Appendix:Moby Thesaurus II/29
[edit]- exposed, aerial, aeriform, aery, airish, airlike, airy, alfresco, answerable for, apparent, apt to, atmospheric, bald, bare, bared, beholdable, belied, bleak, blown, breezy, capable of, clear, cleared, confounded, confuted, deflated, denied, denudated, denuded, dependent on, detectable, discarded, discernible, disclosed, discredited, dismissed, disproved, disputed, divested, ethereal, evident, exploded, exposed to, exposed to view, free, hanging out, impugned, in danger of, in evidence, in full view, in plain sight, in view, incident to, insight, invalidated, laid bare, liable, liable to, light, likely, likely to, manifest, naked, naked to, negated, negatived, nonimmune, noticeable, obliged to, obnoxious, observable, open, open as day, open to, open to all, open to view, open-air, outcropping, overt, overthrown, overturned, peeled, perceivable, perceptible, pneumatic, prone, prone to, punctured, raw, ready for, recognizable, refuted, rejected, responsible for, revealed, roomy, seeable, sensitive, showing, shown up, standing to, stripped, subject, subject to, susceptible, susceptive to, threatened, to be seen, tropospheric, unclassified, unclogged, unclosed, unclouded, unconcealed, uncovered, undisguised, unhidden, unobstructed, unrestricted, unstopped, unveiled, upset, viewable, visible, visual, wide-open, windblown, windswept, within range of, witnessable
[edit]- exposition, allegorization, anacrusis, apocalypse, article, assignment, auto show, baring, bass passage, bazaar, boat show, bourdon, bridge, burden, cadence, causerie, chalk talk, chorus, clarification, coda, commentary, commercial complex, construction, cosmorama, cracking, critique, cyclorama, decipherment, declaration, decoding, delineation, demonstration, demythologization, descant, description, development, diorama, disclosing, disclosure, discourse, discovering, discovery, discussion, display, disquisition, dissertation, division, editing, elucidation, emendation, emporium, enactment, enlightenment, enunciation, essay, etude, euhemerism, examination, excursus, exegesis, exemplification, exercise, exhibit, exhibition, explanation, explication, expo, expose, exposure, expounding, fair, feature, figure, first approach, flea fair, flea market, folderol, georama, harangue, harmonic close, homework, homily, illumination, illustration, instruction, interlude, intermezzo, interpretation, introductory phrase, introductory study, laying bare, lecture, lecture-demonstration, lesson, light, light show, lucubration, manifestation, market, market overt, marketplace, mart, measure, memoir, monograph, moral, moral lesson, morality, moralization, morceau, movement, musical phrase, musical sentence, myriorama, note, object lesson, open market, opening, ornament, ostentation, outline, pageant, pageantry, pandect, panorama, paper, parade, paragraph, part, passage, patefaction, performance, period, phantasmagoria, phrase, piece, plaza, pomp, preachment, preliminary study, presentation, presentment, production, projection, prolegomenon, psychedelic show, rationale, reason, recital, recitation, refrain, removing the veil, representation, research paper, resolution, response, retrospective, revealing, revealment, revelation, rialto, ritornello, screed, section, sermon, set task, shifting scene, shopping center, shopping mall, shopping plaza, show, showing, showing up, showup, sight, simplification, sketch, skull session, solution, special article, spectacle, stage show, stanza, staple, statement, strain, street market, stripping, study, survey, tableau, tableau vivant, tailpiece, talk, task, teaching, term paper, theme, thesis, tract, tractate, trade fair, treatise, treatment, tutti, tutti passage, uncloaking, uncovering, unfolding, unfoldment, unlocking, unmasking, unveiling, unwrapping, variation, varnishing day, vernissage, verse
[edit]- expositive, allegorizing, annotative, clarifying, commentative, commentatorial, critical, delineative, demonstrative, demythologizing, depictive, descriptive, discoursive, disquisitional, dissertational, editorial, elucidative, enlightening, essayistic, euhemeristic, exegetic, exemplificative, explaining, explanatory, explicative, explicatory, expositional, expositorial, expository, expressive, faithful, glossarial, graphic, illuminating, illuminative, illustrative, interpretive, lifelike, monographic, naturalistic, rationalistic, rationalizing, realistic, representative, scholiastic, true to life, vivid, well-drawn
[edit]- expositor, Boanerges, allegorist, annotator, author, book reviewer, chalk talker, cicerone, clarifier, commentator, commenter, critic, cryptanalyst, cryptographer, cryptologist, decoder, definer, demonstrator, demythologizer, descanter, diaskeuast, discourser, disquisitor, dragoman, editor, editorial writer, editorialist, emendator, emender, essayist, euhemerist, exegesist, exegete, exegetist, explainer, explicator, exponent, expounder, glossarist, glossographer, go-between, guide, hermeneut, homilist, interpreter, leader writer, lecturer, lexicographer, metaphrast, monographer, monographist, news analyst, oneirocritic, paraphrast, praelector, preacher, publicist, pulpitarian, pulpiteer, reader, reviewer, scholiast, sermoner, sermonist, sermonizer, textual critic, tractation, translator, writer
[edit]- expostulate, admonish, argue, beef, bitch, boggle, boycott, call in question, caution, challenge, charge, combat, complain, cry out against, daunt, debate, demonstrate, demonstrate against, demur, discuss, dispute, dissuade, encourage, enjoin, enter a protest, except, exhort, fight, frighten off, holler, howl, incite, induce, intimidate, inveigh against, issue a caveat, kick, kid out of, march, move, object, oppose, persuade, picket, preach, press objections, prompt, protest, raise a howl, rally, remonstrate, resist, scruple, sit in, squawk, state a grievance, strike, talk out of, teach in, unpersuade, urge, warn, yell bloody murder
[edit]- exposure, ASA exposure index, DIN number, PR, acquaintance, airing, apocalypse, apparition, appearance, appearing, arising, aspect, attitude, avatar, azimuth, ballyhoo, baring, bearing, bearings, blurb, bright light, bringing to light, casual discovery, catching, celebrity, celestial navigation, chance discovery, coming, coming into being, coming-forth, common knowledge, communicating, communication, contact, cry, currency, danger, daylight, dead reckoning, defenselessness, demonstration, denudation, desquamation, detection, determination, determining, direction, discernibleness, disclosing, disclosure, disconfirmation, discovering, discovery, display, disproof, disproval, disproving, distinguishment, divestment, divulging, eclat, emergence, enactment, endangerment, epiphany, espial, excavation, excoriation, exfoliation, exhibit, exhibition, exhibitionism, exhumation, experience, explosion, expose, exposition, exposure meter, f-stop, fame, familiarity, famousness, film rating, film speed, find, finding, finding out, fix, forthcoming, frontage, glare, hazard, helplessness, hoopla, hue and cry, imperilment, incarnation, indecent exposure, invalidation, invention, issuance, jeopardy, knowledge, lay, laying bare, laying open, leak, leaking, lens opening, liability, lie, light meter, limelight, line of position, locating, location, lucky strike, manifestation, materialization, materializing, maximum dissemination, nakedness, negation, nonimmunity, notoriety, observability, occurrence, opening, openness, orientation, ostentation, outcrop, outcropping, outlook, patefaction, perceptibility, performance, peril, pilotage, plug, position, position line, presentation, presentment, press notice, production, projection, public eye, public knowledge, public relations, public report, publication, publicity, publicity story, publicness, publishing, puff, radio bearing, realization, reclame, recognition, redargution, rediscovery, reductio ad absurdum, removal, removing the veil, report, representation, retrospective, revealing, revealment, revelation, rise, rising, risk, seeableness, serendipity, set, setting, show, showing, showing forth, showing up, showup, shutter speed, spotlight, spotting, strike, stripping, susceptibility, susceptivity, the seen, the visible, theophany, time exposure, treasure trove, trouvaille, trove, uncloaking, uncovering, unearthing, unfolding, unfoldment, unmasking, unprotection, unveiling, unwrapping, varnishing day, vernissage, view, visibility, visibleness, visuality, vulnerability, what is revealed, write-up
[edit]- expound, account for, allegorize, clarify, clear up, comment, construe, crack, decipher, delineate, demonstrate, demythologize, describe, discourse, elucidate, enlighten, euhemerize, exemplify, explain, explain away, explicate, exposit, express, give reason for, give the meaning, harangue, hold forth, illuminate, illustrate, interpret, lecture, make clear, make plain, moralize, point a moral, popularize, preach, present, rationalize, read a lesson, sermonize, shed light upon, show, show how, show the way, simplify, solve, spell out, state, throw light upon, unfold, unlock, unravel
[edit]- express, Amtrak, Aquarius, Ganymede, Hebe, Hermes, Iris, Mercury, PP, Paul Revere, Pheidippides, RD, RFD, absolute, accurate, admitting no exception, advice, affect, affirm, agile, air, air-express, airfreight, airmail, all-out, allege, announce, annunciate, apparent, approve, argue, articulate, assert, assever, asseverate, attest, aver, avouch, avow, baggage train, be indicative of, be significant of, be symptomatic of, bearer, bespeak, betoken, bheesty, book post, brandish, breakneck, breathe, bring forth, bring forward, bring into view, bring out, bring to life, bring to notice, broach, busboy, by airmail, by cable, by express, by return mail, by telegraph, cable railroad, caddie, cargo handler, carrier, carrier pigeon, carter, categorical, certain, character, characterize, chime, choo-choo, chorus, circulate, clean-cut, clear, clear as crystal, clear as day, clear-cut, close, cog railroad, cog railway, coherent, come out with, commissionaire, common carrier, communicate, communication, communique, complete, conceive, concentrate, conclusive, concrete, connected, connote, consign, consistent, constant, contend, convey, conveyer, coolie, correspondence, couch, couch in terms, courier, crisp, crush, crystal-clear, crystalline, cupbearer, dangle, dashing, decided, decisive, declare, decoct, defined, definite, definitive, delicate, delineate, deliver, demonstrate, denominate, denote, depict, describe, designate, detailed, determinate, develop, different, differentiate, diplomatic courier, direct, direct mail, direct-mail selling, discernible, discharge, disclose, dispatch, display, distill, distinct, distinguished, divulge, double-quick, downright, drain, dramatize, draw, drayman, drop a letter, eagle-winged, el, electric, electric train, elevated, embark, embassy, embody, embody in words, emissary, emit, enact, entail, entire, enunciate, esoteric, especial, essentialize, estafette, even, evidence, evident, evince, evoke, exact, exceptional, exhibit, expedite, expeditious, expel, explicit, export, expose, expose to view, express train, expressed, expressman, extract, extraordinary, faithful, fast, final, fine, fixed, flat, flat-out, flaunt, fleet, flier, fling off, flourish, flying, force out, formularize, formulate, forward, fourth-class mail, frame, frank, freight, freight train, freighter, funicular, furnish evidence, galloping, get across, give, give evidence, give expression, give expression to, give indication of, give out with, give sign, give token, give tongue, give utterance, give voice, give words to, global, go to show, go-between, goods train, gun bearer, hair-trigger, halfpenny post, hasty, hauler, have, headlong, highlight, hint, hold, homing pigeon, hustling, identify, illuminate, illustrate, immediate, impart, implicit, imply, import, in posthaste, inappealable, incarnate, indicate, indisputable, individual, indubitable, inerrable, inerrant, infallible, infuse, inner, insist, intend, intended, intentional, interurban, intimate, involve, issue a manifesto, junk mail, lay down, let out, letter, letter carrier, letter post, letters, light of heel, light-footed, lightning express, limited, limn, limpid, lip, litter-bearer, lively, local, loud and clear, lucid, luminous, mail, mail-order selling, mailing list, maintain, make clear, make known, make plain, manifest, manifesto, mark, materialize, mathematical, mean, melt down, mercurial, message, message-bearer, messenger, metro, micrometrically precise, microscopic, milk train, minute, monorail, newspaper post, nice, nimble, nimble-footed, note, noteworthy, noticeable, nuncio, observable, obvious, open-and-shut, out-and-out, outline, outright, paint, palpable, parade, paragraph, parcel post, parliamentary, parliamentary train, particular, passenger train, patent, pellucid, perceivable, perceptible, peremptory, perfect, perform, personal, perspicuous, phonate, phrase, picture, pinpoint, plain, plain as day, pneumatogram, point to, porter, portray, positive, post, post day, postboy, posthaste, postrider, pour forth, precipitate, precise, predicate, premeditated, present, press out, private, proclaim, produce, profess, prompt, pronounce, protest, put, put about, put across, put forth, put in words, put it, quick, quick as lightning, quick as thought, rack-and-pinion railroad, railroad train, raise, rapid, rattler, reckless, redcap, refine, refined, registered mail, release, religious, religiously exact, remit, render, represent, respective, reveal, rhetorize, rigid, rigorous, roll out, rolling stock, round, runner, running, rural delivery, rural free delivery, say, scientific, scientifically exact, sea mail, seapost, seeable, self-evident, self-explaining, self-explanatory, send, send away, send forth, send off, set, set down, set forth, set out, several, severe, shield-bearer, ship, show, show forth, show signs of, shuttle, shuttle train, signalize, signify, simple, singular, sketch, skycap, snappy, soak, solipsistic, sound, spanking, speak, speak for itself, speak out, speak up, speak volumes, special, special delivery, special handling, specific, speedy, spell, spotlight, square, stand for, stand on, state, steep, stevedore, straight, straight-out, straightforward, streamliner, stretcher-bearer, strict, style, submit, subtle, subway, suggest, surface mail, swift, symbolize, symptomatize, symptomize, tangible, telegram, tell, tend to show, testify, the Water Bearer, throw off, to be seen, token, total, train, translucent, transmit, transparent, transpicuous, transporter, trot out, truck driver, trucker, true, tube, unambiguous, uncircumscribed, unconditional, unconditioned, unconfused, underground, undeviating, undoubting, unequivocal, unerring, unfold, unhampered, unhesitating, univocal, unlimited, unmistakable, unmitigated, unqualified, unquestioning, unreserved, unrestricted, unwaivable, utter, uttered, vent, ventilate, verbalize, visible, vocalize, voice, voiced, wagoner, water boy, water carrier, wave, way train, well-defined, whisper, whole, winged, without exception, without reserve, word, wring, wring out, write
[edit]- expression, Christophany, Parthian shot, Satanophany, accent, adage, address, adjectival phrase, affirmation, air, airing, allegation, ana, analects, angelophany, announcement, answer, antonym, aphorism, apostrophe, apothegm, appearance, ardor, articulateness, articulation, aspect, assertion, asseveration, avatar, averment, avulsion, axiom, byword, cantando, cast, catchword, characterization, choice of words, clause, collected sayings, command of language, command of words, comment, communication, composition, concentration, construction, countenance, crack, current saying, cutting out, declaration, decoction, delivery, demilegato, demonstration, denomination, denotation, depth, deracination, designation, dialect, dictate, diction, dictum, differentiation, disclosure, disentanglement, dissemination, distich, distillation, drawing, drawing out, dredging, drilling, effective style, eloquence, eloquent tongue, embodiment, emotion, enucleation, enunciation, epigram, epiphany, eradication, evidence, evincement, evolvement, evulsion, excavation, excision, exclamation, execution, expressiveness, exsection, extirpation, extraction, extrication, face, facundity, feeling, felicitousness, felicity, fingering, formulation, free form, gesture, gift of expression, gift of gab, glibness, glissando, gnome, golden saying, grammar, graphicness, greeting, headed group, hint, homograph, homonym, homophone, identification, idiom, idiotism, incarnation, indication, indicativeness, infusion, intensity, interjection, intonation, issue, language, legato, lexeme, linguistic form, locution, logos, look, loudness, manifestation, manner of speaking, materialization, maxim, meaning, meaningfulness, mention, metonym, mezzo staccato, mien, minimum free form, mining, monosyllable, moral, mot, motto, music-making, naming, note, noun phrase, nuance, observation, oracle, oratory, paragraph, parlance, parlando, passion, pathos, peculiar expression, performance, period, phrasal idiom, phrase, phraseology, phrasing, pianism, picking out, pithy saying, pizzicato, pneumatophany, pointing, pointing out, pointing to, polysyllable, position, precept, prescript, pressing, pressing out, pronouncement, proof, proverb, proverbial saying, proverbs, publication, pulling, quarrying, question, reflection, remark, reminder, removal, rendering, rendition, repercussion, representation, revelation, rhetoric, ripping out, rubato, saw, say, saying, selection, sensitivity, sentence, sententious expression, set phrase, shading, show, showing, sign, signification, silver tongue, slickness, sloka, slur, smoothness, soaking, softness, specification, speech, spiccato, spirit, squeezing, squeezing out, staccato, standard phrase, statement, steeping, stock saying, style, subjoinder, suggestion, sutra, syllable, symbol, symptomaticness, synonym, syntactic structure, talk, teaching, term, text, theophany, thought, token, tone, touch, turn of expression, turn of phrase, unrooting, uprooting, usage, use of words, usus loquendi, utterance, vent, verb complex, verb phrase, verbalism, verbalization, verbiage, verbum, verse, visage, vividness, vocable, voice, voicing, way of speaking, wisdom, wisdom literature, wise saying, withdrawal, witticism, word, word-group, wordage, wording, words of wisdom, wresting out
[edit]- expressionism, abstractionism, coloring, deformation, distortion, exaggeration, false coloring, falsification, garbling, hyperbole, inaccuracy, injustice, litotes, miscoloring, misdrawing, mispainting, misquotation, misreport, misrepresentation, misstatement, misteaching, nonrealism, overdrawing, overstatement, perversion, slanting, twisting, understatement
[edit]- expressionless, Olympian, aloof, backward, bashful, blank, chilled, chilly, cold, constrained, cool, dead, deadpan, detached, discreet, distant, dull, empty, fishy, forbidding, frigid, frosty, glassy, guarded, icy, impassive, impersonal, inaccessible, inexpressive, inscrutable, introverted, lackluster, lusterless, modest, offish, poker-faced, remote, removed, repressed, reserved, restrained, reticent, retiring, shrinking, standoff, standoffish, stolid, subdued, suppressed, unaffable, unapproachable, uncongenial, undemonstrative, unexpansive, unexpressive, ungenial, vacant, vacuous, withdrawn, wooden
[edit]- expressive, Christophanic, Satanophanic, alive, allegorical, allusive, angelophanic, appearing, associational, connotational, connotative, definable, delineative, demonstrating, demonstrative, denominative, denotational, denotative, depictive, descriptive, designative, diagnostic, disclosive, displaying, eloquent, emblematic, emotional, epiphanic, evidential, evincive, exhibitive, explicit, expositional, expositive, expository, extended, extensional, facund, faithful, figural, figurative, forceful, full of meaning, full of point, full of substance, graphic, identifying, ideographic, idiosyncratic, imaginative, implicative, incarnating, incarnational, indicating, indicative, indicatory, individual, intelligible, intensional, interpretable, lifelike, lively, loaded, manifestative, materializing, meaning, meaningful, meaty, metaphorical, moving, naming, naturalistic, pathognomonic, peculiar, pictorial, pithy, pneumatophanic, poignant, pointed, pregnant, presentational, promulgatory, provocative, readable, realistic, referential, representative, responsive, revealing, revelational, revelatory, rich, semantic, semiotic, sententious, showing, signalizing, significant, significative, signifying, spirited, striking, substantial, suggestive, symbolic, symbolistic, symbological, symptomatic, symptomatologic, telling, theophanic, thought-provoking, transferred, true to life, typical, vivid, well-drawn
[edit]- expressly, absolutely, apparently, apprehensibly, articulately, as well, categorically, clearly, coherently, comprehensibly, concretely, dead, definitely, directly, discernibly, distinctly, especially, even, evidently, exactly, explicitly, faithfully, in all respects, in detail, in every respect, in particular, in plain English, in plain terms, in plain words, intelligibly, ipsissimis verbis, item by item, just, limpidly, literally, literatim, lucidly, manifestly, minutely, noticeably, observably, obviously, on purpose, palpably, particularly, patently, pellucidly, perceivably, perceptibly, perspicuously, plainly, plumb, point-blank, pointedly, positively, precisely, purposefully, purposely, right, rigidly, rigorously, separately, simply, singly, specially, specifically, square, squarely, straight, strictly, to be specific, to the letter, unambiguously, understandably, undeviatingly, unequivocally, unerringly, unmistakably, verbally, verbatim, verbatim et litteratim, visibly, word by word, word for word
[edit]- expressway, Autobahn, US highway, alley, alleyway, arterial, arterial highway, arterial street, artery, autoroute, autostrada, avenue, belt highway, blind alley, boulevard, bypass, byway, camino real, carriageway, causeway, causey, chaussee, circumferential, close, corduroy road, county road, court, crescent, cul-de-sac, dead-end street, dike, dirt road, drive, driveway, freeway, gravel road, highroad, highway, highways and byways, interstate highway, lane, local road, main drag, main road, mews, motorway, parkway, pave, paved road, pike, place, plank road, primary highway, private road, right-of-way, ring road, road, roadbed, roadway, route nationale, row, royal road, secondary road, speedway, state highway, street, superhighway, terrace, thoroughfare, through street, thruway, toll road, township road, turnpike, wynd
[edit]- expropriate, accroach, annex, arrogate, attach, collectivize, commandeer, communalize, communize, confiscate, cut off, disendow, disherison, disinherit, disown, dispossess, disseise, distrain, evict, foreclose, garnish, impound, impress, levy, nationalize, preempt, press, replevin, replevy, seize, sequester, sequestrate, socialize, take, take away
[edit]- expulsion, banishment, blowout, booting out, cashiering, clearance, communication, conduction, contagion, convection, deconsecration, defenestration, defrocking, delivery, deportation, deposal, deposition, deprivation, detachment, dethronement, detrusion, diapedesis, diffusion, disbarment, disbarring, discard, discharge, discrownment, disenthronement, disgorgement, disjunction, dismissal, displacement, disposal, disposition, dissemination, ejaculation, ejection, ejectment, elimination, emission, eradication, eructation, eruption, eviction, excommunication, exile, expatriation, expelling, export, exportation, extradition, extravasation, extrusion, firing, forced resignation, impeachment, import, importation, interchange, jet, jettison, kicking downstairs, kicking upstairs, liquidation, metastasis, metathesis, metempsychosis, migration, mutual transfer, obtrusion, osmosis, ostracism, ouster, ousting, outburst, outlawing, outlawry, outpour, overthrow, overthrowal, passage, passing over, pensioning off, perfusion, purge, rejection, relegation, removal, repudiation, retirement, riddance, sacking, severance, spout, spread, spreading, spurt, squirt, superannuation, suspension, the boot, the bounce, the sack, throwing out, transduction, transfer, transfer of property, transference, transfusion, transit, transition, translation, translocation, transmigration, transmigration of souls, transmission, transmittal, transmittance, transplacement, transplantation, transposal, transposition, travel, unchurching, unfrocking, unseating, withdrawal
[edit]- expunge, KO, abbreviate, abridge, annihilate, annul, black out, blot, blot out, blue-pencil, bowdlerize, call off, cancel, censor, complete, cross out, cut, dele, delete, discard, dispose of, drop, drop the curtain, edit, edit out, efface, end off, eradicate, erase, exclude, expurgate, extinguish, finalize, finish, fold up, get it over, get over with, get through with, give the quietus, kayo, kibosh, kill, knock out, obliterate, omit, perfect, polish off, put paid to, raze, rescind, rub out, rule out, scrag, scratch, scratch out, shoot down, sponge, sponge out, strike, strike off, strike out, void, wipe out, zap
[edit]- expunged, SOL, all bets off, all off, all over, all up, at an end, canceled, complete, concluded, dead, decided, defunct, deleted, done, done for, done with, ended, extinct, fini, finished, kaput, over, perfected, set at rest, settled, shot, terminated, through, through with, washed up, wiped out, wound up, zapped
[edit]- expurgate, abbreviate, abridge, bleach, blot out, blue-pencil, bowdlerize, cancel, censor, clean, clean out, clean up, cleanse, clear out, cross out, cut, delete, delouse, depurate, deterge, dry-clean, dust, dust off, edit, edit out, erase, expunge, freshen, kill, lustrate, omit, purge, purify, reform, rescind, rub out, scavenge, spruce, steam-clean, strike, strike off, strike out, sweep out, sweeten, tidy, void, whiten, wipe, wipe off, wipe out, wipe up
[edit]- exquisite, Beau Brummel, accurate, acute, aesthetic, aesthetically appealing, agreeable, ambrosial, appealing, attentive, attractive, beauteous, beautiful, bewitching, blood, braw, buck, captivating, charming, chic, classy, close, clothes-conscious, conscientious, consummate, correct, cosmopolitan, coxcomb, critical, dainty, dandy, dapper, dashing, delectable, delicat, delicate, delicious, delightful, demanding, detailed, divine, dressed to advantage, dressed to kill, dude, elegant, enchanting, endowed with beauty, engaging, enravishing, enthralling, entrancing, errorless, euphemistic, euphuistic, exact, exacting, excruciating, exigent, extreme, eye-filling, fascinating, faultless, fetching, fine, finical, finicking, finicky, finished, flawless, flowerlike, fop, formalistic, fussy, genteel, gilt-edged, glorious, golden, good, good to eat, good-tasting, goody good-good, goody-goody, graceful, gracile, gustable, gusty, handsome, heart-robbing, heavenly, heavy, immaculate, immense, impeccable, intense, intriguing, inviting, irreproachable, irresistible, jaunty, juicy, keen, likable, lounge lizard, lovely, luscious, lush, luxurious, macaroni, magnificent, marvelous, meticulous, mincing, minute, namby-pamby, narrow, natty, neat, nectareous, nectarous, nice, nifty, nobby, of gourmet quality, overnice, overprecise, overrefined, palatable, particular, pedantic, pleasing, poignant, posh, precieuse, precious, precise, precisian, precisianistic, precisionistic, prepossessing, pretty, pulchritudinous, punctilious, punctual, puristic, rare, ravishing, recherche, refined, religious, rigid, rigorous, ritzy, sapid, savorous, savory, scrumptious, scrupulous, scrutinizing, select, sensational, sensuous, sharp, simpering, sleek, smart, smug, snazzy, soigne, soignee, sophisticated, spiffy, splendid, splendiferous, spruce, sterling, strict, style-conscious, subtle, succulent, super, superb, supereminent, superexcellent, superfine, superior, superlative, swank, swanky, swell, taking, tantalizing, tasty, tempting, terrific, thrilling, titillative, toothsome, transcending, tremendous, tricksy, trig, trim, vivid, voluptuous, well-dressed, well-groomed, winning, winsome, witching, wonderful, yummy
[edit]- exquisitely, abundantly, accurately, acutely, amazingly, amply, appealingly, astonishingly, attractively, awesomely, beauteously, beautifully, becomingly, bewitchingly, charmingly, chicly, comelily, conscientiously, conspicuously, copiously, dapperly, dashingly, delightfully, divinely, elegantly, eminently, emphatically, enchantingly, engagingly, enravishingly, entrancingly, exactingly, exactly, exceptionally, extraordinarily, exuberantly, famously, fascinatingly, foppishly, fussily, generously, glaringly, gloriously, handsomely, immensely, impressively, in detail, incredibly, intensely, intriguingly, invitingly, jauntily, luxuriously, magically, magnanimously, magnificently, markedly, marvelously, meticulously, minutely, nattily, neatly, nicely, nobly, notably, particularly, peculiarly, pointedly, precisely, preeminently, prettily, profusely, prominently, pronouncedly, punctiliously, punctually, ravishingly, refinedly, remarkably, richly, rigorously, scrupulously, sensuously, signally, singularly, sleekly, smartly, splendidly, strictly, strikingly, superbly, superlatively, surpassingly, surprisingly, swankily, tantalizingly, temptingly, terrifically, tremendously, trimly, uncommonly, unusually, voluptuously, winningly, winsomely, with exactitude, with great nicety, with precision, wonderfully, wondrous, worthily
[edit]- extant, actual, alive, around, as is, being, contemporaneous, contemporary, current, existent, existing, fresh, immanent, immediate, in being, in effect, in existence, in force, instant, latest, living, modern, new, on foot, present, present-age, present-day, present-time, prevalent, running, subsistent, subsisting, that be, that is, topical, under the sun, up-to-date, up-to-the-minute
[edit]- extemporaneous, ad lib, ad libitum, ad-lib, casual, caught napping, caught off balance, caught short, extemporary, extempore, extemporized, haphazard, hasty, impromptu, improvisatorial, improvise, improvised, improviso, impulsive, informal, jury-rigged, makeshift, off the cuff, off-the-cuff, offhand, precipitate, rough-and-ready, snap, spontaneous, spur-of-the-moment, stopgap, surprised, taken aback, taken by surprise, taken unawares, tripped up, unarranged, unbegun, unconcocted, uncontrived, undeliberated, undevised, unhatched, unmade, unmanufactured, unorganized, unplanned, unpremeditated, unprepared, unprimed, unready, unrehearsed, unstudied
[edit]- extemporize, ad-lib, be caught napping, be surprised, be taken unawares, be unprepared, cook up, dash off, do offhand, fake, go off half-cocked, have no plan, improvisate, improvise, jury-rig, knock off, lash up, make up, play by ear, scrap the plan, strike off, throw off, throw together, toss off, toss out, vamp, whip up, whomp up, wing it
[edit]- extend, abide, accord, add to, adjourn, administer, advance, afford, aggrandize, allocate, allot, allow, amplify, arch over, attain, augment, award, balloon, be lengthy, be prolonged, beef up, belong, bestow, bestow on, bestraddle, bestride, bide, bloat, blow up, boost, branch, branch out, bridge, broaden, build, build up, bulk, bulk out, carry, carry on, carry out, carry to, chatter, come to, communicate, confer, continue, continue to be, cover, crane, crescendo, dawdle, deal, deal in generalities, deal out, deepen, defeat time, defer, defy time, delay, deploy, develop, dilate, disentangle, dish out, dispense, disperse, distend, dole, dole out, donate, drag on, drag out, draw, draw out, dwell, dwell on, ecumenicize, elongate, encompass, endure, enlarge, environ, exalt, exist, expand, extend out, extend over, extend to, fan, fan out, fatten, fill out, flare, flatten, fork out, generalize, get to, gift, gift with, give, give freely, give out, globalize, go, go on, go out, go to, grant, greaten, hand out, hang fire, hang over, hang up, heap, heighten, help to, hike, hike up, hold, hold forth, hold off, hold on, hold out, hold over, hold up, huff, imbricate, impart, increase, inflate, issue, jack up, jump up, jut, keep, keep alive, keep going, keep on, keep up, lap, lap over, last, last long, last out, lavish, lay aside, lay by, lay over, lead to, lengthen, lengthen out, let have, let out, lie, lie over, linger on, live, live on, live through, magnify, maintain, make a generalization, maximize, mete, mete out, multiply, never finish, offer, open, open up, outdistance, outlie, outrange, outreach, outspread, outstretch, overarch, overgrow, overhang, overlap, overlie, override, overrun, pad, parlay, perdure, perennate, perorate, perpetuate, persist, pigeonhole, pose, postpone, pour, prefer, present, preserve, prevail, proceed, procrastinate, produce, proffer, prolong, prolongate, prorogate, prorogue, protract, puff, puff up, pull, pump, pump up, push aside, put aside, put off, put on ice, put straight, put up, pyramid, rain, raise, ramify, range, range out, rarefy, reach, reach out, reach to, recess, rectify, remain, render, reserve, retain, run, run on, run out, run to, serve, set aside, set by, set straight, shell out, shelve, shift off, shingle, shower, sit up, sleep on, slip, smooth, snow, snowball, span, speak at length, spin out, splay, spraddle, sprangle, sprawl, spread, spread like wildfire, spread out, stand, stand on tiptoes, stand over, stand up, stave off, stay, stay on, straddle, straggle, straighten, straighten out, straighten up, strain, stretch, stretch away to, stretch out, stretch to, string out, submit, subsist, sufflate, supplement, surround, survive, suspend, sustain, sweep, swell, table, take a recess, take in, tarry, tauten, temporize, tender, tense, thicken, thrust out, tide over, tighten, tumefy, unbend, uncurl, unfold, universalize, unkink, unroll, unsnarl, up, vary, vouchsafe, waive, wear, wear well, widen, yield
[edit]- extended, accelerated, aggrandized, allegorical, ample, ampliate, amplified, amplitudinous, associational, augmented, beefed-up, bloated, boosted, broad, broadened, built-up, capacious, commodious, connotational, connotative, crescendoed, de longue haleine, deep, deepened, definable, denotational, denotative, dragged out, drawn, drawn out, drawn-out, elevated, elongate, elongated, endless, enhanced, enlarged, expanded, expansive, expressive, extending, extensional, extensive, far-flung, far-reaching, figurative, filled out, full of meaning, full of point, full of substance, heightened, hiked, increased, indicative, infinite, inflated, intelligible, intensified, intensional, interminable, interpretable, jazzed up, languishing, lasting, lengthened, lengthy, lingering, long, long-continuing, long-drawn, long-drawn-out, long-pending, long-spun, long-winded, longiloquent, magnified, marathon, meaning, meaningful, meaty, metaphorical, multiplied, overlong, padded, pithy, pointed, pregnant, proliferated, prolix, prolongated, prolonged, protracted, pulled, raised, readable, referential, reinforced, roomy, scopic, sententious, significant, significative, spacious, spread, spread out, spreading, spun out, spun-out, stiffened, straggling, strained, strengthened, stretched, stretched out, stretched-out, strung out, substantial, suggestive, swollen, symbolic, talkative, taut, tense, tight, tightened, transferred, unrelenting, upped, vast, verbose, voluminous, wide, widened, widespread, windy, wordy
[edit]- extension, L, access, accession, accessory, accompaniment, accretion, accrual, accruement, accumulation, acreage, addenda, addendum, additament, addition, additive, additory, additum, adjunct, adjuvant, advance, affective meaning, aggrandizement, alternate, alternative school, ambit, ampliation, amplification, amplitude, annex, annexation, appanage, appendage, appendant, appendix, appreciation, appurtenance, appurtenant, area, arm, ascent, attachment, augment, augmentation, ballooning, bearing, bigness, blab school, bloating, block, boarding school, body, boom, boost, breadth, broadening, buildup, bulk, caliber, call box, capacity, central school, coda, coin telephone, coloring, coming after, compass, complement, comprehensiveness, concomitant, connotation, consecution, consecutiveness, consequence, consolidated school, continualness, continuance, continuation, continuation school, continuing, continuity, continuum, corollary, correspondence school, country day school, coverage, crescendo, dame school, day school, denotation, deployment, depth, descent, desk telephone, development, dial telephone, diameter, dimension, dimensions, dispersion, distance, distension, drawing out, drift, edema, effect, elevation, ell, elongation, emptiness, empty space, endurance, enlargement, essence, evening school, expanse, expansion, extensiveness, extent, extrapolation, fanning out, field, finishing school, fixture, flare, flood, following, force, free school, gain, galactic space, gauge, girth, gist, grammatical meaning, greatening, greatness, growth, gush, height, hike, hiking, idea, impact, implication, import, increase, increment, infinite space, infinity, inflation, informal school, intension, interstellar space, jump, largeness, leap, length, lengthening, lengthiness, lexical meaning, line, lineage, linear measures, lingering, literal meaning, logical sequence, long time, longitude, longness, magnification, magnitude, maintenance, mass, meaning, measure, measurement, mileage, mounting, mouthpiece, multiplication, night school, nongraded school, nothingness, offshoot, open classroom school, orbit, order, order of succession, outer space, overall length, overtone, pay station, pendant, pensionat, perpetuation, perpetuity, perseverance, persistence, pertinence, phone, pith, platoon school, point, posteriority, postposition, practical consequence, private school, procession, procrastination, production, productiveness, progress, progression, progressive school, proliferation, prolongation, proportion, proportions, protraction, public school, public telephone, purport, pursuance, purview, push-button telephone, radius, raise, raising, range, range of meaning, reach, real meaning, receiver, reference, referent, reinforcement, relation, relevance, repetition, rise, rotation, run, scale, school without walls, scope, semantic cluster, semantic field, sense, sequence, series, side effect, side issue, significance, signification, significatum, signifie, size, snowballing, space, span, span of meaning, spatial extension, special school, sphere, spirit, splay, spread, spreading, spreading out, staying power, storefront school, straight course, strain, street academy, stretch, stretching, stringing out, structural meaning, subjunction, substance, succession, successiveness, suffixation, sum, sum and substance, summer school, superficial extension, supplement, surface, surge, sustained action, sustenance, sweep, swelling, symbolic meaning, tailpiece, telephone, telephone booth, telephone engineering, telephone extension, telephone mechanics, telephone receiver, telephonics, telephony, tenor, tension, totality of associations, tract, transferred meaning, transmitter, tumescence, unadorned meaning, undergirding, undertone, uninterrupted course, union school, unremittingness, up, upping, upsurge, upswing, uptrend, upturn, vacation school, value, volume, wall telephone, waxing, way, widening, width, wing, yardage
[edit]- extensive, Gargantuan, a mile long, all-embracing, ample, amplitudinous, astronomical, awesome, big, boundless, broad, bulky, capacious, catholic, colossal, commodious, comprehensive, considerable, copious, cosmic, cosmopolitan, deep, diffuse, dilatant, distensive, elastic, enormous, expansible, expansile, expansional, expansive, extended, extending, extensile, extensional, far-embracing, far-extending, far-flung, far-flying, far-going, far-ranging, far-reaching, fargoing, full, galactic, general, generous, gigantic, global, great, huge, immeasurable, immense, inclusive, indiscriminate, infinite, inflatable, inflationary, interminable, international, king-size, large, large-scale, lengthy, liberal, long, longish, longsome, mammoth, massive, massy, monster, monstrous, monumental, mountainous, national, no end of, outsize, overgrown, prodigious, roomy, scopic, sesquipedal, sesquipedalian, sizable, sizeable, spacious, spreading, stupendous, substantial, sweeping, tall, titanic, tremendous, universal, vast, voluminous, weighty, wholesale, wide, wide-extended, wide-extending, wide-ranging, wide-reaching, wide-stretching, widespread, without end, worldwide
[edit]- extent, acreage, aesthetic distance, ambit, amount, amplitude, area, beam, bigness, body, bounds, breadth, broadness, bulk, caliber, capaciousness, clearance, compass, continuum, coverage, cut, deep space, degree, depth, depths of space, diameter, dimension, dimensions, distance, distance across, divergence, domain, emptiness, empty space, enormousness, expanse, expansion, extension, farness, field, force, fullness, galactic space, gauge, girth, grade, greatness, height, immensity, infinite space, infinity, interstellar space, interval, largeness, latitude, leap, leeway, length, lengthiness, lengths, level, light-years, limit, limitation, linear measures, long time, longitude, longness, magnitude, margin, mark, mass, matter, measure, measurement, mileage, neighborhood, notch, nothingness, nuance, numbers, orbit, order, outer space, overall length, parsecs, pas, peg, period, perpetuity, perspective, piece, pitch, plane, plateau, point, proportion, proportions, province, purview, quantity, quantum, radius, range, ratio, reach, region, remoteness, remove, round, rung, scale, scope, separation, shade, shadow, size, space, spaciousness, span, spatial extension, sphere, spread, stair, standard, step, stint, strength, stretch, stride, substance, sum, superficial extension, surface, sweep, territory, tract, tread, tune, vicinity, void, volume, way, ways, whole, wideness, width, yardage
[edit]- extenuate, abate, allay, alleviate, allow for, apologize, assuage, attemper, attenuate, bank the fire, bate, blunt, chasten, color, constrain, control, cramp, cripple, damp, dampen, de-emphasize, deaden, debilitate, devitalize, dilute, diminish, downplay, dull, ease, enervate, enfeeble, eviscerate, exhaust, explain, gloss over, gruel, ignore, justify, keep within bounds, lay, lay low, lenify, lessen, lighten, make allowance for, mince, mitigate, moderate, modulate, obtund, palliate, play down, qualify, rationalize, rattle, reduce, reduce the temperature, remit, restrain, sap, shake, shake up, slacken, slow down, slur over, smother, sober, sober down, soft-pedal, soften, soften up, stifle, subdue, sugarcoat, suppress, tame, temper, tone down, tune down, unbrace, undermine, underplay, unman, unnerve, unstrengthen, unstring, varnish, veneer, water down, weaken, white, whiten, whitewash
