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User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-eo-w

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wacky {adj} (zany) SEE: zany ::
waddle {v} /ˈwɑd.əl/ (To walk with short steps, tilting the body from side to side) :: anaspaŝi
wade {v} /we͡ɪd/ (to walk through water or something that impedes progress) :: vadi
wader {n} (bird) :: vadbirdo
Wadjet {prop} (The patron goddess and namesake of the Ancient Egyptian city of Per-Wadjet.) :: Uaĝet
waffle {n} /ˈwɑ.fl/ (flat pastry) :: vaflo
waffle iron {n} (a cooking appliance used to make waffles) :: vaflofero
wage earner {n} (someone who works for wages) :: pangajnanto, lukranto
wager {n} /ˈweɪdʒɚ/ (a stake; a pledge) :: veto
wager {v} (put up as collateral) :: veti
Wahhabism {prop} (branch of Sunni Islam) :: vahabismo
waif {n} /weɪf/ (wanderer) :: vaganto
wail {n} /weɪl/ (loud cry or shriek) :: vekrio
waist {n} /weɪst/ (part of the body between the pelvis and the stomach) :: talio
waistline {n} (line around the body at the waist; its measurement) :: talio
wait {v} /weɪt/ (delay until some event) :: atendi
wait {v} (transitive: delay until) SEE: await ::
waiter {n} /ˈweɪtə/ (a server in a restaurant or similar) :: kelnero, kelnerino [♀]
waiter {n} (someone who waits) :: atendanto
wait for {v} (await) SEE: await ::
waiting list {n} (ordered list of people waiting to obtain a good or service) :: atendolisto
waiting room {n} (room) :: atendejo
waitlist {n} (waiting list) SEE: waiting list ::
waitress {n} (female waiter) :: kelnerino, tabloservistino
wake {v} /ˈweɪk/ (to stop sleeping) :: vekiĝi
wake {v} (to make somebody stop sleeping) :: veki
wake up {v} (to (become) awake) :: vekiĝi
waldmeister {n} (herb) SEE: sweet woodruff ::
Wales {prop} /weɪlz/ (a constituent nation of the UK) :: Kimrio
walk {v} /wɔk/ (to move on the feet) :: promeni, piediri, marŝi
walk {n} (trip made by walking) :: marŝo
walk {n} (maintained place on which to walk) :: promeno
walking cane {n} (walking stick) SEE: walking stick ::
walking stick {n} (cane) :: bastono, promenbastono
walking stick {n} (insect) SEE: stick insect ::
walkout {n} (stoppage of work) SEE: strike ::
walk the dog {v} (take a dog for a walk) :: promenigi la hundon
walkway {n} /ˈwɔːkˌweɪ/ (clearly defined path) :: irvojo
wall {n} /wɔl/ (substantial structure acting as side or division in a building) :: vando
wall {n} :: vando
Wallachia {prop} /wɒlˈeɪ.kiː.ə/ (region in Romania) :: Valaĥio
wall clock {n} (clock mounted on a wall) :: murhorloĝo
wallet {n} /ˈwɒlɪt/ (case for keeping money) :: monujo, biletujo
Wallis and Futuna {prop} (an overseas territory of France in Oceania) :: Valiso kaj Futuno
Walloon {n} /wəˈluːn/ (an inhabitant of Wallonia) :: valono [man or woman], valonino [woman]
wallpaper {n} (decorative paper for walls) :: tapeto
walls have ears {proverb} (be careful about what you say) :: la muroj havas orelojn
wall socket {n} (electricity power point) :: kontaktingo
walnut {n} /ˈwɑlnət/ (tree) :: juglandujo, juglandarbo
walnut {n} (nut) :: juglando, juglandonukso
Walpurgis night {n} (Walpurgis Night) :: Valpurga Nokto
walrus {n} /ˈwɑl.ɹəs/ (large Arctic marine mammal) :: rosmaro
Walter {prop} /ˈwɔltɚ/ (male given name) :: Valtero
waltz {v} /wɔːlts/ (dance) :: valsi
wander {v} /ˈwɑndɚ/ (to move without purpose or destination) :: vagi
wander {n} (act or instance of wandering) :: vago
Wanderwort {n} (Translations) :: vagvorto
wangle {v} (falsify) SEE: falsify ::
waning {adj} /ˈweɪ.nɪŋ/ (of the lunar phase) :: malkreska
want {v} /wɑnt/ (desire) :: voli
want {v} (lack) SEE: lack ::
wanted {adj} /ˈwɑntʰɪd/ (subject to immediate detainment) :: reserĉata
wapiti {n} (the American elk) :: kanada cervo
war {n} /wɔː/ (conflict involving organized use of arms) :: milito
Waray-Waray {prop} (central Philippine Visayan language) :: varaja lingvo
ward {n} /wɔːd/ (person under guardianship) :: vartito
ward {n} (administrative subdivision of cities) :: kvartalo
wardrobe {n} (lavatory) SEE: toilet ::
wardrobe {n} / ˈwɔːdɹəʊb/ (movable furniture for storing clothes) :: vestotenejo, vestoŝranko
wardrobe {n} :: vestoŝranko
ware {n} /wɛə(ɹ)/ (product) :: varo
warehouse {n} (A place for storing large amounts of products) :: magazeno
wares {n} (goods for sale) :: komercaĵo
warfare {n} /ˈwɔɹfɛɹ/ (the waging of war or armed conflict against an enemy) :: militado
war hammer {n} (weapon) :: militmartelo
warlike {adj} /ˈwɔɹlaɪk/ (belligerent) :: militema
warlock {n} /ˈwɔɹ.lɑk/ (male magic-user) :: sorĉisto
warm {adj} /wɔɹm/ (having a temperature slightly higher than usual) :: varma
warm {adj} :: varma
warmth {n} /wɔɹmθ/ (moderate heat; sensation of being warm) :: varmo
warn {v} /wɔːn/ (to make someone aware of impending danger) :: averti
warning {n} /ˈwɔɹnɪŋ/ (something spoken or written that is intended to warn) :: admono
war of aggression {n} (military conflict waged without the justification of self-defense, usually for territorial gain and subjugation) :: agresmilito
warrant {n} /ˈwɒɹənt/ (authorization or certification) :: aprobo
warrant {n} (something that provides assurance or confirmation) :: pruvo
warrant {n} (order that serves as authorization) :: montransdona dokumento
warrant {n} ((finance) option to buy a security) :: opcio
warrant {n} (judicial writ) :: ordono
warrant {n} ((road transport) warrant of fitness) :: konformkontrola dokumento
warrant {v} (to justify) SEE: justify ::
warrant {v} (to authorize) SEE: authorize ::
Warsaw {prop} /ˈwɔɹsɔ/ (capital city of Poland) :: Varsovio
warship {n} /wɔːˌʃɪp/ (ship built or armed for naval combat) :: militŝipo
Warsovian {adj} (Varsovian) SEE: Varsovian ::
Warsovian {n} (Varsovian) SEE: Varsovian ::
wart {n} /wɔɹt/ (type of growth occurring on the skin) :: veruko
warthog {n} (a species of wild pig) :: verukapro
warty {adj} (having warts) :: veruka
wasabi {n} /wəˈsɑːbi/ (green Japanese condiment) :: vasabio
wash {v} /wɔɹʃ/ (to clean with water) :: lavi
washer {n} (flat disk) :: ŝtopringo
washing machine {n} (machine that washes clothes) :: lavmaŝino
Washington {prop} /ˈwɑʃɪŋtən/ (name) :: Vaŝingtono
Washington {prop} (US state) :: Vaŝingtonio
Washington, D.C. {prop} (federal capital of the United States of America) :: Vaŝingtono
washroom {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet ::
washtub {n} (tub used for washing clothes) :: lavokuvo
wasp {n} /wɒsp/ (insect) :: vespo
waste {n} /weɪst/ (useless by-products, garbage) :: rubo
waste {v} (to squander) :: malŝpari
wastebasket {n} (garbage can) SEE: garbage can ::
watch {n} /wɔt͡ʃ/ (portable or wearable timepiece) :: brakhorloĝo
watch {v} (to look at for a period of time) :: spekti
watchdog {n} (dog) SEE: guard dog ::
watcher {n} (guard) SEE: guard ::
watchlist {n} /ˈwɒtʃˌlɪst/ (list for special attention) :: atentaro
