Appendix:Moby Thesaurus II/67
[edit]- prostrate, abject, accumbent, adorant, adoring, afflict, aggrieve, all in, anguish, backscratching, beat, beat down, beat up, beaten, bedfast, bedridden, beggarly, bend, blow down, blow over, bone-weary, bootlicking, bow and scrape, bow down, bowl down, bowl over, break, break down, bring down, bring low, bring to tears, broken, broken-down, brokenhearted, brought down, brought low, bulldog, bulldoze, burn down, burn out, bushed, cast down, chop down, confined, conquer, conquered, couch, couchant, couche, cowering, crawl, crawling, cringe, cringing, crippled, crouched, crouching, crush, crushed, cut down, cut up, dash, dash down, dashed, dead, dead-and-alive, dead-tired, deadbeat, debased, debilitate, deck, decumbent, deferential, deflate, demoralize, demoralized, depressed, desolate, desolated, devotional, devout, disabled, disarm, disarmed, disqualified, do in, do up, dog-tired, dog-weary, done, done in, done up, down, downcast, downthrown, drained, draped, draw tears, drop, embitter, enchain, enervate, exhaust, exhausted, fag, fag out, fagged out, fallen, fatigue, fatigued, fawning, fell, felled, fetch down, flag, flat, flatten, flattened, flattering, floor, floored, footlicking, frazzle, gag, gone, grieve, ground, grovel, groveling, hamstring, hamstrung, handcuff, hangdog, harass, heart-stricken, heart-struck, heartbroken, helpless, hew down, hobble, hog-tie, hog-tied, horizontal, hospitalized, hot, humble, humbled, imploring, impotent, in childbed, in hospital, in the dust, incapacitated, ingratiating, inundate, inundated, invalidated, invalided, jade, knee-high, kneel, knock down, knock out, knock over, knock up, knocked flat, knocked out, kowtow, laid low, laid up, lay level, lay low, lay out, level, lie down, lolling, lounging, low, low-built, low-hung, low-level, low-leveled, low-lying, low-set, low-statured, lowered, lying, lying down, manacle, master, mastered, mealymouthed, mow down, muzzle, neap, neurasthenic, obeisant, obsequious, on bended knee, oppress, overcome, overfatigue, overpower, overpowered, override, overstrain, overtire, overweary, overwhelm, overwhelmed, paralyze, paralyzed, parasitic, played out, poop, poop out, pooped, pooped out, powerless, prayerful, precative, precatory, precipitate, procumbent, prone, prostrate before, prostrated, psych out, pull down, put down, quell, quelled, rase, raze, ready to drop, recline, reclining, recumbent, reduce, reduced, reduced to jelly, reposing, resupine, reverent, reverential, ride down, ruin, ruined, runty, send headlong, servile, shake, shaken, short, shot to pieces, sick abed, silence, smash, smashed, sniveling, solemn, sorrow, spent, sponging, sprawled, sprawling, spread, spread-eagle, squat, squatty, steamroller, stooped, strangle, stretched out, stricken, stumpy, subdue, subdued, subjugate, subjugated, submerged, submissive, submit, subservient, sunk, sunken, supinate, supine, suppliant, supplicant, supplicatory, suppress, suppressed, sycophantic, take down, tear down, throttle, throw, throw down, timeserving, tire, tire out, tire to death, tired out, tired to death, toadeating, toadying, toadyish, topple, torment, trample down, trample underfoot, tread underfoot, trip, truckle, truckling, truss up, tucker, tuckered out, tumble, unbrace, undo, undone, unelevated, unglued, unman, unmanned, unnerve, unnerved, unstring, unstrung, upset, use up, used up, vanquish, vanquished, venerational, venerative, washed-up, weaken, wear, wear down, wear on, wear out, wearied, weary, weary unto death, whack down, whacked, wilt, wind, wiped out, worn out, worn-out, worshipful, worshiping
[edit]- prostration, accubation, accumbency, aching heart, adoration, adulation, adynamia, agony, agony of mind, anemia, anguish, apple-polishing, ass-kissing, atony, backscratching, bale, bend, bending the knee, bitterness, blah feeling, bleeding heart, bloodlessness, bob, bootlicking, bouleversement, bow, bowing, bowing and scraping, breakdown, broken heart, brown-nosing, cachexia, cachexy, care, carking care, cave-in, circulatory collapse, co-worship, collapse, convulsion, couchancy, cowardice, crack-up, crackup, cringing, crouch, crushing, cult, cultism, cultus, curtsy, debasement, debilitation, debility, decumbency, deference, deflation, dejection, depression, depth of misery, desolation, despair, desperation, despondency, devotion, dipping the colors, downfall, draining, duck, dulia, dullness, enervation, etiolation, exhaustedness, exhaustion, extremity, faintness, fall, fatigue, fawnery, fawning, feebleness, flabbiness, flaccidity, flunkyism, footlicking, genuflection, grief, groveling, handshaking, heartache, heartfelt grief, heartgrief, heavy heart, homage, humiliation, hyperdulia, idolatry, implosion, impotence, inclination, infelicity, ingratiation, insinuation, kneeling, kowtow, kowtowing, lamentation, languishment, languor, lassitude, latria, listlessness, loll, lounging, lowness, lying, lying down, making a leg, mealymouthedness, melancholia, melancholy, misery, nervous breakdown, nervous exhaustion, nervous prostration, neurasthenia, nod, obeisance, obsequiousness, overthrow, overturn, paralysis, parasitism, pining, presenting arms, proneness, reclination, reclining, recumbency, repose, respect, reverence, sabotage, sadness, salaam, salutation, salute, scrape, servility, shortness, sluggishness, softness, sorrow, sorrowing, sponging, sprawl, squat, squatness, squattiness, standing at attention, stoop, strengthlessness, stumpiness, subjacency, submission, submissiveness, subversion, suicidal despair, supination, supineness, sycophancy, timeserving, toadeating, toadying, toadyism, transcendent wonder, truckling, tufthunting, unhappiness, upheaval, upset, veneration, weakliness, weakness, weariness, woe, woefulness, worship, worshiping, wretchedness
[edit]- prosy, Attic, Spartan, arid, ascetic, austere, bald, bare, barren, candid, chaste, classic, classical, common, commonplace, direct, drab, dry, dull, earthbound, everyday, flat, frank, garden, garden-variety, homely, homespun, household, humdrum, infecund, infertile, insipid, lackluster, lean, lifeless, literal, lusterless, matter-of-fact, mundane, natural, neat, nondescript, open, ordinary, pedestrian, plain, plain-speaking, plain-spoken, poetryless, prosaic, prose, prosing, pure, pure and simple, rustic, severe, simple, simple-speaking, sober, spare, staid, stark, stolid, straightforward, stuffy, tiresome, unadorned, unaffected, unembellished, unfanciful, unideal, unidealistic, unimaginative, unimpassioned, uninspired, uninventive, unoriginal, unpoetic, unpoetical, unromantic, unromanticized, unvarnished, vapid, workaday, workday
[edit]- protagonist, Maecenas, abettor, actor, admirer, advocate, aficionado, angel, antagonist, antihero, apologist, backer, bit, bit part, buff, cast, champion, character, cue, danseur noble, defender, dependence, diva, encourager, endorser, exponent, fan, fat part, favorer, feature attraction, feeder, first tragedian, friend at court, headliner, heavy, heavy lead, hero, heroine, ingenue, jeune premier, lead, lead role, leader, leading lady, leading man, leading woman, lines, lover, mainstay, maintainer, moving spirit, paranymph, part, partisan, patron, person, personage, piece, prima ballerina, prima donna, prime mover, principal, promoter, reliance, role, second, seconder, sectary, side, sider, singer, soubrette, sponsor, stalwart, standard-bearer, standby, star, straight part, superstar, support, supporter, supporting character, supporting role, sustainer, sympathizer, title role, upholder, villain, votary, walk-on, walking part, well-wisher
[edit]- protean, able to adapt, adaptable, adjustable, allotropic, alterable, alterative, changeable, changeful, checkered, diversiform, ever-changing, flexible, fluid, heteromorphic, heteromorphous, impermanent, kaleidoscopic, labile, malleable, manifold, many-sided, metamorphic, metamorphotic, mobile, modifiable, movable, multifarious, multifold, multiform, multiphase, multiple, multiplex, mutable, nonuniform, permutable, plastic, polymorphic, polymorphous, proteiform, resilient, rubbery, supple, transient, transitory, unsettled, unstable, unsteady, variable
[edit]- protect, abet, advocate, aid, arm, armor, assist, avail, bail out, bear a hand, befriend, benefit, bless, bulwark, care for, champion, cloak, comfort, compass about, conserve, copyright, cover, cushion, defend, do good, doctor, ease, ensure, favor, fence, fend, flank, foster, give a boost, give a hand, give a lift, give help, guarantee, guard, guard against, harbor, haven, help, insure, keep, keep alive, keep from harm, keep intact, keep inviolate, keep safe, keep up, lend a hand, lend one aid, maintain, make safe, make sure, mind, nestle, not destroy, not endanger, not expend, not use up, not waste, nurture, patent, play safe, police, preserve, proffer aid, rally, reclaim, redeem, register, relieve, remedy, render assistance, rescue, restore, resuscitate, revive, ride shotgun for, safeguard, save, screen, secure, set up, shelter, shield, shroud, spare, succor, support, sustain, take care of, take in tow, take precautions, tend, underwrite, uphold, watch over
[edit]- protected, armed, cloaked, conserved, copyrighted, covered, defended, guarded, immune, immunized, insured, intact, invulnerable, kept, patented, policed, preserved, safe, safe and sound, safeguarded, saved, screened, secure, sheltered, shielded, spared, undamaged, unharmed, unhurt, unscathed, unspoiled, untainted, unthreatened, untouched, well-conserved
protection racket
[edit]- protection racket, Cosa Nostra, Mafia, badger game, black market, blackmail, bloodsucking, bootlegging, extortion, gambling, gray market, illegal commerce, illegal operations, illegitimate business, illicit business, loan-sharking, moonshining, narcotics traffic, organized crime, prostitution, racket, shady dealings, shakedown, the rackets, the syndicate, traffic in women, usury, vampirism, white slavery
[edit]- protection, aegis, aid, armament, armor, arrest, arrestation, assistance, assurance, autarky, avoidance reaction, barrier, benefit, bill of health, bimetallism, blackmail, boodle, bribe, bribe money, buffer, bulwark, care, charge, check, clear sailing, clearance, comfort, conservancy, conservation, conservationism, constraint, control, cooling, cooling down, cooling off, curb, curtailment, custodianship, custody, deceleration, defence, defense, defense in depth, defense mechanism, defenses, deterrent capacity, ease, economic self-sufficiency, ego defenses, environmental conservation, escape mechanism, extortion, forearming, forehandedness, foresight, foresightedness, forest conservation, forest management, forethought, forethoughtfulness, free enterprise, free trade, full pratique, good offices, governmentalism, graft, gratification, gratuity, guard, guardianship, guarding, harmlessness, haven, help, hindrance, hold, hush money, immunity, inhibition, injunction, insurance, interdict, invulnerability, keep, keeping, laissez-faire, laissez-faireism, legal restraint, line, localism, maintenance, managed currency, measures, ministration, ministry, monopoly, negative taxis, noninterference, nonintervention, nullification, office, offices, pad, party line, party principle, pass, passport, patronage, payoff, payola, planned economy, policy, polity, position, pratique, precaution, precautions, precautiousness, preserval, preservation, preventive custody, preventive measure, price supports, prohibition, protectionism, protective custody, protective tariff, providence, provision, psychological defenses, public policy, pump-priming, rationing, refuge, rein, relief, remedy, rescue, resistance, restraint, restraint of trade, retardation, retrenchment, risklessness, safe-conduct, safeguard, safekeeping, safeness, safety, salvage, salvation, sanctuary, saving, screen, sectionalism, security, self-control, self-defense, self-preservation, self-protection, service, shakedown, shelter, shield, slowing down, soil conservation, sop, sponsorship, squeeze, steps, steps and measures, stream conservation, succor, support, surety, tariff wall, the defensive, therapy, thought control, upkeep, visa, ward, water conservation, wetlands conservation, wildlife conservation
protective coloration
[edit]- protective coloration, aggressive mimicry, apery, camouflage, cryptic mimicry, disguise, domino, false colors, false face, false front, incognito, mask, masque, masquerade, mimicry, mockery, mummery, parrotry, playing possum, smoke screen, synaposematic mimicry, visor, vizard, vizard mask
[edit]- protective, careful, conservational, conservationist, conservative, conservatory, conserving, covering, custodial, defending, defensive, fostering, guardian, guarding, heedful, immunizing, jealous, keeping, parental, possessive, preservative, preservatory, preserving, preventative, preventive, prophylactic, protecting, safeguarding, saving, screening, self-defensive, self-preservative, self-protective, sheltering, shielding, tutelary, vigilant, watchful
[edit]- protector, advocate, apologist, benefactor, benefactress, bodyguard, champion, defender, guard, guardian angel, paladin, patron, patroness, pillar, prince regent, protectress, queen regent, regent, rock, safekeeper, supporter, tower, tower of strength, upholder, vindicator
[edit]- protectorate, aedileship, ally, archbishopric, archduchy, archdukedom, archiepiscopacy, archiepiscopate, aristocracy, bishopric, body politic, buffer state, captive nation, chairmanship, chancellery, chancellorate, chancellorship, chiefery, chiefry, chieftaincy, chieftainry, chieftainship, city-state, colony, commonweal, commonwealth, consulate, consulship, country, county, deanery, dictatorship, dictature, directorship, domain, dominion, duchy, dukedom, earldom, emirate, empery, empire, episcopacy, free city, governorship, grand duchy, headship, hegemony, hierarchy, kingdom, land, leadership, lordship, magistracy, magistrateship, magistrature, mandant, mandate, mandated territory, mandatee, mandatory, masterdom, mastership, mastery, mayoralty, mayorship, metropolitanate, metropolitanship, nation, nationality, nobility, papacy, pashadom, pashalic, patriarchate, patriarchy, polis, polity, pontificality, pontificate, popedom, popehood, popeship, possession, power, prefectship, prefecture, premiership, presidency, presidentship, prime-ministership, prime-ministry, princedom, princeship, principality, principate, proconsulate, proconsulship, protectorship, province, provostry, provostship, puppet government, puppet regime, realm, rectorate, rectorship, regency, regentship, republic, ruling class, satellite, seigniory, seneschalship, seneschalsy, seneschalty, settlement, sheikhdom, sheriffalty, sheriffcy, sheriffdom, shrievalty, sovereign nation, state, sultanate, superpower, supervisorship, suzerainship, suzerainty, territory, toparchia, toparchy, tribunate, vizierate, viziership
[edit]- protein, albumin, albuminoid, amino acid, androcyte, antheridium, antherozoid, casein, chlorophyll, chromoprotein, collagen, dipeptide, edestin, elastin, fibroin, globin, globulin, glutenin, glycoprotein, hemoglobin, histone, ichthulin, interferon, lactalbumin, lecithoprotein, lipid, lipoprotein, lysozyme, male gamete, milt, mucin, nucleohistone, nucleoprotein, oryzenin, osseomucoid, peptide, peptone, phosphoaminolipide, phosphoprotein, pollen, prolamine, protamine, proteid, proteose, protide, salmine, scum, seed, semen, seminal fluid, serum globulin, sperm, sperm cell, spermagonium, spermatic fluid, spermatid, spermatiophore, spermatium, spermatocyte, spermatogonium, spermatophore, spermatozoa, spermatozoid, spermatozoon, tendomucin, thymus histone, zein
[edit]- protest, affirm, affirmance, affirmation, allegation, allege, announce, announcement, annunciate, annunciation, argue, assert, assertion, assever, asseverate, asseveration, aver, averment, avouch, avouchment, avow, avowal, bad debt, ban, bashfulness, be at cross-purposes, beef, beefing, bellyache, bellyaching, bitch, bitching, blackball, blackballing, boggle, boggling, boycott, break bounds, break step, call in question, categorically reject, challenge, combat, combative reaction, complain, complain loudly, complaining, complaint, compunction, conclusion, confirm, confront, contend, contend with, contrariety, counter, counteract, counteraction, countervail, counterwork, creed, cross, cry out against, declaration, declare, default, defection, defiance, delinquence, delinquency, demonstrate, demonstrate against, demonstration, demur, demurral, demurrer, denial, deny, depose, destructive criticism, deviation, dictum, difficulty, diffidence, dim view, disaccord, disaccordance, disagree, disagreement, disallow, disappointment, disapprobation, disapproval, disapprove, disapprove of, disclaim, disclaimer, disconformity, discontent, discontentedness, discontentment, disenchantment, disesteem, disfavor, disgruntlement, dishonor, dishonoring, disillusion, disillusionment, displeasure, dispute, disrespect, dissatisfaction, dissent, dissent from, dissentience, distaste, drop out, enter a protest, enunciate, enunciation, except, exception, exclude, exclusion, expostulate, expostulation, express, face down, face out, face up to, falter, faltering, faultfinding, fight, fractiousness, front, frown at, frown down, frown upon, go against, grievance, grievance committee, grimace at, gripe, griping, groan, groaning, grouse, grousing, grumble, grumbling, have, hesitance, hesitancy, hesitation, hold, holler, howl, inaccordance, incongruity, inconsistency, indignation, indignation meeting, insist, insist on, inveigh against, involuntarily, ipse dixit, issue a manifesto, join the opposition, kick, kick against, kicking, lay down, levant, look askance at, look black upon, low estimation, low opinion, maintain, make a stand, make waves, manifesto, march, meet head-on, modesty, murmuring, negativism, noncompliance, nonconcurrence, nonconform, nonconformance, nonconformism, nonconformity, noncooperation, nondischarge of debts, nonobservance, nonpayment, nonremittal, nonviolent protest, not abide, not approve, not comply, not conform, not go for, not hear of, not hold with, not pay, object, object to, objection, obstinacy, offer resistance, oppose, opposition, opposure, opt out, originality, ostracism, ostracize, passive resistance, pause, peeve, peevishness, pet peeve, petulance, picket, picketing, play at cross-purposes, position, position paper, positive declaration, predicate, predication, press objections, proclaim, proclamation, profess, profession, pronounce, pronouncement, proposition, protest demonstration, protestation, protested bill, put, put it, qualm, qualm of conscience, qualmishness, querulousness, question, raise a howl, rally, reaction, rebuff, recalcitrance, recalcitrancy, recalcitrate, recalcitration, recoil, recusance, recusancy, refractoriness, refuse to pay, reject, rejection, reluct, reluctance, reluctantly, remonstrance, remonstrate, remonstration, renitence, renitency, repellence, repellency, repudiate, repudiation, repulse, repulsion, resist, resistance, revolt, rock the boat, run against, run counter to, say, say no to, say-so, saying, scolding, scruple, scrupulosity, scrupulousness, set down, show fight, shrinking, shyness, sit in, sit-in, sniping, speak, speak out, speak up, squawk, squawking, stance, stand, stand at bay, stand for, stand on, stand up against, stand up to, state, statement, stickling, stop payment, strike, strive against, submit, take exception, take exception to, take issue with, teach in, teach-in, think ill of, think little of, thumb down, thumbs-down, traverse, uncollectible, unconformity, uncooperativeness, under protest, unhappiness, unwillingly, utterance, view with disfavor, vote against, vouch, welsh, whining, withstand, withstanding, word, yapping, yell bloody murder
[edit]- protestation, affirmance, affirmation, alibi, allegation, announcement, annunciation, apology, assertion, asseveration, averment, avouchment, avowal, beef, bitch, blind, boycott, challenge, cloak, color, complaint, compunction, conclusion, cover, cover story, cover-up, creed, declaration, demonstration, demur, demurrer, device, dictum, enunciation, exception, excuse, expostulation, facade, feint, front, gloss, grievance, grievance committee, guise, handle, howl, indignation meeting, ipse dixit, kick, lame excuse, locus standi, manifesto, march, mask, nonviolent protest, objection, ostensible motive, picketing, poor excuse, position, position paper, positive declaration, predicate, predication, pretense, pretension, pretext, proclamation, profession, pronouncement, proposition, protest, protest demonstration, public motive, put-off, qualm, rally, refuge, remonstrance, remonstration, say, say-so, saying, screen, scruple, semblance, sham, show, sit-in, smoke screen, squawk, stalking-horse, stance, stand, statement, stratagem, strike, subterfuge, teach-in, trick, utterance, varnish, veil, vouch, word
[edit]- protester, apostate, bitter-ender, brawler, defendant, demurrer, diehard, disputant, dissenter, dissentient, dissident, intransigent, irreconcilable, last-ditcher, litigant, naysayer, negativist, nonconformist, noncooperator, objector, obstructionist, obstructive, opinionist, opposer, opposition voice, oppositionist, plaintiff, protestant, quarreler, recusant, resister, schismatic, scrapper, sectarian, sectary, separatist, wrangler
[edit]- protesting, complaining, disputatious, disputing, dissentient, dissenting, expostulative, expostulatory, fractious, noncooperative, objecting, obstructive, on the barricades, proof against, protestant, rebellious, recalcitrant, refractory, reluctant, remonstrant, remonstrative, renitent, repellent, resistant, resisting, resistive, retardant, retardative, uncooperative, under protest, unsubmissive, unyielding, up in arms, withstanding
[edit]- protocol, accord, agenda, agreement, amenities, arrangement, authority, bargain, batting order, bill, bill of fare, binding agreement, blueprint, bond, budget, calendar, card, carte du jour, cartel, civilities, civility, collective agreement, comity, compact, concordat, consortium, contract, convention, conventions, courtliness, covenant, covenant of salt, customs, deal, decencies, decorum, dicker, diplomacy, diplomatic code, docket, draft, elegance, elegancies, employment contract, etiquette, exquisite manners, form, formal agreement, formalities, formality, good form, good manners, ironclad agreement, legal agreement, legal contract, lineup, list of agenda, manners, memorandum, menu, minute, mores, mutual agreement, natural politeness, note, outline, pact, paction, playbill, point of etiquette, politeness, politesse, practice, program, program of operation, programma, promise, proprieties, prospectus, punctilio, quiet good manners, roster, rules of conduct, schedule, slate, social code, social conduct, social graces, social procedures, social usage, stipulation, transaction, treaty, understanding, union contract, usage, valid contract, wage contract
[edit]- protohistoric, aboriginal, ancestral, antepatriarchal, atavistic, autochthonous, humanoid, patriarchal, preadamite, preglacial, prehistoric, prehuman, prime, primeval, primitive, primogenial, primoprimitive, primordial, pristine, protohuman
[edit]- protohuman, Bronze Age man, Hominidae, Iron Age man, Stone Age man, aboriginal, aborigine, ancestral, ancient, antediluvian, antepatriarchal, anthropoid, ape-man, atavistic, autochthon, autochthonous, bushman, cave dweller, caveman, fossil man, hominid, humanoid, man of old, missing link, patriarchal, preadamite, preglacial, prehistoric, prehistoric man, prehuman, primate, prime, primeval, primitive, primogenial, primoprimitive, primordial, pristine, protohistoric, troglodyte
[edit]- proton, Kern, NMR, alpha particle, antibaryon, antilepton, antimeson, atom, atomic nucleus, atomic particle, baryon, beta particle, electron, elementary particle, ion, lepton, meson, molecule, monad, neutron, nuclear force, nuclear magnetic resonance, nuclear particle, nuclear resonance, nucleon, nucleosynthesis, nucleus, photon, quark, strangeness, strong interaction, triton, valence electron
[edit]- protoplasm, animal cell, bioplast, cell, cellular tissue, cellule, chromatoplasm, coenocyte, corpuscle, cytoplasm, ectoplasm, endoplasm, energid, eucaryotic cell, germ cell, plant cell, plasmodium, procaryotic cell, reticulum, somatic cell, syncytium, trophoplasm
[edit]- prototypal, antitypic, archetypal, archetypic, classic, classical, exemplary, ideal, model, paradigmatic, primary, prototypic, quintessential, representative, uncopied, unduplicated, unexampled, unimitated, unprecedented, unreproduced
[edit]- prototype, Geistesgeschichte, Hegelian idea, Kantian idea, Platonic form, Platonic idea, aesthetic form, analogue, ancestor, antecedent, antetype, antitype, archetype, art form, biotype, build, cast, classic, classic example, complex idea, configuration, conformation, criterion, cut, epitome, eternal object, eternal universal, example, exemplar, fashion, figuration, figure, first, foregoer, form, formal cause, format, formation, frame, fugleman, fugler, genotype, genre, highest category, history of ideas, ideal, idealism, ideate, ideatum, idee-force, illustration, imitatee, impression, innate idea, inner form, innovation, instance, layout, lead, make, makeup, masterpiece, masterwork, matrix, metaphor, mirror, modality, mode, model, mold, mould, new departure, noosphere, norm, noumenon, original, paradigm, paragon, pattern, pattern of perfection, percept, pilot model, precedent, precursor, predecessor, quintessence, referent, regulative first principle, representative, rule, sample, set, shape, significant form, simple idea, stamp, standard, structure, style, subsistent form, the Absolute, the Absolute Idea, the Self-determined, the realized ideal, transcendent idea, transcendent nonempirical concept, transcendent universal, turn, type, type species, type specimen, universal, universal concept, universal essence, urtext, very model
[edit]- protract, adjourn, chatter, continue, dawdle, defer, delay, drag out, draw, draw out, dwell on, elongate, extend, fill out, hang fire, hang up, hold, hold off, hold over, hold up, keep, keep alive, keep going, keep up, lay aside, lay by, lay over, lengthen, lengthen out, let out, linger on, maintain, never finish, pad, perorate, perpetuate, pigeonhole, postpone, preserve, procrastinate, produce, prolong, prolongate, prorogate, prorogue, pull, push aside, put aside, put off, put on ice, recess, reserve, retain, run out, set aside, set by, shelve, shift off, sleep on, speak at length, spin out, stand over, stave off, stay, strain, stretch, stretch out, string out, suspend, sustain, table, take a recess, tauten, temporize, tense, tighten, waive
[edit]- protracted, de longue haleine, dragged out, dragging, drawn, drawn out, drawn-out, elongated, endless, everlasting, extended, filled out, interminable, languishing, lasting, lengthened, lengthy, lingering, long, long-continuing, long-drawn, long-drawn-out, long-pending, long-spun, long-winded, longiloquent, longsome, marathon, never-ending, overlong, padded, prolix, prolongated, prolonged, pulled, spun out, spun-out, straggling, strained, stretched, stretched out, stretched-out, strung out, talkative, taut, tense, tight, unrelenting, verbose, windy, wordy
[edit]- protraction, adjournal, adjournment, continualness, continuance, continuation, continuity, dallying, deferment, deferral, delay, elongation, endurance, extension, extension of time, lag, lengthening, lingering, maintenance, perpetuation, perseverance, persistence, postponement, procrastination, production, progress, progression, prolongation, prorogation, pursuance, putting-off, repetition, run, stay, staying power, straight course, strain, stretch, stretching, stringing out, suspension, sustained action, sustenance, tabling, tension, uninterrupted course, unremittingness, way
[edit]- protractor, astrolabe, azimuth circle, azimuth compass, bevel, bevel protractor, bevel square, clinometer, goniometer, graphometer, pantometer, quadrant, radiogoniometer, sextant, theodolite, transit, transit circle, transit instrument, transit theodolite
[edit]- protrude, arise, bail out, balloon, beetle, belly out, break cover, break forth, bristle up, bulge, burst forth, cock up, come, come forth, come out, debouch, disembogue, effuse, emanate, emerge, erupt, extend, extrude, goggle, issue, issue forth, jump out, jut, jut out, overhang, poke, poke out, pouch, pout, project, protuberate, sally, sally forth, shoot out, shoot up, stand out, start up, stick out, stick up, surface, thrust out
[edit]- protrusion, bas-relief, bellying, boldness, bulge, bulging, bump, embossment, eminence, excrescence, excrescency, extrusion, gibbosity, gibbousness, high relief, jut, knob, low relief, lump, projection, prominence, protuberance, protuberancy, relief, salience, salient, swelling, tuberosity, tuberousness, tumescence
[edit]- protuberance, bas-relief, bellying, boldness, bulge, bulging, embossment, eminence, excrescence, excrescency, extrusion, feel, finish, gibbosity, gibbousness, grain, granular texture, high relief, indentation, jut, knub, low relief, nap, nub, pile, pit, pock, projection, prominence, protrusion, protuberancy, relief, salience, salient, shag, structure, surface, surface texture, texture, tuberosity, tuberousness, wale, weave, woof
[edit]- protuberant, beetling, bold, bulbous, bulging, distended, eminent, emissile, excrescent, excrescential, extruding, extrusive, gibbous, jutting, outstanding, overhanging, prognathous, projecting, prominent, protrudent, protruding, protrusile, protrusive, protuberating, salient, swelling, swollen, tumescent, tumid, turgid
[edit]- proud, Babylonian, Corinthian, arrogant, assured, august, awe-inspiring, awful, barbaric, big, bloated, boastful, braggart, cavalier, cocksure, cocky, complacent, conceited, condescending, confident, contemptuous, convinced, creditable, decided, deluxe, determined, dignified, disdainful, dismissive, distinguished, domineering, egotistical, elaborate, elegant, eminent, erect, estimable, extravagant, fancy, fine, glorious, gorgeous, grand, grandiose, gratified, great, haughty, high and mighty, high-and-mighty, high-faluting, high-flown, high-handed, high-headed, high-nosed, hoity-toity, honorable, honored, house-proud, hubristic, huffy, illustrious, imperious, important, imposing, impressive, independent, insolent, lofty, lordly, luxurious, magnificent, majestic, masterful, narcissistic, noble, notable, noted, noteworthy, ostentatious, overbearing, overconfident, oversure, overweening, palatial, patronizing, persuaded, pleased with, plush, poised, pompous, posh, positive, pretentious, prideful, princely, prominent, proud as Lucifer, proud-blooded, proud-looking, proud-minded, proud-spirited, proudful, proudhearted, purse-proud, reassured, reputable, respected, resplendent, ritzy, secure, self-assured, self-conceited, self-confident, self-esteeming, self-important, self-reliant, self-respecting, self-satisfied, self-sufficient, smug, snobbish, snooty, snotty, splendacious, splendid, splendiferous, splendorous, stately, stiff-necked, stuck-up, stuffy, sublime, sumptuous, superb, supercilious, superfancy, superfine, superior, sure, swank, swanky, swell, toplofty, unafraid, undoubting, unfaltering, unhesitating, unwavering, uppish, uppity, upstage, vain, vainglorious, worthy
[edit]- proudly, Olympianly, aloofly, arrogantly, condescendingly, contemptuously, contumeliously, disdainfully, elaborately, elegantly, en grand seigneur, erectly, extravagantly, gloriously, grandiosely, grandly, haughtily, imperiously, imposingly, impressively, independently, like a lord, loftily, luxuriously, magisterially, magnificently, majestically, nobly, patronizingly, pridefully, self-confidently, self-reliantly, self-respectingly, splendaciously, splendidly, splendiferously, sumptuously, superbly, superciliously, toploftily, with arms akimbo, with head erect, with pride
[edit]- provable, absolute, actual, admitting no question, apodictic, attestable, authenticatable, checkable, confirmable, demonstrable, demonstratable, evincible, factual, historical, inappealable, incontestable, incontrovertible, indisputable, indubitable, irrefragable, irrefutable, real, self-evident, substantiatable, supportable, sustainable, testable, unanswerable, unconfutable, undeniable, unimpeachable, unquestionable, unrefutable, validatable, verifiable
[edit]- prove, affirm, afford proof of, argue, ascertain, assay, attend, attest, audit, authenticate, back, back up, balance, balance the books, be found, bear out, become of, bespeak, betoken, bolster, bring home to, bring out, bring to test, buttress, certify, check, check and doublecheck, check out, check over, cinch, circumstantiate, clinch, collate, come about, come of, come out, confirm, corroborate, cross-check, cut and try, demonstrate, determine, develop, document, double-check, end, engrave, ensue, essay, establish, eventuate, evince, examine, experiment, fall out, fare, fix, follow, follow from, fortify, get out, give a try, give a tryout, have a case, have a go, hectograph, hold good, hold water, impress, imprint, indicate, inventory, issue, make good, make out, mimeograph, multigraph, nail down, overhaul, overprint, pan out, play around with, practice upon, print, probate, proof, prove to be, prove true, publish, pull, pull a proof, put out, put to bed, put to press, put to trial, ratify, recheck, reinforce, reissue, remove all doubt, reprint, research, result, road-test, run, run a sample, run off, sample, set at rest, settle, settle the matter, shake down, show, stamp, strengthen, strike, substantiate, support, sustain, take stock, taste, terminate, test, triple-check, try, try it on, try out, turn out, undergird, unfold, uphold, validate, verify, warrant, work out
[edit]- proved, actual, ascertained, assured, attested, authenticated, borne out, categorically true, certain, certified, circumstantiated, confirmed, corroborated, decided, demonstrated, determinate, determined, documentary, effectual, established, factual, fixed, guaranteed, historical, in the bag, made sure, nailed down, not in error, objectively true, on ice, open-and-shut, proven, real, secure, set, settled, shown, stated, substantiated, sure-enough, tested, tried, tried and true, true, true as gospel, truthful, unconfuted, undenied, undoubted, unerroneous, unfallacious, unfalse, unmistaken, unquestionable, unrefuted, validated, veracious, verified, veritable, warranted
[edit]- proven, ascertained, attested, authenticated, borne out, certified, circumstantiated, confirmed, corroborated, demonstrated, dependable, determined, established, faithworthy, fixed, incorruptible, inviolable, proved, reliable, responsible, settled, shown, straight, substantiated, sure, tested, to be trusted, tried, tried and true, true, trustable, trustworthy, trusty, unfalse, unperfidious, untreacherous, validated, verified