[edit]- extenuating, altering, apologetic, assuasive, bounding, diminishing, excusatory, excusing, extenuative, extenuatory, justificatory, justifying, lenitive, lessening, limitative, limiting, mitigating, mitigative, mitigatory, modificatory, modifying, modulatory, palliative, qualificative, qualificatory, qualifying, refuting, rehabilitative, restricting, restrictive, softening, tempering, vindicative, vindicatory
[edit]- exterior, airscape, alien, apparent, apparent character, appearances, border, circumference, cityscape, cloudscape, coating, cortex, cortical, covering, crust, diorama, display, envelope, epidermic, epidermis, exomorphic, exotic, exteriors, external, external appearance, externals, extraneous, extrinsic, facade, face, facet, facing, farmscape, foreign, fringe, front, gaudiness, integument, interior, landscape, lineaments, mere externals, meretriciousness, open, ostent, out, outer, outer face, outer layer, outer side, outer skin, outermost, outline, outlying, outmost, outside, outstanding, outward, outward appearance, outward show, outward-facing, pastoral, peripheral, periphery, public, public image, rind, riverscape, roundabout, scape, scene, seapiece, seascape, seeming, shell, show, skin, skyscape, snowscape, speciousness, superficial, superficiality, superficies, superstratum, surface, surface appearance, surface show, top, townscape, vain show, view, waterscape
[edit]- exteriority, cursoriness, epidermis, gloss, mere scratch, no depth, no water, pinprick, rind, scratch, shallowness, shoaliness, skin, slightness, superficiality, superficies, surface, triviality, veneer
[edit]- exterminate, abate, abolish, annihilate, bereave of life, blot out, bump off, butcher, carry away, carry off, cast off, chloroform, cut down, cut off, cut out, deprive of life, deracinate, destroy, dispatch, dispel, dispose of, do away with, do for, do to death, eliminate, end, eradicate, execute, extinguish, extirpate, finish, finish off, fling off, get rid of, immolate, kill, launch into eternity, liquidate, lynch, make away with, martyr, martyrize, massacre, murder, obliterate, poison, purge, put away, put down, put to death, put to sleep, remove, remove from life, root out, root up, rub out, sacrifice, shake off, shoo, slaughter, slay, stamp out, starve, sweep away, take life, take off, terminate, throw away, throw off, uproot, waste, weed out, wipe out
[edit]- extermination, abolishment, abolition, annihilation, annulment, bane, blood, bloodletting, bloodshed, braining, choking, choking off, dealing death, deracination, destruction, destruction of life, dispatch, elimination, eradication, euthanasia, execution, extinction, extinguishment, extirpation, flow of blood, gore, immolation, kill, killing, lapidation, liquidation, martyrdom, martyrization, mercy killing, negation, nullification, poisoning, purge, ritual killing, ritual murder, rooting out, sacrifice, shooting, silencing, slaughter, slaying, snuffing out, stifling, stoning, strangulation, suffocation, suppression, taking of life, uprooting, voiding
[edit]- exterminator, Cain, annihilator, apache, arsonist, assassin, assassinator, biblioclast, bloodletter, bloodshedder, bomber, bravo, burker, burner, butcher, button man, cannibal, cutthroat, demolisher, desperado, destroyer, dynamitard, dynamiter, eradicator, executioner, garroter, gorilla, gun, gunman, gunsel, hatchet man, head-hunter, hit man, homicidal maniac, homicide, hun, iconoclast, idol breaker, idoloclast, killer, man-eater, man-killer, manslayer, massacrer, matador, murderer, nihilist, pesticide, poison, poisoner, ruiner, slaughterer, slayer, strangler, syndicalist, terrorist, thug, torpedo, trigger man, vandal, wrecker
[edit]- external, alien, apparent, border, circumference, cortex, cortical, covering, crust, envelope, epidermic, epidermis, exomorphic, exotic, exterior, extraneous, extraorganismal, extrinsic, facade, face, facet, foreign, fringe, front, impersonal, integument, lineaments, nonsubjective, objective, open, out, outer, outer face, outer layer, outer side, outer skin, outermost, outline, outlying, outmost, outside, outstanding, outward, outward-facing, over, perceptible, peripheral, periphery, public, rind, roundabout, seeming, shell, skin, superficial, superficies, superstratum, surface, top, visible
[edit]- externals, apparent character, appearances, display, exteriors, external appearance, facade, front, gaudiness, mere externals, meretriciousness, ostent, outward appearance, outward show, public image, show, speciousness, superficiality, surface appearance, surface show, vain show
[edit]- exterrestrial, alien, exterritorial, extragalactic, extralateral, extraliminal, extramundane, extramural, extrapolar, extraprovincial, extrasolar, extraterrene, extraterrestrial, extraterritorial, extratribal, foreign, otherworldly, outlandish, space, transcendental, transmundane
[edit]- extinct, SOL, ago, all bets off, all gone, all off, all over, all up, ancient, annihilated, antediluvian, antiquated, antique, archaic, asleep, at an end, away, blown over, by, bygone, bypast, canceled, cold, collapsed, complete, concluded, dated, dead, dead and buried, deceased, decided, defunct, deleted, demode, departed, disappeared, disused, done, done for, done with, dormant, down the drain, elapsed, ended, exanimate, expired, expunged, extinguished, fallen, fini, finished, forgotten, gone, gone away, gone glimmering, gone out, gone-by, had it, has-been, inactive, irrecoverable, kaput, kaputt, lapsed, late, lifeless, lost, lost to sight, lost to view, missing, no more, nonexistent, obsolete, old hat, old-fashioned, out, out of date, out of sight, out of style, out of use, outmoded, outworn, over, overthrown, passe, passed, passed away, past, past and gone, perfected, perished, quenched, run out, set at rest, settled, shot, superseded, terminated, through, through with, unanimated, vanished, washed up, wiped out, wound up, zapped
[edit]- extinction, abolishment, abolition, abscission, amputation, annihilation, annulment, bane, biological death, blackout, blocking, burning out, burnout, cessation of life, choking, choking off, clinical death, controlling, crossing the bar, curtains, damping, death, death knell, debt of nature, decease, dematerialization, demise, departure, deracination, destruction, disappearance, disappearing, dispersion, dissipation, dissolution, dissolving, doom, dousing, dying, ebb of life, eclipse, elimination, end, end of life, ending, eradication, erasure, eternal rest, evanescence, evaporation, excision, exclusion, exit, expiration, extermination, extinguishment, extirpation, fadeaway, fadeout, fading, final summons, finger of death, fire fighting, flame-out, going, going off, going out, grave, hand of death, jaws of death, knell, last debt, last muster, last rest, last roundup, last sleep, leaving life, liquidation, loss of life, making an end, melting, mutilation, negation, nullification, occultation, parting, passing, passing away, passing over, perishing, purge, putting out, quenching, quietus, release, rescission, rest, reward, rooting out, sentence of death, shades of death, shadow of death, silencing, sleep, smotheration, smothering, snuffing, snuffing out, somatic death, stifling, strangulation, suffocation, summons of death, suppression, uprooting, vanishing, vanishing point, voiding, wipe
[edit]- extinguish, KO, abate, abolish, abscind, adumbrate, amputate, annihilate, asphyxiate, ban, banish, bar, blot out, blow out, bob, bottle up, call off, cancel, censor, choke, choke off, clamp down on, clip, complete, cork, cork up, crack down on, crop, crush, cull, cut, cut away, cut off, cut out, damp, damp down, delete, destroy, dim, dispose of, do away with, dock, douse, drop the curtain, drown, eclipse, eliminate, end off, enucleate, eradicate, except, excise, exclude, expunge, exterminate, extirpate, fake out, finalize, finish, fold up, gag, get it over, get over with, get through with, give the quietus, hold down, isolate, jump on, kayo, keep down, keep under, kibosh, kill, knock off, knock out, lop, mutilate, muzzle, nip, nullify, obliterate, obscure, out, outdo, overshadow, pare, peel, perfect, pick out, polish off, pour water on, prune, put down, put out, put paid to, put to shame, quash, quell, quench, remove, repress, root out, rule out, scrag, set apart, set aside, shave, shear, shoot down, show up, shut down on, silence, sit down on, sit on, slack, smash, smother, snuff, snuff out, squash, squelch, stamp out, stanch, stifle, strangle, strike off, strip, strip off, stultify, subdue, suffocate, suppress, take off, take out, throttle, trample out, trample underfoot, truncate, turn off, turn out, uproot, wipe, wipe out, zap
[edit]- extinguisher, Foamite, acid, automatic sprinkler, carbon tet, carbon tetrachloride, carbon-dioxide foam, deck gun, deluge set, fire apparatus, fire engine, fire hose, fire hydrant, fireplug, foam, foam extinguisher, hook-and-ladder, ladder pipe, pumper, snorkel, soda, sprinkler, sprinkler head, sprinkler system, super-pumper, water, water cannon, wet blanket
[edit]- extirpate, abate, abolish, abscind, amputate, annihilate, ban, bar, blot, bob, clip, crop, cull, cut, cut away, cut off, cut out, deracinate, dock, eliminate, enucleate, eradicate, except, excise, exclude, exterminate, extinguish, isolate, knock off, liquidate, lop, mutilate, nip, pare, peel, pick out, prune, purge, remove, root out, root up, rule out, set apart, set aside, shave, shear, stamp out, strike off, strip, strip off, sweep away, take off, take out, truncate, uproot, wipe out
[edit]- extol, acclaim, adulate, apotheosize, applaud, belaud, bepraise, bless, bless the Lord, blow up, boast of, brag about, celebrate, cheer, commend, compliment, congratulate, cry up, deify, doxologize, elevate, emblazon, eulogize, exalt, flatter, glorify, glorify the Lord, hero-worship, honor, hymn, idolize, laud, lionize, magnify, make much of, overpraise, panegyrize, pay tribute, porter aux nues, praise, praise God, puff, puff up, salute, sing praises, trumpet, uplift
[edit]- extort, abstract, and, annex, appropriate, ask, ask for, badger, bag, blackmail, bleed, boost, borrow, bully, call for, challenge, cheat, claim, clamor for, coerce, cop, crib, cry for, defraud, demand, embezzle, exact, extract, filch, fleece, force, force from, get, gouge, hook, impose, indent, issue an ultimatum, levy, levy blackmail, lift, make a demand, make off with, milk, nip, obtain, order, order up, palm, pilfer, pinch, place an order, poach, pry loose from, purloin, put in requisition, rend, rend from, require, requisition, rip, rip from, run away with, rustle, screw, scrounge, secure, shake down, shoplift, skin, snare, snatch, snatch from, snitch, squeeze, steal, swindle, swipe, take, tear from, thieve, walk off with, warn, wrench, wrench from, wrest, wring, wring from
[edit]- extortion, armed robbery, asportation, assault and robbery, badger game, banditry, bank robbery, blackmail, bloodsucking, call, call for, cattle lifting, cattle stealing, claim, contribution, demand, demand for, draft, drain, duty, exaction, exploitation, extortionate demand, heavy demand, heist, highway robbery, hijacking, holdup, imposition, impost, indent, insistent demand, levy, loan-sharking, mugging, nonnegotiable demand, notice, order, overassessment, overcharge, pocket picking, protection racket, purse snatching, rending, requirement, requisition, ripping, robbery, robbing, rush, rush order, shakedown, shylocking, stickup, stickup job, surcharge, tax, taxing, tearing, tribute, ultimatum, usury, vampirism, warning, wrench, wrenching, wrest, wresting, wring, wringing
[edit]- extortionate, all-devouring, all-engulfing, arousing, bloodsucking, clamant, clamorous, crying, cutthroat, demanding, draining, educible, eductive, elicitory, eradicative, evocative, exacting, exactive, excessive, exigent, exorbitant, extortionary, extortive, extractive, extravagant, fancy, gouging, grabby, grasping, grossly overpriced, immoderate, importunate, inflationary, inordinate, insistent, instant, loud, lupine, out of bounds, out of sight, outrageous, overpriced, parasitic, persistent, pertinacious, predacious, predatory, preposterous, pressing, prohibitive, rapacious, raptorial, ravening, ravenous, sharkish, skyrocketing, spiraling, taxing, unconscionable, undue, unreasonable, unwarranted, uprooting, urgent, usurious, vulturine, vulturous, wolfish
[edit]- extra, above, accessory, accident, accidental, added, addendum, addition, additional, additionally, adjunct, adscititious, adventitious, again, all included, also, altogether, amazingly, among other things, ancillary, and all, and also, and so, another, appendage, appurtenance, appurtenant, as a bonus, as well, ascititious, au reste, auxiliary, balance, beside, besides, beyond, bit player, bonus, casual, circumstantial, collateral, considerably, contingency, contingent, contributory, daily, daily newspaper, de trop, decoration, dividend, else, en plus, especially, exceptionally, excess, extra added attraction, extra dash, extra edition, extraordinarily, extremely, farther, figurant, figurante, filigree, filling, fillip, flourish, for lagniappe, fortuitous, fresh, frill, further, furthermore, gazette, gratuity, happenstance, held back, held in reserve, held out, in abeyance, in addition, in hand, incidental, inessential, inter alia, into the bargain, item, kicker, lagniappe, leftover, likewise, margin, markedly, mere chance, mint, more, moreover, mute, national newspaper, neighborhood newspaper, new, news, newspaper, newspaper of record, nonessential, not-self, notably, noticeably, occasional, odd, off, on the side, on top of, original, ornament, other, out-of-the-way, over, over and above, overage, overmeasure, overplus, overrun, overset, overstock, oversupply, padding, paper, part-time, particularly, plus, pourboire, premium, pristine, put aside, put by, rag, rarely, remainder, remaining, remarkably, reserve, saved, secondary, sheet, side, similarly, something extra, spare, spear-carrier, special, special edition, stand-in, standby, stored, strikingly, stuffing, subsidiary, substitute, supe, super, superadded, superaddition, superfluous, supernumerary, supervenient, supplement, supplemental, supplementary, support, supporting actor, supporting cast, surcharge, surplus, surplusage, surprisingly, suspended, tabloid, then, therewith, tip, to boot, to spare, too, trimming, twist, ulterior, unapplied, unbeaten, uncommon, uncommonly, unconsumed, understudy, unemployed, unessential, unexercised, unexpectedly, unexpended, unhandled, unspent, untapped, untouched, untrodden, unused, unusually, unutilized, very, waived, walk-on, walking gentleman, weekly, weekly newspaper, wrinkle, yet
[edit]- extract, abate, abrade, abridge, abstract, ambergris, ambrosia, aromatic, aromatic gum, aromatic water, artifact, attar, attar of roses, avulse, balm, balm of Gilead, balsam, bate, bay oil, bergamot oil, bolt, brainchild, carve, champaca oil, child, chisel, choose, choose out, citation, cite, civet, clarify, clear, clipping, coinage, collect, composition, concentrate, concentration, conclude, concoction, condense, convert, copy, creation, creature, crowning achievement, cull, cultivate, curtail, cut out, cutting, decide between, decoction, decrassify, decrease, deduce, deduct, deliver, depreciate, depurate, deracinate, derive, derogate, detract, develop, dig out, dig up, diminish, disentangle, disparage, distill, distillate, distillation, drain, draw, draw a conclusion, draw an inference, draw forth, draw out, dredge, dredge up, eat away, edulcorate, effect, eke out, elicit, elixir, elute, end product, eradicate, erode, essence, essential oil, essentialize, evince, evoke, evolve, evulse, excavate, excerpt, excerption, excise, exsect, extort, extraction, extricate, fetch, file away, filter, filtrate, find, fixative, force out, free, fruit, garner, gather, get, get out, glean, gouge out, grow, grub up, handiwork, handpick, harvest, heliotrope, impair, induce, infer, infusion, invention, issue, jasmine oil, lavender oil, leach, lessen, liberate, lixiviate, machine, make a selection, manufacture, masterpiece, masterwork, milk, mill, mine, mintage, musk, myrcia oil, myrrh, new mintage, obtain, offspring, opera, opus, opuscule, origination, outcome, outgrowth, parfum, passage, percolate, perfume, perfumery, pick, pick out, pick up, pluck out, pluck up, process, product, production, pry, pull, pull out, pull up, pump, purification, purify, quarry, quintessence, quotation, quote, raise, rake out, ransom, rear, reason, reason that, recover, rectify, redeem, reduce, refine, refinement, release, remove, rescue, result, retrench, retrieve, rip out, root out, root up, rose oil, rub away, salvage, save, scent, scratch, screen, select, selected passage, selection, separate, set free, shorten, sieve, sift, single out, smelt, spirit, spiritualize, squeeze, strain, subduct, sublimate, sublime, subtract, take as proved, take away, take from, take out, tear, tear out, thin, thin out, try, unearth, unravel, uproot, volatile oil, wear away, weed, weed out, winkle out, winnow, withdraw, work, worm out, wrench, wrest, wrest out, wring, yank
[edit]- extraction, affiliation, ancestry, apparentation, architecture, assembly, attraction, attrition, birth, blood, bloodline, bolting, branch, breed, building, casting, clarification, colature, common ancestry, composition, concentrate, concentration, consanguinity, construction, conversion, crafting, craftsmanship, creation, cultivation, curtailment, cut, cutting, decoction, decrease, decrement, depletion, depreciation, deracination, derivation, derogation, descent, destructive distillation, detraction, devising, diminution, dip, direct line, disparagement, distaff side, distillate, distillation, draft, drawing, drayage, edulcoration, elaboration, elixir, elution, elutriation, eradication, erection, essence, essentialization, excerpt, excerption, extirpation, extract, extrication, fabrication, family, fashioning, female line, filiation, filtering, filtration, formation, forming, formulation, framing, growing, handicraft, handiwork, harvesting, haulage, hauling, heaving, house, impairment, infusion, leaching, lessening, line, line of descent, lineage, lixiviation, machining, making, male line, manufacture, manufacturing, milling, mining, molding, origin, parentage, passage, pedigree, percolation, phylum, prefabrication, preparation, processing, producing, pull, pulling, pulling power, purification, quintessence, race, raising, reduction, refinement, refining, remission, removal, retraction, retrenchment, riddling, screening, seed, selected passage, selection, separation, sept, shaping, shortening, shrinkage, side, sieving, sifting, smelting, spear side, spindle side, spirit, spiritualization, stem, stirps, stock, strain, straining, sublimation, succession, sword side, towage, towing, traction, tractive power, truncation, tug-of-war, tugging, uprooting, winnowing, withdrawal, workmanship
[edit]- extradite, assign, ban, banish, blackball, bring back, carry over, cast out, communicate, consign, cut, deliver, deport, diffuse, disfellowship, disseminate, exclude, excommunicate, exile, expatriate, expel, export, fugitate, give back, hand forward, hand on, hand over, impart, import, make over, metastasize, metathesize, ostracize, outlaw, pass, pass on, pass over, pass the buck, perfuse, proscribe, put back, recommit, relay, relegate, remand, remit, repatriate, restore, return, rusticate, send away, send back, send down, send to Coventry, snub, spread, spurn, switch, take back, thrust out, transfer, transfer property, transfuse, translate, translocate, transmit, transplace, transplant, transport, transpose, turn over
[edit]- extradition, banishment, blackballing, communication, conduction, contagion, convection, defrocking, degradation, delivery, demotion, depluming, deportation, deprivation, diapedesis, diffusion, disbarment, disfellowship, displuming, dissemination, exclusion, excommunication, exile, expatriation, export, exportation, expulsion, fugitation, giving back, import, importation, interchange, metastasis, metathesis, metempsychosis, migration, mutual transfer, osmosis, ostracism, ostracization, outlawing, outlawry, passage, passing over, perfusion, recommitment, reddition, relegation, remand, remandment, remitter, rendition, repatriation, restitution, restoration, restoring, return, rustication, sending back, spread, spreading, stripping, transduction, transfer, transfer of property, transference, transfusion, transit, transition, translation, translocation, transmigration, transmigration of souls, transmission, transmittal, transmittance, transplacement, transplantation, transportation, transposal, transposition, travel, unfrocking
[edit]- extramundane, Elysian, Olympian, airy, alien, arcane, asomatous, astral, beatific, beatified, blessed, bodiless, celestial, decarnate, decarnated, discarnate, disembodied, eerie, esoteric, ethereal, exterrestrial, exterritorial, extragalactic, extralateral, extraliminal, extramural, extrapolar, extraprovincial, extrasolar, extraterrene, extraterrestrial, extraterritorial, extratribal, fey, foreign, from on high, ghostly, glorified, heavenly, hypernormal, hyperphysical, immaterial, impalpable, imponderable, in glory, incorporate, incorporeal, insubstantial, intangible, mysterious, nonmaterial, nonphysical, numinous, occult, otherworldly, outlandish, paradisaic, paradisal, paradisiac, paradisic, phantom, preterhuman, preternatural, preternormal, pretersensual, psychic, shadowy, space, spiritual, superhuman, supernal, supernatural, supernormal, superphysical, supersensible, supersensual, supramundane, supranatural, transcendental, transmundane, unearthly, unembodied, unextended, unfleshly, unhuman, unphysical, unsubstantial, unworldly
[edit]- extramural, academic, alien, classroom, collegiate, exterrestrial, exterritorial, extragalactic, extralateral, extraliminal, extramundane, extrapolar, extraprovincial, extrasolar, extraterrestrial, extraterritorial, extratribal, foreign, interscholastic, intramural, outlandish, preschool, scholastic, school, university
[edit]- extraneous, accidental, added, additional, adrift, adventitious, alien, apart, barbarian, barbaric, barbarous, beside the mark, beside the point, beside the question, detached, disconnected, discrete, disjunct, disrelated, dissociated, exotic, exterior, external, extra, extraorganismal, extraterrestrial, extrinsic, foreign, foreign-born, immaterial, impersonal, impertinent, inadmissible, inapplicable, inapposite, inappropriate, inapt, incidental, incommensurable, incomparable, inconsequent, independent, inessential, insular, intrusive, irrelative, irrelevant, isolated, needless, nihil ad rem, nonessential, nonsubjective, not at issue, objective, off the subject, other, out of place, out-of-the-way, outland, outlandish, outlying, outside, outward, parenthetical, peripheral, pointless, remote, removed, segregate, separate, separated, strange, superfluous, supernumerary, ulterior, unaffiliated, unallied, unapt, unassociated, unconnected, unearthly, unessential, unfitting, unnecessary, unneeded, unrelatable, unrelated
[edit]- extraordinarily, abundantly, acutely, amazingly, amply, astonishingly, awesomely, beguilingly, bewilderingly, conspicuously, copiously, eminently, emphatically, enigmatically, exceptionally, exquisitely, exuberantly, fabulously, famously, fantastically, fascinatingly, generously, glaringly, impressively, incomprehensibly, inconceivably, incredibly, ineffably, intensely, magically, magnanimously, magnificently, markedly, marvelously, miraculously, nobly, notably, outlandishly, particularly, peculiarly, phenomenally, pointedly, preeminently, prodigiously, profusely, prominently, pronouncedly, puzzlingly, remarkably, richly, sensationally, signally, singularly, splendidly, strangely, strikingly, stupendously, superlatively, surpassingly, surprisingly, uncommonly, unimaginably, unspeakably, unusually, wonderfully, wondrous, wondrously, worthily
[edit]- extraordinary, abnormal, absolute, amazing, appalling, astonishing, astounding, beguiling, bewildering, bizarre, celebrated, certain, concrete, conspicuous, curious, defined, definite, detailed, determinate, different, distinct, distinguished, egregious, eminent, enigmatic, esoteric, especial, esteemed, estimable, exceptional, express, fabulous, fantastic, fascinating, fixed, formidable, gorgeous, impressive, improbable, incomprehensible, inconceivable, incredible, indescribable, individual, ineffable, inner, intimate, legendary, lovely, marked, marvelous, memorable, minute, miraculous, more than expected, mythical, noble, notable, noteworthy, noticeable, odd, of mark, out-of-the-way, outlandish, outstanding, particular, passing strange, past expectation, peculiar, personal, phenomenal, portentous, precise, prestigious, private, prodigious, prominent, puzzling, queer, rare, remarkable, rememberable, reputable, respective, salient, sensational, several, signal, singular, smashing, solipsistic, special, specific, strange, striking, stupefying, stupendous, sudden, super, superior, surprising, telling, terrific, unannounced, unanticipated, unbelievable, uncommon, undivined, unexampled, unexpected, unforeseeable, unforeseen, unforgettable, unguessed, unheard-of, unheralded, unhoped for, unimaginable, unique, unordinary, unparalleled, unprecedented, unpredictable, unpredicted, unprepared for, unreal, unspeakable, unthinkable, unusual, unwonted, without warning, wonderful, wondrous
[edit]- extrapolated, approaching, coming, desired, destinal, destined, determined, emergent, eventual, fatal, fated, fatidic, forthcoming, future, futuristic, hereafter, hoped-for, imminent, later, nearing, planned, plotted, predicted, probable, projected, prophesied, prospective, to come, to-be, ultimate
[edit]- extrapolation, accession, accessory, accompaniment, actualization, addenda, addendum, additament, addition, additive, additory, additum, adjunct, adjuvant, annex, annexation, appanage, appendage, appendant, approximation, appurtenance, appurtenant, attachment, augment, augmentation, coda, complement, concomitant, continuation, corollary, differentiation, division, equation, evolution, extension, exteriorization, externalization, fixture, increase, increment, integration, interpolation, inversion, involution, multiplication, notation, objectification, offshoot, pendant, practice, projection, proportion, reduction, reinforcement, side effect, side issue, subtraction, supplement, tailpiece, transformation, undergirding
[edit]- extraterrestrial, Elysian, Olympian, alien, arcane, barbarian, barbaric, barbarous, beatific, beatified, blessed, celestial, eerie, esoteric, ethereal, exotic, exterior, external, exterrestrial, exterritorial, extragalactic, extralateral, extraliminal, extramundane, extramural, extraneous, extrapolar, extraprovincial, extrasolar, extraterrene, extraterritorial, extratribal, extrinsic, fey, foreign, foreign-born, from on high, glorified, heavenly, hypernormal, hyperphysical, in glory, intrusive, mysterious, numinous, occult, otherworldly, outland, outlandish, outside, paradisaic, paradisal, paradisiac, paradisic, preterhuman, preternatural, preternormal, pretersensual, psychic, space, spiritual, strange, superhuman, supernal, supernatural, supernormal, superphysical, supersensible, supersensual, supramundane, supranatural, transcendental, transmundane, ulterior, unearthly, unhuman, unworldly
[edit]- extravagance, abandon, absurdity, abundance, affluence, aggrandizement, amenity, ample sufficiency, ampleness, amplification, amplitude, avalanche, ballyhoo, bedizenment, big talk, bigotry, blatancy, blowing up, bonanza, boundlessness, bountifulness, bountiousness, brazenness, bumper crop, burlesque, capriciousness, caricature, carpe diem, cloud of words, colorfulness, copiousness, crapulence, crapulency, crapulousness, crudeness, dash, dazzle, dazzlingness, deluge, diffuseness, diffusion, diffusiveness, dilatation, dilation, dissipation, drunkenness, duplication, duplication of effort, effusion, effusiveness, egregiousness, embarras de richesses, embellishment, enhancement, enlargement, enormousness, enough, exaggerating, exaggeration, excess, excessiveness, exorbitance, exorbitancy, expansion, expletive, extortionateness, extravagancy, extravaganza, extravagation, extreme, extremeness, extremes, extremism, extremity, exuberance, fabulousness, fanaticalness, fanaticism, fantasy, fat, featherbedding, fecundity, fertility, filling, flagrancy, flamboyance, flashiness, flightiness, flood, flow, fluency, foison, formlessness, frill, frills, frippery, full measure, fullness, gaiety, garishness, gaudery, gaudiness, generosity, generousness, giantism, gigantism, gingerbread, glare, glitter, gluttony, gorgeousness, grandiloquence, great abundance, great plenty, gush, gushing, heightening, huckstering, hyperbole, hyperbolism, hypertrophy, immoderacy, immoderateness, immoderation, improvidence, incontinence, indiscipline, indulgence, inflation, inordinacy, inordinance, inordinateness, intemperance, intemperateness, inundation, irrationality, jauntiness, jazziness, landslide, lavishness, leaking purse, liberality, liberalness, logorrhea, loose purse strings, lots, loudness, luridness, luxuriance, luxury, macrology, magnification, maximum, meretriciousness, money to burn, monstrousness, more than enough, much, myriad, myriads, needlessness, nimiety, numerousness, obtrusiveness, opulence, opulency, ornamentation, outpour, outpouring, outrageousness, overabundance, overaccumulation, overadornment, overbounteousness, overcopiousness, overdevelopment, overdoing, overdose, overemphasis, overenthusiasm, overestimation, overflow, overgenerosity, overgenerousness, overgreatness, overgrowth, overindulgence, overkill, overlap, overlargeness, overlavishness, overliberality, overluxuriance, overmeasure, overmuch, overmuchness, overnumerousness, overplentifulness, overplenty, overpopulation, overprofusion, overreaction, overreligiousness, overstatement, oversufficiency, oversupply, overzealousness, padding, palilogy, panache, payroll padding, perfervidness, plenitude, plenteousness, plentifulness, plenty, pleonasm, plethora, pound-foolishness, preposterousness, prevalence, prodigality, productiveness, productivity, profligacy, profuseness, profusion, prolificacy, prolificity, prolixity, puffery, puffing up, quantities, rabidness, radicalism, rampancy, rankness, reckless expenditure, reckless spending, recklessness, redundance, redundancy, reiteration, reiterativeness, repetition for effect, repetitiveness, repleteness, repletion, rich harvest, rich vein, richness, riot, riotousness, scads, self-indulgence, sensationalism, shamelessness, shower, showiness, spate, sportiness, squander, squandering, squandermania, stream, stretching, substantiality, substantialness, superabundance, superfluity, superfluousness, superflux, superlative, swinishness, talkativeness, tall talk, tautology, tawdriness, teemingness, tirade, too much, too-muchness, touting, travesty, ultrazealousness, unconscionableness, unconstraint, uncontrol, undueness, unnecessariness, unreasonableness, unrestrainedness, unrestraint, verbosity, vulgarness, waste, wastefulness, wealth, whim, zealotism, zealotry
[edit]- extravagant, Babylonian, Corinthian, Gothic, a bit much, abandoned, abounding, absurd, abundant, acute, affluent, aggrandized, all-sufficing, ample, amplified, aplenty, awe-inspiring, awful, ballyhooed, barbaric, baroque, beyond belief, bibulous, big, bigoted, bizarre, blatant, bombastic, bottomless, boundless, bounteous, bountiful, brain-born, brazen, brazenfaced, cockamamie, colorful, copious, costly, crapulent, crapulous, crazy, crude, cutthroat, cutting, dear, deluxe, diffuse, diffusive, disproportionate, dissipative, dizzy, drastic, dream-built, easy come, easy go, effuse, effusive, egregious, elaborate, elegant, enormous, epidemic, exacting, exaggerated, excessive, exhaustless, exorbitant, expensive, extortionate, extreme, extremist, exuberant, fabulous, fanatic, fanciful, fancy, fancy-born, fancy-built, fancy-woven, fantasque, fantastic, fat, fecund, fertile, fierce, fine, flagrant, flamboyant, flaring, flashy, flaunting, florid, flush, foolish, formless, full, furious, galore, garish, gassy, gaudy, generous, gigantic, glaring, glorious, gluttonous, gorgeous, gouging, grand, grandiloquent, grandiose, great, grossly overpriced, grotesque, gushing, gushy, haggard, high, high-flown, high-sounding, high-swelling, highfalutin, highfaluting, hyperbolic, hypertrophied, immoderate, implausible, imposing, impractical, impressive, improvident, in plenty, in quantity, incontinent, incredible, indulgent, inexhaustible, inflated, inflationary, inordinate, intemperate, intense, irrational, laughable, lavish, liberal, loud, ludicrous, lurid, luxuriant, luxurious, maggoty, magnificent, magnified, majestic, many, maximal, meretricious, monstrous, much, noble, nonsensical, notional, numerous, obtrusive, opulent, ornate, ostentatious, out of bounds, out of sight, outlandish, outrageous, outre, overbig, overdeveloped, overdone, overdrawn, overemphasized, overemphatic, overenthusiastic, overestimated, overflowing, overgenerous, overgreat, overgrown, overindulgent, overindulging, overlarge, overlavish, overliberal, overmuch, overpraised, overpriced, overreligious, oversold, overstated, overstressed, overweening, overwrought, overzealous, palatial, penny-wise and pound-foolish, perfervid, piercing, plenitudinous, plenteous, plentiful, plenty, pleonastic, plush, poppycockish, posh, pound-foolish, preposterous, pretentious, prevailing, prevalent, princely, prodigal, productive, profligate, profuse, profusive, prohibitive, prolific, proud, puffed, rabid, rampant, reckless, redundant, reiterative, repetitive, replete, rich, ridiculous, rife, rigorous, riotous, ritzy, rococo, rough, running over, screaming, self-indulgent, sensational, severe, shameless, sharp, showy, silly, skyrocketing, spectacular, spendthrift, spiraling, splendacious, splendid, splendiferous, splitting, stately, steep, stiff, stretched, sumptuous, superabundant, superb, superfancy, superfine, superlative, swank, swanky, swell, swinish, swollen, tall, tautologous, tawdry, teeming, too much, tough, touted, towering, ultrazealous, unbalanced, unbridled, unconscionable, unconstrained, uncontrolled, undeserved, undisciplined, undue, unfrugal, unjustifiable, unjustified, unlimited, unmeasurable, unmeasured, unreasonable, unrestrained, unthrifty, unwarranted, usurious, vehement, venomous, violent, virulent, vulgar, wasteful, wealthy, weird, well-found, well-furnished, well-provided, well-stocked, whimsical, wholesale, wild, wild-eyed, wild-looking, windy, zealotic
[edit]- extravagantly, abominably, abundantly, affluently, agonizingly, aplenty, awfully, baldly, balefully, beyond measure, bitterly, blatantly, bottomlessly, bounteously, bountifully, brashly, confoundedly, copiously, cruelly, damnably, deadly, deathly, deucedly, diffusely, distressingly, dolorously, dreadfully, effusely, egregiously, elaborately, elegantly, excessively, excruciatingly, exorbitantly, extortionately, exuberantly, flagrantly, frightfully, fully, generously, gloriously, gougingly, grandiosely, grandly, grievously, grossly, hellishly, horribly, immoderately, imposingly, impressively, improperly, in abundance, in full measure, in good supply, in plenty, in quantity, inexcusably, inexhaustibly, infernally, inordinately, intolerably, lamentably, lavishly, liberally, luxuriously, magnificently, majestically, maximally, miserably, more than enough, nakedly, no end, nobly, openly, opulently, out of measure, outrageously, overabundantly, overflowingly, painfully, piteously, plenteously, plentifully, preposterously, prodigally, profusely, proudly, richly, riotously, sadly, shatteringly, shockingly, something awful, something fierce, sorely, splendaciously, splendidly, splendiferously, staggeringly, sumptuously, superabundantly, superbly, terribly, to the full, torturously, unashamedly, unbearably, unconscionably, unduly, unpardonably, unreasonably, usuriously, without measure, woefully
[edit]- extravaganza, Grand Guignol, Passion play, Tom show, antimasque, audience success, ballet, blatancy, bomb, brazenness, broadcast drama, burlesque show, canard, charade, cliff hanger, closet drama, colorfulness, comedy drama, concoction, critical success, crudeness, dash, daytime serial, dazzle, dazzlingness, dialogue, documentary drama, drama, dramalogue, dramatic play, dramatic series, duodrama, duologue, epic theater, experimental theater, exposition, extravagance, extravagation, fable, fabrication, failure, fiction, figment, flagrancy, flamboyance, flashiness, flop, forgery, gaiety, garishness, gasser, gaudery, gaudiness, giveaway, glare, glitter, gorgeousness, happening, hit, hit show, improvisational drama, invention, jauntiness, jazziness, legitimate drama, loudness, luridness, masque, melodrama, meretriciousness, minstrel show, miracle, miracle play, monodrama, monologue, morality, morality play, music drama, musical revue, mystery, mystery play, myth, obtrusiveness, opera, pageant, panache, panel show, pantomime, pastoral, pastoral drama, piece, play, playlet, problem play, production, psychodrama, quiz show, radio drama, review, revue, romance, sensational play, sensationalism, serial, shamelessness, show, showiness, sitcom, situation comedy, sketch, skit, soap, soap opera, sociodrama, spectacle, spectacular, sportiness, stage play, stage show, straight drama, success, suspense drama, tableau, tableau vivant, talk show, tawdriness, teleplay, television drama, television play, theater of cruelty, total theater, variety show, vaudeville, vaudeville show, vehicle, vulgarness, word-of-mouth success, work
extreme unction
[edit]- extreme unction, baptism, burial service, chrism, chrismal, chrismation, chrismatory, chrisom, confirmation, deathwatch, dirge, eulogy, exequies, funeral oration, funeral rites, holy orders, last duty, last honors, last offices, last rites, matrimony, obsequies, ointment, penance, requiem, requiem mass, sacramental anointment, sacred unction, seven sacraments, the Eucharist, unction, viaticum, wake
[edit]- extreme, Draconian, Thule, Ultima Thule, a bit much, abandon, abandoned, abnormal, acme, acute, aggrandized, aggrandizement, all, amplification, amplified, anarchistic, anarcho-syndicalist, apex, apogee, at the height, ballyhoo, ballyhooed, bibulous, big talk, bigoted, bitter end, bizarre, blowing up, bordering, borderline, bottom dollar, boundary, bounding, boundless, boundlessness, bounds, breakaway, burlesque, butt, butt end, caricature, caudal, ceiling, climax, coastal, conclusive, conservative, constrictive, consummation, crapulent, crapulous, crest, crown, culmination, cutting, deep, definitive, depth, desperate, determinant, determinative, determining, different, dilatation, dilation, disproportionate, distant, dizzy, drastic, eccentric, egregious, egregiousness, end, endmost, enhancement, enlargement, enormous, enormousness, eventual, exaggerated, exaggerating, exaggeration, exceedingly, exceptional, exceptionally, excess, excessive, excessiveness, excruciating, exorbitance, exorbitancy, exorbitant, exotic, expansion, exquisite, extraordinarily, extraordinary, extravagance, extravagancy, extravagant, extremely, extremes, extremism, extremist, extremistic, extremity, fabulous, fabulousness, factious, fag end, fanatic, fancy, far out, far-off, farthermost, farthest, farthest bound, farthest off, fierce, final, fringing, frontier, furious, furthermost, furthest, giantism, gigantic, gigantism, gluttonous, gluttony, go to extremes, grandiloquence, grandiloquent, great, greatest, haggard, harsh, height, heightening, hidebound, high, high-flown, highest degree, huckstering, hyperbole, hyperbolic, hyperbolism, hypertrophied, hypertrophy, immoderacy, immoderate, immoderateness, immoderation, in the extreme, incontinence, incontinent, indulgent, inflated, inflation, inordinacy, inordinance, inordinate, inordinateness, insurgent, insurrectionary, intemperance, intemperate, intemperateness, intense, intolerable, irrational, jumping-off place, keen, kooky, last, limbic, liminal, limit, limiting, limits, littoral, magnification, magnified, marginal, maximum, mildly radical, monstrous, monstrousness, most, most distant, moving, mutineering, mutinous, nadir, ne plus ultra, nib, nihilistic, nimiety, notable, noteworthy, nth degree, offbeat, out of bounds, out of sight, outermost, outmost, outrageous, outrageousness, outre, outstanding, overbig, overdeveloped, overdevelopment, overdone, overdrawn, overemphasis, overemphasized, overemphatic, overenthusiastic, overestimated, overestimation, overgreat, overgreatness, overgrown, overgrowth, overindulgence, overindulgent, overindulging, overkill, overlarge, overlargeness, overmuch, overmuchness, overpraised, overreligious, oversold, overstated, overstatement, overstressed, overweening, overwrought, overzealous, peak, perfervid, piercing, pink, pinnacle, poignant, point, polar, pole, prodigal, prodigality, profuse, profuseness, puffed, puffery, puffing up, queer, rabid, radical, radicalism, rebel, rebellious, red, remarkable, remotest, restrictive, revolutional, revolutionary, revolutionist, rigid, rigorous, rimming, riotous, rough, seditionary, seditious, self-indulgent, sensationalism, severe, sharp, skirting, splitting, steep, stern, stiff, stretched, stretching, strict, stringent, stub, stump, subversive, summit, superlative, swing, swinish, syndicalist, tag, tag end, tail, tail end, tall talk, terminal, terminating, terminative, the whole, threshold, tip, too much, too-muchness, top, tough, touted, touting, towering, traitorous, travesty, treasonable, turbulent, ultimate, ultra, ultra-ultra, ultraconservative, ultraist, ultraistic, ultrazealous, unbridled, uncommon, uncompromising, unconscionable, unconscionableness, unconstrained, uncontrolled, unconventional, undisciplined, undue, undueness, unfrugal, unlimited, unmeasurable, unmeasured, unreasonable, unreasonableness, unrestrained, unrestrainedness, unthrifty, unusual, unusually, unwarranted, utmost, utmost extent, uttermost, vehement, venomous, very, violent, virulent, vivid, way out, weird, wild, wild-eyed, wild-looking, worst, zealotic, zenith
