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This appendix is broken into sections corresponding to the ten columns of the gojūon kana ordering system. There a total of 2818 words. The frequency of the word is compiled from here.


Kanji Reading Meaning Frequency
嗚呼 ああ [1] ah!; oh!; alas! [2] yes; indeed; that is correct [3] aah; gah; argh 74
あい together; mutually; fellow N/A
愛想 あいそ [1] amiability; friendliness; affability; sociability [2] fondness (of someone); affection; liking [3] compliments; civilities; courtesies; flattery N/A
愛憎 あいぞう love and hate N/A
相対 あいたい involving only the parties concerned; tete-a-tete N/A
間柄 あいだがら relationship; relation; terms (good, friendly, etc.) N/A
合間 あいま interval; break; pause; spare moment 4456
敢えて あえて [1] purposely (of something needless, unexpected or seemingly counterproductive, etc.); daringly (doing something); deliberately; intentionally [2] not necessarily; not particularly; not especially [3] definitely not 1936
仰ぐ あおぐ [1] to look up (at) [2] to look up to; to respect; to revere [3] to ask for (e.g. guidance); to seek; to turn to (someone) for N/A
あか dirt; filth; grime N/A
亜科 あか subfamily N/A
あかし [1] proof; evidence; sign; testimony; testament (to something); vindication [2] witnessing; testifying; testimony N/A
赤字 あかじ [1] (being in) the red; deficit [2] red letter; red writing [3] corrections (by a teacher or proofreader) written in red 4430
明かす あかす [1] to pass (the night); to spend [2] to reveal; to divulge; to disclose; to expose [3] to prove; to verify N/A
明白 あからさま plain; frank; candid; open; direct; straightforward; unabashed; blatant; flagrant N/A
赤らむ あからむ to become red; to redden; to blush N/A
空き間 あきま [1] vacancy; room for rent or lease [2] gap (between two objects); opening; space N/A
諦め あきらめ resignation; acceptance; consolation N/A
あく [1] evil; wickedness [2] (role of) the villain (in theatre, etc.); the bad guy N/A
アクセル accelerator (pedal); gas pedal N/A
悪どい あくどい [1] gaudy; showy; garish; loud [2] crooked; vicious; wicked; nasty; unscrupulous; dishonest N/A
悪日 あくにち unlucky day N/A
明くる あくる next (day, morning, etc.); following N/A
憧れ あこがれ yearning; longing; aspiration; adoration; admiration 2635
あご [1] jaw; chin [2] barb (of a fishhook) 3297
あさ [1] cannabis (Cannabis sativa); hemp (plant) [2] hemp (fiber); linen; flax; jute N/A
朝寝坊 あさねぼう [1] sleeping late in the morning; sleeping in; lie-in; oversleeping [2] late riser; person who is bad at getting up in the morning N/A
浅ましい あさましい wretched; miserable; shameful; mean; despicable; abject N/A
あざ [1] section of village [2] Aza N/A
欺く あざむく [1] to deceive; to delude; to trick; to fool [2] to be as ... as ... (e.g. "as bright as day", "as beautiful as a rose") N/A
鮮やか あざやか [1] vivid; bright; brilliant; clear; fresh; vibrant [2] skillful; skilful; adroit; brilliant (performance, goal, etc.); splendid; superb; magnificent; fine 3930
あざ笑う あざわらう to laugh at; to ridicule; to mock; to make fun of; to sneer at N/A
あし common reed (Phragmites australis) 3252
味わい あじわい [1] flavour; flavor; taste [2] charm; appeal; interest; meaning; significance 4924
あずま [1] eastern Japan (esp. Kamakura or Edo, from perspective of Kyoto or Nara); eastern provinces [2] east [3] wagon; yamatogoto; six-stringed native Japanese zither N/A
焦る あせる [1] to be in a hurry; to be impatient; to be anxious (to do); to fret [2] to get a fright; to panic; to get flustered; to be startled 3150
値する あたいする to be worth; to be worthy of; to deserve; to merit N/A
あたし I; me 42
悪化 あっか deterioration; getting worse; worsening; aggravation; degeneration; corruption 3022
呆気ない あっけない unsatisfying; disappointing; abrupt; not enough; too quick; too short; over too soon N/A
あっさり [1] easily; readily; quickly; flatly (refuse) [2] lightly (seasoned food, applied make-up, etc.); plainly; simply 4058
圧迫 あっぱく [1] pressure [2] oppression; suppression N/A
アップ [1] rise; increase; raising; lifting; going up [2] upload; posting online [3] close-up 2532
扱い あつかい [1] treatment; service; dealing (with); handling; management [2] handling (of a machine, tool, etc.); operation; use [3] treating as; treating like 3953
誂える あつらえる to give an order; to place an order; to have made to order N/A
圧力 あつりょく [1] pressure; stress [2] pressure (e.g. political); coercion; arm-twisting 4286
当て あて [1] aim; object; purpose; end [2] expectations; prospects; hopes [3] something that can be relied upon N/A
当て字 あてじ [1] kanji used as a phonetic symbol, instead of for the meaning; phonetic-equivalent character; substitute character; ateji [2] kanji used for their meaning, irrespective of reading N/A
宛てる あてる to address N/A
跡継ぎ あとつぎ [1] heir; inheritor [2] successor N/A
彼の あの that; those; the 247
油絵 あぶらえ oil painting N/A
アプローチ [1] approach (to a problem, issue, etc.) [2] approach (of a long jump, aircraft's flight, etc.); inrun (of a ski jump) [3] approach (to a building, mountain, etc.) N/A
あべこべ contrary; opposite; inverse; reverse; back-to-front N/A
甘える あまえる [1] to behave like a spoiled child; to fawn on [2] to take advantage of; to presume upon (e.g. another's benevolence); to depend on N/A
甘口 あまくち [1] sweet flavour; sweet flavor; mildness [2] flattery [3] stupidity N/A
雨具 あまぐ rain gear N/A
アマチュア amateur N/A
あみ [1] net; netting [2] web 4907
操る あやつる [1] to operate (e.g. a machine); to handle; to manage; to control; to maneuver; to steer [2] to have a good command of (a language); to play proficiently (of a musical instrument) [3] to work (a puppet); to pull the strings of a puppet N/A
あやふや uncertain; indefinite; vague; ambiguous; equivocal; dubious; doubtful; non-committal N/A
危ぶむ あやぶむ to fear; to doubt; to have misgivings about; to worry about; to be anxious about; to be apprehensive about N/A
過ち あやまち fault; error; indiscretion; faux pas N/A
誤る あやまる [1] to make a mistake (in); to commit an error; to do incorrectly; to err [2] to be wrong; to be incorrect; to be false; to be mistaken [3] to mislead; to misguide; to lead astray 4613
歩む あゆむ [1] to walk; to go on foot [2] to tread (a figurative path); to follow; to lead (a life); to experience [3] to advance towards (e.g. a solution); to set out (e.g. on the path to destruction, ruin, etc.); to embark (on the road to ...) 4256
あら oh!; ah!; oh no 3395
予め あらかじめ beforehand; in advance; ahead of time; previously 2231
荒らす あらす [1] to lay waste; to devastate; to damage [2] to invade; to break into [3] to troll (e.g. web forums); to spam N/A
争い あらそい [1] fight; dispute; feud; conflict; struggle; strife; discord; argument; quarrel; controversy [2] competition; contest; rivalry 4745
改まる あらたまる [1] to be renewed; to change [2] to be improved; to be reformed; to be revised; to be corrected [3] to stand on ceremony; to be formal N/A
荒っぽい あらっぽい [1] wild; violent; rough-mannered; rude [2] rough (e.g. work); crude; coarse; careless N/A
アラブ [1] Arab; Arab countries [2] Arab (horse); Arabian N/A
あられ [1] hail (esp. hailballs under 5 mm); graupel [2] dicing; small cubes [3] roasted mochi pieces (usu. flavoured with soy sauce, etc.) N/A
有りのまま ありのまま as it is; plain (truth); bare; undisguised; unvarnished; unexaggerated; honest; true; frank; candid N/A
亜爾加里 アルカリ alkali N/A
アルミ aluminum; aluminium N/A
合わす あわす [1] to match (rhythm, speed, etc.) [2] to join together; to unite; to combine; to add up [3] to face; to be opposite (someone) N/A
合わせ あわせ joint together; opposite; facing N/A
アワー hour N/A
アンケート questionnaire; survey; poll N/A
アンコール [1] encore [2] Angkor (Cambodia) N/A
暗殺 あんさつ assassination N/A
暗算 あんざん mental arithmetic N/A
暗示 あんじ [1] hint; suggestion; clue; implication [2] suggestion N/A
案じる あんじる [1] to be anxious (about); to be concerned (about); to worry (about); to fear [2] to think out (e.g. a plan); to work out; to devise; to consider; to ponder [3] to investigate N/A
安静 あんせい rest; quiet; repose N/A
案の定 あんのじょう as expected; just as one thought; as feared; sure enough N/A
Italy N/A
いい加減 いいかげん [1] irresponsible; perfunctory; careless [2] lukewarm; half-baked; halfhearted; vague [3] (already) enough 3442
言い訳 いいわけ [1] excuse [2] explanation N/A
イエス Jesus (Christ) 4570
家出 いえで [1] running away from home; elopement [2] outing; going out [3] becoming a Buddhist monk; entering the priesthood N/A
生かす いかす [1] to make (the best) use of; to put to good use; to leverage (skills, attributes, experience, etc.); to capitalise on (experience, etc.) [2] to let live; to keep alive [3] to revive; to resuscitate; to bring back to life 1326
如何に いかに [1] how; in what way [2] how (much); to what extent [3] however (much); no matter how 1198
如何にも いかにも [1] indeed; really; truly; just (like) [2] very; extremely; totally; terribly [3] absolutely; certainly; for sure 3104
怒り いかり anger; rage; fury; wrath; indignation 2333
いき [1] chic; smart; stylish; tasteful; refined; sophisticated [2] understanding; considerate; thoughtful; sensible [3] familiar with worldly pleasures (esp. sexual relations, geisha districts and red-light districts) N/A
域外 いきがい outside the area N/A
意気込む いきごむ to be enthusiastic (about); to be eager (to do); to be keen; to be intent (on); to be determined N/A
行き違い いきちがい [1] crossing without meeting (e.g. letters in the post, people on the road); going astray [2] difference of opinion; misunderstanding; estrangement; disagreement N/A
異議 いぎ objection; dissent; protest N/A
いくさ [1] war; battle; campaign; fight [2] troops; forces N/A
育成 いくせい rearing; training; nurture; cultivation; promotion 3564
幾多 いくた many; numerous N/A
生ける いける [1] to arrange (flowers); to plant [2] living; live N/A
異見 いけん [1] different opinion; different view; dissenting view; objection [2] scolding; reprimand; rebuke; admonition; cautioning; warning N/A
意向 いこう intention; idea; inclination; wish N/A
移行 いこう [1] transition; changeover; switchover; shift [2] transfer (of powers, weight, etc.); shift (e.g. of centre of gravity) 3198
いざ now; come (now); well 2147
いしぶみ stone monument bearing an inscription (esp. memorial for future generations); stele; stela N/A
衣装 いしょう clothing; costume; outfit; garment; dress 3835
意地 いじ [1] stubbornness; obstinacy; willpower; pride [2] disposition; nature [3] appetite; desire; greed N/A
移住 いじゅう migration; move; emigration; immigration N/A
弄る いじる [1] to finger; to touch; to play with; to fiddle with; to toy with [2] to make changes to; to tinker with; to tamper with [3] to dabble in; to do as a hobby; to play around with N/A
異性 いせい [1] the opposite sex [2] isomerism N/A
遺跡 いせき (archeological) remains; ruins; relics 3026
依然 いぜん still; as yet; as it has been 3422
依存 いぞん dependence; reliance 4024
委託 いたく entrusting (something to a person); consignment (of goods); putting in someone's charge; trust; commission N/A
いただき [1] crown (of head); summit (of mountain); spire [2] easy win for one [3] something received N/A
至って いたって very much; exceedingly; extremely N/A
痛む いたむ [1] to hurt; to ache; to feel a pain [2] to be injured; to be spoiled (e.g. food); to be damaged 3871
炒める いためる to fry; to saute; to stir-fry 1948
痛める いためる [1] to hurt; to injure; to cause pain [2] to harm; to damage; to spoil [3] to worry; to bother; to be grieved over; to afflict 4969
労る いたわる [1] to pity; to sympathize with; to sympathise with; to treat with sympathy; to console; to be kind to [2] to tend to (e.g. an injury); to care for; to nurse; to soothe [3] to appreciate; to recognize (someone's efforts); to reward for N/A
一概に いちがいに unconditionally; as a rule N/A
一見 いちげん first visit to inn, restaurant, etc. without an introduction 2968
著しい いちじるしい striking; remarkable; considerable 2468
一同 いちどう all present; all concerned; all of us N/A
一部 いちぶ [1] one part; one portion; one section [2] one copy (of a book); (one) complete set (of books) 635
一部分 いちぶぶん one part; one portion; one section N/A
一別 いちべつ parting N/A
一面 いちめん [1] one face; one surface [2] the whole surface [3] one aspect; one side 2886
一様 いちよう [1] uniform; equal; even; the same; identical [2] common; ordinary; usual N/A
一律 いちりつ uniform; even; across-the-board; equal N/A
一連 いちれん [1] series; chain; sequence [2] two reams (i.e. 1000 sheets of paper) [3] verse; stanza 3531
一気 いっき [1] one breath [2] chug!; drink! 1818
一切 いっさい [1] all; everything; entirety; the whole [2] absolutely (not); (not) at all; (none) whatsoever; without exception [3] Issai 1272
一心 いっしん [1] one mind [2] wholeheartedness; one's whole heart N/A
いっそ [1] rather; sooner; preferably; might as well; just [2] on the contrary; if anything N/A
一敗 いっぱい one defeat N/A
一変 いっぺん complete change; about-face 2849
意図 いと intention; aim; design 3178
営む いとなむ [1] to run (a business); to operate; to conduct; to practice (law, medicine, etc.) [2] to carry out; to perform; to lead (a life) [3] to hold (a Buddhist or Shinto ceremony) 3412
異動 いどう (personnel) change; transfer; relocation; reassignment; reshuffle N/A
挑む いどむ [1] to challenge to (a fight, game, etc.); to throw down the gauntlet; to contend for [2] to tackle (e.g. a problem); to attempt; to go after (a prize, record, etc.) [3] to pressure (someone) for sex; to make advances to N/A
稲光 いなびかり (flash of) lightning N/A
いにしえ antiquity; ancient times N/A
祈り いのり prayer; supplication N/A
いびき snoring; snore N/A
今更 いまさら [1] now (when it is already much too late); at this stage [2] afresh; anew; again 3078
移民 いみん [1] immigration; emigration [2] immigrant; emigrant N/A
嫌々 いやいや [1] unwillingly; reluctantly; grudgingly [2] shaking one's head in refusal (like a child) N/A
卑しい いやしい [1] lowborn; humble; lowly [2] vulgar; coarse; crude; mean; base; vile; despicable; dirty; unfair [3] shabby; poor-looking N/A
嫌に いやに awfully; terribly N/A
嫌らしい いやらしい [1] unpleasant; disagreeable; nasty [2] lewd; lascivious; obscene; filthy; dirty N/A
意欲 いよく will; desire; eagerness; interest; drive; motivation; urge; ambition 3755
威力 いりょく power; might; authority; influence N/A
入る いる [1] to enter; to go in; to get in; to come in [2] to set (of the sun or moon); to sink; to go down [3] to attain (nirvana, enlightenment, etc.); to achieve; to reach (e.g. a climax) 1675
衣類 いるい clothes; clothing; garments N/A
異論 いろん different opinion; objection N/A
いん [1] stamp; seal; chop [2] seal impression; seal; sealing; stamp; mark; print [3] mudra (symbolic hand gesture) N/A
いん member N/A
印鑑 いんかん stamp; seal N/A
陰気 いんき [1] gloomy; dismal; miserable; melancholy [2] spirit of yin N/A
隠居 いんきょ [1] retirement (from work); leading a quiet life (after retirement) [2] retired person; retiree [3] surrendering headship of the family (pre-WWII) N/A
インターチェンジ interchange; service interchange N/A
インターナショナル international N/A
インターホン intercom N/A
インテリ [1] intellectual; educated person [2] intelligentsia N/A
インフォメーション information N/A
インフレ inflation N/A
[1] the Rabbit (fourth sign of the Chinese zodiac); the Hare [2] hour of the Rabbit (around 6am, 5-7am, or 6-8am) [3] east N/A
ウイルス virus 3382
上下 うえした [1] top and bottom; up and down; high and low; above and below; upper and lower ends [2] upside-down N/A
受かる うかる to pass (examination) 2466
受け入れ うけいれ receiving; acceptance; reception N/A
受け入れる うけいれる to accept; to receive; to agree 1434
受け継ぐ うけつぐ to inherit; to succeed; to take over 3649
受け付ける うけつける [1] to accept; to receive (an application); to take up [2] to (be able to) take (food, medicine, etc.); to bear; to tolerate; to endure [3] to be affected by; to take damage from 4689
受け止める うけとめる [1] to catch; to stop the blow [2] to react to; to take (advice, etc.); to accept; to come to grips with 2712
受身 うけみ [1] the defensive [2] passive attitude; passivity; passiveness [3] the passive; passive voice N/A
動き うごき [1] movement; move; motion [2] trend; development; change; fluctuation 767
うじ [1] family name; lineage; birth [2] clan N/A
うず whirlpool; swirl; eddy; vortex; maelstrom N/A
嘘つき うそつき [1] liar; fibber [2] lying N/A
打ち合わせる うちあわせる [1] to knock together; to strike against each other [2] to arrange (e.g. a meeting); to discuss (in advance) N/A
打ち切る うちきる to stop; to abort; to discontinue; to close N/A
打ち消し うちけし negation; denial; negative N/A
打ち込む うちこむ [1] to drive in (a nail, stake, etc.); to hammer in [2] to hit (a ball, etc.); to drive; to smash [3] to fire into; to shoot into 3742
内訳 うちわけ itemization (of expenses); the items; breakdown; classification N/A
訴え うったえ lawsuit; complaint N/A
鬱陶しい うっとうしい [1] gloomy (e.g. mood); depressing [2] irritating; troublesome [3] heavy (weather); cloudy N/A
写し うつし copy; duplicate; facsimile; transcript N/A
虚ろ うつろ [1] cavity; hollow; void [2] hollow (voice, smile, etc.); blank (eyes, look, etc.); vacant (expression, stare, etc.); empty (words, heart, etc.) N/A
うつわ [1] bowl; vessel; container [2] ability; capacity; calibre; caliber 3092
雨天 うてん rainy weather N/A
腕前 うでまえ ability; skill; facility N/A
促す うながす [1] to urge; to encourage; to press; to prompt; to draw (attention to) [2] to stimulate (e.g. growth); to hasten (e.g. development); to quicken; to accelerate; to promote 2600
埋まる うまる [1] to be buried; to be covered; to be surrounded [2] to overflow; to be crowded; to be filled [3] to be repaid (e.g. debt); to be replenished N/A
生まれつき うまれつき by nature; by birth; naturally; natural; innate N/A
生む うむ [1] to give birth; to bear (child); to lay (eggs) [2] to produce; to yield; to give rise to; to deliver 1110
梅干し うめぼし umeboshi; pickled dried ume; pickled dried plum N/A
うら top end; tip N/A
裏返し うらがえし [1] inside out; upside down [2] flip side; opposite; contrary; reverse N/A
売り出し うりだし (bargain) sale N/A
売り出す うりだす [1] to put on the market; to put out for sale; to put on sale; to begin selling; to market [2] to become popular N/A
潤う うるおう [1] to become moist; to be moistened; to become damp; to get wet [2] to profit (from); to benefit; to become prosperous; to flourish; to be made rich [3] to be refreshed (of one's mind); to be enriched (of one's heart) N/A
浮気 うわき [1] extramarital sex; affair; fooling around [2] infidelity; wantonness; unfaithfulness; inconstancy; fickleness; caprice 3860
上手 うわて [1] upper part [2] upper stream; upper course of a river [3] right side of the stage (audience's or camera's POV); stage left (actor's POV) N/A
上回る うわまわる to exceed (esp. figures: profits, unemployment rate, etc.); to surpass; to be more than; to be better than 2657
植わる うわる to be planted N/A
運営 うんえい management; administration; operation 2179
うんざり tedious; boring; being fed up with N/A
運送 うんそう transport; freight; shipping; moving (goods) N/A
運賃 うんちん [1] (passenger) fare [2] freight rates; shipping expenses N/A
云々 うんぬん [1] and so on; and so forth; et cetera; and such; and the like [2] comment; criticism N/A
運命 うんめい fate; destiny; lot 2430
運輸 うんゆ transportation N/A
運用 うんよう [1] making use of; application; practical use; effective management (e.g. of funds) [2] operation (esp. of a boat); steering 3305
gathering (esp. Buddhist, festive, etc.) N/A
-fold; -ply N/A
エアメール airmail; air mail N/A
えい ray (any fish of superorder Batoidea) N/A
映写 えいしゃ projection N/A
英字 えいじ English letter; alphabetic character N/A
衛生 えいせい hygiene; sanitation; health N/A
映像 えいぞう [1] image (on a screen); picture (e.g. on a TV) [2] video; film; footage [3] reflection 2085
英雄 えいゆう [1] hero; heroine; great person [2] Eroica Symphony (Beethoven, 1804) [3] Heroic Polonaise (Chopin) N/A
えき [1] war; campaign; battle [2] unpaid work (ritsuryō system); forced labor N/A
えき liquid; fluid N/A
閲覧 えつらん [1] inspection; reading; perusal [2] browsing (the web) N/A
獲物 えもの [1] prey; catch; kill; game [2] spoils; trophy; loot; plunder N/A
えり [1] collar; lapel; neckband; neck [2] nape of the neck; scruff of the neck N/A
エレガント elegant N/A
えん charming; fascinating; voluptuous N/A
円滑 えんかつ smooth; undisturbed; uninterrupted; harmonious 4135
縁側 えんがわ [1] engawa; external corridor on the outer side of traditional Japanese houses [2] bone at the base of a fin (esp. of a flatfish); meat at the base of a fin N/A
沿岸 えんがん [1] coast; shore [2] coastal waters; inshore waters; coastal area N/A
婉曲 えんきょく euphemistic; circumlocutory; roundabout; indirect N/A
演出 えんしゅつ [1] direction (of a play, film, etc.); production [2] organization (of an event); arrangement; staging (for effect); orchestration 2817
エンジニア engineer N/A
演じる えんじる [1] to act (a part); to play (a role) [2] to perform (a play, etc.); to put on (a production) [3] to commit (e.g. a blunder); to disgrace oneself; to do something conspicuously; to make a scene N/A
演ずる えんずる [1] to act (a part); to play (a role) [2] to perform (a play, etc.); to put on (a production) [3] to commit (a blunder); to pretend (e.g. to be a good father); to disgrace oneself 2752
縁談 えんだん marriage proposal; marriage talks N/A
遠方 えんぽう [1] distant place; faraway location; far away [2] Ochikata N/A
円満 えんまん [1] harmonious; peaceful; happy; amicable; smooth; free from trouble [2] Enman N/A
[1] tail (of an animal); cauda [2] tail (of a kite, etc.); tail end [3] tail (of a comet) N/A
おい [1] hey!; say!; I say!; come on!; look!; oi! [2] I; me 2578
於いて おいて [1] at (a time or place); in; on [2] in (a situation, matter, etc.); on (a point); when it comes to; regarding; with respect to; in (terms of); as to; as for [3] on the part of; under the authority of; in the name of N/A
おい nephew N/A
追い込む おいこむ [1] to herd; to drive; to chase; to corral [2] to corner; to force someone into doing [3] to go hard; to push yourself; to make a last charge 4798
老いる おいる to age; to grow old N/A
負う おう [1] to carry on one's back; to bear; to shoulder [2] to take (responsibility); to assume; to accept; to bear (the blame, costs, etc.); to have (a duty, obligation, etc.); to become responsible for; to be burdened with (work, debt, etc.) [3] to suffer (an injury); to sustain (a wound); to receive; to incur (a loss, damage, etc.) 2417
応急 おうきゅう emergency; first-aid N/A
黄金 おうごん [1] gold (Au) [2] golden; prosperous; excellent; superb [3] money (esp. ōban coin); cash N/A
応募 おうぼ application; subscription; entry (competition, raffle, etc.); enlistment 3361
大方 おおかた [1] large part; greater part; majority [2] people in general; general public; public at large [3] mostly; for the most part; almost; nearly N/A
大柄 おおがら [1] large build [2] large pattern N/A
大げさ おおげさ exaggerated; overdone; overblown; hyperbolic; bombastic; grandiose 3545
大筋 おおすじ outline; summary; gist; basic points N/A
大空 おおぞら wide open sky; the blue; heavens; firmament N/A
大幅 おおはば [1] big; large; drastic; substantial [2] full-width cloth (approx. 72 cm wide for traditional Japanese clothing; approx. 140 cm wide for Western clothing) 2275
大水 おおみず flood N/A
おおやけ [1] official; governmental; formal [2] public (use, matter, forum, etc.); common [3] being public knowledge; being out in the open; exposure to public view N/A
犯す おかす [1] to commit (e.g. crime); to perpetrate; to make (e.g. mistake) [2] to break (e.g. rule); to violate; to transgress; to contravene [3] to rape; to violate; to ravish; to deflower 2506
侵す おかす [1] to invade; to raid; to violate (airspace, etc.); to intrude; to trespass [2] to infringe; to encroach [3] to harm; to afflict; to affect N/A
臆病 おくびょう cowardly; timid; easily frightened N/A
遅らす おくらす to delay; to postpone; to slow down; to retard N/A
遅れ おくれ delay; lag; postponement; falling behind N/A
行い おこない [1] deed; act; action [2] conduct; behavior; behaviour [3] asceticism N/A
厳か おごそか solemn (ceremony, atmosphere, etc.); austere; grave; majestic; dignified; stately; impressive N/A
奢る おごる [1] to treat (someone) to (something); to give (someone) a treat; to buy (someone a meal, drink, etc.) [2] to be extravagant; to live in luxury N/A
おさ [1] head; chief; leader [2] the greatest (of all the ...) N/A
収まる おさまる [1] to fit into (a box, frame, category, etc.); to be contained within; to fall within (e.g. a budget) [2] to settle down (into); to be installed (in one's rightful place); to be returned (to one's original position) [3] to settle into (one's position); to take up (a post); to occupy (a role) 2548
治まる おさまる [1] to die down (storm, anger, conflict, etc.); to calm down; to cool off; to abate; to be settled; to be brought under control [2] to be at peace; to be governed well [3] to subside (of pain, symptoms, etc.); to be alleviated; to get better; to ease off N/A
お産 おさん (giving) birth; childbirth; delivery N/A
教え おしえ teaching; instruction; teachings; precept; lesson; doctrine 3485
押し込む おしこむ [1] to push into; to cram into; to stuff into; to crowd into [2] to break in; to burgle; to burglarize N/A
押し寄せる おしよせる to advance on; to close in; to march on; to descend on (the enemy); to move towards; to surge forward (crowd, wave of nostalgia, wave, etc.); to rush for (the door); to inundate; to overwhelm; to push aside N/A
お祖父さん おじいさん [1] grandfather [2] male senior-citizen; old man 1406
おす male (animal, plant) 3303
お世辞 おせじ flattery; compliment N/A
襲う おそう [1] to attack; to assail; to make an assault; to strike; to hunt down [2] to succeed (someone in a post, role, etc.) [3] to make a sudden visit 2103
遅くとも おそくとも at the latest N/A
恐れ おそれ fear; horror; anxiety; concern; uneasiness; reverence 1934
恐れ入る おそれいる [1] to be sorry; to beg someone's pardon; to feel small [2] to be much obliged; to be grateful; to be thankful [3] to be amazed; to be greatly impressed; to admire N/A
煽てる おだてる to flatter; to soft-soap; to sweet talk; to cajole; to instigate N/A
落ち込む おちこむ [1] to feel down; to feel sad; to be depressed; to be in low spirits [2] to be in a slump (business, economy, etc.); to be in an unfavourable condition [3] to fall into (e.g. a hole) 2583
落ち葉 おちば [1] fallen leaves; leaf litter; falling leaves [2] leaf fall; dropping leaves; defoliation [3] deciduous N/A
おっかない [1] frightening; scary [2] extreme; exaggerated; huge N/A
OK (OK) オッケー [1] OK; okay [2] fine (without); not needed; unnecessary; all right 1630
おつ [1] (the) second (party, rank, etc.); B (grade); the latter [2] stylish; chic; smart; witty; tasty [3] strange; quaint; queer N/A
お使い おつかい [1] errand; mission; going on an errand [2] messenger; bearer; errand boy; errand girl [3] familiar spirit N/A
お手上げ おてあげ being done for; giving up; being in a hopeless situation; not knowing what to do; being brought to one's knees; throwing up (one's) hands N/A
訪れる おとずれる [1] to visit; to call on [2] to arrive (of a season, situation, etc.); to come; to appear 1381
お供 おとも attendant; companion N/A
衰える おとろえる to become weak; to decline; to wear; to abate; to decay; to wither; to waste away N/A
オドオド timidly; nervously; hesitantly; trembling (with fear); fearfully; anxiously N/A
脅す おどす to threaten; to menace; to frighten (into doing) N/A
驚き おどろき surprise; astonishment; wonder; amazement 2804
同い年 おないどし the same age N/A
自ずから おのずから naturally; in due course; by itself; of its own accord N/A
怯える おびえる to become frightened; to be frightened (of); to be scared (of) N/A
夥しい おびただしい large number; innumerable; great many; immense; vast; abundant N/A
帯びる おびる [1] to wear (a sword, decoration, etc.); to carry; to bear [2] to be entrusted with (a mission); to be charged with; to take on [3] to have (a quality, property, etc.); to have a trace of; to be tinged with 4381
覚え おぼえ memory; sense; experience 3216
お負け おまけ [1] something thrown in (with a purchase); something extra; free gift; freebie; giveaway; premium; prize [2] (giving a) discount; price reduction [3] addition; embellishment (e.g. to a story) 2768
お宮 おみや Shinto shrine N/A
お襁褓 おむつ diaper; nappy N/A
思いつき おもいつき idea; plan; fancy; impulse; thought; whim; suggestion N/A
おもて [1] face [2] surface [3] mask (esp. a noh or kyogen mask) N/A
主なる おもなる main; principal; important N/A
おもむき [1] meaning; tenor; gist [2] effect; influence [3] appearance; aspect N/A
赴く おもむく [1] to go in the direction of; to proceed toward; to proceed according to; to repair to; to betake oneself to [2] to become; to face (facts, circumstances, etc.) [3] to abide by; to agree to; to consent to; to obey N/A
重んじる おもんじる to respect; to honor; to honour; to esteem; to prize N/A
重んずる おもんずる to honor; to honour; to respect; to esteem; to prize N/A
及び および and; as well as 256
及ぶ およぶ [1] to reach; to amount to; to befall; to happen to; to extend; to go on (for, until) [2] to be up to the task; to come up to [3] to compare with; to be a match (for) 1597
織り おり weave; weaving; woven item N/A
おり cage; pen; (jail) cell N/A
オリエンテーション orientation N/A
織物 おりもの textile; fabric N/A
織る おる to weave N/A
おれ I; me 363
オレンジ [1] orange (fruit, colour) [2] Orange N/A
愚か おろか foolish; stupid; silly N/A
疎か おろそか negligent; neglectful; careless; remiss N/A
オンライン [1] online [2] on the line (of a ball; in tennis, volleyball, etc.) N/A
