User:This, that and the other/broken interwiki links/2022-11-20/wikipedia
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Superseded by User:This, that and the other/broken interwiki links/2023-01-20/wikipedia (back to the old format) |
A slightly different format this month. Here we have all raw broken links to Wikipedia, with some exclusions (those ending in _phonology
or _language
for instance). The script has tried to group them into headers, but the logic is flawed and the headers are very messy, as you can see.
[edit]- -ada links to Janīs_Endzelīns
- -asvir links to N5SA_(hepacivirus)
- -buvir links to NS5B_(hepacivirus)
- -ci links to 林莲云
- -e links to Conversion_(word_formation
- -mäßig links to Luxembourgian_German
- -miş links to 林莲云
- -poo links to Hamilton_Daily_Republican_News
- -raq links to 林莲云
- -rek links to 林莲云
- -vore links to Manuel_Molles, Robert_Leo_Smith
- -wintre links to Cut_the_Great, Wulfstan_of_York
- -고 links to Korean_speech_level
- -는 links to Kaepoong, Park_Wan-Suh
- -다가 links to Late_Old_Korean
- -야요 links to Park_Wan-Suh
- -었는 links to Jeolla_Korean
- -ㅯ- links to Samgang_Haengsildo
[edit]- 'ák̄we links to Colós-Guzman-Peabody
- 'ammamak 'oyyo links to Colós-Guzman-Peabody
- 'áw̄as links to Colós-Guzman-Peabody
- 'ínok links to Colós-Guzman-Peabody
- 'iuqí links to Colós-Guzman-Peabody
- 's-Gravenpolder links to Count_William_I_of_Hainaut
- 'uténmak links to Colós-Guzman-Peabody#≷ links to José_Adelino_Serrasqueiro
[edit]- ॱव़े links to Christopher_P._Wilde
- ॱह्व़ि links to Christopher_P._Wilde
- ॱह्व़िँ links to Christopher_P._Wilde
- ॱह्व़िँसि links to Christopher_P._Wilde
- ॱह्व़ो links to Christopher_P._Wilde
[edit]- 78 links to Farewell_to_the_East_End - needs a WP article probably
[edit]- a- -ing links to Smith_Island_dialect
- a.u. links to Absorbance_units
- a'atasi links to Polynesian_cress
- AA links to Aluminum_America
- AAB links to Aircraft_Accident_Board
- AAR links to After-action_report
- AAS links to Apalapsili
- Abang Sam links to Bambang_Bujono
- Abbe-Zeiss apparatus links to Ernst_Abbé
- Abbott's method links to Edville_G._Abbott
- abnuo links to Corpus_Scriptorum_Ecclesiasticorum
- ABP links to Atkamba
- ábránd links to Pál_Szemere
- ACF links to Advanced_Component_Framework
- açıq links to 林莲云
- ad links to 林莲云
- ADC links to Andakombe
- adipenghantar links to Liek_Wilardjo
- Adriatic links to Iron_Curtain_Speech
- æquilibria links to Rivington_(publisher)
- æquison links to John_Dowlan
- ağaş links to 林莲云, Dazhuang,_Mengda, Hualong_County
- ağır links to 林莲云
- Alanya links to Sultan_Alaeddin_Kayqubad_I
- alat terakhir links to Sudikno_Mertokusumo
- Allium oschaninii links to Vasili_Fedorovich_Oshanin
- altı links to 林莲云, Dazhuang,_Mengda, Hualong_County
- altımış links to 林莲云
- aluminum links to Canadian_form
- Aman dawū links to Leo_Reinisch
- Amara links to Richard_Layman
- ambátt links to Gróttasǫngr
- ambisextrous links to Keith_Stern
- aminocaproic acid links to Structure_analog
- ana links to 林莲云
- anak belai links to Besemah
- Anamnese links to Roland_Benedikter
- Anauni links to Tabula_Clesiana
- anayasa links to Language_reform_and_modern_Turkish
- Andarā links to Leo_Reinisch
- angel's advocate links to Marci_Segal
- anigi links to 林莲云
- anjungan tunai mandiri links to Komisi_Istilah
- Anthropocene links to w:
- apery links to w:
- apprise links to Ian_Allen_Publishing
- arachnerd links to Paul_McFedries
- ardı links to 林莲云, Dazhuang,_Mengda, Hualong_County
- arfa links to 林莲云
- arla links to Georg_Stiernhelm
- As. İz. links to Askerî_İnzibat
- ASKİ links to Ankara_Büyükşehir_Belediyesi_Su_ve_Kanalizasyon_İdaresi
- AŞTİ links to Ankara_Şehirlerarası_Terminal_İşletmesi
- astoing links to Serglige_Con_Chulainn
- at the top of one's lungs links to Murder_Most_Fowl
- ATP links to Airline_transport_pilot
- auricular style links to The_Pelican_History_of_Art
- außer links to Luxembourgian_German
- autism spectrum links to Pervasive_developmental_disorder_-_not_otherwise_specified
- avenge links to On_the_Late_Massacre_in_Piemont
- avenue links to Esk_Valle_line
[edit]- baba links to 林莲云
- bağla links to 林莲云
- bakgat links to Peroshni_Govender
- bala links to 林莲云
- barani links to Alfonso_Barani
- Barbaronia links to Barbaronia
- basisdemocraat links to Basic_democracy
- battledore links to The_Book_of_Martyrs_(Foxe)
- Bavayia links to Arthur_Bavay
- Bayındır links to Bayundur_(tribe)
- BBB links to Big_Brother_(reality_show)
- BCAR links to British_Civil_Airworthiness_Requirements
- bedstaff links to Tick_matteress
- bekerel links to Henri_Becquerel_Joule
- bekiesza links to Państwowe_wydawnictwo_naukowe
- bekieszka links to Państwowe_wydawnictwo_naukowe
- bele links to 林莲云
- belly-timber links to Mark_Steven_Morton
- benjamín links to Categorías_deportivas_por_edad
- beş links to 林莲云
- beschulen links to Regelschule
- beszamel links to Louis_Béchameil_de_Nointel
- beṭa saöa links to Rajbongshi_alphabet
- beṭi saöa links to Rajbongshi_alphabet
- beveik links to Janīs_Endzelīns
- bhoy links to Francis_Marion_Busby
- bigot list links to Bigot_List
- bimbette links to Castle_(TV_Series)
- bingai links to Dewan_Bahasa_Pustaka
- Biot links to LQ21
- bir links to 林莲云
- bits links to Jaekae, Kida_Kudz
- Bjelkemander links to John_Bjelke-Petersen
- bjørnevok links to Barnardino_of_Siena
- bjørnevòk links to Barnardino_of_Siena
- black lady links to White_lady_(ghost)
- blingsatan links to Herman_Pratikto
- bloi links to Joseph_Débier
- bổ links to Nguyễn_Liên_Phong
- Boca Chica links to Boca_Chica_Boulevard, Boca_Chica_Peninsula, Boca_Chica_Spaceport
- bodʰisattu links to Punyavanta_Jataka
- boğas links to 林莲云
- boğdaq links to 林莲云
- bone seeker links to Geoffrey_G._Eichholz
- bonsella links to Peroshni_Govender
- bookazine links to Reqiuem_(book)
- Borgerbuurt links to Elias_Annes_Borger
- Boschoord links to Johannes_van_de_Bosch
- boskage links to Brideshead_revisited
- botrány links to Pál_Szemere
- brew links to Standard_Southern_British_English
- bridge-and-tunnel links to Castle_(TV_Series)
- budapestbakelse links to Ingvar_Strid
- budaq links to 林莲云
- bugün links to 林莲云
- buluak links to Antonio_Pigaetta
- bulud links to 林莲云
[edit]- çadır links to 林莲云
- caféteria links to Food_&_Beverage_Consultants
- çala links to 林莲云
- callidulus links to Adversus_nationes
- Canadianist links to The_World’s_Work
- cancrine links to The_Athenæum_(British_magazine)
- CDU links to Christen-Democraten_Unie
- ce se naște din pisică, șoareci mănâncă links to Ciocoii_vechi_și_noi
- celebrate links to Robert_di_Matteo
- cendekiawan links to Soedardjo_Tjokrosisworo
- cergas links to M.M._Purbo_Hadiwidjoyo
- černopláštník links to Aloys_Skoumal
- chacmol links to Chichen_Iza
- chajorra de monte links to Sideritis_canariensis
- chargemaster links to American_College_of_Healthcare_Executives
- Chinuk links to Chinookan_Peoples
- chộ links to Nguyễn_Quang_Lập
- cimarrón links to Miguel_de_Unamunio
- cimbalino links to Cimbali
- Ciriatto links to DivineComedy
- clasp-knife links to Tom_Ronan
- CMS links to Conversational_Monitoring_System
- coffée links to Rederic_George_Stephens
- cofrecino links to Cófreces
- çolpan links to Günay_Karaağaç
- commonplace links to w:
- Confucius links to Stanislaus_Julien
- Consentius links to Publius_Consentius
- conversazione links to Bernard_S._Cohn
- Copiapó links to Copiapó_(disambguation)
- Cor Caroli links to Johann_Erelt_Bode
- coroun links to The_Legend_of_Good_Woman
- corvinus links to Thomas_Cantimpratensis
- COU links to Unidad_de_valor_real
- coulomb links to Charles_Auguste_de_Coulomb
- court links to House_Ownership_Scheme
- cowtastrophe links to Alice_Dale_Hardy
- cross-channel links to M.T._Sadler
- culturomics links to Erez_Liberman_Aiden
- culullus links to Jewish_Literary_Aramaic
- CUSIP links to Committee_on_Uniform_Security_Identification_Procedures
- ↄ links to Roman_Emperor_Claudius
- Ↄ links to Roman_Emperor_Claudius
[edit]- dağ links to 林莲云
- dal links to 林莲云
- dallop links to John_Boyer_Nichols
- damaq links to 林莲云
- darázs links to Тыраж
- daya hantar links to Komisi_Istilah
- dbání links to Karel_Ignác_Thám
- demosprudence links to Lani_Guinie_and_Gerald_Torres
- den og den links to Svein_Versto
- derékszög links to András_Dugonics
- derivative links to Leibnitz's_notation
- deß links to Fredrik_Cederborgh
- devour links to w:
- dictyopteran links to Dictyopera
- difabel links to Mansour_Fakih
- dil links to 林莲云
- dilab links to Borchaly
- dimer links to 林莲云
- diota links to Charles_Thomas_Newton,
- discolour links to Canadian_form
- Dobruja links to Dobroditsa
- docing links to Immacallam_in_dá_thúarad
- dodaq links to 林莲云
- doñıs links to 林莲云
- donkey punch links to Outskirts_Press
- dovşan links to 林莲云
- dozaq links to 林莲云
- drakonsk links to Draco_(lawmaker)
- dreadly links to The_Oedipus_Tyrannus
- dum links to 林莲云
- dür links to 林莲云
- duz links to 林莲云
- dxʷʔiyb links to Newhalemy,_Washington
- Dyson-Harrop satellite links to Brooks_Harrop
[edit]- ECA links to Early_career_academic
- eclas links to David_Stifter
- EDD links to Erldunda_Airport
- edificatory links to Joseph_Hall_(English_bishop)
- Ẹdo links to Edo_City
- ei'm links to Keule_(Band)
- eilen links to Hear_my_Prayer
- el links to 林莲云
- electric links to WaltWhitman
- előny links to Béla_Sárváry
- élv links to Pál_Szemere
- EMI links to External_Machine_Interface
- em̧m̧an links to Rālik
- ẹọn links to Piptadeniastrum_Africanum
- EPSS links to Electronic_Performance_Support_System
- er links to 林莲云
- erkik links to 林莲云
- Establishment Clause links to Staney_Fish
- Estrie links to Maurice_O'Bready
- et links to 林莲云
- ete links to 林莲云
- étiquette links to Auguste_de_Villiers_de_L’Isle-Adam
- evidence links to w:
- experior links to Letters_to_Atticus
- experiundum links to Letters_to_Atticus
[edit]- fantods links to Adventures_of_Harry_Franco
- FAR links to Federal_Acquisitions_Regulations
- favoris links to Jhone_Knox
- FDAP links to Fixed,_Determinable,_Annual,_or_Periodical
- FDII links to Foreign-derived_intangible_income
- fẹ links to Fe_mi_(Song)
- feorh links to Lot_(biblical_person
- ferrule links to w:
- fertály links to József_Gvadányi
- fictionality links to Mahu_or_The_Material
- Finndian links to Ojibwe_Inaajimowin
- fistularis links to Ernst_Lommatzsch
- fjør links to Tongue_and_Groove
- fletcherize links to A_Backward_Glance
- Floyder links to Monique_Jones_(journalist)
- Floydering links to Kenneth_Turan_(journalist)
- fly by the seat of one's pants links to Jacob_Heilbrunn
- fohász links to Mihály_Adámi
- foreflipper links to Moore_Raymond
- førelegg links to Fixed_penalty_charge
- forest star links to Darrel_Charles_Herbert_Plowes, Robert_Bailey_Drummond
- fork lightning links to Moore_Raymond
- forta maror links to Douglass_sea_scale
- fortnehmen links to Max_Henning
- fourth wall links to Denis_Didérot
- Free Exercise Clause links to Staney_Fish
- frell links to Johnathan_Hardy
- friggebod links to Lennart_Holm_(architect)
- fuchsia links to J.P._Lippincott_&_Co.
