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Appendix:Hindi Swadesh list

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This is a Swadesh list of words in Hindi, compared with definitions in English.


For further information, including the full final version of the list, read the Wikipedia article: Swadesh list.

American linguist Morris Swadesh believed that languages changed at measurable rates and that these could be determined even for languages without written precursors. Using vocabulary lists, he sought to understand not only change over time but also the relationships of extant languages. To be able to compare languages from different cultures, he based his lists on meanings he presumed would be available in as many cultures as possible. He then used the fraction of agreeing cognates between any two related languages to compute their divergence time by some (still debated) algorithms. Starting in 1950 with 165 meanings, his list grew to 215 in 1952, which was so expansive that many languages lacked native vocabulary for some terms. Subsequently, it was reduced to 207, and reduced much further to 100 meanings in 1955. A reformulated list was published posthumously in 1971.


हिंदी (hindī)
edit (207)
1I (1sg)मैं (ma͠i)
2you (2sg)तू () (least respect), तुम (tum) (medium respect), आप (āp) (most respect)
3he, she, it (3sg)यह (yah) (proximal, gender-neutral), वह (vah) (distal, gender-neutral)
4we (1pl)हम (ham)
5you (2pl)तुम (tum) (medium respect), आप (āp) (most respect)
6they (3pl)ये (ye) (proximal, gender-neutral), वे (ve) (distal, gender-neutral)
7thisयह (yah)
8thatवह (vah)
9hereयहाँ (yahā̃)
10thereवहाँ (vahā̃)
11whoकौन (kaun)
12whatक्या (kyā)
13whereकहाँ (kahā̃)
14whenकब (kab)
15howकैसे (kaise)
16notनहीं (nahī̃)
17allसब (sab), सभी (sabhī) (emphatic), सारे (sāre)
18manyबहुत (bahut)
19someकुछ (kuch)
20fewथोड़ा (thoṛā)
21otherदूसरा (dūsrā)
22oneएक (ek)
23twoदो (do)
24threeतीन (tīn)
25fourचार (cār)
26fiveपाँच (pā̃c)
27bigबड़ा (baṛā)
28longलम्बा (lambā)
29wideचौड़ा (cauṛā)
30thickगाढ़ा (gāṛhā)
31heavyभारी (bhārī)
32smallछोटा (choṭā)
33shortछोटा (choṭā)
34narrowतंग (taṅg) (Persian)
35thinपतला (patlā)
36womanऔरत (aurat) (Arabic through Persian), महिला (mahilā)
37man (adult male)आदमी (ādmī) (Arabic through Persian)
38man (human being)इंसान (insān) (Arabic through Persian), मनुष्य (manuṣya)
39childबच्चा (baccā) (Persian)
40wifeपत्नी (patnī)
41husbandपति (pati)
42motherमाता (mātā)
43fatherपिता (pitā)
44animalजानवर (jānvar) (Persian)
45fishमछली (machlī)
46birdचिड़िया (ciṛiyā)
47dogकुत्ता (kuttā)
48louseजूँ (jū̃)
49snakeसाँप (sā̃p)
50wormकीड़ा (kīṛā)
51treeपेड़ (peṛ)
52forestजंगल (jaṅgal)
53stickडंडा (ḍaṇḍā), लाठी (lāṭhī)
54fruitफल (phal)
55seedबीज (bīj)
56leafपत्ता (pattā)
57rootजड़ (jaṛ)
58bark (of a tree)छाल (chāl)
59flowerफूल (phūl)
60grassघास (ghās)
61ropeरस्सी (rassī)
62skinचमड़ी (camṛī), त्वचा (tvacā)
63meatमाँस (mā̃s)
64bloodख़ून (xūn) (Persian)
65boneहड्डी (haḍḍī)
66fat (noun)चरबी (carbī) (Persian)
67eggअंडा (aṇḍā)
68hornसींग (sīṅg)
69tailपूँछ (pū̃ch)
70featherपंख (paṅkh)
71hairबाल (bāl)
72headसिर (sir)
73earकान (kān)
74eyeआँख (ā̃kh)
75noseनाक (nāk)
76mouthमुँह (mũh)
77toothदाँत (dā̃t)
78tongue (organ)जीभ (jībh)
79fingernailनाख़ुन (nāxun) (Persian)
80footपैर (pair)
81legटांग (ṭāṅg)
82kneeघुटना (ghuṭnā)
83handहाथ (hāth)
84wingपंख (paṅkh)
85bellyपेट (peṭ) (Dravidian)
86gutsअंतड़ी (antṛī)
87neckगरदन (gardan) (Persian)
88backपीठ (pīṭh)
89breastछाती (chātī)
90heartदिल (dil) (Persian)
