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Appendix:Celtic Swadesh lists

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This is a Swadesh list of Celtic languages, specifically Old Irish, Scottish Gaelic, Proto-Celtic, Proto-Brythonic, Breton, Cornish and Welsh, compared with that of English.


For further information, including the full final version of the list, read the Wikipedia article: Swadesh list.

American linguist Morris Swadesh believed that languages changed at measurable rates and that these could be determined even for languages without written precursors. Using vocabulary lists, he sought to understand not only change over time but also the relationships of extant languages. To be able to compare languages from different cultures, he based his lists on meanings he presumed would be available in as many cultures as possible. He then used the fraction of agreeing cognates between any two related languages to compute their divergence time by some (still debated) algorithms. Starting in 1950 with 165 meanings, his list grew to 215 in 1952, which was so expansive that many languages lacked native vocabulary for some terms. Subsequently, it was reduced to 207, and reduced much further to 100 meanings in 1955. A reformulated list was published posthumously in 1971.

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
1-91 92-146 147-207


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Old Irish
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Scottish Gaelic
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1I (1sg)*mīmi*mimemymi, fi
2you (2sg)*tūthu*titetyti
3he, she, it (3sg)*esée*eβ̃evef, fe, fo
4we (1pl)*snīssnísinn*nininyni
5you (2pl)*swīs, *swīswīssib, síisibh*hwic'hwihwichi, chwi
6they (3pl)*eyeséiadi, intihwy, hwynt, nhw
7this*se-, *sindos, *so-sinin soseoan, mañan, mahwn, y, yma
8that*emo-, *sindo-dein sin, in tallsin, siudan, sean, nahwnnw, y, yna
9here*sondo, *umansundan seoamañommayma
10there*anda, *kētallan sin, an siudaze, enoenayna
13where*kʷutscairm, cía airm, cía dúcàite*pelec'hpleble
14when*kʷan(o)cuincuin*pedavare, pegoulz, peur, pevarep'eurpryd
15howcía chruth, cía indas, cindas, cociamar, dè mar, cionnas*pegiz, penaos, pevodfatelsut, pa fodd
16not*ne, *nīs, níconcha, chan*nine, ketnyddim, nid
17all*olyosuileuileholl, toutollholl, i gyd, oll
18many*ɸilu-il, imdae, mórmòrankalz, lies alies, lowerllawer
19some*nekʷosnachcuid, feadhainnbennak, meur anebesrhai, rhyw
20few*bikkano, *nekʷosbec, terc, úathadbeagan, corranebeutnebesychydig
21other*alyos, *aralyosaileeileall, arallaralarall
22one*oinos, *oinānosóenaon*ʉnunanonanun
24three*trīstrítrì*tritritritair, tri
27big*brassos, *mārosoll, mórmòr*mọrbras, meurbras, meurmawr
28long*sīrosfota, sírfada*hirhirhirhir
29wide*ɸlitanoslethanleathann, farsaing*llɨdanledanledanllydan
30thick*remros, *tegusremor, tiugtiugh*teɣtev, fetistewtew