- függöny links to Dániel_Kmeth
[edit]- Ⅎ links to Roman_Emperor_Claudius
- gæruskinn links to Jón_Ásgeirsson
- gara links to 林莲云
- Gardnerella links to Hermann_L._Gardner
- gaz links to 林莲云
- Geiger-Müller counter links to Hanse_Geiger
- gelar griya links to Ivan_Lanin
- genteelly links to Tom_Ronan
- gentilizing links to Eli_(Biblical_figure)
- gently links to While_My_Guitar_Gently_Weeps
- get 'er done links to George_W,_Bush
- geziemen links to Max_Henning
- GH links to Big_Brother_(reality_show)
- Ghiolof links to La_Découverte
- gĩtoka links to Louis_leakey
- give face links to The_The_Laws_of_Our_Fathers
- gızıl links to 林莲云
- glanis links to Charles_Short
- glossology links to Washingon_Street_(Boston)
- goić links to Rzeczpospolita_(journal)
- gol links to 林莲云
- göl links to 林莲云
- goldencarpet links to Golden_Canyon
- Gommerwijk links to Saint_Gummarus_of_Lier
- Google-fu links to Ben_Grabow
- Gorecht links to Gorecht
- granary links to J.P._Lippincott_&_Co.
- gravamen links to Henry_Hunt_(orator)
- grisly links to Peter_Bradwhaw
- groß links to Luxembourgian_German
- Großhandel links to Luxembourgian_German
- Grote Homo links to Joseph_Haumont
- grupus links to Bartolomé_Bravo
- gua links to Betawi_Udik
- gue links to Betawi_Kota
- gufujo links to Gufujo
- Gulden Winckelbuurt links to Den_Gulden_Winckel
- gumuş links to 林莲云
- guttle links to Martin_Madam
- gyök links to Bernát_Benyák
[edit]- Habáš links to Leo_Reinisch
- Hall's panicgrass links to Elihu_Hall
- hallvardsok links to Hallvard_Vebjørnson
- halti links to Donald_Broadribb
- Hammond links to Sir_Andrew_Hammond,_1st_Baronet
- hánaikis links to Colós-Guzman-Peabody
- Handglocke links to Handglocke
- Hanunuo links to Hanunuo
- hardystonite links to Hardystone_Township
- harlequin links to Praetaxila
- háw̄a links to Colós-Guzman-Peabody
- hé̄'e links to Colós-Guzman-Peabody
- heather links to J.P._Lippincott_&_Co.
- Heideröslein links to Heideröslein
- Heinie links to Heine_Zimmerman
- hekte links to Haugesunds_avis
- heli links to 林莲云
- hellstrip links to Lauren_Springer_Ogden
- hens' night links to David_P._Reiter
- here links to w:
- Hesa Fredrik links to Oscar_Fredrik_Rydqvist
- hinsidan links to Alice_Lyttkens
- hiža links to Juraj_Ščrbačić
- höfuð links to Jón_Ásgeirsson
- Holy Church links to Holy_Church
- homeworkless links to Pat_Schmat
- horse-bell links to Tom_Ronan
- hough links to J.P._Lippincott_&_Co.
- hrútur links to Jón_Ásgeirsson
- huaurino links to Huaura
- huidvraat links to Nieuwe_Bijbelvertaling
- hüllő links to Barczafalvi_Szabó_Dávid
- hút̄u links to Colós-Guzman-Peabody
- huume links to Terho_Itkonen
- Huygenspark links to Constantijn_Huijgens
[edit]- ⱶ links to Roman_Emperor_Claudius
- Idanre links to Idanre_Hills
- ider links to 林莲云
- ielfen links to Antwerp-London_Glossary
- iestāde links to Jēkabs_Dravnieks
- if, as and when links to Thomas_Reed_Powell
- igény links to Mihály_Helmeczi
- iğir links to 林莲云
- ihiyotl links to Fernando_Avarado_Tezozomoc
- iiāekwōj links to Rālik
- iiaļ links to Rālik
- iiaļo links to Rālik
- ikido links to Earl_Nyholm, John_D._Nichols
- iklan links to Soedardjo_Tjokrosisworo
- Ilara links to Ilara-Ogudo-Yewa
- ILİD links to Islamic_State_in_Irak_and_the_Levant
- immanation links to Holy_the_Firm
- immobile links to J.P._Lippincott_&_Co.
- imperieto links to Edwin_grobe
- incik links to 林莲云
- incontinently links to The_Judge's_House
- induhvidual links to Dogbert's_New_Ruling_Class
- ineconomy links to Xavier_Herber
- inek links to 林莲云
- infonaut links to Howard_Reingold
- infovore links to Edward_Vessel
- innfatning links to Tonje_Røed
- invocational links to Invocational_media
- Irân links to Gnác_Goldziher
[edit]- Îrân links to Gnác_Goldziher
- iş links to 林莲云
- işd links to 林莲云
- işde links to 林莲云, Dazhuang,_Mengda, Hualong_County
- işgi links to 林莲云
- Iskanderīa links to Leo_Reinisch
- Israīl links to Leo_Reinisch
- issi links to 林莲云
- Itázipčho links to Sans_arc
- iulus links to Detlef_Detlefsen
- iuwi links to Rālik
- izi links to 林莲云
[edit]- jacobeu links to Primitive_Way
- Jahresendflügelfigur links to German_Demoractic_Republic
- jalan layang links to Anton_Moedardo_Moeliono
- jämställdhet links to Karin_Andersson_(politicin)
- Jan Maijenbuurt links to Jan_Jacobsz._May_van_Schellinkhout
- Janssenstichting links to Peter_Wilhelm_Janssen
- já̄wi links to Colós-Guzman-Peabody
- JAWI links to Jabatan_Agama_Islam_Wilayah_Persekutuan
- jean links to J.P._Lippincott_&_Co.
- jehelné links to Jan_Vladislav
- journalese links to Joe_Grimm
- juanista links to Juanist
- júwa links to Colós-Guzman-Peabody
[edit]- kæmpe links to Kong_Christian_stod_ved_høje_mast
- ká̄i links to Colós-Guzman-Peabody
- kaimynas links to Janīs_Endzelīns
- Kainit links to Carl_Friedrich_Jacob_Zincken
- ká̄kun links to Colós-Guzman-Peabody
- Kalliope links to 22_Kalliape
- ká̄nak 'íwqisin links to Colós-Guzman-Peabody
- kär links to Arne_Qvick
- Karlsruhe links to Charles_III_William
- Kaskian links to Kaskian_people
- káw̄i' links to Colós-Guzman-Peabody
- kece links to Jaja_Mihardja
- kecksy links to T._F._Thiselton_Dyer
- kemmbu links to Western_Mande_languages
- kiçi links to 林莲云
- King Charles' head links to Anglo-Saxon_Attitudes_(novel)
- Kinkerbuurt links to Johannes_Kinker
- kirtle links to Outlander_(series)
- kiş links to 林莲云
- kitasamycin links to Streptomyces_kitasatoensis
- kjene links to Gula_tidend
- KMP links to Katipunang_Manggagawang_Pilipino, Kilusang_Magbubukid_ng_Pilipinas
- kmut links to Nymphea_pubescens
- Kó:ra links to Arendt_van_Curler
- kobolttikanuuna links to Cobalt_gun
- könbela links to Rajbongshi_alphabet
- KREC links to Kentucky_Real_Estate_Commission, Kingston_Race_and_Equalities_Council
- kruchý links to Emil_Hakl
- kruvazör links to Ahmed_Rasim
- kuncitara links to Ibnu_Wahyudi
- kürek links to 林莲云
- kuriøsk links to Den_politiske_kandestøber
- kutsú̆̄wis links to Colós-Guzman-Peabody
[edit]- Lambertschaag links to Saint_Lambert_of_Maastricht
- landlord links to Drew_Kampion
- lápis azul links to Estado_Novo_(Portugal
- laringe links to Pre-Grek
- lauk links to Mother_Goose's_Chimes,_Rhymes_&_Melodies
- lauvast links to Nokre_Salmar
- Lebensmittelgroßhandel links to Luxembourgian_German
- ledger links to w:
- left-libertarianism links to Hillel_Steier
- legend in one's own lunchtime links to Bebop_to_the_Boolean_Boogie
- lemnothalamus links to Ann_B._Butler
- lény links to Mihály_Helmeczy
- libertinism links to G._P._Putnam_&_Sons
- lick links to Jaekae, Kida_Kudz
- Lijnden links to Frans_Godert_baron_van_Lynden_van_Hemmen
- limonsito kastila links to Triphasia_trifoliata
- linimasa links to Hasan_Aspahani
- livermorio links to Lawrence_Livermore_National_Library
- lizardless links to Jiohn_Muir
- llamhidydd links to Morris_ap_Rhisiart_Morris
- lo links to Betawi_Kota
- Lobbyarbeit links to Lobbyarbeit
- longhaul links to Underword_(DeLillo_novel)
- lóskowis links to Colós-Guzman-Peabody
- lu links to Betawi_Udik
- Lushington links to Lashenden
- Luso- links to Portugese_culture, Portugese_people
[edit]- maal links to Cornelis_van_Alkemade, Pieter_van_der_Schelling
- madam links to J.P._Lippincott_&_Co.
