :: bobbin
bolín {m} :: jack (for bowls or similar games)
bolín {m} [Lunfardo] :: room
bolina {f} :: bowline
bolindre {m} :: marble (small ball, for games)
bolinga {adj} [colloquial] :: drunk
bolístico {adj} [attributve] :: bowls
bolita {f} :: marble (small spherical ball used as a toy)
bolita {f} :: small ball
bolita {mf} [chiefly Argentina, offensive] :: Bolivian
bolívar {m} :: bolívar
Bolívar {prop} :: surname
Bolívar {prop} :: Simón Bolivar
bolivarense {adj} :: Of or from Bolívar
bolivarense {adj} :: From Bolívar (a province in Ecuador)
bolivarense {adj} :: From Bolívar Department in Colombia
bolivarense {adj} :: From Bolívar, a state in Venezuela
bolivarense {adj} :: From Bolívar Partido, a subdivision of Buenos Aires Province, Argentina
bolivarense {mf} :: Someone from Bolívar
bolivarense {mf} :: From Bolívar (a province in Ecuador)
bolivarense {mf} :: From Bolívar Department in Colombia
bolivarense {mf} :: From Bolívar, a state in Venezuela
bolivarense {mf} :: From Bolívar Partido, a subdivision of Buenos Aires Province, Argentina
bolivarianismo {m} :: Bolivarianism
bolivariano {adj} :: Bolivarian (Of or pertaining to Simón Bolívar.)
bolivarista {adj} :: Typically Bolivian
Bolivia {prop} {f} :: Bolivia (country)
boliviana {f} :: feminine noun of boliviano
bolivianidad {f} :: Bolivianness
bolivianita {m} [mineral] :: bolivianite
bolivianito {m} :: diminutive of boliviano
bolivianización {f} :: Bolivianisation
bolivianizar {v} :: to make Bolivian
boliviano {adj} :: Bolivian
boliviano {m} :: Bolivian
bollera {f} [slang, pejorative, Spain] :: dyke, lez (lesbian)
bollería {f} :: A bakery that sells pastries, such as buns or rolls, usually sweet ones
bollería {f} :: Baked goods made from a yeast-leavened dough or from puff pastry
bollero {m} :: pie or pastry seller or maker
bollito {m} :: diminutive of bollo
bollo {m} :: bun
bollo {m} [in clothing] :: puff, tuft
bollo {m} :: bump on the head
bollo {m} [colloquial] :: confusion, chaos
bollo {m} [colloquial, Cuba] :: vulva
bollo {adj} [colloquial, Spain] :: dyke, lesbian [related to lesbians]
bollo maimón {m} :: A type of cylindrical cake from Salamanca and Zamora, Spain
bollycao {m} :: Chocolate stuffed sweet bun/bread roll
Bollywood {prop} {m} :: Bollywood (Hindi film industry)
bollywoodense {adj} :: Bollywoodian
bollywoodiense {adj} :: Bollywoodian
bolo {m} :: bolus
bolo {m} [in plural] :: bowling
bolo {adj} [colloquial, Central America] :: drunk
bolo {m} [Venezuela, slang] :: A bolívar (Venezuelan unit of currency)
bolo {m} [colloquial] :: gig
bolo {m} [Philippines] :: bolo (long, single-edged machete)
Bolognesi {prop} :: surname
Bolognesi {prop} :: Places named for Francisco Bolognesi
Bolognesi {prop} :: Bolognesi (province)
Bolognesi {prop} :: Bolognesi (district)
bolométrico {adj} :: bolometric
bolon {m} :: bolon (traditional harp)
bolón {m} :: A type of food made from mashed banana
boloñés {adj} :: Bolognese
boloñés {m} :: Bolognese
boloñesa {f} :: feminine noun of boloñés
boloñesa {f} :: bolognese (sauce)
Bolonia {prop} {f} :: Bolonia (province)
Bolonia {prop} {f} :: Bolonia (city)
bolsa {f} :: bag
bolsa {f} :: coin purse
bolsa {f} :: purse, handbag
bolsa {f} [finance] :: stock exchange
bolsa {f} :: pouch (of marsupials)
bolsa {f} [Mexico, Central America, Philippines] :: pocket (in clothing)
bolsa de agua caliente {f} :: hot water bottle
bolsa de cría {f} :: brood pouch
bolsa de hielo {f} [medicine] :: ice pack
bolsa de hielo {f} :: bag of ice
bolsear {v} [colloquial, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico] :: to pickpocket
bolsear {v} [colloquial, Chile] :: to sponge, scrounge
bolsería {f} :: bag making factory
bolsería {f} :: place where bags are sold
bolsero {m} :: oriole (bird)
bolsero {m} :: bagmaker
bolsero {m} :: bag seller
bolsillo {m} :: pocket
bolsillo {m} :: pocketbook (personal resources)
bolsista {mf} :: stock trader
bolsista {mf} [Mexico, Honduras] :: pickpocket
bolsita {f} :: (small) bag
bolsita de té {f} :: teabag
bolsito {m} :: diminutive of bolso
bolso {m} :: purse
bolso {m} :: bag
bolso {m} :: handbag
bolso {m} :: pouch
bolso {m} :: sac, tote
bolsón {m} :: augmentative of bolso; large bag
bolsón {m} :: Baggins [Proper Noun - translation of the surname in The Lord of the Rings series]
bolú {adj} [Rioplatense] :: alternative form of boludo
boludez {f} [Argentina, Uruguay] :: nonsense, bullshit (something that is stupid, dumb)
boludo {adj} [Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, vulgar] :: jackass, moron, immature
boludo {adj} [Argentina, slang, vulgar] :: dude, mate (a friendly term of address)
boludo {adj} [El Salvador] :: wealthy
boludo {adj} [Nicaragua] :: lazy
boludo {adj} [Mexico] :: having the shape of a bola (ball, sphere)
bolver {v} :: obsolete spelling of volver
Bolzano {prop} :: Bolzano (provincial capital)
bomba {f} :: bomb (an explosive device used or intended as a weapon)
bomba {f} :: pump (a device for moving or compressing a liquid or gas)
bomba {f} :: adjustable metal slide used to tune brass instruments
bomba {f} :: lamp globe
bomba {f} :: something unusual producing excitement
bomba {f} :: something extraordinary
bomba {f} :: smash hit
bomba {f} :: high-hat
bomba {f} [Andalucía, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Peru, colloquial] :: drunkenness
bomba {f} [Latin America] :: firecracker
bomba {f} [Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Panama, Venezuela] :: petrol station
bomba atómica {f} :: atomic bomb
bomba caminera {f} :: roadside bomb
bombacha {f} [Rioplatense] :: panties, knickers
bombacho {m} [singular or plural] :: knickerbockers (trousers)
bomba de hidrógeno {f} :: hydrogen bomb
bomba de neutrones {f} :: neutron bomb
bomba de racimo {f} :: cluster bomb
bomba de relojería {f} :: time bomb
bomba fétida {f} :: stinkbomb
bomba guiada {f} :: guided bomb, smart bomb
bomba H {f} :: H-bomb
bomba inteligente {f} :: guided bomb, smart bomb
bomba lacrimógena {f} :: tear bomb
bomba nuclear {f} :: nuclear bomb
bombarda {f} :: bombard
bombardear {v} :: to bomb, to bombard
bombardeo {m} :: bombardment
bombardero {adj} :: bombing
bombardero {m} :: bomber
bombardino {m} :: euphonium
bombástico {adj} :: bombastic
bomba termonuclear {f} :: thermonuclear bomb
Bombay {prop} {m} :: Bombay (megacity/capital)
bombazo {m} :: (high-explosive bomb) blockbuster
bombazo {m} :: explosion from a bomb
bombazo {m} [colloquial] :: bombshell
bombear {v} :: to bomb
bombear {v} :: to cheat
bombear {v} :: to pump
bombeo {m} :: pumping
bombera {f} :: feminine noun of bombero
bomberil {adj} [attributive] :: firefighting; fireman
bombero {m} :: firefighter
bombilla {f} :: diminutive of bomba
bombilla {f} :: light bulb
bombilla {f} :: bombilla, drinking straw
bombillita {f} :: diminutive of bombilla
bombillo {m} [Central America, Colombia] :: light bulb, light globe
bombín {m} :: diminutive of bomba; small air pump
bombín {m} [fashion] :: bowler hat, derby
bombista {f} :: feminine noun of bombisto
bombisto {m} :: bass drum player
bombita {f} :: diminutive of bomba
bombo {adj} [colloquial, of a person] :: reckless
bombo {adj} [Cuba, of liquids] :: having a mild temperature
bombo {adj} [Cuba, of fruit] :: bland, insipid, flavorless
bombo {interj} :: attention!