32small*bikkosbecbeag*bɨxbihanbian, byghanbach, bychan
33short*birros, *gerroscummair, berr, gerrgoirid, geàrr*bɨrrberrberrbyr
34narrow*anguscáel, cumungcaol, cumhang*kʉlenk, strizhkulcul
35thin*tanauyosséim, tanaetanamoan, tanavmoon, tanowtenau
36woman*benābenboireannach*ben, *gwrėggwreg, maouezbenynbenw, benyw, dynes, gwraig, merch
37man (adult male)*wirosferfear*gwurgour, gwaz, dengour, gwasdyn, gŵr
38man (human being)*gdonyosduineduine*dündendendyn
39child*mustākoslenab, noídiupàiste, duine-cloinnebugelfloghplant
40wifeben, séitigbean, bean-phòsda*gwrėggwreggwreggwraig
41husband*wiroscéile, ferfear-pòsda*gwurgwazgourgŵr
44animal*mīlomanmandae, míl, robbbeathach, ainmhidh, beòthach*milaneval, loen, milenyval, milanifail, mil
46bird*ɸatar, *ɸetnoséneun*ednevn, labousedhenaderyn
47dog*kū, matad, madadh*kikikici
48louse*luwāmíl, míl étgudomiallaoulowllau
49snake*natrixsnathairnathairnaer, sarpantsarfneidr, sarff
50worm*kʷrimiscruimboiteag, cnuimh*prɨβ̃buzhug, preñvpryvabwydyn, mwydyn, pryf, pryf genwair
51tree*kʷresnomcrann, fidcraobh*prenngwezgwedhcoed, colfen, pren
52forest*kaito-caill, fid, fidbad, ros, ruudcoille*koɨdkoad, koedkoos, koswikcoedwig, fforest
53stick*lorgāflesc, maidebata, bioran, madadhbazhlorghffon, llorf
54fruit*sutu-mess, toradmeas, toradhfrouezhfroothffrwyth
55seed*segeto-, *sīlomsílsìolhadhashad
57root*wridāfrém, meconfreumhgwrizienngwreydhgwraidd, gwreiddyn
58bark (of a tree)*rūskoscoirt, croiccenn, crottball, rúscrùsg*rriskruskruskrhisgl
59flower*blātusbláth, scothblàth, sìthean, dìthean, flùr*blọdbleuñvbleujenblodyn
60grass*gʷeltāférfeur*gwelltgeot, gweltgwelsgwellt
61rope*lomanāloman, súainem, tétròpakordennlovan, kordenrhaff
62skin*krokkenom, *kroknomcnes, croiccenncraiceann*krʉnkroc'henkroghencroen
63meat*kīkos, *mīroscúa, féoilfeòilkigkigcig
64blood*krowoscrú, fuilfuil*krowgwadgoosgwaed
65bone*astkornu, *knāmiscnáimcnàmhaskornaskornasgwrn
66fat (noun)*gʷered-béoil, blonac, geir, íthgeir, sailldruz, lartbloneksaim
68horn*kornu-adarc, benn, cornadharc, cornkornkorncorn
69tail*lostāerball, errearballlostlostcynffon, llost
71hair*woltosfinna, foltfalt, gruag*gwolltblevblew, golsblew, gwallt
73ear*ausos, *kloustāáu, clúascluas*klʉstskouarnskovarnclust
74eye*lukato-rosc, súilsùil*llugadlagadlagasllygad
76mouth*genusá, bél, ginbeul*genbeg, genoùganowceg, genau
77tooth*dantdét, fíacailfiacail*dantdantdansdant
78tongue (organ)*tangʷāsstengaeteangateodtavestafod
80foot*tregesscos, traigcastroad, troedtroestroed
82knee*glūnosglúnglùn*glinglinglinglin, pen-glin
84wing*ɸatanīette, scíathsgiathaskellaskelladain, asgell
85belly*bolgosbolg, brúbrù*bolɣkof, torkroth, torrbol, bola
86gutscáelán, inatharmionach, caolanbouzellennkolodhyoncoluddion, perfeddion, ymysgaroedd
87neck*monisbrága, muin, muinélamhaich, muinealgouzougkonnagwddf, gwddwg, mwnwgl
88backcúl, druimmdruimkeinkeyncefn
