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Appendix:Proto-Hmongic reconstructions

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The following reconstruction of Proto-Miao (also known as Proto-Hmongic) is from Wang (1994).[1] Note that some forms are reconstructed only with initials, since the reconstructions of the rimes were uncertain.


English gloss Chinese gloss Proto-Miao
a (bowl) *ʔlon A
a (flower) *ʈae B
a (hoe) 鋤頭 *ʈeŋ A
a (horse) *don B
a (quilt) 被子 *phɔn A
a (meal) *bl B
a (room) *tɕhoŋ B
a (stick) 棍子 *ʈeŋ A
a (tree) *fɔu A
to be afraid of *ɳtʂhei C
air 空氣 *poŋ C
alive *dʑin A
and *ɳɖo C
to answer *tæ A
ant 螞蟻 *mbdʐɔ D
arm spread *ɢɭeŋ A
armpit 腋下 *tʂo C
artemisia 蒿子 *fʂon B
to ask *non C
to ask for (money) 要錢 *ʔʑɔu B
attic 閣樓 *ntheŋ A
ax 斧頭 *tou C
baby 嬰兒 *ŋ D
back 後面 *qeŋ A
back 脊背 *ɢə D
to bake (the cake) 粑粑 *tɕi C
bamboo 竹子 *ɖeu D
bamboo hat 斗笠 *kə D
bamboo shoot *mbdʐɑu C
barley 大麥 *mɔŋ C
barn *vʐon B
bashful 害羞 *dzeŋ A
to be *ʑɔn C
beak *ȵdʑə A
bean 豆子 *də D
bear *qlei D
to bear (fruit) 果子 *ptsi C
beard 鬍鬚 *ȵeŋ C
to beat *ntə D
bed 牀鋪 *tɕheu C
bellows 風箱 *thoŋ B
belly 腹部 *tɕhoi A
belt 帶子 *ɭ̥eŋ A
bench 板凳 *ɖuŋ A
to bind *qhei A
bird *nuŋ C
to bite 蚊子 *do D
to bite 老虎 *do D
bitter *ʔin A
black *qlon A
block of stone or wood 墩子 *ɖuŋ A
blood *ɳtʂheŋ B
to blow *phtʂhɔu A
boat *ɳɟɔn A
body 身體 *tɕæ B
book *nteu B
to boil *mpou C
to boil 開水 *ho C
bone 骨頭 *tshoŋ B
to borrow (the cow) from *qa B
to borrow (the money) from 借錢 *tsei D
bosom 胸膛 *ɳʈɔn A
bottom *qeŋ A
bowl *dei B
boy 男孩 *dʑeŋ C
bracelet 鐲子 *bɔ C
to braid 辮子 *mbdzin B
brake (fern) 蕨菜 *fʂɔu A
bran *fsɑ C
branch 樹枝 *dʑæ B
to break 扁擔斷 *ʔlo B
breast 胸膛 *ɳʈɔn A
bride 新娘 *ʔȵeŋ A
bridge *l̥ɑ A
bright 太陽 *ɢlweŋ A
bristle *tsəŋ A
bucket *thuŋ A
buckwheat 蕎麥 *dʑæ A
buffalo 水牛 *ȵən A
to burn *dʑi C
to burn (firewood) *tɭ̥ou B
to burn (a house) 房子 *phtshæ B
to burn (the grass on the mountain) *ɭ̥eu B
to bury *ɭɔn B
butterfly 蝴蝶 *mptse C
to buy *mai B
cake 粑粑 *ɳcɔu B
can (sing songs) 唱歌 *dzeu A
to carry (water) on the shoulder with a pole 挑水 *tɕæ C
to cast *ʔɭou A
to catch (birds) by means of setting net *tɕɔu A
cattle 黃牛 *ȵən A
cattle 黃牛 *ʑo B
cave *qhɔn B
centipede 蜈蚣 *kh D
chaff *fsɑ C
chair 椅子 *ɖuŋ A
charcoal 木炭 *then C
cherry 櫻桃 *ʔva A
to chew (one’s food) *tɕɑu C
chicken *qe A
chin 下巴 *dʐei D
Chinese toon 香椿 *ʑon A
chisel 鑿子 *dzɔ C