watch over {v} (to guard and protect) :: gardi
watchtower {n} (observation tower) :: gardoturo
water {n} (mineral water) SEE: mineral water ::
water {v} /ˈwɔtəɹ/ (to pour water into the soil surrounding (plants)) :: akvumi
water {v} (to provide (animals) with water) :: doni akvon
water {n} (clear liquid H₂O) :: akvo
water bear {n} (A member of the phylum Tardigrada) :: tardigrado
waterbird {n} (waterfowl) :: akvobirdo
water clock {n} (device for measuring time) :: akvohorloĝo
water closet {n} (room with a toilet) SEE: toilet ::
water closet {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet ::
watercolor {n} (a painting technique) SEE: watercolour ::
watercolor {n} (an artwork) SEE: watercolour ::
watercolor {n} (any paint used in this method) SEE: watercolour ::
watercolor {adj} (pertaining to the methods or products of watercolor) SEE: watercolour ::
watercolorist {n} (a painter who paints watercolors) SEE: watercolourist ::
watercolour {n} /ˈwɔ.tɜ.ˌkʌ.lɜ/ (pigment) :: akvarelo
watercolourist {n} (artist who paints watercolours) :: akvarelisto
watercress {n} /ˈwɔtəɹkɹɛs/ (Nasturtium officinale) :: akvokreso
watercress {n} (Nasturtium microphyllum) :: akvokreso, nasturcio
water cycle {n} (the natural cycle of water through evaporation, condensation and precipitation) :: ciklo de akvo
waterdog {n} (axolotl) SEE: axolotl ::
waterfall {n} /ˈwɔtɚfɔl/ (flow of water over the edge of a cliff) :: akvofalo, kaskado
waterfall {n} :: akvofalo
waterfowl {n} (birds that spend most of their non-flying time on water) :: akvobirdo
watering can {n} (utensil for watering plants) :: akvumilo
watering pot {n} (watering can) SEE: watering can ::
waterless {adj} (lacking water) :: senakva
water lily {n} (Any members of Nymphaeaceae) :: akvolilio
waterline {n} (line on the hull of a ship) :: akvolinio
watermelon {n} /ˈwɔtəɹˌmɛlən/ (plant) :: akvomelono
watermelon {n} (fruit) :: akvomelono
watermill {n} (mill powered by water) :: akvomuelejo
water pipe {n} (tobacco smoking device) :: akvopipo
water pipe {n} (narcotics smoking device) :: akvopipo
water polo {n} (a water sport) :: akvopilko
watershed {n} /ˈwɔtɚʃɛd/ (boundary between adjacent catchment basins) :: akvodislimo
water strider {n} (any of a number of predatory insects in the family Gerridae) :: geriso
water tower {n} (tank of water) :: akvoturo
water vapor {n} (water in a gaseous state) :: akvovaporo
waterway {n} (navigable body of water) :: akvovojo
watt {n} /wɑt/ (derived unit of power) :: vatto, ŭato, vato
waulk {v} (full) SEE: full ::
wave {n} /weɪv/ (moving disturbance, undulation) :: ondo
wavefunction {n} /ˈweɪv.fʌŋ(k).ʃən/ (notion in quantum mechanics) :: ondfunkcio
wavelength {n} /ˈweɪvˌlɛŋ(k)θ/ (the length of a single cycle of a wave) :: ondolongo
wax {n} /wæks/ (oily, water-resistant substance) :: vakso
wax {adj} (made of wax) :: vaksa
wax {v} :: vaksi
wax {n} (beeswax) SEE: beeswax ::
wax {n} (earwax) SEE: earwax ::
way {adv} (very) SEE: very ::
way {n} /weɪ/ (road, direction, path) :: vojo
way {n} (method or manner) :: maniero
way {adv} (much) SEE: much ::
way {adv} (far) SEE: far ::
way out {n} (exit) SEE: exit ::
way too {adv} :: tre
we {pron} /wiː/ (the speakers, or the speaker(s) and other person(s) not being addressed (exclusive we: he or she or they and I)) :: ni
weak {adj} /wiːk/ :: malforta
weak nuclear interaction {n} (fundamental interaction) :: malforta nuklea interago
wealth {n} /wɛlθ/ (riches; valuable material possessions) :: riĉeco
weapon {n} /ˈwɛ.pən/ (instrument of attack or defense in combat) :: armilo
weapon of mass destruction {n} (weapon causing large-scale death or destruction) :: amasdetrua armilo
weaponry {n} (weapons collectively) :: armilaro
wear {v} /wɛə/ (to have on (clothes)) :: surporti
wearability {n} (Sate or condition) :: metebleco
wearable {adj} /ˈweəɹəbl/ (able to be worn) :: metebla
weasel {n} /ˈwiːz(ə)l/ (least weasel, Mustela nivalis) :: [♂] vizelo, [♀] vizelino
weasel {n} (any mammal of the genus Mustela) :: [♂♀] mustelo, [♂] virmustelo, [♀] mustelino, mustelo
weasel {n} (any mammal of the family Mustelidae) :: [♂♀] musteledo, [♂] virmusteledo, [♀] musteledino, mustelo
weather {n} /ˈwɛðə/ (state of the atmosphere) :: vetero, [used attributively] vetera
weather {n} (situation) SEE: situation ::
weathercock {n} (weather vane) :: ventoflago
weather forecast {n} (prediction of future weather) :: veterprognozo
weather vane {n} (a device showing the direction of the wind) :: ventoflago
weave {v} /wiːv/ (to form something by passing strands of material over and under one another) :: teksi
weave {v} :: teksi
web {n} (spiderweb) SEE: spiderweb ::
web address {n} (URL) :: retadreso
web browser {n} /wɛb.bɹaʊ.zə(ɹ)/ (a computer program used to navigate the World Wide Web) :: retumilo
webcam {n} /ˈwɛbˌkæm/ (video camera viewed over a network) :: retkamerao
weblog {n} (blog) SEE: blog ::
webmaster {n} (the person responsible for maintaining a website) :: retejestro
web page {n} (a single page in a website) :: retpaĝo
website {n} /ˈwɛbˌsaɪt/ (a collection of pages on the World Wide Web) :: retejo, TTT-ejo
websurfer {n} (someone who surfs the World Wide Web) :: retano
wed {v} /ˈwɛd/ :: edzigi, geedzigi [male and female], gejedzigi [two males], edzinigi [two females]
wedding {n} /ˈwɛdɪŋ/ (marriage ceremony) :: nupto
wedding ring {n} (a ring symbolizing marriage) :: geedzoringo
wedge {n} /wɛdʒ/ (simple machine) :: kojno
wedge {n} (typography: háček) SEE: háček ::
wedge-tailed eagle {n} (eaglehawk) SEE: eaglehawk ::
Wednesday {n} /ˈwɛnzdeɪ/ (day of the week) :: merkredo
weed {n} (the weed) SEE: tobacco ::
weed {n} /wiːd/ (unwanted plant) :: malbonherbo, trudherbo, fiherbo
weed {n} (slang: marijuana) :: herbo
week {n} /wik/ (period of seven days) :: semajno
weekday {n} /ˈwiːkdeɪ/ (weekday) :: labortago
weekend {n} /ˈwiˌkɛnd/ (break in the working week) :: semajnfino
weekend {adj} (of, relating to or for the weekend) :: semajnfina
weekend {adj} (occurring at the weekend) :: semajnfina
weep {v} /wiːp/ (to cry, shed tears) :: larmi
weeping willow {n} (Salix babylonica) :: plorema saliko
weevil {n} /ˈwiːv(ə)l/ (beetle in the superfamily Curculionoidea) :: kalandro, grenskarabo
weigh {v} /weɪ/ (to determine the weight of an object) :: pezi
weigh anchor {v} (raise the anchor) :: malankri, levi la ankron
weight {n} (physics: mass) SEE: mass ::
weight {n} /weɪt/ (force due to gravity) :: pezo
weight loss {n} (reduction of body mass) :: malpeziĝo
weighty {adj} /ˈweɪti/ (heavy) :: pezega
weir {n} /wɪə/ (adjustable dam) :: vejro
weird {adj} /ˈwiɚd/ (having an unusually strange character or behaviour) :: stranga
welcome {adj} /ˈwɛlkəm/ (whose arrival is a cause of joy) :: bonvena
welcome {interj} (greeting given upon someone's arrival) :: bonvenon!
