lex talionis
[edit]From Latin lex (“proposition or motion for a law, a bill”) + talionis, genitive singular of tālio (“retaliation”), from tālis (“of such kind”).
[edit]- law of equivalent retaliation.
[edit]law of equivalent retaliation
See also
[edit]Alternative forms
[edit]Learned borrowing from Latin lex talionis.
[edit]- (uncommon) lex talionis
- Synonym: talionprincipen
- 1776 February 23, “Från Holland […] [From Holland […] ]”, in Götheborgs Allehanda, page 1:
- Imedlertid aͤr det ſant, at denna Congreß uti alla hittils tagne ſteg låtet framlyſa den ſtoͤrſta klokhet och moderation, ſåſom då den, uti ſit beſlut af d. 6 Dec. at, emot Kongl. Declarationen af d. 23 Augusti, bruka Lex Talionis, eller medergaͤlnings Raͤtten, til ſlut ſaͤger, "at Deras afſigt aldrig aͤr at foͤrdubbla det onda, utan at foͤrekomma det.
- Meanwhile, it is true that this Congress, in all steps taken thus far, hath shown forth the greatest wisdom and moderation, as when, in its resolution of the 6th of December, against the Royal Declaration of the 23rd of August, to employ the Lex Talionis, or the right of retaliation, it finally declareth, "their intent is never to double the harm, but rather to prevent it.
- 1942, Anonymus, translated by Eric Hermelin, Kalīlah, volume III, page 29:
- Om det, som du begått och gjort dig skyldig till, begånget varit hade utan föregående och förorsakande provocation, från första början, DÅ hade, från din sida, afstånds-tagande och fjermande från mig, än sällskapande och tillsamman-sittande med mig, mer varit rådeligt. Men du har handlat på den grundval som Lex Talionis har lagt ned, i enlighet med vedergällnings-lagen.
- If that which you have committed and made yourself guilty of had been done without prior and provoking cause, from the very beginning, THEN it would have been more advisable on your part to distance and separate yourself from me, rather than associate and sit together with me. But you have acted upon the foundation laid down by the Lex Talionis, in accordance with the law of retaliation.
- 2024 April 15, Peter Östling, “Ledarkrönika: Ministrars falska CV:n [Editorial: Ministers' fake CVs]”, in Sydöstran:
- Tidöpartierna och KD, starkt kontrollerade av SD, driver en politik så långt åt det nationalkonservativa hållet att gamla testamentets Moseböcker känns lätt progressiva och rent rättsligt görs den kanoniska rättens lex talionis sig gällande.
- The Tidö parties and the Christian Democrats, tightly controlled by the Sweden Democrats, pursue a policy so far to the national-conservative side that the books of Moses from the Old Testament feel mildly progressive, and in legal terms, the lex talionis of canon law is coming into effect.
See also
[edit]- öga för öga, tand för tand (“eye for eye, tooth for tooth”)