温和 おんわ [1] mild (climate); temperate; clement; pleasant; agreeable [2] gentle (nature, personality, etc.); mild; quiet; pleasant [3] moderate (statement, measure, etc.); mild; temperate N/A
オートマチック [1] automatic [2] automatic firearm [3] automatic transmission N/A
オープン [1] opening (a new store, golf course, runway, etc.) [2] open; frank; approachable; open-hearted [3] open (car, collar, tournament, etc.) 3186


Kanji Reading Meaning Frequency
[1] department; section; faculty; school; arm [2] course (of study); branch of study; specialization [3] (taxonomical) family N/A
counter used with Sino-Japanese words N/A
下位 かい low rank; lower position; subordinate position; lower order (e.g. byte) N/A
かい [1] storey; story; floor [2] stairs [3] stage (in chronostratigraphy) N/A
改悪 かいあく changing (something) for the worse; disimprovement; deterioration N/A
海運 かいうん [1] maritime transport; shipping [2] Kaiun N/A
改革 かいかく reform; reformation; reorganization 2604
貝殻 かいがら seashell; shell N/A
階級 かいきゅう [1] (social) class [2] rank; grade N/A
海峡 かいきょう channel (e.g. between two land masses); strait N/A
会見 かいけん interview; audience; meeting; (viewing) party N/A
介護 かいご nursing; care; caregiving; caring 2342
開催 かいさい holding (a conference, exhibition, etc.); opening; hosting (e.g. the Olympics) 1141
改修 かいしゅう repair; improvement N/A
回収 かいしゅう collection; recovery; withdrawal; retrieval 3473
解除 かいじょ [1] termination (of a contract); cancellation; rescinding; rescission [2] lifting (of a ban, sanctions, etc.); removal; release (from obligations); cancellation (of a warning, alert, etc.); calling off (e.g. a strike); releasing (a lock) 4979
回送 かいそう [1] forwarding; sending on; redirecting (e.g. mail) [2] deadheading (e.g. train); (train) returning to the station N/A
階層 かいそう class; level; stratum; layer; hierarchy N/A
開拓 かいたく [1] reclamation (e.g. of wasteland); cultivation; development [2] pioneering; opening up (e.g. of a new market); breaking new ground; trailblazing [3] Kaitaku N/A
会談 かいだん talks (i.e. formal discussions); conference; meeting N/A
改定 かいてい revision (of a rule, price, etc.); alteration; change N/A
改訂 かいてい revision (of text); alteration; change N/A
介入 かいにゅう intervention N/A
開発 かいはつ development; exploitation (of resources) 831
海抜 かいばつ height above sea level N/A
介抱 かいほう nursing; looking after N/A
解剖 かいぼう [1] dissection; autopsy; postmortem examination [2] analysis; postmortem N/A
回覧 かいらん circulation (esp. documents); sending round N/A
海流 かいりゅう ocean current N/A
改良 かいりょう improvement; reform 4289
回路 かいろ [1] circuit (electric) [2] cycle (e.g. Krebs cycle) N/A
海路 かいろ sea route N/A
顧みる かえりみる [1] to look back on (the past); to reflect on; to reminisce about [2] to look behind (at); to turn round (and look); to look over one's shoulder [3] to consider; to concern oneself about; to take notice of; to pay attention to; to take into consideration N/A
顔つき かおつき (outward) looks; features; face; countenance; expression N/A
掲げる かかげる [1] to put up (a notice, sign, etc.); to hang out (e.g. a banner); to fly (e.g. a flag); to hoist; to raise; to display [2] to hold up high; to raise overhead [3] to tout (a principle, plan, etc.); to herald; to hold up (an ideal); to parade (e.g. a slogan) 1414
かかと heel (of foot, shoe, stocking, etc.) N/A
課外 かがい extracurricular N/A
書き取る かきとる [1] to write down (what someone says); to take down dictation; to take notes (e.g. of a lecture) [2] to copy out (a text) N/A
かき回す かきまわす [1] to stir; to churn; to poke (a fire); to disturb (water) [2] to rummage around [3] to throw into confusion; to throw into chaos; to disturb N/A
佳句 かく beautiful passage of literature 1850
かく [1] angle [2] square; cube [3] bishop N/A
かく stroke (of a kanji) N/A
欠く かく [1] to chip; to nick; to break; to crack [2] to lack 3595
かく [10] nucleus (of a cultured pearl) [1] stone (of a fruit); pit; pip [2] core (of an organization, team, etc.); nucleus; heart 4374
拡散 かくさん [1] spreading; disseminating; scattering [2] diffusion (of light, gas) N/A
各種 かくしゅ every kind; all sorts 3806
隔週 かくしゅう every other week; every two weeks N/A
革新 かくしん reform; innovation N/A
確信 かくしん conviction; belief; confidence 3076
確定 かくてい decision; settlement; confirmation; establishment 4225
カクテル cocktail N/A
獲得 かくとく acquisition; possession 2698
確保 かくほ [1] securing; obtaining; ensuring; guarantee; maintaining [2] belay; belaying 996
革命 かくめい [1] revolution [2] 58th year of the sexagenary cycle (in Onmyōdō) 3528
確立 かくりつ establishment; settlement 1848
掛け かけ [1] credit [2] money owed on an account; bill [3] hanger; holder; rest; rack; peg; hook; stand N/A
賭け かけ bet; wager; stake; gamble N/A
駆け足 かけあし [1] running fast; double time [2] cantering [3] doing things in a hurry N/A
家計 かけい household economy; family finances N/A
駆けっこ かけっこ (foot) race; sprint N/A
翔る かける [1] to soar; to fly [2] to run; to dash N/A
賭ける かける to wager; to bet; to risk; to stake; to gamble N/A
加工 かこう manufacturing; processing; treatment; machining 3555
化合 かごう chemical combination N/A
嵩張る かさばる to be bulky; to be unwieldy; to grow voluminous N/A
嵩む かさむ to mount up; to pile up; to accumulate; to increase N/A
華奢 かしゃ lavish; luxurious; showy; gaudy N/A
箇所 かしょ [1] place; point; part; spot; area; passage; portion [2] counter for places, parts, passages, etc. 4631
箇条書き かじょうがき itemized form; itemised form; itemization; itemisation N/A
微か かすか [1] faint; dim; weak; slight; vague; indistinct; hazy [2] poor; wretched; meagre; meager; scanty 3561
霞む かすむ [1] to become misty; to become hazy [2] to get blurry; to grow dim [3] to be overshadowed; to be upstaged; to be outshone N/A
化する かする [1] to change (into); to turn (into); to transform (into); to become [2] to influence N/A
掠る かする [1] to graze (e.g. bullet); to scratch; to touch lightly [2] to take a percentage; to exploit; to squeeze N/A
火星 かせい Mars (planet) N/A
河川 かせん rivers N/A
化繊 かせん synthetic fiber; synthetic fibre; chemical fiber; chemical fibre N/A
過疎 かそ underpopulation; low population density; depopulation N/A
過多 かた excess; surplus; superabundance N/A
難い かたい difficult; hard 3662
片思い かたおもい unrequited love; one-sided love N/A
かたき [1] rival; opponent; adversary; competitor; enemy (esp. one with which there is longstanding enmity); foe [2] revenge [3] spouse N/A
片言 かたこと prattle; broken language; halting language; baby talk; imperfect speech; smattering N/A
片付け かたづけ tidying up; finishing N/A
傾ける かたむける [1] to incline; to lean; to tip; to tilt; to slant; to bend; to list [2] to devote oneself to; to concentrate on; to pour one's energy into [3] to ruin; to squander; to empty 3790
固める かためる [1] to harden; to freeze; to strengthen; to solidify; to make (a fist); to tramp down (snow, dirt) [2] to put together; to collect; to gather; to consolidate [3] to make secure; to stabilize; to settle down; to strengthen (belief, resolution, etc.); to establish (evidence) 3507
傍ら かたわら [1] side; edge; beside; besides; nearby [2] while (doing); in addition to; at the same time 3830
課題 かだい [1] subject; theme; issue; matter [2] homework; assignment [3] task; challenge; problem; question 1170
花壇 かだん [1] flower bed [2] Kadan N/A
家畜 かちく domestic animals; livestock; cattle N/A
カット [1] cut; cutting [2] haircut [3] (continuous) shot (in a film or TV show) 2766
活発 かっぱつ lively; active; vigorous; animated; brisk 3480
且つ かつ and; moreover; besides; as well as; and on top of that; at the same time N/A
嘗て かつて [1] once; before; formerly; ever; former; ex- [2] never yet; never before; first time; still not happened 1131
カテゴリ category N/A
かな how!; what!; alas! N/A
叶う かなう [1] to come true (of a wish, prayer, etc.); to be realized; to be fulfilled [2] to suit (e.g. a purpose); to meet (wishes, ideals, etc.); to conform to (standards, rules, etc.); to be consistent with [3] to match (implies competition); to rival; to bear (e.g. the heat) N/A
叶える かなえる [1] to grant (request, wish); to answer (prayer) [2] to fulfill (conditions); to meet (requirements) N/A
加入 かにゅう joining (a club, organization, etc.); becoming a member; entry; admission; subscription; affiliation; signing (e.g. a treaty); taking out (insurance) 3003
金蔵 かねぐら [1] treasure house; treasury [2] financial supporter; patron; financier; backer N/A
予て かねて previously; already; for some time; for quite a while N/A
下番 かばん going off duty N/A
華美 かび [1] splendor; splendour; gorgeousness; pomp; magnificence [2] showiness; gaudiness; extravagance; luxury N/A
花粉 かふん pollen 4955
株式 かぶしき share (in a company); stock 3490
気触れる かぶれる [1] to develop a rash or inflammation (e.g. in response to a skin irritant); to react to (something) [2] to be strongly influenced (usu. negative or critical nuance) N/A
貨幣 かへい money; currency; coin N/A
構え かまえ [1] structure; construction; appearance [2] posture (e.g. in martial arts); pose; stance [3] readiness; determination; preparedness N/A
構える かまえる [1] to set up (a house, store, etc.); to build; to establish; to run; to maintain [2] to have at the ready (e.g. a gun); to hold in preparation (e.g. a camera); to prepare in advance (e.g. a meal) [3] to adopt a posture; to assume a stance; to stand ready; to be poised for 3111
加味 かみ [1] seasoning; flavoring; flavouring [2] addition; inclusion; taking into account N/A
噛み切る かみきる to bite off; to gnaw through N/A
過密 かみつ [1] overcrowding; congestion; overpopulation [2] crammed (schedule); congested; busy; tight N/A
カムバック comeback N/A
かめ earthenware pot N/A
カメラマン [1] photographer [2] cameraman; camera operator; cinematographer N/A
体つき からだつき body build; figure N/A
絡む からむ [1] to twine; to get tangled; to get entangled; to get caught (in) [2] to be involved (e.g. of money in a matter); to get involved (in); to be a factor (in); to have an influence [3] to pick a quarrel (with); to find fault (with); to pester; to hassle 3108
かり [1] temporary; provisional; interim; tentative [2] fictitious; assumed (name); alias [3] hypothetical; theoretical 2020
下吏 かり lower official N/A
借り かり borrowing; debt; loan N/A
カルテ [1] patient's chart; clinical records [2] record (e.g. student, equipment maintenance, etc.) [3] Khalte N/A
涸れる かれる to dry up (spring, pond, etc.); to run out N/A
過労 かろう overwork; strain N/A
辛うじて かろうじて barely; narrowly; only just; with difficulty N/A
交わす かわす [1] to exchange (messages, greetings, arguments, etc.) [2] to intersect; to cross; to interlace [3] ... with one another; ... to each other 3405
代わる代わる かわるがわる alternately; by turns N/A
かん (large) building; public building; hall N/A
かん [1] look; appearance [2] spectacle; sight [3] observation meditation N/A
感慨 かんがい deep emotion; strong feelings N/A
簡潔 かんけつ concise; brief; succinct; compact (style) N/A
還元 かんげん [1] restoration; return [2] reduction; resolution; deoxidization; deoxidation N/A
刊行 かんこう publication; issue N/A
慣行 かんこう customary practice; habit; traditional event N/A
勧告 かんこく advice; counsel; remonstrance; recommendation N/A
漢語 かんご [1] Japanese word of Chinese origin; Sino-Japanese word [2] language of the Han people; Chinese N/A
看護 かんご nursing; (army) nurse N/A
換算 かんさん conversion (e.g. yen to dollars); change; exchange; translation (numerical) N/A
監視 かんし monitoring; watching; observation; surveillance; guarding; supervision; lookout 4056
慣習 かんしゅう [1] custom; convention; common practice [2] becoming accustomed (to) N/A
観衆 かんしゅう spectators; onlookers; members of the audience N/A
干渉 かんしょう interference; intervention; meddling N/A
感触 かんしょく [1] feel (of something); touch; texture; sensation [2] feeling; impression 4911
肝心 かんじん essential; important; crucial; vital; main 4043
歓声 かんせい cheer; shout of joy N/A
幹線 かんせん main line; trunk line N/A
感染 かんせん [1] infection; contagion; becoming infected [2] being infected (e.g. with harmful ideas); being influenced (by) 3623
関税 かんぜい customs (duties); duty; tariff N/A
観点 かんてん point of view; viewpoint; standpoint; perspective; angle 1783
感度 かんど [1] sensitivity (e.g. of a measuring instrument); reception (radio, TV, etc.) [2] sensitivity (of film) N/A
カンニング cheating (on an examination); cribbing N/A
幹部 かんぶ management; (executive) staff; leaders; leadership; top brass; upper echelons 3843
勘弁 かんべん pardon; forgiveness; forbearance N/A
完璧 かんぺき perfect; complete; flawless 3294
感無量 かんむりょう deep emotion; being filled with emotion N/A
勧誘 かんゆう invitation; solicitation; canvassing; canvasing; inducement; persuasion; encouragement N/A
関与 かんよ participation; taking part in; participating in; being concerned in 3798
寛容 かんよう tolerance; open-mindedness; forbearance; generosity; magnanimity N/A
観覧 かんらん viewing N/A
官僚 かんりょう bureaucrat; government official; bureaucracy N/A
慣例 かんれい custom; practice; convention; precedent N/A
貫禄 かんろく presence; dignity N/A
緩和 かんわ relief; mitigation; alleviation; relaxation (of restrictions, tensions, etc.); easing; softening 4707
カーペット carpet N/A
がい street; quarter; district; area N/A
外貨 がいか [1] foreign currency; foreign money; foreign exchange [2] foreign goods; imported goods N/A
外相 がいしょう Foreign Minister N/A
害する がいする [1] to injure; to damage; to harm; to hurt [2] to kill [3] to hinder; to obstruct N/A
該当 がいとう corresponding to; being applicable to; being relevant to; coming under; falling under; fulfilling (requirements); meeting (conditions); qualifying for 2396
ガイド [1] guide; tour guide; conductor; guiding; leading [2] guidebook [3] guide (on a fishing rod); guide ring 4779
ガイドブック guidebook N/A
概念 がいねん general idea; concept; notion 2486
外来 がいらい [1] foreign; imported [2] outpatient; outpatient care; outpatient clinic; outpatient ward N/A
概略 がいりゃく outline; summary; gist; in brief N/A
学芸 がくげい arts and sciences; liberal arts N/A
学士 がくし [1] university graduate; bachelor [2] bachelor's degree N/A
学説 がくせつ theory N/A
楽譜 がくふ score; sheet music N/A
学歴 がくれき academic background; academic credentials; academic record N/A
がけ [1] cliff; precipice [2] precipice; brink of a dangerous situation N/A
雅致 がち artistry; good taste; elegance; grace N/A
がっくり [1] heartbroken; crestfallen; dejected; disappointed [2] feeling exhausted; feeling drained N/A
合唱 がっしょう [1] singing together; singing in union; chorus [2] ensemble singing; choral singing; chorus N/A
がっしり firmly; solidly; sturdily; strongly; toughly N/A
合致 がっち agreement; concurrence; conformance; compliance N/A
がっちり [1] solid; robust; well-built [2] tight; taut [3] shrewd; calculating; astute N/A
月日 がっぴ month and day (of the year); (the) date N/A
合併 がっぺい merger (of companies, towns, etc.); combination; union; amalgamation; consolidation; coalition; fusion; annexation; affiliation; incorporation 3135
がる [1] to show signs of being; to feel; to think [2] to behave as if one were; to pretend; to act as if N/A
ガレージ garage N/A
がわ [1] side (of something, or taking someone's side); part [2] (watch) case 1466
がん cancer 1586
眼科 がんか ophthalmology N/A
眼球 がんきゅう eyeball N/A
頑固 がんこ stubborn; obstinate; pigheaded N/A
願書 がんしょ [1] (written) application; written request; petition [2] written prayer for a shrine or Buddhist temple N/A
頑丈 がんじょう solid; firm; stout; burly; strong; sturdy N/A
岩石 がんせき rock N/A
元年 がんねん [1] first year (of an imperial era) [2] year something (important) first happened or began N/A
pure; undiluted; raw; crude N/A
[1] period; time [2] opportunity; chance; occasion [3] age N/A
企画 きかく planning; plan; project; arrangements 2284
規格 きかく standard; norm N/A
着飾る きかざる to dress up N/A
季刊 きかん quarterly publication N/A
器官 きかん organ N/A
危害 きがい injury; harm; danger N/A
気兼ね きがね constraint; reserve; feeling hesitant; being afraid of troubling someone N/A
気軽 きがる [1] carefree; buoyant; lighthearted; sprightly [2] ease 3283
危機 きき crisis; critical situation; emergency; pinch 3348
聞き取り ききとり [1] listening comprehension; aural comprehension [2] hearing what others say; gathering information, opinions, etc.; public hearing N/A
効き目 ききめ [1] effect; virtue; efficacy; impression [2] one's dominant eye N/A
帰京 ききょう returning (home) to Tokyo; returning to the capital N/A
基金 ききん fund; foundation N/A
喜劇 きげき comedy N/A
起源 きげん origin; beginning; source; rise 4132
機構 きこう [1] mechanism; machinery [2] system; structure; organization; framework 4855
記載 きさい mention (in a document); record; entry; statement; listing 1705
気障 きざ affected; smug; pompous; conceited; snobby; pretentious N/A
兆し きざし sign; indication; omen; symptom N/A
気質 きしつ disposition; temperament; nature; mentality; spirit; character; trait; turn of mind N/A
軋む きしむ to jar; to creak; to grate N/A
記述 きじゅつ description; account 2695
奇数 きすう odd number N/A
築く きずく [1] to build; to construct; to erect [2] to build up (a reputation, position, fortune, etc.); to establish (a relationship, household, tradition, etc.); to lay (a foundation) 2791
傷つく きずつく [1] to be wounded; to get injured [2] to get hurt feelings [3] to get damaged; to get chipped; to get scratched 4241
規制 きせい regulation; (traffic) policing; control; restriction 1885
汽船 きせん steamship; steamboat; steamer N/A
寄贈 きぞう donation; presentation; gift N/A
貴族 きぞく nobility; aristocracy; peerage 4540
鍛える きたえる [1] to forge; to temper [2] to drill; to train; to discipline 2772
来る きたる [1] next (e.g. "next April"); forthcoming; coming [2] to come; to arrive; to be due to N/A
気立て きだて disposition; nature N/A
きちっと exactly; perfectly N/A
きっかり [1] exactly; just; precisely [2] punctually; exactly on time N/A
喫茶 きっさ [1] tea drinking [2] teahouse; tearoom; coffee lounge; coffee shop; (rather formal) cafe N/A
きっちり [1] exactly; precisely; punctually; on the dot [2] closely; tightly; (fitting) perfectly [3] properly; without fail 3971
きっぱり clearly; plainly; distinctly; decisively; flatly; definitely; resolutely N/A
規定 きてい [1] stipulation; prescription; provision; regulation; rule [2] normal (unit of normality) [3] compulsory exercise (in gymnastics); compulsory routine; compulsory dance (figure skating); (a) compulsory 523
軌道 きどう [1] orbit; trajectory [2] (railroad) track [3] (right) track; proper course N/A
きのえ first sign of the Chinese calendar N/A
規範 きはん model; standard; pattern; norm; criterion; example N/A
気品 きひん [1] elegance; refinement; grace; dignity [2] aroma N/A
気風 きふう character; traits; ethos N/A
起伏 きふく [1] undulation [2] ups and downs; highs and lows N/A
規模 きぼ scale; scope; plan; structure 2257
気まぐれ きまぐれ [1] whim; caprice; fancy [2] capricious; fickle; whimsical; impulsive; changeable; temperamental N/A
生真面目 きまじめ overserious; deeply sincere; very earnest N/A
期末 きまつ end of term N/A
きまり悪い きまりわるい embarrassed; ashamed N/A
記名 きめい signature; signing one's name; writing one's name (on); registration (of a bond) N/A
脚色 きゃくしょく [1] dramatization (e.g. of a novel); dramatisation; adaptation (for the stage or screen) [2] embellishment (of the facts); exaggeration; dramatization; embroidery N/A
脚本 きゃくほん script; screenplay; scenario N/A
客観 きゃっかん objectivity; objective; object (philosophical) N/A
キャッチ [1] catch; catching; obtaining (e.g. information); receiving (e.g. radio transmission or phone call) [2] catch [3] shop tout; puller-in N/A
キャリア [1] career; occupation [2] personal history; professional experience [3] government employee who has passed the highest national civil service exam N/A
規約 きやく agreement; rules; code; protocol; convention; bylaw N/A
救援 きゅうえん relief; rescue N/A
休学 きゅうがく temporary absence from school N/A
究極 きゅうきょく ultimate; final; last; eventual N/A
窮屈 きゅうくつ [1] narrow; tight; cramped [2] formal; stiff; strict; ceremonious; rigid [3] constrained; uncomfortable N/A
球根 きゅうこん (plant) bulb N/A
救済 きゅうさい [1] relief; aid; help; rescue [2] (religious) salvation; (Christian) grace N/A
給食 きゅうしょく provision of lunch (e.g. at office, school, etc.); providing a meal; lunch service N/A
旧事 きゅうじ past events; bygones N/A
給仕 きゅうじ [1] waiting on a table; serving (at dinner) [2] waiter; waitress; waitperson; server; cabin boy; bellboy; page; pageboy [3] office boy; office girl N/A
休戦 きゅうせん cease-fire; truce; armistice N/A
宮殿 きゅうでん palace N/A
窮乏 きゅうぼう poverty; destitution; privation; indigence; penury N/A
驚異 きょうい wonder; miracle; amazement; prodigy N/A
教員 きょういん teacher; instructor; teaching staff; faculty member N/A
教科 きょうか subject; curriculum N/A
協会 きょうかい association; society; organization; organisation N/A
共感 きょうかん sympathy; empathy; response; identification (with someone) 4701
共学 きょうがく coeducation N/A
協議 きょうぎ conference; consultation; discussion; negotiation 3610
教訓 きょうくん lesson; precept; teachings; moral N/A
境遇 きょうぐう one's circumstances; environment; situation (in life) N/A
凶作 きょうさく bad harvest; poor crop N/A
共産 きょうさん [1] communism [2] Communist Party N/A
教材 きょうざい teaching materials N/A
教習 きょうしゅう training; instruction N/A
郷愁 きょうしゅう nostalgia; homesickness N/A
教職 きょうしょく [1] the teaching profession [2] education of laity N/A
享受 きょうじゅ enjoyment (of freedom, beauty, etc.); reception (of a right, privilege, rank, etc.); having N/A
興じる きょうじる to amuse oneself; to make merry N/A
供する きょうする [1] to offer; to present; to submit; to supply; to make available [2] to serve (food and drink) [3] to offer (to the gods); to set up (before an altar) N/A
強制 きょうせい compulsion; coercion; forcing (to do); enforcement N/A
共存 きょうぞん coexistence N/A
協調 きょうちょう cooperation; conciliation; harmony; coordination N/A
協定 きょうてい arrangement; pact; agreement N/A
脅迫 きょうはく threat; menace; coercion; blackmail N/A
共鳴 きょうめい [1] resonance [2] sympathy (with a view, idea, etc.) N/A
郷里 きょうり hometown; birthplace N/A
強烈 きょうれつ strong; intense; severe 3847
共和 きょうわ [1] republicanism [2] cooperation; working together N/A
きょく [1] composition; piece of music; song; track (on a record) [2] tune; melody; air [3] enjoyment; fun; interest; pleasure 739
局限 きょくげん limit; localize; localise N/A
極端 きょくたん extreme; extremity 2839
拒絶 きょぜつ refusal; rejection N/A
拒否 きょひ refusal; rejection; denial; veto 3310
距離 きょり [1] distance; range; interval [2] difference (e.g. in opinion); gap; distance [3] metric 1345
寄与 きよ contribution; service 4725
清らか きよらか [1] clean; clear [2] pure; honest; clean; innocent; platonic; chaste N/A
気楽 きらく [1] carefree; comfortable; at ease [2] easygoing; happy-go-lucky 4994
煌びやか きらびやか gorgeous; gaudy; dazzling; gay; resplendent N/A
切り きり [10] continuously; remaining (in a particular state) [1] end; finish; place to stop [2] bound; limit; end N/A
きり paulownia (Paulownia tomentosa); empress tree; foxglove tree N/A
切り替える きりかえる to change; to exchange; to convert; to renew; to throw a switch; to replace; to switch over 4094
気流 きりゅう atmospheric current; air current; airflow N/A
切れ目 きれめ [1] gap; break; rift [2] pause; interval; interruption [3] cut; incision; notch; score N/A
きわ [1] edge; brink; verge; side [2] time; moment of N/A
極めて きわめて exceedingly; extremely; decisively 1200
緊急 きんきゅう urgency; emergency N/A
近郊 きんこう outskirts; environs (of a city); surrounding area; surroundings N/A
均衡 きんこう equilibrium; balance N/A
近視 きんし myopia; shortsightedness; nearsightedness N/A
禁じる きんじる [1] to forbid; to ban; to prohibit [2] to suppress (a feeling, laughter, etc.); to hold back (e.g. tears) N/A
禁ずる きんずる [1] to forbid; to ban; to prohibit [2] to suppress (a feeling, laughter, etc.); to hold back (e.g. tears) N/A
勤勉 きんべん diligent; hard-working; industrious N/A
勤務 きんむ service; duty; work 3050
勤労 きんろう labor; labour; exertion; diligent service N/A
議案 ぎあん [1] legislative bill; measure [2] agenda item N/A
戯曲 ぎきょく [1] drama; play [2] Chinese opera N/A
議決 ぎけつ resolution; decision; vote N/A
議事堂 ぎじどう assembly hall; parliament house; diet building; capitol; houses of parliament; congress hall N/A
犠牲 ぎせい [1] sacrifice [2] victim (esp. someone killed); casualty [3] sacrifice (to a deity) 2862
偽造 ぎぞう forgery; counterfeiting; fabrication; falsification N/A
議題 ぎだい topic of discussion; agenda N/A
技能 ぎのう technical skill; ability; capacity N/A
逆転 ぎゃくてん [1] reversal (of a situation); turnaround; turnabout; turning the tables; sudden change [2] reversal (of direction of rotation) N/A
ぎょう [1] line (of text); row; verse [2] carya (austerities) [3] samskara (formations) N/A
業者 ぎょうしゃ [1] trader; dealer; businessperson; company; vendor; supplier; manufacturer; maker; contractor [2] fellow trader; people in the same trade 2953
行政 ぎょうせい [1] executive; government [2] administration; governance; the authorities; authority 2504
業績 ぎょうせき achievement; performance; results; work; contribution 4804
業務 ぎょうむ business; work; operations; service; duties 1831
ぎょく [1] precious stone (esp. jade) [2] egg (esp. as a sushi topping) [3] stock or security being traded; product being bought or sold N/A
漁船 ぎょせん fishing boat N/A
漁村 ぎょそん fishing village N/A
義理 ぎり [1] duty; sense of duty; honor; honour; decency; courtesy; debt of gratitude; social obligation [2] in-law; relation by marriage N/A
疑惑 ぎわく doubt; misgivings; distrust; suspicion N/A
吟味 ぎんみ [1] close examination; careful investigation; close inspection; careful selection; inquiry; enquiry; scrutiny; testing [2] investigation of a crime; inquiry into someone's guilt [3] winner (of the most rounds, i.e. a full game) N/A
[1] ward; borough; city (in Tokyo) [2] district (e.g. electoral); section; zone (e.g. postal) 3057
クイズ quiz N/A
食い違う くいちがう [1] to not match well (e.g. at the seams); to not mesh properly (of gears) [2] to differ (e.g. of opinions); to clash; to be in conflict (e.g. with the facts); to run counter (to); to be inconsistent (with); to be contradictory N/A
空腹 くうふく empty stomach; hunger N/A
区画 くかく division; section; compartment; block; plot; lot; partition; boundary N/A
区間 くかん [1] section (of track, etc.); segment; dimension [2] interval N/A
くき stalk; stem N/A
区切り くぎり [1] pause (in speech, writing, etc.); punctuation [2] break; end; (place to) stop; pause; milestone (e.g. in a project) N/A
潜る くぐる [1] to go under; to pass under; to go through; to pass through [2] to dive (into or under the water) [3] to evade; to get around; to slip past N/A
くじ引き くじびき lottery; drawn lot N/A
擽ったい くすぐったい [1] ticklish [2] embarrassing N/A
くだん [1] the aforementioned; the said; (man, incident, etc.) in question; the above-mentioned; the aforesaid [2] the usual 2672
口ずさむ くちずさむ to hum (a tune); to sing to oneself; to croon N/A
くちばし beak; bill N/A
朽ちる くちる [1] to rot; to decay [2] to die in obscurity [3] to be forgotten with time N/A
くっきり clearly (standing out); distinctly; sharply; boldly; in sharp relief N/A
屈折 くっせつ [1] bending; curving; twisting; turning; winding [2] warping (of feelings, logic, etc.); distortion; twisting [3] refraction N/A
覆す くつがえす [1] to overturn; to capsize; to upset [2] to overthrow (government etc.) [3] to reverse (decision etc.); to disprove (an established theory etc.); to overrule N/A
諄い くどい [1] repetitious; long-winded; tedious; wordy; verbose; insistent; importunate [2] heavy (taste); (overly) rich; strong; cloying [3] gaudy (colour, design, etc.); loud N/A
首飾り くびかざり necklace; choker N/A
首輪 くびわ [1] (animal) collar [2] necklace; choker N/A
組み合わせる くみあわせる [1] to put together; to combine; to join together; to join up [2] to match against (e.g. in a sport) 3321
組み込む くみこむ to insert; to include; to incorporate; to install; to embed 4875
くら warehouse; storehouse; cellar; magazine; granary; godown; depository; treasury; elevator N/A
くらい [1] approximately; about; around; or so [2] to (about) the extent that; (almost) enough that; so ... that ...; at least [3] as ... as ...; like N/A
クラブ [1] nightclub [2] sports club; team [3] (golf) club N/A
倶楽部 クラブ club; fraternity; sorority; clubhouse 2195
苦しめる くるしめる [1] to torment; to pain; to inflict (physical) pain; to hurt [2] to harass; to cause (emotional) pain; to afflict; to distress; to bother; to trouble; to stump; to baffle N/A
クレーン crane (machine) N/A
黒字 くろじ [1] (being in) the black; surplus [2] black letter N/A
君主 くんしゅ monarch; sovereign; ruler; liege (lord) N/A
愚痴 ぐち [1] idle complaint; grumble [2] moha (ignorance, folly) N/A
ぐっと [1] suddenly; at once; in one go; with a jerk; with a gulp [2] considerably; very much; a lot [3] firmly; with an effort; tightly; exerting pressure N/A
グラフ graph; chart; diagram 4873
グレー [1] grey; gray [2] Gray (France); Gree N/A
ぐん [1] group; bunch; crowd; throng; swarm; band [2] group N/A
軍艦 ぐんかん warship; battleship N/A
群集 ぐんしゅう crowd; community; group; herd; gathering; assembly N/A
軍事 ぐんじ military affairs N/A
軍備 ぐんび armaments; military preparations N/A
軍服 ぐんぷく military uniform N/A
けい penalty; sentence; punishment N/A
けい qing (Chinese unit of land area equal to 100 mu) N/A
経緯 けいい [1] details; particulars; sequence of events; circumstances; situation; how things got this way [2] longitude and latitude [3] warp and weft; warp and woof 3209
経過 けいか [1] passage (of time); elapsing; lapse [2] progress; development; course (of events) [3] transit 2035
