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This is a Swadesh list of Celtic languages, specifically Proto-Celtic , Old Irish , Irish , Scottish Gaelic , Manx , Proto-Brythonic , Breton , Cornish , Welsh , Gaulish and Celtiberian , compared with that of English .
For further information, including the full final version of the list, read the Wikipedia article: Swadesh list .
American linguist Morris Swadesh believed that languages changed at measurable rates and that these could be determined even for languages without written precursors. Using vocabulary lists, he sought to understand not only change over time but also the relationships of extant languages. To be able to compare languages from different cultures, he based his lists on meanings he presumed would be available in as many cultures as possible. He then used the fraction of agreeing cognates between any two related languages to compute their divergence time by some (still debated) algorithms. Starting in 1950 with 165 meanings, his list grew to 215 in 1952, which was so expansive that many languages lacked native vocabulary for some terms. Subsequently, it was reduced to 207, and reduced much further to 100 meanings in 1955. A reformulated list was published posthumously in 1971.
№ English Proto-Celticedit (179) Old IrishGoídelc edit (205) IrishGaeilge edit (207) Scottish GaelicGàidhlig edit (207) ManxGaelg edit (207) Proto-Brythonicedit (92) BretonBrezhoneg edit (207) CornishKernewek edit (207) WelshCymraeg edit (207) Gaulishedit (14) Celtiberianedit (3) 1 I (1sg )*mī mé mé mi mee *mi me my mi , fi mi 2 you (2sg )*tū tú tú thu oo *ti te ty ti tu 3 he , she , it (3sg )*es é sé e eh *eβ̃ eñ ev ef , fe , fo 4 we (1pl )*snīs sní sinn sinn shin *ni ni ny ni 5 you (2pl )*swīs , *swīswīs sib , síi sibh sibh shiu *hwi c'hwi hwi chi , chwi 6 they (3pl )*eyes é siad iad ad i , int i hwy , hwynt , nhw 7 this *se- , *sindos , *so-sin in so seo seo yn shoh an , mañ an , ma hwn , y , yma sosin 8 that *emo- , *sindo-de in sin , in tall sin , siúd sin , siud yn shen , yn shid an , se an , na hwnnw , y , yna 9 here *sondo , *uman sund anseo an seo ayns shoh , aynshoh amañ omma yma 10 there *anda , *kei tall ansin , ansiúd an sin , an siud ayns shen , ayns shid aze , eno ena yna 11 who *kʷei cía cé * cò * quoi *puɨ piv piw pwy 12 what *kʷid cid cad * , céard dè * cre , c'red petra pyth beth 13 where *kʷuts cairm , cía airm , cía dú cá * càite * c'raad pelec'h ple ble 14 when *kʷan(o) cuin cathain * cuin * cre'n traa , cooin pedavare , pegoulz , peur , pevare p'eur pryd 15 how cía chruth , cía indas , cindas , co conas , cén chaoi * ciamar , dè mar , cionnas * kys , kanys , cre'n aght pegiz , penaos , pevod fatel sut , pa fodd 16 not *ne , *nīs ní , nícon ní cha , chan cha , chan *ni ne , ket ny ddim , nid 17 all *olyos uile uile uile ooilley holl , tout oll holl , i gyd , oll 18 many *ɸilu- il , imdae , mór a lán mòran ram , mooarane kalz , lies a lies , lower llawer 19 some *nekʷos nach roinnt cuid , feadhainn ennagh , shiartanse , kuse bennak , meur a nebes rhai , rhyw 20 few *bikkano , *nekʷos bec , terc , úathad beagán