Appendix:Moby Thesaurus II/80
[edit]- soviet, British Cabinet, Sanhedrin, US Cabinet, advisory body, assembly, association, bench, bicameral legislature, board, board of aldermen, body of advisers, borough council, brain trust, cabinet, camarilla, chamber, chamber of deputies, city board, city council, commission, common council, conference, congress, consultative assembly, council, council fire, council of ministers, council of state, council of war, county council, court, deliberative assembly, diet, directory, divan, federal assembly, general assembly, house of assembly, junta, kitchen cabinet, legislative assembly, legislative body, legislative chamber, legislature, lower chamber, lower house, national assembly, parish council, parliament, privy council, provincial legislature, provincial parliament, representative town meeting, staff, state assembly, state legislature, syndicate, synod, town meeting, tribunal, unicameral legislature, upper chamber, upper house
[edit]- sow, Partlet, barrow, bed, bestrew, biddy, bitch, boar, bossy, broadcast, brood mare, bullion, button, cast, casting, circumfuse, cow, deal out, dibble, diffract, diffuse, dispense, disperse, dispread, disseminate, distribute, diverge, doe, drill, ewe, ewe lamb, fan out, filly, forest, gate, gilt, guinea hen, gyp, heifer, hen, hind, hog, implant, ingot, inseminate, issue, jenny, lioness, mare, nanny, nanny goat, overscatter, oversow, overspread, peahen, pig, piggy, piglet, pigling, pitch, plant, porker, pot, propagate, publish, put in, radiate, razorback, reforest, regulus, reset, retail, retimber, roe, scatter, scatter seed, seed, seed down, seminate, set, she-bear, she-goat, she-lion, sheet metal, shoat, slut, sow broadcast, splay, spread, spread out, straw, strew, suckling pig, swine, tigress, toss, transplant, tusker, utter, vixen, wild boar
[edit]- spa, bagnio, balneae, balneum, bath, bathhouse, bathroom, baths, caldarium, casino, club, clubhouse, gambling house, gathering place, hangout, haunt, health resort, hot spring, lavatory, meeting place, mikvah, mineral spring, public baths, pump house, pump room, purlieu, rallying point, resort, rest room, sauna, springs, stamping ground, steam room, sudarium, sudatorium, sweat room, tepidarium, thermae, washroom, watering place, waters
space capsule
[edit]- space capsule, Earth insertion, LEM, LM, apogee, attitude-control rocket, ballistic capsule, burn, capsule, deep-space ship, docking, docking maneuver, ferry rocket, fuel ship, injection, insertion, lunar excursion module, lunar module, manned rocket, module, moon ship, multistage rocket, orbit, parking orbit, perigee, reentry, rocket, shuttle rocket, soft landing, space docking, space rocket, spacecraft, spaceship
space probe
[edit]- space probe, ATDA, ATS, Alouette, Anna, Apollo, Ariel, Atlas-Score, Biosatellite, Comsat, Cosmos, Courier, Diapason, Discoverer, ERS, Early Bird, Echo, Elektron, Explorer, GATV, Gemini, Injun, Intelsat, Lofti, Luna, Lunar Orbiter, Lunik, Mariner, Mars probes, Mercury, Midas, Nimbus, OAO, OGO, OSO, Pageos, Pegasus, Pioneer, Proton, Ranger, Relay, Samos, San Marco, Secor, Sputnik, Surveyor, Syncom, Telstar, Transit, Vanguard, Viking, Voskhod, WRESAT, Zond, artificial satellite, artificial satellites, communications satellite, geo probe, geodetic satellite, geophysical satellite, navigational satellite, probe, research satellite, robot satellite, satellite, space satellite, spacecraft, sputnik, unmanned satellite, weather satellite
space time
[edit]- space time, 3-D, Einstein theory, chronology, continuity, continuum theory, cosmic constant, cubic, dimensional, duration, duree, flat, four-dimensional geometry, four-dimensional space, fourth dimension, fourth-dimensional, lastingness, other continuums, period, principle of equivalence, principle of relativity, proportional, psychological time, relativity, space, space-time continuum, spatial, spatiotemporal, spherical, stereoscopic, superficial, surface, tense, term, the future, the past, the present, theory of relativity, three-dimensional, tide, time, time-space, timebinding, two-dimensional, volumetric, while
space walk
[edit]- space walk, aerospace medicine, aerospace research, aerospace science, aerospace technology, astronautics, bioastronautics, break free, escape earth, escape velocity, go into orbit, grand tour, interplanetary travel, navigate in space, orbit the earth, park in space, rocketry, science fiction, shoot into space, space flight, space medicine, space travel, step flight, trip to Mars
[edit]- space, 3-D, CAT, accommodation, aerospace, aerosphere, aesthetic distance, air hole, air pocket, airspace, alien, align, allocate, allot, amount, ample scope, amplitude, aperture, apportion, area, arrange, array, astronomical unit, bar, bar line, belt, berth, bit, blank, blank check, brace, breadth, break, broaching, bump, burden, caesura, caliber, capacity, carte blanche, cavity, ceiling, celestial spaces, chaos, chasm, check, chronology, clearance, clearing, cleft, collocate, compass, compose, confines, content, continental shelf, continuity, cordage, corridor, cosmic space, country, crack, crosswind, cubic, cut, day, deal, deal out, deep space, degree, department, depths of space, dimensional, disclosure, discontinuity, dispart, dispose, distance, distance between, distribute, district, divergence, division, double space, duration, duree, elbowroom, em, em quad, em space, empty space, en, en quad, en space, environs, ether space, expanse, expansion, extent, exterrestrial, extramundane, extrasolar, extraterrene, extraterrestrial, farness, fateful moment, favorable wind, fenestra, field, fistula, five-em space, fix, flat, fog, fontanel, foramen, four-em space, fourth-dimensional, free course, free hand, free play, free scope, freeboard, front, full scope, full swing, gap, gape, gat, grade, ground, gulf, hair space, half space, head wind, heartland, height, hiatus, high-pressure area, hinterland, hole, hollow, hour, infinity, inlet, instant, interim, intermediate space, intermission, interruption, interspace, interstellar space, interstice, interval, ionosphere, jetstream, jump, juncture, justification space, justifying space, kairos, keep apart, lacuna, land, lapse, lastingness, latitude, lay out, laying open, leak, leap, ledger line, leeway, length, level, light-year, light-years, limit, line, line up, long rope, low-pressure area, make a space, maneuvering space, margin, mark, marshal, measure, measure out, metagalactic space, mileage, milieu, minute, moment, moment of truth, neighborhood, no holds barred, notch, nuance, ocean of emptiness, offshore rights, open space, opening, opening up, order, organize, orifice, otherworldly, outer space, outlet, overcast, parcel out, parsec, parsecs, part, parts, pas, passageway, patent space, pause, peg, period, perspective, piece, pitch, place, plane, plateau, play, pocket, point, pore, poundage, precincts, pregnant moment, premises, pressureless space, proportion, proportional, psychological moment, psychological time, purlieus, quad, quadrat, quantity, quarter, rally, range, rank, ratio, reach, regiment, region, remoteness, remove, room, rope, roughness, round, rung, salient, scale, scope, sea room, season, seat, section, separate, separation, set apart, set at intervals, set out, shade, shadow, single space, slot, slug, soil, soup, space between, space out, space-time, spaceband, spaciousness, span, spatial, spatiotemporal, spell, spherical, split, spread, staff, stage, stair, standard, stave, step, stereoscopic, stint, stoma, stowage, stratosphere, stretch, stride, substratosphere, superficial, surface, swing, tail wind, tense, term, terrain, territory, the future, the past, the present, the void, the void above, thick space, thin space, three-dimensional, three-mile limit, throwing open, tide, time, time interval, time lag, timebinding, tolerance, tonnage, transcendental, transmundane, tread, tropopause, troposphere, trough, turbulence, twelve-mile limit, two-dimensional, uncorking, unstopping, vicinage, vicinity, visibility, visibility zero, volume, volumetric, wait, way, ways, whet, while, wide berth, yawn, zone
[edit]- spacecraft, ATDA, ATS, Alouette, Anna, Apollo, Ariel, Atlas-Score, Biosatellite, Comsat, Cosmos, Courier, Diapason, Discoverer, ERS, Early Bird, Earth insertion, Echo, Elektron, Explorer, GATV, Gemini, Injun, Intelsat, LEM, LM, Lofti, Luna, Lunar Orbiter, Lunik, Mariner, Mars probes, Mercury, Midas, Nimbus, OAO, OGO, OSO, Pageos, Pegasus, Pioneer, Proton, Ranger, Relay, Samos, San Marco, Secor, Sputnik, Surveyor, Syncom, Telstar, Transit, Vanguard, Viking, Voskhod, WRESAT, Zond, apogee, artificial satellites, attitude-control rocket, ballistic capsule, burn, capsule, deep-space ship, docking, docking maneuver, ferry rocket, fuel ship, injection, insertion, lunar excursion module, lunar module, manned rocket, module, moon ship, multistage rocket, orbit, parking orbit, perigee, reentry, rocket, shuttle rocket, soft landing, space capsule, space docking, space rocket, spaceship
spaced out
[edit]- spaced out, addicted, addicted to, asleep, cataleptic, catatonic, cold, comatose, dead, dependent, dependent on, doped, drugged, habituated, habitue, half-conscious, hooked, hooked on, in a rut, interspaced, intervaled, narcotized, never free from, nirvanic, oblivious, out, out cold, out of it, parted, removed, semiconscious, senseless, separated, set at intervals, spaced, stoned, strung out, unconscious, used to, with an interval, with intervals, zonked, zonked out
[edit]- spaceship, Earth insertion, LEM, LM, apogee, attitude-control rocket, ballistic capsule, burn, capsule, deep-space ship, docking, docking maneuver, ferry rocket, fuel ship, injection, insertion, lunar excursion module, lunar module, manned rocket, module, moon ship, multistage rocket, orbit, parking orbit, perigee, reentry, rocket, shuttle rocket, soft landing, space capsule, space docking, space rocket, spacecraft
[edit]- spacious, Gargantuan, ample, amplitudinous, astronomical, awesome, big, boundless, broad, bulky, capacious, colossal, commodious, comprehensive, copious, cosmic, deep, enormous, expansive, extended, extending, extensive, far-reaching, full, galactic, generous, gigantic, great, huge, immeasurable, immense, infinite, king-size, large, mammoth, massive, massy, monster, monstrous, monumental, mountainous, outsize, outsized, overgrown, oversized, prodigious, roomy, sizable, sizeable, spreading, stupendous, titanic, tremendous, vast, voluminous, weighty, wide, widespread
[edit]- spade, American Indian, Amerind, Australian aborigine, Bushman, Caucasian, Indian, Malayan, Mister Charley, Mongolian, Negrillo, Negrito, Negro, Oriental, Red Indian, WASP, ace, backset, bail, best bower, black, black man, blackfellow, bore, bower, boy, brown man, bucket, burrhead, burrow, cards, clubs, colored person, coon, cultivate, culture, cup, cut, darky, decant, deck, delve, deuce, diamonds, dig, dig out, dike, dip, dish, dish out, dish up, dredge, dress, drill, drive, dummy, excavate, face cards, fallow, fertilize, flush, force, fork, full house, furrow, gook, gouge, gouge out, groove, grub, hand, harrow, hearts, hoe, honky, jack, jigaboo, joker, jungle bunny, king, knave, ladle, left bower, list, lower, mine, mulch, nigger, niggra, ofay, pack, pair, paleface, picture cards, playing cards, plow, pour, prune, pygmy, quarry, queen, rake, red man, redskin, round, royal flush, rubber, ruff, sap, scoop, scoop out, scrabble, scrape, scratch, shovel, singleton, sink, slant-eye, spades, spoon, straight, the Man, thin, thin out, till, till the soil, trench, trey, trick, trough, trump, tunnel, weed, weed out, white, white man, whitey, work, yellow man
[edit]- spadework, arrangement, basic training, briefing, clearing the decks, dirty work, donkeywork, drudgery, employment, equipment, fag, familiarization, fatigue, fixing, foundation, grind, groundwork, handiwork, handwork, industry, labor, lick, lick of work, makeready, making ready, manual labor, manufacture, mobilization, moil, planning, prearrangement, preliminaries, preliminary, preliminary act, preliminary step, prep, preparation, preparatory study, preparing, prepping, prerequisite, pretreatment, processing, propaedeutic, provision, rat race, readying, scut work, slavery, stroke, stroke of work, sweat, task, tiresome work, toil, training, travail, treadmill, treatment, trial, tryout, warm-up, work
[edit]- span, Bifrost, a breath, accouple, accumulate, ace, aesthetic distance, agglutinate, amass, amplitude, appraise, appreciate, apse, arcade, arcature, arch, arch over, arched roof, archway, articulate, assay, assemble, assess, associate, band, bascule bridge, bateau bridge, beam, bestraddle, bestride, bit, bond, both, bowshot, brace, bracket, breadth, bridge, bridge over, brief span, broadness, calculate, calibrate, caliper, camber, cantilever bridge, carry, catwalk, ceilinged roof, cement, chain, check a parameter, clap together, clearance, close quarters, close range, collect, combine, compass, comprise, compute, concameration, concatenate, concha, conglobulate, conjoin, conjugate, connect, copulate, couple, couple up, couplet, course, cove, cover, crack, cross, cupola, day, deep space, depths of space, dial, distance, distance across, distich, divergence, divide, dome, double harness, double-harness, double-team, doublet, drawbridge, duad, duet, duo, duration, dyad, earreach, earshot, embrace, encompass, environ, equipage, estimate, evaluate, expanse, extend, extend over, extension, extent, farness, fateful moment, fathom, floating bridge, flyover, footbridge, four-in-hand, fullness, gangboard, gangplank, gangway, gather, gauge, geodesic dome, glue, go, go out, go over, graduate, gunshot, hair, hair space, hairbreadth, hairsbreadth, hang over, hold, hour, igloo, imbricate, inch, include, infinity, instant, interval, join, juncture, jut, kairos, keystone, knot, lap, lap over, latitude, lay together, league, leeway, length, lengthiness, lie, lie over, lift bridge, light-years, linear measures, link, little, little bit, little ways, little while, long time, longitude, longness, lump together, margin, marry, marshal, mass, match, mate, mates, measure, mensurate, merge, mete, meter, mileage, minute, mobilize, moment, moment of truth, no time, ogive, overall length, overarch, overbridge, overcrossing, overhang, overlap, overlie, overpass, override, pace, pair, pair of winks, pair off, parsecs, period, perpetuity, perspective, piece, piece together, pistol shot, plumb, point, pontoon bridge, pregnant moment, prize, probe, psychological moment, put together, quantify, quantize, randem, range, rate, reach, reach out, remoteness, rig, roll into one, rope bridge, run, season, separation, set of two, shingle, short distance, short piece, short spell, short time, short way, size, size up, skewback, small space, solder, sound, space, spell, spike, spike team, spitting distance, splice, spread, spurt, stage, step, stepping-stone, stepstone, stick together, straddle, stretch, stretch out, stride, surround, survey, suspension bridge, sweep, swing bridge, take a reading, take in, tandem, tape, team, team up, term, the two, three-up, thrust out, tie, time, time lag, toll bridge, triangulate, turnout, twain, two, two shakes, twosome, unicorn, unify, unite, valuate, value, vault, vaulting, viaduct, voussoir, way, ways, weigh, weld, while, wideness, width, yardage, yoke
[edit]- spangle, adorn, band, bar, bead, bejewel, beribbon, bespangle, bespeckle, bespot, blink, blinking, blotch, check, checker, coruscate, coruscation, dapple, decorate, diamond, dot, engrave, feather, figure, filigree, firefly, flag, flake, fleck, flounce, flower, freckle, garland, gem, gleam, glimmer, glimmering, glisk, glisten, glister, glitter, glittering, glowworm, harlequin, illuminate, iris, jewel, maculate, marble, marbleize, motley, mottle, ornament, paint, pepper, plume, polychrome, polychromize, rainbow, ribbon, scintilla, scintillate, scintillation, shimmer, shimmering, spark, sparkle, speck, speckle, splotch, spot, sprinkle, stigmatize, stipple, streak, striate, stripe, stroboscopic light, stud, tattoo, tessellate, tinsel, trim, twinkle, twinkling, variegate, vein, wreathe
[edit]- spangled, ablaze, adorned, aglow, alight, bathed with light, beaded, bedecked, bedizened, befrilled, bejeweled, beribboned, bespangled, blotched, blotchy, brightened, candlelit, decked out, decorated, dotted, dotty, embellished, enlightened, feathered, festooned, figured, firelit, flea-bitten, flecked, fleckered, flowered, frecked, freckled, freckly, garnished, gaslit, illuminated, in a blaze, irradiate, irradiated, jeweled, lamplit, lanternlit, lighted, lightened, lit, lit up, luminous, macular, maculate, maculated, moonlit, ornamented, patchy, peppered, plumed, pocked, pockmarked, pocky, pointille, pointillistic, polka-dot, punctated, spangly, specked, speckled, speckledy, speckly, splotched, splotchy, spotted, spotty, sprinkled, star-spangled, star-studded, starlit, stippled, studded, sunlit, tinseled, tricked out, trimmed, wreathed
Spanish guitar
[edit]- Spanish guitar, Dobro guitar, F-hole guitar, archlute, balalaika, banjo, banjo-uke, banjo-ukulele, banjo-zither, banjorine, banjuke, bass guitar, centerhole guitar, concert guitar, electric guitar, guitar, lute, mando-bass, mando-cello, mandola, mandolin, mandolute, mandore, oud, pandora, pandura, samisen, sitar, steel guitar, tamboura, theorbo, troubadour fiddle, uke, ukulele
[edit]- spank, admonish, bang, baste, bastinado, batter, beat, belabor, belt, birch, blip, box, bring to book, buffet, bust, call to account, cane, castigate, chastise, chide, clout, club, correct, cowhide, cudgel, cuff, cut, drub, flagellate, flail, flap, flog, fustigate, give a whipping, give the stick, hammer, have words with, horsewhip, knock, knout, lace, lambaste, larrup, lash, lay on, lecture, maul, objurgate, paddle, paste, patter, pelt, pistol-whip, pommel, pound, pulverize, pummel, punch, punish, rap, rate, rawhide, rebuke, reprehend, reprimand, reprove, scold, scourge, set down, set straight, slap, sledgehammer, smack, smite, sock, straighten out, strap, stripe, swinge, switch, take down, take to task, thrash, thresh, thump, trounce, truncheon, upbraid, wallop, whack, whale, whip, whop
[edit]- spanking, active, activist, activistic, acute, admonishment, admonition, aggressive, agile, alive, animated, awfully, banging, bastinado, basting, battery, beating, belting, big, blustery, bouncing, bouncy, bracing, brand-new, brand-spanking new, breakneck, breezy, bright, brisk, bubbly, buffeting, bumping, caning, castigation, chastisement, chiding, chipper, clubbing, corporal punishment, correction, cowhiding, crisp, cudgeling, damned, dashing, double-quick, dreadfully, drubbing, dynamic, eagle-winged, ebullient, effervescent, energetic, enterprising, enthusiastic, expeditious, express, extremely, fast, fine, fire-new, flagellation, flailing, fleet, flogging, flying, forceful, forcible, fresh, freshening, frisky, full of go, full of life, full of pep, fustigation, galloping, gleaming, go-go, great, hair-trigger, hasty, headlong, hearty, horsewhipping, hustling, impetuous, incisive, intense, invigorating, just out, keen, kinetic, lacing, large, lashing, lecture, lesson, light of heel, light-footed, live, lively, living, lusty, mercurial, mettlesome, mightily, militant, newfangle, newfangled, nimble, nimble-footed, objurgation, outstanding, peppy, perky, pert, pistol-whipping, precipitate, prompt, quick, quick as lightning, quick as thought, quicksilver, rapid, rating, rattling, rawhiding, rebuke, reckless, remarkable, reprehension, reprimand, reproach, reprobation, reproof, reproval, robust, running, scolding, scourging, sermon, slapping, smacking, smart, snapping, snappy, spanking new, speedy, spirited, sprightly, spry, strapping, strenuous, stripes, strong, swift, swingeing, switching, take-charge, take-over, thrashing, thumping, thundering, trenchant, trouncing, truncheoning, upbraiding, vibrant, vigorous, vivacious, vivid, walloping, whacking, whaling, whipping, whopping, winged, zestful, zesty, zingy, zippy
[edit]- spar, Chinese boxing, altercate, argue, argufy, bandy words, bar, bare pole, battle, beam, bicker, boom, bout, bowsprit, box, boxing, boxing match, brawl, broil, bumpkin, cant hook, cavil, choplogic, clash, claw bar, close, close fighting, club, collide, combat, come to blows, contend, contest, crank, cross swords, crossjack yard, crosstree, crow, crowbar, cut and thrust, differ, discept, dispute, dolphin striker, duel, exchange blows, fence, feud, fight, fight a duel, fighting, fisticuffs, flite, flying jib boom, fore jack, fore-skysail mast, fore-skysail yard, fore-topgallant mast, fore-topgallant yard, fore-topmast, foremast, foreroyal mast, foreroyal yard, foreyard, gaff, give and take, give satisfaction, gooseneck, grapple, grapple with, handspike, hassle, have it out, have words, infighting, iron crow, jack, jib boom, jigger, jimmy, join issue, jostle, joust, king post, lazy jack, lever, limb, lock horns, logomachize, lower boom, main-royal mast, main-royal yard, main-skysail mast, main-topgallant mast, mainmast, marlinespike, mast, masthead, mix it up, mizzen, mizzen-royal mast, mizzenmast, moot, outrigger, peavey, pedal, pettifog, pinch bar, plead, pole, polemicize, polemize, prize, prizefight, prizefighting, pry, pugilism, quarrel, quibble, rassle, riot, ripping bar, run a tilt, savate, scramble, scrap, scuffle, set to, shadowboxing, skirmish, skysail yard, spanker boom, spanker gaff, spars, spat, spreader, sprit, squabble, stick, strive, struggle, tack bumpkin, take sides, the clinches, the fights, the ring, thrash out, thrust and parry, tiff, tilt, timber, topgallant mast, topgallant yard, topmast, tourney, treadle, tree, try conclusions, tussle, wage war, war, whisker boom, whisker pole, wrangle, wrecking bar, wrestle, yard, yardarm
spare time
[edit]- spare time, casual, convenience, ease, extra, free time, freedom, goof-off time, idle hours, incidental, leisure, occasional, odd, odd moments, off, out-of-the-way, part-time, repose, rest, retirement, semiretirement, side, spare, time, time to kill, time to spare
spare tire
[edit]- spare tire, abdomen, abomasum, bay window, beerbelly, belly, breadbasket, craw, crop, diaphragm, embonpoint, first stomach, gizzard, gullet, gut, honeycomb stomach, kishkes, manyplies, maw, midriff, omasum, paunch, pot, potbelly, potgut, psalterium, pusgut, rennet bag, reticulum, rumen, second stomach, stomach, swagbelly, third stomach, tum-tum, tummy, underbelly, ventripotence
[edit]- spare, Lenten, Scotch, Spartan, abandon, abjure, absolve, abstain, abstain from, abstemious, accessory, additional, afford, agent, allow, alternate, alternative, amnesty, analogy, ancillary, angular, another, as a bonus, ascetic, austere, auxiliary, avoid, award, backup, balance, bald, bare, basic, bear, bestow, bonus, bony, cadaverous, candid, canny, careful, casual, cede, change, changeling, chary, chaste, cheeseparing, collateral, common, commonplace, comparison, conserve, conserved, conserving, contributory, copy, copyright, counterfeit, de trop, deliver, deputy, direct, discharge, disgorge, dispensable, dispense, dispense from, dispense with, dispose of, dividend, do without, donate, double, drop, dry, dull, dummy, dump, dwarfed, dwarfish, economic, economizing, elementary, endure, equal, equivalent, ersatz, eschew, essential, except, excess, exchange, exculpate, excuse, exempt, exiguous, exonerate, expendable, expletive, extra, fake, farther, fill-in, flat, flat-chested, fleshless, for lagniappe, forbear, forehanded, forgive, forgo, forsake, forswear, frank, free, fresh, frugal, fundamental, further, gangling, gangly, gaunt, gawky, get along without, get rid of, ghost, ghostwriter, give, give absolution, give away, give dispensation from, give quarter, give up, grant amnesty to, grant forgiveness, grant immunity, grant remission, gratuitous, gratuity, guard, have done with, have mercy upon, have pity, held, held back, held in reserve, held out, hold, hold aloof from, hold back, hold off, homely, homespun, homogeneous, idle, imitation, impoverished, in abeyance, in addition, in excess, in hand, in reserve, incidental, indivisible, irreducible, jejune, keep, keep alive, keep back, keep from, keep in hand, keep intact, keep inviolate, keep safe, keep up, kept, kiss good-bye, labor-saving, lagniappe, lank, lanky, lay aside, lay away, lay by, lay in, lay up, lean, lean-fleshed, lean-looking, left, leftover, leisure, leisured, let alone, let go, let go by, let have, let off, let up on, liberate, limited, locum tenens, maintain, make a sacrifice, makeshift, margin, matter-of-fact, meager, mean, melt, mere, metaphor, metonymy, mint, miserly, mock, modest, money-saving, monolithic, more, more than enough, narrow, natural, neat, needless, net, never touch, new, next best thing, niggardly, nonessential, not destroy, not endanger, not expend, not touch, not use, not use up, not waste, occasional, odd, of a piece, off, open, original, other, out-of-the-way, outstanding, over, over and above, overage, overmeasure, overplus, overrun, overset, overstock, oversupply, paltry, pardon, parsimonious, part with, part-time, pass up, patent, penny-wise, personnel, phony, pinch, pinch hitter, plain, plain-speaking, plain-spoken, pleonastic, plus, poor, pourboire, preserve, preserved, primal, primary, pristine, prolix, prosaic, prosing, prosy, protect, provident, provisional, proxy, prudent, prudential, puny, pure, pure and simple, put aside, put by, quitclaim, rawboned, recant, redeem, redundant, refrain, refrain from, register, relax, release, relent, relief, relieve, relinquish, remainder, remaining, remanent, remise, remit, render up, renounce, replacement, representative, reprieve, rescue, reserve, reserved, reserves, resign, retained, retired, retract, ringer, rustic, sacrifice, salt away, save, save the necessity, saved, saving, scant, scanty, scraggy, scrawny, scrimp, scrimping, scrimpy, second string, secondary, semiretired, severe, short, shrive, shun, side, sign, simon-pure, simple, simple-speaking, single, skeletal, skimp, skimping, skimpy, skinny, slender, slight, slim, small, sober, something extra, spare the price, spares, sparing, sparse, spidery, spindling, spindly, stand, stand aloof from, stand-in, stark, starvation, stingy, stint, stinted, stopgap, stored, straightforward, straitened, stunted, sub, subsistence, substituent, substitute, substitution, succedaneum, supererogatory, superfluous, supernumerary, superseder, supplanter, supplemental, supplementary, support, surplus, surplusage, surrender, surrogate, surviving, suspended, sustain, swear off, symbol, synecdoche, take pity on, tautologic, tautologous, temporary, tentative, thaw, thin, thin-bellied, thin-fleshed, third string, thrifty, throw up, tide, time-saving, tip, to spare, token, twiggy, ulterior, unadorned, unaffected, unapplied, unbeaten, uncalled-for, uncluttered, unconsumed, undergo, undersized, understudy, underweight, undifferenced, undifferentiated, unemployed, unessential, unexercised, unexpended, unhandled, uniform, unimaginative, unnecessary, unneeded, unnourishing, unnutritious, unoccupied, unpoetical, unspent, untapped, untouched, untrodden, unused, unutilized, unvarnished, unwasteful, uphold, utility, utility player, vacate, verbose, vicar, vicarious, vice-president, vice-regent, waive, waived, watered, watery, well afford, wiry, withheld, withhold, yield
[edit]- spared, absolved, acquitted, blotted, canceled, chartered, condoned, conserved, disregarded, excepted, exculpated, excused, exempt, exempted, exonerated, favored, forgiven, forgotten, immune, indulged, intact, irresponsible, kept, let off, licensed, overlooked, pardoned, permitted, preserved, privileged, protected, redeemed, released, remitted, reprieved, saved, shriven, unaccountable, unanswerable, unavenged, uncondemned, undamaged, unliable, unresented, unrevenged, unspoiled, unsubject, untainted, well-conserved, wiped away
[edit]- spareribs, bacon, butt, chitterlings, cochon de lait, cracklings, fat back, flitch, gammon, ham, ham steak, haslet, headcheese, jambon, jambonneau, lard, picnic ham, pieds de cochon, pig, pork, porkpie, salt pork, side of bacon, small ham, sowbelly, suckling pig, trotters
[edit]- sparge, aerosol, asperge, aspergil, aspergillum, atomizer, bedew, bespatter, besprinkle, clyster, concentrate sprayer, dabble, damp, dampen, dash, dew, douche, enema, foam, fountain syringe, froth, hose, hose down, humect, humectate, humidify, irrigate, mist concentrate sprayer, moisten, needle bath, nozzle, paddle, plash, shower, shower bath, shower head, slobber, slop, slosh, sparger, spatter, spindrift, splash, splatter, sponge, spray, spray can, sprayer, sprinkle, sprinkler, sprinkler head, sprinkling system, spume, swash, syringe, water, watercart, watering can, watering pot, wet, wet down
[edit]- sparing, Lenten, Scotch, Spartan, absolution, abstemious, amnesty, ascetic, austere, benevolent, canny, careful, chary, cheap, cheeseparing, close, conciliatory, conserving, cooling, cooling down, cooling off, curtailment, cutback, dwarfed, dwarfish, economic, economical, economization, economizing, exculpation, excuse, exemption, exiguous, exoneration, forbearing, forehanded, forgiving, frugal, frugal to excess, generous, grace, immunity, impoverished, indemnity, jejune, kind, labor-saving, lean, limited, long-suffering, longanimous, low growth rate, magnanimous, meager, mean, measured, mingy, miserly, moderate, money-saving, narrow, niggardly, overfrugal, paltry, pardon, parsimonious, patient, penny-pinching, penny-wise, penny-wise and pound-foolish, penurious, placable, poor, provident, prudent, prudential, puny, redemption, reduction of expenses, reduction of spending, remission, remission of sin, reprieve, restrained, retrenchment, saving, scamping, scant, scanty, scraping, scrawny, scrimp, scrimping, scrimpy, shrift, skimp, skimping, skimpy, slender, slight, slim, slowdown, small, sober, spare, sparse, starvation, stingy, stinted, stinting, straitened, stunted, subsistence, temperate, thin, thrifty, tight, tight-fisted, tightfisted, time-saving, tolerant, too frugal, ungiving, unnourishing, unnutritious, unresentful, unrevengeful, unwasteful, wary, watered, watery
[edit]- sparingly, cannily, carefully, charily, economically, frugally, husbandly, in moderation, meagerly, moderately, poorly, providently, prudently, punily, scantily, slightly, sparely, sparsely, stintingly, temperately, thin, thriftily, within bounds, within compass
spark of life
[edit]- spark of life, anima, animating force, atman, bathmism, beating heart, biological clock, biorhythm, blood, breath, breath of life, divine breath, divine spark, elan vital, essence of life, force of life, growth force, heart, heartbeat, heartblood, impulse of life, inspiriting force, jiva, jivatma, life breath, life cycle, life essence, life force, life principle, life process, lifeblood, living force, pneuma, prana, seat of life, soul, spirit, vis vitae, vis vitalis, vital energy, vital flame, vital fluid, vital force, vital principle, vital spark, vital spirit
spark plug
[edit]- spark plug, abettor, activator, actuator, animator, arouser, cajoler, coax, coaxer, encourager, energizer, firer, gadfly, galvanizer, human dynamo, impeller, inducer, inspirer, life, motivating force, motive power, mover, moving spirit, persuader, pleader, prime mover, prompter, restorative, spark, sparker, stimulant, stimulator, stimulus, tempter, tonic, wheedler
[edit]- spark, AC arc, Beau Brummel, Poulsen arc, abettor, activate, actuate, actuator, address, animate, animator, aperiodic discharge, arc, arc column, arc discharge, atom, bake, be in heat, beau, begin, blade, blaze, blink, blinking, blood, bloom, boil, boulevardier, bring about, broil, brush discharge, bud, burn, cajoler, cast, chase, choke, clotheshorse, coax, coaxer, combust, compel, cook, coruscate, coruscation, court, coxcomb, dandy, dash, discharge, disruptive discharge, dude, electric discharge, electric shock, electric spark, electrify, electrodeless discharge, embryo, encourager, energize, energizer, enkindle, esquire, excite, exquisite, fashion plate, fine gentleman, fire, firefly, firer, flame, flame up, flare, flare up, flicker, flush, follow, fop, force, foster, fribble, fry, gadfly, gallant, galvanic shock, galvanize, galvanizer, gasp, germ, gleam, glimmer, glimmering, glint, glisk, glisten, glister, glitter, glittering, glow, glow discharge, glowworm, hint, idea, ignite, impel, impeller, incandesce, inducer, initiate, inspire, inspirer, inspirit, intimation, iota, jack-a-dandy, jackanapes, kindle, lady-killer, lay siege to, lick, light the fuse, look, macaroni, make suit to, make up to, man-about-town, masher, motivate, move, move to action, mover, moving spirit, nucleus, oscillatory discharge, pant, parch, pay attention to, pay court to, persuader, pleader, precipitate, prime mover, promote, prompter, propel, provoke, puppy, pursue, radiate heat, roast, scald, scintilla, scintillate, scintillation, scorch, seethe, serenade, set in motion, set off, shade, shadow, shimmer, shimmer with heat, shimmering, shock, silent discharge, simmer, sip, smack, smattering, smell, smolder, smother, soupcon, spangle, spark gap, spark plug, sparker, sparkle, speck, sport, sprinkling, squire, start up, steam, stew, stifle, stimulate, stimulator, stroboscopic light, sue, suffocate, suggestion, sup, suspicion, swain, sweat, sweetheart, swell, swelter, taste, tempter, thought, tincture, tinge, tinsel, toast, touch, touch off, trace, trigger, twinkle, twinkling, vestige, wheedler, whit, woo, wooer
[edit]- sparkle, animation, be brilliant, be merry with, beam, blaze, blink, blinking, blubber, boil, boil over, boiling, brightness, brilliance, bubble, bubble over, bubble up, bubbliness, bubbling, burble, burn, caper, caracole, carbonation, cheer, cheerfulness, chirp, chirrup, coruscate, coruscation, crack a joke, crack wise, dance, dash, dazzle, ebullience, ebulliency, ebullition, effervesce, effervescence, effervescency, elan, energy, excitement, ferment, fermentation, fire, firefly, fizz, fizzle, flame, flash, fleer at, flicker, foaming, frolic, frothiness, frothing, fun, gaiety, gambol, gibe at, glance, gleam, glimmer, glimmering, glint, glisk, glisten, glister, glitter, glittering, glow, glowworm, guggle, gurgle, gusto, hiss, jape, jest, joke, josh, joy, kid, kid around, laugh, life, lilt, liveliness, make a funny, make fun, make fun of, mock, oomph, pep, piquancy, play on words, plop, poignancy, poke fun at, pun, pungency, quip, raciness, radiance, radiate cheer, ridicule, romp, scintilla, scintillate, scintillation, scoff at, seethe, shimmer, shimmering, shine, simmer, sing, skip, smile, spangle, spark, spirit, spumescence, stroboscopic light, tinsel, twinkle, twinkling, utter a mot, verve, vigor, vim, vivacity, vividness, whistle, wink, wisecrack, wittiness, work, zeal, zing, zip
[edit]- sparkling, Attic, beaming, beaten, beatific, beatified, biting, blebby, blessed, blinking, blinky, blissful, blistered, blistering, blistery, blithe, blithesome, blooming, bright, bright and sunny, brilliant, bubbling, bubbly, burbling, burbly, capering, carbonated, cheerful, cheery, chiffon, chirping, clever, coruscant, coruscating, dancing, dazzling, devastating, divine, droll, ebullient, effervescent, elated, eupeptic, euphoric, exalted, exhilarated, facetious, fizzy, flushed, flushed with joy, funny, gay, genial, glad, gladsome, glamorous, glimmering, glimmerous, glimmery, glistening, glistering, glittering, glittery, glorious, glowing, gorgeous, happy, heavenly, high, hopeful, humorous, humorsome, in good spirits, in high spirits, irrepressible, jesting, jocose, jocular, joking, joky, joshing, joyful, joyous, keen, keen-witted, killing, laughing, leaping, lively, mordant, nimble-witted, of good cheer, optimistic, peppy, piquant, pleasant, poignant, pointed, puffed, pungent, purring, quick-witted, racy, radiant, rapier-like, raving, ravishing, resplendent, riant, rosy, salt, salty, sanguine, sanguineous, scintillant, scintillating, scintillescent, sharp, shimmering, shimmery, shining, singing, smart, smiling, smirking, souffle, souffleed, spangly, spirited, splendid, splendorous, splendrous, sprightly, spumescent, starry-eyed, stunning, sublime, sunny, thrice happy, tinselly, twinkling, twinkly, vesicant, vesicated, vesicatory, vesicular, vivacious, whimsical, whipped, winsome, witty
[edit]- sparks, bakehead, black gang, boilerman, brass pounder, bungs, cabin boy, chips, commissary steward, complement, deckhand, deckie, dit-da artist, fireman, gun loader, gunner, hand, hospital steward, landing signalman, mail orderly, navigator, oiler, purser, radio operator, radiotelegrapher, roustabout, snip, snips, steward, stewardess, stoker, telegraph operator, telegraphist, torpedoman, watch, wireman, yeoman
[edit]- sparrer, Chinese boxer, bantamweight, black belt, boxer, brown belt, bruiser, featherweight, fighter, fisticuffer, flyweight, heavyweight, karate expert, light heavyweight, lightweight, middleweight, palooka, prizefighter, pug, pugilist, savate expert, welterweight
[edit]- sparse, almost unheard-of, at a premium, broadcast, cheeseparing, chinchy, chintzy, diffuse, discrete, dispersed, dispread, disseminated, dissipated, distributed, exiguous, in short supply, inappreciable, infrequent, insignificant, limited, little, meager, miserly, niggardly, not much, occasional, out of print, out of season, out of stock, piddling, poor, rare, scant, scanty, scarce, scattered, scrimp, scrimping, scrimpy, seldom met with, seldom seen, skimp, skimping, skimpy, slim, slow, spare, sparing, sporadic, spotty, spread, spread out, sprinkled, stingy, straggling, straggly, strewn, strown, thin, tight, uncommon, unfrequent, unique, unusual, widespread
