User:JeffDoozan/lists/translations/by error/unexpected language
Unexpected language
[edit]- 13683 items
- -'s:Suffix:possessive marker
- *: Silesian: {{t|gmw-ecg|-s}}, {{t|gmw-ecg|-sch}} {{qualifier|by words ending with ''r''}}
- -ation:Suffix:-ation (suffix)
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|化|alt=-化|tr=hoà}}
- -ess:Suffix:female suffix
- *: Classical: {{t|grc|-ῐσσᾰ|f}}
- -fold:Suffix:used to make adjectives
- *: '''a threefold increase''' - un accroissement de trois fois
- -fold:Suffix:used to make adjectives
- *: '''a threefold increase''' - háromszoros növekedés
- -fold:Suffix:used to make adjectives
- *: '''a threefold increase''' - un aumento di tre volte
- -fold:Suffix:used to make adjectives
- *: '''a threefold increase''' - um aumento de três vezes
- -fold:Suffix:used to make adjectives
- *: '''a threefold increase''' - un aumento de tres veces
- -fold:Suffix:used to make adverbs
- *: '''to increase threefold''' - accroitre trois fois
- -fold:Suffix:used to make adverbs
- *: '''to increase threefold''' - háromszorosára növekszik (''or'' háromszorosan megnövekszik)
- -fold:Suffix:used to make adverbs
- *: '''to increase threefold''' - aumentare tre volte
- -ification:Suffix:process of becoming
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|化|alt=-化|tr=hoà}}
- -ify:Suffix:to produce verbs meaning to make
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|化|alt=-化|tr=hoà}}
- -ing:Suffix:act of doing something
- *: Middle Low German: {{t|gml|-t|n}}; {{t|gml|-inge|f}}
- -ization:Suffix:act, process, or result of doing something
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|化|alt=-化|tr=hoà}}
- -ize:Suffix:suffix used to form verbs
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|-化|tr=hoà}}
- -teen:Suffix:to form numbers 13 - 19
- * Frisian:
- -teen:Suffix:to form numbers 13 - 19
- *: North Frisian: {{t|frr|-täin}}
- -teen:Suffix:to form numbers 13 - 19
- *: West Frisian: {{t|fy|-tjin}}
- -th:Suffix:used to form the ordinal numeral
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|第|tr=tē...|alt=第……}}
- -ty:Suffix:multiples of ten
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|十|alt=...十|tr=...cha̍p}}
- 1 Chronicles:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|歷代志上|tr=Le̍k-tāi-chì Siōng}}, {{t|nan-hbl|歷代志錄上卷|tr=Le̍k-tāi Chì-lio̍k Siōng-koán}}, {{t|nan-hbl|編年紀上|tr=Phian-liân-kí Siōng}} {{qualifier|Catholic}}
- 1 Kings:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|列王紀上|tr=Lia̍t-ông-kí Siōng}}
- 1 Samuel:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|撒母耳記上卷|tr=Sat-bó͘-ní Kì Siōng-koàn, Sat-bó͘-jí Kì Siōng-koàn}}, {{t|nan-hbl|撒母耳記上|tr=Sat-bó͘-ní Kì Siōng, Sat-bó͘-jí Kì Siōng}}, {{t|nan-hbl|撒慕爾紀上|tr=Sat-bō͘-ní-kí siōng}} {{qualifier|Catholic}}
- 2 Chronicles:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|歷代志下|tr=Le̍k-tāi-chì Hā}}, {{t|nan-hbl|歷代志錄下卷|tr=Le̍k-tāi Chì-lio̍k Hā-koán}}, {{t|nan-hbl|編年紀下|tr=Phian-liân-kí Hā}} {{qualifier|Catholic}}
- 2 Kings:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|列王紀下|tr=Lia̍t-ông-kí Hā}}
- 2 Samuel:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|撒母耳記下卷|tr=Sat-bó͘-ní Kì Hā-koàn, Sat-bó͘-jí Kì Hā-koàn}}, {{t|nan-hbl|撒母耳記下|tr=Sat-bó͘-ní Kì Hā, Sat-bó͘-jí Kì Hā}}, {{t|nan-hbl|撒慕爾紀下|tr=Sat-bō͘-ní-kí hā}} {{qualifier|Catholic}}
- ATM:Noun:(banking) automated teller machine
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|عابِر بانْک}}, {{t|fa-ira|خودْپَرْداز|tr=xodpardâz}}
- Aalst:Proper noun:city in East Flanders
- *: Aalsters: {{t|nl|Oilsjt|n}}
- Abkhazia:Proper noun:territory in the Caucasus
- *: Roman: {{t+|az|Abxaziya}}
- Abraham:Proper noun:prophet in the Old Testament
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|亞伯拉罕|tr=A-pek-la-hán}}
- Abyssinia:Proper noun:historical name of the Ethiopian Empire - Ethiopia and Eritrea
- *: Sabaean: {{t|xsa|𐩢𐩨𐩦𐩩}}, {{t|xsa|𐩱𐩢𐩨𐩦}}
- Acapulco:Proper noun:Mexican port city
- *: Guerrero: {{t|amu|Ndaabꞌio}}
- Acapulco:Proper noun:Mexican port city
- *: Coatepec: {{t|naz|Akapulko}}
- Acapulco:Proper noun:Mexican port city
- *: Ometepec: {{t|nht|Akapulko}}
- Acapulco:Proper noun:Mexican port city
- *: Temascaltepec: {{t|nhv|Akapolko}}
- Acayucan:Proper noun:city
- * Popoluca:
- Acayucan:Proper noun:city
- *: Highland: {{t|poi|Ca̱pñɨɨm}}
- Acayucan:Proper noun:city
- *: Oluta: {{t|plo|Capeꞌnʉ̱p}}
- Acayucan:Proper noun:city
- *: Sayula: {{t|pos|Capnʉꞌm}}
- Acre antshrike:Noun:acre antshrike
- *: {{qualifier|Brazil}}: [[choca-do-acre]]
- Acts of the Apostles:Proper noun:fifth book of the New Testament
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|使徒行傳}}
- Adonis:Proper noun:the young man loved by Aphrodite
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|Adônis|m}}
- Adonis:Proper noun:the young man loved by Aphrodite
- *: European: {{t+|pt|Adónis|m}}
- Adonis:Proper noun:male given name
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|Adônis|m}}
- Adonis:Proper noun:male given name
- *: European: {{t+|pt|Adónis|m}}
- Aesacus:Proper noun:son of Priam who mourned Cebren’s daughter
- *: Latin: {{t|uz|Esak}}
- Aeschines:Proper noun:Greek statesman and Canonical Attic Orator (389–314 BC)
- * Azeri: {{t|az|Esxin}}
- Afghanistan:Proper noun:country
- *: Gheg: {{tt|sq|Afghanistan|m}}
- Afghanistan:Proper noun:country
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|阿富汗|tr=Ŏ̤-hô-gâng}}
- Afghanistan:Proper noun:country
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|阿富汗|tr=A-hù-hān}}
- Afghanistan:Proper noun:country
- *: Classical Persian: {{tt|fa-cls|اَفْغَانِسْتَان}}
- Afghanistan:Proper noun:country
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|اَفْغَانِسْتَان}}
- Afghanistan:Proper noun:country
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|اَفْغانِسْتان}}
- Afghanistan:Proper noun:country
- * Western Panjabi: {{tt|pnb|افغانستان}}
- Africa:Proper noun:continent
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|非洲}}
- Africa:Proper noun:continent
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|非洲|tr=Hui-chiu}}
- Africa:Proper noun:continent
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|آفْرِیقَا}}
- Africa:Proper noun:continent
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|آفْرِیقَا}}
- Africa:Proper noun:continent
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|آفْریقا}}
- African:Adjective:of or pertaining to Africa
- *: Old Albanian: {{t|sq|harapes}}
- African:Adjective:of or pertaining to Africa
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|آفْریقایی}}
- African:Noun:a native of Africa
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|آفْریقایی}}
- African locust bean:Noun:Parkia biglobosa
- * Kirya: {{t|fkk|hàɽí}}
- African locust bean:Noun:Parkia biglobosa
- * Saxwe gbe: {{t|sxw|ahwatin}}
- Agni:Proper noun:Hindu deity
- * Oriya: {{t+|or|ଅଗ୍ନି}}
- Ah:Prefix:used in Chinese names
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|阿|tr=a}}
- Ahriman:Proper noun:the hypostasis of chaos, destruction, evil in Zoroastrianism
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|اَهْریمَن}}
- Ahriman:Proper noun:the hypostasis of chaos, destruction, evil in Zoroastrianism
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اَهْریمَن}}
- Ahura Mazda:Proper noun:the one God of Zoroaster
- *: Old Persian: {{t|peo|𐏈|ts=a(h)uramazdā|sc=Xpeo}}
- Ainu:Proper noun:language
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|ainu-gú}}
- Ajaccio:Proper noun:capital city of Corsica, France
- *: Ajaccian: {{t|co|Aghjacciu|m}}
- Ajaccio:Proper noun:capital city of Corsica, France
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|اجاکیو}}
- Ajami Turkic:Proper noun:the variety of Azerbaijani
- *: Arabic: {{t|az|ترکی عجمی|tr=türkī-yi əcəmī}}
- Al-Raqqah:Proper noun:city in Syria
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|رَقَّه}}
- Al-Raqqah:Proper noun:city in Syria
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|رَقِّه}}
- Aladdin:Proper noun:the Arabic tale
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|علاءالدین|tr=alā'uddīn}}
- Aladdin:Proper noun:the Arabic tale
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|علاءالدین|tr=alâ'oddin}}
- Aladdin:Proper noun:the fictional young man
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|علاءالدین|tr=alā'uddīn}}
- Aladdin:Proper noun:the fictional young man
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|علاءالدین|tr=alâ'oddin}}
- Alamogordo:Proper noun:city in New Mexico
- *: Chiricahua: {{t|apm|T'iis ntsaadz-í 'úú'á}}
- Alan:Proper noun:male given name
- * Flemish: {{t|nl|Alaan}}, {{t+|nl|Alain}}
- Albania:Proper noun:country in south-eastern Europe
- *: Gheg (indefinite/definite): {{tt|sq|Shqipni|f}}, {{tt|sq|Shqipnia|f}}, {{tt|sq|Shqypni|f}}, {{tt|sq|Shqypnia|f}}; {{i|archaic}} {{tt|sq|Arbëni|f}}, {{tt|sq|Arbënia|f}}
- Albania:Proper noun:country in south-eastern Europe
- *: Tosk (indef./def.): {{tt+|sq|Shqipëri|f}}, {{tt+|sq|Shqipëria|f}}; {{i|archaic}} {{tt|sq|Arbëri|f}}, {{tt+|sq|Arbëria|f}}
- Albania:Proper noun:country in south-eastern Europe
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|阿爾巴尼亞|tr=A-ní-pa-nî-a / A-jíⁿ-pa-nî-a}}
- Albania:Proper noun:country in south-eastern Europe
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|آلْبَانِیَا}}, {{t|prs|اَلْبَانِیَا}}
- Albania:Proper noun:country in south-eastern Europe
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|آلْبانی}}
- Albania:Proper noun:country in south-eastern Europe
- *: Vlax Romani: {{tt|rmy|Shkiperiya|}}
- Albania:Proper noun:country in south-eastern Europe
- * Western Panjabi: {{tt+|pnb|البانیا|}}
- Alberta:Proper noun:province
- *: Hokkien: {{t-needed|nan-hbl}}
- Aleppo:Proper noun:city in Syria
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|حَلَب}}
- Alessandria:Proper noun:city in Piedmont
- *: Mistralian: {{t|oc|Aleissandrìo|f}}
- Algeria:Proper noun:country
- *: Hassaniya Arabic: {{t-needed|mey}}
- Algeria:Proper noun:country
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|اَلْجَزَایِر}}
- Algeria:Proper noun:country
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اَلْجَزایِر}}
- All Saints' Day:Proper noun:feast day
- *: Standard Cornish: {{t|kw|De Halan Gwâv}}
- Allah:Proper noun:God, in Islam
- *: Arabic: {{t+|az|الله}}
- Allah:Proper noun:God, in Islam
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|真主|tr=chin-chú}}
- Allah:Proper noun:God, in Islam
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|اَلله|tr=allāh}}
- Allah:Proper noun:God, in Islam
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|اَلله|tr=allāh}}
- Allah:Proper noun:God, in Islam
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اَلله|tr=allâh}}
- Allah:Proper noun:God, in Islam
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|الله}}
- Almaty:Proper noun:city
- *: Cyrillic: {{t|kk|Алматы}}
- Almaty:Proper noun:city
- *: Latin: {{t+|kk|Almaty}}
- Almaty:Proper noun:city
- *: Arabic: {{t|ug|ئالمۇتا}}
- Altai:Proper noun:mountain range
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|آلْتای}}
- Amaravati:Proper noun:a city.
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|امروتی|tr=amarvati}}
- Amarillo:Proper noun:
- *: Chiricahua: {{t|apm|Bighââ' guãtsúú-yá}}
- Amazon Rainforest:Proper noun:
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|Floresta Amazônica|f}}
- Amazon Rainforest:Proper noun:
- *: European: {{t|pt|Floresta Amazónica|f}}
- Amazonia:Proper noun:region
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|Amazônia|f}}
- Amazonia:Proper noun:region
- *: European: {{t+|pt|Amazónia|f}}
- Amazonian:Adjective:having to do with the Amazon River
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|amazônico}}
- Amazonian:Adjective:having to do with the Amazon River
- *: European: {{t+|pt|amazónico}}
- Amazonian:Adjective:of or relating to the Amazons
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|amazônico}}
- Amazonian:Adjective:of or relating to the Amazons
- *: European: {{t+|pt|amazónico}}
- American Standard Code for Information Interchange:Proper noun:character encoding
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|美國資訊交換標準代碼|tr=Bí-kok Chu-sìn Kau-ōaⁿ Piau-chún Tāi-bé}}
- American black bear:Noun:Ursus americanus
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|烏熊|tr=o͘-hîm}}
- American black bear:Noun:Ursus americanus
- * Dene: [[tsah]]
- American black bear:Noun:Ursus americanus
- * Maliseet-Passamaquoddy: {{t|pqm|muwin|an}}
- American cheese:Noun:common processed cheese with a medium-firm consistency
- * Romainian: {{t|ro|brânză americană}}
- Americas:Proper noun:North and South America
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|اَمْرِیکَا}}, {{t|prs|آمْرِیکَا}}
- Americas:Proper noun:North and South America
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|آمْریکا}}, {{t|fa-ira|اَمْریکا}}
- Amir:Proper noun:given name
- *: Hebrew: {{t|arc|𐡀𐡌𐡉𐡓}}
- Amir:Proper noun:given name
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܐܡܝܪ}}, {{t|syc|ܐܡܝܖ}} {{qualifier|archaic}}
- Amitābha:Proper noun:Pure Land Buddhism: name of the principal buddha
- *: Classical Tibetan: {{t|xct|འོད་དཔག་མེད་}}
- Amitābha Buddha:Proper noun:Pure Land Buddhism: name of the principal buddha
- *: Classical Tibetan: {{t|xct|འོད་དཔག་མེད་}}
- Amos:Proper noun:figure mentioned in the Old Testament
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|亞摩士|tr=Ā-mò̤-sê̤ṳ}}
- Amos:Proper noun:book of the Old Testament
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|亞摩士書|tr=Ā-mò̤-sê̤ṳ-cṳ̆}}
- Amoy:Proper noun:a Chinese lect
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|廈門話|tr=Ē-mn̂g-ōe, Ē-mûi-ōe}}
- Amsterdam:Proper noun:capital of the Netherlands
- *: Abjad: {{t+|az|آمستردام|tr=Amsterdām}}
- Amsterdam:Proper noun:capital of the Netherlands
- *: Roman: {{t+|az|Amsterdam}}
- Anah:Proper noun:
- * Syriac: {{t|syc|ܐܢܐ}}
- Ancient Greece:Proper noun:ancient civilization of the Mediterranean
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|یُونَانِ بَاسْتَان}}, {{t|prs|یُونَانِ قَدِیم}}
- Ancient Greece:Proper noun:ancient civilization of the Mediterranean
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|یونانِ باسْتان|tr=yunân-e bâstân}}, {{t|fa-ira|یونانِ قَدیم|tr=yunân-e ğadim}}
- Ancient Rome:Proper noun:civilization associated with Rome from the 9th century BC to the 5th century AD
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|رومِ بَاسْتَان}}, {{t|prs|رومِ قَدِیم}}
- Ancient Rome:Proper noun:civilization associated with Rome from the 9th century BC to the 5th century AD
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|رومِ باسْتان}}, {{t|fa-ira|رومِ قَدیم}}
- Andorra:Proper noun:country
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|اَنْدورَّا}}
- Andorra:Proper noun:country
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|آنْدورا|tr=ândorâ}}
- Andrew:Proper noun:male given name
- *: Arvanitic Albanian: {{t|aat|Αντρέα|m}}, {{t|aat|Ντρίτσα|m}}, {{t|aat|Ντίτσι|m}}
- Andrew:Proper noun:male given name
- * Flemish: {{t+|nl|André}}
- Andromache:Proper noun:the wife of Hector
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|Andrômaca|f}}
- Andromache:Proper noun:the wife of Hector
- *: European: {{t|pt|Andrómaca|f}}
- Andromeda:Proper noun:mythical daughter of Cepheus
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|Andrômeda|f}}
- Andromeda:Proper noun:mythical daughter of Cepheus
- *: European: {{t+|pt|Andrómeda|f}}
- Andromeda:Proper noun:constellation
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|Andrômeda|f}}
- Andromeda:Proper noun:constellation
- *: European: {{t+|pt|Andrómeda|f}}
- Andromeda:Proper noun:spiral galaxy
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|Andrômeda|f}}
- Andromeda:Proper noun:spiral galaxy
- *: European: {{t+|pt|Andrómeda|f}}
- Ang Mo Kio:Proper noun:
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|紅毛橋|tr=Âng-mô͘-kiô}}
- Angeles:Proper noun:city in the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|紅奚禮示|tr=Âng-hê-lé-sī}} {{q|Philippines}}
- Anishinaabemowin:Proper noun:Anishinaabe language
- * Eastern Ojibwe: {{t|ojg|nishnaabemwin}}
- Ankara:Proper noun:capital of Turkey
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|اَنْقَرَه}}
- Ankara:Proper noun:capital of Turkey
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|اَنْقَرَه}}
- Ankara:Proper noun:capital of Turkey
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|آنکارا|tr=Ânkârâ}}, {{t|fa-ira|انگوریه|tr=Angureye}}, {{t+|fa-ira|انگوره|tr=Angure}}
- Anping:Proper noun:district in southern Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|安平|tr=An-pêng}}
- Antananarivo:Proper noun:city
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|انٹاناناریوو}}
- Anthony:Proper noun:given name
- *: Arbëreshë Albanian: {{t|sq|Ndóni|m}}, {{t|sq|Nóni|m}}
- Anthony:Proper noun:given name
- *: Arvanitic Albanian: {{t|sq|Αντόνη|m}}, {{t|sq|Αντούνη|m}}, {{t|sq|Ντούνη|m}}
- Anthony:Proper noun:given name
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|Antônio|m}}
- Anthony:Proper noun:given name
- *: European: {{t+|pt|António|m}}
- Anthony:Proper noun:given name
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|اینتھنی}}
- Antigua and Barbuda:Proper noun:country
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|An-thí-gōa kap Ba̍h-bú-tà}}
- Antonia:Proper noun:female given name
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|Antônia|f}}
- Antonia:Proper noun:female given name
- *: European: {{t+|pt|Antónia|f}}
- Apache:Noun:Apache person
- *: Chiricahua: {{t|apm|Chúhéne}}, {{t|apm|Chidikáágu}}, {{t|apm|Ch’úúk’anén}}, {{t|apm|Ndé’indaaú}} {{q|Chiricahua person}}; {{t|apm|Mashgalén}} {{q|Mescalero person}}
- Apache:Noun:Apache person
- *: Mescalero: {{t|apm|Ch’uk’anende}}, {{t|apm|Chishende}}, {{t|apm|Ndéndaa’}}, {{t|apm|Tséghát’ahénde}}, {{t|apm|Chihende}}, {{t|apm|Shá’i’ánde}} {{q|Chiricahua person}}; {{t|apm|Higaali}} {{q|Jicarilla person}}; {{t|apm|Túntsande}}, {{t|apm|Tú’é’dinénde}} {{q|Lipan person}}; {{t|apm|Guułgahénde}}, {{t|apm|Mashgalénde}}, {{t|apm|Niit’ahénde}} {{q|Mescalero person}}; {{t|apm|Keeditłénde}} {{q|Plains Apache}}; {{t|apm|Bínii édinénde}} {{q|Western Apache}}
- Apocalypse:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|啟示錄}}, {{t|cdo|默示錄|tr=Kiē-sê Liŏh}}, {{t|cdo|默示錄|tr=Mĕk-sê Liŏh}}
- Appalachia:Proper noun:a region in the eastern United States, covering a part of the Appalachian Mountains
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|阿巴拉契亞|tr=a-pa-la-khòe-a}}
- April:Proper noun:fourth month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: Turoyo: {{t|tru|ܢܝܣܷܢ|m}}
- April:Proper noun:fourth month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|四月|tr=sì-go̍eh, sì-ge̍h, sì-gōe}}
- April:Proper noun:fourth month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|اَپْریل}}
- April:Proper noun:fourth month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|آوْریل}}
- April Fools' Day:Noun:First day of April
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|愚人節|tr=Gû-jîn-chiat, Gû-lîn-chiat}}
- Apulia:Proper noun:region of Italy
- *: Salentino: {{t|scn|Puia|f}}
- Arab Spring:Proper noun:movement
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|عرب بسنت}}
- Arab World:Proper noun:Arabic speaking world
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|جَهانِ عَرَب}}
- Arabic:Adjective:of, from, or pertaining to Arab countries or cultural behaviour
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|阿拉伯|tr=A-la-pek}}
- Arabic:Proper noun:language
- *: Baharna Arabic: {{t-needed|abv}}
- Arabic:Proper noun:language
- *: Chadian Arabic: {{t-needed|shu}}
- Arabic:Proper noun:language
- *: Dhofari Arabic: {{t-needed|adf}}
- Arabic:Proper noun:language
- *: Juba Arabic: {{t|pga|Arabi}}
- Arabic:Proper noun:language
- *: Najdi Arabic: {{t-needed|ars}}
- Arabic:Proper noun:language
- *: North Mesopotamian Arabic: {{t-needed|ayp}}
- Arabic:Proper noun:language
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|阿拉伯語|tr=A-la-pek-gú}}
- Arabic:Proper noun:language
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|عربی}}
- Arabic:Proper noun:alphabet
- *: Baharna Arabic: {{t-needed|abv}}
- Arabic numeral:Noun:any of the ten symbols from 0 through 9
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|番仔碼子|tr=hoan-á-bé-chí}}
- Arbil:Proper noun:city
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|اربیل|tr=arbīl}}
- Arbëresh:Proper noun:form of Albanian spoken in southern Italy
- *: Arbëreshë Albanian: {{t+|sq|arbërisht|m}}, {{t+|sq|arbërishte|f}}, {{t|sq|arbërishtja|f}}
- Archimedes:Proper noun:an ancient Greek mathematician
- *: Abjad: {{t|az|ارشميد|tr=arshimīd}}
- Archimedes:Proper noun:an ancient Greek mathematician
- *: Roman: {{t|az|Arximed}}
- Arctic Ocean:Proper noun:the smallest of the five oceans of the Earth, on and around the North Pole
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اُقْْیانوسِ مُنْجَمِدِ شُمالی}}, {{t|fa-ira|اُقْْیانوسِ آرْکْتیک}}
- Ardabil:Proper noun:city in Iran
- *: Perso-Arabic: {{t|az|اردبیل}}
- Ardabil:Proper noun:city in Iran
- *: Roman: {{t+|az|Ərdəbil}}
- Ardabil:Proper noun:province of Iran
- *: Perso-Arabic: {{t|az|اردبیل}}
- Ardabil:Proper noun:province of Iran
- *: Roman: {{t+|az|Ərdəbil}}
- Ardennes:Proper noun:region
- * Flemish: {{t|vls|Hardenne}}
- Arezzo:Proper noun:capital city of Arezzo
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|اریزو|tr=Arezo}}
- Argentina:Proper noun:Argentine Republic
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|阿根廷|tr=A-kun-têng}}
- Argentina:Proper noun:Argentine Republic
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|اَرْجِنْتَایْن}}, {{t|prs|اَرْجَنْتَایْن}}
- Argentina:Proper noun:Argentine Republic
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|آرْژانْتین}}
- Aries:Proper noun:constellation
- *: Nynrosk: {{t|nn|Vêren|m}}
- Aries:Proper noun:astrological sign
- *: Nynrosk: {{t|nn|Vêren|m}}
- Arjuna:Proper noun:hero of the Mahabharata
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|ارجن|tr=arjun}}
- Arkansas:Proper noun:US state
- *: Eastern Min: {{t-needed|cdo}}
- Armenia:Proper noun:ancient kingdom and country
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|亞美尼亞|tr=A-bí-nî-a}}
- Armenia:Proper noun:ancient kingdom and country
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|اَرْمَنِسْتَان}}
- Armenia:Proper noun:ancient kingdom and country
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|اَرْمَنِسْتان}}
- Armenian:Adjective:of, from, or pertaining to Armenia, Armenians, the language or alphabet
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|armênio}}
- Armenian:Adjective:of, from, or pertaining to Armenia, Armenians, the language or alphabet
- *: European: {{t+|pt|arménio}}
- Armenian:Noun:person
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|armênio|m}}, {{t|pt|armênia|f}}
- Armenian:Noun:person
- *: European: {{t+|pt|arménio|m}}, {{t|pt|arménia|f}}
- Armenian:Proper noun:language
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|armênio|m}}
- Armenian:Proper noun:language
- *: European: {{t+|pt|arménio|m}}
- Armorica:Proper noun:historic French region
- *: Middle Breton: {{t|xbm|Armoric}}
- Art Deco:Proper noun:style of decorative art and architecture
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|آرٹ ڈیکو}}
- Artemis:Proper noun:Greek goddess
- *: Arabic: {{t|az|آرتمیدا}}
- Arvanitika:Proper noun:form of Albanian
- *: Arvanitika: {{t|sq|αρbε̰ρίσ̈τ|m|tr=arbërísht}}
- Ashoka:Proper noun:emperor
- *: Ashokan Prakrit: {{t|inc-ash|𑀅𑀲𑁄𑀓}}
- Ashoka:Proper noun:emperor
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|اشوک|tr=aśōk}}
- Asia:Proper noun:the continent of Asia
- *: Old Albanian: {{tt|sq|Natoli|alt=Natolia|f}}
- Asia:Proper noun:the continent of Asia
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|亞洲|tr=Ā-ciŭ}}
- Asia:Proper noun:the continent of Asia
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|亞洲|tr=A-chiu}}
- Asia:Proper noun:the continent of Asia
- * Western Panjabi: {{tt|pnb|ایشیا}}
- Asian:Adjective:of, relating to or from Asia
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|آسِیَایِی}}, {{t|prs|آسِیَائِی}}
- Asian:Adjective:of, relating to or from Asia
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|آسِیایی}}, {{t|fa-ira|آسِیائی}}
- Asian:Noun:person from Asia
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|آسِیَایِی}}, {{t|prs|آسِیَائِی}}
- Asian:Noun:person from Asia
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|آسِیایی}}, {{t|fa-ira|آسِیائی}}
- Asian black bear:Noun:Ursus thibetanus
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|烏熊|tr=o͘-hîm}}
- Asian conical hat:Noun:hat
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|笠仔|tr=loe̍h-á, le̍h-á}}
- Asian lion:Noun:species of lion that inhabited Asia
- * Western Panjabi: {{t-check|pnb|ایشیائی شیر|?}}
- Assam:Proper noun:state in northeastern India
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|آسام}}
- Assamese:Adjective:of, from or relating to Assam
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|آسَامِی|tr=āsāmi}}
- Assamese:Proper noun:language
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|آسَامِی|tr=āsāmi}}
- Assomada:Proper noun:city in Senegal
- * Kabuverdianu (Badiu): {{t|kea|Somada}}
- Assyria:Proper noun:Semitic Akkadian kingdom
- *: Old Persian: {{t|peo|𐎠𐎰𐎢𐎼𐎠|ts=aθura|sc=Xpeo}}
- Astana:Proper noun:the capital city of Kazakhstan
- *: Cyrillic: {{t|kk|Астана}}
- Astana:Proper noun:the capital city of Kazakhstan
- *: Latin: {{t+|kk|Astana}}
- Astragalus subuliformis:Proper noun:vernacular names of Astragalus subuliformis
- * Dari: {{t-needed|prs}}
- Astragalus subuliformis:Proper noun:vernacular names of Astragalus subuliformis
- * Serbian: {{t-needed|sh}}
- Atayal:Noun:people
- *: Hokkien: {{t-check|nan-hbl|Tayal-cho̍k}}
- Athens:Proper noun:capital city of Greece
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|雅典|tr=Ngá-tián / Ngée-tián}}
- Atlacomulco:Proper noun:Mexican city
- * Mazahua:
- Atlacomulco:Proper noun:Mexican city
- * México Otomi: {{t|ots|Mbado}}
- Atlacomulco:Proper noun:Mexican city
- *: Classical Nahuatl: {{t|nci|Atlacomolco}}
- Atlacomulco:Proper noun:Mexican city
- *: Temascaltepec Nahuatl: {{t|nhv|Atlakomolko}}
- Atlacomulco:Proper noun:Mexican city
- * Otomi:
- Atomic Age:Proper noun:era during which nuclear energy was developed
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|Goân-chú Sî-tāi}}
- August:Proper noun:eighth month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|八月|tr=peh-go̍eh, peh-ge̍h, peh-gōe, poeh-go̍eh, poeh-ge̍h, poeh-gōe}}
- August:Proper noun:eighth month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: [[ALUPEC]]: [[agostu]]
- August:Proper noun:eighth month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: [[Badiu]]: [[agostu]]
- August:Proper noun:eighth month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: [[São Vicente]]: [[agost']]
- August:Proper noun:eighth month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|اَگَسْت}}
- August:Proper noun:eighth month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|اوت}}
- August:Proper noun:eighth month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: Olo'ik'yana: {{tt|zun|Idew'a}}
- August:Proper noun:eighth month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: Onan: {{tt|zun|U'la'k'yakwamme}}
- Augustine:Proper noun:male given name
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|奧古士丁|tr=Ó̤-gū-sê̤ṳ-dĭng}}
- Aukštaitija:Proper noun:region of Lithuania
- *: Aukštaitian: {{t+|lt|Aukštaitija|f}}
- Aukštaitija:Proper noun:region of Lithuania
- *: Samogitian: {{t|sgs|Aukštaitėjė|f}}
- Australia:Proper noun:Commonwealth of Australia
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|澳大利亞}}, {{tt|cdo|澳洲}}
- Australia:Proper noun:Commonwealth of Australia
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|澳大利亞|tr=Ò-tāi-lī-a}}, {{tt|nan-hbl|澳洲|tr=Ò-chiu}}
- Australia:Proper noun:Commonwealth of Australia
- * Norfuk: {{tt|pih|Ostrielya}}
- Australia:Proper noun:Commonwealth of Australia
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|آسْتْرَالِیَا}}, {{tt|prs|آسْتْرَلِیَا}}, {{tt|prs|آسْتْریلِیَا}}
- Australia:Proper noun:Commonwealth of Australia
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اُسْتُرالِیا}}, {{t|fa-ira|اُسْتْرالِیا}}
- Australia:Proper noun:Commonwealth of Australia
- * Western Panjabi: {{tt|pnb|آسٹریلیا|tr=āsṫreliya}}
- Australia:Proper noun:continent of Australia
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|澳大利亞|tr=Ò-tāi-lī-a}}, {{tt|nan-hbl|澳洲|tr=Ò-chiu}}
- Australia:Proper noun:continent of Australia
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|آسْتْرَالِیَا}}, {{tt|prs|آسْتْرَلِیَا}}, {{tt|prs|آسْتْریلِیَا}}
- Australia:Proper noun:continent of Australia
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اُسْتُرالِیا}}, {{t|fa-ira|اُسْتْرالِیا}}
- Australian:Adjective:of or pertaining to Australia, the Australian people or languages
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اُسْتُرالِیایی}}, {{t|fa-ira|اُسْتْرالِیایی}}
- Australian:Adjective:of or pertaining to the country of Australia
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اُسْتُرالِیایی}}, {{t|fa-ira|اُسْتْرالِیایی}}
- Australian:Noun:a person from the country of Australia or of Australian descent
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اُسْتُرالِیایی}}, {{t|fa-ira|اُسْتْرالِیایی}}
- Australian magpie:Noun:Australian magpie
- * Kriol: {{t|rop|megpai}}, {{t|rop|bujabed}}
- Australian white ibis:Noun:species of wading bird
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|اسٹریلی چٹا آئیبیس}}
- Austria:Proper noun:country in Central Europe
- *: Hokkien: {{t-needed|nan-hbl}}
- Austria:Proper noun:country in Central Europe
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|اُتْرِیش}}, {{tt|prs|نَمْسَا}} {{qualifier|dated}}, {{tt|prs|نَمْسَه}} {{qualifier|dated}}
- Austria:Proper noun:country in Central Europe
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|اُتْریش}}, {{tt|fa-ira|نَمْسا}} {{qualifier|dated}}, {{tt|fa-ira|نَمْسِه}} {{qualifier|dated}}
- Austria-Hungary:Proper noun:former country in Central Europe
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اُتْریش-مَجارِسْتان}}
- Austronesia:Proper noun:group of islands
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|南島|tr=Lâm-tó}}
- Avesta:Proper noun:the sacred texts of Zoroastrianism, composed in the Avestan language.
- * Kurdish: {{t+|kmr|Avesta}}
- Avogadro's number:Proper noun:number of atoms or molecules in 1 mole of some substance
- *: Hokkien: {{t-needed|nan-hbl}}
- Avogadro's number:Proper noun:number of atoms or molecules in 1 mole of some substance
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|ایووگیڈرو نمبر}}
- Ayodhya:Proper noun:Ancient city in India
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|ایودھیا}}
- Azerbaijan:Proper noun:region in Iran
- *: Perso-Arabic: {{t+|az|آذربایجان}}
- Azerbaijan:Proper noun:country in the Caucasus
- * Bhutanese: {{t|dz|ཨཛར་བཡེ་ཇན}}
- Azerbaijan:Proper noun:country in the Caucasus
- *: Akhmimic: {{t|cop|ⲁⲇⲟⲩⲣⲃⲁⲇⲁⲅⲁⲛ}}
- Azerbaijan:Proper noun:country in the Caucasus
- *: Medieval: {{t|grc|Ἀδαρβιγάνων|n}}
- Azerbaijan:Proper noun:country in the Caucasus
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|آذَرْبَایْجَان}}
- Azerbaijan:Proper noun:country in the Caucasus
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|آذَرْبایْجان}}
- Azerbaijan SSR:Proper noun:Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic
- *: Roman: [[Azərbaycan SSR]]
- Azerbaijani:Noun:Azerbaijani person
- *: Arabic: {{t|az|آذربایجانلی|tr=azərbaycanlı}}
- Azerbaijani:Proper noun:language of Azerbaijan
- *: Arabic: {{t|az|آذری}}, {{t|az|[[آذربایجان]] [[دیلی]]}}
- BMW:Proper noun:colloquial names and pronunciations, apart from the romanised "BMW"
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|米奶|tr=Bí-leng}} {{qualifier|Taiwan|informal}}
- Babylonia:Proper noun:ancient region and empire of southern Mesopotamia
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|Babilônia|f}}
- Babylonia:Proper noun:ancient region and empire of southern Mesopotamia
- *: European: {{t+|pt|Babilónia|f}}
- Bacchanalia:Noun:feast in honor of Bacchus
- *: Old Albanian: {{t|sq|motÿlliξunavẹt|m}}
- Bacolod:Proper noun:city in the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|描戈律}}
- Bacoor:Proper noun:city in Cavite, Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|猫戈奥|tr=Bâ-ko-ò}} {{q|Philippines}}
- Badajoz:Proper noun:city
- * Old Portuguese: {{t|roa-opt|Badallouço}}, {{t|roa-opt|Badallouce}}, {{t|roa-opt|Badallouz}}
- Bafoussam:Proper noun:capital of Cameroon
- *: Ghomala': {{t|bbj|Sàp}}
- Baghdad:Proper noun:city
- *: Arabic: {{t+|az|بغداد}}
- Baguio:Proper noun:city in the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|碧瑤|tr=Phek-iâu}}
- Bahamas:Proper noun:country in the Caribbean
- * Bhutanese: {{t|dz|བཱ་ཧ་མས྄}}
- Bahrain:Proper noun:country in the Middle East
- * Bhutanese: {{t|dz|བཧ་རེན}}
- Bahrain:Proper noun:country in the Middle East
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|بَحْرَیْن}}
- Bahrain:Proper noun:country in the Middle East
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|بَحْرِیْن}}
- Baisha:Proper noun:rural township in northern Penghu (the Pescadores)
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|白沙|tr=Pe̍h-soa}}
- Balakliia:Proper noun:city in Balakliia, Izium, Kharkiv, Ukraine
- * Azeri:
- Balakliia:Proper noun:city in Balakliia, Izium, Kharkiv, Ukraine
- *: South Azerbaijani: {{t|az|بالاکلیا}}
- Balakliia:Proper noun:city in Balakliia, Izium, Kharkiv, Ukraine
- * Ossetic: {{t|os|Балаклея}}
- Balarama:Proper noun:brother of Krishna
- * Oriya: {{t+|or|ବଳରାମ}}
- Balearic Islands:Proper noun:group of Mediterranean islands
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|Balear Kûn-tó}}
- Bali:Proper noun:district in northern Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|八里|tr=Pat-lí}}
- Baliuag:Proper noun:city in the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|描里瓦|tr=Biô-lí-oá}}
- Balkans:Proper noun:geographical region in the southeast of Europe
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|Bálcãs|m-p}}
- Balkans:Proper noun:geographical region in the southeast of Europe
- *: European: {{t|pt|Balcãs|m-p}}
- Balkans:Proper noun:geographical region in the southeast of Europe
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|بلقان}}
- Bangkok:Proper noun:the capital of Thailand
- * Bartangi: {{t|sgh-bar|Бангкок}}
- Bangkok:Proper noun:the capital of Thailand
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|曼谷|tr=bān-kok}}
- Bangkok:Proper noun:the capital of Thailand
- * Oroshori: {{t|sgh-oro|Бангкок}}
- Bangladesh:Proper noun:country
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|بَنْگْلَهدیش}}
- Bangladesh:Proper noun:country
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|بَنْگْلادِش}}
- Baotou:Proper noun:a prefecture-level city in northern China
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|包頭|tr=Pau-thâu}}
- Bashkortostan:Proper noun:federal subject of Russia
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|باشکیرستان|tr=baśkirstān}}
- Basmachi:Proper noun:a rebel against the Russian or Soviet rule in Central Asia
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|باسْماچی}}
- Basse-Terre:Proper noun:capital city of Guadeloupe
- *: Guadeloupean Creole: {{t|gcf|Bastè|f}}
- Bataan:Proper noun:province of the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|巴丹|tr=Pa-tan}}
- Batam:Proper noun:city in Indonesia
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|巴淡|tr=Pa-tām}}
- Batangas:Proper noun:province of the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|八打雁|tr=Pat-táⁿ-gān}}
- Batangas:Proper noun:city in the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t-needed|nan-hbl}}
- Bath:Proper noun:City in England
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|باتھ}}
- Baton Rouge:Proper noun:city
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|Batonrouj|m}}
- Bauhaus:Proper noun:modernist style
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|باؤہاؤس}}
- Bautzen:Proper noun:
- * Western Panjabi: {{t-check|pnb|باؤتزن}}
- Bedok:Proper noun:town in Singapore
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|勿洛|tr=Bût-lo̍k}}
- Beigan:Proper noun:township; island
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|北竿|tr=Báe̤k-găng}}
- Beigan:Proper noun:township; island
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|北竿|tr=Pak-kan}}
- Beijing:Proper noun:capital of China
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|北京}}
- Beijing:Proper noun:capital of China
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|北京|tr=Pak-kiaⁿ}}
- Beirut:Proper noun:capital and largest city of Lebanon
- *: Cypriot Arabic: {{t|acy|Verút|f}}
- Beirut:Proper noun:capital and largest city of Lebanon
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|بَیْرُوت}}
- Beirut:Proper noun:capital and largest city of Lebanon
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|بِیْروت}}
- Belarus:Proper noun:country
- *: Roman: {{tt|be|Biełaruś|f}} {{qualifier|łacinka}}
- Belarus:Proper noun:country
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|白俄羅斯|tr=Pe̍h-gô-lô-su}}
- Belarus:Proper noun:country
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|بِلاروس}}, {{tt|fa-ira|بِلوروسِیِه|tr=belorusiye}}, {{tt|fa-ira|روسِیِهٔ سِفید}} {{qualifier|dated}}
- Belarus:Proper noun:country
- *: Kildin Sami: {{t|sjd|Вӣллькесьрӯшше̄ммьне}}
- Belarusian:Adjective:pertaining to Belarus
- *: Kildin Sami: {{t|sjd|вӣллькесьрӯшш}}
- Belarusian:Noun:language
- *: Kildin Sami: {{t|sjd|вӣллькесьрӯшш кӣлл}}
- Belgium:Proper noun:country in Europe
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|比利時}}
- Belgium:Proper noun:country in Europe
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|比利時|tr=Pí-lī-sî}}
- Belgium:Proper noun:country in Europe
- *: Alemannic: {{t|gsw|Belgien}}
- Belgium:Proper noun:country in Europe
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|بَلْجِیم}}
- Belgium:Proper noun:country in Europe
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|بِلْژیک}}
- Belgium:Proper noun:country in Europe
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|بیلجیم}}
- Benelux:Proper noun:an economic and customs union made up of Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|بینیلکس}}
- Bengal:Proper noun:region in South Asia
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|بنگال}}
- Bengkulu:Proper noun:province of Indonesia
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|明古魯|tr=Bêng-kó͘-ló͘}}
- Benjamin:Proper noun:male given name
- * Sámi: {{t|se|Benjáme}}
- Berber:Noun:Member of northwest African ethnic group
- *Tashelhiyt: {{t|shi|ⴰⵛⵍⵃⵉⵢ|m}}, {{t|shi|ⵜⴰⵛⵍⵃⵉⵢⵜ|f}}, {{t|shi|ⵉⵛⵍⵃⵉⵢⵏ|m-p}}, {{t|shi|ⵜⵉⵛⵍⵃⵉⵢⵉⵏ|f-p}}
- Berber:Proper noun:a group of closely related languages
- *Standard Moroccan Amazigh: {{t|zgh|ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ|f}}
- Berber:Proper noun:a group of closely related languages
- *Tashelhiyt: {{t|shi|ⵜⴰⵛⵍⵃⵉⵢⵜ|f}}, {{t|shi|ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ|f}}
- Berger:Proper noun:a surname
- * Ducth: {{t+|nl|Berger}}
- Berlin Wall:Proper noun:wall that parted Berlin
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|Berlin Chhiûⁿ-ûi}}
- Bermuda grass:Noun:a perennial grass, Cynodon dactylon, native to Africa and Asia, used in warm areas of the world for pasture, lawn and making hay
- *: Christian Palestinian Aramaic: {{t|arc|ܝܒܠܐ|m|tr=yaḇlā}}
- Bethlehem:Proper noun:city
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|伯利恆|tr=Pek-lī-hêng}}, {{t|nan-hbl|Bia̍t-lé-hèm}}, {{t|nan-hbl|白冷|tr=Pe̍k-léng}} {{qualifier|Catholic}}
- Bharat:Proper noun:
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|بھارت}}
- Białystok:Proper noun:city
- *: Roman: {{t|be|Biełastok|m}} {{qualifier|łacinka}}
- Bible:Proper noun:Christian holy book
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|聖經}}
- Bible:Proper noun:Christian holy book
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|聖經|tr=sèng-keng}}
- Bible:Proper noun:Christian holy book
- *: Northern Min: {{t|mnp|聖經}}
- Bible:Proper noun:Christian holy book
- * Sranantongo {{t|srn|Gadobuku}}, {{t|srn|Gadowortu}}
- Bible:Proper noun:Christian holy book
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|بائبل}}
- Bihari:Adjective:of or pertaining to Bengal
- * Magadhi Prakrit: {{t|pra-mag|𑀩𑀺𑀳𑀸𑀭𑀻}}
- Bihari:Adjective:of or pertaining to Bengal
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|بہاری|tr=bihārī}}
- Bihari:Proper noun:A group of Indo-Aryan languages spoken in Bihar and the surrounding states in India.
- * Magadhi Prakrit: {{t|pra-mag|𑀩𑀺𑀳𑀸𑀭𑀻}}
- Bihari:Proper noun:A group of Indo-Aryan languages spoken in Bihar and the surrounding states in India.
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|بہاری|tr=bihārī}}
- Binondo:Proper noun:district of Manila in the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|岷倫洛|tr=Bîn-lûn-lo̍h}}
- Bishkek:Proper noun:capital of Kyrgyzstan
- *: Eastern Min: {{t-needed|cdo}}
- Bishkek:Proper noun:capital of Kyrgyzstan
- *: Hokkien: {{t-needed|nan-hbl}}
- Bishkek:Proper noun:capital of Kyrgyzstan
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|بشکیک}}
- Biñan:Proper noun:city in the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|敏迎|tr=Bín-ngiâ}} {{q|Philippines}}
- Black Forest:Proper noun:German forest and mountain range
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|کالا جنگل|m|tr=kālā jaṅgal}}
- Black Sea:Proper noun:an inland sea between southeastern Europe and Asia Minor
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|Ŭ-hāi}}
- Black Sea:Proper noun:an inland sea between southeastern Europe and Asia Minor
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|کاݪا سمندر}}
- Bogor:Proper noun:city in Indonesia
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|茂物|tr=Bō͘-mn̄g}}
- Bohemia:Proper noun:The region of the Czech Republic
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|Boêmia|f}}
- Bohemia:Proper noun:The region of the Czech Republic
- *: European: {{t|pt|Boémia|f}}
- Bohemian:Adjective:of, or relating to Bohemia or its language
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|boêmio}}
- Bohemian:Adjective:of, or relating to Bohemia or its language
- *: European: {{t+|pt|boémio}}
- Bohemian:Noun:native or resident of Bohemia
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|boêmio|m}}, {{t+|pt|boêmia|f}}
- Bohemian:Noun:native or resident of Bohemia
- *: European: {{t+|pt|boémio|m}}, {{t+|pt|boémia|f}}
- Bolivia:Proper noun:country in South America
- * Bhutanese: {{t|dz|བོ་ལི་ཝིཡ}}
- Bolivia:Proper noun:country in South America
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|بولِیوِیَا}}
- Bolivia:Proper noun:country in South America
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|بولیوی|tr=bolivi}}
- Bolivian slaty antshrike:Noun:passerine bird of the antbird family
- *: {{qualifier|Brazil}}: [[choca-da-bolívia]]
- Bollywood:Proper noun:Indian film industry
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|بالی وڈ}}
- Bolshoye Soldatskoye:Proper noun:village in Bolshesoldatsky, Bolshesoldatsky, Kursk, Central Russia
- * Rusyn: {{t|rue|Великоє Солдатьскоє}}
- Book of Concord:Proper noun:
- * Cajun French: {{t|frc|Livre de Concorde|m}}
- Boon Lay:Proper noun:region of Singapore
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|文禮|tr=Bûn Lé}}
- Bordeaux:Proper noun:city
- *: Old Occitan: {{t|pro|Bordel|m}}
- Borduria:Proper noun:
- * Bangla: {{t|bn|বর্দুরিয়া}}
- Borneo:Proper noun:island
- *: Hokkien: {{t-needed|nan-hbl}}
- Bosnia:Proper noun:northern part of the country of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a geographic and historical entity
- *: Dari Persian: {{t|prs|بوسْنِیَا}}
- Bosnia:Proper noun:northern part of the country of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a geographic and historical entity
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|بوسْنی|tr=bôsni}}
- Bosnia:Proper noun:short for 'Bosnia and Herzegovina'
- *: Dari Persian: {{t|prs|بوسْنِیَا}}
- Bosnia:Proper noun:short for 'Bosnia and Herzegovina'
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|بوسْنی|tr=bôsni}}
- Bosnia and Herzegovina:Proper noun:country on the Balkan peninsula
- *: Dari Persian: {{t|prs|بوسْنِیَا و هَرْزِگُوِینَا}}
- Bosnia and Herzegovina:Proper noun:country on the Balkan peninsula
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|بوسْنی و هِرْزِگُوین|tr=bosni o herzegovin}}
- Bosphorus:Proper noun:a strait that passes through Istanbul
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|باسفورس}}
- Boy Scout:Noun:male member of the Scout Movement
- * Rumantsch Grischun: {{t|rm|battasenda|m}}
- Brazil:Proper noun:Portuguese-speaking country in South America
- * Bhutanese: {{t|dz|བཱརཱ་ཛིལ}}
- Brazil:Proper noun:Portuguese-speaking country in South America
- *: Southern Min: {{t|nan-hbl|巴西|tr=Pa-se}}
- Brazil:Proper noun:Portuguese-speaking country in South America
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|بْرَازِیل}}, {{t|prs|بَرَازِیل}}
- Brazil:Proper noun:Portuguese-speaking country in South America
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|بِرِزیل}}
- Brest:Proper noun:a city in Belarus
- *: Roman: {{t|be|Bieraście|m}} {{qualifier|łacinka}}
- Breton:Noun:the language
- * Sorbian: {{t|dsb|Bretonšćina}}
- Brexit:Proper noun:withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[英國]][[脫歐]]|tr=Eng-kok thoat-au}}
- Brindisi:Proper noun:port city in Apulia, Italy
- *: Tarantino: {{t|roa-tar|Brinnese|f}}
- British Sign Language:Proper noun:sign language used in the United Kingdom
- <!-- * British Sign Language: {{t|bfi|}} -->
- British Sign Language:Proper noun:sign language used in the United Kingdom
- * Irish Gaelic: {{t|ga|Teanga Chomharthaíochta na Breataine}}
- Brixen:Proper noun:Italian commune
- *: Badiot: {{t|lld|Porsenú}}
- Brokskat:Proper noun:Language spoken in Ladakh
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|بروکھسٹ}}
- Bronze Age:Proper noun:archaeology
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|کانسی ویلہ}}
- Brussels:Proper noun:capital city of Belgium
- *: Katharevousa: {{t|el|Βρυξέλλαι|f}}
- Bucha:Proper noun:city in Ukraine
- * Bokmål: {{t|nb|Butsja}}
- Buddha:Proper noun:spiritual and philosophical teacher
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|佛|tr=Hu̍t, Pu̍t}}, {{t|nan-hbl|佛陀|tr=Hu̍t-tô}}, {{t|nan-hbl|釋迦|tr=Sek-khia}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|佛祖|tr=Hu̍t-chó͘, Pu̍t-chó͘}}, {{t|nan-hbl|釋迦牟尼|tr=Sek-khia-mô͘-nî}}, {{t|nan-hbl|釋迦牟尼佛|tr=Sek-khia-mô͘-nî-hu̍t}}, {{t|nan-hbl|釋迦佛|tr=Sek-khia-hu̍t}}
- Buddha:Proper noun:spiritual and philosophical teacher
- *: Burmese: {{t|pi|ဗုဒ္ဓ|m}}
- Buddha:Proper noun:spiritual and philosophical teacher
- *: Devanagari: {{t|pi|बुद्ध|m}}
- Buddha:Proper noun:spiritual and philosophical teacher
- *: Thai: {{t|pi|พุทธะ|m}}
- Buddhism:Noun:religion and philosophy
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|佛教|tr=hŭk-gáu}}
- Buddhism:Noun:religion and philosophy
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|佛教|tr=hu̍t-kàu, pu̍t-kàu}}
- Buddhism:Noun:religion and philosophy
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|بدھ مت}}
- Bujumbura:Proper noun:former capital of Burundi
- *: Kirundi: {{t|rw|Bujumbura}}
- Bukit Merah:Proper noun:
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|紅山|tr=Âng-soaⁿ}}
- Bulacan:Proper noun:province of the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|武拉干|tr=Bú-la-kan}}, {{t|nan-hbl|武六干|tr=Bú-la̍k-kan}}, {{t|nan-hbl|武洛干|tr=Bú-lo̍h-kan}}
- Bulgaria:Proper noun:country
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|保加利亞|tr=Pó-ka-lī-a / Pó-kee-lī-a}}
- Bulgaria:Proper noun:country
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|بُلْغَارِسْتَان}}, {{t|prs|بُلْغَارِیَا}}
- Bulgaria:Proper noun:country
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|بُلْغارِسْتان}}
- Bunsen burner:Noun:small laboratory gas burner
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|بنسن چلا}}
- Burgas:Proper noun:city in Bulgaria
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|برگاس}}
- Burma:Proper noun:Southeast Asian country (former name)
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|緬甸|tr=Bián-tiān}}
- Burma:Proper noun:Southeast Asian country (former name)
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|برما|m}}, {{t|pnb|برہمدیش|m}}
- Burmese:Proper noun:language
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|緬甸語|tr=bián-tián-gí, bián-tián-gú}}
- Burundi:Proper noun:a country in Eastern Africa
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|بروندی|tr=burūndī}}
- Burundi:Proper noun:a country in Eastern Africa
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|بوروندی|tr=burundi}}
- Butterworth:Proper noun:town in Malaysia
- *: Chinese: {{t+|zh|北海}}
- Byblos:Proper noun:port city in Lebanon
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|جُبَیْل}}
- Byzantium:Proper noun:ancient Greek city
- * Old Portuguese: {{t|roa-opt|Besanço}}
- C:Proper noun:programming language
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|C}}, {{tt|cdo|C ngṳ̄-ngiòng}}
- Cabanatuan:Proper noun:city in the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|甲萬那端|tr=Kah-bān-nā-toan}}
- Cacahuatepec:Proper noun:City in Oaxaca
- *: San Juan Colorado: {{t|mjc|Yucu Suhva}}
- Cacahuatepec:Proper noun:City in Oaxaca
- *: San Miguel El Grande: {{t|mig|yucu súhā}}
- Caesar:Noun:a title of Roman emperors
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|قَیْصَر}}
- Caesar:Noun:a title of Roman emperors
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|قِیْصَر}}, {{t|fa-ira|سِزار}}
- Caesar:Proper noun:ancient Roman family name
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|قَیْصَر}}
- Caesar:Proper noun:ancient Roman family name
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|قِیْصَر}}, {{t|fa-ira|سِزار}}
- Caesarea:Proper noun:any of the places called Caesarea
- * Old Portuguese: {{t|roa-opt|Cesaira}}
- Caesarean section:Noun:incision in the womb
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|عَمَلِ سِزارِیَن}}, {{t+|fa-ira|سِزارِیَن}}, {{t|fa-ira|عَمَلِ رُسْتَمزایی}}, {{t|fa-ira|عَمَلِ رُسْتَمینِه}}
- Cagayan de Oro:Proper noun:city in the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t-needed|nan-hbl}}
- Calabria:Proper noun:region of Italy
- *: Arbëresh: {{t|sq|Kalavrì}}
- Calapan:Proper noun:city in the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|卡拉潘}}
- Caledonia:Proper noun:Latin-based name for Scotland
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|Caledônia|f}}
- Caledonia:Proper noun:Latin-based name for Scotland
- *: European: {{t|pt|Caledónia|f}}
- Calgary:Proper noun:city
- * Sarcee: {{t|srs|Kootsisáw}}
- Caloocan:Proper noun:city in the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|加洛干|tr=Ka-lo̍h-kan}}
- Cambodia:Proper noun:country in Southeast Asia
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|کَمْپُوچِیَا}}
- Cambodia:Proper noun:country in Southeast Asia
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کامْبوج|tr=kâmboj}}
- Cambrian explosion:Proper noun:the rapid appearance, around 541 million years ago, of most major animal phyla
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|Cambria po̍k-hoat}}
- Cameron Highlands:Proper noun:
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|金馬崙|tr=Kim-bé-lun}}, {{t|nan-hbl|金馬崙高原|tr=Kim-bé-lun Ko-goân}}
- Canaan:Proper noun:historic region
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|迦南|tr=Giă-nàng}}
- Canaan:Proper noun:historic region
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|迦南|tr=Ka-lâm}}
- Canada:Proper noun:country in North America
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|加拿大}}
- Canada:Proper noun:country in North America
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|加拿大|tr=Ka-ná-tāi}}
- Canada:Proper noun:country in North America
- *: Plains Cree: {{tt|crk|ᑳᓇᑕ|tr=kânata}}
- Canada:Proper noun:country in North America
- *: Eastern Punjabi: {{tt|pa|ਕੈਨੇਡਾ}}
- Canada:Proper noun:country in North America
- *: Western Punjabi: {{tt|pnb|کینیڈا}}, {{tt|pnb|کنیڈا|m|tr=knaeḍā}}
- Canada goose:Noun:Branta canadensis
- *: Plains Cree: {{t|crk|ᓂᐢᑲ|tr=niska}}, {{t|crk|ᑭᐦᒋ ᓂᐢᑲ|tr=kihci-niska|lit=great goose}}
- Candelaria:Proper noun:ranchería in Mexico
- * Otomi:
- Candelaria:Proper noun:ranchería in Mexico
- *: Mezquital: {{t|ote|ꞌRamhai}}
- Canterbury:Proper noun:cathedral city in England
- * Old Portuguese: {{t|roa-opt|Conturbe|f}}
- Canton:Proper noun:former name of Guangzhou
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|廣州|tr=Guōng-ciŭ}}
- Canton:Proper noun:former name of Guangzhou
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|廣州|tr=Kńg-chiu, Kúiⁿ-chiu}}
- Canton:Proper noun:former name of Guangdong
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|廣東|tr=Guōng-dĕ̤ng}}
- Canton:Proper noun:former name of Guangdong
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|廣東|tr=Kńg-tang, Kúiⁿ-tang}}
- Cantonese:Noun:person from Canton
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|廣東人|tr=Kńg-tang-lâng / Kúiⁿ-tang-lâng}}, {{t|nan-hbl|廣府人|tr=Kóng-hú-lâng}}
- Cantonese:Noun:language
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|廣東話|tr=Kńg-tang-ōe / Kúiⁿ-tang-ōa / Kńg-tang-ōa}}, {{t|nan-hbl|廣府話|tr=Kóng-hú-ōe / Kóng-hú-ōa}}, {{t|nan-hbl|廣州話|tr=Kńg-chiu-ōe}}
- Caravaggio:Proper noun:Italian painter
- *: Eastern: {{t|lmo|Careàs|m}}
- Caravaggio:Proper noun:Italian painter
- *: Western: {{t+|lmo|Carevasg|m}}
- Carcassonne:Proper noun:city
- *: Mistralian: {{t|oc|Carcassouno|f}}
- Caribbean:Proper noun:countries
- *: Martinican Creole: {{t|gcf|Kawayib|f-p}}
- Catalonia:Proper noun:autonomous community in Spain
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|加泰羅尼亞|tr=Kha-tha-lún-ià}}
- Catholic Church:Noun:24 particular churches in full communion with the Pope as the Bishop of Rome
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|天主教會|tr=Thian-chú-kàu-hōe}}
- Cavite:Proper noun:province of the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t-needed|nan-hbl}}
- Cebu:Proper noun:island in central Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|宿霧|tr=Sok-bū}}
- Cebu:Proper noun:province in central Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|宿霧|tr=Sok-bū}}
- Cebu:Proper noun:city in the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|宿霧市|tr=Sok-bū Chhǐ}}
- Cebuano:Adjective:pertaining to the language or its speakers
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|宿霧話|tr=Sok-bū ōe}}
- Cebuano:Proper noun:language
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|宿霧話|tr=Sok-bū ōe}}
- Celsius:Adjective:related to a metric scale of temperature
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|攝氏|tr=Liap-sī}}
- Celtic:Adjective:of the Celts; of the style of the Celts
- *: Classical: {{t|grc|Κελτικός}}
- Central African Republic:Proper noun:country in Central Africa
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|جُمْهوریِ آفْریقایِ مَرْکَزی}}
- Central Mountain Range:Proper noun:central mountain range of Taiwan Island
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|中央山脈|tr=Tiong-iong-soaⁿ-me̍h}}
- Cephas:Proper noun:apostle Peter
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|磯法|tr=Ki-hoat}}
- Chad:Proper noun:country
- *: Chadian Arabic: {{t|shu|تشاد|tr=tšād}}
- Chagatai:Proper noun:second son of Genghis Khan
- * Bosnian: {{t|sh|Čagataj}}
- Chakma:Proper noun:Language
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|چکما}}
- Chalan Beel:Proper noun:Chalan Beel
- * Magadhi Prakrit: {{t|pra-mag|𑀘𑀮𑀦𑀩𑀺𑀮}}
- Chaling:Proper noun:county
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|茶陵}}
- Chanakya:Noun:shrewd politician
- *: Maharastri Prakrit: {{t|pra-mah|𑀘𑀸𑀡𑀓𑁆𑀓|m}}
- Chanakya:Noun:shrewd politician
- *: Sauraseni Prakrit: {{t|pra-sau|𑀘𑀸𑀡𑀓𑁆𑀓|m}}
- Chandhok:Proper noun:
- * Farsi: {{t-needed|fa}}
- Changhua:Proper noun:county in western Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|彰化|tr=Chiong-hòa}}
- Changle:Proper noun:district of Fuzhou
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|長樂}}
- Changsha:Proper noun:city in south-central China and other locations in China
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|長沙}}
- Channel-Port aux Basques:Proper noun:
- * Mikmaq: {{t|mic|Siinalk}}
- Chaozhou:Proper noun:city
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|潮州|tr=Tiô-chiu}}
- Chatino:Noun:
- * Chatino:
- Chatino:Noun:
- *: Tataltepec: {{t|cta|nguꞌ chaʔ cnya̱}}
- Chatino:Noun:
- *: Tataltepec Coastal Chatino: {{t|ctp|neʔ tnya}}
- Chatino:Proper noun:
- * Chatino:
- Chatino:Proper noun:
- *: Tataltepec: {{t|cta|chaʔ cnya̱}}
- Chatino:Proper noun:
- *: Tataltepec Coastal Chatino: {{t|ctp|chaʔ tnyan³²}}
- Chatino:Proper noun:
- *: Zacatepec: {{t|ctz|chaʔ tinyan}}
- Chatino:Proper noun:
- *: San Juan Colorado: {{t|mjc|sahan tsukwi}}
- Chayuco:Proper noun:town
- *: San Juan Colorado: {{t|mjc|Tsaha Yucu|alt=Tsàhà Yùcù}}
- Chechen:Proper noun:language
- * Flemish: {{t+|nl|Tsjetsjeens}}
- Chechnya:Proper noun:republic of Russia
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|Chechênia|f}}, {{t|pt|Tchetchênia|f}}
- Chechnya:Proper noun:republic of Russia
- *: European: {{t+|pt|Chechénia|f}}, {{t|pt|Tchetchénia|f}}
- Chhattisgarhi:Proper noun:language
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|چھتیسگڑھی}}
- Chiayi:Proper noun:a city in Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|嘉義|tr=Ka-gī}}
- Chibi:Proper noun:county-level city in central China; subdistrict in central China; town in central China
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|赤壁|tr=Chhiah-piah}}
- Chicago:Proper noun:large US city
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|芝加哥|tr=Chi-ka-ko}}
- Chihuahua:Proper noun:capital city
- *: Chiricahua: {{t|apm|Jâ'é ãâyá}}
- Chile:Proper noun:country in South America
- * Bhutanese: {{t|dz|ཅི་ལེ}}
- Chile:Proper noun:country in South America
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|چِلِی}}
- Chile:Proper noun:country in South America
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|شیلی}}
- Chilpancingo:Proper noun:city
- *: Alcozauca: {{t|xta|Sindiáꞌá}}
- Chinatown:Noun:a Chinese district outside China
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مَحَلِّهٔ چینیها}}
- Chinese:Proper noun:the people of China
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|中國人|tr=[[Tiong-kok-lâng]]}}
- Chinese:Proper noun:the standard language of China
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|中文|tr=Dṳ̆ng-ùng}}, {{t|cdo|漢語|tr=Háng-ngṳ̄}}
- Chinese:Proper noun:the standard language of China
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|中文|tr=Tiong-bûn}}, {{t|nan-hbl|漢語|tr=Hàn-gí, Hàn-gír, Hàn-gú}}
- Chinese:Proper noun:the standard language of China
- *: Cyrillic: {{t|kk|[[қытай]] [[тілі]]}}, {{t|kk|қытайша}}
- Chinese:Proper noun:the standard language of China
- *: Cyrillic: {{t|ky|[[кытай]] [[тили]]}}, {{t+|ky|кытайча}}
- Chinese:Proper noun:the standard language of China
- *: Classical Mongolian: {{t|cmg|[[ᠬᠢᠲᠠᠳ]] [[ᠬᠡᠯᠡ]]}}
- Chinese:Proper noun:the standard language of China
- *: Modern Mongolian: {{t|mn|[[ᠬᠢᠲᠠᠳ]] [[ᠬᠡᠯᠡ]]}}
- Chinese New Year:Noun:Chinese New Year
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|新正|tr=sin-chiaⁿ}}
- Chinese character:Noun:CJKV character
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|漢字|tr=háng-cê}}
- Chinese character:Noun:CJKV character
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|漢字}}, {{t|nan-hbl|汉字|tr=hàn-jī, hàn-lī}}
- Chinese dragon:Noun:legendary creature common in several East Asian cultures
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|龍|tr=lṳ̀ng}}
- Chinese goldthread:Noun:Coptis chinensis
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|黃連|tr=uòng-lièng}}
- Chitral:Proper noun:Chitral (all senses)
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|چترال}}
- Chittoor:Proper noun:city in India
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|چیتور}}
- Chongxin:Proper noun:county
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|崇信}}
- Christ:Proper noun:title for Jesus of Nazareth
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|基督|tr=Ki-tok}}
- Christian:Noun:member of the Christian religion
- * Old Portuguese: {{t|roa-opt|crischão|m}}
- Christianity:Proper noun:monotheistic religion
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|基督教|tr=Ki-tok-kàu}}
- Christianity:Proper noun:monotheistic religion
- *: Samogitian: {{t|sgs|krėkštiuonībė|f}}
- Christianity:Proper noun:monotheistic religion
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مَسیحِیَت}}, {{t|fa-ira|تَرْسایی}}, {{t|fa-ira|نَصْرانِیَت}}, {{t|fa-ira|عیسَوِیَت}}, {{t|fa-ira|عیسائِیَت}}
- Christianity:Proper noun:monotheistic religion
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|مسيحيت}}
- Christkind:Proper noun:
- *: Silesian: {{t|gmw-ecg|Christkind|n}} (diminutive: {{t|gmw-ecg|Christkindla|n}})
- Christmas:Proper noun:festival or holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ which in Western Christianity is celebrated on December 25 in most places
- *: Cimbrian: {{t|cim|Boinichtn}}
- Christmas:Proper noun:festival or holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ which in Western Christianity is celebrated on December 25 in most places
- *: Mòcheno: {{t|mhn|Bainechtn}}
- Christmas:Proper noun:festival or holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ which in Western Christianity is celebrated on December 25 in most places
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|聖誕|tr=Sèng-tàn}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|耶誕|tr=Iâ-tàn}}
- Christmas:Proper noun:festival or holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ which in Western Christianity is celebrated on December 25 in most places
- *: Silesian: {{t|gmw-ecg|Weihnachta}}, {{t|gmw-ecg|Weihnachten}}
- Christmas:Proper noun:festival or holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ which in Western Christianity is celebrated on December 25 in most places
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کِریسْمَس}}, {{t|fa-ira|نوئِل|tr=no'el}}, {{t|fa-ira|عِیدِ میلادِ مَسیح}}, {{t|fa-ira|عِیدِ نوئِل|tr='eyd-e no'el}}
- Christmas Island:Proper noun:non self-governing territory of Australia
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|聖誕島|tr=Séng-dáng-dō̤}}
- Christmas Island:Proper noun:non self-governing territory of Australia
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|聖誕島|tr=Sèng-tàn-tó}}
- Chronicles:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|歷代志錄|tr=Lăk-dâi-cé-liŏk}}
- Chronicles:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|歷代志|tr=Le̍k-tāi-chì}}, {{t|nan-hbl|編年紀|tr=Phian-liân-kí}} {{qualifier|Catholic}}
- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints:Proper noun:major denomination of the Latter Day Saint movement
- *: Fante: {{t|ak|Jesus Christ N’asɔr a ɔwɔ hɔ Ma Nda a Odzi Ekyir Ahotseweefo}}
- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints:Proper noun:major denomination of the Latter Day Saint movement
- *: Twi: {{t|ak|Yesu Kristo Asɔre a ɛwɔ hɔ ma Nna a Ɛdi Akyire Ahoteɛfoɔ}}
- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints:Proper noun:major denomination of the Latter Day Saint movement
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|耶穌基督後期聖徒教會|tr=Iâ-so͘ Ki-tok Āu-kî Sèng-tô͘ Kàu-hōe}}
- Cianjhen:Proper noun:district in southern Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|前鎮|tr=Chiân-tìn}}
- Cianjin:Proper noun:district in south Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|前金|tr=Chiân-kim}}
- Ciaotou:Proper noun:district in south Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|橋頭|tr=Kiô-thâu}}
- Cicero:Proper noun:Roman statesman and orator
- *: Abjad: {{t|az|سیسرون|tr=sīsirōn}}
- Cicero:Proper noun:Roman statesman and orator
- *: Roman: {{t|az|Siseron}}
- Cigu:Proper noun:district in south Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|七股|tr=Sai-káng}}
- Cihtong:Proper noun:rural township
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|莿桐|tr=Chhì-tông}}
- Cijin:Proper noun:insular district of south Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|旗津|tr=Kî-tin}}
- Cimei:Proper noun:rural township in southern Penghu (the Pescadores)
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|七美|tr=Chhit-bí}}
- Cinderella:Proper noun:fairy tale
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|灰姑娘|tr=Hoe-ko͘-niû / He-ko͘-niû}}
- Cinderella:Proper noun:main character in this fairy tale
- * Low Saxon: {{t|nds|Aschenpüeling}}
- Cishan:Proper noun:district in southern Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|旗山|tr=Kî-san}}
- Classical Chinese:Proper noun:language
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|文言|tr=bûn-giân}}
- Coastal Andhra:Proper noun:region
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|ساحلی آندھرا}}
- Coimbra:Proper noun:city and municipality in Coimbra, Portugal
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|کوئیمبرا}}
- Coke:Noun:informal: any cola-flavored drink
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|可樂|tr=khó-lo̍k}}
- Cologne:Proper noun:city in Germany
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|Colônia|f}}
- Cologne:Proper noun:city in Germany
- *: European: {{t+|pt|Colónia|f}}
- Colombia:Proper noun:country in South America
- * Bhutanese: {{t|dz|ཀོ་ལོམ་བི་ཡ}}
- Colombia:Proper noun:country in South America
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|کولَمْبِیَا}}
- Colombia:Proper noun:country in South America
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کُلُمْبِیا}}
- Colossians:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|歌羅西書|tr=Gŏ̤-lò̤-să̤ Cṳ̆}}
- Confucianism:Noun:philosophy
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|儒教|tr=Jû-kàu, Lû-kàu}}, {{t|nan-hbl|儒家思想|tr=Jû-ka su-sióng, Lû-ka su-sióng}}, {{t|nan-hbl|儒學|tr=Jû-ha̍k, Lû-ha̍k}}
- Confucius:Proper noun:Chinese philosopher
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|孔子|tr=Kūng-cṳ̄}}
- Confucius:Proper noun:Chinese philosopher
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|孔子|tr=Khóng-chú}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|孔子公|tr=Khóng-chú-kong}}
- Constantinople:Proper noun:Name of present-day Istanbul from 330–1930 {{C.E.