- magnesiumdistearaatti links to Magnesium_distearate
- Mahrūsa links to Leo_Reinisch
- Mainatinae links to AviBase
- máj̄an links to Colós-Guzman-Peabody
- majówka links to International_Worker's_Day
- majówkowy links to International_Worker's_Day
- mål links to Richard_Herrmann_(journalist
- malamute links to Mahlemuit
- Mannsperson links to Max_Henning
- mantan links to Besemah
- Maoming links to Pan_Maoming
- mar links to St_Dustan-in-the-West
- Margraten links to Sancta_Maria_ad_Gradus
- maría links to Real_de_vellón
- Másser links to Leo_Reinisch
- mäßig links to Luxembourgian_German
- maternall links to Ireland_Shakespeare_forgery
- Mauritsfort links to Prince_Maurice_of_Orange
- maustine links to Kerenski_(laulu)
- með links to Jón_Ásgeirsson
- men links to 林莲云
- menés links to Mena_Valley
- mertensi links to Franz_Carl_Mertens,
- metropolitan area links to Brundtlandt_Report
- miniği links to Dazhuang,_Mengda, Hualong_County
- Missippi links to The_Snopes_Trilogy
- mjuka tjänare links to Ludvig_Nordström
- množ links to Ivan_Gundlić
- moda raya terpadu links to Komisi_Istilah
- Molotovin koktaili links to Vilho_Heinämies
- moment 22 links to Torsten_Blomkvist
- momentary god links to Euodos, Horophylax
- monkey on one's back links to The_Man_With_The_Golden_Arm_(novel)
- Mörður links to Mǫrðr_Valgarðsson
- mould links to Canadian_form
- mouthbrooder links to Yvonne_Sadovy
- möyhiä links to Antti_Lizelius
- MSC links to Melbourne_Securities_Corporation
- MUGA links to Multiple_gated_acquisition_scan
- mujka links to Svenska_Yle
- mulcto links to De_viris_illustribus_Urbis_Romae_a_Romulo_ad_Augustum
- mulibrey-nanismi links to Mulibrey_nansim
- murattiaralia links to ×Fatshedera
- muz links to 林莲云
[edit]- Nährmutter links to Max_Henning
- nañ links to 林莲云
- Nanyang links to C._P._FitzGerald
- narablog links to Enda_Nasution
- narakontak links to Sugeng_Hariyanto
- Nature links to Lines_Written_in_Early_Spring
- nauplius links to Nancy_Rabelais
- naura links to Słownik_Języka_Polskiego
- nêhiyawêwin links to Online_Cree_Dictionary
- New York City links to Toni_Stern
- NGC links to w:
- niemrawy links to Insignis_Media
- nienawidzić links to Rzeczpospolita_(journal)
- niniejszy links to Rzeczpospolita_(journal)
- nirlaba links to Anton_Moedardo_Moeliono
- nokehick links to Outskirts_Press
- nómmo links to Colós-Guzman-Peabody
- nóm̄oknó̄ti links to Colós-Guzman-Peabody
- norddansker links to Frøken_Smillas_fornnemelse_for_sne
- nót links to Tongue_and_Groove
- noun of multitude links to List_of_collective_nouns_by_collective_term
- nú links to Jón_Ásgeirsson
- Nyadire links to Nyadiri
[edit]- o'rethrow links to Nathum_Tate
- Oaxaca links to Leucaena_leucacephala
- Ọbalufọn links to Ọbàlùfọ̀n_Aláyémọrẹ
- obcować links to Rzeczpospolita_(journal)
- obesity links to J.P._Lippincott_&_Co.
- obsidianus links to Opsia_(gens)
- oceanarium links to Wonders_of_Wildlife_Museum
- öd links to 林莲云
- óðfúss links to Þrýmskviða
- Odiliapeel links to Saint_Odilia_of_Cologne
- odozemak links to Momčilo_Zlatanović
- ODP links to Origin_decision_point
- Ogcocephalioidei links to Ogcocephalioidei
- ögey links to Azerbaiani
- ogut links to Betawi_Udik
- okun links to Glycine_Wightii
- Olga links to Aulikki_Oksanen
- OLPC links to Outer_Loop_Power_Control
- ombliferous links to The_Book_of_Nonsense
- one-night stand links to Caspar_Eric
- one-way mirror links to Learning_and_Teaching_Therapy
- Oog in Al links to Everard_Meyster
- Opa Langbein links to Bavarian_languag
- opielić links to Fabryka_słów
- oqa links to 林莲云
- oquş links to Dazhuang,_Mengda, Hualong_County
- örğet links to 林莲云
- örgüt links to Language_reform_and_modern_Turkish
- Osoyoos links to Osoyoos_Desert, Osoyoos_First_Nation, Osoyoos_Indian_Reserve
- ot links to 林莲云
- otaškařit links to The_Merry_Wives_of_Windson, Vlasta_Javořická
- otus links to 林莲云
- oxy- links to Oxybolone
- öyle links to 林莲云
[edit]- P/N links to N-type_layer, P-type_layer
- paenulam alicui scindo links to Letters_to_Atticus
- pafferik links to Heerlen_dialect
- pagig links to John_U._Wolff
- pairment links to Episle_to_the_Philippians
- palçıq links to 林莲云
- Paltisca links to Polotskt
- pantau links to Anton_Moedardo_Moeliono
- pareve links to Avrom_Honig
- pariteño links to Parita_Province
- pasca- links to Komisi_Istilah
- patire links to Bartoholomew_of_San_Concordio
- PDFO links to PDFO
- PDP links to Partido_Demokratiko_Pilipino
- pea patch links to Marray_Rothbard
- pedilavium links to Simon_Paulii
- Peikan links to The_Statesman’s_Yearbook
- pelanggaran pidana links to Tirta_Admadja
- pembuluh darah links to Komisi_Istilah
- pencakar langit links to Anton_Moedardo_Moeliono
- Penelakut links to Penelakut_Island_Indian_Reserve_No._7
- peristiwa pidana links to Ernst_Utrecht
- perspicuity links to w:
- pessimize links to Bejmain_Disraeli
- pf links to Por_favor, Prato_feito
- piano links to J.P._Lippincott_&_Co.
- picture links to w:
- pilak links to Khmeric_languages
- pillar links to Christian_Mallen
- pingin links to David_H._Green
- pip links to Antonion_Conte, Mikel_Artera
- pişd links to 林莲云, Dazhuang,_Mengda, Hualong_County
- piser links to 林莲云
- pisirniği links to 林莲云
- pitch links to w:
- pıçaq links to 林莲云
- placegetter links to Whitethorn_(novel)
- plasma nutfah links to Mien_Achmad_Rifai
- platinum links to J.P._Lippincott_&_Co.
- pocket links to w:
- ponkói links to Colós-Guzman-Peabody
- pó̄r links to Colós-Guzman-Peabody
- porcophilia links to A_Short_Digression_on_the_Pig;_or,_Why_Heaven_Hates_Ham
- porcophobia links to A_Short_Digression_on_the_Pig;_or,_Why_Heaven_Hates_Ham
- porte cochère links to G._P._Putnam_&_Sons
- porterage links to Porterage
- Powell River links to City_of_Powell_River
- powoływać links to Rzeczpospolita_(journal)
- prævious links to Miscellaneous_Works_(Conyers_Middleton)
- prägefrisch links to Erhaltungsgrade_von_Münzen
- pratihara links to Pratigura
- PRC links to Pesticide_Residue_Committee
- Prophetentum links to Max_Henning
- psalm links to J.P._Lippincott_&_Co.
- psalmody links to J.P._Lippincott_&_Co.
- PTEP links to Previously_taxed_earnings_and_profits
- pterygoid muscle links to Pterygoid_process_of_the_sphenoid
- pull someone's chestnuts out of the fire links to Jacob_Heilbrunn
- putto links to The_Caracci
[edit]- qab links to 林莲云
- qetsi links to John_U._Wolff
- qısga links to 林莲云
- Qtrs. links to Los_Rios,_Panama
- qualm links to J.P._Lippincott_&_Co.
- Quartinus links to Titus_Quartinus
- qus links to 林莲云
- quy links to Four_Benevolent_Animals
[edit]- R-rated links to Jennifer_S._Holland
- radish links to J.P._Lippincott_&_Co.
- rage farm links to Reality_Team
- raillery links to J.P._Lippincott_&_Co.
- rám̄ai links to Colós-Guzman-Peabody
- realize links to G._P._Putnam_&_Sons
- redeo links to Gaius_Valerus_Catullus
- regény links to Pál_Szemere
- reheat links to Helen_Holick
- rekayasa sosial links to Anton_Moedardo_Moeliono
- rekayasa links to Anton_Moedardo_Moeliono
- reverberate links to Moore_Raymond
- revisingly links to Sussex_Academic_Press
- Rhodanian links to Donzère-Mondragon
- richterite links to Hieronymus_Theodor_Richter
- rofinnadar links to Serglige_Con_Chulainn
- rojak links to Faiz_Sathi_Abdullah, Mardziah_Hayati_Abdullah, Tan_Bee_Hoon
- rokühnite links to Kaliforschungs-Institut_der_Kali_und_Salz_AG
- rotogravure links to Deutsche_Photogravur, Rotogravur_Deutsche_Tiefdruck_Gesellschaft
- rozkruszek mączny links to Rozkruszek_mączny
- RRD links to Reduced_resolution_dataset_external_file
- Ruhe links to Hear_my_Prayer
- ruiskaa links to Edvin_Avellan
[edit]- saddle links to Ian_Allen_Publishing
- Salish Sea links to Bert_Webber
- saloop links to London_Labor_and_the_London_Poor
- Saman links to Leo_Reinisch
- sanglantní links to Karel_Jan_Rohan
- Santhosh links to Santhoshi_Matha
- sarı links to 林莲云
- savere links to Bartoholomew_of_San_Concordio
- sá̄weknek links to Colós-Guzman-Peabody
- scandal links to G._K._Chesteron
- schattig links to Hear_my_Prayer
- Schritt links to Ein_Kampf_um_Rom
- SDC links to State_Dual_Credit
- seanse links to Eline_Lund_Fjæren, Stein_Ståle
- seasteading links to Darrell_M._West
- segrèt links to Heerlen_dialect, Tongeren_dialect
- şela links to Rajbongshi_alphabet
- ṣela links to Rajbongshi_alphabet
- sé̄lila links to Colós-Guzman-Peabody
- sendratari links to Herman_Pratikto
- senecione di Fuchs links to Leohart_Fuchs
- serpentido links to Lambert_D.H.
- session bean links to Enterprise_Edition
- şəmbəllə links to Vahid_Hacıyev, Əbülfəz_Quliyev
- share and share alike links to Pat_Beauchamp
- Shasta links to Professor_Booty
- ships that pass in the night links to MaryRose_Occhino
- show barn links to Okumulgee_County,_Oklahoma
- şigi links to 林莲云
- Signôr links to Aldo_Spallicci
- sigrèt links to Tongeren_dialect
- sikʼis links to Alveolar_sibilant
- Sinduni links to Tabula_Clesiana
- sinetron links to Soemardjono
- siniar links to Ivan_Lanin
- siniği links to Dazhuang,_Mengda, Hualong_County
- Sinkiang links to 徐廣縉
- Sint Jansklooster links to Geert_Grote
- Sint Laurens links to Saint_Lawrence_of_Rome
- Sint Odiliënberg links to Saint_Odile_of_Alsace
- Sint-Oedenrode links to Saint_Oda_of_Scotland
- sintas links to Mien_Achmad_Rifai
- sinting links to Herman_Pratikto
- sípcsont links to Pál_Bugát
- sjucker links to Ruben_Nilsson
- Skáney links to Sigvatr_Þórðarson
- škatulja links to Milan_Šipka
- sluten vård links to SR_Nyheter
- šmahinou links to Ladislav_Tůma
- smaska links to Elsi_Rydsjö
- Smell-O-Vision links to Hans_Laube
- smitten links to Abraham_Joshua_Herschel
- smoke wrench links to Boating_(magazing)
- snierk links to Heerlen_dialect, Tongeren_dialect
- snobocracy links to Charles_Kingley
- snöga links to Nils_Linder
- söderblandning links to Vernon_Mauris
- SODIMM links to Dual-inline_memory_module
- soigneur links to Javier_Cherro_Molina
- solaq al links to 林莲云
- solaq links to 林莲云
- sonnet links to J.P._Lippincott_&_Co.
- sore-thumbish links to Paul_McFedries
- sorriso links to Lia_Wiler
- sosiawan links to Soedardjo_Tjokrosisworo
- Southern blot links to Edwin_Mallor_Southern
- spermaceti links to J.P._Lippincott_&_Co.
- šraml links to Joseph_Schrammel
- staðall links to Ólafur_M._Ólafsson
- Stanley links to Turk,_California
- Status Uniti Americae links to Christoph_Willems, Ágoston_Roskovány
- stipend links to G._P._Putnam_&_Sons
- stock links to On_the_Late_Massacre_in_Piemont
- stormking links to Storm-King
- straffknulla links to Hassan_Loo_Sattarvandi
- Strafford links to Strafford_(surname)
- strålföljning links to Ny_teknik
- stumt links to Indo-Europen_ablaut
- süd links to 林莲云
- Sudān links to Leo_Reinisch
- Suðurnes links to Southern_Peninsula_Region_(Iceland)
- suffice links to J.P._Lippincott_&_Co.