welcome {n} :: bonveno
welcome {v} (affirm or greet the arrival of someone) :: bonvenigi
weld {v} /wɛld/ (to join materials (especially metals) by applying heat) :: veldi, alforĝi
welder {n} /ˈwɛldə(ɹ)/ (one who welds) :: veldisto
welfare {n} /ˈwɛlˌfɛɚ/ (health, safety, well-being, happiness and prosperity) :: bonstato, bonfarto
welkin {n} (sky) SEE: sky ::
well {adv} /wɛl/ (accurately; competently) :: bele, bone
well {interj} (used to introduce a statement that may be contrary to expectations) :: nu
well {interj} (to acknowledge a statement or situation) :: nu
well {interj} (exclamation of surprise) :: nu
well {interj} (used in conversation to fill space) :: nu
well {n} (hole sunk into the ground) :: puto
well {n} (spring) :: fonto
well done {interj} (exclamation of praise) :: bone farita
well-established {adj} (well-known) SEE: well-known ::
well-known {adj} /ˌwɛlˈnoʊn/ (familiar, widely known) :: konata
well-mannered {adj} (having good manners) :: bonmaniera, ĝentila
well-meaning {adj} (with good intentions) :: bonintenca
wellness {n} (The quality or state of being in good health.) :: komforto
Welsh {adj} /wɛlʃ/ (of or pertaining to Wales) :: kimra
Welsh {adj} (of or pertaining to the Welsh language) :: kimra
Welsh {n} (language) :: kimra lingvo
Welsh {n} (collectively, people of Wales) :: kimroj {p}
Welshman {n} (native or inhabitant of Wales) :: kimro [man or woman]
weltanschauung {n} (worldview) SEE: worldview ::
wench {n} /wɛntʃ/ ((archaic) girl or young woman) :: knabulino
Wend {n} (Slav) SEE: Slav ::
Wend {n} (member of a Slavic people from the borders of Germany and Poland) :: Vendo
werewolf {n} /ˈwɛəɹwʊlf/ (wolflike human) :: lupfantomo, homlupo, luphomo [rare], likantropo [rare]
west {n} /wɛst/ (compass point) :: okcidento
west {adj} (towards the west) :: okcidenta
West Bank {prop} (territory) :: Cisjordanio
Western Australia {prop} (state of Australia) :: Okcidenta Aŭstralio
western barn owl {n} (Tyto alba furcata) :: turstrigo
westerner {n} (inhabitant of Europe and the Americas) :: okcidentano
Western Europe {prop} (Western Europe) :: Okcident-Eŭropo
western osprey {n} (Pandion haliaetus) SEE: osprey ::
Western Sahara {prop} (a territory in northern Africa) :: Okcidenta Saharo, Saharo Okcidenta
Western Wall {prop} (ancient wall in Jerusalem, remnant of the Jewish Second Temple) :: Muro de lamentadoj, Okcidenta Muro
West Frisian {prop} (language spoken in Friesland) :: okcidentfrisa lingvo
Westminster Abbey {prop} (large Gothic church) :: Abatejo Westminster
West Virginia {prop} /ˈwɛst vɚˈdʒɪn.jə/ (US state) :: Okcidenta Virginio
wet {adj} /wɛt/ (made of liquid or moisture) :: malseka
wet {adj} (of an object: covered with or impregnated with liquid) :: malseka
wet {v} (cover or impregnate with liquid) :: malsekigi
wet {v} (become wet) :: malsekiĝi
wether {n} /ˈwɛðɚ/ (castrated buck goat) :: kastrita virkapro, eksvirkapro
wether {n} (castrated ram) :: kastrita virŝafo
wetness {n} /ˈwɛt.nəs/ (condition of being wet) :: malsekeco
wet nurse {n} (woman hired to suckle another woman's child) :: nutristino
whale {n} /weɪl/ (large sea mammal) :: baleno
whalebone {n} (horny material from fringed plates of upper jaw of baleen whale) :: balenosto
whaling {n} /ˈweɪlɪŋ/ (practice of hunting whales) :: balenĉasado, balenkaptado
wharf {n} /wɔɹf/ (man-made landing place) :: varfo
what {pron} /wɔt/ (what? (interrogative pronoun)) :: kio
what {pron} (relative pronoun: that which; those that; the thing that) :: ke, kiu
what {determiner} :: kiu
what a lovely day {phrase} (what a lovely day) :: kia bela tago
what are you doing {phrase} (what are you doing) :: kion vi faras?
whatchamacallit {n} /ˈwɒtʃəməkɔːlɪt/ (any object the actual name of which the speaker does not know or cannot remember) :: umo
what does XX mean {phrase} (what does XX mean?) :: kiu signifas XX?
whatever {pron} /ʍɒtˈɛvə/ (anything) :: kio ajn
whath {determiner} (which ordinal number) SEE: whatth ::
what is that {phrase} (what is that?) :: kio estas tio?
what is your name {phrase} (what is your name?) :: kio estas via nomo?, kiel vi nomiĝas?
what kind of music do you like {phrase} (what kind of music do you like?) :: kian muzikon ŝatas vi?
what languages do you speak {phrase} (what languages do you speak?) :: kiujn lingvojn vi parolas?
