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User:Matthias Buchmeier/ru-en-q

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
{suffix} [obsolete] :: sir (an honorific Russian suffix that was formerly used to emphasize the speaker’s politeness or servility before a person of higher social status)
с- {prefix} [used with verbs] :: (describing an action moving from a single position or many positions into another single position)
с- {prefix} [used with verbs] :: down (describing a downward action)
с- {prefix} [used with verbs] :: off, from off (describing an action of removing oneself to another location)
с. {f inan} :: abbreviation of страница
с. {n inan} :: abbreviation of село
с. {m inan} :: abbreviation of средний род
с {letter} :: The nineteenth letter of the Russian Cyrillic alphabet. Its name is эс and it has the sound of English s. It is preceded by Р and followed by Т
с {prep} :: with [+ instrumental]
с {prep} :: from, off, from off, from below [with abstract nouns; nouns entailing a flat, open area; and special exceptions; + genitive]
с {prep} :: because of, since [expressing a cause of motivation; + genitive]
с {prep} :: for, about [indicating indefinite time or number] [+ accusative]
с {prep} :: from [indicating a duration of time; + genitive]
с {prep} :: with [in certain time expressions; + instrumental]
с {prefix} :: centi- (0.01)
С {m inan} :: abbreviation of север
С {m anim} [chess] :: abbreviation of слон
сабантуй {noun} :: Sabantuy, plow party; the name of a Tatar national holiday
сабантуй {noun} [colloquial] :: party, gettogether
сабза {noun} :: sort of raisins made of sultana grapes, treated before drying with an alkaline solution
сабинянин {noun} [historical] :: Sabine
сабля {noun} :: saber, cutlass
сабля {noun} :: cavalryman (used as a unit of count, see also штык)
саботаж {noun} :: dereliction (non-execution, very slow or careless execution, of one's duties)
саботаж {noun} :: sabotage (deliberate action of subversion, obstruction, disruption, destruction)
саботажник {noun} :: saboteur
саботировать {v both} :: to sabotage
Сава {prop} :: Sava (a river in southern Europe, a right side tributary of Danube at Belgrade)
саван {noun} :: shroud (dress for the dead)
саванна {noun} :: savanna
Савелий {prop} :: given name
Савойя {prop} :: Савойя (department)
сага {noun} :: saga
Сага {prop} :: Сага (prefecture)
Сага {prop} :: Сага (capital city)
сагитировать {v pf} :: to agitate
сагитировать {v pf} :: to persuade
сагиттальный {adj} [anatomy] :: sagittal (in the direction from dorsal to ventral)
саго {n inan} :: sago
сад {noun} :: garden, orchard
сад {noun} :: park, garden
садануть {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to hit once, to punch once
садизм {noun} :: sadism (enjoyment of inflicting pain)
садик {noun} :: diminutive of сад (small) garden, orchard
садик {noun} [colloquial] :: kindergarten
садист {noun} :: sadist (one who derives pleasure through cruelty or pain to others)
садистский {adj} :: sadistic
садись, пожалуйста {phrase} :: please sit down; please get on (e.g. car) [informal, singular]
садитесь, пожалуйста {phrase} :: please sit down; please get on (e.g. car) [formal or plural]
садить {v impf} :: to make or let someone sit down, to seat
садить {v impf} :: to plant (e.g. trees or flowers)
садить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to imprison, to put to jail
садиться {v impf} :: to sit down, to sit up
садиться {v impf} :: to take, to board, to get on
садиться {v impf} :: to sit down to
садиться {v impf} :: to land, to alight
садиться {v impf} :: to be imprisoned
садиться {v impf} :: to shrink (about clothes after washing)
саднить {v impf} [also impersonal] :: to be sore [from scrapes, abrasions, burns, etc.]
саднить {vt impf} :: to hurt (the heart, soul, etc.), to sadden, to cause emotional distress to
саднить {vi impf} [also impersonal] :: to hurt [in the heart, etc.], to experience emotional distress
садовник {noun} :: gardener, groundskeeper
садовод {noun} :: horticulturist (a gardener, a person interested or practising horticulture)
садоводство {noun} :: gardening, horticulture (the science of caring for gardens)
садовый {adj} [relational] :: garden; cultivated
садок {noun} :: fish pond (artificial pond for keeping and breeding fish)
садок {noun} :: coop (room for keeping, breeding or fattening birds and small animals)
садок {noun} :: name for a series of traps for animals and game
садок {noun} :: diminutive of сад: small garden
садомазохизм {noun} :: sadomasochism
саентология {noun} :: Scientology
сажа {noun} :: soot
сажать {v impf} :: to seat, to set
сажать {v impf} :: to plant
сажать {v impf} :: to put in jail
саженец {noun} :: sapling, young plant, seedling
сажень {noun} :: sazhen, old Russian unit of length equal to 3 arshins or 2.134 meters or 7 feet
саживать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to seat [repeatedly or frequently]; iterative of сажать, iterative of садить
саживаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to sit down [repeatedly or frequently]; iterative of садиться
сазан {noun} :: sazan, wild carp (Cyprinus carpio)
сайгак {noun} :: saiga (antelope)
сайт {noun} :: web site
сайт {noun} [biochemistry] :: site
Сайтама {prop} :: Сайтама (capital city)
Сайтама {prop} :: Сайтама (prefecture)
сак {noun} [dated] :: travel bag
сак {noun} :: small bag-shaped net stretched over a half-hoop, like a fishing tackle
сак {noun} [dated] :: wide woman's coat
сак {noun} [historical] :: Saka (member a group of nomadic Iranian peoples who historically inhabited the northern and eastern Eurasian Steppe and the Tarim Basin, related to the Scythians)
Сакартвело {prop} {f inan} [rare, poetic or endonym] :: Сакартвело (country)
саквояж {noun} :: carpetbag (generally made from leather or heavy cloth)
саке {n inan} :: sake, Japanese rice wine
сакля {noun} :: a kind of building in the Caucasus, also in the Crimea
сакральный {adj} :: sacral
сакральный {adj} :: sacred
сакраментальный {adj} :: sacramental
сакраментальный {adj} :: sacred, cherished
сакраментальный {adj} :: traditional, customary
сакс {noun} :: Saxon (member of an ancient Germanic tribe)
сакс {noun} :: seax
сакс {noun} [musical instruments] :: sax
саксаул {noun} :: saxaul (any of three species of the amaranth genus Haloxylon)
саксофон {noun} :: saxophone
саксофонист {noun} :: saxophonist
сакура {noun} [botany] :: sakura
сакэ {n inan} :: sake, Japanese rice wine
салага {m anim} {f anim} [colloquial] :: noob, rookie, greenhorn ({m}{f})
салазки {noun} :: (small) sledge
салака {noun} [zoology] :: Baltic herring (Clupea harengus membras)
салака {noun} [colloquial] :: noob, rookie, greenhorn ({m}{f})
салам алейкум {interj} :: alternative form of салям алейкум
саламандра {noun} :: salamander (amphibian)
салат {noun} :: salad [dish]
салат {noun} :: lettuce
салатница {noun} :: salad bowl
салатный {adj} :: lime green
салатный {adj} [relational] :: lettuce
салатный {adj} [relational] :: salad
салатовый {adj} :: lime green
салатовый {adj} [relational] :: salad
салатовый {adj} [relational] :: lettuce
Салехард {prop} :: Салехард (city/administrative center)
салить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to grease, to smear
салить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to soil with grease
салить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to hit (a runaway player) with the hand or a ball [in some games]
сало {noun} :: suet, fat, lard
сало {noun} :: tallow
салон {noun} :: salon (fashionable shop or customer service), hairdressing salon
салон {noun} :: show, exhibition
салон {noun} :: art gallery
салон {noun} :: lounge, waiting room
салон {noun} :: cabin, passenger compartment
салон {noun} :: (reception with performing poets, musicians etc) salon
салон {noun} [nautical] :: saloon
салотопка {noun} [colloquial] :: tallow boilery
салотопня {noun} :: tallow boilery
салун {noun} :: saloon (tavern)
салфетка {noun} :: napkin, serviette
салфетка {noun} :: doily
салфетка {noun} :: (wet) wipe
салфеточка {noun} :: doily
салфеточка {noun} :: antimacassar (cover for furniture)
салфеточка {noun} :: tidy
Сальвадор {prop} :: Сальвадор (country)
Сальвадор {prop} :: Сальвадор (capital city)
сальвадорский {adj} :: Salvadoran
сальдо {n inan} [accounting] :: balance
сальник {noun} :: rubber washer, seal
сальный {adj} [relational] :: animal fat, lard
сальный {adj} [relational] :: tallow
сальный {adj} :: containing a high percentage of fat [e.g. of an animal breed]
сальный {adj} :: left by fat [e.g. of a spot or mark]
сальный {adj} :: greasy
сальный {adj} :: obscene
сальный {adj} :: grossly cynical
сальса {noun} :: salsa
сальто {n inan} :: somersault
сальто-мортале {n inan} :: salto mortale (a dangerous and daring jump with possibly lethal outcome)
сальце {noun} :: endearing diminutive of сало
салют {noun} :: fireworks
салют {noun} :: salute
салют {interj} [colloquial] :: hello
салют {interj} [colloquial] :: bye
салям алейкум {interj} [Islam] :: salaam alaikum [Muslim greeting]
салями {f inan} :: salami
салят {noun} [Islam] :: salat
сам {pron} [definitive pronoun, emphatic] :: self, -self
саман {noun} :: adobe (unburnt brick)
саман {noun} :: air brick
саманный {adj} [relational] :: adobe
Саманта {prop} :: Samantha
Самара {prop} :: Самара (oblast)
Самара {prop} :: Самара (city/administrative center)
Самара {prop} :: Самара (tributary)
самарий {noun} :: samarium
самаритянин {noun} :: Samaritan
Самария {noun} :: Самария (the <<ancient capital>> of the northern <<kingdom:Pref/Israel>>, in the modern <<r/West Bank>>)
Самария {noun} :: Самария (ancient region)
Самарканд {prop} :: Самарканд (city)
самаркандский {adj} [relational] :: Samarkand
самарский {adj} [relational] :: Samara
Самаэль {prop} [religion] :: Samael
самба {noun} [music] :: samba (Brazilian ballroom dance)
самбо {n inan} :: sambo (martial art)
самбо {m anim} {f anim} :: Zambo (Afro-Indian)
самец {noun} :: male
самец {noun} [slang] :: macho
самиздат {noun} [historical, Soviet Union] :: samizdat (underground publishing, a samizdat publication)
сами с усами {phrase} :: wasn't born yesterday, not a babe in the woods [lit. we have mustaches ourselves]
самка {noun} [zoology] :: female, dam, bitch, doe, hen, she, jenny (an individual belonging to the sex that can give birth)
Саммерсайд {prop} :: Саммерсайд (city)
саммит {noun} :: summit (gathering of leaders)
само- {prefix} :: auto-, self- (regarding oneself)
Самоа {prop} {f inan} {n inan} :: Самоа (country/and/archipelago)
самобытность {noun} :: originality, (unique) identity, distinctive character
самобытный {adj} :: original
самобытный {adj} :: distinctive
самовар {noun} :: samovar (a large coal- or woodfired metal urn with a spigot for boiling water for tea)
самоваришко {noun} :: pejorative of самовар
самоварище {noun} :: augmentative of самовар
самоварный {adj} [relational] :: samovar
самоварчик {noun} :: diminutive of самовар
самовластие {noun} [politics] :: autocracy, absolute rule (form of government)
самовлюблённость {noun} :: narcissism; self-love
самовлюблённый {adj} :: narcissistic
самоволие {noun} :: insubordination, willfulness
самоволие {noun} :: high-handedness, overbearingness, imperiousness
самовольно {adv} :: self-willedly, wilfully, arbitrarily
самовольный {adj} :: willful, insubordinate
самовольный {adj} :: unauthorized
самовыражение {noun} :: self-expression
самогон {noun} :: homebrew, samogon, moonshine
самогон {noun} :: any home-made distilled alcoholic beverage
самогонка {noun} [low colloquial] :: moonshine, samogon
самогонщик {noun} :: moonshiner, someone who makes or distributes samogon
самодельное взрывное устройство {noun} :: improvised explosive device
самодельный {adj} :: homemade, improvised, do-it-yourself
самодержавие {noun} :: autocracy
самодержавный {adj} :: autocratic
самодержец {noun} :: autocrat (ruler with absolute power)
самодеятельность {noun} :: amateur performance
самодеятельность {noun} :: initiative, spontaneous action
самодеятельность {noun} :: unauthorized activity
самодеятельный {adj} :: amateur (theatre, etc.)
самодеятельный {adj} [econonmics] :: active
самодовольный {adj} :: smug, self-satisfied
самодовольный {adj} :: complacent
самодовольство {noun} :: complacency, self-satisfaction, self-righteousness, smugness
самодостаточность {noun} :: self-sufficiency (condition of being self-sufficient)
самодостаточный {adj} :: self-sufficient (able to provide for oneself independently of others)
самодур {noun} :: a petty tyrant, a wilful person, despot
самое большее {adv} :: at most, at the outside
самое большее {phrase} :: at the very outside
самоедство {noun} [colloquial] :: excessive self-criticism, self-disparagement, self-torment
самозабвение {noun} :: selflessness, self-forgetfulness
самозабвение {noun} :: self-consciousness
самозабвение {noun} :: absorption, reverie
самозабвенно {adv} :: selflessly, self-forgetfully
самозабвенный {adj} :: selfless, self-forgetful
самозабвенный {adj} :: all-consuming
самозанятый {adj} :: self-employed
самозащита {noun} :: self-defense, self-protection
самозванец {noun} :: impostor, pretender, impersonator
самозваный {adj} :: self-proclaimed, self-styled
самозваный {adj} :: uninvited
самоидентификация {noun} :: self-identification
самоидентификация {noun} [psychology] :: self-realization
самоидентификация {noun} :: self-determination
самоизоляция {noun} :: self-isolation
самокат {noun} :: kick scooter
самоконтроль {noun} :: self-control
самокритика {noun} :: self-criticism
самокрутка {noun} [colloquial] :: handmade cigarette
самолёт {noun} :: airplane, aircraft
самолёт-заправщик {noun} :: air tanker (aircraft used to deliver liquids (or powders) from the air)
самолётик {noun} :: endearing diminutive of самолёт
самолётный {adj} [relational] :: airplane, aircraft
самолёт-снаряд {noun} [archaic, military] :: buzz bomb, cruise missile (replaced by the more modern term крылатая ракета)
самолично {adv} [colloquial] :: oneself, personally, in person, by oneself
самоличный {adj} [colloquial] :: in-person
самолюбивый {adj} :: ambitious (possessing, or controlled by, ambition)
самолюбие {noun} :: self-esteem, self-respect, pride
самолюбование {noun} :: narcissism; self-admiration
самомнение {noun} :: conceit, self-importance
самонадеянный {adj} :: arrogant, presumptuous, assuming, assumptive
самонадеянный {adj} :: overweening (over-confident)
самонадеянный {adj} :: self-confident, confident, self-assured, self-sufficient
самонадеянный {adj} :: presuming
самонадеянный {adj} :: reliant
самоназвание {noun} :: autonym (a name used by a group or category of people to refer to themselves or their language)
самообладание {noun} :: self-possession, self-control, self-command, self-mastery, composure
самообман {noun} :: self-deception (fooling oneself)
самооборона {noun} :: self-defense
самообразование {noun} :: self-study (learning outside of the context of a school)
самообслуживание {noun} :: self-service
самооговор {noun} :: self-incrimination; self-perjury
самоограничение {noun} :: self-limitation
самоопределение {noun} :: self-determination
самоорганизация {noun} :: self-organizing, self-organization
самоотверженность {noun} :: selflessness, dedication, disregard of self
самоотверженный {adj} :: selfless
самоотдача {noun} :: commitment, dedication, devotion
самоотречение {noun} :: renunciation, self-denial, (self-)abnegation
самооценка {noun} :: self-esteem (confidence in one's own worth)
самоощущение {noun} :: self-perception
самопоедание {noun} :: autocannibalism (the act of eating oneself)
самопожертвование {noun} :: self-sacrifice (giving up of one's own benefit)
самопознание {noun} :: self-knowledge, self-comprehension
самопровозглашённый {adj} :: self-proclaimed
самопрялка {noun} :: spinning wheel with a flyer mechanism; flyer wheel
саморазвитие {noun} [literary] :: self-development
самореализация {noun} :: self-realization, self-actualization
самореализация {noun} :: self-fulfilment
самореференция {noun} :: self-reference
самородок {noun} :: nugget (small chunk or clump)
самородок {noun} :: gifted person
самородок золота {noun} :: gold nugget
самосвал {noun} :: dump truck (a heavy truck, for carrying loose, bulk cargo, having a hinged bed that allows the contents to be unloaded onto the ground)
само собой разумеется {phrase} :: it goes without saying (it's obvious, apparent or clear)
самосовершенствование {noun} :: self-improvement
самосознание {noun} :: self-awareness (state of being self-aware)
самосохранение {noun} :: self-preservation
самостоятельно {adv} :: independently, solo
самостоятельно {adv} :: by oneself, without assistance, on one's own
самостоятельность {noun} :: independence (state of having sufficient means for a comfortable livelihood)
самостоятельный {adj} :: independent, self-dependent, free
самостоятельный {adj} :: self-reliant, self-sufficient
самострел {noun} :: self-inflicted wound
самострел {noun} [weapons] :: crossbow
самострел {noun} :: a person (usually a soldier) who made a self-inflicted wound
самострой {noun} :: illegal building [not compliant with laws or building codes; especially DIY]
самотёк {noun} :: drift, gravity flow
самотёк {noun} :: free run, something that happens without a plan or control (spontaneously)
самотык {noun} [slang] :: dildo
самоубийство {noun} :: suicide
самоубийца {m anim} {f anim} :: suicide (the person)
самоуважение {noun} :: self-respect (knowledge of one's own worth)
самоуверенно {adv} :: self-confidently
самоуверенность {noun} :: self-confidence, self-assurance (state or quality of being confident in oneself)
самоуверенный {adj} :: self-confident, self-assured (confident in one's abilities)
самоудовлетворение {noun} :: self-satisfaction (contentment with one's own accomplishments or situation)
самоуничтожение {noun} [literary] :: self-destruction
самоуправление {noun} :: autonomy, self-administration, self-government
самоуправный {adj} :: arbitrary
самоуправство {noun} [literary, legal] :: arbitrariness (broad-based crime in Russian law encompassing any "actions contrary to the order presented by a law")
самоустраняться {v impf} :: to keep oneself aloof, to get out of, to distance oneself from, to dodge
самоутверждение {noun} :: self-assertion
самоучитель {noun} :: self-teaching book
самоучка {m anim} {f anim} :: self-taught, autodidact, automath
самоход {noun} :: car, automobile
самоходка {noun} :: self-propelled gun
самоходка {noun} :: self-propelled chassis
самоходная артиллерийская установка {noun} :: self-propelled artillery, self-propelled artillery mount
самоходная артиллерия {noun} :: self-propelled artillery
самоходно-артиллерийская установка {noun} :: self-propelled artillery, self-propelled artillery mount
самоходный {adj} :: self-propelled
самоцвет {noun} :: gem, gemstone, semi-precious stone
самоцель {noun} :: end in itself
самоценный {adj} :: self-valuable
самочувствие {noun} :: (state of) health, feeling (well or bad)
сампан {noun} :: sampan
сам по себе {phrase} :: on one's own, by oneself, alone
сам по себе {phrase} :: of one's own free will, by choice
сам по себе {phrase} :: independently, separately
сам по себе {phrase} :: individually, singly
Сампсикерамид {noun} :: Sampsigeramid
самсара {noun} :: samsara
Самуил {prop} :: Samuel [biblical character]
Самуил {prop} :: given name
самум {noun} :: simoom (hot, dry wind)
самурай {noun} :: samurai (feudal Japanese soldier)
самшит {noun} :: box (Buxus gen. et spp.)
самый {pron} [definitive] :: the very, the selfsame, the very same
самый {pron} :: the most (superlative degree)
самый что ни на есть {adv} :: truly, really, actually, without doubt, certainly, indisputably
самый что ни на есть {adj} :: typical, genuine, idiosyncratic, quirky
-сан {suffix} :: a polite suffix added to surnames
сан {noun} :: dignity
Сана {prop} :: Сана (capital city)
санаторий {noun} :: sanatorium, sanitarium, health resort
санаторный {adj} [relational] :: sanatorium
Сан-Висенте-де-Тагуа-Тагуа {prop} {m inan} :: Сан-Висенте-де-Тагуа-Тагуа (commune/and/city)
сангвиник {noun} :: sanguine person
сангрия {noun} :: sangria (alcoholic drink)
сандал {noun} :: sandalwood, sandal
сандал {noun} :: santal
сандалия {noun} :: sandal (type of footwear)
сандвич {noun} :: sandwich
Сан-Диего {prop} {n inan} :: Сан-Диего (city)
сани {noun} :: sledge, sleigh, sled (a vehicle on runners, used for conveying loads over the snow or ice)
сани {noun} [sport] :: luge (a racing sled)
санитар {noun} :: orderly, hospital attendant, male nurse, corpsman, paramedic, aidman
санитария {noun} :: sanitation (the policy and practice)
санитарка {noun} :: female nurse, orderly, paramedic, aidwoman
санитарная машина {noun} :: ambulance (emergency vehicle)
санитарный {adj} :: sanitary, sanitization
санитарный {adj} :: medical
санки {noun} :: diminutive of сани: (small) sledge, sled, sleigh, kicksled
Санкт- {prefix} :: St (saint)
Санкт-Петербург {prop} :: Санкт-Петербург (federal city); known as Petrograd from 1914 to 1924, and as Leningrad from 1924 to 1991
санкт-петербургский {adj} [relational] :: St. Petersburg
санктпетербуржец {noun} :: Petersburger (resident or citizen of Saint Petersburg)
санкционированный {adj} :: authorized
санкционировать {v both} :: to sanction, to authorize
санкция {noun} :: sanction (approval, by an authority, that makes something valid)
санкция {noun} :: sanction (penalty, coercive measure)
Сан-Марино {prop} {f inan} :: Сан-Марино (microstate)
Сан-Марино {prop} {m inan} :: Сан-Марино (capital city)
санный {adj} [relational] :: sledge, sleigh, sled, luge
сановник {noun} :: high official, dignitary
сановный {adj} :: distinguished, high-ranking
сановный {adj} :: dignified
Сан-Паулу {prop} {m inan} :: Сан-Паулу (municipality/state capital)
Сан-Паулу {prop} {m inan} :: Сан-Паулу (state)
Сан-Сальвадор {prop} :: Сан-Сальвадор (capital city)
санскрит {noun} :: Sanskrit (language)
санскритский {adj} [relational] :: Sanskrit
Санта-Клаус {prop} :: Santa Claus (a fictional figure said to bring presents to people (especially children) at Christmas time)
сантали {m inan} :: Santali (language)
сантехник {noun} :: plumber (one who fits, etc., pipes for water, gas or drainage)
сантехника {noun} :: plumbing
сантехника {noun} :: sanitary engineering
сантименты {noun} :: (excessive) sentimentality, sentimentalism
сантиметр {noun} :: centimeter/centimetre (SI unit of measure)
сантиметр {noun} :: tape measure
сантиметр в секунду {noun} :: centimeters per second, cm/s
Санто-Доминго {prop} {m inan} :: Санто-Доминго (capital city)
Сан-Томе {prop} {m inan} :: Сан-Томе (capital city)
Сан-Томе и Принсипи {prop} {f inan} {n inan} :: Сан-Томе и Принсипи (country/and/archipelago)
Сантьяго {prop} {n inan} :: Сантьяго (capital city)
санузел {noun} :: toilet and bathroom
санфранцисец {noun} :: San Franciscan
Сан-Франциско {prop} {n inan} :: Сан-Франциско (city)
Сан-Хосе {prop} {m inan} :: Сан-Хосе (capital city)
санчасть {noun} [military] :: infirmary (short for санитарная часть)
Санья {prop} :: Санья (resort city/prefecture-level city)
сап {noun} :: glanders, equinia
сапа {noun} [military] :: sap
сапёр {noun} :: sapper, combat engineer, military engineer
сапёрный {adj} [relational] :: sapper, military engineer
сапог {noun} :: boot
сапожник {noun} :: cobbler, shoemaker (person who repairs shoes)
сапожник {noun} :: bungler, botcher
сапожный {adj} [relational] :: boot
сапожок {noun} :: boot
сапожок {noun} :: columbine
Саппоро {prop} {m inan} :: Саппоро (capital city)
сапсан {noun} :: peregrine falcon
сапун {noun} [technical] :: breather, crankcase ventilation valve
сапфир {noun} :: sapphire
сарабанда {noun} :: sarabande
Сараево {prop} {n inan} {m inan} :: Сараево (capital city)
сарай {noun} :: shed, storage building (small wooden construction)
сарай {noun} :: uncomfortable, untidy room, pigsty
сарай {noun} [Kazakhstan] :: palace
сарайчик {noun} :: diminutive of сарай: small shed
сарана {noun} :: martagon (Lilium martagon)
Саранск {prop} :: Саранск (capital city)
саранча {noun} [zoology] :: locust
саранчук {noun} :: (young) locust
Саратов {prop} :: Саратов (port city/administrative center)
саратовский {adj} [relational] :: Saratov
сарафан {noun} :: sarafan (a traditional long, trapeze-shaped Russian pinafore worn by women and girls)
сарафанное радио {noun} :: informal network of acquaintances who pass verbal information to each other such as news, information or gossips; word of mouth
сарафанный {adj} [relational] :: sarafan
сарацин {noun} :: Saracen
сарделька {noun} :: sausage, wiener, polony, saveloy (a thick variety of sausage)
сардина {noun} :: sardine, pilchard
Сардиния {prop} :: Сардиния (island/and/region)
сардонический {adj} :: sardonic (scornfully mocking)
сари {n inan} :: sari (the traditional dress of women in the Indian subcontinent)
сарказм {noun} :: sarcasm
саркастический {adj} :: sarcastic (containing sarcasm)
саркофаг {noun} :: sarcophagus
Саров {prop} :: Sarov (closed city in Russia, 120 miles from Nizhny Novgorod; a center of nuclear research)
саровский {adj} [relational] :: Sarov (closed city in Russia, 120 miles from Nizhny Novgorod; a center of nuclear research)
Сарта {prop} :: Сарта (department)
Сарта {prop} :: Сарта (tributary)
Сасебо {prop} {m inan} :: Сасебо (city)
сасими {n inan} :: sashimi
сатана {m anim} [mythology, religion] :: Satan, devil
сатана {m anim} [figurative] :: jerk
Сатана {prop} {m anim} :: Satan, Prince of Darkness
сатанеть {v impf} :: to run wild, to go crazy
сатанизм {noun} :: Satanism
сатанинский {adj} :: satanic
сатанист {noun} :: Satanist
сате {n inan} :: satay (dish)
сателлит {noun} :: satellite
сатин {noun} :: sateen, satin
сатир {noun} [Greek mythology] :: satyr
сатира {noun} :: satire
сатирик {noun} :: satirist (male or female)
сатирический {adj} :: satirical
сатрап {noun} :: satrap, a governor of a province in ancient Persia;
сатрап {noun} [historical] :: an absolute ruler,
Сатурн {prop} :: (planet) Saturn
Сатурн {prop} [Roman god] :: Saturn
сатурналии {noun} :: Saturnalia
Саудовская Аравия {prop} :: Саудовская Аравия (country)
саудовский {adj} :: Saudi (relating to Saudi Arabia)
сауна {noun} :: sauna
саундтрек {noun} :: soundtrack
сафари {n inan} :: safari
саха {?} :: Sakha (person, people or language)
саха {adj} :: Sakha
Саха {prop} {f inan} [formal] :: Саха (republic)
Сахалин {prop} :: Сахалин (large island/and/region)
сахалинский {adj} [relational] :: Sakhalin
сахар {noun} :: sugar
Сахара {prop} :: Sahara
сахарид {noun} :: saccharide
сахарин {noun} :: saccharin (white crystalline powder)
сахарная вата {noun} :: cotton candy, candy floss, fairy floss
сахарная свёкла {noun} :: sugar beet (type of beet)
сахарница {noun} :: sugar bowl
сахарный {adj} [relational] :: sugar
сахарный {adj} :: rich in sugar
сахарный {adj} [also, figurative] :: sugary
сахарный {adj} [colloquial] :: sensual
сахарный {adj} [in the negative] :: sweet, pleasant, nice
сахарный тростник {noun} [botany] :: sugar cane (species of grass whose sap is a source of sugar)
сахароза {noun} :: sucrose, saccharose
сахарок {noun} :: diminutive of сахар
Сахарская Арабская Демократическая Республика {prop} :: Сахарская Арабская Демократическая Республика (a partly recognized <<country>> in <<c/Western Sahara>> in <<r/North Africa>>)
сацебели {n inan} :: satsebeli (a Georgian sauce)
сациви {n inan} :: satsivi
сачковать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to skive off, to goof-off
сачок {noun} [inanimate] :: butterfly net, hand net, net (for butterflies, insects or small fish)
сачок {noun} [animate, colloquial] :: loafer, idler, shirker
Саша {prop} {m anim} {f anim} :: given name
Саша {prop} {m anim} {f anim} :: given name
сашими {n inan} :: sashimi
Сашин {adj} [possessive] :: Sasha's
сбавить {v pf} :: to take off (from), to deduct, to rebate, to discount
сбавлять {v impf} :: to take off (from), to deduct, to rebate, to discount
сбалансированность {noun} :: balance, harmony
сбалансированный {adj} :: balanced
сбалансировать {v pf} :: to balance, to keep one's balance
сбалансировать {v pf} :: to balance, to equipoise
сбегать {v impf} :: to run down (from)
сбегать {v impf} :: to run away, to make off, to flee, to break out
сбегать {v impf} :: to escape
сбегать {v impf} :: to elope
сбегать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to run (to a place) and get back, to run (for), to go and get
сбегаться {v impf} :: to come running [of many people]
сбегаться {v pf} :: to get used to running together
сбежать {v pf} :: to run down (from)
сбежать {v pf} :: to run away, to make off, to flee, to break out
сбежать {v pf} :: to escape
сбежать {v pf} :: to elope
сбежаться {v pf} :: to come running [of many people]
сбербанк {noun} :: savings bank (financial institution)
сберегательная книжка {noun} :: passbook, bankbook
сберегательный {adj} :: savings
сберегать {v impf} :: to save, to preserve
сберегать {v impf} :: to spare
сбережение {noun} :: (usually plural) savings
сбережение {noun} :: economy, saving
сберечь {v pf} :: to save, to preserve
сберечь {v pf} :: to spare
сберкасса {noun} :: savings bank (financial institution)
сберкнижка {noun} :: acronym of сберегательная книжка: passbook (booklet used to record bank transactions)
сбивать {v impf} :: to knock down, to shake down, to cause to fall
сбивать {v impf} :: to knock down, to beat down
сбивать {v impf} :: to put out
сбивать {v impf} :: to tread down
сбивать {v impf} :: to knock together
сбивать {v impf} :: to churn
сбивать {v impf} :: (eggs, cream) to whisk, to beat up, to whip
сбиваться {v impf} :: to flounder
сбиваться {v impf} :: to assemble
сбивчивый {adj} :: confusing, inconsistent (of speech or a report)
сбившийся {adj} :: wandering, errant, wayward
сбитый {adj} :: (of boots) down at heel, worn down
сбитый {adj} :: battered
сбитый {adj} :: whipped, whisked
сбитый {adj} :: (of build) in expressions only
сбить {v pf} :: to knock down
сбить {v pf} :: to cause to fall, to shake down
сбить {v pf} :: to put out
сбить {v pf} :: to tread down
сбить {v pf} :: to knock together
сбить {v pf} :: to churn
сбить {v pf} :: (eggs, cream) to whisk, to beat, to whip
сбиться {v pf} :: to get off
сбиться {v pf} :: to be aberrant
сбиться {v pf} :: to go afield
сбиться {v pf} :: to go astray
сбиться {v pf} :: to be errant, to stray
сближать {v impf} :: to draw/bring together
сближаться {v impf} :: to approach (each other)
сближаться {v impf} :: to approach, to close in
сближаться {v impf} :: to draw closer together
сближаться {v impf} :: to become good/close friends (with)
сближение {noun} :: convergence
сблизить {v pf} :: to draw/bring together
сблизиться {v pf} :: to approach (each other)
сблизиться {v pf} :: to approach, to close in
сблизиться {v pf} :: to draw closer together
сблизиться {v pf} :: to become good/close friends (with)
с богом {interj} :: God be with you!, God go with you, speed!
с богом {interj} :: God be your help!, success attend you!, good luck!, here goes!
сбой {noun} :: failure, fault, error
сбой {noun} [sport] :: losing the step, falling out of step
сбоку {adv} :: askance (sideways, obliquely)
сбоку {adv} :: from one side, on one side
сболтнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to just happen to say something, to say something silly (or wrong), to blurt out
сбор {noun} :: collection, accumulation, gathering, harvest, picking
сбор {noun} :: levy, tax, duty, receipts
сбор {noun} [military] :: muster, assembly
сбор {noun} :: assembly, meeting, get-together
сборище {noun} :: assemblage, gathering of people
сборище {noun} :: mob
сборка {noun} :: assembly [e.g. of devices or machines]
сборка {noun} :: pleat
сборная {noun} :: combined team, national sports team
сборник {noun} [book] :: collection
сборник {noun} [engineering] :: storage tank, receptacle
сборный {adj} :: collapsible
сборный {adj} [relational] :: assembly
сборный {adj} [relational] :: collection
сборный {adj} :: combined
сборный {adj} [relational] :: assembly, rallying
сборочный {adj} [relational] :: assembly [of machines or devices]
сборочный {adj} [relational, colloquial] :: assembly (gathering of people)
сборщик {noun} :: collector
сбрасывать {v impf} :: to throw down, to drop
сбрасывать {v impf} :: (a government) to throw off
сбрасывать {v impf} :: (skin, leaves) to shed
сбрасывать {v impf} :: (clothes, shoes) to throw off
сбривать {v impf} :: to shave off
сброд {noun} [pejorative] :: scum, mob, riffraff, rabble, varletry, ragtag and bobtail
сброс {noun} :: water escape
сброс {noun} :: dumping, discharge
сброс {noun} :: reduction, dropping
сброс {noun} [computer science] :: reset, resetting, clearance, nulling, nullification, zeroing
сброс {noun} [geology] :: fault
сбросить {v pf} :: to throw down, to drop
сбросить {v pf} :: (a government) to throw off
сбросить {v pf} :: (skin, leaves) to shed
сбросить {v pf} :: (clothes, shoes) to throw off
сбруя {noun} :: harness
сбывать {v impf} :: to sell, to market
сбывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to get rid of
сбываться {v impf} :: to come true, to be fulfilled
сбыт {noun} :: sale
сбытовой {adj} [relational] :: sales
сбыточный {adj} [dated] :: feasible, possible [of a business deal]
сбыть {v pf} :: to sell, to market
сбыть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to get rid of
сбыться {v pf} :: to come true, to be fulfilled
свадебный {adj} [relational] :: wedding
свадьба {noun} :: wedding
Свазиленд {prop} :: Свазиленд (country)
свазилендский {adj} [relational] :: Swaziland
сваливать {vt impf} :: to knock down, to knock over, to fell
сваливать {vt impf} :: to drop, to throw down
сваливать {vt impf} :: to dump, to carelessly drop (many things in one place)
сваливать {vt impf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to get rid of (something unpleasant)
сваливать {vt impf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to overthrow
сваливать {vt impf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to deprive of strength, to weaken, to overcome [of sleep, an illness, etc.]
сваливать {vt impf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to shift the blame for (something to someone), to pass the buck
сваливать {vi impf} [low colloquial] :: to go away, to scram, to beat it, to bolt; to emigrate (temporarily or permanently)
сваливаться {v impf} :: to fall down
сваливаться {v impf} :: to be ill in bed
сваливаться {v impf} :: to collapse
сваливаться {v impf} :: to mat, to form a mat, to tangle
свалить {vt pf} :: to knock down, to knock over, to fell
свалить {vt pf} :: to drop, to throw down
свалить {vt pf} :: to dump, to carelessly drop (many things in one place)
свалить {vt pf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to get rid of (something unpleasant)
свалить {vt pf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to overthrow
свалить {vt pf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to deprive of strength, to weaken, to overcome [of sleep, an illness, etc.]
свалить {vt pf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to shift the blame for (something to someone), to pass the buck
свалить {vi pf} [low colloquial] :: to go away, to scram; to emigrate (temporarily or permanently)
свалиться {v pf} :: to fall down
свалиться {v pf} :: to be ill in bed
свалиться {v pf} :: to collapse
свалка {noun} :: dump, junkyard
свалка {noun} :: dumping
свалка {noun} [colloquial] :: scuffle, brawl
Свальбард {prop} :: Свальбард (archipelago)
свара {noun} [colloquial] :: quarrel, squabble
сваривать {v impf} :: to weld
сварить {v pf} :: to cook, to boil
сварить {v pf} :: to smelt
сварить {v pf} :: to weld
свариться {v pf} :: to become boiled/cooking
свариться {v pf} :: to weld
сварка {noun} :: welding, weld
сварливый {adj} :: peevish, shrewish, grumpy, cantankerous
сварной {adj} :: welded
сварщик {noun} :: welder (one who welds)
свастика {noun} :: swastika, fylfot
сват {noun} :: matchmaker, go-between, feminine: сваха, [colloquial] сватья
сват {noun} [colloquial] :: father of one’s son-in-law or of one’s daughter-in-law., feminine: сватья
сватать {v impf} :: to propose as a wife or as a husband (as in matchmaking); to match; to marry off
свататься {v impf} :: to propose oneself as a wife or as a husband, to woo, to court
сватовство {noun} :: matchmaking
сватовство {noun} :: courtship
сватья {noun} :: parents of one of the spouses in relation to parents of another spouse
сватья {noun} [colloquial] :: female matchmaker, go-between
сваха {noun} :: female matchmaker, go-between
сваха {noun} [regional] :: parents of one of the spouses in relation to parents of another spouse
свая {noun} :: pile
сведение {noun} [usually plural] :: information, intelligence
сведение {noun} [usually plural] :: notice, knowledge
сведение {noun} :: reduction
сведение {noun} :: squaring (of accounts)
сведение {noun} [medicine] :: contraction, cramp
сведущий {adj} :: versed
сведущий {adj} :: adept
сведущий {adj} :: aware (having knowledge of something)
сведущий {adj} :: conversant
сведущий {adj} :: experienced
сведущий {adj} :: well-grounded
сведущий {adj} :: well-accepted
сведущий {adj} :: well-acquainted
свеженький {adj} :: diminutive of свежий
свежесть {noun} :: freshness
свежий {adj} :: fresh (new or clean)
свезти {vt pf} [perfective only] :: to transport, to drive, to convey
свезти {vt pf} [colloquial, perfective only] :: to transport there and back, to drive there and back
свезти {vt pf} :: to transport down, to drive down
свезти {v pf} :: to transport away, to carry away [by vehicle]
свезти {v pf} :: to gather together
свей {noun} [historical] :: Swede (a member of an ancient North Germanic tribe that inhabited what is now central Sweden)
свей {noun} [archaic] :: Swede (a person from Sweden)
свекла {noun} :: alternative form of свёкла
свекольник {noun} :: a cold borsht, usually without meat, usually eaten in the summer
свекровь {noun} :: a woman’s mother-in-law (husband’s mother only)
свекруха {noun} [Ukraine or colloquial or sometimes disrespectful] :: a woman’s mother-in-law (husband’s mother only)
свербеть {v impf} :: to itch
свербига {noun} [botany] :: bunias, sea rocket
свербяга {noun} :: alternative form of свербига
свергать {v impf} :: to overthrow, to throw down, to dethrone
свергнуть {v pf} :: to overthrow, to throw down, to dethrone
Свердловск {prop} :: Sverdlovsk, a name for Yekaterinburg from 1924 to 1991
свердловский {adj} [relational] :: Sverdlovsk
свердловчанин {noun} [historical] :: citizen of Sverdlovsk
свержение {noun} :: dethronement (the act of being dethroned)
сверить {v pf} :: to compare, to check, to verify (something against something else) [accusative + с + instrumental]
сверка {noun} :: verification, collation
сверка {noun} [printing] :: revision
сверкание {noun} :: glitter, sparkle, scintillation, glisten, glister
сверкание {noun} :: flash, flashing (burst of light)
сверкание {noun} :: glint
сверкание {noun} :: flare
сверкание {noun} :: glance
сверкание {noun} :: twinkle
сверкание {noun} :: coruscation
сверкание {noun} :: lambency
сверкать {v impf} :: to sparkle, to twinkle
сверкать {v impf} :: to glitter
сверкать {v impf} :: to glare
сверкающий {adj} :: ablaze (on fire)
сверкнуть {v pf} :: to sparkle, to twinkle
сверкнуть {v pf} :: to glitter
сверкнуть {v pf} :: to glare
сверлило {noun} :: timber beetle, lymexylonid (Lymexylon navale)
сверлить {v impf} :: to drill, to perforate, to bore
сверло {noun} :: drill, drill bit, auger, bore (carpenter's tool)
свернуть {v pf} :: to displace, to remove
свернуть {v pf} :: to roll up
свернуть {v pf} :: to curtail, to reduce, to cut down
свернуть {v pf} :: to wind up, to bring to a close
свернуть {v pf} :: to coagulate
свернуть {v pf} :: to turn, to make a turn
свернуть {v pf} :: to strip (a screw, thread)
свернуться {v pf} :: to curl up, to roll up, to coil up
свернуться {v pf} :: to lessen, to contract
свернуться {v pf} :: (milk, cream) to turn, to curdle, (blood) to coagulate
сверстать {v pf} [printing] :: to lay out (a page)
сверстник {noun} :: contemporary
сверстник {noun} :: coeval
сверстник {noun} :: age-mate (one who is the same age as another)
сверстница {noun} :: female contemporary, age-mate (one who is the same age as another)
сверх- {prefix} :: extra-, over-, super-, ultra-
сверх {prep} :: above, over, beyond
сверхдержава {noun} :: superpower
сверхзадача {noun} :: super-task (extremely difficult or important task)
сверхзвуковой {adj} :: supersonic
сверхновая звезда {noun} :: supernova
сверхновый {adj} [relational] :: supernova
сверхоригинальный {adj} :: idiosyncratic, quirky, avant-garde, offbeat, eccentric
сверхприбыль {noun} [finance] :: superprofit, excess profit
сверхтекучесть {noun} :: superfluidity (frictionless flow of a liquid)
сверх того {adv} :: moreover, besides, additionally (by way of addition)
сверху {adv} :: above
сверху {prep} :: over, above
сверхурочные {noun} :: overtime
сверхурочный {adj} [relational] :: overtime
сверхценная идея {noun} [psychiatry] :: overvalued idea (an unreasonable and sustained belief with an underlying affective component)
сверхчеловек {noun} [philosophy] :: superman, overman
сверхчеловек {noun} :: strong personality whose actions and desires do not obey normal restrictions
сверхчеловек {noun} [colloquial] :: great man
сверхчеловек {noun} [journalistic, Nazism] :: übermensch, Aryan (member of a proposed German master race)
сверхъестественный {adj} :: supernatural
сверхъестественный {adj} :: extraordinary
сверчок {noun} :: cricket (insect)
сверчок {noun} :: grass warbler (Locustella) (bird)
свершаться {v impf} :: to happen, to occur
свершаться {v impf} :: to come true
свершение {noun} :: achievement, fulfilment, performance
свершить {v pf} [literary] :: to manage, to control, to direct, to do, to accomplish
свершиться {v pf} :: to happen, to occur
свершиться {v pf} :: to come true
сверять {v impf} :: to compare, to check, to verify (something against something else) [accusative + с + instrumental]
свес {noun} :: protruding or hanging part of something; overhang
свесить {v pf} :: to let hang, to let down, to lower
свеситься {v pf} :: to lean over
свеситься {v pf} :: to hang over, to overhang
свести {v pf} :: to lead, to take [from somewhere]
свести {v pf} :: to bring together, to throw together
свести {v pf} :: to reduce [to], to bring [to]
свести {v pf} :: to remove
свести {v pf} :: to trace [a picture]
свестись {v pf} :: to boil down (to), to come (to)
свестись {v pf} :: to come off [of a transfer picture]
свет {noun} :: light
свет {noun} :: day
свет {noun} :: radiance
свет {noun} [uncountable] :: lights, lighting
свет {noun} [uncountable, colloquial] :: power, electricity
свет {noun} :: world, earth, universe:
свет {noun} :: society, people, aristocracy
Света {prop} :: given name
светать {v impf} [impersonal] :: to dawn
светило {noun} :: heavenly body, celestial body, lamp
светило {noun} :: luminary, notability
светильник {noun} :: lamp, light fixture
светильня {noun} [archaic] :: lamp
светильня {noun} [archaic] :: wick
светить {v impf} :: to shine
светить {v impf} :: to give someone light
светить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to have a chance
светиться {v impf} :: to shine, to glow
светиться {v impf} [figuratively] :: to attract (unwanted) attention
Светлана {prop} :: given name
светлеть {v impf} :: to lighten, to become lighter
светлеть {v impf} :: to be visible (of a light-coloured object)
светло {adv} :: brightly
светло {adv} :: warmly, with kindness
светло {pred} :: it is light
светловолосый {adj} :: fair-haired
светлопёрый судак {noun} :: walleye (Sander vitreus)
светло-серый {adj} :: light gray
светлый {adj} :: light (having light), bright
светлый {adj} :: jolly
светляк {noun} :: glowworm; firefly, lightning bug
светлячок {noun} :: diminutive of светляк
световой {adj} [relational] :: light
световой {adj} :: luminous
световой год {noun} :: light year (astronomical distance)
Светогорск {prop} :: Svetogorsk (a town in North-Western Russia, near the Finnish border, called Enso till 1949)
светодиод {noun} :: light-emitting diode, LED
светодиодный {adj} [relational, technology] :: light-emitting diode, LED
светотехника {noun} :: lighting/illuminating engineering, lighting technology
светофор {noun} :: traffic light
светоч {noun} [lofty] :: lamp, luminary, light
свет очей {noun} :: apple of someone's eye (favourite, a particular preference, or a loved one)
светский {adj} [relational] :: society, high-society
светский {adj} :: secular, worldly, lay
светящийся {adj} :: luminous, lambent, lucent
светящийся {adj} :: luminescent
светящийся {adj} :: radiant
светящийся {adj} :: fluorescent
светящийся {adj} :: phosphorescent
светящийся {adj} :: candescent
светящийся {adj} :: agleam
светящийся {adj} :: alight (lit.: on fire, switched on)
светящийся {adj} :: irradiant
свеча {noun} :: candle (a light source, usually of wax)
свеча {noun} [physics] :: candela (unit of luminous intensity)
свеча {noun} [automotive] :: spark plug / sparking plug
свеча {noun} [medicine] :: suppository
свечевой {adj} :: alternative form of свечной
свечение {noun} :: glow, luminescence, fluorescence
свечечка {noun} :: diminutive of свечка
свечка {noun} :: diminutive of свеча
свечник {noun} :: candlemaker, chandler
свечник {noun} :: someone who carries a burning candle (e.g. in a traditional wedding)
свечник {noun} :: candlestick
свечной {adj} [relational] :: candle
свешивать {v impf} :: to let hang, to let down, to lower
свешиваться {v impf} :: to lean over
свешиваться {v impf} :: to hang over, to overhang
свёкла {noun} [botany, usually, uncountable] :: beet (the root plant Beta vulgaris)
свёкор {noun} :: a woman’s father-in-law (husband’s father only)
свёкр {noun} :: alternative form of свёкор
свёрток {noun} :: package, bundle, parcel
свёрток {noun} :: roll (that which is rolled up)
свёрток {noun} :: clot
свёртывание {noun} :: rolling up
свёртывание {noun} :: curtailment
свёртывание {noun} :: coagulation
свёртывать {v impf} :: to displace, to remove
свёртывать {v impf} :: to roll up, to furl
свёртывать {v impf} :: to curtail, to reduce, to cut down
свёртывать {v impf} :: to wind up, to bring to a close
свёртывать {v impf} :: to coagulate
свёртываться {v impf} :: to curl up, to roll up, to coil up
свёртываться {v impf} :: to lessen, to contract
свёртываться {v impf} :: (milk, cream) to turn, to curdle, (blood) to coagulate
свивать {v impf} :: to wind, to twist, to twine
свивать {v impf} [dated] :: to swaddle (a child)
свиваться {v impf} :: to coil, to roll up
свидание {noun} :: appointment; date
свидание {noun} :: visit (with a prisoner, patient, etc.)