to chop *phɑu C
to chop *phtshe A
chopsticks 筷子 *ɖeu C
cinder 灰燼 *tʂhoi B
to clap 拍手 *mbɑ A
claw *ʈoi B
clean 乾淨 *ntshe A
clear *ɳtʂhin A
to climb 爬樹 *ȵtɕæ C
close *tɑ A
to close (the door) 關門 *seu D
cloth *ntoi A
cloud *ʔuŋ C
cogongrass 茅草 *ɴqen A
cold *nɔŋ C
cold 冰涼 *dzin B
comb 梳子 *vʐɑ C
to comb *ɳtʂa D
(the guests) come 客來 *dɑu A
to come (back) 回來 *lo B
to come rolling down 滾石頭 *qɭɔn B
cooked *ʂæn B
cooked rice *ɳɔn C
cooking stove *tso C
copper *duŋ A
to cough 咳嗽 *n̥uŋ D
to cover (with quilt) *ʔvo B
to cover (the pot) *mbo C
to cover (with tiles) *mbo C
craftsman 匠人 *dʐɑŋ C
to creep 爬行 *ɳɟoŋ C
crest 鷄冠 *ʔi A
crooked *ɢei A
crop (of a bird) 嗉囊 *ptsin B
crop 莊稼 *quŋ A
crossbow *n̥en B
crow 烏鴉 *ʔɔu A
to crow 公鷄 *qɑu C
crown of the head 頭旋 *vze B
cuckoo 布縠鳥 *ɢu B
cucumber 黃瓜 *qlwa A
cup *ʔŋ A
(bean) curd 豆腐 *hu B
curved 彎曲 *ɲchə D
to cut 割肉 *l̥ei D
to cut (the belly of fish) 破開肚子 *phɑu C
to cut (into slices) *mplei
damp *nton A
dark *ptʂə D
daughter 女兒 *mphtshei D
deaf *loŋ A
a deaf man 聾子 *loŋ A
deep *to A
dense *tɑ A
dew 露水 *lu C
to die *dɑu C
to dig *ȵtɕeu D
to dig (earth) *phu A
diligent 動快 *ɴɢɑu C
disease *ʔmɔŋ A
to disperse 散開 *nthɑu B
ditch *kaŋ A
to do *ʔɑu C
dog *qlæ B
door *dɭuŋ A
(to go) down 下去 *ɴɢa B
dragon *vʐoŋ A
to draw (one’s sword) 拔刀 *ʈho C
dream *mpoi C
to drink (water) 喝水 *hə D
to drop 滴下來 *ɳdɭo C
drought *ɴqhɑ A
drum *ɳɖɔu B
duck 鴨子 *ʔo D
drug *cɑu A
dry 乾枯 *qhɑ B
dry 乾燥 *ɴqhɑ A
durable 結實 *ɖɔu A
dust and dirt hanging to the ceiling 揚塵 *ɳcheu A
to dwell 居住 *ʔȵɔn A
eagle *qleŋ B
ear 耳朶 *mbdʐæ A
ear 穀穗 *n̥eŋ A
early *ntso B
earth *tæ A
earthen jar 壜子 *hon A
earthworm 蚯蚓 *tɕoŋ A
to eat *nɔŋ A
a kind of edible parsley of which the roots taste peppery and have strange flavor 摘耳根 *ʈə D
egg *qwjæ C
eggshell 蛋殼 *phloi C
eight *ʑa D
elder brother 弟兄 *da A
elephant 大象 *ntshu C
to embrace *bɔu C
to escort (the bride to her husband’s house) *soŋ C
to establish 成立家庭 *ɳdʐæ C
excrement *qɑu B
to exist *ʔȵɔn A
to explode 爆炸 *deu C
eye 眼睛 *mai C
face *mai C
face *beu B
to fall *pəŋ A
fall 醉倒 *ɢou C
to fall asleep 睡着 *ɴql A
fan 扇子 *mbdʐɑ
far *qlwæ A
fat *dɭɔn A
fat *dɭɔn C
fatherless 孤兒 *mbdʐɑu C
to fear *ɳtʂhei C
female (dog) 母狗 *mnin D
few *dʐeu C
field *ɭin A
(bulls) fight 打架 *ɳʈə C
to fill in 塞牙縫 *ɳʈhin C
fine 麵粉 *mɔn B
finger 手指 *nta B
finger ring 指環 *mphlei A
to finish *dʑuŋ B
fire *deu B
to fire (a gun) 打槍 *pɔn B