whatsoever {adj} /ˌ(h)wʌtsoʊˈɛvɚ/ (in any way) :: kio ajn
what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander {proverb} (if something is acceptable for one person, it is acceptable for another) :: saŭco por la anserino ankaŭ estas saŭco por la viransero
what's your phone number {phrase} (what's your phone number?) :: kio estas via telefonnumero
whatth {n} /wʌtθ/ (which ordinal number) :: kioma
what time is it {phrase} (what is the time of day?) :: kioma horo estas?
wheat {n} /wiːt/ (grain) :: tritiko
wheat weevil {n} (species of weevils) :: kalandrao
wheel {n} /ʍiːl/ (a circular device facilitating movement or transportation) :: rado
wheel {n} (steering wheel and its implied control of a vehicle) SEE: steering wheel ::
wheelbarrow {n} (small cart) :: ĉarumo, puŝveturilo
wheelchair {n} /ˈwiːlt͡ʃɛə(ɹ)/ (chair) :: rulseĝo
wheel clamp {n} (a device locked to the wheel of a motor car to prevent it from being driven) :: radblokilo
wheelwright {n} (person who builds and repairs wheels) :: ĉarfarado, veturilfarado
when {adv} /ʍɛn/ (at what time, as a direct question) :: kiam
when {adv} (at what time, as an indirect question) :: kiam
when {conj} (as soon as, at the time that) :: kiam
when {conj} (during the time that) :: kiam, dum
when {conj} (at what time; at which time) :: kiam
when {conj} :: kiam
when {pron} (what time; which time) :: kiam
when {n} (the time) :: kiam
whence {adv} /ʍɛns/ (from where; from which place or source) :: de kie, el kie
whence {conj} :: el kie
whenever {conj} (when) SEE: when ::
when in Rome {proverb} (adjust to local customs) SEE: when in Rome, do as the Romans do ::
when in Rome, do as the Romans do {proverb} (behave as those around do) :: alia lando, aliaj moroj, en Romio, agu kiel Romiano, kies gasto mi estas, ties feston mi festas, inter lupoj, kriu lupe
when pigs fly {adv} (never, expressed by an idiom) :: kiam la ratoj seksumos kun la musoj (when rats embrace mice), en la tago de Sankta Neniamo (on Saint Never’s day)
when the cat's away the mice will play {proverb} (in the absence of a controlling entity, subordinates will take advantage of circumstances) :: kiam kato promenas, la musoj festenas
where {conj} /ʍɛə(ɹ)/ (at or in which place) :: kie
where {adv} (at what place; to what place; from what place) :: kie
where {adv} (at or in what place) :: kie
where {pron} (the place in which) :: kie
where {n} (the place in which something happens) :: kie
where are we {phrase} (where are we) :: kie ni estas?
whereas {conj} /weəɹˈæz/ (but in contrast; whilst on the contrary…) :: dum, kontraŭe
where do you live {phrase} (where do you live?) :: kie vi loĝas?
where is the toilet {phrase} (where is the toilet?) :: kie estas la necesejo?
wherenot {n} (wherever) SEE: wherever ::
where there is a will there is a way {proverb} /ʍɛə ˌðɛəɹ ɪz ə ˈwɪl ðɛəɹ ɪz ə ˈweɪ/ (if someone wants or wills something strongly enough, a way can be found) :: kion oni volas, tion oni povas
wherever {adv} /(h)wɛɹˈɛvɚ/ (emphatic form of "where") :: kie ajn
wherever {conj} (in any place, anywhere) :: kie ajn
whether {conj} /ˈwɛðə(ɹ)/ (introducing indirect questions) :: ĉu
whether {conj} (if, whether or not) :: ĉu
whetstone {n} /wɛtstəʊn/ (stone used to hone tools) :: akrigilo
which {determiner} /wɪt͡ʃ/ ((interrogative) what, of those mentioned or implied) :: kiu
which {determiner} ((relative) the one(s) that) :: kiu, kiuj
which {pron} ((interrogative) what one or ones) :: kiu, kiuj
which {pron} ((relative) who, whom, what) :: kiu, kiuj
while {conj} /ʍaɪl/ (during the same time that) :: dum
while {conj} (although) :: kvankam
while {conj} (until) SEE: until ::
whimsicality {n} (caprice) SEE: caprice ::
whine {v} /waɪn/ (to complain or protest with a whine or as if with a whine) :: kritikaĉi
whip {n} /wɪp/ (rod or rope) :: vipo
whip {v} (to hit with a whip) :: vipi
whip {v} (by extension, to hit with any flexible object) :: vipi
whip {v} :: vipi
whip {n} (whipped cream) SEE: whipped cream ::
whipped cream {n} (thick cream that has had air incorporated into it by rapid beating) :: batita kremo
whirlpool {n} /ˈwɝlpul/ (swirling body of water) :: akvokirlo, akvoturno
whirlwind {n} /ˈ(h)wɜːlwɪnd/ (a violent windstorm of limited extent characterised by an inward spiral motion of the air) :: ciklono
whisker {n} /ʍɪskə(ɹ)/ (part of the beard) :: lipharoj
whiskey {n} /ˈwɪski/ (alcoholic drink) :: viskio
whisky {n} (whiskey) SEE: whiskey ::
whisper {n} /ˈ(h)wɪspɚ/ (act of speaking in a quiet voice) :: flustro
whisper {v} (to talk in a quiet voice) :: flustri
whisperingly {adv} (in a whispering manner) :: flustre
whistle {n} /wɪsl̩/ (device used to make a whistling sound) :: fajfilo
whistle {n} (act of whistling) :: fajfado
whistle {n} (sound made by whistling) :: fajfo
whistle {v} (to produce a whistling sound) :: fajfi
whistle {n} (slang: a suit) SEE: suit ::
white {n} /waɪt/ (color/colour) :: blanko
white {n} (Caucasian person) :: blankulo, kaŭkazulo
white {adj} (Cistercian) SEE: Cistercian ::
white {adj} (bright and colourless) :: blanka
white {adj} (of or relating to Caucasians) :: blankula, kaŭkaza
white ant {n} (white ant) SEE: termite ::
white bear {n} (polar bear) SEE: polar bear ::
white blood cell {n} (cytology: a type of blood cell that is involved with an immune response) :: leŭkocito
white-browed tit {n} (Poecile superciliosus) :: blankbrova paruo
white dwarf {n} (white dwarf star) :: blanka nano
whitefin dolphin {n} (baiji) SEE: baiji ::
whitefish {n} (whiting) SEE: whiting ::
whitefish {n} (beluga) SEE: beluga ::
white flag {n} (a flag used as a symbol of surrender) :: blanka flago
white fox {n} (arctic fox) SEE: arctic fox ::
white-fronted tit {n} (Sittiparus semilarvatus) :: blankfrunta paruo
Whitehorse {prop} (capital of the Yukon Territory, Canada) :: Whitehorse, [Esperantized] Vajtohorso
White House {prop} (the official residence of the President of the United States of America) :: Blanka Domo
white knight {v} (Hero) :: blanka kavaliro
white lightning {n} (illegally distilled whiskey) SEE: moonshine ::
whiten {v} /ˈ(h)waɪtn̩/ (to make white or whiter; to bleach or blanch) :: blankigi
whiten {v} (to become white or whiter; to bleach or blanch) :: blankiĝi
white owl {n} (Tyto alba) SEE: western barn owl ::
white pointer {n} (great white shark) SEE: great white shark ::
White Russian {n} (Belarusian language) SEE: Belarusian ::
white sauce {n} (mayonnaise) SEE: mayonnaise ::
white-tailed eagle {n} (Haliaeetus albicilla) :: blankvosta maraglo
white-throated dipper {n} (Cinclus cinclus) :: cinklo
white whale {n} (a cetacean, Delphinapterus leucas) SEE: beluga ::
whither {adv} /ˈʍɪðɚ/ (to which place) :: kien
whiting {n} (fish, Merlangius merlangus) :: merlango
whitish {adj} /ˈwaɪtɪʃ/ (somewhat white) :: blanketa
whiz {n} (urination) SEE: urination ::
whiz {v} (urinate) SEE: urinate ::
who {pron} /huː/ (who? (interrogative pronoun)) :: kiu
who {pron} (who (relative pronoun)) :: kiu
who are you {phrase} (who are you?) :: kiu estas vi?
