Appendix:Moby Thesaurus II/55
[edit]- mucus, albumen, antifriction, autacoid, batter, bile, black lead, bonnyclabber, butter, carrion, chalone, chyle, clabber, colostrum, cornstarch, corruption, cream, curd, dandruff, decay, digestive secretion, discharge, dough, egg white, endocrine, excrement, filth, foul matter, furfur, gall, gangrene, gastric juice, gaum, gel, gelatin, glair, gleet, glop, glue, gluten, glycerin, goo, gook, goop, graphite, gruel, gumbo, gunk, hormone, humor, ichor, intestinal juice, jam, jell, jelly, lachryma, lactation, leukorrhea, loblolly, lubricant, lubricating oil, lubricator, lymph, matter, mess, milk, molasses, mucilage, muck, mucor, obscenity, ordure, pancreatic juice, pap, paste, peccant humor, phlegm, plumbago, porridge, prostatic fluid, pudding, pulp, puree, purulence, pus, putrid matter, putty, rheum, rob, rot, saliva, salivary secretion, sanies, scurf, scuz, semen, semifluid, semiliquid, serous fluid, serum, silicone, size, slime, smut, snot, sordes, soup, sperm, starch, sticky mess, suppuration, sweat, syrup, tear, teardrop, tears, the whites, thyroxin, treacle, urine, wax
mud flat
[edit]- mud flat, baygall, bog, bottom, bottomland, bottoms, buffalo wallow, everglade, fen, fenland, glade, hog wallow, holm, marais, marish, marsh, marshland, meadow, mere, mire, moor, moorland, morass, moss, mud, peat bog, quagmire, quicksand, salt marsh, slob land, slough, sough, sump, swale, swamp, swampland, taiga, wallow, wash
[edit]- mud, baygall, bog, bottom, bottomland, bottoms, buffalo wallow, clay, dirt, dust, everglade, fen, fenland, glade, grime, gumbo, hog wallow, holm, marais, marish, marsh, marshland, meadow, mere, mire, moor, moorland, morass, moss, muck, mud flat, muddle, muddy, ooze, peat bog, quagmire, quicksand, rile, salt marsh, slime, slip, slob, slob land, slop, slosh, slough, sludge, slush, smut, soot, sough, squash, sump, swale, swamp, swampland, swill, taiga, wallow, wash
muddle through
[edit]- muddle through, clear, clear the hurdle, come along, come on, contrive, crowd, cut the mustard, do, drive on, engineer, fare, forge ahead, get along, get by, get on, go on, go slow, hack it, inch forward, make it, make out, make the grade, manage, manage somehow, negotiate, press forward, press on, push, push forward, push on, put over, put through, scrape along, stagger, succeed in, swing, swing the deal, worry along
[edit]- muddle, addle, addle the wits, amaze, anarchy, ataxia, baffle, ball up, bamboozle, be all thumbs, beat, becloud, bedazzle, befog, befuddle, befuddlement, bemuse, bewilder, bewilderment, blunder, blunder away, blunder into, blunder on, blunder upon, blur, blur distinctions, boggle, bollix, bollix up, botch, botchery, bother, botheration, buffalo, bug, bumble, bungle, butcher, chaos, cloud, clutter, commit a gaffe, complicate, confound, confuse, confusion, contrive, cope, daze, dazzle, deform, disarrange, disarray, disaster, discombobulate, discombobulation, discomfit, discomfiture, discompose, discomposure, disconcert, disconcertion, dishevel, disorder, disorganization, disorganize, disorient, disorientation, distort, distract, disturb, disturbance, embarrass, embarrassment, embrangle, entangle, fabulous formless darkness, faux pas, fiasco, floor, flounder, flummox, flunk, flurry, fluster, flutter, fog, fog up, foozle, foul up, foul-up, frenzy, fuddle, fuddlement, fumble, fuss, fuzz, garble, get, get along, get by, hash, hassle, haze, huddle, implicate, involve, jumble, jumble together, jungle, keep in suspense, knock galley-west, knot, license, lick, limp, litter, louse up, lumber, make do, make it, make uncertain, mar, maze, mess, mess up, miscue, mishmash, mismanage, misrule, mist, mix, mix up, mix-up, moider, morass, muck, muck up, mud, muddle through, muddlement, muddy, muff, mull, murder, murmur, muss, muss up, mutter, mystify, nonplus, obfuscate, obscure, overlook distinctions, perplex, perplexity, perturb, perturbation, pi, play havoc with, play hob with, pother, pucker, put out, puzzle, raise hell, ramify, rattle, ravel, riffle, rile, ruffle, rummage, scramble, scrape along, scrape through, screw up, screw-up, shambles, shuffle, slip, snafu, snarl, snarl up, spoil, stew, stick, stumble, stump, swallow, sweat, swivet, tangle, throw, throw into confusion, throw off, tizzy, topsy-turviness, trip, tumble, unform, unsettle, unsettlement, unshape, upset, washout
[edit]- muddled, addlebrained, addled, addleheaded, addlepated, anarchic, arsy-varsy, ass-backwards, at a loss, baffled, balled up, bamboozled, beat, beclouded, beery, befuddled, bemused, besotted, blear-witted, blind drunk, bollixed up, boozy, buffaloed, canned, chaotic, cloudy, confounded, confused, crapulent, crapulous, dazed, disconnected, discontinuous, disguised, disjointed, disordered, dizzy, drenched, drunk, drunken, far-gone, floored, flustered, fogged, foggy, fou, fouled up, fuddlebrained, fuddled, full, galley-west, gay, giddy, glorious, happy, hazy, helter-skelter, higgledy-piggledy, hugger-mugger, in a dilemma, in a fog, in a mess, in a muddle, in liquor, in suspense, inchoate, inebriate, inebriated, inebrious, intoxicated, jolly, jumbled, licked, maudlin, mellow, merry, misted, misty, mixed up, mucked up, muddleheaded, muddybrained, muzzy, mystified, nappy, nonplussed, on tenterhooks, perplexed, pixilated, plastered, puzzled, puzzleheaded, reeling, scattered, scramblebrained, screwed up, shikker, skimble-skamble, snafu, sodden, sotted, stuck, stumped, thrown, tiddly, tight, tipsy, topsy-turvy, unconnected, under the influence, unorganized, upside-down
[edit]- muddlehead, addlebrain, addlehead, addlepate, beefhead, blockhead, blubberhead, blunderhead, bonehead, bufflehead, cabbagehead, chowderhead, chucklehead, clodhead, clodpate, clodpoll, dimwit, dolt, dolthead, dullhead, dumbbell, dumbhead, dunderhead, dunderpate, fathead, idiot, jolterhead, jughead, knucklehead, lunkhead, meathead, moron, mushhead, muttonhead, noodlehead, numskull, peabrain, pinbrain, pinhead, puddinghead, pumpkin head, puzzlehead, simpleton, stupidhead, thickhead, thickskull, tottyhead
[edit]- muddleheaded, addlebrained, addled, addleheaded, addlepated, beclouded, befuddled, blear-witted, cloudy, dizzy, fogged, foggy, fuddlebrained, fuddled, hazy, in a fog, in a muddle, misted, misty, muddled, muddybrained, muzzy, puzzleheaded, scramblebrained
[edit]- muddy, achromatic, achromic, addled, amorphous, anemic, ashen, ashy, becloud, bedraggled, befog, befouled, begrime, bemire, bemud, besmirch, besmirched, besmoke, besoil, bespatter, black, bled white, blind, bloodless, blotchy, blur, blurred, boggish, boggy, cadaverous, chloranemic, chuckhole, clear as mud, cloud, cloudy, colorless, conceal, confuse, confused, dark, dead, deadly pale, deathly pale, dim, dimmed, dingy, dirt, dirty, dirty up, discolored, drab, draggled, dull, dungy, dust, dusty, etiolated, exsanguinated, exsanguine, exsanguineous, fade, faded, faint, fallow, feculent, fenny, filthy, flat, fog, foggy, foul, fouled, fuliginous, fuzz, fuzzy, ghastly, gloomy, gray, grime, grimy, grubby, grungy, haggard, hazy, hick town, hide, hueless, hypochromic, impure, indeterminate, indistinct, jerkwater town, lackluster, leaden, livid, lurid, lusterless, make uncertain, marish, marshy, mat, mealy, messy, mire, mirish, miry, misty, mix up, mixed-up, moorish, moory, muck, muck up, mucky, mud, muddle, muddled, mudhole, murky, nasty, nebulous, neutral, obscure, one-horse town, oozy, opaque, pale, pale as death, pale-faced, pallid, paludal, paludous, pasty, plashy, poachy, quaggy, quagmiry, rile, riley, roily, sallow, screen, scruffy, shadowy, shapeless, sickly, slabby, slime, slimy, slobby, sloppy, sloshy, sloughy, slovenly, sludgy, slushy, smirch, smirched, smirchy, smoke, smoky, smooch, smudge, smudgy, smutchy, smutty, snuffy, soft, soil, soiled, soily, soot, sooty, sordid, spatter, splashy, sposhy, spouty, squalid, squashy, squelchy, squishy, squushy, subdued, subfusc, swampish, swampy, tallow-faced, tarnish, toneless, transcendent, turbid, uliginous, unclean, uncleanly, unclear, uncolored, unplain, untidy, vague, wan, washed out, washed-out, waxen, weak, whey-faced, whistle-stop, white
[edit]- mudlark, Arab, beach bum, beachcomber, beggar, bo, bum, bummer, dogie, gamin, gamine, guttersnipe, hobo, homeless waif, idler, landloper, lazzarone, loafer, losel, piker, ragamuffin, ragman, ragpicker, rounder, ski bum, stiff, stray, street Arab, street urchin, sundowner, surf bum, swagman, swagsman, tatterdemalion, tennis bum, tramp, turnpiker, urchin, vag, vagabond, vagrant, waif, waifs and strays, wastrel
[edit]- mudpack, base, clown white, cold cream, compact, cosmetics, drugstore complexion, eye shadow, eyebrow pencil, foundation, foundation cream, greasepaint, hand cream, hand lotion, lip rouge, lipstick, makeup, mascara, nail polish, paint, powder, powder puff, puff, rouge, talcum, talcum powder, vanishing cream, vanity case, war paint
[edit]- mudslinger, Thersites, backbiter, belittler, calumniator, caustic critic, cynic, debunker, decrier, defamer, deflater, depreciator, derogator, detractor, disparager, hatchet man, knocker, libeler, muckraker, railer, slanderer, social critic, traducer
[edit]- mudslinging, attack, blackening, character assassination, defamation, defamation of character, defilement, denigration, dirty politics, last-minute lie, malicious defamation, muckraking, mudslinging campaign, name-calling, political canard, revilement, roorback, smear, smear campaign, smear word, vilification, whispering campaign
[edit]- muff, bad job, be all thumbs, bevue, blow, blunder, blunder away, blunder into, blunder on, blunder upon, bobble, boggle, bollix, bonehead play, boner, boo-boo, botch, bumble, bungle, butcher, butterfingers, clumsy, clumsy performance, commit a gaffe, dub, duffer, error, etourderie, faux pas, flounder, flub, fluff, foozle, foozler, foul-up, fumble, fumble-fist, gaucherie, goof, goof up, goofball, goofer, hash, hick, louse up, lumber, lummox, lump, mar, mess, miscue, mistake, muddle, muffer, murder, off day, play havoc with, rube, sad work, screw up, slip, slob, spoil, stumble, stumblebum, stumblebunny, trip
[edit]- muffed, botched, bungled, butchered, fumbled, ill-advised, ill-considered, ill-contrived, ill-devised, ill-done, ill-executed, ill-managed, impolitic, misconducted, misdirected, misguided, mismanaged, murdered, negligent, spoiled
[edit]- muffin, Danish, Danish pastry, English muffin, Parker House roll, Yorkshire pudding, bagel, bialy, bialystoker, bun, clover-leaf roll, coffee cake, crescent roll, croissant, cross bun, crumpet, gem, hard roll, hot cross bun, kaiser roll, onion roll, pinwheel roll, popover, roll, scone, soft roll
muffle up
[edit]- muffle up, apparel, array, attire, bedeck, bedrape, bundle up, clothe, deck, dight, drape, dress, dud, enclothe, endue, enrobe, enshroud, envelop, enwrap, garb, garment, habilitate, invest, lap, rag out, raiment, robe, sheathe, shroud, swaddle, swathe, tire, wrap, wrap up
[edit]- muffle, acoustic tile, antiknock, antlia, apply to, baffle, baffler, beak, beezer, bill, black out, blanket, block, bugle, bundle up, canopy, censor, choke, choke off, cloak, clothe, cloud, conceal, conk, cope, cover, cover up, cowl, curtain, cushion, damp, dampen, dampener, damper, deaden, deafen, dull, dumbfound, eclipse, enfold, enshroud, envelop, film, gag, hap, hood, hugger-mugger, hush, hush up, hush-hush, hushcloth, kill, lay on, lay over, mantle, mask, mellow, muffle up, muffler, mute, muzzle, nares, neb, nib, nose, nostrils, nozzle, obduce, obscure, occult, olfactory organ, overlay, overspread, pecker, proboscis, protect, put on, put to silence, quash, quiet, quieten, quietener, repress, rhinarium, rostrum, schnozzle, screen, scum, shield, shroud, shush, shut down on, silence, silence cloth, silencer, sit on, smeller, smother, snoot, snout, soft pedal, soft-pedal, soften, sordine, sordino, sound-absorbing material, soundproofing, soundproofing insulation, sourdine, spread over, squash, squelch, stifle, still, stop, strangle, strike dumb, subdue, superimpose, superpose, suppress, swaddle, swathe, throttle, tone down, trunk, veil, wrap, wrap up
[edit]- muffled, armored, bated, between the lines, cased, ceiled, cloaked, clouded, coated, coped, covered, covert, cowled, cryptic, curtained, damped, dampened, dead, deadened, delitescent, dormant, dull, dulled, eclipsed, encapsulated, encapsuled, encased, enveloped, enwrapped, esoteric, filmed, flat, floored, hibernating, hidden, hooded, housed, latent, loricate, loricated, lurking, mantled, masked, muted, mystic, obfuscated, obscured, occult, occulted, packaged, paved, possible, potential, roofed-in, screened, scummed, sheathed, shelled, shielded, shrouded, sleeping, smothered, softened, sordo, stifled, subdued, submerged, swathed, tented, under cover, under the surface, underlying, unmanifested, veiled, virtual, walled, walled-in, wrapped
[edit]- muffler, PCV valve, Roman collar, accelerator, acoustic tile, alternator, ammeter, antiknock, baffler, band, bandanna, bearings, bertha, boa, bonnet, boot, bowtie, brake, bucket seat, bumper, button-down collar, camshaft, carburetor, celluloid collar, chassis, choke, choker, clerical collar, cloak, clutch, collar, comforter, connecting rod, convertible top, cover, cowl, crank, crankcase, crankshaft, cravat, cushion, cutout, cylinder, cylinder head, damp, dampener, damper, dash, dashboard, differential, disguise, distributor, dog collar, exhaust, exhaust pipe, facade, fan, fender, flywheel, four-in-hand, fur, gag, gear, gearbox, gearshift, generator, guimpe, guise, headlight, headrest, hood, horn, hushcloth, ignition, intake, kerchief, manifold, masquerade, muffle, mute, muzzle, neckband, neckcloth, neckerchief, neckpiece, necktie, parking light, piston, plunging neckline, power brakes, power steering, quietener, radiator, rear-view mirror, ruff, scarf, seat belt, shawl, shock absorber, silence cloth, silencer, soft pedal, sordine, sordino, sound-absorbing material, soundproofing, soundproofing insulation, sourdine, spark plug, speedometer, springs, starter, steering wheel, stock, stole, tallith, tie, tippet, top, transmission, tucker, universal, valve, veil, veneer, windscreen, windshield, wrap
mug shot
[edit]- mug shot, Telephoto, Wirephoto, aerial photograph, black-and-white photograph, candid photograph, cheesecake, chronophotograph, color photograph, color print, diapositive, heliochrome, heliograph, montage, mug, photo, photobiography, photochronograph, photograph, photomap, photomicrograph, photomontage, photomural, picture, pinup, portrait, shot, slide, snap, snapshot, still, still photograph, telephotograph, transparency
[edit]- mug, Photostat, Telephoto, Wirephoto, X-ray, Xerox, aerial photograph, ambush, assail, assault, attack, babe, barbarize, batter, bazoo, beaker, black-and-white photograph, blackjack, blitz, blockhead, boob, bowl, bruiser, brutalize, bullyboy, burn, bushwhack, butcher, butt, byword, byword of reproach, calotype, candid photograph, capture on film, carry on, chalice, chaps, cheesecake, chops, chronophotograph, chump, cinch, coffee cup, color photograph, color print, come at, come down on, commit robbery, countenance, crack down on, credulous person, cull, declaim, derision, descend on, descend upon, destroy, dial, diapositive, dimwit, dolt, dope, dumbbell, dupe, easy mark, easy pickings, eggcup, embouchure, face, facies, fair game, fall guy, fall on, fall upon, favor, features, figure of fun, film, fish, fool, gab, game, gang up on, gazingstock, glass, go at, go for, go on, goat, gob, gobe-mouches, goblet, goon, gorilla, greener, greenhorn, greeny, grimace, gudgeon, gull, gun, gunsel, ham, ham it up, hammer, harry, hatchet man, have at, heist, heliochrome, heliograph, hellion, highball glass, hijack, hit, hit like lightning, hold up, holy terror, hood, hoodlum, hooligan, horn, idiot, ignoramus, innocent, jaw, jaws, jest, jestingstock, jigger, joke, jowls, jump, kisser, knock over, land on, laughingstock, lay at, lay hands on, lay into, lay waste, leadpipe cinch, light into, lineaments, lips, loot, loving cup, make a face, make a mouth, mandibles, map, mark, maul, maw, maxilla, microfilm, mockery, monkey, montage, mop, mop and mow, moue, mouth, mouthing, mow, mucker, mug shot, mugger, muscle man, mush, muzzle, noggin, numskull, oral cavity, out-herod Herod, overact, overdramatize, pan, patsy, phiz, photo, photobiography, photochronograph, photograph, photomap, photomicrograph, photomontage, photomural, physiognomy, picture, pigeon, pillage, pinup, pitch into, plaything, plug-ugly, pony, portrait, pounce upon, pound, pout, premaxilla, prize sap, pull a face, punk, pushover, puss, radiograph, rage, ramp, rampage, rant, rape, rave, riot, rip off, roar, rob, rodman, roentgenograph, rough, roughneck, rowdy, ruffian, ruin, sack, sail into, sap, saphead, savage, schlemiel, schooner, schooper, set on, set upon, shell, shoot, shot, shot glass, sitting duck, slaughter, slide, snap, snapshoot, snapshot, sow chaos, spout, stein, stick up, still, still photograph, stock, stooge, storm, strike, strong-arm man, sucker, surprise, swoop down on, take a photograph, take the offensive, talbotype, tankard, target, tassie, teacup, tear, tear around, telephotograph, terror, terrorize, throw away, thug, torpedo, tough, toy, transparency, trap, trigger man, trusting soul, tumbler, ugly customer, underact, vandalize, victim, violate, visage, wade into, wineglass, wreck, yap
[edit]- mugger, Mafioso, Young Turk, aggressor, assailant, assailer, assaulter, attacker, bank robber, beast, beldam, berserk, berserker, bomber, bookworm, bruiser, brute, bushranger, demon, devil, dragon, failing student, fiend, fire-eater, firebrand, footpad, fury, goon, gorilla, greasy grind, grind, gun, gunsel, hardnose, hatchet man, hell-raiser, hellcat, hellhound, hellion, highway robber, highwayman, hijacker, holdup man, holy terror, hood, hoodlum, hooligan, hothead, hotspur, incendiary, invader, killer, mad dog, madcap, monster, mug, muscle man, overachiever, plug-ugly, raider, rapist, revolutionary, road agent, robber, rodman, roughneck, sandbagger, savage, she-wolf, spitfire, stickup man, strong-arm man, swotter, termagant, terror, terrorist, tiger, tigress, torpedo, tough, tough guy, train robber, trigger man, ugly customer, underachiever, violent, virago, vixen, wild beast, witch, wolf
[edit]- mugging, aggravated assault, aggression, amphibious attack, armed assault, armed robbery, asportation, assailing, assailment, assault, assault and robbery, attack, banditry, bank robbery, banzai attack, blitz, blitzkrieg, breakthrough, cattle lifting, cattle stealing, charge, counterattack, counteroffensive, coup de main, crippling attack, dead set at, descent on, diversion, diversionary attack, drive, extortion, flank attack, frontal attack, gas attack, head-on attack, heist, highway robbery, hijacking, holdup, infiltration, lightning attack, lightning war, mass attack, megadeath, offense, offensive, onset, onslaught, overkill, panzer warfare, pocket picking, purse snatching, push, robbery, robbing, run against, run at, rush, sally, shock tactics, sortie, stickup, stickup job, strike, unprovoked assault
[edit]- muggy, boggy, clammy, close, damp, dampish, dank, dewy, fenny, humid, marshy, moist, mucky, oppressive, rainy, roric, roriferous, soggy, steamy, sticky, stifling, stuffy, suffocating, sultry, swampy, tacky, undried, wet, wettish
[edit]- mugwump, Fabian policy, Micawberism, Milquetoast, anythingarian, apostate, backslider, backwardness, big boy, big chief, big shot, bigwig, bolter, collaborationist, collaborator, convert, defector, deserter, dilatoriness, fence-sitter, fifth columnist, free lance, free spirit, free trader, freethinker, heavyweight, hesitation, high-muck-a-muck, hold-off, independent, individualist, isolationist, jellyfish, latitudinarian, laxness, leader, liberal, libertarian, libertine, lion, nabob, neuter, neutral, nonpartisan, nothingarian, procrastination, proselyte, quisling, recidivist, recreant, remissness, renegade, renegado, renegate, reversionist, rugged individualist, runagate, schismatic, seceder, secessionist, separatist, shilly-shally, slackness, slowness, stall, strikebreaker, swing vote, temporization, tergiversant, tergiversator, third force, third world, traitor, turnabout, turncoat, turntail, uncommitted voter, waverer, weakling, wobbler
[edit]- mugwumpery, abstention, ambitendency, ambivalence, anythingarianism, capriciousness, change of mind, changeableness, cop-out, double-mindedness, dubiety, dubiousness, evasion, fence-sitting, fence-straddling, fickleness, impartiality, inconstancy, indecision, indecisiveness, independence, infirmity of purpose, instability, irresolution, mercuriality, mugwumpism, neutralism, neutrality, nonalignment, noncommitment, noninvolvement, nonpartisanism, nothingarianism, second thoughts, strict neutrality, tergiversation, uncertainty, undecidedness, undeterminedness, unsettledness, unsettlement
[edit]- mulatto, Cape Colored, Eurasian, cattalo, citrange, cross, crossbreed, griffe, half blood, half-bred, half-breed, half-caste, high yellow, hinny, hybrid, ladino, liger, mestee, mestiza, mestizo, metis, metisse, mixblood, mixed-blood, mongrel, mule, mustee, octoroon, plumcot, quadroon, quintroon, sambo, tangelo, tigon, zebrass, zebrule
[edit]- mulch, backset, cultivate, culture, cut, delve, dig, dress, fallow, fertilize, force, harrow, hoe, list, plow, prune, rake, spade, thin, thin out, till, till the soil, weed, weed out, work
[edit]- mulct, amerce, amercement, beat, beguile of, bilk, bleed, bunco, burn, cheat, chisel, chouse, chouse out of, claim, cog, cog the dice, con, cozen, crib, damages, defraud, demand, diddle, distrain, distraint, distress, do in, do out of, escheat, escheatment, estreat, euchre, exact, finagle, fine, flam, fleece, flimflam, fob, forfeit, forfeiture, fudge, gouge, gull, gyp, have, hocus, hocus-pocus, levy a distress, milk, pack the deal, penalty, pigeon, practice fraud upon, require, rook, scam, sconce, screw, sell gold bricks, shave, shortchange, stack the cards, stick, sting, sweat, swindle, take a dive, thimblerig, throw a fight, victimize
[edit]- mule, Cape Colored, Eurasian, Siberian husky, ass, bastard, beast of burden, bigot, bitter-ender, bullethead, camel, cattalo, citrange, cross, crossbred, crossbreed, diehard, dogmatist, donkey, draft animal, dromedary, elephant, fanatic, griffe, half blood, half-bred, half-breed, half-caste, hardnose, high yellow, hinny, horse, husky, hybrid, intransigeant, intransigent, jennet, jenny, ladino, last-ditcher, liger, llama, malamute, manlike, manly, masculine, maverick, mestee, mestiza, mestizo, metis, metisse, mixblood, mixed-blood, mongrel, mulatto, mustee, octoroon, ox, pack horse, perverse fool, pighead, plumcot, positivist, purist, quadroon, quintroon, reindeer, sambo, silkworm, sledge dog, spider, spinner, spinning frame, spinning jenny, spinster, standpat, standpatter, stickler, sumpter, sumpter horse, sumpter mule, tangelo, throstle, tigon, zebrass, zebrule
[edit]- mulish, asinine, balking, balky, bigoted, bovid, bovine, bulldogged, bulletheaded, bullheaded, caprid, caprine, case-hardened, cowish, cowlike, deerlike, dogged, dogmatic, equestrian, equine, fanatic, fixed, goatish, goatlike, hardheaded, headstrong, hircine, hoggish, hoofed, horsy, intolerant, obstinate, opinionated, overzealous, ovine, persevering, pertinacious, perverse, piggish, pigheaded, refractory, restive, ruminant, self-willed, set, sheepish, sheeplike, stiff-necked, strong-willed, strongheaded, stubborn, sulky, sullen, swinish, tenacious, uncooperative, ungovernable, ungulate, unregenerate, unruly, willful, wrongheaded
mull over
[edit]- mull over, brood over, chaw, chew over, con over, deliberate, deliberate over, deliberate upon, digest, meditate, meditate upon, muse, muse on, muse over, ponder over, reflect over, revolve, roll, ruminate, ruminate over, run over, think over, turn over
[edit]- mull, addle, ball up, befuddle, benumb, bewilder, blunt, botch, botchery, candy, chafe, chew over, con, consider, contemplate, cook, dally, deliberate over, desensitize, dillydally, discombobulate, distract, dulcify, dull, edulcorate, electric-heat, evaluate, examine, fire, fire up, foment, fuddle, gas-heat, glaze, hash, heat, honey, hot, hot up, hot-air-heat, hot-water-heat, linger, loiter, mix-up, muddle, mull over, muse on, muss, numb, overheat, poke, ponder, preheat, procrastinate, put off, recook, reheat, review, ruminate over, saccharify, shambles, steam, stoke up, study, sugar, sugar off, sugarcoat, superheat, sweeten, tarry, tepefy, think about, think over, throw off, turn over, warm, warm over, warm up, weigh
[edit]- mullion, Samson post, baluster, balustrade, banister, doorjamb, doorpost, gatepost, hitching post, jamb, king post, milepost, post, signpost, snubbing post, stanchion, standard, stile, upright
[edit]- multicolored, bicolor, bicolored, colorful, colory, crazy, daedal, dappled, dichromatic, discolor, divers-colored, harlequin, kaleidoscopic, many-colored, medley, motley, multicolor, multicolorous, multihued, parti-color, parti-colored, polychromatic, polychrome, polychromic, prismal, shot, shot through, spectral, thunder and lightning, trichromatic, trichromic, tricolor, tricolored, two-tone, varicolored, variegated, versicolor, versicolored
[edit]- multifaceted, amalgamated, ambiguous, ambivalent, amphibious, blended, combined, complex, composite, compound, compounded, conglomerate, dappled, eclectic, equivocal, fifty-fifty, half-and-half, heterogeneous, indiscriminate, intricate, ironic, jumbled, many-sided, medley, mingled, miscellaneous, mixed, motley, multinational, multiracial, patchy, pluralistic, promiscuous, scrambled, syncretic, thrown together, varied
[edit]- multifarious, Byzantine, allotropic, assorted, at odds, at variance, balled up, billion, complex, complicated, confounded, confused, conglomerate, considerable, contrary, contrasted, contrasting, convoluted, crabbed, daedal, departing, deviating, deviative, devious, different, differentiated, differing, disaccordant, disagreeing, discordant, discrepant, discrete, discriminated, disjoined, disparate, dissimilar, dissonant, distinct, distinguished, divergent, diverging, divers, diverse, diversified, diversiform, elaborate, embrangled, entangled, ever so many, fouled up, full many, heaped-up, heterogeneous, heteromorphic, heteromorphous, implicated, in disagreement, inaccordant, incompatible, incongruous, inconsistent, inconsonant, indiscriminate, inharmonious, intricate, involuted, involved, irreconcilable, jillion, knotted, labyrinthian, labyrinthine, legion, loused up, manifold, many, many-faceted, matted, mazy, meandering, messed up, metamorphic, metamorphotic, million, mixed, mixed up, motley, mucked up, multifold, multiform, multiphase, multiple, multiplex, multitudinal, multitudinous, myriad, no few, not a few, numerous, perplexed, poles apart, poles asunder, polymorphic, polymorphous, populous, promiscuous, protean, proteiform, quite some, ramified, roundabout, screwed up, separate, separated, several, snarled, subtle, sundry, tangled, tangly, thousand, twisted, unconformable, unequal, unlike, variant, varied, variegated, various, varying, very many, voluminous, widely apart, worlds apart, zillion
[edit]- multifold, allotropic, billion, considerable, diverse, diversiform, ever so many, full many, heaped-up, heteromorphic, heteromorphous, increased, jillion, manifold, many, metamorphic, metamorphotic, million, multifarious, multiform, multiphase, multiple, multiplex, multiplied, multitudinal, multitudinous, myriad, no few, not a few, numerous, polymorphic, polymorphous, polynomial, protean, proteiform, quite some, thousand, very many, zillion
[edit]- multilateral, bifacial, bilateral, dihedral, flanked, handed, lateral, many-sided, multiangular, one-sided, polygonal, polyhedral, prismatic, prismoid, pyramidal, pyramidic, quadrilateral, sided, tetrahedral, three-sided, trihedral, trilateral, triquetrous, two-sided, unilateral
[edit]- multimillionaire, Daddy Warbucks, billionaire, bloated plutocrat, capitalist, fat cat, man of means, man of substance, man of wealth, millionaire, moneybags, moneyed man, nabob, parvenu, plutocrat, rich man, richling, warm man, wealthy man
[edit]- multinational, amalgamated, ambiguous, ambivalent, amphibious, blended, combined, complex, composite, compound, compounded, conglomerate, dappled, eclectic, equivocal, fifty-fifty, half-and-half, heterogeneous, indiscriminate, intricate, ironic, jumbled, many-sided, medley, mingled, miscellaneous, mixed, motley, multifaceted, multiracial, patchy, pluralistic, promiscuous, scrambled, syncretic, thrown together, varied
multiple sclerosis
[edit]- multiple sclerosis, MS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, brain disease, cephalalgia, cerebral palsy, chorea, emotional disorder, epilepsy, falling sickness, glossopharyngeal neuralgia, headache, herpes zoster, ischialgia, migraine, nervous disorder, neuralgia, neuritis, neuropathy, organic psychosis, palsy, polyneuritis, pressure neuropathy, priapism, radiculitis, sciatic neuritis, sciatica, shaking palsy, shingles, spastic paralysis, the jerks, tic douloureux, toxic psychosis
[edit]- multiple, allotropic, billion, considerable, diversiform, ever so many, full many, heaped-up, heteromorphic, heteromorphous, increase, increased, jillion, manifold, many, metamorphic, metamorphotic, million, multifarious, multifold, multiform, multiphase, multiplex, multiplication, multiplication table, multiplied, multiplier, multiplying, multitudinal, multitudinous, myriad, no few, not a few, numerous, polymorphic, polymorphous, polynomial, proliferation, protean, proteiform, quite some, tables, thousand, very many, zillion