[edit]- sparsely, at infrequent intervals, at large, diffusely, dispersedly, everywhere, exiguously, hardly, hardly ever, here and there, in all quarters, in places, in spots, infrequently, meagerly, not often, passim, piddlingly, rarely, scantily, scarcely, scarcely ever, scrimpily, seldom, skimpily, sparingly, sparsim, sporadically, spottily, stingily, thin, throughout, uncommonly, unfrequently, unoften, very seldom, wherever you look
[edit]- sparsity, chinchiness, chintziness, dearth, exiguity, fewness, infrequence, infrequency, meagerness, miserliness, niggardliness, occasionalness, paucity, poverty, rareness, rarity, restrictedness, scant sufficiency, scantiness, scarceness, scarcity, scrimpiness, seldomness, skimpiness, slowness, smallness, sparseness, stinginess, stringency, thinness, tightness, uncommonness, unfrequentness, uniqueness, unusualness
[edit]- Spartan, Apostolic, Encratic, Laconian, Lenten, Pythagorean, Rechabite, Shaker, Spartanic, Stoic, abbreviated, abridged, abstemious, abstinent, accepting, aposiopestic, armed with patience, ascetic, astringent, austere, authoritarian, bald, bare, brief, brusque, candid, celibate, chaste, clam, clipped, close, common, commonplace, compact, compendious, compressed, concise, condensed, continent, contracted, controlled, crisp, curt, cut, demanding, direct, disciplined, docked, dour, dry, dull, dwarfed, dwarfish, elliptic, endurant, enduring, epigrammatic, exacting, exigent, exiguous, forbearing, frank, frugal, fruitarian, gnomic, grim, hard, harsh, homely, homespun, impoverished, indulgent, inornate, jejune, laconic, lean, lenient, limited, long-suffering, longanimous, man of iron, matter-of-fact, meager, mean, meticulous, miserly, narrow, natural, neat, nephalistic, niggardly, on the wagon, open, paltry, parsimonious, patient, patient as Job, persevering, philosophical, pithy, plain, plain-speaking, plain-spoken, pointed, poor, prosaic, prosing, prosy, pruned, puny, pure, reserved, rigid, rigorous, rugged, rustic, scant, scanty, scrawny, scrimp, scrimpy, self-controlled, self-denying, sententious, severe, sexually abstinent, short, short and sweet, shortened, simple, simple-speaking, skimp, skimpy, slender, slight, slim, small, sober, spare, sparing, stark, starvation, stern, stingy, stinted, stoic, straightforward, straitened, strict, stringent, stunted, subsistence, succinct, summary, sworn off, synopsized, taciturn, teetotal, terse, thin, tight, to the point, tolerant, tolerating, tolerative, tough, truncated, unadorned, unaffected, understanding, unelaborate, unfancy, unfussy, unimaginative, unnourishing, unnutritious, unornate, unpoetical, unsparing, unvarnished, vegetarian, watered, watery
[edit]- spasm, Jacksonian epilepsy, Rolandic epilepsy, abdominal epilepsy, abscess, access, ache, aching, acquired epilepsy, activated epilepsy, acute pain, ado, affect epilepsy, agitation, ague, akinetic epilepsy, amok, anemia, ankylosis, anoxia, apnea, apoplexy, arrest, asphyxiation, asthma, ataxia, atrophy, attack, autonomic epilepsy, backache, bite, blaze, bleeding, blennorhea, blockage, bloodless revolution, blow, boring pain, bother, botheration, bouleversement, breakdown, breakup, bumpiness, burst, bustle, cachexia, cachexy, cardiac epilepsy, cataclysm, catastrophe, charley horse, chill, chills, chorea, clean slate, clean sweep, climax, clonic spasm, clonus, cold shivers, colic, commotion, computer revolution, constipation, convulsion, cortical epilepsy, coughing, counterrevolution, cramp, cramps, crick, cursive epilepsy, cut, cyanosis, cyclone, darting pain, debacle, diarrhea, diastrophism, disaster, distress, diurnal epilepsy, dizziness, dolor, dropsy, dysentery, dyspepsia, dyspnea, eclampsia, edema, emaciation, epilepsia, epilepsia gravior, epilepsia major, epilepsia minor, epilepsia mitior, epilepsia nutans, epilepsia tarda, epilepsy, epitasis, eruption, explosion, fainting, falling sickness, fatigue, feery-fary, ferment, fever, fibrillation, fidgetiness, fit, fits and starts, flap, flare-up, flurry, fluster, flutter, flutteriness, flux, focal epilepsy, frenzy, fulgurant pain, furor, fury, fuss, fussiness, gale, girdle pain, gnawing, grand mal, grief, grip, griping, growth, gust, haute mal, hemorrhage, high blood pressure, hitch, hubbub, hullabaloo, hurricane, hurt, hydrops, hypertension, hypotension, hysterical epilepsy, icterus, ictus, indigestion, inflammation, injury, insomnia, irruption, itching, jactation, jactitation, jaundice, jerkiness, joltiness, jumping pain, kink, labored breathing, lancinating pain, larval epilepsy, laryngeal epilepsy, laryngospasm, latent epilepsy, lesion, lockjaw, low blood pressure, lumbago, maelstrom, marasmus, matutinal epilepsy, menstrual epilepsy, murderous insanity, musicogenic epilepsy, myoclonous epilepsy, nasal discharge, nasty blow, nausea, necrosis, nip, nocturnal epilepsy, occlusion, orgasm, outbreak, outburst, overthrow, overturn, pain, palace revolution, palsy, pang, paralysis, paroxysm, passion, petit mal, physiologic epilepsy, pinch, pother, prick, pruritus, psychic epilepsy, psychokinesia, psychomotor epilepsy, quake, quaking, quavering, quivering, radical change, rage, rash, reflex epilepsy, restlessness, revolt, revolution, revolutionary war, revulsion, rheum, rotatoria, sclerosis, scramble, seizure, sensory epilepsy, serial epilepsy, sexual climax, shakes, shaking, sharp pain, shivering, shivers, shock, shoot, shooting, shooting pain, shuddering, skin eruption, sneezing, sore, sore spot, spasms, spell, spurt, stab, stabbing pain, stew, stir, stitch, stoppage, storm, stress, stress of life, striking alteration, stroke, subversion, succussion, suffering, sweat, sweeping change, swirl, tabes, tabula rasa, tachycardia, tardy epilepsy, technological revolution, temblor, tempest, tender spot, tetanus, tetany, thrill, throe, throes, thromboembolism, thrombosis, tidal wave, to-do, tonic epilepsy, tonic spasm, tormen, tornado, torsion spasm, total change, transilience, traumatic epilepsy, trembling, tremulousness, trismus, tsunami, tumor, tumult, tweak, twinge, twitch, ucinate epilepsy, unquiet, upheaval, upset, upset stomach, vertigo, vibration, violent change, visitation, vomiting, vortex, wasting, whirl, whirlwind, wound, wrench
[edit]- spasmodic, acute, adrift, afflictive, afloat, agonizing, aimless, alternating, amorphous, arrhythmic, atrocious, biting, broken, broken off, capricious, careening, casual, cataclysmic, catchy, changeable, changeful, changing, chopped-off, choppy, convulsive, cramping, cruel, cyclical, decousu, desultory, deviable, deviating, deviative, deviatory, different, disarticulated, disastrous, disconnected, discontinued, discontinuous, discrete, disjunct, disjunctive, disordered, disorderly, dispersed, disproportionate, distressing, divaricate, divergent, diversified, diversiform, dizzy, eccentric, eclamptic, episodic, erose, erratic, excruciating, fast and loose, fickle, fidgety, fitful, flickering, flighty, flitting, fluctuating, formless, freakish, frivolous, giddy, gnawing, gratuitous, grave, griping, guttering, halting, haphazard, hard, harrowing, harsh, herky-jerky, heteroclite, hit-or-miss, hurtful, hurting, immethodical, impetuous, impulsive, inchoate, incoherent, inconsistent, inconstant, indecisive, indiscriminate, infirm, intermittent, intermitting, interrupted, irregular, irresolute, irresponsible, jagged, jerking, jerky, jiggety, jumpy, lurching, mazy, meaningless, mercurial, misshapen, moody, motley, mutable, nonconformist, noncontinuous, nonlinear, nonsequential, nonserial, nonstandard, nonsymmetrical, nonsystematic, nonuniform, occasional, orderless, orgasmic, painful, parenthetic, paroxysmal, patchy, periodic, piercing, planless, pluralistic, poignant, promiscuous, pulsating, pungent, racking, ragged, rambling, random, restless, rough, roving, saltatory, scatterbrained, scrappy, seismic, senseless, severe, shapeless, sharp, shifting, shifty, shooting, shuffling, snatchy, spasmatic, spasmic, spasmodical, spastic, spineless, sporadic, spotty, stabbing, staggering, stinging, straggling, straggly, sudden, suspended, systemless, tormenting, torturous, twitchety, twitching, twitchy, unaccountable, unarranged, uncertain, unclassified, unconnected, uncontrolled, undependable, undirected, undisciplined, unequable, unequal, uneven, unfixed, ungraded, unjoined, unmethodical, unmetrical, unordered, unorganized, unorthodox, unpredictable, unregular, unreliable, unrestrained, unrhythmical, unsettled, unsorted, unstable, unstable as water, unstaid, unsteadfast, unsteady, unsuccessive, unsustained, unsymmetrical, unsystematic, ununiform, upheaving, vacillating, vagrant, vague, variable, variegated, variform, various, varying, veering, vellicative, vicissitudinary, vicissitudinous, volatile, wandering, wanton, wavering, wavery, wavy, wayward, whimsical, wishy-washy, wobbling, wobbly
[edit]- spasmodically, at haphazard, at intervals, at irregular intervals, at random, brokenly, by catches, by chance, by fits, by jerks, by snatches, capriciously, carelessly, chaotically, desultorily, disconnectedly, discontinuously, eccentrically, erratically, every which way, fitfully, flutteringly, haltingly, haphazardly, helter-skelter, higgledy-piggledy, hit or miss, impulsively, in snatches, in spots, inconsistently, inconstantly, indiscriminately, intermittently, irregularly, jerkily, lurchingly, nonuniformly, off and on, patchily, promiscuously, quakingly, quaveringly, quiveringly, randomly, roughly, saltatorily, shakily, shudderingly, sloppily, sporadically, spottily, tremblingly, tremulously, uncertainly, unequally, unevenly, unmethodically, unpredictably, unrhythmically, unsteadily, unsystematically, ununiformly, variably, waveringly, whimsically, wobblingly
[edit]- spastic, apoplectic, arthritic, broken, capricious, careening, case, cataclysmic, catchy, choppy, consumptive, convulsive, desultory, deviative, disastrous, disconnected, discontinuous, dyspeptic, eccentric, eclamptic, epileptic, erratic, fidgety, fitful, flickering, fluctuating, guttering, halting, herky-jerky, heteroclite, immethodical, inconstant, incurable, inpatient, intermittent, intermitting, invalid, irregular, jerking, jerky, jiggety, jumpy, lurching, nonuniform, orgasmic, outpatient, paroxysmal, patchy, patient, rambling, rheumatic, rough, saltatory, scrappy, seismic, shut-in, sick person, snatchy, spasmatic, spasmic, spasmodic, sporadic, spotty, staggering, sufferer, terminal case, the sick, twitchety, twitching, twitchy, uncertain, unequal, uneven, unmethodical, unmetrical, unregular, unrhythmical, unsettled, unsteady, unsystematic, upheaving, valetudinarian, variable, veering, vellicative, wandering, wavering, wobbling, wobbly
[edit]- spat, altercate, altercation, argument, beef, bicker, bickering, blood feud, box, brawl, broil, brood, buffet, burst, caterwaul, chop, clutch, contention, controversy, differ, dispute, donnybrook, donnybrook fair, embroilment, fall, falling-out, farrow, feud, fight, flite, fliting, fracas, fry, fuss, get, hassle, hatch, have words, imbroglio, join issue, litter, logomachy, miff, nest, open quarrel, paste, polemic, punch, quarrel, set to, sharp words, slanging match, slap, smack, snarl, spar, spawn, squabble, strife, swack, tiff, tussle, vendetta, words, wrangle, young
[edit]- spate, Niagara, abundance, acres, affluence, afflux, affluxion, ample sufficiency, ampleness, amplitude, army, asperse, avalanche, bags, barrels, batch, befoul, belch, bespatter, bespot, blacken, bonanza, bountifulness, bountiousness, brash, bumper crop, burst, burst of rain, bushel, cascade, cataclysm, cataract, cloudburst, cluster, cohue, concourse, confluence, conflux, considerable, copiousness, countlessness, course, crosscurrent, crowd, crush, current, deal, debouchment, defame, defluxion, deluge, denigrate, dissiliency, douse, downfall, downflow, downpour, drencher, drift, driftage, embarras de richesses, enough, eructation, eruption, extravagance, extravagancy, exuberance, fertility, flare-up, flock, flood, flooding, flow, flowing, fluency, flux, foison, fresh, freshet, full measure, fullness, galaxy, generosity, generousness, gobs, good deal, great abundance, great deal, great plenty, gush, gushing rain, heap, heaps, heavy rain, horde, host, inflow, inundation, jam, jet, landslide, lashings, lavishness, legion, liberality, liberalness, load, loads, lot, lots, luxuriance, mass, maximum, mess, mill run, millrace, mint, mob, money to burn, more than enough, mountain, much, multitude, myriad, myriads, numerousness, ocean, oceans, onrush, onset, onward course, oodles, opulence, opulency, outbreak, outburst, outflow, outflowing, outpouring, overabundance, overaccumulation, overbounteousness, overcopiousness, overdose, overflow, overlavishness, overluxuriance, overmeasure, overmuchness, overnumerousness, overplentifulness, overplenty, overpopulation, overprofusion, oversufficiency, oversupply, pack, panoply, peck, pile, piles, plash, plenitude, plenteousness, plentifulness, plenty, plethora, pot, pour, press, prevalence, prodigality, productiveness, profuseness, profusion, progression, quantities, quantity, quite a little, rabble, race, raft, rafts, rain, rainburst, rainspout, rainstorm, rapids, redundancy, repleteness, repletion, rich harvest, rich vein, richness, riot, riotousness, river, rout, ruck, run, rush, scads, scud, sea, series, set, shower, sight, slew, slews, slop, slosh, slur, smear, soaker, soaking rain, sparge, spew, spit, splatter, splosh, splurge, splutter, spout, spurt, spurtle, stack, stacks, stream, substantiality, substantialness, succession, superabundance, superfluity, superflux, surge, swash, teemingness, throng, tide, tidy sum, tons, torrent, torrent of rain, traduce, trend, undercurrent, undertow, volcan, volume, wad, wads, water flow, waterflood, waterspout, wealth, whole slew, world, worlds
[edit]- spatter, asperge, barrage, beat, beating, bedabble, bedaub, bedew, bespatter, bespeckle, bespot, besprinkle, bloodstain, blot, blotch, blur, brand, bread, crumb, dab, dabble, damp, dampen, dash, daub, dew, dot, douche, dredge, drizzle, drum, drum music, drumbeat, drumfire, drumming, dust, eyesore, fall, few, fleck, flick, flour, flutter, flyspeck, foam, freckle, froth, handful, hose, hose down, humect, humectate, humidify, irrigate, macula, maculate, maculation, macule, mark, mizzle, moisten, paddle, palpitation, paradiddle, patch, patter, pelt, pepper, pitapat, pitter-patter, plash, pound, pounding, pour, pour with rain, powder, precipitate, pulsation, rain, rain tadpoles, rat-a-tat, rat-tat, rat-tat-tat, rataplan, rattattoo, roll, rub-a-dub, ruff, ruffle, scattering, shower, shower down, slobber, slop, slosh, smatter, smattering, smear, smirch, smouch, smudge, smut, smutch, sparge, spattering, speck, speckle, spindrift, spit, splash, splatter, splotch, splutter, sponge, spot, spray, sprinkle, sprinkling, spume, sputter, staccato, stain, stigma, stream, stud, swash, syringe, taint, tarnish, tat-tat, tattoo, throb, throbbing, thrum, thumping, tom-tom, water, weep, wet, wet down
[edit]- spattered, bespeckled, blotched, blotchy, dotted, dusted, freckle-faced, freckled, freckly, macular, maculate, maculated, peppered, powdered, specked, speckled, speckly, splashed, splattered, splotched, splotchy, spotted, spotty, sprinkled, studded
[edit]- spattering, affusion, aspergation, aspersion, attenuation, baptism, bath, bathing, beating, bedewing, broadcast, broadcasting, circumfusion, clicking, dampening, damping, deluge, dewing, diffraction, diffusion, dilution, dispensation, dispersal, dispersion, dissemination, dissipation, distribution, divergence, drowning, drumming, evaporation, expansion, few, flooding, fluttering, fragmentation, handful, hosing, hosing down, humidification, immersion, inundation, irrigation, laving, moistening, palpitant, peppering, pounding, propagation, publication, radiation, rinsing, scattering, scatterment, shotgun pattern, smatter, smattering, sowing, sparging, spatter, splashing, splattering, splay, spluttering, spraying, spread, spreading, sprinkling, sputtering, staccato, strewing, submersion, swashing, throbbing, thrumming, thumping, ticking, volatilization, watering, wetting
[edit]- spatula, air brush, art paper, brush, camera lucida, camera obscura, canvas, chalk, charcoal, chisel, crayon, drawing paper, drawing pencil, drier, easel, fixative, ground, lay figure, mallet, maulstick, medium, modeling clay, paint, paintbrush, palette, palette knife, pastel, pencil, pigments, point, scratchboard, siccative, sketchbook, sketchpad, solder, soldering iron, spray gun, stump, varnish
[edit]- spawn, albumen, bear, beget, breed, bring about, bring forth, bring into being, brood, call into being, cause, caviar, clutch, coin, conceive, concoct, contrive, cook up, create, deposit, design, develop, devise, discover, dream up, drop, egg, egg white, eggshell, engender, evolve, fabricate, farrow, father, fish eggs, frame, fry, generate, get, give being to, give birth to, give rise to, glair, hatch, improvise, invent, lay, litter, make, make do with, make up, mature, mint, nest, originate, ovule, parent, plan, procreate, produce, roe, sire, spat, strike out, think out, think up, vitellus, white, yellow, yield, yolk, young
speak for itself
[edit]- speak for itself, aller sans dire, approve, argue, attest, be clear, be manifest, be no secret, be plain, bespeak, betoken, breathe, come across, connote, demonstrate, denote, display, evidence, evince, exhibit, express, furnish evidence, give indication of, glare, go to show, go without saying, hang out, have no secrets, illustrate, imply, indicate, involve, make sense, manifest, mark, need no explanation, point to, project, read easily, sauter aux yeux, set forth, shout, show, show signs of, signalize, signify, speak volumes, stand out, stick out, strike the eye, suggest, symptomatize, tell, tend to show
speak for
[edit]- speak for, act for, advocate, allege in support, answer, answer for, appear for, argue for, assert, back up, champion, commission, contend for, counter, defend, deputize, espouse, front for, maintain, make a plea, pinch-hit for, plead for, rebut, refute, reply, represent, respond, riposte, say in defense, speak up for, stand in for, stand up for, stick up for, substitute for, support, sustain, understudy, uphold, urge reasons for
speak out
[edit]- speak out, affirm, affront, allege, announce, annunciate, appear, argue, assert, assever, asseverate, aver, avouch, avow, be frank, beard, bell the cat, bite the bullet, brave, brazen, brazen out, break silence, come forth, confront, contend, declare, enunciate, express, face, face the music, face up, face up to, front, have, have no secrets, hold, insist, issue a manifesto, lay down, maintain, manifesto, materialize, meet, meet boldly, meet head-on, open up, pipe up, predicate, proclaim, profess, pronounce, protest, put, put it, run the gauntlet, say, say out, set at defiance, set down, speak, speak plainly, speak up, stand for, stand on, stand up to, state, submit, take a stand, take the floor
speak to
[edit]- speak to, accost, address, apostrophize, appeal to, approach, bespeak, buttonhole, call down, call to, come down on, dress down, give it to, greet, hail, halloo, invoke, jump all over, jump on, salute, speak, speak fair, take aside, talk to, tell off, trim
speak up for
[edit]- speak up for, advocate, allege in support, answer, argue for, assert, champion, contend for, counter, defend, espouse, maintain, make a plea, plead for, rebut, refute, reply, respond, riposte, say in defense, speak for, stand up for, stick up for, support, sustain, uphold, urge reasons for
speak up
[edit]- speak up, affirm, affront, allege, announce, annunciate, appear, argue, assert, assever, asseverate, aver, avouch, avow, beard, bell the cat, bite the bullet, brave, brazen, brazen out, break silence, come forth, confront, contend, declare, enunciate, express, face, face the music, face up, face up to, front, have, have no secrets, hold, insist, issue a manifesto, lay down, maintain, manifesto, materialize, meet, meet boldly, meet head-on, open up, pipe up, predicate, proclaim, profess, pronounce, protest, put, put it, run the gauntlet, say, say out, set at defiance, set down, speak, speak out, stand for, stand on, stand up to, state, submit, take a stand, take the floor
[edit]- speak, accost, acquaint, act for, address, admonish, advert to, advertise, advertise of, advise, affect, affirm, allege, allude to, announce, annunciate, apostrophize, appeal to, apprise, approach, argue, articulate, as it were, ask for, assert, assever, asseverate, aver, avouch, avow, bandy words, be in connection, be in contact, beat the drum, beg, bespeak, bespoke, betoken, blurt, blurt out, break silence, brief, bring word, buttonhole, call attention to, call to, cant, chatter, chew the fat, chew the rag, chin, chosen, colloque, colloquialize, colloquize, come out, comment, commerce with, commune with, communicate, communicate with, confab, confabulate, contend, converse, converse with, convey, deal with, declaim, declare, defend, deliver an address, demand, descant, dilate, dip, dip the ensign, disclose, discourse, discourse with, discuss, drawl, dress ship, emit a sound, engaged, enlighten, enunciate, examine, exchange colors, exclaim, expatiate, express, familiarize, figuratively speaking, flag, flag down, flash, gab, gasp, give a signal, give a talk, give notice, give the facts, give the nod, give voice, give word, glance, greet, hail, hail and speak, half-mast, halloo, have, have dealings with, have intercourse, have truck with, hoist a banner, hold, hold communication, indicate, influence, inform, insist, instruct, interchange, intercommunicate, interject, invoke, issue a manifesto, jargon, jargonize, kick, lay down, leave word, lecture, leer, let drop, let fall, let know, maintain, make a noise, make a sign, make a signal, make a sound, make known, make oneself heard, make reference to, manifesto, mention, mention to, mouth, mumble, murmur, muse, mutter, nod, noise, note, notify, nudge, observe, opine, patter, perorate, platform, plead for, poke, profess, pronounce, protest, put, put it, raise a cry, rebuke, recommend, refer to, reflect, remark, report, represent, reprimand, reprove, request, require, reserved, resound, reveal, salute, say, scold, selected, send word, serve notice, set aside, set down, shoot the breeze, shout, sign, signal, signalize, signify, so to speak, soapbox, sound, sound an alarm, sound the trumpet, speak fair, speak for, speak for itself, speak out, speak to, speak up, speak with, speechify, splutter, spout, stand for, stand on, stand up for, state, stick up for, stump, submit, support, symbolize, take a stand, take aside, take counsel with, take the floor, take the stump, talk, talk about, talk to, talk together, tell, touch, touch on, touch upon, traffic with, treat of, unfurl a flag, uphold, use, use language, utter, verbalize, verse, visit with, vocalize, voice, wag the tongue, warn, wave, wave a flag, wave the hand, whisper, wink
[edit]- speakeasy, alehouse, bar, barrel house, barroom, beer garden, beer parlor, bistro, blind tiger, cabaret, cafe, cocktail lounge, dive, dramshop, drinking saloon, gin mill, groggery, grogshop, honky-tonk, local, nightclub, pothouse, pub, public, public house, rathskeller, rumshop, saloon, saloon bar, taproom, tavern, wine shop
[edit]- speaker, acoustical network, capacitor speaker, chair, chairman, chatterbox, coaxial speaker, cone, convener, conversationalist, crossover network, debater, declaimer, demagogue, diaphragm, dynamic speaker, earphone, electrodynamic speaker, electromagnetic speaker, electrostatic speaker, excited-field speaker, full-fidelity speaker, haranguer, headphone, headset, herald, high-fidelity speaker, high-frequency speaker, horn, jawsmith, keynoter, lecturer, loudspeaker, low-frequency speaker, midrange speaker, monorange speaker, mouth, mouthpiece, moving-coil speaker, official spokesman, orator, panelist, patterer, permanent magnet speaker, presiding officer, prolocutor, prolocutress, prolocutrix, public speaker, rabble-rouser, ranter, rapporteur, reporter, sayer, speaker system, speaker unit, speecher, speechifier, speechmaker, spieler, spokesman, spokesperson, spokeswoman, spouter, talker, triaxial speaker, tub-thumper, tweeter, utterer, voice, voice coil, woofer
speaking of
[edit]- speaking of, a propos, about, anent, apropos, apropos of, as for, as regards, as respects, as to, by the by, by the way, concerning, en passant, for example, in connection with, in passing, in point of, in re, in reference to, in regard to, in relation to, in relation with, in respect to, incidentally, of, on, par exemple, parenthetically, pertaining to, pertinent to, re, referring to, regarding, relating to, relative to, respecting, touching, upon, with regard to, with respect to
[edit]- speaking, ESP, accents, answer, articulate, breathing, chatter, comment, commerce, communication, communion, congress, connection, contact, conversation, converse, correspondence, dealing, dealings, debating, declamation, demagogism, discourse, elocution, eloquence, eloquent, exchange, faithful, forensics, free-speaking, free-spoken, gab, homiletics, information, interaction, interchange, intercommunication, intercommunion, intercourse, interplay, language, lecturing, lifelike, linguistic act, linguistic intercourse, living, locution, loud-speaking, loud-spoken, message, natural, oral communication, oratory, outspoken, palaver, parol, parole, phonation, plain-speaking, plain-spoken, platform oratory, prattle, public speaking, pyrotechnics, rabble-rousing, rapping, realistic, reply, response, rhetoric, sequence of phonemes, social intercourse, soft-speaking, soft-spoken, speech, speech act, speech circuit, speech situation, speechcraft, speechification, speeching, speechmaking, string, stump speaking, talk, talkative, talking, telepathy, the spoken word, to the life, tongue, touch, traffic, truck, true to life, true to nature, true-speaking, two-way communication, utterance, utterance string, verbalization, vocable, voice, well-spoken, word, word of mouth, wordcraft, words, yakkety-yak, yakking
spear side
[edit]- spear side, affiliation, agnate, ancestry, apparentation, birth, blood, blood relation, blood relative, bloodline, branch, breed, clansman, cognate, collateral, collateral relative, common ancestry, connections, consanguinean, consanguinity, derivation, descent, direct line, distaff side, distant relation, enate, extraction, family, female line, filiation, flesh, flesh and blood, folks, german, house, kin, kindred, kinfolk, kinnery, kinsfolk, kinsman, kinsmen, kinswoman, kith and kin, line, line of descent, lineage, male line, near relation, next of kin, people, phylum, posterity, race, relations, relatives, seed, sept, sib, sibling, side, spear kin, spindle kin, spindle side, stem, stirps, stock, strain, succession, sword side, tribesman, uterine kin
[edit]- spear, anthrophore, assegai, auger, axis, bag, bayonet, bill, bine, bite, blade, bole, bore, bough, bract, bracteole, bractlet, branch, branchedness, branchiness, broach, burgeon, cane, carpophore, catch, caudex, caulicle, caulis, cotyledon, countersink, culm, dagger, deadwood, dirk, drill, empierce, enmesh, ensnare, entangle, entrap, fix, flag, flagellum, floral leaf, foliole, footstalk, fork, foul, frond, funicule, funiculus, glume, gore, gouge, gouge out, halberd, harpoon, haulm, hole, honeycomb, hook, impale, involucre, involucrum, javelin, knife, lamina, lance, land, lasso, leaf, leaflet, leafstalk, lemma, ligule, limb, mesh, nail, needle, net, noose, offshoot, partisan, pedicel, peduncle, penetrate, perforate, petal, petiole, petiolule, petiolus, pierce, pike, pile, pine needle, pink, plunge in, poniard, prick, punch, puncture, ramage, ramification, ream, ream out, reed, riddle, rope, run through, runner, saber, sack, sarment, scion, seed leaf, seedstalk, sepal, shoot, skewer, slip, snag, snare, sniggle, spathe, spike, spire, spit, spontoon, spray, sprig, sprit, sprout, stab, stalk, stem, stick, stiletto, stipe, stipula, stipule, stock, stolon, straw, sucker, switch, sword, take, tangle, tangle up with, tap, tendril, thallus, tigella, transfix, transpierce, trap, trepan, trephine, trunk, twig
[edit]- spearhead, advance guard, airhead, avant-garde, battle line, be the bellwether, beachhead, beacon, blaze the trail, break the ice, bridgehead, cutting edge, farthest outpost, first line, forefront, front, front line, front rank, front-runner, get ahead of, get before, go before, guide, have the start, head, head the line, initiate, lap, launch, lead, lead the dance, lead the way, light the way, line, outguard, outpost, outstrip, pace, pioneer, point, precede, precursor, railhead, scout, set the pace, stand first, take the initiative, take the lead, van, vanguard
special case
[edit]- special case, allowance, cession, circumscription, concession, definiteness, exception, exemption, extenuating circumstances, grain of salt, grant, hedge, hedging, limitation, mental reservation, modification, qualification, reservation, restriction, salvo, special treatment, speciality, specialness, specialty, specificality, specification, specificness, waiver
special delivery
[edit]- special delivery, PP, RD, RFD, airmail, book post, correspondence, direct mail, direct-mail selling, express, fourth-class mail, frank, halfpenny post, junk mail, letter post, letters, mail, mail-order selling, mailing list, newspaper post, parcel post, post, post day, registered mail, rural delivery, rural free delivery, sea mail, seapost, special handling, surface mail
special interests
[edit]- special interests, Black Power, Italian vote, Jewish vote, Polish Power, Rasputin, Svengali, VIP, White Power, access, bad influence, big wheel, black vote, court, eminence grise, farm interests, financial interests, five-percenter, friend at court, good influence, gray eminence, heavyweight, hidden hand, influence, influence peddler, influencer, ingroup, interest group, key, kingmaker, labor interests, lobby, lobbyist, lords of creation, man of influence, manipulator, open sesame, powers that be, pressure group, sinister influence, special-interest group, the Establishment, very important person, vested interests, wheeler-dealer, wire-puller
special school
[edit]- special school, alternate, alternative school, blab school, boarding school, central school, consolidated school, continuation school, correspondence school, country day school, dame school, day school, evening school, extension, finishing school, free school, informal school, night school, nongraded school, open classroom school, pensionat, platoon school, private school, progressive school, public school, school without walls, storefront school, street academy, summer school, union school, vacation school
special treatment
[edit]- special treatment, advance, advancement, allowance, cession, circumscription, concession, exception, exemption, expediting, expedition, extenuating circumstances, facilitation, forwarding, furtherance, grain of salt, grant, hedge, hedging, helping along, limitation, mental reservation, modification, preferential treatment, promotion, qualification, reservation, restriction, rushing, salvo, special case, specialness, specification, speeding, waiver
[edit]- special, Amtrak, absolute, another, article, article of commerce, article of merchandise, baggage train, best, bizarre, bosom, cable railroad, categorical, celebrated, celebratory, certain, characteristic, choo-choo, classificational, classificatory, close, closest, cog railroad, cog railway, commodity, concerted, concrete, conspicuous, curious, daily, daily newspaper, dear, defined, defining, definite, deliberate, denominative, designated, detailed, determinate, determined, devoted, different, differential, distinct, distinctive, distinctively, distinguished, divisional, divisionary, drug, el, electric, electric train, elevated, else, eminent, esoteric, especial, esteemed, estimable, exact, exceptional, exclusive, express, express train, extra, extra edition, extraordinary, faithful, feature, festive, finicky, fixed, flier, freight, freight train, freighter, full, funicular, fussy, gala, gazette, good, goods train, idiosyncratic, important, individual, inimitable, inner, interurban, intimate, item, lead item, leader, leading card, lightning express, limited, local, loss leader, loyal, main feature, major, marked, memorable, meticulous, metro, milk train, minute, momentous, monorail, national newspaper, neighborhood newspaper, news, newspaper, newspaper of record, nice, noble, not that sort, not the same, not the type, notable, noteworthy, occasional, odd, of a sort, of another sort, of mark, of sorts, ordinal, other, other than, otherwise, outstanding, paper, paramount, parliamentary, parliamentary train, particular, particularly, passenger train, peculiar, personal, picayune, pointed, precise, prestigious, primary, prime, private, product, prominent, rack-and-pinion railroad, rag, railroad train, rare, rattler, red-letter, remarkable, rememberable, reputable, respective, rolling stock, salient, seconds, set, several, sheet, shuttle, shuttle train, signal, significant, singular, solipsistic, special edition, speciality, specialized, specially, specific, specifically, standard article, staple, staple item, staunch, steadfast, strange, streamliner, striking, subdivisional, subway, sui generis, tabloid, taxonomic, telling, train, tube, typal, typical, uncommon, unconventional, underground, unforgettable, unique, unorthodox, unusual, valued, vendible, ware, way train, weekly, weekly newspaper, weird
[edit]- specialist, Wall Streeter, adept, aficionado, amateur, anesthesiologist, artist, artiste, authoritative, authority, bond crowd, broker, buff, cardiologist, chiropodist, confined, connoisseur, critic, curb broker, dealer, dermatologist, dilettante, expert, eye doctor, eye-ear-nose-throat specialist, fan, feature, featured, floor broker, floor trader, floorman, freak, geriatrician, gerontologist, gynecologist, immunologist, internist, jobber, knowledgeable, limited, maestro, master, neurologist, nut, obstetrician, oculist, odd-lot dealer, ophthalmologist, orthopedist, otolaryngologist, otologist, pathologist, pediatrician, pediatrist, pit man, podiatrist, professional, psychiatrist, pundit, radiologist, registered representative, restricted, savant, scholar, serologist, sharebroker, skin man, specialistic, specialized, stock dealer, stock-exchange broker, stockbroker, stockjobber, technical, technical expert, technician, two-dollar broker
[edit]- speciality, ability, accomplishment, adeptness, aptitude, area, art, baby, bag, bump, caliber, capability, capacity, concentration, craft, cup of tea, definiteness, dower, dowry, endowment, equipment, expertise, faculty, field, flair, forte, genius, gift, instinct, line, long suit, main interest, makings, manner, metier, natural endowment, natural gift, parts, pet subject, piece de resistance, potential, power, powers, pursuit, qualification, skill, special, special case, specialism, specialization, specialness, specialty, specificality, specificness, sphere, strength, strong flair, strong point, style, subject, talent, talents, technicality, the goods, the stuff, thing, trade, type, vocation, way, weakness, what it takes
[edit]- specialization, alteration, analysis, anatomization, area, art, atomization, bag, business, calling, career, career building, careerism, change, craft, cup of tea, demarcation, desynonymization, differencing, differentiation, discrimination, disequalization, disjunction, distinction, distinguishment, diversification, division, field, forte, game, handicraft, individualization, individuation, itemization, lifework, line, line of business, line of work, localization, long suit, main interest, manner, metier, mission, modification, mystery, number, occupation, particularization, peculiarization, personalization, pet subject, practice, profession, pursuit, racket, segregation, separation, severalization, severance, specialism, speciality, specialty, strong point, style, technicality, thing, trade, type, variation, vocation, walk, walk of life, way, weakness, work
specialize in
[edit]- specialize in, be into, be strong in, carry on, conduct, confine, do, employ, engage in, exercise, feature, follow, go in for, limit, major in, minor in, narrow, practice, prosecute, pursue, read for, read law, restrict, specialize, study for, study to be, tackle, take on, take to, take up, undertake, use, wage, work at
[edit]- specialize, analyze, anatomize, assign, atomize, be into, be strong in, bound, change, chop logic, condition, confine, contain, copyright, denominate, descend to particulars, designate, desynonymize, detail, determine, difference, differentiate, discipline, discriminate, disequalize, disjoin, distinguish, diversify, divide, draw the line, enumerate, feature, fix, follow, go in for, hedge about, indicate, individualize, individuate, inventory, itemize, limit, list, major in, make a distinction, mark, mark off, mark out, mention, minor in, moderate, modify, name, narrow, particularize, patent, peculiarize, personalize, pick out, pin down, point out, precise, pursue, qualify, refine a distinction, register, restrain, restrict, scant, segregate, select, separate, set, set apart, set off, sever, severalize, signify, specialize in, specify, spell out, split hairs, state, stint, stipulate, straiten, vary
