Appendix:Moby Thesaurus II/65
[edit]- postmortem, autopsy, canvass, check, check out, check over, check up on, coroner, examine, give an examination, go over, inquest, inspect, look at, look over, medical examiner, monitor, mortality committee, necropsy, necroscopy, observe, overhaul, overlook, pass over, pass under review, peer at, peruse, pore over, post, post-obit, posthumous, postmortal, postmortem examination, postmortuary, postmundane, postobituary, review, run over, scan, scrutinize, set an examination, size, size up, study, survey, take stock of, take the measure
[edit]- postpone, adjourn, continue, dally, defer, delay, drag out, extend, hang fire, hang up, hold off, hold over, hold up, lay aside, lay away, lay by, lay over, pigeonhole, prolong, prorogate, prorogue, protract, push aside, put aside, put away, put in mothballs, put off, put on ice, recess, reserve, set aside, set by, shelve, shift off, sideline, sleep on, stand over, stave off, stay, store, stow, stretch out, suspend, table, table the motion, take a recess, temporize, waive
[edit]- postprandial, after the Fall, after the flood, after the war, after-dinner, afterdeath, cannibal, cannibalistic, carnivorous, commensal, dietetic, dining, eating, feeding, flesh-eating, fruitarian, gastronomic, gluttonous, grain-eating, graminivorous, granivorous, grass-eating, herbivorous, insect-eating, insectivorous, lactovegetarian, man-eating, meat-eating, mensal, nourishing, nutritious, omnivorous, omophagous, pantophagous, phytivorous, phytophagous, plant-eating, postbellum, postcenal, postcibal, postdiluvial, postdiluvian, posthumous, postlapsarian, postwar, prandial, predacious, preprandial, vegetable-eating, vegetarian
[edit]- postscript, PS, Parthian shot, addendum, affix, afterthought, allonge, appendix, back matter, chorus, coda, codicil, colophon, commentary, conclusion, consequence, continuance, continuation, double take, dying words, enclitic, envoi, epilogue, follow-through, follow-up, infix, interlineation, interpolation, last words, marginalia, note, parting shot, peroration, postface, postfix, postlude, prefix, proclitic, refrain, rider, scholia, second thought, sequel, sequela, sequelae, sequelant, sequent, sequitur, subscript, suffix, supplement, swan song, tag, tail
[edit]- postulant, abbess, abecedarian, alphabetarian, applicant, apprentice, articled clerk, aspirant, beginner, bidder, boot, candidate, canoness, catechumen, claimant, clergywoman, conventual, debutant, entrant, fledgling, freshman, greenhorn, ignoramus, inductee, initiate, lady superior, mother superior, neophyte, new boy, newcomer, novice, novitiate, nun, petitioner, prioress, probationer, probationist, raw recruit, recruit, religieuse, rookie, secular canoness, seeker, sister, solicitant, solicitor, suitor, superioress, suppliant, supplicant, tenderfoot, the reverend mother, tyro
[edit]- postulate, a priori principle, a priori truth, absolute fact, accepted fact, actual fact, admitted fact, advance, affirm, affirmation, apriorism, assert, assertion, assume, assumed position, assumption, avant-propos, aver, axiom, bald fact, bare fact, basis, breakthrough, bring before, bring forward, bring up, broach, brocard, brutal fact, call, categorical proposition, center, challenge, circumstance, claim, cold fact, commend to attention, conceded fact, conjecture, core, data, datum, demonstrable fact, dictate, dictum, elixir, empirical fact, essence, essential, established fact, exact, exordium, fact, fact of experience, first principles, flower, focus, foreword, formula, foundation, front matter, frontispiece, fundamental, gist, given fact, golden rule, gravamen, ground, guesswork, hard fact, heart, hypostasis, hypothesis, hypothesis ad hoc, indisputable fact, inescapable fact, inference, inner essence, innovation, introduce, introduction, kernel, launch, law, lay before, lay down, leap, lemma, major premise, make a motion, marrow, matter of fact, meat, minor premise, moot, move, naked fact, not guesswork, not opinion, nub, nucleus, nuts and bolts, offer a resolution, open up, overture, philosopheme, philosophical proposition, pith, plain, pose, posit, position, positive fact, postulation, postulatum, preamble, predicate, preface, prefer, prefix, prefixture, preliminary, prelude, premise, presume, presumption, presupposal, presupposition, principium, principle, proem, prolegomena, prolegomenon, prolepsis, prologue, propose, proposition, propositional function, propound, protasis, provable fact, put forth, put forward, put it to, quid, quiddity, quintessence, recommend, require, requisition, rule, salient fact, sap, self-evident fact, self-evident truth, set before, set forth, set of postulates, settled principle, significant fact, simple fact, sober fact, solicit, soul, spirit, start, statement, stubborn fact, stuff, submit, substance, suggest, sumption, supposal, supposing, supposition, surmise, the case, the nitty-gritty, theorem, thesis, truism, truth, truth table, truth-function, truth-value, undeniable fact, universal truth, verse, voluntary, well-known fact, working hypothesis
[edit]- posture, acting, action, actions, activity, acts, address, affect, affectation, affectivity, air, appearance, arrangement, array, assumption, attitude, attitudinize, attitudinizing, bearing, bearings, beck, beckon, behavior, behavior pattern, behavioral norm, behavioral science, bluff, bluffing, body language, brow, carriage, case, cast, cast of countenance, charade, cheating, chironomy, circumstance, climate of opinion, color, coloring, common belief, community sentiment, complexion, comportment, conceit, concept, conception, conclusion, condition, conduct, consensus gentium, consideration, countenance, culture pattern, custom, dactylology, deaf-and-dumb alphabet, deception, delusion, demeanor, deportment, disguise, disposition, dissemblance, dissembling, dissimulation, doing, doings, dumb show, emotion, emotivity, estate, estimate, estimation, ethos, eye, facade, face, facial appearance, fakery, faking, false air, false front, false show, falsity, favor, feature, features, feeling, feeling tone, feigning, feint, fix, folkway, footing, format, four-flushing, frame of mind, fraud, front, garb, general belief, gesticulation, gesture, gesture language, gestures, gilt, gloss, goings-on, guise, hand signal, humbug, humbuggery, idea, imposture, impression, jam, judgment, kinesics, layout, lights, lineaments, lines, location, looks, lot, maintien, manner, manners, masquerade, mental attitude, meretriciousness, method, methodology, methods, mien, mind, modality, mode, modus vivendi, mood, motion, motions, movement, movements, moves, mystique, notion, observable behavior, observation, opinion, organization, orientation, ostentation, outlook, outward show, pantomime, pass, pass for, pass off, pattern, peacock, personal judgment, physiognomy, pickle, place, playacting, plight, point of view, poise, popular belief, port, pose, pose for effect, posing, position, practice, praxis, predicament, presence, presumption, pretense, pretension, pretext, prevailing belief, procedure, proceeding, promptness, psychology, public belief, public opinion, quickness, rank, reaction, readiness, representation, seeming, semblance, sentiment, sham, show, show off, shrug, sight, sign language, simulacrum, simulation, sit, situation, social science, speciousness, spot, stance, standing, state, station, status, strike a pose, strike an attitude, style, tactics, theory, thinking, thought, tone, traits, turn, varnish, view, viewpoint, visage, way, way of life, way of thinking, ways, window dressing
[edit]- posy, TL, album, ana, analects, bale, bindle, bloom, blossom, blow, bolt, boughpot, bouquet, boutonniere, budget, bundle, buttonhole, chaplet, compliment, corsage, deck, fagot, fardel, fasces, fascine, festoon, flattering remark, floret, floriculture, florilegium, floscule, flower, flower arrangement, floweret, gardening, garland, horticulture, hortorium, lei, miscellany, nosegay, omnibus, pack, package, packet, parcel, polite commendation, quiver, roll, rouleau, sheaf, spray, trade-last, truss, wildflower, wreath
[edit]- pot, DET, DMT, Dutch oven, LSD, Mary Jane, Old Mug, STP, THC, abdomen, abomasum, acid, adobe, alcohol stove, ante, antidepressant, ataractic, bag, bake, baker, bank, barbecue, barrel, basket, batch, bay window, bays, bed, beerbelly, belly, bet, big, big cheese, big shot, biscuit, bisque, boiler, bomb, boodle, bottle, bowl, box, box up, breadbasket, brick, broadcast, broiler, bud vase, bundle, caldron, camp stove, can, capsule, carton, case, cask, cement, ceramic ware, ceramics, chafer, chafing dish, chamber pot, chaplet, charge, china, civic crown, cock, coffee urn, coffeepot, considerable, cook stove, corporation, crate, craw, crock, crockery, crop, crown, cup, deal, detonate, diaphragm, dibble, diethyltryptamine, dimethyltryptamine, discharge, disseminate, do up, drill, drop, eject, embonpoint, enamelware, encase, encyst, fell, fire, fire off, firebrick, first stomach, flower bowl, flowerpot, forest, gage, ganja, garland, gizzard, glass, glaze, gobs, good deal, good sum, grass, great deal, grill, griller, gullet, gun, gun for, gut, hallucinogen, hamper, hash, hashish, hay, heap, heaps, heaps of gold, hemp, hit, honeycomb stomach, honeypot, implant, infrared cooker, inseminate, jackpot, jar, joint, jug, kava, kettle, kishkes, kitchen boiler, kitty, large sum, lashings, laurel, laurels, let fly, let off, load, loads, lot, lots, loving cup, manyplies, marijuana, maw, mescal, mescal bean, mescal button, mescaline, mess, midriff, millions, mind-altering drug, mind-blowing drug, mind-expanding drug, mint, mint of money, mold, morning glory seeds, olla, omasum, oodles, pack, package, packet, palm, palms, pans, parcel, patella, paten, paunch, peck, pelt, pepper, percolator, peyote, pick off, pile, piles, pistol, plant, plug, pod, pool, porcelain, potbelly, potful, potgut, potshoot, potshot, pottery, potty, power of money, pretty penny, prime, psalterium, psilocin, psilocybin, psychedelic, psychic energizer, psychoactive drug, psychochemical, psychotomimetic, pusgut, put in, put up, quite a little, raft, rafts, reefer, reforest, refractory, rennet bag, reset, reticulum, retimber, riddle, roach, roaster, roll, rumen, sack, samovar, scads, scatter seed, second stomach, seed, seed down, seminate, set, shape, shoot, shoot at, shoot down, shy, sideswipe, sight, slew, slews, snipe, sow, sow broadcast, spare tire, spate, spittoon, stack, stacks, stake, stakes, stick, stomach, stove, strike, swagbelly, take a potshot, tank, tea, tea urn, teakettle, teapot, third stomach, thousands, throw, tidy sum, tiger, tile, tiling, tin, toaster, torpedo, tranquilizer, transplant, trophy, tum-tum, tummy, turn a pot, underbelly, urn, vase, ventripotence, wad, wads, wager, water closet, weed, whole slew, wreath
[edit]- potable, John Barleycorn, alcohol, alcoholic beverage, alcoholic drink, aqua vitae, ardent spirits, beverage, booze, brew, drink, drinkable, frosted, frosted shake, grog, hard liquor, inebriant, intoxicant, intoxicating liquor, liquid, liquor, little brown jug, malt, pop, potation, punch bowl, rum, schnapps, shake, social lubricant, soda, soda pop, soda water, soft drink, spirits, strong drink, strong waters, the Demon Rum, the bottle, the cup, the flowing bowl, the luscious liquor, the ruddy cup, tonic, toxicant, water of life
[edit]- potage, bisque, borscht, bouillabaisse, bouillon, broth, burgoo, chicken soup, chowder, clam chowder, clear soup, consomme, egg drop soup, fish soup, gazpacho, gravy soup, gumbo, julienne, matzo ball soup, minestrone, misoshiru soup, mock turtle soup, mulligatawny, oxtail soup, pot-au-feu, potage au tomate, potato soup, pottage, puree, soup, stock, thick soup, thin soup, tomato soup, turtle soup, vegetable soup, vichyssoise, won ton soup
[edit]- potation, John Barleycorn, alcohol, alcoholic beverage, alcoholic drink, aqua vitae, ardent spirits, bacchanal, bacchanalia, bacchanalian, bat, bender, beverage, binge, booze, bout, brew, bumper, bust, carousal, carouse, celebration, compotation, debauch, draft, dram, drench, drink, drinkable, drinking, drinking bout, drop, drunk, drunken carousal, drunkenness, frosted, frosted shake, gargle, grog, gulp, gulping, guzzle, guzzling, hard liquor, imbibing, imbibition, inebriant, intoxicant, intoxicating liquor, jag, jigger, jolt, lap, lapping, libation, liquid, liquor, little brown jug, malt, nip, nipping, orgy, peg, pop, portion, potable, potion, pub-crawl, pull, pulling, punch bowl, quaff, quaffing, round, round of drinks, rum, schnapps, shake, shot, sip, slipping, slurp, snifter, snort, social lubricant, soda, soda pop, soda water, soft drink, spirits, spot, spree, strong drink, strong waters, suck, sup, swig, swigging, swill, swilling, symposium, tasting, tear, the Demon Rum, the bottle, the cup, the flowing bowl, the luscious liquor, the ruddy cup, tonic, toot, tot, toxicant, wassail, water of life, wet
[edit]- potato, Irish potato, Kraut, aubergine, beans, cabbage, eggplant, greens, legumes, love apple, mad apple, pieplant, potherbs, produce, rhubarb, spud, tater, tomato, vegetables, white potato
[edit]- potbellied, adipose, bagging, baggy, ballooning, beefy, bellying, big-bellied, billowing, billowy, bloated, blowzy, bosomy, brawny, bulbose, bulbous, bulging, bumped, bumpy, bunched, bunchy, burly, buxom, chubby, chunky, corpulent, distended, dumpy, fat, fattish, fleshy, full, gross, heavyset, hefty, hillocky, hippy, hummocky, imposing, lusty, meaty, moutonnee, obese, overweight, paunchy, plump, pneumatic, podgy, portly, pouching, pudgy, puffy, pursy, roly-poly, rotund, rounded, square, squat, squatty, stalwart, stocky, stout, strapping, swelling, swollen, thick-bodied, thickset, top-heavy, tubby, verrucated, verrucose, warty, well-fed
[edit]- potbelly, abdomen, abomasum, bay window, beerbelly, belly, blimp, breadbasket, corporation, craw, crop, diaphragm, embonpoint, fatty, first stomach, gizzard, gullet, gut, heavy, heavyweight, hippo, honeycomb stomach, kishkes, lump, manyplies, maw, midriff, omasum, paunch, pod, pot, potgut, psalterium, pusgut, rennet bag, reticulum, roly-poly, rumen, second stomach, spare tire, stomach, swagbelly, third stomach, tub, tub of lard, tum-tum, tummy, tun, underbelly, ventripotence
[edit]- potency, amperage, armipotence, ascendancy, authoritativeness, authority, beef, birr, black power, brute force, capability, carnality, charge, charisma, charm, clout, cogence, cogency, coldness, compulsion, consequence, control, credit, decisiveness, demonic energy, dint, dominance, domination, drive, duress, dynamism, effect, effectiveness, effectuality, efficiency, eminence, enchantment, endurance, energy, ergal, esteem, favor, flesh, fleshliness, flower power, force, force majeure, forcefulness, fortitude, frigidity, full blast, full force, go, good feeling, guts, gutsiness, hardihood, hardiness, heartiness, hold, importance, impotence, incidental power, influence, influentiality, insinuation, intensity, intestinal fortitude, kinetic energy, leadership, leverage, libido, love, lovemaking, lustihood, lustiness, machismo, magisterialness, magnetism, main force, main strength, mana, manly vigor, marriage, mastery, might, might and main, mightiness, moment, moxie, muscle, muscle power, obstinacy, pep, personality, persuasion, pizzazz, poop, potence, potential energy, potentiality, power, power pack, power structure, power struggle, powerfulness, predominance, preponderance, prepotency, pressure, prestige, productiveness, productivity, puissance, pull, punch, purchase, push, reign, repute, robustness, ruggedness, rule, say, sensuality, sex drive, sexiness, sexual instinct, sexual power, sexual urge, sexualism, sexuality, sinew, stalwartness, stamina, staying power, steam, sticking power, stoutness, strength, strength of will, strenuousness, strong arm, sturdiness, suasion, subtle influence, suggestion, superiority, superpower, supremacy, sway, toughness, tuck, ultramasculinity, upper hand, validity, vehemence, vigor, vigorousness, vim, virileness, virility, virtue, virulence, vitality, voluptuousness, wattage, weight, whip hand
[edit]- potent, absolute, amorous, armipotent, ascendant, authoritarian, authoritative, authorized, autocratic, beefy, bouncing, broad-shouldered, carnal, charismatic, charming, clothed with authority, cogent, commanding, compelling, competent, concentrated, consequential, considerable, controlling, convincing, dominant, doughty, duly constituted, dynamic, effective, effectual, efficacious, eminent, empowered, enchanting, energetic, erogenic, erogenous, erotic, erotogenic, estimable, ex officio, fleshly, forceful, forcible, forcy, formidable, full-blooded, full-bodied, full-strength, gamic, governing, great, gutsy, gutty, hairychested, hale, hard, hard as nails, hardy, he-mannish, hearty, hefty, hegemonic, hegemonistic, heterosexual, high-potency, high-powered, high-pressure, high-tension, husky, imperative, important, impressive, in force, in power, influential, iron-hard, irresistible, leading, libidinal, lusty, macho, magnetic, mighty, mighty in battle, momentous, monocratic, nervy, nuptial, obstinate, official, operative, oversexed, personable, persuasive, powerful, preeminent, prepotent, prestigious, procreative, prominent, puissant, ranking, red-blooded, reputable, robust, robustious, rugged, ruling, senior, sensual, sex, sexed, sexlike, sexual, sexy, sound, stalwart, steely, stout, straight, strapping, striking, strong, strong as brandy, strong as strong, strong-willed, sturdy, suasive, substantial, superior, supreme, telling, totalitarian, ultramasculine, undersexed, valid, venereal, vigorous, virile, viripotent, vital, voluptuous, weighty, winning
[edit]- potentate, anointed king, chief, chieftain, crowned head, dynast, emperor, grand duke, high chief, imperator, king, king-emperor, kinglet, lord paramount, majesty, monarch, overlord, paramount, petty king, prince, prince consort, royal, royal personage, royalty, ruler, sovereign, suzerain, tetrarch
[edit]- potential, EMF, ability, aptitude, bare possibility, between the lines, budding, bump, caliber, capability, capacity, chance, cogitable, concealed, conceivability, conceivable, conceivableness, conceivably possible, conditional, contingency, contingent, covert, cryptic, delitescent, developing, dormant, dower, dowry, electric potential, electromotive force, electromotivity, embryonic, endowment, equipment, esoteric, even chance, eventuality, faculty, flair, forte, future, genius, gift, good chance, good possibility, hibernating, hidden, hope, humanly possible, imaginable, imminent, imperative, implicit, implied, indicative, instinct, jussive, latent, likelihood, likely, long suit, lurking, makings, metier, mode, mood, muffled, mystic, natural endowment, natural gift, obfuscated, obligative, obscured, occult, off chance, optative, outside chance, outside hope, parts, passive, permissive, plausible, possibilities, possibility, possible, possibleness, potency, potential difference, potentiality, power, powers, probability, probable, prospect, qualification, quiescent, remote possibility, sleeping, small hope, speciality, strong flair, strong point, subjunctive, submerged, talent, talents, the attainable, the feasible, the goods, the possible, the stuff, thinkability, thinkable, thinkableness, under the surface, underlying, undeveloped, unmanifested, unrealized, veiled, virtual, virtuality, volt, voltage, what is possible, what it takes, what may be, what might be
[edit]- potentiality, amperage, armipotence, authority, bare possibility, beef, black power, brute force, chance, charge, charisma, clout, cogence, cogency, compulsion, conceivability, conceivableness, contingency, delitescence, dint, dormancy, drive, duress, effect, effectiveness, effectuality, energy, even chance, eventuality, flower power, force, force majeure, forcefulness, full blast, full force, good chance, good possibility, hope, influence, latency, latent content, latent meaningfulness, latentness, likelihood, main force, main strength, mana, might, might and main, mightiness, moxie, muscle power, off chance, outside chance, outside hope, pizzazz, poop, possibilities, possibility, possibleness, potence, potency, potential, power, power pack, power structure, power struggle, powerfulness, prepotency, probability, productiveness, productivity, prospect, puissance, pull, punch, push, remote possibility, sinew, small hope, steam, strength, strong arm, superiority, superpower, the attainable, the feasible, the possible, thinkability, thinkableness, validity, vehemence, vigor, vim, virility, virtuality, virtue, virulence, vitality, wattage, weight, what is possible, what may be, what might be
[edit]- pothead, LSD user, acidhead, addict, alcoholic, chain smoker, cocaine sniffer, cokie, cubehead, dipsomaniac, dope fiend, doper, drug abuser, drug addict, drug user, drunkard, fiend, freak, glue sniffer, habitual, head, heavy smoker, hophead, hype, junkie, marijuana smoker, methhead, narcotics addict, pillhead, snowbird, speed freak, tripper, user
[edit]- pother, abash, addle, addle the wits, ado, aggravate, aggravation, agitation, ail, annoy, badger, baffle, bafflement, bait, ball up, be at, be the matter, becloud, bedazzle, bedevil, befuddle, befuddlement, beset, bewilder, bewilderment, bother, botheration, brawl, bristle, broil, brouhaha, brown off, bug, bullyrag, burn up, burst, bustle, chaos, chivy, clamor, cloud, commotion, complicate matters, concern, confoundment, confuse, confusion, daze, dazzle, devil, dilemma, discombobulate, discombobulation, discomfit, discomfiture, discommode, discompose, discomposure, disconcert, disconcertedness, disconcertion, disconcertment, dismay, disorder, disorganization, disorganize, disorient, disorientation, distemper, distress, disturb, disturbance, dither, dog, donnybrook, donnybrook fair, dustup, embarrass, embarrassment, embroilment, enigma, entangle, exasperate, exasperation, exercise, fash, feery-fary, ferment, fidgetiness, fit, fix, flap, flummox, flurry, fluster, flusteration, flustration, flutter, flutteriness, fog, foofaraw, fracas, free-for-all, frenzy, fret, fuddle, fuddlement, furore, fuss, fussiness, get, gripe, harass, harry, hassle, haze, heckle, hector, helter-skelter, hound, hubbub, hullabaloo, hurly-burly, inconvenience, irk, jam, jumble, lather, maelstrom, maze, melee, mess, miff, mist, mix up, moider, molest, muddle, muddlement, mystery, nag, needle, nettle, nonplus, nudzh, peeve, pell-mell, perplex, perplexity, persecute, perturb, perturbation, pester, pick on, pickle, pique, plague, plight, pluck the beard, predicament, problem, provoke, pucker, put out, put to it, puzzle, puzzlement, quandary, racket, raise hell, rampage, rattle, restlessness, riddle, ride, rile, riot, roil, rough-and-tumble, roughhouse, row, ruckus, ruction, ruffle, rumpus, scramble, scrape, shindy, shuffle, spasm, spurt, stew, stir, sweat, swirl, swivet, tease, throw into confusion, tizzy, to-do, torment, trouble, try the patience, tumult, turbulence, turmoil, tweak the nose, twitter, twitteration, unassuredness, unquiet, unsettle, unsettlement, uproar, upset, vex, vortex, whirl, whirlpool, whirlwind, worry
[edit]- potholed, broken, bumpy, choppy, coarse, coarse-grained, corrugated, cross-grained, grainy, granulated, homespun, horripilant, inequal, irregular, jolty, linsey-woolsey, pimply, pitted, pocky, rank, ripply, rough, rough-cast, rough-grained, rough-hewn, ruffled, rutted, rutty, shagged, shaggy, textured, uneven, unkempt, unlevel, unpolished, unrefined, unsmooth, ununiform, wimpled
[edit]- potion, bag, bang, beverage, booster, booster dose, booster shot, brew, concoction, cup, deck, decoction, dose, draft, dram, draught, drench, drink, drop, dropping, drug packet, elixir, fix, gargle, guzzle, hit, injection, jigger, jolt, libation, mainlining, narcotic shot, nip, overdose, peg, popping, portion, potation, pull, round, round of drinks, shot, sip, skin-popping, snifter, snort, spot, suck, sup, swig, swill, tonic, wet
[edit]- potpourri, all sorts, assemblage, assortment, atomizer, broad spectrum, capriccio, caprice, censer, conglomeration, divertissement, fantasia, fumigator, gallimaufry, hash, hodgepodge, hotchpot, hotchpotch, humoresque, incense burner, incensory, jumble, magpie, mash, medley, melange, mess, mingle-mangle, miscellany, mishmash, mix, mixed bag, odds and ends, odorator, odorizer, olio, olla podrida, omnium-gatherum, parfumoir, pasticcio, pastiche, patchwork, perfumer, pomander, pouncet-box, purse atomizer, romance, romanza, sachet, salad, salmagundi, sauce, scent bag, scent ball, scent bottle, scent box, scenter, scramble, smelling bottle, spray, stew, thurible, vinaigrette, what you will
[edit]- potshot, aspersion, blind bargain, bowshot, bullet, cannon, chance at odds, charge, cock, crack, criticism, cut, detonate, detonation, dig, discharge, drop, eject, ejection, fell, fire, fire off, fusillade, gambling chance, gibe, gun, gun for, gunfire, gunshot, hit, insult, jeer, let fly, let off, load, matter of chance, pelt, pepper, pick off, pistol, plug, pot, potluck, potshoot, prime, random shot, riddle, salvo, shoot, shoot at, shoot down, shot, shy, sideswipe, snipe, sporting chance, spray, stoneshot, strike, take a potshot, tattoo, torpedo, toss, toss-up, touch and go, volley
[edit]- potted, afflicted, bent, boiled, bombed, boozy, canned, capsule, cockeyed, cockeyed drunk, crocked, crocko, elevated, fried, fuddled, half-seas over, high, illuminated, lit, lit up, loaded, lubricated, lushy, muzzy, oiled, organized, pickled, pie-eyed, pissed, pissy-eyed, pixilated, plastered, pocket, polluted, raddled, screwy, shellacked, skunk-drunk, smashed, soaked, soused, squiffy, stewed, stinko, swacked, tanked, tight
[edit]- potter, beguile the time, burn daylight, ceramicist, ceramist, consume time, coquet, dabble, dally, dally away, diddle, diddle away, doodle, dribble away, drivel away, enamelist, fiddle, fiddle with, fiddle-faddle, fidget with, finger with, flirt, fool, fool around, fool away, fool with, footle, fribble, fritter away, fritter away time, frivol, glass cutter, glassblower, glazer, horse around, idle, idle away, jerk off, kid around, kill time, loiter, lose time, meddle with, mess, mess around, monkey, monkey around, muddle away, pass the time, piddle, piss away, play, play around, play with, potter away, puddle, putter, pyroglazer, smatter, tinker, toy, toy with, trifle, trifle away, trifle with, twiddle, waste time, while away
[edit]- pottery, adobe, armory, arsenal, assembly line, assembly plant, atomic energy plant, bindery, biscuit, bisque, boatyard, boilery, bookbindery, bowl, brewery, brick, brickyard, cannery, cement, ceramic ware, ceramics, china, creamery, crock, crockery, dairy, defense plant, distillery, dockyard, earthenware, enamelware, factory, factory belt, factory district, feeder plant, firebrick, flour mill, glass, industrial park, industrial zone, jug, main plant, manufactory, manufacturing plant, manufacturing quarter, mill, mint, munitions plant, oil refinery, packing house, plant, porcelain, pot, power plant, production line, push-button plant, refinery, refractory, sawmill, shipyard, stoneware, subassembly plant, sugar refinery, tannery, tile, tiling, urn, vase, winery, yard, yards
[edit]- potty, absurd, balmy, bananas, barmy, bats, batty, beany, bedpan, bonkers, buggy, bughouse, bugs, can, chamber, chamber pot, chemical closet, chemical toilet, commode, crackers, crapper, crazy, cuckoo, daffy, dippy, dotty, flaky, flipped, freaked-out, fruitcakey, fruity, gaga, goofy, harebrained, haywire, high-hat, inconsiderable, insane, insignificant, jerry, john, johnny, jordan, just plain nuts, kooky, latrine, loo, loony, loopy, minor, nuts, nutty, off the hinges, off the track, off the wall, petty, piss pot, pot, potty-chair, preposterous, privy, round the bend, screwball, screwballs, screwy, shoestring, silly, slaphappy, small, small-beer, snobby, snooty, stool, throne, thunder mug, toilet, trivial, unimportant, urinal, wacky, water closet
[edit]- pouch, bag, balloon, beetle, belly, belly out, bilge, billow, bouge, bug, bulge, dilate, distend, goggle, jut, overhang, pocket, poke, pooch, pop, pout, project, protrude, purse, reticule, round out, sack, stand out, stick out, swell, swell out
[edit]- poultice, Ace bandage, Band-Aid, abate, adhesive tape, allay, alleviate, anesthetize, appease, application, assuage, band, bandage, bandaging, bathe, benumb, binder, brace, butter, care for, cast, cataplasm, compress, cotton, court plaster, cravat, crush, cure, cushion, deaden, deaden the pain, dental pulp, diagnose, diminish, doctor, dressing, dull, ease, ease matters, elastic bandage, epithem, flux, foment, four-tailed bandage, gauze, give care to, give relief, heal, lay, lessen, lint, lull, mash, massage, minister to, mitigate, mollify, mush, numb, nurse, operate on, pad, palliate, paper pulp, paste, physic, pith, plaster, plaster cast, pledget, porridge, pour balm into, pour oil on, pudding, pulp, pulp lead, pulpwood, purge, rag pulp, reduce, relieve, remedy, roller, roller bandage, rub, rubber bandage, salve, sauce, slacken, slake, sling, smash, soften, soothe, splint, sponge, squash, strap, stupe, subdue, sulfate pulp, sulfite pulp, tampon, tape, tent, tourniquet, treat, triangular bandage, white lead, wood pulp
[edit]- poultry, Bantam, banty, barn-door fowl, barnyard fowl, biddy, broiler, brooder, broody hen, capon, chanticleer, chick, chickabiddy, chicken, chicky, cock, cockerel, domestic fowl, drake, duck, duckling, dunghill fowl, fowl, fryer, game fowl, gander, gobbler, goose, gosling, guinea cock, guinea fowl, guinea hen, hen, hen turkey, partlet, poulard, poult, pullet, roaster, rooster, setting hen, spring chicken, stewing chicken, tom, tom turkey, turkey, turkey gobbler, turkey-cock
pounce upon
[edit]- pounce upon, ambush, appear unexpectedly, assail, assault, astonish, attack, be unexpected, blitz, bob up, bounce, bound, buck, buckjump, bushwhack, capriole, catch at, catch off-guard, catch unawares, clear, come at, come down on, come from behind, come unawares, come upon, come upon unexpectedly, crack down on, creep up on, curvet, descend on, descend upon, dive, do the unexpected, drop, drop in on, fall, fall on, fall upon, fasten upon, flash upon one, gang up on, go at, go for, harry, have at, hippety-hop, hit, hit like lightning, hop, hurdle, jump, jump at, jump over, land on, lay at, lay hands on, lay into, leap, leap over, leapfrog, light into, mug, negotiate, nose-dive, overjump, overleap, overskip, parachute, pitch, pitch into, plop, plummet, plump, plunge, plunk, pop up, pounce, pounce on, pound, pull up short, sail into, scramble for, seize on, set on, set upon, ski jump, skin-dive, skip, sky-dive, snap at, snatch at, sound, spring, spring a surprise, spring upon, start, start aside, start up, steeplechase, stoop, strike, surprise, swoop, swoop down, swoop down on, swoop down upon, take a header, take by surprise, take short, take the offensive, take unawares, turn up, updive, upleap, upspring, vault, wade into
[edit]- pounce, Highland fling, ambush, and jump, attack, belly buster, belly flop, belly whopper, bounce, bound, broad jump, buck, buckjump, cannonball, capriole, cascade, cataract, chute, claws, clear, clutches, collapse, come down, comedown, crash, crash dive, curvet, debacle, declension, declination, defluxion, demivolt, descend, descending, descension, descent, digits, dip down, dive, down, downbend, downcome, downcurve, downfall, downflow, downgrade, downpour, downrush, downtrend, downturn, downward trend, drop, drop down, drop off, dropping, fall, fall down, fall off, fall upon, falling, fangs, fingernails, fingers, flying jump, gainer, galliard, gelandesprung, go down, go downhill, grand jete, gravitate, gravitation, hands, handspring, header, high jump, hippety-hop, hooks, hop, hurdle, inclination, jackknife, jaws, jete, jig, jump, jump at, jump on, jump over, jump shot, jump turn, jump-hop, jump-off, lavolta, leap, leap over, leapfrog, long jump, lose altitude, mandibles, maxillae, meathooks, mitts, morris, mug, nails, negotiate, nippers, nose dive, nose-dive, overjump, overleap, overskip, palm, parachute, parachute jump, pincers, pitch, plop, plummet, plummeting, plump, plunge, plunk, pole vault, pounce on, pounce upon, pounces, pour down, power dive, precipitate, rain, rapids, running broad jump, running dive, running high jump, saut de basque, ski jump, skin-dive, skip, sky dive, sky-dive, sound, spring, spring upon, start, start aside, start up, stationary dive, steeplechase, stoop, strike, swan dive, swoop, swoop down, swoop down on, swoop down upon, take a header, take by surprise, talons, teeth, tour jete, trend downward, unguals, ungulae, updive, upleap, upspring, vault, waterfall
pound away
[edit]- pound away, dig, drudge, fag, grind, grub, hammer, hammer away, keep doggedly at, moil, peg, peg away, plod, plug, plug along, plug at, plug away, slog, slog away, toil, travail, wade through, work away
[edit]- pound, Deutschmark, Mark, Reichsmark, abrade, ache, afghani, agonize, ail, ambush, anguish, anna, assail, assault, atomize, attack, baht, bang, barrage, bash, baste, bat, batter, bawbee, beat, beat a ruffle, beat a tattoo, beat into, beat the drum, beat time, beating, belabor, belt, biff, blanch, blench, blitz, blow, bludgeon, bonk, bottle up, box up, bray, brecciate, bruise, buffet, bung, bung up, bushwhack, cage, carat, cattery, cent, centavo, centigram, centime, check, chop, cleanse, clear, clip, clobber, cloister, clout, clump, come at, come down on, comminute, compound, confine, constrain, conto, contriturate, contuse, coop, coop in, coop up, cork up, count, count the beats, crack, crack down on, cram in, crib, crowd in, crown, crumb, crumble, crush, cudgel, cut, dash, decagram, decigram, descend on, descend upon, detain, dig, din, ding, dint, disintegrate, dog pound, doghouse, dollar, dong, dram, dram avoirdupois, drive, drive in, drub, drubbing, drum, drum music, drumbeat, drumfire, drumming, dyne, empty, encage, enclose, enclosure, expel, fall on, fall upon, farthing, feel pain, feel the pangs, fence in, fiver, flail, flap, florin, flounder, flour, flutter, force, force in, fourpence, fourpenny, fragment, franc, fusillade, gang up on, go at, go for, go pitapat, grain, gram, granulate, granulize, grate, grave, grimace, grind, grind to powder, groat, guilder, guinea, gulden, half crown, half dollar, halfpenny, hammer, harry, have a misery, have at, heave, hell, hem in, hit, hit like lightning, hobbyhorse, hold, hold in custody, hold in restraint, hundredweight, hurt, immure, impact, impound, inhibit, jab, jam in, jump, keep in, keep in custody, keep in detention, keep time, kennel, kilo, kilogram, kip, knock, knock in, kopeck, krona, krone, lambaste, land on, larrup, lay at, lay hands on, lay into, levigate, lick, light into, limbo, lira, lurch, mag, make heavy weather, mash, mass, maul, meg, megaton, mew, mew up, mill, milligram, milreis, mite, mole, monkey, mug, new pence, np, ounce, ounce avoirdupois, ounce troy, p, palpitate, palpitation, paradiddle, paste, patter, pelt, pen, pen up, pence, penfold, penny, pennyweight, peseta, pestle, pie, piece of eight, pinfold, pistareen, pitapat, pitch, pitch and toss, pitch into, pitter-patter, place of confinement, play drum, plunge, plunge in, plunk, poke, poke in, pommel, pony, pounce upon, pound avoirdupois, pound in, pound out, pound troy, poundal, pounding, powder, press in, produce, pulp, pulsate, pulsation, pulse, pulverize, pummel, punch, purgatory, purge, push in, quid, rail in, ram in, rand, rap, rat-a-tat, rat-tat, rat-tat-tat, rataplan, rattattoo, rear, reduce to powder, reel, restrain, restrict, rial, rid, rock, roll, rub-a-dub, ruble, ruff, ruffle, run in, rupee, sail into, scend, scrunch, scruple, seal up, set on, set upon, shackle, shard, shekel, shilling, shoot, shred, shrink, shut in, shut up, sixpence, slam, sledgehammer, slog, slug, smack, smart, smash, sock, sol, sou, sound a tattoo, spank, spatter, splatter, splutter, sputter, squash, squeeze in, staccato, stamp, stiver, stone, strike, stroke, stuff in, suffer, surprise, swat, sway, swing, swipe, swoop down on, take the offensive, tamp in, tap, tat-tat, tattoo, tenner, thrash, threepence, threepenny bit, thresh, thrill, thrippence, throb, throbbing, thrum, thrust in, thump, thumping, thwack, tingle, tom-tom, ton, toss, toss and tumble, triturate, tumble, tuppence, twinge, twitch, twopence, units of weight, wade into, wall in, wallop, wallow, wedge in, weight, welter, whack, whip, whop, wince, won, work over, writhe, yard, yaw, yen, yerk