bombo {m} :: bass drum
bombo {m} :: bass drum player
bombo {m} :: barge
bombo {m} :: noisy or excessive praise
bombo {m} [colloquial] :: the bump (stomach of a pregnant woman)
bombo {m} :: atomic bomb
bombogénesis {f} :: bombogenesis
bombón {m} :: praline, chocolate confection
bombón {m} [Colombia] :: lollipop
bombón {m} [Mexico] :: marshmallow
bombón {m} [figuratively] :: hottie, cutie, dreamboat, stunner, peach (attractive woman or man)
bombona {f} :: bottle, canister (especially for gas)
bomboncito {m} :: diminutive of bombón
bombonera {f} :: sweet jar
bombonería {f} :: candy store (especially chocolate)
bombonita {f} :: diminutive of bombona
bombo y platillo {m} [colloquial] :: fanfare (show of ceremony or celebration)
bonachón {adj} :: good-natured
bonaerense {adj} :: Of the Province of Buenos Aires
bonaerense {mf} :: An inhabitant of the Province of Buenos Aires
bonancible {adj} :: tranquil, calm
bonanza {f} :: good weather
bonanza {f} :: bloom, flourishing
bonapartismo {m} :: Bonapartism
bonapartista {adj} :: Bonapartist
bonapartista {mf} :: Bonapartist
bonche {m} [Latin America] :: party; knees-up
bonchón {m} :: fun-loving person
bonchona {f} :: feminine noun of bonchón
bondad {f} :: goodness
bondad {f} :: good deed
bondad {f} :: affability
bondadosamente {adv} :: kindly; amicably
bondadosísimo {adj} :: superlative of bondadoso
bondadoso {adj} :: kind, bounteous
bondage {m} :: bondage (sexual practice)
Bondhi {prop} :: Bondhi (town)
bondi {m} [dialectal] :: bus
Bondi {prop} :: A colectivo in Buenos Aires, Argentina (Lunfardo argot)
bondiola {f} :: A type of large, boiled, Italian sausage
bonete {m} :: biretta
bonete {m} :: cone-shaped hat, clown hat
bonga {f} [Colombia] :: silk-cotton tree
Bongará {prop} :: Bongará (province)
bongo {m} :: bongo (Tragelaphus eurycerus)
bongo {m} :: large canoe
bongó {m} [musical instruments] :: bongo
bonhomía {f} :: bonhomie
boniatillo {m} [Cuba] :: A sweet potato pudding dish
boniato {m} [Cuba, Uruguay] :: sweet potato
boniato {m} [Spain, colloquial] :: euro
Bonifacio {prop} {m} :: given name
bonificación {f} :: bonus (extra amount of money given as a premium)
bonificación {f} :: bonus point
bonificación {f} :: discount, rebate
bonificador {m} [games] :: bonus point; bonus
bonificar {v} :: refund, reimburse
bonificar {v} :: improve, meliorate (make better)
bonificar {v} :: credit
bonificar {v} :: discount
boñiga {f} :: cow or horse dung
Bonilla {prop} :: surname
bonísimo {adj} :: superlative of bueno
bonista {mf} :: bond holder
bonitamente {adv} :: prettily
bonitamente {adv} :: nicely
bonitamente {adv} :: craftily
bonitísimo {adj} :: superlative of bonito
bonito {adj} :: pretty
bonito {adj} :: nice, lovely, cute, sweet, fine, charming, great
bonito {m} [fish] :: tuna; bonito
bonito {m} [fish] :: skipjack
bono {adj} :: obsolete form of bueno
bono {m} :: bond (bank)
bono {m} :: voucher
bono {m} :: bonus
bonobo {m} :: bonobo
bonometro {m} :: metro pass
bonsai {m} :: bonsai
bonsái {m} :: bonsai
bonus {m} :: bonus
bonzo {m} :: bonze (Buddhist monk)
boogie {m} :: boogy
bookcrossing {m} :: bookcrossing
booktuber {m} :: booktuber
booleano {adj} :: Boolean
boom {m} :: boom (period of prosperity or high market activity)
boomerang {m} :: boomerang
booster {m} :: booster
bootear {v} [computing] :: to boot up, go grey
boquear {v} :: to pronounce
boquear {v} :: to gape
boquear {v} :: to gasp
boquear {v} :: to utter
boquense {adj} [soccer] :: Relating to Boca Juniors, a soccer club based in Buenos Aires
boquense {mf} [soccer] :: Someone connected to Boca Juniors, a soccer club based in Buenos Aires
boquera {f} :: cold sore
boquerón {m} :: anchovy
boqueroncito {m} :: diminutive of boquerón
boquete {m} :: gap, small opening
Boquete {prop} :: surname
boquiabierto {adj} :: open-mouthed (with the mouth open)
boquiabierto {adj} :: open-mouthed (gaping in surprise, wonder or astonishment)
boquifresco {adj} :: outspoken, mouthy
boquilla {f} :: mouthpiece of a wind instrument
boquilla {f} :: cigarette holder
boquilla {f} :: leg opening [in pants or a dress]
boquilla {f} :: nozzle
boquita {f} :: diminutive of boca
boqui toqui {m} :: walkie talkie
borano {m} :: borane
borato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: borate
bórax {m} :: borax
borbollar {v} :: to bubble
borbón {m} :: bourbon
Borbón {prop} :: surname most associated with the House of Bourbon in Spain
borbónico {adj} :: Bourbon
borbónico {m} :: Bourbon
borbotar {v} :: to boil
borbotear {v} :: to bubble, burble
borbotón {m} :: gush, torrent
borbotón {m} :: bubbling
borcego {m} [Argentina] :: strong boot
borceguí {m} [Latin America] :: combat boot
borceguí {m} :: Historical Spanish boot of the Middle Ages
borda {f} [nautical] :: gunwale; rail (of a boat)
bordado {adj} :: embroidered
bordado {adv} :: perfectly
bordado {m} :: embroidery
bordador {m} :: embroiderer
bordadora {f} :: feminine noun of bordador
bordadura {f} :: embroidery
bordar {v} :: to embroider
bordar {v} [colloquial] :: to do something very well
borde {m} :: edge, border, brink, verge, rim, margin
borde {m} :: brim, rim, lip (top edge of a vessel or container)
borde {m} :: side (of the road, highway, freeway, etc.)
borde {m} :: ledge (of a window)
borde {m} :: edging, fringe (shaping or dressing the edge of something)
borde {adj} :: bastard (born out of wedlock)
borde {adj} [colloquial, Spain] :: rude, impertinent
bordeadora {f} :: edger
bordeadora {f} [Argentina] :: trimmer
bordear {v} :: to border
bordelés {adj} :: Of or from Bordeaux
bordelés {m} :: Someone from Bordeaux
bordelesa {f} :: feminine noun of bordelés
bordería {f} :: rude remark or attitude
borderline {mf} [colloquial] :: Someone with borderline personality disorder
bordillo {m} :: kerb [UK], curb [US]
bordo {m} [nautical] :: side, board
bordo {m} [nautical] :: tack
bordo {m} [Latin America] :: ridge
bordo {m} [Latin America] :: dam
bordó {adj} [Argentina] :: maroon in colour
bordó {m} [Argentina] :: The colour maroon
bordón {m} :: staff, cane (stick used for support)
bordonear {v} :: to examine
bordonear {v} :: to hit with a stick
bordonear {v} [music] :: to strum (bass notes)
bordoneo {m} [music] :: strumming
bordura {f} [heraldiccharge] :: bordure
boreal {adj} :: boreal, north, northern
borgeano {adj} :: Borgesian
Borges {prop} :: surname
borgesiano {adj} :: Borgesian
borgiano {adj} :: Borgesian
borgoña {m} :: burgundy
Borgoña {prop} {f} :: Borgoña (region)
borgoñón {adj} :: Burgundian
borgoñón {m} :: Burgundian
borgoñona {f} :: feminine noun of borgoñón
boria {f} :: alternative form of boira
boricado {m} :: boric acid
bórico {adj} :: boric
boricua {adj} [colloquial] :: Puerto Rican
boricua {mf} [colloquial] :: Puerto Rican
borinqueña {f} :: feminine noun of borinqueño
borinqueño {adj} :: Puerto Rican
borinqueño {m} :: Puerto Rican
Borja {prop} {f} :: Borja (town)
Borja {prop} {f} :: surname
borla {f} :: tassel (ball-shaped bunch of plaited or otherwise entangled threads)
borlón {m} :: tassel
borlón {m} :: type of fabric with tassels
borlón {m} [in the plural] :: amaranth
borlote {m} [Mexico] :: fuss; uproar
bornano {m} [organic chemistry] :: bornane
Borneo {prop} :: Borneo
bornita {f} [mineral] :: bornite
boro {m} :: boron
boroana {f} :: feminine noun of boroano
boroano {m} :: Boroano
borojó {m} :: A South American fruit tree, Borojoa patinoi
borona {f} :: millet
borona {f} :: maize; corn
borona {f} :: corn bread
borona {f} [Latin America] :: crumb
borono {m} :: A kind of blood sausage from Cantabria
borono {m} [Basque Country] :: twit; eejit; dunce
borra {f} :: young female sheep
borra {f} :: rough wool
borra {f} :: flock (for mattress)
borra {f} :: stuffing (for cushions)
borra {f} :: cotton waste
borrable {adj} :: deletable
borracha {f} :: wineskin
borracha {f} :: feminine noun of borracho
borrachazo {m} :: augmentative of borracho; drunk
borrachera {f} :: drunkenness
borrachería {f} [dated] :: drunkenness
borrachín {adj} :: drunkard
borrachín {m} :: drunkard, alcoholic
borrachísimo {adj} :: superlative of borracho