[edit]- multiplication, access, accession, accretion, accrual, accruement, accumulation, addition, advance, aggrandizement, amplification, appreciation, approximation, ascent, augmentation, ballooning, begetting, bloating, boom, boost, breeding, broadening, buildup, crescendo, crossbreeding, development, differentiation, dissogeny, division, edema, elevation, endogamy, engenderment, enlargement, equation, evolution, expansion, extension, extrapolation, flood, fructification, gain, generation, greatening, growth, gush, hike, inbreeding, increase, increment, inflation, integration, interpolation, inversion, involution, jump, leap, linebreeding, mounting, multiple, multiplication table, multiplier, multiplying, notation, outbreeding, practice, procreation, production, productiveness, proliferation, prolification, propagation, proportion, pullulation, raise, reduction, reproduction, rise, snowballing, spread, subtraction, surge, swelling, tables, transformation, tumescence, up, upping, upsurge, upswing, uptrend, upturn, waxing, widening, xenogamy
[edit]- multiplicity, Proteus, abundance, allotropism, allotropy, barrel, countlessness, diversification, diversity, great deal, her infinite variety, heterogeneity, heteromorphism, infinitude, innumerability, lashings, lot, manifoldness, manyness, mass, mess, much, multifariousness, multifoldness, multiformity, multitudinousness, nonuniformity, numerousness, omnifariousness, omniformity, peck, plenty, polymorphism, power, profuseness, profusion, rifeness, shapeshifter, sight, swarmingness, teemingness, variation, variegation, variety, variousness
[edit]- multiplied, accelerated, aggrandized, amplified, augmented, beefed-up, bloated, boosted, broadened, deepened, elevated, enhanced, enlarged, expanded, extended, heightened, hiked, increased, inflated, intensified, jazzed up, magnified, manifold, multifold, multiple, polynomial, proliferated, raised, reinforced, spread, stiffened, strengthened, swollen, tightened, widened
[edit]- multiply, abound with, accrue, accumulate, add, advance, aggrandize, algebraize, appreciate, army, augment, balloon, be alive with, be fruitful, be productive, bear, beef up, beget, bloat, boom, boost, breed, breed true, bristle with, broaden, build, burst with, calculate, cast, cipher, cloud, clutter, compute, copulate, crawl with, creep with, crescendo, crossbreed, crowd, crush, develop, divide, dope out, drove, engender, enlarge, estimate, expand, extend, extract roots, father, figure, figure in, figure out, flock, fructify, gain, gain strength, generate, get, get ahead, go up, grow, heighten, horde, host, inbreed, increase, intensify, jam, legion, magnify, make love, measure, mother, mount, multitude, numbers, oodles, outbreed, overflow with, pack, press, procreate, produce, proliferate, propagate, pullulate, pullulate with, push, quantities, reckon, reproduce, reproduce in kind, rise, rout, run up, score, scores, shoot up, sire, snowball, spread, squash, strengthen, subtract, swarm with, swell, take account of, tally, teem, teem with, throng, throng with, upsurge, wax, widen, work out
[edit]- multiplying, crescendoing, crescent, expanding, growing, increase, increasing, incremental, intensifying, lengthening, multiple, multiplication, multiplication table, multiplier, on the increase, proliferating, proliferation, snowballing, spreading, swelling, tables, tightening, waxing
[edit]- multiracial, amalgamated, ambiguous, ambivalent, amphibious, blended, combined, complex, composite, compound, compounded, conglomerate, dappled, eclectic, equivocal, fifty-fifty, half-and-half, heterogeneous, indiscriminate, intricate, ironic, jumbled, many-sided, medley, mingled, miscellaneous, mixed, motley, multifaceted, multinational, patchy, pluralistic, promiscuous, scrambled, syncretic, thrown together, varied
[edit]- multitude, a mass of, a world of, abundance, acres, army, bags, barrels, bevy, bunch, bushel, cloud, cluster, clutter, cohue, copiousness, countlessness, covey, crowd, crush, deluge, flight, flock, flocks, flood, galaxy, hail, heap, hive, horde, host, ignobile vulgus, jam, large amount, legion, load, lots, many, many-headed multitude, mass, masses of, mob, mobile vulgus, mountain, much, muchness, nest, numbers, numerousness, ocean, oceans, pack, panoply, peck, plenitude, plenty, plurality, press, profusion, quantities, quantity, quite a few, rabble, rout, ruck, scores, sea, shoal, spate, superabundance, superfluity, swarm, the common herd, the crowd, the great unnumbered, the great unwashed, the herd, the hoi polloi, the horde, the majority, the many, the masses, the mob, the multitude, throng, tidy sum, tons, volume, world, worlds, worlds of
[edit]- multitudinous, abundant, ample, billion, considerable, copious, countless, ever so many, full many, generous, heaped-up, innumerable, jillion, legion, many, million, much, multifarious, multifold, multiple, multitudinal, myriad, no few, not a few, numberless, numerous, overflowing, plentiful, populous, quite some, several, sundry, superabundant, thousand, uncountable, uncounted, unnumbered, untold, various, very many, voluminous, zillion
[edit]- mum, anaudic, aphasic, aphonic, breathless, brief, brusque, close, close-tongued, closemouthed, concise, curt, dumb, dumbfounded, dumbstricken, dumbstruck, economical of words, inarticulate, indisposed to talk, laconic, ma, mam, mama, mammy, mater, mom, mommy, mummy, mute, old woman, quiet, short, silent, snug, sparing of words, speechless, stricken dumb, taciturn, terse, tight-lipped, tongue-tied, tongueless, unloquacious, untalkative, voiceless, word-bound, wordless
[edit]- mumble, aspirate, aspiration, bark, bated breath, bawl, bellow, bite, blare, blat, blubber, boom, bray, breath, breathe, breathy voice, buzz, cackle, champ, chant, chaw, chew, chew the cud, chew up, chirp, chomp, coo, crow, drawl, drone, droning, exclaim, exhalation, flute, fumble, gabble, gasp, gibber, gibbering, gnash, gnaw, grind, growl, grunt, gum, hammer, hiss, jabber, jibber, keen, lilt, limp, little voice, low voice, maffle, masticate, maunder, maundering, mouth, mouthing, muddle, mumbling, munch, murmur, murmuration, murmuring, mussitate, mutter, muttering, nibble, pant, pipe, roar, rumble, ruminate, rumor, scream, screech, shriek, shuffle, sibilate, sigh, sing, snap, snarl, snort, sob, soft voice, speak, speak incoherently, splutter, sputter, squall, squawk, squeal, stage whisper, stammer, still small voice, stumble, stutter, susurrate, susurration, susurrus, swallow, talk, thunder, trumpet, twang, underbreath, undertone, utter, verbalize, vocalize, voice, wail, warble, whine, whisper, whispering, yap, yawp, yell, yelp
[edit]- mumbling, aspiration, bated breath, breath, breathy voice, drone, droning, exhalation, gabble, gibber, gibbering, jabber, jibber, little voice, low voice, maundering, mouthing, mumble, murmur, murmuration, murmuring, murmurish, murmurous, mutter, muttering, rustling, sigh, soft voice, stage whisper, still small voice, susurrant, susurration, susurrous, susurrus, underbreath, undertone, whisper, whispering, whispery
mumbo jumbo
[edit]- mumbo jumbo, Mumbo Jumbo, abracadabra, absurdity, amorphousness, amphigory, amulet, anagoge, anagogics, anthroposophy, argot, babble, babblement, balderdash, bibble-babble, blabber, blather, bogey, bogeyman, boggart, bogle, bombast, booger, boogerman, boogeyman, bug, bugaboo, bugbear, bugger, cabala, cabalism, cant, charm, claptrap, conjuration, dark, darkness, double-talk, drivel, drool, escamotage, esotericism, esoterics, esoterism, esotery, fee-faw-fum, fetish, fiddle-faddle, fiddledeedee, flummery, fog, fogginess, folderol, fudge, fustian, fuzziness, fylfot, gabble, galimatias, gammadion, gammon, gibber, gibberish, gibble-gabble, gobbledygook, good-luck charm, hanky-panky, hocus-pocus, hokey-pokey, hoodoo, humbug, incantation, indeterminateness, indistinctness, jabber, jargon, jiggery-pokery, jugglery, juggling, juju, legerdemain, lingo, love charm, lucky bean, lucky piece, madstone, magic formula, magic words, mascot, mist, mistiness, monkey business, mummery, murk, murkiness, mystery, mysticism, mystification, narrishkeit, niaiserie, nonsense, obeah, obfuscation, obscurantism, obscuration, obscurity, occultism, opacity, open sesame, pack of nonsense, palaver, patois, patter, periapt, perplexity, philter, phraseology, phylactery, prate, prattle, prestidigitation, rant, rigamarole, rigmarole, rodomontade, rubbish, scarab, scarabaeus, scarabee, scatology, shapelessness, skimble-skamble, slang, sleight of hand, stuff and nonsense, stultiloquence, sudarium, swastika, symbolics, symbolism, taboo language, talisman, trash, trickery, trumpery, twaddle, twattle, twiddle-twaddle, unclarity, unclearness, unplainness, vagueness, vaporing, vernacular, veronica, vocabulary, voodoo, vulgar language, waffling, whammy, yoga, yogeeism, yogism
[edit]- mumbo-jumbo, abracadabra, bilge, blather, blether, bosh, bull, bullshit, bunkum, chant, charm, claptrap, conjuration, crap, double-talk, drivel, eyewash, formula, gibberish, gobbledygook, hocus-pocus, hogwash, hooey, humbug, incantation, jabberwocky, magic, malarkey, moonshine, nonsense, piffle, poppycock, rigamarole, rigmarole, rite, ritual, rot, rubbish, spell
[edit]- mummer, Roscius, actor, actress, antagonist, artist, artiste, bad guy, barnstormer, belly dancer, burlesque queen, character, character actor, character man, character woman, child actor, chorine, chorus boy, chorus girl, conjurer, coryphee, dancer, dancing girl, diseur, diseuse, dramatizer, ecdysiast, entertainer, exotic dancer, feeder, female impersonator, foil, geisha, geisha girl, guisard, guiser, heavy, histrio, histrion, hoofer, impersonator, incognita, incognito, ingenue, juvenile, magician, masker, masquerader, matinee idol, mime, mimer, mimic, monologist, mountebank, musician, nautch girl, pantomime, pantomimist, peeler, performer, playactor, player, prestidigitator, protean actor, public entertainer, reciter, show girl, singer, soubrette, stage performer, stage player, stooge, straight man, stripper, stripteaser, stripteuse, stroller, strolling player, theatrical, thespian, trouper, utility man, vaudevillian, vaudevillist, villain
[edit]- mummery, Pecksniffery, Tartuffery, Tartuffism, abracadabra, acting, affectation, baccalaureate service, buffoonery, business, camouflage, cant, celebration, ceremonial, ceremony, characterization, commencement, convocation, disguise, domino, empty formality, empty gesture, exercise, exercises, false colors, false face, false front, false piety, falseness, formal, formality, function, gag, goody-goodiness, graduation, graduation exercises, ham, hammy acting, hocus-pocus, hoke, hokum, hypocrisy, hypocriticalness, impersonation, inaugural, inauguration, incognito, initiation, insincerity, lip service, liturgy, mask, masque, masquerade, mealymouthedness, mimesis, mimicking, mimicry, miming, mouthing, mumbo-jumbo, observance, office, oiliness, ostentatious devotion, overacting, pantomiming, patter, performance, performing, personation, pharisaicalness, pharisaism, pietism, pietisticalness, piety, piousness, playacting, playing, portrayal, projection, protective coloration, religionism, religiosity, religious ceremony, representation, rite, rite de passage, rite of passage, ritual, sanctimoniousness, sanctimony, self-righteousness, service, slapstick, smoke screen, snivel, snuffle, snuffling, soft soap, solemnity, solemnization, stage business, stage directions, stage presence, stunt, sweet talk, taking a role, tokenism, unction, unctuousness, visor, vizard, vizard mask
[edit]- mummification, air-drying, anhydration, ashes, blast-freezing, body, bones, bottling, brining, cadaver, canning, carcass, carrion, clay, corning, corpse, corpus delicti, crowbait, curing, dead body, dead man, dead person, decedent, dehumidification, dehydration, desiccation, drainage, dry bones, dry-curing, drying, drying up, dust, earth, embalmed corpse, embalming, embalmment, evaporation, food for worms, freeze-drying, freezing, fuming, insolation, irradiation, jerking, late lamented, marination, mortal remains, mummy, organic remains, pickling, potting, quick-freezing, refrigeration, relics, reliquiae, remains, salting, seasoning, skeleton, smoking, stiff, stuffing, taxidermy, tenement of clay, the dead, the deceased, the defunct, the departed, the loved one, tinning, withering
[edit]- mummified, adust, baked, burnt, corky, dehydrated, desiccated, dried, dried-up, evaporated, exsiccated, parched, scorched, sear, seared, sere, shriveled, sun-dried, sunbaked, weazened, wind-dried, withered, wizened
[edit]- mummify, air-dry, anhydrate, bake, blast-freeze, blot, brine, brush, burn, corn, cure, dehumidify, dehydrate, desiccate, drain, dry, dry up, dry-cure, dry-salt, embalm, evaporate, exsiccate, fire, freeze, freeze-dry, fume, insolate, irradiate, jerk, kiln, kipper, lay out, lie in state, marinade, marinate, mummy, parch, pickle, preservatize, quick-freeze, refrigerate, rub, salt, scorch, sear, season, shrivel, smoke, smoke-cure, soak up, sponge, stuff, sun, sun-dry, swab, torrefy, towel, weazen, welter, wilt, wipe, wither, wizen
[edit]- mummy, ashes, biscuit, body, bone, bones, cadaver, carcass, carrion, clay, corpse, corpus delicti, cracker, crowbait, dam, dead body, dead man, dead person, decedent, dry bones, dry up, dust, earth, embalmed corpse, food for worms, foster mother, genetrix, late lamented, ma, mam, mama, mammy, mater, materfamilias, maternal ancestor, matriarch, mom, mommy, mortal remains, mother, mummification, mummify, old lady, organic remains, parchment, relics, reliquiae, remains, shrivel, skeleton, stepmother, stick, stiff, tenement of clay, the dead, the deceased, the defunct, the departed, the loved one, the old woman, welter, wilt, wizen
[edit]- mumps, African lethargy, Asiatic cholera, Chagres fever, German measles, Haverhill fever, acute articular rheumatism, ague, alkali disease, amebiasis, amebic dysentery, anthrax, bacillary dysentery, bastard measles, black death, black fever, blackwater fever, blahs, blue devils, blues, breakbone fever, brucellosis, bubonic plague, cachectic fever, cerebral rheumatism, chicken pox, cholera, cowpox, dandy fever, deer fly fever, dengue, dengue fever, diphtheria, dismals, dods, doldrums, dolefuls, dorts, dumdum fever, dumps, dysentery, elephantiasis, encephalitis lethargica, enteric fever, erysipelas, famine fever, five-day fever, flu, frambesia, frumps, glandular fever, grippe, grumps, hansenosis, hepatitis, herpes, herpes simplex, herpes zoster, histoplasmosis, hookworm, hydrophobia, infantile paralysis, infectious mononucleosis, inflammatory rheumatism, influenza, jail fever, jungle rot, kala azar, kissing disease, lepra, leprosy, leptospirosis, loa loa, loaiasis, lockjaw, madness, malaria, malarial fever, marsh fever, measles, megrims, meningitis, milzbrand, mopes, mulligrubs, ornithosis, osteomyelitis, paratyphoid fever, parotitis, parrot fever, pertussis, pneumonia, polio, poliomyelitis, polyarthritis rheumatism, ponos, pouts, psittacosis, rabbit fever, rabies, rat-bite fever, relapsing fever, rheumatic fever, rickettsialpox, ringworm, rubella, rubeola, scarlatina, scarlet fever, schistosomiasis, septic sore throat, shingles, sleeping sickness, sleepy sickness, smallpox, snail fever, splenic fever, spotted fever, strep throat, sulks, sullens, swamp fever, tetanus, thrush, tinea, trench fever, trench mouth, tuberculosis, tularemia, typhoid, typhoid fever, typhus, typhus fever, undulant fever, vaccinia, varicella, variola, venereal disease, viral dysentery, whooping cough, yaws, yellow fever, yellow jack, zona, zoster
[edit]- munch, bite, bolus, champ, chaw, chew, chew the cud, chew up, chomp, chump, crunch, cud, gnash, gnaw, gob, grind, gum, masticate, morsel, mouth, mouthful, mumble, nibble, nip, quid, ruminate, scrunch, snap, swallow
[edit]- munching, appetite, cannibalism, carnivorism, carnivority, carnivorousness, chewing, consumption, cropping, deglutition, devouring, devourment, dieting, dining, eating, epulation, feasting, feeding, gluttony, gobbling, grazing, herbivorism, herbivority, herbivorousness, hunger, ingestion, licking, manducation, mastication, messing, nibbling, nutrition, omnivorism, omnivorousness, omophagy, pantophagy, pasture, pasturing, pecking, regalement, relishing, rumination, savoring, tasting, vegetarianism, wolfing
[edit]- mundane, Philistine, animal, arid, banausic, barren, carnal, carnal-minded, common, commonplace, dry, dull, earthbound, earthly, earthy, everyday, flat, fleshly, humdrum, infecund, infertile, insipid, literal, lowly, material, materialistic, matter-of-fact, nonsacred, ordinary, pedestrian, plain, poetryless, profane, prosaic, prosing, prosy, reprobate, secular, sensual, staid, stolid, stuffy, tellurian, telluric, temporal, terrene, terrestrial, tiresome, unblessed, unembellished, unfanciful, unhallowed, unholy, unideal, unidealistic, unimaginative, unimpassioned, uninspired, uninventive, unoriginal, unpoetic, unregenerate, unromantic, unromanticized, unsacred, unsanctified, unspiritual, vapid, workaday, workday, worldly
[edit]- municipal, borough, burghal, citified, city, civic, civil, council, downtown, home, inland, internal, interurban, intestine, metropolitan, midtown, national, native, oppidan, parish, suburban, town, uptown, urban, village
[edit]- municipality, Stadt, bailiwick, banlieue, boom town, borough, bourg, bureau, burg, burgh, city, commissariat, constablery, constablewick, constabulary, conurbation, department, district, exurb, exurbia, faubourg, ghost town, greater city, market town, megalopolis, metropolis, metropolitan area, ministry, office, outskirts, polis, secretariat, sheriffalty, sheriffwick, shrievalty, spread city, suburb, suburbia, town, township, urban complex, urban sprawl, urbs, village, ville
[edit]- munificence, bigheartedness, bounteousness, bountifulness, bounty, easy purse strings, free hand, freedom, freehandedness, freeheartedness, freeness, generosity, generousness, givingness, graciousness, great heart, greatheartedness, hospitality, largeheartedness, largeness, largess, liberality, liberalness, magnanimity, open hand, open heart, openhandedness, openheartedness, unselfishness, welcome
[edit]- munificent, bighearted, bounteous, bountiful, free, freehanded, freehearted, generous, giving, gracious, greathearted, handsome, hospitable, large, largehearted, lavish, liberal, magnanimous, open, openhanded, openhearted, princely, profuse, stintless, ungrudging, unselfish, unsparing, unstinted, unstinting
[edit]- munition, accouter, appoint, arm, dress, equip, fit, fit out, fit up, furnish, gear, heel, man, outfit, prepare, rig, rig out, rig up, staff, turn out
[edit]- munitions, A-weapons, abundance, accouterments, accumulation, amassment, apparatus, appliances, appointments, appurtenances, armament, arms, backlog, biological weapons, budget, collection, commissariat, commissary, conveniences, conventional weapons, cornucopia, cumulation, deadly weapons, duffel, dump, equipage, equipment, facilities, facility, fittings, fixtures, furnishings, furniture, gear, heap, hoard, impedimenta, installations, instruments of destruction, inventory, kit, larder, machinery, mass, material, materials, materiel, missilery, munition, musketry, nuclear weapons, ordnance, outfit, paraphernalia, pile, plant, plenitude, plenty, plumbing, provisionment, provisions, rations, repertoire, repertory, rick, rig, rigging, side arms, small arms, stack, stock, stock-in-trade, stockpile, store, stores, supplies, supply on hand, tackle, thermonuclear weapons, things, treasure, treasury, utensils, weaponry, weapons
[edit]- mural, abstract, abstraction, altarpiece, block print, collage, color print, copy, cyclorama, daub, diptych, engraving, fresco, icon, illumination, illustration, image, likeness, miniature, montage, mosaic, panorama, parietal, partitioned, photograph, picture, print, representation, reproduction, septal, stained glass window, stencil, still life, tableau, tapestry, triptych, wall painting, walled
[edit]- murder, abate, abolish, annihilate, asphyxiate, assassinate, assassination, be all thumbs, behead, blood, bloodshed, bloody murder, blot out, blunder, blunder away, blunder into, blunder on, blunder upon, boggle, botch, bumble, bump off, bumping-off, bungle, butcher, butchery, carnage, commit a gaffe, cool, decapitate, decimation, destroy, do in, dust off, electrocute, eliminate, elimination, eradicate, eradication, execute, exterminate, extermination, extinguish, faux pas, finish, flounder, foul play, fratricide, fumble, garrote, genocide, get rid of, guillotine, hang, homicide, ice, infanticide, kill, killing, knock off, lay low, liquidate, liquidation, lumber, lynch, mangle, manslaughter, mar, massacre, matricide, miscue, muddle, muff, murdering, mutilate, parricide, patricide, play havoc with, polish off, purge, purging, put away, put down, put to death, regicide, removal, remove, root out, rub out, ruin, scrag, slaughter, slay, slaying, slip, smother, snuff out, sororicide, spoil, strangle, stumble, thuggee, thuggery, thuggism, trip, uproot, uxoricide, waste, wipe out, wiping out, wreck
[edit]- murdered, botched, bungled, butchered, fumbled, ill-advised, ill-considered, ill-contrived, ill-devised, ill-done, ill-executed, ill-managed, impolitic, misconducted, misdirected, misguided, mismanaged, muffed, negligent, spoiled
[edit]- murderer, Cain, apache, assassin, assassinator, bloodletter, bloodshedder, bravo, burker, butcher, button man, cannibal, cutthroat, desperado, eradicator, executioner, exterminator, garroter, gorilla, gun, gunman, gunsel, hatchet man, head-hunter, hit man, homicidal maniac, homicide, killer, liquidator, man-eater, man-killer, manslayer, massacrer, matador, pesticide, poison, poisoner, slaughterer, slayer, strangler, thug, torpedo, trigger man
[edit]- murderous, Draconian, Tartarean, animal, anthropophagous, arduous, atrocious, barbaric, barbarous, beastly, bestial, bloodthirsty, bloody, bloody-minded, brutal, brutalized, brute, brutish, cannibalistic, cruel, cruel-hearted, cutthroat, deadly, deathly, demoniac, demoniacal, destructive, devastating, devilish, diabolic, difficult, exhausting, fatal, fell, feral, ferine, ferocious, fiendish, fiendlike, fierce, gory, harrowing, hellish, homicidal, infernal, inhuman, inhumane, intolerable, kill-crazy, killing, lethal, malign, malignant, merciless, mortal, murdering, noncivilized, pitiless, red-handed, rigorous, ruinous, ruthless, sadistic, sanguinary, sanguine, sanguineous, satanic, savage, self-destructive, sharkish, slaughterous, slavering, strenuous, stressful, subhuman, suicidal, tameless, truculent, unbearable, unchristian, uncivilized, ungentle, unhuman, untamed, vicious, wild, wolfish
[edit]- murk, amorphousness, bad light, becloud, bedarken, bedim, begloom, begrime, besmirch, besoil, black, black out, blacken, blackwash, block the light, blot, blot out, blotch, brown, cast a shadow, charcoal, cloud, cloud over, cork, dark, darken, darken over, darkishness, darkness, darksomeness, deadness, denigrate, dim, dim light, dim out, dimness, dinge, dirty, drabness, dullness, dusk, duskiness, duskness, ebonize, eclipse, encloud, encompass with shadow, flatness, fog, fogginess, foul, fuzziness, gloaming, gloom, grime, half-light, haze, indeterminateness, indistinctness, ink, lack of sparkle, lackluster, lifelessness, lusterlessness, mat, mat finish, melanize, mist, mistiness, muddy, mumbo jumbo, murkiness, mystification, nigrify, obfuscate, obfuscation, obnubilate, obscurantism, obscuration, obscure, obscurity, obumbrate, occult, occultate, opacity, overcast, overcloud, overshadow, oversmoke, partial darkness, perplexity, semidark, shade, shadow, shapelessness, smirch, smoke, smudge, smut, smutch, somber, somberness, soot, tarnish, twilight, unclarity, unclearness, unplainness, vagueness
[edit]- murky, ambiguous, amorphous, amphibological, besmirched, black, blackened, bleak, blind, blotchy, caliginous, clear as mud, clouded, cloudy, dark, dark-colored, darkened, darkish, darksome, dim, dimmish, dimpsy, dingy, dirty, discolored, dismal, double-edged, double-faced, drab, dreary, dun, dusk, dusky, equivocal, filthy, foggy, foul, foxed, foxy, fuliginous, funereal, fuzzy, glooming, gloomy, glowering, grey, grim, grimy, grubby, hazy, indeterminate, indistinct, inky, lowering, misty, mucky, muddy, murk, murksome, nasty, nebulous, nubilous, obscure, opaque, overcast, roily, semidark, shadowy, shady, shapeless, sibylline, smirched, smoky, smudgy, smutty, soiled, somber, sooty, sordid, squalid, stained, stigmatic, stigmatiferous, stigmatized, subfusc, tainted, tarnished, tenebrous, threatening, transcendent, turbid, unclean, unclear, unplain, vague
[edit]- murmur, air a grievance, aspirate, aspiration, bark, bated breath, bawl, beef, bellow, bellyache, bitch, blare, blat, blubber, boom, bray, breath, breathe, breathy voice, buzz, buzzing, cackle, chant, chirp, clamor, complain, complaining, complaint, coo, crab, croak, crow, cry, dolorous tirade, drawl, drone, droning, exclaim, exhalation, flute, fret, fret and fume, fumble, fuss, gabble, gasp, gibber, gossip, grapevine, gripe, groan, grouch, grouse, grousing, growl, grumble, grumbling, grunt, hearsay, hiss, holler, howl, hum, humming, jabber, jeremiad, keen, kick, lament, lilt, little voice, lodge a complaint, low voice, maffle, maunder, moan, mouth, muddle, mumble, mumbling, murmuration, murmuring, mussitate, mutter, muttering, outcry, pant, pipe, plaint, planctus, purr, raise a howl, register a complaint, repine, roar, rumble, rumbling, rumor, scold, scream, screech, scuttlebutt, shriek, sibilate, sigh, sing, snap, snarl, snort, sob, soft voice, sough, speak incoherently, splutter, sputter, squall, squawk, squeal, stage whisper, still small voice, susurrate, susurration, susurrus, swallow, take on, talk, thunder, tirade, trumpet, twang, ululation, underbreath, undercurrent, undertone, wail, wail of woe, warble, whimper, whine, whisper, whispering, whistle, yap, yawp, yell, yelp, yowl
[edit]- murmured, barely audible, decrescendo, dim, distant, faint, faint-voiced, feeble, gentle, half-heard, indistinct, low, pianissimo, piano, scarcely heard, soft, soft-sounding, soft-voiced, subaudible, subdued, unclear, weak, weak-voiced, whispered
[edit]- murmurer, bellyacher, complainant, complainer, crab, crank, croaker, faultfinder, frondeur, griper, grouch, grouser, growler, grumbler, kicker, kvetch, malcontent, mutterer, querulous person, reactionary, reactionist, rebel, sorehead, whiner
[edit]- murmuring, aspiration, bated breath, beef, beefing, bellyache, bellyaching, bitch, bitching, breath, breathy voice, complaining, complaint, complaintful, crabbing, crabby, cranky, croaking, destructive criticism, disappointed, discontented, disgruntled, displeased, dissatisfied, dissent, drone, droning, envious, exhalation, faultfinding, gabble, gibber, gibbering, grievance, gripe, griping, groan, groaning, grouchy, grouse, grousing, growling, grumbling, holler, howl, jabber, jibber, kick, kicking, little voice, low voice, malcontent, malcontented, maundering, mouthing, mumble, mumbling, murmur, murmuration, murmurish, murmurous, mutter, muttering, out of humor, peeve, peevish, peevishness, pet peeve, petulance, petulant, protest, querulant, querulous, querulousness, rebellious, resentful, restive, restless, rustling, scolding, sigh, sniping, soft voice, squawk, squawking, stage whisper, still small voice, sulky, susurrant, susurration, susurrous, susurrus, unaccepting, unaccommodating, underbreath, undertone, uneasy, unfulfilled, ungratified, unhappy, unsatisfied, whining, whiny, whisper, whispering, whispery, yapping
muscle bound
[edit]- muscle bound, able-bodied, athletic, brawny, broad-shouldered, burly, dour, firm, fundamentalist, hard, hidebound, impliable, inexorable, inflexible, iron, ironbound, ironclad, ironhanded, muscular, obdurate, obstinate, orthodox, procrustean, purist, puristic, puritan, puritanic, relentless, rigid, rigorist, rigoristic, rigorous, rockbound, sinewy, stiff, straightlaced, straitlaced, stubborn, thewy, thickset, unbending, uncompromising, unrelenting, unyielding, well-built, well-knit, well-set, well-set-up, wiry
muscle man
[edit]- muscle man, Antaeus, Atlas, Briareus, Brobdingnagian, Charles Atlas, Cyclops, Goliath, Hercules, Polyphemus, Samson, Superman, Tarzan, Titan, bruiser, bully, bullyboy, colossus, giant, goon, gorilla, gun, gunsel, hatchet man, hellion, holy terror, hood, hoodlum, hooligan, mug, mugger, plug-ugly, powerhouse, rodman, roughneck, stalwart, strong man, strong-arm man, terror, the mighty, the strong, torpedo, tough, tough guy, tower of strength, trigger man, ugly customer
[edit]- muscle, adductor, arm, beef, beefiness, biceps, brawn, brawniness, buccinator, effort, elasticity, elbow grease, endeavor, energy, exert strength, exertion, force, gemellus, gluteus maximus, hard pull, heftiness, huskiness, infraspinatus, intercostal, involuntary muscle, latissimus dorsi, levator, long pull, masseter, mentalis, might, might and main, muscularity, musculature, mylohyoid, nasalis, nerve and sinew, oblique, occipitalis, omohyoid, pains, pectineus, pectoralis, peroneus, physique, potency, power, sinew, sinewiness, sinews, sphincter, strength, strong arm, strong-arm, tensor, thew, thewiness, thews, tone, trapezius, triceps, trouble, use force, voluntary muscle
[edit]- muscular, Herculean, able-bodied, athletic, beefy, brawny, broad-shouldered, burly, elastic, fibrous, flexible, husky, mighty, muscle-bound, powerful, resilient, robust, ropy, rugged, sinewy, springy, stalwart, stout, strapping, stringy, strong, sturdy, supple, thewy, thickset, well-built, well-knit, well-set, well-set-up, wiry
[edit]- muscularity, beef, beefiness, brawn, brawniness, elasticity, heftiness, huskiness, involuntary muscle, muscle, musculature, physique, sinew, sinewiness, sinews, thew, thewiness, thews, tone, voluntary muscle
