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For pronunciation and definitions of かける – see the following entries.
- [verb] (transitive) hang (a picture, etc.); hoist; raise (a flag); fly (a kite)
- [verb] (transitive) multiply
- [verb] to sit (on a chair or bench, but not on the floor)
- [verb] to speak, to give an order etc., to call out, to call on the telephone
- [verb] to pour onto, to shake onto, to splash, to drip
- [verb] to wear a piece of clothing
- [verb] to pun (謎掛け)
- [suffix] to address someone, to direct, to do (something to someone)
- [suffix] to be about to, to begin
- [suffix] in the middle of, to begin (not complete)
- [conjunction] (mathematics) times (multiplication)
- [verb] be damaged, be broken
- [verb] be missing, to lack
- [verb] be insufficient, be short
- [verb] for the moon to wane
(This term, かける (kakeru), is the hiragana spelling of the above terms.) For a list of all kanji read as かける, see Category:Japanese kanji read as かける.)
(The following entries do not have a page created for them yet: 書ける, 描ける.)