свиданье {noun} [poetic] :: alternative form of свидание
свидетель {noun} :: eyewitness, witness (one who has a personal knowledge of something)
свидетельница {noun} :: female witness
свидетельский {adj} [relational] :: witness, eyewitness
свидетельство {noun} :: evidence, testimony (facts presented in support of an assertion)
свидетельство {noun} :: evidence, illustration (proof)
свидетельство {noun} :: certificate
свидетельствовать {v impf} :: to testify, to witness, to be evidence (of)
свидомый {adj} :: conscientious (used in a satirical context in relation to Ukrainian nationalists)
свинарник {noun} :: pigsty, pigpen (shelter where pigs are kept)
свинарня {noun} :: pigsty
свинец {noun} :: lead (the metal, the chemical element)
свинец {noun} :: bullet
свинина {noun} :: pork
свинка {noun} :: diminutive from свинья
свинка {noun} :: mumps (contagious disease)
свиной {adj} [relational] :: pig
свиной {adj} [relational] :: pork
свинство {noun} [colloquial] :: swinishness, piggishness, piggery, rudeness
свинство {noun} [colloquial] :: dirtiness, flagrant untidiness
свинство {noun} [colloquial] :: meanness, mean/base nature
свинство {noun} [colloquial] :: mean/low-down trick
свинцовый {adj} [relational] :: lead (metal); leaden
свинья {noun} :: pig, hog, sow, swine (mammal of genus Sus)
свирель {noun} :: pipe, svirel (musical instrument)
свирепеть {v impf} :: to grow furious, to begin to see red
свирепеть {v impf} :: to become fierce, to become ferocious, to become cruel
свирепо {adv} :: ferociously, fiercely
свирепость {noun} :: ferocity, savagery, atrociousness
свирепствовать {v impf} [literary] :: to rage
свирепый {adj} :: bloodthirsty, ferocious, savage
свирепый {adj} :: fierce, furious
свирепый {adj} :: wicked, atrocious, savage
свисать {v impf} :: to droop, to hang down, to dangle
свисать {v impf} :: to slouch
свиснуть {v pf} :: to droop, to hang down, to dangle
свиснуть {v pf} :: to slouch
свист {noun} :: whistle (act of whistling)
свистать {v impf} :: to whistle, to make a whistling sound [without the aid of a whistle]
свистать {v impf} :: to call someone by whistling
свистать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to beat strongly with liquid
свистать всех наверх {interj} :: all hands on deck (order)
свистеть {v impf} :: to whistle, to make a whistling sound [with or without the aid of a whistle]
свистеть {v impf} :: to sing, to pipe [of birds]
свистеть {v impf} :: to whine [of a bullet]
свистнуть {v pf} :: to whistle
свистнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to smack, to slap
свистнуть {v pf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to sneak, to pinch, to steal
свисток {noun} :: whistle (device used to make a whistling sound, act of whistling)
свистулька {noun} :: tin whistle, pennywhistle, Irish whistle
свистун {noun} :: whistler
свита {noun} :: suite, escort, retinue, entourage
свита {noun} [geology] :: suite
свитер {noun} :: sweater (knitted jacket)
свиток {noun} :: roll, scroll
свить {v pf} :: to wind
свить {v pf} :: to twist, to weave
свиться {v pf} :: to coil, to roll up
свихнуть {vt pf} [colloquial] :: to dislocate, to put out of joint
свихнуться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to go crazy
свихнуться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to go astray
свобода {noun} :: freedom, liberty
свобода слова {noun} :: freedom of speech
свободно {adv} :: freely (without interference or restriction)
свободно {adv} :: freely, easily (without difficulties)
свободный {adj} :: free (not subject to limitations, not subject to rigid control)
свободный {adj} [chiefly software and artworks] :: libre
свободный {adj} :: free, unrestricted, free access
свободный {adj} :: free, vacant, unoccupied, empty, spare
свободный {adj} :: loose, spacious, loose-fitting
свободный {adj} [chemistry] :: free, not bound to other elements, free valence
свод {noun} :: vault, arch
свод {noun} [legal] :: code
сводить {v impf} :: to lead, to take [from somewhere]
сводить {v impf} :: to bring together, to throw together
сводить {v impf} :: to reduce [to], to bring [to]
сводить {v impf} :: to remove
сводить {v impf} :: to trace [a picture]
сводить {v pf} :: to take [somewhere]
сводить концы с концами {phrase} :: to make ends meet (get by financially; get through the pay period)
сводиться {v impf} :: to boil down (to), to come (to)
сводиться {v impf} :: to come off [of a transfer picture]
сводка {noun} :: summary, report
сводка {noun} [polygraphy] :: revise
сводная сестра {noun} :: stepsister
сводник {noun} :: pimp, procurer of women
сводничать {v impf} :: to procure, to pander, to pimp
сводный {adj} :: summary
сводный {adj} :: step-
сводный брат {noun} :: stepbrother
сводня {noun} [colloquial, pejorative] :: procuress, pander
своеволие {noun} :: willfulness, stubbornness
своеволие {noun} :: arbitrariness
своевременно {adv} :: in time
своевременность {noun} :: timeliness
своевременный {adj} :: timely, well-timed; opportune
своенравный {adj} :: wayward, fickle, headstrong
своеобразие {noun} :: originality, peculiarity, singularity
своеобразно {adv} :: originally, idiosyncratically (in a new, different, creative manner)
своеобразный {adj} :: original, idiosyncratic, singular (fresh, new, different, creative)
своеобразный {adj} :: reminiscent [+ instrumental; of something]
своеручный {adj} [dated] :: handwritten
своеручный {adj} [dated] :: handmade
свозить {vt impf} :: to transport down, to drive down
свозить {v impf} :: to transport away, to carry away [by vehicle]
свозить {vt impf} :: to gather together
свозить {vt pf} :: to transport there and back, to drive there and back
свой {pron} [reflexive-possessive pronoun] :: one's own; my, his, her, its, our, your, their (always refers to the subject of the sentence)
свой {pron} :: allied, friendly
свой {pron} :: peculiar
свойственно {adv} :: characteristically
свойственный {adj} :: inherent, typical (of, for), peculiar (to)
свойство {noun} :: property, virtue, quality (attribute or abstract quality associated with an object)
свойство {noun} :: kind
свойство {noun} [in the plural] :: characteristics
свойство {noun} :: relationship by marriage
свойство {noun} :: affinity
с волками жить — по-волчьи выть {proverb} :: when in Rome, do as the Romans do
сволочь {noun} [derogatory, collective] :: riffraff, rabble
сволочь {noun} :: asshole, scoundrel, drag
сволочь {v pf} :: to drag, to trail
сволочь {v pf} :: to draw
свора {noun} :: pack (number of hounds or dogs)
свора {noun} :: gang
сворачивать {v impf} :: to roll up
сворачивать {v impf} :: to curtail, to reduce, to cut down
сворачивать {v impf} :: to wind up, to bring to a close
сворачивать {v impf} :: to turn, to make a turn
сворачивать {v impf} :: to displace, to remove
сворачиваться {v impf} :: to curl up, to roll up, to coil up
сворачиваться {v impf} :: to lessen, to contract
сворачиваться {v impf} :: (milk, cream) to turn, to curdle, (blood) to coagulate
свороб {noun} [archaic] :: itch
своровать {v pf} :: to steal, to snaffle, to thieve
своротить {v pf} :: to displace, to remove
свояк {noun} [somewhat, dated] :: brother-in-law (husband of wife’s sister)
свояк {noun} [colloquial] :: relative
свояк {noun} [billiards] :: cue ball
своя рубашка ближе к телу {idiom} :: self comes first; charity begins at home
свояченица {noun} :: (antiquated usage) sister-in-law (wife’s sister)
свыкнуться {v pf} :: to get used to, to get accustomed to
свысока {adv} :: haughtily, with disdain
свысока {adv} [dated] :: from on high
свыше {adv} :: above
свыше {adv} [poetic] :: from the above, from God
свыше {prep} :: above (more)
связанный {adj} :: constrained (by something)
связанный {adj} :: connected (with something)
связанный {adj} :: halting (of speech)
связанный {adj} [chemistry] :: combined
связать {v pf} :: to tie, to bind
связать {v pf} :: to tie together
связать {v pf} :: to connect, to join
связать {v pf} :: to knit, to crochet
связаться {v pf} :: to communicate, to get in contact [с with]
связаться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to get involved [с with]
связист {noun} :: signalman, signaller; postal / telecommunications worker, communication man
связка {noun} :: binding, tying together
связка {noun} :: bunch, sheaf, bundle
связка {noun} :: rope team (group of people moving one after the other, as in the mountains, connected together by a safety line)
связка {noun} [anatomy] :: ligament
связка {noun} [linguistics] :: copula; connective, linking verb (grammar)
связка {noun} [philosophy] :: connective
связной {adj} [relational] :: communications
связной {adj} [relational] :: liaison
связной {noun} :: messenger, liaison
связующий {adj} :: connecting
связывание {noun} :: tying up, tying/binding together
связывание {noun} :: linking, linkage, connecting
связывание {noun} [physics] :: binding
связывание {noun} [chemistry] :: combining, binding, fixation
связывать {v impf} :: to tie together, to bind
связывать {v impf} :: to connect, to join
связываться {v impf} :: to communicate, to get in contact [с with]
связываться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to get involved [с with]
связь {noun} :: tie, relation, bond, contact
связь {noun} :: link, connection, liaison
связь {noun} [military] :: signal
связь {noun} :: communication
святая {noun} :: female saint
святее {adv} :: comparative of святой
святее {adv} :: comparative of свято
святейшество {noun} :: Holiness
святилище {noun} [dated] :: church (in Orthodox Christianity)
святилище {noun} [figuratively] :: sanctuary (a revered place)
святилище {noun} [religion] :: holy place (in general)
святитель {noun} :: prelate
святитель {noun} :: saint
свято {adv} :: piously, with awe
святой {adj} :: holy, sacred (dedicated to a religious purpose)
святой {noun} :: saint
Святой Дух {prop} :: Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost
святорусский {adj} [historical] :: Holy Russia (relating to the Russian Empire with respect to the Russian Orthodox Church)
Святослав {prop} :: given name
святость {noun} :: holiness, sanctity
святотатство {noun} :: sacrilege (desecration, profanation, misuse or violation of something sacred)
святыня {noun} :: shrine
святыня {noun} :: sacred object, something considered sacred, a sanctity
священник {noun} :: priest, clergyman
священнослужитель {noun} :: cleric, churchman, clergyman, ecclesiastic, minister (of church)
священность {noun} :: holiness, sanctity
священный {adj} :: sacred, holy
священство {noun} [religion] :: priesthood (the role or office of a priest)
священство {noun} [religion] :: priesthood (priests, collectively)
священство {noun} [religion] :: divine power, grace
с/г {adv} :: initialism of сего года
с. г. {adv} :: initialism of сего года
с.г. {adv} :: initialism of сего года
сгиб {noun} :: bend, crimp, fold
сгиб {noun} :: crook [of the arm]
сгибать {v impf} :: to bend, to curve, to crook
сгибаться {v impf} :: to bend
сгибаться {v impf} :: to bend (down), to bow (down), to stoop (down)
сгибаться {v impf} :: to bend, to be flexible
сгинуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to disappear, to vanish
сгладить {v pf} :: to smooth out
сгладить {v pf} :: to smooth over, to smooth away
сглаживать {v impf} :: to smooth out
сглаживать {v impf} :: to smooth over, to smooth away
сглаз {noun} :: evil eye, hex, jinx, whammy (an evil spell)
с глаз долой — из сердца вон {proverb} :: out of sight, out of mind
с глаз долой — из сердца вон {proverb} :: long absent, soon forgotten
сглазить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to put the evil eye (on, upon), to bewitch, to jinx, to put a hex/jinx (on), to put the whammy on, to put off (by too much praise)
сглатывать {v impf} :: to swallow
сглатывать {v impf} :: to gulp down
сглотнуть {v pf} :: to swallow
сглотнуть {v pf} :: to gulp down
сгнить {v pf} :: to rot, to go bad, to putrefy, to decompose, to decay
сгнить {v pf} :: teeth to become carious
сгнить {v pf} :: water to stagnate
сговариваться {v impf} :: to come to terms, to come to an agreement
сговариваться {v impf} :: to plot, to gang up
сговор {noun} :: collusion, deal, conspiracy, scheme
сговор {noun} [obsolete] :: betrothal
сговориться {v pf} :: to come to terms, to come to an agreement
сговориться {v pf} :: to plot, to gang up
сговорчивый {adj} :: accommodating
сговорчивый {adj} :: tractable, amenable (willing to respond to persuasion or suggestions)
сговорчивый {adj} :: pliable
сговорчивый {adj} :: appeasable
сговорчивый {adj} :: manageable
сговорчивый {adj} :: suasible
сгодиться {v pf} [nonstandard] :: to be useful to [+ dative], to come in handy
сгонять {v impf} :: to drive away
сгонять {v impf} :: to drive together (cattle, etc.)
сгонять {v impf} [colloquial] :: to lose (weight)
сгонять {v impf} :: to remove (from the surface of)
сгонять {vi pf} [colloquial] :: to move quickly
сгонять {vt pf} [colloquial] :: to cause to go somewhere quickly and come back
сгорание {noun} :: combustion
сгорать {v impf} :: to burn out, to burn down (intransitive)
сгорбить {vt pf} :: to hunch
сгорбиться {vi pf} :: to hunch over
сгореть {v pf} :: to burn out (to finish burning out), to burn down
сгореть {v pf} :: to be burned, be used up
сгореть {v pf} :: to burn (intransitive)
сгореть {v pf} :: to burn oneself out
сгоряча {adv} [colloquial] :: rashly, in the heat of the moment, without reflection
сгоряча {adv} [colloquial] :: in a temper
сгребать {v impf} :: to rake up, to rake together, to shovel up, to shovel in
сгребать {v impf} :: to shovel (off, from)
сгребать {v impf} :: to grab
сгрести {v pf} :: to rake up, to rake together, to shovel up, to shovel in
сгрести {v pf} :: to shovel (off, from)
сгрести {v pf} :: to grab
сгрудиться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to crowd, to bunch
сгружать {v impf} :: to unload
сгрузить {v pf} :: to unload
сгрузка {noun} :: unloading
сгруппировать {v pf} :: to group, to classify
сгруппировать {v pf} :: to collect, to concentrate
сгруппироваться {vi pf} :: to group together, to be grouped, to cluster
сгруппироваться {v pf} [sports] :: to assume the correct posture [preparatory to a jump, somersault, etc.]
сгруппировывать {v impf} :: to group, to classify
сгруппировывать {v impf} :: to collect, to concentrate
сгруппировываться {vi impf} :: to group together, to be grouped, to cluster
сгруппировываться {v impf} [sports] :: to assume the correct posture [preparatory to a jump, somersault, etc.]
сгубить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to wreck, to destroy, to ruin
сгустить {v pf} :: to thicken, to condense
сгуститься {v pf} :: to curdle, to clot, to thicken, to coagulate
сгусток {noun} :: clot
сгущать {v impf} :: to thicken, to condense
сгущаться {v impf} :: to curdle, to clot, to thicken, to coagulate
сгущение {noun} :: thickening, concentration (the act or process of reducing the volume of a liquid)
сгущение {noun} :: condensation, concretion
сдавать {v impf} :: to deliver, to hand in, to hand over
сдавать {v impf} :: to return, to turn in
сдавать {v impf} :: (a fortress, city etc.) to surrender, to yield
сдавать {v impf} [cards] :: to deal
сдавать {v impf} :: to take/pass (an exam)
сдавать {v impf} :: to be weakened, to be in a reduced state
сдаваться {v impf} :: to surrender, to yield
сдаваться {v impf} :: to give up, to give in
сдаваться {v impf} :: to give in, to give way
сдаваться {v impf} [colloquial, impersonal, imperfective only] :: to seem
сдавить {v pf} :: to squeeze
сдавленно {adv} :: in a constrained voice
сдавливать {v impf} :: to squeeze
сдаточный {adj} [relational] :: delivery
сдаточный {adj} [relational] :: surrender
сдать {vt pf} :: to deliver, to hand in, to hand over
сдать {vt pf} :: to return, to turn in
сдать {vti pf} :: to surrender, to yield
сдать {vti pf} [cards] :: to deal
сдать {vti pf} :: to take/pass, to usually about an exam
сдать {v pf} :: to be weakened, to be in a reduced state
сдать {v pf} :: to move back a bit (like while driving)
сдаться {v pf} :: to surrender, to yield
сдаться {v pf} :: to give up, to give in
сдаться {v pf} :: to give in, to give way
сдача {noun} :: delivery
сдача {noun} [by extension] :: fighting back, hitting back the offender
сдача {noun} :: surrender
сдача {noun} :: change (money given back when a customer hands over more than the exact price of an item)
сдача {noun} :: deal (card game)
сдача {noun} :: letting out, leasing out [property; usually followed by внаём]
сдвиг {noun} :: shift, displacement
сдвиг {noun} :: change for the better, progress, improvement
сдвиг {noun} [geology] :: displacement, dislocation
сдвиг {noun} [engineering] :: shear
сдвигать {v impf} :: to shift, to move
сдвигать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to make [someone obstinate or lazy] move, to make someone take actions
сдвигать {v impf} :: to move objects together
сдвигаться {v impf} :: to move, to budge
сдвигаться {v impf} :: to come/draw together
сдвигаться {v impf} :: to move forward, to get going, to improve
сдвинутый {adj} :: displaced, shifted, offset
сдвинутый {adj} [colloquial] :: crazy, balmy
сдвинуть {v pf} :: to shift, to move
сдвинуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to make (someone obstinate or lazy) move, to make someone take actions
сдвинуть {v pf} :: to move objects together
сдвинуться {v pf} :: to move, to budge
сдвинуться {v pf} :: to come/draw together
сдвинуться {v pf} :: to move forward, to get going, to improve
сделать {v pf} :: to make, to do
сделать вид {v pf} :: pretend, affect (to make a false display of)
сделать предложение {v pf} :: to propose (to ask for one's hand in marriage) (+ dative case)
сделаться {v pf} :: to become, to get, to grow, to turn
сделаться {v pf} :: to happen (with, to), to be going on
сделка {noun} :: deal, bargain
сделка {noun} :: transaction (the act of conducting or carrying out business, negotiations, plans, etc.)
сдержанно {adv} :: with restraint, with reserve, reservedly
сдержанность {noun} :: restraint, self-restraint
сдержанность {noun} :: reserve, moderateness
сдержанный {adj} :: restrained, reserved (held back, limited, kept in check or under control)
сдержать {v pf} :: to hold in, to hold back, to keep back, to restrain, to hold in check, to contain, to deter
сдержать {v pf} :: to keep (promise, word)
сдержаться {v pf} :: to control/restrain oneself, to hold oneself in check
сдерживание {noun} :: deterrence
сдерживать {v impf} :: to hold in, to hold back, to keep back, to restrain, to hold in check, to contain, to deter
сдерживать {v impf} :: to keep (promise, word)
сдерживаться {v impf} :: to control/restrain oneself, to hold oneself in check
сдёргивать {v impf} :: to pull off
сдёрнуть {v pf} :: to pull off
сдирать {v impf} :: to strip, to strip off, to scratch off
сдирать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to charge
сдирать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to copy, to crib, to plagiarize
с днём рождения {interj} :: happy birthday
сдохнуть {v pf} :: to die (of livestock, cattle; battery)
сдохнуть {v pf} [pejorative, slang] :: to croak (to die)
сдружать {v impf} :: to make (people) friends, to cause (people) to become friends
сдружаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to become friends, to make friends [with]
сдружить {v pf} :: to make (people) friends, to cause (people) to become friends
сдружиться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to become friends, to make friends [with]
сдувать {v impf} :: to blow away, to blow off
сдувать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to crib (from)
сдуреть {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to get stupid, to become foolish
сдуру {adv} [colloquial] :: stupidly, foolishly
сдуть {v pf} :: to blow away, to blow off
сдуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to crib (from)
сдыхать {v impf} :: (animals) to die, to fall
сдыхать {v impf} [rude] :: (people) to die, to peg out, to kick the bucket
сдыхать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to be dying
сеанс {noun} :: session, sitting, show (duration of a movie, performance, etc.), séance
себе- {prefix} :: auto- (regarding oneself)
себе {particle} :: keep on
себестоимость {noun} :: prime cost, cost price, net cost
Себу {prop} {m inan} :: Себу (island/and/city)
себуано {m inan} :: Cebuano
себя {pron} :: (reflexive pronoun) myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves (no nominative case)
себя {pron} :: (reflexive pronoun) oneself
себяшка {noun} [colloquial, neologism] :: selfie
сев {noun} :: sowing
Севан {noun} :: Севан (the largest <<lake>> in <<c/Armenia>>)
Севан {noun} :: Севан (town)
севанская форель {noun} :: Sevan trout [Salmo ischchan]
Севастополь {prop} :: Севастополь (a <<port city>> in <<pen/Crimea>>, internationally recognized as part of <<c/Ukraine>> but de facto in <<c/Russia>>)
севастопольский {adj} [relational] :: Sevastopol
север {noun} :: north
север {noun} :: North [northern part of any region]
север {noun} :: Arctic [northern parts of Russia]
Север {prop} :: Severus
Северная Америка {prop} :: North America
Северная Дакота {prop} :: Северная Дакота (state)
Северная Земля {prop} :: Северная Земля (archipelago)
Северная Ирландия {noun} :: Северная Ирландия (province)
Северная Каролина {prop} :: Северная Каролина (state)
Северная Корея {prop} :: Северная Корея (country)
Северная Македония {prop} :: Северная Македония (country)
Северная Осетия {prop} :: Северная Осетия (republic)
Северная Осетия-Алания {prop} :: alternative form of Северная Осетия
Северное море {prop} :: North Sea
северное сияние {noun} :: aurora borealis, northern lights (an atmospheric phenomenon)
северный {adj} :: north, northern
северный {adj} :: northerly
Северный Кавказ {prop} :: Северный Кавказ (region)
Северный Кипр {prop} :: Northern Cyprus or North Cyprus
Северный Ледовитый океан {prop} :: Arctic Ocean
Северный морской путь {prop} {m inan} :: Northern Sea Route
северный полярный круг {noun} :: Arctic Circle (one of the five major circles of latitude)
Северо-Американские Соединённые Штаты {prop} [dated] :: alternative form of Соединённые Штаты Америки Северо-Американские Соединённые Штаты (country)
североамериканский {adj} :: North American
североатлантический {adj} [relational] :: North Atlantic
северо-восток {noun} :: northeast
северо-восточный {adj} :: northeast, northeastern
северо-восточный {adj} :: northeasterly
северо-запад {noun} :: northwest
северо-западный {adj} :: northwest, northwestern, northwesterly
северо-кавказский {adj} [relational] :: North Caucasus
северокорейский {adj} :: North Korean
северомакедонский {adj} :: North Macedonian (of, or relating to North Macedonia)
Северский Донец {prop} :: Donets River, or Seversky Donets, which flows 1053 km through Russia and the Ukraine into the Don River
северянин {noun} :: northerner
севрюга {noun} :: sevruga, starry sturgeon
сегмент {noun} :: segment
сегмент {noun} :: class (of vehicles)
сегодня {adv} :: today
сегодня {n inan} :: today, this day
сегодняшний {adj} :: today’s, this (day)
седалищная кость {noun} [anatomy] :: ischium
Седан {noun} :: Седан (town)
седельный {adj} [relational] :: saddle
седеть {v impf} :: (hair) to become gray, to turn gray
седина {noun} :: gray hair
седина {noun} [figuratively] :: great age, old age
седлать {v impf} :: to saddle, to put on a halter
седло {noun} :: saddle (seat on an animal)
седловина {noun} [geography] :: saddleback, saddle, col
седмерица {noun} [ecclesiastic, rare, obsolete] :: number seven
седмица {noun} [obsolete] :: week
седовласый {adj} :: alternative form of седоволосый
седоволосый {adj} :: gray-haired
седой {adj} :: grey, grey-haired, grey-headed (having grey hair)
седок {noun} :: passenger in a horse-drawn carriage
седок {noun} :: horse rider
седьмая {noun} :: seventh part
седьмой {adj} :: seventh
сезон {noun} :: season (quarter of a year)
сезонный {adj} :: seasonal
сезонный {adj} [relational] :: season
сей {pron} [archaic, poetic, literary, humorous] :: this, this here
сейл {noun} [colloquial] :: sale (sale of goods at reduced prices)
сейнер {noun} :: seiner (type of fishing boat)
сейсмический {adj} :: seismic
сейсмограф {noun} :: seismograph (instrument that detects and records earthquakes)
сейсмология {noun} :: seismology (the study of the vibration of the Earth's interior)
сейсмопротектор {noun} :: earthquake protector
сейф {noun} :: safe (box in which valuables can be locked for safekeeping)
сейчас {adv} :: now, at present
сейчас {adv} :: presently, immediately, at once
сейчас {adv} :: just now
сейчас же {adv} :: immediately, at once
Сейшелы {prop} :: Сейшелы (country/and/archipelago)
Сейшельские острова {prop} :: Сейшельские острова (country/and/archipelago)
сейшельский {adj} :: Seychellois
сек {f inan} :: sec, second
секач {noun} :: bill, billhook
секач {noun} :: adult male boar, hog or seal
секвестр {noun} [law] :: sequestration
секвестр {noun} [medicine] :: sequestrum
секвестр {noun} [economics] :: sequester, across-the-board cut
секвойя {noun} [botany] :: redwood, sequoia (tree)
секира {noun} :: pole-axe
секрет {noun} :: secret
секрет {noun} :: secretion
секретариат {noun} :: secretariat (the office or department of a government secretary)
секретарша {noun} [colloquial] :: secretary (female)
секретарша {noun} [colloquial] :: the wife of a secretary
секретарь {noun} :: secretary
секретер {noun} :: secretary (type of desk)
секретно {adv} :: secretly (in secret)
секретность {noun} :: secrecy
секретный {adj} :: secret
секретный {adj} :: clandestine (secret; covert, as a clandestine organization)
секретный {adj} :: covert
секс {noun} [usually, uncountable] :: sex (sexual intercourse)
сексапилочка {noun} [slang, colloquial, obsolete] :: sexy babe, a sexy female
сексапильный {adj} :: sexy, lush (beautiful, having sexual appeal)
секс-бомба {noun} [colloquial] :: bombshell (someone who is very attractive)
сексдециллион {num} :: sexdecillion (1051, or 1096 long scale)
секси {adj} [colloquial] :: sexy (having sexual appeal)
сексизм {noun} :: sexism
сексист {noun} :: sexist
сексистский {adj} :: sexist
сексолог {noun} :: sexologist (male or female)
сексология {noun} :: sexology
секстант {noun} :: sextant
секстиллион {num} :: sextillion (1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 1021)
сексуальная ориентация {noun} :: sexual orientation
сексуально {adv} :: sexually (in a sexual manner, with respect to intercourse)
сексуально {adv} :: sexy
сексуальность {noun} :: sexuality (concern with or interest in sexual activity)
сексуальный {adj} :: sexual, sexy
секс-шоп {noun} :: sex shop
секта {noun} :: sect
сектант {noun} :: sectarian, cultist
сектор {noun} :: sector
сектор {noun} :: sphere, branch, department
сектор Газа {prop} :: Gaza Strip
секуляризм {noun} :: secularism
секунда {noun} :: second (unit of time)
секунда {noun} :: A second (unit of angle)
секунда {noun} :: A second (musical interval)
секунда {noun} [figuratively] :: a short amount of time
секундант {noun} :: second (attendant of a duel or boxing match standing in for a contestant)
секундант {noun} [sports] :: mediator, intermediary, middleman
секундный {adj} [relational] :: second (unit of time)
секундный {adj} :: lasting one second, momentary
секундочка {noun} :: diminutive of секунда
секундочку {interj} :: wait a moment
секундочку {interj} :: stop!
секундочку {interj} [now rare] :: right (especially as first words in the sentence)
секция {noun} :: section
секция {noun} :: wall unit
секция {noun} :: breakup group
секция {noun} :: hobby group, hobby circle
селевкидский {adj} :: Seleucid
селезень {noun} :: drake, male duck
селезёнка {noun} [anatomy] :: spleen, milt (organ)
селективно {adv} :: selectively
селективный {adj} :: selective
селектор {noun} :: selector, selector switch
селекционер {noun} :: breeder (someone involved in breeding)
селекция {noun} :: selection (process or act of selecting)
селен {noun} :: selenium
Селена {prop} :: Selena (goddess of the moon)
Селена {prop} :: given name
селение {noun} :: settlement, colony; village, hamlet
селенология {noun} :: selenology
селёдка {noun} [colloquial] :: herring (Clupea)
селёдочница {noun} [animate] :: a female herring seller, feminine noun of селёдочник
селёдочница {noun} [inanimate] :: an elongated plate used for fish, especially herrings
селитра {noun} [chemistry] :: saltpetre (potassium nitrate, sodium nitrate)
селить {v impf} :: to settle, to lodge
селиться {v impf} :: to settle, to take up one's residence
село {noun} :: village
селфи {n inan} :: selfie (photographic self-portrait)
сель {noun} :: landslide, mudslide, mudflow (a geological disaster)
сельва {noun} :: tropical rainforest (typically in South America); Amazon rainforest, selva
сельдерей {noun} :: celery
сельдерейный {adj} [relational] :: celery
сельдь {noun} :: herring (Clupea)
сельдь под шубой {noun} :: a dressed herring salad ("herring under fur coat")
сельпо {n inan} :: rural cooperative (organization or store)
сельский {adj} [relational] :: village
сельский {adj} :: rural, country (relating to less-populated, non-urban areas)
сельский {adj} :: agricultural
сельское хозяйство {noun} :: agriculture (the art or science of cultivating the ground)
сельскохозяйственный {adj} :: agricultural, farming
сельсовет {noun} :: village Soviet, village council
сельхозпредприятие {noun} :: agricultural enterprise
сельхозпродукция {noun} [collective] :: agricultural products
сельхозпроизводитель {noun} :: agricultural producer, grower
сельцо {noun} :: diminutive of село
сельчанин {noun} :: countryman (a person living in a rural area)
сельчанин {noun} :: [colloquial] fellow-villager
селянин {noun} :: rustic (person from a rural area)
семантика {noun} :: semantics
семантический {adj} :: semantic (relating to semantics or the meanings of words)
семафор {noun} :: semaphore, signal post
семейка {noun} [colloquial] :: diminutive of семья: (little) family
семейка {noun} :: pejorative of семья
семейный {adj} :: family, domestic
семейный очаг {noun} :: hearth (as a symbol for home or family life)
семейство {noun} :: family, household
семейство {noun} [biology] :: family
семенить {v impf} :: to mince (along)
семенной {adj} [relational] :: seed
семенной {adj} :: seminal, spermatic
семенной пузырёк {noun} [anatomy] :: seminal vesicle
семенодоля {noun} [botany] :: seed lobe, cotyledon
семеро {num} :: seven (in a group together), seven of them
семестр {noun} :: semester, term (half of school year)
семечко {noun} :: diminutive of семя: seed
семечко {noun} [usually, in the plural] :: sunflower seeds
семечко {noun} [usually, in the plural] :: child's play, something very easy to do
Семён {prop} :: given name
Семён {prop} :: Simon (name of various people in the New Testament)
Семёнов {adj} :: Semyon's, Simeon's, Simon's
семёрка {noun} [colloquial] :: (digit) seven
семёрка {noun} :: group of seven
семёрка {noun} [cards] :: seven
семёрка {noun} :: No 7 bus, tram, etc
семидесятилетие {noun} :: seventy-year period
семидесятилетие {noun} :: seventieth anniversary, seventieth birthday
семидесятилетний {adj} [relational] :: seventy-year
семидесятилетний {adj} :: seventy-year-old
семидесятый {adj} :: seventieth
семилетие {noun} :: seven-year period
семилетие {noun} :: seventh anniversary, seventh birthday
семилетка {noun} :: seven-year period
семилетка {noun} :: seven-year plan
семилетка {noun} :: seven-year school, grade school (ages 7–13)
семилетка {noun} :: seven-year-old child, child of seven
семилетний {adj} [relational] :: seven-year
семилетний {adj} :: seven-year-old
семинар {noun} :: seminar
семинарий {noun} [dated] :: seminar
семинария {noun} :: seminary (theological school)
семиотика {noun} :: semiotics
Семирамида {prop} :: Semiramis (name of an Assyrian queen)
семиструнка {noun} :: synonym of семиструнная гитара: seven-string guitar
семиструнный {adj} :: seven-string (of a guitar)
семит {noun} :: Semite
семитский {adj} :: Semitic
семиугольник {noun} :: heptagon
семка {noun} :: seed
семнадцатилетие {noun} :: seventeen-year period
семнадцатилетие {noun} :: seventeenth anniversary, seventeenth birthday
семнадцатилетний {adj} [relational] :: seventeen-year
семнадцатилетний {adj} :: seventeen-year-old
семнадцатиугольник {noun} :: heptadecagon
семнадцатый {adj} :: seventeenth
семнадцать {num} :: seventeen (17)
семнадцатью {adv} :: 17x, seventeen times as much
семпл {noun} [music] :: sample
семплер {noun} [music] :: sampler
семплерный {adj} [relational] :: sampler, sampling
семплинг {noun} [music] :: sampling
семплировать {v both} [music, neologism] :: to sample
семь {num} :: seven (7)
семьдесят {num} :: seventy (70)
семьдесят восемь {num} :: seventy-eight (78)
семьдесят два {num} :: seventy-two (72)
семьдесят девять {num} :: seventy-nine (79)
семьдесят один {num} :: seventy-one (71)
семьдесят пять {num} :: seventy-five (75)
семьдесят семь {num} :: seventy-seven (77)
семьдесят три {num} :: seventy-three (73)
семьдесят четыре {num} :: seventy-four (74)
семьдесят шесть {num} :: seventy-six (76)
семь раз отмерь, один отрежь {proverb} :: look before you leap, better safe than sorry, to measure thrice and cut once, second thoughts are best
семьсот {num} :: seven hundred (700)
семь чудес света {n inanp} :: Seven Wonders of the World
семью {adv} :: 7x, seven times as much
семьюдесятью {adv} :: 70x, seventy times as much
семья {noun} :: family
семьянин {noun} :: family man
семя {noun} :: seed [also figurative]
семя {noun} :: semen
семявыбрасывающий проток {noun} [anatomy] :: ejaculatory duct
семявыносящий проток {noun} [anatomy] :: vas deferens
семядоля {noun} [botany] :: seed lobe, cotyledon
семяизвержение {noun} [physiology] :: ejaculation
семянка {noun} :: achene (small dry fruit)
Сена {prop} :: Сена (former department)
Сена {prop} :: Сена (river in <<c/France>> that flows through <<city/Paris>>)
сенат {noun} :: senate
сенатор {noun} :: senator
сенатский {adj} :: senate, senatorial
сенбернар {noun} :: Saint Bernard
Сендай {prop} :: Сендай (capital city)
Сенегал {prop} :: Сенегал (country)
Сенегал {prop} :: Сенегал (river)
сенегальский {adj} :: Senegalese
сенешаль {noun} :: seneschal
сени {noun} :: hall, vestibule, entrance hall (a room between the porch and the habitable part of a house where people leave their boots and overcoats; especially in rustic homes)
сени {noun} [obsolete] :: railroad carriage platform, tambour
сенной {adj} [relational] :: hay
сенной {adj} [relational] :: vestibule, lobby, entrance hall
сено {noun} :: hay
сеновал {noun} :: hayloft
сенокос {noun} :: haymaking
сенокос {noun} :: hayfield
сенокосец {noun} :: harvestman, daddy longlegs (arachnid)
сенокосилка {noun} :: mower
сенсационный {adj} :: sensational
сенсация {noun} :: sensation (widespread excitement)
сенсей {noun} :: sensei (a martial arts instructor)
сенсей {noun} :: a Japanese (language) teacher
Сен-Сен-Дени {prop} {m inan} :: Сен-Сен-Дени (department)
сенсор {noun} :: sensor (device that perceives touch)
сенсор {noun} [animate] :: person with skin sensitivity
сенсорный {adj} [computing] :: touch
сенсорный {adj} :: sensory
Сент-Винсент и Гренадины {prop} :: Сент-Винсент и Гренадины (country/and/archipelago)
Сент-Джонс {prop} :: Сент-Джонс (capital city)
Сент-Джорджес {prop} :: Сент-Джорджес (capital city)
сентенция {noun} :: maxim, dictum, wise sentence
сентиментальность {noun} :: sentimentality
сентиментальный {adj} :: sentimental
Сент-Китс и Невис {prop} {f} :: Сент-Китс и Невис (a <<country>> consisting of two <<islands>> in the <<r/Caribbean>>)
Сент-Люсия {prop} :: Сент-Люсия (island/and/country)
сентябрь {noun} :: September
сентябрьский {adj} [relational] :: September
сень {noun} :: canopy (in church)
сень {noun} [poetic, obsolete] :: foliage, umbrage
сень {noun} [figuratively] :: shade, shelter
сеньёр {noun} :: alternative form of сеньор
сеньор {noun} [historical] :: seigneur
сеньор {noun} :: señor
сеньора {noun} :: señora
сепаратизм {noun} :: separatism
сепаратист {noun} :: separatist
сепаратистский {adj} :: separatist (advocating or seeking the separation of a country or territory)
септиллион {num} :: septillion (1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 1024)
сера {noun} :: sulphur, sulfur
сера {noun} :: brimstone
сера {noun} :: earwax, cerumen
серб {noun} :: Serb, Serbian (person of Serbian descent)
серб {noun} :: Sorb, Sorbian, Wend (person of Wendish descent)
Сербия {prop} :: Сербия (country)
Сербия и Черногория {prop} :: Сербия и Черногория (former country)
сербиянин {noun} [obsolete] :: Serb
сербка {noun} :: female Serbian, Serb (person from Serbia)
сербка {noun} :: female Sorb, Sorbian, Wend (person of Wendish descent)
сербский {adj} :: Serbian
сербско-хорватский {adj} :: Serbo-Croatian
сербско-хорватский {noun} :: Serbo-Croatian language
сербскохорватский {adj} :: Serbo-Croatian
сербскохорватский {noun} :: Serbo-Croatian
сервак {noun} [computer slang] :: server
сервант {noun} :: sideboard (furniture)
сервелат {noun} :: saveloy (a seasoned pork sausage, normally purchased ready cooked)
сервер {noun} [computing] :: server (a computer or a program which provides services to other programs or users)
сервиз {noun} :: service, set
сервировать {v both} :: to set (the table)
сервировать {v both} :: to serve (food, drinks, etc.)
сервировать {v both} [sports] :: to serve
сервировка {noun} :: setting (the table)
сервировка {noun} :: table setting
сервировка {noun} :: table decoration during a meal
сервис {noun} :: service, hospitality
сервис {noun} :: quality service
сервис {noun} [colloquial] :: service center
сервис {noun} [computing, informatics] :: service, tools
сервисный {adj} [relational] :: service, servicing
сервисный {adj} [computing] :: service, utility
Сергеев {adj} :: Sergey's, Sergei's
Сергей {prop} :: given name
Сергиев Посад {prop} :: Сергиев Посад (city)
сердечко {noun} :: diminutive of сердце: (small) heart; a heart symbol/character
сердечник {noun} :: inner part [of a machine], core [of an electromagnet]
сердечник {noun} :: bittercress
сердечник {noun} [colloquial] :: cardiologist
сердечник {noun} [colloquial] :: heart-disease sufferer
сердечно {adv} :: cordially, heartily
сердечно-сосудистый {adj} :: cardiovascular
сердечность {noun} :: kindness, sincerity, cordiality
сердечный {adj} [relational] :: heart
сердечный {adj} [figurative] :: cordial, heartfelt
сердечный {adj} :: cardiac
сердечный {adj} :: amorous
сердечный {adj} [relational] :: love
сердито {adv} :: angrily, in a cross manner
сердито {adv} :: scowlingly
сердитый {adj} :: angry
сердить {v impf} :: to make angry, to anger, to rile
сердиться {v impf} :: to be angry
сердобольный {adj} :: tenderhearted, compassionate
сердце {noun} [anatomy] :: heart
сердце {noun} :: temper
сердце {noun} :: anger
сердце {noun} :: darling, love, sweetheart
сердцебиение {noun} :: heartbeat
сердцебиение {noun} :: heart palpitation
сердцевина {noun} :: core, pith, heart
сердцевина {noun} :: kernel (central part of a nut)
сердцевинный {adj} [relational] :: core, kernel
серебрение {noun} :: silverization
серебреник {noun} :: silver coin
серебристый {adj} :: silvery, silver (color/colour)
серебрить {v impf} :: to coat with silver, to silver-plate
серебриться {v impf} :: to become silvery
серебро {noun} :: silver
серебряный {adj} [relational] :: silver
середа {noun} [low colloquial] :: Wednesday
середа {noun} [low colloquial] :: middle
середина {noun} :: middle (centre, midpoint)
серединный {adj} [dated] :: middle, located in the middle
серединный {adj} [dated] :: average, mediocre
серединный {adj} [colloquial] :: wishy-washy, half-hearted
середний {adj} [archaic or low colloquial] :: alternative form of средний
середняк {noun} [Soviet Russia or USSR, historical] :: a peasant owing agricultural means but not exploiting others, in the Lenin-Stalin terminology someone between a poor peasant - бедняк and a rich exploiter, a kulak - кулак
середнячок {noun} :: diminutive of середняк
серенада {noun} :: serenade (serenade)
серенький {adj} [colloquial] :: diminutive of серый
серенький {adj} :: dull, murky
сереть {v impf} :: to become gray
сереть {v impf} [figurative, colloquial] :: to become gloomy
сереть {v impf} [figurative, colloquial] :: to fade [e.g. of talent], to become commonplace
сереть {v impf} [third person only, imperfective only] :: to appear [of gray things]
сереть {v impf} [dated] :: to defecate [+ instrumental]
сереть {v impf} [figurative, dated] :: to harm [+ dative]
серёдка {noun} [colloquial] :: middle
серёдка {noun} [low colloquial] :: guts, innards
Серёжа {prop} {m anim} :: given name
серёжка {noun} :: diminutive of серьга: earring
серёжка {noun} [botany] :: ament
сержант {noun} [military] :: sergeant (noncommissioned officer rank)
сериал {noun} :: series (television program)
серийный {adj} [relational] :: serial, series
серийный убийца {noun} :: serial killer (person who commits multiple murders)
серия {noun} :: series
серия {noun} :: [TV] episode, part
серна {noun} :: chamois, gemsa
серный {adj} [relational] :: sulfur; sulfuric
серо-буро-малиновый {adj} [humorous, colloquial] :: of unknown color
сероватый {adj} :: slightly gray
сероватый {adj} :: somewhat unremarkable
сероватый {adj} :: somewhat uneducated
сероводород {noun} [chemistry] :: hydrogen sulfide (H2S)
серодиагностика {noun} [medicine] :: serodiagnosis
серологический {adj} :: serological
серология {noun} [medicine] :: serology
серость {noun} :: dullness, grayness, drabness
серотонин {noun} :: serotonin
серп {noun} :: sickle
серп {noun} :: crescent
серпантин {noun} [uncountable] :: streamers, confetti
серпантин {noun} [figurative, colloquial] :: winding mountain road
серп и молот {noun} [history] :: hammer and sickle (Soviet symbol of industry and agriculture)
серпуховчанин {noun} :: citizen of Serpukhov
сертификат {noun} :: certificate
сертификация {noun} :: certification
сертифицировать {v both} :: to certify
серый {adj} :: grey, gray
серый {adj} [figurative] :: dull, dreary
серый {adj} [figurative] :: unremarkable, mundane, mediocre
серый {adj} [figurative] :: dim, ignorant, uneducated
серый {adj} [figurative] :: not quite legal
серый {noun} [euphemistic] :: wolf
серый {noun} [criminal slang] :: cop
серый кардинал {noun} :: éminence grise, power broker (person having the ability to influence important decisions, power behind the throne)
серьга {noun} :: earring
серьёз {noun} [colloquial] :: seriousness
серьёзнейший {adj} :: superlative of серьёзный: most serious
серьёзнеть {v impf} [colloquial] :: to get serious, to become serious
серьёзно {adv} :: seriously, gravely, earnestly
серьёзно {interj} :: indeed, really
серьёзность {noun} :: seriousness, earnestness
серьёзность {noun} :: gravity, severity
серьёзный {adj} :: serious, earnest
серьёзный {adj} :: serious, grave, important
серьёзный {adj} :: serious, strong, formidable
сесото {m inan} :: Sotho (language)
сессия {noun} :: session, sitting
сессия {noun} [law] :: term
сессия {noun} :: examinations
сестра {noun} :: sister
сестрёнка {noun} :: diminutive of сестра: sis, little sister
сестрин {adj} [possessive] :: sister’s
сестринский {adj} :: sisterly
сестринство {noun} :: sisterhood
сестрица {noun} :: diminutive of сестра: sister, sis; little sister
сестричка {noun} :: diminutive of сестра: sis, little sister
сесть {v pf} :: to sit down
сесть {v pf} :: to be imprisoned
сесть {v pf} :: (of an electrical battery or accumulator) to become flat, to die
сет {noun} [tennis] :: set
сет {noun} [poker] :: three of a kind
Сет {prop} [mythology] :: Set (an ancient Egyptian god)
сетевой {adj} [relational] :: network
сетевой {adj} [relational, electrotechnology] :: power, mains
сетка {noun} :: net, netting
сетка {noun} :: mesh, gauze
сетка {noun} [sport] :: net
сетка {noun} :: string bag
сетка {noun} :: luggage rack [in a train]
сетка {noun} :: grid, graticule
сетка {noun} :: scale
сетка {noun} :: reticulum, bonnet, the second compartment of the stomach of a ruminant
Сето {prop} {m inan} :: Сето (city)
сетование {noun} :: complaining, lamentation
сетование {noun} [usually plural] :: complaint
сетовать {v impf} :: to lament, to complain (of)
сеточка {noun} :: diminutive of сетка
сеттер {noun} :: setter (breed of dog)
сетчатка {noun} :: retina (thin layer of cells at the back of the eyeball)
сетчатый {adj} [relational] :: mesh; reticulate
сеть {noun} :: net (used for catching fish), mesh
сеть {noun} :: grid
сеть {noun} :: network, system
Сеул {prop} :: Сеул (capital city)
сечение {noun} :: section, cut, sectional view
сечка {noun} :: chopping knife, cleaver
сечка {noun} :: chopped straw, chaff
сечка {noun} :: ground cereal
сечь {v impf} :: to cut (up), to chop, to hew, to slash to pieces; to cleave
сечь {v impf} [colloquial] :: to get, to catch, to latch on
сечь {v impf} [colloquial] :: to know something (about), to know the ropes
сечь {v impf} :: to flog, to whip, to lash (to whip or scourge someone or something as punishment)
сеялка {noun} :: seeder, sowing machine
сеянец {noun} :: seedling
сеять {v impf} :: to sow
сеять {v impf} [colloquial] :: to lose, to squander
сеять {v impf} [figuratively] :: to spread (an idea, fear etc.)