beagan , corra beggan nebeut nebes ychydig 21 other *alyos , *aralyos aile eile eile elley all , arall aral arall allos 22 one *oinos , *oinānos óen aon aon unnane , un *ʉn unan onan un oino 23 two *dwau dá dó dà daa *dọw daou dew dau 24 three *trīs trí trí trì tree *tri tri tri tair , tri 25 four *kʷetwores cethair ceathair ceithir kiare *pedwar pevar peswar pedwar 26 five *kʷenkʷe cóic cúig còig queig *pɨmp pemp pymp pump 27 big *brassos , *māros oll , mór mór mòr mooar *mọr bras , meur bras , meur mawr 28 long *sīros fota , sír fada fada foddey , liauyr *hir hir hir hir 29 wide *ɸlitanos lethan leathan leathann , farsaing lhean *llɨdan ledan ledan llydan 30 thick *remros , *tegus remor , tiug tiubh tiugh çhiu *teɣ tev , fetis tew tew 31 heavy *trummos trom trom trom giare *trum pounner poes trwm 32 small *bikkos bec beag beag beg *bɨx bihan bian , byghan bach , bychan 33 short *birros , *gerros cummair , berr , gerr gearr goirid , geàrr gearr *bɨrr berr berr byr 34 narrow *angus cáel , cumung cúng caol , cumhang coon *kʉl enk , strizh kul cul 35 thin *tanauyos séim , tanae tanaí tana thanney moan , tanav moon , tanow tenau 36 woman *benā ben bean boireannach ben *ben , *gwrėg gwreg , maouez benyn benw , benyw , dynes , gwraig , merch bena 37 man (adult male)*wiros fer fear fear fer , dooinney *gwur gour , gwaz , den gour , gwas dyn , gŵr 38 man (human being)*gdonyos duine duine duine dooinney *dün den den dyn 39 child *mustākos lenab , noídiu leanbh , páiste pàiste , duine-cloinne lhiannoo , paitçhey bugel flogh plant 40 wife ben , séitig bean chéile bean , bean-phòsda ben , ben phoost , ben heshey *gwrėg gwreg gwreg gwraig bena 41 husband *wiros céile , fer fear céile fear-pòsda dooinney , dooinney poost , sheshey , sheshey poost *gwur gwaz gour gŵr 42 mother *mātīr máthair máthair màthair moir *mamm mamm mamm mam matir 43 father *ɸatīr athair athair athair ayr *tad tad tas tad atir 44 animal *mīlom anmandae , míl , robb ainmhí beathach , ainmhidh , beòthach baagh , baaghtagh , bioagh , cretoor *mil aneval , loen , mil enyval , mil anifail , mil 45 fish *ɸeiskos íasc iasc iasg eeast *uɨsk pesk pysk pysgodyn 46 bird *ɸatar , *ɸetnos én éan eun ushag *edn evn , labous edhen aderyn 47 dog *kū cú , matad madra cù , madadh coo , moddey *ki ki ki ci 48 louse *luwā míl , míl étgudo míol cnis mial meeyl laou low llau 49 snake *natrixs nathair nathair nathair aarnieu naer , sarpant sarf neidr , sarff 50 worm *kʷrimis cruim péist boiteag , cnuimh beishteig , beisht , dhiane *prɨβ̃ buzhug , preñv pryv abwydyn , mwydyn , pryf , pryf genwair 51 tree *kʷresnom crann , fid crann craobh billey *prenn gwez gwedh coed , colfen , pren 52 forest *kaito- caill , fid , fidbad , ros , ruud coill coille keyll *koɨd koad , koed koos , koswik coedwig , fforest 53 stick *lorgā flesc , maide bata bata , bioran , madadh maidjey bazh lorgh ffon , llorf 54 fruit *sutu- mess , torad toradh meas , toradh mess , troar frouezh frooth ffrwyth 55 seed *segeto- , *sīlom síl síol sìol sheel , rass had has had 56 leaf *dolinyā duilne duilleog duilleag duillag del delen dail dula 57 root *wridā frém , mecon