< Appendix:JLPT | N1
- 枚, まい -counter for flat objects (e.g. sheets of paper)
- 埋蔵, まいぞう -buried property, treasure trove
- 舞う, まう -to dance, to flutter about, to revolve
- 真上, まうえ -just above, right overhead
- 前売り, まえうり -advance sale, booking
- 前置き, まえおき -preface, introduction
- 前もって, まえもって -in advance, beforehand, previously
- 任す, まかす -to entrust, to leave to a person
- 負かす, まかす -to defeat
- 賄う, まかなう -to give board to, to provide meals, to pay
- 曲がる, まがる -to turn, to bend
- 巻, まき -volume
- 紛らわしい, まぎらわしい -confusing, misleading, equivocal, ambiguous
- 紛れる, まぎれる -to be diverted, to slip into
- 膜, まく -membrane, film
- 捲る, まくる -verb suffix to indicate reckless abandon to the activity
- 真心, まこころ -sincerity, devotion
- 誠, まこと -truth, faith, fidelity, sincerity, trust, confidence, reliance, devotion
- 真に, まことに -truly, actually, really
- まごつく -to be confused, to be flustered
- 正しく, まさしく -surely, no doubt, evidently
- 正に, まさに -correctly, surely
- 勝る, まさる -to excel, to surpass, to outrival
- 増し, まし -extra, additional, less objectionable, better, preferable
- 真下, ました -right under, directly below
- 況して, まして -still more, still less (with neg. verb), to say nothing of, not to mention
- 交える, まじえる -to mix, to converse with, to cross (swords)
- 交わる, まじわる -to cross, to intersect, to associate with, to mingle with, to interest, to join
- 麻酔, ますい -anaesthesia
- 益々, ますます -increasingly, more and more
- 不味い, まずい -unappetising, unpleasant (taste appearance situation), ugly, unskilful, awkward, bungling, unwise, untime
- 股, また -groin, crotch, thigh
- 跨がる, またがる -to extend over or into, to straddle
- 跨ぐ, またぐ -to straddle
- 瞬き, またたき -wink, twinkling (of stars), flicker (of light)
- 待ち合わせ, まちあわせ -appointment
- 間違う, まちがう -to make a mistake, to be incorrect, to be mistaken
- 待ち遠しい, まちどおしい -looking forward to
- 待ち望む, まちのぞむ -to look anxiously for, to wait eagerly for
- 区々, まちまち -1. several, various, divergent, conflicting, different, diverse, 2. trivial
- 末期, まっき -closing years (period days), last stage
- 真っ二つ, まっぷたつ -in two equal parts
- 的, まと -mark, target
- 纏まり, まとまり -conclusion, settlement, consistency
- 纏め, まとめ -settlement, conclusion
- 免れる, まぬかれる -to escape from, to be rescued from, to avoid, to evade, to avert, to elude, to be exempted, to be relieved
- 招き, まねき -invitation
- 麻痺, まひ -paralysis, palsy, numbness, stupor
- 眩しい, まぶしい -dazzling, radiant
- 目蓋, まぶた -eyelid
- 間々, まま -occasionally, frequently
- 間もなく, まもなく -soon, before long, in a short time
- 眉, まゆ -eyebrow
- 鞠, まり -ball
- 丸ごと, まるごと -in its entirety, whole, wholly
- 丸っきり, まるっきり -completely, perfectly, just as if
- 丸で, まるで -quite, entirely, completely, at all, as if, as though, so to speak
- 丸々, まるまる -completely
- 丸める, まるめる -to make round, to round off, to roll up, to curl up, to seduce, to cajole, to explain away
- 満月, まんげつ -full moon
- 満場, まんじょう -unanimous, whole audience
- 真ん中, まんなか -middle, centre, mid-way
- 真ん前, まんまえ -right in front, under the nose
- 真ん丸い, まんまるい -perfectly circular
- 三, み -(num) three
- 見合い, みあい -formal marriage interview