- sultáwus links to Colós-Guzman-Peabody
- superficies links to w:
- supramodal links to Body_Schema
- Surabaya links to Surbaaya
- Süße links to Luxembourgian_German
- Süßigkeit links to Luxembourgian_German
- suttanta links to Tipataka
- swakriya links to Ivan_Lanin
- synaesthesia links to Claude_Lévi–Strauss, Stephen_Bowkett
- syssna links to Ulla-Bell_Thorin
- szemcse links to Pál_Bugát
- szilárd links to Pál_Szemere
- szög links to András_Dugonics
[edit]- tabaraste gato links to Dipcadi_serotinum
- tagar links to Dian_Ara
- Tâi-lô links to Transcription_system
- ták̄a links to Colós-Guzman-Peabody
- tanja links to Ivan_Lanin
- taporæx links to Clarendon_press
- tarı links to 林莲云
- Tassie links to AUUGN
- tasty links to Taystee_Bread_Company
- tattle links to Outskirts_Press
- táusíkís links to Colós-Guzman-Peabody
- tautism links to Lucien_Sfez
- táw̄a wánep links to Colós-Guzman-Peabody
- táw̄a links to Colós-Guzman-Peabody
- taxça links to Borchaly
- technoid links to Paul_McFedries
- telestial links to Kevin_L._Barney
- tensor veli palatini links to Pterygoid_process_of_the_sphenoid
- thenceforth links to An_Autobiography_or_The_Story_of_my_Experiments_with_Truth
- thôi links to Đoàn_Giỏi
- thunderclap links to House_Of_The_Dragon
- Tiệp links to VietnamNet
- tindak pidana links to Satochid_Kartanegara
- tjenixen links to Folke_Nystrand
- tömb links to Pál_Szemere
- tôn links to Taboo_naming
- tongaid links to Cáin_Adomnán
- topstyret links to Fremskridspartiet
- torredà links to Torre_de_Claramunt
- torrjucka links to Bäst_i_test
- történet links to András_Dugonics
- touch the hem of someone's garment links to Richard_Lacayo
- tox links to 林莲云
- trafikakcidento links to Pinneburg
- treason links to Minneapolis_Star_and_Tribune_Company
- triunfito links to Operación_Trinfo
- Trumpology links to Gabriel_Schoenfeld
- Tsigerätt links to Heerlen_dialect, Tongeren_dialect
- tsī́qau links to Colós-Guzman-Peabody
- Tulliasses links to Tabula_Clesiana
- Túngul links to Leo_Reinisch
- tú̄pui links to Colós-Guzman-Peabody
- turnpike doubles links to Don_Corman
- tusent links to Michel_Trembley
- tymf links to Andrzej_Tymf
- tynf links to Andrzej_Tymf
[edit]- u links to 林莲云
- UCaaS links to Unified_communications_as_a_service
- uforsonlighet links to Inge_Eidsvåg
- ukuć links to Rzeczpospolita_(journal)
- ularniği links to 林莲云
- Ulimaroa links to Daniel_Djurberg_(geographer)
- umlügen links to Zürcher_Tagesanzeiger
- underdetermine links to Underdetermine
- UPN links to User_Principal_Name
- urat links to Komisi_Istilah
- Urius links to Against_Piso
- urrutān links to Leo_Reinisch
- uşaq links to Firudin_bəy_Köçərli
- úti links to Jón_Ásgeirsson
- UVR links to Unidad_de_valor_real
[edit]- v. links to Case_citstions
- Vaesrade links to Saint_Servatius_of_Tongeren
- vamp links to G._K._Chesteron
- Van der Kunbuurt links to Leopold_Johannes_Adriaan_van_der_Kun
- Van Ewijcksluis links to Daniël_Jacob_van_Ewijck_van_Oostbroek_van_de_Bilt
- vaq links to 林莲云
- var links to 林莲云
- vardapet links to Doctorate_in_Theology, Dunbarton_Oaks
- varitihi links to Meredith_Osmond
- växa links to Selma_Lögerlöf
- Verdal links to Verdal_River
- Vestfirðir links to Westfjords_Region_(Iceland)
- vetë links to Elean_Greek
- villa links to Bartoholomew_of_San_Concordio
- vintergata links to Institute_for_Language_and_Folklore
- vol links to 林莲云
- vuɭi links to John_U._Wolff
[edit]- wabuda links to Estern_Garawa
- walking palm links to Socratea_exorriza
- war-weary links to w:
- wat̄inik links to Colós-Guzman-Peabody
- well-intentioned links to House_Of_The_Dragon
- werweissen links to Nordwestschweiz_(Zeitungsverbund)
- wét̄el links to Colós-Guzman-Peabody
- wétnés links to Colós-Guzman-Peabody
- whangdoodle links to William_P._Brannan
- wiccecræft links to Wulfstan_of_York
- willowtree links to Roumanian_Journey
- wind links to w:
- winsorize links to Charles_P._Winsor
- with links to w:
- Wolseley links to Town_of_Wolseley
- wrest links to St_Dunston-in-the-West
- WSJP links to Wielki_słownik_języka_polskiego_PAN
- Wüste links to Hear_my_Prayer
[edit]- xamberg links to Charles_de_Schömberg
- xıncalaus links to Vahid_Hacıyev
- xưởng links to Bệnh_viện_Từ_Dũ
- XWT links to Vexi, XML_Windowing_Toolkit
[edit]- yafraq links to 林莲云
- yañı links to 林莲云
- yedimiş links to 林莲云
- yel links to 林莲云
- yellow-breasted chat links to Luster(novel)
- yi links to 林莲云, Dazhuang,_Mengda, Hualong_County
- yide links to 林莲云, Dazhuang,_Mengda, Hualong_County
- yila links to 林莲云
- yilen links to 林莲云, Dazhuang,_Mengda, Hualong_County
- yipek links to 林莲云
- yiraq links to 林莲云, Dazhuang,_Mengda, Hualong_County
- yoğan links to 林莲云, Dazhuang,_Mengda, Hualong_County
- yoliliztlaxcalli links to Bread_of_Life_discourse
- yorğan links to 林莲云, Dazhuang,_Mengda, Hualong_County
- yos links to Sapum_glandulosum
- you know what links to CNN_Live
- young blood links to w:
- yü links to 林莲云
- yumul links to 林莲云
- yüz links to 林莲云
[edit]- zabân links to Brahui_alphabet
- zaoczny links to Rzeczpospolita_(journal)
- zataczać links to Jan_Ignacy_Kraszewski
- zela links to Rajbongshi_alphabet
- Zenaidini links to Zenaidini
- Zennor links to St_Senara
- ZIF links to Zero_intermediate_frequency
- Zuska's disease links to Joseph_Zuska
- Zwetschge links to Luxembourgian_German
[edit]- ἀγκάλη links to Orestes_(play
- ἄγλις links to Guus_Kroonen
- ἀδύνατος links to Orestes_(play
- ἁμαρτάνω links to Orestes_(play
- ἀμβρόσιος links to Homeric_epithets
- ἀμύμων links to Homeric_epithets
- ἀνίστημι links to Orestes_(play
- ἀνοίγω links to Constitution_of_Sparta
- ἀξιόω links to Orestes_(play
[edit]- ἄπειρος links to Orestes_(play
- ἀπέρχομαι links to Orestes_(play
- ἀποδίδωμι links to To_Demonicus
- ἄρσην links to Orestes_(play
- ἄσαρον links to Jewish_Literary_Aramaic
- ἀσθενέω links to Orestes_(play
- ἀφίημι links to Orestes_(play
[edit]- βοῶπις links to Homeric_epithets
- γέλγις links to Guus_Kroonen
- γενέτης links to Orestes_(play
- Γλαῦκος links to Orestes_(play
- γλαυκῶπις links to Homeric_epithets
- Γραικός links to Thessalos
[edit]- διαφέρω links to Constitution_of_Sparta, Orestes_(play
- δῖος links to Homeric_epithets
- δίπλα links to Δiples
- διώκω links to Orestes_(play
- δύναμαι links to Orestes_(play
- δυνατός links to Orestes_(play
- δῶμα links to Orestes_(play
[edit]- εἶδον links to Orestes_(play
- ἐκβάλλω links to Orestes_(play
- ἐκεῖθεν links to Orestes_(play
- ἐξώστης links to Achigenes
- ἐπιτίθημι links to Constitution_of_Sparta
- ἐπιτιμάω links to To_Demonicus
- ἑτοῖμος links to Orestes_(play
- εὐθύνω links to To_Demonicus
[edit]- ἐφίστημι links to Constitution_of_Sparta
- ἔχω links to Orestes_(play
- ἠεροειδής links to Homeric_epithets
- ἤθησις links to Problems_(Aristotle
[edit]- ἠριγένεια links to Homeric_epithets
- ἰδού links to Orestes_(play
- ἱκανός links to Constitution_of_Sparta
- ἴουλος links to Jewish_Literary_Aramaic
- ἵστημι links to Orestes_(play
- ἰσχύω links to Orestes_(play
[edit]- καθίστημι links to Orestes_(play
- κατακρίνω links to To_Demonicus
- κατηγορέω links to Orestes_(play
- κατοικέω links to To_Demonicus
[edit]- μακάριος links to Orestes_(play
- μηδείς links to To_Demonicus
- μῆλον links to Guus_Kroonen
- Μίνως links to Cretan_Ancient_Greek
- νομίζω links to Constitution_of_Sparta
- ὅδε links to Orestes_(play
[edit]- οἶνοψ links to Homeric_epithets
- ὀργή links to Orestes_(play
- ὀρέγω links to Orestes_(play
- ὄρφνη links to Constitution_of_Sparta
- ὀφείλω links to Orestes_(play
[edit]- παιδονόμος links to Constitution_of_Sparta
- παίω links to Orestes_(play
- πάλιν links to Orestes_(play
- παραδίδωμι links to Orestes_(play
- παράκλησις links to To_Demonicus
- παραλαμβάνω links to Constitution_of_Sparta
- πάρειμι links to Orestes_(play
- παύω links to Constitution_of_Sparta, Orestes_(play
- περιβάλλω links to Orestes_(play
- περίφρων links to Homeric_epithets
- πίμπλημι links to Orestes_(play
- πλήρωμα links to Orestes_(play
- πλήσσω links to Orestes_(play
- ποδάρκης links to Homeric_epithets
- πολυμαθής links to To_Demonicus
- πορεύω links to Orestes_(play
- πρίν links to Orestes_(play
- προσδοκάω links to Constitution_of_Sparta
- προσέρχομαι links to Orestes_(play
- προσέχω links to Orestes_(play
- προσκυνέω links to Orestes_(play
[edit]- σκύμνος links to Orestes_(play
- σταφιδόψωμο links to Ατομικό_μοντέλο_του_σταφιδόψωμου
- στοχάζομαι links to To_Demonicus
- στρατός links to Orestes_(play
- συνάγω links to Orestes_(play
[edit]- ταλασίφρων links to Homeric_epithets
- τίθημι links to Constitution_of_Sparta
- τιμάω links to Orestes_(play
- τοιοῦτος links to Constitution_of_Sparta, To_Demonicus
- τρίβος links to Orestes_(play