[edit]- musculature, beef, beefiness, brawn, brawniness, elasticity, heftiness, huskiness, involuntary muscle, muscle, muscularity, physique, sinew, sinewiness, sinews, thew, thewiness, thews, tone, voluntary muscle
[edit]- Muse, Apollo, Apollo Musagetes, Bragi, Calliope, Castilian Spring, Clio, Erato, Euterpe, Geist, Helicon, Hippocrene, Melpomene, Orpheus, Parnassus, Pierian Spring, Pierides, Polyhymnia, Polymnia, Terpsichore, Thalia, afflatus, artistic imagination, conception, creative imagination, creative power, creative thought, creativity, daemon, daimonion, demon, divine afflatus, esemplastic imagination, esemplastic power, fire of genius, genius, inspiration, muse, mythicization, mythification, mythopoeia, poesy, poetic genius, poetic imagination, sacred Nine, shaping imagination, soul, spirit, talent, the Muses, the Nine, tuneful Nine
[edit]- muse, Calliope, Clio, Erato, Euterpe, Melpomene, Parnassian, Polyhymnia, Terpsichore, Thalia, Walter Mitty, absence of mind, absentmindedness, absorption, abstractedness, abstraction, allude to, artistic imagination, bard, be absent, be abstracted, bemusement, blurt, blurt out, brood, brood over, brown study, call attention to, castle-building, chaw, chew over, chew the cud, cogitate, comment, conception, consider, contemplate, creative imagination, creative power, creative thought, daydream, daydreamer, daydreaming, debate, deliberate, depth of thought, digest, divagate, dream, dreaming, engrossment, esemplastic imagination, esemplastic power, evaluate, exclaim, excogitate, fantasy, fantasying, fit of abstraction, genius, go woolgathering, inspiration, interject, introspect, let drop, let fall, make reference to, meditate, mention, moon, mooning, moonraking, mull over, musefulness, musing, muted ecstasy, mythicization, mythification, mythopoeia, note, observe, opine, perpend, pipe dream, pipe-dream, pipe-dreaming, play around with, play with, poetic imagination, ponder, preoccupation, refer to, reflect, remark, reverie, revolve, roll, ruminate, shaping imagination, speak, speculate, stargaze, stargazing, stray, study, think about, think over, toy with, trance, turn over, wander, weigh, woolgathering
museum piece
[edit]- museum piece, abnormality, anomaly, art object, brainchild, bric-a-brac, classic, composition, conversation piece, creation, curio, curiosity, design, exception, grotesque, improbability, kitsch, master, masterpiece, masterwork, mobile, nonesuch, nude, oddity, old master, pasticcio, pastiche, piece, piece of virtu, prodigiosity, prodigy, rarity, stabile, statue, still life, strange thing, study, virtu, work, work of art
[edit]- museum, British Museum, Festschrift, Guggenheim Museum, Hermitage, Indian reservation, Louvre, Metropolitan Museum, National Gallery, Prado, Rijksmuseum, Tate Gallery, Uffizi, ana, anthology, aquarium, archives, art gallery, bank, bird sanctuary, body, chrestomathy, collectanea, collection, compilation, corpus, curatorship, data, florilegium, forest preserve, fund, gallery, game reserve, holdings, library, menagerie, museology, national forest, national park, paradise, park, picture gallery, pinacotheca, preserve, raw data, reservation, reserve, salon, sanctuary, state forest, store, treasure, wilderness preserve, wildlife preserve, zoo
[edit]- mush, airing, amble, bathos, bazoo, bleeding heart, breakfast food, butter, cataplasm, cereal, chaps, chops, cloyingness, constitutional, cornflakes, countenance, crush, dental pulp, dial, dry cereal, embouchure, face, facies, farina, favor, features, forced march, frumenty, gab, gob, goo, grits, gruel, hasty pudding, hearts-and-flowers, hike, hominy grits, hot cereal, jaunt, jaw, jaws, jowls, kasha, kisser, lineaments, lips, loblolly, mandibles, map, march, mash, maudlinness, maw, mawkishness, maxilla, millet, mouth, mug, mushiness, muzzle, namby-pamby, namby-pambyism, namby-pambyness, nostalgia, nostomania, oatmeal, oral cavity, oversentimentalism, oversentimentality, pan, paper pulp, parade, paste, peripatetic journey, peripateticism, phiz, physiognomy, pith, plaster, porridge, poultice, premaxilla, promenade, pudding, puffed rice, puffed wheat, pulp, pulp lead, pulpwood, puss, rag pulp, ramble, rolled oats, romanticism, row, sauce, saunter, schlep, sentiment, sentimentalism, sentimentality, slop, sloppiness, slush, smash, soap opera, sob story, sponge, squash, stretch, stroll, sulfate pulp, sulfite pulp, sweetness and light, tearjerker, traipse, tramp, trap, trudge, turn, visage, walk, walking tour, wheatflakes, white lead, wood pulp, yap
[edit]- mushiness, bathos, bleeding heart, cloyingness, doughiness, flabbiness, fleshiness, goo, hearts-and-flowers, mashiness, maudlinness, mawkishness, mush, namby-pamby, namby-pambyism, namby-pambyness, nostalgia, nostomania, oversentimentalism, oversentimentality, pastiness, pithiness, pulpiness, pulpousness, romanticism, sentiment, sentimentalism, sentimentality, slop, sloppiness, slush, soap opera, sob story, softness, sponginess, squashiness, succulence, sweetness and light, tearjerker
mushroom cloud
[edit]- mushroom cloud, A-blast, A-bomb shelter, Cloudcuckooland, H-blast, Mach front, airborne radioactivity, alto-cumulus, alto-stratus, anvil cloud, atom blast, banner cloud, billowy cloud, blast wave, cap cloud, cirro-cumulus, cirro-fillum, cirro-nebula, cirro-stratus, cirro-velum, cirrus, cirrus cloud, cirrus haze, cirrus stripe, cloud, cloud band, cloud bank, cloud drift, cloud mass, cloud street, cloudland, cloudling, cloudscape, cocktail, cottony cloud, cumulo-cirro-stratus, cumulo-cirrus, cumulo-nimbus, cumulo-stratus, cumulus, cumulus cloud, curl cloud, dust cloud, fallout, fallout shelter, fission particles, flash burn, fleecy cloud, fractocumulus, ground zero, high fog, hydrogen blast, mackerel sky, mammatocumulus, nimbus, nimbus cloud, radioactive dust, rain cloud, scud, snail cloud, squall cloud, storm cloud, strato-cumulus, stratus, stratus cloud, thundercloud, thunderhead, water carrier, woolpack
[edit]- mushroom, Ectocarpales, Phaeophyceae, algae, autophyte, ball, balloon, bead, bean, blossom, blow up, bracken, brew, brown algae, burgeon, burst, climber, conferva, confervoid, conglobulate, creeper, detonate, develop, diatom, fern, flourish, fruits and vegetables, fucus, fungi, fungus, gather, germinate, globe, go off, grapevine, green algae, grow, grow up, gulfweed, herb, heterophyte, hypertrophy, increase, ivy, kelp, legume, lentil, liana, lichen, liverwort, mature, mold, molds, moss, newly-rich, nouveau-riche, outgrow, overdevelop, overgrow, overtop, parasite, parasitic plant, parvenu, pea, perthophyte, phytoplankton, planktonic algae, plant families, procreate, puffball, pullulate, pulse, red algae, reproduce, rockweed, rust, saprophyte, sargasso, sargassum, sea lentil, sea moss, sea wrack, seaweed, shoot up, smut, snowball, sphere, spherify, spring up, sprout, sprout up, succulent, thallogens, thrive, toadstool, tower, upshoot, upspear, upspring, upsprout, upstart, vegetate, vetch, vine, wax, wort, wrack
[edit]- mushy, baccate, bathetic, beery, bland, boggy, changeable, cloudy, cloying, corny, doughy, flabby, fleshy, foggy, gooey, gushing, halfhearted, indecisive, infirm of purpose, infirm of will, insipid, irresolute, macerated, masticated, maudlin, mawkish, milk-and-water, milky, miry, misty, namby-pamby, neutral, nostalgic, nostomanic, oversentimental, oversentimentalized, pappy, pasty, pithy, pulpal, pulpar, pulped, pulplike, pulpy, quaggy, romantic, saccharine, sappy, schmaltzy, sentimental, sentimentalized, sloppy, slushy, soft, soppy, spongy, squashy, squelchy, squishy, squushy, sticky, succulent, sugary, swampy, syrupy, tasteless, tear-jerking, teary, vague, vapid, vaporous, vapory, watery, wet, wishy-washy
music hall
[edit]- music hall, Elizabethan theater, Globe Theatre, Greek theater, amphitheater, arena, arena theater, assembly hall, auditorium, cabaret, chapel, circle theater, club, concert hall, convention hall, dance hall, exhibition hall, gallery, hall, house, lecture hall, little theater, meetinghouse, night spot, nightclub, opera, opera house, outdoor theater, playhouse, showboat, stadium, theater, theater-in-the-round, theatron
music roll
[edit]- music roll, Pianola, arrangement, copy, draft, edition, hymnal, hymnbook, instrumental score, libretto, lute tablature, mechanical piano, music, music paper, musical notation, musical score, notation, opera, opera score, orchestral score, part, piano player roll, piano score, player piano, score, sheet music, short score, songbook, songster, street piano, tablature, text, transcript, transcription, version, vocal score, written music
[edit]- music, Apollo, Apollo Musagetes, Erato, Euterpe, Orpheus, Pierides, Polyhymnia, Polymnia, Terpsichore, arrangement, babel, clamor, copy, din, draft, edition, harmonics, harmony, hubbub, hullabaloo, hymnal, hymnbook, instrumental score, jangle, libretto, lute tablature, melodics, music paper, music roll, music theory, musical notation, musical score, musicality, musicography, musicology, notation, opera, opera score, orchestral score, pandemonium, part, piano score, racket, rhythmics, sacred Nine, score, sheet music, short score, songbook, songster, tablature, text, the Muses, the Nine, theory, transcript, transcription, tumult, tuneful Nine, uproar, version, vocal score, written music
musical comedy
[edit]- musical comedy, Broadway musical, Singspiel, Thalia, arlequinade, ballad opera, ballet, ballet divertissement, black comedy, broad comedy, burlesque, burletta, camp, chorus show, comedie bouffe, comedie larmoyante, comedie rosse, comedietta, comedy, comedy ballet, comedy of humors, comedy of ideas, comedy of intrigue, comedy of manners, comedy of situation, comedy relief, comic muse, comic opera, comic relief, dance drama, dark comedy, domestic comedy, exode, farce, farce comedy, genteel comedy, grand opera, harlequinade, high camp, light comedy, light opera, low camp, low comedy, lyric drama, mime, minstrel, minstrel show, music drama, musical, musical stage, musical theater, opera, opera ballet, opera bouffe, opera buffa, operetta, raw comedy, realistic comedy, romantic comedy, satyr play, sentimental comedy, situation comedy, slapstick, slapstick comedy, song-and-dance act, song-play, tragicomedy
[edit]- musical, Broadway musical, Singspiel, Thalia, achingly sweet, agreeable, agreeable-sounding, appealing, ariose, arioso, arlequinade, ballad opera, ballet, ballet divertissement, black comedy, blending, broad comedy, burlesque, burletta, camp, canorous, cantabile, catchy, chiming, chorus show, comedie bouffe, comedie larmoyante, comedie rosse, comedietta, comedy, comedy ballet, comedy of humors, comedy of ideas, comedy of intrigue, comedy of manners, comedy of situation, comedy relief, comic muse, comic opera, comic relief, consonant, dance drama, dark comedy, domestic comedy, dulcet, euphonic, euphonious, euphonous, exode, farce, farce comedy, fine-toned, genteel comedy, golden, golden-tongued, golden-voiced, grand opera, harlequinade, harmonic, harmonious, high camp, honeyed, light comedy, light opera, low camp, low comedy, lyric drama, lyrical, melic, mellifluent, mellifluous, mellisonant, mellow, melodic, melodious, mime, minstrel, minstrel show, music drama, music-flowing, music-like, music-loving, musical comedy, musical stage, musical theater, musically inclined, musicianly, musicophile, opera, opera ballet, opera bouffe, opera buffa, operetta, philharmonic, pleasant, pleasant-sounding, raw comedy, realistic comedy, rich, romantic comedy, satyr play, sentimental comedy, silver-toned, silver-tongued, silver-voiced, silvery, singable, situation comedy, slapstick, slapstick comedy, song-and-dance act, song-play, songful, songlike, sonorous, sweet, sweet-flowing, sweet-sounding, symphonic, symphonious, tragicomedy, tunable, tuned, tuneful, virtuose, virtuosic, virtuoso
[edit]- musicality, dulcetness, ear for music, harmonics, harmony, mellifluence, mellifluousness, melodics, melodiousness, melody, music, music theory, musical ear, musical quality, musical sense, musical sound, musical talent, musicianship, musicography, musicology, perfect pitch, relative pitch, rhythmics, sense of rhythm, sweetness, theory, tonality, tone, tune, tunefulness, virtuosity
[edit]- musician, artist, artiste, belly dancer, burlesque queen, chorine, chorus boy, chorus girl, conjurer, coryphee, dancer, dancing girl, ecdysiast, entertainer, exotic dancer, female impersonator, geisha, geisha girl, guisard, guiser, hoofer, impersonator, magician, mountebank, mummer, nautch girl, peeler, performer, player, prestidigitator, public entertainer, show girl, singer, stripper, stripteaser, stripteuse, vaudevillian, vaudevillist, virtuoso
[edit]- musicologist, arranger, ballad maker, balladeer, balladist, balladmonger, composer, contrapuntist, ethnomusicologist, harmonist, harmonizer, hymnist, hymnographer, hymnologist, librettist, madrigalist, melodist, melodizer, musicographer, orchestrator, scorer, song writer, songsmith, symphonist, tone poet, tunesmith
[edit]- musing, Walter Mitty, absence of mind, absent, absentminded, absentmindedness, absorbed, absorption, abstracted, abstractedness, abstraction, advisement, bemused, bemusement, brooding, brown study, castle-building, close study, cogitative, cognitive, concentrating, concentration, concentrative, conceptive, conceptual, conceptualized, consideration, contemplating, contemplation, contemplative, contemplativeness, counsel, daydream, daydreamer, daydreaming, daydreamy, deep thought, deliberating, deliberation, deliberative, depth of thought, dream, dreamery, dreamfulness, dreaminess, dreaming, dreamlikeness, dreamy, drowsing, ecstatic, elsewhere, engrossed, engrossment, excogitating, fantasy, fantasying, faraway, fit of abstraction, half-awake, ideative, in a reverie, in the clouds, introspective, lost, lost in thought, lucubration, meditating, meditation, meditative, melancholy, mental, mooning, moonraking, muse, museful, musefulness, muted ecstasy, napping, nodding, noetic, oblivious, pensive, pensiveness, pipe dream, pipe-dreaming, pondering, prehensive, preoccupation, preoccupied, profound thought, rapt, reflecting, reflection, reflective, reflectiveness, reverie, revolving, ruminant, ruminating, rumination, ruminative, serious, sober, somewhere else, speculation, speculative, speculativeness, stargazing, study, taken up, thinking, thought, thoughtful, thoughtfulness, trance, transported, unconscious, weighing, wistful, wistfulness, woolgathering, wrapped in thought
[edit]- musk, ambergris, ambrosia, aromatic, aromatic gum, aromatic water, attar, attar of roses, balm, balm of Gilead, balsam, bay oil, bergamot oil, champaca oil, civet, essence, essential oil, extract, fixative, heliotrope, jasmine oil, lavender oil, myrcia oil, myrrh, parfum, perfume, perfumery, rose oil, scent, volatile oil
[edit]- musket, automatic, blowgun, blowpipe, firearm, flamethrower, gat, gun, handgun, heater, peashooter, piece, pistol, repeater, revolver, rifle, rod, sawed-off shotgun, shooting iron, shotgun, six-gun, six-shooter
[edit]- musketeer, Nimrod, Zouave, archer, artilleryman, bersagliere, bowman, cannoneer, carabineer, chasseur, crack shot, dead shot, deadeye, dogface, doughfoot, expert rifleman, foot soldier, footslogger, fusileer, good shot, grenadier, grunt, gun, gunman, gunner, hunter, infantryman, light infantryman, marksman, markswoman, paddlefoot, rifle, rifleman, sharpshooter, shooter, shot, sniper, targetshooter, toxophilite, trapshooter
[edit]- musketry, A-weapons, antiaircraft fire, archery, armament, arms, artillery, ballistics, biological weapons, casting, chucking, conventional weapons, cross fire, curtain fire, deadly weapons, direct fire, dry fire, file fire, fire, fire of demolition, firepower, fireworks, firing, flack, flak, flinging, ground fire, gunfight, gunfire, gunnery, gunplay, heaving, high-angle fire, horizontal fire, hurling, instruments of destruction, interdiction fire, jaculation, lobbing, machine-gun fire, missilery, mortar fire, munitions, nuclear weapons, ordnance, percussion fire, pistol fire, pitching, projection, raking fire, rapid fire, ricochet fire, rifle fire, rocketry, shellfire, shoot-out, shooting, side arms, skeet, skeet shooting, slinging, small arms, thermonuclear weapons, throwing, time fire, trajection, trapshooting, vertical fire, weaponry, weapons, zone fire
[edit]- musky, ambrosial, aromatic, balmy, essenced, flowery, fragrant, fruity, incense-breathing, odorate, odoriferous, odorous, perfumed, perfumy, redolent, savory, scented, spicy, sweet, sweet-scented, sweet-smelling, thuriferous
[edit]- muss, botch, botchery, broil, clutter, derange, disarrange, disarray, dishevel, dislocate, disorder, disorganize, donnybrook, fracas, fray, free-for-all, hash, knock-down-and-drag-out, litter, melee, mess, mess up, misarrange, mix-up, muddle, mull, muss up, ruction, ruffle, rumple, scatter, set-to, shambles, tousle
[edit]- mussy, beat-up, bedraggled, blowzy, careless, chintzy, dilapidated, disheveled, drabbletailed, draggled, draggletailed, frowzy, frumpish, frumpy, grubby, in rags, informal, loose, lumpen, messy, negligent, poky, ragged, raggedy, ruinous, scraggly, seedy, shabby, shoddy, slack, slatternly, slipshod, slobbery, sloppy, sloven, slovenly, sluttish, sordid, squalid, tacky, tattered, unkempt, unneat, unsightly, untidy
[edit]- must, absolute, allegiance, assigned task, bare necessities, be forced, be in for, be necessary, be obliged, binding, blast, blight, bounden duty, burden, burning, business, call for, call of duty, cancer, canker, cannot do otherwise, cannot help but, charge, commitment, committal, compulsory, conclusive, condition, de rigueur, decisive, deference, demand, demand for, demi-sec, desideration, desideratum, devoir, devotion, dictated, domestic wine, dry rot, duties and responsibilities, duty, entailed, essential, essentials, estral, estrous, estrual, ethics, extra sec, fealty, fetidity, fetidness, final, foulness, frowst, frowstiness, frowziness, fungus, funkiness, fustiness, hard-and-fast, have, have got to, have need to, have to, homage, hot, imperative, imperious, imported wine, imposed, in heat, in must, in rut, indispensable, irrevocable, light wine, line of duty, loyalty, malodorousness, mandated, mandatory, mildew, mission, mold, moldiness, moth, moth and rust, must item, mustiness, musty, necessaries, necessary, necessities, necessity, need, need for, need to, needs must, new wine, noisomeness, nonvintage wine, obligation, obligatory, occasion, odorousness, offensiveness, onus, ought, ought to, peremptory, pest, pink wine, place, prerequirement, prerequisite, prescript, prescriptive, putridness, rancidity, rancidness, rankness, reastiness, red wine, repulsiveness, required, requirement, requisite, requisition, respect, right, rose wine, rot, rottenness, rust, rutting, ruttish, rutty, sec, self-imposed duty, should, sine qua non, smelliness, smooth wine, smut, sparkling wine, still wine, stinkingness, stuffiness, sweet wine, the necessary, the needful, thin wine, ultimate, vin, vino, vintage wine, want, white wine, wine, without appeal, worm
muster out
[edit]- muster out, break up, deactivate, debrief, demob, demobilize, detach, disband, discharge, disintegrate, dismiss, disorganize, disperse, dissolve, go separate ways, let go, part, part company, release, scatter, separate, split up
muster roll
[edit]- muster roll, agenda, beadroll, cadastre, calendar, census, census report, checklist, checkroll, docket, dramatis personae, head count, honor roll, jury list, jury panel, lineup, muster, nose count, order of business, poll, program, property roll, questionnaire, returns, roll, roll call, roster, rota, scroll, tax roll
muster up
[edit]- muster up, bid come, breed, bring about, call, call away, call back, call for, call forth, call in, call out, call together, call up, cause, cite, conjure, conjure up, convene, convoke, demand, elicit, engender, evoke, get up, hatch, indent, induce, inspire, invoke, muster, occasion, order up, page, preconize, produce, prompt, provoke, recall, requisition, send after, send for, serve, subpoena, summon, summon forth, summon up, summons, work up
[edit]- muster, accumulate, agenda, agglomerate, aggregate, aggregation, aggroup, amass, assemblage, assemble, assembly, batch, beadroll, beat the drums, bid come, bring together, bugle call, bulk, bunch, bunch together, bunch up, cadastre, calendar, call, call away, call back, call for, call forth, call in, call out, call to arms, call together, call up, call-up, canvass, catchword, census, census report, checklist, checkroll, cite, clarion, clarion call, clot, clump, cluster, collect, collection, colligate, colligation, collocate, collocation, combination, combine, come together, commandeer, company, compare, comparison, compile, compulsory military service, concourse, concurrence, confluence, conflux, congeries, conglomerate, congregate, congregation, congress, conjure, conjure up, conscript, conscription, convene, convention, converge, convergence, convocation, convoke, copulate, corral, corralling, couple, crowd, cumulate, data-gathering, date, demand, detach, detach for service, dig up, docket, draft, draft call, drafting, dramatis personae, draw together, dredge up, drive together, enlist, enlistment, enroll, enrollment, evoke, exhortation, flock together, flow together, forgather, fuse, gang around, gang up, gather, gather around, gather in, gather together, gathering, get in, get together, go for broke, group, gung ho, head count, herd together, hive, honor roll, horde, huddle, impress, impressment, indent, induct, induction, ingathering, inventory, invoke, join, join up, junction, jury list, jury panel, juxtapose, juxtaposition, league, levy, lineup, link, list, lump together, make the grade, make up, marshal, mass, match, measure up, meet, meeting, merge, mill, mobilization, mobilize, muster in, muster roll, muster up, nose count, order of business, order up, page, pair, partner, pass muster, poll, preconize, press, program, property roll, put together, questionnaire, raise, rake up, rally, rally around, rallying cry, rebel yell, recall, recruit, recruiting, recruitment, rendezvous, requisition, returns, rodeo, roll, roll call, roster, rota, round up, roundup, scrape together, scroll, seethe, selective service, send after, send for, serve, sign, sign on, sign up, slogan, stream, subpoena, summon, summon forth, summon up, summons, surge, survey, swarm, take up, tax roll, throng, trumpet call, turnout, unite, war cry, war whoop, watchword, whip in
[edit]- mustiness, banality, banalness, cliche, commonness, commonplaceness, corniness, familiarness, fetidity, fetidness, foulness, frowst, frowstiness, frowziness, funkiness, fustiness, hackneyedness, malodorousness, mildew, moldiness, must, noisomeness, odorousness, offensiveness, platitudinousness, putridness, rancidity, rancidness, rankness, reastiness, repulsiveness, rottenness, smelliness, squareness, staleness, stinkingness, stuffiness, triteness, unoriginality
[edit]- musty, ancient, antediluvian, antiquated, archaic, back-number, bad, bad-smelling, banal, bewhiskered, blasted, blighted, blown, bromidic, burning, bygone, cliched, common, commonplace, corny, crumbling, cut-and-dried, damp, decayed, despoiled, dilapidated, dirty, dusty, estral, estrous, estrual, fade, familiar, fecal, fetid, filthy, flyblown, foul, frowsty, frowsy, frowy, frowzy, fulsome, funky, fusty, gamy, gone to seed, graveolent, hackney, hackneyed, high, hoary, hot, ill-smelling, in heat, in must, in rut, maggoty, malodorous, mephitic, miasmal, miasmic, mildewed, mildewy, moldering, moldy, moss-grown, moth-eaten, mouldy, must, nidorous, noisome, noxious, obsolete, odorous, offensive, old hat, old-fashioned, olid, out of date, passe, platitudinous, putrid, rancid, rank, ravaged, reasty, reasy, reechy, reeking, reeky, repulsive, rotten, ruined, ruinous, rusty, rutting, ruttish, rutty, set, shopworn, smellful, smelling, smelly, smutted, smutty, sour, spoilt, squalid, square, stale, stenchy, stereotyped, stinking, stock, strong, stuffy, sulfurous, threadbare, time-scarred, timeworn, tired, trite, truistic, unoriginal, vile, warmed-over, weevily, well-known, well-worn, worm-eaten, wormy, worn, worn out, worn thin
[edit]- mutability, adaptability, adjustability, alterability, caducity, capriciousness, changeability, changeableness, changefulness, choppiness, corruptibility, dappleness, death, deviation, difference, differentiation, disorder, divarication, divergence, diversification, ephemerality, ephemeralness, evanescence, finitude, fleetingness, flexibility, fluidity, fugacity, impermanence, impermanency, inconsistency, inconstancy, inequality, instability, irregularity, jerkiness, malleability, mercuriality, mobility, modifiability, momentariness, mortality, motleyness, movability, nonconformism, nonconformity, nonstandardization, nonuniformity, perishability, permutability, plasticity, pluralism, raggedness, resilience, rubberiness, suppleness, transience, transiency, transientness, transitoriness, unconformism, unconformity, unevenness, unorthodoxy, unsteadiness, variability, variation, variegation, variety, variousness, versatility, volatility, wavering
[edit]- mutable, able to adapt, adaptable, adjustable, alterable, alterative, ambitendent, ambivalent, at loose ends, brittle, capricious, changeable, changeful, changing, checkered, choppy, corruptible, deciduous, deviating, deviative, deviatory, different, disorderly, divaricate, divergent, diversified, diversiform, double-minded, dubious, dying, ephemeral, erose, erratic, evanescent, ever-changing, fading, fence-sitting, fence-straddling, fickle, fleeting, flexible, flitting, fluctuating, fluid, fly-by-night, flying, fragile, frail, fugacious, fugitive, impermanent, impetuous, impulsive, inconsistent, inconstant, indecisive, infirm of purpose, insubstantial, irregular, irresolute, irresolved, jagged, jerky, kaleidoscopic, lubricious, malleable, many-sided, mercurial, metamorphic, mobile, modifiable, momentary, mortal, motley, movable, mugwumpian, mugwumpish, nonconformist, nondurable, nonpermanent, nonstandard, nonuniform, of two minds, passing, perishable, permutable, plastic, pluralistic, protean, proteiform, ragged, resilient, rough, rubbery, shifty, shilly-shally, short-lived, slippery, spasmodic, sporadic, subject to death, supple, swaying, swinging, temperamental, temporal, temporary, ticklish, transient, transitive, transitory, uncertain, undecided, undetermined, undurable, unenduring, unequable, unequal, uneven, unorthodox, unresolved, unsettled, unstable, unsteady, unsystematic, ununiform, vacillating, variable, variegated, variform, various, varying, volatile, wavering
[edit]- mutant, altered, avatar, better, catabolism, catalysis, changeable, changed, consubstantiation, converted, degenerate, deviant, displacement, divergent, heterotopia, improved, metabolism, metagenesis, metamorphism, metamorphosed, metamorphosis, metastasis, metastasized, metathesis, metempsychosis, modified, mutated form, mutation, permutation, qualified, rebuilt, reformed, reincarnation, renewed, revived, revolutionary, sport, subversive, transanimation, transfiguration, transfigurement, transformation, transformed, transformism, translated, translation, translocation, transmigration, transmogrification, transmutation, transmuted, transposition, transubstantiation, unmitigated, worse
[edit]- mutate, accommodate, adapt, adjust, alter, ameliorate, be changed, be converted into, be renewed, better, bottom out, break, break up, change, checker, chop, chop and change, come about, come around, come round, commute, convert, deform, degenerate, denature, deteriorate, deviate, diverge, diversify, fit, flop, haul around, improve, jibe, meliorate, metamorphose, mitigate, modify, modulate, overthrow, qualify, re-create, realign, rebuild, reconstruct, redesign, refashion, refit, reform, remake, renew, reshape, restructure, revamp, revive, ring the changes, shift, shift the scene, shuffle the cards, subvert, swerve, tack, take a turn, transfigure, transmogrify, transmute, transpose, transubstantiate, turn, turn aside, turn into, turn the corner, turn the scale, turn the tables, turn the tide, turn upside down, undergo a change, vary, veer, warp, work a change, worsen
[edit]- mutation, ablaut, acoustic phonetics, alteration, altering, anomaly, articulatory phonetics, avatar, betacism, catabolism, catalysis, change, changing, consubstantiation, departure, deviant, deviation, displacement, evolution, evolving, gradation, heterotopia, innovation, metabolism, metagenesis, metamorphism, metamorphosing, metamorphosis, metastasis, metathesis, metempsychosis, modification, modifying, morphophonemics, mutant, mutated form, novelty, orthoepy, permutation, phonetics, phonology, reincarnation, rhotacism, sound shift, sport, transanimation, transfiguration, transfigurement, transformation, transforming, transformism, translation, translocation, transmigration, transmogrification, transmutation, transmuting, transposition, transubstantiation, turn, umlaut, variant, variation, varying, vicissitude