firewood *deu B
fish *mbdʐæ B
to fit exactly 打中 *ɖɔ C
five *ptʂa A
flat ground 平壩 *ɳɖoŋ B
flea 跳蚤 *m̥on A
flesh *ɴɢei A
to flick (with the fingers) *nte C
to float 漂浮 *nteŋ A
flour 麪粉 *plou C
to flow 水流 *ɴɢlu B
flower *beŋ A
flute 笛子 *ɖoŋ A
fly 蠅子 *mɔn B
to fly *ʔʑeŋ C
fog *hɔu A
foot *teu C
for a long time *læ A
forehead 額頭 *ȵ̥æn A
forest 樹林 *ʔvʐuŋ C
fork of a tree 椏杈 *ŋkh A
four *ploi A
frog 青蛙 *qeŋ B
fruit 果子 *ptsi B
to fry 炒菜 *ke A
full 滿 *pon B
to gain 得到 *tɔ C
gall 苦膽 *tʂi A
game 獵物 *ɴɢei A
gap 缺口 *ŋkh D
gap 缺口 *ɴqlei D
(vegetable) garden 菜園 *veŋ A
garlic *ɢa A
gate *dɭuŋ A
Gedou People 革兜族 *m̥ʂəŋ A
to get 得到 *tɔ C
to get rid of 逃脫 *ɢlwa D
to get up 起來 *ʂeu B
ghost *qɭeŋ A
ginger *qhwjin B
glutinous 糯米 *mblə D
to gnaw *tɕɑu C
to gnaw *keu D
to go *məŋ B
to go to *qlwɑu C
gold 金子 *cən A
good *ʔvʐuŋ C
goose *ŋon B
gourd 葫蘆 *tə A
grape 葡萄 *qin B
grasshopper 蚱蜢 *gəŋ A
grave *ntseŋ C
green *mptʂɔu A
to grind (the kitchen knife) 磨刀 *xo B
to grip (the cooked food) with chopsticks 夾菜 *ntei D
to groan 呻吟 *mbdʐeŋ A
grove 樹林 *ʔvʐuŋ C
guest 客人 *qhɑ C
to guide 引導 *xi D
to gulp down () *ɴɢɔn B
to gulp down () *ɴqeu C
hair *pɭoiA
half (a catty) 半斤 *phtshei C
half (of a day) 半天 *don B
hand *bdzæ B
hare *ʔɭɔu B
to harrow (a field) 耙地 *xei B
to hate 怨恨 *ɳ B
to have *mai A
to have a grudge against somebody 怨恨 *ɳ B
to have a nap 瞌睡 *ʔŋɔn C
to have one’s hair shaved *tɕhei D
to have some (dishes) to go with (the rice) 就菜下飯 *mbdzɑ C
he *ni B
head *foi B
head louse 頭蝨 *ɳtʂhoi B
to hear 聽見 *n̥ɔn B
heart 心臓 *pɭeu B
heaven *ɴɢlwon A
heavy *ȵ̥aŋ B
hedgehog 剌猬 *dʐoi C
hemp *ndɔu C
to hide 藏東西 *vʐei D
high *fʂin A
hill *bæ B
to hit 打中 *ɖɔ C
to hold 握手 *tɑ B
to hold 持槍 *ʈho C
hole *qhɔn B
home *ptʂæ B
honey 蜂蜜 *vʐa A
hoof *ʈoi C
to hook *ɴqæ C
hoop 箍兒 *the C
to hoop *the C
hot *mbdʐa D
horn 牛角 *kon A
horse *mnen B
house *ptʂæ B
house 房子 *ptʂæ B
hundred *pɑ C
to husk (rice) 舂米 *tɔu B
I *con B
ice *qɭou D
ill *ʔmɔŋ A
in front of 面前 *ɴɢlin A
to increase 增加 *ɕeŋ C
indigo 藍靛草 *ɲɟeŋ A
to inquire *non C
insect *keŋ A
to insert *ʈhei D
interior 裏面 *ɳdɭɔn C
intestines 腸子 *ȵ̥ən B
iron *l̥ə C
it *ni B
itch *chu D
to join (two ropes) together 繩子 *tsɑ D
to keep (in mouth) 口水 *mpɑ B
to kill (a person) 殺人 *tɑu C
knee 膝蓋 *dʑou C
to know 知道 *pou A
lacquer *tshei D
to ladle out *hei D
land *tæ A
large *ɭ̥o A
large bowl 海碗 *dei B
lark 畫眉鳥 *tɕuŋ A