fréamh freumh fraue gwrizienn gwreydh gwraidd , gwreiddyn 58 bark (of a tree)*rūskos coirt , croiccenn , crottball , rúsc rúsc rùsg roost *rrisk rusk rusk rhisgl 59 flower *blātus bláth , scoth bláth blàth , sìthean , dìthean , flùr blaa *blọd bleuñv bleujen blodyn 60 grass *gʷeltā fér féar feur faiyr *gwellt geot , gwelt gwels gwellt 61 rope *lomanā loman , súainem , tét téad ròpa tead kordenn lovan , korden rhaff 62 skin *krokkenom , *kroknom cnes , croiccenn craiceann craiceann crackan *krʉn kroc'hen kroghen croen 63 meat *kīkos , *mīros cúa , féoil feoil feòil feill kig kig cig 64 blood *krowos crú , fuil fuil fuil fuill *krow gwad goos gwaed 65 bone *astkornu , *knāmis cnáim cnámh cnàmh craue askorn askorn asgwrn 66 fat (noun)*gʷered- béoil , blonac , geir , íth saill geir , saill sahll , blennick druz , lart blonek saim 67 egg *āuyom og ubh ugh ooh vi oy wy 68 horn *kornu- adarc , benn , corn adharc adharc , corn eairk , cayrn korn korn corn 69 tail *lostā erball , err eireaball earball famman , arbyl lost lost cynffon , llost 70 feather cleitte ite ite clooie , fedjag pluñv pluv plu 71 hair *woltos finna , folt gruaig falt , gruag gruag , folt *gwollt blev blew , gols blew , gwallt 72 head *kʷennom cenn ceann ceann kione *penn penn penn pen 73 ear *ausos , *kloustā áu , clúas cluas cluas cleaysh *klʉst skouarn skovarn clust 74 eye *lukato- rosc , súil súil sùil sooill *llugad lagad lagas llygad 75 nose *srognā srón srón sròn stroin *froɨn fri troen trwyn 76 mouth *genus á , bél , gin béal beul beeal *gen beg , genoù ganow ceg , genau 77 tooth *dant dét , fíacail fiacail fiacail feeackle *dant dant dans dant 78 tongue (organ)*tangʷāss tengae teanga teanga ingin teod taves tafod 79 fingernail *angʷīnā ingen ionga ìne ionga *ėɣwin ivin ewyn ewin 80 foot *tregess cos , traig cos cas cass troad , troed troes troed ozas * 81 leg *koxsā cos cos cas cass , lurgey *koɨs gar garr coes 82 knee *glūnos glún glúin glùn glioon *glin glin glin glin , pen-glin 83 hand *ɸlāmā lám lámh làmh laue *llọβ̃ dorn dorn llaw 84 wing *ɸatanī ette , scíath sciathán sgiath skian askell askell adain , asgell 85 belly *bolgos bolg , brú bolg brù bolg *bolɣ kof , tor kroth , torr bol , bola 86 guts cáelán , inathar inní mionach , caolan collane bouzellenn kolodhyon coluddion , perfeddion , ymysgaroedd 87 neck *monis brága , muin , muinél muineál amhaich , muineal mwannal gouzoug konna gwddf , gwddwg , mwnwgl 88 back cúl , druimm droim druim dreeym kein keyn cefn 89 breast *brusū , *kīkos cích cíoch cìoch keeagh *bronn bronn bronn bron 90 heart *kalonā , *kridyom cride croí cridhe cree *kalwon kalon kolon calon 91 liver *awV- óa ae adha , grùthan aane avu avi afu 92 to drink *ɸibeti ibid ól òl iu *ɨβɨd evañ , evet eva yfed 93 to eat *essi , *ɸiteti ithid ith ith ee debriñ , boueta dybri bwyta 94 to bite *knāyeti benaid , greimm bain greim as bìd greim dantañ , krogiñ densel brathu , cnoi 95 to suck *dinati dinid , súigid súigh sùigh soo , jiole sunañ , denañ sugna , dena sugno 96 to spit do·beir saile caith seile tilg smugaid ceau shelley , tilg shelley skopat berya , trewa poeri 97 to vomit *skeyeti