警戒 けいかい vigilance; caution; alertness; precaution; being on guard N/A
計器 けいき meter; gauge N/A
契機 けいき [1] opportunity; chance [2] trigger; cause 4891
敬具 けいぐ yours sincerely; sincerely yours; yours truly N/A
軽減 けいげん abatement; reduction 4265
掲載 けいさい publication (e.g. of an article in a newspaper); carrying (e.g. a story); running (e.g. a serial); insertion (e.g. of an advertisement); printing; posting (e.g. on the web) 2459
傾斜 けいしゃ inclination; slant; slope; bevel; list; dip; tilt; lean N/A
形成 けいせい [1] formation; molding; making (up); taking form; giving form to [2] repair (e.g. with plastic surgery); replacement; -plasty 1609
形勢 けいせい condition; situation; prospects N/A
軽率 けいそつ rash; thoughtless; careless; hasty; imprudent N/A
携帯 けいたい [1] carrying (on one's person or in the hand) [2] mobile phone; cell phone 1364
形態 けいたい [1] form; shape; figure [2] morph 3045
刑罰 けいばつ (criminal) punishment; penalty; sentence N/A
経費 けいひ expenses; expenditure; outgoings; outlays; costs 2976
警部 けいぶ police inspector N/A
軽蔑 けいべつ contempt; scorn; disdain; despising; looking down on; slighting N/A
経歴 けいれき personal history; background; career N/A
経路 けいろ [1] course; route; path; channel [2] process; stages N/A
汚らわしい けがらわしい filthy; unfair; dirty; untouchable; disgusting; nasty; foul; odious; repulsive N/A
汚れ けがれ [1] uncleanness; impurity; defilement [2] disgrace; shame; stain; blot; corruption; depravity [3] uncleanliness from contact with death, pregnancy, menstruation, etc. 3730
汚れる けがれる to be violated; to be corrupted; to be polluted; to be stained N/A
結核 けっかく [1] tuberculosis; TB [2] concretion N/A
血管 けっかん blood vessel; vein 3599
決行 けっこう doing (with resolve); carrying out (e.g. a plan) N/A
決勝 けっしょう decision of a contest; finals (in sports) N/A
結晶 けっしょう [1] crystal; crystallization; crystallisation [2] fruits (of labor, union, etc.) N/A
結成 けっせい formation; combination 3770
結束 けっそく [1] union; unity; solidarity [2] bundling; binding; tying [3] putting on (clothes, armour, etc.) N/A
決意 けつい decision; determination; resolution 2980
決議 けつぎ resolution; vote; decision N/A
結合 けつごう [1] combination; union; joining; linking; coupling [2] bond [3] join (in relational algebra) 4207
決断 けつだん decision; determination 4052
欠乏 けつぼう deficiency; insufficiency; shortage; lack; want; dearth; scarcity N/A
蹴飛ばす けとばす [1] to kick away; to kick off; to kick hard [2] to refuse curtly; to reject outright N/A
貶す けなす to speak ill of; to disparage N/A
気配 けはい [1] indication; sign; hint; sensation; feeling [2] tone (of the market) 3099
煙たい けむたい [1] smoky [2] awkward; uncomfortable; ill at ease N/A
煙る けむる [1] to smoke (e.g. fire); to billow smoke; to smoulder; to smolder [2] to be hazy; to look dim N/A
けもの [1] beast; brute; animal [2] animal with human characteristics N/A
家来 けらい retainer; vassal; follower N/A
けん [1] sphere; circle; range; area; zone; bloc [2] category N/A
けん [1] right (to do something) [2] authority; power N/A
権威 けんい [1] authority; power; influence; prestige [2] (an) authority (on); expert 4237
兼業 けんぎょう [1] perusing as a side business; doing in addition to one's main work; running (businesses) simultaneously [2] side business; job on the side N/A
権限 けんげん power; authority; jurisdiction 3222
健在 けんざい in good health; alive and well; going strong N/A
懸賞 けんしょう offering a prize; prize competition; prize; reward N/A
検事 けんじ public prosecutor N/A
健全 けんぜん healthy; sound; wholesome 3944
見地 けんち point of view; viewpoint; standpoint N/A
賢明 けんめい wise; sensible; well-advised; intelligent; sagacious; prudent N/A
倹約 けんやく thrift; economy; frugality N/A
兼用 けんよう multi-use; combined use; combination; serving two purposes N/A
権力 けんりょく (political) power; authority; influence 3309
劇団 げきだん troupe; theatrical company 2883
激励 げきれい encouragement; spurring (on); cheering (on) N/A
ゲスト guest N/A
月謝 げっしゃ monthly tuition fee N/A
げっそり [1] to be disheartened; to be dejected; to be discouraged; to be disappointed [2] suddenly (losing a lot of weight); looking emaciated; becoming very thin N/A
月賦 げっぷ monthly installment (instalment); monthly payment N/A
下痢 げり diarrhea; diarrhoea N/A
原形 げんけい original form; base form N/A
現行 げんこう present; current; in operation N/A
原作 げんさく original work N/A
原子 げんし atom N/A
元首 げんしゅ sovereign; ruler; head of state N/A
原書 げんしょ original document (not a copy or adaptation); book in its original language (esp. a European language) N/A
減少 げんしょう decrease; reduction; decline 1228
元素 げんそ [1] element; chemical element [2] (classical) element (e.g. earth, water, air, fire) [3] origin; source N/A
原則 げんそく [1] principle; general rule [2] as a rule; in principle; in general 1651
現像 げんぞう development (of film); photographic processing N/A
現地 げんち [1] actual place; actual location; the spot; the scene; the field; (on) site [2] place where one is currently living 1419
限定 げんてい limit; restriction 2882
原典 げんてん original (text) N/A
減点 げんてん [1] subtracting points; deducting points [2] points deducted N/A
原点 げんてん [1] starting point; origin; beginning [2] origin (of coordinate axes) [3] datum point 4261
原爆 げんばく atomic bomb; A-bomb 4275
原文 げんぶん original text N/A
counter for houses, households, apartments, etc. N/A
the late; the deceased N/A
恋する こいする to fall in love (with); to love N/A
こう [1] school [2] proofreading; proof 60
こう 10^32; hundred nonillion N/A
行為 こうい act; deed; conduct 1187
好意 こうい [1] kindness; favor; favour; friendliness [2] goodwill; affection; liking (for someone); love N/A
行員 こういん bank clerk N/A
交易 こうえき trade; commerce N/A
公演 こうえん [1] public performance [2] exhibition in a foreign country 4394
公開 こうかい opening to the public; making available to the public; exhibiting; unveiling; release (of a film, information, etc.); disclosure; publication 2590
航海 こうかい (sea) voyage; navigation; sailing; passage; cruise N/A
後悔 こうかい regret; repentance; remorse 2830
工学 こうがく engineering N/A
皇居 こうきょ [1] Imperial Palace (of Japan); imperial residence [2] Koukyo N/A
抗議 こうぎ protest; objection 4956
鉱業 こうぎょう mining industry N/A
興業 こうぎょう promotion of industry; inauguration of a new industrial enterprise N/A
高原 こうげん tableland; plateau N/A
煌々 こうこう brilliant; bright; dazzling N/A
考古学 こうこがく archaeology; archeology N/A
交互 こうご alternate; alternating N/A
工作 こうさく [1] handicraft [2] work; construction; manufacturing [3] maneuvering; manoeuvering N/A
耕作 こうさく cultivation; farming N/A
鉱山 こうざん [1] mine (ore) [2] Kouzan N/A
講習 こうしゅう short course; training N/A
交渉 こうしょう [1] negotiations; bargaining; discussions; talks [2] connection; relationship; relations; dealings 2549
高尚 こうしょう high; noble; refined; advanced N/A
行進 こうしん march; parade N/A
香辛料 こうしんりょう spice; spices; condiment N/A
口述 こうじゅつ dictation; verbal statement N/A
向上 こうじょう elevation; rise; improvement; advancement; progress 1565
降水 こうすい rainfall; precipitation N/A
洪水 こうずい flood; flooding N/A
公然 こうぜん open; public; official; overt N/A
抗争 こうそう rivalry; feud; conflict; dispute; struggle; strife; contention; resistance N/A
構想 こうそう plan; plot; idea; conception; vision; scheme N/A
拘束 こうそく restriction; restraint; binding; constraint N/A
後退 こうたい [1] retreat; falling back; moving backwards; reversing; backing up (of a vehicle); retrogression; retraction [2] recession; waning [3] backspace (key) N/A
光沢 こうたく brilliance; polish; lustre; luster; glossy finish N/A
公団 こうだん [1] public corporation [2] public housing N/A
好調 こうちょう favourable; favorable; promising; satisfactory; in good shape N/A
口頭 こうとう oral; verbal; spoken; parol N/A
講読 こうどく reading; translation N/A
購入 こうにゅう purchase; buying 1085
公認 こうにん official recognition; official approval; certification; authorization; authorisation N/A
光熱費 こうねつひ cost of fuel and lighting; cost of heat and electricity; energy bill; utility cost N/A
荒廃 こうはい ruin; destruction; devastation; waste; decay N/A
好評 こうひょう favorable reception; good reputation; popularity N/A
交付 こうふ delivery; issuance; handing over; granting 3927
降伏 こうふく [1] surrender; capitulation; submission [2] yield N/A
興奮 こうふん excitement; stimulation; agitation; arousal 2490
公募 こうぼ [1] public appeal (e.g. for contributions); public advertisement (of a post); open recruitment [2] public offering (of securities) N/A
巧妙 こうみょう ingenious; skillful; clever; deft N/A
公立 こうりつ public (institution) N/A
効率 こうりつ efficiency 3887
小柄 こがら [1] small build; small stature; petite [2] small pattern N/A
小切手 こぎって cheque; check N/A
国産 こくさん domestically produced; domestic; Japanese-made N/A
国定 こくてい state-sponsored; national N/A
告白 こくはく [1] confession (to a crime, wrongdoing, etc.); admission [2] professing one's feelings (to someone one wants to go out with); declaration of love [3] profession (of faith) 3367
国防 こくぼう national defence; national defense N/A
国有 こくゆう national ownership; state ownership; government ownership N/A
国連 こくれん United Nations; UN 3874
漕ぐ こぐ [1] to row; to paddle; to scull; to pull (the oars) [2] to pedal (a bicycle, etc.) [3] to swing (on a swing) N/A
こげ茶 こげちゃ dark brown; olive brown N/A
個々 ここ individual; one by one; separate; each 2787
心得 こころえ [1] knowledge; understanding [2] rules; regulations; guideline; directions [3] deputy; acting N/A
心がけ こころがけ (mental) attitude; way of thinking; attention; care; prudence; intention N/A
心がける こころがける to keep in mind; to bear in mind; to try; to aim to do; to endeavor; to endeavour 2701
こころざし [1] will; resolution; intention; ambition; aim; goal [2] kindness; goodwill; kind offer [3] gift (as a token of gratitude) N/A
志す こころざす to plan; to intend; to aspire to; to set aims (sights on) N/A
心強い こころづよい heartening; reassuring N/A
心細い こころぼそい helpless; forlorn; hopeless; unpromising; lonely; discouraging; disheartening N/A
試み こころみ [1] attempt; trial; experiment [2] endeavour (endeavor); effort; venture; initiative 4255
試みる こころみる to try; to attempt; to have a go (at) 3659
凝らす こごらす [1] to freeze; to congeal [2] to concentrate one's attention on; to devote oneself to something; to ponder; to meditate N/A
凝る こごる to congeal; to gelatinize; to jellify; to jell; to gell; to freeze 4048
孤児 こじ [1] orphan [2] person without friends N/A
拗れる こじれる to get complicated; to grow worse; to turn sour N/A
故人 こじん [1] the deceased; the departed [2] old friend; longtime acquaintance N/A
こずえ treetop; tip of a branch N/A
個性 こせい individuality; personality; quirk; idiosyncrasy; character; individual characteristic 2573
戸籍 こせき [1] family register [2] census N/A
小銭 こぜに [1] small change; coins [2] small sum of money N/A
固体 こたい solid (body); solid matter; solid-state N/A
炬燵 こたつ kotatsu; table over an electric heater, with a hanging quilt to retain heat (orig. over a charcoal brazier in a floor well) N/A
古代 こだい ancient times; distant past; antiquity 3674
拘る こだわる [1] to be obsessive (about); to be overly concerned (with); to fuss (over); to worry too much (about); to be picky (about); to be hung up (on); to stick to [2] to be particular (about); to pay special attention (to); to be fastidious (about); to insist (on); to be uncompromising [3] to get stuck; to be obstructed 2765
誇張 こちょう exaggeration N/A
滑稽 こっけい [1] funny; comical; humorous; laughable [2] ridiculous; silly; absurd N/A
国交 こっこう diplomatic relations N/A
骨董品 こっとうひん curio; antique N/A
こつ [1] knack; skill; trick; secret; know-how; the ropes; hang [2] bone; skeleton [3] cremated remains (esp. the bones); ashes 3059
固定 こてい [1] fixing (in place); being fixed (in place); securing; anchoring; fastening down [2] fixing (e.g. salary, capital); keeping the same [3] fixation (histology) 3366
事柄 ことがら matter; thing; affair; circumstance 3778
悉く ことごとく altogether; entirely N/A
言伝 ことづて (oral) message; declaration; hearsay; rumour; rumor N/A
殊に ことに [1] especially; particularly; unusually; above all [2] additionally N/A
事によると ことによると possibly; maybe; perhaps N/A
孤独 こどく solitude; loneliness; isolation 3400
粉々 こなごな in very small pieces N/A
好ましい このましい nice; likeable; desirable N/A
細やか こまやか [1] tender; warm; caring; thoughtful [2] meticulous; detailed; attentive [3] deep (of a colour); thick (e.g. fog) N/A
コマーシャル [1] commercial (TV or radio advertisement) [2] commercial N/A
コミュニケーション communication 1349
込める こめる [1] to load (a gun, etc.); to charge [2] to put into (e.g. emotion, effort) [3] to include (e.g. tax in a sales price) 1992
コメント comment 2052
籠もる こもる [1] to shut oneself in (e.g. one's room); to be confined in; to seclude oneself; to hide away; to stay inside (one's shell) [2] to fill with (emotion, enthusiasm, power, etc.); to imbue with; to infuse with [3] to fill a space (of a gas, smell, etc.); to be heavy with (e.g. smoke); to be stuffy; to be dense 3345
固有 こゆう characteristic; traditional; peculiar; inherent; native; eigen- N/A
雇用 こよう employment; hire 3323
こよみ calendar; almanac N/A
孤立 こりつ isolation; being alone; being friendless N/A
こん Yang energy; spirit 2748
根気 こんき patience; perseverance; persistence; tenacity; energy N/A
根拠 こんきょ [1] basis; grounds; foundation; reason; authority [2] base (of operations) 2715
混血 こんけつ mixed race; mixed parentage N/A
根源 こんげん root; source; origin; cause N/A
コンタクト [1] contact [2] contact lens N/A
昆虫 こんちゅう insect; bug N/A
根底 こんてい root; basis; foundation N/A
コンテスト contest N/A
コントラスト contrast N/A
コントロール control 3477
混同 こんどう confusion; mixing; merger N/A
コンパス [1] compass (for drawing circles, etc.); pair of compasses [2] (mariner's) compass [3] length of one's stride; length of one's legs N/A
コーナー [1] corner; bend; turn [2] segment (within a radio or TV program); session; column (newspaper, etc.) [3] area; department; section 3286
語彙 ごい vocabulary; lexicon; lexis; terminology N/A
ごう [1] number; edition; make; model; issue; part of that group [2] sobriquet; pen-name [3] size (of printing types, canvases, knitting needles, etc.) N/A
ごう [1] karma [2] result of one's karma; fate; destiny [3] uncontrollable temper N/A
ごう [1] moat; fosse; trench; ditch [2] underground air-raid shelter; dugout N/A
合意 ごうい (coming to an) agreement; consent; mutual understanding; accord; consensus 3464
合議 ごうぎ consultation; conference; discussion; counsel N/A
豪儀 ごうぎ [1] great; grand [2] obstinate; stubborn N/A
合成 ごうせい [1] composition; synthesis; compounding; combining [2] composite photo [3] (function) composition N/A
護衛 ごえい guard; convoy; escort N/A
語句 ごく words and phrases; words 1866
極楽 ごくらく [1] Sukhavati (Amitabha's Pure Land) [2] paradise; heaven on earth N/A
誤差 ごさ measurement error; calculation error N/A
御座います ございます [1] to be; to exist [2] to be (doing) [3] did; (have) done 182
ごと each; every 4846
碁盤 ごばん Go board N/A
誤魔化す ごまかす [1] to deceive; to cheat; to swindle [2] to falsify; to misrepresent; to lie about; to tamper with; to fiddle; to doctor; to cook [3] to evade (a question, taxes, etc.); to dodge; to gloss over (a mistake, fault, etc.); to smooth over; to get one's way out of (a difficult situation); to explain away 4563
ご覧なさい ごらんなさい [1] (please) look [2] see [3] (please) try to do N/A


Kanji Reading Meaning Frequency
さい re-; again N/A
差異 さい difference; disparity; gap N/A
再会 さいかい meeting again; reunion 4636
災害 さいがい calamity; disaster; misfortune 2999
細菌 さいきん bacterium; bacteria; germ N/A
細工 さいく [1] work; workmanship; craftsmanship; handiwork [2] artifice; trick; device; tampering; doctoring N/A
採掘 さいくつ mining; digging; working (a mine) N/A
サイクル cycle N/A
採決 さいけつ vote; ballot; division N/A
再建 さいけん [1] rebuilding; reconstruction; rehabilitation [2] protoform reconstruction N/A
再現 さいげん [1] reappearance; reemergence; return; revival [2] reproduction; reenactment; recreation N/A
採算 さいさん profit N/A
採集 さいしゅう collecting; gathering N/A
サイズ size 2109
再生 さいせい [1] restoration to life; coming to life again; resuscitation; regeneration [2] reformation; rehabilitation [3] recycling; reclamation; recovery 3474
最善 さいぜん the very best; utmost N/A
採択 さいたく adoption; selection; choice N/A
再発 さいはつ return; relapse; recurrence N/A
栽培 さいばい cultivation 3732
細胞 さいぼう [1] cell [2] cell (in an organization, esp. a communist party) 2861
採用 さいよう [1] use; adoption; acceptance [2] appointment; employment; engagement; recruitment 1583
囀る さえずる to sing; to chirp; to twitter N/A
冴える さえる [1] to be clear (of a sight, sound, colour, etc.); to be bright; to be vivid; to be crisp [2] to be clear-headed; to be alert; to be on the ball; to be wide awake [3] to look upbeat; to be perky; to be cheerful N/A
竿 さお [1] rod; pole [2] neck (of a shamisen, etc.); shamisen [3] beam (i.e. the crossbar of a balance) N/A
栄える さかえる to prosper; to flourish 4810
さかずき [1] sake cup; cup for alcoholic beverages [2] Sakadzuki N/A
逆立ち さかだち [1] handstand; headstand [2] being upside down; being in reverse N/A
盛る さかる [1] to become vigorous; to gain force; to become more active [2] to prosper; to thrive; to flourish [3] to be in heat; to be in rut; to copulate N/A
差額 さがく balance; difference (in price, cost); margin N/A
先に さきに [1] previously; before; earlier; formerly; recently [2] first; before (something or someone else); ahead (of); earlier [3] beforehand; in advance; ahead of time N/A
詐欺 さぎ [1] fraud; swindle; graft; cheating; trick; scam [2] saying you're going to do something but in the end not doing it; making promises without keeping them; flaking out N/A
さく [1] work (e.g. of art); piece; production [2] harvest; crop; yield; cultivation; tillage [3] technique N/A
さく [1] fence; paling; railing [2] fortress N/A
さく [1] plan; policy; means; measure; stratagem; scheme [2] fifth principle of the Eight Principles of Yong; right upward flick N/A
削減 さくげん cut; reduction; curtailment 3652
錯誤 さくご [1] mistake; error; discrepancy [2] discrepancy between one's actions and intentions N/A
作戦 さくせん [1] tactics; strategy [2] military operation; naval operation N/A
作物 さくぶつ artistic work; literary work N/A
叫び さけび shout; cry; outcry; yell; shriek; scream N/A
裂ける さける to split; to tear; to burst; to be separated; to be divided N/A
捧げる ささげる [1] to lift up; to hold up; to hold above eye level [2] to give; to offer; to consecrate [3] to devote; to sacrifice; to dedicate 4693
差し掛かる さしかかる [1] to come near (to); to approach [2] to be on the verge of; to be about to reach (a stage, period, etc.); to approach (e.g. a climax) [3] to overhang; to hang over N/A
指図 さしず directions; instructions; orders; command N/A
差し出す さしだす [1] to hold out; to extend (e.g. a hand) [2] to present; to submit; to tender [3] to sacrifice; to give (up) 3718
差し支える さしつかえる to interfere (with); to hinder; to be hindered (from doing); to become impeded; to have difficulty; to suffer inconvenience N/A
差し引く さしひく [1] to deduct; to take away; to dock; to discount [2] to make allowances (for something); to bear (something) in mind [3] to ebb and flow N/A
些事 さじ something small; something petty; trifle N/A
授ける さずける [1] to grant; to give; to confer; to award [2] to teach; to instruct; to impart (knowledge) N/A
さぞ surely; certainly; no doubt; must N/A
定める さだめる [1] to decide; to determine [2] to establish; to lay down; to prescribe; to provide; to stipulate [3] to bring peace (to); to make peaceful 714
錯覚 さっかく [1] optical illusion; hallucination [2] misapprehension; delusion 4558
察する さっする [1] to guess; to sense; to presume; to judge [2] to sympathize with; to sympathise with N/A
颯と さっと [1] quickly (esp. actions) [2] suddenly (esp. wind, rain, etc.) 3820
さつ [1] counter for books [2] volume N/A
殺人 さつじん murder; homicide; manslaughter 4400
悟る さとる [1] to perceive; to sense; to become aware; to notice; to detect; to discern [2] to understand; to comprehend; to realize [3] to attain enlightenment 4633
裁く さばく to judge; to try; to sit in judgement (on); to decide (on) N/A
然程 さほど (not) so; (not) particularly; (not) very; (not) that much 3992
サボる to be truant; to slack off; to play hooky; to skip school; to cut class; to skip out N/A
さま [1] Mr; Mrs; Miss; Ms [2] makes a word more polite (usu. in fixed expressions) [3] state; situation; appearance; manner 4025
寒気 さむけ [1] chill; the shivers; shivering fit [2] cold; coldness; cold air [3] Samuke N/A
然も さも [1] really (seem, appear, etc.); truly; evidently [2] in that way N/A
作用 さよう action; operation; process; agency; effect; function 2932
障る さわる to be harmful to; to hinder; to interfere with; to irritate N/A
さん [1] Mr.; Mrs.; Miss; Ms.; -san [2] politeness marker N/A
サン [1] Sun [2] San N/A
さん [1] acid [2] sourness; sour taste N/A
酸化 さんか oxidation; oxidization N/A
山岳 さんがく mountain chain; mountains N/A
産休 さんきゅう maternity leave; paternity leave N/A
サンキュー thank you; thanks N/A
参議院 さんぎいん House of Councillors (upper house of the National Diet of Japan) N/A
産後 さんご after childbirth; postpartum N/A
産出 さんしゅつ production; output; turning out N/A
参照 さんしょう [1] reference (e.g. to a dictionary, passage, footnotes); consultation; comparison [2] browsing (to a file or folder) 2497
参上 さんじょう calling on; visiting N/A
サンタクロース Santa Claus N/A
桟橋 さんばし wharf; bridge; jetty; pier N/A
賛美 さんび praise; glorification; extolment N/A
産婦人科 さんふじんか maternity and gynaecology department (gynecology); department of obstetrics and gynaecology (gynecology) N/A
産物 さんぶつ [1] product; produce [2] result; fruit [3] Sanbutsu N/A
山腹 さんぷく hillside; mountainside N/A
山脈 さんみゃく mountain range; mountain belt N/A
ざい [1] fortune; riches [2] goods [3] incorporated foundation N/A
財源 ざいげん source of funds; resources; finances N/A
在庫 ざいこ stock; inventory N/A
財政 ざいせい [1] public finance [2] financial affairs; financial situation N/A
座談会 ざだんかい symposium; round-table discussion N/A
雑貨 ざっか miscellaneous goods; general goods; sundries N/A
ざつ [1] rough; crude; sloppy; messy [2] miscellaneous N/A
雑談 ざつだん chatting; idle talk N/A
座標 ざひょう coordinate; coordinates N/A
残金 ざんきん remaining money N/A
残酷 ざんこく cruel; brutal; ruthless; merciless; inhuman N/A
残高 ざんだか (bank) balance; remainder N/A
[1] death [2] (an) out [3] death penalty (by strangulation or decapitation; most severe of the five ritsuryō punishments) 912
10^24; septillion N/A
仕上がり しあがり finish; end; completion; result N/A
仕上げ しあげ finish; finishing; finishing touches N/A
仕上げる しあげる to finish up; to complete; to finish off; to get through; to polish off 3472
飼育 しいく breeding; raising; rearing; keeping N/A
強いて しいて by force N/A
強いる しいる to force; to compel; to coerce; to press; to impose 4796
仕入れる しいれる [1] to buy (stock, materials, etc.); to purchase; to lay in; to stock; to procure [2] to get; to obtain N/A
しお [1] tide; current [2] sea water [3] opportunity; chance N/A
歯科 しか dentistry N/A
資格 しかく qualifications; requirements; capabilities 1703
視覚 しかく (sense of) sight; eyesight; vision N/A
仕掛け しかけ [1] device; contrivance; mechanism; gadget [2] trick; trap; calculated manipulation; gambit [3] (small) scale; half finished 4657
仕掛ける しかける [1] to start; to begin; to commence [2] to challenge; to pick (a fight); to make (war); to draw (a reaction) from [3] to set (traps); to plant (explosives); to lay (mines) 4820
然しながら しかしながら however; nevertheless N/A
市街 しがい [1] urban areas; the streets; town; city [2] Shigai N/A
指揮 しき [1] command; direction; supervision [2] conducting (an orchestra, choir, etc.) 4494
式場 しきじょう ceremonial hall (e.g. wedding, funeral); hall for ceremonies; place of ceremony N/A
仕来り しきたり custom; convention; tradition; mores; conventional practice N/A
仕切る しきる [1] to partition; to divide; to mark off [2] to direct; to manage; to run; to organize; to take responsibility for [3] to settle accounts N/A
資金 しきん funds; capital 2134
しくじる [1] to fail; to blunder; to mess up; to screw up [2] to be dismissed; to be fired N/A
仕組み しくみ [1] structure; construction; arrangement; contrivance; mechanism; workings [2] plan; plot; contrivance 1919
死刑 しけい death penalty; capital punishment N/A
湿気る しける to get damp; to get moist; to get soggy; to become humid N/A
嗜好 しこう taste; liking; preference N/A
施行 しこう [1] putting in force (a law); putting into operation; putting into effect; enforcement [2] carrying out (a plan, policy, etc.); execution 3483
思考 しこう thought; consideration; thinking 3834
視察 しさつ inspection; observation N/A
資産 しさん property; fortune; means; assets 2983
刺繍 ししゅう embroidery N/A
指示 しじ [1] indication; denotation; designation [2] instructions; directions 1844
支持 しじ [1] support; backing; endorsement; approval [2] propping up; holding up; support 2959
システム system 1319
しずく drop (e.g. of water); drip N/A
沈める しずめる [1] to sink (e.g. a ship); to submerge [2] to lower (e.g. one's body into a chair) [3] to floor (an opponent) N/A
施設 しせつ [1] facility; facilities; institution; establishment [2] home (for the elderly, orphans, etc.) 1176
子息 しそく (another's) son N/A
慕う したう [1] to yearn for; to long for; to pine for; to miss; to love dearly; to adore [2] to follow (someone) [3] to idolize (for virtue, learning, status, etc.) N/A
下心 したごころ [1] secret intention; ulterior motive [2] kanji "heart" radical at bottom N/A
親しむ したしむ to be intimate with; to befriend N/A
下地 したじ [1] groundwork; foundation [2] inclination; aptitude; elementary knowledge (of); grounding (in) [3] undercoat; first coat N/A
認める したためる [1] to write (e.g. a letter); to draw up (a document); to take down (e.g. notes) [2] to have (lunch, dinner, etc.); to eat N/A
仕立てる したてる [1] to tailor; to make (clothing) [2] to train; to bring up [3] to make it seem like; to pass off N/A
下取り したどり trade-in; part exchange N/A
下火 したび burning low; waning; declining N/A
シック chic; stylish; smart N/A
質素 しっそ [1] simple; plain [2] modest; frugal; reserved N/A
失調 しっちょう [1] lack of harmony; lack of balance; lack of coordination; malfunction [2] ataxia N/A
嫉妬 しっと jealousy; envy N/A
しつ [1] room [2] wife (of someone of high rank) [3] scabbard N/A
質疑 しつぎ [1] question [2] interpellation N/A
仕付ける しつける [1] to be used to; to get accustomed to; to be in the habit of doing [2] to train; to discipline; to teach manners [3] to tack (in needlework); to baste N/A
指摘 してき pointing out; identification 1029
視点 してん [1] point of view; viewpoint; angle; perspective [2] visual point (position of the eye in calculations of optical instruments) 2209
萎びる しなびる to shrivel (e.g. cut vegetables, skin); to wilt; to fade; to wither; to be wizened N/A
しなやか [1] supple; flexible; elastic [2] graceful; elegant; refined N/A
シナリオ [1] script; screenplay [2] scenario N/A
し尿 しにょう excreta; raw sewage; human waste; night soil N/A
凌ぐ しのぐ [1] to endure; to keep out (e.g. rain); to stave off (e.g. starvation) [2] to pull through; to get over; to survive [3] to surpass; to outdo; to excel; to eclipse; to defy; to slight N/A
始発 しはつ [1] first departure (of the day); first train; first bus [2] departing from the starting station (of a bus, train, etc.) N/A
しば lawn; sod; turf N/A
渋い しぶい [1] astringent; bitter; puckery; rough; harsh; tart [2] austere; elegant (and unobtrusive); refined; quiet (and simple); sober; sombre; subdued; tasteful (in a quiet way); understated [3] sour (look); glum; grim; sullen; sulky N/A
私物 しぶつ private property; personal belongings; personal effects N/A
しぶとい tenacious; tough; enduring; dogged; headstrong; stubborn; obstinate; unyielding N/A
司法 しほう administration of justice; judicature N/A
志望 しぼう wish; desire; ambition; choice N/A
脂肪 しぼう fat; grease; blubber; lard; suet 3921
仕舞い しまい [1] end; close; finish; termination [2] noh dance in plain clothes N/A
始末 しまつ [1] management; dealing with; settlement; cleaning up; disposal [2] course of events; circumstances; particulars [3] end result (usu. bad); outcome 4455
染みる しみる [1] to pierce; to penetrate; to soak in; to permeate [2] to sting (wound or sensitive area, etc.); to smart; to twinge [3] to be infected (with vice); to be steeped (with prejudice); to be influenced N/A
使命 しめい [1] mission; errand [2] task; duty; obligation N/A
締め切り しめきり [1] deadline; closing; cut-off [2] closing (a door, window, etc.) [3] cofferdam N/A
しもべ servant; manservant; menial N/A
社交 しゃこう social life; social intercourse N/A
謝絶 しゃぜつ refusal; declining N/A
社宅 しゃたく [1] company housing; housing provided by one's company [2] Shataku 4726
吃逆 しゃっくり hiccup; hiccough N/A
三味線 しゃみせん shamisen; samisen; three-stringed Japanese lute 4651
斜面 しゃめん slope; slanting surface; bevel N/A
洒落 しゃらく free and easy; open-hearted; relaxed; not fussy; frank N/A
洒落る しゃれる [1] to dress stylishly [2] to joke; to play on words N/A
視野 しや [1] field of vision; view [2] one's outlook (e.g. on life); one's horizons 3733
しゅ [1] kind; variety [2] (biological) species [3] (logical) species 1670
しゅう [1] counter for laps or circuits [2] perimeter [3] Zhou dynasty (of China; approx. 1046-256 BCE); Chou dynasty N/A
しゅう [1] great numbers (of people); numerical superiority; masses [2] people; folk; clique; bunch N/A
修学 しゅうがく learning N/A
周期 しゅうき cycle; period N/A