late *li C
to laugh *tɭ̥o D
to lay (egg) 下蛋 *ndæ C
to lead 引導 *xi D
to lead (the ox) 牽牛 *tɕoŋ A
to lead (the ox) 拉牛 *ʈho C
leaf 葉子 *mbluŋ A
lean *ndzoi C
to lean on (a stick) 拄拐棍 *ɳdɭe C
leather *teu B
leg 大腿 *pɑ A
to lend (the cow) to 借牛 *qa B
to lend (the money) to 借錢 *tsei D
level *din A
li, a Chinese unit of length (= 1/2 kilometre) *ɭe B
to lick *ʑei D
to lie *pu C
light *ʂe A
to light 點燈 *teu D
to lightning 打閃 *ɭei D
to listen *mʐuŋ C
little *ʔʑə C
little *dʐeu C
to live 居住 *ʔȵɔn A
liver *fʂin A
to be living *ʔȵɔn A
long 長短 *ntæ B
long sword 長刀 *ndeŋ A
louse 蝨子 *ton B
low *ɢa B
to low 黃牛 *ɴqɔn B
the lower jaw 下巴 *dʐei D
lunch 午飯 *ʂon C
lung *mptʂu C
maggot *keŋ C
to make (the bed) 被子 *pɑ C
to make of with *ȵæn C
male (chicken) 公雞 *ʔɭə B
male (dog) 公狗 *ptsa B
man *næn A
man 男人 *dʑeŋ C
man 成家=成人 *nen A
(to be grown to) manhood 成人 *næn A
the manner of going out quickly *bleu B
many *ntɔ C
marrow 腦髓 *l̥u A
to marry off (a daughter) *qɑu C
matter 事情 *ɳon D
me *con B
meal *ɳ̥ɔn C
to measure (the cloth) 量布 *ɳdʐ
meat *ɴɢei A
medicine *cɑu A
to meet 遇見 *dʑɑu C
melon *qlwa A
to melt 融化 *ʑeŋ A
to mend (a pot) *mptsa B
to mete out (rice) *ɭon A
Miao nationality 苗族 *m̥ʂəŋ A
middle 當中 *ɳʈuŋ A
to mill (the maize) 包穀 *vʐo D
millet 小米 *tshon B
molar 臼齒 *pɑ A
monkey 猴子 *ʔlin A
moon 月亮 *l̥a C
mortar *dʑo B
mosquito 蚊子 *ʔʑuŋ B
mountain *bæ B
mountain pass 山丫口 *ɢleu D
mouse () *bdʐɑu C
mouse () *neŋ B
mouth *ȵdʑə A
mouth *ʔlo C
a mouthful of (the rice) *lo C
much *ntɔ C
muddy 泥濘 *ŋko D
muddy 水渾 *ɳʈɭ̥o B
muscle *ʂoi B
mushroom 菌子 *ȵtɕæ A
mutually 相好 *ʂe
to nail (動詞) *ɳtʂin C
name 名字 *mptsæ C
narrow *ɴɢei D
navel 肚臍 *nteu D
near *ʔvʐae
needle *cuŋ A
nest 鳥窩 *vʐæ B
new *tʂhin A
to nibble at *tɕɑu C
to nibble at *keu D
night 晚上 *m̥ɔn C
nine *dʑɔu A
noose 圈套 *bdʐi B
nose 鼻子 *mbdʐu C
oblique *ɢei A
oil *dɭɔn A
old *lou B
on the top of (the house) 房上 *ʂɔu A
one *ʔe A
to open (the door) 開門 *peu D
to open (an umbrella) f打開傘 *nthɑu B
to open wide 敞墳 *peu D
otter 水獺 *ɳtʂhɑu A
(the sky is) overcast 天陰 *bɑu B
ox 黃牛 *ȵən A
ox 黃牛 *ʑo B
to pack (suger) 包糖 *qhu B
paddy 稻子 *mblæ A
pail *thuŋ A
painful *ʔmɔŋ A
a pair of (chopsticks) 筷子 *ɲɟeu D
paper *nteu n
to pass *qlwɑu C
to pave 被子 *pɑ C
to pay (one’s debt) *boi A
peach 桃子 *ɢlɑ A
pear *vʐɑu A
to peck *ȵtɕeu D
to peel *tɕhei D
peppery *mbdʐa D
perilla 蘇麻 *n̥eŋ B
persimmon 柿子 *mnin B
person *næn A