borrachito {m} :: diminutive of borracho
borracho {adj} :: drunk
borracho {m} :: drunkard
borracho como una cuba {adj} [colloquial, idiomatic, simile] :: drunk as a skunk
borrachón {m} :: augmentative of borracho
borrachón {adj} :: augmentative of borracho
borrachona {f} :: feminine noun of borrachón
borrachuza {f} :: feminine noun of borrachuzo
borrachuzo {adj} :: often drunken
borrachuzo {m} :: wino; lush; drunk
borrado {adj} :: deleted
borrado {m} :: deletion
borrado {m} :: delete, deletion key
borrador {m} :: eraser, rubber
borrador {m} :: chalkboard eraser
borrador {m} :: draft (an early version of a written work)
borraj {m} :: borax
borraja {f} :: borage
borrajear {v} :: to scribble (words or pictures)
borramiento {m} :: effacement
borrar {v} :: to erase or delete
borrarse {v} :: reflexive of borrar
borrasca {f} :: squall, storm
borrascoso {adj} :: stormy, squally
borrascoso {adj} :: tempestuous
borrega {f} :: feminine noun of borrego
borrego {m} :: A sheep around its second year of age
borrego {m} :: sheep (person)
borrego {m} :: A woolly, white cloud reminiscent of a sheep
borrego cimarrón {m} :: bighorn sheep (species of wild sheep in North America)
borreguera {f} :: shepherdess (of yearling lambs)
borreguero {adj} :: pastoral
borreguero {m} :: shepherd (of yearling lambs)
borreguil {adj} :: Pertaining or relating to sheep
borrén {m} :: pommel (part of saddle)
borrica {f} :: female donkey
borrico {m} :: donkey
borrico {m} :: a stubborn, lazy, or stupid person
Borrillo {prop} :: surname
borriquera {f} :: feminine noun of borriquero
borriquero {m} :: donkey-keeper, donkey-driver, donkey-drover
borriquillo {m} :: diminutive of borrico
borriquito {m} :: diminutive of borrico
borrón {m} :: blot, smudge
borrón {m} :: draft, sketch
borronear {v} :: to blot
borrosidad {f} :: blurriness; fuzziness
borroso {adj} :: blurry, fuzzy (unfocused)
bortsch {m} :: borscht
boruca {f} :: noise, din
boruga {f} [Cuba, Dominican Republic] :: A fermented milk drink similar to yogurt
borujo {m} :: alternative form of burujo
borujo {m} :: obsolete form of orujo
boruro {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: boride
borzoi {m} :: borzoi (dog breed)
bosal {m} :: alternative form of bozal
bosar {v} :: to overflow
boscaje {m} :: thicket
boschista {mf} [politics] :: Supporter of Juan Bosch, president of the Dominican Republic in 1963, as well as the founder of the Dominican Revolutionary Party and the Dominican Liberation Party
boschista {adj} [politics] :: Of or pertaining to Juan Bosch, or his politic beliefs or style
boscoso {adj} :: woody, wooded
Bósforo {prop} {m} :: Bosphorus (a strait that passes through Istanbul)
bosnia {f} :: feminine noun of bosnio
Bosnia {prop} {f} :: Bosnia
bosniaca {f} :: feminine noun of bosniaco
bosníaca {f} :: feminine noun of bosníaco
bosniaco {adj} :: alternative spelling of bosníaco
bosniaco {m} :: alternative spelling of bosníaco
bosníaco {adj} :: Bosniac (of or pertaining to region of Bosnia)
bosníaco {m} :: Bosniac (native or resident of the region of Bosnia; a descendant of the people from the region of Bosnia)
Bosnia-Herzegovina {prop} :: Bosnia-Herzegovina (country)
Bosnia y Herzegovina {prop} :: alternative form of Bosnia-Herzegovina
bosnio {adj} :: Bosnian (of or pertaining to the nation of Bosnia-Herzegovina)
bosnio {m} :: Bosnian (native or resident of the nation of Bosnia-Herzegovina)
bosnioherzegovina {f} :: feminine noun of bosnioherzegovino
bosnioherzegovino {adj} :: pertaining to Bosnia and Herzegovina
bosnioherzegovino {m} :: native or resident of Bosnia and Herzegovina
bosón {m} :: boson
bosón de gauge {m} :: gauge boson
bosón de Higgs {m} :: Higgs boson
bosónico {adj} :: bosonic
bosón W {m} :: W-boson
bosón Z {m} :: Z-boson
bosque {m} :: forest
bosquecillo {m} :: copse, thicket
bosquejar {v} :: to sketch, to adumbrate (create a sketch)
bosquejo {m} :: stub, outline, sketch
bosque ombrófilo {m} :: rainforest
bosquete {m} :: diminutive of bosque
bosquimano {m} :: alternative form of bosquímano
bosquímano {m} :: Bushman
bosta {f} :: manure
bosta {f} :: cowpat
bostezar {v} :: to yawn
bostezo {m} :: yawn (the action of yawning)
Boston {prop} :: Boston (caplc)
bostoniano {adj} :: Bostonian
bostoniano {m} :: Bostonian
bot {m} :: bot (robot)
bota {f} :: wineskin, bota bag; soft pouch, usually suspended from a cord or lanyard, for carrying wine or other beverages (similar to a canteen)
bota {f} :: boot
botadero {m} [Latin America] :: dump; rubbish dump
botadura {f} [nautical] :: launching (of a boat)
botalón {m} :: outrigger
botana {f} :: botana
botana {f} :: appetizer (Mexico)
botana {f} :: snack
Botana {prop} :: surname
botanero {adj} [attributive] :: snack; snacky
botanero {m} :: snack bowl
botanero {m} [Mexico] :: snack bar
botánica {f} :: botany
botánica {f} :: feminine noun of botánico
botánicamente {adv} :: botanically
botánico {adj} :: botanical, botanic
botánico {m} :: botanist
botanista {mf} :: botanist
botanizar {v} :: to botanize
botar {v} :: to bounce
botar {v} [Latin America] :: to throw, throw away
botar {v} [Latin America] :: to fire, dismiss
botarata {adj} [Chile, Colombia, Peru, Puerto Rico] :: wasteful, thriftless, unthrifty
botarate {adj} :: wasteful
botarel {m} [architecture] :: buttress
botarga {f} :: bottarga
botarga {f} :: A type of clownish fancy dress costume or outfit
botarga {f} :: A person who wears the costume
botarga {f} :: A type of old-fashioned trousers or pantaloons
botarse {v} :: reflexive of botar
botavara {f} [nautical] :: boom
botazón {f} :: mass sacking
bote {m} :: boat, dinghy
bote {m} :: vessel, can, canister, container, jar, tin
bote {m} :: jackpot, pot, pool (large cash prize)
botear {v} :: to raise money for charity by getting people to give donations to a collection box
botecillo {m} :: diminutive of bote
botecito {m} :: diminutive of bote
bote de remos {m} :: rowboat
botella {f} :: bottle
botellazo {m} :: hit with a bottle
botellera {f} :: feminine noun of botellero
botellero {m} :: bottle rack
botellero {m} :: bottle maker
botellín {m} :: flask (small bottle)
botellita {f} :: diminutive of botella
botellódromo {m} :: A place where a botellón is held
botellon {m} :: obsolete spelling of botellón
botellón {m} [colloquial, Spain] :: street BYOB party, binge, binge drinking, booze-up (a Spanish activity when people (above all the teenagers and young adults) congregate in public places to socialize while drinking alcohol.)
botellón {m} [colloquial, Mexico] :: demijohn
boteo {m} :: The use of a collection box to raise funds for charity
botepronto {m} :: half-volley
botera {f} :: feminine noun of botero
botero {m} :: bootmaker
botero {m} :: boatsman
bote salvavidas {m} :: lifeboat
botica {f} :: drugstore, pharmacy
botica {f} :: drug, medicament
boticaria {f} :: feminine noun of boticario
boticario {m} :: pharmacist
botija {f} :: jug; vessel
botijo {m} :: botijo
botil {m} :: A type of bean
botillería {f} [Chile, Peru] :: bottle shop, beverage store (store selling alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages)
botillo {m} [regional] :: A cured meat dish, made from bits of pig meat stuffed inside a pig's cecum
botín {m} :: booty, loot, haul
botín {m} :: swag
botinero {adj} [bullfighting] :: Of a bull, mostly white but with black in its extremities
botinero {m} :: A person who makes ankle boots
botiquín {m} :: medicine chest
botiquín {m} :: first aid box
botiquín {m} :: medicine cabinet
botiquita {f} :: diminutive of botica
botita {f} :: little boot
botnet {m} :: botnet
Botnia {prop} {f} :: Bothnia
boto {adj} :: blunt
botón {m} :: button (clothing, mechanical)
botón {m} :: key (on a musical instrument)
botón {m} :: bud (newly formed leaf or flower that has not yet unfolded)
botonadura {f} :: buttoning; buttons [plural]
botonar {v} :: rare form of abotonar
botonazo {m} [fencing] :: hit
botonear {v} [Argentina, colloquial] :: to rat on; to squeal on
botonear {v} [Uruguay, colloquial] :: to pick on
botonera {f} :: panel (of buttons or controls)
botones {m} :: bellboy