specialty shop
[edit]- specialty shop, antique store, apothecary, automobile showroom, bookstore, bootery, candy store, chemist, cigar store, clothiers, clothing store, confectionery, dress shop, drugstore, dry goods store, florists, fur salon, furniture store, gift shop, haberdashery, hardware store, hat shop, hobby shop, ironmongery, jewelers, jewelry store, leather goods store, liquor store, luggage shop, milliners, novelty shop, package store, pharmacy, saddlery, schlock house, schlock shop, secondhand shop, secondhand store, shoe store, smoke shop, sporting goods store, stationers, stationery store, sweater shop, sweet shop, thrift shop, tobacco store, tobacconists, toy shop, trimming store, used-car lot
[edit]- specialty, academic discipline, academic specialty, adjunct, applied science, appurtenance, area, arena, aroma, arrangement, art, aspect, attribute, badge, bond, brand, business, cachet, calling, career, career building, careerism, cast, character, characteristic, circumstance, classical education, component, concern, configuration, constituent, contents, contract by deed, contract of record, contract quasi, core curriculum, course, course of study, covenant of indemnity, craft, curriculum, cut, debenture, debenture bond, deed, deed of trust, deed poll, definiteness, department of knowledge, detail, differentia, differential, discipline, distinctive feature, domain, earmark, elective, element, factor, feature, field, field of inquiry, field of study, figure, fixings, flavor, formal contract, game, general education, general studies, group policy, gust, hallmark, handicraft, humanities, idiocrasy, idiosyncrasy, implied contract, impress, impression, indent, indenture, index, individualism, ingredient, insurance policy, integrant, item, keynote, liberal arts, lifework, line, line of business, line of work, lineaments, major, makings, mannerism, mark, marking, metier, minor, mission, mold, mortgage deed, mystery, natural science, nature, number, occupation, odor, ology, parol contract, part, part and parcel, particularity, peculiarity, policy, practice, profession, promissory note, property, proseminar, province, pure science, pursuit, quadrivium, quality, quirk, racket, recognizance, refresher course, savor, science, scientific education, seal, seminar, shape, singularity, smack, social science, special case, special contract, speciality, specialization, specialness, specialty contract, specificality, specificness, sphere, stamp, study, subdiscipline, subject, taint, tang, taste, technical education, technicology, technics, technology, title deed, token, trade, trait, trick, trivium, vocation, walk, walk of life, work
[edit]- specie, and pence, cash, circulating medium, coin, coinage, coined liberty, cold cash, crown, currency, dollars, double eagle, doubloon, ducat, eagle, emergency money, filthy lucre, five-dollar gold piece, fractional currency, gold, gold piece, guinea, half crown, half eagle, hard cash, hard currency, hard money, legal tender, lucre, mammon, managed currency, medium of exchange, mintage, moidore, money, napoleon, necessity money, pelf, piece, piece of money, piece of silver, postage currency, postal currency, pound sovereign, pounds, roll of coins, rouleau, scrip, shillings, silver, soft currency, sovereign, sterling, ten-dollar gold piece, the almighty dollar, the wherewith, the wherewithal, twenty-dollar gold piece
[edit]- species, animal kingdom, antonomasia, binomial nomenclature, biosystematics, biosystematy, biotype, blood, branch, brand, breed, brood, cast, character, clan, class, classification, color, deme, denomination, description, designation, family, feather, folk, form, genotype, genre, gens, genus, glossology, grain, house, ilk, kidney, kin, kind, kingdom, label, line, lineage, lot, make, manner, mark, matriclan, mold, nation, nature, nomenclature, number, onomastics, onomatology, order, orismology, patriclan, people, persuasion, phratry, phyle, phylum, place-names, place-naming, plant kingdom, polyonymy, race, section, sept, series, shape, sort, stamp, stem, stirps, stock, strain, stripe, style, subclass, subfamily, subgenus, subkingdom, suborder, subspecies, subtribe, superclass, superfamily, superorder, superspecies, systematics, taxonomy, terminology, the like of, the likes of, toponymy, totem, tribe, trinomialism, type, variety
specific gravity
[edit]- specific gravity, G, G suit, apogeotropism, closeness, compactness, congestedness, congestion, consistence, consistency, crowdedness, denseness, density, firmness, geotropism, gluiness, gravitation, graviton, gravity, hardness, impenetrability, impermeability, imporosity, incompressibility, jammedness, mass, relative density, solidity, solidness, spissitude, thickness, viscidity, viscosity, viscousness
[edit]- specific, absolute, aid, alterative, analeptic, assistance, balm, balsam, categorical, certain, characteristic, circumscribed, circumscript, classificational, classificatory, clean-cut, clear-cut, concrete, corrective, cure, defined, defining, definite, definitive, delimited, demarcated, denominative, detailed, determinate, determined, different, differential, distinct, distinctive, distinguished, divisional, divisionary, encircled, esoteric, especial, established, exact, exceptional, explicit, express, extraordinary, finicky, fixed, full, fussy, healing agent, healing quality, hedged about, help, indicated, individual, inner, intimate, limited, meticulous, minute, nice, noteworthy, ordinal, particular, peculiar, personal, picayune, precise, predetermined, prescription, private, proper to, receipt, recipe, relief, remedial measure, remedy, reserved, respective, restorative, restricted, set, several, singular, solipsistic, sovereign remedy, special, specialized, specific remedy, specified, stated, subdivisional, succor, sui generis, surrounded, taxonomic, the concrete, the individual, the particular, the special, the specific, the unique, typal, typical, unambiguous, unequivocal, well-defined
[edit]- specifically, at length, categorically, completely, concretely, definitely, distinctively, distinctly, especially, exactly, explicitly, expressly, fully, in detail, in extenso, in full, in particular, in toto, item by item, minutely, particularly, precisely, separately, singly, special, specially, to be specific, wholly
[edit]- specification, allocation, allowance, analysis, anatomization, assignment, atomization, attribution, boundary condition, bounding, cameo, catalog, cataloging, catch, cession, character, character sketch, characterization, circling-in, circumscribing, circumscription, circumstantiation, clause, concession, condition, consideration, definition, delimitation, delineation, demarcation, denomination, denotation, depiction, describing, description, designation, detail, details, determination, differentiation, disclosure, donnee, encincture, enumeration, escalator clause, escape clause, escape hatch, evocation, exception, exemption, expression, extenuating circumstances, fine print, fingering, fixing, given, grain of salt, grant, graphic account, grounds, hedge, hedging, hint, identification, identifying, image, imagery, impression, inclusion-exclusion, indication, indicativeness, inventory, itemization, itemizing, joker, kicker, limitation, limiting condition, limning, list, listing, manifestation, meaning, mental reservation, modification, naming, obligation, parameter, particularization, photograph, picking out, picture, pinning down, pointing, pointing out, pointing to, portrait, portraiture, portrayal, precision, prerequisite, profile, provision, provisions, proviso, qualification, rendering, rendition, representation, requirement, requisite, reservation, restriction, salvo, saving clause, selection, show, showing, signification, sine qua non, sketch, small print, special case, special treatment, specialness, specifying, stipulation, string, suggestion, symptomaticness, terms, ultimatum, vignette, vivid description, waiver, whereas, word painting
[edit]- specify, address to, adduce, advert to, allude to, anatomize, assign, atomize, baptize, be taken as, bound, bring to attention, bring to notice, call, call attention to, christen, circle in, circumscribe, circumstantiate, cite, condition, define, delimit, delimitate, delineate, demarcate, denominate, denote, descend to particulars, designate, detail, determine, direct attention to, direct to, document, dub, emblematize, enclose, enter into detail, entitle, enumerate, establish, figure, finger, fix, focus on, give full particulars, identify, indicate, individualize, instance, inventory, itemize, label, lay off, limit, list, mark, mark boundaries, mark off, mark out, mark the periphery, mention, name, nickname, nominate, particularize, pick out, pin down, point at, point out, point to, precise, refer to, rope off, select, set, set forth, set out, set the limit, settle, signify, specialize, spell out, stake out, stand for, state, stigmatize, stipulate, style, substantiate, surround, symbol, symbolize, tag, term, title, touch on, typify
[edit]- specimen, case, case history, case in point, cross section, embodiment, example, exemplar, exponent, illustration, instance, little bite, little smack, model, pattern, piece, representation, representative, sample, sampling, sort, species, swatch, taste, taster, type, typification, variety
specious reasoning
[edit]- specious reasoning, apparent soundness, casuistry, circularity, deduction, deductive reasoning, demonstration, discourse, discourse of reason, discursive reason, disingenuousness, distortion, equivocalness, equivocation, evasive reasoning, fallaciousness, fallacy, induction, inductive reasoning, insincerity, jesuitism, jesuitry, logical thought, misapplication, mystification, obfuscation, obscurantism, oversubtlety, perversion, philosophism, philosophy, plausibility, plausibleness, proof, ratiocination, rationalism, rationality, rationalization, rationalizing, reason, reasonableness, reasoning, sophism, sophistical reasoning, sophistication, sophistry, special pleading, speciosity, speciousness, subtlety, sweet reason, vicious circle, vicious reasoning
[edit]- specious, Barmecidal, Barmecide, airy, alleged, apparent, apparently sound, apparitional, autistic, avowed, beguiling, casuistic, chimeric, claimed, colorable, colored, conceivable, deceptive, delusional, delusionary, delusive, delusory, dereistic, disingenuous, dreamlike, dreamy, empty, erroneous, fallacious, false, fantastic, gilded, hollow, hypocritical, idle, illogical, illusional, illusionary, illusive, illusory, imaginary, in name only, inaccurate, incorrect, insincere, jesuitic, likely, meretricious, misleading, nugatory, ostensible, overrefined, oversubtle, phantasmagoric, phantasmal, phantom, philosophistic, plausible, possible, presumable, presumed, pretended, pretexted, professed, purported, seeming, self-deceptive, self-deluding, so-called, sophistic, sophistical, spectral, spurious, superficial, supposed, supposititious, tinsel, unactual, unfounded, unreal, unsound, unsubstantial, untrue, vain, visionary, wrong
[edit]- speciousness, acting, affectation, apparent character, apparent soundness, appearance, appearances, attitudinizing, bluff, bluffing, casuistry, cheating, circularity, color, coloring, deception, deceptiveness, delusion, disguise, disingenuousness, display, dissemblance, dissembling, dissimulation, distortion, equivocalness, equivocation, evasive reasoning, exteriors, external appearance, externals, facade, face, fakery, faking, fallaciousness, fallacy, false air, false front, false show, falsity, feigning, feint, four-flushing, fraud, front, gaudiness, gilt, gloss, humbug, humbuggery, imposture, insincerity, jesuitism, jesuitry, masquerade, mere externals, meretriciousness, misapplication, mystification, obfuscation, obscurantism, ostent, ostentation, outward appearance, outward show, oversubtlety, perversion, philosophism, plausibility, plausibleness, playacting, pose, posing, posture, pretense, pretension, pretext, public image, rationalization, representation, seeming, semblance, sham, show, simulacrum, simulation, sophism, sophistical reasoning, sophistication, sophistry, special pleading, speciosity, specious reasoning, spuriousness, subtlety, superficiality, surface appearance, surface show, vain show, varnish, vicious circle, vicious reasoning, window dressing
[edit]- speck, ace, amount, atom, band, bar, bespangle, bespeckle, bespot, besprinkle, birthmark, bit, black sheep, blaze, blaze a trail, blemish, bloodstain, blot, blotch, blur, brand, bread, caste mark, chalk, chalk up, check, check off, checker, checkmark, cicatrix, cicatrize, crumb, cut, dab, dapple, dappledness, dappleness, dash, daub, define, delimit, demarcate, discolor, discoloration, dole, dot, dottedness, dram, dredge, dribble, driblet, drop, droplet, dust, dwarf, earmark, engrave, engraving, eyesore, farthing, flake, fleck, flick, flour, flyspeck, foreign body, foreign intruder, fragment, freckle, freckliness, gash, gnat, gobbet, grain, granule, graving, groat, hack, hair, handful, harlequin, hatch, hint, impress, imprint, impurity, intruder, iota, iris, jot, lentigo, line, little, little bit, lota, macula, maculate, maculation, macule, make a mark, marble, marbleize, mark, mark off, mark out, marking, microbe, microorganism, midge, minim, minimum, minutia, minutiae, misfit, mite, modicum, mole, molecule, monkey wrench, mote, motley, mottle, mottledness, nevus, nick, notch, nutshell, oddball, ounce, particle, patch, pebble, pencil, pepper, pinch, pinhead, pinpoint, pittance, point, pointillage, pointillism, polka dot, polychrome, polychromize, powder, prick, print, punch, punctuate, puncture, rainbow, riddle, scar, scarification, scarify, score, scotch, scrap, scratch, scratching, scruple, seal, seam, sliver, smear, smidgen, smidgin, smirch, smitch, smouch, smudge, smut, smutch, snip, snippet, spangle, spatter, speckle, speckliness, splash, splatter, splinter, splotch, spoonful, spot, spottedness, spottiness, sprinkle, stain, stamp, stigma, stigmatize, stipple, stippledness, stippling, stone, strawberry mark, streak, striate, stripe, stud, suggestion, suspicion, taint, tarnish, tattoo, tattoo mark, tessellate, thimbleful, tick, tick off, tinge, tiny bit, tittle, touch, trace, trifling amount, trivia, underline, underscore, vanishing point, variegate, vein, watermark, weed, whit
[edit]- speckled, bespangled, bespattered, bespeckled, blotched, blotchy, brindled, dappled, discolored, dotted, dotty, dusted, flea-bitten, flecked, fleckered, frecked, freckle-faced, freckled, freckly, macular, maculate, maculated, mottled, patchy, peppered, pocked, pockmarked, pocky, pointille, pointillistic, polka-dot, powdered, punctated, spangled, spattered, specked, speckledy, speckly, splashed, splattered, splotched, splotchy, spotted, spotty, sprinkled, stippled, studded
[edit]- specs, Polaroid glasses, bifocals, blinkers, cheaters, colored glasses, contact lens, dark glasses, divided spectacles, eyeglass, eyeglasses, glasses, goggles, granny glasses, harlequin glasses, horn-rimmed glasses, lorgnette, lorgnon, mini-specs, monocle, nippers, pair of glasses, peepers, quizzing glass, readers, reading glasses, shades, spectacles, sun-specs, sunglasses, trifocals
[edit]- spectacle, Grand Guignol, Passion play, Tom show, amazement, antimasque, astonishing thing, astonishment, audience success, ballet, blazon, bomb, bravura, brilliancy, broadcast drama, burlesque show, charade, cliff hanger, closet drama, comedy drama, cosmorama, critical success, curiosity, cyclorama, daring, dash, daytime serial, demonstration, dialogue, diorama, display, documentary drama, drama, dramalogue, dramatic play, dramatic series, dramatics, duodrama, duologue, eclat, epic theater, etalage, event, exception, exhibit, exhibition, exhibitionism, experimental theater, exposition, extravaganza, eyeglasses, failure, false front, fanfaronade, figure, flair, flaunt, flaunting, flop, flourish, fool, gasser, gazingstock, georama, giveaway, glasses, happening, histrionics, hit, hit show, improvisational drama, legitimate drama, light show, manifestation, marvel, marvelment, masque, melodrama, minstrel show, miracle, miracle play, monodrama, monologue, morality, morality play, music drama, musical revue, myriorama, mystery, mystery play, nonesuch, opera, pageant, pageantry, panel show, panorama, pantomime, parade, pastoral, pastoral drama, performance, phantasmagoria, phenomenon, piece, play, playlet, pomp, presentation, problem play, prodigy, psychedelic show, psychodrama, quite a thing, quiz show, radio drama, rarity, representation, review, revue, sensation, sensational play, serial, sham, shifting scene, show, showing-off, sight, sitcom, situation comedy, sketch, skit, soap, soap opera, sociodrama, something else, specs, spectacles, splash, splurge, stage play, stage show, staginess, straight drama, stunner, success, suspense drama, tableau, tableau vivant, talk show, teleplay, television drama, television play, theater of cruelty, theatrics, total theater, variety show, vaudeville, vaudeville show, vaunt, vehicle, wonder, wonderful thing, wonderment, word-of-mouth success, work
[edit]- spectacles, Polaroid glasses, bifocals, blinkers, cheaters, colored glasses, contact lens, dark glasses, divided spectacles, eyeglass, eyeglasses, glasses, goggles, granny glasses, harlequin glasses, horn-rimmed glasses, lorgnette, lorgnon, mini-specs, monocle, nippers, pair of glasses, peepers, quizzing glass, readers, reading glasses, shades, specs, sun-specs, sunglasses, trifocals
[edit]- spectacular, actor-proof, all-star, amazing, astonishing, astounding, ballet, balletic, blatant, brazen, brazenfaced, breathtaking, cinematic, cinematographic, colorful, confounding, crude, dramatic, dramatical, eye-opening, film, filmic, flagrant, flaring, flaunting, garish, gaudy, glaring, gorgeous, ham, hammy, histrionic, legitimate, loud, lurid, melodramatic, meretricious, milked, mind-boggling, miraculous, monodramatic, movie, obtrusive, operatic, overacted, overplayed, overwhelming, prodigious, scenic, screaming, sensational, shameless, stagelike, stageworthy, staggering, stagy, starstruck, startling, stellar, striking, stunning, stupendous, surprising, tawdry, theaterlike, theatrical, thespian, thrilling, thrown away, underacted, underplayed, vaudevillian, vulgar, wonderful, wondrous
[edit]- spectator, accepter, acquirer, addressee, aficionado, attender, attestant, attestator, attester, audience, auditor, auditory, beholder, buff, bystander, claqueur, cojuror, compurgator, congregation, consignee, deadhead, deponent, earwitness, eyewitness, fan, frequenter, gallery, gazer, getter, groundling, habitue, haunter, hearer, hired applauder, holder, house, informant, informer, listener, looker, looker-on, moviegoer, newer, observer, obtainer, onlooker, orchestra, pass holder, passerby, patron, payee, perceiver, pit, playgoer, procurer, receiver, recipient, seer, standee, swearer, taker, testifier, theater, theatergoer, trustee, viewer, visitor, voucher, watcher, witness
[edit]- specter, Dracula, Frankenstein, Wolf-man, apparition, appearance, atua, bogey, bogeyman, bugaboo, bugbear, daemon, demon, eidolon, evil spirits, fantasy, fee-faw-fum, figure, form, frightener, genius, ghost, ghoul, hobgoblin, holy terror, horror, idolum, image, incubus, intelligence, monster, nightmare, ogre, ogress, phantasm, phantasma, phantasmagoria, phantom, presence, revenant, scarebabe, scarecrow, scarer, shade, shadow, shape, spirit, succubus, supernatural being, terror, umbra, vampire, vision, waking dream, werewolf, wildest dream, wraith
[edit]- spectral, Barmecidal, Barmecide, airy, apparent, apparitional, astral, autistic, bicolor, bicolored, cadaverous, chimeric, chromatic, cold, colorful, colorific, coloring, colory, cool, corpselike, crazy, daedal, deathlike, deceptive, delusional, delusionary, delusive, delusory, dereistic, dichromatic, disembodied, divers-colored, dreamlike, dreamy, ectoplasmic, eerie, erroneous, ethereal, etheric, fallacious, false, fantastic, ghostish, ghostlike, ghostly, ghosty, glowing, harlequin, harmonious, illusional, illusionary, illusive, illusory, imaginary, incorporeal, kaleidoscopic, many-colored, matching, medley, misleading, monochromatic, monochrome, monochromic, motley, multicolor, multicolored, multicolorous, ostensible, parti-color, parti-colored, phantasmagoric, phantasmal, phantasmic, phantom, phantomic, phantomlike, pigmentary, polychromatic, polychrome, polychromic, prismal, prismatic, psychic, rainbow, seeming, self-deceptive, self-deluding, shadowy, shot, shot through, specious, specterlike, spiritual, spooky, supernatural, supposititious, thunder and lightning, tinctorial, tingent, toning, trichromatic, trichromic, tricolor, tricolored, two-tone, unactual, unearthly, unfounded, unreal, unsubstantial, varicolored, variegated, versicolor, versicolored, visionary, warm, weird, wraithlike, wraithy
[edit]- spectrograph, Cassegrainian telescope, Newtonian telescope, OAO, OSO, astronomical observatory, astronomical telescope, coelostat, coronagraph, coronograph, heliostat, observatory, orrery, planetarium, radar telescope, radio observatory, radio telescope, reflector, refractor, spectrogram, spectroheliogram, spectroheliograph, spectrohelioscope, spectroscope, telescope
[edit]- spectrometry, chromatics, chromatography, chromatology, chromatoscopy, colorimetry, electron optics, infrared spectroscopy, microscopics, microscopy, optical physics, optics, optometry, photography, spectrophotometry, spectroscopy, spectrum analysis, stereoscopy, telescopy
[edit]- spectroscope, Cassegrainian telescope, Newtonian telescope, OAO, OSO, astronomical observatory, astronomical telescope, chromatoscope, coelostat, coronagraph, coronograph, heliostat, kaleidoscope, observatory, orrery, oscilloscope, periscope, planetarium, radar telescope, radio observatory, radio telescope, reflector, refractor, spectrograph, spectroheliograph, spectrohelioscope, stereoscope, telescope
[edit]- spectroscopy, astrogeology, astrognosy, astrography, astrolithology, astronomy, astrophotography, astrophysics, celestial mechanics, chromatics, chromatography, chromatology, chromatoscopy, colorimetry, electron optics, gravitational astronomy, infrared spectroscopy, meteoritics, microscopics, microscopy, optical physics, optics, optometry, photography, radar astronomy, radio astronomy, solar physics, spectrography, spectrometry, spectrophotometry, spectrum analysis, stargazing, stellar photometry, stereoscopy, telescopy, uranography, uranology, uranometry
[edit]- spectrum, AF, CPS, Dalmatian, EHF, HF, Hz, Indian file, MF, Maxwell triangle, Munsell scale, RF, SHF, UHF, VHF, VLF, afterimage, antigorite, array, articulation, audio frequency, bank, bogey, butterfly, buzz, candy cane, carrier frequency, carry, catena, catenation, chain, chain reaction, chaining, chameleon, cheetah, chromatic circle, chromatic spectrum, chromaticity diagram, chrysotile, color circle, color cycle, color index, color mixture curve, color solid, color spectrum, color system, color triangle, compass, complementary color, concatenation, confetti, connection, consecution, continuum, course, crazy quilt, cycle, cycles, demitint, descent, diapason, drone, eidolon, endless belt, endless round, extremely high frequency, file, filiation, firedog, frequency, frequency spectrum, full color, fundamental colors, gamut, ghost, gradation, half tint, halftone, harlequin, haunt, hertz, high frequency, hue cycle, hum, intermediate frequency, iris, jaguar, kilocycles, kilohertz, leopard, line, lineage, low frequency, lower frequencies, mackerel, mackerel sky, marble, marbled paper, medium frequency, megacycles, megahertz, metamer, moire, monochrome, monotone, mother-of-pearl, nacre, nexus, ocelot, ocular spectrum, opal, ophite, optical illusion, patchwork quilt, peacock, pendulum, periodicity, phantasm, plenum, powder train, primary, primary color, progression, pure color, queue, radio frequency, radius, rainbow, range, rank, reach, recurrence, register, reticulation, revenant, rotation, round, routine, row, run, scale, scope, secondary, secondary color, sequence, series, serpentine, serpentine marble, shade, shot silk, single file, solar spectrum, spark frequency, spectral color, spectrum color, spirit, spook, stretch, string, succession, superhigh frequency, swath, sweep, tertiary, tertiary color, thread, tier, tortoise shell, train, trick of eyesight, ultrahigh frequency, upper frequencies, very high frequency, very low frequency, windrow, zebra
[edit]- speculate, be abstracted, be caught short, be short, belong, brood, bucket, bucketshop, buy in, buy into, call, cast a horoscope, cast a nativity, cast lots, cerebrate, chew over, chew the cud, cogitate, consider, contemplate, cut lots, cut the cards, debate, deliberate, deposit margin, digest, divine, dope, dope out, dowse for water, draw lots, draw straws, entertain a theory, espouse a theory, evaluate, excogitate, financier, forebode, forecast, foresee, foretell, fortune-tell, gamble, game, go long, guess, hariolate, have a theory, hold on, hypothesize, introspect, invest, invest in, judge, lay out money, lot, make a killing, make a prediction, make a prognosis, make a prophecy, make a scoop, make an investment, margin up, match coins, meditate, miss the market, mull over, muse, operate, overstay the market, perpend, place, play, play around with, play at dice, play the market, play the ponies, play with, plow back into, plunge, ponder, ponder over, postulate, predict, prefigure, presage, prognosticate, prophesy, put, pyramid, raffle off, read palms, read tea leaves, read the future, reason, reflect, reinvest, review, risk, ruminate, scalp, scoop the market, shoot craps, sink, sink money in, soothsay, sport, stag, stag the market, study, take a chance, take a flier, tell fortunes, tell the future, theorize, toss, toy with, trade on margin, vaticinate, venture, wager, weigh, wonder about
[edit]- speculation, abstraction, actuarial prediction, advisement, agiotage, analysis, apocalypse, arbitrage, betting, blind guess, bold conjecture, brainwork, brooding, buying in, calculated risk, cardsharping, casting lots, cerebration, chance, cogitation, conjecture, consideration, contemplation, counsel, deliberation, doctrinairism, doctrinality, doctrinarity, equity capital, evaluation, excogitation, explanation, flier, flutter, foreboding, forecast, forecasting, foreshowing, foresight, foretelling, fortune, gamble, gambling, gaming, guess, guesswork, hazard, hazarding, hunch, hypothesis, improbability, investment, liquidation, luck, lucubration, meditation, mere theory, musing, omen, opinion, perhaps, play, playing, plunge, pondering, postulation, prediction, prefiguration, prefigurement, prefiguring, presage, presaging, presentiment, preshowing, presignifying, prime investment, probability, profit taking, prognosis, prognostication, promise, prophecy, prophesying, prospectus, reflection, review, revolving, risk, risking, rough guess, round trade, rumination, scalping, shot, soothsay, sortition, sporting, spot sale, stab, staking, statistical prediction, stockjobbery, stockjobbing, study, studying, suppose, supposition, surmise, theoretic, theoretical basis, theoretics, theoria, theoric, theorization, theory, thinking, turn, uncertainty, unverified supposition, vaticination, venture, venture capital, wager, wagering, weighing, wild guess, wondering
[edit]- speculative, abstract, academic, adventurous, aleatory, analytical, arguable, armchair, at issue, chancy, closet, cogitative, cognitive, concentrating, concentrative, conceptive, conceptual, conceptualized, confutable, conjectural, contemplating, contemplative, contestable, controversial, controvertible, curious, debatable, deliberating, deliberative, deniable, dicey, disputable, doubtable, doubtful, dubious, dubitable, excogitating, full of risk, hazardous, hypothetic, hypothetical, ideal, idealistic, idealized, ideational, ideative, iffy, impractical, in dispute, in doubt, in dubio, in question, inquiring, intellectual, introspective, meditating, meditative, mental, mistakable, moot, museful, musing, noetic, notional, open to doubt, open to question, pensive, pondering, postulatory, prehensive, problematic, questionable, questioning, ratiocinative, rational, reflecting, reflective, refutable, riskful, risky, ruminant, ruminating, ruminative, serious, sober, suppositional, supposititious, suppositive, suspect, suspicious, theoretical, thinking, thought, thoughtful, uncertain, unpractical, unproved, unproven, unrealistic, unreliable, untested, untrustworthy, venturesome, venturous, wildcat, wistful
[edit]- speculator, adventurer, armchair authority, betting ring, bettor, big operator, boneshaker, cardshark, cardsharp, cardsharper, casuist, compulsive gambler, cosmologist, crap shooter, doctrinaire, doctrinarian, gambler, gamester, gunslinger, hazarder, hypothesist, hypothesizer, lame duck, margin purchaser, metaphysician, operator, petty gambler, philosophaster, philosophe, philosopher, philosophizer, piker, player, plunger, punter, scalper, sharp, sharper, sharpie, smart operator, sophist, sport, sporting man, sportsman, stag, theoretic, theoretician, theorist, theorizer, thinker, tinhorn, tipster, tout, venturer, wagerer
speech organ
[edit]- speech organ, alveolar ridge, alveolus, apex, arytenoid cartilages, back, blade, dorsum, hard palate, larynx, lips, nasal cavity, oral cavity, palate, pharyngeal cavity, pharynx, soft palate, syrinx, teeth, teeth ridge, tip, tongue, velum, vocal chink, vocal cords, vocal folds, vocal processes, voice box
[edit]- speech, ESP, address, after-dinner speech, alliteration, allocution, allusion, anacoluthon, anadiplosis, analogy, anaphora, anastrophe, answer, answering, antiphrasis, antithesis, antonomasia, apophasis, aporia, aposiopesis, apostrophe, articulated, articulation, blast, bull session, catachresis, chalk talk, chiasmus, chinfest, choice of words, circumlocution, climax, commerce, communicating, communication, communicational, communion, communional, composition, confab, confabulation, congress, connection, contact, conversation, conversational, converse, conversion, correspondence, dealing, dealings, debate, declamation, dialect, dialogue, diatribe, diction, discourse, disquisition, duologue, ecphonesis, elocution, emphasis, enunciated, enunciation, eulogy, exchange, exclamation, exhortation, expression, filibuster, forensic, forensic address, formal speech, formulation, funeral oration, gemination, grammar, harangue, homily, hortatory address, hypallage, hyperbaton, hyperbole, idiom, inaugural, inaugural address, information, interacting, interaction, interactional, interactive, interchange, intercommunication, intercommunicational, intercommunicative, intercommunion, intercommunional, intercourse, interplay, interresponsive, interrogative, interrogatory, invective, inversion, irony, jargon, jeremiad, language, langue, lecture, line, lingo, lingua, lingual, linguistic, linguistic intercourse, litotes, locution, malapropism, meiosis, message, metaphor, metonymy, nuncupative, onomatopoeia, oral, oral communication, oration, oxymoron, palaver, paregmenon, parenthesis, parlance, parley, parol, parole, pep talk, periphrasis, peroration, personal usage, personification, philippic, phrase, phraseology, phrasing, pitch, pleonasm, prepared speech, prepared text, preterition, prolepsis, pronounced, public speech, question-and-answer session, questioning, reading, recital, recitation, regression, repetition, reply, response, responsive, rhetoric, said, sales pitch, sales talk, salutatory, salutatory address, sarcasm, say, screed, sermon, set speech, simile, similitude, social intercourse, song and dance, sounded, speaking, speech circuit, speech situation, speechification, speeching, spiel, spoken, spoonerism, syllepsis, symploce, synecdoche, talk, talkathon, talkfest, talking, telepathic, telepathy, tirade, tongue, touch, traffic, transmissional, trialogue, truck, two-way communication, unwritten, usage, use of words, usus loquendi, utterance, uttered, valediction, valedictory, valedictory address, verbal, verbalization, verbiage, vernacular, viva voce, vocal, vocalization, vocalized, voice, voiced, voiceful, voicing, wordage, wording, words, zeugma
[edit]- speechless, anaudic, aphasic, aphonic, breathless, brief, brusque, close, close-tongued, closemouthed, concise, curt, dazed, dumb, dumbfounded, dumbstricken, dumbstruck, economical of words, inarticulate, indisposed to talk, laconic, mum, mute, nonplussed, quiet, reserved, shocked, short, silent, snug, sparing of words, stricken dumb, taciturn, terse, thunderstruck, tight-lipped, tongue-tied, tongueless, uncommunicative, unloquacious, untalkative, voiceless, word-bound, wordless
[edit]- speechmaker, debater, declaimer, demagogue, haranguer, jawsmith, panelist, public speaker, rabble-rouser, ranter, speaker, speecher, speechifier, spieler, spokesman, spokeswoman, spouter, talker, tub-thumper
speed freak
[edit]- speed freak, LSD user, acidhead, addict, alcoholic, chain smoker, cocaine sniffer, cokie, cubehead, dipsomaniac, dope fiend, doper, drug abuser, drug addict, drug user, drunkard, fiend, freak, glue sniffer, habitual, head, heavy smoker, hophead, hype, junkie, marijuana smoker, methhead, narcotics addict, pillhead, pothead, snowbird, tripper, user
speed of sound
[edit]- speed of sound, Mach, Mach number, Mach one, Mach two, air speed, escape velocity, ground speed, knots, shock wave, sonic barrier, sonic boom, sonic speed, sonics, sound barrier, subsonic speed, subsonics, supersonic speed, supersonics, ultrasonics
speed up
[edit]- speed up, accelerate, bundle, bustle, crack on, crowd, dispatch, drive on, expedite, forward, gain ground, haste, hasten, hasten on, hie on, hurry, hurry along, hurry on, hurry up, hustle, hustle up, open the throttle, pick up speed, precipitate, press, push, push on, push through, put on, put on steam, quicken, race, railroad through, rev, rush, rush along, speed, speed along, spur, stampede, step on it, step up, urge, whip, whip along
[edit]- speed, Benzedrine, Benzedrine pill, C, Dexamyl, Dexamyl pill, Dexedrine, Dexedrine pill, Methedrine, abruptness, accelerate, advance, advantage, aid, air speed, alacrity, amphetamine, amphetamine sulfate, assist, ball the jack, barrel, bat, bolt, boom, boost, bowl along, breeze, breeze along, briskness, brush, bucket, bundle, burn up, bustle, career, celerity, charge, chase, cheer on, clear the way, clip, cocaine, coke, conduce to, contribute to, crowd, crystal, cut along, dart, dextroamphetamine sulfate, dispatch, drive on, ease, egg on, encourage, expedite, expedition, expeditiousness, explain, facilitate, fastness, favor, feverishness, fleet, fleetness, flight, flit, flurry, fly, fly low, foot, football, forward, furiousness, further, gait, go fast, goad on, grease, grease the ways, grease the wheels, ground speed, haste, hasten, hasten on, hastiness, headway, heart, help, help along, hickory, hie on, highball, hound on, hurriedness, hurry, hurry along, hurry on, hurry up, hustle, hustle up, impetuosity, impetuousness, impulsiveness, instantaneousness, jolly bean, knots, legerity, lend wings to, lightning speed, loose, lubricate, make clear, make for, make haste, make knots, make tracks, make way for, methamphetamine hydrochloride, miles per hour, move, nip, oil, open the way, open up, outstrip the wind, pace, pave the way, pep pill, pour it on, precipitance, precipitancy, precipitate, precipitateness, precipitation, precipitousness, prepare the way, press, promote, promptitude, promptness, purple heart, push, push forward, push on, push through, put forward, quicken, quickness, race, railroad through, rapidity, rashness, remove friction, rip, root on, round pace, rpm, run, run interference for, rush, rush along, rustle, scamper, scorch, scramble, scurry, set forward, shake up, shock wave, shoot, simplify, sizzle, skedaddle, skim, smooth, smooth the way, snappiness, snow, soap the ways, sonic barrier, sonic boom, sound barrier, speed along, speed of sound, speed on, speed up, speediness, sprint, spur, spur on, stampede, step on it, step up, stimulant, storm along, streak, suddenness, sweep, swift rate, swiftness, tear, tear along, thunder along, timeliness, unbar, unblock, unclog, unjam, upper, urge, urge on, velocity, whip, whip along, whip on, whisk, whiz, zing, zip, zoom
[edit]- speeder, Jehu, Sunday driver, backseat driver, bus driver, busman, cabby, cabdriver, chauffeur, driver, flier, goer, hack, hackdriver, hackman, hacky, hell-driver, hit-and-run driver, horse racer, hummer, hustler, jitney driver, jockey, joyrider, motorist, racer, road hog, runner, scorcher, sizzler, speed demon, stepper, taxidriver, teamster, truck driver, trucker, truckman, turfman
[edit]- speedily, PDQ, against the clock, amain, apace, at flank speed, at once, by forced marches, cursorily, decisively, directly, double-quick, expeditiously, fast, feverishly, flat-out, forthwith, full tilt, furiously, hand over fist, hand over hand, hastily, hell for leather, hell-bent, hell-bent for election, helter-skelter, hotfoot, hurriedly, hurry-scurry, immediately, in double time, in double-quick time, in high, in high gear, in no time, in passing, in seven-league boots, instanter, instantly, lickety-cut, lickety-split, on the double, on the instant, on the run, on the spot, pell-mell, post, posthaste, pretty damned quick, promptly, pronto, quick, quickly, rapidly, right away, right off, slapdash, smartly, snappily, straightaway, straightway, subito, summarily, superficially, swiftly, trippingly, under forced draft, whip and spur, with a rush, with all haste, with all speed, with dispatch, with giant strides, with haste, with rapid strides, with speed, without delay, without further delay