person 成家=成入 *nen A
petal 花瓣 *mplei D
pheasant 野鷄 *tʂeu D
to pick (greenfeed for pigs) *ɳɖoi
to pick up *cheu D
piece *mplei D
piece *phe A
pig *mpɑ C
pigeon 鴿子 *ɴqɔu A
pillar 柱子 *ȵdʑæ A
pillow 枕頭 *ȵtɕuŋ C
plait 辮子 *mbdzin B
to plait (one’s hair) 辮子 *mbdzin B
to plant (trees) () *dʑi B
to plant (trees) () *dʑɔn C
to play (a reed-pipe wind instrument) 蘆笙 *phtʂo B
plum 李子 *cheu A
pocket 口袋 *n̥eŋ A
porridge 稀飯 *tshon B
pot *vzin B
to pour 茶水 *ʔɭou A
prefix of the names of the first ten days of any month of lunar calendar 初一 *sin A
to press (the louse) with the nails of two thumbs 蝨子 *ʔle C
price 價錢 *ɴqa C
to propagate 繁殖 *ɕeŋ C
pus *bou C
to put on (a cap) 戴帽子 *ntuŋ C
to put on (clothes) 穿衣 *n̥eŋ B
to put on (shoes) 穿鞋 *ʈɔ C
puttee 裹腿布 *ɳʈhuŋ A
queue 辮子 *mbdzin B
quick *fʂei C
rabbit *ʔɭɔu B
ragged 襤褸 *ɴɢlɔu C
rain *noŋ C
to raise (hens) 養雞 *ʑon C
rat () *bdʐɑu C
rat () *neŋ B
raw 食物 *ȵuŋ B
to reach 到達 *dzo C
to receive 東西 *ʂə A
to receive 接受 *tsei D
red *ʔlin A
a reed-pipe wind instrument, used by the Miao, Yao and Dong nationalities 蘆笙 *ɢwjen A
to release 釋放 *tʂɔn C
to remedy 彌補 *mptsa B
to rest 休息 *ʂo C
to return 回來 *ʈɔn B
rib 肋骨 *teŋ B
rice *tshon B
rice steamer 甑子 *tʂon C
to ride *dʑei A
ripe *ʂæn B
river *ɢlæ A
road *kæ B
to rob *hɑ D
root *dʑoŋ A
rope 繩子 *l̥ɑ C
to rot *lu A
rough 粗糙 *ntsha A
salt *ɳtʂæ B
salty *qɭeu C
to scald 蝨子 *l̥eŋ A
to scold *qei C
to see 看見 *bo D
seed 種子 *ʔɳuŋ A
seedling *ʔʑon A
to seek shelter from (the rain) 避雨 *ɳdɭei D
to sell *mai C
to send 東西 *soŋ C
seven *dʐoŋ C
shabby 襤褸 *ɴɢlɔu C
to shake (hands) 握手 *tɑ B
shallow () *ȵin B
shallow () *ɴql B
sharp 銳利() *vʐɑu C
sharp 鋭利() *ɳtʂæ C
she *ni B
sheep *ʑoŋ A
(egg) shell 蛋殼 *phloi A
ship *ɲɟɔn A
shoes *chɔ C
to shoot (an arrow) 射箭 *pɔn B
short *ʔlon B
to be short *dʐeu C
to shorten *xou D
shoulder *bu C
to shrink *xou D
shuttle 梭子 *ɴɢɔn B
shy 害羞 *dzeŋ A
sickle 鐮刀 *ɭin A
to sieve *tʂhɔ C
silver 銀子 *ʑin A
sinew *ʂoi B
(birds) sing *ɢɑ A
to sink *dɔn A
sister-in-law 嫂嫂 *ȵeŋ A
six *tɭ̥ə C
skin *teu B
skin ulcer *tsheŋ A
skirt 裙子 *tin A
sky *ɴɢlwon A
slanting *ɢei A
slanting *ɢei A
to sleep *pu C
to sleep 睡覺 *ɴql A
small *ʔʑə C
to smell *m̥n̥in C
to smell *tʂu C
to smell 動物嗅 *m̥n̥in C
to smoke *ȵtɕho C
to smoke 吸煙 *hɑu D
smoke from kitchen chimney 炊煙 *ȵtɕho C
smooth 光滑 *mblin C
snail 蝸牛 *ɢwju A
snake *ʔneŋ A
to snap 綫斷 *ton C
snow *mptson C