91liverजिगर (jigar) (Persian), कलेजा (kalejā) (also heart)
92to drinkपीना (pīnā)
93to eatखाना (khānā)
94to biteकाटना (kāṭnā)
95to suckचूसना (cūsnā)
96to spitथूकना (thūknā)
97to vomitउल्टी करना (ulṭī karnā), उल्टी मारना (ulṭī mārnā)
98to blowफूँकना (phū̃knā)
99to breatheसाँस लेना (sā̃s lenā)
100to laughहँसना (hãsnā)
101to seeदिखना (dikhnā) (intransitive), देखना (dekhnā) (transitive)
102to hearसुनना (sunnā)
103to knowजानना (jānnā)
104to thinkसोचना (socnā)
105to smellसूँघना (sūṅghnā)
106to fearडरना (ḍarnā)
107to sleepसोना (sonā)
108to liveजीना (jīnā)
109to dieमरना (marnā)
110to killमारना (mārnā)
111to fightलड़ना (laṛnā)
112to huntशिकार करना (śikār karnā) (Persian)
113to hitमारना (mārnā)
114to cutकाटना (kāṭnā)
115to splitबांटना (bāṇṭnā)
116to stabभोंकना (bhoṅknā)
117to scratchखरोंचना (kharoñcnā)
118to digखोदना (khodnā)
119to swimतैरना (tairnā)
120to flyउड़ना (uṛnā)
121to walkचलना (calnā)
122to comeआना (ānā)
123to lie (as in a bed)लेटना (leṭnā)
124to sitबैठना (baiṭhnā)
125to standखड़ा होना (khaṛā honā)
126to turn (intransitive)मुड़ना (muṛnā)
127to fallगिरना (girnā)
128to giveदेना (denā)
129to holdपकड़ना (pakaṛnā)
130to squeezeदबाना (dabānā), निचोड़ना (nicoṛnā) ("squeeze in order to extract liquid")
131to rubमलना (malnā)
132to washधोना (dhonā)
133to wipeपोंछना (poñchnā)
134to pullखींचना (khīñcnā)
135to pushधक्का देना (dhakkā denā), धक्का मारना (dhakkā mārnā)
136to throwफेंकना (pheṅknā)
137to tieबाँधना (bāndhnā)
138to sewसीना (sīnā)
139to countगिनना (ginnā)
140to sayकहना (kahnā), बोलना (bolnā) (grammatically intransitive)
141to singगाना (gānā)
142to playखेलना (khelnā)
143to floatतैरना (tairnā)
144to flowबहना (bahnā)
145to freezeजमना (jamnā)
146to swellसूजना (sūjnā)
147sunसूरज (sūraj)
148moonचांद (cānd)
149starतारा (tārā)
150waterपानी (pānī)
151rainबारिश (bāriś) (Persian)
152riverनदी (nadī)
153lakeझील (jhīl)
154seaसमन्दर (samandar)
155saltनमक (namak) (Persian)
156stoneपत्थर (patthar)
157sandरेत (ret)
158dustधूल (dhūl)
159earthधरती (dhartī)
160cloudबादल (bādal)
161fogधुंध (dhundh)
162skyआसमान (āsmān) (Persian)
163windहवा (havā) (Persian)
164snowबर्फ़ (barf) (Persian)
165iceबर्फ़ (barf) (Persian)
166smokeधुआँ (dhuā̃)
167fireआग (āg)
168ashराख (rākh)
169to burnजलना (jalnā) (intransitive), जलाना (jalānā) (transitive)
170roadसड़क (saṛak)
171mountainपहाड़ (pahāṛ)
172redलाल (lāl) (Persian)
173greenहरा (harā)
174yellowपीला (pīlā)
175whiteसफ़ेद (safed) (Persian)
176blackकाला (kālā) (Dravidian)
177nightरात (rāt)
178dayदिन (din)
179yearसाल (sāl) (Persian)
180warmगर्म (garm) (Persian)
181coldठंडा (ṭhaṇḍā) (Proto-Dravidian)
182fullपूरा (pūrā)
183newनया (nayā)
184oldपुराना (purānā)
185goodअच्छा (acchā)
186badबुरा (burā)
187rottenसड़ा (saṛā)
188dirtyगंदा (gandā) (Persian)
189straightसीधा (sīdhā)
190roundगोल (gol)
191sharp (as a knife)तीखा (tīkhā)
192dull (as a knife)कुंद (kund) (Persian)
193smoothचिकना (ciknā)
194wetगीला (gīlā)
195dryसूखा (sūkhā)
196correctसही (sahī) (Arabic through Persian)
197nearपास (pās)
198farदूर (dūr)
199rightदायाँ (dāyā̃), दाहिना (dāhinā)
200leftबायाँ (bāyā̃)
201atपे (pe), पर (par), में (mẽ) (primarily 'in')
202inमें (mẽ), के अंदर (ke andar) (inside of)
203withके साथ (ke sāth)
204andऔर (aur)
205ifअगर (agar) (Persian)
206becauseक्योंकि (kyoṅki) (2nd part Persian)
207nameनाम (nām)


Swadesh lists
Individual languages
Language families, family branches, and geographic groupings
Constructed languages
Reconstructed proto-languages
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