сёги {f inanp} :: shogi, Japanese chess
сёгун {noun} :: shogun
сёмга {noun} :: salmon (the fish and the seafood)
сёрбать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to slurp (drink or eat (liquid food) noisily)
сёрпать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to slurp (drink or eat (liquid food) noisily)
сёрфинг {noun} :: surfing (sport)
сёрфинг {noun} :: surfing (browsing internet)
сжалиться {v pf} :: to take pity on [над]
сжатие {noun} :: contraction (reduction in size or activity)
сжатие {noun} :: compression, pressing
сжатый {adj} :: [air, etc.] condensed, compressed
сжатый {adj} [computers] :: compressed
сжатый {adj} :: clenched
сжатый {adj} :: concise, brief, succinct
сжать {v pf} :: to press, to squeeze
сжать {v pf} :: to hold tight
сжать {v pf} :: to narrow (down)
сжать {v pf} :: to reap, to crop
сжаться {v pf} :: to contract, to shrink
сжаться {v pf} :: to be clenched
сжаться {v pf} :: to be compressed (of gas or liquid)
сжечь {v pf} :: to burn
сжечь {v pf} :: to burn up
сжигание {noun} :: burning, incineration (the act of burning, incinerating)
сжигать {v impf} :: to burn down, to burn out (to cause to be consumed by fire)
сжимать {v impf} :: to press, to squeeze
сжимать {v impf} :: to hold tight
сжимать {v impf} :: to narrow (down)
сжиматься {v impf} :: to shrink, to contract
сжиматься {v impf} :: to compress
сжиматься {v impf} :: to contract, to clench
сжинать {v impf} :: to reap, to crop
сзади {adv} :: (from) behind
сзади {prep} :: behind
си {n inan} [music] :: B (musical note)
си {n inan} [music] :: ti (musical note)
си {n inan} [English] :: C, c (letter of the Latin alphabet)
сиамская кошка {noun} :: Siamese cat (mammal)
сиамский {adj} [relational] :: Siamese
Сиань {prop} :: Сиань (capital city)
си-бемоль мажор {noun} [music] :: B-flat major
сибирская язва {noun} [disease] :: anthrax
сибирский {adj} :: Siberian
сибирский углозуб {noun} :: Siberian salamander (Salamandrella keyserlingii)
Сибирь {prop} :: Siberia
сибиряк {noun} :: a resident of Siberia, a Siberian
сиблинг {noun} [neologism, rare] :: sibling
сиборгий {noun} :: seaborgium
Сибуя {prop} {m inan} :: Сибуя (one of 23 <<special wards>> of <<pref/Tokyo>>, <<c/Japan>>)
сивер {noun} [dialectal] :: north wind
сиверко {noun} [dialectal] :: north wind
сиверко {noun} [dialectal] :: cold weather brought by the north wind
сиверко {noun} [dialectal] :: northern slope of a mountain
сиверко {pred} [dialectal] :: it is cold and windy
сивуч {noun} :: sea lion
сивый {adj} :: gray, grey (of ash)
сиг {noun} :: Coregoninae cisco, whitefish [family]
сиг {noun} :: Coregonus vandesius, vendace [species]
сиг {noun} :: Coregonus lavaretus or Coregonus pennantii, gwyniad/gwuniad [species]
сиг {noun} :: Coregonus pollan, pollan [species]
сигара {noun} :: cigar
сигарета {noun} :: cigarette
сигаретка {noun} :: diminutive of сигарета
сигаретный {adj} [relational] :: cigarette
сигарка {noun} :: diminutive of сигара [colloquial] cigar, cigarette
сигать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to jump, to leap
сиги {noun} :: Coregonus (a genus under the Salmonidae family)
сигиллография {noun} :: sigillography
сигнал {noun} :: signal
сигнализация {noun} :: signalling, alarm (system), warning (system) (mechanical contrivance for awaking)
сигнализировать {v both} :: to signal, to indicate [+ accusative or о + prepositional or + clause, something; + dative, to someone/something]
сигнализировать {v both} :: to warn
сигналить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to signal
сигналить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to honk (a horn)
сигналить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to indicate desire to turn left or right using turn signal
сигналить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to indicate hazard on the road using high-beam
сигнал тревоги {noun} :: alarm (instance of an alarm ringing or clanging)
сигнальный {adj} [relational] :: signal
сиговые {noun} :: Coregoninae (a subfamily that includes whitefishes and ciscoes)
сиделка {noun} :: female caretaker, carer, (sick)-nurse (One who takes care of a person.)
сидение {noun} :: sitting
сидение {noun} :: seat
сиденье {noun} :: seat
сидеть {v impf} :: to sit
сидеть {v impf} [colloquial] :: to be imprisoned, to do time
сидеть {v impf} :: to stay at home with somebody, to look after somebody [с + instrumental]
сидеться {v impf} [impersonal] :: to be willing to sit, to stay (in one place)
Сидней {prop} :: Сидней (capital)
Сидон {prop} :: Sidon
Сидор {prop} :: given name
Сидоров {adj} :: Sidor's
сидр {noun} :: cider
сидя {adv} :: sitting
сидячий {adj} :: sedentary, sitting, sit-down, with seats
Сиена {prop} :: Сиена (city)
сиживать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to sit [repeatedly or frequently]; iterative of сидеть
Сизиф {prop} :: Sisyphus
СИЗО {m inan} :: remand prison, jail (for suspects), detention facility
сизоворонка {noun} [ornithology] :: European roller
сизый {adj} :: dove-coloured, warm grey, bluish
сикамор {noun} :: sycamore (Platanus occidentalis and Acer pseudoplatanus)
сикамор {noun} :: water elm (Planera aquatica)
сикамора {noun} :: sycamore (Platanus occidentalis and Acer pseudoplatanus)
сикамора {noun} :: water elm (Planera aquatica)
сиквел {noun} :: sequel
Сикоку {prop} {m inan} :: Сикоку (one of the five main <<islands>> of <<c/Japan>>)
сикомор {noun} :: sycomore (Ficus sycomorus)
сикомора {noun} :: sycomore (Ficus sycomorus)
сила {noun} :: strength
сила {noun} :: force
сила {noun} :: power, might
сила {noun} :: vigor
сила {noun} :: intensity
сила {noun} :: efficacy
сила {noun} :: energy
сила {noun} :: volume
сила воли {noun} :: willpower (strength of will)
силан {noun} :: silane
силач {noun} :: strong man
Силезия {prop} :: Силезия (historical region)
силезский {adj} :: Silesian (relating to Silesia, a region spanning parts of Poland, Germany and the Czech Republic)
силезский {noun} :: Silesian language
силикон {noun} :: silicone
силикон {noun} [colloquial, neologism] :: breast implant
силиконовый {adj} [relational] :: silicone
-силить {affix} :: Combining form used to form prefixed perfective verbs with the approximate meaning "to strengthen"
силиться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to try, to make efforts
силиций {noun} :: silicon
сило {noun} [regional, Perm] :: alternative form of силок
силовик {noun} :: silovik
силовой {adj} [sports] :: strength-based
силовой {adj} [relational, physics] :: force
силовой {adj} [relational] :: power (energy-producing)
силовой {adj} [politics] :: force-based, using troops
силок {noun} :: snare, loose, clap-net
силос {noun} [agriculture, military] :: silo
силуэт {noun} :: silhouette
Сильвия {prop} :: given name
сильнее {adv} :: comparative of сильный
сильнее {adv} :: comparative of сильно
сильней {adv} :: comparative of сильный
сильней {adv} :: comparative of сильно
сильно {adv} :: strongly, very much, hard
сильное взаимодействие {noun} [physics] :: strong interaction
сильное ядерное взаимодействие {noun} [physics] :: strong nuclear interaction
сильный {adj} :: strong, powerful
сильный {adj} [grammar] :: irregular
си мажор {noun} [music] :: B major
симбиоз {noun} :: symbiosis (relationship of mutual benefit)
символ {noun} :: symbol
символ {noun} [computing, typography] :: character, glyph
символ веры {noun} [religion or figuratively] :: creed (basic tenets of faith)
символизировать {v both} :: to symbolize
символизм {noun} :: symbolism
символика {noun} :: symbolism, symbolics
символист {noun} [art] :: Symbolist (proponent of Symbolism (arts))
символический {adj} :: symbolic
символичный {adj} :: symbolic
си минор {noun} [music] :: B minor
симметричный {adj} :: symmetric, symmetrical
симметрия {noun} :: symmetry
симония {noun} :: simony
Симоньян {prop} {m anim} {f anim} :: alternative form of Симонян
симпатизировать {v impf} :: to be in sympathy (with), to sympathize (with)
симпатичный {adj} :: nice, attractive, pleasant, pretty, handsome, cute
симпатия {noun} :: favour; attraction; sympathy
симпатия {noun} [colloquial] :: sweetheart; darling; flame (a person who is liked or desired)
симпозиум {noun} :: symposium (conference)
симпотный {adj} [slang] :: See симпатичный
симптом {noun} [medicine] :: symptom
симптом {noun} :: indication, sign, symptom
симулировать {v both} :: to simulate
симулировать {v both} :: to feign an illness or disability, especially in clinical or legal context; to malinger
симулянт {noun} :: malingerer
симулянтка {noun} :: malingerer (female)
симулятивный {adj} :: simulative, simulator, simulated
симуляция {noun} :: simulation
симуляция {noun} :: malingering
Симферополь {prop} :: Симферополь (capital city)
симфонический {adj} [relational] :: symphony
симфонический {adj} :: symphonic
симфония {noun} [music] :: symphony
симфония {noun} :: concordance (type of alphabetical index)
Синагава {prop} :: Синагава (one of 23 <<special wards>> of <<pref/Tokyo>>, <<c/Japan>>)
синагога {noun} :: synagogue
синапс {noun} [biology] :: synapse (junction between neurons)
сингальский {adj} :: Sinhalese
сингальский {noun} :: Sinhalese (language)
Сингапур {prop} :: Сингапур (island/and/city-state)
сингапурский {adj} :: Singaporean
сингл {noun} [music] :: single
сингулярность {noun} :: singularity
сингулярный {adj} [literary] :: singular, unique
Синдзи {prop} {m anim} :: given name
Синдзюку {prop} {m inan} :: Синдзюку (one of 23 <<special wards>> of <<pref/Tokyo>>, <<c/Japan>>)
синдикат {noun} :: syndicate, combine
синдром {noun} [medicine] :: syndrome (complex of symptoms)
синдром Аспергера {noun} [pathology] :: Asperger's syndrome (autism-related developmental disorder)
синдром приобретённого иммунодефицита {noun} [disease] :: acquired immune deficiency syndrome, AIDS
синдхи {m inan} :: Sindhi (language)
синева {noun} :: blue colour, blue
синеватый {adj} :: (dark) bluish
синеглазый {adj} :: blue-eyed
синекдоха {noun} [linguistics] :: synecdoche (certain figure of speech)
синекура {noun} [literary] :: sinecure
синенький {adj} :: diminutive of синий
синенький {noun} [Southern Russia, Ukraine] :: eggplant, aubergine
синергия {noun} :: synergy
синеть {v impf} :: to turn/become blue
синеть {v impf} :: (skin) to turn blue/livid
синеть {v impf} :: to appear/show blue
синий {adj} :: deep blue
синий {adj} :: indigo
синий {adj} [colloquial, figuratively] :: dead [sense transferred from the blue color of a dead person's face]
синий {adj} [colloquial, figuratively] :: drunken, drunk [also acts as noun]
синий {adj} [slang] :: being a thief belonging to the Russian mafia [from the blue color of the tattoos that cover his body]
синица {noun} :: titmouse, tomtit (any bird of the family Paridae)
синкансэн {noun} :: shinkansen (a Japanese high-speed train)
синкопа {noun} :: syncope
синоглиф {noun} :: synoglyph
синод {noun} :: synod
синодальный {adj} :: synodal
синология {noun} :: Sinology, Chinese studies
синоним {noun} :: synonym
синопсис {noun} :: synopsis
синофобия {noun} :: Sinophobia (the fear of China or the Chinese)
синтагма {noun} :: syntagma
синтаксис {noun} [linguistics] :: syntax (set of rules that govern how words are combined)
синтаксический {adj} :: syntactic, syntactical
синтез {noun} :: synthesis (formation of something complex or coherent)
синтезатор {noun} :: sequencer, synthesizer musical instrument
синтезировать {v both} :: to synthesize
синтетика {noun} :: synthetics [materials, products, etc.]
синтетический {adj} :: synthetic
Синтия {prop} :: given name
синтоизм {noun} :: Shinto (religion)
синус {noun} [mathematics] :: sine
синус {noun} [anatomy] :: sinus
синхронизация {noun} :: synchronization
синхронизировать {v both} :: to synchronize
синхрония {noun} :: synchrony
синхронно {adv} :: synchronously, in a synchronous manner
синхронный {adj} :: synchronous (at the same time)
синхрофазотрон {noun} [physics] :: synchrophasotron (type of synchrotron, a type of particle accelerator, especially one operating at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna from 1957 to 2003)
синька {noun} :: bluing (blue pigment used for coloring clothes when washing)
синька {noun} :: blueprint (paper-based reproduction usually of a technical drawing), diazo print, ammonia print
синька {noun} [colloquial] :: drunkenness, drinking
Синьцзян {prop} :: Синьцзян (autonomous region)
синюха {noun} [pathology] :: cyanosis
синюха {noun} [botany] :: Jacob’s ladder (Polemonium spp.)
синяк {noun} [pathology] :: bruise (medical: mark on the skin)
синяк {noun} [botany] :: Echium, a genus of flowering plant in the family Boraginaceae
синяк {noun} [slang] :: a hard drinking person, drunkard
сионизм {noun} :: Zionism (Jewish national liberation movement)
сионист {noun} :: Zionist (advocate of Zionism)
сионистский {adj} :: Zionist (relating to Zionism or Mount Zion)
сип {noun} :: vulture
сип {noun} :: husky voice
сипеть {v impf} :: to speak hoarsely
сипеть {v impf} [impersonal] :: to be hoarse
сипеть {v impf} :: to hiss [from heat]
сиплый {adj} :: muffled and hoarse [of a voice]
сипнуть {v impf} :: to become husky/hoarse
сир {noun} :: sire
сирена {noun} [mythology, animate] :: siren
сирена {noun} [mythology, inanimate] :: siren (device)
сирена гражданской обороны {noun} :: air raid siren, civil defense siren (attack on a ground target by military aircraft)
сиреневый {adj} :: lilac [color]
сирень {noun} :: lilac (Syringa)
Сирибеси {prop} {m inan} :: Сирибеси (subprefecture)
сириец {noun} :: Syrian
сирийка {noun} :: Syrian woman
Сирийская Арабская Республика {prop} :: Syrian Arab Republic
сирийский {adj} :: Syrian (relating to Syria)
Сирил {prop} :: given name
Сирия {prop} :: Сирия (country)
сироп {noun} :: syrup
сирота {m anim} {f anim} :: orphan
сиротеть {v impf} :: to become an orphan, to be orphaned
сиротеть {v impf} [figurative] :: to become deserted [of a location]
сиротка {m anim} {f anim} :: diminutive of сирота
сиротский {adj} [relational] :: orphan; orphan's
сиротский {adj} [figurative] :: poor, miserable
сиротский {adj} [relational, dated] :: orphan care
сиротство {noun} :: orphanhood
сирый {adj} [antiquated] :: orphaned, lonely, deserted
сисадмин {noun} :: admin, sysop
сисечка {noun} [slang] :: diminutive of сиська: titty
Сисиан {prop} :: Сисиан (town)
система {noun} :: system
система Брайля {noun} :: Braille
систематизация {noun} :: systematization (act of systematizing)
систематизировать {v both} :: to systematize, to methodize
систематически {adv} :: systematically (in an organized manner)
систематический {adj} :: systematic, methodical
систематический {adj} :: regular
системный {adj} [relational] :: system
сиська {noun} [colloquial] :: boob
ситар {noun} :: sitar
ситец {noun} :: chintz, calico, printed cotton (fabric)
сити {m inan} {n inan} :: (London) city
сити {m inan} {n inan} [chiefly English speaking countries] :: city, downtown (business part of a city)
сито {noun} :: sieve
ситуационно {adv} :: ad hoc (for this particular purpose)
ситуационный {adj} [relational] :: situation; situational
ситуация {noun} :: situation
ситцевый {adj} [relational] :: printed cotton, calico, chintz
сифилис {noun} [pathology] :: syphilis
сифилитик {noun} :: syphilitic, a person who has syphilis
сифон {noun} :: siphon, siphon trap (a bent pipe or tube with one end lower than the other)
сифон {noun} :: siphon bottle
сифон {noun} [anatomy] :: siphon (organ found in aquatic mollusks)
сифон {noun} [weapons] :: siphon (ancient weapon used by the Byzantine navy)
Сицзан {prop} :: Сицзан (autonomous region)
Сицилия {prop} :: Сицилия (island/and/region)
сиюминутный {adj} :: momentary, of the moment
сиюминутный {adj} :: immediate, instant
сию минуту {adv} :: immediately, this very minute, instantly, at once
сию минуту {adv} :: just a moment
сию секунду {adv} :: immediately, this very second, instantly, at once
сияние {noun} :: radiance, twinkle, shine
сиятельство {noun} :: Excellency
сиять {v impf} :: to shine, to beam
сиять {v impf} :: (facial expression) to shine, to beam, to be radiant
сиять {v impf} :: to shine, to be resplendent
сияющий {adj} :: shining, sheeny
сияющий {adj} :: radiant, refulgent
сияющий {adj} :: alight ((figuratively) lit; on fire, burning)
сияющий {adj} :: aglitter
сияющий {adj} :: fulgent
сияющий {adj} :: lambent
сияющий {adj} :: auroral
сияющий {adj} :: aglare
-ск {suffix} :: A suffix used in place names
скажем {adv} :: (let's) say, (let's) assume
скажи мне, кто твой друг, и я скажу тебе, кто ты {proverb} :: a man is known by the company he keeps
сказ {noun} :: tale
сказ {noun} :: lay
сказ {noun} :: skaz
сказание {noun} :: legend; saga; story
сказать {v pf} :: to say, to tell
сказаться {v pf} :: to affect [на]
сказаться {v pf} :: to manifest itself [в in], to show (some effect)
сказаться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to pretend to be (by reporting)
сказка {noun} [literary genre] :: tale; fairy tale
сказка {noun} :: lies, fabrication
сказочка {noun} [colloquial] :: endearing diminutive of сказка
сказочник {noun} :: storyteller, writer of fairy tales or fables
сказочник {noun} :: artist, composer or director who creates works derived from fairy tales
сказочный {adj} :: magical
сказочный {adj} :: fairy-tale (character, plot)
сказуемое {noun} [grammar] :: predicate
сказывать {v impf} [antiquated, poetic] :: to utter, to narrate
сказываться {v impf} :: to affect [на]
сказываться {v impf} :: to manifest itself [в in], to show (some effect)
сказываться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to pretend to be (by reporting)
скак {noun} [dated] :: gallop
скакалка {noun} :: jump rope, skipping rope
скакать {v impf} :: to ride (on) a horse
скакать {v impf} :: to hop, to jump (about)
с каких пор {adv} :: since when
скакун {noun} :: racehorse
скала {noun} :: rock, cliff, crag (mass of projecting rock)
скала Айерс {prop} :: Ayers Rock (giant rock in Australia)
скалистый {adj} :: rocky
скалить {v impf} :: to show (one's teeth)
скалиться {v impf} :: to be bared [of teeth]
скалиться {v impf} :: to bare one's teeth [of animals]
скалиться {v impf} [low colloquial] :: to grin, to smile
скалка {noun} :: rolling pin
скалка {noun} :: laundry mangle
скалка {noun} :: (technical) ram, plunger, plunger piston
скалолаз {noun} :: rock climber, alpinist
скалолазка {noun} :: female rock climber, alpinist
скальд {noun} :: skald
скальный {adj} [relational] :: rock
скальный {adj} :: rocky
скальп {noun} [anatomy] :: scalp (part of head where the hair grows)
скальпель {noun} :: scalpel
скальпирование {noun} :: scalping
скалярия {noun} :: angelfish (Pterophyllum, a freshwater fish)
скамеечка {noun} :: diminutive of скамейка, diminutive of скамья: (small) bench
скамейка {noun} :: bench
скамья {noun} :: bench (long seat in a park or garden)
скан {noun} [computing] :: scanned image file
скандал {noun} :: scandal
скандал {noun} :: fracas, brawl, donnybrook (a noisy disorderly quarrel)
скандалить {v impf} :: to brawl, to make a row
скандальный {adj} :: scandalous
скандальный {adj} [colloquial] :: quarrelsome, rowdy
скандий {noun} :: scandium
Скандинавия {prop} :: Scandinavia
скандинавский {adj} :: Scandinavian
скандировать {v both} :: to chant; to scan; to cry out
сканер {noun} [computing] :: scanner
сканирование {noun} :: scan, scanning
сканировать {v impf} :: to scan (create a digital copy of an image using a scanner)
скань {noun} :: filigree
скапливать {v impf} :: to accumulate, to amass, to store (up), (money) to save
скапливаться {v impf} :: to accumulate, to pile up
скапливаться {v impf} :: to gather, to crowd
скарб {noun} :: belongings; things
скаредный {adj} :: stingy, niggardly
скаредный {adj} :: mean
скарлатина {noun} [disease] :: scarlet fever, scarlatina (streptococcal infection)
скат {noun} :: slope, incline
скат {noun} [automotive] :: tire/tyre
скат {noun} [zoology] :: ray (a marine fish of the order Batoidea with a flat body, large wing-like fins, and a whip-like tail)
скатать {v pf} :: to roll up
скатать {v pf} [school] :: [colloquial] to crib, to copy
скатерть {noun} :: tablecloth (a cloth used to cover and protect a table, especially for a dining table)
скатертью дорога {interj} :: good riddance! (used to indicate that loss is welcome, lit.: let the road be like a tablecloth)
скатить {v pf} :: to roll down
скатиться {v pf} :: to roll down
скатиться {v pf} :: to come down (to), to slide (into), to slip (into), to sink (into), to end up
скатывать {v impf} :: to roll up
скатывать {v impf} [school, colloquial] :: to crib, to copy
скатывать {v impf} :: to roll down
скатываться {v impf} :: to roll down
скатываться {v impf} :: to come down (to), to slide (into), to slip (into), to sink (into), to end up
скатываться {v impf} :: to roll up
скатываться {v impf} :: to pill
скать {v impf} [archaic or regional, Krasnoyarsk] :: to twist (thread), to roll out (dough)
скаут {noun} :: scout (member of the scout movement)
скафандр {noun} :: standard diving suit
скафандр {noun} :: space suit
скачать {v pf} [internet] :: to download
скачивание {noun} :: download (file transfer to the local computer)
скачивать {v impf} [internet] :: to download
скачка {noun} :: gallop
скачка {noun} [in the plural] :: horse races
скачка {noun} [computing] :: download (file transfer to the local computer)
скачок {noun} :: jump, bound, leap; surge
скашивать {v impf} :: to mow (down)
скашивать {v impf} :: to squint
скашивать {v impf} [engineering] :: to bevel, to slope
скважина {noun} :: chink, crack, slit, gap, interstice, rift
скважина {noun} :: pore, hole, aperture
скважина {noun} :: borehole, drill hole
скважина {noun} :: oil well
сквер {noun} :: public garden, square, park
скверик {noun} :: diminutive of сквер: (small) public garden, square, park
скверна {noun} [bookish, religion] :: filth, pollution
скверно {adv} :: badly, bad
скверно {pred} :: it is bad, it is unpleasant
сквернословие {noun} :: foul language (profane words)
скверный {adj} :: bad, nasty, foul
сквирт {noun} [vulgar, slang] :: squirt, female ejaculate
сквозить {v impf} :: to show [be seen] through
сквозить {v impf} :: to show, to be discernible
сквозить {v impf} [dated] :: (cloth) to be transparent, to be threadbare
сквозной {adj} :: through
сквозной {adj} :: prevailing
сквозной {adj} :: end-to-end
сквозняк {noun} :: draught (a current of air)
сквознячок {noun} :: diminutive of сквозняк
сквозь {prep} :: through
скворец {noun} :: starling
скворечник {noun} :: birdhouse, nestbox
скворечня {noun} :: birdhouse, nestbox
сквоттер {noun} :: squatter
сквош {noun} :: squash (sport)
скейтборд {noun} :: skateboard
скелет {noun} :: skeleton
с кем поведёшься, от того и наберёшься {proverb} :: a man is known by the company he keeps, he who lies down with dogs, gets up with fleas
скепсис {noun} :: scepsis
скептик {noun} :: sceptic, disbeliever (male or female)
скептицизм {noun} :: skepticism
скептически {adv} :: skeptically, cynically
скептический {adj} :: skeptical
скептический {adj} [relational] :: skepticism
скетч {noun} [theater] :: sketch
-ски {suffix} :: -ly, -cally, -ishly (adverbial suffix; the adverb form of -ский)
скидка {noun} :: discount
скидочный {adj} [relational] :: discount
скидывать {v impf} :: to throw down, to throw off
скидывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: (clothes, shoes) to take off, to throw off
скидывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to throw off, to dethrone
скидывать {v impf} :: to throw together
скидывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to knock off, to discount
скидывать {v impf} [slang] :: to copy (to), to e-mail (to)
-ский {suffix} :: Used to form adjectives from nouns or sometimes other adjectives, often relational (meaning "related to X"): -ian, -ic, -ish
скин {noun} :: skin (a set of resources that modifies the appearance and/or layout of the graphical user interface of a computer program)
скин {noun} :: skinhead
скинуть {v pf} :: to throw down, to throw off
скинуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: (clothes, shoes) to take off, to throw off
скинуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to throw off, to dethrone
скинуть {v pf} :: to throw together
скинуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to knock off, to discount
скинуть {v pf} [slang] :: to copy (to), to e-mail (to)
скинхед {noun} :: skinhead (adherent to white-supremacism or anti-immigrant principles)
скипетр {noun} :: sceptre
скипидар {noun} :: turpentine
скирда {noun} :: (hay) stack, rick
скисать {v impf} :: to turn sour (e.g. a milk product)
скисать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to become sad or depressed
скиснуть {v pf} :: to turn sour (e.g. a milk product)
скиснуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to become sad or depressed
скит {noun} :: skete (in Eastern Christianity, a small hermitage at some distance from the main monastery)
скит {noun} :: remote monastery among Old Believers
скиталец {noun} :: wanderer, vagabond
скитание {noun} :: wandering, roaming
скитаться {v impf} :: to wander, to stray
скиф {noun} [historical] :: Scythian (an inhabitant of Scythia)
скиф {noun} :: wild, rough man
скиф {noun} [sports] :: skiff (boat)
скифский {adj} :: Scythian
скл. {n inan} [grammar] :: abbreviation of склонение
скл. {m inan} :: abbreviation of склад
склад {noun} :: warehouse, storehouse
склад {noun} [military] :: depot, dump
склад {noun} :: constitution, disposition, turn
склад {noun} :: breed
склад {noun} :: way (of life)
склад {noun} [colloquial] :: harmony
склад {noun} [colloquial] :: sense
склад {noun} [obsolete] :: syllable (in this sense, the plurals have the endings accented)
складирование {noun} :: warehousing, storing
складка {noun} :: crease, buckling, crimp, fold, plica, ply
складно {adv} [colloquial] :: well, smoothly
складно {adv} [colloquial] :: in rhyme
складной {adj} :: collapsible, folding
складный {adj} [colloquial] :: well-built, well-made, well-proportioned [of a person or object]
складный {adj} :: fluent, smooth [speech, writing]
складный {adj} :: harmonious, coherent
складочка {noun} :: diminutive of складка
складской {adj} :: warehouse
складчина {noun} :: collection of money or products for a common cause [action or result]
складчина {noun} :: party or soiree arranged using funds so collected
складывать {v impf} :: to lay together, to put together, to pile up, to heap, to stack
складывать {v impf} :: to pack up
складывать {v impf} :: to add, to sum up
складывать {v impf} :: to make, to assemble, to put together
складывать {v impf} :: song, rhyme to compose, to make up
складывать {v impf} :: to fold
складывать {v impf} :: to take off, to put down
складываться {v impf} :: to club together (with), to pool (with), to pool one's money / resources
складываться {v impf} :: to (be) form(ed), to develop, to turn out, to take shape; to arise [of a situation]
склеивание {noun} :: gluing, pasting
склеивание {noun} :: adhesion
склеивание {noun} :: agglutination (act of uniting by glue or other tenacious substance)
склеивание {noun} :: conglutination
склеивать {v impf} :: to glue together, to paste together, to stick together
склеивать {v impf} :: to mend
склеить {v pf} :: to glue together, to paste together, to stick together
склеить {v pf} :: to mend
склеп {noun} :: burial vault, crypt, ossuary
склеп {noun} :: vault (a secure, enclosed area)
склера {noun} [anatomy] :: sclera
склероз {noun} :: [technical] sclerosis
склероз {noun} :: [colloquial] memory loss, especially in old age
склёп {noun} [rare] :: riveting
склока {noun} :: squabble, row
склон {noun} :: slope
склонение {noun} :: inclination
склонение {noun} [grammar] :: declension
склонение {noun} [astronomy] :: declination
склонить {v pf} :: to bend, to incline, to decline
склонить {v pf} :: to convince someone to do something
склонить {v pf} [linguistics] :: to decline a noun or adjective
склониться {v pf} :: to incline, to bend, to stoop
склониться {v pf} :: to be inclined (to)
склониться {v pf} :: to yield (to) (to give up under pressure)
склонность {noun} :: propensity, proclivity
склонность {noun} :: tendency, inclination, disposition
склонность {noun} :: leaning, penchant
склонность {noun} :: predilection
склонность {noun} :: taste
склонность {noun} :: addiction
склонность {noun} :: bent
склонность {noun} :: aptitude
склонность {noun} :: predisposition
склонность {noun} :: appetite
склонный {adj} :: inclined
склонный {adj} :: addicted (being dependent on something)
склоняемый {adj} [grammar] :: declinable
склонять {v impf} :: to bend, to incline, to decline
склонять {v impf} :: to convince someone to do something
склонять {v impf} [linguistics] :: to decline a noun or adjective
склоняться {v impf} :: to incline, to bend, to stoop
склоняться {v impf} :: to be inclined (to)
склоняться {v impf} :: to yield (to) (to give up under pressure)
склочник {noun} [colloquial] :: argumentative, quarrelsome person
склочница {noun} [colloquial] :: argumentative, quarrelsome woman
склочность {noun} [colloquial] :: squabblesomeness, quarrelsomeness
склочный {adj} [colloquial] :: quarrelsome, squabblesome, prone to fights, intrigues or gossip
склянка {noun} :: vial, flask, bottle, glass
склянка {noun} [naval] :: bell, half an hour
склянка {noun} [naval, obsolete] :: (plural) watch glass, hourglass
скоба {noun} :: cramp, crampon, staple, bracket, shackle
скобель {noun} [carpentry] :: shaving/drawing knife, spokeshave
скобка {noun} [typography] :: parenthesis, bracket
скобка {noun} [engineering] :: bracket
скоблить {v impf} :: to scrape, to scrub
скованность {noun} [literary] :: awkwardness, inhibition
скованность {noun} [literary] :: stiffness of movement
скованный {adj} :: constrained
сковать {v pf} :: to forge, to hammer out
сковать {v pf} :: to forge together
сковать {v pf} :: to chain
сковать {v pf} [military] :: to hold, to fix
сковать {v pf} [figuratevly, with ice] :: to lock, to beset
сковать {v pf} :: to fetter
сковорода {noun} :: frying pan (long-handled, shallow pan used for frying food)
сковородка {noun} :: diminutive of сковорода: frying pan
сковывать {v impf} :: to forge, to hammer out
сковывать {v impf} :: to forge together
сковывать {v impf} :: to chain
сковывать {v impf} [military] :: to hold, to fix
сковывать {v impf} :: (with ice) to lock
сковывать {v impf} :: to fetter
-ской {suffix} :: adjectival suffix forming nouns, often relational, i.e. meaning "related to X": -ian, -ic, -ish
скок {noun} [colloquial] :: gallop
скок {pred} [familiar] :: jump, skip, hop
сколачивать {v impf} :: to knock together
сколачивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to knock together, to knit together
Сколково {prop} :: Сколково (village)
Сколково {prop} :: Сколково (two distinct <<villages>> in <<dist/Vachsky>>, <<obl/Nizhny Novgorod>>, <<c/Russia>>)
Сколково {prop} :: Сколково (village)
сколотить {v pf} :: to knock together
сколотить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to knock together, to knit together
сколь {adv} [antiquated] :: how much
скольжение {noun} :: sliding, slipping, slippage
скользить {v impf} :: to slide, to slip
скользить {v impf} :: to glide
скользить {v impf} :: to float
скользкий {adj} :: slippery, dangerous [of a surface]
скользкий {adj} :: slimy
скользко {adv} :: in a slippery manner
скользко {pred} :: it is slippery [of a surface, e.g. after rain]
скользнуть {v pf} :: to slide, to slip
скользнуть {v pf} :: to glide
скользнуть {v pf} :: to float
скользнуть {v pf} [perfective only] :: to sneak [into, by]
скользнуть {v pf} [perfective only] :: to graze [по + dative, someone/something; of a bullet]
скользящий {adj} :: sliding
сколькие {pron} :: how much, how many, so many (obsolete form of сколько, used as adjective or without a following noun)
сколько {pron} :: how much, how many
сколько {pron} :: so much, so many
сколько {pron} :: how long
сколько {adv} :: how long, how much, so much
сколько {adv} :: as
сколько вам лет {phrase} :: how old are you? (formal)
сколько волка ни корми, он всё в лес смотрит {proverb} :: a leopard cannot change its spots
сколько времени {phrase} :: how long?
сколько времени {phrase} :: what time is it?
сколько лет, сколько зим {phrase} :: "It’s been ages since we met!", long time no see (literally, "so many summers, so many winters")
сколько-нибудь {pron} :: some, a few; any, anything (in a question)
сколько тебе лет {phrase} :: how old are you? (informal)
сколько-то {pron} :: some, a few; any (in a question)
сколько-то {pron} :: a little, to (at least) some extent
сколько угодно {adv} :: any number, as many/much as one wants
сколько угодно {adv} :: ad lib (to whatever extent)
сколько это стоит {phrase} :: how much does it cost?, how much is it?
скомандовать {v pf} :: to command, to order
скомбинировать {v pf} :: to combine, to arrange
скомбинировать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to scheme, to contrive
скомкать {v pf} :: to crumple
скомкать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to dash off, to race through
скоморох {noun} [historical] :: skomorokh (a medieval East Slavic actor)
скоморох {noun} [colloquial] :: buffoon, mountebank
скоморошничать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to fool around
скомпрометировать {v pf} :: to compromise
скон {noun} :: scone
сконструировать {v pf} :: to construct, to build, to structure, to design, to form
сконфуженный {adj} :: abashed, confounded, disconcerted [experiencing embarrassment or confusion; of a person]
сконфуженный {adj} :: abashed, confounded, disconcerted [expressing embarrassment or confusion; of a look, tone, face, etc.]
сконфузить {v pf} :: to disconcert, to discomfit, to embarrass, to put in an awkward or embarrassing position
сконфузиться {v pf} :: to be disconcerted, to be embarrassed, to get into an embarrassing situation
сконцентрировать {v pf} [military] :: to concentrate, to mass
сконцентрироваться {v pf} :: to concentrate, to amass, to get together, to mass
сконцентрироваться {v pf} :: to concentrate (on), to focus (on)
скончание {noun} [dated] :: end, ending
скончание {noun} [dated, figurative] :: death
скончать {v pf} [dated] :: to end, to finish
скончаться {v pf} [formal] :: to pass away (to die, to stop living)
скоординировать {v pf} :: to coordinate
скоп {noun} [dated] :: group, accumulation; stock, savings
скопец {noun} :: eunuch
скопец {noun} [figuratively, pejorative] :: cold, passionless man
скопец {noun} :: skopets (a sectant)
скопировать {v pf} :: to copy, to make a copy
скопировать {v pf} :: to imitate, to mimic, to copy
скопить {v pf} :: to accumulate, to amass, to store (up), (money) to save
скопить {v impf} :: to emasculate, to castrate
скопиться {v pf} :: to accumulate, to pile up
скопиться {v pf} :: to gather, to crowd
скопище {noun} [colloquial] :: crowd, throng
скопище {noun} :: assemblage (large collection of anything in one place)
скопление {noun} :: cluster
скопление {noun} :: accumulation, aggregation, collection, assemblage
скопление {noun} :: congestion
скопление {noun} :: gathering
скопление {noun} :: conglomeration, aggregate
скопление {noun} :: congeries
скопление {noun} :: agglomeration
скопление {noun} :: congregation
скопление {noun} :: concourse
скоплять {v impf} :: alternative form of скапливать
скопляться {v impf} :: alternative form of скапливаться
скопом {adv} [colloquial] :: in a crowd, all together, en masse
Скопье {prop} {m inan} :: Скопье (capital city)
скора {noun} [dated, collective] :: raw animal skins
скорая {noun} [colloquial] :: ambulance (emergency vehicle)
скорая помощь {noun} :: ambulance (emergency vehicle)
скорая помощь {noun} :: emergency medical service
скорбеть {v impf} :: to grieve (about, over), to mourn (for, over)
скорбно {adv} :: sorrowfully, mournfully
скорбный {adj} :: sorrowful, mournful, doleful
скорбут {noun} :: scurvy
скорбь {noun} :: sorrow, grief
скорее {adv} :: comparative of скорый: faster, quicker
скорее {adv} :: comparative of скоро: sooner, rather
скорее {adv} :: more exactly, more likely
скорее {adv} :: be quick!
скорее всего {adv} :: most likely
скорей {adv} :: comparative of скорый
скорей {adv} :: comparative of скоро
скорлупа {noun} :: shell (of an egg), hull
скорлупка {noun} :: endearing diminutive of скорлупа
скоро {adv} :: soon
скоро {adv} :: speedily, quickly
скороговорка {noun} :: tongue-twister (phrase which is difficult to say)
скороговорка {noun} :: rapid speech, sputter
скорода {noun} [dialectal] :: harrow
скорода {noun} [botany] :: chive
скородить {v impf} [regional] :: to harrow
скоростной {adj} :: speed, high-speed
скоростной {adj} :: fast
скорость {noun} :: speed
скорость {noun} :: rate
скорость {noun} :: velocity
скорость света {noun} :: speed of light
скоросшиватель {noun} :: loose-leaf binder; folder
скоротать {v pf} :: to while away, to pass
скоротечный {adj} [dated, literary] :: brief, fleeting, ephemeral, short-lived
скорпион {noun} :: scorpion
Скорпион {prop} [constellation] :: Scorpius (a constellation of the zodiac containing the red giant Antares, in the shape of a scorpion)
Скорпион {prop} [astrology] :: Scorpio (the zodiac sign for the scorpion, covering October 23–November 21)
скорректировать {v pf} :: to correct, to adjust
скорчить {v pf} :: to bend
скорчиться {v pf} :: to writhe, to squirm
скорый {adj} :: fast, quick, rapid, speedy, swift
скорый {adj} :: forthcoming, upcoming
скосить {v pf} :: to mow (down)
скосить {v pf} :: to squint
скосить {v pf} [engineering] :: to bevel, to slope
скостить {v pf} [slang] :: to strike off (debt), to knock off (price)
скот {noun} [collective] :: cattle, livestock
скот {noun} :: brute, beast (in an abusive sense)
скотина {noun} :: cattle (collective)
скотина {noun} :: brute
скотина {noun} :: dolt, boor ({m}{f})
скотобойня {noun} :: abattoir (public slaughterhouse)
скотт {noun} :: member of the Scoti tribe
скотч {noun} :: adhesive tape
скотч {noun} :: Scotch (whiskey)
-скочить {affix} :: Combining form used to form prefixed perfective verbs with the approximate meaning of "jump"
скрасить {v pf} :: to soften, to mitigate (something painful)
скрасить {v pf} :: to brighten, to make more attractive (something dull or boring)
скрашивать {v impf} :: to soften, to mitigate (something painful)
скрашивать {v impf} :: to brighten, to make more attractive (something dull or boring)
скребло {noun} :: scraping knife
скребок {noun} :: scraper, scrubber
скребок {noun} :: long-handled ice scraper
скребок {noun} :: large scoop with a cutting edge for excavating soil, etc
скребок {noun} :: device in a conveyor for moving bulk cargo
скрежет {noun} :: gritting/grinding sound
скрежетать {v impf} :: to grate, to grind
скрежетать {v impf} :: to gnash (one's teeth) [+ instrumental]
скрежещущий {adj} :: raspy (rough, raw)
скрепер {noun} :: scraper
скрепить {v pf} :: to fasten (together), to pin (together), to tie, to clamp, to bolt, to mortar
скрепить {v pf} :: to strengthen
скрепить {v pf} :: to seal, to sign
скрепка {noun} :: paper clip
скреплять {v impf} :: to fasten (together), to pin (together), to tie, to clamp, to bolt, to mortar
скреплять {v impf} :: to strengthen
скреплять {v impf} :: to seal, to sign
скрести {v impf} :: to scrape, to scrub, to scratch
скрестись {v impf} :: to make a scratching noise [of a small animal]
скрестить {v pf} :: to cross
скрестить {v pf} [biology] :: to cross, to crossbreed
скрещивать {v impf} :: to cross
скрещивать {v impf} [biology] :: to cross, to crossbreed
скривить {v pf} :: to bend, to distort
скривиться {v pf} :: to become crooked/bent/lopsided
скривиться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to make a face
скрип {noun} :: squeak, creak, crunch
скрипач {noun} [music] :: violinist, fiddler (person who plays violin)
скрипеть {v impf} :: to creak, to screech, to squeak (to make a prolonged sharp grating or squeaking sound)
скрипица {noun} :: Lactarius vellereus
скрипка {noun} :: violin
скрипнуть {v pf} :: to creak, to screech, to squeak (to make a prolonged sharp grating or squeaking sound)
скрипт {noun} [computing] :: script (procedure or program)
скрипучий {adj} :: creaky, squeaky
скрипучий {adj} [colloquial] :: harsh, unpleasant, rasping [sound, voice, etc.]
