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Appendix:Urdu Swadesh list

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This is a Swadesh list of words in Urdu, compared with definitions in English.


For further information, including the full final version of the list, read the Wikipedia article: Swadesh list.

American linguist Morris Swadesh believed that languages changed at measurable rates and that these could be determined even for languages without written precursors. Using vocabulary lists, he sought to understand not only change over time but also the relationships of extant languages. To be able to compare languages from different cultures, he based his lists on meanings he presumed would be available in as many cultures as possible. He then used the fraction of agreeing cognates between any two related languages to compute their divergence time by some (still debated) algorithms. Starting in 1950 with 165 meanings, his list grew to 215 in 1952, which was so expansive that many languages lacked native vocabulary for some terms. Subsequently, it was reduced to 207, and reduced much further to 100 meanings in 1955. A reformulated list was published posthumously in 1971.


edit (207)
1I (1sg)میں (ma͠i)
2you (2sg)تو () (least respect), تم (tum) (medium respect), آپ (āp) (most respect)
3he, she, it (3sg)یہ (yeh) (proximal, gender-neutral), وہ (voh) (distal, gender-neutral)
4we (1pl)ہم (ham)
5you (2pl)تم (tum) (medium respect), آپ (āp) (most respect)
6they (3pl)یہ (yeh) (proximal, gender-neutral), وہ (voh) (distal, gender-neutral)
7thisیہ (yeh)
8thatوہ (voh)
9hereیہاں (yahā̃)
10thereوہاں (vahā̃)
11whoکون (kaun)
12whatکیا (kyā)
13whereکہاں (kahā̃)
14whenکب (kab)
15howکیسے (kaise)
16notنہیں (nahī̃), نا ()
17allسب (sab), سبھی (sabhī) (emphatic), سارے (sāre)
18manyبہت (bahut)
19someکچھ (kuch)
20fewتھوڑا (thoṛā)
21otherدوسرا (dūsrā)
22oneیک (ek)
23twoدو (do)
24threeتین (tīn)
25fourچار (cār)
26fiveپانچ (pānc)
27bigبڑا (baṛā)
28longلمبا (lambā)
29wideچوڑا (cauṛā)
30thickگاڑھا (gāṛhā)
31heavyبھاری (bhārī)
32smallچھوٹا (choṭā)
33shortچھوٹا (choṭā)
34narrowتنگ (tang)
35thinپتلا (patlā)
36womanعورت ('aurat)
37man (adult male)آدمی (ādmī)
38man (human being)انسان (insān), آدمی (ādmī)
39childبچہ (baccā)
40wifeبیوی (bīvī)
41husbandشوہر (śauhar)
42motherماں (mā̃), امی (ammī)
43fatherابّو (abbū), ابّا (abbā), باپ (bāp)
44animalجانور (jānvar)
45fishمچھلی (machlī)
46birdچڑیا (ciṛiyā)
47dogکتا (kuttā)
48louseجوں (jū̃)
49snakeسانپ (sānp)
50wormکیڑا (kīṛā)
51treeدرخت (daraxt)
52forestجنگل (jangal)
53stickڈنڈا (ḍanḍā)
54fruitپھل (phal)
55seedبیج (bīj)
56leafپتا (pattā)
57rootجڑ (jaṛ)
58bark (of a tree)چھال (chāl)
59flowerپھول (phūl)
60grassگھاس (ghās)
61ropeرسی (rassī)
62skinجلد (jild)
63meatگوشت (gośt)
64bloodخون (xūn)
65boneہڈی (haḍḍī)
66fat (noun)چربی (carbī)
67eggانڈہ (anḍā)
68hornسینگ (sīng)
69tailپونچھ (pūnch), دم (dum)
70featherپر (par)
71hairبال (bāl)
72headسر (sar)
73earکان (kān)
74eyeآنکھ (ā̃kh)
75noseناک (nāk)
76mouthمنہ (munh)
77toothدانت (dānt)
78tongue (organ)زبان (zabān), جیبھ (jībh)
79fingernailناخن (nāxun)
80footپیر (pair), پاؤں (pāõ)
81legٹانگ (ṭāng)
82kneeگھٹنا (ghuṭnā)
83handہاتھ (hāth)
84wingبازو (bāzū), پنکھ (pankh)
85bellyپیٹ (peṭ)
86gutsاندرون (andarūn)
87neckگردن (gardan)
88backپیٹھ (pīṭh)
89breastسینہ (sīnā)