[edit]- speediness, agility, air speed, alacrity, briskness, celerity, decisiveness, dispatch, expedition, expeditiousness, fastness, flight, flit, flurry, ground speed, haste, hurry, hustle, immediacy, immediateness, instantaneousness, knots, lightning speed, miles per hour, nimbleness, precipitation, promptitude, promptness, punctuality, punctualness, quickness, rapidity, readiness, round pace, rpm, rush, rustle, sharpness, smartness, snappiness, speed, spryness, summariness, swift rate, swiftness, velocity
[edit]- speedup, accelerando, acceleration, aggravation, beefing-up, blowing up, blowup, concentration, condensation, consolidation, deepening, drive, enhancement, exacerbation, exaggeration, explosion, getaway, heating-up, heightening, impetus, information explosion, intensification, magnification, pickup, population explosion, quickening, redoubling, reinforcement, step-up, strengthening, thrust, tightening
[edit]- speedway, Autobahn, US highway, alley, alleyway, arterial, arterial highway, arterial street, artery, autoroute, autostrada, avenue, belt highway, blind alley, boulevard, bypass, byway, camino real, carriageway, causeway, causey, chaussee, circumferential, close, corduroy road, county road, court, crescent, cul-de-sac, dead-end street, dike, dirt road, drive, driveway, expressway, freeway, gravel road, highroad, highway, highways and byways, interstate highway, lane, local road, main drag, main road, mews, motorway, parkway, pave, paved road, pike, place, plank road, primary highway, private road, right-of-way, ring road, road, roadbed, roadway, route nationale, row, royal road, secondary road, state highway, street, superhighway, terrace, thoroughfare, through street, thruway, toll road, township road, turnpike, wynd
[edit]- speedy, abrupt, agile, alacritous, alert, apt, breakneck, brief, brisk, cometary, cursory, dashing, decisive, dispatchful, double-quick, eagle-winged, electrifying, expeditious, express, fast, festinate, feverish, flashing, fleet, flickering, flying, furious, galloping, hair-trigger, hasty, headlong, hurried, hustling, immediate, impetuous, impulsive, instant, instantaneous, last-minute, light of heel, light-footed, lively, mercurial, meteoric, nerve-shattering, nimble, nimble-footed, on the spot, passing, precipitant, precipitate, precipitous, prompt, punctual, quick, quick as lightning, quick as thought, raking, rapid, ready, reckless, running, sharp, shocking, short, short and sweet, short-term, short-termed, slap-bang, slapdash, smart, snap, snappy, spanking, spry, startling, sudden, summary, superficial, surprising, swift, unanticipated, unexpected, unforeseen, unlooked-for, unpredicted, urgent, winged
spell out
[edit]- spell out, account for, adduce, allegorize, amplify, anatomize, atomize, circumstantiate, cite, clarify, clear up, complete, construe, crack, decipher, demonstrate, demythologize, descend to particulars, detail, document, elaborate, elucidate, enlarge, enlarge upon, enlighten, enter into detail, euhemerize, exemplify, expand, explain, explain away, explicate, exposit, expound, get across, get over, give full particulars, give reason for, give the meaning, go into, illuminate, illustrate, individualize, instance, interpret, itemize, labor, make clear, make it clear, make plain, orthographize, outspell, particularize, peculiarize, personalize, popularize, precise, put across, put over, rationalize, shed light upon, show, show how, show the way, simplify, solve, specialize, specify, spell, spell backward, substantiate, syllabize, syllable, throw light upon, trace out, unfold, unlock, unravel, vulgarize, work out, write out
[edit]- spell, Jonah, access, act for, add up to, alchemy, allure, alternate, amount to, appeal, argue, arsis, attraction, augur, bad influence, be construed as, beat, becharm, beguile, bespeak, betoken, bewitch, bewitchery, bewitching, bit, bode, bout, break, breath, breathe, breather, breathing place, breathing space, breathing spell, breathing time, captivate, captivation, carry away, cast a spell, chance, change places with, charm, cigarette break, circle, circuit, clarify, cocktail hour, coffee break, conjuration, connote, course, cover, crowd out, curse, cut out, cycle, day, delineate, denote, diastole, displace, divination, divine, do a hitch, do a stint, do a tour, do time, double for, downbeat, downtime, draw, duration, elucidate, enchant, enchanting, enchantment, enforced respite, enlist, enrapture, enravish, enthrall, entrance, evil eye, evil genius, evil star, express, fascinate, fascination, fateful moment, fetishism, fill in for, fit, folklore, foretoken, formula, ghost, ghostwrite, glamour, go, gramarye, halt, happy hour, have a go, have tenure, hex, hint, hold office, hoodoo, hour, hypnotize, ill wind, imply, import, incantation, indicate, infatuate, influence, inning, innings, instant, intend, interlude, intermission, interval, intrigue, jinx, juju, jujuism, juncture, kairos, keep a watch, lay off, letup, lie by, look like, lore, lull, lure, magic, magnetism, malevolent influence, malocchio, mean, mesmerism, mesmerize, minute, moment, moment of truth, natural magic, necromancy, obeah, omen, opportunity, orthographize, outspell, patch, pause, period, pinch-hit, place, point, point to, popular belief, portend, prefigure, pregnant moment, preindicate, presage, presign, presignal, presignify, pretypify, promise, psychological moment, pull, pulse, re-up, recess, reenlist, refer to, relay, relief, relieve, replace, represent, respite, rest, revolution, rotation, round, run, rune, say, season, seizure, series, serve time, shamanism, shift, sign up, signify, sorcery, sortilege, space, span, specify, spell backward, spell off, spell out, spellbind, spellbinding, spellcasting, stage, stand for, stand in for, stay, stint, streak, stretch, subrogate, substitute for, succeed, suggest, supersede, superstition, superstitiousness, supplant, surcease, suspension, swap places with, syllabize, syllable, symbolize, sympathetic magic, systole, take over, take turns, tea break, tenure, term, thaumaturgia, thaumaturgics, thaumaturgism, thaumaturgy, thesis, theurgy, time, time at bat, time lag, time off, time out, token, tour, tour of duty, trace out, tradition, trance, transport, trick, turn, typify, understudy for, upbeat, vamp, vampirism, voodoo, voodooism, wanga, watch, whack, whammy, wheel, whet, while, white magic, witch, witchcraft, witchery, witchwork, wizardry, write out
[edit]- spellbind, absorb, absorb the attention, arrest, becharm, beguile, bewitch, captivate, carry away, cast a spell, catch, catch up, charm, enchant, engage, engage the attention, engage the mind, engage the thoughts, engross, engross the mind, engross the thoughts, enrapture, enravish, enthrall, entrance, exercise, fascinate, grab, grip, hold, hold spellbound, hold the interest, hypnotize, immerse, infatuate, intrigue, involve, involve the interest, mesmerize, monopolize, obsess, occupy, occupy the attention, preoccupy, shine, spell, take up, trance, transport, vamp, witch
[edit]- spellbinder, Cicero, Circe, Demosthenes, Euryale, Gorgon, Medea, Medusa, Stheno, William Jennings Bryan, Winston Churchill, bewitcher, charmer, enchanter, enchantress, orator, platform orator, public speaker, rhetor, rhetorician, siren, soapbox orator, soapboxer, stump orator, vampire
[edit]- spellbinding, Ciceronian, Circean, Demosthenian, Demosthenic, Tullian, absorbing, alchemy, alluring, appealing, appetizing, arresting, articulate, attractive, beguiling, bewitchery, bewitching, blandishing, cajoling, captivating, catching, charismatic, charm, charming, coaxing, come-hither, consuming, coquettish, divination, eloquent, enchanting, enchantment, engaging, engrossing, enravishing, enthralling, enticing, entrancing, exciting, exotic, facund, fascinating, felicitous, fetching, fetishism, flirtatious, glamorous, glamour, glib, gramarye, gripping, holding, hoodoo, hypnotic, illusionary, illusive, illusory, interesting, intriguing, inviting, irresistible, juju, jujuism, magic, magnetic, mesmeric, mesmerizing, mouth-watering, natural magic, necromancy, obeah, obsessing, obsessive, overpowering, piquant, prepossessing, provocative, provoquant, ravishing, rune, seducing, seductive, shamanism, silver, silver-tongued, siren, sirenic, slick, smooth, smooth-spoken, smooth-tongued, sorcery, sortilege, spell, spellcasting, spellful, sympathetic magic, taking, tantalizing, teasing, tempting, thaumaturgia, thaumaturgics, thaumaturgism, thaumaturgy, theurgy, tickling, titillating, titillative, vampirism, voodoo, voodooism, wanga, well-spoken, white magic, winning, winsome, witchcraft, witchery, witching, witchwork, wizardry
[edit]- spellbound, agape, aghast, agog, all agog, amazed, arrested, astonished, astounded, at gaze, awed, awestruck, becharmed, beguiled, bewildered, bewitched, breathless, captivated, castle-building, caught, charm-bound, charmed, confounded, daydreaming, daydreamy, dreamful, dreaming, dreamlike, dreamy, dreamy-eyed, dreamy-souled, dumbfounded, dumbstruck, enchanted, enraptured, enravished, enthralled, entranced, fascinated, fixed, flabbergasted, gaping, gauping, gazing, gripped, held, hypnotized, in a trance, in awe, in awe of, lost in wonder, marveling, mesmerized, open-eyed, openmouthed, overwhelmed, pipe-dreaming, popeyed, puzzled, rapt, rapt in wonder, spell-caught, spelled, staggered, staring, stupefied, surprised, thunderstruck, tranced, under a charm, under a spell, wide-eyed, wonder-struck, wondering
[edit]- speller, abecedarium, abecedary, alphabet book, battledore, casebook, exercise book, gradus, grammar, hornbook, manual, manual of instruction, primer, reader, schoolbook, spelling book, t, text, workbook
[edit]- spend, ablate, absorb, allot, assign, assimilate, attend to business, be exposed to, be subjected to, bestow, bleed white, blow, budget, burn up, busy, consecrate to, consume, contribute, cost, cost out, dedicate to, deplete, devote, digest, disburse, dish out, dissipate, drain, drain of resources, drop, eat, eat up, employ, encounter, endure, engage, erode, exhaust, expend, experience, feel, finish, finish off, fork out, fritter away, give, give over to, give to, go, go through, gobble, gobble up, hand out, have, impoverish, incur costs, ingest, invest, know, labor under, lavish, lay out, lose, meet, meet up with, meet with, mind the store, occupy, open the purse, outlay, pass, pass the time, pass through, pay, pay out, prodigal, profligate, put in, put out, run, run through, run up against, schedule, shell out, sink money in, spend the time, spender, spill, splurge, squander, squanderer, stand under, suck dry, suffer, sustain, swallow, swallow up, taste, throw away, throw money around, undergo, use up, waste, waste away, waster, wastethrift, wastrel, wear away, while, while away, wile
[edit]- spendthrift, big-time spender, dissipative, easy come, easy go, extravagant, improvident, incontinent, intemperate, lavish, overgenerous, overlavish, overliberal, penny-wise and pound-foolish, pound-foolish, prodigal, prodigal son, profligate, profuse, spend-all, spender, squanderer, squandering, wasteful, waster, wastethrift, wastrel
[edit]- spent, ablated, acquitted, all in, ausgespielt, beat, beat up, beaten, bleary, bone-weary, burned-out, burnt up, bushed, consumed, dead, dead-and-alive, dead-tired, deadbeat, depleted, devitalized, disabled, discharged, dissipated, dog-tired, dog-weary, done, done for, done in, done up, down the drain, drained, eaten up, effete, emptied, enervated, enfeebled, eroded, eviscerated, exhausted, expended, fagged out, far-gone, fatigued, fini, finished, frazzled, gone, gone to waste, hired, impoverished, incapacitated, jaded, knocked out, laid low, liquidated, lost, misspent, paid, paid in full, played out, pooped, pooped out, postpaid, prepaid, prostrate, ready to drop, receipted, remitted, run to seed, run-down, salaried, sapped, settled, shotten, squandered, tired, tired out, tired to death, tuckered out, used, used up, waged, washed-out, washed-up, wasted, weakened, wearied, weary, weary unto death, whacked, wiped out, worn, worn away, worn out, worn-out
[edit]- sperm, act of love, adultery, androcyte, antheridium, antherozoid, aphrodisia, ass, autacoid, balling, bile, carnal knowledge, chalone, climax, cohabitation, coition, coitus, coitus interruptus, commerce, congress, connection, copula, copulation, coupling, diddling, digestive secretion, endocrine, fornication, gall, gastric juice, hormone, intercourse, intestinal juice, intimacy, lovemaking, making it with, male gamete, marital relations, marriage act, mating, meat, milt, mucus, onanism, orgasm, ovum, pancreatic juice, pareunia, pollen, procreation, prostatic fluid, protein, relations, rheum, salivary secretion, screwing, scum, seed, semen, seminal fluid, sex, sex act, sexual climax, sexual commerce, sexual congress, sexual intercourse, sexual relations, sexual union, sleeping with, sperm cell, spermagonium, spermatic fluid, spermatid, spermatiophore, spermatium, spermatocyte, spermatogonium, spermatophore, spermatozoa, spermatozoid, spermatozoon, tears, thyroxin, venery
[edit]- spermatic, cervical, clitoral, excretory, fecundative, fertilizing, gametic, gamic, genital, germinal, lachrymal, lachrymose, lacrimatory, lactational, lacteal, lacteous, life-giving, multiparous, ovarian, penial, penile, phallic, procreant, procreative, propagative, reproductive, rheumy, salivant, salivary, salivous, scrotal, secretional, secretive, secretory, seminal, serous, sexual, sialagogic, spermatozoal, spermatozoan, spermatozoic, spermic, sporal, sporogenous, sporoid, sporous, testicular, uterine, vaginal, vulval, vulvar, watering, watery
[edit]- spermatozoa, androcyte, antheridium, antherozoid, male gamete, milt, pollen, protein, scum, seed, semen, seminal fluid, sperm, sperm cell, spermagonium, spermatic fluid, spermatid, spermatiophore, spermatium, spermatocyte, spermatogonium, spermatophore, spermatozoid, spermatozoon
[edit]- spermatozoon, Anlage, androcyte, antheridium, antherozoid, bud, egg, embryo, germ, germen, loins, male gamete, milt, nucleus, ovum, pollen, protein, rudiment, scum, seed, semen, seminal fluid, sperm, sperm cell, spermagonium, spermatic fluid, spermatid, spermatiophore, spermatium, spermatocyte, spermatogonium, spermatophore, spermatozoa, spermatozoid
[edit]- spew, barf, be seasick, be sick, belch, blow open, blow out, break out, bring up, burst, burst forth, burst out, cascade, cast forth, chuck up, debouch, debouchment, decant, discharge, disembogue, disgorge, disgorgement, dissiliency, drain, drain out, dribble, drivel, drool, egest, egesta, egestion, ejaculate, eject, emit, empty, eruct, eructation, erupt, eruption, exhaust, expectorate, expel, extravasate, feed the fish, find vent, flare-up, flood, flow, flow out, flush, font, fount, fountain, gag, gagging, geyser, gush, gush out, hawk, heave, heave the gorge, heaves, heaving, hurl forth, irrupt, jet, keck, nausea, outbreak, outburst, outflow, outpour, play, pour, pour forth, pour out, puke, rapids, regurgitate, regurgitation, reject, retch, run out, rush, salivate, send forth, send out, sick up, slabber, slaver, slobber, sluice out, spate, spew out, spit, spout, spout out, spouter, spray, spritz, spurt, spurtle, squirt, surge, throw out, throw up, torrent, upchuck, volcan, vomit, vomit forth, vomit out, vomiting, vomition, well, well out
sphere of influence
[edit]- sphere of influence, Eisenhower Doctrine, Monroe Doctrine, Nixon Doctrine, Truman Doctrine, ambit, appeasement, bailiwick, balance of power, brinkmanship, coexistence, colonialism, compromise, constituency, containment, detente, deterrence, diplomacy, diplomatic, diplomatics, dollar diplomacy, dollar imperialism, expansionism, footing, foreign affairs, foreign policy, good-neighbor policy, imperialism, internationalism, isolationism, manifest destiny, militarism, nationalism, neocolonialism, neutralism, nonresistance, open door, open-door policy, orbit, peace offensive, peaceful coexistence, preparedness, shirt-sleeve diplomacy, shuttle diplomacy, spheres of influence, stamping ground, territory, the big stick, tough policy, turf, vantage, world politics
[edit]- sphere, Aldebaran, Canicula, Dog Star, Hesper, Hesperus, Lucifer, North Star, Phosphor, Phosphorus, Polaris, Sirius, Venus, Vesper, academic discipline, academic specialty, acreage, agora, ambit, amphitheater, applied science, area, arena, art, athletic field, auditorium, background, bag, bailiwick, ball, balloon, bear garden, beat, bladder, blob, boll, bolus, border, borderland, bowl, boxing ring, breadth, bubble, bulb, bulbil, bulblet, bull ring, campus, canvas, caste, celestial body, champaign, circle, circuit, circus, class, cockpit, coliseum, colosseum, comet, concern, condition, continuum, course, daystar, demesne, department, department of knowledge, dimension, discipline, domain, dominion, drop, droplet, echelon, ellipsoid, emptiness, empty space, ensphere, evening star, expanse, expansion, extension, extent, field, field of inquiry, field of study, fixed stars, floor, footing, forte, forum, galactic space, geoid, globe, globelet, globoid, globule, glomerulus, gob, gobbet, ground, gym, gymnasium, hall, heavenly body, hemisphere, hierarchy, hippodrome, infinite space, interstellar space, judicial circuit, jurisdiction, knob, knot, level, lists, living sapphires, locale, lodestar, march, marketplace, mat, measure, milieu, morning star, natural science, nothingness, oblate spheroid, ology, open forum, orb, orbit, orblet, order, outer space, palaestra, pale, parade ground, pellet, pit, place, platform, polar star, polestar, position, power structure, precedence, precinct, prize ring, prolate spheroid, proportion, province, public square, pure science, purlieu, range, rank, rate, rating, realm, ring, rondure, round, scene, scene of action, scenery, science, setting, site, social science, society, space, spatial extension, specialty, spheroid, spherule, spread, squared circle, stadium, stage, stage set, stage setting, standing, starry host, stars, station, status, stratum, study, subdiscipline, subject, superficial extension, surface, technicology, technics, technology, terrain, territory, theater, thing, tilting ground, tiltyard, tract, void, volume, walk, walk of life, wrestling ring
[edit]- spherical, 3-D, bulblike, bulbous, cubic, dimensional, ellipsoid, flat, fourth-dimensional, global, globate, globe-shaped, globed, globelike, globoid, globose, globular, hemispheric, obovoid, orb, orbed, orbic, orbicular, orbiculate, orblike, orby, ovoid, proportional, round, space, space-time, spatial, spatiotemporal, sphere-shaped, spherelike, spheric, spheriform, spheroid, spheroidal, stereoscopic, superficial, surface, three-dimensional, two-dimensional, volumetric
[edit]- sphincter, O, annular muscle, annulus, areola, aureole, chaplet, circle, circuit, circumference, circus, closed circle, corona, coronet, crown, cycle, diadem, discus, disk, eternal return, fairy ring, garland, glory, halo, lasso, logical circle, loop, looplet, magic circle, noose, orbit, radius, ring, rondelle, round, roundel, saucer, vicious circle, wheel, wreath
[edit]- spic, Aussie, Boche, Canuck, Chink, Guinea, Hunk, Hunkie, Jerry, Kraut, Krauthead, Mick, Mickey, Paddy, dago, frog, greaseball, greaser, limey, wetback
[edit]- spiccato, a cappella, abbandono, accidental, accrescendo, adagietto, adagio, affettuoso, agilmente, agitato, allegretto, allegro, amabile, amoroso, andante, andantino, appassionatamente, appassionato, breve, brillante, cantando, capriccioso, con affetto, con agilita, con agitazione, con amore, crescendo, crotchet, decrescendo, demilegato, demisemiquaver, diminuendo, dolce, dominant, dominant note, double whole note, eighth note, enharmonic, enharmonic note, execution, expression, fingering, flat, forte, fortissimo, glissando, half note, hemidemisemiquaver, intonation, lamentabile, larghetto, larghissimo, largo, legato, leggiero, marcando, mezzo staccato, minim, morendo, music-making, musical note, natural, note, parlando, patent note, performance, pianism, pianissimo, piano, pizzicato, prestissimo, presto, quarter note, quaver, rallentando, rendering, rendition, repercussion, report, responding note, ritardando, ritenuto, rubato, scherzando, scherzo, scherzoso, semibreve, semiquaver, shaped note, sharp, sixteenth note, sixty-fourth note, slur, sordo, sotto voce, staccato, stretto, sustained note, tercet, thirty-second note, tone, touch, tremolando, tremoloso, trillando, triplet, whole note
[edit]- spice, Tabasco, Worcestershire sauce, allspice, anchovies, angelica, applesauce, aroma, balm, balminess, basil, bell pepper, bite, black pepper, borage, bouquet, briskness, burnet, caper, capsicum, caraway seeds, cardamom, cast, catsup, celery salt, chervil, chili, chili sauce, chili vinegar, chives, chutney, cinnamon, cloves, color, condiment, condiments, coriander, cranberry sauce, cubeb, cumin, curry, dahl sauce, dash, dill, dillseed, duck sauce, elan, enliven, excitement, fagara, fennel, file, five spice powder, flavor, flavorer, flavoring, fragrance, fragrancy, fruitiness, garlic, garlic butter, garlic powder, garlic salt, ginger, green pepper, gusto, guts, hedge garlic, herb, hint, horseradish, hotness, hyssop, incense, infusion, inkling, inspirit, interest, intimation, invigorate, kick, leek, lick, life, liveliness, mace, marinade, marjoram, mayonnaise, mint, muskiness, mustard, nip, nippiness, nosegay, nutmeg, odor, onion, onion salt, oregano, paprika, parsley, pep, pepper, peppercorn, pepperiness, peppermint, perfume, piccalilli, pickle, pimento, pimpernel, piquancy, poignancy, potherb, punch, pungency, raciness, radish, red pepper, redolence, relish, saffron, sage, salad dressing, salt, sauce, sauce-alone, savor, savory, scent, season, seasoned salt, seasoner, seasoning, sesame oil, sesame seeds, shade, shallot, sharpness, smack, smell, snap, snappiness, soupcon, soy, soy sauce, spiciness, spirit, sprinkling, star anise, stimulant, stimulate, stimulation, suggestion, suspicion, sweet savor, sweet smell, taint, tang, tanginess, tarragon, tartar sauce, taste, tempering, thought, thyme, tinct, tincture, tinge, tint, tomato paste, touch, trace, turmeric, vanilla, vestige, vigor, vim, vinegar, white pepper, zest, zestfulness, zip
[edit]- spiceless, dead, dilute, diluted, fade, flat, flavorless, gruelly, inane, indifferent, insipid, jejune, mild, milk-and-water, pappy, pulpy, sapless, savorless, stale, tasteless, thin, unflavored, unsavory, vapid, washy, watered, watered-down, watery, weak, wishy-washy
[edit]- spicule, bramble, brier, bristle, burr, cactus, catchweed, cleavers, goose grass, needle, nettle, pine needle, prickle, quill, spiculum, spike, spikelet, spine, sticker, thistle, thorn, yucca
[edit]- spicy, ambrosial, aromatic, balmy, bawdy, biting, blue, brisk, broad, burning, curried, essenced, exciting, fiery, flavorful, flavorsome, flowery, fragrant, fruity, full-bodied, high-seasoned, high-spirited, hot, hot as pepper, improper, incense-breathing, indecent, indecorous, indelicate, interesting, intimate, inviting, juicy, lively, musky, nippy, notorious, odorate, odoriferous, odorous, off color, off-color, offensive, outrageous, peppery, perfumed, perfumy, piquant, poignant, provocative, provoking, pungent, purple, racy, readable, redolent, revealing, revelatory, ribald, rich, risky, risque, salty, savory, scabrous, scandalous, scented, seasoned, sensational, sexy, shady, sharp, snappy, sophisticated, spiced, spirited, stimulating, succulent, suggestive, sweet, sweet-scented, sweet-smelling, tangy, tantalizing, thought-challenging, thought-inspiring, thought-provoking, thuriferous, tickling, titillating, unseemly, wicked, with a kick, zestful, zesty, zippy
[edit]- spider, Chilopoda, Chordata, Echiuroidea, Ectoprocta, Entoprocta, Monoplacophora, Nemertinea, Phoronidea, arachnid, arthropod, beetle, bug, caterpillar, centipede, chilopod, daddy longlegs, diplopod, fly, harvestman, hexapod, insect, jenny, larva, maggot, millepede, millipede, mite, mule, nymph, scorpion, silkworm, skillet, spinner, spinning frame, spinning jenny, spinster, tarantula, throstle, tick
[edit]- spidery, bony, dilapidated, doddering, flat, flat-chested, fleshless, gangling, gangly, gaunt, gawky, groggy, lank, lanky, lean, lean-fleshed, lean-looking, meager, ramshackle, rawboned, ricketish, rickety, rocky, scraggy, scrawny, shaky, skeletal, skinny, spare, spindling, spindly, teetering, teetery, thin-bellied, thin-fleshed, tottering, tottery, tumbledown, twiggy, undersized, underweight, unsteady, wobbly
[edit]- spiel, advertise, ballyhoo, bark, bat the breeze, beat the gums, bill, boost, build up, bulletin, chin, circularize, cry up, debate, declaim, demagogue, demagoguery, dramatics, elocute, establish, give a write-up, give publicity, harangue, hold forth, jaw, mouth, orate, out-herod Herod, patter, perorate, pitch, placard, plug, post, post bills, post up, press-agent, promote, publicize, puff, pyrotechnics, rabble-rouse, rant, read, recite, rodomontade, sales pitch, sales talk, sell, sensationalism, shoot the breeze, song and dance, spout, tub-thump, write up, yak, yakkety-yak, yap
[edit]- spieler, MC, auteur, ballyhoo man, ballyhooer, barker, bunco artist, bunco steerer, callboy, canvasser, cardsharp, cardsharper, carpetbagger, cheater, con artist, con man, confidence man, costume designer, costumer, costumier, crimp, debater, declaimer, defrauder, demagogue, diddler, director, double-dealer, emcee, equestrian director, exhibitor, flimflammer, gypper, haranguer, horse coper, horse trader, impresario, jackleg, jawsmith, land pirate, land shark, land-grabber, makeup man, master of ceremonies, mortgage shark, panelist, pettifogger, pitchman, playreader, producer, prompter, public speaker, rabble-rouser, ranter, ringmaster, scenewright, set designer, shark, sharp, sharper, sharpie, shortchanger, showman, shyster, slicker, solicitor, speaker, speecher, speechifier, speechmaker, spokesman, spokeswoman, spouter, stage director, stage manager, talker, theater man, theatrician, ticket collector, tout, touter, tub-thumper, usher, usherer, usherette
[edit]- spiffy, OK, ace-high, bad, bandbox, bang-up, bonzer, boss, braw, bully, but good, chic, classy, clothes-conscious, cool, corking, cosmopolitan, crackerjack, dandy, dapper, dashing, delicious, doggy, dressed to advantage, dressed to kill, ducky, elegant, exquisite, fab, fine and dandy, gear, genteel, great, groovy, heavy, hot, hunky-dory, jam-up, jaunty, just dandy, keen, marvy, mean, natty, neat, nifty, nobby, okay, out of sight, peachy, peachy-keen, posh, recherche, ripping, ritzy, rum, sassy, scrumptious, sharp, slap-up, sleek, smart, smashing, smug, snazzy, soigne, soignee, solid, something else, sophisticated, spiffing, spruce, stunning, style-conscious, swank, swanky, swell, tough, tricksy, trig, trim, well-dressed, well-groomed, wizard
[edit]- spigot, ball cock, ball valve, bung, bunghole, check valve, cock, cork, drain cock, draw cock, faucet, gate, hydrant, lid, needle valve, peg, petcock, pin, plug, sea cock, spike, spile, spill, stop, stopcock, stopgap, stopper, stopple, tap, valve, valvula, valvule
[edit]- spike, adulterate, ament, annul, auger, auricle, baffle, balk, bastardize, bayonet, bite, blast, block, bore, bramble, brave, brier, bristle, broach, bugger, bung, burr, cactus, cancel, capitulum, catchweed, catkin, challenge, check, check valve, checkmate, circumvent, cleavers, cob, cock, cone, confound, confront, contaminate, contravene, cork, corncob, corrupt, corymb, counter, counteract, countermand, countersink, counterwork, cripple, cross, cut, cyme, dagger, dash, de-energize, debase, debilitate, defeat, defy, denaturalize, denature, destroy, dilute, dirk, disable, disarm, discomfit, disconcert, discountenance, disenable, dish, disrupt, doctor, doctor up, drain, drill, drug, ear, ear of corn, elude, empierce, enfeeble, equipage, faucet, fix, flummox, foil, fortify, four-in-hand, frustrate, goose grass, gore, gouge, gouge out, hamstring, head, hole, honeycomb, hors de combat, impale, inactivate, incapacitate, kibosh, knife, knock the chocks, lace, lame, lance, lid, maim, mealie, nail, needle, nettle, nonplus, nullify, pair, panicle, peg, penetrate, perforate, perplex, picket, pierce, pike, pin, pine cone, pine needle, pink, plug, plunge in, poison, pollute, poniard, prick, prickle, prong, punch, puncture, put, queer, queer the works, quill, raceme, randem, ream, ream out, riddle, rig, ruin, run through, saber, sabotage, scotch, sea cock, skewer, spadix, span, spear, spicule, spiculum, spigot, spike team, spikelet, spile, spill, spine, spit, spoil, stab, stake, stick, sticker, stiletto, stonewall, stop, stopgap, stopper, stopple, strengthen, strobile, stump, sword, tamper with, tandem, tap, team, thistle, thorn, three-up, thwart, thyrse, transfix, transpierce, treenail, trepan, trephine, turnout, umbel, unfit, unicorn, upset, valve, verticillaster, void, water, water down, weaken, wing, wreck, yucca
[edit]- spiked, acanthoid, acanthous, acicular, acuate, aculeate, aculeiform, acuminate, acute, barbed, cornuted, cusped, cuspidate, hispid, horned, horny, mucronate, needle-pointed, needle-sharp, pointed, pronged, sharp-pointed, spiculate, spiky, spined, spinous, spiny, tapered, tapering, tined, toothed, unbated
[edit]- spile, bar, bind, block, block up, blockade, bung, caulk, check valve, chink, choke, choke off, choke up, clog, clog up, cock, congest, constipate, cork, cover, dam, dam up, faucet, fill, fill up, foul, jam, leg, lid, obstipate, obstruct, pack, pale, palisade, peg, picket, pile, pin, plug, plug up, sea cock, shank, spigot, spike, spill, stake, stanch, stay, stench, stop, stop up, stopgap, stopper, stopple, stuff, stuff up, tap, valve
spill over
[edit]- spill over, alluvion, alluvium, cascade, cataclysm, cataract, deluge, engulf, engulfment, fill, flood, inundate, inundation, know no bounds, luxuriate, overabound, overbrim, overflow, overflowing, overgrow, overrun, overrunning, overspill, overspread, overswarm, overwhelm, pour out, pour over, pullulate, run over, run riot, slop, slosh, spill, spill out, spillage, submerge, submersion, superabound, swamp, swarm, sweep, teem, the Deluge, the Flood, washout, whelm, whelming
spill the beans
[edit]- spill the beans, babble, be indiscreet, be unguarded, betray, betray a confidence, blab, blabber, blurt, blurt out, give away, inform, inform on, leak, let drop, let fall, let slip, peach, rat, reveal a secret, sing, spill, squeal, stool, talk, tattle, tattle on, tell on, tell secrets, tell tales
[edit]- spill, Mystik tape, Scotch tape, accident, acknowledge, adhesive tape, admit, admit everything, allow, alluvion, alluvium, avow, babble, band, bandage, batten, be indiscreet, be unguarded, belt, betray, betray a confidence, blab, blabber, blurt, blurt out, brand, bung, butane lighter, capsizal, capsize, cascade, cataclysm, cataract, cellophane tape, check valve, cigarette lighter, cloth tape, cock, come clean, concede, confess, consume, cop a plea, cork, cropper, culbute, deluge, dive, dribble, drip, drop, engulf, engulfment, exhaust, expend, fall, fascia, faucet, fillet, firebrand, flambeau, flint, flint and steel, flood, flop, forced landing, friction tape, girdle, give away, grant, header, igniter, inform, inform on, inundate, inundation, lath, leak, leakage, let drop, let fall, let on, let slip, lid, light, lighter, ligula, ligule, list, lose, masking tape, open up, out with it, outpouring, overbrim, overfill, overflow, overflowing, overrun, overrunning, overset, overthrow, overturn, overwhelm, own, own up, peach, peg, pin, plank, plastic tape, plead guilty, plug, plunge, portfire, pour out, pour over, pratfall, rat, reveal a secret, revolution, ribband, ribbon, run, run over, sea cock, shred, sing, slat, slip, slop, slosh, somersault, somerset, sparker, spatter, spend, spigot, spike, spile, spill it, spill out, spill over, spill the beans, spillage, spit it out, splash, spline, sprawl, spray, squab, squeal, stool, stop, stopgap, stopper, stopple, strake, strap, strip, strop, stumble, submerge, submersion, subversion, swamp, sweep, taenia, talk, tap, tape, tape measure, tapeline, taper, tattle, tattle on, tell all, tell on, tell secrets, tell tales, tell the truth, the Deluge, the Flood, throw out, ticker tape, torch, trip, tumble, turnover, upset, upturn, use up, valve, washout, waste, whelm, whelming
[edit]- spillway, aqueduct, arroyo, bed, canal, creek bed, culvert, donga, dry bed, flume, gulch, gully, gullyhole, headrace, irrigation ditch, nullah, race, river bed, riverway, runnel, sluice, spillbox, stream bed, streamway, swash, swash channel, tailrace, wadi, water carrier, water channel, water furrow, water gap, water gate, watercourse, waterway, waterworks
spin out
[edit]- spin out, chatter, continue, dawdle, drag out, draw, draw out, dwell on, elongate, extend, fill out, lengthen, lengthen out, let out, linger on, never finish, pad, perorate, procrastinate, produce, prolong, prolongate, protract, pull, run out, speak at length, strain, stretch, stretch out, string out, tauten, temporize, tense, tighten
[edit]- spin, Charybdis, Sunday drive, advance, airing, angle, angular momentum, angular motion, angular velocity, ascend, axial motion, back, back up, bait the hook, bank, bob, bowling, budge, centrifugate, centrifugation, centrifuge, change, change place, circle, circulate, circulation, circumgyration, circumrotate, circumrotation, circumvolute, clam, climb, come about, concoct, continue, crab, crack up, crank, crash, dap, derive, descend, devise, dib, dibble, dip, dizzy, dizzy round, drag out, draw out, drive, ebb, eddy, excursion, extend, fabricate, feather, fetch about, filament, fish, fishtail, flat spin, flow, fluster, fly-fish, full circle, get over, giddy, gig, gin, go, go about, go around, go fishing, go round, go sideways, grig, guddle, gurge, gyrate, gyration, gyre, heel, invent, jack, jacklight, jaunt, jig, joyride, keep alive, keep going, lift, loop, maelstrom, make up, mix up, mount, move, move over, muddle, narrate, net, oscillate, outing, pendulate, perpetuate, pickup, pirouette, pivot, pivot about, pivoting, plow, plunge, porpoise, produce, progress, prolong, protract, pull out, pull up, purl, push down, put about, rat race, recount, reel, reeling, regress, relate, retail, retrogress, revolution, revolve, revolving, ride, rise, roll, rolling, rotate, rotating, rotation, rotational motion, round, run, screw, seine, separate, shift, shred, shrimp, sideslip, sink, skid, soar, spin off, spin out, spinning, spiral, still-fish, stir, stream, stretch out, stunt, subside, surge, swim, swing, swing round, swinging, swirl, swirling, swivel, swiveling, tailspin, tell, torch, tour, travel, trawl, troll, trolling, trundling, turbination, turn, turn a pirouette, turn about, turn around, turn round, turn tail, turning, twirl, twirling, twist, undulate, unfold, veer, veer around, vibrate, volutation, volution, vortex, wamble, wane, weave, whale, wheel, wheel about, wheeling, whir, whirl, whirligig, whirling, whirlpool, whirlwind, wind, yaw
spinal cord
[edit]- spinal cord, afferent neuron, autonomic nervous system, axon, brain, central nervous system, cerebral cortex, craniosacral nervous system, dendrite, effector organ, efferent neuron, ganglion, gray matter, internuncial neuron, medullary sheath, nerve, nerve trunk, nervous system, neuron, peripheral nervous system, plexus, sensorium, sensory area, sensory cell, solar plexus, synapse, thoracolumbar nervous system, white matter
spindle side
[edit]- spindle side, affiliation, agnate, ancestry, apparentation, birth, blood, blood relation, blood relative, bloodline, branch, breed, clansman, cognate, collateral, collateral relative, common ancestry, connections, consanguinean, consanguinity, derivation, descent, direct line, distaff side, distant relation, enate, extraction, family, female line, filiation, flesh, flesh and blood, folks, german, house, kin, kindred, kinfolk, kinnery, kinsfolk, kinsman, kinsmen, kinswoman, kith and kin, line, line of descent, lineage, male line, near relation, next of kin, people, phylum, posterity, race, relations, relatives, seed, sept, sib, sibling, side, spear kin, spear side, spindle kin, stem, stirps, stock, strain, succession, sword side, tribesman, uterine kin
[edit]- spindle, arbor, axis, axle, axle bar, axle shaft, axle spindle, axle-tree, distaff, fulcrum, gimbal, gudgeon, hinge, hingle, hub, mandrel, nave, oarlock, pin, pintle, pivot, pole, radiant, rowlock, swivel, trunnion
[edit]- spindly, bony, dilapidated, doddering, flat, flat-chested, fleshless, gangling, gangly, gaunt, gawky, groggy, lank, lanky, lean, lean-fleshed, lean-looking, meager, ramshackle, rangy, rawboned, ricketish, rickety, rocky, scraggy, scrawny, shaky, skeletal, skinny, spare, spidery, spindling, teetering, teetery, thin-bellied, thin-fleshed, tottering, tottery, tumbledown, twiggy, undersized, underweight, unsteady, wobbly
[edit]- spindrift, breakers, collar, foam, froth, head, lather, meringue, mousse, offscum, plash, puff, scud, scum, sea foam, shower, slosh, soapsuds, souffle, sparge, spatter, splash, splatter, spoondrift, spray, sprinkle, spume, stinging, suds, surf, swash, white water