[edit]- extremely, a bit, a little, a outrance, absolutely, all out, beyond all bounds, beyond compare, beyond comparison, beyond measure, bloody, completely, damned, darned, dead, downright, essentially, ever, exceedingly, exceptionally, excessively, extraordinarily, fairly, flat out, fundamentally, hellishly, hugely, immeasurably, immensely, in a measure, in a way, in some measure, in the extreme, incalculably, indefinitely, infinitely, inordinately, kind of, most, notably, outrageously, over, overfull, overly, overmuch, parlous, perfectly, pretty, purely, quite, radically, rarely, rather, remarkably, scarcely, slightly, somewhat, sort of, strikingly, surpassingly, to a degree, to some extent, too, totally, uncommon, uncommonly, unconditionally, unduly, unequivocally, unusually, utterly, very, vitally, with a vengeance
[edit]- extremism, Fabianism, Jacobinism, New Left, Old Left, abandon, anarchism, anarcho-syndicalism, bigotry, boundlessness, conversion, criminal syndicalism, egregiousness, enormousness, exaggeration, excess, excessiveness, exorbitance, exorbitancy, extravagance, extravagancy, extreme, extreme left, extreme left wing, extremeness, extremes, extremity, fabulousness, factiousness, fanaticalness, fanaticism, giantism, gigantism, gluttony, gradualism, hyperbole, hypertrophy, immoderacy, immoderateness, immoderation, incontinence, inordinacy, inordinance, inordinateness, insurgentism, insurrectionism, intemperance, intemperateness, left-wing extremism, meliorism, monstrousness, mutinousness, nihilism, nimiety, outrageousness, overdevelopment, overenthusiasm, overgreatness, overgrowth, overindulgence, overlargeness, overmuch, overmuchness, overreaction, overreligiousness, overzealousness, perfervidness, progressivism, rabidness, radical reform, radicalism, radicalization, rebelliousness, reform, reformation, reformism, regeneration, revisionism, revolution, revolutionism, riotousness, sans-culotterie, sans-culottism, sedition, seditiousness, subversiveness, syndicalism, too much, too-muchness, traitorousness, transformation, treasonableness, ultraconservatism, ultraism, ultrazealousness, unconscionableness, undueness, unreasonableness, unrestrainedness, utopianism, zealotism, zealotry
[edit]- extremist, Bolshevik, Fabian, Jacobin, Wobbly, agitator, anarchist, anarchistic, anarcho-syndicalist, bigoted, brawler, extravagant, extreme, extreme left-winger, extremistic, fanatic, frondeur, haggard, inordinate, insubordinate, insurgent, insurrectionary, insurrectionist, insurrecto, irrational, left-wing extremist, lunatic fringe, malcontent, maverick, meliorist, mild radical, mildly radical, mutineer, nihilist, nihilistic, nonconformist, overenthusiastic, overreligious, overzealous, parlor Bolshevik, parlor pink, perfervid, pink, pinko, progressionist, progressist, progressive, progressivist, rabid, radical, rebel, red, reformer, reformist, revisionist, revolter, revolutional, revolutionary, revolutionist, rioter, sans-culotte, subversive, syndicalist, traitor, ultra, ultraconservative, ultraist, ultraistic, ultrazealous, unreasonable, utopian, utopist, wild-eyed, wild-looking, yippie, zealotic
[edit]- extremity, Thule, Ultima Thule, abandon, abstract, aching heart, acme, acuteness, agony, agony of mind, all, anguish, animality, apex, apogee, arch, arms, atrocity, bale, barbarity, bitter end, bitterness, bleeding heart, blind alley, bloodlust, border, border line, bottom dollar, bound, boundary, boundary condition, boundary line, boundlessness, bounds, bourn, box, break boundary, breakoff point, broken heart, brow, brutality, butt, butt end, cap, ceiling, circumscription, clear, clear away, climacteric, climax, cloud nine, clubfoot, clutch, compass, confine, convergence of events, corner, crest, crisis, critical juncture, critical point, crossroads, crown, crucial period, crunch, crushing, cul-de-sac, culmen, culmination, cutoff, cutoff point, dead end, dead-end street, deadline, deadlock, death agonies, death groan, death rattle, death struggle, death throes, deathbed, deathwatch, delimitation, deliver, depression, depth of misery, desolation, despair, destructiveness, detach, determinant, difference, differentiate, digit, disburden, discern, discriminate, disembarrass, disembroil, disencumber, disengage, disentangle, disinvolve, distinguish, division line, dog, dying breath, edge, egregiousness, emergency, end, enormousness, exaggeration, excess, excessiveness, exigency, exorbitance, exorbitancy, extravagance, extravagancy, extreme, extreme limit, extremes, extremism, extremities, extricate, fabulousness, fag end, farthest bound, feet, ferociousness, fetlock, fierceness, final extremity, fingers, finish, floor, foot, force, forefoot, forepaw, free, frontier, furiousness, giantism, gigantism, gluttony, grief, halt, hands, harefoot, harshness, heartache, heaven, heavens, heavy heart, hedge, heel, height, high noon, high-water mark, highest degree, highest pitch, highest point, hinge, hole, hoof, hyperbole, hypertrophy, immoderacy, immoderateness, immoderation, impasse, impetuosity, inclemency, incontinence, infelicity, inhumanity, inordinacy, inordinance, inordinateness, instep, intemperance, intemperateness, intensity, interface, jumping-off place, last agony, last breath, last gasp, legs, liberate, limbs, limen, limit, limitation, limiting factor, limits, line, line of demarcation, low-water mark, lower limit, malignity, march, margin, mark, maximum, melancholia, melancholy, mercilessness, meridian, mete, mindlessness, misery, monstrousness, moribundity, mountaintop, murderousness, ne plus ultra, nib, nimiety, no place higher, noon, nth degree, outrageousness, overdevelopment, overgreatness, overgrowth, overindulgence, overlargeness, overmuch, overmuchness, pad, pass, pastern, patte, paw, peak, pedal extremity, pedes, periphery, pes, pied, pinch, pinnacle, pitch, pitilessness, point, pole, prostration, pug, push, radicalism, release, rescue, resolve, ridge, rigor, roughness, rub, sadness, savagery, separate, seventh heaven, sever, severalize, severity, sharpness, sky, sole, spire, splayfoot, stalemate, stand, standstill, start, starting line, starting point, stop, strait, stub, stump, suicidal despair, summit, tag, tag end, tail, tail end, target date, term, terminal date, termination, terminus, terrorism, the whole, threshold, throes of death, time allotment, tip, tip-top, toe, toes, too much, too-muchness, tootsy, top, trotter, trotters, turn, turning point, unconscionableness, undueness, ungentleness, ungula, unravel, unreasonableness, unrestrainedness, unscramble, untangle, untie, untwine, upmost, upper extremity, upper limit, uppermost, utmost, utmost extent, uttermost, vandalism, vehemence, venom, vertex, very top, viciousness, violence, virulence, wings, woe, wretchedness, zenith
[edit]- extricate, avulse, break loose, break out, clear, cut loose, cut out, deliver, deracinate, dig out, dig up, disburden, disembarrass, disembroil, disencumber, disengage, disentangle, disinvolve, dislodge, draw, draw out, dredge, dredge up, eradicate, evolve, evulse, excavate, excise, exsect, extract, free, free up, get out, gouge out, grub up, liberate, mine, pick out, pluck out, pluck up, pull, pull out, pull up, quarry, rake out, ransom, recover, redeem, release, remove, rescue, retrieve, rip out, root out, root up, salvage, save, set free, take out, tear loose, tear out, unclutter, unearth, unknot, unravel, unscramble, unsnarl, untangle, uproot, weed out, withdraw, wrest out
[edit]- extrication, avulsion, break, breaking out, breakout, clearing, cutting out, deliverance, delivery, deracination, disburdening, disembarrassment, disembroilment, disencumbrance, disengagement, disentanglement, disinvolvement, dislodgment, drawing, drawing out, dredging, drilling, emergence, enucleation, eradication, escape, escapism, evasion, evolvement, evulsion, excavation, excision, expression, exsection, extirpation, extraction, flight, freeing, getaway, issuance, issue, jailbreak, leak, leakage, liberation, lifesaving, mining, outlet, pressing out, prisonbreak, pulling, quarrying, ransom, recovery, redemption, release, releasing, removal, rescue, retrieval, riddance, ripping out, salvage, salvation, saving, setting-free, squeezing out, uncluttering, unhampering, unknotting, unraveling, unrooting, unscrambling, unsnarling, untangling, uprooting, vent, withdrawal, wresting out
[edit]- extrinsic, acquired, adrift, alien, apparent, barbarian, barbaric, barbarous, beside the mark, beside the point, beside the question, conventionalized, cortical, epidermic, exomorphic, exotic, exterior, external, extraneous, extraorganismal, extraterrestrial, foreign, foreign-born, formal, formalist, formalistic, formulary, fringe, immaterial, impersonal, impertinent, inadmissible, inapplicable, inapposite, inappropriate, incidental, inconsequent, intrusive, irrelative, irrelevant, legalistic, nihil ad rem, nominal, nonessential, nonsubjective, not at issue, objective, off the subject, open, out, out-of-the-way, outer, outermost, outland, outlandish, outlying, outmost, outside, outstanding, outward, outward-facing, parenthetical, pedantic, peripheral, public, roundabout, seeming, strange, stylized, superficial, surface, ulterior, unearthly, unessential, unrelated
[edit]- extrinsicality, alienage, alienism, appearance, buckram, ceremonial, ceremoniousness, ceremony, dignity, exteriority, externality, externalness, extraneousness, foreignness, form, formality, formalization, gravity, impersonality, intrusion, manner, mien, nonassimilation, nonconformity, openness, outerness, outward appearance, outwardness, pomp, pomposity, primness, rigidness, ritual, rituality, seeming, shallowness, solemnity, starchiness, stiffness, stiltedness, stylization, superficiality, weight
[edit]- extroversion, accessibility, ambiversion, approachability, candor, communicativeness, complexion, conversableness, cycloid personality, cyclothymia, ectomorphism, ectomorphy, endomorphism, endomorphy, extrovertedness, frankness, freeness, humor, ingoingness, introversion, introvertedness, mesomorphism, mesomorphy, openness, other-directedness, outgoingness, outspokenness, personality tendency, plainness, plainspokenness, schizoid personality, schizothymia, sociability, somatotype, syntony, talkativeness, unconstraint, unrepression, unreserve, unreservedness, unrestraint, unrestriction, unreticence, unsecretiveness, unsuppression, untaciturnity
[edit]- extroverted, accessible, approachable, candid, communicative, conversable, demonstrative, effusive, expansive, extroversive, extrovert, frank, free, free-speaking, free-spoken, free-tongued, gossipy, newsy, open, other-directed, outgoing, outspoken, self-revealing, self-revelatory, sociable, talkative, unconstrained, unhampered, unrepressed, unreserved, unrestrained, unrestricted, unreticent, unsecretive, unshrinking, unsilent, unsuppressed
[edit]- extrude, arise, assemble, bail out, boot out, bounce, break cover, break forth, bristle up, build, burst forth, cast, cast out, chase, chuck, chuck out, cock up, come, come forth, come out, compose, compound, concoct, construct, create, debouch, defenestrate, detrude, devise, discard, discharge, disembogue, dismiss, effuse, eject, elaborate, elect, emanate, emerge, erect, erupt, evict, evolve, exclude, expel, fabricate, fashion, form, formulate, frame, fudge together, get up, give the hook, heave out, indite, issue, issue forth, jettison, jump out, junk, jut out, kick downstairs, kick out, make, make up, manufacture, mature, mold, obtrude, oust, out, patch together, piece together, poke out, prefabricate, prepare, produce, project, protrude, protuberate, put out, put together, put up, raise, rear, reject, remove, run up, sally, sally forth, set up, shape, shoot out, shoot up, stand out, start up, stick out, stick up, surface, throw away, throw out, throw overboard, thrust out, toss out, turn out, whomp up, write
[edit]- extrusion, bas-relief, bellying, boldness, booting out, bulging, defenestration, detrusion, discharge, effusion, egestion, ejaculation, ejection, ejectment, elimination, emanation, embossment, emergence, emersion, eminence, emission, excrescence, excrescency, excretion, expulsion, extravasation, exudation, flow, flux, gibbosity, gibbousness, high relief, issuance, issue, jettison, kicking downstairs, low relief, obtrusion, ouster, ousting, projection, prominence, protrusion, protuberance, protuberancy, rejection, relief, removal, salience, salient, secretion, surfacing, the boot, the bounce, throwing out, transudation, tuberosity, tuberousness, vent
[edit]- exuberance, abandon, abundance, affluence, ample sufficiency, ampleness, amplitude, animal spirits, animation, ardor, avalanche, beatification, beatitude, bewitchment, blessedness, bliss, blissfulness, bonanza, bountifulness, bountiousness, bumper crop, buoyancy, capersomeness, cheer, cheerfulness, cloud nine, cloud of words, coltishness, copiousness, delectation, delight, diffuseness, diffusion, diffusiveness, ecstasy, ecstatics, effervescence, effusion, effusiveness, elan, elation, enchantment, esprit, exaltation, exhilaration, extravagance, fecundity, felicity, fertility, flood, flow, fluency, foison, formlessness, friskiness, frolicsomeness, fructiferousness, fruitfulness, full measure, fullness, gaiety, gamesomeness, gayness, generosity, generousness, gladness, glee, great abundance, great plenty, gush, gushing, gusto, happiness, heartiness, heaven, high spirits, intoxication, joy, joyance, joyfulness, landslide, lavishness, liberality, liberalness, life, liveliness, logorrhea, lots, lushness, luxuriance, macrology, maximum, more than enough, much, myriad, myriads, numerousness, opulence, opulency, outpour, outpouring, overflow, overhappiness, overjoyfulness, palilogy, paradise, piss and vinegar, playfulness, plenitude, plenteousness, plentifulness, plenty, pleonasm, pregnancy, prevalence, procreativeness, prodigality, productive capacity, productiveness, productivity, profuseness, profusion, prolificacy, prolificity, quantities, rampancy, rankness, rapture, ravishment, redundancy, reiteration, reiterativeness, repetition for effect, repetitiveness, repleteness, repletion, rich harvest, rich vein, richness, riot, riotousness, rollicksomeness, rompishness, scads, seventh heaven, shower, skittishness, spate, spirit, spiritedness, spirits, sportiveness, sprightliness, stream, substantiality, substantialness, sunshine, superabundance, superfluity, superflux, swarmingness, talkativeness, tautology, teeming womb, teemingness, tirade, transport, unalloyed happiness, verve, vigor, vim, vitality, vivacity, wealth, zest, zestfulness, zip
[edit]- exuberant, ablaze, abounding, abundant, affluent, afire, all-sufficing, ample, animated, antic, aplenty, ardent, balmy, blooming, blossoming, boiling over, booming, bottomless, bounteous, bountiful, brash, breathless, burning, bursting, bursting out, capersome, clear, coltish, copious, cordial, creative, delirious, dense, diffuse, diffusive, drunk, ebullient, effervescent, effuse, effusive, enthusiastic, epidemic, excited, exhaustless, extravagant, fair, fat, febrile, fecund, fertile, fervent, fervid, fevered, feverish, fiery, flaming, flourishing, flowering, flush, flushed, formless, frisky, frolicsome, fructiferous, fruitful, fruiting, full, full of beans, galore, gamesome, gay, generous, glowing, going strong, gross, gushing, gushy, halcyon, hearty, heated, heavy, high-spirited, hot, impassioned, impenetrable, in full swing, in good case, in plenty, in quantity, inexhaustible, intense, intoxicated, jungled, jungly, keen, lavish, liberal, lively, lush, luxuriant, many, maximal, much, numerous, on fire, opulent, overflowing, overgrown, overrun, palmy, passionate, piping, playful, plenitudinous, plenteous, plentiful, plenty, pleonastic, pregnant, prevailing, prevalent, prodigal, productive, profuse, profusive, proliferous, prolific, prospering, rampant, rank, red-hot, redundant, reiterative, repetitive, replete, rich, rife, riotous, rollicking, rollicksome, rompish, rosy, running over, seminal, skittish, sleek, spirited, sportive, sprightly, steaming, steamy, superabundant, swarming, tautologous, teeming, thick, thriving, uberous, unrestrained, unweeded, vigorous, vital, vivacious, warm, wealthy, weed-choked, weed-ridden, weedy, well-found, well-furnished, well-provided, well-stocked, wholesale, zealous, zestful, zippy
[edit]- exude, bleed, discharge, drip, effuse, egest, eliminate, emanate, emit, excrete, exfiltrate, extravasate, exudate, filter, filtrate, give off, leach, lixiviate, ooze, pass, percolate, perspire, reek, secrete, seep, sew, strain, sweat, swelter, transpire, transude, trickle, weep, wilt
[edit]- exult, be proud of, boast, brag, caper, caracole, carol, celebrate, chirp, chirrup, clap hands, crow, crow over, dance, delight, exult in, frisk, frolic, gambol, gloat, gloat over, glory, glory in, joy, jubilate, lilt, make merry, rejoice, revel, rollick, romp, show off, sing, skip, skip for joy, take pride in, triumph, whistle
[edit]- exultant, bursting with happiness, carried away, cock-a-hoop, crowing, delighted, delighting, ecstatic, elate, elated, enchanted, enraptured, enravished, entranced, exalted, exuberant, exulting, flushed, freaked out, glad, gleeful, gloating, happy, high, imparadised, in ecstasies, in heaven, in high feather, in paradise, in raptures, in seventh heaven, joyful, joyous, jubilant, on cloud nine, overjoyed, overjoyful, possessed, rapt, raptured, rapturous, ravished, rejoicing, rhapsodic, sent, transported, triumphal, triumphant
[edit]- exurb, Stadt, banlieue, boom town, borough, bourg, burg, burgh, city, conurbation, exurbia, faubourg, ghost town, greater city, market town, megalopolis, metropolis, metropolitan area, municipality, outskirts, polis, spread city, suburb, suburbia, town, township, urban complex, urban sprawl, urbs, ville
eye opener
[edit]- eye opener, Mickey, Mickey Finn, aperitif, astonishment, blockbuster, blow, bomb, bombshell, catch, chaser, cocktail, doch-an-dorrach, drink, earthshaker, highball, joker, kicker, knockout drops, mixed drink, nightcap, parting cup, peripeteia, pousse-cafe, punch, revelation, shocker, staggerer, startler, stirrup cup, sundowner, surprisal, surprise, surprise ending, surprise package, surprise party, switch, thunderbolt, thunderclap, wee doch-an-dorrach
eye opening
[edit]- eye opening, amazing, apocalyptic, astonishing, astounding, betraying, breathtaking, confounding, disclosing, disclosive, exposing, mind-boggling, overwhelming, revealing, revelational, revelatory, showing, spectacular, staggering, startling, stunning, surprising, talkative
[edit]- eye, Anschauung, Sherlock, Sherlock Holmes, accountability, air hole, amaurosis, angle, angle of vision, annulet, armhole, assumption, attend, attitude, auspices, baby blues, banjo eyes, basis, be vigilant, be watchful, beagle, belief, blepharitis, blowhole, bossing, bright eyes, bullet-hole, bunghole, care, cast coquettish glances, cataract, charge, choroiditis, circlet, clear eyes, clear sight, climate of opinion, color vision, common belief, community sentiment, conceit, concept, conception, conclusion, cone vision, conjunctivitis, consensus gentium, consider, consideration, contemplate, conviction, coquet, cornea, cover, crane, crane the neck, cringle, cross-eye, day vision, daylight vision, deadeye, defective vision, defense, dekko, detached retina, dick, discernment, eagle eye, esotropia, estimate, estimation, ethos, examine, eye defect, eye-mindedness, eyeball, eyeful, eyelet, eyelid, eyesight, farsight, farsightedness, feeling, field of view, field of vision, flatfoot, flirt, follow, footing, frame of reference, framework, gallivant, gape, gasket, gaup, gawk, gaze, gaze at, gaze open-mouthed, general belief, give the eye, give the once-over, glaucoma, gloat, goggle, goggle eyes, gold-dig, grasp, grommet, guard, guide, gumshoe, gumshoe man, gutta serena, hard look, have a looksee, hawkshaw, hold in view, horizon, idea, impression, inspect, intendance, investigator, iris, iritis, judgment, jurisdiction, keen sight, keep in sight, keep in view, keep under observation, ken, keratitis, keyhole, knothole, lamp, lee, leer, leer at, leering look, lens, lid, light, lights, look, look after, look at, look on, look over, look sweet upon, look upon, look-in, loop, loophole, lustful leer, make eyes at, manhole, mental outlook, mind, mousehole, mystique, naked eye, nictitating membrane, night vision, notion, observation, observe, ocular, oculus, ogle, ogle at, opinion, optic, optic nerve, optic neuritis, orb, organ of vision, outlook, oversight, peeper, peephole, perception, peripheral field, peripheral vision, personal judgment, perspicacity, perspicuity, persuasion, peruse, philander, photopia, pigeonhole, pinhole, pink eye, place, placket, placket hole, plainclothesman, play around, point of view, popeyes, popular belief, pore, pore over, porthole, position, posture, power of sight, preservation, presumption, prevailing belief, preview, private eye, prospect, protection, protective custody, public belief, public opinion, punch-hole, pupil, purview, quick sight, range, reaction, reconnoiter, reference system, refuge, regard, respect, responsibility, retina, retinoblastoma, ring, ringlet, rod vision, roundlet, rubberneck, run around, safekeeping, safety, saucer eyes, scene, sclera, scope, scotopia, scout, scrutinize, scrutiny, seeing, sense of sight, sentiment, shade, shadow, shelter, side, sidelong look, sight, sightedness, situation, size up, skip tracer, slant, sleuth, sleuthhound, sly look, spiracle, spotter, spy upon, stance, stand, stand on tiptoe, standpoint, staple, stare, stare at, stare down, stare hard, starry orbs, sty, superintendence, supervision, surveillance, survey, sweep, system, tab, take a long, take in, take stock of, tall, tap, tec, theory, thinking, thought, trachoma, twilight vision, unaided eye, universe, unobstructed vision, uveitis, vent, venthole, vet, view, viewpoint, vision, visual acuity, visual field, visual organ, visual sense, walleye, watch, watchful eye, way of thinking, winker
eyeball to eyeball
[edit]- eyeball to eyeball, adversative, adverse, adversive, against the grain, against the tide, against the wind, antagonistic, anti, antipathetic, antipodal, antithetic, antonymous, at cross-purposes, at daggers, at daggers drawn, at issue, at odds, at opposite extremes, at variance, at war with, athwart, back to back, balancing, clashing, compensating, conflicting, confronting, contra, contradictory, contradistinct, contrapositive, contrarious, contrariwise, contrary, contrasted, converse, counter, counterbalancing, counterpoised, countervailing, cross, dead against, discordant, discrepant, eyeball-to-eyeball, face to face, facing, fronting, hostile, in confrontation, in hostile array, in opposition, inconsistent, inimical, inverse, just opposite, nose to nose, obverse, opposed, opposing, opposite, oppositional, oppositive, oppugnant, perverse, polar, polaric, polarized, poles apart, repugnant, reverse, squared off, up in arms, vis-a-vis, with crossed bayonets
[edit]- eyeball, baby blues, banjo eyes, be vigilant, be watchful, bright eyes, clear eyes, cornea, eye, eyelid, follow, gaze at, goggle eyes, have a looksee, hold in view, iris, keep in sight, keep in view, keep under observation, lens, lid, look after, look at, look on, look upon, naked eye, nictitating membrane, observe, ocular, oculus, ophthalmic, optic, optic nerve, orb, organ of vision, peeper, popeyes, pupil, reconnoiter, regard, retina, saucer eyes, sclera, scout, scrutinize, seeing, spy upon, starry orbs, unaided eye, view, visible, visual, visual organ, watch
[edit]- eyeful, beaut, dekko, eye, knockout, leer, leering look, look, look-in, looker, lovely, lustful leer, picture, poem, preview, prospect, regard, scene, sidelong look, sight, sly look, stunner, thing of beauty, view, vision
[edit]- eyeglass, Polaroid glasses, achromatic lens, astigmatic lens, bifocals, blinkers, burning glass, camera, cheaters, coated lens, colored glasses, concave lens, concavo-convex lens, condenser, contact lens, convex lens, dark glasses, divided spectacles, eyeglasses, eyepiece, glass, glasses, goggles, granny glasses, hand lens, harlequin glasses, horn-rimmed glasses, lens, lorgnette, lorgnon, magnifier, magnifying glass, meniscus, mini-specs, monocle, nippers, object glass, objective, objective prism, ocular, pair of glasses, peepers, prism, quizzing glass, reader, readers, reading glass, reading glasses, shades, specs, spectacles, sun-specs, sunglasses, telephoto lens, toric lens, trifocals, varifocal lens, zoom lens
[edit]- eyelet, air hole, annulet, armhole, blowhole, bullet-hole, bunghole, circlet, cringle, deadeye, eye, gasket, grommet, guide, keyhole, knothole, loop, loophole, manhole, mousehole, peephole, pigeonhole, pinhole, placket, placket hole, porthole, punch-hole, ringlet, roundlet, spiracle, tap, vent, venthole
[edit]- eyesight, clear sight, color vision, command, cone vision, day vision, daylight vision, discernment, domination, eye, eye-mindedness, eyereach, eyeshot, farsight, farsightedness, field of view, field of vision, horizon, keen sight, ken, limit of vision, line of sight, naked eye, night vision, outlook, outlook over, perception, peripheral field, peripheral vision, perspective, perspicacity, perspicuity, photopia, power of sight, prospect, purview, quick sight, range, rod vision, scan, scope, scope of vision, scotopia, seeing, sense of sight, sight, sightedness, sightliness, survey, sweep, twilight vision, unobstructed vision, view, vision, vista, visual acuity, visual field, visual sense
[edit]- eyesore, baboon, bag, blemish, bloodstain, blot, blotch, blur, brand, dab, daub, dog, fleck, flick, flyspeck, fright, gargoyle, hag, harridan, macula, maculation, macule, mark, mess, monster, monstrosity, no beauty, patch, scarecrow, sight, smear, smirch, smouch, smudge, smut, smutch, spatter, speck, speckle, splash, splatter, splotch, spot, stain, stigma, taint, tarnish, teratism, ugly duckling, witch
[edit]- eyestrain, brain fag, debilitation, debility, enervation, enfeeblement, faintness, fatigue, goneness, heart strain, jadedness, languor, lassitude, mental fatigue, mental strain, overstrain, overtiredness, sleepiness, stance fatigue, strain, tiredness, weakness, wearifulness, weariness
[edit]- eyewash, adulation, balls, balm, baloney, balsam, bilge, blague, blandishment, blarney, bosh, brilliantine, bull, bullshit, bunk, bunkum, cajolement, cajolery, cerate, chrism, claptrap, cold cream, collyrium, compliment, crap, cream, demulcent, embrocation, emollient, eye-lotion, eyewater, face cream, fair words, fawning, flam, flattery, flimflam, gammon, grease, hand lotion, hogwash, hoke, hokum, honeyed phrases, honeyed words, hooey, horsefeathers, humbug, humbuggery, incense, inunction, inunctum, jiggery-pokery, lanolin, lenitive, liniment, lotion, malarkey, moonshine, nard, oil, ointment, palaver, pomade, pomatum, praise, pretty lies, rot, salve, soap, soft soap, soothing syrup, spikenard, sweet nothings, sweet talk, sweet words, sycophancy, twaddle, unction, unguent, unguentum, vulnerary, wheedling
[edit]- eyewitness, TV-viewer, absolute, adducible, admissible, attestant, attestative, attestator, attester, attestive, authentic, based on, beholder, bird-watcher, bystander, certain, circumstantial, cojuror, compurgator, conclusive, convincing, cumulative, damning, decisive, deponent, determinative, documentary, documented, drugstore cowboy, earwitness, evidential, evidentiary, ex parte, eye-witness, factual, final, firsthand, founded on, gaper, gazer, gazer-on, girl-watcher, goggler, grounded on, hearsay, implicit, incontrovertible, indicative, indisputable, informant, informer, irrefutable, irresistible, kibitzer, looker, looker-on, material, nuncupative, observer, ogler, onlooker, overwhelming, passerby, perceiver, percipient, presumptive, probative, reliable, seer, sidewalk superintendent, significant, spectator, spectatress, spectatrix, suggestive, sure, swearer, symptomatic, televiewer, television-viewer, telling, testifier, valid, video-gazer, viewer, voucher, watcher, weighty, witness
[edit]- fab, OK, ace-high, bad, bang-up, bonzer, boss, bully, but good, cool, corking, crackerjack, dandy, delicious, ducky, fine and dandy, gear, great, groovy, heavy, hot, hunky-dory, jam-up, just dandy, keen, marvy, mean, neat, nifty, nobby, okay, out of sight, peachy, peachy-keen, ripping, rum, scrumptious, slap-up, smashing, solid, something else, spiffing, spiffy, stunning, swell, tough, wizard
[edit]- Fabian, Fabian socialist, Fourierist, Fourieristic, Marxist, Owenite, Saint-Simonian, collectivist, collectivistic, corrective, emendatory, extremist, gradualistic, meliorist, melioristic, phalansterian, progressionist, progressist, progressive, progressivist, radical, reformational, reformative, reformatory, reformer, reformist, reformistic, revisional, revisionist, revisory, revolutionary, socialist, socialistic, state socialist, utopian, utopian socialist, utopist
[edit]- fable, Marchen, Western, Western story, Westerner, action, adventure story, allegory, anagnorisis, angle, apologue, architectonics, architecture, argument, atmosphere, background, bedtime story, canard, catastrophe, characterization, color, complication, concoction, continuity, contrivance, denouement, design, detective story, development, device, episode, extravaganza, fabliau, fabrication, fairy tale, falling action, fantasy, fiction, figment, folk story, folktale, forgery, gest, ghost story, gimmick, horse opera, incident, invention, legend, line, local color, love story, mood, motif, movement, mystery, mystery story, myth, mythology, mythos, nursery tale, parable, peripeteia, plan, plot, recognition, rising action, romance, scheme, science fiction, secondary plot, shocker, slant, space fiction, space opera, story, structure, subject, subplot, suspense story, switch, thematic development, theme, thriller, tone, topic, twist, whodunit, work of fiction
[edit]- fabled, acclaimed, celebrated, distinguished, famed, famous, far-famed, far-heard, honored, legendary, marked, much acclaimed, mythical, notable, noted, notorious, of mark, of note, popular, renowned, talked-about, talked-of, well-known
[edit]- fabric, Aralac, Avisco, Axminster, Celanese, Dacron, Dymaxion house, Dynel, Georgette, Harris Tweed, Lastex, Leatherette, Orlon, Qiana, Revolite, Terylene, Ultrasuede, Velon, Vicara, White House, acetate, acetate rayon, adobe house, alpaca, anatomy, architectonics, architecture, arrangement, arras, astrakhan, atoms, baize, batik, blanketing, braiding, broadcloth, broadloom, brocade, build, building, bunting, cadre, calico, cambric, canvas, carpeting, casa, case, casement, cashmere, casing, castor, chassis, cheesecloth, chiffon, chinchilla, chintz, cliff dwelling, cloth, coating, composition, configuration, conformation, constitution, construct, construction, consulate, cord, corduroy, core, cotton, country house, country seat, crash, creation, crepe, crepe de chine, cretonne, crinoline, dacha, damask, deanery, denim, distillate, distillation, doeskin, doorframe, drapery, drill, drilling, drugget, duck, duffel, dwelling house, edifice, elixir, embassy, enlacement, entwinement, entwining, erection, essence, establishment, etoffe, fabrication, farm, farmhouse, fashion, fashioning, felt, fiber, flannel, flannelette, fleece, forging, form, format, formation, foulard, foundation, frame, framework, framing, frieze, fustian, gauze, getup, gingham, gist, goods, gossamer, grenadine, grogram, grosgrain, gunny, haircloth, hall, heart, herringbone, hessian, homespun, hop sacking, horsehair, house, houseboat, huck, huckaback, interknitting, interlacement, interlacery, interlacing, intertexture, interthreading, intertieing, intertwinement, intertwining, intertwisting, interweavement, interweaving, jersey, kernel, knitting, lace, lacing, lake dwelling, lame, lattice, latticework, lawn, linen, linoleum, linsey-woolsey, lisle, list, living machine, loden, lodge, longcloth, luster, mackinaw, mackintosh, madras, make, makeup, making, maline, manor house, manse, manta, mantua, manufacture, marquisette, marrow, mat, material, matter, matting, meat, medium, melton, messaline, mohair, moire, mold, molding, moleskin, mousseline de soie, murrey, muslin, nainsook, nankeen, napery, near-silk, net, netting, nub, nylon, oil silk, oilcloth, organdy, organic structure, organism, organization, organza, packaged house, paisley, panne, panne velvet, parsonage, pattern, patterning, penthouse, pepper-and-salt, percale, physique, picture frame, pile, pique, pith, plaid, plaiting, plan, plush, polyester, pongee, poplin, prefab, prefabricated house, prefabrication, presidential palace, print, production, pyramid, quilting, quintessence, radium, rag, ranch house, rayon, rayon casheen, rectory, rep, roof, rugging, russet, sackcloth, sacking, sailcloth, sap, sarcenet, sash, sateen, satin, say, seersucker, serge, setup, shalloon, shantung, shape, shaping, sharkskin, sheers, sheeting, shell, shoddy, shot silk, silk, skeleton, skyscraper, sod house, soul, spirit, split-level, spun rayon, stamin, stammel, stockinette, structure, structuring, stuff, substance, suede, sum and substance, superstructure, swansdown, tabaret, tabby, taffeta, taffety, tangible, tapestry, tarpaulin, tartan, tectonics, terry cloth, textile, textile fabric, texture, tick, ticking, tissu, tissue, tower, town house, tricotine, tulle, tussah, tussore, tweed, twill, twining, twisting, veiling, velours, velure, velvet, velveteen, vicarage, voile, warp and woof, warpage, wash-and-wear fabric, watered fabric, weave, weaving, web, webbing, weft, weftage, window case, window frame, woof, wool, worsted, wreathing
[edit]- fabricate, assemble, beget, breed, bring forth, bring into being, build, build up, call into being, cast, coin, combine, compose, compound, conceit, conceive, conceptualize, concoct, consist of, constitute, construct, contrive, cook, cook up, counterfeit, create, design, develop, devise, discover, dream up, elaborate, embody, engender, enter into, erect, evolve, experience imaginatively, extrude, fake, falsify, fancy, fantasize, fashion, feign, fictionalize, forge, form, formulate, frame, fudge, fudge together, generate, get up, give being to, give rise to, go into, hatch, hoke up, ideate, imagine, improvise, incorporate, indite, invent, join, make, make do with, make up, manufacture, mature, merge in, mint, mix, mold, organize, originate, patch together, piece together, plan, prefabricate, prepare, procreate, produce, put together, put up, raise, rear, run up, set up, shape, spawn, strike out, structure, suppose, synthesize, think out, think up, trump up, turn out, unite in, whomp up, write
[edit]- fabricated, assembled, built, cast, coined, conceived, concocted, constructed, cooked-up, crafted, created, custom, custom-built, custom-made, discovered, extracted, fabulous, fancied, fantasied, fantastic, fashioned, fictional, fictitious, figmental, forged, formed, gathered, grown, handcrafted, handmade, harvested, hatched, homemade, homespun, invented, legendary, machine-made, machined, made, made to order, made-up, man-made, manufactured, milled, mined, minted, molded, mythical, new-minted, originated, prefab, prefabricated, processed, put together, put-up, raised, ready-for-wear, ready-formed, ready-made, ready-prepared, ready-to-wear, refined, shaped, smelted, trumped-up, well-built, well-constructed, well-made
[edit]- fabrication, anatomy, architectonics, architecture, arrangement, artifact, assemblage, assembly, authorship, beginning, build, building, buildup, canard, casting, cock-and-bull story, coinage, combination, composition, compound, conception, concoction, conformation, constitution, construction, contrivance, contriving, conversion, crafting, craftsmanship, creation, creative effort, cultivation, deceit, design, devising, elaboration, embodiment, erection, extraction, extravaganza, fable, fabric, fairy tale, fake, falsehood, falsification, fashion, fashioning, fib, fiction, figment, forgery, forging, form, format, formation, forming, formulation, frame, framing, generation, getup, growing, handicraft, handiwork, harvesting, hatching, improvisation, incorporation, invention, junction, lie, machining, make, makeup, making, making do, manufacture, manufacturing, milling, mining, mintage, mixture, mold, molding, myth, opus, organic structure, organism, organization, origination, pattern, patterning, physique, piecing together, plan, prefabrication, preparation, prevarication, processing, producing, product, production, putting together, raising, refining, romance, setup, sham, shape, shaping, smelting, story, structure, structuring, syneresis, synthesis, tale, tectonics, texture, tissue, untruth, warp and woof, weave, web, work, workmanship, yarn
[edit]- fabulous, a bit much, abandoned, ace, allegoric, amazing, appalling, astonishing, astounding, beguiling, bewildering, boundless, celebrated, concocted, conspicuous, cooked-up, cool, copacetic, egregious, enigmatic, enormous, exaggerated, exceptional, excessive, exorbitant, extraordinary, extravagant, extreme, fab, fabled, fabricated, fancied, fanciful, fancy, fantasied, fantastic, fascinating, fictional, fictitious, fictive, figmental, forged, formidable, gigantic, gluttonous, great, groovy, hatched, high, hot, howling, hyperbolic, hypertrophied, imaginary, immoderate, incomprehensible, inconceivable, incontinent, incredible, indescribable, ineffable, inordinate, intemperate, invented, keen, legendary, made-up, magic, make-believe, manufactured, marked, marvelous, miraculous, monstrous, mythic, mythical, mythicized, mythified, mythological, mythopoeic, mythopoetic, neat, nonactual, nonfactual, nonrealistic, notable, noteworthy, noticeable, of mark, out of bounds, out of sight, outlandish, outrageous, outstanding, overbig, overdeveloped, overgreat, overgrown, overlarge, overmuch, overweening, parabolic, passing strange, phenomenal, portentous, preposterous, prodigious, put-up, puzzling, rare, rattling, remarkable, romantic, romanticized, sensational, signal, smashing, steep, stiff, storied, strange, striking, stupefying, stupendous, super, superb, superior, terrific, thumping, thundering, too much, trumped-up, unbelievable, unbridled, uncommon, unconscionable, undue, unexampled, unheard-of, unimaginable, unique, unparalleled, unprecedented, unreal, unreasonable, unrestrained, unspeakable, whopping, wonderful, wondrous
[edit]- facade, acting, affectation, affectedness, airs, airs and graces, alibi, anteriority, apology, apparent character, appearance, appearances, artificiality, attitudinizing, blind, bluff, bluffing, bold front, border, brave face, brave front, cheating, circumference, cloak, color, coloring, cortex, cover, cover story, cover-up, covering, crust, deception, delusion, device, disguise, display, dissemblance, dissembling, dissimulation, envelope, epidermis, excuse, exterior, exteriors, external, external appearance, externals, face, facet, facia, fakery, faking, false air, false front, false show, falsity, feigned belief, feigning, feint, fore, forefront, foreground, forehand, foreland, forepart, forequarter, foreside, foreword, four-flushing, fraud, fringe, front, front elevation, front man, front matter, front page, front view, frontage, frontal, frontier, frontispiece, gaudiness, gilt, gloss, guise, handle, head, heading, humbug, humbuggery, hypocrisy, image, imposture, insincerity, integument, lame excuse, lap, lineaments, locus standi, mannerism, mask, masquerade, mere externals, mere show, meretriciousness, obverse, ostensible motive, ostent, ostentation, outer face, outer layer, outer side, outer skin, outline, outside, outward appearance, outward show, periphery, playacting, poor excuse, pose, posing, posture, preface, prefix, pretense, pretension, pretext, priority, proscenium, protestation, prunes and prisms, public image, public motive, put-off, put-on, putting on airs, refuge, representation, rind, screen, seeming, semblance, sham, shell, show, simulacrum, simulation, skin, smoke screen, speciousness, stalking-horse, stratagem, stylishness, subterfuge, superficiality, superficies, superstratum, surface, surface appearance, surface show, top, trick, unnaturalness, vain show, varnish, veil, veneer, window dressing
face down
[edit]- face down, brazen out, challenge, complain, complain loudly, confront, contend with, dispute, dissent, face out, face up to, front, kick against, make a stand, meet head-on, object, offer resistance, oppose, outbrave, outbrazen, outdare, outface, outlook, outstare, protest, recalcitrate, reluct, remonstrate, revolt, show fight, stand, stand at bay, stand up against, stand up to, stare down, strive against, withstand
face lift
[edit]- face lift, furbish, furbishment, recondition, reconditioning, refit, refresh, refreshment, refurbish, refurbishment, renew, renewal, renovate, renovation, retread, retreading, revamp, slum clearance, urban renewal
face to face
[edit]- face to face, aboveboard, adjacent, adjoining, at opposite extremes, back to back, before one, bordering, connecting, conterminous, contiguous, contrariwise, contrary, coterminous, counter, end to end, endways, endwise, eyeball to eyeball, immediate, in broad daylight, in open court, in plain sight, in plain view, in public, in public view, in the marketplace, in the open, joined, just opposite, juxtaposed, juxtapositional, juxtapositive, neighbor, neighboring, next, nose to nose, on the table, openly, opposite, overtly, poles apart, publicly, vis-a-vis
face up to
[edit]- face up to, affront, beard, bell the cat, bite the bullet, brave, brazen, brazen out, challenge, chance, complain, complain loudly, confront, contend with, court destruction, dare, defy danger, dispute, dissent, face, face down, face out, face the music, face up, forget the odds, front, gamble, hazard, kick against, make a stand, meet, meet boldly, meet head-on, object, offer resistance, oppose, play with fire, protest, recalcitrate, reluct, remonstrate, revolt, risk, run the chance, run the gauntlet, run the risk, set at defiance, show fight, speak out, speak up, stand, stand at bay, stand up against, stand up to, strive against, take a chance, take chances, tempt Providence, withstand
face value
[edit]- face value, account, asking price, bearish prices, bid price, book value, bullish prices, call price, closing price, conversion factor, decline, face, fixed price, flash price, flurry, flutter, high, issue par, issue price, low, market price, market value, net worth, nominal value, offering price, opening price, par, par value, parity, pennyworth, price, put price, quotation, quoted price, rally, rate, settling price, stated value, swings, value, value received, worth