botox {m} :: Botox
bótox {m} :: botox
botsuana {f} :: feminine noun of botsuano
Botsuana {prop} {f} :: Botsuana (country)
botsuano {adj} :: Botswanan (of, from or pertaining to Botswana)
botsuano {m} :: Motswana, Botswanan (person)
Botswana {prop} {f} :: Botswana (country)
botswanés {adj} :: Botswanan
botswanés {m} :: Botswanan
botulínico {adj} :: botulinic
botulismo {m} [pathology] :: botulism
bou {m} :: seine fishing
bou {m} :: boat for seine fishing, seiner
Boucher {prop} {mf} :: surname
bouchri {f} [Louisiana] :: butcher's
boulangerie {f} :: boulangerie
bouldering {m} :: bouldering
bouleuterión {m} :: bouleuterion
boulevar {m} :: alternative spelling of bulevar
boulevard {m} :: boulevard
bourbon {m} :: bourbon
bourguibismo {m} :: Bourguibism
boutade {f} :: wisecrack
boutique {f} :: boutique
bóveda {f} [architecture] :: arch (arch-shaped arrangement of trapezoidal stones, designed to redistribute downward force outward, or other similar architectural element)
bóveda {f} [architecture] :: vault (arched roof or ceiling, or a masonry structure supporting and forming this)
bóveda {f} [architecture, El Salvador] :: bridge (construction spanning a divide and allowing for the passage of traffic)
bóveda {f} :: crypt, sepulchre (underground vault, especially one beneath a church that is used as a burial place)
bóveda celeste {f} [idiom, poetic] :: sky
bovedilla {f} [nautical] :: counter stern
bóvido {m} :: Bovid
bovino {adj} :: bovine (of, relating to or resembling cattle)
bovino {m} :: bovine
bowling {m} :: bowling alley
box {m} :: boxing (sport)
box {m} [motor racing] :: pit
box {m} [sports] :: box
boxeador {m} :: boxer
boxeadora {f} :: female boxer
boxear {v} :: to box (the sport)
boxeo {m} :: boxing
boxer {m} [proscribed] :: alternative spelling of bóxer
bóxer {m} :: boxer (a breed of dog)
bóxer {m} [historical] :: Boxer (a participant in the Boxer Rebellion in China)
bóxer {m} :: boxer shorts
bóxers {mp} :: boxer shorts
bóxers {mp} :: plural of bóxer
boxístico {adj} :: Of or pertaining to boxing
boy {m} :: male stripper
boya {f} :: buoy
boyacense {adj} :: of or from Boyacá
boyacense {mf} :: someone from Boyacá
boyal {adj} :: cattle-grazing
boyante {adj} :: buoyant
boyante {adj} :: prosperous, thriving
boyantía {f} :: prosperity
boyar {vi} :: to float
boyardo {m} :: boyar
boyera {f} :: feminine noun of boyero
boyero {m} :: cowherd
Boyero {prop} [constellation] :: Boötes (a constellation)
boza {f} :: boza
bozal {m} :: a muzzle; device to stop an animal from biting
bozal {m} :: a noseband, usually on a horse bridle or halter
bozal {m} :: a bozal or bossale
bozal {adj} :: wild, untamed
bozal {adj} [historical] :: (of a black slave) recently-arrived (in a colony), having been born in Africa
bozal {adj} :: ignorant, simpleminded
bozeria {f} :: obsolete spelling of vocería
bozo {m} :: down [on the upper lip]
bozo {m} :: muzzle, mouth [exterior part of the mouth]
bozo {m} :: halter [for leading horses]
bpd {mp} [abbreviation] :: initialism of barriles por día (barrels per day)
Brabante {prop} {m} :: Brabant (historical region)
bracamante {m} :: falchion
bracamarte {m} :: alternative form of bracamante
bracarense {adj} :: of or from Braga
bracarense {mf} :: Someone from Braga
bracear {v} :: to stroke (while swimming)
bracelete {m} :: bracelet
braceo {m} :: swing, swinging
bracero {m} :: labourer, farmhand, navvy
bracito {m} :: diminutive of brazo
bracket {m} :: bracket (braces)
bracket {m} :: bracket (diagram representing the sequence of games in a sports tournament)
braco {adj} :: pug-nosed
braco {m} :: pointer
braco de Weimar {m} :: Weimaraner
bráctea {f} [botany] :: bract
bracteado {adj} :: bracteate
bracteato {m} :: bracteate (type of coin)
bractéola {f} [botany] :: bracteole
bradicardia {f} :: bradycardia
bradicinina {f} :: bradykinin
bradiquinesia {f} :: bradykinesia
bradiquinina {f} :: bradykinin
braford {m} :: Braford (breed of cattle)
braga {f} :: [also in plural] panty; panties, knickers
braga {f} :: bikini bottom
braga {f} [Venezuela] :: romper, salopette
bragado {adj} [bullfighting] :: Of a bull, having the skin on the crotch a different colour to the rest of the body
Braganza {prop} {f} :: Braganza (district)
Braganza {prop} {f} :: Braganza (city)
bragueta {f} :: fly (strip that hides the opening of trousers/pants or underpants)
bragueta {f} [colloquial] :: zip fastener (fastener used in clothing, bags)
braguetazo {m} [colloquial] :: A marriage between a poor man and a rich woman
braguetazo {m} [colloquial] :: (in the idiom dar el/un braguetazo) to marry money
braguitas {fp} [colloquial, Spain] :: panties
brahman {m} :: Brahman (breed of cattle)
brahmán {m} :: brahman
bráhmana {m} :: brahmin
brahmsiano {adj} :: Brahmsian
braille {prop} {m} :: braille
brainstorming {f} :: brainstorming (method of problem solving)
bralette {m} :: bralette
brama {f} [zoology] :: rut, mating season
bramante {adj} :: bellowing, roaring
bramante {m} :: hemp, twine
bramante {m} :: thin string, wrapping cord
bramante {m} [textile] :: brabant
bramar {v} :: to roar, bellow, trumpet
bramido {m} :: roar
brana {f} :: brane
braña {f} [northern Spain] :: meadow; meadowland
braña {f} [Asturias] :: village populated by Vaqueiros de Alzada
brandada {f} :: brandade
Brandeburgo {prop} {m} :: Brandeburgo (state)
brandeburgués {adj} :: of or from Brandenburg
brandeburgués {m} :: Someone from Brandenburg
brandeburguesa {f} :: feminine noun of brandeburgués
branding {m} [marketing] :: branding
brandy {m} :: brandy
brangus {m} :: Brangus
branquia {f} :: gill
branquial {adj} :: pharyngeal
branquiespina {f} :: gill raker
braqui- {prefix} :: brachy-
braquiación {f} [zoology] :: brachiation (movement by swinging arms between holds)
braquial {adj} :: brachial
braquiblasto {m} :: brachiblast
braquicéfalo {adj} :: brachycephalic (having a head that is short from front to back)
braquigrafía {f} :: The study of abbreviations
braquilogía {f} [rhetoric] :: brachylogy
braquio- {prefix} :: brachio- (relating to the arm)
braquiocefálico {adj} [anatomy] :: brachiocephalic
braquiópodo {m} :: brachiopod
braquioproctal {adj} :: brachioproctic
braquiorradial {m} :: brachioradialis
braquiosáurido {m} :: brachiosaurid
braquiosaurio {m} :: brachiosaur
braquiovaginal {adj} :: brachiovaginal
braquiterapia {f} :: brachytherapy
brasa {f} :: hot coal, ember
brasca {f} :: brasque
Brasca {prop} :: surname
brasear {v} [cooking] :: to braise
braserillo {m} :: diminutive of brasero
brasero {m} :: brazier, heater
brasero {m} [Argentina, Mexico] :: campfire; camp stove, barbecue
brasier {m} [Central America, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Puerto Rico] :: bra
brasiere {f} :: bra, brassiere
brasil {m} :: brazil, brazilwood
Brasil {prop} {m} :: Brasil (country)
brasileña {f} :: feminine noun of brasileño
brasileño {adj} :: Brazilian
brasileño {m} :: Brazilian (person from Brazil)
brasilero {adj} [colloquial] :: Brazilian
brasilero {m} [colloquial] :: Brazilian (person from Brazil)
Brasilia {prop} {f} :: Brasilia (municipality/capital city)
brasinoesteroide {m} [organic compound] :: brassinosteroid
brasserie {f} :: brasserie
brasuca {mf} [Argentina, slang, sometimes, pejorative] :: Brazilian
Bratislava {prop} :: Bratislava (capital city)
bratislavo {adj} :: Bratislavan (of or pertaining to Bratislava, Slovakia)
bratislavo {m} :: Bratislavan (native or resident of Bratislava, Slovakia)
bratwurst {m} :: bratwurst
Braulio {prop} {m} :: given name
bravamente {adv} :: boldly, defiantly
bravata {f} :: bravado, swagger
braveza {f} :: bravery
braveza {f} :: wildness; ferocity
bravío {adj} :: wild, untamed
bravío {adj} :: wild
bravío {adj} :: uncouth
bravío {adj} :: choppy, wild
bravísimo {adj} :: superlative of bravo
bravo {adj} :: angry, furious
bravo {adj} :: bold, courageous
bravo {adj} :: skilful, capable, clever, fine
bravo {adj} :: good, excellent
bravo {adj} :: agitated (sea)
bravo {adj} :: wild (animal)
bravo {interj} [in general use] :: well done!, good show!
bravo {interj} [at the theatre, etc] :: bravo!