- *: Old Portuguese: {{t|roa-opt|Constantinopla}}
- Cook Islands:Proper noun:self-governing country in Oceania
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|庫克群島|tr=Cook Gùng-dō̤}}
- Cook Islands:Proper noun:self-governing country in Oceania
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|庫克群島|tr=Khò͘-khiak Kûn-tó͘}}
- Corinth:Proper noun:city in Greece
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|哥林多|tr=Ko-lîm-to}} {{qualifier|Protestant}}
- Corinthians:Proper noun:book in the Bible
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|哥林多書|tr=Gŏ̤-lìng-dŏ̤ Cṳ̆}}
- Cotabato:Proper noun:province of the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|古島|tr=Kó͘-tó͘}}
- Coxcatlán:Proper noun:community in Puebla
- * Popoloca:
- Coxcatlán:Proper noun:community in Puebla
- *: San Juan Atzingo: {{t|poe|Ntájnā}}
- Creator:Proper noun:God
- *: Chiricahua: {{t|apm|Bikʼehgoʼiindáń}}
- Cree:Proper noun:an aboriginal nation of North America
- *: Atikamekw: {{t|atj|nêhirawisiw}}
- Cree:Proper noun:an aboriginal nation of North America
- *: Montagnais: {{t|moe|ilnu}}, {{t|moe|innu}}
- Cree:Proper noun:an aboriginal nation of North America
- *: Moose Cree: {{t|crm|ililiw}}
- Cree:Proper noun:an aboriginal nation of North America
- *: Naskapi: {{t|nsk}}
- Cree:Proper noun:an aboriginal nation of North America
- *: Northern East Cree: {{t|crl|iyiyiw|p}}
- Cree:Proper noun:an aboriginal nation of North America
- *: Plains Cree: {{t|crk|nêhiyaw}}
- Cree:Proper noun:an aboriginal nation of North America
- *: Southern East Cree: {{t|crj|iyiniw}}
- Cree:Proper noun:an aboriginal nation of North America
- *: Swampy Cree: {{t|csw|nêhinawak}}
- Cree:Proper noun:an aboriginal nation of North America
- *: Woods Cree: {{t|cwd|nīhithawak|p}}
- Cree:Proper noun:Algonquian language spoken by this people
- *: Atikamekw: {{t|atj|nehirâmowin}}
- Cree:Proper noun:Algonquian language spoken by this people
- *: Montagnais: {{t|moe|nehlueun}} (Western), {{t|moe|ilnu-aimûn}} (Eastern), {{t|moe|innu-aimûn}} (Western)
- Cree:Proper noun:Algonquian language spoken by this people
- *: Moose Cree: {{t|crm|ᐃᓕᓖᒧᐎᓐ|sc=Cans|tr=ililîmowin}}
- Cree:Proper noun:Algonquian language spoken by this people
- *: Naskapi: {{t|nsk|ᐃᔪᐤ ᐃᔨᒧᐅᓐ|sc=Cans|tr=iyuw iyimuun}}, {{t|nsk|ᓇᔅᑲᐱ|sc=Cans|tr=naskapi}} (referring to local dialect)
- Cree:Proper noun:Algonquian language spoken by this people
- *: Northern East Cree: {{t|crl|ᐄᔨᔫ ᐊᔨᒨᓐ|sc=Cans}}
- Cree:Proper noun:Algonquian language spoken by this people
- *: Plains Cree: {{t|crk|nêhiyawêwin}}
- Cree:Proper noun:Algonquian language spoken by this people
- *: Southern East Cree: {{t|crj|ᐄᓅ ᐊᔨᒨᓐ|sc=Cans}}, {{t|crj|ᐄᔨᔫ ᐊᔨᒧᐎᓐ}}
- Cree:Proper noun:Algonquian language spoken by this people
- *: Swampy Cree: {{t|csw|ᐃᓂᓃᒧᐎᓐ|sc=Cans|tr=ininîmowin}} {{q|Eastern}}, {{t|csw|ᓀᐦᐃᓇᐌᐎᐣ|sc=Cans|tr=nēhinawēwin}} {{q|Western}}
- Cree:Proper noun:Algonquian language spoken by this people
- *: Woods Cree: {{t|cwd|ᓃᐦᐃᖬᐑᐏᐣ|sc=Cans|tr=nīhithawīwin}}
- Crimea:Proper noun:peninsula
- *: Cyrillic: {{t|crh|Къырым|tr=Qırım}}
- Croatia:Proper noun:country in Europe
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|کُرُوَاسِیَا}}
- Croatia:Proper noun:country in Europe
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کُرواسی|tr=koroâsi}}, {{t|fa-ira|کْرواسی|tr=kroâsi}}
- Cubao:Proper noun:district of Quezon City, Metro Manila
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|龜卯|tr=Ku-báu}}
- Cuernavaca:Proper noun:Mexican town
- *: Classical Nahuatl: {{t|nci|Cuauhnahuac}}
- Cuernavaca:Proper noun:Mexican town
- *: Morelos Nahuatl: {{t|nhv|Kuajnauak}}
- Cuernavaca:Proper noun:Mexican town
- *: Temascaltepec Nahuatl: {{t|nhv|Koajnauak}}
- Cuman:Noun:member of the Cuman people
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کومان}}
- Curaçao:Proper noun:Dutch island in the Caribbean
- *: Guadeloupean Creole: {{t|gcf|Kiwaso|m}}
- Curaçao:Proper noun:Dutch island in the Caribbean
- *: Martinican Creole: {{t|gcf|Kiwaso|m}}
- Cygnus:Proper noun:constellation
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|天鵝座|tr=Tiĕng-ngò̤-cô̤}}
- Cygnus:Proper noun:constellation
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|天鵝座|tr=Thian-ngô͘-chō}}
- Cyprus:Proper noun:island or country
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|قِبْرِس}}
- Cyprus:Proper noun:island or country
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|قِبْرِس}}
- Cyrillic:Proper noun:a script or alphabet
- *: Arabic: {{t|ug|كىرىللىتسا|sc=ug-Arab}}
- Cyrtophyllum fragrans:Proper noun:tree
- * Jawa: {{t|jv|tembésu}}
- Cyrus:Proper noun:ancient king of Persia
- *: Old Persian: {{t|peo|𐎤𐎢𐎽𐎢𐏁|tr=kuruš}}
- Czech Republic:Proper noun:country in Central Europe
- * Frisian:
- Czech Republic:Proper noun:country in Central Europe
- *: West Frisian: {{t|fy|Tsjechje}}
- Czech Republic:Proper noun:country in Central Europe
- *: Pontic Greek: {{t|pnt|Δημοκρατίαν τη Τσεχίας}}, {{t|pnt|Τσεχία}}
- Czech Republic:Proper noun:country in Central Europe
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|جُمْهوریِ چِک}}, {{t|fa-ira|چِک}}
- Czech Silesia:Proper noun:historical land in the Czech Republic
- * Silesian East Central German: {{t|sli|Tschechisch-Schläsing}}
- Czechia:Proper noun:country in Europe
- * Frisian:
- Czechia:Proper noun:country in Europe
- *: West Frisian: {{t|fy|Tsjechje}}
- Czechia:Proper noun:country in Europe
- *: Pontic Greek: {{t|pnt|Τσεχία}}
- Czechia:Proper noun:country in Europe
- *: Hebrew script: {{t|lad|צ׳אקא|f}}
- D-fructose:Noun:
- *Telegu: {{t|te|డి-ఫ్రూక్టోజ్}}
- Da Nang:Proper noun:
- * Cham: {{t|cjm|Da Nak}}
- Dagestan:Proper noun:federal subject of Russia
- * Bartangi: {{t|sgh-bar|Доғисту̊н}}
- Damascus:Proper noun:the capital city of Syria
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|دَمِشْق}}, {{t|prs|شَام}}
- Damascus:Proper noun:the capital city of Syria
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|دَمِشْق}}, {{t+|fa-ira|شام}}
- Damietta:Proper noun:town in the Nile delta in Egypt
- *: Modern Greek: {{t|el|Δαμιέτη}}
- Dammam:Proper noun:city in Saudi Arabia
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|دمام}}
- Daniel:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|但以理|tr=Dáng-ī-lī}}
- Daniel:Proper noun:biblical person
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|但以理|tr=Dáng-ī-lī}}
- Daniel:Proper noun:male given name
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|但以理|tr=Dáng-ī-lī}}
- Dari:Proper noun:variety of Persian spoken in Afghanistan
- * Bartangi: {{t|sgh-bar|Дари зив}}
- Dari:Proper noun:variety of Persian spoken in Afghanistan
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|دَرِی}}, {{t|prs|فَارْسِیِ اَفْغَانِسْتَان}}, {{t|prs|فَارْسِیِ دَرِی}}
- Dari:Proper noun:variety of Persian spoken in Afghanistan
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|دَری}}, {{t|fa-ira|[[فارْسیِ]] [[اَفْغانِسْتان]]}}, {{t|fa-ira|[[پارْسیِ]] [[اَفْغانِسْتان]]}}, {{t|fa-ira|[[فارْسیِ]] [[دَری]]}}
- Dari:Proper noun:variety of Middle Persian
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|دَرِی}}
- Dari:Proper noun:variety of Middle Persian
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|دَری}}
- Darius:Proper noun:any of several Persian kings
- *: Old Persian: {{t|peo|𐎭𐎠𐎼𐎹𐎺𐎢𐏁|sc=Xpeo|ts=dārayavauš}}
- Darius:Proper noun:male given name
- *: Old Persian: {{t|peo|𐎭𐎠𐎼𐎹𐎺𐎢𐏁|sc=Xpeo|ts=dārayavauš}}
- Dashavatara:Proper noun:ten avatars of Vishnu
- * Oriya: {{t+|or|ଦଶାବତାର}}
- Davao City:Proper noun:city in the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|納卯|tr=La̍p-báu}}
- David:Proper noun:king of Israel
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|大闢|tr=Tāi-pi̍t}}, {{t|nan-hbl|Ta-bi̍t}}
- Debrecen:Proper noun:city in Hungary
- *: Дебрецин: {{t|sh|Дебрецин|m}}
- December:Proper noun:twelfth month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|十二月|tr=cha̍p-jī-go̍eh, cha̍p-jī-ge̍h, cha̍p-jī-gōe, cha̍p-lī-go̍eh, cha̍p-lī-ge̍h, cha̍p-lī-gōe}}
- December:Proper noun:twelfth month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|دِسِمْبَر}}
- December:Proper noun:twelfth month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|دِسامْبْر}}
- Delhi:Proper noun:city in India
- *: Old Marathi:
- Delhi:Proper noun:city in India
- *:: Devanagari: {{t|omr|ढीली}}
- Delhi:Proper noun:city in India
- *:: Modi: {{t|omr|𑘛𑘲𑘩𑘲}}
- Delhi:Proper noun:city in India
- *: Maharastri Prakrit: {{t|pra-mah|𑀠𑀺𑀮𑁆𑀮𑀻}}
- Delhi Sultanate:Proper noun:empire
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|سلطنت دلی}}
- Demetrius:Proper noun:male given name
- *: Roman: {{t|be|Dzmitryj|m}}, {{t|be|Zmicier|m}}, {{t|be|Dźmitry|m}}, {{t|be|Źmicier|m}} {{qualifier|łacinka}}
- Democratic People's Republic of Korea:Proper noun:country in East Asia (official name)
- *: Hebrew script: {{t|lad|הרפובליקה פופולר דמוקראתיקה דה קוריאה|f}}
- Denmark:Proper noun:country in Northern Europe
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|丹麥}}
- Denmark:Proper noun:country in Northern Europe
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|丹麥|tr=Tan-be̍h}}
- Denmark:Proper noun:country in Northern Europe
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|دَانْمَارْک}}, {{t|prs|دَنْمَارْک}}
- Denmark:Proper noun:country in Northern Europe
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|دانْمارْک}}
- Denmark:Proper noun:country in Northern Europe
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|ڈنمارک}}
- Deuteronomy:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|申命記|tr=Sĭng-mêng-gé}}
- Deuteronomy:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|申命記|tr=Sin-bēng-kì}}, {{t|nan-hbl|申命紀|tr=Sin-bēng-kí}} {{q|Catholic}}
- Deuteronomy:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|کتاب استثنا|tr=Kitab astithna}}
- Dipolog:Proper noun:city in the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t-needed|zh}}
- Dispur:Proper noun:state capital of Assam, India
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|دِسپُور|tr=dispūr}}
- Dmitry:Proper noun:transliteration of Дмитрий
- *: Roman: {{t|be|Dzmitryj|m}}, {{t|be|Zmicier|m}}, {{t|be|Dźmitry|m}}, {{t|be|Źmicier|m}} {{qualifier|łacinka}}
- Doabi:Proper noun:dialect
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|دوآبی}}
- Doctor:Noun:title of a doctor, used before the doctor's name
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|先生|tr=sian-siⁿ, sin-seⁿ, sian-seⁿ, sian-seng}}
- Dominic:Proper noun:male given name
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|多米尼克|tr=To͘-bí-nî-khiak}}
- Dominican Republic:Proper noun:country in the Caribbean
- " Welsh: {{t|cy|Gweriniaeth Dominica|f}}
- Don Quixote:Proper noun:the protagonist of a famous Spanish novel
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|Don Quixote}}
- Donald Duck:Proper noun:Disney character
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|ڈونلڈ ڈک|tr=ḍonalḍ ḍak}}
- Donghai:Proper noun:county
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|東海}}
- Dongyin:Proper noun:rural township
- *: Hokkien: {{t-needed|nan-hbl}}
- Douglas fir:Noun:tree of genus Pseudotsuga
- *: Vancouver Island: {{t|hur|ts'sey'}}
- Douro:Proper noun:river in northern Spain and Portugal
- * Old Portuguese: {{t|roa-opt|Doiro|m}}
- Dover:Proper noun:port in Kent, England
- * Old Portuguese: {{t|roa-opt|Dovra}}
- Dovhe:Proper noun:a town in Ukraine
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|Dovhe}}
- Dragon Boat Festival:Proper noun:Chinese holiday
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|五月節|tr=Gō͘-ge̍h-choeh, Gō͘-goe̍h-cheh}}, {{t|nan-hbl|五日節|tr=Gō͘-ji̍t-cheh, Gō͘-li̍t-choeh}}
- Dumaguete:Proper noun:city in the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|杜馬蓋地}}
- Dumka:Proper noun:city
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|دمکا}}
- Durga:Proper noun:female deity
- * Oriya: {{t+|or|ଦୁର୍ଗା}}
- Dushanbe:Proper noun:capital of Tajikistan
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|دوشَنْبِه|tr=došanbe}}
- Dutch:Adjective:of the Netherlands, people, or language
- * Corsicsan: {{t+|co|ulandese}}, {{t+|co|olandese}}
- Dutch:Proper noun:the Dutch language
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|荷蘭語|tr=Hô-lân-gí}}, {{t|nan-hbl|和蘭語|tr=O-lân-gí}}
- Dzmitry:Proper noun:transliteration of Дзмітрый
- *: Roman: {{t|be|Dzmitryj|m}}, {{t|be|Zmicier|m}}, {{t|be|Dźmitry|m}}, {{t|be|Źmicier|m}} {{qualifier|łacinka}}
- Dzungar:Noun:person
- *: Cyrillic: {{t|kk|жоңғар}}
- Dzungar:Noun:person
- *: Latin: {{t|kk|jońǵar}}
- Dzungar:Noun:person
- *: Arabic: {{t|ug|جۇڭغار}}
- Dzungar:Noun:person
- *: Latin: {{t|uz|jungʻor}}
- Dzūkija:Proper noun:Dzūkija
- *: Aukštaitian: {{t+|lt|Dzūkija|f}}, {{t|lt|Dainava|f}}
- Dzūkija:Proper noun:Dzūkija
- *: Samogitian: {{t|sgs|Dzūkėjė|f}}
- Earth:Proper noun:third planet of the Solar System
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|地球}}
- Earth:Proper noun:third planet of the Solar System
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|地球|tr=tē-kiû/tuē-kiû}}
- Earth:Proper noun:third planet of the Solar System
- * Nenets: {{t|yrk|Я}}
- Earth:Proper noun:third planet of the Solar System
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|زَمِین}}
- Earth:Proper noun:third planet of the Solar System
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|زَمِین}}
- Earth:Proper noun:third planet of the Solar System
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|زَمین}}
- East Asia:Proper noun:eastern subregion of Asia
- *: Southern Min: {{t|nan-hbl|東亞|tr=Tang-a}}
- East Asia:Proper noun:eastern subregion of Asia
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|شَرْقِ آسِیا}}, {{t|fa-ira|آسِیایِ شَرْقی}}
- East Asia:Proper noun:eastern subregion of Asia
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|چڑھدا ایشیا}}
- East Azerbaijan:Proper noun:
- *: Perso-Arabic: {{t|az|شرقی آذربایجان}}
- East Azerbaijan:Proper noun:
- *: Roman: {{t+|az|Şərqi Azərbaycan}}
- East Frisia:Proper noun:region in Lower Saxony
- *: East Frisian: {{t+|nds|Oostfräisland|n}}
- East Frisia:Proper noun:region in Lower Saxony
- *: Middle Low German: {{t|gml|Oistfrießlandt|n}}
- East Frisian:Proper noun:Low German dialect
- *: East Frisian Low Saxon: {{t+|nds|Oostfräisk|n}}
- East Timor:Proper noun:Country in Southeast Asia
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|東帝汶|tr=Tong-tè-būn}}
- East Turkestan:Proper noun:a historical region in Asia
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|تُرْکِسْتانِ شَرْقی}}
- Easter:Noun:Christian feast commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|閣活節|tr=koh-oa̍h-cheh, koh-oa̍h-choeh}}
- Easter:Noun:Christian feast commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ
- *: Silesian: {{t|gmw-ecg|Ustern}}
- Easter:Noun:Christian feast commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ
- *: Vlax Romani: {{t|rmy|Pašali}}
- Easter Island:Proper noun:Island in the Pacific
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|閣活節島|tr=Koh-oa̍h-choeh-tó, Koh-oa̍h-cheh-tó}}
- Easter Week:Proper noun:week following on Easter (beginning with Easter Sunday)
- *: Old Swedish: {{t|gmq-osw|paska vika|f}}
- Eastern Min:Proper noun:language of Fuzhou
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|閩東|tr=mìng-dĕ̤ng}}
- Eastern Min:Proper noun:language of Fuzhou
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|閩東|tr=bân-tang}}
- Ecclesiastes:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|傳道書|tr=Diòng-dô-cṳ̆}}
- Ecclesiastes:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|傳道書|tr=Thoân-tō-su}}
- Ecclesiastes:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|کتاب واعظ}}
- Eden:Proper noun:biblical garden
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|埃田|tr=Aĭ-dièng}}
- Eden:Proper noun:biblical garden
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|埃田|tr=Ai-tiân}}
- Edessa:Proper noun:city in Mesopotamia
- *: Armenian: {{t|hy|Եդեսիա}}, {{t|hy|Էդեսսա}}
- Edessa:Proper noun:city in Mesopotamia
- *: Armenian: {{t|hy|Ուռհա}}, {{t|hy|Ուրֆա}}, {{t|hy|Ուրհա}}
- Edessa:Proper noun:city in Mesopotamia
- *: Modern Greek: {{t+|el|Έδεσσα|f}}
- Edmonton:Proper noun:city in Alberta, Canada
- *: Hokkien: {{t-needed|nan-hbl}}
- Edmonton:Proper noun:city in Alberta, Canada
- *: Plains Cree: {{t|crk|amiskowâciy-wâskahikanihk}}
- Edo:Proper noun:former name of Tokyo
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|江戶|tr=Kang-hō͘}}
- Egypt:Proper noun:country in North Africa
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|埃及}}
- Egypt:Proper noun:country in North Africa
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|埃及|tr=Ai-ki̍p}}
- Egypt:Proper noun:country in North Africa
- *: Ajaccian: {{tt|co|Eghjittu|m}}
- Egypt:Proper noun:country in North Africa
- * Nubian:
- Egypt:Proper noun:country in North Africa
- *: Nobiin: {{tt|fia|Másser}} (ⲙⲁ́ⲥⲥⲉⲣ), {{tt|fia|Mísser}} (ⲙⲓ́ⲥⲥⲉⲣ)
- Egypt:Proper noun:country in North Africa
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|مِصْر}}
- Egypt:Proper noun:country in North Africa
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|مِصْر}}
- Egypt:Proper noun:country in North Africa
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|مِصْر}}
- Egypt:Proper noun:country in North Africa
- * Reunionese Creole French: {{tt|rcf|Ézip|f}}
- Eid:Proper noun:Muslim religious festival
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|عِید}}
- Eid:Proper noun:Muslim religious festival
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|عِیْد}}, {{t+|fa-ira|عید}}
- Eid al-Fitr:Proper noun:religious celebration
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|عِیدِ فِطْر}}
- Eid al-Fitr:Proper noun:religious celebration
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|عیدِ فِطْر|tr='eyd-e fetr}}
- Eiffel Tower:Proper noun:tower in Paris
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|بُرْجِ ایفِل}}
- El Paso:Proper noun:a city in USA
- *: Chiricahua: {{t|apm|Tsé táhúú'á-yá}}
- Elliniko:Proper noun:a city in Greece
- *: Katharevoussa: {{t|el|Ελληνικόν|n}}
- England:Proper noun:Kingdom in southeastern Britain, now part of the UK
- *: Old Albanian: {{t|sq|Ngirterrë|f}}
- England:Proper noun:Kingdom in southeastern Britain, now part of the UK
- *: Najdi Arabic: {{t|ars|إنْقِلْتْرا|f|tr=ingiltra}}
- England:Proper noun:Kingdom in southeastern Britain, now part of the UK
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|英格蘭}}, {{t|cdo|英國}} {{qualifier|now normally "UK"}}
- England:Proper noun:Kingdom in southeastern Britain, now part of the UK
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|英格蘭|tr=Eng-kiak-lân / Eng-kek-lân}}, {{t|nan-hbl|英國|tr=Eng-kok}} {{qualifier|now normally "UK"}}
- England:Proper noun:Kingdom in southeastern Britain, now part of the UK
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|اِنْگِلِسْتَان}}
- England:Proper noun:Kingdom in southeastern Britain, now part of the UK
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اِنْگِلِسْتان}}
- England:Proper noun:Kingdom in southeastern Britain, now part of the UK
- *: Ulster Scots: {{t|sco|Inglan}}
- English:Adjective:of or pertaining to the English language
- *: Zazaki: {{tt|zza|inglîzkî}}
- English:Noun:one's ability to employ the English language
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|英語|tr=Eng-gí, Eng-gú}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|英文|tr=Eng-bûn}}
- English:Proper noun:the English language
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|英語|tr=Ĭng-ngṳ̄}}
- English:Proper noun:the English language
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|英語|tr=Eng-gí, Eng-gú}}, {{tt+|nan-hbl|英文|tr=Eng-bûn}}
- Ephesians:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|以弗所書|tr=Ī-hók-sū-cṳ̆}}
- Ephesians:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|以弗所書|tr=Í-hut-só-su}}
- Ereshkigal:Proper noun:Mesopotamian goddess of the underworld
- ** Demotic: {{t|egx-dem|{{t2i-Egyd|e|r|e|s-2|gš|y|ng|ꜥ|l|G7}}|tr={{l|egx-dem|eresgšyngꜥl}}}}
- Ernakulam:Proper noun:district in Kerala
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|ارناکولم}}
- Erzurum:Proper noun:city
- *: Arabic: {{t|az|ارزوروم}}
- Erzurum:Proper noun:city
- *: Roman: {{t+|az|Ərzurum}}
- Esdras:Proper noun:any of four books
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|以士拉書|tr=Ī-sê̤ṳ-lá-cṳ̆}}
- Esther:Proper noun:female given name
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|以士帖|tr=Ī-sê̤ṳ-táik}}
- Esther:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|以士帖書|tr=Ī-sê̤ṳ-táik-cṳ̆}}
- Esther:Proper noun:the heroine of the Book of Esther
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|以士帖|tr=Ī-sê̤ṳ-táik}}
- Esther:Proper noun:the heroine of the Book of Esther
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|以斯帖|tr=Í-su-thiap}}
- Estonia:Proper noun:country in Europe
- *: Jèrriais: {{tt|nrf|Estonnie}}
- Estonia:Proper noun:country in Europe
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|اِسْتونِیَا}}
- Estonia:Proper noun:country in Europe
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|اِسْتونی|tr=estoni}}
- Estonia:Proper noun:country in Europe
- *: Brazilian: {{tt+|pt|Estônia|f}}
- Estonia:Proper noun:country in Europe
- *: European: {{tt+|pt|Estónia|f}}
- Estonia:Proper noun:country in Europe
- *: Vlax Romani: {{tt|rmy|Estoniya}}
- Estonia:Proper noun:country in Europe
- * Western Panjabi: {{tt+|pnb|اسٹونیا}}
- Estonian:Adjective:of, from, or pertaining to the country of Estonia, its people or their language
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|estônio}}
- Estonian:Adjective:of, from, or pertaining to the country of Estonia, its people or their language
- *: European: {{t+|pt|estónio}}
- Etlatongo:Proper noun:town
- *: Teposcolula: {{t|omq-tel|Yucunduchi}}
- Eugene:Proper noun:male given name
- *: Roman: {{t|be|Jaŭhien|m}} {{qualifier|łacinka}}
- Eugene:Proper noun:male given name
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|Eugênio|m}}
- Eugene:Proper noun:male given name
- *: European: {{t+|pt|Eugénio|m}}
- Eugenia:Proper noun:female given name
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|Eugênia|f}}
- Eugenia:Proper noun:female given name
- *: European: {{t+|pt|Eugénia|f}}
- Eugenia:Proper noun:female given name
- * Ukrainain: {{t+|uk|Євгенія}}
- Eugenius:Proper noun:given name
- *: Sicilian: {{t|scn|Euggeniu}}
- Euphemia:Proper noun:female given name
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|Eufêmia|f}}
- Euphemia:Proper noun:female given name
- *: European: {{t+|pt|Eufémia|f}}
- Euphrates:Proper noun:river in the Middle East
- *: Old Persian: {{t|peo|𐎢𐎳𐎼𐎠𐎬𐎢𐏁|tr=<sup>h</sup>Ufrātuš|sc=Xpeo}}
- Eurasian wigeon:Noun:dabbling duck
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|یوریشاء وجن}}
- Europe:Proper noun:continent
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|歐洲}}
- Europe:Proper noun:continent
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|歐洲|tr=Au-chiu}}
- Europe:Proper noun:continent
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|اُرُوپَا}}
- Europe:Proper noun:continent
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اُروپا}}
- European:Adjective:relating to Europe or the European Union
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|اُرُوپَائِی}}
- European:Adjective:relating to Europe or the European Union
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اُروپایی}}
- European:Noun:person
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|اُرُوپَائِی}}
- European:Noun:person
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اُروپایی}}
- European Union:Proper noun:European supranational organisation
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اِتِّحادِیِهٔ اُروپا}}, {{t|fa-ira|اِتِّحادِیِهٔ اُروپایی}}
- European bison:Noun:the wisent species Bison bonasus
- * Sami: [[eurohpá bison]], [[visenta]]
- European herring gull:Noun:Larus argentatus
- *: Southern Sami: {{t|sma|moevse}}
- Exodus:Proper noun:departure of Hebrew slaves
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|出埃及記|tr=Chók Ăi-gĭk-gé}}
- Exodus:Proper noun:book of Torah and Old Testament
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|出埃及記|tr=Chók Ăi-gĭk-gé}}
- Exodus:Proper noun:book of Torah and Old Testament
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|出埃及記|tr=Chhut Ai-ki̍p-kì}}, {{t|nan-hbl|出谷紀|tr=Chhut-kok-kí}} {{qualifier|Catholic}}
- Exodus:Proper noun:book of Torah and Old Testament
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|کتاب خروج}}
- Ezekiel:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|以西結書|tr=Ī-să̤-giék-cṳ̆}}
- Ezekiel:Proper noun:prophet
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|以西結|tr=Ī-să̤-giék}}
- Ezekiel:Proper noun:prophet
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|以西結|tr=Í-se-kiat}}
- Ezekiel:Proper noun:male given name
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|以西結|tr=Ī-să̤-giék}}
- Ezra:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|以士拉書|tr=Ī-sê̤ṳ-lá-cṳ̆}}
- Ezra:Proper noun:Jewish high priest
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|以士拉|tr=Ī-sê̤ṳ-lá}}
- Ezra:Proper noun:Jewish high priest
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|以斯拉|tr=Í-su-la̍h}}
- Ezra:Proper noun:male given name
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|以士拉|tr=Ī-sê̤ṳ-lá}}
- Facebook:Proper noun:social-networking website
- *: Western Armenian: {{t|hy|Ֆէյսպուք}}
- Facebook:Proper noun:social-networking website
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|面冊|tr=Bīn-chheh}} {{q|Taiwanese Hokkien, unofficial}}
- Faro:Proper noun:city in Portugal
- * Old Portuguese: {{t|roa-opt|Faaron}}
- Faroe Islands:Proper noun:group of islands between Scotland and Iceland
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|Mî-iûⁿ Kûn-tó}}
- Faroe Islands:Proper noun:group of islands between Scotland and Iceland
- *: Vlax Romani: {{t|rmy|Dvipa Faroe}}
- Father:Noun:term of address for a Christian priest
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|神父|tr=sîn-hū}}
- Father:Proper noun:God, the father of Creation
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|天爸|tr=Thiⁿ-Pē}}, {{t|nan-hbl|聖爸|tr=Sèng-Pē}}
- Father's Day:Noun:holiday in celebration of fatherhood
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|父親節/父亲节|tr=hǔ-chhin-chat}}
- Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary:Proper noun:
- *: Magdalena Peñasco: {{t|xtm|Viko Nana Rosariu}}
- February:Proper noun:second month of the Roman, Julian, and Gregorian calendars
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|二月|tr=jī-go̍eh, jī-ge̍h, jī-gōe, lī-go̍eh, lī-ge̍h, lī-gōe}}
- February:Proper noun:second month of the Roman, Julian, and Gregorian calendars
- *: Austrian German: {{t+|de|Feber}}, {{t+|de|Hornung|m}}
- February:Proper noun:second month of the Roman, Julian, and Gregorian calendars
- *: Badiu: {{qualifier|revised}} {{t|kea|febereru|m}}
- February:Proper noun:second month of the Roman, Julian, and Gregorian calendars
- *: São Vicente: {{t|kea|fevrer'}}
- February:Proper noun:second month of the Roman, Julian, and Gregorian calendars
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|فِبْرُوَرِی}}, {{t|prs|فَرْوَرِی}}
- February:Proper noun:second month of the Roman, Julian, and Gregorian calendars
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|فِوْرِیِه}}
- Ferghana:Proper noun:city in Uzbekistan
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|فَرْغَانَه}}
- Filipino:Noun:inhabitant of the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|菲律賓人|tr=Hui-li̍p-pin-lâng}}
- Filipino:Proper noun:the national language of the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|番仔話|tr=Huan-á-uē}}
- Finland:Proper noun:Nordic country
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|芬蘭}}
- Finland:Proper noun:Nordic country
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|芬蘭|tr=Hun-lân}}
- Finland:Proper noun:Nordic country
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|فَنْلَانْد}}, {{t|prs|فِنْلَنْد}}
- Finland:Proper noun:Nordic country
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|فَنْلانْد}}
- Finland:Proper noun:Nordic country
- * Qashqai: {{t|qxq|فینلاند}}
- Finland:Proper noun:Nordic country
- *: Vlax Romani: {{t|rmy|Finland}}
- Finland:Proper noun:Nordic country
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|فنلینڈ}}
- Finn:Noun:ethnic Finn
- *: Kildin Sami: {{t|sjd|ла̄дтҍ}}, {{t|sjd|ла̄дӭлаш}}
- Finn:Noun:national of Finland
- *: Kildin Sami: {{t|sjd|Ла̄дтҍе̄ммьне}}
- Finnish:Noun:language
- * Mari: {{t|mhr|финляндий}} (finljandij)
- Finnish:Noun:language
- * Sorbian: [[Finšćina]]
- Flanders:Proper noun:historical county
- * Old Portuguese: {{t|roa-opt|Frandes}}
- Florence:Proper noun:province in Tuscany, Italy
- *: Mistralian: {{t|oc|Flourènço|f}}
- Florence:Proper noun:city in Tuscany, Italy
- *: Mistralian: {{t|oc|Flourènço|f}}
- Florence:Proper noun:city in Tuscany, Italy
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|فلورنس}}
- Fongshan:Proper noun:district in south Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|鳳山|tr=Hōng-soaⁿ}}
- Fordism:Noun:Fordism
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|福特制|tr=ford-chú-gī}}
- Fort-de-France:Proper noun:capital city of Martinique
- *: Martinican Creole: {{t|gcf|Fodfwans|m}}
- France:Proper noun:country
- * Alsatian: {{tt|gsw|Frànkrych}}
- France:Proper noun:country
- *: Martinican Creole: {{tt|gcf|Fwans|f}}
- France:Proper noun:country
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|法國}}
- France:Proper noun:country
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|法國|tr=Hoat-kok}}
- France:Proper noun:country
- *: Teochew: {{tt|nan-tws|法國|tr=huag8 gog4}}
- France:Proper noun:country
- *: Classical Persian: {{tt|fa-cls|فَرَانْسَه}}
- France:Proper noun:country
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|فَرَانْسَه}}
- France:Proper noun:country
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|فَرانْسِه}}
- French:Noun:
- * Emiliano-Romagnolo: ''[[Francês]]'' <!-- Listed under the "language" sense. This should be listed as either "Emilian" or "Romagnol" (or both) to keep concurrent with the ISO 639-3 language boundaries. -->
- French:Proper noun:principal language of France and other related countries
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|法語|tr=Huák-ngṳ̄}}
- French:Proper noun:principal language of France and other related countries
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|法語|tr=Hoat-gí}}
- French kiss:Noun:a kiss involving the tongue
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|فرینچ چمی}}
- Friday:Noun:day of the week
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|禮拜五}}, {{t|cdo|拜五}}
- Friday:Noun:day of the week
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|禮拜五|tr=lé-pài-gō͘}}, {{t|nan-hbl|拜五|tr=pài-gō͘}}
- Friday:Noun:day of the week
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|vendredi}}, {{t|lou|vendrédi}}
- Friday:Noun:day of the week
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|آدِینَه}}, {{t|prs|جُمْعَه}}
- Friday:Noun:day of the week
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|آدینِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|جُمْعِه}}
- Friuli-Venezia Giulia:Proper noun:region
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|صوبہ فریولی وینیزیا جولیا}}
- Fujian:Proper noun:province of China
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|福建|tr=Hók-gióng}}
- Fujian:Proper noun:province of China
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|福建|tr=Hok-kiàn}}
- Fuqing:Proper noun:county-level city in Fujian
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|福清|tr=Hók-chiăng}}
- Fuqing:Proper noun:county-level city in Fujian
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|福清|tr=Hok-chhiaⁿ}}
- Fuzhou:Proper noun:a prefecture-level city in southeastern China
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|福州|tr=Hók-ciŭ}}
- Fuzhou:Proper noun:a prefecture-level city in southeastern China
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|福州|tr=Hok-chiu}}
- Gaddafi:Proper noun:surname
- *: Libyan Arabic: {{t|ayl|قدافي|tr=gaddāfi, gaḏḏāfi}}
- Galatians:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|加拉太書|tr=Gă-lăk-tái Cṳ̆}}
- Galatians:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|加拉太書|tr=Ka-lia̍p-thài-su}}
- Gan:Proper noun:variety of Chinese
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|贛語|tr=Gáng-ngṳ̄}}
- Gan:Proper noun:variety of Chinese
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|贛語|tr=Kàm-gí / Kàm-gú}}
- Gandaki:Proper noun:province
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|گنداکی}}
- Gandhara:Proper noun:ancient kingdom that occupied parts of present-day Afghanistan and Pakistan
- * Achaemenid Elamite: {{t|elx|𒋡𒅔𒁕𒅕|tr=ka₄-in-da-ir|ts=Kandair}}, {{t|elx|𒃷𒁕𒊏|tr=kán-da-ra|ts=Kandara}}, {{t|elx|𒃷𒁕𒌇|tr=kán-da-ráš|ts=Kandaraš}}
- Gandhara:Proper noun:ancient kingdom that occupied parts of present-day Afghanistan and Pakistan
- * Late Babylonian: {{t|akk|𒂵𒀭𒁕𒊑|tr=ga-an-da-ri|ts=Gandari}}, {{t|akk|𒃶𒁕𒅈|tr=gan-da-ar|ts=Gandar}}, {{t|akk|𒃶𒁕𒊏|tr=gan-da-ra|ts=Gandara}}, {{t|akk|𒃶𒁕𒊑|tr=gan-da-ri|ts=Gandari}}, {{t|akk|𒅗𒀭𒁕𒊏|tr=ka-an-da-ra|ts=Kandara}}
- Gandhi:Proper noun:surname Gandhi
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|گاندھی|tr=gāndhī}}
- Gandino:Proper noun:comune of Bergamo, Lombardy, Italy
- * Azeri:
- Gandino:Proper noun:comune of Bergamo, Lombardy, Italy
- *: South Azerbaijani: {{t|az|قاندینو}}
- Gangwei:Proper noun:town in eastern China
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|港尾|tr=Káng-bóe}}
- Gaodeng:Proper noun:island
- *: Hokkien: {{t-needed|nan-hbl}}
- Gapan:Proper noun:city in the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|加潘|tr=Ka-phoan}}
- Garden of Eden:Proper noun:place where Adam and Eve first lived
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|埃田園|tr=Ai-tiân-hn̂g}}
- Gaur:Proper noun:ancient Bengali city
- * Magadhi Prakrit: {{t|pra-mag|𑀕𑁅𑀟}}
- Gaur:Proper noun:ancient Bengali city
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|گوڑ|tr=gauṛ}}
- Gaza:Proper noun:city
- *: Classical: {{t|fa-cls|غَزَّه}}
- Gaza:Proper noun:city
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|غزه|tr=ğazze}}
- Gaza Strip:Proper noun:Gaza Strip
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|غزہ دی پٹی}}
- Geatish:Adjective:
- * Old Nosre: {{t|non|gauzkr}}
- Gelao:Noun:people
- *: Jingpo: {{t|sjo|ᡪᡞᡢᡦᠣ ᡠᡣᠰᡠᠷᠠ|tr=jingpo uksura}}
- Gelao:Proper noun:language
- *: Jingpo: {{t|sjo|ᡪᡞᡢᡦᠣ ᡤᡞᠰᡠᠨ|tr=jingpo gisun}}
- Gelendzhik:Proper noun:city
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|Gelendzhik}}
- Gelendzhik:Proper noun:city
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|گلندژیک}}
- Genesis:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|創世記|tr=Cháung-sié-gé}}
- Genesis:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|創世記|tr=Chhòng-sè-kì}}, {{t|nan-hbl|創世紀|tr=Chhòng-sè-kí}} {{qualifier|Catholic}}
- Geneva:Proper noun:city
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|جنیوا}}
- Genhe:Proper noun:county-level city
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|根河}}
- Genoa:Proper noun:province
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|Gênova|f}}
- Genoa:Proper noun:province
- *: European: {{t|pt|Génova|f}}
- Genoa:Proper noun:Italian city
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|Gênova|f}}
- Genoa:Proper noun:Italian city
- *: European: {{t|pt|Génova|f}}
- Georgetown:Proper noun:capital of Guyana
- *: Katharevousa: {{t|el|Τζώρτζταουν}}
- German:Adjective:of or relating to the country of Germany
- *: Kildin Sami: {{t|sjd|ерманскэ}}
- German:Adjective:of or relating to the German people
- *: Kildin Sami: {{t|sjd|ерманскэ}}
- German:Adjective:of or relating to the German language
- *: Kildin Sami: {{t|sjd|ерманскэ}}
- German:Noun:native or inhabitant of Germany; person of German citizenship or nationality
- *: Abjad: {{tt|az|نمسه|tr=nemse}}
- German:Noun:native or inhabitant of Germany; person of German citizenship or nationality
- *: Roman: {{tt+|az|alman}}
- German:Noun:native or inhabitant of Germany; person of German citizenship or nationality
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{tt|lou|alman}}
- German:Proper noun:the German language
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|德語|tr=dáik-ngṳ̄}}
- German:Proper noun:the German language
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|德語|tr=tek-gú / tiak-gír / tek-gí / tiak-gí}}, {{tt|nan-hbl|德文|tr=tiak-bûn / tek-bûn}}
- German:Proper noun:the German language
- *: Kildin Sami: {{t|sjd|ерманскэ кӣлл}}
- German Empire:Proper noun:Germany between 1871 and 1918
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|جرمن سلطنت}}
- Germany:Proper noun:country in Central Europe
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|德國}}
- Germany:Proper noun:country in Central Europe
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|德國|tr=Tek-kok}}
- Germany:Proper noun:country in Central Europe
- *: Ajaccian: {{t|co|Ghjermania|f}}
- Germany:Proper noun:country in Central Europe
- *: Bavarian: {{t|bar|Deitschland|n}}
- Germany:Proper noun:country in Central Europe
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|Alman}}
- Germany:Proper noun:country in Central Europe
- *: Classical Nahuatl: {{t|nci|Alemania}}
- Germany:Proper noun:country in Central Europe
- *: Amrum: {{t|frr|Sjiisklun|n}}
- Germany:Proper noun:country in Central Europe
- *: Föhr: {{t|frr|Tjiisklun|n}}
- Germany:Proper noun:country in Central Europe
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|جَرْمَنِی}}
- Germany:Proper noun:country in Central Europe
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|آلْمان}}
- Geronimo:Proper noun:prominent leader
- *: Chiricahua: {{t|apm|Goyaałé}}
- Gethsemane:Proper noun:garden in ancient Jerusalem
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|客西馬尼|tr=Káik-să̤-mā-nà̤}}
- Gethsemane:Proper noun:garden in ancient Jerusalem
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|客西馬尼|tr=Khek-se-má-nî}}
- Gheg:Proper noun:language
- *: Gheg: {{t|sq|gegnishte|f}}
- Gheg:Proper noun:language
- *: Tosk: {{t+|sq|gegë}}, {{t+|sq|gegërishte|f}}
- Ghost Festival:Proper noun:Taoist festival
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|七月半|tr=chhit-goe̍h-poàⁿ}}
- Ghoti:Noun:Ghoti people
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|گھوٹی|tr=ghôṭi}}
- Gilbert:Proper noun:male given name
- * Siciliani: {{t|scn|Cilibertu}}, {{t|scn|Gilibertu}}
- Gilgal:Proper noun:Gilgal
- *: Biblical Hebrew: {{l|hbo|גִּלְגָּל|tr=Gilgāl}}
- Glasgow:Proper noun:largest city of Scotland
- *: Mistralian: {{t|oc|Glasgo|m}}
- God:Proper noun:single deity of monotheism
- *: Old Albanian: {{tt|sq|hyll}}
- God:Proper noun:single deity of monotheism
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|上帝|tr=Sióng-dá̤}}
- God:Proper noun:single deity of monotheism
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|上帝|tr=Siōng-tè}}, {{tt|nan-hbl|天主|tr=Thian-chú}} {{q|Catholicism}}, {{tt|nan-hbl|真主|tr=Tsin-chú}} {{q|in Islam}}
- God:Proper noun:single deity of monotheism
- * Ogun: Manwou Maáwó Mawü
- God:Proper noun:single deity of monotheism
- *: Balkan Romani: {{tt|rmn|Del|m}} {{q|Bugurdži}}, {{tt|rmn|devel|m}} {{q|Kosovo Arli}}
- God:Proper noun:single deity of monotheism
- *: Baltic Romani: {{tt|rml|dêêl|m}} {{q|Latvian}}, {{tt|rml|deevel|m}} {{q|Latvian}}, {{tt|rml|devel|m}} {{q|Latvian}}, {{tt|rml|Dēvēl|m}} {{q|Litovska}}
- God:Proper noun:single deity of monotheism
- *: Carpathian Romani: {{tt|rmc|Del|m}} {{q|Burgenland, East Slovak, Gurvari, Hungarian Vend, Romungro}}
- God:Proper noun:single deity of monotheism
- *: Vlax Romani: {{tt|rmy|del|m}} {{q|Banatiski Gurbet}}, {{tt|rmy|Del|m}} {{q|Gurbet, Kalderaš}}, {{tt|rmy|Devlesko|m}} {{q|Gurbet}}, {{tt|rmy|Dîl|m}} {{q|Gurbet}}, {{tt|rmy|Dol|m}} {{q|Gurbet}}
- God:Proper noun:single deity of monotheism
- * Western Panjabi: {{tt+|pnb|خدا}}
- God knows:Phrase:Only known to God; only known to the gods
- *: Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|اللہ جاݨے|tr=allāh jāṇē}}, {{t|pnb|خدا جاݨے|tr=xudā jaṇē}}
- God the Father:Proper noun:person of the Trinity
- *: Welsh Romani: {{t|rmw|dev'lesko dad}}
- God the Holy Ghost:Proper noun:person of the Trinity
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|聖神|tr=Sèng-sîn}}
- God willing:Interjection:God willing
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اِنشَاءَٱللّٰه}}, {{t|fa-ira|اَگَر خُدا بِخواد}}, {{t|fa-ira|ایشالَّا}} {{qualifier|colloquial}}, {{t|fa-ira|اَگِه خُدا بِخواد}} {{qualifier|colloquial}}
- Gojoseon:Proper noun:Korean kingdom
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|古朝鮮|tr=[[Kó͘-tiâu-sián]]}}
- Golaghat:Proper noun:city
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|گولاگھاٹ|tr=golāghāṭ}}
- Gomel:Proper noun:city
- *: Roman: {{t|be|Homiel|m}} {{q|łacinka}}
- Gomorrah:Proper noun:city in the Middle East
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|蛾摩拉|tr=Gô-mô͘-lia̍p, Gô-mô͘-la̍h, Gô-mô͘-la}}
- Good Friday:Noun:The Friday before Easter Sunday, the commemoration of the day on which Christ was crucified
- *: Jeju: {{t|jje|우순오리}}
- Goofy:Proper noun:Disney character
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|گوفی}}
- Gorbachevian:Adjective:
- * Ruusian: {{t|ru|горбачёвский}}
- Gorinchem:Proper noun:city in South Holland
- * Western Frisian: {{t|fy|Gorkum|n}}
- Gornja Siga:Proper noun:
- *: Croatian: {{t|sh|Gornja Siga}}
- Gornja Siga:Proper noun:
- *: Serbian: {{t-needed|sh}}
- Gothenburg:Proper noun:city on the west coast of Sweden
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|Götebor}}
- Gran Chaco:Proper noun:Topographical region
- * Guarani: {{t|gn|Cháko}}
- Great Britain:Proper noun:island
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|بِریتانِیا}}, {{t|fa-ira|بِریتانِیایِ کَبیر}}
- Great Patriotic War:Proper noun:the war between the USSR and Nazi Germany between 1941 and 1945
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|جَنْگِ کَبیرِ میهَنی}}
- Great Wall of China:Proper noun:Chinese fortification
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|長城|tr=Tn̂g-siâⁿ}}
- Greater London:Proper noun:administrative area
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|وڈا لندن}}
- Greece:Proper noun:country in Southeastern Europe
- *: Martinican Creole: {{t|gcf|Gwès|f}}
- Greece:Proper noun:country in Southeastern Europe
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|希臘}}
- Greece:Proper noun:country in Southeastern Europe
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|希臘|tr=Hi-lia̍p}}
- Greece:Proper noun:country in Southeastern Europe
- *: Swabian: {{t|swg|Griachaland}}
- Greece:Proper noun:country in Southeastern Europe
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|یُونَان}}
- Greece:Proper noun:country in Southeastern Europe
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|یُونَان}}
- Greece:Proper noun:country in Southeastern Europe
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|یونان|tr=yunân}}
- Greece:Proper noun:country in Southeastern Europe
- *: Vlax Romani: {{t|rmy|Yelenistan}}
- Greek:Adjective:of or relating to Greece, its people, its language, or its culture
- *: Arvanite: {{t|sq|shkla|m}}
- Green Island:Proper noun:island east of Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|綠島|tr=Le̍k-tó}}
- Greenland:Proper noun:a large self-governing island in North America
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|格陵蘭|tr=Kiak-lêng-lân}}, {{t|nan-hbl|革林蘭|tr=Kek-lîm-lân}}
- Greenland:Proper noun:a large self-governing island in North America
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|گِرینْلَنْد}}, {{t|fa-ira|گِروئِنْلَنْد|tr=gero'enland}}
- Gregorian calendar:Proper noun:calendar
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|新曆|tr=sin-le̍k}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|陽曆|tr=iông-le̍k}}, {{t|nan-hbl|國曆|tr=kok-le̍k}}, {{t|nan-hbl|西曆|tr=se-le̍k}}
- Grodno:Proper noun:city
- *: Roman: {{t|be|Horadnia|f}} {{qualifier|łacinka}}, {{t|be|Harodnia|f}} {{qualifier|Taraškievica|poetic}}
- Groningen:Proper noun:city
- *:: Drents: {{t|nds-nl|Grunning}}, {{t|nds-nl|Grunningen}}, {{t|nds-nl|Groning}}, {{t|nds-nl|Groningen}}
- Groningen:Proper noun:city
- *:: Gronings: {{t|nds-nl|Grunnen}}, {{t|nds-nl|Grönnen}}, {{t+|nds-nl|Stad}}
- Groningen:Proper noun:city
- *:: Twents: {{t|nds-nl|Groningn}}, {{t|nds-nl|Grönningn}}
- Groningen:Proper noun:province
- *:: Drents: {{t|nds-nl|Grunning}}, {{t|nds-nl|Grunningen}}, {{t|nds-nl|Groning}}, {{t|nds-nl|Groningen}};
- Groningen:Proper noun:province
- *:: Gronings: {{t|nds-nl|Grunnen}}, {{t|nds-nl|Grönnen}}, {{t|nds-nl|Stad en Ommelaand}}
- Groningen:Proper noun:province
- *:: Twents: {{t|nds-nl|Groningn}}, {{t|nds-nl|Grönningn}}
- Gros Michel:Noun:
- * Cambodian: {{t-needed|km}} <!-- Chek Ambuong -->
- Gros Michel:Noun:
- * Malaysian: {{t|zms|Pisang Ambon}}
- Guadalquivir:Proper noun:river in southern Spain
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|گواڈلکویر|tr=Gvāḍalkivīr}}
- Guangdong:Proper noun:province of China
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|廣東|tr=Kńg-tang}}
- Guangzhou:Proper noun:Chinese city
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|廣州|tr=Kńg-chiu, Kúiⁿ-chiu}}
- Guanhua:Proper noun:language
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|官話|tr=koaⁿ-ōe}}
- Gueiren:Proper noun:district in south Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|歸仁|tr=Kui-jîn}}
- Guerrero:Proper noun:state of Mexico
- *: San Miguel el Grande: {{t|mig|yūcha ndéhyū}}
- Guianan slaty antshrike:Noun:bird
- *: {{qualifier|Brazil}}: {{t|pt|choca-bate-cabo}}
- Guilin:Proper noun:a city in Guangxi, China
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|桂林|tr=Kùi-lîm}}
- Guizhou:Proper noun:province of China
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|貴州|tr=Gói-ciŭ}}
- Guizhou:Proper noun:province of China
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|貴州|tr=Kùi-chiu}}
- Gulangyu:Proper noun:island in Xiamen, Fujian, China
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|鼓浪嶼|tr=Kó͘-lōng-sū}}
- Gulf of Mexico:Proper noun:gulf between United States and Mexico
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|خَلیجِ مِکْزیک}}
- Gulf of Mexico:Proper noun:gulf between United States and Mexico
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|خلیج میکسیکو}}
- Gulf of Thailand:Proper noun:body of water
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|خَلیجِ تایْلَنْد}}
- Gupta Empire:Proper noun:empire
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|گپتا سلطنت}}
- Gutian:Proper noun:county in northeastern Fujian
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|古田|tr=Kŭ-chèng}}
- Gutian:Proper noun:county in northeastern Fujian
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|古田|tr=Kó͘-chhân}}
- Guyana:Proper noun:country
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|گَیَانَا}}
- Guyana:Proper noun:country
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|گویان}}
- Gwynedd:Proper noun:historical kingdom
- *: Middle Welsh: {{t|wlm|Guynet}}
- Gwynedd:Proper noun:historical kingdom
- *: Old Welsh: {{t-needed|owl}}
- Habakkuk:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|哈巴谷書|tr=Hăk-bă-gók-cṳ̆}}
- Habakkuk:Proper noun:prophet
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|哈巴谷|tr=Hăk-bă-gók}}
- Habakkuk:Proper noun:male given name
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|哈巴谷|tr=Hăk-bă-gók}}
- Haggai:Proper noun:book of The Bible
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|哈基書|tr=Hăk-gĭ-cṳ̆}}
- Haifa:Proper noun:a city in northern Israel
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|海法|tr=hái-hoat}}
- Hainan:Proper noun:province of China
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|海南|tr=Hāi-nàng}}
- Hainan:Proper noun:province of China
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|海南|tr=Hái-lâm}}
- Hajtamiri:Proper noun:
- * Farsi: {{t-needed|fa}}
- Hakka:Adjective:of the Hakka people
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|客|tr=kheh}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|客家|tr=kheh-ka}}
- Hakka:Noun:a member of an ethnic group
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|客人|tr=Kheh-lâng}}, {{t|nan-hbl|客人仔|tr=Kheh-lâng-á}}, {{t|nan-hbl|客家人|tr=Kheh-ka-lâng}}
- Hakka:Proper noun:Hakka (Kejia) language
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|客話|tr=Kheh-ōe}}, {{t|nan-hbl|客家語|tr=Kheh-ka-gí, Kheh-ka-gú}}
- Halloween:Proper noun:October 31st
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|ہالووین}}
- Ham:Proper noun:a son of Noah and the brother of Japheth and Shem
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|含|tr=Hâm}}
- Hama:Proper noun:a city in Syria
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|حَمات}}
- Hampshire:Proper noun:county in the south of England
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|ہیمپشائر}}
- Hannah:Proper noun:mother of Samuel
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|哈拿|tr=Hap-ná}}, {{t|nan-hbl|哈娜|tr=Hap-ná}}
- Hanoi:Proper noun:capital of Vietnam
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|河內|tr=Hô-lāi}}
- Hanukkah:Proper noun:the Jewish festival
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|獻殿節|tr=Hiàn-tiān-choeh, Hiàn-tiān-cheh}}
- Hardenne:Proper noun:surname
- * Flemish: {{t|wa|van Hardenne}}
- Hartley County:Proper noun:county
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|ہارٹلے کاؤنٹی}}
- Hatra:Proper noun:city in Mesopotamia
- *: Hatran/Ashurian Aramaic: 𐣧𐣨𐣣𐣠
- Hawaii:Proper noun:state of the United States
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|Havaí|m}}
- Hawaii:Proper noun:state of the United States
- *: European: {{t+|pt|Havai|m}}
- Hawaii:Proper noun:chain of islands
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|Havaí|m}}
- Hawaii:Proper noun:chain of islands
- *: European: {{t+|pt|Havai|m}}
- Hawaii:Proper noun:largest of the Hawaiian Islands
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|Havaí|m}}
- Hawaii:Proper noun:largest of the Hawaiian Islands
- *: European: {{t+|pt|Havai|m}}
- Hawaii:Proper noun:kingdom
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|Havaí|m}}
- Hawaii:Proper noun:kingdom
- *: European: {{t+|pt|Havai|m}}
- Hawaiian:Proper noun:Hawaiian language
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|ہوائی بولی}}
- Hazaragi:Proper noun:Dialect of Persian
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|هزارگی|tr=hazāragī}}
- Hazaragi:Proper noun:Dialect of Persian
- *: Hazaragi: {{t|haz|آزرگی|tr=āzragī}}
- Hazaragi:Proper noun:Dialect of Persian
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|هزارگی|tr=hazâregi}}
- Heavenly Father:Proper noun:A formal name for the Judeo-Christian God
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|天爸|tr=Thiⁿ-pē}}
- Hebei:Proper noun:province of China
- *: Cyrillic: {{t|kk|حىبەي|tr=Hebêy}}
- Hebrew:Adjective:pertaining to the people
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|عِبْرانی}}, {{t|fa-ira|عِبْری}}
- Hebrew:Adjective:pertaining to the language
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|عِبْرانی}}, {{t|fa-ira|عِبْری}}
- Hebrews:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|希伯來書|tr=Hĭ-báik-lài Cṳ̆}}
- Hebrews:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|希伯來書|tr=Hi-pek-lâi-su}}
- Hellas:Proper noun:Greek name for Greece
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|希臘|tr=Hĭ-lăk}}
- Hellas:Proper noun:Greek name for Greece
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|希臘|tr=Hi-lia̍p}}
- Hellenic Republic:Proper noun:official name of Greece
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|República Helênica|f}}
- Hellenic Republic:Proper noun:official name of Greece
- *: European: {{t+|pt|República Helénica|f}}
- Hello World:Noun:Hello World
- * Myanmar: {{t|my|မင်္ဂလာ ပါ ကမ္ဘာ}}
- Hengchun:Proper noun:urban township
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|恆春|tr=Hêng-chhun}}
- Hereford:Proper noun:the city
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|ہیریفورڈ}}
- Herod:Proper noun:king
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|希律|tr=[[Hi-lu̍t]]}}
- Herzegovina:Proper noun:Southern wedge of the country of Bosnia and Herzegovina
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|هَرْزِگُوِینَا}}
- Herzegovina:Proper noun:Southern wedge of the country of Bosnia and Herzegovina
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|هِرزِگوین|tr=herzegovin}}
- Hezbollah:Proper noun:Lebanese Shia islamic organisation
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|حِزْبُاللهِ لُبْنان|tr=hezbo-llâh-e lobnân|lit=Lebanese Hezbollah}}, {{t|fa-ira|حِزْبُالله|tr=hezbo-llâh}}
- Higgs boson:Noun:elementary particle
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|bóson de Higgs|m}}
- Higgs boson:Noun:elementary particle
- *: European: {{t|pt|bosão de Higgs|m}}
- Highlands:Proper noun:area of Scotland
- * Scottish-Gaelic: {{t|gd|Gàidhealtachd}}
- Hijazi Arabic:Proper noun:the language
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|漢志阿拉伯語}}, {{t|nan-hbl|漢志阿語}}
- Hijra:Noun:Muhammad's departure from Mecca
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|هِجْرَت}}
- Hijra:Noun:Muhammad's departure from Mecca
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|هِجْرَت}}
- Hindu Kush:Proper noun:mountain range
- *: Dari: {{t|fa|هندوکش|tr=hindūkuš}}
- Hindu Kush:Proper noun:mountain range
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa|هندوکش|tr=hendukoš}}
- Hinduism:Proper noun:religion
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|印度教|tr=Ìn-tō͘-kàu}}
- Hinduism:Proper noun:religion
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|ھندو مت}}
- Hindustan:Proper noun:alternative name for India
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|ھندستان}}
- Hokkaido:Proper noun:a northern largest island of Japan, or a prefecture based in itself
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|^北海道|tr=Báe̤k-hāi-dô̤}}
- Hokkien:Proper noun:dialect of the Chinese language
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|福建話|tr=Hok-kiàn-ōe}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|閩南語|tr=Bân-lâm-gú, Bân-lâm-gí}}, {{t|nan-hbl|福佬話|tr=Hok-ló-oē}}, {{t|nan-hbl|河洛話|tr=Hō-ló-oē, Ho̍h-ló-oē}}, {{t|nan-hbl|咱人話|tr=Lán-lâng-ōe}} {{qualifier|Quanzhou, Zhangzhou}}, {{t|nan-hbl|咱厝話|tr=Lán-chhù-ōe}} {{qualifier|Quanzhou, Zhangzhou}}
- Hokkien mee:Noun:
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|福建麵|tr=Hok-kiàn-mī}}
- Holy Communion:Proper noun:Christian sacrament
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|聖餐|tr=sèng-chhan}}
- Holy See:Proper noun:episcopal see of the Catholic Church
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|Sèng-chō}}
- Holy See:Proper noun:episcopal see of the Catholic Church
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|پوتر کرسی}}
- Holy Spirit:Proper noun:Christian: person of the Holy Trinity
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|聖神|tr=Sèng-sîn}}, {{t|nan-hbl|聖靈|tr=Sèng-lêng}}
- Holy Spirit:Proper noun:Christian: person of the Holy Trinity
- *: Wuu: {{t|wuu|聖神}}
- Holy Spirit:Proper noun:Christian: person of the Holy Trinity
- * Dutch Low German: {{t|nds-nl|Heilige Geest}}
- Holy Spirit:Proper noun:Christian: person of the Holy Trinity
- * Frisian:
- Holy Spirit:Proper noun:Christian: person of the Holy Trinity
- *: Saterland Frisian: {{t|stq|Helige Jeest|m}}
- Holy Spirit:Proper noun:Christian: person of the Holy Trinity
- *: West Frisian: {{t|fy|Hillige Geast|m}}
- Holy Spirit:Proper noun:Christian: person of the Holy Trinity
- *: Gascon: {{t|oc|Sent Esperit|m}}
- Holy Spirit:Proper noun:Christian: person of the Holy Trinity
- * Toquelauan: {{t|tkl|Agāga Paia}}
- Holy Spirit:Proper noun:Christian: person of the Holy Trinity
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|روح القدس}}
- Homs:Proper noun:city in Syria
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|حُمْص}}
- Hong Kong:Proper noun:coastal administrative region in south-east China
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|香港}}
- Hong Kong:Proper noun:coastal administrative region in south-east China
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|香港|tr=Hiong-káng, Hiang-káng}}
- Hopedale:Proper noun:town and Inuit community government in Newfoundland
- *: Eastern Canadian: {{t|ike|Agvituk}}
- Hosea:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|訶西書|tr=Hŏ̤-să̤-cṳ̆}}
- Hosea:Proper noun:prophet
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|訶西|tr=Hŏ̤-să̤}}
- Hosea:Proper noun:prophet
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|何西阿|tr=Hô-se-a}}
- Hrodivka:Proper noun:
- * Ukranian: {{t+|uk|Гродівка|f}}
- Hsinchu:Proper noun:a city in northern Taiwan; a county in northern Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|竹塹|tr=Tek-chhàm}}, {{t|nan-hbl|新竹|tr=Sin-tek}}
- Hualien:Proper noun:a county and a city in Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|花蓮|tr=Hoa-liân}}
- Huaqiao:Noun:overseas Chinese
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|番客|tr=hoan-kheh}}
- Huating:Proper noun:county-level city
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|華亭}}
- Huejutla:Proper noun:Mexican town
- *: Classical Huasteca Nahuatl: {{t|nch|Uexotlaj}}
- Huejutla:Proper noun:Mexican town
- *: Classical Nahuatl: {{t|nci|Huexotlah}}
- Hungary:Proper noun:the country
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|洪牙利|tr=Hông-gâ-lī}}, {{t|nan-hbl|匈牙利|tr=Hiong-gâ-lī}}
- Hungary:Proper noun:the country
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|مَجَارِسْتَان}}
- Hungary:Proper noun:the country
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مَجارِسْتان}}
- Hunmin Jeongeum:Proper noun:
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|訓民正音|tr=Hùn-bîn Chèng-im}}
- Huxi:Proper noun:rural township in Penghu (the Pescadores)
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|湖西|tr=Ô͘-sai}}
- Hvidovre:Proper noun:town in Denmark
- * Croatian: {{t|sh|Hvidovre}}
- Hvidovre:Proper noun:town in Denmark
- * Northern Frisian: {{t|frr|Hvidovre}}
- Hvidovre:Proper noun:town in Denmark
- *: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|Hvidovre}}
- Hvidovre:Proper noun:town in Denmark
- *: Nynorsk: {{t|nn|Hvidovre}}
- Hvidovre:Proper noun:town in Denmark
- * Western Frisian: {{t|fy|Hvidovre}}
- Hyrcania:Proper noun:region in south of Caspian Sea
- *: Old Persian: {{t|peo|𐎺𐎼𐎣𐎠𐎴|ts=varkāna}}
- I am English:Phrase:I am English
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مَن اِنْگْلیسی هَسْتَم}}
- I am a doctor:Phrase:I am a doctor (a physician)
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[是]][[醫生]]|tr=góa sī i-seng / góa sǐ i-sng}}
- I can't swim:Phrase:I can't swim
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[𣍐曉]][[泅水]]|tr=góa bōe-hiáu siû-chúi / góa bǒe-hiáu siû-chúi / góa bē-hiáu siû-chúi}}
- I don't drive:Phrase:I don't drive (a car, a vehicle)
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[𣍐曉]][[捍車]]|tr=góa bōe-hiáu hōaⁿ-chhia / góa bǒe-hiáu hōaⁿ-chhia / óa bē-hiáu hōaⁿ-chhia}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[𣍐曉]][[駛車]]|tr=góa bōe-hiáu sái-chhia / góa bē-hiáu sái-chhia / óa bōe-hiáu sái-chhia / óa bē-hiáu sái-chhia}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[𣍐曉]][[開車]]|tr=góa bōe-hiáu khui-chhia / góa bǒe-hiáu khui-chhia / góa bē-hiáu khui-chhia}}
- I don't eat meat:Phrase:I don't eat meat
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[毋]][[食]][[肉]]|tr=góa m̄ chia̍h bah / góa m̄ chia̍h mah}}
- I don't eat meat:Phrase:I don't eat meat
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مَن گوشْت نِمیخورَم|tr=man gušt nemi-xoram}}
- I don't eat pork:Phrase:I don't eat pork
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[毋]][[食]][[豬肉]]|tr=góa m̄ chia̍h ti-bah / góa m̄ chia̍h tir-mah / góa m̄ chia̍h ti-mah / góa m̄ chia̍h tu-bah / góa m̄ chia̍h tir-bah}}
- I don't eat pork:Phrase:I don't eat pork
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|مَن گوشْتِ خُوک نَمیخْوَرَم}}
- I don't eat pork:Phrase:I don't eat pork
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|من گوشت خوک نمیخورم|tr=man gōšt-i xūk namē-xuram}}, {{t|prs|مه گوشت خوک نمخرم|tr=ma gōšt-i xūk namuxrum}} {{q|colloquial}}
- I don't eat pork:Phrase:I don't eat pork
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مَن گوشْتِ خوک نِمیخورَم|tr=man gušt-e xuk nemi-xoram}}
- I don't know:Interjection:I don’t know
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|我毋知|tr=góa m̄ chai}}, {{t|nan-hbl|我毋知影|tr=góa m̄ chai-iáⁿ}}
- I don't know:Interjection:I don’t know
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مَن نِمیدانَم|tr=man nemi-dânam}}, {{t|fa-ira|نِمیدانَم}}, {{t|fa-ira|نِمیدونَم}} {{qualifier|colloquial, Tehrani}}
- I don't speak English:Phrase:I don't speak English (specifically English)
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[𣍐曉]][[講]][[英文]]|tr=góa bōe-hiáu kóng eng-bûn / góa bǒe-hiáu kóng eng-bûn}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[𣍐曉]][[講]][[英語]]|tr=góa bōe-hiáu kóng eng-gú / góa bǒe-hiáu káng eng-gír / góa bē-hiáu kóng eng-gí}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[𣍐曉]][[講]][[紅毛話]]|tr=góa bōe-hiáu kóng âng-mô͘-ōe / óa bē-hiáu kóng âng-mô͘-ōa}} {{q|Singapore, Malaysia}}
- I don't speak English:Phrase:I don't speak (fill with the name of the current foreign language)
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[𣍐曉]][[講]][[閩南話]]|tr=góa bōe-hiáu kóng bân-lâm-ōe / góa bǒe-hiáu kóng bân-lâm-ōe / góa bǒe-hiáu káng bân-lâm-ōe / góa bē-hiáu kóng bân-lâm-ōa}} {{q|Mainland China}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[𣍐曉]][[講]][[臺語]]|tr=góa bē-hiáu kóng tâi-gí / góa bōe-hiáu kóng tâi-gú}} {{q|Taiwan}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[𣍐曉]][[講]][[臺灣話]]|tr=góa bōe-hiáu kóng tâi-oân-ōe / góa bē-hiáu kóng tâi-oân-ōa}} {{q|Taiwan}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[𣍐曉]][[講]][[福建話]]|tr=góa bōe-hiáu kóng hok-kiàn-ōe / óa bē-hiáu kóng hok-kiàn-ōa}} {{q|Singapore, Malaysia}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[𣍐曉]][[講]][[咱人話]]|tr=góa bǒe-hiáu kóng lán-nâng-ōe / góa bǒe-hiáu kóng lán-lâng-ōe / góa bǒe-hiáu kóng nán-nâng-ōe}} {{q|Philippines}}
- I don't think so:Phrase:I think that what has been said is untrue
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[想]][[毋是]]|tr=góa siūⁿ m̄-sī / góa siǔⁿ m̄-sǐ / góa siōⁿ m̄-sī / óa siāuⁿ m̄-sī / óa siōⁿ m̄-sī}}
- I don't understand:Phrase:I don't understand
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[聽無]]|tr=góa thiaⁿ-bô}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[𣍐曉]][[聽]]|tr=góa bōe-hiáu thiaⁿ / góa bǒe-hiáu thiaⁿ / góa bē-hiáu thiaⁿ}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[無]][[明白]]|tr=góa bô bêng-pe̍k / góa bô bêng-pia̍k}}
- I don't understand:Phrase:I don't understand
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|نِمیفَهْمَم}}, {{t|fa-ira|مُتِوَجِّه نِمیشَوَم}}, {{t|fa-ira|مُتِوَجِّه نیسْتَم}}
- I don't want it:Phrase:I don't want it
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[無]][[欲]]|tr=góa bô beh / góa bô berh / góa bô boeh}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[無]][[愛]]|tr=góa bô ài}}
- I don't want to buy anything:Phrase:I don't want to buy anything
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[無愛]][[買]][[啥]]|tr=góa bô ài bóe siáⁿ / góa bô ài bé sahⁿ / góa bô ài bóe siahⁿ}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[無欲]][[買]][[啥]]|tr=góa bô beh bóe siáⁿ / góa bô berh bóe siáⁿ / góa bô beh bé sahⁿ / góa bô beh bóe siahⁿ}}
- I have a question:Phrase:I have a question
- *: Gheg: {{t|sq|kam nji pyetje}}
- I have a question:Phrase:I have a question
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|یَک سُؤَال دَارَم}}, {{t|fa-cls|یَک پُرْسِش دَارَم}}
- I have a question:Phrase:I have a question
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|یِک سُؤال دارَم}}, {{t|fa-ira|یِک پُرْسِش دارَم}}
- I have no money:Phrase:I have no money
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[無]][[錢]]|tr=góa bô chîⁿ}}
- I have no money:Phrase:I have no money
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|پول نَدارَم}}, {{t|fa-ira|مَن پول نَدارَم}}
- I know:Phrase:response indicating agreement with prior statement before it was made
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[知]]|tr=góa chai}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[知影]]|tr=góa chai-iáⁿ}}
- I know:Phrase:assertion that speaker has answer or idea
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[知]][[囉]]|tr=góa chai--lo͘ / góa chai--lo͘h}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[知影]][[囉]]|tr=góa chai-iáⁿ--lo͘ / góa chai-iáⁿ--lo͘h}}
- I like you:Phrase:I like you
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[愛]][[汝]]|tr=góa ài lí / góa ài lír / góa ài lú / óa ài lí / óa ài lír}}
- I live in Melbourne:Phrase:I live in Melbourne (example city)
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[徛]][[墨爾本]]|tr=góa khiā Be̍k-ní-pún}}
- I live in Melbourne:Phrase:I live in Melbourne (example city)
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|[[دَر]] مِلْبورن [[زندگی کردن|زِنْدگی میکُنَم]]|tr=dar melborn zendegi mi-konam}}
- I lost my glasses:Phrase:I lost my glasses
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[兮]][[目鏡]][[拍無去]]|tr=góa ê ba̍k-kiàⁿ phah-bô--khì / góa ê ba̍k-kiàⁿ phah-bô--khìr}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[兮]][[目鏡]][[拍毋見]]|tr=góa ê ba̍k-kiàⁿ phah-m̄-kìⁿ / góa ê ba̍k-kiàⁿ phàng-kìⁿ / góa ê ba̍k-kiàⁿ phàng-kiàn}}
- I lost my keys:Phrase:I lost my keys
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[兮]][[鎖匙]][[拍無去]]|tr=góa ê só-sî phah-bô--khì / góa ê só-sî phah-bô--khìr}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[兮]][[鎖匙]][[拍毋見]]|tr=góa ê só-sî phah-m̄-kìⁿ / góa ê só-sî phàng-kìⁿ / góa ê só-sî phàng-kiàn}}
- I lost my keys:Phrase:I lost my keys
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کِلیدْهایَم را گُم کَرْدَم}}
- I lost my wallet:Phrase:I lost my wallet
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کیفِ پولَم را گُم کَرْدَم}}
- I love you:Phrase:affirmation of affection or deep caring
- *: South Azerbaijani: {{t|az|من سنی سئویرم|tr=mən səni sevirəm}}
- I love you:Phrase:affirmation of affection or deep caring
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|我疼汝|tr=goá thiàⁿ lí / góa thiàⁿ lír / góa thiàⁿ lú / óa thiàⁿ lí / óa thiàⁿ lír}}
- I love you:Phrase:affirmation of affection or deep caring
- *: Sistani Persian: {{t|fa|دل میباله ترا|tr=del me-bâle torâ}}
- I love you:Phrase:affirmation of romantic feeling
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|我疼汝|tr=goá thiàⁿ lí / góa thiàⁿ lír / góa thiàⁿ lú / óa thiàⁿ lí / óa thiàⁿ lír}}, {{t|nan-hbl|我愛汝|tr=góa ài lí / góa ài lír / góa ài lú / óa ài lí / óa ài lír}}
- I love you:Phrase:affirmation of romantic feeling
- *: Alsace: [[ich hoan dich gear]]
- I love you:Phrase:affirmation of romantic feeling
- *: Bavaria: {{t-check|bar|i mog di narrisch gern}}
- I love you:Phrase:affirmation of romantic feeling
- *: Cologne: [[isch han dich leev]], [[isch han dich jään]]
- I love you:Phrase:affirmation of romantic feeling
- *: High Saxonian: [[isch hab dsch gerne]]
- I love you:Phrase:affirmation of romantic feeling
- *: Swabian: [[i mog di]], [[i han di oifach gern]]
- I love you:Phrase:affirmation of romantic feeling
- *: {{qualifier|Kansai}}+: {{t|ja|好いとんねん|tr=suitonnen}}, {{t|ja|好きやねん|tr=sukiyanen}}
- I love you:Phrase:affirmation of romantic feeling
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|mo laime toi}}
- I love you:Phrase:affirmation of romantic feeling
- *: {{qualifier|Dundee}}: {{t|sco|Eh loe ye}}
- I love you:Phrase:platonic expression of inclination or liking
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|我愛汝|tr=góa ài lí / góa ài lír / góa ài lú / óa ài lí / óa ài lír}}
- I must go:Phrase:I must go
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[着]][[去]][[囉]]|tr=góa tio̍h khì --lo͘}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[着]][[行]][[囉]]|tr=góa tio̍h kiâⁿ --lo͘}}
- I told you:Phrase:I told you
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[有]][[共]][[汝]][[講]]|tr=góa ū kā lí kóng / góa ǔ kā lí kóng / góa ū kāng lí kóng / góa ǔ kāng lí kóng}}
- I'd like to know:Phrase:phrase
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[欲]][[知影]]|tr=góa beh chai-iáⁿ / góa berh chai-iáⁿ / góa boeh chai-iáⁿ}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[愛]][[知影]]|tr=góa ài chai-iáⁿ}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[欲]][[知]]|tr=góa beh chai / góa berh chai / góa boeh chai}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[愛]][[知]]|tr=góa ài chai}}
- I'd like to know:Phrase:phrase
- *: Ekavian: {{t|sh|hteo bih znati|m}}, {{t|sh|htela bih znati|f}}; {{t|sh|хтео бих знати|m|sc=Cyrl}}, {{t|sh|хтела бих знати|f|sc=Cyrl}}
- I'd like to know:Phrase:phrase
- *: Ijekavian: {{t|sh|htio bih znati|m}}, {{t|sh|htjela bih znati|f}}; {{t|sh|хтио бих знати|m|sc=Cyrl}}, {{t|sh|хтјела бих знати|f|sc=Cyrl}}
- I'm:Contraction:Contraction
- *:: German Low German: {{t|nds-de|[[ik]] [[bün]]}}
- I'm:Contraction:Contraction
- *: Low German:
- I'm ... year(s) old:Phrase:I am ... year(s) old
- *: {{t|ar|عمري ... سنَةً|tr=ʕumrī ... sana}}, {{t|ar|عُمْرِي ... سَنَةً}} {{qualifier|11 and over}}
- I'm ... year(s) old:Phrase:I am ... year(s) old
- *: {{t|ar|عُمْرِي ... سَنَوَات}} {{qualifier|3-10}}
- I'm ... year(s) old:Phrase:I am ... year(s) old
- *: {{t|ar|عُمْرِي سَنَة}} {{qualifier|1 year old}}
- I'm ... year(s) old:Phrase:I am ... year(s) old
- *: {{t|ar|عُمْرِي سَنَتَيْن}} {{qualifier|2 - dual}}
- I'm ... year(s) old:Phrase:I am ... year(s) old
- *: {{t|be|мне ... гадо́ў}} {{qualifier|5-20, 25-30, 35-40, etc.}}
- I'm ... year(s) old:Phrase:I am ... year(s) old
- *: {{t|be|мне ... гады́}} {{qualifier|2-4, 22-24, 32-34, etc.}}
- I'm ... year(s) old:Phrase:I am ... year(s) old
- *: {{t|be|мне ... год}} {{qualifier|1, 21, 31, etc.}}
- I'm ... year(s) old:Phrase:I am ... year(s) old
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]]……[[歲]][[囉]]|tr=góa ... hè--lo͘ / góa ... hè--lo͘h / góa ... hèr--lo͘ / góa ... hèr--lo͘h / góa ... hòe--lo͘h}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]]……[[歲]]|tr=góa ... hè / góa ... hèr / góa ... hòe}}
- I'm ... year(s) old:Phrase:I am ... year(s) old
- *: {{t|he|אני בן ...|tr=aní ben ...}} {{qualifier|male}}
- I'm ... year(s) old:Phrase:I am ... year(s) old
- *: {{t|he|אני בת ...|tr=aní bat ...}} {{qualifier|female}}
- I'm ... year(s) old:Phrase:I am ... year(s) old
- *: {{t|pl|mam ... lata}} {{qualifier|2-4, 22-24, 32-34, etc.}}
- I'm ... year(s) old:Phrase:I am ... year(s) old
- *: {{t|pl|mam ... lat}} {{qualifier|5-21, 25-31, 35-41, etc.}}
- I'm ... year(s) old:Phrase:I am ... year(s) old
- *: {{t|pl|mam 1 rok}} {{qualifier|1 year old only}}
- I'm ... year(s) old:Phrase:I am ... year(s) old
- *: {{t|ru|мне ... го́да}} {{qualifier|2-4, 22-24, 32-34, etc.}}
- I'm ... year(s) old:Phrase:I am ... year(s) old
- *: {{t|ru|мне ... год}} {{qualifier|1, 21, 31, etc.}}
- I'm ... year(s) old:Phrase:I am ... year(s) old
- *: {{t|ru|мне ... лет}} {{qualifier|5-20, 25-30, 35-40, etc.}}
- I'm ... year(s) old:Phrase:I am ... year(s) old
- *: {{t|sh|имам ... година|sc=Cyrl}}, {{t|sh|imam ... godina}} {{qualifier|5-20, 25-30, 35-40, etc.}}
- I'm ... year(s) old:Phrase:I am ... year(s) old