衆議院 しゅうぎいん House of Representatives (lower house of the National Diet of Japan) N/A
就業 しゅうぎょう employment; starting work N/A
集計 しゅうけい totalization; totalisation; aggregation; tally (e.g. of votes); adding up; summing up N/A
襲撃 しゅうげき (surprise) attack; assault; raid; charge N/A
収支 しゅうし income and expenditure N/A
修士 しゅうし master's (degree) N/A
収集 しゅうしゅう [1] collecting; accumulating; gathering [2] collection (of art, stamps, insects, etc.) [3] garbage collection; waste collection 3987
修飾 しゅうしょく [1] ornamentation; embellishment; decoration; adornment [2] modification; qualification N/A
執着 しゅうちゃく attachment; adhesion; insistence; tenacity; fixation; obsession; clinging (e.g. to old customs) N/A
収容 しゅうよう [1] accommodation; taking in; receiving; housing; seating; admission (of patients, students, etc.) [2] imprisonment; detention; internment [3] containing (e.g. words in a dictionary); adding N/A
修了 しゅうりょう completion (of a course) N/A
守衛 しゅえい (security) guard; caretaker; janitor; doorkeeper; gatekeeper N/A
主演 しゅえん starring (in a film, play, etc.); playing the leading part N/A
主観 しゅかん [1] subjectivity; subject (philosophical); ego [2] one's personal opinion; one's own idea N/A
修行 しゅぎょう [1] training; practice; discipline; study [2] ascetic practices N/A
祝賀 しゅくが celebration; congratulations N/A
宿命 しゅくめい fate; destiny; predestination N/A
主権 しゅけん sovereignty; supremacy; dominion N/A
手芸 しゅげい handicrafts N/A
主催 しゅさい sponsorship (i.e. conducting under one's auspices); promotion; organizing; organising; hosting; staging 4553
取材 しゅざい gathering material (for an article, novel, etc.); collecting information; covering (an event, incident, etc.); reporting; interview (for a news story) 2535
趣旨 しゅし [1] meaning; point (e.g. of a statement); gist; effect [2] goal; intent; object; aim; point 2826
主食 しゅしょく staple food N/A
主人公 しゅじんこう [1] protagonist; main character; hero; heroine [2] head (of a household); proprietor (of a store) 2221
主体 しゅたい [1] main constituent; core; nucleus [2] subject 3449
主題 しゅだい subject; theme; motif N/A
出血 しゅっけつ [1] bleeding; haemorrhage; hemorrhage [2] bleeding money; red ink; selling below cost N/A
出産 しゅっさん [1] childbirth; (giving) birth; delivery; parturition [2] production (of goods) 2358
出社 しゅっしゃ going to work (e.g. in the morning); coming to work N/A
出生 しゅっしょう birth N/A
出世 しゅっせ success in life; getting ahead; successful career; promotion; climbing the corporate ladder; eminence N/A
出費 しゅっぴ expenses; disbursements N/A
出品 しゅっぴん exhibiting; showing; putting on display; putting up for sale; entering (a work into a competition); submitting 3122
出演 しゅつえん appearance (in a film, play, TV show, etc.); performance 2646
出題 しゅつだい [1] setting a question (for an exam, quiz, etc.) [2] setting a theme (for composition of poetry) N/A
出動 しゅつどう mobilization; going into action; being dispatched; being sent out; being called in; turning out N/A
主導 しゅどう leadership; initiative; spearhead N/A
主任 しゅにん person in charge; senior staff; manager; chief; head N/A
首脳 しゅのう [1] head; leader; top [2] important part N/A
守備 しゅび defense; defence N/A
手法 しゅほう technique; method 3605
私有 しゆう private ownership N/A
しょ various; many; several N/A
しょう illness; condition; -pathy N/A
しょう [1] quotient [2] business; merchant; dealer [3] second degree (of the Japanese and Chinese pentatonic scale) N/A
しょう form; shape; figure; appearance; phenomenon N/A
消去 しょうきょ [1] erasure; deletion; elimination; clearing [2] elimination (of variables) [3] extinction N/A
衝撃 しょうげき [1] impact; shock; impulse [2] (psychological) shock 3094
証言 しょうげん testimony; (verbal) evidence 3928
証拠 しょうこ evidence; proof 2233
詳細 しょうさい [1] details; particulars; specifics [2] detailed; specific; minute [3] close-up view (of a digitally displayed map); zoomed-in view 2175
昇進 しょうしん promotion; advancement; rising in rank N/A
少数 しょうすう small number; few; minority N/A
称する しょうする [1] to call; to name [2] to call oneself ...; to go by the name of ... [3] to purport (to be); to profess; to claim; to pretend; to feign 2957
消息 しょうそく [1] news (from someone); letter; contact [2] (someone's) whereabouts; (someone's) movements N/A
承諾 しょうだく consent; approval; acceptance; agreement; compliance N/A
象徴 しょうちょう symbol (of something abstract); emblem; (symbolic) representation 3355
小児科 しょうにか pediatrics N/A
証人 しょうにん witness N/A
照明 しょうめい illumination; lighting 4592
消耗 しょうもう exhaustion; consumption; using up; dissipation; waste N/A
勝利 しょうり victory; triumph; win; conquest; success 2832
奨励 しょうれい encouragement; promotion; inducement; incitement; stimulation N/A
職員 しょくいん staff member; employee; worker; personnel 2051
植民地 しょくみんち [1] colony [2] (Japanese) settlement (in Brazil) N/A
職務 しょくむ professional duties 4915
諸君 しょくん [1] you (people) [2] gentlemen; ladies and gentlemen; my friends; everyone N/A
所在 しょざい location (of); position; whereabouts; place where one is N/A
所持 しょじ possession; having (on one's person); carrying (with one) N/A
所属 しょぞく belonging to (a group, organization, etc.); affiliation (with); being attached to; being under the control of; serving (in the military, congress, etc.) 2566
処置 しょち [1] measure; step; dealing with [2] medical treatment N/A
ショック [1] shock (emotional) [2] shock (physical); impact; jolt [3] crisis (esp. financial); event that rattles the markets 1486
しょっちゅう always; all the time; constantly; frequently; often 2460
所得 しょとく income; earnings 3661
初版 しょはん first edition N/A
処罰 しょばつ punishment; penalty N/A
書評 しょひょう book review N/A
処分 しょぶん [1] disposal; throwing away; selling off [2] dealing with (a problem); measure [3] punishment; penalty 2610
庶民 しょみん common people; ordinary people; masses 4813
庶務 しょむ general affairs N/A
ショー [1] show; performance [2] show; exhibition; expo; fair; convention [3] TV show 4389
仕様 しよう [1] way; method; means; resource; remedy [2] (technical) specification 1471
私用 しよう [1] personal use; private use [2] private business; personal business N/A
使用人 しようにん employee; servant N/A
退く しりぞく [1] to step back; to move back; to retreat [2] to withdraw (from the presence of a superior); to leave; to exit [3] to resign; to retire; to quit N/A
退ける しりぞける [1] to refuse; to reject; to turn down; to dismiss [2] to repel; to repulse; to drive away; to beat off; to defeat [3] to make (someone) leave; to send away; to turn away N/A
記す しるす [1] to write down; to note down; to jot down; to take a note of [2] to mention; to describe; to give an account of [3] to inscribe; to mark; to brand 1882
指令 しれい order; directive; instructions; command N/A
しろ [1] substitution [2] material [3] price N/A
しわ [1] wrinkle; crease [2] ripple 4177
しん [1] new; neo- [2] newness; novelty [3] Gregorian calendar N/A
進化 しんか [1] evolution [2] evolution; becoming more advanced; progress; development; improvement 2584
殿 しんがり [1] rear; rear unit guard [2] anchor (man) N/A
審議 しんぎ deliberation; discussion; consideration 4514
進行 しんこう [1] moving forward (e.g. of a vehicle); onward movement [2] progress (of work, activities, etc.); advance; making headway [3] progression (of a disease, global warming, etc.) 2477
振興 しんこう [1] promotion; encouragement [2] Shinkou N/A
新興 しんこう [1] rising; developing; emergent; burgeoning; new [2] Shinkou N/A
申告 しんこく report; return (e.g. tax); statement; declaration; notification; filing N/A
新婚 しんこん newly-wed; newly married N/A
審査 しんさ judging; inspection; examination; investigation; review 3740
紳士 しんし gentleman N/A
進出 しんしゅつ [1] advance (into a new market, industry, etc.); expansion (into); launch (into); entering; making inroads (into) [2] advance (to the next round of a competition) 3544
真実 しんじつ [1] truth; reality [2] truly; really [3] absolute truth 2874
真珠 しんじゅ pearl N/A
心中 しんじゅう [1] double suicide; lovers' suicide [2] group suicide; family suicide N/A
心情 しんじょう sentiment; emotions; one's feelings; one's heart N/A
神聖 しんせい holiness; sacredness; sanctity; dignity N/A
親善 しんぜん friendship; goodwill; friendly relations; amity N/A
真相 しんそう truth; real situation N/A
新築 しんちく new building; new construction N/A
進呈 しんてい presentation (e.g. of a gift) N/A
進展 しんてん progress; development 2858
神殿 しんでん temple; shrine; sanctuary N/A
進度 しんど progress N/A
新入生 しんにゅうせい new student; freshman; first-year student N/A
信任 しんにん trust; confidence; credence N/A
辛抱 しんぼう patience; endurance; perseverance N/A
真理 しんり truth N/A
侵略 しんりゃく invasion (e.g. of a country); raid; aggression N/A
診療 しんりょう diagnosis and treatment; medical care N/A
進路 しんろ [1] route; course; path [2] one's future course (e.g. after graduating high school) N/A
シート seat 4797
[1] next [2] hypo- (i.e. containing an element with low valence) [3] order; sequence; time; times N/A
自覚 じかく self-consciousness; self-awareness 2833
地方 じかた [1] person in charge of music (in a Japanese dance performance) [2] person singing ballads (in noh) [3] coast (esp. as seen from the water); shore N/A
自我 じが [1] ego [2] self [3] ego N/A
磁気 じき magnetism N/A
磁器 じき porcelain; china; chinaware N/A
事業 じぎょう [1] business; enterprise; venture; (commercial) activity; (business) operation; industry [2] (social) project; undertaking; enterprise; work; activity; program; service 1181
じく [1] axis; shaft; axle [2] center; centre; focal point; key point [3] stalk; stem 4772
自己 じこ self; oneself 2253
事項 じこう matter; item; facts 2039
時刻表 じこくひょう timetable; schedule N/A
地獄 じごく [1] hell realm; Naraka [2] Hell [3] hell; misery; nightmare; inferno 4083
時差 じさ time difference N/A
自在 じざい [1] being able to do as one pleases; doing at will [2] pothook N/A
自主 じしゅ independence; autonomy; self-reliance N/A
自首 じしゅ surrender (to the authorities); giving oneself up; turning oneself in N/A
辞職 じしょく resignation N/A
自信 じしん self-confidence; confidence (in oneself) 1213
事前 じぜん prior; beforehand; in advance; before the fact; ex ante 2476
自尊心 じそんしん self-esteem; self-respect; self-importance; conceit; pride N/A
持続 じぞく continuation; persisting; lasting; sustaining; enduring N/A
字体 じたい [1] form of a character (e.g. simplified, traditional) [2] type; typeface; font N/A
じっくり (slowly and) carefully; without haste; thoroughly; deliberately; closely; meticulously 3427
実質 じっしつ [1] substance; essence [2] substantive; substantial; essential; real (e.g. interest rate) [3] in essence; in effect; essentially; effectively; practically N/A
実践 じっせん [1] practice; putting into practice; implementation [2] praxis 2927
実態 じったい true state; actual condition; reality 2350
実費 じっぴ [1] actual expenses; out-of-pocket expenses [2] cost price N/A
10分 じっぷん ten minutes 1624
じつ [1] truth; reality [2] sincerity; honesty; fidelity [3] content; substance 377
実業家 じつぎょうか businessperson; businessman; businesswoman; entrepreneur; captain of industry N/A
実情 じつじょう real condition; actual circumstances; actual state of affairs 3936
自転 じてん [1] rotation (on an axis) [2] rotation (under its own power) N/A
自動詞 じどうし intransitive verb N/A
地主 じぬし landowner; landlord; landlady N/A
耳鼻科 じびか otolaryngology; ear, nose, and throat department N/A
地元 じもと [1] home area; home town [2] local 1046
じゃく [1] a little less than; a little under; slightly fewer than [2] weakness; the weak; low (setting) [3] -lower (seismic intensity) N/A
ジャズ jazz 4073
若干 じゃっかん [1] some; few; a number of; a little (bit) [2] somewhat; to a certain extent [3] many; a lot 1980
砂利 じゃり [1] gravel; ballast; pebbles [2] child; rugrat; ankle-biter N/A
ジャンパー [1] (short) jacket; blouson; windbreaker; jumper [2] ski jumper; jumping event athlete [3] jumper lead; jumper wire N/A
ジャンプ [1] jump [2] jumping event (skiing, track and field) [3] jumping (to another page after clicking a hyperlink) N/A
ジャンボ [1] jumbo; jumbo-sized [2] jumbo jet N/A
ジャンル genre; category; kind 3376
じゅう dwelling; living N/A
従業員 じゅうぎょういん employee; worker 2996
従事 じゅうじ engaging in (work); pursuing (e.g. studies); following (a profession); being involved in 3903
充実 じゅうじつ [1] fullness; completeness; perfection; substantiality [2] enhancement; improvement; enrichment; upgrading [3] replenishment; repletion 1347
十字路 じゅうじろ [1] crossroads; intersection [2] Juujiro N/A
柔軟 じゅうなん [1] flexible; lithe; soft; pliable [2] calisthenics N/A
従来 じゅうらい [1] up to now; so far [2] traditional; conventional; usual; existing 1361
じゅく cram school; private tutoring school; juku 2040
樹木 じゅもく [1] tree; trees and shrubs [2] Jumoku N/A
樹立 じゅりつ establishment; founding; setting (a record) N/A
準急 じゅんきゅう semi-express train; local express train; sub-express train N/A
準ずる じゅんずる [1] to follow (a rule, precedent, etc.); to conform to (the law, standards, etc.); to be based on; to apply correspondingly [2] to be proportionate to [3] to correspond to; to be equivalent to; to be treated in the same way as N/A
じょ help; rescue; assistant N/A
じょう [1] form; shape; appearance [2] state; condition; circumstances [3] letter; correspondence N/A
じょう [1] feelings; emotion; sentiment [2] compassion; sympathy [3] passion; affection; love N/A
じょう [1] inspector (third highest of the four administrative ranks of the ritsuryō system) [2] old man [3] white ash (of charcoal) N/A
じょう tatami mat (esp. as a measure of room size, either 1.82 sqm or 1.54 sqm) N/A
じょう [1] unmarried woman [2] Miss [3] -ess; -ette N/A
上位 じょうい [1] superior (in rank); top; ranking [2] higher order (e.g. byte) [3] host computer (of connected device) 4789
城下 じょうか [1] land near a castle [2] castle town N/A
上空 じょうくう sky; the skies; high-altitude sky; upper air N/A
上司 じょうし [1] (one's) superior; (one's) boss; the higher-ups [2] Joushi 1730
上昇 じょうしょう rising; ascending; climbing 1777
情勢 じょうせい state of things; state of affairs; situation; conditions; circumstances N/A
情緒 じょうちょ [1] emotion; feeling [2] atmosphere; mood; spirit N/A
情熱 じょうねつ passion; enthusiasm; zeal 4293
譲歩 じょうほ concession; conciliation; compromise N/A
条約 じょうやく treaty; pact; convention; agreement 4507
上陸 じょうりく [1] landing; going ashore; disembarkation [2] making landfall (of a typhoon); striking land; hitting land N/A
蒸留 じょうりゅう distillation N/A
除外 じょがい exception; exclusion N/A
助言 じょげん advice; counsel; suggestion; tip; hint N/A
徐行 じょこう going slowly (esp. to enable a vehicle to stop immediately); going at a reduced speed; slowing down; reducing speed N/A
女子 じょし woman; girl 2510
女史 じょし [1] lady (of high social status; e.g. scholar, artist, critic, politician) [2] Ms; Mrs; Miss N/A
助詞 じょし particle; postpositional word in Japanese grammar that functions as an auxiliary to a main word N/A
自立 じりつ independence; self-reliance 3569
じん [1] -ian (e.g. Italian); -ite (e.g. Tokyoite) [2] -er (e.g. performer, etc.); person working with ... [3] man; person; people N/A
人格 じんかく personality; character; individuality; personhood 4762
人材 じんざい [1] capable person; talented person [2] human resources; personnel 3560
迅速 じんそく quick; fast; rapid; swift; prompt; streamlined; expedited; expeditious 4703
人民 じんみん the people; citizens; the populace N/A
水源 すいげん [1] source of river; fountainhead [2] Suigen N/A
推進 すいしん [1] propulsion; drive [2] promotion (of a policy, project, movement, etc.); furtherance; advancement; pushing forward 965
水洗 すいせん washing with water; rinsing; flushing N/A
吹奏 すいそう playing (a wind instrument); blowing N/A
推測 すいそく guess; conjecture 3747
水田 すいでん (water-filled) paddy field N/A
推理 すいり [1] reasoning; inference; deduction [2] mystery genre; detective genre N/A
数詞 すうし numeral N/A
崇拝 すうはい worship; adoration; admiration; cult N/A
据え付ける すえつける to install; to equip; to mount N/A
据える すえる [1] to place (in position); to fix; to set (e.g. table); to lay (foundation) [2] to install; to seat (someone) [3] to settle (upon something); to fix (e.g. one's gaze) 4803
清々しい すがすがしい refreshing (e.g. feeling, scene, wind, morning air); brisk; bracing; fresh; refreshed N/A
過ぎ すぎ [1] past; after [2] too (much); over- (e.g. eating) N/A
救い すくい [1] help; rescue; aid; relief [2] salvation; solace; (source of) comfort; saving grace [3] (religious) salvation; (Christian) grace N/A
掬う すくう to scoop; to ladle out N/A
直ぐ すぐ [1] immediately; at once; right away; directly [2] soon; before long; shortly [3] easily; readily; without difficulty 221
健やか すこやか vigorous; healthy; sound N/A
濯ぐ すすぐ [1] to rinse; to wash out [2] to have one's revenge; to wipe out a disgrace N/A
進み すすみ progress N/A
勧め すすめ recommendation; advice; suggestion; encouragement N/A
すそ [1] hem; (trouser) cuff; shirttail; bottom (of a kimono); train (of a dress) [2] bottom part; bottom edge [3] foot (of a mountain) N/A
スタジオ studio 4350
廃れる すたれる [1] to go out of use; to become obsolete; to die out; to go out of fashion; to go out of style [2] to decline (e.g. of morals); to be lost; to go into decline (of a town, business, etc.) N/A
スチーム steam N/A
ストライキ strike (i.e. industrial action) N/A
ストレス stress 1148
ストロボ [1] stroboscope; strobe lamp; stroboscopic lamp [2] (camera) flash N/A
ストロー [1] drinking straw [2] straw N/A
すばしっこい [1] quick; nimble; agile [2] sharp; shrewd; smart; quick-witted N/A
素早い すばやい [1] quick; swift; nimble; agile [2] quick (understanding, judgement, etc.); alert; prompt 3423
スピード speed 1975
スプリング [1] (coil) spring [2] spring (season) [3] light overcoat (worn in spring and autumn); topcoat N/A
スペース [1] space; room [2] space (between letters, words, etc.) [3] space (piece of type) 2662
スポーツカー sports car N/A
済ます すます [1] to finish; to get it over with; to conclude [2] to settle; to pay back [3] to get along (without something); to make do with (without) N/A
澄ます すます [1] to clear; to make clear [2] to be unruffled; to look unconcerned; to feign indifference [3] to look demure; to look prim; to put on airs N/A
スラックス slacks N/A
刷り すり printing N/A
すれ違い すれちがい [1] passing each other [2] missing (meeting) each other; failing to meet [3] (being at) cross purposes; discrepancy; disagreement N/A
擦れる すれる [1] to rub; to chafe [2] to wear out; to become worn [3] to lose one's innocence; to become sly N/A
すんなり [1] slim; slender; lithe; supple [2] smoothly; without resistance; without trouble; without difficulty; without dissent; easily; readily N/A
ズバリ [1] decisively; decidedly; boldly; once and for all; unreservedly; frankly [2] precisely; exactly N/A
ずぶ濡れ ずぶぬれ dripping wet; soaked; drenched N/A
ずらっと in a line; in a row N/A
ずるずる [1] (dragging a large or heavy item) slowly [2] (falling) little by little; (slipping) gradually; (drawing back) slowly; with a slither [3] on and on; while putting off; slovenly; interminably N/A
ずれ [1] gap; lag; slippage [2] difference; discrepancy [3] shear (e.g. shear stress) N/A
ずれる to slide; to slip off; to get dislocated; to be out of alignment; to get dislodged; to deviate; to shift (position); to be out of sync; to be slightly off; to be off-point 4008
せい system; organization; organisation; imperial command; laws; regulation; control; government; suppression; restraint; holding back; establishment 703
せい make; manufacture; -made; made of ...; made in ... N/A
成果 せいか (good) result; outcome; fruits (of one's labors); product; accomplishment 1964
正解 せいかい [1] correct answer; right solution; correct interpretation [2] right decision; right choice; appropriate judgement 4632
正規 せいき regular; normal; formal; legal; established; legitimate N/A
正義 せいぎ [1] justice; right; righteousness [2] correct meaning; correct explanation 4776
生計 せいけい livelihood; living N/A
政権 せいけん (political) administration; political power N/A
精巧 せいこう elaborate; delicate; exquisite N/A
政策 せいさく political measures; policy 2424
清算 せいさん [1] (financial) settlement; squaring accounts; clearing debts [2] liquidation [3] ending (a relationship); breaking up (with); burying (the past); redeeming (one's faults) N/A
星座 せいざ [1] constellation [2] astrological sign; star sign; zodiac sign N/A
青春 せいしゅん youth; adolescence; springtime of life N/A
聖書 せいしょ Bible; the Scriptures; Holy Writ 3034
誠実 せいじつ sincere; honest; faithful N/A
成熟 せいじゅく maturity; ripeness N/A
清純 せいじゅん purity; innocence N/A
正常 せいじょう normal; regular 4067
制する せいする [1] to hold back (e.g. emotions); to rein in (e.g. a horse, unruly people); to bridle [2] to get the better of [3] to control; to command N/A
整然 せいぜん orderly; regular; systematic; well-organized; well-organised; trim; tidy; accurate N/A
盛装 せいそう dressing up in fine clothes; splendid clothes; one's best clothes N/A
盛大 せいだい [1] grand; magnificent; lavish; large scale; prosperous; thriving; lively [2] forceful; powerful; vigorous N/A
清濁 せいだく [1] good and evil; purity and impurity [2] voiced and unvoiced consonants N/A
制定 せいてい enactment; establishment; creation 3258
静的 せいてき static N/A
製鉄 せいてつ iron manufacture N/A
晴天 せいてん fine weather (i.e. little or no clouds); fair weather; clear weather; clear sky; fair skies N/A
正当 せいとう just; justifiable; right; due; proper; equitable; reasonable; legitimate; legal; lawful N/A
成年 せいねん adult age; majority N/A
征服 せいふく [1] conquest; subjugation [2] overcoming (a difficulty); conquering (e.g. a mountain); mastery (of a skill) N/A
制服 せいふく uniform 4530
製法 せいほう manufacturing method; recipe; formula N/A
精密 せいみつ precise; exact; detailed; accurate; minute; close N/A
姓名 せいめい (full) name; family name and given name N/A
声明 せいめい declaration; statement; proclamation N/A
制約 せいやく limitation; restriction; condition; constraints 4033
生理 せいり [1] physiology [2] menstruation; one's period N/A
勢力 せいりょく influence; power; might; strength; potency; force; energy 4470
整列 せいれつ standing in a row; forming a line; alignment N/A
急かす せかす to hurry (up); to urge on; to press; to rush N/A
せがれ [1] son [2] punk; brat [3] penis N/A
責務 せきむ duty; obligation N/A
セクション section N/A
世辞 せじ flattery; compliment N/A
世帯 せたい household; home; family; housekeeping 4754
世代 せだい generation 1952
切開 せっかい incision; operation; section N/A
セックス [1] sex; sexual intercourse [2] (one's) sex; gender 3538
接触 せっしょく touch; contact; touching 3754
設置 せっち [1] establishment; institution [2] installation (of a machine or equipment) 1199
折衷 せっちゅう compromise; cross; blending; eclecticism N/A
設定 せってい [1] establishment; creation; posing (a problem); setting (movie, novel, etc.); scene [2] options setting; preference settings; configuration; setup 854
説得 せっとく persuasion 3344
せつ [1] occasion; time [2] section (of a literary work or piece of music); passage; paragraph; verse; stanza [3] clause N/A
接続詞 せつぞくし conjunction N/A
切ない せつない [1] painful; heartrending; trying [2] oppressive; suffocating; miserable N/A
設立 せつりつ [1] establishment; founding [2] incorporation (of a business) 2152
攻め せめ [1] attack; offence; offense; assault [2] top (dominant partner of a homosexual relationship) [3] barrage (of); flood (of) N/A
セレモニー ceremony N/A
せん [1] hermit; wizard [2] wizardry N/A
繊維 せんい fibre; fiber N/A
選挙 せんきょ election 2708
宣教 せんきょう religious mission; religious proclamation N/A
宣言 せんげん declaration; proclamation; announcement 3510
先行 せんこう [1] going ahead; going first [2] preceding; coming before; being ahead (e.g. of the times); occurring first; happening prior [3] scoring first; getting off to a lead N/A
選考 せんこう selection; choice; screening N/A
戦災 せんさい war damage N/A
専修 せんしゅう specialization; specialisation N/A
センス taste (in fashion, music, etc.); sense (e.g. of humour); flair 4746
潜水 せんすい diving; submerging; going underwater N/A
先代 せんだい [1] previous generation (of a family); previous head of the family; one's (late) father [2] predecessor [3] previous age; previous generation N/A
先だって せんだって the other day; some time ago; recently N/A
先着 せんちゃく arriving first N/A
先天的 せんてんてき [1] inborn; innate; inherent; congenital; hereditary [2] a priori N/A
戦闘 せんとう battle; fight; combat N/A
潜入 せんにゅう infiltration; sneaking in; going undercover N/A
船舶 せんぱく vessel; ship; shipping; seacraft N/A
専用 せんよう [1] (one's) exclusive use; private use; personal use [2] dedicated use; use for a particular purpose [3] exclusive use (of particular products); using only (e.g. a certain brand); using solely N/A
占領 せんりょう [1] occupying; having (an area) all to oneself [2] military occupation; possession; capture; seizure N/A
戦力 せんりょく [1] war potential; military strength; fighting power [2] ability (to compete); capabilities; valuable asset N/A
セール [1] sale [2] Sale (Australia); Sayle; Serre; Serres N/A
税務署 ぜいむしょ tax office N/A
是正 ぜせい correction; revision; redressing; rectifying N/A
絶版 ぜっぱん out of print N/A
絶望 ぜつぼう despair; hopelessness N/A
ゼリー [1] jello; jelly; gelatin dessert [2] gel; jelly N/A
ぜん [1] last (i.e. immediately preceding); previous; ex-; former [2] pre- (e.g. premodern) [3] before N/A
ぜん [1] dhyana (profound meditation) [2] Zen (Buddhism) N/A
ぜん [1] small dining table (usu. for a single person); serving tray (with legs) [2] meal; food; serving [3] counter for bowlfuls of rice N/A
全快 ぜんかい complete recovery of health N/A
全盛 ぜんせい height of prosperity N/A
前提 ぜんてい [1] condition; assumption; prerequisite; hypothesis [2] intention; intent; aim; goal [3] premise 1800
全滅 ぜんめつ [1] total destruction; complete destruction; annihilation; being wiped out [2] total defeat; complete failure N/A
善良 ぜんりょう good (person, nature, etc.); good-natured; virtuous; honest N/A
前例 ぜんれい precedent N/A
沿う そう [1] to run along; to run beside; to stick to (a line) [2] to follow (a policy, plan, etc.); to act in accordance with; to align with [3] to meet (wishes, expectations, etc.); to satisfy; to comply with; to live up to 2097
添う そう [1] to meet (wishes, expectations, etc.); to satisfy; to comply with; to live up to [2] to accompany; to go with; to stay by one's side [3] to associate with (someone); to mix with N/A
そう [1] monk; priest [2] sangha (the Buddhist community) N/A
そう whole; total; gross; entire; overall; general (election, manager, etc.) N/A
相応 そうおう [1] suitable; appropriate; befitting; becoming; adequate; reasonable; proper [2] conjoining; association; samprayukta N/A
総会 そうかい general meeting N/A
早急 そうきゅう immediate; prompt; quick; rapid; urgent; pressing N/A
総合 そうごう [1] synthesis; combination; integration; putting together [2] general; combined; composite; mixed; integrated; comprehensive [3] synthesis; colligation N/A
捜査 そうさ search (esp. in criminal investigations); investigation; inquiry; enquiry 3775
捜索 そうさく [1] search (esp. for someone or something missing); manhunt [2] legally authorized search of a person, building, etc. N/A
装飾 そうしょく ornament; decoration N/A
創造 そうぞう [1] creation [2] Creation (by God) 4251
壮大 そうだい magnificent; grand; majestic; splendid N/A
騒動 そうどう [1] riot; rebellion; turmoil; strife [2] (media) uproar; brouhaha; (public) outcry; scandal; controversy [3] feud; tussle; quarrel; dispute N/A
遭難 そうなん (meeting with) disaster; (having an) accident; mishap; shipwreck; distress N/A
相場 そうば [1] market price [2] speculation (e.g. on stocks) [3] reputation (according to conventional wisdom); estimation; esteem N/A
装備 そうび equipment N/A
創立 そうりつ establishment; founding; organization; organisation N/A
添える そえる [1] to garnish; to accompany (as a card does a gift) [2] to add to as support; to prop up [3] to accompany (as an aid, guide, translator, etc.) 2780
即座に そくざに immediately; right away; on the spot N/A
促進 そくしん promotion; acceleration; encouragement; facilitation; spurring on 1889
即する そくする to conform to; to agree with; to be adapted to; to be based on N/A
側面 そくめん [1] side; flank; profile; sidelight; lateral [2] aspect; dimension 3083
損なう そこなう [1] to harm; to hurt; to injure; to damage; to spoil; to mar; to ruin [2] to fail to do; to do amiss; to miss one's opportunity to do [3] to almost do; to come close to doing N/A
其処ら そこら [1] around there; that area [2] that; that matter; that point [3] about that much; approximately that amount; thereabouts; (or) so N/A
素材 そざい [1] ingredient; (raw) material; resource [2] unprocessed timber; raw timber [3] subject matter; topic 2151
阻止 そし obstruction; prevention; hindrance; check; blocking; stopping N/A
訴訟 そしょう lawsuit; suit; (legal) action; litigation 4426
育ち そだち [1] growth; breeding [2] growing up (in, as); upbringing N/A
措置 そち measure; step; action 1922
ソックス socks N/A
素っ気ない そっけない cold; short; curt; blunt N/A
外方 そっぽ the other way N/A
備え付ける そなえつける to provide; to furnish; to equip; to install N/A
備わる そなわる [1] to be furnished with; to be provided with; to be equipped with [2] to be possessed of; to be endowed with; to be gifted with [3] to be among; to be one of N/A
その [1] garden; orchard; park [2] place; world; environment N/A
聳える そびえる to rise (of a building, mountain, etc.); to tower; to soar N/A
素朴 そぼく simple; artless; naive; unsophisticated N/A
染まる そまる [1] to be dyed [2] to be tainted; to be infected; to be stained; to be steeped N/A
背く そむく to run counter to; to go against; to disobey; to infringe N/A
染める そめる to dye; to colour; to color 4095
