-'s, -er, -ly, Anglo-American, Aramaic, Archaean, Captain Obvious, Central European, Copernican, Coptic, East Asian, Eurocentric, Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Galician, Han Chinese, Hanoian, I can't find my ..., I don't have all day, I lost my backpack, I lost my glasses, I lost my handbag, I lost my wallet, I'm a girl, I'm a guy, Jain, Korean, Kurdish, Lamb of God, Lucasian, Manchu, Montessori, Neapolitan, Neolithic, Nowruz, Pekingese, Qatari, Serbo-Croatian, Shakespearean, Singaporean, Venetian, West Asian, a bad workman always blames his tools, a good beginning makes a good ending, a woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle, abeyant, abyss, acceptable, accomplished, accusatory, achievable, action-packed, addict, addictive, adept, adrenaline junkie, adversarial, agronomic, air-conditioned, airtight, alcazar, all that jazz, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, all-boys, all-girls, allergic, along the lines of, ambassadorship, amenity, amethyst, amoral, anaphylactic, ancient history, and so forth, and that, anti-European, anti-aging, antibiotic, anticaking, anticompetitive, antidepressant, antifungal, antiheroic, antiquarian, antitrust, appellate, apple pie, appositive, apprehensive, approachable, arable, archaic, armful, armrest, asset-backed, at hand, at the ready, atavistic, august, auteur, authoritative, autovampirism, aware, awful, axiomatic, baby boomer, baby fat, baby weight, babysitter, back-of-the-envelope, backlit, bad, banner year, barbarian, be right, be wrong, beast, becalmed, bed and breakfast, bedridden, beginner's luck, behind every successful man there stands a woman, believable, bells and whistles, beloved, bespoke, best friend, best-kept secret, better, better the devil you know than the devil you don't know, bibliometric, bicameral, bilingual, biodegradable, biradiate, birds of a feather, black horse, black lives matter, boarder, boat person, booming, born with a silver spoon in one's mouth, bounden, boyfriend, bragging rights, break someone's heart, brick and mortar, bronze, busybody, calm before the storm, can I use your phone, capacitive, captious, carcinogenic, carnation, cash in hand, cashed-up, catastrophic, cause célèbre, ceremonial, cesspool, chain smoker, changeable, chauvinism, checks and balances, child's play, claviform, clean up one's act, clear and convincing evidence, cliquish, co-ed, cognizant, coin-operated, cold comfort, columbine, comatose, coming-of-age, community spirit, complete, concentric, confronting, consanguineous, consistent, continuous, contractual, contradiction in terms, contrived, convertible, counterproductive, covalent, coveted, covetous, crabapple, crackle, creditworthy, crispy, cross one's fingers, cross-strait, cruciform, crybaby, cryptographic, cumulative, curiosity, cyclist, cylindrical, dark-skinned, deal breaker, declaration of love, declinable, decorative, deep-rooted, deep-water, delusional, departmental, depressing, devastated, devilish, dilemma, dinosaur, dirty joke, disillusioned, disinterested, do the impossible, dolce far niente, domesticated, dramatic, dreamer, drought-tolerant, educated guess, elbow grease, elflock, enthusiastic, ephemeral, epoxy, erotic, eukaryotic, eventful, everchanging, excited, exciting, exculpatory, exotic, exoticism, expose oneself, extravaganza, fabricated, fair-minded, fairy tale, family man, fast-paced, fattening, fertile, finer things, fireproof, first things first, flight risk, floccinaucinihilipilification, floorless, fly, foreign, foreseeable, forested, forgettable, forkful, forlorn, forlorn hope, forward compatible, frozen, furious, furnished, gay, generous, genetically modified, geologic, gluten-free, go a long way, go the extra mile, godly, gossip, gradual, grammatical, graphic, grunt work, guilty pleasure, gullible, hackneyed, hagiography, half-finished, hammock, hand-held, handwoven, hard-earned, hard-won, harrowing, haunted, have one's moments, headsail, hegemonic, herbivorous, hermetically sealed, horny, horror story, hors d'oeuvre, how do you pronounce this word, humanmade, humiliating, hung jury, hydroelectric, hypercorrect, hypochondriac, ideographic, if anything, igneous, ignoramus, illegible, imaginable, immature, immortal, imperative, in demand, in living memory, in no uncertain terms, in question, in safe hands, in season, in the know, incapacitated, incomplete, inconsistent, indecent exposure, indeclinable, indiscriminate, indisputable, indoctrinational, inedible, inenarrable, infertile, infidel, informant, inscrutable, insufferable, intercultural, interdisciplinary, intergenerational, interlibrary, internecine, intractable, intrahepatic, introductory, invaluable, invertebrate, irenic, irrelevant, irresponsible, is there a smaller size, it happens, it's none of your business, it's not my fault, it's the thought that counts, jawline, jeremiad, jerry-built, jingoism, justice delayed is justice denied, lady's man, landfill, languid, last resort, legal, leprechaun, letter of marque, letter of the law, life's a bitch and then you die, life-affirming, life-threatening, lifework, living proof, long-lost, love is blind, low-resolution, made-up, magnetic, makeshift, mama's boy, mammalian, mammothrept, man cave, man of God, man of few words, man of the hour, man-made, mane, manufacturing, manuscript, marine, mark my words, marmoreal, mass murderer, matrimonial, matter of course, me generation, mean, meaning of life, memorable, middle of nowhere, mind-numbing, misbehaver, misfit, missing link, missionary, mitigating, mixed reaction, mocha, modest, moneyless, montane, morbidly obese, most of all, mot juste, motorcyclist, moustached, mover and shaker, much to be said, multicultural, multidisciplinary, multilevel, multiracial, must-have, must-learn, mutatis mutandis, my blood type is ..., my car has broken down, my condom broke, my name is, negative Nancy, neither here nor there, no offense, nonfree, nonmodern, not an option, nuisance, nummular, obedient, obscene, of, of one's choice, off the plan, old wives' tale, on someone's mind, on-the-spot, one, one of those things, ongoing, open book, opener, or something, ornamental, out of the question, over-the-counter, overcautious, overpriced, packed lunch, painful, paradox, paramount, pathogenic, pecuniary, pederastic, penny farthing, pensioner, penultimate, percussion, permeable, perpetrator, photographic memory, phytosanitary, picky eater, picturesque, piece of cake, pioneering, plantar, point of no return, point-and-shoot, polyarchic, polycyclic, polyglot, polymath, popular science, portable, post-truth, postage stamp, postgraduate, posthumous, predicative, prehistoric, premeditated, prescient, preservative, preventable, prima facie, probability, probate, probative, probiotic, profitable, prokaryotic, prosaic, psyched up, psychosomatic, pugnacious, purebred, quadripartite, qualitative, quantitative, quantum mechanical, queue-jumper, radical, raison d'être, read someone's mind, ready, regular, remorse, rent-controlled, rent-seeker, res gestae, reserved, respectable, respected, responsible, restless, ring true, rocket science, romance, romantic, sadness, salutary, satisfying, scarecrow, second opinion, secret, self-contained, self-critical, self-employed, self-imposed, self-styled, self-sufficient, semipermeable, separate, serenity, shopping, sign of the times, signwriter, slimming, smoothie, snail mail, social smoker, socio-economic, socio-political, soft drink, spoonful, sporadic, spot, status symbol, stir-fried, sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof, sui iuris, supply-side, suspenseful, sustainable, sweaty, sweltering, tangerine, tech-savvy, thanks for your help, therapeutic, there's more where that came from, there's no fool like an old fool, thinkable, thoroughness, thy, tickable, time is of the essence, time-consuming, time-poor, tone-deaf, tough crowd, toxic, toxic masculinity, transgenic, transubstantiation, transvaginal, trauma, trigger-happy, turn in one's grave, unavoidable, undeniable, under one's belt, under the counter, underpay, understandable, understated, unforeseeable, unforgettable, unforgivable, ungrammatical, ungulate, unimaginable, unintelligible, unisex, universal, unjust, unlawful, unpleasant, unpredictable, unpublished, unreal, unreliable narrator, unrequited, unstoppable, unsurprising, unsuspenseful, unwrittenness, up-to-date, urbane, user-friendly, vegetarian, velleity, voluptuous, voracious, vortical, walk in the park, wasteland, water under the bridge, water-soluble, weightless, well begun is half done, well-behaved, well-educated, well-established, well-informed, what a lovely day, what is the Wi-Fi password, what's good, what's your job, what's your phone number, where are you from, which, white lie, white marriage, wife-beating question, wizened, workaholic, world's oldest profession, worrywart, wrist-slap, write as separate words, you have beautiful eyes
I am English, I am HIV positive, I am a doctor, I can't find my ..., I can't swim, I could eat a horse, I don't care, I don't drive, I don't eat beef, I don't eat fish, I don't eat meat, I don't eat pork, I don't have all day, I don't speak English, I don't think so, I don't understand, I don't want it, I don't want to buy anything, I don't want to talk about it, I hate you, I have AIDS, I have a cold, I have a disability, I have a fever, I have a headache, I have a toothache, I have asthma, I have cancer, I have diabetes, I have high blood pressure, I have low blood pressure, I have no money, I know, I like you, I live in Melbourne, I lost my backpack, I lost my glasses, I lost my handbag, I lost my keys, I lost my wallet, I love you, I miss you, I must go, I need ..., I need a guide, I need to vomit, I think so, I told you, I want to go to the toilet, I want to know, I was born in ..., I'd like to kiss you, I'd like to know, I'll call the police, I'll pass, I'm, I'm ... year(s) old, I'm Hindu, I'm Jewish, I'm a Buddhist, I'm a Catholic, I'm a Christian, I'm a Muslim, I'm a Protestant, I'm a girl, I'm a guy, I'm a vegan, I'm a vegetarian, I'm agnostic, I'm allergic to aspirin, I'm allergic to nuts, I'm allergic to penicillin, I'm an atheist, I'm ashamed, I'm bisexual, I'm bleeding, I'm blind, I'm busy, I'm cold, I'm deaf, I'm divorced, I'm dying, I'm embarrassed, I'm fine, I'm fine, thank you, I'm full, I'm gay, I'm hot, I'm hungry, I'm in love with you, I'm looking for a grocery store, I'm looking for a job, I'm lost, I'm married, I'm mute, I'm not interested, I'm not religious, I'm pregnant, I'm scared, I'm sick, I'm single, I'm straight, I'm thirsty, I'm tired, I'm twenty years old, I'm worried, I've, I've been raped, I've been robbed, I've been shot, I've burned myself, I/translations, am I under arrest, can I come in, can I use your phone, can you help me, could I see the menu, please, do I know you, do me a favour, do you love me, eureka, give me, it's not my fault, leave me alone, mark my words, marry me, me and mine, me too, me/translations, methinks, mine, my, my blood type is ..., my car has broken down, my condom broke, my name is, please help me, please repeat after me, pleased to meet you, say when, so help me God, take it from me, that's a relief, tone sandhi, what should I do, where can I find a hotel, why me, will you marry me
I can't swim, I don't care, I don't eat beef, I don't eat fish, I don't eat meat, I don't eat pork, I don't think so, I don't understand, I don't want it, I don't want to talk about it, I'm not religious, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, amoral, anything but, at odds, bad, barbarian, better late than never, chain smoker, cold comfort, deal breaker, dishonest, dislike, dissatisfaction, do the impossible, doesn't, don't, dunno, dyssynchrony, fast, for what it's worth, forgettable, gluten-free, good riddance, hardly, ignore, immature, impolite, impure, in question, incomplete, inconsistent, indeclinable, indifference, indiscriminate, inedible, inexplicable, infertile, infertility, infidel, instability, insubordination, intolerance, irresponsible, jack shit, keep the change, less, misfit, moneyless, neither, neutral, no idea, no shit, no way, no win, no fee, no/translations, non-, not, not an option, on the tip of one's tongue, out of fashion, out of the question, prosaic, reluctant, restless, scarcely, singular, soft drink, sordid, sorry, we don't accept credit cards, stand back, there's no fool like an old fool, time and tide wait for no man, tone-deaf, too good to be true, un-, unafraid, undemocratic, unforeseeable, unforgettable, unforgivable, unhappy, unimaginable, unimportant, unintelligible, unjust, unlikely, unreal, unreliable narrator, unsafely, unstoppable, unsurprising, untidy, untraditionally, unwilling, wardrobe malfunction, whether, white marriage, why not
嗝屁 (gěpì)
croak, 上天, 上路, 下世, 不在, 不幸, 不祿, 亡, 亡故, 仙逝, 仙遊, 作古, 做鬼, 傾世, 傾亡, 入寂, 凋謝, 化去, 升天, 即世, 去世, 去咯, 合眼, 喪亡, 喪命, 喪生, 嗚呼, 嚥氣, 回老家, 圓寂, 壽終正寢, 安息, 安眠, 小喇叭兒吹了, 就義, 崩, 崩殂, 彈老三, 彎回去, 往生, 忽然, 掛, 撬桿, 撬桿兒, 故, 故世, 故去, 斃命, 早死, 晏駕, 枯死, 棄世, 歸天, 歸西, 歸道山, 死, 死亡, 死人, 死去, 死掉, 死翹翹, 死脫, 殞, 氣絕, 永眠, 沉眠, 沒世, 物化, 瓜, 畢命, 病亡, 病故, 病死, 病逝, 百年歸老, 盡命, 終, 絕, 翹辮子, 老了, 蒙主寵召, 薨, 薨逝, 蟯, 被難, 見背, 見閻王, 誆牽, 賓天, 賣鹹鴨蛋, 走, 身亡, 辭世, 逝世, 逝去, 進棺材, 過世, 過去, 過往, 過身, 過輩, 長眠, 閉眼, 隕落, 離世, 駕崩, 駕鶴西去, 駕鶴西遊
小喇叭儿吹了 (xiǎo lǎbār chuī le)
上天, 上路, 下世, 不在, 不幸, 不祿, 亡, 亡故, 仙逝, 仙遊, 作古, 做鬼, 傾世, 傾亡, 入寂, 凋謝, 化去, 升天, 即世, 去世, 去咯, 合眼, 喪亡, 喪命, 喪生, 嗚呼, 嗝屁, 嚥氣, 回老家, 圓寂, 壽終正寢, 安息, 安眠, 就義, 崩, 崩殂, 彈老三, 彎回去, 往生, 忽然, 掛, 撬桿, 撬桿兒, 故, 故世, 故去, 斃命, 早死, 晏駕, 枯死, 棄世, 歸天, 歸西, 歸道山, 死, 死亡, 死人, 死去, 死掉, 死翹翹, 死脫, 殞, 氣絕, 永眠, 沉眠, 沒世, 物化, 瓜, 畢命, 病亡, 病故, 病死, 病逝, 百年歸老, 盡命, 終, 絕, 翹辮子, 老了, 蒙主寵召, 薨, 薨逝, 蟯, 被難, 見背, 見閻王, 誆牽, 賓天, 賣鹹鴨蛋, 走, 身亡, 辭世, 逝世, 逝去, 進棺材, 過世, 過去, 過往, 過身, 過輩, 長眠, 閉眼, 隕落, 離世, 駕崩, 駕鶴西去, 駕鶴西遊
小喇叭兒吹了 / 小喇叭儿吹了 (xiǎo lǎbār chuī le)
上天, 上路, 下世, 不在, 不幸, 不祿, 亡, 亡故, 仙逝, 仙遊, 作古, 做鬼, 傾世, 傾亡, 入寂, 凋謝, 化去, 升天, 即世, 去世, 去咯, 合眼, 喪亡, 喪命, 喪生, 嗚呼, 嗝屁, 嚥氣, 回老家, 圓寂, 壽終正寢, 安息, 安眠, 就義, 崩, 崩殂, 彈老三, 彎回去, 往生, 忽然, 掛, 撬桿, 撬桿兒, 故, 故世, 故去, 斃命, 早死, 晏駕, 枯死, 棄世, 歸天, 歸西, 歸道山, 死, 死亡, 死人, 死去, 死掉, 死翹翹, 死脫, 殞, 氣絕, 永眠, 沉眠, 沒世, 物化, 瓜, 畢命, 病亡, 病故, 病死, 病逝, 百年歸老, 盡命, 終, 絕, 翹辮子, 老了, 蒙主寵召, 薨, 薨逝, 蟯, 被難, 見背, 見閻王, 誆牽, 賓天, 賣鹹鴨蛋, 走, 身亡, 辭世, 逝世, 逝去, 進棺材, 過世, 過去, 過往, 過身, 過輩, 長眠, 閉眼, 隕落, 離世, 駕崩, 駕鶴西去, 駕鶴西遊
人 (rén)
Captain Obvious, Frisian, Marathi, Pomeranian, Sumerian, Venetian, addict, adept, adrenaline junkie, amenity, and that, anyone else, baby boomer, babysitter, barbarian, beast, beloved, bigot, bilingual, birds of a feather, boarder, boat person, busybody, card, catacomb, chain smoker, crabapple, crowded, crybaby, cyclist, dinosaur, disillusioned, does anyone here speak English, dreamer, embarrassing, fiend, flight risk, forgettable, gossip, guy, harrowing, hello, human, human being, humiliating, ignoramus, in safe hands, informant, intoxicate, is anyone sitting here, life's a bitch and then you die, man of God, man of the hour, man/translations, mass murderer, me and mine, men, mind-numbing, misbehaver, misfit, misogynist, motorcyclist, namesake, negative Nancy, no man is an island, no one, none, nuisance, open book, paradox, pensioner, people, perpetrator, person, picky eater, polyglot, polymath, prankster, psycho, queue-jumper, ren, rent-seeker, respectable, right-hander, romantic, scarecrow, signwriter, smoothie, social smoker, someone else, spoilt for choice, there is safety in numbers, there's no fool like an old fool, time and tide wait for no man, vegetarian, veteran, victim, warm the cockles of someone's heart, were-, where are you from, worrywart, 人
I have AIDS, I have a disability, I have asthma, I have cancer, I have diabetes, I have high blood pressure, I have low blood pressure, I'm afraid so, I'm busy, I've, able, accomplished, air-conditioned, al dente, ambiguity, ambitious, animate, are you doing anything tomorrow, are you taking any medications, authoritative, bad, be/translations, behind every successful man there stands a woman, bespectacled, beware of the dog, biased, bicameral, body, bounden, capable, clear and convincing evidence, cliquish, determined, do you have Wi-Fi, do you have any brothers or sisters, do you have children, does anyone here speak English, educated guess, eloquent, energetic, exotic, exoticism, flight risk, got, hard of hearing, have, have a bone to pick, have an affair, have one's moments, haze over, hello, how many siblings do you have, if anything, in demand, in the know, in the mood, influential, is anyone here a doctor, is anyone sitting here, is there a grocery store nearby, is there a problem, is there a smaller size, it happens, it's the thought that counts, look who's talking, magnetic, make sense, meaningful, much to be said, nutritious, own, prejudiced, premeditated, probative, responsible, rumour has it, salutary, significant, stand to reason, suspenseful, sweaty, there, there are, there be, there is, to do with, virtuous, water-soluble, what's good, where got
你 (nǐ)