- *: {{t|sh|имам ... године|sc=Cyrl}}, {{t|sh|imam ... godine}} {{qualifier|2-4, 22-24, 32-34, etc.}}
- I'm ... year(s) old:Phrase:I am ... year(s) old
- *: {{t|sh|имам 1 годину дана|sc=Cyrl}}, {{t|sh|imam 1 godinu dana}} {{qualifier|1 year old only}}
- I'm ... year(s) old:Phrase:I am ... year(s) old
- *: {{t|sh|имам ... годину|sc=Cyrl}}, {{t|sh|imam ... godinu}} {{qualifier|21, 31, 41, etc.}}
- I'm ... year(s) old:Phrase:I am ... year(s) old
- *: {{t|sk|mám ... rokov}} {{qualifier|5+}}
- I'm ... year(s) old:Phrase:I am ... year(s) old
- *: {{t|sk|mám ... roky}} {{qualifier|2-4 only}}
- I'm ... year(s) old:Phrase:I am ... year(s) old
- *: {{t|sk|mám 1 rok}} {{qualifier|1 year old only}}
- I'm ... year(s) old:Phrase:I am ... year(s) old
- *: {{t|uk|мені́ ... ро́ки}} {{qualifier|2-4, 22-24, 32-34, etc.}}
- I'm ... year(s) old:Phrase:I am ... year(s) old
- *: {{t|uk|мені́ ... ро́ків}} {{qualifier|5-20, 25-30, 35-40, etc.}}
- I'm ... year(s) old:Phrase:I am ... year(s) old
- *: {{t|uk|мені́ ... рік}} {{qualifier|1, 21, 31, etc.}}
- I'm ... year(s) old:Phrase:I am ... year(s) old
- *: {{t|yo|[[mo|Mo]] [[jẹ́]] [[ọmọ]] [[ọdún]] …}}
- I'm ... year(s) old:Phrase:I am ... year(s) old
- *: {{t|yo|[[mo|Mo]] [[jẹ́]] [[ọmọ]] … [[ọdún]]}} {{qualifier|20, 30, 40, etc.}}
- I'm Jewish:Phrase:I'm Jewish (religious)
- *: Egyptian Arabic: {{t|arz|انا يهودي|tr=ana yihuudiyy|sc=Arab}}
- I'm a Muslim:Phrase:I'm a Muslim
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مُسَلْمانَم}}, {{t|fa-ira|مُسَلْمان هَسْتَم}}, {{t|fa-ira|مَن مُسَلْمانَم}}
- I'm blind:Phrase:I'm blind
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[青盲]][[囉]]|tr=góa chhiⁿ-mî--lo͘ / góa chheⁿ-mê--lo͘h / góa chheⁿ-mêe--lo͘h / góa chhiⁿ-mê--lo͘ / óa chheⁿ-mêe--lo͘h}}
- I'm deaf:Phrase:I'm deaf
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[臭耳聾]][[囉]]|tr=góa chhàu-hī-lâng--lo͘ / góa chhàu-hǐ-lâng--lo͘ / góa chhàu-hī-lâng--lo͘h / góa chhàu-hǐ-lâng--lo͘h / góa chhàu-hīⁿ-lâng--lo͘h}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[臭耳]][[囉]]|tr=góa chhàu-hǐ--lo͘ / góa chhàu-hī--lo͘h}}
- I'm dying:Phrase:I'm dying
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[欲]][[死去]][[囉]]|tr=góa beh sí--khì--lo͘ / góa beh sí--khì--lo͘h / góa beh sí--khù--lo͘h / góa berh sí--khìr--lo͘ / góa boeh sí--khì--lo͘h}}
- I'm embarrassed:Phrase:I'm embarrassed
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|歹勢|tr=pháiⁿ-sè / phái-sè / pháiⁿ-sì}}
- I'm fine:Phrase:response
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[好勢]]|tr=góa hó-sè / góa hó-sì / óa hó-sè / óa hó-sì}}
- I'm hungry:Phrase:I'm hungry
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[腹肚枵]]|tr=góa pak-tó͘-iau / óa pak-tó͘-iau / góa bak-tó͘-iau}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[枵]][[囉]]|tr=góa iau--lo͘ / góa iau--lo͘h}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[咧]][[枵人]][[囉]]|tr=góa lé-iau--lâng--lo͘}}
- I'm hungry:Phrase:I'm hungry
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|[[گُرُسْنِه]] [[هَسْتَم]]}}, {{t+|fa-ira|گرسنه|alt=گُرُسْنِهاَم}}, {{t+|fa-ira|گشنه|alt=گُشْنَمِه}} {{qualifier|colloquial}}
- I'm in love with you:Phrase:declaration of romantic feeling
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[真]][[疼]][[汝]]|tr=góa chin thiàⁿ lí / góa chin thiàⁿ lír / góa chin thiàⁿ lú / óa chin thiàⁿ lú}}
- I'm lost:Phrase:indicates that the speaker is unable to find his or her way
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[拍無去]]|tr=góa phah-bô--khì / góa phah-bô--khìr}}
- I'm lost:Phrase:indicates that the speaker is unable to find his or her way
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مَن گُم شُدَم}}, {{t+|fa-ira|گم شدن|alt=گُم شُدَم}}
- I'm single:Phrase:I'm single
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مَن مُجَرَّدَم}}, {{t|fa-ira|مَن مُجَرَّد هَسْتَم}}
- I'm sorry:Phrase:I'm sorry, I apologize
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|歹勢|tr=phái-sè}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|對不住|tr=tuì-put-chū}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|失禮|tr=sit-lé}}
- I'm sorry:Phrase:
- *: Silesian: {{t|gmw-ecg|'s thutt mer leed}}, {{t|gmw-ecg|is thutt mer leed}} {{q|Gebirgsschlesisch}}, {{t|gmw-ecg|es thutt merr leed|alt=es thutt merr (harzlich) leed}}
- I'm thirsty:Phrase:I need a drink
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[喙焦]]|tr=góa chhùi-ta}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[喙渴]]|tr=góa chhùi-khoah}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[喙堅]]|tr=góa chhùi-kian}}
- I'm tired:Phrase:I am tired (in need of rest or sleep)
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[𤺪]][[囉]]|tr=góa siān--lo͘ / góa siǎn--lo͘ / góa siān--lo͘h}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[厭]][[囉]]|tr=góa ià--lo͘}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[悿]][[囉]]|tr=góa thiám--lo͘h}}
- I've:Contraction:I have
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[有]]|tr=góa ū}}
- I've been robbed:Phrase:I've been robbed
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[有人]][[偷]][[我]]|tr=ū-lâng thau góa / ǔ-lâng thau góa}}
- I've been shot:Phrase:I've been shot
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[着銃]][[囉]]|tr=góa tio̍h-chhèng--lo͘h}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[銃]][[着]][[囉]]|tr=góa chhèng-tio̍h--lo͘}}
- ICU:Noun:intensive care unit
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|加護病房|tr=ka-hō͘-pēⁿ-pâng}}
- ISIS:Proper noun:Islamic State of Iraq and Syria
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|دَاعِش}}
- ISIS:Proper noun:Islamic State of Iraq and Syria
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|داعِش}}, {{t|fa-ira|دُوْلَتِ اِسْلامی عِراق و شام}}, {{t|fa-ira|دُوْلَتِ اِسْلامی عِراق و سورِیِه}}
- Iblis:Proper noun:(Islam) Satan; the Devil
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|اِبْلِیس}}
- Iblis:Proper noun:(Islam) Satan; the Devil
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اِبْلیس}}
- Iceland:Proper noun:country in Europe
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|冰島}}
- Iceland:Proper noun:country in Europe
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|冰島|tr=Peng-tó͘ / Peng-tó}}
- Iceland:Proper noun:country in Europe
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|آیْسْلَنْد}}
- Iceland:Proper noun:country in Europe
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|ایسلند|tr=island}}
- Iceland:Proper noun:country in Europe
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|آئس لینڈ}}
- Idlib:Proper noun:city in Syria
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اِدْلِب}}
- Ilocano:Proper noun:language
- * Bartangi: {{t|sgh-bar|Илокано зив}}
- Ilocano:Proper noun:language
- * Oroshori: {{t|sgh-oro|Илокано зив}}
- Iloilo:Proper noun:province of the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|怡朗|tr=Î-lóng}} {{q|Philippines|Taiwan}}
- Iloilo:Proper noun:city in the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|怡朗|tr=Î-lóng}} {{q|Philippines|Taiwan}}
- Immanuel:Proper noun:figure whose birth is foretold
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|以馬內利|tr=Í-má-lōe-lī}}, {{t|nan-hbl|Em-má-nu-el}}
- Immanuel:Proper noun:this figure, regarded as Christ
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|以馬內利|tr=Í-má-lōe-lī}}, {{t|nan-hbl|Em-má-nu-el}}
- India:Proper noun:the country
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|印度|tr=Éng-dô}}
- India:Proper noun:the country
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|印度|tr=Ìn-tō͘}}
- India:Proper noun:the country
- *: Devanagari: {{tt|ks|हिन्दोस्तान}}, {{tt|ks|इंडिया}}
- India:Proper noun:the country
- *: Perso-Arabic: {{tt|ks|ہِندوستان|m}}, {{tt|ks|بھارَت|m}}, {{tt|ks|اِنڈِیا|m}}
- India:Proper noun:the country
- * Western Panjabi: {{tt+|pnb|ھندستان}}, {{tt|pnb|بھارت}}
- Indian Ocean:Proper noun:the ocean separating Africa, southern Asia, Australia and Antarctica
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|وڈا سمندر ہند}}
- Indian coral tree:Noun:Erythrina variegata
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|莿桐|tr=chhì-tông}}
- Indian myna:Noun:
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|لالی}}
- Indian plum:Noun:Flacourtia jangomas
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|羅旦梅}} {{qualifier|Taiwan}}
- Indianapolis:Proper noun:capital of the State of Indiana, USA
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|انڈیاناپولس}}
- Indonesia:Proper noun:country
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|印度尼西亞}}, {{t|cdo|印尼}}
- Indonesia:Proper noun:country
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|印尼|tr=Ìn-nî}}, {{t|nan-hbl|印度尼西亞|tr=Ìn-tō͘-nî-se-a}}
- Indonesia:Proper noun:country
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|اِنْدونِیزِیَا}}, {{t|prs|اِنْدُونِیزِیَا}}
- Indonesia:Proper noun:country
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اَنْدونِزی|tr=andonezi}}
- Industrial Revolution:Proper noun:major technological change in the late 18th and early 19th century
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|Kang-gia̍p Kek-bēng}}
- Ingushetia:Proper noun:federal subject of Russia
- * Bartangi: {{t|sgh-bar|Ингушисту̊н}}
- Intercession of the Theotokos:Proper noun:feast
- * Finish: {{t|fi|Pokrova}}
- International System of Units:Proper noun:standard set of basic units of measurement
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[國際]][[單位]][[系統]]|tr=Kok-chè Tan-ūi Hē-thóng}}
- Internationale:Proper noun:proletarian song
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|國際歌|tr=Kok-chè-koa}}
- Internet:Proper noun:specific internet consisting of the global network of computers
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|اِنْتَرْنیت}}
- Internet:Proper noun:specific internet consisting of the global network of computers
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اینْتِرْنِت}}
- Interslavic:Adjective:between Slavs or Slavic nations
- *: Roman: {{t-check|az|ümumslavyan}}
- Interslavic:Adjective:between Slavs or Slavic nations
- * Frisian: {{t|fy|Ynterslavysk}}
- Interslavic:Proper noun:auxiliary Slavic language
- *: Roman: {{t-check|az|ümumslavyan dili}}
- Interslavic:Proper noun:auxiliary Slavic language
- * Frisian: {{t|fy|Ynterslavysk|n}}
- Intramuros:Proper noun:district of Manila
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|^王城|tr=Ông-siâⁿ}}
- Inuit:Noun:the people
- *: Roman: {{t|iu|inuit}}
- Inuit:Noun:the people
- *: Syllabics: {{t|iu|ᐃᓄᐃᑦ|sc=Cans}}
- Inuit:Proper noun:the language
- *: Roman: {{t+|iu|Inuktitut|sc=Latn}}
- Inuit:Proper noun:the language
- *: Syllabics: {{t+|iu|ᐃᓄᒃᑎᑐᑦ|sc=Cans}}
- Iowa:Proper noun:A state in Midwestern US
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|Iowa}}
- Iran:Proper noun:country in Western Asia
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|伊朗}}
- Iran:Proper noun:country in Western Asia
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|伊朗|tr=I-lang}}
- Iran:Proper noun:country in Western Asia
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|ایرَان}}, {{t|fa-cls|اِیرَان}}
- Iran:Proper noun:country in Western Asia
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|ایرَان}}
- Iran:Proper noun:country in Western Asia
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|ایران}}
- Iran:Proper noun:country in Western Asia
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|Irã|m}}
- Iran:Proper noun:country in Western Asia
- *: European: {{t+|pt|Irão|m}}
- Iran:Proper noun:country in Western Asia
- * Western Panjabi: {{tt+|pnb|ایران}}
- Iraq:Proper noun:country
- *: Eastern Min: {{t-check|cdo|伊拉克|tr=Ĭ-lá-káik}}
- Iraq:Proper noun:country
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|伊拉克|tr=I-lá-khek}}
- Iraq:Proper noun:country
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|عِرَاق}}
- Iraq:Proper noun:country
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|عِراق}}
- Ireland:Proper noun:island
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|آیْرْلَنْد}}
- Ireland:Proper noun:island
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|ایرْلَنْد}}
- Ireland:Proper noun:country
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|愛爾蘭}}
- Ireland:Proper noun:country
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|ایرْلَنْد}}
- Ireland:Proper noun:country
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|آئرلینڈ}}
- Irish:Proper noun:the language
- *: Classical Gaelic: {{t|ga|Gaoidhealg|f}}
- Irkutsk:Proper noun:city in Siberia
- *: Classical Mongolian: {{t|cmg|ᠡᠷᠬᠡᠦ}}, {{t|cmg|ᠡᠷᠬᠦᠦ}}
- Irkutsk:Proper noun:city in Siberia
- *: Modern Mongolian: {{t|mn|ᠡᠷᠬᠦᠦ}}, {{t|mn|ᠢᠷᠬᠦ}}
- Iron Age:Proper noun:
- *: Badiu: {{t-check|kea|Idadi du Ferru|m}}
- Iron Age:Proper noun:
- *: Fogo: {{t-check|kea|Idade du Ferro|m}}
- Iron Age:Proper noun:
- *: São Vicente: {{t-check|kea|Idad' d' Ferr'|m}}
- Iron Curtain:Proper noun:dividing line between Western Europe and the Soviet-controlled regions, especially during the Cold War
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|آہنی پردہ}}
- Isaiah:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|以賽亞書|tr=Ī-suói-ā-cṳ̆}}
- Isaiah:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|کتاب یسعیاہ}}
- Isaiah:Proper noun:prophet
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|以賽亞|tr=Ī-suói-ā}}
- Isaiah:Proper noun:prophet
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|以賽亞|tr=Í-sài-a}}
- Isaiah:Proper noun:male given name
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|以賽亞|tr=Ī-suói-ā}}
- Isfahan:Proper noun:third largest city of Iran
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اِصْفَهان}}, {{t|fa-ira|اِسْپَهان}}, {{t|fa-ira|سِپاهان}}
- Islam:Proper noun:Abrahamic religion
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|回教|tr=Hôe-kàu, Hê-kàu}}, {{t|nan-hbl|伊斯蘭教|tr=I-su-lân-kàu}}
- Islam:Proper noun:Abrahamic religion
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|اِسْلَام}}
- Islam:Proper noun:Abrahamic religion
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اِسْلام}}
- Islam:Proper noun:Abrahamic religion
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|islã|m}}
- Islam:Proper noun:Abrahamic religion
- *: European: {{t+|pt|islão|m}}
- Islamabad:Proper noun:the capital of Pakistan
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اِسْلامآباد}}
- Islamabad:Proper noun:the capital of Pakistan
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|اسلام آباد}}
- Islamic Republic of Iran:Proper noun:full, official name of Iran
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|جُمْهوریِ اِسْلامیِ ایران}}
- Islamic Republic of Pakistan:Proper noun:Islamic Republic of Pakistan
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|جُمْهوریِ اِسْلامیِ پاکِسْتان}}
- Islamic State:Proper noun:jihadist group
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|伊斯蘭國|tr=Ĭ-sṳ̆-làng-guók}}
- Islamic State:Proper noun:jihadist group
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|伊斯蘭國|tr=I-su-lân-kok}}
- Islamic State:Proper noun:jihadist group
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|دَوْلَتِ اِسْلَامِی}}
- Islamic State:Proper noun:jihadist group
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|دُوْلَتِ اِسْلامی}}
- Islamic State:Proper noun:proclaimed caliphate
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|伊斯蘭國|tr=Ĭ-sṳ̆-làng-guók}}
- Islamic State:Proper noun:proclaimed caliphate
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|伊斯蘭國|tr=I-su-lân-kok}}
- Islamism:Noun:Islamic fundamentalism
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اِسْلامگَرایی}}
- Islamist:Noun:person with Islamic fundamentalist beliefs
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اِسْلامگَرا}}
- Israel:Proper noun:the state
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|以色列}}
- Israel:Proper noun:the state
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|以色列|tr=Í-sek-lia̍t}}
- Israel:Proper noun:the state
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|اِسْرَائِیل}}
- Israel:Proper noun:the state
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اِسْرائیل}}
- Israel:Proper noun:Biblical: name given to Jacob
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|以色列|tr=Ī-sáik-liĕk}}
- Israel:Proper noun:Biblical: name given to Jacob
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|以色列|tr=Í-sek-lia̍t}}, {{tt|nan-hbl|I-su-la-el}}
- Istanbul:Proper noun:largest city of Turkey and last capital of the Ottoman Empire
- *: Arabic: {{t|az|ایستانبول}}
- Italian Peninsula:Proper noun:peninsula
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|اطالوی جزیرہ نما}}
- Italy:Proper noun:country in southern Europe
- *: Archaic Albanian: {{t|sq|lëtirësi|alt=Lëtirësia}}
- Italy:Proper noun:country in southern Europe
- *: Old Albanian: {{t|sq|Tale|alt=Taleia|f}}
- Italy:Proper noun:country in southern Europe
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|意大利}}
- Italy:Proper noun:country in southern Europe
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|意大利|tr=Ì-tāi-lī}}, {{t|nan-hbl|義大利|tr=Ì-tāi-lī}}
- Italy:Proper noun:country in southern Europe
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|اِیتَالِیَا}}
- Italy:Proper noun:country in southern Europe
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|ایتالِیا}}
- Ivrit:Proper noun:the Hebrew language, especially Modern Hebrew
- *: Cyrillic: {{t|gag|иврит|tr=ivrit}}
- Ivrit:Proper noun:the Hebrew language, especially Modern Hebrew
- *: Latin: {{t|gag|ivrit}}
- Ixcuintepec:Proper noun:town
- * Mixe:
- Ixcuintepec:Proper noun:town
- *: Coatlán: {{t-needed|mco}}
- Ixcuintepec:Proper noun:town
- *: Isthmus: {{t|mir|Uk Kuꞌubajp}}
- Ixcuintepec:Proper noun:town
- *: Totontepec: {{t|mto|Oc Cuvajcm}}
- Ixmiquilpan:Proper noun:city and municipality
- * Otomi:
- Ixmiquilpan:Proper noun:city and municipality
- *: Mezquital: {{t|ote|Nts’u̱tk’ani}}
- Jack:Proper noun:anglicized form of Jacques
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|雅各|tr=Ngā-gáuk}}
- Jacmel:Proper noun:
- * Taino: {{t|tnq|Yaquimel}}
- Jafnhár:Proper noun:Norse mythology: enthroned figure in the Gylfaginning
- *: Riksmål: {{t|nb|Jevnhøi|m}}
- Jainism:Proper noun:religion and philosophy
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|جین مت}}
- Jaipur:Proper noun:capital of Rajasthan, India
- *: Devanagari: {{t|mai|जयपुर}}
- Jaipur:Proper noun:capital of Rajasthan, India
- *: Tirhuta: {{t|mai|𑒖𑒨𑒣𑒳𑒩}}
- Jaipur:Proper noun:capital of Rajasthan, India
- *: Devanagari : {{t|new|जयपुर}}
- Jaipur:Proper noun:capital of Rajasthan, India
- *: Paracalit : {{t|new|𑐖𑐫𑐥𑐸𑐬}}
- Jakarta:Proper noun:capital of Indonesia
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|جَاکَارْتَا}}
- Jakarta:Proper noun:capital of Indonesia
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|جاکارْتا}}
- Jalal-Abad:Proper noun:Kyrgyz city
- *: Latın: {{t|sh|Džalalabat}}
- James:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|雅各書|tr=Ngā-gáuk Cṳ̆}}
- James:Proper noun:one of two Apostles
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|雅各|tr=Ngā-gáuk}}
- James:Proper noun:male given name (the standard form)
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|雅各|tr=Ngā-gáuk}}
- Jankoy:Proper noun:city and administrative centre of Jankoy Raion, Crimea, Ukraine
- * Azeri: {{t|az|Canköy}}
- Jankoy:Proper noun:city and administrative centre of Jankoy Raion, Crimea, Ukraine
- *: South Azerbaijani: {{t|az|جانکوی|sc=fa-Arab}}
- Jankoy:Proper noun:city and administrative centre of Jankoy Raion, Crimea, Ukraine
- * Pontic: {{t|pnt|Ντζανκόι|f}}
- Jannatabad:Proper noun:ancient Bengali city
- * Magadhi Prakrit: {{t|pra-mag|𑀚𑀦𑁆𑀦𑀢𑀸𑀩𑀸𑀤}}
- Jannatabad:Proper noun:ancient Bengali city
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|جَنَّت آبَاد}}
- January:Proper noun:first month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|一月|tr=it-go̍eh, it-ge̍h, it-gōe}}
- January:Proper noun:first month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: Middle Low German: {{t|gml|Januarius}}, {{t|gml|Jenner}}
- January:Proper noun:first month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|جَنْوَرِی}}
- January:Proper noun:first month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|ژانْوِیِه}}
- January:Proper noun:first month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: Southern Sami: {{t|sma|tsïengele}}
- Japan:Proper noun:a country in East Asia
- *: Abjad: {{tt|az|ياپونيا|tr=yāpōniâ}}, {{tt|az|ژاپون|tr=jāpon}}
- Japan:Proper noun:a country in East Asia
- *: Roman: {{tt+|az|Yaponiya}}
- Japan:Proper noun:a country in East Asia
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|日本}}
- Japan:Proper noun:a country in East Asia
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|日本|tr=Ji̍t-pún, Li̍t-pún}}
- Japan:Proper noun:a country in East Asia
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|جَاپَان}}
- Japan:Proper noun:a country in East Asia
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|ژاپُن}}
- Japanese:Noun:person of Japan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|日本儂|tr=ji̍t-pún-lâng}}
- Japanese:Noun:person of Japan
- *: Early Modern Korean: {{t|ko-ear|예}}
- Japanese:Noun:person of Japan
- *: Middle Korean: {{t|okm|예〯}}
- Japanese:Noun:person of Japan
- *: Old Korean: {{t|oko|倭理|tr=*YEri}}
- Japanese:Proper noun:Japanese language
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|日本話|tr=Nĭk-buōng-uâ}}, {{t|cdo|日本語|tr=Nĭk-buōng-ngṳ̄}}, {{t|cdo|日語|tr=Nĭk-ngṳ̄}}
- Japanese:Proper noun:Japanese language
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|日本語|tr=Ji̍t-pún-oē}}
- Japanese knotweed:Noun:Fallopia japonica
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|血三七|tr=hiat-sam-chhit}}
- Jean Lafitte:Proper noun:
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|Jean Lafitte}}
- Jeddah:Proper noun:city in Saudi Arabia
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|جدہ}}
- Jehovah:Proper noun:transliteration of the Masoretic vocalization of the Tetragrammaton
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|耶和華|tr=Ià-huò-huà}}, {{t|cdo|雅威|tr=Ngā-ŭi}}
- Jehovah:Proper noun:transliteration of the Masoretic vocalization of the Tetragrammaton
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|耶和華|tr=Iâ-hô-hoa}}
- Jehovah's Witnesses:Proper noun:denomination
- * Flemish: {{t|nl|Getuigen van Jehova|p}}
- Jeremiah:Proper noun:biblical prophet
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|耶利米|tr=Ià-lé-mī}}
- Jeremiah:Proper noun:biblical prophet
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|耶利米|tr=Iâ-lī-bí}}
- Jeremiah:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|耶利米書|tr=Ià-lé-mī-cṳ̆}}
- Jeremiah:Proper noun:male given name
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|耶利米|tr=Ià-lé-mī}}
- Jeroboam:Noun:Biblical king
- *: Biblical Hebrew: {{l|hbo|יָרָבְעָם|tr=Yārŏḇə‘ām}}
- Jerusalem:Proper noun:city in the Holy Land
- *: Biblical Aramaic: {{t|arc|יְרוּשְׁלֶם|tr=yərûšlem}}
- Jerusalem:Proper noun:city in the Holy Land
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|耶路撒冷|tr=Iâ-lō͘-sat-léng}}
- Jerusalem:Proper noun:city in the Holy Land
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|بِیْتاُلمُقَدَّس|tr=beyt-ol-moğaddas}}, {{t|fa-ira|اُورْشَلیم|tr=oršalim}}, {{t|fa-ira|قُدْس}}
- Jerusalem:Proper noun:city in the Holy Land
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|یروشلم}}
- Jesus:Proper noun:the Christian Messiah
- *: Arbëresh: {{tt|sq|Isuthi}}
- Jesus:Proper noun:the Christian Messiah
- *: Old Albanian: {{tt|sq|Lli}} (archaic)
- Jesus:Proper noun:the Christian Messiah
- * Cham:
- Jesus:Proper noun:the Christian Messiah
- *: Eastern Cham: {{t-needed|cjm}}
- Jesus:Proper noun:the Christian Messiah
- *: Western Cham: {{t-needed|cja}}
- Jesus:Proper noun:the Christian Messiah
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|耶穌}}
- Jesus:Proper noun:the Christian Messiah
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|耶穌|tr=Iâ-so͘}}
- Jesus:Proper noun:the Christian Messiah
- *: Northern Min: {{t|mnp|耶穌}}
- Jesus:Proper noun:the Christian Messiah
- *: Manichean: {{t|pal|𐫏𐫏𐫢𐫇𐫙|tr=yišōʿ}}
- Jesus Christ:Proper noun:Jesus of Nazareth
- **: East Syriac: {{t|syc|ܝܼܫܘܿܥ ܡܫܝܼܚܵܐ|m|tr=Īšōʿ M'šīḥāʿ}}
- Jesus Christ:Proper noun:Jesus of Nazareth
- **: West Syriac: {{t|syc|ܝܶܫܽܘܥ ܡܫܺܝܚܳܐ|m|tr=Yešūʿ M'šīḥōʿ}}
- Jesus Christ:Proper noun:Jesus of Nazareth
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|عِیسیٰ مَسِیح}}
- Jesus Christ:Proper noun:Jesus of Nazareth
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|عیسیٰ مَسیح}}
- Jesus Christ:Proper noun:Jesus of Nazareth
- * Tamasheq: {{t|taq|Ɣisa Ălmasex}}
- Jew:Noun:person of the Jewish faith
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|猶太人|tr=Iú-thài-lâng}}
- Jew:Noun:person of the Jewish faith
- * Old Portuguese: {{t|roa-opt|judeu}}
- Jew:Noun:person of the Jewish faith
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|یہودی}}
- Jew's ear:Noun:fungus Auricularia auricula-judae
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|烏木耳|tr=o͘-bo̍k-ní, o͘-bo̍k-lí, o͘-bo̍k-jí, o͘-bo̍k-jíⁿ}}
- Jew's harp:Noun:musical instrument
- * Kaili:
- Jew's harp:Noun:musical instrument
- *: Da'a Kaili: {{t|kzf|yori}}
- Jew's harp:Noun:musical instrument
- *: Ledo Kaili: {{t|lew|yori}}
- Jew's harp:Noun:musical instrument
- *: Unde Kaili: {{t|unz|yori}}
- Jew's harp:Noun:musical instrument
- * Palawano:
- Jew's harp:Noun:musical instrument
- *: Brooke's Point Palawano: {{t|plw|aroding}}
- Jew's harp:Noun:musical instrument
- *: Central Palawano: {{t|plc|aroding}}
- Jew's harp:Noun:musical instrument
- *: Southwest Palawano: {{t|plv|aroding}}
- Jewish:Adjective:of or relating to a Jew or Jews, their ethnicity, religion or culture
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|یَهُودِی}}
- Jewish:Adjective:of or relating to a Jew or Jews, their ethnicity, religion or culture
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|یَهودی}}
- Jhangvi:Proper noun:Punjabi dialect
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|جھَنگوِی|tr=jhangvī}}, {{t|pnb|جھنگلی|tr=jhanglī}}, {{t+|pnb|جانگلی|tr=janglī}}, {{t|pnb|رچناوی|tr=racnavī}}
- Jhuolan:Proper noun:urban township
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|卓蘭}}
- Jiagedaqi:Proper noun:administrative zone
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|加格達奇}}
- Jian'ou:Proper noun:county-level city in Fujian
- *: Northern Min: {{t|mnp|建甌|tr=Gṳ̿ing-é}}
- Jiangsu:Proper noun:Chinese province
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|江蘇|tr=Gŏng-sŭ}}
- Jiangsu:Proper noun:Chinese province
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|江蘇|tr=Kang-so͘}}
- Jianning:Proper noun:prefecture
- *: Northern Min: {{t|mnp|建寧|tr=Gṳ̿ing-nǎing}}
- Jianshi:Proper noun:mountain indigenous township in northern Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|尖石|tr=Chiam-chio̍h}}
- Jiasian:Proper noun:district in southern Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|甲仙|tr=Kah-sian}}
- Jieyang:Proper noun:city in Guangdong, China
- *: Teochew: {{t|nan-tws|揭陽|tr=gig4 iên5, gig4 ion5, gêg4 ion5}}
- Jilin:Proper noun:province of China
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|吉林|tr=Gék-lìng}}
- Jingning:Proper noun:county
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|靜寧}}
- Jinjiang:Proper noun:county-level city in Fujian
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|晉江|tr=Chìn-kang}}
- Job:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|約伯書|tr=Iók-báik-cṳ̆}}
- Job:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|約伯記|tr=Iok-pek-kì}}
- Job:Proper noun:Biblical and Qur'anic character
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|約伯}}
- Job:Proper noun:Biblical and Qur'anic character
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|約伯|tr=Iok-pek}}
- Job:Proper noun:Biblical and Qur'anic character
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|اَیُّوب}}
- Joe Average:Noun:hypothetical average or generic individual
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|普通人|tr=phó͘-thong-lâng}}
- Joel:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|約珥書|tr=Iók-ngī-cṳ̆}}
- Joel:Proper noun:male given name
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|約珥|tr=Iók-ngī}}
- Johannesburg:Proper noun:a city in South Africa
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|ژوهانِسْبورْگ|tr=žohânesburg}}
- John:Proper noun:male given name
- * Afan Oromo: {{t|om|Yohaannis}}
- John:Proper noun:male given name
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|約翰|tr=Iók-hâng}}
- John:Proper noun:male given name
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|約翰|tr=Iok-hān}}
- John:Proper noun:biblical persons
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|約翰|tr=Iók-hâng}}
- John:Proper noun:biblical persons
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|約翰|tr=Iok-hān}}
- John:Proper noun:fourth gospel
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|約翰福音|tr=Iók-hâng Hók Ĭng}}
- John:Proper noun:one of the epistles of John
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|約翰書|tr=Iók-hâng Cṳ̆}}
- John:Proper noun:one of the epistles of John
- * Malau: {{t|ms|Yohanes}}
- Jonah:Proper noun:given name
- * Assyrian: {{t|aii|ܝܘܢܢ|tr=Yonan}}
- Jonah:Proper noun:given name
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|約拿|tr=Iók-nā}}
- Jonah:Proper noun:prophet
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|約拿|tr=Iók-nā}}
- Jonah:Proper noun:Biblical: a book of the Old Testament
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|約拿書|tr=Iók-nā-cṳ̆}}
- Jonah:Proper noun:tenth sūra of the Qurʾān
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|約拿書|tr=Iók-nā-cṳ̆}}
- Jordan:Proper noun:country
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|اُرْدُن}}
- Jordan:Proper noun:country
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اُرْدُن}}
- Joshua:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|約書亞記|tr=Iók-cṳ̆-ā-gé}}
- Joshua:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|約書亞記|tr=Iok-su-a-kì}}, {{t|nan-hbl|若蘇厄書|tr=Jio̍k-so͘-ek-su, Lio̍k-so͘-ek-su}} {{qualifier|Catholic}}
- Joshua:Proper noun:male given name
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|約書亞|tr=Iók-cṳ̆-ā}}
- Joshua:Proper noun:male given name
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|約書亞|tr=Iok-su-a}}, {{t|nan-hbl|若蘇厄|tr=Jio̍k-so͘-ek, Lio̍k-so͘-ek}} {{qualifier|Catholic}}
- Juba:Proper noun:capital of South Sudan
- *: Juba Arabic: {{t|pga|Juba}}
- Juchitán:Proper noun:town in Oaxaca
- * Mixe:
- Juchitán:Proper noun:town in Oaxaca
- *: Isthmus: {{t|mir|Sabëseent}}
- Juchitán:Proper noun:town in Oaxaca
- *: Isthmus: {{t|zai|Xabizende}}
- Judaism:Proper noun:world religion
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|猶太教|tr=Iû-thài-kàu}}
- Judaism:Proper noun:world religion
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|یَهُودِیَت}}
- Judaism:Proper noun:world religion
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|یَهودِیَت}}
- Judas:Proper noun:one of the Apostles
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|猶大|tr=Iù-dâi}}
- Judas:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|猶大書|tr=Iù-dâi Cṳ̆}}
- Judea:Proper noun:Judea
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|猶太|tr=Iû-thài}}
- Judea:Proper noun:Judea
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|یَهُودِیَه}}
- Judea:Proper noun:Judea
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|یَهودِیِه}}
- Judeo-Tat:Proper noun:the language
- * Bartangi: {{t|sgh-bar|Чуҳури зив}}
- Judeo-Tat:Proper noun:the language
- *: Cyrillic: {{t|jdt|жугьури}}
- Judeo-Tat:Proper noun:the language
- *: Hebrew: {{t|jdt|ז׳אוּהאוּראִ}}
- Judeo-Tat:Proper noun:the language
- *: Latin: {{t|jdt|çuhuri}}
- Judges:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|士師記|tr=Sê̤ṳ-sṳ̆-gé}}
- Judges:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|士師記|tr=Sū-su-kì}}, {{t|nan-hbl|民長紀|tr=Bîn-tióng-kí}} {{qualifier|Catholic}}
- Judges:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Kinyarwanda: {{t|rw|Igitabo cy’Abacamanza}}
- Judith:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|友弟德傳|tr=Iú-tē-tek-toān}}
- Judith:Proper noun:wife of Esau
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|友弟德|tr=Iú-tē-tek}}
- Julian:Proper noun:male given name
- * Old Portuguese: {{t|roa-opt|Juião}}
- July:Proper noun:seventh month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|七月|tr=chhit-go̍eh, chhit-ge̍h, chhit-gōe}}
- July:Proper noun:seventh month of the Gregorian calendar
- * Mansi:
- July:Proper noun:seventh month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: Northern Mansi: {{t|mns-nor|о̄йттур э̄тпос}}
- July:Proper noun:seventh month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: Aranese: {{t|oc|junhsèga|m}}
- July:Proper noun:seventh month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|جُولَای}}
- July:Proper noun:seventh month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|ژوئِیِه}}
- June:Proper noun:sixth month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: Turoyo: {{t|tru|ܚܙܝܪܷܢ|m}}
- June:Proper noun:sixth month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|六月|tr=la̍k-go̍eh, la̍k-ge̍h, la̍k-gōe}}
- June:Proper noun:sixth month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: ALUPEC: {{t|kea|junhu}}
- June:Proper noun:sixth month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: Badiu: {{t|kea|junhu}}
- June:Proper noun:sixth month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: São Vicente: {{t|kea|junh'}}
- June:Proper noun:sixth month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|جُون}}
- June:Proper noun:sixth month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|ژوئَن}}
- Jupiter:Proper noun:planet
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|木星|tr=Bo̍k-chheⁿ or Bo̍k-chhiⁿ}}
- Jupiter:Proper noun:planet
- *: Old English: {{tt|ang|Þunor}}
- Jupiter:Proper noun:planet
- *: Ardhamagadhi Prakrit: {{tt|pra-ard|𑀩𑀳𑀲𑁆𑀲𑀇|m}}
- Jurong:Proper noun:
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|裕廊|tr=Jū-lông}}
- Jurong East:Proper noun:town in Singapore
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|裕廊東|tr=Jū-lông-tang}}
- Juxtlahuaca:Proper noun:town
- *: Magdalena Peñasco: {{t|xtm|Yoskuiya}}
- Juxtlahuaca:Proper noun:town
- *: San Miguel el Grande: {{t|mig|yoscuíá}}
- Juxtlahuaca:Proper noun:town
- *: Teposcolula: {{t|omq-tel|Yodzocuiya}}
- Juxtlahuaca:Proper noun:town
- *: Tezoatlán: {{t|mxb|Yodó Kuiá}}
- Juxtlahuaca:Proper noun:town
- * Triqui:
- Juxtlahuaca:Proper noun:town
- *: Chicahuaxtla: {{t|trs|Doyoj³}}
- Juxtlahuaca:Proper noun:town
- *: Copala: {{t|trc|Tayoj}}, {{t|trc|Tayuj}}
- K2:Proper noun:the world’s second highest mountain
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|K2 Hong}}
- K2:Proper noun:the world’s second highest mountain
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|کے ٹو}}
- Kabul:Proper noun:capital and largest city of Afghanistan
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|کَابُل}}
- Kabul:Proper noun:capital and largest city of Afghanistan
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|کَابُل}}
- Kabul:Proper noun:capital and largest city of Afghanistan
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کابُل}}
- Kadiivka:Proper noun:city in Kadiivka, Alchevsk, Luhansk, Ukraine
- * Azeri:
- Kadiivka:Proper noun:city in Kadiivka, Alchevsk, Luhansk, Ukraine
- *: South Azerbaijani: {{t|az|كادييفكا}}
- Kadiivka:Proper noun:city in Kadiivka, Alchevsk, Luhansk, Ukraine
- * Ossetic: {{t|os|Ка́диевкæ}}
- Kadiivka:Proper noun:city in Kadiivka, Alchevsk, Luhansk, Ukraine
- * Rusyn: {{t|rue|Кадіївка}}
- Kadiivka:Proper noun:city in Kadiivka, Alchevsk, Luhansk, Ukraine
- *: Latin: {{t|uz|Kadiyivka}}
- Kadiivka:Proper noun:city in Kadiivka, Alchevsk, Luhansk, Ukraine
- * Winaray: {{t|war|Kadiivka}}
- Kaiser:Noun:German Emperor
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|قَیْصَر}}, {{t|prs|خُسْرَوْ}}
- Kaiser:Noun:German Emperor
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|قِیْصَر}}, {{t|fa-ira|خُسْرُوْ}}
- Kaithal:Proper noun:
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|کیٹھل}}
- Kakarbhitta:Proper noun:municipality in Nepal
- * Bangla: {{t|bn|কাঁকরভিটা}}
- Kalmyk:Noun:person
- *: Cyrillic: {{t|kk|қалмақ|sc=Cyrl}}
- Kalmyk:Noun:person
- *: Latin: {{t|kk|qalmaq|sc=Latn}}
- Kamadeva:Proper noun:Hindu deity of love
- * Oriya: {{t+|or|କାମଦେବ}}
- Kaohsiung:Proper noun:a large city in Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|打狗|tr=Tá-káu, Táⁿ-káu}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|高雄|tr=Ko-hiông}}
- Karachi:Proper noun:the capital of the province of Sindh, Pakistan
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کَراچی}}
- Karachi:Proper noun:the capital of the province of Sindh, Pakistan
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|کراچی}}
- Karaj:Proper noun:city
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|کَرَج}}
- Karaj:Proper noun:city
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کَرَج}}
- Kare:Proper noun:surname
- * Herbew: {{t|he|קאר}}
- Kare:Proper noun:Mabuso (Central Madang) language spoken in the Hansemann Mountains, PNG
- * Iloko: {{t|ilo|Kare}}
- Karelian:Proper noun:language
- *: Livvi-Karelian: {{t|olo|karjala}}, {{t|olo|karjalan kieli}}
- Karelian:Proper noun:language
- *: North Karelian: {{t|krl|karjala}}, {{t|krl|karjalan kieli}}
- Karelian:Proper noun:language
- *: Tver Karelian: {{t|krl|kariela}}, {{t|krl|karielan kieli}}
- Kargil:Proper noun:town in Ladakh
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|کارگل|tr=kārgil}}
- Karnataka:Proper noun:state in southern India
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|کرناتک|tr=karnātak}}
- Kartikeya:Proper noun:son of Shiva
- * Oriya: {{t+|or|କାର୍ତ୍ତିକେୟ}}
- Kashmir:Proper noun:region
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|کشمیر|tr=kaśmīr}}
- Kashmiri:Noun:person
- * Kashmiri (Devanagari): {{t|ks|कॉशुर|m}}, {{t|ks|कॉशिर|f}}
- Kashmiri:Noun:person
- * Kashmiri (Perso-Arabic): {{t|ks|کٲشُر|m}}, {{t|ks|کٲشِر|f}}
- Kashmiri:Noun:person
- * Kashmiri (Sharada): {{t|ks|𑆑𑆳𑆯𑆶𑆫𑇀|m}}, {{t|ks|𑆑𑆳𑆯𑆴𑆫𑇀|f}}
- Kawit:Proper noun:municipality in the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t-needed|nan-hbl}}
- Kazakh:Noun:a person from Kazakhstan or of that descent
- *: Cyrillic (since 1940): {{t+|kk|қазақ}}
- Kazakh:Noun:a person from Kazakhstan or of that descent
- *: Eskı emle (before 1924): {{t|kk|قزاق|tr=qazāq|ts=qazaq}}
- Kazakh:Noun:a person from Kazakhstan or of that descent
- *: Jaña emle (since 1924): {{t|kk|قازاق}}
- Kazakh:Noun:a person from Kazakhstan or of that descent
- *: Latin (2021 and earlier proposals): {{t|kk|qazaq}}
- Kazakhstan:Proper noun:country in Central Asia
- * Altai:
- Kazakhstan:Proper noun:country in Central Asia
- *: Northern Altai: {{t|atv|Казахстан}}
- Kazakhstan:Proper noun:country in Central Asia
- *: Southern Altai: {{t|alt|Казахстан}}
- Kazakhstan:Proper noun:country in Central Asia
- *: Latin: {{t|kk|Qazaqstan}}
- Kazakhstan:Proper noun:country in Central Asia
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|قازقستان}}
- Keats:Proper noun:transliterations of the name Keats
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|کیٹس|tr=Kīṭs}}
- Keelung:Proper noun:a city in Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|基隆|tr=Ke-lâng}}
- Kefalovrision:Proper noun:Kefalovrysi
- *:: Katharevousa: [[Κεφαλοβρύσιον]] (Kefalovrysion or Kefalovrisi)
- Kefalovrision:Proper noun:Kefalovrysi
- *:: Modern: [[Κεφαλοβρύσιο]] (Kefalovrysio)
- Kefalovrission:Proper noun:obsolete spelling of Kefalovrysi
- *:: Katharevousa: [[Κεφαλοβρύσιον]] (Kefalovrysion or Kefalovrisi)
- Kefalovrission:Proper noun:obsolete spelling of Kefalovrysi
- *:: Modern: [[Κεφαλοβρύσιο]] (Kefalovrysio)
- Kefalovrysion:Proper noun:Kefalovrysi
- *: Katharevousa: {{t|el|Κεφαλοβρύσιον}}
- Kefalovryssion:Proper noun:Kefalovrysi
- *: Katharevousa: [[Κεφαλοβρύσιον]] (Kefalovrysion or Kefalovrisi)
- Kent:Proper noun:the English maritime county
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|کینٹ}}
- Kenya:Proper noun:country in Eastern Africa
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|Quênia|m}}
- Kenya:Proper noun:country in Eastern Africa
- *: European: {{t+|pt|Quénia|m}}
- Kenya:Proper noun:country in Eastern Africa
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|کینیا}}
- Khabarovsk Krai:Proper noun:krai
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|tr=Khabarovsk Biĕng-giŏng-kṳ̆}}
- Khabarovsk Krai:Proper noun:krai
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|خبارووسک کرائی}}
- Khalifatabad:Proper noun:ancient Bengali city
- * Magadhi Prakrit: {{t|pra-mag|𑀔𑀮𑀺𑀨𑀢𑀸𑀩𑀸𑀤}}
- Khalifatabad:Proper noun:ancient Bengali city
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|خَلِیفَت آبَاد}}
- Khan Tengri:Proper noun:mountain
- *: Cyrillic: {{t|kk|Хан Тәңірі|sc=Cyrl}} {{q|Kazakhstan}}
- Khan Tengri:Proper noun:mountain
- *: Mongolian script: {{t|mn|ᠬᠠᠨ ᠲᠩᠷᠢ|sc=Mong}} {{q|China}}
- Khan Tengri:Proper noun:mountain
- *: Arabic: {{t|ug|خانتەڭرى}} {{q|China}}
- Khan Tengri:Proper noun:mountain
- *: Latin: {{t|uz|Xontangri|sc=Latn}}
- Khanty:Adjective:
- * Khanty:
- Khanty:Adjective:
- *: Eastern Khanty: {{t|kca-eas|ӄӑнтәк}}
- Khanty:Adjective:
- *: Northern Khanty: {{t-needed|kca-nor}}
- Khanty:Noun:ethnic group
- * Altai:
- Khanty:Noun:ethnic group
- *: Northern Altai: {{t-needed|atv}}
- Khanty:Noun:ethnic group
- *: Southern Altai: {{t-needed|alt}}
- Khanty:Noun:ethnic group
- * Khanty:
- Khanty:Noun:ethnic group
- *: Eastern Khanty: {{tt|kca-eas|ӄӑнтаӄ}}
- Khanty:Noun:ethnic group
- *: Northern Khanty: {{tt|kca-nor|хӑнты}} {{q|Kazym}}
- Khanty:Noun:ethnic group
- * Komi:
- Khanty:Noun:ethnic group
- *: Komi-Permyak: {{t-needed|koi}}
- Khanty:Noun:ethnic group
- *: Komi-Zyrian: {{tt|kpv|ӧстякъяс}}
- Khanty:Noun:ethnic group
- * Nenets:
- Khanty:Noun:ethnic group
- *: Forest Nenets: {{t-needed|syd-fne}}
- Khanty:Noun:ethnic group
- *: Tundra Nenets: {{t-needed|yrk}}
- Khanty:Noun:ethnic group
- *: Northern Selkup: {{t-needed|sel-nor}}
- Khanty:Noun:ethnic group
- *: Southern Selkup: {{t-needed|sel-sou}}
- Khanty:Noun:member of an ethnic group
- * Khanty:
- Khanty:Noun:member of an ethnic group
- *: Northern Khanty: {{tt|kca-nor|хӑнты}} {{q|Kazym}}
- Khanty:Proper noun:language
- * Khanty:
- Khanty:Proper noun:language
- *: Northern Khanty: {{t|kca-nor|хӑнты}} {{q|Kazym}}
- Khanty:Proper noun:language
- * Komi:
- Khanty:Proper noun:language
- *: Komi-Permyak: {{t-needed|koi}}
- Khanty:Proper noun:language
- *: Komi-Zyrian: {{t|kpv|ханты кыв}}
- Khazar:Noun:member of a semi-nomadic Turkic tribe
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|خَزَر}}
- Khmer Rouge:Proper noun:Cambodian communist guerrilla force
- *: Teochew: {{t|nan-tws|烏衫}}
- Khodiyar:Proper noun:
- *: Devanagari: {{t|mwr|खोड़ियाळ|f}}
- Khodiyar:Proper noun:
- *: Mahajani: {{t|mwr|𑅖𑅔𑅲𑅑𑅛𑅮𑅳|f|ts={{xlit|mwr|खोड़ियाळ}}}}
- Khulna:Proper noun:city in Bangladesh
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|کھلنا|tr=khulna}}
- Khyber Pakhtunkhwa:Proper noun:
- * Hindustani: (xaibar paxtūnxvā)
- Khyber Pakhtunkhwa:Proper noun:
- *: Hindi: {{t|hi|ख़ैबर पख़्तूनख़्वा|tr=-}}
- Khyber Pakhtunkhwa:Proper noun:
- *: Urdu: {{t|ur|خیبر پختونخوا}}
- Kildin Sami:Proper noun:language
- *: Kildin: {{t|sjd|са̄мь кӣлл}}
- Kinew:Proper noun:
- * Ojibwa: {{t-needed|oj}}
- Kingdom of Heaven:Proper noun:Christian concept
- *: Classical Nahuatl: {{t|nci|ilhuicac tlahtohcayotl}}
- Kingdom of Thailand:Proper noun:official name of Thailand
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|پادِشاهیِ تایلَنْد}}, {{t|fa-ira|پادْشاهیِ تایلَنْد}}
- Kings:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|列王記錄|tr=Liĕk-uòng-gé-liŏk}}
- Kinmen:Proper noun:county of the Republic of China (Taiwan)
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|金門|tr=Kim-mn̂g, Kim-mûi}}
- Kissinger:Proper noun:surname
- * Azerbaijan: {{t|az|Kissincer}}
- Klyazma:Proper noun:river in Russia, left tributary of the Oka
- * Ossetic: {{t|os|Кля́зьмæ}}
- Klyazma:Proper noun:river in Russia, left tributary of the Oka
- *: Latin: {{t|uz|Klyazma}}
- Koala:Proper noun:surname
- * Dioula: {{t-needed|dyu}}
- Koala:Proper noun:surname
- * Mooré: {{t-needed|mos}}
- Koblenz:Proper noun:city in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
- *: Bavarian: {{t|bar|Koblenz}}
- Kochi:Proper noun:city in India
- *: Judeo-Malayalam: {{t|he|קוגין|tr=kogīn}}
- Kodagu:Proper noun:district
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|کوڈاگو}}
- Kodungallur:Proper noun:a town in Kerala, southwestern India
- * Bishnupriya: {{t|bpy|কোদুঙ্গুল্লুর}}
- Kolovrat:Proper noun:
- * Slovenian: {{t+|sl|Kolovrat}}
- Komi:Noun:person
- * Mansi:
- Komi:Noun:person
- *: Northern Mansi: {{t|mns-nor|саран}}
- Komi:Proper noun:language
- * Mansi:
- Komi:Proper noun:language
- *: Northern Mansi: {{t|mns-nor|саран}}, {{t|mns-nor|саран ла̄тыӈ}}
- Komi:Proper noun:language
- *: Kildin Sami: {{t|sjd|ыжэм кӣлл}}
- Komi:Proper noun:republic
- *: Kildin Sami: {{t|sjd|Коми Республика}}
- Komi-Yazva:Proper noun:language
- *: Komi-Yazva: {{t|koi|ёдч коми көл|sc=Cyrl}}
- Kongtong:Proper noun:district
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|崆峒}}
- Konitsa:Proper noun:town in Greece
- *: Katharevousa: [[Κόνιτσα]] (Konitsa)
- Konkan:Proper noun:a rugged section of the western coastline of India
- *:: Devanagari: {{t|omr|कोकण}}, {{t|omr|कोंकण}}
- Konkan:Proper noun:a rugged section of the western coastline of India
- *:: Modi: {{t|omr|𑘎𑘻𑘎𑘜}}, {{t|omr|𑘎𑘻𑘽𑘎𑘜}}
- Konkan:Proper noun:a rugged section of the western coastline of India
- *: Old Marathi:
- Konkan:Proper noun:a rugged section of the western coastline of India
- *: Maharastri Prakrit: {{t|pra-mah|𑀓𑁄𑀁𑀓𑀡|m}}
- Korea:Proper noun:ancient country or both Koreas as a whole
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|高麗}}, {{t|cdo|朝鮮}}, {{t|cdo|韓國}}
- Korea:Proper noun:ancient country or both Koreas as a whole
- * Middle Mongolian: {{t|xng|莎郎合思|tr=sōlongos}}
- Korea:Proper noun:ancient country or both Koreas as a whole
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|کورِیَا}}
- Korea:Proper noun:ancient country or both Koreas as a whole
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کُرِه}}
- Korean:Noun:person
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|韓國人|tr=hân-kok-lâng}}
- Korean:Proper noun:language
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|韓文|tr=hân-bûn}}, {{t|nan-hbl|韓語|tr=hân-gú, hân-gí}}
- Korean Wave:Proper noun:popularity of South Korean culture elsewhere
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|韓流|tr=hân-lâu}}
- Kosovo:Proper noun:disputed region in the Balkans
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|کوسُوَا}}
- Kosovo:Proper noun:disputed region in the Balkans
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کوسوو|tr=kosovo}}, {{t|fa-ira|کوزوو|tr=kozovo}}
- Kostanay:Proper noun:a Kazakh city
- *: Chinese: {{t|zh|庫斯塔奈}}
- Kowloon:Proper noun:area of Hong Kong
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|九龍|tr=Kiú-liông}}
- Koxinga:Proper noun:Chinese-Japanese Ming loyalist
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|國姓爺|tr=Kok-sèng-iâ}}
- Kremlin:Proper noun:the Moscow Kremlin
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کِرِمْلین}}
- Krishna:Proper noun:name
- * Malauyalam: {{t+|ml|കൃഷ്ണൻ}}, {{t+|ml|കണ്ണൻ}}
- Kristallnacht:Noun:
- * Germany: {{t+|de|Kristallnacht}}
- Krk:Proper noun:island
- * Slovakian: {{t|sk|Krk}}
- Krk:Proper noun:town
- * Serbo-Croat:
- Krk:Proper noun:town
- *: Cyrillic: {{t|sh|Крк|m}}
- Krk:Proper noun:town
- *: Roman: {{t+|sh|Krk|m}}
- Kuala Lumpur:Proper noun:capital of Malaysia
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|吉隆坡|tr=Kiat-liông-pho}}
- Kubera:Proper noun:Hindu god of wealth
- * Oriya: {{t+|or|କୁବେର}}
- Kucinich:Proper noun:
- *: Bosnian: {{t|sh|Kučinić}}
- Kucinich:Proper noun:
- *: Croatian: {{t|sh|Kučinić}}
- Kucinich:Proper noun:
- *: Serbian: {{t-needed|sh}}
- Kunming:Proper noun:a prefecture-level city in southwestern China
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|昆明|tr=Khun-bêng}}
- Kuomintang:Proper noun:a nationalist political party in pre-Communist China, and contemporary Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|國民黨|tr=Kok-bîn-tóng}}
- Kurd:Noun:a member of the people inhabiting Kurdistan
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|کُرْد|tr=kurd}}
- Kurd:Noun:a member of the people inhabiting Kurdistan
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کُرْد|tr=kord}}
- Kurdish:Noun:language family of Kurdistan
- *: Perso-Arabic: {{t|az|کوردجه}}
- Kurdish:Noun:language family of Kurdistan
- *: Roman: {{t+|az|kürdcə}}
- Kurdish:Noun:language family of Kurdistan
- *: Cyrillic: {{t|gag|кӱрдче}}
- Kurdish:Noun:language family of Kurdistan
- *: Roman: {{t|gag|kürdçe}}
- Kurdish:Noun:language family of Kurdistan
- *: Roman: {{t|tk|kürtçe}}
- Kurdistan:Proper noun:a region in the Middle East inhabited mostly by the Kurds
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|کُرْدِسْتَان}}
- Kurdistan:Proper noun:a region in the Middle East inhabited mostly by the Kurds
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کُرْدِسْتان}}
- Kursk:Proper noun:city in Kursk, Central Russia
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کورْسْک}}
- Kuwait:Proper noun:country in the Middle East
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|کُوَیْت}}
- Kuwait:Proper noun:country in the Middle East
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کُوِیْت}}
- Kyiv:Proper noun:capital city of Ukraine
- *: Hijazi: {{t|acw|كِييف|f|tr=kiyīf}}
- Kyiv:Proper noun:capital city of Ukraine
- *: South Azerbaijani: {{t+|az|كييف}}
- Kyiv:Proper noun:capital city of Ukraine
- *: Roman: {{t|be|Kijeŭ|m}} {{qualifier|łacinka}}
- Kyoto:Proper noun:Kyōto, Japan
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|کیوٹو}}
- Kyrgyz Republic:Proper noun:official name of Kyrgyzstan
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|Kyrgyz Gê̤ṳng-huò-guók}}
- Kyrgyzstan:Proper noun:country in Central Asia
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|قِرْقِیزِسْتَان}}, {{t|prs|قِرْغِیزِسْتَان}}
- Kyrgyzstan:Proper noun:country in Central Asia
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|قِرْقیزِسْتان}}, {{t|fa-ira|قِرْغیزِسْتان}}
- Kölsch:Proper noun:
- *: Central German: {{t|gmw-cfr|Kölsch}}; {{t|gmw-cfr|[[kölsch]]e [[Sproch]]}}, {{t|gmw-cfr|[[kölsch]]e [[Sprooch]]}}
- Kırklareli:Proper noun:city of Turkey
- *: Hokkien: {{t-needed|nan-hbl}}
- La Union:Proper noun:province of the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|拉烏尼翁|tr=La o͘-nî-ong}}
- Lafitte:Proper noun:
- * Loiusiana Creole: {{t|lou|Lafitte}}
- Lake Constance:Proper noun:lake on the Rhein located at the intersection of Germany, Switzerland and Austria
- *: Swabian: {{t|swg|Boodesee}}
- Lake District:Proper noun:Lake District
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|لیک ڈسٹرکٹ}}
- Lakhnauti:Proper noun:ancient Bengali city
- * Magadhi Prakrit: {{t|pra-mag|𑀮𑀔𑀦𑁅𑀢𑀺}}
- Lakhnauti:Proper noun:ancient Bengali city
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|لکھنوتی|tr=lakhnauti}}
- Lakshmana:Proper noun:brother of Rama
- * Oriya: {{t+|or|ଲକ୍ଷ୍ମଣ}}
- Lakshmanavati:Proper noun:ancient Bengali city
- * Magadhi Prakrit: {{t|pra-mag|𑀮𑀓𑁆𑀱𑁆𑀫𑀡𑀯𑀢𑀻}}
- Lakshmanavati:Proper noun:ancient Bengali city
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|لکشمنوتی|tr=lakshmanavatī}}
- Lakshmi:Proper noun:Hindu goddess of wealth
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|لکشمی|tr=lakśamī}}
- Lamentations:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|耶利米哀歌|tr=Ià-lé-mī Ăi-gŏ̤}}
- Lampedusa:Proper noun:the largest of the Pelagie Islands
- *: Libyan Arabic: {{t-needed|ayl}}
- Lantern Festival:Noun:festival marking the end of the Chinese New Year period
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|元宵|tr=Goân-siau}}
- Laos:Proper noun:country in Southeast Asia
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|لَائوس}}
- Laos:Proper noun:country in Southeast Asia
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|لائوس}}
- Laozi:Proper noun:influential Chinese philosopher and founder of Taoism
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|老子|tr=Lō̤-cṳ̄}}
- Laozi:Proper noun:influential Chinese philosopher and founder of Taoism
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|老子|tr=Ló-chú, Nó͘-chú}}
- Last Supper:Proper noun:last meal Jesus ate with disciples
- * Allemanic German: {{t|gsw|s letschte Oobigmohl}}
- Last Supper:Proper noun:last meal Jesus ate with disciples
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|شامِ آخِر}}
- Latakia:Proper noun:a city in Syria
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|لاذِقِیِّه}}
- Latin:Adjective:of the language
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|لاتین}}
- Latin:Proper noun:language of the ancient Romans
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|[[زَبانِ]] [[لاتین]]}}, {{t+|fa-ira|لاتین}}
- Latin Church:Proper noun:one of the particular churches
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|拉丁禮教會|tr=La-teng-lé kàu-hōe}}
- Latin Church:Proper noun:one of the particular churches
- * Waray: {{t|war|Singbahan Latina}}
- Latvia:Proper noun:country
- *: Samogitian: {{t|sgs|Latvėjė|f}}
- Latvia:Proper noun:country
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|لَاتْوِیَا}}
- Latvia:Proper noun:country
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|لِتونی|tr=letoni}}, {{t|fa-ira|لاتْوِیا}}, {{t|fa-ira|لِتْلَنْد}}
- Latvia:Proper noun:country
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|Letônia|f}}
- Latvia:Proper noun:country
- *: European: {{t+|pt|Letónia|f}}
- Laval:Proper noun:Laval, Mayenne, France
- *: Medieval Latin: {{t|la|Lavallium}}
- Laval:Proper noun:Laval, Mayenne, France
- *: New Latin: {{t|la|Lavallis}}
- Laz:Proper noun:language
- *: Northern Kurdish: {{t-needed|kmr}}
- Lazio:Proper noun:Italian region
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|صوبہ لیزیو}}
- Le Lamentin:Proper noun:commune in Martinique
- *: Martinican Creole: {{t|gcf|Lanmanten|m}}
- Le Vauclin:Proper noun:commune in Martinique
- *: Martinican Creole: {{t|gcf|Voklen|m}}
- Leaning Tower of Pisa:Proper noun:the leaning bell tower in the Italian town of Pisa
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|Pisa Siâ Thah}}
- Leaning Tower of Pisa:Proper noun:the leaning bell tower in the Italian town of Pisa
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|پیسا ٹاور}}
- Lebanon:Proper noun:mountain range
- *: Biblical Aramaic: {{t|arc|לִבְנָן|tr=liḇnān}}
- Lebanon:Proper noun:Lebanese Republic
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|لُبْنَان}}
- Lebanon:Proper noun:Lebanese Republic
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|لُبْنان}}
- Leeuwarden:Proper noun:capital and largest city of Friesland
- *: Town Frisian: {{t|fy|Liwwadden|n}}
- Leizhou:Proper noun:county-level city in Guangdong, China
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|雷州|tr=Lûi-chiu}}
- Lenin:Proper noun:a Russian revolutionary and politician
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|لینن}}
- Lenne:Proper noun:surname
- * Ukraininan: {{t|uk|Ленне}}
- Leviticus:Proper noun:the book of the Bible and Torah
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|利未記|tr=Lé-ê-gé}}
- Leviticus:Proper noun:the book of the Bible and Torah
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|利未記|tr=Lī-bī-kì}}, {{t|nan-hbl|肋未紀|tr=Le̍k-bī-kí}} {{qualifier|Catholic}}
- Leviticus:Proper noun:the book of the Bible and Torah
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|کتاب احبار|tr=Kitab Ahbār}}
- Leyte:Proper noun:island in the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|zh|禮智|tr=Lé-tì}}
- Leyte:Proper noun:province of the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|zh|禮智|tr=Lé-tì}}
- Liangjiang:Proper noun:county-level city
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|兩江}}
- Lianjiang:Proper noun:county in eastern China; town in eastern China ; alternative form of Lienchiang (Matsu Islands)
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|連江|tr=Liân-kang}}
- Libya:Proper noun:country in Northern Africa
- *: Libyan Arabic: {{t|ayl|ليبيا|tr=Lībya}}
- Libya:Proper noun:country in Northern Africa
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|لِیبِیَا}}
- Libya:Proper noun:country in Northern Africa
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|لیبی}}
- Libyan Arabic:Proper noun:Libyan dialect of Arabic
- *: Libyan Arabic: {{t|ayl|ليبي|tr=lībī}}
- Liechtenstein:Proper noun:Principality of Liechtenstein
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|لیخْتِناِشْتایْن}}
- Lienchiang:Proper noun:administrative name for the Matsu Islands; county and river in eastern China
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|連江|tr=Liân-kang}}
- Lieyu:Proper noun:rural township in Kinmen (Quemoy), Taiwan (ROC) named for its main island
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|烈嶼|tr=Lia̍t-sū}}
- Lingtai:Proper noun:county
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|靈台}}
- Lingua Franca Nova:Proper noun:constructed language
- <!-- Toki Pona: {{t|tok|toki Elepen}} -->
- Linkou:Proper noun:district in northern Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|林口|tr=Nâ-kháu}}
- Linz:Proper noun:city in Austria
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|لنز}}
- Lion of Judah:Proper noun:Jewish cultural symbol
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|猶太之獅|tr=Iû-thài chi sai}}
- Liouguei:Proper noun:district in southern Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|六龜|tr=La̍k-ku}}
- Lioujia:Proper noun:district in south Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|六甲|tr=La̍k-kah}}
- Lioujiao:Proper noun:rural township in south Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|六腳|tr=La̍k-kha}}
- Liouying:Proper noun:district in south Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|柳營|tr=Liú-iâⁿ}}
- Lipa:Proper noun:city in Batangas, Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|利巴|tr=Lī-pa}}, {{t|nan-hbl|里巴|tr=Lí-pa}}
- Lisbon:Proper noun:capital city of Portugal
- *: Hijazi: {{t|acw|لِشْبونَة|tr=Lišbōna}}
- Lisbon:Proper noun:capital city of Portugal
- * Old Portuguese: {{t|roa-opt|Lixbõa}}
- Lithuania:Proper noun:country
- *: Samogitian: {{t|sgs|Lietova|f}}
- Lithuania:Proper noun:country
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|لِتْوَانِیَا}}
- Lithuania:Proper noun:country
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|لیتْوانی}}
- Lithuania Minor:Proper noun:Lithuania Minor
- *: Aukštaitian: {{t+|lt|Mažoji Lietuva|f}}, {{t|lt|Prūsų Lietuva}}
- Lithuania Minor:Proper noun:Lithuania Minor
- *: Samogitian: {{t|sgs|Mažuojė Lietova|f}}
- Liverpool:Proper noun:city in England
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|لیور پول}}
- Livonia:Proper noun:historical region
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|Livônia|f}}
- Livonia:Proper noun:historical region
- *: European: {{t|pt|Livónia|f}}
- Liège:Proper noun:Belgian city and province
- * Kölsch: {{t|ksh|Lück}}
- Llanfihangel-ar-Arth:Proper noun:
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|Llanfihangel-ar-Arth}}
- Loch Ness:Proper noun:lake in the Great Glen of Scotland
- * Serbian: {{t|sh|Loh Nes}}
- Lombardy:Proper noun:region in northern Italy
- *: Western Lombard: {{t|lmo|Lumbardia|f}}
- Lombardy:Proper noun:region in northern Italy
- *: Old Occitan: {{t|pro|Llompartia|f}}
- Longci:Proper noun:district in south Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|龍崎|tr=Lêng-kiā}}
- Longhai:Proper noun:district in eastern China
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|龍海|tr=Lṳ̀ng-hāi}}
- Longhai:Proper noun:district in eastern China
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|龍海|tr=Liông-hái}}
- Longyan:Proper noun:city in southwestern Fujian
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|龍巖|tr=Lêng-nâ}}
- Lord:Proper noun:God
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|主|tr=Chú}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|上帝|tr=Siōng-tè}}
- Lord:Proper noun:God
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|خدا}}
- Lord:Proper noun:Jesus
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|主|tr=Chú}}
- Los Angeles:Proper noun:largest city in California
- * Tongva: {{t|xgf|Yaanga}}
- Louisiana:Proper noun:American state
- *: ALUPEC: {{t|kea|Luiziana}}
- Louisiana:Proper noun:American state
- *: Badiu: {{t|kea|Luiziana}}
- Louisiana:Proper noun:American state
- *: Barlavento: {{t|kea|Luiziana}}
- Louisiana:Proper noun:American state
- *: São Vicente: {{t|kea|Luiziana}}
- Louisiana:Proper noun:American state
- *: Sotavento: {{t|kea|Luiziana}}
- Low German:Noun:West Germanic language
- *:: Low Prussian <small>(Niederpreußisch)</small>: {{t+|nds-de|Plattdietsch|n}}
- Low German:Noun:West Germanic language
- *:: Westphalian <small>(Westfälisch)</small>:
- Low German:Noun:West Germanic language
- *::: Münsterländisch: {{t|nds-de|Plattdütsk|n}} ({{t+|nds-de|Plattdüütsk|n}})
- Low German:Noun:West Germanic language
- *::: Sauerländisch: {{t+|nds-de|Plattduitsk|n}}
- Low German:Noun:West Germanic language
- *:: Eastphalian <small>(Ostfälisch)</small>: {{t|nds-de|Plattduitsch|n}}
- Lower Saxony:Proper noun:state of Germany
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|Baixa Saxônia|f}}
- Lower Saxony:Proper noun:state of Germany
- *: European: {{t|pt|Baixa Saxónia|f}}
- Lua:Proper noun:a programming language (transliterations)
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|لُوآ|tr=lū'ā}}
- Lua:Proper noun:a programming language (transliterations)
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|لوآ|tr=lu'â}}
- Lucian:Proper noun:sophist of Syrian origin
- *: ALUPEC: {{t|kea|Lusianu}}
- Lucian:Proper noun:sophist of Syrian origin
- *: Badiu: {{t|kea|Lusianu}}
- Lugh:Proper noun:Irish deity
- *: Primitive Irish: {{t|pgl|ᚂᚒᚌ}}
- Lujhu:Proper noun:district in southern Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|路竹|tr=Lō͘-tek}}
- Lukang:Proper noun:urban township
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|鹿港|tr=Lo̍k-káng}}
- Luke:Proper noun:given name
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|路加|tr=Lô-gă}}
- Luke:Proper noun:evangelist
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|路加|tr=Lô-gă}}
- Luke:Proper noun:gospel of Luke
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|路加福音|tr=Lô-gă Hók Ĭng}}
- Luke:Proper noun:gospel of Luke
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|路加福音|tr=Lō͘-ka Hok-im}}
- Lunar New Year:Noun:Lunar New Year
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|新正|tr=sin-chiaⁿ}}
- Luxembourg:Proper noun:country
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|لُوکْزَامْبُورْگ}}
- Luxembourg:Proper noun:country
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|لوکْزامْبورْگ}}, {{t|fa-ira|لوکْسِمْبورْگ}}
- Luxembourg:Proper noun:capital city
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|لُوکْزَامْبُورْگ}}
- Luxembourg:Proper noun:capital city
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|لوکْزامْبورْگ}}, {{t|fa-ira|لوکْسِمْبورْگ}}
- Lù:Proper noun:Chinese surname
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|陸|tr=Lio̍k}}
- Maaloula:Proper noun:town in Syria
- **: Western Neo-Aramaic:
- Maaloula:Proper noun:town in Syria
- **: Hebrew: {{t|arc|מַעְלוּלא|tr=Maʿlūla}}
- Maaloula:Proper noun:town in Syria
- **: Syriac: {{t|arc|ܡܰܥܠܽܘܠܰܐ|tr=Maʿlūla|sc=Syrc}}
- Macau:Proper noun:a city just west of Hong Kong
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|澳門|tr=Ó̤-muòng}}
- Macau:Proper noun:a city just west of Hong Kong
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|澳門|tr=Ò-mn̂g, Ò-mûi, Ò-bûn}}
- Macau:Proper noun:a city just west of Hong Kong
- * Macau: {{t|mzs|Macau}}
- Macrobrachium:Proper noun:species of Macrobrachium
- * Japan: {{t+|ja|手長海老|tr=tenagaebi}}
- Madagascar:Proper noun:country in Southern Africa
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|مڈغاسکر}}
- Madonna:Proper noun:Mary, mother of Jesus
- ''Note: This is only for direct translations of "Madonna." Titles that literally mean {{m|en|Our Lady}} or other titles in the language in question should be listed at those entries.''
- Madou:Proper noun:district
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|麻豆|tr=Môa-tāu}}
- Magna Carta:Proper noun:charter granted by King John to the barons at Runnymede in 1215
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|大憲章|tr=Tāi Hiàn-chiong}}
- Mahbubnagar:Proper noun:district in Telangana
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|محبوب نگر}}
- Maj.:Noun:prenominal military title
- * Canadian French: {{t|fr|Maj.}}
- Majha:Proper noun:region
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|ماجھا|tr=mājhā}}
- Makati:Proper noun:city in the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|馬加智|tr=Má-ka-tì}}
- Malabon:Proper noun:city in the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|嗎拉汶}}
- Malacca:Proper noun:state in Malaysia
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|馬六甲|tr=Má-la̍k-kah}}
- Malachi:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|瑪拉基書|tr=Mā-lăk-gĭ-cṳ̆}}
- Malachi:Proper noun:minor prophet
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|瑪拉基|tr=Mā-lăk-gĭ}}
- Malachi:Proper noun:male given name
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|瑪拉基|tr=Mā-lăk-gĭ}}
- Malay:Adjective:of the Malay people
- *: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|malayisk}}, {{t|nb|malaysisk}}
- Malay:Adjective:of the Malay people
- *: Nynorsk: {{t|nn|malayisk}}, {{t+|nn|malaysisk}}
- Malay:Proper noun:the Malay language
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|馬來語|tr=Má-lâi-gí, Má-lâi-gú}}
- Malaysia:Proper noun:country in Southeast Asia
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|馬來西亞}}
- Malaysia:Proper noun:country in Southeast Asia
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|馬來西亞|tr=Má-lâi-se-a}}
- Malaysia:Proper noun:country in Southeast Asia
- *: Dari Persian: {{t|prs|مَالِیزِیَا}}, {{t|prs|مَالَیْزِیَا}}
- Malaysia:Proper noun:country in Southeast Asia
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مالِزی}}
- Malta:Proper noun:republic
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|مَالْتَا}}
- Malta:Proper noun:republic
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|مالْت}}
- Malta:Proper noun:island
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|مَالْتَا}}
- Malta:Proper noun:island
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|مالْت}}
- Malwai:Proper noun:Punjabi dialect
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|مالوی|tr=malvaī}}
- Manasseh:Proper noun:given name
- *: Biblical Hebrew: {{l|hbo|מְנַשֶּׁה|tr=Mənaššé}}
- Manchester:Proper noun:major city in the north-west of England
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|مانچسٹر}}
- Manchu:Noun:member of the people
- *: Classical Mongolian: {{t|cmg|ᠮᠠᠨᠵᠤ}}, {{t|cmg|[[ᠮᠠᠨᠵᠤ]] [[ᠬᠦᠮᠦᠨ]]}}
- Manchu:Noun:member of the people
- *: Modern Mongolian: {{t|mn|ᠮᠠᠨᠵᠤ}}, {{t|mn|[[ᠮᠠᠨᠵᠤ]] [[ᠬᠦᠮᠦᠨ]]}}
- Manchu:Proper noun:language
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|مانچو_بولی}}
- Mandaluyong:Proper noun:city in the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|萬達俞央|tr=Bān-ta̍t-lû-iong}} {{q|Philippines}}
- Mandarin:Noun:Standard Mandarin
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|普通話|tr=Phó͘-thong-ōe}} {{qualifier|PRC}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|華語|tr=Hôa-gú, Hôa-gí}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|國語|tr=Kok-gú, Kok-gí}} {{qualifier|Taiwan}}
- Mandarin:Noun:a branch of the Chinese languages
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|官話|tr=koaⁿ-ōe}}, {{t|nan-hbl|北方話|tr=Pak-hong-ōe}}
- Mandaue:Proper noun:city in the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|萬那威|tr=Bān-nā-ui}} {{q|Philippine Hokkien}}
- Mangalore:Proper noun:city in western India
- * Byari: {{t|tcy|ಮೈಕಲ|tr=maikala}}
- Mangalore:Proper noun:city in western India
- *: Hayvaka Kannada {{t|kn|ಕೊಡೆಯಾಲ|}}
- Manila:Proper noun:capital of the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|馬尼拉|tr=Má-nî-la / Má-ní-la / Ma-ni-la}}, {{t|nan-hbl|岷尼拉|tr=Bîn-nî-la}}, {{t|nan-hbl|岷里拉|tr=Bîn-lí-la / Bīn-ní-la̍p}}
- Manila:Proper noun:capital of the Philippines
- * Sambal: {{t|xsb|Ibali|f}}
- Manipur:Proper noun:state in northeastern India
- * Meetei Mayek: {{t+|mni|ꯃꯅꯤꯄꯨꯔ}}
- Mansi:Noun:person
- * Mansi:
- Mansi:Noun:person
- *: Northern Mansi: {{t|mns-nor|ма̄ньси}}, {{t|mns-nor|ма̄ньси ма̄хум}} / {{t|mns-nor|хо̄тпа}}
- Mansi:Noun:person
- *: Eastern Mansi {{t|mns-eas|маньсь}}, {{t|mns-eas|маньсь атум}}
- Mansi:Proper noun:Uralic language
- * Mansi:
- Mansi:Proper noun:Uralic language
- *:Eastern Mansi {{t|mns-eas|маньсь лынгх}}
- Mansi:Proper noun:Uralic language
- *: Northern Mansi: {{t+|mns-nor|ма̄ньси ла̄тыӈ}}
- Manx cat:Noun:mammal
- *: Saterland: {{t|stq|Manske Kat}}
- Maratha Empire:Proper noun:empire
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|مرہٹا سلطنت}}
- March:Proper noun:third month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|三月|tr=saⁿ-go̍eh, saⁿ-ge̍h, saⁿ-gōe}}
- March:Proper noun:third month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|مَارْچ}}
- March:Proper noun:third month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مارْس}}
- Mariamman:Proper noun:Hindu goddess of rain
- * Oriya: {{t|or|ମାରିଆମ୍ମାଁ}}
- Mariolatry:Noun:adoration or veneration of the Virgin Mary to an extent regarded as inappropriate or even idolatrous
- *: Late Latin: {{t|la|mariolatria|f}}
- Mark:Proper noun:male given name
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|馬可|tr=Mā-kō̤}}
- Mark:Proper noun:the Evangelist
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|馬可|tr=Mā-kō̤}}
- Mark:Proper noun:the Evangelist
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|馬可|tr=Má-khó}}
- Mark:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|馬可|tr=Mā-kō̤}}
- Mark:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Hellenistic: {{t|grc|κατά Μᾶρκον|n}}
- Mars:Proper noun:planet
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|火星}}
- Mars:Proper noun:planet
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|火星|tr=hóe-chheⁿ, hé-chhiⁿ}}
- Mars:Proper noun:planet
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|مِرِّیخ}}, {{tt|prs|بَهْرَام}}, {{tt|prs|مَارْس}}
- Mars:Proper noun:planet
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|مِرّیخ}}, {{tt|fa-ira|بَهْرام}}, {{tt|fa-ira|مارْس}}
- Mars:Proper noun:god of war
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|مَارْس}}
- Mars:Proper noun:god of war
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|مارْس}}
- Martin:Proper noun:given name
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|馬丁|tr=Má-teng}}
- Martinican:Noun:A person from Martinique
- *: Martinican Creole: {{t|gcf|matiniké|m}}, {{t|gcf|matinikèz|f}}
- Martinique:Proper noun:Island and, overseas department and region of France
- *: Martinican Creole: {{t|gcf|Matnik|f}}
- Marwari:Proper noun:language
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|مارواڑی}}
- Mary:Proper noun:Mary, mother of Jesus
- ''Note: Translations for Mary's various titles and appellations should go in the respective entries.''
