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The name "reo-" is an acronym for "respiratory enteric orphan" viruses



reovirus (plural reoviruses)

  1. Any of a group of RNA viruses, of the family Reoviridae, that infect animals and some plants
    • 1963, Fouad Mohammed El-Rai, Infections with reoviruses in University of Wisconsin students and in children:
      The former inclusion of reoviruses in the ECHO group was based originally on their isolation from the stools of human beings, their optimal isolation in monkey kidney tissue culture and the lack of pathogenicity of the initial strains for new-born mice, guinea pigs, rabbits and monkeys.



“Reoviridae”, in Viralzone[1], SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, 2018 July 8 (last accessed):ETYMOLOGY Reo: from Respiratory enteric orphan. Named “orphan” by Sabin in 1959 because the virus was not connected to any of the diseases it was associated with.