I hate you, I like you, I love you, I miss you, I told you, I'd like to kiss you, I'll leave it up to you, I'm in love with you, are you OK, are you allergic to any medications, are you doing anything tomorrow, are you feeling better, are you married, are you religious, are you single, can I buy you a drink, can I use your phone, can you help me, cat got someone's tongue, come again, do I know you, do you believe in God, do you come here often, do you have Wi-Fi, do you have any brothers or sisters, do you have any pets, do you have children, do you know, do you love me, do you need help, do you need to use the bathroom, do you speak English, do you think you can walk, for shame, get well soon, happy birthday, have a nice day, have fun, have you eaten, here you are, how do you mean, how many languages do you speak, how many siblings do you have, how much do I owe you, how much do you charge, how old are you, how's it going, it's none of your business, lo and behold, look who's talking, neng, no offense, penny for your thoughts, shame on you, thanks for your help, the world is someone's oyster, thee, thine, thou, thy, tone sandhi, what are you doing, what do you mean, what do you say, what is your name, what kind of music do you like, what languages do you speak, what was that, what would you like, what's on your mind, what's your job, what's your phone number, what's your poison, where are you from, where are your parents, where do you live, where have you been, who's calling, you and whose army, you don't know what you're talking about, you have beautiful eyes, you shouldn't have, you're right, you/translations, your, yours
-ли, I can't find my ..., I could eat a horse, I don't want to talk about it, I have a cold, I have a fever, I know, I lost my backpack, I lost my glasses, I lost my handbag, I lost my keys, I lost my wallet, I miss you, I must go, I'll pass, I'm ... year(s) old, I'm bleeding, I'm blind, I'm deaf, I'm divorced, I'm dying, I'm full, I'm hungry, I'm in love with you, I'm lost, I'm married, I'm pregnant, I'm sick, I'm thirsty, I'm tired, I've been raped, I've been robbed, I've been shot, I've burned myself, accomplished, accustomed, already, am I under arrest, are you feeling better, are you married, become, cat got someone's tongue, come along, cry wolf, dinner's ready, don't go there, eureka, freezing, get, good riddance, hang out to dry, have you eaten, he's unconscious, help is on the way, here goes nothing, here we go again, how old are you, is it going to rain, is that the time, it's snowing, it's the thought that counts, it's too expensive, keep the change, my car has broken down, my condom broke, on a first-name basis, say when, she's unconscious, sorry I'm late, sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof, thanks in advance, that's a relief, that's it, the die is cast, the toilet is clogged, there's been an accident, turn in one's grave, where have you been, you shouldn't have
見氣 / 见气
上火, 使性地, 使性子, 使氣, 使癖, 使色水, 使頸, 光火, 冒煙, 動怒, 受氣, 嗔怒, 大怒, 奭, 威怒, 尥蹶子, 弄性子, 忿懥, 怒, 急, 急眼, 惱怒, 惱火, 惹氣, 戳火, 扯火, 掛氣, 暴怒, 有氣, 氣, 氣惱, 火大, 火癀, 燒色, 犯脾氣, 狂怒, 生氣, 癀發, 發呴, 發怒, 發性地, 發朱砂, 發格, 發火, 發爛渣, 發狼戾, 發癀, 發老脾, 發脾四, 發脾氣, 發臉, 發輦, 發飆, 盛怒, 耍態度, 耍脾氣, 苦氣, 訛神, 起性, 起性地, 起火, 起猌神, 起花光, 跋橫, 震怒, 鬧脾氣, 𡳞火
上火, 使性地, 使性子, 使氣, 使癖, 使色水, 使頸, 光火, 冒煙, 動怒, 受氣, 嗔怒, 大怒, 奭, 威怒, 尥蹶子, 弄性子, 忿懥, 怒, 急, 急眼, 惱怒, 惱火, 惹氣, 戳火, 扯火, 掛氣, 暴怒, 有氣, 氣, 氣惱, 火大, 火癀, 燒色, 犯脾氣, 狂怒, 生氣, 癀發, 發呴, 發怒, 發性地, 發朱砂, 發格, 發火, 發爛渣, 發狼戾, 發癀, 發老脾, 發脾四, 發脾氣, 發臉, 發輦, 發飆, 盛怒, 耍態度, 耍脾氣, 苦氣, 訛神, 起性, 起性地, 起火, 起猌神, 起花光, 跋橫, 震怒, 鬧脾氣, 𡳞火
牛 (niú)
bovine, cattle, cow/translations, nyuj, ox, 不得了, 了不得, 了不起, 了得, 佼佼, 俊偉, 偉大, 傑出, 傲人, 優異, 優秀, 優越, 出挑, 出擢, 出眾, 出腳, 出色, 勢面, 勿得了, 卓然, 卓犖, 卓異, 卓著, 卓越, 厲害, 咧斗, 好極了, 尤異, 崢嶸, 彰顯, 惡實, 挺, 斐然, 標青, 漂亮, 炳, 特出, 特異, 犀利, 皦皦, 看家, 穩, 突出, 英英, 蓋帽, 表表, 超凡, 超卓, 超常, 超拔, 超絕, 非凡, 響噹噹, 顯著, 高強
是 (shì)
I am English, I am HIV positive, I am a doctor, I think so, I'm, I'm Jewish, I'm a Muslim, I'm a Protestant, I'm a girl, I'm a guy, I'm a vegan, I'm agnostic, I'm an atheist, I'm bisexual, I'm blind, I'm gay, I'm mute, I'm single, I'm straight, a good beginning makes a good ending, as the case may be, aye, be about, be right, be wrong, be/translations, call names, floccinaucinihilipilification, how do you mean, how do you pronounce this word, is that so, it happens, it is what it is, it's an emergency, it's the thought that counts, love is blind, me too, mean, my blood type is ..., my name is, no man is an island, ring true, time is of the essence, well begun is half done, what do you mean, what does … mean, what is that, what is the Wi-Fi password, what's that, what's your job, what's your phone number, whatever the case may be, when is closing time, where are you from, who's calling, why me, yes
不得了, 了不得, 了不起, 了得, 佼佼, 俊偉, 偉大, 傑出, 傲人, 優異, 優秀, 優越, 出挑, 出擢, 出眾, 出腳, 出色, 勢面, 勿得了, 卓然, 卓犖, 卓異, 卓著, 卓越, 厲害, 咧斗, 好極了, 尤異, 崢嶸, 彰顯, 惡實, 挺, 斐然, 標青, 漂亮, 炳, 牛, 特出, 特異, 犀利, 皦皦, 看家, 穩, 突出, 英英, 蓋帽, 表表, 超凡, 超卓, 超常, 超拔, 超絕, 非凡, 響噹噹, 顯著, 高強
呲打 (cīda)
僝僽, 叱罵, 叱責, 吆喝, 呲, 呲兒, 呵叱, 呵斥, 呵責, 喝, 喝叱, 嗔怪, 嗔著, 怒, 怨怪, 怪, 怪罪, 批評, 指摘, 指斥, 指責, 指點, 捋, 摘, 撻伐, 數落, 數說, 斥斥, 斥罵, 斥責, 歸咎, 歸罪, 派, 激勵, 熊, 申斥, 痛罵, 聲討, 訓, 訓斥, 詬病, 說, 說話, 謗議, 譴責, 責備, 責怪, 責罵, 責難, 貶斥, 貶責, 賴, 非議, 非難, 體斥
am I under arrest, are you allergic to any medications, are you doing anything tomorrow, are you feeling better, are you married, are you religious, are you single, can I buy you a drink, can I come in, can I use your phone, can you help me, cat got someone's tongue, do I know you, do you accept American dollars, do you accept credit cards, do you believe in God, do you come here often, do you have Wi-Fi, do you have any brothers or sisters, do you have any pets, do you have children, do you know, do you love me, do you need help, do you need to use the bathroom, do you speak English, do you think you can walk, do/translations, does anyone here speak English, got it, have you eaten, hello, how's it going, huh, is anyone here a doctor, is anyone sitting here, is it going to rain, is it safe here, is that so, is there a grocery store nearby, is there a problem, is there a smaller size, tone sandhi, what do you say, will you marry me, would you mind putting on your seat belt, you don't know what you're talking about, you don't say
者 (zhě)
-er, I'm a vegan, abductor, almsgiver, arrival, autodidact, birdwatcher, boarder, bootlicker, butcher, cameraman, chatterbox, cocksucker, competitor, composer, conscientious objector, conscript, dependent, driver, drunk, early bird, first come, first served, fortune favors the bold, fundraiser, ghostwriter, hatemonger, higher power, imprisoner, influencer, intestate, kidnapper, liar, loan shark, offender, outcast, pacifier, perpetrator, power behind the throne, powers that be, repairer, rough sleeper, secret admirer, sex offender, skydiver, sociopath, there's no fool like an old fool, undertaker, vulture capitalist
I'm fine, I'm fine, thank you, OK, all right, are you feeling better, as soon as possible, at the ready, better, better late than never, cheers, come along, creditworthy, dinner's ready, efficacious, embarrassing, get well soon, good, good job, great, hear, hear, hello, here you are, it's a small world, now you're talking, preferable, ready, record, regards, right, right as rain, sounds like a plan, sweet dreams, the bee's knees, tone sandhi, too good to be true, trigger-happy, well, well begun is half done, well done, well said, well-behaved, what do you say, whatever, will you marry me, would you mind putting on your seat belt, хо, オーライ
一插手儿 (yīchāshǒur)
一開始, 上頭仔, 乍出猛兒, 先不先, 先前, 先起頭, 先頭, 初初, 劈頭, 原, 原來, 原先, 原初, 原底, 原旦, 原本, 原本榻裡, 在本, 始初, 寢頭, 就跟兒, 早先, 最初, 本來, 本則來, 本底, 本底子, 本成, 本然, 本生, 當初, 當初時, 當原初, 自本, 舊底, 起先, 起初, 起始, 起手, 起頭, 起首, 開先, 開初, 頭仔, 頭起先, 頭頭
一插手兒 / 一插手儿 (yīchāshǒur)
一開始, 上頭仔, 乍出猛兒, 先不先, 先前, 先起頭, 先頭, 初初, 劈頭, 原, 原來, 原先, 原初, 原底, 原旦, 原本, 原本榻裡, 在本, 始初, 寢頭, 就跟兒, 早先, 最初, 本來, 本則來, 本底, 本底子, 本成, 本然, 本生, 當初, 當初時, 當原初, 自本, 舊底, 起先, 起初, 起始, 起手, 起頭, 起首, 開先, 開初, 頭仔, 頭起先, 頭頭
乍出猛儿 (zhàchūměngr)
一插手兒, 一開始, 上頭仔, 先不先, 先前, 先起頭, 先頭, 初初, 劈頭, 原, 原來, 原先, 原初, 原底, 原旦, 原本, 原本榻裡, 在本, 始初, 寢頭, 就跟兒, 早先, 最初, 本來, 本則來, 本底, 本底子, 本成, 本然, 本生, 當初, 當初時, 當原初, 自本, 舊底, 起先, 起初, 起始, 起手, 起頭, 起首, 開先, 開初, 頭仔, 頭起先, 頭頭
乍出猛兒 / 乍出猛儿 (zhàchūměngr)
一插手兒, 一開始, 上頭仔, 先不先, 先前, 先起頭, 先頭, 初初, 劈頭, 原, 原來, 原先, 原初, 原底, 原旦, 原本, 原本榻裡, 在本, 始初, 寢頭, 就跟兒, 早先, 最初, 本來, 本則來, 本底, 本底子, 本成, 本然, 本生, 當初, 當初時, 當原初, 自本, 舊底, 起先, 起初, 起始, 起手, 起頭, 起首, 開先, 開初, 頭仔, 頭起先, 頭頭
嗎 / 吗
am I under arrest, are you allergic to any medications, are you doing anything tomorrow, are you feeling better, are you married, are you religious, are you single, can I buy you a drink, can I come in, can I use your phone, can you help me, cat got someone's tongue, do I know you, do you accept American dollars, do you accept credit cards, do you believe in God, do you come here often, do you have Wi-Fi, do you have any brothers or sisters, do you have any pets, do you have children, do you know, do you love me, do you need help, do you need to use the bathroom, do you speak English, do you think you can walk, do/translations, does anyone here speak English, got it, hello, how's it going, huh, is anyone here a doctor, is anyone sitting here, is it going to rain, is it safe here, is that so, is there a grocery store nearby, is there a problem, is there a smaller size, what do you say, will you marry me, would you mind putting on your seat belt, you don't know what you're talking about, you don't say
就跟儿 (jiùgēnr)
一插手兒, 一開始, 上頭仔, 乍出猛兒, 先不先, 先前, 先起頭, 先頭, 初初, 劈頭, 原, 原來, 原先, 原初, 原底, 原旦, 原本, 原本榻裡, 在本, 始初, 寢頭, 早先, 最初, 本來, 本則來, 本底, 本底子, 本成, 本然, 本生, 當初, 當初時, 當原初, 自本, 舊底, 起先, 起初, 起始, 起手, 起頭, 起首, 開先, 開初, 頭仔, 頭起先, 頭頭
就跟兒 / 就跟儿 (jiùgēnr)
一插手兒, 一開始, 上頭仔, 乍出猛兒, 先不先, 先前, 先起頭, 先頭, 初初, 劈頭, 原, 原來, 原先, 原初, 原底, 原旦, 原本, 原本榻裡, 在本, 始初, 寢頭, 早先, 最初, 本來, 本則來, 本底, 本底子, 本成, 本然, 本生, 當初, 當初時, 當原初, 自本, 舊底, 起先, 起初, 起始, 起手, 起頭, 起首, 開先, 開初, 頭仔, 頭起先, 頭頭
assuage, astound, baffle, brick, cause, centrifuge, codify, consecrate, depressing, deteriorate, discombobulate, disrepute, draw up, embarrass, endanger, exacerbate, facilitate, familiarize, flash, gratify, hang out to dry, harrowing, immunize, interest, intoxicate, jaundice, jeopardize, make, make flexible, make someone's blood boil, metallize, misgive, obfuscate, purification, purify, scare, shape, suffice, surprise, sweeten up, systematize, unnerve, untidy, wear down, worsen
I live in Melbourne, I was born in ..., I'm looking for a grocery store, I'm looking for a job, according to one's understanding, alcazar, at, atop, be/translations, behind bars, brew, come first, devil is in the details, dimension, during, hang out, in public, in question, in safe hands, in transit, in/translations, inside, is anyone sitting here, on someone's mind, on this side of, over, over here, penny for your thoughts, put all one's eggs in one basket, sleep rough, social smoker, to the fore, under, under one's belt, until, what are you doing, what's going on, what's on your mind, where are we, where are your parents, where can I find a hotel, where do you live, where is the toilet, with regard to, within
1992, Diet Coke, I am HIV positive, I need a guide, I'm looking for a grocery store, a good beginning makes a good ending, a picture is worth a thousand words, banner year, better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness, box, calendar year, can I buy you a drink, cocoa, do me a favour, forkful, from the get-go, half past, ice pack, is there a smaller size, last resort, mono-, no man is an island, o'clock, one for the road, one/translations, pair, piece of furniture, pretty penny, quarter, quiver, second helping, someone else, splash out, spoonful, startle, sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof, third, top, uni-, while, whirlwind, worth seeing, йи, 一
I want to go to the toilet, aboard, apparently, armrest, asphalt, atop, dimension, galley, get on, last, make news, on, on the face of it, prima facie, up, upper, world's oldest profession, 上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 生, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
很 (hěn)
I love you, I'm ashamed, I'm busy, I'm cold, I'm embarrassed, I'm fine, I'm fine, thank you, I'm hot, I'm hungry, I'm scared, I'm thirsty, I'm tired, I'm worried, awful, black lives matter, child's play, come a long way, cool, enthusiastic, great, heev, help is on the way, illegible, in all probability, it's cold outside, long ago, pitiful, pleased to meet you, postage stamp, seldom, so/translations, the bee's knees, the night is young, tone sandhi, very, very much, vivacious, well spotted, you have beautiful eyes
I don't want to buy anything, anything, anything else, as the case may be, come again, everything, excuse me, how do you mean, how far, if anything, is there a problem, pardon, penny for your thoughts, sorry, what, what are you doing, what do you mean, what does … mean, what is her name, what is his name, what is that, what is your name, what was that, what would you like, what's good, what's on your mind, what's that, what's the matter, what's your job, what's your poison, whatever, whatever the case may be, whatsoever, 什麼
什麼 / 什么
I don't want to buy anything, anything, anything else, as the case may be, come again, everything, excuse me, how do you mean, how far, if anything, is there a problem, pardon, penny for your thoughts, sorry, what, what are you doing, what do you mean, what does … mean, what is her name, what is his name, what is that, what is your name, what was that, what would you like, what's good, what's on your mind, what's that, what's the matter, what's your job, what's your poison, whatever, whatever the case may be, whatsoever, 什麼
去 (qù)
de-, go, go for it, go to hell, take to heart, where are we going, where does this bus go, where does this train go, where have you been, 上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
对 (duì)
Dracula sneeze, I'm allergic to aspirin, I'm allergic to nuts, I'm allergic to penicillin, are you allergic to any medications, aye, be right, cheat on, correct, couple, don't look a gift horse in the mouth, face, have a way with, pair, talk someone's ear off, that's it, think much of, thoroughness, to thine own self be true, touché, toward, trans-friendly, versus, yeah, yes, you're right, 同花, 同花大順, 同花順, 對子, 滔啤, 葫蘆, 順子
I don't speak English, I told you, arguably, avow, come again, cross one's fingers, do you speak English, does anyone here speak English, eat one's words, gossip, how do you say … in English, how many languages do you speak, if anything, look who's talking, mark my words, much to be said, please repeat after me, please say that again, please speak more slowly, rumour has it, say, speak, speaking, talk, tell, touché, well said, what do you say, what languages do you speak, what was that, with all due respect, you're right, 説
到 (dào)
arm to the teeth, arrive, as yet, aware, back to square one, cognizant, come, come to a head, do the impossible, early bird, eureka, first come, first served, given that, help is on the way, here/translations, hitherto, how far, it's the thought that counts, on a first-name basis, play by ear, realize, so far, so far so good, take one's turn, therapeutic, thither, thus far, to, track down, up to, where can I find a hotel, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink
-ly, ajar, at speed, by degrees, dirt, earth, easily, force-feed, ground, grudgingly, in public, leaps and bounds, let someone down gently, loom, modestly, more and more, necessarily, normally, on and on, perv, simultaneously, soil, surprisingly, take its toll, temporarily, trudge, under the counter, unsafely, untraditionally, wait on someone hand and foot, with all due respect, wordsmith
對 / 对 (duì)
Dracula sneeze, I'm allergic to aspirin, I'm allergic to nuts, I'm allergic to penicillin, are you allergic to any medications, be right, cheat on, correct, couple, don't look a gift horse in the mouth, face, have a way with, pair, talk someone's ear off, that's it, think much of, thoroughness, to thine own self be true, touché, toward, trans-friendly, versus, yeah, yes, you're right, 同花, 同花大順, 同花順, 對子, 滔啤, 葫蘆, 順子
方法 (fāngfǎ)
approach, innovation, means, method, procedure, remedy, solution, way, 上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
說 / 说
I don't speak English, I told you, arguably, avow, come again, cross one's fingers, do you speak English, does anyone here speak English, eat one's words, gossip, how do you say … in English, how many languages do you speak, if anything, look who's talking, mark my words, much to be said, please repeat after me, please say that again, please speak more slowly, rumour has it, say, speak, speaking, tell, touché, well said, what do you say, what languages do you speak, what was that, with all due respect, you're right, 説
Bóluóbēnnísā Bàndǎo, Bā'ěrgàn Bàndǎo, Bādān Bàndǎo, Cháoxiān Bàndǎo, Cháoxiǎn Bàndǎo, Héngchūn Bàndǎo, Jiǔlóng Bàndǎo, Kèlǐmǐyà Bàndǎo, Kèlǐmǐyǎ Bàndǎo, Kānchájiā Bàndǎo, Liáodōng Bàndǎo, Léizhōu Bàndǎo, Lābùlāduō Bàndǎo, Mǎlái Bàndǎo, Nánjí Bàndǎo, Rìdélán Bàndǎo, Shāndōng Bàndǎo, Sīkāndìnàwéiyà Bàndǎo, Sīkāndìnàwéiyǎ Bàndǎo, Sīkāndínàwéiyà Bàndǎo, Sīkāndínàwéiyǎ Bàndǎo, Yìdàlì Bàndǎo, Yìndù Bàndǎo, Yóujiādūn Bàndǎo, Yībǐlì Bàndǎo, Yībǐlìyà Bàndǎo, Yībǐlìyǎ Bàndǎo, Yīdòu Bàndǎo, Zhōng-Yìn Bàndǎo, Zhōngnán Bàndǎo, Ālābó Bàndǎo
-less, Immaculate Conception, airtight, aphotic, bar none, cordite, disinterested, fair-minded, floccinaucinihilipilification, grammatical, incontinence, infertility, intestacy, intestate, invertebrate, loveless, naught, no/translations, non-, not, paltry, stalemate, there's no fool like an old fool, time-poor, trivial, two wrongs don't make a right, un-, unrequited, untitled, weightless, without
时间 (shíjiān)
I don't have all day, airtime, bedtime, buy time, closing time, coffee break, duration, fast, happy hour, hurry up, kill time, mealtime, office hours, rendezvous, spend time, stall, temporal, time frame, time is of the essence, time of arrival, time of departure, time will tell, time-consuming, time-poor, time/translations, waste of time, waste time, when is closing time, while, workday, working day
時間 / 时间 (shíjiān)