[edit]- poundage, accommodation, avoirdupois, beef, beefiness, burden, capacity, carriage, cartage, content, cordage, deadweight, drayage, expressage, fatness, freight, freightage, gravity, gross weight, haulage, heaviness, heft, heftiness, limit, liveweight, measure, neat weight, net, net weight, overbalance, overweight, ponderability, ponderosity, ponderousness, quantity, room, space, stowage, tonnage, underweight, volume, weight, weightiness
[edit]- pounding, abrasion, atomization, attrition, barrage, beat, beating, brecciation, clicking, comminution, crumbling, crushing, detrition, disintegration, drum, drum music, drumbeat, drumfire, drumming, flutter, fluttering, fragmentation, granulation, granulization, grating, grinding, levigation, mashing, palpitant, palpitation, paradiddle, patter, pitapat, pitter-patter, pound, powdering, pulsation, rat-a-tat, rat-tat, rat-tat-tat, rataplan, rattattoo, roll, rub-a-dub, ruff, ruffle, shredding, smashing, spatter, spattering, splutter, spluttering, sputter, sputtering, staccato, tat-tat, tattoo, throb, throbbing, thrum, thrumming, thumping, ticking, tom-tom, trituration
pour forth
[edit]- pour forth, articulate, babble, blab, blabber, blather, blether, blow out, breathe, cast forth, chat, chatter, chime, chorus, clack, clatter, come out with, communicate, convey, debouch, decant, deliver, discharge, disclose, disembogue, disgorge, dither, ejaculate, emit, enunciate, eruct, erupt, exhaust, expel, express, extravasate, fling off, formulate, gab, gabble, gas, gibber, gibble-gabble, give, give expression, give out with, give tongue, give utterance, give voice, go on, gossip, gush, haver, impart, jabber, jaw, jet, let out, lip, natter, out with, outpour, palaver, patter, phonate, phrase, pour, pour out, prate, prattle, present, pronounce, put forth, put in words, raise, ramble on, rattle, rattle on, reel off, run on, say, send forth, send out, set forth, sound, spew, spout, spout off, spurt, squirt, talk away, talk nonsense, talk on, tell, throw off, throw out, tittle-tattle, twaddle, twattle, utter, verbalize, vocalize, voice, waffle, whisper, word, yak, yakkety-yak
pour it on
[edit]- pour it on, ball the jack, barrel, boom, bowl along, breeze, breeze along, brush, clip, cut along, do double duty, elucubrate, fleet, flit, fly, fly low, foot, get cutting, go fast, highball, hit the ball, hump, hustle, lean on it, lucubrate, make knots, nip, outstrip the wind, overwork, rip, scorch, scratch, shake a leg, sizzle, skim, slave, speed, storm along, sweat, sweep, tear, tear along, thunder along, whisk, whiz, work hard, work late, work overtime, zing, zip, zoom
[edit]- pour, Niagara, abound, accord, administer, afford, allot, allow, award, bail, beat, bestow, bestow on, blow out, brash, bristle with, bucket, burst of rain, cascade, cast forth, cataclysm, cataract, cloudburst, communicate, confer, course, crawl with, creep with, crowd, cup, deal, deal out, debouch, decant, deluge, dip, discharge, disembogue, disgorge, dish, dish out, dish up, dispense, dole, dole out, donate, downfall, downflow, downpour, drain, drain out, drench, drencher, drizzle, drum, ebb, ejaculate, emerge, emit, empty, eruct, erupt, exhaust, expel, extend, extravasate, exuberate, fall, find vent, flood, flooding, flow, flow back, flow in, flow out, flush, fork, fork out, fresh, freshet, gift, gift with, give, give freely, give off, give out, go forth, grant, gush, gush out, gushing rain, hand out, heap, heavy rain, help to, impart, inundate, inundation, issue, issue forth, jet, ladle, lash, lavish, let have, let out, make, mete, mete out, mizzle, offer, outflow, outpour, overflow, patter, pelt, pitter-patter, plash, pour forth, pour out, pour with rain, precipitate, present, proceed, proffer, proliferate, rain, rain tadpoles, rainburst, rainspout, rainstorm, regurgitate, render, rill, river, roll, run, run out, run over, rush, sally forth, scoop, scud, send forth, send out, serve, set, shell out, shovel, shower, shower down, slip, sluice, sluice out, snow, soaker, soaking rain, spade, spate, spatter, spew, spew out, spit, spoon, spout, spout out, spring, sprinkle, spurt, squirt, stream, surge, surge back, swarm, swarm with, tattoo, teem, teem with, tender, throng, throw out, torrent, torrent of rain, trend, void, vomit forth, vouchsafe, waterflood, waterspout, weep, well, well out, yield
[edit]- pouring, affluent, blinding, cat-and-doggish, confluent, coursing, decurrent, defluent, diffluent, drippy, driving, drizzling, drizzly, drumming, flowing, fluent, fluxional, fluxive, gulfy, gushing, mazy, meandering, misty, misty-moisty, mizzly, pelting, pluvial, pluviose, pluvious, profluent, racing, rainy, running, rushing, serpentine, showery, sluggish, streaming, surging, surgy, tidal, vortical
[edit]- pout, bag, balloon, beetle, belly, belly out, bilge, billow, bouge, brood, bug, bulge, dilate, distend, frown, gloom, glower, goggle, grimace, grump, jut, knit the brow, long face, look black, look sullen, lour, lower, make a face, make a lip, make a moue, make a mouth, mop, mop and mow, mope, moue, mouth, mow, mug, overhang, pet, poke, pooch, pop, pouch, project, protrude, pull a face, rictus, round out, scowl, snarl, stand out, stick out, sulk, swell, swell out, wry face, wry mouth
poverty stricken
[edit]- poverty stricken, beggared, beggarly, bereaved, bereft, deprived, disadvantaged, fleeced, ghettoized, impoverished, in need, in rags, in want, indigent, mendicant, necessitous, needy, on relief, out at elbows, pauperized, starveling, stripped, underprivileged
[edit]- poverty, beggary, dearth, destitution, difficulty, distress, embarrassment, exigency, hand-to-mouth existence, hardship, impecuniousness, impoverishment, inadequacy, indigence, insolvency, insufficiency, juncture, lack, mendicancy, necessity, need, neediness, pass, paucity, pauperism, pennilessness, penury, pinch, poorness, privation, rareness, rarity, scant, scant sufficiency, scantiness, scarceness, scarcity, shortage, sparseness, sparsity, strait, suffering, uncommonness, unprosperousness, want
[edit]- POW, cageling, captive, chain gang, con, convict, detenu, ex-convict, gaolbird, internee, jailbird, lifer, parolee, political prisoner, prisoner, prisoner of war, stir bird, ticket-of-leave man, ticket-of-leaver, trusty
[edit]- powder, Ballistite, TNT, abrade, abscond, absquatulate, air pollution, atomize, attritus, balm, balsam, base, beat, besprinkle, bran, bray, bread, break up, brecciate, buck, cellulose nitrate, clown white, coat, cold cream, come to dust, comminute, compact, contriturate, cordite, cosmetics, cosmic dust, cover, crumb, crumble, crumble into dust, crumble to dust, crush, decamp, disappear, disintegrate, dog it, dot, dredge, drops, drug, drugstore complexion, dust, dust ball, dynamite, effloresce, efflorescence, electuary, elixir, escape, ethical drug, explosive, eye shadow, eyebrow pencil, fall to dust, fall to pieces, fallout, farina, filings, flour, foundation, foundation cream, fragment, generic name, grain, granulate, granulize, grate, greasepaint, grind, grind to powder, grits, groats, gunpowder, hand cream, hand lotion, herbs, high explosive, inhalant, kittens, lam, levigate, lincture, linctus, lint, lip rouge, lipstick, make off, makeup, mascara, mash, materia medica, meal, medicament, medication, medicinal, medicinal herbs, medicine, melinite, mill, mixture, mudpack, nail polish, nitrocotton, nitroglycerin, nonprescription drug, officinal, paint, patent medicine, pepper, pestle, pharmacon, physic, plastic explosive, pound, powder puff, preparation, prescription drug, proprietary, proprietary medicine, proprietary name, puff, pulverize, pussies, raspings, reduce to powder, rouge, run away, sawdust, scrunch, shard, shred, simples, skedaddle, skip, skip out, smash, smokeless powder, smut, soot, spatter, speck, speckle, splatter, split, spot, sprinkle, squash, stud, syrup, take a powder, take off, talc, talcum, talcum powder, theraputant, tisane, trinitrotoluol, triturate, vanish, vanishing cream, vanity case, vegetable remedies, villanous saltpetre, war paint
[edit]- powdered, branny, chalklike, chalky, comminute, comminuted, crushed, detrital, detrited, disintegrated, dotted, dusted, dusty, efflorescent, farinaceous, fine, flaky, floury, furfuraceous, gone to dust, grated, ground, impalpable, levigated, mealy, milled, peppered, pestled, powdery, pulverant, pulverized, pulverulent, reduced to powder, scaly, scobicular, scobiform, scurfy, sharded, shredded, spattered, specked, speckled, splattered, spotted, sprinkled, studded, triturated
[edit]- powdery, branny, chalklike, chalky, comminute, comminuted, crushed, detrital, detrited, disintegrated, dusty, efflorescent, farinaceous, fine, flaky, floury, furfuraceous, gone to dust, grated, ground, impalpable, levigated, mealy, milled, pestled, powdered, pulverant, pulverized, pulverulent, reduced to powder, scaly, scobicular, scobiform, scurfy, sharded, shredded, triturated
power elite
[edit]- power elite, Establishment, VIP, aristocracy, baron, barons, big gun, big man, big name, bigwig, brass, brass hat, bureaucracy, celebrity, cream, dignitary, dignity, directorate, elder, elite, establishment, father, figure, great man, hierarchy, higher echelons, higher-ups, important person, interests, lion, lords of creation, magnate, man of mark, management, ministry, mogul, nabob, name, nobility, notability, notable, officialdom, overlapping, panjandrum, person of renown, personage, personality, pillar of society, power, power structure, prelacy, ruling circle, ruling circles, ruling class, ruling classes, sachem, somebody, something, the Establishment, the administration, the authorities, the best, the best people, the brass, the great, the ingroup, the interests, the people upstairs, the power elite, the power structure, the top, them, they, top brass, top people, tycoon, upper class, upper crust, very important person, worthy
power of attorney
[edit]- power of attorney, agency, agentship, assignment, authority, authorization, brevet, care, change, charge, commission, commissioning, commitment, commutation, consignment, cure, delegated authority, delegation, deputation, deputyship, devolution, devolvement, displacement, embassy, empowerment, entrusting, entrustment, errand, exchange, executorship, exequatur, factorship, full power, jurisdiction, legation, license, lieutenancy, mandate, mission, office, plenipotentiary power, power to act, procuration, proxy, purview, quid pro quo, regency, regentship, replacement, representation, responsibility, subrogation, substitution, supersedence, superseding, supersedure, supersession, supplantation, supplanting, supplantment, switch, task, tit for tat, trust, trusteeship, vicarious authority, vicariousness, warrant
power plant
[edit]- power plant, action and reaction, aeromotor, appliance, armory, arsenal, assembly line, assembly plant, atomic energy plant, atomic power plant, bindery, boatyard, boilery, bookbindery, brewery, brickyard, cannery, central station, convenience, creamery, dairy, defense plant, distillery, dockyard, drive, engine, enginery, facility, factory, factory belt, factory district, feeder plant, fixture, flour mill, hydroelectric plant, industrial park, industrial zone, jet power, jet propulsion, machine, machinery, main plant, manufactory, manufacturing plant, manufacturing quarter, mechanical aid, mechanical device, mechanism, mill, mint, motive power, motor, munitions plant, oil refinery, packing house, plant, pottery, power source, power station, powerhouse, production line, push-button plant, ram-jet propulsion, reaction, reaction propulsion, refinery, resojet propulsion, rocket power, rocket propulsion, sawmill, shipyard, subassembly plant, sugar refinery, tannery, turbojet propulsion, utility, winery, yard, yards
power reactor
[edit]- power reactor, atomic pile, breeder reactor, bricks, chain reactor, chain-reacting pile, fast pile, furnace, heterogeneous reactor, homogeneous reactor, intermediate pile, lattice, neutron factory, nuclear furnace, pile, plutonium reactor, power-breeder reactor, radioactive waste, reactor, reactor pile, rods, slow pile, stellarator, uranium reactor
power structure
[edit]- power structure, amperage, animal kingdom, aristocracy, armipotence, authority, barons, beef, black power, brute force, bureaucracy, caste, chain of being, charge, charisma, class, class structure, clout, cogence, cogency, compulsion, condition, cream, dint, directorate, domain, drive, duress, echelon, effect, effectiveness, effectuality, elite, energy, establishment, flower power, footing, force, force majeure, forcefulness, full blast, full force, hierarchy, higher echelons, higher-ups, influence, kingdom, lords of creation, main force, main strength, mana, management, might, might and main, mightiness, mineral kingdom, ministry, moxie, muscle power, natural hierarchy, nobility, officialdom, order, overlapping, pecking order, pizzazz, place, poop, position, potence, potency, potentiality, power, power elite, power pack, power struggle, powerfulness, precedence, prelacy, prepotency, productiveness, productivity, puissance, pull, punch, push, pyramid, rank, rate, rating, realm, ruling circles, ruling class, ruling classes, sinew, sphere, stage, standing, station, status, steam, strength, strong arm, superiority, superpower, the Establishment, the administration, the authorities, the best, the best people, the brass, the ingroup, the interests, the people upstairs, the power elite, the power structure, the top, them, they, top brass, top people, upper class, upper crust, validity, vegetable kingdom, vehemence, vigor, vim, virility, virtue, virulence, vitality, wattage, weight
[edit]- power, Establishment, VIP, ability, able, absolute power, absolutism, acme, activity, actuate, administration, ally, ampleness, amplitude, animate, appurtenance, aptitude, archduchy, archdukedom, ascendancy, authoritative, authoritativeness, authorities, authority, authorization, baron, barrel, be-all and end-all, beef, bent, big gun, big man, big name, bigwig, birthright, bite, bitingness, blue ribbon, body politic, boundlessness, brass, brass hat, brawn, buffer state, bulk, bump, caliber, capability, capable, capacity, capital, captive nation, celebrity, championship, charisma, charm, chieftaincy, chieftainry, city-state, claim, claws, clout, clutches, colony, command, commonweal, commonwealth, compel, competence, competency, competent, compulsion, conjugal right, consequence, constituted authority, control, convincing, country, county, credit, cuttingness, decisiveness, delegated authority, demand, demonic energy, devices, dignitary, dignity, dint, direction, directorship, disposable resources, disposition, divine right, domain, dominance, dominant, domination, dominion, dower, dowry, drag, drive, drive on, driving force, droit, duchy, due, dukedom, dynamic, dynamism, earldom, effect, effective, effectiveness, effectual, efficacious, efficient, elder, electricity, eminence, empery, empire, enchantment, endowment, endurance, energetic, energy, enormity, enormousness, equipment, ergal, esteem, expanse, faculty, father, favor, figure, first place, first prize, fixity of purpose, flair, force, forceful, forcefulness, forcible, formidableness, forte, fortitude, forward, free city, fuel, fullness, function, funds, genius, gift, gigantism, give an impetus, give momentum, goad, good feeling, governance, government, grand duchy, grandeur, grandness, grasp, great, great man, great scope, greatness, grip, gripe, guts, gutsiness, hand, hands, hardiness, headship, heartiness, hegemony, height, helm, highest, hold, hugeness, immensity, impel, impellent, impelling force, imperium, impetus, importance, important person, impressiveness, impulse, impulsion, inalienable right, incentive, incidental power, incisiveness, incite, incitement, incumbents, indirect authority, inertia, infinity, influence, influential, influentiality, inherent authority, insinuation, instinct, intensity, interest, interests, intestinal fortitude, invincible, iron hand, iron will, irresistible force, jurisdiction, jus divinum, kinetic energy, kingdom, kingship, knack, land, largeness, lashings, lawful authority, leadership, legal authority, legitimacy, leverage, lion, long suit, lords of creation, lordship, lot, lump, lustiness, magisterialness, magnate, magnetism, magnitude, makings, man of mark, management, mandant, mandate, mandated territory, mandatee, mandatory, mass, masterdom, mastership, mastery, maximum, means, mess, method, metier, might, mightiness, mighty, mogul, moment, momentum, moral courage, moral fiber, mordancy, most, motivate, motive power, mountain, move, much, muchness, muscle, nabob, name, nation, nationality, natural endowment, natural gift, natural right, ne plus ultra, nervosity, nervousness, new high, notability, notable, obstinacy, palms, panjandrum, paramountcy, parts, peck, person of renown, personage, personality, persuasion, pillar of society, plenitude, poignancy, polis, polity, possession, potence, potency, potent, potential, potential energy, potentiality, powder, power elite, powerful, powerfulness, powers, powers that be, predominance, preponderance, prerogative, prescription, presidency, pressure, prestige, presumptive right, pretense, pretension, primacy, principality, principate, privilege, prodigiousness, propel, proper claim, property right, propulsion, protectorate, province, puissance, puissant, pull, punch, puppet government, puppet regime, purchase, put in motion, qualification, raj, realm, record, recourses, regality, regnancy, reign, reins of government, republic, repute, resorts, resources, right, rightful authority, robustness, royal prerogative, ruggedness, rule, ruling circle, sachem, satellite, say, seneschalty, set agoing, set going, set in motion, settlement, sight, sinew, sinewiness, skill, somebody, something, sovereign nation, sovereignty, speciality, stalwartness, stamina, state, staying power, steam, sticking power, stock, stoutness, strength, strength of mind, strength of purpose, strength of will, strenuous, strenuousness, strings, strong arm, strong flair, strong language, strong point, stupendousness, sturdiness, suasion, subtle influence, suggestion, sultanate, superiority, superpower, supply, supremacy, sway, talent, talents, talons, territory, the goods, the great, the say, the say-so, the stuff, the top, thrust, title, top brass, top people, top spot, toparchia, toparchy, toughness, tremendousness, trenchancy, turn, tycoon, upper hand, vastness, very important person, vested authority, vested interest, vested right, vicarious authority, vigor, vigorous, vigorousness, virtue, vitality, voltage, warrant, ways, ways and means, weight, weighty, what it takes, wherewith, wherewithal, whip hand, whip on, wieldy, will, will of iron, will power, worthy, zenith
[edit]- powerful, absolute, acid, armipotent, ascendant, authoritarian, authoritative, authorized, autocratic, beefy, biting, bouncing, charismatic, charming, clothed with authority, cogent, commanding, compelling, competent, comprehensive, consequential, considerable, controlling, corrosive, cutting, deep, dominant, doughty, driving, duly constituted, dynamic, effective, effectual, efficacious, eminent, empowered, enchanting, energetic, estimable, ex officio, exhaustive, forceful, forcible, forcy, formidable, full, full-blooded, full-strength, governing, grand, grave, great, gutsy, gutty, hale, hard, hard as nails, hardy, hearty, heavy, hefty, hegemonic, hegemonistic, high, high-potency, high-powered, high-pressure, high-tension, husky, imperative, important, impressive, in force, in power, incisive, influential, intense, iron-hard, irresistible, leading, lusty, magnetic, main, maximum, mighty, mighty in battle, momentous, monocratic, mordant, nervous, nervy, obstinate, official, operative, penetrating, personable, persuasive, piercing, plenary, poignant, potent, preeminent, prepotent, prestigious, prominent, puissant, punchy, ranking, red-blooded, reputable, resilient, robust, robustious, rugged, ruling, senior, sensational, serious, sinewed, sinewy, slashing, stalwart, steely, stout, strapping, striking, strong, strong as brandy, strong as strong, strong-willed, sturdy, suasive, substantial, superior, supreme, telling, total, totalitarian, tough, trenchant, valid, vigorous, vital, weighty, winning
[edit]- powerfully, almighty, ardently, authoritatively, awfully, cogently, commandingly, consequentially, deafeningly, dynamically, effectively, effectually, eloquently, energetically, ex cathedra, exceedingly, expressively, fervently, firmly, fluently, forcefully, forcibly, glibly, glowingly, graphically, hardly, heartily, imperatively, imperviously, impregnably, impressively, in glowing terms, intensely, invincibly, invulnerably, irresistibly, just, loudly, lustily, meaningfully, might and main, mightily, mighty, momentously, officially, only too, passionately, potently, powerful, pretty, productively, puissantly, pungently, quite, real, really, resistantly, right, robustly, ruggedly, smoothly, so, soundly, spiritedly, stalwartly, staunchly, stoutly, strikingly, strongly, sturdily, tellingly, terribly, terrifically, to good account, to good purpose, unyieldingly, vehemently, very, vigorously, vividly, warmly, weightily, with a vengeance, with authority, with telling effect
[edit]- powerhouse, Antaeus, Atlas, Briareus, Brobdingnagian, Charles Atlas, Cyclops, Goliath, Hercules, Polyphemus, Samson, Superman, Tarzan, Titan, activist, atomic power plant, ball of fire, beaver, big-time operator, bully, bullyboy, bustler, busy bee, central station, colossus, doer, eager beaver, enthusiast, giant, go-getter, gorilla, human dynamo, hustler, hydroelectric plant, live wire, man of action, man of deeds, militant, muscle man, new broom, operator, political activist, power plant, power station, stalwart, strong man, strong-arm man, take-charge guy, the mighty, the strong, tough, tough guy, tower of strength, wheeler-dealer, winner
[edit]- powerless, anemic, asthenic, bloodless, chicken, cowardly, crippled, debilitated, decrepit, disabled, drooping, droopy, dull, effete, etiolated, faint, faintish, featherweight, feeble, flabby, flaccid, floppy, forceless, gone, gutless, helpless, imbecile, impotent, inactive, incapable, incapacitated, incompetent, ineffective, ineffectual, inefficacious, inert, infirm, languid, languorous, lightweight, limber, limp, listless, lustless, marrowless, nerveless, no-account, of no account, passive, pithless, pooped, rubbery, sapless, sinewless, slack, soft, spineless, strengthless, supine, unable, unauthoritative, unfit, unhardened, unnerved, unstrung, weak, weakly, without any weight
powers that be
[edit]- powers that be, John Bull, Rasputin, Svengali, Uncle Sam, VIP, Washington, Whitehall, access, bad influence, big wheel, bureaucracy, court, directorate, eminence grise, five-percenter, friend at court, good influence, gray eminence, heavyweight, hidden hand, hierarchy, higher echelons, higher-ups, holdover, incumbent, influence, influence peddler, influencer, ingroup, ins, jack-in-office, key, kingmaker, lame duck, lobby, lobbyist, lords of creation, man of influence, management, manipulator, ministry, new broom, office-bearer, officeholder, officialdom, open sesame, prelacy, president-elect, pressure group, public official, public servant, ruling class, ruling classes, sinister influence, special interests, special-interest group, the Crown, the Establishment, the administration, the authorities, the government, the ingroup, the interests, the people upstairs, the power elite, the power structure, the top, them, they, top brass, very important person, wheeler-dealer, wire-puller
[edit]- powwow, advise, advise with, audience, bargain, bargaining, bargaining session, call in, collogue, compare notes, conclave, confab, confabulate, confabulation, confer, confer with, conference, confrontation, congress, constitutional convention, consult, consult with, consultation, convention, council, council fire, council of war, counsel, county convention, deliberate, discuss, discuss with, discussion, exchange observations, exchange of views, exchange views, eyeball-to-eyeball encounter, have conversations, high-level talk, hold conference, huddle, interchange of views, interview, meeting, national convention, negotiate, negotiations, news conference, nominating convention, palaver, parley, political convention, pourparler, preliminary convention, press conference, put heads together, quadrennial circus, reason with, refer to, seance, session, sit down together, sit down with, sitting, state convention, summit, summit conference, summitry, take counsel, take up with, talk over, treat
[edit]- pox, French disease, Spanish pox, VD, acquired syphilis, balanitis gangrenosa, cerebral tabes, chancre, chancroid, clap, claps, climatic bubo, congenital syphilis, constitutional syphilis, dose, dose of clap, fifth venereal disease, general paresis, gonorrhea, granuloma inguinale, granuloma venereum, great pox, hard chancre, latent syphilis, locomotor ataxia, morbus Gallicus, paralytic dementia, paresis, pudendal ulcer, simple chancre, social disease, soft chancre, syph, syphilis, syphilitic meningoencephalitis, tabes, tabes dorsales, tertiary syphilis, tropical bubo, venereal disease
[edit]- practicability, achievability, actability, applicability, attainability, availability, compassability, effectiveness, efficacy, efficiency, feasibility, functionality, helpfulness, manageability, maneuverability, manipulatability, negotiability, operability, performability, practical utility, practicality, profitability, realizability, serviceability, superability, surmountability, usability, use, usefulness, utility, utilizability, viability, viableness, workability
[edit]- practicable, accessible, accomplishable, achievable, actable, attainable, banausic, compassable, doable, effective, effectual, efficient, employable, feasible, functional, handy, manageable, maneuverable, manipulatable, negotiable, operable, operatable, operative, overcomable, performable, possible, practical, pragmatic, realizable, serviceable, superable, surmountable, usable, useful, viable, workable
practical joker
[edit]- practical joker, Artful Dodger, Casanova, Don Juan, Machiavel, Machiavelli, Machiavellian, actor, bad boy, bamboozler, befuddler, beguiler, booger, buffoon, bugger, charmer, counterfeiter, cutup, deceiver, deluder, devil, dissembler, dissimulator, dodger, double-dealer, duper, elf, enchanter, enfant terrible, entrancer, faker, fooler, forger, funmaker, gay deceiver, hoaxer, hood, hoodlum, hooligan, hypnotizer, imp, jilt, jilter, joker, jokester, kidder, knave, leg-puller, little devil, little monkey, little rascal, mesmerizer, minx, mischief, mischief-maker, misleader, pixie, plagiarist, plagiarizer, playactor, prankster, puck, ragger, rapscallion, rascal, rogue, role-player, rowdy, ruffian, scamp, scapegrace, seducer, spoofer, tease, teaser, wag
[edit]- practical, achievable, actable, adaptable, advantageous, appliable, applicable, applied, appropriate, attainable, balanced, banausic, beneficial, breadwinning, businesslike, commercial, commodious, commonsense, compassable, compliant, constructive, convenient, cool, coolheaded, doable, down-to-earth, ductile, earthy, effective, effectual, efficacious, efficient, empirical, employable, everyday, expedient, exploitable, feasible, field, fitting, flexible, foolproof, functional, go, good for, handy, hard, hard-boiled, hard-nosed, hardheaded, helpful, hoaxproof, judicious, levelheaded, logical, malleable, manageable, maneuverable, manipulable, manipulatable, materialistic, matter-of-fact, moneymaking, mundane, negotiable, not born yesterday, of general utility, of help, of service, of use, old, old-time, operable, operatable, operational, operative, ordinary, overcomable, performable, personal, philosophical, pliable, pliant, positivistic, practicable, practical-minded, practiced, pragmatic, pragmatical, proper, prosaic, rational, realist, realistic, realizable, reasonable, reusable, sane, scientific, scientistic, seasoned, secular, sensible, serviceable, skilled, sober, sober-minded, sophisticated, sound, sound-thinking, straight-thinking, superable, surmountable, tough-minded, tractable, uncullible, undeceivable, undeludable, undupable, unfoolable, ungullible, unhoaxable, unideal, unidealistic, unromantic, unseduceable, unsentimental, untroublesome, usable, useable, useful, utilitarian, utilizable, versed, vet, veteran, viable, virtual, well-balanced, wieldable, wieldy, wise, workable, workaday, workday, working, worldly, yielding
[edit]- practicality, achievability, actability, adaptability, applicability, attainability, availability, balance, common sense, compassability, convenience, cool head, coolheadedness, coolness, down-to-earthness, ductility, due sense of, earthiness, effectiveness, efficacy, efficiency, feasibility, flexibility, freedom from illusion, functionality, good sense, handiness, hardheadedness, helpfulness, horse sense, lack of feelings, level head, levelheadedness, malleability, manageability, manageableness, maneuverability, matter-of-factness, negotiability, operability, performability, plain sense, pliability, pliancy, positivism, practicability, practical mind, practical utility, practical wisdom, practical-mindedness, practicalness, pragmaticism, pragmatism, profitability, rationality, realism, realizability, reason, reasonableness, saneness, sanity, scientism, secularism, sense, sensibleness, serviceability, sober-mindedness, soberness, sobriety, soundness, superability, surmountability, unidealism, unromanticalness, unsentimentality, untroublesomeness, usability, use, usefulness, utility, utilizability, viability, viableness, wieldableness, wieldiness, workability, worldliness
[edit]- practically, about, advantageously, advisably, all but, almost, appropriately, approximately, approximatively, as good as, as much as, at bottom, basically, clearly, congruously, conveniently, decently, desirably, effectively, effectually, efficiently, essentially, expediently, feasibly, fitly, fittingly, for practical purposes, functionally, fundamentally, generally, generally speaking, handily, in effect, in essence, in round numbers, just about, matter-of-factly, morally, more or less, most, much, nearabout, nigh, opportunely, profitably, properly, rationally, realistically, reasonably, rightly, roughly, roughly speaking, roundly, say, seasonably, sensibly, serviceably, simply, sortably, suitably, to advantage, to good effect, to good use, to profit, usefully, virtually, well-nigh
[edit]- practice, Gedankenexperiment, MO, accordance, acquittal, acquittance, act, acting, action, actions, activism, activity, acts, actually, addition, address, adherence, affectation, agency, air, algorithm, application, apprentice, apprenticeship, approach, approximation, art, assay, athletics, attack, audition, automatism, background, bad habit, basic training, battologize, be about, be doing, be engaged in, be occupied with, be responsible for, bearing, behave, behavior, behavior pattern, behavioral norm, behavioral science, bench test, blaseness, bon ton, bone, boning, brainwork, break, break in, breaking, breather, breed, breeding, bring to test, bring up, business, cabal, calisthenics, calling, care, career, career building, careerism, carriage, carry into execution, carry on, carry out, carry through, carrying out, ceremonial, ceremony, characteristic, compliance, comportment, con, condition, conditioning, conduct, confirm, conformance, conformity, conning, conspiracy, constitutional, consuetude, contemplate, contemplation, convenance, convention, course, covin, craft, cram, cramming, creature of habit, cultivate, cultivation, culture pattern, custom, cut and try, daily dozen, deal with, demeanor, deportment, develop, development, differentiation, dig, direct, direction, discharge, discipline, division, do, do with, doing, doings, drill, drilling, drive, driving, dry run, duty, elucubrate, employ, employment, engage in, engrossment, equation, essay, established way, etiquette, evolution, examine, execute, execution, exercise, exercising, exert, experience, experiment, extensive study, extrapolation, fashion, fetch up, fetching-up, fill, fit, flight test, folkway, follow, force of habit, form, form of worship, formality, formula, formulary, foster, fostering, fulfill, fulfillment, function, functioning, game, gestures, give a try, give a tryout, give an encore, go in for, go over, go through, goings-on, grind, grinding, groom, grooming, guise, gymnastic exercises, gymnastics, habit, habit pattern, habitude, handicraft, handle, handling, have a go, headwork, hearing, heed, heeding, holy rite, house-train, housebreak, housebreaking, improve, improvement, in practice, in-service training, inexperienced, inspection, institution, integration, interpolation, intrigue, inversion, involution, isometrics, iterate, keeping, lick into shape, lifework, line, line of action, line of business, line of work, lines, liturgy, lucubrate, lucubration, machination, maintien, make, make go, make use of, manage, management, maneuver, manipulate, manipulation, manner, manner of working, manners, manual training, means, mental labor, method, methodology, methods, metier, mien, military training, mission, mode, mode of operation, mode of procedure, mode of worship, modus operandi, modus vivendi, mores, motions, move, movements, moves, multiplication, mystery, notation, number, nurse, nurture, nurturing, observable behavior, observance, observation, occupation, office, on-the-job training, operancy, operate, operation, operations, order, order of worship, ordinance, pad, past experience, pattern, peculiarity, perform, perform on, performance, performing, perusal, peruse, physical education, physical jerks, pilot, pilot plan, play, play around with, plunge into, ply, poise, pore over, port, pose, posture, practical knowledge, practical test, practically, practice upon, praxis, preparation, prepare, prescribed form, prescription, presence, procedure, proceed, proceeding, process, profession, proper thing, proportion, prosecute, prove, pursue, pursuit, put in tune, put to school, put to trial, racket, raise, raising, read, reading, ready, readying, reaffirm, realistically, rear, rearing, reassert, recapitulate, recite, recount, reduction, regard studiously, rehash, rehearsal, rehearse, reissue, reiterate, repeat, repetition, reprint, research, respect, responsibility, restate, restudy, restudying, resume, retail, retell, review, reword, rite, ritual, ritual observance, rituality, road test, road-test, routine, rule, run, run a sample, run over, run through, running, rusty, sacrament, sacramental, sagacity, sample, satisfaction, say over, say over again, scheme, seasoning, second nature, see to, send to school, serve, service, setting-up exercises, shake down, shakedown, shakedown cruise, sloyd, social convention, social science, solemnity, sophistication, specialization, specialize in, specialty, standard behavior, standard usage, standing custom, steer, steering, stereotype, stereotyped behavior, stretch, study, studying, style, subject, substantiate, subtraction, sum up, summarize, swing, swot, swotting, system, tackle, tactics, take care of, take in hand, take on, take to, take up, taste, tautologize, technic, technique, tempering, test, test flight, test run, the drill, the how, the way of, time-honored practice, tone, trade, tradition, train, training, transformation, trial run, trick, try, try it on, try out, tryout, unaccustomed, undertake, upbringing, usage, use, usefulness, utility, utilize, validate, verify, vet, vocation, vocational education, vocational training, wade through, wage, walk, walk of life, warm-up, way, way of life, ways, what is done, wide reading, wield, wise, wont, wonting, work, work at, working, workings, workout, worldly wisdom, yoga