- Mary:Proper noun:Mary, mother of Jesus
- *: Modern: {{t+|fr|Marie|f}}
- Mary:Proper noun:Mary, mother of Jesus
- *: Welsh Romani: {{t|rmw|'Måri Råni|f}}, {{t|rmw|Me-Dir-Devleski Råni|f}}
- Mashhad:Proper noun:city in Iran
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|مَشْهَد}}
- Mashhad:Proper noun:city in Iran
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مَشْهَد}}
- Matsu:Proper noun:island group
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|馬祖|tr=Mā-cū}}
- Matsu:Proper noun:island group
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|馬祖|tr=Má-chó͘}}
- Matterhorn:Proper noun:mountain
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|میٹرہارن}}
- Matthew:Proper noun:male given name
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|馬太|tr=Mā-tái}}
- Matthew:Proper noun:biblical disciple
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|馬太|tr=Mā-tái}}
- Matthew:Proper noun:biblical disciple
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|馬太|tr=Má-thài}}, {{t|nan-hbl|瑪竇|tr=Má-tō͘}} {{qualifier|Catholic}}
- Matthew:Proper noun:gospel of Matthew
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|馬太福音|tr=Mā-tái Hók Ĭng}}
- Matthew:Proper noun:gospel of Matthew
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|馬太福音|tr=Má-thài Hok-im}}, {{t|nan-hbl|馬太福音傳|tr=Má-thài Hok-im-toān}}, {{t|nan-hbl|瑪竇福音|tr=Má-tō͘ Hok-im}} {{qualifier|Catholic}}
- Mauritania:Proper noun:Islamic Republic of Mauritania
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|مورِیتَانِیَا}}
- Mauritania:Proper noun:Islamic Republic of Mauritania
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|موریتانی|tr=moritâni}}
- May:Proper noun:fifth month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: Turoyo: {{t|tru|ܐܝـܝܰܪ|m}}
- May:Proper noun:fifth month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|五月|tr=gō͘-goe̍h, gō͘-ge̍h, gō͘-gōe}}
- May:Proper noun:fifth month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: Dari: {{t+|prs|می}}
- May:Proper noun:fifth month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مِه}}
- May Day:Noun:spring festival
- *: Standard Cornish: {{t|kw|Cala'Me}}, {{t|kw|Kala' Me|m}}
- Mazar-i-Sharif:Proper noun:city in Afghanistan
- *: Dari Persian: {{t|fa|مزار شریف|tr=mazār-i šarīf}}
- Mazar-i-Sharif:Proper noun:city in Afghanistan
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa|مزار شریف|tr=mazâr-e šarif}}
- Mazu:Proper noun:goddess
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|媽祖|tr=Mā-cū}}
- Mazu:Proper noun:goddess
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|媽祖|tr=Má-chó͘}}
- Mecayapan Nahuatl:Proper noun:
- *: Mecayapan: {{t|nhx|melaꞌtájto̱l}}
- Mecca:Proper noun:city in Saudi Arabia
- *: Dari: {{t+|prs|مکه|tr=makka}}
- Mecca:Proper noun:city in Saudi Arabia
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|مکه|tr=makke}}
- Medea:Proper noun:enchantress in Greek mythology
- *: Simplified: {{t|cmn|美狄亞|tr=Měidíyà}}
- Medea:Proper noun:enchantress in Greek mythology
- *: Traditional: {{t|cmn|美狄亚|tr=Měidíyà}}
- Melbourne:Proper noun:city in Australia
- *: Hokkien: {{t-needed|nan-hbl}}
- Melchizedek:Proper noun:king and priest
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|麥基洗德|tr=Be̍k-ki-sé-tek, Bek-ki-sián-tek}}, {{t|nan-hbl|Mal-ki-che-tek}}
- Mencius:Proper noun:Chinese philosopher
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|孟子|tr=Bēng-chú}}
- Mercury:Proper noun:planet
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|水星|tr=chúi-chheⁿ, chúi-chhiⁿ}}
- Merdeka Day:Proper noun:the Malaysian Independence Day
- *: Hokkien: {{t-needed|nan-hbl}}
- Merlin:Proper noun:Wizard in Arthurian legend
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|مرلن}}
- Mescalero:Noun:Mescalero tribe people
- *: Chiricahua: {{t|apm|Shis-Inday}}
- Messiah:Proper noun:(Christianity) Jesus
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|彌賽亞|tr=Bí-sài-a, Mî-sài-a}}, {{t|nan-hbl|默西亞|tr=Be̍k-se-a}} {{qualifier|Catholic}}, {{t|nan-hbl|Me-sí-iah}}
- Metro Manila:Proper noun:metropolitan area and national capital region of the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|大岷區|tr=Tāi-bîn-khu}} {{q|Philippine Hokkien}}
- Metsovo:Proper noun:Greek town
- *: Katharevousa: {{t+|el|Μέτσοβον}}
- Metsovon:Proper noun:form of Metsovo
- *: Katharevousa: [[Μετσόβον]] (Metsovo)
- Mexican:Adjective:of or pertaining to Mexico
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مِکْزیکی}}
- Mexican:Noun:person from Mexico or of Mexican descent
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مِکْزیکی}}
- Mexico:Proper noun:country
- *: Guadeloupean Creole: {{tt|gcf|Meksik|m}}
- Mexico:Proper noun:country
- *: Martinican Creole: {{tt|gcf|Meksik|m}}
- Mexico:Proper noun:country
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|墨西哥|tr=Be̍k-se-ko, Bia̍k-se-ko}}
- Mexico:Proper noun:country
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|مَکْسِیکو}}, {{tt|prs|مِکْسِیکو}}
- Mexico:Proper noun:country
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|مِکْزیک}}
- Mexico:Proper noun:country
- *: Vlax Romani: {{tt|rmy|Mexiko}}
- Mexico City:Proper noun:capital of Mexico
- *: Alcozauca: {{t|xta|Kǒ'yo}}
- Mexico City:Proper noun:capital of Mexico
- *: Central Huasteca Nahuatl: {{t|nch|Mexkoaltepetl}}
- Mexico City:Proper noun:capital of Mexico
- *: Central Nahuatl: {{t|nhn|Altepetl Mexihco}}
- Mexico City:Proper noun:capital of Mexico
- *: Classical Nahuatl: {{t|nci|Altepetl Mexihco}}
- Mexico City:Proper noun:capital of Mexico
- *: Western Huasteca Nahuatl: {{t|nhw|Mexkoaltepetl}}
- Miaoli:Proper noun:county in western Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|苗栗|tr=Biâu-li̍k}}
- Micah:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|米迦書|tr=Mī-giă-cṳ̆}}
- Micah:Proper noun:Biblical character: minor prophet and author
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|米迦|tr=Mī-giă}}
- Micah:Proper noun:Biblical character: Ephraimite featured in Judges 17–18
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|米迦|tr=Mī-giă}}
- Micah:Proper noun:male given name
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|米迦|tr=Mī-giă}}
- Michael:Proper noun:male given name
- * Venetian: {{t|vec|Michièl|m}}
- Middle Ages:Proper noun:historical period
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|中世紀|tr=tiong-sè-kí}}, {{t|nan-hbl|中古時代|tr=tiong-kó͘-sî-tāi}}
- Middle Ages:Proper noun:historical period
- *: Laki Kurdish: {{t-needed|lki}}
- Middle Ages:Proper noun:historical period
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|قُرُونِ وُسْطیٰ}}, {{t|prs|سَدِههَایِ مِیَانِی}}
- Middle Ages:Proper noun:historical period
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|قُرونِ وُسْطیٰ|p}}, {{t|fa-ira|سَدِههایِ مِیانی}}
- Middle East:Proper noun:region comprising Western Asia without the South Caucasus and additionally including all of Egypt and all of Turkey
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|中東|tr=Tiong-tang}}
- Middle East:Proper noun:region comprising Western Asia without the South Caucasus and additionally including all of Egypt and all of Turkey
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|خاوَرِمِیانِه}}
- Middle English:Proper noun:Middle English
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|中古英語|tr=Tiong-kó͘ Eng-gí, Tiong-kó͘ Eng-gú}}
- Middle Welsh:Proper noun:language
- *: Middle Welsh: {{t|wlm|Kymraec|f}}
- Milky Way:Proper noun:
- * isiZulu: {{t+|zu|umZilafasimbe}}
- Mindanao:Proper noun:an island in the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|南島|tr=Lâm-tó͘}} {{q|archaic}}
- Minsk:Proper noun:capital of Belarus
- *: Roman: {{t|be|Miensk|m}} {{qualifier|łacinka}}
- Miriam:Proper noun:sister of Moses and Aaron
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|米利暗|tr=Bí-lī-àm}}, {{t|nan-hbl|Mi-lí-ám}}
- Mixquiahuala:Proper noun:municipality
- * Otomi:
- Mixquiahuala:Proper noun:municipality
- *: Mezquital: {{t|ote|Ntꞌähi}}
- Mixtec:Noun:
- *: Guerrero: {{t|amu|catsuee}}
- Mixtec:Noun:
- * Mazatec:
- Mixtec:Noun:
- *: Chiquihuitlán: {{t|maq|chincha}}
- Mixtec:Noun:
- *: Teposcolula: {{t|omq-tel|ñudzavui}}
- Mixtec:Proper noun:
- * Mazatec:
- Mixtec:Proper noun:
- *: Chiquihuitlán: {{t|maq|chincha}}
- Mixtec:Proper noun:
- *: San Juan Colorado: {{t|mjc|tuhun cahan vaha}}, {{t|mjc|tsa cahan vaha}}
- Mixtec:Proper noun:
- *: Yosondúa: {{t|mpm|san sau}}
- Mixtec:Proper noun:
- * Triqui:
- Mixtec:Proper noun:
- *: Copala: {{t|trc|xnaꞌánj tuꞌvi̱i̱}}
- Mizo:Proper noun:language
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|میزو}}
- Mogilev:Proper noun:city
- *: Roman: {{t|be|Mahiloŭ|m}} {{qualifier|łacinka}}
- Mokosh:Proper noun:Slavic goddess of fertility, waters and earth
- * Estotnian: {{t|et|Mokoš}}
- Moldova:Proper noun:country
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مولْداوی|tr=moldâvi}}
- Monaco:Proper noun:country in Europe
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|موناکو|tr=monâko}}
- Monaco:Proper noun:country in Europe
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|Mônaco|m}}
- Monaco:Proper noun:country in Europe
- *: European: {{t+|pt|Mónaco|m}}
- Monday:Noun:day of the week
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|禮拜一|tr=lé-pài-it}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|拜一|tr=pài-it}}
- Monday:Noun:day of the week
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|lundi}}, {{t|lou|lindi}}
- Monday:Noun:day of the week
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|دوشَنْبِه|tr=došanbe}}
- Monday:Noun:day of the week
- *: Lule: {{t|ule|mánnodahka}}
- Mongolia:Proper noun:East Asian country
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|蒙古|tr=Mūng-gū}}
- Mongolia:Proper noun:East Asian country
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|蒙古|tr=Bông-kó͘}}
- Mongolia:Proper noun:East Asian country
- *: Cyrillic: {{t|crh|Моғолистан}}
- Mongolia:Proper noun:East Asian country
- *: Classical: {{t|fa-cls|مُغُولِسْتَان}}
- Mongolia:Proper noun:East Asian country
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|مُغُولِسْتان|tr=muğūlistān}}, {{t|prs|مَنْگولِیَا}}
- Mongolia:Proper noun:East Asian country
- *: Iranian: {{t|fa-ira|مُغولِسْتان|tr=moğolestân}}
- Mongolian:Adjective:of or relating to Mongolia or its peoples, languages, or cultures
- *: Abjad: {{t|az|مغول|tr=maghūl}}
- Mongolian:Adjective:of or relating to Mongolia or its peoples, languages, or cultures
- *: Roman: {{t|az|monqol}}
- Mongolian:Noun:native or inhabitant of Mongolia
- *: Byzantine: {{t|grc|Μουγούλιος|m}}
- Mongolian:Noun:native or inhabitant of Mongolia
- *: Roman: {{t|kk|moñğol}}
- Mongolian:Noun:language of Mongolia
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|Bông-kó͘-gí}}
- Montenegro:Proper noun:country in Europe
- *: Pontic Greek: {{t|pnt|Μαυροβούνιον|n}}
- Montenegro:Proper noun:country in Europe
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مونْتِهنِگْرو|tr=monte-negru}}
- Montpellier:Proper noun:a city in France
- *: Old Catalan: {{t|roa-oca|Monpesler}}
- Montpellier:Proper noun:a city in France
- *: Old Portuguese: {{t|roa-opt|Monpesler}}, {{t|roa-opt|Monpisler}}
- Monégasque:Adjective:of or relating to Monaco or its inhabitants
- *: Monégasque: {{t|lij|munegascu|m}}, {{t|lij|munegasca|f}}
- Monégasque:Noun:Ligurian dialect
- *: Monégasque: {{t|lij|munegascu|m}}
- Moon:Proper noun:sole natural satellite of the Earth
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|月娘|tr=goe̍h-niû, ge̍h-niû}}, {{t|nan-hbl|月亮|tr=goe̍h-liāng}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|月|tr=goe̍h, ge̍h}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|月|tr=gua̍t}}, {{t|nan-hbl|月球|tr=go̍eh-kiû, ge̍h-kiû}}
- Moon:Proper noun:sole natural satellite of the Earth
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|مَاه|m}}, {{t|prs|قَمَر}}
- Moon:Proper noun:sole natural satellite of the Earth
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|ماه|m}}, {{t|fa-ira|قَمَر}} {{qualifier|poetic}}, {{t|fa-ira|مانْگ}}, {{t|fa-ira|لوخَن}} {{qualifier|archaic}}, {{t|fa-ira|آیِشْم}} {{qualifier|archaic}}, {{t|fa-ira|مَهْتاب}}
- Mormon:Noun:member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|摩門教徒|tr=Mô-bûn kàu-tô͘}} {{q|former translation}}, {{t|nan-hbl|摩爾門教徒}}, {{t|nan-hbl|摩门教徒|tr=Mô-ní-bûn kàu-tô͘}}
- Morocco:Proper noun:country
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|مَرَاکِش}}, {{t|prs|مَغْرِب}}
- Morocco:Proper noun:country
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مَراکِش}}, {{t|fa-ira|مَغْرِب}}
- Moscow:Proper noun:capital city of Russia
- *: Arabic: {{t|az|موسکوا}}
- Moscow:Proper noun:capital city of Russia
- *: Roman: {{t|be|Maskva|f}} {{qualifier|łacinka}}
- Moscow:Proper noun:capital city of Russia
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|莫斯科}}
- Moscow:Proper noun:capital city of Russia
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|莫斯科|tr=Bo̍k-su-kho / Bo̍k-sir-kher}}
- Moscow:Proper noun:capital city of Russia
- *: Vlax Romani: {{t|rmy|Moscova}}
- Moscow:Proper noun:capital city of Russia
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|ماسکو}}
- Moses:Proper noun:the biblical patriarch
- *: Samaritan Aramaic: {{t|sam|ࠌࠦࠔࠨࠄ|tr=mūši}}
- Moses:Proper noun:the biblical patriarch
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|摩西|tr=Mô͘-se}}
- Mount Everest:Proper noun:world’s highest mountain above sea level, located in the Himalayas
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|Chomolangma Hong}}
- Mount Mayon:Proper noun:the most active volcano in the Philippines
- * Farsi: {{t|fa|مایون}}
- Mount of Olives:Proper noun:mountain ridge
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|橄欖山|tr=Kám-lám-sân}}
- Mr.:Usage notes:abbreviation of mister
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|آقا|alt=آقایِ}}, {{t+|fa-ira|آغا|alt=آغایِ}}
- Mu'tazila:Proper noun:denomination in Islam
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|معتزلہ|m}}
- Muhammad:Proper noun:the prophet who introduced Islam
- * Old Portuguese: {{t|roa-opt|Mafomede}}
- Multan:Proper noun:city in Pakistan
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|木爾坦|tr=Mù'ěrtǎn}}
- Mumbai:Proper noun:state capital of Maharashtra
- *: Dari Persian: {{t|fa|مُمبَی|tr=mumbay}}
- Mumbai:Proper noun:state capital of Maharashtra
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa|بمبئی|tr=bomba'i}}
- Mundari:Proper noun:language
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|منڈاری}}
- Muntinlupa:Proper noun:city in the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|文珍俞巴|tr=Bûn-tin-lû-pa}} {{q|Philippines}}
- Musharraf:Proper noun:
- * Farsi: {{t-needed|fa}}
- Muslim:Noun:believer of Islam
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|مُسَلْمَان}}
- Muslim:Noun:believer of Islam
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مُسَلْمان}}, {{t|fa-ira|مُسَلْمون}} {{qualifier|colloquial, Tehrani}}
- Myanmar:Proper noun:Southeast Asian country
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|緬甸|tr=Bián-tián}}
- Myanmar:Proper noun:Southeast Asian country
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مِیانْمار}}, {{t|fa-ira|بِرْمِه}}
- Myanmar:Proper noun:Southeast Asian country
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|برما|m}}, {{t|pnb|برہمدیش|m}}, {{t|pnb|میانمار|m}}
- NATO:Proper noun:North Atlantic Treaty Organization
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|北約|tr=Pak-iok}}
- NATO:Proper noun:North Atlantic Treaty Organization
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|ناتو|tr=nâto}}
- Nahum:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|拿溫書|tr=Nā-ŭng-cṳ̆}}
- Nain:Proper noun:town in Newfoundland
- *: Eastern Canadian: {{t|ike|Nunainguk}}
- Nainital:Proper noun:town in India
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|نینیتال}}
- Najibullah:Proper noun:
- * Kurdish: {{t-needed|kmr}}
- Nakhichevan:Proper noun:autonomous republic of Azerbaijan
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|نخچیوان}}
- Nalgonda:Proper noun:district in India
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|نلگوندا}}
- Namibia:Proper noun:Republic of Namibia
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|Namibia}}
- Nan'an:Proper noun:county-level city in eastern China
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|南安|tr=Lâm-oaⁿ}}
- Nanaimo:Proper noun:city in British Columbia, Canada
- *: Chinese: {{t|zh|納奈莫}}
- Nangan:Proper noun:rural township
- *: Hokkien: {{t-needed|nan-hbl}}
- Nangang:Proper noun:district in northern Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|南港|tr=Lâm-káng}}
- Nanjing:Proper noun:Chinese city
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|南京|tr=Lâm-kiaⁿ}}
- Nanping:Proper noun:prefecture-level city in Fujian
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|南平|tr=Lâm-pêng}}
- Nansi:Proper noun:district in south Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|楠西|tr=Lâm-se}}
- Nantou:Proper noun:a city in Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|南投|tr=Lâm-tâu}}
- Nanzih:Proper noun:district in south Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|楠梓|tr=Lâm-chú}}
- Naomi:Proper noun:female given name
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|Noêmia|f}}
- Naomi:Proper noun:female given name
- *: European: {{t+|pt|Noémia|f}}
- Naples:Proper noun:city in Italy
- *: Arbëresh: {{t|sq|Napulë}}
- Nastaliq:Proper noun:form of calligraphy
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|نَسْتَعْلِیق}}
- Nastaliq:Proper noun:form of calligraphy
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|نَسْتَعْلیق}}
- Nastaliq:Proper noun:form of calligraphy
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|نَسْتَعْلِیق}}
- Natterer's slaty antshrike:Noun:bird
- *: {{qualifier|Brazil}}: {{t|pt|choca-de-natterer}}
- Navalny:Proper noun:surname
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|ناوالْنی}}
- Navarre:Proper noun:autonomous community of Spain
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|tr=Nạwạrạ}}
- Navarrenx:Proper noun:town
- *: Zuberoan: {{t|eu|Nabarrenkoxe}}
- Nazi:Noun:member of the Nazi party
- * Slovenian: {{t|sl|nacista|m}}, {{t|sl|nacistka|f}}
- Nazism:Noun:the ideology of Adolf Hitler's Nazi Party
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|نازیسْم}}
- Neckar:Proper noun:river
- *: Swabian German: {{t|swg|Neckor}}
- Negros Oriental:Proper noun:province of the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|東黑人島}} {{q|Philippine}}
- Nehemiah:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|尼希米書|tr=Nà̤-hĭ-mī-cṳ̆}}
- Nehemiah:Proper noun:male given name
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|尼希米|tr=Nà̤-hĭ-mī}}
- Nemesis:Proper noun:Greek goddess of retribution
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|Nêmesis|f}}
- Nemesis:Proper noun:Greek goddess of retribution
- *: European: {{t+|pt|Némesis|f}}
- Nenets:Noun:person
- * Mansi:
- Nenets:Noun:person
- *: Northern Mansi: {{t|mns-nor|ё̄рн}}
- Nenets:Noun:person
- *: Kildin Sami: {{t|sjd|я̄ран}}
- Nenets:Proper noun:language
- * Mansi:
- Nenets:Proper noun:language
- *: Eastern Mansi: {{t|mns-eas|ёрн}}
- Nenets:Proper noun:language
- *: Northern Mansi: {{t|mns-nor|ё̄рн}}
- Nenets:Proper noun:language
- * Nenets: {{t|yrk|ненёця" вада|tr=neněcǎ" vada}}
- Nepal:Proper noun:Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|نیپَال}}
- Nepal:Proper noun:Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|نِپال}}
- Nepal:Proper noun:Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|نیپال}}
- Neptune:Proper noun:eighth planet of the solar system
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|海王星|tr=Hái-ông-chheⁿ, Hái-ông-chhiⁿ}}
- Netherlands:Proper noun:country in northwestern Europe
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|荷蘭}}
- Netherlands:Proper noun:country in northwestern Europe
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|荷蘭|tr=Hô-lân / Hô-lan}}
- Netherlands:Proper noun:country in northwestern Europe
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|هَالَنْد}}
- Netherlands:Proper noun:country in northwestern Europe
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|هُلَنْد}}, {{t|fa-ira|فِلَمَنْک}} {{qualifier|dated}}
- New Caledonia:Proper noun:overseas territory of France
- * East Futunan: {{t|fud|Niu Kaletonia}}
- New Caledonia:Proper noun:overseas territory of France
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|Nova Caledônia|f}}
- New Caledonia:Proper noun:overseas territory of France
- *: European: {{t+|pt|Nova Caledónia|f}}
- New Caledonia:Proper noun:overseas territory of France
- * Reunionese Creole French: {{t|rcf|Nouvèl Kalédoni|f}}
- New Delhi:Proper noun:capital of India
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|نئی دلی}}
- New England:Proper noun:six states of the United States
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|نیو انگلینڈ}}
- New High German:Proper noun:modern German language
- *: Volhynian German: {{t|de|Neihochdeitsch|n}}
- New Norwegian:Proper noun:the latest phase of the Norwegian language, spoken after 1500
- *: Portuguese: {{t+|pt|novo norueguês|m}}
- New Taipei:Proper noun:special municipality in northern Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|新北|tr=Sin-pak}}
- New Taiwan dollar:Noun:currency of Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|新臺票//新台票|tr=Sin-tâi-phiò}}
- New World:Proper noun:the Americas and Oceania
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|جَهَانِ جَدِید}}, {{t|fa-cls|جَهَانِ نَوْ}}
- New World:Proper noun:the Americas and Oceania
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|جَهانِ جَدید}}, {{t|fa-ira|جَهانِ نُوْ}}
- New Year:Noun:January 1 in the Julian and Gregorian calendar and the days following
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|新年|tr=sin-nî}}
- New Year:Noun:January 1 in the Julian and Gregorian calendar and the days following
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|سَالِ نَوْ}}
- New Year:Noun:January 1 in the Julian and Gregorian calendar and the days following
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|سالِ نُوْ}}
- New Year's Day:Noun:holiday occurring on the first day of the year
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|番仔正|tr=hoan-á-chiaⁿ}}, {{t|nan-hbl|正月初一|tr=chiaⁿ-ge̍h chhoe-it}}
- New York:Proper noun:state of the United States of America
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|紐約州|tr=Niú-iok-chiu}}, {{t|nan-hbl|紐約|tr=Niú-iok}}
- New Zealand:Proper noun:country in Oceania
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|新西蘭|tr=Sĭng-să̤-làng}}
- New Zealand:Proper noun:country in Oceania
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|紐西蘭|tr=Liú-se-lân}}
- New Zealand:Proper noun:country in Oceania
- * Norfuk: {{t|pih|Nyuu Ziilan}}
- New Zealand:Proper noun:country in Oceania
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|نِیوزیلَنْد}}, {{t|fa-ira|زِلانْدِ نُو}}, {{t|fa-ira|زِلانْدِ جَدید}}
- New Zealand:Proper noun:country in Oceania
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|نیوزیلینڈ}}
- Niaosong:Proper noun:district
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|鳥松}}
- Nile:Proper noun:river
- *: Syriac: {{t|arc|ܢܝܠܘܣ|tr=Nīlōs|sc=Syrc}}
- Ninevite:Noun:native or inhabitant of Nineveh
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|尼尼微人|tr=Nî-nî-bî-lâng}}
- Ningde:Proper noun:prefecture-level city in Fujian
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|寧德|tr=Nìng-dáik}}
- Ningde:Proper noun:prefecture-level city in Fujian
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|寧德|tr=Lêng-tek}}
- Nipponese:Adjective:
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|nipônico}}
- Nipponese:Adjective:
- *: European: {{t+|pt|nipónico}}
- Niue:Proper noun:island of Niue
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|紐埃|tr=Niú-ai}}
- No Gun Ri:Proper noun:village
- *: Hokkien: {{t-needed|nan-hbl}}
- Normandy:Proper noun:region of France
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|نُرْمانْدی}}
- North America:Proper noun:continent
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|北美|tr=Pak-bí}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|北美洲|tr=Pak-bí-chiu}}
- North America:Proper noun:continent
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|اَمْرِیکَایِ شُمَالِی}}
- North America:Proper noun:continent
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|آمْریکایِ شُمالی}}
- North Korea:Proper noun:a country in East Asia whose territory consists of the northern part of Korea
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|کورِیَایِی شُمَالِی}}, {{t|prs|کورِیَایِ شُمَالِی}}
- North Korea:Proper noun:a country in East Asia whose territory consists of the northern part of Korea
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کُرِهٔ شُمالی}}
- North Macedonia:Proper noun:country in Europe
- *: Cyrillic: {{t|gag|Пойраз Македония|tr=Poyraz Makedoniya}}
- North Macedonia:Proper noun:country in Europe
- *: Roman: {{t|gag|Poyraz Makedoniya}}
- North Macedonia:Proper noun:country in Europe
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|مَقْدُونِیَهٔ شُمَالِی}}
- North Macedonia:Proper noun:country in Europe
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مَقْدونِیِهٔ شُمالی}}
- North Macedonia:Proper noun:country in Europe
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|Macedônia do Norte|f}}
- North Macedonia:Proper noun:country in Europe
- *: European: {{t+|pt|Macedónia do Norte|f}}
- North Mesopotamian Arabic:Proper noun:
- *: North Mesopotamian Arabic: {{t|ayp|لهجة موصلية}}
- North Vietnam:Proper noun:(historical) a state (officially the Democratic Republic of Vietnam) that governed northern Vietnam in 1945–1975
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|وِیَتْنَامِ شُمَالِی}}
- North Vietnam:Proper noun:(historical) a state (officially the Democratic Republic of Vietnam) that governed northern Vietnam in 1945–1975
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|وِیَتْنامِ شُمالی}}
- Northeast Asia:Proper noun:a region of Asia
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|東北亞|tr=Tang-pak-a}}
- Northern Ireland:Proper noun:a country in the United Kingdom, situated in the northeastern part of the island of Ireland
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|ایرْلَنْدِ شُمالی}}
- Northern Ireland:Proper noun:a country in the United Kingdom, situated in the northeastern part of the island of Ireland
- *: Ulster Scots: {{t|sco|Norlin Airlann}}, {{t|sco|Norlin Airlan}}
- Northern Min:Proper noun:Chinese language
- *: Northern Min: {{t|mnp|閩北語|tr=mâing-bă̤-ngṳ̌}}
- Northern Territory:Proper noun:Territory in northern Australia
- *: Eastern Min: {{t-check|cdo|北領土|tr=Báe̤k Liāng-tū}}
- Norway:Proper noun:Scandinavian country
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|挪威}}
- Norway:Proper noun:Scandinavian country
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|挪威|tr=Nô͘-ui}}
- Norway:Proper noun:Scandinavian country
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|نَارْوی}}
- Norway:Proper noun:Scandinavian country
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|نُرْوِژ}}
- Norway:Proper noun:Scandinavian country
- *: Vlax Romani: {{t|rmy|Norvejiya}}
- Norway maple:Noun:Acer platanoides
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|ناروے میپل}}
- Norway spruce:Noun:Picea abies
- *: Anpezan: {{t|lld|pezuó|m}}
- Norway spruce:Noun:Picea abies
- *: Badiot: {{t|lld|peció|m}}
- Norway spruce:Noun:Picea abies
- *: Fascian: {{t|lld|pec|m}}
- Norway spruce:Noun:Picea abies
- *: Fodom: {{t|lld|pëc|m}}
- Norway spruce:Noun:Picea abies
- *: Gherdëina: {{t|lld|pëc|m}}
- November:Proper noun:eleventh month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|十一月|tr=cha̍p-it-go̍eh, cha̍p-it-ge̍h, cha̍p-it-gōe}}
- November:Proper noun:eleventh month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|نُوِمْبَر}}
- November:Proper noun:eleventh month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|نُوامْبْر}}
- Novorossiysk:Proper noun:city
- *: Hokkien: {{t-needed|nan-hbl}}
- Novorossiysk:Proper noun:city
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|نووروسسک}}
- Nowruz:Proper noun:Iranian New Year
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|نَوْروز}}
- Nowruz:Proper noun:Iranian New Year
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|نَوْروز}}
- Nowruz:Proper noun:Iranian New Year
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|نُوروز}}
- Nowruz:Proper noun:Iranian New Year
- *: Tajik: {{t+|tg|Наврӯз}}
- Nuannuan:Proper noun:district in north Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|暖暖|tr=Loán-Loán}}
- Nubian:Noun:inhabitant of ancient Nubia or a person of Nubian descent
- * Nubian:
- Nubian:Noun:inhabitant of ancient Nubia or a person of Nubian descent
- *: Nobiin: {{t|fia|nob}}
- Nubian:Noun:inhabitant of ancient Nubia or a person of Nubian descent
- *: Old Nubian: {{t|onw|ⳡⲟⲡ}}
- Nueva Ecija:Proper noun:province of the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|新怡詩夏|tr=Sin Î-si-hā}}
- Nueva Vizcaya:Proper noun:province of the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t-needed|zh}}
- Numbers:Proper noun:fourth book of the Bible
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|民數記|tr=Mìng-só-gé}}
- Numbers:Proper noun:fourth book of the Bible
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|民數紀錄|tr=Bîn-sò͘ Kí-lio̍k}}, {{t|nan-hbl|民數記|tr=Bîn-sò͘-kì}}, {{t|nan-hbl|戶籍紀|tr=Hō͘-che̍k-kí}} {{qualifier|Catholic}}
- Numbers:Proper noun:fourth book of the Bible
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|کتاب گنتی|tr=Kitāb-e Gintī}}
- Nur-Sultan:Proper noun:former name of Astana
- *: Latin: {{t|kk|Nūr-Sūltan}}
- Nuremberg defense:Noun:explanation offered as an excuse for behaving in a criminal or wrongful manner
- *: Central Franconian (Ripuarian): {{t|gmw-cfr|Beveelsnutstand}}
- Nüshu:Proper noun:
- *: Shaozhou Tuhua: {{t|zhx-sht|𛆁𛈬}}
- Nārada:Proper noun:
- * Oriya: {{t+|or|ନାରଦ}}
- Oaxaca:Proper noun:city
- * Chatino:
- Oaxaca:Proper noun:city
- *: Tataltepec: {{t|cta|Londaꞌa}}
- Oaxaca:Proper noun:city
- *: Western Highland: {{t|ctp|Londaꞌa}}
- Oaxaca:Proper noun:city
- * Mazatec:
- Oaxaca:Proper noun:city
- *: Huautla: {{t|mau|Na⁴xi⁴ntsje⁴}}
- Oaxaca:Proper noun:city
- *: Chayuco: {{t|mih|Nunduva}}
- Oaxaca:Proper noun:city
- *: San Juan Colorado: {{t|mjc|Nunduva}}
- Oaxaca:Proper noun:city
- *: San Miguel El Grande: {{t|mig|nunduá}}
- Oaxaca:Proper noun:city
- *: Yosondúa: {{t|mpm|Nunduva}}
- Oaxaca:Proper noun:city
- * Popoloca:
- Oaxaca:Proper noun:city
- *: San Juan Atzingo: {{t|poe|Conchia}}
- Oaxaca:Proper noun:city
- * Triqui:
- Oaxaca:Proper noun:city
- *: Chicahuaxtla: {{t|trs|Acuej³}}
- Oaxaca:Proper noun:city
- *: Isthmus: {{t|zai|Lulá}}, {{t|zai|Oaxaca}}
- Oaxaca:Proper noun:city
- *: Yatzachi: {{t|zav|Ḻaꞌ}}
- Oaxaca:Proper noun:city
- *: Zoogocho: {{t|zpq|Ḻaꞌ}}
- Oaxaca:Proper noun:state of Mexico
- * Popoloca:
- Oaxaca:Proper noun:state of Mexico
- *: San Juan Atzingo: {{t|poe|Conchia}}
- Oaxaca:Proper noun:state of Mexico
- *: Yatzachi: {{t|zav|Ḻa'}}
- Oaxaca:Proper noun:state of Mexico
- *: Zoogocho: {{t|zpq|Ḻa'}}
- Obadiah:Proper noun:book of the Old Testament
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|阿巴底亞書|tr=Ŏ̤-bă-dī-ā-cṳ̆}}
- Obukhovka:Proper noun:former name of Bulaqty
- *: Latin: {{t|uz|Obuxovka}}
- Obukhovka:Proper noun:village in Dragomirovka, Taiynsha, North Kazakhstan
- *: Latin: {{t|uz|Obuxovka}}
- Obukhovka:Proper noun:village in Obukhovskaya, Starooskolsky, Starooskolsky, Belgorod, Central Russia
- * Azeri:
- Obukhovka:Proper noun:village in Obukhovskaya, Starooskolsky, Starooskolsky, Belgorod, Central Russia
- *: South Azerbaijani: {{t|az|اوبوخووکا}}
- Obukhovka:Proper noun:village in Obukhovskaya, Starooskolsky, Starooskolsky, Belgorod, Central Russia
- *: Latin: {{t|uz|Obuxovka}}
- Occidental Mindoro:Proper noun:province of the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|西民都洛}}
- Ocheretyne:Proper noun:rural settlement in Ocheretyne, Pokrovsk, Donetsk, Ukraine
- *: Balkan Romani: {{t-needed|rmn}}
- Ocheretyne:Proper noun:rural settlement in Ocheretyne, Pokrovsk, Donetsk, Ukraine
- *: Vlax Romani: {{t-needed|rmy}}
- Ocotepec:Proper noun:town in Chiapas
- * Zoque:
- Ocotepec:Proper noun:town in Chiapas
- *: Copainalá: {{t|zoc|Cupimʌ}}
- Ocotepec:Proper noun:town in Chiapas
- *: Francisco León: {{t|zos|Cupimø}}
- October:Proper noun:tenth month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|十月|tr=cha̍p-go̍eh, cha̍p-ge̍h, cha̍p-gōe}}
- October:Proper noun:tenth month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|اَکْتوبَر}}
- October:Proper noun:tenth month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اُکْتُبْر}}
- Odjick:Proper noun:
- * Ojibwe (Anishinaabe): {{t|oj|Odjick}}
- Odysseus:Proper noun:son of Laertes; Greek leader during the Trojan War
- *: German Low German: {{t|nds-de|Odysseus|m}}
- Ogygia:Proper noun:
- *: German Low German: {{t|nds-de|Ogygia}}
- Ojibwe:Proper noun:Ojibwe (language)
- *: Canadian Syllabics: {{t|oj|ᐊᓂᔑᓈᐯᒧᐎᓐ}}
- Ojibwe:Proper noun:Ojibwe (language)
- *: Roman: {{t|oj|anishinaabemowin|sc=Latn}}
- Ojibwe:Proper noun:member of Ojibwe people
- *: Canadian Syllabics: {{t|oj|ᐊᓂᔑᓈᐯ}}
- Ojibwe:Proper noun:member of Ojibwe people
- *: Roman: {{t|oj|Anishinaabe|sc=Latn}}, {{t|oj|Anishinaabeg|p|sc=Latn}}
- Old Italian:Proper noun:continuum of languages
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|古意大利語|tr=kó͘ Ì-tāi-lī-gír}}
- Old World:Proper noun:the Eastern Hemisphere, especially Europe, Africa and Asia
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|جَهَانِ قَدِیم}}
- Old World:Proper noun:the Eastern Hemisphere, especially Europe, Africa and Asia
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|جَهانِ قَدیم}}
- Olenye:Proper noun:village in Olenyevskoye, Dubovsky, Volgograd, Russia
- * Azeri:
- Olenye:Proper noun:village in Olenyevskoye, Dubovsky, Volgograd, Russia
- *: South Azerbaijani: {{t|az|اولنی}}
- Oleshky:Proper noun:city in Oleshky, Kherson, Kherson, Ukraine
- * Azeri:
- Oleshky:Proper noun:city in Oleshky, Kherson, Kherson, Ukraine
- *: South Azerbaijani: {{t|az|اولشکی}}
- Olhivka:Proper noun:village in Tiahynka, Beryslav, Kherson, Ukraine
- *: Latin: {{t|uz|Olgivka}}
- Olongapo:Proper noun:city in the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|奧隆阿波|tr=Ò-liông-a-po}}
- Olympic Games:Proper noun:international multi-sport event inspired by the ancient festival
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|Olympia [[運動會]]|tr=Olympia ūn-tōng-hōe}}
- Olympic Games:Proper noun:international multi-sport event inspired by the ancient festival
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|بازیهایِ اُلَمْپیک|p}}
- Oman:Proper noun:country in the Middle East
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|عُمَان}}
- Oman:Proper noun:country in the Middle East
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|عُمان}}
- Omani Arabic:Proper noun:language
- *: Omani Arabic: {{t|acx|اللهجات العمانية}}
- Ometepec:Proper noun:
- *: San Juan Colorado: {{t|mjc|Yucu Uvi}}
- Ometepec:Proper noun:
- *: San Miguel El Grande: {{t|mig|yucu uū}}
- Oriental Mindoro:Proper noun:province of the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|東民都洛}}
- Ormuri:Proper noun:Language of Waziristan and Logar
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|اورْمُرِی}}, {{t|prs|اُورْمُرِی}}
- Oromo:Noun:A member of a people of eastern Africa, Ethiopia and northern Kenya
- * Afán Oromó: {{t+|om|Oromoo}}
- Orthodox:Adjective:of the Orthodox Churches
- *: Abjad: {{t|az|اورتودوقس|tr=ortodoqs}}, {{t|az|اورتادوس|tr=ortados}}
- Orthodox:Adjective:of the Orthodox Churches
- *: Roman: {{t|az|pravoslav}}, {{t|az|ortodoks}}
- Orthodoxy:Proper noun:the Eastern Orthodox Church and its foundations
- *: Abjad: {{t|az|اورتودوقسلق|tr=ortodoqsluq}}, {{t|az|اورتادوسلق|tr=ortadosluq}}
- Orthodoxy:Proper noun:the Eastern Orthodox Church and its foundations
- *: Roman: {{t|az|pravoslavlıq}}
- Osaka:Proper noun:city in Honshū, Japan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|大阪|tr=Tāi-pán}}
- Oslo:Proper noun:Oslo (a county and municipality, the capital city of Norway)
- *: Southern Sami: {{t|sma|Oslove}}
- Ossetian:Noun:member of the people
- *: Northern Kurdish: {{t-needed|kmr}}
- Ossetian:Proper noun:language
- * Bartangi: {{t|sgh-bar|Оссети зив}}
- Ossetian:Proper noun:language
- *: Northern Kurdish: {{t-needed|kmr}}
- Ostyak:Noun:
- * Komi:
- Ostyak:Noun:
- *: Komi-Permyak: {{t-needed|koi}}
- Ostyak:Noun:
- *: Komi-Zyrian: {{t-needed|kpv}}
- Ostyak:Noun:
- * Nenets:
- Ostyak:Noun:
- *: Forest Nenets: {{t-needed|syd-fne}}
- Ostyak:Noun:
- *: Tundra Nenets: {{t-needed|yrk}}
- Ostyak:Noun:
- *: Northern Selkup: {{t-needed|sel-nor}}
- Ostyak:Noun:
- *: Southern Selkup: {{t-needed|sel-sou}}
- Ottawa:Proper noun:Native American people
- * Eastern Ojibwe: {{t|ojg|daawaag|p}}
- Ottawa:Proper noun:Native American language
- * Eastern Ojibwe: {{t|ojg|daawaamwin}}
- Otto:Proper noun:male given name
- * Slovakian: {{t|sk|Oto|m}}
- Ottoman Empire:Proper noun:Turkish empire
- *: Ladino: {{t|lad|Imperio Otomano|m|alt=el Imperio Otomano}}
- Ottoman Turkish:Proper noun:the variety of the Turkish language that was used as the administrative and literary language of the Ottoman Empire
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|تُرْکیِ عُثْمانی}}
- Our Father:Proper noun:God
- *: Welsh Romani: {{t|rmw|'måro dad}}
- Our Lady:Proper noun:Mary, mother of Jesus
- *: Welsh Romani: {{t|rmw|'Måri Råni|f}}, {{t|rmw|Me-Dir-Devleski Råni|f}}
- Pa'O:Noun:
- * Pa'O: {{t+|blk|ပအိုဝ်ႏ}}
- Pachuca:Proper noun:city in Mexico
- *: Central Nahuatl: {{t|nhn|Pachyohcan}}
- Pachuca:Proper noun:city in Mexico
- *: Classical Huasteca Nahuatl: {{t|nch|Pachuka}}
- Pachuca:Proper noun:city in Mexico
- *: Classical Nahuatl: {{t|nci|Pachyohcan}}
- Pachuca:Proper noun:city in Mexico
- * Otomi:
- Pachuca:Proper noun:city in Mexico
- *: Mezquital Otomi: {{t|ote|Nju̱nthe}}
- Pacific Ocean:Proper noun:the world's largest body of water
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|太平洋|tr=Thài-pêng-iûⁿ}}
- Padang Besar:Proper noun:town in Malaysia
- *: {{t|cmn|巴東勿剎}}
- Pagadian:Proper noun:city in the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t-needed|zh}}
- Pakistan:Proper noun:country in South Asia
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|پَاکِسْتَان}}
- Pakistan:Proper noun:country in South Asia
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|پَاکِسْتَان}}
- Pakistan:Proper noun:country in South Asia
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|پاکِسْتان}}
- Palam:Proper noun:neighborhood in Delhi
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|پَالَم}}
- Palermo:Proper noun:city
- *: Modern Greek: {{t+|el|Παλέρμο|n}}, {{t+|el|Πάνορμος|f}}
- Palermo:Proper noun:city
- *: Palermitan: {{t|scn|Palìaimmu|m}}
- Palermo:Proper noun:province
- *: Palermitan: {{t|scn|Palìaimmu|m}}
- Palestine:Proper noun:geographic region
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|巴勒斯坦|tr=Pa-le̍k-su-thán}}
- Palestine:Proper noun:geographic region
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|فَلَسْطِین}}
- Palestine:Proper noun:geographic region
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|فِلِسْطین}}
- Palestine:Proper noun:West Bank and Gaza Strip collectively
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|巴勒斯坦|tr=Pa-le̍k-su-thán}}
- Palestine:Proper noun:West Bank and Gaza Strip collectively
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|فَلَسْطِین}}
- Palestine:Proper noun:West Bank and Gaza Strip collectively
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|فِلِسْطین}}
- Palestine:Proper noun:historical: former British entity
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|巴勒斯坦|tr=Pa-le̍k-su-thán}}
- Palestine:Proper noun:historical: former British entity
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|فَلَسْطِین}}
- Palestine:Proper noun:historical: former British entity
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|فِلِسْطین}}
- Palestine:Proper noun:historical: former British Mandate
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|فَلَسْطِین}}
- Palestine:Proper noun:historical: former British Mandate
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|فِلِسْطین}}
- Palestine:Proper noun:
- *: Biblical: {{t+check|he|פְּלֶשֶׁת|tr=p'leshet}}
- Palestine:Proper noun:
- *: Modern: {{t-check|he|פלשתין|tr=falastin}}
- Palestine:Proper noun:
- *: Pre-1948: {{t+check|he|פלשתינה|tr=palestina}}, {{t+check|he|ארץ־ישראל|tr=erets yisra'el}}
- Palestinian:Adjective:of, from, or pertaining to Palestine or the Palestinian people
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|فَلَسْطِینِی}}
- Palestinian:Adjective:of, from, or pertaining to Palestine or the Palestinian people
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|فِلِسْطینی}}
- Pali:Proper noun:a Middle Indo-Aryan language
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|پالی|tr=pālī}}
- Pallas:Proper noun:Athena, asteroid and female names
- *:: epithet for Athena: {{t|cmn|帕拉斯|tr=Pàlāsī}}
- Pallas:Proper noun:Athena, asteroid and female names
- *:: asteroid: {{t+|cmn|智神星|tr=Zhìshénxīng}}, {{t|cmn|帕拉斯|tr=Pàlāsī}}
- Pallava:Proper noun:Indian dynasty
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|پلۉ}}
- Pampanga:Proper noun:province of the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|邦板牙|tr=Pang-pán-gâ}}
- Pan-Slavism:Noun:movement
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|پاناِسْلاویسْم}}
- Panama:Proper noun:country
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|巴拿馬|tr=Pa-ná-má}}
- Pangasinan:Proper noun:province of the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|邦阿西楠|tr=Pang-a-si-lâm}}
- Panixtlahuaca:Proper noun:town
- * Chatino:
- Panixtlahuaca:Proper noun:town
- *: Tataltepec: {{t|cta|Scui}}
- Panixtlahuaca:Proper noun:town
- *: Western Highland: {{t|ctp|Skwi³²}}, {{t|ctp|kichenA SkwiE}}
- Panjshir:Proper noun:a province of Afghanistan
- *: Dari Persian: {{t+|fa|پنجشیر|tr=panjšēr}}
- Panjshir:Proper noun:a province of Afghanistan
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa|پنجشیر|tr=panjšir}}
- Papiamento:Proper noun:language
- * Papiamento: {{t|pap|Papiamento}} {{qualifier|Aruba}}, {{t|pap|papiamentu}} {{qualifier|Curaçao}}, {{t|pap|papiamen}} {{qualifier|Bonaire}}
- Papua New Guinea:Proper noun:country in Oceania
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|پاپوآ گینِهٔ نُوْ}}, {{t|fa-ira|پاپوآ گینِهٔ جَدید}}
- Paraguay:Proper noun:country in South America
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|پَارَاگْوَای}}
- Paraguay:Proper noun:country in South America
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|پاراگوئِه}}
- Parashurama:Proper noun:sixth avatar of Vishnu
- * Oriya: {{t+|or|ପରଶୁରାମ}}
- Parañaque:Proper noun:city in the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|巴蘭玉計|tr=Pa-lân-gia̍k-kè}}, {{t|nan-hbl|巴蘭迎計|tr=Pa-lân-ngiâ-kè}}
- Paris:Proper noun:capital of France
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|巴黎|tr=Bă-là̤}}
- Paris:Proper noun:capital of France
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|巴黎|tr=Pa-lê}}
- Parthia:Proper noun:(historical) region
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|پارتھیا}}
- Parthia:Proper noun:empire of the Parthians
- *: Middle Chinese: {{t-needed|ltc}}
- Parvati:Proper noun:Hindu goddess
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|雪山神女|tr=Siók-săng Sìng-nṳ̄}}
- Parvati:Proper noun:Hindu goddess
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|پاربتی}}
- Pasay:Proper noun:city in the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|巴西|tr=Pa-sai}}
- Pasig:Proper noun:river in the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|巴石|tr=Pa-se̍k}}
- Pasig:Proper noun:city in the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|巴石|tr=Pa-se̍k}}
- Passover:Proper noun:the one-day or multi-day biblical or Jewish festival
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|盤過節|tr=Pôaⁿ-kè-choeh, Pôaⁿ-kòe-cheh}}, {{t|nan-hbl|逾越節|tr=Jû-oa̍t-choeh, Jû-oa̍t-chiat}}, {{t|nan-hbl|無酵節|tr=Bô-kàⁿ-choeh, Bô-kàⁿ-cheh}}, {{t|nan-hbl|除酵節|tr=Tû-kàⁿ-choeh, Tî-kàⁿ-cheh}}
- Paul:Proper noun:the Apostle
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|保羅|tr=Pó-lô}}, {{t|nan-hbl|保祿|tr=Pó-lo̍k}} {{q|Catholic}}
- Paul:Proper noun:the Apostle
- *: Manichean: {{t|pal|𐫛𐫇𐫓𐫏𐫘|tr=Pawlīs}}
- Peking opera:Noun:form of Chinese theatre
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|京戲|tr=kiaⁿ-hì}}
- Penang:Proper noun:state in Malaysia
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|檳城|tr=Peng-siâⁿ, Pin-siâⁿ}}, {{t|nan-hbl|庇能|tr=Pī-néeng}}
- Pendino:Proper noun:quartiere of Naples
- * Italy: {{t|it|Pendino|m}}
- Penghu:Proper noun:island group in the Taiwan Strait
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|澎湖|tr=Phêⁿ-ô͘}}
- Pentateuch:Proper noun:first five books of the Bible
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|摩西五經|tr=Mô͘-se Gō͘ Keng}}
- People's Republic of China:Proper noun:official name of China
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|中華人民共和國|tr=Dṳ̆ng-huà Ìng-mìng Gê̤ṳng-huò-guók}}
- People's Republic of China:Proper noun:official name of China
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|中華人民共和國|tr=Tiong-hôa Jîn-bîn Kiōng-hô-kok, Tiong-hôa Lîn-bîn Kiōng-hô-kok}}
- People's Republic of China:Proper noun:official name of China
- *: Northern Min: {{t|mnp|中華人民共和國|tr=Dô̤ng-uǎ Nêng-měng Gō̤ng-uǎ-gŏ}}
- People's Republic of China:Proper noun:official name of China
- *: Pontic: {{t|pnt|Λαϊκόν η Δημοκρατίαν τη Κίνας}}
- People's Republic of China:Proper noun:official name of China
- *: Hebrew script: {{t|lad|רפובליקא פופולאר דא קינא}}
- Peqin:Proper noun:town in Albania
- *: Ottoman: {{t|ota|پكلین|tr=peklin}}
- Perioikoi:Noun:ancient inhabitant of Laconia
- *: ALUPEC: {{t|kea|perieku}}
- Perioikoi:Noun:ancient inhabitant of Laconia
- *: Badiu: {{t|kea|perieku}}
- Persia:Proper noun:region of ancient Iran
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|波斯|tr=Pho-su}}
- Persia:Proper noun:region of ancient Iran
- * Kurmanji: {{t+|kmr|Faris}}
- Persia:Proper noun:region of ancient Iran
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|پَارْس}}, {{t|fa-cls|فَارْس}}, {{t|fa-cls|پَارْسَه}}
- Persia:Proper noun:region of ancient Iran
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|پارْس}}, {{t|fa-ira|فارْس}}, {{t|fa-ira|پارْسِه|f}}
- Persia:Proper noun:region of ancient Iran
- *: Old Persian: {{t|peo|𐎱𐎠𐎼𐎿|ts=pārsa}}
- Persian:Noun:Persian language
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|فارْسی}}, {{t|fa-ira|پارْسی}}, {{t|fa-ira|[[زَبانِ]] [[فارْسی]]}}, {{t|fa-ira|[[زَبانِ]] [[پارْسی]]}}
- Persian:Noun:person from Persia
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|فارْس}}, {{t|fa-ira|پارْس}}
- Persian Gulf:Proper noun:gulf between Iran and the Arabian peninsula
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|خَلیجِ فارْس}}, {{t|fa-ira|شاخابِ پارْس}}, {{t|fa-ira|دَرْیایِ پارْس}}
- Perth:Proper noun:city in Western Australia
- * Nyungar: {{t|nys|Boorloo}}
- Peru:Proper noun:country in South America
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|پیرُو}}
- Peru:Proper noun:country in South America
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|پِرو}}
- Perun:Proper noun:Slavic god of thunder
- * Serbian: {{t|sh|Перун|m-s}}
- Peruvian slaty antshrike:Noun:bird
- *: {{qualifier|Brazil}}: [[choca-da-mata]]
- Pervez:Proper noun:
- * Farsi: {{t+|fa|پرویز}}
- Peshawar:Proper noun:capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|پیشَاوَر}}
- Peshawar:Proper noun:capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|پیشاور|tr=pišâvar}}
- Peter:Proper noun:male given name
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|彼得|tr=Bī-dáik}}
- Peter:Proper noun:the Apostle
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|彼得|tr=Bī-dáik}}, {{t|cdo|伯多祿|tr=Báe̤k-dŏ̤-lṳ̆k}} {{qualifier|Catholic}}, {{t|cdo|伯鐸|tr=Báe̤k-dŏk}} {{qualifier|Catholic}}
- Peter:Proper noun:the Apostle
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|彼得|tr=Pí-tek}}, {{t|nan-hbl|伯多祿|tr=Pek-to-lo̍k}} {{qualifier|Catholic}}
- Peter:Proper noun:one of the epistles of Peter
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|彼得|tr=Bī-dáik}}
- Pe̍h-ōe-jī:Noun:a Latin alphabet-based orthography for Hokkien
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|白話字|tr=băh-uâ-cê}}
- Pe̍h-ōe-jī:Noun:a Latin alphabet-based orthography for Hokkien
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|白話字|tr=pe̍h-ōe-jī, pe̍h-ōe-lī}}, {{t|nan-hbl|教會羅馬字|tr=kàu-hōe lô-má-jī, kàu-hōe lô-má-lī}}, {{t|nan-hbl|教羅|tr=kàu-lô}}
- Phaistos:Proper noun:ancient Minoan city in southern Crete
- *: Mycenaean Greek: {{t|gmy|𐀞𐀂𐀵}}
- Pha̍k-fa-sṳ:Noun:a Latin alphabet-based orthography for Hakka
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|白話字|tr=pe̍h-ōe-jī}}
- Philemon:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|腓利門書|tr=Pì-lé-muòng Cṳ̆}}
- Philemon:Proper noun:male given name
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|腓利門|tr=Pì-lé-muòng}}
- Philip:Proper noun:male given name
- *: Arbereshe Albanian: {{t|aae|Filípi|m}}, {{t|aae|Fëlípi|m}}
- Philip:Proper noun:male given name
- *: Arvanitic Albanian: {{t|aat|Φιλίπι|m}}, {{t|aat|Φίλι|m}}
- Philippians:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|腓力比書|tr=Pì-lĭk-bī Cṳ̆}}
- Philippines:Proper noun:Republic of the Philippines
- *: Abjad: {{t|az|فیلیپین|tr=filippin}}
- Philippines:Proper noun:Republic of the Philippines
- *: Roman: {{t+|az|Filippin}}
- Philippines:Proper noun:Republic of the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|菲律賓|tr=Hui-li̍p-pin}}
- Philippines:Proper noun:Republic of the Philippines
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|فِیلِیپِین}}, {{t|prs|فِلْپَایْن}}
- Philippines:Proper noun:Republic of the Philippines
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|فیلیپین}}
- Philistia:Proper noun:ancient pentapolis in the Levant
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|非利士|tr=Hui-lī-sū}}
- Philistine:Noun:non-Semitic person from ancient Philistia
- ** {{qualifier|used by Protestants and the Common Translation Bible (1977)}} {{t|ko|블레셋인}}, {{t|ko|블레셋 사람}}<ref></ref>
- Philistine:Noun:non-Semitic person from ancient Philistia
- ** {{qualifier|predominantly used in the Roman Catholic Church}} {{t|ko|필리스티나인}}, {{t|ko|필리스티나 사람}}, {{t|ko|필리스틴 사람}} {{qualifier|phonetic loan}}<ref></ref>
- Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya:Proper noun:a province of Thailand or its capital district
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|آیوتایا|tr=âyutâyâ}}
- Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya:Proper noun:a province of Thailand or its capital district
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|شهر ناو|tr=šahr-i nāw}}
- Phrygian cap:Noun:soft, close-fitting conical cap with the top bent forward
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|فرائیگین ٹوپی|f|tr=farīʾigiya ṭopī}}
- Picea mariana:Proper noun:evergreen tree
- * East Cree:
- Picea mariana:Proper noun:evergreen tree
- *: Northern East Cree: {{t|crl|ᐄᔮᐦᑎᒄ}}
- Picea mariana:Proper noun:evergreen tree
- *: Southern East Cree: {{t|crj|ᐄᓈᐦᑎᒄ}}
- Pict:Noun:member of an ancient people of northern and central Scotland
- *: Middle Welsh: {{t|wlm|*Brithwr}}
- Pingxi:Proper noun:district of New Taipei, Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|平溪|tr=Pêng-khe}}
- Pinotepa Nacional:Proper noun:city
- *: Chayuco: {{t|mih|Ñiyoco}}
- Pinotepa Nacional:Proper noun:city
- *: San Juan Colorado: {{t|mjc|Ñoco}}
- Pinotepa Nacional:Proper noun:city
- *: San Miguel el Grande: {{t|mig|ñuū yōcó}}
- Pinotepa Nacional:Proper noun:city
- *: Yosondúa: {{t|mpm|Ñuu Yoko}}
- Pinotepa Nacional:Proper noun:city
- * Triqui:
- Pinotepa Nacional:Proper noun:city
- *: Copala: {{t|trc|Chaꞌngaa̱}}
- Pitcairn Islands:Proper noun:British territory
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|Pitcairn Kûn-tó}}
- Plains Cree:Proper noun:
- *: Plains Cree: {{t|crk|nêhiyawêwin}}
- Planalto slaty antshrike:Noun:bird
- *: {{qualifier|Brazil}}: {{t|pt|choca-do-planalto}}
- Pleiades:Proper noun:astronomy
- * K'iche: {{t|quc|Motz}}
- Pleiades:Proper noun:astronomy
- * Soussian: {{t|shi|Idaṣṭṭ}}
- Pluto:Proper noun:Kuiper belt object - a dwarf planet
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|冥王星|tr=Bêng-ông-chheⁿ, Bêng-ông-chhiⁿ}}
- Plymouth:Proper noun:a city in Devon, England
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|پلیموتھ}}
- Poitou:Proper noun:historical region in France
- *: Old Catalan: {{t|roa-oca|Piteu|m}}, {{t|roa-oca|Peiteu|m}}
- Poland:Proper noun:European country
- *: Roman: {{t|be|Polšča|f}} {{qualifier|łacinka}}
- Poland:Proper noun:European country
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|波蘭}}
- Poland:Proper noun:European country
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|波蘭|tr=Pho-lân}}
- Poland:Proper noun:European country
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|لَهِسْتَان}}, {{t|prs|پولَنْد}}
- Poland:Proper noun:European country
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|لَهِسْتان}}, {{t|fa-ira|لِهِسْتان}}
- Poland:Proper noun:European country
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|Polônia|f}}
- Poland:Proper noun:European country
- *: European: {{t+|pt|Polónia|f}}
- Poseidon:Proper noun:the god of the sea
- *: Mycenaean Greek: {{t|gmy|𐀡𐀮𐀂𐀈𐀙}}
- Prague:Proper noun:capital of the Czech Republic
- *: Hebrew script: {{t|lad|פראגא|f}}
- Prakrit:Proper noun:any of Middle Indo-Aryan languages, derived from dialects of Old Indo-Aryan languages
- * Magadhi Prakrit: {{t|pra-mag|𑀧𑁆𑀭𑀸𑀓𑀾𑀢}}
- Prakrit:Proper noun:any of Middle Indo-Aryan languages, derived from dialects of Old Indo-Aryan languages
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|پراکرت|tr=prākrit}}
- Preeti:Proper noun:given name
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|پریتی|tr=prītī}}
- Prince of Peace:Proper noun:one of the titles of the Messiah
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|和平的人君|tr=Hô-pêng ê Jîn-kun}}, {{t|nan-hbl|和平的君王|tr=Hô-pêng ê Kun-ông}}
- Principality of Liechtenstein:Proper noun:official name of Liechtenstein
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|列支敦士登公國|tr=Lia̍t-chi-tun-sū-teng Kong-kok/Lia̍t-ki-tun-sǐr-teng Kong-kok}}
- Principality of Monaco:Proper noun:official name of Monaco
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|Principado de Mônaco|m}}
- Principality of Monaco:Proper noun:official name of Monaco
- *: European: {{t|pt|Principado do Mónaco|m}}
- Produnova:Noun:Gymnastics vault
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|produnova}}, {{t|pt|salto produnova}}
- Produnova:Noun:Gymnastics vault
- *: Iberian: {{t|pt|Produnova}}, {{t|pt|salto Produnova}}
- Prometheus:Proper noun:Greek mythological figure
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|پرومیتھیس}}
- Protestantism:Noun:faith
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|新教|tr=Sin-kàu}}, {{t|nan-hbl|更正教|tr=Keng-chèng-kàu}}, {{t|nan-hbl|抗議教|tr=Khòng-gī-kàu}}, {{t|nan-hbl|基督新教|tr=Ki-tok Sin-kàu}}
- Provence:Proper noun:region in France
- * Old Portuguese: {{t|roa-opt|Proença}}
- Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur:Proper noun:region of France
- *: Provençal: {{t|oc|Prouvènço-Aup-Costo d'Azur|f}}
- Proverbs:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|箴言|tr=Cĭng-ngiòng}}
- Proverbs:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|箴言|tr=Chim-giân}}
- Prussia:Proper noun:geographical area
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|پِروس}}, {{t|fa-ira|پِروسِیا}}
- Psalms:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|詩篇|tr=Sĭ-piĕng}}
- Psalms:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|詩篇|tr=Si-phian}}
- Ptolemaida:Proper noun:a city in Greece
- *: Katharevousa: {{t+|el|Πτολεμαΐς|f}}
- Ptolemy:Proper noun:name of Greek origin
- *: Abjad: {{t|az|بطلمیوس|tr=batlamious}}
- Ptolemy:Proper noun:name of Greek origin
- *: Roman: {{t|az|Bətləmius}}, {{t|az|Ptolemey}} {{qualifier|from Russian}}
- Puadh:Proper noun:region in India
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|پوادھ|tr=puādha}}
- Puadhi:Proper noun:Punjabi dialect
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|پوادھی|tr=puādhī}}
- Puebla:Proper noun:city
- *: Alcozauca: {{t|xta|I̱ta Ndioꞌo}}
- Puebla:Proper noun:city
- *: Magdalena Peñasco: {{t|xtm|Yute Nchoꞌo}}
- Puebla:Proper noun:city
- *: San Juan Colorado: {{t|mjc|Yutya Nyoho}}
- Puebla:Proper noun:city
- *: San Miguel el Grande: {{t|mig|yūcha nchoho}}
- Puebla:Proper noun:city
- *: Tezoatlán: {{t|mxb|Yu̱rndiꞌo}}
- Puebla:Proper noun:city
- * Otomi:
- Puebla:Proper noun:city
- *: Mezquital: {{t|ote|Ndeꞌmä}}
- Puebla City:Proper noun:capital of Puebla state
- * Otomi:
- Puebla City:Proper noun:capital of Puebla state
- *: Mezquital : {{t|ote|Ndeꞌmä}}
- Puerto Galera:Proper noun:municipality of the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|加萊拉港}}
- Punggol:Proper noun:town in Singapore
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|榜鵝|tr=Póng-gô}}
- Punjabi:Adjective:of, pertaining to, descended from the people or culture of the Punjab, or written in the Punjabi language
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|پَنْجَابِی}}
- Punjabi:Adjective:of, pertaining to, descended from the people or culture of the Punjab, or written in the Punjabi language
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|پَنْجابی}}
- Punjabi:Noun:language spoken in the Punjab region, in eastern Pakistan and Northern India
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|پَنْجَابِی}}
- Punjabi:Noun:language spoken in the Punjab region, in eastern Pakistan and Northern India
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|پَنْجابی}}
- Purgi:Proper noun:Sino-Tibetan language of Pakistan
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|پُرگی}}
- Putian:Proper noun:prefecture-level city in Fujian
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|莆田|tr=Buò-dièng}}
- Putian:Proper noun:prefecture-level city in Fujian
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|莆田|tr=Phô͘-chhân}}
- Putla:Proper noun:town
- *: Magdalena Peñasco: {{t|xtb|Ñukaa}}, {{t|xtb|Ñuu Kaa}}
- Putla:Proper noun:town
- *: Yosondúa: {{t|mpm|Ñuu Kaa}}
- Pyongyang:Proper noun:capital of North Korea
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|平壤}}
- Pyongyang:Proper noun:capital of North Korea
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|平壤|tr=Pêng-lióng, Pêng-jiáng}}
- Qatar:Proper noun:a country in the Middle East
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|قَطَر}}
- Qatar:Proper noun:a country in the Middle East
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|قَطَر}}
- Qin:Proper noun:Ancient Chinese state
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|秦|tr=Chîn}}, {{t|nan-hbl|秦國|tr=Chîn-kok}}
- Qin:Proper noun:Ancient Chinese dynasty
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|秦|tr=Chîn}}, {{t|nan-hbl|秦朝|tr=Chîn-tiâu}}
- Qing dynasty:Proper noun:last dynasty of China
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|清朝|tr=chheng-tiâu}}
- Quanzhou:Proper noun:a city of China
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|泉州|tr=Choân-chiu}}
- Quanzhou:Proper noun:a county of Guangxi, China
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|全州|tr=Choân-chiu}}
- Quart:Proper noun:comune of Aosta Valley, Italy
- * Walser German: {{t-check|wae|Koart}} {{q|{{w|Issime}}}}
- Quart:Proper noun:municipality of Gironès, Girona, Catalonia, Spain
- * Farsi: {{t-check|fa|کوارات}}
- Quechua:Proper noun:language
- *: Ecuadorian Kichwa: {{t|qu|runa shimi}}, {{t|qu|kichwa shimi}}
- Quechua:Proper noun:language
- *: Southern Quechua: {{t+|qu|runa simi}}, {{t|qu|qhichwa simi}}
- Quezon City:Proper noun:city in Metro Manila, Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|計順|tr=Kè-sūn}}
- Quiapo:Proper noun:district of Manila, Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|奎阿坡|tr=Khe-a-pho}}, {{t|nan-hbl|溪仔婆|tr=Khe-á-pô}} {{q|Philippine Hokkien}}
- Qur'an:Proper noun:the Islamic holy book
- *: Byzantine Greek: {{t|gkm|Κουῥάν|m}}
- Qur'an:Proper noun:the Islamic holy book
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|قُرْآن}}
- Qur'an:Proper noun:the Islamic holy book
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|قُرْآن}}
- Qur'an:Proper noun:the Islamic holy book
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|قُرْآن}}
- Qur'an:Proper noun:the Islamic holy book
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|قرآن}}
- Rafah:Proper noun:governorate in the Gaza Strip, Palestine
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|رَفَح}}
- Rafah:Proper noun:city in the Gaza Strip, Palestine
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|رَفَح}}
- Rajab:Proper noun:month
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|رجب}}
- Rakhine:Noun:
- *: Classical Persian: {{t+|fa-cls|مگ|tr=mag}}
- Rama:Proper noun:avatar of Lakshmi
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|رام|tr=rām}}
- Randstad:Proper noun:a conurbation in the Netherlands
- *: Hague dialect: {{t|nl|Ranstad|f}}
- Rati:Proper noun:Hindu goddess of love
- * Oriya: {{t+|or|ରତି}}
- Red Army:Proper noun:name of the Soviet army
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اَرْتِشِ سُرْخ}}
- Red Sea:Proper noun:sea between Africa and Arabia
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|紅海|tr=È̤ng-hāi}}
- Red Sea:Proper noun:sea between Africa and Arabia
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|紅海|tr=Âng-hái}}
- Red Square:Proper noun:Moscow square
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مِیْدانِ سُرْخ}}
- Reggio Calabria:Proper noun:province
- *: Italiot Greek: {{t|grk-ita|Ρήγι}}, {{t|grk-ita|Rìghi}}
- Reggio Calabria:Proper noun:capital
- *: Italiot Greek: {{t|grk-ita|Ρήγι}}, {{t|grk-ita|Rìghi}}
- Rehoboam:Proper noun:Judean king
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|رحبعام|m}}
- Rekhta:Proper noun:a style of Urdu, Hindavi, or sometimes Braj or Punjabi used in poetry
- *: Classical Persian: {{t+|fa-cls|ریخْتَه}}
- Rekhta:Proper noun:a style of Urdu, Hindavi, or sometimes Braj or Punjabi used in poetry
- *: Dari: {{t+|prs|ریخْتَه}}
- Rekhta:Proper noun:a style of Urdu, Hindavi, or sometimes Braj or Punjabi used in poetry
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|ریخْتِه}}
- Rekhta:Proper noun:(historical, obsolete) the Hindustani language
- *: Classical Persian: {{t+|fa-cls|ریخْتَه}}
- Rekhta:Proper noun:(historical, obsolete) the Hindustani language
- *: Dari: {{t+|prs|ریخْتَه}}
- Rekhta:Proper noun:(historical, obsolete) the Hindustani language
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|ریخْتِه}}
- Republic of Armenia:Proper noun:official name of Armenia
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|República da Armênia|f}}
- Republic of Armenia:Proper noun:official name of Armenia
- *: European: {{t|pt|República da Arménia|f}}
- Republic of Estonia:Proper noun:official name of Estonia
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|República da Estônia|f}}
- Republic of Estonia:Proper noun:official name of Estonia
- *: European: {{t|pt|República da Estónia|f}}
- Republic of Iraq:Proper noun:official name of Iraq
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|伊拉克共和國|tr=I-lá-khek Kiōng-hô-kok}}
- Republic of Ireland:Proper noun:country
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|愛耳蘭共和國|tr=Ài-ní-lân Kiōng-hô-kok}}
- Republic of Ireland:Proper noun:country
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|لوکراج آئرلینڈ}}
- Republic of Kazakhstan:Proper noun:sovereign state
- *: Cyrillic: {{t|kk|Қазақстан Республикасы|sc=Cyrl}}
- Republic of Kazakhstan:Proper noun:sovereign state
- *: Cyrillic: {{t|ky|Казакстан Республикасы}}
- Republic of Kazakhstan:Proper noun:sovereign state
- *: Mongolian script: {{t|mn|ᠪᠦᠭᠦᠳᠡ ᠨᠠᠶᠢᠷᠠᠮᠳᠠᠬᠤ ᠺᠠᠽᠠᠬᠰᠲ᠋ᠠᠨ ᠤᠯᠤᠰ}}
- Republic of Kazakhstan:Proper noun:sovereign state
- *: Arabic: {{t|ug|قازاقىستان جۇمھۇرىيىتى}}
- Republic of Kazakhstan:Proper noun:sovereign state
- *: Latin: {{t|uz|Qozogʻiston Respublikasi}}
- Republic of Kiribati:Proper noun:formal and full name of Kiribati
- * Kiribati: {{t|gil|Ribaberiki Kiribati}}
- Republic of Korea:Proper noun:country
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|大韓民國|tr=Tāi-hân Bîn-kok}}
- Republic of Korea:Proper noun:country
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|جُمْهوریِ کُرِه}}
- Republic of Latvia:Proper noun:Official name of Latvia
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|República da Letônia|f}}
- Republic of Latvia:Proper noun:Official name of Latvia
- *: European: {{t|pt|República da Letónia|f}}
- Republic of North Macedonia:Proper noun:Republic of North Macedonia
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|República da Macedônia do Norte|f}}
- Republic of North Macedonia:Proper noun:Republic of North Macedonia
- *: European: {{t+|pt|República da Macedónia do Norte|f}}
- Republic of Poland:Proper noun:official name of Poland
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|República da Polônia|f}}
- Republic of Poland:Proper noun:official name of Poland
- *: European: {{t|pt|República da Polónia|f}}
- Republic of Slovenia:Proper noun:official name of Slovenia
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|República da Eslovênia|f}}
- Republic of Slovenia:Proper noun:official name of Slovenia
- *: European: {{t|pt|República da Eslovénia|f}}
- Republic of the Marshall Islands:Proper noun:official name
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|馬紹爾群島共和國|tr=Má-siāu-ní Kûn-tó Kiōng-hô-kok, Má-siāu-ní Kûn-tó͘ Kiōng-hô͘-kok, Má-siāu-jíⁿ Kûn-tó Kiōng-hô-kok}}
- Republic of the Philippines:Proper noun:country in Southeast Asia
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|Huili̍ppin kiōnghôkok}}
- Resurrection:Proper noun:resurrection of Jesus
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|閣活|tr=koh-oa̍h}}
- Reynard:Proper noun:name in European folklore for the red fox
- *: Old Dutch: {{t|odt|de vos Reynaerde|m}}, {{t|odt|Reynaert|m}}
- Rhine:Proper noun:river that flows through Europe
- * Alsatian: {{t|gsw|Rhy}} (Mulhouse), {{t|gsw|Rhin}} (North)
- Rhineland:Proper noun:land on both sides of the river Rhine
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|رائین لینڈ|m|tr=rāīn lēṇḍ}}
- Rigolet:Proper noun:town in Newfoundland
- *: Eastern Canadian: {{t|ike|Tikigâksuagusik}}
- Rimac:Proper noun:surname
- * Croatian: {{t|sh|Rimac}}
- Rimac:Proper noun:surname
- * Serbian: {{t|sh|Римац}}
- Rinconada:Proper noun:
- * Otomi:
- Rinconada:Proper noun:
- *: Mezquital: {{t|ote|Mitho̱}}
- Romania:Proper noun:South-Eastern European country
- *: Old Albanian: {{t|sq|Gogëni|f}} {{q|Gheg}}, {{t|sq|Gogëri|f}} {{q|Tosk}}
- Romania:Proper noun:South-Eastern European country
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|羅馬尼亞|tr=Lô-má-nî-a}}
- Romania:Proper noun:South-Eastern European country
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|رومَانِیَا}}
- Romania:Proper noun:South-Eastern European country
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|رومانی|tr=rumâni}}
- Romania:Proper noun:South-Eastern European country
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|Romênia|f}}
- Romania:Proper noun:South-Eastern European country
- *: European: {{t+|pt|Roménia|f}}
- Romanian:Adjective:of or relating to Romania, its people, or language
- *: Old Albanian: {{t|sq|gogë}}, {{t|sq|gogeshë}}
- Romans:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|羅馬書|tr=Lò̤-mā Cṳ̆}}
- Romans:Proper noun:30th sura of the Qur'an
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|羅馬書|tr=Lò̤-mā Cṳ̆}}
- Rome:Proper noun:city, capital of Italy
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|羅馬|tr=Lò̤-mā}}
- Rome:Proper noun:city, capital of Italy
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|羅馬|tr=Lô-má}}
- Rome:Proper noun:city, capital of Italy
- * Old Portuguese: {{tt|roa-opt|Roma}}
- Romulus:Proper noun:legendary founder of Rome
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|Rômulo|m}}
- Romulus:Proper noun:legendary founder of Rome
- *: European: {{t+|pt|Rómulo|m}}
- Rudra:Proper noun:deity
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|樓陀羅}}
- Ruisui:Proper noun:rural township in eastern Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|瑞穗|tr=Sūi-sūi, Sūi-hūi}}, {{t|nan-hbl|水尾|tr=Chúi-bóe, Chúi-bé}}
- Russia:Proper noun:country in Eastern Europe and North Asia
- *: Roman: {{tt|be|Rasieja|m}} {{qualifier|łacinka}}, {{t|sh|Ruska|f}} {{qualifier|obsolete}}, {{t|sh|Ruska|f}} {{qualifier|obsolete}}
- Russia:Proper noun:country in Eastern Europe and North Asia
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|俄羅斯|tr=Ngò̤-lò̤-sṳ̆}}
- Russia:Proper noun:country in Eastern Europe and North Asia
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|露西亞|tr=Lō͘-se-a}}, {{tt+|nan-hbl|俄羅斯|tr=Gô-lô-su}}, {{tt|nan-hbl|俄國|tr=Ngô͘-kok}}
- Russia:Proper noun:country in Eastern Europe and North Asia
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|رُوسِیَه}}
- Russia:Proper noun:country in Eastern Europe and North Asia
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|روسِیِه}}
- Russian:Adjective:of or pertaining to Russia
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|روسی}}
- Russian:Verb:ethnic Russian
- *: South Azerbaijani: {{tt|az|روس|tr=urus}}
- Russian:Verb:ethnic Russian
- * Khanty:
- Russian:Verb:ethnic Russian
- *: Northern Khanty: {{tt|kca-nor|рўщ}} {{q|Kazym}}
- Russian:Verb:ethnic Russian
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|روس}}, {{tt+|fa-ira|روسی}}
- Russian:Verb:person from Russia
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|روس}}, {{tt+|fa-ira|روسی}}
- Russian:Verb:Russian (language)
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|روسی}}, {{tt|fa-ira|[[زَبانِ]] [[روسی]]}}
- Russian Empire:Proper noun:state
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|روسی سلطنت}}
- Russian Federation:Proper noun:alternative formal name of Russia
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|فِدِراسْیونِ روسِیِه|tr=federâsyon-e rusiye}}
- Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic:Proper noun:official name for modern day Russia before the collapse of the Soviet Union
- *: Cyrillic: {{t|crh|Русие Шуралар Федератив Социалистик Джумхуриети|sc=Cyrl}}
- Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic:Proper noun:official name for modern day Russia before the collapse of the Soviet Union
- *: Roman: {{t|crh|Rusiye Şuralar Federativ Sotsialistik Cumhuriyeti|sc=Latn}}
- Ruth:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|路得記|tr=Lô-dáik-gé}}
- Ruth:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|路得|tr=Lō͘-tek}}, {{t|nan-hbl|路得記|tr=Lō͘-tek-kì}}, {{t|nan-hbl|盧德傳|tr=Lô͘-tek-toān}} {{qualifier|Catholic}}
- Réunion:Proper noun:Overseas department of France
- * Reunionese Creole French: {{t|rcf|La Rénion|f}}, {{t|rcf|La Rényon|f}}, {{qualifier|colloquial}} {{t|rcf|Rénion|f}}, {{t|rcf|Rényon|f}}
- Rødovre:Proper noun:town in Denmark
- * Croatian: {{t|sh|Rødovre}}
- Rødovre:Proper noun:town in Denmark
- * Northern Frisian: {{t|frr|Rødovre}}
- Rødovre:Proper noun:town in Denmark
- * Western Frisian: {{t|fy|Rødovre}}
- SMS:Noun:a text message sent on a cell phone
- *: Morocco: {{t|ary|ميساج|tr=mīsāž|sc=Arab}}
- SSR:Noun:abbreviation of Soviet Socialist Republic
- *: Latin: {{t|kk|KSR}}
- Saint Andrew's Day:Proper noun:
- *: San Juan Colorado: {{t|mjc|vico Nandree}}
- Saint Petersburg:Proper noun:city in Russia
- *: Abjad: {{t|az|فتيلبورك|tr=fitîlbörk}}, {{t|az|پطرسبورغ|tr=petresbūrgh}}, {{t|az|پترهبورق|tr=petrébūrq}}
- Saint Petersburg:Proper noun:city in Russia
- *: Roman: {{t|az|Sankt-Peterburq}}, {{t|az|Fitilbörk}}
- Saint Valentine's Day:Proper noun:Saint Valentine's Day
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|情人節|tr=Chêng-jîn-chiat, Chêng-lîn-chiat}}
- Saint-Pierre:Proper noun:commune in Martinique
- *: Martinican Creole: {{t|gcf|Senpiè|m}}
- Saint-Pierre:Proper noun:commune in Réunion
- * Reunionese Creole French: {{t|rcf|Sin-Pyè}}
- Sakha Republic:Proper noun:republic and federal subject of Russia
- * Azeri: {{t|az|Saxa Respublikası}}
- Salisbury:Proper noun:city in England
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|سالسبری|sc=pa-Arab}}
- Salon-de-Provence:Proper noun:city
- *: Provençal: {{t|oc|Seloun de Provènço|m}}
- Salween:Proper noun:river
- * Pwo Karen: {{t|kjp|ကၟံင့်ယှောတ်ခၠေါဟ်}}
- Salween:Proper noun:river
- * Sgaw Karen: {{t|ksw|ဃိၣ်လီၤကျိ}}
- Samarkand:Proper noun:city in Uzbekistan
- *: Roman: {{t+|az|Səmərqənd}}
- Samogitia:Proper noun:Samogitia
- *: Aukštaitian: {{t+|lt|Žemaitija|f}}
- Samogitia:Proper noun:Samogitia
- *: Samogitian: {{t|sgs|Žemaitėjė|f}}
- Samosata:Proper noun:city in Commagene
- *: [[Badiu]]: {{qualifier|older spelling}} {{t|kea|Samosata}}, {{t|kea|Samózata}}
- Samosata:Proper noun:city in Commagene
- *: ALUPEC: {{t|kea|Samózata}}
- Sampaloc:Proper noun:district of Manila
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|三巴洛|tr=Sam-pa-lo̍k}}, {{t|nan-hbl|三巴樂|tr=Sam-pa-lo̍k}}
- Samsung:Proper noun:South Korean conglomerate company
- *: Hokkien: {{t-check|nan-hbl|三星|tr=saⁿ-chheⁿ / saⁿ-chhiⁿ}}
- Samuel:Proper noun:male given name
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|撒母耳|tr=Sák-mū-ngī}}
- Samuel:Proper noun:one of two books of the Bible
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|撒母耳記|tr=Sák-mū-ngī-gé}}
- Samuel:Proper noun:biblical person
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|撒母耳|tr=Sák-mū-ngī}}
- San Andrés Chicahuaxtla:Proper noun:
- *: Magdalena Peñasco: {{t|xtm|Tnu Tnunu}}, {{t|xtm|Ñuu Tnunu}}
- San Andrés Chicahuaxtla:Proper noun:
- *: San Miguel el Grande: {{t|mig|ñuū tūnú}}
- San Andrés Chicahuaxtla:Proper noun:
- * Triqui:
- San Andrés Chicahuaxtla:Proper noun:
- *: Chicahuaxtla: {{t|trs|Xumanꞌ⁴an}}
- San Andrés Chicahuaxtla:Proper noun:
- *: Copala: {{t|trc|Chumanꞌ Caꞌa̱a̱n}}, {{t|trc|Chumanꞌ Noco̱o}}, {{t|trc|Rnuu}}
- San Jose:Proper noun:a city in California, USA
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|سا ن جوز}}
- San Jose del Monte:Proper noun:city in the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|聖荷西德孟特|tr=Sèng Hô-se tek Bēng-te̍k}}
- San Juan Colorado:Proper noun:town
- *: San Juan Colorado: {{t|mjc|Yoho Cuaaha}}
- San Marino:Proper noun:Republic of San Marino
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|سَن مارینو|tr=san mârino}}, {{t|fa-ira|سانمارینو|tr=sân-mârino}}
- San Martín Itunyoso:Proper noun:town
- * Triqui:
- San Martín Itunyoso:Proper noun:town
- *: Chicahuaxtla: {{t|trs|San Martí²}}
- San Martín Itunyoso:Proper noun:town
- *: San Martín Itunyoso: {{t|trq|chunh}}
- San Pedro y San Pablo Teposcolula:Proper noun:town
- *: San Miguel el Grande: {{t|mig|yucu ndáá}}
- San Pedro y San Pablo Teposcolula:Proper noun:town
- *: Teposcolula: {{t|omq-tel|Yucundaa}}
- San Pedro y San Pablo Teposcolula:Proper noun:town
- *: Tezoatlán: {{t|mxb|Yukú Ndáá}}
- San Pedro y San Pablo Teposcolula:Proper noun:town
- *: Yosondúa: {{t|mpm|Yuku Daa}}
- San Pedro y San Pablo Teposcolula:Proper noun:town
- * Triqui:
- San Pedro y San Pablo Teposcolula:Proper noun:town
- *: Chicahuaxtla: {{t|trs|Güeꞌnga⁴³}}
- San Pedro y San Pablo Teposcolula:Proper noun:town
- *: Copala: {{t|trc|Veꞌnga̱a̱}}, {{t|trc|Miꞌnga̱a̱}}
- Sanhedrin:Noun:the assembly of seventy-one judges sitting in Jerusalem
- * Spanisglh: {{t+|es|sanedrín|m}}
- Sanskrit:Noun:language
- * Afan Oromo: {{t|om|Saaniskiriit}}
- Sanskrit:Noun:language
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|梵語|tr=Hôan-gí, Hôan-gú}}
- Sanskrit:Noun:language
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|سنسکرت|tr=snskrt}}
- Santa Claus:Proper noun:fictional figure
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|聖誕老人|tr=Sèng-tàn-lāu-lâng}}
- Santa Claus:Proper noun:fictional figure
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|بابا نوئِل|tr=bâbâ no'el}}, {{t|fa-ira|بابانوئِل|tr=bâbâno'el}}
- Santo Tomás Ocotepec:Proper noun:town
- *: Ocotepec: {{t-needed|mie}}
- Santo Tomás Ocotepec:Proper noun:town
- * Triqui:
- Santo Tomás Ocotepec:Proper noun:town
- *: Chicahuaxtla: {{t|trs|Duchi³}}
- Sanyi:Proper noun:rural township