[edit]- spine, advocate, alpenstock, arm, athletic supporter, back, backbone, backing, bandeau, barb, barbel, barbule, bearer, bilge, blain, bleb, blister, blob, boss, bow, bra, brace, bracer, bracket, bramble, brassiere, brier, bristle, bubble, bulb, bulge, bulla, bump, bunch, burl, burr, button, buttress, cactus, cahot, cane, carrier, catchweed, cervix, chine, cleavers, clump, col, comb, condyle, convex, corset, crook, crutch, dowel, ear, esker, flange, flap, foundation garment, fulcrum, gall, girdle, gnarl, goose grass, guy, guywire, handle, hill, hogback, horseback, hump, hunch, jock, jockstrap, jog, joggle, kame, knob, knot, knur, knurl, lip, loop, lump, mainstay, maintainer, mast, mole, mountain, neck, needle, nettle, nevus, nub, nubbin, nubble, papilloma, peg, pine needle, prickle, prong, prop, quill, rachis, ray, reinforce, reinforcement, reinforcer, rest, resting place, rib, ridge, rigging, ring, saddle, saddleback, shoulder, shroud, spicula, spicule, spiculum, spike, spikelet, spinal column, spinal cord, sprit, spur, staff, standing rigging, stave, stay, stick, sticker, stiffener, strengthener, stud, style, support, supporter, sustainer, tab, thistle, thorn, tubercle, tubercule, upholder, verruca, vertebrae, vertebral column, vesicle, wale, walking stick, wart, welt, yucca
[edit]- spined, acanthoid, acanthous, acicular, acuate, aculeate, aculeiform, acuminate, acute, barbed, cornuted, cusped, cuspidate, hispid, horned, horny, mucronate, needle-pointed, needle-sharp, pointed, pronged, sharp-pointed, spiculate, spiked, spiky, spinous, spiny, tapered, tapering, tined, toothed, unbated
[edit]- spineless, abulic, adrift, afloat, afraid, alternating, amorphous, anemic, asthenic, bloodless, capricious, changeable, changeful, chicken, cowardly, craven, dastardly, debilitated, desultory, deviable, dizzy, drooping, droopy, dull, eccentric, effete, emasculate, erratic, etiolated, faint, fainthearted, faintish, fast and loose, fearful, feeble, feebleminded, fickle, fitful, flabby, flaccid, flickering, flighty, flitting, floppy, fluctuating, forceless, frail, freakish, giddy, gone, gutless, imbecile, impetuous, impotent, impulsive, inadequate, inconsistent, inconstant, indecisive, ineffective, ineffectual, infirm, invertebrate, irregular, irresolute, irresponsible, languid, languorous, lily-livered, limber, limp, listless, lustless, marrowless, mazy, mercurial, moody, nerveless, pithless, pliable, pooped, powerless, pusillanimous, rambling, restless, roving, rubbery, sapless, scatterbrained, shapeless, shifting, shifty, shuffling, sinewless, slack, soft, spasmodic, spiritless, squeamish, strengthless, timid, timorous, unaccountable, uncertain, uncontrolled, undependable, undisciplined, unfixed, unhardened, unnerved, unpredictable, unreliable, unrestrained, unsettled, unstable, unstable as water, unstaid, unsteadfast, unsteady, unstrung, vacillating, vagrant, variable, vicissitudinary, vicissitudinous, volatile, wandering, wanton, wavering, wavery, wavy, wayward, weak, weak-kneed, weak-minded, weak-willed, weakly, whimsical, white-livered, wishy-washy, yellow
[edit]- spinet, Klavier, Steinway, baby grand, cembalo, clarichord, clavicembalo, clavichord, clavicittern, clavicymbal, clavicytherium, clavier, concert grand, cottage piano, couched harp, dulcimer harpsichord, grand, grand piano, hammer dulcimer, harmonichord, harpsichord, manichord, manichordon, melodion, melopiano, monochord, pair of virginals, parlor grand, pianette, pianino, piano, piano-violin, pianoforte, sostinente pianoforte, square piano, upright, upright piano, violin piano, virginal
[edit]- spinner, bait, birdlime, bola, cobweb, dragnet, fishhook, fly, gill net, ground bait, hook, jenny, jig, lariat, lasso, lime, lure, meshes, mule, net, noose, plug, pound net, purse seine, seine, silkworm, snare, sniggle, spider, spinning frame, spinning jenny, spinster, springe, squid, throstle, toils, trawl, wobbler
[edit]- spinning, angular momentum, angular motion, angular velocity, axial motion, bowling, centrifugation, circulation, circumgyration, circumrotation, full circle, gyrating, gyration, pivoting, reeling, revolution, revolving, roll, rolling, rotating, rotation, rotational motion, spin, swinging, swirling, swiveling, trolling, trundling, turbination, turning, twirling, volutation, volution, wheeling, whir, whirling
[edit]- spinster, bachelor girl, feme sole, jenny, lone woman, maid, maiden, maiden lady, mule, old maid, silkworm, single girl, spider, spinner, spinning frame, spinning jenny, spinstress, tabby, throstle, vestal, vestal virgin, virgin, [[]], [[]]
[edit]- spinsterhood, bachelordom, bachelorhood, bachelorism, bachelorship, celibacy, continence, maidenhead, maidenhood, misogamy, misogyny, monachism, monasticism, single blessedness, single state, singleness, unwed state, virgin state, virginity
[edit]- spiny, Herculean, abstruse, acanthoid, acanthous, acicular, acuate, aculeate, aculeiform, acuminate, acute, arduous, barbed, brutal, complex, cornuted, critical, cusped, cuspidate, delicate, demanding, difficile, difficult, exacting, formidable, hairy, hard, hard-earned, hard-fought, hispid, horned, horny, intricate, jawbreaking, knotted, knotty, laborious, mean, mucronate, needle-pointed, needle-sharp, nettlesome, no picnic, not easy, operose, pointed, prickly, pronged, rigorous, rough, rugged, set with thorns, severe, sharp-pointed, spiculate, spiked, spiky, spined, spinous, steep, strenuous, tapered, tapering, thorny, ticklish, tined, toilsome, toothed, tough, tricky, unbated, uphill, wicked
[edit]- spiracle, air duct, air hole, air passage, air shaft, air tube, airway, armhole, avenue, blowhole, breathing hole, bullet-hole, bunghole, channel, chute, cringle, deadeye, debouch, door, egress, emunctory, escape, estuary, exhaust, exit, eye, eyelet, floodgate, flume, gasket, grommet, guide, keyhole, knothole, loop, loophole, louver, louverwork, manhole, mousehole, naris, nostril, opening, out, outcome, outfall, outgate, outgo, outlet, peephole, pigeonhole, pinhole, placket, placket hole, pore, port, porthole, punch-hole, sally port, shaft, sluice, spilehole, spout, tap, touchhole, transom, vent, ventage, venthole, ventiduct, ventilating shaft, ventilator, vomitory, way out, weir, wind tunnel
[edit]- spiral, Milky Way, O-shaped, Via Lactea, acrobatics, aerobatics, ambagious, anfractuous, arise, ascend, aspire, backhanded, bank, banking, barred spiral, barred spiral galaxy, become airborne, chandelle, circle, circling, circuit, circuiteer, circuition, circuitous, circuitousness, circuitry, circular, circularity, circulate, circulation, circumambience, circumambiency, circumambulate, circumambulation, circumflexion, circumlocution, circummigrate, circummigration, circumnavigate, circumnavigation, circumvent, cirrus, claw skyward, close the circle, cochlear, cochleate, coil, coiled, come full circle, come up, compass, corkscrew, corkscrewy, cosmic noise, crab, crabbing, curl, curl upwards, curlicue, cycle, describe a circle, deviance, deviancy, deviating, deviation, deviative, devious, deviousness, digression, digressive, dip, discursive, dive, diving, encircle, encompass, entwine, evolute, excursion, excursive, excursus, feather, fishtail, fishtailing, flank, float, fly, fly aloft, gain altitude, galactic circle, galactic cluster, galactic coordinates, galactic latitude, galactic longitude, galactic nebula, galactic noise, galactic pole, galaxy, girdle, girdle the globe, glide, go about, go around, go round, go the round, go up, grow up, gyre, gyring, hang, helical, helicoid, helix, hover, indirect, indirection, involute, island universe, kink, kite, lap, leave the ground, levitate, loom, loop, make a circuit, meandering, mount, nose dive, oblique, orbit, orbital, orbiting, out-of-the-way, plane, plow, poise, porpoise, power dive, pull out, pull up, pull-up, pullout, push down, pushdown, rear, rear up, revolve, ringlet, rise, rise up, roll, rolling, rotary, round, roundabout, roundaboutness, rounding, screw, screw-shaped, scroll, scrolled, sideslip, skid, skirt, soar, spheroidal galaxy, spin, spiral galaxy, spiral nebula, spiraling, spire, spiroid, stall, stand up, stunt, stunting, supergalaxy, surge, surround, swarm up, sweep up, swirl, tactical maneuvers, take off, tendril, tower, turbinal, turbinate, turn, turning, twine, twirl, twist, undulate, up, upgo, upgrow, upheave, uprise, upspin, upstream, upsurge, upswarm, upwind, verticillate, volplane, volute, voluted, volution, vortex, wheel, wheeling, whirl, whorl, whorled, wreathe, yaw, zoom
[edit]- spiraling, anabatic, ascendant, ascending, ascensional, ascensive, circling, circuition, circuitousness, circuitry, circularity, circulation, circumambience, circumambiency, circumambulation, circumflexion, circumlocution, circummigration, circumnavigation, climbing, cutthroat, deviance, deviancy, deviation, deviousness, digression, exacting, excessive, excursion, excursus, exorbitant, extortionate, extravagant, fancy, gouging, grossly overpriced, gyre, gyring, immoderate, in the ascendant, indirection, inflationary, inordinate, leaping, meandering, mounting, orbit, orbiting, out of bounds, out of sight, outrageous, overpriced, preposterous, prohibitive, rampant, rearing, rising, roundaboutness, rounding, saltatory, scandent, scansorial, skyrocketing, spiral, springing, turn, turning, unconscionable, undue, unreasonable, unwarranted, uparching, upcoming, upgoing, upgrade, uphill, uphillward, uprising, upsloping, upward, upwith, usurious, wheeling
[edit]- spire, acme, antenna tower, anthrophore, apex, apogee, arise, ascend, aspire, axis, barbican, become airborne, belfry, bell tower, blade, bole, bract, bracteole, bractlet, brow, buss the clouds, campanile, cane, cap, carpophore, caudex, caulicle, caulis, claw skyward, climax, cloud nine, cog, colossus, column, comb, come up, cotyledon, crag, crest, crown, culm, culmen, culmination, cupola, curl upwards, derrick, dome, edge, extreme limit, extremity, fang, fire tower, flag, float, floral leaf, fly, fly aloft, foliole, footstalk, frond, funicule, funiculus, gain altitude, glume, go up, grow up, hang, harrow, haulm, heaven, heavens, height, high noon, highest pitch, highest point, hover, involucre, involucrum, jag, kite, lamina, lantern, leaf, leaflet, leafstalk, leave the ground, lemma, levitate, lighthouse, ligule, limit, loom, martello, martello tower, mast, maximum, meridian, minaret, monument, mount, mountaintop, ne plus ultra, needle, no place higher, noon, obelisk, observation tower, pagoda, peak, pecten, pedicel, peduncle, petal, petiole, petiolule, petiolus, pilaster, pile, pillar, pine needle, pinnacle, pitch, plane, point, poise, pole, projection, pylon, pyramid, rake, ratchet, rear, rear up, reed, ridge, rise, rise up, sawtooth, seed leaf, seedstalk, sepal, seventh heaven, shaft, sky, skyscraper, snag, snaggle, soar, spathe, spear, spiral, sprocket, spur, stalk, stand on tiptoe, stand up, standpipe, steeple, stem, stipe, stipula, stipule, stock, straw, stupa, summit, surge, swarm up, sweep up, take off, television mast, tigella, tip, tip-top, tooth, top, tope, tour, tower, trunk, turret, up, upgo, upgrow, upheave, upmost, upper extremity, uppermost, uprise, upspin, upstream, upsurge, upswarm, upwind, utmost, vertex, very top, water tower, windmill tower, zenith, zoom
spirit world
[edit]- spirit world, bodilessness, ghostliness, immateriality, immaterialness, impalpability, imponderability, incorporeality, incorporeity, inextension, intangibility, nonexteriority, occult phenomena, occultism, otherworldliness, psychical research, psychicism, psychics, psychism, shadowiness, spirituality, spirituousness, supernaturalism, the occult, unearthliness, unsubstantiality, unsubstantialness, unworldliness
[edit]- spirit, Geist, Masan, Muse, abandon, abduce, abduct, activity, adventuresomeness, adventurousness, affective meaning, afflatus, aggression, aggressiveness, aim, air, airy nothing, alacrity, alcohol, ambitiousness, anima, anima humana, animal spirits, animate, animating force, animation, animus, anxiety, anxiousness, apparition, appearance, appetite, aqua vitae, ardency, ardor, astral, astral body, astral spirit, atman, atmosphere, attitude, atua, aura, avidity, avidness, axiom, ba, backbone, banshee, baring, bathmism, beating heart, being, bent, biological clock, biorhythm, blood, body-build, bones, booze, bosom, bottom, brand, bravery, breast, breath, breath of life, breathless impatience, breeziness, brio, briskness, bubble, bubbliness, buddhi, capersomeness, carry away, carry off, cast, center, center of life, character, characteristic, characteristics, cheer, cheerful readiness, chutzpah, climate, coloring, coltishness, commitment, committedness, complexion, composition, concentrate, concentration, connotation, consciousness, consequence, constituents, constitution, control, core, courage, crasis, creative thought, creativity, crimp, cue, daemon, daimonion, daring, dash, dauntlessness, decoction, dedication, demon, denotation, departed spirit, desire, devotedness, devotion, devoutness, dharma, diathesis, disembodied spirit, disposition, distillate, distillation, divine afflatus, divine breath, divine spark, drift, drink, drive, duppy, dybbuk, dynamism, eagerness, earnestness, ebullience, ecstasy, effect, effervescence, ego, eidolon, elan, elan vital, elixir, embue, energy, enliven, enterprise, enterprisingness, enthusiasm, esoteric reality, esprit, esprit de corps, essence, essence of life, essential, ether, ethos, evil spirits, excitement, exhilarate, extension, extract, extraction, exuberance, fabric, faith, faithfulness, feel, feeling, feelings, fervency, fervidness, fervor, fiber, fidelity, fire, fire of genius, firewater, flower, focus, force, force of life, forcefulness, form, forwardness, frame, frame of mind, friskiness, frolicsomeness, fundamental, furor, fury, gaiety, gameness, gamesomeness, gayness, genius, get-up-and-get, get-up-and-go, getup, ghost, gimp, ginger, gist, glow, go, go-ahead, go-getting, go-to-itiveness, grain, grammatical meaning, grateful dead, gravamen, grit, grog, gross body, growth force, guide, gumption, gust, gusto, guts, gutsiness, guttiness, habit, hant, haunt, heart, heart of hearts, heart of oak, heartbeat, heartblood, heartiness, heartstrings, heat, heatedness, hold for ransom, hooch, hue, humor, humors, hustle, hypostasis, idea, idolum, ilk, illusion, imbue, immateriality, impact, impassionedness, impatience, impetuosity, impetus, implication, import, impress, impulse, impulse of life, inclination, incorporeal, incorporeal being, incorporeity, infect, inform, infuse, infusion, initiative, inject, inmost heart, inmost soul, inner essence, inner man, inner nature, innermost being, inoculate, inside, inspiration, inspire, inspirit, inspiriting force, intelligence, intension, intensity, intent, intention, intentness, intestinal fortitude, jiva, jivatma, joie de vivre, juice, kama, keen desire, keenness, kernel, khu, kidnap, kind, larva, lemures, lexical meaning, life, life breath, life cycle, life essence, life force, life principle, life process, lifeblood, linga sharira, liquor, literal meaning, liveliness, living force, loyalty, lustiness, makeup, manas, manes, manfulness, manliness, marrow, material, materialization, matter, meaning, meat, medium, mediumism, message, mettle, mettlesomeness, might, milieu, mind, mist, mold, mood, morale, motivation, moxie, nature, necromancy, nephesh, nerve, nerve center, note, notion, nub, nucleus, nuts and bolts, oni, oomph, overtone, panache, passion, passionateness, passions, pep, pepper, peppiness, perkiness, persona, pertinence, pertness, phantasm, phantasma, phantom, physical body, physique, piquancy, piss and vinegar, pith, pizzazz, playfulness, pluck, pluckiness, pneuma, poignancy, point, poltergeist, postulate, power, practical consequence, prana, presence, principle, principle of desire, promptness, property, psyche, pungency, purification, purport, purpose, purusha, push, pushfulness, pushiness, pushingness, quality, quick, quickness, quid, quiddity, quintessence, raciness, range of meaning, readiness, real meaning, reference, referent, refinement, relation, relevance, relish, resoluteness, resolution, resolve, revenant, robustness, rollicksomeness, rompishness, ruach, run away with, sand, sap, sauce, savor, scope, seance, seat of life, secret heart, secret places, self, semantic cluster, semantic field, sense, sentiments, seriousness, shade, shadow, shanghai, shape, shrouded spirit, significance, signification, significatum, signifie, sincerity, sitting, skittishness, skyjack, smoke, snap, snatch, somatotype, sort, soul, span of meaning, spark of life, sparkle, specter, spectral ghost, spice, spirit away, spirit up, spiritedness, spiritism, spirits, spiritual being, spiritualism, spiritus, spook, sportiveness, sprightliness, sprite, spunk, spunkiness, stamina, stamp, starch, state of mind, sthula sharira, stout heart, streak, strength, stripe, strong drink, structural meaning, stuff, substance, suchness, sum, sum and substance, supernatural being, symbolic meaning, system, take away, talent, team spirit, temper, temperament, tendency, tenor, the nitty-gritty, the self, theophany, thin air, thought, timbre, tipple, tone, totality of associations, toughness, transferred meaning, transport, true being, true grit, true inwardness, type, umbra, unadorned meaning, undertone, unsubstantiality, up-and-comingness, urge, valor, value, vapor, vehemence, vein, venturesomeness, venturousness, verve, vigor, vim, vis vitae, vis vitalis, viscera, vision, vital energy, vital flame, vital fluid, vital force, vital principle, vital spark, vital spirit, vitality, vitals, vivaciousness, vivacity, vividness, walking dead man, wandering soul, warmth, warmth of feeling, way, will, wraith, zeal, zealousness, zest, zestfulness, zing, zip, zombie
[edit]- spirited, abandoned, active, activist, activistic, acute, afire, aggressive, agog, alacritous, alert, alive, all agog, animate, animated, antic, anxious, ardent, audacious, avid, beany, bold, bouncing, bouncy, brave, breathless, breezy, bright, brisk, bubbly, bulldoggish, buoyant, burning, bursting to, cant, capersome, chipper, coltish, committed, courageous, dauntless, dedicated, desirous, devoted, devout, dynamic, eager, earnest, ebullient, effervescent, energetic, enterprising, enthusiastic, exuberant, faithful, fearless, fervent, fervid, fiery, flaming, forceful, forcible, forward, frisky, frolicsome, full of beans, full of go, full of life, full of pep, game, gamesome, gamy, gay, go-go, gritty, gutsy, gutty, hearty, heated, high-spirited, hot, hot-blooded, impassioned, impatient, impetuous, in earnest, incisive, intense, intent, intent on, intrepid, keen, kinetic, live, lively, living, loyal, lusty, mercurial, mettlesome, militant, nervy, on fire, panting, passionate, peppery, peppy, perfervid, perky, pert, pertinacious, piquant, playful, plucky, poignant, prompt, pungent, quick, quicksilver, racy, raring to, ready, ready and willing, red-blooded, red-hot, resolute, robust, rollicking, rollicksome, rompish, serious, sharp, sincere, skittish, smacking, snappy, spanking, sparkling, spiritful, sportive, sprightly, spry, spunky, strenuous, strong, take-charge, take-over, tenacious, tough, trenchant, valiant, vehement, vibrant, vigorous, vital, vivacious, vivid, warm, white-hot, zealous, zestful, zesty, zingy, zippy
[edit]- spiritless, Laodicean, Olympian, affectless, aloof, anesthetized, apathetic, arctic, arid, asleep, autistic, barren, benumbed, blah, blank, blase, bloodless, blue, blunt, bowed-down, cast down, catatonic, characterless, chill, chilly, cold, cold as charity, cold-blooded, coldhearted, colorless, comatose, cool, dashed, dead, deceased, defunct, dejected, departed, depressed, desensitized, despairing, despondent, desponding, detached, disconsolate, discouraged, disheartened, disinterested, dismal, dispassionate, dispirited, down, downcast, downhearted, draggy, drearisome, dreary, drooping, droopy, drugged, dry, dryasdust, dull, dusty, effete, elephantine, emotionally dead, emotionless, empty, etiolated, exanimate, extinct, fade, feeling low, flat, frigid, frosted, frosty, frozen, gritless, gutless, heartless, heavy, hebetudinous, ho-hum, hollow, hopeless, hypochondriac, hypochondriacal, icy, immovable, impassible, impassive, in a stupor, in low spirits, in the depths, in the doldrums, in the dumps, inane, indifferent, inexcitable, insipid, insouciant, insusceptible, jejune, languid, languishing, leaden, lethargic, lifeless, listless, low, low-spirited, nonchalant, nonemotional, numb, numbed, objective, obtuse, out of touch, pale, pallid, passionless, passive, pedestrian, pessimistic, phlegmatic, pining, plodding, pluckless, pointless, poky, ponderous, resigned, self-absorbed, slack, slow, sluggish, solemn, soporific, soulless, spunkless, sterile, stiff, stodgy, stoic, stuffy, stupefied, subdued, submissive, suicidal, superficial, supine, tasteless, tedious, torpid, unaffectionate, unanimated, uncaring, unconcerned, uncourageous, undaring, unemotional, unfeeling, ungallant, unheroic, unimpassioned, unimpressionable, uninterested, unintrepid, unlively, unloving, unpassionate, unresponding, unresponsive, unsoldierlike, unsoldierly, unsusceptible, unsympathetic, untouchable, unvaliant, unvalorous, vapid, weary of life, withdrawn, woebegone, wooden, world-weary
[edit]- spirits, Angostura bitters, Canadian, Canadian whiskey, Cognac, Grand Champagne, Irish, Irish whiskey, John Barleycorn, Kirsch, Scotch, Scotch whiskey, absinthe, alcohol, alcoholic beverage, alcoholic drink, animal spirits, animation, aqua vitae, ardent spirits, beverage, bitters, blended whiskey, booze, bourbon, brandy, brew, capersomeness, clean rum, coltishness, cue, drink, eau de vie, elan, esprit, exuberance, frame, frame of mind, friskiness, frolicsomeness, gaiety, gamesomeness, gayness, gin, grog, gusto, hard liquor, heart, heartiness, humor, inebriant, intoxicant, intoxicating liquor, life, light whiskey, liquor, little brown jug, liveliness, malt whiskey, marc, mescal, mind, mood, moonshine, morale, note, ouzo, piss and vinegar, playfulness, plum brandy, potable, potation, punch bowl, raki, rollicksomeness, rompishness, rum, rye, rye whiskey, schnapps, skittishness, slivovitz, social lubricant, spirit, spiritedness, sportiveness, sprightliness, state of mind, strong drink, strong waters, temper, tequila, the Demon Rum, the bottle, the cup, the flowing bowl, the luscious liquor, the ruddy cup, tone, toxicant, vein, verve, vigor, vim, vitality, vivacity, vodka, water of life, whiskey, zest, zestfulness, zip
[edit]- spiritual, Christlike, Christly, God-fearing, Negro spiritual, affective, airy, angelic, anthem, arcane, asomatous, astral, automatist, awesome, awful, bodiless, cantata, canticle, cerebral, characteristic, chorale, church, church music, churchly, clairaudient, clairsentient, clairvoyant, clerical, conceptive, conceptual, constitutional, decarnate, decarnated, devotional, discarnate, disembodied, dispositional, divine, doxology, ecclesiastical, ectoplasmic, eerie, elevated, emotional, endopsychic, esoteric, ethereal, etheric, extramundane, extrasensory, extraterrestrial, fey, ghostish, ghostlike, ghostly, ghosty, godlike, godly, godly-minded, good, gospel, gospel music, heady, heavenly, high, high-minded, holy, holy-minded, hymn, hymn-tune, hymnody, hymnology, hypernormal, hyperphysical, immaterial, impalpable, imponderable, incorporate, incorporeal, ineffable, inenarrable, inexpressible, innate, inner, insubstantial, intangible, intellectual, intelligent, internal, introit, inviolable, inviolate, lofty, mass, mediumistic, mental, metaphysical, motet, mysterious, noetic, nonmaterial, nonphysical, noological, numinous, occult, offertory, offertory sentence, oratorio, otherworldly, paean, passion, phantasmal, phantasmic, phantom, phantomic, phantomlike, phrenic, preterhuman, preternatural, preternormal, pretersensual, priestly, prosodion, psalm, psalmody, psychic, psychical, psychokinetic, psychologic, psychological, psychosensory, pure, pure in heart, purehearted, rational, reasoning, recessional, religious, requiem, requiem mass, righteous, sacerdotal, sacred, sacred music, sacrosanct, saintlike, saintly, second-sighted, seraphic, shadowy, specterlike, spectral, spiritual-minded, spiritualistic, subjective, superhuman, supernatural, supernormal, superphysical, supersensible, supersensual, supramundane, supranatural, telekinetic, telepathic, temperamental, thinking, transcendental, transmundane, unearthly, unembodied, unextended, unfleshly, unhuman, unphysical, unspeakable, unsubstantial, untouchable, unutterable, unworldly, venerable, white spiritual, wraithlike, wraithy
[edit]- spiritualism, Berkeleianism, Hegelianism, Kantianism, Neoplatonism, Platonic form, Platonic idea, Platonism, absolute idealism, animatism, animism, form, hylozoism, idealism, immaterialism, mediumism, metaphysical idealism, monistic idealism, necromancy, panpsychism, personalism, psychism, seance, sitting, solipsism, spirit, spiritism, subjectivism, transcendental, universal
[edit]- spiritualist, Berkeleian, Hegelian, Kantian, Neoplatonist, Platonist, animist, automatist, ecstatic, idealist, immaterialist, medium, necromancer, panpsychist, psychic, psychist, psychographist, spirit rapper, spiritist
[edit]- spiritualistic, Berkeleian, Hegelian, Kantian, Neoplatonic, Neoplatonistic, Platonic, Platonistic, animist, animistic, automatist, clairaudient, clairsentient, clairvoyant, extrasensory, idealist, idealistic, immaterialist, mediumistic, panpsychist, panpsychistic, pretersensual, psychic, psychokinetic, psychosensory, second-sighted, solipsistic, spiritual, spiritualist, supersensible, supersensual, telekinetic, telepathic
[edit]- spirituality, Christianity, Christlikeness, Christliness, angelicalness, beauty of holiness, bliss, bodilessness, fear of God, ghostliness, godlikeness, godliness, godly-mindedness, goodness, harmony, heavenliness, heavenly-mindedness, holiness, holy-mindedness, immateriality, immaterialness, impalpability, imponderability, incorporeality, incorporeity, inextension, intangibility, nonexteriority, occult phenomena, occultism, odor of sanctity, otherworldliness, psychical research, psychicism, psychics, psychism, pureness, pureness of heart, purity, righteousness, sainthood, saintlikeness, saintliness, saintship, sanctitude, sanctity, seraphicalness, shadowiness, spirit world, spiritual-mindedness, spirituousness, supernaturalism, the occult, unearthliness, unsubstantiality, unsubstantialness, unworldliness
[edit]- spiritualize, attenuate, bolt, clarify, clear, decrassify, dematerialize, depurate, disembody, disincarnate, distill, edulcorate, elute, enervate, essentialize, etherealize, extract, filter, filtrate, idealize, immaterialize, insubstantialize, leach, lixiviate, percolate, purify, rarefy, rectify, refine, sap, screen, separate, sieve, sift, spiritize, strain, sublimate, sublime, subtilize, try, unsubstantialize, weaken, winnow
[edit]- spirituous, air-built, airy, alcoholic, ardent, chimerical, cloud-built, dreamlike, ethereal, fanciful, fatuitous, fatuous, gaseous, gossamery, hard, illusory, imaginary, phantomlike, rarefied, shadowy, strong, subtile, subtle, tenuous, unreal, vaporous, vinous, windy, winy, with a kick
[edit]- spirochete, adenovirus, aerobe, aerobic bacteria, amoeba, anaerobe, anaerobic bacteria, bacillus, bacteria, bacterium, bug, coccus, disease-producing microorganism, echovirus, enterovirus, filterable virus, fungus, germ, gram-negative bacteria, gram-positive bacteria, microbe, microorganism, mold, nonfilterable virus, pathogen, picornavirus, protozoa, protozoon, reovirus, rhinovirus, rickettsia, spirillum, spore, staphylococcus, streptococcus, trypanosome, vibrio, virus
[edit]- spit, andiron, assibilate, assibilation, auger, bayonet, bill, bite, bore, breakwater, broach, buzz, cape, chain, chersonese, clack, click, clone, coal tongs, color, copy, coral reef, counterpart, countersink, crack, crackle, crane, crepitate, crook, dagger, damper, decrepitate, delta, dirk, discharge, double, dribble, drill, drivel, drizzle, drool, drum, duplicate, effervesce, effervescence, effervescing, eject, empierce, expectorate, expectoration, fall, fire hook, fire tongs, firedog, fix, fizz, fizzle, fizzling, flush, foam, font, foreland, fount, fountain, frication, frictional rustling, froth, frown, geyser, glare, glower, gnarl, gore, gouge, gouge out, grate, grating, grid, griddle, gridiron, grill, griller, growl, grumble, gush, hawk, head, headland, hiss, hissing, hole, honeycomb, hook, hush, hushing, image, impale, jet, knife, lance, lifter, likeness, lisp, look daggers, lower, mantle, mizzle, mouth-watering, mull, naze, needle, ness, patter, pelt, penetrate, peninsula, perforate, picture, pierce, pink, pitter-patter, play, plunge in, point, poker, poniard, portrait, pothook, pour, pour with rain, precipitate, prick, promontory, ptyalism, punch, puncture, rain, rain tadpoles, ream, ream out, redden, reef, rhonchus, riddle, ringer, rip out, run through, rush, saber, salamander, saliva, salivate, salivation, sandspit, scowl, shower, shower down, shush, shushing, sialagogue, sibilance, sibilate, sibilation, siffle, sigmatism, simulacrum, siss, sissing, sizz, sizzle, sizzling, skewer, slabber, slaver, slobber, snap, snarl, sneeze, sneezing, sniff, sniffle, snore, snort, snuff, snuffle, spatter, spear, spew, spike, spitting image, spittle, splutter, spout, spouter, spray, sprinkle, spritz, spur, spurt, spurtle, sputter, sputum, squash, squelch, squirt, squish, stab, sternutation, stertor, stick, stiletto, stream, surge, swish, sword, tap, tattoo, tongs, tongue, transfix, transpierce, trepan, trephine, tripod, trivet, turnspit, twin, vomit, vomit forth, vomit out, water, weep, well, wheeze, whish, whistle, whistling, white noise, whiz, whoosh, zip
[edit]- spitball, bowl, cast, change of pace, change-up, chuck, chunk, curve, downcurve, fastball, fling, flip, forward pass, heave, hurl, incurve, knuckleball, lateral, lateral pass, lob, outcurve, pass, peg, pitch, put, screwball, serve, service, shot-put, shy, sinker, slider, sling, spitter, throw, toss, upcurve
[edit]- spite, Anglophobia, Russophobia, Schadenfreude, abhorrence, abomination, animosity, annoy, antagonism, anti-Semitism, antipathy, aversion, belligerence, bigotry, bitchiness, bitterness, bone to pick, cattiness, clash, clashing, collision, conflict, contention, crow to pick, crow to pluck, despite, despitefulness, detestation, discomfit, disconcert, dislike, execration, friction, gall and wormwood, gloating pleasure, grudge, hate, hatred, hostility, hurt, ignoring, ill, ill will, in defiance of, in spite of, injure, irritate, loathing, malevolence, malice, maliciousness, malignity, misandry, misanthropy, misogyny, needle, notwithstanding, odium, offend, peeve, pet peeve, pique, provoke, put out, quarrelsomeness, race hatred, racism, rancor, regardless of, repugnance, resentment, spitefulness, spleen, unholy joy, upset, venom, vex, vials of hate, vials of wrath, vindictiveness, wound, xenophobia
[edit]- spiteful, acrid, acrimonious, antagonistic, antipathetic, bearish, belligerent, bitchy, bitter, cankered, cantankerous, cattish, catty, caustic, churlish, clashing, colliding, conflicting, crabbed, cranky, cross, cross-grained, crusty, cussed, despiteful, disagreeable, evil, excitable, feisty, fractious, full of hate, hateful, hostile, huffish, huffy, invidious, irascible, irritable, malevolent, malicious, malign, malignant, mean, ornery, perverse, punitive, quarrelsome, rancorous, repugnant, retaliative, retaliatory, retributive, retributory, revengeful, set against, snappish, sore, spleeny, splenetic, testy, ugly, unforgiving, unfriendly, vengeful, venomous, vicious, vindictive, virulent, vitriolic, waspish, wicked
[edit]- spitfire, Mafioso, Young Turk, battle-ax, beast, beldam, berserk, berserker, bitch, bomber, brute, cat, common scold, demon, devil, dragon, fiend, fire-eater, firebrand, fishwife, fury, goon, gorilla, gunsel, hardnose, hell-raiser, hellcat, hellhound, hellion, holy terror, hood, hoodlum, hothead, hotspur, incendiary, killer, mad dog, madcap, monster, mugger, rapist, revolutionary, savage, scold, she-devil, she-wolf, shrew, termagant, terror, terrorist, tiger, tigress, tough, tough guy, ugly customer, violent, virago, vixen, wild beast, witch, wolf
spitting distance
[edit]- spitting distance, ace, bit, bowshot, brief span, close quarters, close range, crack, earreach, earshot, gunshot, hair, hair space, hairbreadth, hairsbreadth, inch, little, little ways, pistol shot, short distance, short piece, short way, span, step
spitting image
[edit]- spitting image, Doppelganger, actual thing, carbon copy, companion, copy, dead ringer, ditto, double, duplicate, effigy, equivalent, exact counterpart, exact likeness, facsimile, fellow, homograph, homonym, homophone, icon, idem, identical same, idol, image, likeness, living image, living picture, match, mate, miniature, mirroring, model, no other, none other, photograph, picture, portrait, reflection, replica, resemblance, rubbing, selfsame, semblance, shadow, similitude, simulacrum, spit and image, synonym, the same, the same difference, trace, tracing, twin, very image, very picture, very same
[edit]- splash, ado, asperge, babble, bedabble, bedew, bespatter, bespeckle, bespot, besprinkle, birthmark, blaze, blazon, blemish, bloodstain, blot, blotch, blur, brand, bravura, brilliancy, brouhaha, bubble, burble, caste mark, check, checkmark, cicatrix, commotion, cut, cut a dash, cut a figure, cut a swath, dab, dabble, damp, dampen, dapple, dappledness, dappleness, daring, dash, daub, dazzle, demonstration, dew, discoloration, display, dot, dottedness, douche, douse, dramatics, dramatize, drench, drown, earmark, eclat, engraving, etalage, excitement, exhibition, exhibitionism, eyesore, false front, fanfaronade, flaunt, flaunting, fleck, flick, flourish, flyspeck, foam, foofaraw, freckle, freckliness, froth, gash, glare, glitter, graving, guggle, gurgle, hack, histrionics, hose, hose down, humect, humectate, humidify, impression, irrigate, jot, lap, lapping, lentigo, macula, maculate, maculation, macule, make a figure, make a show, make a splash, manifestation, mark, marking, moisten, mole, mottle, mottledness, nevus, nick, notch, paddle, pageant, pageantry, parade, patch, plash, plaster, play up, point, pointillage, pointillism, polka dot, prick, puncture, purl, ripple, ripple of applause, ripple of laughter, scar, scarification, score, scotch, scratch, scratching, sensation, sham, shine, show, shower, showing-off, slobber, slop, slosh, smear, smirch, smouch, smudge, smut, smutch, soak, sop, sparge, spatter, speck, speckle, speckliness, spectacle, spindrift, splatter, splosh, splotch, splurge, sponge, spot, spottedness, spottiness, spray, spread, sprinkle, spume, spurtle, squirt, staginess, stain, stigma, stipple, stippledness, stippling, strawberry mark, swash, swish, syringe, taint, tarnish, tattoo, tattoo mark, theatrics, throw, tick, tittle, to-do, trill, uproar, vaunt, wash, washing, water, watermark, wet, wet down
[edit]- splashing, affusion, aspergation, aspersion, babbling, baptism, bath, bathing, bedewing, bubbling, burbling, dampening, damping, deluge, dewing, drowning, flooding, guggling, gurgling, hosing, hosing down, humidification, immersion, inundation, irrigation, lapping, laving, moistening, plashing, rinsing, rippling, sloshing, sparging, spattering, splattering, spraying, sprinkling, submersion, swashing, swishing, trilling, watering, wetting
[edit]- splashy, aquatic, aqueous, brave, bravura, braw, chichi, daring, dashing, dirty, dressy, exhibitionistic, flamboyant, flashing, flashy, flaunting, frilly, frothy, gallant, gay, glittering, hydrated, hydraulic, hydrous, jaunty, jazzy, liquid, miry, mucky, muddy, oozy, ostentatious, peacockish, peacocky, plashy, pretentious, rakish, showy, slabby, slobby, sloppy, sloshy, sloughy, sludgy, slushy, snazzy, soft, splurgy, sporty, sposhy, squashy, squelchy, squishy, swank, swashy, turbid, waterish, watery
[edit]- splat, bang, beam, billet, board, boarding, bump, burst, bust, clap, clapboard, clash, cord, cordwood, crack, crash, crump, deal, driftwood, firewood, flap, flop, hardwood, knock, lath, lathing, lathwork, log, lumber, panelboard, paneling, panelwork, plank, planking, plyboard, plywood, pole, post, puncheon, rap, report, shake, sheathing, sheathing board, sheeting, shingle, sideboard, siding, slab, slam, slap, slat, smack, softwood, stave, stick, stick of wood, stovewood, swap, tap, three-by-four, thwack, timber, timbering, timberwork, two-by-four, weatherboard, whack, wham, whap, whomp, whop, wood
[edit]- splatter, Scotch mist, asperge, beat, beat a ruffle, beat a tattoo, bedabble, bedew, bespatter, bespeckle, bespot, besprinkle, blood rain, bloodstain, blot, blotch, blur, brand, bread, crumb, dab, dabble, damp, dampen, dash, daub, dew, dot, douche, douse, dredge, drizzle, drum, dust, evening mist, eyesore, fall, fleck, flick, flour, flurry, flutter, flyspeck, foam, freckle, froth, go pitapat, gout of rain, hose, hose down, humect, humectate, humidify, irrigate, macula, maculate, maculation, macule, mark, mist, misty rain, mizzle, moisten, moisture, paddle, palpitate, patch, patter, pepper, pitter-patter, plash, pound, powder, precipitation, pulsate, rain, raindrop, rainfall, rainwater, roll, ruffle, sheet of rain, shower, slobber, slop, slosh, smear, smirch, smouch, smudge, smut, smutch, sound a tattoo, sparge, spatter, speck, speckle, spindrift, splash, splosh, splotch, splurge, splutter, sponge, spot, spray, sprinkle, spume, spurtle, sputter, stain, stigma, stud, swash, syringe, taint, tarnish, throb, thrum, thump, unfrozen hydrometeor, water, wet, wet down
