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Stroke order
Derived in the Heian period from writing the man'yōgana kanji 仁 in the cursive sōsho style.
に • (ni )
The hiragana syllable に ( ni ) . Its equivalent in katakana is ニ ( ni ) . It is the twenty-second syllable in the gojūon order; its position is な行 い段 ( na-gyō i-dan , “ row na , section i ” ) .
(Hiragana ) 平仮名 ; あ ぁ , い ぃ , う ぅ ゔ , え ぇ , お ぉ , か ゕ が , き ぎ , く ぐ , け ゖ げ , こ ご , さ ざ , し じ , す ず , せ ぜ , そ ぞ , た だ , ち ぢ , つ っ づ , て で , と ど , な , に , ぬ , ね , の , は ば ぱ , ひ び ぴ , ふ ぶ ぷ , へ べ ぺ , ほ ぼ ぽ , ま , み , む , め , も , や ゃ , ゆ ゅ , よ ょ , ら , り , る , れ , ろ , わ ゎ , ゐ , ゑ , を , ん , ー , ゝ , ゞ , ゟ
From Old Japanese , from Proto-Japonic *ni .
に • (ni )
( with nouns )
particle for indirect objects ; to
俺( おれ ) に 返( かえ ) せ。Ore ni kaese. Give it back to me.
particle for location ; in , at
学( がっ ) 校( こう ) に いる 。Gakkō ni iru. I'm at/in school.
particle for direction ; toward , into
銀( ぎん ) 行( こう ) に 行( い ) った。Ginkō ni itta. I went to the bank.
学( がっ ) 校( こう ) に 行( い ) く 。Gakkō ni iku. I'm going to school.
particle indicating a passive agent ; by
蚊( か ) に さされた。Ka ni sasareta. I was bitten by a mosquito.
particle indicating a point in time ; at
7( しち ) 時( じ ) に ね。Shichi-ji ni ne. It is at seven o'clock. ( confirmation of when an event will take place )
particle used occasionally to replace と when organizing and counting ; and
particle for indicating the emotional reason that one does something ; in
お礼( れい ) に お菓( か ) 子( し ) を贈( おく ) るo-rei ni o-kashi o okuru to gift sweets in gratitude
復( ふく ) 讐( しゅう ) に 殺( さつ ) 人( じん ) を犯( おか ) すfukushū ni satsujin o okasu to commit murder in revenge
( with the stem form of verbs )
particle indicating purpose/intent ; for ; to
映( えい ) 画( が ) を見( み ) に 行( い ) く。Eiga o mi ni iku. I'm going to see a movie.
寝( ね ) に 帰( かえ ) るだけの部( へ ) 屋( や ) ne ni kaeru dake no heya a room only used when coming home to sleep
( with な-adjectives )
adverbializer ; -ly
Coordinate term: ( with い-adjectives ) く
確( たし ) かに tashika ni certainly
へ ( e ) : to; toward
In the sense indicating destination, the particles へ ( e ) and に ( ni ) are often interchangeable, though there is a slight difference of connotation or emphasis. へ ( e ) emphasizes the journey to the destination, while に ( ni ) emphasizes the arrival or entering it. The distinction is not quite the same as between English to and into ; に ( ni ) is usually best translated as to because に ( ni ) , unlike English into , can refer to the journey in addition to the arrival or entering the destination.
に • (-ni )
( of a child ) taking after ( in appearance )
お母( かあ ) さん 似( に ) okāsan-ni resembling their mother
に • (ni )
imperfective and stem (or continuative) forms of にる ( niru ) [ichidan]
に • (ni )
Continuative of ず ( zu , “ auxiliary verb of negation ” )
がえん じる ― to not consent
For pronunciation and definitions of に – see the following entries.
(This term, に ( ni ) , is the hiragana spelling of the above terms.)For a list of all kanji read as に , see Category:Japanese kanji read as に .)