[edit]- face, Communist threat, Western imperialism, accept, account, acknowledge, acting, admit, affectation, affront, air, allow, anteriority, anticipate, apparently, appear, appearance, apply paint, approach, arrive, arrogance, ascender, aspect, atrocity story, attitudinizing, audacity, await, back, balls, banner, banter, bastard type, battle hymn, be imminent, be in store, be seen, beard, bearing, bedaub, bedizen, begild, bell the cat, belly, besmear, bevel, bid defiance, bite the bullet, black letter, bloody shirt, bluff, bluffing, board, boastfulness, body, bold front, boldness, border, brashness, brass, brave, brave face, brave front, brazen, brazen out, brazenly, breast, brew, brick, bring before, bring forward, bring up, brow, browbeat, brush on paint, bump heads, calcimine, call out, camouflage, candidly, cap, capital, carriage, case, cast, cast of countenance, ceil, challenge, cheating, cheek, chutzpah, circumference, clad, clapboard, cliff, cloak, clock, close, coat, color, coloring, colors, come on, come up against, complexion, conceit, confess, confront, confront with, confronting, contemplate, contend, contrapose, contraposit, contrast, conversion factor, cope with, cortex, countenance, counter, counteract, cover, covering, cow, crag, crostarie, crust, dab, dare, daring, daub, deal with, deception, deep-dye, defy, delusion, demeanor, descender, despite, dial, dignity, dip, directly, disguise, display, dissemblance, dissembling, dissimulation, distemper, double-dare, double-dye, draw near, draw nigh, draw on, dread, dress, dye, effrontery, em, emblazon, en, enamel, encounter, engild, envelope, envisage, epidermis, escarpment, evidently, expansionism, expect, experience, expression, exterior, external, eyeball to eyeball, facade, face down, face out, face the music, face to face, face up, face up to, face upon, face value, face with, facet, facia, facial appearance, facies, facing, fakery, faking, false, false air, false front, false show, falsity, fast-dye, fat-faced type, favor, feather, feature, features, feet, feigning, feint, fiery cross, fight, fill, finish, font, fore, forefront, foreground, forehand, foreland, forepart, forequarter, foresee, foreside, foreword, forthcome, four-flushing, frankly, fraud, fresco, fringe, front, front elevation, front man, front matter, front on, front page, front view, frontage, frontal, frontier, frontispiece, fur, gall, garb, gather, gaze, gild, gilt, give upon, glare, glass, glaze, gloss, gonfalon, grain, grimace, groove, guise, guts, gutsiness, hang over, haughtiness, have in mind, head, heading, high place, honor, hope, hover, hue, humbug, humbuggery, illuminate, image, imbue, impend, imperialist threat, impertinence, imposture, impudence, in defiance of, in opposition to, in spite of, independence, ingrain, inlay, integument, interline, intimidate, italic, japan, kisser, kudos, lacquer, lap, lath, lay before, lay on color, letter, lie opposite, lie over, ligature, line, lineaments, lines, load, logotype, look, look for, look out upon, look over, look toward, looks, loom, lower, lower case, majuscule, make a face, manifest destiny, map, market value, martial music, mask, masquerade, match, meet, meet boldly, meet head-on, meet squarely, meet with, menace, meretriciousness, mien, minuscule, mug, mush, muzzle, name, national anthem, near, nerve, net worth, nick, notwithstanding, obverse, openly, oppose, opposite, ostentation, outdare, outer face, outer layer, outer side, outer skin, outface, outline, outside, outward show, overawe, overhang, overlay, overlook, pack, pad, paint, palisade, palisades, pan, paper, par value, pardonable pride, parget, pennyworth, periphery, phiz, physiognomy, pi, pica, pigment, place before, plank, playacting, point, polarize, port, pose, pose against, posing, position, posture, precipice, preface, prefix, presence, present to, prestige, presume, presumption, pretense, pretension, pretext, pride, pridefulness, prime, print, priority, proscenium, proudness, purse-pride, puss, put in opposition, put it to, rank, rate, representation, reputation, repute, resist, revet, right side, rind, roman, run the gauntlet, sans serif, scar, scarp, scream defiance, script, seeming, seemingly, self-confidence, self-consequence, self-determination, self-esteem, self-reliance, self-respect, self-sufficiency, semblance, set at defiance, set before, set over against, shade, shadow, shake, sham, shank, sheathe, shell, shellac, shingle, shoulder, show, show fight, show up, showing, simulacrum, simulation, skin, slate, slop on paint, small cap, small capital, smear, speak out, speak up, speciousness, stain, stamp, stance, stand opposed, stand opposite, stand up to, standing, stare, stare down, station, stature, status, steep, stem, stiff-necked pride, stiff-neckedness, stipple, stone, stuff, subdue, subtend, superficially, superficies, superstratum, surface, take, take for granted, tete-a-tete, thatch, think, threaten, tile, tinct, tincture, tinge, tint, tone, top, traits, turn, turn up, type, type body, type class, type lice, typecase, typeface, typefounders, typefoundry, undercoat, upper case, value, value received, vanity, varnish, veneer, venture, vis-a-vis, visage, wad, wainscot, wall, wall in, wall up, wallpaper, war song, wash, watch, weatherboard, window dressing, withstand, worth, yellow peril
[edit]- facet, angle, anteriority, article, aspect, bold front, border, brave face, brave front, case, circumference, configuration, cortex, count, covering, crust, datum, detail, display, effect, eidolon, element, envelope, epidermis, exterior, external, facade, face, facia, fact, factor, fashion, feature, figure, fore, forefront, foreground, forehand, foreland, forepart, forequarter, foreside, foreword, form, fringe, front, front elevation, front man, front matter, front page, front view, frontage, frontal, frontier, frontispiece, gestalt, guise, hand, head, heading, image, imago, impression, incidental, instance, integument, item, lap, light, likeness, lineaments, look, manner, matter, minor detail, minutia, minutiae, obverse, outer face, outer layer, outer side, outer skin, outline, outside, particular, periphery, phase, phasis, point, preface, prefix, priority, proscenium, reference, regard, respect, rind, seeming, semblance, shape, shell, side, simulacrum, skin, slant, style, superficies, superstratum, surface, thing, top, total effect, twist, view, viewpoint, window dressing, wise
[edit]- facetious, Attic, biting, blithe, brilliant, clever, comic, comical, droll, funny, humorous, humorsome, jesting, jocose, jocular, jocund, joking, joky, jolly, joshing, jovial, keen, keen-witted, laughable, ludicrous, merry, mordant, nimble-witted, pointed, pungent, quick-witted, rapier-like, salt, salty, scintillating, sharp, smart, sparkling, sprightly, whimsical, witty
[edit]- facetiousness, brilliance, cleverness, funniness, humorousness, jocoseness, jocularity, joking, joshing, keen-wittedness, keenness, nimble-wittedness, pleasantry, pungency, quick-wittedness, saltiness, sharpness, smartness, wittiness
[edit]- facia, anteriority, bold front, brave face, brave front, display, facade, face, facet, fore, forefront, foreground, forehand, foreland, forepart, forequarter, foreside, foreword, front, front elevation, front man, front matter, front page, front view, frontage, frontal, frontier, frontispiece, head, heading, lap, obverse, preface, prefix, priority, proscenium, window dressing
[edit]- facile, Mickey Mouse, adaptable, adroit, apt, bendable, bending, biddable, bright, casual, clear, clever, compliant, cursory, cushy, deft, dexterous, dib, docile, ductile, easy, easy as pie, educable, effortless, elastic, elegant, extensible, extensile, fabricable, fictile, flexible, flexile, flexuous, flowing, fluent, formable, formative, giving, glib, graceful, impressible, impressionable, instructable, intelligent, light, like putty, limber, lissome, lithe, lithesome, malleable, moldable, motivated, nothing to it, painless, plain, plastic, pleasing, pliable, pliant, quick, ready, receptive, responsive, ripe for instruction, royal, schoolable, sensitive, sequacious, shallow, shapable, simple, simple as ABC, smooth, soft, springy, straightforward, submissive, superficial, supple, susceptible, teachable, thirsty for knowledge, tractable, tractile, trainable, tripping, unburdensome, uncomplicated, uncritical, untroublesome, voluble, whippy, willing, willowy, yielding
[edit]- facilitate, act for, advance, advantage, aid, assist, be instrumental, boost, clear the way, conduce to, contribute to, ease, encourage, expedite, explain, favor, forward, further, go between, grease, grease the ways, grease the wheels, hasten, help, help along, lend wings to, loose, lubricate, make clear, make for, make way for, mediate, minister to, oil, open the way, open up, pave the way, prepare the way, promote, push forward, put forward, quicken, remove friction, run interference for, serve, set forward, simplify, smooth, smooth the way, soap the ways, speed, subserve, unbar, unblock, unclog, unjam
[edit]- facilities, accommodation, accommodations, accouterments, apparatus, appliances, appointments, appurtenances, armament, bed, bed and board, board, board and room, conveniences, duffel, equipage, equipment, facility, fittings, fixtures, furnishings, furniture, gear, impedimenta, installations, keep, kit, lodgings, machinery, materiel, munition, munitions, outfit, paraphernalia, plant, plumbing, rig, rigging, stock-in-trade, subsistence, tackle, things, utensils
[edit]- facility, WC, abandon, ability, ableness, accommodation, accouterments, adaptability, address, adeptness, adequacy, adroitness, advantage, agency, agreeability, agreeableness, aid, airmanship, alacrity, amenability, amenity, apparatus, appliance, appliances, appointments, appurtenance, appurtenances, aptitude, aptness, armament, artfulness, artisanship, artistry, atelier, barbershop, beauty parlor, beauty shop, bench, bendability, bent, biddability, bog, bravura, brightness, brilliance, butcher shop, caliber, capability, capableness, capacity, celerity, cleverness, comfort, command, company, competence, complex, compliableness, concern, control, convenience, conveniences, coordination, corporation, craft, craftsmanship, cunning, deftness, desk, dexterity, dexterousness, dextrousness, diplomacy, docility, drive, ductibility, ductility, duffel, ease, easiness, educability, efficacy, efficiency, effortlessness, elasticity, elegance, engine, enginery, equipage, equipment, establishment, expertise, expertness, extendibility, extensibility, facilities, faculty, fictility, finesse, firm, fitness, fitting, fittings, fixture, fixtures, flair, flexibility, flexility, flexuousness, flow, fluency, formativeness, furnishings, furniture, gear, genius, give, grace, gracefulness, grip, handiness, head, horsemanship, house, impedimenta, impressionability, ingeniousness, ingenuity, installation, installations, institution, intelligence, john, kit, know-how, lavatory, leaning, lightness, limberness, litheness, loft, loo, machine, machinery, malleability, marksmanship, masterfulness, mastership, mastery, materiel, mechanical aid, mechanical device, mechanism, moldability, motivation, motive power, motor, munition, munitions, organization, outfit, paraphernalia, parlor, plant, plasticity, pliability, pliancy, plumbing, poetry, poise, power plant, power source, practical ability, privy, proficiency, propensity, prowess, qualification, quickness, readiness, receptiveness, receptivity, resource, resourcefulness, responsiveness, rest room, rig, rigging, savoir-faire, savvy, seamanship, sensibility, sensitiveness, sequacity, servility, shop, skill, skillfulness, smoothness, speed, spontaneity, springiness, stock-in-trade, structure, studio, style, submissiveness, subservience, sufficiency, suppleness, susceptibility, sweatshop, swiftness, system, tackle, tact, tactfulness, talent, teachability, teachableness, technical brilliance, technical mastery, technical skill, technique, tensileness, tensility, the goods, the stuff, things, timing, toilet, tractability, tractility, trainableness, turn, unconstraint, utensils, utility, virtuosity, what it takes, willingness, willowiness, wit, wizardry, work site, work space, workbench, workhouse, working space, workmanship, workplace, workroom, workshop, worktable, yieldingness
[edit]- facing, across, against, antipodal, antithetic, bush, bushing, coat, coating, confronting, contra, contrapositive, converse, doubling, doublure, enamel, eyeball-to-eyeball, facade, filler, filling, film, forward, forwards, front, fronting, frontward, frontwards, fur, headward, headwards, in front of, in opposition to, inlay, inlayer, insole, interlineation, inverse, lacquer, liner, lining, obverse, onward, onwards, opposing, opposite, opposite to, over, over against, overlay, packing, padding, paint, pellicle, polar, polaric, polarized, reverse, revetment, scale, scum, skin, stuffing, surface, toward, vanward, varnish, veneer, versus, vis-a-vis, wadding, wainscot
[edit]- facsimile, Doppelganger, Photoradiogram, Telephoto, Wirephoto, actual thing, burlesque, carbon, carbon copy, clone, copy, counterpart, dead ringer, ditto, double, dummy, dupe, duplicate, duplication, equivalent, exact counterpart, homograph, homonym, homophone, idem, identical same, imitation, knockoff, mock-up, model, no other, none other, paraphrase, parody, quadruplicate, radiophotograph, reduplication, repetition, replica, replication, representation, reproduction, selfsame, spit and image, spitting image, synonym, telephotograph, the same, the same difference, travesty, triplicate, twin, version, very image, very same
fact finding
[edit]- fact finding, analytic, examinational, examinatorial, examining, explorational, explorative, exploratory, feeling, groping, heuristic, indagative, inspectional, inspectorial, investigational, investigative, investigatory, tentative, testing, trying, zetetic
[edit]- fact, absolute fact, accepted fact, accomplishment, act, actual fact, actuality, actually, admitted fact, adventure, article, aspect, authenticity, axiom, bald fact, bare fact, basis for belief, body of evidence, brutal fact, case, certainty, chain of evidence, circumstance, clue, cold fact, conceded fact, count, data, datum, deed, demonstrable fact, detail, details, documentation, element, empirical fact, episode, established fact, eternal verities, event, evidence, exhibit, experience, facet, fact of experience, factor, factors, facts, factually, fait accompli, genuineness, given fact, good sooth, grounds, grounds for belief, hap, happening, happenstance, hard fact, historical truth, historicity, in fact, in reality, in truth, incident, incidental, indeed, indication, indisputable fact, inescapable fact, information, instance, item, item of evidence, items, low-down, manifestation, mark, material grounds, matter, matter of fact, minor detail, minutia, minutiae, muniments, mute witness, naked fact, not guesswork, not opinion, observable, occasion, occurrence, particular, particulars, phenomenon, piece of evidence, plain, point, points, positive fact, postulate, premises, proof, provable fact, reality, really, reason to believe, regard, relevant fact, respect, salient fact, self-evident fact, sign, significant fact, simple fact, sober fact, sooth, stubborn fact, symptom, the case, the nitty-gritty, the score, the true, thing, to be sure, token, trueness, truly, truth, truthfully, truthfulness, turn of events, ultimate truth, undeniable fact, unerroneousness, unfallaciousness, unfalseness, veracity, verity, very truth, well-known fact
[edit]- faction, American Party, Anti-Monopoly Party, Bull Moose Party, Communist Party, Conservative Party, Constitutional Union Party, Democratic Party, Democratic-Republican Party, Farmer-Labor Party, Federalist Party, Free Soil Party, Greenback Party, Know-Nothing Party, Labour Party, Liberal Party, Liberal Republican Party, Liberty Party, National Republican Party, Populist Party, Progressive Party, Prohibition Party, Republican Party, Socialist Labor Party, Socialist Party, Socialist Workers Party, Tammany Hall, Tory Party, Whig Party, affiliation, age group, aggressiveness, antagonism, argumentation, band, battalion, bellicosity, belligerence, bevy, bickering, bloc, body, branch, breakaway group, brigade, bunch, cabal, cadre, camarilla, camp, cast, caucus, church, circle, city hall, clannishness, clanship, clash, clashing, clique, cliqueyness, cliquishness, cliquism, coalition, cohort, combativeness, combine, communion, community, company, complement, conflict, contention, contentiousness, contingent, contradiction, controversy, corps, coterie, covey, crew, crowd, denomination, denominationalism, detachment, detail, difference, disaccord, disaccordance, disagreement, discord, discordance, discordancy, discrepancy, disharmony, disparity, dissension, dissent, dissidence, dissonance, disunion, disunity, divergence, diversity, division, esprit de corps, ethnic group, ethnocentricity, exclusiveness, factionalism, factiousness, fellowship, flak, fleet, gang, group, grouping, groupment, in-group, inaccordance, inequality, infighting, interest, interest group, intrigue, irascibility, irritability, jarring, junta, junto, litigiousness, lobby, machine, major party, minor party, minority group, mob, movement, multiple party system, negation, offshoot, one-party system, opposition, opposition party, oppugnancy, order, organization, out-group, outfit, pack, part, partiality, partisan spirit, partisanism, partisanship, party, party in power, party spirit, peer group, persuasion, phalanx, platoon, political machine, political party, posse, pressure group, pugnacity, quarrelsomeness, regiment, religious order, repugnance, rift, ring, rupture, salon, schism, school, sect, sectarianism, sectarism, sectionalism, sedition, segment, set, shrewishness, side, silent majority, society, splinter, splinter group, splinter party, split, squad, stable, strife, string, team, third party, tribe, troop, troupe, two-party system, unharmoniousness, variance, variety, version, vocal minority, wing
[edit]- factious, aggressive, alienated, argumentative, at loggerheads, at odds, bellicose, belligerent, bickering, breakaway, combative, conflicting, contending, contentious, contumacious, disaffected, discordant, disputatious, divisive, eristic, estranged, extreme, extremistic, factional, fighting, insurgent, insurrectionary, irascible, irritable, litigious, mutineering, mutinous, partisan, polarizing, polemic, pugnacious, quarrelsome, rebel, rebellious, refractory, revolutional, revolutionary, riotous, seditionary, seditious, shrewish, subversive, traitorous, treasonable, turbulent, warring, wrangling
[edit]- factitious, affected, artificial, assumed, bogus, counterfeit, counterfeited, engineered, fabricated, faked, false, falsified, feigned, forced, imitation, insincere, man-made, manufactured, mock, pretended, rigged, set up, sham, simulated, spurious, synthetic, unauthentic, unreal
[edit]- factor, Altmann theory, DNA, De Vries theory, Federal, Galtonian theory, MC, Mendelianism, Mendelism, RNA, Verworn theory, Weismann theory, Weismannism, Wiesner theory, adjunct, adjutant, agency, agent, aid, allele, allelomorph, amanuensis, antecedent, antecedents, appraise, appurtenance, article, aspect, assess, assignee, assistant, attorney, backer, baggage agent, bailiff, banker, base, basis, birth, business agent, butler, call, case, catalog, categorize, causation, cause, cause and effect, character, chromatid, chromatin, chromosome, circumstance, claim agent, class, classify, clerk, coadjutor, commercial agent, commission agent, component, consideration, consignee, constituent, contents, count, croupier, curator, custodian, customer agent, datum, deputy, detail, determinant, determinative, determiner, diathesis, dupe, element, emcee, endowment, etiology, eugenics, evaluate, facet, fact, feature, fed, federal agent, financier, fixings, freight agent, functionary, gauge, gene, general agent, genesiology, genetic code, genetics, go-between, ground, grounds, group, guardian, helper, hereditability, heredity, heritability, heritage, housekeeper, identify, implement, inborn capacity, incidental, influence, ingredient, inheritability, inheritance, instance, instrument, instrumentality, insurance agent, integrant, intermediary, item, land agent, landreeve, law agent, lender, librarian, literary agent, loan agent, majordomo, makings, master of ceremonies, matrocliny, matter, means, middleman, minor detail, minutia, minutiae, moneylender, news agent, occasion, official, parliamentary agent, part, part and parcel, particular, passenger agent, patrocliny, pharmacogenetics, piece, point, press agent, principle, proctor, procurator, proxy, puppet, purchasing agent, real estate agent, recessive character, regard, replication, representative, respect, sales agent, secretary, seneschal, sift, sort, sort out, special agent, specialty, station agent, steward, stimulus, theatrical agent, thing, thrash out, ticket agent, tool, travel agent, walking delegate, weigh, winnow
[edit]- factory, armory, arsenal, assembly line, assembly plant, atomic energy plant, bindery, boatyard, boilery, bookbindery, brewery, brickyard, cannery, creamery, dairy, defense plant, distillery, dockyard, factory belt, factory district, feeder plant, flour mill, industrial park, industrial zone, main plant, manufactory, manufacturing plant, manufacturing quarter, mill, mint, munitions plant, oil refinery, packing house, plant, pottery, power plant, production line, push-button plant, refinery, sawmill, shipyard, subassembly plant, sugar refinery, tannery, winery, works, yard, yards
[edit]- facts, account, acquaintance, announcement, basis for belief, blue book, body of evidence, brass tacks, briefing, bulletin, chain of evidence, clue, communication, communique, corpus, data, datum, directory, dispatch, documentation, enlightenment, essential facts, essentials, evidence, exhibit, experience, expertise, fact, factual base, factual information, familiarity, familiarization, gen, general information, grounds, grounds for belief, guidebook, handout, hard information, incidental information, indication, info, information, instruction, intelligence, intimacy, item of evidence, ken, know-how, knowing, knowledge, light, manifestation, mark, material grounds, mention, message, muniments, mute witness, notice, notification, piece of evidence, practical knowledge, premises, presentation, private knowledge, privity, promotional material, proof, publication, publicity, ratio cognoscendi, reason to believe, release, relevant fact, report, self-knowledge, sidelight, sign, statement, symptom, technic, technics, technique, the data, the details, the dope, the facts, the goods, the information, the know, the particulars, the picture, the scoop, the score, the specifics, the whole story, token, transmission, white book, white paper, word
[edit]- factual, absolute, accurate, actual, adducible, admissible, admitting no question, ascertained, attestative, attested, attestive, authentic, authenticated, based on, bona fide, categorically true, certain, certified, circumstantial, conclusive, confirmable, confirmed, convincing, correct, corroborated, cumulative, damning, de facto, decisive, demonstrable, demonstratable, demonstrated, determinative, determined, documentary, documented, effectual, established, evidential, evidentiary, ex parte, eye-witness, faithful, final, firsthand, for real, founded on, genuine, grounded on, hard, hearsay, historical, honest-to-God, implicit, inappealable, incontestable, incontrovertible, indicative, indisputable, indubitable, irrefragable, irrefutable, irresistible, legitimate, material, not in error, nuncupative, objective, objectively true, overwhelming, positive, precise, presumptive, probative, provable, proved, real, realistic, reliable, self-evident, significant, straightforward, substantial, substantiated, suggestive, sure, sure-enough, symptomatic, telling, testable, true, true as gospel, true to life, truthful, unanswerable, unbiased, unconfutable, unconfuted, undeniable, undenied, undistorted, undoubted, unerroneous, unexaggerated, unfallacious, unfalse, unimpeachable, unmistaken, unprejudiced, unquestionable, unrefutable, unrefuted, unvarnished, valid, validated, veracious, verifiable, verified, veritable, weighty
[edit]- faculty, ability, ableness, absolute power, absolutism, adequacy, adroitness, appurtenance, aptitude, aptness, authority, authorization, bent, birthright, bump, caliber, capability, capableness, capacity, claim, cleverness, competence, competency, conjugal right, consciousness, constituted authority, delegated authority, demand, department, dexterity, discipline, dispensation, divine right, dower, dowry, droit, due, efficacy, efficiency, endowment, equipment, facility, faculties, fitness, flair, forte, function, genius, gift, inalienable right, indirect authority, inherent authority, instinct, intellectual gifts, intellectuals, interest, jus divinum, knack, lawful authority, leaning, legal authority, legitimacy, liberty, long suit, makings, members, metier, natural endowment, natural gift, natural right, nose, parts, penchant, permission, personnel, potential, power, powers, predilection, prerogative, prescription, presumptive right, pretense, pretension, privilege, proclivity, professorate, professordom, professoriate, professors, proficiency, propensity, proper claim, property, property right, qualification, quality, regality, right, rightful authority, royal prerogative, sanction, school, senses, skill, speciality, staff, strong flair, strong point, sufficiency, susceptibility, talent, talents, the goods, the say, the say-so, the stuff, title, turn, vested authority, vested interest, vested right, vicarious authority, what it takes, wits
[edit]- fad, best seller, big hit, boutade, brainstorm, brilliant success, capriccio, caprice, chic, conceit, crank, craze, crazy idea, crotchet, cry, faddiness, faddishness, faddism, faddist, fancy, fantastic notion, fantasy, flimflam, fool notion, freak, freakish inspiration, furore, gas, gasser, great success, harebrained idea, hit, humor, killing, kink, maggot, megrim, meteoric success, mode, momentary success, notion, novelty, passing fancy, quirk, rage, resounding triumph, riot, roaring success, sensation, smash, smash hit, style, toy, triumph, vagary, vogue, whim, whim-wham, whimsy, wow, wrinkle
[edit]- faddish, changeable, coquettish, faddy, fickle, flighty, flirtatious, inconstant, light, mercurial, quicksilver, skittish, toying, undependable, unpredictable, unreliable, vacillating, versatile, volatile
[edit]- faddist, addict, bug, collector, craze, demon, eager beaver, energumen, enthusiast, fad, faddiness, faddishness, faddism, fanatic, fiend, freak, great one for, hobbyist, hound, infatuate, novelty, nut, pursuer, rage, rhapsodist, sucker for, visionary, wrinkle, zealot
fade in
[edit]- fade in, appear, arise, become manifest, become visible, come, come forth, come forward, come in sight, come out, come to hand, come to light, crop out, emerge, enter, heave in sight, issue, issue forth, look forth, loom, materialize, outcrop, peep out, rear its head, rise, see the light, show, show up, stream forth, strike the eye, turn up
fade out
[edit]- fade out, FCC, FM broadcasting, Federal Communications Commission, abatement, abridgment, alleviation, atmospherics, attenuation, be annihilated, be consumed, be destroyed, be gone, be no more, be wiped out, blackout, blanch, blaring, blasting, bleach, bleach out, blind spot, blocking, broadcasting, cease, cease to be, cease to exist, change color, contraction, crawling, creeping, dampening, damping, decrease, decrement, decrescence, deduction, deflation, dematerialization, dematerialize, depart, departure, depreciation, depression, die, die away, die out, diminishment, diminution, disappear, disappearance, disappearing, dispel, disperse, dispersion, dissipate, dissipation, dissolution, dissolve, dissolving, do a fade-out, drift, dwindle, dying, dying off, eclipse, elimination, erasure, erode, evanesce, evanescence, evaporate, evaporation, exit, expire, extenuation, extinction, fade, fade away, fadeaway, fadeout, fading, flee, fly, go, go away, going, grow pale, hide, interference, languishment, leave no trace, leave the scene, lessening, letup, lose color, lowering, melt, melt away, melting, miniaturization, mitigation, mixing, noise, occultation, pale, pass, pass away, pass out, passing, perish, peter out, radiobroadcasting, reception, reduction, relaxation, retire from sight, sagging, scaling down, simplicity, sink, sink away, standard broadcasting, static, subtraction, suffer an eclipse, tone control, transmission, turn pale, turn white, vanish, vanish from sight, vanishing, vanishing point, vestigial transmission, volume control, wan, waste, waste away, weakening, wear away, whiten, wipe
[edit]- fade, abate, achromatize, age, ante, ante up, antiquate, arid, attenuate, avoid, back, back-number, banal, barren, be annihilated, be consumed, be destroyed, be gone, be no more, be wiped out, become extinct, become obsolete, bet, bet on, bewhiskered, blah, blanch, blank, bleach, bleach out, blench, blink, bloodless, break, bromidic, call, cave in, cease, cease to be, cease to exist, change color, characterless, cheat the undertaker, clear, cloud over, cold, collapse, colorless, come apart, come unstuck, common, commonplace, conk out, corny, cover, cringe, crumble, cut-and-dried, date, dead, decay, decline, decolor, decolorize, deliquesce, dematerialize, depart, desiccate, deteriorate, die, die away, die out, dilute, diluted, dim, diminish, disappear, discolor, disintegrate, dismal, dispel, disperse, dissipate, dissolve, do a fade-out, dodder, dodge, draggy, drain, drain of color, draw back, drearisome, dreary, drift away, droop, drop, dry, dry up, dryasdust, duck, dull, dusty, dwindle, ebb, effete, elephantine, empty, erode, etiolate, etiolated, evade, evanesce, evaporate, exit, expire, fade away, fade out, fail, faint, fall, fall away, fall back, fall off, familiar, fizzle out, flag, flat, flavorless, flee, fleet, flinch, flit, fly, fossilize, fume, fust, fusty, gamble, get along, get on, give out, give way, go, go away, go down, go downhill, go off, go soft, go to pieces, grow dim, grow old, grow pale, gruelly, hackney, hackneyed, hang back, hazard, heavy, hide, hit a slump, hit rock bottom, hit the skids, ho-hum, hollow, inane, indifferent, inexcitable, insipid, jejune, jib, languish, lapse, lay, lay a wager, lay down, leaden, leave no trace, leave the scene, lessen, lifeless, lose color, lose currency, lose strength, low-spirited, make a bet, meet a bet, melt, melt away, melt like snow, mild, milk-and-water, moderate, molder, moth-eaten, move away, move off, muddy, musty, obsolesce, old hat, outdate, pale, pallid, pappy, parlay, pass, pass away, pass out, peak, pedestrian, peg out, perish, peroxide, peter out, pine, platitudinous, play against, plodding, plunge, pointless, poky, ponderous, poop out, pull away, pull back, pulpy, punt, quail, rarefy, reach the depths, recede, recoil, reel back, retire, retire from sight, retreat, retrocede, run down, rust, sag, sapless, savorless, sear, see, set, shake, sheer off, shrink, shrink back, shrivel, shy, sidestep, sink, sink away, slide, slip, slow, slump, spiceless, spiritless, square, stake, stale, stand off, stand pat, start aside, start back, stereotyped, sterile, stiff, stock, stodgy, stuffy, subside, suffer an eclipse, superannuate, superficial, swerve, tarnish, tasteless, tedious, thin, threadbare, timeworn, tone down, totter, touch bottom, trite, truistic, turn aside, turn gray, turn pale, turn white, unflavored, unlively, unoriginal, unsavory, vanish, vanish from sight, vapid, wager, wan, wane, warmed-over, wash out, washy, waste, waste away, watered, watered-down, watery, weak, weaken, wear away, wear thin, weasel, weasel out, well-known, well-worn, whiten, widen the distance, wilt, wince, wishy-washy, withdraw, wither, wither away, wizen, wooden, worn, worn thin, wrinkle, yield
[edit]- faded, achromatic, achromic, anemic, ashen, ashy, bedraggled, blanched, bleached, bled white, bloodless, cadaverous, chloranemic, colorless, dead, deadly pale, deathly pale, dim, dimmed, dingy, discolored, dull, eroded, etiolated, exsanguinated, exsanguine, exsanguineous, faint, fallow, flat, ghastly, gray, haggard, hueless, hypochromic, lackluster, leaden, livid, lurid, lusterless, mat, mealy, muddy, murky, neutral, pale, pale as death, pale-faced, pallid, pasty, run-down, sallow, seedy, shabby, sickly, tacky, tallow-faced, tattered, threadbare, tired, toneless, uncolored, wan, washed-out, wasted, waxen, weak, weather-battered, weather-beaten, weather-bitten, weather-eaten, weather-wasted, weathered, weatherworn, whey-faced, white, worn
[edit]- fading, achromatization, aging, atmospherics, blackout, blanching, blaring, blasting, bleach, bleaching, blind spot, blocking, brittle, capricious, changeable, comedown, coming apart, corruptible, cracking, crawling, creeping, crumbling, debasement, decadence, decadency, decadent, deciduous, declension, declination, decline, declining, decoloration, decolorization, decolorizing, deformation, degeneracy, degenerate, degenerateness, degeneration, degradation, dematerialization, demotion, departure, depravation, depravedness, depreciation, derogation, descent, deteriorating, deterioration, devolution, diminishing, disappearance, disappearing, discoloration, disintegrating, dispersion, dissipation, dissolution, dissolving, doting, downtrend, downturn, downward mobility, downward trend, draining, drift, drooping, drop, dwindling, dying, ebb, ebbing, eclipse, effete, effeteness, elimination, ephemeral, erasure, etiolation, evanescence, evanescent, evaporating, evaporation, extinction, fade-out, fadeaway, fadeout, failing, failure, failure of nerve, fall, falling, falling-off, fickle, flagging, fleeting, flitting, fly-by-night, flying, fragile, fragmenting, frail, fugacious, fugitive, getting on, going, going to pieces, growing old, impermanent, impetuous, impulsive, inconstant, insubstantial, interference, involution, languishing, lapse, lightening, loss of tone, madder bleach, marcescent, market bleach, melting, momentary, mortal, mutable, noise, nondurable, nonpermanent, occultation, paling, passing, perishable, pining, receding, reception, regression, regressive, retiring, retreating, retrocession, retrogradation, retrograde, retrogression, retrogressive, senescent, short-lived, shrinking, shriveling, sinking, sliding, slippage, slipping, slump, slumping, static, subsiding, tabetic, temporal, temporary, transient, transitive, transitory, undurable, unenduring, unstable, vanishing, vanishing point, volatile, wane, waning, wasting, whitening, wilting, wipe, withering, worsening
[edit]- faerie, Agapemone, Arcadia, Big Rock-Candy Mountain, Canaan, Cloudcuckooland, Cockaigne, Eden, Eldorado, Erewhon, Garden of Eden, Goshen, Happy Valley, Land of Youth, Laputa, Never-Never-land, Neverland, New Atlantis, Pandemonium, Quivira, Shangri-la, Utopia, cloudland, dreamland, dystopia, eeriness, elfdom, elfenfolk, fairyfolk, fairyland, heaven, kakotopia, kingdom come, land of dreams, land of enchantment, land of faerie, land of plenty, land of promise, lotus land, millennium, miraculousness, mysteriousness, mystery, numinousness, otherworldliness, paradise, preternaturalism, promised land, shee, sidhe, superhumanity, supernaturalism, supernaturality, supernaturalness, supernature, supernormalness, superphysicalness, supersensibleness, supranaturalism, supranature, the good folk, the little people, the occult, the supernatural, the supersensible, transcendentalism, unearthliness, unworldliness, utopia, witchery, wonderland
fag end
[edit]- fag end, Thule, Ultima Thule, afterglow, afterimage, balance, bitter end, bottom dollar, boundary, butt, butt end, candle ends, chaff, debris, detritus, end, extreme, extremity, farthest bound, filings, fossil, holdover, husks, jumping-off place, leavings, leftovers, limit, nib, odds and ends, offscourings, orts, parings, point, pole, rags, refuse, relics, remainder, remains, remnant, residue, residuum, rest, roach, rubbish, ruins, rump, sawdust, scourings, scraps, shadow, shavings, straw, stub, stubble, stump, survival, sweepings, tag, tag end, tail, tail end, tip, trace, vestige, waste
[edit]- fag, auntie, beast of burden, beat, bi-guy, bisexual, bugger, bull dyke, burden, burn out, busy, butch, butt, carton of cigarettes, catamite, chicken, cig, cigarette, cigarette butt, cigarette case, debilitate, deck of cigarettes, dig, dirty work, do in, do up, donkeywork, drive, drudge, drudgery, dyke, employment, enervate, exhaust, fag out, faggot, fairy, fatigue, femme, flag, flit, frazzle, fricatrice, fruit, galley slave, greasy grind, grind, grub, gunsel, hack, hammer, hammer away, handiwork, handwork, harass, homo, homophile, homosexual, homosexualist, industry, invert, jade, keep busy, knock out, knock up, labor, lesbian, lick, lick of work, manual labor, moil, nance, oppress, outwear, overdrive, overfatigue, overstrain, overtask, overtax, overtire, overweary, overwork, pansy, pathic, peg, peg away, plod, plodder, plug, plug along, plug away, poop, poop out, pound away, prostrate, punk, queen, queer, rat race, sapphist, scut work, slave, slavery, slog, slogger, smoke, snipe, spadework, stroke, stroke of work, stub, sweat, swot, task, tax, tire, tire out, tire to death, tiresome work, toil, travail, treadmill, tribade, tucker, use up, wade through, weaken, wear, wear down, wear on, wear out, weary, wilt, wind, work, work away, workhorse
[edit]- fagged, all in, beat, beat up, beaten, bone-weary, bushed, dead, dead-and-alive, dead-tired, deadbeat, debilitated, dog-tired, dog-weary, done, done in, done up, drained, drooping, droopy, enervated, enfeebled, exhausted, fagged out, faint, fainting, fatigued, feeling faint, flagging, footsore, frazzled, gone, good and tired, jaded, knocked out, languid, played out, pooped, pooped out, prostrate, ready to drop, run ragged, run-down, sagging, seedy, spent, tired, tired out, tired to death, tired-winged, toilworn, tuckered out, unrefreshed, unrestored, used up, washed-up, way-weary, wayworn, weak, weakened, wearied, weariful, weary, weary unto death, weary-footed, weary-laden, weary-winged, weary-worn, whacked, wilting, wiped out, worn, worn-down, worn-out
[edit]- faggot, auntie, bi-guy, bisexual, bull dyke, butch, catamite, chicken, dyke, fag, fairy, femme, flit, fricatrice, fruit, gunsel, homo, homophile, homosexual, homosexualist, invert, lesbian, nance, pansy, pathic, punk, queen, queer, sapphist, tribade
[edit]- fagot, backlog, bale, bavin, bindle, bolt, bouquet, brush, brushwood, budget, bundle, deck, fardel, fasces, fascine, firewood, kindling, kindlings, log, nosegay, pack, package, packet, parcel, posy, quiver, roll, rouleau, sheaf, stovewood, truss, wood, yule clog, yule log
[edit]- fail, abandon, abort, age, bankrupt, be a gas, be a hit, be caught napping, be found wanting, be inferior, be insufficient, be neglectful, be negligent, be ruined, be unfaithful, be unsuccessful, become insolvent, bill, bomb, break, break faith, bust, cave in, cheat the undertaker, close down, close up, collapse, come apart, come short, come to grief, come unstuck, conk out, crash, crumble, decay, decline, decrease, default, deplete, desert, deteriorate, die, diminish, disappear, disappoint, disintegrate, disregard, dodder, drain, dramatize, droop, drop, dwindle, ebb, exhaust, fade, fail of, fail of success, faint, fall, fall away, fall flat, fall off, fall short, fall shy, fall through, falter, feature, fizzle out, flag, flop, flunk, flunk out, fold, fold up, follow, forsake, founder, get along, get on, give out, give way, gloss over, go back on, go bankrupt, go broke, go down, go downhill, go into receivership, go off, go out, go soft, go to pieces, go to pot, go to ruin, go under, go up, go wrong, grow old, gutter, have nothing on, headline, hit a slump, hit rock bottom, hit the skids, ignore, impoverish, jade, kick the beam, labor in vain, lack, lag, languish, lapse, leave undone, lessen, let down, let go, let ride, let slide, let slip, lose, lose ground, lose sight of, lose strength, lose track of, make a hit, melodramatize, miscarry, misfire, miss, mount, neglect, nod, not answer, not approach, not care for, not come near, not come off, not compare, not get involved, not hack it, not heed, not make it, not make out, not measure up, not pass, not qualify, not stretch, not suffice, not think, not work, open, open a show, overlook, pass over, pass the buck, peak, peg out, peter out, pine, play second fiddle, poop out, premiere, present, preview, produce, put on, rank under, reach the depths, run aground, run down, run out, run short, scenarize, serve, set the stage, shake, shift the blame, shift the responsibility, short, shrink, shrivel, shut down, sink, sleep, slide, slight, slip, slump, spin, stage, star, stop short, subserve, subside, succeed, take for granted, theatricalize, totter, touch bottom, try out, turn gray, turn white, wane, want, wash out, waste, waste away, weaken, wear away, wear thin, wilt, wither, wither away, wizen, worsen, wrinkle, yield
[edit]- failed, abortive, bankrupt, bootless, broke, broken, busted, destitute, failing, fruitless, futile, in receivership, ineffective, ineffectual, inefficacious, insolvent, lame, manque, miscarried, miscarrying, of no effect, on the rocks, ruined, stickit, stillborn, successless, unfortunate, unsuccessful, useless
[edit]- failing, abortive, arrested, bad habit, besetting sin, blemish, blind spot, bootless, bug, cachectic, callow, catch, comedown, coming apart, crack, cracking, crumbling, debasement, debilitated, decadence, decadency, decadent, declension, declination, decline, declining, defect, defection, defective, deficiency, deficient, deformation, degeneracy, degenerate, degenerateness, degeneration, degradation, demotion, depravation, depravedness, depreciation, derogation, descent, deteriorating, deterioration, devolution, disintegrating, downtrend, downturn, downward mobility, downward trend, drained, draining, drawback, drooping, drop, dwindling, dying, ebb, ebbing, effete, effeteness, embryonic, enervated, exhausted, fading, failed, failure, failure of nerve, fall, falling, falling-off, fault, faute, feeble, flagging, flaw, foible, found wanting, fragmenting, frail, frailty, fruitless, futile, going to pieces, healthless, hole, hypoplastic, immature, imperfect, imperfection, in arrear, in arrears, in default, in default of, in poor health, in short supply, inadequacy, inadequate, incompetent, incomplete, ineffective, ineffectual, inefficacious, infant, infirm, infirmity, insufficient, invalid, involution, kink, lacking, lame, languishing, lapse, little problem, loss of tone, manque, marcescent, miscarried, miscarrying, missing, moral flaw, moribund, needing, not enough, of no effect, pale, part, partial, patchy, peaked, peaky, pining, problem, reduced, reduced in health, regression, regressive, retrocession, retrogradation, retrograde, retrogression, retrogressive, rift, run-down, sans, scant, scanty, scarce, scrappy, short, shortcoming, shriveling, shy, sickly, sinking, sketchy, sliding, slippage, slipping, slump, slumping, snag, something missing, stickit, stillborn, subsiding, successless, tabetic, taint, too little, underdeveloped, undeveloped, unequal to, unfortunate, unhealthy, unqualified, unsatisfactory, unsatisfying, unsound, unsuccessful, unsufficing, useless, valetudinarian, valetudinary, vice, vulnerable place, wane, waning, wanting, wasting, weak link, weak point, weak side, weakened, weakly, weakness, wilting, with low resistance, withering, without, worsening