Bravo {prop} {m} :: surname
bravucón {m} :: braggart
bravucón {m} :: bully
bravucona {f} :: feminine noun of bravucón
bravuconada {f} :: boast
bravuconería {f} :: synonym of bravuconada
bravura {f} :: courage, boldness, bravery (a display of daring)
bravura {f} :: ferocity, fierceness, wildness
bravura {f} :: anger
bravura {f} :: bravura
Brayan {prop} {m} :: given name of modern usage
braza {f} :: breaststroke
braza {f} [measure] :: fathom About 1.67 metres. Twice a vara
brazada {f} [swimming] :: stroke
brazado {m} :: armful
brazal {m} :: bracelet
brazal {m} :: armlet
brazal {m} :: vambrace
brazalete {m} :: bracelet
brazo {m} [anatomy] :: arm
brazo {m} :: branch, limb (of a tree)
brazo de gitano {m} :: Swiss roll
brazo de mar {m} [geography] :: inlet
brazo derecho {m} [idiom] :: right-hand man
brazo de reina {m} :: Swiss roll
brazo fuerte {m} :: tamandua
Brazzaville {prop} :: Brazzaville (capital city)
brea {f} :: tar, pitch
brea {f} :: tarpaulin
break {m} :: break (pause)
break {m} [tennis] :: break
breakdance {m} :: breakdance; breakdancing
breakdancing {m} :: breakdancing
brear {v} [obsolete, rare] :: to dip in tar (see embrear)
brear {v} :: to abuse, to mistreat
brear {v} :: to make fun of
brebaje {m} :: potion, concoction
brecha {f} :: breach
brecha {f} :: gap, divide, gulf, chasm
brecha {f} :: rift, wedge
brecha {f} :: break, breakthrough [change in circumstance or situation]
brecha {f} :: gash [wound from a cut]
brecha {f} :: impression
brechtiano {adj} :: Brechtian
brécol {m} :: broccoli
brega {f} :: fight; struggle
brega {f} :: joke; play
bregar {v} :: to toil, struggle
bregar {v} [literary] :: to fight
bregar {v} [Puerto Rico] :: to deal with
Brema {prop} {f} :: Brema (capital city)
Brema {prop} {f} :: Brema (state)
breña {f} :: scrub, brush (thick vegetation)
breña {f} :: rough ground
Brenes {prop} :: surname
Brescia {prop} :: Brescia (province)
Brescia {prop} :: Brescia (capital city)
bresciano {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Brescia
bresciano {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Brescia
Breslavia {prop} {f} :: Breslavia (city)
Brest {prop} :: Brest (city)
Brest {prop} :: Brest (city)
Bretaña {prop} {f} :: Bretaña (region)
brete {m} :: an unavoidable and inescapable predicament
brete {m} [Costa Rica] :: job
brete {m} :: difficult situation
bretón {adj} :: Breton
bretón {m} :: Breton (person)
bretón {m} :: Breton (language)
bretona {f} :: feminine noun of bretón
breva {f} :: black fig, breba (first fruit of the fig tree)
breve {adj} :: brief, short
brevedad {f} :: brevity, shortness
brevemente {adv} :: briefly
brevete {m} [Latin America] :: driving licence
breviario {m} :: breviary
breviario {m} :: compendium
brevísimo {adj} :: superlative of breve
brexit {m} [UK politics] :: Brexit
Brexit {prop} {m} :: Brexit
brezal {m} :: moor, heath
brezar {v} [poetic] :: to rock; cradle (a baby)
Brézhnev {prop} {mf} :: Brezhnev (surname)
brezo {m} :: heath
briago {adj} [Mexico] :: drunk
brial {m} :: bliaut; bliaud
Briansk {prop} :: Briansk (oblast)
Briansk {prop} :: Briansk (city/administrative center)
briba {f} :: vagabondage
bribón {adj} :: mischievous
bribón {m} :: rascal, villain, bad guy
bribona {f} :: feminine noun of bribón
bribonada {m} :: trick, mischief
bribonazo {m} :: augmentative of bribón
bribri {m} :: Bribri (language)
bribri {mf} :: Bribri
bribri {adj} :: Bribri
BRIC {prop} :: BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, and China)
bricbarca {m} [nautical] :: barque
brichera {f} :: feminine noun of brichero
brichero {m} :: a person from the Andes, especially Peru, who attempts to seduce Americans and Europeans in order to get a visa or ticket to the United States or Europe
bricolaje {m} :: bricolage
bricolaje {m} :: do-it-yourself handicraft
brida {f} :: bridle
brida {f} :: cable tie
bridar {v} :: to truss, tie with twine
bridge {m} [card games] :: bridge (card game)
Bridgetown {prop} :: Bridgetown (capital city)
bridón {m} :: bridoon
brie {m} :: brie (variety of French cheese)
briefing {m} :: briefing
brigada {f} :: team, squad (organized group)
brigada {f} [military] :: brigade, a large military unit, smaller than a division, consisting of several regiments or battalions
brigadier {m} :: brigadier
brigadista {mf} :: brigadista
brigante {m} :: brigand, bandit
brigantina {f} :: brigandine
brígido {adj} [Chile, colloquial] :: terrible
brígido {adj} [Chile, colloquial] :: dangerous, difficult
brik {m} :: plastic-cardboard container
brillante {adj} :: bright, brilliant, lustrous, shiny, glowing, sparkly, glittering, glossy
brillante {adj} :: excellent, outstanding, exemplary, scintillating
brillante {m} :: diamond
brillantemente {adv} :: brilliantly
brillantez {f} :: brilliance
brillantina {f} :: brilliantine
brillantísimo {adj} :: superlative of brillante
brillar {v} :: to shine
brillar {v} :: to glow
brillar {v} :: to sparkle, glisten, glitter, twinkle
brillar por su ausencia {v} [idiomatic] :: to be conspicuously absent
brillito {m} :: diminutive of brillo
brillo {m} :: shine, glow, radiance
brillo {m} :: brightness, brilliance, shininess, éclat
brillo {m} :: sheen, luster, gleam, glitter, gloss, sparkle, glistening, glint
brilloso {adj} [Latin America] :: shiny
brincar {vi} :: to jump around, leap about, bounce (to repeatedly propel oneself rapidly upward)
brincar {vi} :: to frolic, gambol (to move about playfully and uninhibitedly)
brinco {m} :: jump, hop
brindar {v} :: to toast, drink a toast to
brindar {v} :: to offer, provide
brindis {m} :: toast (e.g., to one’s health)
brío {m} :: vigour, mettle, zest, zeal
briofita {f} [botany] :: bryophyte
briofito {m} :: alternative form of briófito
briófito {m} [botany] :: bryophyte
brióloga {f} :: feminine noun of briólogo
briología {f} [botany] :: bryology
briólogo {m} :: bryologist
Briones {prop} :: Briones (municipality)
Briones {prop} :: surname, the 385th most common in Mexico
briosamente {adv} :: lively; zealously
brioso {adj} :: lively, energetic, zestful
briozoo {m} [zoology] :: bryozoan
briquet {m} [Colombia] :: lighter
briqueta {f} :: briquette
brisa {f} :: breeze
Brisbane {prop} :: Brisbane (capital)
brisbanita {adj} :: Brisbanite (of or pertaining to Brisbane, Queensland, Australia)
brisbanita {m} :: Brisbanite (native or resident of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia)
brisca {f} [card games] :: A card game similar to briscola
bristolense {adj} :: Bristolian (of or pertaining to Bristol, South West England)
bristolense {mf} :: Bristolian (native or resident of Bristol, South West England)
britana {f} :: feminine noun of britano
británica {f} :: feminine noun of británico
británico {adj} :: British (from or native to Britain, in both the historical and modern senses)
británico {adj} :: British (pertaining to Britain)
británico {m} :: Briton
britanizar {v} :: to Britishify
britano {adj} [literary] :: British
britano {m} [literary] :: Briton
british {adj} :: British
britón {m} :: Briton (Celt)
britona {f} :: feminine noun of britón
britónico {adj} :: Brythonic
britpop {m} :: Britpop
brizar {v} :: to rock; cradle (a baby)
brizna {f} :: blade (of grass etc.)
brizna {f} :: little bit, grain
broca {f} :: drill bit
brocado {m} :: brocade
brocal {m} :: parapet (of well)
brocha {f} :: paintbrush, brush (usually thicker than a pincel)
brochante {adj} [heraldry] :: Having a charge overlying a semé field, or generally any charge overall
brochazo {m} [painting] :: dab with a brush
broche {m} :: clasp, brooch
broche {m} :: paperclip
broche {m} :: cuff link, cufflink
broche {m} :: punch line (final, concluding statement)
broche {m} [Argentina] :: clothes peg
brocheta {f} :: skewer
brochito {m} :: diminutive of broche
brocho {adj} [bullfighting] :: Having very short horns
brócoli {m} :: broccoli
bróculi {m} :: broccoli
bróder {m} [Central America, slang] :: bro (close friend)
broker {m} :: alternative spelling of bróker
bróker {mf} :: broker, stockbroker
bróker {mf} :: realtor
broli {m} [vesre] :: book
broma {f} :: joke, prank, practical joke
broma {f} :: banter [plural]
broma {f} [zoology] :: shipworm
bromación {f} :: bromination
bromas las justas {phrase} :: It's no laughing matter
bromato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: bromate
bromatología {f} :: bromatology
bromazo {m} :: stupid joke
bromear {v} :: to fool; to trick
bromear {v} :: to joke
bromelia {f} :: bromeliad
bromeliácea {f} :: bromeliad
bromelina {f} [enzyme] :: bromelain
bromista {adj} :: joking
bromista {mf} :: joker, one who jokes
bromita {f} :: diminutive of broma
bromo {m} :: bromine
bromo {m} :: brome
bromobenceno {m} [organic compound] :: bromobenzene
bromocriptina {f} :: bromocriptine
bromoformo {m} [chemistry] :: bromoform
bromometano {m} [organic compound] :: bromomethane
bromosuccinimida {f} [organic compound] :: bromosuccinimide
bromuro {m} :: bromide (chemistry: binary compound of bromine and another element)