[edit]- practiced, accomplished, at concert pitch, blase, career, coached, conversant, cosmopolitan, cosmopolite, experienced, finished, initiate, initiated, knowing, mature, matured, not born yesterday, old, old-time, practical, prepared, primed, professional, ripe, ripened, sagacious, seasoned, skilled, sophisticated, technical, trained, tried, tried and true, versed, vet, veteran, world-wise, worldly, worldly-wise
[edit]- practicing, acting, active, behavioral, compliant, conforming, conscientious, constant, devoted, devout, duteous, dutiful, faithful, functional, functioning, inaction, loyal, meticulous, mindful, observant, operating, operational, performing, punctilious, punctual, regardful, scrupulous, serving, true, working
[edit]- practised, able, accomplished, adept, capable, consummate, cultivated, experienced, expert, finished, gifted, masterful, perfected, practiced, proficient, qualified, rehearsed, schooled, seasoned, skilled, superb, superior, talented, trained, versed
[edit]- practitioner, actor, agent, architect, author, creator, doer, executant, executor, executrix, fabricator, maker, medium, mover, operant, operative, operator, performer, perpetrator, prime mover, producer, subject, worker
[edit]- pragmatic, Cyrenaic, Eleatic, Epicurean, Megarian, Stoic, advantageous, animist, animistic, appropriate, atomistic, balanced, banausic, beneficial, commodious, commonsense, cool, coolheaded, cosmotheistic, down-to-earth, earthy, eclectic, effective, effectual, efficient, empirical, employable, eudaemonistic, existential, expedient, feasible, fitting, functional, good for, hard, hard-boiled, hardheaded, hedonic, hedonist, hedonistic, helpful, humanist, humanistic, idealistic, instrumentalist, levelheaded, logical, materialistic, matter-of-fact, mechanistic, metaphysical, monistic, naturalistic, nominalist, of general utility, of help, of service, of use, operable, panlogistical, pantheistic, philosophical, positivist, positivistic, practicable, practical, practical-minded, pragmatical, pragmatist, proper, rational, rationalistic, realist, realistic, realizable, reasonable, sane, scholastic, scientific, scientistic, secular, sensationalistic, sensible, serviceable, sober, sober-minded, sound, sound-thinking, straight-thinking, syncretistic, theistic, transcendentalist, transcendentalistic, unideal, unidealistic, unromantic, unsentimental, useful, utilitarian, vitalistic, voluntarist, voluntaristic, well-balanced, workable, worldly
[edit]- pragmatical, Cyrenaic, Eleatic, Epicurean, Megarian, Stoic, advantageous, animist, animistic, appropriate, atomistic, balanced, banausic, beneficial, commodious, commonsense, cool, coolheaded, cosmotheistic, down-to-earth, earthy, eclectic, effective, effectual, efficient, empirical, employable, eudaemonistic, existential, expedient, feasible, fitting, functional, good for, hard, hardheaded, hedonic, hedonist, hedonistic, helpful, humanist, humanistic, idealistic, instrumentalist, levelheaded, logical, materialistic, matter-of-fact, mechanistic, metaphysical, monistic, naturalistic, nominalist, of general utility, of help, of service, of use, operable, panlogistical, pantheistic, philosophical, positivist, positivistic, practicable, practical, practical-minded, pragmatic, pragmatist, proper, rational, rationalistic, realist, realistic, realizable, reasonable, sane, scholastic, scientific, scientistic, secular, sensationalistic, sensible, serviceable, sober, sober-minded, sound, sound-thinking, straight-thinking, syncretistic, theistic, transcendentalist, transcendentalistic, unideal, unidealistic, unromantic, unsentimental, useful, utilitarian, vitalistic, voluntarist, voluntaristic, well-balanced, workable, worldly
[edit]- pragmatism, Marxism, R and D, animalism, atomism, behaviorism, commonsense realism, control, control experiment, controlled experiment, cut and try, dialectical materialism, down-to-earthness, earthiness, earthliness, empiricism, epiphenomenalism, experiment, experimental design, experimental method, experimental proof, experimentalism, experimentation, freedom from illusion, functional design, functional furniture, functionalism, hardheadedness, historical materialism, hit and miss, hylomorphism, hylotheism, hylozoism, lack of feelings, materialism, matter-of-factness, mechanism, natural realism, naturalism, new realism, noble experiment, physicalism, physicism, positive philosophy, positivism, practical-mindedness, practicality, practicalness, pragmaticism, rationality, realism, reasonableness, representative realism, research and development, rule of thumb, saneness, scientism, secularism, sensibleness, sober-mindedness, substantialism, temporality, tentative method, tentativeness, testing, trial, trial and error, trying, unidealism, unromanticalness, unsentimentality, utilitarianism, worldliness
[edit]- prairie, Lebensraum, agricultural region, air space, alkali flat, alluvial plain, arable land, back country, basin, billiard table, black belt, bottomland, bowling green, bushveld, campo, champaign, champaign country, citrus belt, clear space, clearance, clearing, coastal plain, corn belt, cotton belt, countryside, dead flat, dead level, delta, desert, distant prospect, down, downs, dust bowl, earth, empty view, esplanade, farm belt, farm country, farmland, fell, flat, flat country, flatland, flats, floor, fruit belt, glade, grass, grass roots, grass veld, grassland, grazing, grazing region, ground, haugh, haughland, heath, highlands, homaloid, horizontal, horizontal axis, horizontal fault, horizontal line, horizontal parallax, horizontal plane, horizontal projection, lande, lea, ledge, level, level line, level plane, living space, llano, lowland, lowlands, lunar mare, mare, mead, meadow, meadow land, meadows and pastures, mean sea level, mesa, mesilla, moor, moorland, moors, open country, open space, outback, pampa, pampas, park, parterre, pasturage, pasture, pasture land, peneplain, plain, plains, plane, plateau, platform, playa, prairies, province, provinces, range, rural district, rustic region, salt flat, salt marsh, salt pan, savanna, sea level, sea of grass, sebkha, steppe, steppeland, steppes, swale, table, tableland, terrace, terrain, territory, the country, the soil, the sticks, tobacco belt, tree veld, tundra, upland, uplands, vega, veld, water level, weald, wheat belt, wide-open spaces, wilderness, wold, woodland, woods and fields, yokeldom
[edit]- praise, acclaim, acclamation, accolade, acknowledgment, adoration, adore, adulate, adulation, aggrandize, apotheosis, apotheosize, applaud, applause, approbation, approval, approve, belaud, benediction, bepraise, bepraisement, beslobber, beslubber, blandish, blandishment, blarney, bless, bless the Lord, blow up, boast of, brag about, bunkum, cajole, cajolement, cajolery, celebrate, citation, cite, cognizance, commend, commendation, compliment, compliments, conceit, congratulation, credit, crediting, crown, crown with laurel, cry up, decorate, deification, deify, devotion, dignify, distinguish, do honor, doxologize, eloge, emblazon, encomium, endorse, endorsement, enhance, ennoble, erect, eulogium, eulogize, eulogy, exalt, exaltation, excessive praise, extol, eyewash, fair words, fawn upon, fawning, flatter, flattery, glorification, glorify, glorify the Lord, glory, grace, grease, hail, hallow, heighten, hero worship, hero-worship, homage, hommage, honeyed phrases, honeyed words, honor, honorable mention, hosanna, hymn, hymn of praise, idolatry, idolize, idolizing, incense, intensify, kudos, laud, laudation, lionize, lionizing, magnification, magnify, make fair weather, make much of, meed of praise, mention, oil, oil the tongue, ovation, overpraise, paean, palaver, panegyric, panegyrize, pay homage to, pay regard to, pay tribute, pay tribute to, plaudits, porter aux nues, praise God, prayer of thanks, pretty lies, proclaim, psalm, psalmody, puff, puff up, recognition, recommend, render honor to, resound, revere, reverence, revile, salute, sing praises, slobber over, soap, soft soap, sublime, sweet nothings, sweet talk, sweet words, sycophancy, thank offering, thank-you, thanks, thanksgiving, tribute, trumpet, uprear, venerate, veneration, wheedle, wheedling, worship
[edit]- prana, anima, animating force, astral body, atman, bathmism, beating heart, biological clock, biorhythm, blood, breath, breath of life, buddhi, divine breath, divine spark, elan vital, essence of life, force of life, gross body, growth force, heart, heartbeat, heartblood, impulse of life, individual essence, inspiriting force, jiva, jivatma, kama, life breath, life cycle, life essence, life force, life principle, life process, lifeblood, linga sharira, living force, manas, mind, ousia, physical body, pneuma, principle of desire, seat of life, soul, spark of life, spirit, sthula sharira, substance of life, vis vitae, vis vitalis, vital energy, vital flame, vital fluid, vital force, vital principle, vital spark, vital spirit
[edit]- prance, amble, barge, bob, bounce, bound, bowl along, bundle, canter, caper, capriole, caracole, cavort, clog, clump, curvet, cut a dido, cut capers, dance, dido, drag, droop, falcade, flounce, foot, footslog, fox-trot, frisk, gait, gallop, gambade, gambado, gambol, go on horseback, hack, halt, hippety-hop, hitch, hobble, hoof, hop, jog, jolt, jump, jump about, leap, limp, lock step, lope, lumber, lunge, lurch, mince, mincing steps, mount, pace, paddle, peacock, peg, piaffe, piaffer, plod, rack, ramp, ride bareback, ride hard, roll, romp, sashay, saunter, scuff, scuffle, scuttle, shake, shamble, shimmy, shuffle, sidle, single-foot, skip, slink, slither, slog, slouch, slowness, spring, stagger, stalk, stamp, step, stomp, straddle, straggle, stride, stroll, strolling gait, strut, stump, swagger, swank, swash, swashbuckle, swing, take horse, tap-dance, tittup, toddle, totter, traipse, tread, trip, trot, trudge, velocity, waddle, walk, waltz, wamble, wiggle, wobble
[edit]- prancing, bouncing, bounding, capering, hopping, hurdle race, hurdling, jumping, leaping, pole vaulting, saltant, saltation, saltatorial, saltatory, skipping, springing, steeplechase, the hurdles, timber topping, vaulting
[edit]- prandial, cannibal, cannibalistic, carnivorous, commensal, dietetic, dining, eating, feeding, flesh-eating, fruitarian, gastronomic, gluttonous, grain-eating, graminivorous, granivorous, grass-eating, herbivorous, insect-eating, insectivorous, lactovegetarian, man-eating, meat-eating, mensal, nourishing, nutritious, omnivorous, omophagous, pantophagous, phytivorous, phytophagous, plant-eating, postprandial, predacious, preprandial, vegetable-eating, vegetarian
[edit]- prank, adorn, antic, array, beautify, bedeck, bedizen, blazon, caper, caprice, color, conceit, dandify, deck, deck out, decorate, dizen, doll up, dress, dress up, embellish, emblazon, embroider, enrich, escapade, fancy, fancy up, fig out, fix up, fooling, freak, frivolity, frolic, furbish, gambol, garnish, get up, grace, gussy up, high jinks, horseplay, jape, jest, lark, levity, lightness, mischief, monkeyshine, monkeyshines, ornament, overdress, paint, play, practical joke, prank up, preen, prettify, pretty up, primp, primp up, prink, prink up, rag out, redecorate, redo, refurbish, rollick, roughhouse, rowdiness, set off, set out, shenanigans, shines, skylarking, slick up, smarten, smarten up, spiff, sport, spruce up, stunt, titivate, tomfoolery, trick, trick out, trick up, trim, vagary, waggish trick, wheeze, whim, whimsy
[edit]- prankish, arch, devilish, elfish, elvish, foolish, full of mischief, high-spirited, impish, knavish, mischief-loving, mischievous, playful, pranksome, pranky, puckish, roguish, scampish, scapegrace, sportive, trickish, tricksy, tricky, waggish
[edit]- prankster, bad boy, banana, booger, buffoon, bugger, burlesquer, caricaturist, clown, comedian, comic, cutup, devil, elf, enfant terrible, epigrammatist, funmaker, funnyman, gag writer, gagman, gagster, hood, hoodlum, hooligan, humorist, imp, ironist, jester, joker, jokesmith, jokester, knave, lampooner, little devil, little monkey, little rascal, madcap, minx, mischief, mischief-maker, parodist, pixie, practical joker, puck, punner, punster, quipster, rapscallion, rascal, reparteeist, rogue, rowdy, ruffian, satirist, scamp, scapegrace, wag, wagwit, wisecracker, wit, witling, zany
[edit]- prat, arse, artifice, ass, backside, behind, bottom, bum, can, gimmick, maneuver, play, ploy, rear, ruse, shenanigan, stratagem, tail, wile
[edit]- prate, absurdity, amphigory, babble, babblement, balderdash, bavardage, bibble-babble, blab, blabber, blah-blah, blather, blether, blethers, blow, bombast, brag, bull, bullshit, cackle, caquet, caqueterie, chat, chatter, chitter-chatter, clack, claptrap, clatter, cock-a-doodle-doo, crow, dither, double-talk, drivel, drool, fiddle-faddle, fiddledeedee, flummery, folderol, fudge, fustian, gab, gabble, galimatias, gammon, gas, gasconade, gibber, gibberish, gibble-gabble, go on, gobbledygook, gossip, guff, gush, haver, hocus-pocus, hot air, humbug, idle talk, jabber, jargon, jaw, mere talk, mouth, mumbo jumbo, narrishkeit, natter, niaiserie, nonsense, nonsense talk, pack of nonsense, palaver, patter, piffle, pour forth, prating, prattle, prittle-prattle, puff, ramble on, rant, rattle, rattle on, reel off, rigamarole, rigmarole, rodomontade, rubbish, run on, skimble-skamble, spout, spout off, stuff and nonsense, stultiloquence, talk away, talk nonsense, talk on, talkee-talkee, tittle-tattle, trash, trumpery, twaddle, twattle, twiddle-twaddle, vapor, vaporing, vaunt, waffle, waffling, yak, yakkety-yak
[edit]- pratfall, bloomer, blooper, bobble, bonehead play, boner, boo-boo, boob stunt, boot, breakdown, collapse, comedown, crash, cropper, culbute, deflation, dive, downfall, dumb trick, fall, flop, fool mistake, foozle, forced landing, foul-up, goof, header, howler, louse-up, muck-up, nose dive, plunge, screamer, screw-up, smash, spill, sprawl, stumble, tailspin, trip, tumble
[edit]- prattle, absurdity, accents, amphigory, babble, babblement, babbling, balderdash, bavardage, be closeted with, bibble-babble, blab, blabber, blah-blah, blather, blathering, blether, blethers, blither, bombast, bull, bullshit, bunk, bunkum, cackle, caquet, caqueterie, chat, chatter, chattering, chitter-chatter, clack, claptrap, clatter, comment, conversation, coze, crap, discourse, dither, double-talk, drivel, drool, elocution, fiddle-faddle, fiddledeedee, flapdoodle, flummery, folderol, foolishness, fudge, fustian, gab, gabber, gabble, gabbling, galimatias, gam, gammon, garbage, gas, gibber, gibbering, gibberish, gibble-gabble, go on, gobbledygook, going on, gossip, guff, gush, haver, hocus-pocus, hogwash, hooey, hot air, humbug, idle talk, jabber, jabbering, jabberwocky, jargon, jaw, jawing, language, make conversation, maunder, maundering, mere talk, moonshine, mumbo jumbo, mumbo-jumbo, narrishkeit, natter, niaiserie, nonsense, nonsense talk, oral communication, pack of nonsense, palaver, palavering, parole, patter, piffle, poppycock, pour forth, prate, prating, prittle-prattle, ramble on, rant, rapping, rattle, rattle on, reel off, rigamarole, rigmarole, rodomontade, rot, rubbish, run on, skimble-skamble, speaking, speech, spout, spout off, stuff and nonsense, stultiloquence, swill, talk, talk away, talk nonsense, talk on, talkee-talkee, talking, tattle, tete-a-tete, tittle-tattle, trash, trumpery, twaddle, twattle, twiddle-twaddle, twitter, vapor, vaporing, visit, waffle, waffling, words, yak, yakkety-yak, yakking
[edit]- prattler, agreeable rattle, babbler, big talker, blab, blabber, blabberer, blabbermouth, blatherer, chatterbox, chatterer, gabber, gabbler, gasbag, gibble-gabbler, great talker, hot-air artist, idle chatterer, jabberer, jay, magpie, moulin a paroles, patterer, prater, rattle, windbag, windjammer, word-slinger
[edit]- prawn, Dungeness crab, Japanese crab, blue point, clam, coquillage, crab, crawdad, crawfish, crayfish, langouste, limpet, littleneck clam, lobster, mussel, oyster, periwinkle, quahog, scallop, shellfish, shrimp, snail, soft-shell crab, steamer, whelk
[edit]- praxis, act, acting, action, actions, activism, activity, acts, address, affectation, air, automatism, bad habit, bearing, behavior, behavior pattern, behavioral norm, behavioral science, bon ton, carriage, characteristic, comportment, conduct, conformity, consuetude, convention, creature of habit, culture pattern, custom, demeanor, deportment, doing, doings, employment, established way, etiquette, exercise, fashion, folkway, force of habit, function, functioning, gestures, goings-on, guise, habit, habit pattern, habitude, maintien, manner, manners, method, methodology, methods, mien, modus vivendi, mores, motions, movements, moves, observable behavior, observance, occupation, operation, operations, pattern, peculiarity, play, poise, port, pose, posture, practice, prescription, presence, procedure, proceeding, proper thing, ritual, second nature, social convention, social science, standard behavior, standard usage, standing custom, stereotype, stereotyped behavior, style, swing, tactics, time-honored practice, tone, tradition, trick, usage, use, way, way of life, ways, what is done, wont, wonting, work, working, workings
[edit]- pray, I beg you, adjure, appeal, appeal to, apply to, ask, be good enough, beg, beseech, brace, call for help, call on, call upon, circulate a petition, clamor for, commune with God, conjure, crave, cry for, cry on, cry to, do, entreat, give thanks, have the goodness, if you please, impetrate, implore, importune, imprecate, invoke, kneel to, make supplication, memorialize, obtest, offer a prayer, petition, plead, plead for, plead with, please, pray do, pray over, prefer a petition, prithee, recite the rosary, request, return thanks, run to, say grace, sign a petition, solicit, sue, supplicate, will you
prayer book
[edit]- prayer book, Sefer Torah, Torah, Torah scroll, Virginal, best seller, book, bound book, breviary, canon, church book, classic, coloring book, definitive work, euchologion, euchology, farse, folio, formulary, great work, hardback, juvenile, juvenile book, lectionary, limp-cover book, litany, machzor, magnum opus, manual, missal, nonbook, notebook, novel, opus, opuscule, opusculum, ordinal, paperback, picture book, playbook, pocket book, pontifical, production, psalmbook, psalter, publication, ritual, rituale, rubric, serial, service book, siddur, sketchbook, soft-cover, songbook, standard work, storybook, title, tome, trade book, volume, work, writing
[edit]- prayer, Angelus, Ave, Ave Maria, Hail Mary, Kyrie Eleison, Mass, Paternoster, adjuration, adoration, aid prayer, appeal, application, asker, beadroll, beads, bedtime prayer, beggar, begging, beseeching, beseechment, bid, bidding prayer, breviary, call, camp meeting, chaplet, church, church service, clamor, collect, communion, compline, contemplation, cry, devotion, devotions, divine service, duty, entreaty, evening devotions, evensong, exercises, grace, impetration, imploration, imploring, imprecation, intercession, invocation, invocatory plea, lauds, litany, liturgy, matins, meditation, meeting, morning devotions, night song, none, nones, novena, obsecration, obtestation, office, orison, petition, petitioner, plea, pleading, praise meeting, prayer meeting, prayer wheel, prayers, praying, prime, prime song, public worship, request, revival, revival meeting, rogation, rosary, service, sext, silent prayer, suit, suitor, supplicant, supplication, supplicator, tent meeting, thanks, thanksgiving, tierce, undersong, vesper, vespers, vigils, watch meeting, watch night, watch-night service, worship
[edit]- prayerful, Christian, Christianlike, Christianly, adorant, adoring, begging, believing, cadging, cultish, cultist, cultistic, devoted, devotional, devout, dutiful, faithful, godly, holy, imploring, in the dust, mendicant, mooching, on bended knee, petitionary, pietistic, pious, precative, precatory, prostrate before, religious, reverent, reverential, scrounging, solemn, suppliant, supplicant, supplicating, supplicatory, theistic, venerational, venerative, worshipful, worshiping
[edit]- preach, address, admonish, advise, advocate, catechize, caution, charge, counsel, deliver a lecture, discourse, encourage, enjoin, evangelize, exhort, explain, exposit, expostulate, expound, harangue, hold forth, homilize, incite, inculcate, induce, issue a caveat, lecture, minister, mission, missionary, moralize, move, persuade, point a moral, pontificate, preachify, preaching, preachment, prelect, prompt, prophesy, read a lesson, read a sermon, remonstrate, reprimand, sermonize, sermonizing, speak, talk, urge, warn
[edit]- preacher, Boanerges, chalk talker, churchman, circuit rider, clergyman, clergywoman, cleric, clerical, clerk, discourser, divine, ecclesiastic, evangelist, expositor, expounder, homilist, lector, lecturer, minister, parson, praelector, preaching friar, predicant, predikant, pulpitarian, pulpiteer, pulpiter, reader, reverend, sermoner, sermonist, sermonizer, tub-thumper
[edit]- preaching, allurement, blandishment, cajolement, cajolery, coaxing, conning, discourse, engagement, enlistment, exhortation, homily, hortation, inducement, jawboning, lecture, lobbying, persuasion, preach, preachification, preachment, prelection, religious discourse, sales talk, salesmanship, selling, sermon, sermonette, sermonizing, snow job, soft soap, solicitation, suasion, sweet talk, travelogue, wheedling, working on
[edit]- preachy, admonitory, advisory, cautionary, consultative, consultatory, didactic, directive, exhortative, exhortatory, expostulative, expostulatory, hortative, hortatory, instructive, monitorial, monitory, moral, moralistic, moralizing, recommendatory, remonstrant, remonstrative, remonstratory, sententious, sermonizing, teachy, warning
[edit]- preamble, avant-propos, breakthrough, exordium, foreword, front matter, frontispiece, innovation, introduce, introduction, leap, overture, postulate, preface, prefix, prefixture, preliminary, prelude, premise, presupposition, proem, prolegomena, prolegomenon, prolepsis, prologize, prologue, protasis, verse, voluntary
[edit]- prearrange, arrange, calculate, cast, clear for action, clear the decks, concert, contrive, cook up, cure, cut out, deploy, design, devise, dress, figure, fix, fix up, forecast, frame, frame up, get ready, intend, lay plans, make a projection, make arrangements, make preparations, make ready, marshal, methodize, mobilize, organize, pack, pack the deal, plan, plan ahead, plot, preconcert, precontrive, predesign, premeditate, preorder, prep, prepare, pretreat, process, program, project, provide, put in shape, rationalize, ready, ready up, rig, schedule, schematize, scheme, set up, settle preliminaries, sew up, shape, stack the cards, systematize, tan, treat, trim, try out, work out, work up
[edit]- prearranged, all ready, all set, armed, armed and ready, booted and spurred, briefed, coached, cocked, cooked-up, cut out, cut-and-dried, cut-and-dry, equipped, familiarized, fixed, good and ready, groomed, in arms, in battle array, in readiness, in the bag, in the saddle, informed, loaded, loaded for bear, mature, mobilized, on ice, on the mark, packed, planned, plotted, preconcerted, precontrived, premeditated, preordered, prepared, prepared and ready, prepped, primed, provided, psyched up, put-up, ready, ready for anything, rigged, ripe, schemed, set, set-up, stacked, up in arms, vigilant, well-prepared
[edit]- prearrangement, approach, arrangement, attack, basic training, blueprint, blueprinting, briefing, calculation, charting, clearing the decks, conception, contrivance, design, device, disposition, enterprise, envisagement, equipment, familiarization, figuring, fixing, foresight, forethought, foundation, game, graphing, ground plan, groundwork, guidelines, idea, intention, layout, lineup, long-range plan, makeready, making ready, manufacture, mapping, master plan, method, methodology, mobilization, operations research, organization, plan, planning, planning function, preliminaries, preliminary, preliminary act, preliminary step, prep, preparation, preparatory study, preparing, prepping, prerequisite, pretreatment, procedure, processing, program, program of action, propaedeutic, provision, rationalization, readying, schedule, schema, schematism, schematization, scheme, scheme of arrangement, setup, spadework, strategic plan, strategy, system, systematization, tactical plan, tactics, the big picture, the picture, training, treatment, trial, tryout, warm-up, way, working plan
[edit]- precarious, ambiguous, borderline, chancy, critical, dangerous, delicate, desultory, dicey, difficult, doubtful, dubious, equivocal, hairy, hazardous, iffy, indecisive, infirm, insecure, insubstantial, on slippery ground, on thin ice, open, perilous, problematic, provisional, questionable, risky, sensitive, shaky, shifting, shifty, slippery, slippy, temporary, tentative, ticklish, touch-and-go, touchy, treacherous, tricky, uncertain, undependable, unfaithworthy, unpredictable, unreliable, unsettled, unsolid, unsound, unstable, unsteadfast, unsteady, unsubstantial, unsure, untrustworthy
[edit]- precative, adjuratory, adorant, adoring, appealing, begging, beseeching, cadging, devotional, devout, entreating, imploring, in the dust, mendicant, mooching, on bended knee, petitionary, pleading, prayerful, precatory, prostrate before, reverent, reverential, scrounging, solemn, suppliant, supplicant, supplicating, supplicatory, venerational, venerative, worshipful, worshiping
[edit]- precaution, alertness, anticipation, apprehension, attention, canniness, care, caution, cautiousness, chariness, circumspection, cover, discreetness, discretion, escape, forearming, forebode, forehandedness, foresight, foresightedness, forethought, forethoughtfulness, forewarn, give advance notice, insurance, measures, portend, precautions, precautiousness, premonish, prenotify, preventive measure, prewarn, protection, providence, provision, prudence, safeguard, steps, steps and measures, tell in advance, vigilance, wariness, watchfulness
[edit]- precautionary, foreboding, forehanded, forerunning, foreseeing, foresighted, forethoughted, forethoughtful, forewarning, portentous, precautional, precautious, precursive, precursory, premonitory, prodromal, prodromic, provident, provisional
[edit]- precede, announce, antecede, antedate, anticipate, be before, be early, be the bellwether, beacon, blaze the trail, break ground, break the ice, break the trail, come before, come first, create, forerun, foreshadow, front, get ahead of, get before, go ahead of, go before, go in advance, guide, harbinger, have priority, have the start, head, head the line, head the table, head up, herald, initiate, introduce, invent, kick off, lap, lead, lead off, lead the dance, lead the way, light the way, originate, outrank, outstrip, pace, pioneer, play first fiddle, precurse, predate, preexist, presage, proclaim, rank, rank first, rank out, rate, set the pace, spearhead, stand first, star, take precedence, take the initiative, take the lead, take the plunge, usher, usher in
[edit]- precedence, accent, accomplishment, antecedence, antecedency, antedate, antedating, anteposition, anteriority, anticipation, ascendancy, authority, caste, class, concern, concernment, condition, consequence, consequentiality, consideration, deanship, earlier state, earliness, echelon, eminence, emphasis, excellence, favor, footing, foregoing, front, greatness, heading, hierarchy, high order, high rank, import, importance, incomparability, influence, influentialness, inimitability, interest, le pas, lead, leading, majority, mark, materiality, merit, moment, note, one-upmanship, order, paramountcy, past time, place, position, power structure, precedency, preceding, precession, precursor, predating, predominance, predomination, preeminence, preexistence, preference, preponderance, prepotence, prepotency, prerogative, pressure, prestige, primacy, priority, privilege, prominence, rank, rate, rating, right-of-way, self-importance, seniority, significance, skill, sphere, stage, standing, station, stature, status, status quo ante, stress, success, superiority, supremacy, the lead, transcendence, transcendency, value, van, virtuosity, weight, weightiness, worth
[edit]- precedent, action, ancestor, announcer, antecedent, anterior, antetype, antitype, archetype, avant-garde, award, bellwether, biotype, buccinator, bushwhacker, classic example, condemnation, consideration, criterion, decision, decree, deliverance, determination, diagnosis, dictum, doom, epitome, example, exemplar, explorer, finding, forebear, foregoer, foregoing, forerunner, former, front runner, frontiersman, fugleman, fugler, genotype, groundbreaker, guide, harbinger, herald, imitatee, innovator, lead, lead runner, leader, messenger, mirror, model, order, original, paradigm, past, pathfinder, pattern, pioneer, point, precursor, predecessor, premise, previous, prior, prognosis, pronouncement, prototype, representative, resolution, rule, ruling, scout, sentence, standard, stormy petrel, trailblazer, trailbreaker, type, type species, type specimen, urtext, vanguard, vaunt-courier, verdict, voortrekker, yardstick
[edit]- preceding, above, advanced, aforegoing, aforementioned, ante, antecedence, antecedency, antecedent, anteposition, anterior, anteriority, anticipatory, avant-garde, chief, ci-devant, dominion, earlier, early, elder, ere, erstwhile, exordial, exploratory, first, fore, foregoing, foremost, former, front, front position, heading, headmost, heretofore, hitherto, in, inaugural, initiatory, last, latter, le pas, leading, older, original, other, past, precedence, precedency, precedent, precession, precessional, precurrent, precursive, precursor, precursory, preexistent, prefatory, preference, prefixation, preliminary, prelude, preludial, prelusive, preparatory, prevenient, previous, prime, prior, priority, proemial, propaedeutic, prothesis, senior, superiority, the lead, to, top priority, urgency, van
[edit]- precept, a belief, adage, ana, analects, aphorism, apophthegm, apothegm, article of faith, axiom, behest, bench warrant, bidding, byword, canon, capias, catchword, caveat, charge, code, collected sayings, commandment, current saying, death warrant, decree, decretum, dictate, dictum, direction, directive, distich, doctrine, dogma, edict, epigram, expression, fiat, fieri facias, fundamental, general orders, gnome, golden saying, guide, guideline, habere facias possessionem, injunction, instruction, interdict, law, mandamus, mandate, mandatory injunction, maxim, mittimus, moral, mot, motto, nisi prius, notice, notification, oracle, order, ordinance, phrase, pithy saying, prescript, prescription, principle, process, prohibitory injunction, proverb, proverbial saying, proverbs, regulation, rule, saw, saying, search warrant, sentence, sententious expression, slogan, sloka, statute, stock saying, sutra, teaching, tenet, text, ukase, unwritten law, verse, warrant, warrant of arrest, warrant of attorney, wisdom, wisdom literature, wise saying, witticism, word, words of wisdom, writ
[edit]- preceptive, authoritative, autodidactic, binding, canonical, coeducational, commanding, compelling, cultural, decretal, decretive, decretory, dictated, dictating, didactic, directive, disciplinary, edifying, educating, educational, educative, enlightening, exhortatory, formulary, hard and fast, homiletic, hortatory, illuminating, imperative, informative, initiatory, instructive, introductory, jussive, lecturing, mandating, mandatory, obligating, official, peremptory, preaching, prescribed, prescript, prescriptive, propaedeutic, regulation, rubric, self-teaching, standard, statutory, teaching, tuitionary
[edit]- precinct, Kreis, agora, ambit, amphitheater, approach, approximation, archbishopric, archdiocese, area, arena, arrondissement, athletic field, auditorium, background, bailiwick, bear garden, beat, bishopric, border, borderland, borders, borough, boundary, bounds, bowl, boxing ring, bull ring, campus, canton, canvas, champaign, circle, circuit, circus, city, close borough, closeness, cockpit, coliseum, colosseum, commune, compass, confines, congressional district, constablewick, convergence, county, course, demesne, departement, department, diocese, district, domain, dominion, duchy, election district, electoral district, electorate, environs, field, floor, foreground, forum, gerrymander, gerrymandered district, government, ground, gym, gymnasium, hall, hamlet, hemisphere, hippodrome, hundred, immediacy, immediate foreground, judicial circuit, jurisdiction, limits, lists, locale, magistracy, march, marketplace, mat, metropolis, metropolitan area, milieu, nearness, neighborhood, nighness, oblast, okrug, open forum, orb, orbit, palaestra, pale, parade ground, parish, pit, place, platform, pocket borough, precincts, principality, prize ring, propinquity, province, proximity, public square, purlieu, purlieus, quarter, range, realm, region, riding, ring, rotten borough, round, safe district, scene, scene of action, scenery, section, sector, setting, sheriffalty, sheriffwick, shire, shrievalty, silk-stocking district, single-member district, site, soke, sphere, squared circle, stadium, stage, stage set, stage setting, stake, state, swing district, terrain, territory, theater, tilting ground, tiltyard, town, township, vicinage, vicinity, village, walk, wapentake, ward, wrestling ring, zone