[edit]- failure, Grand Guignol, Passion play, Sisyphean labor, Tom show, Waterloo, also-ran, antimasque, arrear, arrearage, arrears, atrocity, audience success, bad habit, bafflement, balk, ballet, bankrupt, bankruptcy, baseness, beating, besetting sin, betrayed hope, blasted expectation, blemish, blighted hope, blow, bomb, bootlessness, botch, bouncing check, breach, breakdown, broadcast drama, buffet, bug, burlesque show, bust, catch, charade, clerical error, cliff hanger, closet drama, collapse, comedown, comedy drama, conquering, conquest, corrigendum, counterproductiveness, counterproductivity, crack, crash, crime, crime against humanity, critical success, cruel disappointment, culpa, culpable negligence, dash, dashed hope, daytime serial, dead duck, deadly sin, dearth, deathblow, debacle, debasement, debilitation, decadence, decadency, decay, declension, declination, decline, defalcation, default, defeat, defect, defection, defectiveness, deficiency, deficit, deformation, degeneracy, degenerateness, degeneration, degradation, delinquency, demotion, depravation, depravedness, depreciation, dereliction, derogation, descent, destruction, deterioration, devolution, dialogue, disappointment, discomfiture, disconformity, discontinuance, disillusionment, disregard, dissatisfaction, documentary drama, downfall, downtrend, downturn, downward mobility, downward trend, drama, dramalogue, dramatic play, dramatic series, drawback, drop, drubbing, dud, duodrama, duologue, dying, ebb, ebbing, effeteness, endless task, enfeeblement, enormity, epic theater, erratum, error, evil, exhaustion, experimental theater, extravaganza, fading, failing, failure of nerve, fall, fallen countenance, falling short, falling-off, false alarm, fatuity, fault, faute, felony, fewness, fiasco, fizzle, flagging, flaw, flop, foible, foiling, folding, forlorn hope, frailty, frustration, futility, gasser, genocide, giveaway, guilty act, happening, hash, heavy sin, hiding, hit, hit show, hole, hope deferred, human error, imperfection, impropriety, improvisational drama, inadequacy, inadvertence, inadvertency, inanity, inattention, incompetence, incompetent, indifference, indiscretion, ineffectiveness, ineffectuality, ineffectualness, inefficaciousness, inefficacy, inexecution, inexpiable sin, inferiority, infirmity, iniquity, injury, injustice, inobservance, insolvency, insolvent, insolvent debtor, insufficiency, insufficient funds, invalidity, involution, kink, kited check, laches, lack, laissez-faire, lambasting, lame duck, lapse, lathering, laxity, laxness, legitimate drama, lemon, letdown, licking, little problem, littleness, loose ends, looseness, loser, loss, loss of tone, maladroitness, malefaction, malfeasance, malum, masque, mastery, meagerness, meanness, mediocrity, melodrama, minor wrong, minstrel show, miracle, miracle play, mirage, misapprehension, miscalculation, miscarriage, misconception, miscount, misdeal, misdeed, misdemeanor, misfeasance, misidentification, misjudgment, misplay, misprint, misquotation, misreport, miss, misstatement, mistake, misunderstanding, misuse, monodrama, monologue, moral flaw, morality, morality play, mortal sin, muddle, music drama, musical revue, mystery, mystery play, neglect, neglectfulness, negligence, no go, nonaccomplishment, nonachievement, nonadherence, noncompliance, nonconformance, nonconformity, nonconsummation, nondischarging, nonentity, nonexecution, nonfeasance, nonfulfillment, noninterference, nonobservance, nonperformance, nonrestriction, nonsuccess, offense, omission, opera, outrage, overcoming, overdraft, overdrawn account, overlooking, oversight, overthrow, overturn, pageant, panel show, pantomime, pastoral, pastoral drama, paucity, peccadillo, peccancy, permissiveness, pettiness, piece, play, playlet, poor stewardship, poorness, problem, problem play, procrastination, psychodrama, quietus, quiz show, radio drama, receivership, regression, remissness, retrocession, retrogradation, retrogression, review, revue, rift, rough edges, ruin, scantiness, sensational play, serial, setback, shabbiness, short measure, shortage, shortcoming, shortfall, show, sin, sin of commission, sin of omission, sinful act, sitcom, situation comedy, sketch, skimpiness, skit, slackness, slight, slip, slippage, slump, smallness, smash, snag, soap, soap opera, sociodrama, something missing, sore disappointment, spectacle, stage play, stage show, straight drama, subdual, subduing, subjugation, subnormality, success, suspense drama, tableau, tableau vivant, taint, talk show, tantalization, tease, teleplay, television drama, television play, theater of cruelty, thrashing, tort, total theater, transgression, trespass, trimming, trip, triviality, trouncing, typo, typographical error, unconcern, underage, undoing, unfulfillment, unobservance, unrigorousness, unskillfulness, unsuccess, unsuccessfulness, unutterable sin, uselessness, vanquishment, variety show, vaudeville, vaudeville show, vehicle, venial sin, vice, vulgarity, vulnerable place, wane, waning, washout, weak link, weak point, weak side, weakness, whipping, word-of-mouth success, work, work of Penelope, wrong
[edit]- fain, aching for, acquiescent, agreeable, alacritous, amenable, ardent, bent on, compliant, consenting, content, cooperative, crazy to, desirous of, disposed, docile, dying for, dying to, eager, enthusiastic, fain of, favorable, favorably disposed, favorably inclined, fond of, forward, game, in the mind, in the mood, inclined, inclined toward, itching for, keen on, leaning toward, mad on, minded, partial to, pliant, predisposed, prompt, prone, quick, ready, ready and willing, receptive, responsive, set on, spoiling for, tractable, well-disposed, well-inclined, wild to, willed, willing, willinghearted, zealous
faint praise
[edit]- faint praise, belittling, comedown, contempt, decrial, depreciation, derogation, detraction, disapproval, discrediting, disgrace, disparagement, indignity, knocking, lukewarm support, minimizing, putting down, slighting, sour grapes
[edit]- faint, KO, abulic, achromatic, achromic, afraid, ailing, anemic, ashen, ashy, asthenic, bad, balmy, barely audible, below par, black out, blackout, bland, blear, bleared, bleary, bled white, bloodless, blow, blurred, blurry, break, break down, burn out, cadaverous, catalepsy, catatonia, catatony, cave in, chicken, chloranemic, collapse, colorless, coma, come apart, come unstuck, confused, conk out, cowardly, crack up, crap out, critically ill, crumble, dark, dead, deadly pale, deathly pale, debilitated, decline, decrescendo, dim, dimmed, dingy, discolored, disintegrate, distant, dizziness, dizzy, down, droop, drooping, droopy, drop, dull, dusty, effete, enervated, enfeebled, etiolated, exsanguinated, exsanguine, exsanguineous, fade, faded, fagged, fail, faint-voiced, fainthearted, fainting, faintish, fall senseless, fallow, faltering, fatigue, fatigued, feeble, feebleminded, feeling awful, feeling faint, feeling something terrible, filmy, fizzle out, flabby, flaccid, flag, flagging, flat, flickering, floppy, foggy, footsore, frail, frazzled, fuzzy, gasp, gentle, get tired, ghastly, giddy, give out, give way, go downhill, go soft, go to pieces, gone, good and tired, gray, gray out, grayout, grow weary, gutless, haggard, half-heard, half-seen, half-visible, hazy, hit the skids, hueless, hushed, hypochromic, ill, ill-defined, imbecile, imperceptible, impotent, in danger, inaudible, inconspicuous, indefinite, indiscernible, indisposed, indistinct, indistinguishable, infirm, invertebrate, jade, jaded, kayo, keel over, knockout, lackluster, laid low, languid, languish, languorous, leaden, lenient, light-headed, limber, limp, lipothymia, lipothymy, listless, livid, low, low-profile, lurid, lusterless, lustless, marrowless, mat, mealy, merely glimpsed, mild, misty, mortally ill, muddy, muffled, murmured, muted, muzzy, nerveless, neutral, nirvana, nirvana principle, not quite right, nothingness, oblivion, obliviousness, obscure, off-color, out of focus, out of sorts, pale, pale as death, pale-faced, pallid, pant, pass out, pasty, peg out, peter out, pianissimo, piano, pine, pithless, play out, pliable, poop out, pooped, powerless, puff, puff and blow, ready to drop, rocky, rubbery, run down, run out, run ragged, run-down, sagging, sallow, sapless, scarcely heard, seedy, semiconsciousness, semivisible, senselessness, shadowy, sick, sick unto death, sickish, sickly, sinewless, sink, slack, sleep, slight, small, smooth, soft, soft-sounding, soft-voiced, spineless, stifled, strengthless, stupor, subaudible, subdued, succumb, swim, swoon, syncope, taken ill, tallow-faced, thin, tire, tired, tired-winged, toilworn, toneless, uncertain, unclear, uncolored, unconsciousness, undefined, under the weather, undetermined, unhardened, unnerved, unplain, unrecognizable, unrefreshed, unrestored, unsteady, unstrung, unwell, vague, vertiginous, vertigo, wan, washed-out, wavering, waxen, way-weary, wayworn, weak, weak-kneed, weak-minded, weak-voiced, weak-willed, weaken, weakened, weakly, wear away, wear thin, wearied, weariful, weary, weary-footed, weary-laden, weary-winged, weary-worn, wheeze, whey-faced, whispered, white, wilt, wilting, woozy, worn, worn-down, yield
[edit]- faint-hearted, afraid, chicken, cowardly, diffident, faint, feckless, feeble, frightened, ineffectual, irresolute, lily-livered, puny, pusillanimous, scared, shy, timid, timorous, weak, white-livered
[edit]- fainthearted, abulic, afraid, chicken, chickenhearted, coward, cowardly, cowed, daunted, dismayed, faint, fearful, feeble, feebleminded, frail, funking, funky, henhearted, infirm, intimidated, invertebrate, lily-livered, milk-livered, milksoppish, milksoppy, mousy, overtimid, overtimorous, panic-prone, panicky, pigeonhearted, pliable, rabbity, sissified, sissy, soft, spineless, timid, timorous, unmanly, unmanned, weak, weak-kneed, weak-minded, weak-willed, weakhearted, white-livered, yellow
fair game
[edit]- fair game, a leg up, butt, byword, byword of reproach, chance, clear stage, derision, dupe, fair field, figure of fun, fool, game, gazingstock, goat, jest, jestingstock, joke, laughingstock, liberty, mockery, monkey, occasion, opening, opportunism, opportunity, place, room, scope, stepping-stone, stock, target, time, toy, victim
fair shake
[edit]- fair shake, Tweedledum and Tweedledee, candor, cricket, dead heat, deadlock, draw, even break, even chance, fair play, fair-mindedness, fairness, fifty-fifty, good sportsmanship, half a chance, knotted score, neck-and-neck race, odds, photo finish, sportsmanlikeness, sportsmanliness, sportsmanship, square deal, square odds, stalemate, standoff, the fair thing, the handsome thing, the proper thing, the same, tie, toss, toss-up, touch and go
fair spoken
[edit]- fair spoken, adulatory, bland, blandishing, blarneying, buttery, cajoling, complimentary, courtierly, courtly, disarming, fawning, fine-spoken, flattering, fulsome, glib, gushing, honey-mouthed, honey-tongued, honeyed, ingratiating, insincere, insinuating, mealymouthed, obsequious, oily, oily-tongued, slimy, slobbery, smarmy, smooth, smooth-spoken, smooth-tongued, smug, soapy, soft-soaping, soft-spoken, suave, suave-spoken, sycophantic, unctuous, wheedling
fair to middling
[edit]- fair to middling, betwixt and between, dull, fair, fairish, indifferent, insipid, lackluster, mediocre, medium, middling, moderate, modest, namby-pamby, of a kind, of a sort, of sorts, passable, respectable, so-so, tedious, tolerable, vapid, wishy-washy
fair trade
[edit]- fair trade, appraise, assess, balance of trade, big business, business, business dealings, commerce, commercial affairs, commercial relations, dealing, dealings, evaluate, fair-trade agreement, fair-trading, flexible supports, free trade, industry, intercourse, managed prices, market, marketing, mercantile business, merchantry, multilateral trade, price, price controls, price supports, price-fixing, prize, quote a price, rate, reciprocal trade, rent control, restraint of trade, rigid supports, small business, the business world, the marketplace, trade, traffic, truck, unilateral trade, valorization, valorize, valuate, value
fair weather
[edit]- fair weather, Saturnia regna, Saturnian age, age of Aquarius, bright side, brightness, broiling sun, calm weather, canicular days, cheerfulness, climate, clime, cold weather, dog days, era of prosperity, forces of nature, golden age, golden era, golden time, good times, good weather, halcyon days, heat wave, heaven, heyday, high summer, hot wave, hot weather, humid weather, macroclimate, microclimate, midday sun, midsummer, millennium, muggy weather, palmy days, piping times, prosperity, rainy weather, reign of Saturn, rosy era, stormy weather, stuffy weather, sultry weather, summer, sunniness, sunny side, sunshine, sunshiny weather, the elements, utopia, vertical rays, warm weather, weather, windiness
[edit]- fair, Christian, Junoesque, Mardi Gras, OK, Saturnalia, Saturnian, acceptable, accommodating, adequate, admissible, advantageous, affable, affably, agreeable, agreeably, alabaster, alabastrine, albescent, all right, amiable, amiably, amicable, amicably, amply endowed, appropriate, apt, attentive, attractive, auspicious, auto show, average, balanced, balmy, banquet, bazaar, beauteous, beautiful, becoming, beneficial, benevolent, benign, benignant, better than nothing, betwixt and between, blameless, bleached, blissful, blissfully, blond, blooming, blossoming, blowout, boat show, bon, bonny, booming, braw, bright, bright and fair, bueno, built, built for comfort, buxom, callipygian, callipygous, calm, candid, capital, carnival, charming, chaste, cheerful, cheerfully, civil, clarion, clean, cleanly, clear, clement, cloudless, cogent, comely, commendable, commercial complex, common, compatible, complaisant, condign, congenial, considerate, cordial, cordially, courteous, cream, creamy, creditable, curvaceous, curvy, dainty, decent, decipherable, defensible, deferential, delicate, deserved, deservedly, desirable, detached, dirt-free, disinterested, disinterestedly, dispassionate, dispassionately, do, dry, due, dulcet, dull, duly, dun-white, eggshell, elegant, emporium, en rapport, enchanting, enjoyable, enjoyably, equal, equally, equitable, equitably, erect, estimable, ethical, even, evenhanded, evenly, excellent, exhibit, exhibition, expedient, exposition, exquisite, exuberant, fair and pleasant, fair and square, fair to middling, fairish, fairly, famous, fastidious, fat, favorable, favoring, feast, felicific, felicitous, festival, festive occasion, festivity, fete, field day, fiesta, fine, fit, flaxen-haired, flea fair, flea market, flourishing, flowering, foreseeable, fortunate, free, fresh, fruiting, full of integrity, full of promise, gala, gala affair, gala day, genial, genially, glaucescent, glaucous, goddess-like, going strong, golden, good, good enough, good-looking, goodish, goodly, graceful, gracious, graciously, grand, grateful, gratifying, gratifyingly, gray-white, great doings, halcyon, handsome, happy, harmonious, healthy, heart-warming, helpful, high jinks, high-minded, high-principled, highly respectable, honest, honeyed, honorable, hopeful, immaculate, impartial, impartially, impersonal, impersonally, in full swing, in good case, in the cards, in the clear, indifferent, insipid, intermediate, inviolate, irreproachable, ivory, ivory-white, jamboree, just, justifiable, justifiably, justified, justifiedly, justly, kermis, kind, kindly, kosher, lackluster, laudable, law-abiding, law-loving, law-revering, lawful, legal, legible, legitimate, level, liable, light, light-colored, light-hued, likable, likely, lint-white, lovely, lovely to behold, lucky, manly, market, market overt, marketplace, mart, mean, mediocre, medium, meet, meet and right, meetly, mellifluous, mellow, merited, middling, mild, moderate, modest, moral, namby-pamby, neutral, nice, noble, nonpartisan, nonpolluted, not amiss, not bad, not half bad, not so bad, objective, obliging, odds-on, of a kind, of a sort, of cleanly habits, of good omen, of happy portent, of promise, of sorts, off-white, okay, open, open market, open-minded, ordinary, pale, palmy, party, passable, pastel, pearl, pearly, pearly-white, personable, picnic, piping, placid, plaza, pleasant, pleasantly, pleasing, pleasingly, pleasurable, pleasurably, pleasure-giving, pleasureful, pneumatic, polite, predictable within limits, presentable, presumptive, pretty, pretty good, principled, probable, profitable, promising, proper, properly, propitious, prospering, prosperous, pulchritudinous, pure, rainless, rational, readable, reasonable, regal, reputable, respectable, respectful, rewarding, rialto, right, right and proper, right-minded, righteous, rightful, rightfully, rightly, ritually pure, rosy, royal, ruddy, sane, satisfactory, satisfying, satisfyingly, shapely, shiny, shopping center, shopping mall, shopping plaza, show, sightly, skillful, sleek, slender, smut-free, smutless, so so, so-so, solicitous, sound, splendid, sportsmanlike, sportsmanly, spotless, square, stacked, stainless, staple, statistically probable, statuesque, sterling, straight, straightforward, street market, sufficient, sunny, sunshine, sunshiny, sweet, tactful, tahar, tawny, tedious, thoughtful, thriving, tidy, tolerable, trade fair, tranquil, true-dealing, true-devoted, true-disposing, true-souled, true-spirited, truehearted, trustworthy, tubbed, unadulterated, unbesmirched, unbiased, unblemished, unblotted, unclouded, uncoded, uncolored, uncorrupt, uncorrupted, undarkened, undazzled, undefiled, unenciphered, unexceptionable, unimpeachable, uninfluenced, unjaundiced, unmuddied, unobjectionable, unobstructed, unpolluted, unprejudiced, unprepossessed, unsmirched, unsmudged, unsoiled, unspotted, unstained, unsullied, unswayed, untainted, untarnished, upon even terms, upright, uprighteous, upstanding, urbane, useful, valid, vapid, verisimilar, very good, vigorous, virtuous, warrantable, warrantably, warranted, warrantedly, waygoose, wayzgoose, welcome, well-built, well-favored, well-formed, well-made, well-proportioned, well-scrubbed, well-shaped, well-stacked, well-washed, white, whitened, whitish, whity, wishy-washy, without distinction, workmanlike, worthy, yeomanly
[edit]- fairly, a bit, a little, absolutely, acceptably, actually, adequately, after a fashion, appreciably, at any rate, at best, at least, at most, at the least, at the most, at the outside, at worst, comparatively, completely, decently, decipherably, deservedly, detectably, disinterestedly, dispassionately, duly, equally, equitably, evenly, extremely, fair, fair to middling, fairishly, fairly well, honestly, impartially, impersonally, in a manner, in a measure, in a way, in part, in some measure, incompletely, indifferently, justifiably, justifiedly, justly, kind of, leastwise, legibly, mediocrely, meetly, merely, middling well, middlingly, mildly, moderately, modestly, more or less, not comprehensively, not exhaustively, objectively, only, part, partially, partly, passably, positively, presentably, pretty, pretty well, pro tanto, properly, purely, quite, rather, readably, really, relatively, respectably, rightfully, rightly, satisfactorily, scarcely, simply, slightly, so far, so-so, some, something, somewhat, sort of, sufficiently, thus far, to a degree, to some degree, to some extent, tolerably, totally, unexceptionably, upon even terms, utterly, veritably, very, virtually, visibly, warrantably, warrantedly, well enough, without distinction
[edit]- fairness, achroma, achromasia, achromatosis, advantageousness, agreeability, agreeableness, albescence, albinism, albino, albinoism, anemia, ashiness, assured probity, auspiciousness, becomingness, beneficialness, benevolence, benignity, blamelessness, blondness, bloodlessness, bonniness, cadaverousness, candor, canescence, chalkiness, character, chloranemia, class, cleanness, cogency, comeliness, creaminess, cricket, deathly hue, deathly pallor, decency, desert, detachment, dimness, disinterestedness, dispassionateness, dullness, equitability, erectness, estimableness, evenhandedness, excellence, expedience, exsanguination, fadedness, faintness, fair play, fair shake, fair-mindedness, favorableness, fineness, first-rateness, frostiness, ghastliness, glaucescence, glaucousness, good character, good sportsmanship, goodliness, goodness, grace, grizzliness, haggardness, healthiness, helpfulness, high ideals, high principles, high-mindedness, hoariness, honesty, honor, honorableness, hypochromia, hypochromic anemia, immaculacy, impartiality, indifference, integrity, irreproachability, irreproachableness, justice, justness, kindness, lactescence, leukoderma, lightness, lividness, merit, milkiness, moral excellence, moral strength, muddiness, neutrality, niceness, nobility, objectivity, paleness, pallidity, pallidness, pallor, pastiness, pearliness, personableness, pleasantness, pleasingness, principles, prison pallor, probity, profitableness, pureness, purity, quality, rectitude, reputability, respectability, rewardingness, righteousness, sallowness, sickliness, sickly hue, sightliness, silver, silveriness, skillfulness, snowiness, soundness, sportsmanlikeness, sportsmanliness, sportsmanship, square deal, stainlessness, superiority, the fair thing, the handsome thing, the proper thing, unbiasedness, unimpeachability, unimpeachableness, unopinionatedness, unprejudicedness, unspottedness, uprightness, upstandingness, usefulness, validity, value, virtue, virtuousness, vitiligo, wanness, weakness, white, white race, whiteness, whitishness, wholeness, worth, worthiness
[edit]- fairway, Astroturf, airstrip, approaches, apron, archery ground, artificial turf, athletic field, badminton court, baseball field, basketball court, billiard parlor, bowling alley, bowling green, channel, clearway, common, course, court, cricket ground, croquet ground, croquet lawn, diamond, field, flight deck, football field, glaciarium, golf course, golf links, grassplot, green, greenyard, gridiron, grounds, gym, gymnasium, ice rink, infield, landing deck, landing strip, lawn, links, outfield, oval, park, playground, playing field, playroom, polo ground, pool hall, poolroom, putting green, racecourse, racket court, rink, road, runway, sea lane, seaway, ship route, skating rink, soccer field, squash court, steamer track, stretch, strip, tennis court, track, turf, village green, waterway
fairy godmother
[edit]- fairy godmother, Maecenas, Santa Claus, almoner, almsgiver, ancestral spirits, angel, assignor, attendant godling, awarder, backer, bestower, cheerful giver, conferrer, consignor, contributor, control, daemon, demon, donator, donor, familiar, familiar spirit, feoffor, financer, funder, genius, genius domus, genius loci, giver, good angel, good genius, grantor, guardian, guardian angel, guardian spirit, guide, household gods, imparter, invisible helper, lady bountiful, lares and penates, lares compitales, lares familiaris, lares permarini, lares praestites, lares viales, manes, ministering angel, numen, patron, patroness, penates, philanthropist, presenter, settler, special providence, subscriber, sugar daddy, supporter, testate, testator, testatrix, totem, tutelar god, tutelary, vouchsafer
fairy tale
[edit]- fairy tale, Marchen, Western, Western story, Westerner, adventure story, allegory, apologue, bedtime story, blague, cock-and-bull story, detective story, exaggeration, fable, fabliau, falsehood, falsity, fantasy, farfetched story, farrago, fib, fiction, fish story, flam, flimflam, folk story, folktale, gest, ghost story, half-truth, horse opera, legal fiction, legend, lie, little white lie, love story, mendacity, mystery, mystery story, myth, mythology, mythos, nursery tale, parable, pious fiction, prevarication, romance, science fiction, shocker, slight stretching, space fiction, space opera, story, suspense story, tale, tall story, tall tale, taradiddle, thriller, trumped-up story, untruth, white lie, whodunit, work of fiction, yarn
[edit]- fairy, Ariel, Befind, Corrigan, Finnbeara, Mab, Oberon, Titania, air, auntie, banshee, bi-guy, bisexual, brownie, bubble, bull dyke, butch, catamite, chaff, chicken, chip, cluricaune, cobweb, cork, down, dust, dwarf, dyke, elf, elfin, elfish, elflike, ether, faery, fag, faggot, fairy queen, fairyish, fairylike, fay, feather, femme, flit, flue, fluff, foam, fricatrice, froth, fruit, fuzz, gnome, gnomelike, gnomish, goblin, gossamer, gremlin, gunsel, hob, homo, homophile, homosexual, homosexualist, imp, invert, kobold, leprechaun, lesbian, mote, nance, ouphe, pansy, pathic, peri, pixie, pixieish, pooka, puca, puck, punk, pwca, queen, queer, sapphist, sponge, sprite, spume, straw, sylph, sylphid, sylphidine, sylphine, sylphish, sylphlike, sylphy, thistledown, tribade
[edit]- fairyland, Agapemone, Arcadia, Big Rock-Candy Mountain, Canaan, Cloudcuckooland, Cockaigne, Eden, Eldorado, Erewhon, Garden of Eden, Goshen, Happy Valley, Land of Youth, Laputa, Never-Never-land, Neverland, New Atlantis, Pandemonium, Quivira, Shangri-la, Utopia, Zion, arcadia, cloudland, dreamland, dystopia, elfenfolk, faerie, fairyfolk, heaven, kakotopia, kingdom come, land of dreams, land of enchantment, land of faerie, land of plenty, land of promise, lotus land, millennium, paradise, promised land, shee, sidhe, the good folk, the little people, utopia, wonderland
fait accompli
[edit]- fait accompli, accomplished fact, accomplishment, achievement, act, acta, action, actuality, adventure, attainment, authenticity, blow, carrying out, consummation, coup, dealings, deed, discharge, dispatch, doing, doings, effectuation, effort, endeavor, enterprise, execution, exploit, factuality, feat, fruition, fulfillment, gest, go, grim reality, hand, handiwork, historicity, implementation, job, maneuver, measure, mission accomplished, move, not a dream, objective existence, operation, overt act, passage, performance, proceeding, production, reality, realization, res gestae, step, stroke, stunt, success, thing, thing done, tour de force, transaction, truth, turn, undertaking, work, works
[edit]- faith, Weltanschauung, abandon, acceptation, acception, acquiescence, activity, adherence, adherents, adhesion, adoration, allegiance, apostolic faith, ardency, ardor, arrogance, articles of religion, aspiration, assumption, assurance, assured faith, assuredness, attachment, avouch, avouchment, belief, bona fides, bond, bonne foi, campaign, cardinal virtues, catechism, cause, certainty, certitude, charity, cheerful expectation, church, churchgoing, class, cocksureness, commitment, committedness, communion, compliance, confession, confidence, confidentness, conformity, connection, consecration, constancy, conviction, courage, credence, credenda, credit, credo, credulity, creed, crusade, cult, cultism, dedication, denomination, dependence, desire, devotedness, devotion, devoutness, disciples, doctrinal statement, doctrine, dogma, doomed hope, drive, duteousness, dutifulness, duty, earnestness, expectation, fair prospect, faithfulness, fealty, fervency, fervent hope, fervidness, fervor, fidelity, fire, firmness, followers, formulated belief, fortitude, good cheer, good faith, good hope, gospel, great cause, great expectations, guarantee, heartiness, heat, heatedness, high hopes, homage, hope, hopeful prognosis, hopefulness, hopes, hoping, hoping against hope, hubris, ideology, impassionedness, intensity, intentness, interest, ism, issue, justice, lifework, love, love of God, loyalty, mass movement, movement, natural virtues, oath, obedience, obediency, obligation, observance, old-time religion, order, orthodoxy, overconfidence, oversureness, overweening, overweeningness, parole, passion, passionateness, persuasion, pietism, piety, piousness, pledge, plight, poise, political faith, political philosophy, pomposity, positiveness, prayerful hope, presumption, pride, primitive faith, principle, promise, prospect, prospects, prudence, reason for being, reception, reliance, reliance on, religion, religionism, religious belief, religious faith, religiousness, resolution, reverence, sanguine expectation, school, sect, security, self-assurance, self-confidence, self-importance, self-reliance, seriousness, service, servility, servitium, settled belief, sincerity, solemn declaration, spirit, staunchness, steadfastness, stock, store, subjective certainty, submission, submissiveness, suit and service, suit service, supernatural virtues, sureness, surety, suspension of disbelief, system of belief, system of beliefs, teaching, temperance, tenets, the faith, theism, theological virtues, theology, tie, tradition, troth, true blue, true faith, trueness, trust, vehemence, veneration, vow, warmth, warranty, well-grounded hope, willingness, word, word of honor, world view, worship, worshipfulness, zeal
faithful servant
[edit]- faithful servant, apple-polisher, ass-licker, backscratcher, backslapper, bootlick, bootlicker, brown-nose, brownie, clawback, courtier, creature, cringer, dupe, fawner, flatterer, flunky, footlicker, groveler, handshaker, helot, instrument, jackal, kowtower, lackey, led captain, lickspit, lickspittle, mealymouth, minion, peon, puppet, serf, slave, spaniel, stooge, suck, sycophant, timeserver, toad, toady, tool, truckler, tufthunter, yes-man
[edit]- faithful, Christian, Christianlike, Christianly, abandoned, accepted, accurate, acquiescent, active, adoring, affectionate, afire, approved, ardent, assiduous, assured, at one with, attached, authentic, authoritative, believing, breathing, burning, calculable, canonical, careful, certain, close, committed, compliant, complying, confident, conforming, conjugal, conscientious, consistent, constant, continuing, conventional, convinced, convincing, correct, credible, cultish, cultist, cultistic, customary, dedicated, delicate, delineative, demonstrative, dependable, depictive, descriptive, detailed, devoted, devout, diligent, direct, dogged, dogmatic, doubtless, duteous, dutiful, dyed-in-the-wool, earnest, enduring, evangelical, even, exact, expositive, express, expressive, faithworthy, fast, fastidious, fervent, fervid, fideistic, fiery, filial, fine, finical, finicky, firm, flaming, fond, graphic, hearty, heated, honest, hot, hot-blooded, husbandly, immutable, impassioned, impressed with, in earnest, inalterable, indefatigable, indomitable, industrious, inerrable, inerrant, infallible, insistent, intense, intent, intent on, invincible, just, languishing, lasting, law-abiding, liege, lifelike, literal, living, lovelorn, lovesick, lovesome, loving, loyal, marble-constant, maternal, mathematical, melting, meticulous, micrometrically precise, microscopic, mindful, moral, natural, naturalistic, never-tiring, nice, obedient, observant, obstinate, of the faith, on fire, orthodox, orthodoxical, parental, particular, passionate, paternal, patient, patient as Job, perfect, perfervid, permanent, perseverant, persevering, persistent, persisting, persuaded, pertinacious, pietistic, pinpoint, pious, pistic, plodding, plugging, positive, practicing, prayerful, precise, predictable, preoccupied, proper, punctilious, punctual, rapt, realistic, received, red-hot, refined, regardful, relentless, reliable, religious, religiously exact, representative, resolute, reverent, reverential, right, righteous, rigid, rigorous, romantic, satisfied, scientific, scientifically exact, scriptural, scrupulous, secure, sedulous, sentimental, serious, severe, sincere, single-minded, sleepless, slogging, soft, sold on, solemn, solid, sound, speaking, spirited, square, stable, standard, staunch, steadfast, steady, strict, stubborn, submissive, substantial, subtle, sure, surefire, tenacious, tender, tested, textual, theistic, thorough, tireless, to the life, traditional, traditionalistic, tried, tried and true, true, true to life, true to nature, true-blue, trusted, trustworthy, trusty, truthful, unabating, unconquerable, undaunted, under the impression, undeviating, undiscouraged, undistorted, undoubtful, undoubting, undrooping, unerring, unfailing, unfaltering, unflagging, unflinching, unintermitting, uninterrupted, unnodding, unrelaxing, unrelenting, unremitting, unsleeping, unswerving, untiring, unwavering, unwearied, unwearying, unwinking, upright, utterly attentive, uxorious, valid, vehement, venerational, venerative, veracious, veridical, virtuous, vivid, warm, weariless, well-drawn, well-founded, well-grounded, white-hot, wifely, willing, worshipful, zealous
[edit]- faithfully, absolutely, acquiescently, assiduously, bona fide, compliantly, consistently, constantly, dead, definitely, descriptively, devotedly, diligently, directly, doggedly, duteously, dutifully, even, exactly, expressively, expressly, firmly, graphically, in all respects, in compliance with, in conformity with, in every respect, in good faith, in obedience to, indefatigably, industriously, insistently, ipsissimis verbis, just, literally, literatim, loyally, naturalistically, obediently, patiently, perseveringly, persistently, persistingly, pertinaciously, ploddingly, plumb, point-blank, positively, precisely, realistically, relentlessly, representatively, resolutely, responsibly, right, rigidly, rigorously, sedulously, sloggingly, square, squarely, staunchly, steadfastly, steadily, straight, strictly, submissively, tenaciously, tirelessly, to the letter, unabatingly, undeviatingly, unerringly, unfalteringly, unflaggingly, unflinchingly, unintermittingly, uninterruptedly, unrelentingly, unremittingly, unrestingly, unsleepingly, unswervingly, untiringly, unwaveringly, unwearyingly, verbally, verbatim, verbatim et litteratim, vividly, wearilessly, willingly, with good faith, word by word, word for word
[edit]- faithless, Machiavellian, agnostic, ambidextrous, apostate, artful, atheist, atheistic, capricious, changeable, changeful, collaborative, conscienceless, crafty, creedless, crooked, cunning, deceitful, derelict, disaffected, disbelieving, dishonest, disloyal, double, double-dealing, double-faced, double-minded, double-tongued, doublehearted, doubting, duplicitous, false, false-principled, falsehearted, fickle, fluctuating, freethinking, heathen, heretical, hypocritical, inconstant, incredulous, infidel, infidelic, insincere, irreligious, minimifidian, nonbelieving, not true to, nullifidian, of bad faith, pagan, perfidious, recreant, renegade, repudiative, sceptical, shifting, shifty, tergiversant, tergiversating, traitorous, treacherous, treasonable, treasonous, trothless, two-faced, unbelieving, unchristian, unconfident, unconverted, unconvinced, unfaithful, unloyal, unreliable, unscrupulous, unstable, unsteadfast, untrue, untrustworthy, wavering, without faith
[edit]- faithworthy, calculable, dependable, faithful, fast, firm, incorruptible, invincible, inviolable, predictable, proven, reliable, responsible, secure, solid, sound, stable, staunch, steadfast, steady, straight, substantial, sure, surefire, tested, to be trusted, tried, tried and true, true, trustable, trustworthy, trusty, unfailing, unfalse, unperfidious, untreacherous, well-founded, well-grounded
fake up
[edit]- fake up, bat out, botch, bungle, dash off, do anyhow, do by halves, do carelessly, do offhand, fudge up, jury-rig, knock off, knock out, knock together, lash up, patch, patch together, patch up, pound out, rough out, roughcast, roughhew, slap up, throw off, throw together, toss off, toss out, toss together, trifle with, whomp up
[edit]- fake, act, act a part, act like, actor, ad-lib, adulterate, affect, affected, affecter, agent, alike, alter, alternate, alternative, analogy, aped, apocryphal, artificial, assume, assumed, backup, bastard, blagueur, bluff, bluffer, bogus, borrow, brummagem, certified copy, change, changeling, charlatan, cheat, chorus, clinquant, colorable, colored, comparison, concoct, concocted, consimilar, cook, cook up, copied, copy, counterfeit, counterfeited, cover up, crib, dash off, deceiver, deception, deputy, dissemble, dissimulate, distorted, ditto, do, do a bit, do like, do offhand, doctor, double, dramatize, dressed up, dummy, echo, ectype, embellished, embroidered, equal, equivalent, ersatz, exchange, extemporize, fabricate, fabricated, factitious, fair copy, faithful copy, faked, fakement, faker, false, falsified, falsify, fantasize, favoring, feign, feigned, fictitious, fictive, fill-in, flam, following, forge, forged, forgery, four-flush, fourflusher, frame-up, framed, fraud, fraudulent, fudge, gammon, garbled, ghost, ghostwriter, go like, gyp, hatch, histrionize, hoax, hoaxer, hoke, hoke up, hokey, hollow man, homogeneous, humbug, hypocritical, icon, identical, illegitimate, image, imitate, imitated, imitation, impersonator, impostor, improvisate, improvise, invent, invented, juggle, junk, junky, jury-rig, knock off, lash up, let on, let on like, like, likeness, load, locum tenens, make a pretense, make as if, make believe, make like, make out like, make up, make-believe, makeshift, malingerer, man of straw, man-made, manipulate, mannerist, manufacture, metaphor, metonymy, mimicked, mirror, mock, modify, mountebank, nearly reproduced, next best thing, not unlike, overact, pack, paper tiger, paste, pasticcio, pastiche, performer, personnel, perverted, phony, picture, pinch, pinch hitter, pinchbeck, plagiarize, plagiarized, plant, play, play a part, play a scene, play by ear, play possum, playact, playactor, portrait, poser, poseur, pretend, pretended, pretender, profess, provisional, proxy, pseudo, put on, put on airs, put-on, put-up job, quack, quacksalver, quackster, quasi, queer, reecho, reflect, relief, repeat, replacement, representation, representative, resemblance, resembling, reserve, reserves, retouch, rig, ringer, rip-off, salt, saltimbanco, scrap the plan, second string, secondary, self-styled, sell, semblance, sham, shammer, shoddy, sign, similar, similitude, simulacrum, simulate, simulated, smacking of, snide, so-called, soi-disant, something like, sophisticate, spares, spoof, spurious, stack, stand-in, stopgap, straw man, strike off, sub, substituent, substitute, substitution, succedaneum, suggestive of, superseder, supplanter, supposititious, surrogate, swindle, symbol, synecdoche, synthetic, tamper with, temporary, tentative, third string, throw off, throw together, tin, tinsel, titivated, token, toss off, toss out, trump up, tug the heartstrings, twisted, unauthentic, understudy, ungenuine, uniform with, unnatural, unreal, utility, utility player, vamp, vicar, vicarious, vice-president, vice-regent, warped, wear, whip up, whited sepulcher, whomp up, wing it
[edit]- fakery, acting, affectation, appearance, attitudinizing, bluff, bluffing, cheating, color, coloring, copying, counterfeiting, deception, delusion, disguise, dissemblance, dissembling, dissimulation, emulation, facade, face, faking, false air, false front, false show, falsity, feigning, feint, following, forgery, four-flushing, fraud, front, gilt, gloss, hit-off, humbug, humbuggery, imitation, impersonation, imposture, impression, masquerade, meretriciousness, mimesis, mirroring, onomatopoeia, ostentation, outward show, parody, plagiarism, plagiary, playacting, pose, posing, posture, pretense, pretension, pretext, repetition, representation, seeming, semblance, sham, show, simulacrum, simulation, speciousness, takeoff, varnish, window dressing
[edit]- fakir, Albigensian, Catharist, Franciscan, Sabbatarian, Trappist, Waldensian, abdal, abstainer, anchorite, ascetic, bhikshu, dervish, flagellant, hajji, hermit, imam, mendicant, muezzin, mufti, mullah, murshid, puritan, qadi, sannyasi, santon, sheikh, yogi, yogin
[edit]- falcate, Cynthian, S-shaped, bicorn, corniform, crescent, crescent-shaped, crescentic, crescentiform, crescentlike, falciform, horn-shaped, horned, lunar, lunate, luniform, lunular, menisciform, meniscoid, moon-shaped, moonlike, semicircular, semilunar, sickle-like, sickle-shaped, sigmoid, two-horned
[edit]- falderal, a continental, a curse, a damn, a darn, a hoot, absurdity, amphigory, anacrusis, babble, babblement, bagatelle, balderdash, bass passage, bauble, bean, bibble-babble, bibelot, bit, blabber, blather, bombast, bourdon, brass farthing, bravery, bridge, burden, button, cadence, cent, chiffon, chorus, claptrap, clinquant, coda, curio, development, division, double-talk, drivel, drool, exposition, farce, farthing, feather, festoons, fiddle-faddle, fiddledeedee, fig, figure, finery, fleabite, flummery, folderol, foofaraw, fribble, frilliness, frilling, frills, frills and furbelows, frippery, froufrou, fudge, fuss, fustian, gabble, gaiety, galimatias, gammon, gaud, gaudery, gewgaw, gibber, gibberish, gibble-gabble, gilding, gilt, gimcrack, gingerbread, gobbledygook, hair, halfpenny, harmonic close, hill of beans, hocus-pocus, humbug, interlude, intermezzo, introductory phrase, jabber, jargon, jest, joke, kickshaw, knickknack, knickknackery, measure, minikin, mockery, molehill, movement, mumbo jumbo, musical phrase, musical sentence, narrishkeit, niaiserie, nonsense, ornament, pack of nonsense, palaver, part, passage, paste, peppercorn, period, phrase, picayune, pin, pinch of snuff, pinchbeck, pinprick, prate, prattle, rant, rap, red cent, refrain, resolution, response, rigamarole, rigmarole, ritornello, rodomontade, row of pins, rubbish, rush, section, shit, skimble-skamble, snap, sneeshing, sou, stanza, statement, strain, straw, stuff and nonsense, stultiloquence, superfluity, tailpiece, tinsel, toy, trappings, trash, trickery, trifle, trinket, triviality, trumpery, tuppence, tutti, tutti passage, twaddle, twattle, twiddle-twaddle, two cents, twopence, vaporing, variation, verse, waffling, whim-wham
fall away
[edit]- fall away, abate, ablate, apostacize, apostatize, ascend, bank, bate, be eaten away, be found wanting, bolt, break away, cant, careen, change sides, climb, collapse, come short, consume, consume away, corrode, crumble, decline, decrease, defect, deliquesce, descend, desert, die, die away, diminish, dip, dive, drop, drop off, dwindle, ebb, erode, fade, fail, fall, fall off, fall short, go down, go downhill, go off, go over, go uphill, grade, hit a slump, hit rock bottom, hit the skids, incline, keel, lack, lag, languish, lapse, lean, lessen, let up, list, lose ground, melt away, not answer, not hack it, not make it, not make out, not measure up, not stretch, not suffice, pitch, plummet, plunge, rake, reach the depths, retreat, rise, run down, run low, run short, sag, secede, shelve, shrink, sidle, sink, slant, slide, slip, slope, slump, stop short, subside, swag, sway, switch, switch over, tail off, tilt, tip, touch bottom, turn cloak, uprise, wane, want, waste, waste away, wear, wear away