- *: Hokkien: {{t-needed|nan-hbl}}
- Sanzhi:Proper noun:district in northern Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|三芝|tr=Sam-chi}}
- Sarah:Proper noun:the wife of Abraham
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|سارہ|f|tr=sāra}}
- Sarah:Proper noun:given name from Hebrew
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|سارہ|tr=sāra}}
- Sarcee:Proper noun:language
- * Sarcee: {{t|srs|Tsúùt’ínà}}
- Sarikoli:Proper noun:language
- * Bartangi: {{t|sgh-bar|Сариқоли зив}}
- Satan:Proper noun:the Devil
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|撒但|tr=Sat-tàn}}, {{t|nan-hbl|撒旦|tr=Sat-tàn}}, {{t|nan-hbl|Sa-tán}}
- Satan:Proper noun:the Devil
- * Old Portuguese: {{t|roa-opt|demo}}, {{t|roa-opt|satanas}}, {{t|roa-opt|Locifer}}
- Satan:Proper noun:the Devil
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|شَیْطَان}}, {{t|fa-cls|اِبْلِیس}}
- Satan:Proper noun:the Devil
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|شِیْطان}}, {{t|fa-ira|اِبْلیس}}
- Saterland:Proper noun:German municipality
- *: East Frisian: {{t+|nds|Sóóterland}}
- Sati:Noun:mindfulness
- * Oriya: {{t+|or|ସତୀ}}
- Saturday:Noun:day of the week
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|禮拜六|tr=lé-pài-lio̍k}}, {{t|nan-hbl|拜六|tr=pài-lio̍k}}
- Saturday:Noun:day of the week
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|sanmdi}}, {{t|lou|sammdi}}
- Saturday:Noun:day of the week
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|شَنْبِه}}
- Saturn:Proper noun:planet
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|土星|tr=Thó͘-chheⁿ, Thó͘-chhiⁿ}}
- Satyabhama:Proper noun:wife of Krishna
- * Oriya: {{t+|or|ସତ୍ୟଭାମା}}
- Saudi Arabia:Proper noun:country in the Middle East
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|عَرَبِسْتَانِ سَعُودِی}}, {{t|prs|عَرَبِسْتَان}}
- Saudi Arabia:Proper noun:country in the Middle East
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|عَرَبِسْتانِ سَعودی|tr='arabestân-e sa'udi}}, {{t|fa-ira|عَرَبِسْتان|tr='arabestân}}
- Saul:Proper noun:first king of Israel
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|掃羅|tr=Sò-lô, Sàu-lô}}
- Saul:Proper noun:Hebrew name of Paul
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|掃羅|tr=Sò-lô, Sàu-lô}}
- Saulteaux:Proper noun:nation
- *: Plains Cree: {{t|crj|nahkawiyiniw}}
- Saulteaux:Proper noun:nation
- *: Manitoba Saulteux: {{t|ojw|nakawē}}
- Saulteaux:Proper noun:language
- *: Manitoba Saulteux: {{t|ojw|nakawēmowin}}
- Savior:Proper noun:(Christianity) Jesus Christ
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|救世主}}
- Saïda:Proper noun:
- * Berber: [[ⵜⵉⵔⵙⵉⴼ]] ("Tirsif")
- Scheherazade:Proper noun:female given name
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|شَهْرْزَاد}}, {{t|prs|شَهْرَازَاد}}
- Scheherazade:Proper noun:female given name
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|شَهْرْزاد}}, {{t|fa-ira|شَهْرازاد}}
- Scheherazade:Proper noun:fictional storyteller
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|شَهْرْزَاد}}, {{t|prs|شَهْرَازَاد}}
- Scheherazade:Proper noun:fictional storyteller
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|شَهْرْزاد}}, {{t|fa-ira|شَهْرازاد}}
- Scots:Proper noun:Lowland Scots language
- *: Ulster Scots: {{t|sco|Scotch}}
- Scythia:Proper noun:region of Central Eurasia
- *: Old Persian: {{t|peo|𐎿𐎣|ts=Saka|sc=Xpeo}}
- Sea of Japan:Proper noun:the sea between Japan and the rest of Asia
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|日本海|tr=Nĭk-buōng-hāi}}
- Sea of Japan:Proper noun:the sea between Japan and the rest of Asia
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|日本海|tr=Ji̍t-pún-hái}}
- Sea of Japan:Proper noun:the sea between Japan and the rest of Asia
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|جپانی سمندر}}
- Sea of Okhotsk:Proper noun:sea
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|اخوتسک سمندر}}
- Seles:Proper noun:
- *: Croatian: {{t|sh|Seleš}}
- Seles:Proper noun:
- *: Serbian: {{t|sh|Ceлeш}}
- Senegal:Proper noun:Republic of Senegal
- * Pulaar:
- Senegal:Proper noun:Republic of Senegal
- *: Adlam: {{t|ff|𞤅𞤫𞤲𞤫𞤺𞤢𞥄𞤤𞤭}}
- Senegal:Proper noun:Republic of Senegal
- *: Latin: {{t|ff|Senegaali}}
- Sengkang:Proper noun:town in Singapore
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|盛港|tr=Sêng-káng}}
- Seoul:Proper noun:capital of South Korea
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|首爾|tr=Siū-ī}}, {{t|cdo|漢城|tr=Háng-siàng}}
- Seoul:Proper noun:capital of South Korea
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|首爾|tr=Siú-ní, Siú-jíⁿ}}, {{t|nan-hbl|漢城|tr=Hàn-siâⁿ}}
- September:Proper noun:ninth month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|九月|tr=káu-go̍eh, káu-ge̍h, káu-gōe}}
- September:Proper noun:ninth month of the Gregorian calendar
- * Mansi:
- September:Proper noun:ninth month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: Northern Mansi: {{t|mns-nor|сӯкыр э̄тпос}}, {{t|mns-nor|я̄ӈкпо̄льн э̄тпос}}
- September:Proper noun:ninth month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|سِپْتِمْبَر}}
- September:Proper noun:ninth month of the Gregorian calendar
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|سِپْتامْبْر}}
- Sequoiadendron:Proper noun:giant evergreen tree genus
- * Mono: {{t-needed|mnr}}
- Sequoiadendron:Proper noun:giant evergreen tree genus
- * Tubaulabal: {{t-needed|tub}}
- Serangoon:Proper noun:town in Singapore
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|實龍崗|tr=Si̍t-lêng-kong}}
- Serbia:Proper noun:a country in southeastern Europe
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|صَرْبِسْتَان}}, {{t|prs|صَرْبِیَا}}
- Serbia:Proper noun:a country in southeastern Europe
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|صِرْبِسْتان}}, {{t|fa-ira|صِرْبِیا}}
- Serbia and Montenegro:Proper noun:former country on the Balkan Peninsula
- *: Roman: {{t|az|Serbiya və Çernoqoriya}}
- Serbian:Noun:the standardized variety of Serbo-Croatian
- *: Roman: {{t|tk|serbçe}}
- Serbian:Noun:
- *: Cyrillic: {{t-check|tg|серби}}
- Serbian:Noun:
- *: Perso-Arabic: {{t-check|tg|سیربی}}
- Seth:Proper noun:the third son of Adam and Eve
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|設|tr=Siat}}, {{t|nan-hbl|塞特|tr=Sài-te̍k}}
- Shaanxi:Proper noun:province of northwest China
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|陝西|tr=Siám-sai}}
- Shaanxi:Proper noun:province of northwest China
- *: Mongolian script: {{t|mn|ᠱᠠᠨᠰᠢ}}
- Shahryar:Proper noun:name of the fictional Persian Sassanid king
- *: Dari: {{t+|prs|شَهْرْیَار}}
- Shahryar:Proper noun:name of the fictional Persian Sassanid king
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|شَهْرْیار}}
- Shaitan:Proper noun:Iblis, Satan in Islam
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|شَیْطَان}}
- Shaitan:Proper noun:Iblis, Satan in Islam
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|شِیْطان}}
- Shanghai:Proper noun:Chinese municipality and port
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|上海|tr=Siōng-hái}}
- Shanghai:Proper noun:Chinese municipality and port
- *: Roman: {{t+|sh|Šàngaj|m}}
- Shango:Proper noun:orisha in Yoruba religion
- * Lucumi: {{t|luq|Changó}}
- Shantou:Proper noun:a city of China
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|汕頭|tr=Sòaⁿ-thâu}}
- Shanxi:Proper noun:province of China
- *: Mongolian script: {{t|mn|ᠱᠠᠨ ᠰᠢ}}
- Shavuot:Proper noun:Jewish holiday
- *: Judeo-Arabic: {{t|ar|שבועות|tr=shabuʕot}}
- Shechem:Proper noun:
- * <hiero>Aa18-Z1-k:A-mA-A-T14-N25</hiero> {{t|egy|sꜣkꜣmꜣ|m}}
- Shem:Proper noun:son of Noah
- *: Syriac: {{t|syc|ܫܝܡ}}
- Shenkeng:Proper noun:district
- *: Hokkien: {{t-needed|nan-hbl}}
- Shennongjia:Proper noun:forestry district in central China
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|神農架|tr=Sîn-lông-kà}}
- Shenzhen:Proper noun:a city in China
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|深圳|tr=Chĭng-dáung}}
- Shenzhen:Proper noun:a city in China
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|深圳|tr=Chhim-chùn}}
- Shi'a:Proper noun:branch of Islam
- *: Classical: {{t|fa-cls|شِیعَه}}, {{t|fa-cls|شِیعَةْ}}
- Shi'a:Proper noun:branch of Islam
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|شِیعَه}}
- Shi'a:Proper noun:branch of Islam
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|شیعه|tr=ši'e}}
- Shih Tzu:Noun:small dog breed which originated in China
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|شی زو}}
- Shimen:Proper noun:district in northern Taiwan; urban village in northern Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|石門|tr=Chio̍h-mn̂g}}
- Shinto:Proper noun:religion
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|神道|tr=sîn-tō}}
- Shinto:Proper noun:religion
- * Frisian: {{t|fy|sjintoisme}}
- Shiraz:Proper noun:a city in southern Iran
- *: Persic: {{t|az|شیراز}}
- Shiraz:Proper noun:a city in southern Iran
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|شیرَاز}}
- Shiraz:Proper noun:a city in southern Iran
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|شیراز}}
- Shiva:Proper noun:deity
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|شیوا|m}}
- Shymkent:Proper noun:a Kazakh city
- *: Chinese: {{t|zh|奇姆肯特}}
- Sial:Noun:clan
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|سیال}}
- Siaogang:Proper noun:district in south Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|小港|tr=Sió-káng}}
- Siberia:Proper noun:region of Russia
- *: Roman: {{t|az|Sibir}}
- Siberia:Proper noun:region of Russia
- *: Abjad: {{t|az|سیبر|tr=Sîbir}}
- Siberian jay:Noun:Perisoreus infaustus
- *: Ter Sami: {{t|sjt|кы̄ссыӈӈьк}}
- Sierra Leone:Proper noun:Republic of Sierra Leone
- * Limba:
- Sierra Leone:Proper noun:Republic of Sierra Leone
- *: West-Central Limba: {{t-needed|lia}}
- Siga:Proper noun:
- *: Croatian: {{t|sh|Siga}}
- Siga:Proper noun:
- *: Serbian: {{t-needed|sh}}
- Sigang:Proper noun:district in south Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|西港|tr=Sai-káng}}
- Sihhu:Proper noun:rural township
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|四湖}}
- Sikh Empire:Proper noun:empire
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|خالصہ راج}}
- Sikhism:Proper noun:religion
- *: Aukštaitian: {{t|lt|Sikhizmas|m}}
- Sikhism:Proper noun:religion
- *: Samogitian: {{t|sgs|Sikėzmos|m}}
- Sikhism:Proper noun:religion
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|سکھ مت|sc=pa-Arab}}
- Sikkim:Proper noun:state in eastern India which has Gangtok as its capital
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|سکم}}
- Silesia:Proper noun:region
- *: East Central German: {{t|gmw-ecg|Schläsing|f}} {{q|Silesian}}
- Silesian:Adjective:of or pertaining to Silesia
- *: Silesian: {{t|gmw-ecg|schläsisch}}, {{t|gmw-ecg|schlä'sch}}, {{t|gmw-ecg|schläsch}}
- Silesian:Noun:inhabitant of Silesia
- *: Silesian: {{t|gmw-ecg|Schläsinger}}
- Simon:Proper noun:biblical characters
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|西門|tr=Se-bûn}}
- Simplified Chinese:Proper noun:simplified character(s)
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|簡體字|tr=kán-thé-jī}}, {{t|nan-hbl|簡化字|tr=kán-hòa-jī}}
- Sinai:Proper noun:mountain
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|西乃山|tr=Să̤-nāi săng}}
- Sinai:Proper noun:mountain
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|西奈山|tr=Se-nái-soaⁿ}}
- Sindh:Proper noun:province of Pakistan
- *: Devanagari: {{t|sd|सिन्ध|tr=sindh|sc=Deva}}
- Sindhi:Proper noun:language
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|سندھی بولی}}
- Sindhu:Proper noun:ancient kingdom
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|ریاست سندھو}}
- Singapore:Proper noun:an island and city-state in Southeast Asia
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|新嘉波|tr=Sĭng-gă-pŏ̤}}
- Singapore:Proper noun:an island and city-state in Southeast Asia
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|新加坡|tr=Sin-ka-pho}}
- Singapore:Proper noun:an island and city-state in Southeast Asia
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|سِینْگَاپُور}}, {{t|prs|سَنْگَاپُور}}
- Singapore:Proper noun:an island and city-state in Southeast Asia
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|سَنْگاپور}}
- Sinhua:Proper noun:district in south Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|新化|tr=Sin-hòa}}
- Sinshih:Proper noun:district in south Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|新市|tr=Sin-chhī}}
- Sinsing:Proper noun:district in south Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|新興|tr=Sin-heng}}
- Sinto:Noun:a member of the Romani subgroup
- *: Carpathian Romani: {{t|rmc|sinto|m}}
- Sinto:Noun:a member of the Romani subgroup
- *: Sinte Romani: {{t|rmo|sinto|m}}
- Sinto:Noun:a member of the Romani subgroup
- *: Vlax Romani: {{t|rmy|sinto|m}}
- Sion:Proper noun:capital of Valais, Switzerland
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|سیؤن}}
- Siret:Proper noun:river in Ukraine and Romania
- * Byzantine Greek: {{t|grc|Σέρετος}}
- Sita:Proper noun:avatar of Lakshmi
- * Oriya: {{t+|or|ସୀତା}}
- Slavonia:Proper noun:region of Croatia
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|Eslavônia|f}}
- Slavonia:Proper noun:region of Croatia
- *: European: {{t|pt|Eslavónia|f}}
- Slovakia:Proper noun:Slovakia
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|سِلُوَاکِیَا|tr=silōwākiyā}}, {{t|prs|سْلُوَاکِیَا|tr=slōwākiyā}}
- Slovakia:Proper noun:Slovakia
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اِسْلُواکی}}
- Slovenia:Proper noun:country in Europe
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|سلونیا}}
- Slovenia:Proper noun:country in Europe
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اِسْلووِنی|tr=esloveni}}
- Smyrna:Proper noun:city
- *: Aeolic: {{t|grc|Μύρρα|f}}
- Smyrna:Proper noun:city
- *: Ionic: {{t|grc|Σμύρνη|f}}
- Socialist Soviet Republic of Abkhazia:Proper noun:short-lived republic within the Caucasus region of the Soviet Union
- * Abhkazian: {{t|ab|Социалисттә Советтә Республика Аҧсны}}, {{t|ab|ССР Аҧсны}}
- Socrates:Proper noun:Greek philosopher
- *: Abjad: {{t|az|سقراط|tr=Suqrāt}}
- Socrates:Proper noun:Greek philosopher
- *: Roman: {{t|az|Sokrat}}, {{t|az|Süqrat}}
- Sodom:Proper noun:city in the Middle East
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|所多瑪|tr=Só͘-to-má}}
- Solaga:Proper noun:town
- *: Yatzachi: {{t|zav|Zoꞌoḻaguəꞌ}}
- Solaga:Proper noun:town
- *: Zoogocho: {{t|zpq|Zoḻagaꞌ}}
- Sonargaon:Proper noun:ancient city
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|سونارگاؤں|tr=sonārgāõ}}
- Song dynasty:Proper noun:Chinese dynasty
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|宋朝|tr=Sòng-tiâu}}
- Song of Songs:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|雅歌書|tr=Ngā-gŏ-cṳ̆}}
- Song of Songs:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|雅歌|tr=Ngá-ko}}
- Songling:Proper noun:administrative zone
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|松嶺}}
- Songshan:Proper noun:district in northern Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|松山|tr=Siông-san}}
- Sooretama slaty antshrike:Noun:bird
- *: {{qualifier|Brazil}}: [[choca-de-sooretama]]
- South Africa:Proper noun:country
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|南非|tr=Lâm-hui}}
- South Africa:Proper noun:country
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|آفْرِیقَایِ جَنُوبِی}}
- South Africa:Proper noun:country
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|آفْرِیقَایِ جَنُوبِی}}
- South Africa:Proper noun:country
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|آفْریقایِ جُنوبی}}
- South America:Proper noun:continent that is the southern part of the Americas
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|南美|tr=Lâm-bí}}, {{t|nan-hbl|南美洲|tr=Lâm-bí-chiu}}
- South America:Proper noun:continent that is the southern part of the Americas
- *: Ajaccian: {{t|co|America miridiunali|f}}
- South America:Proper noun:continent that is the southern part of the Americas
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|اَمْرِیکَایِ جَنُوبِی}}
- South America:Proper noun:continent that is the southern part of the Americas
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|آمْریکایِ جُنوبی}}
- South Asia:Proper noun:all the countries of the Indian subcontinent (principally India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Bhutan) and the Indian Ocean (principally Sri Lanka, Maldives)
- *: Southern Min: {{t|nan-hbl|南亞|tr=Lâm-A}}
- South Asia:Proper noun:all the countries of the Indian subcontinent (principally India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Bhutan) and the Indian Ocean (principally Sri Lanka, Maldives)
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|آسِیَایِ جَنُوبِی}}
- South Asia:Proper noun:all the countries of the Indian subcontinent (principally India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Bhutan) and the Indian Ocean (principally Sri Lanka, Maldives)
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|آسِیایِ جُنوبی}}
- South Korea:Proper noun:a country in East Asia, comprising the southern half of the Korean Peninsula
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|کورِیَایِی جَنُوبِی}}, {{t|prs|کورِیَایِ جَنُوبِی}}
- South Korea:Proper noun:a country in East Asia, comprising the southern half of the Korean Peninsula
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کُرِهٔ جُنوبی}}
- South Sardinia:Proper noun:province
- *: Tabarchino: {{t|lij|Sud Sardegna|f}}
- South Sudan:Proper noun:country in Africa
- *: Juba Arabic: {{t|pga|Januub Sudaan}}
- South Sudan:Proper noun:country in Africa
- *: Sudanese Arabic: {{t-needed|apd}}
- South Sudan:Proper noun:country in Africa
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|سُودَانِ جَنُوبِی}}
- South Sudan:Proper noun:country in Africa
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|سودانِ جُنوبی}}
- South Vietnam:Proper noun:former Asian country
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|وِیَتْنَامِ جَنُوبِی}}
- South Vietnam:Proper noun:former Asian country
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|وِیَتْنامِ جُنوبی}}
- Southampton:Proper noun:city in England
- *: Western Punjabi: {{t|pnb|ساؤتھمپٹن|sc=pa-Arab}}
- Southeast Asia:Proper noun:a subregion of Asia
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|東南亞|tr=Tang-lâm-a}}
- Southern Min:Proper noun:the language
- *: Hokkien: (''[[w:Xiamen|Xiamen]]'') {{t+|nan-hbl|閩南語|tr=[[Bân-lâm-gú]]}}; {{q|[[w:Zhangzhou|Zhangzhou]]''}} {{t+|nan-hbl|閩南語|tr=[[Bân-lâm-gí]]}}
- Soviet Union:Proper noun:USSR
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|蘇聯|tr=So͘-liân}}, {{t|nan-hbl|蘇維埃聯盟|tr=So͘-ûi-ia liân-bêng}}
- Soviet Union:Proper noun:USSR
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|اِتِّحَادِ شُورَوِی}}, {{t|prs|شُورَوِی}}
- Soviet Union:Proper noun:USSR
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اِتِّحادِ شورَوی}}, {{t|fa-ira|شورَوی}}
- Spain:Proper noun:country in Europe
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|西班牙|tr=Se-pan-gâ}}
- Spain:Proper noun:country in Europe
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|هِسْپَانِیَه}}
- Spain:Proper noun:country in Europe
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اِسْپانِیا}}
- Spain:Proper noun:country in Europe
- *: Sinte Romani: {{t|rmo|španja|f}}, {{t|rmo|španatiko them}}
- Spaniard:Noun:somebody from Spain
- *: Western Armenian: {{t|hy|սպանացի}}
- Spanish:Proper noun:Romance language of Spain and the Americas
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|西班牙語|tr=Se-pan-gâ-gí}}
- Spanish:Proper noun:Romance language of Spain and the Americas
- *: Ecuadorian Kichwa: {{t|qu|kastilla shimi}}, {{t|qu|mishu shimi}}
- Spanish:Proper noun:Romance language of Spain and the Americas
- *: Southern Quechua: {{t|qu|kastilla simi}}
- Spetses:Proper noun:an island in Greece
- *: Katharevoussa: {{t|el|Σπέτσαι|n}}
- Spetses:Proper noun:a town in Greece
- *: Katharevoussa: {{t|el|Σπέτσαι|n}}
- Sri Lanka:Proper noun:a country in South Asia
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|سِریلانْکا}}, {{t|fa-ira|سَرَنْدیپ}} {{qualifier|archaic}}
- St. George's:Proper noun:capital of Grenada
- *: Grenadian: {{t|gcf|Sen Jòj}}
- Stanislaus:Proper noun:male given name- the standard or most popular form
- * Sorbian: [[Stanisław]]
- Staroye:Proper noun:village in Staroselskoye, Mezhdurechensky, Vologda, Northwestern Russia
- * Azeri:
- Staroye:Proper noun:village in Staroselskoye, Mezhdurechensky, Vologda, Northwestern Russia
- *: South Azerbaijani: {{t|az|ایستاروی}}
- Staré:Proper noun:village and municipality in Michalovce, Košice, Slovakia
- *: Latin: {{t|uz|Stare}}
- State of Libya:Proper noun:country (official name)
- *: Bokmal: {{t|nb|Staten Libya|m}}
- Stephen:Proper noun:male given name
- *: Northern Min: {{t|mnp|史蒂文|tr=Sǔtìuǒ̤ng}}
- Stone Age:Proper noun:prehistoric period
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|عَصْرِ حَجَر}}, {{t|fa-ira|عَصْرِ سَنْگ}}
- Stone Age:Proper noun:informal: any extremely primitive or undeveloped era
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|عَصْرِ حَجَر}}
- Stonehenge:Proper noun:ancient group of standing stones in England
- *: Western Punjabi: {{t|pnb|سٹونہنج|sc=pa-Arab}}
- Strait of Sicily:Proper noun:strait between Sicily and Tunisia
- *: Latin: {{t|uz|Tunis boʻgʻozi}}, {{t|uz|Sitsiliya boʻgʻozi}}
- Strasbourg:Proper noun:city in Alsace
- *: Lower Rhine Alsatian: {{t|gsw|Strossburi|n}}
- Strasbourg:Proper noun:city in Alsace
- *: Upper Rhine Alsatian: {{t|gsw|Strossburig|n}}
- Streuselkuchen:Noun:cake of German origin
- *: Silesian: {{t|gmw-ecg|Sträselkucha}}
- Suao:Proper noun:urban township in Yilan, Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|蘇澳|tr=So͘-ò}}
- Sudan:Proper noun:Republic of Sudan
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|سُودَان}}
- Sudan:Proper noun:Republic of Sudan
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|سودان}}
- Sudurpashchim:Proper noun:province
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|سدرپشچم}}
- Sugarloaf Mountain:Proper noun:rocky peak in Rio de Janeiro
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|شوگرلوف پہاڑ|m|tr=Šūgarlōf pahāṛ}}
- Sumadija:Proper noun:region of Serbia
- ** Bosnian {{q|Arabic script}}: {{t-needed|sh}}
- Sumadija:Proper noun:region of Serbia
- ** Croatian {{q|Latin script}}: {{t|sh|Šumadija}}
- Sumadija:Proper noun:region of Serbia
- ** Serbian {{q|Cyrillic script}}: {{t|sh|Шумадија}}
- Sun:Proper noun:star
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|日頭|tr=ji̍t-thâu, li̍t-thâu}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|太陽|tr=thài-iâng}}
- Sun:Proper noun:star
- * [[ogun|Ogoun]]: OHWÉ (whé) Hwé
- Sun:Proper noun:star
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|خُورْشِید}}, {{t|prs|خُورْشید}}, {{t|prs|خُور}}, {{t|prs|شَمْس}}
- Sun:Proper noun:star
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|خورْشید|tr=xoršid}}, {{t+|fa-ira|خور|tr=xor}}, {{t|fa-ira|شَمْس}}
- Sunday:Noun:day of the week
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|禮拜日|tr=lé-pài-ji̍t, lé-pài-li̍t}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|禮拜|tr=lé-pài}}
- Sunday:Noun:day of the week
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|dimansh}}
- Sunday:Noun:day of the week
- *:: Westphalian: {{t|nds|Ssundag|m}}
- Sunday:Noun:day of the week
- *::: Münsterländisch: {{t+|nds|Sunndag|m}}
- Sunday:Noun:day of the week
- *::: Paderbornisch: {{t+|nds|Sunndag|m}}
- Sunday:Noun:day of the week
- *::: Sauerländisch: {{t+|nds|Sundag|m}}
- Sunday:Noun:day of the week
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|یِکشَنْبِه}}
- Sunday school:Noun:religious school providing education on Sundays
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|主日學|tr=chú-ji̍t-o̍h}}, {{t|nan-hbl|主日學校|tr=Chú-ji̍t ha̍k-hāu}}
- Supreme Soviet:Proper noun:Soviet parliament
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|شورایِ عالی}}
- Surgut:Proper noun:city in Russia
- * Khanty:
- Surgut:Proper noun:city in Russia
- *: Eastern Khanty: {{t|kca-eas|Сўркут}}, {{t|kca-eas|Суркунтԓ}}
- Surgut:Proper noun:city in Russia
- *: Northern Khanty: {{t|kca-nor|Сөрханǝԓ}}
- Surya:Proper noun:male given name
- * Oriya: {{t|or|ସୂର୍ଯ୍ୟ}}
- Suvalkija:Proper noun:Suvalkija
- *: Aukštaitian: {{t+|lt|Suvalkija|f}}, {{t+|lt|Sūduva|f}}, {{t|lt|Užnemunė|f}}
- Suvalkija:Proper noun:Suvalkija
- *: Samogitian: {{t|sgs|Sūdova|f}}
- Sweden:Proper noun:Scandinavian country
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|瑞典}}
- Sweden:Proper noun:Scandinavian country
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|瑞典|tr=Sūi-tián}}
- Sweden:Proper noun:Scandinavian country
- *: Alemannic: {{t|gsw|Schweden|n}}
- Sweden:Proper noun:Scandinavian country
- *: Bavarian: {{t|bar|Schwen}}, {{t|bar|Schwedn}}
- Sweden:Proper noun:Scandinavian country
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|سْوِیدَن}}, {{t|prs|سُوِیدَن}}
- Sweden:Proper noun:Scandinavian country
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|سوئِد}}
- Sweden:Proper noun:Scandinavian country
- *: Kinyarwanda: {{t|rw|Suwede}}
- Sweden:Proper noun:Scandinavian country
- *: Kildin: {{t|sjd|Рӯһце̄ммьне}}
- Sweden:Proper noun:Scandinavian country
- *: Lule: {{t|smj|Svierik}}
- Sweden:Proper noun:Scandinavian country
- *: Pite: {{t|sje|Sverdji}}
- Sweden:Proper noun:Scandinavian country
- *: Ume: {{t|sju|Ruohtsa}}
- Sweden:Proper noun:Scandinavian country
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|سویڈن}}
- Switzerland:Proper noun:sovereign country
- * Alsatian: {{t|gsw|Schwyz|f}}
- Switzerland:Proper noun:sovereign country
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|瑞士}}
- Switzerland:Proper noun:sovereign country
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|瑞士|tr=Sūi-sū}}
- Switzerland:Proper noun:sovereign country
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|سْوِیس}}, {{t|prs|سُوِیس}}
- Switzerland:Proper noun:sovereign country
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|سوئیس}}, {{t|fa-ira|سوییس}}, {{t|fa-ira|سُویس}}
- Syldavia:Proper noun:
- * Bangla: {{t+|bn|সিলদাভিয়া}}
- Syracuse:Proper noun:city in New York state
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|سائراکیوز}}
- Syria:Proper noun:country in Western Asia
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|敘利亞//敍利亞//叙利亚|tr=Sū-lī-a, Su-lī-a}}
- Syria:Proper noun:country in Western Asia
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|سُورِیَه}}, {{t|prs|شَام}} {{qualifier|historical}}
- Syria:Proper noun:country in Western Asia
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|سورِیِه}}, {{t+|fa-ira|شام}} {{qualifier|historical}}
- Syria:Proper noun:country in Western Asia
- *: Roman: {{t|tg|Surija}}
- Syria:Proper noun:country in Western Asia
- *: Persic: {{t|zza|سووریە}}
- Syria:Proper noun:country in Western Asia
- *: Roman: {{t|zza|Sûrîye}}
- Syria-Palestine:Proper noun:land in and around the eastern Mediterranean Sea
- *: Imperial {{t|arc|𐡏𐡁𐡓 𐡍𐡄𐡓𐡄}}
- Syria-Palestine:Proper noun:land in and around the eastern Mediterranean Sea
- *: Jewish: {{t|arc|עֲבַר נַהֲרָא|tr=ʿăḇar nāhārâ}}
- Syrian Arab Republic:Proper noun:former official name of Syria
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|敘利亞阿拉伯共和國}}, {{t|nan-hbl|敍利亞阿拉伯共和國}}, {{t|nan-hbl|叙利亚阿拉伯共和国|tr=Sū-lī-a A-la-pek Kiōng-hô-kok, Su-lī-a A-la-pek Kiōng-hô-kok}}
- Syuejia:Proper noun:district in south Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|學甲|tr=Ha̍k-kah}}
- Szeles:Proper noun:
- *: Croatian: {{t|sh|Seleš}}
- Szeles:Proper noun:
- *: Serbian: {{t|sh|Ceлeш}}
- São Paulo:Proper noun:city and state
- * Lithuaian: {{t|lt|San Paulas}}
- T-shirt:Noun:type of shirt
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|تیشِرْت}}
- Tacloban:Proper noun:city in the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|獨魯萬}}
- Taganrog:Proper noun:city in Russia
- *: Hokkien: {{t-needed|nan-hbl}}
- Taganrog:Proper noun:city in Russia
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|تاگانروگ|tr=Tāgānrog}}
- Tagaytay:Proper noun:city in the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t-needed|nan-hbl}}
- Taguig:Proper noun:city in the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|達義|tr=Ta̍t-gī}}
- Taichung:Proper noun:a large city in Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|台中|tr=Tâi-tiong}}
- Tail:Proper noun:Chinese constellation
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|尾宿|tr=Bóe-siù}}
- Tainan:Proper noun:a city in Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|臺南|tr=Tâi-lâm}}
- Taipei:Proper noun:Taipei
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|臺北|tr=Dài-báe̤k}}
- Taipei:Proper noun:Taipei
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|臺北|tr=Tâi-pak}}
- Taishanese:Proper noun:Chinese dialect
- *: Taishanese: {{t|zhx-tai|臺山話}}
- Taiwan:Proper noun:East Asian country
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|臺灣//台灣//台湾|tr=Dài-uăng}}
- Taiwan:Proper noun:East Asian country
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|臺灣//台灣//台湾|tr=Tâi-oân}}
- Taiwan:Proper noun:East Asian country
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|تَایْوَان}}
- Taiwan:Proper noun:East Asian country
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|تایْوان}}
- Taiwan:Proper noun:East Asian country
- * Western Panjabi: {{tt|pnb|تائیوان}}
- Taiwan:Proper noun:East Asian island
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|臺灣//台灣//台湾|tr=Dài-uăng}}
- Taiwan:Proper noun:East Asian island
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|臺灣//台灣//台湾|tr=Tâi-oân}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|寶島|tr=Pó-tó}}
- Taiwan:Proper noun:East Asian island
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|تَایْوَان}}
- Taiwan:Proper noun:East Asian island
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|تایْوان}}
- Taiwanese:Adjective:relating to Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|臺灣//台灣//台湾|alt=臺灣的//台灣的//台湾的|tr=Tâi-ôan--ê}}
- Taiwanese:Noun:person from Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|臺灣人//台灣人//台湾人|tr=tâi-ôan-lâng}}
- Taiwanese:Proper noun:language
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|臺語}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|台語|tr=tâi-gí, tâi-gú}}, {{t|nan-hbl|台灣話}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|臺灣話|tr=tâi-oân-ōe}}
- Tajik:Noun:person
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|تاجک}}
- Tajik:Noun:person
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|تاجیک}}
- Tajikistan:Proper noun:Republic of Tajikistan
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|تَاجِکِسْتَان}}
- Tajikistan:Proper noun:Republic of Tajikistan
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|تاجیکِسْتان}}
- Tajikistan:Proper noun:Republic of Tajikistan
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|تاجکستان}}
- Talitha:Proper noun:biblical woman
- *: Cyrillic: {{t|bg|талитá|lit=girl}}
- Tallinn:Proper noun:capital of Estonia
- *: Vlax Romani: {{t|rmy|Tallinn}}
- Tallinn:Proper noun:capital of Estonia
- * Sorbian: {{t|hsb|Tallinn}}
- Tamerlane:Proper noun:Turco-Mongol conqueror
- *: Latin: {{t|uz|Amir Temur}}
- Tamsui:Proper noun:a city in Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|淡水|tr=Tām-chúi, Tām-súi}}
- Tanchangya:Proper noun:language
- * Tangchangya: {{t|tnv|𑄖𑄧𑄐𑄴𑄌𑄧𑄁𑄉𑄴𑄡}}
- Tangshan:Proper noun:prefecture-level city in northern China
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|唐山|tr=Tn̂g-soaⁿ}}
- Taoism:Proper noun:religion developed from Taoist philosophy
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|道教|tr=Tō-kàu}}
- Taoyuan:Proper noun:a city in Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|桃園|tr=Thô-hn̂g}}
- Tarkhan:Proper noun:caste
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|ترکھان}}
- Tarlac:Proper noun:province of the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|丹轆|tr=Tan-lak}}
- Tarragona:Proper noun:city and port
- * Old Italian: {{t|it|Tarracona|f}}
- Tartu:Proper noun:second-largest city in Estonia
- *: South Estonian: {{t+|et|Tarto}}
- Tasmanian devil:Noun:Sarcophilus harrisii
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|تسمانیائی ڈیول}}
- Tasquillo:Proper noun:town
- * Otomi:
- Tasquillo:Proper noun:town
- *: Mezquital: {{t|ote|Maxei}}
- Tat:Proper noun:language
- * Bartangi: {{t|sgh-bar|Тати зив}}
- Tbilisi:Proper noun:the capital city of the country of Georgia
- *: Roman: {{t+|az|Tbilisi}}
- Tbilisi:Proper noun:the capital city of the country of Georgia
- *: Abjad: {{t|az|تِفلیس|tr=Tiflîs}}
- Tchaikovsky:Proper noun:surname
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|Čajkovskij}}
- Tecpatán:Proper noun:town
- * Zoque:
- Tecpatán:Proper noun:town
- *: Copainalá: {{t|zoc|Ocjama}}
- Tecpatán:Proper noun:town
- *: Francisco León: {{t|zos|Ojcama}}
- Tehran:Proper noun:capital of Iran
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|تَهْرَان}}
- Tehran:Proper noun:capital of Iran
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|تَهْرَان}}
- Tehran:Proper noun:capital of Iran
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|تِهْران}}, {{t|fa-ira|تِهْرون}} {{qualifier|colloquial, Tehrani}}
- Tehuantepec:Proper noun:city
- * Mixe:
- Tehuantepec:Proper noun:city
- *: Coatlán: {{t|mco|Caanɨɨm}}
- Tehuantepec:Proper noun:city
- *: Isthmus: {{t|mir|Kanëëmp}}
- Tehuantepec:Proper noun:city
- *: Totontepec: {{t|mto|Caa Na̱ꞌm}}
- Tehuantepec:Proper noun:city
- *: Teposcolula: {{t|omq-tel|Yutañaña}}
- Tehuantepec:Proper noun:city
- *: Isthmus: {{t|zai|Izii}}
- Tehuantepec:Proper noun:city
- *: Yatzachi: {{t|zav|Yezeꞌe}}
- Tehuantepec:Proper noun:city
- *: Zoogocho: {{t|zpq|Yaꞌazeꞌe}}
- Ten Commandments:Proper noun:religious ten commandments
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|十誡|tr=Sĕk Gái}}
- Ten Commandments:Proper noun:religious ten commandments
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|十誡|tr=cha̍p-kài}}, {{t|nan-hbl|十條誡|tr=cha̍p-tiâu-kài}}
- Tengwar:Proper noun:
- * Farsi: {{t|fa|تنگوار}}
- Tengwar:Proper noun:
- * Slovenian: {{t|sl|Tengvar}}
- Teochew:Proper noun:one of the divisions of the Chinese language
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|潮州話|tr=Dièu-ciŭ-uâ}}
- Teochew:Proper noun:one of the divisions of the Chinese language
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|潮州話|tr=Tiô-chiu-ōe}}
- Teochew:Proper noun:one of the divisions of the Chinese language
- *: Teochew: {{t|nan-tws|潮州話}}, {{t|nan-tws|潮州话|tr=die5 ziu1 uê7, dio5 ziu1 uê7}}
- Tepenixtlahuaca:Proper noun:
- * Chatino:
- Tepenixtlahuaca:Proper noun:
- *: Tataltepec: {{t|cta|Siyaꞌ}}
- Tepenixtlahuaca:Proper noun:
- *: Western Highland: {{t|ctp|Siyaꞌ}}, {{t|ctp|kichen Siyaꞌ}}
- Tequixquiac:Proper noun:town and municipality
- * Amaric: {{t|am|ቴኪክስኪያክ}}
- Tequixquiac:Proper noun:town and municipality
- *: Temascaltepec : {{t|nhv|Tekixkiak}}
- Tequixquiac:Proper noun:town and municipality
- * Otomi:
- Tequixquiac:Proper noun:town and municipality
- *: Central : {{t|ots|Ntheje}}
- Tequixquiac:Proper noun:town and municipality
- *: Mezquital : {{t|ote|Nthehe}}
- Tesla:Proper noun:surname
- *: Croatian: {{t|sh|Tesla}}
- Tesla:Proper noun:surname
- *: Serbian: {{t|sh|Тесла}}
- Texas:Proper noun:a state of the United States of America
- *: Chiricahua: {{t|apm|Ch'a nteeã-õde bikéé'yaa'}}
- Thailand:Proper noun:country in Southeast Asia
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|泰國|tr=Tái-guók}}
- Thailand:Proper noun:country in Southeast Asia
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|泰國|tr=Thài-kok}}
- Thailand:Proper noun:country in Southeast Asia
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|تایلَنْد}}
- Thames:Proper noun:river through London
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|تھیمز}}
- Theia:Proper noun:Titaness; sister and wife of Hyperion
- *: Mycenaean Greek: {{t|gmy|𐀳𐀂𐀊}}
- Theotokos:Proper noun:Mary, mother of Jesus, as God-bearer
- ''Note: Only titles directly borrowed from the Greek or that literally mean "God-bearer" should go here. Translations that simply mean {{m|en|Mother of God}} in the language in question should go at that entry.''
- Thessalonians:Proper noun:books of the Bible
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|帖撒羅尼迦書|tr=Táik-sák-lò̤-nà̤-giă Cṳ̆}}
- Thiruvananthapuram:Proper noun:capital of Kerala, India
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|تھیروواننتھاپورم}}
- Three Principles of the People:Proper noun:
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|三民主義|tr=sam-bîn-chú-gī}}
- Thumbelina:Proper noun:a thumb-sized girl, the main character of a fairy tale
- *: Traditional: {{t|be|Пярсьця́начка|f}}, {{t|be|Цалёвачка|f}}
- Thun:Proper noun:city and municipality
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|تھن}}
- Thursday:Noun:day of the week
- *: Cypriot Arabic: {{t|acy|xmis}}
- Thursday:Noun:day of the week
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|禮拜四|tr=lé-pài-sù}}, {{t|nan-hbl|拜四|tr=pài-sù}}
- Thursday:Noun:day of the week
- *: badiot: {{t|lld|jöbia|f}}
- Thursday:Noun:day of the week
- *: fascian: {{t|lld|jebia|f}}
- Thursday:Noun:day of the week
- *: gherdëina: {{t|lld|juebia|f}}
- Thursday:Noun:day of the week
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|jédi}}, {{t|lou|jèdi}}
- Thursday:Noun:day of the week
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|پَنْجشَنْبِه}}
- Tian Shan:Proper noun:mountain range
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|天山|tr=Thian-san}}
- Tibet:Proper noun:region in Inner Asia
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|西藏|tr=Se-chōng}}
- Tibet:Proper noun:region in Inner Asia
- * Kanauri: {{t|kfk||tr=nyam mŭlök}}
- Tibet:Proper noun:shorthand for the Tibet Autonomous Region
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|西藏|tr=Se-chōng}}
- Tigris:Proper noun:river in Southwest Asia
- *: Old Persian: {{t|peo|𐎫𐎡𐎥𐎼𐎠|ts=tigrā|sc=Xpeo}}
- Timbuktu:Proper noun:distant place
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|呂宋噶喇吧|tr=Lī-sòng-Ka-lâ-pa}}
- Timothy:Proper noun:books in the New Testament
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|提摩太書|tr=Tì-mò̤-tái Cṳ̆}}
- Timothy:Proper noun:companion of Paul
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|提摩太|tr=Tì-mò̤-tái}}
- Timothy:Proper noun:male given name
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|提摩太|tr=Tì-mò̤-tái}}
- Tirana:Proper noun:capital and largest city of Albania
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|地拉那|tr=Tē-la-nà, Tē-la-ná}}
- Tiszabecs:Proper noun:
- *: Croatian: {{t-needed|sh}}
- Tiszabecs:Proper noun:
- *: Serbian: {{t-needed|sh}}
- Tiszabecs:Proper noun:
- * Slovakian: {{t-needed|sk}}
- Tiszabecs:Proper noun:
- * Slovenian: {{t-needed|sl}}
- Titanic:Proper noun:ocean liner that sank on its maiden voyage on 15 April 1912
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|ٹائٹینک}}
- Titus:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|提多書|tr=Tì-dŏ̤ Cṳ̆}}
- Titus:Proper noun:biblical character
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|提多|tr=Tì-dŏ̤}}
- Titus:Proper noun:Roman Emperor
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|提多|tr=Tì-dŏ̤}}
- Titus:Proper noun:male given name
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|提多|tr=Tì-dŏ̤}}
- Tlaxiaco:Proper noun:city
- *: San Juan Colorado: {{t|mjc|Tsitsi Nuu}}, {{t|mjc|Tsi Nuu}}
- Tlaxiaco:Proper noun:city
- *: San Miguel el Grande: {{t|omq-tel|ndījinu}}
- Tlaxiaco:Proper noun:city
- *: Teposcolula: {{t|omq-tel|Disinuu}}
- Tlaxiaco:Proper noun:city
- *: Yosondúa: {{t|mpm|Ndinuu}}, {{t|mpm|Ndijinuu}}
- Tobruk:Proper noun:city in Libya
- *: Libyan Arabic: {{t|ayl|طبرق}}
- Toi:Proper noun:Louisianan female given name
- * Louisianan Creole: {{t|lou|Toi}}
- Tokyo:Proper noun:capital of Japan
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|東京|tr=Dĕ̤ng-gĭng}}
- Tokyo:Proper noun:capital of Japan
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|東京|tr=Tang-kiaⁿ}}
- Tokyo:Proper noun:capital of Japan
- *: Hebrew script: {{t|lad|טוקיו}}
- Toluca:Proper noun:city of Mexico
- * Mazahua:
- Toluca:Proper noun:city of Mexico
- *: Central: {{t|maz|Zu̷mi}}
- Toluca:Proper noun:city of Mexico
- *: Temascaltepec: {{t|nhv|Tollokan}}
- Toluca:Proper noun:city of Mexico
- * Otomi:
- Toluca:Proper noun:city of Mexico
- *: Mezquital: {{t|ote|Nzu̱hni}}
- Tom Thumb:Proper noun:the thumb-sized hero of a fairy tale
- *: Traditional: {{t|be|Хло́пчык як па́льчык|m}}, {{t|be|Мало́е Пальчанё́|n}}
- Tondo:Proper noun:district of Manila
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|東都}}
- Tong'an:Proper noun:district
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|同安|tr=Tâng-oaⁿ}}
- Tonto:Proper noun:Tonto Apache
- * Apache: [[Dilzhę́’é]], [[Dilzhe'e]], [[Dilzhe’eh Apache]]
- Tonto:Proper noun:Tonto Apache
- *: Chiricahua: {{t|apm|Bíniʼ Ádinii}}
- Torbay sole:Noun:Glyptocephalus cynoglossus
- *: Canada: [[plie grise]], [[langue]], [[sole grise]], [[grise]]
- Torbay sole:Noun:Glyptocephalus cynoglossus
- *: French: {{t+|fr|fausse limande}}, {{t+|fr|limande rouge}}, {{t+|fr|plie cynoglosse}}
- Toronto:Proper noun:city in Canada
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|多倫多|tr=To-lûn-to}}
- Tosk:Proper noun:Tosk
- *: Gheg: {{t+|sq|toskë|f}}, {{t|sq|tosknishte|f}}
- Tosk:Proper noun:Tosk
- *: Tosk: {{t+|sq|toskë|f}}, {{t+|sq|toskërishte|f}}
- Tour de France:Proper noun:annual long-distance cycling race through France
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|ٹور ڈی فرانس|tr=ṭūr ḍī Frāns}}
- Tower of Babel:Proper noun:tower erected at Babel
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|巴別塔|tr=Bă-biĕk-ták}}
- Trento:Proper noun:city
- * Mocheno: {{t|mhn|Trea't}}
- Tribeca:Proper noun:Tribeca
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|翠貝卡|tr=Chhùi-pòe-khá}}
- Trinity:Proper noun:Christianity: three persons of the Godhead
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|三位一體|tr=Sam-ūi-it-thé}}
- Tripoli:Proper noun:capital of Libya
- *: Libyan Arabic: {{t|ayl|طرابلس|tr=Ṭrābləs}}
- Tsakonian:Proper noun:language
- *: Tsakonian: {{t|tsd|τσακώνικα|n-p}} <!-- Euphranor, please check this -->
- Tuas:Proper noun:planning area in Singapore
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|大士|tr=Tōa-sū}}
- Tudigong:Proper noun:deity
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|土地公|tr=Thó͘-tī-kong, Thó͘-lī-kong}}
- Tuesday:Noun:day of the week
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|禮拜二|tr=lé-pài-jī, lé-pài-lī}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|拜二|tr=pài-jī, pài-lī}}
- Tuesday:Noun:day of the week
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|maddi}}, {{t|lou|mardi}}
- Tuesday:Noun:day of the week
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|سِهشَنْبِه}}
- Tuguegarao:Proper noun:city in the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|土格加勞|tr=Thó͘-keh-ka-lô}}
- Tula:Proper noun:town in Mexico
- *: Classical Nahuatl: {{t|nci|Tollan}}
- Tunisia:Proper noun:Republic of Tunisia
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|تُونِس}}
- Tunisia:Proper noun:Republic of Tunisia
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|تونِس}}
- Turkestan:Proper noun:a historical region in Asia
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|تُرْکِسْتان}}
- Turkey:Proper noun:country at intersection of Europe and Asia
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|土耳其|tr=Thó͘-nī-kî}}
- Turkey:Proper noun:country at intersection of Europe and Asia
- *: Dari: {{t+|prs|تُرْکِیَه}}
- Turkey:Proper noun:country at intersection of Europe and Asia
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|تُرْکِیِه}}
- Turkic:Adjective:of or relating to the Turkic peoples or the Turkic languages
- *: Mongolian script: {{t|mn|ᠲᠦ᠋ᠷᠦᠭ᠋|sc=Mong}}
- Turkmenistan:Proper noun:Central Asian country
- * Bartangi: {{t|sgh-bar|Туркманисту̊н}}
- Turpan:Proper noun:prefecture-level city in Xinjiang, China
- *: Cyrillic: {{t|kk|Турфан}}, {{t|kk|Тұрпан}}
- Turpan:Proper noun:prefecture-level city in Xinjiang, China
- *: Latin: {{t|kk|Týrfan}}, {{t|kk|Turpan}}
- Turpan:Proper noun:prefecture-level city in Xinjiang, China
- *: Arabic: {{t+|ug|تۇرپان}}
- Turpan:Proper noun:prefecture-level city in Xinjiang, China
- *: Latin: {{t|uz|Turfon}}
- Turtle Island:Proper noun:Native American name for North America
- *: Canadian Syllabics: {{t|oj|ᒥᐦᔒᐦᑫᓐᐦ-ᒥᓂᐦᓯ}}, {{t|oj|ᒥᐦᔑᒥᐦᑭᓈᐦᒃ}}
- Turtle Island:Proper noun:Native American name for North America
- *: Roman: {{t|oj|Mishiikenh-Minisi}}, {{t|oj|Mishimikinaak}}
- UNICEF:Proper noun:United Nations agency
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|یونیسِف|tr=yunisef}}
- US dollar:Noun:official currency of the United States
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|美金|tr=Bí-kim}}, {{t|nan-hbl|美元|tr=Bí-gôan}}
- USA:Proper noun:United States of America
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|美國|tr=Bí-kok}}, {{t|nan-hbl|花旗|tr=Hoe-kî}}
- USMCA:Proper noun:United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement
- *: Canadian French: {{t|fr|ACEUM}}
- Udine:Proper noun:capital
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|یوڈائن}}
- Ufa:Proper noun:city
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|اوفا|tr=ufa}}
- Ukraine:Proper noun:country in Eastern Europe
- *: Roman: {{t|be|Ukraina|f}} {{qualifier|łacinka}}
- Ukraine:Proper noun:country in Eastern Europe
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|烏克蘭|tr=O͘-khek-lân}}, {{t|nan-hbl|宇克蘭|tr=Ú-khek-lân}}
- Ukraine:Proper noun:country in Eastern Europe
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|اُوکْرَایْن}}
- Ukraine:Proper noun:country in Eastern Europe
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اوکْرایْن|tr=okrâyn}}
- Ukrainian:Noun:citizen of Ukraine or a person of Ukrainian ethnicity
- *: Plains Cree: {{t|crk|opîtatowêw}}
- Ukrainian:Proper noun:East Slavic language of Ukrainians, and the official language of Ukraine
- * Sorbian: {{t|hsb|Ukrainšćina}}
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics:Proper noun:a country in Eurasia
- * Aceh: {{t|ace|Uni Republik Sosialis Soviet}}
- United Arab Emirates:Proper noun:country in Western Asia
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|اِمَارَاتِ مُتَّحِدَهٔ عَرَبِی|p}}
- United Arab Emirates:Proper noun:country in Western Asia
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اِماراتِ مُتَّحِدِهٔ عَرَبی|p}}
- United Kingdom:Proper noun:sovereign state in Europe
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|英國}}
- United Kingdom:Proper noun:sovereign state in Europe
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|英國|tr=Eng-kok}}
- United Kingdom:Proper noun:sovereign state in Europe
- *: Bavarian: {{t|bar|Vaeinigte Kinireich}}
- United Kingdom:Proper noun:sovereign state in Europe
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|پادِشاهیِ مُتَّحِد}}, {{t|fa-ira|پادْشاهیِ مُتَّحِد}}
- United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland:Proper noun:United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- *: Ulster Scots: {{t|sco|Unitit Kinrick o Greet Breetain an Norlin Airlan}}, {{t|sco|Unitit Kinrick o Greet Britain an Norlin Airlann}}
- United Nations:Proper noun:international coalition
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|سازْمانِ مِلَلِ مُتَّحِد}}, {{t|fa-ira|سازْمانِ مِلَل}}
- United Nations General Assembly:Proper noun:one of the six principal organs of the United Nations
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مَجْمَعِ عُمومیِ سازْمانِ مِلَلِ مُتَّحِد}}
- United States:Proper noun:the United States
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اِیالاتِ مُتَّحِدِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|اِتازونی}} {{qualifier|dated}}, {{t|fa-ira|آمْریکا}}
- United States of America:Proper noun:country in North America
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|美國|tr=Mī-guók}}
- United States of America:Proper noun:country in North America
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|美國|tr=Bí-kok}}, {{t|nan-hbl|米國|tr=Bí-kok}}
- United States of America:Proper noun:country in North America
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|اِیَالَاتِ مُتَّحِدَهٔ اَمْرِیکَا}}, {{t|prs|اَمْرِیکَا}}
- United States of America:Proper noun:country in North America
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اِیالاتِ مُتَّحِدِهٔ آمْریکا}}, {{t|fa-ira|آمْریکا}}, {{t|fa-ira|اِتازونی}}
- United States of America:Proper noun:country in North America
- * Seraiki: {{t|skr|اَمبرِیکَا}}
- Upanishad:Noun:Hindu text
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|اپنشد}}
- Uranus:Proper noun:planet
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|天王星|tr=Thiⁿ-ông-chheⁿ, Thiⁿ-ông-chhiⁿ}}
- Uruguay:Proper noun:country
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|یُورُوگْوَای}}
- Uruguay:Proper noun:country
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اُروگوئِه}}
- Utrecht:Proper noun:city in the Netherlands
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|یوترخت}}
- Uzbek:Adjective:of, from, or pertaining to Uzbekistan, its people or language
- * Bangla: {{t+|bn|উজবেক}}
- Vaikuntha:Proper noun:
- *:: Devanagari: {{t|omr|वैकुंठ}}
- Vaikuntha:Proper noun:
- *:: Modi: {{t|omr|𑘪𑘺𑘎𑘳𑘽𑘙}}
- Vaikuntha:Proper noun:
- *: Old Marathi:
- Vaishnavism:Proper noun:a branch of Hinduism focusing on the worship of Vishnu
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|ویشنو}}
- Valentine:Noun:male given name
- *: Abjad: {{t|az|والنتین|m}}
- Valentine:Noun:male given name
- *: Roman: {{t|be|Valancin|m}} {{qualifier|łacinka}}
- Vancouver:Proper noun:city
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|وینکوور}}
- Vatican:Proper noun:state
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|وَاتِیکَان}}
- Vatican:Proper noun:state
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|واتیکان}}
- Vedic Sanskrit:Proper noun:language
- * Magadhi Prakrit: {{t|pra-mag|𑀯𑁃𑀤𑀺𑀓 𑀲𑀁𑀲𑁆𑀓𑀾𑀢}}
- Vedic Sanskrit:Proper noun:language
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|ویدک سنسکرت|tr=vaidik sanskŕt}}
- Vejovis:Proper noun:
- *: Latin: {{t|la|Veiovis}}
- Vela:Proper noun:constellation
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|Sùng-pùng-cô̤}}
- Velestinon:Proper noun:archaic form of Velestino
- *: Katharevousa: {{t|el|Βελέστινον}}
- Vendée:Proper noun:department
- * Poitevin-Saintongese: {{t|roa-poi|Vendàie|f}}
- Venezuela:Proper noun:country
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|وِنِزْویلَا}}
- Venezuela:Proper noun:country
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|وِنِزوئِلا}}
- Venezuelan:Noun:person from Venezuela or of Venezuelan descent
- *: New Latin: {{t-check|la|Venetiolanus|m}}
- Venus:Proper noun:planet
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|金星}}
- Venus:Proper noun:planet
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|金星|tr=Kim-chheⁿ, Kim-chhiⁿ}}, {{tt+|nan-hbl|太白星|tr=Thài-pe̍k-chheⁿ, Thài-pe̍k-chhiⁿ}}
- Venus:Proper noun:planet
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|نَاهِید}}, {{tt|prs|زُهْرَه}}, {{tt|prs|بَیْدَخْت}}
- Venus:Proper noun:planet
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|ناهید}}, {{tt|fa-ira|زُهْرِه}}, {{tt|fa-ira|بِیْدَخْت}}
- Venus:Proper noun:goddess
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|وِنوس}}
- Versailles:Proper noun:city in Yvelines, Île-de-France
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|ورسائی|tr=varsāī}}
- Vietnam:Proper noun:country in Southeast Asia
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|越南}}
- Vietnam:Proper noun:country in Southeast Asia
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|越南|tr=O̍at-lâm}}
- Vietnam:Proper noun:country in Southeast Asia
- *: Classical Persian: {{tt|fa-cls|وِیَتْنَام}}
- Vietnam:Proper noun:country in Southeast Asia
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|وِیَتْنام}}
- Vietnam:Proper noun:country in Southeast Asia
- *: Brazilian: {{tt+|pt|Vietnã|m}}
- Vietnam:Proper noun:country in Southeast Asia
- *: European: {{tt+|pt|Vietname|m}}
- Vietnam:Proper noun:country in Southeast Asia
- * Western Panjabi: {{tt|pnb|ویتنام}}, {{tt|pnb|ویت نام}}
- Vigan:Proper noun:city in the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|美岸|tr=bî-gán}} {{q|Philippines}}
- Viking:Noun:One of the Scandinavian seafaring warriors
- * Low Saxon: {{t|nds-de|Wikingers}} {{qf|in plural}}
- Visakhapatnam:Proper noun:city in India
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|وشاکھپتنم|tr=viśākhpaṭnam}}
- Visayas:Proper noun:island group
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|南島|tr=Lâm-tó͘}} {{q|archaic}}
- Vitebsk:Proper noun:city
- *: Roman: {{t|be|Viciebsk|m}} {{qualifier|łacinka}}
- Volga:Proper noun:longest river in Europe, flowing to the Caspian Sea
- *: Abjad: {{t|az|عديل}}, {{t|az|آطل}}
- Volga:Proper noun:longest river in Europe, flowing to the Caspian Sea
- *: Roman: {{t|az|Edil}}, {{t+|az|Volqa}}
- Vulpecula:Proper noun:autumn constellation
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|狐狸座|tr=Hùlìcô̤}}
- Vulpecula:Proper noun:autumn constellation
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|狐狸座|tr=Hô͘lîchō}}
- WMD:Noun:initialism
- * Russuan: {{t+|ru|ОМП|n}}
- WTF:Phrase:What the fuck
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|三小}}
- Walcourt:Proper noun:a city in Namur Province, Belgium
- * Wallon: {{t+|wa|Walcoû|f}}
- Wales:Proper noun:a constituent nation of the UK
- *: Welsh Romani: {{t|rmw|Vålši|f-p}}, {{t|rmw|Akava Them|m}}, {{t|rmw|Talano Them|m}}, {{t|rmw|Vålšano Them|m}}, {{t|rmw|Vålšenengo Them|m}}, {{t|rmw|Vålšitika Them|m}}
- Wallachia:Proper noun:region in Romania
- *: Old Albanian: {{t|sq|Gogëni}} {{q|Gheg}}, {{t|sq|Gogëri}} {{q|Tosk}}
- Wang:Proper noun:Wang: the Chinese surname
- *: Classical Mongolian: {{t|cmg|ᠸᠠᠩ}}
- Wangan:Proper noun:rural township in southern Penghu (the Pescadores)
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|望安|tr=Bāng-oaⁿ}}
- Wanli:Proper noun:Chinese era name
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|萬曆|tr=Bān-le̍k}}
- Wanli:Proper noun:district in northern Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|萬里|tr=Bān-lí}}
- Warsaw:Proper noun:capital city of Poland
- *: Roman: {{t|be|Varšava|f}} {{qualifier|łacinka}}
- Warsaw Pact:Proper noun:pact
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|پِیْمانِ وَرْشُوْ}}
- Washington:Proper noun:name
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|華盛頓|tr=Hôa-sēng-tùn}}
- Washington:Proper noun:name
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|واشِنْگْتُن}}
- Washington:Proper noun:US state
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|واشِنْگْتُن}}
- Washington:Proper noun:US state
- *: Latin: {{t|uz|Vashington shtati}}
- Washington, D.C.:Proper noun:federal capital of the United States of America
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|華府|tr=Hôa-hú}}
- Waxiang:Noun:language
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|瓦鄉話|tr=nguā-hiŏng-ngṳ̄}}
- Wednesday:Noun:day of the week
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|禮拜三|tr=lé-pài-sam}}, {{t|nan-hbl|拜三|tr=pài-sam}}
- Wednesday:Noun:day of the week
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|mékrédi}}, {{t|lou|mèkrèdi}}, {{t|lou|mærkrédi}}
- Wednesday:Noun:day of the week
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|چَهارْشَنْبِه}}
- Wednesday:Noun:day of the week
- *: Southern Sami: {{t|sma|gaskevåhkoe}}
- Wehrmacht:Proper noun:German armed forces from 1935 to 1945
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|وِرْماخْت}}
- Wenzhou:Proper noun:city in China
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|溫州|tr=Ŭng-ciŭ}}
- Wenzhou:Proper noun:city in China
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|溫州|tr=Un-chiu}}
- West Azerbaijan:Proper noun:
- *: Perso-Arabic: {{t|az|غربی آذربایجان}}
- West Azerbaijan:Proper noun:
- *: Roman: {{t+|az|Qərbi Azərbaycan}}
- West Bank:Proper noun:territory
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کَرانِهٔ باخْتَری}}
- West Bank:Proper noun:territory
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|مغربی کنارا}}
- West Frisian:Proper noun:language spoken in Friesland
- *: East Frisian: {{t+|nds|Westfräisk|n}}
- Western Sahara:Proper noun:a territory in northern Africa
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|صَحْرایِ غَرْبی|tr=sahrâ-ye ğarbi}}
- Western Wall:Proper noun:ancient wall in Jerusalem, remnant of the Jewish Second Temple
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|دیوار گریہ}}
- White House:Proper noun:the official residence of the President of the United States of America
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|白厝|tr=Pe̍h-chhù}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|白宮|tr=Pe̍h-kiong}}
- White House:Proper noun:the official residence of the President of the United States of America
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کاخِ سِفید}}
- Whitsunday:Noun:the Sunday of the feast of Pentecost
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|五旬節|tr=Gō͘-sûn-choeh, Gō͘-sûn-cheh}}
- Whitsunday:Noun:the Sunday of the feast of Pentecost
- * Frisian:
- Whitsunday:Noun:the Sunday of the feast of Pentecost
- *: West Frisian: {{t|fy|Pinkster}}
- Wikipedia:Proper noun:online encyclopedia
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|維基百科|tr=Ûi-ki-pah-kho, Ûi-ki-pek-kho}}
- Wikipedia:Proper noun:online encyclopedia
- *: Hebrew script: {{t|lad|בֿיקיפידייה}}
- Wikipedia:Proper noun:online encyclopedia
- *: Vlax Romani: {{t|rmy|Vikipidiya}}
- Wikipedia:Proper noun:online encyclopedia
- *: Kinyarwanda: {{t|rw|Wikipediya}}
- Wikipedia:Proper noun:online encyclopedia
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|وکیپیڈیا}}
- Wolfgang:Proper noun:male given name
- *: Low German: {{t|nds|Wolfgang}}
- Wolverhampton:Proper noun:city
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|وولورہیمپٹن}}
- Word:Proper noun:Creative word of God
- * Pa-O: {{t|blk|ငဝ်းဖြုံႏ}}
- World Health Assembly:Proper noun:WHO governance body
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|世界衛生大會|tr=Sè-kài Ōe-seng Tāi-hōe}}
- World War I:Proper noun:war
- *: Latin: {{t|uz|Birinchi Jahon Urushi}}
- World War II:Proper noun:war from 1939 to 1945
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|جَنْگِ جَهَانِیِ دُوُم}}
- World War II:Proper noun:war from 1939 to 1945
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|جَنْگِ جَهانیِ دُوُّم}}
- Wufeng:Proper noun:autonomous county in central China; town in central China; township in central China; township in northern Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|五峰|tr=Ngó͘-hong}}
- Wufeng:Proper noun:district
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|霧峰|tr=Bū-hong}}
- Wuqi:Proper noun:district
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|梧棲|tr=Gô͘-chhe}}
- X-ray:Noun:short wavelength electromagnetic radiation
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|X光線|tr=X kng-soàⁿ}}
- X-ray:Noun:short wavelength electromagnetic radiation
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|پَرْتُوْیِ ایکْس}}, {{t|fa-ira|شُعَاعِ ایکْس}}
- Xerxes:Proper noun:Xerxes I of Persia
- *: Old Persian: {{t|peo|𐎧𐏁𐎹𐎠𐎼𐏁𐎠|ts=xšayāršā|sc=Xpeo}}
- Xiamen:Proper noun:a sub-provincial city in southeastern China
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|廈門|tr=Ē-mn̂g, Ēe-mûi}}
- Xihu:Proper noun:rural township
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|西湖}}
- Xihu:Proper noun:district
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|溪湖}}
- Xinjiang:Proper noun:Uyghur autonomous region of China
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|新疆|tr=Sĭng-giŏng}}
- Xinzhuang:Proper noun:district
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|新莊}}
- Xiyin:Proper noun:island
- *: Hokkien: {{t-needed|nan-hbl}}
- Xochapa:Proper noun:
- *: Alcozauca: {{t|xta|I̱ta Ita}}, {{t|xta|Tètà}}
- YHWH:Proper noun:יהוה (tetragrammaton)
- *: Samaritan: {{t|smp|ࠉࠡࠄࠅࠝࠄ|m}}
- YHWH:Proper noun:יהוה (tetragrammaton)
- * Syriac: {{t|syc|ܝܗܘܗ}}
- Yahweh:Proper noun:personal name of God
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|耶和華|tr=Iâ-hô-hoa}}
- Yahweh:Proper noun:personal name of God
- * Itallian: {{t+|it|Geova|m}}, {{t|it|Javè|m}}
- Yahweh:Proper noun:personal name of God
- * Samaritan:
- Yahweh:Proper noun:personal name of God
- *: Samaritan Aramaic: {{t|sam|ࠉࠞࠄࠅ࠘ࠥࠄ|m|ts=yāwa}}
- Yahweh:Proper noun:personal name of God
- *: Samaritan Hebrew: {{t|smp|ࠉࠞࠄࠅ࠘ࠥࠄ|m|tr=yāwa}}
- Yahweh:Proper noun:personal name of God
- * Syriac: {{t|syc|ܝܗܘܗ}}
- Yakeshi:Proper noun:county-level city
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|牙克石}}
- Yakut:Proper noun:language
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|yakut-gí}}
- Yakut:Proper noun:language
- *: Modern Mongolian: {{t|mn|ᠶᠠᠺᠦ᠋ᠲ}}, {{t|mn|ᠰᠠᡙᠠ᠋}}
- Yakut:Proper noun:language
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|ساکھا|tr=sākhā}}
- Yama:Proper noun:the Hindu lord of death, who rides a buffalo
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|閻摩|tr=Ngièng-mò̤}}
- Yama:Proper noun:the Hindu lord of death, who rides a buffalo
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|یمراج}}
- Yangtze:Proper noun:the third longest river in the world
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|長江|tr=Diòng-gĕ̤ng}}, {{t|cdo|揚子江|tr=Iòng-cṳ̄-gĕ̤ng}}
- Yangtze:Proper noun:the third longest river in the world
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|長江|tr=Tiông-kang, Tn̂g-kang}}
- Yanshuei:Proper noun:district in south Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|鹽水|tr=Kiâm-chúi}}
- Yellow River:Proper noun:Main river of the North China Plain
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|黃河|tr=N̂g-hô, Hông-hô}}
- Yellow Transparent:Noun:apple cultivar
- * Frech: {{t|fr|Transparent Jaune}}
- Yemen:Proper noun:Republic of Yemen
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|یَمَن}}
- Yemen:Proper noun:Republic of Yemen
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|یَمَن}}, {{t|fa-ira|هاماوَران}} {{qualifier|Hamavaran}}
- Yemen:Proper noun:Republic of Yemen
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|Iêmen|m}}
- Yemen:Proper noun:Republic of Yemen
- *: European: {{t+|pt|Iémen|m}}
- Yerevan:Proper noun:the capital and largest city of Armenia
- *: Abjad: {{t|az|ایروان|tr=irævān}}
- Yerevan:Proper noun:the capital and largest city of Armenia
- *: Roman: {{t|az|İrəvan}}, {{t|az|Yerevan}}
- Yevgeny:Proper noun:given name
- *: Roman: {{t|be|Jaŭhien|m}} {{qualifier|łacinka}}
- Yiddish:Proper noun:language
- *: Kernowek Standard: {{t|kw|Yêdhowek|m}}
- Yilan:Proper noun:county in Taiwan; city in Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|宜蘭|tr=Gî-lân}}
- Yong'an:Proper noun:city in Fujian, China
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|永安|tr=Éng-an}}
- Yongchun:Proper noun:city in Fujian
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|永春|tr=Éng-chhun}}
- York:Proper noun:city in North Yorkshire
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|یارک}}
- Yosondúa:Proper noun:town
- *: San Miguel el Grande: {{t|mig|sánchāu}}
- Yosoyuxi:Proper noun:
- * Triqui:
- Yosoyuxi:Proper noun:
- *: Chicahuaxtla: {{t|trs|Ta³ Naj³}}
- Yuan dynasty:Proper noun:Chinese dynasty
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|元朝|tr=Goân-tiâu}}
- Yuanli:Proper noun:urban township in western Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|苑裡|tr=Oán-lí}}
- Yucunicoco:Proper noun:
- * Triqui:
- Yucunicoco:Proper noun:
- *: Chicahuaxtla: {{t|trs|Xaca³}}
- Yue:Proper noun:variety of Chinese
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|粵語|tr=oa̍t-gí, oa̍t-gú}}
- Yule log:Noun:log burned on Christmas Eve
- *: Provençal: {{t|oc|cachafuec|m}}, {{qualifier|Niçard}} {{t|oc|cachafuèc|m}}
- Yunlin:Proper noun:county in western Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|雲林|tr=Hûn-lîm}}
- Yunnan:Proper noun:a province in China
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|雲南|tr=Hûn-lâm}}
- Yushchenko:Proper noun:Ukrainian surname
- *: Roman: {{t|az|Yuşşenko}}
- Zambales:Proper noun:province of the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|三描禮士}}
- Zamboanga Sibugay:Proper noun:province of the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t-needed|zh}}
- Zamboanga del Norte:Proper noun:province of the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t-needed|zh}}
- Zamboanga del Sur:Proper noun:province of the Philippines
- *: Hokkien: {{t-needed|zh}}
- Zebec:Proper noun:
- * Croatian: {{t|sh|Zebec}}
- Zebec:Proper noun:
- * Serbian: {{t|sh|Зебец}}
- Zechariah:Proper noun:king of Israel
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|撒賈利亞|tr=Sák-gā-lé-ă}}
- Zechariah:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|撒賈利亞書|tr=Sák-gā-lé-ă-cṳ̆}}
- Zechariah:Proper noun:Hebrew prophet traditionally considered the author of the Book of Zechariah
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|撒賈利亞|tr=Sák-gā-lé-ă}}
- Zechariah:Proper noun:father of John the Baptist
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|撒賈利亞|tr=Sák-gā-lé-ă}}
- Zelenskyy:Proper noun:surname
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|زِلِنْسْکی}}
- Zen:Proper noun:denomination of Buddhism
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|禪|tr=siân}}, {{t|nan-hbl|禪宗|tr=siân-chong}}
- Zen:Proper noun:denomination of Buddhism
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|زین}}
- Zen Buddhism:Noun:the Zen denomination of Buddhism
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|禪宗|tr=siân-chong}}
- Zen Buddhism:Noun:the Zen denomination of Buddhism
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|زین}}
- Zend:Proper noun:the Avestan language
- * Kurdish: {{t+|kmr|zend|n}}
- Zephaniah:Proper noun:book of the Bible
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|西番雅書|n|tr=Să̤-huăng-ngā-cṳ̆}}
- Zeus:Proper noun:supreme ruler of all Greek gods
- *: Aeolic: {{t|grc|Δάν|m}}
- Zhangzhou:Proper noun:a city of China
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|漳州|tr=Chiang-chiu}}
- Zhangzhou:Proper noun:a city of China
- *: Teochew: {{t|nan-tws|漳州|tr=ziang1 ziu1}}
- Zhongli:Proper noun:city in Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|中壢|tr=Tiong-le̍k, Tiong-li̍k}}
- Zhuang:Proper noun:surname
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|莊|tr=Chng}}
- Zhuanglang:Proper noun:county
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|莊浪}}
- Zhubei:Proper noun:city
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|竹北|tr=Tek-pak}}
- Zhuyin fuhao:Proper noun:Zhuyin fuhao (bopomofo)
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|注音符號|tr=chù-im hû-hō}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|注音|tr=chù-im}}
- Zion:Proper noun:hill ("mount") in Israel
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|錫安}}
- Zmiivka:Proper noun:village in Beryslav, Beryslav, Kherson, Ukraine
- *: Latin: {{t|uz|Zmievka}}
- Zmiyovka:Proper noun:urban-type settlement in Zmiyovka, Sverdlovsky, Oryol, Central Russia
- * Azeri:
- Zmiyovka:Proper noun:urban-type settlement in Zmiyovka, Sverdlovsky, Oryol, Central Russia
- *: South Azerbaijani: {{t|az|زمییووکا}}
- Zuojhen:Proper noun:district in southern Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|左鎮|tr=Chó-tìn}}
- Zuoying:Proper noun:district of Kaohsiung, Taiwan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|左營|tr=Chó-iâⁿ}}
- a bad workman always blames his tools:Proverb:not the tools but how they're employed
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|𣍐曉駛船嫌溪彎|tr=bōe-hiáu sái-chûn hiâm khoe oan}}, {{t|nan-hbl|𣍐曉駛船嫌溪狹|tr=bōe-hiáu sái-chûn hiâm khoe oe̍h}}
- a bad workman always blames his tools:Proverb:not the tools but how they're employed
- *: Dari: {{t|fa|پهلوان که باخت میگه نیرو من تنگ بود|tr=}}
- a few:Pronoun:a small number of things
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|一寡|tr=chi̍t-kóa}}
- a little:Adverb:to a small extent or degree
- *: Masali: {{t|tly|کمی|tr=kami}}
- a woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle:Phrase:a woman is capable of living a complete and independent life
- *: Hokkien: {{t-needed|nan-hbl}}
- aardwolf:Noun:the mammal Proteles cristatus
- * Afan Oromo: {{t+|om|golloo}},
- aback:Adverb:backwards
- * Afan Oromo: {{t+|om|rifachuu}}, {{t+|om|nahuu}}, {{t+|om|na'uu}}
- abacus:Noun:(obsolete) table or tray scattered with sand for calculating or drawing
- * Afan Oromo: {{t+|om|abakaas|m}}
- abacus:Noun:device for performing arithmetical calculations
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|算盤|tr=sǹg-poaⁿ}}
- abalone:Noun:edible univalve mollusc
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|鮑魚|tr=pau-hî, pau-hû}}
- abandon:Verb:to give up control of, surrender
- * Afan Oromo: {{t+|om|ganuu}}, {{t|om|guutummaatti dhiisuu}}
- abandon:Verb:to give up control of, surrender
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|放捒|tr=pàng-sak, pàng-sat}}, {{t|nan-hbl|khì-choa̍t}}
- abandon:Verb:to give up control of, surrender
- *: Campidanese Sardinian: {{t|sc|disamparai}}
- abandon:Verb:to give up control of, surrender
- *: Logudorese Sardinian: {{t|sc|disamparare}}
- abase:Verb:to lower physically
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|降低|tr=kàng-kē}}
- abattoir:Noun:public slaughterhouse
- * Afan Oromo: {{t+|om|moggorraa}} {{t|om|lafqalii}} {{t|om|qeeraa}}
- abattoir:Noun:public slaughterhouse
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|abatwa}}
- abbey:Noun:monastery headed by an abbot
- * Afan Oromo: {{t+|om|gadaamii}}
- abbey:Noun:monastery headed by an abbot
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|隱修院|tr=ún-siu-īuⁿ}}
- abbey:Noun:monastery headed by an abbot
- * Old Portuguese: {{t|roa-opt|abadia}}
- abdomen:Noun:belly
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|腹|tr=pak}}
- abdomen:Noun:belly
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|abdômen|m}}
- abdomen:Noun:belly
- *: European: {{t+|pt|abdómen|m}}
- abdomen:Noun:cavity
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|abdômen|m}}
- abdomen:Noun:cavity
- *: European: {{t+|pt|abdómen|m}}
- abdomen:Noun:posterior section of an arthropod's body
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|abdômen|m}}
- abdomen:Noun:posterior section of an arthropod's body
- *: European: {{t+|pt|abdómen|m}}
- abet:Verb:to assist or encourage in crime
- * Afan Oromo: {{t+|om|Saaduu}}
- abhor:Verb:to regard with horror or detestation
- * Afan Oromo: {{t+|om|balfuu}}
- abhorrent:Adjective:inconsistent with
- * Afan Oromo: {{t+|om|fokkisaa}}
- abiogenesis:Noun:origination of living organisms from lifeless matter
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|abiogênese|f}}
- abiogenesis:Noun:origination of living organisms from lifeless matter
- *: European: {{t+|pt|abiogénese|f}}
- abiogenic:Adjective:not produced or derived by means of living organisms
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|abiogênico}}
- abiogenic:Adjective:not produced or derived by means of living organisms
- *: European: {{t|pt|abiogénico}}
- abjad:Noun:writing system
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|اَبْجَد}}
- abjad:Noun:writing system
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اَبْجَد}}
- abject:Noun:person in the lowest and most despicable condition
- *: Campidanese Sardinian: {{t|sc|indinniu}}
- abject:Noun:person in the lowest and most despicable condition
- *: Logudorese Sardinian: {{t|sc|indinniu}}
- about to:Phrase:indicating imminence
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|欲|tr=buóh}}
- about to:Phrase:indicating imminence
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|欲|tr=beh}}
- abroad:Adverb:in foreign countries
- *: Croatian: {{t+|sh|inozemstvo|n}}
- abscissa:Noun:first of two coordinates
- *: Kabyle: {{t|kab|tanegzumt}}
- absentee:Noun:person who is absent
- *: Campidanese Sardinian: {{t|sc|ausente}}, {{t|sc|stesiau}}
- absentee:Noun:person who is absent
- *: Logudorese Sardinian: {{t|sc|ausente}}
- absolute:Adjective:free from limitations or conditions
- *: Kabyle: {{t|kab|amagdez}}
- absolute:Adjective:free from imperfection; complete in itself
- *: Kabyle: {{t|kab|amagdez}}
- absolute:Adjective:fundamental, ultimate, intrinsic, independent of references or relations to other things
- *: Kabyle: {{t|kab|amagdez}}
- absolute:Adjective:
- *: Kabyle: {{t-check|kab|amagdez}}
- abstract:Adjective:apart from practice or reality; not concrete
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|抽象|tr=thiu-siōng}}
- absurd:Adjective:contrary to reason or propriety
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|譀古}}
- acacia:Noun:shrub or tree
- *: Fayyumic: {{t|cop-fay|ϣⲁⲛϯ|f|tr=šanti}}
- academy:Noun:learned society
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|فَرْهَنْگِسْتان}}, {{t|fa-ira|آکادِمی}}
- academy:Noun:specialized school
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|آکادِمی}}
- academy:Noun:college or university
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|دانِشْگاه}}
- accident:Noun:unexpected event with negative consequences
- *: Kabyle: {{t|kab|asehwu}}
- accident:Noun:chance
- * Indonesia: {{t+|id|kebetulan}}
- accident:Noun:transport: unintended event that causes damage
- *: {{sense|with a person}} {{t|ase|3@SideChesthigh-FingerAcross-1@CenterChesthigh-FingerUp S@Finger-TipFinger-1@CenterChesthigh-FingerUp}}
- accident:Noun:transport: unintended event that causes damage
- *: {{sense|with a stationary object}} {{t|ase|3@SideChesthigh-FingerAcross-S@CenterChesthigh-TipAcross S@Tip-TipAcross-S@CenterChesthigh-TipAcross}}
- accident:Noun:transport: unintended event that causes damage
- *: {{sense|with another vehicle}} {{t|ase|3@SideChesthigh-FingerAcross-3@SideChesthigh-FingerAcross S@Tip-TipAcross-S@CenterChesthigh-TipAcross}}
- accordion:Noun:a small, portable, keyed wind instrument
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|手風琴|tr=chhiú-hong-khîm / chhiú-hoang-khîm}}
- account:Noun:a registry of pecuniary transactions
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|حِسَاب}}
- account:Noun:a registry of pecuniary transactions
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|حِساب}}
- accountant:Noun:a reckoner, or someone who maintains financial matters for a person(s)
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|حِسابْدار}}, {{t|fa-ira|مُحاسِب}}
- accrue:Verb:increase
- * Frisian: {{t|fy|krije}}, {{t|fy|groeien}}
- accusation:Noun:that of which one is accused
- * Soussian: {{t|shi|tummla|f}}, {{t|shi|anamul|m}}
- ace up one's sleeve:Noun:a surprise of which others are not aware
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[秘密]][[王牌]]|tr=pì-bi̍t ông-pâi}}
- ache:Noun:dull pain
- *: Dari: {{t+|prs|دَرْد}}
- ache:Noun:dull pain
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|دَرْد}}
- achoo:Interjection:the sound of a sneeze
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|咳啾}}
- acid:Noun:a sour substance
- *: Dari: {{t+|prs|تیزَاب}}
- acid:Noun:a sour substance
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|اَسید}}, {{t+|fa-ira|تُرْشی}}
- acid:Noun:in chemistry
- *: Dari: {{t+|prs|تیزَاب}}
- acid:Noun:in chemistry
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|اَسید}}
- acne:Noun:a skin condition
- *: bokmål: {{t+|nb|akne|m}}
- acne:Noun:a skin condition
- *: nynorsk: {{t|nn|akne|m}}
- acorn:Noun:fruit of the oak tree
- * Ohlone:
- acorn:Noun:fruit of the oak tree
- *: Northern Ohlone: {{t|cst|yuu}}
- acronym:Noun:word formed by initial letters
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|acrônimo|m}}
- acronym:Noun:word formed by initial letters
- *: European: {{t+|pt|acrónimo|m}}
- across:Preposition:from the far side
- *: Egyptian Arabic: {{t|arz|خلال|tr=ḵelaal|sc=Arab}}
- act:Noun:drama: division of theatrical performance
- *: Paderbornisch: {{t|nds-de|Akt}}
- actor:Noun:person who performs in a theatrical play or film
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|演員|tr=ián-oân}}
- actor:Noun:person who performs in a theatrical play or film
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|بازیگَر}}, {{t|fa-ira|آکْتور|tr=âktor}}, {{t|fa-ira|آکْتْریس}} {{q|female}}
- acupuncture:Noun:insertion of needles for remedial purposes
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|針灸|tr=chiam-kù}}