89breast*brusū, *kīkoscíchcìoch*bronnbronnbronnbron
90heart*kalonā, *kridyomcridecridhe*kalwonkalonkoloncalon
91liver*awV-óaadha, grùthanavuaviafu
92to drink*ɸibetiibidòl*ɨβɨdevañ, evetevayfed
93to eat*essi, *ɸitetiithidithdebriñ, bouetadybribwyta
94to bite*knāyetibenaid, greimmbìddantañ, krogiñdenselbrathu, cnoi
95to suck*dinatidinid, súigidsùighsunañ, denañsugna, denasugno
96to spitdo·beir sailetilg smugaidskopatberya, trewapoeri
97to vomit*skeyetisceïdsgeithc'hwedañ, dislonkañ, reucheutiñhwyjachwydu
98to blow*swizdetido·infet, séitidsèid*hwɨθɨdc'hwezhañhwythachwythu
99to breathe*anatido·beir análtarraing anailalanat, analañanellaanadlu
100to laugh*swaryetigáirid, tibidgàir, dèan gàirec'hoarzhinhwerthinchwerthin
101to see*weletiad·cífaicgweletgwelesgweld
102to hear*klinutorro·cluinetharcluinn*klüwidklevetklywesclywed
103to know*windetiat·tá a ḟis oc, ro·fitirtha fios aig*gwɨbodgouzoutgodhvosgwybod
104to think*ambirādītiimm·rádi, smúainidsmaoinichprederiañ, soñjalprederimeddwl, tybio
105to smellboltaigidirfeuch fàileadhklevetblasa, klywesaroglu, clywed aroglau
106to fear*obnetiad·ágathar, eclaigid, gaibid ecla*, is ómun la*gabh eagalaoniñ, kaout aonperthi ownbod ag ofn, ofni
107to sleep*kuxsketicon·tuilicaidil*kuskɨdkousketkoskacysgu
108to livear·beir biuth, at·tá beó, maraidbi beòbevañbywabyw
109to die*bayetiat·baill, baïd, fo·gaib bás, téit básbàsaich*marwọdmervelmerwelmarw
110to kill*gʷanetimarbaid, oirgidmarbh*gwėnɨdlazhañladhalladd
111to fight*wiketicathaigid, fichidsabaidgouren, stourmomladhbrwydro, ymladd
112to hunt*selgāad·claid, do·seinnsealghemolc'hiñ, chasealhelghyahela
113to hit*binatibenaid, bongaid, búailid, slaidid, sligidbuailskoiñgweskel, skwatyabwrw, taro
114to cutdo·esc, gerraid, snaididgeàrrtroc'hañtreghitorri
115to split*dlongetidlongidsgoiltfaoutañfolsahollti
116to stabcailgid, tollaidsàthgwanañgwana, pyghyagwanu, trywanu
117to scratch*razdetiscrípaid, tochasaidsgròbkravat, skrabatkravascosi
118to dig*kladyeticlaididcladhaich*klėðɨdkleuzañpalascloddio, palu
119to swim*snātisnáïdsnàmhneuñviñneuvyanofio
120to fly*ɸetetifo·luatharitealaichnijalneyjahedfan
121to walksiblaid, teítcoisichkerzhet, balekerdhescerdded
122to comedo·icc, do·tétthigdontdosdod
123to lie (as in a bed)*legetilaigidlaigh*gourvezgorwedhesgorwedd
124to sit*sedetisaididsuidh*azezañesedhaeistedd
125to stand*sistatido·airissedarseas*sevelsevelsefyll
126to turn (intransitive)*suwetiimm·soí, sóïdtionndaidhtreiñtreylyatroi
127to fall*kiyetido·tuittuitkouezhañkoedhacwympo, disgyn, syrthio
128to give*dātido·beirthoir*rroðọdreiñryrhoi
129to hold*delgetigaibidcùmdalc'hen, derc'heldalghenna, synsidal, dala
130to squeezefáiscid, tendaid, timsaigidteannaichgwaskañ, stardañgwaska, gwrynya, strothagwasgu
131to rubcon·meilsuathtaravat, frotañrutyarhwtio, rhwbio
132to wash*nigyetifolcaid, fothraicid, ind·aimnighgolc'hiñ, gwalc'hiñgolghigolchi