[edit]- mute, abiotic, acoustic tile, allophone, alveolar, anaudic, antiknock, aphasic, aphonic, apico-alveolar, apico-dental, articulation, aspiration, assimilation, azoic, baffle, baffler, baton, bearer, bilabial, bit player, breathless, brief, brusque, cacuminal, cerebral, check, close, close-tongued, closemouthed, concise, consonant, continuant, curt, cushion, damp, dampen, dampener, damper, deaden, deaf-mute, deafen, dental, diapason, diphthong, dissimilation, dull, dumb, dumbfounded, dumbstricken, dumbstruck, dummy, economical of words, epenthetic vowel, exanimate, explosive, extra, figurant, figurante, gag, glide, glottal, glottalization, griever, guttural, hush, hushcloth, inanimate, inanimated, inarticulate, indisposed to talk, inert, insensate, insensible, insentient, keener, labial, labialization, labiodental, labiovelar, laconic, lamenter, laryngeal, lateral, lifeless, lingual, liquid, manner of articulation, metronome, modification, monochord, monophthong, morphophoneme, mourner, muffle, muffler, mum, music stand, muzzle, nasal, nonconscious, nonliving, occlusive, palatal, pallbearer, parasitic vowel, peak, pharyngeal, pharyngealization, phone, phoneme, pitch pipe, plosive, professional mourner, prothetic vowel, quiet, quietener, reserved, retroflex, rhythmometer, segmental phoneme, semivowel, senseless, short, silence, silence cloth, silencer, silent, snug, soft pedal, soft-pedal, soften, sonant, sonometer, sonority, sordine, sordino, soulless, sound-absorbing material, soundproofing, soundproofing insulation, sourdine, sparing of words, spear-carrier, speech sound, speechless, stand-in, standby, stick, stifle, stop, stricken dumb, subdue, substitute, supe, super, supernumerary, support, supporting actor, supporting cast, suppress, surd, syllabic nucleus, syllabic peak, syllable, tacit, taciturn, terse, tight-lipped, tone down, tone measurer, tongue-tied, tongueless, transition sound, triphthong, tuning bar, tuning fork, tuning pipe, turn down, unanimated, unconscious, understudy, unfeeling, unloquacious, unsaid, unspoken, untalkative, velar, vocable, vocalic, vocoid, voice, voiced sound, voiceless, voiceless sound, voicing, vowel, walk-on, walking gentleman, word-bound, wordless
[edit]- muted, accented, alveolar, apical, apico-alveolar, apico-dental, articulated, assimilated, back, barytone, bated, bilabial, blind, broad, cacuminal, central, cerebral, checked, close, consonant, consonantal, continuant, damped, dampened, dead, deadened, dental, dim, dissimilated, dorsal, dull, dulled, flat, front, glide, glossal, glottal, guttural, hard, heavy, high, intonated, labial, labiodental, labiovelar, lackluster, lateral, lax, light, lingual, liquid, low, lusterless, mat, mid, monophthongal, muffled, narrow, nasal, nasalized, occlusive, open, oxytone, palatal, palatalized, pharyngeal, pharyngealized, phonemic, phonetic, phonic, pitch, pitched, posttonic, retroflex, rounded, semivowel, smothered, soft, softened, sonant, sordo, stifled, stopped, stressed, strong, subdued, surd, syllabic, tense, thick, throaty, tonal, tonic, twangy, unaccented, unrounded, unstressed, velar, vocalic, vocoid, voiced, voiceless, vowel, vowellike, weak, wide
[edit]- muteness, anaudia, aphasia, aphonia, aphrasia, brevity, briefness, brusqueness, conciseness, curtness, deaf-muteness, dumbness, economy of words, inarticulateness, jargon aphasia, laconicalness, laconism, loss of speech, motor aphasia, mutism, obmutescence, paranomia, paraphasia, pauciloquy, quietness, quietude, shortness, silence, sparingness of words, speechlessness, taciturnity, terseness, tonguelessness, unloquaciousness, untalkativeness, voicelessness, wordlessness
[edit]- mutilate, abrade, abscind, alter, amputate, annihilate, ban, bar, bark, blemish, bloody, bob, break, burn, butcher, castrate, chafe, change, check, chip, claw, clip, crack, craze, cripple, crop, cull, cut, cut away, cut off, cut out, damage, deface, defoliate, deform, denude, desexualize, destroy, disable, disfigure, dismember, disproportion, dock, draw and quarter, eliminate, enucleate, eradicate, except, excise, exclude, extinguish, extirpate, fix, flay, fracture, fray, frazzle, fret, gall, gash, geld, hurt, incise, injure, isolate, knock off, lacerate, lame, lop, maim, make mincemeat of, mangle, mar, maul, mayhem, misshape, neuter, nip, pare, peel, pick out, pick to pieces, pierce, prune, pull apart, puncture, rend, rip, rip off, root out, ruin, rule out, run, rupture, savage, scald, scorch, scotch, scrape, scratch, scuff, set apart, set aside, shave, shear, shred, skin, slash, slit, spoil, sprain, stab, stamp out, stick, strain, strike off, strip, strip off, take apart, take off, take out, tear, tear apart, tear off, tear to pieces, tear to tatters, traumatize, truncate, unsex, vandalize, wipe out, wound, wrench
[edit]- mutilated, aggravated, bandy, bandy-legged, blemished, bloated, bowlegged, broken, burned, burst, busted, butchered, castrated, checked, chipped, cleft, cloven, club-footed, cracked, crazed, cut, cut short, damaged, defaced, deformed, deteriorated, disfigured, docked, dwarfed, embittered, exacerbated, flatfooted, garbled, grotesque, harmed, hashed, hurt, ill-made, ill-proportioned, ill-shaped, impaired, imperfect, in bits, in pieces, in shards, in shreds, injured, irritated, knock-kneed, lacerate, lacerated, lopped, malformed, mangled, marred, misbegotten, misproportioned, misshapen, monstrous, out of shape, pigeon-toed, pug-nosed, quartered, rachitic, ragged, rent, rickety, riven, ruptured, scalded, scorched, severed, shattered, shredded, simous, slashed, slit, smashed, snub-nosed, splintered, split, sprung, stumpy, swaybacked, talipedic, tattered, the worse for, torn, truncated, weakened, worse, worse off, worsened
[edit]- mutilation, abrasion, abscission, amputation, annihilation, bankruptcy, blemish, bowlegs, break, breakage, breakdown, burn, butchering, camelback, chafe, check, chip, chopping, cleavage, cleft palate, clubfoot, collapse, concussion, crack, crack-up, crackle, craze, crippling, crookback, cut, cutting, damage, defacement, deformation, deformity, destruction, detriment, dichotomy, dilapidation, disablement, disfigurement, disrepair, elimination, encroachment, enucleation, eradication, excision, exclusion, extinction, extirpation, fission, flash burn, flatfoot, fracture, fray, frazzle, freakishness, gall, gash, harelip, harm, hobbling, humpback, hunchback, hurt, hurting, impairment, incapacitation, incision, infringement, injury, inroad, knock-knee, kyphosis, laceration, lesion, lordosis, loss, maiming, malconformation, malformation, mayhem, mischief, misproportion, misshape, monstrosity, mortal wound, puncture, rending, rent, rescission, resection, rip, ripping, ruination, ruinousness, run, rupture, sabotage, scald, scathe, scission, scorch, scrape, scratch, scuff, second-degree burn, section, severance, sickening, slash, slashing, slicing, sore, splayfoot, splitting, spoiling, stab, stab wound, surgery, swayback, talipes, tear, tearing, teratology, third-degree burn, torticollis, trauma, truncation, valgus, weakening, wound, wounds immedicable, wrench, wryneck
[edit]- mutineer, agitator, anarch, anarchist, anarcho-syndicalist, antinomian, arise, brawler, extremist, frondeur, insubordinate, insurge, insurgent, insurrect, insurrectionary, insurrectionist, insurrecto, malcontent, maverick, mount the barricades, mutiny, nihilist, nonconformist, overthrow, rebel, reluct, reluctate, revolt, revolter, revolute, revolution, revolutionary, revolutionist, revolutionize, riot, rioter, rise, rise up, run riot, strike, subversive, subvert, syndicalist, traitor
[edit]- mutinous, alienated, at odds, averse, breakaway, contumacious, cursory, defiant, differing, disaffected, disagreeing, disinclined, disobedient, extreme, extremistic, factious, forced, fractious, headstrong, heady, indisposed, indocile, insubordinate, insurgent, insurrectionary, involuntary, irresponsible, lawless, licentious, mutineering, obstinate, opposed, perfunctory, rampant, rebel, rebellious, recalcitrant, refractory, reinless, resistant, revolutional, revolutionary, riotous, seditionary, seditious, self-willed, subversive, sulky, sullen, traitorous, treasonable, turbulent, unaccountable, unbridled, unchecked, unconsenting, uncontrollable, uncontrolled, uncurbed, undisciplined, ungovernable, ungoverned, unmanageable, unreined, unrestrained, unruly, unwilling, wildcat, willful
[edit]- mutiny, arise, civil disorder, disobedience, disobey, emeute, general uprising, indiscipline, insubordination, insurge, insurgence, insurgency, insurrect, insurrection, interregnum, irresponsibility, jacquerie, lawlessness, levee en masse, license, licentiousness, mount the barricades, mutineer, outbreak, overthrow, peasant revolt, power vacuum, putsch, rampant will, rebel, rebellion, reluct, reluctate, revolt, revolute, revolution, revolutionize, riot, rise, rise against, rise up, rising, run riot, strike, subversion, subversiveness, subvert, unaccountability, uncontrol, unrestraint, uprising, willfulness
[edit]- mutt, asshole, blockhead, boob, booby, chump, cur, dimwit, ding-a-ling, dingbat, dingdong, dolt, dope, dumbbell, galoot, goof, idiot, ignoramus, jerk, jerk-off, klutz, lurcher, mongrel, numskull, pariah dog, prize sap, sap, saphead, sawney, schlemiel
[edit]- mutter, air a grievance, aspirate, aspiration, bark, bated breath, bawl, beef, bellow, bellyache, bitch, blare, blat, blubber, boom, bray, breath, breathe, breathy voice, buzz, cackle, chant, chirp, clamor, complain, coo, crab, croak, crow, cry, dolorous tirade, drawl, drone, droning, exclaim, exhalation, flute, fret, fret and fume, fumble, fuss, gabble, gasp, gibber, gibbering, gripe, groan, grouch, grouse, growl, grumble, grunt, hiss, holler, howl, jabber, jeremiad, jibber, keen, kick, lament, lilt, little voice, lodge a complaint, low voice, maffle, maunder, maundering, moan, mouth, mouthing, muddle, mumble, mumbling, murmur, murmuration, murmuring, mussitate, muttering, outcry, pant, pipe, plaint, planctus, raise a howl, register a complaint, repine, roar, rumble, rumor, scold, scream, screech, shriek, sibilate, sigh, sing, snap, snarl, snort, sob, soft voice, sough, speak incoherently, splutter, sputter, squall, squawk, squeal, stage whisper, still small voice, susurrate, susurration, susurrus, swallow, take on, thunder, tirade, trumpet, twang, ululation, underbreath, undertone, wail, wail of woe, warble, whimper, whine, whisper, whispering, whistle, yap, yawp, yell, yelp, yowl
[edit]- mutterer, bellyacher, complainant, complainer, crab, crank, croaker, faultfinder, frondeur, griper, grouch, grouser, growler, grumbler, kicker, kvetch, malcontent, murmurer, querulous person, reactionary, reactionist, rebel, sorehead, whiner
[edit]- muttering, aspiration, bated breath, beefing, bellyaching, bitching, breath, breathy voice, complaining, complaintful, crabbing, crabby, cranky, croaking, disappointed, discontented, disgruntled, displeased, dissatisfied, drone, droning, envious, exhalation, faultfinding, gabble, gibber, gibbering, griping, grouchy, grousing, growling, grumbling, jabber, jibber, little voice, low voice, malcontent, malcontented, maundering, mouthing, mumble, mumbling, murmur, murmuration, murmuring, murmurish, murmurous, mutter, out of humor, peevish, petulant, querulant, querulous, rebellious, resentful, restive, restless, rustling, sigh, soft voice, stage whisper, still small voice, sulky, susurrant, susurration, susurrous, susurrus, unaccepting, unaccommodating, underbreath, undertone, uneasy, unfulfilled, ungratified, unhappy, unsatisfied, whiny, whisper, whispering, whispery
[edit]- mutton, agneau, bellwether, breast of lamb, ewe, ewe lamb, gigot, jambe de mouton, jumbuck, lamb, lambkin, leg of lamb, leg of mutton, mouton, ram, saddle of mutton, sheep, teg, tup, wether, yeanling
[edit]- muttonhead, addlebrain, addlehead, addlepate, beefhead, blockhead, blubberhead, blunderhead, bonehead, bufflehead, cabbagehead, chowderhead, chucklehead, clodhead, clodpate, clodpoll, dolthead, dullhead, dumbhead, dunderhead, dunderpate, fathead, jolterhead, jughead, knucklehead, lunkhead, meathead, muddlehead, mushhead, noodlehead, numskull, peabrain, pinbrain, pinhead, puddinghead, pumpkin head, puzzlehead, stupidhead, thickhead, thickskull, tottyhead
[edit]- muttonheaded, beetleheaded, blockheaded, blunderheaded, boneheaded, cabbageheaded, chowderheaded, chuckleheaded, clodpated, dumbheaded, dunderheaded, fatheaded, jolterheaded, joltheaded, knuckleheaded, lunkheaded, nitwitted, numskulled, pumpkin-headed, sapheaded, stupidheaded, woodenheaded
mutual attraction
[edit]- mutual attraction, accord, addition, adduction, adjunct, affairs, affiliation, affinity, alliance, allurement, approximation, assemblage, association, attractance, attraction, attractiveness, attractivity, bent, bias, bond, capillarity, capillary attraction, centripetal force, closeness, combination, connectedness, connection, contiguity, contrariety, dealings, deduction, disjunction, drag, draw, fancy, fascination, favor, filiation, gravitation, gravity, homology, inclination, intercourse, intimacy, junction, leaning, liaison, link, linkage, linking, magnetism, mutual affinity, nearness, partiality, penchant, predilection, preference, proclivity, propensity, propinquity, proximity, pull, pulling power, rapport, relatedness, relation, relations, relationship, similarity, sympathy, tie, tie-in, traction, tug, turn, union
mutual company
[edit]- mutual company, accident insurance, actuary, annuity, assurance, aviation insurance, bail bond, bond, business life insurance, casualty insurance, certificate of insurance, court bond, credit insurance, credit life insurance, deductible, endowment insurance, family maintenance policy, fidelity bond, fidelity insurance, flood insurance, fraternal insurance, government insurance, health insurance, industrial life insurance, insurance, insurance agent, insurance broker, insurance company, insurance man, insurance policy, interinsurance, liability insurance, license bond, limited payment insurance, major medical insurance, malpractice insurance, marine insurance, ocean marine insurance, permit bond, policy, robbery insurance, social security, stock company, term insurance, theft insurance, underwriter
mutual understanding
[edit]- mutual understanding, acclamation, accord, accordance, agreement, agreement of all, chorus, common assent, common consent, compact, concert, concord, concordance, concurrence, consensus, consensus gentium, consensus of opinion, consensus omnium, consent, consentaneity, consortium, cordial understanding, entente, entente cordiale, general acclamation, general agreement, general consent, general voice, harmony, like-mindedness, meeting of minds, one accord, one voice, same mind, single voice, total agreement, unanimity, unanimousness, understanding, unison, universal agreement
[edit]- mutual, accessory, accompanying, associated, attendant, attending, changeable, coacting, coactive, coadjutant, coadjuvant, coefficient, coincident, collaborative, collateral, collective, collectivist, collectivistic, collusive, combined, commensal, common, communal, communalist, communalistic, communist, communistic, communitarian, commutable, commutative, commutual, complementary, concerted, concomitant, concordant, concurrent, concurring, conjoint, conjunct, connected, conniving, convertible, cooperant, cooperating, cooperative, correlative, coupled, ecumenic, equal, equalizing, equivalent, even, exchanged, fellow, general, give-and-take, harmonious, harmonized, in common, interactive, interchangeable, interchanged, joined, joint, noncompetitive, paired, parallel, permutable, popular, public, reciprocal, reciprocating, reciprocative, related, respective, retaliatory, returnable, shared, simultaneous, social, socialistic, societal, standard, swapped, switched, symbiotic, synergetic, synergic, synergistic, traded, transposed, twin, two-way, uncompetitive, united
[edit]- mutuality, accord, accordance, affinity, agape, agreement, alternation, amity, balance, battledore and shuttlecock, bipartisanship, bonds of harmony, brotherly love, caritas, cement of friendship, charity, coaction, coadjuvancy, coadministration, coagency, cochairmanship, codirectorship, coequality, collaboration, collaborativeness, collectivism, collusion, commensalism, common effort, common enterprise, communalism, communion, communism, communitarianism, community, community of interests, commutation, compatibility, complicity, concert, concord, concordance, concurrence, congeniality, cooperation, cooperativeness, corelation, correlation, correlativism, correlativity, correspondence, counterchange, cross fire, duet, duumvirate, ecumenicalism, ecumenicism, ecumenism, empathy, equilibrium, equipollence, equivalence, esprit, esprit de corps, exchange, feeling of identity, fellow feeling, fellowship, frictionlessness, give-and-take, good vibes, good vibrations, happy family, harmony, identity, interchange, intermutation, interplay, inverse proportion, inverse ratio, inverse relationship, joining of forces, joint effort, joint operation, kinship, lex talionis, like-mindedness, love, mass action, measure for measure, morale, mutual admiration, mutual assistance, mutual support, mutual transfer, mutualism, octet, oneness, peace, permutation, pooling, pooling of resources, proportionality, pulling together, quartet, quid pro quo, quintet, rapport, rapprochement, reciprocality, reciprocation, reciprocity, relativity, retaliation, septet, sextet, sharing, solidarity, something for something, symbiosis, symmetry, sympathy, symphony, synergism, synergy, team spirit, teamwork, tit for tat, transposal, transposition, trio, triumvirate, troika, understanding, union, unison, united action, unity
[edit]- mutually, all at once, all together, as one, at once, au pair, by turns, collectively, commonly, communally, concurrently, conjointly, corporately, each to each, en masse, ensemble, entre nous, even, exchangeably, in a body, in agreement, in association, in common, in company, in concord, in conjunction, in exchange, in partnership, in return, in turn, in unison, inharmony, inter se, jointly, reciprocally, respectively, together, turn about, unitedly
[edit]- muzzle, Oregon boat, acoustic tile, antiknock, antlia, asphyxiate, baffler, bazoo, beak, beezer, bilbo, bill, bond, bonds, bottle up, bridle, bugle, camisole, censor, chains, chaps, choke, choke off, chops, clamp down on, collar, conk, cork, cork up, countenance, crack down on, crush, cuffs, cushion, damp, damp down, dampener, damper, deflate, dial, disarm, drown, dumbfound, embouchure, enchain, extinguish, face, features, fetter, gab, gag, gob, gyves, halter, hamper, hamstring, handcuff, handcuffs, hobble, hobbles, hog-tie, hold down, hopples, hush, hush-hush, hushcloth, irons, jaw, jaws, jowls, jump on, keep down, keep under, kill, kisser, knock out, leading strings, leash, lips, manacle, mandibles, map, maw, maxilla, mouth, muffle, muffler, mug, mush, mute, nares, neb, nib, nose, nostrils, nozzle, olfactory organ, oral cavity, paralyze, pecker, phiz, pillory, pour water on, premaxilla, proboscis, prostrate, puss, put down, put to silence, quash, quell, quench, quiet, quieten, quietener, reins, repress, restraint, restraints, rhinarium, rostrum, schnozzle, shackle, shush, shut down on, silence, silence cloth, silencer, sit down on, sit on, smash, smeller, smother, snoot, snout, soft pedal, soft-pedal, sordine, sordino, sound-absorbing material, soundproofing, soundproofing insulation, sourdine, squash, squelch, stanch, stifle, still, stocks, straightjacket, strait-waistcoat, straitjacket, strangle, stranglehold, strike dumb, stultify, subdue, suffocate, suppress, tether, throttle, trammel, trammels, trap, trunk, truss up, visage, yap, yoke
[edit]- muzzy, addlebrained, addled, addleheaded, addlepated, afflicted, beclouded, befuddled, bent, blear-witted, blurred, boiled, bombed, boozy, breathy, canned, choked, choking, cloudy, cockeyed, cockeyed drunk, croaking, crocked, crocko, dizzy, drawling, drawly, dysphonic, elevated, fogged, foggy, fried, fuddlebrained, fuddled, guttural, half-seas over, harsh, hawking, hazy, high, hoarse, illuminated, in a fog, in a muddle, inarticulate, indistinct, lisping, lit, lit up, loaded, lubricated, lushy, mispronounced, misted, misty, muddled, muddleheaded, muddybrained, nasal, oiled, organized, pickled, pie-eyed, pissed, pissy-eyed, plastered, polluted, potted, puzzleheaded, quavering, raddled, scramblebrained, shaking, shaky, shellacked, skunk-drunk, smashed, snuffling, soaked, soused, squiffy, stewed, stifled, stinko, strangled, swacked, tanked, thick, throaty, tight, tremulous, twangy, velar
[edit]- mycology, algology, aquiculture, botany, bryology, dendrology, fungology, hydroponics, paleobotany, phycology, physiological botany, phytobiology, phytochemistry, phytoecology, phytogeography, phytography, phytology, phytomorphology, phytonomy, phytopaleontology, phytopathology, phytotaxonomy, phytoteratology, phytotomy, phytotopography, plant anatomy, plant pathology, plant physiology, pomology, structural botany, systematic botany
[edit]- myelitis, adenoiditis, adrenitis, appendicitis, arteritis, arthritis deformans, arthritis fungosa, arthritis pauperum, atrophic arthritis, atrophic inflammation, blennorrhagic arthritis, brain fever, bronchitis, bunion, bursitis, capillaritis, carditis, catarrh, catarrhal inflammation, cerebellitis, cerebral meningitis, cerebritis, cerebrospinal meningitis, chronic infectious arthritis, chronic inflammation, cirrhotic inflammation, climactic arthritis, clitoritis, colitis, collagen disease, conjunctivitis, cystitis, degenerative arthritis, diffuse inflammation, encephalitis, endocarditis, enteritis, equine encephalomyelitis, exudative inflammation, fibroid inflammation, focal inflammation, gastritis, gingivitis, glossitis, gonococcal arthritis, gonorrheal arthritis, gonorrheal rheumatism, gout, gouty arthritis, hemophilic arthritis, hepatitis, hyperplastic inflammation, hypertrophic arthritis, hypertrophic inflammation, infectional arthritis, infectious hepatitis, inflammation, irritable bowel syndrome, laryngitis, lumbago, lumbar rheumatism, mastoiditis, meningitis, menopausal arthritis, metastatic inflammation, metritis, milk leg, mucous colitis, mumps meningitis, necrotic inflammation, nephritis, neuritis, obliterative inflammation, ophthalitis, ophthalmia, orchitis, osseous rheumatism, osteitis, osteoarthritis, osteomyelitis, otitis, ovaritis, paradental pyorrhea, penitis, pericarditis, periodontitis, peritonitis, pharyngitis, phlebitis, podagra, proliferative arthritis, prostatitis, pyonephritis, pyorrhea, pyorrhea alveolaris, reactive inflammation, rheumatism, rheumatiz, rheumatoid arthritis, rhinitis, sclerosing inflammation, seroplastic inflammation, serous inflammation, serum hepatitis, simple inflammation, sinusitis, spastic colon, specific inflammation, subacute rheumatism, suppurative arthritis, suppurative inflammation, syphilitic arthritis, tennis elbow, testitis, thrombophlebitis, tonsilitis, torticollis, toxic inflammation, traumatic inflammation, tuberculous arthritis, tuberculous rheumatism, ulcerative colitis, uratic arthritis, ureteritis, urethral arthritis, urethritis, uteritis, vaginitis, vertebral arthritis, visceral rheumatism, vulvitis, wryneck
[edit]- myriad, G, M, a billion, a crore, a lakh, a million, a myriad, a nonillion, a quadrillion, a thousand, a zillion, abundance, affluence, ample sufficiency, ampleness, amplitude, avalanche, billion, bonanza, bountifulness, bountiousness, bumper crop, chiliad, chiliagon, chiliahedron, chiliarch, chiliarchia, considerable, copiousness, ever so many, extravagance, exuberance, fertility, flood, flow, foison, full many, full measure, fullness, generosity, generousness, grand, great abundance, great plenty, gush, heaped-up, jillion, kilo, kilocycle, kilogram, kilohertz, kiloliter, kilometer, lakh, landslide, lavishness, liberality, liberalness, lots, luxuriance, many, maximum, millennium, millepede, milligram, milliliter, million, more than enough, much, multifarious, multifold, multiple, multitudinal, multitudinous, myriads, no few, not a few, numerous, numerousness, one hundred thousand, opulence, opulency, outpouring, overflow, plenitude, plenteousness, plentifulness, plenty, prevalence, prodigality, productiveness, profuseness, profusion, quantities, quite some, repleteness, repletion, rich harvest, rich vein, richness, riot, riotousness, scads, shower, spate, stream, substantiality, substantialness, superabundance, teemingness, ten thousand, thou, thousand, very many, wealth, yard, zillion
[edit]- myrmidon, adherent, assistant, creature, dependent, disciple, dummy, employee, feudatory, figurehead, flunky, follower, gillie, girl Friday, goon, hanger-on, henchman, hired hand, hired man, hireling, homager, inferior, jackal, lackey, liege, liege man, man, man Friday, mercenary, minion, pensioner, peon, puppet, retainer, right-hand man, satellite, serf, slave, stooge, subordinate, sycophant, thug, underling, understrapper, vassal, votary, worker, yeoman
[edit]- myrrh, ambergris, ambrosia, aromatic, aromatic gum, aromatic water, attar, attar of roses, balm, balm of Gilead, balsam, bay oil, bergamot oil, champaca oil, civet, essence, essential oil, extract, fixative, heliotrope, jasmine oil, lavender oil, musk, myrcia oil, parfum, perfume, perfumery, rose oil, scent, volatile oil
[edit]- mysterious, able, abstruse, ambiguous, amphibological, amphibolous, anagogic, arcane, awe-inspiring, awesome, awful, awing, baffling, beclouded, bewildering, bizarre, blind, bothering, buried, cabalic, cabalistic, censored, classified, close, closed, clouded, concealed, confounding, confusing, covered, covert, cryptic, curious, dark, discomposing, disconcerting, dismaying, distracting, disturbing, eclipsed, eerie, embarrassing, enigmatic, enwrapped in mystery, equivocal, equivocatory, esoteric, extramundane, extraterrestrial, fey, furtive, hermetic, hid, hidden, hush-hush, hypernormal, hyperphysical, impenetrable, in a cloud, in a fog, in eclipse, in purdah, in the wings, incalculable, incognizable, incommunicado, incomprehensible, indefinable, inexplicable, inextricable, inscrutable, insoluble, insolvable, intricate, ironic, latent, metaphysic, multivocal, mystic, mystical, mystifying, numinous, obfuscated, obscure, obscured, occult, otherworldly, perplexing, perturbing, polysemantic, polysemous, preterhuman, preternatural, preternormal, pretersensual, problematic, psychic, puzzling, recondite, restricted, sealed, secluded, secluse, secret, sequestered, smothered, spiritual, stifled, strange, superhuman, supernatural, supernormal, superphysical, supersensible, supersensual, suppressed, supramundane, supranatural, theosophical, theosophist, top secret, transcendental, transmundane, ulterior, unaccountable, unapparent, unapprehended, unascertained, unbeknown, unbreatheable, uncanny, uncertain, uncharted, unclassified, unclear, undefinable, under an eclipse, under cover, under house arrest, under security, under wraps, underground, undisclosable, undisclosed, undiscoverable, undiscovered, undivulgable, undivulged, unearthly, unexplainable, unexplained, unexplored, unexposed, unfamiliar, unfathomable, unfathomed, ungraspable, unguessed, unheard, unheard-of, unhuman, unidentified, unintelligible, uninterpretable, uninvestigated, unknowable, unknown, unperceived, unplumbed, unrevealable, unrevealed, unsolvable, unspoken, unsuspected, untellable, untold, untouched, unutterable, unuttered, unwhisperable, unworldly, upsetting, virgin, weird, wrapped in clouds
[edit]- mysteriously, awe-inspiringly, awesomely, awfully, awingly, bizarrely, eerily, enigmatically, fancifully, fantastically, grotesquely, inexplicably, monstrously, mystically, numinously, outlandishly, peculiarly, quaintly, queerly, singularly, strangely, supernaturally, unaccountably, uncannily, undefinably, unexplainably, weirdly
mystery play
[edit]- mystery play, Grand Guignol, Passion play, Tom show, antimasque, audience success, ballet, bomb, broadcast drama, burlesque show, charade, cliff hanger, closet drama, comedy drama, critical success, daytime serial, dialogue, documentary drama, drama, dramalogue, dramatic play, dramatic series, duodrama, duologue, epic theater, experimental theater, extravaganza, failure, flop, gasser, giveaway, happening, hit, hit show, improvisational drama, legitimate drama, masque, melodrama, minstrel show, miracle, miracle play, monodrama, monologue, morality, morality play, music drama, musical revue, mystery, opera, pageant, panel show, pantomime, pastoral, pastoral drama, piece, play, playlet, problem play, psychodrama, quiz show, radio drama, review, revue, sensational play, serial, show, sitcom, situation comedy, sketch, skit, soap, soap opera, sociodrama, spectacle, stage play, stage show, straight drama, success, suspense drama, tableau, tableau vivant, talk show, teleplay, television drama, television play, theater of cruelty, total theater, variety show, vaudeville, vaudeville show, vehicle, word-of-mouth success, work
mystery story
[edit]- mystery story, Marchen, Western, Western story, Westerner, adventure story, allegory, apologue, bedtime story, detective story, fable, fabliau, fairy tale, fantasy, fiction, folk story, folktale, gest, ghost story, horse opera, legend, love story, mystery, myth, mythology, mythos, nursery tale, parable, romance, science fiction, shocker, space fiction, space opera, suspense story, thriller, whodunit, work of fiction
