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This is a Swadesh list of words in Haitian Creole , compared with definitions in English .
For further information, including the full final version of the list, read the Wikipedia article: Swadesh list .
American linguist Morris Swadesh believed that languages changed at measurable rates and that these could be determined even for languages without written precursors. Using vocabulary lists, he sought to understand not only change over time but also the relationships of extant languages. To be able to compare languages from different cultures, he based his lists on meanings he presumed would be available in as many cultures as possible. He then used the fraction of agreeing cognates between any two related languages to compute their divergence time by some (still debated) algorithms. Starting in 1950 with 165 meanings, his list grew to 215 in 1952, which was so expansive that many languages lacked native vocabulary for some terms. Subsequently, it was reduced to 207, and reduced much further to 100 meanings in 1955. A reformulated list was published posthumously in 1971.
№ English Haitian Creolekreyòl edit (207) FrenchFrançais edit (207) 1 I (1sg )mwen je 2 you (2sg )ou tu * , vous * 3 he , she , it (3sg )li il * , elle * 4 we (1pl )nou nous 5 you (2pl )nou vous 6 they (3pl )yo ils * , elles * 7 this sa ceci 8 that sa a cela 9 here isit ici 10 there la , isit la là 11 who kilès , kimoun qui 12 what kisa quoi 13 where ki kote où 14 when kilè quand 15 how kòman , kijan comment 16 not pa ne pas 17 all tout tout 18 many anpil beaucoup 19 some kèk , detwa quelques 20 few enpe , tikras , tikal peu 21 other lòt autre 22 one en, youn, yon un 23 two de deux 24 three twa trois 25 four kat quatre 26 five senk cinq 27 big gran grand 28 long long long 29 wide laj large 30 thick epè , pwès épais 31 heavy lou lourd 32 small piti petit 33 short kout court 34 narrow jennen étroit 35 thin fen mince 36 woman fanm femme 37 man (adult male)nonm homme 38 man (human being)moun homme 39 child pitit , timoun enfant 40 wife madanm femme , épouse 41 husband mari mari , époux 42 mother manman mère 43 father papa père 44 animal zannimo , bèt animal 45 fish pwason poisson 46 bird zwazo oiseau 47 dog chen chien 48 louse pou pou 49 snake koulèv serpent 50 worm vè ver 51 tree pyebwa arbre 52 forest forè forêt 53 stick baton bâton 54 fruit fwi fruit 55 seed grenn graine 56 leaf fèy feuille 57 root rasin racine 58 bark (of a tree)kòs , po écorce 59 flower flè fleur 60 grass zèb herbe 61 rope kòd corde 62 skin po peau 63 meat vyann viande 64 blood san sang 65 bone zo os 66 fat (noun)grès graisse 67 egg ze œuf 68 horn kòn corne 69 tail ke queue 70 feather plim plume 71 hair cheve cheveux 72 head tèt tête 73 ear zòrèy oreille 74 eye je œil 75 nose nen nez 76 mouth bouch bouche 77 tooth dan dent 78 tongue (organ)lang langue 79 fingernail zong ongle 80 foot pye pied 81 leg janm , pye jambe 82 knee jenou genou 83 hand men main 84 wing zèl aile 85 belly vant ventre 86 guts zantray entrailles , intestins 87 neck kou cou 88 back do dos 89 breast tete , sen sein , poitrine 90 heart kè cœur 91 liver fwa foie 92 to drink bwè boire 93 to eat manje manger 94 to bite mòde mordre 95 to suck souse sucer 96 to spit krache cracher 97 to vomit vomi vomir 98 to blow soufle souffler 99 to breathe respire respirer 100 to laugh ri rire 101 to see wè voir 102 to hear tande entendre 103 to know konnen savoir 104 to think panse penser 105 to smell santi sentir 106 to fear pè craindre 107 to sleep dòmi dormir 108 to live viv vivre 109 to die mouri mourir 110 to kill touye tuer 111 to fight goumen , batay se battre 112 to hunt chase chasser 113 to hit frape frapper 114 to cut koupe couper 115 to split separe fendre 116 to stab pike poignarder 117 to scratch grate gratter 118 to dig fouye creuser 119 to swim naje nager 120 to fly vole voler 121 to walk mache marcher 122 to come vini venir 123 to lie (as in a bed) kouche , blayi s’étendre * 124 to sit chita s’asseoir * 125 to stand leve , kanpe se lever * 126 to turn (intransitive) vire tourner 127 to fall tonbe tomber 128 to give bay donner 129 to hold kenbe tenir 130 to squeeze sere serrer 131 to rub fwote frotter 132 to wash lave laver 133 to wipe siye essuyer 134 to pull tire tirer 135 to push pouse pousser 136 to throw voye , jete jeter , lancer 137 to tie mare lier 138 to sew koud coudre 139 to count konte compter 140 to say di dire 141 to sing chante chanter 142 to play jwe jouer 143 to float flote flotter 144 to flow koule couler 145 to freeze glase geler 146 to swell anfle gonfler 147 sun solèy soleil 148 moon lalin lune 149 star zetwal étoile 150 water dlo eau 151 rain lapli pluie 152 river rivyè rivière 153 lake lak lac 154 sea lanmè mer 155 salt sèl sel 156 stone wòch pierre 157 sand sab sable 158 dust pousyè poussière 159 earth latè terre 160 cloud nyaj nuage 161 fog bwouya brouillard 162 sky syèl ciel 163 wind van vent 164 snow nèj, lanèj neige 165 ice glas glace 166 smoke lafimen fumée 167 fire dife feu 168 ash sann cendre 169 to burn boule brûler 170 road chemen , wout route 171 mountain mòn , montay montagne 172 red wouj rouge 173 green vèt vert 174 yellow jòn jaune 175 white blan blanc 176 black nwa noir 177 night lannuit nuit 178 day jou jour 179 year ane, lane an , année 180 warm cho chaud 181 cold frèt froid 182 full plen plein 183 new nouvo , nèf nouveau , neuf 184 old vye , aje vieux 185 good bon bon 186 bad move mauvais 187 rotten pouri pourri 188 dirty sal sale 189 straight dwat droit 190 round won rond 191 sharp (as a knife)file , koupe tranchant 192 dull (as a knife)defile , febli émoussé 193 smooth lis lisse 194 wet mouye mouillé 195 dry sèk sec 196 correct kòrèk juste 197 near toupre près 198 far lwen loin 199 right dwat, adwat droite 200 left gòch, agòch gauche 201 at a à 202 in nan , anndan dans 203 with ak , avèk avec 204 and ak , epi , e et 205 if si si 206 because paske , akòz , poutèt parce que 207 name non nom
Wittmann, Henri (1973). "The lexicostatistical classification of the French-based Creole languages." Lexicostatistics in genetic linguistics: Proceedings of the Yale conference, April 3–4, 1971 , dir. Isidore Dyen, 89–99. La Haye: Mouton.[1]
Swadesh lists
Individual languages
Language families, family branches, and geographic groupings
Constructed languages
Reconstructed proto-languages
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