bronca {f} :: hassle, dispute, quarrel, argument
bronca {f} :: reprimand, earful
bronca {f} [Mexico] :: problem
bronce {m} :: bronze
bronceador {m} :: suntan lotion
bronceador {adj} :: tanning
bronceadora {f} :: feminine noun of bronceador
broncear {v} :: to tan, bronze
broncearse {v} :: to become brown
broncearse {v} :: to tan
broncíneo {adj} [formal] :: bronzed; bronze-coloured
broncista {mf} :: bronzesmith
bronco- {prefix} :: broncho-
bronco {adj} :: harsh, sharp (of a sound)
broncoaspiración {f} :: bronchoaspiration
broncoconstricción {f} [medicine] :: bronchoconstriction
broncodilatación {f} [medicine] :: bronchodilation
broncodilatador {m} :: bronchodilator
broncoespasmo {m} [pathology] :: bronchospasm
bronconeumonía {f} :: bronchopneumonia
broncopulmonar {adj} :: bronchopulmonary
broncoscopia {f} :: bronchoscopy
broncoscopía {f} :: alternative form of broncoscopia
broncoscopio {m} :: bronchoscope
bronquial {adj} :: bronchial
bronquiectasia {f} [pathology] :: bronchiectasis
bronquio {m} :: bronchus
bronquiolitis {f} :: bronchiolitis
bronquiolo {m} :: bronchiole
bronquitis {m} :: bronchitis
broquel {m} :: buckler (shield)
brotación {f} :: budding; sprouting
brotar {v} :: to bud or sprout, to spring, spring up
brote {m} [botany] :: sprout, bud
brote {m} [figurative] :: outbreak (of a disease), flare-up
Broussard {prop} :: surname
browniano {adj} :: Brownian
brownie {m} :: brownie
browser {m} :: browser
broza {f} :: brushwood
brucelosis {f} :: brucellosis
bruces {fp} [archaic] :: knees
brucio {adj} :: Bruttian
brucio {m} :: Bruttian
brucita {f} [mineral] :: brucite
bruja {f} :: witch, sorceress (woman who practices witchcraft)
bruja {f} :: specifically, a Wiccan
bruja {f} :: crone, hag (ugly, evil-looking, or frightening old woman)
bruja {f} :: owl (bird of prey of the order Strigiformes)
bruja {f} :: knifetooth dogfish (shark species Scymnodon ringens)
Brujas {prop} {m} :: Brujas (capital city)
brujería {f} :: sorcery, witchcraft
brujería {f} :: a spell
brujeril {adj} :: witch [attributive]
Brujilda {f} [colloquial, Latin America] :: ugly woman
brujilla {f} :: diminutive of bruja
brujita {f} :: diminutive of bruja
brujita {f} :: Term of affection for a wife or girlfriend
brujo {m} :: a male witch, warlock, sorcerer
brujo {m} :: a male Wiccan
brújula {f} :: compass
Brújula {prop} :: Pyxis (constellation)
brujulear {vi} :: to wander, walk aimlessly
brujulear {vt} [colloquial, rare] :: to infer, determine from context
brulote {m} :: fire ship
bruma {f} :: haze, especially costal fog or haar
bruma {f} [archaic] :: winter
brumación {f} :: brumation
brumario {m} :: Brumaire
brumoso {adj} :: misty, foggy, especially with costal fog or haar
brunch {m} :: brunch
bruneana {f} :: feminine noun of bruneano
bruneano {adj} :: Bruneian
bruneano {m} :: Bruneian
Brunéi {prop} :: Brunei
Brunilda {prop} {f} :: given name
bruñir {v} :: to burnish
bruno {adj} :: dark brown
brunonia {f} :: Any plant of the genus Brunonia
bruscamente {adv} :: suddenly, brusquely
bruschetta {f} :: bruschetta (Italian bread topped with garlic and tomatoes)
brusco {adj} :: sudden, brusque
brusco {adj} :: rough, careless
Bruselas {prop} {f} :: Bruselas (capital city)
bruselense {adj} :: Bruxellois, Brusselaar, of or from Brussels
bruselense {mf} :: Bruxellois, Brusselaar, someone from Brussels
bruselita {f} :: Brussels sprout
brusquedad {f} :: brusqueness
brusquedad {f} :: coarseness
brutal {adj} :: brutal
brutalidad {f} :: brutality
brutalista {adj} :: brutalist
brutalista {mf} :: brutalist
brutalizante {adj} :: brutal
brutalizar {vt} :: to brutalize
brutalmente {adv} :: brutally
brutalmente {adv} :: extremely
bruto {adj} :: ignorant, stupid
bruto {adj} :: uncouth, clumsy
bruto {m} :: brute
bruto {m} :: ignorant, stupid person
bruto {m} :: uncouth person
Bruto {prop} {m} :: Brutus (Roman cognomen)
bruxismo {m} :: bruxism (grinding of the teeth)
BS {prop} {f} [Mexico] :: initialism of Baja California Sur
Bs. As. {prop} {f} :: abbreviation of Buenos Aires
BTT {n} :: mountain bike
búbalo {m} :: water buffalo
bubi {adj} :: Bubi
bubi {mf} :: Bubi
bubi {m} :: Bubi (language)
bubón {m} :: bubo
bubónico {adj} :: bubonic
bucal {adj} :: buccal
bucal {adj} :: oral
Bucalemo {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Bucalemu, Bucalemo (town)
Bucalemu {prop} {m} :: Bucalemu (town)
bucanero {m} :: buccaneer
bucaramato {m} :: The impeachment of Abdalá Bucaram as president of Ecuador, in 1997
bucardo {m} :: Pyrenean ibex
Bucarest {prop} {m} :: Bucarest (capital city)
bucarestina {f} :: feminine noun of bucarestino
bucarestino {adj} :: Bucharestian, Bucharester (of or pertaining to Bucharest, Romania)
bucarestino {m} :: Bucharester (native or resident of Bucharest, Romania)
búcaro {m} :: clay
búcaro {m} :: clay jug or vase
bucatini {m} :: bucatini
buccinador {m} :: buccinator
buceador {adj} :: diving
buceador {m} :: diver (someone who dives underwater)
bucear {v} :: to dive, to swim under water
bucear {v} :: to snorkel
bucear {v} :: to work as a diver
bucear {v} [figuratively] :: to delve into
bucear {v} [slang, Venezuela] :: to ogle, to check out, to watch (e.g. an attractive person)
Bucéfalo {prop} {m} :: Bucephalus (the horse of Alexander the Great)
buceo {m} :: diving
buceo {m} :: dive
buchada {f} :: A Brazilian stew made with goat entrails
buche {m} [ornithology, anatomy] :: crop (pouch-like part of the alimentary tract of some birds)
buche {m} [literary] :: belly
buche {m} :: mouthful
buchito {m} :: diminutive of buche
buchón {m} :: pouter (pigeon)
bucle {m} :: lock of hair
bucle {m} :: loop
bucodental {adj} :: oral (of the mouth)
bucólico {adj} :: bucolic (rustic, pastoral)
buda {m} :: Buddha
buda {m} :: bulrush (Typha latifolia)
Buda {prop} {m} :: Buddha
Budapest {prop} {m} :: Budapest (capital city)
budare {m} [Venezuela] :: Smooth flat griddle used to cook arepas or cazabe
budeidad {f} :: Buddhahood
búdico {adj} :: Buddhic
budín {m} [Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Panamá, Paraguay, Perú, Puerto Rico, Uruguay, parts of Mexico, parts of Spain] :: [desserts] pudding (sweet or salty)
budincito {m} :: diminutive of budín
budismo {m} :: Buddhism
budista {adj} :: Buddhist
budista {mf} :: Buddhist
buelo {m} [childish] :: pops (grandpa)
buena estrella {f} :: lucky star
buena fama hurto encubre {proverb} :: You can get away with murder if you've built up a reputation of being honest
buena fe {f} :: goodwill, good faith, bona fides
buena gente {f} :: good person
buenamente {adv} :: easily
buenamente {adv} :: best
buenamente {adv} :: willingly
buena onda {adj} [Chile, Argentina, Mexico, slang] :: cool, having good vibes
buena onda {f} :: good vibe
buen apetito {interj} :: enjoy your meal; bon appetit!
buena proa {phrase} [nautical] :: smooth sailing; happy sailing
buenas {interj} [Spain, slang] :: hello, hi
buenas noches {interj} :: good evening
buenas noches {interj} :: good night
buenas tardes {interj} :: good evening; good afternoon
buena suerte {interj} :: good luck
buenaventura {f} :: Good fortune
Buenaventura {prop} {f} :: surname
buena voluntad {f} :: goodwill, good will
buena voluntad {f} :: willingness
buena voluntad {f} [archaic] :: good graces, best efforts, good intentions [in the plural]
buenazo {adj} :: good-natured
buen día {phrase} :: good morning
Buendía {prop} :: surname
buenecito {m} :: diminutive of bueno
buenfuego {prop} {m} :: Beltane, the Wiccan bonfire celebration
buen gusto {m} :: good taste; preference for beautiful, aesthetic or artistic things
buen gusto {m} :: preference for beautiful or attractive people
buenísimo {adj} :: superlative of bueno; very good
buenismo {m} :: do-goodism
buenista {mf} [derogatory] :: do-gooder (someone who supports buenismo)
buenista {adj} [derogatory] :: do-goodist
bueno {adj} :: good
bueno {adj} :: fine
bueno {interj} :: okay; fine
bueno {interj} [used at the start of a phrase] :: well; a short pause in a sentence
bueno {interj} [interrogatively, Mexico] :: Expression used when answering the phone, often with the pronunciation /bweˈno/, rather than /ˈbweno/
Bueno {prop} :: surname
buenón {adj} :: hunky
buenón {adj} :: smoking hot
buenón {m} [slang] :: hunk (attractive man)
buenorro {adj} :: sexy, hot; well-built; toned (especially sexually)
Buenos Aires {prop} :: Buenos Aires (capital city)
Buenos Aires {prop} :: Buenos Aires (province)
buenos días {interj} :: good day, good morning
buen pan {m} [Dominican Republic] :: breadfruit
buen provecho {phrase} :: bon appétit, enjoy your meal
buen rato {phrase} [literal] :: a long while
buen rato {phrase} :: good time
buenrollismo {m} [Spain, colloquial] :: relentless positivity; relentless good vibes; relentless optimism
buenrollismo {m} [Spain, colloquial] :: good vibes
buen samaritano {m} [Christianity, biblical] :: Good Samaritan
buen samaritano {m} [figuratively] :: good samaritan
buen viaje {phrase} :: bon voyage!; enjoy your trip!