[edit]- mystery, Chinese puzzle, Grand Guignol, Marchen, Passion play, Tom show, Western, Western story, Westerner, adventure story, allegory, ambiguity, ambiguousness, anagoge, anagogics, anthroposophy, antimasque, apologue, arcanum, art, audience success, awesomeness, baffle, bafflement, baffling problem, ballet, bedtime story, beguilingness, bewilderment, bomb, bother, brain twister, brain-teaser, broadcast drama, burlesque show, business, cabala, cabalism, career, career building, careerism, ceremonial, ceremony, charade, classified information, cliff hanger, closet drama, comedy drama, confidence, confidential communication, confoundment, confusion, conundrum, craft, critical success, crossword puzzle, crux, dark horse, daytime serial, detective novel, detective story, dialogue, dilemma, discomposure, disconcert, disconcertedness, disconcertion, disconcertment, disturbance, documentary drama, drama, dramalogue, dramatic play, dramatic series, duodrama, duologue, duty, eeriness, elfdom, embarrassment, enchantingness, enigma, enigmatic question, enigmaticalness, enticingness, epic theater, esoterica, esotericism, esoterics, esoterism, esotery, experimental theater, extraordinariness, extravaganza, fable, fabliau, faerie, failure, fairy tale, fantasy, fascination, fiction, fix, floorer, flop, folk story, folktale, form, form of worship, formality, formula, formulary, frontier, frontiers of knowledge, function, game, gasser, gest, ghost story, giveaway, glamorousness, guarded secret, handicraft, happening, hermetics, hit, hit show, hocus-pocus, holy rite, horse opera, improvisational drama, indefinability, indefiniteness, inexplicability, inextricability, inscrutability, insolvability, institution, jam, jigsaw puzzle, knot, knotty point, legend, legitimate drama, lifework, line, line of business, line of work, liturgy, love story, marvelousness, masque, matter of ignorance, melodrama, metier, mind-boggler, minstrel show, miracle, miracle play, miraculousness, mission, mode of worship, monodrama, monologue, morality, morality play, mumbo jumbo, music drama, musical revue, mysteriousness, mystery of mysteries, mystery play, mystery story, mysticism, mystification, myth, mythology, mythos, n, nebulousness, nonplus, number, numinousness, nursery tale, nut to crack, obscurity, observance, occultism, occupation, office, opera, order of worship, ordinance, otherworldliness, pageant, panel show, pantomime, parable, pastoral, pastoral drama, perplexed question, perplexity, personal matter, perturbation, phenomenalness, pickle, piece, play, playlet, plight, poser, pother, practice, predicament, prescribed form, preternaturalism, private matter, privileged communication, privity, problem, problem play, prodigiousness, profession, profound secret, psychodrama, pursuit, puzzle, puzzlement, puzzler, quandary, question, question mark, quiz show, racket, radio drama, remarkableness, restricted information, review, revue, riddle, rite, ritual, ritual observance, rituality, romance, sacrament, sacramental, science fiction, scrape, sealed book, secrecy, secret, seductiveness, sensational play, serial, service, shocker, show, sitcom, situation comedy, sixty-four dollar question, sketch, skit, soap, soap opera, sociodrama, solemnity, space fiction, space opera, specialization, specialty, spectacle, stage play, stage show, stew, sticker, straight drama, stumper, stupendousness, success, superhumanity, supernaturalism, supernaturality, supernaturalness, supernature, supernormalness, superphysicalness, supersensibleness, supranaturalism, supranature, suspense drama, suspense story, symbolics, symbolism, tableau, tableau vivant, talk show, teleplay, television drama, television play, terra incognita, the incalculable, the occult, the strange, the supernatural, the supersensible, the unfamiliar, the unknowable, the unknown, theater of cruelty, thriller, total theater, tough proposition, trade, transcendentalism, unaccountableness, unassuredness, undefinability, unearthliness, unexplainableness, unexplored ground, unexplored territory, unknown quantity, unworldliness, upset, vagueness, variety show, vaudeville, vaudeville show, vehicle, vexed question, vocation, walk, walk of life, whodunit, why, witchery, wonderfulness, wondrousness, word-of-mouth success, work, work of fiction, x, yoga, yogeeism, yogism, z
[edit]- mystic, adept, allegorical, anthroposophist, arcane, cabalist, cabalistic, esoteric, imaginary, impenetrable, inscrutable, magian, magical, mahatma, mystagogue, necromantic, numinous, occult, quixotic, recondite, sorcerous, supernaturalist, symbolical, theosophist, transcendentalist, unaccountable, unguessed, unknowable, visionary, witchy, wizardly, yogi, yogin, yogist
[edit]- mystical, absolute, abysmal, allegorical, anagogic, arcane, between the lines, cabalic, cabalistic, cabbalistic, categorical, clandestine, concealed, covert, cryptic, deep, delitescent, divine, dormant, enwrapped in mystery, epiphanic, esoteric, furtive, hibernating, hidden, hole-and-corner, holy, hugger-mugger, hush-hush, indefinable, ineffable, inexplicable, inextricable, insoluble, insolvable, latent, lurking, metaphysic, miraculous, muffled, mysterious, mystic, obfuscated, obscured, occult, possible, potential, preternatural, private, profound, sacred, secret, sleeping, sneak, spiritual, stealthy, submerged, supernatural, supranatural, symbolical, theosophical, theosophist, ultimate, unaccountable, undefinable, under the surface, underlying, unexplainable, uninterpretable, unmanifested, unrevealed, unsolvable, veiled, virtual
[edit]- mysticism, afflatus, anagoge, anagogics, anthroposophy, apocalypse, cabala, cabalism, direct communication, divine inspiration, divine revelation, epiphany, esotericism, esoterics, esoterism, esotery, hocus-pocus, inspiration, mumbo jumbo, mystery, mystical experience, mystification, occultism, prophecy, revelation, symbolics, symbolism, theophania, theophany, theopneustia, theopneusty, yoga, yogeeism, yogism
[edit]- mystification, Chinese puzzle, amorphousness, anagoge, anagogics, anthroposophy, apparent soundness, burial, burying, cabala, cabalism, casuistry, circularity, closed, clouding, college of Laputa, concealedness, concealment, corruption, covering, covering up, covertness, dark, darkening, darkness, deception, disingenuousness, distortion, equivocalness, equivocation, esotericism, esoterics, esoterism, esotery, evasive reasoning, fallaciousness, fallacy, fog, fogginess, fuzziness, hiddenness, hiding, hocus-pocus, indeterminateness, indistinctness, insincerity, interment, invisibility, jesuitism, jesuitry, masking, misapplication, misdirection, misguidance, misinformation, misinstruction, misknowledge, misleading, mist, misteaching, mistiness, mumbo jumbo, murk, murkiness, mystery, mysticism, obfuscation, obscurantism, obscuration, obscurement, obscurity, occultation, occultism, opacity, oversubtlety, perplexity, perversion, philosophism, plausibility, plausibleness, putting away, rationalization, screening, secrecy, secretion, shapelessness, sophism, sophistical reasoning, sophistication, sophistry, special pleading, speciosity, specious reasoning, speciousness, subterfuge, subtlety, symbolics, symbolism, unclarity, unclearness, uncommunicativeness, unplainness, vagueness, vicious circle, vicious reasoning, why, yoga, yogeeism, yogism
[edit]- mystified, addled, at a loss, at a nonplus, at a stand, at a standstill, at an impasse, baffled, bamboozled, beat, bewildered, buffaloed, confounded, dazed, floored, fuddled, in a dilemma, in suspense, licked, muddled, nonplussed, on tenterhooks, perplexed, puzzled, stuck, stumped, thrown
[edit]- mystify, addle, amaze, around the bush, baffle, bamboozle, beat, beat about, beg the question, bewilder, bicker, boggle, buffalo, cavil, choplogic, complicate, confound, confuse, corrupt, daze, dodge, equivocate, evade, evade the issue, fence, floor, flummox, fool, fuddle, garble, get, hedge, hoax, humbug, jumble, keep in suspense, lick, make unintelligible, maze, misadvise, misdirect, miseducate, misguide, misinform, misinstruct, mislead, misteach, mix up, muddle, nitpick, nonplus, obfuscate, obscure, palter, parry, perplex, pervert, pick nits, prevaricate, pussyfoot, puzzle, quibble, scramble, shadow, shift, shuffle, shy, sidestep, split hairs, stick, stump, tergiversate, throw
[edit]- mystifying, baffling, bewildering, bothering, confounding, confusing, dark, discomposing, disconcerting, dismaying, distracting, disturbing, embarrassing, enigmatic, intricate, mysterious, perplexing, perturbing, problematic, puzzling, upsetting
[edit]- mystique, assumption, attitude, aura, blaze of glory, brilliance, brilliancy, charisma, climate of opinion, common belief, community sentiment, conceit, concept, conception, conclusion, consensus gentium, consideration, cult, cultism, envelope, estimate, estimation, ethos, eye, feeling, general belief, glamour, glory, halo, idea, illustriousness, impression, inscrutability, ism, judgment, lights, luster, magic, mind, mystery, nimbus, notion, numinousness, observation, opinion, personal judgment, point of view, popular belief, position, posture, presumption, preternaturalism, prevailing belief, public belief, public opinion, radiance, reaction, resplendence, resplendency, sentiment, sight, splendor, stance, strangeness, supernaturalism, theory, thinking, thought, view, way of thinking
[edit]- myth, Marchen, Mishnah, Spiritus Mundi, Sunna, Talmud, Western, Western story, Westerner, adventure story, allegory, ancient wisdom, apologue, apparition, archetypal myth, archetypal pattern, bedtime story, brainchild, bubble, canard, chimera, cock-and-bull story, common law, concoction, creation, custom, delirium, detective story, eidolon, epic, extravaganza, fable, fabliau, fabrication, fairy tale, falsehood, fancy, fantasque, fantasy, fib, fiction, figment, folk motif, folk story, folklore, folktale, forgery, gest, ghost story, hallucination, history, horse opera, idle fancy, illusion, imagery, imagination, imagining, immemorial usage, insubstantial image, invention, legend, lie, lore, love story, maggot, make-believe, mystery, mystery story, mythology, mythos, nursery tale, parable, phantasm, phantom, prevarication, racial memory, romance, saga, science fiction, shocker, sick fancy, space fiction, space opera, story, suspense story, tall tale, thick-coming fancies, thriller, tradition, traditionalism, traditionality, trip, untruth, vapor, vision, whim, whimsy, whodunit, whopper, wildest dreams, work of fiction
mythical monsters
[edit]- mythical monsters, Argus, Briareus, Cerberus, Charybdis, Cyclops, Echidna, Gorgon, Harpy, Hydra, Loch Ness monster, Medusa, Minotaur, Pegasus, Python, Scylla, Sphinx, Talos, Typhon, centaur, chimera, cockatrice, dragon, drake, griffin, hippocampus, mermaid, merman, nixie, ogre, ogress, roc, salamander, satyr, sea horse, sea serpent, siren, troll, unicorn, vampire, werewolf, windigo, xiphopagus, zombie
[edit]- mythical, acclaimed, allegoric, allegorical, celebrated, chimerical, concocted, cooked-up, created, distinguished, exceptional, extraordinary, fabled, fabricated, fabulous, famed, famous, fancied, fanciful, fantasied, fantastic, far-famed, far-heard, fictional, fictitious, fictive, figmental, forged, hatched, honored, imaginary, indescribable, ineffable, invented, legendary, made-up, make-believe, manufactured, marked, marvelous, much acclaimed, mythic, mythicized, mythified, mythological, mythopoeic, mythopoetic, nonactual, nonfactual, nonrealistic, notable, noted, noteworthy, notorious, of mark, of note, parabolic, phenomenal, popular, portentous, prodigious, put-up, remarkable, renowned, romantic, romanticized, storied, stupefying, stupendous, supposititious, symbolic, talked-about, talked-of, traditional, trumped-up, unexampled, unparalleled, unprecedented, unreal, unspeakable, untrue, visionary, well-known, wonderful
[edit]- mythicize, allegorize, fable, fabulize, fictionalize, mythify, mythologize, narrate, novelize, recite, recount, rehearse, relate, report, retell, romance, storify, tell, tell a story, unfold a tale
[edit]- mythmaker, anecdotist, creative artist, fableist, fabler, fabulist, fancier, fantasist, fantast, fictionist, imaginer, inventor, mythicizer, mythifier, mythopoet, narrator, novelettist, novelist, poet, raconteur, reciter, recounter, relator, romancer, romancist, sagaman, short-story writer, spinner of yarns, storier, storyteller, taleteller, teller of tales, word painter, yarn spinner
[edit]- mythological, acknowledged, admitted, allegoric, conventional, customary, established, fabulous, fictional, fictitious, fictive, figmental, fixed, folk, hallowed, handed down, heroic, hoary, immemorial, inveterate, legendary, long-established, long-standing, make-believe, mythic, mythicized, mythified, mythopoeic, mythopoetic, nonactual, nonfactual, nonrealistic, of long standing, of the folk, oral, parabolic, prescriptive, received, recognized, romantic, romanticized, rooted, time-honored, traditional, tried and true, true-blue, understood, unwritten, venerable, worshipful
[edit]- mythology, Marchen, Mishnah, Spiritus Mundi, Sunna, Talmud, Western, Western story, Westerner, adventure story, allegory, ancient wisdom, apologue, archetypal myth, archetypal pattern, bedtime story, common law, custom, detective story, fable, fabliau, fairy lore, fairy tale, fairyism, fantasy, fiction, folk motif, folk story, folklore, folktale, gest, ghost story, horse opera, immemorial usage, legend, lore, love story, mystery, mystery story, myth, mythical lore, mythicism, mythos, nursery tale, parable, racial memory, romance, science fiction, shocker, space fiction, space opera, stories, suspense story, thriller, tradition, traditionalism, traditionality, whodunit, work of fiction
[edit]- mythos, Marchen, Western, Western story, Westerner, action, adventure story, allegory, anagnorisis, angle, apologue, architectonics, architecture, argument, atmosphere, background, bedtime story, catastrophe, characterization, color, complication, continuity, contrivance, denouement, design, detective story, development, device, episode, fable, fabliau, fairy tale, falling action, fantasy, fiction, folk story, folklore, folktale, gest, ghost story, gimmick, horse opera, incident, legend, line, local color, love story, mood, motif, movement, mystery, mystery story, myth, mythology, nursery tale, parable, peripeteia, plan, plot, recognition, rising action, romance, scheme, science fiction, secondary plot, shocker, slant, space fiction, space opera, story, structure, subject, subplot, suspense story, switch, thematic development, theme, thriller, tone, topic, tradition, twist, whodunit, work of fiction
[edit]- nab, apprehend, apprehension, arrest, arrestation, arrestment, bobby, bull, bust, cabbage, capture, catch, clout, clutch, collar, constable, cop, detain, detention, flatfoot, fuzz, grab, grapple, heat, hook, make a pinch, nail, nick, nip, paddy, peeler, pick up, pickup, pinch, pull in, put under arrest, run in, snatch, take, take in, take into custody, take prisoner
[edit]- nabbing, abduction, apprehension, arrest, arrestation, capture, catch, catching, collaring, coup, dragnet, forcible seizure, grab, grabbing, hold, kidnapping, picking up, power grab, prehension, running in, seizure, seizure of power, snatch, snatching, taking in, taking into custody
[edit]- nabob, Daddy Warbucks, Establishment, VIP, baron, beg, beglerbeg, bey, big chief, big gun, big man, big name, bigwig, billionaire, bloated plutocrat, brass, brass hat, burgrave, capitalist, celebrity, collector, dey, dignitary, dignity, elder, eminence, eparch, exarch, fat cat, father, figure, gauleiter, governor, governor-general, great man, high-muck-a-muck, important person, interests, khedive, lieutenant governor, lion, lords of creation, magnate, man of mark, man of means, man of substance, man of wealth, millionaire, mogul, moneybags, moneyed man, multimillionaire, name, nawab, notability, notable, palatine, panjandrum, parvenu, person of renown, personage, personality, pillar of society, plutocrat, power, power elite, proconsul, provincial, rich man, richling, ruling circle, sachem, satrap, somebody, something, stadtholder, subahdar, tetrarch, the great, the top, top brass, top people, tycoon, vali, very important person, vice-king, viceroy, wali, warm man, wealthy man, worthy
[edit]- nacre, Dalmatian, antigorite, butterfly, candy cane, chameleon, cheetah, chrysotile, confetti, crazy quilt, firedog, harlequin, iridescence, iris, jaguar, leopard, mackerel, mackerel sky, marble, marbled paper, moire, mother-of-pearl, mother-of-pearl cloud, nacreousness, ocelot, opal, opalescence, ophite, patchwork quilt, peacock, pearliness, rainbow, serpentine, serpentine marble, shot silk, spectrum, tortoise shell, zebra
[edit]- nacreous, burele, chatoyant, creamy, delicate, eggshell, flat, gloss, iridal, iridescent, iridial, iridian, irisated, irised, light, mellow, moire, mother-of-pearl, nacre, nacred, nacry, opalescent, opaline, opaloid, pale, pastel, patinaed, pavonian, pavonine, pearl-like, pearlish, pearly, quiet, rainbowlike, rainbowy, sad, semigloss, simple, sober, soft, soft-colored, soft-hued, softened, somber, subdued, subtle, sweet, tender, tortoise-shell
[edit]- nada, aught, cipher, goose egg, naught, nichts, nihil, nihility, nil, nix, no such thing, nonexistence, nothing, nothing at all, nothing on earth, nothing whatever, nullity, thing of naught, vacuity, zero, zilch
[edit]- nadir, base, baseboard, basement, bedrock, bottom, chassis, dado, foot, footing, foundation, frame, keel, lower strata, lowest level, lowest point, mopboard, shoemold, sole, toe, underlying level, wainscot
[edit]- nag, Houyhnhnm, advocate, aggravate, annoy, annoyer, apply pressure, badger, badgerer, bait, balker, balky horse, be at, bedevil, beset, besiege, blandish, bother, bring to recollection, bristle, brood mare, brown off, bug, bully, bullyrag, burn up, buttonhole, cajole, call on, call upon, carp at, carry back, charger, chivy, coax, colt, courser, critter, crock, crowbait, devil, discompose, distemper, disturb, dobbin, dog, dun, egg, entire, entire horse, equine, exasperate, exercise, exert pressure, exhort, fash, filly, foal, fret at, fuss, fuss at, garron, gelding, get, give a hint, give the cue, goad, goat, gripe, hack, harass, harasser, harrier, harry, hassle, heckle, heckler, hector, henpeck, high-pressure, hold the promptbook, horse, hound, importune, insist, insist upon, irk, jade, jawbone, jog the memory, jughead, lobby, mare, miff, molest, mount, nag at, needle, nettle, nibble at, niggle, nudge, nudnik, nudzh, peck at, peeve, persecute, persecutor, pest, pester, pesterer, pick at, pick on, pique, plague, plaguer, plead with, pluck the beard, plug, ply, pother, prancer, press, pressure, prod, prompt, prompt the mind, provoke, push, put in mind, put in remembrance, recall, recommend, remember, remind, remind one of, ride, rile, roarer, rogue, roil, rosinante, ruffle, sadist, scalawag, soft-soap, stallion, steed, stiff, stud, studhorse, suggest, sweet-talk, tarpan, tease, teaser, top horse, torment, tormentor, try the patience, tweak the nose, urge, vex, war-horse, wheedle, whistler, wild horse, work on, worry, yap at
[edit]- nagging, adverse criticism, animadversion, aspersion, bad notices, bad press, blandishment, buttonholing, cajolement, cajolery, cajoling, captious, captiousness, carping, catty, cavil, caviling, censoriousness, chronic, coaxing, continual, continuous, critical, criticism, cynical, demanding, distressing, dunning, exception, faultfinding, flak, fretful, hairsplitting, haunting, hit, home thrust, hostile criticism, hypercritical, hypercriticalness, hypercriticism, importunate, importunateness, importunity, imputation, indelible, insistent, knock, naggy, niggle, niggling, nit, nit-picking, obloquy, obsessive, overcritical, overcriticalness, peevish, persistent, pestering, pettifogging, pettish, petulant, plaguing, plying, pressing, pressure, priggishness, querulous, quibble, quibbling, rap, recurrent, recurring, reflection, relentless, reproachfulness, resentful, shrewish, slam, stricture, swipe, taking exception, teasing, trichoschistic, trichoschistism, ultracritical, unforgettable, unrelenting, urgency, urgent, urging, vixenish, vixenly, wheedling
[edit]- naiad, Davy, Davy Jones, Neptune, Nereid, Oceanid, Oceanus, Poseidon, Thetis, Triton, fresh-water nymph, kelpie, limniad, man fish, mermaid, merman, nix, nixie, ocean nymph, sea nymph, sea-maid, sea-maiden, siren, undine, water god, water spirit, water sprite
[edit]- naif, babe, boob, child, child of nature, chump, cinch, credulous person, cull, dove, dupe, easy mark, easy pickings, fall guy, fish, fool, gobe-mouches, greener, greenhorn, greeny, gudgeon, gull, hick, infant, ingenue, innocent, lamb, leadpipe cinch, lout, mere child, monkey, noble savage, oaf, patsy, pigeon, plaything, prize sap, pushover, rube, sap, saphead, schlemiel, simple soul, sitting duck, stooge, sucker, toy, trusting soul, unsophisticate, victim, yokel
nail down
[edit]- nail down, afford proof of, ascertain, assure, balance, ballast, bring home to, certify, cinch, clear up, clinch, counterbalance, decide, demonstrate, determine, dismiss all doubt, ensure, establish, find out, firm, firm up, fix, follow, follow from, freeze, get at, have a case, hold, hold good, hold water, immobilize, insure, keep, make certain, make good, make no doubt, make no mistake, make out, make sure, make sure of, pin down, prove, prove to be, prove true, reassure, remove all doubt, retain, see that, see to it, set at rest, settle, settle the matter, show, sort out, stabilitate, stabilize, steady, stick, transfix
[edit]- nail, Gibraltar, abduct, adamant, agonize, articulate, at once, attach, bag, batten, batten down, be correct, be precise, be right, biff, bolt, bone, brick, buckle, butt, button, cabbage, capture, carry off, catch, cement, chafe, clasp, claw, claws, cleat, clench, clinch, clip, clout, clutch, clutches, cold, collar, complete, conclude, concrete, diamond, digits, ding, distinguish, dovetail, enmesh, ensnare, entangle, entrap, fangs, fasten, fastener, fastening, finalize, fingernails, fingers, fix, flint, focus, foul, fret, get, glue, grab, granite, grapple, hands, hard as nails, hardy, harpoon, hasp, have, heart of oak, hinge, hit, hitch, hook, hooks, horse, identify, immediately, iron, jam, jaws, join, joint, kidnap, know, know again, land, lasso, latch, lion, lock, make out, mandibles, marble, maxillae, meathooks, mesh, miter, mitts, mortise, nab, nail down, nails, net, nick, nip, nippers, noose, oak, on the nail, on the spot, ox, palm, peg, pin, pincers, pinch, place, pounces, prehend, promptly, punch, rabbet, realize, recall knowledge of, recognize, reidentify, resolve, right away, rivet, rock, rope, sack, scarf, screw, secure, settle, sew, shanghai, shoot, skewer, slog, slosh, snag, snap, snare, snatch, sniggle, sock, spear, spike, spot, staple, steel, stew over, stick, stitch, stone, strike, suffer, tack, take, talon, talons, tangle, tangle up with, teeth, tell, throttle, toggle, tough, trap, unfeeling, unguals, ungulae, unsentimental, unsympathetic, vigorous, wedge, whack, without delay, worry, zipper
[edit]- naive, artless, awkward, befoolable, blankminded, bluff, blunt, born yesterday, budding, callow, candid, childlike, confiding, credulous, cullible, deceivable, deludable, dependent, depending, dewy, direct, dumb, dupable, easy, empty, empty-headed, exploitable, foolable, frank, fresh, gauche, green, groping, growing, guileless, gullible, hoaxable, hoodwinkable, humbugable, ignorant, immature, impubic, inane, inexperienced, ingenu, ingenuous, innocent, intact, juicy, know-nothing, minor, nescient, new-fledged, open, openhearted, original, outspoken, persuadable, plain, raw, reliant, relying, ripening, sappy, seduceable, simple, simplehearted, simpleminded, sincere, single-hearted, single-minded, soft, strange to, susceptible, tender, tentative, trustful, trusting, trusty, unacquainted, unadult, unaffected, unapprized, unartificial, uncomprehending, unconversant, underage, undeveloped, unenlightened, unfamiliar, unfledged, unformed, unguarded, unilluminated, uninformed, uninitiated, unintelligent, unknowing, unlicked, unmellowed, unposted, unreserved, unripe, unschooled, unseasoned, unsophisticated, unstudied, unsure, unsuspecting, unsuspicious, unversed, unwary, vacuous, vernal, victimizable, virginal, without suspicion
[edit]- naivete, artlessness, bluffness, bluntness, candor, childlikeness, cullibility, deceivability, directness, dupability, easiness, greenness, guilelessness, gullibility, hoaxability, ingenuousness, innocence, naiveness, naivety, openheartedness, openness, outspokenness, persuadability, plainness, seduceability, simpleheartedness, simplemindedness, simpleness, simplicity, sincerity, single-heartedness, single-mindedness, singleness of heart, softness, trustfulness, unguardedness, unsophisticatedness, unsophistication, unsuspiciousness, unwariness, weakness
naked eye
[edit]- naked eye, baby blues, banjo eyes, bright eyes, clear eyes, command, cornea, domination, eye, eyeball, eyelid, eyereach, eyeshot, eyesight, field of view, field of vision, goggle eyes, horizon, iris, ken, lens, lid, limit of vision, line of sight, nictitating membrane, oculus, optic, optic nerve, orb, organ of vision, outlook, outlook over, peeper, perspective, popeyes, prospect, pupil, range, retina, saucer eyes, scan, sclera, scope, scope of vision, sight, sightliness, starry orbs, survey, unaided eye, view, vista, visual organ
[edit]- naked, absolute, apparent, au naturel, bald, bare, bare-ass, bared, barefaced, beholdable, blank, blatant, blunt, clarified, clear, cleared, colorless, conspicuous, denuded, detectable, discernible, disclosed, discovered, distilled, evident, exposed, exposed to view, flagrant, free, glaring, gymnosophical, hanging out, in evidence, in full view, in native buff, in plain sight, in plain view, in puris naturalibus, in the altogether, in the buff, in the raw, in view, insight, liable, manifest, naturistic, neat, nonimmune, noticeable, nude, nudist, observable, obvious, open, open as day, open to all, open to view, outcropping, overt, palpable, patent, peeled, perceivable, perceptible, plain, pure, purified, raw, recognizable, rectified, revealed, seeable, sheer, showing, simple, stark, stark-naked, straight, stripped, susceptible, to be seen, unadorned, unadulterated, unaided, unalloyed, unarrayed, unassisted, unblended, unclad, unclassified, unclogged, unclosed, unclothed, unclouded, uncolored, uncombined, uncomplicated, uncompounded, unconcealed, uncorrupted, uncovered, undecked, undecorated, undeniable, undiluted, undisguised, undraped, undressed, unembellished, unfortified, unfurbished, ungarnished, unhidden, unleavened, unmingled, unmistakable, unmitigated, unmixed, unobstructed, unornamented, unprotected, unrestricted, unsheathed, unsophisticated, unstopped, untinged, untrimmed, unvarnished, viewable, visible, visual, wide-open, with nothing on, without a stitch, witnessable
namby pamby
[edit]- namby pamby, Milquetoast, baby, banal, bathetic, bathos, beery, betwixt and between, big baby, bland, bleeding heart, breakable, brittle, cheap-jack, chicken, cloying, cloyingness, cobwebby, crumbly, crybaby, dainty, delicate, delicately weak, doormat, driveling, dull, dull tool, effeminate, elegant, euphemistic, euphuistic, exquisite, fair, fair to middling, fairish, flat, flimsy, formalistic, fragile, frail, frangible, gimcrack, gimcracky, goo, goody good-good, goody-goody, gooey, gossamery, gushing, gutless wonder, hearts-and-flowers, inane, indifferent, innocuous, insipid, invertebrate, jejune, jellyfish, jerry, jerry-built, lackluster, light, lightweight, maudlin, maudlinness, mawkish, mawkishness, mediocre, medium, meek soul, middling, milk-and-water, milksop, mincing, moderate, modest, mollycoddle, mush, mushiness, mushy, namby-pambyism, namby-pambyness, nebbish, nonentity, nostalgia, nostalgic, nostomania, nostomanic, of a kind, of a sort, of sorts, overnice, overprecise, overrefined, oversentimental, oversentimentalism, oversentimentality, oversentimentalized, pansy, pantywaist, papery, passable, pasteboardy, pedantic, precieuse, precious, precisian, precisianistic, precisionistic, puny, puristic, pushover, respectable, romantic, romanticism, sad sack, sapless, sappy, sentiment, sentimental, sentimentalism, sentimentality, sentimentalized, shattery, simpering, sissified, sissy, sleazy, slight, slop, sloppiness, sloppy, slush, so-so, soap opera, sob story, soft, softling, softy, sop, sticky, sweetness and light, tacky, tear-jerking, tearjerker, teary, tedious, tolerable, unsubstantial, vapid, weak sister, weakling, wishy-washy, wispy, womanish
name day
[edit]- name day, anniversary, annual holiday, bicentenary, bicentennial, biennial, birthday, bissextile day, centenary, centennial, commemoration, decennial, diamond jubilee, golden wedding anniversary, holy days, immovable feast, jubilee, leap year, natal day, octennial, quadrennial, quasquicentennial, quincentenary, quincentennial, quinquennial, septennial, sesquicentennial, sextennial, silver wedding anniversary, tercentenary, tercentennial, tricennial, triennial, wedding anniversary
name dropper
[edit]- name dropper, Brahmin, adventurer, bourgeois gentilhomme, egghead, elitist, highbrow, mandarin, newly-rich, nouveau riche, nouveau roturier, parvenu, pig in clover, prig, snob, social climber, sprout, status seeker, tufthunter, upstart, would-be gentleman
name of the game
[edit]- name of the game, bench mark, cardinal point, chief thing, climax, core, cornerstone, crisis, critical point, crux, essence, essential, essential matter, fundamental, gist, gravamen, great point, heart, high point, important thing, issue, kernel, keystone, landmark, main point, main thing, material point, meat, milestone, nub, pith, pivot, real issue, salient point, sine qua non, substance, substantive point, the bottom line, the point, turning point