- adansonia:Noun:any member of the tree genus Adansonia
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|adansônia|f}}
- adansonia:Noun:any member of the tree genus Adansonia
- *: European: {{t+|pt|adansónia|f}}
- addition:Noun:arithmetic: process of adding
- *: Sassarese: {{t|sdc|addizioni}}
- address:Noun:description of the location of a property; direction for correspondence
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|地址}}
- address:Noun:description of the location of a property; direction for correspondence
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|地址|tr=tē-chí/toē-chí}}
- address:Noun:description of the location of a property; direction for correspondence
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|نِشَانِی}}
- address:Noun:description of the location of a property; direction for correspondence
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|آدْرِس}}, {{t|fa-ira|نِشانی}}
- address:Noun:string of characters identifying a location on the internet or other network
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|نِشانیِ اینْتِرْنِتی}}
- adhan:Noun:(Islam) The call to prayer
- * Cham:
- adhan:Noun:(Islam) The call to prayer
- *: Eastern Cham: {{t-needed|cjm}}
- adhan:Noun:(Islam) The call to prayer
- *: Western Cham: {{t-needed|cja}}
- adhesive tape:Noun:adhesive tape generally
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|貼紙|tr=tah-chóa}}, {{t|nan-hbl|黏紙|tr=liâm-chóa}}
- adjectival noun:Noun:Adjectival noun in Czech grammar
- <!--Here is some fodder for the "Translations" section that someone had misplaced under "See also" for English-language readers: * [[形容詞]] * [[形容動詞]] * [[連体詞]] -->
- adjective:Noun:(grammar) a word that modifies a noun or describes a noun’s referent
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|形容詞|tr=hêng-iông-sû}}
- adjective:Noun:(grammar) a word that modifies a noun or describes a noun’s referent
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|صِفَت}}
- adjective:Noun:(grammar) a word that modifies a noun or describes a noun’s referent
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|صِفَت}}, {{t+|fa-ira|وَصْف}}
- administration:Noun:the act of administering
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|اِدارِه}}, {{t+|fa-ira|مُدیرِیَّت}}
- administration:Noun:the executive part of government
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|اِدارِه}}
- administrator:Noun:one who administers affairs
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مُدیر}}
- administrator:Noun:computing: one who responsible for software and maintenance of a computer or network
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مُدیر}}
- adolescence:Noun:period between childhood and maturity
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|siàu-liân-kî}}
- advent:Verb:coming, arrival
- *: Norwegian bokmål: {{t+|nb|advent|m}}
- advent:Verb:coming, arrival
- *: Norwegian nynorsk: {{t|nn|advent|f}}
- adverb:Noun:lexical category
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|副詞|tr=hù-sû}}
- adverb:Noun:lexical category
- *: Middle High German / Early New High German: [[zuwort]]
- adverb:Noun:lexical category
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|قَیْد}}, {{t|prs|ظَرْف}}
- adverb:Noun:lexical category
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|قِیْد}}, {{t|fa-ira|ظَرْف}}
- advertisement:Noun:commercial solicitation
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|廣告|tr=kóng-kò}}
- advertisement:Noun:commercial solicitation
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|تَبْلیغ}}, {{t|fa-ira|آنونْس|tr=ânons}}, {{t|fa-ira|اِعْلان}}, {{t|fa-ira|آگَهی}}
- advice:Noun:opinion recommended or offered, as worthy to be followed; counsel
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|پَنْد}}, {{t|fa-ira|اَنْدَرْز|}}, {{t|fa-ira|نَصیحَت}}, {{t|fa-ira|تُوْصِیِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|مَصْلَحَت}}, {{t|fa-ira|مَشْوَرَت}}
- advisor:Noun:one who offers advice
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|顧問|tr=kò͘-būn}}
- aedile:Noun:elected official in Ancient Rome
- *: Old Latin: {{t|la|aidilis}}
- affectionate:Adjective:loving
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|友愛|tr=iú-ài}}
- afghani:Noun:national currency of Afghanistan
- *: Dari: {{t+|prs|افغانی|tr=afğānī}}
- afghani:Noun:national currency of Afghanistan
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|افغانی|tr=afğâni}}
- afraid:Adjective:impressed with fear or apprehension; in fear; apprehensive
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|pœr}}, {{t|lou|pè}}
- after:Adverb:behind; later in time; following
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|apré}}
- after:Preposition:subsequently; following in time; later than
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|apré}}
- after:Preposition:behind
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|dèriyè}}, {{t|lou|dèriyær}}
- afternoon:Noun:part of the day between noon and evening
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|下晡|tr=ē-po͘ / ĕ-po͘}}, {{t|nan-hbl|暗晡|tr=àm-po͘}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|下晝|tr=ē-tàu}}
- aftertaste:Noun:The persistence of the taste of something no longer present
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|喙尾|tr=chhùi-bé}}, {{t|nan-hbl|回味|tr=hôe-bī}}
- agate:Noun:mineral
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|瑪瑙|tr=mā-nō̤}}
- agate:Noun:mineral
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|瑪瑙|tr=má-ló / má-nó͘ / bé-ló / bée-ló}}
- agate:Noun:mineral
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|عقیق|tr=aqīq}}
- age:Noun:amount of time since the birth of a being or the beginning of a thing
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|سِنّ}}, {{t|fa-ira|عُمْر}}
- age:Noun:one of the stages of life
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|سِنّ}}
- age:Noun:particular period of time in history
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|عَصْر}}, {{t|fa-ira|دُوْرِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|زَمان}}, {{t|fa-ira|زَمانِه}}
- age limit:Noun:restriction based on age
- *: Southern Sami: {{t|sma|jaepieraaste}}
- age of consent:Noun:an age at which one is legally mature enough to have sex
- *: Arabic: {{t|fa|سن قانونی}}
- aggregate:Noun:any of the five aspects constituting the sentient being in Buddhism
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|蘊|tr=un}}
- agriculture:Noun:the art or science of cultivating the ground
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|農業|tr=lông-gia̍p}}
- agriculture:Noun:the art or science of cultivating the ground
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کِشاوَرْزی}}, {{t|fa-ira|زِراعَت}}, {{t|fa-ira|فَلاحَت}}, {{t|fa-ira|حِراثَت}}, {{t|fa-ira|دِهْقانی}}
- agroeconomic:Adjective:economics of agriculture
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|agroeconômico}}
- agroeconomic:Adjective:economics of agriculture
- *: European: {{t|pt|agroeconómico}}
- agronomic:Adjective:of or pertaining to agronomy
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|agronômico}}
- agronomic:Adjective:of or pertaining to agronomy
- *: European: {{t+|pt|agronómico}}
- agronomist:Noun:scientist specialized in agronomy
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|agrônomo|m}}, {{t+|pt|agrônoma|f}}
- agronomist:Noun:scientist specialized in agronomy
- *: European: {{t+|pt|agrónomo|m}}, {{t+|pt|agrónoma|f}}
- aid:Noun:help; succor; assistance; relief
- * Albania: {{t+|sq|ndihmë|f}}
- aid:Noun:a person that promotes or helps in something being done; a helper
- * Albania: {{t+|sq|ndihmës|f}}
- air conditioner:Noun:a machine that is used to control temperature and humidity in an enclosed space
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|冷氣|tr=léng-khì}}, {{t|nan-hbl|冷氣機|tr=léng-khì-ki}}
- air conditioner:Noun:a machine that is used to control temperature and humidity in an enclosed space
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|تَهْوِیِهٔ مَطْبوع}}, {{t|fa-ira|کولِر}}
- air conditioning:Noun:the state of temperature and humidity produced by an air conditioner
- *: Morocco: {{t|ary|كليمتيزسيون|tr=klīmatīzasyon}}
- air conditioning:Noun:an air conditioner or system of air conditioners
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|تَهْوِیِهٔ مَطْبوع}}, {{t|fa-ira|کولِر}}
- air force:Noun:branch of the military devoted to air warfare
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|空軍|tr=khong-kun}}
- air force:Noun:branch of the military devoted to air warfare
- *: Alsatian <small>(Low Alemannic German)</small>: {{t|gsw|Luftwàffa|f}}
- aircraft:Noun:machine capable of atmospheric flight
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|飛行器|tr=hui-hêng-khì}}
- aircraft carrier:Noun:warship for launching aircraft
- *: Hokkien: {{t-needed|nan-hbl}}
- airmail:Noun:the items of mail carried using aircraft
- * Cyrillic: {{t|mn|агаарын шуудангийн захиа}} {{t|mn|агаарын захидал}} {{qual|China}}
- airplane:Noun:powered aircraft
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|飛機|tr=hĭ-*gĭ}}, {{t|cdo|飛船}}
- airplane:Noun:powered aircraft
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|飛機|tr=hui-ki}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|飛行機|tr=hui-hêng-ki, poe-hêng-ki, pe-hêng-ki, hue-lêng-ki, hui-lêng-ki, poe-lêng-ki, hoe-nn̄g-ki}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|飛船|tr=poe-chûn, pe-chûn, hui-chûn}} {{qualifier|dated}}
- airplane:Noun:powered aircraft
- *: Northern Min: {{t|mnp|飛機}}
- airplane:Noun:powered aircraft
- *: Roman: {{t|ff|laana-wiirooha}}, {{t|ff|arapulel}}, {{t|ff|awiyon}}
- airplane:Noun:powered aircraft
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|طَیَّارَه}}
- airplane:Noun:powered aircraft
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|هَواپِیْما}}, {{t|fa-ira|طَیَّارِه}} {{qualifier|dated}}
- airport:Noun:place designated for airplanes
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|機場}}
- airport:Noun:place designated for airplanes
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|機場|tr=ki-tiûⁿ}}, {{t|nan-hbl|飛機場|tr=hui-ki-tiûⁿ}}
- airport:Noun:place designated for airplanes
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|مَیْدَانِ طَیَّارَه}}, {{t|prs|مَیْدَانِ هَوَایِی}}
- airport:Noun:place designated for airplanes
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|فُرودْگاه}}
- alarm:Noun:summons to arms
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|آژیر}}
- alarm clock:Noun:type of clock
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|鬧鐘}}
- alarm clock:Noun:type of clock
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|鬧鐘|tr=nāu-cheng}}, {{t|nan-hbl|亂鐘|tr=lōan-cheng}}, {{t|nan-hbl|叫鐘|tr=kiò-cheng}}
- alarm clock:Noun:type of clock
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|ساعَتِ زَنْگدار}}, {{t|fa-ira|ساعَتِ شَمّاطِهدار|tr=sâ'at-e šammâte-dâr}}
- alb:Noun:a long white robe worn by priests and other ministers
- * Old Portuguese: {{t|roa-opt|alva}}
- albumen:Noun:white part of an egg
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|卵清|tr=nn̄g-chheng}}, {{t|nan-hbl|白仁|tr=pe̍h-jîn, pe̍h-lîn}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|卵白|tr=nn̄g-pe̍h}}
- alcohol:Noun:organic chemistry sense
- *: Arabic: {{t|az|الکل|tr=alkol}}, {{t|az|کحول|tr=köhül}}
- alcohol:Noun:organic chemistry sense
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|酒精|tr=chiú-cheng}}
- alcohol:Noun:organic chemistry sense
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اَلْکُل}}
- alcohol:Noun:organic chemistry sense
- * South Azerbaijani: {{t|az|الکل|tr=alkol}}, {{t|az|کحول|tr=köhül}},
- alcohol:Noun:intoxicating beverage
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|酒|tr=chiú}}
- alcohol:Noun:intoxicating beverage
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|عَرَق}}
- alcohol:Noun:intoxicating beverage
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|عَرَق}}
- alder:Noun:any tree or shrub of the genus Alnus
- *: Kildin Sami: {{t|sjd|ле̄һпь}}
- alga:Noun:any of many aquatic photosynthetic organisms
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|جُلْبَک}}, {{t+|fa-ira|آلْگ}}
- algebra:Noun:system for computation
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|代數|tr=tāi-sò͘}}
- alhamdulillah:Interjection:(Islam) praise be to God
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|اَلْحَمْدُلِلّٰه}}, {{t|prs|اَلْحَمْدُ لِلّٰه}}
- alhamdulillah:Interjection:(Islam) praise be to God
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اَلْحَمْدُ لِلّٰه|tr=alhamdo lellâh}}
- alias:Noun:another name; an assumed name
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|نامِ مُسْتَعار}}
- alien:Noun:person, etc. from outside
- * Tctar: {{t|tt|ят}}, {{t+|tt|чит}}
- all:Determiner:every individual of the given class
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|所有|tr=só͘-ū}}, {{tt+|nan-hbl|攏|tr=lóng}}
- all bark and no bite:Adjective:full of big talk
- * Slovenian: {{t|sl|peš, ki laja, ne griže}}
- all night:Adverb:entire night
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|透暝|tr=thàu-mê, thàu-mî}}, {{t|nan-hbl|規暝|tr=kui-mê, kui-mî}}
- all-seeing:Adjective:having knowledge of all things said or done
- * Slovenian: {{t|si|vsevíden}}
- allergy:Noun:disorder of the immune system
- *: South Azerbaijani: {{t|az|حساسیة|tr=həssasiyyət}}
- alley:Noun:narrow street
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|巷|tr=hāng}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|巷仔|tr=hāng-á}}
- alley:Noun:narrow street
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|کوچَه}}
- alley:Noun:narrow street
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کوچِه}}
- alliance:Noun:state of being allied
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|اِتِّحَاد}}, {{t|prs|اِتِّفَاق}}
- alliance:Noun:state of being allied
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اِتِّحاد}}, {{t|fa-ira|اِتِّفاق}}
- alliance:Noun:treaty between nations
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|اِتِّحَاد}}, {{t|prs|اِتِّفَاق}}
- alliance:Noun:treaty between nations
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اِتِّحاد}}, {{t|fa-ira|اِتِّفاق}}
- alligator:Noun:large amphibious reptile of genus Alligator
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|覓仔|tr=ba̍h-á}}
- allodium:Noun:freehold land or property
- *: Madarin: {{t+|cmn|自治領}}
- allophone:Noun:person whose mother tongue is neither English nor French
- *: Plains Cree: {{t|crk|opîtatowêw|s}}
- ally:Noun:person, group, state, etc., which is associated or united by treaty with another for a common (especially military or political) purpose
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|هَمپِیْمان}}, {{t+|fa-ira|مُتَّحِد}}
- almirah:Noun:cupboard, cabinet, chest of drawers
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|اَلْمارِی|tr=almārī}}
- aloe:Noun:plant of the genus Aloe
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|蘆薈|tr=lôo-huē}}
- alone:Adverb:by oneself
- *: bokmål: {{t+|nb|alene}}
- alone:Adverb:by oneself
- *: nynorsk: {{t|nn|åleine}}
- alpha:Noun:name of the letter Α, α
- *: Hokkien: {{t-check|nan-hbl|亞利法|tr=a-lī-hoat}}, {{t-check|nan-hbl|al-hoah}}, {{t-check|nan-hbl|阿爾法}}, {{t-check|nan-hbl|阿尔发|tr=a-ní-hoat}}
- alpha and omega:Noun:the first and the last
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|alfa e ômega|m}}
- alpha and omega:Noun:the first and the last
- *: European: {{t|pt|alfa e ómega|m}}
- alphabet:Noun:an ordered set of letters used in a language
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|اَلِفْبَا}}
- alphabet:Noun:an ordered set of letters used in a language
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اَلِفْبا}}
- already:Adverb:prior to some time
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|捌曾|tr=báik-cèng}}
- also:Adverb:in addition; besides; as well; further; too
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|也|tr=iâ}}
- also:Adverb:in addition; besides; as well; further; too
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|嘛|tr=mā, mǎ}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|也|tr=iā}}
- alternating current:Noun:electric current that reverses direction periodically
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|آلٹرنیٹنگ کرنٹ}}
- although:Conjunction:in spite of the fact that
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|雖然|tr=sui-jiân, sui-liân}}, {{t|nan-hbl|雖罔|tr=sui-bóng}}
- altitude sickness:Noun:oxygen deficiency at high altitudes
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|高山症|tr=ko san chèng}}
- aluminium:Noun:silvery metal
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|鋁|tr=lū, lī}}, {{t|nan-hbl|a-lú-mih}} {{qualifier|Taiwan}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|輕銀|tr=khin-gîn, khin-gûn, kheng-gûn}}, {{t|nan-hbl|輕銀仔|tr=khin-gîn-á, kheng-gîn-á}}, {{t|nan-hbl|礬素|tr=hoân-sò͘}}
- ambassador:Noun:minister
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|سَفیر}}, {{t|fa-ira|آمْباسادور}}, {{t|fa-ira|ایلْچی}} {{qualifier|dated}}
- ambassador:Noun:representative
- *: Persic: {{t|az|سفیر}}
- ambassador:Noun:representative
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|大使|tr=tāi-sài}}
- ambassador:Noun:representative
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|سَفیر}}
- ambergris:Noun:waxy substance produced by sperm whales
- *: Byzantine: {{t|grc|ἄμβαρ|n}}
- ambiguous:Adjective:open to multiple interpretations
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|歧義|tr=kî-gī}}, {{t|nan-hbl|曖昧|tr=ài-māi|}}
- ambulance:Noun:emergency vehicle
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|救護車|tr=kiù-hō͘-chhia}}
- ambulance:Noun:emergency vehicle
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|اَمْبُولَانْس}}
- ambulance:Noun:emergency vehicle
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|آمْبولانْس}}, {{t|fa-ira|بیمارِسْتانِ سَیَّار}}
- amen:Interjection:so be it
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|a-men}}, {{tt|nan-hbl|心所願|tr=sim-só͘-goān}}, {{tt|nan-hbl|亞孟|tr=a-bēng, à-bēng}}
- amino acid:Noun:any organic compound containing amino and carboxylic acid
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|胺基酸|tr=an-ki-sng}}
- ammeter:Noun:device that measures an electric current
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|amperômetro|m}}
- ammeter:Noun:device that measures an electric current
- *: European: {{t|pt|amperómetro|m}}
- ammonia:Noun:the compound NH3
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|氨|tr=an}}, {{t|nan-hbl|a-mó͘-ní-á}}
- ammonia:Noun:the compound NH3
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|amônia|f}}
- ammonia:Noun:the compound NH3
- *: European: {{t|pt|amónia|f}}
- ammonium:Noun:univalent NH4+ cation
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|amônio|m}}
- ammonium:Noun:univalent NH4+ cation
- *: European: {{t|pt|amónio|m}}
- amnesia:Noun:loss of memory
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|kì-ek sòng-sit}}
- amnesty:Noun:act of the sovereign power
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|anistia|f}}
- amnesty:Noun:act of the sovereign power
- *: European: {{t+|pt|amnistia|f}}
- amnesty:Verb:to grant a pardon (to a group)
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|anistiar}}
- amnesty:Verb:to grant a pardon (to a group)
- *: European: {{t+|pt|amnistiar}}
- amputation:Noun:surgical removal of a limb
- *: Gallurese Sardinian: {{t|sdn|mutzatura}}
- anachronistic:Adjective:erroneous in date
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|anacrônico}}
- anachronistic:Adjective:erroneous in date
- *: European: {{t+|pt|anacrónico}}
- anachronistic:Adjective:preferring past things and values
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|anacrônico}}
- anachronistic:Adjective:preferring past things and values
- *: European: {{t+|pt|anacrónico}}
- analects:Noun:a collection of excerpts or quotes
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|選集|tr=sóan-chi̍p}}
- analysis:Noun:decomposition into components in order to study
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|分析|tr=hun-sek}}
- analysis:Noun:decomposition into components in order to study
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|تَحْلیل}}, {{t|fa-ira|تَجْزِیِه}}
- analyst:Noun:person who analyses
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|分析家|tr=hun-sek-ka}}
- analyst:Noun:person who analyses
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|تَحْلیلْگَر}}
- analyze:Verb:to subject to analysis
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|分析|tr=hun-sek}}
- anarchism:Noun:belief that proposes the absence and abolition of government in all forms
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|tr=hui-thóng-tī-chú-gī}}
- anatomical:Adjective:Of or relating to anatomy or dissection
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|anatômico}}
- anatomical:Adjective:Of or relating to anatomy or dissection
- *: European: {{t+|pt|anatómico}}
- anchor:Noun:tool to moor a vessel into sea bottom
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|碇|tr=tiāⁿ / tēng}}
- anchor:Noun:tool to moor a vessel into sea bottom
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|لَنْگَر}}
- anchovy:Noun:small saltwater fish
- *: Eastern: {{t|lmo|anciùa|f}}
- anchovy:Noun:small saltwater fish
- *: Western: {{t|lmo|inciòda|f}}, {{t+|lmo|incioda|f}}
- ancient:Adjective:
- *: Mandarin: {{t-check|cmn|古代的|sc=Hani}}, {{t-check|cmn|古舊的|sc=Hani}}, {{t-check|cmn|舊的|sc=Hani}}, {{t-check|cmn|古代的|sc=Hani}}, {{t-check|cmn|古旧的|sc=Hani}}, {{t-check|cmn|旧的|sc=Hani}} <!-- link as t-SOP if non-idiomatic; put marked word in|alt=; see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
- androgenic:Adjective:androgenic
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|androgênico}}
- androgenic:Adjective:androgenic
- *: European: {{t|pt|androgénico}}
- anemometer:Noun:an instrument for measuring and recording the speed of the wind
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|anemômetro|m}}
- anemometer:Noun:an instrument for measuring and recording the speed of the wind
- *: European: {{t+|pt|anemómetro|m}}
- anemone:Noun:any plant of genus Anemone
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|anêmona|f}}, {{t|pt|anêmone|f}}
- anemone:Noun:any plant of genus Anemone
- *: European: {{t|pt|anémona|f}}, {{t|pt|anémone|f}}
- angel:Noun:messenger from a deity
- *: South Azerbaijani: {{tt|az|ملک|tr=melek}}, {{tt+|az|فرشته|tr=ferishte}}
- angel:Noun:messenger from a deity
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|天使|tr=thiⁿ-sài}}
- angel:Noun:messenger from a deity
- *: Middle Low German: {{tt|gml|Engel}}
- angel:Noun:messenger from a deity
- *: Paderbornisch: {{tt|nds-de|Engel|m}}
- angel:Noun:messenger from a deity
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|فَرِشْتَه}}, {{tt|prs|مَلَک}}
- angel:Noun:messenger from a deity
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|فِرِشْتِه}}, {{tt|fa-ira|مَلَک}}
- angel:Noun:selfless person
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|فَرِشْتَه}}
- angel:Noun:selfless person
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|فِرِشْتِه}}
- angel of death:Noun:personification of death in fiction and in art
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|فِرِشْتِهٔ مَرْگ}}, {{t|fa-ira|مَلِکاُلْمُوْت}}
- angelica:Noun:plants of genus Angelica
- *: Classical Ottoman Turkish: {{t|ota|سنبل خطایی|tr=sümbül-i hetayı}}
- angelica:Noun:plants of genus Angelica
- *: Late Ottoman Turkish: {{t|ota|ملك اوتی|tr=melek otu}}
- angle:Noun:geometrical figure
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|زاوِیِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|گوشِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|کُنْج}}
- angle:Noun:viewpoint
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|زاوِیِه}}, {{t+|fa-ira|دید}}
- angry:Adjective:displaying anger
- *: Chadian Arabic: {{t-needed|shu}}
- angry:Adjective:displaying anger
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|受氣|tr=siū-khì}}
- angry:Adjective:displaying anger
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|kolær}}, {{t|lou|kolè}}, {{t|lou|fashé}}
- anhedonic:Adjective:showing anhedonia
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|anedônico}}
- anhedonic:Adjective:showing anhedonia
- *: European: {{t|pt|anedónico}}
- animation:Noun:causing images to appear to move
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اَنیمِیْشِن}}, {{t|fa-ira|پویانَمایی}}
- anion:Noun:negatively charged ion
- *: [[ALUPEC]]: {{t|kea|anioni}}
- anion:Noun:negatively charged ion
- *: [[São Vicente]]: {{t|kea|anione}}
- ankle:Noun:joint between foot and leg
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|跤目|tr=kha-ba̍k}}
- ankle:Noun:joint between foot and leg
- *: Föhr: {{t|frr|wrast}}
- ankle:Noun:joint between foot and leg
- *: Dari: {{t|fa|بند پای|tr=band-e pây}}
- announcement:Noun:that which conveys what is announced
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اِعْلان}}, {{t|fa-ira|اِطِّلاعِیِّه}}, {{t|fa-ira|آنونْس|tr=ânons}}
- anomalous:Adjective:deviating from the normal
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|anômalo}}
- anomalous:Adjective:deviating from the normal
- *: European: {{t+|pt|anómalo}}
- answer:Noun:response
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|回答|tr=hôe-tap / hê-tap}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|對答|tr=tùi-tap}}
- answer:Noun:response
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|جَوَاب}}, {{tt|prs|پَاسُخ}}
- answer:Noun:response
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|جَواب}}, {{tt|fa-ira|پاسُخ}}, {{tt|fa-ira|پِیْواژ}} {{qualifier|archaic}}
- ant:Noun:insect
- * Arrernte:
- ant:Noun:insect
- *: Eastern Arrernte: {{tt|aer|yerre}}
- ant:Noun:insect
- *: Western Arrernte: {{tt|are|yerre}}
- ant:Noun:insect
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|紅蟻|tr=è̤ng-ngiê}}
- ant:Noun:insect
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|狗蟻|tr=káu-hiā}}
- ant:Noun:insect
- *: Kildin Sami: {{tt|sjd|ко̄ттк}}
- ant:Noun:insect
- *: Pite Sami: {{tt|sje|gåttkå}}, {{l|sje|gårrkå}}
- ant:Noun:insect
- *: Southern Sami: {{tt|sma|garhke}}
- ant:Noun:insect
- *: Ter Sami: {{tt|sjt|kottk}}
- ant:Noun:insect
- *: Ume Sami: {{tt|sju|gåŧkka}}
- antelope:Noun:mammal of the family Bovidae
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|羚羊|tr=lêng-iông}}
- anthem:Noun:national anthem
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|國歌|tr=kok-koa}}
- anthill:Noun:home of ants and termites
- *: Highland Puebla: {{t|azz|a̱scata̱l}}
- anthill:Noun:home of ants and termites
- *: Northern Puebla: {{t|ncj|ascapotzali}}
- anthropogenesis:Noun:the origin of man
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|antropogênese|f}}
- anthropogenesis:Noun:the origin of man
- *: European: {{t|pt|antropogénese|f}}
- anthropogenic:Adjective:pertaining to the origin of man
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|antropogênico}}
- anthropogenic:Adjective:pertaining to the origin of man
- *: European: {{t|pt|antropogénico}}
- anthropogenic:Adjective:having its origin in the influence of human activity on nature
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|antropogênico}}
- anthropogenic:Adjective:having its origin in the influence of human activity on nature
- *: European: {{t|pt|antropogénico}}
- anthropology:Noun:the study of humanity
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|人類學|tr=jîn-lūi-ha̍k, lîn-lūi-ha̍k}}
- anthroponym:Noun:name of a person
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|antropônimo|m}}
- anthroponym:Noun:name of a person
- *: European: {{t+|pt|antropónimo|m}}
- antibaryon:Noun:the antiparticle corresponding to a baryon
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|antibárion|m}}
- antibaryon:Noun:the antiparticle corresponding to a baryon
- *: European: {{t|pt|antibarião|m}}
- anticyclonic:Adjective:of, relating to, or consisting of an anticyclone
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|anticiclônico}}
- anticyclonic:Adjective:of, relating to, or consisting of an anticyclone
- *: European: {{t|pt|anticiclónico}}
- antifermion:Noun:the antiparticle of a fermion
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|antiférmion|m}}
- antifermion:Noun:the antiparticle of a fermion
- *: European: {{t|pt|antifermião|m}}
- antigenic:Adjective:of or relating to an antigen
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|antigênico}}
- antigenic:Adjective:of or relating to an antigen
- *: European: {{t|pt|antigénico}}
- antihydrogen:Noun:antimatter equivalent of hydrogen
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|anti-hidrogênio|m}}
- antihydrogen:Noun:antimatter equivalent of hydrogen
- *: European: {{t|pt|anti-hidrogénio|m}}
- antimony:Noun:chemical element
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|antimônio|m}}
- antimony:Noun:chemical element
- *: European: {{t+|pt|antimónio|m}}
- antineutron:Noun:the antiparticle corresponding to a neutron
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|antinêutron|m}}
- antineutron:Noun:the antiparticle corresponding to a neutron
- *: European: {{t|pt|antineutrão|m}}
- antinucleon:Noun:the antiparticle of a nucleon
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|antinúcleon|m}}
- antinucleon:Noun:the antiparticle of a nucleon
- *: European: {{t|pt|antinucleão|m}}
- antiphoton:Noun:the antiparticle of a photon (identical to a photon)
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|antifóton|m}}
- antiphoton:Noun:the antiparticle of a photon (identical to a photon)
- *: European: {{t|pt|antifotão|m}}
- antiproton:Noun:antiparticle of the proton
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|antipróton|m}}
- antiproton:Noun:antiparticle of the proton
- *: European: {{t|pt|antiprotão|m}}
- antiprotonic:Adjective:of, pertaining to, or composed of antiprotons
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|antiprotônico}}
- antiprotonic:Adjective:of, pertaining to, or composed of antiprotons
- *: European: {{t|pt|antiprotónico}}
- antlerless:Adjective:
- *: Kildin Sami: {{t|sjd|чуэрьвхэмь}}
- anus:Noun:lower opening of the digestive tract
- *: Kildin Sami: {{t|sjd|пэ̄дтчалльм}}
- apartment:Noun:domicile occupying part of a building
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|公寓|tr=kong-gū, kong-gī, kong-ú}}, {{t|nan-hbl|a-phá-tò}}
- apartment:Noun:domicile occupying part of a building
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|آپارْتِمان}}
- ape:Noun:primate of the clade Hominoidea
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|مَیْمُون}}, {{t|prs|بُوزِینَه}}, {{t|prs|کَپِی}}, {{t|prs|کَپِّی}}
- ape:Noun:primate of the clade Hominoidea
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مِیْمون}}, {{t|fa-ira|بوزینِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|کَپی}}, {{t|fa-ira|کَپّی}}
- aphonic:Adjective:exhibiting aphonia
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|afônico}}
- aphonic:Adjective:exhibiting aphonia
- *: European: {{t+|pt|afónico}}
- aphthous ulcer:Noun:ulcer in the mouth caused by break in mucous membrane
- * korean: {{t|ko|구내염}}
- apology:Noun:an expression of regret
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|پوزِش}}, {{t|prs|مَعْذِرَت}}
- apology:Noun:an expression of regret
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|پوزِش}}, {{t|fa-ira|مَعْذِرَت}}, {{t|fa-ira|عُذْرْخواهی}}
- apostrophe:Noun:the character ’
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|آپوسْتْروف}}, {{t|fa-ira|آپاسْتْروف}}
- apparatus:Noun:complex machine or instrument
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|آپارات}}, {{t|fa-ira|دَسْتْگاه}}, {{t|fa-ira|آلَت}}
- apple:Noun:fruit of Malus domestica
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|蘋果}}
- apple:Noun:fruit of Malus domestica
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|蘋果|tr=phōng-kó, phông-kó, phêng-kó, pîn-kó}}, {{tt+|nan-hbl|瓜果|tr=kua-kó}}, {{tt|nan-hbl|林檎|tr=lìn-gò͘, lîm-khîm}}
- apple:Noun:fruit of Malus domestica
- *: Northern Min: {{t|mnp|蘋果}}
- apple:Noun:fruit of Malus domestica
- *: Alsatian: {{tt|gsw|Àpfel|m}}
- apple:Noun:fruit of Malus domestica
- *: Bavarian: {{tt|bar|Epfe|m}}
- apple:Noun:fruit of Malus domestica
- *: Doric: {{tt|grc|μᾶλον|n}}
- apple:Noun:fruit of Malus domestica
- * Lenape:
- apple:Noun:fruit of Malus domestica
- *: Unami: {{tt|unm|apëlìsh}}
- apple:Noun:fruit of Malus domestica
- *: Föhr-Amrum, Hallig: {{tt|frr|aapel|m}}
- apple:Noun:fruit of Malus domestica
- *: Dari: {{tt+|prs|سیب}}
- apple:Noun:fruit of Malus domestica
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|سیب}}
- apple:Noun:fruit of Malus domestica
- * Western Panjabi: {{tt+|pnb|سیب}}
- application:Noun:a computer program
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|بَرْنامِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|اَپْلیکِیْشِن}}, {{t+|fa-ira|اَپ}}
- application:Noun:a verbal or written request, especially for assistance or employment or admission to a school, course or similar
- *: Dari: {{t+|prs|عَرِیضَه}}
- application:Noun:a verbal or written request, especially for assistance or employment or admission to a school, course or similar
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|دَرْخواسْت}}, {{t|fa-ira|تَقاضانامِه}}, {{t+|fa-ira|عَریضِه}}
- apricate:Verb:to bask in the sun
- *: Late Latin: {{t|la|aprīcō}}
- apricot:Noun:fruit
- *: Vidari: {{t|avd|شیلان|tr=šilān}}
- apricot:Noun:fruit
- *: Andalusian Arabic: {{t|xaa|مشماش|m|tr=mušmāš}}
- apricot:Noun:fruit
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|杏|tr=hēng}}
- apron:Noun:clothing
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|圍身裙|tr=ùi-sĭng-gùng}}
- apron:Noun:clothing
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|圍身裙|tr=ûi-sin-kûn}}, {{t|nan-hbl|e-pú-lóng}}
- apron:Noun:clothing
- *: Northern Min: {{t|mnp|圍身裙|tr=ṳ̌-séng-gê̤ng}}
- archaeometry:Noun:the application of scientific techniques and methodologies to archaeology
- * Spainish: {{t|es|arqueometría|f}}
- archbishop:Noun:senior bishop
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|大主教|tr=tōa-chú-kàu}}
- archer:Noun:one who shoots an arrow from a bow or a bolt from a crossbow
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|射手|tr=siā-chhiú}}
- archer:Noun:one who shoots an arrow from a bow or a bolt from a crossbow
- * Old Portuguese: {{t|roa-opt|arqueiro}}
- archer:Noun:one who shoots an arrow from a bow or a bolt from a crossbow
- * Palmyrene Aramaic: {{t|arc-pal|𐡳𐡵𐡨𐡠|m}}
- architect:Noun:designer of buildings
- *: Abjad: {{t|az|معمار|tr=me'mār}}
- architect:Noun:designer of buildings
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|建築師|tr=kiàn-tio̍k-su}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|設計師|tr=siat-kè-su}}
- architect:Noun:designer of buildings
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مِعْمار}}, {{t|fa-ira|مِهْراز}}
- architectural:Adjective:pertaining to architecture
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|arquitetônico}}
- architectural:Adjective:pertaining to architecture
- *: European: {{t+|pt|arquitetónico}}
- architecture:Noun:art and science of designing buildings and other structures
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|建築|tr=kiàn-tio̍k}}
- archive:Noun:place
- *: Abjad: {{t|az|كوتوك|tr=kötük}}
- archive:Noun:place
- *: Roman: {{t+|az|arxiv}}
- arctic fox:Noun:Vulpes lagopus
- *: Kildin Sami: {{t|sjd|нёа̄лл}}
- arctic fox:Noun:Vulpes lagopus
- *: Pite Sami: {{t|sje|sválla}}
- arctic fox:Noun:Vulpes lagopus
- *: Southern Sami: {{t|sma|svaale}}
- arctic raspberry:Noun:Rubus arcticus
- *: Kildin Sami: {{t|sjd|мӣдтҍмӯррьй}}
- arctic raspberry:Noun:Rubus arcticus
- *: Ter Sami: {{t|sjt|мӣдтмы̄ррье}}
- arctic tern:Noun:Sterna paradisaea
- *: Akkala Sami: {{t|sia|tjerre}}
- arctic tern:Noun:Sterna paradisaea
- *: Kildin Sami: {{t|sjd|це̄рехь}}
- are you OK:Phrase:familiar
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[汝]][[好勢]][[無]]?|tr=lí hó-sè--bô? / lír hó-sè--bô? / lú hó-sè--bô?}}, {{t|nan-hbl|你好無|alt=汝好無?|tr=lí hó--bô? / lír hó--bô? / lú hó--bô?}}
- are you feeling better:Phrase:familiar
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[汝]][[較]][[好]][[無]]?|tr=lí khà hó--bô? / lí khah hó--bô? / lír khà hó--bô? / lú khah hó--bô?}}
- are you feeling better:Phrase:polite
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[恁]][[有]][[較]][[好]][[無]]?|tr=lín ū khah hó--bô? / lín ǔ khà hó--bô?}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[汝儂]][[有]][[較]][[好]][[無]]?|tr=lír-lâng ū khà hó--bô? / lí-lâng ū khah hó--bô? / lú-lâng ū khah hó--bô?}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[恁人]][[有]][[較]][[好]][[無]]?|tr=lín-lâng ū khah hó--bô?}}
- are you married:Phrase:familiar
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|آیا اِزْدِواج کَرْدِهای؟}}
- are you married:Phrase:polite
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|آیا شُما مُتَأَهِّل هَسْتید؟}}, {{t|fa-ira|آیا اِزْدِواج کَرْدِهاید؟}}
- area:Noun:maths: measure of extent of a surface
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|مِسَاحَت}}
- area:Noun:maths: measure of extent of a surface
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مَساحَت}}
- area:Noun:particular geographic region
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|مِنْطَقَه}}, {{t|fa-cls|نَاحِیَه}}
- area:Noun:particular geographic region
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مَنْطَقِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|ناحِیِه}}
- argent:Noun:silver or metal tincture
- *: Old Occitan: {{t|pro|argent|m}}
- arginine:Noun:an amino acid
- *: [[ALUPEC]]: [[arjinina]]
- arginine:Noun:an amino acid
- *: [[Badiu]]: [[arjinina]]
- arginine:Noun:an amino acid
- *: [[São Vicente]]: [[arginina]]
- argon:Noun:a chemical element
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|argônio|m}}
- argon:Noun:a chemical element
- *: European: {{t|pt|argónio|m}}
- argumentative:Adjective:prone to argue or dispute
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|鐵齒|tr=thih-khí}}
- arm wrestling:Noun:a sport
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|遏手把|tr=at-chhiú-pà}}
- armadillo:Noun:burrowing mammal covered with bony, jointed, protective plates
- *: Central Nahuatl: {{t|nci|ayotochtli}}
- armadillo:Noun:burrowing mammal covered with bony, jointed, protective plates
- *: Classical Nahuatl: {{t|nci|ayotochtli}}
- armadillo:Noun:burrowing mammal covered with bony, jointed, protective plates
- *: Orizaba Nahuatl: {{t|nci|ayotochin}}
- armadillo:Noun:burrowing mammal covered with bony, jointed, protective plates
- *: Cusco Quechua: {{t|qu|khirkinchu}}, {{t|qu|khirki}}
- armadillo:Noun:burrowing mammal covered with bony, jointed, protective plates
- *: Classical Quechua: {{t|qwc|quiriquincho}}
- armchair:Noun:chair with supports for the arms or elbows
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|صَنْدَلیِ راحَتی}}
- armed forces:Noun:the military forces of a nation
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|نیروهایِ مُسَلَّح}}, {{t|fa-ira|نیروهایِ زیناوَنْد}}, {{t|fa-ira|لَشْکَر}}, {{t|fa-ira|نیرویِ نِظامی}}
- armlet:Noun:A band worn on the arm for ornamental or identification purposes
- * Hindustani:
- armlet:Noun:A band worn on the arm for ornamental or identification purposes
- *: Hindi: {{t|hi|बाज़ूबंद|m}}, {{t+|hi|अंगद|m}}, {{t+|hi|वलय|m}}
- armlet:Noun:A band worn on the arm for ornamental or identification purposes
- *: Urdu: {{t|ur|بازوبند|m|tr=bāzūband}}, {{t|ur|انگد|m|tr=aṅgad}}, {{t|ur|ولی|m|tr=valay}}
- armpit:Noun:the cavity beneath the junction of the arm and shoulder
- *: Bahrani Arabic: {{t|abv|دلدوغ|m|tr=dəldūɣ}}
- armpit:Noun:the cavity beneath the junction of the arm and shoulder
- * Kriol: {{t|rop|ngarlmarr}}
- army:Noun:military force concerned mainly with ground operations
- *: Chadian Arabic: {{t|shu|دیش|m|tr=dēš}}
- army:Noun:military force concerned mainly with ground operations
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|軍隊}}
- army:Noun:military force concerned mainly with ground operations
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|陸軍|tr=lio̍k-kun}}, {{t|nan-hbl|軍隊|tr=kun-tūi}}
- army:Noun:military force concerned mainly with ground operations
- *: Northern Min: {{t|mnp|軍隊}}
- army:Noun:military force concerned mainly with ground operations
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اَرْتِش}}, {{t|fa-ira|لَشْکَر}}, {{t|fa-ira|عَسْکَر}}, {{t|fa-ira|اُرْدو}}, {{t|fa-ira|سِپاه}}
- arnica:Noun:plant of genus Arnica
- *: [[ALUPEC]]: [[árnika]] {{g|f}}
- arnica:Noun:plant of genus Arnica
- *: [[Badiu]]: [[árnika]] {{g|f}}
- arnica:Noun:plant of genus Arnica
- *: [[Maio]]: [[árnica]] {{g|f}}
- arnica:Noun:plant of genus Arnica
- *: [[Santo Antão]]: [[árnika]] {{g|f}}
- arnica:Noun:plant of genus Arnica
- *: [[São Nicolau]]: [[árnica]] {{g|f}}
- arnica:Noun:plant of genus Arnica
- *: [[São Vicente]]: [[árnica]] {{g|f}}
- array:Noun:any of various data structures
- *: {{t+|de|Feld|n}} (standard term, general), {{t+|de|Datenfeld|n}};
- array:Noun:any of various data structures
- *: {{t+|de|Matrix|f}}, {{t+|de|Tabelle|f}} (contextual, specific);
- array:Noun:any of various data structures
- *: {{t+|de|Reihe|f}}, {{t+|de|Spalte|f}}, {{t+|de|Zeile|f}} (less used, contextual, specific)
- array:Noun:any of various data structures
- *: {{t+|tr|dizi}} (standard term, general);
- array:Noun:any of various data structures
- *: {{t+|tr|satır}}, {{t+|tr|sıra}}, {{t+|tr|sütun}}
- array:Noun:any of various data structures
- *: {{t+|tr|çizelge}} (contextual, specific), {{t+|tr|matris}}
- arrest:Noun:legal: process of arresting a criminal, suspect etc
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|دَسْتْگیری}}, {{t|fa-ira|گِرِفْتاری}}
- arrest:Noun:confinement, as after an arrest
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|تُوْقیف}}
- arrive:Verb:to get to a certain place
- *: Cyrillic: {{t+|kk|келу|sc=Cyrl}}, {{t|kk|келіп жету|sc=Cyrl}}, {{t|kk|келіп түсу|sc=Cyrl}}
- arrive:Verb:to get to a certain place
- *: Latin: {{t|kk|kelý|sc=Latn}}, {{t|kk|kelip jetý|sc=Latn}}, {{t|kk|kelip túsý|sc=Latn}}
- arrow:Noun:projectile
- *: Perso-Arabic: {{tt|az|اوخ|tr=ox|sc=fa-Arab}}
- arrow:Noun:projectile
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|箭|tr=chìⁿ}}, {{tt|nan-hbl|矢|tr=sí}}
- arrow:Noun:projectile
- *: Kildin Sami: {{t|sjd|ню̄лл}}
- arsehole:Noun:inconsiderate or mean-spirited person
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|tr=lān-chiáu-bīn}}, {{t|nan-hbl|臭面人|tr=chhàu-bīn-lâng}}
- arsenic:Adjective:of, or containing arsenic with a valence of 5
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|arsênico}}
- arsenic:Adjective:of, or containing arsenic with a valence of 5
- *: European: {{t+|pt|arsénico}}
- arsenic:Noun:chemical element
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|arsênio|m}}
- arsenic:Noun:chemical element
- *: European: {{t+|pt|arsénio|m}}
- arsenic acid:Noun:H3AsO4
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|ácido arsênico|m}}
- arsenic acid:Noun:H3AsO4
- *: European: {{t|pt|ácido arsénico|m}}
- art:Noun:human effort
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|藝術|tr=ngiê-sŭk}}
- art:Noun:human effort
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|藝術|tr=gē-su̍t}}
- art:Noun:human effort
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|هُنَر}}, {{t+|fa-ira|فَنّ}}
- art:Noun:conscious production or arrangement
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|صَنْعَت}}
- art:Noun:skillful creative activity
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|هُنَر}}
- art:Noun:field or category of art
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|هُنَر}}
- art:Noun:skill
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|هُنَر}}
- arthropod:Noun:animal of Arthropoda
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|節足動物|tr=chat-kha tōng-bu̍t}}
- article:Noun:story, report, or opinion piece
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|文章}}
- article:Noun:story, report, or opinion piece
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|文章|tr=bûn-chiuⁿ, bûn-chioⁿ, bûn-chiong, bûn-chiang}}
- article:Noun:story, report, or opinion piece
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|مَقَالَه}}
- article:Noun:story, report, or opinion piece
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مَقالِه}}
- artificial intelligence:Noun:intelligence exhibited by an artificial entity
- * IsiZulu: {{t+|zu|uHlakahlisombulu}}
- artificial intelligence:Noun:intelligence exhibited by an artificial entity
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|هوشِ مَصْنوعی}}
- artificial intelligence:Noun:branch of computer science
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|人工智能|tr=jîn-kang tì-lêng, lîn-kang tì-lêng}}
- artillery:Noun:weapon
- *: Mon: {{t-check|pi|နာဋ္ဌိယန္တသေနာ|f}}
- as soon as possible:Adverb:as soon as is possible
- *: {{qualifier|Brazil}}: {{t|pt|o mais rápido possível}}
- as soon as possible:Adverb:as soon as is possible
- *: {{qualifier|Portugal}}: {{t|pt|o mais breve possível}}
- ash:Noun:solid remains of a fire
- * Ohlone:
- ash:Noun:solid remains of a fire
- *: Northern Ohlone: {{tt|cst|júki'}}
- ash tree:Noun:Fraxinus tree
- *: Low German: {{t|nds-de|esch}}, {{t|nds-de|isch}}
- ashtray:Noun:receptacle for ashes
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|薰觳仔|tr=hun-khok-á}}
- ashtray:Noun:receptacle for ashes
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|خَاکِسْتَرْدَانِی}}
- ashtray:Noun:receptacle for ashes
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|زیرْسیگاری}}
- ashwagandha:Noun:Withania somnifera
- *: Egypt: {{t|arz|سم الفراخ}}
- ashwagandha:Noun:Withania somnifera
- *: Yemen: {{t-needed|ayn}}
- ask:Verb:request an answer
- *: Hallig: {{tt|frr|freege}}
- aspartame:Noun:the artificial sweetener
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|اَسْپَرْتیم}}, {{t|prs|اَسْپَارْتیم}}
- aspartame:Noun:the artificial sweetener
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|آسْپارْتام}}
- aspet:Noun:Armenian hereditary title
- * Byzantine Greek: {{t|gkm|ἀσπὲτ}}
- asphalt:Noun:asphalt concrete
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|آسْفالْت}}
- ass:Noun:buttocks
- *: Baharna Arabic: {{tt|abv|عِزْقَة|f|tr=ʕuzga, ʕezga}}
- ass:Noun:buttocks
- *: Najdi Arabic: {{tt|ars|مكوة|f|tr=makwa}}
- ass:Noun:buttocks
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|尻川|tr=kha-chhng}}
- assassinate:Verb:to murder by sudden or obscure attack
- *: Classical: {{t|la|per īnsidiās interficiō}}
- assassinate:Verb:to murder by sudden or obscure attack
- *: Medieval: {{t|la|assassīnō}}
- assault:Noun:violent onset or attack with physical means
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|یورِش|tr=yureš}}, {{t+|fa-ira|تَجاوُز}}, {{t+|fa-ira|حَمْلِه}}, {{t+|fa-ira|هُجوم}}
- assfuck:Verb:to engage in anal intercourse
- * Romanina: {{t|ro|fute în cur}}, {{t+|ro|sodomiza}}, {{t|ro|face sex anal}}
- assistance:Noun:aid; help; the act or result of assisting
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|یاری}}, {{t+|fa-ira|کُمَک}}, {{t+|fa-ira|دَسْتْیاری}}, {{t+|fa-ira|مُعاضَدَت}}, {{t+|fa-ira|اِمْداد}}, {{t+|fa-ira|مُساعِدَت}}, {{t+|fa-ira|مَدَد}}
- assistant:Noun:person who assists
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|助理|tr=chō͘-lí}}, {{t|nan-hbl|助手|tr=chō͘-chhiú}}
- assistant:Noun:person who assists
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|دَسْتْیار}}, {{t+|fa-ira|آسیسْتان}}, {{t+|fa-ira|یاوَر}}
- assisted dying:Noun:
- * Bokmål: {{t|no|assistert død}}
- assisted suicide:Noun:suicide with the help of another person
- * Bokmål: {{t|no|assistert selvmord|}}
- association football:Noun:soccer
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|跤球|tr=kha-kiû}}
- astaghfirullah:Interjection:
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|اَسْتَغْفِرُاللّٰه}}
- astaghfirullah:Interjection:
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اَسْتَغْفِرُاللّٰه}}
- asterisk:Noun:star-shaped symbol *; something resembling or shaped like an asterisk symbol
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|سِتارِه}}
- asteroid:Noun:astronomy: a naturally occurring solid object, which is smaller than a planet and is not a comet, that orbits a star
- * Quechuan: {{t|qu|puriq quyllurcha|m}}
- asthma:Noun:chronic respiratory disease
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|痚呴|tr=he-ku, hê-ku}}
- astronomer:Noun:one who studies astronomy
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|astrônomo|m}}, {{t|pt|astrônoma|f}}
- astronomer:Noun:one who studies astronomy
- *: European: {{t+|pt|astrónomo|m}}, {{t|pt|astrónoma|f}}
- astronomical:Adjective:of or relating to astronomy
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|astronômico}}
- astronomical:Adjective:of or relating to astronomy
- *: European: {{t|pt|astronómico}}
- astronomical:Adjective:very large
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|astronômico}}
- astronomical:Adjective:very large
- *: European: {{t|pt|astronómico}}
- astronomical unit:Noun:measure of distance
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|天文單位|tr=thian-bûn tan-ūi}}
- astronomy:Noun:study of the physical universe beyond the Earth's atmosphere
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|天文學|tr=thian-bûn-ha̍k}}
- astute:Adjective:Quick at seeing how to gain advantage
- * Frisian: {{t|fy|skerpsinnig}}, {{t|fy|listich}}
- at stake:Prepositional phrase:at issue, at risk
- *: Simplified: {{t+check|cmn|危险的}}
- ataman:Noun:title
- *: Roman: {{t|az|ataman}}
- ataman:Noun:title
- *: Abjad: {{t|az|آتامان|tr=ātāmān}}, {{t|az|اتامان|tr=ātāmān}}
- atheism:Noun:lack of belief that any deities exist (with or without a belief that no deities exist)
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|ایتھیازم}}
- athlete's foot:Noun:fungal infection
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|香港跤|tr=hiong-káng-kha}}
- atlatl:Noun:spear thrower
- * Kriol: {{t-needed|rop}}
- atmosphere:Noun:gases surrounding the Earth
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|大氣|tr=tāi-khì}}
- atom:Noun:chemistry, physics: smallest possible amount of matter retaining its chemical properties
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|原子|tr=goân-chú}}
- atomic:Adjective:of, or relating to atoms
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|atômico}}
- atomic:Adjective:of, or relating to atoms
- *: European: {{t+|pt|atómico}}
- atomic:Adjective:of, or employing nuclear energy or processes
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|atômico}}
- atomic:Adjective:of, or employing nuclear energy or processes
- *: European: {{t+|pt|atómico}}
- atomic:Adjective:infinitesimally small
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|atômico}}
- atomic:Adjective:infinitesimally small
- *: European: {{t+|pt|atómico}}
- atomic bomb:Noun:nuclear weapon
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|bomba atômica|f}}
- atomic bomb:Noun:nuclear weapon
- *: European: {{t|pt|bomba atómica|f}}
- atomic number:Noun:number of protons
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|ایٹمی نمبر}}
- attack:Noun:attempt to cause damage, injury, or death
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|حَمْلِه}}, {{t+|fa-ira|هُجوم}}, {{t+|fa-ira|یورِش|tr=yureš}}
- attack:Noun:offense of a battle
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|یورِش|tr=yureš}}
- attempt:Noun:the action of trying at something
- * Kriol: {{t|rop|shat}}
- attempt:Noun:the action of trying at something
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|کوشِش}}
- attempt:Noun:the action of trying at something
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کوشِش}}
- attempt:Noun:attack
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|سُوءِ قَصْد}}
- attempt:Noun:attack
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|سوءِ قَصْد}}
- attention:Noun:mental focus
- *: Gallurese: {{t|sdn|isméru}}, {{t|sdn|appéntu}}, {{t|sdn|afficcu}}
- attention:Noun:mental focus
- *: Sassarese: {{t|sdc|attintzione}}, {{t|sdc|appéntu}}
- attribute:Noun:characteristic or quality
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|ویژِگی|tr=vižegi}}, {{t+|fa-ira|صِفَت}}, {{t+|fa-ira|خُصوصِیَت}}
- attribute:Noun:grammar: word qualifying a noun
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|تُوْصیفکُنَنْدِه}}
- auction:Noun:public sales event
- *: Dari: {{t+|prs|مُزَایَدَه}}
- auction:Noun:public sales event
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|مُزایِدِه}}
- aunt:Noun:a parent's sister or sister-in-law
- *:: {{sense|father's sister}} {{t+|cmn|姑|tr=gū}}, {{t+|cmn|姑媽|tr=gūmā}}, {{t+|cmn|姑姑|tr=gūgu}}, {{t+|cmn|姑母|tr=gūmǔ}}
- aunt:Noun:a parent's sister or sister-in-law
- *:: {{sense|father's elder brother's wife}} {{t+|cmn|伯母|tr=bómǔ}}, {{t+|cmn|大娘|tr=dàniáng}}
- aunt:Noun:a parent's sister or sister-in-law
- *:: {{sense|father's younger brother's wife}} {{t+|cmn|叔母|tr=shúmǔ}}, {{t+|cmn|嬸母}}, {{t+|cmn|婶母|tr=shěnmǔ}}, {{t+|cmn|嬸嬸}}, {{t+|cmn|婶婶|tr=shěnshen}}
- aunt:Noun:a parent's sister or sister-in-law
- *:: {{sense|mother's sister}} {{t+|cmn|姨|tr=yí}}, {{t+|cmn|姨媽|tr=yímā}}, {{t+|cmn|阿姨|tr=āyí}}, {{t+|cmn|姨母|tr=yímǔ}};
- aunt:Noun:a parent's sister or sister-in-law
- *:: {{sense|mother's brother's wife}} {{t+|cmn|舅母|tr=jiùmǔ}}, {{t+|cmn|舅媽|tr=jiùmā}}, {{t+|cmn|妗母|tr=jìnmǔ}}, {{t+|cmn|妗子|tr=jìnzi}}
- aunt:Noun:a parent's sister or sister-in-law
- *: Cantonese: {{t+|yue|姑媽|tr=gu1 maa1}} {{qualifier|father's elder sister}}, {{t+|yue|姑姐|tr=gu1 ze1}} {{qualifier|father's younger sister}}, {{t|yue|伯娘|tr=baak3 noeng4}} {{qualifier|father's elder brother's wife}}, {{t|yue|阿嬸|tr=aa3 sam2}} {{qualifier|father's younger brother's wife}}, {{t+|yue|姨媽|tr=ji4 maa1}} {{qualifier|mother's elder sister}}, {{t|yue|阿姨|tr=aa3 ji4-1}} {{qualifier|mother's younger sister}}, {{t+|yue|舅母|tr=kau5 mou5}} {{qualifier|mother's brother's wife}}
- aunt:Noun:a parent's sister or sister-in-law
- *: Mandarin:
- aunt:Noun:a parent's sister or sister-in-law
- *: {{sense|father's sister}} {{t|jje|고모}}
- aunt:Noun:a parent's sister or sister-in-law
- *: {{sense|mother's sister}} {{t|jje|이모}}
- aunt:Noun:a parent's sister or sister-in-law
- *: {{sense|father's brothers' wives}} {{t|jje|큰어멍}} {{q|older brother}}, {{t|jje|ᄆᆞᆮ삼촌어머니}} {{q|older brother}}, {{t|jje|족은어멍}} {{q|youngest brother}}, {{t|jje|셋어멍}} {{q|second brother}}, {{t|jje|말젯어멍}} {{q|third brother of four or more}}
- aunt:Noun:a parent's sister or sister-in-law
- *: {{sense|mother's brother's wife}} {{t|jje|웨숙모}}
- aunt:Noun:a parent's sister or sister-in-law
- *: {{sense|father's sister}} {{t+|ko|고모(姑母)}}
- aunt:Noun:a parent's sister or sister-in-law
- *: {{sense|mother's sister}} {{t+|ko|이모(姨母)}}, {{t|ko|이모님(姨母)}} {{q|honorific}}
- aunt:Noun:a parent's sister or sister-in-law
- *: {{sense|father's older brother's wife}} {{t+|ko|백모(伯母)}} {{q|eldest brother}}, {{t|ko|백모님(伯母)}} {{q|eldest brother, honorific}}, {{t|ko|둘째어머니}} {{q|second (older or younger) brother}}, {{t|ko|중모(仲母)}} {{q|second (older or younger) brother}}, {{t+|ko|큰어머니}}, {{t|ko|큰어머님}} {{q|honorific}}, {{t|ko|큰엄마}} {{q|children's speech}}, {{t|ko|큰어미}} {{q|non-polite, lowering}}
- aunt:Noun:a parent's sister or sister-in-law
- *: {{sense|father's younger brother's wife}} {{t+|ko|숙모(叔母)}}, {{t|ko|숙모님(叔母)}} {{q|honorific}}, {{t+|ko|작은어머니}}, {{t|ko|작은어머님}} {{q|honorific}}, {{t+|ko|작은엄마}} {{q|children's speech}}, {{t|ko|작은어미}} {{q|non-polite, lowering}}, {{t+|ko|삼촌댁(三寸宅)}} {{q|lowering}}
- aunt:Noun:a parent's sister or sister-in-law
- *: {{sense|mother's brother's wife}} {{t|ko|외숙모(外叔母)}}, {{t|ko|외숙모님(外叔母)}} {{q|honorific}}, {{t|ko|외삼촌댁(外三寸宅)}}, {{t|ko|구모(舅母)}}
- aunt:Noun:a parent's sister or sister-in-law
- *: Iranian Persian: {{gloss|paternal}} {{t|fa-ira|عَمِّه}}, {{gloss|maternal}} {{t|fa-ira|خالِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|دایْزِه|tr=}}, {{t+|fa-ira|کاکی}}
- aurochs:Noun:Bos primigenius
- *: East Frisian: {{t|nds|ooroes|m}}
- autobiography:Noun:biography of oneself
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|自傳|tr=chū-toān}}
- autobiography:Noun:biography of oneself
- *: Upper Sorbian: {{t|hsb|awtobiografija|f}}
- automated teller machine:Noun:banking
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|عابِر بانْک}}, {{t|fa-ira|خودْپَرْداز|tr=xodpardâz}}
- automaton:Noun:machine or robot designed to follow a precise sequence of instructions
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|autômato|m}}
- automaton:Noun:machine or robot designed to follow a precise sequence of instructions
- *: European: {{t+|pt|autómato|m}}
- automaton:Noun:formal system
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|autômato|m}}
- automaton:Noun:formal system
- *: European: {{t+|pt|autómato|m}}
- automaton:Noun:toy in the form of a mechanical figure
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|autômato|m}}
- automaton:Noun:toy in the form of a mechanical figure
- *: European: {{t+|pt|autómato|m}}
- automobile:Noun:passenger vehicle
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|自動車|tr=chū-tōng-chhia}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|風車|tr=hong-chhia}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|汽車|tr=khì-chhia}}
- automobile:Noun:passenger vehicle
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|موتَر}}, {{t|prs|خُودْرَو}}, {{t|prs|خُودْرو}}
- automobile:Noun:passenger vehicle
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|خودْرُو|tr=xodrow}}, {{t+|fa-ira|ماشین|tr=mâšin}}, {{t|fa-ira|اُتومُبیل|tr=otomobil}}
- autonomous vehicle:Noun:vehicle
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|غیر ڈرائیوری گاڑی}}
- autumn:Noun:season
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|秋天|tr=chhiu-thiⁿ}}
- autumn:Noun:season
- *: Northern Min: {{t|mnp|秋天}}
- autumn:Noun:season
- * Enets:
- autumn:Noun:season
- *: Forest Enets: {{tt|enf|отуз|tr=otuz, ɔtuz}}
- autumn:Noun:season
- *: Koibal: {{tt|zkb|ире|tr=ire}}
- autumn:Noun:season
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{tt|lou|otònn}}, {{tt|lou|lotònn}}
- autumn:Noun:season
- * Nenets:
- autumn:Noun:season
- *: Forest Nenets: {{tt|syd-fne|мыԓичу}}
- autumn:Noun:season
- *: Tundra Nenets: {{tt|yrk|ӈэ̇рё}}
- autumn:Noun:season
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|پائیز}}, {{t|fa-ira|خَزان}}, {{t|fa-ira|خَریف}}, {{t+|fa-ira|پاییز}}
- autumn:Noun:season
- *: Kildin Sami: {{t|sjd|че̄ххч}}
- autumn:Noun:season
- *: Ter Sami: {{t|sjt|чаккч|tr=čakkč}}
- autumn:Noun:season
- * Selkup:
- autumn:Noun:season
- *: Northern Selkup: {{tt|sel-nor|ара}}
- autumn:Noun:season
- *: Southern Selkup: {{tt|sel-sou|ара́т}} {{qualifier|Narym}}, {{tt|sel-sou|ера́д}} {{qualifier|Upper Ob}}
- avania:Noun:fee imposed by Ottomans
- *: Byzantine Greek: {{t|gkm|ἀβανία|f}}
- avenger:Noun:one who takes vengeance
- *: Ancient: {{t|grc|ἀλοίτης|m}}
- avocado:Noun:fruit
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|a-bu-kha-lo}}
- avocado:Noun:fruit
- *: Eastern Huasteca: {{t|nhe|awakatl}}
- avocado:Noun:fruit
- *: Guerrero: {{t|ngu|auakatl}}
- avocado:Noun:fruit
- *: Highland Puebla: {{t|azz|awakat}}
- avocado:Noun:fruit
- *: Orizaba: {{t|nlv|awakatl}}
- avocado:Noun:fruit
- *: Western Huasteca: {{t|nhw|auakatl}}
- avocado:Noun:tree
- *: Eastern Huasteca: {{t|nhe|awakakuawitl}} {{q|Tantoyuca}}
- avocado:Noun:tree
- *: Orizaba: {{t|nlv|awakakuawitl}}
- awesome:Adjective:excellent, exciting
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|vayan}}, {{t|lou|byin}}
- awm:Noun:
- * Flemish: {{t|vls|aem}}
- axe:Noun:tool
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|斧頭|tr=pó͘-thâu / pú-thâu}}
- axe:Noun:tool
- *: Northern Min: {{t|mnp|斧頭}}
- axe:Noun:tool
- * Nenets: {{tt|yrk|тубка|tr=tubka}}
- axe:Noun:tool
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|تَبَر}}
- axe:Noun:tool
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|تَبَر}}
- axe:Noun:tool
- *: Kildin Sami: {{t|sjd|оа̄ккш|tr=ååkkš}}, {{t|sjd|оа̄ккшэ|tr=ååkkše}}
- axe:Noun:tool
- *: Ter Sami: {{t|sjt|а̄ккша|tr=ākkša}}
- axe:Noun:weapon
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|تَبَرْزین}}
- axolotl:Noun:endangered salamander
- * Mazahua:
- axolotl:Noun:endangered salamander
- *: Central: {{t|maz|zambole}}
- axolotl:Noun:endangered salamander
- *: Guerrero: {{t|ngu|axolotl}}
- axolotl:Noun:endangered salamander
- *: Highland Puebla: {{t|azz|axolot}}
- axolotl:Noun:endangered salamander
- *: Morelos: {{t|nhm|axolotl}}
- axolotl:Noun:endangered salamander
- *: Orizaba: {{t|nlv|axolotl}}
- axolotl:Noun:endangered salamander
- *: Temascaltepec: {{t|nhv|axolotl}}
- axolotl:Noun:endangered salamander
- *: Western Huasteca: {{t|nhw|axolotl}}
- axolotl:Noun:endangered salamander
- * Otomi:
- axolotl:Noun:endangered salamander
- *: Central: {{t|otm|nzümb’o}}
- axolotl:Noun:endangered salamander
- *: Mezquital: {{t|ote|zombo}}
- axon:Noun:a nerve fibre
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|axônio|m}}
- axon:Noun:a nerve fibre
- *: European: {{t|pt|axónio|m}}
- ayatollah:Noun:a religious leader
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|آیَتُالله|tr=âyato-llâh}}, {{t|fa-ira|آیَةُاللّٰه}}
- aye-aye:Noun:nocturnal quadruped
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|آئی-آئی|tr=āī-āī}}
- ayu:Noun:amphidromous fish
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|芳魚|tr=phang-hî}}, {{t|nan-hbl|溪鰮|tr=khoe-un, khe-un}}, {{t|nan-hbl|𫙮魚|tr=kia̍t-hî, kia̍t-hû}}, {{t|nan-hbl|𫙮|tr=kia̍t}}, {{t|nan-hbl|國姓魚|tr=kok-sèng-hî, kok-sèng-hû}}
- azure:Adjective:sky-blue coloured
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|لاجْوَرْدی}}
- azure:Noun:colour of the sky
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|لاجْوَرْد}}, {{t+|fa-ira|لاجِوَرْد}}
- ba-wan:Noun:Taiwanese snack food
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|肉圓|tr=bah-oân}}
- baby:Noun:very young human being
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|兒囝囝|tr=niè-giāng-giāng / niāng-giāng}}
- baby:Noun:very young human being
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|嬰仔|tr=iⁿ-á, eⁿ-á}}
- baby:Noun:very young human being
- *: Northern Min: {{tt|mnp|𤘅仔|tr=ngā-ciě}}
- baby:Noun:very young human being
- *: Teochew: {{tt|nan-tws|細孥囝}}
- baby:Noun:very young human being
- *: Inuvialuk: [[nutaraaluk]], [[miraaluk]]
- baby:Noun:very young human being
- *: West Inuktitun: [[nutaralaaq]], [[miraq]]
- baby:Noun:very young human being
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|اُشْتُک|tr=uštuk}}, {{tt|prs|اُشْتُکَک|tr=uštukak}}, {{tt+|prs|بچه|tr=bačča}}, {{tt+|prs|کودک|tr=kōdak}}
- baby:Noun:very young human being
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|بچه|tr=bačče}}, {{tt+|fa-ira|کودک|tr=kudak}}
- baby:Noun:very young human being
- * Twi: abɔfra
- baby:Noun:
- * North Alaskan Inupiatun: {{tt-check|ikt|[[qitunrauraq]] [[paipiraq]]}}
- baby blue:Adjective:pale blue color
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|azul-bebê|m}}
- baby blue:Adjective:pale blue color
- *: European: {{t+|pt|azul-bebé|m}}
- baby face:Noun:face resembling that of a baby
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|尪仔面|tr=ang-á-bīn}} {{qualifier|Xiamen|Zhangzhou}}, {{t|nan-hbl|囡仔面|tr=gín-á-bīn}}
- back:Noun:the rear of body
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|尻脊骿|tr=kha-chiah-phiaⁿ, ka-chiah-phiaⁿ}}, {{tt+|nan-hbl|尻脊|tr=kha-chiah, ka-chiah}}
- back:Noun:the rear of body
- * Lutuv: {{t|clt|ke}}
- back:Noun:the rear of body
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|پُشْت}}, {{tt|prs|ظَهْر}}
- back:Noun:the rear of body
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|پُشْت}}, {{tt|fa-ira|ظَهْر}}
- back:Noun:the reverse side
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|پُشْت}}, {{t|prs|عَقْب}}
- back:Noun:the reverse side
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|پُشْت}}, {{tt|fa-ira|عَقْب}}
- back:Noun:that which is farthest away from the front
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|پُشْت}}
- backgammon:Noun:board game
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|نَرْد}}, {{t|fa-ira|تَخْتِه نَرْد}}, {{t|fa-ira|نَرْدَشیر}}
- backpack:Noun:worn on a person's back, e.g., for hiking
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|被包|tr=phōe-pau / phē-pau}}
- backpack:Noun:worn on a person's back, e.g., for hiking
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کیفِ کولِه}}
- backscratcher:Noun:rod for scratching one's own back
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|抓耙仔|tr=jiàu-pê-á, liàu-pê-á}}, {{t|nan-hbl|不求人|tr=put-kiû-jîn, put-kiû-lîn}}, {{t|nan-hbl|孫仔手|tr=sun-á-chhiú}}, {{t|nan-hbl|阿孫手|tr=a-sun-chhiú}}
- backyard:Noun:yard to the rear of a house
- *: Bikol Legazpi: {{t|bcl|higudan}}
- backyard:Noun:yard to the rear of a house
- *: Bikol Naga: {{t+|bcl|libod}}
- bacterium:Noun:single-celled organism with no nucleus or organelles
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|細菌|tr=sè-khún, suè-khún}}
- badger:Noun:mammal
- * Karachay Balkar: {{t|krc|борсукъ}}
- bag:Noun:flexible container
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|袋仔|tr=tē-á}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|橐仔|tr=lok-á}}
- bag:Noun:flexible container
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|کِیسَه}}, {{tt|prs|کِیف}}
- bag:Noun:flexible container
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|کیسِه}}, {{tt+|fa-ira|کیف}}, {{tt+|fa-ira|ساک}}
- bagna cauda:Noun:dip made from anchovies, olive oil and garlic
- *: Provençal: {{t|oc|banha cauda|f}}
- bagua:Noun:the eight trigrams of the I Ching
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|八卦|tr=pat-kòa}}
- baijiu:Noun:clear Chinese alcoholic beverage
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|江米酒|tr=kang-bí-chiú}}
- bak kut teh:Noun:a pork rib dish cooked in broth
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|肉骨茶|tr=bah-kut-tê}}
- bakery:Noun:a shop in which bread and such is baked and sold
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|نانْوائی}}, {{t|fa-ira|[[دُکانِ]] [[نانْوائی]]}}
- bakmi:Noun:type of noodle or dish
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|肉麵|tr=bah-mī}}
- balcony:Noun:structure extending from a building
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|بالْکُن}}
- ball:Noun:solid or hollow sphere
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|کُرِه}}, {{tt+|fa-ira|گوی|tr=guy}}
- ball:Noun:object, generally spherical, used for playing games
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|توپ}}
- ball:Noun:quantity of string, thread, etc., wound into a spherical shape
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|گُلولِه}}, {{tt|fa-ira|گُنْدُلِه}}, {{tt|fa-ira|کَلاف}}
- ball:Noun:testicle
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|تُخْم}}
- ballpoint pen:Noun:pen
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|原子筆|tr=goân-chú-pit}}
- balsam:Noun:flowering plant of the genus Impatiens
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|鳳仙花|tr=chńg-kah-hoe}}, {{t|nan-hbl|掌甲花|tr=chńg-kah-hoe}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|指甲花|tr=chńg-kah-hoe}}
- bamboo:Noun:plant
- *: Juba Arabic: {{t|pga|gana}}
- bamboo:Noun:plant
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|竹|tr=dé̤ṳk}}
- bamboo:Noun:plant
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|竹仔|tr=tek-á}}
- bamboo:Noun:plant
- *: Crimean Tatar: {{t|crh|ind qamışı}}
- bamboo antshrike:Noun:a passerine bird
- *: {{qualifier|Brazil}}: [[choca-do-bambu]]
- bamboo shoot:Noun:edible part of some bamboo types
- * Kankaney: {{t|kne|alabong}}
- banana:Noun:
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|弓蕉//芎蕉|tr=keng-chio, kin-chio, geng-chio}}, {{tt|nan-hbl|金蕉|tr=kim-tsio}}
- band-tailed antshrike:Noun:bird
- *: {{qualifier|Brazil}}: {{t|pt|choca-de-cauda-pintada}}
- bandicoot:Noun:marsupial of the genus Peramelidae
- * Kriol: {{t|rop|brudbrud}}, {{t|rop|bendigut}}
- bandit:Noun:one who robs others
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|راهْزَن}}, {{t|fa-ira|سارِق}}
- banish:Verb:to send someone away and forbid that person from returning
- *: Vlax Romani: {{t|rmy|gonil}} {{qualifier|Kalderash}}
- bank:Noun:institution
- *: South Azerbaijani: {{tt|az|صرافخانه}}
- bank:Noun:institution
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|銀行}}
- bank:Noun:institution
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|銀行|tr=gîn-hâng, gûn-hâng, gîrn-hâng}}
- bank:Noun:institution
- *: Roman: {{tt|ff|banki}}
- bank:Noun:institution
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|بَانْک}}
- bank:Noun:institution
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|بانْک}}
- banknote:Noun:paper or polymer currency
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|اِسْکِناس}}
- banquet:Noun:large celebratory meal
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|بَزْم}}, {{t+|fa-ira|ضِیافَت}}, {{t+|fa-ira|وَلیمِه}}, {{t+|fa-ira|جَشْن}}
- banya:Noun:a Russian steam bath
- *: Kildin Sami: {{t|sjd|ба̄йна}}
- bao:Noun:Chinese steamed stuffed bun
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|包仔|tr=pau-á}}
- baobab:Noun:Adansonia digitata
- * Bachama: {{t|bcy|kàwə̀y}}
- baobab:Noun:Adansonia digitata
- * Gbaya: {{t|gya|ɓoko}}
- baobab:Noun:Adansonia digitata
- * Kabiya: {{t|kab|teluu}}
- baobab:Noun:Adansonia digitata
- * Kirya: {{t|fkk|kúkù}}
- baobab:Noun:Adansonia digitata
- * Zulgo: {{t|gnd|matakwamburzum}}
- baozi:Noun:Chinese steamed stuffed bun
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|包仔|tr=pau-á}}, {{t|nan-hbl|勺仔|tr=sio̍h-á}}
- baptism:Noun:Christian sacrament
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|洗禮|tr=sé-lé, sóe-lé}}, {{t|nan-hbl|浸禮|tr=chìm-lé}}
- bar examination:Noun:examination
- *: ''Germany since 1958 has a unified [[state examination|exam]] to qualify as an attorney, public prosecutor and judge'': {{t|de|Assessorprüfung|f}}, {{t|de|Assessorexamen|n}}, {{t|de|zweites juristisches Staatsexamen|n}}, {{t|de|zweite juristische Staatsprüfung|f}}, {{t|de|zweite juristische Prüfung|f}}
- bar examination:Noun:examination
- *: ''internationally:'' {{t+|de|Anwaltsprüfung|f}}
- barbarian:Noun:a non-Greek or a non-Roman
- *: Mycenaean Greek: {{t|gmy|𐀞𐀞𐀫|m|tr=paparo}}
- barbican:Noun:A tower at the entrance to a castle or fortified town
- * Old Portuguese: {{t|roa-opt|barvacãa|f}}
- barefoot:Adjective:wearing nothing on the feet
- * Soussian: {{t|shi|azir}}, {{t|shi|tabatiḥt}}
- barium:Noun:chemical element
- *: Roman: {{t|az|barium}}
- barium:Noun:chemical element
- *: Abjad: {{t|az|باریوم|tr=bāriyūm, bārīūm, bāryūm}}
- bark:Verb:to make a loud noise (dogs)
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|吠|tr=buôi}}
- barn owl:Noun:Tyto alba
- * Sami: [[toardnaskuolfi]]
- barometer:Noun:an instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|barômetro|m}}
- barometer:Noun:an instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure
- *: European: {{t|pt|barómetro|m}}
- barometer:Noun:anything used as a gauge or indicator
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|barômetro|m}}
- barometer:Noun:anything used as a gauge or indicator
- *: European: {{t|pt|barómetro|m}}
- barred antshrike:Noun:a passerine bird
- *: {{qualifier|Brazil}}: [[choca-barrada]]
- barrel:Noun:round vessel made from staves bound with a hoop
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|چلیک|tr=čalik}} {{qualifier|Turkic speakers}}
- baryogenesis:Noun:generation of baryonic matter
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|bariogênese|f}}
- baryogenesis:Noun:generation of baryonic matter
- *: European: {{t|pt|bariogénese|f}}
- baryon:Noun:heavy subatomic particle
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|bárion|m}}
- baryon:Noun:heavy subatomic particle
- *: European: {{t|pt|barião|m}}
- basalt:Noun:hard rock
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|玄武岩|tr=hiân-bú-giâm}}
- base:Noun:something from which other things extend
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|بُنْیاد}}, {{t|fa-ira|بُن}}, {{t|fa-ira|پایِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|شالودِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|اَساس}}
- base:Noun:starting point of thought
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|ریشِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|پایِه}}
- base:Noun:permanent structure for housing military
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|پایْگاه}}
- base:Noun:headquarters
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|سِتاد|tr=setâd}}, {{t|fa-ira|پایْگاه}}
- base:Noun:chemical compound that will neutralize an acid
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|باز}}
- base:Noun:lowermost part of a column
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|پِیْ|tr=pey}}
- base:Noun:geometry: lowest side or face
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|قاعِدِه}}
- base:Noun:math: number raised to the power of an exponent
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مَبْنا}}
- baseball:Noun:ball game
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|野球|tr=iá-kiû}}
- baseball cap:Noun:cap
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|吐舌仔帽|tr=thò͘-chi̍h-á-bō}}
- basketball:Noun:the sport
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|籃球|tr=nâ-kiû}}
- basketball:Noun:the sport
- *: Samogitian: {{t|sgs|krepšėnis|m}}
- basketball:Noun:the ball used in the sport
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|籃球|tr=nâ-kiû}}
- bath:Noun:tub
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|وان}}
- bath:Noun:building or area where bathing occurs
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|حَمَّام}}, {{t|fa-ira|گَرْمابِه}}
- bathe:Verb:to clean oneself with water
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|洗浴|tr=[[sé-e̍k]], [[sóe-e̍k]]}}
- bathhouse:Noun:building with baths for communal use
- *: Kildin Sami: {{t|sjd|ба̄йна}}
- battery:Noun:device storing electricity
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|電池|tr=tiān-tî}}
- battle:Noun:general action, fight, or encounter; a combat
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|رَزْم}}, {{t|fa-ira|نَبَرْد}}, {{t|fa-ira|جَنْگ}}, {{t|fa-ira|مُحارِبِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|مُبارِزِه}}
- battleship:Noun:warship
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|戰艦|tr=chiàn-lām}}
- battleship:Noun:warship
- *: Age of Sail: {{t+|ru|лине́йный кора́бль|m}}
- battleship:Noun:warship
- *: dreadnoughts and later designs: {{t+|ru|лине́йный кора́бль|m}}, {{t+|ru|линко́р|m}}
- battleship:Noun:warship
- *: pre-dreadnought designs: {{t+|ru|бронено́сец|m}}, {{t+|ru|эска́дренный бронено́сец|m}}
- bazaar:Noun:marketplace
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|巴剎|tr=pa-sat}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|市場|tr=chhī-tiûⁿ}}
- be called:Verb:to have a specific name
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|叫|tr=giú}}
- be called:Verb:to have a specific name
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|叫|tr=kiò}}
- be careful:Interjection:proceed with caution
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[較]][[細膩]]|tr=khà sòe-lī / khah sòe-lī / khah sè-jī / khah sòe-jī}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[較]][[斟酌]][[咧]]|tr=khà chim-chiok-lé / khà chim-chiok-lér / khà chim-chiok-le̍h / khah chim-chiok-le̍h / khah chim-chiok-leh / khah chim-chiok-teh / khah chim-chiak-teh}}
- beach:Noun:sandy shore
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|海墘|tr=hái-kîⁿ}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|海邊|tr=hái-piⁿ}}
- beach:Noun:sandy shore
- *: Föhr: {{t|frr|strun|m}}
- beach:Noun:sandy shore
- *: Hallig: {{t|frr|ströön|m}}
- beach:Noun:sandy shore
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|ساحِل}}, {{t|fa-ira|پِلاژ}}
- beak:Noun:structure projecting from a bird's face
- *: Plauttdietsch (Mennonite Low German): {{t|nds|Schnovel, Schnowel|m}}
- beam:Noun:large piece of timber or iron
- * Kamkata-vari: {{t|bsh|kaṭë}}
- beam:Noun:large piece of timber or iron
- * Old Portuguese: {{t|roa-opt|trave}}
- bean goose:Noun:Anser fabalis
- *: Southern Sami: {{t|sma|gaase}}
- bean sprout:Noun:a sprout of the mung bean
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|豆青|tr=tāu-chheⁿ, tāu-chhiⁿ}}
- bean sprout:Noun:?