whoever {pron} /huˈɛvɚ/ (whatever person or persons) :: kiu ajn
whole {adj} /hoʊl/ (entire) :: tuta
whole {adv} (colloquial: in entirety) :: tute
whole {n} (something complete) :: tuto, tutaĵo
wholehearted {adj} /ˌhəʊlˈhɑː(ɹ)t.əd/ (having no reservations; showing unconditional and enthusiastic support) :: tutkora
wholeness {n} (quality of being whole) :: tuteco
whole number {n} (integer) SEE: integer ::
whole number {n} (natural number) SEE: natural number ::
wholly {adv} (to the fullest extent) SEE: completely ::
whom {pron} /huːm/ (what person; object of a verb (accusative)) :: kiun , kiujn
whom {pron} (what person or people, object of a preposition (dative)) :: kiu, kiuj, kiun, kiujn
whom {pron} (relative pronoun) :: kiu, kiuj, kiun, kiujn
whoopee cushion {n} (inflatable bag used as practical joke) :: furzokuseno
whooping cough {n} /ˈhuːpɪŋ ˌkɔf/ (a contagious disease) :: kokluŝo
whore {n} /hɔɹ/ :: putino, ĉiesulino, prostituitino, amoristino, publikulino, stratulino,
whore {n} :: ĉiesulino, putino, viringo
whore {v} (to pimp) SEE: pimp ::
whoremaster {n} (pimp) SEE: pimp ::
whorish {adj} /ˈhɔɹɪʃ/ (resembling a whore) :: putineca
whose {determiner} /huːz/ (of whom (interrogative)) :: kies
whose {determiner} (of whom (relative)) :: kies
whose {determiner} (of which (relative)) :: kies
why {adv} /ʍaɪ/ (for what reason) :: kial
why not {adv} (why is that not true) :: kial ne
why not {adv} (state one has no objection) :: kial ne
Wicca {prop} /wɪkə/ (neo-pagan religion) :: Viko
Wiccan {adj} /ˈwɪkən/ (of or pertaining to Wicca) :: viĉa, vika
Wiccan {n} (follower of Wicca) :: viĉano, vikano
wick {n} /wɪk/ (the porous cord that draws up liquid fuel for burning) :: meĉo
wicked {adj} /ˈwɪkɪd/ (evil or mischevous) :: malafabla, pekema
wicked {n} (people who are wicked) :: malpiuloj
wicker {n} (wickerwork) SEE: wickerwork ::
wickerwork {n} (things made of wicker) :: plektaĵo
wicket {n} /ˈwɪkɪt/ (service window) :: giĉeto
widdle {v} (urinate) SEE: urinate ::
wide {adj} /waɪd/ (having a large physical extent from side to side) :: larĝa
widely {adv} /ˈwaɪdli/ (commonly, generally) :: vaste
widow {n} /ˈwɪ.dəʊ/ (woman whose spouse has died) :: vidvino
widow {n} (person whose spouse has died) :: gevidvo
widower {n} /ˈwɪdoʊɚ/ (a man whose spouse has died and who has not remarried) :: vidvo
widowhood {n} (The period of being a widow) :: vidvado
widow's mite {n} ((numismatics) lepton) SEE: lepton ::
width {n} /ˈwɪtθ/ (state of being wide) :: larĝeco
width {n} (measurement of something from side to side) :: larĝo
wife {n} /waɪf/ (married woman) :: edzino
wifebeater {n} (singlet) SEE: singlet ::
Wi-Fi {n} /ˈwaɪ.faɪ/ (computing: wireless data communication standard) :: sendrata Interreto
wig {n} /wɪɡ/ (head of artificial hair) :: peruko
Wijchen {prop} (village in the Netherlands) :: Viĥeno
wiki {n} /ˈwɪki/ (collaborative website) :: vikio
wiki {v} (contribute to a wiki) :: vikiumi
wikify {v} /ˈwɪkifaɪ/ (to adapt (text) to a wiki, see also: wiki; -ify) :: vikiigi
Wikipedia {prop} /ˌwɪkiˈpiːdi.ə/ (online encyclopedia) :: Vikipedio
Wikipedian {n} /wɪ.kɪˈpiː.dɪ.ən/ (a person who uses, edits, or contributes to Wikipedia) :: vikipediisto [male or female], vikipediistino [female]
Wikipedian {adj} (of or relating to Wikipedia) :: vikipedia
Wiktionarian {n} (A person who contributes to Wiktionary) :: Vikivortaristo, Vikivortaristino [female]
Wiktionary {prop} /ˈwɪkʃənɹɪ/ (the collaborative project; a particular version of this project written in a certain language) :: Vikivortaro
wild {adj} /waɪld/ (raucous, unruly, and savage) :: sovaĝa
wild boar {n} /ˈwaɪld ˈboɹ/ (Sus scrofa) :: apro
wildcard {n} (special character) :: ĵokero
wild cat {n} (Felis silvestris) SEE: wildcat ::
wild cat {n} (Lynx rufus) SEE: bobcat ::
wildcat {n} /ˈwaɪldˌkæt/ :: sovaĝa kato
wildcat {n} (Felix rufus) SEE: bobcat ::
wildebeest {n} (gnu) SEE: gnu ::
wildfire {n} /ˈwaɪəldˌfaɪɝ/ (rapidly spreading fire) :: forsta incendio (forest fire)
wildfire {n} (Greek fire) SEE: Greek fire ::
wildlife {n} /ˈwaɪldlaɪf/ (animals and plants in their natural environment) :: faŭno
wild service tree {n} (Sorbus torminalis) :: adstringa sorpujo, adstringa sorbuso
Wilhelmina {prop} (female form of William) :: Vilhelmena
will {v} /wɪl/ (indicating future action) :: -os Use the future tense
will {n} (act of choosing to do something; conscious intent or volition) :: volo
will {n} (legal document) :: testamento
will {v} (To bequeath) :: testamenti
will {v} (to wish strongly) :: voli
William {prop} /ˈwɪl.jəm/ (male given name) :: Vilhelmo
willingly {adv} /ˈwɪlɪŋli/ (of one’s own free will) :: volonte
will o' the wisp {n} /ˌwɪləðəˈwɪsp/ (strange light) :: vaglumo, erarlumo
willow {n} /ˈwɪloʊ/ (tree) :: saliko
willow warbler {n} (Phylloscopus trochilus) :: fitiso
willpower {n} /ˈwɪlˌpaʊɚ/ (strength of will) :: volforto
wilt {v} /wɪlt/ (to droop) :: velki
win {v} /wɪn/ (transitive: achieve victory in) :: venki
winch {n} /wɪntʃ/ (machine) :: vinĉo
wind {n} (movement of air) :: vento
wind {v} (to turn coils of something around) :: volvi
windhover {n} (common kestrel) SEE: common kestrel ::
wind instrument {n} (type of musical instrument) :: blovinstrumento
windmill {n} /ˈwɪnd.mɪl/ (machine) :: ventmuelejo
windmill {n} (structure) :: ventmuelejo
window {n} /ˈwɪndoʊ/ (opening for light and air) :: fenestro
window {n} (period of time) :: intervalo
window {n} (area on a computer screen) :: fenestro
window {n} (shop window) SEE: shop window ::
window frame {n} (framework around a window) :: fenestrokadro