to soak (cooked rice in soup or water) 泡飯 *ɳtʂæ C
soft 柔軟 *mlai C
soft membrane (inside the eggshell) 蛋軟膜 *phloi C
solid 結實 *ɖɔu A
son 兒子 *ton A
son-in-law 女婿 *ʔvou B
son’s wife 媳婦 *ʔȵeŋ A
sore *ʔmɔŋ A
sorghum 高粱 *ɳtʂɔu D
soul *bɭa A
sound 聲音 *fʂɔu A
the sound of bowl or dish falling on the floor 碗碟落地聲 *ŋk B
the sound of chewing beans 嚼豆聲 *ŋkeu B
soup *kɑ B
sour *ʂə A
to sow (seeds) 播種 *ptʂæ A
soy 黃豆 *pou B
span *qɭo C
span *ɢɭeŋ A
spinning wheel 紡車 *tʂhɑu A
to split *phtshe A
to split *phɑu C
to spoil *bɑu B
to spread out 攤開 *nthɑu B
to sprinkle 潑水 *ȵtɕhɔu B
to sprinkle 洒水 *mphuŋ C
to sprinkle 撒土 *mphuŋ C
to splash 潑水 *ȵtɕhɔu B
stable 牛圈 *ŋgɔu A
to stand 站立 *ɳdʐæ C
to stand (up) 站起來 *ʂeu B
star *qon A
to steal *ȵæn C
steam 水汽 *poŋ C
to steam *tɕon A
steel *tshæ A
steep *ntshoŋ A
step *ɖo A
to step on *dɑ D
to step on *dɑ D
sticking *tʂu C
stomach 腹部 *tɕhoi A
stomach *pleŋ A
stone 石頭 *ʔvʐæ A
straight *ȵtɕɑŋ A
straw or palm-bark rain cape 蓑衣 *si A
strength 力氣 *vʐo C
to stretch *ɕoŋ A
to stroke 撫摩 *phlu C
to stumble *ɳdʐeu D
to suck 蚊子 *ntsei D
sun 太陽 *n̥on A
to support (a family) *ʑon C
to swallow () *ɴɢɔn B
to swallow () *ɴqeu C
to sweep 掃地 *tɕhæ A
sweet *qeŋ A
sweet-smelling 肉香 *qeŋ A
to swell *ʔɔn C
table 桌子 *ɖuŋ A
tael 銀子 *lɑŋ B
tail 尾巴 *tu B
taro 芋頭 *veu C
a kind of taro 老虎芋 *veu C
tasteless (not salty) 菜淡 *dʐɑ C
tea *ɟi B
to tear 撕布 *qɭɑu C
to tear 撕肉 *qɭɑu C
ten *ɟə D
ten thousand *vɑŋ C
that (更遠指) *ʔe B
there is *mai A
thick 秧密 *tɑ A
thick *tɑ A
thick 粥稠 *ɲɟuŋ C
thin 綫細 *ʂuŋ A
thin *ndzoi C
thin *ȵæn B
thin bamboo strip 篾條 *ȵtɕɔ C
thing 事情 *ɳon D
thirsty () *ɴqhɑ A
thirsty () *ɴqhæ D
this *ʔnaŋ B
this (year) 今年 *ʔnaŋ B
thorn (名詞) *bo B
thousand *tshæn A
thread *fso B
to thread (a needle) 穿 *tɕhɔn A
three *ptsæ A
to throw on (some clothing) 衣服 *mpɑu C
thunder *fʂo A
tickle *chu D
to tie *qhei A
tiger 老虎 *tʂo B
tight *ɳ A
tin *tshɑ D
tile *vɑ B
together with *ɳɖo C
tomb *ntseŋ C
tongue 舌頭 *mblei D
tooth 牙齒 *m̥n̥in B
top (of the head) 頭頂 *din B
trap 圈套 *bdʐi B
tree () *ntuŋ C
tree () *fɔu A
trough *qɭoŋ A
tube 管子 *ɖoŋ A
to tumble from *qlɔn B
turbid *ɳʈɭ̥o B
twin 雙生子 *mptsei A
to twist (hemp rope) 繩子 *sɑu A
two *ʔau A
umbilical cord 臍帶 *nteu D
uncooked 食物 *ȵuŋ B
a unit of noble metals such as gold and silver, it equals to one tenth of a tael 一錢銀子 *dzæn A
a unit of weight (= 1/2 kilogram) *tɕæn A
to untie 解開 *nthɑu B