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|豆菜|tr=tāu-chhài}}, {{t|nan-hbl|豆芽|tr=tāu-gê}}, {{t|nan-hbl|豆菜芽|tr=tāu-chhài-gê}}
- bear:Verb:to carry
- * Mansi:
- bear:Verb:to carry
- *: Northern Mansi: {{t|mns-nor|а̄лмта̄луӈкве}}
- beard:Noun:facial hair
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|喙鬚|tr=chói-chiŭ / ché̤ṳ-siĕu}}
- beard:Noun:facial hair
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|喙鬚|tr=chhùi-chhiu}}
- beard:Noun:facial hair
- * Kriol: {{tt|rop|wiska}}
- beard:Noun:facial hair
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|رِیش}}
- beard:Noun:facial hair
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|ریش}}, {{tt|fa-ira|بَلْمِه}}
- beard:Noun:facial hair
- *: Akkala Sami: {{t|sia|сеам}}
- beard:Noun:facial hair
- *: Kildin Sami: {{t|sjd|ся̄м}}
- beard:Noun:facial hair
- *: Ter Sami: {{t|sjt|ся̄ман}}
- bearing:Noun:mechanical device
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|be̋-á-lèng-guh}}
- beast:Noun:non-human animal
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|حیوان|m|tr=hyvān}}
- beast of burden:Noun:animal that carries or pulls a load
- *: Old Polish: {{t|zlw-opl|klusię|n}}
- beautiful:Adjective:possessing charm and attractive
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|俊|tr=cóng}}, {{t|cdo|漂亮|tr=piĕu-liông}}
- beautiful:Adjective:possessing charm and attractive
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|媠|tr=súi}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|美麗|tr=bí-lē}}, {{t|nan-hbl|好看|tr=hó-khòaⁿ}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|媠噹噹|tr=súi-tang-tang}}
- beautiful:Adjective:possessing charm and attractive
- *: Teochew: {{t|nan-tws|雅|tr=ngia2}}
- beautiful:Adjective:possessing charm and attractive
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|زیبَا}}, {{t|fa-cls|قَشَنْگ}}
- beautiful:Adjective:possessing charm and attractive
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|مَقْبُول}}, {{t|prs|زیبَا}}, {{t|prs|قَشَنْگ}}
- beautiful:Adjective:possessing charm and attractive
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|زیبا}}, {{t|fa-ira|قَشَنْگ}}, {{t|fa-ira|خوشْگِل|tr=xošgel}}, {{t|fa-ira|خوشتیپ|tr=xoš-tip}} {{qualifier|handsome, of men}}
- beautiful:Adjective:of weather: pleasant, clear
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|好天|tr=hó-thiⁿ}}
- beauty:Noun:quality of pleasing appearance
- * Berber: [[aẓři]], [[aẓli]], [[unk.|tiẓilt]]
- beauty:Noun:quality of pleasing appearance
- * Maharastri Prakrit: {{t|pra-mah|𑀭𑀽𑀅}}
- beaver:Noun:semiaquatic rodent
- * Han: {{t|haa|tsà’}}
- because:Adverb:on account
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|因為|tr=in-ūi}}
- because:Adverb:on account
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|بِخاطِر}}, {{t|fa-ira|بِه خاطِر}}, {{t+|fa-ira|چون}}
- because:Conjunction:by or for the cause that; on this account that; for the reason that
- *: Yemeni Arabic: {{t|ayn|علشان|tr=ʕalašān}}
- because:Conjunction:by or for the cause that; on this account that; for the reason that
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|因為|tr=in-ūi}}
- because:Conjunction:by or for the cause that; on this account that; for the reason that
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|زیرا}}, {{t|fa-ira|چونْکِه}}, {{t+|fa-ira|چون}}, {{t|fa-ira|بِدَلیل}}, {{t|fa-ira|بَرایِ اینکِه}}
- bedsheet:Noun:a sheet, a piece of cloth cut and finished as bedlinen
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|床巾|tr=chhn̂g-kin, chhn̂g-kun}}
- bee:Noun:insect
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|蜜蜂}}
- bee:Noun:insect
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|蜂|tr=phang}}
- bee:Noun:insect
- *: Northern Min: {{t|mnp|糖蜂}}
- bee:Noun:insect
- *: Plains Cree: {{tt|crk|ᐊᒧ|tr=amo}}
- bee:Noun:insect
- *: Gallo: {{tt|roa-gal|avètt}}
- bee:Noun:insect
- *: Bavarian: {{tt|bar|Imp|f}}
- bee:Noun:insect
- * Old Portuguese: {{tt|roa-opt|abella|f}}
- bee:Noun:insect
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|زَنْبور}}, {{tt|fa-ira|زَنْبورِ عَسَل}}, {{tt|fa-ira|مُنْج}} {{qualifier|archaic}}, {{tt|fa-ira|گَبْت}}, {{tt|fa-ira|بُوْز}}, {{tt|fa-ira|کَلیز}}, {{tt|fa-ira|موسِه}}, {{tt|fa-ira|اَنْگ}}
- bee:Noun:insect
- *: Caló: {{tt|rmq|jernimachí|?}}
- beef:Noun:meat
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|牛肉|tr=gû-bah}}
- beehive:Noun:home of bees
- *: Jewish: {{t|arc|[[כַּוְּורְתָּא]] / [[כַּוְּרְתָּא]]|tr=kawwārtā|f}}, {{t|arc|[[כַּוְּורָא]] / [[כַּוְּרָא]]|tr=kawwārā|m}}
- beehive:Noun:home of bees
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|rish}}
- beehive:Noun:home of bees
- * Old Portuguese: {{t|roa-opt|colmẽa|f}}
- beehive:Noun:man-made structure in which bees are kept for their honey
- *: Jewish: {{t|arc|[[כַּוְּורְתָּא]] / [[כַּוְּרְתָּא]]|tr=kawwārtā|f}}, {{t|arc|[[כַּוְּורָא]] / [[כַּוְּרָא]]|tr=kawwārā|m}}
- beer:Noun:alcoholic drink made of malt
- *: Juba Arabic: {{t|pga|meriisa}}, {{t|pga|bira}}
- beer:Noun:alcoholic drink made of malt
- *: Abjad: {{t|az|آرپه صويی|tr=ārpeh-sūyi /arpa suyu/}}
- beer:Noun:alcoholic drink made of malt
- *: Roman: {{t+|az|pivə}}, {{t|az|arpa suyu|lit=barley water}}
- beer:Noun:alcoholic drink made of malt
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|啤酒}}
- beer:Noun:alcoholic drink made of malt
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|麥仔酒|tr=be̍h-á-chiú, bē-á-chiú}}, {{t|nan-hbl|米仔酒|tr=bí-á-chiú}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|啤酒|tr=pî-chiú}}, {{t|nan-hbl|bì-lù}} {{qualifier|Taiwan}}, {{t|nan-hbl|bih-luh}} {{qualifier|Taiwan}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|bì-luh}} {{qualifier|Taiwan}}
- beer:Noun:alcoholic drink made of malt
- *: Bavarian: {{t|bar|bia}}
- beer:Noun:alcoholic drink made of malt
- * Mansi:
- beer:Noun:alcoholic drink made of malt
- *: Northern Mansi: {{t|mns-nor|са̄ра}}, {{t|mns-nor|сурыӈ тэ̄п}}, {{t|mns-nor|сур}}
- beer:Noun:alcoholic drink made of malt
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|آبْجَوْ}}
- beer:Noun:alcoholic drink made of malt
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|آبْجُوْ}}
- beer:Noun:alcoholic drink made of malt
- *: Kildin Sami: {{t|sjd|пӣва}}
- beetle:Noun:insect
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|龜仔|tr=ku-á}}
- beetle:Noun:insect
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|قَانْغوزَک}}
- beetle:Noun:insect
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|سوسْک}}, {{t-check|fa-ira|خَبَزْدو}}
- before:Preposition:earlier than
- * Kamkata-vari: {{t|bsh|nūštař}}
- before:Preposition:earlier than
- *: badiot: {{t|lld|dan}}
- before:Preposition:earlier than
- *: fascian: {{t|lld|dant}}, {{t|lld|inant}}
- before:Preposition:earlier than
- *: gherdëina: {{t|lld|dan}}
- before:Preposition:in front of in space
- * Kamkata-vari: {{t|bsh|nūštař}}
- beggar:Noun:person who begs
- *: Devanagari: {{t|pi|याचक|m}}
- beggar:Noun:person who begs
- *: Thai: {{t|pi|ยาจก|m}}
- beggar:Noun:person who begs
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|گَدَا}}
- beggar:Noun:person who begs
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|گِدا}}
- begin:Verb:to start, to initiate or take the first step into something
- *: Hallig: {{t|frr|öönfange}}
- begonia:Noun:plants of the genus Begonia
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|begônia|f}}
- begonia:Noun:plants of the genus Begonia
- *: European: {{t|pt|begónia|f}}
- behavior:Noun:way an animal or human behaves or acts
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|行為|tr=hêng-ûi}}
- behavior:Noun:way an animal or human behaves or acts
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|رَفْتار}}, {{t+|fa-ira|سُلوک}}
- behead:Verb:to remove the head
- *: Biblical: {{t|he|כָּרַת רֹאשׁ}}, {{t|he|הֵסִיר רֹאשׁ}}
- beheading:Noun:an instance of beheading
- *: Northern Kurdish: {{t-needed|kmr}}
- beige:Adjective:having a slightly yellowish gray colour
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|bèj}}
- beige:Noun:colour
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|bèj}}
- bejel:Noun:[[endemic
- *: Historical: {{t+|ru|францу́зская боле́знь|f}} {{t|ru|фра́нец|m}}, {{t|ru|пра́нец|m}}, {{t|ru|хра́нец|m}}, {{t+|ru|парша́|f}}, {{t+|ru|сыпь|f}}, {{t|ru|ше́лудь|f}}, {{t+|ru|коро́ста|f}}, {{t|ru|ше́ро́х|m}} {{q|фра́нец, пра́нец, хра́нец, парша́ and ше́лудь are often used as pluraletantum for this specific meaning}}
- bejel:Noun:[[endemic
- *: Modern: {{t|ru|беджель|m}}, {{t|ru|баляш|m}}, {{t|ru|ньювера|f}}, {{t|ru|си́филис ара́бский|m}}
- bek:Noun:Turkic chief
- *: Cyrillic: {{t|kk|бек|tr=-}}, {{t+|kk|би|tr=-}}
- bek:Noun:Turkic chief
- *: Latin: {{t|kk|bek}}, {{t|kk|bi}}
- bek:Noun:Turkic chief
- *: Arabic: {{t|ug|بەك}}
- bell:Noun:percussive instrument
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|زَنْگ}} {{qualifier|big}}, {{tt+|fa-ira|زَنْگولِه}} {{qualifier|small}}
- bell:Noun:informal: telephone call
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|زَنْگ}}, {{t+|fa-ira|تَماس}}
- bell:Noun:signal at a school
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|زَنْگ}}
- bellows:Noun:air blower
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مِنْفاخ}}, {{t-check|fa-ira|دمزن}}, {{t|fa-ira|دَم}}, {{t|fa-ira|دَمِه}}
- belly:Noun:abdomen
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|腹老|tr=bók-lō̤}}
- belly:Noun:abdomen
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|腹|tr=pak}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|腹肚|tr=pak-tó͘, bak-tó͘, pat-tó͘}}
- belly:Noun:abdomen
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|شِکَم}}
- belly:Noun:abdomen
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|شِکَم}}
- belly:Noun:abdomen
- *: Canka Quechua: {{t|qu|wiksa}}
- belly:Noun:abdomen
- *: Waiwaş Quechua: {{t|qu|paca}}
- belly:Noun:abdomen
- *: Wanka Quechua: {{t|qu|pata}}
- below:Preposition:lower in spatial position than
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|系...下底|tr=gat...a le}}
- belt:Noun:band worn around the waist
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کَمَرْبَنْد}}, {{t|fa-ira|تَسْمِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|کَمَر}}
- bench:Noun:long seat
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|نیمْکَت}}
- bench:Noun:weightlifting: horizontal padded surface with a weight rack
- *: Hokkien: {{t-needed|nan-hbl}}
- bend:Verb:to cause to shape into a curve
- *: Ionic: {{t|grc|καμπύλλω}}
- bend:Verb:to become curved
- *: Ionic: {{t|grc|καμπύλλω}}
- bend the truth:Verb:change or leave out certain facts of a story
- *: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|[[歪曲]][[事實]]|sc=Hani}}, {{t|cmn|[[歪曲]][[事实]]|tr=wāiqū shìshí|sc=Hani}}, {{t|cmn|[[扭曲]][[事實]]|sc=Hani}}, {{t|cmn|[[扭曲]][[事实]]|tr=niǔqū shìshí|sc=Hani}}
- bento:Noun:a Japanese packed lunch
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|便當|tr=piān-tong}}
- beriberi:Noun:pathology: ailment caused by deficiency of vitamin B
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|腳氣病|tr=kha-khì-pēⁿ}}
- berry:Noun:small succulent fruit
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|سَتِّه}}
- beryl:Noun:gem
- *: ALUPEC: [[beril']] {{g|m}}, [[berilu]] {{g|m}}
- beryl:Noun:gem
- *: Bádiu: [[berilu]] {{g|m}}
- beryl:Noun:gem
- *: São Vicente: [[beril']] {{g|m}}
- beryllium:Noun:chemical element
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|鈹|tr=pì}}
- beryllium:Noun:chemical element
- *: ALUPEC: : [[beríliu]] {{g|m}}
- beryllium:Noun:chemical element
- *: Badiu: [[beríliu]] {{g|m}}
- beryllium:Noun:chemical element
- *: Santiago: [[beríliu]] {{g|m}}
- beryllium:Noun:chemical element
- *: São Vicente: [[berílio]] {{g|m}}
- beshmet:Noun:an outer garment typical of Turkic, Mongolian and Caucasian peoples
- *: Iron Ossetian: {{t|os-iro|куырӕт}}
- beshmet:Noun:an outer garment typical of Turkic, Mongolian and Caucasian peoples
- *: Digor Ossetian: {{t|os-dig|куырӕтӕ}}
- best regards:Noun:polite closing of a letter
- *: {{qualifier|Brazil}}: {{t+|pt|atenciosamente}}, {{t|pt|cordialmente}}
- best regards:Noun:polite closing of a letter
- *: {{qualifier|Portugal}}: {{t|pt|com os melhores cumprimentos}}
- bet:Noun:
- *: Suzhou dialect: {{t-check|wuu|ruán-tondæ}}
- bet:Verb:
- *: Suzhou dialect: {{t-check|wuu|ruánl tondæ}}
- betel leaf:Noun:leaf of the betel
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|荖葉|tr=láu-hio̍h}}
- betel nut:Noun:An egg-shaped seed of the betel palm
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|檳榔|tr=pin-nn̂g, pun-nn̂g}}
- betrothal:Noun:mutual promise
- *: Hochpreußisch: {{t|gmw-ecg|Verlobung}}
- betrothal:Noun:mutual promise
- *: Kölnisch: {{t|gmw-cfr|Verlobung}}
- betrothal:Noun:mutual promise
- *: Oberlausitzisch: {{t|gmw-ecg|Verlobung}}
- better:Adjective:comparative of the adjectives good or well
- *: Vidari: {{t|avd|ودرتر|tr=vaderter}}
- better the devil you know than the devil you don't know:Proverb:something bad and familiar is better than something bad and unknown
- *: Libyan Arabic: {{t|ayl|اللي تعرفه خير من اللي متعرفاش}}
- between:Preposition:in the position or interval that separates two things
- *: Najdi Arabic: {{t|ars|بين|tr=bēn}}
- between a rock and a hard place:Prepositional phrase:having the choice between two unpleasant options
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|進退兩難|tr=chìn-thè-lióng-lân / chìn-thòe-lióng-lân}}
- beverage:Noun:drink
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|نوشابِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|نوشیدَنی}}, {{t|fa-ira|مَشْروب}}
- bicycle:Noun:vehicle
- *: Chadian Arabic: {{t|shu|بسكليت|m|tr=biskilēt}}
- bicycle:Noun:vehicle
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|跤踏車}}
- bicycle:Noun:vehicle
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|跤踏車|tr=kha-ta̍h-chhia}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|孔明車|tr=khóng-bêng-chhia}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|自轉車|tr=chū-choán-chhia}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|鐵馬|tr=thih-bé}}, {{t|nan-hbl|鐵馬仔|tr=thih-bé-á}}, {{t|nan-hbl|自輪車|tr=chū-lián-chhia}}, {{t|nan-hbl|動輪車|tr=tōng-lián-chhia}}, {{t|nan-hbl|獨輪車|tr=to̍k-lián-chhia}}, {{t|nan-hbl|單車|tr=tan-chhia}}, {{t|nan-hbl|自行車|tr=chū-hêng-chhia}}
- bicycle:Noun:vehicle
- *: Northern Min: {{t|mnp|跤踏車}}
- bicycle:Noun:vehicle
- *: Teochew: {{t|nan-tws|跤踏車}}
- bicycle:Noun:vehicle
- * Flemish: {{t+|nl|velo|m}}
- bicycle:Noun:vehicle
- *: Mon Pali: {{t|pi|စက္ကယုဂံ}}
- bicycle:Noun:vehicle
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|بَایْسِکِل}}, {{t|prs|بَایْسِیکِل}}
- bicycle:Noun:vehicle
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|دوچَرْخِه|tr=dočarxe}}
- bicycle:Noun:vehicle
- *: Anbarani: {{t|tly|دؤچرخه|tr=dücarxa}}
- bicycle:Noun:vehicle
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|سیکل}}
- big:Adjective:of a great size
- *: Chadian Arabic: {{t|shu|كبير|tr=kabīr}}
- big:Adjective:of a great size
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|大|tr=duai}}
- big:Adjective:of a great size
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|大|tr=tōa}}
- big:Adjective:of a great size
- * Enets:
- big:Adjective:of a great size
- *: Forest Enets: {{t|enf|ага|tr=aga}}
- big:Adjective:of a great size
- *: Tundra Enets: {{t|enh|ага|tr=aga}}
- big:Adjective:of a great size
- *: Koibal: {{t|zkb|урга|tr=urga}}
- big:Adjective:of a great size
- * Nenets:
- big:Adjective:of a great size
- *: Forest Nenets: {{t|syd-fne|ӈаԓка}}
- big:Adjective:of a great size
- *: Tundra Nenets: {{t|yrk|ӈарка}}
- big:Adjective:of a great size
- * Old Portuguese: {{tt|roa-opt|grande}}
- big:Adjective:of a great size
- *: Classical Persian: {{tt|fa-cls|بُزُرْگ}}, {{tt|fa-cls|کَلَان}}, {{tt|fa-cls|مِهْ}}
- big:Adjective:of a great size
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|کَلَان}}, {{tt|prs|بُزُرْگ}}, {{tt|prs|کَتَه}} {{q|dialectal}}, {{tt|prs|کَتَه|tr=kaṭa|alt=کٹه/کټه}} {{q|Hazaragi}}
- big:Adjective:of a great size
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|بزرگ|tr=bozorg}}, {{tt+|fa-ira|گنده|tr=gonde}}, {{tt+|fa-ira|کلان|tr=kalân}}, {{tt+|fa-ira|گت|tr=got, gat}} {{qualifier|dialectal}}
- big:Adjective:of a great size
- * Selkup:
- big:Adjective:of a great size
- *: Northern Selkup: {{t|sel-nor|вәрӄы|tr=wərqy}}
- big:Adjective:of a great size
- *: Southern Selkup: {{t|sel-sou|варӷ}} {{qualifier|Narym}}, {{t|sel-sou|уарх}} {{qualifier|Upper Ob}}
- big:Adjective:adult
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|大人|tr=tōa-lâng}}
- bilayer:Noun:any structure consisting of two layers of molecules
- * Português: {{t|pt|bicamada|f}}
- bill:Noun:draft of a law
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|لَایِحَه}}
- bill:Noun:draft of a law
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|لایِحِه}}
- bill:Noun:invoice
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|حِساب}}
- bill:Noun:advertisement
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|پِلاکارْد}}, {{t|fa-ira|پوسْتِر|tr=poster}}
- bill:Noun:bird's beak
- *: Plauttdietsch (Mennonite Low German): {{t|nds|Schnovel|m}}, {{t|nds|Schnowel|m}}
- billabong:Noun:Australian backwater lake
- * Bilinarra: [[langkarna]]
- billabong:Noun:Australian backwater lake
- * Gaagudju: {{t|gbu|bardaambarda}}
- billabong:Noun:Australian backwater lake
- * Gurr-Goni: {{t|gge|gugóndu}}
- billabong:Noun:Australian backwater lake
- * Matngala: {{t|zml|garwa}}
- billabong:Noun:Australian backwater lake
- * Narla: {{t|nrk|yinta}}
- billabong:Noun:Australian backwater lake
- * Wagiman: {{t|waq|langgarnin}}
- billion:Numeral:a thousand million (1,000,000,000); a milliard
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|十億|tr=cha̍p ek}}
- billy goat:Noun:male goat
- *: Chadian Arabic: {{t|shu|تيس|m|tr=tēs}}
- billycan:Noun:lightweight pot
- * Kriol: {{t|rop|biliken}}
- bind:Verb:transitive to tie or fasten tightly together, with a cord, band, ligature, chain, etc.
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|縛|tr=buŏh}}
- bind:Verb:transitive to tie or fasten tightly together, with a cord, band, ligature, chain, etc.
- *: Föhr-Amrum and Sylt: {{t|frr|binj}}
- binoculars:Noun:hand-held device for looking at a distance
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|دورْبین}}, {{t|fa-ira|دوچِشْمی|tr=dočešmi}}
- biochemistry:Noun:the chemistry of those compounds that occur in living organisms, and the processes that occur in their metabolism and catabolism
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|生化學|tr=seng-hoà-ha̍k}}
- biochemistry:Noun:the chemistry of those compounds that occur in living organisms, and the processes that occur in their metabolism and catabolism
- *: Badiu: {{t|kea|biokimika|f}}
- biogenesis:Noun:principle
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|biogênese|f}}
- biogenesis:Noun:principle
- *: European: {{t+|pt|biogénese|f}}
- biology:Noun:study of living matter
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|生物學|tr=seng-bu̍t-ha̍k}}
- bionic:Adjective:related to bionics
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|biônico}}
- bionic:Adjective:related to bionics
- *: European: {{t|pt|biónico}}
- bionics:Noun:engineering based on biological systems
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|biônica|f}}
- bionics:Noun:engineering based on biological systems
- *: European: {{t|pt|biónica|f}}
- bipolar disorder:Noun:psychiatric diagnostic category
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|sò-ut-chèng}}
- bird:Noun:animal
- *: Lebanese Arabic: {{tt|apc|عصفورة|tr=ʕaṣfūre}}
- bird:Noun:animal
- *: Bikol Legazpi: {{tt+|bcl|bayong}}
- bird:Noun:animal
- *: Bikol Naga: {{tt+|bcl|gamgam}}
- bird:Noun:animal
- * Bodo: {{tt|brx|दाव}}
- bird:Noun:animal
- * Cham:
- bird:Noun:animal
- *: Eastern Cham: {{tt|cjm|ꨌꨳꨪꩌ|tr=chiim}}
- bird:Noun:animal
- *: Western Cham: {{t-needed|cja}}
- bird:Noun:animal
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|鳥|tr=cēu}}, {{tt|cdo|鳥仔|tr=cēu-giāng}}
- bird:Noun:animal
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|鳥|tr=chiáu / niáu}}, {{tt+|nan-hbl|鳥仔|tr=chiáu-á}}
- bird:Noun:animal
- *: Northern Min: {{tt|mnp|隻仔}}
- bird:Noun:animal
- * Kriol: {{tt|rop|bed}}
- bird:Noun:animal
- * Lutuv: {{t|clt|pavaa}}
- bird:Noun:animal
- *: Highland Puebla: {{tt|azz|totot}}
- bird:Noun:animal
- *: Western Huasteca: {{tt|nhw|tototl}}
- bird:Noun:animal
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|پَرِنْدَه}}, {{tt|prs|مُرْغ}}
- bird:Noun:animal
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|پَرَنْدِه}}, {{tt|fa-ira|مُرْغ}}
- bird:Noun:animal
- * Western Panjabi: {{tt+|pnb|پنچھی|m|tr=pnchhī}}, {{tt|pnb|پرندہ|tr=parindā}}
- bird:Noun:person
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|جیگَر}}
- bird:Noun:woman
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|زِیْد}}
- bird:Noun:girlfriend
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|دوسْتدُخْتَر}}
- birds of a feather flock together:Proverb:people of similar character, etc. tend to associate
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|龍交龍,鳳交鳳,隱痀的交侗戇|tr=Lêng kau lêng, hōng kau hōng, ún-ku--ê kau tòng-gōng.}}
- birthday:Noun:anniversary
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|生日|tr=săng-nĭk}}
- birthday:Noun:anniversary
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|生日|tr=seⁿ-ji̍t, siⁿ-ji̍t, seng-ji̍t}}
- birthday:Noun:anniversary
- *: Northern Min: {{t|mnp|生日|tr=sáng-nì}}
- birthday:Noun:anniversary
- *: Silesian: {{t|gmw-ecg|Geburtstag|m}}
- birthday:Noun:anniversary
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|تَوَلُّد}}, {{t|fa-ira|زادْروز}}
- birthday:Noun:anniversary
- *: High Sorbian: {{t|hsb|narodniny}}
- birthday:Noun:anniversary
- *: Low Sorbian: {{t|dsb|narodny źeń|m}}, {{t|dsb|narodniny}} {{qualifier|pluralia tantum}}
- birthday:Noun:date of birth
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|تاریخِ تَوَلُّد}}
- bisexuality:Noun:psychology
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|雙性戀|tr=siang-sèng-loân}}, {{t|nan-hbl|兩性戀|tr=nn̄g-sèng-loân}}, {{t|nan-hbl|兩性愛|tr=nn̄g-sèng-ài}}
- bishop:Noun:church official, supervisor of priests and congregations
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|主教|tr=chú-kàu}}
- bit:Noun:small amount of something
- * Lombardic: {{t|lng|pizza}}
- bit:Noun:computing: smallest unit of storage
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|位元|tr=ūi-gôan}}
- bite:Noun:mouthful
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|喙|tr=chhùi}}
- bite:Verb:cut into by clamping the teeth
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|咬|tr=ga}}
- bite:Verb:cut into by clamping the teeth
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|咬|tr=kā}}
- bite:Verb:cut into by clamping the teeth
- * Lombardic: {{t|lng|pizza}}
- bite:Verb:cut into by clamping the teeth
- *: Föhr: {{tt|frr|bitj}}
- bite:Verb:cut into by clamping the teeth
- *: Heligoland, Sylt: {{tt|frr|bit}}
- bite:Verb:cut into by clamping the teeth
- *: Mooring and Hallig: {{tt|frr|bite}}
- bitter:Adjective:having an acrid taste
- * Mansi:
- bitter:Adjective:having an acrid taste
- *: Northern Mansi: {{t|mns-nor|восьрамыӈ}}
- bitter melon:Noun:fruit of Momordica charantia
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|苦瓜|tr=khó͘-koe}}, {{t|nan-hbl|防羊言|tr=hông-iûⁿ-giân}}, {{t|nan-hbl|紅楊|tr=âng-iûⁿ}}
- bitterleaf:Noun:
- * Kinyarwanda: {{t|rw|umubirizi}}
- bixie:Noun:mythical beast
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|辟邪|tr=phek-siâ, phì-siâ}}
- black caraway:Noun:spice
- *: Jewish Palestinian Aramaic: {{t|arc|קִיצְחָא|tr=qiṣḥā|m}}
- black grouse:Noun:Lyrurus tetrix
- *: Southern Sami: {{t|sma|hurrie}}, {{t|sma|snåhta}}
- black hole:Noun:celestial body
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|烏空|tr=[[o͘-khang]]}}
- black hole:Noun:celestial body
- *: Arebica: {{t|sh|ڄرنآ رۆپآ|f|sc=Arab}}
- black market:Noun:trade that is in violation of restrictions, rationing or price controls
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|烏市|tr=o͘-chhī}}
- black rhinoceros:Noun:Diceros bicornis
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|烏犀牛|tr=o-sai-gû}}
- black rhinoceros:Noun:Diceros bicornis
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|کالا گینڈا}}
- black sapote:Noun:fruit
- *: Guerrero: {{t|amu|ta̱ntyeꞌ}}
- black sapote:Noun:fruit
- * Chatino:
- black sapote:Noun:fruit
- *: Tataltepec: {{t|cta|laꞌbe}}
- black sapote:Noun:fruit
- *: Western Highland: {{t|ctp|luꞌwe⁴⁵}}
- black sapote:Noun:fruit
- * Mazatec:
- black sapote:Noun:fruit
- *: Chiquihuitlán: {{t|maq|chjindë}}
- black sapote:Noun:fruit
- * Mixe:
- black sapote:Noun:fruit
- *: Coatlán: {{t|mco|jɨɨñchuucy}}
- black sapote:Noun:fruit
- *: Totontepec: {{t|mto|tsooꞌc}}
- black sapote:Noun:fruit
- *: Chayuco: {{t|mih|ndyicoho}}
- black sapote:Noun:fruit
- *: San Juan Colorado: {{t|mjc|tyitya}}
- black sapote:Noun:fruit
- *: San Miguel el Grande: {{t|mig|ndoco túún}}
- black sapote:Noun:fruit
- *: Yosondúa: {{t|mpm|ndoko jnuu}}
- black sapote:Noun:fruit
- *: Guerrero: {{t|ngu|tliltzapotl}}
- black sapote:Noun:fruit
- *: Highland Puebla: {{t|azz|ti̱ltzapot}}
- black sapote:Noun:fruit
- *: Mecayapan: {{t|nhx|ti̱ltzapoꞌ}}
- black sapote:Noun:fruit
- *: Northern Puebla: {{t|ncj|tliltzapotl}}
- black sapote:Noun:fruit
- *: Tlamacazapa: {{t|nuz|tliltzapotl}}
- black sapote:Noun:fruit
- *: Zacatlán-Ahuacatlán-Tepetzintla: {{t|nhi|tliltictzapotl}}
- black sapote:Noun:fruit
- * Otomi:
- black sapote:Noun:fruit
- *: Mezquital: {{t|ote|ꞌbomza}}
- black sapote:Noun:fruit
- * Popoloca:
- black sapote:Noun:fruit
- *: San Juan Atzingo: {{t|poe|chjente}}
- black sapote:Noun:fruit
- * Popoluca:
- black sapote:Noun:fruit
- *: Highland: {{t|poi|nuu}}
- black sapote:Noun:fruit
- *: Oluta: {{t|plo|tsu̱cu}}
- black sapote:Noun:fruit
- * Totonac:
- black sapote:Noun:fruit
- *: Highland: {{t|tos|suāꞌlh}}
- black sapote:Noun:fruit
- *: Papantla: {{t|top|sáhua̱lh}}
- black sapote:Noun:fruit
- *: Xicotepec de Juárez: {{t|too|suhuālh}}
- black sapote:Noun:fruit
- * Triqui:
- black sapote:Noun:fruit
- *: Chicahuaxtla: {{t|trs|reco⁴⁵ chrun⁵³}}
- black sapote:Noun:fruit
- *: Copala: {{t|trc|rcochro̱n}}
- black sapote:Noun:fruit
- *: Isthmus: {{t|zai|biaahui}}
- black sapote:Noun:fruit
- *: Yatzachi: {{t|zav|blaꞌo}}
- black sapote:Noun:fruit
- *: Zoogocho: {{t|zpq|blaꞌo}}
- black sapote:Noun:fruit
- * Zoque:
- black sapote:Noun:fruit
- *: Copainalá: {{t|zoc|inu}}
- black swan:Noun:Cygnus atratus
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|کالا ہنس|tr=qu-ye siyâh}}
- black tea:Noun:tea leaves which have been "fermented"
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|紅茶|tr=âng-tê}}
- black tea:Noun:cup of tea served without milk
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|紅茶|tr=âng-tê}}
- black-crested antshrike:Noun:bird
- *: {{qualifier|Brazil}}: [[Choca-de-crista-preta]]
- black-crowned night heron:Noun:Nycticorax nycticorax
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|رات دا ہیرون}}
- black-eyed pea:Noun:cowpea plant Vigna unguiculata or Vigna unguiculata subsp. unguiculata
- *: San Juan Quiahije: {{t|omq-sjq|Ndaᴬ kiᴳ}}
- black-eyed pea:Noun:cowpea bean, the produce of the aforementioned plant
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|菜豆|tr=chhài-tāu}}
- black-headed gull:Noun:Chroicocephalus ridibundus
- *: Akkala Sami: {{t|sia|церрик}}
- black-throated diver:Noun:Gavia arctica
- *: Kildin Sami: {{t|sjd|тохт}}
- black-throated diver:Noun:Gavia arctica
- *: Southern Sami: {{t|sma|daktege}}, {{l|sma|duvvehke}}
- blackberry:Noun:shrub
- *: Christian Palestinian Aramaic: {{t|arc|ܣܢܝܐ|tr=sanyā}}, absolute state like in Syriac but not attested
- blackberry:Noun:shrub
- *: Imperial Aramaic: {{t|arc|𐡎𐡍𐡉𐡀}}
- blackberry:Noun:shrub
- *: Crimean Latin: {{t|crh|büldürgen}}, {{t|crh|bürlegen}}
- blackberry:Noun:shrub
- *: Romanian Latin: {{t|crh|búldúrgen}}, {{t|crh|búrlegen}}
- blackberry:Noun:shrub
- *: Cyrillic: {{t+|tt|кара бөрлегән}}
- blackberry:Noun:shrub
- *: Latin: {{t|tt|qara börlegän}}
- blackberry:Noun:fruit
- *: Christian Palestinian Aramaic: {{t|arc|ܣܢܝܐ|tr=sanyā}}, absolute state like in Syriac but not attested
- blackberry:Noun:fruit
- *: Imperial Aramaic: {{t|arc|𐡎𐡍𐡉𐡀}}
- blackberry:Noun:fruit
- *: Crimean Latin: {{t|crh|büldürgen}}, {{t|crh|bürlegen}}
- blackberry:Noun:fruit
- *: Romanian Latin: {{t|crh|búldúrgen}}, {{t|crh|búrlegen}}
- blackberry:Noun:fruit
- *: Cyrillic: {{t+|tt|кара бөрлегән}}
- blackberry:Noun:fruit
- *: Latin: {{t|tt|qara börlegän}}
- blackbird:Noun:Turdus merula: blackbird
- *: Louisiana French: [[tchoc]]
- blackboard:Noun:a surface that can be written upon with chalk
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|黑板}}
- blackboard:Noun:a surface that can be written upon with chalk
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|烏板|tr=o͘-pán}}
- blackboard:Noun:a surface that can be written upon with chalk
- *: Northern Min: {{t|mnp|黑板}}
- blackboard:Noun:a surface that can be written upon with chalk
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|تَخْتَهٔ سِیَاه}}, {{t|prs|تَخْتَه}}
- blackboard:Noun:a surface that can be written upon with chalk
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|تَخْتِهٔ سِیاه}}, {{t|fa-ira|تَخْتِه}}
- blackthorn:Noun:Prunus spinosa
- *: Andalusi Arabic: {{t|xaa|أَرَنْيُون|m|tr=ʔaranyūn}}
- blackthorn:Noun:Prunus spinosa
- *: Cyrillic: {{t|gag|гӱвен}}
- blackthorn:Noun:Prunus spinosa
- *: Latin: {{t|gag|güven}}
- bladdernut:Noun:Staphylea
- * Finish: {{t+|fi|kotapähkinä}}
- blanket:Noun:fabric
- *: Dari Persian: {{t|fa|کمپل|tr=kampal}}
- blanket:Noun:fabric
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa|پتو|tr=patu}}
- blanquette:Noun:white meat stew which is not browned
- *: Provençal: {{t|oc|blanqueto|m}}
- blasphemy:Noun:irreverence toward something sacred
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|blasfêmia|f}}
- blasphemy:Noun:irreverence toward something sacred
- *: European: {{t+|pt|blasfémia|f}}
- bleen:Adjective:of an object blue that is first blue, then green
- * Persan: {{t|fa|و آبز}}
- blind:Adjective:unable to see
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|青盲|tr=chheⁿ-mê, chhiⁿ-mî}}, {{tt+|nan-hbl|失明|tr=sit-bêng}} {{qualifier|formal}}
- blind:Adjective:unable to see
- *: Canka Quechua: {{tt|qu|ñausa}}
- blind:Adjective:unable to see
- *: Waiwaş Quechua: {{tt|qu|gapra}}
- blind:Adjective:unable to see
- *: Wanka Quechua: {{tt|qu|gapla}}
- blind map:Noun:map with political boundaries and major geographical features shown, but without names
- * Indonesia: {{t+|id|peta buta}}
- block:Noun:group of buildings demarcated by streets
- *: Sorani: {{t+|ckb|گەڕەک}}
- block and tackle:Noun:system of several pulleys
- *: Modern: {{t+|tr|palanga}}
- block and tackle:Noun:system of several pulleys
- *: Ottoman: {{t|ota|پلانقه|tr=palanka}}
- blog:Noun:a personal or corporate website
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|網誌|tr=bāng-chì}}
- blog:Noun:a personal or corporate website
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|بِلاگ}}, {{t|fa-ira|بْلاگ}}, {{t|fa-ira|وِب نِوِشْت}}, {{t|fa-ira|وِبنِوِشْت}}, {{t|fa-ira|وِبْلاگ}}
- blood type:Noun:blood classification
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|بلڈ گروپ}}
- blossom:Noun:state or season for such flowers
- *: Sorani: {{t|ckb|گەش|sc=ku-Arab}}
- blow:Verb:to produce an air current
- *:Bokmål: {{t+|nb|blåse}}
- blue:Adjective:blue-coloured
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|藍色|tr=nâ-sek}}
- blue:Adjective:blue-coloured
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{tt|lou|blé}}, {{tt|lou|ble}}
- blue:Adjective:blue-coloured
- * Nama: {{tt|naq|ǂkhoā}}
- blue:Adjective:blue-coloured
- *: Föhr: {{tt|frr|blä}}
- blue:Adjective:blue-coloured
- *: Hallig: {{tt|frr|weeden}}
- blue:Adjective:blue-coloured
- *: Wiedingharde: {{tt|frr|wjin}}
- blue:Adjective:blue-coloured
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|آبی}}, {{tt+|fa-ira|کَبود}}
- blue:Adjective:depressed
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|اَفْسُرْدِه}}, {{tt+|fa-ira|غَمْگین}}
- blue:Noun:colour
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{tt|lou|blé}}, {{tt|lou|ble}}
- blue screen of death:Noun:screen indicating a system error
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|صَفْحِهٔ آبیِ مَرْگ}}
- blue whale:Noun:a whale, Balaenoptera musculus
- *: Cypriot Arabic: {{t|acy|latn}}
- blue-tongue lizard:Noun:any of several species of skink
- * Kriol: {{t|rop|bludang}}
- blue-winged kookaburra:Noun:Dacelo leachii
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|نیلپرا کوکابرا}}
- blur:Verb:make indistinct or hazy, to obscure or dim
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|霧霧|tr=bū-bū}}
- blur:Verb:become indistinct
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|霧霧|tr=bū-bū}}
- board:Noun:long, wide and thin piece of wood or other material
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|تَخْتَه}}
- board:Noun:long, wide and thin piece of wood or other material
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|تَخْتِه}}
- board:Noun:surface for a board game
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|تَخْتَه}}
- board:Noun:surface for a board game
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|تَخْتِه}}
- board:Noun:short for blackboard, whiteboard, etc.
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|تَخْتَه}}
- board:Noun:short for blackboard, whiteboard, etc.
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|تَخْتِه}}
- board:Noun:managing committee
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|هَیْئَت}}
- board:Noun:managing committee
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|هِیْئَت}}
- board:Noun:regular meals or amount paid for them in a place of lodging
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t-check|fa-ira|پول غَذا و مَکان}}
- boat:Noun:water craft
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|船|tr=sùng}}
- boat:Noun:water craft
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|船|tr=chûn / soân}}
- boat:Noun:water craft
- *: Northern Min: {{tt|mnp|船}}
- boat:Noun:water craft
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|قَایِق}}, {{t|fa-cls|زَوْرَق}}, {{t|fa-cls|کَشْتِی}}, {{t|fa-cls|کَرَجِی}}, {{t|fa-cls|نَاو}}
- boat:Noun:water craft
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|قایِق}}, {{tt|fa-ira|زُوْرَق}}, {{tt|fa-ira|کَشْتی}}, {{t|fa-ira|کَرَجی}}, {{t+|fa-ira|ناو}}
- bobcat:Noun:North American wild cat
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|باب بلا}}
- body:Noun:physical structure of a human or animal
- * Nama: {{tt|naq|soros}}
- body:Noun:physical structure of a human or animal
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|بَدَن}}, {{tt|prs|تَن}}, {{tt|prs|پَیْکَر}}
- body:Noun:physical structure of a human or animal
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|بَدَن}}, {{tt|fa-ira|تَن}}, {{tt|fa-ira|پِیْکَر}}
- body:Noun:fleshly or corporeal nature of a human
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|جِسْم}}, {{tt|fa-ira|کالْبُد}}
- body:Noun:group having a common purpose or opinion
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|اَنْدام}}
- body:Noun:organisation, company or other authoritative group
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|سازْمان}}
- bohemian:Adjective:unconventional
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|boêmio}}
- bohemian:Adjective:unconventional
- *: European: {{t+|pt|boémio}}
- bohemian:Noun:person whose lifestyle is unconventional
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|boêmio|m}}, {{t+|pt|boêmia|f}}
- bohemian:Noun:person whose lifestyle is unconventional
- *: European: {{t+|pt|boémio|m}}, {{t+|pt|boémia|f}}
- boil:Verb:(transitive) heat (a liquid) until it begins to turn into a gas
- *: Arbëresh: {{t|sq|ohtënj}}
- bok choy:Noun:Chinese cabbage, Brassica rapa chinensis
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|白菜|tr=pe̍h-chhài}}
- bomb:Noun:device filled with explosives
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|炸彈|tr=chà-tân}}
- bomb:Noun:device filled with explosives
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|بَم}}
- bomb:Noun:device filled with explosives
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|بُمْب}}
- bon appétit:Phrase:used to wish someone enjoyment of the meal they are about to eat
- *: Levantine Arabic: {{t|apc|صَحْتِين|tr=ṣaḥtēn}}
- bon appétit:Phrase:used to wish someone enjoyment of the meal they are about to eat
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|نوشِ جان}}, {{t|fa-ira|نوشِ جون}} {{qualifier|colloquial, Tehrani}}
- bon voyage:Interjection:wish of good journey
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|順風|tr=sūn-hong}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[祝]][[你]][[旅途]][[平安]]|tr=chiok lí lú-tô͘ pêng-an}}
- bonus:Noun:something extra that is good
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|bônus|m}}
- bonus:Noun:something extra that is good
- *: European: {{t+|pt|bónus|m}}
- bonus:Noun:extra amount of money given as a premium
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|bônus|m}}
- bonus:Noun:extra amount of money given as a premium
- *: European: {{t+|pt|bónus|m}}
- booger:Noun:a piece of solid or semi-solid mucus
- *: Bikol Legazpi: {{t+|bcl|luknog}}
- booger:Noun:a piece of solid or semi-solid mucus
- *: Bikol Naga: {{t+|bcl|tungay}}
- bookshelf:Noun:shelf for storing books
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|قَفَسِهٔ کِتاب}}
- bookshop:Noun:shop that sells books
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|冊店|tr=chheh-tiàm}}
- bookshop:Noun:shop that sells books
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|کِتابفُروشی}}
- boot:Verb:to start a system
- * Soussian: {{t|shi|awl i}}
- border:Noun:the line or frontier area separating various territories
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مَرْز}}, {{t|fa-ira|سَرْحَد}}, {{t|fa-ira|حَد}}
- border:Noun:a decorative strip around the edge of something
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|حاشِیِه}}
- borhani:Noun:Drink
- * Magadhi Prakrit: {{t|mgp|𑀩𑁄𑀭𑀳𑀸𑀦𑀻}}
- boron:Noun:chemical element
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|硼|tr=bèng}}
- boron:Noun:chemical element
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|硼|tr=phêng}}
- boson:Noun:particle
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|bóson|m}}
- boson:Noun:particle
- *: European: {{t+|pt|bosão|m}}
- bosonic:Adjective:of, pertaining to, or resembling a boson
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|bosônico}}
- bosonic:Adjective:of, pertaining to, or resembling a boson
- *: European: {{t|pt|bosónico}}
- boss:Noun:supervisor
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|رَئیس}}, {{t|fa-ira|مُدیر}}
- boss:Noun:person in charge
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|頭家|tr=thâu-ke}}
- boss:Noun:person in charge
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مُدیر}}, {{t|fa-ira|کارْفَرْما}}
- botany:Noun:scientific study of plants
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|植物學|tr=si̍t-bu̍t-ha̍k}}
- bother:Verb:to annoy, to disturb, to be troublesome to
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|麻煩}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|齪嘈}}
- bottle:Noun:container
- *: Lebanese Arabic: {{tt|arz|قنّينة|f|tr=ʔannīne, ʔannīni, qannīni}}
- bottle:Noun:container
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|瓶瓶}}
- bottle:Noun:container
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|矸仔|tr=kan-á}}
- bottle:Noun:container
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|بوتَل}}, {{tt|prs|شِیشَه}}
- bottle:Noun:container
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|بُطْری}}, {{tt|fa-ira|شیشِه}}
- bottle opener:Noun:device to open bottles removing the cap
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|بُطْریبازْکُن}}
- bottom:Noun:gay sexual slang: penetrated partner in sex
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|مفعول|tr={{xlit|prs|مَفْعُول}}}}, {{t|prs|کونی|tr={{xlit|prs|کُونِی}}}} {{q|derogatory}}
- bottom:Noun:gay sexual slang: penetrated partner in sex
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مفعول|tr=maf'ul}}, {{t|fa-ira|پسیو|tr=pasiv}}, {{t|fa-ira|کونی|tr=kuni}} {{q|derogatory}}
- bovine spongiform encephalopathy:Noun:bovine spongiform encephalopathy
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|siáu-gû-pēⁿ}}
- bow:Noun:weapon used for shooting arrows
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|弓|tr=keng}}
- bow:Noun:weapon used for shooting arrows
- *: Modified traditional: {{tt|cho|itti' tanapo|alt=itti' tana̲po}}
- bow:Noun:weapon used for shooting arrows
- *: Traditional: {{tt|cho|iti tanampo}}
- bowel:Noun:large intestine
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|رودِهٔ بُزُرْگ}}
- bowstring:Noun:string of an archer's bow
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|زِه|tr=zih}}
- bowstring:Noun:string of an archer's bow
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|زِه|tr=zeh}}
- box:Noun:cuboid space; container
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|箱箱|tr=siŏng-siŏng}}, {{tt|cdo|盒盒|tr=ăk-ăk}}
- box:Noun:cuboid space; container
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|箱仔|tr=siuⁿ-á / sioⁿ-á}}
- box:Noun:shrub or tree of the genus Buxus
- *: Modern: {{tt+|tr|şimşir}}
- box:Noun:shrub or tree of the genus Buxus
- *: Ottoman: {{tt|ota|چمشیر|tr=çimşir}}, {{tt|ota|شمشیر|tr=şimşir}}, {{tt|ota|شمشار|tr=şimşar}}, {{tt|ota|شمشاد|tr=şimşad}}
- boy:Noun:young male
- *: Chadian Arabic: {{t|shu|ولد|tr=wiled}}
- boy:Noun:young male
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|丈夫囡仔|tr=ta-po͘-gín-á, cha-po͘-gín-á}}, {{tt|nan-hbl|查埔𡢃仔|tr=cha-po͘-kán-á}}
- boy:Noun:young male
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|gaçon}}, {{t|lou|gason}}, {{t|lou|ti boug}}, {{t|lou|jènn boug}}
- boy:Noun:young male
- * Nama: {{tt|naq|axab}}
- boy:Noun:young male
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|بَچَه}}, {{tt|prs|بَچَّه}}
- boy:Noun:young male
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|پِسَر}}, {{tt|fa-ira|پُس}}, {{tt|fa-ira|جَوانَک}}
- boy:Noun:young male
- * Seraiki: {{tt+|skr|چُھوہَر}}
- boy:Noun:male servant
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|نُوْکَر}}, {{tt|fa-ira|ریدَک}}
- boycott:Noun:the act of boycotting
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|بایکوت|tr=bâykot}}, {{t+|fa-ira|تَحْریم}}
- boycott:Verb:to abstain from dealing with a person or organisation as a protest
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|تَحْریم کَرْدَن}}
- boyfriend:Noun:male partner in a romantic relationship
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|lamour}}, {{t|lou|bo}}, {{t|lou|kalin}}, {{t|lou|boyfrìnn}}
- bozbash:Noun:a mutton or lamb soup
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|بُزْباش}}
- bra:Noun:brassiere
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|奶帕仔|tr=ling-phè-á / ni-phè-á}}
- brain:Noun:organ
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|頭腦}}
- brain:Noun:organ
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|腦|tr=náu}}, {{tt+|nan-hbl|腦部|tr=náu-pō͘}}
- brain:Noun:organ
- *: Northern Min: {{t|mnp|頭腦}}
- brain:Noun:organ
- *: ALUPEC: [[cerébr']]
- brain:Noun:organ
- *: Badiu: [[sirébru]]
- brain:Noun:organ
- *: São Vicente: [[cerebro]]
- brain:Noun:organ
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|مَغْز}}, {{t|prs|دِمَاغ}}
- brain:Noun:organ
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|مَغْز}}, {{t|fa-ira|دِماغ}} {{qualifier|archaic}}
- brain:Noun:organ
- *: Gurmikhi: {{t|pa|ਦਿਮਾਗ|m}}
- brain-washing:Noun:form of indoctrination
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|洗腦|tr=sé-náu, sóe-náu}}
- brake:Noun:device used to slow or stop a vehicle
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|跤擋}}
- brake:Noun:device used to slow or stop a vehicle
- *: Dari Persian: {{t+|fa|بریک|tr=brēk}}, {{t+|fa|ترمز|tr=turmuz}}
- brake:Noun:device used to slow or stop a vehicle
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa|ترمز|tr=tormoz}}
- brambling:Noun:bird
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|芒東仔|tr=bâng-tang-á}}, {{t|nan-hbl|燕雀|tr=iàn-chhiok}}
- branch:Noun:woody part of a tree arising from the trunk
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|شاخِه}}, {{tt+|fa-ira|شاخ}}
- branch:Noun:location of an organization with several locations
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|شُعْبِه}}
- bread:Noun:baked dough made from cereals
- *: Sudanese Arabic: {{t|apd|عيش|tr=ʕēš}}
- bread:Noun:baked dough made from cereals
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|麵包}}
- bread:Noun:baked dough made from cereals
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|麵包|tr=mī-pau}}, {{t|nan-hbl|麭|tr=pháng}}
- bread:Noun:baked dough made from cereals
- *: Roman: {{tt|ff|mburu}}
- bread:Noun:baked dough made from cereals
- * Nenets: {{tt|yrk|нянь}}
- bread:Noun:baked dough made from cereals
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|نَان}}
- bread:Noun:baked dough made from cereals
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|نان}}, {{tt+|fa-ira|نون}} {{qualifier|colloquial, Tehrani}}, {{tt|fa-ira|چُرَک}} {{qualifier|regional, rare}}, {{tt|fa-ira|چورَک}} {{qualifier|regional, rare}}
- bread:Noun:baked dough made from cereals
- * Sámi:
- bread:Noun:baked dough made from cereals
- *: Inari: {{tt|smn|leibi}}
- bread:Noun:baked dough made from cereals
- *: Kildin: {{tt|sjd|ле̄ййп|tr=l’eejjp}}
- bread:Noun:baked dough made from cereals
- *: Lule: {{tt|smj|láibbe}}
- bread:Noun:baked dough made from cereals
- *: Northern: {{tt|se|láibi}}
- bread:Noun:baked dough made from cereals
- *: Pite: {{tt|sje|lajjbe}}
- bread:Noun:baked dough made from cereals
- *: Skolt: {{tt|sms|leiˊbb}}
- bread:Noun:baked dough made from cereals
- *: Southern: {{tt|sma|laejpie}}
- bread:Noun:baked dough made from cereals
- *: Ume: {{tt|sju|laajpee}}
- bread:Noun:baked dough made from cereals
- * Western Panjabi: {{tt+|pnb|روٹی|f}}
- break:Verb:intransitive: to separate into (to end up in) two or more pieces
- *: Helgoland and Sylt: {{t|frr|breek}}
- break:Verb:intransitive: to separate into (to end up in) two or more pieces
- *: Mooring and Hallig: {{t|frr|breege}}
- break:Verb:transitive: to cause to stop functioning
- * Lutuv: {{t|clt|para}}
- breakfast:Noun:first meal of the day
- *: Lebanese Arabic: {{t|apc|ترويقة|f|tr=terwī'a}}
- breakfast:Noun:first meal of the day
- *: San'ani Yemeni Arabic: {{t|ayn|صبوح|m|tr=ṣabūħ}}
- breakfast:Noun:first meal of the day
- *: Syrian Arabic: {{t|ajp|فطور|m|tr=fṭūr}}
- breakfast:Noun:first meal of the day
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|早頓|tr=chá-tǹg}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|早起|tr=chá-khí}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|早起頓|tr=chá-khí-tǹg}}
- breakfast:Noun:first meal of the day
- *: Dari: {{t+|prs|نَاشْتَا}}, {{t|prs|چَایِ صُبْح}}, {{t|prs|نَانِ صُبْح}}
- breakfast:Noun:first meal of the day
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|صُبْحانِه}}, {{t+|fa-ira|ناشْتا}}, {{t+|fa-ira|چاشْت}}
- breaking news:Noun:news that just happened or is happening
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|خَبَرِ فَوْرِی}}
- breaking news:Noun:news that just happened or is happening
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|خَبَرِ فُوْری}}
- breast:Noun:milk-producing organ
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|奶|tr=ling, ni}}
- breastplate:Noun:armor
- *: Jewish: {{t|arc|שִׁרְיוֹן|tr=širyōn|m}}
- breastplate:Noun:horse tack
- *: Arabic: {{t|ota|گوگسلك|tr=göğüslük}}
- breastplate:Noun:horse tack
- *: Latin: {{t+|tr|göğüslük}}
- breaststroke:Noun:swimming stroke
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|四跤仔泅|tr=sì-kha-á-siû}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|水雞泅|tr=chúi-ke-siû, chúi-koe-siû}}, {{t|nan-hbl|水雞仔泅|tr=chúi-ke-á-siû, chúi-koe-á-siû}}, {{t|nan-hbl|蛤仔泅|tr=kap-á-siû}}, {{t|nan-hbl|田蛤仔泅|tr=chhân-kap-á-siû}}
- breath:Noun:air expelled from the lungs
- *: Sassarese: {{t|sdc|arenu}}
- bribe:Verb:to give a bribe
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|楔空}}, {{t|nan-hbl|楔錢}}, {{t|nan-hbl|楔後空}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|楔後手}}
- brick:Noun:hardened block used for building
- *: Juba Arabic: {{tt|pga|tub}}
- brick:Noun:hardened block used for building
- *: Jewish Palestinian Aramaic: {{tt|arc|לְבֵינְתָא|f|tr=ləḇênəṯā}}
- brick:Noun:hardened block used for building
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|磚仔|tr=chng-á}}
- brick:Noun:hardened block used for building
- * Mari: {{tt|mhr|кермыч}}
- brick:Noun:hardened block used for building
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|آجُر}}, {{t|fa-cls|خِشْت}}
- brick:Noun:hardened block used for building
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|آجُر}}, {{t|fa-ira|خِشْت}}
- bride:Noun:woman in the context of her own wedding
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|新人}}
- bride:Noun:woman in the context of her own wedding
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|新娘|tr=sin-niû}}
- bride:Noun:woman in the context of her own wedding
- *: Northern Min: {{t|mnp|新娘}}
- bride:Noun:woman in the context of her own wedding
- *: Doric: {{t|grc|νύμφα|f}}
- bride:Noun:woman in the context of her own wedding
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|عَروس}}, {{t|fa-ira|بَیو|tr=bayu}}, {{t|fa-ira|دُغْد}}
- bridegroom:Noun:bridegroom, groom
- *: Vidari: {{t|avd|دماد|tr=domād}}
- bridegroom:Noun:bridegroom, groom
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|新郎婿}}, {{t|cdo|新郎}}
- bridegroom:Noun:bridegroom, groom
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|新郎|tr=sin-lông}}
- bridegroom:Noun:bridegroom, groom
- *: Northern Min: {{t|mnp|新郎}}
- bridegroom:Noun:bridegroom, groom
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|داماد}}
- bridge:Noun:construction or natural feature that spans a divide
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|橋|tr=giò}}
- bridge:Noun:construction or natural feature that spans a divide
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|橋|tr=kiâu / kiô}}
- bridge:Noun:construction or natural feature that spans a divide
- *: Northern Min: {{t|mnp|橋}}
- bridge:Noun:construction or natural feature that spans a divide
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|پُل}}
- bridge:Noun:construction or natural feature that spans a divide
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|پُل}}
- bridge:Noun:(music, lutherie) piece on string instruments
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|خَرَک}}
- brine:Noun:salt water
- *: Jewish Palestinian Aramaic: {{t|arc|צִירָא|tr=ṣīrā}}
- bring:Verb:to transport toward somebody/somewhere
- *: Chadian Arabic: {{t|shu|جاب|tr=jāb}}
- bring:Verb:to transport toward somebody/somewhere
- *: Föhr-Amrum, Helgoland and Sylt: {{t|frr|bring}}
- bring:Verb:to transport toward somebody/somewhere
- *: Hallig: {{t|frr|briange}}
- bris:Noun:ritual male circumcision
- *: Hebrew alphabet: {{t|lad|ברית|m|tr=brit}}
- bris:Noun:ritual male circumcision
- *: Latin alphabet: {{t|lad|brit|m}}
- bro:Noun:used to address a male
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|兄弟|tr=xiōngdi}} {{t+|cmn|老兄|tr=lǎoxiōng}}
- broad daylight:Noun:abundant natural illumination in daytime
- *: Shanghainese Wu: {{t|wuu|大白天亮}}
- broccoli:Noun:plant Brassica oleracea var. italica
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|青花菜|tr=chheⁿ-hoe-chhài, chhiⁿ-hoe-chhài}}
- bronze:Noun:alloy
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|青銅|tr=chheⁿ-tâng, chhiⁿ-tâng}}
- bronze:Noun:alloy
- *: Roman: {{t|ff|sila-dane}}
- broom:Noun:domestic utensil
- *: Alsatian: {{t-check|gsw|Baasa}}, {{t-check|gsw|Bäse}}
- broom:Noun:domestic utensil
- *: Chadian Arabic: {{t|shu|مقشاشة|tr=mugšāša}}
- broom:Noun:domestic utensil
- *: Central Atlas Tamazight: {{tt|tzm|tašţţabt}}
- broom:Noun:domestic utensil
- *: Kabyle: {{tt|kab|tasfatt}}, {{tt|kab|ⵜⴰⵎⴻⴷⵡⴰⵣⵜ|tr=tamedwazt}}
- broom:Noun:domestic utensil
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|掃帚|tr=sàu-chhiú, sàu-chiú}}, {{tt+|nan-hbl|掃梳|tr=sàu-soe, sàu-se}}
- broom:Noun:domestic utensil
- *: Cyrillic: {{tt|crh|азбар сипиркиси}}, {{tt|crh|чалы сипиркиси}}
- broom:Noun:domestic utensil
- *: Latin: {{tt|crh|azbar sipirkisi}}, {{tt|crh|çalı sipirkisi}}
- broom:Noun:domestic utensil
- *: Bolognese: {{tt|egl|granè|f}}
- broom:Noun:domestic utensil
- *: Picard: {{tt+|fr|ramon|m}}
- broom:Noun:domestic utensil
- *: Georgian: {{tt|lzz|ოქოსალე}}
- broom:Noun:domestic utensil
- *: Latin: {{tt|lzz|okosale}}
- broom:Noun:domestic utensil
- * Mari: {{tt|mhr|са́лко}}
- broom:Noun:domestic utensil
- *: Gascon: {{tt+|oc|escoba|f}}, {{tt|oc|baleja|f}}
- broom:Noun:domestic utensil
- *: Lengadocian: {{tt+|oc|escoba|f}}, {{tt+|oc|balaja|f}}
- broom:Noun:domestic utensil
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|جاروب}}, {{tt+|fa-ira|جارو}}
- broom:Noun:domestic utensil
- *: Nuorese: {{tt|sc|iscoba|f}}, {{tt|sc|iscopa|f}}, {{tt|sc|iscova|f}}
- broom spurge:Noun:Amperea xiphoclada
- *: Taxonomic name: ''{{t|mul-tax|Amperea xiphoclada}}'', ''{{t|mul-tax|Amperea spartioides}}''
- brothel:Noun:house of prostitution
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|فاحِشِهخانِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|روسْپیخانِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|جِنْدِهخانِه}} {{qualifier|vulgar}}, {{t|fa-ira|قَحْبِهخانِه}} {{qualifier|vulgar}}
- brother-in-law:Noun:brother of one's husband
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|大伯|tr=tōa-peh}} {{qualifier|older brother}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|阿叔仔|tr=a-chek-á}} {{qualifier|younger brother}}, {{t|nan-hbl|小叔|tr=sió-chek}} {{qualifier|younger brother}}, {{t|nan-hbl|細叔|tr=sè-chek, sòe-chek}} {{qualifier|younger brother}}, {{t|nan-hbl|細叔仔|tr=sè-chek-á, sòe-chek-á}} {{qualifier|younger brother}}, {{t|nan-hbl|細漢叔仔|tr=sè-hàn-chek-á, sòe-hàn-chek-á}} {{qualifier|younger brother}}
- brother-in-law:Noun:brother of one's wife
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|妻舅|tr=chhe-kū}}, {{t|nan-hbl|舅仔|tr=kū-á}}, {{t|nan-hbl|大舅|tr=tōa-kū}} {{qualifier|wife's older brother}}, {{t|nan-hbl|某舅|tr=bó͘-kū}}, {{t|nan-hbl|妻舅仔|tr=chhe-kū-á}}
- brother-in-law:Noun:husband of one's sister
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|姊夫|tr=chí-po͘, chí-hu}} {{qualifier|older sister's husband}}, {{t|nan-hbl|姊丈|tr=chí-tiǔⁿ}} {{qualifier|older sister's husband}}, {{t|nan-hbl|妹婿|tr=bēr-saì, bē-saì, maī-saì, mōe-saì}} {{qualifier|younger sister's husband}}
- brown:Adjective:having a brown colour
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|maron}}, {{t|lou|brun}}
- brown:Adjective:having a brown colour
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|نَسْوَارِی}}, {{t+|prs|قَهْوَهایِ|tr=qahwa-yī}}
- brown:Adjective:having a brown colour
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|قَهْوِهای}}
- brown:Noun:colour
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|maron}}, {{t|lou|brun}}
- brown:Noun:colour
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|نَسْوَارِی}}, {{t+|prs|قَهْوَهایِ|tr=qahwa-yī}}
- brown:Noun:colour
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|قَهْوِهای}}
- brown:Verb:to cook until brown
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|kwi}}
- brown recluse spider:Noun:
- *: Hokkien: {{t-needed|nan-hbl}}
- brown trout:Noun:species of freshwater trout
- * Mansi:
- brown trout:Noun:species of freshwater trout
- *: Northern Mansi: {{t|mns-nor|а̄лн}}
- brush:Verb:to clean (with a brush)
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|洗喙|tr=sé-tshuì, sué-tshuì}}
- bubonic:Adjective:of or pertaining to buboes
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|bubônico}}
- bubonic:Adjective:of or pertaining to buboes
- *: European: {{t|pt|bubónico}}
- bubonic plague:Noun:disease caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|peste bubônica|f}}
- bubonic plague:Noun:disease caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis
- *: European: {{t|pt|peste bubónica|f}}
- buddha:Noun:enlightened human
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|佛|tr=hŭk}}
- buddha:Noun:enlightened human
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|佛|tr=hu̍t}}
- buddy:Pronoun:friend or casual acquaintance
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|boug}}, {{t|lou|nèg}}, {{t|lou|padna}}, {{t|lou|djæk}}, {{t|lou|vye}}
- budgerigar:Noun:species of parakeet
- * Arrernte: {{t|aer|atetherre}}
- budgerigar:Noun:species of parakeet
- * Ngarrindjerri: {{t|nay|tirkuri}}
- budgerigar:Noun:species of parakeet
- * Pitjintjatjara: {{t|pjt|killy-killykari}}
- budgerigar:Noun:species of parakeet
- * Wangkangurru: {{t|wgg|katatharra}}
- budget:Noun:the amount of money or resources earmarked for a particular institution, activity or time-frame
- * Afan Oromo: {{t|om|baajeta}}
- budget:Noun:the amount of money or resources earmarked for a particular institution, activity or time-frame
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|بودْجِه}}
- budget:Noun:itemized summary of intended expenditure
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|بودْجِه}}
- build:Verb:(transitive) to form by combining materials or parts
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|ساخْتَن}}
- building:Noun:closed structure with walls and a roof
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|大廈|tr=tāi-hā / tāi-hēe / tōa-hēe}}
- building:Noun:closed structure with walls and a roof
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|ساخْتِمان}}, {{t|fa-ira|ساخْتِمون}} {{qualifier|colloquial, Tehrani}}, {{t|fa-ira|بَنا}}, {{t|fa-ira|عِمارَت}}
- bulgur:Noun:Middle Eastern food
- *: Cypriot Greek: {{t|el|πουργούρι|n}}, {{t|el|πουρκούρι|n}}
- bull:Noun:uncastrated adult male bovine
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|牛犅}}
- bullet:Noun:projectile
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|گُلُولَه}}, {{t|fa-cls|تِیر}}
- bullet:Noun:projectile
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|گُلولِه}}, {{t+|fa-ira|تیر}}
- bulletin board:Noun:a board
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|تابْلویِ اِعْلانات|tr=tâblo-ye e'lânât}}, {{t|fa-ira|بورْد|tr=bord}}
- bum:Noun:informal: butt(ocks) specifically
- <!--Note: add INFORMAL or SLANG terms to this table, where these exist-->
- bum:Noun:anus specifically
- <!--Note: add INFORMAL or SLANG terms to this table, where these exist-->
- bumblebee:Noun:genus of bee
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|金瓜蜂|tr=kim-koe-phang}}
- bumblebee:Noun:genus of bee
- * Maharastri Prakrit: {{t|pra-mah|𑀪𑀫𑀭|m}}
- bun:Noun:a small bread roll, often sweetened or spiced
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|包仔|tr=pau-á}}, {{t|nan-hbl|麭|tr=pháng}} {{qualifier|western bun}}
- burg:Noun:fortified town in medieval Europe
- * Old Portuguese: {{t|roa-opt|burgo|m}}
- burger:Noun:informal: hamburger
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|漢堡|tr=hàn-pò}}, {{t|nan-hbl|肉敆|tr=bah-kap}}
- burn:Noun:act of burning something
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|烧|tr=siu}}
- burn:Verb:to be consumed by fire
- * Lutuv: {{t|clt|kuo}}
- burn:Verb:to be consumed by fire
- * Old Portuguese: {{tt|roa-opt|arder}}
- burst:Verb:to break from internal pressure
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|爆|tr=bouk}}
- bus stop:Noun:a stop for public transport buses
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|公車站|tr=kong-chhia-chām}} {{qualifier|chiefly Taiwan}}
- bus stop:Noun:a stop for public transport buses
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|ایسْتْگاهِ اُتوبوس|tr=istgâh-e otobus}}
- bush:Noun:category of woody plant
- *: Coptic: {{t|cop|ⲃⲱ}}
- bush:Noun:category of woody plant
- *: (Akhmimic): {{t|cop|ⲃⲟⲩ|}}
- business card:Noun:small card
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|名片|tr=bêng-phìⁿ}}, {{t|nan-hbl|名刺|tr=bêng-chhì, miâ-chhì, mè-sì}}, {{t|nan-hbl|名誌|tr=bêng-chì}}, {{t|nan-hbl|片單|tr=phiàn-toaⁿ}} {{q|Philippines}}
- business card:Noun:small card
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کارْتِ ویزیت|tr=kârt-e vizit}}
- busy:Adjective:crowded with business or activities
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|忙|tr=mòng}}
- busy:Adjective:doing a great deal
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|忙|tr=mòng}}
- busybody:Noun:someone who interferes with others
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|家婆|tr=ke-pô}}
- but:Conjunction:although
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|但是|tr=tān-sī}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|不而過|tr=put-jî-kò, put-lî-kò}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|毋過|tr=m̄-koh, m̄-kò, m̄-kù}}, {{t|nan-hbl|無過|tr=bû-kò}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|不過|tr=put-kò}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|總是|tr=chóng-sī}}
- but:Conjunction:except
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|為着|tr=ūi-tio̍h}}, {{t|nan-hbl|除了……以外|tr=tî-liáu ... í-gōa / tû-liáu ... í-gōa}}
- butcherbird:Noun:Cracticus
- * Kriol: {{t|rop|bujabed}}
- butt:Noun:buttocks
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|尻川|tr=kha-chhng}}
- butt:Noun:remnant of a smoked cigarette or cigar
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|薰頭|tr=hun-thâu}}
- butter:Noun:soft foodstuff made from milk
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|牛奶油}}
- butter:Noun:soft foodstuff made from milk
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|牛油|tr=gû-iû}}, {{tt|nan-hbl|bá-tah}} {{q|Taiwan}}
- butter:Noun:soft foodstuff made from milk
- * Frisian:
- butter:Noun:soft foodstuff made from milk
- *: North Frisian: {{tt|frr|bööder}} {{q|Mooring}}
- butter:Noun:soft foodstuff made from milk
- *: Saterland Frisian: {{tt|stq|Buutere|f}}
- butter:Noun:soft foodstuff made from milk
- *: West Frisian: {{tt|fy|bûter|c}}
- butter:Noun:soft foodstuff made from milk
- *: Cappadocian: {{tt|cpg|καράκι}}
- butter:Noun:soft foodstuff made from milk
- *: Carakan: {{tt+|jv|ꦩꦼꦂꦠꦺꦒ}}, {{tt|jv|ꦩꦤ꧀ꦠꦺꦒ}} {{q|dialectal}}
- butter:Noun:soft foodstuff made from milk
- *: Rumi: {{tt|jv|mertéga}}, {{tt|jv|mentéga}} {{q|dialectal}}
- butter:Noun:soft foodstuff made from milk
- *: Central Huasteca Nahuatl: {{tt|nch|chichiualayotl}}
- butter:Noun:soft foodstuff made from milk
- *: Central Nahuatl: {{tt|nhn|chichihualayotl}} {{q|Amecameca}}
- butter:Noun:soft foodstuff made from milk
- *: Eastern Huasteca Nahuatl: {{tt|nhe|tlachiacayotl}}
- butter:Noun:soft foodstuff made from milk
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|مَسْکَه}}
- butter:Noun:soft foodstuff made from milk
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|کَرِه}}
- butter:Noun:soft foodstuff made from milk
- *: Kildin: {{tt|sjd|вӯйй}}
- butter:Noun:soft foodstuff made from milk
- *: Lule: {{tt|smj|vuodja}}
- butter:Noun:soft foodstuff made from milk
- *: Pite: {{tt|sje|vuodja}}, {{tt|sje|vuojja}}
- butter:Noun:soft foodstuff made from milk
- *: Ter: {{tt|sjt|vɨjj}}
- butter:Noun:soft foodstuff made from milk
- *: Ume: {{tt|sju|vuajja}}
- butterfly:Noun:insect
- *: Twi: {{tt|ak|afafantɔ}}
- butterfly:Noun:insect
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|蝴蝶|tr=hù-diĕk}}
- butterfly:Noun:insect
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|蝶仔|tr=ia̍h-á}}, {{tt+|nan-hbl|蝴蝶|tr=ô͘-tia̍p}}, {{tt+|nan-hbl|尾蝶|tr=bóe-ia̍h, bé-ia̍h}}, {{tt|nan-hbl|尾蝶仔|tr=bóe-ia̍h-á, bé-ia̍h-á}}, {{tt|nan-hbl|蝶婆|tr=ia̍h-pô}}
- butterfly:Noun:insect
- *: Pennsylvania German: {{tt|pdc|Fleddermaus|f}}
- butterfly:Noun:insect
- * Manobo: [[kelivangbang]]
- butterfly:Noun:insect
- *: Coatepec: {{tt|naz|papalu}}
- butterfly:Noun:insect
- *: Cosoleacaque: {{tt|nhk|me̱me}}
- butterfly:Noun:insect
- *: Guerrero: {{tt|ngu|papalotl}}
- butterfly:Noun:insect
- *: Morelos: {{tt|nhm|papalotl}}
- butterfly:Noun:insect
- *: Western Huasteca: {{tt|nhw|papalotl}}
- butterfly:Noun:insect
- *: Zacatlán-Ahuacatlán-Tepetzintla: {{tt|nhi|papalotl}}
- butterfly:Noun:insect
- * Otomi:
- butterfly:Noun:insect
- *: Mezquital: {{tt|ote|tu̱mu̱}}
- butterfly:Noun:insect
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|شَوْپَرَک}}, {{tt|prs|پَرْوَانَه}}
- butterfly:Noun:insect
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|پَرْوانِه}}, {{tt|fa-ira|پِرْپِروک}} {{qualifier|dialectal}}
- butterfly:Noun:insect
- *: Kinyarwanda: {{tt|rw|ikinyugunyugu|c7|c8}}
- butterfly:Noun:insect
- *: Kildin Sami: {{tt|sjd|а̄льп}}
- butterfly:Noun:insect
- * Tujia:
- butterfly:Noun:insect
- *: Northern Tujia: {{t|tji|taxsix}}
- buttock:Noun:each of the two large fleshy halves of the posterior part of the body
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|尻川|tr=[[kha-chhng]]}}
- buttock:Noun:each of the two large fleshy halves of the posterior part of the body
- *: Hunsrik: {{t|hrx|Aarschback}}
- button:Noun:knob or small disc serving as a fastener
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|鈕仔|tr=liú-á}}
- button:Noun:knob or small disc serving as a fastener
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|دُگْمِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|تُکْمِه}}
- button:Noun:a mechanical device meant to be pressed with a finger
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|دُگْمِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|تُکْمِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|شَسْتی}}
- button:Noun:in computer software, an on-screen control that can be selected
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|دُگْمِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|تُکْمِه}}
- button:Noun:a badge worn on clothes
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|نِشان}}
- button:Noun:botany: a bud
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|غُنْچِه}}
- button:Noun:slang: clitoris
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|چوچولِه}}
- button:Verb:to fasten with a button
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|鈕|tr=liú}}
- buttonhole:Noun:hole for a button
- * Bikol: {{t|bcl|ohal}}
- buttonhole:Noun:hole for a button
- *: Sassarese: {{t|sdc|traoccu}}
- buy low, sell high:Phrase:commonplace investment advice
- *: Libyan Arabic: {{t|ayl|إشري اليوم بالرخيص و بيع غدوا بالغالي}}
- buzzard:Noun:bird of the genus Buteo
- *: Louisiana French: {{t|fr|carencro}}
- by God:Adverb:oath
- *: Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|قسمے|tr=qasmē|lit=I swear}}, {{t|pnb|قسمِ خدا|tr=qasam-e-xudā}}
- bye:Interjection:short for goodbye
- *: Hokkien: {{t|yue|再會|tr=chài-hōe}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|拜拜|tr=bái-bāi}}, {{t|nan-hbl|欲行囉|tr=beh kiaⁿ--lo͘}}, {{t|nan-hbl|欲去囉|tr=beh khì--lo͘}}
- cabbage:Noun:specific cultivar
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|高麗菜|tr=ko-lê-chhài}}
- cabbage:Noun:leaves of this plant eaten as a vegetable
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کَلَم}}
- cabbage:Noun:person with severely reduced mental capacities due to brain damage
- *: Teochew: {{t|nan-tws|植物人|tr=sêg4 muêh8 nang5}}
- cabbage:Noun:plant
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|کَلَم}}
- cabbage:Noun:plant
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کَلَم}}
- cabin:Noun:small dwelling, especially one made of logs
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|kabann}}, {{t|lou|kabònn}}
- cacao:Noun:cacao tree
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|chi-ku-la̍t-châng}}
- cack:Noun:excrement
- * Old Mazanderani: {{t|mzn|ککا|tr=kakā}}
- cactus:Noun:member of the Cactaceae
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|刺球|tr=chhì-kiû}}, {{t|nan-hbl|仙人球|tr=sian-lîn-kiû}}, {{t|nan-hbl|仙人掌|tr=sian-jîn-chióng}}
- cactus:Noun:member of the Cactaceae
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|تھور}}
- caffeine:Noun:alkaloid found naturally in tea and coffee plants
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|咖啡因|tr=ka-pi-in}}
- caffeine:Noun:alkaloid found naturally in tea and coffee plants
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کافِئین}}
- café:Noun:coffee shop
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|咖啡廳|tr=ka-pi-thiaⁿ}}, {{t|nan-hbl|咖啡館|tr=ka-pi-koán}}
- café:Noun:coffee shop
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|قَهْوَهخَانَه}}
- café:Noun:coffee shop
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کافِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|قَهْوِهخانِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|قَهْوِهخونِه}} {{qualifier|colloquial, Tehran}}
- cake:Noun:type of sweet dessert
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|雞卵糕|tr=ke-nn̄g-ko / kue-nn̄g-ko}}
- calculator:Noun:electronic device that performs mathematical calculations
- *: Roman: {{t|ff|kiimirgal}}, {{t|ff|tongirde}}
- calculator:Noun:electronic device that performs mathematical calculations
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|ماشینِ حِساب}}, {{t|fa-ira|حِسابْگَر}}
- calendar:Noun:system by which time is divided
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|تَقْویم}}, {{t|fa-ira|گاهشُماری}}, {{t|fa-ira|سالْنَما}}, {{t|fa-ira|سالْنامِه}}
- calf:Noun:young cow or bull
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|牛囝|tr=ngù-giāng}}
- calf:Noun:anatomy: back of the leg below the knee
- * Lutuv: {{t|clt|camaa}}
- call:Noun:telephone conversation
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|تَماس}}, {{t+|fa-ira|زَنْگ}}
- call:Noun:social visit
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|دیدار}}, {{t|fa-ira|زِیارَت}}
- call:Verb:to contact by telephone
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|敲|tr=khà}}
- call:Verb:to name or refer to
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|叫|tr=kiò}}
- call sign:Noun:(broadcasting) a combination of letters and numbers used to identify a radio or television statio
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|شِناسِهٔ تَماس}}, {{t|fa-ira|عَلامَتِ تَماس}}
- call the fire department:Phrase:
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[叫]][[水龍車]]|tr=kiò chúi-lêng-chhia / kiò chúi-liông-chhia / kiò chúi-lông-chhia}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[叫]][[拍火車]]|tr=kiò phah-hóe-chhia / kiò phah-hé-chhia / kiò phah-hér-chhia}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[叫]][[消防車]]|tr=kiò siau-hông-chhia}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[叫]][[火燒車]]|tr=kiò hé-sio-chhia}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[叫]][[救火車]]|tr=kiò kiù-hé-chhia / kiò kiù-hóe-chhia}}
- call the police:Phrase:call the police
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[叫]][[警察]]|tr=kiò kèng-chhat / kiò kéng-chhat}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[叫]][[馬打]]|tr=kiò má-tâ / kiò mā-tà}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[叫]][[兵]]|tr=kiò phiaⁿ}}, {{t|nan-hbl|報兵|tr=pò-phiaⁿ}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[叫]][[大人]]|tr=kiò tāi-lîn}}
- call the police:Phrase:call the police
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|بِه پُلیس زَنْگ بِزَن}}
- calumny:Noun:falsifications or misrepresentations intended to disparage or discredit another
- *: Old English: {{t|ang|hōl|n}}
- camas:Noun:plant
- *: Vancouver Island: {{t-needed|str}}
- camel:Noun:beast of burden
- * Cham:
- camel:Noun:beast of burden
- *: Eastern Cham: {{t-needed|cjm}}
- camel:Noun:beast of burden
- *: Western Cham: {{t-needed|cja}}
- camel:Noun:beast of burden
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|駱駝|tr=lŏk-dò̤}}
- camel:Noun:beast of burden
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|駱駝|tr=lo̍k-tô}}
- camel:Noun:beast of burden
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|شُتُر}}
- camel:Noun:beast of burden
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|شُتُر}}, {{tt|fa-ira|اُشْتُر}} {{qualifier|archaic or regional}}
- camel:Noun:beast of burden
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|اُون٘ٹھ}}
- camera:Noun:still camera
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|翕像機|tr=hip-siōng-ki}}
- camera:Noun:still camera
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|کَمْرَه|tr=kamra}}
- camera:Noun:still camera
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|دورْبین}}, {{t|fa-ira|کامِرا}}
- can:Verb:to be able to
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|會得|tr=ē-tit}}, {{tt+|nan-hbl|會當|tr=ē-tàng}}, {{tt|nan-hbl|會凍|tr=ē-tàng}}
- can:Verb:may
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|會使|tr=ē-sái}}
- can I come in:Phrase:phrase
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[會使]][[入來]][[𣍐]]?|tr=góa ē-sái li̍p-lâi--bōe? / góa ē-sái ji̍p-lâi--bē?}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[會做]][[入來]][[𣍐]]?|tr=góa ě-chòe li̍p-lâi--bǒe? / góa ē-chòe li̍p-lâi--bōe? / góa ě-chòe lia̍k-lâi--bǒe?}}
- can I help you:Phrase:offering of assistance
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[會使]][[鬥]][[汝]][[𣍐]]?|tr=góa ē-sái tàu lí--bōe? / góa ē-sái tàu lí--bē? / óa ē-sái tàu lú--bē?}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[會做]][[鬥]][[汝]][[𣍐]]?|tr=góa ē-chòe tàu lí--bōe? / góa ě-chòe tàu lí--bǒe? / góa ě-chòe tàu lír--bǒe?}}
- can you help me:Phrase:can you help me?