fall back
[edit]- fall back, avoid, back, back down, back out, back up, backslide, beat a retreat, blench, blink, come after, come last, cringe, degenerate, deteriorate, disengage, disimprove, dodge, draw back, draw off, duck, evade, fade, fall, fall again into, fall astern, fall behind, fall from grace, flinch, follow, get worse, give back, give ground, give place, go back, go backwards, grow worse, hang back, have a relapse, jib, lag behind, lapse, lapse back, let down, move back, pull back, pull out, quail, recidivate, recoil, recur to, reel back, regress, relapse, retire, retract, retreat, retrocede, retrograde, retrogress, return to, revert, revert to, run back, sheer off, shrink, shrink back, shy, sicken, sidestep, sink back, slacken, slide back, slip back, stand back, start aside, start back, swerve, trail, trail behind, turn aside, weasel, weasel out, wince, withdraw, worsen, yield again to
fall behind
[edit]- fall behind, back, back up, backslide, cock, come after, come last, dawdle, drag, fall astern, fall back, follow, get behind, go back, go backwards, go behind, hang back, jerk back, lag, lag behind, lapse, linger, linger behind, loiter, lose ground, pull back, recede, recidivate, regress, relapse, retrocede, retroflex, retrograde, retrogress, return, revert, slip back, straggle, trail, trail behind
fall flat
[edit]- fall flat, bomb, break down, capsize, careen, collapse, come a cropper, come to naught, come to nothing, crash, fall, fall dead, fall down, fall headlong, fall in, fall over, fall prostrate, fall short, fall stillborn, fall through, fizzle out, flounder, flunk, get a cropper, get bogged down, get hung up, get mired, go to smash, list, lurch, peter out, pitch, poop out, spin, sprawl, spread-eagle, stagger, stumble, take a fall, take a flop, take a header, take a pratfall, take a spill, tilt, topple, topple down, topple over, totter, trip, tumble, turn turtle, wash out, wear thin
fall for
[edit]- fall for, and sinker, be a sucker, be smitten, be taken in, become attached to, bite, cotton to, devour, eat up, fall in love, go for, gobble up, gulp down, lap up, line, nibble, swallow, swallow anything, swallow hook, swallow whole, swing at, take the bait, take to, tumble for
fall from grace
[edit]- fall from grace, apostasy, atheism, backslide, backsliding, desertion, fall, fall again into, fall back, fall of Adam, fall of man, have a relapse, impiety, impiousness, irreligion, irreverence, lapse, lapse back, lapse from grace, recidivate, recidivation, recidivism, recreancy, recur to, regress, relapse, return to, revert, revert to, sin of Adam, sink back, slide back, slip back, undutifulness, yield again to
fall guy
[edit]- fall guy, also-ran, babe, boob, booby, butt, chump, cinch, credulous person, cull, defeatee, duck, dupe, easy mark, easy pickings, fish, fool, game loser, goat, gobe-mouches, good loser, good sport, greener, greenhorn, greeny, gudgeon, gull, innocent, leadpipe cinch, loser, monkey, patsy, pigeon, plaything, prize sap, pushover, sap, saphead, scapegoat, schlemiel, sitting duck, sport, stooge, sucker, the vanquished, toy, trusting soul, underdog, victim, whipping boy
fall in with
[edit]- fall in with, accommodate, accommodate with, accord, acquiesce, acquire, adapt, adapt to, adjust, adjust to, agree, agree in opinion, agree with, alight upon, approach, assimilate to, be guided by, be persuaded, be responsible for, bend, blunder upon, bring down, bring on, bring upon, bump into, center, centralize, chance upon, chime in with, close, close in, close up, close with, coincide, come across, come around, come on, come over, come round, come to, come together, come up against, come upon, comply, comply with, compose, concenter, concentralize, concentrate, concur, conform, conform to, contract, converge, correct, correspond, cotton to, discipline, discover serendipitously, ditto, echo, empathize, encounter, fall into, fall into line, fit, fit in, follow, follow the crowd, follow the fashion, follow the rule, funnel, gain, gear to, get, get along, get along with, get in line, get on with, go along with, go by, go through channels, go with, happen upon, harmonize, harmonize with, hit upon, identify with, incur, interchange, intersect, invite, keep in step, light upon, make conform, meet, meet up with, meet with, mold, narrow the gap, nip, observe, pass muster, pinch, play the game, reciprocate, reconcile, rectify, respond to, rub off corners, run, run across, run into, run together, run up against, settle, shape, side with, sing in chorus, stay in line, straighten, strike in with, stumble on, stumble upon, submit, suit, sympathize, tally with, taper, toe the mark, tumble on, understand one another, unite, welcome, yield
fall in
[edit]- fall in, break down, cave, cave in, collapse, come together, crash, crystallize, deflate, draw up, fall, fall dead, fall down, fall flat, fall into line, fall into place, fall into rank, fall short, fall stillborn, fall through, fold, fold up, form, form a line, founder, gather around, get in formation, get in line, go to smash, implode, line up, place itself, puncture, queue, queue up, rally round, range itself, shape up, sway, take form, take its place, take order, take rank, take shape, topple, topple down, topple over, totter
fall into
[edit]- fall into, accept, acquire, alter into, assume, attack, attempt, be converted into, be responsible for, become, bring down, bring on, bring upon, buckle to, change into, come round to, contract, embark in, embark upon, endeavor, engage in, enter on, enter upon, evolve into, fall in with, fall to, gain, get, get under way, go about, go at, go in for, go into, go upon, have at, incur, invite, lapse into, launch forth, launch into, lay about, melt into, move into, open into, pass into, pitch into, plunge into, proceed to, ripen into, run, run into, set about, set at, set forward, set going, set to, settle into, shift into, tackle, take on, take up, turn into, turn to, undertake, venture upon, welcome
fall off
[edit]- fall off, abate, ablate, apostacize, apostatize, ascend, bank, bate, be eaten away, bolt, break away, cant, careen, carry away, cascade, cataract, change sides, climb, collapse, come apart, come down, come off, come undone, come unstuck, consume, consume away, corrode, crack up, crash, crumble, decline, decrease, defect, deliquesce, descend, desert, die, die away, diminish, dip, dip down, disintegrate, dive, down, drop, drop down, drop off, dwindle, ebb, erode, fade, fail, fall, fall away, fall down, fall to pieces, fly apart, get loose, give way, go down, go downhill, go off, go over, go to pieces, go uphill, grade, gravitate, hit a slump, hit rock bottom, hit the skids, incline, keel, languish, lapse, lean, lessen, let up, list, lose altitude, melt away, parachute, peel off, pitch, plummet, plunge, pounce, pour down, precipitate, rain, rake, reach the depths, retreat, rise, run down, run low, sag, secede, shelve, shrink, sidle, sink, slant, slide, slip, slope, slump, spring apart, start, stoop, subside, swag, sway, switch, switch over, swoop, tail off, tilt, tip, touch bottom, trend downward, turn cloak, unravel, uprise, wane, waste, waste away, wear, wear away
fall out
[edit]- fall out, agree to disagree, attend, become of, befall, betide, bicker, break, break with, caterwaul, chance, come about, come of, come off, come out, develop, diverge, divide, end, ensue, eventuate, fare, follow, go, have a falling-out, issue, occur, pan out, part company, prove, prove to be, result, row, scrap, separate, spat, split, squabble, terminate, tiff, transpire, turn out, unfold, work out, wrangle
fall short
[edit]- fall short, be disappointing, be found wanting, be inferior, be insufficient, collapse, come short, crash, decline, fail, fail of, fall, fall away, fall dead, fall down, fall flat, fall in, fall shy, fall stillborn, fall through, fizzle, fizzle out, follow, go to smash, go wrong, have nothing on, kick the beam, lack, lag, lose ground, miss, miss out, miss the mark, not answer, not approach, not bear inspection, not come near, not compare, not hack it, not make it, not make out, not measure up, not pass muster, not qualify, not stretch, not suffice, peter out, play second fiddle, rank under, run short, serve, slump, stop short, subserve, turn sour, want
fall through
[edit]- fall through, break down, collapse, come to naught, come to nothing, crash, fall, fall dead, fall down, fall flat, fall in, fall short, fall stillborn, fizzle out, get bogged down, get hung up, get mired, go to smash, peter out, poop out
fall to pieces
[edit]- fall to pieces, ablate, atomize, bite the dust, break, break open, break up, burst, canker, carry away, come apart, come off, come to dust, come undone, come unstuck, consume, corrode, corrupt, crack, crack up, crumble, crumble into dust, crumble to dust, decay, decompose, disintegrate, disjoin, disorganize, dissolve, effloresce, erode, fall, fall into decay, fall off, fall to dust, fester, fission, fissure, fly apart, fracture, gangrene, get loose, give away, give way, go bad, go to pieces, grain, granulate, mildew, mold, molder, mortify, necrose, peel off, powder, putrefy, putresce, rankle, rot, rupture, shard, shatter, snap, sphacelate, split, spoil, spring a leak, spring apart, start, suppurate, topple, tumble, unravel, waste away, wear away
fall to
[edit]- fall to, accept, assume, attack, attempt, begin, blast away, blast off, break bread, buckle down, buckle to, commence, count calories, diet, dive in, dive into, eat, embark in, embark upon, endeavor, engage in, enter on, enter upon, fall into, fare, feed, get busy, get cracking, get going, get to, get under way, get with it, go about, go ahead, go at, go in for, go into, go to it, go upon, have at, head into, hop to it, hunger, jump in, jump off, jump to it, kick off, launch forth, launch into, lay about, light into, move into, partake, partake of, pitch in, pitch into, plunge into, proceed to, relish, sail into, savor, send off, set about, set at, set forward, set going, set in, set out, set sail, set to, set to work, start, start in, start off, start out, tackle, take, take off, take on, take up, taste, turn to, undertake, venture upon, wade into
fall upon
[edit]- fall upon, alight upon, ambush, appear unexpectedly, arrive at, arrive upon, assail, assault, attack, be unexpected, blitz, bob up, bump into, bushwhack, come across, come among, come at, come down on, come unawares, come up against, come upon, confront, crack down on, creep up on, descend on, descend upon, drop on, encounter, fall across, fall among, fall foul of, fall on, flash upon one, gang up on, get at, go at, go for, harry, have at, hit, hit like lightning, hit upon, jump, land on, lay at, lay hands on, lay into, light into, light upon, meet, meet head-on, meet up with, meet with, mug, pitch into, pitch upon, pop up, pounce upon, pound, reach, run across, run into, run smack into, run up against, run upon, sail into, set on, set upon, settle on, strike, strike upon, stumble on, stumble upon, surprise, swoop down on, take the offensive, turn up, wade into
[edit]- fall, Niagara, Scotch mist, Waterloo, abate, abatement, ablate, accept, apostasy, ascend, assail, assault, associate with, attack, autumn, backslide, backsliding, bag, bank, bate, be destroyed, be eaten away, be found, be found wanting, be killed, be lost, be met with, be realized, be unsuccessful, beat down, beating, befall, befriend, begin, belly buster, belly flop, belly whopper, beset, betide, bite the dust, blood rain, bouleversement, bow, break, break up, breakdown, call on, call upon, cannonball, cant, capitulate, capitulation, capsize, capture, careen, cascade, catabasis, cataract, cave in, cease to be, cease to live, cheapen, chignon, chute, clash, climb, collapse, come, come a cropper, come about, come down, come off, come to naught, come to nothing, come to pass, come true, comedown, commence, conquering, conquest, consume, consume away, convulsion, corrode, count on, crash, crash dive, cropper, crumble, crumble to dust, crumple, culbute, cut, cut prices, daggle, dangle, deathblow, debacle, debasement, decadence, decadency, decay, decease, deceleration, declension, declination, decline, decline and fall, declivity, decrease, decrescendo, defeat, deflate, deflation, defluxion, deformation, degeneracy, degenerate, degenerateness, degeneration, degradation, deliquesce, demotion, depart, depart this life, depend, depravation, depravedness, depreciate, depreciation, derogation, descend, descending, descension, descent, destruction, deteriorate, deterioration, devaluate, devolution, die, die away, die down, differ, diminish, diminuendo, diminution, dip, dip down, disagree, disappoint, disintegrate, dispute, dive, down, downbend, downcome, downcurve, downfall, downflow, downgate, downgrade, downhill, downpour, downrush, downtrend, downturn, downward mobility, downward trend, drabble, drag, draggle, drape, draw back, drizzle, droop, drop, drop dead, drop down, drop off, dropping, drubbing, drum, dwindle, dwindling, dying, ebb, eclipse, effeteness, employ, erode, err, evening mist, eventuate, expire, fade, fading, fail, failing, failure, failure of nerve, fall again into, fall asleep, fall away, fall back, fall behind, fall dead, fall down, fall flat, fall for, fall from grace, fall headlong, fall in, fall in price, fall in with, fall of Adam, fall of man, fall off, fall out, fall over, fall prostrate, fall short, fall stillborn, fall through, fall to, fall to pieces, falling, falling-off, falls, false hair, fight, fizzle out, flap, flop, flounder, flow, flurry, force, forced landing, fragment, gainer, get a cropper, get cracking, get moving, get under way, give in, give up, give way, go, go about, go along with, go astray, go down, go downhill, go off, go out, go to pieces, go to ruin, go to smash, go under, go uphill, go wrong, gout of rain, grade, gravitate, gravitation, hang, hang down, hanging, hap, happen, harvest, harvest home, harvest time, have a relapse, have enough, have recourse to, header, hiding, hit a slump, hit rock bottom, hit the skids, inclination, incline, involution, jackknife, jew down, join, keel, keel over, lag, lambasting, languish, lapse, lapse back, lathering, lay an egg, lean, lessen, let up, lick the dust, licking, linn, list, lop, lose, lose altitude, lose out, lose the day, loss of tone, lower, lowering, lurch, make use of, mark down, mastery, melt away, miscarry, miss, mist, misty rain, mizzle, moderate, moisture, nappe, nod, nose dive, nose-dive, nosedive, occur, overcoming, overthrow, overturn, parachute, parachute jump, pare, part, pass, pass away, pass off, pass on, pass over, patter, pelt, pend, perish, pitch, pitter-patter, plop, plummet, plummeting, plump, plunge, plunk, pounce, pounce on, pounce upon, pour, pour down, pour with rain, power dive, pratfall, precipitate, precipitation, prostration, put off mortality, quarrel, quietus, quit this world, rain, rain tadpoles, raindrop, rainfall, rainwater, rake, rapids, rat, reach the depths, recede, recidivate, recidivation, recidivism, recur to, reduce, regress, regression, relapse, relent, remission, resort to, retire, retreat, retrocession, retrogradation, retrogression, return to, return to dust, revert, revert to, rise, ruin, run down, run low, running dive, sabotage, sag, sault, say uncle, seizure, set about, set upon, settle, shatter, shave, sheet of rain, shelve, shower, shower down, shrink, sidle, sin of Adam, sink, sink back, sinking, skid, skin-dive, sky dive, sky-dive, slacken, slant, slash, slide, slide back, slip, slip back, slippage, slope, slowdown, slump, smash, sound, spatter, spill, spit, splatter, spout, sprawl, spread-eagle, sprinkle, squabble, stagger, start, stationary dive, stoop, stop breathing, storm, stream, strike, stumble, subdual, subduing, subjugation, submission, submit, subside, subsidence, subversion, succumb, succumb to, support, surrender, swag, swallow, swan dive, sway, swing, switch, swoop, swoop down, tackle, tail off, tailspin, take a fall, take a flop, take a header, take a pratfall, take a spill, take on, take place, take the count, taking, tattoo, thrashing, tilt, tip, topple, topple down, topple over, totter, touch bottom, trail, transpire, trend downward, trim, trimming, trip, trouncing, tumble, turn turtle, undertake, undoing, unfrozen hydrometeor, up and die, upheaval, uprise, upset, use, vanquishment, wane, waste, waste away, waterfall, watershoot, wear, wear away, weep, wet, whipping, withdraw, wrangle, yield, yield again to, yield the ghost
[edit]- fallacious, Albigensian, Arian, Barmecidal, Barmecide, Catharist, Donatist, Ebionitist, Erastian, Gnostic, Jansenist, Jansenistic, Jovinianist, Jovinianistic, Lollard, Manichaean, Monophysite, Monophysitic, Montanist, Montanistic, Pelagian, Sabellian, Waldensian, Wyclifite, aberrant, abroad, absonant, adrift, airy, all abroad, all off, all wrong, amiss, antinomian, apocryphal, apparent, apparently sound, apparitional, askew, astray, at fault, autistic, awry, beguiling, beside the mark, casuistic, catchy, chimeric, colorable, contradictory, contrary to fact, contrary to reason, corrupt, deceiving, deceptive, defective, deluding, delusional, delusionary, delusive, delusory, dereistic, deviant, deviational, deviative, disingenuous, distorted, dreamlike, dreamy, dubious, emanationist, empty, errant, erring, erroneous, false, fantastic, faultful, faulty, fishy, flawed, hallucinatory, heretical, heterodox, hollow, hylotheist, hylotheistic, illogical, illusional, illusionary, illusive, illusory, imaginary, in error, inauthentic, inconclusive, incongruous, inconsequent, inconsequential, inconsistent, insincere, invalid, irrational, jesuitic, loose, mad, misleading, nonorthodox, nonrational, nonscientific, not following, not right, not true, off, off the track, ostensible, out, overrefined, oversubtle, pantheist, pantheistic, paralogical, peccant, perverse, perverted, phantasmagoric, phantasmal, phantom, philosophistic, plausible, questionable, reasonless, seeming, self-annulling, self-contradictory, self-deceptive, self-deluding, self-refuting, senseless, sophistic, sophistical, specious, spectral, straying, supposititious, trickish, tricksy, tricky, truthless, unaccepted, unactual, unapproved, unauthentic, unauthoritative, uncanonical, unconnected, unfactual, unfounded, unorthodox, unphilosophical, unproved, unreal, unreasonable, unscientific, unscriptural, unsound, unsubstantial, untrue, visionary, wide, without reason, wrong
[edit]- fallacy, Albigensianism, Arianism, Catharism, Ebionitism, Erastianism, Gnosticism, Jovinianism, Lollardy, Manichaeanism, Manichaeism, Monophysism, Monophysitism, Pelagianism, Waldensianism, Wyclifism, aberrancy, aberration, antinomianism, apparent soundness, argument, argument by analogy, argumentum ad baculum, argumentum ad captandum, argumentum ad hominem, bad case, bamboozlement, befooling, begging the question, bluffing, calculated deception, casuistry, circular argument, circularity, circumvention, claptrap, conning, crowd-pleasing argument, deceiving, deception, deceptiveness, defectiveness, defrauding, delusion, delusiveness, deviancy, disingenuousness, distortion, dupery, elusion, emanatism, empty words, enmeshment, ensnarement, entanglement, entrapment, equivocalness, equivocation, errancy, erroneousness, error, evasion, evasive reasoning, fallaciousness, false doctrine, falsehood, falseness, falsity, fault, faultiness, flaw, flawedness, flimflam, flimflammery, fond illusion, fooling, formal fallacy, hallucination, hamartia, heresy, heterodoxy, hoodwinking, hylotheism, hysteron proteron, illusion, inconsistency, insincere argument, insincerity, inveracity, jesuitism, jesuitry, kidding, logical fallacy, material fallacy, mere rhetoric, mirage, misapplication, misbelief, miscalculation, misconception, misconstruction, misdoing, misfeasance, misinterpretation, misjudgment, mistake, misunderstanding, moonshine, mystification, non sequitur, obfuscation, obscurantism, outwitting, overreaching, oversubtlety, pantheism, paralogism, peccancy, perversion, petitio principii, phantasm, philosophism, plausibility, plausibleness, pseudosyllogism, putting on, quibble, rationalization, self-contradiction, self-deception, sin, sinfulness, snow job, solecism, song and dance, sophism, sophistical reasoning, sophistication, sophistry, special pleading, speciosity, specious reasoning, speciousness, spoofery, spoofing, spuriousness, subterfuge, subtlety, swindling, trickiness, tricking, truthlessness, unorthodoxy, untrueness, untruth, untruthfulness, verbal fallacy, vicious circle, vicious reasoning, victimization, vision, weak point, willful misconception, wishful thinking, wrong, wrongness
[edit]- fallback, avoidance, cringe, disengagement, dodge, duck, evasion, flinch, pullback, pullout, recoil, reculade, retirement, retreat, shy, sidestep, sidestepping, wince, withdrawal, withdrawment
fallen angel
[edit]- fallen angel, backslider, bad egg, bad lot, black sheep, degenerate, lecher, lost sheep, lost soul, miscreant, pervert, pimp, profligate, recidivist, recreant, reprobate, scapegrace, sorry lot, trollop, whore
[edit]- fallen, Adamic, Circean, abated, ablated, all up with, animal, animalistic, apostate, asleep, asleep in Jesus, at rest, atheistic, attenuated, ausgespielt, backsliding, bankrupt, bated, beastlike, beastly, beat, beaten, belittled, bereft of life, bested, bestial, blasphemous, blasted, blighted, bodily, breathless, broken, brutal, brute, brutish, called home, carnal, carnal-minded, carrion, coarse, confounded, consumed, contracted, croaked, curtailed, dead, dead and gone, death-struck, debased, deceased, decreased, defeated, deflated, defunct, demised, departed, departed this life, depressed, desolated, destitute of life, destroyed, devastated, diminished, discomfited, dissipated, done for, done in, down, down-and-out, downcast, downthrown, dropped, earthy, eroded, erring, exanimate, fallen from grace, finished, fixed, fleshly, floored, food for worms, frail, gone, gone to glory, gone to pot, gone west, gross, harlot, hors de combat, hustling, impious, impure, in ruins, inanimate, infirm, irreligious, irremediable, irreverent, kaput, lambasted, lapsed, late, late lamented, lathered, launched into eternity, less, lesser, licked, lifeless, low, lower, lowered, martyred, material, materialistic, meretricious, miniaturized, no more, nonspiritual, not done, of easy virtue, on the, on the skids, on the town, orgiastic, outdone, overborne, overcome, overmastered, overmatched, overpowered, overridden, overthrown, overturned, overwhelmed, panicked, passed on, pave, peccable, physical, postlapsarian, prodigal, profanatory, profane, prostitute, prostituted, prostrate, pushing up daisies, put to rout, rare, ravaged, recidivist, recidivistic, recreant, reduced, released, renegade, reposing, resting easy, retrenched, routed, ruined, ruinous, sacrilegious, saignant, sainted, scaled-down, scarlet, scattered, settled, shorn, shorter, shrunk, shrunken, silenced, skinned, skinned alive, sleeping, smaller, smitten with death, sodden, spoiled, stampeded, still, stillborn, streetwalking, submerged, sunk, sunken, swinish, taken away, taken off, trimmed, trounced, unangelic, unchaste, unclean, undercooked, underdone, undone, undutiful, ungodly, ungood, unrighteous, unsaintly, unspiritual, unvirtuous, upset, virtueless, wanton, wasted, watered-down, wayward, weak, weakened, whelmed, whipped, whorish, with the Lord, with the saints, without life, without vital functions, worn, worsted, wrecked
[edit]- fallible, adulterated, blemished, careless, damaged, defective, deficient, errable, errant, erroneous, error-prone, faulty, found wanting, heedless, immature, impaired, imperfect, imprecise, impure, inaccurate, inadequate, incomplete, inexact, lacking, liable to error, makeshift, mediocre, mixed, not perfect, off, open to error, partial, patchy, short, sketchy, undeveloped, uneven, unfinished, unperfected, unsound, unthorough, wanting
falling out
[edit]- falling out, alienation, altercation, beef, bickering, breach, breach of friendship, break, cleavage, cleft, controversy, disaffection, disfavor, dispute, disruption, disunion, disunity, divergence, dividedness, division, estrangement, feud, hassle, open rupture, recall of ambassadors, rift, row, run-in, rupture, schism, separation, split
falling sickness
[edit]- falling sickness, Jacksonian epilepsy, MS, Rolandic epilepsy, abdominal epilepsy, access, acquired epilepsy, activated epilepsy, affect epilepsy, akinetic epilepsy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, apoplexy, arrest, attack, autonomic epilepsy, blockage, brain disease, cardiac epilepsy, cephalalgia, cerebral palsy, chorea, clonic spasm, clonus, convulsion, cortical epilepsy, cramp, cursive epilepsy, diurnal epilepsy, eclampsia, emotional disorder, epilepsia, epilepsia gravior, epilepsia major, epilepsia minor, epilepsia mitior, epilepsia nutans, epilepsia tarda, epilepsy, epitasis, fit, focal epilepsy, frenzy, glossopharyngeal neuralgia, grand mal, grip, haute mal, headache, herpes zoster, hysterical epilepsy, ictus, ischialgia, larval epilepsy, laryngeal epilepsy, laryngospasm, latent epilepsy, lockjaw, matutinal epilepsy, menstrual epilepsy, migraine, multiple sclerosis, musicogenic epilepsy, myoclonous epilepsy, nervous disorder, neuralgia, neuritis, neuropathy, nocturnal epilepsy, occlusion, organic psychosis, orgasm, palsy, paroxysm, petit mal, physiologic epilepsy, polyneuritis, pressure neuropathy, priapism, psychic epilepsy, psychomotor epilepsy, radiculitis, reflex epilepsy, rotatoria, sciatic neuritis, sciatica, seizure, sensory epilepsy, serial epilepsy, sexual climax, shaking palsy, shingles, spasm, spastic paralysis, stoppage, stroke, tardy epilepsy, tetanus, tetany, the jerks, throes, thromboembolism, thrombosis, tic douloureux, tonic epilepsy, tonic spasm, torsion spasm, toxic psychosis, traumatic epilepsy, trismus, ucinate epilepsy, visitation
[edit]- falling, cascading, collapsing, coming apart, cracking, crumbling, dangling, decadent, deciduous, declined, declining, declivate, declivitous, declivous, decurrent, degenerate, dependent, depending, descendant, descending, deteriorating, dipping, disintegrating, down, down-reaching, downcoming, downfalling, downgoing, downgrade, downhill, downsinking, downward, draining, drooping, dropping, dwindling, ebbing, effete, fading, failing, falling loosely, flagging, flowing, fragmenting, going to pieces, hanging, hung, languishing, marcescent, on the descendant, on the downgrade, pendent, pending, pendulant, pendular, penduline, pendulous, pensile, pining, plummeting, plunging, regressive, retrograde, retrogressive, sagging, setting, shriveling, sinking, sliding, slipping, slumping, submerging, subsiding, suspended, swinging, tabetic, tottering, tumbledown, waning, wasting, weeping, wilting, withering, worsening
fallout shelter
[edit]- fallout shelter, A-blast, A-bomb shelter, H-blast, Mach front, abri, air-raid shelter, airborne radioactivity, atom blast, blast wave, bomb shelter, bombproof, bunker, cave, concealment, cover, covert, coverture, cyclone cellar, dugout, dust cloud, earth, fallout, fission particles, flash burn, foxhole, funk hole, ground zero, hydrogen blast, mushroom cloud, radioactive dust, safety zone, shelter, storm cave, storm cellar, trench
[edit]- fallout, A-blast, A-bomb shelter, H-blast, Mach front, activity, air pollution, airborne radioactivity, artificial radioactivity, atom blast, attritus, blast wave, bran, contamination, cosmic dust, crumb, crumble, curiage, decontamination, dust, dust ball, dust cloud, efflorescence, fallout shelter, farina, filings, fission particles, flash burn, flour, grits, groats, ground zero, half-life, hydrogen blast, kittens, lint, meal, mushroom cloud, natural radioactivity, nuclear radiation, powder, pussies, radiant energy, radiation, radioactive dust, radioactive radiation, radioactivity, radiocarbon dating, radiolucency, radiopacity, radiosensibility, radiosensitivity, raspings, saturation point, sawdust, smut, soot, specific activity
[edit]- fallow, acarpous, achromatic, achromic, anemic, arable land, arid, ashen, ashy, at leisure, at liberty, at loose ends, aureate, auric, available, backset, barnyard, barren, barton, beige, bled white, bloodless, buff, buff-yellow, cadaverous, canary, canary-yellow, cattle ranch, celibate, chicken farm, childless, chloranemic, citron, citron-yellow, collective farm, colorless, cotton plantation, cream, creamy, croft, cultivate, culture, cut, dairy farm, dead, deadly pale, deathly pale, delve, demesne, demesne farm, desert, desolate, dig, dim, dimmed, dingy, discolored, disengaged, drained, dress, dried-up, dry, dry farm, dude ranch, dull, ecru, etiolated, exhausted, exsanguinated, exsanguine, exsanguineous, factory farm, faded, faint, farm, farmery, farmhold, farmland, farmplace, farmstead, farmyard, fertilize, flat, flaxen, force, free, fruit farm, fruitless, fur farm, gaunt, gelded, ghastly, gilded, gilt, gold, gold-colored, golden, grain farm, grange, grassland, gray, hacienda, haggard, harrow, hoe, homecroft, homefarm, homestead, hueless, hypochromic, idle, impotent, ineffectual, infecund, infertile, issueless, jejune, jobless, kibbutz, kolkhoz, lackluster, leached, leaden, leisure, leisured, lemon, lemon-yellow, list, livid, location, lumpen, lurid, lusterless, luteolous, lutescent, mains, manor farm, mat, mealy, menopausal, muddy, mulch, neutral, nonfertile, nonproducing, nonproductive, nonprolific, ocherish, ocherous, ochery, ochreous, ochroid, ochrous, ochry, off, off duty, off work, or, orchard, otiose, out of employ, out of harness, out of work, pale, pale as death, pale-faced, pallid, pasture, pasty, pen, plantation, plow, poultry farm, primrose, primrose-colored, primrose-yellow, prune, rake, ranch, rancheria, rancho, saffron, saffron-colored, saffron-yellow, sallow, sand-colored, sandy, sheep farm, sickly, sine prole, spade, station, steading, sterile, stock farm, straw, straw-colored, sucked dry, tallow-faced, teemless, thin, thin out, till, till the soil, toft, toneless, truck farm, uncolored, uncultivated, unemployable, unemployed, unfertile, unfruitful, unoccupied, unplowed, unproductive, unprolific, unsown, untilled, virgin, wan, washed-out, waste, wasted, waxen, weak, weed, weed out, whey-faced, white, without issue, work, xanthic, xanthous, yellow, yellowish
false front
[edit]- false front, acting, affectation, affectedness, airs, airs and graces, anteriority, appearance, artificiality, attitudinizing, blazon, bluff, bluffing, bold front, brave face, brave front, bravura, brilliancy, camouflage, cheating, cloak, color, coloring, cover, daring, dash, deception, delusion, demonstration, disguise, display, dissemblance, dissembling, dissimulation, domino, dramatics, eclat, etalage, exhibition, exhibitionism, facade, face, facet, facia, fakery, faking, false air, false colors, false face, false show, falsity, fanfaronade, feigned belief, feigning, feint, figure, flair, flaunt, flaunting, flourish, fore, forefront, foreground, forehand, foreland, forepart, forequarter, foreside, foreword, four-flushing, fraud, front, front elevation, front man, front matter, front page, front view, frontage, frontal, frontier, frontispiece, gilt, gloss, head, heading, histrionics, humbug, humbuggery, hypocrisy, image, imposture, incognito, insincerity, lap, manifestation, mannerism, mask, masque, masquerade, mere show, meretriciousness, mummery, obverse, ostentation, outward show, pageant, pageantry, parade, playacting, pose, posing, posture, preface, prefix, pretense, pretension, pretext, priority, proscenium, protective coloration, prunes and prisms, public image, put-on, putting on airs, representation, seeming, semblance, sham, show, showing-off, simulacrum, simulation, smoke screen, speciousness, spectacle, splash, splurge, staginess, stylishness, theatrics, unnaturalness, varnish, vaunt, veil, visor, vizard, vizard mask, window dressing
false modesty
[edit]- false modesty, Quakerishness, censoriousness, demureness, demurity, hideboundness, mauvaise honte, narrowness, overmodesty, priggishness, primness, prudery, prudishness, puritanicalness, sanctimoniousness, sanctimony, smugness, stiff-neckedness, straitlacedness, stuffiness
false move
[edit]- false move, balk, bevue, false step, inadvertence, inadvertency, lapse, lapsus calami, lapsus linguae, loose thread, miscue, misstep, omission, oversight, slip, slipup, stumble, trip, wrong step
false show
[edit]- false show, Prospero, acting, affectation, affectedness, airiness, airs, airs and graces, appearance, artificiality, attitudinizing, bluff, bluffing, cheating, color, coloring, deception, delusion, delusiveness, disguise, dissemblance, dissembling, dissimulation, facade, face, fakery, faking, fallaciousness, false air, false appearance, false front, false light, falseness, falsity, feigned belief, feigning, feint, four-flushing, fraud, front, gilt, gloss, humbug, humbuggery, hypocrisy, idealization, illusionism, illusionist, illusiveness, image, immateriality, imposture, insincerity, magic, magic act, magic show, magician, mannerism, masquerade, mere show, meretriciousness, ostentation, outward show, playacting, pose, posing, posture, prestidigitation, pretense, pretension, pretext, prunes and prisms, public image, put-on, putting on airs, representation, seeming, semblance, sham, show, simulacrum, simulation, sleight of hand, sorcerer, sorcery, specious appearance, speciousness, stylishness, unactuality, unnaturalness, unreality, unsubstantiality, varnish, window dressing
false step
[edit]- false step, balk, bevue, false move, inadvertence, inadvertency, lapse, lapsus calami, lapsus linguae, loose thread, miscue, misstep, omission, oversight, slip, slipup, stumble, trip, wrong step
false witness
[edit]- false witness, Ananias, Baron Munchausen, Father of Lies, Satan, Sir John Mandeville, consummate liar, dirty liar, equivocator, fabricator, fabulist, falsifier, fibber, fibster, frame, frame-up, habitual liar, liar, mythomaniac, palterer, pathological liar, perjurer, prevaricator, pseudologist, pseudologue, put-up job, spinner of yarns, storyteller, yarn spinner, yarner
[edit]- false, Barmecidal, Barmecide, Machiavellian, Tartuffian, Tartuffish, aberrant, abroad, adrift, affected, airy, all abroad, all off, all wrong, ambidextrous, amiss, apostate, apparent, apparitional, artful, artificial, askew, astray, at fault, autistic, awry, backsliding, baseborn, bastard, beguiling, beside the mark, bogus, brummagem, calculating, canting, catchy, chimeric, chiseling, collusive, concocted, contrary to fact, corrupt, counterfeit, counterfeited, covinous, crafty, crooked, cunning, deceitful, deceiving, deceptive, defective, deluding, delusional, delusionary, delusive, delusory, dereistic, derelict, deviant, deviational, deviative, devious, disaffected, dishonest, disloyal, distorted, double, double-dealing, double-faced, double-minded, double-tongued, doublehearted, dreamlike, dreamy, dubious, dummy, duplicitous, errant, erring, erroneous, ersatz, fabricated, factitious, faithless, fake, faked, fallacious, false-principled, falsehearted, fantastic, faultful, faulty, feigned, fickle, fictitious, finagling, fishy, flawed, forged, fraudulent, furtive, goody, goody-goody, guileful, hallucinatory, heretical, heterodox, holier-than-thou, hollow, hypocritical, illegitimate, illogical, illusional, illusionary, illusive, illusory, imaginary, imitation, imprecise, in error, inaccurate, inconstant, incorrect, indirect, inexact, insidious, insincere, invalid, lying, made-up, manufactured, mealymouthed, mendacious, meretricious, misbegotten, miscreated, misleading, mistaken, mock, not right, not true, not true to, of bad faith, off, off the track, ostensible, out, peccant, perfidious, perverse, perverted, phantasmagoric, phantasmal, phantom, pharisaic, phony, pietistic, pinchbeck, pious, pseudo, questionable, recreant, renegade, sanctified, sanctimonious, scheming, seeming, self-contradictory, self-deceptive, self-deluding, self-righteous, sham, sharp, shifty, simulated, slippery, sneaky, snide, sniveling, specious, spectral, spurious, straying, substitute, supposititious, surreptitious, synthetic, traitorous, treacherous, trickish, tricksy, tricky, trothless, truthless, two-faced, unactual, unctuous, underhand, underhanded, unfactual, unfaithful, unfounded, unloyal, unnatural, unorthodox, unproved, unreal, unsound, unsteadfast, unsubstantial, untrue, untrustworthy, untruthful, visionary, wide, wily, wrong
[edit]- falsehearted, Machiavellian, ambidextrous, artful, calculating, chiseling, collusive, covinous, crafty, crooked, cunning, deceitful, dishonest, disingenuous, double, double-dealing, double-faced, double-minded, double-tongued, doublehearted, duplicitous, faithless, false, false-principled, finagling, forsworn, fraudulent, furtive, guileful, indirect, insidious, insincere, perfidious, perjured, scheming, sharp, shifty, slippery, sneaky, surreptitious, treacherous, trickish, tricky, two-faced, uncandid, underhand, underhanded, unfrank, unsincere, untruthful, wily
[edit]- falsehood, blague, canard, cock-and-bull story, credibility gap, deceit, dishonesty, dissimulation, distortion, erroneousness, error, exaggeration, fabrication, fairy tale, fakery, fallaciousness, fallacy, falseness, falsity, farfetched story, farrago, feigning, fib, fibbery, fibbing, fiction, fish story, flam, flimflam, fraud, ghost story, half-truth, inveracity, legal fiction, lie, little white lie, lying, mendaciousness, mendacity, misrepresentation, misstatement, mythomania, pious fiction, pretense, prevarication, pseudology, sham, slight stretching, story, tale, tall story, tall tale, taradiddle, trumped-up story, truthlessness, untrueness, untruth, untruthfulness, unveraciousness, white lie, yarn
[edit]- falsely, amiss, apparently, artificially, astray, beguilingly, deceptively, delusively, erroneously, factitiously, fallaciously, faultfully, faultily, in disguise, in name only, misleadingly, mistakenly, nominally, ostensibly, plausibly, seemingly, spuriously, synthetically, trickily, truthlessly, under cover of, under false colors, ungenuinely, unnaturally, untrue, untruly, unveraciously, wrong, wrongly
[edit]- falseness, Machiavellianism, Prospero, Punic faith, Tartuffery, Tartuffism, aberrancy, aberration, affectation, airiness, ambidexterity, apostasy, appearance, artfulness, artifice, bad faith, bamboozlement, barratry, befooling, bluffing, breach of faith, breach of promise, breach of trust, calculated deception, cant, circumvention, conning, craft, cunning, deceit, deceitfulness, deceiving, deception, deceptiveness, defectiveness, defrauding, delusion, delusiveness, dereliction, desertion, deviancy, disaffection, dishonesty, disloyalty, distortion, double-dealing, doubleness, doubleness of heart, dupery, duplicity, enmeshment, ensnarement, entanglement, entrapment, errancy, erroneousness, error, faithlessness, fallaciousness, fallacy, false appearance, false light, false piety, false show, falseheartedness, falsehood, falsity, fault, faultiness, fickleness, flaw, flawedness, flimflam, flimflammery, fond illusion, fooling, furtiveness, goody-goodiness, guile, hallucination, hamartia, heresy, heterodoxy, hoodwinking, hypocrisy, idealization, illusion, illusionism, illusionist, illusiveness, immateriality, improbity, inconstancy, indirection, infidelity, insidiousness, insincerity, kidding, low cunning, magic, magic act, magic show, magician, mala fides, mealymouthedness, mirage, misapplication, misconstruction, misdoing, misfeasance, misinterpretation, misjudgment, mummery, oiliness, outwitting, overreaching, peccancy, perfidiousness, perfidy, perversion, phantasm, pharisaicalness, pharisaism, pietism, pietisticalness, piety, piousness, prestidigitation, putting on, recreancy, religionism, religiosity, sanctimoniousness, sanctimony, seeming, self-contradiction, self-deception, self-righteousness, semblance, shiftiness, show, simulacrum, sin, sinfulness, sleight of hand, sneak attack, sneakiness, snivel, snow job, snuffle, song and dance, sorcerer, sorcery, specious appearance, spoofery, spoofing, subterfuge, surreptitiousness, swindling, tergiversation, treacherousness, treachery, trickiness, tricking, trothlessness, two-facedness, unactuality, unction, unctuousness, underhandedness, unfaith, unfaithfulness, unloyalty, unorthodoxy, unreality, unsteadfastness, unsubstantiality, untrueness, untruth, untruthfulness, victimization, vision, wile, willful misconception, wishful thinking, wrong, wrongness
[edit]- falsetto, alto, aphonia, artificial voice, baritone, bass, bourdon, bravura, broken speech, broken tones, broken voice, burden, chest voice, childish treble, choked voice, choral, choric, coloratura, countertenor, cracked voice, croak, crow, dramatic, drone, drone bass, dysarthria, dyslalia, dyslogia, dysphasia, dysphonia, dysphrasia, harshness, hawking voice, head register, head tone, head voice, heroic, high, high-pitched, high-sounding, high-toned, hiss, hoarseness, hymnal, idioglossia, idiolalia, impairment of speech, lisp, lisping, liturgical, loss of voice, lyric, male alto, mezzo-soprano, muzzy speech, nasal tone, nasalization, operatic, psalmic, psalmodial, psalmodic, quaver, sacred, shake, sibilation, singing, soprano, speech defect, speech impediment, tenor, treble, tremor, twang, vocal, voce, voce di petto, voce di testa, voice
[edit]- falsification, abstractionism, coloring, confabulation, deformation, distortion, equivocation, exaggeration, expressionism, false coloring, false swearing, falsifying, garbling, hyperbole, inaccuracy, injustice, litotes, miscoloring, misconstruction, misdrawing, mispainting, misquotation, misreport, misrepresentation, misstatement, misteaching, nonrealism, overdrawing, overstatement, perjury, perversion, prevarication, slanting, straining, twisting, understatement
[edit]- falsified, affected, apocryphal, artificial, assumed, bastard, bogus, brummagem, colorable, colored, counterfeit, counterfeited, distorted, dressed up, dummy, embellished, embroidered, ersatz, factitious, fake, faked, feigned, fictitious, fictive, garbled, illegitimate, imitation, junky, make-believe, man-made, mock, perverted, phony, pinchbeck, pretended, pseudo, put-on, quasi, queer, self-styled, sham, shoddy, simulated, so-called, soi-disant, spurious, supposititious, synthetic, tin, tinsel, titivated, twisted, unauthentic, ungenuine, unnatural, unreal, warped