I don't have all day, airtime, bedtime, closing time, coffee break, duration, fast, happy hour, hurry up, kill time, mealtime, office hours, rendezvous, spend time, stall, temporal, time frame, time is of the essence, time of arrival, time of departure, time will tell, time-consuming, time-poor, time/translations, waste of time, waste time, when is closing time, while, workday, working day
無 / 无
-less, Immaculate Conception, airtight, aphotic, bar none, cordite, disinterested, fair-minded, floccinaucinihilipilification, grammatical, incontinence, infertility, intestacy, intestate, invertebrate, loveless, no/translations, non-, not, paltry, stalemate, there's no fool like an old fool, time-poor, trivial, two wrongs don't make a right, un-, unrequited, untitled, weightless, without
工作 (gōngzuò)
I'm looking for a job, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, editorship, employment, function, go, groundwork, grunt work, hard work, homework, job, job description, job satisfaction, labour, lifework, luncheon, roll up one's sleeves, run, telecommuting, undertaking, voluntary work, what's your job, work, work someone's ass off, work-life balance, workday, working day, working order
趁錢 / 趁钱 (chènqián)
loaded, 優裕, 多金, 好康, 好額, 富有, 富盛, 富裕, 富貴, 富足, 寬綽, 寬裕, 寬鬆, 有米, 有錢, 有額, 殷富, 殷實, 活潑, 潤屋, 肥實, 肥饒, 腰裡橫, 膏腴, 華貴, 萬貫, 趁錢, 闊
趁钱 (chènqián)
loaded, 優裕, 多金, 好康, 好額, 富有, 富盛, 富裕, 富貴, 富足, 寬綽, 寬裕, 寬鬆, 有米, 有錢, 有額, 殷富, 殷實, 活潑, 潤屋, 肥實, 肥饒, 腰裡橫, 膏腴, 華貴, 萬貫, 趁錢, 闊
一生, 一聲, 上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 醫生, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
一聲 / 一声
一生, 一聲, 上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 醫生, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
声调 (shēngdiào)
tone, tone of voice, toneless, 上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
flat, level, plain, 上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
用 (yòng)
Facebook, apply, audiotape, bow, by, by means of, can I use your phone, club, daguerreotype, elbow, flag, from scratch, headbutt, how do you say … in English, in/translations, keep the change, metallize, newspaper, padlock, playpen, right-hander, shoehorn, spoon-feed, thumbtack, unisex, use, with
聲調 / 声调 (shēngdiào)
tone, tone of voice, toneless, 上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
自己 (zìjǐ)
auteur, autovampirism, by oneself, clean up one's act, expose oneself, feel like, for what it's worth, help oneself, myself, of one's choice, on one's own, one, one's, oneself, ourselves, own, self, self-, self-employed, self-imposed, themselves, to thine own self be true, under one's belt, yourself, yourselves, 自己, 自給
輕聲 / 轻声 (qīngshēng)
上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 清聲, 聲調, 輕生, 輕聲, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
轻声 (qīngshēng)
上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 清聲, 聲調, 輕生, 輕聲, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
Holodomor, Völkerwanderung, arch-, big, big business, big-breasted, bough, carrot and stick, cavern, come a long way, coveted, dalieba, double may, far/translations, great, greater, how old are you, large, leaps and bounds, megabank, necropolis, penny farthing, pretty penny, splash out, telephone number, далеба
阳 (yáng)
positive, yang, 上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
陽 / 阳 (yáng)
positive, yang, 上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
入声 (rùshēng)
entering tone, 上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
入聲 / 入声 (rùshēng)
entering tone, 上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
四声 (sìshēng)
tone, 上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
四聲 / 四声 (sìshēng)
tone, 上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
平声 (píngshēng)
上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平生, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
平聲 / 平声 (píngshēng)
上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平生, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
阴 (yīn)
yin, 上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
陰 / 阴 (yīn)
yin, 上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
三声 (sānshēng)
上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
三聲 / 三声 (sānshēng)
上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
上聲 / 上声
上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
二声 (èrshēng)
上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
二聲 / 二声 (èrshēng)
上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
仄声 (zèshēng)
上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
仄聲 / 仄声 (zèshēng)
上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
傍點 / 傍点
上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
入 (rù)
上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
去声 (qùshēng)
上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
去聲 / 去声 (qùshēng)
上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
四聲八調 / 四声八调
上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
四角標調法 / 四角标调法
上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
a lot, all-in-one, chewy, go the extra mile, here goes nothing, how, how far, how long, how old are you, many, more, more and more, much, multi-, multibillionaire, multiracial, numerous, overpay, poly-, quite a few, spoilt for choice, there is safety in numbers, think much of, too much
上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
平仄 (píngzè)
上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
标调 (biāodiào)
上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
標調 / 标调 (biāodiào)
上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
標調法 / 标调法
上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
請 / 请
Chink, ask, can I buy you a drink, chin-chin, could I see the menu, please, have a seat, here you are, invite, make yourself at home, one moment, please, please, please find attached, please help me, please pass the salt, please repeat after me, please say that again, please speak more slowly, please turn left, please turn right, the bill, please, two beers, please, will you marry me, would you mind putting on your seat belt, 請
Chink, ask, can I buy you a drink, chin-chin, could I see the menu, please, have a seat, here you are, invite, make yourself at home, one moment, please, please, please find attached, please help me, please pass the salt, please repeat after me, please say that again, please speak more slowly, please turn left, please turn right, the bill, please, two beers, please, will you marry me, would you mind putting on your seat belt, 請
阳上 (yángshǎng)
上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
阳入 (yángrù)
上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
阳去 (yángqù)
上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
阳平 (yángpíng)
上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
阴上 (yīnshǎng)
上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
阴入 (yīnrù)
上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
阴去 (yīnqù)
上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
阴平 (yīnpíng)
上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
陰上 / 阴上 (yīnshǎng)
上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
陰入 / 阴入 (yīnrù)
上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
陰去 / 阴去 (yīnqù)
上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
陰平 / 阴平 (yīnpíng)
上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
陽上 / 阳上 (yángshǎng)
上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
陽入 / 阳入 (yángrù)
上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
陽去 / 阳去 (yángqù)
上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
陽平 / 阳平 (yángpíng)
上, 上聲, 仄, 仄聲, 入, 入聲, 去, 去聲, 四聲, 平, 平上去入, 平仄, 平聲, 聲調, 陰, 陰上, 陰入, 陰去, 陰平, 陽, 陽上, 陽入, 陽去, 陽平
來 / 来 (lái)
I'll leave it up to you, be late, be/translations, behind time, come, could I see the menu, please, cry wolf, diagrammatically, do you come here often, first things first, from scratch, go nuts, hands up, have the painters in, here we go again, let's go, life's a bitch and then you die, menstruate, methinks, sorry I'm late, two beers, please, where are you from, you're on
来 (lái)
I'll leave it up to you, be late, be/translations, behind time, come, could I see the menu, please, cry wolf, diagrammatically, do you come here often, first things first, from scratch, go nuts, hands up, have the painters in, here we go again, let's go, life's a bitch and then you die, menstruate, methinks, sorry I'm late, two beers, please, where are you from, you're on
I don't want to talk about it, ancient history, ball game, best-kept secret, child's play, do the impossible, first things first, get a life, it happens, it's none of your business, matter, matter of course, nuisance, one of those things, piece of cake, priority, probability, prosaic, rocket science, walk in the park, water under the bridge, what's the matter
-able, I don't think so, able, acceptable, achievable, arable, believable, biodegradable, changeable, convertible, foreseeable, ignorable, no kidding, permeable, preventable, profitable, stalemate, thinkable, tickable, unforeseeable, unintelligible, unstoppable
I can't swim, I'll call the police, a lie has no legs, able, be able to, be in for, bilingual, can, deal breaker, do you speak English, does anyone here speak English, epoch, going to, how many languages do you speak, no shit, no way, revealing, society, time will tell, what languages do you speak, will
做 (zuò)
act, better late than never, cook the books, daydream, do the impossible, do/translations, don't count your chickens before they're hatched, exercise, first things first, get a life, get up to, go for it, good job, make, overdo, reinvent the wheel, sweet dreams, there's no fool like an old fool, ua, ua, well done
想 (xiǎng)
I don't think so, I don't want to talk about it, I miss you, I need to vomit, I think so, I want to go to the toilet, I'd like to kiss you, I'd like to know, drowsy, feel like, going to, in the mood, miss, on the tip of one's tongue, penny for your thoughts, think, think much of, want, what's on your mind, what's your poison, would like
意义 (yìyì)
get a life, letter of the law, make sense, meaning, meaning of life, meaningful, sense, significance, significant, stand to reason, 厭浥, 奕奕, 悒悒, 意義, 意譯, 熠熠, 異義, 異譯, 異議, 翼翼, 譯意
意義 / 意义 (yìyì)
get a life, letter of the law, make sense, meaning, meaning of life, meaningful, sense, significance, significant, stand to reason, 厭浥, 奕奕, 悒悒, 意義, 意譯, 熠熠, 異義, 異譯, 異議, 翼翼, 譯意
會 / 会
I can't swim, I'll call the police, a lie has no legs, able, be able to, be in for, bilingual, can, deal breaker, do you speak English, does anyone here speak English, epoch, going to, how many languages do you speak, no shit, no way, revealing, society, time will tell, what languages do you speak, will
合把 (hébǎ)
一力, 並肩, 併力, 勠力, 協作, 協力, 協同, 合作, 合力, 合夥, 合手, 戮力, 拍檔, 提攜, 搭檔, 搭配, 牽手, 聯手, 通力, 配合
-ess, I'm a girl, authoress, bondwoman, charwoman, craftswoman, female, firewoman, girl, lady, lesbian, nymphomania, poetess, policewoman, priestess, schoolgirl, seamstress, sportswoman, tsarina, waitress
沒有 / 没有 (méiyǒu)
I have no money, I'm afraid not, a woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle, are you married, are you taking any medications, because, disinterested, floorless, miss the point, no man is an island, no offense, no one, no/translations, none, not, not yet, shoeless, that's it, unsuspenseful, without
没有 (méiyǒu)
I have no money, I'm afraid not, a woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle, are you married, are you taking any medications, because, disinterested, floorless, miss the point, no man is an island, no offense, no one, no/translations, none, not, not yet, shoeless, that's it, unsuspenseful, without
blow a kiss, by, could I see the menu, please, for/translations, give, give me, give someone a hard time, here you are, lay something at the feet of, let someone down gently, marry me, marry off, overpay, pigment, scar, season, soundproof, to, underpay, will you marry me
胡子 (húzi)
beard, facial hair, moustache, 刀刀兒客, 劫匪, 匪徒, 匪盜, 土匪, 強盜, 強貢, 強賊, 搶劫犯, 棒客, 棒老二, 毛子, 盜匪, 盜寇, 盜賊, 盜隔山, 鬍匪
讓 / 让 (ràng)
allow, break the bank, by, confuse, creep out, forgettable, give someone the creeps, give someone the shits, gratify, humiliating, in the way of, let, marry off, mind-numbing, permit, set on, show, spoilt for choice, warm the cockles of someone's heart, 等
让 (ràng)
allow, break the bank, by, confuse, creep out, forgettable, give someone the creeps, give someone the shits, gratify, humiliating, in the way of, let, marry off, mind-numbing, permit, set on, show, spoilt for choice, warm the cockles of someone's heart, 等
鬍子 / 胡子 (húzi)
beard, facial hair, moustache, 刀刀兒客, 劫匪, 匪徒, 匪盜, 土匪, 強盜, 強貢, 強賊, 搶劫犯, 棒客, 棒老二, 毛子, 盜匪, 盜寇, 盜賊, 盜隔山, 鬍匪
小 (xiǎo)
-chan, -ling, clique, cliquish, colt, creek, daypack, filly, gadget, is there a smaller size, little, lorikeet, modest, penny farthing, postage stamp, pullet, shot, small, young camel
給 / 给
blow a kiss, by, could I see the menu, please, for/translations, give, give me, give someone a hard time, here you are, lay something at the feet of, let someone down gently, marry me, marry off, overpay, pigment, scar, soundproof, to, underpay, will you marry me
馬 / 马 (mǎ)
Ma, black horse, colt, equine, filly, horse, knight, ma, mafoo, spur, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink, ᄆᆞᆯ, 兵, 后, 王, 象, 車, 馬, 馬
騎士 / 骑士
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, cavalier, knight, motorcyclist, order, rider, tournament, 兵, 后, 奇事, 奇士, 棋士, 棋式, 歧視, 王, 象, 車, 馬, 騎士
马 (mǎ)
Ma, black horse, colt, equine, filly, horse, knight, mafoo, spur, torma, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink, ᄆᆞᆯ, 兵, 后, 王, 象, 車, 馬, 馬
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, cavalier, knight, motorcyclist, order, rider, tournament, 兵, 后, 奇事, 奇士, 棋士, 棋式, 歧視, 王, 象, 車, 馬, 騎士
一黑早, 凌晨, 大清早, 天光, 天欲光, 平明, 拂曉, 拍殕仔光, 拍殕光, 拍殕光仔, 早晨, 早晨頭, 早清, 晨明, 清早, 清晨, 老清老早, 透早, 黎明
麻亮兒 / 麻亮儿
一黑早, 凌晨, 大清早, 天光, 天欲光, 平明, 拂曉, 拍殕仔光, 拍殕光, 拍殕光仔, 早晨, 早晨頭, 早清, 晨明, 清早, 清晨, 老清老早, 透早, 黎明
一黑早, 凌晨, 大清早, 天光, 天欲光, 平明, 拂曉, 拍殕仔光, 拍殕光, 拍殕光仔, 早晨, 早晨頭, 早清, 晨明, 清早, 清晨, 老清老早, 透早, 黎明
麻麻亮兒 / 麻麻亮儿
一黑早, 凌晨, 大清早, 天光, 天欲光, 平明, 拂曉, 拍殕仔光, 拍殕光, 拍殕光仔, 早晨, 早晨頭, 早清, 晨明, 清早, 清晨, 老清老早, 透早, 黎明
伢子 (yázi)
中人, 中介, 中間人, 九八人, 代理人, 仲介, 市儈, 拍空仔, 掮客, 牙人, 牙儈, 牙子, 牙郎, 牽仔, 當中人, 經紀, 經紀人, 說合人
addictive, approachable, apt, child's play, easily, easy, facilitate, fattening, gullible, piece of cake, simple, sweaty, user-friendly, walk in the park, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink, 容易, 容裔, 溶液
as fuck, enjoy oneself, good job, have a nice day, have fun, need, overdo, overeat, overpay, overstay, sleep like a log, snowed under, too much, touché, well done, well said, well spotted, you're right
某人 (mǒurén)
French kiss, blow a kiss, call back, cheat on, hang out, hang out to dry, happy birthday, in someone's debt, lay something at the feet of, let someone down gently, make someone's blood boil, read someone's mind, snog, somebody, someone, someone's, talk someone's ear off, turn in one's grave
babysitter, behold, browse, consume, kan, look, look at, look back, methinks, on the face of it, perv, pore over, prima facie, read, show, take a look, watch, worth seeing
a picture is worth a thousand words, able, be able to, can, can you help me, editable, energy, fertile, foreseeable, get well soon, inedible, inexplicable, thinkable, tone-deaf, unforgettable, unforgivable, unimaginable, where can I find a hotel
赶后儿 (gǎnhòur)
今後, 以後, 嗣後, 往後, 從今以後, 從今往後, 從此, 從此以後, 從這起, 從際起, 日後, 此後, 爾後, 自今, 自後, 自此, 自茲, 過後兒
趕後兒 / 赶后儿 (gǎnhòur)
今後, 以後, 嗣後, 往後, 從今以後, 從今往後, 從此, 從此以後, 從這起, 從際起, 日後, 此後, 爾後, 自今, 自後, 自此, 自茲, 過後兒
过后儿 (gǎnhòur)
今後, 以後, 嗣後, 往後, 從今以後, 從今往後, 從此, 從此以後, 從這起, 從際起, 日後, 此後, 爾後, 自今, 自後, 自此, 自茲, 趕後兒
I don't want to talk about it, Welcome to Country, along the lines of, how do you mean, it, it happens, it is what it is, it's an emergency, it's not my fault, it's the thought that counts, such is life, this, what do you mean, what is that, where does this bus go, where does this train go, you don't know what you're talking about, 這
這 / 这
I don't want to talk about it, Welcome to Country, along the lines of, how do you mean, it, it happens, it is what it is, it's an emergency, it's not my fault, it's the thought that counts, such is life, this, what do you mean, what is that, where does this bus go, where does this train go, you don't know what you're talking about, 這
過後兒 / 过后儿 (guòhòur)
今後, 以後, 嗣後, 往後, 從今以後, 從今往後, 從此, 從此以後, 從這起, 從際起, 日後, 此後, 爾後, 自今, 自後, 自此, 自茲, 趕後兒
TDK, mainlander, 內地人, 唐山人, 外省人, 大陸人, 大陸仔, 大陸喱, 強國人, 死阿陸, 滯臺中國人, 滯臺支那人, 蝗蟲, 長山仔, 阿山, 阿山仔, 阿陸仔
之 (zhī)
-'s, amenity, best of both worlds, brew, cardinalate, doss-house, fall into the wrong hands, follow suit, guilty pleasure, it, leap of faith, lodestar, of, one man's trash is another man's treasure, versus, windfall, you can't keep a good man down
仔細 / 仔细 (zǐxì)
careful, pore over, 做人家, 儉樸, 儉省, 儉約, 克己, 刻苦, 慳儉, 抾拾, 樸素, 省儉, 節儉, 節省, 節約, 簡省, 𧺤儉
仔细 (zǐxì)
careful, pore over, 做人家, 儉樸, 儉省, 儉約, 克己, 刻苦, 慳儉, 抾拾, 樸素, 省儉, 節儉, 節省, 節約, 簡省, 𧺤儉
Libra, 天秤座, 天蠍座, 室女座, 寶瓶座, 射手座, 山羊座, 巨蟹座, 摩羯座, 獅子座, 白羊宮, 白羊座, 金牛宮, 金牛座, 雙子座, 雙魚, 雙魚座
天秤宮 / 天秤宫
Libra, 天秤座, 天蠍座, 室女座, 寶瓶座, 射手座, 山羊座, 巨蟹座, 摩羯座, 獅子座, 白羊宮, 白羊座, 金牛宮, 金牛座, 雙子座, 雙魚, 雙魚座
就 (jiù)
Bob's your uncle, WRT, according to one's understanding, and/translations, as it stands, as soon as, for the time being, help is on the way, if it ain't broke, don't fix it, it is what it is, it's the thought that counts, just, prosaic, say when, so be it, sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof, then
Qian, bang, bonk, booger, chipotle, chug, chugalug, dry, fuck, get up to, scull, shag, terminate, tree trunk, trunk, well done, what are you doing
