< Appendix:JLPT | N1
- 矢, や -arrow
- 哉, や -question mark
- 喧しい, やかましい -noisy, strict, fussy
- 野外, やがい -fields, outskirts, open air, suburbs
- 軈て, やがて -before long, soon, at length
- 夜行, やぎょう -walking around at night, night train, night travel
- 役職, やくしょく -post, managerial position, official position
- 役立つ, やくだつ -to be useful, to be helpful, to serve the purpose
- 役場, やくば -town hall
- 夜具, やぐ -bedding
- 優, やさ -gentle, affectionate
- 屋敷, やしき -mansion
- 養う, やしなう -to rear, to maintain, to cultivate
- 社, やしろ -Shinto shrine
- 野心, やしん -ambition, aspiration, designs, treachery
- 易い, やすい -easy
- 安っぽい, やすっぽい -cheap-looking, tawdry, insignificant
- 休める, やすめる -to rest, to suspend, to give relief
- 野生, やせい -wild
- 矢鱈に, やたらに -randomly, recklessly, blindly
- 夜中, やちゅう -all night, the whole night
- 奴, やっこ -servant, fellow
- やっ付ける, やっつける -to beat
- 矢っ張り, やっぱり -also, as I thought, still, in spite of, absolutely
- 野党, やとう -opposition party
- 病, やまい -illness, disease
- 闇, やみ -darkness, the dark, black-marketeering, dark, shady, illegal
- 病む, やむ -to fall ill, to be ill
- 止むを得ない, やむをえない -cannot be helped, unavoidable
- 稍, やや -a little, partially, somewhat, a short time, a while
- ややこしい -puzzling, tangled, complicated, complex
- 遣り通す, やりとおす -to carry through, to achieve, to complete
- やり遂げる, やりとげる -to accomplish
- 遣る, やる -to do, to have sexual intercourse, to kill, to give (to inferiors animals etc.), to dispatch (a letter
- 和らげる, やわらげる -to soften, to moderate, to relieve
- 優位, ゆうい -predominance, ascendancy, superiority
- 憂鬱, ゆううつ -depression, melancholy, dejection, gloom
- 有益, ゆうえき -beneficial, profitable
- 優越, ゆうえつ -supremacy, predominance, being superior to
- 勇敢, ゆうかん -bravery, heroism, gallantry
- 有機, ゆうき -organic
- 夕暮れ, ゆうぐれ -evening, (evening) twilight
- 融資, ゆうし -financing, loan
- 有する, ゆうする -to own, to be endowed with
- 融通, ゆうずう -lending (money), accommodation, adaptability, versatility, finance
- 優勢, ゆうせい -superiority, superior power, predominance, preponderance
- 優先, ゆうせん -preference, priority
- 誘導, ゆうどう -guidance, leading, induction, introduction, incitement, inducement
- 優美, ゆうび -grace, refinement, elegance
- 有望, ゆうぼう -good prospects, full of hope, promising
- 遊牧, ゆうぼく -nomadism
- 夕焼け, ゆうやけ -sunset
- 有力, ゆうりょく -1. influence, prominence, 2. potent
- 幽霊, ゆうれい -ghost, specter, apparition, phantom
- 誘惑, ゆうわく -temptation, allurement, lure
- 揺さぶる, ゆさぶる -to shake, to jolt, to rock, to swing
- 茹でる, ゆでる -to boil
- ゆとり -reserve, affluence, room, time (to spare)
- 指差す, ゆびさす -to point at
- 弓, ゆみ -bow (and arrow)
- 揺らぐ, ゆらぐ -to swing, to sway, to shake, to tremble
- 緩む, ゆるむ -to become loose, to slacken
- 緩める, ゆるめる -to loosen, to slow down
- 緩やか, ゆるやか -lenient
- 世, よ -world, society, age, generation
- 好い, よい -good
- 要因, よういん -primary factor, main cause
- 溶液, ようえき -solution (liquid)
- 用件, ようけん -business
- 養護, ようご -protection, nursing, protective care
- 用紙, ようし -blank form
- 様式, ようしき -style, form, pattern
- 要する, ようする -to demand, to require, to take
- 要請, ようせい -claim, demand, request, application
- 養成, ようせい -training, development
- 様相, ようそう -aspect
- 用品, ようひん -articles, supplies, parts
- 洋風, ようふう -western style
- 用法, ようほう -directions, rules of use
- 要望, ようぼう -demand for, request
- 余暇, よか -leisure, leisure time, spare time
- 予感, よかん -presentiment, premonition
- 余興, よきょう -side show, entertainment
- 預金, よきん -deposit, bank account
- 抑圧, よくあつ -check, restraint, oppression, suppression
- 浴室, よくしつ -bathroom, bath
- 抑制, よくせい -suppression
- 欲深い, よくふかい -greedy
- 欲望, よくぼう -desire, appetite
- 寄こす, よこす -to send, to forward
- 横綱, よこづな -sumo grand champion
- 葦, よし -reed, bulrush
- 善し悪し, よしあし -good or bad, merits or demerits, quality, suitability
- 予想, よそう -expectation, anticipation, prediction, forecast
- 余所見, よそみ -looking away, looking aside
- 余地, よち -place, room, margin, scope
- 依って, よって -therefore, consequently, accordingly, because of
- 余程, よっぽど -very, greatly, much, to a large extent, quite
- 与党, よとう -government party, (ruling) party in power, government
- 呼び止める, よびとめる -to challenge, to call somebody to halt
- 夜更かし, よふかし -staying up late, keeping late hours, sitting up late at night, nighthawk
- 夜更け, よふけ -late at night
- 読み上げる, よみあげる -to read out loud (and clearly), to call a roll
- 寄り掛かる, よりかかる -to lean against, to recline on, to lean on, to rely on
- 宜しく, よろしく -well, properly, suitably, best regards, please remember me
- 弱まる, よわまる -to abate, to weaken, to be emaciated, to be dejected, to be perplexed
- 弱める, よわめる -to weaken
- 弱る, よわる -to weaken, to be troubled, to be downcast, to be emaciated, to be dejected, to be perplexed, to impair