[edit]- name, Christian name, Establishment, VIP, acclaim, advert to, advertise, alias, allude to, announce, appellation, appellative, appoint, assign, baptismal name, baptize, baron, be taken as, big, big cheese, big gun, big man, big name, big shot, big-league, big-name, big-time, bigwig, bigwigged, binomen, binomial name, brass, brass hat, byname, byword, call, call to mind, celebrity, character, choose, christen, cite, cite a particular, cognomen, consequential, considerable, constellation, cryptonym, cynosure, declare, define, delegate, demonstrate, denominate, denomination, denote, designate, designation, determine, dignitary, dignity, distinction, document, double-barreled, dub, earthshaking, eclat, elder, elect, emblematize, eminence, empty title, entitle, epithet, eponym, esteem, euonym, example, exemplify, fame, famousness, father, favor, figure, finger, fix, folk hero, forename, galaxy, give a for-instance, glory, grand, great, great man, handle, heavyweight, hero, heroine, high regard, high-powered, honor, honorific, hyponym, identify, idol, illustrate, immortal, important, important person, incognito, indicate, instance, interests, itemize, kudos, label, lion, lords of creation, luminaries, luminary, magnate, major, make, man of mark, mark, master spirit, material, mention, mogul, momentous, moniker, nabob, name for office, namesake, nickname, nom de guerre, nomen, nomen nudum, nominate, notability, notable, notoriety, notoriousness, ordain, ordinate, panjandrum, particularize, person of note, person of renown, personage, personality, pet name, pick out, pillar of society, pin down, pinpoint, pleiad, point at, point out, point to, pop hero, popular hero, popular idol, popularity, power, power elite, prestige, prominence, proper name, proper noun, propose, public figure, publicity, publish, put up, quote, rank, rating, reclame, recognition, recognize, refer to, renown, report, reputation, repute, respect, rubric, ruling circle, run, run for office, sachem, scientific name, secret name, select, self-important, set, significant, signify, sobriquet, social lion, somebody, something, specialize, specify, stand for, standing, star, state, stigmatize, stipulate, style, submit, substantial, superior, superiority, superstar, symbol, symbolize, tab, tag, tap, tautonym, term, the bubble reputation, the great, the top, ticket, title, top brass, top people, trinomen, trinomial name, tycoon, typify, very important person, vogue, world-shaking, worthy
[edit]- named, accepted, adopted, aforementioned, aforenamed, aforesaid, appointed, approved, beforementioned, called, carried, chosen, christened, denominate, denominated, designated, dubbed, elect, elected, elected by acclamation, embraced, espoused, foregoing, forementioned, forenamed, former, handpicked, identified as, known as, nominated, passed, picked, ratified, said, same, select, selected, styled, termed, titled, unanimously elected, yclept
[edit]- nameless, abominable, anonymous, cryptonymic, cryptonymous, horrible, ignotus, incognito, indefinable, indescribable, ineffable, inexpressible, inglorious, innominate, little known, no credit to, obscure, renownless, repulsive, unacknowledged, uncelebrated, undefined, undesignated, undistinguished, unfamed, unglorified, unheard-of, unhonored, unidentified, unknown, unmentionable, unnamed, unnotable, unnoted, unnoticed, unpopular, unremarked, unrenowned, unspeakable, unspecified, unsung, unutterable, without a name
[edit]- namely, as here defined, as here interpreted, especially, exempli gratia, for example, for instance, id est, in explanation, in other words, nominally, particularly, sc, scil, scilicet, specially, specifically, that is, to explain, to wit, videlicet, viz
[edit]- namesake, appellation, appellative, binomen, binomial name, byword, cognomen, cryptonym, denomination, designation, empty title, epithet, eponym, euonym, handle, honorific, hyponym, label, moniker, name, nomen, nomen nudum, proper name, proper noun, scientific name, secret name, style, tag, tautonym, title, trinomen, trinomial name
[edit]- naming, appellation, appointment, assignment, baptism, calling, characterization, christening, connotative, definition, demonstrative, denomination, denominative, denotation, denotative, designation, designative, diagnostic, differentiation, disclosure, emblematic, evidential, exhibitive, expression, expressive, figural, figurative, fingering, hint, identification, identifying, ideographic, idiosyncratic, implicative, indicating, indication, indicative, indicativeness, indicatory, individual, manifestation, meaning, meaningful, metaphorical, nicknaming, nomination, ordainment, ordination, pathognomonic, peculiar, picking out, pointing, pointing out, pointing to, posting, proposal, representative, selection, semantic, semiotic, show, showing, signalizing, significant, signification, significative, signifying, specification, styling, suggestion, suggestive, symbolic, symbolistic, symbological, symptomatic, symptomaticness, symptomatologic, tabbing, terming, transferral, typical
[edit]- nanny, Partlet, amah, ayah, biddy, billy, billy goat, bitch, bossy, brood mare, buck, cow, doe, doeling, dry nurse, ewe, ewe lamb, filly, goat, guinea hen, gyp, he-goat, heifer, hen, hind, jenny, kid, lioness, mammy, mare, mountain goat, nanny goat, nurse, nursemaid, nurserymaid, peahen, roe, she-bear, she-goat, she-lion, sitter, slut, sow, tigress, vixen, wet nurse
[edit]- nap, blanket drill, break, cat nap, catnap, dover, doze, drowse, feel, finish, forty winks, grain, granular texture, indentation, interlude, intermission, knub, let up, nub, oversleep, pause, pile, pit, pock, protuberance, relax, respite, rest, saw logs, saw wood, shag, siesta, sleep, sleep soundly, slumber, snooze, snore, spot of sleep, structure, surface, surface texture, take a nap, texture, unlax, wale, weave, wink, wink of sleep, woof
[edit]- napery, cloth, drapery, dry goods, etoffe, fabric, felt, goods, lace, leather goods, leatherware, linens, material, rag, silk, soft goods, sporting goods, sportswear, stuff, textile, textile fabric, textiles, texture, tissu, tissue, weave, web, weft, white goods, woof, wool, yard goods
[edit]- napping, a stranger to, absent, absentminded, absorbed, abstracted, anesthetized, asleep, bemused, blind to, castle-building, cataleptic, caught napping, comatose, daydreaming, daydreamy, dead to, deaf to, doped, dozy, dreaming, dreamy, drowsing, drowsy, drugged, drugged with sleep, ecstatic, elsewhere, engrossed, faraway, goofing off, half asleep, half-awake, heavy, heavy with sleep, heavy-eyed, impercipient, in a reverie, in a stupor, in ignorance of, in the clouds, incautious, incognizant, insensible, insensible to, languid, lethargic, lost, lost in thought, meditative, mindless, mooning, moonraking, museful, musing, narcoleptic, narcose, narcotized, narcous, nodding, nonconceiving, not with it, oblivious, off-guard, oscitant, out of it, pensive, pipe-dreaming, preoccupied, rapt, sedated, sleep-drowned, sleep-drunk, sleep-filled, sleep-swollen, sleepful, sleeping, sleepy, slumberous, slumbery, snoozy, somewhere else, somnolent, soporific, stargazing, stretchy, stuporose, stuporous, taken up, transported, unalert, unaware, unaware of, uncautious, unconscious, unconscious of, unguarded, unhearing, uninsightful, unknowing, unmindful, unmindful of, unperceiving, unprehensive, unprepared, unready, unrealizing, unseeing, unsuspecting, unvigilant, unwary, unwatchful, unwitting, witless, woolgathering, wrapped in thought, yawning, yawny
[edit]- nappy, addled, beery, bemused, besotted, blind drunk, crapulent, crapulous, dizzy, downy, drenched, drunk, drunken, far-gone, feathery, flossy, fluffy, flustered, fou, full, furry, fuzzy, gay, giddy, glorious, happy, hirsute, in liquor, inebriate, inebriated, inebrious, intoxicated, jolly, knobbed, maudlin, mellow, merry, muddled, nubbly, nubby, peachy, pily, pinnate, pitted, reeling, shaggy, shikker, sodden, sotted, studded, tiddly, tipsy, under the influence, velvety
[edit]- narc, Bow Street runner, FBI, FBI agent, Federal, G-man, MP, Secret Service, Sherlock Holmes, T-man, bailiff, beadle, beagle, bear witness against, betray, betrayer, blab, blabber, blabberer, blabbermouth, blow the whistle, bound bailiff, captain, catchpole, chief of police, commissioner, constable, delator, deputy, deputy sheriff, detective, fed, federal, fink, flic, gendarme, government man, hotel detective, house detective, house dick, inform against, inform on, informer, inquiry agent, inspector, investigator, lictor, lieutenant, mace-bearer, marshal, mounted policeman, officer, operative, patrolman, peace officer, peach, peacher, plainclothesman, police captain, police commissioner, police constable, police detective, police inspector, police matron, police officer, police sergeant, policeman, policewoman, portreeve, private detective, private investigator, rat, reeve, revenuer, roundsman, sell out, sergeant, sergeant at arms, sheriff, sleuth, snitch, snitch on, snitcher, spy, squeal, squealer, stool, stool pigeon, stoolie, store detective, superintendent, talebearer, tattle, tattler, tattletale, tell on, telltale, testify against, tipstaff, tipstaves, treasury agent, trooper, turn informer, whistle-blower
[edit]- narcissism, acquisitiveness, active algolagnia, algolagnia, algolagny, amour propre, amour-propre, amphierotism, autism, autoeroticism, bisexuality, careerism, complacency, conceitedness, consequentiality, coprophilia, ego trip, egotism, exhibitionism, fetishism, graspingness, greed, heterosexuality, homoeroticism, homosexualism, homosexuality, incest, incestuousness, individualism, interest, lesbianism, masochism, narcism, necrophilia, overproudness, overweening pride, paraphilia, passive algolagnia, pedophilia, personal aims, personal ambition, personal desires, personalism, possessiveness, privatism, remoteness, sadism, sadomasochism, sapphism, scotophilia, self-absorption, self-admiration, self-advancement, self-approbation, self-centeredness, self-complacency, self-conceit, self-congratulation, self-consideration, self-containment, self-content, self-delight, self-devotion, self-endearment, self-esteem, self-gratulation, self-importance, self-indulgence, self-infatuation, self-interest, self-interestedness, self-jealousy, self-love, self-occupation, self-pleasing, self-respect, self-satisfaction, self-seeking, self-serving, self-solicitude, self-sufficiency, self-worship, selfishness, selfism, sexual inversion, sexual normality, sexual preference, smugness, swinging both ways, transvestitism, tribadism, tribady, vaingloriousness, vainglory, vainness, vanity, voyeurism, zooerastia, zoophilia
[edit]- narcissist, Narcissus, braggart, bugger, careerist, coprophiliac, egocentric, egoist, egotist, erotomaniac, exhibitionist, fetishist, fortune hunter, hog, individualist, know-it-all, lone wolf, loner, masochist, monopolist, narcist, necrophiliac, no modest violet, nymphomaniac, paraphiliac, pederast, pedophiliac, rapist, road hog, sadist, satyr, scotophiliac, self-advancer, self-pleaser, self-seeker, self-server, smart aleck, sodomist, sodomite, swellhead, temporizer, timepleaser, timeserver, transvestite, tufthunter, voyeur, zoophiliac
[edit]- narcissistic, acquisitive, ambitious for self, autistic, careerist, complacent, conceited, consequential, egocentric, egocentristic, egoistic, egotistical, grasping, greedy, individualistic, narcissan, narcissine, narcistic, overproud, overweening, personalistic, possessive, privatistic, remote, self, self-absorbed, self-admiring, self-advancing, self-approving, self-assuming, self-besot, self-centered, self-complacent, self-congratulating, self-congratulatory, self-considerative, self-contained, self-content, self-contented, self-delighting, self-devoted, self-endeared, self-esteeming, self-gratulating, self-gratulatory, self-important, self-indulgent, self-interested, self-jealous, self-loving, self-occupied, self-pleasing, self-respecting, self-satisfied, self-seeking, self-serving, self-sufficient, selfish, smug, stuck-up, vain, vainglorious
[edit]- Narcissus, Adonis, Aphrodite, Apollo, Apollo Belvedere, Astarte, Balder, Cleopatra, Freya, Hebe, Hyperion, Venus, Venus de Milo, braggart, egocentric, egoist, egotist, houri, individualist, know-it-all, narcissist, narcist, no modest violet, peri, smart aleck, swellhead, the Graces
[edit]- narcohypnosis, Arica movement, Erhard Seminars Training, New Consciousness, Pentothal interview, SAT, T-group, animal hypnosis, assertiveness training, autohypnosis, behavior modification, behavior therapy, bioenergetics, biofeedback, catalepsy, cataleptic hypnosis, coma, confrontation therapy, conjoint therapy, consciousness raising, counseling, directive therapy, encephalitis lethargica, encounter therapy, est, family training, feminist therapy, gestalt therapy, group psychotherapy, group relations training, group sensitivity training, group therapy, high, humanistic therapy, hypnoanalysis, hypnosis, hypnotherapy, hypnotic sleep, hypnotism, lethargic hypnosis, lethargy, marathon, marriage encounter, mind cure, narcoanalysis, narcolepsy, narcoma, narcosis, narcosynthesis, narcotherapy, narcotic stupor, narcotization, nod, nondirective therapy, occupational therapy, pastoral counseling, play therapy, primal therapy, prolonged narcosis, psychodrama, psychological counseling, psychosurgery, psychosynthesis, psychotherapeutics, psychotherapy, radical therapy, rational-emotive therapy, reality therapy, recreational therapy, regression therapy, release therapy, scream therapy, sedation, self-hypnosis, sensitivity training, sensory awareness training, shock, sleep treatment, sleeping sickness, somnambulistic hypnosis, somnipathy, sopor, stupor, supportive therapy, swoon, thanatosis, training group, trance, transactional analysis, transcendental meditation, transpersonal therapy, vocational therapy
[edit]- narcolepsy, catalepsy, coma, encephalitis lethargica, high, lethargy, narcohypnosis, narcoma, narcosis, narcotic stupor, narcotization, nod, sedation, shock, sleeping sickness, sopor, stupor, swoon, thanatosis, trance
[edit]- narcosis, analgesia, anesthesia, callousness, catalepsy, coma, deadness, dullness, electronarcosis, encephalitis lethargica, high, impassibility, imperception, imperceptiveness, imperceptivity, impercipience, inconsiderateness, insensibility, insensibleness, insensitiveness, insensitivity, insentience, lethargy, narcohypnosis, narcolepsy, narcoma, narcotic stupor, narcotization, nod, numbness, obtuseness, pins and needles, sedation, shock, sleeping sickness, sopor, stupor, swoon, thanatosis, thick skin, trance, unfeeling, unfeelingness, unperceptiveness
[edit]- narcotic, Amytal, Amytal pill, Demerol, Dolophine, H, Lethean, Luminal, Luminal pill, M, Mickey Finn, Nembutal, Nembutal pill, Seconal, Seconal pill, Tuinal, Tuinal pill, alcohol, amobarbital sodium, analgesic, anesthetic, anodyne, barb, barbiturate, barbiturate pill, black stuff, blue, blue angel, blue devil, blue heaven, blue velvet, calmant, calmative, chloral hydrate, codeine, codeine cough syrup, deadening, depressant, depressor, dolly, dope, downer, drug, dulling, goofball, hard stuff, heroin, hop, horse, hypnotic, junk, knockout drop, knockout drops, laudanum, liquor, lotus, meperidine, methadone, nepenthe, numbing, opiate, opium, pacifier, pain killer, pain-killer, paregoric, pen yan, phenobarbital, phenobarbital sodium, purple heart, quietener, quietening, rainbow, red, scag, secobarbital sodium, sedative, shit, sleep-causing, sleep-compelling, sleep-inducer, sleep-inducing, sleep-inviting, sleep-provoking, sleeper, sleeping draught, sleeping pill, smack, sodium thiopental, somnifacient, somniferous, somnolent, soother, soothing, soothing syrup, soporific, stunning, stupefactive, stupefying, stuporific, tar, tranquilizer, tranquilizing, turps, white stuff, yellow, yellow jacket
narcotics addict
[edit]- narcotics addict, LSD user, acidhead, addict, alcoholic, chain smoker, cocaine sniffer, cokie, cubehead, dipsomaniac, dope fiend, doper, drug abuser, drug addict, drug user, drunkard, fiend, freak, glue sniffer, habitual, head, heavy smoker, hophead, hype, junkie, marijuana smoker, methhead, pillhead, pothead, snowbird, speed freak, tripper, user
narcotics traffic
[edit]- narcotics traffic, Cosa Nostra, Mafia, black market, bootlegging, gambling, gray market, illegal commerce, illegal operations, illegitimate business, illicit business, loan-sharking, moonshining, organized crime, prostitution, protection racket, racket, shady dealings, the rackets, the syndicate, traffic in women, usury, white slavery
[edit]- narcotize, KO, anesthetize, bedaze, benumb, besot, blunt, chloroform, coldcock, deaden, desensitize, dope, drug, dull, entrance, etherize, freeze, hypnotize, kayo, knock out, knock senseless, knock stiff, knock unconscious, lay out, lull to sleep, magnetize, mesmerize, numb, obtund, palsy, paralyze, put to sleep, put under, rock to sleep, sedate, stun, stupefy, trance
[edit]- narcotized, anesthetized, asleep, cataleptic, catatonic, cold, comatose, dead, doped, dozy, dreamy, drowsy, drugged, drugged with sleep, half asleep, half-conscious, heavy, heavy with sleep, heavy-eyed, in a stupor, languid, lethargic, napping, narcoleptic, narcose, narcous, nirvanic, nodding, oblivious, oscitant, out, out cold, out of it, sedated, semiconscious, senseless, sleep-drowned, sleep-drunk, sleep-filled, sleep-swollen, sleepful, sleepy, slumberous, slumbery, snoozy, somnolent, soporific, spaced out, stoned, stretchy, strung out, stuporose, stuporous, unconscious, yawning, yawny, zonked, zonked out
[edit]- nares, antlia, beak, beezer, bill, bugle, conk, muffle, muzzle, neb, nib, nose, nostrils, nozzle, olfactories, olfactory area, olfactory cell, olfactory nerves, olfactory organ, olfactory pit, pecker, proboscis, rhinarium, rostrum, schnozzle, smeller, snoot, snout, trunk
[edit]- narrate, allegorize, chronicle, descant, describe, detail, dilate, discourse, expatiate, fable, fabulize, fictionalize, mythicize, mythify, mythologize, novelize, recite, recount, rehearse, relate, repeat, report, retail, retell, reveal, review, romance, state, storify, tell, tell a story, unfold, unfold a tale
[edit]- narration, account, anecdotage, anecdote, chronicle, chronicling, describing, description, detailing, epic, epos, narrative, portrayal, reading, recital, recitation, recording, recountal, recounting, rehearsal, relating, relation, report, retelling, revelation, review, saga, story, tale, tale-telling, telling, unfolding, yarn, yarn spinning
[edit]- narrative, Alcaic, Anacreontic, Castalian, Homeric, Hudibrastic, Pierian, Pindaric, Theocritean, account, anecdotage, anecdotal, anecdote, anecdotic, bardic, bucolic, chronicle, chronicling, description, didactic, dithyrambic, dramatic, eclogic, elegiac, epic, epos, heroic, history, idyllic, mock-heroic, narration, narrational, pastoral, poetic, poetico-mystical, poetico-mythological, poetico-philosophic, poetlike, portrayal, recital, record, recountal, recounting, rehearsal, relation, report, retelling, revelation, review, rhapsodic, runic, saga, sapphic, skaldic, statement, storied, storified, story, tale, tale-telling, telling, version, yarn, yarn spinning
[edit]- narrator, anecdotalist, anecdotist, annalist, author, chronicler, describer, fableist, fabler, fabulist, fictionist, mythmaker, mythopoet, novelettist, novelist, raconteur, reciter, recounter, relator, reporter, romancer, romancist, sagaman, short-story writer, spinner of yarns, storier, storyteller, taleteller, teller of tales, word painter, yarn spinner
narrow gauge
[edit]- narrow gauge, angustifoliate, angustirostrate, angustisellate, angustiseptal, authoritarian, bigot, bigoted, borne, circumscribed, close, close-fitting, closed, confined, constricted, cramp, cramped, creedbound, crowded, deaf, deaf to reason, fanatical, hidebound, illiberal, incapacious, incommodious, insular, isthmian, isthmic, limited, little, little-minded, meager, mean, mean-minded, mean-spirited, narrow, narrow-hearted, narrow-minded, narrow-souled, narrow-spirited, near, nearsighted, parochial, petty, provincial, purblind, restricted, scant, scanty, shortsighted, slender, small, small-minded, strait, straitlaced, stuffy, tight, uncatholic, uncharitable, ungenerous, unliberal
narrow margin
[edit]- narrow margin, delicacy, delicate distinction, differentia, differential, distinction, fine point, hairline, margin, nice distinction, nicety, nuance, particle of difference, point of difference, refinement, shade of difference, subtle distinction, subtlety, wide margin
narrow minded
[edit]- narrow minded, authoritarian, bigot, bigoted, borne, closed, constricted, cramped, creedbound, deaf, deaf to reason, fanatical, hidebound, illiberal, insular, little, little-minded, mean, mean-minded, mean-spirited, narrow, narrow-hearted, narrow-souled, narrow-spirited, nearsighted, parochial, petty, provincial, purblind, shortsighted, small, small-minded, straitlaced, stuffy, uncatholic, uncharitable, ungenerous, unliberal
narrow the gap
[edit]- narrow the gap, accost, advance, approach, appropinquate, approximate, bear down on, bear down upon, bear up, center, centralize, close, close in, close up, close with, come, come closer, come forward, come near, come on, come together, come up, concenter, concentralize, concentrate, confront, converge, draw near, draw nigh, encounter, fall in with, funnel, gain upon, intersect, meet, near, nip, pinch, proximate, run together, sidle up to, step up, taper, unite
[edit]- narrow, Lenten, Quakerish, Spartan, Victorian, abate, abbreviate, abstemious, accented, accurate, adjust to, alter, alveolar, angustifoliate, angustirostrate, angustisellate, angustiseptal, apical, apico-alveolar, apico-dental, articulated, ascetic, assimilated, assuage, attentive, attenuated, austere, authoritarian, back, badly off, barytone, be into, be strong in, bigot, bigoted, bilabial, borne, bound, bounded, box, box in, box up, broad, cacuminal, careful, censorious, central, cerebral, channel, checked, chinchy, circumscribe, circumscribed, close, close-fitting, closed, coarct, compact, compress, concentrate, condense, condition, conditioned, confine, confined, confining, conscientious, consolidate, consonant, consonantal, constrict, constricted, constringe, contain, continuant, contract, copyright, copyrighted, correct, cramp, cramped, creedbound, critical, crowded, curtail, deaf, deaf to reason, decrease, delicate, demanding, demure, denotative, dental, detailed, determinate, diminish, discipline, disciplined, dissimilated, distill, distressed, dorsal, down to bedrock, draw, draw in, draw the line, draw together, dwarfed, dwarfish, embarrassed, ethnocentric, exact, exacting, exceptional, excluding, exclusive, exclusory, exigent, exiguous, exquisite, fanatical, feature, feeling the pinch, fine, finical, finicking, finicky, finite, fixed, flat, focus, follow, front, frugal, fussy, glide, glossal, glottal, go in, go in for, guttural, hairbreadth, hard, hard up, heavy, hedge, hedge about, hem, hem in, hidebound, high, ill off, illiberal, impecunious, impoverished, in Queer Street, in narrow circumstances, in reduced circumstances, in straitened circumstances, inadmissible, incapacious, incommodious, ineffectual, inexorable, inflexible, insular, intolerant, intonated, isthmian, isthmic, jejune, keep from spreading, keep within bounds, knit, labial, labiodental, labiovelar, land-poor, lateral, lax, lean, leaven, lessen, light, limit, limited, lingual, liquid, little, little-minded, localize, low, lucky, major in, meager, mean, mean-minded, mean-spirited, mercenary, meticulous, mid, mid-Victorian, mingy, minor in, minute, miserly, mitigate, moderate, moderated, modify, modulate, monophthongal, muted, narrow-hearted, narrow-minded, narrow-souled, narrow-spirited, narrowed, narrowing, narrows, nasal, nasalized, near, nearsighted, nice, niggard, niggardly, obdurate, occlusive, old-maidish, on the edge, open, out of pocket, overmodest, oversimplify, oxytone, palatal, palatalized, palliate, paltry, parochial, parsimonious, particular, passage, patent, patented, petty, pharyngeal, pharyngealized, phonemic, phonetic, phonic, pinched, pitch, pitched, poor, poorly off, posttonic, precise, precisianistic, precisionistic, preclusive, prescribed, prescriptive, preventive, priggish, prim, prohibitive, proscribed, provincial, prudish, pucker, pucker up, punctilious, punctual, puny, purblind, purify, puritanical, purse, pursue, qualified, qualify, reduce, reduce to elements, reduced, refine, refined, register, regulate by, religious, restrain, restrict, restricted, restrictive, retroflex, rigid, rigorous, rounded, sanctimonious, scant, scanty, scrawny, scrimp, scrimpy, scrupulous, scrutinizing, searching, season, seclusive, segregative, select, selective, semivowel, separative, set, set conditions, set limits, sharp, short, short of cash, short of funds, shorten, shortsighted, simplify, skimp, skimpy, slender, slight, slim, small, small-minded, smug, snape, snobbish, soft, soften, solidify, sonant, spare, sparing, specialize, specialize in, squeezed, starvation, stiff-necked, stingy, stint, stinted, stopped, strait, straiten, straitened, straitlaced, straits, strangle, strangulate, strapped, streamline, stressed, strict, strip down, strong, stuffy, stunted, subsistence, subtle, surd, syllabic, taper, tapering, temper, tense, thick, thin, throaty, tight, tight-fisted, tighten, tonal, tonic, twangy, unaccented, uncatholic, uncharitable, ungenerous, unliberal, unmoneyed, unnourishing, unnutritious, unprosperous, unrounded, unstressed, velar, vocalic, vocoid, voiced, voiceless, vowel, vowellike, watered, watery, weak, wide, wrinkle, xenophobic
[edit]- narrow-minded, biased, bigoted, conservative, conventional, fundamentalist, hidebound, illiberal, intolerant, mean-minded, mean-spirited, narrow, narrow-spirited, old-fashioned, old-fogyish, one-sided, opinionated, parochial, pettifogging, petty, prejudiced, puritanical, reactionary, small-minded, square, stiff-necked, strait-laced, stuffy, unprogressive
[edit]- narrowing, abbreviation, astriction, astringency, ban, bar, barring, blockade, bottleneck, boycott, cervix, circumscription, coarctation, compactedness, compaction, compression, compressure, concentration, condensation, confining, consolidation, constriction, constringency, contraction, contracture, cramping, curtailment, debarment, debarring, decrease, demarcation, diminuendo, disentanglement, disinvolvement, distillation, embargo, exception, exclusion, hourglass, hourglass figure, inadmissibility, injunction, isthmus, knitting, limitative, limiting, lockout, narrow place, neck, nonadmission, omission, preclusion, prohibition, puckering, purification, pursing, reduction, refinement, rejection, relegation, repudiation, restricting, restriction, restrictive, shortening, simplification, solidification, stranglement, strangulation, streamlining, striction, stricture, stripping, stripping down, systole, taboo, taper, tapering, uncluttering, unscrambling, unsnarling, wasp waist, wrinkling
[edit]- narrows, arm, armlet, bay, bayou, belt, bight, boca, bottleneck, canal, channel, cove, creek, defile, estuary, euripus, fjord, frith, gulf, gut, harbor, inlet, isthmus, kyle, loch, mouth, narrow, narrow seas, natural harbor, neck, pass, reach, road, roads, roadstead, sound, strait, straits, throat
[edit]- nasal, accented, allophone, alveolar, apical, apico-alveolar, apico-dental, articulated, articulation, aspiration, assimilated, assimilation, asthmatic, back, barytone, bilabial, blurred, breathing, breathy, broad, cacuminal, central, cerebral, check, checked, choked, choking, close, consonant, consonantal, continuant, croaking, dental, diphthong, dissimilated, dissimilation, dorsal, drawling, drawly, dysphonic, epenthetic vowel, errhine, expiratory, explosive, flat, front, glide, glossal, glottal, glottalization, guttural, hard, harsh, hawking, heaving, heavy, high, hoarse, huffing, inarticulate, indistinct, inspiratory, intonated, labial, labialization, labiodental, labiovelar, laryngeal, lateral, lax, light, lingual, liquid, lisping, low, manner of articulation, mid, mispronounced, modification, monophthong, monophthongal, morphophoneme, mute, muted, muzzy, narrow, nasalized, occlusive, open, oxytone, palatal, palatalized, panting, parasitic vowel, peak, pharyngeal, pharyngealization, pharyngealized, phone, phoneme, phonemic, phonetic, phonic, pitch, pitched, plosive, pneumonic, posttonic, prothetic vowel, puffing, pulmonary, pulmonic, quavering, respiratory, retroflex, rhinal, rounded, segmental phoneme, semivowel, shaking, shaky, sneezy, sniffling, sniffly, sniffy, snoring, snorting, snuffling, snuffly, snuffy, soft, sonant, sonority, speech sound, sternutatory, stertorous, stifled, stop, stopped, strangled, stressed, strong, surd, syllabic, syllabic nucleus, syllabic peak, syllable, tense, thick, throaty, tonal, tonic, transition sound, tremulous, triphthong, twangy, unaccented, unrounded, unstressed, velar, vocable, vocalic, vocoid, voice, voiced, voiced sound, voiceless, voiceless sound, voicing, vowel, vowellike, weak, wheezing, wheezy, wide
[edit]- nasalization, aphonia, artificial voice, broken speech, broken tones, broken voice, childish treble, choked voice, cracked voice, croak, crow, dysarthria, dyslalia, dyslogia, dysphasia, dysphonia, dysphrasia, falsetto, harshness, hawking voice, hiss, hoarseness, idioglossia, idiolalia, impairment of speech, lisp, lisping, loss of voice, muzzy speech, nasal tone, quaver, shake, sibilation, speech defect, speech impediment, tremor, twang
[edit]- nasalized, accented, alveolar, apical, apico-alveolar, apico-dental, articulated, assimilated, back, barytone, bilabial, broad, cacuminal, central, cerebral, checked, close, consonant, consonantal, continuant, dental, dissimilated, dorsal, flat, front, glide, glossal, glottal, guttural, hard, heavy, high, intonated, labial, labiodental, labiovelar, lateral, lax, light, lingual, liquid, low, mid, monophthongal, muted, narrow, nasal, occlusive, open, oxytone, palatal, palatalized, pharyngeal, pharyngealized, phonemic, phonetic, phonic, pitch, pitched, posttonic, retroflex, rounded, semivowel, soft, sonant, stopped, stressed, strong, surd, syllabic, tense, thick, throaty, tonal, tonic, twangy, unaccented, unrounded, unstressed, velar, vocalic, vocoid, voiced, voiceless, vowel, vowellike, weak, wide
[edit]- nascency, accouchement, babyhood, beginnings, birth, birth throes, birthing, blessed event, childbearing, childbed, childbirth, childhood, confinement, cradle, delivery, freshman year, genesis, giving birth, hatching, having a baby, inception, inchoation, incipience, incipiency, incunabula, infancy, labor, multiparity, nascence, nativity, origin, origination, parturition, pregnancy, the Nativity, the stork, travail, youth
