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связа́ть (svjazátʹ, to tie) +‎ -ка (-ka)


  • IPA(key): [ˈsvʲaskə]
  • Audio:(file)



свя́зка (svjázkaf inan (genitive свя́зки, nominative plural свя́зки, genitive plural свя́зок)

  1. binding, tying together
  2. bunch, sheaf, bundle
  3. rope team (group of people moving one after the other, as in the mountains, connected together by a safety line)
    • 1967, Владимир Высоцкий [Vladimir Vysotsky] (lyrics and music), “Песня о друге [Song about a Friend]”‎[1]:
      Парня в горы тяни — рискни!
      Не бросай одного его —
      Пусть он в связке в одной с тобой —
      Там поймёшь, кто такой.
      Parnja v gory tjani — riskni!
      Ne brosaj odnovo jevo —
      Pustʹ on v svjazke v odnoj s toboj —
      Tam pojmjóšʹ, kto takoj.
      Drag the lad to the mountains — take the risk!
      Don't leave him alone —
      Let him be in one same rope team with you —
      There you will understand who he is.
  4. (anatomy) ligament
  5. (linguistics) copula; connective, linking verb (grammar)
  6. (philosophy) connective