[edit]- precincts, airspace, alentours, ambience, ambit, area, belt, borderlands, circle, circuit, circumambiencies, circumjacencies, circumstances, compass, confines, context, continental shelf, corridor, country, department, district, division, entourage, environing circumstances, environment, environs, gestalt, ground, habitat, heartland, hinterland, land, milieu, neighborhood, offshore rights, outposts, outskirts, part, parts, perimeter, periphery, place, premises, purlieus, quarter, region, salient, section, situation, soil, space, suburbs, surroundings, terrain, territory, three-mile limit, total environment, twelve-mile limit, vicinage, vicinity, zone
[edit]- preciosity, Gongorism, affectation, affectedness, artfulness, artifice, artificiality, ceremonialism, elegance, euphemism, euphuism, exquisiteness, formalism, formality, goody-goodness, goody-goodyism, hyperelegance, legalism, manneredness, mannerism, overelaboration, overelegance, overniceness, overpreciseness, overrefinement, pedantism, pedantry, preciousness, preciseness, precisianism, pretentiousness, punctilio, punctiliousness, purism, ritualism, scrupulousness, unnaturalness
precious stone
[edit]- precious stone, anklet, armlet, bangle, beads, bijou, bracelet, breastpin, brooch, chain, chaplet, charm, chatelaine, circle, coronet, crown, crystal, diadem, earring, fob, gem, gem stone, jewel, locket, necklace, nose ring, pin, rhinestone, ring, semiprecious stone, stickpin, stone, tiara, torque, wampum, wristband, wristlet
[edit]- precious, Gongoresque, Gongoristic, Marinistic, absolute, admired, adored, affected, alembicated, angel, arrant, artful, artificial, babe, baby, baby-doll, beloved, beyond price, buttercup, cherished, cherub, chichi, chick, chickabiddy, choice, choosy, classical, complete, consummate, costly, crass, darling, dear, dearly beloved, deary, decided, definitive, doll, downright, duck, duckling, effete, egregious, elaborate, elaborated, elegant, esteemed, euphemistic, euphuistic, exact, expensive, exquisite, fastidious, favorite, finicky, flagrant, formalistic, fussy, glaring, golden, good as gold, goody good-good, goody-goody, gross, hallowed, held dear, high-priced, hon, honey, honey bunch, honey child, hyperelegant, idolized, inestimable, intolerable, invaluable, irreplaceable, la-di-da, lamb, lambkin, love, loved, lover, mannered, methodical, meticulous, mincing, namby-pamby, nice, of great price, orderly, ostentatious, out-and-out, outright, overdone, overelaborate, overelegant, overnice, overprecise, overrefined, particular, pedantic, perfect, persnickety, pet, petkins, picky, popular, positive, precieuse, precieux, precious heart, precise, precisian, precisianistic, precisionist, precisionistic, pretentious, priceless, pricey, prized, profound, pronounced, proper, punctilious, puristic, rank, rare, recherche, regular, revered, rich, scrupulous, shattering, shocking, showy, simpering, snookums, sophisticated, squeamish, stark, stark-staring, studied, sugar, superlative, surpassing, sweet, sweetheart, sweetie, sweetkins, sweets, the veriest, thorough, thoroughgoing, total, treasured, unbearable, unconscionable, undeniable, unequivocal, unmitigated, unnatural, unqualified, unrelieved, unspoiled, utter, valuable, valued, venerable, venerated, well-beloved, well-liked, white-haired, worthy
[edit]- precipice, bluff, cliff, crag, crest, escarpment, face, hilltop, knoll, lofty peak, mountaintop, palisade, palisades, peak, pic, pico, pike, pinnacle, point, scar, scarp, spur, steep, summit, tor, wall
[edit]- precipitant, abrupt, accident-prone, breakneck, breathless, careless, desperate, devil-may-care, electrifying, furious, harum-scarum, hasty, headlong, hotheaded, hurried, impetuous, impulsive, mad, nerve-shattering, overeager, overenthusiastic, overzealous, panting, precipitate, precipitous, quick, rash, reckless, rushing, shocking, slap-bang, slapdash, speedy, startling, sudden, surprising, swift, unanticipated, unexpected, unforeseen, unlooked-for, unpredicted, wanton, wild
[edit]- precipitate, a bit previous, abrupt, accelerate, accident-prone, ad-lib, advance, advanced, aftereffect, aftermath, agile, alluvion, alluvium, arduous, ash, blow down, blow over, bowl down, bowl over, breakneck, breathless, bring about, bring down, bring on, bulldog, bundle, bustle, by-product, careless, cascade, cast, cast down, cataract, caught napping, caught off balance, caught short, chop down, cinder, clinker, collapse, come down, consequence, consequent, corollary, crash, crowd, cut down, dash down, dashing, deck, deposit, deposition, deposits, derivation, derivative, descend, desperate, development, devil-may-care, diluvium, dip down, dispatch, distillate, double-quick, down, draff, dregs, drive on, drizzle, drop, drop down, drop off, dross, drum, eagle-winged, effect, electrifying, ember, event, eventuality, eventuation, expedite, expeditious, express, extemporaneous, extemporized, facilitate, fall, fall down, fall off, far ahead, fast, feces, fell, fetch down, fleet, fling, floor, flying, foolhardy, forward, froth, fruit, furious, further, galloping, go down, go downhill, gravitate, ground, grounds, hair-trigger, half-baked, half-cocked, haphazard, harum-scarum, harvest, haste, hasten, hasten on, hasty, head, headlong, headstrong, hew down, hie on, hotheaded, hurl, hurried, hurry, hurry along, hurry on, hurry up, hustle, hustle up, hustling, ill-considered, impatient, impetuous, impromptu, improvised, impulsive, incautious, incite, incline, injudicious, instigate, issue, knock down, launch, lay level, lay low, lay out, lead, lean, lees, legacy, level, light of heel, light-footed, lively, loess, logical outcome, lose altitude, mad, madcap, makeshift, mercurial, meteoric, mizzle, moraine, mow down, nerve-shattering, nimble, nimble-footed, not firm, offscum, offshoot, offspring, outcome, outgrowth, overeager, overenthusiastic, overhasty, oversoon, overzealous, panting, parachute, patter, pelt, pitch, pitter-patter, plummet, plunge, point, pounce, pour, pour down, pour with rain, precipitant, precipitation, precipitous, precocious, premature, press, previous, product, project, prompt, prostrate, provoke, pull down, push, push forward, push on, push through, quick, quick as lightning, quick as thought, quicken, railroad through, rain, rain tadpoles, rapid, rase, rash, raze, reckless, refractory, result, resultant, rough-and-ready, running, rush, rush along, rushed, rushing, scoria, scum, sediment, sedimentate, sedimentation, send headlong, sequel, sequela, sequence, sequent, settle, settlings, sheer, shocking, shower, shower down, sideling, silt, sink, sinter, slag, slap-bang, slapdash, smut, snap, snappy, soot, spanking, spatter, speed, speed along, speed up, speedy, spit, spread-eagle, sprinkle, spur, stampede, startling, stickle, stoop, stream, sublimate, subside, sudden, supinate, surprised, surprising, swift, swoop, take down, taken aback, taken by surprise, taken unawares, tattoo, tend, tend to go, throw, throw down, too early, too soon, topple, trend downward, trigger, trip, tripped up, tumble, unannounced, unanticipated, unarranged, unbegun, unconcocted, uncontrived, uncontrolled, uncrystallized, undeliberated, undevised, unexpected, unforeseen, unhatched, unjelled, unlooked-for, unmade, unmanufactured, unmatured, unmeditated, unorganized, unplanned, unpredicted, unpremeditated, unprepared, unprimed, unready, unrestrained, unripe, unstudied, untimely, upshot, urge, violent, volatile, wanton, weep, whack down, whip, whip along, wild, willful, winged
[edit]- precipitation, Scotch mist, abruptness, air speed, alacrity, alluvion, alluvium, ash, blood rain, carelessness, celerity, cinder, clinker, deposit, deposition, deposits, desperateness, devil-may-careness, diluvium, dispatch, downcast, downpour, downthrow, draff, dregs, drizzle, dross, ember, evening mist, expedition, expeditiousness, fall, fastness, feces, feverishness, flight, flit, flurry, forwardness, froth, furiousness, gout of rain, ground speed, grounds, hail, haste, hastiness, heedlessness, hotheadedness, hurriedness, hurry, impatience, impetuosity, impetuousness, impulse, impulsiveness, instantaneousness, knots, lees, lightning speed, loess, miles per hour, mist, misty rain, mizzle, moisture, moraine, offscum, overeagerness, overenthusiasm, overhastiness, overthrow, overturn, overzealousness, patter, pitter-patter, precipitance, precipitancy, precipitate, precipitateness, precipitousness, precociousness, precocity, prematureness, prematurity, promptitude, promptness, quickness, rain, raindrop, rainfall, rainwater, rapidity, rashness, recklessness, round pace, rpm, rush, scoria, scum, sediment, sedimentation, settlings, sheet of rain, shower, showers, silt, sinter, slag, sleet, smut, snappiness, snow, snowfall, soot, speed, speediness, splatter, sprinkle, sublimate, suddenness, swift rate, swiftness, unfrozen hydrometeor, untimeliness, velocity, wantonness, wet, wildness
[edit]- precipitous, abrupt, accident-prone, acclivitous, arduous, bluff, bold, breakneck, breathless, careless, declivitous, desperate, devil-may-care, electrifying, furious, harum-scarum, hasty, headlong, hotheaded, hurried, impetuous, impulsive, mad, nerve-shattering, orthodiagonal, orthogonal, overeager, overenthusiastic, overzealous, panting, perpendicular, plumb, plunging, precipitant, precipitate, quick, rapid, rash, reckless, right-angle, right-angled, right-angular, rushing, sharp, sheer, shocking, sideling, slap-bang, slapdash, speedy, startling, steep, stickle, straight-up, straight-up-and-down, sudden, surprising, swift, unanticipated, unexpected, unforeseen, unlooked-for, unpredicted, up-and-down, vertical, wanton, wild
[edit]- precis, abbreviation, abbreviature, abrege, abridgment, abstract, apocope, brief, capsule, compend, compression, condensation, condensed version, conspectus, curtailment, digest, draft, elision, ellipsis, epitome, foreshortening, head, outline, overview, pandect, recap, recapitulation, reduction, retrenchment, review, rubric, shortened version, shortening, skeleton, sketch, summary, summation, survey, syllabus, syncope, synopsis, telescoping, thumbnail sketch, topical outline, truncation
[edit]- precise, absolute, accurate, appreciative, attentive, authentic, be precise, careful, censorious, certain, choicy, choosy, circumscribed, close, concrete, conscientious, constant, correct, critical, defined, definite, delicate, demanding, descend to particulars, detail, detailed, determinate, different, differential, direct, discriminate, discriminating, discriminative, distinct, distinctive, distinguished, distinguishing, esoteric, especial, even, exact, exacting, exceptional, exigent, explicit, express, exquisite, extraordinary, faithful, fastidious, fine, finical, finicking, finicky, fixed, full, fussy, genteel, individual, individualize, inerrable, inerrant, infallible, inflexible, inner, intimate, itemize, limited, literal, literatim, make precise, mathematical, methodical, meticulous, micrometrically precise, microscopic, minute, narrow, nice, noteworthy, orderly, particular, particularize, peculiarize, perfect, perfectionistic, personal, personalize, picayune, picky, pinpoint, precious, precisian, precisianistic, precisionist, precisionistic, prig, priggish, prim, prissy, private, proper, prudish, punctilious, punctual, puristic, puritanic, puritanical, refined, religious, religiously exact, respective, restricted, right, rigid, rigorous, scientific, scientifically exact, scrupulous, scrutinizing, selective, sensitive, several, severe, singular, solipsistic, special, specialize, specific, spell out, square, straitlaced, strict, stringent, stuffy, subtle, tactful, true, truthful, unambiguous, unbending, unconditional, undeviating, unequivocal, unerring, unyielding, veracious, verbatim, very, well-defined, word-for-word
[edit]- precisely, OK, Roger, absolutely, accurately, all right, alright, alrighty, amen, as well, as you say, assuredly, at the gun, aye, bang, by all means, carefully, certainly, concretely, conscientiously, correctly, da, dead, definitely, directly, distinctly, especially, even, exactingly, exactly, expressly, exquisitely, faithfully, fine, flush, full, fussily, good, good enough, hear, in all respects, in detail, in every respect, in particular, in such wise, indeed, indeedy, inflexibly, ipsissimis verbis, item by item, ja, just, just like that, just so, kerplunk, like so, like that, like this, literally, literatim, mais oui, meticulously, minutely, most assuredly, naturally, naturellement, nicely, of course, okay, on the button, on the dot, on the instant, on the minute, on the nail, on the nose, on time, oui, particularly, plop, plumb, plump, plunk, point-blank, positively, punctiliously, punctually, quite, rather, really, refinedly, right, righto, rigidly, rigorously, scrupulously, separately, sharp, similarly, singly, slap, smack, smack-dab, so, spang, specially, specifically, square, squarely, straight, strictly, sure, sure thing, surely, this way, this-a-way, thus, thus and so, thus and thus, thusly, thuswise, to be specific, to be sure, to the letter, to the minute, truly, undeviatingly, unerringly, verbally, verbatim, verbatim et litteratim, very well, well and good, why yes, with exactitude, with great nicety, with precision, word by word, word for word, yea, yeah, yep, yes, yes indeed, yes indeedy, yes sir, yes sirree
[edit]- precisian, Babbitt, Middle American, Philistine, anal character, bluestocking, bourgeois, burgher, captious critic, compulsive character, conformer, conformist, conventionalist, elegant, euphemistic, euphuistic, exact, exquisite, formalist, formalistic, goody good-good, goody-goody, methodical, methodologist, meticulous, middle-class type, mincing, model child, namby-pamby, nitpicker, orderly, organization man, overnice, overprecise, overrefined, parrot, pedant, pedantic, perfectionist, plastic person, precieuse, precieux, precious, precise, precisianist, precisianistic, precisionist, precisionistic, punctilious, purist, puristic, scrupulous, sheep, simpering, square, stickler, teenybopper, traditionalist, trimmer, yes-man
[edit]- precision, absoluteness, accuracy, allocation, assignment, attention, attention to detail, attention to fact, attribution, care, care for truth, carefulness, censoriousness, choosiness, circumstantiality, conscientiousness, correctness, criticality, criticalness, definiteness, delicacy, denomination, designation, detail, determination, discriminatingness, discrimination, discriminativeness, exactingness, exactitude, exactness, explicitness, exquisiteness, faithfulness, fastidiousness, faultlessness, fidelity, fineness, finicality, finicalness, finickiness, finickingness, fixing, flawlessness, fussiness, heed, literalism, literality, literalness, mathematical precision, meticulousness, minuteness, niceness, nicety, particularity, particularness, perfection, perfectionism, pinning down, preciseness, precisianism, priggishness, prudishness, punctilio, punctiliousness, punctuality, purism, puritanism, refinement, right, rightness, rigidity, rigidness, rigor, rigorousness, scrupulosity, scrupulousness, selection, selectiveness, selectivity, sensitivity, severity, signification, specification, stipulation, strictness, subtlety, taste, textualism, the letter, unambiguousness, unerringness
[edit]- preclude, anticipate, avert, avoid, ban, bar, bar out, block, blockade, cease, check, count out, cut off, debar, deflect, deny, deter, disallow, discontinue, discourage, dishearten, embargo, enjoin, estop, exclude, exclude from, fend, fend off, forbid, foreclose, forestall, freeze out, frustrate, help, hinder, ignore, impede, inhibit, interdict, interfere with, keep from, keep off, keep out, leave out, lock out, obstruct, obviate, omit, ostracize, outlaw, pass over, prevent, prohibit, proscribe, quit, refuse, reject, relegate, repel, repress, repudiate, rule out, save, say no to, send to Coventry, shut out, stave off, stop, suppress, taboo, thwart, turn aside, ward, ward off
[edit]- precluding, aside from, bar, barring, beside, besides, ex, except, except for, excepting, excluding, exclusive of, leaving out, let alone, omitting, outside of, save, save and except, saving, than, unless, without
[edit]- preclusive, deterrent, deterring, discouraging, ethnocentric, exceptional, excluding, exclusive, exclusory, forbidding, forestalling, inadmissible, inhibitive, inhibitory, insular, interdictive, interdictory, narrow, parochial, prescriptive, preventative, preventive, prohibiting, prohibitive, prohibitory, prophylactic, proscriptive, repressive, restrictive, seclusive, segregative, select, selective, separative, snobbish, suppressive, xenophobic
[edit]- precocious, a bit previous, advanced, ahead, bright, developed, early, far ahead, forward, gifted, half-baked, half-cocked, hasty, ill-considered, impulsive, intelligent, mature, not firm, overhasty, oversoon, precipitate, premature, previous, quick, rushed, smart, soon, too early, too soon, uncrystallized, unjelled, unmatured, unmeditated, unpremeditated, unprepared, unripe, untimely
[edit]- precognition, a priori knowledge, anticipation, apprehension, buddhi, clairvoyance, command, comprehension, conception, conceptualization, direct apprehension, foreboding, foreknowing, foreknowledge, foreseeability, forewisdom, grasp, grip, ideation, immediate cognition, insight, inspiration, intellection, intelligence, intuition, intuitionism, intuitive reason, intuitiveness, intuitivism, knowledge without thought, mastery, mental grasp, prehension, presage, prescience, presentiment, satori, savvy, second sight, second-sightedness, sixth sense, subconscious knowledge, subconscious perception, understanding, unmediated perception, wisdom
[edit]- precognitive, anticipant, anticipatory, clairvoyant, divinatory, farseeing, farsighted, feeling, forehanded, foreknowing, foreseeing, foresighted, forethoughted, forethoughtful, intuitional, intuitive, longsighted, precognizant, prepared, prescient, provident, providential, prudent, ready, sagacious, second-sighted, sensing
[edit]- preconceived, anticipatory, beforehand, biased, forejudged, judged beforehand, preconceptual, preconcluded, predecided, predetermined, predisposed, predispositional, prejudged, prejudging, prejudiced, prejudicial, presumed, presupposed, presurmised
[edit]- preconception, assumption, bent, bias, delusion, favoritism, forejudgment, idee fixe, illusion, inclination, jaundice, jaundiced eye, leaning, one-sidedness, parti pris, partialism, partiality, partisanship, preapprehension, preconclusion, preconsideration, predecision, predetermination, predilection, predisposition, prejudgment, prejudication, prejudice, premature judgment, prenotion, prepossession, presumption, presupposal, presupposition, presurmise, twist, undetachment, undispassionateness
[edit]- preconscious, anima, coconscious, collective unconscious, conscience, conscious self, death instinct, ego, ego ideal, ego-id conflict, ethical self, foreconscious, id, libidinal energy, libido, mind, motive force, persona, personality, pleasure principle, primitive self, psyche, psychic apparatus, racial unconscious, self, subconscious, subconscious mind, subliminal, subliminal self, submerged mind, superego, unconscious, unconscious mind, vital impulse
[edit]- preconsideration, aforethought, calculatedness, calculation, caution, deliberateness, deliberation, express intention, expressness, forejudgment, forethought, intentionality, parti pris, preapprehension, preconception, preconclusion, predecision, predeliberation, predetermination, predilection, predisposition, prejudgment, prejudication, prejudice, premature judgment, premeditation, prenotion, prepossession, preresolution, presumption, presupposal, presupposition, presurmise
[edit]- precursor, advance guard, agent, airhead, alterant, alterative, alterer, ancestor, ancestors, announcer, antecedence, antecedency, antecedent, anteposition, anteriority, apprentice, architect, artificer, artist, author, avant-garde, battle line, beachhead, begetter, beginner, bridgehead, buccinator novi temporis, builder, catalyst, catalytic agent, colonial, colonist, colonizer, conceiver, constructor, craftsman, creator, danger sign, designer, deviser, discoverer, dominion, early bird, early comer, early riser, early symptom, effector, engenderer, engineer, executor, executrix, falling barometer, farthest outpost, father, ferment, first arrival, first line, forefront, foregoer, foregoing, forerunner, foreshadower, founder, front, front line, front position, front rank, front-runner, gathering clouds, generator, grower, harbinger, heading, herald, high sign, homesteader, immigrant, inaugurator, industrialist, initiator, innovationist, innovator, instigator, institutor, introducer, inventor, journeyman, le pas, leading, leaven, line, maker, manufacturer, master, master craftsman, messenger, modificator, modifier, mother, nester, omen, organizer, originator, outguard, outpost, outrider, past master, pioneer, planner, planter, point, precedence, precedency, precedent, preceding, precession, predecessor, preference, prefixation, preliminary sign, prelude, premise, premonitor, premonitory sign, premonitory symptom, presager, prime mover, priority, prodroma, prodrome, producer, prothesis, prototype, quarantine flag, railhead, raiser, realizer, red flag, red light, scout, settler, shaper, sire, skull and crossbones, smith, sooner, spearhead, squatter, storm petrel, stormy petrel, superiority, symptom, the lead, thundercloud, thunderhead, top priority, transformer, transmogrifier, urgency, van, vanguard, warning sign, warning signal, wright, yeast, yellow flag, yellow jack
[edit]- precursory, antecedent, anterior, augural, chief, exordial, first, foreboding, foregoing, foremost, forerunning, foreshadowing, foreshowing, foretokening, forewarning, heading, headmost, heavy with meaning, inaugural, indicative, initiatory, intuitive, leading, meaningful, monitory, portentous, precautional, precautionary, precedent, preceding, precessional, precursive, predictive, prefatory, prefigurative, preindicative, preliminary, preludial, prelusive, premonitory, preparatory, presageful, presaging, prevenient, prior, prodromal, prodromic, proemial, prognostic, prognosticative, propaedeutic, significant, warning
[edit]- predacious, all-devouring, all-engulfing, bloodsucking, cannibal, cannibalistic, carnivorous, commensal, dietetic, dining, eating, extortionate, feeding, flesh-eating, fruitarian, gastronomic, gluttonous, grabby, grain-eating, graminivorous, granivorous, grasping, grass-eating, herbivorous, insect-eating, insectivorous, lactovegetarian, looting, lupine, man-eating, marauding, meat-eating, mensal, nourishing, nutritious, omnivorous, omophagous, pantophagous, parasitic, phytivorous, phytophagous, pillaging, plant-eating, plundering, plunderous, postprandial, prandial, predatory, preprandial, rapacious, raptorial, ravaging, ravening, ravenous, sharkish, spoliatory, vegetable-eating, vegetarian, vulturine, vulturous, wolfish
[edit]- predate, announce, antecede, antedate, anticipate, backdate, be before, be dated, be early, bear date, come before, date, date at, date-stamp, dateline, datemark, forerun, go before, herald, make a date, pace, postdate, precede, precurse, preexist, proclaim, set the date, update, usher in
[edit]- predatory, all-devouring, all-engulfing, avaricious, bloodsucking, carnivorous, despoiling, extortionate, grabby, grasping, greedy, larcenous, looting, lupine, marauding, parasitic, pillaging, plundering, plunderous, predacious, rapacious, raptorial, ravaging, ravening, ravenous, robbing, sharkish, spoliatory, thieving, usurious, voracious, vulturine, vulturous, wolfish
[edit]- predecessor, ancestor, ancestors, announcer, antecedent, antecedents, ascendants, avant-garde, bellwether, buccinator, bushwhacker, elders, explorer, fathers, forebear, forebears, forefather, forefathers, foregoer, forerunner, front runner, frontiersman, fugleman, grandfathers, grandparents, groundbreaker, guide, harbinger, herald, innovator, lead runner, leader, messenger, pathfinder, patriarchs, pioneer, point, precedent, precursor, predecessor, predecessors, progenitors, prototype, scout, stormy petrel, trailblazer, trailbreaker, vanguard, vaunt-courier, voortrekker
[edit]- predestination, absolute certainty, absoluteness, assurance, assuredness, certain knowledge, certainness, certainty, certitude, dead certainty, decree, definiteness, destiny, determinacy, determinateness, doom, fate, foredestiny, foregone conclusion, foreknowledge, foreordination, fortune, future, ineluctability, inerrability, inerrancy, inevitability, infallibilism, infallibility, karma, kismet, lot, necessity, nonambiguity, noncontingency, positiveness, predetermination, preordination, prescience, probatum, proved fact, sureness, surety, truth, unambiguity, unequivocalness, univocity, unmistakableness
[edit]- predestined, absolute, apodictic, bound, certain, clear, clear and distinct, clear as day, conclusive, decisive, definite, determinate, foreordained, forgone, ineluctable, inevitable, necessary, perfectly sure, positive, predecided, predestinate, predetermined, preordained, sure, sure-enough, true, unambiguous, unequivocal, univocal, unmistakable
[edit]- predetermination, absolute certainty, absoluteness, act of God, aforethought, assurance, assuredness, calculatedness, calculation, certain knowledge, certainness, certainty, certitude, dead certainty, definiteness, deliberateness, deliberation, determinacy, determinateness, express intention, expressness, fate, fatefulness, force majeure, forejudgment, forethought, indefeasibility, ineluctability, inerrability, inerrancy, inescapableness, inevasibleness, inevitability, inevitable accident, inevitableness, inexorability, infallibilism, infallibility, inflexibility, intentionality, irrevocability, necessity, nonambiguity, noncontingency, parti pris, positiveness, preapprehension, preconception, preconclusion, preconsideration, predecision, predeliberation, predestination, predilection, predisposition, prejudgment, prejudication, prejudice, premature judgment, premeditation, prenotion, prepossession, preresolution, presumption, presupposal, presupposition, presurmise, probatum, proved fact, relentlessness, sureness, surety, truth, unambiguity, unavoidable casualty, unavoidableness, uncontrollability, undeflectability, unequivocalness, univocity, unmistakableness, unpreventability, unyieldingness, vis major
[edit]- predetermine, be predisposed, calculate, destine, determine, fate, forejudge, foreordain, forethink, go off half-cocked, judge beforehand, jump the gun, plan, plot, preconceive, preconclude, preconsider, predecide, predestinate, predestine, preestablish, prejudge, premeditate, preordain, preresolve, presume, presuppose, presurmise, scheme, work out beforehand
[edit]- predetermined, absolute, aforethought, apodictic, bound, certain, clear, clear and distinct, clear as day, conclusive, decisive, definite, destined, determinate, doomed, fated, fixed, foregone, forejudged, foreordained, forgone, in the cards, ineluctable, inevitable, judged beforehand, necessary, ordained, perfectly sure, positive, prearranged, preconceived, preconceptual, preconcluded, preconsidered, predecided, predeliberated, predestinate, predestined, predisposed, predispositional, prejudged, prejudging, prejudicial, premeditated, preordained, prepense, preresolved, presumed, presupposed, presurmised, set up, sure, sure-enough, true, unambiguous, unequivocal, univocal, unmistakable
[edit]- predicament, adverse circumstances, adversity, affliction, aggravation, annoyance, baffle, bafflement, bearings, bewilderment, bind, blight, blood, bother, box, bracket, branch, breakers ahead, bummer, cardhouse, care, case, case of need, caste, category, cause for alarm, circumstance, clan, class, clutch, complication, condition, confoundment, confusion, corner, crisis, cross, crunch, curse, danger, dangerous ground, deep water, difficulties, difficulty, dilemma, dire necessity, discomposure, disconcert, disconcertedness, disconcertion, disconcertment, disturbance, division, downer, embarrassing position, embarrassment, emergency, endangerment, enigma, estate, exigence, exigency, fine how-do-you-do, fix, footing, gaping chasm, gathering clouds, grade, group, grouping, hard knocks, hard life, hard lot, hardcase, hardship, hazard, head, heading, hell to pay, hobble, hole, hot, hot water, house of cards, how-do-you-do, imbroglio, immediacy, impasse, imperative, imperativeness, imperilment, in a bind, irritation, jam, jeopardy, kin, label, level, location, lot, matter of necessity, menace, mess, mix, modality, mode, morass, mystery, nonplus, order, parlous straits, pass, peril, perplexity, perturbation, pickle, pigeonhole, pinch, place, plight, position, posture, pother, pressingness, pressure, pretty pass, pretty pickle, pretty predicament, problem, puzzle, puzzlement, quagmire, quandary, quicksand, race, rank, rating, riddle, rigor, risk, rocks ahead, rubric, scrape, sea of troubles, section, sept, set, situation, slough, spot, squeeze, standing, state, station, status, stew, sticky wicket, storm clouds, strain, strait, straits, stratum, stress, stress of life, subdivision, subgroup, suborder, swamp, thin ice, threat, tight spot, tight squeeze, tightrope, title, trial, tribulation, tricky spot, trouble, troubles, unassuredness, unholy mess, upset, urgency, urgent need, vale of tears, vicissitude
[edit]- predicate, IC analysis, advance, affirm, affirmance, affirmation, allegation, allege, announce, announcement, annunciate, annunciation, appositive, argue, assert, assertion, assever, asseverate, asseveration, attribute, attributive, aver, averment, avouch, avouchment, avow, avowal, bottom, complement, conclusion, construction modifier, contend, creed, cutting, declaration, declare, deep structure, depose, dictum, direct object, enunciate, enunciation, establish, express, filler, form-function unit, found, function, ground, have, hold, immediate constituent analysis, indirect object, insist, ipse dixit, issue a manifesto, lay down, levels, maintain, manifesto, modifier, object, phrase structure, pose, posit, position, position paper, positive declaration, postulate, predication, proclaim, proclamation, profess, profession, pronounce, pronouncement, propose, proposition, propound, protest, protestation, put, put it, qualifier, ranks, rest, say, say-so, saying, set down, set forth, shallow structure, slot, slot and filler, speak, speak out, speak up, stance, stand, stand for, stand on, state, statement, stay, strata, structure, subject, submit, surface structure, syntactic analysis, syntactic structure, syntactics, syntax, tagmeme, underlying structure, utterance, vouch, word, word arrangement, word order
[edit]- predicated, affirmed, alleged, announced, asserted, asseverated, attested, averred, avouched, avowed, based on, boxed in, certified, circumscribed by, contingent, contingent on, declared, dependent, dependent on, depending, depending on, depending on circumstances, deposed, enunciated, hedged about by, hinging on, incident to, incidental to, manifestoed, pledged, predicated on, professed, pronounced, revolving on, stated, subject to, sworn, sworn to, turning on, vouched, vouched for, vowed, warranted
[edit]- predication, affirmance, affirmation, allegation, announcement, annunciation, assertion, asseveration, averment, avouchment, avowal, conclusion, creed, declaration, dictum, enunciation, ipse dixit, manifesto, position, position paper, positive declaration, predicate, proclamation, profession, pronouncement, proposition, protest, protestation, say, say-so, saying, stance, stand, statement, utterance, vouch, word
[edit]- predict, adumbrate, anticipate, approach, augur, auspicate, await, be destined, be fated, be imminent, be to be, be to come, bet, call, cast a horoscope, cast a nativity, come, come on, conclude, conjecture, contemplate, divine, dope, dope out, dowse for water, draw near, draw on, envisage, envision, expect, forebode, forecast, foreglimpse, foresee, foreshadow, foreshow, foretaste, foretell, foretoken, forewarn, fortune-tell, gamble, gather, guess, hariolate, have a hunch, have an intimation, hazard a conjecture, hint, hope, infer, intimate, judge, lie ahead, look ahead, look beyond, look for, look forward to, loom, make a prediction, make a prognosis, make a prophecy, make book, near, omen, plan, plot, portend, prefigure, presage, presume, prognosticate, project, prophesy, read palms, read tea leaves, read the future, risk, see ahead, see beforehand, shadow, shadow forth, soothsay, speculate, suggest, suppose, surmise, take a chance, tell fortunes, tell the future, think, threaten, vaticinate
[edit]- predictability, authenticity, authoritativeness, calculability, dependability, divinability, faithworthiness, firmness, foreknowableness, foreseeability, foretellableness, frequency curve, frequency distribution, game theory, invincibility, mathematical probability, operations research, probability theory, probable error, quantum mechanics, reliability, secureness, security, solidity, soundness, stability, standard deviation, statistical mechanics, statistical probability, statistics, staunchness, steadfastness, steadiness, substantiality, trustworthiness, uncertainty principle, unerringness, validity
[edit]- predictable, anticipatable, anticipated, apt, balanced, calculable, cool, dependable, divinable, expected, fair, faithful, faithworthy, fast, fiducial, firm, firm as Gibraltar, foreknowable, foreseeable, foreseen, foretellable, hopeful, imperturbable, improbable, in equilibrium, in the cards, invincible, liable, likely, odds-on, precognizable, predictable within limits, presumable, presumptive, probable, promising, reliable, secure, solid, sound, stable, statistically probable, staunch, steadfast, steady, substantial, sure, surefire, trustworthy, trusty, unfailing, unflappable, unflinching, unshakable, unwavering, verisimilar, well-balanced, well-founded, well-grounded, without nerves
[edit]- predicted, approaching, augured, coming, desired, destinal, destined, determined, emergent, eventual, extrapolated, fatal, fated, fatidic, forecast, foreknown, foreseen, foreshadowed, foreshown, foretokened, foretold, forthcoming, future, futuristic, hereafter, hoped-for, imminent, indicated, later, nearing, planned, plotted, prefigured, preindicated, presaged, presignified, pretypified, probable, prognosticated, projected, promised, prophesied, prospective, signified, threatened, to come, to-be, ultimate