cheerful, delightful, enjoy your holiday, enjoyable, enjoyment, happiness, happy, have a nice day, merry, mirth, pleasant, pleasing, satisfaction, unhappy, 愉快, 魚塊, 魚膾
死 (sǐ)
I could eat a horse, I'm dying, bleed out, completely, dead, deceased, die/translations, freezing, fucking, go to hell, light in the loafers, perish, se, sleep like a log, succumb, thanato-, 死
Banten, Castellón, Farah, Gauteng, Livorno, Maine-et-Loire, Modena, Parma, Pavia, Rizal, San Luis, Trapani, Utrecht, Verona, prefecture, province, provincial
也 (yě)
all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, also, anything but, as well, as well as, for the life of one, have one's moments, jack shit, me too, neither, neither … nor, so much for, too, whatsoever, 也, 可惱也
人馬宮 / 人马宫 (Rénmǎgōng)
天秤座, 天蠍座, 室女座, 寶瓶座, 射手座, 山羊座, 巨蟹座, 摩羯座, 獅子座, 白羊宮, 白羊座, 金牛宮, 金牛座, 雙子座, 雙魚, 雙魚座
天秤座, 天蠍座, 室女座, 寶瓶座, 射手座, 山羊座, 巨蟹座, 摩羯座, 獅子座, 白羊宮, 白羊座, 金牛宮, 金牛座, 雙子座, 雙魚, 雙魚座
令人 (lìngrén)
action-packed, awful, card, confronting, coveted, depressing, exciting, impressive, irritating, life-affirming, mind-boggling, obscene, satisfying, to the fore, unpleasant, unsurprising
双子宫 (Shuāngzǐgōng)
天秤座, 天蠍座, 室女座, 寶瓶座, 射手座, 山羊座, 巨蟹座, 摩羯座, 獅子座, 白羊宮, 白羊座, 金牛宮, 金牛座, 雙子座, 雙魚, 雙魚座
天秤座, 天蠍座, 室女座, 寶瓶座, 射手座, 山羊座, 巨蟹座, 摩羯座, 獅子座, 白羊宮, 白羊座, 金牛宮, 金牛座, 雙子座, 雙魚, 雙魚座
天秤座, 天蠍座, 室女座, 寶瓶座, 射手座, 山羊座, 巨蟹座, 摩羯座, 獅子座, 白羊宮, 白羊座, 金牛宮, 金牛座, 雙子座, 雙魚, 雙魚座
天秤座, 天蠍座, 室女座, 寶瓶座, 射手座, 山羊座, 巨蟹座, 摩羯座, 獅子座, 白羊宮, 白羊座, 金牛宮, 金牛座, 雙子座, 雙魚, 雙魚座
天蠍宮 / 天蝎宫
天秤座, 天蠍座, 室女座, 寶瓶座, 射手座, 山羊座, 巨蟹座, 摩羯座, 獅子座, 白羊宮, 白羊座, 金牛宮, 金牛座, 雙子座, 雙魚, 雙魚座
天秤座, 天蠍座, 室女座, 寶瓶座, 射手座, 山羊座, 巨蟹座, 摩羯座, 獅子座, 白羊宮, 白羊座, 金牛宮, 金牛座, 雙子座, 雙魚, 雙魚座
天秤座, 天蠍座, 室女座, 寶瓶座, 射手座, 山羊座, 巨蟹座, 摩羯座, 獅子座, 白羊宮, 白羊座, 金牛宮, 金牛座, 雙子座, 雙魚, 雙魚座
室女宮 / 室女宫
天秤座, 天蠍座, 室女座, 寶瓶座, 射手座, 山羊座, 巨蟹座, 摩羯座, 獅子座, 白羊宮, 白羊座, 金牛宮, 金牛座, 雙子座, 雙魚, 雙魚座
寶瓶宮 / 宝瓶宫
天秤座, 天蠍座, 室女座, 寶瓶座, 射手座, 山羊座, 巨蟹座, 摩羯座, 獅子座, 白羊宮, 白羊座, 金牛宮, 金牛座, 雙子座, 雙魚, 雙魚座
天秤座, 天蠍座, 室女座, 寶瓶座, 射手座, 山羊座, 巨蟹座, 摩羯座, 獅子座, 白羊宮, 白羊座, 金牛宮, 金牛座, 雙子座, 雙魚, 雙魚座
射手宮 / 射手宫
天秤座, 天蠍座, 室女座, 寶瓶座, 射手座, 山羊座, 巨蟹座, 摩羯座, 獅子座, 白羊宮, 白羊座, 金牛宮, 金牛座, 雙子座, 雙魚, 雙魚座
小心 (xiǎoxīn)
be careful, beware, beware of the dog, cagey, care, careful, carefully, cave, look out, mind the gap, overcautious, take care, wardrobe malfunction, warning, watch one's step, watch out
天秤座, 天蠍座, 室女座, 寶瓶座, 射手座, 山羊座, 巨蟹座, 摩羯座, 獅子座, 白羊宮, 白羊座, 金牛宮, 金牛座, 雙子座, 雙魚, 雙魚座
山羊宮 / 山羊宫
天秤座, 天蠍座, 室女座, 寶瓶座, 射手座, 山羊座, 巨蟹座, 摩羯座, 獅子座, 白羊宮, 白羊座, 金牛宮, 金牛座, 雙子座, 雙魚, 雙魚座
工人 (gōngrén)
a bad workman always blames his tools, builder, construction worker, dockworker, laborer, miller, potter, shipwright, stevedore, worker, workman, 公人, 宮人, 工人, 弓人, 恭人
巨蟹宫 (Jùxiègōng)
天秤座, 天蠍座, 室女座, 寶瓶座, 射手座, 山羊座, 巨蟹座, 摩羯座, 獅子座, 白羊宮, 白羊座, 金牛宮, 金牛座, 雙子座, 雙魚, 雙魚座
巨蟹宮 / 巨蟹宫 (Jùxiègōng)
天秤座, 天蠍座, 室女座, 寶瓶座, 射手座, 山羊座, 巨蟹座, 摩羯座, 獅子座, 白羊宮, 白羊座, 金牛宮, 金牛座, 雙子座, 雙魚, 雙魚座
开过 (kāiguò)
出乎, 勝過, 強似, 強過, 愈, 蓋過, 賽過, 超, 超出, 超越, 超過, 越出, 越過, 跨越, 軼越, 逾越
式 (shì)
-esque, Chinglish, Freudian slip, apple pie, authoritative, baguette, bocce, ceremony, continuous, junk, kimchi, managed care, mandu, panna cotta, precipitous, tteokbokki
天秤座, 天蠍座, 室女座, 寶瓶座, 射手座, 山羊座, 巨蟹座, 摩羯座, 獅子座, 白羊宮, 白羊座, 金牛宮, 金牛座, 雙子座, 雙魚, 雙魚座
摩羯宮 / 摩羯宫
天秤座, 天蠍座, 室女座, 寶瓶座, 射手座, 山羊座, 巨蟹座, 摩羯座, 獅子座, 白羊宮, 白羊座, 金牛宮, 金牛座, 雙子座, 雙魚, 雙魚座
棒 (bàng)
awesome, baton, best-kept secret, carrot and stick, claviform, club, cool, excellent, great, rod, staff, stave, stick, the bee's knees, wicked, wonderful
注意 (zhùyì)
NB, attention, attentive, attract attention, bear in mind, draw attention, look out, mind, mindfulness, note, notice, pay attention, watch out, 助憶, 助益, 注意
狮子宫 (Shīzǐgōng)
天秤座, 天蠍座, 室女座, 寶瓶座, 射手座, 山羊座, 巨蟹座, 摩羯座, 獅子座, 白羊宮, 白羊座, 金牛宮, 金牛座, 雙子座, 雙魚, 雙魚座
獅子宮 / 狮子宫 (Shīzǐgōng)
天秤座, 天蠍座, 室女座, 寶瓶座, 射手座, 山羊座, 巨蟹座, 摩羯座, 獅子座, 白羊宮, 白羊座, 金牛宮, 金牛座, 雙子座, 雙魚, 雙魚座
白羊宫 (báiyánggōng)
天秤座, 天蠍座, 室女座, 寶瓶座, 射手座, 山羊座, 巨蟹座, 摩羯座, 獅子座, 白羊宮, 白羊座, 金牛宮, 金牛座, 雙子座, 雙魚, 雙魚座
白羊宮 / 白羊宫 (báiyánggōng)
天秤座, 天蠍座, 室女座, 寶瓶座, 射手座, 山羊座, 巨蟹座, 摩羯座, 獅子座, 白羊宮, 白羊座, 金牛宮, 金牛座, 雙子座, 雙魚, 雙魚座
處女宮 / 处女宫
天秤座, 天蠍座, 室女座, 寶瓶座, 射手座, 山羊座, 巨蟹座, 摩羯座, 獅子座, 白羊宮, 白羊座, 金牛宮, 金牛座, 雙子座, 雙魚, 雙魚座
进行 (jìnxíng)
carry out, continuous, exercise, go through with, in full swing, ongoing, perform, progress, reverse-engineer, transliterate, undergo, undertake, underway, 盡行, 禁行, 進行
金牛宫 (jīnniúgōng)
天秤座, 天蠍座, 室女座, 寶瓶座, 射手座, 山羊座, 巨蟹座, 摩羯座, 獅子座, 白羊宮, 白羊座, 金牛宮, 金牛座, 雙子座, 雙魚, 雙魚座
金牛宮 / 金牛宫 (jīnniúgōng)
天秤座, 天蠍座, 室女座, 寶瓶座, 射手座, 山羊座, 巨蟹座, 摩羯座, 獅子座, 白羊宮, 白羊座, 金牛宮, 金牛座, 雙子座, 雙魚, 雙魚座
開過 / 开过 (kāiguò)
出乎, 勝過, 強似, 強過, 愈, 蓋過, 賽過, 超, 超出, 超越, 超過, 越出, 越過, 跨越, 軼越, 逾越
雙子宮 / 双子宫 (Shuāngzǐgōng)
天秤座, 天蠍座, 室女座, 寶瓶座, 射手座, 山羊座, 巨蟹座, 摩羯座, 獅子座, 白羊宮, 白羊座, 金牛宮, 金牛座, 雙子座, 雙魚, 雙魚座
雙魚宮 / 双鱼宫
天秤座, 天蠍座, 室女座, 寶瓶座, 射手座, 山羊座, 巨蟹座, 摩羯座, 獅子座, 白羊宮, 白羊座, 金牛宮, 金牛座, 雙子座, 雙魚, 雙魚座
黃道十二宮 / 黄道十二宫 (huángdào shí'èrgōng)
天秤座, 天蠍座, 室女座, 寶瓶座, 射手座, 山羊座, 巨蟹座, 摩羯座, 獅子座, 白羊宮, 白羊座, 金牛宮, 金牛座, 雙子座, 雙魚, 雙魚座
黄道十二宫 (huángdào shí'èrgōng)
天秤座, 天蠍座, 室女座, 寶瓶座, 射手座, 山羊座, 巨蟹座, 摩羯座, 獅子座, 白羊宮, 白羊座, 金牛宮, 金牛座, 雙子座, 雙魚, 雙魚座
I don't think so, I'm afraid not, isn't, it's not my fault, justice delayed is justice denied, no kidding, no/translations, not, not an option, you don't know what you're talking about, 不世, 不仕, 不是, 不識, 不適
I am HIV positive, I want to go to the toilet, I'm mute, a good beginning makes a good ending, behind every successful man there stands a woman, bicameral, can you help me, do me a favour, how many siblings do you have, liangge, one and a half, ring off the hook, someone else, start a family, sweet dreams
九花儿 (jiǔhuār)
九花, 壽客, 女華, 家菊, 延年, 日精, 秋菊, 菊, 菊仔, 菊仔花, 菊花, 金英, 陶菊, 隱逸花, 黃華
九花兒 / 九花儿 (jiǔhuār)
九花, 壽客, 女華, 家菊, 延年, 日精, 秋菊, 菊, 菊仔, 菊仔花, 菊花, 金英, 陶菊, 隱逸花, 黃華
個 / 个
I am HIV positive, I want to go to the toilet, I'm mute, a good beginning makes a good ending, behind every successful man there stands a woman, bicameral, can you help me, do me a favour, how many siblings do you have, liangge, one and a half, ring off the hook, someone else, start a family, sweet dreams
bag, bale, baozi, betel bag, bundle, halal snack pack, hongbao, luggage, lunchbox, pack, package, packet, pob, sack, wrap
叫 (jiào)
I'll call the police, bark, be called, by, call, call an ambulance, call back, call the fire department, call the police, hight, my name is, what is her name, what is his name, what is your name, yell
I don't eat beef, I don't eat fish, I don't eat meat, I don't eat pork, break one's fast, cannibal, capture, consume, eat, inedible, lunch, overeat, rip into, sweet tooth, 吃
合搂儿 (hélòur)
上算, 優惠, 冤, 划算, 化算, 合盤, 合算, 實惠, 折, 抵, 會行得, 有盤, 盤, 盤頭, 經濟
合摟兒 / 合搂儿 (hélòur)
上算, 優惠, 冤, 划算, 化算, 合盤, 合算, 實惠, 折, 抵, 會行得, 有盤, 盤, 盤頭, 經濟
I'll leave it up to you, are you OK, bar, go nuts, go to hell, let's go, marry me, no shit, no way, please sit down, right, so be it, whatever, will you marry me, you're on
it's too expensive, less, overly, overpay, so/translations, spoilt for choice, tera-, too, too good to be true, too little, too late, too much, very, way too, you shouldn't have, 太
开始 (kāishǐ)
begin, beginning, commence, from scratch, from the get-go, from the start, initiate, initiation, on the go, outset, start, start afresh, well begun is half done, 開始, 開駛
for the life of one, how, how come, how do I get to, how do I get to the airport, how do I get to the bus station, how do I get to the train station, how do you pronounce this word, how do you say … in English, how do you spell this word, how much do I owe you, how much do you charge, no way, what is your name, why
怎麼 / 怎么
for the life of one, how, how come, how do I get to, how do I get to the airport, how do I get to the bus station, how do I get to the train station, how do you pronounce this word, how do you say … in English, how do you spell this word, how much do I owe you, how much do you charge, no way, what is your name, why
意識 / 意识 (yìshí)
aware, awareness, consciousness, realize, 意式, 意識, 抑是, 易事, 異事, 義士, 藝事, 藝士, 譯釋, 議事, 逸事
意识 (yìshí)
aware, awareness, consciousness, realize, 意式, 意識, 抑是, 易事, 異事, 義士, 藝事, 藝士, 譯釋, 議事, 逸事
愛 / 爱 (ài)
adrenaline junkie, aggressive, bossy, busybody, crybaby, declaration of love, do you love me, gossip, love conquers all, love is blind, love-hate, love/translations, prankster, querulous, sweet tooth
ba construction, checkmate, coffin, drown, floccinaucinihilipilification, hang out to dry, have, hold, marry off, my condom broke, please pass the salt, put all one's eggs in one basket, take to the grave, treat, 螺賴把
检查 (jiǎnchá)
audit, censor, censorship, check, check up, examination, examine, inspect, inspection, laparoscopy, oversee, spell checker, test, 檢察, 檢查
Vaaj Tswv, Vaj Tswv, Wang, king/translations, prince, royal, vaaj, wang, ван, 兵, 后, 王, 象, 車, 馬
I don't want it, I want to know, I'm looking for a job, do you need to use the bathroom, have to, if anything, in the mood, is it going to rain, make love, not war, much to be said, nature calls, need, still, want, will
語言 / 语言
Dungan, Loĵbano, how many languages do you speak, language/translations, linguicide, linguistic, liturgical language, medium of instruction, minority language, polyglot, ribaldry, speech, sprachbund, what languages do you speak, wordsmith
Dungan, Loĵbano, how many languages do you speak, language/translations, linguicide, linguistic, liturgical language, medium of instruction, minority language, polyglot, ribaldry, speech, sprachbund, what languages do you speak, wordsmith
進行 / 进行 (jìnxíng)
carry out, continuous, exercise, go through with, ongoing, perform, progress, reverse-engineer, transliterate, undergo, undertake, underway, 盡行, 禁行, 進行
重要 (zhòngyào)
black lives matter, first things first, golden rule, importance, important, importantly, it's the thought that counts, main, most of all, priority, significant, time is of the essence, unimportant, vital, weighty
Bǎoyáng Hé, Bǎozhàng Hé, Chángchūn Hé, Fén Hé, Huái Hé, Huáng Hé, Héng Hé, Hóng Hé, Lèná Hé, Pàoshān Hé, Shàng Hé, Tàiwùshì Hé, Tǎlǐmù Hé, Yìndù Hé
Eurocentric, OKR, TAFE, amoral, and/translations, bed and breakfast, classicism, gay-straight alliance, pecuniary, sadomasochism, socialize, versus, with, work-life balance
事物 (shìwù)
abyss, blockbuster, dinosaur, exoticism, finer things, object, open book, paradox, terror, thing, 世務, 事務, 事物, 飾物
bearing, blat, connection, connections, go steady, guanxi, kinship, on a first-name basis, partnership, relation, relationship, renounce, term, to do with
伐柯人, 保山, 冰人, 媒人, 媒人姐, 媒人婆, 媒人媽, 媒人嫲, 媒妁, 媒姨, 媒婆, 紅娘, 紅葉, 花婆
出生 (chūshēng)
I was born in ..., baby boomer, be born, birth, birth weight, born, childbirth, come into the world, delivery, parturition, 出生, 出聲, 初昇, 初生
別 / 别 (bié)
I don't have all day, I don't think so, as if, don't, don't count your chickens before they're hatched, don't go there, don't worry, if it ain't broke, don't fix it, leave me alone, make oneself at home, mind one's own business, not, other, people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
I don't have all day, I don't think so, as if, don't, don't count your chickens before they're hatched, don't go there, don't worry, if it ain't broke, don't fix it, leave me alone, make oneself at home, mind one's own business, not, other, people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
OK, all right, arguably, can, can I buy you a drink, can I come in, can I use your phone, go nuts, imaginable, may, not an option, that's a relief, therapeutic, understandable
可能 (kěnéng)
be in for, do the impossible, fighting chance, in all probability, may, maybe, no way, not an option, out of the question, perhaps, possible, probability, probable, unlikely
吉士 (jíshì)
cheese, custard, 即世, 即事, 即是, 吉事, 吉士, 嫉視, 急事, 極是, 疾視, 集事, 集市, 集釋
四 (sì)
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, beast, four, four-legged friend, quadripartite, quarter, se, three-fourths, three-quarters, 三, 二, 四, 四, 尖兒
坏 (pī)
awful, bad, bad luck, bad weather, break, broken, evil, if it ain't broke, don't fix it, misfortune, my car has broken down, spoilt, worse, worst, wrong crowd
壞 / 坏 (huài)
awful, bad, bad luck, bad weather, break, broken, evil, if it ain't broke, don't fix it, misfortune, my car has broken down, spoilt, worse, worst, wrong crowd
完全 (wánquán)
absolutely, at all, clear, complete, completely, dead, entire, full, fully, incomplete, perfect, poles apart, thorough, total
担心 (dānxīn)
I'm worried, anxiety, anxious, apprehend, apprehension, care, don't worry, misgive, troubled, worried, worry, 丹心, 擔心, 殫心
攻击 (gōngjī)
aggression, assail, assault, attack, charge, cyberattack, gay bash, go for, shark attack, 公積, 公雞, 功績, 攻擊, 肱肌
日本 (Rìběn)
J-drama, Japan, Japanese, Japonic, Nippo-, anime, kanji, kyūjitai, manga, ramen, samurai, shinjitai, sushi, yakuza
汽車 / 汽车 (qìchē)
auto mechanic, automobile, automotive, automotive industry, car, car part, car-centric, coach driver, electric car, electric vehicle, motor vehicle, motorcade, motorist, truck stop
汽车 (qìchē)
auto mechanic, automobile, automotive, automotive industry, car, car part, car-centric, coach driver, electric car, electric vehicle, motor vehicle, motorcade, motorist, truck stop
爱 (ài)
adrenaline junkie, aggressive, bossy, busybody, crybaby, declaration of love, do you love me, gossip, love is blind, love-hate, love/translations, prankster, querulous, sweet tooth
电话 (diànhuà)
call, can I use your phone, contact number, dial, hang up, lingwa, pick up the phone, ring, telephone, telephone call, the line is busy, wake-up call, 電化, 電話
破坏 (pòhuài)
breach of the peace, break, demolition, destroy, destruction, devastate, dilapidation, disrupt, mar, ruin, ruination, sabotage, vandalise, wreck
禁止 (jìnzhǐ)
abolition, ban, bar/translations, enjoin, forbid, forbidden, no parking, no trespassing, no/translations, prohibit, prohibition, taboo, 禁指, 禁止
與 / 与
Eurocentric, OKR, TAFE, amoral, and/translations, bed and breakfast, classicism, gay-straight alliance, pecuniary, sadomasochism, socialize, versus, with, work-life balance
I've been raped, I've been robbed, I've burned myself, am I under arrest, be/translations, boarder, by, conscript, forlorn, mixed reaction, out of it, outcast, paper cut, sweaty
關係 / 关系
bearing, blat, connection, connections, go steady, guanxi, kinship, on a first-name basis, partnership, relation, relationship, renounce, term, to do with
集市 (jíshì)
bazaar, fair, 即世, 即事, 即是, 吉事, 吉士, 嫉視, 急事, 極是, 疾視, 集事, 集市, 集釋
電話 / 电话 (diànhuà)
call, can I use your phone, contact number, dial, hang up, lingwa, pick up the phone, ring, telephone, telephone call, the line is busy, wake-up call, 電化, 電話
非 (fēi)
anti-, extrinsic, fee simple, gay-straight alliance, justice delayed is justice denied, non-, non-binary, noncustodial parent, nonmodern, not, over-the-counter, ungrammatical, unjust, unstressed
3D job, Sanson, Sanson, third, three, three-fourths, three-quarters, thrice, 三, 三, 二, 四, 尖兒
世界 (shìjiè)
Arab World, Christendom, Russian world, Russosphere, the world is someone's oyster, world, world map, world order, world power, world's oldest profession, 世界, 事界, 視界
Chinese, Chinglish, Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Sino-, brew, horny, in living memory, in question, in safe hands, in transit, missing in action, ongoing, under one's belt
事实 (shìshí)
bend the truth, fact, factual, it is what it is, material fact, res gestae, truth, 事實, 侍食, 嗜食, 是時, 試食, 適時
事實 / 事实 (shìshí)
bend the truth, fact, factual, it is what it is, material fact, res gestae, truth, 事實, 侍食, 嗜食, 是時, 試食, 適時
产生 (chǎnshēng)
arise, beget, come into being, come into the world, counterproductive, dentilabialization, generation, germinate, grow apart, jaundice, misleading, procreate, yield
关于 (guānyú)
WRT, about, as for, as regards, as to, be about, concerning, in respect of, in the way of, regarding, toward, with regard to, with respect to
北京 (Běijīng)
Beijing, Beijing, Beijing, Beijing, Pei-ching, Peking, Pekingese, Pequim, Pékin, Бейжің, Бээжин, Бээжэн, เป่ย์จิง
十 (shí)
-teen, -ty, deca-, she, ten, ten/translations, tenfold, twelfth, 三, 二, 十, 四, 尖兒
同意 (tóngyì)
accept, agree, agreed, agreement, concur, consent, deal breaker, sanction, subscribe, yes, 同意, 同異, 同義
I like you, I love you, boat person, crush, dislike, fond, have the hots for, lady's man, like, love/translations, prefer, think much of, what kind of music do you like
喜歡 / 喜欢
I like you, I love you, boat person, crush, dislike, fond, have the hots for, lady's man, like, love/translations, prefer, think much of, what kind of music do you like
州 (zhōu)
Acre, Arizona, Georgia/translations, Illinois, Kherson, Kursk Oblast, Lucerne, Perak, Sonora, Washington, oblast, region, state
异议 (yìyì)
differ, objection, 厭浥, 奕奕, 悒悒, 意義, 意譯, 熠熠, 異義, 異譯, 異議, 翼翼, 譯意
apprentice, as long as, as soon as, as/translations, dong, if, self-employed, serve, sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof, treat, wait on someone hand and foot, when, while
拉面 (lāmiàn)
Ramen, lamian, ramen, ramen, ramen, ramen, ramen, ramen, ramen, ramen, ramen, ramyeon, لەڭمەن
拉麵 / 拉面 (lāmiàn)
Ramen, lamian, ramen, ramen, ramen, ramen, ramen, ramen, ramen, ramen, ramen, ramyeon, لەڭمەن
攻擊 / 攻击 (gōngjī)
aggression, assail, assault, attack, charge, cyberattack, gay bash, shark attack, 公積, 公雞, 功績, 攻擊, 肱肌
檢查 / 检查 (jiǎnchá)
audit, censor, censorship, check, check up, examination, inspect, inspection, laparoscopy, spell checker, test, 檢察, 檢查
毛 (máo)
Mao, Mao, Mao, Mao, Mao, facial hair, hair, jiao, maolainen, Мао, мо, مائو, ماو
浴室 (yùshì)
bath, bath mat, bathroom, 喻示, 御世, 御事, 御史, 浴室, 獄室, 諭示, 遇事, 預示, 預試
激动 (jīdòng)
action-packed, beside oneself, enthusiastic, excitation, excite, excited, excitement, exciting, life-affirming, on the edge of one's seat, 機動, 激動, 雞凍
状态 (zhuàngtài)