[edit]- provenance, beginning, commencement, conception, derivation, fountain, genesis, grass roots, head, inception, origin, original, origination, provenience, radical, radix, rise, root, source, stem, stock, taproot, well, wellspring, whence
[edit]- provender, aliment, barley, bird seed, board, bran, bread, bread and butter, canned foods, cat food, cheer, chicken feed, chop, chow, comestibles, commissariat, commissary, corn, creature comfort, cuisine, daily bread, dehydrated foods, dog food, eatables, eatage, eats, edibles, ensilage, fare, fast food, feast, feed, fodder, food, food and drink, food supply, foodstuff, foodstuffs, forage, fresh foods, frozen foods, grain, groceries, grocery, grub, hay, health food, ingesta, junk food, kitchen stuff, larder, mash, meal, meat, merchandise, nourishment, nurture, oats, pasturage, pasture, pet food, provision, provisions, rations, scratch, scratch feed, silage, slops, spread, stores, straw, supplies, sustenance, swill, table, tucker, viands, victuals, vittles, wheat
[edit]- provenience, afterlife, beginning, commencement, conception, derivation, following, fountain, future time, genesis, grass roots, hangover, head, inception, lateness, next life, origin, original, origination, postdate, postdating, posteriority, provenance, radical, radix, remainder, rise, root, sequence, source, stem, stock, subsequence, succession, supervenience, supervention, taproot, well, wellspring, whence
[edit]- proverb, adage, ana, analects, aphorism, apophthegm, apothegm, axiom, bromide, byword, catchword, cliche, coin a phrase, collected sayings, commonplace, current saying, dictate, dictum, distich, epigram, expression, gnome, golden saying, homily, maxim, moral, mot, motto, oracle, phrase, pithy saying, platitude, precept, prescript, proverbial saying, proverbs, saw, saying, sentence, sententious expression, sloka, stock saying, sutra, teaching, text, truism, verse, wisdom, wisdom literature, wise saying, witticism, word, words of wisdom
[edit]- proverbial, accepted, acknowledged, aphoristic, apophthegmatic, apothegmatic, archetypal, axiomatic, common, commonly known, commonplace, crisp, current, epigrammatic, exemplary, familiar, formulaic, formulistic, gnomic, hackneyed, homiletic, household, moralistic, notorious, pithy, platitudinous, pointed, public, pungent, sententious, succinct, talked-about, talked-of, terse, time-honored, traditional, trite, truistic, typical, universally admitted, universally recognized, well-kenned, well-known, well-recognized, well-understood, widely known
provide for
[edit]- provide for, accommodate, accommodate with, admit, admit exceptions, afford, allow, allow for, angel, arrange for, attend to, baby-sit, back, bankroll, capitalize, care for, chaperon, cherish, clear the decks, clothe, concede, conserve, consider, consider every angle, consider the circumstances, consider the source, contribute, discount, disregard, donate, endow, favor with, fill, fill up, finance, find, forearm, foster, fund, furnish, give, grant, grubstake, guard against, heap upon, hedge, indulge with, invest, keep, keep watch over, lavish upon, lay by, leave out nothing, lift temporarily, look after, look out for, look to, maintain, make allowance for, make available, make provision for, make sure, make sure against, matronize, mind, minister to, mother, nurse, nurture, overlook no possibility, patronize, pay for, play safe, pour on, prepare, prepare for, present, preserve, protege, provide, provide a hedge, provide against, recruit, reef down, refinance, relax, relax the condition, replenish, ride herd on, see after, see to, set aside, set up, shepherd, shorten sail, shower down upon, sponsor, stake, stock, store, subsidize, supply, support, take account of, take care of, take charge of, take into account, take into consideration, take measures, take precautions, take steps, tend, waive, watch, watch out for, watch over, yield
[edit]- provide, accommodate, accommodate with, accord, afford, anticipate, arrange, arrange for, attend to, care for, cater, clear for action, clear the decks, clothe, contribute, cure, deliver, demand, deploy, dispense, donate, dress, endow, equip, favor with, feed, fill, fill up, find, fix, fix up, forearm, fund, furnish, get ready, give, hand, hand over, heap upon, indulge with, invest, keep, lavish upon, lay down, lend, look after, maintain, make arrangements, make available, make preparations, make provision for, make ready, marshal, minister to, mobilize, offer, outfit, plan, pour on, prearrange, prep, prepare, prepare for, present, pretreat, process, produce, provender, provide for, purvey, put in shape, ready, ready up, recruit, replenish, require, settle preliminaries, shower down upon, specify, state, stipulate, stock, stock up, store, subsidize, supply, support, take care of, take measures, take precautions, tan, transfer, treat, trim, try out, turn over, victual, yield
[edit]- provided, according as, accoutered, all ready, all set, armed, armed and ready, booted and spurred, briefed, catered, coached, cocked, endowed, equipped, familiarized, fitted, fitted out, furnished, good and ready, groomed, heeled, if, in any case, in arms, in battle array, in case, in case that, in either case, in readiness, in the saddle, informed, invested, it being provided, just in case, loaded, loaded for bear, mature, mobilized, on condition, on condition that, on the mark, outfitted, planned, prearranged, prepared, prepared and ready, prepped, primed, provided always, provided that, providing, psyched up, purveyed, ready, ready for anything, rigged, ripe, set, subject to, supplied, up in arms, vigilant, well-prepared, with the stipulation, with the understanding, with this proviso
[edit]- providence, acuity, acumen, acuteness, anticipation, apperception, astuteness, austerity, austerity program, beneficence, canniness, care, carefulness, caution, chariness, circumspection, circumspectness, cogency, concern, conservation, consideration, contemplation, control, cool judgment, creation, destiny, direction, discernment, discreetness, discretion, discrimination, dispensation, economic planning, economicalness, economy, economy of means, envisagement, envisionment, false economy, farseeingness, farsightedness, fate, forearming, forecast, foreglance, foregleam, foreglimpse, forehandedness, foreseeing, foresight, foresightedness, forethought, forethoughtfulness, fortune, frugality, frugalness, good judgment, good management, guidance, husbandry, incisiveness, insight, insurance, judgment, judiciousness, karma, kismet, longheadedness, longsightedness, looking ahead, lot, management, measures, parsimoniousness, parsimony, penetration, perception, perceptiveness, percipience, perspicaciousness, perspicacity, perspicuity, perspicuousness, policy, polity, precaution, precautions, precautiousness, prediction, preparation, prepublication, preservation, preventive measure, preview, prevision, prospect, prospection, protection, provision, prudence, prudential administration, prudentialism, readiness, reflection, reflectiveness, safeguard, sagaciousness, sagacity, sensibility, sound judgment, soundness of judgment, sparingness, steps, steps and measures, thoughtfulness, thrift, thriftiness, tight purse strings, trenchancy, unwastefulness, visitations of providence, weighing
[edit]- Providence, Almighty God, Alpha and Omega, Atropos, Clotho, Dame Fortune, Decuma, Demiourgos, Demiurge, Fata, Fates, Fortuna, God, God Almighty, Heaven, I Am, Jehovah, King of Kings, Lachesis, Lord, Lord of Lords, Lord of hosts, Moirai, Morta, Nona, Norns, Omnipotence, Omniscience, Parcae, Skuld, Tyche, Urdur, Verthandi, Weird Sisters, Weirds, the Absolute, the Absolute Being, the All-holy, the All-knowing, the All-merciful, the All-powerful, the All-wise, the Almighty, the Creator, the Deity, the Divinity, the Eternal, the Eternal Being, the First Cause, the Infinite, the Infinite Spirit, the Maker, the Omnipotent, the Omniscient, the Preserver, the Supreme Being, the Supreme Soul
[edit]- provident, Scotch, acute, anticipant, anticipatory, apperceptive, appercipient, argute, astute, canny, careful, cautious, chary, cheeseparing, circumspect, clairvoyant, cogent, conserving, considerate, discerning, discreet, discriminating, discriminative, divinatory, economic, economical, economizing, enlightened, farseeing, farsighted, forehanded, foreknowing, foreseeing, foresighted, forethoughted, forethoughtful, frugal, incisive, intuitive, judgmatic, judicial, judicious, labor-saving, longheaded, longsighted, money-saving, parsimonious, penetrating, penny-wise, perceptive, percipient, perspicacious, perspicuous, piercing, politic, precautional, precautionary, precautious, precognitive, precognizant, preparative, preparatory, prepared, prerequisite, prescient, propaedeutic, providential, provisional, prudent, prudential, ready, reflecting, reflective, sagacious, sage, saving, scrimping, shrewd, skimping, spare, sparing, thoughtful, thrifty, time-saving, trenchant, understanding, unwasteful, vigilant, wary, well-advised, well-judged, wise
[edit]- providential, God-given, accorded, allowed, anticipant, anticipatory, appropriate, auspicious, befitting, benignant, bestowed, blessed, blessed with luck, clairvoyant, convenient, divinatory, expedient, farseeing, farsighted, favorable, favored, felicitous, fit, fitting, forehanded, foreknowing, foreseeing, foresighted, forethoughted, forethoughtful, fortunate, given, granted, gratuitous, happy, in luck, intuitive, kind, kindly, longsighted, lucky, meet, opportune, precognitive, precognizant, prepared, prescient, propitious, provident, prudent, ready, ripe, sagacious, seasonable, sortable, suitable, timely, vouchsafed, well, well-timed
[edit]- provider, caterer, chandler, commissariat, commissary, donor, furnisher, manciple, merchant, patron, provisioner, purveyor, quartermaster, retailer, steward, stock clerk, storekeeper, supplier, sutler, victualer, vivandier
[edit]- province, Kreis, academic discipline, academic specialty, agricultural region, ally, ambit, applied science, arable land, archbishopric, archdiocese, archduchy, archdukedom, area, arena, arrondissement, art, bailiwick, beat, bishopric, black belt, body politic, boondocks, border, borderland, borough, buffer state, business, calling, canton, capacity, captive nation, champaign, character, charge, chieftaincy, chieftainry, circle, circuit, citrus belt, city, city-state, colony, commonweal, commonwealth, commune, concern, conference, congressional district, constablewick, corn belt, cotton belt, country, countryside, county, demesne, departement, department, department of knowledge, diocese, discipline, district, division, domain, dominion, duchy, dukedom, dust bowl, duty, earldom, electoral district, electorate, empery, empire, exurbia, farm belt, farm country, farmland, field, field of inquiry, field of study, free city, fruit belt, function, government, grand duchy, grass roots, grassland, grazing region, hamlet, headache, hemisphere, highlands, hundred, job, judicial circuit, jurisdiction, kingdom, land, lowlands, magistracy, mandant, mandate, mandated territory, mandatee, mandatory, march, meadows and pastures, metropolis, metropolitan area, moors, nation, nationality, natural science, oblast, office, okrug, ology, orb, orbit, pale, parish, part, place, plains, polis, polity, position, possession, power, prairies, precinct, principality, principate, protectorate, provinces, puppet government, puppet regime, pure science, pursuit, quarter, realm, region, republic, responsibility, riding, role, round, rural district, rustic region, satellite, science, section, see, seneschalty, settlement, sheriffalty, sheriffwick, shire, shrievalty, social science, soke, sovereign nation, specialty, sphere, stake, state, steppes, strand, study, subdiscipline, sultanate, superpower, synod, technicology, technics, technology, terrain, territory, the country, the soil, the sticks, thing, tobacco belt, toparchia, toparchy, town, township, tract, uplands, veld, village, walk, wapentake, ward, wheat belt, wide-open spaces, woodland, woods and fields, work, worry, yokeldom, zone
[edit]- provincial, Arcadian, agrarian, agrestic, agricultural, authoritarian, awkward, backwoods, backwoodsman, beg, beglerbeg, bey, bigot, bigoted, boorish, borne, bucolic, bumpkin, burgrave, campestral, cloddish, closed, clown, collector, confined, constricted, countrified, country, country bumpkin, country cousin, countryman, countrywoman, cramped, creedbound, deaf, deaf to reason, dey, dialect, dialectal, eparch, exarch, fanatical, farm, fellah, gauleiter, geographically limited, governor, governor-general, hayseed, hick, hidebound, hind, homespun, idiomatic, illiberal, ingenuous, innocent, insular, khedive, lieutenant governor, limited, little, little-minded, local, localized, loutish, lowland, mean, mean-minded, mean-spirited, muzhik, nabob, naive, narrow, narrow-hearted, narrow-minded, narrow-souled, narrow-spirited, nawab, nearsighted, oafish, of a place, outland, palatine, parochial, pastoral, peasant, peon, petty, proconsul, purblind, regional, rude, rural, rustic, satrap, sectarian, shortsighted, small, small-minded, small-town, stadtholder, straitlaced, stuffy, subahdar, tetrarch, topical, uncatholic, uncharitable, uncultivated, uncultured, ungenerous, ungraceful, uninformed, unliberal, unpolished, unrefined, unsophisticated, upland, vali, vernacular, vice-king, viceroy, wali, yokel
[edit]- provincialism, Acadian, Anglo-Indian, Brooklynese, Cajun, Canadian French, Cockney, French Canadian, Gullah, Midland, Midland dialect, New England dialect, Pennsylvania Dutch, Yankee, Yorkshire, agrarianism, authoritarianism, benightedness, bigotry, blind side, blind spot, blinders, boorishness, bucolicism, bundle of isoglosses, churlishness, class dialect, closed mind, cramped ideas, dialect, dialect atlas, dialect dictionary, fanaticism, hideboundness, idiom, illiberality, inexperience, ingenuousness, innocence, insularism, insularity, inurbanity, isogloss, linguistic atlas, linguistic community, linguistic island, little-mindedness, littleness, local dialect, localism, mean mind, meanness, naivety, narrow sympathies, narrow views, narrow-mindedness, narrowness, nearsightedness, odium theologicum, parochialism, pastorality, patois, pettiness, petty mind, provinciality, purblindness, regional accent, regionalism, ruralism, rusticity, shortsightedness, shut mind, simplicity, smallness, speech community, straitlacedness, stuffiness, subdialect, uncatholicity, uncultivation, unrefinement, unsophisticatedness, unspoiledness, yokelism
[edit]- provision, TLC, abundance, accommodation, accordance, accumulation, amassment, anticipation, arrangement, award, awarding, backlog, basic training, bestowal, bestowment, board, boundary condition, bread, bread and butter, briefing, budget, bunker, care, catch, cater, catering, cheer, clause, clearing the decks, coal, collection, comestibles, commissariat, commissary, communication, concession, condition, conferment, conferral, contemplation, contribution, cornucopia, creature comfort, cuisine, cumulation, daily bread, deliverance, delivery, demand, dine, discretion, donation, donnee, dump, eatables, economic support, edibles, endowment, envisagement, envisionment, equipment, escalator clause, escape clause, escape hatch, exception, familiarization, fare, farseeingness, farsightedness, fast food, feast, feed, fill up, fine print, fitting out, fixing, fodder, food, food and drink, foodstuff, foodstuffs, forage, forearming, forecast, foreglance, foregleam, foreglimpse, forehandedness, foreseeing, foresight, foresightedness, forethought, forethoughtfulness, foundation, fuel, furnishing, furnishment, gas, gas up, gifting, given, giving, grant, granting, grass, gratify, graze, groceries, grounds, groundwork, health food, heap, hoard, hooker, impartation, impartment, ingesta, insurance, inventory, investiture, joker, junk food, keep, kicker, kitchen stuff, larder, liberality, limiting condition, livelihood, living, longsightedness, looking ahead, maintenance, makeready, making ready, manna, manufacture, mass, material, materials, materiel, measures, meat, mess, mobilization, mothering, munitions, nourishment, nurture, obligation, offer, oil, outfitting, parameter, pasture, pile, planning, plenitude, plenty, prearrangement, precaution, precautions, precautiousness, prediction, preliminaries, preliminary, preliminary act, preliminary step, prep, preparation, preparatory study, preparing, prepping, prepublication, prerequisite, presentation, presentment, pretreatment, preventive measure, preview, prevision, price support, processing, propaedeutic, prospect, prospection, protection, provender, providence, providing, provisioning, provisionment, provisions, proviso, prudence, purvey, purveyance, qualification, quantity, rations, readiness, readying, regale, repertoire, repertory, requirement, requisite, reservation, restriction, rick, safeguard, sagacity, satisfy, saving clause, sell, sine qua non, small print, spadework, specification, spread, stack, staples, steps, steps and measures, stipulation, stock, stock-in-trade, stockpile, stocks, store, stores, string, strings, subscription, subsidization, subsidy, subsistence, subvention, supplies, supply, supply on hand, supplying, support, surrender, sustain, sustainment, sustenance, sustentation, table, tender loving care, term, terms, top off, training, treasure, treasury, treatment, trial, tryout, tucker, ultimatum, upkeep, viands, victual, victuals, vittles, vouchsafement, warm-up, whereas, wine and dine
[edit]- provisional, accidental, ad hoc, adventitious, aleatory, alternate, alternative, backup, band-aid, casual, circumstantial, conditional, contingent, counterfeit, cut-and-try, dangerous, dependent, desultory, dummy, empirical, equivalent, ersatz, experimental, fake, fixed, forehanded, foreseeing, foresighted, forethoughted, forethoughtful, given, hazardous, heuristic, hit-or-miss, imitation, improvisational, improvised, incidental, inessential, infirm, insecure, insubstantial, interim, jury-rigged, makeshift, makeshifty, mock, nonessential, occasional, perilous, phony, pilot, pinch, precarious, precautional, precautionary, precautious, preparative, preparatory, prerequisite, pro tem, probationary, probative, probatory, propaedeutic, provident, proving, provisory, proxy, qualified, reserve, risky, rough-and-ready, rough-and-tumble, secondary, shaky, shifting, shifty, slippery, spare, specificative, specified, stated, stipulated, stipulatory, stopgap, substitute, temporary, tentative, test, testing, ticklish, token, transitional, treacherous, trial, trial-and-error, trying, undependable, unessential, unfaithworthy, unreliable, unsolid, unsound, unstable, unsteadfast, unsteady, unsubstantial, unsure, untrustworthy, utility, verificatory, vicarious
[edit]- proviso, bill, boundary condition, calendar, catch, clause, companion bills amendment, condition, donnee, dragnet clause, enacting clause, escalator clause, escape clause, escape hatch, exception, fine print, given, grounds, hold-up bill, joker, kicker, limiting condition, motion, obligation, omnibus bill, parameter, prerequisite, privileged question, provision, provisions, qualification, question, requisite, reservation, rider, saving clause, sine qua non, small print, specification, stipulation, string, strings, term, terms, ultimatum, whereas
[edit]- provocateur, agent provocateur, agitator, agitprop, catalyst, demagogue, exciter, firebrand, fomenter, incendiary, inciter, inflamer, instigator, mischief-maker, provoker, rabble-rouser, ringleader, rouser, seditionary, seditionist, troublemaker, urger
[edit]- provocation, bothering, cause, grounds, harassment, incentive, incitement, inducement, initiation, instigation, insult, irking, irritation, justification, motivation, motive, provoking, reason, stimulus, taunt, vexation, vexing
[edit]- provocative, acceptable, adorable, aggravating, aggravative, agitating, agreeable, alluring, annoying, appealing, appetizing, arousing, attractive, beguiling, bewitching, blandishing, breathtaking, cajoling, captivating, catching, challenging, charged, charismatic, charming, cliff-hanging, coaxing, come-hither, contentious, coquettish, desirable, disquieting, distracting, distressing, disturbing, electric, enchanting, encouraging, energizing, engaging, enravishing, enthralling, enticing, entrancing, enviable, erotic, exasperating, exasperative, exciting, exhilarating, exotic, fascinating, fetching, flirtatious, galling, galvanic, galvanizing, glamorous, goad, harassing, heady, heart-expanding, heart-stirring, heart-swelling, heart-thrilling, humiliating, hypnotic, impetus, impressive, impulse, incensing, incentive, incitation, incitement, inflammatory, infuriating, interesting, intoxicating, intriguing, inviting, irksome, irresistible, irritating, jarring, jolting, juicy, likable, lively, lovable, maddening, mesmeric, mind-blowing, mortifying, motivation, mouth-watering, moving, nettlesome, offensive, outrageous, overcoming, overmastering, overpowering, overwhelming, perturbing, piquant, plaguing, pleasing, prepossessing, prompting, provoking, provoquant, push, racy, ravishing, readable, rich, rousing, seducing, seductive, sensual, sensuous, sexy, siren, sirenic, soul-stirring, spellbinding, spellful, spicy, spirit-stirring, spur, stimulant, stimulating, stimulative, stinging, stirring, striking, succulent, suggestive, suspenseful, suspensive, taking, tantalizing, teasing, telling, tempting, thought-challenging, thought-inspiring, thought-provoking, thrilling, thrilly, tickling, titillating, titillative, to be desired, toothsome, troubling, unobjectionable, unsettling, upsetting, vexatious, vexing, voluptuous, winning, winsome, witching, worth having, wounding
[edit]- provoke, abet, abrade, activate, affect the interest, affront, agent provocateur, aggravate, agitate, alienate, amplify, anger, animate, annoy, answer back, antagonize, arouse, attract, augment, awaken, badger, bait, be at, bedevil, beset, bestir, blow the coals, bother, breed, bring, bring about, bring on, bristle, brown off, bug, build up, bullyrag, burn up, call forth, call up, cause, chafe, challenge, chivy, come between, compel, concern, contrive, deepen, deteriorate, devil, disaffect, discompose, distemper, distress, disturb, disunite, divide, dog, draw down, draw on, drive, effect, egg on, electrify, elicit, embitter, encourage, engender, enhance, enlarge, enliven, enrage, enthuse, envenom, estrange, evoke, exacerbate, exalt, exasperate, excite, excite interest, exercise, exhilarate, fan, fan the flame, fascinate, fash, feed the fire, ferment, fillip, fire, foment, force, fret, frustrate, gall, galvanize, get, get up, goad, grate, grate on, gravel, gripe, grit, harass, harry, hatch, heat, heat up, heckle, hector, heighten, hot up, hound, huff, impassion, impel, incense, incite, increase, induce, inflame, inform, infuriate, infuse life into, inspire, instigate, insult, intensify, interest, invigorate, invite, involve in, irk, irritate, jazz up, kindle, lead, light the fuse, lip, madden, magnify, make acute, make trouble, make worse, miff, molest, motivate, move, muster up, nag, needle, nettle, nudzh, obtain, occasion, offend, outrage, peeve, persecute, perturb, pester, pick on, pick up, pique, pit against, plague, pluck the beard, pother, prime, procure, produce, promote, prompt, push, put out, put up to, quicken, raise, rally, rankle, rasp, renew, resuscitate, revive, ride, rile, roil, rouse, ruffle, sass, sauce, separate, set, set against, set at odds, set at variance, set on, set on edge, set up, sharpen, sic on, sour, sow dissension, spur on, start, stimulate, stir, stir the blood, stir the embers, stir up, stir up trouble, summon up, superinduce, talk back, tantalize, tease, thrill, tickle, titillate, titivate, torment, trouble, try the patience, tweak the nose, upset, vex, wake, waken, whet, whip up, work up, worry, worsen
[edit]- provoked, aggravated, amplified, angry, annoyed, augmented, bothered, browned-off, bugged, burnt-up, chafed, deliberately provoked, disturbed, embittered, enhanced, enlarged, exacerbated, exasperated, galled, griped, heated up, heightened, hotted up, huffy, increased, intensified, irked, irritated, magnified, miffed, nettled, peeved, piqued, put-out, resentful, riled, roiled, ruffled, soured, troubled, vexed, worse, worsened
[edit]- provoking, aggravating, agitating, alluring, annoying, ardent, bothering, bothersome, breathtaking, burning, challenging, charged, cliff-hanging, disquieting, distracting, disturbing, electric, emphatic, encouraging, energizing, enthusiastic, exasperating, exciting, exhilarating, fervent, fiery, galling, galvanic, galvanizing, glowing, harassing, harassment, heady, heart-expanding, heart-stirring, heart-swelling, heart-thrilling, impassioned, importunate, importune, impressive, inflammatory, interesting, intoxicating, inviting, irking, irksome, irritating, jarring, jolting, juicy, lively, maddening, mind-blowing, moving, overcoming, overmastering, overpowering, overwhelming, passionate, perturbing, pesky, pestering, pestiferous, pestilent, pestilential, piquant, plaguesome, plaguey, plaguing, prompting, provocation, provocative, racy, ravishing, readable, rich, rousing, soul-stirring, spicy, spirit-stirring, stimulant, stimulating, stimulative, stirring, striking, succulent, suspenseful, suspensive, tantalizing, teasing, telling, thought-challenging, thought-inspiring, thought-provoking, thrilling, thrilly, tickling, tiresome, titillating, tormenting, troublesome, troubling, unsettling, upsetting, urgent, vehement, vexation, vexatious, vexing, warm, wearisome, worrisome, worrying
[edit]- provost, academic dean, administration, administrator, archon, chancellor, chief executive, chief executive officer, dean, dean of men, dean of women, executive, executive director, executive officer, executive secretary, headmaster, headmistress, magistrate, management, managing director, master, officer, official, prefect, president, prexy, principal, rector, secretary, the administration, treasurer, vice-chancellor, vice-president, warden
[edit]- prowess, Dutch courage, ability, address, adeptness, adroitness, airmanship, aptitude, artfulness, artisanship, artistry, boldness, braveness, bravery, bravura, brilliance, capability, capacity, chivalrousness, chivalry, cleverness, command, competence, conspicuous gallantry, control, coordination, courage, courageousness, craft, craftsmanship, cunning, daring, dauntlessness, deftness, dexterity, dexterousness, dextrousness, diplomacy, doughtiness, efficiency, expertise, facility, fearlessness, finesse, fortitude, gallantness, gallantry, gallantry under fire, genius, grace, greatheartedness, grip, handiness, heroicalness, heroism, horsemanship, ingeniousness, ingenuity, intrepidity, intrepidness, knightliness, know-how, lionheartedness, manfulness, manhood, manliness, marksmanship, martial spirit, mastership, mastery, mettle, military spirit, pot-valor, practical ability, proficiency, quickness, readiness, resource, resourcefulness, savoir-faire, savvy, seamanship, skill, skillfulness, sleight, soldierly quality, stalwartness, stoutheartedness, stoutness, style, tact, tactfulness, talent, technical brilliance, technical mastery, technical skill, technique, timing, valiance, valiancy, valor, valorousness, virtue, virtuosity, wit, wizardry, workmanship
[edit]- prowl, bat around, bum, clandestine behavior, clandestinity, couch, count ties, cover, covertness, crawl, creep, cruise, divagate, drift, flit, furtiveness, gad, gad about, gallivant, go about, go on tiptoe, go the rounds, grovel, gumshoe, hit the road, hit the trail, hobo, hunting, inch, inch along, jaunt, knock about, knock around, lay wait, lie in wait, lurk, meander, mooch, nightwalk, nomadize, pad, patrol, peregrinate, pererrate, prowling, pussyfoot, ramble, range, range over, roam, rove, run about, saunter, scavenge, scour, scrabble, scramble, searching, seeking, shadow, shiftiness, sidle, skulk, slink, slinkiness, slyness, snake, sneak, sneakiness, stalk, stalking, steal, steal along, stealth, stealthiness, straggle, stray, stroll, surreptitiousness, tippytoe, tiptoe, tracking, traipse, tramp, underground activity, underhand dealing, vagabond, vagabondize, walk the tracks, wander, wayfare, worm, worm along
[edit]- prowler, body snatcher, booster, chicken thief, con man, crook, den of thieves, embezzler, filcher, ganef, ghoul, grafter, grave robber, jewel thief, land pirate, land shark, land-grabber, larcener, larcenist, lifter, peculator, petty thief, pilferer, poacher, purloiner, robber, scrounger, shoplifter, sneak thief, stealer, swindler, thief, white-collar thief
[edit]- proximate, advancing, appendant, approaching, approximate, approximating, approximative, arm-in-arm, attracted to, burning, cheek-by-jowl, close, coming, comparable, consequent, drawn to, ensuing, following, forthcoming, hand-in-hand, homologous, hot, immediate, imminent, impending, intimate, like, near, near the mark, nearby, nearing, nearish, next, nigh, nighish, oncoming, posterior, postpositional, postpositive, propinque, proximal, relatable, rough, rude, sequacious, sequent, sequential, side-by-side, similar, subsequent, succeeding, successive, suffixed, to come, upcoming, vicinal, warm
[edit]- proximity, accord, addition, adjacency, adjunct, affairs, affiliation, affinity, alliance, approach, approximation, assemblage, association, bond, closeness, combination, confines, connectedness, connection, contiguity, contiguousness, contrariety, convergence, dealings, deduction, disjunction, environs, filiation, foreground, homology, immediacy, immediate foreground, intercourse, intimacy, junction, juxtaposition, liaison, link, linkage, linking, mutual attraction, nearness, neighborhood, nighness, precinct, propinquity, purlieus, rapport, relatedness, relation, relations, relationship, similarity, sympathy, tie, tie-in, togetherness, union, vicinage, vicinity
[edit]- proxy, Australian ballot, Hare system, Indiana ballot, Massachusetts ballot, absentee ballot, advocate, agency, agent, agentship, alter ego, alternate, alternative, amicus curiae, analogy, assignee, assignment, attorney, authority, authorization, aye, backup, backup man, ballot, ballot-box stuffer, balloter, blanket ballot, brevet, canvass, canvassing, care, casting vote, champion, change, changeling, charge, commission, commissioning, commitment, comparison, consignment, copy, counterfeit, counting heads, cumulative voting, cure, deciding vote, delegate, delegated authority, delegation, deputation, deputy, devolution, devolvement, division, double, dummy, elector, embassy, empowerment, enfranchisement, entrusting, entrustment, equal, equivalent, errand, ersatz, exchange, executive officer, executorship, exequatur, exponent, factor, factorship, fagot vote, fake, figurehead, fill-in, floater, franchise, fraudulent voter, full power, ghost, ghostwriter, graveyard vote, hand vote, imitation, jurisdiction, legation, license, lieutenancy, lieutenant, list system, locum, locum tenens, long ballot, makeshift, mandate, metaphor, metonymy, mission, mock, nay, next best thing, no, nonpartisan ballot, nontransferable vote, office, office-block ballot, paranymph, party emblem, party-column ballot, personnel, phony, pinch, pinch hitter, pleader, plebiscite, plebiscitum, plenipotentiary power, plumper, plural vote, poll, polling, power of attorney, power to act, preferential voting, procuration, procurator, proportional representation, provisional, purview, record vote, referendum, regency, regentship, registered voter, relief, repeater, replacement, representation, representative, reserve, reserves, responsibility, right to vote, ringer, rising vote, sample ballot, say, second in command, second string, secondary, secret ballot, short ballot, show of hands, sign, single vote, slate, snap vote, spare, spares, split ticket, stand-in, stopgap, straight ticket, straw vote, sub, substituent, substitute, substitution, succedaneum, suffrage, superseder, supplanter, surrogate, symbol, synecdoche, task, temporary, tentative, third string, ticket, token, transferable vote, trust, trusteeship, understudy, utility, utility man, utility player, vicar, vicar general, vicarious, vicarious authority, vice, vice-president, vice-regent, vicegerent, viva voce, voice, voice vote, vote, voter, voting, voting right, warrant, write-in, write-in vote, yea, yeas and nays, yes
[edit]- prudence, abnegation, abstinence, acumen, advantage, advantageousness, advisability, anticipation, appropriateness, astuteness, austerity, austerity program, awareness, beneficialness, calculation, calm, calmness, canniness, cardinal virtues, care, careful consideration, carefulness, caution, cautiousness, chariness, charity, circumspection, circumspectness, common sense, conservatism, consideration, constraint, contemplation, continence, control, convenience, cool, cool judgment, custodianship, custody, decency, deliberate stages, deliberateness, deliberation, desirability, discreetness, discretion, discrimination, dispassion, eagle eye, economic planning, economicalness, economy, economy of means, envisagement, envisionment, evenness, expedience, expediency, faith, false economy, farseeingness, farsightedness, feasibility, fitness, fittingness, forecast, foreglance, foregleam, foreglimpse, forehandedness, foreseeing, foresight, foresightedness, forethought, fortitude, frugality, frugalness, fruitfulness, gentleness, gingerliness, golden mean, good judgment, good management, guard, guardedness, guardianship, happy medium, hedge, hedging, heed, heedfulness, hesitation, hope, husbandry, impartiality, insight, invigilation, judgement, judgment, judiciousness, juste-milieu, justice, keenness, lenity, longsightedness, looking ahead, lookout, love, management, meden agan, middle way, mildness, mindfulness, moderateness, moderation, moderationism, monitoring, natural virtues, neutrality, nonviolence, nothing in excess, observance, opportuneness, pacifism, parsimoniousness, parsimony, pawkiness, peeled eye, penetration, percentage, percipience, perspicacity, planning, policy, politicness, polity, precaution, prediction, preparation, preparedness, prepublication, presence of mind, preview, prevision, prior consultation, proctoring, profit, profitability, propriety, prospect, prospection, providence, provision, prudential administration, prudentialism, prudentialness, qui vive, readiness, reflection, reflectiveness, regardfulness, repose, restraint, rightness, safeness, safety first, sagaciousness, sagacity, sageness, sapience, seasonableness, seemliness, self-abnegation, self-control, self-denial, self-restraint, serenity, sharp eye, shrewdness, slowness to act, sobriety, solicitude, sound judgment, soundness of judgment, sparingness, stability, steadiness, stewardship, suitability, supernatural virtues, surveillance, tact, temperance, temperateness, tentativeness, theological virtues, thoroughness, thoughtfulness, thrift, thriftiness, tight purse strings, timeliness, tranquillity, uncommunicativeness, unexcessiveness, unextravagance, unextremeness, unprecipitateness, unwastefulness, usefulness, via media, vigil, vigilance, wariness, watch, watch and ward, watchful eye, watchfulness, watching, weather eye, weighing, wisdom, wit, worthwhileness