скроить {v pf} :: to cut out (fabric to specific lengths and shapes to make clothes)
скромник {noun} [colloquial] :: modest person, nice nelly
скромничать {v impf} :: to be decent, to modest
скромно {adv} :: decently, modestly, discreetly
скромно {adv} :: humbly
скромно {adv} :: moderately, slightly
скромность {noun} :: modesty, humility (the quality of being modest)
скромный {adj} :: modest, humble
скромный {adj} :: modest, frugal
скромный {adj} :: modest, unassuming, unpretentious
скромный {adj} :: modest, prudish
скруббер {noun} [technical] :: (gas) scrubber, washer
скрупулёзно {adv} :: scrupulously
скрупулёзность {noun} :: scrupulousness, scrupulosity
скрупулёзный {adj} :: scrupulous, meticulous
скрутить {v pf} :: to twist, to roll
скрутить {v pf} :: to bind, to tie up
скрутить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to bring into submission, to subdue, to overmaster
скрутить {v pf} [colloquial] :: (disease) to overpower, to attack, to seize
скручивать {v impf} :: to twist, to roll
скручивать {v impf} :: to bind, to tie up
скручивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to bring into submission, to subdue, to overmaster
скручивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: (disease) to overpower, to attack, to seize
скрывать {v impf} :: to hide, to conceal
скрывать {v impf} :: to dissemble, to keep back
скрывать {v impf} :: to keep secret
скрываться {v impf} :: to disappear; to hide from; to go into hiding
скрываться {v impf} :: to escape; to steal away; to sneak away; to slip away
скрытая масса {noun} [astrophysics] :: dark matter
скрытие {noun} :: concealment, hiding
скрытно {adv} :: secretly (in secret)
скрытность {noun} :: secretiveness
скрытность {noun} [colloquial] :: secrecy
скрытный {adj} :: reserved, reticent, secretive
скрытный {adj} :: surreptitious, furtive
скрыто {adv} :: in secret
скрыто {adv} :: invisibly
скрытый {adj} :: concealed, hidden
скрытый {adj} :: latent
скрытый {adj} :: secret
скрытый {adj} :: covert
скрыть {v pf} :: to hide, to conceal
скрыть {v pf} :: to dissemble, to keep back
скрыть {v pf} :: to keep secret
скрыться {v pf} :: to disappear, to hide from, to go into hiding
скрыться {v pf} :: to escape, to steal away
скрючивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to crook, to double up
скрючить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to crook, to double up
скрябать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to scribble
скрябать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to scratch, to scrape
скряга {m anim} {f anim} :: niggard, miser, cheapskate
скуа {f anim} :: great skua
скуба {noun} :: scuba
скуба-дайвинг {noun} :: scuba diving
скудный {adj} :: scant, scanty, meagre [+ instrumental, in something]
скудный {adj} :: poor, pathetic, wretched
скудный {adj} :: poor, infertile
скудость {noun} [literary] :: scarcity
скудость {noun} [literary] :: poverty
скука {noun} :: boredom, ennui (state of being bored)
скула {noun} :: cheekbone
скула {noun} [nautical] :: a curved corner of a ship's hull [between bow and sides, or between stern and sides]; a bilge between the bottom and side plating
скула {noun} [nautical slang] :: a side of a ship’s bow
скуластый {adj} :: with high cheekbones
скулить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to whine, to whimper
скульптор {noun} :: sculptor (a person who sculpts)
скульптура {noun} [in the singular] :: sculpture (art of sculpting)
скульптура {noun} [in the singular] :: sculpture (collective, the works of a sculptor)
скульптура {noun} :: sculpture (a sculpted piece)
скульптурный {adj} :: sculptural
скульптурный {adj} :: sculpted
скульптурный {adj} [figurative] :: statuesque
скумбрия {noun} :: mackerel
скунс {noun} :: skunk
скупать {v impf} :: to buy up, to corner (e.g. shares)
скупец {noun} :: miser
скупить {v pf} :: to buy up, to corner (e.g. shares)
скупиться {v impf} :: to be sparing with, to be stingy with, to skimp, to scrimp [на + accusative plural]
скупка {noun} :: buying up, buying off
скупо {adv} :: sparingly, stingily
скупой {adj} :: avaricious, stingy, frugal, mean, parsimonious, miserly
скупой {adj} :: scanty, poor
скупой {adj} :: taciturn
скупой {noun} :: miser
скупость {noun} :: stinginess, niggardliness, miserliness, avarice (excessive or inordinate desire of gain)
скутер {noun} :: outboard motor boat
скуфья {noun} :: skufia
скучать {v impf} :: to be bored
скучать {v impf} :: to long for, to miss [по + dative or prepositional]
скучающий {adj} :: bored
-скучить {affix} :: Combining form used to form prefixed perfective verbs with the approximate meaning "to be bored"
скучнее {adv} :: comparative of скучный
скучнее {adv} :: comparative of скучно
скучно {adv} :: tediously, boringly (in a tedious manner)
скучно {pred} :: one is bored
скучный {adj} :: dull, boring, tedious, tiresome (inciting boredom)
скучный {adj} :: bored, listless
скушать {v pf} :: to eat, to have, to take
скушать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to swallow, to pocket
скушать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to eat up, to buy
скушать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to eat up, to ruin
СКФО {m inan} :: North Caucasian Federal District
слабак {noun} [colloquial, pejorative] :: weakling
слабак {noun} [figurative, colloquial, pejorative] :: wimp, coward
слабенький {adj} :: diminutive of слабый
слабеть {v impf} :: to weaken, to grow weak/feeble, to slack off, to slacken
слабина {noun} [nautical] :: slack
слабина {noun} [colloquial] :: weak point, weak spot
слабнуть {v impf} [colloquial] :: to weaken, to become weak or weaker
слабнуть {v impf} [colloquial] :: to slacken, to become slack or slacker
слабо {adv} :: faintly, feebly, weakly
слабо {adv} :: badly, poorly
слабо {pred} :: one is not strong/brave enough, one is too weak [to do something]
слабоалкогольный {adj} :: (of drinks) mildly alcoholic
слабое взаимодействие {noun} [physics] :: weak interaction
слабое звено {noun} :: the weakest link (the part of a system that is most likely to fail or cause problems)
слабое ядерное взаимодействие {noun} [physics] :: weak nuclear interaction
слабость {noun} :: weakness, feebleness
слабость {noun} :: weak point
слабоумие {noun} [psychiatry] :: dementia
слабоумие {noun} [colloquial] :: stupidity, idiocy
слабоумный {adj} :: imbecile, weakheaded, weakminded, feeble-minded, soft in the head
слабый {adj} :: weak, feeble
слабый {adj} :: faint
слабый {adj} :: infirm
слабый {adj} :: delicate
слабый {adj} :: flabby
слабый {adj} :: poor
слава {noun} :: glory
слава {noun} :: fame, renown
слава {noun} :: repute, reputation
слава {noun} :: rumour, rumor
Слава {prop} {m anim} :: given name
Слава {prop} {m anim} :: given name
Слава {prop} {m anim} :: given name
Слава {prop} {m anim} :: given name
Слава {prop} {m anim} :: given name
Слава {prop} {m anim} :: given name
Слава {prop} {m anim} :: given name
Слава {prop} {m anim} :: given name
Слава {prop} {m anim} :: given name
Слава {prop} {m anim} :: given name
Слава {prop} {m anim} :: given name
Слава {prop} {m anim} :: given name
Слава {prop} {m anim} :: given name
Слава {prop} {m anim} :: given name
Слава {prop} {m anim} :: given name
Слава {prop} {m anim} :: given name
Слава {prop} {m anim} :: given name
слава богу {interj} :: thank God!; thank goodness!
славист {noun} :: Slavist
славистика {noun} :: Slavic studies
славить {v impf} :: to praise, to glorify, to laud, to extol
славиться {v impf} :: to be famous (for), to be famed (for), to be renowned (for), to have a reputation (for)
славиться {v impf} :: (imperative) to glory (to)
славно {adv} [colloquial] :: famously, well
славно {adv} [predicative, impersonal] :: it is nice
славный {adj} :: famous, renowned
славный {adj} :: glorious
славный {adj} [colloquial] :: nice
славный {adj} :: capital, dandy
славословие {noun} [literary] :: glorification, adulation [especially of God], doxology
славословие {noun} [colloquial] :: immoderate praise, flattery
славянизм {noun} :: Slavism (a Slavic idiom or phrase)
славянин {noun} :: Slav (person of Slavic origins)
славянка {noun} :: a Slav [female]
славянофил {noun} :: Slavophile
славянофильский {adj} [relational] :: Slavophile, Slavophilism; Slavophilic
славянофильство {noun} :: Slavophilism
славянский {adj} :: Slav, Slavic
слагаемое {noun} [arithmetic] :: summand, augend
слагать {v impf} :: to compose
слагать {v impf} :: to put/lay down (from)
слагать {v impf} :: to lay down
слад {noun} :: in expressions only
сладить {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to make, to produce
сладить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to arrange, to manage, to settle
сладить {v pf} [perfective only, colloquial] :: to overcome, to defeat
сладить {v pf} [perfective only, colloquial] :: to handle, to cope with, to deal with
сладить {v impf} :: [colloquial] to sweeten
сладить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to malt
сладить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to speak sweetly
сладить {v impf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to flatter
сладить {vi impf} [colloquial] :: to be sweet-tasting
сладкий {adj} :: sweet (having a pleasant taste)
сладкий {adj} :: sugary
сладко {adv} :: sweetly (in a sweet or pleasant manner)
сладковатый {adj} :: somewhat sweet, sweetish
сладковатый {adj} :: sweet-smelling, fragrant
сладковатый {adj} :: falsely sentimental
сладковатый {adj} :: excessively courteous
сладкое {noun} [colloquial] :: dessert
сладкоежка {m anim} {f anim} [colloquial] :: a person with a sweet tooth
сладкозвучный {adj} :: mellifluent, mellifluous, sweet (having a pleasant sound)
сладостный {adj} :: sweet, delightful
сладострастие {noun} :: hedonism, licentiousness, lasciviousness
сладострастный {adj} :: voluptuous
сладострастный {adj} :: sensual
сладость {noun} :: sweetness
сладость {noun} [usually, in the plural] :: sweets, sweetmeats, candies
слаженность {noun} :: coherence, cohesiveness, orderliness
слаженный {adj} :: coherent, cohesive, orderly, well-organized
слаживать {v impf} [low colloquial] :: to make, to produce
слаживать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to arrange, to manage, to settle
слазить {v impf} :: to climb down
слайд {noun} :: slide (transparent image for projecting)
слалом {noun} :: slalom
сламывать {v impf} :: to break into pieces
сланец {noun} :: shale, schist, slate (sedimentary rock)
сланцы {noun} [colloquial] :: slides, thongs, flip-flops (plastic or rubber footwear)
сластёна {m anim} {f anim} [colloquial] :: a person with a sweet tooth
сласти {noun} :: sweets
сластить {vt impf} [also, figuratively] :: to sweeten
сластить {vi impf} :: to have a sweet or sweetish taste
сласть {noun} [colloquial, rare] :: sweetness
сласть {noun} [colloquial] :: pleasure, enjoyment, candies
сласть {noun} [plural only] :: sweets
слать {v impf} :: to send, to dispatch
слащавый {adj} :: mushy; sickly; sugary; schmaltzy
слаще {adv} :: comparative of сладкий
слаще {adv} :: comparative of сладко
слева {adv} :: to the left; from the left
слега {noun} :: long thick pole
слегать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to get seriously ill
слегка {adv} :: lightly, slightly
слегка {adv} :: in passing
слегка {adv} :: easily
след. {adv} :: consequently; therefore
след. {adj} :: following, next
след {noun} :: track
след {noun} :: footprint, footstep
след {noun} :: trace, sign
след {noun} :: vestige
след {noun} :: print
след {noun} :: sole of a sock or stocking
следить {v impf} :: to watch, to follow, to spy
следить {v impf} :: to look after [e.g. health]
следить {v impf} :: to keep an eye on
следить {v impf} :: to leave traces or footprints behind
следование {noun} :: movement
следование {noun} :: compliance
следователь {noun} :: investigator, detective
следовательно {adv} :: consequently; therefore
следовательно {adv} :: so
следовать {v impf} :: to follow, to go after
следовать {v impf} :: to follow, to be next
следовать {v impf} :: to follow, to take after
следовать {v impf} :: to follow, to do accordingly
следовать {v impf} :: to be bound to (a port)
следовать {v impf} :: to follow, to be a consequence
следовать {v impf} :: to should, to ought to (the agent who/which should/ought to do something is in the dative case)
следом {adv} :: (immediately) after, (right) behind
следопыт {noun} [hunting] :: tracker
следопыт {noun} :: someone who searches historical materials for traces of past events
следственный {adj} [relational] :: investigation; investigative, investigatory
следствие {noun} :: effect, consequence
следствие {noun} :: investigation, inquest
следствие {noun} :: trial
следующее {noun} :: the following
следующий {adj} :: following
следующий {adj} :: next
следующим образом {adv} :: as follows, thuswise, this way, in the following way
слежение {noun} :: tracking, following, tracing
слежка {noun} :: shadowing
слежка {noun} :: endearing diminutive of слега: small pole
слеза {noun} :: tear (a drop of liquid from the eyes)
слезать {v impf} :: to come down, to get down (from), to dismount (from)
слезать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to come down
слезать {v impf} [colloquial] :: (from a train, bus etc) to get out (of), to get off
слезать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to peel off, to come off
слезинка {noun} :: diminutive of слеза: tear,teardrop
слезиться {v impf} :: to water
слезливый {adj} :: given to crying; schmaltzy; tearful, lachrymose
слезоточивый {adj} :: lachrymatory, watering, causing tears (from eyes)
слезоточить {v impf} :: to tear up, to shed tears
слезть {v pf} :: to come down, to get down (from), to dismount (from)
слезть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to come down
слезть {v pf} [colloquial] :: (from a train, bus etc) to get out (of), to get off
слезть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to peel off, to come off
сленг {noun} [linguistics] :: slang
слепец {noun} :: a blind man
слепить {v pf} :: to model, to sculpture, to sculpt, to fashion, to shape
слепить {v pf} :: to build, to make (cells, nest, etc.)
слепить {v pf} :: to stick together
слепить {v impf} :: to blind, to dazzle
слепнуть {v impf} :: to become/go blind, to lose one's sight
слепо {adv} :: blindly
слепой {adj} :: blind (unable to see)
слепой {noun} :: blind man, blind person
слепок {noun} :: mould, cast
слепота {noun} :: blindness (condition of being blind)
слепящий {adj} :: blinding, dazzling
слесарня {noun} [colloquial] :: metal workshop, locksmithery
слесарь {noun} :: locksmith
слесарь {noun} :: metalworker
слетать {v impf} :: to fly down (from), to fly away (from)
слетать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to fall down (from), to fall (off)
слетать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to lose, to tumble (from)
слетать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to peel (off)
слетать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to go, to be gone
слетать {v pf} :: to fly there and back
слетать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to be there and back (again)
слететь {v pf} :: to fly down (from), to fly away (from)
слететь {v pf} [colloquial] :: to fall down (from), to fall (off)
слететь {v pf} [colloquial] :: to lose, to tumble (from)
слететь {vi pf} [colloquial] :: to peel (off)
слететь {v pf} [colloquial] :: to go, to be gone
слечь {v pf} [colloquial] :: to get seriously ill
слеш {noun} [typography] :: slash ("/" symbol)
с лёгким паром {interj} :: [lit.: “with a light steam”] (a friendly remark made to someone who's just come from the bath)
слёзный {adj} [relational] :: tear (water from the eyes); lacrimal
слёзный {adj} [folk poetic] :: teary, tearful
слёзный {adj} [colloquial, figurative] :: plaintive, sorrowful, tearful
слёт {noun} :: convent, rally, meeting, congress, gathering
слив {noun} :: discharge, drain, outlet
слив {noun} :: weathering, wash
слив {noun} :: leak
слива {noun} :: plum (fruit or tree)
сливать {v impf} :: to pour out, to pour off, to empty, to drain
сливать {vt impf} :: to merge, to fuse
сливать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to uncover some information about
сливать {v impf} [slang, euphemism] :: to have a piss
сливаться {v impf} :: to flow together, to interflow
сливаться {vi impf} :: to merge, to fuse, to blend
сливки {noun} :: cream (milk fat)
сливки {noun} [figuratively] :: elite
сливочное масло {noun} :: dairy butter
сливочный {adj} [relational] :: cream, creamy
сливочный {adj} :: cream-colored
слизать {v pf} :: to lick off
слизать {v pf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to destroy, to eliminate [of fire or water]
слизевой {adj} [relational] :: mucus; mucous, mucic
слизень {noun} :: slug (gastropod)
слизистая оболочка {noun} [anatomy] :: mucous membrane
слизистый {adj} :: mucous (relating to mucus)
слизистый {adj} :: slimy, pituitous
слизнуть {v pf} :: to lick off [once]
слизнуть {v pf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to destroy, to eliminate [of fire or water; once]
слизнуть {v impf} :: to be covered with slime
слизняк {noun} [zoology] :: slug
слизняк {noun} [colloquial, pejorative] :: a slimeball
слизняк {noun} [colloquial, pejorative] :: a weak-willed, worthless person
слизывать {v impf} :: to lick off
слизывать {v impf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to destroy, to eliminate [of fire or water]
слизь {noun} :: mucus
слизь {noun} :: slime
слинять {v pf} [colloquial] :: to fade
слинять {v pf} [colloquial] :: to skip off, to skip out
слипаться {v impf} :: to stick together, to stick to each other
слипнуться {v pf} :: to stick together, to stick to each other
слитно {adv} :: conjointly
слитно {adv} :: (written) in one word (with no spaces)
слитный {adj} :: conjoint, joint, cohesive
слитный {adj} :: written together (without spaces)
слиток {noun} :: ingot, bar (e.g. of gold), bullion
слить {v pf} :: to pour out, to pour off, to empty, to drain
слить {vt pf} :: to merge, to fuse
слить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to uncover some information about
слить {v pf} [slang, euphemism] :: to have a piss
слиться {v pf} :: to flow together, to interflow
слиться {vi pf} :: to merge, to fuse, to blend
с лишком {adv} [colloquial] :: a little over
слишком {adv} :: too (more than enough), too much
слияние {noun} :: merger (the act or process of merging)
слияние {noun} :: fusion (merging of elements into a union)
слияние {noun} :: confluence (point where two rivers or streams meet)
слобода {noun} [historical] :: sloboda (large village or settlement, usually populated by non-serf (free) peasants)
Слободской {prop} :: Слободской (district)
Слободской {prop} :: Слободской (town/administrative center)
Слободской {prop} :: Слободской (settlement)
Слободской {prop} :: Слободской (settlement)
Слободской {prop} :: Слободской (hamlet)
Слободской {prop} :: Слободской (hamlet)
сл. обр. {adv} :: initialism of следующим образом: as follows
словак {noun} :: Slovak (native of Slovakia)
Словакия {prop} :: Словакия (country)
словарик {noun} :: diminutive of словарь
словарный {adj} [relational] :: dictionary
словарный {adj} [relational] :: vocabulary
словарь {noun} :: dictionary, wordbook
словарь {noun} :: vocabulary, glossary
словарь {noun} :: lexicon
словацкий {adj} :: Slovak, Slovakian
словачка {noun} :: female Slovak (native of Slovakia)
словенец {noun} :: Slovene (person from Slovenia)
Словения {prop} :: Словения (country)
словенка {noun} :: Slovene girl or woman
словенский {adj} :: Slovenian
словеса {noun} [ironic or literary] :: words, text, verbiage
словесность {noun} :: literature
словесность {noun} :: lore, folklore
словесность {noun} :: philology
словесный {adj} :: verbal, oral
словесный {adj} :: philological
словечко {noun} :: diminutive of слово: word
словио {m inan} :: the Slovio language (a constructed language based on the Pan-Slavic "esperanto" that speakers of Slavic languages easily slip into to communicate with speakers of other Slavic languages)
словник {noun} :: wordlist
словно {conj} :: like, as if
словно {conj} :: as it were
словно {particle} :: it seems (that), it looks like [for expressing conditional, imaginary, or apparent things or action]
словно бы {conj} :: alternative form of словно
словно бы {particle} :: alternative form of словно
слово {noun} :: word, term
слово {noun} :: speech, address
слово {noun} :: promise
слово в слово {adv} :: word for word (in exactly the same words)
словоерс {noun} [obsolete] :: "slovoyers", ironical term for the honorific Russian suffix (an abbreviated form of сударь, or sir) that was formerly used to emphasize the speaker’s politeness or servility before a person of higher social status
словоизменение {noun} [linguistics] :: (word) inflection
словолитня {noun} :: type foundry
словом {adv} :: in short, in a word
словообразование {noun} [linguistics] :: word formation (formation of new words)
словообразовательный {adj} [grammar] :: word-formative, word-formational, derivational
словоохотливый {adj} :: talkative, loquacious, garrulous
словопрение {noun} :: argument, dispute
словосочетание {noun} [linguistics] :: word combination, phrase
словоформа {noun} [linguistics] :: wordform, inflected form
словцо {noun} :: diminutive of слово: word
слог {noun} [phonology] :: syllable
слог {noun} :: style, manner of writing
слоган {noun} :: slogan
слоговой {adj} [relational] :: syllable; syllabic
слогоделение {noun} [linguistics] :: syllabification, syllabication
сложение {noun} :: adding, composing
сложение {noun} :: composition
сложение {noun} :: laying down, resignation
сложение {noun} :: addition (arithmetic: process of adding)
сложение {noun} :: constitution, build
сложённый {adj} :: having a certain type of body
сложившийся {adj} :: well-established, mature
сложить {v pf} :: to lay together, to put together, to pile up, to heap, to stack
сложить {v pf} :: to pack up
сложить {v pf} :: to add, to sum up
сложить {v pf} :: to make, to assemble, to put together
сложить {v pf} :: song, rhyme to compose, to make up
сложить {v pf} :: to fold
сложить {v pf} :: to compose
сложить {v pf} :: to take off, to put down
сложиться {v pf} :: to chip in; to club together (with), to pool (with), to pool one's money / resources
сложиться {v pf} :: to (be) form(ed), to develop, to turn out, to take shape; to arise [of a situation, relationship]
сложнее {adv} :: comparative of сложный
сложнее {adv} :: comparative of сложно
сложно {adv} :: in a complicated manner
сложно {pred} :: it is complicated, it is difficult
сложное вещество {noun} :: chemical compound
сложность {noun} :: complexity, complicacy, complication, difficulty
сложный {adj} :: complex, compound
сложный {adj} :: complicated, intricate
сложный эфир {noun} [organic chemistry] :: ester
слоисто-дождевой {adj} [meteorology] :: nimbostratus
слоисто-кучевой {adj} [meteorology] :: stratocumulus
слоистый {adj} :: layered
слоистый {adj} [meteorology] :: stratus
слоить {v impf} :: to layer, to arrange in layers
слой {noun} :: layer
слой {noun} [geology] :: stratum
слой {noun} :: coat, coating (of paint, etc.)
слом {noun} :: pulling down, demolition, destruction
слом {noun} :: fracture, break
слом {noun} :: (mental) collapse, breakdown
сломать {v pf} :: to break, to fracture
сломать {v pf} :: to demolish, to pull down (a house)
сломать {vt pf} :: to destroy, to break down, to ruin
сломаться {vi pf} :: to break, to break up, to fracture, to split
сломаться {vi pf} :: to break down (of a device, etc.)
сломаться {v pf} [figurative] :: to collapse, to fall apart
сломаться {v pf} :: to crack, to break (of the voice)
сломить {v pf} :: to break, to crush
слон {noun} :: elephant
слон {noun} [chess] :: bishop
слонёнок {noun} :: elephant calf, baby elephant
-слонить {affix} :: Combining form used to form prefixed perfective verbs with various meanings
слониха {noun} :: a female elephant
слоновая болезнь {noun} [disease] :: elephantiasis
слоновая бумага {noun} :: ivory paper
слоновая кость {noun} :: ivory
слоновый {adj} [relational] :: elephant; elephantine, elephant's
слоновый {adj} [relational] :: ivory
слонопотам {noun} :: Heffalump
слонопотам {noun} [humorous] :: clumsy, awkward person
слоняться {v impf} :: to linger, to loaf, to loiter about
слопать {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to devour, to gobble
слуга {m anim} :: servant
служанка {noun} :: maidservant, housemaid
служащий {noun} :: employee
служащий {noun} :: office worker, white-collar worker
служащий {adj} :: used (for, to)
служба {noun} :: service
служба {noun} :: employment, job
служба {noun} :: office, work, post
служба {noun} :: duty
служба {noun} :: divine service
служебник {noun} [Christianity] :: service book, ordinal, missal
служебный {adj} [relational] :: office
служебный {adj} :: official
служебный {adj} :: secondary, subordinate, subservient
служебный {adj} [grammar] :: relational
служение {noun} [religion] :: service, ministration
служенье {noun} :: alternative form of служение
служитель {noun} :: attendant
служитель {noun} :: servant
служитель {noun} :: acolyte
служитель {noun} :: warden
служитель {noun} :: page
служить {v impf} :: to serve someone or something
служить {v impf} :: to serve, to act, to work (as), to be
служить {v impf} :: to be (something), to serve (as)
служить {v impf} :: to be used (for), to serve (for), to do (for)
служить {v impf} :: to be in use, to do one's duty
служить {v impf} :: (church) to serve, to officiate
служить {v impf} :: (dog) to sit up and beg
слупить {v pf} :: to fleece someone (of a certain amount)
слух {noun} :: hearing, ear
слух {noun} [often, in the plural] :: rumor, hearsay
слух {noun} :: news, sign
слухи {noun} :: gossip (idle talk)
слухи {noun} :: talk, buzz
слуховой {adj} [relational] :: hearing; auditory
слухом земля полнится {phrase} :: a little bird told me (literally, the rumor fills the earth)
случай {noun} :: case
случай {noun} :: occurrence, event
случай {noun} :: occasion
случай {noun} :: opportunity, chance
случайно {adv} :: accidentally, by accident, casually, by chance, by any chance
случайное число {noun} :: random number (any of a sequence of random numbers)
случайность {noun} :: chance
случайность {noun} :: fortuity, fortuitousness
случайный {adj} :: accidental, casual, fortuitous, chance
случайный {adj} :: random, unpredictable
случаться {v impf} [usually, impersonal] :: to happen, to occur, to come about [с + instrumental, with]
случившееся {noun} :: something that happened
случиться {v pf} [usually impersonal] :: to happen, to occur, to come about [с + instrumental, with]
слушание {noun} :: listening (act of listening)
слушание {noun} :: hearing (proceeding at which discussions are heard)
слушатель {noun} :: listener, hearer, audience (someone who listens)
слушатель {noun} :: student
слушать {v impf} :: to listen, to listen to (+ accusative)
слушать {v impf} :: to attend
слушать {v impf} [medicine] :: to auscultate
слушаться {v impf} :: to obey, to take (someone's) advice, to listen to
слушаться {v impf} [imperfective only] :: to obey, to be under control [of a mechanism or body part]
слушаю-с {interj} [obsolete] :: at your service, milord
слушаю-с {interj} [obsolete] :: at your service, milady
слыть {v impf} :: to pass (for), to have the reputation (for), to be said / reputed
слыхать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to hear of, to hear from
слыхивать {v impf} :: to hear [repeatedly or frequently]; iterative of слыхать, iterative of слышать
слышал звон, да не знает, где он {proverb} [idiomatic] :: somebody doesn't know what he is talking about
слышать {v impf} :: to hear
слышать {vt impf} [colloquial] :: to smell, to feel (a smell)
слышаться {v impf} [impersonal] :: to be heard
слышаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to be felt, to be smelled
слышимость {noun} :: audibility
слышимый {adj} :: audible (being able to be heard)
слышно {adv} :: audibly
слышно {pred} :: it is audible, one can hear
слышно {pred} :: it is known, there is information [in questions or negative constructions]
слышный {adj} :: audible (able to be heard)
слышь {interj} :: hey! [literally "do you hear"]
слэш {noun} :: alternative form of слеш
слюда {noun} :: mica (hydrous aluminosilicate minerals)
слюдка {noun} :: mica
слюна {noun} :: saliva, spittle
слюни {noun} [colloquial] :: saliva, drool
слюнка {noun} :: diminutive of слюна
слюнки {noun} [colloquial] :: endearing diminutive of слюни
слюнная железа {noun} :: salivary gland
слюнный {adj} :: salivary
слюнный {adj} :: salival
слюнтяй {noun} [derogatory] :: sissy, driveller, sniveller
слюнявчик {noun} :: bib (item of clothing for babies)
слякоть {noun} :: slush, mire, crud, mud
сляпсить {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to steal
с/м {adv} :: initialism of сего месяца
с. м. {adv} :: initialism of сего месяца
с.м. {adv} :: initialism of сего месяца
см {m inan} :: cm, centimeter
смага {noun} [dialectal] :: heat; dryness in the mouth
смага {noun} [dialectal] :: thirst
смага {noun} [dialectal] :: soot
смазать {v pf} :: to smear, to grease, to oil, to lubricate, to dub
смазать {v pf} :: to smear, to wipe off
смазать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to grease someone's palm
смазать {v pf} :: (a question, a problem) to slur
смазать {v pf} :: (photography) to blur
смазать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to bash, to dot
смазка {noun} :: smearing, greasing, oiling, lubrication
смазка {noun} :: lubricant
смазливый {adj} [colloquial] :: pretty, cute
смазывание {noun} :: smearing, greasing, oiling, lubrication
смазывание {noun} :: slurring
смазывать {v impf} :: to smear, to grease, to oil, to lubricate, to dub
смазывать {v impf} :: to smear, to wipe off
смазывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to grease someone's palm
смазывать {v impf} :: (a question, a problem) to slur
смазывать {v impf} :: (photography) to blur
смайл {noun} :: smiley (representation of a smiling face; sequence of keyboard characters)
смайлик {noun} [Internet] :: smiley
смак {noun} :: gusto, pleasant taste
смак {noun} [figuratively or poetic] :: zest, relish, gusto
смаковать {v impf} [colloquial, also figurative] :: to relish, to savor
смалец {noun} :: grease, lard
смальта {noun} :: smalt
сманеврировать {v pf} :: to manoeuvre, to maneuver, to make evolutions
сманивать {v impf} :: to entice, to lure
смарагд {noun} [archaic] :: emerald
смастерить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to make, to contrive
сматывать {v impf} :: to wind completely, to wind up (a spool of rope, a fishing line, etc.)
сматывать {v impf} :: to unwind
сматывать {v impf} [low colloquial] :: [idiomatic]
сматываться {v impf} [low colloquial] :: to leave, to scram, to skedaddle, to vamoose
смахивать {v impf} :: to whisk (away, off), to flap (away, off), to flick away, to brush (off)
смахивать {v impf} :: to look like, to resemble, to smack (of)
смахнуть {v pf} :: to whisk (away, off), to flap (away, off), to flick away, to brush (off)
смачивать {v impf} :: to moisten, to wet
смачно {adv} [colloquial] :: deliciously, appetizingly
смачно {adv} [colloquial] :: strongly, expressively
смачный {adj} [colloquial] :: delicious, appetizing
смачный {adj} [colloquial] :: strong, expressive, precise
смежный {adj} :: adjoined, contiguous
смежный {adj} :: related
смекалка {noun} :: keenness of wit, sagacity
смекать {vi impf} [colloquial, usually, _] :: to understand, to get it, to catch on, to realize
смекнуть {vi pf} [colloquial, usually, _] :: to understand, to get it, to catch on, to realize
смелеть {v impf} :: to grow bolder
смело {adv} :: courageously, daringly, audaciously, boldly, bravely
смелость {noun} :: boldness, courage; audacity
смелый {adj} :: courageous, daring, audacious, bold, brave
смельчак {noun} :: daredevil, a brave man
смена {noun} :: change, replacement
смена {noun} :: shift
смена {noun} [military] :: relief
смена {noun} :: supersession
смена {noun} [in the plural] :: successors
сменить {v pf} :: to change, to replace
сменить {v pf} :: to succeed (to come after)
смениться {vi pf} :: to change into (+ instrumental)
смениться {vi pf} :: to alternate, to take turns
смениться {v pf} :: to be relieved (с from a work shift)
сменный {adj} [relational] :: shift (work, etc.)
сменный {adj} :: replaceable, removable
сменщик {noun} :: one who alternates shifts with another [e.g. on the same machine]
сменщик {noun} [theater] :: understudy
сменять {vt impf} :: to change, to replace
сменять {v impf} :: to succeed (to come after)
сменяться {vi impf} :: to change into (+ instrumental)
сменяться {vi impf} :: to alternate, to take turns
сменяться {v impf} :: to be relieved (с from a work shift)
сменяться {vi pf} [colloquial] :: to exchange, to swap
смерд {noun} [historical] :: a low-class peasant, smerd
смерд {noun} [pejorative] :: peasant; serf; slave
смердеть {v impf} :: to stink, to smell bad
смерить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to measure
смеркаться {v impf} :: to become dark [referring to the day]
смеркнуться {v pf} :: to become dark [referring to the day]
смертельно {adv} :: mortally, fatally
смертельно {adv} :: grievously [insulted]
смертельно {adv} :: utterly [bored, exhausted, etc.]
смертельный {adj} :: mortal, deadly, lethal, fatal
смертельный {adj} [relational] :: death; death-defying
смертная казнь {noun} :: death penalty, capital punishment
смертник {noun} :: person sentenced to death
смертник {noun} :: suicide bomber
смертность {noun} :: mortality
смертность {noun} :: death rate
смертный {adj} :: mortal
смертный {adj} [relational] :: death
смертный {noun} :: mortal (person susceptible to death)
смертоносный {adj} :: deadly, mortal, fatal, lethal, killing
смерть {noun} :: death
смерть {noun} :: (used emphatically with как) dying for
смерть как {idiom} :: dying for
Смерть шпионам {phrase} :: "Death to spies!", rallying cry of SMERSH, the counterintelligence department of the GRU and NKVD
смерч {noun} [meteorology] :: tornado, twister, whirlwind
СМЕРШ {noun} :: SMERSH
смерять {v pf} [low colloquial] :: alternative form of смерить
смеситель {noun} :: mixer
смеситель {noun} [animate] :: commingler, stirrer
с места в карьер {idiom} :: straight away, off the bat, without delay
смести {v pf} :: to brush off, to sweep off, to wipe off
смести {v pf} :: to carry away (by wind, etc.)
смести {v pf} [figuratively] :: to destroy, to dispel, to eliminate
смести {v pf} :: to collect into one place (by raking or sweeping)
сместить {v pf} :: to shift, to displace, to move
сместить {v pf} :: to remove (from position)
сместиться {v pf} :: to shift, to move, to heave
смесь {noun} :: blend, mix, mixture
смета {noun} :: account, estimate, budget (reckoning, calculation)
сметана {noun} :: sour cream
сметать {v impf} :: to brush off, to sweep off, to wipe off
сметать {v impf} :: to carry away (by wind, etc.)
сметать {v impf} [figuratively] :: to destroy, to dispel, to eliminate
сметать {v pf} :: to stack, to rick
сметать {v pf} :: to baste, to tack (together)
сметь {v impf} :: to dare, to make bold, to be so bold as to
смех {noun} :: laugh, laughter
смехотворный {adj} :: ridiculous, ludicrous
смехотворный {adj} :: small, insignificant
смехуёчки {noun} [vulgar] :: lulz, funny stuff, jokes
смешавшийся {adj} :: abashed (embarrassed)
смешанный {adj} :: mixed, hybrid
смешанный {adj} :: composite
смешанный {adj} :: miscellaneous
смешать {vt pf} :: to mix, to mingle, to blend
смешать {v pf} :: to mix up the order of
смешать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to mess up
смешать {v pf} :: to confuse, to mix up
смешаться {vi pf} :: to mix, to blend (in), to mingle, to intermingle with [с + instrumental]
смешаться {vi pf} :: to merge
смешаться {v pf} :: to get mixed up, to be jumbled
смешаться {v pf} :: to become confused
смешение {noun} :: mixing, mixture; blending, merging
смешивать {v impf} :: to mix, to mix up
смешивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to mess up
смешивать {v impf} :: to confuse, to mix up
смешиваться {v impf} :: to mix, (inter)to blend
смешить {v impf} :: to make (someone) laugh
смешить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to make an unpleasant impression (on someone)
смешливый {adj} :: prone to laugh, giggly [of a person or mood]
смешно {adv} :: in a funny manner/way, comically
смешно {adv} [predicative, impersonal] :: it is nice
смешной {adj} :: funny, comic, droll
смешной {adj} :: laughable, ridiculous, ludicrous
смешок {noun} :: chuckle, short laugh
смешок {noun} :: (plural) jokes, jeers
смещать {v impf} :: to shift, to displace, to move
смещать {v impf} :: to remove (from position)
смещаться {v impf} :: to shift, to move, to heave
смещение {noun} :: displacement, shift
-смеять {affix} :: Combining form used to form prefixed perfective verbs with the approximate meanings "to laugh" or "to mock"
смеяться {v impf} :: to laugh
смеяться {v impf} :: to laugh at (над кем, над чем)
смеяться {v impf} :: to mock, to deride
смётывать {v impf} :: to stack, to rick
смётывать {v impf} :: to baste, to tack (together)
СМИ {n inanp} :: acronym of средства массовой информации: mass media
сминать {v impf} :: to rumple, to crumple, to wrinkle, to fumble, to crease
смирение {noun} :: humility, meekness; humbleness; resignation (state of uncomplaining)
смиренно {adv} :: abjectly (with great shame, desperately; in an abject fashion)
смиренность {noun} :: humility, meekness
смиренный {adj} :: humble, meek, submissive
смиренный {adj} :: abject (showing resignation)
смирительная рубашка {noun} :: straitjacket (a jacket-like garment)
смирить {v pf} :: to humble, to tame
смирить {v pf} :: to suppress, to restrain (an emotion)
смириться {v pf} :: to become reconciled [с to]
смириться {v pf} :: to give in
смирна {noun} :: myrrh
смирнее {adv} :: comparative of смирный
смирнее {adv} :: comparative of смирно
смирно {adv} :: quietly (in a quiet manner)
смирно {interj} [military] :: attention! Used as a command to bring soldiers to the attention position
смирный {adj} :: quiet, mild, meek
смирять {v impf} :: to humble, to tame
смирять {v impf} :: to suppress, to restrain (an emotion)
смиряться {v impf} :: to become reconciled [с to]
смиряться {v impf} :: to give in
смог {noun} :: smog
смоделировать {v pf} :: to model, to design, to fashion, to shape
смоделировать {v pf} [mathematics, engineering] :: to simulate
смоделировать {v pf} [art] :: to model, to sculpture
смок {noun} [archaic, folkloric] :: dragon (mythical creature)
смоква {noun} :: fig
смоква {noun} :: fig tree
смокинг {noun} :: tuxedo
смокинг {noun} :: dinner jacket
смоктать {v impf} :: to suck
смола {noun} :: resin, pitch, tar, coal tar (viscous liquid of plant origin)
Смоленск {prop} :: Смоленск (city/administrative center)
Смоленск {prop} :: Смоленск (oblast)
смоленский {adj} [relational] :: Smolensk
смолкать {v impf} :: (sound, noise) to cease, to stop
смолкать {v impf} :: to grow silent, to fall into silence, to fall silent
смолкнуть {v pf} :: (sound, noise) to cease, to stop
смолкнуть {v pf} :: to grow silent, to fall into silence, to fall silent
смоловарня {noun} :: tar works
смолокурня {noun} :: tar works
смолотить {v pf} :: to thresh, to flail
смолоть {v pf} :: to grind, to mill (to make smaller by breaking with a device)
смолоть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to talk nonsense
смолчать {v pf} :: to be/remain silent, to say nothing, to hold one's tongue
смольный {adj} [relational, dated] :: resin, tar
смольный {adj} [dated] :: resinous, tarry
Смолян {prop} :: Смолян (town/and/ski resort)
смолянин {noun} :: citizen of Smolensk
смолянка {noun} :: A woman or girl native of Smolensk
смолянка {noun} [historical] :: A girl studying at the Smolny Institute
смолянка {noun} [botany] :: lady's smock
смоляной {adj} [relational] :: tar, pitch
смоляной {adj} :: tarry (resembling tar)
смоляной {adj} :: tarred (covered with tar)
смоляной {adj} [figurative] :: jet-black, pitch-black, glossy black
смонтировать {v pf} :: to assemble (to put together)
смонтировать {v pf} :: to mount, to arrange (cinema)
сморкать {v impf} :: to blow (one's nose)
сморкаться {v impf} :: to blow one's nose
смород {noun} [obsolete] :: stink, stench
смородина {noun} :: currant (berry and plant)
сморчок {noun} [mushroom] :: morel
сморчок {noun} [colloquial, pejorative] :: wimp, nebbish (frail, nondescript man)
сморчок {noun} [colloquial, pejorative] :: shortie, runt
сморчок {noun} [colloquial] :: act of blowing one's nose
сморщенный {adj} :: wrinkled
сморщивать {vt impf} :: to wrinkle
сморщиваться {vi impf} :: to wrinkle (to become wrinkled)
сморщиваться {vi impf} :: to shrivel
сморщить {v pf} :: to wrinkle (one's nose)
сморщить {v pf} :: to wrinkle (something)
сморщить {v pf} :: to purse (one's lips)
сморщиться {vi pf} :: to wrinkle (to become wrinkled)
сморщиться {vi pf} :: to shrivel
смотать {v pf} :: to wind completely, to wind up (a spool of rope, a fishing line, etc.)
смотать {v pf} :: to unwind
смотать {v pf} [low colloquial] :: [idiomatic]
смотаться {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to leave, to scram, to skedaddle, to vamoose
смотр {noun} [military] :: review, inspection
смотр {noun} :: parade, show
смотреть {v impf} :: to look, to gaze
смотреть {v impf} :: to see, to watch
смотреть {v impf} :: to view, to review
смотреть {v impf} :: to examine, to inspect
смотреть {v impf} :: to mind
смотреть сквозь пальцы {v impf} :: to turn a blind eye (to ignore or deliberately overlook)
смотреться {v impf} :: to look at oneself
смотреться {v impf} :: to be acceptable to the eye, to look (well or bad)
смотреться {v impf} :: to produce an effect
смотрины {noun} :: traditional Russian wedding ceremony, where the groom, groom's family and the matchmaker could see and evaluate the prospective bride
смотритель {noun} :: supervisor, inspector, keeper, custodian
смотровой {adj} [relational] :: inspection
смотровой {adj} [relational] :: observation, lookout
смотря {adv} [with an interrogative] :: depending on, it depends on
смочить {v pf} :: to moisten, to wet
смочь {v pf} :: to be able, to manage
смрад {noun} :: stench, stink
смрадить {v impf} :: alternative form of смердеть
СМС {m inan} :: Short Message Service
СМС {m inan} :: SMS, message, text (a text message sent on a cell phone)
см/сек {m inanp} :: cm/s, centimeters per second
смуглый {adj} :: dark, dark-skinned, swarthy [of complexion or skin colour]
смуглянка {noun} [colloquial] :: swarthy girl, dark-complexioned woman
смудрить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to be too clever, to complicate things unnecessarily
смузи {m inan} {n inan} [neologism] :: smoothie (drink)
смута {noun} [historical] :: troubles, disturbance, revolt
смута {noun} [colloquial] :: discord
смута {noun} :: turmoil, anxiety, distress
смутить {v pf} :: to confuse, to embarrass
смутить {v pf} :: to daunt, to dismay, to discomfort
смутить {v pf} :: to disturb, to trouble, to stir up
смутиться {v pf} :: to be confused, to be embarrassed
смутно {adv} :: vaguely, unclearly
смутный {adj} :: disturbed by troubles or revolts; chaotic
смутный {adj} [figurative] :: nebulous, indistinct, hazy, vague
смутный {adj} [figurative] :: anxious, troubled, worried
смутьян {noun} :: troublemaker, rabble-rouser
смущать {v impf} :: to confuse, to embarrass
смущать {v impf} :: to daunt, to dismay, to discomfort
смущать {v impf} :: to disturb, to trouble, to stir up
смущаться {v impf} :: to be confused, to be embarrassed
смущение {noun} :: abashment, confusion, embarrassment
смущённо {adv} :: confusedly, embarrassedly
смущённый {adj} :: embarrassed, confused (experiencing embarrassment or confusion) [usually of a person]
смущённый {adj} :: embarrassed, confused (expressing embarrassment or confusion) [look, etc; usually inanimate]
смывать {v impf} :: to wash off, to flush
смывать {v impf} :: to wash away, to wash down
смывать {v impf} [lofty] :: to wash away, to redeem, to atone
смыкать {v impf} [military, sport] :: to link (up), to close in, to close
смыкать {v impf} :: to close
смыкаться {v impf} [military, sport] :: to close (up), to close down (upon), to close in (on), to close
смыкаться {v impf} :: to close
смысл {noun} :: sense, meaning
смысл {noun} :: respect
смысл {noun} [colloquial] :: use
смыслить {v impf} :: to understand
смыслить {v impf} :: to be knowledgeable (about), to know something (about)
смысловой {adj} :: semantic
смысловой {adj} [relational] :: sense
смыть {v pf} :: to wash off, to flush
смыть {v pf} :: to wash away, to wash down
смыть {v pf} [lofty] :: to wash away, to redeem, to atone
смыться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to slip away, to sneak off
смычок {noun} :: fiddlestick, bow (rod used for playing stringed instruments)
смышлёный {adj} [colloquial] :: smart, intelligent
смягчать {v impf} :: to soften, to extenuate
смягчать {v impf} :: to allay, to assuage, to mitigate, to alleviate
смягчать {v impf} :: to tone down light, colors
смягчать {v impf} :: to relax harshness
смягчать {v impf} :: to mollify
смягчать {v impf} :: to palatalize
смягчаться {v impf} :: to soften, to become soft(er)
смягчаться {v impf} :: to relent, to soften, to grow lenient
смягчаться {v impf} :: to ease (off), to lessen, (wind) to relent
смягчаться {v impf} :: (weather) to grow mild(er)
смягчение {noun} :: mitigation, palliation
смягчение {noun} :: softening
смягчение {noun} :: alleviation, relief, assuagement
смягчение {noun} :: abatement
смягчение {noun} :: mollification
смягчение {noun} :: palatalization
смягчение {noun} :: give
смягчение {noun} :: easing off
смягчить {v pf} :: to soften extenuate
смягчить {v pf} :: to allay, to assuage, to mitigate, to alleviate
смягчить {v pf} :: to tone down light, colors
смягчить {v pf} :: to relax harshness
смягчить {v pf} :: to mollify
смягчить {v pf} :: to palatalize
смягчиться {v pf} :: to soften, to become soft(er)
смягчиться {v pf} :: to relent, to soften, to grow lenient
смягчиться {v pf} :: to ease (off), to lessen, (wind) to relent
смягчиться {v pf} :: (weather) to grow mild(er)
смятение {noun} :: confusion, disarray, tizzy
смятение {noun} :: turmoil, agitation
смятение {noun} :: tumult
смятение {noun} :: commotion, whirl
смятение {noun} :: perturbation
смятение {noun} :: dither
смятение {noun} :: alarm (sudden surprise with fear or terror)
смятение {noun} :: distraction
смятый {adj} :: not smooth, wrinkled, wrinkly
смятый {adj} :: crushed, trampled [of plants]
смять {v pf} :: to rumple, to crumple, to wrinkle, to fumble, to crease
смяться {v pf} :: to yield to pressure
смяться {v pf} :: to get rumpled, to crease, to wrinkle
снабдить {v pf} :: to provide, to supply (+ instrumental, with)
снабжать {v impf} :: to supply, to provide, to garnish (+ instrumental, with)
снабжение {noun} :: supply, provision (act of supplying)
снадобье {noun} :: drug, medicament, potion (a small portion or dose of a liquid which is medicinal, poisonous, or magical)
снайпер {noun} :: sniper
снайпер {noun} :: sharpshooter
снайперский {adj} [relational] :: sniper
снайперский {adj} [relational] :: sharpshooter
снаружи {adv} :: on the outside, from the outside, outwardly
снаряд {noun} [military, weapons] :: shell, missile, projectile
снаряд {noun} :: apparatus
снаряд {noun} :: tool, equipment
снаряд {noun} :: tackle
снарядить {v pf} :: to equip, to fit out
снарядить {v pf} :: (an expedition, a search party, etc.) to send, to dispatch
снаряжать {v impf} :: to equip, to fit out
снаряжать {v impf} :: (an expedition, a search party etc.) to send, to dispatch
снаряжение {noun} :: outfit, equipment, tackle
с наступающим Новым годом {phrase} :: happy coming New Year!
