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Appendix:Saraiki Swadesh list

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This is a Swadesh list of words in Saraiki, compared with definitions in English.


For further information, including the full final version of the list, read the Wikipedia article: Swadesh list.

American linguist Morris Swadesh believed that languages changed at measurable rates and that these could be determined even for languages without written precursors. Using vocabulary lists, he sought to understand not only change over time but also the relationships of extant languages. To be able to compare languages from different cultures, he based his lists on meanings he presumed would be available in as many cultures as possible. He then used the fraction of agreeing cognates between any two related languages to compute their divergence time by some (still debated) algorithms. Starting in 1950 with 165 meanings, his list grew to 215 in 1952, which was so expansive that many languages lacked native vocabulary for some terms. Subsequently, it was reduced to 207, and reduced much further to 100 meanings in 1955. A reformulated list was published posthumously in 1971.


سرائیکی (srā'īkī)
edit (204)
1I (1sg)مَیں (ma͠i)
2you (2sg)تُوں (tū̃)
3he, she, it (3sg)او (o) (distal)
4we (1pl)اَسّاں (assā̃)
5you (2pl)تُسّاں (tussā̃)
6they (3pl)او (o) (distal)
7thisاے (e)
8thatاو (o)
9hereاِتّھے (itthe), اِتّھاں (itthā̃)
10thereاُتّھے (utthe), اُتّھاں (utthā̃)
11whoکَوݨ (kauṇ)
12whatکی شے (kī śe)
13whereکِتّھاں (kitthā̃)
14whenکݙّاں (kaɗɗā̃)
15howکِیویں (kĩvẽ)
16notنہ (na)
17allسارے (sāre), یکے (yakke)
18manyٻہُوں (ɓahũ)
19someکُجھ (kujh)
20fewتھوڑا (thoṛā)
21otherݙُوجھا (ɗujjhā)
22oneہِک (hik)
23twoݙُو (ɗū)
24threeترائے (trāe)
25fourچار (cār)
26fiveپنج (pãj)
27bigوݙّا (vaɗɗā)
28longلمبا (lambā)
30thickموٹا (moṭā)
31heavyبارا (bārā)
32smallچھوٹا (choṭā)
33shortچھوٹا (choṭā)
34narrowسَوڑا (soṛā)
35thinپَتلا (patlā)
36womanرن (ran), تریمِت (tremit)
37man (adult male)ڄݨا (ʄaṇā), مَرد (mard), جُوان (juvān)
38man (human being)بَندہ (banda)
39childٻال (ɓāl)
40wifeزال (zāl)
41husbandپَے (pae)
42motherما ()
43fatherپِیؤُ (pīu)
44animalجانوَر (jānvar)
45fishمَچّھی (macchī)
46birdپَکّھی (pakkhī)
47dogکُتّا (kuttā)
48louseجُوں (jū̃)
49snakeنانگ (nāṅg)
50wormکِیڑا (kīṛā)
51treeدرَخت (draxt), وَݨ (vaṇ)
52forestجنگل (jaṅgal)
53stickݙنْڈا (ɗaṇḍā), سوٹا (soṭā)
55seedبِیج (bīj)
56leafپَتْر (patr)
57rootپاڑ (pāṛ), مُنْڈھ (mũḍh)
58bark (of a tree)چِھل (chill), کَھل (khal)
59flowerپُھل (phul)
60grassگھاہ (ghāh)
61ropeرسّا (rassā), رسّی (rassī)
62skinکَھل (khal), چمڑی (camṛī)
63meatگوشت (gośt)
64bloodرَتّ (ratt), خُون (xūn), لَہُو (lahū)
65boneہݙّی (haɗɗī)
66fat (noun)مین٘جھ (mī̃jh), چرٻی (carɓī)
67eggانڈہ (anḍā), آناں (ānā̃)
68hornسِنْگھ (siṅgh)
69tailپچھ (puch), پُوچَھڑ (puchaṛ)
70featherکھمبھ (khambh), پَر (par)
71hairوال (vāl)
72headسِر (sir)
73earکَنّ (kann)
74eyeاَکّھ (akkh)
75noseنَکّ (nakk)
76mouthمُنْہ (mũh)
77toothݙنْد (ɗand)
78tongue (organ)ڄِبّھ (ʄibbh), زبان (zabān)
79fingernailنَؤُں (naū̃)
80footپیر (per)
81legڄنْگھ (ʄaṅgh), لت (lat)
82kneeڳوݙا (ɠoɗā)
83handہَتّھ (hatth)
84wingپَر (par)
85bellyڈِھڈھ (ḍhiḍh)
86gutsآنْدْر (āndr)
87neckڳِچّی (ɠiccī)
88backکَنْڈھ (kanḍh)
89breastسِینہ (sīnā), بُبّا (bubbā)
90heartدِل (dil), ہاں (hā̃)
91liverجِگَر (jigar), کلیجی (kalejā), زیرہ (zerā)