[edit]- splattered, bespeckled, blotched, blotchy, dotted, dusted, freckle-faced, freckled, freckly, macular, maculate, maculated, peppered, powdered, spattered, specked, speckled, speckly, splashed, splotched, splotchy, spotted, spotty, sprinkled, studded
[edit]- splay, aberrate, addition, adjunct, aggrandizement, ampliation, amplification, attenuation, augmentation, awkward, bestrew, branch, branch out, broadcast, broadcasting, broadening, circumfuse, circumfusion, crescendo, deal out, deltoid, deploy, deployment, diffract, diffraction, diffuse, diffusion, dilution, dispensation, dispense, dispersal, disperse, dispersion, dispread, disseminate, dissemination, dissipation, distribute, distribution, divaricate, diverge, divergence, divide, enlargement, evaporation, expand, expansion, extend, extension, fan, fan out, fan-shape, fan-shaped, fanlike, fanned, fanning, fanning out, flabelliform, flare, flared, flaring, fragmentation, gawky, go away, go off, hiking, increase, issue, lumbering, lumpish, magnification, open, open up, outspread, outstretch, outstretched, overgrow, overrun, overscatter, oversow, overspread, patulous, peppering, propagate, propagation, publication, publish, radiate, radiation, raising, ramify, retail, scatter, scattering, scatterment, separate, shotgun pattern, sow, sow broadcast, sowing, spattering, splayed, splaying, spraddle, spraddled, spraddling, sprangle, sprangled, sprangling, sprawl, sprawling, sprawly, spread, spread like wildfire, spread out, spreading, sprinkling, stretched-out, strew, strewing, unfold, unfolded, ungainly, upping, utter, volatilization, wide-open, widen, widening, widespread
[edit]- splayfoot, arch, bandy, bandy-legged, blemished, bloated, bowlegged, bowlegs, camelback, cleft palate, club-footed, clubfoot, crookback, defaced, defacement, deformation, deformed, deformity, digit, disfigured, disfigurement, dog, dwarfed, extremity, fetlock, flatfoot, flatfooted, foot, forefoot, forepaw, freakishness, grotesque, harefoot, harelip, heel, hoof, humpback, hunchback, ill-made, ill-proportioned, ill-shaped, instep, knock-knee, knock-kneed, kyphosis, lordosis, malconformation, malformation, malformed, marred, misbegotten, misproportion, misproportioned, misshape, misshapen, monstrosity, monstrous, mutilated, mutilation, out of shape, pad, pastern, patte, paw, pedal extremity, pedes, pes, pied, pigeon-toed, pug, pug-nosed, rachitic, rickety, simous, snub-nosed, sole, stumpy, swayback, swaybacked, talipedic, talipes, teratology, toe, tootsy, torticollis, trotter, truncated, truncation, ungula, valgus, wryneck
[edit]- spleen, abdomen, acerbity, acid, acidity, acidulousness, acrimony, anger, angst, anguish, animosity, anus, anxiety, appendix, asperity, bad humor, bad temper, bile, biliousness, bitter resentment, bitterness, bitterness of spirit, blind gut, boredness, boredom, bowels, brain, causticity, cecum, cheerlessness, choler, colon, corrosiveness, despite, despitefulness, discomfort, discomposure, discontent, dislike, dispiritedness, displeasure, disquiet, dissatisfaction, dread, dullness, duodenum, emptiness, endocardium, ennui, entrails, existential woe, fed-upness, flatness, foregut, gall, giblets, gizzard, gnashing of teeth, grimness, grudge, guts, hard feelings, heart, heartburning, hindgut, ill, ill humor, ill nature, ill temper, innards, inner mechanism, inquietude, insides, internals, intestine, inwards, jadedness, jejunum, joylessness, kidney, kishkes, lack of pleasure, large intestine, life-weariness, liver, liver and lights, lung, malaise, melancholy, midgut, nausea, nongratification, nonsatisfaction, painfulness, perineum, pump, pylorus, rancor, rankling, rectum, satiation, satiety, savorlessness, slow burn, small intestine, soreness, sourness, staleness, stomach, taedium vitae, tastelessness, tediousness, tedium, ticker, tiredness, tripes, uncomfortableness, unease, uneasiness, unhappiness, unpleasure, unsatisfaction, vermiform appendix, vexation of spirit, virulence, viscera, vitals, wearifulness, weariness, works, world-weariness, wrath
[edit]- spleeny, bearish, bitchy, cankered, cantankerous, churlish, crabbed, cranky, cross, cross-grained, crusty, cussed, disagreeable, excitable, feisty, fractious, huffish, huffy, irascible, irritable, mean, ornery, perverse, snappish, spiteful, splenetic, testy, ugly, waspish
[edit]- splendid, Babylonian, Corinthian, admirable, advantageous, auspicious, awe-inspiring, awesome, awful, barbaric, baroque, beaming, bedazzling, beneficial, benevolent, blinding, blooming, bon, bonny, boss, braw, bright, bright and shining, brilliant, bueno, capital, celebrated, charismatic, cogent, colossal, commendable, conspicuous, cool, creditable, dandy, dashing, dazzling, deluxe, devastating, distinguished, divine, effulgent, elaborate, elegant, eminent, estimable, excellent, exceptional, exemplary, expedient, exquisite, extraordinary, extravagant, fab, fabulous, fair, famous, fancy, fantastic, favorable, fine, first-class, flamboyant, flaming, fulgent, fulgid, garish, gilt-edged, glamorous, glaring, glary, glorious, glowing, golden, good, goodly, gorgeous, grand, grandiose, great, healthy, heavenly, helpful, illustrious, immense, imposing, impressive, incomparable, incredible, keen, killing, kind, laudable, lavish, lovely, lush, lustrous, luxurious, magic, magnificent, majestic, major, marvelous, matchless, meritorious, neat, nice, noble, nonpareil, notable, noteworthy, numinous, ornate, out of sight, outstanding, palatial, peerless, pleasant, plush, posh, praiseworthy, princely, profitable, prominent, proud, radiant, raving, ravishing, refulgent, regal, remarkable, resplendent, rich, ritzy, royal, sensational, shining, showy, skillful, smashing, solid, sound, sparkling, spectacular, splendacious, splendent, splendiferous, splendorous, splendrous, stately, sterling, striking, stunning, stupendous, sublime, successful, sumptuous, super, superb, supereminent, superexcellent, superfancy, superfine, superior, superlative, supreme, surpassing, swank, swanky, swell, terrific, transcendent, tremendous, unbelievable, unparalleled, unsurpassed, useful, valid, very good, virtuous, vivid, wonderful
[edit]- splendidly, abundantly, acutely, amazingly, amply, aright, astonishingly, awesomely, brightly, brilliantly, capitally, conspicuously, copiously, dazzlingly, devastatingly, divinely, elaborately, elegantly, eminently, emphatically, excellently, exceptionally, exquisitely, extraordinarily, extravagantly, exuberantly, famously, fine, finely, generously, glaringly, gloriously, glowingly, gorgeously, grandiosely, grandly, imposingly, impressively, incredibly, intensely, luxuriously, magically, magnanimously, magnificently, majestically, markedly, marvelously, nicely, nobly, notably, particularly, peculiarly, pointedly, preeminently, profusely, prominently, pronouncedly, proudly, radiantly, ravingly, ravishingly, remarkably, richly, right, royally, signally, singularly, splendaciously, splendiferously, splendorously, splendrously, strikingly, stunningly, sublimely, sumptuously, superbly, superlatively, surpassingly, surprisingly, uncommonly, unusually, very well, well, wonderfully, wondrous, worthily
[edit]- splendiferous, Babylonian, Corinthian, awe-inspiring, awful, barbaric, dazzling, deluxe, divine, elaborate, elegant, exquisite, extravagant, fancy, fine, gilt-edged, glorious, golden, gorgeous, grand, grandiose, heavenly, immense, imposing, impressive, luxurious, magnificent, majestic, marvelous, noble, palatial, plush, posh, princely, proud, rattling, resplendent, ripping, ritzy, screaming, sensational, smashing, splendacious, splendid, splendorous, stately, sterling, sublime, sumptuous, super, superb, supereminent, superexcellent, superfancy, superfine, swank, swanky, swell, terrific, tremendous, walloping, wonderful
[edit]- splendor, Babylonian splendor, aura, beauty, blare, blaze, blaze of glory, blazing light, blinding light, bright light, brightness, brilliance, brilliancy, brilliant light, burst of light, charisma, dazzle, dazzling light, display, effulgence, elaborateness, elegance, envelope, exquisiteness, flamboyance, flood of light, fulgor, glamour, glare, glaring light, glitter, gloriousness, glory, gloss, gorgeousness, grandeur, grandiosity, grandness, halo, heavenliness, illustriousness, imposingness, impressiveness, lavishness, light, luminosity, luminousness, luster, luxuriousness, luxury, magic, magnificence, majesty, mystique, nimbus, nobility, numinousness, panoply, plushness, pomp, poshness, proudness, radiance, radiancy, radiant splendor, ravishingness, refulgence, refulgency, resplendence, resplendency, richness, ritziness, shine, show, spectacle, splendidness, splendiferousness, splendorousness, splendrousness, state, stateliness, streaming light, sublimity, sumptuousness, swank, vividness
[edit]- splendorous, beaming, bedazzling, blinding, blooming, bright, bright and shining, brilliant, charismatic, dazzling, devastating, divine, effulgent, flamboyant, flaming, fulgent, fulgid, garish, glamorous, glaring, glary, glorious, glowing, gorgeous, heavenly, illustrious, killing, lustrous, magic, magnificent, numinous, proud, radiant, raving, ravishing, refulgent, resplendent, shining, sparkling, splendent, splendid, splendiferous, splendrous, stunning, sublime, superb, vivid
[edit]- splenetic, acerb, acerbate, acerbic, acid, acidic, acidulent, acidulous, acrimonious, adrenal, bearish, bitchy, bitter, blase, burning, cankered, cantankerous, caustic, choleric, churlish, crabbed, cranky, cross, cross-grained, crusty, cussed, disagreeable, dispirited, eccrine, embittered, endocrine, excitable, exocrine, fed-up, feisty, fractious, glandular, glandulous, gonadal, good and tired, holocrine, huffish, huffy, humoral, irascible, irked, irritable, jaded, life-weary, luteal, mean, melancholic, melancholy, merocrine, ornery, ovarian, pancreatic, perverse, prostatic, rancorous, rankled, resentful, resenting, satiated, sick, sick of, snappish, sore, spiteful, spleeny, stewing, testy, thymic, thyroidal, tired, tired of, tired of living, tired to death, ugly, virulent, waspish, wearied, weariful, weary, weary unto death, world-weary
[edit]- splice, accouple, accumulate, adhesive, affixation, agglomeration, agglutinate, agglutination, aggregation, amass, annexation, arrange a match, articulate, articulation, assemble, associate, attachment, band, bandage, belt, bend, bind, bind up, binding, bond, brace, bracket, bracketing, braid, bridge, bridge over, bundle, cement, chain, cinch, clap together, clasping, clustering, collect, combination, combine, communication, comprise, concatenate, concatenation, concourse, concurrence, confluence, congeries, conglobulate, conglomeration, conjoin, conjugate, conjugation, conjunction, connect, connection, convergence, copulate, copulation, couple, coupling, cover, do up, embrace, encompass, enlace, entwine, fastener, fastening, gather, gathering, gird, girding, girdle, girt, girth, give away, glue, hitch, hooking, hookup, include, intercommunication, intercourse, interknit, interlace, interlinking, intertie, intertissue, intertwine, intertwist, interweave, intort, join, join together, joinder, joining, joint, jointure, junction, knit, knot, knotting, lace, lash, lashing, lay together, league, leash, liaison, ligation, link, linkage, linking, loom, loop, lump together, make a match, make one, marriage, marry, marshal, mass, mat, match, mate, meeting, merge, merger, merging, mobilize, net, noose, nuptial, pair, pairing, piece together, plait, pleach, put together, raddle, roll into one, rope, solder, span, splicing, stick together, sticking, strap, swaddle, swathe, symbiosis, take in, tape, tie, tie up, tie-in, tie-up, tieing, tissue, truss, twill, twine, twist, unification, unify, union, unite, unite in marriage, wattle, weave, web, wed, weld, wire, wrap, wrap up, wreathe, yoke, yoking, zipping
[edit]- spliced, affiliate, affiliated, allied, assembled, associate, associated, banded together, bound, bracketed, collateral, collected, conjoined, conjugate, connected, copulate, correlated, coupled, gathered, hand-in-glove, hand-in-hand, implicated, incorporated, integrated, interlinked, interlocked, interrelated, intimate, involved, joined, knotted, leagued, linked, matched, mated, merged, of that ilk, of that kind, paired, parallel, related, tied, twinned, undivided, united, unseparated, wed, wedded, yoked
[edit]- splint, Ace bandage, Band-Aid, adhesive tape, application, band, bandage, bandaging, bathe, binder, brace, care for, cast, cataplasm, compress, cotton, court plaster, cravat, cure, diagnose, doctor, dressing, elastic bandage, epithem, flux, four-tailed bandage, gauze, give care to, heal, lint, massage, minister to, nurse, operate on, physic, plaster, plaster cast, pledget, poultice, purge, remedy, roller, roller bandage, rub, rubber bandage, sling, sponge, strap, stupe, tampon, tape, tent, tourniquet, treat, triangular bandage
splinter group
[edit]- splinter group, breakaway group, camp, caucus, division, ethnic group, faction, interest, interest group, minority group, offshoot, party, political party, pressure group, sect, side, silent majority, splinter, vocal minority, wing
[edit]- splinter, atomize, bit, black sheep, blemish, breach, break, break into pieces, break to pieces, break up, breakage, breakaway group, burst, butt, camp, caucus, chip, chunk, cleft, clip, clipping, collop, crack, crash, crumb, crunch, crush, cut, cut to pieces, cutting, demolish, diffuse, disintegrate, disperse, disrupt, division, dollop, end, ethnic group, faction, fission, fissure, foreign body, foreign intruder, fracture, fragment, gap, gob, gobbet, grind, gruel, hunk, impurity, interest, interest group, intruder, lath, lump, make mincemeat of, mere shadow, mince, minority group, misfit, modicum, moiety, monkey wrench, morceau, morsel, mote, nip, oddball, offshoot, paper, paring, particle, party, pash, patch, piece, political party, pressure group, pulverize, rail, rake, rasher, rent, rift, rip, rive, rupture, scale, scatter, scoop, scrap, sect, shadow, shard, shatter, shaving, shiver, shred, side, silent majority, skeleton, slash, slat, slice, slip, slit, sliver, smash, smash up, smatter, smithereen, snack, snatch, snick, snip, snippet, soup, speck, splinter group, split, squash, squish, stitch, stone, streak, stump, tag, tatter, tear, vein, vocal minority, wafer, weed, wing
split hairs
[edit]- split hairs, analyze, anatomize, around the bush, atomize, beat about, beg the question, bicker, boggle, cavil, change, chop logic, choplogic, contradistinguish, demarcate, demark, desynonymize, difference, differentiate, discriminate, disequalize, disjoin, distinguish, diversify, divide, dodge, draw the line, equivocate, evade, evade the issue, fence, hedge, individualize, individuate, make a distinction, mark, mark off, mark out, mark the interface, modify, mystify, nitpick, obscure, palter, parry, particularize, personalize, pick nits, pick out, prevaricate, pussyfoot, quibble, refine a distinction, screen, screen out, segregate, select, separate, set a limit, set apart, set off, sever, severalize, shift, shuffle, shy, sidestep, sieve, sieve out, sift, sift out, sort, sort out, specialize, subdivide, subtilize, tergiversate, vary, winnow
split level
[edit]- split level, Dymaxion house, White House, adobe house, building, casa, cliff dwelling, consulate, country house, country seat, dacha, deanery, dwelling house, edifice, embassy, erection, fabric, farm, farmhouse, hall, house, houseboat, lake dwelling, living machine, lodge, manor house, manse, parsonage, penthouse, prefabricated house, presidential palace, ranch house, rectory, roof, skyscraper, sod house, structure, town house, vicarage
split personality
[edit]- split personality, alcoholic, alternating personality, antisocial personality, catatonia, catatonic schizophrenia, dementia praecox, depersonalization, disconnection, disordered personality, dissociation, dissociation of personality, disturbed personality, double personality, drug user, dual personality, emotional dissociation, emotionally unstable personality, escapist, hebephrenia, hebephrenic schizophrenia, hostile personality, hypochondriac, hypochondriast, idiot, imaginary invalid, immature personality, inadequate personality, inferior personality, malade imaginaire, maladjusted personality, mental dissociation, mentally defective personality, moral insanity, multiple personality, neuropath, neurotic, neurotic personality, paranoia, paranoid personality, paranoid psychosis, paraphrenia, personality disorganization, perverse personality, psychoneurotic, psychopath, psychopathic personality, psychotic, psychotic personality, schizoid, schizoid personality, schizoidism, schizophrenia, schizothymia, seclusive personality, sexual psychopath, shut-in personality, sociopath, valetudinarian, valetudinary, weak personality
split second
[edit]- split second, breath, breathing, coup, crack, flash, half a jiffy, half a mo, half a second, half a shake, instant, jiff, jiffy, microsecond, millisecond, minute, moment, sec, second, shake, stroke, tick, trice, twink, twinkle, twinkling, twitch, two shakes, wink
split the difference
[edit]- split the difference, accommodate, adjust, apportion, average, average out, avoid extremes, be partners in, compose, compound, compromise, cooperate, cop out, divide with, divvy up with, duck responsibility, evade responsibility, give and take, give way, go even stephen, go fifty-fifty, go halvers, go halves, go shares, halve, make a deal, make an adjustment, make concessions, meet halfway, pair off, play politics, reach a compromise, settle, share, share in, strike a balance, strike a bargain, surrender, take the average, take the mean, yield
split up
[edit]- split up, apportion, break up, breakup, carve, carve up, cut, cut up, deactivate, deactivation, debrief, demob, demobilization, demobilize, detach, detachment, diaspora, dichotomize, disband, disbandment, discharge, disintegrate, disintegration, disjoin, dismiss, dismissal, disorganization, disorganize, dispel, dispersal, disperse, dispersion, dissever, dissolution, dissolve, district, diverge, divide, divide into shares, divide up, divide with, divorce, divvy, divvy up, go separate ways, grant a divorce, grant an annulment, let go, muster out, obtain a divorce, parcel, parcel out, part, part company, parting, partition, portion, put asunder, put away, release, scatter, section, segment, separate, separation, sever, share, share out, share with, slice, slice the pie, slice up, split, subdivide, sue for divorce, sunder, unmarry, untie the knot, zone
[edit]- split, ablate, abrupt, absquatulate, abysm, abyss, aggravated, agree to disagree, alienate, alienation, allot, amputate, aperture, apportion, arroyo, assessable stock, atomize, authorized capital stock, ax, be in stitches, beat it, bifurcate, bifurcated, birthmark, bisect, bisected, blackhead, bleb, blemish, blemished, blister, blow, blue chip, blue chip stock, borrowed stock, box canyon, branch, branched, branching, breach, breach of friendship, break, break in, break into, break open, break through, break to pieces, break up, break with, breakage, broach, broaching, broken, bulla, burned, burst, burst in, burst into laughter, burst out, burst out laughing, burst with laughter, bust, bust a gut, bust in, busted, butcher, by two, cachinnate, cackle, canyon, capital stock, carve, carve up, cast off, cast out, cave in, cavity, channel, chap, chasm, check, checked, chimney, chink, chinky, chip, chipped, chop, chortle, chuckle, cicatrix, cicatrize, cicatrized, clearing, cleavage, cleave, cleft, cleuch, clough, cloven, col, come apart, come unstuck, comedo, common stock, consume, convertible preferred stock, corporate stock, corrode, coulee, couloir, crack, crack up, cracked, cranny, crater, craze, crazed, crevasse, crevice, cross, crow, crumble, crumble into dust, cumulative preferred stock, cut, cut adrift, cut apart, cut away, cut in two, cut off, cut open, cut out, cut up, cwm, cyclical stock, damaged, deal out, decamp, decay, decompose, deface, defaced, defacement, defect, defective, defensive stock, deferred stock, defile, deform, deformation, deformed, deformity, dehiscent, delete, dell, demolish, depart, detach, deteriorated, dichotomize, dichotomous, dichotomy, dike, dimidiate, disaffection, disarticulate, disassemble, disclosure, disconnect, discord, disengage, disfavor, disfiguration, disfigure, disfigured, disfigurement, disintegrate, disjoin, disjoint, dismantle, disorganize, dispart, disruption, dissect, dissever, dissociate, dissolve, distort, distorted, distortion, distribute, district, disunion, disunite, disunity, ditch, divaricate, diverge, divergence, divide, divide into shares, divide up, divide with, divided, dividedness, division, divorce, divvy, divvy up, dog it, dole out, donga, double-cross, draw, duck and run, duck out, eighth stock, eject, embittered, equities, equity, equity security, erode, estrange, estrangement, exacerbated, excavation, excise, exfoliate, expel, fall out, fall to pieces, falling-out, fancies, fault, faulty, fenestra, fission, fissure, fissured, fissury, fistula, flaw, flawed, floating stock, flume, fly open, fontanel, foramen, force open, fork, forked, forking, fracture, fractured, fragment, freckle, furrow, gap, gape, gaping, gappy, gash, gat, giggle, give away, give way, glamour issue, go, go into convulsions, go separate ways, gorge, groove, growth stock, guaranteed stock, guffaw, gulch, gulf, gully, ha-ha, hack, halve, halved, harmed, have a falling-out, hee-haw, hee-hee, hemangioma, hew, hiatus, hickey, high-flier, ho-ho, hole, hollow, horselaugh, hot issue, hurt, hypothecated stock, impaired, imperfect, in bits, in half, in pieces, in shards, in shreds, inactive stock, incise, incision, income stock, injured, inlet, interval, irritated, isolate, issued capital stock, jigsaw, joint, keloid, keloidal, kink, kinked, kloof, lacerate, lacerated, lacuna, lam, lance, laugh, laugh it up, laugh outright, lay open, laying open, leak, leave, lentigo, letter stock, loaned stock, long stock, make mincemeat of, make off, mangled, mar, marred, mash, milium, moat, molder, mole, mutilated, nearly die laughing, needle scar, nevus, nonassessable stock, nonvoting stock, notch, nullah, ope, open, open rupture, open up, opening, opening up, ordinary shares, orifice, outlet, pale blue chip, parcel, parcel out, pare, part, part company, participating preferred stock, partition, pass, passage, passageway, penny stock, pick to pieces, pimple, pimpled, pimply, pit, pock, pockmark, pore, port-wine mark, port-wine stain, portion, powder, preference stock, preferred stock, prize open, protective stock, prune, pull apart, pull away, pull back, pull in pieces, pull out, pull to pieces, pulverize, pustule, quarter stock, quartered, ragged, rails, ramified, ramify, ravine, recall of ambassadors, reduce to rubble, rend, rent, reverse split, rift, rime, rimose, rimulose, rip, rive, riven, roar, roar with laughter, rupture, ruptured, saw, scab, scabbed, scabby, scalded, scale, scar, scarified, scarify, scarred, schism, scissor, scissure, scorched, scram, scratch, seam, seasoned stock, sebaceous cyst, section, segment, segregate, sell, sell out, separate, separated, separation, sequester, set apart, set aside, sever, severed, shake like jelly, shake with laughter, share, share ledger, share out, share with, shares, shatter, shattered, short stock, shout, shredded, shriek, shut off, skedaddle, skin out, skip, skip out, slash, slashed, slice, slice the pie, slice up, slit, slot, smashed, snap, snicker, snigger, snip, snort, space, special situation stock, specialty stock, speculative stock, splinter, splintered, split in two, split open, split up, split with laughter, spread, spread out, spring a leak, spring open, sprung, stand aloof, stand apart, stand aside, standard stock, start, steels, step aside, stock, stock ledger, stock list, stock split, stocks, stoma, stove in, strawberry mark, sty, subdivide, subtract, sulcus, sunder, swing open, take a powder, take apart, take off, tap, tattered, tear, tear apart, tear open, tear to pieces, tear to shreds, tear to tatters, tee-hee, ten-share unit stock, the worse for, throw off, throw open, throw out, throwing open, titter, torn, total, track, transect, treasury stock, trench, twist, twisted, unbuild, uncorking, uncouple, undo, unissued capital stock, unmake, unstopping, unyoke, utilities, valley, vamoose, verruca, vesicle, void, voting stock, wadi, wale, warp, warped, wart, waste away, weakened, weal, wear away, welt, wen, whitehead, whittle, withdraw, worse, worse off, worsened, wrack up, wreck, yawn, yuk-yuk, zone
[edit]- splitting, abscission, acute, amputation, apportionment, budgeting, butchering, catalysis, catalyst, chopping, cleavage, cutting, cutting the pie, decay, dialysis, dichotomy, dissociation, dividing, division, divvy, drastic, enucleation, excessive, excision, exorbitant, extravagant, extreme, fierce, fission, furious, great, hydrolysis, hydrolyst, immoderate, intemperate, intense, keen, laceration, mutilation, outrageous, parceling, partition, partitioning, photolysis, piercing, portioning, rationing, rending, repartition, resection, rigorous, ripping, rough, scission, section, severance, severe, sharing, sharing out, sharp, slashing, slicing, surgery, tearing, thermolysis, tough, unconscionable, vehement, venomous, violent, virulent
[edit]- splotch, band, bar, bedabble, bespangle, bespatter, bespeckle, bespot, birthmark, blaze, blaze a trail, blemish, bloodstain, blot, blotch, blur, brand, caste mark, chalk, chalk up, check, check off, checker, checkmark, cicatrix, cicatrize, cut, dab, dabble, dapple, dappledness, dappleness, dash, daub, define, delimit, demarcate, discolor, discoloration, dot, dottedness, earmark, engrave, engraving, eyesore, flake, fleck, flick, flyspeck, freckle, freckliness, gash, graving, hack, harlequin, hatch, impress, imprint, iris, jot, lentigo, line, macula, maculate, maculation, macule, make a mark, marble, marbleize, mark, mark off, mark out, marking, mole, motley, mottle, mottledness, nevus, nick, notch, patch, pencil, pepper, point, pointillage, pointillism, polka dot, polychrome, polychromize, prick, print, punch, punctuate, puncture, rainbow, riddle, scar, scarification, scarify, score, scotch, scratch, scratching, seal, seam, smear, smirch, smouch, smudge, smut, smutch, spangle, spatter, speck, speckle, speckliness, splash, splatter, spot, spottedness, spottiness, sprinkle, stain, stamp, stigma, stigmatize, stipple, stippledness, stippling, strawberry mark, streak, striate, stripe, stud, taint, tarnish, tattoo, tattoo mark, tessellate, tick, tick off, tittle, trace, underline, underscore, variegate, vein, watermark
[edit]- splotchy, bespangled, bespeckled, blotched, blotchy, dotted, dotty, flea-bitten, flecked, fleckered, frecked, freckle-faced, freckled, freckly, macular, maculate, maculated, patchy, peppered, pocked, pockmarked, pocky, pointille, pointillistic, polka-dot, punctated, spangled, spattered, specked, speckled, speckledy, speckly, splashed, splattered, splotched, spotted, spotty, sprinkled, stippled, studded
[edit]- splurge, access, binge, blazon, bravura, brilliancy, budget, burst, cost, cost out, cut a dash, cut a figure, cut a swath, daring, dash, dazzle, demonstration, disburse, display, douse, dramatics, eclat, etalage, exhibition, exhibitionism, expend, extravagance, false front, fanfaronade, figure, flair, flaunt, flaunting, fling, flourish, fork out, glare, glitter, go through, histrionics, incur costs, indulgence, invest, lay out, make a figure, make a show, make a splash, manifestation, open the purse, orgy, ostentatiousness, outburst, outlay, pageant, pageantry, parade, pay, pay out, plash, put out, rampage, run through, schedule, sham, shell out, shine, show, showing-off, sink money in, slop, slosh, spatter, spectacle, spend, splash, splatter, splosh, spree, spurtle, squander, staginess, swash, theatrics, throw money around, vaunt
[edit]- splutter, assibilate, assibilation, barrage, beat, beat a ruffle, beat a tattoo, beating, bicker, blubber, bluff, bluster, bluster and bluff, blustering, boastfulness, bounce, brag, bravado, bully, bullying, bustle, buzz, dance, drone, drum, drum music, drumbeat, drumfire, drumming, effervesce, effervescence, effervescing, fanfaronade, fizz, fizzle, fizzling, flap, flick, flicker, flip, flit, flitter, flop, flurry, fluster, flutter, frication, frictional rustling, fuss, gabble, gasconade, gibber, go pitapat, gutter, hector, hectoring, hiss, hissing, hush, hushing, intimidate, intimidation, jabber, lisp, maunder, mouth, mumble, murmur, mutter, out-herod Herod, palpitate, palpitation, paradiddle, patter, pitapat, pitter-patter, pound, pounding, pulsate, pulsation, pulse, quiver, rage, rant, rat-a-tat, rat-tat, rat-tat-tat, rataplan, rattattoo, rave, rhonchus, rip out, rodomontade, roister, roll, rollick, rub-a-dub, ruff, ruffle, shake, shush, shushing, sibilance, sibilate, sibilation, side, siffle, sigmatism, siss, sissing, sizz, sizzle, sizzling, slang, slat, sneeze, sneezing, sniff, sniffle, snore, snort, snuff, snuffle, sob, sound a tattoo, spatter, speak incoherently, spit, splatter, sputter, squash, squelch, squish, staccato, sternutation, stertor, storm, susurrate, swagger, swashbuckle, swashbucklery, swish, tat-tat, tattoo, throb, throbbing, thrum, thump, thumping, tom-tom, vapor, wave, waver, wheeze, whish, whisper, whistle, whistling, white noise, whiz, whoosh, zip
spoil for
[edit]- spoil for, ache for, be dying for, be hurting for, clamor for, cry for, gape for, hone for, hope for, itch for, languish for, long for, lust for, pant for, pine for, sigh for, thirst for, weary for, wish for, yearn for, yen for
[edit]- spoil, accommodate, acquisition, baby, baffle, balk, be after, be all thumbs, be desirous of, be spoiling for, blackmail, blast, blemish, blight, blot, blunder, blunder away, blunder into, blunder on, blunder upon, boggle, boodle, booty, botch, brave, break down, break up, bumble, bungle, butcher, canker, cater to, challenge, checkmate, circumvent, cocker, coddle, commit a gaffe, confound, confront, contravene, corrupt, cosset, counter, counteract, countermand, counterwork, crave, cross, crumble, crumble into dust, curdle, damage, dash, decay, decompose, deface, defeat, defile, deflorate, defy, demolish, depredate, desecrate, desolate, despoil, destroy, devastate, discomfit, disconcert, discountenance, disfigure, dish, disintegrate, disrupt, dote on, dysphemize, elude, fall into decay, fall to pieces, faux pas, favor, fester, fleece, flounder, flummox, foil, forage, foray, force, freeboot, frustrate, fumble, gangrene, give way to, go bad, go off, go to pieces, goods, grab, graft, gratify, gut, harm, haul, hot goods, humor, hurt, impair, indulge, injure, itch for, kill, knock the chocks, look a fright, look a mess, look bad, look for, look like hell, look something terrible, loot, lumber, mar, maraud, mess up, mildew, miscue, mold, molder, mollycoddle, mortify, moulder, much, muddle, muff, murder, necrose, nonplus, oblige, offend, offend the eye, outrage, pamper, perks, perplex, perquisite, pickings, pillage, play havoc with, please, plunder, pork barrel, prejudice, prey on, prize, public till, public trough, putrefy, putresce, queer, raid, rankle, ransack, ravage, raven, ravish, reive, rifle, rot, ruin, sabotage, sack, satisfy, scar, scotch, slip, snafu, sphacelate, spike, spoils, spoils of office, spoliate, spoliation, squeeze, stealings, stolen goods, stonewall, stumble, stump, suppurate, swag, sweep, taint, take, tarnish, thwart, till, trip, turn, uglify, upset, violate, vitiate, waste, wreck, yearn for, yield to
[edit]- spoilage, biodegradability, biodegradation, breakup, caries, carrion, corrosion, corruption, decay, decomposition, degradability, degradation, dilapidation, disintegration, disorganization, dissolution, dry rot, foulness, gangrene, mildew, mold, mortification, necrosis, oxidation, oxidization, putrefaction, putrescence, putridity, putridness, rancidity, rancidness, rankness, resolution, rot, rottenness, rust, slough, sphacelation, sphacelus, tooth decay
[edit]- spoiled, ausgespielt, bad, bankrupt, barfy, beautiless, blasted, blemished, blighted, blotted, botched, brackish, broken, bungled, butchered, cacophonic, cacophonous, cankered, carious, cloying, coddled, corrupt, decayed, decomposed, defaced, desolated, destroyed, devastated, disfigured, done for, done in, down-and-out, dysphemistic, dysphemized, fallen, festering, fetid, finished, flawed, foul, fulsome, fumbled, gangrened, gangrenous, gone bad, gone to pot, high, homely, icky, ill-advised, ill-considered, ill-contrived, ill-devised, ill-done, ill-executed, ill-managed, impaired, impolitic, in ruins, indulged, inelegant, irremediable, kaput, maggoty, marred, mawkish, misconducted, misdirected, misguided, mismanaged, mortified, muffed, murdered, nasty, nauseant, nauseating, nauseous, necrosed, necrotic, negligent, noisome, noxious, off, offensive, overripe, overthrown, pampered, peccant, plain, poisonous, putrefied, putrescent, putrid, rancid, rank, ravaged, rebarbative, rotten, rotting, ruined, ruinous, short on looks, sickening, sphacelated, spoiled rotten, spoilt, stinking, suppurating, suppurative, tainted, uglified, ugly, ugly as hell, ugly as sin, ulcerated, unaesthetic, unattractive, unbeautiful, uncomely, undone, unhandsome, unlovely, unpleasing, unpretty, unsightly, vile, vomity, wasted, weevily, wrecked, yucky
spoils of office
[edit]- spoils of office, blackmail, boodle, booty, campaign contribution, campaign fund, graft, haul, hot goods, loot, nepotism, perks, perquisite, pickings, plunder, pork barrel, prize, public till, public tit, public trough, slush fund, spoil, spoils, spoils system, squeeze, stealings, stolen goods, swag, take, till
[edit]- spoke, approach, arrest, asymptote, bearing rein, bit, bottleneck, brake, chain, check, checkrein, chock, clog, collision course, concentralization, concentration, concourse, concurrence, confluence, conflux, congress, convergence, converging, countercheck, crossing, curb, curb bit, damper, diffusion, dispersion, doorstep, doorstop, drag, drag sail, drift anchor, drift sail, drogue, emanation, fetter, focalization, focus, footrest, footstep, funnel, holdback, hub, martingale, meeting, mutual approach, narrowing gap, pelham, radiance, radiation, radius, ray, remora, rest, riser, round, rundle, rung, scale, scattering, scotch, sea anchor, shackle, snaffle, spokes, stair, stave, stay, step, step stool, stepping-stone, stop, string, tangent, trammel, tread
[edit]- spoken, articulate, articulated, colloquial, common, conversational, enunciated, everyday, familiar, informal, lingual, linguistic, nonstandard, nuncupative, oral, parol, pronounced, said, sonant, sounded, speak, speech, substandard, traditional, uneducated, unliterary, unstudied, unwritten, uttered, verbal, vernacular, viva voce, vocal, vocalized, voiced, voiceful, word-of-mouth
[edit]- spokesman, adviser, agent, announcer, annunciator, authority, champion, channel, communicant, communicator, connection, debater, declaimer, delegate, demagogue, deputy, enlightener, expert witness, front, front man, go-between, gossipmonger, grapevine, haranguer, herald, informant, information center, information medium, informer, interagent, interceder, intercessor, intermediary, intermediate, intermediate agent, intermediator, intermedium, internuncio, intervener, interventionist, interventor, interviewee, jawsmith, mediator, medium, middleman, monitor, mouth, mouthpiece, negotiant, negotiator, negotiatress, negotiatrix, newsmonger, notifier, official spokesman, ombudsman, panelist, press, prolocutor, prolocutress, prolocutrix, prophet, protagonist, public relations officer, public speaker, publisher, rabble-rouser, radio, ranter, rapporteur, reporter, representative, source, speaker, speecher, speechifier, speechmaker, spieler, spokesperson, spokeswoman, spouter, talker, television, teller, tipster, tout, tub-thumper, voice, witness
[edit]- spoliate, depredate, desecrate, desolate, despoil, devastate, devour, fleece, forage, foray, freeboot, gut, loot, maraud, pillage, plunder, prey on, raid, ransack, ravage, raven, ravish, reive, rifle, sack, spoil, sweep, waste
[edit]- spoliation, banditry, bereavement, bloodbath, blue ruin, breakup, brigandage, brigandism, carnage, consumption, cost, damage, damnation, dead loss, debit, decimation, denial, denudation, depredation, deprivation, desolation, despoiling, despoilment, despoliation, destruction, detriment, devastation, direption, disintegration, disorganization, dispossession, disruption, dissolution, divestment, expense, foraging, foray, forfeit, forfeiture, freebooting, havoc, hecatomb, holocaust, injury, looting, loser, losing, losing streak, loss, marauding, perdition, pillage, pillaging, plunder, plundering, privation, raid, raiding, ransacking, rape, rapine, ravage, ravagement, ravaging, ravishment, razzia, reiving, rifling, robbery, ruin, ruination, sack, sacking, sacrifice, shambles, slaughter, spoiling, stripping, taking away, total loss, undoing, vandalism, waste, wrack, wrack and ruin, wreck