[edit]- falsify, alter, be untruthful, belie, burlesque, camouflage, caricature, change, cheat, color, contort, contradict, contravene, cook, deceive, deny, disguise, distort, doctor, draw the longbow, dress up, embellish, embroider, equivocate, evade, exaggerate, fake, fib, fudge, garble, gild, gloss, gloss over, lie, lie flatly, mask, miscite, miscolor, mislead, misquote, misreport, misrepresent, misstate, misteach, overdraw, overstate, palter, parody, pervert, prevaricate, shift, shift about, slant, speak falsely, story, strain, stretch the truth, tell a lie, titivate, traverse, travesty, trick out, trump up, twist, understate, varnish, warp, whitewash, wrench
[edit]- falsity, Punic faith, aberrancy, aberration, acting, affectation, appearance, attitudinizing, bad faith, barratry, blague, bluff, bluffing, breach of faith, breach of promise, breach of trust, canard, casuistry, cheating, cock-and-bull story, color, coloring, deceit, deceitfulness, deception, deceptiveness, defectiveness, delusion, dereliction, deviancy, disaffection, disguise, dishonesty, disingenuousness, disloyalty, dissemblance, dissembling, dissimulation, distortion, errancy, erroneousness, error, exaggeration, fabrication, facade, face, fairy tale, faithlessness, fake, fakery, faking, fallaciousness, fallacy, false air, false front, false show, falsehood, falseness, farfetched story, farrago, fault, faultiness, feigning, feint, fib, fickleness, fiction, fish story, flam, flaw, flawedness, flimflam, four-flushing, fraud, fraudulence, front, ghost story, gilt, gloss, half-truth, hamartia, heresy, heterodoxy, humbug, humbuggery, hypocrisy, illusion, imposture, inconstancy, infidelity, insincerity, inveracity, legal fiction, lie, little white lie, mala fides, masquerade, mendaciousness, mendacity, meretriciousness, misapplication, misconstruction, misdoing, misfeasance, misinterpretation, misjudgment, misrepresentation, ostentation, outward show, peccancy, perfidiousness, perfidy, perversion, pious fiction, playacting, pose, posing, posture, pretense, pretension, pretext, prevarication, recreancy, representation, seeming, self-contradiction, semblance, sham, show, simulacrum, simulation, sin, sinfulness, slight stretching, speciousness, spuriousness, story, tale, tall story, tall tale, taradiddle, trothlessness, trumped-up story, truthlessness, uncandidness, unfaith, unfaithfulness, unloyalty, unorthodoxy, unsteadfastness, untrueness, untruth, untruthfulness, varnish, white lie, window dressing, wrong, wrongness, yarn
[edit]- falter, Bebung, abandon hope, back down, back out, balance, bashfulness, blench, blunder, bob, bobble, boggle, boggling, bounce, bump, careen, career, caution, cautiousness, chatter, chicken, chicken out, compunction, dally, dawdle, debate, delay, deliberate, demur, demurral, desert under fire, despair, despair of, despond, didder, diffidence, dillydally, dither, drag, faltering, fear, fight shy of, flag, flinch, flounce, flounder, flutter, funk, funk out, get cold feet, give up, give up hope, give way, goof off, grimace, halt, hang back, hang in doubt, hang off, have an ague, have qualms, haw, hem, hem and haw, hesitance, hesitancy, hesitate, hesitating, hesitation, hold off, hover, hum, hum and haw, hustle, jactitate, jar, jerk, jib, jig, jigget, jiggle, jog, joggle, jolt, jostle, jounce, jump, labor, lag, linger, loiter, lollygag, lose courage, lose heart, lose hope, lurch, make bones about, mammer, modesty, objection, pause, pitch, pitch and plunge, plunge, ponder, protest, pull back, quail, quake, qualm, qualm of conscience, qualmishness, quaver, quiver, recoil, reel, retreat, rictus, rock, roll, scruple, scrupulosity, scrupulousness, scuttle, seethe, shake, shilly-shally, shilly-shallying, shiver, shock, shrink, shrinking, shudder, shy, shy at, shyness, sink into despair, skedaddle, stagger, stammer, stick at, stickle, stickling, stop to consider, straddle the fence, strain, strain at, struggle, stumble, stutter, sway, swing, tarry, tentativeness, think twice, think twice about, thrash about, tic, topple, toss, toss and tumble, toss and turn, totter, trail, tremble, tremolando, tremolant, tremolo, tremor, trill, trillet, trilleto, trillo, tumble, twitch, twitter, vacillate, vibrate, vibrato, volutation, wallop, wallow, waste time, waver, welter, whine, wince, withdraw, wobble, yield, yield to despair
[edit]- faltering, ambling, balbutient, bashful, boggling, cautious, circumspect, claudicant, crawling, creeping, creeping like snail, deliberate, demurring, diffident, easy, flagging, foot-dragging, gentle, gradual, halting, hesitant, hesitating, hobbled, hobbling, idle, indecisive, indolent, irresolute, jibbing, languid, languorous, lazy, leisurely, limping, lukewarm, lumbering, moderate, modest, poking, poky, qualmish, relaxed, reluctant, sauntering, scrupling, scrupulous, shilly-shallying, shrinking, shuffling, shy, slack, slothful, slow, slow as death, slow as molasses, slow as slow, slow-crawling, slow-foot, slow-going, slow-legged, slow-moving, slow-paced, slow-poky, slow-running, slow-sailing, slow-stepped, sluggish, snail-paced, snaillike, squeamish, staggering, stammering, sticking, stickling, straining, strolling, stumbling, stuttering, tentative, timid, toddling, tortoiselike, tottering, trudging, turtlelike, uncertain, unhurried, vacillatory, waddling, wavering, wobbly
[edit]- fame, PR, acclaim, acclamation, acknowledgment, applause, ballyhoo, blurb, bright light, celebrity, character, common knowledge, consequence, conspicuousness, cry, currency, daylight, dignity, distinction, eclat, eminence, esteem, exposure, famousness, figure, glare, glory, greatness, heroism, honor, hoopla, hue and cry, illustriousness, kudos, limelight, loftiness, magnanimity, majesty, maximum dissemination, memorability, name, nobility, notability, note, noteworthiness, notoriety, notoriousness, plug, popularity, preeminence, press notice, prestige, prominence, public eye, public knowledge, public relations, public report, publicity, publicity story, publicness, puff, reclame, recognition, remarkableness, renown, rep, report, reputation, repute, salience, spotlight, stardom, sublimity, superiority, the bubble reputation, vogue, write-up
[edit]- familiar, Bohemian, abreast, accepted, accustomed, acquaintance, acquainted, acquainted with, advocate, affable, alter ego, amicable, amigo, ancestral spirits, angel, arrogant, attendant godling, au courant, au fait, audacious, average, aware, back-number, backer, banal, best friend, bewhiskered, bold, boon, bosom friend, bromidic, brother, buddy-buddy, bumptious, casual, casual acquaintance, chatty, chummy, close, close acquaintance, close friend, cognizant, cold, colloquial, comfortable, common, commonly known, commonplace, confidant, confidante, confidential, conformable, conscious, consuetudinary, control, contumelious, conventional, conversant, conversant with, conversational, cool, cordial, corny, cozy, current, customary, cut-and-dried, daemon, degage, demon, disdainful, disrespectful, easy, easygoing, established, everyday, fade, fairy godmother, familiar spirit, familiar with, favorer, fellow, fellow creature, fellowman, folksy, forward, free, free and easy, frequent, fresh, friend, friendly, fusty, generally accepted, genial, genius, genius domus, genius loci, good angel, good genius, gracious, guardian, guardian angel, guardian spirit, guide, habitual, hackney, hackneyed, hand and glove, hand-in-hand, haymish, homely, homey, household, household gods, hubristic, impertinent, impudent, informal, informed, informed of, inseparable, inseparable friend, insolent, insulting, intimate, intrusive, invisible helper, irregular, lares and penates, lares compitales, lares familiaris, lares permarini, lares praestites, lares viales, loose, lover, manes, mate, mindful, ministering angel, moth-eaten, musty, natural, near, neighbor, neighborly, no stranger to, nonstandard, normal, normative, notorious, numen, obtaining, obtrusive, offhand, offhanded, officious, old hat, ordinary, other self, overpresumptuous, overweening, palsy-walsy, partisan, penates, pickup, plain, platitudinous, popular, predominating, prescribed, prescriptive, presuming, presumptuous, prevailing, prevalent, privy to, procacious, prosaic, proverbial, public, pushy, received, regular, regulation, relaxed, repository, routine, set, simple, snug, sociable, social, special providence, spoken, square, stale, standard, stereotyped, stock, substandard, supporter, sympathizer, talked-about, talked-of, tete-a-tete, thick, thick as thieves, threadbare, time-honored, timeworn, totem, traditional, trite, truistic, tutelar god, tutelary, unaffected, unassuming, unceremonious, unconstrained, unconventional, uneducated, universal, universally admitted, universally recognized, unliterary, unofficial, unoriginal, unreserved, unrestrained, unstudied, up, up on, uppish, uppity, usual, vernacular, versed, warmed-over, well-kenned, well-known, well-recognized, well-understood, well-wisher, well-worn, widely known, widespread, wonted, worn, worn thin
[edit]- familiarity, Bohemianism, acquaintance, affability, affinity, amiability, assumption, awareness, boldness, casualness, chumminess, civility, closeness, clubbability, clubbishness, clubbism, cognition, cognizance, common touch, communicativeness, companionability, compatibility, comprehension, congeniality, cordiality, corpus, courtesy, data, datum, ease, easiness, easygoingness, experience, expertise, facts, factual base, fellowship, folksiness, fondness for society, friendliness, geniality, graciousness, grasp, gregariousness, homeliness, homeyness, hospitality, hubris, impertinence, imposition, impropriety, impudence, informality, informalness, information, inseparableness, insolence, intelligence, intimacy, intimate acquaintance, inwardness, irregularity, ken, know-how, knowing, knowledge, lawlessness, liberties, liberty abused, license, licentiousness, looseness, mateyness, naturalness, nearness, offhandedness, openness, palliness, plainness, practical knowledge, presumption, presumptuousness, private knowledge, privity, ratio cognoscendi, relaxedness, self-knowledge, simplicity, sociability, sociableness, social grace, sociality, special affinity, technic, technics, technique, unaffectedness, unceremoniousness, unconstrainedness, unconstraint, unconventionality, understanding, undue liberty, unpretentiousness, urbanity
[edit]- familiarize, acclimate, acclimatize, accommodate, accustom, acquaint, adapt, adjust, advertise, advertise of, advise, apprise, break, break in, brief, bring word, case harden, communicate, condition, confirm, disclose, domesticate, domesticize, enlighten, establish, fix, gentle, give notice, give the facts, give word, habituate, harden, housebreak, inform, instruct, inure, leave word, let know, mention to, naturalize, notify, orient, orientate, report, season, send word, serve notice, speak, tame, tell, train, use, verse, wont
family planning
[edit]- family planning, aridity, barrenness, birth control, contraception, dearth, dry womb, dryness, famine, impotence, ineffectualness, infecundity, infertility, planned parenthood, sterileness, sterility, unfertileness, unfruitfulness, unproductiveness, withered loins
[edit]- family, affiliation, agnate, ancestors, ancestry, animal kingdom, antonomasia, apparentation, ashram, binomial nomenclature, biosystematics, biosystematy, biotype, birth, blood, blood relation, blood relative, bloodline, body, branch, breed, brood, caste, children, clan, clannish, clansman, class, classification, cognate, collateral, collateral relative, colony, common ancestry, commonwealth, commune, community, connections, consanguinean, consanguinity, deme, derivation, descendants, descent, diphyletic, direct, direct line, distaff side, distant relation, division, dynasty, economic class, enate, endogamous group, ethnic, extended family, extraction, family tree, female line, filiation, flesh, flesh and blood, folk, folks, forebears, forefathers, fruit, genealogical, genealogy, genetic, genotype, genre, gens, gentile, gentilic, genus, german, get, glossology, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, group, hearth, heirs, home, homefolks, hostages to fortune, house, household, inheritors, issue, kids, kin, kind, kindred, kinfolk, kingdom, kinnery, kinsfolk, kinship group, kinsman, kinsmen, kinswoman, kith and kin, line, line of descent, lineage, lineal, little ones, male line, matriclan, menage, moiety, nation, national, near relation, new generation, next of kin, nomenclature, nuclear family, offspring, onomastics, onomatology, order, orismology, parentage, patriclan, pedigree, people, phratria, phratry, phyle, phyletic, phylogenetic, phylum, place-names, place-naming, plant kingdom, polyonymy, posterity, progenitors, progeny, race, racial, relations, relatives, rising generation, section, seed, sept, series, set, settlement, sib, sibling, side, social class, society, sons, spear kin, spear side, species, spindle kin, spindle side, stem, stirp, stirps, stock, strain, subcaste, subclass, subdivision, subfamily, subgenus, subkingdom, suborder, subspecies, subtribe, succession, superclass, superfamily, superorder, superspecies, sword side, systematics, taxonomy, terminology, toponymy, totem, totemic, treasures, tribal, tribe, tribesman, trinomialism, type, uterine kin, variety, younglings, youngsters
[edit]- famine, absence, aridity, barrenness, beggary, birth control, contraception, dearth, defectiveness, deficiency, deficit, deprivation, destitution, drought, dry womb, dryness, exiguity, family planning, imperfection, impotence, impoverishment, incompleteness, ineffectualness, infecundity, infertility, lack, need, omission, paucity, planned parenthood, scarcity, shortage, shortcoming, shortfall, starvation, sterileness, sterility, unfertileness, unfruitfulness, unproductiveness, want, wantage, withered loins
[edit]- famished, bare-handed, beggarly, craving, dog-hungry, empty, empty-handed, famishing, fasting, half-famished, half-starved, hungering, hungry, ill off, ill-equipped, ill-furnished, ill-provided, impoverished, on short commons, pauperized, peckish, pinched with hunger, poor, ravening, ravenous, sharp-set, shorthanded, starved, starveling, starving, underfed, undermanned, undernourished, unfed, unfilled, unprovided, unreplenished, unsupplied, voracious, wolfish
[edit]- famous, acclaimed, advantageous, august, auspicious, beneficial, benevolent, bon, bonny, braw, bueno, capital, celebrated, cogent, commendable, conspicuous, dandy, distinguished, elegant, elevated, eminent, estimable, exalted, excellent, expedient, fabled, fair, famed, far-famed, far-heard, favorable, fine, first, first-class, first-string, glorious, godlike, good, goodly, grand, great, healthy, held in esteem, helpful, heroic, high, honorable, honored, illustrious, kind, laudable, lauded, legendary, lionized, lofty, magnanimous, magnificent, majestic, marked, much acclaimed, mythical, nice, noble, notable, noted, notorious, of mark, of note, pleasant, popular, praiseworthy, prestigious, profitable, prominent, rate, redoubtable, regal, renowned, reputable, respectable, royal, skillful, soaring, sound, splendid, sublime, superb, superior, talked-about, talked-of, top, top-notch, towering, useful, valid, venerable, very good, virtuous, well-known, well-thought-of
[edit]- famously, abundantly, acutely, amazingly, amply, aright, astonishingly, awesomely, capitally, celebratedly, conspicuously, copiously, eminently, emphatically, excellently, exceptionally, exquisitely, extraordinarily, exuberantly, fine, finely, generously, glaringly, gloriously, impressively, incredibly, intensely, magically, magnanimously, magnificently, markedly, marvelously, nicely, nobly, notably, notedly, notoriously, outstandingly, particularly, peculiarly, pointedly, popularly, preeminently, profusely, prominently, pronouncedly, remarkably, richly, right, royally, signally, singularly, spectacularly, splendidly, strikingly, superbly, superlatively, surpassingly, surprisingly, uncommonly, unusually, very well, well, wonderfully, wondrous, worthily
fan out
[edit]- fan out, aberrate, bestrew, branch, branch out, broadcast, circumfuse, deal out, deploy, diffract, diffuse, dispense, disperse, dispread, disseminate, distribute, divaricate, diverge, divide, expand, extend, fan, flare, go away, go off, issue, open, open up, outspread, outstretch, overgrow, overrun, overscatter, oversow, overspread, propagate, publish, radiate, ramify, retail, scatter, separate, sow, sow broadcast, splay, spraddle, sprangle, sprawl, spread, spread like wildfire, spread out, strew, unfold, utter, widen
fan shaped
[edit]- fan shaped, centrifugal, delta-shaped, deltalike, deltoid, divaricate, divaricating, divergent, diverging, fan-shape, fanlike, fanned, fanning, flabelliform, flared, flaring, open, outspread, outstretched, palmate, palmated, patulous, splay, splayed, splaying, spraddled, spraddling, sprangled, sprangling, sprawling, sprawly, spread, spreading, stretched-out, three, three-in-one, triadic, trial, triangular, trinal, trine, triple, triplex, triune, unfolded, wide-open, widespread
fan the flame
[edit]- fan the flame, aggravate, agitate, alienate, annoy, arouse, awake, awaken, bank, blow the coals, blow up, burn, call forth, call up, come between, conflagrate, disaffect, disunite, divide, enkindle, enrage, estrange, excite, fan, fan the fire, feed, feed the fire, ferment, fire, flame, foment, frenzy, heat, heat up, ignite, impassion, incense, incite, inflame, infuriate, instigate, irritate, key up, kindle, lather up, light, light the fuse, light up, madden, make trouble, move, nettle, overexcite, pique, pit against, provoke, put up to, rally, rekindle, relight, relume, rouse, separate, set against, set astir, set at odds, set at variance, set fire to, set on, set on fire, sic on, sow dissension, steam up, stir, stir the blood, stir the embers, stir the feelings, stir the fire, stir up, stir up trouble, stoke, stoke the fire, strike a light, summon up, tickle, torch, touch off, turn on, wake, wake up, waken, warm, warm the blood, whet, whip up, work into, work up
[edit]- fan, Maecenas, V, abettor, adherent, admirer, advocate, aerate, aerator, aficionado, agitate, air, air conditioner, air cooler, air filter, air out, air passage, air-condition, air-cool, airify, airscrew, amateur, angel, annoy, apologist, appendage, applauder, appreciator, arouse, attendant, attender, audience, authority, awake, awaken, backer, blow the coals, blow up, blower, bomb, booster, branch, branch out, buff, bug, call forth, call up, cavaliere servente, champion, chiller, claqueur, cold pack, collector, commender, connoisseur, cooler, cooling system, courtier, crank, crap out, critic, cross-ventilate, crotch, crutch, dangler, defender, delta, dependence, dependent, deploy, devotee, dilettante, disciple, disperse, draw a blank, driver, drop a bomb, drop the ball, electric fan, encomiast, encourager, endorser, energumen, enkindle, enrage, enthusiast, eulogist, eulogizer, excite, exhaust fan, expand, expert, exponent, extend, extoller, fan out, fan the fire, fan the flame, fanatic, fanatico, fancier, favorer, feed the fire, ferment, fire, flabellum, flame, flare, flop, flummox, flunky, fold, fold up, follower, following, foment, fork, freak, frenzy, frequenter, freshen, friend at court, frisk, furcula, furculum, get left, groin, groupie, habitue, hanger-on, haunter, heat, heat up, henchman, homme de cour, hound, ice bag, ice bucket, ice cube, ice pack, ice pail, idolater, idolizer, impassion, impeller, incense, incite, infatuate, inflame, infuriate, inguen, instigate, key up, kindle, lather up, lauder, lay an egg, light the fuse, light up, lose out, lover, lunatic fringe, madden, mainstay, maintainer, monomaniac, move, nettle, not hack it, not make it, nut, offshoot, open, open up, outspread, outstretch, overexcite, overgrow, overrun, oxygenate, oxygenize, paddle wheel, panegyrist, paranymph, parasite, partisan, patron, pique, piston, plugger, praiser, promoter, prong, prop, propellant, propeller, propulsor, protagonist, provoke, public, puffer, pundit, punkah, pursuer, pursuivant, put up to, rally, ramification, ramify, refresh, reliance, rooter, rotor, rouse, ruffle, satellite, savant, scholar, screw, screw propeller, second, seconder, sectary, set astir, set fire to, set on, set on fire, shadow, shake down, sic on, sider, specialist, spectator, splay, sponsor, spraddle, sprangle, sprawl, spread, spread like wildfire, spread out, stalwart, standby, steam up, stem, stir, stir the blood, stir the embers, stir the feelings, stir up, stooge, strike out, successor, summon up, support, supporter, surface cooler, sustainer, sympathizer, tagtail, tail, take the count, technical expert, technician, theatergoer, thermantidote, tickle, tout, touter, trainbearer, trident, turbine, turn on, twin screws, unfold, upholder, ventilate, ventilator, visitor, votary, wake, wake up, waken, ward heeler, warm, warm the blood, water cooler, well-wisher, wheel, whet, whiff, whip up, widen, wind, windcatcher, windsail, windscoop, wine cooler, winnow, wishbone, work into, work up, worshiper, zealot
[edit]- fanatic, Christian, God-fearing man, accepter, addict, aficionado, alien, aliene, ass, bedlamite, believer, bigot, bitter-ender, borderline case, buff, bug, bullethead, case, catechumen, character, chauvinist, churchgoer, churchite, churchman, collector, communicant, convert, crackbrain, crackpot, crank, daily communicant, dement, demon, demoniac, devotee, devotionalist, diehard, disciple, doctrinaire, dogmatist, donkey, eager beaver, eccentric, energumen, enthusiast, extremist, faddist, fan, fanatico, fiend, flake, follower, fou, freak, good Christian, great one for, hardnose, hermit, hobbyist, hobo, hound, idiot, illiberal, infatuate, intolerant, intransigeant, intransigent, jingo, kook, last-ditcher, lone wolf, loner, loon, loony, lunatic, lunatic fringe, madman, male chauvinist, maniac, maverick, meshuggenah, monomaniac, mule, natural, neophyte, noncompos, nonconformist, nut, odd fellow, oddball, oddity, original, outsider, pariah, perverse fool, phrenetic, pietist, pig, pighead, positivist, proselyte, purist, pursuer, queer duck, queer fish, queer specimen, rabid, racist, radical, rara avis, raving lunatic, receiver, religionist, revolutional, revolutionary, revolutionist, rhapsodist, saint, screwball, sexist, solitary, standpat, standpatter, stickler, sucker for, superpatriot, theist, tramp, truster, type, ultra, ultraist, ultranationalist, visionary, votary, weirdo, zealot
[edit]- fanatical, agog, ardent, at fever pitch, authoritarian, balking, balky, bigot, bigoted, borne, bulldogged, bulletheaded, bullheaded, burning, case-hardened, closed, compulsive, constricted, cramped, creedbound, deaf, deaf to reason, delirious, distracted, dogged, dogmatic, enthusiastic, excessive, extravagant, extreme, extremist, fanatic, febrile, fervent, fervid, feverish, fiery, flaming, frantic, frenetic, frenzied, furious, haggard, hard-core, hardheaded, headstrong, heated, hectic, hidebound, hot, hotheaded, hysteric, illiberal, immoderate, infatuated, inflamed, inordinate, insane, insular, intolerant, irrational, little, little-minded, mad, madcap, maniacal, mean, mean-minded, mean-spirited, monomaniacal, mulish, narrow, narrow-hearted, narrow-minded, narrow-souled, narrow-spirited, nearsighted, obsessive, obstinate, opinionated, overanxious, overdesirous, overdevout, overeager, overenthusiastic, overreligious, overrighteous, overzealous, parochial, passionate, perfervid, persevering, pertinacious, petty, pigheaded, provincial, purblind, rabid, red-hot, restive, sanctimonious, scorching, self-willed, set, shortsighted, small, small-minded, stiff-necked, straitlaced, strong-willed, strongheaded, stubborn, stuffy, sulky, sullen, tenacious, totally committed, ultrareligious, ultrazealous, uncatholic, uncharitable, uncooperative, ungenerous, unliberal, unreasonable, unregenerate, white-hot, wild, wild-eyed, wild-looking, willful, zealotic, zealous
[edit]- fanaticism, agitation, authoritarianism, balkiness, bias, bibliolatry, bigotry, blind side, blind spot, blinders, bluster, brawl, broil, brouhaha, bullheadedness, cacophony, chaos, charismatic gift, charismatic movement, charismatic renewal, closed mind, commotion, cramped ideas, dedication, determination, devotedness, devotion, disturbance, doggedness, dogmatism, ebullition, embroilment, enthusiasm, excessiveness, extravagance, extremeness, extremism, fanaticalness, ferment, fervor, fixed mind, flap, fomentation, foofaraw, franticness, frenzy, fume, furor, furore, fury, fuss, gift of tongues, glossolalia, hardheadedness, headstrongness, hideboundness, hubbub, hysteria, illiberality, infatuation, inflexible will, insularism, insularity, intolerance, little-mindedness, littleness, madness, mania, mean mind, meanness, monomania, mulishness, narrow sympathies, narrow views, narrow-mindedness, narrowness, nearsightedness, obduracy, obsessiveness, obstinacy, obstinateness, odium theologicum, opinionatedness, overambitiousness, overanxiety, overanxiousness, overdevoutness, overeagerness, overenthusiasm, overpiousness, overreaction, overreligiousness, overrighteousness, overzealousness, pandemonium, parochialism, partiality, passion, pentecostalism, perfervidness, perseverance, pertinacity, pettiness, petty mind, pigheadedness, prejudice, provincialism, purblindness, rabidness, racket, rage, restiveness, revival, revivalism, row, ruckus, rumpus, sanctimony, self-will, shortsightedness, shut mind, single-mindedness, smallness, stiff neck, stiff-neckedness, storminess, straitlacedness, strongheadness, stubbornness, stuffiness, sulkiness, sullenness, tempestuousness, tenaciousness, tenacity, tumult, tumultuousness, turbulence, turmoil, ultrazealousness, uncatholicity, uncooperativeness, unregenerateness, uproar, upset, wildness, willfulness, zeal, zealotism, zealotry, zealousness
[edit]- fancied, concocted, cooked-up, fabricated, fabulous, fanciful, fantasied, fantastic, fictional, fictitious, fictive, figmental, forged, hatched, illusory, imaginary, imaginational, imagined, invented, legendary, made-up, make-believe, manufactured, mythical, nonexistent, notional, put-up, shadowy, supposititious, trumped-up, unactual, unreal, visional
[edit]- fanciful, Gothic, absurd, air-built, airy, antic, apocryphal, arbitrary, baroque, bizarre, brain-born, capricious, changeable, chimerical, cloud-built, conceptual, cranky, crotchety, curious, dream-built, dreamlike, ethereal, extravagant, fabulous, false, fancied, fancy-born, fancy-built, fancy-woven, fantasied, fantasque, fantastic, fatuitous, fatuous, fickle, fictional, fictitious, fictive, flaky, florid, freakish, gaseous, gossamery, grotesque, harebrained, humorsome, ideal, ideational, ideological, illusory, imaginary, imaginative, imagined, immaterial, impossible, impulsive, incomprehensible, inconceivable, inconstant, incredible, kinky, legendary, maggoty, make-believe, merely nominal, moody, motiveless, mythical, not real, notional, odd, original, outlandish, peculiar, petulant, phantomlike, preposterous, quirky, rarefied, rococo, shadowy, spirituous, subtile, subtle, supposititious, temperamental, tenuous, theoretical, unaccountable, unactual, unbelievable, unexpected, unimaginable, unreal, unrealistic, unreasonable, unrestrained, unsubstantial, unusual, vagarious, vagrant, vaporous, variable, visionary, wanton, wayward, whimsical, wild, windy, wrong
[edit]- fancy, Amor, Babylonian, Byzantine, Christian love, Corinthian, Daedalian, Eros, Platonic love, a bit much, abandoned, account as, adept, admiration, adoration, adorned, adroit, affection, affinity, agape, aim at, ambitious, animus, apparition, appetence, appetency, appetite, apprehension, approve, apt, arabesque, ardency, ardor, artistic, assume, attachment, attraction, authoritative, automatic response, awe-inspiring, awful, bag, barbaric, baroque, be afraid, be desirous of, be fond of, be partial to, bee, befrilled, believe, bent, bias, blind impulse, bodily love, boundless, boutade, brain wave, brainchild, brainstorm, bravura, brilliant, brotherly love, bubble, burn with love, busy, capriccio, caprice, capricious, care for, caritas, charity, chichi, chimera, choice, choose, chosen kind, classy, clean, clever, coin, colored, command, complex, complicated, conation, conatus, conceit, conceive, concept, conception, conceptualize, conclude, concoct, concupiscence, conjecture, conjugal love, conjure up, consider, contrariness, coordinated, costly, crack, crackerjack, crank, crave, craving, craze, crazy idea, create, creation, creativeness, creativity, crotchet, cunning, cup of tea, curiosity, cute, cutthroat, daedal, daresay, daydream, dear, dear-bought, decision, decorated, decorative, deem, deft, delirium, delusion, delusive, deluxe, desiderate, desideration, desire, determination, devotion, dexterous, dextrous, diplomatic, discretion, disposition, divine, dote on, dote upon, dream, dream up, drive, druthers, eagerness, egregious, eidolon, elaborate, elegant, embellished, embroidered, endorse, enormous, envisage, envisagement, envision, envisioning, esteem, estimate, exacting, exaggerated, excellent, excessive, exorbitant, expect, expensive, experience imaginatively, expert, extortionate, extravagant, extreme, fable, fabricate, fabrication, fabulous, fad, faithful love, fanciful, fantasize, fantasque, fantastic, fantastic notion, fantasticism, fantasy, fascination, favor, feel, fervor, festooned, fiction, fictionalize, figment, figurative, figured, fine, flamboyant, flame, flash, fleeting impulse, flight of fancy, flimflam, florid, flossy, flowery, fondness, fool notion, freak, freakish inspiration, free choice, free love, free will, free-lovism, frilly, fumes of fancy, fussy, gather, gigantic, gingerbread, glorious, gluttonous, go for, good, goodish, gouging, graceful, grand, grandiose, grant, grossly overpriced, guess, gut response, hallucination, handy, hankering, harebrained idea, hatch, have a hunch, have an idea, have an impression, have an inkling, have designs on, have eyes for, have it bad, have the idea, heart, hero worship, high, high-class, high-flown, high-flying, high-priced, high-toned, high-wrought, highfalutin, highfaluting, hold, hold as, hope, horme, humor, hunger for, hyperbolic, hypertrophied, idea, ideate, idle fancy, idolatry, idolism, idolization, illusion, illusory, image, imagery, imagination, imaginativeness, imagine, imagining, imago, immoderate, imposing, impression, impressive, impulse, inclination, incontinent, infer, inflated, inflationary, ingenious, inordinate, inspiration, instinct, insubstantial image, intellectual curiosity, intellectual object, intemperate, intention, intricate, invent, invention, inventiveness, involuntary impulse, irrationality, judge, kink, labored, lasciviousness, leaning, let, let be, libido, like, liking, lofty, long for, longing, look upon as, love, lovemaking, lush, lust, lust after, lust for learning, luxuriant, luxurious, luxury, maggot, magisterial, magnificent, maintain, majestic, make up, make-believe, married love, masterful, masterly, megrim, memory-trace, mental image, mental impression, mind, mirage, mold, monstrous, moresque, mutual affinity, mutual attraction, myth, natural impulse, neat, need, nightmare, no mean, noble, not affordable, notion, objectification, objective, observation, of great cost, opine, opinion, originate, ornamental, ornamented, ornate, ostentatious, out of bounds, out of sight, outrageous, overbig, overcharged, overdeveloped, overelaborate, overelegant, overgreat, overgrown, overlabored, overlarge, overloaded, overmuch, overpriced, overweening, overworked, overwrought, palatial, partiality, particular choice, passing fancy, passion, peculiarity, penchant, perception, personal choice, perverseness, phantasm, phantom, physical love, picture, picturesque, pine for, pleasure, pleasure principle, plush, politic, popular regard, popularity, posh, predilection, predisposition, prefer, preference, prefigure, prejudice, premium, prepossession, preposterous, presume, presuppose, presurmise, pretentious, pretty-pretty, pricey, prime, princely, proclivity, produce, professional, proficient, prohibitive, propensity, proud, provisionally accept, purple, quality, quick, quick hunch, quirk, quite some, ready, recept, reckon, reflection, reflex, regard, representation, repute, resolution, resourceful, rich, ritzy, rococo, romance, sanction, say, select, sentiment, set down as, sex, sexual desire, sexual love, shape, shine, sick fancy, skillful, skyrocketing, slick, some, special, spiraling, spiritual love, splendacious, splendid, splendiferous, stately, statesmanlike, steep, stiff, style, stylish, sudden thought, sumptuous, superb, superfancy, superfine, superior, suppose, supposition, surmise, suspect, swank, swanky, swell, sympathy, tactful, take, take for, take for granted, take it, take to, take to be, taste, tendency, tender feeling, tender passion, the compleat, the complete, theory, thick-coming fancies, thing, think, think up, thirst for knowledge, thought, tony, too much, top, toy, trip, trow, truelove, turn, type, unbridled, unconscionable, understand, undue, unpayable, unrealistic, unreality, unreasonable, unreasonableness, unrestrained, unwarranted, urge, usurious, uxoriousness, vagary, vapor, vaunting, velleity, view as, virtuoso, vision, visionary, visualize, volition, want, wanting, weakness, ween, well-done, whim, whim-wham, whimsical, whimsy, wildest dreams, will, will and pleasure, will power, wish, wish for, wish fulfillment, wish to goodness, wish very much, workmanlike, worship, would fain do, yearning
[edit]- fanfare, Aldine, Arabesque, Byzantine, Canevari, Etruscan, Grolier, Harleian, Jansenist, Maioli, Roxburgh, ado, anniversaries, array, ballyhoo, bay, beep, blare, blast, blat, bray, brouhaha, celebrating, celebration, ceremony, commemoration, commotion, cottage, dentelle, dressing ship, fanfaron, fanfaronade, festivity, flourish, flourish of trumpets, fuss, holiday, honk, hubbub, hullabaloo, jubilee, marking the occasion, memorialization, memory, observance, ovation, panoply, parade, peal, pointille, pomp, rejoicing, religious rites, remembrance, revel, rite, ritual observance, salute, salvo, shine, show, shriek, solemn observance, solemnization, squeal, stir, tantara, tantarara, taps, tarantara, tattoo, testimonial, testimonial banquet, testimonial dinner, to-do, toast, toot, tootle, tribute, triumph, trumpet, trumpet blast, trumpet call, tweedle, whistle
[edit]- fanfaronade, anniversaries, blazon, bluff, bluster, bluster and bluff, blustering, boast, boastfulness, boasting, bombast, brag, braggadocio, braggartism, bragging, bravado, bravura, brilliancy, bullying, bustle, celebrating, celebration, ceremony, commemoration, conceit, daring, dash, demonstration, display, dramatics, dressing ship, eclat, etalage, exhibition, exhibitionism, false front, fanfare, festivity, figure, flair, flaunt, flaunting, flourish, flourish of trumpets, flurry, fluster, fuss, gasconade, gasconism, hectoring, heroics, histrionics, holiday, intimidation, jactation, jactitation, jubilee, manifestation, marking the occasion, memorialization, memory, observance, ovation, pageant, pageantry, parade, rant, rejoicing, religious rites, remembrance, revel, rite, ritual observance, rodomontade, salute, salvo, sham, show, showing-off, side, solemn observance, solemnization, spectacle, splash, splurge, splutter, sputter, staginess, swagger, swashbucklery, testimonial, testimonial banquet, testimonial dinner, theatrics, toast, tribute, triumph, vanity, vaunt, vauntery, vaunting
[edit]- fang, baby tooth, beesting, bicuspid, bucktooth, canine, claws, clutches, cog, comb, crag, crown, cuspid, cutter, dart, deciduous tooth, dent, denticle, denticulation, dentil, dentition, digits, dogtooth, eyetooth, fangs, fingernails, fingers, fore tooth, gagtooth, gang tooth, gold tooth, grinder, hands, harrow, hooks, incisor, jag, jaws, mandibles, maxillae, meathooks, milk tooth, mitts, molar, nails, nippers, palm, peak, pecten, peg, permanent tooth, pincers, pivot tooth, pounces, premolar, projection, rake, ratchet, sawtooth, scrivello, snag, snaggle, snaggletooth, snakebite, spire, sprocket, spur, steeple, sting, stinger, talons, tang, teeth, tooth, tush, tusk, unguals, ungulae, wisdom tooth
[edit]- fanged, bicuspid, clawed, dental, dentate, dentiform, dentoid, digital, digitate, digitated, fingered, jawed, molar, odontoid, prehensile, raptorial, snaggle-toothed, snaggled, taloned, toothed, toothlike, toothy, tusked
Fannie Mae
[edit]- Fannie Mae, Federal Agency bond, Ginnie Mae, Series E bond, Series H bond, adjustment bond, annuity bond, appreciation bond, assented bond, assumed bond, baby bond, bearer bond, bearer certificate, bond, bond anticipation note, callable bond, collateral trust bond, consolidated annuities, consolidated stock, consols, convertible bond, convertible debenture, corporate bond, corporation stock, coupon bond, coupon rate, current income bond, current yield, debenture, deep-discount bond, defense bond, deferred bond, definitive bond, discount bond, equipment bond, equipment note, equipment trust, equipment trust bond, equipment trust certificate, extended bond, first mortgage bond, firsts, general mortgage bond, general obligation bond, government bond, guaranteed bond, high-grade bond, income bond, indenture, interchangeable bond, interim bond, joint bond, mortgage bond, municipal bond, negotiable bond, nominal rate, nonnegotiable bond, optional bond, par bond, participating bond, perpetual bond, premium bond, purchase money bond, refunding bond, registered bond, registered certificate, revenue bond, savings bond, second mortgage bond, seconds, secured bond, small bond, state bond, tax anticipation note, tax-free bond, treasury bond, trust indenture, trustee mortgage bond, unsecured bond, voting bond, war bond, yield to maturity
[edit]- fanny, arse, ass, backside, behind, bottom, bum, can, cheeks, derriere, heinie, hind end, keister, posterior, prat, rusty-dusty, seat, stern, tail, tuchis, tush, tushy
[edit]- fantail, brush, cauda, caudal appendage, caudation, counter, cue, dock, heel, pigtail, poop, queue, rattail, rudderpost, stern, stub, tail, tail end, tailpiece
[edit]- fantasize, coin, conceit, conceive, conceptualize, concoct, cook up, counterfeit, create, dream, dream up, envisage, envision, experience imaginatively, fabricate, fake, fancy, fictionalize, forge, fudge, hallucinate, hatch, hoke up, ideate, imagine, invent, make up, manufacture, mold, mull over, muse, originate, produce, shape, speculate, suppose, think up, trump up
[edit]- fantastic, Barmecidal, Barmecide, Gothic, absurd, adroit, airy, alien, antic, appalling, apparent, apparitional, arbitrary, astonishing, autistic, balmy, baroque, beguiling, bewildering, beyond belief, bizarre, brain-born, capricious, chimeric, chimerical, clever, cockamamie, concocted, conspicuous, cooked-up, cracking, cranky, crazy, crotchety, deceptive, delusional, delusionary, delusive, delusory, dereistic, dream-built, dreamlike, dreamy, eccentric, egregious, enigmatic, erratic, erroneous, exceptional, exotic, extraordinary, extravagant, fabricated, fabulous, fallacious, false, fancied, fanciful, fancy-born, fancy-built, fancy-woven, fantasied, fantasque, fascinating, fictional, fictitious, fictive, figmental, flaky, florid, foolish, forged, formidable, freakish, great, grotesque, harebrained, hatched, high-flown, humorsome, illusional, illusionary, illusive, illusory, imaginary, imagined, implausible, impossible, incomprehensible, inconceivable, incredible, ingenious, insane, invented, irrational, kinky, laughable, legendary, loony, ludicrous, made-up, maggoty, manufactured, marked, marvelous, massive, miraculous, misleading, monstrous, monumental, moody, mortal, motiveless, mythical, nonsensical, notable, noteworthy, noticeable, notional, odd, of mark, ostensible, outlandish, outrageous, outre, outstanding, overwhelming, passing strange, peculiar, petulant, phantasmagoric, phantasmal, phantom, phenomenal, poppycockish, preposterous, prodigious, put-up, puzzling, quaint, queer, quirky, rare, remarkable, ridiculous, rococo, seeming, self-deceptive, self-deluding, sensational, signal, silly, singular, specious, spectacular, spectral, splendid, strange, striking, stupendous, superior, supposititious, temperamental, terrific, towering, tremendous, trumped-up, unaccountable, unactual, unbelievable, uncommon, unearthly, unexpected, unfounded, unheard-of, unimaginable, unique, unlikely, unprecedented, unreal, unrealistic, unreasonable, unrestrained, unsubstantial, vagarious, vagrant, visionary, wacky, wanton, wayward, weird, whimsical, wild, wonderful, wondrous
[edit]- fantastical, Barmecidal, Barmecide, Gothic, absurd, airy, antic, appalling, apparent, apparitional, arbitrary, astonishing, autistic, baroque, beguiling, bewildering, beyond belief, bizarre, brain-born, capricious, chimeric, cockamamie, concocted, conspicuous, cooked-up, cranky, crazy, crotchety, deceptive, delusional, delusionary, delusive, delusory, dereistic, dream-built, dreamlike, dreamy, egregious, enigmatic, erroneous, exceptional, extraordinary, extravagant, fabricated, fabulous, fallacious, false, fancied, fanciful, fancy-born, fancy-built, fancy-woven, fantasied, fantasque, fantastic, fascinating, fictional, fictitious, figmental, flaky, florid, foolish, forged, formidable, freakish, grotesque, harebrained, hatched, high-flown, humorsome, illusional, illusionary, illusive, illusory, imaginary, impossible, incomprehensible, inconceivable, incredible, invented, kinky, laughable, legendary, ludicrous, made-up, maggoty, manufactured, marked, marvelous, miraculous, misleading, monstrous, moody, motiveless, mythical, nonsensical, notable, noteworthy, noticeable, notional, of mark, ostensible, outlandish, outrageous, outre, outstanding, passing strange, petulant, phantasmagoric, phantasmal, phantom, phenomenal, poppycockish, preposterous, prodigious, put-up, puzzling, quirky, rare, remarkable, ridiculous, rococo, seeming, self-deceptive, self-deluding, sensational, signal, specious, spectral, strange, striking, stupendous, superior, supposititious, temperamental, trumped-up, unaccountable, unactual, unbelievable, uncommon, unexpected, unfounded, unheard-of, unimaginable, unique, unprecedented, unreal, unreasonable, unrestrained, unsubstantial, vagarious, vagrant, visionary, wanton, wayward, weird, whimsical, wild, wonderful, wondrous