[edit]- ὑπό links to Constitution_of_Sparta
- φακός links to Old_Akkadian
- φαντασία links to The_Imginary_Invalid
- φιλία links to Orestes_(play
- χίμαιρα links to Constitution_of_Sparta
- ψυχή links to Young’s_Literal_Version
- ὥστε links to Orestes_(play
- ⲑⲉⲃⲁⲓⲥ links to Stefan_Timm
[edit]- ⲛⲉϩⲱⲛⲓ links to Zeniya_Copts
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- ⲡⲓⲙⲏⲛ links to Stefan_Timm
- ⲡⲟⲓⲙⲏⲛ links to Stefan_Timm
- ⲡⲟⲛ links to Zeniya_Copts
- ⲡϣⲟⲙⲧ ⲛⲕⲁⲥⲧⲣⲟⲛ links to Stefan_Timm
- ⲥⲁⲡⲣⲟ ϩⲃⲱ links to Stefan_Timm
- ⲭⲣⲉⲙⲧⲥ links to Zeniya_Copts
[edit]- ϣⲱⲙⲓⲱⲓ links to Zeniya_Copts
- ϯϣⲁⲓⲣⲓ links to Stefan_Timm
- байгуулага links to Tohuku_University
- баьхьа links to Ibragim_Aliroev
[edit]- вихревой links to Vortex_field
- герма links to Ibragim_Aliroev
- герми links to Ibragim_Aliroev
- горгам links to Ibragim_Aliroev
- государь links to Relaxed_pronunciation
[edit]- дийхк links to Ibragim_Aliroev
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- дружественный links to Nikolay_Ivanovich_Kostomarov
- дуин links to Jurchen_Script
[edit]- их сургууль links to Tohuku_University
- каблук links to IZh-2715
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- Кощей links to Vasilisa_Prekrasnaya
- куче links to Манасиева_летопис
- къурда links to Ibragim_Aliroev
- мавпа links to Мавпа, Мавпи
- мөсөн гол links to Potanin_glacier
[edit]- НИИсчетмаш links to Scientific_Research_Institute_of_Calculating_Mechanical_Engineering
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- Олон Улсын Холбоот Байгуулага links to Tohuku_University
- Охотный Ряд links to Sokolnicheskaya_Line_line
- падина links to Death_Sea
- продукт links to Nikolay_Hessin
[edit]- ретровирус links to
- спасти links to Железников,_Владимир_Карпович
- ТОФСЭ links to Optimal_Functioning_Theory_for_a_Socialist_Economy
- ТТС links to Alejandro_V._Baeza, Allin_Cottrell
[edit]- удобрять links to Дмитрий_Сухарев
- урдо links to Ibragim_Aliroev
- уһан links to State_Anthem_of_the_Republic_of_Buryatia
- фазотрон links to Synchocyclotron
- Фридман links to Neil_Ericsson, Stedman_Hood
- хөөрөг links to Turgen_river
- цӏокъберг links to Ibragim_Aliroev
[edit]- шкатуља links to Milan_Šipka
- шөнө links to Chahar_Mongolian
- шрамл links to Joseph_Schrammel
- ямаа links to Ömnögovi_province
- დიღომი links to Digomi
[edit]- ვიჟა links to Çamlıhemşin,_Rize
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[edit]- կաղամախի links to Jewish_Literary_Aramaic
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- չանչ links to Pomace_spirit
- պինդ links to Grassman's_law
[edit]- איו״ש links to אזור_יהודה_ושומרון
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- חנייה links to Stephan_Legar,_Itay_Levy
- כביש links to Zeev_Jawitz
- ריס links to Jewish_Literary_Aramaic
[edit]- שיפון links to Academy_of_the_Hebrew_Languages
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- תמרא links to Jewish_Literary_Aramaic
- 𐤆 links to Kilumuwa_Stela
[edit]- 𐤇𐤑𐤓 links to Jewish_Literary_Aramaic
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- 𐤔𐤕𐤋 links to Jewish_Literary_Aramaic
[edit]- ء و ل links to Jewish_Literary_Aramaic
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- أهل links to Ibn_Kaṯīr
[edit]- إبريز links to Jewish_Literary_Aramaic
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- افسار links to Jewish_Literary_Aramaic
- اللهقلی links to Shajarayi_Turk
- انجام دادن links to Isfahani_accent
- اهمیت links to Donya-e_Eqtesad
[edit]- برکت دادن links to Isfahani_accent
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- بلند links to Mahallati, Vonishuni
- بهشت links to Northern_Talysh
[edit]- پرورش دادن links to Isfahani_accent
- پس دادن links to Isfahani_accent
- پوشش دادن links to Isfahani_accent
[edit]- تارة links to Jewish_Literary_Aramaic
- تٟر links to Indian_Institute_of_Language_Studies
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- تمییز دادن links to Isfahani_accent
- توضیح دادن links to Isfahani_accent
- تين links to Old_Akkadian
[edit]- ثمن links to Jewish_Literary_Aramaic
- جا دادن links to Isfahani_accent
- جواب دادن links to Isfahani_accent
- جوش دادن links to Isfahani_accent
[edit]- چٹگاؤں links to Hafiz_Jalandhari
- چون links to Qâbus-nâme
[edit]- ح ب ب links to Jewish_Literary_Aramaic
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- حسل links to Jewish_Literary_Aramaic
- حمرة links to Khorsan
[edit]- دادن links to Isfahani_accent
- دست دادن links to Isfahani_accent
- دیراز links to Kesehi
- دیراز links to Zefrehi
[edit]- ذ ر ق links to Jewish_Literary_Aramaic
- رأي links to Abdullah_ibn_Ahmad_ibn_Hanbal, Ahl_al-Ḥadith, Al-Bayhaqī
- رأی دادن links to Isfahani_accent
- رای دادن links to Isfahani_accent
- رسن links to Jewish_Literary_Aramaic
[edit]- زفت links to Jewish_Literary_Aramaic
[edit]- سؤال کردن links to Surah_al-Kahf
- سجنجل links to Imru’_al-Qais
- سفارش دادن links to Isfahani_accent
- سلہٹ links to Ikram_Basra
- سوتی دادن links to Isfahani_accent
[edit]- شبور links to Jewish_Literary_Aramaic
- شرح دادن links to Isfahani_accent
- شکست دادن links to Isfahani_accent
- شکل دادن links to Isfahani_accent
- شليل links to Jewish_Literary_Aramaic
- شهزاده links to Shajarayi_Turk
- شهلا links to Shajarayi_Turk
- شوش links to Jewish_Literary_Aramaic
- صنف links to Jewish_Literary_Aramaic
[edit]- طن links to Jewish_Literary_Aramaic
- طهمورث links to Tahmooras, Tahmoorath
[edit]- قرض دادن links to Isfahani_accent
- قسم links to Abu'l-Fazal_ibn_Mubarak
- قل links to Shajarayi_Turk
- قلقلک دادن links to Isfahani_accent
[edit]- كون links to Max_Horten
- کاشغر links to Shajarayi_Turk
- کاهش دادن links to Isfahani_accent
- کس دادن links to Isfahani_accent
- کشیک دادن links to Isfahani_accent
- کمک دادن links to Isfahani_accent
- کون دادن links to Isfahani_accent
[edit]- گوز دادن links to Isfahani_accent
- گوش دادن links to Isfahani_accent
[edit]- لقلق links to Jewish_Literary_Aramaic
[edit]- محمدقلی links to Shajarayi_Turk
- معنى links to Max_Horten
[edit]- نجات دادن links to Isfahani_accent
- نسبت دادن links to Isfahani_accent
- نشان دادن links to Isfahani_accent
- نعام links to Jewish_Literary_Aramaic
- نیام links to Jewish_Literary_Aramaic
[edit]- هدس links to Jewish_Literary_Aramaic
- هل دادن links to Isfahani_accent
- همه links to Surah_Luqman
[edit]- وش links to Wilhelm_GeigerOlsen
[edit]- يئس links to Jewish_Literary_Aramaic
- یاد دادن links to Isfahani_accent
- ܐܟܪܐ links to Jewish_Literary_Aramaic
- ܕܘܠܒܐ links to Jewish_Literary_Aramaic
[edit]- ܙܘܓܠܐ links to Jewish_Literary_Aramaic
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[edit]- ܚܢܓܠܘܣܐ links to Alexander_Joseph_Oraham
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[edit]- ܥܢܒܬܐ links to Jewish_Literary_Aramaic
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[edit]- अः links to Christopher_P._Wilde
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- अहुणि links to Paishaci
- आ links to Aitareya_Brāhmaṇa
- आदिम links to Rahul_Sanskrityayan
[edit]- उकरा links to Sphaerica
- कर्तव्य links to Aitareya_Brāhmaṇa
- कषाय links to Kāṣāya
- कुचो links to Christopher_P._Wilde
- कुम्भकार links to Charaka_Saṃhitā
- कुम्भाण्ड links to कुम्भाण्ड
- कॢप्त links to Aitareya_Brāhmaṇa
- कोपास links to Christopher_P._Wilde
- क्षेत्री links to Yagyopavit
- गलगण्ड links to Charaka_Saṃhitā
- ग़ाज़ियाबाद links to Wazir_Ghazi-ud-din
[edit]- घ links to Christopher_P._Wilde
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- चो links to Christopher_P._Wilde
- चोः links to Christopher_P._Wilde
[edit]- ज़ links to Christopher_P._Wilde
- ज़गथ links to Om_Namaḥ_Śivāya
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- ज़ा links to Christopher_P._Wilde
- ज़ी links to Christopher_P._Wilde
- जोरो links to Christopher_P._Wilde
- जोहोलाव links to Daimalu
- झ links to Christopher_P._Wilde
- झ़ links to Christopher_P._Wilde
[edit]- ताँद links to Christopher_P._Wilde
- ताम्यति links to Charaka_Saṃhitā
- तॗर links to Indian_Institute_of_Language_Studies
- त्वम् links to Jain_Maharastri
- ध links to Christopher_P._Wilde
- न्ह links to Christopher_P._Wilde
[edit]- पाटल links to Sati_(Hindu_Goddess)
- पाशुपत links to Pashupata_Shaiv
- प्रतिदिनम् links to Charaka_Saṃhitā
[edit]- फेन links to Os_sepiae
- भ links to Christopher_P._Wilde
- भरत links to Bhārata_dynasty
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- भेषज links to Aitareya_Brāhmaṇa
- भैसा links to Christopher_P._Wilde
- भोक्तृ links to Charaka_Saṃhitā
- भ्रे links to Christopher_P._Wilde
[edit]- मएल links to Christopher_P._Wilde
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- मजा links to Christopher_P._Wilde
- महर्षि links to Dayanand
- माङ्खा links to Christopher_P._Wilde