windowless {adj} (having no windows, especially no external windows) :: senfenestra
windowsill {n} /ˈwɪndoʊˌsɪl/ (the horizontal member protruding from the base of a window frame) :: fenestrosojlo
windpipe {n} (anus) SEE: anus ::
wind power {n} (power harnessed from the wind) :: ventoenergio
windscreen wiper {n} (a device to clear a windscreen) SEE: windshield wiper ::
windshield wiper {n} (device to clear a windshield) :: glacoviŝilo
windstorm {n} (storm with strong violent winds) :: ventego
windy {n} (fart) SEE: fart ::
windy {adj} /ˈwɪndi/ (accompanied by wind) :: venta
wine {n} /waɪn/ (alcoholic beverage made from grapes) :: vino
wine bottle {n} (bottle for holding wine) :: vinbotelo
wine cellar {n} (underground place for storing wine) :: vinejo
wine glass {n} (glass vessel for drinking wine from) :: vinglaso
winepress {n} (device for squeezing grapes) :: vinpremilo
wing {n} /wɪŋ/ (part of an animal) :: flugilo
wing {n} :: [1] flugilo, [2] planeo, [3,4,6] ala
wing {v} (to fly) SEE: fly ::
wing {v} (to throw) SEE: throw ::
wingspan {n} (the distance from left wingtip to right) :: enverguro
wink {v} /ˈwɪŋk/ (to blink with only one eye as a message, signal, or suggestion) :: okulsigni
winkle {n} (gastropod) SEE: periwinkle ::
Winnie {prop} /ˈwɪni/ (A diminutive of the male given name Winston.) :: Ŭinĉjo
Winnie {prop} (A diminutive of the female given name Winifred.) :: Ŭinjo
Winnie the Pooh {prop} (the fictional bear) :: Winnie-la-Pu
Winnipeg {prop} /ˈwɪn.ə.ˌpɛɡ/ (capital of Manitoba) :: Vinipego
win over {v} (to persuade) SEE: persuade ::
winter {n} /ˈwɪntʰɚ/ (fourth season, marked by short days and lowest temperatures) :: vintro
winter {v} (spend the winter, as in a particular place on holiday) :: travintri
wintergreen {n} (evergreen) SEE: evergreen ::
winter storm {n} /ˈwɪntɚ stɔɹm/ (A winter storm) :: vintroŝtormo
wintry {adj} /ˈwɪnt(ə)ɹɪ/ (suggestive or characteristic of winter; cold, stormy) :: vintra
wipe {v} /waɪp/ (remove surface substance) :: viŝi
wiper {n} /ˈwaɪpɚ/ (something designed for wiping) :: viŝilo
wire {n} /ˈwaɪɚ/ (thin thread of metal) :: drato
wire {n} (informal: telegraph) SEE: telegraph ::
wire {n} (informal: message transmitted by telegraph) SEE: telegram ::
wireless {adj} /ˈwaɪ.ə(ɹ).ləs/ (not having any wires) :: sendrata
wire transfer {n} (electronic transfer of funds) :: ĝiro
Wisconsin {prop} /wəˈskɑnsən/ (state of the United States of America) :: Viskonsino
wisdom {n} /ˈwɪzdəm/ (element of personal character) :: saĝeco
wisdom {n} :: saĝeco
wisdom tooth {n} (rearmost molar in humans) :: saĝodento
wise {adj} /waɪz/ (showing good judgement) :: saĝa
wisent {n} /ˈwɪzənt/ (European bison, Bison bonasus) :: visento, eŭropa bizono
wish {n} /wɪʃ/ (desire) :: deziro
wish {v} (to hope for an outcome) :: deziri
wish {v} (to bestow a thought) :: deziri
wishable {adj} (desirable) SEE: desirable ::
wishbone {n} (bird's bone) :: forketo
wit {n} /wɪt/ (A person who tells funny anecdotes or jokes) :: spritulo
wit {v} (Know, be aware of) :: scii
wit {n} (intelligence) SEE: intelligence ::
witch {n} /wɪtʃ/ (person who uses magic) :: sorĉistino
witch {n} (Wiccan) SEE: Wiccan ::
witchgrass {n} (couch grass) SEE: couch grass ::
with {prep} /wɪθ/ (in the company of) :: kun
with {prep} (in addition to) :: kun
with {prep} (in support of) :: kun
with {prep} (expressing manner) :: e
with {prep} (by means of) :: per
withdraw {v} /wɪðˈdɹɔː/ (take back) :: retiri
withdrawal {n} /wɪðˈdɹɔːəl/ (act of withdrawing) :: retiriĝo
wither {v} /ˈwɪðɚ/ ((intransitive) shrivel, droop, dry up) :: velki
within {prep} /wɪðˈɪn/ (spatial enclosure) :: en
without {prep} /wɪθˈaʊt/ (not having) :: sen
without a doubt {prep} (certainly) SEE: certainly ::
without a doubt {prep} (probably) SEE: probably ::
without fail {prep} (certainly) :: nepre
with respect to {prep} (pertaining to) :: rilate al
withspeak {v} (speak against) SEE: oppose ::
withspeak {v} (contradict) SEE: contradict ::
withstand {v} /wɪðˈstænd/ (to resist) :: rezisti
witness {n} /ˈwɪtnəs/ (one who has a personal knowledge of something) :: atestanto
wizard {n} /wɪ.zɚd/ (person skilled with magic) :: sorĉisto, magiisto
wizard {n} (computing: program or script used to simplify complex operations) :: agordilo, asistanto
wizardess {n} (sorceress) SEE: sorceress ::
woe {interj} /wəʊ/ (exclamation of grief) :: ve
woe is me {interj} /woʊ ɪz mi/ (interjection) :: ve al mi
wok {n} /wɒk/ (large round pan) :: uoko, volbopato
wolf {n} (constellation) SEE: Lupus ::
wolf cub {n} /ˈwʊlfkʌb/ (young wolf) :: lupido
wolffish {n} /ˈwʊlfˌfɪʃ/ (fish) :: lupfiŝo
Wolfgang {prop} /ˈwʊlf.ɡæŋ/ (male given name) :: Volfgango
wolfkin {n} (young or small wolf) SEE: wolf cub ::
wolfling {n} (wolf cub) SEE: wolf cub ::
wolfram {n} (tungsten) SEE: tungsten ::
wolfsbane {n} (herbs of the genus Aconitum) SEE: aconite ::
wolf spider {n} (any of several spiders of the family Lycosidae) :: luparaneo
wolf whelp {n} (young, esp. infant, wolf) SEE: wolf cub ::
wolverine {n} /ˌwʊlvəˈriːn/ (Gulo gulo) :: gulo
woman {n} (wife) SEE: wife ::
woman {n} (adult female person) :: virino
womanhater {n} (hater of women) SEE: misogynist ::
womanizer {n} /ˈwʊmənaɪzəɹ/ (habitual seducer of women) :: donĵuano
womankind {n} (woman, taken collectively) :: virinaro
womanliness {n} (femininity) SEE: femininity ::
womanly {adj} (having the characteristics of a woman) :: virina
womb {n} /wuːm/ (uterus) :: utero
womb {n} (belly) SEE: belly ::
wombat {n} /ˈwɑmˌbæt/ (marsupial) :: vombato
women and children first {phrase} (exhortation) :: sinjorinoj kaj geinfanoj unue
womenfolk {n} (women collectively) :: virinaro