133to wipesuathsec'hañ, torchañsyghasychu
134to pulldo·srenga, srengaidtarraingsachañ, tennañtennatynnu
135to pushad·aigbrùthbountañherdhya, pokyagwthio
136to throw*katyeticaithid, do·léci, fo·ceird, sneidid, sréïdtilgteurel, chetañtewleltaflu
137to tie*rigeticenglaid, con·rig, sníidceangailkoulmañ, erenkelmiclymu, rhwymo
138to sewúaigidfuaighgwriatgwrias, sewyagwnïo
139to countrímidcùnntniveriñ, kontañakontya, amontya, niverarhifo
140to sayas·beir, labraithir, ráididabair, canlavaretlevereldweud
141to sing*kaneticanaidseinn*kėnɨdkanañ, kanakanacanu
142to playcluichigidir, imm·beircluichc'hoarigwarichwarae
143to floatsnáïdbi a' fleòdradhflotañ, neuviñneuvellanofio
144to flow*liyetibruinnid, dolin, silid, snigidruithdeverañbera, dinewillifo
145to freezereódaid, téchtaidreòdhreviñ, skornañrewirhewi
146to swell*sweidetiattaid, bolgaidatc'hwezañhwythfichwyddo
148moon*ēskyom, *lugrāéscae, gealach*lloɨrloarloerlleuad, lloer
149star*sterārétglu, rindrionnag*stersterstersêr
150water*dubros, *udenskyosdobur, uisceuisge, bùrn*duβrdourdowrdŵr
151rain*glawā, *wolko-bráen, flechuduisgeglavglawglaw
152river*abūaubabhainn*aβonaven, rinier, stêravonafon
153lake*linnālinn, lochlochlennlynnllyn
154sea*morifairrge, ler, muir, trethanmuir, cuan, fairge*mormormormôr
156stone*klukā, *magino-cloch, líaclach*klogmaenkarrek, mencarreg, maen
158dustlúaith, lúaithredstùr, duslachpoultrenndoust, polterllwch
159earth*talamūtalam, úirtalamhdouardordaear
160cloudnélsgòth, neulkoumoulkommolcwmwl
161fog*kiwo-ceònivlenn, morennniwlniwl
162sky*nemosaer, nemadhar, speuran*neβ̃neñv, oablebronawyr, wybren
163wind*wintosgáethgaoth*gwɨntavel, gwentgwyns, awelgwynt
165ice*yegisaigdeigh, eighre*jaɣskornrew, yey
166smoke*mukVceò, toitmogedmogmwg
167fire*teɸnetsáed, daig, teineteinetantantân
169to burn*dauyetibruthnaigidir, teinnidloisgleskiñ, deviñleskillosgi
170road*sentusbóthar, conar, rót, sligerathad*hɨnthentfordh, hensffordd, heol, hynt
171mountain*moniyo-benn, slíabbeinn*mönɨðmenezmenydhmynydd
172red*dergos, *roudosderg, rúadruadh, dearg*rrʉðruzrudhcoch, rhudd
173green*glastosglas, úaineglas, uaine*glasglas, gwerglas, gwyrdhglas, gwyrdd
175white*bānos, *gelos, *windosbán, finn, gelgeal*gwɨnngwenngwynngwyn
178day*dīyosdía, *diðdez, deizdydhdydd
179year*bleidanīblíadainbliadhnabloaz, bloavezh, blizenblydhenblwyddyn
180warm*teɸsmi-blàthtomm, toemmtoemmcynnes, twym
181cold*ougrosúarfuaryen, yeinyeynoer
183new*nouyosnúaùr, nuadh*nöwɨðneveznowydhnewydd
184old*senossensean*henhen, kozhhen, kothhen
185good*dagos, *matisdag, maith, so-math*madda, madda, masda, mad
186bad*drukos, *ulkosdroch, olcdona, olc*drugfall, droukdrogdrwg
187rotten*bragnosbréngrod, loibhte*braɨnbreinbreyn, poderbraen, pwdr
188dirty*salākossalachsalachlous, loudourplosbrwnt, budr
190round*krundiscruinncruinn*krunnkrenn, rontkrenncrwn
191sharp (as a knife)*kerbosáith, gérgeurlemmlymmllym, miniog