逸らす そらす [1] to turn away (one's eyes, face, etc.); to avert; to divert (e.g. one's attention); to evade (e.g. a question); to change (e.g. the subject) [2] to displease; to annoy; to offend; to upset [3] to miss (the target, ball, etc.) N/A
反り そり [1] warp; curvature; bend; arch [2] curve (of a sword) N/A
それ故 それゆえ therefore; for that reason; so; because of that 4263
ソロ [1] solo [2] Solo N/A
揃い そろい [1] set; suit; uniform collection; matching items [2] entirely; all; every one; nothing but N/A
損失 そんしつ loss (of assets, profit, etc.) N/A
ソース [1] sauce [2] Worcestershire sauce 3062
沿い ぞい along (a river, coast, railway, etc.); on (e.g. a street) N/A
ぞう [1] image; figure; statue; picture; portrait [2] figure; form; shape; appearance [3] image 4508
雑木 ぞうき various kinds of small trees; assorted trees N/A
蔵相 ぞうしょう Minister of Finance N/A
増進 ぞうしん promoting; increase; advance N/A
ぞんざい rough; careless; slovenly; slipshod; rude; impolite N/A


Kanji Reading Meaning Frequency
他意 たい other intention; hidden purpose; ulterior motive; ill will; malice N/A
対応 たいおう [1] correspondence (to); equivalence [2] suitability; coordination; matching; being appropriate (for) [3] dealing with; coping with; handling; response; reception; reaction 572
体格 たいかく build; physique; frame; constitution N/A
大概 たいがい [1] generally; mainly; usually; normally; mostly; for the most part [2] nearly all; almost all; most [3] gist; summary; outline; main idea 4922
退学 たいがく [1] dropping out of school; withdrawal from school [2] expulsion from school; dismissal [3] leaving school (university, etc.) after completing a course N/A
大金 たいきん large amount of money; great cost N/A
待遇 たいぐう [1] treatment; reception; service [2] working conditions; salary; pay; remuneration N/A
体験 たいけん (practical) experience; personal experience; hands-on experience; first-hand experience 889
対抗 たいこう opposition; rivalry; competition; antagonism 4598
対して たいして for; in regard to; per N/A
大衆 たいしゅう general public; the masses N/A
対処 たいしょ dealing with; coping with 2305
退職 たいしょく retirement; resignation 3159
退治 たいじ [1] extermination; elimination; eradication; destruction; suppression; subjugation; getting rid of; stamping out; wiping out; rooting out [2] renouncing worldly desires (in order to concentrate on Buddhist teachings) [3] curing (an illness) N/A
態勢 たいせい attitude; posture; preparedness; readiness N/A
対談 たいだん talk; dialogue; conversation N/A
タイトル title 335
滞納 たいのう falling behind (with a payment); being in arrears; non-payment; default; delinquency N/A
対比 たいひ contrast; comparison N/A
タイピスト typist N/A
大部 たいぶ [1] lengthy (of a book, etc.); voluminous [2] most (e.g. most part); greater; fairly; a good deal; much N/A
対辺 たいへん opposite side N/A
待望 たいぼう [1] waiting expectantly; waiting eagerly; looking forward to [2] long-awaited N/A
怠慢 たいまん negligence; neglect; carelessness; procrastination N/A
タイマー [1] timer; time switch [2] stopwatch [3] time keeper N/A
タイミング timing 3152
タイム [1] time (for, to do) [2] time (to finish a race, lap, etc.) [3] time-out N/A
タイムリー [1] timely; well-timed [2] clutch hit; run-scoring hit; RBI hit N/A
対面 たいめん [1] meeting face-to-face; seeing in person [2] facing (each other); opposing (traffic, etc.); confronting N/A
タイヤ tire; tyre 4649
体力 たいりょく [1] physical strength; power; stamina; endurance; vigor; resistance to disease [2] strength (of a business, economy, etc.) 1860
タイル tile N/A
対話 たいわ dialogue; conversation; talk; discussion; communication 4384
絶える たえる [1] to die out; to peter out; to become extinct [2] to cease; to be stopped; to be discontinued; to be cut off 2533
たか quantity; amount; volume; number; amount of money N/A
高まる たかまる to rise; to swell; to be promoted 1955
焚き火 たきび [1] open-air fire (e.g. for garden refuse); bonfire [2] open fire (e.g. in a kitchen) N/A
逞しい たくましい [1] burly; strong; sturdy [2] indomitable; indefatigable; strong-willed; resolute; bold [3] robust (vitality, appetite, economic growth, etc.); strong N/A
巧み たくみ [1] skillful; adroit; dexterous; masterful; clever; ingenious; cunning [2] craft; craftsmanship; skill; dexterity; design [3] plot; scheme; artifice; trick N/A
類い たぐい [1] kind; sort; type [2] equal; match; peer 4759
たけ [1] height; stature [2] length (esp. of clothing) [3] all (one has); everything N/A
多数決 たすうけつ majority decision; majority vote; majority rule N/A
助け たすけ assistance; help; aid; support; reinforcement 3712
携わる たずさわる to engage in; to participate in; to take part in; to be involved in 3167
漂う ただよう [1] to drift; to float [2] to waft (e.g. a scent); to hang in the air [3] to be in the air (e.g. a feeling or mood) 2844
立方 たちかた [1] way of standing [2] dancer (in a Japanese dance performance) N/A
立ち寄る たちよる to drop in (at); to drop by; to call at; to stop by; to stop off; to stop in N/A
達者 たっしゃ [1] in good health; healthy; well; fit; robust; strong [2] skilled; proficient; adept [3] master; expert N/A
達成 たっせい achievement; attainment; accomplishment; realization 2359
断つ たつ [1] to sever; to cut off [2] to suppress; to eradicate; to exterminate [3] to abstain (from); to give up N/A
建前 たてまえ [1] face; official stance; public position or attitude (as opposed to private thoughts) [2] ceremony for the erection of the framework of a house N/A
奉る たてまつる [1] to offer; to present [2] to set someone up in a high position; to revere at a distance [3] to do respectfully N/A
仮令 たとえ even if; no matter (what); if; though; although; supposing; supposing that; -ever N/A
他動詞 たどうし transitive verb N/A
たどり着く たどりつく to (finally) arrive at; to reach (at last); to (manage to) get to; to find one's way to 3133
辿る たどる [1] to follow (a road, path, etc.); to trace [2] to follow (a clue, scent, tracks, plot, etc.); to trace (a route, history, family tree, etc.); to retrace (e.g. one's memory); to search; to go over [3] to head towards (of a situation); to go in the direction of; to take (a course); to pursue (a path); to meet (a fate) 2852
頼み たのみ [1] request; favor; favour [2] reliance; dependence; trust; hope N/A
他方 たほう [1] one (esp. of two); the other; one way; the other way; one direction; the other direction; one side; the other side; one party; the other party [2] on the other hand 3455
給う たまう [1] to give [2] to do ... N/A
溜まり たまり [1] pile; pool; collection [2] gathering spot [3] waiting place for a wrestler beside the ring N/A
賜る たまわる [1] to be given; to be granted; to be honored with; to be honoured with [2] to give; to bestow; to confer; to honor; to honour N/A
ためし precedent; example N/A
保つ たもつ [1] to keep; to preserve; to hold; to retain; to maintain; to sustain [2] to last; to endure; to keep well (food); to wear well; to be durable 1752
容易い たやすい easy; simple; light N/A
多様 たよう diverse; varied 3014
弛み たるみ [1] slack; slackening; sagginess; flabbiness (skin, etc.) [2] dullness; letdown; depression; ennui N/A
弛む たるむ [1] to slacken; to loosen; to relax; to droop (e.g. loose or flabby skin); to sag (ceiling) [2] to slack off (e.g. one's work, attention); to not put one's heart in N/A
垂れる たれる [1] to hang; to droop; to dangle; to sag; to lower; to pull down [2] to give (e.g. lesson, instruction, scolding) (to someone of lower status); to confer; to grant; to bestow [3] to drip; to ooze; to trickle; to drop N/A
タレント [1] (TV or radio) entertainer; television personality; radio personality [2] talent; skill [3] talent (ancient unit of weight and currency) 4844
タワー tower N/A
たん [1] variable measure of fabric (28.8 cm in width); for kimonos: at least 10 m in length; for haori: at least 7.27 m in length; for other clothes: at least 6.06 m in length [2] 300 tsubo (991.74 meters square, 0.24506 acres) [3] six ken (10.91 m) N/A
たん [1] sigh [2] grief; lamentation N/A
単一 たんいつ single; simple; sole; individual; unitary N/A
担架 たんか stretcher; litter; gurney N/A
短歌 たんか tanka; 31-mora Japanese poem N/A
短気 たんき short temper; quick temper; hot temper; impatience; irritability N/A
探検 たんけん exploration; expedition N/A
短縮 たんしゅく shortening; contraction; reduction; curtailment; abbreviation N/A
炭素 たんそ carbon (C) N/A
短大 たんだい junior college; vocationally oriented two or three year post-secondary education institution N/A
単調 たんちょう [1] monotony; monotone; dullness [2] monotone; monotonic N/A
単独 たんどく [1] sole; single; solo [2] independence; singleness; singularity N/A
短波 たんぱ short wave N/A
タンパク質 たんぱくしつ protein 3501
だい prefix for forming ordinal numbers N/A
第一 だいいち [1] first; foremost; number one [2] most important [3] best; greatest; most 947
大胆 だいたん bold; daring; audacious N/A
台無し だいなし spoiled; spoilt; ruined; wasted (chance, etc.); messed up; destroyed; (coming to) nothing N/A
大便 だいべん feces; faeces; excrement; stool N/A
台本 だいほん script; libretto; scenario N/A
代用 だいよう substitution N/A
ダウン [1] fall; decrease; drop; going down [2] knocking down; flooring; being knocked down; being floored [3] being out of action (due to illness, exhaustion, etc.); being down (e.g. with a cold); being knocked out (from alcohol); being out of it; collapsing N/A
妥協 だきょう compromise; giving in N/A
だけ [1] only; just; merely; simply; no more than; nothing but; alone [2] as much as; to the extent of; enough to N/A
妥結 だけつ settlement; an agreement N/A
打撃 だげき [1] blow; shock; strike; damage [2] batting N/A
駄作 ださく poor piece of work; rubbish; trash N/A
脱出 だっしゅつ [1] escape; getting away (from); getting out (of) [2] prolapse; proptosis 3989
脱する だっする to escape from; to get out N/A
脱退 だったい withdrawal (e.g. from an organization); secession; leaving; pulling out N/A
だぶだぶ [1] loose (of clothing); baggy [2] flabby; saggy [3] sloshing; slopping; overflowing N/A
ダブる [1] to be duplicated; to be repeated [2] to overlap; to fall together (of dates, etc.); to coincide [3] to repeat (a failed course, school year, etc.) N/A
だらけ [1] full of (e.g. mistakes); riddled with [2] covered all over with (blood, mud, etc.) N/A
怠い だるい [1] sluggish; languid; listless; heavy (heart, legs, etc.); dull [2] bothersome; tiresome; pain-in-the-ass N/A
だん [1] platform; podium; rostrum; pulpit [2] (ceremonial) mound [3] world (of haiku, art, etc.); (literary) circles N/A
団結 だんけつ unity; union; solidarity; combination; banding together; teaming up N/A
断言 だんげん assertion; declaration; affirmation N/A
断然 だんぜん [1] firmly; flatly; resolutely; decisively; absolutely; definitely [2] definitely (wrong, different, etc.); absolutely [3] by far; far and away; by a long shot; hands down N/A
旦那 だんな [1] master (of a house, shop, etc.) [2] husband [3] sir; boss; master; governor 1577
ダンプ [1] dump [2] dump truck N/A
断面 だんめん section; cross section; profile N/A
弾力 だんりょく elasticity; flexibility N/A
ダース dozen N/A
治安 ちあん public order; public peace; public security; law and order N/A
チェンジ [1] change; changing [2] exchange (e.g. of goods) [3] change of sides (in baseball, American football, etc.) N/A
近々 ちかぢか [1] soon; before long; shortly; in the near future [2] close (by); near; nearby N/A
近づく ちかづく [1] to approach; to draw near; to get close [2] to get acquainted with; to get closer to; to get to know 1143
違える ちがえる [1] to change; to alter [2] to mistake; to make a mistake [3] to fail to keep (e.g. one's promise) N/A
契る ちぎる [1] to pledge; to vow; to promise; to swear [2] to have sexual intercourse (esp. between husband and wife); to share a bed N/A
畜産 ちくさん animal husbandry; livestock industry N/A
畜生 ちくしょう [1] damn it; damn; son of a bitch; for Christ's sake [2] beast; animal [3] person reborn into the animal realm N/A
蓄積 ちくせき accumulation; accumulate; store 3904
地形 ちけい terrain; geographical features; topography 4977
知性 ちせい intelligence N/A
ちち [1] milk [2] breast [3] loop N/A
縮まる ちぢまる to shorten; to narrow; to close; to shrink N/A
秩序 ちつじょ order; discipline; regularity; system; method 4732
知的 ちてき intellectual N/A
チャイム chime; bell (e.g. doorbell) N/A
ちゃく [1] arrival; arriving at ... [2] counter for items or suits of clothing [3] nth place (in a race) N/A
着色 ちゃくしょく colouring; coloring; colorant N/A
着席 ちゃくせき taking a seat; sitting down (in one's seat) N/A
着目 ちゃくもく attention; giving one's attention; focusing N/A
着陸 ちゃくりく landing; alighting; touch down N/A
チャネル channel N/A
茶の湯 ちゃのゆ tea ceremony; chanoyu N/A
ちやほや to make a fuss over; to pamper; to spoil; to indulge; to flatter (with attention) N/A
宙返り ちゅうがえり somersault; looping-the-loop N/A
中継 ちゅうけい [1] relay; hook-up [2] relay broadcasting N/A
忠告 ちゅうこく advice; warning N/A
中傷 ちゅうしょう slander; libel; defamation; calumny; smear N/A
忠実 ちゅうじつ faithful; devoted; loyal; honest; true N/A
抽選 ちゅうせん lottery; raffle; drawing (of lots) 3604
中断 ちゅうだん interruption; suspension; break N/A
中毒 ちゅうどく [1] poisoning [2] addiction N/A
中立 ちゅうりつ neutrality N/A
中和 ちゅうわ [1] neutralization; neutralisation [2] neutralization (e.g. of a poison); counteraction N/A
ちょう [1] government office; agency; board [2] Chou N/A
ちょう [1] super-; ultra-; hyper-; extreme [2] extremely; really; totally; absolutely [3] over; more than N/A
ちょう intestine; bowel N/A
ちょう butterfly N/A
聴覚 ちょうかく (sense of) hearing; auditory perception N/A
長官 ちょうかん secretary (government); director; chief 4795
聴講 ちょうこう lecture attendance; auditing N/A
徴収 ちょうしゅう collection (of fees, taxes, etc.); levy N/A
聴診器 ちょうしんき stethoscope N/A
挑戦 ちょうせん challenge; defiance; dare; attempt; try 2010
長大 ちょうだい long and large; tall and large; grand; huge N/A
調停 ちょうてい arbitration; conciliation; mediation N/A
重複 ちょうふく duplication; repetition; overlapping; redundancy; restoration N/A
長編 ちょうへん long (e.g. novel, film) N/A
調理 ちょうり cooking; food preparation 3664
調和 ちょうわ harmony; accord; reconciliation; agreement 4236
ちょくちょく often; frequently; now and then; occasionally N/A
直面 ちょくめん [1] confrontation [2] to face; to confront; to encounter 3892
著書 ちょしょ (written) work; book; writings N/A
貯蓄 ちょちく savings N/A
直感 ちょっかん intuition; instinct; hunch N/A
著名 ちょめい famous; noted; eminent; prominent; distinguished; celebrated N/A
ちらっと at a glance; by accident N/A
ちり取り ちりとり dustpan N/A
治療 ちりょう (medical) treatment; care; therapy; cure; remedy 1304
賃金 ちんぎん [1] wages; pay [2] rental payment 4357
沈殿 ちんでん precipitation; deposition; settlement (e.g. of sediment) N/A
沈没 ちんぼつ [1] sinking; foundering; going down; submersion [2] getting dead drunk [3] having too much fun (esp. in a red-light district, etc.) and missing work or neglecting one's duties N/A
沈黙 ちんもく [1] silence; being silent; quiet; hush [2] reticence; inaction 3808
陳列 ちんれつ exhibition; display; putting on show N/A
チームワーク teamwork N/A
追及 ついきゅう [1] investigation (e.g. into someone's guilt); questioning; pressing; hounding; pinning down [2] catching up; overtaking 3486
追跡 ついせき [1] chase; pursuit; tracking; stalking [2] following up; tracing N/A
次いで ついで next; secondly; subsequently 4074
追放 ついほう [1] exile; banishment; eviction; deportation; purge; expulsion; ousting [2] elimination (e.g. of poverty); removal N/A
費やす ついやす [1] to spend; to expend; to consume [2] to waste; to squander; to throw away [3] to devote N/A
つう [1] authority; expert; connoisseur; well-informed person [2] counter for messages, letters, notes, documents, etc. [3] understanding (esp. of male-female relations); tact; insight N/A
痛感 つうかん feeling keenly; fully realizing N/A
通常 つうじょう usual; ordinary; normal; regular; general; common 1185
痛切 つうせつ keen; acute; heartfelt N/A
つえ cane; walking stick; staff; wand N/A
使い つかい [1] errand; mission; going on an errand [2] messenger; bearer; errand boy; errand girl [3] familiar spirit N/A
使い道 つかいみち [1] purpose; utility; objective [2] way to use something N/A
仕える つかえる to serve; to work for; to attend N/A
司る つかさどる [1] to be in charge of; to manage; to direct; to administer; to preside over [2] to rule; to govern; to control N/A
つかの間 つかのま moment; brief space of time N/A
付き つき [1] furnished with; including [2] attached to [3] impression; appearance N/A
月並み つきなみ [1] every month [2] trite; commonplace; conventional; hackneyed N/A
尽きる つきる to be used up; to be run out; to be exhausted; to be consumed; to come to an end 3873
継ぎ目 つぎめ joint; seam; joining point N/A
吐く つく [1] to breathe out; to breathe [2] to tell (a lie); to use (foul language) [3] to vomit; to throw up; to spit up 4155
尽くす つくす [1] to use up; to exhaust; to run out of [2] to devote oneself (to); to do one's utmost (for); to serve; to work (for a cause) [3] to do to exhaustion; to do completely; to do fully 2987
作り つくり [1] making; producing; manufacturing; building; construction; make; structure [2] appearance (attire, make-up, etc.) [3] build; physique 3085
繕う つくろう [1] to mend; to patch up; to repair; to fix; to darn [2] to fix (hair, clothes, appearance, etc.); to adjust; to tidy up; to groom [3] to keep up appearances; to cover up (e.g. a mistake); to gloss over N/A
継ぐ つぐ [1] to succeed (a person, to a position, etc.); to inherit; to take over; to follow [2] to patch (clothes); to mend; to repair [3] to add (e.g. charcoal to the fire); to replenish with; to feed with; to follow up with (e.g. remarks); to gather (one's breath) 1401
接ぐ つぐ [1] to join; to piece together; to set (bones) [2] to graft (onto a tree) N/A
付け加える つけくわえる to add (one thing to another); to add (a few more words, an explanation, etc.) 3994
告げる つげる [1] to tell; to inform; to announce [2] to indicate; to signal; to mark 2263
辻褄 つじつま coherence; consistency N/A
突っ張る つっぱる [1] to cramp up; to tighten; to stiffen [2] to be insistent; to persist (in one's opinion); to stick to one's guns [3] to act tough; to bluff; to be defiant; to be unruly N/A
つつ [1] pipe; tube; cylinder [2] gun barrel [3] gun; cannon N/A
突く つつく [1] to poke (repeatedly, lightly); to nudge [2] to peck at (one's food); to pick at [3] to peck at (someone's faults, etc.) N/A
慎む つつしむ [1] to be careful; to be discreet [2] to do in moderation; to refrain (from overdoing); to abstain [3] to be reverent N/A
伝言 つてこと [1] (verbal) message; word (from someone) [2] rumour; rumor N/A
務まる つとまる to be fit (for a role); to be qualified (for); to be equal (to a task); to be able to fulfill one's duties (as) N/A
勤め先 つとめさき place of work N/A
努めて つとめて as much as possible; as far as possible; to the best of one's ability; diligently N/A
津波 つなみ [1] tsunami; tidal wave [2] Tsunami N/A
抓る つねる to pinch; to nip N/A
募る つのる [1] to become stronger; to grow in intensity; to grow violent; to become worse [2] to invite contributions, etc.; to solicit help, participation, etc.; to recruit (e.g. soldiers) N/A
つば saliva; spit; spittle N/A
呟く つぶやく [1] to mutter; to murmur; to grumble [2] to tweet; to post on Twitter 2324
瞑る つぶる to close (one's eyes); to shut N/A
つぼ [1] pot; jar; vase [2] dice cup [3] depression; basin (e.g. of a waterfall) 4488
つぼみ [1] (flower) bud [2] promising young person; budding beauty N/A
摘む つまむ [1] to pinch; to hold (between one's fingers); to pick up (with chopsticks, tweezers, etc.) [2] to pick up and eat; to snack on [3] to pick out (the main point); to summarize; to sum up N/A
つゆ [1] dew [2] tears [3] (not) a bit; (not) at all N/A
強まる つよまる to get strong; to gain strength N/A
強める つよめる to strengthen; to emphasize; to emphasise 4840
連なる つらなる [1] to extend; to stretch out; to stand in a row [2] to attend; to participate in [3] to enrol; to enroll; to join N/A
貫く つらぬく [1] to go through; to pierce; to penetrate [2] to run through (e.g. a river through a city); to pass through [3] to stick to (opinion, principles, etc.); to carry out; to persist with; to keep (e.g. faith); to maintain (e.g. independence) 4629
連ねる つらねる [1] to line up; to put in a row [2] to add (to a group); to accept (as a member of an organization, etc.); to join (e.g. a list) [3] to link; to put together; to string together (e.g. compliments); to enumerate N/A
つり革 つりかわ strap (to hang onto); hanging strap N/A
手当 てあて [1] salary; pay; compensation; allowance (e.g. housing allowance); benefit; bonus [2] medical care; treatment [3] advance preparation N/A
ティッシュペーパー tissue paper; tissue; facial tissue N/A
てい appearance; air; condition; state; form N/A
提供 ていきょう [1] offer; tender; providing; supplying; making available; donating (blood, organs, etc.) [2] sponsoring (a TV program) 1076
定義 ていぎ definition 2404
提携 ていけい cooperation; tie-up; joint business; partnership; alliance; sponsorship N/A
体裁 ていさい [1] (outward) appearance [2] (proper) format (e.g. of an essay); form; style [3] appearances; decency; show; display N/A
提示 ていじ [1] presentation (of a passport, ID, etc.); showing; production (e.g. of documents) [2] presentation (of a plan, response, etc.); bringing up; citing (an example) 3434
停滞 ていたい stagnation; tie-up; standstill; congestion; delay; accumulation; falling into arrears N/A
邸宅 ていたく (large) house; residence; mansion N/A
定年 ていねん [1] (compulsory) retirement age; age limit [2] (compulsory) retirement (on reaching retirement age); mandatory retirement [3] minimum years of service at a particular rank before eligibility for promotion (in the Imperial Japanese Army and Navy) 3821
堤防 ていぼう bank; weir; embankment; levee N/A
手遅れ ておくれ being too late; losing one's final chance N/A
手がかり てがかり [1] clue; lead; key; trail; scent; track [2] handhold; hold N/A
手がける てがける [1] to handle; to manage; to deal with; to work with; to have experience with [2] to rear; to look after N/A
手軽 てがる easy; simple; informal; offhand; cheap 3875
てき [1] -ical; -ive; -al; -ic; -y [2] -like; -ish; -sort of; -kind of [3] (something) like; along the lines of N/A
適応 てきおう adaptation; accommodation; conformity N/A
適宜 てきぎ [1] suitable; appropriate; fitting; proper [2] appropriately; accordingly; as required; at one's discretion N/A
適性 てきせい aptitude; aptness; suitability N/A
手際 てぎわ [1] skill; ability; dexterity [2] performance; workmanship; craftsmanship; execution N/A
手順 てじゅん process; procedure; sequence; protocol; instruction 3457
手錠 てじょう [1] handcuffs; manacles [2] confinement in chains (Edo-era judicial corporal punishment) N/A
手数 てすう [1] trouble; bother [2] number of moves (in go, shogi, etc.) [3] number of punches N/A
手近 てぢか [1] near; close by; within reach; handy [2] familiar N/A
てっきり surely; certainly; without doubt N/A
鉄鋼 てっこう iron and steel N/A
徹する てっする [1] to penetrate; to sink in [2] to devote oneself (to); to do intently and exclusively [3] to do throughout (e.g. the night) N/A
鉄片 てっぺん iron scraps N/A
手のひら てのひら palm (of the hand) 3414
手はず てはず arrangements; plan; programme; program; preparations N/A
手本 てほん [1] model; (good) example; exemplar; paragon [2] model handwriting; model drawing; copybook N/A
手回し てまわし [1] turning by hand; hand-turned; hand-cranked [2] preparations; arrangements N/A
手元 てもと [1] at hand; on hand; nearby; close at hand [2] way of moving one's arms; skill [3] money at hand; pocket money 3640
照り返す てりかえす to reflect; to throw back light N/A
テレックス telex; teletypewriter exchange N/A
手分け てわけ division of labour; division of labor; splitting into groups (e.g. to search) N/A
てん store; shop; restaurant N/A
点火 てんか ignition; lighting; firing; setting off N/A
転回 てんかい [1] revolution; rotation [2] turn; turning [3] inversion N/A
転換 てんかん conversion; diversion; changeover; commutation; switchover 3500
転居 てんきょ moving; changing residence; change of address N/A
転勤 てんきん job transfer; job relocation; intra-company transfer 3201
点検 てんけん detailed inspection; thorough examination; checking N/A
転校 てんこう changing schools N/A
天国 てんごく paradise; heaven; Kingdom of Heaven N/A
天才 てんさい genius; prodigy; natural gift N/A
天災 てんさい natural calamity; disaster N/A
展示 てんじ exhibition; display 3224
天井 てんじょう [1] ceiling [2] ceiling price; (price) ceiling 2992
点線 てんせん dotted line; perforated line N/A
天体 てんたい heavenly body; celestial body; astronomical object N/A
天地 てんち [1] heaven and earth; the universe; the world; nature [2] land; world; realm; sphere [3] top and bottom N/A
てんで [1] (not) at all; completely; utterly; entirely; altogether [2] very; extremely N/A
転任 てんにん change of post N/A
展望 てんぼう view; outlook; prospect N/A
転落 てんらく [1] fall; tumble; spill; plunge; dive [2] fall (in position, standing, etc.); downfall; descent; degradation; comedown; demotion N/A
でかい huge; big; gargantuan 3571
出来物 できもの tumour; tumor; growth; boil; ulcer; abscess; rash; pimple N/A
出切る できる to be out of; to have no more at hand N/A
出くわす でくわす to happen to meet; to come across; to run into; to bump into N/A
デコレーション decoration N/A
デザイン design 1666
デザート dessert 4512
デッサン rough sketch N/A
出直し でなおし [1] starting from scratch; making a fresh start; redoing [2] calling again; visiting again N/A
デモンストレーション [1] demonstration; protest [2] (giving a) demo; demonstration; presentation [3] exhibition game; exhibition match N/A
田園 でんえん [1] the country; countryside; rural districts [2] cultivated land; fields [3] Den'en N/A
電源 でんげん [1] source of electricity; electrical power [2] power (button on TV, etc.) 4143
伝説 でんせつ legend; folklore; tradition 4668
電線 でんせん [1] electric line; electric cable; power cable [2] telephone line; telegraph wire N/A
伝達 でんたつ transmission (e.g. news, chemical signals, electricity); communication; delivery; conveyance; transfer; relay; propagation; conduction N/A
伝来 でんらい [1] introduction (from abroad) [2] transmission (through successive generations); being handed down (from generation to generation); being passed down N/A
データ data; datum 1182
問い合わせる といあわせる to enquire; to inquire; to seek information N/A
問う とう [1] to ask; to inquire [2] to blame (someone) for; to accuse of; to pursue (question of responsibility); to charge with [3] to care about; to regard as important 1400
とう [1] class; order; rank [2] et cetera; etc.; and the like [3] equal; iso- 1694
とう [1] large building; building with a long roof [2] counter for buildings, apartments, etc. N/A
陶器 とうき pottery; earthenware; ceramics; (soft-paste) porcelain; china N/A
等級 とうきゅう [1] grade; class; degree; rank; rating; order; points [2] magnitude N/A
討議 とうぎ debate; discussion N/A
登校 とうこう attendance (at school); going to school N/A
統合 とうごう integration; unification; unity; combination; consolidation; synthesis 4402
倒産 とうさん (corporate) bankruptcy; insolvency; commercial failure; failed business 4203
投資 とうし investment 2692
統制 とうせい regulation; control N/A
当選 とうせん [1] being elected [2] winning a prize (in a lottery, raffle, etc.); being selected (for a prize, etc.) N/A
逃走 とうそう flight; desertion; escape N/A
統率 とうそつ command; lead; generalship; leadership N/A
到達 とうたつ reaching; attaining; arrival 4569
統治 とうち rule; reign; government; governing N/A
到底 とうてい (cannot) possibly; (not) by any means; (not) at all; utterly; absolutely 4213
尊い とうとい [1] precious; valuable; priceless [2] noble; exalted; sacred N/A
投入 とうにゅう [1] throwing in; inserting; depositing (e.g. a ballot) [2] investment; commitment (of funds, personnel, etc.); injection; infusion [3] launching (a product into the market); introduction 4744
当人 とうにん the person concerned; the person in question; the said person N/A
逃亡 とうぼう escape; flight; running away; elopement; fleeing N/A
冬眠 とうみん hibernation; winter sleep; torpor N/A
登録 とうろく registration; accession; register; entry; record 1701
討論 とうろん debate; discussion N/A
遠ざかる とおざかる [1] to go away; to become more distant; to fade away; to die away [2] to be estranged N/A
遠回り とおまわり detour; roundabout way N/A
咎める とがめる [1] to blame; to reproach; to censure; to rebuke; to reprove; to find fault; to take to task; to criticize; to criticise [2] to question (a suspect); to challenge [3] to aggravate (an injury); to be aggravated; to get inflamed N/A
時折 ときおり sometimes; at intervals; occasionally; on occasion; from time to time N/A
途切れる とぎれる to break off; to come to an end; to be interrupted; to be cut short; to pause N/A
説く とく to explain; to advocate; to preach; to persuade 3356
特技 とくぎ special skill N/A
特産 とくさん being produced in a particular region; local specialty N/A
特集 とくしゅう feature (e.g. newspaper); special edition; report N/A
得点 とくてん scoring; score; points made; marks obtained; goals; runs N/A
特派 とくは send specially; special envoy N/A
研ぐ とぐ [1] to sharpen; to hone; to whet; to grind [2] to wash (rice) [3] to scour; to polish; to burnish N/A
とげ [1] thorn; spine; prickle [2] splinter (esp. lodged in one's flesh); hard sharp item (esp. lodged in one's throat, e.g. fish bone) [3] biting words N/A
遂げる とげる [1] to accomplish; to achieve; to carry out [2] to arrive at (a certain outcome); to come to; to end with 3799
とこ [1] bed; bedding [2] sickbed [3] alcove N/A
年頃 としごろ [1] approximate age; apparent age [2] marriageable age (esp. of a woman); age of maturity; age of adulthood [3] age (when ...) N/A
戸締まり とじまり locking up (doors and windows); fastening the doors N/A
途上 とじょう [1] on the way; en route [2] in the process of (development, construction, etc.); in the middle of N/A