- 見合わせる, みあわせる -to exchange glances, to postpone, to suspend operations, to refrain from performing an action
- 見落とす, みおとす -to overlook, to fail to notice
- 未開, みかい -savage land, backward region, uncivilized
- 味覚, みかく -taste, palate, sense of taste
- 見掛ける, みかける -to (happen to) see, to notice, to catch sight of
- 三日月, みかずき -new moon, crescent moon
- 見方, みかた -viewpoint
- 見苦しい, みぐるしい -unsightly, ugly
- 見込み, みこみ -hope, prospects, expectation
- 未婚, みこん -unmarried
- 惨め, みじめ -miserable
- 未熟, みじゅく -inexperience, unripeness, raw, unskilled, immature, inexperienced
- 微塵, みじん -particle, atom
- 見すぼらしい, みすぼらしい -shabby, seedy
- 見せびらかす, みせびらかす -to show off, to flaunt
- 見せ物, みせもの -show, exhibition
- 満たす, みたす -to satisfy, to ingratiate, to fill, to fulfill
- 乱す, みだす -to throw out of order, to disarrange, to disturb
- 乱れる, みだれる -to get confused, to be disordered, to be disturbed
- 未知, みち -not yet known
- 導く, みちびく -to be guided, to be shown
- 身近, みぢか -near oneself, close to one, familiar
- 密集, みっしゅう -crowd, close formation, dense
- 密接, みっせつ -related, connected, close, intimate
- 見っともない, みっともない -shameful, indecent
- 蜜, みつ -nectar, honey
- 密度, みつど -density
- 見積り, みつもり -estimation, quotation
- 未定, みてい -not yet fixed, undecided, pending
- 見通し, みとおし -perspective, unobstructed view, outlook, forecast, prospect, insight
- 源, みなもと -source, origin
- 身なり, みなり -personal appearance
- 峰, みね -peak, ridge
- 見逃す, みのがす -to miss, to overlook, to leave at large
- 見晴らし, みはらし -view
- 身振り, みぶり -gesture
- 見舞, みまい -enquiry, expression of sympathy, expression of concern
- 脈, みゃく -pulse
- 未練, みれん -lingering affection, attachment, regret(s), reluctance
- 見渡す, みわたす -to look out over, to survey (scene), to take an extensive view of
- 民主, みんしゅ -democratic, the head of the nation
- 民宿, みんしゅく -private home providing lodging for travelers
- 民族, みんぞく -people, race, nation, racial customs, folk customs
- 民俗, みんぞく -people, race, nation, racial customs, folk customs
- 六, む -(num) six
- 無意味, むいみ -nonsense, no meaning
- 向き, むき -direction, situation, exposure, aspect, suitability
- 無口, むくち -reticence
- 向け, むけ -for ~, oriented towards ~
- 婿, むこ -son-in-law
- 無効, むこう -invalid, no effect, unavailable
- 無言, むごん -silence
- 毟る, むしる -to pluck, to pick, to tear
- 無邪気, むじゃき -innocence, simple-mindedness
- 結び, むすび -ending, conclusion, union
- 結び付き, むすびつき -connection, relation
- 結び付く, むすびつく -to be connected or related, to join together
- 結び付ける, むすびつける -to combine, to join, to tie on, to attach with a knot
- 無線, むせん -wireless, radio
- 無駄遣い, むだづかい -waste money on, squander money on, flog a dead horse
- 無断, むだん -without permission, without notice
- 無知, むち -ignorance
- 無茶, むちゃ -absurd, unreasonable, excessive, rash, absurdity, nonsense
- 無茶苦茶, むちゃくちゃ -confused, jumbled, mixed up, unreasonable
- 空しい, むなしい -vacant, futile, vain, void, empty, ineffective, lifeless
- 無念, むねん -chagrin, regret
- 無能, むのう -inefficiency, incompetence
- 無闇に, むやみに -unreasonably, absurdly, recklessly, indiscreetly, at random
- 無用, むよう -useless, futility, needlessness, unnecessariness
- 群がる, むらがる -to swarm, to gather
- 無論, むろん -of course, naturally