192dull (as a knife)*mailosmáelmaoldall, soc'hsoghpŵl
193smooth*slimonosmín, réidmìnlevn, lintrgwastas, levenllyfn
194wet*wlikʷosfliuchfliuch*gwlɨbgwlebglyb, gwlyghgwlyb
196correct*eɸinoscert, cóirceartreizhewncerth, cywir, iawn
197near*onkosocusfaisgtost, ogosogasagos
198far*keinos, *kʷesloscían, i fatfadapellpellpell
200left*kliyosclé, túath-clì*kleðkleiz, klezkledhchwith, cledd
201at*onkosocaigdaorthat, wrth
202in*eniann*ɨne, en, ba, e-barzhynmewn, yn
203with*kantā, *komco, i n-arrad, lacòmhla ri, legant, getgansâ, efo, gan, gyda
204and*-kʷe, *atkʷe, *etiocusagushahaa
205if*smādía, ma, nan, namma, mar, pemaros, pe
206becausehóreoirdre ma, abalamour ma, peogwirdrefennachos, oherwydd
English Proto-Celtic Proto-Brythonic Breton Cornish Welsh Old Irish Irish Scottish Gaelic Manx
1 I *mī *mi me my mi, fi mi mee
2 you *tū *ti te ty ti thu oo
3 he *es *eβ̃ ev ef, fe, fo é e eh
4 we *snīs *ni ni ni ni sní muid, sinn sinn shin
5 you (plural) *swīs, *swīswīs *hwi c'hwi hwi chi, chwi sib, síi sibh sibh shiu
6 they *eyes i, int i hwy, hwynt, nhw é siad iad ad
7 this *se-, *sindos, *so-sin an ... mañ an ... ma hwn, y ... yma in ... so an ... seo, an ... so an ... seo yn ... shoh
8 that *emo-, *sindo-de an ... se an ... na hwnnw, y ... yna in ... sin, in ... tall an ... sin, an ... siúd an ... sin, an ... siud yn ... shen, yn ... shid
9 here *sondo, *uman? amañ omma yma sund anseo an seo ayns shoh, aynshoh
10 there *anda?, *kē aze, eno ena yna tall ansin, ansiúd an sin, an siud ayns shen, ayns shid
11 who *kʷei *puɨ piv piw pwy cía quoi
12 what *kʷid petra pyth beth cid cad é, céard c'red, cre
13 where *kʷuts pelec'h ple ble cairm, cía airm, cía dú , cá háit, cén áit càite c'raad
14 when *kʷan(o) pedavare, pegoulz, peur, pevare p'eur pryd cuin cá huair, cathain, cén uair cuin cre'n traa, cooin
15 how pegiz, penaos, pevod fatel sut, pa fodd cía chruth, cía indas, cindas, co cad é mar, cén chaoi, conas ciamar, dè mar, cionnas cre'n aght, kanys, kys
16 not *ne, *nīs *ni ne ... ket ny ddim, nid , nícon cha, chan, cha, chan cha, chan
17 all *olyos holl, tout oll holl, i gyd, oll uile uile uile ooilley
18 many *ɸilu- kalz, lies a lies, lower llawer il, imdae, mór a lán, mórán mòran mooarane, ram
19 some *nekʷos bennak, meur a nebes rhai, rhyw nach éigin, roinnt cuid, feadhainn ennagh, kuse, shiartanse
20 few *bikkano, *nekʷos nebeut nebes ychydig bec, terc, úathad beagán beagan, corra beggan
21 other *alyos, *aralyos all, arall aral, erel arall aile eile eile elley
22 one *oinos, *oinānos *ʉn unan onan un óen aon aon un, unnane
23 two *dwau *dọw daou dew, diw dau dhá daa
24 three *trīs *tri tri tri, teyr tair, tri trí trí trì tree
25 four *kʷetwores *pedwar pevar peswar, peder pedwar cethair ceathair ceithir kiare
26 five *kʷenkʷe *pɨmp pemp pymp pump cóic cúig còig queig