[edit]- prudent, Argus-eyed, Scotch, advisable, alert, all ears, all eyes, anticipant, anticipatory, attentive, aux aguets, bland, canny, careful, cautious, chary, cheeseparing, circumspect, clairvoyant, conserving, considerate, custodial, deliberate, discerning, discreet, discriminating, discriminative, divinatory, eagle-eyed, economic, economical, economizing, enlightened, farseeing, farsighted, forehanded, foreknowing, foreseeing, foresighted, forethoughted, forethoughtful, frugal, gentle, gingerly, guarded, hawk-eyed, heedful, hesitant, intuitive, judgmatic, judicial, judicious, keen-eyed, labor-saving, leaving out nothing, lidless, longsighted, mild, mild as milk, mindful, moderate, money-saving, noncommittal, nonviolent, observant, on guard, on the lookout, on the watch, open-eyed, overlooking no possibility, pacifistic, parsimonious, pawky, peaceable, peaceful, penny-wise, politic, precognitive, precognizant, prepared, prescient, provident, providential, prudential, ready, reasonable, reflecting, reflective, regardful, safe, sagacious, sage, sane, sapient, saving, scrimping, sensible, sharp-eyed, shrewd, skimping, sleepless, slow to act, sober, soft, spare, sparing, tactical, tame, temperate, tentative, thorough, thoughtful, thrifty, time-saving, unadventurous, uncommunicative, undaring, unenterprising, unprecipitate, unwasteful, vigilant, wary, watchful, well-advised, well-judged, wise, with open eyes
[edit]- prudish, Quakerish, Victorian, austere, censorious, choicy, choosy, conscientious, critical, decorous, demure, discriminating, discriminative, exacting, fastidious, formal, fussy, genteel, hidebound, meticulous, mid-Victorian, narrow, old-maidish, overmodest, particular, perfectionistic, picky, precise, precisianistic, priggish, prim, prissy, proper, punctilious, puristic, puritanic, puritanical, rigid, sanctimonious, scrupulous, selective, sensitive, severe, smug, squeamish, stern, stiff, stiff-necked, strait-laced, straitlaced, strict, stuffy
[edit]- prune, abbreviate, abridge, abscind, abstract, amputate, annihilate, ax, backset, ban, bar, bisect, blockhead, bob, boil down, brash, butcher, capsulize, carve, chop, chump, cleave, clip, compress, condense, contract, crop, cull, cultivate, culture, curtail, cut, cut away, cut back, cut down, cut in two, cut off, cut off short, cut out, cut short, delve, dichotomize, dig, dimwit, dissever, dock, dolt, dope, dress, dumbbell, elide, eliminate, enucleate, epitomize, eradicate, except, excise, exclude, extinguish, extirpate, fallow, fertilize, fissure, force, foreshorten, gash, hack, halve, harrow, hew, hoe, idiot, ignoramus, incise, isolate, jigsaw, knock off, lance, list, lop, moron, mow, mulch, mutilate, nip, pare, peel, pick out, plow, poll, pollard, rake, reap, recap, recapitulate, reduce, rend, retrench, rive, root out, rule out, saw, scissor, set apart, set aside, sever, shave, shear, shorten, skive, slash, slice, slit, snip, snub, spade, split, stamp out, strike off, strip, strip off, stunt, sum up, summarize, sunder, synopsize, take in, take off, take out, tear, telescope, thin, thin out, till, till the soil, trim, truncate, weed, weed out, whittle, wipe out, work
[edit]- pruned, Spartan, abbreviated, abridged, abstracted, aposiopestic, bobbed, brief, brusque, capsule, capsulized, clipped, close, compact, compendious, compressed, concise, condensed, contracted, crisp, cropped, curt, curtailed, cut, cut short, digested, docked, elided, elliptic, epigrammatic, gnomic, laconic, mowed, mown, nipped, pithy, pointed, pollard, polled, reaped, reserved, sententious, shaved, sheared, short, short and sweet, short-cut, shortened, snub, snubbed, succinct, summary, synopsized, taciturn, terse, tight, to the point, trimmed, truncated
[edit]- prurience, an universal wolf, andromania, animality, aphrodisia, appetence, appetency, appetite, appetition, bawdiness, biological urge, bodily appetite, carnal desire, carnality, clitoromania, concupiscence, coveting, craving, curiosity, curious mind, curiousness, desire, dirtiness, eromania, eroticism, eroticomania, eroticomaniac, erotism, erotomania, fleshliness, fleshly lust, furor uterinus, ghoulishness, goatishness, gynecomania, horniness, hot blood, hot pants, hunger, hysteromania, indecency, infantile sexuality, inquiring mind, inquisitiveness, interest, itch, itch for knowledge, itching, lasciviousness, lecherousness, lechery, lewdness, libidinousness, lickerishness, lively interest, lubriciousness, lubricity, lust, lustfulness, mania, meddlesomeness, mental acquisitiveness, morbid curiosity, nosiness, nymphomania, obscenity, officiousness, passion, polymorphous perversity, pruriency, prurient interest, prying, randiness, salaciousness, salacity, satyriasis, satyrism, scopophilia, sensuality, sexiness, sexual desire, sexual longing, sexual passion, sexuality, thirst, thirst for knowledge, uteromania, venereal appetite, voyeurism
[edit]- prurient, Cyprian, Fescennine, Paphian, agape, agog, all agog, animal, aphrodisiomaniacal, athirst, bawdy, blue, burning with curiosity, carnal, clitoromaniacal, coarse, concupiscent, consumed with curiosity, consumed with desire, coveting, craving, crude, curious, debauched, devoured by desire, dirty, ejaculatory, erotic, eroticomaniacal, erotomaniacal, fervid, filthy, fleshly, foul, ghoulish, goatish, gossipy, gross, gynecomaniacal, horny, hot, hot-blooded, hungering, hungry, hysteromaniacal, indecent, inquiring, inquisitive, interested, itching, itchy, ithyphallic, lascivious, lecherous, lewd, libidinous, licentious, lickerish, loose, low, lubricious, lubricous, lurid, lustful, mad with lust, morbid, morbidly curious, nymphomaniacal, obscene, open-eyed, openmouthed, orgasmic, orgastic, overcurious, passionate, pornographic, priapic, quizzical, rakehell, randy, ribald, ruttish, salacious, satyric, scopophiliac, scurrilous, sensual, sex-starved, sexual, sexy, smutty, steamy, suggestive, supercurious, thirsting, thirsty, titillating, unsatisfied, vile, voluptuous, voyeuristic, vulgar
pry loose from
[edit]- pry loose from, badger, blackmail, exact, extort, force from, levy blackmail, rend, rend from, rip, rip from, screw, shake down, snatch from, squeeze, tear from, wrench, wrench from, wrest, wring, wring from
pry out
[edit]- pry out, cross-examine, cross-interrogate, cross-question, dig out, extract information, ferret out, fish out, go over, grill, grub up, hunt out, inquisition, make inquisition, roast, root out, scout out, search out, spy out, third-degree
[edit]- pry, Paul Pry, Paul-Pry, Peeping Tom, backseat driver, bar, beam, beat the bushes, bend the eyes, boom, burrow, busybody, cant hook, claw bar, crank, crow, crowbar, delve, delve into, dig, dig into, direct the eyes, disengage, disjoin, divide, eavesdropper, elevate, explore, fathom, fool with, forage, frisk, fulcrumage, get a foothold, get leverage, go into, go through, gossip, handspike, hoist, hunt, indagate, inquirer, inquisitive, inquisitor, intermeddle, intermeddler, investigate, iron crow, jimmy, kibitz, kibitzer, lever, leverage, lift, limb, look, look around, look into, look round, look through, marlinespike, meddle, meddle with, meddler, mess with, monkey with, mouse, nose, nose around, nosy Parker, outrigger, peavey, pedal, peek, peep, peer, peer into, pick up, pinch bar, play peekaboo, plumb, poke, poke around, poke into, prier, prize, probe, pry into, querier, querist, questioner, quidnunc, raise, rear, research, ripping bar, root, rubberneck, rubbernecker, scopophiliac, search, search into, search through, separate, sift, sightseer, smell around, snook, snoop, snooper, sound, spar, spy, take a peep, take up, tamper with, treadle, turn, twist, uphold, uplift, upraise, uprear, voyeur, wedge, wrecking bar, yenta
[edit]- prying, busy, busybody, curious, delving, digging, fishing, forward, impertinent, in search of, inquisitive, inquisitorial, loaded for bear, looking for, meddlesome, meddling, nosy, obtrusive, officious, out for, out for bear, poking, presumptuous, probing, pushing, pushy, searching, self-appointed, snooping, snoopy
[edit]- PS, Parthian shot, addendum, afterthought, appendix, back matter, chorus, coda, codicil, colophon, conclusion, consequence, continuance, continuation, double take, dying words, envoi, epilogue, follow-through, follow-up, last words, parting shot, peroration, postface, postfix, postlude, postscript, refrain, second thought, sequel, sequela, sequelae, sequelant, sequent, sequitur, subscript, suffix, supplement, swan song, tag
[edit]- psalm, Agnus Dei, Benedicite, Gloria, Gloria Patri, Gloria in Excelsis, Introit, Magnificat, Miserere, Negro spiritual, Nunc Dimittis, Te Deum, Trisagion, Vedic hymn, alleluia, answer, anthem, antiphon, antiphony, ballad, cantata, canticle, carol, celebrate, chant, chirp, chirrup, choir, chorale, chorus, church music, croon, cry up, descant, do-re-mi, doxology, eulogize, extol, glorify, gospel, gospel music, hallelujah, hosanna, hum, hymn, hymn of praise, hymn-tune, hymnody, hymnography, hymnology, intonate, intone, introit, laud, lilt, magnify, mantra, mass, minstrel, motet, offertory, offertory sentence, oratorio, paean, passion, pipe, prosodion, psalmody, quaver, recessional, report, requiem, requiem mass, response, responsory, roulade, sacred music, serenade, shake, sing, sing in chorus, sol-fa, solmizate, spiritual, tremolo, trill, troll, tweedle, tweedledee, twit, twitter, versicle, vocalize, warble, whistle, white spiritual, yodel
[edit]- psalmbook, Book of Psalms, Psalm Book, best seller, book, bound book, classic, coloring book, definitive work, folio, great work, hardback, juvenile, juvenile book, limp-cover book, magnum opus, nonbook, notebook, novel, opus, opuscule, opusculum, paperback, picture book, playbook, pocket book, prayer book, production, psalter, publication, serial, sketchbook, soft-cover, songbook, standard work, storybook, the Psalms, the Psalter, the Psaltery, title, tome, trade book, volume, work, writing
[edit]- psalter, Book of Psalms, Psalm Book, best seller, book, bound book, classic, coloring book, definitive work, folio, great work, hardback, juvenile, juvenile book, limp-cover book, magnum opus, nonbook, notebook, novel, opus, opuscule, opusculum, paperback, picture book, playbook, pocket book, prayer book, production, psalmbook, publication, serial, sketchbook, soft-cover, songbook, standard work, storybook, the Psalms, the Psalter, the Psaltery, title, tome, trade book, volume, work, writing
[edit]- pseudo, affected, apocryphal, artificial, assumed, bastard, bogus, brummagem, colorable, colored, counterfeit, counterfeited, distorted, dressed up, dummy, embellished, embroidered, ersatz, factitious, fake, faked, false, falsified, feigned, fictitious, fictive, forged, garbled, hokey, illegitimate, imitation, junky, make-believe, man-made, mock, perverted, phony, pinchbeck, plagiarized, pretended, put-on, quasi, queer, self-styled, sham, shoddy, simulated, snide, so-called, soi-disant, spurious, supposititious, synthetic, tin, tinsel, titivated, twisted, unauthentic, ungenuine, unnatural, unreal, warped, wrong
psych out
[edit]- psych out, answer, bottom, clear up, crack, crush, dash, debug, decipher, decode, demoralize, disentangle, divine, do, dope, dope out, explain, fathom, figure out, find out, find the answer, find the solution, get, get right, guess, guess right, have it, hit it, interpret, knock down, make out, open the lock, overcome, plumb, prostrate, psych, puzzle out, ravel, ravel out, resolve, riddle, shake, solve, sort out, unbrace, undo, unlock, unman, unnerve, unravel, unriddle, unscramble, unstring, untangle, untwist, unweave, upset, work, work out
[edit]- psych, agitate, answer, bottom, bug, clear up, convulse, crack, debug, decipher, decode, discompose, disentangle, distract, disturb, divine, do, dope, dope out, embroil, explain, fathom, figure out, find out, find the answer, find the solution, get, get right, guess, guess right, have it, hit it, interpret, make out, open the lock, perturb, plumb, psych out, puzzle out, ravel, ravel out, resolve, riddle, solve, sort out, spook, throw, throw into confusion, trouble, undo, unlock, unravel, unriddle, unscramble, unsettle, untangle, untwist, unweave, upset, work, work out
[edit]- psyche, Vernunft, anima, anima humana, animus, atman, ba, brain, brains, breath, breath of life, buddhi, coconscious, collective unconscious, conception, conscience, conscious self, death instinct, discourse of reason, discursive reason, divine breath, divine spark, ego, ego ideal, ego-id conflict, elan vital, esprit, ethical self, foreconscious, gray matter, head, headpiece, heart, id, inner man, intellect, intellection, intellectual faculty, intelligence, jiva, jivatma, khu, libidinal energy, libido, manes, mens, mental capacity, mentality, mind, motive force, nephesh, nous, persona, personality, pleasure principle, pneuma, power of reason, preconscious, primitive self, psychic apparatus, purusha, racial unconscious, ratio, rationality, reason, reasoning, reasoning faculty, ruach, self, shade, shadow, smarts, soul, spirit, spiritual being, spiritus, subconscious, subconscious mind, subliminal, subliminal self, submerged mind, superego, the self, unconscious, unconscious mind, understanding, vital force, vital impulse
psyched up
[edit]- psyched up, all ready, all set, armed, armed and ready, booted and spurred, briefed, coached, cocked, equipped, familiarized, good and ready, groomed, in arms, in battle array, in readiness, in the saddle, informed, loaded, loaded for bear, mature, mobilized, on the mark, planned, prearranged, prepared, prepared and ready, prepped, primed, provided, ready, ready for anything, ripe, set, up in arms, vigilant, well-prepared
[edit]- psychedelic, DET, DMT, LSD, Mary Jane, STP, THC, acid, antidepressant, ataractic, consciousness-expanding, diethyltryptamine, dimethyltryptamine, gage, ganja, grass, hallucinational, hallucinative, hallucinatory, hallucinogen, hallucinogenic, hash, hashish, hay, hemp, joint, kava, marijuana, mescal, mescal bean, mescal button, mescaline, mind-altering drug, mind-blowing, mind-blowing drug, mind-expanding, mind-expanding drug, morning glory seeds, peyote, pot, psilocin, psilocybin, psychic energizer, psychoactive drug, psychochemical, psychotomimetic, reefer, roach, stick, tea, tranquilizer, weed
[edit]- psychiatrist, Adler, Freud, Horney, Pavlov, Reich, Skinner, Watson, alienist, analyst, anesthesiologist, behavior therapist, cardiologist, chiropodist, clinical psychologist, dermatologist, eye doctor, eye-ear-nose-throat specialist, geriatrician, gerontologist, gynecologist, headshrinker, hypnotherapist, immunologist, industrial psychologist, internist, narcotherapist, neurologist, neuropsychiatrist, obstetrician, oculist, ophthalmologist, orthopedist, otolaryngologist, otologist, pathologist, pediatrician, pediatrist, podiatrist, psychoanalyst, psychoanalyzer, psychobiologist, psychochemist, psychographer, psychologist, psychologue, psychopathist, psychopathologist, psychophysicist, psychophysiologist, psychotechnologist, psychotherapeutist, psychotherapist, radiologist, serologist, shrink, shrinker, skin man, somatist, specialist
[edit]- psychic, Cassandra, Druid, astrologer, augur, automatist, calamity howler, cerebral, clairvoyant, cognitive, crystal gazer, divinator, diviner, divineress, ecstatic, extramundane, extrasensory, forecaster, foreknower, foreseer, foreshower, foreteller, fortune-teller, fortuneteller, geomancer, haruspex, impressible, impressionable, intellectual, magical, medium, mental, metaphysical, necromancer, occult, palmist, philosophical, predictor, prefigurer, presager, preternatural, prognosticator, prophesier, prophet, prophet of doom, prophetess, psychical, psychogenic, psychographist, psychological, pythoness, religious prophets, responsive, seer, seeress, sensible, sensile, sensitive, sentient, sibyl, soothsayer, spirit rapper, spiritist, spiritual, spiritualist, spiritualistic, subjective, supermundane, supernatural, supersensible, supersensory, susceptible, susceptive, telekinetic, telepathic, telepathist, unearthly, vates, weather prophet
[edit]- psychical, airy, arcane, asomatous, astral, automatist, bodiless, cerebral, clairaudient, clairsentient, clairvoyant, conceptive, conceptual, decarnate, decarnated, discarnate, disembodied, ectoplasmic, eerie, endopsychic, esoteric, ethereal, etheric, extramundane, extrasensory, extraterrestrial, fey, ghostish, ghostlike, ghostly, ghosty, hypernormal, hyperphysical, immaterial, impalpable, imponderable, incorporate, incorporeal, insubstantial, intangible, internal, mediumistic, mental, mysterious, noetic, nonmaterial, nonphysical, noological, numinous, occult, otherworldly, phantasmal, phantasmic, phantom, phantomic, phantomlike, phrenic, preterhuman, preternatural, preternormal, pretersensual, psychic, psychokinetic, psychologic, psychological, psychosensory, rational, reasoning, second-sighted, shadowy, specterlike, spectral, spiritual, spiritualistic, subjective, superhuman, supernatural, supernormal, superphysical, supersensible, supersensory, supersensual, supramundane, supranatural, telekinetic, telepathic, thinking, transcendental, transmundane, unearthly, unembodied, unextended, unfleshly, unhuman, unphysical, unsubstantial, unworldly, wraithlike, wraithy
[edit]- psychics, bodilessness, ghostliness, immateriality, immaterialness, impalpability, imponderability, incorporeality, incorporeity, inextension, intangibility, metapsychics, metapsychism, nonexteriority, occult phenomena, occultism, otherworldliness, panpsychism, parapsychology, psychic monism, psychical research, psychicism, psychism, psychosophy, shadowiness, spirit world, spirituality, spirituousness, supernaturalism, the occult, unearthliness, unsubstantiality, unsubstantialness, unworldliness
[edit]- psycho, abnormal, bereft of reason, brainsick, catatoniac, certifiable case, crackbrained, cracked, crazed, crazy, daft, deluded, demented, deprived of reason, deranged, disoriented, distraught, flighty, hallucinated, insane, irrational, loco, lunatic, mad, maddened, manic, manic-depressive, mazed, mental, mental case, mentally deficient, meshuggah, moon-struck, non compos, non compos mentis, not all there, not right, odd, of unsound mind, off, paranoiac, paranoid, psychopath, psychopathic case, psychopathic personality, psychotic, queer, reasonless, schiz, schizo, schizoid, schizophrenic, schizy, senseless, sick, stark-mad, stark-staring mad, strange, tetched, touched, unbalanced, unhinged, unsane, unsettled, unsound, wandering, witless
[edit]- psychoanalysis, Adlerian psychology, Freudian psychology, Freudianism, Gestalt psychology, Horneyan psychology, Jungian psychology, Pavlovian psychology, Reichian psychology, Skinnerian psychology, Watsonian psychology, analysis, analytical psychology, apperceptionism, association psychology, associationism, behaviorism, behavioristic psychology, configurationism, depth interview, depth psychology, dianetics, dream analysis, dream symbolism, group analysis, interpretation of dreams, mental chemistry, metapsychology, orgone theory, psychanalysis, psychoanalytic method, psychoanalytic theory, psychoanalytic therapy, psychognosis, psychognosy, psychology of depths, stimulus-response psychology, structuralism, the couch
[edit]- psychodrama, Arica movement, Erhard Seminars Training, Grand Guignol, New Consciousness, Passion play, Pentothal interview, SAT, T-group, Tom show, abreaction, acting-out, antimasque, assertiveness training, audience success, ballet, behavior modification, behavior therapy, bioenergetics, biofeedback, bomb, broadcast drama, burlesque show, catharsis, charade, cliff hanger, closet drama, comedy drama, confrontation therapy, conjoint therapy, consciousness raising, counseling, critical success, daytime serial, dialogue, directive therapy, documentary drama, drama, dramalogue, dramatic play, dramatic series, duodrama, duologue, emotional release, encounter therapy, epic theater, est, experimental theater, extravaganza, failure, family training, feminist therapy, flop, gasser, gestalt therapy, giveaway, group psychotherapy, group relations training, group sensitivity training, group therapy, happening, hit, hit show, humanistic therapy, hypnoanalysis, hypnosis, hypnotherapy, hypnotism, improvisational drama, legitimate drama, marathon, marriage encounter, masque, melodrama, mind cure, minstrel show, miracle, miracle play, monodrama, monologue, morality, morality play, motor abreaction, music drama, musical revue, mystery, mystery play, narcoanalysis, narcohypnosis, narcosynthesis, narcotherapy, nondirective therapy, occupational therapy, opera, outlet, pageant, panel show, pantomime, pastoral, pastoral counseling, pastoral drama, piece, play, play therapy, playlet, primal therapy, problem play, prolonged narcosis, psychocatharsis, psychological counseling, psychosurgery, psychosynthesis, psychotherapeutics, psychotherapy, purgation, quiz show, radical therapy, radio drama, rational-emotive therapy, reality therapy, recreational therapy, regression therapy, release therapy, review, revue, scream therapy, sensational play, sensitivity training, sensory awareness training, serial, show, sitcom, situation comedy, sketch, skit, sleep treatment, soap, soap opera, sociodrama, spectacle, stage play, stage show, straight drama, success, supportive therapy, suspense drama, tableau, tableau vivant, talk show, teleplay, television drama, television play, theater of cruelty, total theater, training group, transactional analysis, transcendental meditation, transpersonal therapy, variety show, vaudeville, vaudeville show, vehicle, vocational therapy, word-of-mouth success, work
psychological block
[edit]- psychological block, agnosia, block, blockage, blocking, censorship, delirium, delusion, delusion of persecution, disorientation, flight of ideas, hallucination, hallucinosis, inhibition, mental block, mental confusion, nihilism, nihilistic delusion, paralogia, repression, resistance, restraint, suppression
psychological moment
[edit]- psychological moment, A-day, D day, H hour, charged moment, critical moment, crucial moment, day, deadline, decisive moment, eleventh hour, fateful moment, hour, instant, interval, juncture, kairos, kairotic moment, minute, moment, moment of truth, nick of time, period, point, pregnant moment, season, space, span, spell, stage, stretch, target date, time, time lag, while, zero hour
psychological test
[edit]- psychological test, Bernreuter personality inventory, Binet-Simon test, Brown personality inventory, Goldstein-Sheerer test, IQ, IQ test, Kent mental test, Minnesota preschool scale, Oseretsky test, Rorschach test, Stanford revision, Stanford-Binet test, Szondi test, TAT, Wechsler-Bellevue intelligence scale, achievement test, alpha test, apperception test, aptitude test, association test, beta test, controlled association test, free association test, inkblot test, intelligence quotient, intelligence test, interest inventory, mental test, personality test, standardized test, thematic apperception test, word association test
psychological warfare
[edit]- psychological warfare, A-war, H-war, abnormal psychology, academic psychology, aerial warfare, amphibious warfare, analytical psychology, animal psychology, applied psychology, armed neutrality, association psychology, atom war, atomic war, bacteriological warfare, biological warfare, browbeating, bulldozing, bullying, bushfighting, chemical warfare, child psychology, clinical psychology, cognitive psychology, cold war, comparative psychology, constitutional psychology, conventional war, cowing, criminal psychology, defensive warfare, demoralization, depth psychology, developmental psychology, differential psychology, dynamic psychology, ecological psychology, economic warfare, educational psychology, existential psychology, experimental psychology, faculty psychology, folk psychology, frightening, functional psychology, gas warfare, genetic psychology, germ warfare, group psychology, guerrilla warfare, hectoring, hormic psychology, inactive war, industrial psychology, intimidation, irregular warfare, jungle warfare, land warfare, mechanized warfare, mental philosophy, missile warfare, mobile warfare, morbid psychology, motorized warfare, naval warfare, neuropsychology, offensive warfare, parapsychology, phenomenological psychology, phony war, physiological psychology, popular psychology, position warfare, psychobiochemistry, psychobiology, psychodiagnostics, psychodynamics, psychogenetics, psychogeriatrics, psycholinguistics, psychological medicine, psychology, psychometrics, psychonomics, psychonomy, psychopathology, psychophysics, psychophysiology, psychosomatics, psychotechnics, psychotechnology, psychotherapeutics, push-button warfare, race psychology, rational psychology, reactology, reflexology, self psychology, siege warfare, social psychology, structural psychology, submarine warfare, technological warfare, trench warfare, underground warfare, virus warfare, war of attrition, war of movement, war of nerves, war of position
[edit]- psychological, cerebral, cognitive, conceptive, conceptual, endopsychic, functional, intellectual, intelligent, internal, mental, neuropsychiatric, noetic, noological, philosophical, phrenic, psychiatric, psychic, psychical, psychobiological, psychodynamic, psychogenic, psychologic, psychoneurological, psychopathic, psychopathological, psychophysical, psychophysiological, psychosexual, psychosocial, psychosomatic, psychotic, rational, reasoning, spiritual, subconscious, subjective, subliminal, thinking, unconscious
[edit]- psychologist, Adler, Freud, Horney, Pavlov, Reich, Skinner, Watson, alienist, clinical psychologist, industrial psychologist, neuropsychiatrist, psychiatrist, psychobiologist, psychochemist, psychographer, psychologue, psychopathist, psychopathologist, psychophysicist, psychophysiologist, psychotechnologist, somatist
[edit]- psychology, affect, affectivity, anatomy, anthropography, anthropologist, anthropology, anthropometry, attitude, behavior, behavioral science, constitution, craniology, craniometry, demography, emotion, emotions, emotivity, ethnography, ethnologist, ethnology, feeling, feeling tone, feelings, human ecology, human geography, mental attitude, nature, opinion, position, posture, psyche, rationale, reasoning, science of man, sentiment, sociologist, sociology, stance, thinking, way of thinking
[edit]- psychometrics, IQ meter, abnormal psychology, academic psychology, altimetry, analytical psychology, animal psychology, applied psychology, association psychology, bathymetry, biometrics, biometry, cadastration, cartography, child psychology, chorography, clinical psychology, cognitive psychology, comparative psychology, constitutional psychology, craniometry, criminal psychology, depth psychology, developmental psychology, differential psychology, dynamic psychology, ecological psychology, educational psychology, existential psychology, experimental psychology, faculty psychology, folk psychology, functional psychology, genetic psychology, geodesy, geodetics, goniometry, group psychology, hormic psychology, hypsography, hypsometry, industrial psychology, intelligence testing, lie detector, mensuration, mental philosophy, metrology, morbid psychology, neuropsychology, oceanography, parapsychology, phenomenological psychology, physiological psychology, planimetry, polygraph, popular psychology, psychobiochemistry, psychobiology, psychodiagnostics, psychodynamics, psychogalvanometer, psychogenetics, psychogeriatrics, psychogram, psychograph, psychography, psycholinguistics, psychological medicine, psychological profile, psychological screening, psychological warfare, psychology, psychometer, psychometry, psychonomics, psychonomy, psychopathology, psychophysics, psychophysiology, psychosomatics, psychotechnics, psychotechnology, psychotherapeutics, race psychology, rational psychology, reactology, reflexology, self psychology, social psychology, stereometry, structural psychology, surveying, topography
[edit]- psychoneurosis, accident neurosis, anxiety hysteria, anxiety neurosis, association neurosis, battle fatigue, blast neurosis, combat fatigue, compensation neurosis, compulsion neurosis, conversion hysteria, conversion neurosis, expectation neurosis, fixation neurosis, fright neurosis, homosexual neurosis, hypochondria, hypochondriasis, hysteria, neurosis, neuroticism, obsessional neurosis, occupational neurosis, pathoneurosis, phobia, psychasthenia, psychoneurotic disorder, psychopathia martialis, regression neurosis, shell shock, situational neurosis, war neurosis
[edit]- psychoneurotic, alcoholic, alternating personality, antisocial personality, disordered, disordered personality, disturbed, disturbed personality, double personality, drug user, dual personality, emotionally unstable personality, escapist, hostile personality, hypochondriac, hypochondriast, hysteric, idiot, imaginary invalid, immature personality, inadequate personality, inferior personality, malade imaginaire, maladjusted personality, mentally defective personality, moral insanity, multiple personality, neurasthenic, neuropath, neurotic, neurotic personality, paranoid personality, perverse personality, phobic, psychasthenic, psychopath, psychopathic personality, psychotic, psychotic personality, schizoid, schizoid personality, seclusive personality, sexual psychopath, shut-in personality, sociopath, split personality, valetudinarian, valetudinary, weak personality
[edit]- psychopath, alcoholic, alternating personality, antisocial personality, catatoniac, certifiable case, disordered personality, disturbed personality, double personality, drug user, dual personality, emotionally unstable personality, escapist, hostile personality, hypochondriac, hypochondriast, idiot, imaginary invalid, immature personality, inadequate personality, inferior personality, malade imaginaire, maladjusted personality, manic-depressive, mental, mental case, mentally defective personality, moral insanity, multiple personality, neuropath, neurotic, neurotic personality, paranoiac, paranoid, paranoid personality, perverse personality, psycho, psychoneurotic, psychopathic case, psychopathic personality, psychotic, psychotic personality, schiz, schizo, schizoid, schizoid personality, schizophrenic, schizy, seclusive personality, sexual psychopath, shut-in personality, sociopath, split personality, valetudinarian, valetudinary, weak personality
[edit]- psychopathic, brain-damaged, brain-injured, catatonic, certifiable, disturbed, functional, manic-depressive, mentally ill, mentally sick, neuropsychiatric, neurotic, paranoiac, paranoid, psychiatric, psychobiological, psychodynamic, psychogenic, psychological, psychoneurological, psychopathological, psychophysical, psychophysiological, psychosexual, psychosocial, psychosomatic, psychotic, schiz, schizoid, schizophrenic, schizy
[edit]- psychopathy, aberration, abulia, alienation, arteriosclerotic psychosis, certifiability, character disorder, dementia paralytica, derangement, dipsomania, distraction, drug addiction, folie du doute, functional psychosis, general paralysis, general paresis, insaneness, lunacy, madness, metabolic psychosis, moral insanity, neurosis, organic psychosis, paralytic dementia, pathological drunkenness, personality disorder, presenile dementia, prison psychosis, psychopathia, psychopathia sexualis, psychopathic condition, psychopathic personality, psychosis, senile dementia, senile psychosis, senility, sexual pathology, sexual psychopathy, situational psychosis, sociopathy, syphilitic paresis, toxic psychosis, unbalance
[edit]- psychosis, abulia, arteriosclerotic psychosis, brain disease, certifiability, crack-up, dementia paralytica, dipsomania, drug addiction, emotional disorder, emotional instability, folie du doute, functional nervous disorder, functional psychosis, general paralysis, general paresis, insanity, maladjustment, manic-depressive psychosis, melancholia, mental disorder, mental illness, metabolic psychosis, moral insanity, nervous breakdown, nervous disorder, neurosis, organic psychosis, paralytic dementia, paranoia, pathological drunkenness, personality disorder, presenile dementia, prison psychosis, problems in living, psychopathia, psychopathia sexualis, psychopathic condition, psychopathic personality, psychopathy, reaction, schizophrenia, senile dementia, senile psychosis, senility, sexual pathology, situational psychosis, social maladjustment, syphilitic paresis, toxic psychosis
[edit]- psychotherapy, Arica movement, Erhard Seminars Training, New Consciousness, Pentothal interview, SAT, T-group, assertiveness training, behavior modification, behavior therapy, bioenergetics, biofeedback, confrontation therapy, conjoint therapy, consciousness raising, counseling, directive therapy, encounter therapy, est, family training, feminist therapy, gestalt therapy, group psychotherapy, group relations training, group sensitivity training, group therapy, healing arts, humanistic therapy, hypnoanalysis, hypnosis, hypnotherapy, hypnotism, marathon, marriage encounter, medical care, medical treatment, medication, medicines, mind cure, narcoanalysis, narcohypnosis, narcosynthesis, narcotherapy, nondirective therapy, occupational therapy, pastoral counseling, play therapy, primal therapy, prolonged narcosis, psychodrama, psychological counseling, psychosurgery, psychosynthesis, psychotherapeutics, radical therapy, rational-emotive therapy, reality therapy, recreational therapy, regression therapy, release therapy, scream therapy, sensitivity training, sensory awareness training, sleep treatment, supportive therapy, therapeusis, therapeutics, therapy, training group, transactional analysis, transcendental meditation, transpersonal therapy, treatment, vocational therapy