- 名産, めいさん -noted product
- 名称, めいしょう -name
- 命中, めいちゅう -a hit
- 名簿, めいぼ -register of names
- 名誉, めいよ -honor, credit, prestige
- 明瞭, めいりょう -clarity
- 明朗, めいろう -bright, clear, cheerful
- 目方, めかた -weight
- 恵み, めぐみ -blessing
- 恵む, めぐむ -to bless, to show mercy to
- 目覚しい, めざましい -brilliant, splendid, striking, remarkable
- 目覚める, めざめる -to wake up
- 召す, めす -to call, to send for, to put on, to wear, to take (a bath), to ride in, to buy, to eat, to drink, to catch (a
- 雌, めす -female (animal)
- 滅茶苦茶, めちゃくちゃ -absurd, unreasonable, excessive, messed up, spoiled, wreaked
- 目付き, めつき -look, expression of the eyes, eyes
- 滅亡, めつぼう -downfall, ruin, collapse, destruction
- 愛でたい, めでたい -auspicious
- 目眩, めまい -dizziness, giddiness
- 目盛, めもり -scale, gradations
- 面会, めんかい -interview
- 免除, めんじょ -exemption, exoneration, discharge
- 面する, めんする -to face on, to look out on to
- 面目, めんぼく -face, honour, reputation, prestige, dignity, credit
- 設ける, もうける -to create, to establish
- 申し入れる, もうしいれる -to propose, to suggest
- 申し込み, もうしこみ -application, entry, request, subscription, offer, proposal, overture, challenge
- 申出, もうしで -proposal, request, claim, report, notice
- 申し出る, もうしでる -to report to, to tell, to suggest, to submit, to request, to make an offer, to come forward with informati
- 申し分, もうしぶん -objection, shortcomings
- 盲点, もうてん -blind spot
- 猛烈, もうれつ -violent, vehement, rage
- 藻掻く, もがく -to struggle, to wriggle, to be impatient
- 目録, もくろく -catalogue, catalog, list
- 目論見, もくろみ -a plan, a scheme, a project, a program, intention, goal
- 模型, もけい -model, dummy, maquette
- 模索, もさく -groping (for)
- 若し, もし -if, in case, supposing
- 若しかしたら, もしかしたら -perhaps, maybe, by some chance
- 若しかして, もしかして -perhaps, possibly
- 若しかすると, もしかすると -perhaps, maybe, by some chance
- 若しくは, もしくは -or, otherwise
- 若しも, もしも -if
- 齎らす, もたらす -to bring, to take, to bring about
- 凭れる, もたれる -to lean against, to lean on, to recline on, to lie heavy (on the stomach)
- 持ち, もち -1. hold, charge, keep possession, in charge, 2. wear, durability, life, draw, 3. usage (suff)
- 持ち切り, もちきり -hot topic, talk of the town
- 物体ない, もったいない -too good, more than one deserves, wasteful, sacrilegious, unworthy of
- 以て, もって -with, by, by means of, because, in view of
- 専ら, もっぱら -wholly, solely, entirely
- 持て成す, もてなす -to entertain, to make welcome
- 持てる, もてる -to be well liked, to be popular
- 基, もとい -basis
- 物置き, ものおき -storeroom
- 物好き, ものずき -curiosity
- 物足りない, ものたりない -unsatisfied, unsatisfactory
- 最早, もはや -already, now
- 模範, もはん -exemplar, exemplification, exemplum, model, example
- 模倣, もほう -imitation, copying
- 揉める, もめる -to disagree, to dispute
- 腿, もも -thigh, femur
- 催す, もよおす -to hold (a meeting), to give (a dinner), to feel, to show signs of, to develop symptoms of, to feel (sick
- 漏らす, もらす -to let leak, to reveal
- 盛り上がる, もりあがる -to rouse, to swell, to rise
- 漏る, もる -to leak, to run out
- 漏れる, もれる -to leak out, to escape, to come through, to shine through, to filter out, to be omitted
- 脆い, もろい -brittle, fragile, tender-hearted
- もろに -completely, all the way
- 問, もん -problem, question