27 big *brassos, *māros *mọr bras, meur bras, meur mawr oll, mór mór mòr mooar
28 long *sīros *hir hir hir hir fota, sír fada fada foddey, liauyr
29 wide *ɸlitanos *llɨdan ledan ledan, efan llydan lethan leathan leathann, farsaing lhean
30 thick *remros, *tegus *teɣ tev, fetis tew tew remor, tiug ramhar, tiubh tiugh roauyr, çhiu
31 heavy *trummos *trum pounner poos trwm trom trom trom trome
32 small *bikkos *bɨx bihan byghan, bian bach, bychan bec beag beag beg
33 short *birros, *gerros *bɨrr berr berr byr cummair, berr, gerr gearr goirid, geàrr giare
34 narrow *angus *kʉl enk, strizh kul, ynn cul cáel, cumung cúng caol, cumhang coon
35 thin *tanauyos moan, tanav moon, tanow tenau séim, tanae tanaí tana thanney
36 woman *benā *ben, *gwrėg gwreg, maouez benyn benw, benyw, dynes, gwraig, merch ben bean boireannach ben
37 man (adult male) *wiros *gwur gour, gwaz, den gour, gwas dyn, gŵr fer fear fear dooinney, fer
38 man (human being) *gdonyos *dün den den dyn duine duine duine dooinney
39 child (youth) *mustākos bugel flogh plant lenab, noídiu leanbh, páiste pàiste, duine-cloinne lhiannoo, paitçhey
40 wife *gwrėg gwreg gwreg gwraig ben, séitig bean, bean chéile bean, bean-phòsda, bean-chèile ben, ben heshey, ben phoost
41 husband *wiros *gwur gwaz gour gŵr céile, fer fear céile fear-pòsda dooinney, dooinney poost, sheshey, sheshey poost
42 mother *mātīr *mamm mamm mamm mam máthair máthair màthair moir
43 father *ɸatīr *tad tad tas tad athair athair athair ayr
44 animal *mīlom *mil aneval, loen, mil eneval, mil anifail, mil anmandae, míl, robb ainmhí beathach, ainmhidh, beòthach baagh, baaghtagh, bioagh, cretoor
45 fish *ɸeiskos *uɨsk pesk pysk pysgodyn íasc iasc iasg eeast
46 bird *ɸatar, *ɸetnos *edn evn, labous edhen aderyn én éan eun ushag
47 dog *kū *ki ki ki ci , matad , gadhar, madadh, madra , madadh coo, moddey
48 louse *luwā laou low llau míl, míl étgudo míol cnis mial meeyl
49 snake *natrixs naer, sarpant sarf neidr, sarff nathair nathair nathair aarnieu, ardnieu
50 worm *kʷrimis *prɨβ̃ buzhug, preñv pryv abwydyn, mwydyn, pryf, pryf genwair cruim cruimh, péist boiteag, cnuimh beisht, beishteig, dhiane
51 tree *kʷresnom *prenn gwez gwydh coed, colfen, pren crann, fid bile, crann craobh billey
52 forest *kaito- *koɨd koad, koed koos, koswik coedwig, fforest caill, fid, fidbad, ros, ruud coill coille keyll
53 stick (of wood) *lorgā bazh lorgh ffon, llorf flesc, maide bata, maide bata, bioran, maide maidjey
54 fruit *sutu- frouezh frooth ffrwyth mess, torad toradh meas, toradh mess, troar
55 seed *segeto-, *sīlom had has had síl síol sìol rass, sheel
56 leaf *dolnyā, *dolyā del delen dail duilne duille duilleag duillag
57 root *wridā gwrizienn gwreydh gwraidd, gwreiddyn frém, mecon fréamh freumh fraue
58 bark (of tree) *rūskos *rrisk rusk rusk rhisgl coirt, crocenn, crottball, rúsc coirt, rúsc}, snamh rùsg roost
