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Stroke order
Derived in the Heian period from writing the man'yōgana kanji 加 in the cursive sōsho style.
か • (ka )
The hiragana syllable か ( ka ) . Its equivalent in katakana is カ ( ka ) . It is the sixth syllable in the gojūon order; its position is か行 あ段 ( ka-gyō a-dan , “ row ka , section a ” ) .
(Hiragana ) 平仮名 ; あ ぁ , い ぃ , う ぅ ゔ , え ぇ , お ぉ , か ゕ が , き ぎ , く ぐ , け ゖ げ , こ ご , さ ざ , し じ , す ず , せ ぜ , そ ぞ , た だ , ち ぢ , つ っ づ , て で , と ど , な , に , ぬ , ね , の , は ば ぱ , ひ び ぴ , ふ ぶ ぷ , へ べ ぺ , ほ ぼ ぽ , ま , み , む , め , も , や ゃ , ゆ ゅ , よ ょ , ら , り , る , れ , ろ , わ ゎ , ゐ , ゑ , を , ん , ー , ゝ , ゞ , ゟ
From Proto-Japonic *ka .
( dialect ) け ( ke ) , けえ ( kē )
か • (ka )
interrogative or rhetorical question particle, similar to a question mark ("? ").
お元( げん ) 気( き ) です か 。 O-genki desu ka . How are you? (literally, “Are you well? ”)
どう すればいいか わからない。Dō sureba ii ka wakaranai. I don't know what I should do.
indefinite particle; "some -"
誰( だれ ) か が 何( なに ) か を 食( た ) べる。 Dareka ga nanika o taberu . Some one is eating some thing.(literally, “Who indef is eating what indef .”)
カ , ヵ : Used to mark uncertainty in non-conversation factual statements, such as data or proofreading
時代( じだい ) :江戸中期( えどちゅうき ) ヵ ― Jidai: Edo chūki ka ― Period: mid-Edo period?
壹升( いちます ) 〔斗( と ) ヵ 〕 ― ichi-masu (-to ka ) ― one masu (SIC: to ?)
disjunctive particle; "or "
これ か 、それ か 、どっち か選( えら ) んでよ 。Kore ka , sore ka , dotchika erande yo. This or that, choose one of them. (literally, “This? That? Choose one of them.”)
whether (or not)
行( い ) くか 知( し ) らない 。Iku ka shiranai. I don't know whether he'll go. (literally, “Will [he] go? [I] don't know.”)
indication of doubt
行( い ) くか と 思( おも ) いますが……Iku ka to omoimasu ga…… I think he'll go (but I'm not sure )....
In Classical Japanese, attaches to the rentaikei:
誰( だれ ) が天( てん ) 地( ち ) を造( つく ) りしか 。Dare ga tenchi o tsukurishi ka . Who made the heaven and the earth?
The Japanese full stop is traditionally used in place of a question mark after this particle.
First cited to The Tale of Genji (c. 1001-1014).[ 1]
か • (ka- )
( emphatic , before an adjective, non-productive) very
か + 弱い ( yowai ) → か弱い ( kayowai )
か + 細い ( hosoi ) → か細い ( kabosoi )
From Old Japanese . Only persists in stems. No longer productive in Modern Japanese.
か • (-ka )
forms 形容動詞 ( keiyō dōshi , “ -na adjectives” ) from stems, indicating the state or feeling of an object
May attach directly to a root.
静 ( shizu- ) + か ( -ka ) → 静か ( shizuka , “ quiet ” )
愚 ( oro- ) + か ( -ka ) → 愚か ( oroka , “ foolish ” )
細 ( koma- ) + か ( -ka ) → 細か ( komaka , “ tiny; detailed ” )
May be followed in turn by -i adjective-forming suffix しい ( -shii ) .
愚 ( oro- ) + か ( -ka ) + しい ( -shii ) → 愚かしい ( orokashii , “ foolish ” )
細 ( koma- ) + か ( -ka ) + しい ( -shii ) → 細かしい ( komakashii , “ tiny ” , archaic )
More rarely, may be followed by -i adjective-forming suffix い ( -i ) .
細 ( koma- ) + か ( -ka ) + い ( -i ) → 細かい ( komakai , “ tiny; detailed ” )
暖 ( atata- ) + か ( -ka ) + い ( -i ) → 暖かい ( atatakai , “ warm ” )
Often follows -na adjective-forming suffixes や ( ya ) or ら ( ra ) ; see also やか ( -yaka ) and らか ( -raka )
爽 ( sawa- ) + や ( -ya ) + か ( -ka ) → 爽やか ( sawayaka , “ refreshing; clear; eloquent ” )
明 ( aki- ) + ら ( -ra ) + か ( -ka ) → 明らか ( akiraka , “ apparent; clear ” )
For pronunciation and definitions of か – see the following entries.
(This term, か ( ka ) , is the hiragana spelling of the above terms.)For a list of all kanji read as か , see Category:Japanese kanji read as か .)
For pronunciation and definitions of か – see the following entries.
【荷 】 3
[counter] loads that can be carried on one's shoulders
【箇 】 S
[counter] used with numbers in the ichi-ni-san counting system
【顆 】 H
[counter] indicates small round things, such as gemstones, fruit, stones, tears
[noun] a condyle
【ヶ 】
[counter] 箇 : Counter for months, places or provisions of Classical Chinese origin.
(This term, か ( ka ) , is the hiragana spelling of the above terms.)For a list of all kanji read as か , see Category:Japanese kanji read as か .)
(The following entries do not have a page created for them yet: 何 , 苛 , 嫁 , 暇 , 禍 , 靴 , 稼 , 瓜 , 禾 , 伽 , 迦 , 嘉 , 霞 , 戈 , 卦 , 呵 , 訛 , 訶 , 窩 .)