92to drinkپِیوݨ (pīvaṇ)
93to eatکھاوَݨ (khāvaṇ)
94to biteپَٹّݨ (paṭṭaṇ)
95to suckچُوپݨ (cūpaṇ)
96to spitتُھک سٹݨ (thukk saṭṭaṇ)
97to vomitاُلٹی کرݨ (ulṭī karaṇ), اُٻَتّے آوَݨ (uɓaṭṭe āvaṇ)
98to blowپُھوکَݨ (phūkaṇ)
99to breatheساہ گِھنّݨ (sāh ghinnaṇ)
100to laughکِھلّݨ (khillaṇ)
101to seeݙیکھݨ (ɗekhaṇ)
102to hearسُݨݨ (suṇaṇ)
103to knowڄاݨݨ (ʄāṇaṇ)
104to thinkسوچݨ (socaṇ)
105to smellسِنْگھݨ (siṅghaṇ)
106to fearݙرݨ (ɗaraṇ)
107to sleepسُمھݨ (sumhaṇ)
108to liveجِیوَݨ (jīvaṇ), رَہوَݨ (rahvaṇ)
109to dieمَرَݨ (maraṇ)
110to killمارَݨ (māraṇ)
111to fightبِھڑَݨ (bhiṛaṇ)
112to huntشِکار کرݨ (śikār karaṇ)
113to hitٹکراوَݨ (ṭakrāvaṇ)
114to cutکپݨ (kappaṇ)
115to splitچیرݨ (cīraṇ), پاڑݨ (pāṛaṇ)
116to stab
117to scratchکھنھݨ (khanhaṇ)
118to digکھٹݨ (khaṭṭaṇ)
119to swimتَرَݨ (taraṇ)
120to flyاُݙَّݨ (uɗaṇ), اُݙْرَݨ (uɗraṇ)
121to walkٹُرَݨ (ṭuraṇ)
122to comeآوَݨ (āvaṇ)
123to lie (as in a bed)لیٹݨ (leṭaṇ)
124to sitٻَہوَݨ (ɓahvaṇ)
125to standکھڑݨ (khaṛaṇ), اُٹِھیچݨ (uṭhīcaṇ)
126to turn (intransitive)مُڑَݨ (muṛaṇ)
127to fallڈھاوݨ (ḍhāvaṇ)
128to giveݙیوَݨ (ɗevaṇ)
129to holdنپّݨ (nappaṇ)
130to squeezeگُھٹَّݨ (ghuṭṭaṇ)
131to rubرَڳْڑَݨ (raɠṛaṇ)
132to washدھووَݨ (dhovaṇ)
133to wipeپُونجھݨ (pū̃jhaṇ)
134to pullچِھکَّݨ (chikkaṇ)
135to pushدِھکّا ݙِیوَݨ (dhakkā dīvaṇ)
136to throwسَٹَّݨ (saṭṭaṇ)
137to tieٻنھݨ (ɓanhaṇ), ٻدّھَݨ (ɓaddhaṇ)
138to sewسِیوَݨ (sīvaṇ)
139to countڳِݨݨ (ɠiṇaṇ)
140to sayآکھݨ (ākhaṇ)
141to singڳاوَݨ (ɠāvaṇ)
142to playکھیݙَݨ (kheɗaṇ)
143to floatتَرَݨ (taraṇ)
144to flowواہَݨ (vāhaṇ)
145to freezeڄَم وَنْڄَݨ (ʄam vanʄaṇ)
146to swellسُڄَّݨ (suʄʄaṇ)
147sunݙین٘ہہ (ɗẽh), سِجّھ (sijjh)
148moonچن (can)
149starتارا (tārā)
150waterپاݨی (pāṇī)
151rainمِینْہہ (mī̃h)
152riverدریا (daryā)
153lakeجِھیل (jhīl), ڈَھنْڈھ (ḍhãḍh)
154seaسَمَنْدَر (samandar)
155saltلُوݨ (lūṇ)
156stoneپتّھر (patthar)
157sandریت (ret)
158dustدُھوڑ (dhūṛ)
159earthبھوئیں (bhūī̃), زمِین (zamīn)
160cloudبَدَّل (baddal)
161fogدُھند (dhund), کُہِیڑ (kuhīṛ)
162skyاَسمان (āsmān)
163windہَوا (havā)
164snowبَرَف (baraf)
165iceبَرَف (baraf)
166smokeدُھواں (dhū̃ā̃)
167fireبھاہ (bhāh)
168ashسُؤا (suā), کیری (kerī)
169to burnٻَلَّݨ (ɓallaṇ)
170roadسَڑْک (saṛk), رستہ (rastā)
171mountainروہ (ravā), پہاڑ (pahāṛ)
172redرَتّا (rattā), لال (lāl)
173greenساوا (sāvā)
174yellowپِیلا (pīlā)
175whiteچِٹّا (ciṭṭā), بَگّا (bagga)
176blackکالا (kālā)
177nightرات (rāt)
178dayݙِینْہہ (ɗī̃hā)
179yearسال (sāl)
180warmتَتّا (tattā)
181coldٹَھڈھا (ṭhaḍhā)
182fullپُورا (pūrā)
183newنَواں (navā̃)
184oldٻُڈّھا (ɓuḍḍhā), پُراݨا (purāṇā)
185goodچنْڳاں (caṅɠā̃)
186badگنْدا (gandā), خراب (xarāb)
187rottenڳلیا ہویا (ɠalel hoyā)
188dirtyگنْدا (gandā), مَیلا (mailā)
189straightسِدّھا (siddhā)
190roundگول (gol)
191sharp (as a knife)تِکّھا (tikkhā), تيز (tez)
192dull (as a knife)کَودَن (kaudan), احمَق (ahmaq)
193smoothبرابر (barābar), پدھرا (padhrā), سِدّھا (siddhā)
194wetسِنّاں (sinnā̃)
195dryسُکّا (sukkā)
196correctدرُست (darust), صحِیح (sahīh), ٹِھیک (ṭhīk)
197nearنیڑے (neṛe), کولھو (kolho)
198farپَریں (parẽ)
199rightسڄّا (saʄʄā)
200leftکھٻّا (khaɓɓā)
201atاُتے (ute), تے (te)
202inاِچ (ic), وِچ (vic)
203withنال (nāl)
204andاتے (ate), تے (te)
205ifجے (je)
206becauseکِیُونْجو (kīū̃jo)
207nameناں (nā̃)
Swadesh lists
Individual languages
Language families, family branches, and geographic groupings
Constructed languages
Reconstructed proto-languages
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