< Appendix:JLPT | N1
- 内閣, ないかく -cabinet, (government) ministry
- 乃至, ないし, between...and, or
- 内臓, ないぞう -internal organs, intestines, viscera
- 内部, ないぶ -interior, inside, internal
- 内乱, ないらん -civil war, insurrection, rebellion, domestic conflict
- 内陸, ないりく -inland
- 苗, なえ -rice seedling
- 尚, なお -furthermore, still, yet, more, still more, greater, further, less
- 尚更, なおさら -all the more, still less
- 中程, なかほど -middle, midway
- 流し, ながし -sink
- 長々, ながなが -long, drawn-out, very long
- 殴る, なぐる -to strike, to hit
- 嘆く, なげく -to sigh, to lament, to grieve
- 投げ出す, なげだす -to throw down, to abandon, to sacrifice, to throw out
- 和やか, なごやか -mild, calm, gentle, quiet, harmonious
- 名残, なごり -remains, traces, memory
- 情け, なさけ -sympathy, compassion
- 情け深い, なさけぶかい -tender-hearted, compassionate
- 為さる, なさる -to do
- 詰る, なじる -to rebuke, to scold, to tell off
- 何故, なぜ -why, how
- 何故なら, なぜなら -because
- 名高い, なだかい -famous, celebrated, well-known
- 雪崩, なだれ -avalanche
- 懐く, なつく -to become emotionally attached
- 名付ける, なづける -to name (someone)
- 何気ない, なにげない -casual, unconcerned
- 何しろ, なにしろ -at any rate, anyhow, anyway, in any case
- 何卒, なにとぞ -please
- 何も, なにも -nothing
- 何より, なにより -most, best
- 七日, なぬか -seven days, the seventh day (of the month)
- 名札, なふだ -name plate, name tag
- 生臭い, なまぐさい -smelling of fish or blood, fish or meat
- 生温い, なまぬるい -lukewarm, halfhearted
- 生身, なまみ -living flesh, flesh and blood, the quick
- 鉛, なまり -lead (the metal)
- 鈍る, なまる -to become less capable, to grow dull, to become blunt, to weaken
- 並み, なみ -average, medium, common, ordinary
- 滑らか, なめらか -smoothness, glassiness
- 嘗める, なめる -to lick, to taste, to experience, to make fun of, to make light of, to put down, to treat with contempt
- 悩ましい, なやましい -seductive, melancholy, languid
- 悩ます, なやます -to afflict, to torment, to harass, to molest
- 悩み, なやみ -trouble(s), worry, distress, anguish, agony, problem
- 平均, ならし -equilibrium, balance, average, mean
- 慣らす, ならす -to accustom
- 馴らす, ならす -to domesticate, to tame
- 並びに, ならびに -and
- 成り立つ, なりたつ -to conclude, to consist of, to be practical (logical feasible viable), to hold true
- 成る丈, なるたけ -as much as possible, if possible
- 成るべく, なるべく -as much as possible
- 慣れ, なれ -practice, experience
- 馴れ馴れしい, なれなれしい -over-familiar
- 難, なん -difficulty, hardships, defect
- 南, なん -south
- なんか -things like ..., or something like that .. (often derogatory)
- 何だか, なんだか -a little, somewhat, somehow
- なんだかんだ -something or other
- 何て, なんて -how...!, what...!