wonder {n} /ˈwʌndɚ/ (something that causes amazement or awe, a marvel) :: mirindaĵo
wonder {n} (someone very talented at something, a genius) :: talento
wonderful {adj} /ˈwʌn.dɚ.fl̩/ (excellent, extremely impressive) :: mirinda
wonderland {n} /ˈwʌndɚˌlænd/ (Imaginary or real place full of wonder or marvels) :: mirlando
wonderous {adj} (wondrous) SEE: wondrous ::
wonderstruck {adj} (filled with wonder) :: admirega
Wonder Woman {prop} /ˈwʌndə ˈwʊmən/ (DC Comics character) :: Miraklovirino
Wonder Woman {n} (woman of extraordinary powers) SEE: superwoman ::
wondrous {adj} /ˈwʌndɹəs/ (amazing, inspiring awe) :: mirinda
wonton {n} /ˈwɑntɑn/ (Chinese dumpling) :: huntuno, vantano, vantono, vuntuno
woo {v} /wuː/ (to endeavor to gain someone's affection) :: amindumi
wood {n} /wʊd/ (substance) :: ligno
wood {n} (woodland) :: arbareto
woodcock {n} /ˈwʊd.kɒk/ (wading bird in the genus Scolopax) :: skolopo
woodcutter {n} (lumberjack) SEE: lumberjack ::
wooden {adj} /ˈwʊdən/ (made of wood) :: ligna
woodie {n} (erection) SEE: erection ::
woodlouse {n} /ˈwʊd.ˌlaʊs/ (any species of suborder Oniscidea) :: onisko
wood nuthatch {n} (Sitta europaea) SEE: Eurasian nuthatch ::
woodpecker {n} /ˈwʊdˌpɛkɚ/ (bird in Picinae) :: pego
woodpile {n} /ˈwʊdpaɪl/ (pile of cut wood) :: hejtlignejo
woods {n} (forest) SEE: forest ::
wood sorrel {n} /ˈwʊdˌsɒɹəl/ (a white-flowered woodland plant, Oxalis acetosella) :: okzalo
woodwind instrument {n} (musical instrument) :: ligna blovinstrumento
woof {n} /wʊf/ (sound of a dog) :: boj
wooing {n} (courting) SEE: courtship ::
wool {n} /wʊl/ (hair of sheep, etc.) :: lano
Worcestershire sauce {n} /ˈwʊs.tɚ.ʃɚ ˈsɔːs/ (English condiment) :: Vorcestera saŭco
word {n} /wɜːd/ (unit of language) :: vorto
word {n} (proverb) SEE: proverb ::
wordbook {n} (dictionary) SEE: dictionary ::
wordbook {n} (lexicon) SEE: lexicon ::
word-for-word {adj} (Using exactly the same words as were originally used) :: laŭvorta
word-hoard {n} (vocabulary) SEE: vocabulary ::
word of mouth {n} (verbal means of passing of information) :: perbuŝo
word order {n} (order of syntactic constituents) :: vortordo
words {n} (lyrics) SEE: lyrics ::
wordster {n} (one who uses words instead of actions) SEE: hypocrite ::
wordster {n} /ˈwɜːdstə/ (one skilled at using words) :: oratoro, spritulo, elokventulo
wordster {n} (one who studies words) :: etimologo, vortaristo
word-stock {n} (vocabulary) SEE: vocabulary ::
work {n} /wɝk/ (labour, employment, occupation, job) :: laboro
work {n} (literary, artistic, or intellectual production) :: verko, verkaĵo
work {n} (thermodynamics: energy in transit between one form or repository and another) :: laboro
work {v} (to do a specific task) :: labori
work {v} (function correctly) :: funkcii
workaholic {n} (person) :: labormaniulo
worker {n} /ˈwɝ.kɚ/ (person who performs labor) :: [♂♀] laboristo, [♀] laboristino, [♂♀] laboranto, [♀] laborantino, [♂♀] proleto, [♀] proletino, [♂♀] proletario, [♀] proletariino
worker bee {n} (sterile bee) :: laborabelo
workers of the world, unite {phrase} (workers of the world, unite) :: proletoj de ĉiuj landoj, unuiĝu!
working {adj} /ˈwɝkɪŋ/ (functioning) :: funkcianta
working class {n} (social class doing physical work) :: laboristaro
working day {n} (day of a week in which work is done) :: labortago
workmate {n} (coworker) SEE: coworker ::
work of art {n} (product of the fine arts) :: artaĵo
workout {n} /ˈwɚk.aʊt/ (an exercise session; a period of physical exercise) :: trejnado
workout {n} (schedule or program of exercises, especially with a goal) :: trejnado
workplace {n} (place where someone works) :: laborejo
workshop {n} /ˈwɝk.ʃɑp/ (small manufacturing room) :: metiejo, laborejo
workstead {n} (laboratory) SEE: laboratory ::
work up {v} (To develop) SEE: develop ::
world {n} /wɜːld/ (human collective existence) :: mondo
world {n} (the Earth) :: mondo
worldbuilding {n} (act or process of building of a fictional world) :: konstruo de la mondo, mirostrojeno
world-class {adj} /wɜː(ɹ)ldˈklæs/ (of a standard that ranks among the best in the world) :: internacinivela
world cup {n} (event; competition) :: mondpokalo
world-famous {adj} (renowned in many parts of the world) :: mondfama
worldly {adj} /ˈwɜː(ɹ)ldli/ (concerned with the human, earthly or physical rather than spiritual) :: monda
worldly {adv} (In a worldly manner.) :: monde
World Trade Center {prop} (former complex of buildings) :: Mondkomerca Centro
World Trade Organization {prop} (World Trade Organization) :: Monda Organizaĵo pri Komerco
worldview {n} (personal view of the world) :: mondkoncepto, mondbildo
worldview {n} (general philosophy or view of life) :: mondbildo
world war {n} (a war involving the major nations of the world) :: mondmilito
World War I {prop} (war) :: la unua mondmilito
World War II {prop} (war from 1939 to 1945) :: Dua Mondmilito
World War One {prop} (World War I) SEE: World War I ::
World War Two {prop} (World War II) SEE: World War II ::
worldwide {adj} (affecting every place in the world) :: tutmonda
worldwide {adv} (throughout the world) :: mondvaste
World Wide Web {prop} (information space on the Internet) :: Tut-Tera Teksaĵo
worm {n} /wɝm/ (animal) :: vermo
worm {v} (to make one's way with a crawling motion) :: serpentumi
wormwood {n} /ˈwə(ɹ)m.wʊd/ (Artemisia absinthium) :: absinto
worn out {adj} (damaged and useless due to hard or continued use) :: eluzita
worn out {adj} (exhausted from exertion) :: elĉerpita
worn-out {adj} (worn-out) SEE: worn out ::
worrisome {adj} /ˈwʌɹisəm/ (causing worry; perturbing or vexing) :: maltrankviliga