[edit]- psychotic, abnormal, alcoholic, alternating personality, antisocial personality, bats, batty, bedlamite, bonkers, brain-damaged, brain-injured, catatoniac, catatonic, certifiable, certifiable case, cracked, crackpot, crazy, daft, demented, deranged, disordered personality, disturbed, disturbed personality, double personality, drug user, dual personality, emotionally unstable personality, escapist, exceptional, functional, hostile personality, hypochondriac, hypochondriast, idiot, imaginary invalid, immature personality, inadequate personality, inferior personality, insane, kook, loony, lunatic, mad, madman, malade imaginaire, maladjusted personality, maniac, manic-depressive, mental, mental case, mentally defective personality, mentally ill, mentally sick, moral insanity, multiple personality, neuropath, neuropsychiatric, neurotic, neurotic personality, non compos mentis, not all there, nut, nuts, nutty, of unsound mind, paranoiac, paranoid, paranoid personality, perverse personality, psychiatric, psycho, psychobiological, psychodynamic, psychogenic, psychological, psychoneurological, psychoneurotic, psychopath, psychopathic, psychopathic case, psychopathic personality, psychopathological, psychophysical, psychophysiological, psychosexual, psychosocial, psychosomatic, psychotic personality, raving, schiz, schizo, schizoid, schizoid personality, schizophrenic, schizy, screwball, seclusive personality, sexual psychopath, shut-in personality, sociopath, split personality, unbalanced, unhinged, valetudinarian, valetudinary, weak personality
[edit]- pub, alehouse, bar, barrel house, barroom, beer garden, beer parlor, bistro, blind tiger, boardinghouse, cabaret, cafe, cocktail lounge, dive, dorm, dormitory, doss house, dramshop, drinkery, drinking saloon, fleabag, flophouse, gin mill, groggery, grogshop, guest house, honky-tonk, hospice, hostel, hostelry, hotel, inn, local, lodging house, nightclub, ordinary, pension, posada, pothouse, public, public house, rathskeller, roadhouse, rooming house, rummery, rumshop, saloon, saloon bar, speakeasy, taproom, tavern, wine shop
[edit]- pubescent, adolescent, attenuate, attenuated, bristly, bushy, cirrose, dainty, delicate, downy, feathery, filmy, fine, fine-drawn, fine-grained, finespun, fleecy, flocculent, flossy, fluffy, furry, fuzzy, gauzy, gossamer, gossamery, hairy, hirsute, hispid, lanate, matted, maturescent, nubile, pilose, refined, satin, satiny, shagged, shaggy, silky, smooth, thin-spun, unshorn, velutinous, velvety, wiredrawn, woolly
public address system
[edit]- public address system, Gramophone, PA, PA system, Victrola, audio sound system, audiophile, binaural system, bitch box, bullhorn, cartridge, ceramic pickup, changer, crystal pickup, derived four-channel system, discrete four-channel system, four-channel stereo system, hi-fi, hi-fi fan, high-fidelity, intercom, intercommunication system, jukebox, magnetic pickup, monaural system, mono, needle, nickelodeon, phonograph, photoelectric pickup, pickup, quadraphonic sound system, radio-phonograph combination, record changer, record player, sound reproduction system, sound truck, squawk box, stereo, stylus, system, tape deck, tape recorder, tone arm, transcription turntable, turntable
public assistance
[edit]- public assistance, ADC, Medicaid, Medicare, aid, alimony, allotment, allowance, annuity, assistance, bounty, cradle-to-grave security, depletion allowance, dole, fellowship, financial assistance, grant, grant-in-aid, guaranteed annual income, guaranteed income, health insurance, help, old-age assistance, old-age insurance, pecuniary aid, pension, price support, public welfare, relief, retirement benefits, scholarship, sickness insurance, social insurance, social security, social welfare, socialized medicine, state medicine, stipend, subsidization, subsidy, subvention, support, tax benefit, unemployment compensation, unemployment insurance, welfare, welfare aid, welfare capitalism, welfare payments, welfare state, welfare statism, welfarism, womb-to-tomb security
public enemy
[edit]- public enemy, Judas, adversary, antagonist, archenemy, bad person, betrayer, bitter enemy, convict, criminal, crook, deceiver, delinquent, desperado, desperate criminal, devil, double-dealer, enemy, evildoer, felon, foe, foeman, fugitive, gallows bird, gangster, gaolbird, jailbird, lawbreaker, malefactor, malevolent, malfeasant, malfeasor, misfeasor, mobster, open enemy, outlaw, quisling, racketeer, scofflaw, sinner, swindler, sworn enemy, thief, thug, traitor, transgressor, two-timer, villain, worker of ill, wrongdoer
public house
[edit]- public house, alehouse, bar, barrel house, barroom, beer garden, beer parlor, bistro, blind tiger, boardinghouse, cabaret, cafe, cocktail lounge, dive, dorm, dormitory, doss house, dramshop, drinkery, drinking saloon, fleabag, flophouse, gin mill, groggery, grogshop, guest house, honky-tonk, hospice, hostel, hostelry, hotel, inn, local, lodge, lodging house, nightclub, ordinary, pension, posada, pothouse, pub, public, rathskeller, roadhouse, rooming house, rummery, rumshop, saloon, saloon bar, speakeasy, taproom, tavern, wine shop
public image
[edit]- public image, affectation, affectedness, airs, airs and graces, apparent character, appearances, artificiality, display, exteriors, external appearance, externals, facade, false front, false show, feigned belief, front, gaudiness, hypocrisy, image, insincerity, mannerism, mere externals, mere show, meretriciousness, ostent, outward appearance, outward show, pretense, pretension, prunes and prisms, put-on, putting on airs, sham, show, speciousness, stylishness, superficiality, surface appearance, surface show, unnaturalness, vain show
public knowledge
[edit]- public knowledge, PR, ballyhoo, blurb, bright light, celebrity, common knowledge, cry, currency, daylight, eclat, exposure, fame, famousness, glare, hoopla, hue and cry, limelight, maximum dissemination, notoriety, plug, press notice, public eye, public relations, public report, publicity, publicity story, publicness, puff, reclame, report, spotlight, write-up
public opinion
[edit]- public opinion, assumption, attitude, backscratching, climate of opinion, common belief, community sentiment, conceit, concept, conception, conclusion, consensus gentium, consideration, estimate, estimation, ethos, eye, feeling, general belief, idea, impression, influence peddling, judgment, lights, lobbying, lobbyism, logrolling, mind, mystique, notion, observation, opinion, personal judgment, point of view, political influence, popular belief, position, posture, presumption, prevailing belief, public belief, reaction, sentiment, sight, social pressure, special-interest pressure, stance, theory, thinking, thought, view, way of thinking, wire-pulling
public relations
[edit]- public relations, PR, ballyhoo, blurb, bright light, celebrity, common knowledge, cry, currency, daylight, eclat, exposure, fame, famousness, glare, hoopla, hue and cry, limelight, maximum dissemination, notoriety, plug, press notice, public eye, public knowledge, public report, publicity, publicity story, publicness, puff, reclame, report, spotlight, write-up
public school
[edit]- public school, Gymnasium, Latin school, Realgymnasium, Realschule, academy, alternate, alternative school, blab school, boarding school, central school, consolidated school, continuation school, correspondence school, country day school, dame school, day school, evening school, extension, finishing school, free school, grammar school, high, high school, informal school, intermediate school, junior high, junior high school, middle school, night school, nongraded school, open classroom school, pensionat, platoon school, prep school, preparatory school, private school, progressive school, school without walls, secondary school, seminary, senior high, senior high school, special school, storefront school, street academy, summer school, union school, vacation school
public servant
[edit]- public servant, bureaucrat, civil servant, functionary, functionnaire, holdover, incumbent, ins, jack-in-office, lame duck, mandarin, new broom, office-bearer, officeholder, officer, official, officiary, petty tyrant, placeman, president-elect, public official, red-tapist
public speaker
[edit]- public speaker, Cicero, Demosthenes, William Jennings Bryan, Winston Churchill, debater, declaimer, demagogue, haranguer, jawsmith, orator, panelist, platform orator, rabble-rouser, ranter, rhetor, rhetorician, soapbox orator, soapboxer, speaker, speecher, speechifier, speechmaker, spellbinder, spieler, spokesman, spokeswoman, spouter, stump orator, talker, tub-thumper
public trough
[edit]- public trough, Fort Knox, bank, blackmail, boodle, booty, bursary, campaign contribution, campaign fund, cash register, cashbox, chest, coffer, coin box, depository, exchequer, fisc, gold depository, graft, haul, hot goods, locker, loot, money chest, nepotism, penny bank, perks, perquisite, pickings, piggy bank, plunder, pork barrel, prize, public crib, public till, public tit, public treasury, repository, safe, safe-deposit box, slush fund, spoil, spoils, spoils of office, spoils system, squeeze, stealings, stolen goods, storehouse, strong room, strongbox, subtreasury, swag, take, till, treasure-house, treasury, vault
public utility
[edit]- public utility, Aktiengesellschaft, aktiebolag, body corporate, business, business establishment, cartel, chamber of commerce, combine, commercial enterprise, compagnie, company, concern, conglomerate, conglomerate corporation, consolidating company, consortium, copartnership, corporate body, corporation, diversified corporation, enterprise, firm, holding company, house, industry, joint-stock association, joint-stock company, operating company, partnership, plunderbund, pool, stock company, syndicate, trade association, trust, utility
[edit]- public, Babbittish, Everyman, John Doe, Philistine, Public, accessible, acknowledged, adherent, admitted, affirmed, alehouse, announced, apparent, appendage, associated, attendant, audience, available, bar, barrel house, barroom, beer garden, beer parlor, bistro, blatant, blind tiger, boardinghouse, body politic, bourgeois, bourgeoisie, broadcast, brought to notice, buff, business, buyers, cabaret, cafe, campy, carriage trade, catholic, cavaliere servente, celebrated, circulated, citizenry, citizens, civic, civil, clear, clear-cut, clientage, clientele, cocktail lounge, collective, collectivistic, common, common knowledge, common man, common property, commonalty, commonly known, commonplace, commonwealth, communal, communistic, community, community at large, commutual, conjoint, conjunct, conspicuous, constituency, consumers, cooperative, cortical, cosmopolitan, courtier, cultural community, current, custom, dangler, declared, demos, dependent, diffused, disciple, disreputable, disseminated, distributed, dive, dorm, dormitory, doss house, dramshop, drinking saloon, dwellers, eminent, epidermic, estate, everybody, everyman, everyone, everywoman, exomorphic, exposed, exterior, external, extrinsic, familiar, famous, fan, flagrant, fleabag, flophouse, flunky, folk, folks, follower, followers, following, free, fringe, general, general public, gentry, gin mill, government, governmental, groggery, grogshop, guest house, habitancy, hackneyed, hanger-on, henchman, high-camp, hoi polloi, homely, homespun, homme de cour, honky-tonk, hospice, hostel, hostelry, hotel, household, illustrious, in circulation, in common, in print, in public, in the open, infamous, influential, inhabitants, inn, international, joint, kitschy, known, linguistic community, local, lodging house, low-camp, made public, make public, manifest, market, masses, men, middle class, multitude, municipal, mutual, nation, national, nationality, nightclub, notable, noted, notorious, obvious, open, openly, ordinary, out, outer, outermost, outlying, outmost, outside, outstanding, outward, outward-facing, overt, parasite, partisan, patent, patronage, pension, people, people at large, people in general, peripheral, persons, plain, platitudinous, plebeian, plebeians, polity, pop, populace, popular, population, portion, posada, pothouse, proclaimed, projected, proletariat, prominent, propagated, proverbial, pub, public house, publicly, publish, published, purchasing public, pursuer, pursuivant, rank and file, rathskeller, reciprocal, renowned, reported, roadhouse, rooming house, roundabout, rumshop, rural market, saloon, saloon bar, satellite, sectary, sector, seeming, segment, shadow, shared, social, socialistic, societal, society, speakeasy, special-interest group, speech community, spread, state, stated, stooge, suburban market, successor, suite, superficial, supporter, supranational, surface, tagtail, tail, talked-about, talked-of, taproom, tavern, telecast, televised, the citizenry, the general public, the people, the populace, the population, the public, third estate, trade, trainbearer, trite, truistic, unconcealed, universal, universally admitted, universally recognized, unrestricted, unshrouded, urban, vernacular, viewable, visible, votary, ward heeler, well-kenned, well-known, well-recognized, well-understood, whole people, widely known, widespread, wine shop, world, worldwide, you and me, youth market
[edit]- publican, Internal Revenue Service, assessor, barkeep, barkeeper, barmaid, barman, bartender, bootlegger, brewer, brewmaster, customhouse, customs, distiller, exciseman, farmer, liquor dealer, liquor store owner, mixologist, moonshiner, revenuer, tapster, tapstress, tax assessor, tax collector, tax farmer, taxer, taxman, vintner, wine merchant
[edit]- publication, Christophany, Satanophany, account, acquaintance, advertisement, advertising, airing, albertype, angelophany, announcement, annual, appearance, attenuation, avatar, best seller, bimonthly, biweekly, blue book, book, book printing, booklet, bound book, briefing, broadcast, broadcasting, broadside, brochure, bulletin, chromotypography, chromotypy, chromoxylography, circumfusion, classic, collotype, color printing, coloring book, communication, communique, conveyance, daily, data, datum, declaration, definitive work, diffraction, diffusion, dilution, directory, disclosure, dispatch, dispensation, dispersal, dispersion, dissemination, dissipation, distribution, divergence, electronography, electrostatic printing, embodiment, enlightenment, epiphany, evaporation, evidence, evincement, expansion, expression, facts, factual information, familiarization, flier, flyer, folio, fortnightly, fragmentation, gen, general information, giving, graphic arts, gravure, great work, guidebook, halftone engraving, hand-out, handbill, handout, hard information, hardback, hebdomadal, history of printing, impartation, imparting, impartment, incarnation, incidental information, indication, info, information, instruction, intelligence, issuance, job printing, journal, juvenile, juvenile book, knowledge, leaflet, letterpress, letterpress photoengraving, light, limp-cover book, line engraving, lithography, lithogravure, lithophotogravure, magazine, magnum opus, manifestation, materialization, mention, message, mimeograph, monthly, newsletter, newspaper, nonbook, notebook, notice, notification, novel, offset, offset lithography, onset, opus, opuscule, opusculum, palaeotypography, pamphlet, paper, paperback, peppering, periodical, photo-offset, photochemical process, photoengraving, photogelatin process, photographic reproduction, photography, photolithography, phototypography, phototypy, photozincography, picture book, planographic printing, planography, playbook, pneumatophany, pocket book, prayer book, presentation, printing, printmaking, proclamation, production, promotional material, promulgation, pronouncement, pronunciamento, proof, propagation, psalmbook, psalter, publicity, publicizing, publishing, putting out, quarterly, radiation, release, relief printing, report, reporting, revelation, rotary photogravure, rotogravure, scattering, scatterment, serial, sharing, sheetwork, shotgun pattern, sidelight, sketchbook, soft-cover, songbook, sowing, spattering, splay, spread, spreading, sprinkling, standard work, statement, stencil, storybook, strewing, tabloid, telling, the dope, the goods, the know, the scoop, theophany, three-color printing, title, tome, trade book, transfer, transference, transmission, transmittal, two-color printing, typography, typolithography, volatilization, volume, weekly, white book, white paper, wood-block printing, word, work, writing, xerography, xeroprinting, xylotypography, zincography
[edit]- publicist, AG, DA, KC, QC, SSC, US attorney, annotator, attorney general, book reviewer, city editor, civilian, columnist, commentator, commenter, copy chief, copy editor, copyman, copyreader, corporation lawyer, correspondent, court-appointed lawyer, criminal lawyer, critic, cub reporter, defense counsel, diaskeuast, district attorney, editor, editorial writer, editorialist, expositor, expounder, feature editor, foreign correspondent, gazetteer, glossarist, glossographer, interviewer, journalist, junior counsel, law agent, leader, leader writer, leg man, managing editor, mouthpiece, news analyst, news editor, newsman, newspaperman, newspaperwoman, newswriter, own correspondent, paragrapher, paragraphist, pressman, private attorney, prosecuting attorney, prosecutor, public prosecutor, reader, reporter, reviewer, reviser, rewrite man, rewriter, scholiast, silk, silk gown, slotman, sob sister, solicitor general, special correspondent, special pleader, sports editor, stuff gown, stuff-gownsman, subeditor, war correspondent
[edit]- publicity, PR, acclaim, account, acquaintance, advertising, announcement, ballyhoo, blue book, blurb, briefing, bright light, broadcasting, buildup, bulletin, celebrity, character, commercial, common knowledge, communication, communique, cry, currency, data, datum, daylight, directory, dispatch, eclat, enlightenment, evidence, exposure, facts, factual information, fame, familiarization, famousness, figure, gen, general information, glare, glory, guidebook, handout, hard information, hard sell, hoopla, hue and cry, incidental information, info, information, instruction, intelligence, knowledge, kudos, light, limelight, maximum dissemination, mention, message, name, notice, notification, notoriety, notoriousness, plug, popularity, presentation, press notice, press-agentry, promotion, promotional material, promulgation, proof, propaganda, public eye, public knowledge, public relations, public report, publication, publicity story, publicness, puff, puffery, reclame, recognition, release, renown, report, reputation, repute, sidelight, spotlight, statement, the bubble reputation, the dope, the goods, the know, the scoop, transmission, vogue, white book, white paper, word, write-up
[edit]- publicize, advance, advertise, announce, ballyhoo, bark, bill, boost, broadcast, bruit, build up, bulletin, circularize, cry, cry up, establish, extol, give a write-up, give publicity, headline, hype, placard, plug, post, post bills, post up, press-agent, promote, promulgate, propagandize, puff, push, sell, spiel, tout, trumpet, write up
[edit]- publish, advertise, air, announce, annunciate, bestrew, break it to, break the news, breathe, bring out, broach, broadcast, bruit about, circumfuse, come out with, confide, confide to, deal out, diffract, diffuse, disclose, dispense, disperse, dispread, disseminate, distribute, diverge, divulgate, divulge, engrave, evulgate, express, fan out, get out, give out, give vent to, hectograph, impress, imprint, issue, leak, let get around, let in on, let out, make known, make public, market, mimeograph, multigraph, out with, overprint, overscatter, oversow, overspread, print, proclaim, produce, promulgate, proof, propagate, prove, publicize, pull, pull a proof, put forth, put out, put to bed, put to press, radiate, reissue, report, reprint, retail, reveal, run, run off, scatter, sow, sow broadcast, splay, spread, spread about, spread out, stamp, strew, strike, tell, toot, utter, vent, ventilate
[edit]- published, accessible, affirmed, announced, broadcast, brought to notice, circulated, common knowledge, common property, current, declared, diffused, disseminated, distributed, in circulation, in print, made public, open, proclaimed, propagated, public, reported, spread, stated, telecast, televised
[edit]- publisher, adviser, announcer, annunciator, authority, bibliognost, bibliographer, biblioklept, bibliolater, bibliomane, bibliomaniac, bibliopegist, bibliophage, bibliophile, bibliopole, bibliopolist, bibliotaph, bibliothec, bibliothecaire, bibliothecary, book agent, book collector, book printer, book publisher, book salesman, book-stealer, bookbinder, bookdealer, booklover, bookmaker, bookman, bookseller, bookworm, cataloger, channel, chief librarian, college editor, communicant, communicator, copy editor, curator, dictionary editor, editor, editor-in-chief, enlightener, executive editor, expert witness, gossipmonger, grapevine, informant, information center, information medium, informer, interviewee, juvenile editor, librarian, library director, managing editor, monitor, mouthpiece, newsmonger, notifier, permissions editor, philobiblist, press, printer, production editor, public relations officer, radio, reference editor, reference librarian, reporter, source, spokesman, television, teller, textbook editor, tipster, tout, trade editor, witness
[edit]- publishing, AP, Associated Press, Fleet Street, Reuters, UPI, United Press International, airing, albertype, bandying, book, book printing, book publishing, broadcast, broadcasting, bruiting, bruiting about, chromotypography, chromotypy, chromoxylography, circulation, collotype, color printing, communications, communications industry, diffusion, display, dissemination, electronography, electrostatic printing, evulgation, fourth estate, graphic arts, gravure, halftone engraving, history of printing, issuance, issue, job printing, journalism, letterpress, letterpress photoengraving, line engraving, lithography, lithogravure, lithophotogravure, magazine publishing, mimeograph, offset, offset lithography, onset, palaeotypography, periodical, photo-offset, photochemical process, photoengraving, photogelatin process, photographic reproduction, photography, photolithography, phototypography, phototypy, photozincography, planographic printing, planography, print medium, printing, printmaking, promulgation, propagation, public press, public print, publication, publishing industry, relief printing, rotary photogravure, rotogravure, sheetwork, spread, spreading, spreading abroad, stencil, telecasting, the press, three-color printing, two-color printing, typography, typolithography, ventilation, wood-block printing, xerography, xeroprinting, xylotypography, zincography
[edit]- puce, Titian, Titian-red, bricky, cardinal, carmine, carnation, carnelian, cerise, cherry, cherry-colored, cherry-red, crimson, damask, ferruginous, fiery, fire-red, flame-colored, flame-red, flaming, glowing, gules, hot, incarmined, inflamed, infrared, iron-red, lake-colored, laky, lateritious, lobster-red, lurid, maroon, port-wine, red, red-dyed, red-looking, reddened, reddish, reddish-amber, reddish-brown, rubicund, rubiginous, rubric, rubricose, ruby, ruby-colored, ruby-red, ruddied, ruddy, rufescent, rufous, rust, rust-red, rusty, scarlet, stammel, tile-red, vermilion, vinaceous, warm, wine, wine-colored, wine-red
[edit]- Puck, Dingbelle, Fifinella, Hob, Hobgoblin, bad fairy, bad peri, deviling, devilkin, diablotin, elf, erlking, gremlin, imp, kobold, little devil, pixie, poltergeist, puck, sprite, tokoloshe, young devil
[edit]- puck, Dingbelle, Fifinella, Hob, Hobgoblin, JD, Puck, bad boy, bad fairy, bad peri, booger, brat, buffoon, bugger, cutup, devil, deviling, devilkin, diablotin, elf, enfant terrible, erlking, funmaker, gamin, gremlin, holy terror, hood, hoodlum, hooligan, imp, joker, jokester, juvenile delinquent, knave, kobold, little devil, little monkey, little rascal, minx, mischief, mischief-maker, pixie, poltergeist, practical joker, prankster, punk, punk kid, rapscallion, rascal, rogue, rowdy, ruffian, scamp, scapegrace, spoiled brat, sprite, tokoloshe, urchin, wag, whippersnapper, young devil
[edit]- pucker, abbreviate, agitation, all-overs, angst, anxiety, anxiety hysteria, anxiety neurosis, anxious bench, anxious concern, anxious seat, anxiousness, apprehension, apprehensiveness, befuddlement, bewilderment, bother, botheration, cankerworm of care, care, chaos, circumscribe, cloud, coarct, cocker, cockle, compact, compress, concentrate, concern, concernment, condense, confusion, consolidate, constrict, constringe, contract, corrugate, corrugation, cramp, crankle, crease, crimp, crimple, crinkle, crinkling, crumple, curtail, daze, decrease, discombobulation, discomfiture, discomposure, disconcertion, disorder, disorganization, disorientation, disquiet, disquietude, distress, disturbance, dither, draw, draw in, draw together, dread, embarrassment, fear, flap, flummox, flurry, fluster, flusteration, flustration, flutter, fog, fold, foofaraw, foreboding, forebodingness, frenzy, fret, fuddle, fuddlement, furrow, fuss, gather, haze, inquietude, jumble, knit, knot, lather, malaise, maze, mess, misgiving, mist, muddle, muddlement, narrow, nervous strain, nervous tension, nervousness, overanxiety, perplexity, perturbation, pins and needles, pleat, pother, pucker up, purse, reduce, ridge, rimple, ripple, rivel, ruche, ruck, ruckle, ruffle, rumple, screw up, shirr, shirring, shorten, shuffle, solicitude, solidify, squeeze, stew, strain, strangle, strangulate, suspense, sweat, swivet, tension, tighten, tizzy, trouble, tuck, twitter, twitteration, uneasiness, unquietness, unsettlement, upset, vexation, wimple, wrinkle, wrinkling, zeal
[edit]- puckered, clamped, cockled, cockly, compressed, concentrated, condensed, consolidated, constricted, contracted, corrugate, corrugated, cramped, creased, crimped, crimpy, crinkled, crinkly, crumpled, furrowed, knitted, knotted, nipped, pinched, pinched-in, puckery, pursed, pursy, ridged, rimpled, rippled, rucked, rugged, rugose, rugous, rumpled, solidified, squeezed, strangled, strangulated, wasp-waisted, wrinkled, wrinkly
[edit]- puckering, abbreviation, astriction, astringency, bottleneck, cervix, circumscription, coarctation, compactedness, compaction, compression, compressure, concentration, condensation, consolidation, constriction, constringency, contraction, contracture, curtailment, decrease, diminuendo, hourglass, hourglass figure, isthmus, knitting, narrow place, narrowing, neck, pursing, reduction, shortening, solidification, stranglement, strangulation, striction, stricture, systole, wasp waist, wrinkling
[edit]- puckish, antic, arch, devilish, elfish, elvish, foolish, full of mischief, high-spirited, impish, knavish, larkish, mischief-loving, mischievous, playful, prankish, pranksome, pranky, roguish, scampish, scapegrace, sportive, trickish, tricksy, waggish, wicked
[edit]- pudding, Charlotte, albumen, batter, blubber, bonnyclabber, breeze, butter, carrot pudding, cataplasm, chocolate mousse, clabber, clay, cornstarch, cream, crush, curd, cushion, custard, dental pulp, dough, down, duff, egg white, eiderdown, feather bed, feathers, flan, fleece, floss, flue, fluff, foam, gaum, gel, gelatin, glair, glop, glue, gluten, goo, gook, goop, gruel, gumbo, gunk, jam, jell, jelly, junket, kapok, loblolly, mash, molasses, mousse, mucilage, mucus, mush, pap, paper pulp, paste, pillow, pith, plaster, plum pudding, plush, porridge, poultice, puff, pulp, pulp lead, pulpwood, puree, putty, rag pulp, rennet, rob, rubber, satin, sauce, semifluid, semiliquid, silk, size, smash, soup, sponge, squash, starch, steamed pudding, sticky mess, sulfate pulp, sulfite pulp, swansdown, syllabub, syrup, tapioca pudding, thistledown, treacle, trifle, vanilla pudding, velvet, wax, white lead, wood pulp, wool, zephyr
[edit]- puddinghead, addlebrain, addlehead, addlepate, beefhead, blockhead, blubberhead, blunderhead, bonehead, bufflehead, cabbagehead, chowderhead, chucklehead, clodhead, clodpate, clodpoll, dabbler, dilettante, dolthead, dullhead, dumbhead, dunce, dunderhead, dunderpate, fathead, fool, greenhorn, greeny, ignoramus, illiterate, illiterati, jolterhead, jughead, know-nothing, knucklehead, lowbrow, lunkhead, meathead, middlebrow, muddlehead, mushhead, muttonhead, no scholar, noodlehead, numskull, peabrain, pinbrain, pinhead, pumpkin head, puzzlehead, stupidhead, tenderfoot, thickhead, thickskull, tottyhead, unintelligentsia
[edit]- puddle, artificial lake, bayou lake, chuckhole, cistern, dam, dead water, dike, doodle, etang, farm pond, fishpond, freshwater lake, glacial lake, hog wallow, inland sea, lagoon, laguna, lake, lakelet, landlocked water, linn, loblolly, loch, lough, mere, mess, mess around, millpond, millpool, muckhole, mud puddle, mudhole, nyanza, oxbow lake, plash, pond, pondlet, pool, potter, putter, reservoir, salina, salt pond, slop, slough, stagnant water, standing water, still water, sump, tank, tarn, tidal pond, tinker, volcanic lake, water hole, water pocket, well
[edit]- pudency, blush, blushing, coloring, crimsoning, decency, decorousness, decorum, delicacy, elegance, flush, flushing, mantling, modesty, propriety, pudicity, reddening, seemliness, shame, suffusion
[edit]- pudenda, bag, ballocks, balls, basket, beard, breasts, cervix, clitoris, cod, cods, cullions, family jewels, female organs, genitalia, genitals, gonads, labia, labia majora, labia minora, lingam, lips, male organs, meat, nuts, nymphae, ovary, parts, penis, phallus, private parts, privates, privy parts, pubic hair, reproductive organs, rocks, scrotum, secondary sex characteristic, secrets, sex organs, spermary, testes, testicles, uterus, vagina, vulva, womb, yoni
[edit]- pudgy, adipose, beefy, big-bellied, bloated, blocky, blowzy, bosomy, brawny, burly, buxom, chubby, chunky, corpulent, distended, dumpy, fat, fattish, fleshy, full, gross, heavyset, hefty, hippy, imposing, lusty, meaty, obese, overweight, paunchy, plump, podgy, portly, potbellied, puffy, pug, pugged, pursy, retrousse, roly-poly, rotund, round, roundabout, snub-nosed, squab, square, squat, squattish, squatty, stalwart, stocky, stout, strapping, stubbed, stubby, stumpy, swollen, thick-bodied, thickset, top-heavy, tubby, turned-up, well-fed
[edit]- puerile, asinine, babish, babyish, beardless, boyish, boylike, calflike, childish, childlike, coltish, foolish, girlish, girllike, immature, inconsequential, infantile, infantine, insignificant, irresponsible, juvenile, kiddish, maiden, maidenly, puplike, puppyish, puppylike, ridiculous, shallow, silly, sophomoric, trivial
[edit]- puerility, babyishness, boylikeness, callowness, childishness, childlikeness, girlishness, immaturity, imprudence, inadvisability, inattention, inconsideration, indiscreetness, indiscretion, inexpedience, infantilism, injudiciousness, irrationality, maidenliness, pompousness, puerilism, reasonlessness, recklessness, senselessness, stuffiness, thoughtlessness, unintelligence, unreason, unreasonableness, unsensibleness, unsoundness, unthoughtfulness, unwisdom, unwiseness, witlessness
puff up
[edit]- puff up, add to, adulate, aggrandize, amplify, apotheosize, augment, balloon, belaud, bepraise, bless, bloat, blow up, boast of, brag about, broaden, build, build up, bulk, bulk out, celebrate, crescendo, cry up, deify, develop, dilate, distend, emblazon, enlarge, eulogize, exalt, expand, extend, extol, fill out, flatter, glorify, greaten, hero-worship, hike, hike up, huff, idolize, increase, inflate, laud, lionize, magnify, make much of, overpraise, panegyrize, pay tribute, porter aux nues, praise, puff, pump, pump up, raise, rarefy, salute, snowball, stretch, sufflate, swell, trumpet, tumefy, up, widen
[edit]- puff, Aqua-Lung, Danish pastry, French pastry, PR, acknowledgment, add to, adulate, advertise, advertisement, advocate, aggrandize, amplify, apotheosize, appreciation, artificial respiration, aspiration, asthmatic wheeze, augment, back, baklava, balloon, ballyhoo, bark, base, belaud, bepraise, bill, blast, bless, blintz, bloat, bloatedness, bloating, blow, blow a hurricane, blow great guns, blow over, blow up, blowing up, blubber, blurb, bluster, boast, boast of, boost, brag, brag about, break down, breakers, breath, breath of air, breathe, breathe hard, breathe in, breathe out, breathing, breeze, breeze up, brew, bright light, broaden, broken wind, build, build up, buildup, bulk, bulk out, bulletin, burlesque, burn out, butter, capful of wind, caricature, carry too far, celebrate, celebrity, chain-smoke, chaw, chew, chewing, chocolate eclair, circularize, clay, clown white, cock-a-doodle-doo, cold cream, collapse, collar, come up, comfortable, comforter, commend, commendation, common knowledge, compact, cosmetics, cough, crack up, cream puff, crescendo, crow, cry, cry up, currency, cushion, daylight, deify, develop, diastole, dilatation, dilate, dilation, distend, distension, dough, dowdy, down, drag, draught, draw, draw the longbow, droop, drop, dropsy, drugstore complexion, eclair, eclat, edema, eiderdown, emblazon, emit, enlarge, establish, eulogize, evacuate, exaggerate, exalt, exhalation, exhale, exhaust, expand, expel, expiration, expire, exposure, exsufflation, extend, extol, eye shadow, eyebrow pencil, faint, fame, famousness, fatigue, feather bed, feathers, flag, flatter, flatulence, flatulency, flatus, fleece, floss, flourish, flue, fluff, foam, foundation, foundation cream, freshen, froth, fume, gasconade, gasp, gassiness, gather, get tired, give a write-up, give off, give out, give publicity, give vent to, glare, glorify, go to extremes, good word, greasepaint, grow weary, gulp, gust, habitual smoking, hack, hand cream, hand lotion, head, heave, hero-worship, hiccup, hike, hike up, honorable mention, hoopla, hue and cry, huff, huff and puff, hype, hyperbolize, idolize, increase, inflate, inflation, inhalation, inhalator, inhale, inhale snuff, inspiration, inspire, insufflation, intumescence, iron lung, item, jade, kapok, lather, laud, laudation, lay it on, let out, limelight, lionize, lip rouge, lipstick, magnify, make much of, makeup, mascara, maximum dissemination, mention, meringue, meteorism, mousse, mouth, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, mudpack, nail polish, nicotine addiction, nicotinism, notice, notoriety, offscum, open the floodgates, open the sluices, overcharge, overdo, overdraw, overestimate, overpraise, overreach, overreact, oversell, overspeak, overstate, overstress, oxygen mask, oxygen tent, paint, pandowdy, panegyrize, pant, pastry, pasty, patisserie, patty, patty-shell, pay tribute, peter out, pie, pile it on, pillow, pipe up, placard, play out, plug, plush, poop out, porter aux nues, post, post bills, post up, powder, powder puff, praise, prate, press notice, press-agent, promote, promotion, public eye, public knowledge, public relations, public report, publicity, publicity story, publicize, publicness, pudding, puff and blow, puff of air, puff of wind, puff up, puffery, puffiness, puffing, pull, pump, pump up, push, putty, quiche, rage, raise, rarefy, reclame, recognition, recommend, reek, report, respiration, respire, review, rodomontade, rosette, rouge, rubber, run down, run out, salute, satin, scuba, scud, scum, sea foam, sell, set in, sigh, silk, sink, smoke, smoking, smoking habit, sneeze, sniff, sniffle, snore, snoring, snort, snuff, snuffle, soapsuds, souffle, speak for Buncombe, speak highly of, speak warmly of, speak well of, spiel, spindrift, spoondrift, spotlight, spray, spume, squall, steam, sternutation, stertor, stinging, stir of air, storm, stretch, stretch the truth, stretching, strudel, succumb, suck, suds, sufflate, support, surf, suspiration, swagger, swansdown, swell, swell out, swellage, swelling, swollenness, tabacism, tabacosis, tabagism, take snuff, talcum, talcum powder, talk big, talk in superlatives, tart, thistledown, throw off, timbale, tipsy cake, tire, tobaccoism, tout, travesty, trifle, trumpet, tumefaction, tumescence, tumidity, tumidness, turgescence, turgidity, turgidness, turnover, tympanism, tympany, up, vanishing cream, vanity case, vapor, vaunt, velvet, vol-au-vent, waft, war paint, wax, weary, wheeze, whiff, whiffet, whiffle, white water, widen, wilt, wind, windiness, wool, word, write up, write-up, zephyr