[edit]- sponge, Ace bandage, Band-Aid, Finnish bath, India rubber, Japanese bath, Loch Ness monster, Russian bath, Swedish bath, Turkish bath, ablution, absorb, absorbency, absorbent, absorption, adhesive tape, adsorb, adsorbent, adsorption, air, air-dry, alevin, anhydrate, application, asperge, assimilate, assimilation, bake, band, bandage, bandaging, baptize, barnacle, bath, bathe, batten on, beat, bedew, benthon, benthos, bespatter, besprinkle, bibber, binder, bloodsucker, blot, blot out, blot up, blotter, blotting, blotting paper, boozehound, boozer, bottle sucker, brace, brush, bubble, bum, burn, butter, cancel, cast, cataplasm, cetacean, chaff, chemisorb, chemisorption, chemosorb, chemosorption, chip, cleaning out, cobweb, colander, cold shower, compress, cork, cotton, court plaster, cravat, cribble, cribriformity, cribrosity, cross out, crush, cure, dabble, damp, dampen, dash, deadbeat, dehumidify, dehydrate, dele, delete, dental pulp, desiccate, dew, digest, digestion, dolphin, douche, douching, down, drain, dressing, drink, drink in, drink up, drunk, dry, dust, efface, elastic bandage, elbow bender, elution, elutriation, endosmosis, enema, engross, engrossment, epithem, eradicator, erase, eraser, ether, evaporate, exosmosis, expunge, expunger, exsiccate, fairy, fatten on, feather, feed on, filter in, fingerling, fire, fish, flue, fluff, flush, flush out, flushing, flushing out, foam, four-tailed bandage, freeload, freeloader, froth, fry, fuzz, game fish, gargle, gauze, ginhound, give, gossamer, grilse, guzzler, hanger-on, hip bath, holystone, honeycomb, hooch hound, hose, hose down, humect, humectate, humidify, hummum, imbibe, inebriate, infiltrate, infiltration, insolate, irrigate, irrigation, kiln, kipper, lather, lathering, launder, lavabo, lavage, lavation, lave, laving, leech, lint, live off of, lounge lizard, lush, lusher, man-eater, man-eating shark, marine animal, mash, minnow, minny, moisten, mop, mop up, mopping, mopping up, mote, mummify, mush, needle bath, nekton, net, obliterate, osmose, osmosis, paddle, panfish, paper pulp, parasite, parch, paste, percolate in, percolation, pith, plankton, plaster, plaster cast, pledget, plunge bath, porosity, porousness, porpoise, porridge, poultice, present, pudding, pulp, pulp lead, pulpwood, rag pulp, raze, riddle, rinse, rinse out, rinsing, ritually immerse, roller, roller bandage, rub, rub out, rubber, rubber bandage, rule out, rum hound, rummy, salmon, sauce, sauna, sauna bath, scorch, scour, scouring, scratch, scratch out, screen, scrub, scrub up, scrubbing, scrubbing up, sea monster, sea pig, sea serpent, sea snake, sear, seep in, seepage, shampoo, shark, shower, shower bath, shrivel, sieve, sievelikeness, sitz bath, sling, slobber, slop, slosh, sluice, sluice out, slurp up, smash, smell-feast, smoke, smolt, soak, soak in, soak up, soap, soaping, sorb, sorption, sot, souse, sparge, spatter, spiv, splash, splatter, splint, sponge bath, sponge on, sponge out, sponger, sponging, spray, sprinkle, spume, squash, stew, strainer, straw, strike out, stupe, sucker, sulfate pulp, sulfite pulp, sun, sun-dry, swab, swabbing, swash, sweat bath, swill up, swillbelly, swillbowl, swillpot, syringe, take in, take up, tampon, tape, tent, thistledown, tippler, toivel, torrefy, tourniquet, towel, triangular bandage, tropical fish, tub, wash, wash out, wash up, washing, washing up, washout, washup, water, weazen, wet, wet down, whale, whirlpool bath, white lead, wino, wipe, wipe out, wiping up, wither, wizen, wood pulp
[edit]- sponger, barnacle, beat, beggar, bloodsucker, bummer, cadger, coupon clippers, deadbeat, drone, freeloader, hanger-on, idle rich, leech, leisure class, lounge lizard, lumpen proletariat, mendicant, moocher, nonworker, panhandler, parasite, rentiers, smell-feast, spiv, sponge, sucker, the unemployable, the unemployed
[edit]- sponging, abject, ablution, absorbency, absorbent, absorption, adsorbent, adsorption, apple-polishing, ass-kissing, assimilation, backscratching, beggarly, blotter, blotting, blotting paper, bone-lazy, bootlicking, brown-nosing, cadging, chemisorption, chemosorption, cleaning out, cowering, crawling, cringing, crouching, digestion, dilatory, do-nothing, doless, douche, douching, dronish, drony, easy, elution, elutriation, endosmosis, enema, engrossment, ergophobic, exosmosis, faineant, fawnery, fawning, flattering, flunkyism, flush, flushing, flushing out, footlicking, good-for-nothing, groveling, handshaking, hangdog, indolent, infiltration, ingratiating, ingratiation, insinuation, irrigation, laggard, lathering, lavabo, lavage, lavation, laving, lax, lazy, mealymouthed, mealymouthedness, mopping, mopping up, nonaggressive, obeisance, obeisant, obsequious, obsequiousness, on bended knee, osmosis, parasitic, parasitism, percolation, procrastinative, prostrate, prostration, remiss, rinse, rinsing, scouring, scrounging, scrub, scrubbing, scrubbing up, seepage, shampoo, shiftless, slack, slothful, slow, sniveling, soaping, sorption, sponge, swabbing, sycophancy, sycophantic, timeserving, toadeating, toadying, toadyish, toadyism, truckling, tufthunting, unenterprising, wash, washing, washing up, washout, washup, wiping up, work-shy
[edit]- spongy, absorbent, adsorbent, assimilative, baccate, bibulous, blotting, chemisorptive, chemosorptive, cribriform, digestive, doughy, edematous, endosmotic, exosmotic, flabby, fleshy, imbibitory, leachy, macerated, masticated, medullary, mushy, osmotic, pappy, pasty, percolating, pithy, porose, porous, pulpal, pulpar, pulped, pulplike, pulpy, puppy, quaggy, resorbent, sievelike, soaking, soft, sorbent, spongelike, spongeous, squashy, squelchy, squishy, succulent, thirsty, yielding
[edit]- sponsor, Maecenas, abettor, accept the responsibility, admirer, advocate, aficionado, angel, answer for, apologist, assure, attest, back, backer, bailsman, bankroll, be sponsor for, benefactor, bond, bondsman, buff, capitalize, certify, champion, confirm, countersecure, defender, dependence, encourager, endorse, endorser, ensure, exponent, fan, favorer, finance, financer, friend at court, fund, funder, godfather, godparent, grubstake, grubstaker, guarantee, guarantor, guaranty, insure, insurer, lover, mainpernor, mainstay, maintainer, meal ticket, mortgagor, paranymph, partisan, patron, patronize, pay for, promote, promoter, protagonist, provide for, refinance, reliance, second, seconder, sectary, secure, set up, sider, sign, sign for, stake, staker, stalwart, stand behind, stand sponsor for, stand up for, standby, subscribe to, subsidize, subsidizer, support, supporter, surety, sustainer, sympathizer, take the blame, take up, undersign, underwrite, underwriter, upholder, votary, warrant, warrantor, well-wisher
[edit]- sponsorship, abetment, advocacy, aegis, auspices, backing, capitalization, care, championship, charity, countenance, deficit financing, encouragement, favor, financial backing, financial support, financing, fosterage, funding, goodwill, grubstake, guarantorship, guidance, interest, patronage, patronization, provision of capital, seconding, sponsion, stake, subsidy, support, sympathy, tutelage
[edit]- spontaneity, abandon, autonomousness, autonomy, ease, extemporaneousness, free will, gratuitousness, indeliberation, independence, involuntariness, naturalness, offhandedness, self-action, self-activity, self-determination, snap decision, snap judgment, snapshot, spontaneousness, uncalculatedness, undeliberateness, unforcedness, unpremeditation, unrestraint, voluntariness, voluntarism, voluntaryism, volunteer, volunteering
[edit]- spontaneous, ad lib, arbitrary, automated, automatic, automatous, autonomous, bat, baton, billy, billy club, bludgeon, casual, club, cybernated, discretional, discretionary, elective, extemporaneous, extempore, free, free will, gratuitous, gut, ill-advised, ill-considered, ill-devised, immediate, impetuous, impromptu, improvised, impulsive, inadvertent, indeliberate, independent, inherent, innate, instinctive, instinctual, involuntary, libidinal, mace, mechanical, natural, nightstick, nonmandatory, off the cuff, offered, offhand, optional, proffered, reflex, reflexive, self-acting, self-active, self-adjusting, self-closing, self-controlled, self-cooking, self-determined, self-determining, self-directed, self-directing, self-dumping, self-governed, self-governing, self-lighting, self-operative, self-regulative, self-starting, self-winding, self-working, semiautomatic, simple, snap, spontoon, spur-of-the-moment, subliminal, truncheon, unadvised, unannounced, unasked, unbesought, unbidden, uncalculated, uncalled-for, uncoerced, uncompelled, unconscious, unconsidered, unconstrained, undeliberate, undeliberated, undesigned, unforced, unguarded, uninfluenced, unintended, unintentional, uninvited, unlearned, unmeditated, unplanned, unpremeditated, unprepared, unpressured, unprompted, unrehearsed, unrequested, unrequired, unsolicited, unsophisticated, unsought, unstudied, unthinking, unwilled, unwitting, voluntary, volunteer, willful
[edit]- spoof, bamboozle, befool, cheat, chicane, deceit, deception, fake, fake out, fakement, flam, flimflam, fool, hoax, hoodwink, humbug, kid, phony, put one on, put-on, rip-off, sell, sham, trick
[edit]- spoofing, bamboozlement, befooling, bluffing, calculated deception, circumvention, conning, deceiving, deception, deceptiveness, defrauding, delusion, delusiveness, dupery, enmeshment, ensnarement, entanglement, entrapment, fallaciousness, fallacy, falseness, flimflam, flimflammery, fond illusion, fooling, hallucination, hoodwinking, illusion, kidding, mirage, outwitting, overreaching, phantasm, putting on, self-deception, snow job, song and dance, spoofery, subterfuge, swindling, trickiness, tricking, victimization, vision, willful misconception, wishful thinking
[edit]- spook, Masan, affright, agent, agitate, alarm, apparition, appearance, astral, astral spirit, awe, banshee, bogey, bug, case, character, control, convulse, curdle the blood, departed spirit, discompose, disembodied spirit, disquiet, distract, disturb, duck, duppy, dybbuk, eidolon, embroil, form, fright, frighten, funk, ghost, grateful dead, guide, hant, haunt, horripilate, idolum, immateriality, incorporeal, incorporeal being, incorporeity, larva, lemures, make one tremble, manes, materialization, obsess, oddball, oddity, oni, original, perturb, phantasm, phantasma, phantom, poltergeist, possess, presence, psych, quiz, raise apprehensions, revenant, scare, shade, shadow, shake, shape, shrouded spirit, specter, spectral ghost, spirit, sprite, spy, stagger, startle, terrify, terrorize, theophany, throw, throw into confusion, trouble, undercover man, unman, unnerve, unsettle, unstring, unsubstantiality, upset, vision, walking dead man, wandering soul, wraith, zombie
[edit]- spooky, creepy, eerie, eldritch, fidgety, ghost-haunted, ghost-ridden, goosey, haunted, high-strung, jittery, jumpy, macabre, nervy, obsessed, ominous, possessed, specter-haunted, spirit-haunted, spooked, spookish, twittery, uncanny, unco, uncolike, unearthly, unrestful, weird
spoon feed
[edit]- spoon feed, care for, cherish, coddle, cosset, cradle, cultivate, dry-nurse, feed, fondle, foster, lavish care on, mother, nourish, nurse, nurture, pamper, suckle, sustain, wet-nurse
[edit]- spoon, administer, bail, bill and coo, blockhead, bucket, cluck, copulate, cup, cutlery, dally, deal, deal out, decant, dimwit, dining utensils, dip, disburse, dish, dish out, dish up, dispense, disperse, dispose, distribute, dole, dole out, dope, flat silver, flatware, fork, forks, give out, goon, hollow ware, ignoramus, issue, knives, ladle, lollygag, make love, make out, measure out, mete, mete out, moron, neck, numskull, parcel out, pass around, pay out, pet, portion out, pour, scoop, shovel, silver, silver plate, silverware, simpleton, smooch, spade, spoon out, spoons, stainless-steel ware, sweet-talk, tablespoon, tableware, teaspoon, toy, trifle, wanton, whisper sweet nothings
[edit]- spoonerism, Irish bull, abuse of terms, acronym, acrostic, amphibologism, amphiboly, anacoluthon, anagram, avyayibhava, back formation, bull, calembour, catachresis, clipped word, compound, conjugate, construction, corruption, dvandva, dvigu, endocentric compound, equivocality, equivoque, exocentric compound, fluff, folk etymology, formation, grammatical error, hypercorrection, hyperform, jeu de mots, logogram, logogriph, malaprop, malapropism, marrowsky, metagram, mispronunciation, missaying, misusage, palindrome, paronomasia, paronym, play on words, pun, punning, solecism, tatpurusha, word form, wordplay
[edit]- spoonlike, boat-shaped, boatlike, bowl-shaped, bowllike, cavelike, cavernous, concave, concaved, craterlike, cup-shaped, cupped, cymbiform, dish-shaped, dished, dishing, dishlike, funnel-breasted, funnel-chested, funnel-shaped, hollow, hollowed, incurved, incurving, incurvous, infundibular, infundibuliform, navicular, naviform, retiring, retreating, saucer-shaped, scaphoid, scyphate, sunk, sunken
[edit]- spoor, aroma, breath, broad hint, catchword, clue, condensation trail, contrail, course, cue, cue word, definite odor, detectable odor, effluvium, emanation, essence, evidence, exhalation, flavor, footstep, fragrance, fume, gentle hint, gesture, glimmer, glimmering, hint, hot lead, implication, index, indication, inkling, innuendo, insinuation, intimation, key, key word, kick, lead, line, look, nod, nudge, odor, path, piste, prompt, redolence, savor, scent, sign, signal, signs, smell, stench, step, subtle odor, suggestion, suspicion, symptom, telltale, tip-off, trace, traces, track, tract, trail, vapor trail, vestige, wake, whiff, whisper, wink
[edit]- sporadic, aimless, amorphous, broadcast, broken, capricious, careening, casual, catching, catchy, chance, changeable, changing, choppy, communicable, contagious, desultory, deviating, deviative, deviatory, different, diffuse, disarticulated, disconnected, discontinuous, discrete, disjunct, disordered, disorderly, dispersed, dispread, disproportionate, disseminated, dissipated, distributed, divaricate, divergent, diversified, diversiform, eccentric, endemic, epidemial, epidemic, epiphytotic, epizootic, erose, erratic, few, fitful, flickering, fluctuating, formless, frivolous, gratuitous, guttering, halting, haphazard, herky-jerky, heteroclite, hit-or-miss, immethodical, impulsive, inchoate, incoherent, inconsistent, inconstant, indiscriminate, infectious, infective, inoculable, intermittent, intermitting, irregular, jagged, jerky, lurching, meaningless, mercurial, misshapen, motley, mutable, nonconformist, nonstandard, nonsymmetrical, nonsystematic, nonuniform, occasional, on-again-off-again, orderless, pandemic, patchy, periodical, pestiferous, pestilential, planless, pluralistic, promiscuous, ragged, rambling, random, rare, rough, scarce, scattered, scrappy, seldom, senseless, separate, shapeless, single, snatchy, sparse, spasmatic, spasmic, spasmodic, spasmodical, spastic, spotty, spread, spreading, staggering, straggling, straggly, strewn, strown, systemless, taking, unarranged, uncertain, unclassified, uncommon, undirected, unequable, unequal, uneven, unexpected, unfrequent, ungraded, unjoined, unmethodical, unmetrical, unordered, unorganized, unorthodox, unregular, unrhythmical, unsettled, unsorted, unstable, unsteady, unsymmetrical, unsystematic, ununiform, vague, variable, variegated, variform, various, varying, veering, wandering, wavering, widespread, wobbling, wobbly, zymotic
[edit]- sporadically, at haphazard, at intervals, at irregular intervals, at large, at random, brokenly, by catches, by chance, by fits, by jerks, by snatches, capriciously, carelessly, chaotically, desultorily, diffusely, disconnectedly, discontinuously, dispersedly, eccentrically, erratically, every which way, everywhere, fitfully, haltingly, haphazardly, helter-skelter, here and there, higgledy-piggledy, hit or miss, impulsively, in all quarters, in places, in snatches, in spots, inconsistently, inconstantly, indiscriminately, infrequently, intermittently, irregularly, jerkily, lurchingly, nonuniformly, off and on, on occasion, passim, patchily, promiscuously, randomly, roughly, sloppily, sparsely, sparsim, spasmodically, spottily, throughout, uncertainly, uncommonly, unequally, unevenly, unmethodically, unpredictably, unrhythmically, unsteadily, unsystematically, ununiformly, variably, wherever you look, whimsically, wobblingly
[edit]- spore, adenovirus, aerobe, aerobic bacteria, amoeba, anaerobe, anaerobic bacteria, bacillus, bacteria, bacterium, basidium, bug, coccus, cystocarp, disease-producing microorganism, echovirus, enterovirus, filterable virus, fungus, germ, gram-negative bacteria, gram-positive bacteria, macrospore, megaspore, microbe, microorganism, microsporangium, microspore, mold, nonfilterable virus, pathogen, picornavirus, planospore, protozoa, protozoon, reovirus, rhinovirus, rickettsia, sorus, spirillum, spirochete, sporangium, sporocarp, sporocyst, sporocyte, sporophore, sporophyte, sporule, staphylococcus, streptococcus, swarm spore, trypanosome, vibrio, virus, zoospore, zygospore
[edit]- sport, Beau Brummel, Monopoly, Ping-Pong, Rugby, Scrabble, acrobatics, action, adventurer, advertise, affect, agate, agonistics, air, also-ran, amateur athlete, amusement, anomaly, antic, antics, archer, archery, association football, athlete, athletics, avatar, backgammon, badinage, badminton, bagatelle, ball, ballplayer, bandy, banter, baseball, baseball bat, baseballer, baseman, basketball, bat, bathing, batter, battery, battledore, battledore and shuttlecock, bauble, be dressed in, beano, beat, beau, belly laugh, betting ring, bettor, big time, billiards, bingo, blade, blazon forth, blocking back, blocks, blood, blue story, boneshaker, booby, boulevardier, bout, bowling, bowls, bowman, boxing, brandish, butt, call, caper, caracole, cardshark, cardsharp, cardsharper, carry on, cast lots, cat, catabolism, catalysis, catch, catcher, cavort, center, chaff, charades, chase, checkerboard, checkers, chess, chessboard, chevy, chivy, climbing, clotheshorse, club, coach, cockhorse, competitor, compulsive gambler, consubstantiation, contest, course, coursing, coxcomb, crambo, crap shooter, cricket, cricket bat, cricketer, croquet, crosspatch, cue, curling, curvet, cut a dido, cut capers, cut lots, cut the cards, cut up, cynegetics, dance, dandy, dangle, decathlon, defeatee, defensive lineman, demonstrate, deride, derision, dirty joke, dirty story, discus, displacement, display, disport, distraction, diversion, divertissement, dog, doll, doll carriage, dominoes, double entendre, double-header, doubles, draughts, draw lots, draw straws, drive, duck, dude, emblazon, end, enjoyment, entertainment, ethnic joke, event, exchange, exhibit, exquisite, falcon, falconry, fall guy, fashion plate, fencing, fine gentleman, fishing, fives, flash, flaunt, flounce, flourish, flush, follow the hounds, fool around, fooling, fooling around, football, footballer, fop, foursome, fowl, fox hunting, freak, fribble, frisk, frolic, fun, fun and games, funmaking, funny story, gag, gallant, gamble, gambler, gambol, game, game loser, games, games of chance, games-player, gamester, gewgaw, ghost, gimcrack, give-and-take, gliding, go, go hunting, golf, golf club, good loser, good one, good sport, good story, good time, good-natured banter, great fun, guard, gun, gunning, gymnastics, handball, harmless teasing, have on, hawk, hawking, hazarder, heterotopia, hide-and-seek, high jinks, high old time, high time, hiking, hobbyhorse, hockey, hold up, hopscotch, horse around, horseplay, horseshoes, hound, howler, humor, hunt, hunt down, hunting, hurdling, ice hockey, individualist, infielder, inner-directed person, innovation, jack, jack-a-dandy, jack-in-the-box, jackanapes, jacklight, jacks, jackstones, jackstraws, jape, jest, jestbook, jive, jock, joke, jollification, josh, jumper, keno, kickshaw, kidding, kidding around, knickknack, lacrosse, lady-killer, lark, laugh, laughs, lawn tennis, leapfrog, lineman, loser, lot, lotto, lovely time, luging, macaroni, man-about-town, manifest, marble, marbles, marionette, masher, match, match coins, meet, merels, metabolism, metagenesis, metamorphism, metamorphosis, metastasis, metathesis, metempsychosis, mig, misfit, mock, mockery, motorcycling, mountaineering, mumble-the-peg, mutant, mutated form, mutation, natation, naysayer, ninepins, nonconformist, novelty, oddball, offensive lineman, outfield, outfielder, palaestra, pall-mall, pallone, panic, paper doll, parade, pastime, pelota, pentathlon, permutation, persiflage, petty gambler, pick-up sticks, picnic, piker, pilgarlic, pinwheel, play, play at dice, play the ponies, play-off, player, plaything, pleasant time, pleasantry, pleasure, plunger, point, polo, poloist, pool, post office, professional athlete, prowl after, pugilist, punter, puppet, puppy, pushball, put forth, put forward, pyramids, quarterback, quintain, quits, race, racer, racket, racquets, raffle off, rag doll, raillery, rallying, recreate, recreation, reincarnation, relaxation, rib tickler, ride to hounds, ridicule, riding, riot, rocking horse, roller skating, rollick, romp, rounders, rowing, rugger, run, runoff, sailing, sailplaning, scream, sculling, sharp, sharper, sharpie, shikar, shinny, shoot, shoot craps, shooting, shot-put, show off, shuffleboard, sick joke, sidesplitter, sight gag, singles, skater, skating, skeet, skeet shooting, ski-jumping, skiing, skin-diving, skip, skittles, sledding, snooker, snorkel diving, snowmobiling, soccer, softball, spark, speculate, speculator, sporting, sporting man, sports, sportsman, squash, stalk, stalking, start, steelie, stickball, still hunt, still-hunt, stooge, story, surfing, swell, swimming, table tennis, tackle, tailback, taw, tease, teetotum, tennis, tenpins, tent pegging, tetherball, the vanquished, threesome, ticktacktoe, tiddlywinks, tilting, tinhorn, tipcat, tipster, tivoli, tobogganing, top, toss, tout, toxophilite, toy, toy soldier, track, track and field, trail, transanimation, transfiguration, transfigurement, transformation, transformism, translation, translocation, transmigration, transmogrification, transmutation, transposition, transubstantiation, trapshooting, trinket, trip, trumpet, trumpet forth, tug of war, tumbling, twit, twosome, underdog, vaunt, venery, venturer, victim, visual joke, volleyball, wagerer, water polo, waterskiing, wave, wear, wheeze, whim-wham, wingback, wow, wrestler, wrestling, yarn
sporting chance
[edit]- sporting chance, best bet, blind bargain, chance at odds, favorable prospect, gambling chance, good chance, good opportunity, good possibility, likelihood, main chance, matter of chance, odds-on, odds-on chance, possibility, potluck, potshot, probability, random shot, sure bet, sure thing, toss, toss-up, touch and go, well-grounded hope
[edit]- sporting, acrobatic, agonistic, athletic, betting, cardsharping, casting lots, chase, chevy, chivy, coursing, cynegetics, fair-minded, falconry, fox hunting, gambling, gaming, gunning, gymnastic, hawking, hazarding, hunt, hunting, palaestral, play, playing, risking, shikar, shooting, sortition, speculation, sport, sports, sportsmanlike, sportsmanly, square-dealing, square-shooting, staking, stalking, still hunt, venery, wagering
[edit]- sportive, animated, antic, arch, blithe, buoyant, capering, capersome, cavorting, coltish, devilish, elfish, elvish, exuberant, foolish, frisky, frolicsome, full of beans, full of mischief, gamesome, gay, gleeful, hearty, high-spirited, impish, kittenish, knavish, larkish, light-hearted, lively, merry, mischief-loving, mischievous, playful, prankish, pranksome, pranky, puckish, roguish, rollicking, rollicksome, rompish, scampish, scapegrace, skittish, spirited, sportful, sprightly, trickish, tricksy, tricky, vital, vivacious, waggish, zestful, zippy
[edit]- sportscast, beam, broadcast, canned show, commercial, commercial program, electrical transcription, network show, newscast, radiate, radio, radio fare, radiobroadcast, rebroadcast, rerun, send, serial, shortwave, sign off, sign on, soap opera, sound effects, sustainer, taped program, transmit, wireless
[edit]- sportsman, Nimrod, adventurer, amateur athlete, archer, athlete, ballplayer, baseballer, baseman, batter, battery, beater, betting ring, bettor, big game hunter, blocking back, boneshaker, bowman, cardshark, cardsharp, cardsharper, catcher, center, coach, competitor, compulsive gambler, courser, crap shooter, cricketer, defensive lineman, end, footballer, gambler, games-player, gamester, guard, hazarder, hunter, huntress, huntsman, infielder, jacker, jacklighter, jock, jumper, lineman, offensive lineman, outfield, outfielder, petty gambler, piker, player, plunger, poloist, professional athlete, pugilist, punter, quarterback, racer, sharp, sharper, sharpie, shikari, skater, speculator, sport, sporting man, sportswoman, stalker, tackle, tailback, tinhorn, tipster, tout, toxophilite, trapper, venturer, wagerer, white hunter, wingback, wrestler
[edit]- sportsmanship, candor, cricket, fair play, fair shake, fair-mindedness, fairness, good sportsmanship, honesty, honor, honorableness, integrity, justice, justness, probity, scrupulousness, sportsmanlikeness, sportsmanliness, square deal, the fair thing, the handsome thing, the proper thing, uprightness
[edit]- sportswear, apparel, array, attire, bedizenment, clothes, clothing, costume, drapery, dress, dressing, dry goods, duds, fashion, fatigues, feathers, fig, garb, garments, gear, guise, habiliment, habit, investiture, investment, leather goods, leatherware, linen, linens, napery, rags, raiment, robes, soft goods, sporting goods, style, textiles, threads, togs, toilette, trim, vestment, vesture, wear, wearing apparel, white goods, yard goods
[edit]- sporty, brave, bravura, braw, casual, chic, chichi, classy, daring, dashing, devil-may-care, dressy, en deshabille, exhibitionistic, fashionable, fast, flashing, flashy, flaunting, frilly, frothy, gallant, gay, glittering, in dishabille, informal, jaunty, jazzy, loud, modish, raffish, rakehell, rakish, sharp, showy, smart, snazzy, spiffy, splashy, splurgy, stylish, swanky, swell, trendy
[edit]- spot, CRT spot, DM display, Doppler signal, IF signal, IM display, RF echoes, abode, ace, acne, aimless, allocate, appointment, arc, arc light, area, ascertain, aspersion, assign, atom, attaint, badge of infamy, band, bar, bar sinister, baton, beam, bearings, beat signal, bedabble, bedaub, behold, bench mark, bend sinister, berth, besmear, besmirch, besmutch, besoil, bespangle, bespatter, bespeckle, bespot, besprinkle, billet, bind, birthmark, bit, bite, black, black eye, black mark, blacken, blaze, blaze a trail, blemish, blips, bloodstain, blot, blotch, blur, boils, bounces, box, brand, bread, broad arrow, case, caste mark, catch, catch sight of, censure, chalk up, champain, check, check off, checker, checkmark, cicatrix, cicatrize, circumstance, clap eyes on, clutch, collocate, color filter, commercial, commercial announcement, complication, condition, connection, corner, crumb, crunch, cut, dab, dabble, dapple, dappledness, dappleness, dash, daub, define, delimit, demarcate, deploy, descry, designless, detect, determinate, diagnose, dilemma, dimmer, dirty, discern, discolor, discoloration, discover, disparagement, display, dispose, distinguish, district, dole, dollop, dot, dottedness, double-dot display, draft, dram, dredge, drench, dribble, driblet, drink, drop, dust, dwarf, earmark, echo, echo signal, embarrassing position, embarrassment, emplace, emplacement, encounter, engrave, engraving, eruptions, espy, estate, eyesore, farthing, fine how-do-you-do, finger, fix, flake, fleck, flick, floats, flood, floodlight, flour, flyspeck, footing, footlights, foots, fragment, freckle, freckliness, gargle, gash, gelatin, get a fix, glimpse, gobbet, grain, granule, graving, groat, guzzle, hack, hair, handful, haphazard, harlequin, hatch, have, have in sight, hell to pay, hit, hit-or-miss, hobble, hole, home in on, home on, hot water, how-do-you-do, identify, imbroglio, impress, imprint, imputation, install, intersperse, iota, iris, irregular, jam, jigger, jolt, jot, ken, klieg light, know, know again, latitude and longitude, lay eyes on, lentigo, libation, lieu, light plot, lights, limelight, line, little, little bit, lob, local oscillator signal, locale, locality, localize, locate, location, locus, look on, look upon, lot, lota, macula, maculate, maculation, macule, make a mark, make out, map, marble, marbleize, mark, mark of Cain, mark off, mark out, marking, marquee, medium, meet with, mess, minim, minimum, minutiae, mite, mix, modality, mode, modicum, mole, molecule, morass, morsel, mote, motley, mottle, mottledness, nail, navigate, nevus, nick, nip, notch, notice, nutshell, observe, odium, office, onus, ounce, output signal, parlous straits, particle, pass, patch, pebble, peg, pencil, pepper, perceive, pick out, pick up, pickle, picture, pillorying, pimple, pin down, pinch, pinpoint, pips, pittance, place, placement, plight, plug, point, point champain, pointillage, pointillism, polka dot, polychrome, polychromize, position, post, posture, potation, potion, powder, predicament, pretty pass, pretty pickle, pretty predicament, prick, print, pull, punch, punctuate, puncture, put in place, quagmire, quandary, quarter, quicksand, radar signal, rainbow, rank, reading, realize, recall knowledge of, receive, recognize, reflection, region, reidentify, reprimand, reproach, return, return signal, riddle, round, round of drinks, scan, scar, scarification, scarify, scene, score, scotch, scrape, scratch, scratching, scruple, seal, seam, section, sector, see, sense, setting, shot, sight, signal, signal display, single out, sip, site, situate, situation, situs, slapdash, slough, slubber, slug, slur, smear, smidgen, smidgin, smirch, smitch, smouch, smudge, smut, smutch, snifter, snort, soil, soilage, soilure, spangle, spatter, speck, speckle, speckliness, splash, splatter, splotch, spoonful, spot announcement, spotlight, spots, spottedness, spottiness, spray, sprinkle, spy, squeeze, stain, stamp, standing, state, station, status, stead, stew, sticky wicket, stigma, stigmatism, stigmatization, stigmatize, stipple, stippledness, stippling, strait, straits, strawberry mark, streak, striate, stripe, stud, suck, sully, sup, swamp, sweep, swig, swill, taint, take in, target image, tarnish, tattoo, tattoo mark, tell, tessellate, thimbleful, tick, tick off, tight spot, tight squeeze, tightrope, tiny bit, tittle, tot, trace, transmitter signal, triangulate, tricky spot, trifling amount, trigger, trivia, tune in, turn up, twig, unconsidered, underline, underscore, unholy mess, unplanned, variegate, vein, video signal, view, watermark, wet, where, whereabout, whereabouts, whit, witness, zero in on
[edit]- spotless, Christian, absolute, beyond all praise, blameless, bleached, blotless, bright, chaste, clean, cleanly, creditable, dainty, decent, defectless, dirt-free, erect, estimable, ethical, fair, fastidious, faultless, flawless, fresh, full of integrity, gleaming, good, high-minded, high-principled, highly respectable, honest, honorable, hygienic, ideal, immaculate, impeccable, indefectible, indefective, infallible, innocent, inviolate, irreproachable, just, just right, kosher, law-abiding, law-loving, law-revering, manly, modest, moral, noble, nonpolluted, of cleanly habits, peerless, perfect, polished, principled, pure, pure in heart, purehearted, reputable, respectable, right, right-minded, righteous, ritually pure, sanitary, sexually innocent, shiny, sinless, smut-free, smutless, snowy, spick and span, stainless, sterling, sweet, tahar, taintless, true-dealing, true-devoted, true-disposing, true-souled, true-spirited, truehearted, tubbed, unadulterated, unassailable, unbesmirched, unblemished, unblotted, uncontaminated, uncorrupt, uncorrupted, undefiled, unfaultable, unimpeachable, unmixed, unmuddied, unpolluted, unsmirched, unsmudged, unsoiled, unspotted, unstained, unsullied, untainted, untarnished, upright, uprighteous, upstanding, virtuous, well-scrubbed, well-washed, white, whitened, worthy, yeomanly
[edit]- spotlight, PR, accent, accentuate, affect, arc, arc light, ballyhoo, beacon, belabor, betoken, blurb, brandish, breathe, bright light, brighten, brighten up, bring forth, bring forward, bring into view, bring out, bring to notice, celebrity, color filter, common knowledge, cry, currency, dangle, daylight, demonstrate, develop, dimmer, disclose, display, divulge, dramatize, dwell on, eclat, embody, emphasize, enact, enlighten, evidence, evince, exhibit, expose to view, exposure, express, fame, famousness, feature, flaunt, floats, flood, flood with light, floodlight, flourish, focus of attention, footlights, foots, gelatin, give emphasis to, give sign, give token, glare, harp on, highlight, hoopla, hue and cry, illume, illuminate, illumine, incarnate, indicate, irradiate, italicize, klieg light, light, light plot, light up, lighten, lights, limelight, luminate, make clear, make plain, manifest, marquee, materialize, maximum dissemination, mean, medium, notoriety, overaccentuate, overemphasize, overshine, overstress, parade, perform, place emphasis on, plug, point up, present, press notice, produce, public eye, public knowledge, public relations, public report, publicity, publicity story, publicness, puff, punctuate, reclame, relume, relumine, report, represent, reveal, roll out, rub in, searchlight, set forth, shed light upon, shine upon, show, show forth, spot, star, stress, throw light upon, token, trot out, underline, underscore, unfold, wave, write-up
spotted fever
[edit]- spotted fever, African lethargy, Asiatic cholera, Chagres fever, German measles, Haverhill fever, acute articular rheumatism, ague, alkali disease, amebiasis, amebic dysentery, anthrax, bacillary dysentery, bastard measles, black death, black fever, blackwater fever, breakbone fever, brucellosis, bubonic plague, cachectic fever, cerebral rheumatism, chicken pox, cholera, cowpox, dandy fever, deer fly fever, dengue, dengue fever, diphtheria, dumdum fever, dysentery, elephantiasis, encephalitis lethargica, enteric fever, erysipelas, famine fever, five-day fever, flu, frambesia, glandular fever, grippe, hansenosis, hepatitis, herpes, herpes simplex, herpes zoster, histoplasmosis, hookworm, hydrophobia, infantile paralysis, infectious mononucleosis, inflammatory rheumatism, influenza, jail fever, jungle rot, kala azar, kissing disease, lepra, leprosy, leptospirosis, loa loa, loaiasis, lockjaw, madness, malaria, malarial fever, marsh fever, measles, meningitis, milzbrand, mumps, ornithosis, osteomyelitis, paratyphoid fever, parotitis, parrot fever, pertussis, pneumonia, polio, poliomyelitis, polyarthritis rheumatism, ponos, psittacosis, rabbit fever, rabies, rat-bite fever, relapsing fever, rheumatic fever, rickettsialpox, ringworm, rubella, rubeola, scarlatina, scarlet fever, schistosomiasis, septic sore throat, shingles, sleeping sickness, sleepy sickness, smallpox, snail fever, splenic fever, strep throat, swamp fever, tetanus, thrush, tinea, trench fever, trench mouth, tuberculosis, tularemia, typhoid, typhoid fever, typhus, typhus fever, undulant fever, vaccinia, varicella, variola, venereal disease, viral dysentery, whooping cough, yaws, yellow fever, yellow jack, zona, zoster
[edit]- spotted, assigned, bedraggled, befouled, besmirched, bespangled, bespeckled, blotched, blotchy, defiled, deployed, dirtied, dotted, dotty, drabbled, draggled, dusted, embosomed, emplaced, ensconced, established, fixed, flea-bitten, flecked, fleckered, fouled, frecked, freckle-faced, freckled, freckly, installed, located, macular, maculate, maculated, patchy, peppered, placed, planted, pocked, pockmarked, pocky, pointille, pointillistic, polka-dot, positioned, posted, powdered, punctated, seated, set, settled, situate, situated, smirched, smudged, soiled, spangled, spattered, specked, speckled, speckledy, speckly, splashed, splattered, splotched, splotchy, spotty, sprinkled, stained, stationed, stippled, studded, sullied, tainted, tarnished
[edit]- spotter, Argus, CIA man, Charley, airplane spotter, beagle, cloak-and-dagger operative, counterintelligence agent, counterspy, dick, double agent, espionage agent, eye, fire patrolman, fire warden, fireguard, flatfoot, forward observer, gumshoe, gumshoe man, hawkshaw, inside man, intelligence agent, lookout, lookout man, military-intelligence man, naval-intelligence man, night watchman, operative, patrol, patroller, patrolman, picket, private eye, reconnoiterer, roundsman, scout, secret agent, sentinel, sentry, skip tracer, sleuthhound, spy, spy-catcher, tec, undercover man, vedette, watch, watcher, watchkeeper, watchman
[edit]- spotty, bad, bespangled, bespeckled, blotched, blotchy, brindled, broken, broken off, capricious, careening, catchy, cheeseparing, chinchy, chintzy, chopped-off, choppy, dappled, decousu, desultory, deviative, dirty, disconnected, discontinued, discontinuous, discrete, disjunctive, dotted, dotty, eccentric, episodic, erratic, exiguous, fitful, flea-bitten, flecked, fleckered, flickering, fluctuating, foxed, frecked, freckle-faced, freckled, freckly, guttering, halting, herky-jerky, heteroclite, immethodical, incoherent, inconstant, infrequent, intermittent, intermitting, interrupted, irregular, jagged, jerky, lurching, macular, maculate, maculated, marked, meager, miserly, motley, mottled, niggardly, noncontinuous, nonlinear, nonsequential, nonserial, nonuniform, on-again-off-again, parenthetic, patchy, peppered, piddling, piebald, pied, pimpled, pimply, pocked, pockmarked, pocky, pointille, pointillistic, polka-dot, poor, punctated, rambling, rare, rough, scant, scanty, scarce, scattered, scrappy, scrimping, scrimpy, seldom met with, seldom seen, skewbald, skimping, skimpy, slim, snatchy, soiled, spangled, sparse, spasmatic, spasmic, spasmodic, spastic, spattered, specked, speckled, speckledy, speckly, splashed, splattered, splotched, splotchy, sporadic, spotted, sprinkled, staggering, stained, stingy, stippled, studded, suspended, thin, tight, uncertain, unconnected, unequal, uneven, unjoined, unmethodical, unmetrical, unregular, unrhythmical, unsettled, unsteady, unsuccessive, unsystematic, variable, veering, wandering, wavering, wobbling, wobbly