buey {m} :: ox, bullock, steer
buey {m} [Mexico, colloquial slang] :: guy, dumb, dude (depends on context and intonation, also denotes surprise, colloquially pronounced güey)
buey {m} [Mexico, colloquial slang] :: cuckold
buey {m} [Puerto Rico] :: packet, arm and a leg (large amount of money)
buey almizclero {m} :: musk ox
buey del Pacífico {m} :: Dungeness crab
buey de mar {m} :: brown crab (Cancer pagurus)
bueyera {f} :: feminine noun of bueyero
bueyero {adj} [attributive] :: oxen; cattle
bueyero {m} :: oxherd
buey viejo surco derecho {proverb} :: an old broom knows the corners
buf {interj} :: expresses unpleasantness
búfala {f} :: female buffalo
bufalino {adj} [attributive] :: buffalo
búfalo {m} :: buffalo (Old World bovine)
búfalo {m} :: buffalo, the American bison
búfalo de agua {m} :: water buffalo
bufanda {f} :: scarf
bufar {v} :: to snort (to exhale roughly through the nose)
bufarda {f} [regional, Spain] :: vent
bufeo {m} [Central America] :: dolphin
búfer {m} :: buffer
bufet {m} :: alternative spelling of buffet
bufete {m} :: lawyer's office
Buffalo {prop} :: Buffalo (city)
buffer {m} [computing] :: buffer
buffet {m} :: buffet
Buffyverso {m} :: Buffyverse
bufido {m} :: snort (sound of an angry bull, person, etc.)
bufón {m} :: jester
bufonada {f} :: antic, clowning
bufonear {v} :: to jest, clown
bufonesco {adj} :: funny, clownish
bufónico {adj} :: buffoonic
bug {m} [computing] :: bug
buga {mf} [Mexico, colloquial] :: heterosexual (person)
buga {adj} [Mexico, colloquial] :: Of or pertaining to heterosexuality
buga {m} [Spain, colloquial] :: automobile
buganvilia {f} [chiefly Latin America] :: bougainvillea
buganvilla {f} [chiefly Spain] :: bougainvillea
bugarrón {m} [regional, Caribbean] :: a man who engages in sexual intercourse with other men, where he is always the penetrator, and typically does not consider himself to be gay
buharda {f} :: attic, loft
buhardilla {f} :: attic, loft
buhardilla {f} :: dormer window
buharro {m} :: the scops owl, Otus scops
búho {m} :: owl, eagle owl (any species of owl from the Strigidae family)
búho {m} [colloquial] :: informant, a squealer
búho cornudo {m} :: great horned owl (Bubo virginianus)
buhonera {f} :: peddler
buhonería {f} :: tack; junk; bits and bobs
buhonero {m} :: peddler
búho real {m} :: Eurasian eagle-owl (Bubo bubo)
Buin {prop} {m} :: Buin (city)
buitre {m} :: vulture (carrion-eating bird of the families Accipitridae or Cathartidae)
buitrear {v} [colloquial, Chile, Peru, Bolivia] :: to vomit
buitre leonado {m} :: griffon vulture
buitre negro {m} :: Eurasian black vulture
buitrero {adj} [attributive] :: vulture
buitrero {m} :: vulture hunter
buitrón {m} :: fish-trap
buitrón {m} :: Fishing net
Bujará {prop} {f} :: Bukhara (Bujará (city))
bujariano {adj} :: Bukharan
bujarra {m} [colloquial] :: queer, faggot
bujarrón {m} [pejorative, vulgar, Spain] :: sodomite
buje {m} :: axle box; bushing
buje {m} :: hub
bujeba {adj} :: Bujeba; Kwasio
bujeba {mf} :: Bujeba; Kwasio
bujía {f} :: spark plug (device that forms a high-voltage spark for fuel ignition)
bujía {f} :: candle
bukake {m} :: bukkake
bula {f} :: bull (document)
bula {f} :: strength
bula papal {f} :: papal bull
bula pontificia {f} :: papal bull
bulaqueño {adj} :: Bulaqueño; of, or pertaining to Bulacan
bulaqueño {m} :: Bulaqueño
bulbillo {m} :: bulbil
bulbo {m} [botany] :: bulb
bulbocavernoso {m} :: bulbospongiosus
bulboesponjoso {m} :: bulbospongiosus
bulboso {adj} :: bulbous (having the shape of a bulb)
bulboso {adj} [botany] :: bulbous (growing from or producing bulbs)
bulbul {m} :: bulbul
bulder {m} :: bouldering
búlder {m} :: bouldering
buldócer {m} :: bulldozer
buldog {m} :: alternative spelling of bulldog
bulear {v} :: to bully
bulería {f} :: A fast flamenco rhythm
bulevar {m} :: boulevard
búlgara {f} :: feminine noun of búlgaro
Bulgaria {prop} {f} :: Bulgaria (country)
búlgaro {adj} :: Bulgarian (from or native to Bulgaria)
búlgaro {adj} :: Bulgarian (pertaining to Bulgaria)
búlgaro {m} :: a Bulgarian
búlgaro {m} :: the Bulgarian language
bulgur {m} :: bulgur
bulimia {f} :: bulimia
bulímico {adj} :: bulimic
bulín {m} [Argentina] :: bachelor pad
bulín {m} [Argentina] :: room (used for sex); room in a brothel
bulín {m} :: bowline
bulla {f} :: rowdiness, racket, ruckus
bulla {f} [Andalusia] :: urgence
bullado {adj} [Chile, Peru, Ecuador] :: rowdy
bullanga {f} :: fuss
bullanguero {adj} :: lively, rowdy
bullanguero {m} :: lively, rowdy person
bulldog {m} :: bulldog
bulldozer {m} :: bulldozer
bullebulle {mf} :: busybody, nosey parker
bullectomía {f} :: bullectomy
bullente {adj} :: ebullient
bullerengue {m} :: An African-styled music style and dance from Panama
bullicio {m} :: racket, clamor
bulliciosamente {adv} :: boisterously, tumultuously
bullicioso {adj} :: tumultuous
bullidor {adj} :: antsy; twitchy
bullir {vi} :: to boil (to begin to turn into a gas)
bullir {vi} :: to boil, to bubble, to churn (to be agitated like boiling water; to bubble; to effervesce)
bullir {vi} :: to bustle (to move busily and energetically)
bullir {v} [figurative] :: to bubble, to bubble up, to well up (to churn or foment, as if wishing to rise to the surface)
bullir {vi} :: to teem, to abound
bullir {vt} :: to move, to budge (part of one's body)
bullpen {m} [baseball] :: bullpen
bully {m} :: bully
bullying {m} :: bullying
bulo {m} :: canard, hoax (false or misleading report or story, especially if deliberately so)
bulto {m} :: bulge
bulto {m} :: lump, volume or an indeterminate object
bulto {m} :: piece of luggage
bululú {m} :: Solo performance comedian that travels around the country doing impressions
bululú {m} :: hubbub, noise, crowded place
bum {interj} :: boom [used to suggest the sound of an explosion]
bum {interj} :: boom [used to suggest something happening suddenly and unexpectedly]
bumangués {adj} :: Of or from the city of Bucaramanga, Colombia
bumangués {m} :: An inhabitant of the city of Bucaramanga, Colombia
bumanguesa {f} :: feminine noun of bumangués
bumerán {m} :: boomerang
búmeran {m} [Argentina, Ecuador, Mexico] :: alternative form of bumerán
bumerang {m} :: boomerang
bumper {m} :: bumper of a car
bungaló {m} :: alternative form of bungalow
bungalow {m} :: bungalow
búngaro {m} :: krait, a genus of venomous elapid snakes
bungy {m} :: bungee jumping
bungy jumping {m} :: bungee jumping
bunker {m} :: bunker
búnker {m} :: bunker
búnker {m} [historical, politics] :: The far-right movement in Spain in the 1970s and early 1980s that opposed reform in favor of preserving Francoist policies
buñueliano {adj} :: of or pertaining to the style of Luis Buñuel, a Spanish filmmaker
buñuelo {m} :: beignet (type of donut)
buprenorfina {f} :: buprenophrine
bupropión {m} [pharmaceutical drug] :: bupropion
buque {m} :: ship, vessel
buqué {m} :: bouquet (of wine)
buquecillo {m} :: diminutive of buque
buque cisterna {m} :: tanker ship
buque de guerra {m} :: warship
buque insignia {m} :: flagship
buquet {m} :: bouquet
burbuja {f} :: bubble
burbuja {f} [economy] :: bubble (period of intense speculation)
burbuja {f} [economy] :: excessive value due to speculation
burbuja especulativa {f} :: economic bubble
burbujeante {adj} :: bubbly, fizzy
burbujear {v} :: to bubble
burbujita {f} :: diminutive of burbuja; little bubble
burdamente {adv} :: coarsely, crudely
burdégano {m} :: hinny
burdel {m} :: brothel, whorehouse
burdelito {m} :: little brothel
burdeos {adj} :: burgundy
burdeos {m} :: burgundy colour
burdeos {m} :: Bordeaux wine
Burdeos {prop} {m} :: Burdeos (capital city)
Burdigaliano {prop} {m} :: Burdigalian
Burdigaliense {prop} {m} :: Burdigalian
burdo {adj} :: coarse, rough
burdo {adj} :: crude
burdo {adj} :: rude, uncouth
burel {adj} [bullfighting] :: reddish-brown [said of a bull]
burel {m} [heraldry] :: bar
burelete {m} [heraldry] :: torse
burén {m} [Caribbean] :: metal griddle
bureo {m} :: entertainment; fun; party
bureta {f} :: burette
burgalés {adj} :: Of, from or pertaining to Burgos (city and province of Spain)
burgalés {m} :: A person from Burgos (city and province of Spain)
burgalesa {f} :: feminine noun of burgalés
burgés {adj} [archaic] :: bourgeois
burgés {m} [archaic] :: bourgeois
