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brath (bite, wound) +‎ -u





brathu (first-person singular present brathaf)

  1. to bite, to sting
    Synonyms: cnoi, pigo
    Brathodd y nadroedd y bobl a bu farw llawer iawn ohonyn nhw.
    The snakes bit the people and very many of them died.
  2. to stab, to wound
    Synonym: gwanu


Conjugation (literary)
singular plural impersonal
first second third first second third
present indicative/future brathaf brethi bratha brathwn brethwch, brathwch brathant brethir
imperfect (indicative/subjunctive)/
brathwn brathit brathai brathem brathech brathent brethid
preterite brethais brethaist brathodd brathasom brathasoch brathasant brathwyd
pluperfect brathaswn brathasit brathasai brathasem brathasech brathasent brathasid, brathesid
present subjunctive brathwyf brethych bratho brathom brathoch brathont brather
imperative bratha brathed brathwn brethwch, brathwch brathent brather
verbal noun brathu
verbal adjectives brathedig
Conjugation (colloquial)
colloquial forms
singular plural
first second third first second third
future bratha i,
brathaf i
brathi di brathith o/e/hi,
brathiff e/hi
brathwn ni brathwch chi brathan nhw
conditional brathwn i,
brathswn i
brathet ti,
brathset ti
brathai fo/fe/hi,
brathsai fo/fe/hi
brathen ni,
brathsen ni
brathech chi,
brathsech chi
brathen nhw,
brathsen nhw
preterite brathais i,
brathes i
brathaist ti,
brathest ti
brathodd o/e/hi brathon ni brathoch chi brathon nhw
imperative bratha brathwch


Mutated forms of brathu
radical soft nasal aspirate
brathu frathu mrathu unchanged

Note: Certain mutated forms of some words can never occur in standard Welsh.
All possible mutated forms are displayed for convenience.