綴じる とじる [1] to bind; to file [2] to finish (a dish) by pouring beaten egg into the broth [3] to sew up; to stitch together N/A
途絶える とだえる to stop; to cease; to come to an end; to cut off N/A
特許 とっきょ [1] patent [2] special permission; license; licence; concession; charter 3489
取っ手 とって handle; grip; knob N/A
整える ととのえる [1] to put in order; to arrange; to tidy up; to fix; to straighten [2] to get ready; to prepare; to arrange; to supply; to assemble; to buy [3] to adjust; to regulate (e.g. rhythm, tune, one's breathing) 2036
とどけ report; notification; registration N/A
滞る とどこおる [1] to stagnate; to be delayed; to be left undone [2] to be overdue (of a payment); to fall into arrears; to be outstanding N/A
留める とどめる [1] to stop; to stay (e.g. the night); to cease; to put an end to [2] to contain; to keep (in position, in place); to limit [3] to record (e.g. a fact); to retain 4931
唱える となえる [1] to recite; to chant [2] to cry; to yell; to shout [3] to advocate; to advance; to preach; to insist 3710
殿様 とのさま [1] nobleman; dignitary; lord [2] feudal lord (of the Edo period); daimyo [3] man brought up away from the world; arrogant man with little knowledge of the ways of the world N/A
とばり curtain; hanging; bunting N/A
とびら [1] door; gate; opening [2] title page 2407
徒歩 とほ walking; going on foot 3287
乏しい とぼしい meagre; meager; scarce; limited; destitute; hard up; lacking; scanty; poor 4935
とみ [1] riches; wealth; fortune [2] resources [3] lottery N/A
富む とむ [1] to be rich in; to abound in; to be abundant in; to be full of [2] to be rich; to be wealthy 4101
とも [1] together with [2] same [3] both; all; neither; none 422
共稼ぎ ともかせぎ (husband and wife) earning a living together N/A
伴う ともなう [1] to accompany; to go hand in hand with; to be consequent upon [2] to be accompanied by; to bring with; to take with; to be involved in 900
共働き ともばたらき (husband and wife) both working; dual income N/A
トラブル [1] trouble; difficulty; problem; quarrel; conflict; dispute; fight [2] failure (of an engine, machine, computer, etc.); breakdown; malfunction [3] (medical) condition; disorder; problem 2402
トランジスタ transistor N/A
取りあえず とりあえず [1] first of all; at once; right away [2] for now; for the time being; tentatively [3] anyway 551
取り扱い とりあつかい treatment; service; handling; management 4340
取り扱う とりあつかう [1] to handle; to operate (a machine, etc.); to use [2] to deal with (an issue); to manage [3] to treat (someone); to deal with (someone) 3839
鳥居 とりい torii (Shinto shrine archway) N/A
取り替え とりかえ swap; exchange N/A
取り組む とりくむ [1] to grapple with; to wrestle with; to engage in a bout; to be matched against [2] to tackle (e.g. a problem); to come to grips with; to work hard on 1558
取り締まり とりしまり control; management; supervision N/A
取り締まる とりしまる [1] to manage; to control; to supervise; to oversee; to command [2] to crack down on; to keep under strict control; to enforce; to regulate N/A
取り調べる とりしらべる to investigate; to examine N/A
取り立てる とりたてる [1] to collect (debts); to dun; to exact; to extort [2] to appoint; to promote; to give patronage [3] to emphasize; to focus on; to call attention to N/A
取り次ぐ とりつぐ [1] to pass on (a message, thoughts, etc.); to convey; to transmit; to relay; to tell [2] to inform (of a visitor, phone call, etc.); to announce (a visitor); to answer (the door or phone on someone's behalf); to usher in (a guest) [3] to act as an agent (between a manufacturer, wholesaler, etc. and retailers); to act as an intermediary; to handle (goods; for a company) N/A
取り除く とりのぞく to remove; to deinstall; to take away; to set apart 3588
取引 とりひき transactions; dealings; business 2554
取り巻く とりまく to surround; to encircle; to enclose 4190
取り混ぜる とりまぜる to mix; to put together N/A
取り戻す とりもどす to take back; to get back; to regain; to recover; to restore; to recoup 2848
取り寄せる とりよせる [1] to order; to send away for; to have (something) sent to one [2] to pull (something) closer N/A
取り分け とりわけ [1] especially; particularly; above all [2] portioning out (servings of food) 3097
蕩ける とろける [1] to melt (and become soft or liquid) [2] to be enchanted (by); to be charmed; to be bewitched N/A
飛んだ とんだ [1] unexpected; unlikely; strange [2] terrible; awful; horrible; serious; outrageous [3] very; extremely N/A
トーン tone N/A
どう [1] trunk; torso; body; abdomen; waist [2] plastron (in kendo); touching the plastron (kimari-te in kendo) [3] frame (of a drum, etc.); sound box (of a shamisen, etc.); hull (of a ship) 95
どう [1] the same; the said [2] likewise 1805
同意 どうい [1] agreement; consent; approval; assent [2] same opinion; same view [3] same meaning 3241
動員 どういん mobilization; mobilisation N/A
同感 どうかん same feeling; same sentiment; same opinion; sympathy; agreement; concurrence N/A
動機 どうき [1] motive; incentive [2] motif 3566
同級 どうきゅう the same grade; same class N/A
同居 どうきょ living together; coexistence 4026
動向 どうこう trend; tendency; movement; attitude 2898
同士 どうし fellow; mutual; companion; comrade N/A
同志 どうし [1] like-mindedness; (being of the) same mind; shared sentiment [2] comrade; fellow; kindred soul N/A
同情 どうじょう sympathy; compassion; pity N/A
道場 どうじょう [1] dojo; hall used for martial arts training [2] manda (place of Buddhist practice or meditation, esp. the place under the bodhi tree where Buddha attained enlightenment) N/A
同調 どうちょう [1] conformity; alignment; agreement; sympathy; following suit [2] tuning [3] same tone; same pitch N/A
動的 どうてき dynamic; kinetic N/A
同等 どうとう equality; equal; same rights; same rank; equivalence N/A
堂々 どうどう [1] magnificent; grand; impressive; dignified; majestic; imposing; stately [2] fair; square; open; unashamed; brazen [3] grandly; boldly; confidently 4140
どうにか in some way or other; one way or another; somehow; only just; barely N/A
導入 どうにゅう [1] introduction; bringing in; installation; setting up; importation [2] introduction (to a story, lecture, etc.); introductory part 1336
同封 どうふう enclosing (e.g. with a letter) N/A
どうやら [1] possibly; apparently; (seem) likely; seemingly [2] somehow or other; with difficulty; barely; after a fashion N/A
動揺 どうよう [1] shaking; trembling; pitching; rolling; oscillation [2] disturbance; unrest; agitation; excitement; commotion; turmoil; discomposure; feeling shaken 4999
読者 どくしゃ reader 2879
独自 どくじ [1] original; unique; distinctive; characteristic; peculiar [2] independent; one's own; personal 2561
独占 どくせん [1] monopoly; monopolization; exclusivity [2] hogging; keeping to oneself N/A
独創 どくそう originality N/A
土産 どさん [1] product of the land [2] present; souvenir N/A
土台 どだい [1] foundation; base; basis [2] from the beginning; from the outset; by nature N/A
土手 どて [1] embankment; bank [2] beef sinew stewed in miso and mirin N/A
土俵 どひょう [1] (wrestling) ring [2] forum (e.g. for discussion) [3] sandbag; gabion N/A
土木 どぼく engineering works; civil engineering; public works N/A
ドライ [1] dry [2] dry (tone, humour, etc.); unemotional; matter-of-fact; businesslike; practical [3] dry (of alcohol) N/A
ドライクリーニング dry cleaning N/A
ドライバー [1] driver (of a vehicle) [2] screwdriver [3] driver (club) 4460
ドライブイン [1] drive-in (bank, cinema, etc.) [2] roadside restaurant; rest stop N/A
ドリル [1] drill bit; drill [2] drill (practice) [3] drill (Mandrillus leucophaeus) N/A
何れ何れ どれどれ [1] which [2] well; now; c'mon N/A
ど忘れ どわすれ lapse of memory; (something) slipping one's mind; forgetting for a moment something one knows well N/A
鈍感 どんかん thickheaded; insensitive; dull; thick-skinned N/A


Kanji Reading Meaning Frequency
内閣 ないかく cabinet (of a government); ministry N/A
乃至 ないし [1] from ... to; between ... and [2] or 2494
内臓 ないぞう internal organs; viscera N/A
ナイター game under lights (e.g. baseball); night game N/A
内部 ないぶ interior; inside; internal 2660
内乱 ないらん civil war; insurrection; rebellion; domestic conflict N/A
内陸 ないりく inland N/A
なえ [1] seedling; young plant [2] rice seedling N/A
なお [1] still; yet [2] more; still more; greater; further [3] as ...; like ... N/A
尚更 なおさら [1] still more; even more; all the more [2] still less; even less N/A
中ほど なかほど (about) middle; midway N/A
流し ながし [1] sink (e.g. in a kitchen) [2] cruising (e.g. taxi); strolling (entertainer, musician, etc.) [3] washing area (in a Japanese-style bath) N/A
長々 ながなが [1] for a long time; at (great) length; lengthily; long-windedly; tediously [2] (extending) far; (stretching) out; (lying down) at full length N/A
嘆く なげく [1] to lament; to grieve; to regret [2] to deplore N/A
投げ出す なげだす [1] to throw down; to throw out; to stretch out (one's legs) [2] to abandon; to resign [3] to give freely; to give generously; to sacrifice (e.g. one's life) N/A
仲人 なこうど [1] matchmaker [2] go-between; intermediary; middleman; mediator; intercessor N/A
和やか なごやか mild; calm; gentle; quiet; congenial; amicable; amiable; friendly; genial; harmonious; peaceful N/A
名残 なごり [1] remains; traces; vestiges; relics [2] (the sorrow of) parting [3] end N/A
情け なさけ [1] pity; sympathy; compassion; mercy [2] affection; love N/A
情け深い なさけぶかい tender-hearted; compassionate; charitable; good-hearted N/A
詰る なじる [1] to rebuke; to scold; to tell off; to find fault; to harp on; to reprove [2] to question persistently (in order to criticize or find fault with someone) N/A
名高い なだかい famous; noted; renowned; celebrated; well-known N/A
雪崩 なだれ avalanche; snowslide N/A
懐く なつく to become attached (to); to take (to); to become affectionate (with); to be tamed; to get close (e.g. to someone emotionally); to become intimate (with) N/A
名付ける なづける to name; to call; to christen; to term 3772
何気ない なにげない [1] casual; unconcerned; nonchalant; indifferent; offhand [2] ordinary; normal; regular; everyday; unremarkable N/A
何卒 なにとぞ [1] please; kindly; I beg of you; if it pleases you [2] by all means; without fail N/A
何より なにより [1] above anything else; above all; more than anything [2] best; greatest; excellent; wonderful; most important 2551
名札 なふだ name plate; name tag; label N/A
ナプキン [1] (table) napkin; serviette [2] sanitary napkin; sanitary pad N/A
生臭い なまぐさい [1] smelling of fish; fishy; smelling of blood; bloody [2] degenerate (of a monk); depraved; corrupt; fallen [3] worldly; mundane; secular; common; ordinary N/A
生ぬるい なまぬるい [1] lukewarm; tepid [2] half-hearted; vague; weak [3] lenient; mild; soft N/A
生身 なまみ [1] living flesh; flesh and blood [2] physical body of Buddha or a bodhisattva N/A
なまり lead (Pb) N/A
なみ [1] average; medium; common; ordinary [2] mid-grade (item); regular grade [3] same level as; equal to; equivalent to; on par with N/A
滑らか なめらか [1] smooth (of a surface); glassy; velvety; soft [2] smooth (of an action, proceedings, etc.); fluent (speech); fluid; trouble-free [3] continuously differentiable N/A
舐める なめる [1] to lick; to lap; to suck [2] to taste [3] to experience (esp. a hardship) 3715
悩ましい なやましい [1] seductive; carnal; enchanting [2] troubling; difficult; thorny; hard [3] anxious; uneasy N/A
悩ます なやます to afflict; to torment; to harass; to molest N/A
悩み なやみ trouble; troubles; worry; distress; sorrows; anguish; agony; problem 2258
慣らす ならす [1] to accustom; to train (e.g. one's ear) [2] to tame; to domesticate; to train (an animal) N/A
並びに ならびに and (also); both ... and; as well as 3461
成り立つ なりたつ [1] to consist of; to be made up of; to be composed of [2] to be concluded (e.g. of an agreement); to hold true (e.g. of a theory); to be valid [3] to be viable (of a business, lifestyle, etc.); to carry on; to keep going 2388
成る丈 なるたけ as (much) as possible; as (much) as one can; wherever practicable; if possible N/A
馴れ馴れしい なれなれしい overly familiar; overfamiliar; too friendly; too free; cheeky N/A
なん [1] difficulty; trouble; hardship; shortage [2] accident; disaster; danger [3] fault; defect; flaw N/A
なんか something like ...; things like ...; someone like ...; the likes of ... N/A
ナンセンス nonsense N/A
何だか なんだか (a) little; somewhat; somehow 1917
何だかんだ なんだかんだ something or other; one thing or another; this or that N/A
何て なんて [1] how ...!; what ...! [2] what?; what's that? N/A
何と なんと [1] what; how [2] what (a) ...!; how ...! [3] surprisingly; to my amazement; believe it or not; why, ...! 2419
何なり なんなり anything; whatever N/A
[1] load; baggage; cargo; freight; goods [2] burden; responsibility N/A
似通う にかよう to resemble closely N/A
面皰 にきび pimple; acne N/A
賑わう にぎわう [1] to be crowded with people; to be bustling with [2] to prosper; to flourish; to do thriving business 4082
憎しみ にくしみ hatred N/A
肉親 にくしん blood relationship; blood relative N/A
肉体 にくたい the body; the flesh; the outer man; one's physique 3606
逃げ出す にげだす [1] to run away; to flee; to make off; to take to one's heels; to escape [2] to start to run away 4544
西日 にしび westering sun; setting sun; afternoon sun N/A
滲む にじむ [1] to run (of liquid); to spread; to bleed; to blot [2] to blur; to blot; to be blurred [3] to ooze; to well up (of tears, etc.) N/A
日夜 にちや day and night; around the clock; always; constantly N/A
日当 にっとう daily allowance; daily wages N/A
荷造り にづくり packing; baling; crating N/A
担う になう [1] to carry on one's shoulder; to shoulder; to bear [2] to bear (a burden, responsibility, etc.); to take upon oneself 2667
鈍る にぶる [1] to become blunt; to grow dull [2] to become less capable; to weaken; to falter N/A
にも関わらず にもかかわらず [1] in spite of; despite; although [2] nonetheless; nevertheless; but; (and) yet N/A
ニュアンス nuance N/A
入手 にゅうしゅ acquisition; obtaining; procurement; getting (hold of) 3398
入賞 にゅうしょう winning a prize; placing (high; in a contest) N/A
入浴 にゅうよく bathing; going in the bath N/A
ニュー new N/A
尿 にょう urine N/A
認識 にんしき recognition; awareness; perception; understanding; knowledge; cognition; cognizance; cognisance 1090
妊娠 にんしん pregnancy; conception; gestation 2079
人情 にんじょう [1] humanity; empathy; kindness; sympathy [2] human nature; common sense; customs and manners N/A
任務 にんむ duty; function; office; mission; task; role 4566
任命 にんめい appointment; nomination; ordination; commission; designation N/A
抜け出す ぬけだす [1] to slip out; to sneak away; to break free; to get through (a difficult situation) [2] to break into the lead; to get ahead [3] to begin to fall out (e.g. hair) N/A
盗み ぬすみ stealing; theft N/A
ぬま [1] marsh; swamp; wetland; bog; pond [2] obsession; addiction; being hooked on; getting sucked into [3] ugly man N/A
音色 ねいろ tone color; tone colour; tone quality; timbre N/A
値打ち ねうち [1] value; worth; merit [2] estimation; evaluation; appraisal N/A
寝かせる ねかせる [1] to put to bed; to let sleep [2] to lay (something) down; to put on its side [3] to let (money, goods, etc.) lie idle; to set aside unused; to let (stock) lie unsold N/A
ネガ [1] negative [2] negative (e.g. thinking) N/A
ねじ回し ねじまわし screwdriver N/A
捩れる ねじれる [1] to get twisted; to get crooked; to get warped [2] to become twisted (of a mind, relationship, etc.); to become warped; to become perverse; to become contrary [3] to become troubled; to become complicated; to become strained N/A
妬む ねたむ to be jealous of; to envy; to begrudge N/A
強請る ねだる to beg; to pester; to plead; to coax; to hound; to importune N/A
熱湯 ねっとう boiling water N/A
熱意 ねつい zeal; enthusiasm; ardor; ardour N/A
熱量 ねつりょう [1] quantity of heat (e.g. in calories, BTU, etc.); heat value; calorific value [2] (degree of) enthusiasm; zeal; passion N/A
粘り ねばり [1] stickiness; viscosity [2] tenacity; persistence N/A
粘る ねばる [1] to be sticky; to be adhesive [2] to persevere; to persist; to stick to; to hold out; to linger N/A
値引き ねびき price reduction; discount N/A
根回し ねまわし [1] laying the groundwork; behind-the-scenes maneuvering; consensus-building process [2] digging around the roots of a tree (before transplanting) N/A
眠たい ねむたい sleepy; drowsy N/A
練る ねる [1] to knead; to thicken into a paste (stirring over a flame) [2] to polish (a plan, etc.); to refine; to elaborate; to work out [3] to train; to drill; to exercise 4146
ねん [1] sense; idea; thought; feeling [2] desire; concern [3] attention; care 2841
年鑑 ねんかん yearbook; almanac; annual N/A
年号 ねんごう name of an imperial era (e.g. Heisei, Shōwa); Japanese era name N/A
燃焼 ねんしょう [1] burning; combustion [2] exerting all strength; making an effort N/A
燃料 ねんりょう fuel 4793
年輪 ねんりん [1] annual tree ring; growth ring [2] experience in life N/A
ノイローゼ neurosis; nervous breakdown; mental problem; identity crisis; obsession N/A
のう [1] brain [2] brains; mind 1745
農耕 のうこう farming; agriculture; cultivation N/A
農場 のうじょう [1] farm (agriculture) [2] Noujou N/A
農地 のうち agricultural land; farmland N/A
納入 のうにゅう [1] payment (of taxes, fees, etc.) [2] supply (of goods); delivery N/A
逃す のがす [1] to miss (e.g. a chance); to lose; to let get away [2] to set free; to let go [3] to fail to ... N/A
逃れる のがれる to escape 3692
軒並み のきなみ [1] row of houses [2] every house; each house; every door [3] all; totally; altogether; across the board N/A
望ましい のぞましい desirable; hoped for; preferable; advisable 3583
臨む のぞむ [1] to look out on; to overlook; to front onto [2] to face (a situation, crisis, etc.); to meet (e.g. death); to be confronted by [3] to deal with (an issue) 3960
乗っ取る のっとる [1] to take possession of (forcibly); to take over (a company, account, etc.); to capture (a castle, enemy position, etc.); to seize; to occupy; to usurp [2] to hijack (a plane, ship, etc.) N/A
長閑 のどか [1] tranquil; calm; quiet; peaceful; serene [2] mild (weather); balmy N/A
罵る ののしる to abuse (verbally); to curse at; to shout abuse at; to speak ill of N/A
延べ のべ [1] futures [2] credit (buying) [3] stretching N/A
飲み込む のみこむ [1] to swallow; to gulp down [2] to understand; to grasp; to take in; to catch on; to learn [3] to engulf; to swallow up 4147
乗り込む のりこむ [1] to board (a train, plane, etc.); to get into (a car); to get on (a bus); to go on board; to get aboard [2] to march into; to enter; to arrive (at, in) 3594


Kanji Reading Meaning Frequency
[1] edge (of a knife or sword); blade [2] prong (of an electrical plug) N/A
[1] group; faction; clique; coterie [2] (political) faction; wing; camp [3] school (of thought, painting, etc.) N/A
把握 はあく grasp (of the situation, meaning, etc.); understanding; control; hold; grip 1770
はい lung N/A
廃棄 はいき [1] disposal; abandonment; scrapping; discarding; abolition [2] annulment; cancellation; abrogation; repeal N/A
配給 はいきゅう [1] distribution (e.g. films, rice) [2] rationing (e.g. food, gasoline) [3] food ration N/A
配偶者 はいぐうしゃ spouse; wife; husband; partner N/A
背景 はいけい [1] background; scenery; backdrop; setting [2] background (of an incident, situation, etc.); circumstances; context [3] backing; support (from behind the scenes) 1275
拝啓 はいけい Dear (so and so); Dear Sir; Dear Madam; To Whom It May Concern N/A
背後 はいご [1] back; rear [2] background; behind the scenes 3074
廃止 はいし abolition; discontinuance; discontinuation; repeal; annulment 2753
拝借 はいしゃく borrowing N/A
排除 はいじょ exclusion; removal; elimination; clearing away; getting rid of 3563
敗戦 はいせん defeat; lost battle; losing a war N/A
配置 はいち arrangement (of resources); deployment; stationing; posting; disposition; configuration; layout 2782
配布 はいふ distribution 4068
配分 はいぶん distribution; allotment N/A
配慮 はいりょ consideration; concern; attention; thoughtfulness; making arrangements; care; trouble 2067
配列 はいれつ [1] arrangement; disposition [2] array N/A
映える はえる [1] to shine; to glow [2] to look attractive; to look nice; to be set off (by) N/A
破壊 はかい [1] destruction; disruption [2] (application) crash 2087
捗る はかどる to make (good) progress; to move right ahead (with the work); to advance N/A
図る はかる [1] to plan; to attempt; to devise [2] to plot; to conspire; to scheme [3] to aim for; to strive for; to work towards; to seek 587
破棄 はき [1] tearing up and discarding (e.g. documents); destruction [2] annulment; cancellation; abrogation; voiding; breaking (e.g. a treaty) [3] reversal (of an original ruling on appeal); quashing N/A
はく [1] counter for nights of a stay [2] overnight stay; lodging N/A
迫害 はくがい persecution; oppression N/A
薄弱 はくじゃく feebleness; weakness; weak N/A
白状 はくじょう confession N/A
剥ぐ はぐ [1] to tear off; to peel off; to rip off; to strip off; to skin; to flay; to bark [2] to strip of (clothes, rank, etc.); to deprive of; to divest of N/A
派遣 はけん [1] dispatch; despatch; deployment [2] temporary employee (esp. from an agency); temporary worker; agency temp 2089
励ます はげます [1] to encourage; to cheer on; to cheer (someone) up [2] to raise (one's voice) 3695
励む はげむ to work hard; to try hard; to strive; to endeavour; to endeavor; to devote oneself to; to make an effort; to be zealous 4273
剥げる はげる [1] to peel off; to come off; to flake off; to be worn off [2] to fade; to discolor; to discolour N/A
はしら [1] pillar; post [2] support; prop; mainstay [3] counter for buddhas, gods, nobles, etc. 2647
橋渡し はしわたし [1] mediation; good offices; go-between; intermediary; mediator; bridge (between) [2] building a bridge N/A
はじ shame; embarrassment; disgrace N/A
弾く はじく [1] to flip; to snap; to flick [2] to repel [3] to use (an abacus); to calculate N/A
恥じらう はじらう to feel shy; to be bashful; to blush N/A
恥じる はじる to feel ashamed N/A
はす [1] sacred lotus (Nelumbo nucifera); Indian lotus; lotus [2] rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus) N/A
弾む はずむ [1] to spring; to bound; to bounce [2] to be stimulated; to be encouraged; to get lively [3] to pay handsomely; to splurge; to part eagerly with (money, etc.) N/A
はた loom N/A
果たす はたす [1] to accomplish; to achieve; to carry out; to fulfill; to fulfil; to realize; to execute; to perform; to do [2] to do ... completely; to do ... entirely 1286
裸足 はだし [1] barefoot [2] superior to (e.g. a professional); outdoing; outshining N/A
蜂蜜 はちみつ honey 3824
発生 はっせい [1] occurrence; incidence; outbreak; birth (e.g. of civilization) [2] generation (of power, heat, etc.); production [3] ontogeny; development; growth; breeding 793
はつ first; new 4459
発育 はついく (physical) growth; development N/A
発芽 はつが germination; sprouting; budding N/A
発言 はつげん statement; remark; observation; utterance; speech; proposal 1947
発病 はつびょう onset of an illness; falling ill N/A
初耳 はつみみ something heard for the first time; hearing something for the first time N/A
果て はて [1] end; extremity; limit [2] result; outcome; upshot; consequence 4551
果てる はてる [1] to end; to be finished; to be exhausted [2] to die; to perish [3] to do utterly; to do completely N/A
華々しい はなばなしい brilliant; splendid; glorious; magnificent; spectacular N/A
花びら はなびら petal N/A
華やか はなやか [1] bright and beautiful; gorgeous; showy; brilliant; splendid; gay; colorful; flowery [2] prosperous; flourishing; thriving 3855
阻む はばむ to keep someone from doing; to stop; to prevent; to check; to hinder; to obstruct; to oppose; to thwart N/A
はま [1] beach; seashore [2] captured pieces; captured stones [3] Yokohama N/A
浜辺 はまべ beach; foreshore N/A
嵌まる はまる [1] to fit; to get into; to go into; to be fitted with (e.g. door with a window) [2] to be fit for (a job, etc.); to be suited for; to satisfy (conditions) [3] to fall into; to plunge into; to get stuck; to get caught 1904
早める はやめる [1] to bring forward (e.g. by 3 hours); to advance; to hasten (e.g. one's death); to expedite; to precipitate [2] to quicken (e.g. one's step); to speed up; to accelerate N/A
腹立ち はらだち anger N/A
原っぱ はらっぱ open field; empty lot; plain N/A
張り紙 はりがみ [1] paper patch attached to something; paper backing; sticker; label [2] notice; poster N/A
遥か はるか [1] far away; far off; far; distant; in the distance [2] long ago; long before 1856
腫れる はれる to swell (from inflammation); to become swollen N/A
はん [1] seal; stamp; monogram signature [2] judgment; judgement [3] size (of paper or books) N/A
はん [1] group; party; team [2] squad; section N/A
繁栄 はんえい prosperity; thriving; flourishing 4545
反感 はんかん antipathy; antagonism; animosity; revulsion; ill feeling N/A
版画 はんが woodcut; woodblock print; art print N/A
ハンガー (coat) hanger N/A
反響 はんきょう [1] echo; reverberation [2] response; reaction; repercussions; sensation; influence N/A
判決 はんけつ judicial decision; judgement; judgment; sentence; decree 3792
反撃 はんげき counterattack; counteroffensive; counterblow N/A
反射 はんしゃ [1] reflection; reverberation [2] reflex; reflexes N/A
繁盛 はんじょう prosperity; flourishing; thriving N/A
反する はんする [1] to be contrary (to); to go against; to run counter (to); to contradict; to be opposite (to) [2] to infringe; to violate; to transgress [3] to disobey (an order, teachings, etc.); to defy; to rebel; to revolt 3508
判定 はんてい judgement; judgment; decision; ruling; finding; adjudication; verdict; call 4380
反応 はんのう reaction; response 1404
半端 はんぱ [1] remnant; fragment; incomplete set; incompleteness [2] fraction; odd sum [3] halfway; half-hearted; perfunctory N/A
反発 はんぱつ [1] opposition; rebellion; revolt; resistance; backlash; refusal [2] rebounding; recoiling; repulsion [3] rally (e.g. in stock prices); recovery 4169
反乱 はんらん insurrection; mutiny; rebellion; revolt; uprising N/A
氾濫 はんらん [1] overflowing; flood; inundation; deluge [2] oversupply; plethora; abundance (esp. of something undesirable) N/A
ばい菌 ばいきん [1] germ; germs; bacteria; bug [2] something dirty or harmful; vermin N/A
賠償 ばいしょう compensation; reparations; indemnity; damages N/A
倍率 ばいりつ [1] magnification; leverage; amplification; scaling factor; scale factor [2] competitiveness rating (e.g. for university entrance); applicant-to-acceptance ratio N/A
馬鹿馬鹿しい ばかばかしい absurd; ridiculous; silly; ludicrous; nonsensical; asinine; foolish N/A
漠然 ばくぜん vague; obscure; indistinct; hazy; ambiguous 3919
爆弾 ばくだん [1] bomb [2] alcohol with liquor added (esp. wine-based shōchū highball, also beer with whiskey) N/A
爆破 ばくは destructive blast; blowing up; explosion N/A
化ける ばける [1] to take the form of (esp. in ref. to a spirit, fox, raccoon dog, etc.); to assume the shape of; to turn oneself into; to transform oneself into [2] to disguise oneself as [3] to change radically; to metamorphose N/A
ばち (divine) punishment; curse; retribution N/A
バッジ badge N/A
バット bat (in baseball, cricket, etc.) N/A
バテる to be exhausted; to be worn out N/A
ばら撒く ばらまく [1] to scatter; to disseminate (e.g. a rumor); to spread (e.g. germs); to broadcast [2] to distribute widely (e.g. leaflets); to hand out freely; to spend recklessly N/A
ばん completely; absolutely; totally N/A
万人 ばんにん all people; everybody N/A
万能 ばんのう [1] all-purpose; utility; universal [2] all-powerful; almighty; omnipotent; all-round (e.g. athlete) [3] Mannou N/A
番目 ばんめ [1] the nth ... [2] divisions of a kabuki performance N/A
バー [1] bar; tavern; barroom; pub [2] bar (establishment, counter, etc. where food and drinks are sold) [3] bar (in the high jump or pole vault); crossbar (in soccer, rugby, etc.); (ballet) barre 4424
パジャマ pajamas; pyjamas N/A
パチンコ [1] pachinko; mechanical gambling game superficially resembling pinball [2] slingshot; catapult [3] pistol 3332
パトカー patrol car; police car; squad car; cruiser N/A
Gパン ジーパン jeans; dungarees N/A
パンク [1] puncture; flat tyre (tire); blowout [2] bursting; overflowing; being jammed (e.g. phone lines); reaching breaking point; collapse; breakdown; going bankrupt N/A
[1] fault; error; mistake [2] going poorly; being disadvantageous; being unfavorable [3] un-; non-; an- N/A
cost; expense N/A
延いては ひいては by extension; in turn; by the same token; in addition; as well; consequently N/A
控え室 ひかえしつ waiting room; anteroom; antechamber; green room N/A
控える ひかえる [1] to be temperate in; to refrain; to abstain; to hold back; to restrain oneself from excessive ... [2] to make notes; to jot down (e.g. phone number) [3] to be in preparation for; to be in waiting for 2599
悲観 ひかん pessimism; (taking a) gloomy view; discouragement; despondency; despair; disappointment N/A
ひき [1] counter for small animals [2] counter for rolls of cloth (two han in size) [3] counter for horses N/A
引き上げる ひきあげる [1] to pull up; to drag up; to lift up [2] to increase; to raise (e.g. taxes) [3] to withdraw; to leave; to pull out; to retire 2653
率いる ひきいる to lead; to spearhead (a group); to command (troops) 4248
引き起こす ひきおこす [1] to cause; to induce; to bring about; to provoke [2] to pull upright; to help up (e.g. a fallen person) 3238
引き下げる ひきさげる to pull down; to lower; to reduce; to withdraw N/A
引きずる ひきずる [1] to drag; to trail; to pull along the ground; to lug [2] to force (someone) along; to drag (along) [3] to prolong; to drag out 4022
引き取る ひきとる [1] to take into one's possession; to receive; to accept; to collect; to claim [2] to take into one's care (e.g. person, pet); to take custody of; to adopt [3] to leave; to go away; to withdraw; to get out 3371
否決 ひけつ rejection; negation; voting down N/A
非行 ひこう delinquency; misconduct N/A
日頃 ひごろ [1] usually; habitually; always [2] for a long time 2900
悲惨 ひさん disastrous; tragic; miserable; wretched; pitiful; woeful; outrageous 4608