burgesa {f} :: feminine noun of burgés
burgo {m} :: burg
burgo {m} :: city
burgomaestre {m} :: burgomaster
Burgos {prop} {m} :: Burgos (province)
Burgos {prop} {m} :: Burgos (city)
burguer {m} :: burger
burgués {adj} :: bourgeois
burgués {m} :: bourgeois
burguesa {f} :: feminine noun of burgués
burguesía {f} :: bourgeoisie
Burgundia {prop} {f} [historical] :: Burgundy (historical kingdom)
burgundio {m} :: Burgundian (person)
burgundio {m} [uncountable] :: Burgundian (language)
burgundio {adj} :: Burgundian
buriata {f} :: feminine noun of buriato
Buriatia {prop} {f} :: Buryatia
buriato {adj} :: Buryat
buriato {m} :: Buryat
buril {m} :: burin
Buril {prop} :: Caelum
burilación {f} :: engraving
burilar {v} :: to engrave
burka {m} :: burka or burqa
Burkina Faso {prop} :: Burkina Faso (country)
burkinés {adj} :: Burkinabe, Burkinese
burkinés {m} :: Burkinabe, Burkinese
burkinesa {f} :: feminine noun of burkinés
burkini {m} :: burkini
burla {f} :: mockery, taunt, ridicule
burla {f} :: prank
burladero {m} [bullfighting] :: a protective barrier behind which people in the bullring protect themselves from the bull
burlador {m} :: libertine (man with loose morals)
burlanda {f} :: distillers grain
burlar {vt} :: to outwit, to outsmart, to circumvent, to trick, to deceive
burlar {vt} :: to circumvent, to evade, to cheat
burlar {vr} :: to make fun of, to poke fun at, to mock, to ridicule, to jeer (+ de)
burlar {vr} :: to taunt, to tease (often uses de)
burlar {vr} :: to scoff, to scoff at (+ de)
burlarse {vr} [with de] :: to deceive oneself
burlarse {vr} :: to ridicule; to mock
burlatarra {adj} :: Of or from Burlada
burlatarra {mf} :: Someone from Burlada
burlería {f} :: jest, jeer
burlescamente {adv} :: in a burlesque manner
burlesco {adj} :: teasing, mocking
burlesco {m} :: burlesque
burlete {m} :: weatherstrip, draft excluder
burlón {adj} :: mocking
burlón {m} :: mocker, joker
burlonamente {adv} :: mockingly
burmés {m} :: Burmese (cat)
buró {m} :: writing desk
buró {m} [Mexico] :: A nightstand
burocracia {f} [politics] :: bureaucracy
burócrata {mf} :: bureaucrat
burocráticamente {adv} :: bureaucratically
burocrático {adj} :: bureaucratic
burocratismo {m} :: a bureaucratic attitude
burocratización {f} :: bureaucratization
burocratizar {v} :: to bureaucratize
burofax {m} [Spain] :: A type of registered fax
burpee {m} :: burpee
burqa {m} :: burqa or burka
burra {f} :: jenny, jenny-ass, she-ass
burra {f} [colloquial] :: bicycle
burrada {f} [colloquial] :: nonsense, bullshit
burrera {f} :: mule driver
burrera {f} :: someone who sells vegetables from the back of a mule
burrerita {f} :: diminutive of burrera
burricie {f} :: dimwittedness, idiocy
burrillo {m} :: diminutive of burro
burrito {m} :: diminutive of burro
burrito {m} :: burrito
burro {m} :: donkey, especially one used as a pack animal
burro {m} [slang] :: a dunce, an idiot
burro {m} [slang, figuratively] :: a well hung man
burro {m} :: sawhorse
burro {m} :: old maid (card game)
burro {m} :: burrito
burro {adj} [colloquial] :: stupid, foolish
burro {adj} [colloquial] :: brutish
burro {adj} [colloquial] :: horny
burro {adj} [colloquial, euphemistic, of a man] :: well-endowed
bursa {f} [anatomy] :: bursa
bursátil {adj} [attributive] :: stock market
bursitis {f} :: bursitis
burujo {m} :: lump
burujo {m} :: alternative form of orujo
burundanga {f} :: burundanga
burundés {adj} :: Burundian
burundés {m} :: Burundian
burundesa {f} :: feminine noun of burundés
Burundi {prop} {m} :: Burundi
bus {m} :: clipping of autobús; bus
Busán {prop} :: Busan
busardo {m} :: Any of a number of different buzzards
busardo de Hawái {m} :: Hawaiian hawk
busardo moro {m} :: long-legged buzzard
busca {f} :: search (an attempt to find something)
busca {m} :: pager (a wireless telecommunications device that receives text or voice messages)
buscadísimo {adj} :: superlative of buscado
buscador {adj} :: searching, scouting
buscador {m} :: seeker
buscador {m} :: prospector
buscador {m} [internet] :: search engine
buscaminas {m} :: synonym of barreminas
buscapalabras {f} :: word search
buscapersonas {m} :: pager (a wireless telecommunications device that receives text or voice messages)
buscapleitos {mf} [Latin America, colloquial] :: troublemaker, shit-stirrer
buscapleitos {mf} [colloquial, pejorative] :: shark lawyer
buscar {v} :: to seek, search for, look for, try to find
buscar {v} :: to fetch, get, pick up
buscar {vr} :: to bring on (oneself), to ask for
buscarle tres pies al gato {v} [idiom] :: to look for something that doesn't exist, split hairs
buscar pelos en la sopa {phrase} [idiom] :: to look for excuses to complain; literally "to search for hair in the soup"
buscarruidos {m} :: troublemaker, someone who looks for trouble
buscarse {v} :: reflexive of buscar
buscársela {v} [colloquial] :: to try to make a living
buscársela {v} [colloquial] :: to ask for it, to ask for trouble
buscatalentos {mf} :: talent scout
buscavida {mf} :: go-getter
buscavidas {mf} :: hustler, go-getter (one who is good at finding easy employment, and who can easily exploit any ability he has to succeed in life and earn money.)
buscavidas {mf} :: One who is excessively curious or impertinent
busca y captura {m} :: arrest (of a criminal)
buscón {adj} :: searching
buscón {adj} :: cunning
buscón {adj} :: slutty
buscón {m} :: whore
buscón {m} :: rogue
bus de cortesía {f} :: shuttlebus
busera {f} :: bus driver
busero {m} :: bus driver
buseta {f} [Latin America] :: microbus
bushido {m} :: bushido
busilis {m} :: crux (critical part of an argument or issue)
busito {m} [Panama] :: minibus
búsqueda {f} :: search
búsqueda {f} :: quest
Bustamante {prop} :: surname
busto {m} :: bust
Bustos {prop} :: surname
bustrofedon {m} :: alternative form of bustrófedon
bustrófedon {m} :: boustrophedon
butaca {f} :: armchair
butaca {f} :: seat (in theatre, cinema, etc.)
butacón {m} :: large armchair
butadieno {m} [organic compound] :: butadiene
Bután {prop} :: Bután (country)
butanero {adj} :: butane-transporting
butanero {m} :: A person who delivers gas bottles of butane to houses
butanés {adj} :: Bhutanese
butanés {m} :: Bhutanese
butanesa {f} :: feminine noun of butanés
butano {m} [organic compound] :: butane
butano {m} :: Common term for a gas cylinder of butane for household use
butanoato {m} [organic chemistry] :: butanoate
butanol {m} [organic compound] :: butanol
butanona {f} [organic compound] :: butanone
butaquista {mf} :: seatholder
butea {f} :: Any plant of the Butea genus
buteno {m} [chemistry] :: butene
butica {f} [Louisiana] :: boutique
butifarra {f} :: a sausage from Catalonia
butifarrada {f} :: A celebration or feast where botifarra is eaten
butileno {m} [organic chemistry] :: butylene
butílico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: butyl (attributive)
butilo {m} [organic chemistry] :: butyl
butino {m} [organic compound] :: butyne
butirato {m} :: butyrate
butírico {adj} :: butyric
butirilcolinesterasa {f} [enzyme] :: butyrylcholinesterase
butrón {m} :: hole made to help a break-in
butronera {f} :: feminine noun of butronero
butronero {m} :: A thief who enters a building by means of making a hole in the wall
butuco {adj} [Honduras, colloquial] :: short and stout, squat
buyei {adj} :: Bouyei
buyei {mf} :: Bouyei
búyida {adj} :: Buyid
búyida {mf} :: Buyyid
Buyumbura {prop} :: Buyumbura (capital)
buzamiento {m} [geology] :: dip
buzar {v} [geology] :: to dip
buzo {m} :: diver (someone who dives underwater)
buzo {m} [Argentina, Ecuador, Uruguay] :: sweatshirt (loose shirt, usually made of a knit fleece, for athletic wear and now often used as casual apparel)
buzo {m} [Chile, Peru] :: tracksuit, joggers (garment consisting of a top and trousers for sports and casual wear)
buzo {m} :: overall
buzón {m} :: mailbox [US], letterbox [UK]
buzón {m} :: box
buzón {m} :: big mouth
buzón de entrada {m} :: in-box, in-tray
buzón de salida {m} :: outbox
buzón de voz {m} :: voice mail
buzonear {v} :: to advertise by putting paper into letterboxes
buzoneo {m} :: mass mailing
bypasear {v} :: to bypass
bypass {m} :: bypass
byte {m} :: byte
bytownita {f} [mineral] :: bytownite