[edit]- prediction, aftertime, afteryears, anticipation, augury, by-and-by, cast, conjecture, contemplation, course ahead, crystal ball, determinism, discretion, distant future, envisagement, envisionment, eventuality, expectation, farseeingness, farsightedness, forecast, forefeeling, foreglance, foregleam, foreglimpse, forehandedness, foreseeing, foresight, foresightedness, foretelling, forward look, future, future tense, futurism, futurity, guess, hereafter, hint, hunch, immediate future, immediate prospect, imminence, intimation, longsightedness, looking ahead, near future, offing, outlook, posteriority, preapprehension, premonition, preparation, prepublication, presage, presagement, presentiment, preview, prevision, probability, prognosis, prognostication, project, prophecy, prospect, prospection, providence, provision, prudence, readiness, sagacity, suggestion, the future, the morrow, the sweet by-and-by, time ahead, time just ahead, time to come, tomorrow, weird
[edit]- predictive, apocalyptic, augural, auguring, divinatory, fatidic, forecasting, forerunning, foreseeing, foreshadowing, foreshowing, foretelling, foretokening, forewarning, fortunetelling, haruspical, heavy with meaning, indicative, intuitive, mantic, meaningful, monitory, oracular, precursive, precursory, predictional, predictory, prefigurative, prefiguring, preindicative, premonitory, presageful, presaging, presignificative, presignifying, prognostic, prognosticative, prophetic, sibyllic, sibylline, significant, vaticinal, vaticinatory, warning, weather-wise
[edit]- predictor, Cassandra, Druid, astrologer, augur, calamity howler, crystal gazer, divinator, diviner, divineress, forecaster, foreknower, foreseer, foreshower, foreteller, fortuneteller, geomancer, haruspex, palmist, prefigurer, presager, prognosticator, prophesier, prophet, prophet of doom, prophetess, psychic, pythoness, religious prophets, seer, seeress, soothsayer, vates, weather prophet
[edit]- predilection, a thing for, affinity, animus, aptitude, aptness, bag, bent, bias, cast, character, chosen kind, conatus, conduciveness, constitution, cup of tea, delight, diathesis, disposition, druthers, eagerness, eccentricity, fancy, fascination, favor, favoritism, feeling for, forejudgment, grain, idiosyncrasy, inclination, inclining, individualism, jaundice, jaundiced eye, kidney, leaning, liability, liking, make, makeup, mental set, mettle, mind, mind-set, mold, mutual affinity, mutual attraction, nature, one-sidedness, parti pris, partialism, partiality, particular choice, partisanship, penchant, personal choice, preapprehension, preconception, preconclusion, preconsideration, predecision, predetermination, predisposition, preference, prejudgment, prejudication, prejudice, premature judgment, prenotion, prepossession, presumption, presupposal, presupposition, presurmise, probability, proclivity, proneness, propensity, readiness, sensitivity to, set, slant, soft spot, stamp, strain, streak, stripe, style, susceptibility, sympathy, taste, temper, temperament, tendency, thing, tropism, turn, turn of mind, twist, type, undetachment, undispassionateness, warp, weakness, willingness
[edit]- predispose, affect, bend, bias, color, dispose, impress, incline, induce, influence, lead, move, persuade, prompt, soften up, strike, sway, tinge, tone, wear down, weigh with, work
[edit]- predisposed, acquiescent, agreeable, alacritous, amenable, apt, apt to, ardent, bent, calculated to, compliant, consenting, content, cooperative, disposed, disposed to, dispositioned, docile, eager, enthusiastic, fain, favorable, favorably disposed, favorably inclined, forejudged, forward, game, given, given to, in the mind, in the mood, inclined, inclined to, judged beforehand, liable to, likely, likely to, minded, minded to, pliant, preconceived, preconceptual, preconcluded, predecided, predetermined, predisposed to, predispositional, prejudged, prejudging, prejudicial, presumed, presupposed, presurmised, prompt, prone, prone to, quick, ready, ready and willing, ready to, receptive, responsive, tractable, well-disposed, well-inclined, willed, willing, willinghearted, zealous
[edit]- predisposition, a thing for, affinity, animus, aptitude, aptness, bag, bent, bias, cast, character, chosen kind, conatus, conduciveness, constitution, cup of tea, delight, diathesis, disposition, druthers, eagerness, eccentricity, fancy, favor, feeling for, forejudgment, grain, idiosyncrasy, inclination, inclining, individualism, kidney, leaning, liability, liking, make, makeup, mental set, mettle, mind, mind-set, mold, nature, parti pris, partiality, particular choice, penchant, personal choice, preapprehension, preconception, preconclusion, preconsideration, predecision, predetermination, predilection, preference, prejudgment, prejudication, prejudice, premature judgment, prenotion, prepossession, presumption, presupposal, presupposition, presurmise, probability, proclivity, proneness, propensity, readiness, sensitivity to, set, slant, soft spot, stamp, strain, streak, stripe, style, susceptibility, taste, temper, temperament, tendency, thing, tropism, turn, turn of mind, twist, type, warp, weakness, willingness
[edit]- predominance, accomplishment, advantage, ascendance, ascendancy, authority, balance of power, charisma, charm, clout, consequence, control, credit, deanship, dominance, dominancy, domination, dominion, effect, eminence, eminent domain, enchantment, esteem, excellence, favor, force, good feeling, greatness, hegemony, hold, importance, incidental power, incomparability, influence, influentiality, inimitability, insinuation, lead, leadership, leverage, magnetism, majority, mastery, moment, one-upmanship, overlordship, personality, persuasion, potency, power, precedence, predominancy, predomination, preeminence, preponderance, prepotence, prepotency, prerogative, pressure, prestige, primacy, principality, priority, privilege, purchase, reign, repute, right-of-way, rule, say, seniority, skill, sovereignty, suasion, subtle influence, success, suggestion, superiority, supremacy, suzerainship, suzerainty, sway, transcendence, transcendency, upper hand, virtuosity, weight, whip hand
[edit]- predominant, all-absorbing, arch, ascendant, at the head, average, banner, besetting, boss, capital, cardinal, central, champion, chief, commanding, common, controlling, crowning, current, dominant, epidemic, first, focal, foremost, general, governing, great, head, headmost, hegemonic, hegemonistic, highest, important, in ascendancy, in charge, in chief, in the ascendant, influential, leading, magisterial, main, major, master, normal, number one, on the throne, ordinary, outstanding, overbearing, overriding, overruling, pandemic, paramount, popular, predominate, predominating, preeminent, premier, prepollent, preponderant, preponderate, prepotent, prevailing, prevalent, primal, primary, prime, principal, rampant, ranking, regnant, regulating, regulative, regulatory, reigning, rife, routine, ruling, running, sovereign, standard, star, stellar, stereotyped, supereminent, superior, supreme, swaying, telling, topflight, topmost, transcendant, uppermost, usual
[edit]- predominantly, a fortiori, above all, all in all, all the more, all things considered, altogether, as a rule, as a whole, as an approximation, at large, broadly, broadly speaking, by and large, chiefly, commonly, dominantly, especially, even, ever so, first of all, generally, generally speaking, in chief, in general, in the main, indeed, largely, mainly, more than ever, mostly, never so, no end, normally, on balance, on the whole, ordinarily, overall, particularly, peculiarly, prevailingly, primarily, principally, roughly, roughly speaking, routinely, speaking generally, still more, usually, yea
[edit]- predominate, ascendant, be in, be in force, be the rage, be the rule, be the thing, best, bestride, better, cap, control, dictate, dominate, domineer, exceed, excel, go one better, have the ascendancy, improve on, lord it over, master, obtain, outweigh, overbalance, overbear, overbearing, overcome, overpass, overrule, overshadow, overtop, paramount, perfect, play first fiddle, predominant, preponderant, preponderate, prevail, prevalent, regnant, reign, rule, rule the roost, sovereign, surpass, take the lead, top, tower above, tower over, transcend, trump, twist, wear the pants
[edit]- predominating, accustomed, average, besetting, common, commonplace, conventional, current, customary, dominant, epidemic, everyday, familiar, habitual, household, normal, normative, ordinary, pandemic, popular, predominant, prescriptive, prevailing, prevalent, rampant, regnant, regular, regulation, reigning, rife, routine, ruling, running, standard, stereotyped, stock, universal, usual, vernacular, wonted
[edit]- preeminence, accent, accomplishment, ascendance, ascendancy, balance of power, concern, concernment, consequence, consequentiality, consideration, deanship, distinction, dominance, dominancy, domination, dominion, eminent domain, emphasis, excellence, exquisiteness, favor, greatness, high order, high rank, illustriousness, import, importance, incomparability, inimitability, interest, kudos, lead, magnificence, majority, mark, marvelousness, masterdom, matchlessness, materiality, merit, moment, note, one-upmanship, overlordship, paramountcy, peerlessness, precedence, predominance, predominancy, predomination, preponderance, preponderancy, prepotence, prepotency, prerogative, prestige, primacy, principality, priority, privilege, prominence, renown, right-of-way, self-importance, seniority, significance, skill, sovereignty, splendidness, splendiferousness, stress, success, superbness, supereminence, superexcellence, superfineness, superiority, supremacy, suzerainship, suzerainty, transcendence, transcendency, unsurpassedness, upper hand, value, virtuosity, weight, whip hand, worth
[edit]- preeminent, absolute, acmatic, all-absorbing, apical, arch, ascendant, authoritarian, authoritative, authorized, autocratic, banner, capital, cardinal, central, champion, chief, clothed with authority, commanding, competent, consequential, considerable, consummate, controlling, crowning, dominant, duly constituted, eminent, empowered, ex officio, first, focal, foremost, governing, great, head, headmost, hegemonic, hegemonistic, highest, imperative, important, incomparable, influential, leading, magisterial, main, major, master, maximal, maximum, meridian, meridional, mighty, momentous, monocratic, number one, official, outstanding, overmost, overriding, overruling, paramount, potent, powerful, predominant, premier, preponderant, prestigious, prevailing, primal, primary, prime, principal, prominent, puissant, ranking, ruling, senior, sovereign, star, stellar, substantial, summital, supereminent, superior, supreme, surpassing, tip-top, top, topflight, topmost, totalitarian, towering, transcendent, ultimate, unmatchable, unsurpassable, upmost, uppermost, vertical, weighty, zenithal
[edit]- preeminently, abundantly, acutely, amazingly, amply, astonishingly, awesomely, conspicuously, copiously, egregiously, eminently, emphatically, exceedingly, exceptionally, exquisitely, extraordinarily, exuberantly, famously, far and away, generously, glaringly, impressively, incomparably, incredibly, inimitably, intensely, magically, magnanimously, magnificently, markedly, marvelously, nobly, notably, par excellence, paramountly, particularly, peculiarly, pointedly, profusely, prominently, pronouncedly, remarkably, richly, signally, singularly, splendidly, strikingly, superlatively, supremely, surpassingly, surprisingly, the most, to crown all, transcendently, uncommonly, unusually, wonderfully, wondrous, worthily
[edit]- preempt, accroach, adopt, annex, appropriate, arrogate, assume, colonize, commandeer, confiscate, conquer, enslave, expropriate, hog, indent, jump a claim, make free with, make use of, monopolize, occupy, overrun, preoccupy, prepossess, requisition, seize, sequester, sit on, squat on, subjugate, take, take all of, take it all, take over, take possession of, take up, usurp
[edit]- preemption, adoption, appropriation, arrogation, assumption, colonization, conquest, emption, enslavement, first option, first refusal, indent, occupation, option, preoccupation, prepossession, refusal, requisition, right of emption, right of preemption, subjugation, takeover, taking over, usurpation
[edit]- preen, adorn, array, beautify, bedeck, bedizen, blazon, brush up, clean, color, dandify, deck, deck out, decorate, dizen, doll up, dress, dress up, embellish, emblazon, embroider, enrich, fettle, fig out, fix up, furbish, garnish, grace, groom, gussy up, manicure, ornament, paint, pique, plume, prank, prank up, prettify, primp, primp up, prink, prink up, redecorate, redo, refurbish, set off, set out, smarten, smarten up, spruce up, titivate, trick out, trick up, trim
[edit]- prefabricate, assemble, build, cast, compose, compound, concoct, construct, create, devise, elaborate, erect, evolve, extrude, fabricate, fashion, form, formulate, frame, fudge together, get up, indite, make, make up, manufacture, mature, mold, patch together, piece together, prepare, produce, put together, put up, raise, rear, run up, set up, shape, whomp up, write
[edit]- prefabricated, assembled, built, cast, constructed, crafted, created, custom, custom-built, custom-made, cut-and-dried, cut-and-dry, extracted, fabricated, fashioned, forged, formed, gathered, grown, handcrafted, handmade, harvested, homemade, homespun, machine-made, machined, made, made to order, man-made, manufactured, milled, mined, molded, prefab, processed, put together, raised, ready-built, ready-dressed, ready-for-wear, ready-formed, ready-made, ready-mixed, ready-prepared, ready-to-wear, refined, shaped, smelted, well-built, well-constructed, well-made
[edit]- prefabrication, architecture, assembly, building, casting, composition, construct, construction, conversion, crafting, craftsmanship, creation, cultivation, devising, edifice, elaboration, erection, establishment, extraction, fabric, fabrication, fashioning, formation, forming, formulation, framing, growing, handicraft, handiwork, harvesting, house, machining, making, manufacture, manufacturing, milling, mining, molding, packaged house, pile, prefab, preparation, processing, producing, pyramid, raising, refining, shaping, skyscraper, smelting, structure, superstructure, tower, workmanship
[edit]- preface, acknowledgments, anteriority, avant-propos, back, back matter, bastard title, begin, bibliography, bold front, brave face, brave front, breakthrough, catch line, catchword, colophon, contents, contents page, copyright page, dedication, display, endleaf, endpaper, endsheet, errata, exordium, facade, face, facet, facia, flyleaf, folio, fore, fore edge, forefront, foreground, forehand, foreland, forepart, forequarter, foreside, foreword, front, front elevation, front man, front matter, front page, front view, frontage, frontal, frontier, frontispiece, half-title page, head, heading, imprint, index, innovation, inscription, introduce, introduction, lap, lead, leaf, leap, makeup, obverse, open, overture, page, postulate, preamble, precede, prefix, prefixture, preliminaries, preliminary, prelude, premise, presupposition, priority, proem, prolegomena, prolegomenon, prolepsis, prologize, prologue, proscenium, protasis, recto, reverso, running title, signature, subtitle, table of contents, tail, text, title, title page, trim size, type page, usher, verse, verso, voluntary, window dressing
[edit]- prefatory, antecedent, anterior, chief, exordial, first, foremost, headmost, inaugural, inductive, initiatory, introductory, leading, opening, precedent, preceding, precessional, precursory, prefixed, prelim, preliminary, preludial, prelusive, preparatory, prepositive, prevenient, prior, proemial, propaedeutic
[edit]- prefect, apprentice teacher, archon, auditor, autodidact, chancellor, chief executive, chief executive officer, dean, educatee, executive, executive director, executive officer, executive secretary, graduate assistant, inquirer, intern, learner, magistrate, management, managing director, monitor, officer, official, paraprofessional, practice teacher, praepostor, president, prexy, proctor, provost, pupil, pupil teacher, scholar, secretary, self-taught person, student, student assistant, studier, teaching assistant, teaching fellow, teaching intern, the administration, trainee, treasurer, vice-chancellor, vice-president, warden
[edit]- prefecture, aedileship, archbishopric, archiepiscopacy, archiepiscopate, aristocracy, bishopric, chairmanship, chancellery, chancellorate, chancellorship, chiefery, chiefry, chieftaincy, chieftainry, chieftainship, consulate, consulship, deanery, dictatorship, dictature, directorship, emirate, episcopacy, governorship, headship, hegemony, hierarchy, leadership, lordship, magistracy, magistrateship, magistrature, masterdom, mastership, mastery, mayoralty, mayorship, metropolitanate, metropolitanship, nobility, papacy, pashadom, pashalic, patriarchate, patriarchy, pontificality, pontificate, popedom, popehood, popeship, prefectship, premiership, presidency, presidentship, prime-ministership, prime-ministry, princedom, princeship, principality, proconsulate, proconsulship, protectorate, protectorship, provostry, provostship, rectorate, rectorship, regency, regentship, ruling class, seigniory, seneschalship, seneschalsy, sheikhdom, sheriffalty, sheriffcy, sheriffdom, shrievalty, supervisorship, suzerainship, suzerainty, tribunate, vizierate, viziership
prefer charges
[edit]- prefer charges, accuse, allege, arraign, article, book, bring accusation, bring charges, bring to book, charge, cite, complain, denounce, denunciate, fasten on, fasten upon, file a claim, finger, hang something on, have up, impeach, imply, impute, indict, inform against, inform on, insinuate, lay charges, lodge a complaint, lodge a plaint, pin on, press charges, pull up, put on report, report, reproach, take to task, task, taunt with, tax, twit
[edit]- prefer, advance, aggrandize, aim at, approve, be desirous of, be disposed to, be partial to, bring before, bring forward, bring up, broach, choose, choose rather, commend to attention, cull, desiderate, desire, discriminate, elect, elevate, embrace, ennoble, enter, espouse, esteem, exalt, extend, fancy, favor, feel about it, file, graduate, have a bias, have designs on, have preference, have rather, hold forth, hold out, honor before, incline toward, introduce, kick upstairs, knight, launch, lay before, lean toward, lean towards, like, like better, lodge, look at it, love, lust, lust after, make a motion, mark, moot, move, offer, offer a resolution, open up, opt for, pass, pick, play favorites, please, pose, postulate, prefer to, present, proffer, promote, propose, proposition, propound, put, put forth, put forward, put it to, put up, raise, rather, recommend, see fit, select, set before, set forth, show preference, single out, start, submit, suggest, take, take to, tend toward, tender, think best, think fit, think proper, treat unequally, up, upgrade, view, want, wish, wish to goodness, wish very much, would fain do
[edit]- preference, affinity, alternative, alternativity, animus, antecedence, antecedency, anteposition, anteriority, aptitude, bag, bent, bias, cast, character, choice, choosing, chosen kind, co-optation, co-option, constitution, cosset, cup of tea, darling, decision, desire, diathesis, discrimination, disposition, dominion, druthers, eccentricity, election, elevation, fancy, fascination, favor, favorite, favoritism, first choice, fondling, free choice, free will, front position, grain, idiosyncrasy, idol, inclination, individualism, inequality, interest, involvement, jewel, kidney, leaning, liking, make, makeup, matinee idol, mental set, mettle, mind, mind-set, minion, mold, mutual affinity, mutual attraction, nature, nepotism, one-sidedness, option, parti pris, partiality, particular choice, partisanism, partisanship, penchant, personal choice, pet, pick, precedence, precedency, preceding, precession, precursor, predilection, predisposition, preferential treatment, preferment, prefixation, prejudice, prelude, preoption, prepossession, priority, proclivity, promotion, propensity, prothesis, selection, set, slant, spoiled child, stamp, strain, streak, stripe, style, superiority, sympathy, taste, temper, temperament, tendency, the lead, the pick, thing, top priority, turn, turn of mind, twist, type, undetachment, undispassionateness, unneutrality, upgrading, urgency, volition, warp, will
[edit]- preferment, Great Leap Forward, advance, advancement, aggrandizement, amelioration, amendment, apostolic orders, appointment, ascent, bettering, betterment, boost, calling, canonization, conferment, consecration, election, elevation, enhancement, ennoblement, enrichment, eugenics, euthenics, exaltation, furtherance, graduation, headway, holy orders, improvement, induction, installation, institution, investiture, knighting, lift, major orders, melioration, mend, mending, minor orders, nomination, ordainment, orders, ordination, passing, pay raise, pickup, preference, presentation, progress, progression, promotion, raise, reading in, recovery, restoration, revival, rise, upbeat, upgrading, uplift, upping, upswing, uptrend, upward mobility
[edit]- prefiguration, actuarial prediction, adumbration, apocalypse, augury, auspice, betokening, betokenment, foreboding, forecast, forecasting, foreshadow, foreshadowing, foreshowing, foresight, foretelling, foretoken, foretokening, guesswork, improbability, indicant, indication, omen, portent, prediction, prefigurement, prefiguring, preindication, premonitory shiver, premonitory sign, premonitory symptom, presage, presaging, presentiment, preshowing, presignifying, probability, prognosis, prognostic, prognostication, promise, prophecy, prophesying, prospectus, shadow, sign, soothsay, speculation, statistical prediction, token, tokening, type, vaticination
[edit]- prefigurative, apocalyptic, augural, auguring, divinatory, fatidic, forecasting, forerunning, foreseeing, foreshadowing, foreshowing, foretelling, foretokening, forewarning, fortunetelling, haruspical, heavy with meaning, indicative, intuitive, mantic, meaningful, monitory, oracular, precursive, precursory, predictional, predictive, predictory, prefiguring, preindicative, premonitory, presageful, presaging, presignificative, presignifying, prognostic, prognosticative, prophetic, sibyllic, sibylline, significant, vaticinal, vaticinatory, warning, weather-wise
[edit]- prefigure, adumbrate, assume, augur, be afraid, believe, betoken, body forth, cast a horoscope, cast a nativity, conceive, conclude, consider, daresay, deduce, deem, demonstrate, divine, dope, dope out, dowse for water, dream, embody, exemplify, expect, fancy, feel, figure, forebode, forecast, foresee, foreshadow, foretell, foretoken, fortune-tell, gather, grant, guess, hariolate, hint, illustrate, image, imagine, impersonate, incarnate, indicate, infer, let, let be, make a prediction, make a prognosis, make a prophecy, mean, mirror, opine, personate, personify, point to, predict, preindicate, presage, presign, presignal, presignify, presume, presuppose, presurmise, pretypify, prognosticate, project, prophesy, provisionally accept, read palms, read tea leaves, read the future, realize, reckon, reflect, repute, say, shadow, shadow forth, signify, soothsay, speculate, spell, suppose, surmise, suspect, take, take for, take for granted, take it, take to be, tell fortunes, tell the future, think, token, typify, understand, vaticinate
[edit]- prefix, IC analysis, accidence, add, adjoin, affix, affixation, agglutinate, allomorph, allonge, annex, anteriority, append, appendix, attach, avant-propos, bold front, bound morpheme, brave face, brave front, breakthrough, burden, coda, codicil, commentary, complicate, conjoin, conjugation, cutting, declension, decorate, derivation, difference of form, display, enclitic, encumber, envoi, epilogue, exordium, facade, face, facet, facia, fore, forefront, foreground, forehand, foreland, forepart, forequarter, foreside, foreword, formative, free form, front, front elevation, front man, front matter, front page, front view, frontage, frontal, frontier, frontispiece, glue on, head, heading, hitch on, immediate constituent analysis, infix, infixation, inflection, innovation, interlineation, interpolation, introduce, introduction, join with, lap, leap, marginalia, morph, morpheme, morphemic analysis, morphemics, morphology, morphophonemics, note, obverse, ornament, overture, paradigm, paste on, plus, postfix, postscript, postulate, preamble, preface, prefixation, prefixture, preliminary, prelude, premise, presupposition, priority, proclitic, proem, prolegomena, prolegomenon, prolepsis, prologize, prologue, proscenium, protasis, put with, radical, rider, root, saddle with, scholia, slap on, stem, subjoin, suffix, suffixation, superadd, superpose, tack on, tag, tag on, tail, theme, unite with, verse, voluntary, window dressing, word-formation
[edit]- pregnable, aidless, assailable, attackable, beatable, conquerable, defenseless, expugnable, fatherless, friendless, guideless, helpless, leaderless, motherless, penetrable, surmountable, unfriended, unprotected, untenable, vincible, vulnerable, weak
[edit]- pregnancy, abundance, appropriateness, auspiciousness, babyhood, beginnings, bigness, birth, bountifulness, brooding, chargedness, childhood, convenience, copiousness, covering, cradle, criticality, crucialness, expedience, expressiveness, exuberance, favorableness, fecundity, felicitousness, fertility, fitness, fittingness, freshman year, fructiferousness, fruitfulness, generousness, genesis, gestation, gravidity, gravidness, greatness, heaviness, inception, inchoation, incipience, incipiency, incubation, incunabula, infancy, intelligibility, interpretability, loadedness, lushness, luxuriance, meaningfulness, meatiness, meetness, nascence, nascency, nativity, opportuneness, origin, origination, parturition, pithiness, plenteousness, plentifulness, procreativeness, productive capacity, productiveness, productivity, prolificacy, propitiousness, propriety, readability, richness, rightness, ripeness, seasonableness, sententiousness, significance, significancy, significantness, sitting, situation, suggestiveness, suitability, superabundance, swarmingness, teeming womb, teemingness, the family way, timeliness, youth
[edit]- pregnant, abecedarian, aboriginal, abounding, abundant, allegorical, antenatal, anticipating, associational, autochthonous, basal, basic, beginning, big, big with child, big-laden, blooming, bountiful, breeding, budding, bursting, bursting out, carrying, carrying a fetus, central, charged, climacteric, conceptive, conceptual, connotational, connotative, consequential, copious, creative, critical, crucial, decisive, definable, denotational, denotative, elemental, elementary, eloquent, embryonic, emergent, esemplastic, exigent, expectant, expecting, expressive, extended, extensional, exuberant, facund, fecund, fertile, fetal, figurative, flourishing, formative, foundational, fraught, fructiferous, fruitful, full of meaning, full of point, full of substance, fundamental, generative, generous, genetic, germinal, gestating, gestatory, gone, gravid, great, heavy, heavy with child, ideational, ideative, imaginative, important, in embryo, in its infancy, in ovo, in the bud, inaugural, inceptive, inchoate, inchoative, incipient, incunabular, indicative, infant, infantile, ingenious, initial, initiative, initiatory, inspired, intelligible, intensional, interpretable, introductory, inventive, kairotic, knocked up, loaded, lush, luxuriant, meaning, meaningful, meaty, metaphorical, momentous, nascent, natal, notional, original, originative, parturient, pithy, pivotal, plenteous, plentiful, pointed, postnatal, preggers, prenatal, primal, primary, prime, primeval, primitive, primogenial, primordial, pristine, procreative, productive, proliferous, prolific, protogenic, radical, readable, referential, replete, rich, rudimental, rudimentary, seminal, sententious, shaping, significant, significative, substantial, suggestive, superabundant, superfetate, superimpregnated, swarming, symbolic, teeming, thriving, transferred, uberous, up the spout, ur, visioned, weighty, with child
[edit]- preheat, chafe, cook, electric-heat, fire, fire up, foment, gas-heat, heat, hot, hot up, hot-air-heat, hot-water-heat, mull, overheat, recook, reheat, steam, stoke up, superheat, tepefy, warm, warm over, warm up
[edit]- prehensile, acquisitive, all-knowing, apperceptive, appercipient, apprehending, apprehensive, aware, clawed, cognizant, comprehending, conscious, dentate, desirous, digital, digitate, digitated, fanged, fingered, grabby, grasping, greedy, insightful, intelligent, itchy, jawed, knowing, knowledgeable, mindful, omniscient, perceptive, percipient, perspicacious, raptorial, sagacious, sensible, shrewd, taloned, toothed, understanding, wise
[edit]- prehension, abduction, apprehension, arrest, arrestation, bottling up, capture, catch, catching, clairvoyance, collaring, command, comprehension, conception, conceptualization, corking up, coup, dragnet, forcible seizure, foreknowledge, grab, grabbing, grasp, grip, hold, holding, holding in, ideation, inhibition, intellection, intelligence, keeping, kidnapping, locking in, maintenance, mastery, mental grasp, nabbing, picking up, power grab, precognition, preservation, repression, retainment, retention, retentiveness, retentivity, running in, savvy, seizure, seizure of power, snatch, snatching, suppression, taking in, taking into custody, tenacity, understanding, wisdom
prehistoric man
[edit]- prehistoric man, Australanthropus, Australopithecus, Bronze Age man, Cro-Magnon man, Galley Hill man, Gigantopithecus, Grimaldi man, Heidelberg man, Hominidae, Iron Age man, Neanderthal man, Oreopithecus, Paranthropus, Peking man, Pithecanthropus, Plesianthropus, Rhodesian man, Sinanthropus, Stone Age man, Swanscombe man, Zinjanthropus, aboriginal, aborigine, ancient, antediluvian, anthropoid, ape-man, autochthon, bushman, cave dweller, caveman, eolithic man, fossil man, hominid, humanoid, man of old, missing link, neolithic man, preadamite, prehuman, primate, primitive, protohuman, troglodyte
[edit]- prehistoric, aboriginal, ancestral, ancient, antediluvian, antepatriarchal, antiquated, atavistic, autochthonous, earliest, early, erstwhile, fore, former, fossil, humanoid, immemorial, late, old, old-fashioned, olden, once, onetime, passe, past, patriarchal, preadamite, preglacial, prehuman, previous, primal, prime, primeval, primitive, primogenial, primoprimitive, primordial, prior, pristine, protohistoric, protohuman, quondam, recent, sometime, then
[edit]- prejudgment, bent, bias, favoritism, forejudgment, inclination, jaundice, jaundiced eye, leaning, one-sidedness, partialism, partiality, partisanship, preconception, predilection, prejudice, prepossession, twist, undetachment, undispassionateness
[edit]- prejudice, a thing for, abuse, affinity, afflict, aggrieve, angle, apartheid, aptitude, aptness, bag, befoul, bend, bent, bewitch, bias, bigotry, blemish, blight, cast, chosen kind, color, conatus, condemn, conduciveness, corrupt, cronyism, crucify, cup of tea, curse, damage, defile, delight, deprave, despoil, destroy, detriment, diathesis, disadvantage, discrimination, dispose, disposition, disserve, distort, distress, do a mischief, do evil, do ill, do wrong, do wrong by, doom, drawback, druthers, eagerness, envenom, fancy, favor, favoritism, feeling for, forejudgment, get into trouble, handicap, harass, harm, hex, hurt, impair, impairment, inclination, incline, inequality, infect, influence, injure, injury, intolerance, jaundice, jaundiced eye, jinx, leaning, liability, liking, loss, loss of ground, male chauvinism, maltreat, mar, menace, mischief, mistreat, molest, one-sidedness, outrage, parti pris, partialism, partiality, particular choice, partisanship, penchant, persecute, personal choice, play havoc with, play hob with, poison, pollute, preapprehension, preconception, preconclusion, preconsideration, predecision, predetermination, predilection, predispose, predisposition, preference, prejudge, prejudgment, prejudication, prejudice against, prejudice the issue, premature judgment, prenotion, prepossess, prepossession, presumption, presupposal, presupposition, presurmise, probability, proclivity, proneness, propensity, racialism, racism, readiness, savage, scathe, sensitivity to, sexism, skew, slant, soft spot, spoil, step backward, style, susceptibility, sway, taint, tarnish, taste, tendency, thing, threaten, torment, torture, tropism, turn, twist, type, undetachment, undispassionateness, unfairness, violate, vitiate, warp, weakness, willingness, wound, wreak havoc on, wrong
[edit]- prejudiced, antiblack, biased, bigoted, chauvinistic, closed-minded, colored, doctrinaire, dogmatic, influenced, interested, intolerant, jaundiced, know-nothing, narrow-minded, nonobjective, one-sided, opinionated, parochial, partial, partisan, predisposed, prepossessed, racist, sexist, superpatriotic, swayed, tendentious, twisted, ultranationalist, undetached, undispassionate, unfair, warped, xenophobic
[edit]- prejudicial, bad, baleful, baneful, corroding, corrosive, corrupting, corruptive, counterproductive, damaging, deadly, deleterious, detrimental, differential, disadvantageous, discriminative, disserviceable, distressing, evil, forejudged, harmful, hurtful, inimical, injurious, judged beforehand, lethal, malefic, malevolent, malign, malignant, mischievous, noisome, noxious, ominous, pernicious, poisonous, preconceived, preconceptual, preconcluded, predecided, predetermined, predisposed, predispositional, prejudged, prejudging, presumed, presupposed, presurmised, scatheful, toxic, unadvantageous, unfavorable, unprofitable, unrewarding, useless, venenate, veneniferous, venenous, venomous, vicious, virulent, worthless
[edit]- prelapsarian, angelic, ante-bellum, antediluvian, antemundane, before the Fall, before the Flood, before the war, blameless, childlike, clear, dovelike, faultless, guiltless, in the clear, incorrupt, innocent, lamblike, not guilty, offenseless, pre-Aryan, pre-Christian, pre-Renaissance, pre-Roman, preclassical, precultural, prehistoric, premillenarian, premundane, prerevolutionary, preromantic, prewar, pristine, protohistoric, reproachless, sans reproche, sinless, uncorrupted, undefiled, unfallen, unlapsed, untouched by evil, with clean hands, without reproach
[edit]- prelate, Grand Penitentiary, Holy Father, abuna, antipope, archbishop, archdeacon, archpriest, bishop, bishop coadjutor, canon, cardinal, cardinal bishop, cardinal deacon, cardinal priest, chaplain, coadjutor, curate, dean, diocesan, ecclesiarch, exarch, hierarch, high priest, metropolitan, papa, patriarch, penitentiary, pontiff, pope, prebendary, primate, rector, rural dean, subdean, suffragan, vicar