[edit]- puffball, algae, autophyte, bean, bracken, brown algae, climber, conferva, confervoid, creeper, diatom, fern, fruits and vegetables, fucus, fungus, grapevine, green algae, gulfweed, herb, heterophyte, ivy, kelp, legume, lentil, liana, lichen, liverwort, mold, moss, mushroom, parasite, parasitic plant, pea, perthophyte, phytoplankton, planktonic algae, plant families, pulse, red algae, rockweed, rust, saprophyte, sargasso, sargassum, sea lentil, sea moss, sea wrack, seaweed, smut, succulent, toadstool, vetch, vine, wort, wrack
puffed up
[edit]- puffed up, aggrandized, aggressively self-confident, amplified, ballyhooed, biggety, bloated, bloated with pride, blown up, bumptious, chesty, cocky, conceited, dilated, disproportionate, distended, dropsical, edematous, elated, enchymatous, exaggerated, excessive, exorbitant, extravagant, extreme, fat, flatulent, flushed, flushed with pride, gassy, grandiloquent, high-flown, hyperbolic, immodest, incrassate, inflated, inordinate, know-it-all, magnified, obtrusive, overdone, overdrawn, overemphasized, overemphatic, overestimated, overgreat, overlarge, overpraised, overrated, oversold, overstated, overstressed, overvalued, overwise, overwrought, peacockish, peacocky, perk, perky, pert, plethoric, prodigal, profuse, puffed, puffy, pursy, self-conceited, self-opinionated, smart-alecky, stretched, stuck-up, superlative, swelled, swelled-headed, swollen, touted, tumid, turgid, ventose, windy
[edit]- puffing, asthmatic, blurb, breathing, breathless, errhine, expiratory, heaving, huffing, inspiratory, nasal, out of breath, panting, plug, pneumonic, pulmonary, pulmonic, respiratory, rhinal, short-breathed, short-winded, sneezy, sniffling, sniffly, sniffy, snoring, snorting, snuffling, snuffly, snuffy, sternutatory, stertorous, wheezing, wheezy, winded, write-up
[edit]- puffy, adipose, aeolian, airish, airy, arrogant, beefy, big-bellied, blasty, bloated, blown up, blowy, blowzy, blustering, blusterous, blustery, boreal, bosomy, brawny, breezy, brisk, burly, buxom, chubby, chunky, corpulent, dilated, distended, drafty, dropsical, dumpy, edematous, enchymatous, fat, fattish, favonian, flatulent, flawy, fleshy, fresh, full, gassy, gross, gusty, heavyset, hefty, hippy, important, imposing, incrassate, inflated, lusty, magisterial, meaty, obese, overweight, paunchy, plethoric, plump, podgy, pontifical, portly, potbellied, pudgy, puffed up, pursy, roly-poly, rotund, self-important, squally, square, squat, squatty, stalwart, stocky, stout, strapping, stuffy, swelled, swollen, thick-bodied, thickset, top-heavy, tubby, tumid, turgid, ventose, well-fed, windy
pug nosed
[edit]- pug nosed, bandy, bandy-legged, blemished, bloated, bowlegged, club-footed, defaced, deformed, disfigured, dwarfed, flatfooted, grotesque, ill-made, ill-proportioned, ill-shaped, knock-kneed, malformed, marred, misbegotten, misproportioned, misshapen, monstrous, mutilated, out of shape, pigeon-toed, rachitic, rickety, simous, snub-nosed, stumpy, swaybacked, talipedic, truncated
[edit]- pug, Chinese boxer, arch, bantamweight, black belt, blocky, boss, boxer, brown belt, bruiser, bump, chubby, chunky, clubfoot, colophon, concavity, convexity, dactylogram, dactylograph, dent, digit, dint, dog, dumpy, embossment, excrescence, extremity, fat, featherweight, fetlock, fighter, fingerprint, fisticuffer, flyweight, foot, footmark, footprint, footstep, forefoot, forepaw, fossil footprint, harefoot, heavyweight, heel, hoof, ichnite, ichnolite, impress, impression, imprint, indent, indentation, indention, instep, karate expert, light heavyweight, lightweight, lump, middleweight, pad, palooka, pastern, patte, paw, paw print, pawmark, pedal extremity, pedes, pes, pied, pimple, podgy, print, prizefighter, pudgy, pugged, pugilist, pugmark, retrousse, savate expert, seal, sigil, signet, snub-nosed, sole, sparrer, splayfoot, squat, squattish, squatty, stamp, step, stocky, stubbed, stubby, stud, stumpy, thickset, thumbmark, thumbprint, toe, tootsy, trotter, tubby, turned-up, ungula, vestige, welterweight
[edit]- pugilist, Chinese boxer, amateur athlete, archer, athlete, ballplayer, bantamweight, baseballer, baseman, batter, battery, battler, black belt, blocking back, bowman, boxer, brown belt, bruiser, catcher, center, champ, coach, combatant, competitor, contender, contestant, cricketer, defensive lineman, end, featherweight, fighter, fisticuffer, flyweight, footballer, games-player, gamester, guard, heavyweight, infielder, jock, jumper, karate expert, light heavyweight, lightweight, lineman, middleweight, offensive lineman, outfield, outfielder, palooka, player, poloist, prizefighter, professional athlete, pug, quarterback, racer, savate expert, scrapper, skater, slugger, sparrer, sport, sportsman, tackle, tailback, toxophilite, welterweight, wingback, wrestler
[edit]- pugnacious, aggressive, antagonistic, battling, bellicose, belligerent, bickering, bloodthirsty, bloody, bloody-minded, brawling, chauvinist, chauvinistic, combative, contentious, disputatious, divisive, enemy, eristic, factional, factious, ferocious, fierce, fight, fighting, full of fight, hawkish, hostile, inimical, irascible, irritable, jingo, jingoish, jingoist, jingoistic, litigious, martial, militant, militaristic, military, offensive, partisan, polarizing, polemic, pushing, pushy, quarrelsome, rebellious, saber-rattling, sanguinary, sanguineous, savage, scrappy, self-assertive, shrewish, soldierlike, soldierly, trigger-happy, truculent, unfriendly, unpacific, unpeaceable, unpeaceful, warlike, warmongering, warring, wrangling
[edit]- puissant, absolute, armipotent, ascendant, authoritarian, authoritative, authorized, autocratic, beefy, bouncing, clothed with authority, cogent, commanding, competent, consequential, considerable, controlling, dominant, doughty, duly constituted, dynamic, effective, eminent, empowered, energetic, ex officio, forceful, forcible, forcy, full-blooded, full-strength, governing, great, gutsy, gutty, hale, hard, hard as nails, hardy, hearty, hefty, hegemonic, hegemonistic, high-potency, high-powered, high-pressure, high-tension, husky, imperative, important, in force, in power, influential, iron-hard, irresistible, leading, lusty, mighty, mighty in battle, momentous, monocratic, nervy, obstinate, official, operative, potent, powerful, preeminent, prepotent, prestigious, prominent, ranking, red-blooded, robust, robustious, rugged, ruling, senior, stalwart, steely, stout, strapping, striking, strong, strong as brandy, strong as strong, strong-willed, sturdy, substantial, superior, supreme, telling, totalitarian, valid, vigorous, vital, weighty
[edit]- puke, barf, be nauseated, be seasick, be sick, bring up, cascade, cast, cat, choke on, chuck up, disgorge, disgorgement, egest, egesta, egestion, feed the fish, feel disgust, gag, gagging, heave, heave the gorge, heaves, heaving, keck, louse, nausea, prick, regurgitate, regurgitation, reject, retch, scum, shit, shithead, shoot, sick up, sicken at, spew, stinkard, throw up, turd, upchuck, vomit, vomiting, vomition, wretch
[edit]- pukka, authentic, bona fide, fair, first class, genuine, good, honorable, indubitable, out-and-out, proper, questionless, real, reliable, right, simon-pure, sure-enough, thorough, true, well done
[edit]- puky, airsick, barfy, carsick, crappy, disgusting, fecal, feculent, fetid, filthy, flyblown, foul, gloppy, gunky, icky, maggoty, malodorous, mephitic, mucky, nasty, nauseated, nauseating, nauseous, odious, ordurous, pukish, putrid, qualmish, qualmy, queasy, rank, repulsive, rotten, scabby, scummy, scurfy, seasick, shitty, slabby, slimy, sloppy, sloshy, sludgy, slushy, sposhy, squeamish, vile, vomity, wormy, yecchy
[edit]- pule, bark, bawl, bay, bell, bellow, blare, blat, blate, bleat, bray, call, caterwaul, cry, give tongue, give voice, howl, low, meow, mew, mewl, miaow, moo, neigh, nicker, roar, screak, scream, screech, squall, squeak, squeal, troat, ululate, wail, whicker, whimper, whine, whinny, yammer, yap, yawl, yawp, yelp, yip, yowl
[edit]- puling, Jeremianic, bawling, blatant, complaining, crying, faultfinding, fretful, howling, lamentive, lowing, moanful, mournful, mugient, peevish, petulant, plaintive, plangent, querulous, sorrowful, ululant, wailful, wailing, weeping, whimpering, whining, whiny
pull a fast one
[edit]- pull a fast one, bamboozle, beguile, betray, bluff, cajole, cheat on, circumvent, conjure, deceive, delude, diddle, double-cross, dupe, elude, evade, foil, forestall, frustrate, gammon, get around, get round, give the runaround, give the slip, go one better, gull, hoax, hocus-pocus, hornswaggle, humbug, juggle, let down, mock, outfigure, outflank, outgeneral, outguess, outmaneuver, outplay, outreach, outsmart, outwit, overreach, pass the buck, pigeon, play one false, put something over, snow, stonewall, string along, take in, trick, two-time, victimize
pull back
[edit]- pull back, about the bush, abrupt, alienate, avoid, back down, back out, backslide, balance, beat a retreat, beat around, beg the question, blench, blink, boggle, cast off, cast out, cock, cringe, cut adrift, cut off, cut out, debate, delete, deliberate, demur, depart, disarticulate, disconnect, disengage, disjoin, disjoint, dissociate, disunite, divide, divorce, dodge, draw back, draw in, draw off, duck, eject, equivocate, estrange, evade, expel, fade, fall astern, fall back, fall behind, falter, fear, fence, fight shy of, flinch, get behind, give ground, give place, go back, go backwards, go behind, hang back, hang off, have qualms, hedge, hem and haw, hesitate, hold off, hover, hum and haw, isolate, jerk back, jib, lapse, leave, lose ground, make bones about, move back, parry, part, pause, ponder, pull away, pull in, pull out, pussyfoot, put off, quail, recede, recidivate, recoil, reel back, regress, relapse, retire, retract, retreat, retrocede, retroflex, retrograde, retrogress, return, revert, run back, scruple, segregate, separate, sequester, set apart, set aside, sheer off, shift, shift off, shilly-shally, shrink, shrink back, shut off, shy, shy at, shy away, shy off, sidestep, slip back, split, stand aloof, stand apart, stand aside, stand back, start aside, start back, step aside, stick at, stickle, stop to consider, straddle the fence, strain, strain at, subtract, swerve, think twice about, throw off, throw out, turn aside, uncouple, unyoke, ward off, waver, weasel, weasel out, wince, withdraw, yield
pull down
[edit]- pull down, accept, acquire, admit, annihilate, assume, bag, be paid, be remunerated, be salaried, be seized of, bear down, beat down, blow down, blow over, bowl down, bowl over, break down, bring down, bring low, bulldog, bulldoze, burn down, capture, cast down, catch, chop down, come by, come in for, come into, contract, corral, couch, cut down, dash down, debase, decimate, deck, demolish, depress, derive, derive from, detrude, dismantle, down, downbear, drag down, draw, draw from, draw wages, drop, earn, enter into possession, fell, fetch down, flatten, floor, gain, get, get an income, ground, harvest, haul down, have, have coming in, hew down, indent, knock down, knock over, lay level, lay low, lay out, let down, level, lower, make, mow down, net, obtain, precipitate, press down, procure, prostrate, push down, rase, raze, reap, receive, reduce, ruin, sack, score, secure, send headlong, sink, smash, spread-eagle, steamroller, supinate, take, take down, take in, take on, take over, tear down, throw, throw down, thrust down, topple, trip, tumble, whack down, win, work for wages, wreck
pull in
[edit]- pull in, accomplish, achieve, apprehend, approach, arrest, arrive, arrive at, arrive in, attain, attain to, be received, bit, blow in, bob up, bridle, bust, check, check in, clock in, collar, come, come in, come to, come to hand, constrain, contain, control, cool, cool off, crank, crank in, cringe, curb, curtail, decelerate, detain, dompt, draw back, draw in, draw taut, duck, enjoin, fetch, fetch up at, find, flinch, gain, get in, get there, get to, govern, guard, hinder, hit, hit town, hold, hold at bay, hold back, hold down, hold fast, hold in, hold in check, hold in leash, hold up, inhibit, keep, keep back, keep from, keep in, keep in check, keep under control, lay under restraint, make, make a pinch, make it, nab, pick up, pinch, pop up, prohibit, pull, pull back, pull out, punch in, reach, reel, reel in, rein, rein in, restrain, retard, retract, retrench, ring in, roll in, run in, set back, show up, shrink, shy, sign in, slow down, snub, straiten, tackle, tauten, tighten, time in, trim, turn up, wince, winch, wind in, windlass, withdraw, withhold
pull off
[edit]- pull off, accomplish, achieve, bring about, bring off, bring through, bring to effect, bring to pass, carry into execution, carry off, carry out, carry through, come through with, commit, compass, crown with success, do, do the trick, do to, effect, effectuate, get by, get through, go and do, implement, inflict, make, pay, perpetrate, produce, put across, put over, put through, realize, render, take and do, turn the trick, up and do, wreak
pull out
[edit]- pull out, abandon, abrupt, alienate, apostatize, avulse, back down, back out, bank, be getting along, beat a retreat, beg off, betray, bolt, break away, buzz off, cast off, cast out, come away, crab, cringe, cry off, cut adrift, cut off, cut out, defect, delete, depart, depart from, deracinate, desert, dig out, dig up, dip, disarticulate, discard, disconnect, disengage, disentangle, disjoin, disjoint, dissociate, disunite, divide, divorce, draw, draw back, draw in, draw off, draw out, dredge, dredge up, drop out, duck, eject, eradicate, estrange, evacuate, evolve, evulse, excavate, excise, exit, expel, exsect, extract, extricate, fall back, feather, fishtail, flinch, forsake, gang along, get along, get away, get off, get on, get out, get under way, give ground, give place, go, go along, go away, go back, go back on, go off, go on, gouge out, grub up, isolate, jettison, jilt, leave, leave behind, leave flat, let down, loop, march off, maroon, mine, mosey, move away, move back, move off, move out, part, pick out, plow, pluck out, pluck up, porpoise, pull, pull away, pull back, pull in, pull up, push down, quarry, quit, quit cold, rake out, rat, remove, renege, retire, retract, retreat, rip out, roll, root out, root up, run back, run out on, sashay, sashay off, say goodbye to, secede, segregate, sell out, separate, sequester, set apart, set aside, shove off, shrink, shut off, shy, sideslip, skid, spin, spiral, split, stagger along, stand aloof, stand apart, stand aside, stand back, stand down, step aside, stunt, subtract, take flight, take leave of, take off, take out, take wing, tear out, throw off, throw out, throw over, toddle along, uncouple, undulate, unearth, unravel, unyoke, up and go, uproot, vacate, weed out, wince, wing it, withdraw, wrest out, yaw
pull strings
[edit]- pull strings, act on, angle, approach, bear upon, contrive, draw, draw on, engineer, exert influence, finagle, gerrymander, get cozy with, intrigue, jockey, lead on, lobby, lobby through, machinate, magnetize, make advances, make overtures, make up to, maneuver, manipulate, play games, plot, scheme, wangle, wire-pull, work on
pull together
[edit]- pull together, act in concert, act together, affiliate, ally, amalgamate, associate, band, band together, be in league, club together, coact, coalesce, collaborate, collude, combine, concert, concord, concur, confederate, consolidate, conspire, cooperate, do business with, federate, fuse, get heads together, get together, go partners, hang together, harmonize, hold together, hook up, join, join in, join together, keep together, league, league together, make common cause, merge, partner, play ball, put heads together, reciprocate, stand together, team up, throw in together, tie in, tie up, unite, unite efforts, work together
pull up
[edit]- pull up, arraign, arrest, avulse, bank, block, brake, bring to, bring up, bring up short, cease fire, check, checkmate, come up short, crab, cut out, cut short, dam, deadlock, deracinate, dig out, dig up, dip, disentangle, draw, draw out, draw rein, draw up, dredge, dredge up, eradicate, evolve, evulse, excavate, excise, exsect, extract, extricate, feather, fetch up, file a claim, fishtail, freeze, get out, gouge out, grub up, halt, hang fire, haul up, have up, impeach, indict, loop, mine, pick out, plow, pluck out, pluck up, porpoise, prefer charges, pull, pull out, push down, put paid to, quarry, rake out, remove, rip out, roll, root out, root up, sideslip, skid, spin, spiral, stalemate, stall, stay, stem, stem the tide, stick, stop, stop cold, stop dead, stop short, stunt, take out, tear out, undulate, unearth, unravel, uproot, weed out, withdraw, wrest out, yaw
[edit]- pull, abandon, accomplish, adduct, adduction, affinity, allure, allurement, amperage, appeal, apprehend, armipotence, arrest, arrive, assume, attack, attract, attractance, attraction, attractiveness, attractivity, authority, avulse, back away, back off, back out, backstairs influence, be magnetic, be paid, beat a retreat, beat it, beef, bend, beverage, bias, bib, black power, blue, blueprint, boost, booze, bridle, bring off, bring out, brute force, buck up, bumper, bust, call, campaign for, capillarity, capillary attraction, captivate, capture, carry out, catch, catch a crab, centripetal force, chaff, chain-smoke, charge, charisma, chaw, check, chew, clout, cogence, cogency, cold-type proof, collar, color proof, come, come up to, complete, compulsion, computer proof, connections, constrain, contain, continue, control, cool, cool off, criticize, crook, cull, curb, curtail, curve, cut a crab, cut out, debase, decelerate, deflect, degrade, demolish, depart, deracinate, destroy, detach, devastate, deviate, diffract, diffuse, dig out, dig up, diminish, dint, discredit, disentangle, disgrace, dishonor, disperse, distort, diverge, divert, do, dogleg, dompt, draft, drag, drag out, draggle, drain the cup, dram, draw, draw back, draw in, draw out, draw towards, draw up, drawing, drawing power, drayage, dredge, dredge up, drench, drink, drink in, drink off, drink to, drink up, drive, drop, duress, earn, effect, effectiveness, effectuality, elongate, encourage, energy, engrave, enjoin, entice, eradicate, evacuate, evolve, evulse, excavate, excise, exsect, extend, extract, extraction, extricate, fall back, fascinate, favor, feather, feather an oar, flay, flee, flower power, force, force majeure, forcefulness, foundry proof, full blast, full force, gain, galley, galley proof, gargle, get, get better, get out, give up, give way, go, go and do, gouge out, govern, gravitation, gravity, grub up, guard, gulp, guzzle, hairpin, hale, halt, haul, haulage, hauling, have, have an attraction, have on, heave, heaving, hectograph, hinder, hold, hold at bay, hold back, hold fast, hold in, hold in leash, hold up, hoodwink, hope for, humiliate, imbibe, impel, impress, imprint, improve, in, influence, inhalation, inhale, inhale snuff, inhibit, inside track, interest, issue, jerk, jigger, jolt, jump, keep, keep back, keep from, keep in, keep in check, keep under control, knock, land, lap, lay under restraint, leave, lengthen, lengthen out, let out, level, leverage, libation, live, lower, lug, lure, magnet, magnetism, magnetize, main force, main strength, make fun of, mana, manage, might, might and main, mightiness, mimeograph, mine, moxie, multigraph, muscle, muscle power, mutual attraction, nab, nail, nick, nip, oar, obtain, outpace, outrun, overexert, overexertion, overextend, overextension, overprint, overstrain, overstress, overtax, overtaxing, pace, paddle, page proof, pan, peg, perform, perpetrate, persuasion, pick out, pick up, pinch, pizzazz, plate proof, pledge, pluck, pluck out, pluck up, ply the oar, poke fun at, poop, portion, potation, potence, potency, potentiality, potion, power, power pack, power structure, power struggle, powerfulness, prepotency, press, press proof, prestige, print, procure, produce, productiveness, productivity, progressive proof, prohibit, prolong, prolongate, proof, proof sheet, protract, prove, publish, puff, puissance, pull a proof, pull apart, pull away, pull back, pull down, pull for, pull in, pull off, pull out, pull strings, pull through, pull to pieces, pull towards, pull up, pulling, pulling power, punch, punt, push, put down, put on, put out, put to bed, put to press, quaff, quarry, quit, rack, rag, rake out, rally, raze, reach, recede, receive, recoil, recover, recuperate, reduce, refract, rein, rein in, reissue, relinquish, remove, rend, reprint, repro proof, restrain, retard, retreat, retrench, revise, rib, ridicule, rip off, rip out, root for, root out, root up, round, round of drinks, row, row away, row dry, run, run down, run off, scatter, scull, secure, seduction, seductiveness, select, separate, set back, ship oars, shoot, shot, shove, shy, sinew, sip, skew, sky an oar, slam, slate, slip, slow down, slurp, smoke, snake, snifter, snort, snub, special favor, spin out, spot, stamp, start, steam, stone proof, stop, strain, strain every nerve, straining, straiten, strength, stress, stress and strain, stressfulness, stretch, stretch out, strike, string out, strong arm, succeed, suck, suck in, suckle, suction, sup, superiority, superpower, support, survive, sweat blood, swig, swill, sympathy, take flight, take in tow, take into custody, take off, take on, take out, take snuff, tauten, tax, taxing, tear, tear off, tear out, tease, tense, tension, tighten, tipple, toast, toss down, toss off, tot, tow, towage, towing, traction, tractive power, trail, train, trawl, trial impression, troll, tug, tug-of-war, tugging, turn, turn tail, twist, twit, unearth, unravel, uproot, validity, vandyke, vehemence, vigor, vim, virility, virtue, virulence, vitality, warp, wash down, wattage, weed out, weight, wet, win, wire-pulling, withdraw, withhold, wreck, wrench, wrest out, yank, zigzag
[edit]- pullback, avoidance, bitter-ender, conservative, cringe, curtailment, cut, cutback, disengagement, dodge, duck, evasion, fallback, flinch, fundamentalist, old liner, pullout, recoil, reculade, retirement, retreat, retrenchment, right-winger, rightist, rollback, shy, sidestep, sidestepping, standpat, standpatter, tory, wince, withdrawal, withdrawment
[edit]- pullet, Bantam, banty, barn-door fowl, barnyard fowl, biddy, birdling, broiler, brooder, broody hen, calf, capon, catling, chanticleer, chick, chickabiddy, chicken, chickling, chicky, cock, cockerel, colt, cub, dogie, domestic fowl, drake, duck, duckling, dunghill fowl, fawn, fledgling, foal, fowl, fryer, game fowl, gander, gobbler, goose, gosling, guinea cock, guinea fowl, guinea hen, hen, hen turkey, kid, kit, kitten, lamb, lambkin, litter, nest, nestling, partlet, piglet, pigling, polliwog, poulard, poult, poultry, pup, puppy, roaster, rooster, setting hen, shoat, spring chicken, stewing chicken, tadpole, tom, tom turkey, turkey, turkey gobbler, turkey-cock, weaner, whelp, yeanling
pulling power
[edit]- pulling power, adduction, affinity, allurement, attractance, attraction, attractiveness, attractivity, capillarity, capillary attraction, centripetal force, draft, drag, draw, drawing, drayage, extraction, gravitation, gravity, haulage, hauling, heaving, magnetism, mutual attraction, pull, pulling, sympathy, towage, towing, traction, tractive power, tug, tug-of-war, tugging
[edit]- pulling, adductive, alluring, attracting, attractive, attrahent, avulsion, compotation, cutting out, deracination, disentanglement, draft, dragging, drawing, drawing out, dredging, drilling, drinking, drunkenness, enucleation, eradication, evolvement, evulsion, excavation, excision, expression, exsection, extirpation, extraction, extrication, gulping, guzzling, hauling, imbibing, imbibition, lapping, magnetic, magnetized, mining, nipping, potation, pressing out, quaffing, quarrying, removal, ripping out, slipping, squeezing out, swigging, swilling, sympathetic, symposium, tasting, towing, tractive, tugging, unrooting, uprooting, withdrawal, wresting out
Pullman car
[edit]- Pullman car, Pullman, baggage car, boxcar, caboose, car, carriage, chair car, coach, coal car, covered waggon, day coach, diner, dinghy, dining car, drawing room, flat, flatcar, gondola, local, luggage van, mail car, mail van, palace car, parlor car, passenger car, railway car, reefer, refrigerator car, roomette, saloon, sleeper, smoker, smoking car, stateroom, stockcar, tank, tender, truck, van, waggon
[edit]- pullout, acrobatics, aerobatics, avoidance, banking, chandelle, crabbing, cringe, disengagement, dive, diving, dodge, duck, evasion, fallback, fishtailing, flinch, glide, nose dive, power dive, pull-up, pullback, pushdown, recoil, reculade, retirement, retreat, rolling, shy, sideslip, sidestep, sidestepping, spiral, stall, stunting, tactical maneuvers, volplane, wince, withdrawal, withdrawment, zoom
[edit]- pullulate, abound, abound with, be alive with, be fruitful, be productive, beget, blossom, brew, bristle with, bud, burgeon, burst forth, burst with, clutter, crawl, crawl with, creep with, crowd, develop, engender, fill, flood, flourish, flow, fructify, gather, gemmate, germinate, grow, grow rank, grow up, hypertrophy, increase, jam, know no bounds, leaf, leaf out, leave, luxuriate, mature, multiply, mushroom, outgrow, overabound, overbrim, overdevelop, overflow, overflow with, overgrow, overrun, overspill, overspread, overswarm, overtop, pack, procreate, proliferate, pullulate with, put forth, put forth leaves, put out buds, reproduce, riot, root, run riot, shoot, shoot up, spill over, spring up, sprout, sprout up, strike root, superabound, swarm, swarm with, take root, teem, teem with, thrive, throng with, tower, upshoot, upspear, upspring, upsprout, vegetate, wax
[edit]- pulmonary, asthmatic, breathing, errhine, expiratory, heaving, huffing, inspiratory, nasal, panting, pneumonic, puffing, pulmonic, respiratory, rhinal, sneezy, sniffling, sniffly, sniffy, snoring, snorting, snuffling, snuffly, snuffy, sternutatory, stertorous, wheezing, wheezy
[edit]- pulp, albumen, batter, bonnyclabber, bruise, butter, cataplasm, cheap, chew, clabber, cornstarch, cream, crush, curd, cushion, dental pulp, dough, ease, egg white, flesh, fluff, gaum, gel, gelatin, gentle, glair, glop, glue, gluten, goo, gook, goop, gruel, gumbo, gunk, heart, jam, jell, jelly, knead, laxate, levigate, limber, limber up, loblolly, loosen, lurid, macerate, marrow, mash, mass, massage, masticate, mellow, milden, molasses, mollify, mucilage, mucus, mush, pap, paper pulp, paste, pith, plaster, plump, porridge, poultice, pudding, pulp lead, pulpify, pulpwood, pulverize, puree, putty, rag pulp, relax, rob, sauce, semifluid, semiliquid, sensational, shake up, size, smash, soften, soften up, soup, sponge, squash, starch, sticky mess, subdue, sulfate pulp, sulfite pulp, supple, syrup, tenderize, tone down, trashy, treacle, triturate, tune down, white lead, wood pulp
[edit]- pulpiness, butteriness, creaminess, delicacy, downiness, easiness, featheriness, flossiness, fluffiness, gentleness, insolidity, leniency, mellowness, morbidezza, nonresistiveness, nonrigidity, plushiness, satininess, semifluidity, semiliquidity, silkiness, softness, sponginess, tenderness, unsolidity, velvetiness
[edit]- pulpit, ambo, apostleship, balcony, call, care of souls, catafalque, dais, desk, emplacement, estrade, floor, gallery, heliport, holy orders, hustings, landing, landing pad, landing stage, launching pad, lectern, pastorage, pastoral care, pastorate, platform, podium, priesthood, priestship, rabbinate, reading desk, rostrum, sacred calling, soapbox, stage, step terrace, stump, terrace, the church, the cloth, the desk, the ministry, the pulpit, tribunal, tribune, vocation
[edit]- pulpy, baccate, buttery, creamy, dead, dilute, diluted, doughy, edematous, emulsive, fade, flabby, flat, flavorless, fleshy, gruelly, half-frozen, half-melted, inane, indifferent, insipid, jejune, macerated, masticated, medullary, mild, milk-and-water, mushy, pappy, pasty, pithy, pulpal, pulpar, pulped, pulplike, quaggy, sapless, savorless, semifluid, semifluidic, semiliquid, soft, spiceless, spongy, squashy, squelchy, squishy, squushy, stale, succulent, tasteless, thin, unflavored, unsavory, vapid, washy, watered, watered-down, watery, weak, wishy-washy, yielding
[edit]- pulsar, Beehive, Cepheid variable, Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, Hyades, Messier catalog, NGC, Pleiades, Seven Sisters, absolute magnitude, binary star, black hole, double star, dwarf star, fixed star, giant star, globular cluster, gravity star, magnitude, main sequence star, mass-luminosity law, neutron star, nova, open cluster, populations, quasar, quasi-stellar radio source, radio star, red giant star, relative magnitude, sky atlas, spectrum-luminosity diagram, star, star catalog, star chart, star cloud, star cluster, stellar magnitude, supernova, variable star, white dwarf star
[edit]- pulsate, alternate, be here again, beat, beat a ruffle, beat a tattoo, circle, come again, come and go, come around, come round, come round again, come up again, cycle, drum, fluctuate, flutter, go pitapat, hammer, intermit, oscillate, palpitate, pant, patter, pitter-patter, pound, pulse, pump, quiver, reappear, recur, reoccur, repeat, return, reverberate, revolve, roar, roll, roll around, rotate, ruffle, sound a tattoo, splatter, splutter, sputter, throb, thrum, thud, thump, tick, ticktock, turn, undulate, vibrate, wheel, wheel around
[edit]- pulsating, beating, cadenced, cadent, ceaseless, chattering, constant, continual, in numbers, in rhythm, incessant, machine gun, measured, metric, oscillating, palpitant, perennial, perpetual, pitapat, pulsatile, pulsative, pulsatory, pulsing, rapid, regular, repeated, rhythmic, staccato, steady, stuttering, sustained, throbbing, unbroken, unceasing, unchanging, unintermitted, unintermittent, unintermitting, uninterrupted, unremitting, unstopped, unvarying, vibrating
[edit]- pulsation, alternation, arrhythmia, bar beat, barrage, beat, beating, ceaselessness, chattering, constancy, constant flow, continualness, continuity, cyclicalness, downbeat, drum, drum music, drumbeat, drumfire, drumming, flutter, heartbeat, heartthrob, incessancy, intermittence, intermittency, meter, noninterruption, offbeat, oscillation, palpitation, paradiddle, patter, pendulum motion, periodicalness, periodicity, perpetuity, piston motion, pitapat, pitter-patter, pound, pounding, pulse, quick fire, rapid fire, rapid recurrence, rapid succession, rapidity, rat-a-tat, rat-tat, rat-tat-tat, rataplan, rattattoo, reappearance, recurrence, regular wave motion, regularity, reoccurrence, repetition, return, rhythm, roll, rub-a-dub, ruff, ruffle, seasonality, spatter, splutter, sputter, staccato, steadiness, stuttering, sustainment, tat-tat, tattoo, tempo, throb, throbbing, thrum, thumping, tom-tom, undulation, unintermission, uninterruption, upbeat, vibration
[edit]- pulse, algae, alternate, arrhythmia, arsis, autophyte, bar beat, be here again, bean, beat, beating, bicker, bout, bracken, brown algae, circle, circuit, climber, come again, come and go, come around, come round, come round again, come up again, conferva, confervoid, course, creeper, cycle, dance, diastole, diatom, downbeat, drum, drumming, echo pulse, fern, flap, flick, flicker, flip, flit, flitter, flop, flutter, fruits and vegetables, fucus, fungus, go pitapat, grapevine, green algae, gulfweed, gutter, hammering, heartbeat, heartthrob, herb, heterophyte, intermit, ivy, kelp, legume, lentil, liana, lichen, liverwort, mold, moss, mushroom, offbeat, oscillate, palpitate, palpitating, palpitation, pant, parasite, parasitic plant, pea, perthophyte, phytoplankton, pitapat, pitter-patter, planktonic algae, plant families, pounding, puffball, pulsate, pulsating, pulsation, pulsing, rat-a-tat, rataplan, reappear, recur, red algae, reoccur, repeat, resonate, return, reverberating, reverberation, revolution, revolve, rhythm, rockweed, roll around, rotate, rotation, round, rust, saprophyte, sargasso, sargassum, sea lentil, sea moss, sea wrack, seaweed, series, slat, smut, spell, splutter, sputter, staccato, succulent, systole, tempo, thesis, throb, throbbing, thrumming, thumping, tick, ticktock, toadstool, trigger pulse, turn, undulate, upbeat, vetch, vibrate, vibrating, vibration, vine, wave, waver, wheel, wheel around, wort, wrack
[edit]- pulsing, alternate, beating, cadenced, cadent, circling, cyclic, epochal, even, every other, full, in numbers, in rhythm, intermittent, isochronal, measured, mellow, metric, metronomic, oscillatory, palpitant, periodical, pitapat, plangent, pulsatile, pulsating, pulsative, pulsatory, reciprocal, recurrent, recurring, resonant, resonating, rhythmic, rich, rolling, rotary, seasonal, serial, sonorous, staccato, steady, throbbing, undulant, undulatory, vibrant, vibrating, wavelike, wheeling
[edit]- pulverize, abrade, annihilate, atomize, bang, baste, batter, beat, bray, break into pieces, break to pieces, break up, brecciate, buck, buffet, cleave, comminute, contriturate, crash, crumb, crumble, crunch, crush, cut to pieces, decimate, demolish, destroy, devastate, diffuse, disassemble, disintegrate, dismantle, disperse, disrupt, drub, dynamite, fission, flail, flap, flour, fragment, grain, granulate, granulize, grate, grind, grind to powder, hammer, knock, lambaste, larrup, levigate, make mincemeat of, mash, maul, mill, mince, mull, paste, patter, pelt, pestle, pick to pieces, pommel, pound, powder, pull in pieces, pull to pieces, pummel, rap, reduce to powder, reduce to rubble, rend, rub out, ruin, scatter, scrunch, shard, shatter, shiver, shred, sledgehammer, smash, smash up, smatter, spank, splinter, split, squash, squish, sunder, take apart, tear apart, tear down, tear to pieces, tear to shreds, tear to tatters, thrash, thresh, thump, total, triturate, unbuild, undo, unmake, wallop, whip, wrack up, wreck