秘書 ひしょ [1] (private) secretary [2] treasured book; secret book N/A
比重 ひじゅう [1] specific gravity; relative density [2] relative importance; weight N/A
密か ひそか secret; private; surreptitious 3785
浸す ひたす [1] to soak; to dip; to steep; to immerse [2] to moisten; to wet N/A
只管 ひたすら intently; single-mindedly; devotedly; solely; earnestly; with all one's heart 2394
引っかく ひっかく to scratch; to claw N/A
引っ掛ける ひっかける [1] to hang (something) on (something); to throw on (clothes) [2] to hook; to catch; to trap; to ensnare [3] to cheat; to evade payment; to jump a bill N/A
必修 ひっしゅう required (subject) N/A
匹敵 ひってき to be a match for; to rival; to equal; to compare with; to be equivalent to N/A
ひつじ [1] the Sheep (eighth sign of the Chinese zodiac); the Ram; the Goat [2] hour of the Sheep (around 2pm, 1-3pm, or 2-4pm) [3] south-southwest N/A
必然 ひつぜん [1] inevitable; necessary; certain; sure [2] inevitability; necessity N/A
一息 ひといき [1] one breath [2] time of one breath [3] pause; break; rest; breather N/A
一重 ひとえ [1] one layer; single layer [2] monopetalous [3] unlined kimono N/A
人柄 ひとがら personality; character; personal appearance; gentility 4913
一頃 ひところ once; some time ago N/A
一筋 ひとすじ [1] one line; one stretch (e.g. of road); one strand (e.g. of hair); one beam (e.g. of light); one ray; one length (e.g. of rope) [2] earnest; resolute; intent; devoted; single-minded [3] one bloodline; one clan N/A
一目 ひとめ [1] glance; look; glimpse [2] complete view; bird's-eye view 4777
日取り ひどり fixed date; appointed day N/A
日向 ひなた sunny place; in the sun N/A
非難 ひなん criticism; blame; censure; attack; reproach 3709
避難 ひなん taking refuge; finding shelter; evacuation; escape; seeking safe haven 4763
火花 ひばな spark N/A
日々 ひび [1] daily; everyday [2] days (e.g. of one's youth) [3] every day; day after day; day by day; from day to day 1250
悲鳴 ひめい shriek; scream 4267
冷やかす ひやかす [1] to banter; to make fun of; to jeer at [2] to cool; to refrigerate [3] to window-shop; to look at without buying N/A
日焼け ひやけ [1] sunburn; suntan; tan [2] becoming discolored from the sun (e.g. of paper); yellowing [3] drying up (of a river, field, etc.) N/A
標語 ひょうご motto; slogan; catchword N/A
ひょっと [1] possibly; perhaps; perchance [2] unintentionally; accidentally N/A
ひよこ [1] young bird; chick; fledgling [2] greenhorn; fledgeling; novice; rookie N/A
平たい ひらたい [1] flat; even; level [2] plain (language, words, etc.); simple N/A
比率 ひりつ ratio; proportion; percentage 2867
肥料 ひりょう manure; fertilizer; fertiliser; compost N/A
昼飯 ひるめし lunch; midday meal N/A
疲労 ひろう [1] fatigue; weariness; exhaustion; tiredness [2] fatigue (of metal, etc.) N/A
広まる ひろまる to spread; to be propagated 4088
貧困 ひんこん [1] poverty; penury; need; destitution [2] shortage; lack; want N/A
品質 ひんしつ quality (of a product or a service) N/A
品種 ひんしゅ [1] type (of goods); sort [2] (taxonomical) form [3] breed; variety; kind; type; cultivar N/A
貧弱 ひんじゃく poor; meagre; meager; feeble; scanty; shabby; insubstantial N/A
ヒント hint; clue 4097
頻繁 ひんぱん frequent; incessant 2935
beauty N/A
ビジネス business 3312
美術 びじゅつ art; fine arts N/A
びっしょり wet through; drenched N/A
描写 びょうしゃ depiction; description; portrayal N/A
ビリ last (on the list); (at the) bottom; (in) last position; tailender N/A
微量 びりょう minuscule amount; extremely small quantity N/A
敏感 びんかん sensitive; alert; aware; susceptible 3929
貧乏 びんぼう poverty-stricken; destitute; poor; penurious N/A
pawn N/A
ファイト [1] fight [2] fighting spirit [3] fight!; do your best; go for it; keep at it N/A
ファイル [1] file (for holding papers) [2] file (collection of documents); filing; keeping on file [3] file 2187
ファン [1] fan; enthusiast; lover (of) [2] (electric) fan 1596
フィルター filter N/A
不意 ふい sudden; abrupt; unexpected; unforeseen 4279
ふう seal N/A
封鎖 ふうさ [1] blockade; lockdown; sealing off (an area) [2] freezing (funds) N/A
風車 ふうしゃ [1] windmill; wind turbine [2] pinwheel (toy); windmill (toy) [3] Clematis patens (species of climbing plant) N/A
風習 ふうしゅう custom N/A
風俗 ふうぞく [1] manners; customs [2] public morals [3] sex service; sex industry; sex-oriented entertainment N/A
風土 ふうど natural features; topography; climate; spiritual features N/A
フェリー ferry 4590
フォーム form N/A
不可欠 ふかけつ indispensable; essential 3589
深める ふかめる to deepen; to heighten; to intensify 3029
不吉 ふきつ ominous; sinister; unlucky; inauspicious N/A
不況 ふきょう (economic) depression; recession; slump 3671
布巾 ふきん dish towel; tea towel; dishcloth N/A
ふく good fortune; happiness; blessing; good luck N/A
複合 ふくごう composite; combined; complex N/A
福祉 ふくし welfare; well-being; social welfare; social security; social service 3728
覆面 ふくめん [1] mask; veil; disguise [2] anonymous; unmarked; incognito N/A
膨れる ふくれる [1] to swell (out); to expand; to be inflated; to distend; to bulge [2] to get cross; to get sulky; to pout N/A
老ける ふける to age; to grow old (esp. in appearance); to show marks of age N/A
布告 ふこく edict; ordinance; proclamation N/A
富豪 ふごう wealthy person; millionaire N/A
負債 ふさい debt; liabilities N/A
相応しい ふさわしい appropriate; adequate; suitable; fitting; worthy 2719
不在 ふざい [1] absence [2] disregard; indifference N/A
負傷 ふしょう injury; wound N/A
不振 ふしん dullness; slump; stagnation; inactivity; depression N/A
不審 ふしん doubt; suspicion; question; strangeness N/A
不順 ふじゅん irregular; unseasonable; changeable; unsettled; abnormal N/A
負担 ふたん [1] burden; load; responsibility [2] bearing (a cost, responsibility, etc.); shouldering 1276
不調 ふちょう [1] bad condition; poor condition; disorder; slump; being out of form [2] failure; rupture; breakdown (e.g. of negotiations) N/A
復活 ふっかつ [1] revival (of an old system, custom, fashion, etc.); restoration; return; comeback [2] resurrection; rebirth 2754
復旧 ふっきゅう restoration; restitution; rehabilitation N/A
復興 ふっこう revival; reconstruction; restoration; rebuilding; recovery; renaissance N/A
沸騰 ふっとう [1] boiling; seething [2] becoming heated (e.g. of a debate); excitement; agitation; fermentation [3] soaring (of prices); shooting up 4819
ふつ [1] France [2] Futsu N/A
不当 ふとう [1] unfair; unjust; wrongful; improper; unreasonable; unwarranted; unjustified; undeserved; undue [2] Futou N/A
不動産 ふどうさん real estate 4087
赴任 ふにん moving to a different location to start a new job; (proceeding to) new appointment N/A
不評 ふひょう bad reputation; poor reception; unpopularity; disrepute N/A
不憫 ふびん poor; pitiful; piteous; pitiable N/A
不服 ふふく dissatisfaction; discontent; disapproval; objection; complaint; protest; disagreement N/A
普遍 ふへん universal; general; ubiquitous; omnipresent N/A
踏まえる ふまえる [1] to be based on; to take into account; to build upon; to have origin in [2] to have one's feet firmly planted on; to plant oneself on 1979
ふみ [1] letter; note; mail [2] book; writings [3] literary arts; learning; scholarship N/A
不明 ふめい [1] unclear; obscure; indistinct; uncertain; ambiguous [2] unknown; unidentified [3] ignorance; lack of wisdom; lack of insight 3716
扶養 ふよう support (e.g. of one's dependents); maintenance N/A
振り ふり [1] swing; shake; sweep; wave; wag [2] appearance; behaviour; behavior [3] pretence; pretense; (false) show; pretending 3010
振り出し ふりだし [1] shaking (something) out [2] starting point; beginning; outset [3] drawing (e.g. of a bill); issue; draft N/A
不良 ふりょう [1] bad; poor; inferior; defective [2] delinquent; hoodlum; hooligan N/A
浮力 ふりょく buoyancy; floating power N/A
震わせる ふるわせる to (make something) quiver; to shake; to tremble; to vibrate N/A
付録 ふろく appendix; supplement; annex; extra (of a newspaper or magazine) N/A
フロント [1] front (aspect, weather, war-front, etc.) [2] reception (e.g. in a hotel); front desk [3] front office; team management N/A
ふん [1] minute (unit of time) [2] fun (one tenth of a monme, 5.787 grains) N/A
憤慨 ふんがい indignation; resentment N/A
紛失 ふんしつ loss; going missing N/A
紛争 ふんそう dispute; conflict; trouble; unrest; strife 4893
ふんだん plentiful; abundant; ample; lavish N/A
奮闘 ふんとう [1] strenuous effort; hard struggle; working hard [2] hard fighting; fierce fighting N/A
粉末 ふんまつ fine powder N/A
[1] department (in an organization, company, etc.); division; bureau; faculty [2] club (at a school, university, etc.); team [3] part; portion; region; area 3853
部下 ぶか subordinate person 3047
ぶかぶか [1] too large (clothing); baggy; loose-fitting [2] bulging; warping [3] parp; toot; blast N/A
ブザー buzzer; personal alarm (loud buzzer to attract attention in case of attack) N/A
侮辱 ぶじょく insult; affront; slight; contempt (e.g. of court) N/A
武装 ぶそう arms; armament; taking up arms; arming oneself N/A
ぶち spots; speckles; mottles N/A
物体 ぶったい object; body; solid N/A
物議 ぶつぎ public discussion; public criticism; controversy N/A
仏像 ぶつぞう [1] statue of Buddha; image of Buddha; Buddhist statue; Buddhist image [2] Butsuzou N/A
無難 ぶなん [1] safe (e.g. choice); secure; innocuous; inoffensive [2] acceptable; passable; satisfactory; adequate; faultless; without flaw N/A
部門 ぶもん division (of a larger group); branch; field; class (subclass); group; category; department N/A
ぶらぶら [1] dangling; swaying; swinging [2] (walking) leisurely; aimlessly; strolling; wandering; rambling [3] idly; lazily; leisurely; aimlessly N/A
武力 ぶりょく armed might; military power; the sword; force N/A
ブルー [1] blue [2] sad; down (in the dumps) 4337
無礼 ぶれい rudeness; impoliteness; discourtesy; insolence N/A
文化財 ぶんかざい cultural assets; cultural property N/A
分業 ぶんぎょう division of labor; division of labour; specialization; specialisation; assembly-line production N/A
文語 ぶんご [1] written language; literary language [2] classical (or formal) written style based on Heian-period Japanese N/A
分散 ぶんさん [1] dispersion; breakup; scattering; decentralization; decentralisation; distribution [2] variance [3] dispersion N/A
分子 ぶんし [1] molecule [2] numerator [3] element (of a group); member N/A
文書 ぶんしょ [1] document; writing; letter; papers; notes; records; archives [2] document addressed to someone 3259
分担 ぶんたん taking on one's share (e.g. of work); dividing (work, expenses, etc.) between; apportionment; allotment; allocation; assignment N/A
分配 ぶんぱい division; splitting; sharing; distribution; dissemination; allocation N/A
分母 ぶんぼ denominator N/A
分離 ぶんり separation; partition; detachment; segregation; isolation 4620
分裂 ぶんれつ split; division; break up N/A
ブーツ boots N/A
ブーム [1] boom; craze; fad [2] (economic) boom [3] boom (of a boat) 4103
兵器 へいき arms; weapon; ordnance N/A
閉口 へいこう [1] to be stumped; to be at a loss; to be at one's wits' end; to be nonplussed [2] to be fed up; to be tired (of); to be unable to bear; to be annoyed N/A
閉鎖 へいさ [1] closing; closure [2] shutdown; lockout N/A
兵士 へいし soldier 4444
平常 へいじょう normal; usual; ordinary; everyday N/A
平方 へいほう square (e.g. metre) N/A
並列 へいれつ [1] arranging in a line; standing in a row [2] parallel (electronics, computing, etc.) N/A
辟易 へきえき [1] to be fed up (with); to be tired (of); to be bored (with); to be unable to bear [2] to be stumped; to be nonplussed; to be disconcerted [3] to wince; to shrink back; to cringe N/A
隔たる へだたる to be distant N/A
経る へる [1] to pass; to elapse; to go by [2] to pass through; to go through [3] to experience; to go through; to undergo 1578
へん left-hand radical of a character N/A
へん [1] compilation (of a text); editing [2] volume (of a text) [3] completed literary work N/A
返還 へんかん return; restoration N/A
偏見 へんけん prejudice; bias; distorted view 4889
返済 へんさい repayment; reimbursement; refund; redemption 4973
変遷 へんせん change; transition; vicissitudes N/A
返答 へんとう reply; answer N/A
変動 へんどう change; fluctuation 4320
ベスト best 3616
ベストセラー bestseller N/A
弁解 べんかい explanation (e.g. for one's actions); excuse; justification; defense; defence N/A
便宜 べんぎ convenience; accommodation; advantage; benefit; expediency N/A
弁論 べんろん discussion; debate; argument N/A
ベース [1] base; basis; theme; basic ingredient [2] base (e.g. military); depot [3] base; base bag 2266
ペア [1] pair; set of two [2] pair-oared boat [3] pair; two of a kind N/A
ペコペコ [1] very hungry; starving; famished [2] bowing repeatedly; kowtowing; bowing and scraping; being obsequious; being servile [3] denting; buckling; giving (in) N/A
[1] ear (of a cereal plant); head; spike [2] point (of a brush, spear, etc.); tip; (pointed) head [3] crest (of a wave) N/A
保育 ほいく nurturing; rearing; childcare; day care N/A
法案 ほうあん bill (law); measure 4160
崩壊 ほうかい [1] collapse; crumbling; breaking down; caving in [2] (radioactive) decay; disintegration 3087
法学 ほうがく law; jurisprudence N/A
宝器 ほうき [1] treasured article or vessel; outstanding individual [2] Houki N/A
放棄 ほうき abandonment; renouncement; renunciation; resignation; abdication; surrender; relinquishing; waiving; giving up 4757
封建 ほうけん feudalistic N/A
方策 ほうさく plan; policy N/A
豊作 ほうさく abundant harvest; bumper crop N/A
奉仕 ほうし [1] service; ministry; attendance; church work [2] offering goods at a reduced price; providing a service for free N/A
方式 ほうしき form; method; system; formula 3932
放射能 ほうしゃのう radioactivity N/A
報酬 ほうしゅう remuneration; recompense; reward; toll N/A
放出 ほうしゅつ release; emission; ejection 4980
報じる ほうじる [1] to report; to inform [2] to repay; to return; to requite N/A
報ずる ほうずる [1] to report; to inform [2] to repay; to return; to requite N/A
放置 ほうち leaving as is; leaving alone; leaving to chance; neglecting; abandoning 3347
法廷 ほうてい court (of law); courtroom N/A
報道 ほうどう report (of news); reporting; news; information; (media) coverage 1894
褒美 ほうび reward; prize N/A
葬る ほうむる [1] to bury; to inter; to entomb [2] to cover up; to hush up; to shelve N/A
放り込む ほうりこむ to throw into; to toss into N/A
放り出す ほうりだす [1] to throw out [2] to drop; to toss; to dump [3] to abandon; to neglect; to leave behind; to give up N/A
飽和 ほうわ saturation; satiation N/A
保温 ほおん retaining warmth; keeping heat in; heat insulation N/A
捕獲 ほかく capture; seizure N/A
保管 ほかん charge; custody; safekeeping; deposit; storage 4495
補給 ほきゅう supply; supplying; replenishment N/A
補強 ほきょう reinforcement; strengthening N/A
保険 ほけん [1] insurance [2] guarantee; warranty 1884
捕鯨 ほげい whaling; whale hunting; whale fishing N/A
誇る ほこる to boast of; to be proud of; to take pride in 3858
綻びる ほころびる [1] to come apart at the seams; to be ripped; to be torn [2] to begin to open; to begin to bloom [3] to smile broadly; to break into a smile N/A
保護 ほご [1] protection; safeguard; guardianship; custody; patronage [2] preservation; conservation 1691
干し ほし drying; dried N/A
干し物 ほしもの things dried in the sun (esp. clothes, dyed cloth, etc.) N/A
保守 ほしゅ [1] maintenance [2] conservatism; conservativeness; conservation N/A
補償 ほしょう compensation; reparation N/A
補充 ほじゅう replenishment; supplementation; supplement; replacement; refilling N/A
補助 ほじょ [1] assistance; support; help; aid [2] subsidy; supplement; subvention; grant-in-aid [3] spotting (in weight training) 4288
舗装 ほそう paving (a road); surfacing (with asphalt, concrete, etc.); pavement N/A
補足 ほそく supplement; complement N/A
発作 ほっさ fit; attack; spasm; ictus; paroxysm; seizure; stroke N/A
発足 ほっそく starting; inauguration; launch; founding; establishment; start-up 4497
ホット [1] hot [2] (hot) coffee N/A
ほっと [1] with a feeling of relief; with a sigh of relief [2] deeply (sigh) 2693
頬っぺた ほっぺた cheek N/A
施す ほどこす [1] to give (time, money, goods); to donate [2] to do; to perform; to conduct [3] to apply (processing, makeup, etc.); to add (e.g. ornamentation, annotation) 3559
保母 ほぼ (female) childcare worker; nursery school teacher N/A
保養 ほよう health preservation; recuperation; recreation N/A
捕吏 ほり constable; policeman N/A
捕虜 ほりょ prisoner (of war); POW; captive N/A
滅びる ほろびる to go to ruin; to go under; to fall; to be destroyed; to die out; to become extinct; to perish N/A
滅ぼす ほろぼす to destroy; to overthrow; to wreck; to ruin N/A
本格 ほんかく original method; original procedure; genuine way (of doing something) N/A
本館 ほんかん [1] main building (as opposed to an annex, outbuilding, etc.) [2] this library; this museum; this theatre; this hall; this building N/A
本気 ほんき seriousness; earnestness; truth; sanctity 2819
本質 ほんしつ essence; true nature; substance; reality 3954
本体 ほんたい [1] substance; true form; true character [2] main part; main unit; body (of a machine) [3] object of worship (at a shrine, temple, etc.) N/A
本音 ほんね real intention; motive; true opinion; what one really thinks 3756
本の ほんの mere; only; just; slight 1754
本能 ほんのう instinct 4978
本場 ほんば [1] home (of something); place famous for its ...; center (e.g. of manufacture); best place (for) [2] place of origin; birthplace; cradle [3] morning session; last session in the morning N/A
本名 ほんみょう real name N/A
ホース hose N/A
ホール [1] hall (dance, concert, etc.) [2] dining area of a restaurant 4106
ボイコット boycott N/A
防衛 ぼうえい defense; defence; protection N/A
妨害 ぼうがい obstruction; hindrance; blocking; disturbance; interference; interruption; sabotage; jamming (a signal) N/A
呆然 ぼうぜん dumbfounded; overcome with surprise; in blank amazement; in a daze N/A
冒頭 ぼうとう beginning; opening; start; outset 4392
暴動 ぼうどう insurrection; riot; uprising; rebellion; revolt N/A
暴力 ぼうりょく violence; mayhem 3524
牧師 ぼくし pastor; minister; clergyman; reverend N/A
母校 ぼこう alma mater N/A
墓地 ぼち cemetery; graveyard N/A
坊ちゃん ぼっちゃん [1] (another's) son; boy; young master [2] green young man from a well-to-do family; young man innocent of the ways of the world N/A
ぼつぼつ [1] gradually; little by little; in a breezy manner [2] soon; before long [3] here and there; scattered N/A
ぼやく to grumble; to complain N/A
ぼやける to become dim; to become blurred N/A
ボルト [1] volt [2] Bohrt N/A
ポイント [10] place where many fish gather [11] ace [12] (projectile) point 1093
ポジション position N/A
ポット [1] pot (esp. teapot, coffee-pot) [2] vacuum bottle; thermos flask N/A
ポンプ pump N/A
ポーズ [1] pose [2] pose; posturing; pretence; (an) act N/A


Kanji Reading Meaning Frequency
まい [1] counter for thin, flat objects (e.g. sheets of paper, plates, coins) [2] counter for portions of gyōza or soba [3] counter for ranks N/A
埋蔵 まいぞう [1] burying in the ground [2] having underground deposits N/A
真上 まうえ right above; just above; directly above; directly overhead N/A
前売り まえうり advance sale; booking N/A
前置き まえおき preface; introduction; preamble N/A
前もって まえもって in advance; beforehand; previously; ahead of time N/A
負かす まかす to defeat N/A
賄う まかなう [1] to supply (goods, money, etc.); to cover (costs); to pay; to finance; to maintain (e.g. a family) [2] to give board; to provide meals N/A
曲がる まがる [1] to bend; to curve; to warp; to wind; to twist [2] to turn [3] to be awry; to be askew; to be crooked 2537
まき [1] roll (e.g. of cloth) [2] winding (e.g. watch) [3] volume (of book) N/A
紛らわしい まぎらわしい easily mixed up (e.g. similar words); easily mistaken; confusing; misleading; equivocal; ambiguous N/A
紛れる まぎれる [1] to disappear into; to be lost in; to slip into; to get mixed in among [2] to do something under the cover of (confusion, etc.) [3] to be almost indistinguishable; to be confusingly similar N/A
まく membrane; film N/A
捲る まくる [1] to turn up; to roll up (e.g. sleeves) [2] to do over and over again; to do relentlessly; to do with reckless abandon; to do continuously [3] to stage a comeback (against) (in mahjong, horse racing, etc.); to come from behind N/A
まこと [1] truth; reality; fact [2] sincerity; honesty; faithfulness; good faith [3] indeed; really; absolutely; truly; actually; very; quite 2965
真心 まごころ sincerity; true heart; devotion N/A
間誤付く まごつく to be confused; to be flustered; to be at a loss N/A
正しく まさしく [1] certainly; surely; undoubtedly; evidently; really; truly [2] just; precisely; exactly 3884
勝る まさる [1] to excel; to surpass; to exceed; to have an edge; to be superior; to outrival [2] to outweigh; to preponderate N/A
況して まして [1] still more; to say nothing of; not to mention [2] still less 2905
増し まし [1] better; preferable; less objectionable; least-worst [2] more; increase; extra [3] increase; growth 4579
真下 ました right under; directly below; right beneath N/A
交わる まじわる [1] to cross; to intersect; to join; to meet [2] to associate with; to mingle with; to consort with [3] to have a sexual relationship; to copulate N/A
麻酔 ますい anaesthesia; anesthesia N/A
マスコミ mass communication; mass media 2577
益荒男 ますらお hero; manly person; warrior N/A
また [1] groin; thigh; crotch; crutch [2] fork (in a tree, road, river, etc.); tines (of a fork) N/A
跨る またがる [1] to straddle; to sit astride; to mount [2] to extend over; to spread over; to span; to extend into N/A
待ち合わせ まちあわせ appointment N/A
間違う まちがう [1] to be mistaken; to be incorrect; to be wrong [2] to make a mistake (in); to do incorrectly; to get wrong [3] to mistake (one thing with another); to confuse 1484
待ち遠しい まちどおしい longed-for; anxiously awaited N/A
待ち望む まちのぞむ to wait eagerly for; to look forward to N/A
区々 まちまち various; diverse; different; divergent; divided; conflicting N/A
末期 まっき last years; closing years; last days; closing days; end; last stage; final stages; terminal stage (of a disease) N/A
マッサージ massage 4834
真っ二つ まっぷたつ in two equal parts N/A
まと [1] mark; target [2] object; subject; focus [3] point (e.g. of argument) N/A
纏まり まとまり [1] unity; coherence; consistency; coordination; order [2] settlement; conclusion; closure; completion N/A
纏め まとめ summary; recapitulation; aggregation N/A
免れる まぬがれる [1] to escape (disaster, death, etc.); to be saved from; to be rescued from [2] to avoid (e.g. punishment); to evade (e.g. responsibility); to avert; to elude; to be exempted from 4996
招き まねき invitation N/A
瞬き まばたき [1] blink (of eyes); wink [2] twinkling (of stars); flicker (of light); blink (of light) N/A
麻痺 まひ [1] paralysis; palsy; stupor [2] numbness; loss of sensation [3] standstill; state of paralysis; inability to take action N/A
間々 まま [1] occasionally; now and then; sometimes [2] Mama 191
まゆ eyebrow; eyebrows 4362
まり [1] ball (for sport, games, etc.) [2] kemari; type of football played by courtiers in ancient Japan N/A
丸ごと まるごと in its entirety; whole; wholly N/A
丸っきり まるっきり completely; absolutely; totally; (not) at all N/A
丸々 まるまる [1] plump; rotund; chubby [2] entirely; completely; wholly N/A
丸める まるめる [1] to make round; to roll up; to curl up [2] to seduce; to cajole; to explain away [3] to round off (a fraction) 4601
満月 まんげつ full moon N/A
満場 まんじょう whole house; whole audience N/A
真ん前 まんまえ right in front; just opposite; under the nose N/A
真ん丸い まんまるい perfectly round; perfectly circular N/A
マーク [1] mark; sign; symbol; emblem; logo; label; brand [2] to mark; to put a mark on [3] trademark 3916
見合い みあい [1] (formal) meeting with a view to marriage; interview with a prospective spouse [2] correspondence; balance [3] two different options such that if one player takes one, the other player can take the other N/A
見合わせる みあわせる [1] to exchange glances; to look at each other [2] to postpone; to put off; to withhold; to abandon [3] to contrast; to compare N/A
見落とす みおとす to overlook; to fail to notice; to miss (seeing) N/A
味覚 みかく (sense of) taste; palate N/A
見かける みかける to (happen to) see; to notice; to catch sight of 1541
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] viewpoint; point of view; way of looking (at something); view; angle [2] way of appreciating (e.g. opera); way of understanding; how to read (a map, train timetable, etc.) 2341
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. crescent moon; young moon N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. (tree) trunk; (arrow) shaft; (tool) handle; backbone; base N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] hope; promise; possibility; chance; probability; likelihood [2] expectation; anticipation; forecast; estimate [3] side of a structural member 4663
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. unmarried; not yet married N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] unripe; green; immature [2] immature; inexperienced; unskilled; green N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] particle; atom; little piece [2] not at all; not the slightest N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. misprint N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. shabby; unsightly; unkempt N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] water content; moisture; juiciness; dampness [2] water vapor (vapour); steam [3] dropsy; edema; oedema 4403
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Mrs N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. to show off; to flaunt N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] misemono; type of Edo- and Meiji-period side show often held outdoors or in small temporarily erected shacks on temple and shrine grounds [2] show; exhibition; spectacle; freakshow; side show N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] to satisfy (conditions, one's appetite, etc.); to meet (e.g. demands); to fulfill; to gratify [2] to fill (e.g. a cup); to pack; to supply 2024
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. to throw into disorder; to disarrange; to disturb (order, peace, etc.); to corrupt (public morals); to dishevel (hair) N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] to be disordered; to be disarranged; to be disarrayed; to be disheveled; to be dishevelled [2] to be discomposed; to be upset; to get confused; to be disturbed [3] to lapse into chaos (due to war, etc.) N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. not yet known; unknown; strange N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] to guide; to lead; to show the way; to conduct [2] to derive; to deduce 3333
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. near oneself; close to one; familiar 1449
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] close (relationship, connection, etc.); intimate; near [2] being in close proximity; being adjacent 4555
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. shameful; disgraceful; unsightly; indecent; unseemly; unbecoming; improper N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] nectar [2] honey [3] honeydew N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. density N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. estimate; estimation; valuation; quotation N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. not yet fixed; undecided; pending; TBD N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] unobstructed view; perspective; visibility; vista [2] forecast; outlook; prospect; prediction [3] insight; foresight 3969
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] source (of a river); fountainhead [2] source; origin; root N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. dress; attire; clothing; getup; outfit; personal appearance N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] peak; summit; ridge; top [2] back of a blade N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] to miss; to overlook; to fail to notice [2] to let pass (a matter); to overlook (e.g. a wrongdoing); to turn a blind eye to [3] to pass up (e.g. an opportunity) 4748
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] view; prospect; outlook [2] viewing platform; overlook N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. gesture; gesticulation; motion N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] pulse [2] vein [3] chain (of mountains, etc.) N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. music N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. to look out over; to survey (scene); to take an extensive view of 4832
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] democracy; popular sovereignty [2] Democratic Party of Japan (1998-2016) N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. guest house; private home providing lodging for travelers; bed and breakfast; pension N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. folk customs; folkways; ethnic customs N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. people; race; nation; ethnic group; ethnos 2894
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. nonsense; no meaning; meaningless N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] direction; orientation; aspect; exposure [2] suited to; suitable for; designed for [3] tendency; inclination 4075
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. taciturn; reticent; quiet; silent; untalkative N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. intended for ...; oriented towards ...; aimed at ... N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] husband; groom [2] (one's) son-in-law N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. invalid; void; ineffective; unavailable N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. silence (not speaking); muteness 4950