[edit]- preliminary, advance, advanced, antecedent, anterior, arrangement, avant-garde, avant-propos, basic training, beginning, breakthrough, briefing, chief, clearing the decks, coming out, curtain raiser, debut, embarkation, embarkment, equipment, exordial, exordium, exploratory, familiarization, first, first appearance, fixing, floating, flotation, foremost, forerunning, foreword, foundation, front matter, frontispiece, groundwork, headmost, inaugural, inaugural address, inauguration, induction, initial, initiation, initiatory, innovation, installation, installment, introduction, introductory, launching, leading, leap, maiden speech, makeready, making ready, manufacture, mobilization, opener, opening, original, overture, planning, postulate, preamble, prearrangement, precedence, precedent, preceding, precessional, precursory, preface, prefatory, prefix, prefixed, prefixture, preliminaries, preliminary act, preliminary step, prelude, preludial, prelusive, premise, premonitory, prep, preparation, preparatory, preparatory study, preparing, prepositive, prepping, prerequisite, presupposition, pretreatment, prevenient, prior, processing, prodromal, prodrome, prodromic, proem, proemial, prolegomena, prolegomenon, prolepsis, prologue, propaedeutic, protasis, provision, readying, spadework, training, treatment, trial, tryout, unveiling, verse, voluntary, warm-up
[edit]- prelude, Vorspiel, antecedence, antecedency, anteposition, anteriority, avant-propos, breakthrough, concert overture, curtain raiser, descant, dominion, dramatic overture, exordium, foreword, front matter, front position, frontispiece, innovation, introduce, introduction, leap, operatic overture, overture, postulate, preamble, precedence, precedency, preceding, precession, precursor, preface, preference, prefix, prefixation, prefixture, preliminary, premise, presupposition, priority, proem, prolegomena, prolegomenon, prolepsis, prologize, prologue, protasis, prothesis, superiority, the lead, top priority, urgency, vamp, verse, voluntary
[edit]- preludial, antecedent, anterior, chief, exordial, first, foremost, headmost, inaugural, inductive, initiatory, introductory, leading, precedent, preceding, precessional, precursory, prefatory, prefixed, prelim, preliminary, prelusive, preparative, preparatory, prepositive, prevenient, prior, proemial, propaedeutic
[edit]- premature, a bit previous, advanced, beforehand, early, far ahead, forward, green, half-baked, half-cocked, hasty, ill-considered, ill-seasoned, ill-timed, immature, improper, impulsive, inappropriate, inauspicious, inconvenient, inexpedient, infelicitous, inopportune, intempestive, intrusive, irrelevant, late, mal a propos, malapropos, mistimed, not firm, off base, out of line, out of phase, out of time, overhasty, oversoon, precipitate, precocious, previous, rushed, soon, too early, too late, too soon, unbefitting, uncrystallized, underdeveloped, undeveloped, unfavorable, unfit, unfitting, unfledged, unfortunate, unhandy, unhappy, unjelled, unlucky, unmatured, unmeditated, unpremeditated, unprepared, unpropitious, unready, unripe, unseasonable, unsuitable, untimely, untoward, wrong
[edit]- prematurity, forwardness, haste, hastiness, impropriety, impulse, impulsiveness, inappropriateness, inauspiciousness, inconvenience, inexpedience, infelicity, inopportuneness, inopportunity, intempestivity, interruption, intrusion, irrelevance, lateness, overhastiness, precipitation, precociousness, precocity, prematureness, rush, unfavorableness, unfitness, unfittingness, unfortunateness, unpropitiousness, unripeness, unseasonableness, unsuitability, untimeliness, wrongness
[edit]- premeditate, calculate, cook up, fix, forethink, frame, frame up, pack, pack the deal, plan, plot, prearrange, preconcert, preconsider, precontrive, predecide, predesign, predetermine, preorder, prepare, preresolve, rig, scheme, set up, sew up, stack the cards, work out beforehand
[edit]- premeditated, advised, aforethought, calculated, conscious, considered, contrived, cooked-up, cut out, cut-and-dried, cut-and-dry, deliberate, designed, fixed, in the bag, intended, intentional, on ice, packed, planned, plotted, prearranged, preconceived, preconcerted, preconsidered, precontrived, predeliberated, predetermined, preordered, prepense, preresolved, purposive, put-up, rigged, schemed, set-up, stacked, studied, studious, thought-out
[edit]- premeditation, aforethought, calculatedness, calculation, caution, deliberateness, deliberation, express intention, expressness, forethought, frame-up, intentionality, packed deal, packed jury, planning, plotting, prearrangement, preconcertedness, preconsideration, predeliberation, predetermination, preordering, preresolution, put-up job, rigged jury, scheming, setup, stacked deck
[edit]- premier, PM, all-absorbing, arch, capital, cardinal, champion, chancellor, chief, chief executive, chief of state, controlling, dewan, doge, dominant, first, foremost, front, grand vizier, head, head of state, highest, highest-ranking, leading, maiden, main, master, overriding, overruling, paramount, predominant, preeminent, president, primary, prime, prime minister, principal, ranking, supreme, top, top-ranking, topmost, uppermost
[edit]- premiere, be a gas, be a hit, benefit, bill, bomb, debut, dramatize, entertainment, exhibit, exhibition, fail, farewell performance, feature, first, flesh show, flop, headline, initial, make a hit, melodramatize, mount, open, open a show, opening, original, performance, premiere, present, presentation, presentment, preview, produce, production, put on, scenarize, set the stage, show, stage, stage presentation, star, succeed, swan song, theatrical performance, theatricalize, try out, tryout
[edit]- premise, a priori principle, affirmation, ancestor, antecedent, apriorism, argue, assert, assertion, assume, assumed position, assumption, avant-propos, axiom, basis, basis for belief, body of evidence, breakthrough, categorical proposition, chain of evidence, clue, conjecture, data, datum, documentation, evidence, exhibit, exordium, fact, facts, first principles, forerunner, foreword, foundation, front matter, frontispiece, ground, grounds, grounds for belief, guesswork, hypothecate, hypothesis, hypothesis ad hoc, hypothesize, indication, inference, innovation, introduce, introduction, item of evidence, leap, lemma, major premise, manifestation, mark, material grounds, minor premise, muniments, mute witness, overture, philosopheme, philosophical proposition, piece of evidence, posit, position, postulate, postulation, postulatum, preamble, precedent, precursor, predicate, preface, prefix, prefixture, preliminary, prelude, premises, premiss, presume, presumption, presupposal, presuppose, presupposition, proem, prolegomena, prolegomenon, prolepsis, prologize, prologue, proof, proposal, propose, proposition, propositional function, protasis, put forth, reason to believe, relevant fact, set forth, set of postulates, sign, statement, sumption, supposal, suppose, supposing, supposition, surmise, symptom, theorem, theorize, thesis, token, truth table, truth-function, truth-value, verse, voluntary, working hypothesis
[edit]- premises, airspace, area, belt, confines, continental shelf, corridor, country, department, district, division, environs, ground, heartland, hinterland, land, milieu, neighborhood, offshore rights, part, parts, place, precincts, purlieus, quarter, region, salient, section, soil, space, terrain, territory, three-mile limit, twelve-mile limit, vicinage, vicinity, zone
[edit]- premium, Trinkgeld, abatement, agio, allowance, appreciation, at a premium, award, bait, bank discount, bank rate, bonus, bonus system, bounty, breakage, bribe, carrot, cash discount, chain discount, charge-off, come-on, compensatory interest, compound interest, concession, consideration, costly, cut, dear, dear-bought, decoration, deduction, depreciation, discount, discount rate, dividend, donative, double time, drawback, exceptional, exorbitant interest, expensive, extra, extra added attraction, extra dash, fancy, fee, filigree, filling, fillip, flourish, freebie, frill, fringe benefit, goad, gratuity, gravy, grease, gross interest, guerdon, high, high-priced, honorarium, importance, in short supply, incentive, incentive pay, incitement, inducement, interest, interest rate, kickback, lagniappe, largess, liberality, lucrative interest, lure, luxurious, meed, mortgage points, net interest, not affordable, of great cost, ornament, overtime pay, padding, palm oil, penal interest, penalty, penalty clause, percentage, perks, perquisite, perquisites, plum, pourboire, price, price of money, price reduction, price-cut, pricey, prize, rare, rate, rate of interest, rebate, rebatement, reduction, refund, regard, reward, rich, rollback, salvage, salve, scant, scanty, scarce, setoff, simple interest, solatium, something extra, sparse, sportula, spur, steep, stiff, stimulus, stock, store, stuffing, sumptuous, superaddition, sweetener, tare, time discount, tip, top, trade discount, tret, trimming, twist, underselling, unpayable, usury, value, wrinkle, write-off
[edit]- premonition, ESP, advance notice, apprehensiveness, clairsentience, clairvoyance, extrasensory perception, feeling, foreboding, forefeeling, foresight, forewarning, funny feeling, hunch, impression, insight, intimation, intuition, intuitive impression, lucidity, misgiving, plenty of notice, portent, preapprehension, precautioning, prediction, prenotice, prenotification, prenotion, presage, presagement, presentiment, prewarning, psychometry, second sight, sixth sense, sneaking suspicion, suspicion, vague feeling, vague idea
[edit]- premonitory, augural, foreboding, forerunning, foreshadowing, foreshowing, foretokening, forewarning, heavy with meaning, indicative, intuitive, meaningful, monitory, ominous, portentous, precautional, precautionary, precursive, precursory, predictive, prefigurative, preindicative, presageful, presaging, prodromal, prodromic, prognostic, prognosticative, significant, warning
[edit]- prenatal, abecedarian, aboriginal, antenatal, autochthonous, beginning, budding, creative, elemental, elementary, embryonic, fetal, formative, foundational, fundamental, gestatory, in embryo, in its infancy, in the bud, inaugural, inceptive, inchoate, inchoative, incipient, incunabular, infant, infantile, initial, initiative, initiatory, introductory, inventive, nascent, natal, original, parturient, postnatal, pregnant, primal, primary, prime, primeval, primitive, primogenial, procreative, rudimental, rudimentary, ur
[edit]- preoccupation, Walter Mitty, absence of mind, absentmindedness, absorbed attention, absorption, abstractedness, abstraction, abulia, adoption, adverse possession, alienation, alodium, anxiety, anxiety equivalent, anxiety state, apathy, application, appropriation, arrogation, assiduity, assiduousness, assumption, bemusement, brown study, bulldog tenacity, burgage, castle-building, catatonic stupor, claim, close study, colonization, colony, complex, compulsion, concentration, conquest, constancy, contemplation, contemplativeness, daydream, daydreamer, daydreaming, de facto, de jure, deep study, deep thought, dejection, dependency, depression, depth of thought, derivative title, detachment, diligence, dogged perseverance, doggedness, dream, dreaming, elation, emotionalism, endurance, engagement, engrossment, enslavement, euphoria, fantasy, fantasying, fascination, fee fief, fee position, fee simple, fee simple absolute, fee simple conditional, fee simple defeasible, fee simple determinable, fee tail, feodum, feud, fidelity, fiefdom, fit of abstraction, fixation, fixed idea, folie du doute, frankalmoign, free socage, freehold, gavelkind, hang-up, having title to, hold, holding, hypercathexis, hypochondria, hysteria, hysterics, idee fixe, immersion, indefatigability, indent, indifference, industriousness, industry, insensibility, insistence, insistency, intentness, involvement, irresistible impulse, knight service, lay fee, lease, leasehold, legal claim, legal possession, lethargy, loyalty, mandate, mania, meditation, melancholia, melancholy, mental distress, monomania, mooning, moonraking, morbid drive, muse, musefulness, musing, muted ecstasy, obsession, obsessive compulsion, obstinacy, occupancy, occupation, original title, owning, pathological indecisiveness, patience, patience of Job, pensiveness, permanence, perseverance, persistence, persistency, pertinaciousness, pertinacity, pipe dream, pipe-dreaming, plodding, plugging, possessing, possession, preemption, preoccupancy, prepossession, prescription, profound thought, property, property rights, proprietary rights, psychalgia, psychomotor disturbance, rapt attention, reflectiveness, relentlessness, requisition, resolution, reverie, ruling passion, sedulity, sedulousness, seisin, single-mindedness, singleness of purpose, slogging, socage, speculativeness, squatting, stability, stamina, stargazing, staying power, steadfastness, steadiness, stick-to-itiveness, stubbornness, studiousness, study, stupor, subjugation, sublease, submersion, takeover, taking over, tenaciousness, tenacity, tenancy, tenantry, tenure, tenure in chivalry, thoughtfulness, tic, tirelessness, title, trance, twitching, underlease, undertenancy, unremittingness, unresponsiveness, unswerving attention, usucapion, usurpation, villein socage, villeinhold, villenage, wistfulness, withdrawal, woolgathering
[edit]- preoccupied, absent, absentminded, absorbed, absorbed in, abstracted, assiduous, bemused, besotted, blind, buried in, buried in thought, castle-building, caught up in, constant, contemplating, contemplative, continuing, daydreaming, daydreamy, deaf, deep, devoted, devoted to, diligent, dogged, dreaming, dreamy, drowsing, ecstatic, elsewhere, enduring, engaged, engaged in thought, engrossed, engrossed in, engrossed in thought, faithful, faraway, fixated, forgetful, gripped, half-awake, held, hung-up, immersed, immersed in, immersed in thought, immutable, in a reverie, in the clouds, inalterable, indefatigable, indomitable, industrious, infatuated, insensible, insistent, intent, intent on, introspective, invincible, involved, lasting, lost, lost in, lost in thought, loyal, meditating, meditative, monomaniac, monomaniacal, monopolized, mooning, moonraking, museful, musing, napping, never-tiring, nodding, oblivious, obsessed, obstinate, occupied, patient, patient as Job, pensive, permanent, perseverant, persevering, persistent, persisting, pertinacious, pipe-dreaming, plodding, plugging, possessed, prepossessed, rapt, relentless, resolute, sedulous, single-minded, sleepless, slogging, somewhere else, stable, stargazing, steadfast, steady, stubborn, studious, studying, submerged in, swept up, taken up, taken up with, tenacious, tireless, totally absorbed, transported, unabating, unconquerable, unconscious, undaunted, undiscouraged, undrooping, unfailing, unfaltering, unflagging, unflinching, unintermitting, uninterrupted, unnodding, unrelaxing, unrelenting, unremitting, unsleeping, unswerving, untiring, unwavering, unwearied, unwearying, unwinking, utterly attentive, weariless, woolgathering, wrapped, wrapped in, wrapped in thought, wrapped up, wrapped up in
[edit]- preoccupy, absorb, absorb the attention, adopt, appropriate, arrest, arrogate, assume, beset, catch, charm, colonize, come uppermost, compel, conquer, drive, enchant, engage, engage the attention, engage the mind, engage the thoughts, engross, engross the mind, engross the thoughts, enslave, enthrall, exercise, fascinate, fill the mind, grab, grip, hog, hold, hold spellbound, hold the interest, hypnotize, immerse, impel, indent, infatuate, involve, involve the interest, jump a claim, make free with, make use of, mesmerize, monopolize, monopolize the thoughts, not let go, obsess, obsess the mind, occupy, occupy the attention, occupy the mind, overrun, possess, preempt, preengage, prepossess, requisition, seize the mind, sit on, spellbind, squat on, subjugate, take all of, take it all, take over, take possession of, take up, usurp
[edit]- prep, arrange, arrangement, basic training, briefing, clear for action, clear the decks, clearing the decks, cure, deploy, dress, equipment, familiarization, fix, fix up, fixing, foundation, get ready, groundwork, make arrangements, make preparations, make ready, makeready, making ready, manufacture, marshal, mobilization, mobilize, plan, planning, prearrange, prearrangement, preliminaries, preliminary, preliminary act, preliminary step, preparation, preparatory study, prepare, preparing, prepping, prerequisite, pretreat, pretreatment, process, processing, propaedeutic, provide, provision, put in shape, ready, ready up, readying, settle preliminaries, spadework, tan, training, treat, treatment, trial, trim, try out, tryout, warm-up
[edit]- preparation, accouterment, adaptation, anticipation, apprenticeship, architecture, armament, arrangement, arrangements, assembly, balm, balsam, basic training, breaking, breeding, briefing, building, casting, catering, chandlery, composing, composition, compound, concoction, conditioning, construction, contemplation, conversion, crafting, craftsmanship, cramming, creation, cultivation, development, devising, discipline, discretion, drill, drilling, drops, drug, education, elaboration, electuary, elixir, endowment, envisagement, envisionment, equipment, erection, ethical drug, exercise, extraction, fabrication, farseeingness, farsightedness, fashioning, fetching-up, finding, fitness, fitting out, forecast, foreglance, foregleam, foreglimpse, forehandedness, foreseeing, foresight, foresightedness, formation, forming, formulation, fostering, foundation, framing, furnishing, furnishment, generic name, grooming, groundwork, growing, handicraft, handiwork, harmonization, harvesting, herbs, housebreaking, improvement, in-service training, inhalant, instruction, instrumentation, intonation, investment, lincture, linctus, logistics, longsightedness, looking ahead, machining, making, manual training, manufacture, manufacturing, materia medica, material, measures, medicament, medication, medicinal, medicinal herbs, medicine, military training, milling, mining, mixture, modulation, molding, nonprescription drug, nurture, nurturing, officinal, on-the-job training, orchestration, organization, organizing, outfitting, patent medicine, pharmacon, phrasing, physic, planning, plans, powder, practice, prediction, prefabrication, prep, preparing, prepping, prepublication, prescription drug, preview, prevision, proceedings, processing, procurement, producing, product, proprietary, proprietary medicine, proprietary name, prospect, prospection, providence, providing, provision, provisioning, provisions, prudence, purveyance, putting together, raising, readiness, readying, rearing, refining, rehearsal, reinforcement, replenishment, resolution, resupply, retailing, sagacity, selling, setting, shaping, simples, sloyd, smelting, solution, spadework, study, studying, stuff, subsidization, subsidy, substance, subvention, supply, supplying, suspension, swotting, syrup, teaching, theraputant, tisane, tone painting, training, transcription, tuition, upbringing, vegetable remedies, victualing, vocational education, vocational training, work, workmanship
preparatory school
[edit]- preparatory school, Gymnasium, Latin school, Realgymnasium, Realschule, academy, grammar school, high, high school, intermediate school, junior high, junior high school, middle school, prep school, public school, secondary school, seminary, senior high, senior high school
[edit]- preparatory, antecedent, anterior, basic, before, chief, elementary, essential, exordial, first, foremost, fundamental, headmost, in preparation for, inaugural, inductive, initiatory, introductory, leading, opening, precedent, preceding, precessional, precursory, prefatory, prelim, preliminary, preludial, prelusive, preparative, prerequisite, prevenient, primary, prior, proemial, propaedeutic, provident, provisional, rudimentary
[edit]- prepare, accommodate, accouter, adapt, afford, appoint, apprentice, arm, arrange, arrange for, assemble, author, bake, barbecue, baste, be about to, blanch, boil, brace, braise, break, break in, breed, brew, brief, bring up, broil, brown, build, cast, change, clear for action, clear the decks, clothe, coauthor, coddle, collaborate, compose, compound, concoct, condition, consider every angle, construct, contribute, cook, cook up, cram, create, cultivate, cure, curry, dash off, deploy, develop, devil, devise, discipline, dispose, do, do to perfection, donate, dower, dress, drill, editorialize, educate, elaborate, endow, endue, equip, erect, evolve, exercise, extrude, fabricate, fashion, fetch up, fill, fill up, find, fire, fit, fit out, fit up, fix, fix to, fix up, forearm, forge, form, formulate, fortify, foster, frame, free-lance, fricassee, frizz, frizzle, fry, fudge together, fund, furnish, gear, get, get ready, get ready to, get set for, get up, ghost, ghostwrite, give, griddle, grill, groom, guard against, heat, hedge, heel, house-train, housebreak, improve, indite, invest, keep, knock off, knock out, lay by, leave out nothing, lick into shape, look out for, maintain, make, make arrangements, make available, make preparations, make provision for, make ready, make sure, make sure against, make up, man, manufacture, marshal, mature, mobilize, modify, mold, mould, munition, novelize, nurse, nurture, organize, outfit, oven-bake, overlook no possibility, pamphleteer, pan, pan-broil, parboil, patch together, piece together, plan, play safe, poach, practice, prearrange, predispose, prefabricate, prep, prepare food, prepare for, present, pretreat, prime, process, produce, provide, provide a hedge, provide against, provide for, put in order, put in shape, put in tune, put out, put to school, put together, put up, raise, ready, ready up, rear, recruit, reef down, rehearse, replenish, rig, rig out, rig up, roast, run up, saute, scallop, scenarize, sear, send to school, set up, settle preliminaries, shape, shirr, shorten sail, simmer, staff, steam, steel, stew, stir-fry, stock, store, strengthen, study, subsidize, supply, support, swot, take in hand, take measures, take precautions, take steps, tan, teach, throw on paper, toast, train, transform, treat, trim, try out, turn out, whip up, whomp up, write, yield
[edit]- prepared, able, accomplished, accoutered, advance, agape, agog, all agog, all ready, all set, anticipant, anticipating, anticipative, anticipatory, armed, armed and ready, at concert pitch, awaiting, booted and spurred, briefed, career, catered, certain, changed, clairvoyant, coached, cocked, confident, convenience, conversant, disposed, divinatory, eager, endowed, equipped, expectant, expecting, familiarized, farseeing, farsighted, finished, fitted, fitted out, forearmed, forehanded, foreknowing, foreseeing, foresighted, forestalling, forethoughted, forethoughtful, forewarned, furnished, gaping, good and ready, groomed, heeled, hopeful, in anticipation, in arms, in battle array, in expectation, in readiness, in the saddle, inclined, informed, initiate, initiated, instant, intuitive, invested, loaded, loaded for bear, longsighted, looking for, looking forward to, mature, mobilized, modified, not surprised, on the mark, optimistic, outfitted, planned, practiced, prearranged, precognitive, precognizant, predisposed, prepared and ready, prepped, prescient, primed, processed, professional, provided, provident, providential, prudent, psyched up, purveyed, ready, ready for anything, ready-made, rigged, ripe, sagacious, sanguine, set, skilled, supplied, sure, technical, trained, treated, unsurprised, up in arms, vigilant, waiting, waiting for, watching for, well-prepared, willing
[edit]- preparedness, Eisenhower Doctrine, Monroe Doctrine, Nixon Doctrine, TLC, Truman Doctrine, ability, alertness, anticipation, appeasement, attention, balance of power, brinkmanship, capability, care, carefulness, caution, circumspection, circumspectness, coexistence, colonialism, competence, competency, compromise, concern, condition, consideration, containment, detente, deterrence, diplomacy, diplomatic, diplomatics, dollar diplomacy, dollar imperialism, expansionism, fitness, fittedness, foreign affairs, foreign policy, forethought, good-neighbor policy, heed, heedfulness, imperialism, internationalism, isolationism, loving care, manifest destiny, mastery, maturity, militarism, mindfulness, nationalism, neocolonialism, neutralism, nonresistance, open door, open-door policy, peace offensive, peaceful coexistence, proficiency, qualification, readiness, regard, regardfulness, ripeness, seasoning, shirt-sleeve diplomacy, shuttle diplomacy, solicitude, spheres of influence, suitability, suitableness, suitedness, tempering, tender loving care, the big stick, thoughtfulness, tough policy, trim, vigilance, world politics
[edit]- preponderance, accomplishment, advantage, ascendance, ascendancy, ascendant, authority, balance of power, bulk, charisma, charm, clout, consequence, control, credit, deanship, dominance, dominancy, domination, dominion, effect, eminence, eminent domain, enchantment, esteem, excellence, favor, force, good feeling, greatness, hegemony, hold, importance, incidental power, incomparability, influence, influentiality, inimitability, insinuation, lead, leadership, leverage, magnetism, majority, mass, masterdom, mastery, moment, more than half, most, one-upmanship, overlordship, personality, persuasion, plurality, potency, power, precedence, predominance, predominancy, predomination, preeminence, preponderancy, prepotence, prepotency, prerogative, pressure, prestige, primacy, principality, priority, privilege, purchase, reign, repute, right-of-way, rule, say, seniority, skill, sovereignty, strength, suasion, subtle influence, success, suggestion, superiority, supremacy, suzerainship, suzerainty, sway, the greatest number, transcendence, transcendency, upper hand, virtuosity, weight, weightiness, whip hand
[edit]- preponderant, arch, ascendant, at the head, banner, boss, capital, cardinal, central, champion, chief, commanding, controlling, crowning, dominant, first, focal, foremost, general, governing, great, head, headmost, hegemonic, hegemonistic, in ascendancy, in charge, in chief, in the ascendant, leading, magisterial, main, master, on the throne, overbearing, overruling, paramount, predominant, predominate, preeminent, prepollent, preponderate, prepotent, prevailing, prevalent, primal, primary, prime, principal, ranking, regnant, regulating, regulative, regulatory, reigning, ruling, sovereign, star, stellar, supereminent, supreme, swaying, topflight
[edit]- preponderate, best, bestride, better, cap, dictate, dominate, domineer, exceed, excel, go one better, have the ascendancy, improve on, master, outweigh, overbalance, overbear, overcome, overpass, overtop, perfect, play first fiddle, predominate, prevail, reign, rule the roost, surpass, take the lead, top, tower above, tower over, transcend, trump, twist, wear the pants
[edit]- preposition, adjectival, adjective, adverb, adverbial, adversative conjunction, attributive, conjunction, conjunctive adverb, coordinating conjunction, copulative, copulative conjunction, correlative conjunction, disjunctive, disjunctive conjunction, exclamatory noun, form class, form word, function class, gerundive, interjection, part of speech, participle, particle, past participle, perfect participle, present participle, subordinating conjunction, verbal adjective
[edit]- prepositional, abessive, ablative, accusative, adessive, adjectival, adverbial, allative, approximative, attributive, case, common case, conjunctive, copulative, correct, dative, delative, elative, essive, formal, functional, genitive, glossematic, grammatic, illative, inessive, instrumental, intransitive, lative, linking, local case, locative, nominal, nominative, objective case, oblique case, participial, perlative, possessive case, postpositional, pronominal, structural, subject case, sublative, substantive, superessive, syntactic, tagmemic, terminative, transitive, translative, verbal, vocative
[edit]- prepossess, absorb, adopt, appropriate, arrogate, assume, bend, bias, busy, colonize, conquer, distort, engage, engross, enslave, hog, imbue, immerse, indent, influence, involve, jaundice, jump a claim, make free with, make use of, monopolize, occupy, overrun, preempt, preengage, prejudice, prejudice against, prejudice the issue, preoccupy, requisition, sit on, soak, squat on, subjugate, sway, take all of, take it all, take over, take possession of, take up, twist, usurp, warp
[edit]- prepossessed, antiblack, besotted, biased, bicolored, chauvinistic, colored, doctrinaire, dogmatic, fixated, gripped, held, hung-up, infatuated, influenced, interested, jaundiced, know-nothing, monomaniac, monomaniacal, nonobjective, obsessed, one-sided, opinionated, partial, partisan, possessed, prejudiced, preoccupied, racist, sexist, superpatriotic, swayed, tendentious, twisted, ultranationalist, undetached, undispassionate, warped, xenophobic
[edit]- prepossessing, alluring, appealing, appetizing, attracting, attractive, beautiful, beguiling, bewitching, blandishing, cajoling, captivating, catching, charismatic, charming, coaxing, come-hither, coquettish, delightful, drawing, enchanting, engaging, enravishing, enthralling, enticing, entrancing, exciting, exotic, exquisite, fascinating, favorable, fetching, flirtatious, glamorous, good-looking, handsome, heart-robbing, hypnotic, interesting, intriguing, inviting, irresistible, lovely, luxurious, magnetic, mesmeric, mouth-watering, piquant, pleasing, provocative, provoquant, ravishing, seducing, seductive, sensuous, siren, sirenic, spellbinding, spellful, taking, tantalizing, teasing, tempting, thrilling, tickling, titillating, titillative, voluptuous, winning, winsome, witching
[edit]- prepossession, adoption, adverse possession, affinity, alodium, appropriation, arrogation, assumption, bag, bent, bias, burgage, chosen kind, claim, colonization, colony, complex, compulsion, conquest, cup of tea, de facto, de jure, dependency, derivative title, druthers, enslavement, fancy, fascination, favor, favoritism, fee fief, fee position, fee simple, fee simple absolute, fee simple conditional, fee simple defeasible, fee simple determinable, fee tail, feodum, feud, fiefdom, fixation, fixed idea, forejudgment, frankalmoign, free socage, freehold, gavelkind, hang-up, having title to, hold, holding, hypercathexis, idee fixe, inclination, indent, irresistible impulse, jaundice, jaundiced eye, knight service, lay fee, leaning, lease, leasehold, legal claim, legal possession, mandate, monomania, morbid drive, obsession, obsessive compulsion, occupancy, occupation, one-sidedness, original title, owning, parti pris, partialism, partiality, particular choice, partisanship, personal choice, possessing, possession, preapprehension, preconception, preconclusion, preconsideration, predecision, predetermination, predilection, predisposition, preemption, preference, prejudgment, prejudication, prejudice, premature judgment, prenotion, preoccupancy, preoccupation, prescription, presumption, presupposal, presupposition, presurmise, proclivity, property, property rights, proprietary rights, requisition, ruling passion, seisin, socage, squatting, style, subjugation, sublease, takeover, taking over, taste, tenancy, tenantry, tendency, tenure, tenure in chivalry, thing, tic, title, twist, type, underlease, undertenancy, undetachment, undispassionateness, usucapion, usurpation, villein socage, villeinhold, villenage
[edit]- preposterous, Gothic, a bit thick, a bit thin, absurd, asinine, balmy, barmy, baroque, barred, batty, beyond belief, bizarre, brain-born, closed-out, cockamamie, contrary to reason, crazy, cuckoo, cutthroat, dotty, doubtable, doubtful, dream-built, dubious, dubitable, exacting, excessive, excluded, exorbitant, extortionate, extraordinary, extravagant, extreme, fanciful, fancy, fancy-born, fancy-built, fancy-woven, fantasque, fantastic, fatuitous, fatuous, florid, foolish, gouging, grossly overpriced, grotesque, hard of belief, hard to believe, harebrained, high-flown, hopeless, idiotic, imbecilic, immoderate, implausible, impossible, inconceivable, incredible, inflationary, inordinate, insane, irrational, laughable, logically impossible, loony, ludicrous, mad, maggoty, mindless, monstrous, moronic, nonmeritorious, nonsensical, not coming, not deserving belief, not outstanding, not possible, notional, nutty, open to doubt, open to suspicion, out of bounds, out of sight, outlandish, outrageous, outre, overpriced, oxymoronic, paradoxical, passing belief, poppycockish, potty, problematic, prohibited, prohibitive, questionable, ridiculous, risible, rococo, ruled-out, screwy, self-contradictory, senseless, silly, skyrocketing, spiraling, staggering belief, suspect, suspicious, tall, thick, thin, unbelievable, unconscionable, unconvincing, undeserved, undeserving, undue, unearned, unearthly, unentitled, ungodly, unimaginable, unjustified, unmerited, unmeriting, unowed, unowing, unreasonable, unthinkable, unwarranted, unworthy, unworthy of belief, usurious, wacky, weird, whimsical, wild
[edit]- prepotency, accomplishment, amperage, armipotence, ascendance, ascendancy, authority, balance of power, beef, black power, brute force, charge, charisma, clout, cogence, cogency, compulsion, deanship, dint, dominance, dominancy, domination, dominion, drive, duress, effect, effectiveness, effectuality, eminent domain, energy, excellence, favor, flower power, force, force majeure, forcefulness, full blast, full force, greatness, incomparability, influence, inimitability, lead, main force, main strength, majority, mana, masterdom, might, might and main, mightiness, moxie, muscle power, one-upmanship, overlordship, pizzazz, poop, potence, potency, potentiality, power, power pack, power structure, power struggle, powerfulness, precedence, predominance, predominancy, predomination, preeminence, preponderance, preponderancy, prepotence, prerogative, prestige, primacy, principality, priority, privilege, productiveness, productivity, puissance, pull, punch, push, right-of-way, seniority, sinew, skill, sovereignty, steam, strength, strong arm, success, superiority, superpower, supremacy, suzerainship, suzerainty, transcendence, transcendency, upper hand, validity, vehemence, vigor, vim, virility, virtue, virtuosity, virulence, vitality, wattage, weight, whip hand
[edit]- prepotent, armipotent, ascendant, at the head, authoritative, boss, chief, cogent, commanding, controlling, dominant, dynamic, effective, energetic, forceful, forcible, general, governing, head, hegemonic, hegemonistic, high-potency, high-powered, high-pressure, high-tension, in ascendancy, in charge, in chief, in force, in power, in the ascendant, irresistible, leading, master, mighty, mighty in battle, on the throne, operative, paramount, potent, powerful, predominant, predominate, prepollent, preponderant, preponderate, prevailing, prevalent, puissant, regnant, regulating, regulative, regulatory, reigning, ruling, sovereign, striking, strong, supreme, swaying, telling, valid, vigorous, vital