[edit]- pulverized, branny, chalklike, chalky, comminute, comminuted, crushed, detrital, detrited, disintegrated, dusty, efflorescent, farinaceous, fine, flaky, floury, furfuraceous, gone to dust, granular, grated, ground, impalpable, levigated, mealy, milled, pestled, powdered, powdery, pulverant, pulverous, pulverulent, reduced to powder, scaly, scobicular, scobiform, scurfy, sharded, shredded, splintery, triturated
[edit]- pulverizer, cheese grater, comminutor, crusher, granulator, grater, grinder, kominuter, levigator, masher, mill, millstone, mortar and pestle, nutmeg grater, pestle, quern, quernstone, rock crusher, roller, shredder, steamroller, triturator
[edit]- puma, Leo, Siberian tiger, bobcat, cat-a-mountain, catamount, cheetah, cougar, jaguar, leopard, lion, lynx, mountain lion, ocelot, painter, panther, simba, tiger, wildcat
pumice stone
[edit]- pumice stone, abstergent, cathartic, cleaner, cleaning agent, cleaning solvent, cleanser, cleansing cream, cold cream, cream, dentifrice, depurant, detergent, diuretic, emetic, enema, holystone, lotion, mouthwash, nauseant, purgative, purge, purifier, rinse, shampoo, soap, solvent, synthetic detergent, tooth powder, toothpaste, wash
[edit]- pummel, bang, baste, bastinado, batter, beat, belabor, belt, birch, buffet, cane, club, cowhide, cudgel, cut, drub, flagellate, flail, flap, flog, fustigate, give a whipping, give the stick, hammer, heat, horsewhip, knock, knout, lace, lambaste, larrup, lash, lay on, maul, paste, patter, pelt, pistol-whip, pommel, pound, pulverize, rap, rawhide, scourge, sledgehammer, smite, spank, strap, stripe, swinge, switch, thrash, thresh, thump, trounce, truncheon, wallop, whale, whip, whop
[edit]- pump, abdomen, add to, aggrandize, air pump, amplify, animate, anus, appendix, aspirator, augment, bail out, beer pump, bicycle pump, bilge pump, bleed, blind gut, bloat, blow up, bowels, brain, breast pump, broach, broaden, bucket pump, build, build up, bulk, bulk out, carve, catechize, cecum, centrifugal pump, chisel, colon, concentrate, convert, corkscrew, crescendo, cross-examine, crowbar, cultivate, decant, deliver, develop, dilate, distend, donkey, donkey pump, draft, draft off, drain, drainage pump, draw, draw from, draw off, duodenum, electrify, emphasize, empty, endocardium, energize, enlarge, enthuse, entrails, examine, excite, exhaust, expand, extend, extract, extractor, feed pump, force, force pump, forceps, forcer, foregut, galvanize, giblets, gizzard, grill, grow, guts, hand pump, harvest, heart, heat pump, hike, hike up, hindgut, huff, increase, inflate, innards, inner mechanism, insides, inspire, inspirit, intensify, internals, interrogate, interview, intestine, inwards, jejunum, kidney, kishkes, large intestine, let, let blood, let out, lifting pump, liver, liver and lights, lung, machine, magnify, midgut, milk, mill, mine, motivate, perineum, phlebotomize, pincers, pipette, pliers, press, pressure pump, probe, process, puff, puff up, pump out, pump up, pumping engine, push, pylorus, query, question, quiz, raise, rarefy, rear, rectum, refine, rotary pump, sand pump, send, separator, shake, siphon, siphon off, small intestine, smelt, spleen, stimulate, stomach, stress, stretch, suck, suck out, suction pump, sufflate, swell, tap, test, ticker, tire pump, tripes, tweezers, up, vacuum pump, venesect, vermiform appendix, viscera, vitals, water pump, widen, wobble pump, works, worm out of, wringer
pumpkin head
[edit]- pumpkin head, addlebrain, addlehead, addlepate, beefhead, blockhead, blubberhead, blunderhead, bonehead, bufflehead, cabbagehead, chowderhead, chucklehead, clodhead, clodpate, clodpoll, dolthead, dullhead, dumbbell, dumbhead, dummy, dunderhead, dunderpate, fathead, goof, idiot, jolterhead, jughead, knucklehead, lunkhead, meathead, moron, muddlehead, mushhead, muttonhead, noodlehead, numskull, peabrain, pinbrain, pinhead, puddinghead, puzzlehead, stupidhead, thickhead, thickskull, tottyhead
[edit]- pun, abuse of terms, acrostic, alliterate, alliteration, ambiguity, amphibologism, amphibology, amphiboly, anagram, assonance, assonate, be merry with, calembour, chime, clink, corruption, counterword, crack a joke, crack wise, double entendre, equivocal, equivocality, equivocation, equivoque, fleer at, fun, gibe at, jape, jest, jeu de mots, jingle, joke, josh, kid, kid around, logogram, logogriph, make a funny, make fun, make fun of, malapropism, metagram, missaying, mock, near rhyme, palindrome, paronomasia, play on words, poke fun at, polysemant, portmanteau word, punning, quip, rhyme, ridicule, scintillate, scoff at, slant rhyme, sparkle, spoonerism, squinting construction, utter a mot, weasel word, wisecrack, wordplay
punch bowl
[edit]- punch bowl, John Barleycorn, alcohol, alcoholic beverage, alcoholic drink, alveolation, alveolus, antrum, aqua vitae, ardent spirits, armpit, basin, beverage, booze, bowl, brew, cavity, concave, concavity, crater, crypt, cup, depression, dip, drink, fold, follicle, funnel chest, grog, hard liquor, hole, hollow, hollow shell, inebriant, intoxicant, intoxicating liquor, lacuna, liquor, little brown jug, pit, pocket, potable, potation, rum, schnapps, scoop, shell, sink, sinus, social lubricant, socket, spirits, strong drink, strong waters, the Demon Rum, the bottle, the cup, the flowing bowl, the luscious liquor, the ruddy cup, toxicant, trough, vug, water of life
punch in
[edit]- punch in, accomplish, achieve, approach, arrive, arrive at, arrive in, attain, attain to, be received, blow in, bob up, check in, check off, check out, clock in, clock out, come, come in, come to, come to hand, dent, depress, dimple, dint, engrave, fetch, fetch up at, find, gain, get in, get there, get to, hit, hit town, impress, imprint, indent, make, make it, notch, pit, pock, pockmark, pop up, press in, pull in, punch, punch out, punch the clock, reach, recess, ring in, ring out, roll in, set back, set in, show up, sign in, stamp, tamp, time in, time out, turn up
[edit]- punch, Mickey, Mickey Finn, aggressiveness, amperage, aperitif, armipotence, assault, auger, authority, awl, bang, bash, bat, bear, bear upon, bearing, beating, beef, belt, biff, bite, bitingness, black power, blaze, blaze a trail, blemish, blotch, blow, bodkin, bonk, boost, bop, bore, box, brace and bit, brand, briskness, broach, brute force, buck, buffet, bull, bulldoze, bump, bump against, bunt, burin, butt, butt against, cast, chalk, chalk up, charge, charisma, chaser, check, check off, chop, cicatrize, clap, clip, clobber, clout, clump, cocktail, cogence, cogency, coldcock, compulsion, countersink, crack, cram, crowd, cuff, cut, cuttingness, dapple, dash, deal, deal a blow, deck, define, delimit, demarcate, dent, depress, die, dig, dimple, dint, discolor, doch-an-dorrach, dot, drill, drink, drive, drub, drubbing, drumming, duress, effect, effectiveness, effectuality, elbow, empierce, energy, engrave, engraving tool, enterprise, etching ball, etching ground, etching needle, etching point, eye-opener, fetch, fetch a blow, fire, fix, fleck, flower power, force, force majeure, forcefulness, form, freckle, full blast, full force, fusillade, gash, get-up-and-go, getup, ginger, go, goad, gore, gouge, gouge out, graver, gusto, guts, hatch, haymaker, head, highball, hit, hit a clip, hole, honeycomb, hotness, hurtle, hustle, impact, impale, impress, impressiveness, imprint, incisiveness, indent, influence, initiative, intaglio, it, jab, jam, jog, joggle, jolt, jostle, kick, knock, knock cold, knock down, knock out, knockout drops, lambaste, lance, last, left, let have it, lick, life, line, liveliness, main force, main strength, make a mark, mana, mark, mark off, mark out, matrix, might, might and main, mightiness, mint, mixed drink, mold, mordancy, mottle, moxie, muscle power, needle, negative, nervosity, nervousness, nick, nightcap, nip, nippiness, notch, nudge, oomph, parting cup, paste, pelt, pencil, penetrate, pep, pepper, pepperiness, perforate, pierce, pile drive, pink, piss and vinegar, pit, pizzazz, plug, plunk, pock, pockmark, poignancy, point, poke, poop, potence, potency, potentiality, pound, pousse-cafe, power, power pack, power structure, power struggle, powerfulness, prepotency, press, press in, pressure, prick, print, prod, productiveness, productivity, puissance, pull, pummel, punch in, punctuate, puncture, push, raciness, ram, ram down, rap, rattle, ream, ream out, recess, relish, riddle, right, rocker, run, run against, run through, scar, scarify, score, scorper, scotch, scratch, seal, seam, set back, set in, shake, shoe last, shoulder, shove, sinew, sinewiness, skewer, slam, slap, slog, slug, smack, smash, smite, snap, snappiness, soak, sock, spat, spear, speck, speckle, spice, spiciness, spike, spit, splotch, spot, spunk, stab, stain, stamp, starch, steam, stick, stigmatize, stirrup cup, streak, strength, stress, striate, strike, strike at, stripe, stroke, strong arm, strong language, style, sundowner, superiority, superpower, swack, swat, swing, swipe, tamp, tang, tanginess, tap, tattoo, template, thrust, thump, thwack, tick, tick off, trace, transfix, transpierce, trenchancy, trepan, trephine, underline, underscore, validity, vehemence, verve, vigor, vigorousness, vim, virility, virtue, virulence, vitality, wallop, wattage, wee doch-an-dorrach, weight, whack, wham, what it takes, whop, yerk, zest, zestfulness, zing, zip
[edit]- puncher, broncobuster, buckaroo, caballero, cattleman, cavalier, cavalryman, chevalier, circus rider, cowboy, cowgirl, cowhand, cowherd, cowman, cowpuncher, drover, equestrian, equestrienne, gaucho, goatherd, gooseboy, gooseherd, herder, herdsman, hogherd, horse soldier, horse wrangler, horseback rider, horsebacker, horseherd, horseman, horsewoman, jockey, knight, mounted policeman, pigman, postboy, postilion, rider, roughrider, sheepherder, sheepman, shepherd, shepherdess, steeplechaser, swanherd, swineherd, trick rider, vaquero, waddy, wrangler
[edit]- punchy, acid, bedazzled, biting, corrosive, cutting, dazed, dazzled, dopey, driving, effective, forceful, forcible, groggy, gutsy, imperative, impressive, in a daze, incisive, knocked silly, mazed, mordant, nervous, penetrating, piercing, poignant, powerful, punch-drunk, sensational, silly, sinewed, sinewy, slaphappy, slashing, striking, strong, telling, trenchant, vigorous, vital, woozy
[edit]- punctilious, accurate, active, attentive, careful, censorious, choicy, choosy, close, compliant, conforming, conscientious, conscionable, constant, conventional, correct, critical, delicate, demanding, detailed, devoted, devout, discriminating, discriminative, duteous, dutiful, exact, exacting, exigent, exquisite, faithful, fastidious, fine, finical, finicking, finicky, formal, fussy, heedful, loyal, methodical, meticulous, mindful, minute, narrow, nice, observant, orderly, overconscientious, overscrupulous, painstaking, particular, perfectionistic, picky, practicing, precious, precise, precisian, precisianistic, precisionist, precisionistic, priggish, prudish, punctual, puristic, puritanic, refined, regardful, religious, rigid, rigorous, scrupulous, scrutinizing, selective, sensitive, strict, subtle, tender-conscienced, true
[edit]- punctual, accurate, active, alert, apt, attentive, careful, close, compliant, conforming, conscientious, conscionable, constant, correct, critical, decisive, delicate, demanding, detailed, devoted, devout, duteous, dutiful, exact, exacting, exigent, expeditious, exquisite, faithful, fastidious, fine, finical, finicking, finicky, fussy, heedful, immediate, instant, instantaneous, loyal, meticulous, mindful, minute, narrow, nice, observant, on the dot, on time, overconscientious, overscrupulous, painstaking, particular, practicing, precise, precisianistic, precisionistic, prompt, punctilious, quick, ready, refined, regardful, religious, rigid, rigorous, scrupulous, scrutinizing, speedy, strict, subtle, summary, swift, tender-conscienced, timely, true
[edit]- punctuality, accuracy, acuity, acuteness, agility, alacrity, alertness, attention, attention to detail, attentiveness, brightness, circumstantiality, clockwork regularity, conscientiousness, constancy, correctness, criticality, criticalness, decisiveness, delicacy, detail, dispatch, evenness, exactingness, exactitude, exactness, expedition, expeditiousness, exquisiteness, finicality, finicalness, finickiness, finickingness, fussiness, immediacy, immediateness, instantaneousness, keenness, methodicalness, meticulousness, minuteness, niceness, nicety, nimbleness, particularity, particularness, preciseness, precisianism, precision, promptitude, promptness, punctiliousness, punctualness, quickness, rapidity, readiness, refinement, regularity, repetition, rigidness, rigor, rigorousness, scrupulosity, scrupulousness, sharpness, sleeplessness, smartness, smoothness, speediness, steadiness, strictness, subtlety, summariness, swiftness, systematicalness, uniformity, wakefulness
[edit]- punctuate, accent, accentuate, analyze, belabor, blaze, blaze a trail, blemish, blotch, bracket, brand, break, chalk, chalk up, check, check off, cicatrize, conjugate, dapple, dash, decline, define, delimit, demarcate, discolor, divide, dot, dwell on, emphasize, engrave, fleck, freckle, gash, give emphasis to, harp on, hatch, highlight, hyphenate, impress, imprint, inflect, interrupt, intersperse, italicize, line, make a mark, mark, mark off, mark out, mottle, nick, notch, overaccentuate, overemphasize, overstress, parenthesize, parse, pencil, pepper, place emphasis on, point, point up, prick, print, punch, puncture, riddle, rub in, scar, scarify, score, scotch, scratch, seal, seam, separate, speck, speckle, splotch, spot, spotlight, sprinkle, stain, stamp, star, stigmatize, streak, stress, striate, stripe, tattoo, tick, tick off, trace, underline, underscore
[edit]- punctuation, alphabet, ampersand, angle brackets, apostrophe, braces, colon, comma, dash, decimal point, diacritical mark, diagonal, dot, ellipsis, end stop, exclamation mark, full stop, hyphen, letter, parens, parentheses, period, point, punctuation marks, question mark, quotation marks, quotes, reference, reference mark, semicolon, single quotes, solidus, stop, tittle, virgule, writing system, written character
[edit]- puncture, abrade, abrasion, acupunctuation, acupuncture, auger, bark, belie, birthmark, bite, blaze, blaze a trail, blemish, bloody, blotch, blow sky-high, blow up, bore, boring, brand, break, bring up short, broach, burn, caste mark, cave, cave in, chafe, chalk, chalk up, check, check off, checkmark, chip, cicatrix, cicatrize, claw, collapse, concussion, countersink, crack, crackle, craze, cut, dapple, dash, define, deflate, delimit, demarcate, destroy, discolor, discoloration, disconfirm, discourage, discredit, disillusion, disprove, dot, drill, drill hole, earmark, empierce, empiercement, engrave, engraving, explode, expose, fall in, fix, fixing, flash burn, fleck, flick, fold, fold up, fracture, fray, frazzle, freckle, fret, gall, gash, go through, gore, goring, gouge, gouge out, graving, hack, hatch, hole, honeycomb, humble, hurt, impale, impalement, implode, impress, imprint, incise, incision, injure, injury, invalidate, jab, jot, lacerate, laceration, lance, lancing, leak, lentigo, lesion, line, macula, maim, make a mark, make mincemeat of, mark, mark off, mark out, marking, maul, mole, mortal wound, mottle, mutilate, mutilation, needle, negate, negative, nevus, nick, notch, opening, patch, pencil, penetrate, penetration, pepper, perforate, perforation, pierce, piercing, pink, point, polka dot, prick, pricking, print, prove the contrary, punch, punching, punctuate, puncturing, ream, ream out, rend, rent, riddle, rip, ruin, run, run through, rupture, savage, scald, scar, scarification, scarify, scorch, score, scotch, scrape, scratch, scratching, scuff, seal, seam, second-degree burn, shoot, show up, skewer, skewering, skin, slash, slit, sore, spear, speck, speckle, spike, spit, splash, splotch, spot, sprain, stab, stab wound, stabbing, stain, stamp, stick, stigma, stigmatize, strain, strawberry mark, streak, striate, stripe, tap, tattoo, tattoo mark, tear, terebration, third-degree burn, tick, tick off, tittle, trace, transfix, transfixation, transfixion, transforation, transpierce, trauma, traumatize, trepan, trepanning, trephine, trephining, undercut, underline, underscore, watermark, wound, wounds immedicable, wrench
[edit]- punctureproof, airtight, ballproof, bombproof, bulletproof, burglarproof, corrosionproof, dampproof, fire-resisting, fireproof, flameproof, foolproof, hermetic, holeproof, impassable, impenetrable, impermeable, impervious, impervious to, leakproof, noiseproof, nonpuncturable, proof, proof against, resistant, rustproof, shatterproof, shellproof, soundproof, tight, unpassable, unperforable, unpierceable, watertight, weatherproof
[edit]- pundit, Brahman, Ramwat, abecedarian, academician, aficionado, amateur, authority, bairagi, bashara, bhikhari, bhikshu, bookman, buff, certified teacher, classicist, clerk, colossus of knowledge, connoisseur, critic, dilettante, docent, doctor, dominie, don, educationist, educator, expert, fan, fellow, freak, genius, giant of learning, guide, guru, humanist, instructor, learned clerk, learned man, literary man, litterateur, lover of learning, maestro, man of learning, man of letters, master, mastermind, melamed, mentor, mine of information, mullah, nut, pandit, pedagogist, pedagogue, philologist, philologue, philomath, philosophe, philosopher, polyhistor, polymath, preceptor, professor, pujari, purohit, rabbi, sannyasi, savant, scholar, scholastic, schoolkeeper, schoolman, schoolmaster, schoolteacher, specialist, starets, student, teacher, technical expert, technician, vairagi, walking encyclopedia, yogi, yogin
[edit]- pungency, acerbity, acescency, acidity, acidulousness, acridity, acridness, astringence, astringency, bitter pill, bitterness, brilliance, causticity, cleverness, dash, dryness, facetiousness, funniness, gall, gall and wormwood, greenness, headiness, humorousness, hyperacidity, jocoseness, jocularity, joking, joshing, keen-wittedness, keenness, liveliness, nimble-wittedness, odorousness, pep, piquancy, pleasantry, poignancy, quick-wittedness, raciness, saltiness, sharpness, smartness, smelliness, sour, sourishness, sourness, sparkle, spirit, subacidity, tartishness, tartness, unripeness, unsweetness, verjuice, verve, vinegariness, vinegarishness, vivacity, vividness, wittiness
[edit]- pungent, Attic, acerb, acerbate, acerbic, acescent, acid, acrid, acrimonious, acute, afflictive, agonizing, amaroidal, aphoristic, aromatic, asperous, astringent, atrocious, axiomatic, barbed, biting, bitter, bitter as gall, brilliant, caustic, clever, coarse, consuming, crab, crabbed, cramping, crisp, cruel, cutting, deafening, distressing, droll, dry, epigrammatic, escharotic, exciting, excruciating, facetious, flavorful, formulaic, formulistic, funny, gnawing, gnomic, grave, green, griping, hard, harrowing, harsh, hot, humorous, humorsome, hurtful, hurting, incisive, intense, irritating, jesting, jocose, jocular, joking, joky, joshing, keen, keen-witted, lively, loud, mordant, nimble-witted, nose-piercing, nose-tickling, oppressive, painful, paroxysmal, penetrating, peppery, peppy, pickled, piercing, piquant, pithy, platitudinous, poignant, pointed, proverbial, provocative, quick-witted, racking, racy, rapier-like, reeking, rich, rough, salt, salty, sapid, sarcastic, scathing, scintillating, seasoned, sec, sententious, severe, sharp, shooting, smart, snappy, sour, sour as vinegar, soured, sourish, sparkling, spasmatic, spasmic, spasmodic, spicy, spirited, sprightly, stabbing, stern, stimulating, stinging, strong, strong-scented, strong-smelling, succinct, suffocating, tangy, tart, tartish, tasty, terse, thundering, tormenting, torturous, trenchant, uninteresting, unripe, unsweet, unsweetened, upsetting, vinegarish, vinegary, vitriolic, vivacious, whimsical, witty, zesty
[edit]- punish, abuse, admonish, agonize, amerce, avenge, banish, batter, be quits, beat, beat up, birch, bloody, bring to account, bring to book, call to account, cane, cashier, castigate, chasten, chastise, claw, convulse, correct, criticize, crucify, damage, deal with, discipline, draw and quarter, dress down, electrocute, even the score, excommunicate, excruciate, execute, exile, fine, fix, flog, get even with, handicap, hang, harm, harrow, hurt, impale, imprison, incarcerate, inflict upon, injure, kill by inches, knock about, knock around, lacerate, lambaste, lancinate, lash, lock up, macerate, make quits, maltreat, manhandle, martyr, martyrize, masthead, maul, mulct, paddle, penalize, pillory, polish off, put away, put down, rack, rebuke, reprove, revenge, rip, rough up, savage, scarify, scold, scourge, send down, send up, settle the score, settle with, shift, spank, square accounts, swill, take revenge, take to task, tar and feather, thrash, torment, torture, trounce, visit upon, whip, wring
[edit]- punishable, actionable, against the law, anarchic, anarchistic, anomic, black-market, bootleg, chargeable, contraband, contrary to law, criminal, felonious, flawed, illegal, illegitimate, illicit, impermissible, irregular, justiciable, lawless, nonconstitutional, nonlegal, nonlicit, outlaw, outlawed, triable, unallowed, unauthorized, unconstitutional, under-the-counter, under-the-table, unlawful, unofficial, unstatutory, unwarrantable, unwarranted, wrongful
[edit]- punishing, Herculean, arduous, backbreaking, burdensome, castigatory, chastening, chastising, corrective, crushing, demanding, disciplinary, draining, effortful, exhausting, fatiguesome, fatiguing, forced, grueling, hard, hard-earned, hard-fought, heavy, hefty, inflictive, killing, labored, laborious, onerous, operose, oppressive, painful, penal, penological, punitive, punitory, retributive, strained, straining, strenuous, stressful, taxing, tiresome, tiring, toilsome, torturous, tough, troublesome, trying, uphill, weariful, wearing, wearisome, wearying
[edit]- punishment, abuse, admonishment, admonition, amercement, avengement, banishment, battering, beating, caning, cashiering, castigating, castigation, chastening, chastisement, chastising, comeuppance, compensation, correction, criticism, damage, desert, deserts, discipline, disciplining, dressing-down, electrocution, excommunication, execution, exile, fine, flogging, hanging, harm, imprisonment, incarceration, injury, just deserts, lashing, maltreatment, mauling, mulct, paddling, penal retribution, penalization, penalty, penance, price, punition, quittance, rebuke, recompense, reprisal, reproof, requital, retribution, revenge, reward, rod, scolding, scourging, sentence, sentencing, spanking, thrashing, torture, trouncing, what for, what is due, what is merited, whipping
[edit]- punitive, avenging, castigating, castigatory, chastening, chastising, compensatory, correctional, corrective, disciplinary, grudgeful, grueling, implacable, inflictive, irreconcilable, penal, penological, punishing, punitory, rancorous, reciprocal, recompensing, recompensive, reparative, restitutive, retaliative, retaliatory, retributive, retributory, revanchist, revengeful, unappeasable, vengeful, vindicatory, vindictive
[edit]- punk, German tinder, JD, Mickey Mouse, a nobody, a nothing, amadou, amiss, auntie, awful, bad, balderdash, baloney, barbarian, barfy, base, bi-guy, bisexual, bosh, brat, bull dyke, bum, bunk, bunkum, butch, catamite, cheap, cheesy, chicken, cipher, claptrap, coarse, common, common man, crappy, creepy, crummy, delinquent, dirty, dissatisfactory, dummy, dyke, elf, enfant terrible, fag, faggot, fairy, femme, figurehead, flit, fourth-class, fricatrice, fruit, gamin, godawful, goon, goshawful, grim, gunsel, had, hairy, hogwash, holy terror, homo, homophile, homosexual, homosexualist, hoodlum, hooligan, hot, icky, imp, inferior, insignificancy, invert, irregular, jackstraw, jerkwater, juvenile delinquent, lesbian, lightweight, little fellow, little guy, little monkey, lousy, low-class, low-grade, low-quality, low-test, man of straw, mean, measly, mediocrity, minx, mug, nance, nebbish, niggling, nobody one knows, nonentity, obscurity, one-horse, paltry, pansy, pathic, pettifogging, petty, picayune, picayunish, piddling, piffling, pip-squeak, poky, poor, puck, punk kid, puny, putrid, pyrotechnic sponge, queen, queer, rotten, ruffian, runt, sapphist, scrub, second-best, second-class, seedy, shabby, shitty, shrimp, small fry, small potato, small potatoes, small-beer, small-time, spoiled brat, spunk, squirt, squit, stinking, stinky, tacky, third-class, third-rate, thug, tinder, tinder fungus, tinderbox, tinhorn, tinny, touchwood, tough, tribade, two-bit, two-by-four, unimportant, unsatisfactory, up, urchin, vandal, vomity, whiffet, whippersnapper, worthless, wrong, yahoo, yecchy
[edit]- punster, banana, burlesquer, caricaturist, clown, comedian, comic, cutup, epigrammatist, funnyman, gag writer, gagman, gagster, humorist, ironist, jester, joker, jokesmith, jokester, lampooner, madcap, parodist, prankster, punner, quipster, reparteeist, satirist, wag, wagwit, wisecracker, wit, witling, zany
[edit]- punt, ante, ante up, back, bet, bet on, boot, calcitration, call, catch a crab, cover, cut a crab, drop kick, fade, feather, feather an oar, gamble, give way, hazard, kick, kicking, knee, lay, lay a wager, lay down, make a bet, meet a bet, pace, paddle, parlay, pass, place kick, play against, plunge, ply the oar, pull, row, row away, row dry, scull, see, ship oars, shoot, sky an oar, speculate, stake, stand pat, wager
[edit]- puny, Lenten, Spartan, abstemious, ascetic, attenuated, austere, breakable, brittle, cadaverous, cheap-jack, cobwebby, corpselike, cramped, crumbly, dainty, decrepit, delicate, delicately weak, diminutive, dinky, dwarf, dwarfed, dwarfish, effeminate, emacerated, emaciate, emaciated, exiguous, feeble, flimsy, fragile, frail, frangible, frugal, gimcrack, gimcracky, gossamery, haggard, half-pint, hollow-eyed, impoverished, inconsequential, inferior, infirm, insignificant, jejune, jerkwater, jerry, jerry-built, knee-high, lean, light, lightweight, limited, little, marantic, marasmic, meager, mean, measly, midget, minor, minute, miserly, namby-pamby, narrow, negligible, niggardly, niggling, nugatory, one-horse, paltry, papery, parsimonious, pasteboardy, peaked, peaky, petite, pettifogging, petty, picayune, picayunish, piddling, piffling, pinched, pindling, pint-sized, poky, poor, punk, pygmy, scant, scanty, scrawny, scrimp, scrimpy, shattery, short, shriveled, sickly, sissified, skeletal, skimp, skimpy, sleazy, slender, slight, slim, small, small-beer, small-time, smallish, spare, sparing, starvation, starved, starveling, stingy, stinted, straitened, stunted, subsistence, tabetic, tabid, tacky, thin, tinhorn, tiny, trifling, trivial, two-bit, two-by-four, underdeveloped, underfed, undernourished, undersized, unimportant, unnourishing, unnutritious, unsound, unsubstantial, useless, wasted, watered, watery, weak, weakly, weazeny, wispy, withered, wizened, womanish, worthless, wraithlike
[edit]- pup, Seeing Eye dog, bandog, be confined, bear, bear a child, bear young, birdling, bitch, boldface, bowwow, boy, brazenface, bub, bubba, buck, bud, buddy, calf, calve, canine, cast, catling, chick, chickling, chicky, chutzpanik, colt, cub, dog, dogie, drop, duckling, fancy dog, farrow, fawn, fellow, fledgling, foal, fryer, give birth, gosling, guide dog, gyp, have, have a baby, have young, hobbledehoy, hussy, kennel, kid, kit, kitten, labor, lad, laddie, lamb, lambkin, lap dog, lie in, litter, malapert, manchild, master, minx, muchacho, nest, nestling, pack of dogs, piglet, pigling, polliwog, pooch, pullet, puppy, saucebox, schoolboy, sheep dog, shoat, show dog, sled dog, slut, smart aleck, smart-ass, smarty, smarty-pants, sonny, sonny boy, sprat, squirt, squit, swaggerer, tadpole, throw, toy dog, travail, upstart, watchdog, weaner, whelp, whippersnapper, wise guy, wise-ass, working dog, yean, yeanling, young man, youth
[edit]- pupil, apprentice, auditor, autodidact, baby blues, banjo eyes, beginner, bright eyes, catechumen, clear eyes, cornea, disciple, educatee, eye, eyeball, eyelid, goggle eyes, inquirer, iris, learner, lens, lid, monitor, naked eye, neophyte, nictitating membrane, novice, oculus, optic, optic nerve, orb, organ of vision, peeper, popeyes, praepostor, prefect, retina, saucer eyes, scholar, schoolboy, schoolgirl, sclera, self-taught person, starry orbs, student, studier, trainee, tyro, unaided eye, visual organ
puppet show
[edit]- puppet show, burlesque show, carnival, circus, coochie show, fantoccini, floor show, galanty show, girly show, hootchy-kootchy show, leg show, light show, magic show, ombres chinoises, peep show, raree-show, rep show, repertory show, rodeo, shadow show, sideshow, the big top, variety show, vaudeville show
[edit]- puppet, Charlie McCarthy, Elzevir, Federal, adherent, agate, agent, amanuensis, ancilla, apple-polisher, appliance, ass-licker, baby, backscratcher, backslapper, baggage agent, ball, baseball bat, bat, battledore, bauble, blocks, bootlick, bootlicker, brown-nose, brownie, business agent, bust, carving, checkerboard, chessboard, cipher, claim agent, clawback, clerk, club, cockhorse, commercial agent, commission agent, consignee, contrivance, courtier, creature, cricket bat, cringer, cue, customer agent, device, disciple, doll, doll carriage, dolly, dud, dummy, duodecimo, dupe, factor, fantoccini, fawner, fed, federal agent, figure, figurehead, figurine, flatterer, flunky, follower, footlicker, freight agent, front, front man, functionary, general agent, gewgaw, gillie, gimcrack, gingerbread man, go-between, golf club, goon, groveler, handmaid, handmaiden, handshaker, hanger-on, helot, henchman, hireling, hobbyhorse, hollow man, implement, instrument, insurance agent, interagent, intermediary, intermediate, intermedium, jack-in-the-box, jackal, jacks, jackstones, jackstraw, jackstraws, kickshaw, knickknack, kowtower, lackey, land agent, law agent, lay figure, led captain, lever, lickspit, lickspittle, literary agent, loan agent, man, man of straw, manikin, mannequin, marble, marionette, mealymouth, mechanism, mediator, medium, microcosm, midwife, mig, mini, miniature, minion, minny, model, monument, myrmidon, nebbish, news agent, nobody, nominal head, nonentity, nothing, nullity, official, organ, paper doll, parliamentary agent, passenger agent, patsy, pawn, peon, pick-up sticks, pinwheel, plaything, portrait bust, press agent, purchasing agent, pushover, racket, rag doll, real estate agent, rocking horse, sales agent, satellite, scarecrow, sculpture, secretary, serf, servant, slave, snowman, spaniel, special agent, sport, station agent, statuary, statue, statuette, steelie, steward, stooge, subminiature, suck, sucker, sycophant, taw, teetotum, theatrical agent, thing of naught, thug, ticket agent, timeserver, toad, toady, tool, top, toy, toy soldier, travel agent, trifle, trinket, truckler, tufthunter, twelvemo, vehicle, votary, walking delegate, wax figure, waxwork, whim-wham, wood carving, yes-man, zero
[edit]- puppy, Beau Brummel, Seeing Eye dog, bandog, beau, birdling, bitch, blade, blood, boldface, boulevardier, bowwow, boy, brazenface, bub, bubba, buck, bud, buddy, calf, canine, catling, chick, chickling, chicky, chutzpanik, clotheshorse, colt, coxcomb, cub, dandy, dog, dogie, duckling, dude, exquisite, fancy dog, fashion plate, fawn, fellow, fine gentleman, fledgling, foal, fop, fribble, fryer, gallant, gosling, guide dog, gyp, hobbledehoy, hussy, jack-a-dandy, jackanapes, kennel, kid, kit, kitten, lad, laddie, lady-killer, lamb, lambkin, lap dog, litter, macaroni, malapert, man-about-town, manchild, masher, master, minx, muchacho, nest, nestling, pack of dogs, piglet, pigling, polliwog, pooch, pullet, pup, saucebox, schoolboy, sheep dog, shoat, show dog, sled dog, slut, smart aleck, smart-ass, smarty, smarty-pants, sonny, sonny boy, spark, sport, sprat, squirt, squit, swaggerer, swell, tadpole, toy dog, upstart, watchdog, weaner, whelp, whippersnapper, wise guy, wise-ass, working dog, yeanling, young man, youth
[edit]- purblind, authoritarian, bigot, bigoted, blear-eyed, bleary-eyed, blind, blindfold, blindfolded, borne, closed, constricted, cramped, creedbound, dark, deaf, deaf to reason, dim, dim-eyed, dim-sighted, dull-sighted, fanatical, feeble-eyed, filmy-eyed, gravel-blind, half-blind, hidebound, illiberal, imperceptive, impercipient, insensible, insular, little, little-minded, mean, mean-minded, mean-spirited, mind-blind, mole-eyed, myopic, narrow, narrow-hearted, narrow-minded, narrow-souled, narrow-spirited, nearsighted, nonunderstanding, parochial, petty, provincial, sand-blind, shortsighted, sightless, small, small-minded, straitlaced, stuffy, unapprehending, uncatholic, uncharitable, uncomprehending, undiscerning, ungenerous, unliberal, unperceptive, weak-eyed
[edit]- purchasable, approachable, available, bribable, buyable, corrupt, corruptible, fixable, hireling, marketable, mercenary, obtainable, on the market, on the pad, on the take, salable, slippery, to be had, treacherous, tricky, undependable, unreliable, venal
[edit]- purchase, achieve, acquire, acquiring, acquisition, advantage, approach, ascendancy, attain, authority, bear hug, bite, bribe, buy, buy back, buy in, buy into, buy off, buy on credit, buy up, buying, charisma, charm, clamp, clasp, clench, clinch, cling, clinging, clout, clutch, complete a purchase, consequence, control, corner, corrupt, credit, death grip, dominance, domination, edge, effect, embrace, eminence, enchantment, engross, esteem, favor, firm hold, fix, foothold, footing, footplate, footrail, footrest, force, gain, get, get at, get to, good feeling, grapple, grasp, grease, grease the palm, grip, gripe, hold, hug, importance, incidental power, influence, influentiality, insinuation, iron grip, leadership, leverage, locus standi, magnetism, make a buy, mastery, moment, monopolize, nip, obtain, obtaining, pay for, pay off, perch, personality, persuasion, position, potency, power, predominance, preponderance, pressure, prestige, procure, procurement, purchasing, reach, realize, rebuy, regrate, reign, repurchase, repute, rule, say, secure, securing, seizure, stance, stand, standing, standing place, suasion, suborn, subtle influence, suggestion, support, supremacy, sway, tackle, take, take care of, tamper with, tickle the palm, tight grip, toehold, traction, upper hand, weight, whip hand, win
purchasing power
