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From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
See also: Glazer





From Middle English glaser, variant of glasier; equivalent to glaze +‎ -er; compare glazier.





glazer (plural glazers)

  1. One who applies glazing, as in pottery, etc.; one who gives a glasslike or glossy surface to anything; a calenderer or smoother of cloth, paper, etc.
  2. (slang) A person who is prone to endless monologuing; derived from the practice of speaking until the listener's eyes "glaze over".
  3. A glazier; one who fits glass.
  4. (Internet slang) Someone who glazes (to compliment or praise someone excessively in a cringeworthy way); an asskisser or sycophant.
    Synonyms: see Thesaurus:sycophant
    • 2024 January 21, u/JamIsJam88, “Trump Suggests He'll Leave Taiwan to China”, in Reddit[1], r/WhitePeopleTwitter, archived from the original on 23 August 2024:
      Weakest president ever. Such a glazer for the most evil tyrants in the world.
    • 2024 July 28, u/markiroll, “This casting is either the dumbest and most desperate decision ever or the most genius 4D chess move of all time. There is legit no in-between.”, in Reddit[2], r/shittymoviedetails, archived from the original on 23 August 2024:
      Genius to maximize revenue from iron man glazers that do not care enough about the goat MF DOOM
    • 2024 August 4, @cantswish, Twitter[3], archived from the original on 23 August 2024:
      roman's [i.e., Roman Reigns's] n1 glazer is back on tiktok 😭
    • 2024 August 18, @Xepahr, Twitter[4], archived from the original on 23 August 2024:
      Red Dead Redemption 2 is imho the most overrated game ever made. Story & Characters are top-notch no lie here, but it might be the single most frustrating game to play. Gameplay is genuinely so ass idk how you glazers can't see this fact.