снасть {noun} :: tackle
снасть {noun} [nautical, usually plural] :: rope, rigging
сначала {adv} :: at first
снашивать {v impf} :: to wear out
СНВ {n inanp} :: strategic (offensive) arms
СНГ {n inan} :: CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States)
снег {noun} :: snow
снег {noun} [figuratively] :: snow, the white electrical noise on a TV set when there is no TV signal
снег {noun} [slang] :: cocaine
снегирь {noun} :: bullfinch
снеговик {noun} :: snowman (figure made of snow)
снеговой {adj} [relational] :: snow; snowy
снегокат {noun} :: snow scooter
снегопад {noun} :: snowfall
снегоуборочная машина {noun} :: snow plow (vehicle)
снегоуборочный {adj} [relational] :: snow removal [off of roads]
снегоход {noun} :: snowmobile
Снегурочка {prop} :: The Snow Maiden
снедь {noun} [colloquial, collective] :: food
Снежана {prop} :: given name
снежинка {noun} :: snowflake
снежить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to snow
снежить {v impf} [regional] :: to cover with snow
снежная баба {noun} :: snowman (figure made of snow)
снежная буря {noun} :: blizzard, snowstorm
снежный {adj} [relational] :: snow; snowy
снежный человек {noun} :: abominable snowman, yeti, sasquatch
снежный шар {noun} :: snow globe
снежок {noun} :: snowball (ball of snow)
снежок {noun} :: light snowfall
снежок {noun} :: diminutive of снег: (a bit of) snow
снежок {noun} [slang] :: snow, cocaine
снести {v pf} :: to carry down
снести {v pf} :: to carry to
снести {v pf} :: to pull down, to demolish
снести {v pf} :: to blow off, to blow away [of the wind]
снести {v pf} :: to carry away [of water]
снести {v pf} :: to tolerate, to endure
снести {v pf} :: to cut off
снести {v pf} :: to discard (a card)
снести {v pf} :: to lay eggs
снижать {v impf} :: to bring down, to reduce
снижаться {v impf} :: to go down, to descend
снижаться {v impf} :: to drop, to fall
снижение {noun} :: reduction, decrease (act, process, or result of reducing)
снижение {noun} :: lowering
снижение {noun} :: descent (aviation)
снизить {v pf} :: to bring down, to reduce
снизиться {v pf} :: to go down, to descend
снизиться {v pf} :: to drop, to fall
снизойти {v pf} :: to condescend (to)
снизу {adv} :: from below, underarm
сникерс {noun} :: sneaker
сникерс {noun} :: Snickers-brand chocolate bar
сникнуть {v pf} :: to droop, to wilt, to relent
снимать {v impf} :: to take off, to take away, to take down
снимать {v impf} :: to take, to make
снимать {v impf} :: to photograph, to film
снимать {v impf} :: to rent (e.g. an apartment)
сниматься {v impf} :: to have one's photograph taken
сниматься {v impf} :: to act in a film
снимок {noun} :: photo, photograph, picture, snapshot
снискать {v pf} :: to get, to win, to gain
снисходительно {adv} :: graciously, indulgently, leniently
снисходительно {adv} :: in a condescending manner, arrogantly
снисходительно {adv} :: contemptuously (in a disrespectful or discourteous manner)
снисходительность {noun} :: condescension
снисходительность {noun} :: leniency
снисходительность {noun} :: indulgence, forgiveness
снисходительный {adj} :: indulgent, lenient (tolerant; not strict)
снисходительный {adj} :: condescending, contemptuous
снисходить {v impf} :: to condescend (to)
снисхождение {noun} :: indulgence, leniency
снисхождение {noun} :: condescension
сниться {v impf} :: to dream (the person who dreams is the object of the verb - dative case)
сноб {noun} :: snob (person who seeks to be a member of the upper classes)
снобизм {noun} :: snobbishness, snobbery
снова {adv} :: again, anew
снова и снова {adv} :: again and again (repeatedly)
сновать {v impf} :: to move to and fro, to scurry about, to whisk, to dash about, to skirr, to fuss
сновидение {noun} :: dream, vision (in a dream)
с Новым годом {interj} :: Happy New Year
с ног на голову {adv} [colloquial, with verbs встать, поставить, перевернуть] :: (to turn) on its head, upside down, (to turn) from a normal position upside down
сногсшибательный {adj} :: amazing, flabbergasting, stunning, rip-snorting, smashing
сноп {noun} :: sheaf (bundle of grain or straw)
сноп {noun} :: shaft (of light)
сноровка {noun} :: skill, proficiency, dexterity
снос {noun} :: pulling down; demolition; drift
сносить {v impf} :: to carry down
сносить {v impf} :: to carry to
сносить {v impf} :: to pull down, to demolish, to raze
сносить {v impf} :: to blow off, to blow away [of the wind]
сносить {v impf} :: to carry away [of water]
сносить {v impf} :: to tolerate, to endure
сносить {v impf} :: to cut off
сносить {v impf} :: to discard (a card)
сносить {v pf} :: to carry somewhere and bring back
сносить {v pf} :: to wear out
сноска {noun} :: footnote
сносный {adj} :: supportable, tolerable, passable
снотворное {noun} :: soporific, somnifacient (sleep inducing agent)
снотворный {adj} :: soporific, somnolent, hypnic
снотворный {adj} :: (too) boring
сноуборд {noun} :: snowboard (a board with the ability to glide on snow)
сноха {noun} :: a man’s daughter-in-law (a wife’s daughter-in-law is her невестка)
снохач {noun} [vulgar] :: A man (свёкор) who takes sexual advantage of his daughter-in-law (сноха)
сношаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to copulate, to have sex, to make love
сношение {noun} :: dealings, intercourse
сношение {noun} :: intercourse (sexual intercourse)
с нуля {prep} :: from scratch, from the ground up
с нуля {prep} :: anew, all over again, back to square one, back to the drawing board
СНХ {m inan} :: sovnarkhoz
снявши голову, по волосам не плачут {proverb} :: don't cry over spilt milk
снятие {noun} :: taking off, removal
снятие {noun} :: withdrawal, removal
снятие {noun} :: gathering, harvest, reaping
снятие {noun} :: ending
снятие {noun} :: in expressions
снятой {adj} :: skim, skimmed: only used in снятое молоко
снять {v pf} :: to take off, to take away, to take down
снять {v pf} :: to take, to make
снять {v pf} :: to photograph, to film
снять {v pf} :: to rent (e.g. an apartment)
сняться {v pf} :: to have one's photograph taken
сняться {v pf} :: to act in a film
со- {prefix} :: alternative form of с- [used before certain consonant clusters]
со- {prefix} :: with, con-, co-
со {prep} :: with (+ instrumental case)
со {prep} :: off, from (+ genitive case)
соавтор {noun} :: coauthor (male or female)
соавторство {noun} :: co-authorship, joint authorship
соавторство {noun} :: co-designership
собака {noun} :: dog
собака {noun} :: hound
собака {noun} [pejorative] :: mongrel; bastard
собака {noun} [Internet] :: @ (at sign)
собачечка {noun} :: diminutive of собачка: little doggy
собачий {adj} [relational] :: dog; dog's, canine
собачка {noun} :: diminutive of собака:
собачка {noun} :: doggy
собачка {noun} :: at (@ sign)
собачка {noun} :: trigger, self-locking latch, turnpiece
собачник {noun} :: dog hunter (a person who is engaged in the extermination of stray dogs)
собачонка {noun} :: pejorative of собака: nasty little dog, stray dog
собезьянничать {v pf} :: to ape, to monkey (imitate)
собезьянничать {v pf} :: to act the ape/monkey
собес {noun} [colloquial] :: social security
собес {noun} [Soviet Union] :: social security agency
собеседник {noun} :: interlocutor, talking partner
собеседница {noun} :: female interlocutor, talking partner
собеседование {noun} :: interview (a formal meeting for the assessment of a candidate or applicant)
собеседование {noun} [dated] :: talk
собирание {noun} :: picking
собирание {noun} :: collecting, gathering
собирание {noun} :: collection, accumulation, aggregation, assemblage
собирание {noun} :: compilation
собиратель {noun} :: collector, gatherer
собирательное числительное {noun} [linguistics] :: collective numeral, collective number (a numeral which signifies that several persons or things are taken together)
собирательный {adj} :: collecting (serving for collecting something)
собирательный {adj} :: generalized, collective
собирательный {adj} [grammar] :: collective
собирать {v impf} :: to gather, to collect, to harvest
собирать {v impf} :: to assemble
собирать {v impf} :: to convoke
собирать {v impf} :: (for a journey) to equip, to prepare
собирать {v impf} :: (programming) to build, to compile
собираться {v impf} :: to gather
собираться {v impf} :: to assemble
собираться {v impf} :: to be about to
собираться {v impf} :: to be going to, to intend, to mean
соблазн {noun} :: temptation
соблазнитель {noun} :: seducer
соблазнительный {adj} :: seductive
соблазнительный {adj} :: alluring, enticing
соблазнительный {adj} :: provocative
соблазнительный {adj} :: tempting
соблазнить {v pf} :: to seduce
соблазнять {v impf} :: to seduce
соблюдать {v impf} :: to observe, to comply, to follow, to stick (to)
соблюдение {noun} :: observance (of laws, customs, etc.), upholding
соблюсти {v pf} :: to observe, to comply, to follow, to stick (to)
соблюсти {v pf} :: to guard, to keep
соболезнование {noun} :: condolence (comfort, support or sympathy)
соболезновать {v impf} :: to condole
соболь {noun} :: sable (a small carnivorous mammal)
соболь {noun} :: sable (the fur of this animal)
собор {noun} :: cathedral
собор {noun} :: council
собор {noun} :: diet
соборность {noun} [Soviet Union, literary] :: the principle of joint discussion and solution of important national issues at a council of people's representatives; consensus-driven decision making
соборность {noun} [Russian philosophy] :: sobornost (the free spiritual unity of religious and secular communities)
соборность {noun} [dated, religion] :: catholicity, universality
соборный {adj} [relational] :: cathedral
соборный {adj} :: conciliar, catholic
собрание {noun} :: meeting, gathering
собрание {noun} :: assembly
собрание {noun} :: collection, set
собрание {noun} :: collected works
собранность {noun} :: discipline, self-discipline, focus, organization
собранный {adj} :: (person) precise, accurate, self-disciplined
собранье {noun} [poetic] :: alternative, old-fashion spelling of собрание (see)
собрат {noun} :: fellow, mate, colleague
собрать {v pf} :: to gather, to collect
собрать {v pf} :: to assemble
собрать {v pf} :: to convoke
собрать {v pf} :: (for a journey) to equip, to prepare
собраться {v pf} :: to gather, to assemble mutually reflexive
собраться {v pf} :: to be about, to make up one's mind, to be going, to intend, to be on the point
собраться {v pf} :: to prepare, to be ready to start, to set out
собственник {noun} :: proprietor, owner
собственно {adv} :: as a matter of fact, in fact
собственноручно {adv} :: with one's own hand
собственноручный {adj} :: handwritten; written in one's own hand
собственность {noun} :: property
собственность {noun} :: ownership
собственный {adj} :: one's own, peculiar, proper
собственный {adj} [linear algebra] :: eigen-
собство {noun} [obsolete] :: property, characteristics
собутыльник {noun} [colloquial] :: drinking companion, booze buddy
событие {noun} :: event, occurrence, incident
сов- {prefix} :: Soviet (used in the names of companies or organizations)
сова {noun} :: owl
сова {noun} :: night person, night owl
совать {v impf} :: to put
совать {v impf} :: to slip, to give
совать {v impf} :: to poke, to stick in
совать {v impf} :: to butt in
соваться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to try to get (somewhere), to try to enter (a place), to poke one's head in
соваться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to turn (to), to go (to)
соваться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to butt (in), to poke one's nose (into)
соввласть {noun} [obsolete] :: Soviet power
совдепия {noun} [pejorative] :: Sovdepia, (originally) RSFSR, the Soviet Russia, later USSR, Soviet Union and modern Russia, the old Soviet system in general, sovok
совершать {v impf} :: to accomplish, to perform, to commit, to perpetrate, to make
совершаться {v impf} :: to happen, to take place
совершение {noun} :: accomplishment, fulfilment, perpetration
совершение {noun} :: execution
совершенно {adv} :: perfectly
совершенно {adv} :: absolutely, quite, totally, utterly
совершенно {pred} :: it is perfect
совершенно {pred} :: it is absolute, it is complete
совершеннолетие {noun} :: age, full age, legal age, age of majority (time of life when one attains full person rights)
совершеннолетний {adj} :: of age, adult
совершенный {adj} :: absolute, complete, perfect
совершенный {adj} [grammar] :: perfect, perfective
совершенный вид {noun} [grammar] :: perfective aspect
совершенство {noun} :: perfection, consummation, fineness, polish
совершенствование {noun} :: development, improvement
совершенствовать {v impf} :: to better, to develop, to improve, to perfect, to refine
совершенствоваться {v impf} :: to perfect oneself, to improve one's skills, to upgrade one's skills
совершить {v pf} :: to accomplish, to perform, to commit, to perpetrate, to make
совершиться {v pf} :: to happen, to take place
совестливый {adj} :: conscientious
совестно {pred} :: one is ashamed
совестный {adj} :: alternative form of совестливый
совесть {noun} :: conscience (moral sense)
совет {noun} :: advice, counsel
совет {noun} :: council, board
совет {noun} [Soviet Union] :: soviet
Совет Безопасности ООН {noun} :: United Nations Security Council
советник {noun} :: advisor, counselor, councillor
советница {noun} :: female advisor
советовать {v impf} :: to advise, to counsel, to recommend
советоваться {v impf} :: to consult
советоваться {v impf} :: to confer, to deliberate, to exchange views
Советская Гавань {prop} :: Советская Гавань (town)
советская социалистическая республика {noun} :: Soviet Socialist Republic (SSR)
советский {adj} :: Soviet
Советский Союз {prop} [history] :: Советский Союз (former country)
советчик {noun} :: adviser, advisor (one who advises)
советчик {noun} :: guide
советчик {noun} :: consultant
советчица {noun} :: female adviser (one who advises)
совещание {noun} :: conference, meeting (gathering among business people to discuss their business)
совещание {noun} :: discussion
совещательный {adj} :: advisory (able to give advice)
совещательный {adj} :: deliberative
совещательный {adj} :: consultative, consultive
совещаться {v impf} :: to consult (with), to confer (with), to hold a consultation
совёнок {noun} :: owlet
совковая лопата {noun} :: shovel (tool for moving portions of material)
совладать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to control, to get the better (of)
совладелец {noun} :: coowner (co-owner) (someone who owns something together with one or more other people)
совместимость {noun} :: compatibility
совместимый {adj} :: compatible
совместительство {noun} :: work for more than one employer, two jobs at a time
совместить {v pf} :: to combine
совместиться {vi pf} :: to combine, to join
совместиться {v pf} [mathematics] :: to coincide
совместно {adv} :: jointly (together)
совместное предприятие {noun} :: joint venture
совместный {adj} :: joint, shared (done by two or more people or organisations working together)
совместный {adj} :: common, conjoint, united
совместный {adj} :: compatible, simultaneous
совмещать {v impf} :: to combine
совмещаться {vi impf} :: to combine, to join
совмещаться {v impf} [mathematics] :: to coincide
совмещение {noun} :: combination
совмещение {noun} :: superposition
совнархоз {noun} [historical] :: sovnarkhoz (one of the regional economic councils of the Soviet Union, created in 1957)
совок {noun} :: scoop, dustpan
совок {noun} [inanimate, pejorative] :: Soviet Union, sovok, sovdep, sovdepia/sovdepiya
совок {noun} [animate, pejorative] :: person supporting Soviet ideology, morals or habits, sovok
совокупление {noun} :: coition, coupling, sexual intercourse (sexual intercourse)
совокупляться {v impf} [dated] :: to get connected, to get linked
совокупляться {v impf} :: to copulate, to have sex, to make love
совокупность {noun} :: totality, the aggregate, the sum total
совокупный {adj} :: that is a result of combining or adding of different parts together
совпадать {v impf} :: to coincide
совпадать {v impf} :: to concur
совпадать {v impf} :: to match, to agree
совпадение {noun} :: coincidence
совпасть {v pf} :: to coincide
совпасть {v pf} :: to concur
совпасть {v pf} :: to match, to agree
совратить {v pf} [dated] :: to move aside, to deflect
совратить {v pf} :: to incite to behave badly, to corrupt
совратить {v pf} :: to seduce, to pervert
соврать {v pf} :: to lie
соврать {v pf} :: to make a mistake
соврать {v pf} :: to be inaccurate
совращать {v impf} [dated] :: to move aside, to deflect
совращать {v impf} :: to incite to behave badly, to corrupt
совращать {v impf} :: to seduce, to pervert
современнее {adv} :: comparative of современный
современнее {adv} :: comparative of современно
современник {noun} :: contemporary (someone living (or something existing) at the same time)
современно {adv} :: in a contemporary manner
современно {adv} :: in a modern manner
современно {adv} :: in an up-to-date, present-day manner
современность {noun} :: the present (times), modernity, contemporaneity
современный {adj} :: contemporary
современный {adj} :: modern
современный {adj} :: up-to-date, present-day
совсем {adv} :: quite, entirely, totally
совсем {adv} :: at all
совсем нет {adv} :: not at all
со всех ног {adv} :: like stink, at full pelt
совхоз {noun} :: sovkhoz, state farm
совхозный {adj} [relational] :: sovkhoz, state farm
-совывать {affix} :: Combining form used to form imperfective counterparts of prefixed derivatives of сунуть (to put, to stick)
Согвипхо {prop} {m inan} :: Согвипхо (city)
согласие {noun} :: consent, assent
согласие {noun} :: agreement
согласие {noun} :: accord, accordance, concord, harmony
согласиться {v pf} :: to agree (to), to consent, to assent
согласиться {v pf} :: to agree (with), to concur, to concede, to admit
согласная {noun} :: consonant (letter)
согласно {prep} :: according to, as to
согласный {adj} :: ready (for); willing (to)
согласный {adj} :: agreeable
согласный {adj} :: harmonious, concordant
согласный {adj} [linguistics] :: consonant, consonantal
согласный {noun} [linguistics] :: consonant
согласование {noun} :: concordance (agreement)
согласованность {noun} :: concordance (agreement)
согласованность {noun} :: coherence
согласованность {noun} :: consistency
согласованный {adj} :: coordinated, concerted, consensual
согласовать {v pf} :: to co-ordinate, to adjust, to agree, to match
согласоваться {v pf} :: to agree (with), to accord with, to be concordant with
согласовывать {v impf} :: to co-ordinate, to adjust, to agree, to match
согласовываться {v impf} :: to agree (with), to accord with, to be concordant with
соглашаться {v impf} :: to agree (to), to consent, to assent
соглашаться {v impf} :: to agree (with), to concur, to concede, to admit
соглашение {noun} :: agreement, understanding, consent
соглашение {noun} :: agreement, contract (legally binding contract enforceable in a court of law)
соглашение {noun} :: covenant, compact, concordat
соглядатай {noun} [literary, pejorative] :: eavesdropper, voyeur, spy
согнать {v pf} :: to drive away
согнать {v pf} :: to drive together (cattle, etc.)
согнать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to lose (weight)
согнать {v pf} :: to remove (from the surface of)
согнутый {adj} :: bent
согнутый {adj} :: stooped
согнутый {adj} :: bowed
согнуть {v pf} :: to bend, to curve, to crook
согнуться {vi pf} :: to be bent, to be curved, to bend
согражданин {noun} :: fellow citizen
согревать {v impf} :: to warm up
согреваться {v impf} :: to warm (oneself), to get warm
согреть {v pf} :: to warm up
согреться {v pf} :: to warm (oneself), to get warm
согрешить {v pf} :: to sin (to commit a sin)
сода {noun} :: soda (sodium carbonate)
содевать {v impf} [dated] :: to make, to create, to produce, to execute
содействие {noun} :: assistance, aid
содействие {noun} :: promotion
содействие {noun} :: contribution
содействие {noun} :: agency
содействие {noun} :: instrumentality
содействие {noun} :: abetment
содействие {noun} :: subservience
содействовать {v impf} :: to abet (to support, uphold, or aid) (+ dative)
содействовать {v impf} :: to assist, to promote, to facilitate (+ dative)
содержание {noun} :: keeping
содержание {noun} :: upkeep, maintenance
содержание {noun} :: content, substance
содержание {noun} :: contents
содержание {noun} :: table of contents
содержание {noun} :: custody
содержанка {noun} :: kept woman (woman supported financially by a lover)
содержательный {adj} :: substantial, substantive, full of substance, rich in content, meaty
содержать {v impf} :: to contain, to hold
содержать {v impf} :: to maintain, to keep (in a certain state)
содержать {v impf} :: to support, to keep, to provide with all necessities
содержаться {v impf} :: to contain, to hold
содержимое {noun} :: contents
содеять {v pf} [dated] :: to make, to create, to produce, to execute
соджу {n inan} :: soju, a Korean distilled alcoholic beverage, similar to sake
с одной стороны {adv} :: on the one hand
содом {noun} [dated] :: debauchery, fornication
содом {noun} [colloquial] :: hubbub, commotion, disorder, uproar, row
содомизировать {v both} :: to sodomise (to perform anal sex upon a person, especially if against his or her will)
содомит {noun} :: sodomite, sodomist
содомит {noun} [derogatory] :: a male homosexual
содомия {noun} :: sodomy
содомия {noun} :: buggery
содрать {v pf} :: to strip, to strip off, to scratch off
содрать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to charge
содрать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to copy, to crib, to plagiarize
содрогание {noun} :: shudder, shiver
содрогаться {v impf} :: to shudder
содрогнуться {v pf} :: to shudder
содружество {noun} :: community
содружество {noun} :: concord
содружество {noun} :: cooperation
содружество {noun} :: collaboration
содружество {noun} :: commonwealth
Содружество наций {prop} :: Commonwealth of Nations
Содружество Независимых Государств {prop} :: Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) (made up of eleven former Soviet republics, including Russia)
Содэмунгу {prop} {m inan} :: Seodaemun District (one of 25 districts of Seoul, located north of the Han River)
соевый {adj} [relational] :: soy
соевый соус {noun} :: soy sauce
соединение {noun} :: joining, junction
соединение {noun} :: connection
соединение {noun} :: combination, union
соединение {noun} :: joint, junction
соединение {noun} [chemistry] :: compound
соединение {noun} [military] :: formation (refers to a corps, a division, or a brigade; also informally, an army)
соединение {noun} [mathematics] :: combination
Соединённое Королевство {prop} :: Соединённое Королевство (country)
Соединённое Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии {prop} :: Соединённое Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии (country)
Соединённые Штаты {prop} :: Соединённые Штаты (country)
Соединённые Штаты Америки {prop} :: Соединённые Штаты Америки (country)
соединённый {adj} :: united
соединённый {adj} :: joint
соединитель {noun} :: connector, joiner
соединительный {adj} :: conjunctive, conjoining, connecting
соединить {v pf} :: to unite, to join
соединить {v pf} :: to connect, to put through
соединить {v pf} [chemistry] :: to combine
соединиться {v pf} :: to unite
соединиться {v pf} :: to connect, to join
соединиться {v pf} :: to get connected, to get linked, to connect
соединиться {v pf} [chemistry] :: to combine
соединять {v impf} :: to unite, to join
соединять {v impf} :: to connect, to put through
соединять {v impf} [chemistry] :: to combine
соединяться {v impf} :: to unite
соединяться {v impf} :: to connect, to join
соединяться {v impf} :: to get connected, to get linked, to connect
соединяться {v impf} [chemistry] :: to combine
сожаление {noun} :: regret
сожаление {noun} :: pity
сожалеть {v impf} :: to pity, to be sorry (for smb.)
сожалеть {v impf} :: to regret, to deplore, to be sorry (that)
сожжение {noun} :: burning, burning up
сожитель {noun} :: roommate
сожитель {noun} [colloquial] :: cohabitant [of the opposite sex]
сожительство {noun} :: cohabitation [of two lovers]; common-law marriage
сожительство {noun} [dated, literary] :: living under one roof; living together as roommates
сожительство {noun} [figurative] :: coexistence as neighbors
сожительство {noun} [politics] :: cohabitation [e.g. of a president and a prime minister from different parties]
сожительствовать {v impf} :: to live (with), to lodge (with), to live together
сожительствовать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to cohabit, to shack up
сожитие {noun} [archaic, literary] :: cohabitation
сожрать {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to eat
сожрать {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to gorge, to scarf down (overeat or eat greedily, immodestly)
сожрать {v pf} [colloquial, of an insect] :: to sting, to bite
созваниваться {v impf} :: to contact someone by telephone, to have a call
созвать {v pf} :: to call (together), to summon, to invite
созвать {v pf} :: to call, to convene, to convoke
созвездие {noun} :: constellation
созвездие Большого Пса {prop} :: Canis Major, the Greater Dog
созвездие Малого Пса {prop} :: Canis Minor, the Lesser Dog (constellation)
созвониться {v pf} :: to contact someone by telephone, to have a call
созвучие {noun} [prosody, music] :: consonance
созвучный {adj} :: harmonious, assonant
созвучный {adj} [figurative] :: in accordance with [+ dative]
создавать {v impf} :: to create
создавать {v impf} :: to found, to originate
создавать {v impf} :: to set up, to establish
создаваться {vi impf} :: to form, to be created
создание {noun} :: creation (act of creation)
создание {noun} :: creature
созданный {adj} :: created, generated
создатель {noun} :: creator (one who creates)
создать {v pf} :: to create
создать {v pf} :: to found, to originate
создать {v pf} :: to set up, to establish
создать {v pf} [literary] :: to build, to erect
создаться {vi pf} :: to form, to be created
созерцание {noun} :: contemplation
созерцать {v impf} :: to contemplate, to meditate
созидание {noun} :: creation (act of creation)
созидатель {noun} [lofty style] :: creator
созидательный {adj} :: creative, constructive
созидать {v impf} [dated or literary] :: to create
созидать {v impf} [dated or literary] :: to build, to erect
сознавать {v impf} :: to realize, to see
сознавать {v impf} :: to be conscious (of)
сознавать {v impf} :: to acknowledge, to admit, to understand
сознаваться {v impf} :: to confess
сознание {noun} :: consciousness (awareness)
сознание {noun} :: realization, perception, awareness
сознание {noun} [obsolete] :: confession
сознательно {adv} :: consciously (in a conscious manner; knowingly, volitionally)
сознательность {noun} :: awareness, consciousness
сознательный {adj} :: conscious, conscientious
сознательный {adj} :: deliberate
сознать {v pf} :: to realize, to see
сознать {v pf} :: to (be) conscious (of)
сознать {v pf} :: to acknowledge, to admit, to understand
сознаться {v pf} :: to confess
созревание {noun} :: ripening (fruit, etc.)
созревание {noun} :: maturing, maturation
созревать {v impf} :: to ripen, to mature
созревать {v impf} :: (person) to mature
созревать {v impf} :: to mature, to take shape
созреть {v pf} :: to ripen, to mature
созреть {v pf} :: (person) to mature
созреть {v pf} :: to mature, to take shape
созыв {noun} :: convocation, calling together
созывать {v impf} :: to call (together), to summon, to invite
созывать {v impf} :: to call, to convene, to convoke
соизволение {noun} [archaic, ironic] :: assent, approbation, permission, pleasure
соизволить {v pf} [dated] :: to deign
соизволять {v impf} [dated] :: to deign
соизмеримый {adj} :: commensurable (able to be measured using a common standard)
соискание {noun} [dated] :: competition
соискание {noun} [dated] :: gaining, winning, obtaining
соискание {noun} :: presentation of a work in order to receive a title or money
соискание {noun} :: desire to receive a title or money for a work so presented
соискатель {noun} :: applicant (one who applies)
соискатель {noun} :: competitor, contestant
соискательница {noun} :: female applicant (one who applies)
соискательница {noun} :: female competitor, contestant
соискатель убежища {noun} :: asylum seeker (one who seeks asylum)
соискать {v pf} [dated, literary] :: to compete, to vie
соискать {v pf} [dated, literary] :: to gain, to win, to obtain
соитие {noun} [euphemism] :: coitus, copulation, sexual intercourse
сойка {noun} :: Eurasian jay (Garrulus glandarius)
сойти {v pf} :: to go down, to come down, to descend, to get off
сойти {v pf} :: to come off, to disappear
сойти {v pf} :: to pass by
сойти {v pf} :: to pass for, to be taken for
сойти {v pf} :: to drift
сойти с ума {idiom} :: to go crazy, lose one's mind
сойтись {v pf} :: to meet, to come together
сойтись {v pf} :: to converge, to coalesce
сойтись {v pf} :: to become friends; to become close or sexually intimate
сойтись {v pf} :: to match, to tally, to harmonize, to agree
сок {noun} :: juice
сок {noun} :: sap
сок {noun} [figuratively or poetic] :: an outstanding part of something
сок {noun} [vulgar, slang] :: cum, semen
соковыжималка {noun} :: squeezer (for making juice out of fruits or vegetables)
сокол {noun} :: falcon
сокол {noun} [obsolete] :: battering ram
соколёнок {noun} :: eyas, baby falcon, falcon chick
соколёнок {noun} [figuratively] :: bold and daring young man
сократить {v pf} :: to shorten, to curtail, to abridge, to abbreviate
сократить {v pf} :: to reduce, to cut, to curtail, to retrench
сократить {v pf} :: to dismiss, to discharge; to lay off
сократить {v pf} [mathematics] :: to cancel, to abbreviate by cancellation
сократиться {vi pf} :: to decrease, to shorten
сокращать {v impf} :: to shorten, to curtail, to abridge, to abbreviate
сокращать {v impf} :: to reduce, to cut, to curtail, to retrench
сокращать {v impf} :: to dismiss, to discharge; to lay off
сокращать {v impf} [mathematics] :: to cancel, to abbreviate by cancellation
сокращаться {vi impf} :: to decrease, to shorten
сокращение {noun} :: abbreviation
сокращение {noun} :: reduction, curtailment
сокращение {noun} :: abridgment
сокращение {noun} :: contraction, short form
сокращение {noun} :: downsizing
сокращённый {adj} :: shorter, shortened
сокращённый {adj} :: contracted, abbreviated
сокровенный {adj} [literary] :: secret, concealed, innermost, inner
сокровище {noun} :: treasure (collection of valuable things)
сокровищница {noun} :: treasury (place where treasure is stored safely, also figuratively)
сокрушать {v impf} :: to smash, to shatter
сокрушать {v impf} [dated] :: to distress, to grieve
сокрушаться {v impf} :: to be distressed, to grieve (for, over)
сокрушённо {adv} :: regretfully, with grief
сокрушённый {adj} :: sad, grieving
сокрушительный {adj} :: shattering, destructive, crushing
сокрушить {v pf} :: to smash, to shatter
сокрушить {v pf} [dated] :: to distress, to grieve
сокрытие {noun} :: concealment
сокрытие {noun} :: hiding (the act of hiding something)
сокурсник {noun} :: fellow student, classmate (e.g. at a university)
солгать {v pf} :: to lie, to tell lies
солдат {noun} :: soldier (male or female)
солдатик {noun} :: diminutive of солдат (small) soldier; toy soldier
солдатня {noun} [collective, colloquial, derogatory] :: soldiery
солдатский {adj} :: soldier’s
солдафон {noun} [pejorative] :: soldier (a rude and uncultured man from the military)
солеварница {noun} :: saltern
солеварня {noun} :: saltern
соление {noun} :: salting, curing (preserving food with salt)
соление {noun} :: pickling
соление {noun} [usually plural] :: pickle
соленье {noun} :: alternative form of соление
солёный {adj} :: salty (tasting of salt)
солидарно {adv} :: jointly, in unity
солидарность {noun} :: solidarity
солидарный {adj} :: united, as one, solidary
солидарный {adj} :: in full agreement [с with]
солидно {adv} :: solidly, firmly
солидно {adv} :: sizeably
солидность {noun} :: solidity, reliability
солидность {noun} :: portliness
солидность {noun} :: stoutness
солидный {adj} :: solid (large, massive)
солидный {adj} :: reliable, respectable
солидный {adj} :: considerable
солидный {adj} [colloquial] :: middle-aged
солидный {adj} [colloquial] :: massive, stout (of a person)
солильня {noun} :: saltery
солист {noun} :: soloist, principal performer, solo performer
солистка {noun} :: female soloist
солить {v impf} :: to salt
солить {v impf} :: to pickle, to corn
Солнечная система {prop} :: Solar System
солнечное затмение {noun} [astronomy] :: solar eclipse (when the Moon passes between the Earth and the sun)
солнечные очки {noun} :: sunglasses (tinted glasses worn to protect the eyes from the sun)
солнечный {adj} [relational] :: sun; solar
солнечный {adj} :: sunny
солнечный ветер {noun} [astronomy] :: solar wind
солнце {noun} :: sun
Солнце {prop} :: the Sun, Sol, Old Sol
солнцеворот {noun} [folklore] :: solstice
солнцеворот {noun} [rare] :: heliotrope
солнцепёк {noun} :: place warmed by the sun
солнцестояние {noun} [astronomy] :: solstice (point where the earth stands at the extreme of its ellipsis around the sun)
солнышко {noun} :: diminutive of солнце: (small) sun
солнышко {noun} :: darling, sweetheart, baby (form of address)
соло {adv} :: solo
соло {n inan} [music, dance] :: solo
соловей {noun} :: nightingale
соловейко {noun} :: diminutive of соловей: nightingale
соловецкий {adj} [relational] :: Solovki, Solovetsky Islands (archipelago in the White Sea)
соловецкий {adj} [relational] :: Solovetsky District (district containing the Solovetsky Islands)
соловецкий {adj} [relational] :: Solovetsky Monastery (monastery on the Solovetsky Islands)
соловецкий {adj} [relational] :: Solovetsky, Solovetskaya, Solovetskoye (any of various Russian settlements with these names)
Соловки {prop} [colloquial] :: Соловки (archipelago)
соловый {adj} :: pale yellow with light tail and mane [of a horse]
соловый {adj} :: dull, inexpressive [from intoxication or sickness; of a look or gaze]
соловый {adj} :: sluggish, drowsy [from fatigue or intoxication; of a man or animal]
соловый {noun} :: pale yellow horse with light tail and mane
солод {noun} :: malt (sprouted grain used in brewing)
солодильня {noun} :: malthouse
солодить {v impf} :: to malt
солодка {noun} :: liquorice (Glycyrrhiza, a plant)
солодкий {adj} [dialectal, Southern Russian, Western Russia] :: sweet [having a pleasant taste]
солодовня {noun} :: malthouse
солома {noun} :: straw
соломенный {adj} [relational] :: straw
соломенный {adj} :: straw-colored, pale yellow
соломина {noun} :: a single straw
соломинка {noun} :: diminutive of соломина: straw
соломинка {noun} :: drinking straw
соломка {noun} :: diminutive of солома
соломка {noun} :: straws, shreds
соломка {noun} :: matchwood
Соломоновы острова {prop} :: Соломоновы острова (country/and/archipelago)
солонина {noun} :: corned beef (a smoke cured and salted beef)
солонина {noun} :: brined meat
солонка {noun} :: salt shaker, salt cellar (a small container designed to hold salt and facilitate sprinkling)
солоноватый {adj} :: brackish (slightly salty)
солончак {noun} :: salt marsh
солончак {noun} :: solonchak (pale or grey soil type found in arid to subhumid, poorly drained conditions)
солостить {v impf} [regional, dated] :: to have a sweet or sweetish taste
соль {noun} :: salt
соль {noun} [colloquial] :: point
соль {noun} :: punch line
соль {n inan} :: (musical note) G
соль {noun} :: sol (unit of Peruvian currency)
сольный {adj} :: solo
сольфеджио {n inan} [music] :: solfeggio, solfège
сольца {noun} :: diminutive of соль
солянка {noun} :: solyanka, a soup with tomatoes and sausages
соляной {adj} [relational] :: salt (related to salt deposits, excavation, processing or use)
солярий {noun} :: solarium
солярка {noun} [colloquial] :: solar oil (a grade of fuel oil used by some diesel engines installed on heavy machinery, rail locomotives, and ships)
сом {noun} :: catfish, sheatfish
сом {noun} [numismatics] :: som, so'm
Сомали {prop} {f inan} :: Сомали (country)
сомалиец {noun} :: Somali (a person)
сомалийский {adj} :: Somali (language)
Сомалиленд {prop} :: Сомалиленд (an <<unrecognized state>>, a de-facto independent <<country>> in <<r/East Africa>>, internationally recognized as part of <<c/Somalia>)
сомбреро {n inan} :: sombrero
сомелье {m anim} :: sommelier (wine steward)
сомкнуть {v pf} [military, sport] :: to link (up), to close in, to close
сомкнуть {v pf} :: to close
сомкнуться {v pf} [military, sport] :: to close (up), to close down (upon), to close in (on), to close
сомкнуться {v pf} :: to close
сомнамбулизм {noun} :: somnambulism, sleepwalking
сомневаться {v impf} :: to doubt
сомнение {noun} :: doubt
сомнение {noun} :: question
сомнительно {adv} :: doubtfully, dubiously
сомнительность {noun} :: uncertainty, doubtfulness
сомнительный {adj} :: doubtful, dubious, questionable
сомовые {noun} :: Siluridae (a biological family that includes catfishes)
сомони {m inan} [numismatics] :: somoni (currency of Tajikistan)
сомообразные {noun} :: Siluriformes (a biological order that includes catfishes)
сон {noun} :: sleep
сон {noun} :: dream (imaginary events seen in the mind while sleeping)
сонар {noun} :: sonar
соната {noun} [music] :: sonata
сонатина {noun} :: sonatina
сонатная форма {noun} [music] :: sonata form
сонатный {adj} [relational] :: sonata
сонатный {adj} :: sonata-form
сонет {noun} :: sonnet
сонливость {noun} :: sleepiness (property of being sleepy)
сонливый {adj} :: sleepy
сонм {noun} :: host, crowd
сонник {noun} :: book of dream interpretations, dream dictionary
сонно {adv} :: sleepily, drowsily
сонный {adj} :: sleeping, sleepy
соня {m anim} {f anim} [colloquial] :: sleepyhead
соня {m anim} {f anim} :: dormouse
соня-полчок {noun} :: dormouse, loir
соображать {v impf} :: to consider, to ponder (over), to think (over / out); to weigh, to weigh the pros and the cons
соображать {v impf} :: to understand, to grasp, to guess, to figure out
соображать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to prepare (food), to cook
соображение {noun} :: consideration
соображение {noun} :: reason
соображение {noun} :: grasp, understanding
сообразительность {noun} :: acumen, gumption, quick wit
сообразительный {adj} :: quick-witted, astute, clever
сообразить {v pf} :: to consider, to ponder (over), to think (over / out); to weigh, to weigh the pros and the cons
сообразить {v pf} :: to understand, to grasp, to guess, to figure out
сообразить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to prepare (food), to cook, to whip up, to fix
сообразить {v pf} [rare, colloquial] :: to drink alcohol
сообща {adv} :: together, conjointly, jointly (at the same time, in the same place)
сообщать {v impf} :: to communicate, to inform, to report, to tell, to say, to let know
сообщать {v impf} :: to impart
сообщаться {v impf} :: to be reported
сообщаться {v impf} :: to be communicated, to communicate
сообщаться {v impf} :: to be in communication (with), to communicate (with)
сообщаться {v impf} :: to be imparted (to)
сообщение {noun} :: report, communication, message
сообщение {noun} :: statement, announcement, information
сообщество {noun} :: community
сообщество {noun} :: company
сообщить {v pf} :: to communicate, to report, to let know
сообщить {v pf} :: to impart
сообщиться {v pf} :: to be imparted (to)
сообщник {noun} :: accomplice (an associate in the commission of a crime)
сообщница {noun} :: accomplice (an associate in the commission of a crime)
соорудить {v pf} :: to build, to construct, to erect
сооружать {v impf} :: to build, to construct, to erect
сооружение {noun} :: construction, building, erection (action)
сооружение {noun} :: building, structure
соответственно {adv} :: accordingly, correspondingly (in proportion)
соответственно {adv} :: properly, the way it should be done
соответственно {adv} :: respectively
соответственно {prep} :: according to, in accordance with
соответствие {noun} :: correspondence, conformity (agreement of situations or objects with an expected outcome)
соответствовать {v impf} :: to correspond, to conform, to agree, to comply, to be in line
соответствующий {adj} :: corresponding, respective
соответствующий {adj} :: appropriate, suitable
соотечественник {noun} :: compatriot, fellow countryman
соотечественница {noun} :: feminine noun of соотечественник: female compatriot, fellow countryman
соотнесение {noun} :: correlation
соотнести {v pf} :: to correlate (with), to bring into correlation (with), to compare (to, with)
соотносить {v impf} :: to correlate (with), to bring into correlation (with), to compare (to, with)
соотноситься {v impf} :: to correspond, to relate, to sort with
соотносящийся {adj} :: corresponding, relating, sorting with
соотношение {noun} :: correspondence (agreement of situations or objects with an expected outcome)
соотношение {noun} :: correlation, ratio
сопение {noun} :: wheezing
сопение {noun} :: wheeze, wheezing sound
сопереживание {noun} :: compassion
сопереживать {v impf} :: to empathize
соперник {noun} :: rival, adversary, opponent
соперник {noun} :: antagonist
соперница {noun} :: female rival, adversary, opponent
соперница {noun} :: female antagonist
соперничать {v impf} :: to compete (with in), to rival (in), to vie (with in)
соперничество {noun} :: rivalry, competitiveness, competition
сопеть {v impf} :: to wheeze (to breathe heavily and noisily through the nose)
сопеть {v impf} :: to sniffle
сопка {noun} :: knoll, hill, mound
сопка {noun} :: volcano
соплеменник {noun} :: fellow tribesman, congener
сопли {noun} [colloquial] :: snivel, snot (mucus)
сопливый {adj} [colloquial, literally] :: snot-nosed, snotty (with snot running from one's nose)
сопливый {adj} [low colloquial] :: young and inexperienced, wet behind the ears
сопло {noun} :: nozzle (inlet or outlet pipe)
сопля {noun} [colloquial] :: (a piece of) snivel, snot (mucus)
сопля {noun} [sports] :: ping-pong ball flying in close to vertical direction, difficult or impossible to catch
сопля {noun} :: brat, worthless, lousy person; wimp, spineless person, weakling
сопляк {noun} [pejorative] :: brat, snot, punk (a selfish, spoiled, or unruly child or teenager)
сопоставимый {adj} :: comparable (able to be compared)
сопоставимый {adj} :: commensurable (able to be measured using a common standard)
сопоставить {v pf} :: to match up, to compare, to contrast (with)
сопоставление {noun} :: comparison, contrasting
сопоставление {noun} :: juxtaposition
сопоставление {noun} :: collation, matching
сопоставлять {v impf} :: to match up, to compare, to contrast (with)
сопрано {n inan} [music] :: soprano (pitch)
сопредельный {adj} :: adjoining, contiguous
сопредседатель {noun} :: co-chairman, co-chairperson
соприкасаться {v impf} :: to touch
соприкасаться {v impf} :: to be contiguous (to), to adjoin
соприкасаться {v impf} :: to have in common
соприкасаться {v impf} :: to be in contact (with), to have to do (with)
соприкасающийся {adj} :: osculant
соприкасающийся {adj} :: contiguous (connected, touching, abutting)
соприкосновение {noun} :: contiguity; contact; touch
соприкосновение {noun} :: contiguity
соприкоснуться {v pf} :: to touch
сопричастность {noun} [literary] :: involvement, participation, implication [in]
сопричастный {adj} :: involved, implicated [in conjunction with someone else]
сопроводительный {adj} :: accompanying [document, form, etc.]
сопроводительный {adj} :: escorting [vehicle, etc.]