sceïd aisig sgeith skeeah , skeay c'hwedañ , dislonkañ , reucheutiñ hwyja chwydu 98 to blow *swizdeti do·infet , séitid séid sèid sheid *hwɨθɨd c'hwezhañ hwytha chwythu 99 to breathe *anati do·beir anál análaigh tarraing anail tayrn ennal alanat , analañ anella anadlu anat 100 to laugh *swaryeti gáirid , tibid déan gáire gàir , dèan gàire gear c'hoarzhin hwerthin chwerthin 101 to see *weleti ad·cí feic faic faik gwelet gweles gweld pissiumi , appisetu 102 to hear *klinutor ro·cluinethar cluin , clois cluinn cluin , clasht *klüwid klevet klywes clywed 103 to know *windeti at·tá a ḟis oc , ro·fitir a fhios a bheith agat tha fios aig fys ec *gwɨbod gouzout godhvos gwybod 104 to think *ambirādīti imm·rádi , smúainid smaoinigh smaoinich smooinee prederiañ , soñjal prederi meddwl , tybio 105 to smell boltaigidir bolaigh feuch fàileadh soar klevet blasa , klywes aroglu , clywed aroglau 106 to fear *obneti ad·ágathar , eclaigid , gaibid ecla * , is ómun la * eagla * gabh eagal gow aggle roish aoniñ , kaout aon perthi own bod ag ofn , ofni 107 to sleep *kuxsketi con·tuili codail caidil caddil *kuskɨd kousket koska cysgu 108 to live ar·beir biuth , at·tá beó , maraid mair bi beò bee bio , bee er mayrn bevañ bywa byw 109 to die *bayeti at·baill , baïd , fo·gaib bás , téit bás faigh bás bàsaich fow baase *marwọd mervel merwel marw 110 to kill *gʷaneti marbaid , oirgid maraigh marbh marr *gwėnɨd lazhañ ladha lladd 111 to fight *wiketi cathaigid , fichid troid sabaid cagg gouren , stourm omladh brwydro , ymladd 112 to hunt *selgā ad·claid , do·seinn seilg sealg shelg hemolc'hiñ , chaseal helghya hela 113 to hit *binati benaid , bongaid , búailid , slaidid , sligid buail buail bwoaill skoiñ gweskel , skwatya bwrw , taro 114 to cut do·esc , gerraid , snaidid gearr geàrr giar troc'hañ treghi torri 115 to split *dlongeti dlongid scoilt sgoilt scolt , skeilt faoutañ folsa hollti 116 to stab cailgid , tollaid rop sàth seiy gwanañ gwana , pyghya gwanu , trywanu 117 to scratch *razdeti scrípaid , tochasaid tochais sgròb screeb kravat , skrabat kravas cosi 118 to dig *kladyeti claidid tochail cladhaich cleigh , reuyr *klėðɨd kleuzañ palas cloddio , palu 119 to swim *snāti snáïd snámh snàmh snaue neuñviñ neuvya nofio 120 to fly *ɸeteti fo·luathar eitil itealaich etlee , ettyl nijal neyja hedfan 121 to walk siblaid , teít siúil coisich shooyl kerzhet , bale kerdhes cerdded 122 to come do·icc , do·tét tar thig tar dont dos dod 123 to lie (as in a bed) *legeti laigid luigh * laigh * lhie gourvez gorwedhes gorwedd 124 to sit *sedeti saidid suigh * suidh * soie azezañ esedha eistedd 125 to stand *sistati do·airissedar seas * seas * shass sevel sevel sefyll 126 to turn (intransitive) *suweti imm·soí , sóïd cas tionndaidh cass treiñ treylya troi 127 to fall *kiyeti do·tuit tit tuit tuitt kouezhañ koedha cwympo , disgyn , syrthio 128 to give *dāti do·beir tabhair thoir toyr , cur *rroðọd reiñ ry rhoi 129 to hold *delgeti gaibid coinnigh cùm cum dalc'hen , derc'hel dalghenna , synsi dal , dala 130 to squeeze fáiscid , tendaid , timsaigid fáisc teannaich çhionn , faast , craisht gwaskañ , stardañ gwaska , gwrynya , strotha gwasgu 131 to rub con·meil cuimil suath rub taravat , frotañ rutya rhwtio , rhwbio 132 to wash *nigyeti folcaid , fothraicid , ind·aim nigh nigh niee golc'hiñ , gwalc'hiñ golghi golchi 133 to wipe cuimil suath glen , rub sec'hañ , torchañ sygha sychu 134 to pull do·srenga , srengaid tarraing tarraing tayrn sachañ , tennañ tenna tynnu 135 to push ad·aig brúigh brùth broo bountañ herdhya , pokya gwthio 136 to throw *katyeti caithid , do·léci , fo·ceird , sneidid , sréïd caith tilg ceau , tilg teurel , chetañ tewlel taflu 137 to tie *rigeti cenglaid , con·rig , sníid ceangail ceangail kiangle koulmañ , eren kelmi clymu , rhwymo 138 to sew úaigid fuaigh fuaigh whaal , fuaill gwriat gwrias , sewya gwnïo 139 to count rímid áirigh cùnnt coont niveriñ , kontañ akontya , amontya , nivera rhifo 140 to say as·beir , labraithir , ráidid abair abair , can abbyr , loayr lavaret leverel dweud 141 to sing *kaneti canaid can seinn gow arrane , kiaulley *kėnɨd kanañ , kana kana canu 142 to play cluichigidir , imm·beir imir cluich cloie c'hoari gwari chwarae 143 to float snáïd snámh bi a' fleòdradh snaue flotañ , neuviñ neuvella nofio 144 to flow *liyeti bruinnid , dolin , silid , snigid snigh ruith stroo , sheel , shiauill , thooill deverañ bera , dinewi llifo 145 to freeze reódaid , téchtaid reoigh reòdh rio reviñ , skornañ rewi rhewi 146 to swell *sweideti attaid , bolgaid at at att c'hwezañ hwythfi chwyddo 147 sun *sāwol grían grian grian grian heol howl haul 148 moon *eiskyom , *lugrā éscae , ré gealach gealach eayst *lloɨr loar loer lleuad , lloer 149 star *sterā rétglu , rind réalta rionnag rollage *ster ster ster sêr 150 water *dubros , *udenskyos dobur , uisce uisce uisge , bùrn ushtey *duβr dour dowr dŵr 151 rain *glawā , *wolko- bráen , flechud báisteach uisge fliaghey glav glaw glaw 152 river *abū aub abhainn abhainn awin *aβon aven , rinier , stêr avon afon 153 lake *linnā linn , loch loch loch logh , lhingey lenn lynn llyn lindon 154 sea *mori fairrge , ler , muir , trethan muir , farraige muir , cuan , fairge mooir , keayn , faarkey *mor mor mor môr 155 salt *salanos salann salann salann sollan holen holan halen 156 stone *klukā , *magino- cloch , lía cloch clach clagh *klog maen karrek , men carreg , maen artua 157 sand gainem gaineamh gainmheach geinnagh traezh tewes tywod 158 dust lúaith , lúaithred deannach stùr , duslach joan poultrenn doust , polter llwch 159 earth *talamū talam , úir cré talamh thalloo douar dor daear 160 cloud nél scamall , néal sgòth , neul bodjal , niaul koumoul kommol cwmwl 161 fog *kiwo- ceo ceò kay nivlenn , morenn niwl niwl 162 sky *nemos aer , nem spéir adhar , speuran aer , speyr , niau *neβ̃ neñv , oabl ebron awyr , wybren 163 wind *wintos gáeth gaoth gaoth geay *gwɨnt avel , gwent gwyns , awel gwynt 164 snow *snigʷyo- snechtae sneachta sneachd sniaghtey *ėrɣ erc'h ergh eira 165 ice *yegis aig oighear deigh , eighre rio *jaɣ skorn rew , yey iâ 166 smoke *mukV dé deatach ceò , toit jaagh moged mog mwg 167 fire *teɸnets áed , daig , teine tine teine aile , çhenney tan tan tân 168 ash *loutus lúaith luaith luath leoie ludu lusow