[edit]- nascent, abecedarian, aboriginal, antenatal, autochthonous, beginning, budding, creative, elemental, elementary, embryonic, fetal, formative, foundational, fundamental, gestatory, in embryo, in its infancy, in the bud, inaugural, inceptive, inchoate, inchoative, incipient, incunabular, infant, infantile, initial, initiative, initiatory, introductory, inventive, natal, original, parturient, postnatal, pregnant, prenatal, primal, primary, prime, primeval, primitive, primogenial, procreative, rudimental, rudimentary, ur
nasty crack
[edit]- nasty crack, aphorism, apothegm, bon mot, boutade, bright idea, bright thought, brilliant idea, conceit, crack, epigram, facetiae, flash of wit, flight of wit, gibe, happy thought, mot, persiflage, play of wit, pleasantry, quip, quips and cranks, repartee, retort, riposte, sally, scintillation, smart crack, smart saying, snappy comeback, stroke of wit, turn of thought, wisecrack, witticism
[edit]- nasty, Fescennine, Rabelaisian, abhorrent, abominable, abusive, acute, annoying, arrant, atrocious, awful, awkward, bad, bad-tempered, baleful, barfy, base, bawdy, beastly, below contempt, beneath contempt, bitchy, black, blameworthy, blue, boorish, brackish, brutal, caddish, cantankerous, churlish, cloying, coarse, contemptible, crabbed, cranky, crappy, critical, crotchety, crude, cruel, cussed, dangerous, deplorable, despicable, detestable, difficult, dire, dirty, disagreeable, disgusting, dreadful, egregious, enormous, evil, execrable, fecal, feculent, fetid, filthy, flagrant, flyblown, forbidding, foul, foul-mouthed, foul-spoken, foul-tongued, fulsome, gloppy, grievous, gross, grubby, gunky, harmful, hateful, heinous, high, horrible, horrid, icky, ignoble, ill-bred, ill-natured, ill-tempered, improper, impure, inconsiderate, indecent, indecorous, indelicate, infamous, iniquitous, insensitive, invidious, irascible, ithyphallic, lamentable, lewd, licentious, loathsome, lousy, loutish, louty, lurid, maggoty, malefic, maleficent, malevolent, malicious, malign, malignant, malodorous, mawkish, mean, mephitic, miasmal, miasmic, monstrous, mucky, nauseant, nauseating, nauseous, nefarious, noisome, notorious, noxious, objectionable, obnoxious, obscene, odious, off color, offensive, ordurous, ornery, outrageous, overripe, painful, pitiable, pitiful, poisonous, pornographic, puky, putrid, rancid, rank, raunchy, rebarbative, regrettable, repellent, reprehensible, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, ribald, risque, rotten, rude, sad, salacious, scabby, scandalous, scatological, schlock, scummy, scurfy, scurrile, scurrilous, scurvy, serious, severe, shabby, shameful, shitty, shocking, shoddy, sickening, slabby, slimy, sloppy, sloshy, sludgy, slushy, smoking-room, smutty, soily, sordid, spiteful, spoiled, sposhy, squalid, stinking, suggestive, sultry, surly, tactless, terrible, too bad, ugly, unchaste, unclean, uncleanly, unfeminine, ungenteel, ungentle, ungentlemanly, unladylike, unpleasant, unprintable, unrefined, unrepeatable, unsavory, unseemly, unsolicitous, untoward, vicious, vile, villainous, vomity, vulgar, weevily, wicked, woeful, wormy, worst, worthless, wretched, yecchy, yucky
natal day
[edit]- natal day, anniversary, annual holiday, bicentenary, bicentennial, biennial, birthday, bissextile day, centenary, centennial, commemoration, decennial, diamond jubilee, golden wedding anniversary, holy days, immovable feast, jubilee, leap year, name day, octennial, quadrennial, quasquicentennial, quincentenary, quincentennial, quinquennial, septennial, sesquicentennial, sextennial, silver wedding anniversary, tercentenary, tercentennial, tricennial, triennial, wedding anniversary
[edit]- natal, abecedarian, aboriginal, antenatal, autochthonous, beginning, budding, creative, elemental, elementary, embryonic, endemic, fetal, formative, foundational, fundamental, gestatory, homebred, homegrown, in embryo, in its infancy, in the bud, inaugural, inceptive, inchoate, inchoative, incipient, incunabular, indigenous, infant, infantile, initial, initiative, initiatory, introductory, inventive, nascent, native, native-born, original, parturient, postnatal, pregnant, prenatal, primal, primary, prime, primeval, primitive, primogenial, procreative, rudimental, rudimentary, ur, vernacular
[edit]- nation, Everyman, John Doe, Public, ally, animal kingdom, archduchy, archdukedom, blood, body politic, breed, brood, buffer state, captive nation, chieftaincy, chieftainry, citizenry, city-state, clan, class, colony, common man, commonweal, commonwealth, community, community at large, constituency, country, county, cultural community, culture, deme, domain, dominion, duchy, dukedom, dwellers, earldom, empery, empire, estate, ethnic group, everybody, everyman, everyone, everywoman, family, folk, folks, free city, general public, gens, gentry, grand duchy, habitancy, house, inhabitants, kind, kingdom, land, line, lineage, linguistic community, mandant, mandate, mandated territory, mandatee, mandatory, matriclan, men, nationality, order, patriclan, people, people at large, people in general, persons, phratry, phyle, plant kingdom, polis, polity, populace, population, possession, power, principality, principate, protectorate, province, public, puppet government, puppet regime, race, realm, republic, satellite, seneschalty, sept, settlement, society, sovereign nation, species, speech community, state, stem, stirps, stock, strain, sultanate, superpower, territory, toparchia, toparchy, totem, tribe, whole people, world, you and me
national anthem
[edit]- national anthem, Brautlied, Christmas carol, Communist threat, Kunstlied, Liebeslied, Volkslied, Western imperialism, alba, anthem, art song, atrocity story, aubade, ballad, ballade, ballata, banner, barcarole, battle hymn, bloody shirt, blues, blues song, boat song, bridal hymn, brindisi, calypso, canso, canticle, canzone, canzonet, canzonetta, carol, cavatina, chanson, chant, chantey, colors, croon, croon song, crostarie, dirge, ditty, drinking song, epithalamium, expansionism, face, fiery cross, folk song, gonfalon, hymeneal, imperialist threat, independence, lay, lied, lilt, love song, love-lilt, manifest destiny, martial music, matin, minstrel song, minstrelsy, prothalamium, self-determination, serena, serenade, serenata, song, theme song, torch song, war song, wedding song, yellow peril
national assembly
[edit]- national assembly, assembly, bicameral legislature, board of aldermen, chamber of deputies, city board, city council, commission, common council, congress, court, diet, federal assembly, general assembly, house of assembly, legislative assembly, legislative body, legislative chamber, legislature, lower chamber, lower house, parliament, provincial legislature, provincial parliament, representative town meeting, soviet, state assembly, state legislature, town meeting, unicameral legislature, upper chamber, upper house
national debt
[edit]- national debt, accounts payable, accounts receivable, amount due, bad debts, bill, bills, borrowing, charges, chits, debt, due, dues, financial commitment, floating debt, funded debt, indebtedness, indebtment, liability, maturity, obligation, outstanding debt, pledge, public debt, score, uncollectibles, unfulfilled pledge
national park
[edit]- national park, Indian reservation, archives, bank, bird sanctuary, forest preserve, game reserve, library, museum, national forest, paradise, park, preserve, reservation, reserve, sanctuary, state forest, store, wilderness preserve, wildlife preserve
[edit]- national, all-comprehending, all-comprehensive, all-covering, all-embracing, all-encompassing, all-filling, all-including, all-inclusive, all-pervading, allover, catholic, chauvinistic, citizen, citizen by adoption, civic, civil, clannish, common, communal, cosmopolitan, cosmopolite, country-wide, ecumenic, ethnic, family, federal, galactic, general, genetic, gentile, gentilic, global, governmental, heaven-wide, home, hyphenate, hyphenated American, immigrant, inhabitant, inland, internal, international, intestine, jingoistic, lineal, metic, municipal, nationalist, nationalistic, native, naturalized citizen, nondenominational, nonnative citizen, nonsectarian, patriotic, phyletic, phylogenetic, planetary, popular, public, racial, resident, social, societal, state, subject, supranational, total, totemic, tribal, universal, world-wide
[edit]- nationalism, Americanism, Anglicism, Briticism, Eisenhower Doctrine, Monroe Doctrine, Nixon Doctrine, Truman Doctrine, appeasement, balance of power, brinkmanship, chauvinism, coexistence, colonialism, compromise, containment, detente, deterrence, diplomacy, diplomatic, diplomatics, dollar diplomacy, dollar imperialism, expansionism, flag waving, foreign affairs, foreign policy, good-neighbor policy, imperialism, independence, internationalism, internationality, isolationism, jingoism, love of country, manifest destiny, militarism, nationality, nationhood, neocolonialism, neutralism, nonresistance, open door, open-door policy, overpatriotism, patriotics, patriotism, peace offensive, peaceful coexistence, peoplehood, preparedness, self-determination, self-government, shirt-sleeve diplomacy, shuttle diplomacy, sovereign nationhood, sovereignty, spheres of influence, statehood, the big stick, tough policy, ultranationalism, world politics
[edit]- nationality, Americanism, Anglicism, Briticism, Everyman, John Doe, Public, aboriginality, ally, archduchy, archdukedom, autochthonousness, bloodline, body politic, breed, buffer state, captive nation, chauvinism, chieftaincy, chieftainry, citizenry, citizenship, city-state, clan, colony, common man, commonweal, commonwealth, community, community at large, country, county, culture, domain, dominion, duchy, dukedom, earldom, empery, empire, estate, ethnic group, everybody, everyman, everyone, everywoman, extraction, flag waving, folk, folks, free city, general public, gentry, grand duchy, heritage, independence, indigenousness, internationalism, internationality, jingoism, kingdom, land, love of country, mandant, mandate, mandated territory, mandatee, mandatory, men, nation, nationalism, nationhood, native-bornness, nativeness, nativism, nativity, overpatriotism, patriotics, patriotism, pedigree, people, people in general, peoplehood, persons, polis, polity, populace, population, possession, power, principality, principate, protectorate, province, public, puppet government, puppet regime, race, realm, republic, roots, satellite, self-determination, self-government, seneschalty, settlement, society, sovereign nation, sovereign nationhood, sovereignty, speech community, state, statehood, stock, strain, sultanate, superpower, territory, toparchia, toparchy, tribe, ultranationalism, world, you and me
[edit]- nationalization, Americanization, Fabian socialism, Fabianism, Marxian socialism, Marxism, Saint-Simonism, acculturation, admission, adoption, affiliation, angary, annexation, annexure, assimilation, attachment, citizenship by naturalization, citizenship papers, collective ownership, collectivism, collectivization, commandeering, communalization, communization, confiscation, culture shock, distraint, distress, eminent domain, execution, expropriation, garnishment, guild socialism, impoundment, impressment, levy, naturalization, naturalized citizenship, papers, phalansterism, public ownership, right of angary, sequestration, socialism, socialization, state socialism, utopian socialism
[edit]- nationalize, annex, attach, collectivize, commandeer, communalize, communize, confiscate, democratize, distrain, expropriate, garnish, impound, impress, levy, politicize, press, replevin, replevy, republicanize, sequester, sequestrate, socialize
[edit]- native, aboriginal, aborigine, agrarian, arcadian, artless, atavistic, autochthon, autochthonous, basic, best, bodily, born, bucolic, by birth, candid, citizen, clan, coeval, congenital, connatal, connate, connatural, constitutional, crude, direct, domestic, earliest inhabitant, endemic, ethnic, exclusive, first, first comer, genetic, genuine, hereditary, home, homebred, homegrown, homespun, honest, impure, in the blood, in the raw, inartificial, inborn, inbred, incarnate, indigene, indigenous, indwelling, inhabitant, inherent, inherited, inland, innate, instinctive, instinctual, internal, intestine, intrinsic, local, local yokel, municipal, natal, national, native to, native-born, natural, natural to, naturelike, organic, original, pastoral, physical, primal, primitive, primitive settler, pristine, provincial, raw, resident, run-of-mine, rural, straightforward, temperamental, tribal, unacquired, unadorned, unaffected, unartificial, unassuming, uncultivated, undesigning, undisguising, undissembling, undissimulating, undomesticated, unembellished, unfeigning, ungraded, unpretending, unpretentious, unsorted, unspoiled, unsullied, untouched, unvarnished, vernacular, virgin, virginal
[edit]- nativity, aboriginality, accouchement, aspect, astrodiagnosis, astrology, astromancy, autochthonousness, babyhood, beginnings, birth, birth throes, birthing, blessed event, childbearing, childbed, childbirth, childhood, confinement, cradle, delivery, freshman year, genesis, genethliac astrology, genethliacism, genethliacs, genethlialogy, giving birth, hatching, having a baby, horoscope, horoscopy, house, inception, inchoation, incipience, incipiency, incunabula, indigenousness, infancy, labor, mansion, multiparity, mundane astrology, mundane house, nascence, nascency, nationality, native-bornness, nativeness, nativism, natural astrology, origin, origination, parturition, planetary house, pregnancy, stargazing, the Nativity, the stork, travail, youth, zodiac
[edit]- NATO, AL, ANZUS Council, ASPAC, Arab League, BIS, British Commonwealth, CACM, CENTO, Central Treaty Organization, Colombo Plan, Common Market, Commonwealth of Nations, Council of Europe, ECSC, EEC, EFTA, Euratom, European Economic Community, French Community, ICRC, Interpol, LAFTA, Nordic Council, OAS, OAU, OCAM, OECD, OPEC, SEATO, WCC, Warsaw Pact, alliance, capitulation, cartel, concord, concordat, convention, entente, entente cordiale, international agreement, league, mutual-defense treaty, nonaggression pact, paction, treaty
[edit]- natter, babble, babblement, bavardage, bibble-babble, blab, blabber, blah-blah, blather, blether, blethers, cackle, caquet, caqueterie, chat, chatter, chitter-chatter, clack, clatter, dither, gab, gabble, gas, gibber, gibble-gabble, go on, gossip, guff, gush, haver, hot air, idle talk, jabber, jaw, mere talk, nonsense talk, palaver, patter, pour forth, prate, prating, prattle, prittle-prattle, ramble on, rattle, rattle on, reel off, run on, spout, spout off, talk away, talk nonsense, talk on, talkee-talkee, tittle-tattle, twaddle, twattle, waffle, yak, yakkety-yak
[edit]- natty, bandbox, braw, chic, classy, clothes-conscious, cosmopolitan, dapper, dashing, doggy, dressed to advantage, dressed to kill, elegant, exquisite, genteel, jaunty, neat, nifty, nobby, posh, recherche, ritzy, sassy, sharp, sleek, smart, smug, snazzy, soigne, soignee, sophisticated, spiffy, spruce, style-conscious, swank, swanky, swell, tricksy, trig, trim, well-dressed, well-groomed
natural gas
[edit]- natural gas, alcohol, benzine, briquette, burnable, butane, carbon, charcoal, coal, coke, combustible, dope, ethane, ethanol, fireball, firing, flammable, flammable material, fuel, fuel additive, fuel dope, gas, gas carbon, gasoline, heptane, hexane, inflammable, inflammable material, isooctane, jet fuel, kerosene, methane, methanol, octane, oil, paraffin, peat, pentane, propane, propellant, rocket fuel, turf
natural right
[edit]- natural right, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Right, Magna Carta, Magna Charta, Petition of Right, appurtenance, authority, birthright, civil liberties, civil rights, claim, conjugal right, constitutional rights, demand, divine right, droit, due, faculty, human rights, inalienable right, interest, legal rights, natural rights, power, prerogative, prescription, presumptive right, pretense, pretension, proper claim, property right, right, rights, title, unalienable rights, vested interest, vested right
natural science
[edit]- natural science, Newtonian physics, academic discipline, academic specialty, acoustics, aerophysics, applied physics, applied science, area, arena, art, astrophysics, basic conductor physics, biophysics, chemical physics, concern, cryogenics, crystallography, cytophysics, department of knowledge, discipline, domain, electron physics, electronics, electrophysics, field, field of inquiry, field of study, geophysics, macrophysics, mathematical physics, mechanics, medicophysics, microphysics, natural philosophy, nuclear physics, ology, optics, philosophy, physic, physical chemistry, physical science, physicochemistry, physicomathematics, physics, province, psychophysics, pure science, radiation physics, radionics, science, social science, solar physics, solid-state physics, specialty, sphere, statics, stereophysics, study, technicology, technics, technology, theoretical physics, thermodynamics, zoophysics
natural world
[edit]- natural world, air, atom, atomic particles, brute matter, building block, chemical element, component, constituent, earth, element, elementary particle, elementary unit, fire, fundamental particle, hyle, hypostasis, material, material world, materiality, matter, molecule, monad, nature, physical world, plenum, stuff, substance, substratum, the four elements, unit of being, water
[edit]- natural, Afro, Attic, Bohemian, Ciceronian, Spartan, accepted, accidental, actual, affable, agrarian, alien, ament, appropriate, arcadian, artist, artless, ascetic, atavistic, austere, authentic, automatic, bald, bare, baseborn, basic, bastard, bodily, bona fide, born, born fool, breathing, breve, bucolic, candid, card-carrying, case, cast, casual, character, characteristic, chaste, child prodigy, cinch, classic, clear, clot, coeval, coif, coiffure, cold wave, common, commonplace, congenital, congenital idiot, conk, connatal, connate, connatural, consequent, consistent, consonant, constitutional, cordial, course, crackpot, crank, crap, craps, cretin, crotchet, customary, defective, degage, demisemiquaver, dinkum, direct, distinctive, distinguishing, dominant, dominant note, double whole note, dry, dull, easy, easygoing, eccentric, eighth note, elegant, enharmonic, enharmonic note, everyday, exemplary, expected, faithful, familiar, fanatic, fatherless, finished, fitting, flat, folksy, following the letter, fool, frank, free and easy, fundamental, general, genetic, genius, genuine, gifted child, gifted person, golem, good, graceful, gracile, gracious, guileless, habitual, haircut, hairdo, hairstyle, half note, half-wit, haymish, headdress, health, hemidemisemiquaver, hereditary, hermit, hobo, home permanent, homely, homespun, homey, honest, honest-to-God, idiot, ignorant, illegitimate, imbecile, impulsive, in the blood, in the raw, inartificial, inborn, inbred, incarnate, indigenous, informal, ingenuous, ingrained, inherent, inherited, innate, innocent, instinctive, instinctual, intellectual genius, intellectual prodigy, involuntary, irregular, juggins, kook, lawful, lean, legitimate, libidinal, lifelike, limpid, literal, living, logical, lone wolf, loner, loose, lucid, man of parts, matter-of-fact, maverick, mental genius, mental giant, meshuggenah, minim, misbegotten, mongoloid idiot, moron, musical note, naive, native, native to, natural idiot, natural to, natural-born fool, naturalistic, naturelike, naturistic, neat, net, nick, nonconformist, normal, note, nut, odd fellow, oddball, oddity, offhand, offhanded, open, orderly, ordinary, organic, original, outsider, pariah, pastoral, patent note, pellucid, permanent, permanent wave, perspicuous, physical, plain, plain-speaking, plain-spoken, polished, prevalent, primal, primitive, pristine, process, prodigy, proper, prosaic, prosing, prosy, provincial, pure, quarter note, quaver, queer duck, queer fish, queer specimen, quintessential, rara avis, real, realistic, reasonable, refined, regular, relaxed, report, responding note, restrained, rightful, roll, round, routine, rural, rustic, sample, screwball, semibreve, semiquaver, sensible, severe, shaped note, sharp, shoo-in, shot, simon-pure, simp, simple, simple-speaking, simplehearted, simpleton, sincere, sixteenth note, sixty-fourth note, sober, sociable, solitary, spare, speaking, spiccato, spontaneous, spurious, staccato, standard, stark, sterling, straight, straightforward, subliminal, supposititious, sure bet, sure success, sure thing, sure-enough, sustained note, talent, tasteful, temperamental, tercet, terse, thirty-second note, throw, to the life, tone, tramp, trim, triplet, true, true to form, true to life, true to nature, true to reality, true to type, typal, type, typic, typical, unacquired, unadorned, unadulterated, unaffected, unartificial, unassumed, unassuming, unceremonious, uncolored, unconcocted, unconscious, unconstrained, unconventional, uncopied, uncounterfeited, uncultivated, understandable, undesigning, undisguised, undisguising, undissembling, undissimulating, undistorted, undomesticated, unembarrassed, unembellished, unexaggerated, unexceptional, unfabricated, unfanciful, unfeigned, unfeigning, unfictitious, unflattering, unimaginative, unimagined, unimitated, uninvented, unlabored, unlearned, unofficial, unpoetical, unpremeditated, unpretended, unpretending, unpretentious, unqualified, unromantic, unschooled, unsimulated, unsophisticated, unspecious, unspoiled, unstudied, unsullied, unsynthetic, untouched, untutored, unvarnished, unworldly, usual, verbal, verbatim, veridical, verisimilar, virgin, virginal, wave, whole note, winner, word-for-word, zany, zealot
[edit]- naturalism, Marxism, absolute realism, animalism, artlessness, atomism, authenticity, behaviorism, bona fideness, commonsense realism, dialectical materialism, earthliness, empiricism, epiphenomenalism, genuineness, health, historical materialism, honesty, hylomorphism, hylotheism, hylozoism, inartificiality, legitimacy, lifelikeness, literalism, literality, literalness, materialism, mechanism, natural realism, naturalness, nature, naturism, new realism, normalcy, normality, normalness, order, photographic realism, physicalism, physicism, positive philosophy, positivism, pragmaticism, pragmatism, propriety, realism, realness, regularity, representative realism, secularism, sincerity, substantialism, temporality, true-to-lifeness, truth to nature, unadulteration, unaffectation, unaffectedness, unartificialness, unassumingness, undisguise, unfictitiousness, unpretentiousness, unspeciousness, unspoiledness, unspuriousness, unsyntheticness, verisimilitude, wholesomeness, worldliness
[edit]- naturalist, Marxist, anatomist, bacteriologist, biochemist, biologist, biometrist, biophysicist, botanist, commonsense philosopher, cytologist, dialectical materialist, ecologist, epistemological realist, geneticist, materialist, natural realist, natural scientist, physicist, physiologist, realist, zoologist
[edit]- naturalistic, Cyrenaic, Eleatic, Epicurean, Marxian, Marxist, Megarian, Stoic, animist, animistic, atomistic, authentic, bona fide, candid, card-carrying, characteristic, commonsense, cosmotheistic, delineative, depictive, descriptive, dinkum, distinctive, distinguishing, eclectic, empirical, eudaemonistic, exemplary, existential, expositive, expressive, faithful, following the letter, general, genuine, good, graphic, hedonic, hedonist, hedonistic, honest, honest-to-God, humanist, humanistic, hylomorphous, hylotheistic, idealistic, inartificial, instrumentalist, lawful, legitimate, lifelike, literal, materialist, materialistic, mechanist, mechanistic, metaphysical, monistic, natural, naturalist, naturistic, nominalist, normal, orderly, original, panlogistical, pantheistic, positivist, positivistic, pragmatic, pragmatist, pure, quintessential, rationalistic, real, realist, realistic, regular, representative, rightful, sample, scholastic, sensationalistic, simon-pure, simple, sincere, sterling, sure-enough, syncretistic, theistic, transcendentalist, transcendentalistic, true to form, true to life, true to nature, true to reality, true to type, typal, typic, typical, unadulterated, unaffected, unassumed, unassuming, uncolored, unconcocted, uncopied, uncounterfeited, undisguised, undisguising, undistorted, unexaggerated, unexceptional, unfabricated, unfanciful, unfeigned, unfeigning, unfictitious, unflattering, unimagined, unimitated, uninvented, unpretended, unpretending, unqualified, unromantic, unsimulated, unspecious, unsynthetic, unvarnished, usual, utilitarian, verbal, verbatim, veridical, verisimilar, vitalistic, vivid, voluntarist, voluntaristic, well-drawn, word-for-word
[edit]- naturalization, Americanization, about-face, acclimation, acclimatization, accommodation, acculturation, accustoming, adaption, adjustment, admission, adoption, affiliation, alchemy, assimilation, assumption, becoming, breaking, breaking-in, case hardening, change, change-over, citizenship by naturalization, citizenship papers, conditioning, conversion, culture shock, domestication, familiarization, flip-flop, growth, habituation, hardening, housebreaking, inurement, lapse, nationalization, naturalized citizenship, orientation, papers, passage, progress, re-formation, reconversion, reduction, resolution, reversal, seasoning, shift, switch, switch-over, taming, training, transformation, transit, transition, turning into, volte-face
[edit]- naturalize, Americanize, Anglicize, acclimate, acclimatize, accommodate, acculturate, acculturize, accustom, adapt, adjust, admit, adopt, affiliate, assimilate, assimilate to, become, break, break in, bring to, case harden, change, change into, change over, condition, confer citizenship, confirm, convert, do over, domesticate, domesticize, establish, familiarize, fix, gentle, go native, habituate, harden, housebreak, inure, make, make over, orient, orientate, reconvert, reduce to, render, resolve into, reverse, season, shift, switch, switch over, tame, train, transform, turn back, turn into, wont
[edit]- naturalized, Americanized, Anglicized, acclimated, acclimatized, accommodated, acculturated, acculturized, accustomed, adapted, adjusted, adopted, assimilated, case-hardened, changed, conditioned, converted, experienced, familiarized, hardened, indoctrinated, inured, orientated, oriented, reborn, redeemed, reformed, regenerated, renewed, run-in, seasoned, trained, transformed, used to, wont, wonted
[edit]- naturally, OK, Roger, absolutely, accordingly, actually, all right, alright, alrighty, amen, and so, artlessly, as a consequence, as a result, as a rule, as expected, as per usual, as things go, as usual, as you say, assuredly, authentically, aye, by all means, by birth, by nature, candidly, casually, certainly, chiefly, clearly, commonly, congenitally, consequently, customarily, da, directly, easily, en famille, exactly, familiarly, finally, fine, generally, genetically, genuinely, good, good enough, guilelessly, habitually, hear, honestly, immanently, in plain English, in plain words, inconsequence, indeed, indeedy, inevitably, informally, ingenuously, innately, instinctively, internally, intrinsically, inwardly, it follows that, ja, just so, legitimately, logically, mainly, mais oui, matter-of-factly, most assuredly, most often, mostly, naturellement, necessarily, normally, normatively, obviously, of course, of necessity, offhand, offhandedly, okay, openheartedly, openly, ordinarily, originally, oui, plainly, point-blank, positively, precisely, prescriptively, primally, primitively, quite, rather, really, regularly, relaxedly, right, righto, sans ceremonie, simply, straightforwardly, sure, sure thing, surely, therefore, to be expected, to be sure, to the point, truly, unaffectedly, unassumedly, unassumingly, unceremoniously, unconstrainedly, unofficially, unpretentiously, usually, veridically, very well, warts and all, well and good, why yes, without ceremony, yea, yeah, yep, yes, yes indeed, yes indeedy, yes sir, yes sirree
[edit]- naturalness, Atticism, Bohemianism, abandon, absolute realism, affability, appropriateness, artlessness, austerity, authenticity, baldness, bareness, bona fideness, candor, casualness, chasteness, chastity, clarity, classicalism, classicism, clearness, comeliness, common speech, common touch, cordiality, correctness, dignity, directness, discrimination, distinction, ease, easiness, easygoingness, elegance, elegancy, familiarity, felicitousness, felicity, finish, fittingness, flow, flowing periods, fluency, folksiness, frankness, genuineness, good taste, grace, gracefulness, gracility, graciousness, health, homeliness, homespun, homeyness, honesty, household words, inartificiality, informality, informalness, intactness, irregularity, leanness, legitimacy, lifelikeness, limpidity, literalism, literality, literalness, looseness, lucidity, matter-of-factness, natural man, natural state, naturalism, nature, naturism, neatness, normalcy, normality, normalness, offhandedness, openness, order, pellucidity, perspicuity, photographic realism, plain English, plain speaking, plain speech, plain style, plain words, plainness, polish, pristineness, propriety, prosaicness, prosiness, purity, realism, realness, refinement, regularity, relaxedness, restrainedness, restraint, rustic style, seemliness, severity, simpleness, simplicity, sincerity, smoothness, soberness, sociability, spareness, spontaneity, starkness, state of nature, straightforwardness, taste, tastefulness, terseness, true-to-lifeness, truth to nature, unadorned style, unadornedness, unadulteration, unaffectation, unaffectedness, unartificialness, unassumingness, unceremoniousness, unconstrainedness, unconstraint, unconventionality, undisguise, unfictitiousness, unimaginativeness, unpoeticalness, unpretentiousness, unrestraint, unspeciousness, unspoiledness, unspuriousness, unsyntheticness, verisimilitude, vernacular, virginity, wholesomeness