- मात्सर्य links to Charaka_Saṃhitā
- मास्तर links to Christopher_P._Wilde
- मिन links to Christopher_P._Wilde
- म्ह links to Christopher_P._Wilde
- यभति links to Taittirīya_Saṃhitā
- यवन links to Yavanajātaka
- राक्षस links to Aitareya_Brāhmaṇa
- रूह अफ़ज़ा links to Naqi_Ali_Shah
[edit]- लक्री links to Christopher_P._Wilde
- लुंगी links to Middle_Hindi
- लुब्ध links to Aitareya_Brāhmaṇa
- लोभयति links to Aitareya_Brāhmaṇa
[edit]- व़ links to Christopher_P._Wilde
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- वाःङ links to Christopher_P._Wilde
- वाहन links to Aitareya_Brāhmaṇa
- व़ि links to Christopher_P._Wilde
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- व़िःसि links to Christopher_P._Wilde
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- व़ें- links to Christopher_P._Wilde
- व़े links to Christopher_P._Wilde
- व़ें links to Christopher_P._Wilde
- व़ेःवो links to Christopher_P._Wilde
- शर links to Saccharum_Sara
- श्लेष्मन् links to Aitareya_Brāhmaṇa
[edit]- समकोण चतुर्भुज links to Vijñāna_Bhāratī
- सुराधिप links to Vana_parva
- सेना links to Aitareya_Brāhmaṇa
[edit]- हिमाचल प्रदेश links to Acharya_Diwakar_Datt_Sharma
- होना links to Yamuna_Kachra
- ह्रसति links to Charaka_Saṃhitā
- ह्ल links to Christopher_P._Wilde
- ह्ला links to Christopher_P._Wilde
- ह्लु links to Christopher_P._Wilde
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- ह्लेपा links to Christopher_P._Wilde
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- ह्व़ा links to Christopher_P._Wilde
- ह्व़ि links to Christopher_P._Wilde
- ह्व़िसि links to Christopher_P._Wilde
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- ह्व़े links to Christopher_P._Wilde
- ह्वैंता ॱब्ले links to Christopher_P._Wilde
- ह्वोङ links to Christopher_P._Wilde
[edit]- আজদাহা links to Syed_Hamza
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[edit]- ইয়াদ links to Syed_Hamza
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- এলাজ links to Syed_Hamza
[edit]- কবজ links to Syed_Hamza
- করার links to Syed_Hamza
- কৰ links to Nalbaria_dialect
- কলব links to Nazrul_Islam_Khan_Maizbhandari
- কাট links to Nalbaria_dialect
- কালো পতাকা links to Dompur
- কিন links to Nalbaria_dialect
- কৃষ্ণ links to Shah_Arkum_Ali
- কেরামতী links to Eastern_Bengal_Ballads
- কোশেশ links to Syed_Hamza
[edit]- খা links to Nalbaria_dialect
- খাদা links to Mohammad_Najibar_Rahman
- খামার links to Mohammad_Najibar_Rahman
- খেশ links to Syed_Hamza
[edit]- গাফেল links to Syed_Hamza
- গালিব links to Shah_Faqir_Gharibullah
- গেজা links to Sheikh_Faizullah
[edit]- জাফরী links to Jaʽfari
- জিন্দেগী links to Syed_Hamza
- জুম্মারাত links to Amarendra_Das
[edit]- ডাক links to Nalbaria_dialect
- তফাৎ links to Middle_Bengali
- তামাম links to Syed_Hamza
- তালুকদার links to Mohammad_Najibar_Rahman
[edit]- দিনার links to Azharul_Islam
- দীদার links to Syed_Hamza
- দেওয়ানা links to Syed_Hamza
- দেরেগ links to Syed_Hamza
- পনৰু links to Husori
- পিয়াসী links to AK_Anam
[edit]- বাগড়ী links to Bengal_Delta
- বাগা links to Nalbaria_dialect
- বিক links to Nalbaria_dialect
- বেচ links to Nalbaria_dialect
[edit]- মাত links to Nalbaria_dialect
- মেরা links to Hasan_Ali_Chishti
- মেহমানী links to Syed_Hamza
- লাগ links to Nalbaria_dialect
- লাড়কা links to Syed_Hamzah
[edit]- শাহানা links to Syed_Hamzah
- শুকান links to Rajbongshi_alphabet
- সামান links to Syed_Hamzah
- সামানা links to Syed_Hamzah
[edit]- হাঁহ links to Nalbaria_dialect
- হুজুর links to Syed_Hamza
- ਮੰਜਾਰੁ links to Old_Awadhi
- சப்ரகமுவ links to Sabaragamuva_Province
[edit]- అగ్రరాజ్యము links to Mamidipudi_Venkatarangaiya
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- రేరాజు links to Namaste_Telengana
- සබරගමුව links to Sabaragamuva_Province
[edit]- 𑘢𑘹𑘨𑘳𑘕 links to Old_Awadhi
- 𑀅𑀓𑁆𑀔𑀇 links to Paishaci
- 𑀅𑀲𑁆𑀢𑀺 links to Rupnath
- 𑀇𑀥 links to Rupnath
- 𑀇𑀬𑀁 links to Rupnath
[edit]- 𑀉𑀢𑁆𑀣𑀸𑀡 links to Paishaci
- 𑀏𑀢𑀺𑀲 links to Paishaci
- 𑀓𑀝 links to Yerragudi
- 𑀓𑀢 links to Paishaci
- 𑀘 links to Rupnath
- 𑀘𑀺𑀅 links to Sauraseni_Prakrit_languages
[edit]- 𑀚𑀸𑀦𑀢𑀺 links to Rupnath
- 𑀢𑀢𑁆𑀢 links to Paishaci
- 𑀢𑁂𑀯𑀭 links to Paishaci
- 𑀤𑀠 links to Yerragudi
- 𑀤𑀺𑀠 links to Yerragudi
[edit]- 𑀧𑀢𑁂𑀲 links to Paishaci
- 𑀧𑀣𑀫 links to Paishaci
- 𑀧𑀸𑀝𑀮𑀺𑀧𑀼𑀢𑁆𑀢 links to Paishaci
- 𑀧𑀼𑀥𑀼𑀫 links to Paishaci
- 𑀮𑀤𑁆𑀥 links to Paishaci
- 𑀯𑀝𑁆𑀝𑀤𑀺 links to Paishaci
[edit]- 𑀲𑀓𑁆𑀓𑀇 links to Paishaci
- 𑀲𑀢 links to Rupnath
- 𑀲𑀳𑀲𑁆𑀲 links to Paishaci
- 𑀲𑀺𑀁𑀕 links to Paishaci
- 𑀲𑁄 links to Paishaci
[edit]- 𐨀𐨁𐨡𐨣𐨁 links to Rupnath
- 𐨐𐨁𐨚 links to Yerragudi
- 𐨐𐨚 links to Yerragudi
- 𐨡𐨿𐨪𐨁𐨝 links to Yerragudi
- 𐨭𐨟 links to Rupnath
[edit]- กบเลือกนาย links to Aesop's_Fable
- กล links to Vajiravudha
- ขุน links to Vajiravudha
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- นนทบุเรี่ยน links to Warunthorn_Paonil
[edit]- ปีระ links to Khmeric_languages
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- อริ links to Vajiravudha
- อารทรา links to Ardra_(nakshatra)
[edit]- ကျိုက်ထီးရိုး links to Kyaikhtiyo
- ဂျပါန် links to Mon_Phonology
- ဂၠိၚ် links to Пейрос,_Илья_Иосифович
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- တၞံကြုက် links to Nam_Krerk
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- နာဲ links to Nai_Hongsar
- ဝေသာလီ links to Wethali
[edit]- အမျိုးသားလွှတ်တော် links to House_of_Nationalities_(Myanmar)
- ᠠᡳᡴᠠ links to Wang_Shipu
- ᠠᡵᡶᠠ links to Alcuka
[edit]- ᠨᠢᠰᠬᠡᠯ links to Tohuku_University
- ᠬᠠᠷᠮᠠᠨ ᠳ᠋ᠢᠶᠠᠩᠬᠤᠸᠠ links to Tohuku_University
- ᠬᠣᠷᠴᠢᠨ links to Tohuku_University
- ᠭᠥᠭᠠᠷ links to Muhammad_al-Samarqandi
- ᠰᡝᡵᡝᠩᡤᡝ links to Wang_Shipu
[edit]- ᠱᠠᠹᠠ links to Tohuku_University
- ᠳ᠋ᠢᠶᠠᠩᠬᠤᠸᠠ links to Tohuku_University
- ᡩᡠᡳᠨ links to Jurchen_Script
- ᠺᠣᠹᠧ links to Tohuku_University
[edit]- 가새 links to Gongju_County, Gyeongsan_County
- 가시개 links to Gongju_County, Gyeongsan_County
- 가위 links to Gongju_County, Gyeongsan_County, Late_Old_Korean
- 가이 links to Gongju_County, Gyeongsan_County
- 갈애 links to Tṛ́ṣṇā
- 강애 links to Gongju_County, Gyeongsan_County
[edit]- 개 links to Late_Old_Korean
- 게으르다 links to Yukjin_Korean
- 고기 links to Late_Old_Korean
- 과객 links to Ha_Geun-Chan
[edit]- 괴 links to Late_Old_Korean
- 구름 links to Late_Old_Korean
- 김치 links to Gongju_County, Munchon_County
- 깁옷 links to Hyun_Jin-Geon
[edit]- ᄀᆞ새 links to Gongju_County, Gyeongsan_County
- ᄀᆞᇫ애 links to Gongju_County
- ᄀᆞᇫ애 links to Gyeongsan_County
- 끌다 links to Yukjin_Korean
- ㄴ links to Consonant_jamo_design
[edit]- 나무 links to Late_Old_Korean
- 넝감 links to Cho_Chang_Ho
- 네 links to Late_Old_Korean
- 노배 links to Gongju_County, Gyeongsan_County, Munchon_County
[edit]- 농사 links to Gyeongnam_dialect
- 눈 links to Late_Old_Korean
- 니맣 links to Gongju_County
- 니매 links to Gongju_County
[edit]- ᄂᆞᆷ삐 links to Gongju_County, Gyeongsan_County, Munchon_County
- ㄷ links to w:
- 달래 links to Seongdeok
- 닭 links to Late_Old_Korean
[edit]- 대 links to Late_Old_Korean
- 대깨문 links to President_Moon_Jae-in
- 대망 links to Gongju_County
- 댕기다 links to Gyeonggi_Dialect
- 돝 links to Late_Old_Korean
[edit]- 돼지 links to Yukjin_Korean
- 두꺼비 links to Late_Old_Korean
- 딸 links to Late_Old_Korean
- 떫다 links to Gongju_County, Gyeongsan_County
- 뚧다 links to Gongju_County, Gyeongsan_County
- 뚫다 links to Gongju_County, Gyeongsan_County
[edit]- 마니 links to Cintāmaṇi
- 메이 links to Gongju_County, Gyeongsan_County, Munchon_County
- 메주 links to Late_Old_Korean
[edit]- 멩이 links to Gongju_County, Gyeongsan_County, Munchon_County
- 모래 links to Gongju_County, Gyeongsan_County, Munchon_County
- 모살 links to Gongju_County, Gyeongsan_County, Munchon_County
- 모새 links to Gongju_County, Gyeongsan_County, Munchon_County
- 모시 links to Gongju_County, Gyeongsan_County, Late_Old_Korean, Munchon_County
- 모이 links to Gongju_County, Gyeongsan_County, Munchon_County
- 몰개 links to Gongju_County, Gyeongsan_County, Munchon_County
- 몰레 links to Gongju_County, Gyeongsan_County, Munchon_County
[edit]- 무 links to Gongju_County, Gyeongsan_County, Munchon_County
- 무꾸 links to Gongju_County, Gyeongsan_County, Munchon_County
- 무끼 links to Gongju_County, Gyeongsan_County, Munchon_County
- 무수 links to Gongju_County, Gyeongsan_County, Munchon_County
- 무시 links to Gongju_County, Gyeongsan_County, Munchon_County
- 무우 links to Gongju_County, Gyeongsan_County, Munchon_County
- 무유 links to Gongju_County, Gyeongsan_County, Munchon_County
- 무이 links to Gongju_County, Gyeongsan_County, Munchon_County
- 무ᅀᅮ links to Gongju_County, Gyeongsan_County, Munchon_County
[edit]- 미들네임 links to 버락_오바마
- 미우 links to Gongju_County, Gyeongsan_County
- 미우 links to Munchon_County
[edit]- 바다 links to Gongju_County, Munchon_County
- 바닥 links to Gongju_County, Munchon_County
- 바당 links to Gongju_County, Munchon_County