upper part of the hillside 上面 *bæ B
urine 尿 *vʐa B
to urinate 撒尿 *vʐa B
to be used to 喫慣 *ɭɑu C
vegetable *ʔvʐoi A
village 寨子 *vʐɔn B
vine 籐子 *m̥ʂaŋ A
voice 聲音 *fʂɔu A
waist *qlɑu B
to wait 等候 *dɔn B
to wake *dʐa D
walnut 核桃 *qleu C
warm 暖和 *ʂo B
to warm (oneself by a fire) 烤火 *ntæ C
to wash (pot) 洗鍋 *ntsɑ B
to wash (clothes) 洗衣 *ntshɔu C
to watch 看守 *vʐo B
water *ʔuŋ A
wax 黃蠟 *tɕeŋ A
we 我們 *ptsæ A
to wear (bracelets) 鐲子 *ʈɔ C
to weave (cotton cloth) 織布 *nto D
to weave (a dustpan) 簸箕 *hin A
to weave (straw shoes) 草鞋 *hin A
to weed *nthɔu C
to weep *ʔȵin B
wet *nton A
what 什麼 *tʂe B
wheat 麥子 *mɔŋ C
which *du C
whip 鞭子 *mbleu D
white *qleu A
wide *qlweŋ B
wild garlic 野蒜 *ɢlɔn B
wild persimmon 柿子 *mnin B
wildcat 野貓 *pɭe C
willow 柳樹 *ʑɑŋ A
wind *tɕɑ C
wine *tɕeu B
wing *tæ D
to wink 眨眼 *ɳtʂei D
to winnow away the chaff 簸米 *ptʂuŋ B
winnowing fan 簸箕 *ʔveŋ A
to wipe *ʂɔn C
without husband 寡婦 *mbdʐɑu C
woman 女人 *bo A
to wring (a towel) 擰毛巾 *ptʂo C
to write *fʂoi C
year *ɕuŋ C
yellow *ɢlweŋ A
you 你們 *mi A
young 年輕 *ɭ̥ɑ D
young (cow) 小母牛 *ɕɑ D
young man 青年男子 *ɳɖou C
younger brother 弟弟 *cu B

See also



  1. ^ Wang, Fushi 王輔世. 1994. Miaoyu guyin gouni 苗语古音構擬 / Reconstruction of Proto-Miao Language. Tokyo: Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA) / Ajia Afurika Gengo Bunka Kenkyūjo 國立亞非語言文化硏究所.
Vocabulary lists of Southeast Asian languages

p-Tibeto-Burman • Old Chinese (basic) • p-Southern Min • Macro-Bai • p-Tujia • p-Naish • p-Ersuic • Guiqiong • Horpa • p-Lolo-Burmese • p-Lalo • Lalo • Akha • Woni • Axi • Nesu • Yi (Mihei) • Kathu • Gong • p-Karenic • p-Luish • p-Bodo-Garo • Kuki-Chin • Suansu • Jejara • Mru • p-W. Tibetan • Tibetan (Lajiao) • Amdo Tibetan • Zakhring • Tshangla • Kho-Bwa • Mey • p-Puroik • p-Hrusish • Koro • Greater Siangic • Raji-Raute • Dhimalish • Baram-Thangmi • Bhujel • p-Kham • Dura • Bunan • (Nepal)


p-Austroasiatic (Swadesh) • p-Munda • p-Khasian • p-Palaungic • Quang Lam • p-Khmuic • p-Pakanic • p-Vietic • p-Katuic • p-Bahnaric • p-Pearic • p-Khmeric • p-Monic • p-Aslian • p-Nicobarese


p-Hmong-Mien • Hmong-Mien • p-Hmongic • Pa-Hng • Xong • Pana • She • p-Mienic • Mienic • Mien (Gongcheng) • Biao Min (Shikou)


p-Kra-Dai • p-Kra • Laha • Qabiao • Gelao • p-Kam-Sui • Kam-Sui (Hunan) • p-Lakkia • Biao • p-Tai • Zhuang (Tiandeng) • Bouyei • p-Be • Jizhao • p-Hlai • Jiamao