-hood, circumstance, condition, kilter, mode, passivity, point of no return, situation, state, state of affairs, state of mind, status, working order
狀態 / 状态 (zhuàngtài)
-hood, circumstance, condition, kilter, mode, passivity, point of no return, situation, state, state of affairs, state of mind, status, working order
產生 / 产生 (chǎnshēng)
arise, beget, come into being, come into the world, counterproductive, dentilabialization, generation, germinate, grow apart, jaundice, misleading, procreate, yield
community spirit, esprit de corps, ethos, genius loci, mental, mentally, mind, psyche, solatium, spirit, spiritual, trauma, vivacious
职业 (zhíyè)
calling, career, career change, employment, flatulist, job, métier, occupation, occupational health and safety, profession, vocation, work, world's oldest profession
職業 / 职业 (zhíyè)
calling, career, career change, employment, flatulist, job, métier, occupation, occupational health and safety, profession, vocation, work, world's oldest profession
背时 (bèishí)
古板, 封建, 老式, 老時, 臭濁, 舊落咆, 舊落落, 迂腐, 退時, 過時, 陳, 陳腐, 陳舊
背時 / 背时 (bèishí)
古板, 封建, 老式, 老時, 臭濁, 舊落咆, 舊落落, 迂腐, 退時, 過時, 陳, 陳腐, 陳舊
茶 (chá)
Scha, chai, cup of tea, oolong tea, tea/translations, tsa, çaý, şay, चा, ჩაი, ჩაჲი, 茶, 茶
行为 (xíngwéi)
act, act of war, barbarism, behavior, behavioral crisis, deed, disorderly conduct, doing, foul play, hooliganism, incapacitated, misbehaver, ribaldry
行為 / 行为 (xíngwéi)
act, act of war, barbarism, behavior, behavioral crisis, deed, disorderly conduct, doing, foul play, hooliganism, incapacitated, misbehaver, ribaldry
討厭 / 讨厌 (tǎoyàn)
I hate you, abominate, annoyed, annoying, disgusting, dislike, gross, hate, irritating, loathe, nuisance, obnoxious, troublesome
讨厌 (tǎoyàn)
I hate you, abominate, annoyed, annoying, disgusting, dislike, gross, hate, irritating, loathe, nuisance, obnoxious, troublesome
走 (zǒu)
I must go, exit, go, go away, how do I get to, how do I get to the airport, how do I get to the bus station, how do I get to the train station, let's go, quit, run, step, walk
Dàyǔ Shān, Huà Shān, Héng Shān, Jīng Shān, Mògān Shān, Sōng Shān, Tiāntái Shān, Tiāntāi Shān, Yàndàng Shān, Zhōngnán Shān, Éméi Shān, Ā'ěrbēisī Shān
上海 (Shànghǎi)
Jan̄ai, Sciamhaevum, Shanghai, Shanghai, Shanghai, Xangai, Xangai, sciangai, Ŝanhajo, Ŝanĥajo, షాంఘై, 上海
不要 (bùyào)
I'll pass, bros before hoes, cannot, do not want, don't, don't look a gift horse in the mouth, leave me alone, make love, not war, make yourself at home, no offense, no thank you, no, thanks
中心 (zhōngxīn)
Eurocentric, car-centric, center, detention centre, food court, ganglion, heart/translations, leisure centre, middle, 中心, 忠心, 衷心
二 (èr)
1992, di-, erhu, liangge, maternal aunt, twelfth, two, 三, 二, 二, 四, 尖兒
元 (yuán)
Yuan dynasty, Yüan, dollar, jüan, jüan, jüan, kalpa, nguyên, yuan, Юань, יואן, 원
决定 (juédìng)
I'll leave it up to you, choose, decide, decision, determinant, determine, devil is in the details, for what it's worth, make up one's mind, resolve, set on, spoilt for choice
医生 (yīshēng)
Doctor, I am a doctor, cardiologist, dermatologist, eye doctor, is anyone here a doctor, ophthalmologist, physician, specialist, 一生, 一聲, 醫生
即事 (jíshì)
即世, 即事, 即是, 吉事, 吉士, 嫉視, 急事, 極是, 疾視, 集事, 集市, 集釋
即是 (jíshì)
即世, 即事, 即是, 吉事, 吉士, 嫉視, 急事, 極是, 疾視, 集事, 集市, 集釋
吉事 (jíshì)
即世, 即事, 即是, 吉事, 吉士, 嫉視, 急事, 極是, 疾視, 集事, 集市, 集釋
Christian name, forename, given name, middle name, my name is, name, what is her name, what is his name, what is your name, 名子, 名字, 明子
后 (hòu)
baby boomer, back, dessert, post-, queen, step-, 兵, 后, 王, 象, 車, 馬
O, aah, ah, aha, huh, now you're talking, that's it, uh, wow, yeah, yep, yes
嘻嘻 (xīxī)
haha, 兮兮, 嘻嘻, 夕夕, 恓恓, 昔昔, 栖栖, 淅淅, 熙熙, 稀稀, 西溪, 西西
城堡 (chéngbǎo)
bastille, castle, citadel, fort, fortress, rook, 兵, 后, 王, 象, 車, 馬
实现 (shíxiàn)
achievable, achieve, come true, fruition, go through with, implement, realization, realize, see the light of day, 實現, 實線, 時限
急事 (jíshì)
即世, 即事, 即是, 吉事, 吉士, 嫉視, 急事, 極是, 疾視, 集事, 集市, 集釋
想儿 (xiǎngr)
希冀, 希望, 心願, 志意, 志願, 意願, 慾望, 指望, 期望, 祈願, 願, 願望
想兒 / 想儿 (xiǎngr)
希冀, 希望, 心願, 志意, 志願, 意願, 慾望, 指望, 期望, 祈願, 願, 願望
意譯 / 意译 (yìyì)
paraphrase, 厭浥, 奕奕, 悒悒, 意義, 意譯, 熠熠, 異義, 異譯, 異議, 翼翼, 譯意
意译 (yìyì)
paraphrase, 厭浥, 奕奕, 悒悒, 意義, 意譯, 熠熠, 異義, 異譯, 異議, 翼翼, 譯意
beat, box, club, dial, don't count your chickens before they're hatched, dozen, flag, hit, play, tie, whack, whisper
技术 (jìshù)
TAFE, art, cryonics, cybernetics, skill, technical support, technique, technology, 技術, 紀述, 計數, 記述
技術 / 技术 (jìshù)
TAFE, art, cryonics, cybernetics, skill, technical support, technique, technology, 技術, 紀述, 計數, 記述
擔心 / 担心 (dānxīn)
I'm worried, apprehend, apprehension, care, don't worry, misgive, troubled, worried, worry, 丹心, 擔心, 殫心
方式 (fāngshì)
fashion, lifestyle, living, manner, method, mode, somehow, way, way of life, 坊市, 方士, 方式
旅行 (lǚxíng)
bicycle touring, caravan, honeymoon, journey, luggage, tour, tourism, travel, trip, voyage, 履行, 旅行
最 (zuì)
-est, best-kept secret, best-selling, it's the thought that counts, most, most of all, mot juste, record, there's no fool like an old fool, time is of the essence, world's oldest profession, worst
欧洲 (Ōuzhōu)
Eurocentric, Europe, European, Völkerwanderung, anti-European, 亞洲, 北美洲, 南極洲, 南美洲, 大洋洲, 歐洲, 非洲
歐洲 / 欧洲 (Ōuzhōu)
Eurocentric, Europe, European, Völkerwanderung, anti-European, 亞洲, 北美洲, 南極洲, 南美洲, 大洋洲, 歐洲, 非洲
決定 / 决定 (juédìng)
I'll leave it up to you, choose, decide, decision, determinant, determine, devil is in the details, for what it's worth, make up one's mind, resolve, set on, spoilt for choice
混乱 (hùnluàn)
at sixes and sevens, chaos, chaotic, confused, confusion, disarray, disorder, kerfuffle, mayhem, mess, obfuscate, stewpot
激動 / 激动 (jīdòng)
action-packed, beside oneself, enthusiastic, excite, excited, excitement, exciting, life-affirming, on the edge of one's seat, 機動, 激動, 雞凍
牧师 (mùshī)
Reverend, chaplain, clergyman, clergyperson, cleric, deacon, man of God, minister, pastor, priest, 木蝨, 牧師
牧師 / 牧师 (mùshī)
Reverend, chaplain, clergyman, clergyperson, cleric, deacon, man of God, minister, pastor, priest, 木蝨, 牧師
理解 (lǐjiě)
according to one's understanding, apprehend, comprehension, conceive, grasp, inscrutable, make sense, understand, understandable, understanding, unintelligible, work out
生育 (shēngyù)
baby boomer, beget, birth control, fertile, generation, give birth, infertile, infertility, procreate, 生育, 聲域, 聲譽
电视 (diànshì)
TV, dianshe, drama, series, small screen, televise, television, television channel, tensʉ, 殿試, 電勢, 電視
Frenchman, a woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle, behind every successful man there stands a woman, boy, family man, guy, like a man, man cave, man of few words, man/translations, 南人, 男人
異議 / 异议 (yìyì)
objection, 厭浥, 奕奕, 悒悒, 意義, 意譯, 熠熠, 異義, 異譯, 異議, 翼翼, 譯意
當 / 当
apprentice, as long as, as soon as, as/translations, if, self-employed, serve, sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof, treat, wait on someone hand and foot, when, while
-ing, Dracula sneeze, alive, awake, be/translations, bring a knife to a gunfight, count down, in tears, lean, moustached, stare, track down
破壞 / 破坏 (pòhuài)
breach of the peace, demolition, destroy, destruction, devastate, dilapidation, disrupt, mar, ruin, ruination, sabotage, vandalise
考虑 (kǎolǜ)
account, consider, given that, have second thoughts, in question, ponder, reflect, revolve, take into account, think, thinkable, thought
联合 (liánhé)
bloc, club, coalition, cohost, come together, conjoin, consociation, consolidate, union, united, 聯合, 連合
自行车 (zìxíngchē)
a woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle, bicycle, bicycle helmet, bicycle stand, bicycle touring, bicycle tourist, bike, cycle, cyclist, moped, penny farthing, tandem bicycle
視力 / 视力 (shìlì)
eye test, eyesight, vision, 事例, 侍立, 勢利, 勢力, 市立, 示例, 視力, 適例, 釋例
视力 (shìlì)
eye test, eyesight, vision, 事例, 侍立, 勢利, 勢力, 市立, 示例, 視力, 適例, 釋例
调查 (diàochá)
cartography, examine, find out, inspect, investigate, investigation, means test, ombudsman, oversee, probe, research, survey
車 / 车
automobile, car, cart, jalopy, my car has broken down, rook, 兵, 后, 王, 象, 車, 馬
軼事 / 轶事 (yìshì)
anecdote, 意式, 意識, 抑是, 易事, 異事, 義士, 藝事, 藝士, 譯釋, 議事, 逸事
automobile, car, cart, jalopy, my car has broken down, rook, 兵, 后, 王, 象, 車, 馬
轶事 (yìshì)
anecdote, 意式, 意識, 抑是, 易事, 異事, 義士, 藝事, 藝士, 譯釋, 議事, 逸事
逸事 (yìshì)
anecdote, 意式, 意識, 抑是, 易事, 異事, 義士, 藝事, 藝士, 譯釋, 議事, 逸事
Logos, Tao, Word, meatus, road, sintó, tao, tao, taolainen, way, word, เต๋า
醫生 / 医生 (yīshēng)
Doctor, I am a doctor, cardiologist, dermatologist, eye doctor, is anyone here a doctor, ophthalmologist, physician, specialist, 一生, 一聲, 醫生
錢 / 钱
I have no money, cabbage, change, dollar, dough, how much do I owe you, how much do you charge, jun, money, pretty penny, splash out, underpay
I have no money, cabbage, change, dollar, dough, how much do I owe you, how much do you charge, jun, money, pretty penny, splash out, underpay
開始 / 开始 (kāishǐ)
begin, beginning, commence, from scratch, from the get-go, from the start, outset, start, start afresh, well begun is half done, 開始, 開駛
阻碍 (zǔ'ài)
bar/translations, get in the way, hinder, hindrance, impeach, impede, in the way, interfere, interference, stunt, stymie, unstoppable
限制 (xiànzhì)
constrain, curtail, limit, restraint, restrict, restriction, sumptuary law, tyrannize, 憲制, 縣志, 縣治, 限制
電視 / 电视 (diànshì)
TV, dianshe, drama, series, small screen, televise, television, television channel, tensʉ, 殿試, 電勢, 電視
需要 (xūyào)
I need ..., I need a guide, chewy, demand, do you need help, in demand, need, require, take, want, 需要, 須要
高兴 (gāoxìng)
gay, glad, gladden, gratify, happy, joyous, mirth, pleased, pleased to meet you, rejoice, satisfying, unhappy
麻烦 (máfan)
bad, bother, cross to bear, cumbersome, give someone a hard time, hard time, inconvenience, nuisance, problem, tricky, trouble, troublesome
Bàizhàntíng Dìguó, Dà Rìběn Dìguó, Dàqīng Dìguó, Dàyīng Dìguó, Dìsān Dìguó, Dōng-Luómǎ Dìguó, Luómǎ Dìguó, Ménggǔ Dìguó, Měnggǔ Dìguó, Shénshèng Luómǎ Dìguó, Àosīmàn Dìguó
anything else, curiosity, floccinaucinihilipilification, if it ain't broke, don't fix it, item, must-learn, object, shop, shopping, stuff, thing
中国 (Zhōngguó)
C-drama, CCTV, China watcher, China/translations, Chinese, Cong-kow, Middle Kingdom, Tung Của, Zhongguo, crêpe de Chine, junk
中國 / 中国 (Zhōngguó)
C-drama, CCTV, China watcher, China/translations, Chinese, Cong-kow, Middle Kingdom, Tung Của, Zhongguo, crêpe de Chine, junk
义士 (yìshì)
意式, 意識, 抑是, 易事, 異事, 義士, 藝事, 藝士, 譯釋, 議事, 逸事
乌龙 (wūlóng)
oolong, oolong tea, ulung, ઊલોંગ, 同花, 同花大順, 同花順, 對子, 滔啤, 葫蘆, 順子
习惯 (xíguàn)
accustomed, be used to, clean up one's act, custom, get used, getting used to, habit, habitual, inure, practice, usage
I'm busy, ball game, first things first, hors d'oeuvre, matter, order of business, paradox, res gestae, sadness, 世情, 事情
dia orang, their, theirs, them, themselves, they, 他們, 她們, 它們, 牠們, 祂們
厭浥, 奕奕, 悒悒, 意義, 意譯, 熠熠, 異義, 異譯, 異議, 翼翼, 譯意
任务 (rènwù)
assignment, errand, job, missing in action, mission, order of business, part, punch list, role, task, undertaking
任務 / 任务 (rènwù)
assignment, errand, job, missing in action, mission, order of business, part, punch list, role, task, undertaking
健康 (jiànkāng)
early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise, fitness, health, healthful, healthy, occupational health and safety, right as rain, salutary, sound, therapeutic, well
公正 (gōngzhèng)
clean, disinterested, fair, fair-minded, fairly, impartial, just, justly, unjust, 公正, 公證
兮兮 (xīxī)
兮兮, 嘻嘻, 夕夕, 恓恓, 昔昔, 栖栖, 淅淅, 熙熙, 稀稀, 西溪, 西西
努力 (nǔlì)
diligent, diligently, effort, endeavor, go the extra mile, hard, hard work, hardworking, industrious, make an effort, strive
反应 (fǎnyìng)
apprehensive, feedback, gut reaction, mixed reaction, overreact, overreaction, react, reaction, reception, 反應, 反映
反應 / 反应 (fǎnyìng)
apprehensive, feedback, gut reaction, mixed reaction, overreact, overreaction, react, reaction, reception, 反應, 反映
发生 (fāshēng)
at hand, butt heads, coincide, happen, occur, res gestae, sporadic, spur, take place, 發生, 發聲
同志 (tóngzhì)
I'm gay, comrade, fag, gay, gay bar, gay-straight alliance, same-sex, 同志, 同質, 童稚, 銅質
启示 (qǐshì)
apocalypse, revelation, 乞士, 啟事, 啟示, 綺室, 豈是, 起事, 起勢, 起士, 起誓
alas, damn, ew, fie, oh, oh dear, oops, ouch, ugh, wow, yuck
問題 / 问题 (wèntí)
China watcher, defect, first world problem, is there a problem, issue, problem, query, question, the thing is, wicked problem, wife-beating question
啟示 / 启示 (qǐshì)
apocalypse, revelation, 乞士, 啟事, 啟示, 綺室, 豈是, 起事, 起勢, 起士, 起誓
夕夕 (xīxī)
兮兮, 嘻嘻, 夕夕, 恓恓, 昔昔, 栖栖, 淅淅, 熙熙, 稀稀, 西溪, 西西
天 (tiān)
24/7, T'ien, Tien, celestial, day/translations, heavenly, heavens, sky/translations, sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof, tian, twenty-four seven
奕奕 (yìyì)
厭浥, 奕奕, 悒悒, 意義, 意譯, 熠熠, 異義, 異譯, 異議, 翼翼, 譯意
存在 (cúnzài)
be/translations, being, exist, existence, existential, higher power, life/translations, nonexistent, preexist, presence, raison d'être
学生 (xuéshēng)
adult learner, pupil, scholar, school tie, schoolboy, schoolchild, schoolgirl, schoolkid, student, student syndrome, teach to read and write
學生 / 学生 (xuéshēng)
adult learner, pupil, scholar, school tie, schoolboy, schoolchild, schoolgirl, schoolkid, student, student syndrome, teach to read and write
家事 (jiāshì)
chore, housekeeping, housework, 佳士, 加勢, 嘉世, 家世, 家事, 家勢, 家室, 枷示
實現 / 实现 (shíxiàn)
achievable, achieve, come true, go through with, implement, realization, realize, see the light of day, 實現, 實線, 時限
就是 (jiùshì)
i.e., indeed, life's a bitch and then you die, such is life, united we stand, divided we fall, 就事, 就勢, 救世, 救市, 舊事, 舊式
圈套, 坎阱, 局子, 橘子, 漉束箍仔, 牢籠, 網羅, 羅網, 陷坑, 陷阱, 騙局
常識 / 常识 (chángshí)
common knowledge, common sense, general knowledge, 嘗試, 常事, 常侍, 常時, 常識, 常食, 長石, 長逝
常识 (chángshí)
common knowledge, common sense, general knowledge, 嘗試, 常事, 常侍, 常時, 常識, 常食, 長石, 長逝
平静 (píngjìng)
assuage, calm, calm before the storm, calm down, compose, peace, peace and quiet, placid, serene, serenity, tranquillity
建議 / 建议 (jiànyì)
advice, legal advice, offer, proposal, proposition, recommendation, suggest, suggestion, 建議, 諫議, 賤役
建议 (jiànyì)
advice, legal advice, offer, proposal, proposition, recommendation, suggest, suggestion, 建議, 諫議, 賤役
开首 (kāishǒu)
伊始, 權輿, 發端, 發軔, 肇始, 肇端, 萌, 起始, 起手, 起頭, 開始
异义 (yìyì)
厭浥, 奕奕, 悒悒, 意義, 意譯, 熠熠, 異義, 異譯, 異議, 翼翼, 譯意
异事 (yìshì)
意式, 意識, 抑是, 易事, 異事, 義士, 藝事, 藝士, 譯釋, 議事, 逸事
律师 (lǜshī)
attorney, attorney-client privilege, bar examination, barrister, chamber, defense attorney, lawyer, paralegal, solicitor, 律師, 律詩
律師 / 律师 (lǜshī)
attorney, attorney-client privilege, bar examination, barrister, chamber, defense attorney, lawyer, paralegal, solicitor, 律師, 律詩
心理 (xīnlǐ)
cross to bear, mental, mentality, mentally, psyched up, psychology, psychopathy, psychosomatic, scar, state of mind, trauma
快乐 (kuàilè)
cheerful, dolce far niente, happily, happiness, happy, happy Easter, happy holidays, joyful, joyous, season's greetings, warm the cockles of someone's heart
快樂 / 快乐 (kuàilè)
cheerful, dolce far niente, happily, happiness, happy, happy Easter, happy holidays, joyful, joyous, season's greetings, warm the cockles of someone's heart
恓恓 (xīxī)
兮兮, 嘻嘻, 夕夕, 恓恓, 昔昔, 栖栖, 淅淅, 熙熙, 稀稀, 西溪, 西西
恶化 (èhuà)
decline, degenerate, degeneration, deteriorate, deterioration, exacerbate, take a turn for the worse, worsen, 俄化, 惡化, 顎化
悒悒 (yìyì)
厭浥, 奕奕, 悒悒, 意義, 意譯, 熠熠, 異義, 異譯, 異議, 翼翼, 譯意
意大利 (Yìdàlì)
Italian, Italian mix, Italy, bersagliere, bocce, lasagna, panettone, prosciutto, Ý, 意大利, 義大利
抑制 (yìzhì)
arrest, check, inhibit, strangle, suppress, 意志, 抑制, 異志, 異質, 益智, 譯製
抑是 (yìshì)
意式, 意識, 抑是, 易事, 異事, 義士, 藝事, 藝士, 譯釋, 議事, 逸事
抑郁 (yìyù)
dejected, depressed, depression, despondent, funk, 悒鬱, 意欲, 抑鬱, 溢譽, 異域, 逸豫
抑鬱 / 抑郁 (yìyù)
dejected, depressed, depression, despondent, funk, 悒鬱, 意欲, 抑鬱, 溢譽, 異域, 逸豫
无礼 (wúlǐ)
brusque, contumely, disrespect, flippant, irreverent, pert, rude, rudeness, surly, 無理, 無禮
易事 (yìshì)
意式, 意識, 抑是, 易事, 異事, 義士, 藝事, 藝士, 譯釋, 議事, 逸事
昔昔 (xīxī)
兮兮, 嘻嘻, 夕夕, 恓恓, 昔昔, 栖栖, 淅淅, 熙熙, 稀稀, 西溪, 西西
東西 / 东西
anything else, curiosity, floccinaucinihilipilification, if it ain't broke, don't fix it, item, must-learn, object, shop, shopping, stuff, thing
栖栖 (xīxī)
兮兮, 嘻嘻, 夕夕, 恓恓, 昔昔, 栖栖, 淅淅, 熙熙, 稀稀, 西溪, 西西
残忍 (cánrěn)
beast, bloody, brutal, cruel, cruelly, cruelty, fierce, heartless, merciless, ruthless, ruthlessly
殘忍 / 残忍 (cánrěn)
beast, bloody, brutal, cruel, cruelly, cruelty, fierce, heartless, merciless, ruthless, ruthlessly
淅淅 (xīxī)
兮兮, 嘻嘻, 夕夕, 恓恓, 昔昔, 栖栖, 淅淅, 熙熙, 稀稀, 西溪, 西西
渴望 (kěwàng)
aspire, covet, crave, craving, hunger, itch, long for, long/translations, longing, 可望, 渴望
点 (diǎn)
at, count, dot, half past, hour, let's go, level, make a difference, point, switch, truck stop
烏龍 / 乌龙 (wūlóng)
oolong, oolong tea, ulung, ઊલોંગ, 同花, 同花大順, 同花順, 對子, 滔啤, 葫蘆, 順子
煽动 (shāndòng)
abet, fomentation, hatemonger, incendiary, incitement, instigate, sedition, 山洞, 扇動, 搧動, 煽動
熠熠 (yìyì)
厭浥, 奕奕, 悒悒, 意義, 意譯, 熠熠, 異義, 異譯, 異議, 翼翼, 譯意
电脑 (diànnǎo)
Macintosh, box, computer, cybernetics, dianno, taenaw, tianaw, tiannau, tingnaw, tingnaw, tiyennaw
異事 / 异事 (yìshì)
意式, 意識, 抑是, 易事, 異事, 義士, 藝事, 藝士, 譯釋, 議事, 逸事
異義 / 异义 (yìyì)
厭浥, 奕奕, 悒悒, 意義, 意譯, 熠熠, 異義, 異譯, 異議, 翼翼, 譯意
發生 / 发生 (fāshēng)
at hand, butt heads, coincide, happen, occur, res gestae, sporadic, spur, take place, 發生, 發聲
目前 (mùqián)
as it stands, as yet, at the moment, currently, for now, for the time being, hitherto, so far, so far so good, these days, thus far
目的 (mùdì)
aim, goal, meaning, object, objective, priority, purpose, skopos, target, 墓地, 目的
真 (zhēn)
for real, for shame, if anything, pleased to meet you, real, really, ring true, shame on you, true, truly, what a pity
dawdle, efface, grind, grindstone, hone, mill, rub, sharpen, wear, whet, 磨
精液 (jīngyè)