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. innocent; simple-minded N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] ending; conclusion [2] join; union; connecting [3] knot; knotting N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. connection; relation N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] to be related; to be connected; to be joined together [2] to result in; to lead to; to bring about 2793
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] to tie (to); to fasten; to attach; to join; to bind [2] to connect (one thing with another); to link; to bring together; to combine; to associate 3880
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] radio (communication) [2] wireless; not using wires [3] Musen N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. waste (of money, time, etc.); squandering; frittering away N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] absence of permission; lack of permission [2] absence of (advance) notice; lack of notice N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. ignorance; innocence; stupidity N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] nonsensical; unreasonable; absurd; unrealistic [2] awfully; extremely; to excess; senseless; reckless [3] disorder; confusion; being jumbled; being mixed up N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] empty; void; vacant [2] vain; fruitless; futile; ineffective [3] lifeless N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] regret; chagrin; mortification [2] freedom from obstructive thoughts N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] thoughtlessly; recklessly; rashly; indiscriminately; indiscreetly; at random [2] excessively; unreasonably; immoderately; absurdly N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. to swarm; to gather N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. of course; certainly; naturally 3322
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] mood; atmosphere [2] mood N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. noted product; local specialty N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. name; title 2771
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. (direct) hit; hitting the mark N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] honor; honour; credit; glory; fame; distinction [2] prestige; dignity; reputation; honor; good name [3] honorary (e.g. president, doctorate) N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. clear; plain; distinct; obvious; evident; articulate N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] cheerful; bright [2] clear; clean; honest; fair N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. weight N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. blessing; grace N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] to bless; to show mercy to [2] to give (money, etc.) N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. remarkable; striking; brilliant; splendid; spectacular; wonderful; conspicuous; outstanding; amazing N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] to wake up; to awake [2] to awaken to (instinct, ability, perception, etc.); to become aware of; to become conscious of; to realize [3] to come to one's senses 3895
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [10] to do [11] to commit seppuku [12] indicates respect N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. female (animal, plant) 2961
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. message 2455
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. look (in someone's eyes); expression (of the eyes); eyes N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. media 3248
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. gradations (on a ruler, thermometer, etc.); division; scale N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] melody [2] chime 4626
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. meeting (face-to-face); seeing; visit; interview N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. exemption; exoneration; discharge N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. to face on; to look out on to 3270
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] face; honour; honor; reputation; prestige; dignity; credit [2] appearance; look N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] manufacturer (esp. a major company); producer; maker [2] maker (person or device that makes something) 1880
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] to prepare; to provide [2] to set up; to establish; to organize; to lay down (rules); to make (an excuse) 1476
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. to propose; to suggest N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. application; entry; request; subscription; offer; proposal; overture; challenge 1954
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. proposal; offer; request; application N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. to offer; to propose; to suggest; to put forward; to request; to ask (for); to apply (for); to report (to); to notify N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] complaint; protest; objection; fault [2] one's say; what one has to say; claim N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] blind spot (on the retina) [2] blind spot; weak point; loophole N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. fierce; intense; severe; violent; strong; vehement; terrific; terrible N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] to struggle; to writhe; to wriggle; to squirm [2] to act frantically; to make desperate efforts N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. plan; scheme; plot; design; project; intention; aim N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. groping (for); fumbling around (for); searching (for an answer, solution, etc.); trying to find N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] perhaps; possibly; maybe; by any chance; if I'm not mistaken [2] if; in case; in the event that N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. or; otherwise 963
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] to bring (news, knowledge, etc.); to introduce [2] to bring about; to cause; to produce (e.g. results) 1398
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] having; holding; possessing; owning; using; holder; owner; user [2] wear; durability; life [3] charge; expense N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] with; by; by means of [2] because of; on account of; for; due to [3] on (a day, date); at (a time); as of (e.g. today) N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] wholly; solely; entirely; exclusively; devotedly; fixedly [2] principally; mostly; chiefly; mainly 3982
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. to treat (a guest); to receive; to entertain; to be hospitable to; to make welcome N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] to be able to possess (hold, get, etc.) [2] to be well liked; to be popular; to be pampered (spoiled, doted upon, etc.); to be welcomed [3] to endure (the tests of time, the elements, etc.); to last N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. basis; foundation; origin; source N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. (idle) curiosity; fancifulness; whimsy; (having) strange tastes N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. unsatisfied; unsatisfactory; insufficient in some way; lacking something N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] already; now [2] no longer; not any more 2356
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. exemplar; model; example; pattern N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. imitation; copying N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. to disagree; to dispute; to fight (over) N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. thigh N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] to hold (an event); to give (a dinner, party, etc.) [2] to feel (sensation, emotion, call of nature, etc.); to show signs of N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] to let leak; to let out (e.g. light) [2] to let out (a secret); to leak (information); to divulge; to disclose; to let slip [3] to give utterance to (e.g. one's dissatisfaction); to vent; to express; to reveal (e.g. one's true intentions); to let out (a sigh, etc.) 4000
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] to swell; to rise; to bulge; to be piled up [2] to rouse; to get excited 2405
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. to leak; to run out N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] to leak out; to escape; to come through; to shine through; to filter out [2] to find expression; to give vent [3] to leak out; to be divulged; to be disclosed 3392
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] brittle; fragile; weak; frail [2] tender-hearted; sentimental; easily moved N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. completely; all the way; altogether; bodily N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. counter for questions 2104
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] motel [2] drive-in love hotel N/A


Kanji Reading Meaning Frequency
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] arrow [2] wedge; chock [3] Ya N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] mansion; palace; manor house; castle [2] nobleman; noblewoman; dignitary [3] cabin (on a boat, carriage, etc.) N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] outdoors; outside; open air [2] fields; outskirts; suburbs N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] post; official position [2] managerial position; executive position N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. to be useful; to be helpful; to serve the purpose 2383
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. town hall N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. bedding; bedclothes N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. gentle; affectionate N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. residence; estate; grounds; premises; mansion 4092
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] to support; to maintain; to provide for [2] to bring up; to raise; to rear; to feed [3] to adopt (a child) 4114
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. (Shinto) shrine N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] ambition; aspiration [2] sinister designs; treachery N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] easy [2] likely to ...; have a tendency to ... [3] easy to ... N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. cheap-looking; tawdry; insignificant N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. to rest; to suspend; to give relief N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] wild [2] growing wild; living in the wild [3] I; me N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] indiscriminately; blindly; at random; recklessly; thoughtlessly; excessively; profusely [2] indiscriminate; random; excessive 3573
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. during the night; at night N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] servant (esp. a samurai's attendant) [2] chivalrous man (Edo period) [3] cubed tofu (often served cold) 589
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. opposition party; the opposition N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] illness; disease [2] bad habit; weakness; fault 4161
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] darkness; the dark [2] bewilderment; despair; hopelessness [3] hidden place; secrecy; oblivion 2757
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] to fall ill [2] to suffer from (e.g. a disease); to have something wrong with (e.g. an inner organ) N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. complicated; complex; intricate; confusing; difficult; troublesome N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. to carry through; to achieve; to complete N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. to accomplish; to finish; to carry through; to follow through N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [10] to harm; to injure; to kill [11] to have sex; to fuck; to bang [12] to live; to get by; to get along 77
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. to soften; to moderate; to relieve N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] young [2] youth; young person [3] Young (Australia); Yang; Yong; Yonge N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. predominance; superiority; ascendancy; advantage; supremacy N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. depression; melancholy; dejection; gloom; despondency N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. beneficial; profitable; useful; helpful; instructive N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. supremacy; predominance; being superior to N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. brave; courageous; gallant; valiant; heroic N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. organic N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. evening; dusk; twilight N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. financing; loan 4269
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. to have; to possess; to own; to be endowed with 1462
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] lending (money, commodities, etc.); finance; loan [2] adaptability; versatility; flexibility; accommodation N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. superiority; superior power; predominance; preponderance N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. preference; priority; precedence 3438
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. guidance; leading; induction; introduction; incitement; inducement N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. grace; refinement; elegance; daintiness N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. promising; hopeful; full of promise N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. nomadism N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. evening glow; red sunset; afterglow (of sunset) N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] influential; prominent; leading [2] strong; powerful; likely; plausible; promising; convincing; substantial 4656
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. ghost; specter; spectre; apparition; phantom N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. temptation; allurement; lure; enticement; seduction N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] to warp; to bend; to contort [2] to be perverted; to be warped (of a view, mind, etc.); to be distorted; to be cross-grained N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] to shake; to jolt; to rock; to swing; to sway [2] to shake (e.g. the political world); to disturb; to shock; to upset [3] to put off a batter (by varying one's type of pitch) N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. elbowroom; leeway; room; reserve; margin; allowance; latitude; time (to spare) 3741
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. uniform N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. unique; individual; original; unusual N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. to point at 4503
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] bow (weapon) [2] archery [3] bow (for a violin, etc.) N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] to swing; to sway; to shake; to tremble [2] to waver; to feel shaken; to become unstable N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] to become loose; to slacken (e.g. rope) [2] to become less tense; to relax; to let one's guard down [3] to slacken (e.g. coldness, supervision); to become lax N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] loose; slack [2] gentle (slope, curve); slow (speed) [3] lenient; liberal; lax 4783
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] world; society; public [2] life; lifetime [3] age; era; period; epoch; generation 2101
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. main cause; primary factor 2189
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. solution (liquid) N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. business; thing to be done; something that should be performed; information that should be conveyed N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. nursing; (protective) care N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] blank form [2] sheets of paper; sheet of paper N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. style; form; pattern N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. to need; to demand; to take; to require 2005
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. training; education; development; cultivation N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] appeal; call for something; request; claim; demand [2] axiom 2411
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. lamp N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Western style N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. way of using (something); usage; use; directions (for use) N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. demand for; request 3410
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. leisure; leisure time; spare time N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] presentiment; premonition; hunch [2] to have a premonition; to have a hunch 4473
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. performance (at a party or banquet, etc.); side show; entertainment N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. deposit; bank account N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. check; restraint; oppression; suppression N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. bathroom N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. control; restraint; suppression; constraint; curtailment; inhibition; check; curb 3862
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. greedy N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. desire; appetite; lust 3949
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] prediction; prophecy; prognostication; foretelling; forecast [2] (religious) prophecy N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] yokozuna (highest rank in sumo); grand champion [2] best in its field; crème de la crème; cream of the crop N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. expectation; anticipation; prediction; forecast; conjecture 1575
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. looking away; looking aside N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. place; room; margin; scope 4100
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. therefore; consequently; accordingly; for that reason N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. ruling party; government party; party in power; government N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. staying up late; keeping late hours; sitting up late at night; nighthawk N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] very; greatly; much; to a large extent; quite [2] just about to; almost; very nearly 2528
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] to lean against; to recline on; to lean on [2] to rely on; to depend on N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. public opinion; popular voice; public sentiment; consensus N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. to abate; to weaken; to be emaciated; to be dejected; to be perplexed N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. to weaken N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] to weaken; to grow weak; to wane; to decline (of one's health) [2] to be downcast; to be dejected; to be dispirited [3] to be troubled; to be at a loss; to be perplexed; to be annoyed N/A


Kanji Reading Meaning Frequency
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. attendance N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. rice (esp. when served on a plate) N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] dairy farming [2] Rakunou N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. optimism; taking an optimistic view N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] label [2] (record) label N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. lamp; light N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. abuse; misuse; misappropriation; using to excess N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] theory; reason; logic [2] (unreasonable) argument; strained logic; excuse; pretext 4890
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. intelligence; cleverness; innate aptitude N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. interest (on a deposit, loan, etc.) N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. profit; returns N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. reason; reasoning power; (one's) sense N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. interest (on a loan, deposit etc.) N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] solid body; three-dimensional object [2] multi-storey car park N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. legislation; lawmaking N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. advantage; point in favor; point in favour 3375
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. abbreviation; acronym N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] way; manner; style; fashion; mode [2] school (e.g. of flower arrangement) [3] class; rate; rank N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] circulation (of money, goods, etc.); distribution [2] circulation (of air, water, etc.); ventilation; flow [3] Ryuutsuu 4427
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. finish; completion; the end N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] fee; charge; rate [2] material N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] territory; domain [2] field; area; domain; sphere; realm [3] domain; region 3233
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] comprehension; consent; understanding; agreement [2] OK; roger N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. territorial waters N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] both extremities [2] North and South Poles [3] positive and negative poles N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. good sense N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. good quality; fine quality; superior quality; high quality N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. conscience N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. territory; dominion; grounds (e.g. school) N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. territory; domain; dominion; possession N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. compatibility; coexistence; standing together N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] passenger [2] traveller; traveler; tourist N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. passport N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] personal history; background; career [2] log; record; history [3] hysteresis N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. theory 3100
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. counter for wheels and flowers N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. forestry N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. resemblance; similarity; likeness; analogy N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] analogy [2] analogical reasoning; analogical inference [3] analogy N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] loose (e.g. belt) [2] slovenly; careless; slack N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. rule 2261
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. cruelty; coldheartedness; relentless; ruthless N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. cold storage; refrigeration N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] cool; indifferent; apathetic; half-hearted [2] cold; cold-hearted; heartless; unkind N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] regular; standard [2] regular player (on a team); regular guest (on a TV show); (a) regular [3] regular (gasoline) N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. lesson 3346
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. lady N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. liver N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. love; love-making; passion; emotion; affections 3051
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] range; stove; cooker [2] microwave oven N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] solidarity [2] joint; collective N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] rental car; rent-a-car; hire car; hired car [2] car rental agency; car hire agency; hire car agency N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] company; lot; people; bunch; gang; pack; guys; group; folks [2] troupe; company (of musicians) 1796
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] X-ray [2] roentgen (unit of ionizing radiation) N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. federation (of states); confederation; commonwealth; union N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] race [2] Rees; Race 2893
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. reading aloud; recitation N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. waste; extravagance N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. satisfactory; decent; good; proper; respectable N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. (not) well; (not) properly; (not) enough; (not) sufficiently; (not) satisfactorily; (not) decently N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] open; unconcealed; undisguised; blatant; plain; frank [2] broad; lewd; indecent; crude N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. romantic N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. discussion; argument; debate N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. logic 4478
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. rope 4568


Kanji Reading Meaning Frequency
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] sum [2] harmony; peace [3] Japan; Japanese-style N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] frame; framework [2] border; box [3] limit; restriction; quota 3817
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] planet [2] dark horse; surprise contender [3] Wakusei N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. technique; art; skill; move 3470
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] expressly; especially; specially; taking the trouble (to do); going to the trouble of (doing); going out of one's way (to do) [2] intentionally; deliberately; on purpose 1667
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. troublesome; annoying; complicated N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. migratory bird; bird of passage N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. watt N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. apology N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Japanese text; sentence in Japanese N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. straw N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] allotment; assignment; allocation; quota; rationing [2] allocation N/A
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [1] to cut into (a line, conversation, etc.); to force oneself into (e.g. a crowd); to wedge oneself into; to squeeze oneself into; to intrude on; to interrupt [2] to fall below (of stock prices, sales, etc.); to drop below N/A


Kanji Reading Meaning Frequency
The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. counter for months N/A