lludw 169 to burn *dauyeti bruthnaigidir , teinnid dóigh loisg losht leskiñ , deviñ leski llosgi 170 road *sentus bóthar , conar , rót , slige bóthar rathad raad , bayr *hɨnt hent fordh , hens ffordd , heol , hynt 171 mountain *moniyo- benn , slíab sliabh beinn slieau , beinn , muyne *mönɨð menez menydh mynydd 172 red *dergos , *roudos derg , rúad rua , dearg ruadh , dearg ruy , jiarg *rrʉð ruz rudh coch , rhudd 173 green *glastos glas , úaine glas , uaine glas , uaine glass , eayney *glas glas , gwer glas , gwyrdh glas , gwyrdd 174 yellow *bodyos buide buí buidhe buigh melen melyn melyn 175 white *bānos , *gelos , *windos bán , finn , gel bán geal bane , fynn *gwɨnn gwenn gwynn gwyn 176 black *dubus dub dubh dubh doo *duβ du du du 177 night *noxs adaig oíche oidhche oie noz nos nos 178 day *dīyos día , lá lá là laa *dið dez , deiz dydh dydd 179 year *bleidanī blíadain bliain bliadhna blein bloaz , bloavezh , blizen blydhen blwyddyn 180 warm *teɸsmi- té te blàth çheh tomm , toemm toemm cynnes , twym 181 cold *ougros úar fuar fuar feayr yen , yein yeyn oer 182 full *ɸlānos lán lán làn lane *llọn leun leun llawn 183 new *nouyos núa nua ùr , nuadh noa , oor *nöwɨð nevez nowydh newydd 184 old *senos sen sean sean shenn *hen hen , kozh hen , koth hen 185 good *dagos , *matis dag , maith , so- maith math mie *mad da , mad da , mas da , mad 186 bad *drukos , *ulkos droch , olc olc , droch- dona , olc olk , drogh *drug fall , drouk drog drwg 187 rotten *bragnos brén lofa grod , loibhte loau , breinn *braɨn brein breyn , poder braen , pwdr 188 dirty *salākos salach salach salach sollagh , broghe , breinnagh lous , loudour plos brwnt , budr 189 straight díriuch díreach dìreach jeeragh eeun ewn syth 190 round *krundis cruinn cruinn cruinn cruinn *krunn krenn , ront krenn crwn 191 sharp (as a knife)*kerbos áith , gér géar geur geyre lemm lymm llym , miniog 192 dull (as a knife)*mailos máel maol maol moal dall , soc'h sogh pŵl 193 smooth *slimonos mín , réid mín mìn meein , rea levn , lintr gwastas , leven llyfn 194 wet *wlikʷos fliuch fliuch fliuch fliugh *gwlɨb gwleb glyb , gwlygh gwlyb 195 dry *siskʷos tírim tirim tioram çhirrym *sɨx sec'h sygh sych 196 correct *eɸinos cert , cóir ceart ceart kiart reizh ewn certh , cywir , iawn 197 near *onkos ocus gar , dlúth faisg faggys , er çheu , er gerrey tost , ogos ogas agos 198 far *keinos , *kʷeslos cían , i fat i bhfad fada foddey pell pell pell 199 right *dexswos dess deis deas jesh dehou deghow de 200 left *kliyos clé , túath- clé clì clee , toshtal *kleð kleiz , klez kledh chwith , cledd 201 at *onkos oc ag aig ec da orth at , wrth 202 in *en i i ann ayns *ɨn e , en , ba , e-barzh yn mewn , yn eni 203 with *kantā , *kom co , i n-arrad , la le còmhla ri , le lesh , marish gant , get gans â , efo , gan , gyda 204 and *-kʷe , *atkʷe , *eti ocus agus agus as ha ha a -kue 205 if *smā día , má ma ma , nan , nam my , ga ma , mar , pe mar os , pe 206 because hóre mar oir er-yn-oyr dre ma , abalamour ma , peogwir drefenn achos , oherwydd 207 name *anman ainmm ainm ainm ennym *anw anv hanow enw
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