cum, ejaculate, semen, seminal, sperm, 京邑, 兢業, 精液, 精義, 經意, 驚異
美国 (Měiguó)
American, Bill of Rights, Old West, USA, United States, United States of America, Usonian, air force, apple pie, contiguous United States, speakeasy
義士 / 义士 (yìshì)
意式, 意識, 抑是, 易事, 異事, 義士, 藝事, 藝士, 譯釋, 議事, 逸事
習慣 / 习惯 (xíguàn)
accustomed, be used to, clean up one's act, custom, get used, getting used to, habit, habitual, inure, practice, usage
翼翼 (yìyì)
厭浥, 奕奕, 悒悒, 意義, 意譯, 熠熠, 異義, 異譯, 異議, 翼翼, 譯意
聯合 / 联合 (liánhé)
bloc, club, coalition, cohost, conjoin, consociation, consolidate, union, united, 聯合, 連合
自行車 / 自行车 (zìxíngchē)
a woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle, bicycle, bicycle helmet, bicycle stand, bicycle touring, bicycle tourist, cycle, cyclist, moped, penny farthing, tandem bicycle
舒适 (shūshì)
amenity, at ease, comfort, comfortable, cosy, easily, 叔世, 書士, 書市, 書式, 舒適
艺事 (yìshì)
意式, 意識, 抑是, 易事, 異事, 義士, 藝事, 藝士, 譯釋, 議事, 逸事
艺士 (yìshì)
意式, 意識, 抑是, 易事, 異事, 義士, 藝事, 藝士, 譯釋, 議事, 逸事
-ing, Dracula sneeze, alive, be/translations, bring a knife to a gunfight, count down, in tears, lean, moustached, stare, track down
藝事 / 艺事 (yìshì)
意式, 意識, 抑是, 易事, 異事, 義士, 藝事, 藝士, 譯釋, 議事, 逸事
藝士 / 艺士 (yìshì)
意式, 意識, 抑是, 易事, 異事, 義士, 藝事, 藝士, 譯釋, 議事, 逸事
西安 (Xī'ān)
Hsi-an, Sian, Sianfu, Singan, Xi'an, 吸安, 烯胺, 西安, 醯胺, 錫安, 시안
西溪 (Xīxī)
兮兮, 嘻嘻, 夕夕, 恓恓, 昔昔, 栖栖, 淅淅, 熙熙, 稀稀, 西溪, 西西
西西 (xīxī)
兮兮, 嘻嘻, 夕夕, 恓恓, 昔昔, 栖栖, 淅淅, 熙熙, 稀稀, 西溪, 西西
證明 / 证明 (zhèngmíng)
certificate, certify, evince, exculpatory, prima facie, prove, reference, testimonial, time will tell, 正名, 證明
譯意 / 译意 (yìyì)
厭浥, 奕奕, 悒悒, 意義, 意譯, 熠熠, 異義, 異譯, 異議, 翼翼, 譯意
譯釋 / 译释 (yìshì)
意式, 意識, 抑是, 易事, 異事, 義士, 藝事, 藝士, 譯釋, 議事, 逸事
議事 / 议事 (yìshì)
意式, 意識, 抑是, 易事, 異事, 義士, 藝事, 藝士, 譯釋, 議事, 逸事
议事 (yìshì)
意式, 意識, 抑是, 易事, 異事, 義士, 藝事, 藝士, 譯釋, 議事, 逸事
记忆 (jìyì)
in living memory, memorize, memory, play by ear, recollection, remember, remembrance, 寄意, 技藝, 計議, 記憶
证明 (zhèngmíng)
certificate, certify, evince, exculpatory, prima facie, prove, reference, testimonial, time will tell, 正名, 證明
译意 (yìyì)
厭浥, 奕奕, 悒悒, 意義, 意譯, 熠熠, 異義, 異譯, 異議, 翼翼, 譯意
译释 (yìshì)
意式, 意識, 抑是, 易事, 異事, 義士, 藝事, 藝士, 譯釋, 議事, 逸事
运动 (yùndòng)
athletics, ball game, dyssynchrony, exercise, kinetic, motion, movement, skateboarding, sport, 暈動, 運動
运动员 (yùndòngyuán)
Paralympian, athlete, bantamweight, fencer, high jumper, judoka, player, sportsman, sportsperson, sportswoman, weightlifter
Bob's your uncle, I don't think so, I think so, even so, is that so, like that, so be it, so/translations, such, such is life, thus
选择 (xuǎnzé)
choice, choose, elect, indiscriminate, leap of faith, not an option, of one's choice, option, preference, selection, spoilt for choice
這樣 / 这样
Bob's your uncle, I don't think so, I think so, even so, is that so, like that, so be it, so/translations, such, such is life, thus
運動 / 运动 (yùndòng)
athletics, ball game, dyssynchrony, exercise, kinetic, motion, movement, skateboarding, sport, 暈動, 運動
運動員 / 运动员 (yùndòngyuán)
Paralympian, athlete, bantamweight, fencer, high jumper, judoka, player, sportsman, sportsperson, sportswoman, weightlifter
選擇 / 选择 (xuǎnzé)
choice, choose, elect, indiscriminate, leap of faith, not an option, of one's choice, option, preference, selection, spoilt for choice
重新 (chóngxīn)
afresh, again, anew, have second thoughts, redefine, reequip, relearn, reload, resort, start afresh, turn over a new leaf
開首 / 开首 (kāishǒu)
伊始, 權輿, 發端, 發軔, 肇始, 肇端, 萌, 起始, 起手, 起頭, 開始
關於 / 关于 (guānyú)
about, as for, as regards, as to, be about, concerning, in respect of, in the way of, regarding, toward, with respect to
问题 (wèntí)
China watcher, defect, first world problem, is there a problem, issue, problem, query, question, the thing is, wicked problem, wife-beating question
電腦 / 电脑 (diànnǎo)
Macintosh, box, computer, cybernetics, dianno, taenaw, tianaw, tiannau, tingnaw, tingnaw, tiyennaw
非常 (fēicháng)
awful, devilish, extremely, it was delicious, piece of cake, right as rain, so/translations, vainglorious, very, very much, walk in the park
預示 / 预示 (yùshì)
augur, indicate, 喻示, 御世, 御事, 浴室, 獄室, 諭示, 遇事, 預示, 預試
预示 (yùshì)
augur, indicate, 喻示, 御世, 御事, 浴室, 獄室, 諭示, 遇事, 預示, 預試
食物 (shíwù)
chow, diet, food, food literacy, foodstuff, 什物, 實務, 實物, 拾物, 時務, 食物
高興 / 高兴 (gāoxìng)
gay, glad, gladden, gratify, happy, mirth, pleased, pleased to meet you, rejoice, satisfying, unhappy
麻煩 / 麻烦 (máfan)
bad, bother, cross to bear, cumbersome, give someone a hard time, hard time, inconvenience, nuisance, problem, trouble, troublesome
點 / 点 (diǎn)
at, count, dot, half past, hour, let's go, level, make a difference, point, switch, truck stop
Bùlièdiān Qúndǎo, Diàoyútái Qúndǎo, Dōngshā Qúndǎo, Fúkèlán Qúndǎo, Pénghú Qúndǎo, Suǒluómén Qúndǎo, Xī Yìndù Qúndǎo, Yīngshǔ Wéi'ěrjīng Qúndǎo, Yīngshǔ Wéijīng Qúndǎo, Zhōngshā Qúndǎo
下 (xià)
by default, descend, down, following, get off, hail, lower, move, next, versus
专家 (zhuānjiā)
China watcher, adept, expert, hygienist, infectious disease specialist, professional, specialist, virtuoso, 專家, 磚家
bicameral, both, di-, fortnight, liangge, tael, two, two beers, please, unisex, 両
事件 (shìjiàn)
Watergate, case, cause célèbre, circumstance, episode, event, fortuity, incident, mass shooting, occurrence
事例 (shìlì)
precedent, 事例, 侍立, 勢利, 勢力, 市立, 示例, 視力, 適例, 釋例
above the law, actions speak louder than words, bow to, fast, in the way of, in/translations, intubate, preexist, put down to, there's no fool like an old fool
交易 (jiāoyì)
bureau de change, commerce, deal, dealings, trade, traffic, transaction, 交易, 交誼, 嬌逸
他們 / 他们
their, theirs, them, themselves, they, 他們, 她們, 它們, 牠們, 祂們
企业 (qǐyè)
business, company, consortium, endeavor, enterprise, firm, partnership, spin-off, 企業, 起夜
会议 (huìyì)
assembly, conference, convention, meeting, minute, minutes, salon, session, 會意, 會議
do you accept American dollars, do you accept credit cards, engkau orang, when is closing time, you/translations, your, yourselves, 你們, 妳們, 祢們
俄罗斯 (Éluósī)
Bạch Nga, Russia, Russian, Russian oven, Russian world, Russosphere, duma, silovarch, ushanka, 俄羅斯
俄羅斯 / 俄罗斯 (Éluósī)
Bạch Nga, Russia, Russian, Russian oven, Russian world, Russosphere, duma, silovarch, ushanka, 俄羅斯
deserve, earn, memorable, owe it to oneself, worth, worth it, worth one's while, worth seeing, worthwhile, worthy
停止 (tíngzhǐ)
abort, cease, cessation, desist, down with, give up, moratorium, stop, suspend, unstoppable
偶然 (ǒurán)
accidental, accidentally, aleatory, by chance, fortuitous, fortuity, haphazard, incidentally, occasional, occasionally
傲慢 (àomàn)
arrogance, arrogant, contumely, haughtiness, haughty, hubris, pride, supercilious, surly, up oneself
兩 / 两
bicameral, both, di-, fortnight, liangge, tael, two, two beers, please, unisex, 両
公司 (gōngsī)
Apple, big business, company, company car, estate agent, gunse, introduction agency, kongsi, 公司, 公私
冲突 (chōngtū)
bicker, butt heads, clash, collide, conflict, confrontation, internecine, skirmish, strife, trouble
冷淡 (lěngdàn)
aloof, chilly, cold shoulder, coldness, cool, cool down, give someone the cold shoulder, indifference, indifferent, tough crowd
减少 (jiǎnshǎo)
abate, cut one's losses, decrease, dial down, dwindle, lessen, mitigate, reduce, slack off, turn down
出现 (chūxiàn)
advent, appear, appearance, emerge, emergence, loom, see the light of day, to the fore, 出現, 出線
出現 / 出现 (chūxiàn)
advent, appear, appearance, emerge, emergence, loom, see the light of day, to the fore, 出現, 出線
candareen, cent, divide, indiscriminate, minute, phân, phần, phận, point, 分
poke, prickle, prod, quill, splinter, stab, sting, stinger, tattoo, thorn
刺激 (cìjī)
excitation, fuel, incentive, irritate, provoke, spur, stimulate, stimulation, titillate, upset
snobbery, 事例, 侍立, 勢利, 勢力, 市立, 示例, 視力, 適例, 釋例
势力 (shìlì)
power, 事例, 侍立, 勢利, 勢力, 市立, 示例, 視力, 適例, 釋例
勢利 / 势利
snobbery, 事例, 侍立, 勢利, 勢力, 市立, 示例, 視力, 適例, 釋例
勢力 / 势力 (shìlì)
power, 事例, 侍立, 勢利, 勢力, 市立, 示例, 視力, 適例, 釋例
Jankoy, arrondissement, borough, district, ghetto, parish, qu, region, suburb, zone
危险 (wēixiǎn)
better the devil you know than the devil you don't know, danger, dangerous, dangerously, endanger, hazard, jeopardize, jeopardy, peril, threaten
危險 / 危险 (wēixiǎn)
better the devil you know than the devil you don't know, danger, dangerous, dangerously, endanger, hazard, jeopardize, jeopardy, peril, threaten
-phobia, anti-, anti-European, anti-villain, antitransgender, antitrust, counter-, counterproductive, inside out, upside down
and/or, and/translations, early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise, law and order, me and mine, mortar and pestle, silverware, teach to read and write, versus, with
嘗試 / 尝试 (chángshì)
attempt, bid, go, sample, try, 嘗試, 常事, 常侍, 常識, 長逝
地区 (dìqū)
Sudetenland, area, catchment area, coastland, contiguous United States, hinterland, prefecture, region, territory, zone
anywhere, cesspool, hang out, location, middle of nowhere, place, postage stamp, provincial, real estate, wasteland
城市 (chéngshì)
city, cityscape, municipal, town, urban, 乘勢, 乘式, 城市, 成事, 程式
复制 (fùzhì)
clone, cloning, copy, copyable, dub, duplicate, replicability, replicable, replication, reproduction
dia orang, their, theirs, them, they, 他們, 她們, 它們, 牠們, 祂們
射击 (shèjī)
fire, fire at will, gunshot, shoot, shooter, shooting, shot, volley, 射擊, 涉及
射擊 / 射击 (shèjī)
fire, fire at will, gunshot, shoot, shooter, shooting, shot, volley, 射擊, 涉及
專家 / 专家 (zhuānjiā)
China watcher, adept, expert, hygienist, infectious disease specialist, professional, specialist, virtuoso, 專家, 磚家
尝试 (chángshì)
attempt, bid, go, sample, try, 嘗試, 常事, 常侍, 常識, 長逝
市立 (shìlì)
municipal, 事例, 侍立, 勢利, 勢力, 市立, 示例, 視力, 適例, 釋例
平靜 / 平静 (píngjìng)
assuage, calm, calm before the storm, calm down, compose, peace, peace and quiet, placid, serene, serenity
年候儿 (niánhour)
世, 世代, 光陰, 年代, 年歲, 年華, 時代, 時期, 朝代, 歲月
年候兒 / 年候儿 (niánhour)
世, 世代, 光陰, 年代, 年歲, 年華, 時代, 時期, 朝代, 歲月
幹 / 干
bang, bonk, fuck, get up to, shag, terminate, tree trunk, trunk, well done, what are you doing
引起 (yǐnqǐ)
attract attention, cause a stir, cause célèbre, draw attention, engender, erotic, give rise to, intrigue, psychosomatic, sensationalize
影响 (yǐngxiǎng)
act on, affect, aftereffect, effect, influence, influencer, influential, inspire, seminal, take its toll
怀孕 (huáiyùn)
I'm pregnant, baby fat, baby weight, conceive, conception, eargasmic, fall pregnant, gravid, pregnancy, pregnant
惡化 / 恶化 (èhuà)
decline, degenerate, degeneration, deteriorate, exacerbate, take a turn for the worse, worsen, 俄化, 惡化, 顎化
意志 (yìzhì)
velleity, volition, will, willpower, 意志, 抑制, 異志, 異質, 益智, 譯製
感觉 (gǎnjué)
are you feeling better, feel, feel like, feeling, five senses, proprioception, sensation, sense, sensibility, sensory
playing card, poker, strip poker, 同花, 同花大順, 同花順, 對子, 滔啤, 葫蘆, 順子
找 (zhǎo)
I can't find my ..., I'm looking for a grocery store, I'm looking for a job, eureka, keep the change, look for, search, seek, track down, where can I find a hotel
承认 (chéngrèn)
acknowledge, acknowledgment, admit, affirm, avow, confess, confession, eat one's words, recognition, recognize
拒绝 (jùjué)
abdicate, decline, denial, forbid, negation, refusal, refuse, reject, repudiation, turn down
指示 (zhǐshì)
charge, directive, guideline, indicate, indication, instruct, lodestar, 只是, 指事, 指示
撲克牌 / 扑克牌
playing card, poker, strip poker, 同花, 同花大順, 同花順, 對子, 滔啤, 葫蘆, 順子
放弃 (fàngqì)
abandon, abort, capitulate, cede, forsake, give up, quit, renounce, 放棄, 放氣
文字 (wénzì)
HTTP cookie, abjad, hieroglyph, letter, script, scriptio continua, signwriting, wordsmith, writing, writing system
Jing, better, even, go the extra mile, less, more, preferable, priority, still, worse
會議 / 会议 (huìyì)
assembly, conference, convention, meeting, minute, minutes, salon, session, 會意, 會議
有关 (yǒuguān)
Eurocentric, existential, germane, pertain, relate, related, relative, relevant, res gestae, to do with
best friend, boyfriend, childhood friend, four-legged friend, friend/translations, girlfriend, make friends, mate, pen pal, 朋友
服务 (fúwù)
bartender, catchment area, community spirit, emergency medical service, hosting, public service announcement, respite care, serve, service, wake-up call
服務 / 服务 (fúwù)
bartender, catchment area, community spirit, emergency medical service, hosting, public service announcement, respite care, serve, service, wake-up call
机构 (jīgòu)
agency, body, case officer, establishment, institution, machine, mechanism, organ, organization, statutory authority
梅花 (méihuā)
Muifa, club, clubs, plum blossom, 方塊, 梅花, 紅心, 紅桃, 花色, 黑桃
機構 / 机构 (jīgòu)
agency, body, case officer, establishment, institution, machine, mechanism, organ, organization, statutory authority
汉字 (hànzì)
Chinese, Chinese character, Hanzi, hanja, hanzi, honji, kanji, kanji, 汗漬, 漢字
沉默 (chénmò)
be silent, hold one's tongue, keep quiet, reticent, silence, silent, speechless, taciturn, 沉沒, 沉默
法律 (fǎlǜ)
above the law, codification, codify, due process, law, law and order, legal, legal advice, legal system, letter of the law
满足 (mǎnzú)
content, dissatisfaction, gratify, satiate, satisfaction, satisfactory, satisfied, satisfy, suffice, 滿足
滿足 / 满足 (mǎnzú)
content, dissatisfaction, gratify, satiate, satisfaction, satisfactory, satisfied, satisfy, suffice, 滿足
漢字 / 汉字 (hànzì)
Chinese, Chinese character, Hanzi, hanja, hanzi, honji, kanji, kanji, 汗漬, 漢字
無禮 / 无礼 (wúlǐ)
brusque, disrespect, flippant, irreverent, pert, rude, rudeness, surly, 無理, 無禮
煽動 / 煽动 (shāndòng)
abet, hatemonger, incendiary, incitement, instigate, sedition, 山洞, 扇動, 搧動, 煽動
犯罪 (fànzuì)
crime, crime lord, guilt, misdeed, modus operandi, perpetrator, sin/translations, thoughtcrime, vice, whodunit
独立 (dúlì)
independence, independence day, independent, independent contractor, independently, on one's own, self-contained, sovereign, 獨力, 獨立
狱室 (yùshì)
喻示, 御世, 御事, 御史, 浴室, 獄室, 諭示, 遇事, 預示, 預試
獄室 / 狱室 (yùshì)
喻示, 御世, 御事, 御史, 浴室, 獄室, 諭示, 遇事, 預示, 預試
獨立 / 独立 (dúlì)
independence, independence day, independent, independent contractor, independently, on one's own, self-contained, sovereign, 獨力, 獨立
boarder, enjoy oneself, fun, hang out, have fun, play, play house, play-play, seesaw, snowboard
生活 (shēnghuó)
get a life, get along, high life, life/translations, live, living, modern convenience, nomadism, such is life, work-life balance
生物 (shēngwù)
being, bio-, biocoenosis, biological, cannibal, creature, organic, organism, periphyton, wildlife
由于 (yóuyú)
because, because of, due to, from, owing to, since, thanks to, 游魚, 由於, 魷魚
由於 / 由于 (yóuyú)
because, because of, due to, from, owing to, since, thanks to, 游魚, 由於, 魷魚
皇后 (huánghòu)
consort, empress, queen, ᡥᡡᠸᠠᠩᡥᡝᠣ, 兵, 后, 王, 象, 車, 馬
知道 (zhīdào)
I know, I want to know, I'd like to know, aware, do you know, dunno, intuit, know, no idea, roger
研究 (yánjiū)
-ology, Oriental studies, classicism, disquisition, hagiography, homework, research, studies, studying, task force
种 (zhóng)
how many languages do you speak, plant/translations, polyglot, race, seed, somehow, species, type, what kind of, what kind of music do you like
秘密 (mìmì)
ace up one's sleeve, clan lab, clandestine, clandestinely, confidence, mafia, secret, underground, 密密, 秘密
移民 (yímín)
emigrant, emigrate, emigration, immigrant, immigrate, immigration, migrant, transmigration, 移民, 遺民
種 / 种
how many languages do you speak, plant/translations, polyglot, race, seed, somehow, species, type, what kind of, what kind of music do you like
經濟 / 经济 (jīngjì)
Benelux, economic, economy, means test, pecuniary, socio-economic, value for money, 經濟, 經紀, 驚悸
经济 (jīngjì)
Benelux, economic, economy, means test, pecuniary, socio-economic, value for money, 經濟, 經紀, 驚悸
美國 / 美国 (Měiguó)
American, Bill of Rights, Old West, USA, United States, United States of America, Usonian, air force, apple pie, speakeasy
考慮 / 考虑 (kǎolǜ)
account, consider, given that, have second thoughts, in question, ponder, reflect, revolve, take into account, thought
舒適 / 舒适 (shūshì)
amenity, at ease, comfort, comfortable, easily, 叔世, 書士, 書市, 書式, 舒適
艺人 (yìrén)
e人, player, street performer, 役人, 易人, 異人, 義人, 薏仁, 藝人, 邑人
藝人 / 艺人 (yìrén)
e人, player, street performer, 役人, 易人, 異人, 義人, 薏仁, 藝人, 邑人
OK, actions speak louder than words, all right, column, it's the thought that counts, line, row, tier, walk, 行
衝突 / 冲突 (chōngtū)
bicker, butt heads, clash, collide, conflict, confrontation, internecine, skirmish, strife, trouble
記事 / 记事 (jìshì)
chronicle, 季世, 技士, 既是, 濟世, 濟事, 紀事, 繼室, 記事, 記室
記憶 / 记忆 (jìyì)
in living memory, memorize, memory, play by ear, remember, remembrance, 寄意, 技藝, 計議, 記憶
記錄 / 记录 (jìlù)
annal, book/translations, entry, minute, minutes, note, notetaking, record, 紀錄, 記錄
詭計 / 诡计 (guǐjì)
guile, machination, scam, shenanigans, trick, trickery, wile, 詭計, 軌跡, 鬼計
謝謝 / 谢谢 (xièxie)
I'm fine, thank you, cheers, no thank you, no, thanks, thank you, thank you all, thanks, thanks for your help, what do you say, xiexie
记事 (jìshì)
chronicle, 季世, 技士, 既是, 濟世, 濟事, 紀事, 繼室, 記事, 記室
记录 (jìlù)
annal, book/translations, entry, minute, minutes, note, notetaking, record, 紀錄, 記錄
诡计 (guǐjì)
guile, machination, scam, shenanigans, trick, trickery, wile, 詭計, 軌跡, 鬼計
谢谢 (xièxie)
I'm fine, thank you, cheers, no thank you, no, thanks, thank you, thank you all, thanks, thanks for your help, what do you say, xiexie
谨慎 (jǐnshèn)
cagey, caution, cautious, deliberate, discretion, overcautious, prudence, prudent, wary, watch one's step
象 (xiàng)
bishop, elephant, like, trunk, 兵, 后, 王, 象, 車, 馬
起士 (qǐshì)
cheese, 乞士, 啟事, 啟示, 綺室, 豈是, 起事, 起勢, 起士, 起誓
迅速 (xùnsù)
at speed, fast, hastily, quick, quickly, quickness, rapid, rapidly, snappy, speedy
通常 (tōngcháng)
as a rule, common, commonly, for the most part, generally, more often than not, normal, normally, usual, usually
部分 (bùfen)