[edit]- purchasing power, base pay, buy, buying, buying power, buying up, catalog buying, coemption, compensation, consumer power, consumer sovereignty, consumerism, cornering, dismissal wage, earnings, emption, escalator clause, escalator plan, financial remuneration, gross income, guaranteed annual wage, hire, hire purchase, impulse buying, income, installment buying, living wage, mail-order buying, marketing, minimum wage, money illusion, net income, pay, pay and allowances, payment, payroll, portal-to-portal pay, purchase, purchasing, real wages, rebuying, remuneration, repurchase, salary, severance pay, shopping, shopping spree, sliding scale, take-home, take-home pay, taxable income, total compensation, wage, wage control, wage freeze, wage reduction, wage rollback, wage scale, wages, wages after deductions, wages after taxes, window-shopping
[edit]- pure, Attic, Christian, Christlike, Christly, Ciceronian, God-fearing, Spartan, above suspicion, absolute, abstract, academical, aesthetic, all-embracing, all-encompassing, all-out, all-pervading, angelic, antiseptic, artistic, ascetic, austere, authentic, bald, bare, basic, beyond all praise, blameless, blasted, bleached, blessed, blotless, bona fide, born, bright, broad-based, candid, card-carrying, chaste, choice, classic, classical, clean, cleanly, clear, common, commonplace, complete, comprehensive, conceptual, confounded, congenital, conjectural, consummate, correct, creditable, dainty, decent, decorous, deep-dyed, defectless, dinkum, direct, dirt-free, disinfected, downright, dry, dull, dyed-in-the-wool, easy, egregious, elegant, elementary, erect, essential, estimable, ethical, everyday, excellent, exemplary, exhaustive, fair, fastidious, faultless, finished, flawless, following the letter, frank, fresh, full of integrity, fundamental, garden, garden-variety, genuine, godlike, godly, godly-minded, good, graceful, gracile, gross, guileless, guiltless, heavenly, high-minded, high-principled, highly respectable, holy, holy-minded, homely, homespun, homogeneous, honest, honest-to-God, honorable, household, hypothetical, ideal, immaculate, impeccable, in good taste, inartificial, inculpable, indefectible, indefective, indivisible, infallible, infernal, innocent, intact, intensive, inviolate, irreducible, irreproachable, just, just right, kosher, law-abiding, law-loving, law-revering, lawful, lean, legitimate, lifelike, limpid, literal, lucid, maidenly, manly, matter-of-fact, mere, modest, monolithic, moral, natural, naturalistic, neat, noble, nondescript, nonpolluted, notional, of a piece, of choice, of cleanly habits, of quality, omnibus, omnipresent, open, ordinary, original, otherworldly, out-and-out, outright, pasteurized, peerless, pellucid, perfect, perspicuous, pervasive, philosophical, pious, plain, plain-speaking, plain-spoken, pleasing, plenary, plumb, polished, primal, primary, principled, proper, prosaic, prosing, prosy, pure and simple, pure in heart, purehearted, quiet, quintessential, radical, real, realistic, refined, regular, reputable, respectable, restrained, right, right-minded, righteous, rightful, ritually pure, round, rustic, saintlike, saintly, sanitary, seraphic, severe, sexually innocent, sheer, shiny, simon-pure, simple, simple-speaking, sincere, single, sinless, smut-free, smutless, snowy, sober, solid, spare, speculative, spiritual, spiritual-minded, spotless, stainless, stark, sterile, sterilized, sterling, straight, straightforward, subdued, sure-enough, sweeping, sweet, tahar, taintless, tasteful, terse, theoretical, thorough, thoroughgoing, through-and-through, total, trim, true, true to life, true to nature, true to reality, true-dealing, true-devoted, true-disposing, true-souled, true-spirited, truehearted, tubbed, ubiquitous, unadorned, unadulterated, unaffected, unalloyed, unassumed, unassuming, unbesmirched, unblamable, unblemished, unblotted, uncluttered, uncolored, unconcocted, unconditional, uncontaminated, uncopied, uncorrupt, uncorrupted, uncounterfeited, undefiled, understated, undifferenced, undifferentiated, undiluted, undisguised, undisguising, undistorted, unearthly, unexaggerated, unfabricated, unfanciful, unfaultable, unfeigned, unfeigning, unfictitious, unflattering, uniform, unimaginative, unimagined, unimitated, unimpeachable, uninvented, universal, unlabored, unmitigated, unmixed, unmuddied, unobtrusive, unpoetical, unpolluted, unpretended, unpretending, unqualified, unreserved, unrestricted, unromantic, unsimulated, unsmirched, unsmudged, unsoiled, unspecious, unspotted, unstained, unsullied, unsynthetic, untainted, untarnished, unvarnished, unworldly, upright, uprighteous, upstanding, utter, verbal, verbatim, veridical, verisimilar, veritable, vestal, virgin, virginal, virtuous, well-chosen, well-scrubbed, well-washed, white, whitened, wholesale, wholesome, word-for-word, workaday, workday, worthy, yeomanly
[edit]- puree, albumen, batter, bisque, bonnyclabber, borscht, bouillabaisse, bouillon, broth, burgoo, butter, chicken soup, chowder, clabber, clam chowder, clear soup, consomme, cornstarch, cream, curd, dough, egg drop soup, egg white, fish soup, gaum, gazpacho, gel, gelatin, glair, glop, glue, gluten, goo, gook, goop, gravy soup, gruel, gumbo, gunk, jam, jell, jelly, julienne, loblolly, matzo ball soup, minestrone, misoshiru soup, mock turtle soup, molasses, mucilage, mucus, mulligatawny, oxtail soup, pap, paste, porridge, pot-au-feu, potage, potage au tomate, potato soup, pottage, pudding, pulp, putty, rob, semifluid, semiliquid, size, soup, starch, sticky mess, stock, syrup, thick soup, thin soup, tomato soup, treacle, turtle soup, vegetable soup, vichyssoise, won ton soup
[edit]- purehearted, Christlike, Christly, God-fearing, angelic, blotless, chaste, clean, cleanly, godlike, godly, godly-minded, good, heavenly, holy, holy-minded, immaculate, innocent, otherworldly, pure, pure in heart, righteous, saintlike, saintly, seraphic, sexually innocent, snowy, spiritual, spiritual-minded, spotless, stainless, taintless, unblemished, unblotted, uncorrupt, undefiled, unearthly, unsoiled, unspotted, unstained, unsullied, untainted, untarnished, unworldly, virtuous, white
[edit]- purely, a outrance, absolutely, after a fashion, all, all in all, all out, alone, altogether, appreciably, at any rate, at best, at least, at most, at the least, at the most, at the outside, at worst, barely, beyond all bounds, beyond compare, beyond comparison, beyond measure, blamelessly, clean, cleanly, comparatively, completely, conscientiously, dead, decently, detectably, downright, entirely, erectly, essentially, exactly, exclusively, extremely, fairly, fastidiously, faultlessly, flat out, flawlessly, fully, fundamentally, high-mindedly, honestly, honorably, ideally, immaculately, immeasurably, impeccably, in, in a manner, in a way, in part, in some measure, in the extreme, incalculably, incompletely, indefinitely, infallibly, infinitely, integrally, irreducibly, irreproachably, just, just right, leastwise, merely, meticulously, mildly, moderately, modestly, morally, most, nobly, not comprehensively, not exhaustively, only, part, partially, partly, perfectly, plainly, pro tanto, punctiliously, radically, relatively, reputably, righteously, scrupulously, simply, simply and solely, singly, so far, solely, somewhat, spotlessly, stainlessly, thoroughly, thus far, to a degree, to some degree, tolerably, totally, unanalyzably, unconditionally, undividedly, unequivocally, unimpeachably, unspottedly, uprightly, upstandingly, utterly, virtuously, visibly, wholly, with a vengeance, worthily
[edit]- purgation, BM, Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur, abreaction, absolution, abstersion, acquittal, acquittance, acting-out, asceticism, bloody flux, bowdlerization, bowel movement, catharsis, cleaning, cleansing, clearance, clearing, cold purgatorial fires, compurgation, crap, defecation, dejection, deliverance, destigmatization, destigmatizing, detersion, diarrhea, discharge, disculpation, dismissal, dry cleaning, dysentery, emotional release, evacuation, exculpation, excuse, exoneration, explanation, expurgation, fasting, flagellation, flux, forgiveness, freeing, hair shirt, intermission, justification, lientery, loose bowels, lustration, maceration, mortification, motor abreaction, movement, outlet, pardon, penance, penitence, penitential act, penitential exercise, psychocatharsis, psychodrama, purgatory, purge, purging, purification, quietus, quittance, rationalization, rehabilitation, reinstatement, release, release therapy, remission, removal, repentance, reprieve, respite, restoration, runs, sackcloth and ashes, shit, shits, steam cleaning, stool, surcease, suspension, trots, turistas, verdict of acquittal, vindication, voidance
[edit]- purgative, abstergent, alleviating, alleviative, analgesic, anesthetic, anodyne, aperient, apologetic, ascetic, assuasive, atoning, balmy, balsamic, benumbing, carminative, cathartic, cleaner, cleaning, cleaning agent, cleaning solvent, cleanser, cleansing, cleansing cream, cold cream, compensational, compensatory, cream, deadening, demulcent, dentifrice, depurant, depurative, detergent, diuretic, dulling, easing, emetic, emollient, enema, expiatory, expurgatory, holystone, laxative, lenitive, lotion, lustral, lustrational, lustrative, mitigating, mitigative, mouthwash, nauseant, numbing, pain-killing, palliative, penitential, physic, piacular, propitiatory, pumice stone, purgatorial, purge, purging, purificatory, purifier, purifying, reclamatory, recompensing, redeeming, redemptive, redressing, relieving, remedial, reparative, reparatory, repentant, repenting, restitutional, restitutive, restitutory, righting, rinse, satisfactional, shampoo, soap, softening, solvent, soothing, squaring, subduing, synthetic detergent, tooth powder, toothpaste, wash
[edit]- purgatorial, Acherontic, Lethean, Plutonian, Plutonic, Stygian, Tartarean, apologetic, ascetic, atoning, chthonian, chthonic, cleansing, compensational, compensatory, devilish, expiatory, expurgatory, hellborn, hellish, infernal, lustral, lustrational, lustrative, pandemoniac, pandemonic, penitential, piacular, propitiatory, purgative, purifying, reclamatory, recompensing, redeeming, redemptive, redressing, reparative, reparatory, repentant, repenting, restitutional, restitutive, restitutory, righting, satisfactional, squaring, sulfurous
[edit]- purgatory, Abaddon, Day of Atonement, Gehenna, Hades, Naraka, Pandemonium, Sheol, Tophet, Yom Kippur, asceticism, avichi, bog, cage, clawing, cold purgatorial fires, coop, cruciation, crucifixion, enclosure, fasting, fen, flagellation, hair shirt, hell, hell upon earth, holocaust, horror, infernal regions, inferno, jahannan, laceration, lancination, limbo, lower world, lustration, maceration, marsh, martyrdom, mire, morass, mortification, nether world, nightmare, passion, pen, penance, penfold, penitence, penitential act, penitential exercise, perdition, persecution, pinfold, place of confinement, place of torment, pound, purgation, quag, quagmire, rack, repentance, sackcloth and ashes, shades below, slough, sump, the abyss, the bottomless pit, the grave, the pit, torment, torture, underworld
[edit]- purge, BM, abolishment, abolition, absolve, abstergent, abstersion, abstract, account for, acquit, amnesty, annihilate, annihilation, annulment, aperient, assassinate, assassination, bandage, bathe, bereave of life, bleach, bloody flux, bloody murder, blow, blow out, bowdlerization, bowdlerize, bowel movement, break, bumping-off, bust, care for, carminative, carry away, carry off, cashier, cashiering, cast off, cast out, catharsis, cathartic, chloroform, choking, choking off, chuck, clean, clean out, clean up, cleaner, cleaning, cleaning agent, cleaning solvent, cleanse, cleanse away, cleanser, cleansing, cleansing cream, clear, clear away, clear off, clear out, clear the decks, clearance, cold cream, crap, cream, cry sour grapes, cure, cut down, cut off, cut out, debar, deconsecrate, deconsecration, decontaminate, defecate, defecation, defenestration, defrock, defrocking, dejection, deliver, deliverance, delouse, dentifrice, deplete, deport, deportation, deposal, depose, deposition, deprivation, deprive of life, depurant, depurate, deracinate, deracination, destigmatize, destroy, detachment, deterge, detergent, detersion, dethrone, dethronement, diagnose, diarrhea, disbar, disbarment, disbarring, discard, discharge, discrown, discrownment, disenthrone, disenthronement, disjunction, dismiss, dismissal, dispatch, dispel, dispense from, displace, displacement, disposal, dispose of, disposition, diuretic, do away with, do for, do justice to, do to death, doctor, drain, drum out, dry cleaning, dry-clean, dust, dust off, dysentery, eject, ejection, elide, eliminate, elimination, emetic, emotional release, empty, empty out, end, enema, eradicate, eradication, erase, evacuate, evacuation, exclude, excommunicate, excommunication, exculpate, excuse, execute, exempt, exempt from, exhaust, exile, exonerate, expatriate, expatriation, expel, explain, expulsion, expunge, expurgate, expurgation, exterminate, extermination, extinction, extinguishment, extirpate, extirpation, finish, finish off, firing, fling off, flux, forced resignation, forgive, foul play, free, free from, freeing, freshen, get quit of, get rid of, get shut of, give absolution, give care to, give release, give respite, give the gate, grant amnesty to, grant immunity, grant remission, heal, holystone, homicide, immolate, impeachment, intermission, intermit, justify, kick upstairs, kicking upstairs, kill, killing, launch into eternity, laxative, let go, let off, lientery, liquidate, liquidation, loose bowels, lotion, lustrate, lustration, lynch, make away with, manslaughter, martyr, martyrize, massage, minister to, mouthwash, movement, murder, nauseant, negation, nonpros, nullification, nurse, operate on, ostracism, oust, ouster, ousting, outlaw, outlawing, outlawry, overthrow, overthrowal, pardon, pension, pension off, pensioning off, physic, pick out, plaster, poison, poultice, pumice stone, purgation, purgative, purge away, purging, purification, purifier, purify, put away, put down, put to death, put to sleep, quash the charge, rationalize, read out of, reform, rehabilitate, reinstate, release, remedy, remit, removal, remove, remove from life, remove from office, reprieve, respite, restore, retire, retirement, rid, riddance, rinse, root out, root up, rooting out, rout out, rub, runs, sacrifice, scavenge, scour out, set free, severance, shake off, shampoo, shit, shits, shoo, shrive, shut out, silencing, slaughter, slay, snuffing out, soap, solvent, splint, spruce, starve, steam cleaning, steam-clean, stifling, stool, strangulation, strap, strike off, strike out, strip of office, strip of rank, suffocation, superannuate, superannuation, suppression, surcease, suspend, suspension, sweep away, sweep out, sweeten, synthetic detergent, take life, take off, throw off, throw over, throw overboard, thuggee, thuggery, thuggism, tidy, tolerate, tooth powder, toothpaste, treat, trots, turistas, unchurch, unchurching, unclog, undeceive, unfoul, unfrock, unfrocking, unsaddle, unseat, unseating, unthrone, uproot, uprooting, vent, vindicate, void, voidance, voiding, warrant, wash, wash out, weed out, whiten, whitewash, wipe, wipe off, wipe out, wipe up, withdraw the charge, withdrawal
[edit]- purged, banned, barred, bowdlerized, cleaned, cleaned up, cleansed, debarred, deported, ejected, excluded, exiled, expelled, expurgated, left out, liquidated, not in it, not included, precluded, prohibited, purified, refined, reformed, shut out, spruce, tabooed, tidy
[edit]- purging, absolution, abstergent, abstersion, acquittal, acquittance, assassination, bloody murder, bowdlerization, bumping-off, catharsis, cathartic, cleaning, cleansing, clearance, clearing, compurgation, deliverance, depurative, destigmatization, destigmatizing, detergent, detersion, discharge, disculpation, dismissal, diuretic, dry cleaning, elimination, emetic, emotional release, exculpation, excuse, exoneration, explanation, expurgation, expurgatory, forgiveness, foul play, freeing, homicide, intermission, justification, liquidation, lustral, lustration, manslaughter, murder, pardon, purgation, purgative, purge, purification, purificatory, purifying, quietus, quittance, rationalization, rehabilitation, reinstatement, release, remission, removal, reprieve, respite, restoration, steam cleaning, surcease, suspension, thuggee, thuggery, thuggism, verdict of acquittal, vindication
[edit]- purification, ablation, abrasion, absolution, abstersion, abstraction, atonement, beatification, beatitude, blessedness, blessing, bolting, bowdlerization, canonization, catharsis, clarification, cleaning, cleansing, colature, concentrate, concentration, consecration, decoction, dedication, deduction, destructive distillation, detersion, devotion, disentanglement, disinvolvement, distillate, distillation, dry cleaning, edulcoration, elixir, elution, elutriation, enshrinement, erosion, essence, essentialization, exaltation, expiation, expurgation, extract, extraction, filtering, filtration, forgiveness, glorification, grace, hallowing, infusion, justification, justification by works, leaching, lixiviation, lustration, narrowing, percolation, purgation, purge, purging, quintessence, rebirth, redemption, refinement, regeneration, removal, riddling, sainthood, sainting, salvation, sanctification, screening, separation, setting apart, sieving, sifting, simplification, spirit, spiritualization, state of grace, steam cleaning, straining, streamlining, stripping, stripping down, subduction, sublation, sublimation, subtraction, taking away, uncluttering, unscrambling, unsnarling, winnowing
[edit]- purified, absolute, bare, bowdlerized, clarified, cleaned, cleaned up, cleansed, clear, distilled, expurgated, naked, neat, purged, rectified, refined, reformed, sheer, spruce, straight, tidy, unadulterated, unalloyed, unblended, uncombined, uncompounded, uncorrupted, undiluted, unfortified, unleavened, unmingled, unmixed, unsophisticated, untinged
[edit]- purifier, abstergent, cathartic, clarifier, cleaner, cleaning agent, cleaning solvent, cleanser, cleansing cream, colander, cold cream, cradle, cream, cribble, dentifrice, depurant, detergent, diuretic, emetic, enema, filter, holystone, lixiviator, lotion, mouthwash, nauseant, percolator, pumice stone, purgative, purge, refiner, refinery, riddle, rinse, rocker, screen, shampoo, sieve, sifter, soap, solvent, strainer, synthetic detergent, tooth powder, toothpaste, wash, winnow, winnowing basket, winnowing fan, winnowing machine
[edit]- purify, abate, abrade, absolve, abstract, acquit, atone, bate, beatify, bleach, bless, bolt, bowdlerize, canonize, chasten, clarify, clean, clean out, clean up, cleanse, clear, clear out, consecrate, curtail, decontaminate, decrassify, decrease, dedicate, deduct, delouse, depreciate, depurate, derogate, deterge, detract, devote, diminish, disinfect, disparage, distill, drain, dry-clean, dust, dust off, eat away, edulcorate, elute, enshrine, erode, essentialize, exalt, exculpate, excuse, exonerate, expiate, expurgate, extract, file away, filter, filtrate, forgive, freshen, fumigate, glorify, hallow, impair, leach, lessen, lixiviate, lustrate, narrow, oversimplify, pardon, percolate, purge, rectify, redeem, reduce, reduce to elements, refine, reform, remit, remove, restrain, retrench, rub away, saint, sanctify, sanitize, scavenge, screen, separate, set apart, shorten, shrive, sieve, sift, simplify, spiritualize, spruce, steam-clean, strain, streamline, strip down, subduct, sublimate, sublime, subtract, sweep out, sweeten, take away, take from, thin, thin out, tidy, try, wash, wear away, weed, whiten, winnow, wipe, wipe off, wipe out, wipe up, withdraw
[edit]- purifying, abstergent, apologetic, ascetic, atoning, cathartic, cleaning, cleansing, compensational, compensatory, depurative, detergent, diuretic, emetic, expiatory, expurgatory, lustral, lustrational, lustrative, penitential, piacular, propitiatory, purgative, purgatorial, purging, purificatory, reclamatory, recompensing, redeeming, redemptive, redressing, reparative, reparatory, repentant, repenting, restitutional, restitutive, restitutory, righting, satisfactional, squaring
[edit]- purist, Pharisee, ass, bigot, bitter-ender, bluestocking, bullethead, classicist, conservative, die-hard, diehard, dogmatist, donkey, fanatic, formalist, hardnose, intransigeant, intransigent, last-ditcher, maverick, mule, pedant, perverse fool, pighead, plain stylist, positivist, precieuse, precieux, precisian, precisionist, puritan, standpat, standpatter, stickler, stuffed shirt, traditionalist
[edit]- puristic, Sabbatarian, bigoted, censorious, choicy, choosy, conscientious, creedbound, critical, discriminating, discriminative, dogmatic, dour, elegant, euphemistic, euphuistic, evangelical, exact, exacting, exquisite, fastidious, firm, formalistic, fundamentalist, goody good-good, goody-goody, hard, hidebound, hyperorthodox, impliable, inexorable, inflexible, iron, ironbound, ironclad, ironhanded, literalist, literalistic, methodical, meticulous, mincing, muscle-bound, namby-pamby, obdurate, obstinate, orderly, orthodox, overnice, overprecise, overrefined, particular, pedantic, perfectionistic, picky, precieuse, precious, precise, precisian, precisianist, precisianistic, precisionist, precisionistic, priggish, procrustean, prudish, punctilious, purist, puritan, puritanic, puritanical, relentless, rigid, rigorist, rigoristic, rigorous, rockbound, scrupulous, selective, sensitive, simpering, staunch, stiff, straightlaced, straitlaced, strict, stubborn, unbending, uncompromising, unrelenting, unyielding
[edit]- puritan, Albigensian, Catharist, Franciscan, Grundy, Sabbatarian, Trappist, Victorian, Waldensian, abstainer, anchorite, ascetic, austere, bhikshu, bigoted, bluenose, dervish, disapproving, dour, fakir, fanatic, firm, flagellant, fundamentalist, goody-goody, hard, hard-line, hard-nosed, hermit, hidebound, impliable, inexorable, inflexible, intolerant, iron, ironbound, ironclad, ironhanded, mendicant, mid-Victorian, moralistic, muscle-bound, narrow-minded, obdurate, obstinate, old maid, orthodox, pietist, pietistic, prig, prim, procrustean, proper, prude, prudish, purist, puristic, puritanic, puritanical, relentless, religionist, rigid, rigorist, rigoristic, rigorous, rockbound, sannyasi, severe, stern, stiff, stiff-necked, straightlaced, strait-laced, straitlaced, strict, stubborn, stuffy, unbending, uncompromising, unrelenting, unyielding, uptight, yogi, yogin, zealot
[edit]- puritanical, Albigensian, Catharist, Franciscan, Quakerish, Sabbatarian, Trappist, Victorian, Waldensian, abstinent, anchoritic, ascetic, austere, bigoted, censorious, choicy, choosy, conscientious, creedbound, critical, demure, discriminating, discriminative, dogmatic, dour, eremitic, evangelical, exacting, fastidious, firm, flagellant, fundamentalist, hard, hidebound, hyperorthodox, impliable, inexorable, inflexible, iron, ironbound, ironclad, ironhanded, literalist, literalistic, mendicant, meticulous, mid-Victorian, muscle-bound, narrow, obdurate, obstinate, old-maidish, orthodox, overmodest, particular, perfectionistic, picky, precise, precisianist, precisianistic, priggish, prim, procrustean, prudish, punctilious, purist, puristic, puritan, puritanic, relentless, rigid, rigorist, rigoristic, rigorous, rockbound, sanctimonious, scrupulous, selective, self-denying, sensitive, smug, staunch, stiff, stiff-necked, straightlaced, straitlaced, strict, stubborn, stuffy, unbending, uncompromising, unrelenting, unyielding, wedded to poverty
[edit]- purity, Attic simplicity, Atticism, Christianity, Christlikeness, Christliness, Munsell chroma, absoluteness, angelicalness, appropriateness, asepsis, assured probity, beauty of holiness, blamelessness, blotlessness, brightness, character, chasteness, chastity, chroma, chromatic color, chromaticity, clarity, classical purity, classicalism, classicism, clean slate, cleanliness, cleanly habits, cleanness, clear conscience, clearness, color quality, colorimetric quality, combination, comeliness, commonness, commonplaceness, cool color, correctness, daintiness, decency, decorousness, defectlessness, dignity, directness, discrimination, distinction, ease, elegance, elegancy, elementarity, erectness, estimableness, fairness, fastidiousness, faultlessness, fear of God, felicitousness, felicity, finish, fittingness, flawlessness, flow, flowing periods, fluency, freshness, fundamentality, fusion, godlikeness, godliness, godly-mindedness, good character, good taste, goodness, grace, gracefulness, gracility, guilelessness, guiltlessness, harmlessness, healthfulness, heavenliness, heavenly-mindedness, high ideals, high principles, high-mindedness, holiness, holy-mindedness, homeliness, homogeneity, honesty, honor, honorableness, hospital cleanliness, hue, identity, immaculacy, immaculateness, impeccability, individuality, indivisibility, infallibility, innocence, innocency, innocentness, innocuousness, intactness, integrality, integration, integrity, inviolability, irreducibility, irreproachability, irreproachableness, justice, justness, lightness, limpidity, lucidity, matter-of-factness, modesty, monism, moral excellence, moral strength, morality, naturalness, neatness, neutral color, nobility, nothing to hide, odor of sanctity, offenselessness, oneness, ordinariness, organic unity, otherworldliness, particularity, pellucidity, perfection, perspicuity, plainness, polish, prelapsarian state, principles, probity, properness, propriety, prosaicness, prosiness, pureness, pureness of heart, rectitude, refinement, reproachlessness, reputability, respectability, restraint, righteousness, sainthood, saintlikeness, saintliness, saintship, salubrity, sanctitude, sanctity, saturation, seemliness, selfsameness, seraphicalness, severity, sexual innocence, simpleness, simplicity, singleness, singularity, sinlessness, smoothness, snowiness, solidarity, solidification, solidity, spiritual-mindedness, spirituality, spotlessness, stainlessness, starkness, sterility, straightforwardness, taintlessness, taste, tastefulness, terseness, tidiness, tint, tone, unadulteration, unaffectedness, unblemishedness, unblottedness, uncorruptness, undefiledness, undividedness, unearthliness, unguiltiness, unification, uniformity, unimpeachability, unimpeachableness, uniqueness, unity, univocity, unmixedness, unsoiledness, unsophistication, unspottedness, unstainedness, unsulliedness, untaintedness, unworldliness, uprightness, upstandingness, value, virginity, virtue, virtuousness, warm color, whiteness, wholeness, wholesomeness, worthiness
[edit]- purl, adjoin, babble, befringe, bind, border, bound, bubble, burble, eddy, edge, enframe, frame, fringe, guggle, gurge, gurgle, gyrate, gyre, hem, lap, line, list, march, marge, margin, marginate, pirouette, plash, purfle, reel, rim, ripple, set off, side, skirt, slosh, spin, splash, swash, swirl, swish, trill, trim, twirl, verge, wash, whirl, whirligig, whirlpool, whorl
[edit]- purlieu, agora, amphitheater, arena, athletic field, auditorium, background, baths, bear garden, boundary, bounds, bowl, boxing ring, bull ring, campus, canvas, casino, circus, club, clubhouse, cockpit, coliseum, colosseum, compass, confines, course, field, floor, forum, gambling house, gathering place, ground, gym, gymnasium, hall, hangout, haunt, health resort, hippodrome, limits, lists, locale, marketplace, mat, meeting place, milieu, open forum, outskirts, palaestra, parade ground, pit, place, platform, precinct, precincts, prize ring, public square, rallying point, range, rendezvous, resort, ring, scene, scene of action, scenery, setting, site, spa, sphere, springs, squared circle, stadium, stage, stage set, stage setting, stamping ground, suburbs, terrain, theater, tilting ground, tiltyard, walk, watering place, wrestling ring
[edit]- purlieus, airspace, alentours, ambience, ambit, approach, approximation, area, belt, borderlands, circle, circuit, circumambiencies, circumjacencies, circumstances, closeness, compass, confines, context, continental shelf, convergence, corridor, country, department, district, division, entourage, environing circumstances, environment, environs, foreground, gestalt, ground, habitat, heartland, hinterland, immediacy, immediate foreground, land, milieu, nearness, neighborhood, nighness, offshore rights, outposts, outskirts, part, parts, perimeter, periphery, place, precinct, precincts, premises, propinquity, proximity, quarter, region, salient, section, situation, soil, space, suburbs, surroundings, terrain, territory, three-mile limit, total environment, twelve-mile limit, vicinage, vicinity, zone
[edit]- purloin, abstract, and, annex, appropriate, bag, boost, borrow, cabbage, cop, crib, defraud, embezzle, extort, filch, hook, lift, make off with, nip, palm, pilfer, pinch, poach, run away with, rustle, scrounge, shoplift, snare, snatch, snitch, steal, swindle, swipe, take, thieve, walk off with
purple passage
[edit]- purple passage, adornment, asiaticism, beauties, colors, colors of rhetoric, device, elegant variation, embellishment, embroidery, euphuism, figurative language, figurativeness, figure, figure of speech, fine writing, floridity, floridness, flourish, flower, floweriness, flowers of speech, flowery style, frill, image, imagery, lushness, luxuriance, manner of speaking, nonliterality, nonliteralness, ornament, ornamentation, purple patches, trope, turn of expression, way of speaking
[edit]- purple, Mars violet, Tyrian purple, adorned, amethyst, amethystine, befrilled, blue, bombastic, broad, cap of dignity, cap of maintenance, clematis, colored, coronet, crown, dahlia, damson, decorated, diadem, dynastic, embellished, embroidered, ermine, fancy, festooned, figurative, figured, florid, flowery, fuchsia, grape, great seal, heliotrope, high-flown, hyacinth, imperatorial, imperatorious, imperial, imperial purple, imperious, kinglike, kingly, lavender, lilac, livid, lividity, lividness, lush, luxuriant, magenta, majestic, mallow, mauve, monarchal, monarchial, monarchic, monsignor, mulberry, off-color, orb, orchid, ornate, overblown, overcharged, overloaded, pansy, pansy violet, pansy-purple, plum, plum-colored, plum-purple, pompous, pontiff purple, princelike, princely, privy seal, purple pall, purpleness, purplescent, purpliness, purplish, purplishness, purply, purpurate, purpure, purpureal, purpurean, purpureous, queenlike, queenly, racy, raisin-colored, regal, regal purple, regalia, robe of state, rod, rod of empire, royal, royal crown, royal purple, salty, scepter, seal, shady, signet, solferino, sovereign, spicy, stilted, suggestive, tiara, triple plume, turgid, uraeus, violaceous, violet, wicked, wine purple
[edit]- purport, academic, acceptation, affective meaning, aim, aim at, allege, aspire after, aspire to, avow, be after, bearing, burden, claim, coloring, connotation, consequence, core, denotation, design, desire, destine, determine, drift, drive at, effect, essence, extension, force, gist, go for, grammatical meaning, harbor a design, have every intention, idea, impact, implication, import, intend, intendment, intension, lexical meaning, literal meaning, matter, mean, meaning, meat, message, ostensible, overtone, pertinence, pith, plan, point, postulated, practical consequence, presupposed, pretend, pretended, pretext, profess, professed, project, propose, protest too much, purported, purpose, range of meaning, real meaning, reference, referent, relation, relevance, reputed, resolve, rumored, scope, semantic cluster, semantic field, sense, significance, significancy, signification, significatum, signifie, so-called, span of meaning, speculative, spirit, structural meaning, substance, sum, sum and substance, supposed, suppositional, suppositive, suspected, symbolic meaning, tenor, theoretical, think, thrust, totality of associations, transferred meaning, unadorned meaning, understanding, undertone, upshot, value
[edit]- purpose, advantage, aim, aim at, ambition, animus, aspiration, aspire, aspire after, aspire to, avail, be after, benefit, by design, commitment, conclude, consciously, consider, contemplate, counsel, decide, decidedness, decision, decisiveness, dedication, definiteness, deliberately, deliberateness, deliberation, desideration, desideratum, design, designedly, desire, destination, destine, determinateness, determination, determine, determinedness, devotion, direction, doggedness, drive, drive at, duty, earnestness, effect, end, end use, especially, exactly, expressly, firmness, fix, fixed purpose, function, gain, go for, goal, good, harbor a design, have every intention, have in mind, have in view, idea, immediate purpose, in particular, intend, intendment, intent, intention, intentionally, knowingly, long, mark, mean, meaning, meditate, mind, mission, motivation, motive, nisus, object, objective, obstinacy, office, on purpose, operation, operational purpose, outcome, perseverance, persistence, plan, point, ponder, practicality, precisely, principle, profit, project, proposal, propose, proposition, prospectus, purport, purposefulness, purposely, rationale, reason, relentlessness, resoluteness, resolution, resolve, resolvedness, result, role, sake, scheme, seal, self-will, seriousness, settle, sincerity, single-mindedness, specially, specifically, steadfastness, striving, stubbornness, study, take a resolution, target, tenacity, think, total commitment, ultimate purpose, use, usefulness, utility, view, will, wittingly, work, yearn
[edit]- purposeful, advised, affirmed, aimed, aimed at, bound, bound and determined, calculated, certain, committed, confirmed, conscious, considered, contemplated, decided, decisive, dedicated, definite, deliberate, deliberated, designed, determined, devoted, dogged, earnest, envisaged, envisioned, firm, fixed, intended, intentional, knowing, meant, meditated, obstinate, of design, persevering, persistent, pertinacious, planned, positive, projected, proposed, purposed, purposive, relentless, resolute, resolved, serious, settled, sincere, single-minded, staunch, steadfast, strong-willed, studied, sure, teleological, tenacious, unfailing, unfaltering, voluntary, wholehearted, willful, witting
[edit]- purposeless, aimless, bootless, casual, causeless, designless, desultory, discursive, disorganized, driftless, dysteleological, empty, feckless, fustian, garbled, good-for-nothing, haphazard, hit-or-miss, importless, impotent, inane, indiscriminate, ineffective, ineffectual, inexplicable, insignificant, irregular, meaningless, mindless, no go, nonconnotative, nondenotative, nonsensical, null, of no use, phatic, pointless, promiscuous, purportless, rambling, random, scrambled, senseless, stochastic, stray, superfluous, unaccountable, unavailing, undirected, unhelpful, unmeaning, unmotivated, unorganized, unplanned, unprofitable, unpurposed, unsignificant, useless, vacuous, wandering, worthless