worrisome {adj} (of a person: inclined to worry) :: maltrankvilema
worry {v} /ˈwʌɹi/ (be troubled) :: zorgi, ĉagreniĝi
worry {v} (disturb the peace of mind of) :: ĉagreni
worry {v} (harass, irritate) :: ĉagreni
worry {n} (strong feeling of anxiety) :: ĉagreno, zorgo
worse {adj} /wɝs/ (comparative form of bad) :: pli malbona
worsen {v} /ˈwɜː(r)sən/ (transitive: make worse) :: plimalbonigi
worsen {v} (intransitive: get worse) :: plimalboniĝi
worship {n} /ˈwɜː.ʃɪp/ (devotion accorded to a deity or to a sacred object) :: kulto, adoro, adorado
worship {n} (the religious ceremonies that express this devotion) :: kulto, adorado
worship {n} (the ardent love of a person) :: adorado, adoro
worship {v} (to honor and adore, especially as a deity) :: kulti, adori
worshipper {n} (person who worships) :: adoranto
worst {adj} /wɝst/ (most inferior) :: la plej malbona
worth {adj} (obsolete: valuable, worthwhile) SEE: worthwhile ::
worth {adj} /wɜːθ/ (equal in value to) :: valora
worth {adj} (deserving of) :: inda
worthless {adj} /ˈwɝθləs/ (not having worth and use, without value, inconsequential) :: senvalora, aĉa, senutila
worthwhile {adj} /wɜː(ɹ)θˈwaɪl/ (good and important enough to spend time, effort, or money on) :: inda
worthy {adj} /ˈwɝði/ (having worth, merit or value) :: inda
worthy {adj} (honourable or admirable) :: honorinda, admirinda, estimata, meritplena
worthy {adj} (deserving, or having sufficient worth) :: merita, inda
-worthy {suffix} (of sufficient worth for) :: -inda
would {v} /wʊd/ (indicating an action or state that is conditional on another) :: Use the conditional tense
would {v} (indicating an action or state that is conditional on another) :: We would be warmer if you hadn't opened the window! - Ni estus pli varmaj se vi ne malfermus la fenestron!
would {v} (indicating a possible (but not definite) future action or state) :: Use the future tense; We sat on the bench, wondering if the bus would be late this time. - Ni sidis sur la benko nin demandante, ĉu la buso malfruos ĉi tiun fojon.
would {v} (indicating an action in the past that was planned or intended) :: Use the future tense; The waiter said he would be right back. - La kelnero diris, ke li tuj revenos.
would {v} (indicating an action in the past that happened repeatedly or commonly) :: Use the past tense in the repetitive aspect; In the winters, we would sit by the hole on the frozen lake and fish for hours. - En la vintroj, ni sidadis apud la truo sur la frostiĝinta lago kaj fiŝkaptadis dum horoj.
would {v} (used to express a polite request) :: bonvoli; Would you please turn off the TV? - Bonvolu malŝalti la televidon, mi petas?
wound {n} /wund/ (injury) :: vundo
wound {v} (hurt or injure) :: vundi
wound {v} (hurt (someone's feelings)) :: vundi
wow {interj} /waʊ̯/ (excitement) :: ŭaŭ
wow {interj} (amazement) :: ŭaŭ
wrack {v} (rack) SEE: rack ::
wrack {n} /ɹæk/ :: fuko
wreathe {v} /ɹiːð/ (twist into a shape similar to a wreath) :: plekti
wreck {v} /ˈɹɛk/ (to cause severe damage) :: detrui
wreck {v} (to ruin) :: detrui
wrench {n} (screw) SEE: screw ::
wrench {n} /ɹɛnt͡ʃ̩̩/ (violent twisting movement) :: tordo
wrench {n} (hand tool) :: ŝraŭbŝlosilo
wrest {v} (to seize) SEE: seize ::
wrest {v} (to distort, pervert, twist) SEE: distort ::
wretch {n} (exile) SEE: exile ::
wretch {n} /ɹɛtʃ/ (unhappy, unfortunate, or miserable person) :: bedaŭrindulo
wretched {adj} /ˈɹɛtʃɪd/ (hatefully contemptible) :: aĉa
wretchedly {adv} (in a wretched manner) :: mizere
wriggle {v} /ˈɹɪɡəl/ (to twist one's body and move the limbs) :: barakti
wring {v} /ɹɪŋ/ (to squeeze or twist tightly so that liquid is forced out) :: premtordi, vringi
wrinkle {n} /ˈɹɪŋkl̩/ (line or crease in the skin) :: falto, haŭtsulketo
wrinkle {n} (fault, imperfection or bug) :: difekteto
wrinkle {v} (to make wrinkles in; to cause to have wrinkles) :: faltigi
wrinkle {v} (to develop irreversibly wrinkles; to age) :: faltiĝi
wrinkle-free {adj} (without wrinkles) :: senfalta
wrinkleless {adj} (wrinkle-free) SEE: wrinkle-free ::
wrist {n} /ɹɪst/ (wrist) :: pojno
wristlet {n} (handcuff) SEE: handcuff ::
wristwatch {n} (watch worn on the wrist) :: brakhorloĝo
write {v} /ɹaɪt/ (to form letters, etc.) :: skribi
write {v} (to send a letter to) :: skribi al
write {v} (to be the author of) :: verki
write {v} (to be an author) :: verki
write down {v} (to set something down in writing) :: noti
writer {n} /ˈɹaɪ.təɹ/ (person who writes; an author) :: skribanto, [professional] skribisto, verkisto
writhe {v} /ɹaɪð/ (to twist or contort the body) :: tordiĝi
writing {n} /ˈɹaɪtɪŋ/ (written letters or symbols) :: skribo
writing {n} (something written) :: skribaĵo
writing system {n} :: skribsistemo
written {adj} /ˈɹɪtn̩/ (of, relating or characteristic of writing) :: skriba
Wroclaw {prop} /ˈvɹɔts.wɑf/ (a city in southwestern Poland) :: Vroclavo
wrong {adj} /ɹɒŋ/ (incorrect) :: malĝusta
wrongdoer {n} (someone who does wrong) :: malbonfaranto
WSC {prop} (Mandarin) SEE: Mandarin ::
wuderove {n} (herb) SEE: sweet woodruff ::
wunderkind {n} (child prodigy) SEE: child prodigy ::
WW1 {prop} (World War I) SEE: World War I ::
WWW {prop} /ˈdʌb.əl.juː ˈdʌb.əl.juː ˈdʌb.əl.juː/ (World Wide Web (abbreviation)) :: TTT
wy {n} (name of the letter Y, y) SEE: wye ::
wye {n} /waɪ/ (name of the letter Y, y) :: ipsilono
Wymysorys {prop} (A West Germanic language spoken in the Polish town of Wilamowice.) :: vilamovica
Wyoming {prop} /waɪˈoʊmɪŋ/ (US state) :: Vajomingo
wyvern {n} /ˈwaɪvə(ɹ)n/ (mythical dragon-like creature) :: (dukrura) drako, viverno