[edit]- preprandial, cannibal, cannibalistic, carnivorous, commensal, dietetic, dining, eating, feeding, flesh-eating, fruitarian, gastronomic, gluttonous, grain-eating, graminivorous, granivorous, grass-eating, herbivorous, insect-eating, insectivorous, lactovegetarian, man-eating, meat-eating, mensal, nourishing, nutritious, omnivorous, omophagous, pantophagous, phytivorous, phytophagous, plant-eating, postprandial, prandial, predacious, vegetable-eating, vegetarian
[edit]- prepublication, anticipation, contemplation, discretion, envisagement, envisionment, farseeingness, farsightedness, forecast, foreglance, foregleam, foreglimpse, forehandedness, foreseeing, foresight, foresightedness, longsightedness, looking ahead, prediction, preparation, preview, prevision, prospect, prospection, providence, provision, prudence, readiness, sagacity
[edit]- prerequisite, arrangement, bare necessities, basic training, boundary condition, briefing, call for, called for, catch, clause, clearing the decks, condition, demand, demand for, demanded, desideration, desideratum, donnee, equipment, escalator clause, escape clause, escape hatch, essential, essentials, familiarization, fine print, fixing, foundation, given, grounds, groundwork, imperative, indicated, indispensable, irreducible, irreductible, irreplaceable, joker, kicker, limiting condition, makeready, making ready, manufacture, mobilization, must, must item, necessaries, necessary, necessities, necessitous, necessity, need, need for, needed, needful, obligation, obligatory, occasion, parameter, planning, prearrangement, precondition, preliminaries, preliminary, preliminary act, preliminary step, prep, preparation, preparative, preparatory, preparatory study, preparing, prepping, prerequirement, pretreatment, processing, propaedeutic, provident, provision, provisional, provisions, proviso, qualification, readying, required, requirement, requisite, requisition, saving clause, sine qua non, small print, spadework, specification, stipulation, string, terms, the necessary, the needful, training, treatment, trial, tryout, ultimatum, unforgoable, vital, want, wanted, warm-up, whereas
[edit]- prerogative, absolute power, absolutism, accomplishment, advantage, appanage, appurtenance, ascendancy, authority, authorization, birthright, claim, competence, competency, conjugal right, constituted authority, deanship, delegated authority, demand, divine right, droit, due, excellence, exemption, faculty, favor, franchise, greatness, immunity, inalienable right, incomparability, indirect authority, inherent authority, inimitability, interest, jus divinum, lawful authority, lead, legal authority, legitimacy, liberty, majority, natural right, one-upmanship, perquisite, power, precedence, predominance, predomination, preeminence, preponderance, prepotence, prepotency, prescription, prestige, presumptive right, pretense, pretension, priority, privilege, proper claim, property right, regality, right, right-of-way, rightful authority, royal prerogative, sanction, seniority, skill, success, superiority, the say, the say-so, title, transcendence, transcendency, vested authority, vested interest, vested right, vicarious authority, virtuosity
[edit]- presage, actuarial prediction, adumbrate, apocalypse, apprehensiveness, augur, augury, auspicate, bespeak, betoken, bode, boding, cast a horoscope, cast a nativity, clairvoyance, divine, dope, dope out, dowse for water, forebode, foreboding, forecast, forecasting, forefeeling, foreknowing, foreknowledge, forerun, foresee, foreseeability, foreshadow, foreshow, foreshowing, foresight, foretell, foretelling, foretoken, forewisdom, fortune-tell, guess, guesswork, harbinger, hariolate, have a hunch, have an intimation, herald, hunch, improbability, indicate, make a prediction, make a prognosis, make a prophecy, misgiving, omen, portend, portent, preapprehension, precognition, predict, prediction, prefiguration, prefigure, prefigurement, prefiguring, preindicate, premonition, prenotion, presagement, presaging, prescience, presentiment, preshowing, presignifying, probability, prognosis, prognostic, prognosticate, prognostication, promise, prophecy, prophesy, prophesying, prospectus, read palms, read tea leaves, read the future, shadow, shadow forth, soothsay, speculate, speculation, statistical prediction, tell fortunes, tell the future, vaticinate, vaticination
[edit]- presaged, augured, forecast, foreknown, foreseen, foreshadowed, foreshown, foretokened, foretold, indicated, predicted, prefigured, preindicated, presignified, pretypified, prognosticated, promised, prophesied, signified, threatened
[edit]- presbytery, Council of Nicaea, Council of Trent, Easter sepulcher, Lateran Council, Sacred College, Vatican Council, abbacy, ambry, apse, archbishopric, archdeaconry, archiepiscopacy, archiepiscopate, baptistery, bishopdom, bishopric, blindstory, canonicate, canonry, cardinalship, chancel, chaplaincy, chaplainship, chapter, choir, church house, classis, clergy, clergy house, clerical order, clericals, cloisters, conciliarism, conclave, conference, confessional, confessionary, congregation, consistory, convention, convocation, crypt, curacy, deaconry, deaconship, deanery, deanship, diaconicon, diaconicum, diocesan conference, ecclesiastical council, ecumenical council, episcopacy, manse, ministry, nave, parochial church council, parochial council, parsonage, pastorage, pastorate, pastorship, plenary council, porch, prebend, prebendaryship, prelacy, prelateship, prelature, presbyterate, priestery, priesthood, primacy, rabbinate, rectorate, rectorship, rectory, rood loft, rood stair, rood tower, sacrarium, sacristy, session, synod, the cloth, transept, triforium, vestry, vicarage, vicariate, vicarship
[edit]- preschooler, babe, baby, baby bunting, bambino, classmate, fellow student, grade schooler, high schooler, incubator baby, infant, intermediate schooler, kindergartner, little angel, little darling, mewling infant, neonate, nursery school child, nursling, papoose, preemie, premature baby, prep schooler, preschool child, primary schooler, puling infant, school child, school kid, school lad, schoolboy, schoolfellow, schoolgirl, schoolmate, secondary schooler, suckling, toddler, weanling, yearling
[edit]- prescribe, administer, advise, advocate, apply, appoint, assign, authorize, be responsible for, bestow, brief, call the signals, captain, carry on, choose, coach, command, conduct, confer, constitute, constrain, consult with, control, counsel, cure, decide, declare lawful, decree, define, demand, determine, dictate, direct, dose, dose with, enact, enforce upon, engineer, enjoin, establish, exact, fix, force, force upon, formulate, give, govern, guide, handle, head, head up, impose, instruct, kibitz, lay down, lay on, lead, lead on, legalize, legislate, legitimate, legitimatize, legitimize, make a regulation, make legal, make obligatory, make the rules, manage, maneuver, manipulate, mastermind, meddle, mete out to, officer, ordain, order, pick out, prescribe for, propose, pull the strings, put in force, put on, put upon, quarterback, recommend, regulate, remedy, require, rule, run, sanction, select, set, set down, settle, skipper, specify, stipulate, submit, suggest, take command, take the lead, treat, validate
[edit]- prescribed, accepted, authoritative, binding, bound, bounded, canonical, conditioned, confined, conformable, consuetudinary, conventional, copyrighted, cramped, current, customary, dictated, didactic, disciplined, established, everyday, familiar, finite, formulary, generally accepted, hard and fast, instructive, limited, mandatory, moderated, narrow, normal, obtaining, official, ordinary, patented, popular, preceptive, prescript, prescriptive, prevalent, proscribed, qualified, received, regular, regulation, restricted, rubric, set, standard, statutory, stock, strait, straitened, time-honored, traditional, usual, widespread, wonted
[edit]- prescript, act, adage, ana, analects, aphorism, apothegm, axiom, bill, bylaw, byword, canon, catchword, charge, collected sayings, command, commission, current saying, decree, decretum, dictate, dictation, dictum, direction, directive, distich, edict, enactment, epigram, expression, form, formality, formula, formulary, general orders, gnome, golden saying, injunction, institute, institution, instruction, jus, law, legislation, lex, maxim, measure, moral, mot, motto, oracle, order, ordinance, ordonnance, phrase, pithy saying, precept, prescription, proverb, proverbial saying, proverbs, regulation, rubric, rule, ruling, saw, saying, sentence, sententious expression, sloka, standing order, statute, stock saying, sutra, teaching, text, verse, wisdom, wisdom literature, wise saying, witticism, word, words of wisdom
[edit]- prescription, Procrustean law, act, adverse possession, aid, alodium, alterative, analeptic, appurtenance, assistance, authority, balm, balsam, bill, birthright, bon ton, boundary, bounds, burgage, bylaw, canon, charge, claim, code, colony, command, commission, confinement, conformity, conjugal right, consuetude, continence, convention, corrective, criterion, cure, custom, de facto, de jure, decree, decretum, demand, dependency, derivative title, dictate, dictation, direction, directive, discipline, divine right, droit, drug, due, edict, enactment, established way, etiquette, faculty, fashion, fee fief, fee position, fee simple, fee simple absolute, fee simple conditional, fee simple defeasible, fee simple determinable, fee tail, feodum, feud, fiefdom, folkway, form, formality, formula, formulary, frankalmoign, free socage, freehold, gavelkind, general orders, guideline, having title to, healing agent, healing quality, help, hold, holding, inalienable right, injunction, institute, institution, instruction, interest, jus, knight service, law, law of nature, lay fee, lease, leasehold, legal claim, legal possession, legislation, lex, limit, limitation, mandate, manner, manners, maxim, measure, medicament, medication, medicine, moderation, mores, natural right, norm, norma, observance, occupancy, occupation, order, order of nature, ordinance, ordonnance, original title, owning, possessing, possession, power, practice, praxis, precept, preoccupancy, preoccupation, preparation, prepossession, prerogative, prescribed form, prescript, presumptive right, pretense, pretension, principle, proper claim, proper thing, property, property right, property rights, proprietary rights, proscription, qualification, receipt, recipe, regulation, relief, remedial measure, remedy, restorative, restrain, restriction, right, ritual, rubric, rule, ruling, seisin, set form, socage, social convention, sovereign remedy, specific, specific remedy, squatting, standard, standard behavior, standard usage, standing custom, standing order, statute, sublease, succor, teaching, tenancy, tenantry, tenure, tenure in chivalry, time-honored practice, title, tradition, underlease, undertenancy, universal law, usage, use, usucapion, vested interest, vested right, villein socage, villeinhold, villenage, way, what is done, wont, wonting
[edit]- prescriptive, absolute, accepted, accustomed, acknowledged, admitted, authoritarian, authoritative, autocratic, average, binding, canonical, commanding, common, commonplace, compelling, compulsory, conclusive, conformable, constrictive, consuetudinary, conventional, current, customary, decisive, decretal, decretive, decretory, dictated, dictating, dictatorial, didactic, directive, dogmatic, entailed, established, ethnocentric, everyday, exceptional, excluding, exclusive, exclusory, familiar, final, fixed, folk, formulary, generally accepted, habitual, hallowed, handed down, hard and fast, hard-and-fast, heroic, hoary, household, immemorial, imperative, imperious, imposed, inadmissible, instructive, insular, inveterate, irrevocable, jussive, legendary, long-established, long-standing, mandated, mandating, mandatory, must, mythological, narrow, normal, normative, obligating, obligatory, obtaining, of long standing, of the folk, official, oral, ordinary, overbearing, parochial, peremptory, popular, preceptive, preclusive, predominating, prescribed, prescript, prevailing, prevalent, preventive, prohibitive, received, recognized, regular, regulation, required, restrictive, rooted, rubric, seclusive, segregative, select, selective, separative, set, snobbish, standard, statutory, stock, time-honored, traditional, tried and true, true-blue, ultimate, understood, universal, unwritten, usual, venerable, vernacular, widespread, without appeal, wonted, worshipful, xenophobic
[edit]- presence, Masan, action, actions, activity, acts, address, adjacency, affectation, air, alertness, aplomb, apparition, appearance, aspect, association, astral, astral spirit, attendance, aura, banshee, bearing, behavior, behavior pattern, behavioral norm, behavioral science, being, brow, calm, carriage, cast, cast of countenance, closeness, color, companionship, company, complexion, comportment, composure, conduct, confidence, control, cool, coolness, countenance, culture pattern, custom, demeanor, departed spirit, deportment, disembodied spirit, doing, doings, duppy, dybbuk, eidolon, ens, entity, equanimity, esse, essence, existence, face, facial appearance, false image, fantasy, favor, feature, features, figure, folkway, form, garb, gestures, ghost, goings-on, grateful dead, guide, guise, hant, haunt, idolum, image, immateriality, imperturbability, incorporeal, incorporeal being, incorporeity, larva, lemures, level-headedness, life, lineaments, lines, look, looks, maintien, manes, manifestation, manifestness, manner, manners, materiality, materialization, method, methodology, methods, mien, mirage, modus vivendi, motions, movements, moves, nearness, observable behavior, occurrence, oni, pattern, personality, phantasm, phantasma, phantasmagoria, phantom, phasm, phenomenon, phlegm, physiognomy, poise, poltergeist, port, pose, posture, practice, praxis, presence of mind, procedure, proceeding, propinquity, proximity, quick-wittedness, revenant, sang-froid, seeming, self-assurance, self-possession, set, shade, shadow, shape, shrouded spirit, social science, society, sophistication, specter, spectral ghost, spirit, spook, sprite, stance, style, subsistence, substantiality, tactics, theophany, tone, traits, turn, unsubstantiality, vicinity, visage, vision, waking dream, walking dead man, wandering soul, way, way of life, ways, wildest dream, wraith, zombie
present day
[edit]- present day, a la mode, actual, advanced, as is, avant-garde, being, contemporaneous, contemporary, current, existent, existing, extant, far out, fashionable, forward-looking, fresh, immanent, immediate, in, instant, latest, mod, modern, modernistic, modernized, modish, new, newfashioned, now, present, present-age, present-time, progressive, running, streamlined, that be, that is, topical, twentieth-century, ultra-ultra, ultramodern, up-to-date, up-to-datish, up-to-the-minute, way out
[edit]- present, Christmas present, accessible, accommodate, accord, acquaint, actual, adduce, adjacent, administer, advance, affect, afford, affront, aid, aim, aim at, allege, allot, allow, allowance, alms, announce, aorist, array, articulate, as is, at hand, at present, attendant, available, award, baksheesh, be a gas, be a hit, being, bend, benevolence, bestow, bestow on, betoken, bill, birthday present, bomb, bonus, boon, bounty, box, brandish, brave, breast, breathe, bring before, bring forth, bring forward, bring in, bring into view, bring on, bring out, bring to bear, bring to notice, bring up, cadeau, challenge, chime, chorus, chronology, close, closest, clothe, come out with, communicate, compliment, conceive, confer, confront, confront with, contemporaneous, contemporary, continuity, contribute, contribution, convey, couch, couch in terms, current, dangle, dare, deal, deal out, defy, deliver, demonstrate, deploy, determine, develop, devote, direct, directionize, disclose, dish out, dispense, display, distribute, divulge, do the honors, dole, dole out, donate, donation, dramatize, duration, durative, duree, embody, embody in words, emcee, emit, enact, encounter, endow, endowment, enunciate, envisage, evidence, evince, exhibit, existent, existing, expose to view, express, extant, extend, face, face with, fail, fairing, favor, feature, file, fill, fill up, find, fix, fix on, flaunt, fling off, flop, flourish, fork out, formularize, formulate, frame, freeload, fresh, front, fund, furnish, future, future perfect, gift, gift with, give, give a knockdown, give an introduction, give away, give expression, give expression to, give freely, give out, give out with, give sign, give token, give tongue, give utterance, give voice, give words to, grant, gratuity, hand, hand out, hand over, hand-out, handsel, headline, heap, help to, here and now, highlight, historical present, hold forth, hold on, hold out, illuminate, immanent, immediate, impart, imperfect, in being, in effect, in existence, in force, in view, incarnate, indicate, indwelling, inherent, instant, introduce, invest, issue, just now, keep, largess, largesse, lastingness, latest, lavish, lay before, let have, let out, level at, lip, living, maintain, make a hit, make acquainted, make available, make clear, make known, make plain, make provision for, manifest, marshal, materialize, mean, meet, meet squarely, melodramatize, mete, mete out, modern, mount, nearby, nearest, new, newfashioned, now, nowadays, oblation, offer, offering, on board, on deck, on foot, on hand, open, open a show, our times, out with, parade, paragraph, pass out, past, past perfect, peace offering, perfect, perform, period, phonate, phrase, place before, plead, pluperfect, point, point at, point tense, point to, pour, pour forth, pourboire, prefer, premiere, prepare, present perfect, present to, present-age, present-day, present-time, presentation, presently, preterit, prevalent, preview, produce, proffer, progressive tense, pronounce, provide, provide for, proximate, psychological time, put, put forth, put forward, put in words, put it to, put on, put to choice, put to vote, put up, quaint, rain, raise, rally, record, recruit, register, remaining, render, replenish, represent, reveal, rhetorize, right now, roll out, running, say, scenarize, serve, set, set before, set forth, set out, set the stage, shell out, show, show forth, shower, sight on, slip, snow, sound, space, space-time, sponge, spotlight, stage, star, state, stem, stock, store, style, submit, subsidize, subsistent, subsisting, succeed, supply, support, tell, tender, tense, term, that be, that is, the future, the nonce, the past, the present, the time being, theatricalize, these days, throw off, tide, time, timebinding, tip, today, token, topical, train, train upon, tribute, trot out, try out, turn, turn over, turn upon, under the sun, unfold, up-to-date, up-to-the-minute, utter, verbalize, vocalize, voice, vouchsafe, wave, while, whisper, white elephant, within call, within reach, within sight, word, yield
[edit]- presentable, Junoesque, OK, acceptable, adequate, admissible, agreeable, all right, allowable, amply endowed, becoming, bequeathable, bestowable, better than nothing, bonny, braw, built, built for comfort, buxom, callipygian, callipygous, comely, communicable, curvaceous, curvy, decent, decorous, devisable, fair, fairish, fit, fitting, giveable, goddess-like, good enough, good-looking, goodish, goodly, impartable, likely, lovely to behold, moderate, not amiss, not bad, not half bad, not so bad, okay, passable, personable, pleasing, pneumatic, polite, pretty good, proper, respectable, satisfactory, shapely, sightly, slender, stacked, statuesque, sufficient, suitable, tidy, tolerable, unexceptionable, unobjectionable, up to scratch, up to snuff, well-bred, well-built, well-favored, well-formed, well-made, well-mannered, well-proportioned, well-shaped, well-stacked, workmanlike
[edit]- presentation, Christmas present, accommodation, accordance, account, acquaintance, acquaintedness, advance, announcement, apostolic orders, apparition, appearance, appearing, appointment, approach, arising, asking price, avatar, award, awarding, benefit, bestowal, bestowment, bid, bill, birthday present, blue book, box, briefing, bulletin, cadeau, calling, canonization, close acquaintance, coming, coming into being, coming out, coming-forth, coming-out party, communication, communique, concession, conferment, conferral, conferring, consecration, contribution, cosmorama, cyclorama, data, datum, debut, deliverance, delivery, demonstration, diorama, directory, disclosure, dispatch, display, donation, election, emergence, enactment, endowment, enlightenment, entertainment, epiphany, evidence, exhibit, exhibition, exposition, exposure, facts, factual information, fairing, familiarization, farewell performance, feeler, flesh show, forthcoming, furnishment, gen, general information, georama, gift, gifting, giving, grant, granting, guidebook, handout, handsel, hard information, holy orders, image, impartation, impartment, incarnation, incidental information, induction, info, information, installation, institution, instruction, intelligence, introduction, investiture, invitation, issuance, knockdown, knowledge, launch, liberality, light, light show, major orders, manifestation, materialization, materializing, mention, message, minor orders, myriorama, nomination, notice, notification, oblation, occurrence, offer, offering, opening, ordainment, orders, ordination, ostentation, overture, pageant, pageantry, panorama, parade, peace offering, performance, phantasmagoria, pomp, preferment, preliminary approach, premiere, present, presenting, presentment, production, proffer, projection, promotional material, proof, provision, psychedelic show, publication, publicity, reading in, realization, release, report, representation, retrospective, revelation, rise, rising, shifting scene, show, showing, showing forth, sidelight, sight, spectacle, stage presentation, stage show, statement, submission, subscription, supplying, surrender, swan song, tableau, tableau vivant, tentative approach, the dope, the goods, the know, the scoop, theatrical performance, theophany, transmission, tribute, tryout, unfolding, unfoldment, unveiling, varnishing day, vernissage, visuals, vouchsafement, white book, white elephant, white paper, word
[edit]- presentiment, actuarial prediction, advance notice, affect, affection, apocalypse, apprehensiveness, clairvoyance, discomposing, discomposure, disquietude, disturbance, emotion, emotional charge, emotional shade, experience, feeling, feeling tone, foreboding, forecast, forecasting, forefeeling, foreknowing, foreknowledge, foreseeability, foreshowing, foresight, foretelling, forewarning, forewisdom, funny feeling, guesswork, gut reaction, heartthrob, hunch, impression, improbability, intimation, intuition, intuitive impression, misgiving, omen, passion, perturbation, plenty of notice, portent, preapprehension, precautioning, precognition, prediction, prefiguration, prefigurement, prefiguring, premonition, prenotice, prenotification, prenotion, presage, presaging, prescience, preshowing, presignifying, prewarning, probability, profound sense, prognosis, prognostication, promise, prophecy, prophesying, prospectus, reaction, response, sensation, sense, sentiment, soothsay, speculation, statistical prediction, suspicion, undercurrent, vague feeling, vague idea, vaticination
[edit]- presently, after a while, anon, at present, before long, betimes, by and by, directly, ere long, in a jiffy, in a moment, in a while, in due course, in due time, now, nowadays, shortly, soon, today
[edit]- presentment, accommodation, accordance, alphabet, arraignment, art, award, awarding, bail, benefit, bestowal, bestowment, bill, blueprint, charactering, characterization, charge, chart, choreography, communication, concession, conferment, conferral, contribution, conventional representation, dance notation, debut, delineation, deliverance, delivery, demonstration, depiction, depictment, description, diagram, display, donation, drama, drawing, enactment, endowment, entertainment, exemplification, exhibit, exhibition, exposition, exposure, farewell performance, figuration, flesh show, furnishment, gifting, giving, grant, granting, hieroglyphic, iconography, ideogram, illustration, imagery, imaging, impartation, impartment, impeachment, indictment, information, investiture, letter, liberality, limning, logogram, logograph, map, musical notation, notation, offer, opening, ostentation, performance, pictogram, picture, picturization, plan, portraiture, portrayal, prefigurement, premiere, presentation, printing, production, projection, provision, realization, rendering, rendition, representation, retrospective, schema, score, script, show, showing, stage presentation, subscription, supplying, surrender, swan song, syllabary, symbol, tablature, theatrical performance, true bill, tryout, unfolding, unfoldment, unveiling, varnishing day, vernissage, vouchsafement, writing
[edit]- preservation, bottling up, care, cold storage, conservancy, conservation, continuation, corking up, cover, creation, custody, dead storage, defense, dispensation, dry storage, eternal re-creation, eternal return, eternalization, eye, guard, guardianship, holding, holding in, immortalization, inhibition, keeping, lee, locking in, maintenance, perpetuating, perpetuation, prehension, preserval, protecting, protection, protective custody, providence, refuge, repression, retaining, retainment, retention, retentiveness, retentivity, safeguard, safeguarding, safekeeping, safety, salvation, saving, security, shade, shadow, shelf-room, shelter, shield, steady-state universe, storage, storage space, stowage, suppression, sustentation, tenacity, upkeep, visitations of providence, ward, warehousing, watchful eye
[edit]- preservative, backward, brine, conservational, conservationist, conservative, conservatory, conserving, die-hard, embalming fluid, fogyish, formaldehyde, keeping, nonprogressive, old-fashioned, old-fogyish, old-line, opposed to change, preservative medium, preservatory, preserving, protective, right-wing, salt, saving, standpat, ultraconservative, unprogressive, vinegar
[edit]- preserve, Indian reservation, Jell-O, anhydrate, archives, asylum, attend to, baby-sit, bank, bird sanctuary, blancmange, blast-freeze, bottle up, brine, can, candy, care for, chaperon, cherish, comfit, compote, confection, confectionery, confiture, conserve, conserves, continue, copyright, cork up, corn, cure, defend, dehydrate, desiccate, dry, dry-cure, dry-salt, embalm, eternalize, eternize, evaporate, extend, forest preserve, foster, freeze, freeze-dry, frosting, fume, game preserve, game reserve, game sanctuary, gelatin, glaze, guard, harbor, harbor of refuge, harborage, haven, hold, hold back, hold in, honey, husband, icing, immortalize, inhibit, irradiate, jam, jelly, jerk, keep, keep alive, keep back, keep by one, keep fresh, keep going, keep in, keep in reserve, keep in store, keep intact, keep inviolate, keep on hand, keep safe, keep up, keep watch over, kipper, lay by, lengthen, library, lock in, look after, look out for, look to, maintain, marinade, marinate, marmalade, matronize, meringue, mind, minister to, monumentalize, mother, mousse, mummify, museum, national forest, national park, not destroy, not endanger, not expend, not use up, not waste, nurse, nurture, paradise, park, patent, perennialize, perpetuate, pickle, port, preservatize, preserve from oblivion, preserves, prolong, protect, protege, protract, provide for, put apart, put aside, put by, put up, quick-freeze, refrigerate, refuge, register, repress, reservation, reserve, retain, ride herd on, safe haven, safeguard, safehold, salt, sanctuary, save, save up, season, see after, see to, set apart, set aside, set by, shelter, shepherd, shield, smoke, smoke-cure, snug harbor, spare, state forest, store, stronghold, stuff, support, suppress, sustain, sweet, sweet stuff, sweetmeat, sweets, take care of, take charge of, tend, tutti-frutti, uphold, watch, watch out for, watch over, whipped cream, wilderness preserve, wildlife preserve, withhold
[edit]- preserved, conserved, held, held back, held in reserve, intact, kept, protected, put by, reserved, retained, saved, spare, spared, undamaged, unspoiled, untainted, well-conserved, withheld
[edit]- preshrunk, Sanforized, attenuated, consumed, corky, dried-up, emacerated, emaciated, parched, sear, shriveled, shriveled up, shrunk, shrunken, thin, wasted, wasted away, weazened, withered, wizen, wizen-faced, wizened
[edit]- preside, administer, administer justice, administrate, be master, captain, carry on, chair, chairman, command, conduct, control, direct, discipline, do the honors, entertain, entertain guests, give a party, govern, guest, handle, head, head up, host, judge, keep, lead, manage, occupy the chair, officer, officiate, operate, ordain, oversee, preside over, regulate, rule, run, sit in judgment, stand over, supervise, throw a party, wield authority
[edit]- presidency, acme, aedileship, archbishopric, archiepiscopacy, archiepiscopate, aristocracy, authority, authorization, be-all and end-all, bishopric, blue ribbon, captainship, chairmanship, championship, chancellery, chancellorate, chancellorship, chiefery, chiefry, chieftaincy, chieftainry, chieftainship, command, consulate, consulship, control, convenership, custody, deanery, dictatorship, dictature, directorate, directorship, dominion, effectiveness, emirate, episcopacy, first place, first prize, foremanship, generalship, governorship, guardianship, headship, hegemony, height, hierarchy, highest, imperium, influence, intendancy, jurisdiction, kingship, leadership, lordship, magistracy, magistrateship, magistrature, management, managership, masterdom, mastership, mastery, maximum, mayoralty, mayorship, metropolitanate, metropolitanship, most, ne plus ultra, new high, nobility, overseership, palms, papacy, paramountcy, pashadom, pashalic, patriarchate, patriarchy, pontificality, pontificate, popedom, popehood, popeship, power, prefectship, prefecture, premiership, presidentship, primacy, prime-ministership, prime-ministry, princedom, princeship, principality, proconsulate, proconsulship, proctorship, protectorate, protectorship, provostry, provostship, record, rectorate, rectorship, regency, regentship, rule, ruling class, say, seigniory, seneschalship, seneschalsy, sheikhdom, sheriffalty, sheriffcy, sheriffdom, shrievalty, sovereignty, stewardship, superintendence, superintendency, supervisorship, supremacy, suzerainship, suzerainty, sway, top spot, tribunate, vizierate, viziership, zenith
[edit]- president, academic dean, administration, administrator, archon, chancellor, chief executive, chief executive officer, chief of state, dean, dean of men, dean of women, dewan, doge, executive, executive director, executive officer, executive secretary, grand vizier, head of state, headmaster, headmistress, magistrate, management, managing director, master, officer, official, prefect, premier, prexy, prime minister, principal, provost, rector, secretary, the administration, treasurer, vice-chancellor, vice-president, warden
press agent
[edit]- press agent, Federal, advertise, agent, amanuensis, baggage agent, build up, business agent, claim agent, clerk, commercial agent, commission agent, consignee, cry, customer agent, dupe, factor, fed, federal agent, freight agent, functionary, general agent, implement, instrument, insurance agent, land agent, law agent, literary agent, loan agent, news agent, official, parliamentary agent, passenger agent, puff, puppet, purchasing agent, real estate agent, sales agent, secretary, special agent, station agent, steward, theatrical agent, ticket agent, tool, travel agent, walking delegate
press charges
[edit]- press charges, accuse, allege, arraign, article, book, bring accusation, bring charges, bring to book, charge, cite, complain, denounce, denunciate, fasten on, fasten upon, finger, hang something on, impeach, imply, impute, indict, inform against, inform on, insinuate, lay charges, lodge a complaint, lodge a plaint, pin on, prefer charges, put on report, report, reproach, take to task, task, taunt with, tax, twit
press notice
[edit]- press notice, PR, ballyhoo, blurb, bright light, celebrity, common knowledge, cry, currency, daylight, eclat, exposure, fame, famousness, glare, hoopla, hue and cry, limelight, maximum dissemination, notoriety, plug, public eye, public knowledge, public relations, public report, publicity, publicity story, publicness, puff, reclame, report, spotlight, write-up
press on
[edit]- press on, advance, bundle, bustle, chase, continue, crowd, dash, dash off, dash on, double-time, drive, drive on, elapse, endure, expire, festinate, flit, flow, flow on, fly, forge ahead, get going, get moving, glide, go ahead, go all out, go by, go on, go slow, hasten, hurry, hurry on, hurry through, hurry up, hurry-scurry, hustle, inch forward, lapse, last, leap, lose no time, make haste, make things hum, move quickly, muddle through, pass, pass by, plunge, post, press forward, proceed, push, push forward, push on, race, roll on, run, run its course, run on, run out, rush, rush through, scamper, scramble, scurry, scuttle, shoot ahead, slide, slip, spurt, step lively, tear