fraction, part, partial, partially, partly, piece, portion, quadripartite, section, share
I don't want to buy anything, all, already, as well, behind every successful man there stands a woman, both, everything, is that the time, turn in one's grave, whatsoever
金沙江 (Jīnshājiāng)
Chin Sha Chiang, Chin-sha Chiang, Chin-sha-chiang, Chinshachiang, Jinsha Jiang, Kin Sha Kiang, Kin-sha Kiang, Kin-sha-kiang, Kinsha Kiang, Kinshakiang
错误 (cuòwù)
Freudian slip, blunder, bug, erroneously, error, fault, faultless, inaccuracy, mistake, mistakenly
長 / 长
baguette, chief, far/translations, grow, hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia, how long, length, long/translations, polearm, the night is young
baguette, chief, far/translations, grow, hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia, how long, length, long/translations, polearm, the night is young
阻礙 / 阻碍 (zǔ'ài)
get in the way, hinder, hindrance, impeach, impede, in the way, interfere, interference, stymie, unstoppable
非洲 (Fēizhōu)
Africa, African, Phi, 亞洲, 北美洲, 南極洲, 南美洲, 大洋洲, 歐洲, 非洲
Chángchūnténg Liánméng, Chángqīngténg Liánméng, Dōngnányà Guójiā Liánméng, Dōngnányǎ Guójiā Liánméng, Fēizhōu Liánméng, Měiguó Mínquán Liánméng, Sūwéi'āi Liánméng, Sūwéi'āi Shèhuìzhǔyì Gònghéguó Liánméng, Ōuzhōu Liánméng
一切 (yīqiè)
all, at all costs, everything, go all out, love conquers all, so far so good, stop at nothing, time will tell, 一切
一对 (yīduì)
couple, pair, 同花, 同花大順, 同花順, 對子, 滔啤, 葫蘆, 順子
一對 / 一对 (yīduì)
couple, pair, 同花, 同花大順, 同花順, 對子, 滔啤, 葫蘆, 順子
一般 (yībān)
average, by and large, general, generally, normally, on the whole, wait on someone hand and foot, 一斑, 一般
不满 (bùmǎn)
bone to pick, dissatisfaction, dissatisfied, have a bone to pick, horny, resentful, resentment, 不滿, 布滿
不滿 / 不满 (bùmǎn)
bone to pick, dissatisfaction, dissatisfied, have a bone to pick, horny, resentful, resentment, 不滿, 布滿
主要 (zhǔyào)
Eurocentric, capital, chiefly, main, main road, mainly, prime, prime suspect, principal
乞士 (qǐshì)
乞士, 啟事, 啟示, 綺室, 豈是, 起事, 起勢, 起士, 起誓
亚洲 (Yàzhōu)
Asia, Asian, 亞洲, 北美洲, 南極洲, 南美洲, 大洋洲, 歐洲, 非洲
亞洲 / 亚洲 (Yàzhōu)
Asia, Asian, 亞洲, 北美洲, 南極洲, 南美洲, 大洋洲, 歐洲, 非洲
人员 (rényuán)
bartender, border guard, crew, missing person, peacekeeper, personnel, staff, 人員, 人緣
人員 / 人员 (rényuán)
bartender, border guard, crew, missing person, peacekeeper, personnel, staff, 人員, 人緣
以前 (yǐqián)
ago, back, before, formerly, in the past, long ago, once, previous, previously
价值 (jiàzhí)
floccinaucinihilipilification, meaning of life, paltry, trivial, value, worth, worthless, 價值, 價直
企業 / 企业 (qǐyè)
business, company, consortium, enterprise, firm, partnership, spin-off, 企業, 起夜
你們 / 你们
do you accept American dollars, do you accept credit cards, when is closing time, you/translations, your, yourselves, 你們, 妳們, 祢們
侍立 (shìlì)
事例, 侍立, 勢利, 勢力, 市立, 示例, 視力, 適例, 釋例
abuse, contemptuous, contumely, disdainful, humiliate, insult, insulting, 侮辱, 污辱
保证 (bǎozhèng)
asset-backed, commitment, guarantee, pledge, promise, vouch, vow, warrant, warranty
偏见 (piānjiàn)
bias, biased, bigot, bigotry, fair-minded, jaundice, prejudice, prejudiced, slant
價值 / 价值 (jiàzhí)
floccinaucinihilipilification, meaning of life, paltry, trivial, value, worth, worthless, 價值, 價直
公开 (gōngkāi)
avow, bring to light, free market, in public, overtly, public service announcement, publicity stunt, publicly, transparent
再見 / 再见 (zàijiàn)
au revoir, bye, bye-bye, farewell, goodbye, so long, 再建, 再見, 在建
再见 (zàijiàn)
au revoir, bye, bye-bye, farewell, goodbye, so long, 再建, 再見, 在建
几乎 (jīhū)
all but, almost, as good as, hardly, more or less, nearly, pretty much, scarcely, well-nigh
凸槌 (tūchuí)
出土, 出彩, 出洋相, 出醜, 咬破粿, 現眼, 脫箠, 落屎, 鬧笑話
刑事 (xíngshì)
crime, penal, 刑事, 型式, 形勢, 形式, 行世, 行事, 行視
制造 (zhìzào)
fabricated, in the making, make, manufacture, manufacturing, pottery, produce, put out, scare campaign
區 / 区
arrondissement, borough, district, ghetto, parish, qu, region, suburb, zone
厌恶 (yànwù)
abominate, abomination, aversion, disgust, dislike, hatred, loathe, misogynist, nausea
厭惡 / 厌恶 (yànwù)
abominate, abomination, aversion, disgust, dislike, hatred, loathe, misogynist, nausea
去世 (qùshì)
decease, die/translations, pass away, passing, rest in peace, 去世, 去勢, 覷視, 趣事
反对 (fǎnduì)
against, anti-, combat, contradiction, disagree, object, oppose, opposition, overrule
同性恋 (tóngxìngliàn)
I'm gay, fairy, gay, gay bar, gay bash, gay rights, homosexual, homosexuality, lesbian
同性戀 / 同性恋 (tóngxìngliàn)
I'm gay, fairy, gay, gay bar, gay bash, gay rights, homosexual, homosexuality, lesbian
后面 (hòumiàn)
after, back, behind, behind the wheel, hind, hinder, later, posterior, rear
启事 (qǐshì)
乞士, 啟事, 啟示, 綺室, 豈是, 起事, 起勢, 起士, 起誓
和平 (hépíng)
Heping, irenic, peace, peacekeeper, peacekeeping, peacetime, 和平, 核平, 禾坪
和解 (héjiě)
accommodation, bury the hatchet, compromise, conciliatory, make up, make-up, propitiate, rapprochement, reconciliation
啟事 / 启事 (qǐshì)
乞士, 啟事, 啟示, 綺室, 豈是, 起事, 起勢, 起士, 起誓
回忆 (huíyì)
memory, recall, recollect, recollection, remember, reminisce, think back, 回憶, 回譯
回憶 / 回忆 (huíyì)
memory, recall, recollect, recollection, remember, reminisce, think back, 回憶, 回譯
bad, difficult, difficulty, hang out to dry, hard, hard time, hardship, problem, trouble
困難 / 困难
bad, difficult, difficulty, hang out to dry, hard, hard time, hardship, problem, trouble
国王 (guówáng)
Padishah, king/translations, prince, 兵, 后, 王, 象, 車, 馬
圆 (yuán)
circle, circular, concentric, dollar, round, yuan, юань, юань, 위안
國王 / 国王 (guówáng)
Padishah, king/translations, prince, 兵, 后, 王, 象, 車, 馬
圓 / 圆 (yuán)
circle, circular, concentric, dollar, round, yuan, юань, юань, 위안
地區 / 地区 (dìqū)
Sudetenland, area, catchment area, coastland, hinterland, prefecture, region, territory, zone
块 (kuài)
chunk, cluster, dollar, kuai, lump, nugget, piece, section, yuan
基础 (jīchǔ)
base, basic, basis, building block, foundation, fundament, groundwork, introductory, starting point
基礎 / 基础 (jīchǔ)
base, basic, basis, building block, foundation, fundament, groundwork, introductory, starting point
Hsia, Xia, shire, 冬, 四季, 夏, 季節, 春, 秋
how far, how many, how much, how much do I owe you, how much do you charge, number, somewhat, what is the Wi-Fi password, what's your phone number
女性 (nǚxìng)
fair sex, female, feminine, girlfriend, misogyny, spokeswoman, weaker sex, weaker vessel, woman/translations
她們 / 她们
their, theirs, them, they, 他們, 她們, 它們, 牠們, 祂們
-ling, -on, -y, Son, stalemate, sub-, zongzi, 子, 盤子
孩子 (háizi)
all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, babysitter, child, do you have children, kid, kiddo, mammothrept, start a family, wrong crowd
实际 (shíjì)
actual, down-to-earth, fact, substantial, 實績, 實際, 時季, 時計, 食忌
be my guest, courteous, gentle, make oneself at home, make yourself at home, polite, politeness, stand on ceremony, you shouldn't have
客氣 / 客气
be my guest, courteous, gentle, make oneself at home, make yourself at home, polite, politeness, stand on ceremony, you shouldn't have
家室 (jiāshì)
佳士, 加勢, 嘉世, 家世, 家事, 家勢, 家史, 家室, 枷示
基業, 家業, 家產, 家當, 家財, 家賄, 家資, 產業, 遺產
家當兒 / 家当儿
基業, 家業, 家產, 家當, 家財, 家賄, 家資, 產業, 遺產
寓意 (yùyì)
allegory, allusion, 喻義, 寓意, 愈益, 浴液, 煜熠, 玉液, 鬱抑
實際 / 实际 (shíjì)
actual, down-to-earth, fact, substantial, 實績, 實際, 時季, 時計, 食忌
尸体 (shītǐ)
autopsy, cadaver, carcass, carrion, corpse, embalmer, embalming fluid, kill, post mortem
居住 (jūzhù)
abide, dwell, ghetto, inhabited, live, occupy, reside, 居住, 拘住
屍體 / 尸体 (shītǐ)
autopsy, cadaver, carcass, carrion, corpse, embalmer, embalming fluid, kill, post mortem
岂是 (qǐshì)
乞士, 啟事, 啟示, 綺室, 豈是, 起事, 起勢, 起士, 起誓
巨大 (jùdà)
colossal, enormous, gigantic, go a long way, great, huge, hugeness, immense, mammoth
市场 (shìchǎng)
antiques market, bazaar, free market, market, marketplace, souq, 市場, 試嘗, 試場
市場 / 市场 (shìchǎng)
antiques market, bazaar, free market, market, marketplace, souq, 市場, 試嘗, 試場
布置 (bùzhì)
arrange, assignment, decor, decorate, 不智, 不治, 不置, 不致, 佈置
帮助 (bāngzhù)
assist, assistance, come to someone's aid, do you need help, facilitate, help, salutary, succour, thanks for your help
形式 (xíngshì)
form, shape, 刑事, 型式, 形勢, 形式, 行世, 行事, 行視
形成 (xíngchéng)
come into being, cube, develop, generation, germinate, take shape, 形成, 行成, 行程
征候儿 (zhēnghour)
意思, 景象, 眉目, 端倪, 線索, 苗, 跡象, 頭緒, 頭路
後面 / 后面 (hòumiàn)
after, back, behind, behind the wheel, hind, hinder, later, posterior, rear
徵候兒 / 征候儿 (zhēnghour)
意思, 景象, 眉目, 端倪, 線索, 苗, 跡象, 頭緒, 頭路
志士 (zhìshì)
crusader, 制式, 志事, 志士, 智士, 智識, 治世, 治事, 致仕
快 (kuài)
I'm dying, as soon as possible, fast, fast-paced, help is on the way, let's go, quick, rapid, soon
性 (xìng)
-ity, -ness, grammatical gender, indecent exposure, instability, periphyton, publicity stunt, sex object, sexual
恐怖 (kǒngbù)
creepy, dread, fear, frightening, gruesome, horror, horror story, scary, terror
情况 (qíngkuàng)
as the case may be, by default, circumstance, context, emergency, situation, state of affairs, up-to-date, whatever the case may be
情況 / 情况 (qíngkuàng)
as the case may be, by default, circumstance, context, emergency, situation, state of affairs, up-to-date, whatever the case may be
意味 (yìwèi)
implication, mean, meaning, significance, 意味, 易位, 異位, 異味, 義位
感覺 / 感觉 (gǎnjué)
are you feeling better, feel, feel like, feeling, five senses, proprioception, sensation, sense, sensory
愤怒 (fènnù)
angry, furious, ire, irritated, outrage, rage, wrath, 奮怒, 憤怒
懷孕 / 怀孕 (huáiyùn)
I'm pregnant, baby fat, baby weight, conceive, conception, eargasmic, fall pregnant, pregnancy, pregnant
成功 (chénggōng)
a good beginning makes a good ending, behind every successful man there stands a woman, forlorn, fortune favors the bold, go a long way, succeed, success, successful, well begun is half done
承認 / 承认 (chéngrèn)
acknowledge, acknowledgment, admit, avow, confess, confession, eat one's words, recognition, recognize
报酬 (bàochóu)
compensate, emolument, incentive, pay-off, remuneration, reward, 報仇, 報讎, 報酬
拒絕 / 拒绝 (jùjué)
abdicate, denial, forbid, negation, refusal, refuse, reject, repudiation, turn down
bye, bye-bye, cheerio, goodbye, see you, see you later, see you soon, so long, take it easy
captious, cavil, choosy, fastidious, find fault, fussy, get on someone's case, nitpick, nitpicky
接受 (jiēshòu)
abide, accept, acceptable, assume, come to terms with, sorry, we don't accept credit cards, take, unacceptable, undergo
come first, lay, place, play, pose, put, put all one's eggs in one basket, set, set on
放棄 / 放弃 (fàngqì)
abandon, abort, capitulate, forsake, give up, quit, renounce, 放棄, 放氣
教育 (jiàoyù)
education, enlightenment, instruct, parenting, religious education, school, well-educated, 教育, 教諭
方块 (fāngkuài)
cube, diamond, diamonds, 方塊, 梅花, 紅心, 紅桃, 花色, 黑桃
方塊 / 方块 (fāngkuài)
cube, diamond, diamonds, 方塊, 梅花, 紅心, 紅桃, 花色, 黑桃
於 / 于
above the law, actions speak louder than words, bow to, fast, in the way of, intubate, preexist, put down to, there's no fool like an old fool
既是 (jìshì)
季世, 技士, 既是, 濟世, 濟事, 紀事, 繼室, 記事, 記室
Immaculate Conception, Japanese, Nippo-, day/translations, due date, fuck, independence day, sun/translations, you can't keep a good man down
时代 (shídài)
Elizabethan, Warring States, age, epoch, era, period, sign of the times, 時代, 石黛
anytime, as long as, have one's moments, play by ear, sij hawm, sij hawm, time/translations, when, while
明显 (míngxiǎn)
apparently, distinct, distinctly, glaring, no-brainer, obvious, obviously, transparent, unclear
I don't understand, apprehend, catch, know, perspicuous, roger, see, understand, understanding
明顯 / 明显 (míngxiǎn)
apparently, distinct, distinctly, glaring, no-brainer, obvious, obviously, transparent, unclear
時代 / 时代 (shídài)
Elizabethan, Warring States, age, epoch, era, period, sign of the times, 時代, 石黛
時候 / 时候
anytime, as long as, have one's moments, play by ear, sij hawm, sij hawm, time/translations, when, while
智力 (zhìlì)
brain, intellectual, intelligence, mind, puzzle, 智利, 智力, 致力, 質粒
智識 / 智识 (zhìshí)
制式, 志事, 志士, 智士, 智識, 治世, 治事, 致仕, 蛭石
智识 (zhìshí)
制式, 志事, 志士, 智士, 智識, 治世, 治事, 致仕, 蛭石
有關 / 有关 (yǒuguān)
Eurocentric, existential, germane, relate, related, relative, relevant, res gestae, to do with
欺骗 (qīpiàn)
beguile, deceit, deceive, deception, dupe, guile, hoodwink, swindle, trick
正式 (zhèngshì)
authoritative, formal, official, 政事, 正事, 正室, 正式, 正是, 正視
Benelux, better late than never, better the devil you know than the devil you don't know, compare, go the extra mile, ratio, than, to, versus
气质 (qìzhì)
ethos, oomph, streak, temperament, toxic masculinity, 器質, 棄置, 棄職, 氣質
流氓 (liúmáng)
hoodlum, hooligan, hooliganism, riffraff, rogue, scamp, scoundrel, scumbag, villain
流行 (liúxíng)
Cantopop, fashionable, newfangled, on trend, out of fashion, popular, prevalence, prevalent, vogue
济事 (jìshì)
季世, 技士, 既是, 濟世, 濟事, 紀事, 繼室, 記事, 記室
混亂 / 混乱 (hùnluàn)
at sixes and sevens, chaos, chaotic, confusion, disorder, kerfuffle, mess, obfuscate, stewpot
Italian mix, admixture, conflate, fuse, mix, mixed, mixture, 混合, 混和
減少 / 减少 (jiǎnshǎo)
abate, cut one's losses, decrease, dial down, dwindle, lessen, reduce, slack off, turn down
激励 (jīlì)
bestir, encourage, hortative, kick in the pants, pep, prod, spur, 激勵, 肌力
濟事 / 济事 (jìshì)
季世, 技士, 既是, 濟世, 濟事, 紀事, 繼室, 記事, 記室
热心 (rèxīn)
ardent, earnest, enthusiastic, enthusiastically, passion, zeal, zealous, zealously, zest
热情 (rèqíng)
ardor, enthusiasm, enthusiastic, fervent, fervor, passion, passionate, pep, zeal
熱心 / 热心 (rèxīn)
ardent, earnest, enthusiastic, enthusiastically, passion, zeal, zealous, zealously, zest
狂热 (kuángrè)
enthusiastically, fanatic, fanaticism, fever, fever pitch, frenzy, mania, zealot, zealously
狂熱 / 狂热 (kuángrè)
enthusiastically, fanatic, fanaticism, fever, fever pitch, frenzy, mania, zealot, zealously
at present, current, now, nowadays, present, right now, these days, 現在, 見在
生产 (shēngchǎn)
childbirth, delivery, labour, manufacture, parturition, produce, production, productive, put out
生產 / 生产 (shēngchǎn)
childbirth, delivery, labour, manufacture, parturition, produce, production, productive, put out
痛苦 (tòngkǔ)
affliction, agonize, alleviate, harrowing, martyrdom, misery, pain, painful, trauma
石室 (shíshì)
實事, 實是, 時世, 時事, 時勢, 時式, 石室, 石屎, 食始
示例 (shìlì)
事例, 侍立, 勢利, 勢力, 市立, 示例, 視力, 適例, 釋例
突然 (tūrán)
abruptly, all of a sudden, burst into tears, precipitate, spate, sudden, suddenly, 徒然, 突然
笨蛋 (bèndàn)
ass, clot, douchebag, fool, idiot, ignoramus, jerk, nit, retard
管理 (guǎnlǐ)
administer, administration, charge, direction, manage, managed care, management, run, supervision
結婚 / 结婚 (jiéhūn)
I'm married, are you married, get married, marriage, married, marry, union, wed, will you marry me
結果 / 结果
aftermath, as a result, come to nothing, conclusion, consequence, effect, outcome, product, result
經歷 / 经历 (jīnglì)
experience, go through, horror story, trauma, undergo, 晶粒, 精力, 經歷, 驚慄
綺室 / 绮室 (qǐshì)
乞士, 啟事, 啟示, 綺室, 豈是, 起事, 起勢, 起士, 起誓
经历 (jīnglì)
experience, go through, horror story, trauma, undergo, 晶粒, 精力, 經歷, 驚慄
结婚 (jiéhūn)
I'm married, are you married, get married, marriage, married, marry, union, wed, will you marry me
aftermath, as a result, come to nothing, conclusion, consequence, effect, outcome, product, result
绮室 (qǐshì)
乞士, 啟事, 啟示, 綺室, 豈是, 起事, 起勢, 起士, 起誓
群 (qún)
battery, bevy, cluster, covey, flock, group, herd, pack, swarm
而 (ér)
beast, becalmed, bleed out, but, clear and convincing evidence, in no uncertain terms, intestacy, spoilt for choice, there's no fool like an old fool
聪明 (cōngmíng)
all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, apt, bright, clever, intelligent, quickwitted, sage, smart, wise
聰明 / 聪明 (cōngmíng)
all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, apt, bright, clever, intelligent, quickwitted, sage, smart, wise
能力 (nénglì)
ability, capable, incapacitated, infertility, judgment, literacy, numeracy, reception, serviceability
bad, brat, rank, rascal, reek, smelly, stench, stinky, 臭
花 (huā)
Hua, Spanish jasmine, blossom, cost the earth, floral, flower, spend, spend time, splash out
行动 (xíngdòng)
act, act on, action, bestir, course of action, do you think you can walk, repose in action, special military operation, take action
行動 / 行动 (xíngdòng)
act, act on, action, bestir, course of action, do you think you can walk, repose in action, special military operation, take action
表示 (biǎoshì)
call into question, express, expression, gesture, hypocoristic, indicate, opine, show, state
要求 (yāoqiú)
ambit claim, claim, demand, dress code, go the extra mile, necessity, request, require, requirement
anti-villain, character, part, person, role, villain, 絕色, 腳色, 角色
計劃 / 计划 (jìhuà)
architect, blueprint, business plan, contingency plan, course of action, plan, program, project, scheme
評價 / 评价 (píngjià)
appraisal, assessment, evaluate, evaluation, make of, think much of, 平價, 瓶架, 評價
認為 / 认为 (rènwéi)
I don't think so, I think so, consider, contend, do the impossible, methinks, think, 任為, 認為
認識 / 认识
awareness, cognition, cognizant, do I know you, do you know, know, meet, pleased to meet you, recognize
誘惑 / 诱惑 (yòuhuò)
allure, entice, fascinate, lure, seduce, seduction, tempt, temptation, tempting
調查 / 调查 (diàochá)
cartography, find out, inspect, investigate, investigation, means test, ombudsman, research, survey
计划 (jìhuà)
architect, blueprint, business plan, contingency plan, course of action, plan, program, project, scheme
认为 (rènwéi)
I don't think so, I think so, consider, contend, do the impossible, methinks, think, 任為, 認為
awareness, cognition, cognizant, do I know you, do you know, know, meet, pleased to meet you, recognize
评价 (píngjià)
appraisal, assessment, evaluate, evaluation, make of, think much of, 平價, 瓶架, 評價
诱惑 (yòuhuò)
allure, entice, fascinate, lure, seduce, seduction, tempt, temptation, tempting
豈是 / 岂是 (qǐshì)
乞士, 啟事, 啟示, 綺室, 豈是, 起事, 起勢, 起士, 起誓