[edit]- spout, anabasis, ascension, ascent, avenue, babble, beak, belch, blab, blabber, blather, blether, blow open, blow out, blowhole, blowout, bond, bottomry, brash, break out, burst forth, burst of rain, burst out, carry on, cascade, cast forth, cataract, channel, chat, chatter, chute, clack, clamber, clatter, climb, climbing, cloudburst, conduit, debate, debouch, decant, declaim, deluge, demagogue, deposit, destroyed, dip, discharge, disembogue, disgorge, disgorgement, dither, door, downfall, downflow, downpour, downspout, drain, drain out, drencher, duct, egress, ejaculate, ejaculation, eject, elevation, elocute, emission, emit, empty, emunctory, eruct, eructation, erupt, eruption, escalade, escape, estuary, exhaust, exit, expatiate, expel, expulsion, extravasate, extravasation, falls, find vent, flood, floodgate, flow, flow out, flume, flush, font, force, fount, fountain, gab, gabble, gargoyle, gas, geyser, gibber, gibble-gabble, go bail, go on, gone, gossip, grimace, gush, gush out, gushing rain, gyring up, ham, ham it up, handsel, harangue, haver, heavy rain, hock, hold forth, hurl forth, hypothecate, impignorate, increase, jabber, jaw, jet, jump, leap, levitation, loophole, lost, mortgage, mount, mounting, mouth, mug, natter, opening, orate, out, out-herod Herod, outburst, outcome, outfall, outflow, outgate, outgo, outlet, outpour, overact, overdramatize, palaver, patter, pawn, perorate, plash, play, pledge, pontificate, pop, pore, port, post, pour, pour forth, pour out, prate, prattle, put in hock, put in pawn, put up, rabble-rouse, rainburst, rainspout, rainstorm, ramble on, rant, rattle, rattle on, rave, read, recite, reel off, rise, rising, roar, rocketing up, rodomontade, run on, run out, rush, sally port, saltation, scud, send forth, send out, shoot, shooting up, sluice, sluice out, soaker, soaking rain, soaring, spate, speechify, spew, spew out, spiel, spiracle, spit, spout off, spout out, spouter, spray, spring, spritz, spurt, spurtle, squirt, stake, stream, surge, takeoff, taking off, talk, talk away, talk nonsense, talk on, tap, throw away, throw out, tittle-tattle, torrent of rain, tub-thump, twaddle, twattle, underact, up the spout, upclimb, upcoming, updraft, upgang, upgo, upgoing, upgrade, upgrowth, uphill, upleap, uplift, upping, uprisal, uprise, uprising, uprush, upshoot, upslope, upsurge, upsurgence, upsweep, upswing, vault, vent, ventage, venthole, vomit, vomit forth, vomit out, vomitory, waffle, waterspout, way out, weir, well, well out, yak, yakkety-yak, zooming
[edit]- sprain, abrade, bark, blemish, bloody, break, burn, chafe, check, chip, claw, crack, craze, cut, dislocate, fracture, fray, frazzle, fret, gall, gash, hurt, incise, injure, lacerate, maim, make mincemeat of, maul, mutilate, pierce, pull, puncture, rend, rick, rip, run, rupture, savage, scald, scorch, scotch, scrape, scratch, scuff, skin, slash, slit, stab, stick, strain, stretch, tear, throw, traumatize, turn, twist, wound, wrench
[edit]- sprawl, accubation, accumbency, be lengthy, be prolonged, bed, bed down, belong, branch, branch out, capsize, careen, come a cropper, couch, crane, crawl, cropper, culbute, curl up, decumbency, deploy, disperse, dive, drape, expand, expansion, extend, extend out, extension, fall, fall down, fall flat, fall headlong, fall over, fall prostrate, fan, fan out, flare, flop, flounder, forced landing, get a cropper, go to bed, go to rest, grovel, header, lay, lie, lie around, lie down, lie flat, lie limply, lie prone, lie prostrate, list, loll, lounge, lounging, lurch, lying, meander, open, open up, outreach, outspread, outstretch, overgrow, overrun, pitch, plunge, pratfall, proneness, prostration, ramble, ramify, reach out, reclination, recline, reclining, recumbency, repose, rest, scramble, settle to rest, slouch, slump, snug down, spill, splay, spraddle, sprangle, spread, spread like wildfire, spread out, spread-eagle, stagger, stand on tiptoes, straddle, straggle, stretch, stretch out, stumble, supineness, take a fall, take a flop, take a header, take a pratfall, take a spill, take it easy, take life easy, tilt, topple, topple down, topple over, totter, trip, tumble, turn turtle, unfold, wander, widen
[edit]- sprawling, accumbent, couchant, couche, crawling, decumbent, deltoid, draped, fan-shape, fan-shaped, fanlike, fanned, fanning, flabelliform, flared, flaring, flat, groveling, lolling, lounging, lying, open, outspread, outstretched, patulous, procumbent, prone, prostrate, reclining, recumbent, reposing, resupine, splay, splayed, splaying, spraddled, spraddling, sprangled, sprangling, sprawled, sprawly, spread, spreading, stretched-out, supine, unfolded, wide-open, widespread
[edit]- spray, aerate, aerify, aerosol, antiaircraft barrage, appendage, arm, asperge, aspergil, aspergillum, atomize, atomizer, barrage, bedew, bespatter, besprinkle, bine, bough, boughpot, bouquet, boutonniere, bowshot, box barrage, branch, branchedness, branchiness, breakers, broadside, bullet, burgeon, burst, buttonhole, cannon, cannonade, cannonry, carbonate, censer, chaplet, chlorinate, clyster, collar, concentrate sprayer, corsage, creeping barrage, dabble, damp, dampen, dash, deadwood, detonation, dew, diffuse, discharge, disperse, distill, douche, drizzle, drumfire, ejection, emergency barrage, emit, enema, enfilade, etherify, etherize, evaporate, evaporator, exhale, festoon, flagellum, flower arrangement, fluidize, flush, foam, font, fork, fount, fountain, fountain syringe, fractionate, frond, froth, fume, fumigate, fumigator, fusillade, garland, gasify, geyser, give off, gun, gunfire, gunshot, gush, hand, head, hose, hose down, humect, humectate, humidify, hydrogenate, imp, incense burner, incensory, irrigate, jet, joint, lather, leg, lei, limb, link, lobe, lobule, member, meringue, mist, mist concentrate sprayer, moisten, mortar barrage, mousse, needle bath, normal barrage, nosegay, nozzle, odorator, odorizer, offscum, offshoot, organ, oxygenate, paddle, parfumoir, perfume, perfumer, pinion, plash, play, pomander, posy, potpourri, potshot, pouncet-box, puff, purse atomizer, ramage, ramification, reek, retort, runner, rush, sachet, salvo, sarment, scatter, scent bag, scent ball, scent bottle, scent box, scenter, scion, scud, scum, sea foam, send out, shoot, shot, shower, shower bath, shower head, slip, slobber, slop, slosh, smelling bottle, smoke, soapsuds, souffle, sparge, sparger, spatter, spear, spew, spindrift, spit, splash, splatter, sponge, spoondrift, spout, spouter, spray can, sprayer, spread, sprig, sprinkle, sprinkler, sprinkler head, sprinkling, sprinkling system, sprit, spritz, sprout, spume, spur, spurt, spurtle, squirt, standing barrage, steam, still, stinging, stolon, stoneshot, sublimate, sublime, sucker, suds, surf, surge, swash, switch, syringe, tail, tattoo, tendril, thallus, thurible, twig, vaporize, vaporizer, vinaigrette, volatilize, volley, vomit, vomit forth, vomit out, water, watercart, watering can, watering pot, well, wet, wet down, white water, wing, wreath
spread eagle
[edit]- spread eagle, Hershey bar, achievement, alerion, animal charge, annulet, argent, armorial bearings, armory, arms, aviation badge, azure, badge, bandeau, bar, bar sinister, baton, bearings, bend, bend sinister, billet, blazon, blazonry, blow down, blow over, bordure, bowl down, bowl over, bring down, broad arrow, bulldog, cadency mark, canton, capsize, careen, cast down, chaplet, charge, chevron, chicken, chief, chop down, coat of arms, cockatrice, come a cropper, coronet, crescent, crest, cross, cross moline, crown, cut down, dash down, deck, device, difference, differencing, down, drape, drop, eagle, epaulet, ermine, ermines, erminites, erminois, escutcheon, falcon, fall, fall down, fall flat, fall headlong, fall over, fall prostrate, fell, fess, fess point, fetch down, field, file, flanch, fleur-de-lis, floor, flounder, fret, fur, fusil, garland, get a cropper, griffin, ground, gules, gyron, hash mark, hatchment, helmet, heraldic device, hew down, honor point, impalement, impaling, inescutcheon, insignia of branch, knock down, label, lay level, lay low, lay out, level, lion, list, lozenge, lurch, mantling, marshaling, martlet, mascle, metal, motto, mow down, mullet, nombril point, oak leaf, octofoil, or, ordinary, organization insignia, orle, overseas bar, pale, paly, parachute badge, patch, pean, pheon, pip, pitch, precipitate, prostrate, pull down, purpure, quarter, quartering, ramble, rase, raze, rose, sable, saltire, scramble, scutcheon, send headlong, service stripe, shield, shoulder patch, shoulder sleeve insignia, spraddle, sprangle, sprawl, stagger, star, straddle, straggle, stripe, stumble, submarine badge, subordinary, supinate, take a fall, take a flop, take a header, take a pratfall, take a spill, take down, tenne, throw, throw down, tilt, tincture, topple, topple down, topple over, torse, totter, tressure, trip, tumble, turn turtle, unicorn, vair, vert, whack down, wreath, yale
spread over
[edit]- spread over, apply to, bespread, blanket, block, canopy, cloak, clothe, cloud, cope, cover, cover up, cowl, curtain, eclipse, film, grow over, hood, lay on, lay over, mantle, mask, muffle, obduce, obscure, occult, overgrow, overlay, overspread, put on, run riot, screen, scum, shield, superimpose, superpose, swarm over, teem over, veil
[edit]- spread, aberrate, aberration, accelerated, access, accessible, accession, accretion, accrual, accrue, accruement, accumbent, accumulate, accumulation, acreage, addition, adjunct, advance, advertise, affirmed, afghan, aggrandized, aggrandizement, air, airing, ampliation, amplification, amplified, amplitude, announce, announced, apply, appreciate, appreciation, area, ascent, assign, attenuation, augmentation, augmented, balloon, ballooning, bandying, banner, banner head, banquet, barbecue, beam, become public, bed linen, bedaub, bedclothes, bedcover, bedding, bedsheet, bedspread, beefed-up, besmear, bestrew, bigness, blanket, bloat, bloated, bloating, board, body, book, boom, boost, boosted, boundaries, boundary, bounds, branch, branch out, bread, bread and butter, breadth, break, breed, broach, broadcast, broadcasting, broaden, broadened, broadening, broadness, brought to notice, bruit about, bruiting, bruiting about, buffalo robe, buildup, bulk, butter, buzz about, caliber, call, caption, carry, carry over, case, centrifugence, cheer, chink, circulate, circulated, circulation, circumfuse, circumfusion, cleave, cloak, clothes, coat, come forth, come out, comestibles, comfort, comforter, common knowledge, common property, communicate, communication, compass, conduction, confiture, conserve, consign, contagion, contour sheet, convection, couchant, couche, counterpane, cover, coverage, coverlet, coverlid, crack, crawling, creature comfort, crescendo, crevasse, cuisine, current, cut, cut open, dab, daily bread, daub, deal, deal in generalities, deal out, decentralization, declared, decumbent, deepen, deepened, deliver, delivery, deltoid, deploy, deployment, deport, deportation, depth, develop, developing, development, deviation, diameter, diapedesis, difference, diffract, diffraction, diffuse, diffused, diffusion, dilution, dimension, dimensions, dinner, discrete, dispart, dispel, dispensation, dispense, dispersal, disperse, dispersed, dispersion, display, dispread, disseminate, disseminated, dissemination, dissipate, dissipated, dissipation, distance, distance across, distribute, distributed, distribution, divaricate, divarication, diverge, divergence, divergency, divide, division, drag out, draped, draw out, drop head, dropline, eatables, ecumenicize, edema, edibles, eiderdown, elevated, elevation, emanate, emptiness, empty space, enamel, encompass, enhanced, enlarge, enlarged, enlargement, enlarging, entertainment, environ, epigraph, evaporation, evulgation, expand, expanded, expanding, expanse, expansion, expel, export, exportation, expulsion, extend, extended, extending, extension, extent, extradite, extradition, fan, fan out, fan-shape, fan-shaped, fanlike, fanned, fanning, fanning out, fare, farm, fast food, feast, feed, field, find vent, fissure, fitted sheet, flabelliform, flare, flared, flaring, flat, flood, fly about, fly open, food, food and drink, foodstuff, fragmentation, fullness, gain, gain strength, galactic space, gauge, generalize, get about, get abroad, get afloat, get ahead, get around, get exposure, gild, girth, glaze, globalize, gloss, go, go about, go away, go forth, go off, go out, go the rounds, go up, greatening, greatness, groveling, grow, growth, gush, hand forward, hand on, hand over, hanger, have currency, head, heading, headline, health food, height, heightened, herald, hike, hiked, hiking, hold, holding, homestead, impart, import, importation, in circulation, in print, incise, increase, increased, increasing, increment, infinite space, inflated, inflation, ingesta, intensified, intensify, interchange, interstellar space, issuance, issue, jam, jazzed up, jelly, jump, jump head, junk food, kitchen stuff, lacquer, landholding, lap robe, largeness, latitude, lay, lay on, lay open, lay out, layer, leap, legend, length, lie, limits, linen, lolling, lounging, lying, made public, magnification, magnified, magnitude, make a generalization, make known, make over, make public, mantle, margarine, mass, meal, measure, measurement, meat, mess, metastasis, metastasize, metathesis, metathesize, metempsychosis, migration, motto, mount, mounting, multiplication, multiplied, multiply, mushroom, mushrooming, mutual transfer, nothingness, oleo, ope, open, open up, osmosis, outer space, outspread, outstretch, outstretched, overgrow, overlay, overline, overrun, overscatter, oversow, overspread, paint, part, pass, pass on, pass over, pass the buck, passage, passing over, paste, patchwork quilt, patulous, peddle, peppering, perfuse, perfusion, periodical, pillow slip, pillowcase, place, plantation, plaster, plate, preserve, prime, printing, proclaimed, procumbent, productiveness, profusion, proliferate, proliferated, proliferating, proliferation, prolong, promulgate, promulgation, prone, pronounce, propagate, propagated, propagation, property, proportion, proportions, prostrate, protract, provender, provision, public, publication, publicize, publish, published, publishing, push, put, put and call, put apart, put out, quilt, radiate, radiation, radius, raise, raised, raising, ramify, ranch, range, ray, reach, reach out, recite, reclining, recumbent, refection, refreshment, regale, regalement, reinforced, relay, rent, repas, repast, repeat, reported, reposing, resupine, retail, rift, right, rip, rise, rive, robe, rub, rubric, rug, run, run up, running head, running title, scale, scarehead, scatter, scattered, scattering, scatterment, scope, screamer, see the light, separate, separation, set, shed, sheet, sheeting, shoot up, shotgun pattern, size, slap on, slather, slip, slit, smear, smear on, smooth, snowball, snowballing, sow, sow broadcast, sowing, space, span, sparse, spatial extension, spattering, sphere, splay, splayed, splaying, split, sporadic, spraddle, spraddled, spraddling, sprangle, sprangled, sprangling, sprawl, sprawled, sprawling, sprawly, spread about, spread like wildfire, spread on, spread out, spread with, spreadhead, spreading, spreading abroad, spreading out, spring open, sprinkling, stated, stiffened, stock option, straddle, straggling, straggly, strap, streamer, strengthen, strengthened, stretch, stretch out, stretched-out, strew, strewing, strewn, strip, strown, subhead, subheading, subtitle, superficial extension, superscription, supine, surface, surge, surround, sustenance, swaddle, sweep, swell, swelling, swing open, switch, swollen, table, take in, tap, tar, tear, tear open, telecast, telecasting, televise, televised, throw, throw open, thrust out, tightened, title, title page, tract, transduction, transfer, transfer of property, transfer property, transference, transfuse, transfusion, transit, transition, translate, translation, translocate, translocation, transmigration, transmigration of souls, transmission, transmit, transmittal, transmittance, transplace, transplacement, transplant, transplantation, transposal, transpose, transposition, travel, treat, trumpet, tucker, tumescence, turn over, undercoat, unfold, unfolded, unfurl, universalize, unroll, up, upping, upsurge, upswing, uptrend, upturn, utter, varnish, vastness, ventilation, viands, victuals, vittles, void, volatilization, volume, wash, wax, waxing, wide-open, widen, widened, wideness, widening, widespread, width, wrap
[edit]- spree, bacchanal, bacchanalia, bacchanalian, bat, bender, binge, bout, bust, carousal, carouse, celebrate, celebration, compotation, cut loose, debauch, drinking bout, drunk, drunken carousal, escapade, fling, frolic, guzzle, hell, hell around, jag, jollify, jolly, lark, let go, let loose, let off steam, make merry, make whoopee, orgy, outing, ploy, potation, pub-crawl, raise hell, rampage, randan, randy, revel, riot, roister, romp, see life, skylark, splurge, step out, symposium, tear, toot, wanton, wassail, whoop it up, wingding
[edit]- sprig, adolescent, appendage, arm, baby, bine, bough, branch, branchedness, branchiness, burgeon, deadwood, flagellum, fledgling, fork, frond, hand, hopeful, imp, infant, joint, junior, juvenal, juvenile, leg, limb, link, lobe, lobule, member, minor, offshoot, organ, pinion, pubescent, ramage, ramification, runner, sapling, sarment, scion, seedling, set, shoot, slip, spear, spray, sprit, sprout, spur, stolon, stripling, sucker, switch, tail, teenager, teener, teenybopper, tendril, thallus, twig, wing, young hopeful, young person, younger, youngest, youngling, youngster, youth
[edit]- sprightly, Attic, active, activist, activistic, agile, alert, alive, animate, animated, antic, biting, bouncing, bouncy, breezy, brilliant, brisk, bubbly, capersome, cheerful, chipper, clever, coltish, droll, ebullient, effervescent, energetic, exuberant, facetious, featly, fleet, frisky, frolicsome, full of beans, full of go, full of life, full of pep, funny, gamesome, gay, good, graceful, hearty, humorous, humorsome, jaunty, jesting, jocose, jocular, joking, joky, joshing, keen, keen-witted, light, light-footed, live, lively, mercurial, militant, mordant, neat-fingered, neat-handed, nimble, nimble-footed, nimble-witted, peart, peppy, perky, pert, playful, pointed, pungent, quick-witted, quicksilver, rapier-like, rollicking, rollicksome, rompish, salt, salty, scintillating, sharp, skittish, smacking, smart, snappy, spanking, sparkling, spirited, sportive, spry, sure-footed, vital, vivacious, volant, whimsical, witty, zestful, zingy, zippy
spring fever
[edit]- spring fever, dilatoriness, do-nothingness, ergophobia, faineancy, faineantise, hoboism, indolence, inertia, inexertion, laggardness, laziness, lotus-eating, remissness, shiftlessness, sloth, slothfulness, slowness, vagrancy
spring up
[edit]- spring up, appear, approach, arise, be born, become, blossom, bob up, break forth, break out, break water, brew, burgeon, burst forth, chance, come along, come forth, come into being, come into existence, come on, come out, come to be, crop up, debouch, develop, draw on, erupt, flare up, flash, float up, flourish, fly up, fountain, gather, germinate, get to be, gleam, grow, grow up, gush, have origin, hypertrophy, increase, irrupt, issue, issue forth, jet, jump up, leap up, materialize, mature, mushroom, originate, outgrow, overdevelop, overgrow, overtop, pop up, present itself, procreate, pullulate, reproduce, rise, rocket, shoot up, show up, skyrocket, sprout, sprout up, spurt, start up, surface, take birth, take rise, thrive, tower, turn up, upleap, upshoot, upspear, upspring, upsprout, upstart, vault up, vegetate, wax
spring upon
[edit]- spring upon, ambush, astonish, bushwhack, catch at, catch off-guard, catch unawares, come from behind, come upon unexpectedly, do the unexpected, drop in on, fasten upon, jump, jump at, pounce upon, pull up short, scramble for, seize on, snap at, snatch at, spring a surprise, surprise, swoop down upon, take by surprise, take short, take unawares
[edit]- spring, Eastertide, Highland fling, Lastex, Maytime, accrue from, adaptability, adolescence, aestival, air mattress, airiness, ambition, anabasis, and jump, appear, arctic, arise, arrive, ascension, ascent, aspiration, autumn, autumnal, backfire, backlash, backlashing, balance spring, baleen, basis, baths, battledore, be born, be contingent on, be due to, bedding, bedspring, begin, beginning, bend, bevy, birth, blast, blitz, blow to pieces, blow up, bolster, bolt, bomb, bombard, bonanza, boomerang, boreal, bounce, bounce back, bounciness, bound, bound back, broach, broad jump, brumal, buck, buckjump, buckle, bud from, budtime, buoyance, buoyancy, burst forth, calling, canicular, cannon, cannon off, canter, capriole, carom, casino, cause, charm, chewing gum, chink, clamber, clear, cleave, climb, climbing, cloud, club, clubhouse, come, come from, come into being, come into existence, come out, come out of, come up, commence, consideration, contort, contrecoup, cornucopia, covey, crack, crevasse, crook, crumple, curvet, cushion, cut, cut open, dart, demivolt, depend on, derive from, descend from, discharge, dispart, distort, divaricate, divide, elastic, elasticity, elastomer, elevation, emanate, emanate from, emancipate, emerge, emerge from, ensue from, equinoctial, escalade, evolve, excitant, extensibility, fissure, flexibility, flight, flock, flow, flow from, fly, fly back, fly open, flying jump, follow from, font, fount, fountain, fountainhead, fox-trot, gaggle, galliard, gallop, gambling house, gathering place, gelandesprung, germinate from, get, git, give, gnarl, goal, gold mine, grand jete, greenness, ground, grow, grow from, grow out of, guiding light, guiding star, gum, gum elastic, gush, gyring up, hairspring, handball, handspring, hang on, hangout, hatch, haunt, have repercussions, head, headspring, headstream, headwater, health resort, hibernal, hiemal, high jump, hightail, hinge on, hippety-hop, hive, hop, hop along, hotfoot, hurdle, ideal, impetus, incise, incitement, increase, innerspring mattress, inspiration, intention, issue, issue from, jet, jete, jig, jump, jump over, jump shot, jump turn, jump-hop, jump-off, jumping jack, juvenility, kick, kick back, kickback, knot, lash back, lavolta, lay open, leap, leap over, leapfrog, levitation, liberate, litter, liveliness, lode, lodestar, long jump, loom, loose, lop, lope, mainspring, make tracks, manumit, mat, matter, mattress, meeting place, midsummer, midwinter, mine, morris, motive, mount, mounting, murmuration, negotiate, ope, open, open up, origin, originate, originate in, out of season, overjump, overleap, overskip, pad, pallet, part, pay for, pillow, pop, pounce, pounce on, pounce upon, primavera, prime, principle, proceed, proceed from, puberty, pubescence, purlieu, quarry, racket, rallying point, reason, rebound, rebuff, recalcitrate, recalcitration, recoil, release, rent, repercuss, repercussion, repulse, resile, resilience, resiliency, resort, resource, responsiveness, ricochet, rift, rip, rise, rising, rive, riverhead, rocketing up, root, rubber, rubber ball, rubber band, rug, run, running broad jump, running high jump, sake, saltation, saut de basque, score, screw, seasonal, seedtime, separate, shock absorber, shoot up, shooting up, skein, ski jump, skip, skitter, sleeping bag, slit, snap, snap back, soaring, solstitial, source, source of supply, spa, spandex, split, spout, spread, spread out, sprightliness, spring back, spring from, spring open, springboard, springhead, springiness, springlike, springs, springtide, springtime, sprint, sprout, sprout from, spurt, stamping ground, staple, start, start aside, start up, startle, steeplechase, stem, stem from, step, step along, step lively, stimulant, stimulus, stretch, stretch fabric, stretchability, stretchiness, summer, summerlike, summerly, summery, surge, swarm, swing open, takeoff, taking off, tap, tear, tear open, throw open, tone, tonicity, tonus, tour jete, trampoline, trip, trot, turn, turn awry, turn on, twist, ulterior motive, unbind, unchain, underbed, underbedding, unshackle, upclimb, upcoming, updive, updraft, upgang, upgo, upgoing, upgrade, upgrowth, uphill, upleap, uplift, upping, uprisal, uprise, uprising, uprush, upshoot, upslope, upspring, upsurge, upsurgence, upsweep, upswing, vault, vein, vernal, vocation, warp, watch, watering place, well, wellhead, wellspring, whalebone, whence, winter, winterlike, wintery, wintry, wrench, wrest, wring, writhe, yield, youthfulness, youthhood, zooming
[edit]- springboard, Lastex, baleen, battledore, chewing gum, elastic, elastomer, gum, gum elastic, handball, jumping jack, racket, rubber, rubber ball, rubber band, spandex, spring, stretch fabric, trampoline, whalebone
[edit]- springbok, Cape elk, Virginia deer, antelope, buck, camel, camelopard, caribou, deer, deerlet, doe, dromedary, eland, elk, fallow deer, fawn, gazelle, giraffe, gnu, hart, hartebeest, hind, kaama, moose, mule deer, musk deer, okapi, red deer, reindeer, roe, roe deer, roebuck, stag, wildebeest
[edit]- springe, bait, birdlime, bola, booby trap, cobweb, deadfall, dragnet, fishhook, fly, gill net, ground bait, hook, jig, lariat, lasso, lime, lure, meshes, mousetrap, net, noose, plug, pound net, purse seine, seine, snare, sniggle, spinner, squid, toils, trapfall, trawl, wobbler
[edit]- springlike, aestival, arctic, autumn, autumnal, beryl-green, berylline, blue-green, bluish-green, boreal, brumal, canicular, chartreuse, chloranemic, chlorine, chlorotic, citrine, citrinous, emerald, equinoctial, foliaged, glaucescent, glaucous, glaucous-green, grassy, green, green as grass, green-blue, greenish, greenish-blue, greenish-yellow, greensick, hibernal, hiemal, holly, ivy, ivy-green, leafy, leaved, midsummer, midwinter, olivaceous, olive, olive-green, out of season, porraceous, seasonal, smaragdine, solstitial, spring, summer, summerlike, summerly, summery, verdant, verdurous, vernal, vernant, vert, virescent, winter, winterlike, wintery, wintry, yellowish-green
[edit]- springy, adaptable, adaptive, bendable, bending, bouncy, buoyant, compliant, ductile, elastic, extensible, extensile, fabricable, facile, fictile, flexible, flexile, flexuous, formable, formative, giving, impressible, impressionable, like putty, limber, lissome, lithe, lithesome, lively, malleable, moldable, plastic, pliable, pliant, rebounding, receptive, recoiling, resilient, responsive, sensitive, sequacious, shapable, stretch, stretchable, stretchy, submissive, supple, susceptible, tractable, tractile, whippy, willowy, yielding
[edit]- sprinkle, Scotch mist, asperge, asperse, band, baptize, bar, bedew, bespangle, bespatter, bespeckle, bespot, besprinkle, blood rain, blotch, bread, check, checker, christen, crumb, dabble, damp, dampen, dapple, dash, dew, dip, dot, douche, dredge, drizzle, drum, dust, evening mist, fall, flake, fleck, flour, flurry, foam, freckle, froth, gout of rain, harlequin, hose, hose down, humect, humectate, humidify, immerse, iris, irrigate, maculate, marble, marbleize, mist, misty rain, mizzle, moisten, moisture, motley, mottle, paddle, patter, pelt, pepper, pimple, pitter-patter, plash, polychrome, polychromize, pour, pour with rain, powder, precipitate, precipitation, rain, rain tadpoles, rainbow, raindrop, rainfall, rainwater, scatter, shake, sheet of rain, shower, shower down, slobber, slop, slosh, spangle, sparge, spatter, speck, speckle, spindrift, spit, splash, splatter, splotch, sponge, spot, spray, spume, stigmatize, stipple, streak, stream, strew, striate, stripe, stud, swash, syringe, tattoo, tessellate, unfrozen hydrometeor, variegate, vein, water, weep, wet, wet down
[edit]- sprinkled, bespangled, blotched, blotchy, cheeseparing, chinchy, chintzy, dotted, dotty, dusted, exiguous, flea-bitten, flecked, fleckered, frecked, freckled, freckly, infrequent, macular, maculate, maculated, meager, miserly, niggardly, patchy, peppered, piddling, pocked, pockmarked, pocky, pointille, pointillistic, polka-dot, poor, powdered, punctated, rare, scant, scanty, scarce, scattered, scrimping, scrimpy, seldom met with, seldom seen, skimping, skimpy, slim, spangled, sparse, spattered, specked, speckled, speckledy, speckly, splattered, splotched, splotchy, spotted, spotty, stingy, stippled, studded, thin, tight
[edit]- sprinkler, Agnus Dei, Foamite, Holy Grail, Host, Pieta, Sanctus bell, Sangraal, acid, aerosol, ark, asperger, asperges, aspergil, aspergillum, atomizer, automatic sprinkler, bambino, beadroll, beads, candle, carbon tet, carbon tetrachloride, carbon-dioxide foam, censer, chaplet, ciborium, clyster, concentrate sprayer, cross, crucifix, cruet, deck gun, deluge set, douche, enema, eucharistial, extinguisher, fire apparatus, fire engine, fire hose, fire hydrant, fireplug, foam, foam extinguisher, fountain syringe, holy cross, holy water, holy-water sprinkler, hook-and-ladder, icon, incensory, ladder pipe, matzo, menorah, mezuzah, mikvah, mist concentrate sprayer, monstrance, needle bath, nozzle, osculatory, ostensorium, paschal candle, pax, phylacteries, prayer shawl, prayer wheel, pumper, pyx, relics, rood, rosary, sacramental, sacred relics, sacring bell, shofar, shower, shower bath, shower head, snorkel, soda, sparge, sparger, spray, spray can, sprayer, sprinkler head, sprinkler system, sprinkling system, sukkah, super-pumper, syringe, tabernacle, tallith, thurible, urceole, veronica, vigil light, votive candle, water, water cannon, watercart, watering can, watering pot, wet blanket
[edit]- sprinkling, a few, affusion, aspergation, aspersion, attenuation, baptism, baptismal gown, baptismal regeneration, baptistery, baptizement, bath, bathing, bedewing, broadcast, broadcasting, cast, chrismal, christening, circumfusion, dampening, damping, dash, deluge, dewing, diffraction, diffusion, dilution, dispensation, dispersal, dispersion, dissemination, dissipation, distribution, divergence, drowning, dust, evaporation, expansion, few, flooding, font, fragmentation, gleam, handful, hint, hosing, hosing down, humidification, idea, immersion, infusion, inkling, intimation, inundation, irrigation, laving, lick, limited number, look, moistening, only a few, peppering, piddling few, piddling number, powdering, propagation, publication, radiation, rinsing, sauce, scattering, scatterment, scintilla, seasoning, shade, shadow, shotgun pattern, sip, smack, small number, smatter, smattering, smell, soupcon, sowing, sparging, spark, spatter, spattering, spice, splashing, splattering, splay, spraying, spread, spreading, strain, streak, strewing, submersion, suggestion, sup, suspicion, swashing, taint, taste, tempering, thought, tinct, tincture, tinge, tint, too few, total immersion, touch, trace, trickle, vestige, volatilization, watering, wetting
[edit]- sprint, Le Mans, air race, automobile race, bicycle race, boat race, bound, burst, burst of speed, canter, contest of speed, cross-country race, dash, dead run, derby, dog race, dogtrot, drag race, endurance race, flank speed, flat-out speed, footrace, forced draft, fox-trot, full gallop, gallop, get, git, hand gallop, headlong rush, heat, heavy right foot, high lope, hightail, hop, hop along, hotfoot, hurdle race, jog trot, lap, leap, lope, make tracks, marathon, marathon race, match race, maximum speed, motorcycle race, obstacle race, open throttle, plunge, potato race, race, regatta, relay, relay race, road race, run, rush, sack race, scamper, scoot, scud, scurry, scuttle, shin, speedway race, spring, sprint race, spurt, step, step along, step lively, stock-car race, three-legged race, torch race, track race, trip, trot, walk, wide-open speed, yacht race
[edit]- sprite, Ariel, Befind, Corrigan, Dingbelle, Fifinella, Finnbeara, Hob, Hobgoblin, Mab, Masan, Oberon, Puck, Titania, apparition, appearance, astral, astral spirit, bad fairy, bad peri, banshee, brownie, cluricaune, control, departed spirit, deviling, devilkin, diablotin, disembodied spirit, duppy, dwarf, dybbuk, eidolon, elf, erlking, fairy, fairy queen, fay, form, ghost, gnome, goblin, grateful dead, gremlin, guide, hant, haunt, hob, idolum, immateriality, imp, incorporeal, incorporeal being, incorporeity, kobold, larva, lemures, leprechaun, little devil, manes, materialization, oni, ouphe, peri, phantasm, phantasma, phantom, pixie, poltergeist, pooka, presence, puca, puck, pwca, revenant, shade, shadow, shape, shrouded spirit, specter, spectral ghost, spirit, spook, sylph, sylphid, theophany, tokoloshe, unsubstantiality, vision, walking dead man, wandering soul, wraith, young devil, zombie
[edit]- spritz, flush, font, fount, fountain, geyser, gush, jet, play, rush, spew, spit, spout, spouter, spray, sprit, spurt, spurtle, squirt, surge, vomit, vomit forth, vomit out, well
[edit]- sprocket, cog, comb, crag, fang, harrow, jag, peak, pecten, projection, rake, ratchet, sawtooth, snag, snaggle, spire, spur, steeple, tooth
[edit]- sprout, accrue from, adventurer, arise, arise from, be contingent on, be due to, begin, bine, bloom, blossom, bough, bourgeois gentilhomme, branch, branchedness, branchiness, brew, bud, bud from, burgeon, burst forth, come from, come out of, come up, deadwood, depend on, derive from, descend from, develop, emanate from, emerge from, ensue from, filiation, flagellum, flourish, flow from, flower, follow from, fork, frond, gather, gemmate, germinate, germinate from, grow, grow from, grow out of, grow rank, grow up, hang on, hinge on, hypertrophy, increase, issue from, leaf, leaf out, leave, limb, luxuriate, mature, mushroom, name-dropper, newly-rich, nouveau riche, nouveau roturier, offset, offshoot, originate in, outgrow, overdevelop, overgrow, overrun, overtop, parvenu, pig in clover, proceed from, procreate, pullulate, put forth, put forth leaves, put out buds, ramage, ramification, reproduce, riot, root, runner, sapling, sarment, scion, seedling, set, shoot, shoot up, slip, social climber, spear, spray, sprig, spring from, spring up, sprit, sprout from, sprout up, status seeker, stem from, stolon, strike root, sucker, switch, take root, tendril, thallus, thrive, tower, tufthunter, turn on, twig, upshoot, upspear, upspring, upsprout, upstart, vegetate, wax, would-be gentleman
spruce up
[edit]- spruce up, adorn, array, beautify, bedeck, bedizen, blazon, brighten up, brush up, clean up, clear the decks, clear up, color, dandify, deck, deck out, decorate, dizen, doll up, dress, dress up, embellish, emblazon, embroider, enrich, fancy up, fig out, fix, fix up, freshen, furbish, furbish up, garnish, get up, grace, groom, gussy up, neaten, ornament, overdress, paint, police, police up, polish, polish up, prank, prank up, preen, prettify, pretty up, primp, primp up, prink, prink up, put in trim, rag out, redecorate, redo, refurbish, renovate, repair, retouch, revive, rub up, set off, set out, shine, slick up, smarten, smarten up, spruce, straighten up, tidy, tidy up, titivate, tone up, touch up, trick out, trick up, trig up, trim, trim up, vamp, vamp up
[edit]- spruce, anal, bandbox, bowdlerized, braw, chic, classy, clean up, cleaned, cleaned up, cleansed, clothes-conscious, cosmopolitan, dapper, dashing, dinky, doggy, dressed to advantage, dressed to kill, dressed up, elegant, en grande tenue, endimanche, expurgated, exquisite, genteel, gussied up, in full dress, in full feather, in high feather, in tails, jaunty, modish, natty, neat, nifty, nobby, posh, primp, purged, purified, recherche, refined, reformed, ritzy, sassy, sharp, shipshape, sleek, slick, slicked up, smart, smarten up, smug, snazzy, snug, soigne, soignee, sophisticated, spiffy, spruce up, straighten out, straighten up, style-conscious, stylish, swank, swanky, swell, tidy, tidy up, tight, titivate, tricksy, trig, trim, well turned-out, well-cared-for, well-dressed, well-groomed
[edit]- sprung, aggravated, anamorphous, askew, asymmetric, bent, bowed, broken, burned, burst, busted, checked, chipped, cockeyed, contorted, cracked, crazed, crazy, crooked, crumpled, crunched, cut, damaged, deteriorated, deviative, distorted, embittered, exacerbated, harmed, hurt, impaired, imperfect, in bits, in pieces, in shards, injured, irregular, irritated, labyrinthine, lacerated, lopsided, mangled, mutilated, nonsymmetric, one-sided, rent, ruptured, scalded, scorched, shattered, slashed, slit, smashed, split, the worse for, torn, tortuous, twisted, unsymmetric, warped, weakened, worse, worse off, worsened
[edit]- spry, active, activist, activistic, agile, alacritous, alive, animated, bouncing, bouncy, breezy, brisk, bubbly, chipper, dispatchful, ebullient, effervescent, energetic, expeditious, featly, fleet, frisky, full of go, full of life, full of pep, graceful, healthy, light, light-footed, live, lively, mercurial, militant, neat-fingered, neat-handed, nimble, nimble-footed, peart, peppy, perky, pert, prompt, quick, quicksilver, ready, robust, sharp, smacking, smart, snappy, sound, spanking, speedy, spirited, sprightly, sure-footed, swift, vigorous, vivacious, volant, zingy, zippy