- 바른손 links to Gongju_County, Gyeongsan_County
- 발 links to Late_Old_Korean
- 백척간두 links to Changsha_Jingcen
- 버러지 links to Gongju_County, Gyeongsan_County, Munchon_County
- 버렝이 links to Gongju_County, Gyeongsan_County, Munchon_County
[edit]- 벌갱이 links to Gongju_County, Gyeongsan_County, Munchon_County
- 벌거지 links to Gongju_County, Gyeongsan_County, Munchon_County
- 벌기 links to Gongju_County, Gyeongsan_County, Munchon_County
- 벌레 links to Gongju_County, Gyeongsan_County, Munchon_County
- 벌에 links to Gongju_County, Gyeongsan_County, Munchon_County
[edit]- 부처 links to Late_Old_Korean
- 불 links to Late_Old_Korean
- 불입호혈 부득호자 links to Book_of_the_Late_Han
- 불휘 links to Gongju_County, Gyeongsan_County
- 비 links to Late_Old_Korean
- 뿌리 links to Gongju_County, Gyeongsan_County
[edit]- 사위 links to Gongju_County, Munchon_County
- 사화 links to Ming_dynastry
- 사ᄫᅵ links to Gongju_County, Munchon_County
[edit]- 상 links to Money_Today
- 상락 links to Sheung_Lok
- 상민 links to 상민
[edit]- 새 links to Gongju_County, Munchon_County
- 새비 links to Gongju_County, Munchon_County
- 새우 links to Gongju_County, Munchon_County
- 새위 links to Gongju_County, Munchon_County
- 생우 links to Gongju_County, Munchon_County
- 생이 links to Gongju_County, Munchon_County
[edit]- 술 links to Late_Old_Korean
- 술라쥐 links to Sula_Archipelago
- 시조 links to Yi_Sechun
- 식다 links to Late_Old_Korean
- 십선 links to 십선
- 쌀 links to Late_Old_Korean
[edit]- 썰 links to Edaily
- 아들 links to Late_Old_Korean
- 아방궁 links to Efang_Palace
- 아심탢다 links to Yukjin
- 아심턔닣다 links to Yukjin
- 아침 links to Late_Old_Korean
- 안까이 links to Yukorichirchik
- 야든 links to Kenneth_H._Rowe
[edit]- 어드럭하다 links to Park_Wan-Suh
- 얼 links to Late_Old_Korean
- 엉거주춤 links to Yukjin_Korean
- 에굳다 links to Yukjin
[edit]- 여러 links to Yukjin_Korean
- 오다 links to Late_Old_Korean
- 오룬손 links to Gongju_County, Gyeongsan_County
- 오른손 links to Gongju_County, Gyeongsan_County
- 오린손 links to Gongju_County
- 오린손 links to Gyeongsan_County
[edit]- 온 links to Yukjin_Korean
- 이마 links to Gongju_County
- 이망 links to Gongju_County
- 이매 links to Gongju_County
- 이멩이 links to Gongju_County
- 인 links to Asia_Business_Daily
- 일곱 links to Late_Old_Korean
- 임진왜란 links to Japanese_invasion_of_Korea_(1592–1598)
- 임진조국전쟁 links to Japanese_invasion_of_Korea_(1592–1598)
[edit]- 입 links to Late_Old_Korean
- 지 links to Gongju_County, Munchon_County
- 지다 links to Late_Old_Korean
- 짐끼 links to Gongju_County, Munchon_County
- 짐치 links to Gongju_County, Munchon_County
[edit]- 징거미 links to Gongju_County, Munchon_County
- 짠디 links to Gongju_County, Munchon_County
- 짠지 links to Gongju_County, Munchon_County
- 천둥 links to Late_Old_Korean
- 천민 links to 천민
[edit]- 크다 links to Late_Old_Korean
- 트력제 links to Wanli_emperor
- 한자 links to Yukorichirchik
- 해 links to Late_Old_Korean
- 흙 links to Late_Old_Korean
- ᄒᆞᆰ links to Late_Old_Korean
[edit]- ᄡᆞ눈 links to Hunmong_Jahoe
- あしゅくにょらい links to Five_Tathgatas
- あらわし links to Death_of_a_Christian
- いらっしゃる links to Kadogawa_Shoten
- おそれる links to Shinshū_Fuji
[edit]- オタ芸 links to Otagei
- おり links to Unno_Jūza
- きびがら links to Mount_Kibigara
- ゲレンデ links to Hirose_Kohmi
- コピペ links to Louise_(The_Familiar_of_Zero)
- しぶる links to Nomura_Kodō
[edit]- すれる links to Unno_Jūza
- だはんで links to Aomori_Prefectural_Police
- たまてばこ links to Princess_Otohime
- てしんごう links to Hand_singals
- ぬ links to Bjarke_Frellesvig
- のせ links to Fukukoka_prefecture
- バットマン links to Shinshū_Fuji
- ババ抜き links to Fumiko_Takahashi
- はんにゃはらみつ links to Prajanaparamita
- ブローチ links to 藤子・F・不二雄
- ホームレス links to Sankei_News
- ボトルグリーン links to Japanese_Industrial_standards
- ユンボ links to Nikken_Corporation
- ヲタ芸 links to Otagei
- 𐌸𐌰𐌿𐍂𐌽𐌴𐌹𐌽𐍃 links to Codices_Argenteus
- 𐌻𐌰𐌹𐍅𐌰 links to Pronk-Tiethoff,_Saskia_Elisabeth
- 𐌽𐌰𐌿𐌴𐌻 links to Notre_Dame_de_la_Daraude
- 𐍃𐍅𐌰𐍂𐌴 links to Gothic_bible
- 𐍅𐌹𐌻𐌾𐌰𐍂𐌹𐌸 links to Naples_Deed
- 𐎱𐎫𐎡𐎣𐎼 links to Herbert_Cushing_Tolman
- 一等 links to Jilin_Leishi
- 七夕 links to Qīxī_Festival
[edit]- 三笠 links to Japanese_Battleship_Mikasa
- 不冬 links to Gyunyeo-jeon
- 不只 links to Sutra_of_the_Repentance_Ritual_of_Great_Compassion
- 丘物叱丘物叱 links to Gyunyeo-jeon
- 两面针 links to Shiny-leaf_prickly_ash
- 中 links to Gyunyeo-jeon
- 中山陵 links to Dr._Sun_Yat-sen's_Mausoleum
[edit]- 乌乖 links to Half-smooth_golden_pufferfish
- 乌梢蛇 links to Asian_rat_snake
- 乌翼仔 links to Blackhead_sea_bream
- 乙 links to 고사경, 대명률직해
- 乙姫 links to Ryūgū_Castle
- 乾象 links to Celestial_event
- 二尸 links to Jilin_Leishi
- 互助 links to Huzhu_Tuzu_Autonomous_County
- 五指山参 links to Arrowleaf_abelmoschus
- 代議士 links to The_Commerical_Press
- 供える links to Tokyō_Shimbun
[edit]- 便宜十六策 links to Sixteen_Strategies_of_Zhuge_Liang
- 俗字譜 links to gongche_notation
- 俗字谱 links to gongche_notation
- 俴 links to Bertold_Laufer
- 偶察力 links to Shigekazu_Sawaizumi
- 傣泐 links to Tai_Lü_people
- 儂 links to Sean_Lin
- 充滿 links to Chinese_Union_Version_with_New_Punctuation
- 內射 links to Injective_decomposition
[edit]- 八一南昌起义 links to 1_August_Nanchang_Uprising
- 八一南昌起義 links to 1_August_Nanchang_Uprising
- 八十垱 links to Baishidang
- 八十壋 links to Baishidang
- 六法全书 links to Six_codes
- 六法全書 links to Six_codes
[edit]- 内射 links to Injective_decomposition
- 冬瓜條 links to Tallow_gourd
- 冬瓜糖 links to Tallow_gourd
- 冬瓜茶 links to Tallow_gourd
- 冬瓜藤 links to Tallow_gourd
- 冬瓜豆腐 links to Tallow_gourd
- 刀药 links to Life_plant
- 判官 links to Miyamoto_no_Yoshitsune
- 利 links to Gyunyeo-jeon
- 制水 links to Wenweipo
- 前海 links to Qianhai_Shenzhen-Hong_Kong_Modern_Service_Industry_Cooperation_Zone
- 割殻 links to The_tales_of_Ise
- 劣 links to CJK_Compatibility_ideographs
- 勤有功,戲無益 links to Thee_Character_Classic
[edit]- 北沙参 links to Beach_silvertop
- 北沙參 links to Coastal_glehnia
- 北沙蔘 links to Beach_silvertop
[edit]- 協會 links to China_Cuisine_Association
- 南沙参 links to Upright_ladybell
- 南沙參 links to Coastal_glehnia
- 南沙蔘 links to Upright_ladybell
- 卡介苗 links to Bacillus_Calmette–Guérin_(BCG)_vaccine
- 厚生 links to Ministry_of_Health,_Labor_and_Welfare
- 反修例 links to Fugitive_Offenders_amendment_bill
- 反送中 links to Fugitive_Offenders_amendment_bill
[edit]- 古來 links to Kulai_Dictrict
- 台湾海枣 links to Mountain_date_palm
- 台湾环颈雉 links to Formosan_ring-necked_pheasant
- 台灣環頸雉 links to Formosan_ring-necked_pheasant
- 台独 links to Taiwan_Independence_Movement
- 台獨 links to Taiwan_Independence_Movement
- 合欢山 links to Mount_Hehuan
- 合歡山 links to Mount_Hehuan
- 吊钟 links to Chinese_New_Year_flower
- 吳茱萸 links to Ailanthus-like_prickly_ash
- 吾里 links to Gyunyeo-jeon
- 周代 links to Zhou_dynasty_(1046_BCE_–_256_BCE)
[edit]- 咸酸甜草 links to Creeping_wood_sorrel
- 哥老会 links to Elder_Brothers_Society
- 哥老會 links to Elder_Brothers_Society
- 商代 links to Shang_dynasty_(1046_BCE_–_256_BCE)
- 單馬令 links to Tembeling
[edit]- 四世三公 links to Yuan_Tang
- 四君子 links to Four_Gentleman
- 图 links to Traditional_form
- 地球 links to Global_Environment_Monitoring_System
[edit]- 坤 links to Ba_gua_(concept)
- 城區 links to The_Historic_Centre_of_Macao
- 埞 links to Vita_Soy
- 報復 links to Shinshū_Fuji
[edit]- 多 links to Chen_Shidao
- 大冇冬瓜 links to Tallow_gourd
- 大城 links to Dacheng_Township
- 大安水簑衣 links to Da-Ann_Hygrophila
- 大蓟 links to Japanese_thistle
- 大陆妹 links to Fushan_lettuce
[edit]- 天只 links to Classics_of_Poetry
- 天子 links to Bronze_Inscriptions
- 天皇 links to Emperor_Suijin
- 太刀 links to Heian_peiod
- 女神 links to Kokugo_Dai_Jiten
[edit]- 如来 links to 続日本紀
- 子 links to Oracle_one
- 宋代 links to Song_dynasty_(960-1279)
- 家蚕 links to Domestic_silkworm
[edit]- 小沥源 links to Siu_Lik_Yuen
- 小瀝源 links to Siu_Lik_Yuen
- 小豆蔻 links to Round_cardamom
[edit]- 山桜 links to Ggura_Hyakunin_Isshu
- 山茱萸 links to Ailanthus-like_prickly_ash
- 山葵 links to Honzō_Wamyō
- 岷倫洛 links to Velarde_Map
- 崑山腔 links to Kunshan_opera
[edit]- 嵇 links to Ji_Shao
- 川贝母 links to Sichuan_fritillary
- 廉記 links to Independent_Commission_against_Corruption
- 廉记 links to Independent_Commission_against_Corruption
[edit]- 強制労働省 links to Ministry_of_Health,_Labor_and_Welfare
- 形 links to Soga_Mongatari
- 後背 links to Today's_Taiwan_Hakka_Version
- 復興黨 links to Arab_Socialist_Renaissance_Party
[edit]- 心する links to Gozen_Wakashū
- 心音 links to Gyunyeo-jeon
- 忍 links to Schuessler,_2007
- 忘れる links to Shinshū_Fuji
- 怖い links to Shinshū_Fuji
- 恆山 links to Mount_Heng_(Hebei)
[edit]- 恙 links to 岡野貞一, 故郷_(唱歌), 高野辰之
- 恩主公 links to Guan_Yun
- 恩主公廟 links to Guan_Yun
- 憑 links to Simplified_form
- 戯画 links to Animal-person_Caricatures
[edit]- 手信号 links to Hand_singals
- 手前 links to Shitamachi_dialect
- 手銃 links to Kagura_Mea
- 批孔扬秦 links to Emperor_Qin_Shihuang
- 批孔揚秦 links to Emperor_Qin_Shihuang
[edit]- 拍拚 links to Taiwanese_(linguistics)
- 掛路燈 links to À_la_lanterne!