象征 (xiàngzhēng)
badge, emblem, figurative, metaphor, metaphorical, status symbol, symbol, symbolically, symbolize
賺頭兒 / 赚头儿 (zhuàntour)
利潤, 利益, 利純, 利頭, 潤, 盈利, 賺, 賺頭, 長頭
赚头儿 (zhuàntour)
利潤, 利益, 利純, 利頭, 潤, 盈利, 賺, 賺頭, 長頭
起事 (qǐshì)
乞士, 啟事, 啟示, 綺室, 豈是, 起事, 起勢, 起士, 起誓
起势 (qǐshì)
乞士, 啟事, 啟示, 綺室, 豈是, 起事, 起勢, 起士, 起誓
起勢 / 起势 (qǐshì)
乞士, 啟事, 啟示, 綺室, 豈是, 起事, 起勢, 起士, 起誓
起誓 (qǐshì)
乞士, 啟事, 啟示, 綺室, 豈是, 起事, 起勢, 起士, 起誓
跟 (gēn)
French kiss, I told you, accompany, hang out, heel, snog, to do with, will you marry me, with
also, as well, due date, give back, not yet, remain to be seen, still, the night is young, yet
适应 (shìyìng)
accommodation, adapt, adaptation, adjust, condition, fit, misfit, 侍應, 適應
逝世 (shìshì)
demise, pass away, 世世, 世事, 事事, 事勢, 筮仕, 視事, 逝世
遇事 (yùshì)
喻示, 御世, 御事, 浴室, 獄室, 諭示, 遇事, 預示, 預試
遗弃 (yíqì)
abandon, desert, desertion, forlorn, hang out to dry, leave behind, 儀器, 彝器, 遺棄
適應 / 适应 (shìyìng)
accommodation, adapt, adaptation, adjust, condition, fit, misfit, 侍應, 適應
遺棄 / 遗弃 (yíqì)
abandon, desert, desertion, forlorn, hang out to dry, leave behind, 儀器, 彝器, 遺棄
還 / 还
also, as well, due date, give back, not yet, remain to be seen, still, the night is young, yet
酒 (jiǔ)
alcohol, booze, drink, drink/translations, liquor licence, one for the road, spirit, what's your poison, wine
释例 (shìlì)
事例, 侍立, 勢利, 勢力, 市立, 示例, 視力, 適例, 釋例
釋例 / 释例 (shìlì)
事例, 侍立, 勢利, 勢力, 市立, 示例, 視力, 適例, 釋例
amount, forkful, measure, pramana, quantitative, quantity, quantum, spoonful, 量
錯誤 / 错误 (cuòwù)
Freudian slip, bug, erroneously, error, fault, faultless, inaccuracy, mistake, mistakenly
阻止 (zǔzhǐ)
abate, arrest, bar/translations, deter, foil, impeach, intercept, oppose, prohibit
集团 (jítuán)
bloc, clique, cliquish, gang, group, junta, lobby, mafia, organization
集團 / 集团 (jítuán)
bloc, clique, cliquish, gang, group, junta, lobby, mafia, organization
音乐 (yīnyuè)
cha-cha, country, country music, disco, music, musical, polka, what kind of music do you like, world music
音樂 / 音乐 (yīnyuè)
cha-cha, country, country music, disco, music, musical, polka, what kind of music do you like, world music
順子 / 顺子 (shùnzi)
straight, 同花, 同花大順, 同花順, 對子, 滔啤, 葫蘆, 順子, 順子
預試 / 预试 (yùshì)
喻示, 御世, 御事, 浴室, 獄室, 諭示, 遇事, 預示, 預試
預防 / 预防 (yùfáng)
deter, precaution, prevent, preventable, prevention, prophylaxis, vaccination, 御坊, 預防
顺子 (shùnzi)
straight, 同花, 同花大順, 同花順, 對子, 滔啤, 葫蘆, 順子, 順子
预试 (yùshì)
喻示, 御世, 御事, 浴室, 獄室, 諭示, 遇事, 預示, 預試
预防 (yùfáng)
deter, precaution, prevent, preventable, prevention, prophylaxis, vaccination, 御坊, 預防
騙子 / 骗子 (piànzi)
charlatan, cheat, con artist, conman, crook, impersonator, impostor, phony, swindler
骗子 (piànzi)
charlatan, cheat, con artist, conman, crook, impersonator, impostor, phony, swindler
Dà Bǎojiāo, Dà Qīngguó, Dà Rìběn Dìguó, Dà Xiànzhāng, Dà Xué, Gēlúnbù Dà Jiāohuàn, Wénhuà Dà Gémìng, Yuányīn Dà Tuīyí
Nán Cháoxiān, Nán Cháoxiǎn, Nán Hǎi, Nán Měi, Nán Měizhōu, Nán Sòng, Nán Sūdān, Nán Zhōngguó Hǎi
一致 (yīzhì)
agreement, at odds, congruence, inconsistent, unanimity, unanimous, unanimously, unison
七 (qī)
Seven Sages, agate, seven/translations, 七, 三, 二, 四, 尖兒
万岁 (wànsuì)
Your Majesty, all hail, banzai, hail, hooray, hurrah, long live, yay
三条 (sāntiáo)
three of a kind, 同花, 同花大順, 同花順, 對子, 滔啤, 葫蘆, 順子
三條 / 三条 (sāntiáo)
three of a kind, 同花, 同花大順, 同花順, 對子, 滔啤, 葫蘆, 順子
下降 (xiàjiàng)
decrease, descend, downturn, fall, fallout, go down, slack off, weight loss
不足 (bùzú)
inadequate, insufficiency, insufficient, lack, lacking, 不足, 步卒, 部族
丟 / 丢 (diū)
I can't find my ..., I lost my backpack, I lost my glasses, I lost my handbag, I lost my keys, I lost my wallet, lose, missing
丢 (diū)
I can't find my ..., I lost my backpack, I lost my glasses, I lost my handbag, I lost my keys, I lost my wallet, lose, missing
two pair, 同花, 同花大順, 同花順, 對子, 滔啤, 葫蘆, 順子
Eurocentric, as/translations, be/translations, car-centric, community spirit, consecrate, for/translations, zero COVID
brainchild, change one's mind, idea, sounds like a plan, 主意, 主義, 主翼, 屬意
义人 (yìrén)
e人, 役人, 易人, 異人, 義人, 薏仁, 藝人, 邑人
乏味 (fáwèi)
bland, boredom, boring, grunt work, pablum, platitude, prosaic, tedious
了解 (liǎojiě)
I'd like to know, apprehend, cognizant, comprehension, open book, understand, understanding, up-to-date
人士 (rénshì)
professional, sociopath, 人世, 人事, 人勢, 人士, 人市, 人氏
a bad workman always blames his tools, he's unconscious, he/she, he/translations, his, she, they, what is his name
代替 (dàitì)
change, in lieu of, instead, replace, stand in for, substitute, supersede, switch
以 (yǐ)
Eurocentric, Israeli, by means of, car-centric, centrifuge, diagrammatically, somehow, through
何时 (héshí)
anytime, when, 何時, 合十, 合時, 和食, 核實, 核食
何時 / 何时 (héshí)
anytime, when, 何時, 合十, 合時, 和食, 核實, 核食
addictive, early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise, fattening, misleading, 世人, 使人, 士人, 示人
保證 / 保证 (bǎozhèng)
asset-backed, commitment, guarantee, pledge, promise, vow, warrant, warranty
假定 (jiǎdìng)
assume, hypothesis, hypothetical, presumably, presume, putative, suppose, supposition
偏見 / 偏见 (piānjiàn)
biased, bigot, bigotry, fair-minded, jaundice, prejudice, prejudiced, slant
像 (xiàng)
as/translations, feel like, image, like a man, like a moth to the flame, look like, mammalian, sleep like a log
兩對 / 两对
two pair, 同花, 同花大順, 同花順, 對子, 滔啤, 葫蘆, 順子
公义 (gōngyì)
justice, righteousness, 公意, 公益, 公義, 公議, 工役, 工藝
公益 (gōngyì)
common good, public good, 公意, 公益, 公義, 公議, 工役, 工藝
公義 / 公义 (gōngyì)
justice, righteousness, 公意, 公益, 公義, 公議, 工役, 工藝
公開 / 公开 (gōngkāi)
avow, bring to light, free market, in public, public service announcement, publicity stunt, publicly, transparent
兵 (bīng)
pawn, soldier, 兵, 后, 王, 象, 車, 馬
军事 (jūnshì)
court martial, junta, military, special military operation, 均勢, 軍事, 軍勢, 軍士
how many, how many languages do you speak, how many siblings do you have, how much, how old are you, stone's throw, what date is it today, what day is it today
出世 (chūshì)
be born, come into the world, 出世, 出事, 出仕, 出示, 初試, 初識
Trotskyite, fanatic, molecule, numerator, oppositionist, phân tử, phần tử, zealot
制度 (zhìdù)
cidu, coinage, edifice, institution, legal system, regime, slavery, system
功績 / 功绩 (gōngjì)
feat, merit, 公祭, 公積, 公雞, 功績, 攻擊, 肱肌
功绩 (gōngjì)
feat, merit, 公祭, 公積, 公雞, 功績, 攻擊, 肱肌
勇敢 (yǒnggǎn)
bold, brave, bravery, fearlessness, gallantry, intrepid, plucky, valiant
包围 (bāowéi)
beleaguer, encircle, encirclement, enclose, encompass, envelop, investment, surround
北美洲 (Běiměizhōu)
North America, 亞洲, 北美洲, 南極洲, 南美洲, 大洋洲, 歐洲, 非洲
cheap, despicable, dirty, mean, shabby, sordid, squalid, vile
单独 (dāndú)
alone, separately, single, solitary, solitary confinement, write as separate words, 丹毒, 單獨
南极洲 (Nánjízhōu)
Antarctica, 亞洲, 北美洲, 南極洲, 南美洲, 大洋洲, 歐洲, 非洲
南極洲 / 南极洲 (Nánjízhōu)
Antarctica, 亞洲, 北美洲, 南極洲, 南美洲, 大洋洲, 歐洲, 非洲
南美洲 (Nánměizhōu)
South America, 亞洲, 北美洲, 南極洲, 南美洲, 大洋洲, 歐洲, 非洲
又 (yòu)
afresh, again, anew, both, here we go again, time and again, time and time again, yes and no
No., art name, is there a smaller size, number, sign, smiley, what date is it today, what day is it today
合适 (héshì)
apt, bad, fit, suitable, 何事, 合適, 和事, 核試
合適 / 合适 (héshì)
apt, bad, fit, suitable, 何事, 合適, 和事, 核試
同情 (tóngqíng)
commiseration, compassion, condolence, empathize, feel sorry for, mercy, sympathize, sympathy
同时 (tóngshí)
at the same time, coincide, contemporaneous, contemporary, meanwhile, simultaneous, simultaneously, synchronous
同時 / 同时 (tóngshí)
at the same time, coincide, contemporaneous, contemporary, meanwhile, simultaneous, simultaneously, synchronous
同花 (tónghuā)
flush, 同花, 同花大順, 同花順, 對子, 滔啤, 葫蘆, 順子
同花大順 / 同花大顺 (tónghuā dàshùn)
royal flush, 同花, 同花大順, 同花順, 對子, 滔啤, 葫蘆, 順子
同花大顺 (tónghuā dàshùn)
royal flush, 同花, 同花大順, 同花順, 對子, 滔啤, 葫蘆, 順子
同花順 / 同花顺 (tónghuāshùn)
straight flush, 同花, 同花大順, 同花順, 對子, 滔啤, 葫蘆, 順子
同花顺 (tónghuāshùn)
straight flush, 同花, 同花大順, 同花順, 對子, 滔啤, 葫蘆, 順子
名誉 (míngyù)
emeritus, fame, honor, kudos, prestige, reputation, 名譽, 明喻
名譽 / 名誉 (míngyù)
emeritus, fame, honor, kudos, prestige, reputation, 名譽, 明喻
含义 (hányì)
allusion, connotation, meaning, 含囈, 含意, 含義, 寒意, 涵義
含義 / 含义 (hányì)
allusion, connotation, meaning, 含囈, 含意, 含義, 寒意, 涵義
huh, no way, there's more where that came from, what about, what are you doing, what do you say, what's going on, why not
呼吸 (hūxī)
breath, breathe, breathing, hold one's breath, pant, respiration, respiratory, ventilation
哪儿 (nǎr)
where, where are we, where can I find a hotel, where do you live, where does this bus go, where does this train go, where have you been, 哪
哪兒 / 哪儿 (nǎr)
where, where are we, where can I find a hotel, where do you live, where does this bus go, where does this train go, where have you been, 哪
哪裡 / 哪里 (nǎlǐ)
where, where are we going, where are you from, where are your parents, where does it hurt, where got, where is the toilet, whither
哪里 (nǎlǐ)
where, where are we going, where are you from, where are your parents, where does it hurt, where got, where is the toilet, whither
alas, ew, fie, gosh, sigh, ugh, woe, yuck
商人 (shāngrén)
banyan, businessman, businessperson, merchant, trader, vintner, 傷人, 商人
單獨 / 单独 (dāndú)
alone, separately, single, solitary, solitary confinement, write as separate words, 丹毒, 單獨
aha, aye, hmm, huh, oh, well, yeah, yep
四条 (sìtiáo)
four of a kind, 同花, 同花大順, 同花順, 對子, 滔啤, 葫蘆, 順子
四條 / 四条 (sìtiáo)
four of a kind, 同花, 同花大順, 同花順, 對子, 滔啤, 葫蘆, 順子
因此 (yīncǐ)
as a result, consequently, ergo, hence, so/translations, thereby, therefore, thus
国际象棋 (guójì xiàngqí)
Grandmaster, chess, 兵, 后, 王, 象, 車, 馬
國際象棋 / 国际象棋 (guójì xiàngqí)
Grandmaster, chess, 兵, 后, 王, 象, 車, 馬
垃圾 (lājī)
debris, flotsam and jetsam, garbage, landfill, litter, refuse, rubbish, trash
型 (xíng)
T-junction, 同花, 同花大順, 同花順, 對子, 滔啤, 葫蘆, 順子
執行 / 执行 (zhíxíng)
enforce, execute, execution, executive, implement, perform, 執行, 直行
報酬 / 报酬 (bàochóu)
emolument, incentive, pay-off, remuneration, reward, 報仇, 報讎, 報酬
塊 / 块 (kuài)
chunk, cluster, dollar, kuai, lump, nugget, piece, yuan
增加 (zēngjiā)
addition, augment, baby fat, baby weight, eke, increase, inject, weight gain
声明 (shēngmíng)
declaration, manifest, manifesto, state, statement, statutory declaration, 聲名, 聲明
复原 (fùyuán)
recover, recovery, rehabilitation, undo, 富源, 復原, 復員, 復圓
复数 (fùshù)
character, complex number, plural, 副署, 富庶, 複數, 複述, 負數
多半儿 (duōbànr)
博濟, 多半, 大半, 大概, 大約, 大約摸, 想必, 無慮
多半兒 / 多半儿 (duōbànr)
博濟, 多半, 大半, 大概, 大約, 大約摸, 想必, 無慮
大便 (dàbiàn)
defecate, excrement, fecal matter, poo, shit, turd, 大便, 大變
大洋洲 (Dàyángzhōu)
Oceania, 亞洲, 北美洲, 南極洲, 南美洲, 大洋洲, 歐洲, 非洲
头巾 (tóujīn)
bandana, head covering, headband, headgear, headscarf, hijab, kerchief, turban
女士 (nǚshì)
ladies and gentlemen, lady, madam, miss, 女事, 女侍, 女士, 女式
如此 (rúcǐ)
as/translations, even so, like that, sic, so much for, so/translations, that said, thus
妓女 (jìnǚ)
courtesan, harlot, prostitute, strumpet, whore, 伎女, 妓女, 繼女
姿势 (zīshì)
asana, attitude, gesture, pose, stance, 姿勢, 滋事, 資市
姿勢 / 姿势 (zīshì)
asana, attitude, gesture, pose, stance, 姿勢, 滋事, 資市
dia orang, them, they, 他們, 她們, 它們, 牠們, 祂們
安全 (ānquán)
is it safe here, occupational health and safety, safe, safehouse, safety, security, there is safety in numbers, unsafely
安静 (ānjìng)
calm, hush, peace and quiet, quiet, quietly, silent, 安靖, 安靜
安靜 / 安静 (ānjìng)
calm, hush, peace and quiet, quiet, quietly, silent, 安靖, 安靜
完成 (wánchéng)
accomplished, achievable, complete, end, finish, fruition, go through with, perfection
实践 (shíjiàn)
practice, practise, 什件, 實踐, 時件, 石澗, 石箭, 識見
宫室 (gōngshì)
公事, 公使, 公式, 公示, 宮室, 工事, 弓矢, 攻勢
宮室 / 宫室 (gōngshì)
公事, 公使, 公式, 公示, 宮室, 工事, 弓矢, 攻勢
家世 (jiāshì)
佳士, 加勢, 嘉世, 家世, 家事, 家勢, 家室, 枷示
密封 (mìfēng)
airtight, hermetic seal, hermetically sealed, seal, sealed, wrap, 密封, 蜜蜂
寓言 (yùyán)
allegory, fable, fabulous, parable, 寓言, 浴鹽, 語言, 預言
I'm embarrassed, abashed, embarrass, embarrassed, embarrassing, shy, 尲尬, 尷尬
尷尬 / 尴尬
I'm embarrassed, abashed, embarrass, embarrassed, embarrassing, shy, 尲尬, 尷尬
工具 (gōngjù)
a bad workman always blames his tools, gadget, implement, instrument, opener, power tool, status symbol, tool
工資 / 工资 (gōngzī)
overpay, pay rise, remuneration, salary, sick pay, underpay, wage, wage theft
工资 (gōngzī)
overpay, pay rise, remuneration, salary, sick pay, underpay, wage, wage theft
master, sensei, shifu, shih-fu, sifu, ustad, 師傅, 師父
希望 (xīwàng)
aspiration, fighting chance, forlorn hope, get well soon, hope, light at the end of the tunnel, snowball's chance in hell, wish
带 (dài)
band, bear, belt, carry, furnished, prosaic, stressed, take
帶 / 带 (dài)
band, bear, belt, carry, furnished, prosaic, stressed, take
幫助 / 帮助 (bāngzhù)
assist, assistance, come to someone's aid, do you need help, facilitate, help, salutary, thanks for your help
幸运 (xìngyùn)
fortuitous, fortune, good luck, happily, happy, lucky, mercy, unhappy
幸運 / 幸运 (xìngyùn)
fortuitous, fortune, good luck, happily, happy, lucky, mercy, unhappy
幾 / 几
how many, how many languages do you speak, how many siblings do you have, how much, how old are you, stone's throw, what date is it today, what day is it today
废除 (fèichú)
abate, abolish, abolishment, abolition, annul, cancel, repeal, revoke
廢除 / 废除 (fèichú)
abate, abolish, abolishment, abolition, annul, cancel, repeal, revoke
形势 (xíngshì)
situation, 刑事, 型式, 形勢, 形式, 行世, 行事, 行視
形勢 / 形势 (xíngshì)
situation, 刑事, 型式, 形勢, 形式, 行世, 行事, 行視
復原 / 复原 (fùyuán)
recover, recovery, rehabilitation, undo, 富源, 復原, 復員, 復圓
怀疑 (huáiyí)
askance, call into question, doubt, in question, suspect, suspension of disbelief, suspicion, with a grain of salt
怎么样 (zěnmeyàng)
how, how's it going, how's the weather, make of, what about, what do you say, what's new, what's up
性交 (xìngjiāo)
carnal knowledge, coitus, have sex, intercourse, sex object, sex/translations, sexual intercourse, union
ew, fie, gross, nausea, obscene, ugh, yuck, yucky
您 (nín)
are you married, how old are you, pleased to meet you, what is your name, who's calling, you/translations, your, yours
想要 (xiǎngyào)
feel like, horny, intend, ladyboner, think, want, what would you like, would like
愈益 (yùyì)
all the more, 喻義, 寓意, 愈益, 浴液, 煜熠, 玉液, 鬱抑
意見 / 意见 (yìjiàn)
bone to pick, have a bone to pick, legal advice, opinion, second opinion, 意見, 異見, 臆見
意见 (yìjiàn)
bone to pick, have a bone to pick, legal advice, opinion, second opinion, 意見, 異見, 臆見
感到 (gǎndào)
I'm ashamed, I'm embarrassed, be ashamed, feel, have the blues, humiliating, 感到, 趕到
愿望 (yuànwàng)
bucket list, desire, hope, long for, urge, wish, 怨望, 願望
憤怒 / 愤怒 (fènnù)
angry, furious, ire, outrage, rage, wrath, 奮怒, 憤怒
懷疑 / 怀疑 (huáiyí)
askance, call into question, doubt, in question, suspect, suspension of disbelief, suspicion, with a grain of salt
成年 (chéngnián)
adult, adult learner, adulthood, age, come of age, coming of age, coming-of-age, of age
our, ours, ourselves, sorry, we don't accept credit cards, us, we, where are we, where are we going
我們 / 我们
our, ours, ourselves, sorry, we don't accept credit cards, us, we, where are we, where are we going
手 (shǒu)
-er, chain smoker, fall into the wrong hands, hand/translations, hands up, in safe hands, quern, stretcher-bearer
执行 (zhíxíng)
enforce, execute, execution, executive, implement, perform, 執行, 直行
支持 (zhīchí)
asset-backed, bolster, customer support, have someone's back, in favor of, shore up, support, technical support
收費 / 收费 (shōufèi)
charge, how much do I owe you, how much do you charge, invoice, no win, no fee, nonfree, pay toilet, turnpike
收费 (shōufèi)
charge, how much do I owe you, how much do you charge, invoice, no win, no fee, nonfree, pay toilet, turnpike
故障 (gùzhàng)
bad, breakdown, fail, glitch, malfunction, my car has broken down, out of order, trouble
敌意 (díyì)
animosity, enmity, hostile, hostility, ill will, inimical, rancor, 敵意
数字 (shùzì)
amount, digit, digital, figure, number, numeral, quantity, telephone number
敵意 / 敌意 (díyì)
animosity, enmity, hostile, hostility, ill will, inimical, rancor, 敵意
數字 / 数字 (shùzì)
amount, digit, digital, figure, number, numeral, quantity, telephone number
文化 (wénhuà)
civilization, classicism, cultural, culture, intercultural, vunxua, 文化, 文話
无益 (wúyì)
futile, in vain, unhelpful, 無弋, 無意, 無異, 無益, 無義
无论如何 (wúlùnrúhé)
anyway, at all costs, come what may, either way, for better or worse, for the life of one, in any case, no matter what
时事 (shíshì)
current events, 實事, 實是, 時世, 時事, 時勢, 時式, 石室
时期 (shíqī)
-hood, Völkerwanderung, hard time, peacetime, period, regime, 十七, 時期
時事 / 时事 (shíshì)
current events, 實事, 實是, 時世, 時事, 時勢, 時式, 石室
時期 / 时期 (shíqī)
-hood, Völkerwanderung, hard time, peacetime, period, regime, 十七, 時期
智士 (zhìshì)
制式, 志事, 志士, 智士, 智識, 治世, 治事, 致仕
暗示 (ànshì)
broad hint, hint, imply, indicate, inkling, 暗事, 暗室, 暗示
暴力 (bàolì)
police brutality, violence, violent, 暴利, 暴力, 暴厲, 暴吏, 暴戾
最后 (zuìhòu)
at last, back, eventually, final, last, last resort, one for the road, ultimately
最後 / 最后 (zuìhòu)
at last, back, eventually, final, last, last resort, one for the road, ultimately
最近 (zuìjìn)
last, new/translations, next of kin, of late, recent, recently, the other day, what's new
有意 (yǒuyì)
deliberate, deliberately, intentional, intentionally, 友誼, 有意, 有異, 有益
有益 (yǒuyì)
beneficial, profitable, salutary, therapeutic, 友誼, 有意, 有異, 有益
服饰 (fúshì)
apparel, costume, 伏事, 拂拭, 服事, 服侍, 服飾, 浮世
杯 (bēi)
Diet Coke, can I buy you a drink, cocoa, cup of tea, one for the road, second helping, shot, two beers, please
极 (jí)
Polaris, completely, extremely, far, far/translations, fit for a king, pole, utmost
棋子 (qízǐ)
chess piece, piece, 兵, 后, 王, 象, 車, 馬
極 / 极
Polaris, completely, extremely, far, far/translations, fit for a king, pole, utmost
欺騙 / 欺骗 (qīpiàn)
beguile, deceit, deceive, deception, dupe, guile, hoodwink, swindle
正室 (zhèngshì)
政事, 正事, 正史, 正室, 正式, 正是, 正矢, 正視
正直 (zhèngzhí)
decency, honest, honestly, integrity, just, 正值, 正直, 正職