59 flower *blātus *blọd bleuñv bleujen blodyn bláth, scoth bláth, scoth blàth, sìthean/dìthean, flùr blaa
60 grass *gʷeltā *gwellt geot, gwelt gwels gwellt fér féar feur faiyr
61 rope *lomanā kordenn lovan, korden rhaff loman, súainem, tét téad ròpa, sìoman tead
62 skin (of a person) *krokkenom, *kroknom *krʉn kroc'hen kroghen croen cnes, croiccenn cneas, craiceann craiceann crackan
63 meat (as in flesh) *kīkos, *mīros kig kig cig cúa, féoil feoil feòil feill
64 blood *krowos *krow gwad goos gwaed crú, fuil cró, fuil fuil fuill
65 bone *astkornu, *knāmis askorn askorn asgwrn cnáim cnámh cnàimh craue
66 fat (noun) *gʷered- druz, lart blonek saim béoil, blonac, geir, íth blonag, saill geir, saill blennick, sahll
67 egg *āuyom vi oy wy og ubh ugh ooh
68 horn *kornu- korn korn corn adarc, benn, corn adharc, corn adharc, corn corn, eairk
69 tail *lostā lost lost cynffon, llost erball, err eireaball earball arbyl, famman
70 feather(rather not down) pluñv pluv plu cleitte cleite ite clooie, fedjag
71 hair *woltos *gwollt blev blew, gols blew, gwallt finna folt folt, gruaig falt, gruag folt, gruag
72 head *kʷennom *penn penn penn pen cenn ceann ceann kione
73 ear *ausos, *kloustā *klʉst skouarn skovarn clust áu, clúas cluas cluas cleaysh
74 eye *lukato- *llugad lagad lagas llygad rosc, súil rosc, súil sùil sooill
75 nose *srognā *froɨn fri troen trwyn srón srón sròn stroin
76 mouth *genus *gen beg, genoù ganow ceg, genau á, bél, gin béal beul beeal
77 tooth (rather not molar) *dant *dant dant dans dant dét, fíacail déad, fiacail fiacaill feeackle
78 tongue *tangʷāss teod taves tafod tengae teanga teanga çhengey
79 fingernail *angʷīnā *ėɣwin ivin ewyn ewin ingen ionga ìne ingin
80 foot *tregess troad, troed troos troed cos, traig cos, troigh cas cass
81 leg *koxsā *koɨs gar garr coes cos cos cas cass, lurgey
82 knee *glūnos *glin glin glin glin, pen-glin glún glúin glùn glioon
83 hand *ɸlāmā *llọβ̃ dorn dorn llaw lám lámh làmh laue
84 wing *ɸatanī askell askel adain, asgell ette, scíath eite, eiteog, sciath, sciathán sgiath fedjag, skian
85 belly *bolgos *bolɣ kof, tor kroth, torr bol, bola bolg, brú bolg brù bolg
86 guts bouzellenn kolodhyon coluddion, perfeddion, ymysgaroedd cáelán, inathar inní mionach, caolan collane
87 neck *monis gouzoug konna gwddf, gwddwg, mwnwgl brága, muin, muinél muineál amhaich, muineal mwannal
88 back kein keyn cefn cúl, druimm droim druim dreeym
89 breast *brusū, *kīkos *bronn bronn bronn bron cích brollach, cíoch cìoch keeagh
90 heart *kalwond-, *kridyom *kalwon kalon kolon calon cride croí cridhe cree
91 liver *awV- avu avi afu óa ae adha, grùthan aane
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
1-91 92-146 147-207
Swadesh lists
Individual languages
Language families, family branches, and geographic groupings
Constructed languages
Reconstructed proto-languages
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