[edit]- nature, Copernican universe, Einsteinian universe, Newtonian universe, Ptolemaic universe, air, all, all being, all creation, allness, anatomy, animus, aptitude, aroma, artlessness, atom, atomic particles, attribute, attributes, badge, being, bent, bias, blood, body-build, brand, breed, brute matter, building block, by nature, cachet, cast, category, character, characteristic, characteristics, chemical element, clan, class, color, complexion, component, composition, configuration, conformation, constituent, constituents, constitution, cosmos, countryside, crasis, created nature, created universe, creation, cut, denomination, description, designation, dharma, diathesis, differentia, differential, disposition, distinctive feature, earmark, earth, eccentricity, element, elementary particle, elementary unit, environment, essence, essentiality, ethos, everything that is, expanding universe, feather, feature, features, fiber, figure, fire, flavor, form, frame, framework, fundamental particle, genius, genre, genuineness, genus, grain, gust, habit, hallmark, hue, humor, humors, hyle, hypostasis, identity, idiocrasy, idiosyncrasy, ilk, impress, impression, inartificiality, inclination, index, individualism, individuality, intactness, keynote, kidney, kin, kind, label, leaning, line, lineaments, lot, macrocosm, macrocosmos, make, makeup, manner, mannerism, mark, marking, material, material world, materiality, matter, megacosm, mental set, metagalaxy, mettle, mind, mind-set, mold, molecule, monad, mould, natural man, natural state, natural world, naturalism, naturally, naturalness, number, odor, omneity, particularity, peculiarity, personality, persuasion, phylum, physical world, physique, plenum, predilection, predisposition, preference, primitiveness, pristineness, proclivity, propensity, properties, property, pulsating universe, quality, quirk, race, savor, scenery, seal, set, shape, sidereal universe, simplicity, singularity, slant, smack, somatotype, sort, specialty, species, spirit, stamp, state of nature, steady-state universe, strain, streak, stripe, structure, stuff, style, substance, substratum, suchness, sum of things, system, taint, tang, taste, temper, temperament, tendency, tenor, texture, the four elements, the like of, the likes of, token, tone, totality, totality of being, trait, tribe, trick, turn, turn of mind, twist, type, unaffectation, unaffectedness, unartificialness, unassumingness, undisguise, unit of being, universe, unpretentiousness, unspoiledness, variety, vein, virginity, warp, water, way, whole wide world, wide world, wildness, world, world without end
[edit]- naturist, bareness, birthday suit, decollete, ecdysiast, gymnosophist, gymnosophy, nakedness, naturism, not a stitch, nudism, nudist, nudity, state of nature, stripper, stripteaser, the altogether, the nude, the raw, toplessness
[edit]- naturistic, bald, bare, bare-ass, general, gymnosophical, in native buff, in puris naturalibus, in the altogether, in the buff, in the raw, naked, natural, naturalistic, normal, nude, nudist, orderly, peeled, raw, realistic, stark-naked, typical, unexceptional, with nothing on, without a stitch
[edit]- naught, a little thing, aught, cipher, collapse, destruction, disaster, failure, goose egg, hardly anything, inessential, insignificancy, marginal matter, matter of indifference, mere nothing, minor matter, nada, nichts, nihil, nihility, nil, nix, no great matter, no such thing, nothing, nothing at all, nothing in particular, nothing on earth, nothing to signify, nothing whatever, nought, nullity, ought, paltry affair, peu de chose, rien du tout, ruin, scarcely anything, technicality, thing of naught, wind, zero, zilch
[edit]- naughty, abominable, arrant, atrocious, bad, base, bawdy, black, blamable, blameworthy, blue, contrary, criminal, damnable, dark, defiant, devilish, dirty, disgraceful, disobedient, disorderly, disruptive, evil, execrable, flagitious, flagrant, foul, fractious, frolicsome, froward, headstrong, heinous, ill-behaved, immoral, impish, improper, indecent, indecorous, indisciplined, infamous, iniquitous, insubordinate, intractable, knavish, lawless, lewd, low, misbehaving, mischievous, monstrous, nefarious, nonconforming, not respectable, obscene, obstinate, obstreperous, off color, off-base, offensive, out-of-line, paw, peccant, perverse, playful, pornographic, puckish, rank, raunchy, recalcitrant, recusant, refractory, reprehensible, reprobate, ribald, risque, roguish, rowdy, rowdyish, ruffianly, scampish, scandalous, self-willed, shameful, sinful, smutty, transgressive, unbehaving, uncomplying, undisciplined, unduteous, undutiful, unforgivable, ungovernable, unmanageable, unpardonable, unruly, unspeakable, unworthy, vicious, vile, villainous, violative, vulgar, wayward, wicked, willful, wrong
[edit]- nausea, abhorrence, abomination, abscess, ague, airsickness, allergy, anemia, angst, anguish, ankylosis, anoxia, antagonism, antipathy, anxiety, apnea, asphyxiation, asthma, ataxia, atrophy, aversion, backache, barf, bleeding, blennorhea, boredom, cachexia, cachexy, car sickness, cheerlessness, chill, chills, cold sweat, colic, constipation, convulsion, coughing, creeping flesh, cyanosis, diarrhea, discomfort, discomposure, discontent, disgorgement, disgust, dislike, displeasure, disquiet, dissatisfaction, dizziness, dread, dropsy, dullness, dysentery, dyspepsia, dyspnea, edema, egesta, egestion, emaciation, emptiness, enmity, ennui, existential woe, fainting, fatigue, fever, fibrillation, flatness, flux, gagging, grimness, growth, hate, hatred, heaves, heaving, hemorrhage, high blood pressure, horror, hostility, hydrops, hypertension, hypotension, icterus, indigestion, inflammation, inquietude, insomnia, itching, jaundice, joylessness, labored breathing, lack of pleasure, loathing, low blood pressure, lumbago, mal de mer, malaise, marasmus, mortal horror, motion sickness, nasal discharge, necrosis, nongratification, nonsatisfaction, pain, painfulness, paralysis, pruritus, puke, qualm, qualmishness, queasiness, rash, regurgitation, repugnance, repulsion, rheum, savorlessness, sclerosis, seasickness, seizure, shock, shuddering, skin eruption, sneezing, sore, spasm, spew, spleen, squeamishness, staleness, tabes, tachycardia, tastelessness, tediousness, tedium, tumor, uncomfortableness, unease, uneasiness, unhappiness, unpleasure, unsatisfaction, upset stomach, vertigo, vexation of spirit, vomit, vomiting, vomition, wasting
[edit]- nauseant, abstergent, cathartic, cleaner, cleaning agent, cleaning solvent, cleanser, cleansing cream, cold cream, cream, dentifrice, depurant, detergent, disgustingness, diuretic, emetic, enema, fetidness, foulness, holystone, loathsomeness, lotion, mouthwash, nastiness, nauseousness, obnoxiousness, odiousness, offensiveness, overripeness, pumice stone, purgative, purge, purifier, rancidity, rancidness, rankness, repugnance, repulsiveness, rinse, rottenness, shampoo, sickener, soap, solvent, synthetic detergent, tooth powder, toothpaste, vileness, vomit, vomitive, wash
[edit]- nauseated, airsick, anguished, anxious, barfy, bored, carsick, cheerless, choking, depressed, disgusted, gagging, grim, heaving, joyless, nauseous, offended, pleasureless, prey to malaise, pukish, puky, qualmish, qualmy, queasy, repelled, revolted, sad, seasick, sickened, squeamish, suffering angst, uneasy, unfulfilled, ungratified, unhappy, unquiet, unsatisfied, vomiting
[edit]- nauseating, abhorrent, abominable, bad, barfy, base, beastly, below contempt, beneath contempt, brackish, cloying, contemptible, crappy, crude, despicable, detestable, disgusting, execrable, fecal, feculent, fetid, filthy, flyblown, forbidding, foul, fulsome, gloppy, gross, gunky, hateful, heinous, high, icky, ignoble, loathsome, maggoty, malodorous, mawkish, mephitic, miasmal, miasmic, mucky, nasty, nauseant, nauseous, noisome, noxious, objectionable, obnoxious, obscene, odious, offensive, ordurous, overripe, poisonous, puky, putrid, rancid, rank, rebarbative, repellent, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, rotten, scabby, scummy, scurfy, shitty, sickening, slabby, slimy, sloppy, sloshy, sludgy, slushy, spoiled, sposhy, stinking, vile, vomity, weevily, wormy, yecchy, yucky
[edit]- nauseous, abhorrent, airsick, anguished, anxious, bad, barfy, bored, brackish, carsick, cheerless, cloying, depressed, disgusted, disgusting, emetic, fetid, foul, fulsome, grim, high, icky, joyless, loathsome, maggoty, mawkish, nasty, nauseant, nauseated, nauseating, noisome, noxious, offensive, overripe, pleasureless, poisonous, prey to malaise, pukish, puky, qualmish, qualmy, queasy, rancid, rank, rebarbative, repelled, repellent, repugnant, repulsive, revolted, revolting, rotten, sad, seasick, sickened, sickening, spoiled, squeamish, stinking, suffering angst, uneasy, unfulfilled, ungratified, unhappy, unpleasant, unquiet, unsatisfied, vile, vomity, weevily, yucky
[edit]- nautical, bathymetric, bathyorographical, boating, deep-sea, hydrographic, marine, maritime, naval, navigational, ocean-going, oceanic, oceanographic, pelagic, sailing, salty, seafaring, seagoing, seamanlike, seamanly, terriginous, thalassic, water-borne, yachting
naval officer
[edit]- naval officer, OD, admiral, boatswain, captain, chief engineer, chief mate, chief petty officer, commander, commodore, deck officer, ensign, fleet admiral, lieutenant, lieutenant commander, lieutenant junior grade, master, mate, navarch, navigating officer, navigator, patron, petty officer, pipes, quartermaster, rear admiral, sailing master, second mate, shipmaster, skipper, the Old Man, vice admiral, warrant officer, watch officer
[edit]- navar, VAR, airborne radar, astronavigation, automatic electronic navigation, aviation radar, celestial navigation, consolan, electronic navigation, loran, navigation, omnidirectional range, omnirange, radar, radar dome, radio navigation, shoran, tacan, teleran, visual-aural range
[edit]- nave, Easter sepulcher, ambry, apse, arbor, axis, axle, axle bar, axle shaft, axle spindle, axle-tree, baptistery, blindstory, center, center of action, center of gravity, centroid, centrum, chancel, choir, cloisters, confessional, confessionary, core, crypt, dead center, diaconicon, diaconicum, distaff, epicenter, fulcrum, gimbal, gudgeon, heart, hinge, hingle, hub, kernel, mandrel, marrow, medulla, metacenter, middle, navel, nub, nucleus, oarlock, omphalos, pin, pintle, pith, pivot, pole, porch, presbytery, radiant, rood loft, rood stair, rood tower, rowlock, sacrarium, sacristy, spindle, storm center, swivel, transept, triforium, trunnion, umbilicus, vestry
[edit]- navel, axis, center, center of action, center of gravity, centroid, centrum, core, dead center, epicenter, heart, hub, kernel, marrow, medulla, metacenter, middle, nave, nub, nucleus, omphalos, pith, pivot, storm center, umbilicus
[edit]- navigate, aeroplane, airlift, airplane, allocate, assign, balloon, be airborne, boat, canoe, captain, carry sail, chart a course, circumnavigate, coast, collocate, con, cond, conn, coxswain, cross, cruise, deploy, direct, dispose, drift, emplace, ferry, fix, flit, fly, get a fix, glide, go by ship, go on shipboard, go to sea, guide, handle, have the conn, helm, home in on, hop, hover, hydroplane, install, jet, journey, localize, locate, make a passage, manage, motorboat, operate, pilot, pin down, pinpoint, place, ply, position, put in place, row, run, sail, sail round, sail the sea, sailplane, scull, seafare, seaplane, shape a course, situate, skipper, soar, spot, steam, steamboat, steer, take a voyage, take the air, take wing, traverse, triangulate, volplane, voyage, wing, yacht, zero in on
[edit]- navigation, VAR, aim, astronavigation, automatic electronic navigation, azimuth, bearing, bent, boating, canoeing, cartography, celestial navigation, chorography, circumnavigation, coasting, consolan, course, cruising, current, direction, direction line, drift, electronic navigation, geodesy, geodetic satellite, geography, gunkholing, heading, helmsmanship, inclination, lay, lie, line, line of direction, line of march, loran, motorboating, navar, navigability, navigating, omnidirectional range, omnirange, orbiting geophysical observatory, orientation, passage-making, periplus, pilotage, piloting, point, quarter, radar, radio navigation, range, rowing, run, sailing, sculling, sea travel, seafaring, seamanship, set, shoran, steaming, steerage, steering, surveying, tacan, teleran, tendency, tenor, topography, track, travel by water, trend, visual-aural range, voyaging, water travel, way, yachting
[edit]- navigational, cartographic, chorographic, geodetic, geographic, locational, marine, maritime, nautical, naval, ocean-going, oceanic, pelagic, positional, regional, salty, seafaring, seamanlike, seamanly, situal, situational, topographic, water-borne
[edit]- navigator, AB, Ancient Mariner, Argonaut, Dylan, Flying Dutchman, Gyropilot, Neptune, OD, Poseidon, Varuna, able seaman, able-bodied seaman, aerial photographer, aircrew, aircrewman, automatic pilot, avigator, bakehead, belly gunner, black gang, bluejacket, boatheader, boatsteerer, boatswain, boilerman, bombardier, buccaneer, bungs, cabin boy, captain, chief engineer, chief mate, chips, cicerone, commander, commissary steward, complement, courier, cowherd, coxswain, crew, crew chief, deck officer, deckhand, deckie, deep-sea man, dragoman, drover, fair-weather sailor, fireman, fisherman, flight attendant, flight crew, goatherd, guide, guidepost, guider, gun loader, gunner, hand, hearty, helmsman, herd, herdsman, hospital steward, hostess, jack, jack afloat, jack-tar, jacky, landing signalman, limey, lobsterman, machine gunner, mail orderly, mariner, master, mate, matelot, mercury, meteorologist, naval officer, navigating officer, oiler, patron, pilot, pipes, pirate, pointer, privateer, purser, quartermaster, radio operator, river pilot, roustabout, sailing master, sailor, salt, sea dog, sea rover, seafarer, seafaring man, seaman, second mate, shepherd, shipman, shipmaster, skipper, snip, snips, sparks, steerer, steersman, steward, stewardess, stoker, tar, the Old Man, torpedoman, tour director, tour guide, viking, watch, watch officer, water dog, whaler, wheelman, windjammer, windsailor, yeoman
[edit]- navvy, blue-collar worker, breadwinner, casual, casual laborer, common laborer, day laborer, digger, dredge, dredger, driller, employee, excavator, factory worker, flunky, free lance, free-lancer, full-time worker, groundhog, hand, industrial worker, jobber, jobholder, laborer, laboring man, menial, migrant, miner, moiler, office temporary, proletarian, roustabout, salaried worker, sandhog, sapper, self-employed person, servant, steam shovel, stiff, temporary, toiler, tunneler, wage earner, wage slave, wageworker, worker, workgirl, workhand, working girl, workingman, workingwoman, workman
navy man
[edit]- navy man, Amazon, Naval Reservist, Royal Marine, Seabee, air serviceman, bluejacket, boot, brave, cadet, cannon fodder, fighting man, food for powder, frogman, gob, halberdier, hoplite, horse marine, jolly, legionary, man-at-arms, marine, midshipman, midshipmite, military man, naval cadet, pikeman, rifle, rifleman, serviceman, soldier, spearman, swabbie, warrior, warrioress
[edit]- navy, Naval Construction Battalion, RN, Royal Navy, Seabees, USN, United States Navy, argosy, armada, bottoms, cavendish, chaw, chew, chewing tobacco, coast guard, cud, cut plug, division, eating tobacco, escadrille, fid, fleet, flotilla, line, marine, merchant fleet, merchant marine, merchant navy, mosquito fleet, naval forces, naval militia, naval reserve, navy plug, pigtail, quid, shipping, ships, squadron, task force, task group, tobacco juice, tonnage, twist, whaling fleet
[edit]- nay, Australian ballot, Hare system, No, abnegation, au contraire, aye, ballot, canvass, canvassing, casting vote, certainly not, con, contradiction, counting heads, cumulative voting, deciding vote, declension, declination, declinature, declining, denial, deprivation, disagreement, disallowance, disclaimer, disclamation, disobedience, dissent, division, enfranchisement, fagot vote, far from it, franchise, graveyard vote, hand vote, holding back, indeed, interest, list system, naysaying, negation, negative, negative answer, negative attitude, negativeness, negativism, negativity, nein, nit, nix, no, no such thing, non, nonacceptance, noncompliance, nonconsent, nonobservance, nontransferable vote, nope, not, not a bit, not a jot, not a whit, not really, not so, nyet, plebiscite, plebiscitum, plumper, plural vote, poll, polling, preferential voting, pro, proportional representation, proxy, quite the contrary, recantation, record vote, referendum, refusal, rejection, representation, repudiation, retention, right to vote, rising vote, say, secret ballot, show of hands, side, single vote, snap vote, straw vote, suffrage, the affirmative, the negative, thumbs-down, to the contrary, transferable vote, truly, turndown, unwillingness, verily, viva voce, voice, voice vote, vote, voting, voting right, withholding, write-in, write-in vote, yea, yeas and nays, yes
[edit]- naysayer, anomaly, bitter-ender, brawler, crosspatch, defeatist, defendant, denier, diehard, disputant, dissenter, dissentient, dissident, freak, individualist, inner-directed person, intransigent, irreconcilable, last-ditcher, litigant, misfit, negativist, nonconformist, noncooperator, objector, obstructionist, obstructive, oddball, opposer, oppositionist, pessimist, plaintiff, prophet of doom, protester, quarreler, refuser, resister, sceptic, scrapper, sport, wrangler
[edit]- Nazism, centralism, collectivism, communism, constitutionalism, democratism, fascism, federalism, feudalism, feudality, governmentalism, imperialism, monarchism, national socialism, neofascism, parliamentarianism, parliamentarism, pluralism, political principles, republicanism, royalism, socialism, statism
[edit]- NCO, acting corporal, acting sergeant, centurion, chief warrant officer, color sergeant, corporal, first sergeant, havildar, lance corporal, lance sergeant, master sergeant, mess sergeant, naik, noncom, noncommissioned officer, platoon sergeant, sarge, sergeant, sergeant first class, sergeant major, staff sergeant, technical sergeant, top sergeant, topkick, warrant officer
ne plus ultra
[edit]- ne plus ultra, acme, acme of perfection, all, apex, apogee, authority, authorization, be-all and end-all, blue ribbon, brow, cap, capstone, ceiling, championship, climax, cloud nine, command, consummation, control, crest, crown, culmen, culmination, directorship, dominion, edge, effectiveness, end, extreme, extreme limit, extremity, first place, first prize, headship, heaven, heavens, hegemony, height, high noon, highest, highest degree, highest pitch, highest point, imperium, influence, jurisdiction, kingship, last word, leadership, limit, lordship, management, mastership, mastery, maximum, meridian, most, mountaintop, new high, no place higher, noon, nth degree, palms, paramountcy, peak, perfection, pink, pink of perfection, pinnacle, pitch, point, pole, power, presidency, primacy, record, ridge, rule, say, seventh heaven, sky, sovereignty, spire, summit, supremacy, sway, the whole, tip, tip-top, top, top spot, ultimate, upmost, upper extremity, uppermost, utmost, utmost extent, uttermost, vertex, very top, zenith
[edit]- Neanderthal, Goth, Gothic, animal, barbarian, barbaric, barbarous, bestial, brutal, brute, brutish, ill-bred, impolite, noncivilized, outlandish, primitive, rough-and-ready, savage, troglodyte, troglodytic, uncivil, uncivilized, uncombed, uncouth, uncultivated, uncultured, unkempt, unlicked, unpolished, unrefined, untamed, wild
[edit]- neap, couchant, crouched, dead low water, debased, depressed, direct tide, ebb, ebb and flow, ebb tide, flat, flood, flood tide, flow, flux, flux and reflux, full tide, high tide, high water, knee-high, knocked flat, laid low, low, low tide, low water, low-built, low-hung, low-level, low-leveled, low-lying, low-set, low-statured, lunar tide, neap tide, opposite tide, prone, recumbent, refluence, reflux, rip, riptide, runty, short, solar tide, spring tide, squat, squatty, stooped, stumpy, supine, thalassometer, tidal amplitude, tidal current, tidal current chart, tidal flow, tidal range, tide, tide chart, tide gate, tide gauge, tide race, tide rip, tidewater, tideway, unelevated
Near East
[edit]- Near East, Africa, America, Antipodes, Asia, Asia Major, Asia Minor, Australasia, East, Eastern Hemisphere, Eurasia, Europe, Far East, Levant, Middle East, New World, Occident, Oceania, Old World, Orient, West, Western Hemisphere, continent, down under, eastland, landmass, the old country
near miss
[edit]- near miss, close call, close shave, close squeak, collision, collision course, confrontation, crack-up, crash, encounter, error, hairbreadth escape, joining, meeting, miss, mistake, narrow escape, narrow squeak, near go, near miss, near thing, rencontre, slip, slipup, tight squeeze
[edit]- near, about, about to be, abutting, accost, adjacent, adjoining, advance, advancing, all but, almost, along toward, already in sight, among, angustifoliate, angustirostrate, angustisellate, angustiseptal, anticipate, ape, appear like, approach, approaching, appropinquate, approximate, approximating, approximative, arm-in-arm, around, as good as, aside, at, at close quarters, at hand, at next hand, attached, attracted to, avaricious, await, be destined, be fated, be imminent, be in store, be like, be redolent of, be to be, be to come, bear down on, bear down upon, bear resemblance, bear up, beside, bordering on, brew, brewing, bring to mind, burning, by, call to mind, call up, cheap, cheek-by-jowl, circa, circumscribed, close, close about, close at hand, close by, close in, close to, close upon, close with, close-by, close-fitting, closefisted, closely, come, come close, come closer, come forward, come near, come on, come up, coming, comparable, compare with, confined, confront, connected, constricted, contiguous, converge, copy, correspond, counterclockwise, counterfeit, cramp, cramped, crowded, draw near, draw nigh, draw on, drawn to, encounter, equal, evoke, expect, face, familiar, fast by, favor, follow, foresee, foretell, forthcome, forthcoming, from, future, gain upon, gather, gathering, going to happen, hairbreadth, hand and glove, hand-in-hand, hang over, hard, hard by, hard on, hardfisted, hereabout, hereabouts, homologous, hope, hot, hover, illiberal, imitate, immediate, imminent, impend, impendent, impending, in, in danger imminent, in prospect, in reserve, in spitting distance, in store, in the cards, in the offing, in the wind, in view, incapacious, incommodious, inseparable, instant, intimate, isthmian, isthmic, just about, larboard, lean towards, left, left-hand, left-wing, left-wingish, levorotatory, liberal, lie ahead, lie over, like, limited, look for, look forward to, look like, loom, looming, lower, lowering, lurking, match, meager, mean, menace, menacing, mimic, mirror, miserly, much at one, much the same, narrow, narrow the gap, near at hand, near the mark, near to, near upon, nearabout, nearabouts, nearby, nearing, nearish, nearly, nearly reproduce, nearly the same, next door to, next to, niggardly, nigh, nigh about, nighhand, nighish, not far, not far from, not quite, not tell apart, on, on the horizon, oncoming, only a step, overhang, overhanging, parallel, parsimonious, partake of, penny-pinching, penurious, pinchfisted, pinching, plan, plot, port, predict, preparing, pretty near, project, prophesy, propinque, proximal, proximate, quasi, radical, relatable, related, relative, remind one of, resemble, restricted, rival, round, same but different, save-all, savor of, scant, scanty, seem like, selfish, side-by-side, sidle up to, similar, simulate, sinister, sinistral, sinistrocerebral, sinistrocular, sinistrogyrate, sinistrorse, slender, smack of, sound like, stack up with, step up, stingy, strait, suggest, take after, that will be, thereabout, thereabouts, thick, thick as thieves, threaten, threatening, tight, tight-fisted, tightfisted, to, to come, touch, toward, ungenerous, upcoming, verge on, verging on, verging upon, vicinal, virtually, waiting, warm, well-nigh, with, within call, within earshot, within hearing, within reach, within sight
[edit]- near-sighted, biased, bigoted, dogmatic, heedless, illiberal, insular, intolerant, myopic, narrow, narrow-minded, one-sided, opinionated, parochial, partial, prejudiced, short-sighted, unimaginative, unsophisticated, unthinking
[edit]- nearby, about, accessible, adjacent, along toward, around, aside, at close quarters, at hand, away, beside, by, circa, close, close about, close at hand, close by, convenient, convenient to, easily reached, fast by, handy, hard, hard by, hereabout, hereabouts, immediate, in juxtaposition, in spitting distance, in the vicinity, near, near at hand, nearabout, nearabouts, nigh, nigh about, not far, on one side, on the side, only a step, propinquant, propinquous, ready at hand, round, sidelong, thereabout, thereabouts, to hand, to one side, to the side, within call, within earshot, within hearing, within reach
[edit]- nearing, about to be, access, accession, advance, advancing, advent, afflux, affluxion, already in sight, approach, approaching, appropinquation, approximate, approximating, approximation, approximative, appulse, arm-in-arm, at hand, attracted to, brewing, burning, cheek-by-jowl, close, close at hand, coming, coming near, coming toward, desired, destinal, destined, determined, drawn to, emergent, eventual, extrapolated, fatal, fated, fatidic, flowing toward, forthcoming, future, futuristic, gathering, going to happen, hand-in-hand, hereafter, hoped-for, hot, immediate, imminence, imminent, impendent, impending, in danger imminent, in prospect, in reserve, in store, in the cards, in the offing, in the wind, in view, instant, intimate, later, looming, lowering, lurking, menacing, near, near at hand, near the mark, nearish, nearness, nigh, nighish, on the horizon, oncoming, overhanging, planned, plotted, predicted, preparing, probable, projected, prophesied, propinque, prospective, proximal, proximate, proximation, side-by-side, that will be, threatening, to come, to-be, ultimate, upcoming, vicinal, waiting, warm
[edit]- nearly, about, all but, all in all, almost, almost entirely, approaching, approximately, around, as good as, barely, by and large, chiefly, circa, close, close to, closely, effectually, essentially, exactly, hardly, identically, in, in effect, in essence, in the main, just about, mainly, more or less, most, mostly, much, narrowly, near, nearabout, nearing, nigh, nighhand, not quite, on balance, on the whole, only just, plus ou moins, practically, precisely, pretty near, roughly, round, roundly, rudely, say, scarcely, some, somewhere, substantially, virtually, well-nigh
[edit]- nearness, access, accession, accord, accordance, addition, adjunct, advance, advent, affairs, affiliation, affinity, afflux, affluxion, agreement, alikeness, alliance, analogy, aping, approach, approaching, appropinquation, approximation, appulse, assemblage, assimilation, association, avarice, bond, cheapness, chumminess, closefistedness, closeness, combination, coming, coming near, coming toward, community, comparability, comparison, confinement, conformity, connectedness, connection, contiguity, contrariety, copying, correspondence, crowdedness, dealings, deduction, disjunction, familiarity, filiation, flowing toward, forthcoming, hair, hairbreadth, hairsbreadth, hardfistedness, hoarding, homology, identity, illiberality, imitation, imminence, incapaciousness, incommodiousness, inseparableness, intercourse, intimacy, intimate acquaintance, junction, liaison, likeness, likening, limitation, link, linkage, linking, mateyness, metaphor, mimicking, miserliness, mutual attraction, narrow gauge, narrowness, nearing, oncoming, palliness, parallelism, parity, penny-pinching, propinquity, proximation, proximity, rapport, relatedness, relation, relations, relationship, resemblance, restrictedness, restriction, sameness, semblance, similarity, simile, similitude, simulation, slenderness, special affinity, stinginess, straitness, strictness, sympathy, tie, tie-in, tight purse strings, tight squeeze, tightfistedness, tightness, ungenerosity, union
[edit]- nearsighted, asquint, astigmatic, authoritarian, bigot, bigoted, blind, blindfold, blindfolded, blink-eyed, blinking, blinky, borne, closed, constricted, cramped, creedbound, deaf, deaf to reason, dim-sighted, fanatical, farsighted, hidebound, illiberal, imperceptive, impercipient, insensible, insular, little, little-minded, longsighted, mean, mean-minded, mean-spirited, mind-blind, mope-eyed, myopic, narrow, narrow-hearted, narrow-minded, narrow-souled, narrow-spirited, nonunderstanding, parochial, petty, poor-sighted, presbyopic, provincial, purblind, shortsighted, small, small-minded, squinch-eyed, squint-eyed, squinting, squinty, strabismal, strabismic, straitlaced, stuffy, unapprehending, uncatholic, uncharitable, uncomprehending, undiscerning, ungenerous, unliberal, unperceptive, winking
[edit]- nearsightedness, authoritarianism, bigotry, blind side, blind spot, blinders, blindness, closed mind, cramped ideas, dim-sightedness, fanaticism, hideboundness, illiberality, imperceptiveness, impercipience, incomprehension, insensibility, insularism, insularity, little-mindedness, littleness, mean mind, meanness, myopia, narrow sympathies, narrow views, narrow-mindedness, narrowness, nonunderstanding, odium theologicum, parochialism, pettiness, petty mind, provincialism, purblindness, short sight, shortsightedness, shut mind, smallness, straitlacedness, stuffiness, unapprehendingness, uncatholicity, undiscerningness, unperceptiveness