сопроводить {v pf} :: to accompany
сопроводить {v pf} :: to attend, to escort, to convoy
сопровождать {v impf} :: to accompany
сопровождать {v impf} :: to attend, to escort, to convoy
сопровождающий {noun} :: attendant, escort
сопровождение {noun} :: accompaniment (that which accompanies)
сопровождение {noun} [music] :: accompaniment (that which gives support or adds to the background)
сопродюсер {noun} :: (film) coproducer (male or female)
сопротивление {noun} :: resistance
сопротивление {noun} [physics] :: (electrical) resistance
сопротивление {noun} :: resistor
сопротивляемость {noun} :: resistance
сопротивляться {v impfr} :: to resist, to oppose
сопрягать {v impf} [engineering] :: to join, to couple, to conjugate, to mate
сопрягать {v impf} [informatics] :: to interface
сопряжение {noun} :: coupling, linking
сопряжение {noun} :: junction
сопряжение {noun} :: interface
сопряжение {noun} [chemistry] :: conjugation
сопрячь {v pf} [engineering] :: to join, to couple, to conjugate, to mate
сопрячь {v pf} [informatics] :: to interface
сопутствовать {v impf} :: to accompany, to attend
сопутствующий {adj} :: concomitant, attendant, accompanying
сор {noun} :: trash, rubbish
соработник {noun} :: coworker
соразмерный {adj} :: commensurate, proportionate, proportioned, balanced
соразмерный {adj} :: adequate (equal to some requirement)
Сорати {prop} {m inan} :: Сорати (subprefecture)
соратник {noun} :: comrade in arms
сорвать {v pf} :: to pick, to pluck (flowers or fruits)
сорвать {v pf} :: to tear off
сорвать {v pf} :: to ruin, to destroy, to frustrate, to derange (e.g. a plan, work)
сорвать {v pf} :: to wrench off (thread)
сорвать {v pf} :: to vent (upon)
сорваться {v pf} :: to break loose, to come unhinged, to come off
сорваться {v pf} :: to fall down (from a cliff)
сорваться {v pf} :: (of screw threads) to lose integrity, to become broken
сорваться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to fail, to end with a failure
сорваться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to dart off, to dash off
сорваться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to lose one's temper
сорвиголова {m anim} {f anim} [colloquial] :: madcap, romp
сорвиголова {m anim} {f anim} [colloquial] :: daredevil
сорго {n inan} [botany] :: sorghum (cereal)
соревнование {noun} :: competition, contest
соревноваться {v impf} :: to compete, to contend, to emulate
сори {interj} [slang] :: sorry
сориентироваться {v pf} :: to orient, to orientate (oneself), to get one's bearings (to familiarize with a situation or circumstance)
соринка {noun} :: speck, mote, piece of debris
сорить {v impf} :: to litter (drop or throw trash without properly disposing of it)
сорить {v impf} [figuratively] :: to waste something (e.g. money) recklessly
сорняк {noun} [botany] :: weed (unwanted plant)
сородич {noun} :: relative, kinsman
сородич {noun} :: fellow countryman, compatriot
сорок {num} :: forty (40)
сорока {noun} :: European magpie (Pica pica) (Russians associate the magpie with unpleasant squawking, complaining, and especially thievery)
сорокалетие {noun} :: forty-year period
сорокалетие {noun} :: fortieth anniversary, fortieth birthday
сорокалетний {adj} [relational] :: forty-year
сорокалетний {adj} :: forty-year-old
сорока на хвосте принесла {phrase} :: a little bird told me (literally, a magpie brought it on its tail)
сорокаугольник {noun} :: tetracontagon
сорок восемь {num} :: forty-eight (48)
сорок два {num} :: forty-two (42)
сорок девять {num} :: forty-nine (49)
сороковой {adj} :: fortieth
сорок один {num} :: forty-one (41)
сороконожка {noun} :: centipede
сорок пять {num} :: forty-five (45)
сорок семь {num} :: forty-seven (47)
сорок три {num} :: forty-three (43)
сорок четыре {num} :: forty-four (44)
сорок шесть {num} :: forty-six (46)
сором {noun} [regional or dated] :: shame, disgrace
сорочица {noun} [dated] :: shirt, alternative form of сорочка
сорочка {noun} :: shirt
сорри {interj} [slang] :: sorry
сорт {noun} :: sort, kind, variety (type, race, category)
сорт {noun} :: quality, grade
сорт {noun} :: brand
сорт {noun} :: cultivar
сортир {noun} [slang] :: john, toilet
сортировать {v impf} :: to assort; to sort
сортировка {noun} :: assortment, sorting, grading, sizing
сортировка {noun} :: separator, sorter
сосание {noun} :: sucking
сосание {noun} :: suction (the process of creating an imbalance in pressure to draw matter from one place to another)
сосать {v impf} :: to suck
сосать {v impf} [slang, vulgar] :: to perform fellatio
со своей стороны {adv} :: from one's part, as far as one is concerned
со своим уставом в чужой монастырь не ходят {proverb} :: when in Rome, do as the Romans do
сосед {noun} :: neighbour
соседка {noun} :: female neighbor
соседка {noun} :: (страна-соседка) neighboring country
соседний {adj} :: neighboring, next to
соседняя очередь всегда движется быстрее {proverb} :: the grass is always greener on the other side
соседский {adj} [relational] :: neighbor
соседский {adj} :: neighbor's, neighbors'
соседство {noun} :: neighborhood, vicinity (close proximity, particularly in reference to home)
соседствовать {v impf} :: to be someone's neighbour
соседствовать {v impf} :: to be near (smb or smth), to be close (to)
соседствовать {v impf} :: to be combined, to be there along (with)
сосенка {noun} :: endearing diminutive of сосна
сосёнка {noun} :: alternative form of сосенка
сосиска {noun} :: sausage, frankfurter [uncooked and smaller than sausage for slicing]
соска {noun} [inanimate] :: nipple (rubber nipple attached to a bottle to feed an infant)
соска {noun} [inanimate] :: pacifier, dummy
соска {noun} [animate, pejorative, vulgar] :: young, inexperienced, dumb woman
соска {noun} [animate, pejorative, vulgar] :: cocksucker
соскакивать {v impf} :: to jump off (of), to jump down (from), to spring down (from)
соскакивать {v impf} :: to come off
соскальзывать {v impf} :: to slide down, to slide off, to glide down, to slip (off)
соскользнуть {v pf} :: to slide down, to slide off, to glide down, to slip (off)
соскочить {v pf} :: to jump off (of), to jump down (from), to spring down (from)
соскочить {v pf} :: to come off
соскрести {v pf} :: to scrape away; to scratch off
со скрипом {adv} :: with difficulty
со скрипом {adv} :: reluctantly
соскучиться {v pf} :: to become bored, to start feeling boredom
соскучиться {v pf} :: to miss, to start missing someone or something
сослагательное наклонение {noun} [grammar] :: subjunctive mood
сослагательный {adj} :: subjunctive
сослагать {v impf} [rare] :: to add together, to combine, to connect
сослать {v pf} :: to banish, to exile
сослать {v pf} :: to make someone refer to
сослаться {v pf} :: to refer to, to allude to, to cite, to quote (на - to)
сословие {noun} [historical] :: social estate
сословие {noun} :: social class, social rank [with strong connotations of cultural caste]
сословный {adj} [relational] :: social estate (related to the division of society into hereditary social classes)
сословный {adj} :: based on social rank, class-based
сословный {adj} [relational] :: caste
сословный {adj} [relational] :: privileged-class, high-class
сослуживец {noun} :: colleague (fellow member of a profession)
сослужить {v pf} :: to serve (someone well or badly), to do (a service or disservice to someone)
сослужить {v pf} :: to perform (a service or favor) for
сосна {noun} :: pine, pine tree
сосна {noun} :: pine wood
сосновый {adj} [relational] :: pine
сосок {noun} [anatomy] :: nipple
сосочка {noun} [colloquial, inanimate] :: endearing diminutive of соска: pacifier
сосочка {noun} [animate, vulgar, derogatory] :: endearing diminutive of соска: chick, gal
сосредоточение {noun} :: concentration, focus
сосредоточение {noun} :: centralization
сосредоточение {noun} :: assembly
сосредоточение {noun} :: mass
сосредоточение {noun} :: build-up
сосредоточенно {adv} :: with concentration
сосредоточенность {noun} :: concentration
сосредоточенный {adj} :: concentrated
сосредоточенный {adj} :: focused
сосредоточивать {v impf} :: to concentrate, to fix, to focus
сосредоточиваться {v impf} :: to be concentrated
сосредоточить {v pf} :: to concentrate, to focus (transitive)
сосредоточиться {v pf} :: to concentrate, to focus (intransitive)
состав {noun} :: composition, structure, membership, staff, body
состав {noun} [chemistry] :: composition, solution, mixture
состав {noun} [railroads] :: train, stock
составитель {noun} :: compiler, writer, author
составить {v pf} :: to constitute, to make up, to form
составить {v pf} :: to compose, to construct, to draw up, to prepare
составить {v pf} :: to place objects on top of each other to form a stack
составить {v pf} :: to move things from one place to another
составиться {v pf} :: to form
составление {noun} :: making, compiling, working out, drawing up
составлять {v impf} :: to constitute, to make up, to form
составлять {v impf} :: to compose, to construct, to draw up, to prepare
составлять {v impf} :: to stack (to place objects on top of each other to form a stack)
составлять {v impf} :: to transfer, to place (to move things from one place to another)
составляться {v impf} :: to form
составляющая {noun} :: component, constituent
составной {adj} :: composite, compound
составной {adj} [relational] :: component, constituent
состарить {v pf} :: to make old, to make look old
состариться {v pf} :: to grow old, to age
состояние {noun} :: state, status, condition
состояние {noun} :: fortune, capital, bankroll
состоятельность {noun} :: wealth, affluence, prosperity
состоятельность {noun} [finance] :: solvency
состоятельность {noun} [figurative] :: soundness, well-foundedness [of an argument]
состоятельный {adj} :: affluent, wealthy, prosperous, well-off, well-to-do
состоятельный {adj} [figurative] :: reasoned, persuasive, well-founded
состоять {v impf} :: to consist (of)
состоять {v impf} :: to be a member of, to occupy a position, to be in a position, to belong to
состояться {v pf} :: to take place, to come about
состояться {v pf} :: to establish oneself
состоящий {adj} :: consisting
сострадание {noun} :: compassion, sympathy
сострадать {v impf} :: to sympathize, to empathize, to feel for
сострить {v pf} :: to crack jokes, to quip, to be witty
состряпать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to cook, to cook food
состряпать {v pf} [colloquial, pejorative] :: to concoct, to cook up
состязание {noun} :: competition, contest (action of competing)
состязательность {noun} :: competitiveness
состязательный {adj} [relational] :: competition
состязательный {adj} :: competitive
состязаться {v impf} :: to compete, to vie, to contend
сосуд {noun} :: vessel (container)
сосуд {noun} [anatomy] :: vessel
сосудистый {adj} [biology, anatomy] :: vascular
сосулька {noun} :: icicle (a spear-shape of ice)
сосуществование {noun} :: coexistence
сосуществовать {v impf} :: to coexist
сосчитать {v pf} :: to count, to calculate, to compute
сосчитаться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to square accounts (with)
сосчитаться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to get even
сосчитывать {v impf} :: to count, to calculate
сосчитываться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to square accounts (with)
сосчитываться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to get even
сота {noun} [colloquial] :: hexagonal cell [as in a honeycomb]
сота {noun} [figurative, colloquial] :: cell, compartment
сота {noun} [telephony] :: cell (area covered by a single tower in a cellular network)
сотая {noun} :: hundredth part
сотая {noun} [colloquial, figurative] :: very small part
сотворение {noun} :: creation, making
сотворить {v pf} [lofty] :: to create
сотворить {v pf} :: to do, to make
сотик {noun} [colloquial] :: cell phone
сотка {noun} [colloquial] :: are, one hundred square metres
соткать {v pf} :: to weave
сотник {noun} [historical] :: centurion
сотник {noun} :: sotnik (Cossack lieutenant)
сотня {noun} :: a hundred
сотня {noun} [historical] :: a Cossack military unit; company
сотоварищ {noun} :: colleague, associate
сотовый {adj} [relational] :: honeycomb
сотовый {adj} [relational, telephony] :: cell; cellular
сотовый {noun} :: cellular telephone, mobile phone, cell phone
сотовый телефон {noun} :: cell phone
сотрудник {noun} :: collaborator
сотрудник {noun} :: employee, member
сотрудник {noun} [in the plural] :: staff
сотрудник {noun} :: colleague, contributor
сотрудница {noun} :: female colleague (fellow member of a profession)
сотрудничать {v impf} :: to cooperate, to collaborate
сотрудничать {v impf} :: to contribute (to a newspaper etc.), to work on a newspaper
сотрудничество {noun} :: cooperation
сотрудничество {noun} :: collaboration, cooperation (with), partnership
сотрудничество {noun} :: contribution
сотрясать {v impf} :: to shake
сотрясаться {v impf} :: to shake, to tremble
сотрясение {noun} :: concussion, shaking; commotion
сотрясение {noun} :: percussion, tremor, jolt, shock
сотрясти {v pf} :: to shake
сотрястись {v pf} :: to shake, to tremble
соты {noun} :: honeycomb, honeycombs
сотый {adj} :: hundredth (ordinal)
соус {noun} :: sauce
соусница {noun} :: saucer (dish)
соучаствующий {adj} :: participating
соучаствующий {adj} :: accessory (assisting a crime)
соучастие {noun} :: complicity (the state of being complicit)
соучастник {noun} :: accomplice (an associate in the commission of a crime)
соучастница {noun} :: accessory (contributor to an offense)
соучредитель {noun} :: cofounder
софа {noun} :: sofa
софит {noun} :: stage lighting instrument [e.g. spotlight, floodlight]
софит {noun} :: metal rack for hanging light fixtures above a stage, raised and lowered by an electric actuator
софит {noun} [architecture] :: soffit
София {prop} :: София (capital city)
София {prop} :: given name
София {prop} :: Sofia [Aeon of wisdom in Gnosticism]
софтбол {noun} :: softball (game)
Софья {prop} :: given name
соха {noun} :: wooden plow/plough
сохатый {adj} :: with/having branching antlers
сохатый {noun} :: elk, moose
сохнуть {vi impf} :: to dry
сохнуть {v impf} :: to wither, to fade
сохнуть {v impf} :: to have a crush on (somebody)
сохозяин {noun} :: coowner
сохранение {noun} :: preservation, conservation (the act of preserving, conserving)
сохранение {noun} :: saving (e.g. a computer file)
сохранение {noun} :: safe-keeping
сохранить {v pf} [computing] :: to save (to write a file to a disk)
сохранить {v pf} :: to preserve, to conserve
сохранить {v pf} :: to retain
сохраниться {v pf} :: to remain intact, to last out
сохраниться {v pf} :: to be well preserved (of a person)
сохранность {noun} :: safety
сохранность {noun} :: integrity
сохранный {adj} [dated] :: subject to safekeeping, guarded
сохранный {adj} :: safe
сохранный {adj} :: whole, intact
сохранять {v impf} [computing] :: to save (to write a file to a disk)
сохранять {v impf} :: to preserve, to conserve
сохраняться {v impf} :: to remain intact, to last out
сохраняться {v impf} :: to be well preserved (of a person)
соцветие {noun} :: inflorescence, blossom/flower cluster
социал-демократ {noun} :: social democrat
социал-демократический {adj} :: social democratic
социализация {noun} :: socialization
социализация {noun} :: conversion to socialism or state ownership
социализировать {v both} :: to socialize [especially to socialist society]
социализировать {v both} :: to convert to socialism or state ownership
социализм {noun} :: socialism
социалист {noun} :: socialist
Социалистическая Республика Вьетнам {prop} :: Социалистическая Республика Вьетнам (country)
социалистический {adj} :: socialist, socialistic
социальная сеть {noun} :: social network (a network of personal or business contacts on the Internet)
социально {adv} :: socially
социально-политический {adj} :: sociopolitical
социально-психологический {adj} :: socio-psychological, psychosocial
социально-экономический {adj} :: socio-economic
социальный {adj} :: social
социальный {adj} :: subsidized, welfare
социнианин {noun} :: Socinian
социокультурный {adj} :: socio-cultural
социолект {noun} :: sociolect (a language used by a social group)
социолог {noun} :: sociologist
социологический {adj} :: sociological
социология {noun} :: sociology (study of society, human social interactions, etc.)
социум {noun} :: society, social stratum
соцреализм {noun} :: socialist realism
соцсеть {noun} :: social network (a network of personal or business contacts on the Internet)
сочельник {noun} :: Christmas Eve (evening before Christmas Day)
сочетаемый {adj} :: compatible, associative
сочетание {noun} :: combination (one or more elements selected without regard of the order)
сочетание {noun} :: conjunction
сочетательный {adj} :: associative, combinative, combinatorial
сочетать {vt both} :: to combine
сочетать {vt both} :: to unite
сочетать {vt both} :: to associate
сочетаться {vi both} :: to combine
сочетаться {vi both} :: to unite
сочетаться {vi both} :: to associate
сочетаться {vi both} :: to fit
сочетаться {vi both} :: to marry
Сочи {prop} {m inan} :: Сочи (city)
сочиво {noun} :: kutia, sweet grain pudding, traditionally served in Polish, Ukrainian, Lithuanian, Belarusian and Russian cultures
сочинение {noun} :: composition, essay
сочинение {noun} :: opus
сочинитель {noun} [obsolete] :: writer, author
сочинитель {noun} [colloquial] :: storyteller, inventor
сочинительство {noun} [dated] :: writing [of literature, poems, etc.]
сочинительство {noun} [colloquial, pejorative] :: inventing, fantasizing
сочинить {v pf} :: to write, to compose (text, music)
сочинить {v pf} :: to make up (an unreal story or excuse), to invent, to fabricate, to lie
сочинять {v impf} :: to write, to compose (text, music)
сочинять {v impf} :: to make up (an unreal story or excuse), to invent, to fabricate, to lie
-сочить {affix} :: Combining form used to form prefixed perfective verbs meaning approximately "to emit, to ooze, to juice"
сочить {v impf} :: to emit (a liquid)
сочить {v impf} :: to get a tree sap
сочиться {v impf} :: to ooze (out), to exude, to trickle
сочиться {v impf} :: to emit, to give forth
сочленение {noun} :: articulation (joint or collection of joints)
сочный {adj} :: juicy (containing juice)
сочный {adj} :: luscious
сочный {adj} :: saturated
сочувственно {adv} :: sympathetically
сочувственный {adj} :: sympathetic
сочувствие {noun} :: (obsolete) compassion, sympathy
сочувствие {noun} :: condolence
сочувствовать {v impf} :: to be sympathetic towards someone
сошествие {noun} [literary, dated or rhetorical] :: descent
сошка {noun} :: endearing diminutive of соха
сошка {noun} [automobile] :: steering joint
сошка {noun} [military] :: bipod (mount for a weapon)
сошка {noun} [photography] :: monopod
сошка {noun} [dated, military] :: stand with a horizontal bar for installing guns
сошка {noun} [dated] :: unimportant person, nonentity, sideman
сощурить {vt pf} :: to squint (one's eye(s))
союз {noun} :: union
союз {noun} :: alliance
союз {noun} :: confederation, confederacy
союз {noun} :: league
союз {noun} [grammar] :: conjunction
Союз {prop} :: Союз (former country) (literally, "The Union")
Союз {prop} :: short for the Soyuz spacecraft
союзник {noun} :: ally (one united to another by treaty or league)
союзница {noun} :: female ally
союзный {adj} :: allied
союзный {adj} [relational] :: union
Союз Советских Социалистических Республик {prop} :: Союз Советских Социалистических Республик (former country)
соя {noun} :: soy, soya
соя {noun} :: soybean
Соя {prop} {f inan} :: Соя (subprefecture)
СП {n inan} :: joint venture
спагетти {n inanp} :: spaghetti (pasta)
спад {noun} :: decline, slump, abatement
спадать {v impf} :: to abate, to subside (to decrease or become less in strength)
спадать {v impf} :: to fall, to come down
спадать {v impf} :: to drop
спадать {v impf} :: to decline
спадать {v impf} :: to fall away
спадать {v impf} :: to sag
спадаться {v impf} :: to shrink [of an elastic object or bodily organ]
спазм {noun} :: spasm (contraction of a muscle)
спазмотология {noun} :: spasmology, an area of neurology that deals with spasticity and its management. Spasmologists employ a spasmometer (an instrument for measuring the force and frequency of spasms) and a spasm system that reconciles the spasmometer readings. (This word may be a protologism.)
спайка {noun} :: adhesion (abnormal union of surface)
спайка {noun} :: joint, seal
спайка {noun} [medicine] :: commissure
спаленный {adj} [relational] :: bedroom
спалить {vt pf} :: to burn, to scorch; to singe; to destroy with fire
спалить {v pf} [slang] :: to catch someone doing something illegal or disallowed, to catch red-handed
спальная {noun} [colloquial] :: ellipsis of спальная комната: bedroom
спальный {adj} :: sleeping (car, bag, etc.)
спальня {noun} :: bedroom
спальня {noun} :: suite of furniture for a bedroom
спам {noun} [Internet] :: spam (a collection of unsolicited bulk electronic messages)
спаниель {noun} :: spaniel
спаржа {noun} [botany] :: asparagus
спарринг {noun} :: sparring (practice match)
спартакиада {noun} [historical] :: Spartakiad (name of various international and national sporting games played in the Eastern Bloc, sponsored by the Soviet Union)
спарывать {v impf} :: to remove (something sewn) by tearing out the stitches
спарывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to blurt out
спас {noun} [low colloquial] :: rescue, salvation
Спас {prop} [Christianity] :: Savior; Jesus Christ
Спас {prop} [Christianity, inanimate] :: icon with an image of Jesus Christ the Savior
Спас {prop} [Christianity, inanimate] :: church in honor of Jesus Christ the Savior
спасатель {noun} :: rescue worker, rescuer
спасательный {adj} [relational] :: rescue, life-saving
спасать {v impf} :: to save, to rescue
спасать {v impf} :: to salvage
спасаться {v impf} :: to save oneself, to escape
спасаться {v impf} :: to use as the thing that helps
спасение {noun} :: rescue, salvation (act of rescuing, saving)
спасибо {interj} :: thank you, thanks (for ... = за + accusative case)
спасите {interj} :: help!
спаситель {noun} :: savior (a person who rescues another from harm)
спасительный {adj} :: saving, salutary
спасительный {adj} :: bringing salvation
спасский {adj} [relational] :: Spassky (surname of several notable Russians and Soviets; especially Boris Spassky, Soviet chess player and Igor Spassky, Russian scientist, engineer and entrepreneur)
спасский {adj} [relational] :: Spas, Spassk, Spassky (any of various Russian settlements with these names)
спасти {v pf} :: to save, to rescue
спасти {v pf} :: to salvage
спастись {v pf} :: to save oneself, to escape
спастись {v pf} :: to use as the thing that helps
спасть {v pf} :: to abate, to fall (to decrease or become less in strength)
спасться {v pf} :: to shrink [of an elastic object or bodily organ]
спать {v impf} :: to sleep
спать {v impf} [euphemistic] :: to have sex
спекание {noun} :: caking, agglomeration (act of collecting in a mass)
спекаться {v impf} [of blood] :: to coagulate, to curdle
спекаться {v impf} :: to cake
спектакль {noun} :: performance, play, matinee
спектр {noun} [physics, mathematics] :: spectrum (range)
спектральный {adj} :: spectral
спектроскопия {noun} :: spectroscopy
спекулировать {v impf} [financial] :: to speculate, to profiteer, to gamble [in]
спекулировать {v impf} [figurative] :: to exploit, to take advantage of
спекулировать {v impf} :: to speculate [on]
спекулянт {noun} :: speculator
спекулянт {noun} :: scalper (one who sells things unofficially)
спекулятивный {adj} :: speculative
спекуляция {noun} :: speculation
спекуляция {noun} :: scalping, profiteering, price gouging
спелеолог {noun} :: speleologist
спелеологический {adj} :: speleological
спелеология {noun} :: speleology
спеллинг {noun} :: spelling (usually about English spelling)
спело {adv} [culinary, dated] :: until ready
спелый {adj} :: ripe
сперва {adv} :: first, firstly
сперва {adv} :: at first, originally
с первого взгляда {prep} :: at first sight, at a glance, at a glimpse, at first blush
с первого взгляда {prep} :: prima facie
спереди {adv} [colloquial] :: from the front, at the front
спереть {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to filch, to pilfer, to swipe, to pinch, to lift
сперма {noun} [cytology] :: sperm, semen
сперма {noun} :: spermatozoa
сперматозоид {noun} :: spermatozoon
спермацет {noun} :: spermaceti
спесивый {adj} :: proud as a peacock
спесивый {adj} :: arrogant (having excessive pride)
спесивый {adj} :: uppity
спесивый {adj} :: haughty
спесь {noun} :: pride, hubris, arrogance (act or habit of arrogating, or making undue claims in an overbearing manner)
спетый {adj} :: sung
спеть {v impf} :: to ripen
спеть {v pf} :: to sing
спеть {v pf} :: to crow
спеться {v pf} :: to reach a harmony in singing (as in a choir singing)
спеться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to form a partnership, to buddy up
спех {noun} [colloquial] :: in expressions only
спец {noun} [colloquial] :: specialist, expert, pundit
специализация {noun} :: specialization (the process of specializing)
специализированный {adj} :: special-purpose, specialized, special, dedicated
специализироваться {v both} :: to specialize in (в + prepositional or по)
специалист {noun} :: specialist, expert
специальная педагогика {noun} :: special education
специально {adv} :: specially, expressly
специально {adv} :: intentionally, on purpose
специальность {noun} :: specialty, trade, profession (that in which one specializes)
специальный {adj} :: special, custom
специфика {noun} :: specific character, peculiarity, specificity, specifics
спецификация {noun} :: specification (explicit set of requirements)
специфически {adv} :: specifically
специфический {adj} :: specific, particular
специфичность {noun} :: specificity, peculiarity
специфичный {adj} [literary] :: specific, peculiar
специя {noun} :: spice, seasoning
спецназ {noun} [military] :: Spetsnaz
спецназовец {noun} [military, law enforcement] :: Spetsnaz soldier, special forces soldier
спецовка {noun} :: production-work clothing (jacket, overalls, smock)
спецодежда {noun} :: overalls
спецоперация {noun} [military] :: special operation
спецподразделение {noun} [military] :: special forces unit
спецпредставитель {noun} :: special representative
спецслужба {noun} :: special service, secret service
спецхран {noun} :: Spetskhran (the limited-access section of a Soviet-era library)
спецшкола {noun} :: specialized school
спецэффект {noun} :: special effect
спечь {v pf} :: to bake
спечь {v pf} :: to scorch (said of the sun)
спечься {v pf} :: (blood) to coagulate, curdle
спечься {v pf} :: to cake, sinter
спечься {v pf} [colloquial] :: to be exhausted, be burned out
спечься {v pf} [colloquial] :: to fail, come a cropper
спешиваться {v impf} :: to dismount
спешить {v impf} :: to hurry, to hasten, to make haste, to be in a hurry
спешить {v impf} :: to be fast [said of clocks, watches]
спешить {v pf} :: to cause to dismount [from a horse or bicycle, get out of a vehicle]
спешиться {v pf} :: to dismount
спешка {noun} [colloquial] :: hurry, haste
спешно {adv} :: hastily, apace
спешный {adj} :: hasty, hurried
спешный {adj} :: urgent, pressing
спёртый {adj} :: stuffy, close (poorly-ventilated; close)
спиваться {v impf} :: to become a drunkard, to ruin oneself by drinking [with drink]
СПИД {noun} [disease] :: acronym of синдром приобретённого иммунодефицита: AIDS
спидометр {noun} :: speedometer (a device that measures, and indicates the current speed of a vehicle)
спиздеть {v pf} [vulgar] :: to lie, to bullshit
спиздить {v pf} [vulgar] :: to steal
спикер {noun} :: speaker (the chair or presiding officer)
спикер {noun} :: loudspeaker (transducer)
спина {noun} [anatomy] :: back
спинка {noun} :: diminutive of спина
спинка {noun} :: back (of a chair, couch or other furniture, of a dress or a shirt, of a tool, of an animal, or as a cut of meat); headboard; backrest
спинной {adj} :: spinal, dorsal
спинной мозг {noun} [anatomy] :: spinal cord
спираль {noun} :: spiral, spire helix
спираль {noun} [medicine] :: loop, Lippes loop
спиральный {adj} :: spiral
спиральный {adj} :: helical
спирт {noun} :: alcohol, spirits
спиртное {noun} :: alcoholic drinks, spirits
спиртной {adj} :: alcoholic, spirituous
спиртовка {noun} :: spirit lamp (lamp that burns a volatile liquid fuel)
списание {noun} :: write-off
списать {v pf} :: to copy (writings)
списать {v pf} :: to plagiarize (writings)
списать {v pf} :: to write off
список {noun} :: list, register, roll (register or roll of paper consisting of an enumeration or compilation of a set of possible items)
список {noun} :: copy (especially of a picture or an icon)
списывать {v impf} :: to copy (writings)
списывать {v impf} :: to plagiarize (writings)
списывать {v impf} :: to copycat in school exams
списывать {v impf} :: to write off
Спитак {prop} :: Спитак (town)
спиться {v pf} :: to become a drunkard, to ruin oneself by drinking [with drink]
спихивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to shove off (e.g. a boat from the shore)
спихивать {v impf} [colloquial, also figurative] :: to shove together, to cause to collide or clash
спихивать {v impf} [low colloquial, figurative] :: to kick out; to cause to resign
спихивать {v impf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to get rid of (something bad)
спихивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to get (something) over and done with
спихнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to shove off (e.g. a boat from the shore)
спихнуть {v pf} [colloquial, also figurative] :: to shove together, to cause to collide or clash
спихнуть {v pf} [low colloquial, figurative] :: to kick out; to cause to resign
спихнуть {v pf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to get rid of (something bad)
спихнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to get (something) over and done with
спица {noun} :: spoke
спица {noun} :: needle (implement for knitting, etc.)
спич {noun} :: speech (an oration, session of speaking)
спичечный {adj} [relational] :: match (stick for producing a flame)
спичка {noun} :: match (a device to make fire)
спичрайтер {noun} :: speechwriter (someone who writes speeches for others, especially as a profession)
сплав {noun} :: alloy (metal combined of more elements)
сплав {noun} :: float, floating
спланировать {v pf} :: to plan, to project, to schedule
спланировать {v pf} :: to glide
сплачивать {v impf} :: to raft, to join
сплачивать {v impf} :: to unite, to rally
сплачиваться {v impf} [also figurative] :: to close ranks
сплести {v pf} :: to weave (to create by weaving)
сплести {v pf} [figurative] :: to create (something complicated or confusing)
сплести {v pf} :: to weave together, to interweave, to plait, to braid, to interlace
сплести {v pf} [figurative] :: to connect, to interlock
сплести {v pf} [figurative, colloquial] :: to invent, to compose
сплестись {vi pf} :: to intertwine, to interconnect
сплестись {vi pf} [figurative] :: to connect, to merge, to blend
сплетать {v impf} :: to weave (to create by weaving)
сплетать {v impf} [figurative] :: to create (something complicated or confusing)
сплетать {v impf} :: to weave together, to interweave, to plait, to braid, to interlace
сплетать {v impf} [figurative] :: to connect, to interlock
сплетать {v impf} [figurative, colloquial] :: to invent, to compose
сплетаться {vi impf} :: to intertwine, to interconnect
сплетаться {vi impf} [figurative] :: to connect, to merge, to blend
сплетение {noun} :: interlacement, intertwinement
сплетение {noun} [anatomy] :: plexus
сплетник {noun} :: gossip (person)
сплетница {noun} :: gossip (person)
сплетничать {v impf} :: to gossip, to tittle-tattle
сплетничать {v impf} :: to talk scandal
сплетня {noun} :: gossip, scuttlebutt (idle talk)
сплетня {noun} :: tale, whispering
сплетня {noun} :: guff, furphy
сплёвывать {v impf} :: to spit out
сплёвывать {v impf} :: to spit
Сплит {prop} :: Сплит (port city)
спличанин {noun} :: citizen of Split
спличанка {noun} :: citizen of Split (female)
сплотить {v pf} :: to raft, to join
сплотить {v pf} :: to unite, to rally
сплотиться {v pf} [also figurative] :: to close ranks
сплочение {noun} :: uniting, unity, rallying
сплочённость {noun} :: cohesion
сплочённость {noun} :: unity, solidarity
сплочённый {adj} :: connected in bundles or rafts [of logs or boards]
сплочённый {adj} :: joined closely together, cohesive
сплочённый {adj} [figurative] :: united, unanimous
сплошной {adj} :: solid, compact
сплошной {adj} :: sheer, complete
сплошной {adj} :: continuous
сплошь {adv} :: completely, entirely
сплошь {adv} :: throughout, all over
сплошь {adv} :: nothing but
сплюнуть {v pf} :: to spit out
сплюнуть {v pf} :: to spit
сплющивать {v impf} :: to press flat, to flatten by means of pressure
сплющить {v pf} :: to press flat, to flatten by means of pressure
сплясать {v pf} :: to dance (a dance)
сподвижник {noun} :: associate, fellow fighter/champion
сподобить {v pf} [dated] :: to confer, to grant (grace, mercy, an honor, etc.) [of God]
сподобить {v pf} [colloquial, ironic, usually, impersonal] :: to manage
сподобиться {v pf} [dated or literary] :: to be honored with, to be awarded [+ instrumental, an honor, recognition, etc., or + infinitive]
сподобиться {v pf} [ironic] :: to be able, to deign (to do something)
сподоблять {v impf} [dated] :: to confer, to grant (grace, mercy, an honor, etc.) [of God]
сподоблять {v impf} [colloquial, ironic, usually, impersonal] :: to manage
сподобляться {v impf} [dated or literary] :: to be honored with, to be awarded [+ instrumental, an honor, recognition, etc., or + infinitive]
сподобляться {v impf} [ironic] :: to be able, to deign (to do something)
спойлер {noun} :: spoiler (a document, review or comment that discloses the ending or some key surprise or twist in a story)
спойлер {noun} :: spoiler (a device to reduce lift)
спокойнее {adv} :: comparative of спокойный
спокойнее {adv} :: comparative of спокойно
спокойно {adv} :: calmly, quietly
спокойно {adv} :: easily
спокойно {pred} :: one is calm (unworried, free from anger)
спокойно {pred} :: it is placid, quiet, serene, tranquil
спокойно {interj} :: quiet!
спокойной ночи {interj} :: good night
спокойный {adj} :: calm (unworried, free from anger)
спокойный {adj} :: placid, quiet, serene, tranquil
спокойствие {noun} :: calmness (the state of being calm; tranquillity; silence)
спокойствие {noun} :: composure (calmness of mind or matter, self-possession)
спокон {adv} [colloquial] :: long since
сползать {v impf} :: to slip down, to work down
сползать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to scramble down
сползать {v impf} :: (clothes, hedgear etc) to slip down
сползать {v impf} :: to slip (into), to fall away (into)
сползать {v pf} :: [добраться ползком куда-л. и вернуться]
сползти {v pf} :: to slip down, to work down
сползти {v pf} [colloquial] :: to scramble down
сползти {v pf} :: (clothes, hedgear etc) to slip down
сползти {v pf} :: to slip (into), to fall away (into)
сполитиковать {v pf} [dated, colloquial] :: to act in a cunning way hiding one's true intentions
с поличным {adv} :: red-handed (in the act of wrongdoing)
сполна {adv} :: entirely, completely, in full
сполох {noun} [dated] :: alarm
сполох {noun} [figurative, dated or regional] :: turmoil, anxiety, commotion
сполох {noun} :: aurora borealis
сполох {noun} :: lightning, flash of lightning
сполох {noun} :: flash of light or fire
с помощью {prep} :: via, by dint of (by (means of); using (a medium)) (+ genitive case)
спонсор {noun} :: sponsor (one that pays all or part of the cost of an event)
спонсорский {adj} [relational] :: sponsor, sponsorship; sponsor's
спонтанно {adv} :: spontaneously, ad hoc (on the spur of the moment)
спонтанный {adj} :: spontaneous
спор {noun} :: dispute, controversy, argument, quarrel
спор {noun} [legal] :: argument
спора {noun} [botany] :: spore (reproductive particle)
спорить {v impf} :: to dispute, to argue
спорить {v impf} :: to discuss, to debate
спорить {v impf} :: to bet, to wager
спорный {adj} :: disputable, controversial, arguable
спороть {v pf} :: to remove (something sewn) by tearing out the stitches
спороть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to blurt out
спорт {noun} :: sport (any athletic activity that uses physical skills)
спортзал {noun} [sports] :: gymnasium, gym
спортивный {adj} :: sporting, sports, athletic
спортивный {adj} :: sporty
спортивный костюм {noun} :: tracksuit, sportswear
спорткомплекс {noun} :: sports complex
спортплощадка {noun} :: sports ground
спортсмен {noun} :: athlete, sportsman
спортсменка {noun} :: female athlete, sportswoman
спорщик {noun} [colloquial] :: debater, disputant
спорщик {noun} [colloquial] :: argumentative person
способ {noun} :: method, means, manner, mode, way
способность {noun} :: ability, capability (the quality or state of being able)
способность {noun} :: faculty
способность {noun} :: capacity
способность {noun} :: talent (often plural)
способность {noun} :: power
способность {noun} :: quality
способный {adj} :: able, apt, capable (able and efficient)
способный {adj} :: gifted (in), talented
способный {adj} :: capable of
способствовать {v impf} :: to promote, to further, to favour, to be conducive (+ dative)
способствовать {v impf} :: to assist (+ dative)
споткнуться {v pf} :: to stumble (over)
споткнуться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to stumble (over), to get stuck (on)
споткнуться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to slip, to make a mistake
спотыкаться {v impf} :: to stumble (over)
спотыкаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to stumble (over), to get stuck (on)
спотыкаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to slip, to make a mistake
спохватиться {v pf} :: to bethink, to think / remember / recollect suddenly
спохватываться {v impf} :: to bethink, to think / remember / recollect suddenly
споцервь {noun} [nase, meteorology] :: A unexpected accumulation of snow, especially in narrow valleys
споцервь {noun} [spaced weeds] :: An incontrollable invasion of plants, notably those toxic for rodents
справа {adv} :: on the right, to the right
справа {adv} :: from the right
справедливее {adv} :: comparative of справедливый
справедливее {adv} :: comparative of справедливо
справедливо {adv} :: justly, fairly (in a just or fair manner)
справедливость {noun} :: justice
справедливость {noun} :: truth
справедливый {adj} :: just, fair
справедливый {adj} :: true, correct
справить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to celebrate
справить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to buy (for), to acquire (for)
справить {v pf} :: in expression only
справиться {v pf} :: to inquire (after, about), to ask (about), to look up
справиться {v pf} :: to manage, to cope (with), to get the better (of)
справка {noun} :: inquiry
справка {noun} :: information, reference
справка {noun} :: certificate
справлять {v impf} [colloquial] :: to celebrate
справлять {v impf} [colloquial] :: to buy (for), to acquire (for)
справлять {v impf} :: [idiomatic]
справляться {v impf} :: to inquire (after, about), to ask (about), to look up
справляться {v impf} :: to manage, to cope (with), to get the better of
справочник {noun} :: reference book (book providing factual information)
справочник {noun} :: manual, handbook
справочник {noun} :: telephone directory
справочное бюро {noun} :: information desk, inquiry office
справочный {adj} [relational] :: inquiry
справочный {adj} [relational, engineering, computing] :: reference
справочный {adj} [relational] :: benchmark
с праздником {interj} :: happy holiday! (a generic phrase used on various types of national or public holidays)
спрашивать {v impf} :: to ask, to ask for, to inquire
спрашивать {v impf} :: to demand
спрей {noun} :: spray, sprayer
спрессовать {v pf} :: to compress into a dense mass
спрессовывать {v impf} :: to compress into a dense mass
с приездом {interj} :: happy arrival!, welcome!
спрингер {noun} :: English springer spaniel
спринт {noun} :: sprint (short race at top speed)
спринтер {noun} :: sprinter
спринцовка {noun} :: douche; syringe
спровоцировать {v pf} :: to provoke
спрогнозировать {v pf} :: to predict, to foretell, to prognosticate
спроектировать {v pf} :: to design, to project, to plan
спроектировать {v pf} :: to plan
спроецировать {v pf} :: to project (onto)
спрос {noun} [dated] :: asking (the action of the verb to спрашивать, спросить)
спрос {noun} :: demand (for something), market
спрос {noun} :: demand (for responsibility)
спросить {v pf} :: to ask, to ask for, to inquire
спросить {v pf} :: to demand
спросонок {adv} [colloquial] :: semi-asleep, half-asleep, half-awake
спросонья {adv} [colloquial] :: semi-asleep, half-asleep, half-awake
спроста {adv} :: for no reason
спроста {adv} :: innocently, without malice
спроста {adv} :: straight to the point
Спрус {prop} :: Sprouse (transliteration of the English surname)
спрут {noun} :: (a large) octopus
спрут {noun} [figuratively] :: a network of something dangerous
спрыгивать {v impf} :: to jump off, to leap off
спрыгнуть {v pf} :: to jump off, to leap off
спрягать {v impf} :: to conjugate (to inflect (a verb) for each person)
спряжение {noun} [linguistics] :: conjugation (act of conjugating a verb)
спрясть {v pf} :: to spin (to make yarn)
спрятать {vt pf} :: to conceal, to hide
спрятаться {v pf} :: to hide, to conceal oneself (intransitive)
спугивать {v impf} :: to frighten off/away, to scare off/away
спугнуть {v pf} :: to frighten off/away, to scare off/away
спуд {noun} [dated] :: bushel, vessel [for grain]
спуд {noun} [dated] :: cache, vault
спуд {noun} [dated] :: heaviness, weight
спуд {noun} [dated] :: burden, oppression
спуск {noun} :: lowering, hauling down, launch (the ship), lowering, descent
спуск {noun} :: slope, incline
спуск {noun} :: sear, detent
спуск {noun} [polygraphy] :: imposition
спуск {noun} :: drainage, discharge
спуск {noun} :: release
спускать {v impf} :: to let down, to lower, to sink (to allow to descend)
спускать {v impf} :: to launch, to lower (a boat)
спускать {v impf} :: to unchain, to unleash, to let loose
спускать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to ejaculate (sperm)
спускаться {v impf} :: to descend, to go down
спускаться {v impf} :: to go with the stream, to go down stream
спусковой {adj} [relational] :: release
спустить {v pf} :: to let down, to lower, to sink (to allow to descend)
спустить {v pf} :: to launch, to lower (a boat)
спустить {v pf} :: to unchain, to unleash, to let loose
спустить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to ejaculate (sperm)
спуститься {v pf} :: to descend, to go down
спуститься {v pf} :: to go with the stream, to go down stream
спустя {prep} :: after, later
спустя рукава {adv} :: carelessly, anyhow
спутать {v pf} :: to mix up
спутать {v pf} :: to confuse
спутать {v pf} :: to tangle
спутаться {v pf} :: to get tangled
спутаться {v pf} :: to be misled, to get confused, to get mixed up
спутаться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to keep company (with), to get mixed up (with)
спутник {noun} [also, figuratively] :: a fellow traveller; companion
спутник {noun} :: satellite, moon (a natural satellite of a planet)
спутник {noun} :: an artificial satellite of a planet or moon, sputnik
спутниковый {adj} [relational] :: satellite
спутница {noun} :: fellow traveller (female)
спятить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to go balmy, to go off one's rocker
спячка {noun} :: dormancy (state of being dormant)
спячка {noun} :: sleepiness, lethargy
спячка {noun} :: hibernation, aestivation
Спящая Красавица {prop} :: Sleeping Beauty
спящий {adj} :: asleep, dormant
спящий {adj} :: latent
спящий {noun} :: sleeper (someone who sleeps)
ср. {m inan} :: term, date
ср. {adj} :: urgent, pressing
ср. {f inan} :: Wednesday
срабатывание {noun} :: beginning of operation, starting to function, going off, firing
срабатывать {v impf} :: to work, to function [of a machine]
срабатывать {v impf} :: to fire, to go off [of a weapon, alarm, etc.]
срабатывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to succeed, to work (of an attempt)
срабатывать {v impf} [dated] :: to make, to produce
сработать {v pf} :: to work, to function [of a machine]
сработать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to succeed, to work (of an attempt)
сработать {v pf} [dated or high style] :: to make, to produce
сработаться {v pf} :: to wear out
сработаться {v pf} :: to reach harmony in working with someone, to build a good working relationship
сравнение {noun} :: comparison
сравнение {noun} [figure of speech] :: simile
сравнивание {noun} :: comparing, comparison (act of comparing or the state of being compared)
сравнивать {v impf} :: to compare
сравнивать {v impf} :: to level
сравнивать {v impf} :: to equal, to equalize
сравнимый {adj} :: comparable (able to be compared)
сравнительная степень {noun} [linguistics] :: comparative degree, comparative
сравнительно {adv} :: comparatively (in a comparative manner)
сравнительно {adv} :: relatively
сравнительный {adj} [grammar] :: comparative
сравнить {v pf} :: to compare
сравниться {v pf} :: to equal (in), to match (in)
сравниться {v pf} :: to compare (with)
сравнять {v pf} :: to equal, to equalize
с радостью {adv} :: of course, with pleasure
сражать {v impf} :: to strike, to hit, to smite
сражать {v impf} :: to strike down, to defeat, to crush
сражаться {v impf} :: to fight, to battle
сражаться {v impf} :: to contend, to play
сражение {noun} [military] :: battle, engagement (general action, fight, or encounter; a combat)
сраженье {noun} :: alternative form of сражение
сразить {v pf} :: to strike, to hit, to smite
сразить {v pf} :: to strike down, to defeat, to crush
сразиться {v pf} :: to fight, to battle
сразиться {v pf} :: to contend, to play
сразу {adv} :: at once, simultaneously
сразу {adv} :: at one stroke
сразу {adv} :: at once, right away, straight away
сразу {adv} :: straight off, out of hand
срака {noun} [vulgar] :: ass, arse
сральня {noun} [vulgar, slang] :: restroom
срам {noun} :: shame, disgrace
срамить {v impf} [folk poetic] :: to shame, to disgrace, to dishonor
срамить {v impf} [folk poetic, imperfective only] :: to scold
срамота {noun} [colloquial] :: shame
сранан-тонго {m inan} :: Sranan Tongo (language)
сраный {adj} [vulgar] :: shitty (cheap, of poor quality)
сраный {adj} [vulgar] :: fucking, goddamn
срань {noun} [vulgar] :: something bad, shit, crap
срастаться {v impf} :: to accrete, to grow together, to knit [of bones], to inosculate [of fibers, blood vessels]
срастаться {v impf} :: to merge, to fuse, to coalesce, to interpenetrate
срастись {v pf} :: to accrete, to grow together, to knit [of bones], to inosculate [of fibers, blood vessels]
срастись {v pf} :: to merge, to fuse, to coalesce, to interpenetrate
срать {v impf} [vulgar] :: to shit (to defecate)
сраться {v pf} [vulgar] :: To debate or argue, usually about politics and usually in online forums
срач {noun} [slang, vulgar] :: noun from verb to shit, a result of (mass) shitting
срач {noun} [slang, figuratively, colloquial] :: dirt, litter, jumble, clutter, mess
срач {noun} [slang, figuratively, colloquial] :: controversy with strong language, quarrel, squabble, wrangle; flamewar (internet)
срачица {noun} :: catasarka (altar cloth)
срачица {noun} [archaic] :: shirt
срачка {noun} [vulgar] :: diarrhea, shits
среагировать {v pf} :: to react
сребро {noun} [poetic] :: silver
среда {noun} :: Wednesday
среда {noun} :: environment, surroundings, sphere
среда {noun} :: midst
среда {noun} :: medium
среди {prep} :: among, in the midst of (+ genitive case)
Средиземное море {prop} :: Mediterranean Sea
средиземноморский {adj} :: Mediterranean
Средиземноморье {prop} :: region of the Mediterranean Sea
средиземный {adj} :: Mediterranean
средиземный {adj} :: inland
Средиземье {prop} :: alternative form of Средиземноморье
Средиземье {prop} :: Middle-earth, the setting of works by J.R.R. Tolkien
средина {noun} [dated] :: middle
срединный {adj} [dated] :: middle, located in the middle
срединный {adj} [dated or colloquial] :: average, ordinary, commonplace
среднеазиатский {adj} :: Central Asian
средневековый {adj} :: medieval
средневековье {noun} [figuratively] :: the Middle Ages (such as implying outdated customs)
Средневековье {noun} :: Middle Ages (time period)
среднегодовой {adj} :: average annual
среднее {noun} :: average, mean, average value, mean value
среднемесячный {adj} :: average monthly
среднесрочный {adj} :: medium-term
среднестатистический {adj} :: average, typical
средний {adj} :: middle
средний {adj} :: medium
средний {adj} :: central
средний {adj} :: average
средний {adj} :: mean
средний {adj} [grammar] :: neuter
средний класс {noun} :: middle class (a social and economic class lying above the working class and below the upper class)
средний мозг {noun} :: midbrain
средний палец {noun} :: middle finger
средний род {noun} [grammar] :: neuter gender
Средняя Азия {prop} :: Central Asia (smaller area of Central Asia)
средоточие {noun} :: focus, centre (point)
средства к существованию {noun} :: livelihood, sustenance, support, bread and butter, living
средства к существованию {noun} :: subsistence, means of subsistence
средства к существованию {noun} :: maintenance, alimony (the means to support life)
средства массовой информации {noun} :: mass media (public communication that reaches a large audience)
средство {noun} :: mean, facility
средство {noun} :: tool, instrument
средство {noun} :: remedy
средство {noun} :: (pl.) means (money)
средь {prep} :: among, in the midst of [+ genitive]
средь бела дня {adv} :: in broad daylight
срез {noun} :: cut (in/off)
срез {noun} :: microscopic section
срез {noun} [physics] :: shear
срезать {v pf} :: to cut off, to shear off, to slice off
срезать {v impf} :: to cut off, to shear off, to slice off
срезывать {v impf} :: to cut off, to shear off, to slice off
сровнять {v pf} :: to level, to even
сродни {prep} :: akin (of the same kin; related by blood)
сроднить {v pf} :: to bring closer together
сродство {noun} :: affinity
сроду {adv} [vernacular] :: never ever [followed by не]
сроду {adv} [vernacular] :: always
с Рождеством {phrase} :: Merry Christmas
с Рождеством Христовым {phrase} :: Merry Christmas
С Рождеством Христовым и с Новым годом {phrase} :: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
срок {noun} :: period, span
срок {noun} :: date, term, time
срочно {adv} :: urgently (with a sense of urgency)
срочность {noun} :: urgency
срочность {noun} :: rush
срочность {noun} :: limited time
срочность {noun} :: time limit
срочный {adj} :: urgent, pressing
срочный {adj} :: timed, at a fixed date, for a fixed period
срочный {adj} :: periodic, routine
сруб {noun} :: felling
сруб {noun} :: (of a cottage, well etc) frame, blockhouse
срубать {v impf} :: to fell, to cut down
срубать {v impf} :: to build (of logs)
срубить {v pf} :: to fell, to cut down
срубить {v pf} :: to build (of logs)
срыв {noun} :: derangement, frustration
срыв {noun} :: failure
срыв {noun} :: breakdown
срывать {v impf} :: to pick, to pluck (flowers or fruits)
срывать {v impf} :: to tear off
срывать {v impf} :: to ruin, to destroy, to frustrate, to derange (e.g. a plan, work)
срывать {v impf} :: to wrench off (thread)
срывать {v impf} :: to vent (upon)
срывать {v impf} :: to level, to raze (to the ground), to demolish (a building)
срываться {v impf} :: to break loose, to come unhinged, to come off
срываться {v impf} :: to fall down (from a cliff)
срываться {v impf} :: (of screw threads) to lose integrity, to become broken
срываться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to fail, to end with a failure
срываться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to dart off, to dash off
срываться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to lose one's temper
ссадина {noun} :: abrasion (medicine: superficial wound)
ссака {noun} [vulgar] :: piss, urine
с самого начала {adv} :: from the outset, from the first
с самого начала {adv} :: initially
с самого начала {adv} :: from the get-go
с самого начала {adv} :: all along (duration)
ссать {v impf} [vulgar] :: to piss, to urinate
ссать {v impf} [vulgar] :: to be afraid, to fear, to chicken out
ссора {noun} :: quarrel
ссора {noun} :: disagreement
ссора {noun} :: brawl, battle
ссора {noun} :: controversy
ссорить {v impf} :: to embroil (with), to cause to quarrel (with)
ссориться {v impf} :: to quarrel, to fall out (with)
ССР {f inan} :: abbreviation of сoветская социалистическая республика: SSR (Soviet Socialist Republic)
СССР {prop} {m inan} :: initialism of Союз Советских Социалистических Республик, СССР (country)
ссуда {noun} :: loan
ссудить {v pf} :: to lend, to loan
ссужать {v impf} :: to lend, to loan
ссутулить {v pf} :: to hunch (one's back)
ссутулиться {v pf} :: to hunch over, to slouch, to stoop
ссыкливый {adj} [vulgar] :: cowardly
ссыкло {noun} [vulgar, offensive] :: pussy; chicken; chickenshit; coward
ссыкун {noun} [vulgar, derogatory] :: pisser; bedwetter
ссыкун {noun} [vulgar, derogatory] :: pussy; chicken; chickenshit; coward
ссылать {v impf} :: to banish, to exile
ссылать {v impf} :: to make someone refer to
ссылаться {v impf} :: to refer to, to allude to, to cite, to quote (на - to)
ссылка {noun} :: reference
ссылка {noun} [computing] :: link
ссылка {noun} [history] :: exile, banishment (the state of being banished from one's home or country)
ссыльный {adj} :: in exile
ссыльный {noun} :: exile
ст. {f inan} :: abbreviation of станция
ст. {f inan} :: abbreviation of статья
ст. {adj} [military] :: abbreviation of старший
ст {interj} :: shhh!, silence!
ст {interj} :: be still!
стаб {noun} [slang, wikiprojects] :: stub
стабилизатор {noun} :: stabilizer
стабилизатор {noun} :: fin (aircraft component)
стабилизационный {adj} [relational] :: stabilization
стабилизация {noun} :: stabilization
стабилизировать {v both} :: to stabilize
стабилизироваться {vi both} :: to stabilize, to become stable
стабильно {adv} :: stably, steadily, constantly
стабильность {noun} :: stability
стабильный {adj} :: stable, steady, constant
ставень {noun} :: shutter (protective panels over windows)
ставить {v impf} :: to put, to place, to set, to stand, to station
ставить {v impf} :: (a compress) to apply, to put on
ставить {v impf} :: (a play) to put on stage, to stage, to produce, to present
ставить {v impf} [gambling] :: to wager, to place a bet, to stake
ставить {v impf} :: (a question) to raise, to put
ставить телегу впереди лошади {v pf} [figuratively] :: to put the cart before the horse
ставка {noun} :: rate, wage, salary
ставка {noun} :: stake
ставка {noun} [military] :: headquarters
ставленник {noun} :: henchman
ставленник {noun} :: protégé
ставня {noun} :: shutter (protective panels, usually wooden, placed over windows to block out the light)
Ставрополь {prop} :: Ставрополь (city/administrative center)
ставропольский {adj} [relational] :: Stavropol (city in Russia)
стагнация {noun} :: stagnation
стадион {noun} [sports] :: stadium (venue where sporting events are held)
стадия {noun} :: stage, phase, step
стадо {noun} :: herd, flock
стаж {noun} :: experience, seniority, service, length of service, longevity, standing
стажёр {noun} :: trainee
стажёр {noun} :: intern
стажировка {noun} :: training (especially on a job), (period or status of) probation
стайка {noun} :: diminutive of стая: (small) flock, herd, pack, troop
стакан {noun} :: drinking glass
стаканчик {noun} :: diminutive of стакан: (small) drinking glass
стакер {noun} [technical] :: stacker (mobile conveyor for stacking timber or creating piles of coal, ore, etc.)?
стаксель {noun} [nautical] :: staysail
сталагмит {noun} :: stalagmite
сталактит {noun} :: stalactite
сталевар {noun} :: steelmaker
Сталинград {prop} [historical] :: Сталинград (name used for Volgograd, a <<city>> in <<obl/Volgograd Oblast>>, <<c/Russia>> on the <<riv/Volga>> River, from 1925 to 1961)
сталинградский {adj} [relational] :: Stalingrad
сталинизм {noun} :: Stalinism
сталинист {noun} :: Stalinist
сталинка {noun} [colloquial] :: The residential building, built in the USSR, during the reign of Josef Stalin
сталинский {adj} :: Stalinist, Stalin's (of, relating to, or resembling Stalin)
сталкер {noun} [rare] :: stalker (a person who stalks game) (see usage notes)
сталкер {noun} :: any person, whose occupation or activity is dangerously similar to those of characters from "Roadside Picnic"
сталкивать {v impf} :: to push (off or away)
сталкивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to bring together
сталкивать {v impf} :: to cause to collide
сталкиваться {v impf} :: to collide (with), to run (into), to bump (into), to come across (with) (с - with)
сталкиваться {v impf} :: to face, to be confronted with
сталь {noun} :: steel
стальной {adj} [relational] :: steel
стальной {adj} [relational, figuratively] :: steel, iron
Стамбул {prop} :: Стамбул (largest city)
стамеска {noun} :: (wood) chisel (tool consisting of a slim oblong block of metal)
стан {noun} :: figure, stature, torso
стан {noun} :: camp, campground
стан {noun} :: side, camp
стан {noun} :: mill, machine
стандарт {noun} :: standard (level of quality)
стандартизация {noun} :: standardization
стандартизировать {v both} :: to standardise (to establish a standard)
стандартное отклонение {noun} [statistics] :: standard deviation
стандартный {adj} :: standard
Станислав {prop} :: given name
Станислава {prop} :: given name
станица {noun} :: Cossack village, stanitsa
станичник {noun} :: a Cossack stanitsa dweller
станковый пулемёт {noun} :: heavy machine gun
станнум {noun} :: tin (element)
-становить {affix} :: Combining form used to form prefixed perfective verbs with the approximate meanings "to stand" or "to place"
становиться {v impf} :: to stand, to take a stand
становиться {v impf} :: to get, to become, to grow
становление {noun} :: formation, establishment
станок {noun} :: machine, lathe, press
станок {noun} :: mount, mounting, bench
станок {noun} :: support, prop, easel
станок {noun} :: safety razor
станок {noun} [slang, vulgar] :: ass, booty (buttocks, typically female)
станок-качалка {noun} :: pumpjack
станцевать {v pf} :: to dance
станцевать {v pf} :: to perform (a dance)
станционный {adj} [relational] :: station [railway, broadcasting, space, etc.]
станционный {adj} [relational, telephony] :: office, exchange
станционный {adj} [relational, rail] :: yard
станционный {adj} [relational] :: power plant
станция {noun} :: station
станция {noun} [telephony] :: office, exchange
станция {noun} [rail] :: yard
станция {noun} :: power plant
стапель {noun} [nautical] :: building slip(s), stocks, launching slipway
стапливать {v impf} :: to fuse, to melt
стаптывать {v impf} :: to wear down (shoes)
стаптывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to trample
Стара Загора {prop} :: Стара Загора (city)
Стара-Загора {prop} :: alternative form of Стара Загора
старание {noun} :: effort, endeavour (the amount of work involved in achieving something)
старательно {adv} :: diligently, industriously (in a diligent manner)
старательность {noun} :: diligence, assiduity
старательный {adj} :: assiduous, diligent, hard-working
стараться {v impf} :: to try, to attempt
стараться {v impf} :: to endeavour/endeavor, to make an effort
стараться {v impf} :: to pursue
стараться {v impf} :: to strive
старая дева {noun} :: spinster, old maid (unmarried woman)
старее {adv} :: comparative of старый
старее {adv} :: comparative of старо
старейшина {m anim} :: older member of a community, community leader, elder
старейшина {m anim} [Mormonism] :: elder
старение {noun} :: ageing/aging (process of becoming older)
старенький {adj} [colloquial] :: diminutive of старый
старенький {adj} [colloquial] :: diminutive of старый
стареть {v impf} :: to grow old, to age, to advance in age
стареть {v impf} :: to become out of date
старец {noun} [bookish] :: old man, whitebeard
старец {noun} [church] :: monastic elder
стареющий {adj} :: ageing/aging, senescent (becoming elderly)
стареющий {adj} :: becoming old (people or things)
старик {noun} :: old man
старик {noun} [slang] :: old-timer, that man who has worked or served somewhere more than his younger colleagues
старик {noun} [colloquial] :: father, foozle
старик {noun} [colloquial] :: elderly husband for a wife
старик {noun} [colloquial, address] :: chap
старикан {noun} [colloquial, familiar] :: old man
старикашка {noun} [colloquial] :: pejorative of старик: geezer
стариковский {adj} :: old man's
старина {noun} :: olden time, olden days, antiquity
старина {noun} :: antiquities, antique
старина {m anim} [colloquial, address] :: old man, old boy, old chap, old fellow
старинка {noun} :: diminutive of старина
старинка {noun} :: (used in an expression)
старинный {adj} :: antique, ancient, olden, age-old
старинный {adj} :: old e.g. of relationships
старить {v impf} :: to make old, to make look old
стариться {v impf} :: to grow old, to age
старица {noun} :: aged nun
старица {noun} :: former river-bed
старичок {noun} :: diminutive of старик little old man
старо {adv} :: old, in an old manner
старо {pred} [colloquial] :: it is long-known, it is not new
старовер {noun} [religion] :: Old Believer
старовер {noun} [figurative, ironic] :: traditionalist
старое {noun} :: the past, what's old
старожил {noun} :: old-timer; old resident
старомодный {adj} :: outmoded, antique
старомодный {adj} :: old-fashioned, antiquated
старомодный {adj} :: frumpy, frumpish
старомодный {adj} :: fusty
старомодный {adj} :: stuffy
старомодный {adj} :: moldy
старомодный {adj} :: primitive
старомодный {adj} :: Victorian
старомодный {adj} :: fogyish
старообрядец {noun} :: Old Believer
старорусец {noun} :: citizen of Staraya Russa
старорушанин {noun} :: citizen of Staraya Russa
старославянский {adj} :: Old Church Slavonic, Old Slavonic
староста {noun} :: bailiff
староста {noun} :: village elder
староста {noun} :: churchwarden
староста {noun} :: class monitor
старость {noun} :: old age
старость {noun} :: dilapidation, decrepitude
старость {noun} :: [colloquial] the elderly
старофранцузский {adj} [relational] :: Old France
старофранцузский {adj} [relational] :: Old French (the Gallo-Romance dialect continuum spoken from the 9th century to the 14th century)
старпом {noun} [naval] :: chief mate
старт {noun} :: start (beginning point of a distance race or a process)
старт {noun} :: launchpad
стартап {noun} [neologism] :: startup (venture)
стартер {noun} :: starter (electric motor that starts an internal-combustion engine)
стартер {noun} [animate] :: starter (person who gives the signal to start)
стартёр {noun} :: starter (electric motor that starts an internal-combustion engine)
стартёр {noun} [animate] :: starter (person who gives the signal to start)
стартовать {v both} [space flight] :: to take off, to launch
стартовать {v both} [figuratively] :: to start
стартовый {adj} [sport] :: starting
стартовый {adj} :: launching
стартовый {adj} :: initial
старуха {noun} :: old woman
старушечий {adj} :: anile (characteristic of a crone or a feeble old woman)
старушка {noun} :: diminutive of старуха: old lady, little old lady, old woman, old dame
старческий {adj} [relational] :: old age, senile
старческий {adj} :: of monastic elders
старшая карта {noun} [poker] :: high card
старше {adv} :: comparative of старый
старше {adv} :: comparative of старший
старшеклассник {noun} :: senior pupil, senior high school student
старший {adj} :: elder, older, senior
старший {adj} :: eldest, oldest
старший {adj} :: higher, highest
старший {adj} [military] :: first (lieutenant)
старший {adj} :: senior (suffix used for names of elders)
старший {noun} :: foreman
старший {noun} :: chief, man in charge
старшина {noun} [military] :: sergeant major [military rank]
старшина {noun} [dated, prerevolutionary Russia] :: foreman
старшинство {noun} :: seniority
старшинство {noun} [computer programming] :: precedence [of operators]
старшинство {noun} [literary, military] :: position or rank of a sergeant major
старшинство {noun} [literary, prerevolutionary Russia] :: position or rank of a foreman
старый {adj} :: old
старый {adj} :: ancient, antique
старый {adj} :: olden
Старый Новый год {prop} :: Old New Year, the Orthodox New Year
старьевщик {noun} :: alternative form of старьёвщик
старьё {noun} :: cruft, old junk (anything old or of inferior quality)
старьёвщик {noun} :: junkman, ragpicker
стаскивать {v impf} :: to drag off, to drag down, to pull off, to pull down
стаскивать {v impf} :: to drag into, to pull into
Стася {prop} :: given name
статейка {noun} :: diminutive of статья: small article [e.g. in a newspaper or journal]
Статен-Айленд {noun} :: Статен-Айленд (island/and/borough)
статика {noun} :: statics
статист {noun} [theatre, cinematography] :: extra
статист {noun} [figurative] :: extra, do-nothing
статистика {noun} [mathematics] :: statistics (mathematical science)
статистически {adv} [hedge] :: statistically (in a statistical manner)
статистический {adj} :: statistical
статический {adj} [physics, computing] :: static
статный {adj} :: stately
статус {noun} :: status
статус-кво {m inan} :: status quo (the state of things)
статут {noun} :: statute
статуэтка {noun} :: statuette, figurine
статуя {noun} :: statue
статуя Зевса в Олимпии {prop} :: Statue of Zeus at Olympia
стать {v pf} :: to stand in a certain location or near someone or something (interchangeable with встать)
стать {v pf} [with imperfective infinitive] :: to begin to
стать {v pf} [with imperfective infinitive] :: to come to pass
стать {v pf} [with imperfective infinitive] :: to take to
стать {v pf} [in negative, with imperfective infinitive] :: to be not going to; used to express a determined negative attitude
стать {v pf} [impersonal, in negative] :: to pass away
стать {v pf} [impersonal] :: to at all costs
стать {v pf} [impersonal] :: to therefore
стать {v pf} [with instrumental case, impersonal with dative case] :: to become, to get, to grow
стать {noun} :: build
стать {noun} :: trait, character, type
стать {noun} :: need
статься {v pf} :: to become, to happen
статья {noun} :: article
статья {noun} :: item, entry
статья {noun} :: matter, business
стафилококк {noun} :: staphylococcus (bacterium of the genus Staphylococcus)
стационар {noun} :: hospital
стационар {noun} :: permanent establishment
стационарный {adj} :: stationary, fixed, permanent
стационарный {adj} [relational] :: hospital
стачка {noun} :: strike
стащить {v pf} :: to drag off, to drag down, to pull off, to pull down
стащить {v pf} :: to drag into, to pull into
стащить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to steal, to filch, to pinch, to swipe
стая {noun} :: flock, herd, pack, troop
-ство {suffix} :: suffix appended to nouns and adjectives to create a neuter noun, usually an abstract noun denoting a relation, social status, scientific discipline, quality or state: -hood, -ness, -ship, -ity
-ствовать {suffix} :: Suffix used to form verbs from nouns, and sometimes from adjectives
ствол {noun} :: trunk, tree trunk
ствол {noun} :: barrel (of a gun)
ствол {noun} [criminal slang] :: gun
ствол {noun} :: a vertical part of a (coal) mine
створ {noun} [nautical] :: transit
створ {noun} [geology] :: range, alignment
створ {noun} :: створ плотиныdam location, dam site
створить {v pf} :: to arrange (two objects) to be in a straight line [as seen by the observer]
створить {v pf} [obsolete] :: to close the flap of (something)
створка {noun} [architecture] :: leaf, fold, panel (One of the movably attached, opening and closing parts or halves of a structure, gate, window, etc. Each of the components of a portable folding mirror, screen, etc.)
створять {v impf} :: to arrange (two objects) to be in a straight line [as seen by the observer]
створять {v impf} [obsolete] :: to close the flap of (something)
стеарин {noun} :: stearin
стебаться {vi impf} [slang] :: to joke, to kid, to josh, to banter
стебаться {vi impf} [slang] :: to make fun of (someone or something), to ridicule, to mock, to tease [над + instrumental case]
стебелёк {noun} :: diminutive of стебель: small stem, small stalk
стебелёк {noun} [anatomy] :: peduncle (stem-like organ of an animal that connects tissue, organs, etc.)
стебель {noun} [botany] :: stem, stalk (botany: above-ground stalk of a vascular plant)
стебло {noun} [regional] :: handle, grip
стебло {noun} :: rod, pivot
стебло {noun} :: stalk, trunk (part of the stalk left in the ground after cutting)
стега {noun} [regional] :: path
стеганография {noun} :: steganography
стегать {v impf} :: to whip, to lash, to flog
стегать {v impf} :: to quilt
стегно {noun} [dialectal] :: thigh
стегнуть {v pf} :: to whip, to lash, to flog [once]
стегозавр {noun} :: stegosaurus
стезя {noun} [poetic] :: path, way
стейк {noun} :: steak
стек {noun} :: riding crop
стек {noun} [computing] :: stack (data structure)
стек {noun} [scultping] :: alternative form of стека
стека {noun} [sculpting] :: modeling tool (wooden, bone or metal tool for sculpting clay or similar soft material, with a wide, blade-like end)
стекание {noun} :: runoff, draining
стекать {v impf} :: to flow down, to streak down, to trickle down, to drain
стекаться {v impf} :: to flow together
стекаться {v impf} :: to gather, to throng
стекло {noun} :: glass
стекло {noun} :: chimney (of kerosene lamp)
стекло {noun} :: pane, window, lens
стеклянная гармоника {noun} :: glass harmonica
стеклянный {adj} :: glass, glassy, vitreous
стекляшка {noun} [pejorative] :: glass
стекляшка {noun} [pejorative] :: piece of glass, object made of glass
стекляшка {noun} [colloquial] :: building made of glass, concrete, and steel
стекольщик {noun} :: glazier
стела {noun} :: stele
стелить {v impf} :: to spread, to lay, to make [bed]
стелиться {vi impf} :: to spread, to spread out, to sprawl
стелиться {v impf} :: to lie on the ground
стелиться {v impf} :: to creep [of a plant]
стелиться {v impf} :: to speed over a surface [of animals and birds]
стелиться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to prepare for bed
стеллаж {noun} :: shelves, rack
стелька {noun} :: insole
стемнеть {v pf} [impersonal] :: to get dark
стен {noun} [obsolete] :: sthène (unit of measure)
стена {noun} :: wall
стенание {noun} :: groaning, moaning
стенание {noun} [figurative, usually plural] :: complaint, moaning
стенать {v impf} :: [obsolete] to groan, to moan
стенгазета {noun} :: wall newspaper, handwritten or printed, published by a public institution or employees of an organization
стенд {noun} :: stand, information shield
стенд {noun} [engineering] :: test bench
стенка {noun} :: diminutive of стена
стенка {noun} :: side (of a container)
стенка {noun} [anatomy] :: wall
стенка {noun} [furniture] :: wall unit
стенка {noun} [football] :: defending players who form a line to block the attacking team's free kick
стенной {adj} [relational] :: wall
стенограмма {noun} :: shorthand record/report, verbatim report, transcript
стенокардия {noun} :: angina pectoris
стеночка {noun} [colloquial] :: endearing diminutive of стенка
стеночка {noun} [colloquial] :: endearing form of стенка
степ {noun} :: tap dance
Степан {prop} :: given name
Степанаван {prop} :: Степанаван (town)
Степанакерт {prop} :: Степанакерт (the <<capital city>> of <<c/Artsakh>>, a de-facto independent state internationally recognized as part of <<c/Azerbaijan>>)
Степанов {adj} :: Stepan's, Stephen's
степенно {adv} :: reasonably, seriously, solidly
степенно {adv} :: in a staid, sedate manner
степенность {noun} :: staidness, sedateness
степенный {adj} :: reasonable, solid, serious
степенный {adj} :: staid, sedate, grave
степень {noun} :: degree, extent
степень {noun} [mathematics] :: power
степень {noun} [grammar] :: degree of comparison
степень {noun} :: rank, title, degree
степлер {noun} :: stapler
степная рысь {noun} :: caracal
степной {adj} [relational] :: steppe
степь {noun} :: steppe, veldt (the grasslands of Eastern Europe and Asia)
стерва {m anim} {f anim} [offensive] :: bitch, vixen, old witch (a malicious, quarrelsome or temperamental woman)
стерва {m anim} {f anim} [offensive] :: bastard, son of a bitch, asshole (a malicious, quarrelsome or temperamental person)
стервятник {noun} :: vulture
стереотип {noun} :: stereotype (a conventional, formulaic, and oversimplified conception, opinion, or image)
стереть {v pf} :: to wipe, to erase, to efface
стереть {v pf} :: to rub raw
стереться {v pf} :: to be obliterated/effaced, to rub away, to become obliterated
стеречь {v impf} :: to guard, to watch
стержень {noun} :: shank, rod, pivot, spindle (straight round stick, shaft, or bar)
стерилизовать {v both} :: to sterilize
стерилизовать {v both} :: to spay
стерильный {adj} :: sterile
стерлинг {noun} [numismatics] :: sterling
стерлядь {noun} :: sterlet
стернь {noun} :: stubble (short stalks left in a field after harvest)
стерня {noun} :: stubble (short stalks left in a field after harvest)
стерпеть {v pf} :: to bear, to endure
стерх {noun} :: Siberian crane
стеснение {noun} :: constraint, restraint
стеснение {noun} :: uneasiness, shyness
стеснение {noun} :: (feeling of) shame or shyness, standing on ceremony
стеснение {noun} :: difficulty in breathing
стеснительный {adj} :: shy, coy (reserved)
стеснительный {adj} [dated] :: constrained, pinched, cramped
стеснить {v pf} :: to put/lay restraint (on), to hinder, to hamper
стеснить {v pf} :: to embarrass
стеснять {v impf} :: to put/lay restraint (on), to hinder, to hamper
стеснять {v impf} :: to embarrass
стесняться {v impf} [imperfective only] :: to be uncomfortable
стесняться {v impf} [imperfective only] :: to feel embarrassed
стесняться {v impf} :: to be sparing [в + prepositional, with]
стесняться {v impf} :: to crowd together
стесняться {v impf} :: to be afraid, to ashamed to [+ infinitive]
стесняться {v impf} :: to be afraid of [+ genitive]
стетоскоп {noun} [medicine] :: stethoscope (medical instrument)
стехиометрия {noun} [chemistry] :: stoichiometry
с тех пор {adv} :: since that time, since then
с тех пор как {conj} :: since
стечение {noun} :: confluence (convergence or combination)
стечь {v pf} :: to flow down, to streak down, to trickle down, to drain
стечься {v pf} :: to flow together
стечься {v pf} :: to gather, to throng
стёб {noun} [slang] :: (usually uncountable) banter, teasing, fun, sneer, ridicule
стёганый {adj} :: quilted (made of two layers of fabric stitched together, with insulation in between)
стёклышко {noun} :: diminutive of стекло: a (small) piece of glass
стёрка {noun} [colloquial] :: eraser, rubber
стёртый {adj} :: worn thin
стёртый {adj} :: hackneyed
стибиум {noun} :: antimony (chemical element)
стив {noun} [meteorology] :: STEVE, an atmospheric phenomenon similar to an aurora
-стигнуть {affix} :: Combining form used to form prefixed perfective verbs with the approximate meaning "to catch, to reach"
стилизация {noun} :: stylization
стилизовать {v both} :: to style (to give (something) the characteristics of a particular style)
стилизовать {v both} :: to stylize
стилист {noun} :: stylist
стилистика {noun} :: stylistics
стилистический {adj} :: stylistic
стило {n inan} :: stylus (tool for writing on clay tablets)
стилос {noun} :: stylus (tool for writing on clay tablets)
стилус {noun} :: stylus (tool for writing on clay tablets)
стиль {noun} :: style
стиль {noun} :: fashion
стиль {noun} [architecture] :: build, order
стиль {noun} :: calendar, style
стильный {adj} :: stylish
стильный {adj} [relational] :: period
стиляга {m anim} {f anim} [pejorative] :: dandy, fop, fashionista; member of the stilyagi youth subculture of the 1940s–1960s
стимул {noun} :: stimulus, incentive
стимул {noun} :: drive; impetus
стимулирование {noun} :: incitement, inspiration, motivation, provision of incentives, stimulation
стимулировать {v both} :: to stimulate
стимулятор {noun} :: stimulant
стимулятор {noun} :: pacemaker
стимуляция {noun} :: stimulation (various senses)
стипендия {noun} :: bursary, scholarship
стиралка {noun} [colloquial] :: washing machine
стиралка {noun} [colloquial] :: eraser, rubber
стиральная машина {noun} :: washing machine (machine that washes clothes)
стиральный {adj} [relational] :: washing
стирание {noun} :: attrition, abrasion (wearing by friction)
стирание {noun} :: deletion (e.g. of a recording), erasure
стирательный {adj} [relational] :: erasing
стирать {v impf} :: to erase something from a surface
стирать {v impf} :: to clean, to wash cloth or clothes
стираться {v impf} :: to be obliterated/effaced, to rub away, to become obliterated
стираться {v impf} :: to wash
стирка {noun} :: laundry (laundering; washing)
стискивать {v impf} :: to squeeze
стиснуть {v pf} :: to squeeze
стих {noun} :: verse
стих {noun} [biblical] :: verse
стих {noun} [in the plural] :: poem, poems
стих {noun} :: mood
стихать {v impf} :: to quiet down, to abate, to die down [of a storm, war, fighting, etc.]
стихи {noun} :: poem
стихийно {adv} :: spontaneously
стихийное бедствие {noun} :: natural disaster
стихийный {adj} :: spontaneous
стихийный {adj} :: elemental
стихийный {adj} :: natural
стихия {noun} :: element (one of the four classical elements of Ancient Greek philosophy)
стихия {noun} :: elemental force of nature, and their spheres of influence
стихия {noun} [figurative] :: force of societal life that does not succumb to control by people or society
стихия {noun} [figurative] :: one's familiar, comfortable, or usual surroundings
стихнуть {v pf} :: to quiet down, to abate, to die down [of a storm, war, fighting, etc.]
стихотворение {noun} :: poem (literary piece written in verse)
стихотворец {noun} [high style] :: poet
стихотворный {adj} [relational] :: verse
стихотворный {adj} :: written/expressed in verse
стихотворный {adj} :: poetic
-стичь {affix} :: Combining form used to form prefixed perfective verbs with the approximate meaning "to catch, to reach"
стишок {noun} :: diminutive of стих: (short) rhyme, poem
стлать {v impf} :: to spread, to lay, to make (bed)
стлаться {vi impf} :: to spread, to spread out, to sprawl
стлаться {v impf} :: to lie on the ground
стлаться {v impf} :: to creep [of a plant]
стлаться {v impf} :: to speed over a surface [of animals and birds]
стлаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to prepare for bed
сто {num} :: hundred (100)
стог {noun} :: haystack, stack, rick
стоимостный {adj} [relational] :: cost
стоимость {noun} :: cost, value, worth
стоить {v impf} :: to cost
стоить {v impf} :: to be worth
стоить {v impf} :: to be worthy of, to deserve
стоить {v impf} [idiomatic, impersonal] :: стоит только [+ dative or infinitive]
стоить {v impf} :: it is sufficient (for some purpose), all you have to do is, one need only
стоить {v impf} :: once (one thing happens another thing certainly happens)
стойка {noun} :: stand (a device to hold something upright or aloft)
стойка {noun} :: support
стойка {noun} :: counter
стойка {noun} :: stance
стойкий {adj} :: robust, sturdy, hardy, durable
стойкий {adj} :: stubborn, obstinate, resistant
стойкий {adj} [chemistry] :: stable
стойко {adv} :: steadfastly, stubbornly, persistently
стойко {adv} :: stoically
стойкость {noun} :: firmness, steadfastness, staunchness, stableness
стойкость {noun} [chemistry] :: stability
стойкость {noun} [engineering] :: resistance, durability
стойло {noun} :: stall, (horse) box
сток {noun} :: flow, flowing, drainage
сток {noun} :: drain, gutter, sewer
Стокгольм {prop} :: Стокгольм (capital city)
стократ {adv} [literary] :: many times, oftentimes
стол {noun} :: table
стол {noun} :: board, fare, cuisine
стол {noun} :: department, section, office, bureau
стол {noun} [historical] :: throne
столб {noun} :: post, pole, pillar, column
столбенеть {v impf} :: to be dumbfounded, to be petrified, to freeze (from shock)
столбец {noun} :: column
столбик {noun} :: diminutive of столб: (small) column
столбняк {noun} [pathology] :: tetanus
столетие {noun} :: century, hundred-year period
столетие {noun} :: centenary, hundredth anniversary, hundredth birthday
столетний {adj} [relational] :: hundred-year
столетний {adj} :: hundred-year-old
столечко {adv} :: diminutive of столько
столечко {pron} :: diminutive of столько
столешница {noun} :: table top
столик {noun} :: diminutive of стол: little table
столица {noun} :: capital (city designated as such)
Столичная {prop} :: Stolichnaya vodka, Stoli (a brand of (Russian) vodka made of wheat and rye grain)
столичный {adj} :: metropolitan
столичный {adj} :: capital (city, etc.)
столкновение {noun} :: collision
столкновение {noun} :: clash
столкнуть {v pf} :: to push (off or away)
столкнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to bring together
столкнуть {v pf} :: to cause to collide
столкнуться {v pf} :: to collide (with), to run (into), to bump (into), to come across (with) (с - with)
столкнуться {v pf} :: to face, to be confronted with
столовая {noun} :: dining room
столовая {noun} :: canteen, restaurant
столовка {noun} [colloquial] :: eatery, dining hall
столовый {adj} [relational] :: table
столовый {adj} [relational] :: dinner
столоначальник {noun} [obsolete] :: government official in tsarist Russia
столп {noun} [architecture] :: column
столп {noun} [literary, figuratively] :: pillar, prominent supporter
столпиться {v pf} :: to crowd, to throng, to cluster
столпотворение {noun} :: pandemonium, chaos
столпотворение {noun} :: babel
столь {adv} :: so, such
столь же {adv} :: equally
столько {adv} :: this much, this long
столько {adv} :: so much
столько {pron} :: this/that much/many
столько {pron} :: so much, so many
столько-то {adv} :: that/this much, that/this many, so and so much/many
стольник {noun} [historical] :: Stolnik (a Russian court rank in the 13-17-th centuries)
стольник {noun} [slang] :: a hundred roubles (or any currency); a hundred
стольный {adj} [historical, attributive] :: table
стольный {adj} [archaic or poetic, attributive] :: capital city
стольный град {noun} [archaic or poetic] :: capital city
столяр {noun} :: cabinetmaker, carpenter, joiner
столярка {noun} :: joinery, carpenter's work
столярный {adj} :: joiner's
стоматолог {noun} :: dentist, stomatologist
стон {noun} :: moan, groan (a low cry of pain)
стонать {v impf} :: to groan, to moan
стонать {v impf} :: to suffer, to languish
стонущий {adj} :: groaning, moaning
стоп {interj} :: stop!
стоп {interj} [colloquial, rare] :: that'll do, enough
стопа {noun} [anatomy] :: foot
стопа {noun} :: footstep
стопа {noun} :: foot, metric foot, tonic foot (of a verse)
стопа {noun} :: ream, pile (of paper)
стопарик {noun} :: diminutive of стопка
стопить {v pf} :: to fuse, to melt
стопка {noun} :: pile, rouleau
стопка {noun} :: cup, small drinking glass
стопка {noun} :: shot glass
стоп-кран {noun} :: emergency brake
стопочка {noun} :: endearing diminutive of стопка
стопроцентный {adj} :: hundred-per-cent
стоптать {v pf} :: to wear down (shoes)
стоптать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to trample
сторицей {adv} :: (antiquated) hundredfold
сторицею {adv} :: hundredfold
сторож {noun} :: watch, watchman, guard, custodian
сторожевой {adj} [relational] :: patrol, watch [often involving the idea of sentry]
сторожить {v impf} :: to guard, to watch, to watch over
сторожка {noun} :: gatehouse
сторона {noun} :: side, hand, party
сторона {noun} :: direction, quarter
сторона {noun} :: place, region, country
сторона {noun} :: distance
сторона света {noun} :: point of the compass
сторониться {v impf} [imperfective only] :: to avoid, to shun, to eschew
сторониться {v impf} :: to step aside, to make way
сторонка {noun} :: diminutive of сторона
сторонний {adj} [dated] :: foreign, alien, outside
сторонний {adj} [law] :: third-party
сторонник {noun} :: supporter, champion, advocate, proponent, adherent
сторонница {noun} :: female supporter, champion, advocate, proponent, adherent
сторукий {adj} :: hundred-handed
сторукий {adj} [figurative] :: many-handed
сто тысяч {num} :: hundred thousand (100,000)
Стоунхендж {prop} :: Stonehenge
стохастический {adj} :: stochastic
сточный {adj} [relational] :: drainage
сточный {adj} :: having drainage
стоя {adv} :: standing, upright (in or into an upright position)
стояк {noun} :: vertical support, post, stanchion
стояк {noun} [slang] :: boner, hard-on or hardon, stiffy, woody or woodie [erect penis]
стояние {noun} :: standing
стоянка {noun} :: stop, stand, station
стоянка {noun} :: (fixed) quarters
стоянка {noun} :: parking, parking lot (for cars)
стоянка {noun} :: anchorage
стояночный {adj} [relational] :: parking
стояночный тормоз {noun} :: parking brake
стоять {v impf} :: to stand, to be situated
стоять {v impf} :: to stop
стоять одной ногой в могиле {v impf} [figuratively] :: to have one foot in the grave
стоячий {adj} :: standing, stand-up
стоячий {adj} :: stagnant
стоячий {adj} [vulgar] :: erect, up, with a hard-on
стоящий {adj} :: standing
стоящий {adj} :: worth doing, worthwhile
стр. {n inan} :: abbreviation of строение
стр. {f inan} :: abbreviation of строка
стр. {f inan} [archaic] :: abbreviation of страница, see с.
страгивать {v impf} :: to move out, to shift
страгиваться {v impf} :: to move (out)
страда {noun} :: harvest (process of harvesting, gathering the ripened crop)
страда {noun} :: harvest time
страдалец {noun} :: sufferer
страдальческий {adj} :: full of suffering
страдание {noun} :: suffering
страдательное причастие настоящего времени {noun} [grammar] :: passive present participle
страдательное причастие прошедшего времени {noun} [grammar] :: passive past participle
страдательный {adj} [grammar] :: passive
страдательный залог {noun} :: passive voice
страдать {v impf} :: to suffer
страдать {v impf} :: to be subject to
страдать {v impf} :: to be poor of quality
страдающий {adj} :: suffering
страдающий {adj} :: afflicted
страдающий {adj} :: anguished (experiencing extreme discomfort)
страж {noun} :: guardian
страж {noun} :: sentinel (a sentry or guard)
страж {noun} :: custodian
стража {noun} :: guard, watch
стражник {noun} :: guard
стражник {noun} [obsolete] :: police constable
страйк {noun} [sports] :: strike
страна {noun} :: country
страна {noun} :: region
страна света {noun} :: compass point, point of the compass, cardinal point
страна-участница {noun} :: participating country (in an international level conference or agreement)
страница {noun} :: page
страница {noun} :: column
страничка {noun} :: diminutive of страница: page
странник {noun} :: wanderer, traveller; vagrant, vagabond, rover, roamer, pilgrim
странно {adv} :: strangely, strange, funnily, curiously, oddly, peculiarly
странность {noun} :: strangeness
странность {noun} :: singularity, oddity, eccentricity, crank
странный {adj} :: strange, odd, weird
странный кварк {noun} :: strange quark
страноведение {noun} :: country-specific studies, regional geography
странствие {noun} :: wandering, roaming, travel, travelling
странствовать {v impf} :: to wander, to travel
странствовать {v impf} :: to lead the life of a wanderer
странствующий {adj} :: wandering, migratory [of an animal]
странствующий дрозд {noun} :: robin (Turdus migratorius)
Страстная неделя {noun} [religion] :: Holy Week
Страстная пятница {prop} :: Good Friday
Страстная седмица {noun} [religion] :: Holy Week
страстно {adv} :: passionately (in a passionate manner)
страстной {adj} [relational, religion] :: the week just before Easter [used only in the terms below]
Страстной четверг {noun} [religion] :: Maundy Thursday
страстность {noun} :: passion
страстный {adj} :: passionate
страстный {adj} :: impassioned, ardent, torrid, fervid
страстный {adj} :: hot, sultry
страстный {adj} :: warm
страстный {adj} :: violent, vehement
страстный {adj} :: tropical, tropic
страстный {adj} :: hot-blooded
страстотерпец {noun} :: passion-bearer
страсть {noun} :: passion; obsession
страсть {noun} :: strong love (between people)
страсть {noun} :: strong obsession with, attraction to some activity
страсть {noun} :: the subject of someone's passion
страсть {noun} [religion, plurale tantum] :: horror; suffering
страсть {noun} [plurale tantum] :: horror (story)
страсть {adv} [colloquial] :: very, awfully
стратег {noun} :: strategist
стратегически {adv} :: strategically
стратегический {adj} :: strategic
стратегия {noun} :: strategy (science and art of military command)
стратегия {noun} :: policy
стратопауза {noun} :: stratopause
стратосфера {noun} :: stratosphere
страус {noun} :: ostrich
страус эму {noun} :: emu
страх {noun} :: fear
страх {noun} :: risk, peril
страх {adv} [colloquial] :: awfully
страхование {noun} :: insurance (business)
страхователь {noun} :: insured, policy holder/owner
страховать {v impf} :: to insure (to provide for compensation if some risk occurs)
страховать {v impf} :: to guard against
страховать {v impf} :: to stand by (in sports)
страховаться {v impf} :: to insure oneself
страховка {noun} :: insurance (indemnity)
страховка {noun} :: safety (rope)
страховой {adj} [relational] :: insurance
страховщик {noun} :: insurer, insurance company
страшилище {noun} [also, figuratively] :: fright, scarecrow, monster
страшилка {noun} :: short children's horror story
страшилка {noun} [pejorative] :: information meant to scare or disturb
страшить {v impf} :: to frighten, to scare, to awe
страшиться {v impf} :: to be afraid of, to dread, to fear
страшнее {adv} :: comparative of страшный
страшнее {adv} :: comparative of страшно
страшно {adv} :: terrifyingly
страшно {adv} :: very, badly
страшно {pred} :: it is frightful, it is terrifying, one is scared
страшновато {adv} [colloquial] :: somewhat scarily
страшновато {pred} [colloquial] :: it is somewhat scary
страшноватый {adj} [colloquial] :: somewhat scary
страшный {adj} :: terrible, scary [+ instrumental or в + prepositional, in (e.g. one's rage)]
страшный {adj} :: ugly
стращать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to frighten, to scare, to intimidate
стращать {v impf} :: to browbeat
-стревать {affix} :: Combining form used to form imperfective counterparts of prefixed derivatives of -стрять (to stick oneself into)
стрейт {noun} [poker, inanimate] :: straight
стрейт {noun} [colloquial, animate] :: straight person (non-gay person)
стрейт-флеш {noun} [poker] :: straight flush
стрекоза {noun} :: dragonfly (an insect of the suborder Anisoptera)
стрекот {noun} :: chirr, chirrup
стрекот {noun} [colloquial, figurative] :: chatter
стрекотать {v impf} :: to chirr [of insects]
стрекотать {v impf} :: to rattle, to chatter [of machine guns, etc.]
стрела {noun} :: arrow
стрела {noun} :: pointer, indicator
стрела {noun} [botany] :: shaft
стрела {noun} :: (technical): crane arm, jib, overhang beam, boom (of a derrick)
стрела {noun} :: derrick
стрела {noun} :: cantilever
стрела {noun} :: rise (of an arch), camber
стрелец {noun} [historical] :: strelets (member of Russian military corps in 16th–17th c.)