- 何と, なんと -what, how, whatever
- 何となく, なんとなく -somehow or other, for some reason or another
- 何とも, なんとも -nothing (with neg. verb), quite, not a bit
- 何なり, なんなり -any, anything, whatever
- 荷, に -load, baggage, cargo
- 似通う, にかよう -to resemble closely
- 面皰, にきび -pimple, acne
- 賑わう, にぎわう -to prosper, to flourish, to do thriving business, to be crowded with people
- 悪い, にくい -hateful, abominable, poor-looking
- 憎しみ, にくしみ -hatred
- 肉親, にくしん -blood relationship, blood relative
- 肉体, にくたい -the body, the flesh
- 逃げ出す, にげだす -to run away, to escape from
- 西日, にしび -westering sun
- 滲む, にじむ -to run, to blur, to spread, to blot, to ooze
- 日夜, にちや -day and night, always
- 日当, にっとう -daily allowance
- 荷造り, にづくり -packing, baling, crating
- 担う, になう -to carry on shoulder, to bear (burden), to shoulder (gun)
- 二人, ににん -two persons, two people, pair, couple
- にも拘らず, にもかかわらず -in spite of, nevertheless
- 入手, にゅうしゅ -obtaining, coming to hand
- 入賞, にゅうしょう -winning a prize or place (in a contest)
- 入浴, にゅうよく -bathe, bathing
- 尿, にょう -urine
- 俄か, にわか -sudden, abrupt, unexpected, improvised, offhand
- 認識, にんしき -recognition, cognizance
- 妊娠, にんしん -conception, pregnancy
- 人情, にんじょう -humanity, empathy, kindness, sympathy, human nature, common sense, customs and manners
- 任務, にんむ -duty, function, office, mission, task
- 任命, にんめい -appointment, nomination, ordination, commission, designation
- 抜かす, ぬかす -to omit, to leave out
- 抜け出す, ぬけだす -to slip out, to sneak away, to excel
- 盗み, ぬすみ -stealing
- 沼, ぬま -swamp, bog, pond, lake
- 音, ね -sound, note
- 値打ち, ねうち -value, worth, price, dignity
- 寝かせる, ねかせる -to put to bed, to lay down, to ferment
- 捻子, ねじ -screw, helix, spiral
- ねじ回し, ねじまわし -screwdriver
- 捻じれる, ねじれる -to twist, to wrench, to screw
- 鼠, ねず -1. mouse, rat, 2. dark gray, slate color
- 妬む, ねたむ -to be jealous, to be envious
- 強請る, ねだる -to tease, to coax, to solicit, to demand
- 熱湯, ねっとう -boiling water
- 熱意, ねつい -zeal, enthusiasm
- 熱量, ねつりょう -temperature
- 粘り, ねばり -stickyness, viscosity
- 粘る, ねばる -to be sticky, to be adhesive, to persevere, to persist, to stick to
- 値引き, ねびき -price reduction, discount
- 根回し, ねまわし -making necessary arrangements
- 眠たい, ねむたい -sleepy
- 練る, ねる -to knead, to work over, to polish up
- 念, ねん -sense, idea, thought, feeling, desire, concern, attention, care
- 年鑑, ねんかん -yearbook
- 年号, ねんごう -name of an era, year number
- 燃焼, ねんしょう -burning, combustion
- 年生, ねんせい -pupil in .... year, student in .... year
- 年長, ねんちょう -seniority
- 燃料, ねんりょう -fuel
- 年輪, ねんりん -annual tree ring
- 脳, のう -brain, memory
- 農耕, のうこう -farming, agriculture
- 農場, のうじょう -farm (agriculture)
- 農地, のうち -agricultural land
- 納入, のうにゅう -payment, supply
- 逃す, のがす -to let loose, to set free, to let escape
- 逃れる, のがれる -to escape
- 軒並み, のきなみ -row of houses
- 鋸, のこぎり -saw
- 望ましい, のぞましい -desirable, hoped for
- 臨む, のぞむ -to look out on, to face, to deal with, to attend (function)
- 乗っ取る, のっとる -to capture, to occupy, to usurp
- 長閑, のどか -tranquil, calm, quiet
- 罵る, ののしる -to speak ill of, to abuse
- 延べ, のべ -futures, credit (buying), stretching, total
- 飲み込む, のみこむ -to gulp down, to swallow deeply, to understand, to take in, to catch on to, to learn, to digest
- 乗り換え, のりかえ -transfer (trains buses etc.)
- 乗り込む, のりこむ -to board, to embark on, to get into (a car), to ship (passengers), to man (a ship), to help (someone) int