[edit]- press, AP, Associated Press, Fleet Street, Reuters, UPI, United Press International, accelerate, advice, adviser, advocate, annex, announcer, annunciator, apply pressure, army, ask, aspirator, assault, assemble, assert, attach, authority, bear, bear against, bear down on, bear down upon, bear hard upon, bear on, bear upon, bearing, bed, beg, beseech, beset, besiege, blandish, book publishing, boost, bosom, broadcast journalism, broadcasting, brook no denial, buck, bug, bull, bulldoze, bump, bump against, bundle, bunt, bustle, butt, butt against, buttonhole, cajole, calender, call, call on, call up, call upon, call-up, channel, clamp, clamping, clamping down, clasp, cleave to, clinch, clip, cluster, clutch, coax, cohue, collect, collectivize, commandeer, communalize, communicant, communications, communications industry, communicator, communize, compact, compel, composing room, compress, compression, compulsion, compulsory military service, concentrate, condense, confiscate, congest, congregate, conscript, conscription, consolidate, constrain, constraint, contend, converge, convergence, converging, corkscrew, cram, crisis, crowbar, crowd, crowding, crunch, crush, cylinder press, deluge, demand, densen, densify, depress, detach, detach for service, dig, dispatch, distrain, draft, draft call, drafting, drive, drive on, drove, dun, elbow, embosom, embrace, emergency, enfold, enlightener, enlist, enlistment, enroll, enrollment, ensphere, entreat, exert pressure, exhort, exigency, expedite, expert witness, express, expropriate, extractor, flatbed cylinder press, flatten, flock, flood, fold, force, force upon, forceps, forward, fourth estate, galaxy, garnish, gather, gathering, goad, gossipmonger, grapevine, haste, hasten, hasten on, haul, head, heap, heave, herd, hie on, high pressure, high-pressure, horde, host, hot-press, huddle, hug, hurry, hurry along, hurry on, hurry up, hurtle, hustle, hustle up, impel, imperativeness, importune, impound, impress, impressment, impulse, impulsion, induce, induct, induction, informant, information, information center, information medium, informer, insist, insist on, insist upon, intelligence, interviewee, iron, jab, jam, jawbone, jog, joggle, join, jolt, jostle, journalism, lean on, legion, levy, lie on, list, lobby, magazine publishing, maintain, makeready, mangle, mash, mass, meet, mill, mob, mobilization, mobilize, monitor, mouthpiece, move, multitude, muster, muster in, nag, nag at, nationalize, news, news agency, news medium, news service, newsiness, newsletter, newsmagazine, newsmonger, newspaper, newsworthiness, nip, notifier, nudge, oppress, overexert, overextend, overstrain, overtax, pack, panoply, paparazzi, persist, persuade, pester, pile, pile drive, pincers, pinch, pipette, plague, platen, platen press, plead with, pliers, ply, ply upon, poke, precipitate, press association, press down, press upon, pressroom, pressure, presswork, print medium, printing machine, printing office, printing press, printshop, prod, proofroom, propel, provoke, public press, public print, public relations officer, publisher, publishers, publishing, publishing house, publishing industry, pull, pump, punch, push, push on, push through, push upon, put pressure on, quicken, rabble, rack, radio, railroad through, raise, ram, ram down, rash impulse, rattle, recommend, recruit, recruiting, recruitment, replevin, replevy, reportage, reporter, request, rest on, roll, rotary press, rotogravure press, rout, ruck, run, run against, rush, rush along, sadden, seethe, selective service, separator, sequester, sequestrate, shake, shoulder, shove, sign on, sign up, siphon, smooth, socialize, soft-soap, solidify, source, spate, speed, speed along, speed up, spokesman, spur, squab, squash, squeeze, squeezing, squish, stampede, stand on, steam, stick to, strain, strain every nerve, stress, stretch, stuff, summon, summons, swarm, sweat blood, sweet-talk, take no denial, tamp, tax, tease, telegraph agency, television, teller, tense, tension, the fourth estate, the press, throng, thronging, thrust, thrust upon, tidings, tighten, tightening, tipster, tout, tug, tweak, tweezers, urge, urge upon, urgency, vacuum pump, wad up, web, web press, weigh down, weigh on, weigh upon, wheedle, whip, whip along, wire service, witness, word, work on, wringer
[edit]- pressing, abetment, actuating, acute, animating, blandishment, burning, buttonholing, cajolement, cajolery, causal, causative, clamant, clamorous, coactive, coaxing, compelling, compulsatory, compulsive, compulsory, concentration, constraining, critical, crucial, crying, decoction, demanding, directive, distillation, draining, driving, dunning, encouragement, exacting, exigent, exorbitant, expression, extortionate, goading, grasping, grave, high-pressure, high-priority, impelling, imperative, imperious, important, importunate, importunateness, importunity, impulsive, inducive, infusion, insistence, insistent, instance, instant, irresistible, loud, major, momentous, motivating, motivational, motive, moving, nagging, needling, persistent, pertinacious, pestering, pivotal, plaguing, plying, portentous, pressure, pricking, prodding, profound, rendering, rendition, restraining, serious, significant, soaking, spurring, squeezing, steeping, taxing, teasing, urgency, urgent, urging, vital, wheedling
pressure group
[edit]- pressure group, Black Power, Italian vote, Jewish vote, Polish Power, Rasputin, Svengali, VIP, White Power, access, bad influence, big wheel, black vote, breakaway group, camp, caucus, court, division, eminence grise, ethnic group, faction, farm interests, financial interests, five-percenter, friend at court, good influence, gray eminence, heavyweight, hidden hand, influence, influence peddler, influencer, ingroup, interest, interest group, key, kingmaker, labor interests, lobby, lobbyist, lords of creation, man of influence, manipulator, minority group, offshoot, open sesame, party, political party, powers that be, sect, side, silent majority, sinister influence, special interests, special-interest group, splinter, splinter group, the Establishment, very important person, vested interests, vocal minority, wheeler-dealer, wing, wire-puller
[edit]- pressure, abetment, adverse circumstances, adversity, advocate, affliction, aggravation, albatross, annoyance, apply pressure, argumentum baculinum, ascendancy, authority, bale, bear against, bear down on, bear down upon, bear hard upon, bearing, beset, besiege, blandish, blandishment, blight, boost, bug, bummer, bump, bunt, burden, burdening, burthen, butt, buttonhole, buttonholing, cajole, cajolement, cajolery, call on, call upon, care, caressing, cargo, case of need, charge, charging, charisma, charm, clamping, clamping down, clout, clutch, coax, coaxing, coerce, coercion, compel, compression, compulsion, consequence, constrain, constraint, constraints, control, credit, crisis, cross, crunch, crush, crushing, cumber, cumbrance, curse, deadweight, demand, demandingness, demands, difficulties, difficulty, dig, dire necessity, distress, dominance, domination, downer, drag, drive, dun, dunning, duress, effect, emergency, eminence, enchantment, encouragement, encumbrance, esteem, exert pressure, exhort, exigence, exigencies, exigency, favor, feeling, fingering, force, freight, friction, frottage, goading, good feeling, greatness, handicap, handling, hard knocks, hard life, hard lot, hardcase, hardship, head, high pressure, high-pressure, hold, hustle, immediacy, impel, imperative, imperativeness, importance, importunacy, importunateness, importune, importunity, impulse, impulsion, incidental power, incubus, incumbency, inducement, influence, influentiality, influentialness, insinuation, insist, insist on, insist upon, insistence, instance, intimidate, intimidation, irritation, jab, jawbone, jog, joggle, jolt, jostle, lading, leadership, lean on, leverage, load, loading, lobby, magnetism, make, manipulation, mastery, matter of necessity, mental strain, millstone, moment, nag, nag at, nagging, needling, nervous strain, nervous tension, nip, nudge, oppression, overload, overtaxing, overweighting, palpation, persistence, personality, persuade, persuasion, pertinaciousness, pertinacity, pester, pestering, petting, pinch, plague, plaguing, plead with, plight, ply, plying, poke, potency, power, precedence, predicament, predominance, preponderance, press, pressing, pressingness, prestige, prevail on, prevail upon, pricking, priority, problems, prod, prodding, prominence, punch, purchase, push, put pressure on, rank, rash impulse, recommend, reign, repute, require, rigor, rubbing, rule, rush, saddling, say, sea of troubles, seniority, shove, soft-soap, spurring, squeeze, squeezing, stature, strain, straits, strength, stress, stress and strain, stress of life, stroking, strong-arm tactics, suasion, subtle influence, suggestion, superincumbency, supremacy, surcharge, sway, sweet-talk, tautness, taxing, tease, teasing, tenseness, tension, the big stick, the bludgeon, the club, the jackboot, the mailed fist, the strong arm, the sword, thrust, tightening, torque, torsion, touching, trial, tribulation, trouble, troubles, tweak, upper hand, urge, urgency, urgent need, urging, vale of tears, vexation, vicissitude, violence, weight, weightiness, wheedle, wheedling, whip hand, work on
[edit]- prestidigitation, Prospero, airiness, appearance, conjuration, delusiveness, escamotage, fallaciousness, false appearance, false light, false show, falseness, hanky-panky, hocus-pocus, hokey-pokey, idealization, illusionism, illusionist, illusiveness, immateriality, jiggery-pokery, jugglery, juggling, legerdemain, magic, magic act, magic show, magician, monkey business, mumbo jumbo, seeming, semblance, show, simulacrum, sleight of hand, sorcerer, sorcery, specious appearance, trickery, unactuality, unreality, unsubstantiality
[edit]- prestidigitator, artist, artiste, belly dancer, burlesque queen, chorine, chorus boy, chorus girl, conjurer, coryphee, dancer, dancing girl, ecdysiast, entertainer, escamoteur, exotic dancer, female impersonator, geisha, geisha girl, guisard, guiser, hoofer, illusionist, impersonator, juggler, magician, mountebank, mummer, musician, nautch girl, peeler, performer, public entertainer, show girl, singer, sleight-of-hand performer, stripper, stripteaser, stripteuse, tricker, trickster, vaudevillian, vaudevillist
[edit]- prestige, accomplishment, admiration, adoration, apotheosis, appreciation, approbation, approval, ascendancy, authority, awe, breathless adoration, cachet, celebrity, charisma, charm, clout, consequence, consideration, control, courtesy, credit, deanship, deference, deification, dignity, distinction, dominance, domination, duty, effect, eminence, enchantment, esteem, estimation, exaggerated respect, excellence, face, fame, favor, force, glamor, glory, good feeling, great respect, greatness, hero worship, high place, high regard, hold, homage, honor, idolatry, idolization, illustriousness, importance, incidental power, incomparability, influence, influentiality, influentialness, inimitability, insinuation, kudos, lead, leadership, leverage, magnetism, majority, mastery, memorability, moment, notability, noteworthiness, one-upmanship, personality, persuasion, position, potency, power, precedence, predominance, predomination, preeminence, preponderance, prepotence, prepotency, prerogative, pressure, primacy, priority, privilege, prominence, purchase, rank, regard, reign, remarkableness, renown, reputation, repute, respect, reverence, reverential regard, right-of-way, rule, salience, say, seniority, significance, skill, standing, stardom, state, station, stature, status, suasion, subtle influence, success, suggestion, superiority, supremacy, sway, transcendence, transcendency, upper hand, veneration, virtuosity, weight, weightiness, whip hand, worship
[edit]- prestigious, absolute, acclaimed, admired, adored, appreciated, ascendant, august, authoritarian, authoritative, authorized, autocratic, celebrated, charismatic, charming, clothed with authority, commanding, competent, consequential, considerable, conspicuous, controlling, creditable, dignified, distinguished, dominant, duly constituted, effective, effectual, efficacious, eminent, empowered, enchanting, esteemed, estimable, ex officio, exceptional, extraordinary, famed, famous, glamorous, glorious, governing, great, hegemonic, hegemonistic, held in esteem, held in respect, highly considered, highly esteemed, highly regarded, highly reputed, highly respectable, honorable, honored, illustrious, imperative, important, imposing, impressive, in favor, in good odor, in high esteem, in high favor, influential, leading, magnetic, marked, memorable, meritorious, mighty, momentous, monocratic, much-admired, noble, notable, noted, noteworthy, of mark, official, outstanding, personable, persuasive, potent, powerful, preeminent, prized, prominent, puissant, ranking, rare, remarkable, rememberable, renowned, reputable, respectable, respected, revered, reverenced, reverend, ruling, salient, senior, signal, significant, special, striking, strong, suasive, substantial, superior, supreme, telling, totalitarian, unforgettable, valued, venerable, venerated, weighty, well-considered, well-known, well-thought-of, winning, worshiped, worshipful, worthy
[edit]- presto, accelerando, adagietto, adagio, affrettando, allegretto, allegro, andante, andante tempo, andantino, beat, compound time, con anima, con brio, crescendo, decrescendo, desto, diminuendo, duple time, expeditiously, flat-out, forte, fortissimo, full tilt, hastily, immediate, instant, instantaneous, larghetto, larghissimo, largo, legato, lickety-split, lightning-like, marcando, march tempo, mixed times, moderato, momentaneous, momentary, pianissimo, piano, pizzicato, posthaste, prestissimo, quick as lightning, quick as thought, quickly, rag, ragtime, rallentando, rapidly, ritardando, ritenuto, rubato, scherzando, scherzo, sextuple time, simple time, spiccato, staccato, stretto, syncopation, syncope, tempo, tempo rubato, three-quarter time, time, time pattern, timing, triple time, triplet, two-four time, veloce, vivace, vivacissimo, waltz time
[edit]- presumable, apt, assumable, conjecturable, fair, foreseeable, hopeful, imaginable, in the cards, liable, likely, odds-on, predictable, predictable within limits, premissable, presumptive, probable, promising, statistically probable, supposable, surmisable, verisimilar
[edit]- presumably, all things considered, as it were, assumably, assumedly, assumptively, by all odds, certainly, dollars to doughnuts, doubtless, doubtlessly, in all likelihood, in all probability, in seeming, indubitably, like enough, likely, most likely, no doubt, presumedly, presumptively, probably, quasi, reputedly, seemingly, supposably, supposedly, suppositionally, supposititiously, surely, ten to one, undoubtedly, unquestionably, very like, very likely
presume upon
[edit]- presume upon, abuse, abuse a privilege, bleed, bleed white, bother, deceive, drain, encroach upon, exploit, foist on, ill-use, impose on, impose upon, inconvenience, make free with, make use of, manipulate, milk, misuse, obtrude upon, overstep, pass off on, pass the buck, play on, presume on, put across, put on, put over, put upon, shift the blame, shift the responsibility, stroke, suck dry, take a liberty, take advantage of, take liberties, trouble, use, use ill, work on, work upon
[edit]- presume, account, account as, adjudge, adjudicate, affect, allegorize, allow, allude to, anticipate, aspire to, assume, attempt, bank on, be afraid, be judicious, be predisposed, believe, bring, bring to mind, call for, comprise, conceive, conclude, confide, conjecture, connote, consider, contain, contemplate, count, count on, dare, daresay, deduce, deem, deride, desire, divine, dread, dream, encroach upon, entail, envisage, esteem, estimate, exercise judgment, expect, express an opinion, face, fancy, feel, feel confident, forejudge, foresee, form an opinion, gather, get fresh, get smart, go off half-cocked, grant, guess, harbor the hope, have a hunch, have a nerve, have an idea, have an impression, have an inkling, have in mind, have the cheek, have the gall, have the idea, hazard, hint, hold, hold as, hold in contempt, hope, hope against hope, hope and pray, hope for, hope in, hope to God, hypothecate, hypothesize, imagine, implicate, imply, import, impose on, impose upon, infer, infringe, insinuate, intimate, intrude, involve, judge, judge beforehand, jump the gun, lead to, lean upon, let, let be, live in hopes, look upon as, maintain, make bold, make free, mean, mean to say, nurture the hope, obtrude, opine, pine, point indirectly to, posit, postulate, preconceive, preconclude, predecide, predetermine, prefigure, prejudge, premise, presuppose, presurmise, pretend, provisionally accept, reckon, regard, rely on, repute, require, rest assured, ridicule, say, set down as, speculate, subsume, suggest, suppose, surmise, suspect, take, take for, take for granted, take in, take it, take liberties, take liberties with, take the liberty, take to be, taunt, theorize, think, think likely, think of, trow, trust, understand, venture, venture to say, view as, ween
[edit]- presumed, accounted as, alleged, anticipated, assumed, assumptive, awaited, conjectured, deemed, due, expected, forejudged, foreseen, given, granted, hinted, hoped-for, imminent, implicated, implied, in prospect, in view, indicated, inferred, intimated, involved, judged beforehand, long-expected, meant, on the horizon, overdue, postulated, postulational, preconceived, preconceptual, preconcluded, predecided, predetermined, predisposed, predispositional, prejudged, prejudging, prejudicial, premised, presumptive, presupposed, presurmised, probable, promised, prospective, putative, reputed, suggested, supposed, suppositional, supposititious, suppositive, taken for granted, understood
[edit]- presumption, adventurousness, allegory, allusion, apriorism, aptitude, arcane meaning, arrogance, aspiration, assumption, assurance, assured faith, attitude, audaciousness, audacity, axiom, basis, belief, bias, boldness, brashness, brass, brazenness, brinkmanship, bumptiousness, butting-in, chance, cheek, cheekiness, cheerful expectation, chutzpah, climate of opinion, coloration, common belief, community sentiment, conceit, concept, conception, conclusion, confidence, conjecture, connotation, consensus gentium, consideration, contumely, conviction, courage fou, courting disaster, crust, daredevilry, daredeviltry, daring, deduction, dependence, desire, doomed hope, effrontery, entailment, estimate, estimation, ethos, evidence, expectation, eye, face, fair expectation, fair prospect, faith, familiarity, favorable prospect, feasibility, feeling, fervent hope, fire-eating, flirting with death, foolhardiness, forejudgment, forwardness, gall, general belief, going for broke, good chance, good cheer, good hope, great expectations, grounds, guess, guesswork, hardihood, harebrainedness, high hopes, hint, hope, hopeful prognosis, hopefulness, hopes, hoping, hoping against hope, hubris, hypothesis, idea, immodesty, impertinence, implication, implied meaning, import, imposition, impression, impudence, inference, innuendo, inquisitiveness, insolence, intermeddling, intimation, intrusiveness, involvement, ironic suggestion, judgment, lawlessness, liability, liberties, liberty abused, license, licentiousness, lights, likelihood, likeliness, meaning, meddlesomeness, meddling, metaphorical sense, mind, mystique, nerve, notion, nuance, observation, obtrusiveness, occult meaning, odds, officiousness, opinion, outlook, overconfidence, overtone, overweening, overweeningness, parti pris, personal judgment, plausibility, playing with fire, point of view, popular belief, posit, position, postulate, postulation, postulatum, posture, prayerful hope, preapprehension, preconception, preconclusion, preconsideration, predecision, predetermination, predilection, predisposition, prejudgment, prejudication, prejudice, premature judgment, premise, premiss, prenotion, prepossession, presumptive evidence, presumptuousness, presupposal, presupposition, presurmise, prevailing belief, pride, probabilism, probability, procacity, promise, proposition, prospect, prospects, public belief, public opinion, pushiness, reaction, reason, reasonable ground, reasonable hope, reliance, sanguine expectation, security, sentiment, set of postulates, sight, stance, stand, subsense, subsidiary sense, subsumption, suggestion, supposal, supposing, supposition, surmise, suspicion, symbolism, temerity, tendency, theory, thesis, thinking, thought, tinge, touch, trust, undercurrent, undermeaning, undertone, undue liberty, uppishness, uppityness, verisimilitude, view, way of thinking, well-grounded hope, working hypothesis
[edit]- presumptive, absolute, acceptable, accounted as, adducible, admissible, alleged, apt, assumed, assumptive, attestative, attestive, authentic, based on, believable, certain, circumstantial, conceivable, conclusive, conjectured, convincing, credible, cumulative, damning, decisive, deemed, determinative, documentary, documented, evidential, evidentiary, ex parte, eye-witness, factual, fair, final, firsthand, foreseeable, founded on, given, granted, grounded on, hearsay, hopeful, implicit, in the cards, incontrovertible, indicative, indisputable, inferred, irrefutable, irresistible, justifiable, liable, likely, material, nuncupative, odds-on, overwhelming, plausible, postulated, postulational, predicated, predictable, predictable within limits, predicted, premised, presumable, presumed, probable, probative, promising, putative, rational, reasonable, reliable, reputed, sensible, significant, sound, statistically probable, suggestive, supposed, suppositional, supposititious, suppositive, sure, symptomatic, taken for granted, telling, tenable, understood, valid, verisimilar, weighty
[edit]- presumptuous, acceptable, adventurous, arrogant, assuming, audacious, bold, brash, brazen, bumptious, busy, busybody, cheeky, cold, complacent, confident, contumelious, cool, daredevil, daring, death-defying, disdainful, egotistical, familiar, fire-eating, foolhardy, forward, gay, harebrained, hubristic, immodest, impertinent, impudent, inexcusable, inquisitive, insolent, insulting, licentious, lofty, madbrain, madbrained, madcap, meddlesome, meddling, nosy, obtrusive, officious, outrageous, overconfident, overpresumptuous, overweening, pompous, presuming, pretentious, prideful, procacious, proud, prying, pushful, pushing, pushy, saucy, self-appointed, self-asserting, self-assertive, self-assured, self-conceited, self-elect, self-satisfied, smug, snoopy, supercilious, temerarious, uppish, uppity, wild, wild-ass, would-be
[edit]- presuppose, affect, allegorize, allude to, assume, be afraid, be predisposed, believe, bring, bring to mind, call for, comprise, conceive, conclude, conjecture, connote, consider, contain, daresay, deduce, deem, divine, dream, entail, expect, fancy, feel, forejudge, gather, go off half-cocked, grant, guess, hint, imagine, implicate, imply, import, infer, insinuate, intimate, involve, judge, judge beforehand, jump the gun, lead to, let, let be, mean, mean to say, opine, point indirectly to, posit, postulate, preconceive, preconclude, predecide, predetermine, prefigure, prejudge, premise, presume, presurmise, provisionally accept, reckon, repute, require, say, subsume, suggest, suppose, surmise, suspect, take, take for, take for granted, take in, take it, take to be, think, understand
[edit]- presupposed, assumed, forejudged, hinted, implicated, implied, indicated, inferred, intimated, involved, judged beforehand, meant, preconceived, preconceptual, preconcluded, predecided, predetermined, predisposed, predispositional, prejudged, prejudging, prejudicial, presumed, presurmised, suggested, supposed
[edit]- presupposition, a priori principle, act, affect, affirmation, allegory, allusion, apriorism, arcane meaning, assertion, assumed position, assumption, avant-propos, axiom, basis, beguile, belief, bluff, breakthrough, categorical proposition, coloration, conjecture, connotation, conviction, counterfeit, data, deceive, deduction, delude, exordium, fake, feign, first principles, forejudgment, foreword, foundation, front matter, frontispiece, ground, guess, guesswork, hint, hypothesis, hypothesis ad hoc, implication, implied meaning, import, inference, innovation, innuendo, intimation, introduction, ironic suggestion, judgment, leap, lemma, major premise, make believe, meaning, metaphorical sense, minor premise, mislead, nuance, occult meaning, opinion, overtone, overture, parti pris, philosopheme, philosophical proposition, posit, position, postulate, postulation, postulatum, preamble, preapprehension, preconception, preconclusion, preconsideration, predecision, predetermination, predilection, predisposition, preface, prefix, prefixture, prejudgment, prejudication, prejudice, preliminary, prelude, premature judgment, premise, prenotion, prepossession, presume, presumption, presupposal, presurmise, pretend, proem, profess, prolegomena, prolegomenon, prolepsis, prologue, proposition, propositional function, protasis, purport, put on, set of postulates, sham, simulate, statement, subsense, subsidiary sense, suggestion, sumption, supposal, suppose, supposing, supposition, surmise, symbolism, theorem, thesis, think, tinge, touch, truth table, truth-function, truth-value, undercurrent, undermeaning, undertone, verse, view, voluntary, working hypothesis
[edit]- pretence, airs, appearance, artifice, blind, camouflage, cloak, cover, cover-up, deception, disguise, display, dodge, excuse, fable, fabrication, facade, fairy tale, fakery, faking, falsification, feigning, fiction, figment, front, guise, hoax, humbug, humbuggery, hypocrisy, impression, invention, make-believe, mask, masquerade, ostentation, pose, posturing, pretending, pretension, pretentiousness, pretext, ruse, sham, show, story, veil
[edit]- pretend, act, act a part, adopt, affect, aim to, allege, appropriate, arrogate, assume, attempt, attempt to, avow, bluff, challenge, claim, counterfeit, cover up, dare, dare to, dissemble, dissimulate, do a bit, dramatize, encroach, endeavor, fake, feign, four-flush, gammon, hazard, histrionize, infringe, invade, lay claim to, let on, let on like, make a pretense, make as if, make believe, make bold, make free, make like, make out, make out like, overact, play, play God, play a part, play a scene, play possum, playact, presume, pretend to, pretext, profess, protest too much, purport, put on, put on airs, represent, seek to, seize, sham, simulate, strive to, study to, take over, take the liberty, trespass, try, try and, try to, tug the heartstrings, undertake, usurp, venture, venture to, wear
[edit]- pretended, affected, alleged, apocryphal, artificial, asserted, assumed, avowed, bastard, bogus, brummagem, claimed, colorable, colored, counterfeit, counterfeited, distorted, dressed up, dummy, embellished, embroidered, ersatz, factitious, fake, faked, false, falsified, feigned, fictional, fictitious, fictive, garbled, hypocritical, illegitimate, imaginary, imitation, in name only, junky, make-believe, man-made, mock, ostensible, perverted, phony, pinchbeck, pretend, pretexted, professed, pseudo, purported, put-on, quasi, queer, reputed, self-styled, sham, shoddy, simulated, so-called, soi-disant, specious, spurious, supposed, supposititious, synthetic, tin, tinsel, titivated, twisted, unauthentic, ungenuine, unnatural, unreal, warped
[edit]- pretender, actor, affecter, arrogator, aspirant, blagueur, bluff, bluffer, candidate, charlatan, claimant, deceiver, fake, faker, fourflusher, fraud, hollow man, humbug, impersonator, impostor, malingerer, man of straw, mannerist, mountebank, paper tiger, performer, phony, playactor, poser, poseur, quack, quacksalver, quackster, ringer, rival, saltimbanco, seeker, sham, shammer, straw man, suitor, usurper
[edit]- pretense, acting, affectation, affectedness, air, airs, airs and graces, alibi, apology, appearance, appurtenance, artificiality, attitudinizing, authority, birthright, blind, bluff, bluffing, charade, cheating, claim, cloak, color, coloring, conjugal right, cover, cover story, cover-up, deceit, deception, delusion, demand, device, disguise, dissemblance, dissembling, dissimulation, divine right, droit, due, excuse, explanation, facade, face, faculty, fake, fakery, faking, false air, false front, false show, falsity, feigned belief, feigning, feint, four-flushing, fraud, front, gilt, gloss, guise, handle, humbug, humbuggery, hypocrisy, image, imposture, inalienable right, insincerity, interest, lame excuse, locus standi, loftiness, lofty affectations, make-believe, mannerism, mask, masquerade, mere show, meretriciousness, natural right, ostensible motive, ostent, ostentation, ostentatiousness, outward show, pageant, playacting, poor excuse, pose, posing, posture, power, prerogative, prescription, presumptive right, pretension, pretentiousness, pretext, proper claim, property right, protestation, prunes and prisms, public image, public motive, put-off, put-on, putting on airs, rational ground, rationale, reason, reason for, reason why, refuge, representation, right, screen, seeming, semblance, sham, show, simulacrum, simulation, smoke screen, speciousness, stalking-horse, stated cause, stratagem, stylishness, subterfuge, the big idea, the idea, the whatfor, the wherefore, the why, title, trick, underlying reason, unnaturalness, varnish, veil, vested interest, vested right, window dressing
[edit]- pretension, Barnumism, acting, affectation, affectedness, airs, airs and graces, alibi, ambitions, ambitiousness, apology, appearance, appurtenance, artificiality, aspiration, attitudinizing, authority, bedizenment, big talk, birthright, blind, bluff, bluffing, charade, cheating, claim, cloak, color, coloring, conjugal right, cover story, cover-up, deception, delusion, demand, device, disguise, dissemblance, dissembling, dissimulation, divine right, droit, due, excuse, facade, face, faculty, fakery, faking, false air, false front, false show, falsity, feigned belief, feigning, feint, flashiness, flatulence, flatulency, four-flushing, fraud, front, fulsomeness, garishness, gaudiness, gilt, gloss, grandiloquence, grandioseness, grandiosity, guise, handle, high-flown diction, humbug, humbuggery, hypocrisy, image, imposture, inalienable right, inflatedness, inflation, insincerity, interest, lame excuse, lexiphanicism, locus standi, loftiness, lofty affectations, luridness, magniloquence, make-believe, mannerism, mask, masquerade, mere rhetoric, mere show, meretriciousness, natural right, orotundity, ostensible motive, ostent, ostentation, ostentatious complexity, ostentatiousness, outward show, pageant, platitudinous ponderosity, playacting, polysyllabic profundity, pomposity, pompous prolixity, pompousness, pontification, poor excuse, pose, posing, posture, power, prerogative, prescription, presumptive right, pretending, pretense, pretensions, pretentiousness, pretext, proper claim, property right, prose run mad, protestation, prunes and prisms, public image, public motive, put-off, put-on, putting on airs, refuge, representation, rhetoric, rhetoricalness, right, screen, seeming, semblance, sensationalism, sententiousness, sham, show, showiness, simulacrum, simulation, smoke screen, speciousness, stalking-horse, stiltedness, stratagem, stylishness, subterfuge, swelling utterance, swollen phrase, swollenness, tall talk, title, tortuosity, tortuousness, trick, tumidity, tumidness, turgescence, turgidity, unnaturalness, varnish, veil, vested interest, vested right, window dressing
[edit]- pretentious, Gongoresque, Gongoristic, Johnsonian, Marinistic, affected, ambitious, arrogant, artificial, arty, aureate, bedizened, big, big-sounding, bombastic, chichi, classy, convoluted, declamatory, elaborate, elaborated, elevated, euphuistic, exaggerated, extravagant, fancy, feigned, flamboyant, flaming, flashy, flaunting, flossy, flowery, fulsome, garish, gassy, gaudy, grandiloquent, grandiose, grandisonant, haughty, high and mighty, high-flowing, high-flown, high-flying, high-hat, high-sounding, high-swelling, high-toned, highfalutin, highfaluting, histrionic, hoity-toity, hyperelegant, imposing, inflated, inkhorn, insincere, la-di-da, labyrinthine, lexiphanic, lofty, lurid, magniloquent, maniere, mannered, meretricious, mincing, orotund, ostentatious, overacted, overblown, overdone, overelaborate, overelegant, overinvolved, overnice, overrefined, overwrought, peacockish, peacocky, pedantic, pompous, precieuse, precieux, precious, put-on, rhetorical, sensational, sensationalistic, sententious, showy, snobbish, snotty, sonorous, splashy, stagy, stilted, studied, superficial, swank, swollen, tall, theatrical, tony, too-too, tortuous, tumid, turgid, unnatural, utopian, vainglorious, vaunting, visionary, windy
[edit]- preternatural, aberrant, anomalous, arcane, atypical, deviant, deviative, eerie, esoteric, extramundane, extraterrestrial, fey, heteroclite, hypernormal, hyperphysical, miraculous, mysterious, nonnatural, numinous, occult, otherworldly, preterhuman, preternormal, pretersensual, psychic, spiritual, superhuman, superior, supermundane, supernatural, supernormal, superphysical, supersensible, supersensual, supramundane, supranatural, transcendental, transmundane, unearthly, unhuman, unnatural, unrepresentative, untypical, unworldly
[edit]- preternaturalism, eeriness, elfdom, faerie, miraculousness, mysteriousness, mystery, numinousness, otherworldliness, superhumanity, supernaturalism, supernaturality, supernaturalness, supernature, supernormalness, superphysicalness, supersensibleness, supranaturalism, supranature, the occult, the supernatural, the supersensible, transcendentalism, unearthliness, unworldliness, witchery
[edit]- pretext, acting, affectation, alibi, allege, alternative, appearance, attitudinizing, avow, bluff, bluffing, camouflage, cheating, choice, claim, cloak, color, coloring, cover, cover story, deception, delusion, disguise, dissemblance, dissembling, dissimulation, escape clause, escape hatch, excuse, explanation, facade, face, fakery, faking, false air, false front, false show, falsity, feigning, feint, four-flushing, fraud, front, gilt, gloss, guise, humbug, humbuggery, imposture, loophole, masquerade, meretriciousness, ostentation, outward show, playacting, plea, pose, posing, posture, pretend, pretense, pretension, profess, protest too much, purport, rational ground, rationale, rationalization, reason, reason for, reason why, red herring, representation, right, ruse, saving clause, seeming, semblance, sham, show, simulacrum, simulation, speciousness, stated cause, the big idea, the idea, the whatfor, the wherefore, the why, underlying reason, varnish, veil, way of escape, way out, window dressing
[edit]- pretreat, arrange, clear for action, clear the decks, cure, deploy, dress, fix, fix up, get ready, make arrangements, make preparations, make ready, marshal, mobilize, plan, prearrange, prep, prepare, process, provide, put in shape, ready, ready up, settle preliminaries, tan, treat, trim, try out
[edit]- prettify, adorn, array, beautify, become one, bedeck, bedizen, blazon, color, dandify, deck, deck out, decorate, dizen, doll up, dress, dress up, embellish, emblazon, embroider, enrich, extenuate, fig out, fix up, furbish, garnish, glamorize, gloss over, grace, gussy up, ornament, paint, prank, prank up, preen, pretty up, primp, primp up, prink, prink up, redecorate, redo, refurbish, set off, set out, smarten, smarten up, spruce up, sugarcoat, titivate, trick out, trick up, trim, varnish, veneer, whiten, whitewash
pretty up
[edit]- pretty up, adorn, beautify, become one, bedizen, deck out, decorate, dizen, doll up, dress up, fancy up, fig out, get up, glamorize, grace, gussy up, overdress, prank, prettify, primp, prink, rag out, set off, slick up, spruce up, titivate, trick out, trick up
[edit]- pretty, a bit, a little, acceptably, adequately, adroit, aesthetic, aesthetically appealing, almighty, appealing, attractive, awfully, beauteous, beautiful, bonny, catchy, charming, clever, comely, cunning, cute, darling, decently, die, ducky, dulcet, elegant, endowed with beauty, euphonious, exceedingly, exquisite, extremely, eye-filling, fair, fairishly, fairly, fairly well, fetching, fine, flowerlike, good, good-looking, graceful, gracile, handsome, harmonious, heavy, in a measure, in a way, in some measure, incredibly, just, kind of, lovely, lyrical, mellifluous, melodic, melodious, mightily, mighty, moderately, more or less, musical, only too, passably, plaything, powerful, powerfully, presentably, pretty much, pretty well, pulchritudinous, quite, rather, real, really, reasonably, respectably, right, satisfactorily, scarcely, slightly, so, some, something, somewhat, sort of, terribly, terrifically, to a degree, to some extent, tolerably, toy, tuneful, unexceptionably, very, well enough, wicked, winsome, workmanlike