Стрелец {prop} [constellation] :: Sagittarius (a constellation of the zodiac in the shape of an archer)
Стрелец {prop} [astrology] :: Sagittarius (the zodiac sign for the archer, covering November 22–December 21)
-стрелить {affix} :: Combining form used to form prefixed perfective verbs, with the approximate meaning "to shoot"
стрелка {noun} :: hand, pointer, indicator
стрелка {noun} :: needle
стрелка {noun} :: railroad switch
стрелка {noun} :: arrow (in a drawing)
стрелка {noun} :: promontory at a confluence of two rivers
стрелка {noun} :: crease (of trousers)
стрелка {noun} [horses] :: frog
стрелка {noun} [criminal slang] :: business meeting
стрелка {noun} [textile] :: ladder
стрелковый {adj} [relational] :: rifle, infantry, shooting
стреловидность {noun} :: the quality of being like an arrow
стреловидный {adj} :: arrow-like
стрелок {noun} :: shooter, shot
стрелок {noun} [military] :: rifleman
стрелолист {noun} [botany] :: arrowhead (plant)
стрелочка {noun} :: diminutive of стрелка, diminutive of стрела: little arrow, little shaft, etc
стрелочник {noun} [rail transport] :: switchman, pointsman
стрелочник {noun} [colloquial, figuratively] :: scapegoat, whipping boy
стрельба {noun} :: shooting
стрельба из лука {noun} :: archery (the practice)
стрельбище {noun} [military] :: shooting ground
стрельница {noun} :: barbican
стрельнуть {v pf} :: to shoot (at), to fire (at), to fire a shot (at)
стрельнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to cadge, to scrounge
стрелять {v impf} :: to shoot, to fire
стрелять {v impf} :: to shoot feel acute pains
стрелять {v impf} :: to cadge
стреляться {v impf} :: to fight a duel (with)
стреляться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to commit suicide
стремглав {adv} :: precipitately, very fast, headlong
стремглав {adv} [obsolete] :: with the head down, headlong
стремительно {adv} :: headlong (with an unrestrained forward motion)
стремительно {adv} :: by leaps and bounds
стремительность {noun} :: rashness, precipitancy, impetuosity
стремительный {adj} :: impetuous, violent, rash, headlong
стремительный {adj} :: rapid, swift
стремить {v impf} [poetic or literary] :: to direct (something towards something), to fix (something onto something)
стремиться {v impf} :: to aspire, to strive, to aim, to long, to crave
стремиться {v impf} [mathematics] :: to tend (to/toward)
стремиться {v impf} [obsolete] :: to speed, to rush
стремление {noun} :: aspiration, yearning (wistful or melancholy longing)
стремнистый {adj} :: steep, precipitous
стремя {noun} :: stirrup
стремя {noun} [anatomy] :: stapes
стремянка {noun} :: stepladder
стреноживать {v impf} :: to hobble (a horse)
стреножить {v pf} :: to hobble
стрепет {noun} :: little bustard (Tetrax tetrax)
стресс {noun} :: stress, strain (emotional pressure)
стрессовый {adj} [relational] :: stress
стреха {noun} [obsolete] :: eaves
стреха {noun} :: thatched roof
стрём {noun} [slang] :: fear, anxiety, dread (as a result of withdrawal syndrome)
стрём {noun} [slang] :: guard, alert, watch, lookout
стрём {noun} [slang] :: danger, threat
стрёмный {adj} [slang] :: scary, scary-hairy (dangerous)
стрёмный {adj} [slang] :: shameful
стрёмный {adj} [slang] :: ugly, unattractive; bad, uncool; unpleasant, etc
стригольник {noun} [historical, religion] :: Strigolnik
стриж {noun} :: swift (bird)
стриженый {adj} :: short-haired, (sheep) shorn, (hair) short
стриженый {adj} :: (trees) clipped, (grass) mown
стрижка {noun} :: haircut, clipping (act of cutting of hair)
стрижка {noun} :: shearing (of sheep)
стрингер {noun} [technical, nautical, aeronautics] :: stringer (a longitudinal structural element of the body (frame) of a ship or aircraft)
стриптиз {noun} :: striptease
стриптизёр {noun} :: stripper (male)
стриптизёрша {noun} :: stripper (female)
стрит {noun} [poker, proscribed] :: alternative form of стрейт
стрит-флеш {noun} [poker, proscribed] :: alternative form of стрейт-флеш
стричь {v impf} :: to cut (hair, fur, grass, etc.), to shear, to clip, to trim
стричься {v impf} :: to cut one's hair, to get a haircut
стричься {v impf} :: to wear one's hair trimmed [in a specified way]
строганина {noun} :: sliced frozen meat or fish
строганый {adj} :: sliced
строгать {v impf} :: to plane, to shave (in terms of wood)
строгать {v impf} :: to slice
строгий {adj} :: severe, strict, austere, stern [с + instrumental or к + dative, with someone]
строго {adv} :: rigorously, strictly, strongly, pronouncedly, religiously, definitely
строгость {noun} :: severity, austerity
строгость {noun} :: strictness
строевой {adj} [relational, military] :: drill
строевой {adj} [military] :: frontline
строевой {adj} [relational, construction] :: building
строение {noun} :: building
строение {noun} :: structure
строже {adv} :: comparative of строгий
строже {adv} :: comparative of строго
строитель {noun} :: builder, constructor
строитель {noun} :: construction worker
строительница {noun} :: (female) builder, constructor
строительница {noun} :: (female) construction worker
строительный {adj} :: building, construction
строительский {adj} [relational] :: builder, construction worker
строительство {noun} :: construction, building
строительство {noun} :: construction area
строить {v impf} :: to build, to construct
строить {v impf} :: to make, to construct
строить {v impf} [military] :: to form, to draw up, to dress up
строить {v pf} :: to connect (string, yarn, etc.) in three strands
строить {vi pf} [colloquial] :: to strike three items
строить {v pf} :: to plough (a field) for the third time
строиться {v impf} :: to be built, to be under construction
строиться {v impf} :: to build a house for oneself
строиться {v impf} :: to draw up, to form, to assume formation
строй {noun} :: order, array
строй {noun} :: line
строй {noun} :: system, order, regime
строй {noun} [music] :: tune
стройка {noun} :: building, construction
стройка {noun} :: project, construction project
стройка {noun} :: construction site, project site
стройматериал {noun} :: building material
стройно {adv} :: harmoniously
стройность {noun} :: slimness
стройный {adj} :: slender, slim, svelte
стройный {adj} :: well-composed, harmonious, orderly
стройный {adj} :: harmonious [of sounds]
стройплощадка {noun} :: building site
строка {noun} :: line, string, row (single horizontal row of text on a screen, printed paper, etc.)
стронций {noun} :: strontium
строп {noun} [archaic] :: roof, attic, loft
строп {noun} [technical, nautical] :: sling, hitch
строп {noun} :: parbuckle
строп {noun} :: strap, strop
строп {noun} :: shroud (of a parachute)
стропило {noun} :: rafter (series of sloped beams)
стропило {noun} :: truss
строптивый {adj} :: obstinate, obdurate, refractory
строфа {noun} :: stanza (a unit of a poem)
строфа {noun} :: strophe
строфа {noun} :: verse
строчить {v impf} :: to stitch
строчить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to scribble, to dash off
строчить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to bang away
строчка {noun} :: seam, stitch
строчка {noun} :: diminutive of строка
строчный {adj} [relational] :: line
строчный {adj} :: lower-case (of letters)
струбцина {noun} :: clamp (tool)
струг {noun} :: carpenter's plane, adze, drawknife (a tool)
стругать {v impf} :: (wood) to plane, to shave
стругать {v impf} :: to slice
стругач {noun} :: clay-slicing machine, planer
с трудом {adv} :: difficultly, with difficulty (being difficult to do the action)
стружка {noun} :: shaving, shavings, chips
струиться {v impf} :: to spout, to stream, to flow
струйка {noun} :: diminutive of струя
структура {noun} :: structure
структурирование {noun} :: structuring
структурировать {v both} [literary] :: to structure
структурный {adj} :: structural
струмень {noun} [dialectal] :: brook, stream
струна {noun} :: string [of a musical instrument or tennis racket]
струна {noun} :: long line [e.g. of a road]
струна {noun} :: side, feature [of human nature]
струнка {noun} :: string
струнка {noun} [figurative] :: chord [e.g. of emotions]
струнный {adj} [relational] :: string [of a musical instrument]
струнный {adj} [relational] :: string instrument
струнный {adj} [rare] :: sonorous, musical
струп {noun} :: scab
струсить {v pf} :: to be cowardly
стручок {noun} :: pod, husk (seed case)
струя {noun} :: jet, air blast (stream of fluid)
струя {noun} :: spurt, squirt, stream
струя {noun} :: current, efflux, flow
стрый {noun} [dated] :: paternal uncle
стряпать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to cook, to cook food
стряпать {v impf} [colloquial, pejorative] :: to concoct, to cook up
стряпня {noun} [colloquial] :: cooking; dish
стряпня {noun} [colloquial] :: concoction, fudge
стряпуха {noun} [colloquial] :: a female cook
стряпчий {noun} [historical, dated, law] :: solicitor; lawyer
стрясать {v impf} :: to shake off, to shake down
стрясаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to befall, to happen (to)
стрясти {v pf} :: to shake off, to shake down
стрястись {v pf} [colloquial] :: to befall, to happen (to)
-стрять {affix} :: Combining form used to form perfective verbs with the approximate meaning "to stick oneself (into)"
стряхивать {v impf} :: to shake off
стряхнуть {v pf} :: to shake off
ст.-слав. {adj} [linguistics] :: abbreviation of старославянский: OCS, Old Church Slavonic
студенец {noun} :: spring (water source)
студенец {noun} :: well (hole sunk into the ground)
студент {noun} :: student
студент {noun} :: undergraduate
студентка {noun} :: female student
студенческий {adj} [relational] :: student
студенчество {noun} :: time when one is a student
студенчество {noun} [uncountable, collective] :: students
студень {noun} :: aspic (dish)
студёный {adj} :: cold
студийный {adj} [relational] :: studio
студийный {adj} [relational] :: art school
студийный {adj} [relational] :: theater troupe [of young actors]
студить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to cool
студия {noun} :: studio (artist's or photographer's workshop)
студия {noun} :: studio (television or radio studio)
студия {noun} :: studio apartment
студия {noun} :: art school
студия {noun} :: theater troupe [of young actors]
стужа {noun} :: severe cold, hard frost
стук {noun} :: knock
стук {noun} :: rattle, clatter, noise
стукать {v impf} :: to knock
стукать {v impf} :: to rap, to tap
стукать {v impf} :: to strike, to bang, to hit
стукаться {v impf} :: to knock (against), to bump (against)
стукач {noun} [colloquial] :: informer, snitch, stooge, dobber, grass
стукнуть {v pf} :: to knock
стукнуть {v pf} :: to rap, to tap
стукнуть {v pf} :: to strike, to bang, to hit
стукнуть {v pf} [slang] :: to squeal on
стукнуться {v pf} :: to knock (against), to bump (against)
стул {noun} :: chair, seat
стул {noun} [medicine] :: stool, feces
стульчик {noun} :: diminutive of стул: (small) chair
ступа {noun} :: mortar (a hollow vessel used to grind ingredients with a pestle)
ступа {noun} :: stupa (a dome-shaped Buddhist monument, used to house relics of the Lord Buddha)
ступать {v impf} :: to tread, to step on
ступать {v impf} [imperfective only] :: to leave
ступенчато {adv} :: in steps
ступенчатость {noun} :: gradation, gradualness
ступенчатый {adj} [relational] :: step
ступенчатый {adj} :: step-like
ступенчатый {adj} :: graduated
ступенчатый {adj} :: staggered
ступень {noun} [music] :: step (interval between two contiguous degrees of the scale)
ступень {noun} :: step, footstep, rung
ступень {noun} :: degree, grade, level, phase, stage
ступенька {noun} :: step, rung
ступить {v pf} :: to tread, to step on
ступить {v pf} :: to blunt, to make dull
ступица {noun} :: hub
ступня {noun} [anatomy] :: foot
ступня {noun} :: sole
ступор {noun} [medicine] :: stupor
стучать {v impf} :: to knock
стучать {v impf} :: to rap, to tap
стучать {v impf} :: to throb (especially the heart)
стучать {v impf} :: to chatter, to clatter
стучать {v impf} :: to bang
стучать {v impf} [slang] :: to squeal on, to rat on
стучаться {v impf} :: to knock
стушеваться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to become unnoticeable
стушеваться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to efface oneself, to retire to the background
стушеваться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to become embarrassed
стушеваться {v pf} [colloquial, dated] :: to go away, to retire
стыд {noun} :: shame
стыдить {v pf} :: to reproach, to shame
стыдить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to defame, to dishonor
стыдиться {v impf} :: to be ashamed of/to (+ infinitive)
стыдливо {adv} :: shyly, bashfully
стыдливость {noun} :: bashfulness, shyness
стыдливый {adj} :: bashful, shy
стыдно {pred} :: one is ashamed (feeling shame or guilt)
стыдный {adj} :: shameful
стыдоба {noun} :: shame
стык {noun} :: joint, juncture (point of a rigid joint, means of joining in carpentry)
стыковаться {vi impf} :: to attach, to join
стыковаться {v impf} :: to dock, to couple tightly [of spaceships, boats, etc.]
стыковаться {v impf} [figurative, colloquial] :: to communicate or meet (with someone)
стыковаться {vi impf} [colloquial] :: to agree, to match, to not be in contradiction
стыковка {noun} [space flight] :: docking (the process of connecting one spacecraft to another)
стылу {adv} [dated or colloquial] :: from behind, from the back
стынуть {v impf} :: to wither, to shrivel, to fade, to dry up [e.g. of flowers]
стынуть {v impf} :: to get cool / cold, to cool down
стынуть {vi impf} :: to freeze
стынь {noun} [dated] :: cold, frost
стырить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to pinch, to nick, to steal
стырить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to take for one's own, to misappropriate
стыть {v impf} :: to be getting cool / cold; to be cooling down
стыть {v impf} :: to freeze, to be frozen, to be cold
стычка {noun} :: skirmish (brief battle between small groups)
стюард {noun} :: steward
стюард {noun} :: flight attendant
стюардесса {noun} :: flight attendant, stewardess, air hostess (female flight attendant)
стяг {noun} [poetic, literary] :: banner, flag
стягивать {v impf} :: to tighten, to tie up, to strap down/up
стягивать {v impf} :: to gather, to draw up
стягивать {v impf} :: to pull off/away
стяжатель {noun} :: money-grubber
стянуть {v pf} :: to tighten, to tie up, to strap down/up
стянуть {v pf} :: to gather, to draw up
стянуть {v pf} :: to pull off/away
стянуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to filch, to swipe, to pinch
су- {prefix} :: com-, con- (forms nouns denoting a connection or link)
су- {prefix} :: (forms nouns denoting incompleteness)
суаре {n inan} :: soirée (formal evening party)
суахили {m inan} :: Swahili (language)
суб- {prefix} :: sub- (under, beneath)
суббота {noun} :: Saturday
субботний {adj} :: Saturday
субботник {noun} :: subbotnik (voluntary unpaid work)
субконтинент {noun} :: subcontinent
сублимация {noun} :: sublimation (phase transition)
сублимировать {v both} :: to evanesce (to transition from solid to gas state)
субординация {noun} :: (system of) seniority, subordination
субподряд {noun} :: subcontract
субпродукт {noun} :: byproduct, subproduct (secondary or additional product)
субсидирование {noun} :: subsidization
субсидировать {v both} :: to subsidize
субсидия {noun} :: subsidy
субстантивный {adj} [grammar] :: substantival, substantive (used like a noun)
субстантивный {adj} [literary] :: substantive, substantial (having substance or being essential)
субстанция {noun} :: substance (matter)
субстрат {noun} :: substratum
субстрат {noun} :: substrate
субтип {noun} :: subtype
субтитр {noun} :: subtitle (textual versions of the dialog in films)
субъект {noun} :: (grammar) subject
субъект {noun} :: character
субъект {noun} :: individual
субъективность {noun} :: subjectivity
субъективный {adj} :: subjective
Сува {prop} :: Сува (capital city)
сувенир {noun} :: souvenir
сувенирный {adj} [relational] :: souvenir
суверен {noun} :: sovereign, ruler
суверенитет {noun} :: sovereignty
суверенный {adj} :: sovereign
суворовский {adj} [relational] :: Suvorov (referring to anyone named Suvorov, especially Alexander Suvorov, Russian military hero)
Сугинами {prop} {m inan} :: Сугинами (one of 23 <<special wards>> of <<pref/Tokyo>>, <<c/Japan>>)
сугроб {noun} :: snowbank
сугубо {adv} :: strictly, purely
сугубый {adj} [dated or literary] :: special, exclusive
сугубый {adj} [archaic] :: twofold; double
суд {noun} [law] :: court
суд {noun} :: judgment
суд {noun} :: tribunal
суд {noun} :: trial
суд {noun} :: justice
судак {noun} :: zander, pike-perch (the fish or its meat, which is highly regarded)
Судан {prop} :: Судан (country)
суданский {adj} :: Sudanese
сударыня {noun} :: madam, milady
сударь {noun} :: sir
судебное постановление {noun} :: injunction (an official writ)
судебный {adj} :: judicial, judiciary (relating to a court of law)
судебный {adj} :: forensic
судейский {adj} :: judicial
судейский {adj} [sport] :: referee's, umpire's
судейский {noun} [dated, colloquial] :: officer of the court
судёнышко {noun} :: diminutive of судно: small boat
судёнышко {noun} :: pejorative of судно: bad boat
судилище {noun} [law, dated] :: court of law, trial
судилище {noun} [pejorative] :: unfair court of law, unfair trial
судимость {noun} :: previous convictions
судить {v impf} :: to judge, to try, to adjudicate
судить {v impf} :: to judge (to form an opinion on)
судить {v impf} [poetic or dated] :: to destine, to predetermine
судиться {v impf} :: to go to law, to be at law (with), to have legal proceedings (with)
судиться {v impf} :: to have a criminal record, to have been convicted in court
судия {noun} [dated] :: alternative form of судья
судмедэксперт {noun} :: forensic expert, medical examiner
судно {noun} :: ship, vessel, craft
судно {noun} :: bedpan
судно на воздушной подушке {noun} :: hovercraft
судно на подводных крыльях {noun} :: hydrofoil (vessel)
судный {adj} [relational, dated] :: law court, lawsuit
судный день {noun} :: judgement day
судовой {adj} [relational] :: ship; ship's
с удовольствием {adv} :: with pleasure (willingly, without argument)
судоку {n inan} :: sudoku (a Japanese number puzzle)
судомойка {noun} [animate] :: scullery maid (a woman who washes dishes)
судомойка {noun} [inanimate] :: scullery (room for washing dishes)
судомойня {noun} :: dishwashing room; scullery
судопроизводство {noun} [law] :: legal proceedings(s)
судорога {noun} [pathology] :: cramp, spasm (painful contraction of a muscle)
судорожно {adv} :: convulsively, spasmodically, fitfully
судорожный {adj} :: convulsive, spasmodic, fitful
судорожный {adj} [relational] :: cramp, spasm
судоходный {adj} :: navigable
судоходство {noun} :: ship navigation
судьба {noun} :: destiny, fate, doom, fortune, predestination
судьбоносный {adj} [literary] :: fateful, crucial, make-or-break
судья {noun} :: judge
судья {noun} :: arbitrator, referee, umpire
суеверие {noun} :: superstition
суеверный {adj} :: superstitious (susceptible to superstitions)
суета {noun} :: bustle, fuss, razzle-dazzle
суета {noun} :: vanity
суетиться {v pf} :: to fuss, to bustle
суетливо {adv} :: fussily
суетливо {adv} :: restlessly, in a bustling manner
суетливый {adj} :: fidgety, fussy; bustling
суетный {adj} :: bustling
суетный {adj} [dated] :: vain, empty
суетный {adj} [dated] :: vain, worldly, carnal
сужать {v impf} :: alternative form of суживать
сужаться {v impf} :: alternative form of суживаться
суждение {noun} :: judgment (conclusion or result of judging)
суждено {pred} :: it is destined, it is fated
сужение {noun} :: narrowing, contraction
суживать {v impf} :: to narrow, to taper (off)
суживать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to judge [repeatedly or frequently]; iterative of судить
суживаться {v impf} :: to narrow, to get/grow narrow, to taper (off)
сузить {v pf} :: to narrow, to narrow down
сузиться {v pf} :: to narrow, to get/grow narrow, to taper (off)
суицид {noun} :: suicide (usually used as a scientific term)
сук {noun} :: bough, limb, branch
сук {noun} [Arab world, rare] :: souq
сука {noun} :: bitch (female dog)
сука {noun} [vulgar, offensive] :: bitch; contemptible person, usually but not necessarily female
сука {noun} :: [vulgar, offensive] promiscuous slut
сука {noun} [slang, prison] :: inmate, who collaborates with prison administration; ссучившийся вор, ссученный вор
сука {interj} [vulgar] :: shit!, fuck!
сукин {adj} [possessive, vulgar, offensive] :: bitch’s
сукин сын {noun} [vulgar, invective] :: son-of-a-bitch, whoreson, dirty bastard (very offensive)
сукияки {n inan} :: sukiyaki
сукка {noun} [Judaism] :: sukkah, temporary dwelling used on Sukkot
Суккот {noun} :: Sukkot
суккуб {noun} [mythology] :: succubus (female demon)
сукно {noun} :: cloth, broadcloth
сукновальня {noun} :: fullery, fulling mill
суконный {adj} [relational] :: cloth
суконный {adj} :: uninspired, dull [speech, words, etc.]
суксус {noun} [dialectal] :: vinegar
Сулавеси {prop} {m inan} :: Сулавеси (island)
сулить {v impf} [literary or dated] :: to promise
сулить {v impf} [imperfective only] :: to foreshadow, to portend, to bode
сулить {v impf} [imperfective only] :: to predict, to prophesy
султан {noun} :: sultan
султан {noun} :: plume on the headgear
султанат {noun} :: sultanate
султанка {noun} [ornithology] :: gallinule (Porphyrio)
султанка {noun} [ornithology] :: purple gallinule
султанка {noun} [ichthyology] :: goatfish (Mullus)
султанка {noun} :: purple swamp hen
султанка {noun} [ichthyology] :: mullet (Mullus)
сума {noun} :: bag, pouch
сумасброд {noun} [colloquial] :: madcap, screwball, nut, madman
сумасбродить {v impf} :: to act in a crazy or mad manner
сумасбродный {adj} [relational] :: madcap, screwball, nut, madman
сумасшедший {adj} :: mad, crazy
сумасшедший дом {noun} [colloquial] :: insane asylum (mental hospital), madhouse (also figurative)
сумасшествие {noun} :: mental illness, madness, insanity
сумасшествовать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to act like a madman
суматоха {noun} :: bustle, turmoil
суматошливый {adj} :: alternative form of суматошный
суматошный {adj} :: fidgety, fussy; bustling
Суматра {prop} :: Суматра (island)
сумах {noun} :: sumac
сумбур {noun} :: confusion
сумбурный {adj} :: confusing, unclear, tangled, difficult to understand
сумеречный {adj} [relational] :: twilight, dusk
сумеречный {adj} [zoology] :: crepuscular
сумеречный {adj} :: dim, crepuscular
сумерки {noun} :: dusk, twilight
суметь {v pf} :: to be able, to manage, to succeed
Сумида {prop} :: Сумида (one of 23 <<special wards>> of <<pref/Tokyo>>, <<c/Japan>>)
сумка {noun} :: bag, handbag (US: purse)
сумка {noun} :: pouch
сумка {noun} :: satchel
сумка {noun} :: wallet
сумкообразный {adj} :: bursiform (shaped like a purse or bag)
сумма {noun} [mathematics, finance] :: sum (quantity obtained by addition or aggregation)
суммарный {adj} :: total, aggregate
суммарный {adj} [relational] :: summary
суммарный {adj} :: general
суммировать {v both} :: to summarize, to sum up, to abridge (to shorten or contract by using fewer words)
сумо {n inan} :: sumo
сумочка {noun} :: diminutive of сумка: (small) bag, handbag, purse
сумрак {noun} :: twilight, dusk, duskiness
сумрак {noun} :: gloom
сумрачный {adj} :: gloomy
сумчатый {noun} :: marsupial (mammal of which the female typically has a pouch)
сумчатый {adj} :: marsupial (of or pertaining to a marsupial)
Сумы {prop} :: Сумы (city/administrative center)
сумятица {noun} :: bustle, commotion, turmoil
сундук {noun} :: trunk, chest, coffer, strongbox
сундучок {noun} :: diminutive of сундук
сунна {noun} :: sunnah
сунуть {v pf} :: to put (in)
сунуть {v pf} :: to slip, to give
сунуть {v pf} :: to poke, to stick in
сунуть {v pf} :: to butt in
сунуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to bribe
сунуться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to try to get (somewhere), to try to enter (a place), to poke one's head in
сунуться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to turn (to), to go (to)
сунуться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to butt (in), to poke one's nose (into)
Суоми {prop} {f inan} [rare, poetic or endonym] :: Суоми (country)
суп {noun} :: soup (dish)
супер- {prefix} :: super-
супер {interj} [slang] :: great! super! cool!
супер {noun} [colloquial, rarely] :: abbreviation of суперобложка: wraparound, dust jacket (of a book)
супер {noun} [colloquial] :: abbreviation of супермаркет: supermarket
суперзвезда {noun} :: superstar (a high-level celebrity)
суперкарго {m anim} :: supercargo
суперлятив {noun} [linguistics] :: superlative degree, superlative
супермаркет {noun} :: supermarket
супермен {noun} [often, ironic] :: superman
супить {v impf} :: to wrinkle, to pull in (one's eyebrows)
супостат {noun} [dated, high-style, pejorative] :: adversary, enemy, foe
супостат {noun} [low colloquial] :: villain, scoundrel
супротив {prep} :: against
супротив {prep} :: in spite of
супруг {noun} :: husband, male spouse
супруг {noun} :: (in the plural) husband and wife, couple
супруга {noun} :: wife, female spouse
супружеская измена {noun} :: adultery (sexual intercourse by a married person with someone other than their spouse)
супружеская неверность {noun} :: adultery (sexual intercourse by a married person with someone other than their spouse)
супружеский {adj} :: matrimonial
супружество {noun} :: matrimony, marriage
супчик {noun} :: diminutive of суп
сура {noun} [Islam] :: sura
суржик {noun} :: а mixture of wheat and rye, barley and rye, barley and oats, and similar
суржик {noun} [linguistics] :: Surzhyk
сурикат {noun} :: meerkat
Суринам {prop} :: Суринам (country)
суринамский {adj} :: Surinamese
сурово {adv} :: hard, harshly
суровость {noun} :: severity (degree of something undesirable; badness)
суровость {noun} :: austerity
суровость {noun} :: sternness
суровый {adj} :: severe, strict, harsh, stern, austere, rigorous
суровый {adj} :: severe, inclement
суровый {adj} :: stern, inexorable, severe
суровый {adj} :: unbleached, brown (cloth)
сурожский {adj} [relational] :: Surozh/Sourozh (former name of Sudak, town in Crimea)
сурок {noun} :: marmot
суррогат {noun} :: surrogate, substitute
сурьма {noun} :: antimony
Сусанна {prop} :: given name
сусек {noun} :: grain bin, corn bin, hopper
сусека {noun} :: grain bin, corn bin, hopper
суси {n inan} :: sushi
суслик {noun} :: suslik, ground squirrel, spermophile, gopher
суспензия {noun} [chemistry] :: suspension
суспензорий {noun} :: jockstrap; suspensory
сустав {noun} [anatomy] :: joint, articulation
суставный {adj} :: articular
сутенёр {noun} :: pimp, ponce, procurer, pander
сутки {noun} :: 24 hours (of the clock), day, day and night, nychthemeron
сутолока {noun} [colloquial] :: hustle and bustle, commotion
суточно {adv} :: daily (24 hours of the clock)
суточный {adj} :: daily, diurnal, round-the-clock
сутра {noun} :: sutra
сутулить {v impf} :: to hunch (one's back)
сутулиться {v impf} :: to hunch over, to slouch, to stoop
сутулый {adj} :: hunched, stooped
суть {noun} :: essence, core, gist, main point
сутяга {m anim} {f anim} [colloquial, pejorative] :: litigious person
суфле {n inan} :: soufflé (baked dish)
суфлёр {noun} :: prompter (person in a theater)
суффикс {noun} :: suffix
сухарик {noun} :: diminutive of сухарь
сухарь {noun} [inanimate, countable] :: a slice or piece of bread, dried or toasted until hard and crisp
сухарь {noun} [inanimate, countable, by extension] :: a piece of any dry bread-like food, such as a cracker, crouton, or crispbread
сухарь {noun} [colloquial, animate] :: dried-up man, a dry old stick; a boring person
сухо {adv} :: dryly (in a dry manner)
суховатый {adj} :: dryish
сухожилие {noun} :: tendon (tough band of inelastic fibrous tissue that connects a muscle with its bony attachment)
сухой {adj} :: dry
сухой {adj} :: lean
сухой {adj} [relational] :: land
сухой {adj} [figuratively] :: cool, cold
сухой {adj} :: boring, dull
Сухой {prop} [aviation] :: A Russian aircraft manufacturer
сухой закон {noun} :: dry law, Prohibition
сухой лёд {noun} :: dry ice
Сухона {prop} :: Сухона (tributary)
сухонький {adj} :: diminutive of сухой: a little dry
сухопутные силы {noun} [military] :: land forces, army
сухопутный {adj} :: land, by land (as opposed to sea or air)
сухорукий {adj} [colloquial] :: without the use of one arm, having a withered arm
сухоручка {m anim} {f anim} [colloquial] :: someone who can't control his/her arm(s) or hand(s) (due to an injury or something else)
сухость {noun} :: dryness (various senses)
сухофрукт {noun} :: dried fruit (small fruit that have been preserved by drying)
сухощавый {adj} :: lean, meagre
Сухум {prop} :: Сухум (capital city)
Сухуми {prop} {m inan} :: alternative form of Сухум
Сучжоу {prop} {m inan} :: Сучжоу (major city)
сучить {v impf} :: to spin, to twist, to throw
сучить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to jerk, to work
сучка {noun} :: diminutive of сука: bitch (literal and abusive senses)
сучок {noun} :: small bough, small branch
сучок {noun} :: knot (whorl in wood left by a branch)
сучок {noun} [vulgar] :: trashy person
суша {noun} :: land, dry land
сушёный {adj} :: dry, dried (without water or moisture)
суши {n inan} :: sushi
суши-бар {noun} :: sushi bar
сушилка {noun} :: dryer (household appliance for drying clothing)
сушильная машина {noun} :: tumble dryer (electrical device)
сушильный {adj} :: drying
сушильня {noun} :: drying house, hothouse
сушильщик {noun} :: dryer (someone who dries something - a person)
сушить {vt impf} :: to dry
сушить {v impf} :: to roast, to toast, to parch
сушить {v impf} [figurative, colloquial] :: to wear out, to exhaust, to torment
сушить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to harden [one's heart], to make heartless
сушиться {vi impf} :: to dry
сушка {noun} :: drying (process); desiccation
сушка {noun} :: sooshka / sushka, ring-shaped cracknel, bagel
сушняк {noun} [collective] :: dry leaves, dry branches
сушняк {noun} [colloquial] :: strong thirst, such as the next day after a drinking party
сушняк {noun} [slang] :: dry wine
сушь {noun} :: dry spell, drought; dryness
сущее {noun} [philosophy] :: entity
существенно {adv} :: considerably, substantially
существенный {adj} :: essential (of high importance)
существенный {adj} :: substantial (large in size, quantity, or value)
существительное {noun} :: noun, substantive
существительный {adj} :: substantive
существительный {adj} [rare, proscribed] :: substantival
существо {noun} :: creature, being
существо {noun} :: essence
существование {noun} :: existence, being
существование {noun} :: subsistence
существовать {v impf} :: to exist, to be, to live
существующий {adj} :: existing (that exists)
сущий {adj} :: mere
сущий {adj} :: sheer, rank
сущий {adj} :: arrant (utter)
сущий {adj} :: very
сущий {adj} :: regular
сущий {adj} :: great
сущностный {adj} :: essential
сущность {noun} :: entity
сущность {noun} :: essence
сущность {noun} :: substance
сфабрикованный {adj} :: fabricated
сфабриковать {v pf} :: to manufacture, to produce
сфабриковать {v pf} :: to fabricate, to forge
сфера {noun} :: sphere
сфера Шварцшильда {noun} [astrophysics] :: event horizon
сферический {adj} [also mathematics] :: spherical
сфинкс {noun} :: sphinx
сфинкс {noun} :: Sphynx
сфинктер {noun} [anatomy] :: sphincter
сформировать {v pf} :: to form, to shape, to mould, to make up
сформулировать {v pf} :: to formulate, to phrase, to word, to lay down (rules, demands, etc.)
сфотографировать {v pf} :: to photograph
сфотографироваться {v pf} :: to be photographed, to have one's photo/picture taken
сфрагистика {noun} :: sigillography
СФСР {f inan} :: SFSR (Soviet Federative Socialist Republic)
схватить {v pf} :: to grasp, to grab, to seize, to snap, to snatch, to catch, to catch hold of
схватиться {v pf} :: to seize, to hold
схватиться {v pf} :: to grapple with, to come to blows with, to skirmish with
схватиться {v pf} :: (paint or glue) to grab, to grip, (cement) to set, to stiffen
схватка {noun} :: skirmish, fight, combat, encounter
схватка {noun} :: scuffle, squabble
схватка {noun} [medicine] :: contraction (a strong and often painful shortening of the uterine muscles prior to or during childbirth)
схватывать {v impf} :: to grasp, to grab, to seize, to snap, to snatch, to catch, to catch hold of
схема {noun} :: scheme, layout, plan, outline
схема {noun} :: scheme, diagram
схема {noun} :: circuit
схема {noun} :: stereotyped pattern, pattern
схитрить {v pf} :: to be sly/cunning/crafty, to try to fool
схлопотать {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to procure
схлопотать {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to get (something bad)
схлынуть {v pf} :: to subside, to ebb [of a mass of water, a crowd, fear, tension, etc.]
сход {noun} :: gathering
сход {noun} :: descent
сходить {v impf} :: to go down, to come down, to descend, to get off
сходить {v impf} :: to come off, to disappear
сходить {v impf} :: to pass by
сходить {v impf} :: to pass for, to be taken for
сходить {v impf} :: to drift
сходить {v pf} :: to go and get, to fetch [за + instrumental]
сходиться {v impf} :: to meet, to come together
сходиться {v impf} :: to converge, to coalesce
сходиться {v impf} :: to become friends; to become close or sexually intimate
сходиться {v impf} :: to match, to tally, to harmonize, to agree
сходка {noun} [dated, disapprovingly] :: gathering, meeting, assembly
сходный {adj} :: similar
сходный {adj} :: analogous
сходный {adj} :: kindred
сходный {adj} :: cognate
сходный {adj} :: saleable
сходный {adj} :: even
сходный {adj} :: near
сходня {noun} :: gangboard
сходство {noun} :: similarity
сходство {noun} :: resemblance
сходство {noun} :: likeness, semblance
сходство {noun} :: affinity, kinship
сходство {noun} :: analogy
сходство {noun} :: sameness
сходство {noun} :: similitude
сходство {noun} :: conformity
сходство {noun} :: congeniality
схожесть {noun} :: similarity, congeniality
схожий {adj} [colloquial] :: similar
схоронить {v pf} :: to bury, to inter
схоронить {v pf} [obsolete, colloquial] :: to hide, to conceal, to lay away
сцать {v impf} [vulgar] :: to piss, to urinate
сцать {v impf} [vulgar] :: to be afraid, to fear, to chicken out
сцена {noun} :: stage, scene
сценарий {noun} :: script [of a movie]
сценарий {noun} :: scenario, plan
сценарист {noun} :: screenwriter, scenario / script writer
сценарный {adj} [relational] :: script [of a movie]
сценарный {adj} [relational] :: scenario, plan
сценический {adj} :: stage, scenic, theatrical
сценка {noun} :: diminutive of сцена
сценка {noun} :: sketch
сценография {noun} :: scenography
сцепить {v pf} :: to couple
сцепиться {v pf} [railroads] :: to be coupled
сцепиться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to grapple (with)
сцепление {noun} :: clutch (a device to interrupt power transmission)
сцепление {noun} :: adherence (union of two objects)
сцеплять {v impf} :: to couple
сцепляться {v impf} [railroads] :: to be coupled
сцепляться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to grapple (with)
с/ч {adv} :: initialism of сего числа
с. ч. {adv} :: initialism of сего числа
с.ч. {adv} :: initialism of сего числа
счас {adv} [dialectal] :: alternative form of сейчас
счастливец {noun} :: lucky man
счастливо {interj} :: An informal farewell
счастливо {adv} :: happily (in a happy manner)
счастливого пути {interj} :: bon voyage!
Счастливого Рождества {interj} :: Merry Christmas
счастливчик {noun} :: diminutive of счастливец lucky man
счастливый {adj} :: happy
счастливый {adj} :: lucky
счастье {noun} :: happiness, good luck
счастье {noun} :: luck, fortune
счесть {v pf} :: to compute, to count, to reckon
счесть {v pf} :: to consider, to think (to be), to believe
счесть {v pf} :: to think (that), to believe (that), to consider (that)
счетовод {noun} :: accountant, accounts clerk, ledger clerk
счетоводство {noun} [dated] :: accounting, book-keeping, countinghouse
счёт {noun} :: count (the result of a tally that reveals the number of items in a set), counting, reckoning, calculation
счёт {noun} :: invoice, bill
счёт {noun} :: account, subject
счёт {noun} :: score (in a game)
счёт {noun} :: account (an authorization to use a service)
счётная книга {noun} :: account book (a book in which accounts are kept)
счётный {adj} [relational] :: counting, account, bookkeeping
счётный {adj} :: calculating, counting, computing
счётный {adj} :: countable
счёт-фактура {noun} :: invoice
счётчик {noun} :: counter, meter
счётчик {noun} :: calculator, computer (person)
счёты {noun} :: abacus (calculating frame)
счёты {noun} :: calculations, reckoning
счёты {noun} [figuratively] :: score
считанный {adj} :: very small in number, very few
считать {v impf} :: to calculate
считать {v impf} :: to count
считать {v impf} :: to think, to opine, to consider
считать {v pf} :: to read off, to sense, to compare, to check
считать галок {phrase} :: to footle around, dawdle, lallygag (literally, count the jackdaws)
считаться {v impf} :: to settle accounts (with), to consider, to take into consideration, to reckon (with)
считаться {v impf} [impersonal, imperfective only] :: to be considered / reputed (smb.), to be, to pass (for)
считывать {v impf} :: to read off, to sense, to compare, to check
с.ш. {f inan} :: initialism of средняя школа: secondary school (equivalent to high school)
с.ш. {f inan} :: initialism of северной широты
США {prop} {m inanp} :: initialism of Соединённые Штаты Америки: США (country)
сшибать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to knock down
сшибать {v impf} [vernacular] :: to get, to bag, to scrounge, to cadge
сшибить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to knock down
сшибить {v pf} [vernacular] :: to get, to bag, to scrounge, to cadge
сшиватель {noun} :: stapler
сшить {v pf} :: to sew (transitive)
сшить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to order (e.g., a dress)
сщас {adv} [colloquial] :: clipping of сейчас
съебаться {v pf} [vulgar] :: to fuck off
съебаться {v pf} [vulgar] :: to run away, to make off, to flee
съебаться {v pf} [vulgar] :: to escape
съебаться {v pf} [vulgar] :: to leave, to depart, to go (away)
съедать {v impf} :: to eat, to eat up
съедобный {adj} :: edible, comestible (that may be eaten without harm; suitable for consumption)
съезд {noun} :: descent
съезд {noun} :: exit, ramp
съезд {noun} :: congress, convention
съездить {v pf} :: to go somewhere and come back, to fetch something/to pick up someone (by a vehicle) (за)
съездить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to hit (on), to sock (in), to give a smack (on)
съезжать {v impf} :: to go down, to slide down
съезжать {v impf} :: to move out
съезжаться {v impf} :: to meet (on one's way)
съезжаться {v impf} :: to assemble, to come together, to gather
съезжая {noun} [obsolete] :: police board
съезжая {noun} :: detention cell, police brig
съесть {v pf} :: to eat, to eat up
съехать {v pf} :: to go down, to slide down
съехать {v pf} :: to move (from a place of residence)
съехаться {v pf} :: to meet (on one's way)
съехаться {v pf} :: to assemble, to come together, to gather
съёбываться {v impf} [vulgar] :: to fuck off
съёживаться {v impf} :: to shrivel, to shrink
съёживаться {v impf} :: to curl up, to draw oneself together
съёжиться {v pf} :: to shrivel, to shrink
съёжиться {v pf} :: to curl up, to draw oneself together
съём {noun} :: removal, extraction
съём {noun} :: rental
съём {noun} [colloquial] :: pickup (flirtation, courting)
съёмка {noun} :: removal
съёмка {noun} :: photo or video shoot, instance of filming
съёмка {noun} :: rental
съёмка {noun} [geography, geodesy] :: survey
съёмный {adj} :: removable, detachable
съёмочный {adj} [cinematography] :: shooting, filming
съёмочный {adj} [geodesy] :: survey
съёмщик {noun} :: tenant
съёмщик {noun} :: photographer
съёмщик {noun} [geography, geodesy] :: surveyor
съязвить {v pf} :: to say (something) sarcastically
сыворотка {noun} :: whey
сыворотка {noun} [medicine] :: serum (blood serum)
сыграть {v pf} :: to play
сыграть {v pf} :: to act, to perform
сыграть {v pf} :: to gamble
сыграть {v pf} [of a storm] :: to rage
сыграть {v pf} [of wine] :: to sparkle
сыграть в ящик {v pf} :: to kick the bucket (to die)
сыграться {v pf} :: to form a good team, to play well together
Сыктывкар {prop} :: Сыктывкар (capital city)
-сылать {affix} :: Combining form used to form imperfective counterparts of prefixed derivatives of слать (to send)
сымитировать {v pf} :: to mimic, to imitate
сымитировать {v pf} :: to simulate
сын {noun} :: son
сын {noun} :: child
сын {noun} :: (poetic plural): sons
сынишка {noun} :: diminutive of сын: son, sonny
сынов {adj} [possessive] :: son’s
сыновний {adj} [relational] :: son; filial, son's
сынок {noun} [colloquial] :: diminutive of сын: son, sonny, junior
сыночек {noun} :: diminutive of сын: son, sonny
сыночек {noun} :: diminutive of сынок: son, sonny
-сыпать {affix} :: Combining form used to form imperfective counterparts of prefixed derivatives of спать (to sleep)
сыпать {v impf} [also, figurative] :: to pour [of friable/solid objects, such as sand; not liquids]
сыпать {v impf} :: to squander
сыпать соль на рану {v impf} [idiomatic] :: to add insult to injury, to rub it in (to further a loss with mockery or indignity)
сыпаться {v impf} :: to fall, to pour, to run out
сыпаться {v impf} :: to rain down, to pour forth
сыпаться {v impf} :: to fall thick and fast
сыпаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: (of cloth) to fray out
сыпаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to flunk, to fail
сыпучий {adj} :: loose, friable, free-flowing
сыпь {noun} :: rash, eruption
сыр {noun} :: cheese
сыр-бор {noun} [colloquial, often, ironic] :: hubbub, fuss, commotion
Сырдарья {prop} :: Syr Darya (river)
Сыр-Дарья {prop} :: Syr Darya (river)
сыреть {v impf} :: to become damp, to become wet
сыреть {v impf} [colloquial, imperfective only] :: to get unhealthily fat
сырец {noun} :: semi-processed food or material
сыро {pred} :: it is damp, it is wet
сыровар {noun} :: cheesemaker
сыроварня {noun} :: cheese dairy
сырой {adj} :: damp, moist
сырой {adj} :: raw, uncooked, unbaked
сырой {adj} :: crude
сырой {adj} :: green, unripe
сырок {noun} :: endearing diminutive of сыр
сырок {noun} :: cheese curd
сырок {noun} :: peled, northern whitefish
сырость {noun} :: dampness; moisture
сырцовый {adj} :: semi-processed
сырьевой {adj} [relational] :: raw material
сырьё {noun} :: raw material, staple, stock (material in its unprocessed, natural state)
сыск {noun} :: criminal search and investigation; espial; tracing
сыскать {v pf} [dated] :: to find
сыскной {adj} [relational] :: detective
-сытить {affix} :: Combining form used to form prefixed perfective verbs, with the approximate meaning "to satisfy"
сытный {adj} :: hearty, filling [meal, food]
сытный {adj} :: having plenty of food
сытный {adj} [colloquial, figurative] :: prosperous
сытный {adj} [colloquial, figurative] :: lucrative
сытость {noun} :: satiety, fullness
сытый {adj} :: satiated
сытый {adj} [figuratively] :: satisfied, full, sated
-сыхать {affix} :: Combining form used to form imperfective counterparts of prefixed derivatives of сохнуть (to dry [intransitive], to wither)
сыч {noun} :: an owl of genus Athene or Aegolius
сыч {noun} [poetic] :: owl (any bird of the order Strigiformes)
сыч {noun} :: reclusive person
Сычуань {prop} :: Сычуань (province)
сычуг {noun} :: abomasum, maw, rennet-bag, the fourth compartment of the stomach of a ruminant
сыщик {noun} :: detective, investigator
сыщик {noun} :: sleuth, bloodhound, snoop; plain-clothes policeman
-сь {suffix} :: contraction of -ся (reflexive suffix appended to finite verbs and infinitives to make a reflexive, reciprocal, or intransitive verb)
-сь {suffix} :: this, last [found in a few, mostly obsolete or dialectal, terms referring to time]
Сьена {prop} :: alternative form of Сиена, Сьена (city)
Сьерра-Леоне {prop} {f inan} :: Сьерра-Леоне (country)
сьерралеонский {adj} :: Sierra Leonean
сэкономить {v pf} :: to save
сэндвич {noun} :: sandwich
сэнсэй {noun} :: alternative form of сенсей
сэппуку {n inan} :: seppuku, harakiri
сэр {noun} :: sir (address to a man in an English context, e.g. in translations from English)
Сэтагая {prop} {f inan} :: Сэтагая (one of 23 <<special wards>> of <<pref/Tokyo>>, <<c/Japan>>)
с этих пор {adv} :: immediately, now
с этого момента {adv} :: from now on
сюда {adv} :: here, hither
сюда {adv} :: this way
сюжет {noun} :: subject
сюжет {noun} :: plot
сюжетный {adj} [relational] :: story
сюжетный {adj} [relational] :: scene
сюжетный {adj} [relational] :: plot
сюжетный {adj} :: having a strong plot
сюита {noun} [music, dance] :: suite
Сюник {prop} :: Syunik (region of Armenia)
сюрикен {noun} :: shuriken
сюрприз {noun} :: surprise (something unexpected)
сюрреализм {noun} :: surrealism
сюртук {noun} :: frock coat
-ся {suffix} :: Reflexive suffix appended to finite verbs and infinitives to make a reflexive, reciprocal, intransitive or passive verb
ся {pron} [colloquial] :: contraction of себя
сявка {m anim} {f anim} [criminal slang] :: a contemptible person [as a petty swindler, teenage thief, young prostitute, etc.]
сягать {v impf} [obsolete] :: to reach
сяжок {noun} :: antenna (feeler organ on the head of an insect)
сякнуть {v impf} :: to dry out (of a river or water basin)
сякнуть {v impf} :: to run out, to be depleted
сямисэн {noun} :: shamisen
Сянган {prop} :: synonym of Гонконг, Сянган (city/island/and/special administrative region)
сянци {f inanp} :: xiangqi, Chinese chess