[edit]- fantasy, Marchen, Walter Mitty, Western, Western story, Westerner, absence of mind, absentmindedness, absorption, abstractedness, abstraction, adventure story, alienation, allegory, apologue, apparition, appearance, ardor, autism, autistic thinking, avoidance mechanism, be absent, bedtime story, bemusement, bizarrerie, blame-shifting, boutade, brainchild, brainstorm, brown study, bubble, capriccio, caprice, castle-building, chimera, compensation, conceit, conceiving, concoction, concupiscence, crank, craze, crazy idea, creativity, crotchet, curiosity, daydream, daydreamer, daydreaming, decompensation, defense mechanism, delirium, delusion, depth of thought, dereism, dereistic thinking, desideration, desire, detective story, displacement, dissociation, divagate, dream, dream of, dreaming, drive, eagerness, eidolon, emotional insulation, enchantment, engrossment, envisioning, escape, escape into fantasy, escape mechanism, escapism, fable, fabliau, fad, fairy tale, fancy, fantasizing, fantasque, fantastic notion, fantasticism, fantasying, ferlie, fiction, figment, figure, fit of abstraction, flight, flight of fancy, flimflam, folk story, folktale, fool notion, form, freak, freak out, freakish inspiration, fumes of fancy, gest, ghost story, go woolgathering, grotesquerie, hallucination, harebrained idea, hope, horme, horse opera, humor, idle fancy, idolum, illusion, image, imagery, imagination, imaginativeness, imagining, insubstantial image, intellectual curiosity, invention, inventiveness, isolation, kink, legend, libido, love story, lust for learning, maggot, make-believe, masquerade, megrim, mind, miracle, mirage, moon, mooning, moonraking, muse, musefulness, musing, muted ecstasy, mystery, mystery story, myth, mythology, mythos, need, negativism, nightmare, notion, nursery tale, originality, overcompensation, parable, passing fancy, passion, phantasm, phantasma, phantasmagoria, phantom, pipe, pipe dream, pipe-dream, pipe-dreaming, pleasure, pleasure principle, preoccupation, presence, prodigy, projection, psychotaxis, quirk, rainbow, rationalization, resistance, reverie, romance, science fiction, sexual desire, shade, shadow, shape, shocker, sick fancy, sign, sociological adjustive reactions, space fiction, space opera, specter, stargaze, stargazing, stray, study, sublimation, substitution, suspense story, thick-coming fancies, thirst for knowledge, thriller, toy, trance, trip, urge, vagary, vapor, vision, waking dream, wander, want, wanting, whim, whim-wham, whimsy, whodunit, wildest dream, wildest dreams, will, will and pleasure, wish, wish fulfillment, wish-fulfillment fantasy, wishful thinking, withdrawal, wonder, wonderwork, woolgathering, work of fiction, wraith
far and away
[edit]- far and away, absolutely, by all odds, by far, decidedly, definitely, doubtless, egregiously, eminently, exceedingly, far, far and wide, incomparably, inimitably, just, out and away, par excellence, paramountly, positively, preeminently, prominently, quite, superlatively, supremely, surpassingly, the most, to crown all, transcendently, unconditionally, undoubtedly, unequivocally, unquestionably, very
far and wide
[edit]- far and wide, abroad, all, all over, broadly, by far, distantly and broadly, extensively, far, far and away, far and near, infinitely, on all sides, on every side, out and away, right and left, throughout, vastly, wide, widely
far cry
[edit]- far cry, aphelion, apogee, contrariety, contrast, departure, deviation, difference, disaccord, disaccordance, disagreement, disconformity, discongruity, discordance, discrepancy, discreteness, disparity, dissent, dissimilarity, dissonance, distinction, distinctness, divergence, divergency, diversity, far piece, giant step, good ways, great distance, heterogeneity, inaccordance, incompatibility, incongruity, inconsistency, inconsonance, inequality, inharmoniousness, inharmony, irreconcilability, long chalk, long haul, long range, long road, long run, long step, long way, mixture, nonconformity, odds, opposition, otherness, separateness, tidy step, unconformity, unlikeness, unorthodoxy, variance, variation, variegation, variety
far flung
[edit]- far flung, a mile long, broad, diffuse, extensive, far, far-embracing, far-extending, far-flying, far-going, far-off, far-ranging, far-reaching, faraway, fargoing, indiscriminate, interminable, large-scale, lengthy, liberal, long, longish, longsome, no end of, off, removed, sesquipedal, sesquipedalian, sweeping, tall, wholesale, wide, wide-extended, wide-extending, wide-ranging, wide-reaching, wide-stretching, widespread, without end
far gone
[edit]- far gone, absorbed in, addled, all in, attached to, ausgespielt, beery, bemused, besotted, bleary, blind drunk, caught up in, crapulent, crapulous, crazy about, depleted, devoted to, dizzy, done, done up, drained, drenched, drunk, drunken, effete, emptied, enamored of, enmeshed in, entangled in, exhausted, far gone on, fatigued, flustered, fond of, fou, frazzled, full, gay, giddy, glorious, gone on, happy, hipped on, immersed in, implicated in, in liquor, in love with, inebriate, inebriated, inebrious, intoxicated, involved in, jaded, jolly, laid low, mad about, maudlin, mellow, merry, muddled, nappy, nuts about, partial to, played out, pooped, reeling, run-down, shikker, shotten, smitten with, sodden, sotted, spent, struck with, stuck on, submerged in, sweet on, taken with, tiddly, tied up in, tipsy, tired, under the influence, used up, washed-out, wedded to, wild about, worn-out, wrapped up in
far out
[edit]- far out, Bohemian, a la mode, advanced, at the height, at the limit, avant-garde, beat, breakaway, contemporary, extreme, fashionable, forward-looking, free and easy, fringy, furthest, greatest, heretical, heterodox, hippie, in, informal, kinky, maverick, mod, modern, modernistic, modernized, modish, most, newfashioned, not cricket, not done, not kosher, now, offbeat, original, present-day, present-time, progressive, radical, streamlined, too much, twentieth-century, ultra, ultra-ultra, ultramodern, unconventional, unfashionable, unorthodox, up-to-date, up-to-datish, up-to-the-minute, utmost, uttermost, way out
far reaching
[edit]- far reaching, a mile long, ample, amplitudinous, broad, capacious, commodious, deep, diffuse, expansive, extended, extending, extensive, far-embracing, far-extending, far-flung, far-flying, far-going, far-ranging, fargoing, indiscriminate, infinite, interminable, large-scale, lengthy, liberal, long, longish, longsome, no end of, roomy, sesquipedal, sesquipedalian, spacious, spreading, sweeping, tall, vast, voluminous, wholesale, wide, wide-extended, wide-extending, wide-ranging, wide-reaching, wide-stretching, widespread, without end
[edit]- far, abase, afar, afar off, apart, asunder, at a distance, away, by far, considerably, distal, distant, exotic, far and away, far and wide, far away, far off, far-flung, far-off, faraway, long-distance, long-range, out and away, out of sight, outlying, quite, rather, remote, removed, separated, significantly, somewhat
[edit]- faraway, absent, absentminded, absorbed, abstracted, apart, asunder, at a distance, away, bemused, castle-building, daydreaming, daydreamy, disregardful, distal, distant, distrait, dreaming, dreamy, drowsing, ecstatic, elsewhere, engrossed, exotic, far, far off, far-flung, far-off, half-awake, heedless, in a reverie, in the clouds, long-distance, long-range, lost, lost in thought, meditative, mooning, moonraking, museful, musing, napping, nodding, oblivious, outlying, pensive, pipe-dreaming, preoccupied, rapt, remote, removed, separated, somewhere else, stargazing, taken up, transported, unconscious, unheeding, unmindful, woolgathering, wrapped in thought
[edit]- farce, Atticism, Thalia, a continental, a curse, a damn, a darn, a hoot, agile wit, arlequinade, bagatelle, bauble, bean, bibelot, bit, black comedy, black humor, brass farthing, broad comedy, burlesque, burletta, button, camp, caricature, cent, comedie bouffe, comedie larmoyante, comedie rosse, comedietta, comedy, comedy ballet, comedy of humors, comedy of ideas, comedy of intrigue, comedy of manners, comedy of situation, comedy relief, comic muse, comic opera, comic relief, curio, dark comedy, domestic comedy, dressing, dry wit, esprit, exode, farce comedy, farthing, feather, fig, fleabite, folderol, forcemeat, fribble, frippery, gaud, genteel comedy, gewgaw, gimcrack, hair, halfpenny, harlequinade, high camp, hill of beans, humor, imitation, irony, jest, joke, kickshaw, knickknack, knickknackery, lampoon, light comedy, low camp, low comedy, mime, minikin, mock, mockery, molehill, musical, musical comedy, nimble wit, opera buffa, parody, pastiche, peppercorn, picayune, pin, pinch of snuff, pinprick, pleasantry, pretty wit, quick wit, rap, raw comedy, ready wit, realistic comedy, red cent, romantic comedy, row of pins, rush, salt, sarcasm, satire, satyr play, savor of wit, sentimental comedy, sham, shit, situation comedy, slapstick, slapstick comedy, slapstick humor, snap, sneeshing, sou, squib, straw, stuffing, subtle wit, takeoff, toy, tragicomedy, travesty, trifle, trinket, triviality, tuppence, two cents, twopence, visual humor, whim-wham, wicked imitation, wit
[edit]- farcer, choreographer, comedian, comedienne, comic, dramatist, dramatizer, dramaturge, farceur, farceuse, farcist, funnyman, gagman, genteel comedian, hoke comic, joke writer, jokesmith, librettist, light comedian, low comedian, melodramatist, mimographer, monodramatist, play doctor, play fixer, playwright, playwriter, scenario writer, scenarioist, scenarist, scriptwriter, slapstick comedian, stand-up comic, tragedian
[edit]- farcical, absurd, amusing, broad, burlesque, camp, campy, caricatural, comic, comical, doggerel, droll, extravagant, foolish, funny, humorous, laughable, light, ludicrous, macaronic, mock-heroic, nonsensical, outrageous, parodic, preposterous, ridiculous, risible, satiric, silly, slapstick, tragicomic
fare well
[edit]- fare well, advance, be blooded, be successful, catch on, click, come along, come off, come on, connect, do well, enjoy prosperity, farewell, get ahead, get on, get on swimmingly, get on well, go, go great guns, go off, go over, go over big, go to town, go well, graduate, make a hit, make headway, make progress, meet with success, pass, prevail, progress, prosper, qualify, succeed, take, turn out well, work well, work wonders
[edit]- fare, admission, admission fee, advance, adventurer, alpinist, anchorage, astronaut, attend, be so, be such, become of, board, bread, bread and butter, break bread, brokerage, campaign, camper, carfare, cellarage, charge, charges, cheer, climber, come about, come along, come of, come on, come out, come through, comers and goers, comestibles, commute, commuter, contrive, cosmopolite, cost, count calories, course, cover charge, cover ground, creature comfort, cruise, cruiser, cuisine, daily bread, demand, develop, diet, do, dockage, dues, eat, eatables, edibles, end, ensue, entrance fee, eventuate, exaction, exactment, excursionist, explorer, fall out, fall to, fare forth, fast food, feast, fee, feed, fetch, flit, flow, follow, food, food and drink, foodstuff, gang, get along, get by, get on, globe-girdler, globe-trot, globe-trotter, go, go abroad, go along, go on, go on safari, go overseas, goer, hajji, health food, hie, hire, hit the trail, hunger, ingesta, issue, jaunt, jet set, jet-setter, journey, journeyer, junk food, kitchen stuff, license fee, make, make a journey, make a pilgrimage, make a trip, make headway, make out, manage, mariner, meals, meat, mountaineer, move, move along, move on, palmer, pan out, partake, partake of, pass, passenger, passerby, pathfinder, peregrinate, pilgrim, pilgrimage, pilotage, pioneer, pitch in, portage, price, proceed, process, progress, prove, prove to be, provender, provision, provisions, push on, range the world, relish, repair, result, roll, roll on, rubberneck, rubbernecker, run, sailor, salvage, sashay, savor, scot, scot and lot, shape up, shot, sight-see, sightseer, spread, stack up, stagger, storage, straphanger, stream, survive, sustenance, table, take, take a trip, take the road, taste, terminate, toll, tour, tourer, tourist, towage, trailblazer, trailbreaker, transient, travel, traveler, traveller, trek, trekker, tripper, tucker, turn out, unfold, viands, viator, victuals, visiting fireman, vittles, voortrekker, voyage, voyager, voyageur, wayfare, wayfarer, wend, wharfage, work out, world-traveler
[edit]- farewell, Godspeed, adieu, aloha, by, bye-bye, conge, departing, departure, doch-an-dorrach, final, good-bye, last, leave, leave-taking, leaving, outward-bound, parting, parting words, send-off, so long, stirrup cup, valediction, valedictorian, valedictory, valedictory address, viaticum
[edit]- farina, air pollution, attritus, bran, breakfast food, cereal, cornflakes, cosmic dust, crumb, crumble, dry cereal, dust, dust ball, efflorescence, fallout, filings, flour, frumenty, grits, groats, gruel, hasty pudding, hominy grits, hot cereal, kasha, kittens, lint, loblolly, meal, millet, mush, oatmeal, porridge, powder, puffed rice, puffed wheat, pussies, raspings, rolled oats, sawdust, smut, soot, wheatflakes
[edit]- farinaceous, botanic, branny, bulbous, cereal, chalklike, chalky, comminute, comminuted, crushed, detrital, detrited, disintegrated, dusty, efflorescent, fine, flaky, floury, fruitlike, fruity, furfuraceous, gone to dust, grated, ground, herbaceous, herbal, herbose, herbous, herby, impalpable, leguminose, leguminous, levigated, mealy, milled, pestled, plantlike, powdered, powdery, pulverant, pulverized, pulverulent, radicated, radiciform, radicular, reduced to powder, rhizoid, rootlike, scaly, scobicular, scobiform, scurfy, sharded, shredded, triturated, tuberous, vegetable, vegetal, vegetarian, vegetational, vegetative, weedy
farm machinery
[edit]- farm machinery, all-crop harvester, baler, bean harvester, beet harvester, binder, breaker, cast plow, combine, cotton picker, cultivator, disk, disk harrow, disk plow, drag, drill, drill plow, four-bottom plow, gang plow, grain harvester, grub hook, harrow, harvester, haymaker, header, hoe drill, lister, lister cultivator, middlebreaker, moldboard plow, peg-tooth harrow, planter, plow, plow drill, prairie breaker, press drill, rake, rotary plow, scooter, seed plow, seeder, shovel plow, snap machine, sprayer, spring-tooth harrow, stag gang, subsoil plow, sulky lister, sulky plow, swather, swivel plow, tedder, thrasher, three-bottom plow, thresher, threshing machine, trench plow, turnplow, two-bottom plow, vineyard plow, walking plow, windrower
farm out
[edit]- farm out, charter, farm, hire, hire out, job, lease, lease out, lease-back, lease-lend, lend-lease, let, let off, let out, rent, rent out, sublease, sublet, underlet
[edit]- farm, Arcadian, Dymaxion house, White House, acreage, adobe house, agrarian, agrestic, agricultural, agronomic, allotment, arable, arable land, barnyard, barton, be killed, breed, bucolic, building, casa, cattle ranch, charter, chicken farm, cliff dwelling, collective farm, consulate, contract, cotton plantation, countrify, country, country house, country seat, croft, crop, cultivate, culture, dacha, dairy farm, deanery, delegate, demesne, demesne farm, die, dry farm, dryfarm, dude ranch, dwelling house, edifice, embassy, erection, fabric, factory farm, fallow, farm out, farmery, farmhold, farmhouse, farming, farmland, farmplace, farmstead, farmyard, fatten, feed, fruit farm, fur farm, garden, geoponic, grain farm, grange, grassland, grow, hacienda, hall, hatch, hire, hire out, holding, homecroft, homefarm, homestead, house, houseboat, job, keep, kibbutz, kolkhoz, lake dwelling, land, lease, lease out, lease-back, lease-lend, lend-lease, let, let off, let out, living machine, location, lodge, lowland, mains, manor farm, manor house, manse, nurture, orchard, parsonage, pastoral, pastoralize, pasture, pen, penthouse, plantation, poultry farm, prefabricated house, presidential palace, provincial, raise, ranch, ranch house, rancheria, rancho, rear, rectory, rent, rent out, roof, run, rural, rustic, rusticate, sharecrop, sheep farm, skyscraper, sod house, split-level, station, steading, stock farm, structure, subcontract, sublease, sublet, till the soil, toft, town house, truck farm, underlet, upland, vicarage
[edit]- farmer, Bauer, Internal Revenue Service, accumulator, agriculturalist, agriculturist, agrologist, agronomist, assessor, bill collector, boor, bucolic, bumpkin, clod, clodhopper, clown, coffee-planter, collection agent, collective farm worker, collector, connoisseur, country bumpkin, crofter, cropper, cultivator, customhouse, customs, dirt farmer, douanier, dry farmer, dunner, exciseman, farm laborer, farmhand, gatherer, gentleman farmer, granger, grower, harvester, harvestman, haymaker, hayseed, hick, hillbilly, husbandman, kibbutznik, kolkhoznik, kulak, looby, lout, magpie, miser, muzhik, pack rat, peasant, peasant holder, picker, planter, plowboy, plowman, publican, raiser, rancher, ranchman, reaper, revenuer, rube, rustic, sharecropper, sower, tax assessor, tax collector, tax farmer, taxer, taxman, tea-planter, tenant farmer, tiller, tree farmer, truck farmer, yeoman, yokel
[edit]- farmhand, Bauer, agriculturalist, agriculturist, agrologist, agronomist, coffee-planter, collective farm worker, crofter, cropper, cultivator, dirt farmer, dry farmer, farm laborer, farmer, gentleman farmer, granger, grower, harvester, harvestman, haymaker, husbandman, kibbutznik, kolkhoznik, kulak, muzhik, peasant, peasant holder, picker, planter, plowboy, plowman, raiser, rancher, ranchman, reaper, rustic, sharecropper, sower, tea-planter, tenant farmer, tiller, tree farmer, truck farmer, yeoman
[edit]- farming, agrarian, agrarianism, agricultural, agricultural geology, agriculture, agrology, agronomic, agronomics, agronomy, arable, contour farming, cultivation, culture, dirt farming, dry farming, dryland farming, farm, farm economy, fruit farming, geoponic, geoponics, grain farming, husbandry, hydroponics, intensive farming, mixed farming, rural, rural economy, sharecropping, strip farming, subsistence farming, tank farming, thremmatology, tillage, tilth, truck farming
[edit]- farmland, agricultural region, arable land, barnyard, barton, black belt, cattle ranch, chicken farm, citrus belt, collective farm, corn belt, cotton belt, cotton plantation, countryside, croft, dairy farm, demesne, demesne farm, dry farm, dude ranch, dust bowl, factory farm, fallow, farm, farm belt, farm country, farmery, farmhold, farmplace, farmstead, farmyard, fruit belt, fruit farm, fur farm, grain farm, grange, grass roots, grassland, grazing region, hacienda, highlands, homecroft, homefarm, homestead, kibbutz, kolkhoz, location, lowlands, mains, manor farm, meadows and pastures, moors, orchard, pasture, pen, plains, plantation, poultry farm, prairies, province, provinces, ranch, rancheria, rancho, rural district, rustic region, sheep farm, station, steading, steppes, stock farm, the country, the soil, the sticks, tobacco belt, toft, truck farm, uplands, veld, wheat belt, wide-open spaces, woodland, woods and fields, yokeldom
[edit]- farmstead, arable land, barnyard, barton, cattle ranch, chicken farm, collective farm, cotton plantation, croft, dairy farm, demesne, demesne farm, dry farm, dude ranch, estate, factory farm, fallow, farm, farmery, farmhold, farmland, farmplace, farmyard, fruit farm, fur farm, grain farm, grange, grassland, hacienda, home place, homecroft, homefarm, homestead, house and grounds, house and lot, kibbutz, kolkhoz, location, mains, manor farm, messuage, orchard, pasture, pen, place, plantation, poultry farm, ranch, rancheria, rancho, sheep farm, station, steading, stock farm, toft, truck farm
[edit]- farseeing, Argus-eyed, acute, anticipant, anticipatory, apperceptive, appercipient, argute, astute, cat-eyed, clairvoyant, clear-eyed, clear-sighted, cogent, discerning, divinatory, eagle-eyed, eye-minded, farsighted, ferret-eyed, forehanded, foreknowing, foreseeing, foresighted, forethoughted, forethoughtful, hawk-eyed, incisive, intuitive, longheaded, longsighted, penetrating, perceptive, percipient, perspicacious, perspicuous, piercing, precognitive, precognizant, prepared, prescient, provident, providential, prudent, ready, sagacious, sharp-eyed, sharp-sighted, telescopic, trenchant, understanding
[edit]- farsighted, Argus-eyed, acute, anticipant, anticipatory, apperceptive, appercipient, argute, asquint, astigmatic, astute, blink-eyed, blinking, blinky, cat-eyed, clairvoyant, clear-eyed, clear-sighted, cogent, discerning, divinatory, eagle-eyed, eye-minded, farseeing, ferret-eyed, forehanded, foreknowing, foreseeing, foresighted, forethoughted, forethoughtful, hawk-eyed, incisive, intuitive, longheaded, longsighted, mope-eyed, myopic, nearsighted, penetrating, perceptive, percipient, perspicacious, perspicuous, piercing, poor-sighted, precognitive, precognizant, prepared, presbyopic, prescient, provident, providential, prudent, ready, sagacious, sharp-eyed, sharp-sighted, shortsighted, squinch-eyed, squint-eyed, squinting, squinty, strabismal, strabismic, telescopic, trenchant, understanding, winking
[edit]- fart, SOB, bastard, break wind, bugger, creep, flatulence, flatulency, flatuosity, flatus, gas, heel, hood, hooligan, jerk, lay a fart, louse, meanie, mother, pill, rat, shit, shithead, shitheel, stinkard, stinker, turd, wind
[edit]- farther, above, accessory, added, additional, additionally, again, all included, also, altogether, among other things, ancillary, and all, and also, and so, another, as well, au reste, auxiliary, beside, besides, beyond, collateral, contributory, else, en plus, extra, for lagniappe, fresh, further, furthermore, in addition, inter alia, into the bargain, item, likewise, more, more distant, moreover, new, now, on the side, on top of, other, over, plus, remoter, similarly, spare, supernumerary, supplemental, supplementary, surplus, then, therewith, thither, to boot, too, ulterior, yet, yon, yonder
[edit]- farthest, boundary, caudal, conclusive, definitive, determinative, endmost, eventual, extreme, farthermost, farthest off, final, furthermost, furthest, last, limiting, most distant, outermost, outmost, polar, remotest, tail, terminal, terminating, terminative, ultimate, utmost, uttermost
[edit]- farthing, a continental, a curse, a damn, a darn, a hoot, ace, atom, bagatelle, bauble, bawbee, bean, bibelot, bit, brass farthing, button, cent, crown, curio, dab, dole, dollar, dot, dram, dribble, driblet, dwarf, farce, feather, fig, fiver, fleabite, fleck, florin, flyspeck, folderol, fourpence, fourpenny, fourth, fourth part, fragment, fribble, frippery, gaud, gewgaw, gimcrack, gobbet, grain, granule, groat, guinea, hair, half crown, half dollar, halfpenny, handful, hill of beans, iota, jest, joke, jot, kickshaw, knickknack, knickknackery, little, little bit, mag, meg, minikin, minim, minimum, minutiae, mite, mockery, modicum, molecule, molehill, monkey, mote, new pence, np, nutshell, one-fourth, ounce, p, particle, pebble, pence, penny, peppercorn, picayune, pin, pinch, pinch of snuff, pinprick, pittance, point, pony, pound, quart, quarter, quartern, quarto, quid, rap, red cent, row of pins, rush, scruple, shilling, shit, sixpence, smidgen, smitch, snap, sneeshing, sou, speck, spoonful, spot, straw, tenner, thimbleful, threepence, threepenny bit, thrippence, tiny bit, tittle, toy, trifle, trifling amount, trinket, trivia, triviality, tuppence, twenty-five cents, twenty-five percent, two bits, two cents, twopence, whim-wham, whit
[edit]- fasces, armory, badge, badge of office, badges, bale, baton, bindle, blazonry, bolt, bouquet, brassard, budget, bundle, button, caduceus, cap and gown, chain, chain of office, class ring, cockade, collar, crook, crosier, cross, cross-staff, deck, decoration, dress, eagle, emblems, ensigns, fagot, fardel, fascine, figurehead, fleur-de-lis, gavel, hammer and sickle, heraldry, insignia, lapel pin, livery, mace, mantle, markings, medal, mortarboard, nosegay, old school tie, pack, package, packet, parcel, pin, portfolio, posy, quiver, regalia, ring, rod, rod of office, roll, rose, rouleau, scepter, school ring, shamrock, sheaf, sigillography, skull and crossbones, sphragistics, staff, swastika, tartan, thistle, tie, truncheon, truss, uniform, verge, wand, wand of office
[edit]- fascia, Mystik tape, Scotch tape, adhesive tape, anklet, armlet, band, bandage, batten, belt, bracelet, cellophane tape, cincture, cingulum, cloth tape, collar, collarband, earring, ecliptic, equator, fillet, finger ring, friction tape, girdle, girt, girth, great circle, hoop, lath, ligula, ligule, list, masking tape, neckband, necklace, nose ring, plank, plastic tape, quoit, ribband, ribbon, ring, shred, slat, slip, spill, spline, strake, strap, strip, strop, taenia, tape, tape measure, tapeline, ticker tape, wristband, wristlet, zodiac, zone
[edit]- fascinate, absorb, absorb the attention, affect, affect the interest, allure, appeal, arrest, attract, becharm, beguile, bewitch, captivate, carry away, cast a spell, catch, catch up, charm, concern, delectate, delight, draw, draw on, enamor, enchant, endear, engage, engage the attention, engage the mind, engage the thoughts, engross, engross the mind, engross the thoughts, enrapture, enravish, ensorcell, enthrall, entrance, excite, excite interest, exercise, flush, freak out, give a thrill, gladden, glamour, grab, grip, hold, hold in thrall, hold spellbound, hold the interest, hypnotize, immerse, imparadise, impress, infatuate, inflame with love, influence, interest, intoxicate, intrigue, invite, involve, involve in, involve the interest, knock dead, knock out, magnetize, mesmerize, monopolize, obsess, occupy, occupy the attention, pique, please, preoccupy, provoke, ravish, rejoice, seduce, send, slay, spell, spellbind, stimulate, strike, sway, take, take up, tantalize, tempt, thrill, tickle, tickle pink, titillate, touch, transfix, transport, vamp, wile, witch, wow
[edit]- fascinated, agape, aghast, agog, all agog, amazed, arrested, astonished, astounded, at gaze, attracted, awed, awestruck, becharmed, beguiled, bewildered, bewitched, breathless, captivated, cathectic, caught, charm-bound, charmed, concerned, confounded, curious, dumbfounded, dumbstruck, enamored, enchanted, enraptured, enravished, enthralled, enthusiastic, entranced, excited, fixed, flabbergasted, gaping, gauping, gazing, gripped, heartsmitten, held, hypnotized, in a trance, in awe, in awe of, infatuate, infatuated, interested, keen on, lost in wonder, marveling, mesmerized, open-eyed, openmouthed, overwhelmed, passionate, piqued, popeyed, puzzled, rapt, rapt in wonder, smitten, spell-caught, spellbound, staggered, staring, stupefied, surprised, tantalized, thunderstruck, tickled, titillated, turned-on, under a charm, under a spell, wide-eyed, wonder-struck, wondering
[edit]- fascinating, Circean, absorbing, alluring, appealing, appetizing, arresting, attractive, beguiling, bewildering, bewitching, blandishing, cajoling, captivating, catching, charismatic, charming, coaxing, come-hither, consuming, coquettish, delectable, delightful, enchanting, engaging, engrossing, enigmatic, enravishing, enthralling, enticing, entrancing, exceptional, exciting, exotic, exquisite, extraordinary, fabulous, fantastic, fetching, flirtatious, glamorous, gripping, heart-robbing, holding, hypnotic, illusionary, illusive, illusory, incomprehensible, inconceivable, incredible, interesting, intriguing, inviting, irresistible, lovely, luxurious, magnetic, marvelous, mesmeric, mesmerizing, miraculous, mouth-watering, obsessing, obsessive, outlandish, passing strange, phenomenal, piquant, prepossessing, prodigious, provocative, provoquant, puzzling, rare, ravishing, remarkable, seducing, seductive, sensational, sensuous, siren, sirenic, spellbinding, spellful, strange, striking, stupendous, taking, tantalizing, teasing, tempting, thrilling, tickling, titillating, titillative, unheard-of, unimaginable, unique, unprecedented, voluptuous, winning, winsome, witching, wonderful, wondrous
[edit]- fascination, admiration, affinity, agacerie, allure, allurement, amaze, amazement, animal magnetism, appeal, astonishment, astoundment, attraction, attractiveness, awe, awesomeness, bedevilment, beguilement, beguiling, beguilingness, bent, bewilderment, bewitchery, bewitchment, bias, blandishment, breathless wonder, bug, cajolery, captivation, charisma, charm, charmingness, come-hither, complex, compulsion, craze, crazy fancy, draw, dumbfoundment, enchantingness, enchantment, enthrallment, enthusiasm, enthusiasticalness, enticement, enticingness, entrancement, entrapment, extraordinariness, fancy, favor, fixation, fixed idea, flirtation, forbidden fruit, furor, furore, glamorousness, glamour, hang-up, hypercathexis, idee fixe, illusion, inclination, inducement, infatuation, influence, interest, inveiglement, invitation, irresistible impulse, leaning, magic, magnetism, mania, manic-depressive psychosis, marvel, marveling, marvelousness, maya, miraculousness, monomania, morbid drive, mutual affinity, mutual attraction, mysteriousness, mystery, numinousness, obsession, obsessive compulsion, partiality, passion, penchant, phenomenalness, possession, predilection, preference, preoccupation, prepossession, proclivity, prodigiousness, propensity, pull, puzzlement, rage, remarkableness, ruling passion, seducement, seduction, seductiveness, sense of mystery, sense of wonder, sex appeal, snaring, sorcery, stupefaction, stupendousness, surprise, sympathy, tantalization, temptation, tic, turn, winning ways, winsomeness, witchcraft, witchery, wonder, wonderfulness, wonderment, wondrousness, wooing
[edit]- fascism, Jim Crow, Jim Crow law, Nazism, anti-Semitism, apartheid, argumentum baculinum, big stick, black power, black supremacy, centralism, chauvinism, class consciousness, class distinction, class hatred, class prejudice, class war, collectivism, color bar, color line, communism, constitutionalism, democratism, despotism, discrimination, domination, domineering, federalism, feudalism, feudality, governmentalism, heavy hand, high hand, imperialism, iron boot, iron hand, iron heel, know-nothingism, male chauvinist, minority prejudice, monarchism, national socialism, neofascism, oppression, parliamentarianism, parliamentarism, pluralism, political principles, race hatred, race prejudice, race snobbery, racial discrimination, racialism, racism, red-baiting, reign of terror, republicanism, royalism, segregation, sex discrimination, sexism, social barrier, social discrimination, socialism, statism, superpatriotism, terrorism, thought control, tyranny, ultranationalism, white power, white supremacy, xenophobia
[edit]- fascist, absolute, aristocratic, authoritarian, autocratic, autonomous, bureaucratic, civic, civil, constitutional, democratic, despotic, dictatorial, federal, federalist, federalistic, governmental, gubernatorial, heteronomous, matriarchal, matriarchic, monarchal, monarchial, monarchic, monocratic, official, oligarchal, oligarchic, parliamentarian, parliamentary, patriarchal, patriarchic, pluralistic, political, republican, self-governing, theocratic, totalitarian
fashion plate
[edit]- fashion plate, Beau Brummel, arbiter of fashion, beau, blade, blood, boulevardier, clotheshorse, clubman, clubwoman, coxcomb, dandy, deb, debutante, dude, exquisite, fashionable, fine gentleman, fop, fribble, gallant, jack-a-dandy, jackanapes, lady-killer, macaroni, man-about-town, masher, mondain, mondaine, puppy, socialite, spark, sport, subdeb, subdebutante, swell, swinger, taste-maker, tone-setter, trend-setter
[edit]- fashion, MO, Platonic form, Platonic idea, aesthetic form, affectation, algorithm, anatomy, angle, apparel, approach, archetype, architectonics, architecture, arrangement, array, art form, aspect, assemble, attack, attire, attitude, bedizenment, block out, bon ton, build, building, carve, cast, chic, chisel, clothes, clothing, command of language, complexion, compose, composition, compound, concoct, configuration, conformation, conformity, constitution, construct, construction, consuetude, contrive, convention, costume, course, craze, create, creation, cry, custom, cut, design, devise, drapery, dress, dressing, drift, duds, effect, efform, eidolon, elaborate, erect, established way, etiquette, evolve, exaggeration, expression of ideas, extrude, fabric, fabricate, fabrication, facet, fad, fashionable, fashioning, fatigues, feathers, feature, feeling for words, fig, figuration, figure, fix, folkway, forge, forging, form, form of speech, formalize, format, formation, formulate, found, frame, fudge together, furore, garb, garments, gear, genre, gestalt, get up, getup, grace of expression, grandiloquence, guise, habiliment, habit, hew, image, imago, impression, in fashion, indite, inflation, inner form, investiture, investment, knead, knock out, lay out, layout, lick into shape, light, likeness, line, line of action, lineaments, linen, lines, literary style, look, make, make up, makeup, making, mania, manner, manner of speaking, manner of working, mannerism, manners, manufacture, matrix, mature, means, method, methodology, mint, modality, mode, mode of expression, mode of operation, mode of procedure, model, modus, modus operandi, mold, molding, mores, mould, observance, order, organic structure, organism, organization, patch together, pattern, patterning, peculiarity, personal style, phase, phasis, physique, piece together, plan, plot, practice, praxis, prefabricate, prepare, prescription, procedure, proceeding, process, produce, production, proper thing, prototype, put together, put up, rage, rags, raiment, raise, rear, reference, regard, respect, rhetoric, ritual, robes, rough out, roughcast, roughhew, routine, run up, sculpt, sculpture, seeming, semblance, sense of language, set, set up, setup, shape, shaping, side, significant form, simulacrum, slant, social convention, sportswear, stamp, standard behavior, standard usage, standing custom, strain, structure, structuring, style, stylistic analysis, stylistics, system, tack, tailor, taste, technique, tectonics, tendency, tenor, texture, the drill, the grand style, the how, the in thing, the last word, the latest thing, the plain style, the rage, the sublime, the way of, thermoform, thing, threads, time-honored practice, tissue, togs, toilette, ton, tone, total effect, tradition, trend, trick, trim, turn, turn out, twig, twist, type, usage, use, vein, vestment, vesture, view, viewpoint, vogue, warp and woof, way, wear, wearing apparel, weave, web, what is done, whomp up, wise, wont, wonting, work, write
[edit]- fashionable, Beau Brummel, a la mode, advanced, all the rage, all the thing, arbiter of fashion, avant-garde, chic, clotheshorse, clubman, clubwoman, contemporary, current, dandy, dashing, deb, debutante, exclusive, far out, fashion plate, fop, forward-looking, hip, in, in fashion, in style, in vogue, man-about-town, mod, modern, modernistic, modernized, modish, mondain, mondaine, new, newfashioned, now, popular, present-day, present-time, prevalent, progressive, smart, socialite, streamlined, stylish, subdeb, subdebutante, swank, swinger, swish, taste-maker, tone-setter, trend-setter, trendy, twentieth-century, ultra-ultra, ultramodern, up-to-date, up-to-datish, up-to-the-minute, way out, with it, with-it
fast and loose
[edit]- fast and loose, adrift, afloat, alternating, amorphous, capricious, changeable, changeful, desultory, deviable, dizzy, eccentric, erratic, fickle, fitful, flickering, flighty, flitting, fluctuating, freakish, giddy, impetuous, impulsive, inconsistent, inconstant, indecisive, infirm, irregular, irresolute, irresponsible, mazy, mercurial, moody, rambling, restless, roving, scatterbrained, shapeless, shifting, shifty, shuffling, spasmodic, spineless, unaccountable, uncertain, uncontrolled, undependable, undisciplined, unfixed, unpredictable, unreliable, unrestrained, unsettled, unstable, unstable as water, unstaid, unsteadfast, unsteady, vacillating, vagrant, variable, vicissitudinary, vicissitudinous, volatile, wandering, wanton, wavering, wavery, wavy, wayward, whimsical, wishy-washy
fast food
[edit]- fast food, board, bread, bread and butter, cheer, comestibles, creature comfort, cuisine, daily bread, eatables, edibles, fare, feast, food, food and drink, foodstuff, health food, ingesta, junk food, kitchen stuff, meat, provender, provision, spread, sustenance, table, tucker, viands, victuals, vittles
[edit]- fast, Barmecidal feast, Encratism, Friday, Lenten diet, Lenten entertainment, Lenten fare, Pythagoreanism, Pythagorism, Rechabitism, Sabbath, Shakerism, Spartan fare, Stoicism, Sunday, abandoned, abstain, abstainment, abstemiousness, abstention, abstinence, accelerated, active, agile, aground, airtight, alert, amain, anchored, apace, ardent, asceticism, at flank speed, attached, avoidance, balanced, banyan day, bare subsistence, bonded, bound, bread and water, breakneck, brief, brisk, briskly, calculable, caught, celibacy, cemented, chained, chastity, chronic, church calendar, close, close to, closely, colorfast, committed, compact, confirmed, connected, constant, continence, cool, dashing, debauched, dedicated, deep-dyed, deep-fixed, deep-rooted, deep-seated, deep-set, deep-settled, dependable, devoted, diet, dissipated, dissolute, dissolutely, double-dyed, double-quick, dustproof, dusttight, dyed-in-the-wool, eagle-winged, eat sparingly, ecclesiastical calendar, eschewal, established, expeditious, expeditiously, express, extravagant, extravagantly, fadeless, faithful, faithworthy, fastened, fasting, feast, fecklessly, fiducial, firm, firm as Gibraltar, firmly, fish day, fixed, fixedly, flat-out, fleet, flying, free, fruitarianism, full tilt, gallant, galloping, gasproof, gastight, gay, glued, go hungry, grounded, gymnosophy, hair-trigger, hand over fist, hand over hand, hastily, hasty, headlong, held, hell for leather, hell-bent, hell-bent for election, hermetic, hermetically sealed, high and dry, high-speed, holy day, holytide, hurried, hurriedly, hustling, immediately, immoral, immovable, immovably, impacted, imperturbable, implanted, in a flash, in a twinkling, in a wink, in double time, in double-quick time, in equilibrium, in high, in high gear, in nothing flat, in seven-league boots, in short order, incorrigible, inculcated, indecorous, indecorously, indelible, inextricable, infixed, ingrain, ingrained, inseparably, instilled, intemperate, intemperately, inveterate, invincible, irresponsible, irreversible, jammed, keen, lack of food, lasting, lecherous, lecherously, licentious, licentiously, lickety-cut, lickety-split, liege, light of heel, light-footed, lightproof, lighttight, like a flash, like a shot, like wildfire, lively, long-established, loose, loosely, loyal, lustful, lustfully, meager diet, mercurial, moored, near, nephalism, nimble, nimble-footed, not eat, of easy virtue, oilproof, oiltight, on the double, packed, permanent, plain living, post, posthaste, precipitate, predictable, presto, profligate, promiscuous, promiscuously, prompt, promptly, pronto, quick, quick as lightning, quick as thought, quickly, rainproof, raintight, rakehell, rakehellish, rakehelly, raking, rakish, rapid, rapidly, reckless, recklessly, refraining, refrainment, reliable, resolute, right, rooted, running, sealed, secure, secured, securely, self-denial, self-indulgent, set, settled, settled in habit, sexual abstinence, short commons, shut fast, simple diet, smokeproof, smoketight, snappily, snappy, snug, solid, solidly, soon, sound, soundly, spanking, spare diet, speedily, speedy, stable, starvation diet, staunch, steadfast, steadfastly, steady, stormproof, stormtight, stranded, strong, stuck, stuck fast, substantial, sure, surefire, swift, swiftly, sybaritic, sybaritically, taped, teetotalism, tested, tethered, the pledge, thorough, tied, tight, tightly, total abstinence, transfixed, tried, tried and true, trippingly, true, trustworthy, trusty, unbridled, under forced draft, unfading, unfailing, unflappable, unflinching, unrestrained, unrestrainedly, unshakable, unshakably, unshakeable, unshakeably, unwavering, vegetarianism, wanton, wantonly, water-repellant, waterproof, watertight, wedged, well-balanced, well-founded, well-grounded, whip and spur, wild, wildly, windproof, windtight, winged, with all haste, with all speed, with giant strides, with rapid strides, with speed, without nerves, xerophagia, xerophagy
[edit]- fastball, bowl, cast, change of pace, change-up, chuck, chunk, curve, downcurve, fling, flip, forward pass, heave, hurl, incurve, knuckleball, lateral, lateral pass, lob, outcurve, pass, peg, pitch, put, screwball, serve, service, shot-put, shy, sinker, slider, sling, spitball, spitter, throw, toss, upcurve
fasten upon
[edit]- fasten upon, account for, accredit with, accrete to, accuse, acknowledge, allege, apply to, arraign, article, ascribe to, assign to, attach to, attribute to, blame, blame for, blame on, book, bring accusation, bring charges, bring home to, bring to book, burden with, catch at, charge, charge on, charge to, cite, complain, confess, connect with, credit with, demand, denounce, denunciate, enjoin, exact, fasten on, father upon, finger, fix on, fix upon, freight with, hang on, hang something on, impeach, imply, impose, impose on, impose upon, impute, impute to, indict, inflict on, inflict upon, inform against, inform on, insinuate, jump, jump at, lay, lay charges, lay on, lay to, levy, lodge a complaint, lodge a plaint, pin on, pinpoint, place, place upon, point to, pounce upon, prefer charges, press charges, put, put down, put on, put on report, put upon, refer to, report, reproach, saddle on, saddle with, scramble for, seize on, set, set down to, settle upon, snap at, snatch at, spring upon, subject to, swoop down upon, take to task, task, taunt with, tax, twit, weight down with, yoke with
[edit]- fasten, address, adhere, affix, aim, anchor, annex, apply, attach, bang, bar, barricade, batten, batten down, bed, belay, bind, bolt, bond, bridle, button, button up, catch, cement, chain, choke, choke off, cinch, clamp, clap, cleave, clinch, cling, close, close up, cohere, concenter, concentrate, connect, constrict, contain, contract, cover, cramp, devote, direct, embed, enchain, engraft, entrammel, establish, fasten down, fasten up, fetter, fix, fixate, focus, fold, fold up, fuse, graft, grapple, gyve, hamper, handcuff, hang, hang up, hitch, hobble, hog-tie, hook, hook up, hopple, implant, infix, join, key, knit, lash, latch, leash, link, lock, lock out, lock up, lodge, make fast, make secure, make sure, manacle, moor, occlude, padlock, peg down, picket, pin down, pinion, plumb, point, put, put in irons, put to, put up, restrain, rivet, rope, screw up, seal, seal off, seal up, secure, set, set to, settle, shackle, shut, shut the door, shut up, slam, sling, snap, squeeze shut, stick, straitjacket, strangle, strap, suspend, tether, tie, tie down, tie up, tighten, train, trammel, trice up, trim, turn, unite, wedge, zip up, zipper