90heartدل (dil)
91liverجگر (jigar)
92to drinkپینا (pīnā)
93to eatکھانا (khānā)
94to biteکاٹنا (kāṭnā)
95to suckچوسنا (cūsnā)
96to spitتھوکنا (thūknā)
97to vomitالٹی کرنا (ulṭī karnā), الٹی مارنا (ulṭī mārnā), قے کرنا (qai karnā)
98to blowپھونکنا (phū̃knā)
99to breatheسانس لینا (sā̃ns lenā)
100to laughہنسنا (hãsnā)
101to seeدکھنا (dikhnā) (intransitive), دیکھنا (dekhnā) (transitive)
102to hearسننا (sunnā)
103to knowجاننا (jānnā)
104to thinkسوچنا (socnā)
105to smellسونگھنا (sū̃ghnā)
106to fearڈرنا (ḍarnā)
107to sleepسونا (sonā)
108to liveجینا (jīnā)
109to dieمرنا (marnā)
110to killمارنا (mārnā)
111to fightلڑنا (laṛnā)
112to huntشکار کرنا (śikār karnā)
113to hitمارنا (mārnā)
114to cutکاٹنا (kāṭnā)
115to splitبانٹنا (bā̃ṭnā) (transitive)
116to stabبھونکنا (bhoṅknā)
117to scratchکھرچنا (khuracnā)
118to digکھودنا (khodnā)
119to swimتیرنا (tairnā)
120to flyاڑنا (uṛnā)
121to walkچلنا (calnā)
122to comeآنا (ānā)
123to lie (as in a bed)لیٹنا (leṭnā)
124to sitبیٹھنا (baiṭhnā)
125to standکھڑا ہونا (khaṛā honā)
126to turn (intransitive)مڑنا (muṛnā)
127to fallگرنا (girnā)
128to giveدینا (denā)
129to holdپکڑنا (pakaṛnā)
130to squeezeدبانا (dabānā), نچوڑنا (nicoṛnā) ("squeeze in order to extract liquid")
131to rubملنا (malnā)
132to washدھونا (dhonā)
133to wipeپونچھنا (poñchnā)
134to pullکھینچنا (khīncnā)
135to pushدھکا دینا (dhakkā denā), دھکا مارنا (dhakkā mārnā)
136to throwپھین٘کْنا (pheṅknā)
137to tieباندھنا (bā̃dhnā)
138to sewسینا (sīnā)
139to countگننا (ginnā)
140to sayکہنا (kahnā), بولنا (bolnā) (grammatically intransitive)
141to singگانا (gānā)
142to playکھیلنا (khelnā)
143to floatتیرنا (tairnā)
144to flowبہنا (bahnā)
145to freezeجمنا (jamnā)
146to swellسوجنا (sūjnā)
147sunسورج (sūraj)
148moonچاند (cānd)
149starستارہ (sitārā)
150waterپانی (pānī)
151rainبارش (bāriś)
152riverندی (nadī)
153lakeجھیل (jhīl)
154seaسمندر (samundar)
155saltنمک (namak)
156stoneپتھر (patthar)
157sandریت (ret)
158dustدھول (dhūl)
159earthزمین (zamīn)
160cloudبادل (bādal)
161fogدھند (dhund)
162skyآسمان (āsmān)
163windہوا (havā)
164snowبرف (barf)
165iceبرف (barf)
166smokeدھواں (dhūā̃)
167fireآگ (āg)
168ashراکھ (rākh)
169to burnجلنا (jalnā)
170roadسڑک (saṛak)
171mountainپہاڑ (pahāṛ)
172redسرخ (surx), لال (lāl)
173greenسبز (sabz)
174yellowپیلا (pīlā)
175whiteسفید (safed)
176blackسیاہ (siyāh)
177nightرات (rāt)
178dayدن (din)
179yearسال (sāl)
180warmگرم (garm)
181coldسرد (sard), ٹھنڈا (ṭhaṇḍā)
182fullپورا (pūrā)
183newنیا (nayā)
184oldپرانا (purānā)
185goodاچھا (acchā)
186badبرا (burā), خراب (xarāb)
187rottenبوسيدہ (bosīdāh), سڑا (saṛā)
188dirtyگندا (gandā)
189straightسیدھا (sīdhā)
190roundگول (gol)
191sharp (as a knife)تیکھا (tīkhā)
192dull (as a knife)کند (kund)
193smoothچکنا (ciknā), نرم (narm)
194wetگیلا (gīlā)
195dryخشک (xuśk)
196correctٹھیک (ṭhīk), صحیح (sahī), درست (durust)
197nearپاس (pās), قریب (qarīb), نزدیک (nazdīk)
198farدور (dūr)
199rightدایاں (dāyā̃), داہنا (dāhinā)
200leftبایاں (bāyā̃)
201atپہ (pe), پر (par), میں (mẽ) (primarily 'in')
202inمیں (mẽ), کے اندر (ke andar) (inside of)
203withکے ساتھ (ke sāth)
204andاور (aur)
205ifاگر (agar)
206becauseکیونکہ (kyūṅki)
207nameنام (nām)
Swadesh lists
Individual languages
Language families, family branches, and geographic groupings
Constructed languages
Reconstructed proto-languages
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