- 掩 links to Hwang_Hyeon
- 摩摩喳喳 links to Bubur_cha-cha
[edit]- 撥亂反正 links to Commentary_of_Gongyang
- 新娘灯 links to Life_plant
- 新清史 links to New_Qing_history
[edit]- 日和 links to Kakinomoto_ni_Hitomaro
- 日尸 links to Gyunyeo-jeon
- 日帝強占期 links to Japanese_occupation_period_of_Korea
- 日照 links to 日照時間
- 昆山腔 links to Kunshan_opera
- 暴虎馮河 links to Classics_of_Poetry
[edit]- 曉 links to Meng_Hao_Ran
- 有叱 links to Jilin_Leishi
- 有司 links to Bronze_Inscriptions
[edit]- 朧 links to The_Tale_of_Ise
- 木兰 links to Red_magnolia
- 木葉 links to Dongting_lake
- 木蘭花 links to Red_magnolia
- 未然形 links to Bjarke_Frellesvig, John_R._Bentley
- 杜父鱼 links to Freshwater_sculpin
[edit]- 東方 links to Eastern_spine_loach
- 柑 links to Autroasiatic_languages
- 染 links to Lǐjì
- 柞栎 links to Japanese_emperor_oak
[edit]- 柳下惠 links to Hui_of_Liuxia
- 桑蚕 links to Domestic_silkworm
- 梅菜扣肉 links to Meicai
- 槚 links to Manchurian_catalpa
[edit]- 槲树 links to Japanese_emperor_oak
- 欄間 links to Enkakuji
- 欧安会 links to European_Security_Council
- 歐安會 links to European_Security_Council
- 歛 links to Simplified_form
- 毛冬 links to Gyunyeo-jeon
[edit]- 氏 links to 藤子・F・不二雄
- 水冬瓜 links to Tallow_gourd
- 水晶树 links to Chinese_pistachio
- 水虱 links to Beach_louse
- 永樂 links to Changle_Palace
- 汁 links to Tong_pass
- 沉 links to Austroastic_languages
- 沉香 links to Temiang
[edit]- 沙参 links to Coastal_glehnia
- 沙葠 links to Coastal_glehnia
- 沙蓡 links to Coastal_glehnia
- 沙蔘 links to Coastal_glehnia
- 沙薓 links to Coastal_glehnia
[edit]- 洪帮 links to Red_Gang
- 洪幫 links to Red_Gang
- 洪門 links to Red_Gang
- 洪门 links to Red_Gang
- 派對 links to Jimmy_Eng
- 浙贝母 links to Zhejiang_fritillary
[edit]- 海等 links to Gyunyeo-jeon
- 海老 links to Honzō_Wamyō
- 海軍總醫院 links to PLA_Naval_General_Hospital
- 消委会 links to Consumer_Council
- 消委會 links to Consumer_Council
[edit]- 港樂 links to 香港管弦樂團
- 渾渾噩噩 links to Fa_Yan
- 漫画 links to Shīshi_Kōga
- 澳門 links to The_Historic_Centre_of_Macao
[edit]- 火 links to w:
- 烹飪 links to China_Cuisine_Association
- 無叱 links to Jilin_Leishi
- 煲冬瓜 links to Tallow_gourd
[edit]- 爭 links to Yangzhou_dialect
- 父 links to Edo_perod, Nihon_Shoki_Shiki
- 犛 links to Records_of_the_Grand_Historians
- 狄 links to Bahanaric_languages
[edit]- 狗鹫 links to Royal_eagle
- 狼牙月 links to Cryptotaeneous_cinquefoil
- 猛男 links to Samuei_Hui
- 猫公刺 links to Shiny-leaf_prickly_ash
[edit]- 獨 links to Taiwan_Independence_Movement
- 玉手箱 links to Princess_Otohime
- 琼花 links to Chinese_snowball_viburnum
- 癌 links to 藤子・F・不二雄
[edit]- 白苋 links to Common_tumbleweed
- 白藤江 links to White_rattan
- 白豆蔻 links to Round_cardamom
- 白鶴仔 links to Snow_crane
- 白鶴兒 links to Snow_crane
- 白鹤 links to Snow_crane
- 白鹤仔 links to Snow_crane
- 白鹤儿 links to Snow_crane
- 的 links to Yuen_Dyanasty
- 盂蘭盆 links to Junjirō_Takakusu
[edit]- 盆 links to Junjirō_Takakusu
- 盐酸仔 links to Creeping_wood_sorrel
- 直体 links to Gyunyeo-jeon
- 看 links to Chen_Shidao
[edit]- 眨 links to Samuei_Hui
- 矮仔冬瓜 links to Tallow_gourd
- 矮冬瓜 links to Tallow_gourd
- 石垣島 links to Yaeyama_Island
- 石榴 links to 古今和歌六帖
[edit]- 砂丘 links to Tottori_sand_dunes
- 碰見 links to Samuei_Hui
- 磙 links to Roller_(agriculture)
- 秦代 links to Qin_dynasty_(221_BCE–206_BCE)
[edit]- 稷 links to Sino-Tibetan-Austronesian_languages
- 竹荪 links to Stinkhorn_mushroom
- 笑覧 links to The_Nihon_Keizai_Shinbun
- 筆 links to Recep_Toparlı
[edit]- 糋扩 links to Garlic_chives_wrap
- 糋擴 links to Garlic_chives_wrap
- 糖冬瓜 links to Tallow_gourd
- 紅幫 links to Red_Gang
[edit]- 素面朝天 links to Lady_of_the_State_Guo
- 紫陽花 links to 夫木和歌抄
- 終ぞ links to Kusuyama_Masao
- 結構 links to He_Miao
[edit]- 網狀青斑 links to Green_grouper
- 红帮 links to Red_Gang
- 红铝 links to Sodium_bisaluminium_hydride
[edit]- 续断 links to Japanese_teasel
- 老人 links to Gerontophilia
- 老芒麦 links to Siberian_wild_rye
[edit]- 肉豆蔻 links to Round_cardamom
- 胡焕庸线 links to Hu_Line
- 胡煥庸綫 links to Hu_Line
- 胡煥庸線 links to Hu_Line
- 自求多福 links to Classics_of_Poetry
- 臺獨 links to Taiwan_Independence_Movement
- 良中 links to 고사경, 대명률직해
- 节瓜 links to Hairy_gourd
[edit]- 芋 links to Kai_Xu
- 芫华 links to Lilac_daphne
- 芫華 links to Lilac_daphne
- 草茱萸 links to Ailanthus-like_prickly_ash
- 荳蔻 links to Round_cardamom
[edit]- 莒 links to Ju_county
- 莼 links to Water_shield
- 菟丝 links to Chinese_dodder
- 菟絲子 links to Chinese_dodder
[edit]- 萖 links to Shichito_matgrass
- 落 links to Meng_Hao_Ran
- 落窪 links to w:
- 蒙独 links to Inner_Mongolia_Independence_Movement
- 蒙獨 links to Inner_Mongolia_Independence_Movement
[edit]- 蓴 links to Water_shield
- 蛍 links to Man'yōshú
- 蝙蝠 links to Honzō_Wamyō
- 蝦夷 links to Heian_peiod
[edit]- 螟蛉之子 links to Green_rice_caterpillar, Small_white_butterfly
- 螟蛉仔囝 links to Green_rice_caterpillar, Small_white_butterfly
- 螟蛉子 links to Green_rice_caterpillar, Small_white_butterfly
- 街宣車 links to 皇国青年党
- 袖 links to Ggura_Hyakunin_Isshu
[edit]- 西の対 links to Heian_periond
- 見える links to Shinano_Maru
- 見る links to List_of_Kill_Bill_characters
- 親知らず links to Taira_no_Yorimori
- 解瀆亭侯 links to Ting_(administrative_unite)
- 諭吉 links to 10.000_yen_note
- 諸羅 links to Zhuluo
[edit]- 豆蔻年華 links to Round_cardamom
- 資治通鑑 links to Comprehensive_Mirror_in_Aid_of_Governance
- 資治通鑒 links to Comprehensive_Mirror_in_Aid_of_Governance
- 资治通鉴 links to Comprehensive_Mirror_in_Aid_of_Governance
- 迂 links to Schuessler_,_2007
[edit]- 通鉴 links to Comprehensive_Mirror_in_Aid_of_Governance
- 通鑑 links to Comprehensive_Mirror_in_Aid_of_Governance
- 通鑒 links to Comprehensive_Mirror_in_Aid_of_Governance
- 遠江 links to Toutoumi_Province
- 遣 links to 고사경, 대명률직해
[edit]- 遼代 links to Liao_dynasty_(907–1125)
- 鄂倫春 links to Oroqen_Banner
- 酢浆草 links to Creeping_wood_sorrel
- 重明 links to Vidya_(knowledge)
[edit]- 野草 links to Common_bog-rush
- 铳刀药 links to Life_plant
- 開發區 links to Economic_Development_Zone
- 閲 links to GBK_18030
[edit]- 阿しゅく如来 links to Five_Tathgatas
- 阿姨 links to Liu_Zhongjing
- 阿姨學 links to Liu_Zhongjing
- 阿拉伯复兴社会党 links to Arab_Socialist_Renaissance_Party
- 阿拉伯復興社會黨 links to Arab_Socialist_Renaissance_Party
- 阿拉善盟 links to Alxa_League,_Inner_Mongolia
- 阿里 links to Ngari,_Tibet
- 阿閦如來 links to Five_Tathgatas
- 阿閦如来 links to Five_Tathgatas
- 陰 links to Simplified_form
- 隋代 links to Sui_dynasty_(581-617)
[edit]- 隱 links to Gyunyeo-jeon
- 雞林 links to Jo_Gyeong
- 韭菜盒 links to Garlic_chives_wrap
- 韭菜盒子 links to Garlic_chives_wrap
[edit]- 韮菜盒 links to Garlic_chives_wrap
- 韮菜盒子 links to Garlic_chives_wrap
- 額隠 links to Hitaikakushi
- 養不教,父之過 links to Thee_Character_Classic
[edit]- 馬王堆 links to Mawangdui_silk_texts
- 駱駝 links to 世界の終りとハードボイルド・ワンダーランド
- 驂 links to Books_of_Odes
- 鬲 links to Ge_County
[edit]- 魯容 links to Duyong
- 鯢 links to Primitive_salamander
- 鱭魚 links to Japanese_grenadier_anchovy
- 鳥語 links to Southern_Chinese_dialects
[edit]- 鴆 links to w:
- 鷲 links to Mount_Washū
- 鸡角刺 links to Japanese_thistle
- 麥包 links to Evergreen_Mak_Cheung_Ching
[edit]- 麦包 links to Evergreen_Mak_Cheung_Ching
- 麦菜 links to Taiwanese_lettuce, A-choy
- 黃石 links to Huangshi_Subdistrict
- 黄蓍 links to Alpine_yarrow
[edit]- 黑沙环 links to Areia_Preta
- 黑沙環 links to Areia_Preta
- 黑鲷 links to Blackhead_sea_bream
- 龙脑 links to Malay_camphor
- 﨣 links to Kyoto_Univresity
[edit]- 㢱 links to 고사경, 대명률직해
- 䵛 links to Panicled_millet
- 𧶛 links to Sumita_Raishirō
- 𩰤 links to Black_millet
[edit]- 𬌗 links to Zou_Haifan
- 𬹔 links to Panicled_millet
- 𮬞 links to Savalai_hairtail
- 𰰷 links to Black_millet
- 𱇓 links to Reeve's_shad
- 𱇝 links to Dwarf_goonch