[edit]- purposely, advisedly, by design, calculatedly, consciously, contemplatedly, deliberately, designedly, explicitly, expressly, in cold blood, intentionally, knowingly, meditatedly, on purpose, pointedly, premeditatedly, purposefully, purposively, voluntarily, willfully, with full intent, with intent, with malice aforethought, with purpose, wittingly
[edit]- purr, be in heaven, be pleased, beam, birr, bombilate, bombinate, boom, bum, burr, buzz, delight, die with delight, drone, feel happy, go into raptures, hum, joy, laugh, sing, smile, take great satisfaction, thrum, tread on air, whir, whiz
[edit]- purring, beaming, beatific, beatified, birring, blessed, blissful, bombilation, bombinating, bombination, booming, burring, buzzing, capering, cheerful, chirping, dancing, droning, flushed with joy, gay, glad, glowing, happy, hum, humming, joyful, joyous, laughing, leaping, low rumbling, radiant, singing, smiling, smirking, sparkling, starry-eyed, thrice happy, thrumming, whirring, whizzing
[edit]- purse, Swiss bank account, abbreviate, and pence, assets, award, bag, balance, bank account, billfold, bottom dollar, bucks, budget, capital, cash, cash reserves, checking account, circumscribe, coarct, cocker, cockle, command of money, compact, compress, concentrate, condense, consolidate, constrict, constringe, contract, corrugate, cramp, crease, crimp, crimple, crinkle, crumple, curtail, decrease, dollars, dough, draw, draw in, draw together, exchequer, filthy lucre, finances, fund, funds, furrow, gift, handbag, income, kitty, knit, knot, life savings, lolly, loot, means, money, money belt, money clip, moneys, narrow, nest egg, pecuniary resources, pelf, pocket, pocketbook, poke, pool, porte-monnaie, pouch, pounds, present, prize, pucker, pucker up, purse strings, ready, reduce, reserves, resources, revenue, reward, riches, ridge, rimple, ripple, ruck, ruckle, rumple, savings, savings account, scratch, shekels, shillings, shirr, shorten, solidify, strangle, strangulate, substance, treasure, treasury, unregistered bank account, wallet, wealth, wherewithal, wimple, wrinkle
[edit]- pursed, clamped, cockled, cockly, compressed, concentrated, condensed, consolidated, constricted, contracted, corrugate, corrugated, cramped, creased, crimped, crimpy, crinkled, crinkly, crumpled, furrowed, knitted, knotted, nipped, pinched, pinched-in, puckered, puckery, pursy, ridged, rimpled, rippled, rucked, rugged, rugose, rugous, rumpled, solidified, squeezed, strangled, strangulated, wasp-waisted, wrinkled, wrinkly
[edit]- purser, accountant, auditor, bakehead, black gang, boilerman, bookkeeper, bungs, bursar, cabin boy, cashier, cashkeeper, chamberlain, chips, commissary steward, compensator, complement, comptroller, controller, curator, deckhand, deckie, defrayer, depositary, depository, financial officer, fireman, gun loader, gunner, hand, hospital steward, landing signalman, liquidator, mail orderly, navigator, oiler, payer, paymaster, purse bearer, radio operator, ratepayer, receiver, recompenser, remunerator, roustabout, snip, snips, sparks, steward, stewardess, stoker, taxpayer, torpedoman, treasurer, trustee, watch, yeoman
[edit]- pursuance, chase, chasing, continualness, continuance, continuation, continuity, dogging, endurance, extension, follow, follow-up, following, heeling, hounding, hue and cry, hunting, lengthening, maintenance, perpetuation, perseverance, persistence, progress, progression, prolongation, prosecution, protraction, pursual, pursuing, pursuit, quest, repetition, run, search, searching, seeking, sequel, sequence, series, shadowing, stalking, staying power, straight course, sustained action, sustenance, tailing, tracking, tracking down, trailing, uninterrupted course, unremittingness, way
[edit]- pursue, address, adhere to, angle for, ask for, aspire to, badger, bait, be into, be strong in, beat about for, beau, bedog, beset, carry on, chase, chase after, chevy, chivy, come after, come behind, conduct, confine, continue, court, cultivate, delve for, dig for, do, dog, employ, engage in, esquire, exercise, feature, fish for, follow, follow up, give chase, go after, go behind, go gunning for, go in for, gun for, harass, harry, heel, hollo after, hound, hunt, hunt for, hunt up, lay siege to, limit, look, look for, look up, maintain, major in, make after, make suit to, make up to, minor in, molest, move behind, narrow, oppress, pay attention to, pay court to, persecute, persevere, persist, persist in, practice, proceed with, prosecute, prowl after, purpose, quest, quest after, raise the hunt, restrict, ride, run after, run down, search, search for, see to, seek, seek for, seek out, serenade, shadow, spark, specialize, specialize in, squire, stalk, still-hunt, string along, strive for, sue, swain, sweetheart, tackle, tag, tag after, tag along, tail, tailgate, take on, take out after, take to, take up, torment, trace, track, trail, trail after, tread close upon, try for, try to find, undertake, use, victimize, wage, woo, work at, work for
[edit]- pursuer, addict, adherent, admirer, adorer, amorist, appendage, attendant, buff, bug, cavaliere servente, chaser, collector, courtier, dangler, demon, dependent, disciple, eager beaver, energumen, enthusiast, faddist, fan, fanatic, fiend, flunky, follower, following, freak, great one for, hanger-on, henchman, hobbyist, homme de cour, hound, hunter, infatuate, lover, nut, paramour, parasite, partisan, public, pursuant, pursuivant, quester, rhapsodist, satellite, sectary, seeker, shadow, stooge, successor, sucker for, suitor, supporter, tagtail, tail, trainbearer, visionary, votary, ward heeler, wooer, zealot
[edit]- pursuit, accomplishment, activity, aim, area, art, avocation, bag, business, butt, by-end, by-purpose, calling, career, career building, careerism, chasing, chevy, chivy, craft, cup of tea, destination, dogging, employment, end, end in view, field, final cause, following, forte, game, goal, handicraft, heeling, hobby, hounding, hunt, hunting, interest, job, lifework, line, line of business, line of work, long suit, looking for, main interest, manner, mark, metier, mission, mystery, number, object, object in mind, objective, obtaining, occupation, pastime, pet subject, practice, prey, profession, pursual, pursuance, pursuing, quarry, quest, quintain, racket, reaching, reason for being, search, searching, seeking, sequel, sequence, series, shadowing, specialism, speciality, specialization, specialty, stalking, strong point, style, tailing, target, technicality, teleology, thing, tracing, tracking, trade, trailing, type, ultimate aim, vocation, walk, walk of life, way, weakness, work
[edit]- purulence, chyle, colostrum, discharge, festering, gleet, humor, ichor, lachryma, lactation, leukorrhea, lymph, matter, mattering, milk, mucor, mucus, peccant humor, phlegm, pus, rankling, rheum, running, saliva, sanies, serous fluid, serum, snot, suppuration, sweat, tear, teardrop, the whites, urine
[edit]- purulent, bloody, chylifactive, chylifactory, chylific, festering, humoral, ichorous, lachrymal, lacrimatory, mattering, phlegmy, pussy, rankling, rheumy, sanious, serous, suppurated, suppurating, suppurative, tearlike
[edit]- purveyor, caterer, chandler, commissariat, commissary, donor, furnisher, manciple, merchant, patron, provider, provisioner, quartermaster, retailer, steward, stock clerk, storekeeper, supplier, sutler, victualer, vivandier
[edit]- purview, agency, agentship, ambit, assignment, authority, authorization, brevet, care, charge, clear sight, color vision, commission, commissioning, commitment, compass, cone vision, consignment, cure, day vision, daylight vision, delegated authority, delegation, deputation, devolution, devolvement, discernment, embassy, empowerment, entrusting, entrustment, errand, executorship, exequatur, extension, extent, eye, eye-mindedness, eyesight, factorship, farsight, farsightedness, field of view, field of vision, full power, horizon, jurisdiction, keen sight, ken, legation, license, lieutenancy, mandate, mission, night vision, office, orbit, perception, peripheral field, peripheral vision, perspicacity, perspicuity, photopia, plenipotentiary power, power of attorney, power of sight, power to act, procuration, proxy, quick sight, radius, range, reach, regency, regentship, responsibility, rod vision, scope, scotopia, seeing, sense of sight, sight, sightedness, sweep, task, trust, trusteeship, twilight vision, unobstructed vision, vicarious authority, vision, visual acuity, visual field, visual sense, warrant
[edit]- pus, carrion, chyle, colostrum, corruption, dandruff, decay, discharge, excrement, festering, filth, foul matter, furfur, gangrene, gleet, humor, ichor, lachryma, lactation, leukorrhea, lymph, matter, mattering, mess, milk, muck, mucor, mucus, obscenity, ordure, peccant humor, phlegm, purulence, putrid matter, rankling, rheum, rot, running, saliva, sanies, scurf, scuz, serous fluid, serum, slime, smut, snot, sordes, suppuration, sweat, tear, teardrop, the whites, urine
push aside
[edit]- push aside, abandon, abjure, adjourn, brush aside, brush off, chuck, chuck out, contemn, continue, contradict, decline, defer, delay, deny, despise, disapprove, discard, disclaim, discount, disdain, dismiss, disown, disregard, drag out, drop the subject, except, exclude, extend, forget, forget about it, forget it, forswear, hang fire, hang up, hold off, hold over, hold up, ignore, lay aside, lay away, lay by, lay over, let it go, let slip, pass by, pass up, pigeonhole, postpone, prolong, prorogate, prorogue, protract, put aside, put away, put in mothballs, put off, put on ice, rebuff, recant, recess, refuse, refuse to consider, reject, renounce, repel, repudiate, repulse, reserve, scout, set aside, set by, shelve, shift off, shove away, shrug off, sideline, sleep on, sneeze at, spurn, stand over, stave off, stay, store, stow, stretch out, suspend, table, table the motion, take a recess, think nothing of, throw away, throw out, thrust aside, turn away, turn away from, turn out, waive
push back
[edit]- push back, beat back, beat off, block, brush off, chase, chase away, chase off, check, counter, cut, dismiss, drive away, drive back, fend, fend off, hinder, hold at bay, hold off, keep at bay, keep off, obstruct, pack off, parry, put back, rebuff, refuse, repel, repulse, send away, send off, send packing, snub, spurn, stave off, stop, thrust back, turn aside, turn back, ward off
push down
[edit]- push down, bank, bear down, bring low, couch, crab, debase, depress, detrude, dip, downbear, feather, fishtail, haul down, indent, let down, loop, lower, plow, porpoise, press down, pull down, pull out, pull up, reduce, roll, sideslip, sink, skid, spin, spiral, stunt, take down, thrust down, undulate, yaw
push forward
[edit]- push forward, advance, advantage, boost, conduce to, contribute to, crowd, drive on, encourage, expedite, facilitate, favor, forge ahead, forward, further, go slow, hasten, inch forward, lend wings to, make for, muddle through, press forward, press on, promote, push, push on, put forward, quicken, set forward, speed
push in
[edit]- push in, admit, barge in, be admitted, break in, break in upon, breeze in, burst in, bust in, butt in, charge in, come barging in, come between, come breezing in, come busting in, come in, cram in, crash, crash in, crash the gates, creep in, cross the threshold, crowd in, cut in, drive in, drop in, edge in, elbow in, encroach, enter, entrench, foist in, force in, gain admittance, get in, go in, go into, have an entree, have an in, hop in, horn in, impact, impinge, impose, impose on, impose upon, infiltrate, infringe, insert, insinuate, interfere, interlope, interpose, intervene, intrude, invade, irrupt, jam in, jump in, knock in, look in, obtrude, pack in, plunge in, poke in, pop in, pound in, press in, put in, put on, put upon, ram in, run in, rush in, set foot in, slink in, slip in, smash in, sneak in, squeeze in, steal in, step in, storm in, stuff in, take in, tamp in, throng in, thrust in, trench, trespass, visit, wedge in, work in, worm in
push on
[edit]- push on, accelerate, bundle, bustle, chase, crowd, dash, dash off, dash on, dispatch, double-time, drive on, expedite, fare, festinate, forge ahead, forward, get going, get moving, go, go slow, haste, hasten, hasten on, hie, hie on, hurry, hurry along, hurry on, hurry through, hurry up, hurry-scurry, hustle, hustle up, inch forward, journey, leap, lose no time, make haste, move quickly, muddle through, pass, plunge, post, precipitate, press, press forward, press on, proceed, process, push, push forward, push through, quicken, race, railroad through, repair, run, rush, rush along, rush through, scamper, scramble, scurry, scuttle, speed, speed along, speed up, spur, spurt, stampede, tear, travel, urge, wend, whip, whip along
[edit]- push, accelerate, actuate, advance, advance against, advance upon, adventuresomeness, adventurousness, advertise, advocate, aggrandize, aggravated assault, aggression, aggressiveness, ambition, ambitiousness, amperage, amphibious attack, apply pressure, armed assault, armipotence, ask, assailing, assailment, assault, attack, augment, authority, badger, ballyhoo, bang, banzai attack, bear, bear down upon, bear upon, bearing, beat it, beef, beef up, beg, beset, besiege, black power, black-market, black-marketeer, blandish, blitz, blitzkrieg, boost, bootleg, bowl, breakthrough, browbeat, brush aside, brush off, brute force, buck, bug, build, bull, bulldoze, bully, bullyrag, bump, bump against, bunch, bundle, bunt, burden, bustle, butt, butt against, buttonhole, cajole, call on, call upon, campaign, charge, charisma, circle, climacteric, clout, clutch, coax, coerce, cogence, cogency, compel, compound, compulsion, constrain, constraint, continue, convergence of events, counterattack, counteroffensive, coup de main, cow, cram, crippling attack, crisis, critical juncture, critical point, crossroads, crowd, crucial period, crunch, crush, dash, dead set at, deny, depart, depress, descent on, determination, die trying, dig, dint, dismissal, dispatch, diversion, diversionary attack, domineer, dragoon, drive, drive on, driving force, drove, dun, duress, dynamism, eagerness, effect, effectiveness, effectuality, effort, egg on, elbow, emergency, encourage, energy, enlarge, enterprise, enterprisingness, enthusiasm, entreat, exert pressure, exhort, exigency, expand, expedite, extremity, fence, fire, flank, flank attack, flower power, foray, force, force majeure, forcefulness, forge ahead, forward, frontal attack, full blast, full force, gas, gas attack, get, get moving, get-up-and-get, get-up-and-go, getup, ginger, go, go ahead, go all out, go away, go slow, go-ahead, go-getting, go-to-itiveness, goad, group, gumption, harass, haste, hasten, hasten on, head, head-on attack, hie on, high-pressure, hinge, hit the road, horde, hound, hunch, hurry, hurry along, hurry on, hurry up, hurtle, hustle, hustle up, hype, impel, impetus, importune, impulse, impulsion, incentive, inch forward, incitation, incite, incitement, incursion, induce, infiltrate, infiltration, influence, initiative, insist, insist upon, instigation, intimidate, invasion, jab, jam, jawbone, jog, joggle, jolt, jostle, kick, launch, launch an attack, leave, light out, lightning attack, lightning war, lobby, lot, magnify, main force, main strength, make, make things hum, mana, march against, march upon, mass attack, megadeath, might, might and main, mightiness, mobilize, moonshine, motivate, motive power, mount an attack, move, moxie, muddle through, mugging, multitude, muscle power, nag, nag at, notice, nudge, offense, offensive, onset, onslaught, open an offensive, overburden, overkill, oversell, overstrain, overtax, panzer warfare, pass, pedal, peddle, pep, pepper, persuade, pester, pile drive, pinch, piss and vinegar, pizzazz, plague, plead with, plug, ply, poke, pole, poop, potence, potency, potentiality, power, power pack, power structure, power struggle, powerfulness, precipitate, prepotency, press, press forward, press on, pressure, proceed, prod, productiveness, productivity, promote, prompt, propagandize, propel, propellant, propelling, propelment, propulsion, publicize, puff, puissance, pull, pulsion, punch, push forward, push off, push on, push through, pushfulness, pushiness, pushing, pushingness, quicken, raid, railroad, railroad through, ram, ram down, rash impulse, rattle, rebuff, recommend, reject, roll, rouse, row, rub, run, run against, run at, rush, rush along, sail away, sally, scram, scramble, set, set in motion, shake, shock tactics, shoot ahead, shoulder, shove, shove off, shoving, shunt, sinew, skedaddle, snap, soft-soap, sortie, speed, speed along, speed up, spirit, spunk, spur, squab, squash, squeeze, squish, stampede, starch, steam, step lively, stimulate, strain, strait, strength, stress, strike, strong arm, superiority, superpower, sweep, sweep along, sweet-talk, take off, tamp, tax, tease, the boot, the sack, throng, thrust, torment, treadle, troll, trundle, try, try again, try and try, try hard, turn, turning point, tyrannize, unprovoked assault, up-and-comingness, urge, urgency, validity, vehemence, venturesomeness, venturousness, verve, vigor, vim, virility, virtue, virulence, vitality, walking papers, wattage, weight, wheedle, whip, whip along, work on, zeal, zing, zip
[edit]- pusher, Mafioso, black marketeer, bootlegger, dealer, double-prop, drug pusher, gray marketeer, moonshiner, multi-prop, piston plane, propeller plane, propjet, pusher plane, racketeer, single-prop, tractor, turbo-prop, turbo-propeller plane, twin-prop
[edit]- pushful, assertive, assured, brash, confident, forward, imposing, intrusive, militant, obtrusive, officious, overweening, presuming, pushing, pushy, self-asserting, self-assertive, self-confident, uppish, uppity
[edit]- pushing, adventuresome, adventurous, aggressive, ambitious, assertive, brash, busy, busybody, driving, dynamic, enterprising, forceful, forward, go-ahead, hustling, impertinent, inquisitive, meddlesome, meddling, militant, motive, nosy, officious, overweening, presuming, presumptuous, propellant, propelling, propulsive, propulsory, prying, pulsive, pushful, pushy, self-appointed, self-asserting, self-assertive, shoving, snoopy, up-and-coming, uppish, uppity, venturesome, venturous
[edit]- pushover, Cadmean victory, KO, Milquetoast, Pyrrhic victory, ascendancy, babe, baby, big baby, boob, breeze, championship, chicken, chump, cinch, cipher, conquest, credulous person, crybaby, cull, doormat, duck, dud, dull tool, dummy, dupe, easy mark, easy pickings, easy target, easy thing, easy victory, fall guy, fish, fool, gobe-mouches, grand slam, greener, greenhorn, greeny, gudgeon, gull, gutless wonder, hollow man, innocent, invertebrate, jackstraw, jellyfish, knockout, landslide, landslide victory, lay figure, lead-pipe cinch, leadpipe cinch, lightweight, man of straw, mastery, meek soul, milksop, mollycoddle, monkey, moral victory, mug, namby-pamby, nebbish, nobody, nonentity, nothing, nullity, pansy, pantywaist, patsy, picnic, pie, piece of cake, pigeon, pipe, plaything, prize sap, puppet, runaway victory, sad sack, sap, saphead, schlemiel, setup, sinecure, sissy, sitting duck, snap, soft touch, softling, softy, sop, stooge, subdual, subduing, success, sucker, sure thing, thing of naught, total victory, toy, trifle, triumph, trusting soul, velvet, victim, victory, walkaway, walkover, weak sister, weakling, win, winning, winning streak, zero
[edit]- pushy, adventuresome, adventurous, aggressive, ambitious, arrogant, assertive, audacious, bold, brash, brassy, brazen, bumptious, busy, busybody, cheeky, cocky, cold, controlled, contumelious, cool, disdainful, driving, dynamic, enterprising, familiar, firm-minded, forceful, forward, go-ahead, hubristic, hustling, impertinent, importunate, independent, inquisitive, insolent, insulting, loud, meddlesome, meddling, militant, nosy, obnoxious, obtrusive, offensive, officious, overpresumptuous, overweening, presuming, presumptuous, procacious, prying, pushful, pushing, self-appointed, self-asserting, self-assertive, self-controlled, self-expressive, self-possessed, self-restrained, showy, snoopy, strong-minded, strong-willed, up-and-coming, uppish, uppity, venturesome, venturous
[edit]- puss, Cheshire cat, Chinchilla cat, Maltese cat, alley cat, blue cat, bud, calico cat, cat, chick, chickabiddy, child, countenance, dial, face, facies, favor, features, feline, gib, gib-cat, grimalkin, house cat, juvenile, kid, kisser, kit, kitling, kitten, kitty, kitty-cat, lineaments, map, moppet, mouser, mug, mush, muzzle, nipper, pan, phiz, physiognomy, pussy, pussycat, silver cat, tabby, tabby cat, tiger cat, tom, tomcat, tortoise-shell cat, visage, youngster
[edit]- pussycat, Cheshire cat, Chinchilla cat, Maltese cat, Miss America, alley cat, bathing beauty, beau ideal, beaut, beauty, beauty contest winner, beauty queen, belle, blue cat, brick, bunny, calico cat, cat, charmer, cover girl, crackerjack, dazzler, doll, dream, enchantress, feline, gib, gib-cat, good Joe, good egg, good guy, great beauty, grimalkin, house cat, kit, kitling, kitten, kitty, kitty-cat, knockout, lady fair, likely lad, looker, model, mouser, nice guy, no slouch, paragon, peach, pinup, pinup girl, puss, pussy, raving beauty, reigning beauty, sex kitten, silver cat, slick chick, stout fellow, stunner, tabby, tabby cat, tiger cat, tom, tomcat, tortoise-shell cat, trump
[edit]- pussyfoot, about the bush, around the bush, be careful, be cautious, beat about, beat around, beg the question, bicker, boggle, cavil, choplogic, couch, crawl, creep, dodge, duck, equivocate, evade, evade the issue, fence, glide, go on tiptoe, grovel, gumshoe, hedge, hem and haw, hesitate, hum and haw, inch, inch along, lay wait, lie in wait, lurk, make haste slowly, mystify, nightwalk, nitpick, obscure, pad, palter, parry, pick nits, prevaricate, prowl, pull away, pull back, put off, quibble, recoil, scrabble, scramble, shadow, sheer off, shift, shift off, shrink, shuffle, shy, shy away, shy off, sidestep, sidle, skulk, slide, slink, slip, snake, sneak, split hairs, stalk, steal, steal along, step aside, swerve, take it easy, tergiversate, think twice, tippytoe, tiptoe, walk on eggshells, ward off, weasel, worm, worm along
[edit]- pussyfooting, Washingtonese, all fours, bickering, boggling, bunkum, captious, captiousness, caviling, chicane, chicanery, choplogic, crawl, crawling, creep, creeping, dodging, equivocation, equivocatory, evasion, evasive, federalese, fencing, gobbledygook, gumshoeing, hairsplitting, hedging, logic-chopping, nightwalking, nit-picking, official jargon, officialese, padding, paltering, parrying, pettifoggery, petty, picayune, political doubletalk, prevarication, prowling, quibbling, scrabble, scramble, shifting, shuffling, sidestepping, sidling, slinking, snaking, sneaking, stealing, subterfuge, tergiversation, tippytoe, tiptoe, tiptoeing, trichoschistic, trichoschistism, trifling, trivial, worming
[edit]- pustule, abscess, aposteme, bed sore, birthmark, blackhead, blain, bleb, blemish, blister, boil, bubo, bulla, bump, bunion, canker, canker sore, carbuncle, chancre, chancroid, check, chilblain, cicatrix, cold sore, comedo, corn, crack, crater, craze, cyst, defacement, defect, deformation, deformity, dilatation, dilation, disfiguration, disfigurement, distension, distortion, edema, eschar, fault, felon, fester, festering, fever blister, fistula, flaw, freckle, furuncle, furunculus, gathering, gumboil, hemangioma, hemorrhoids, hickey, intumescence, keloid, kibe, kink, lentigo, lesion, lump, milium, mole, needle scar, nevus, papula, papule, paronychia, parulis, petechia, piles, pimple, pit, pock, pockmark, polyp, port-wine mark, port-wine stain, rift, rising, scab, scar, scratch, sebaceous cyst, soft chancre, sore, split, stigma, strawberry mark, sty, suppuration, swell, swelling, swollenness, track, tubercle, tumefaction, tumescence, tumidity, tumor, turgescence, turgescency, turgidity, twist, ulcer, ulceration, verruca, vesicle, wale, warp, wart, weal, welt, wen, wheal, whelk, whitehead, whitlow, wound
put about
[edit]- put about, about ship, back and fill, bear away, bear off, bear to starboard, beat, beat about, box off, break, bring about, bring round, cant, cant round, cast, cast about, change course, change the heading, come about, discommode, disoblige, double a point, fetch about, go about, gybe, heave round, heel, incommode, jibe, jibe all standing, miss stays, pivot, pivot about, ply, put back, put out, round, round a point, sheer, shift, slew, spin, swerve, swing, swing round, swing the stern, swivel, tack, throw about, trouble, turn, turn about, turn around, turn back, turn round, turn tail, veer, veer around, wear, wear ship, wheel, wheel about, whirl, wind, yaw
put across
[edit]- put across, accomplish, achieve, bring about, bring off, bring through, bring to effect, bring to pass, carry into execution, carry off, carry out, carry through, clarify, come through with, compass, crown with success, deceive, do the trick, elucidate, explain, explicate, foist on, get across, get by, get over, get through, implement, impose on, impose upon, make clear, make it clear, pass off on, pass the buck, play on, popularize, presume upon, pull off, put on, put over, put through, put upon, shift the blame, shift the responsibility, simplify, spell out, take advantage of, turn the trick, vulgarize, work on
put aside
[edit]- put aside, abandon, adjourn, bolt, brush aside, brush off, carry away, carry off, cart away, conserve, continue, cordon, cordon off, cull out, defer, delay, delocalize, dislodge, dismiss, displace, divide, drag out, drop the subject, extend, forget, forget about it, forget it, ghettoize, gin, hang fire, hang up, hold back, hold off, hold over, hold up, husband, insulate, isolate, keep, keep apart, keep aside, keep back, keep by one, keep in reserve, keep in store, keep on hand, lay aside, lay away, lay by, lay over, let it go, let slip, manhandle, move, pick out, pigeonhole, postpone, preserve, prolong, prorogate, prorogue, protract, push aside, put apart, put away, put by, put in mothballs, put off, put on ice, quarantine, recess, relocate, remove, reserve, retain, riddle, save, save up, screen, seclude, segregate, send, separate, set apart, set aside, set by, shelve, shift, shift off, shrug off, shunt, side, sideline, sieve, sift, sleep on, sneeze at, sort out, stand over, stave off, stay, store, stow, stretch out, suspend, table, table the motion, take a recess, take away, think nothing of, thrash, thresh, thrust aside, turn away from, waive, winnow, withhold
put away
[edit]- put away, accomplish, achieve, annihilate, assassinate, attain, bank, bereave of life, bosom, bottle up, bump off, bundle away, bury, cache, carry away, carry off, chloroform, coffer, compass, consume, consummate, cool, cut down, cut off, deal with, delay, deposit, deprive of life, destroy, devour, discharge, dismiss, dispatch, dispose of, divorce, do, do away with, do for, do in, do the job, do the trick, do to death, down, dust off, eat up, effect, effectuate, embosom, enact, end, entomb, execute, exterminate, fetch, file, file and forget, finish, finish off, fulfill, get away with, get down, grant a divorce, grant an annulment, hide away, hutch, immolate, ingest, inhume, inter, keep hidden, keep secret, kill, knock off, launch into eternity, lay aside, lay away, lay by, lay down, lay in, lay in store, lay low, liquidate, lock up, lodge, lynch, make, make away with, manage, martyr, martyrize, obtain a divorce, pack away, part, perform, pigeonhole, plant, poison, polish off, postpone, produce, punish, purge, push aside, put aside, put asunder, put down, put in mothballs, put to death, put to sleep, realize, remove from life, reposit, reservoir, sacrifice, salt away, salt down, scrag, seal up, secrete, separate, sepulcher, sepulture, set aside, set by, shelve, shift, sideline, slay, split up, starve, stash, store, store away, stow, stow away, stow down, succeed, sue for divorce, surround, swallow, swill, table, table the motion, take care of, take down, take in, take life, take off, tomb, tuck in, turn the trick, unmarry, untie the knot, warehouse, work, work out
put back
[edit]- put back, about ship, aggravate, back and fill, bear away, bear off, bear to starboard, beat, beat about, beat back, beat off, block, box off, break, bring about, bring back, bring round, brush off, cant, cant round, cast, cast about, change course, change the heading, chase, chase away, chase off, check, come about, come back, come home, counter, cut, damage, deteriorate, dilapidate, dismiss, double, double a point, double back, drive away, drive back, embitter, endamage, exacerbate, extradite, fend, fend off, fetch about, give back, go about, go back, go home, gybe, harm, heave round, hinder, hold at bay, hold off, hurt, impair, injure, irritate, jibe, jibe all standing, keep at bay, keep off, make worse, miss stays, obstruct, pack off, parry, place in, ply, push back, put about, reactivate, rebuff, recommit, reconstitute, reconvert, recruit, reenact, reestablish, refill, reform, refuse, rehabilitate, reinstall, reinstate, reinstitute, reintegrate, reinvest, remand, remit, repatriate, repel, replace, replenish, repulse, restore, return, revest, round a point, send away, send back, send off, send packing, sheer, shift, slew, snub, spurn, stave off, stop, swerve, swing round, swing the stern, tack, take back, throw about, thrust back, turn, turn aside, turn back, veer, ward off, weaken, wear, wear ship, wind, worsen, yaw
put down
[edit]- put down, Parthian shot, abase, abasement, abash, account for, accredit with, accrete to, acknowledge, affront, annihilate, ante, ante up, apply to, ascribe to, aspersion, asphyxiate, assign to, atrocity, attach to, attribute to, back answer, barrack, be above, be contemptuous of, belittle, bend, bereave of life, blame, blame for, blame on, book, bottle up, break, brickbat, bring down, bring home to, bring into discredit, bring low, burden with, calendar, call names, care nothing for, carry away, carry off, carve, catalog, caustic remark, censor, chaff, chalk, chalk up, charge, charge on, charge to, check in, chloroform, choke, choke off, chronicle, clamp down on, comeback, comedown, confess, connect with, conquer, contemn, contempt, contumely, cork, cork up, crack, crack down on, credit with, crush, cry down, cut, cut at, cut down, cut off, cutting remark, damp down, debase, debasement, decry, deflation, degrade, demand, demean, denigrate, deposit, deprecate, depreciate, deprive of life, deride, derogate from, descent, despise, despite, destroy, detract from, dig, dig at, diminish, disapprove of, discommend, discredit, disdain, disgrace, dishonor, disoblige, disparage, dispatch, dispose of, dispraise, disprize, disvalue, do away with, do for, do to death, docket, drown, dump, dump on, eclipse, embarrassment, end, engrave, enjoin, enormity, enroll, enscroll, enter, exact, execute, exterminate, extinguish, fake out, fasten upon, father upon, feel contempt for, feel superior to, fell, file, fill out, finish, finish off, fix on, fix upon, flatten, fleer, fleer at, flout, flouting, foolery, freight with, gag, gibe, gibe at, gibing retort, give offense to, grave, hand over, hang on, hangdog look, hold beneath one, hold cheap, hold down, hold in contempt, humble, humbled pride, humiliate, humiliation, hurl a brickbat, immolate, impanel, impose, impose on, impose upon, impute to, incise, index, indignity, inflict on, inflict upon, injury, inscribe, insert, insult, jab, jab at, jape, jeer, jeer at, jeering, jest, jibe at, jot down, jump on, keep down, keep under, kill, knock, launch into eternity, lay, lay down, lay on, lay to, leg-pull, letdown, levy, liquidate, list, lodge, log, look down upon, lower, lynch, make a memorandum, make a note, make an entry, make away with, make little of, make out, mark down, martyr, martyrize, master, matriculate, minimize, minute, misprize, mock, mockery, mortification, muzzle, note, note down, offend, offense, outrage, override, overshadow, parting shot, pay over, pin on, pinpoint, place, place upon, place upon record, point to, poison, poll, pooh, pooh-pooh, post, post up, pour water on, prostrate, purge, put, put away, put in writing, put on, put on paper, put on tape, put out, put to death, put to shame, put to sleep, put up, put upon, put-on, quash, quell, quench, quip, rail at, rally, rank low, rank out, record, reduce, reduce to writing, refer to, reflect discredit upon, register, remove from life, repose, reposit, repress, rest, revile, ride down, ridicule, rude reproach, run down, sacrifice, saddle on, saddle with, scoff, scoff at, scorn, scout, scurrility, self-abasement, self-abnegation, self-diminishment, set, set at naught, set down, set down to, setdown, settle upon, shame, shamefacedness, shamefastness, short answer, show up, shut down on, silence, sit down on, sit on, slam, slap, slap at, slay, slight, smash, smother, sneer, sneer at, sneeze at, sniff at, snort at, snuff out, speak ill of, squash, squelch, stamp out, stanch, starve, stifle, strangle, stultify, subdue, subject to, subjugate, submit to indignity, suffocate, suppress, swipe, tabulate, take down, take life, take off, tape, tape-record, task, taunt, tax, think nothing of, throttle, trample down, trample out, trample underfoot, tread underfoot, treat with indignity, trip up, twit, uncomplimentary remark, vanquish, verbal thrust, videotape, weight down with, write, write down, write in, write out, write up, yoke with
put forth
[edit]- put forth, advance, advertise, air, articulate, be off, blazon forth, brandish, breathe, bring before, bring forward, bring out, bring up, broach, bud, burgeon, burst forth, chime, chorus, come out with, commend to attention, communicate, convey, dangle, deliver, demonstrate, disclose, display, emblazon, emit, employ, enunciate, exercise, exert, exhibit, express, flash, flaunt, fling off, flourish, formulate, gemmate, germinate, get off, get out, give, give expression, give forth, give out with, give tongue, give utterance, give voice, go forth, grow, grow rank, hold up, impart, introduce, issue, issue forth, launch, lay before, leaf, leaf out, leave, let out, lip, luxuriate, make a motion, manifest, moot, move, offer a resolution, open up, out with, outset, outstart, overgrow, overrun, parade, phonate, phrase, ply, pose, postulate, pour forth, prefer, present, pronounce, propose, proposition, propound, pullulate, put forth leaves, put forward, put in words, put it to, put out, put out buds, raise, recommend, riot, root, sally, sally forth, say, send forth, set before, set forth, set forward, set off, set out, shoot, shoot up, sound, sport, sprout, sprout up, start, start off, start out, strike out, strike root, submit, suggest, take root, tell, throw off, trumpet, trumpet forth, upspear, upsprout, use, utter, vaunt, vegetate, verbalize, vocalize, voice, wave, whisper, word