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[汝]][[會使]][[鬥]][[我]][[𣍐]]?|tr=lí ē-sái tàu góa--bōe? / lí ē-sái tàu góa--bē? / lír ě-sái tàu góa--bǒe? / lú ē-sái tàu óa--bē?}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[汝]][[會做]][[鬥]][[我]][[𣍐]]?|tr=lí ē-chòe tàu góa--bōe? / lí ě-chòe tàu góa--bǒe? / lír ě-chòe tàu góa--bǒe?}}
- canal:Noun:artificial waterway
- *: Abjad: {{t|az|آرخ|tr=arkh}}
- canal:Noun:artificial waterway
- *: Roman: {{t+|az|arx}}, {{t+|az|kanal}}
- canal:Noun:artificial waterway
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|運河|tr=ūn-hô}}
- canal:Noun:artificial waterway
- *: Akhmimic: {{t|cop|ⲓⲟⲟⲣⲉ|m}}
- canal:Noun:artificial waterway
- *: Fayyumic: {{t|cop|ⲓⲁⲁⲗ|m}}
- canal:Noun:artificial waterway
- *: Oxyrhynchite: {{t|cop|ⲓⲁⲣ|m}}
- candidate:Noun:person running in an election
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کانْدیدا}}, {{t|fa-ira|نامْزَد}}
- candle:Noun:a light source
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|燭}}
- candle:Noun:a light source
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|蠟燭|tr=la̍h-chek}}
- candle:Noun:a light source
- *: Northern Min: {{t|mnp|蠟燭}}
- candle:Noun:a light source
- * Lawa:
- candle:Noun:a light source
- *: Eastern Lawa: {{t|lwl|ตี-เอิน}}
- candle:Noun:a light source
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|شَمْع}}
- candle:Noun:a light source
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|شَمْع}}
- candlepower:Noun:former measurement of brightness of a light source
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|燭|tr=chek}}
- candy:Noun:piece of candy
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|糖|tr=tòng}}
- candy:Noun:piece of candy
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|糖仔|tr=thn̂g-á}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|金含|tr=kim-kâm}}
- candy:Noun:piece of candy
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|آبْنَبات}}, {{t|fa-ira|کانْفِت}} {{qualifier|rare}}, {{t+|fa-ira|شیرینی}}
- canine tooth:Noun:tooth
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|kak-khí}}
- cannabis:Noun:plant
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|toā-moâ}}
- cannibal:Noun:an organism which eats others of its own species
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|هَمْگون خوار}}, {{t|fa-ira|آدَمْخوار}}
- cannon:Noun:artillery piece
- *: Dari: {{t+|prs|توپ}}
- cannon:Noun:artillery piece
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|توپ}}
- canoe:Noun:small long and narrow boat
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|舢板}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|舢板仔}}
- canoe:Noun:small long and narrow boat
- *: Orizaba: {{t|nlv|akalli}}
- canoe:Noun:small long and narrow boat
- *: Temascaltepec: {{t|nhv|akalli}}
- canoe:Noun:small long and narrow boat
- *: Western Huasteca: {{t|nhw|akali}}
- cantaloupe:Noun:melon
- * Lenape: {{t|unm|panshpèkw}}
- cape:Noun:headland
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|海鼻|tr=hái-phīⁿ}}
- capelin:Noun:small fish
- *: bokmål: {{t|nb|lodde|f|m}}
- capital city:Noun:city designated as seat of government
- *: Northern: {{t|az|baş şəhər}}, {{t+|az|paytaxt}}
- capital city:Noun:city designated as seat of government
- *: Southern: {{t|az|باششهر|tr=baş şəhər}}, {{t|az|پایتخت|tr=paytaxt}}
- capital city:Noun:city designated as seat of government
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|首都}} {{q|of a country}}
- capital city:Noun:city designated as seat of government
- *: Southern Min: {{t+|nan-hbl|首都|tr=siú-to͘}} {{q|of a country}}
- capital city:Noun:city designated as seat of government
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|پَایْتَخْت}}
- capital city:Noun:city designated as seat of government
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|پایْتَخْت}}
- capital city:Noun:city designated as seat of government
- *: Eastern: {{t|pa|ਰਾਜਧਾਨੀ}}
- capital city:Noun:city designated as seat of government
- *: Western: {{t|pnb|راجگڑھ|tr=rājgaṛh}}
- capital punishment:Noun:punishment by death
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اِعْدام}}, {{t|fa-ira|مُجازاتِ اِعْدام}}
- capitalist roader:Noun:
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|走資派|tr=chó͘-chu-phài}}
- capitulation:Noun:surrender to an enemy
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|投降|tr=tâu-hâng}}
- caprid:Noun:
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|羊|tr=iûⁿ}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|羊仔|tr=iûⁿ-á}}
- capybara:Noun:Hydrochoerus
- * Mapuche: {{t-needed|arn}}
- car:Noun:automobile, a vehicle steered by a driver
- *: Chadian Arabic: {{t|shu|وتير|tr=watīr}}
- car:Noun:automobile, a vehicle steered by a driver
- *: Juba Arabic: {{t|pga|arabiiya}}
- car:Noun:automobile, a vehicle steered by a driver
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|汽車}}
- car:Noun:automobile, a vehicle steered by a driver
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|自動車|tr=chū-tōng-chhia}}, {{tt+|nan-hbl|風車|tr=hong-chhia}}, {{tt+|nan-hbl|汽車|tr=khì-chhia}}
- car:Noun:automobile, a vehicle steered by a driver
- *: Northern Min: {{t|mnp|汽車}}
- car:Noun:automobile, a vehicle steered by a driver
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{tt|lou|shar}}, {{tt|lou|oto}}, {{tt|lou|òdomobìl}}
- car:Noun:automobile, a vehicle steered by a driver
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|موتَر}}, {{tt|prs|خُودْرَو}}, {{tt|prs|خُودْرو}}
- car:Noun:automobile, a vehicle steered by a driver
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|خودْرُو|tr=xodrow}}, {{tt+|fa-ira|ماشین|tr=mâšin}}, {{tt|fa-ira|اُتومُبیل|tr=otomobil}}
- caraway:Noun:plant
- *: Jewish Palestinian Aramaic: {{t|arc|כרבייא|m}}
- caraway:Noun:seed/fruit
- *: Jewish Palestinian Aramaic: {{t|arc|כרבייא|m}}
- carbon:Noun:chemical element
- *: Abjad: {{t|az|مولدالفحم|tr=muvallidulfahm}}, {{t|az|بموادالفحم|tr=bimeyvadulfahm}}
- carbon:Noun:chemical element
- *: Roman: {{t+|az|karbon}}, {{t|az|uqlerod}}
- carbon:Noun:chemical element
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|碳|tr=táng}}
- carbon:Noun:chemical element
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|炭素|tr=thoàⁿ-sò͘}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|碳|tr=thoàⁿ}}
- carbon dioxide:Noun:CO₂
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|二酸化炭素|tr=jī-sng-hoà thoàⁿ-sò͘}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|二氧化碳|tr=jī-iông-hòa-thòaⁿ}}
- carbon monoxide:Noun:chemical of the formula CO
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|一氧化碳|tr=it-iông-hòa-thòaⁿ}}, {{t|nan-hbl|一酸化碳素|tr=it-sng-hoà thoàⁿ-sò͘}}
- carbonic acid:Noun:A weak unstable acid, H2CO3
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|ácido carbônico|m}}
- carbonic acid:Noun:A weak unstable acid, H2CO3
- *: European: {{t|pt|ácido carbónico|m}}
- carbonization:Noun:the act or process of carbonizing
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|碳化|tr=thòaⁿ-hòa}}
- carboxylic:Adjective:of, or relating to the carboxyl functional group
- *: ALUPEC: {{t|kea|karboksíliku}}
- carboxylic:Adjective:of, or relating to the carboxyl functional group
- *: Badiu: {{t|kea|karboksíliku}}, {{t|kea|carboxílicu}} {{qualifier|before 1997}}
- carboxylic:Adjective:of, or relating to the carboxyl functional group
- *: Santo Antão: {{t|kea|carboxílik'}}
- carboxylic:Adjective:of, or relating to the carboxyl functional group
- *: São Vicente: {{t|kea|karboxílik'}}
- carboxylic acid:Noun:organic compound containing a carboxyl functional group
- *: [[ALUPEC]]: [[ásidu karboksíliku]]
- carboxylic acid:Noun:organic compound containing a carboxyl functional group
- *: [[Badiu]]: [[ásidu karboksíliku]], {{qualifier|before 1997}} [[ácidu carboxílicu]]
- carboxylic acid:Noun:organic compound containing a carboxyl functional group
- *: [[Santo Antão]]: [[ácido carboxílik']]
- carboxylic acid:Noun:organic compound containing a carboxyl functional group
- *: [[São Vicente]]: [[acid' karboxílik']]
- carcass:Noun:body of a dead animal
- *: Kildin Sami: {{t|sjd|ра̄дт}}
- card:Noun:flat, normally rectangular piece of stiff paper, plastic etc.
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|کارْت}}
- card game:Noun:any of very many games played with playing cards
- *: Modern: {{t+|tr|iskambil}}
- card game:Noun:any of very many games played with playing cards
- *: Ottoman: {{t|ota|اسقامبیل|tr=iskambil}}
- cardboard box:Noun:container
- *: Morocco: {{t|ary|كرطونة|f|tr=karṭuna|sc=Arab}}
- cardia:Noun:section of the esophagus that connects to the stomach
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|賁門|tr=hûn-mn̂g}}
- carnage:Noun:death and destruction
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|大屠殺|sc=Hani}}, {{t+|cmn|大屠杀|tr=dàtúshā|sc=Hani}}, {{t+|cmn|屠殺|sc=Hani}}, {{t+|cmn|屠杀|tr=túshā|sc=Hani}}, {{t+|cmn|慘案|sc=Hani}}, {{t+|cmn|惨案|tr=cǎn'àn|sc=Hani}}
- carnation:Noun:plant
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|剪絨花|tr=[[chián-jiông-hoe]]}}
- carnation:Noun:flower
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|剪絨花|tr=[[chián-jiông-hoe]]}}
- carpenter:Noun:one who practices carpentry
- *: Christian Palestinian Aramaic: {{t|arc-cpa|ܢܓܪܐ|m}}
- carpenter:Noun:one who practices carpentry
- *: Jewish Palestinian Aramaic: {{t|jpa|נגרא|m}}
- carpet:Noun:a fabric used as a floor covering
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|قالی}}, {{t|fa-ira|فَرْش}}, {{t|fa-ira|موکِت|tr=moket}}, {{t|fa-ira|قالین}}, {{t|fa-ira|قالیچِه}}
- carriage:Noun:wheeled vehicle, generally drawn by horse power
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|馬車|tr=bé-chhia}}
- carriage:Noun:wheeled vehicle, generally drawn by horse power
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اَرابِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|گَرْدون}}
- carrot:Noun:Daucus carota ssp. sativus
- *: Libyan Arabic: {{tt|ayl|سفناري|m|tr=sfənnāri}}, {{tt|ayl|سفنارية|m|tr=sfənnāriyya}}
- carrot:Noun:Daucus carota ssp. sativus
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|紅菜頭|tr=âng-chhài-thâu}}, {{tt|nan-hbl|紅蘿蔔|tr=âng-lâ-pa̍k}}, {{tt|nan-hbl|紅蘿蔔仔|tr=âng-lo̍k-po̍k-á}}, {{tt|nan-hbl|番蘿蔔|tr=hoan-lô͘-po̍k}}, {{tt|nan-hbl|蘿蔔|tr=nâ-po̍k}}, {{tt|nan-hbl|山蘿蔔|tr=soaⁿ-lô-po̍k}}, {{tt|nan-hbl|蘿蔔菜|tr=lâ-pa̍k-chhài}}, {{tt|nan-hbl|lîn-jín}}, {{tt|nan-hbl|ji̋n-jín}}, {{tt|nan-hbl|li̋n-jím}}, {{tt|nan-hbl|li̋n-chín}}, {{tt|nan-hbl|li̋n-jín}}, {{tt|nan-hbl|jîn-jîn}}
- carrot:Noun:Daucus carota ssp. sativus
- *: Pennsylvania German: {{tt|pdc|Gehlrieb|f}}
- carrot:Noun:Daucus carota ssp. sativus
- *: {{qualifier|Digor}}: {{tt|os|ӕпхӕ}}
- carrot:Noun:Daucus carota ssp. sativus
- *: {{qualifier|Iron}}: {{tt|os|уырыдзы}}
- carry coals to Newcastle:Verb:do something unneeded or redundant
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|夯枷|tr=giâ-kê|lit=carry the shackle}}, {{t|nan-hbl|無枷夯交椅|tr=bô kê giâ kau-í|lit=carry the armchair if there's no shackle}}
- carry out:Verb:to execute, perform
- *: Eastern: {{t|mhr|ышташ}}
- cart:Noun:small, open, wheeled vehicle
- *: North Wales: {{t|cy|trol|f}}
- cart:Noun:small, open, wheeled vehicle
- *: South Wales: {{t+|cy|cart|m}}, {{t+|cy|cert|f}}
- cartilage:Noun:elastic tissue
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|軟骨|tr=nńg-kut}}
- cartoon:Noun:humorous drawing or strip
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کَرْتون}}
- cartoon:Noun:animated cartoon
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کَرْتون}}
- casbah:Noun:the fortress in a city in North Africa or the Middle East
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|قَصَبَه}}
- casbah:Noun:the fortress in a city in North Africa or the Middle East
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|قَصَبِه}}
- cash register:Noun:machine
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|صَنْدوقِ فُروشْگاهی}}
- cashbook:Noun:a book used to record amounts of money received or paid out
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|دَفْتَرِ کُل}}
- cashew:Noun:tree
- *: Central Thai: {{t+|th|มะม่วงหิมพานต์|tr=má-mûuang-hǐm-má-paan}}
- cashew:Noun:tree
- *: Southern Thai: {{t|sou|หัวครก|tr=hǔua-krók}}, {{t|sou|ยาร่วง|tr=hǔua-krók}}
- cashew nut:Noun:the seed of the cashew tree
- *: Central Thai: {{t+|th|มะม่วงหิมพานต์|tr=má-mûuang-hǐm-má-paan}}
- cashew nut:Noun:the seed of the cashew tree
- *: Southern Thai: {{t|sou|หัวครก|tr=hǔua-krók}}, {{t|sou|ยาร่วง|tr=hǔua-krók}}
- casino:Noun:public building or room for entertainment, especially gambling
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|繳場|tr=kiáu-tiûⁿ}}, {{t|nan-hbl|繳間|tr=kiáu-keng}}, {{t|nan-hbl|繳岫|tr=kiáu-siū}}, {{t|nan-hbl|繳窟|tr=kiáu-khut}}
- cassava:Noun:manioc, the source of tapioca
- *: Juba Arabic: {{t|pga|bafra}}
- cassette:Noun:small flat case containing magnetic tape
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|کاسِت}}
- cast out:Verb:
- * FDutch: {{t+|nl|verjagen}}, {{t+|nl|verdrijven}}
- castellan:Noun:governor or caretaker of a castle or keep
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|[[حاکِمِ]] [[قَلْعِه]]}}
- castle:Noun:fortified building
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|دِژ}}, {{t|prs|قَلْعَه}}, {{t|prs|قَصْر}}, {{t|prs|کَلَات}}, {{t|prs|بُرْج}}
- castle:Noun:fortified building
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|دِژ}}, {{t|fa-ira|قَلْعِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|قَصْر}}, {{t|fa-ira|کَلات}}, {{t|fa-ira|بُرْج}}
- castoreum:Noun:castor sac exudate
- *: Modern Greek: {{t-needed|el}}
- casus belli:Noun:act causing war
- *: Bavarian: {{t|bar|Kasus Belli}}
- catapult:Noun:device for launching large objects
- *: Abjad: {{t|az|منجنیق|tr=manjaniq}}
- catapult:Noun:device for launching large objects
- *: Roman: {{t|az|katapult}}, {{t|az|mancanaq}}
- catch:Verb:to capture or snare
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|掠|tr=lia̍h}}
- catfish:Noun:type of fish
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|鯰魚|tr=liâm-hî}}
- cathedral:Noun:church serving as the office of the diocese's bishop and archdiocese's archbishop
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کِلیسایِ جامِع}}
- cathode:Noun:
- *: ALUPEC: {{t-check|kea|katiod'|m}}
- cathode:Noun:
- *: Badiu: {{t-check|kea|katiodu|m}}
- cathode:Noun:
- *: Fogo: {{t-check|kea|katiodu|m}}
- cathode:Noun:
- *: São Vicente: {{t-check|kea|katiod'|m}}
- cation:Noun:
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|cátion|m}}
- cation:Noun:
- *: European: {{t+|pt|catião|m}}
- catty:Noun:Chinese unit of weight
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|斤|tr=kin, kirn, kun}}
- causative:Adjective:linguistics: expressing cause or causation
- *: {{t+|cmn|使動}}
- cause:Noun:source or reason of an event or action
- *: East Frisian: {{t+|nds|räiden|f}}, {{t+|nds|grund|m}}, {{t+|nds|oorsóóek|f}}
- cause:Noun:source or reason of an event or action
- *: Fering-Öömrang: {{t+|frr|uursaag|f}}, {{t+|frr|grünj|m}}
- cause:Noun:source or reason of an event or action
- *: Halligen: {{t+|frr|uursaage|f}}
- cause:Noun:source or reason of an event or action
- *: Karrharde: {{t+|frr|uursååge|f}}
- cause:Noun:source or reason of an event or action
- *: Northern Goesharde: {{q|Ockholm}} {{t+|frr|uursååge|f}}, {{q|Langenhorn}} {{t+|frr|uursaage|f}}
- cause:Noun:source or reason of an event or action
- *: Wiedingharde: {{t+|frr|uursaage|f}}
- caustic soda:Noun:sodium hydroxide
- * Мongolian:
- caustic soda:Noun:sodium hydroxide
- *: Cyrillic: {{t|mn|идэмхий натри}}, {{t|mn|натрийн шүлт}}, {{t|mn|каустик сод}}
- cavalry:Noun:military service that fights with riding horses
- *: Eastphalian: {{t|nds|Pervolk|?}}
- cave:Noun:large, naturally occurring cavity formed underground
- *: Vidari: {{tt|avd|ماغار|tr=māğār}}
- cease-fire:Noun:in warfare, an agreed end to hostilities for a specific purpose
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|آتَشبَس}}
- cease-fire:Noun:in warfare, an agreed end to hostilities for a specific purpose
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|آتَشبَس}}
- cedar:Noun:coniferous tree in genus Cedrus
- *: Christian Palestinian Aramaic: {{t|arc|ܐܪܙܐ|m|ts=*ʾarzā}}
- cedar:Noun:coniferous tree in genus Cedrus
- *: Imperial Aramaic: {{t|arc|𐡀𐡓𐡆𐡀|m}}
- cedar:Noun:coniferous tree in genus Cedrus
- *: Jewish Palestinian Aramaic: {{t|arc|ארזא|m|ts=*ʾarzā}}
- ceiling:Noun:upper limit of room
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|天篷|tr=thian-pông}}
- ceiling:Noun:upper limit of room
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|سَقْف}}
- ceiling:Noun:upper limit of room
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|سَقْف}}
- cell:Noun:component of an electrical battery
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|電池|tr=tiān-tî}}
- cell:Noun:basic unit of a living organism
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|細胞|tr=sè-pau/suè-pau}}
- cello:Noun:musical instrument
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|大提琴|tr=tōa-thê-khîm}}
- cent:Noun:subunit of currency in US and elsewhere
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|分|tr=hun}}, {{t|nan-hbl|針|tr=chiam}}
- cent:Noun:subunit of currency in US and elsewhere
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|pinné}}, {{t|lou|sou}}, {{t|lou|éskalin}}
- centimetre:Noun:one-hundredth of a metre
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|公分|tr=kong-hun}}
- central bank:Noun:the principal monetary authority of a polity
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|مرکزی بینک}}
- central nervous system:Noun:that part of the nervous system comprising the brain, brainstem and spinal cord
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|中樞神經系統|tr=tiong-chhu sîn-keng hē-thóng}}
- century:Noun:period of 100 years
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|世紀}}
- century:Noun:period of 100 years
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|世紀|tr=sè-kí}}
- century:Noun:period of 100 years
- *: East Frisian: {{t|nds|äiw|n}}, {{t|nds|jorhunnert|n}}
- century:Noun:period of 100 years
- *: Karrharde: {{t|frr|järhunert|n}}
- century:Noun:period of 100 years
- *: Northern Goesharde: {{t|frr|jeerhunert|n}} {{qualifier|Ockholm}}, {{t|frr|jäärhonert|n}} {{qualifier|Langenhorn}}
- century:Noun:period of 100 years
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|سَدَه}}, {{t|prs|قَرْن}}, {{t|prs|عَصْر}}
- century:Noun:period of 100 years
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|سَدِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|قَرْن}}, {{t|fa-ira|عَصْر}}
- century egg:Noun:Chinese delicacy
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|皮蛋|tr=phî-tàn}}
- certificate:Noun:document containing a certified statement
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|شَهَادَتنَامَه}}
- certificate:Noun:document containing a certified statement
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|گُواهینامِه}}, {{t+|fa-ira|گُواهی}}
- chador:Noun:a loose robe worn by women
- *: Classical Persian: {{t+|fa|چادر|tr=čādur}}
- chador:Noun:a loose robe worn by women
- *: Dari Persian: {{t+|fa|چادر|tr=čādar}}
- chador:Noun:a loose robe worn by women
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa|چادر|tr=čâdor}}
- chaga:Noun:conk
- * Komi Zyrian: {{t|kpv|бака}}
- chain:Noun:series of interconnected rings or links
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|زِنْجِیر}}, {{t|prs|زَنْجِیر}}, {{t|prs|سِلْسِلَه}}
- chain:Noun:series of interconnected rings or links
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|زِنْجیر}}, {{t|fa-ira|زَنْجیر}}, {{t|fa-ira|سِلْسِلِه}}
- chain:Noun:series of interconnected things
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|سِلْسِلَه}}
- chain:Noun:series of interconnected things
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|سِلْسِلِه}}
- chair:Noun:furniture
- *: Levantine Arabic: {{tt|ajp|كرسي|m|tr=kersí}}
- chair:Noun:furniture
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|椅囝|tr=iē-giāng}}
- chair:Noun:furniture
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|椅仔|tr=í-á}}
- chair:Noun:furniture
- *: Northern Min: {{tt|mnp|椅仔|tr=ǐ-ciě}}
- chair:Noun:furniture
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{tt|lou|lashèz}}, {{tt|lou|lashèj}}, {{tt|lou|shèj}}, {{tt|lou|shèz}}
- chair:Noun:furniture
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|چَوْکِی|tr=čawkī}}, {{tt|prs|کُرْسِی|tr=kursī}}, {{tt|prs|صَنْدَلِی|tr=sandalī}}
- chair:Noun:furniture
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|صَنْدَلی|tr=sandali}}, {{tt|fa-ira|کُرْسی|tr=korsi}}
- chairman:Noun:person presiding over a meeting
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|رَئیس}}, {{t+|fa-ira|صَدْر}}
- chairperson:Noun:a person who presides over a meeting, a board
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|主席}}
- chairperson:Noun:a person who presides over a meeting, a board
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|主席|tr=chú-se̍k / chú-si̍t}}, {{t|nan-hbl|議長|tr=gī-tiúⁿ}}
- chairperson:Noun:a person who presides over a meeting, a board
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|رَئِیس}}, {{t|prs|صَدْر}}
- chairperson:Noun:a person who presides over a meeting, a board
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|رَئیس}}, {{t|fa-ira|صَدْر}}
- chalk:Noun:a soft, white, powdery limestone
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|گَچ}}
- chalk:Noun:a soft, white, powdery limestone
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|گَچ}}
- chalk:Noun:a piece of chalk used for drawing and on a blackboard
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|گَچ}}
- chalk:Noun:a piece of chalk used for drawing and on a blackboard
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|گَچ}}
- chalkboard:Noun:slate board for writing on with chalk
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|黑板}}
- chalkboard:Noun:slate board for writing on with chalk
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|烏板|tr=o͘-pán}}
- chalkboard:Noun:slate board for writing on with chalk
- *: Northern Min: {{t|mnp|黑板}}
- chameleon:Noun:reptile
- *: Mon: {{t|pi|ကကဏ္ဍက|m}}
- chance:Noun:an opportunity or possibility
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|機會}}
- chance:Noun:an opportunity or possibility
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|機會|tr=ki-hōe}}
- chance:Noun:an opportunity or possibility
- *: Dari: {{t+|prs|فُرْصَت}}
- chance:Noun:an opportunity or possibility
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|فُرْصَت}}, {{t+|fa-ira|شانْس}}
- channel:Noun:narrow body of water between two land masses
- *: Kildin Sami: {{t|sjd|чуэлльм}}
- chanyu:Noun:
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|單于|tr=siân-û}}
- chaplain:Noun:member of a religious body
- * Old Portuguese: {{t|roa-opt|capelan|m}}
- chapter:Noun:section in a book
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|فَصْل}}, {{t|fa-ira|فَرْگَرْد}}, {{t+|fa-ira|باب}}
- char kway teow:Noun:noodle dish
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|炒粿條|tr=chhá-kóe-tiâu}}
- character:Noun:being in a story
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|شَخْصِیَّت}}, {{t|fa-ira|پِرْسوناژ|tr=personâž}}, {{t|fa-ira|کاراکْتِر}}
- character:Noun:distinguishing feature
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|شَخْصِیَّت}}, {{t|fa-ira|کاراکْتِر}}
- character:Noun:moral strength
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مَنِش}}, {{t|fa-ira|سیرَت}}
- character:Noun:symbol or letter
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|حَرْف}}, {{t|fa-ira|نِویسِه}}, {{t+|fa-ira|کاراکْتِر}}
- character:Noun:(computing) basic element in a text string
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|نِویسِه}}
- chase:Noun:action of the verb "to chase"
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|逐|tr=jiok}}
- chaste tree:Noun:shrub
- *: Modern Armenian: {{t+|hy|հագնի}}
- chatbot:Noun:program that holds conversations
- * Portuguese, {{t|pt|chatbot|m}}
- chav:Noun:relating to a youth from a working class background, aggressive with poor education
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|阿明|tr=a-bêng}} {{qualifier|Singapore}}
- chayote:Noun:fruit
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|香櫞瓜|tr=hiŏng-iòng-guă}}, {{t-check|cdo|香櫞|tr=hiŏng-iòng}}, {{t|cdo|佛手瓜|tr=hŭk-chiū-guă}}
- chayote:Noun:fruit
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|佛手瓜|tr=hu̍t-chhiú-koe}}, {{t|nan-hbl|香櫞瓜|tr=hiuⁿ-îⁿ-koe}}
- cheap:Adjective:low and/or reduced in price
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|俗|tr=sio̍k}}
- check:Noun:chess: when the king is directly threatened by an enemy piece
- * Hindu: {{t+|hi|शह|f}}, {{t+|hi|किश्त|f}}
- check:Noun:chess: when the king is directly threatened by an enemy piece
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|کیش}}, {{t+|fa-ira|شاه}}
- checkpoint:Noun:point along a road or on a frontier
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|ایسْتبازْرِسی}}, {{t|fa-ira|ایسْتبازْرَسی}}
- cheek:Noun:part of face
- *: Devanagari: {{t|inc-apa|कवोल|tr=-}}
- cheek:Noun:part of face
- *: Sharada: {{t|inc-apa|𑆑𑆮𑆾𑆬|tr=-}}
- cheek:Noun:part of face
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|کومَه}}
- cheek:Noun:part of face
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|گونِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|لُپ}}
- cheers:Interjection:toast when drinking
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|乾杯|tr=kan-poe}}, {{t|nan-hbl|啉予焦|tr=lim hō͘ ta}}, {{t|nan-hbl|予焦啦|tr=hō͘ ta--lah}}, {{t|nan-hbl|乾啦|tr=kan--lah}}
- cheese:Noun:dairy product
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|奶酪|tr=ni-lo̍k}}
- cheese:Noun:dairy product
- * Frisian:
- cheese:Noun:dairy product
- *: Old Frisian: {{tt|ofs|kīse}}
- cheese:Noun:dairy product
- *: North Frisian: {{tt|frr|Aast}} {{q|Sylt}}
- cheese:Noun:dairy product
- *: Saterland Frisian: {{tt|stq|Síes}}
- cheese:Noun:dairy product
- *: West Frisian: {{tt+|fy|tsiis|m}}
- cheese:Noun:dairy product
- *: Roman: {{tt|ff|formaas}}
- cheese:Noun:dairy product
- *: badiot: {{tt|lld|ciajó|m}}
- cheese:Noun:dairy product
- *: fascian: {{tt|lld|formai|m}}
- cheese:Noun:dairy product
- *: gherdëina: {{tt|lld|ciajuel|m}}
- cheese:Noun:dairy product
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|پَنِیر}}
- cheese:Noun:dairy product
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|پَنیر}}
- cheese:Noun:dairy product
- *: East Slovak Romani: {{tt|rom|ciral|m}}
- cheese:Noun:dairy product
- *: Selice Romani: {{tt|rom|šajto|m}}
- cheese:Noun:countable: any particular variety of cheese
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|chhì-juh}}
- chef:Noun:head cook of an establishment such as a restaurant
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|廚師|tr=tû-su}}, {{t|nan-hbl|廚子師|tr=tô͘-chí-sai}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|廚子|tr=tô͘-chí}}, {{t|nan-hbl|刀子|tr=to-chí}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|總舖師|tr=chóng-phò͘-sai}}, {{t|nan-hbl|總舖|tr=chóng-phò͘}}
- chemical equilibrium:Noun:state of a reversible reaction in which the rates of the forward and reverse reactions are the same
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|化學平衡}}, {{t|cdo|化学平衡|tr=hòa-ha̍k pêng-hêng}}
- chemical reaction:Noun:process in which chemical substances are changed into others
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|化學反應|tr=hòa-ha̍k hoán-èng}}
- chemistry:Noun:branch of natural science
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|化學|tr=hòa-ha̍k}}
- chengyu:Noun:certain kind of Chinese set phrase
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|成語|tr=sêng-gí, sêng-gú}}
- cheque:Noun:a note promising to pay money to a named person or entity
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|چِک}}
- chequebook:Noun:folder containing cheques
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|دَسْتِهٔ چِک}}
- cherub:Noun:(biblical) winged creature attending on God
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|基路冰|tr=ki-lō͘-peng}}
- cherub:Noun:(biblical) winged creature attending on God
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کَرّوبی}}
- chess:Noun:two-player board game
- *: Samogitian: {{t|sgs|šachmatā|m-p}}
- chess:Noun:two-player board game
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|شَطْرَنْج}}, {{t|fa-ira|شَتْرَنْگ}}, {{t|fa-ira|شَتْرَنْج}}, {{t|fa-ira|چَتْرَنْگ}}
- chess:Noun:two-player board game
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|شطرنج|m}}
- chest of drawers:Noun:furniture for the storage of clothes
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|cômoda|f}}
- chest of drawers:Noun:furniture for the storage of clothes
- *: European: {{t+|pt|cómoda|f}}
- chestnut-backed antshrike:Noun:Thamnophilus palliatus
- *: {{qualifier|Brazil}}: [[choca-listrada]]
- chewing gum:Noun:flavoured preparation for chewing
- *: Lebanese Arabic: {{t|apc|عِلْكِة|f|tr=ʕilke}}
- chewing gum:Noun:flavoured preparation for chewing
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|樹奶糖}}
- chewing gum:Noun:flavoured preparation for chewing
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|橡奶糖|tr=chhiǔⁿ-lin-thn̂g, chhiūⁿ-ni-thn̂g, chhiū-leng-thn̂g, chhiū-ni-thn̂g}}
- chewing gum:Noun:flavoured preparation for chewing
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|سَاجِق}}
- chewing gum:Noun:flavoured preparation for chewing
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|آدامْس}}
- chewing gum:Noun:flavoured preparation for chewing
- *: Angola and Mozambique: {{t+|pt|chuinga}}
- chewing gum:Noun:flavoured preparation for chewing
- *: {{qualifier|Brazil}}: {{t+|pt|chiclete|m}}, {{t+|pt|goma de mascar|f}}
- chewing gum:Noun:flavoured preparation for chewing
- *: {{qualifier|Portugal}}: {{t|pt|chicla|f}}, {{t+|pt|pastilha elástica|f}}, {{t+|pt|chiclete|f}}
- chi:Noun:the fundamental life-force or energy
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|氣|tr=ké}}
- chi:Noun:the fundamental life-force or energy
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|氣|tr=khì, khùi}}
- chicken:Noun:bird
- *: Sudanese Arabic: {{t|apd|جدادة|tr=jidāda}}
- chicken:Noun:bird
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|雞//鷄//鸡|tr=giĕ}}, {{tt|cdo|雞囝//鷄囝//鸡囝|tr=giĕ-giāng}}
- chicken:Noun:bird
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|雞//鷄//鸡|tr=koe, ke, kere}}, {{tt|nan-hbl|雞仔//鷄仔//鸡仔|tr=koe-á, ke-á}}
- chicken:Noun:bird
- *: Northern Min: {{tt|mnp|雞//鷄//鸡|tr=gái}}
- chicken:Noun:meat
- * Aho: {{tt|aho|𑜃𑜢𑜤𑜰𑜫 𑜀𑜩}}
- chicken:Noun:meat
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|雞肉//鷄肉//鸡肉|tr=ke-bah, koe-bah}}
- chicken pox:Noun:disease
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|水珠|tr=chúi-chu}}
- chicken wing:Noun:cooked wing of a chicken
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|雞翼|tr=ke-sı̍t, koe-sı̍t}}
- chickling vetch:Noun:plant with edible seeds similar to peas
- *: Jewish Palestinian Aramaic: {{t|arc|גילבונא|ts=*gilbɔ̄nā|m}}, {{t|arc|גלבונא|ts=*gilbɔ̄nā|m}}
- chicory:Noun:common chicory (Cichorium intybus)
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|کاسنی بوٹی}}
- chief of staff:Noun:senior officer
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|رَئیسِ سِتاد}}
- child:Noun:son or daughter; someone's child
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|伲囝}}
- child:Noun:son or daughter; someone's child
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|囡仔|tr=gín-á}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|囡仔人|tr=gín-á-lâng}}
- child:Noun:son or daughter; someone's child
- *: Northern Min: {{t|mnp|囝仔}}, {{t|mnp|囝仔人}}
- child:Noun:son or daughter; someone's child
- *: Teochew: {{tt|nan-tws|孥囝|tr=nou5 gian2}}
- child:Noun:son or daughter; someone's child
- * Lutuv: {{t|clt|haatiy}}
- child:Noun:son or daughter; someone's child
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|piti}}
- child:Noun:son or daughter; someone's child
- * Mari: {{tt|mhr|ньога}}
- child:Noun:son or daughter; someone's child
- * Nama: {{tt|naq|ǀgôa-i}}
- child:Noun:son or daughter; someone's child
- *: Devanagari: {{tt|pi|दारको|m}}
- child:Noun:son or daughter; someone's child
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|بَچِّه}}, {{tt+|fa-ira|بَچِه}}, {{tt+|fa-ira|کودَک}}, {{tt+|fa-ira|فَرزَنْد}}, {{tt+check|fa-ira|کُر}}
- child:Noun:son or daughter; someone's child
- * Seraiki: {{tt+|skr|ٻال}}
- child:Noun:a minor
- *: Lebanese Arabic: {{tt|apc|وَلَد|m|tr=walad}}, {{tt|arz|صبي|m|tr=ṣabi}} {{qualifier|boy/son}}
- child:Noun:a minor
- *: North Mesopotamian Arabic: {{tt|ayp|عجي|m|tr=ʕeji}}
- child:Noun:a minor
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|囡仔|tr=gín-á}}
- child:Noun:a minor
- *: Teochew: {{tt|nan-tws|孥囝|tr=nou5 gian2}}
- child:Noun:a minor
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|بَچِّه}}, {{tt+|fa-ira|بَچِه}}, {{tt+|fa-ira|کودَک}}, {{tt+|fa-ira|بچ}} {{qualifier|dialectal}}
- child's play:Noun:something particularly easy or simple
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|兒戲|tr=jî-hì; lî-hì}}
- childhood:Noun:state of being a child
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|بَچِگی}}, {{t|fa-ira|کودَکی}}
- childhood:Noun:time when one is a child
- *: East Central German: {{t|gmw-ecg|Kindhaat}} {{q|Erzgebirgisch}}
- childhood:Noun:time when one is a child
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|بَچِگی}}, {{t|fa-ira|کودَکی}}
- chili:Noun:spicy fresh or dried fruit of capsicum
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|番椒|tr=huăng-ciĕu}}, {{t|cdo|辣椒|tr=lăk-ciĕu}}
- chiliarch:Noun:a commander of a thousand troops in Hellenistic Greece
- * Biblical Hebrew: {{t|hbo|אַלּוּף}}
- chimney:Noun:vertical tube or hollow column; a flue
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|دُودْکَش}}
- chimney:Noun:vertical tube or hollow column; a flue
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|دودْکِش}}
- chimpanzee:Noun:any hominid of the genus Pan
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|عام چمپینزی|?}}
- chin:Noun:bottom of a face
- *: Central Atlas Tamazight: {{tt|tzm|tamart}}<!--,??? {{timġt}}-->
- chin:Noun:bottom of a face
- *: Plains: {{tt|crk|ᒥᑖᐱᐢᑲᐣ}}, {{tt|crk|ᒥᑳᐧᐢᑯᓀᐤ}}, {{tt|crk|ᒥᑳᐧᐢᑯᓀᐃᐧᑲᐣ}}
- chin:Noun:bottom of a face
- *: Middle and Late Egyptian: {{t-egy|ꜥnꜥn|h=a:n-a:n-F51}}
- chin:Noun:bottom of a face
- *: Old Egyptian: {{t-egy|jnꜥ|h=i-n:a-D19}}
- chin:Noun:bottom of a face
- *: Cyrillic: {{tt|kaa|ийек|sc=Cyrl}}, {{tt|kaa|буғақ|sc=Cyrl}}, {{tt|kaa|алқым|sc=Cyrl}}
- chin:Noun:bottom of a face
- *: Latin: {{tt+|kaa|iyek}}, {{tt|kaa|bug'aq}}, {{tt|kaa|alqım}}
- chin:Noun:bottom of a face
- * Mari: {{tt|udm|оҥылаш|sc=Cyrl}}
- chin:Noun:bottom of a face
- *: Middle English: {{tt|enm|chin}}
- chin:Noun:bottom of a face
- *: Kildin Sami: {{tt|sjd|ка̄ййп}}
- chirp:Noun:birds
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|چَرِق}}
- chlorine:Noun:chemical element
- *: Roman: {{t|az|xlor}}
- chlorine:Noun:chemical element
- *: Abjad: {{t|az|قلور|tr=xulōr}}, {{t|az|قُلوٓر|tr=xulōr}}
- chlorine:Noun:chemical element
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|鹽素|tr=iâm-sò͘}}, {{t|nan-hbl|氯|tr=lio̍k, lo̍k}}
- chloroplast:Noun:photosynthetic organelle
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|葉綠體|tr=ia̍p-le̍k-thé}}
- chocolate:Noun:food made from ground roasted cocoa beans
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|巧克力|tr=khiáu-khek-le̍k / khiáu-khiak-lia̍k}}, {{t|nan-hbl|之龜力|tr=chi-ku-la̍t / chiak-ku-la̍h}} {{qualifier|dated, Taiwan}}, {{t|nan-hbl|chio͘-kó͘-lè-tò͘}}
- chocolate:Noun:food made from ground roasted cocoa beans
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|چَاکْلیت}}, {{t|prs|شُکُلَات}}, {{t|prs|کَاکَائو}}, {{t|prs|کَاکَاؤ|tr=kākā'ō}}
- chocolate:Noun:food made from ground roasted cocoa beans
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|شُکُلات}}
- chocolate:Noun:food made from ground roasted cocoa beans
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|چاکلیٹ}}
- choice:Noun:option or decision
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|選擇|tr=soán-te̍k}}
- choice:Noun:selection or preference
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|選擇|tr=soán-te̍k}}
- chop suey:Noun:Cantonese dish
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|雜碎|tr=cha̍p-chhùi}}, {{t|nan-hbl|雜碎|tr=cha̍p-chhùi}}, {{t|nan-hbl|雜累碎|tr=cha̍p-lùi-chhù}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|雜|tr=cha̍p}}
- chopstick:Noun:single eating utensil
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|箸|tr=dê̤ṳ}}
- chopstick:Noun:single eating utensil
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|箸|tr=tī, tū}}
- chore:Noun:a difficult, unpleasant, or routine task
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|cmn|家務|tr=ka-bū}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|家事|tr=ka-sū}}
- chow mein:Noun:Westernised Chinese dish of stir-fried noodles with vegetables and meat or seafood
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|炒麵|tr=chhá-mī}}
- choy sum:Noun:vegetable
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|菜心|tr=chhài-sim}}
- chromosome:Noun:structure in the cell nucleus
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|染色體|tr=niēng sáik tā̤}}
- chromosome:Noun:structure in the cell nucleus
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|染色體|tr=liám-sek-thé}}
- chrysanthemum:Noun:flower
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|菊花|tr=gé̤ṳk-huă}}, {{t|cdo|菊|tr=gé̤ṳk}}
- chrysanthemum:Noun:flower
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|菊花|tr=kiok-hue}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|菊|tr=kiok}}
- chrysanthemum:Noun:flower
- *: Northern Min: {{t|mnp|菊花|tr=gṳ̆-huá}}, {{t|mnp|菊|tr=gṳ̆}}
- chum:Noun:housing
- * Khanty:
- chum:Noun:housing
- ** Eastern Khanty: {{t|kca-eas|њуки ӄот}}
- chum:Noun:housing
- ** Northern Khanty: {{t|kca-nor|њўки хот}}
- church:Noun:house of worship
- *: Cypriot Arabic: {{tt|acy|knise}}
- church:Noun:house of worship
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|教會}}
- church:Noun:house of worship
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|教會|tr=kàu-hōe}} {{qualifier|Christian church}}, {{tt+|nan-hbl|教堂|tr=kàu-tn̂g}} {{qualifier|any religion}}
- church:Noun:house of worship
- *: Northern Min: {{tt|mnp|教會}}
- church:Noun:house of worship
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{tt|lou|légliz}}
- church:Noun:house of worship
- *: Eastern: {{tt|mhr|черке}}
- church:Noun:house of worship
- *: Western: {{tt|mrj|церкӹ}}
- church:Noun:house of worship
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|کَلِیسَا}}
- church:Noun:house of worship
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|کِلیسا}}
- church:Noun:house of worship
- * Western Panjabi: {{tt+|pnb|گرجا}}
- church:Noun:a religious organization
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|教會|tr=kàu-huē}}
- church:Noun:a religious organization
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{tt|lou|légliz}}
- churn:Verb:agitate rapidly
- * Kamkata-vari:
- churn:Verb:agitate rapidly
- *: Kamviri: {{t|bsh|matë́-}}
- churn:Verb:agitate rapidly
- *: Kata-vari: {{t|bsh|mëté-}}
- chutney:Noun:condiment
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|چَتْنِی}}
- chutney:Noun:condiment
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|چاشْنی}}, {{t|fa-ira|چَتْنی}}
- cigarette:Noun:tobacco or other substances, in a thin roll wrapped with paper, intended to be smoked
- *: Hijazi: {{t|acw|سِجارة|tr=sijāra|f}}, {{t|acw|سِقارة|tr=sigāra|f}}, {{t|acw|دُخَّان|tr=duḵḵān|m}}
- cigarette:Noun:tobacco or other substances, in a thin roll wrapped with paper, intended to be smoked
- *: Moroccan: {{t|ary|ݣرو|tr=garro}}
- cigarette:Noun:tobacco or other substances, in a thin roll wrapped with paper, intended to be smoked
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|薰囝|tr=hŏng-giāng}}, {{t-check|cdo|紙薰|tr=cāi-hŏng}}
- cigarette:Noun:tobacco or other substances, in a thin roll wrapped with paper, intended to be smoked
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|薰枝|tr=hun-ki}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|薰|tr=hun}}
- cigarette:Noun:tobacco or other substances, in a thin roll wrapped with paper, intended to be smoked
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|سِگْرِت}}
- cigarette:Noun:tobacco or other substances, in a thin roll wrapped with paper, intended to be smoked
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|سیگار}}, {{t|fa-ira|سیگارِت}} {{qualifier|rare}}
- cinema:Noun:a film/movie theatre
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|電影院|tr=tiān-iáⁿ-īⁿ}}
- cinema:Noun:a film/movie theatre
- *: Northern Min: {{t|mnp|電影院}}
- cinema:Noun:a film/movie theatre
- *: Roman: {{t|mn|кинотеатр}}, {{t+|mn|кино}}
- cinema:Noun:a film/movie theatre
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|سینِما}}, {{t|fa-ira|سالُنِ سینِما}}
- cinema:Noun:films collectively
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|سینِما}}
- circle:Noun:geometry: set of points that are equally distant from a center
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|دَایِرَه}}, {{t|prs|حَلْقَه}}, {{t|prs|چَرْخ}}
- circle:Noun:geometry: set of points that are equally distant from a center
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|دایِرِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|حَلْقِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|چَرْخ}}
- circulatory system:Noun:parts of an animal body which circulate the blood around the body
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|sûn-khoân hē-thóng}}
- circumcise:Verb:to remove the foreskin from the penis
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|割鳥皮|tr=koah-chiáu-phê}}
- circumcised:Adjective:of a man
- * Croatian: {{t+|sh|obrezani}}
- circumcision:Noun:removal of foreskin from penis
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|ختنہ}}
- circus:Noun:company that travels
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|سَرْکَس}}
- circus:Noun:company that travels
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|سیرْک}}
- cirrhosis:Noun:chronic disease of the liver
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|肝硬化|tr=koaⁿ-ngē-hoà}}
- cisgender:Adjective:having a gender the same as one's assigned sex at birth
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|cisgênero}}
- cisgender:Adjective:having a gender the same as one's assigned sex at birth
- *: European: {{t|pt|cisgénero}}
- citizen:Noun:legal member of a state
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|شَهْرْوَنْد}}
- city:Noun:large settlement
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|城市}}
- city:Noun:large settlement
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|城市|tr=siâⁿ-chhī / siâⁿ-chhǐ}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|都市|tr=to·-chhī}}
- city:Noun:large settlement
- * Nubian:
- city:Noun:large settlement
- *: Nobiin: {{t|fia|diffi}} (ⲇⲓⲫⲫⲓ, ديفي)
- city:Noun:large settlement
- *: Old Nubian: {{t|onw|ⲇⲡ̅ⲡ}}
- city:Noun:large settlement
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|شَهْر}}
- city:Noun:large settlement
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|شَهْر}}
- city:Noun:large settlement
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|شَهْر}}
- city:Noun:large settlement
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|شہر}}, {{t+|pnb|نگر}}
- city state:Noun:sovereign city
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|城邦|tr=siàng-băng}}, {{t|cdo|城國|tr=siàng-guók}}, {{t|cdo|市國|tr=chê-guók}}, {{t|cdo|城市國家|tr=siàng-chê guók-gă}}, {{t|cdo|都市國家|tr=dŭ-chê guók-gă}}
- city state:Noun:sovereign city
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|城邦|tr=siâⁿ-pang}}, {{t|nan-hbl|城國|tr=siâⁿ-kok}}, {{t|nan-hbl|市國|tr=chhī-kok}}, {{t|nan-hbl|城市國家|tr=siâⁿ-chhī kok-ka}}, {{t|nan-hbl|都市國家|tr=to͘-chhǐ kok-ka}}
- civil war:Noun:war between factions within a single country
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|內戰|tr=lōe-chiàn / lāi-chiàn}}
- civil war:Noun:war between factions within a single country
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|جَنْگِ داخِلی}}, {{t|fa-ira|خانِهجَنْگی}}, {{t|fa-ira|جَنْگِ شَهْرْوَنْدی}}
- civilian:Noun:non-military person
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|غِیْرِنِظامی}}, {{t|fa-ira|[[شَخْصِ]] [[غِیْرِنِظامی]]}}
- clarinet:Noun:woodwind musical instrument
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|烏笛仔|tr=o͘-ta̍t-á}}
- class:Noun:group, collection, category or set sharing characteristics or attributes
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|رَدِه}}, {{t+|fa-ira|رَسْتِه}}, {{t+|fa-ira|دَسْتِه}}, {{t+|fa-ira|کِلاس}}, {{t+|fa-ira|صِنْف}}, {{t+|fa-ira|دَرَجِه}}
- class:Noun:social grouping, based on job, wealth, etc.
- *: Dari: {{t+|prs|صِنْف}}
- class:Noun:social grouping, based on job, wealth, etc.
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|دَسْتِه}}, {{t+|fa-ira|گُروه}}, {{t+|fa-ira|طَبَقِه}}, {{t+|fa-ira|کِلاس}}, {{t+|fa-ira|صِنْف}}
- class:Noun:division of society into classes
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|طَبَقِه}}
- class:Noun:admirable behavior; elegance
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|بَرازَنْدَگی}}
- class:Noun:group of students in a regularly scheduled meeting with a teacher
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|کِلاس}}
- class:Noun:series of classes covering a single subject
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|دُوْرِه}}
- class:Noun:group of students who commenced or completed their education during a particular year
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|دُوْرِه}}
- class:Noun:category of seats in an airplane, train or other means of mass transportation
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|دَرَجِه}}
- class:Noun:taxonomy: classification below Phylum and above Order
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|綱|tr=kong, kang}}
- class:Noun:taxonomy: classification below Phylum and above Order
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|رَدِه}}, {{t+|fa-ira|طَبَقِه}}
- class:Noun:set theory: collection of sets definable by a shared property
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|کِلاس}}
- class:Noun:object-oriented programming: set of objects possibly differing in state but not behavior
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|کِلاس}}
- classmate:Noun:student who is in the same class at school
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|同學|tr=tông-ha̍k}}, {{t|nan-hbl|同窗|tr=tông-chhong}}
- classroom:Noun:room in a school
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|教室|tr=kàu-sek}}, {{t|nan-hbl|課室|tr=khò-sek}}
- classroom:Noun:room in a school
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کِلاسِ دَرْس}}, {{t|fa-ira|کِلاس}}
- clay:Noun:mineral substance
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|黏土|tr=liâm-thô͘}}
- clay:Noun:mineral substance
- *: Dari: {{t+|prs|گِل}}, {{t|prs|رُس}}
- clay:Noun:mineral substance
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|گِل}}, {{t|fa-ira|رُس}}, {{t|fa-ira|گِلِ رُس}}, {{t|fa-ira|خاکِ رُس}}
- claycourt:Noun:tennis court
- * Danis: {{t|da|grusbane|c}}
- clerk:Noun:one working with records etc.
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|مُنْشی}}, {{t+|fa-ira|سِکْرِتِر}}, {{t+|fa-ira|کارْمَنْد}}, {{t+|fa-ira|کاتِب}}
- client:Noun:a customer or receiver of services
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مُشْتَری}}, {{t|fa-ira|خَریدار}}
- client:Noun:person who receives help or advice from a professional person
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اَرْبابِ رُجوع}}
- climate:Noun:long-term atmospheric conditions
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|氣候|tr=ké-hâiu}}
- climate:Noun:long-term atmospheric conditions
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|氣候|tr=khì-hiō / khì-hāu / khì-hō͘}}
- climate:Noun:long-term atmospheric conditions
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|اِقْلِیم}}, {{t|prs|آب و هَوَا}}
- climate:Noun:long-term atmospheric conditions
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اِقْلیم}}, {{t|fa-ira|آب و هَوا}}
- climb:Verb:to move by using the hands and feet
- * Tashelhiyt: {{t|shi|ɣmmc}}, {{t|shi|ṛbbc}}
- clitic:Noun:morpheme attached to another word
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|واژِهبَسْت}}
- clitoris:Noun:elongated erectile organ
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|陰蒂|tr=im-tì}}, {{t|nan-hbl|膣屄穎|tr=chi-bai-íⁿ}} {{q|vulgar}}, {{t|nan-hbl|膣屄蒂|tr=chi-bai-tì}} {{q|vulgar}}, {{t|nan-hbl|烏蒂仔|tr=o͘-tì-á}}
- clock:Noun:instrument to measure or keep track of time
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|鐘|tr=cṳ̆ng}}
- clock:Noun:instrument to measure or keep track of time
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|時鐘|tr=sî-cheng}}, {{tt+|nan-hbl|鐘|tr=cheng}}
- clock:Noun:instrument to measure or keep track of time
- *: Northern Min: {{tt|mnp|鐘|tr=cé̤ng}}
- clock:Noun:instrument to measure or keep track of time
- *: Gallo: {{tt+|fr|sourder}}, {{tt|fr|berloqe}}
- clock:Noun:instrument to measure or keep track of time
- *: Italiot Greek: {{tt|grk-ita|torlòci|n}}
- clock:Noun:instrument to measure or keep track of time
- *: Eastern: {{tt|lmo|relòi|m}}, {{tt|lmo|leròi|m}}, {{tt|lmo|urelòc|m}}
- clock:Noun:instrument to measure or keep track of time
- *: Western: {{tt|lmo|orelògg|m}}, {{tt|lmo|orològg|m}}
- clock:Noun:instrument to measure or keep track of time
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{tt|lou|lorlòj}}, {{tt|lou|lèr}}
- clock:Noun:instrument to measure or keep track of time
- * Mari: {{tt|mhr|шага́т}}
- clock:Noun:instrument to measure or keep track of time
- *: Classical Persian: {{tt|fa-cls|سَاعَت}}
- clock:Noun:instrument to measure or keep track of time
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|ساعَت}}
- clock:Noun:instrument to measure or keep track of time
- *: Western: {{tt|pnb|کعڑی|f}}
- clock:Noun:instrument to measure or keep track of time
- *: Zinacantán: {{tt|tzo|'atob 'osil}}, {{tt|tzo|'ora}}
- clock:Noun:instrument to measure or keep track of time
- *: Ixtlán: {{tt|zaa|relój}}
- clock:Noun:instrument to measure or keep track of time
- *: Yatzachi: {{tt|zav|relo}}
- clock:Noun:instrument to measure or keep track of time
- *: Zoogocho: {{tt|zpq|relo}}
- closed:Adjective:not open
- *: San'ani Arabic: {{t|ayn|مغلّق|f|tr=mġalleg}}
- clothes:Noun:apparel
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|衣裳|tr=ĭ-siòng}}
- clothes:Noun:apparel
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|衣服|tr=i-ho̍k}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|服裝|tr=ho̍k-tsong}}, {{t|nan-hbl|衫褲|tr=saⁿ-khò͘}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|衫仔褲|tr=saⁿ-á-khò͘}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|衫|tr=saⁿ}}
- clothes:Noun:apparel
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|پوشاک}}, {{t|fa-ira|لِباس}}
- clothes iron:Noun:appliance for pressing clothes
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|熨斗|tr=ók-dāu}}
- clothes iron:Noun:appliance for pressing clothes
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|熨斗|tr=ut-táu}}
- clothes iron:Noun:appliance for pressing clothes
- *: Northern Min: {{t|mnp|熨斗|tr=ṳ̆-dě}}
- clothes iron:Noun:appliance for pressing clothes
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اُتو}}, {{t|fa-ira|اُطو}}
- clothing:Noun:clothes
- *: Western: {{t|mrj|выргем}}
- clothing:Noun:clothes
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|پوشاک}}, {{t|fa-ira|لِباس}}
- cloudberry:Noun:species
- *: Kildin Sami: {{t|sjd|лӯмь}}
- cloudberry:Noun:species
- *: Pite Sami: {{t|sje|láddak}}
- cloudberry:Noun:species
- *: Southern Sami: {{t|sma|laadtege}}, {{t|sma|laaddeh}}
- cloudberry:Noun:species
- *: Ter Sami: {{t|sjt|лы̄мэнҍ|tr=lïmenʼ}}
- cloudberry:Noun:species
- *: Ume Sami: {{t|sju|laaddaga}}
- cloudberry:Noun:fruit
- *: {{qualifier|France}} {{t+|fr|ronce des tourbières|f}}, {{t+|fr|ronce petit-mûrier|f}}, {{t+|fr|mûre des marais|f}}, {{t+|fr|mûre arctique|f}}
- cloudberry:Noun:fruit
- *: Kaigani: {{t|hai|ḵʼaawtsʼaláangaa}}
- cloudberry:Noun:fruit
- *: Massett: {{t|hai|ḵʼaàw tsʼalaangaa}}
- cloudberry:Noun:fruit
- *: Skitegate: {{t|hai|ḵʼaax̱u tsʼalaangg̱a}}
- cloudberry:Noun:fruit
- * Han: {{t|haa|nihbàʼ}}
- cloudberry:Noun:fruit
- *: Kildin Sami: {{t|sjd|лӯмь}}
- cloudberry:Noun:fruit
- *: Pite Sami: {{t|sje|láddak}}
- cloudberry:Noun:fruit
- *: Southern Sami: {{t|sma|laadtege}}, {{t|sma|laaddeh}}
- cloudberry:Noun:fruit
- *: Ter Sami: {{t|sjt|лы̄мэнҍ|tr=lïmenʼ}}
- cloudberry:Noun:fruit
- *: Ume Sami: {{t|sju|laaddaga}}
- cloudy:Adjective:covered with or characterised by clouds
- *: Bikol Legazpi: {{t|bcl|madampog}}
- cloudy:Adjective:covered with or characterised by clouds
- *: Bikol Naga: {{t|bcl|mapanganuron}}
- cloudy:Adjective:covered with or characterised by clouds
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|kouvær}}, {{t|lou|kouvè}}, {{t|lou|kouvèr}}
- club:Noun:association of members
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|俱樂部|tr=khū-lo̍k-pō͘, kū-lo̍k-pō͘}}
- club:Noun:association of members
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|باشْگاه}}, {{t|fa-ira|اَنْجُمَنْ}}, {{t|fa-ira|کُلوب}}
- club:Noun:heavy stick for use as weapon or plaything
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|چُماق}}, {{t|fa-ira|چُنْبِه}}, {{t+|fa-ira|باتون}}
- club:Noun:establishment that provides staged entertainment
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|夜總會|tr=iā-chóng-hōe}}
- club:Noun:establishment that provides staged entertainment
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|باشْگاه}}, {{t|fa-ira|کُلوب}}
- club:Noun:playing card symbol, ♣
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|خاج}}
- clueless:Adjective:lacking knowledge or understanding
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|无知|tr=bû-ti}}
- co-parent-in-law:Noun:the parent of one's son- or daughter-in-law
- * Malay/Indonesian: {{t+|id|besan}}, {{t+|id|bisan}}
- co-wife:Noun:in a polygamous marriage, another wife of a woman's husband
- *: Pulaar: {{t|ff|nawliraaɗo}}
- co-wife:Noun:in a polygamous marriage, another wife of a woman's husband
- *: Pular: {{t|ff|siinaa}}, {{t|ff|nawlan}}
- coal:Noun:uncountable: carbon rock
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|煤|tr=mûi}}, {{tt|nan-hbl|煤炭|tr=mûi-thòaⁿ}}, {{tt|nan-hbl|石炭|tr=chio̍h-thòaⁿ}}
- coal:Noun:uncountable: carbon rock
- *: Pennsylvania German: {{tt|pdc|Kohl|f}}
- coal:Noun:uncountable: carbon rock
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|ذُغالسَنْگ}}, {{tt|fa-ira|ذُغال}}
- coal:Noun:countable: carbon rock
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|ذُغال}}, {{tt|fa-ira|زُغال}}, {{t|fa-ira|اَنْگِشْت}}
- coast:Noun:edge of land meeting ocean, sea, gulf, bay
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|سَاحِل}}, {{t|fa-ira|دَرْیاکِنار}}, {{t|fa-ira|دَرْیابار}}
- coat:Noun:outer garment covering the upper torso and arms
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|پالْتو|tr=pâlto}}, {{t|fa-ira|کُت}}, {{t|fa-ira|کاپْشِن}}
- coat of arms:Noun:hereditary design depicted on an escutcheon
- *: Abjad: {{t|az|طغرا|tr=tughrā}}
- coat of arms:Noun:hereditary design depicted on an escutcheon
- *: Roman: {{t+|az|gerb}}, {{t|az|tuğra}}
- cobalt:Noun:chemical element
- *: Abjad: {{t|az|قوبالت|tr=qobalt, kobalt}}, {{t|az|زرنخ داشى|tr=zırnıkh dāshi}}
- cobalt:Noun:chemical element
- *: Roman: {{t|az|kobalt}}
- cockroach:Noun:type of insect
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|虼蚻|tr=gâ-săk / gáh-săk}}
- cockroach:Noun:type of insect
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|虼蚻|tr=ka-choa̍h}}
- cockroach:Noun:type of insect
- *: Kansai: {{t+|ja|アブラムシ|tr=abura-mushi}}
- cockroach:Noun:type of insect
- *: Kyushu: {{t|ja|アマメ|tr=amame}}
- cocktail:Noun:alcoholic beverage
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|雞尾酒|tr=ke-bóe-chiú, koe-bé-chiú}}
- cocoa:Noun:partially fermented seeds of cacao tree
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|کاکائو}}
- coconut:Noun:fruit of coco palm
- *: Dhofari Arabic: {{t|adf|جزيب|tr=gizīb}}
- coconut:Noun:fruit of coco palm
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|椰仔|tr=iâ-á}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|椰子|tr=iâ-chí}}, {{t|nan-hbl|鱟薸|tr=hǎu-phiô}} {{qualifier|Lugang}}
- coconut palm:Noun:Cocos nucifera
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|椰子樹|tr=iâ-chí-chhiū}}
- cod:Noun:marine fish of the family Gadidae
- *: Southern Sami: {{t|sma|tåårske}}
- coffee money:Noun:euphemism for small bribe
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|咖啡鐳|tr=ko-pi-lui}}
- coffin:Noun:box in which a dead person is buried
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|棺材|tr=guăng-chài}}
- coffin:Noun:box in which a dead person is buried
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|棺柴|tr=koaⁿ-chhâ}}
- coffin:Noun:box in which a dead person is buried
- *: Dari: {{t+|prs|تَابُوت}}
- coffin:Noun:box in which a dead person is buried
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|تابوت}}
- cohere:Verb:
- ** {{t-check|ja|[[密着]]する|tr=micchaku suru}}: To [[stick]] together [[physically]]
- cohere:Verb:
- ** {{t-check|ja|[[凝集]]する|tr=gyoushū suru}}: For molecules, to [[stick]] together [[physically]]
- cohere:Verb:
- ** {{t-check|ja|[[結集]]する|tr=kesshū suru}}: To [[stick]] together [[figuratively]] by [[common purpose]]
- cohere:Verb:
- ** {{t-check|ja|[[首尾一貫]]している|tr=shubi ikkan shite iru}}, {{t-check|ja|[[矛盾]]していない|tr=mujun shite inai}}: To be consistent as part of a group
- coin:Noun:(currency) a piece of currency
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|銀角仔|tr=gîn-kak-á/gûn-kak-á}}
- coin:Noun:(currency) a piece of currency
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|سِکَّه}}
- coin:Noun:(currency) a piece of currency
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|سِکِّه}}
- coin:Noun:a token used in a special establishment like a casino
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|ژِتون|tr=žeton}}
- coincidence:Noun:state of events appearing to be connected when they are not
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|تَصَادُف}}
- coincidence:Noun:state of events appearing to be connected when they are not
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|تَصادُف}}
- cold:Adjective:having a low temperature
- *: Juba Arabic: {{t|pga|barid}}
- cold:Adjective:having a low temperature
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|冷|tr=léng}}
- cold:Adjective:of a person
- * Lutuv: {{t|clt|kang}}
- cold war:Noun:a period of hostile relations
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|冷戰|tr=léng-chiàn}}
- collar:Noun:fabric garment part fitting around throat
- *: Kildin Sami: {{t|sjd|коа̄влас}}
- collar:Noun:detachable collar
- *: Kildin Sami: {{t|sjd|коа̄влас}}
- collar:Noun:device for restraining animal
- *: Kildin Sami: {{t|sjd|рӣссэм}}
- collective:Adjective:formed by gathering or collecting
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|جَمْعی}}
- collective:Adjective:having plurality of origin or authority
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|جَمْعی}}
- college:Noun:institution of higher education
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|دانِشْکَدِه}}
- college:Noun:institution of higher education teaching undergraduates
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|دانِشْکَدِه}}
- college:Noun:non-specialized, semi-autonomous division of a university
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|دانِشْکَدِه}}
- college:Noun:in the formal names of private schools: secondary school
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|آموزِشْگاه}}
- college:Noun:institution of further education at an intermediate level
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|آموزِشْگاه}}, {{t|fa-ira|کالِج}}
- college:Noun:institution for adult education at a basic or intermediate level
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|آموزِشْگاه}}
- college:Noun:residential hall of a university
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|دانِشْکَدِه}}
- collude:Verb:to conspire
- *: Venezuela: {{t|es|apaniguarse}}, {{t|es|apaniaguarse}}, {{t|es|apañaguarse}}
- cologne:Noun:eau de Cologne
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اُدُکُلُن}}, {{t|fa-ira|اُدِکُلُن}}, {{t|fa-ira|اُدْکُلُن}}, {{t|fa-ira|عَطْر}}, {{t|fa-ira|عِطْر}}
- cologne:Noun:eau de Cologne
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|água-de-colônia|f}}, {{t+|pt|colônia|f}}
- cologne:Noun:eau de Cologne
- *: European: {{t+|pt|água-de-colónia|f}}, {{t+|pt|colónia|f}}
- colonel:Noun:commissioned office in the armed services
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|سَرْهَنْگ}}, {{t|fa-ira|کُلُنِل}}
- colonialist:Noun:one who supports or advocates colonialism
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|殖民者|tr=si̍t-bîn-chiá}}
- colony:Noun:region or governmental unit
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|colônia|f}}
- colony:Noun:region or governmental unit
- *: European: {{t+|pt|colónia|f}}
- colony:Noun:group of organisms
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|colônia|f}}
- colony:Noun:group of organisms
- *: European: {{t+|pt|colónia|f}}
- color:Noun:spectral composition of visible light
- *: Chadian Arabic: {{t|shu|لون|m|tr=lōn}}
- color:Noun:spectral composition of visible light
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|色|tr=sáik}}, {{tt|cdo|顏色|tr=ngàng-sáik}}
- color:Noun:spectral composition of visible light
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|色|tr=siak / sek}}, {{tt|nan-hbl|顏色|tr=gân-siak / gân-sek}}
- color:Noun:spectral composition of visible light
- *: Northern Min: {{t|mnp|色}}, {{t|mnp|顏色}}
- color:Noun:spectral composition of visible light
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|رَنْگ}}, {{tt|prs|گُون}}
- color:Noun:spectral composition of visible light
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|رَنْگ}}, {{tt+|fa-ira|گون}}
- color:Noun:particular set of the visible spectrum
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|koulær}}, {{t|lou|koulè}}, {{t|lou|koulèr}}
- color:Noun:particular set of the visible spectrum
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|رَنْگ}}
- color:Noun:particular set of the visible spectrum
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|رَنْگ}}
- color blind:Adjective:unable to distinguish between two or more primary colors
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|daltônico}}
- color blind:Adjective:unable to distinguish between two or more primary colors
- *: European: {{t+|pt|daltónico}}
- color blindness:Noun:condition in which the ability to see colors is impaired
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|色盲|tr=sáik-màng}}
- color blindness:Noun:condition in which the ability to see colors is impaired
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|色盲|tr=sek-bông, siak-bông}}
- column:Noun:upright supporting structure
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|سُتون}}
- column:Noun:vertical line of entries in a table
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|سُتون}}
- column:Noun:column of troops
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|سُتون}}
- column:Noun:newspaper column
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|سُتون}}
- column:Noun:something having similar form or structure to the things mentioned above
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|سُتون}}
- comb:Noun:toothed implement for grooming the hair
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|頭梳}}
- comb:Noun:toothed implement for grooming the hair
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|捋仔|tr=loa̍h-á}}, {{t|nan-hbl|柴梳|tr=chhâ-soe / chhâ-se}} {{qualifier|wooden}}, {{t|nan-hbl|頭梳|tr=thâu-soe}}
- comb:Noun:toothed implement for grooming the hair
- *: Northern Min: {{t|mnp|頭梳}}
- comb:Noun:toothed implement for grooming the hair
- *: Coptic:
- comb:Noun:toothed implement for grooming the hair
- *: Bohairic: {{tt|cop|ⲙⲁϣⲑⲱϯ|f}}
- comb:Noun:toothed implement for grooming the hair
- *: Sahidic: {{tt|cop|ⲙϣⲧⲱⲧⲉ|f}}, {{tt|cop|ⲙⲓϣⲧⲱⲧⲉ|f}}
- comb:Noun:toothed implement for grooming the hair
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|شانِه}}
- comb:Noun:weaving comb
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|دَفْتین}}
- combination pliers:Noun:a type of pliers
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|虎頭夾仔|tr=hó͘-thâu-ngeh-á}} {{qualifier|Taiwan}}, {{t|nan-hbl|虎頭鉗|tr=hó͘-thâu-khîⁿ}}
- come:Verb:to move nearer
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|來|tr=lì}}
- come to a head:Verb:to rapidly reach a turning point or climax
- *: Hokkien: {{t-needed|nan-hbl}}
- comet:Noun:a celestial body, generally with a tail
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|長尾星|tr=tn̂g-bóe-chheⁿ, tn̂g-bóe-chhiⁿ}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|掃帚星|tr=sàu-chhiú-chheⁿ, sàu-chhiú-chhiⁿ}}, {{t|nan-hbl|彗星|tr=hūi-chheⁿ, hūi-chhiⁿ, hūi-seng}}
- comfort:Verb:to provide comfort to
- *: Arbëresh: {{t|sq|fqerënj}}
- comfortable:Adjective:in a state of comfort
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|快活|tr=khòaⁿ-oa̍h}}
- comic:Adjective:being funny
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|cômico}}
- comic:Adjective:being funny
- *: European: {{t+|pt|cómico}}
- comic:Adjective:related to comedy
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|cômico}}
- comic:Adjective:related to comedy
- *: European: {{t+|pt|cómico}}
- comma:Noun:punctuation mark ','
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|ویرْگول|tr=virgul}}, {{t+|fa-ira|واوَک}}, {{t|fa-ira|دِرَنْگنَما}}, {{t+|fa-ira|کاما}}, {{t+|fa-ira|مُمَیِّز}} {{qualifier|decimal point, represented by a comma}}, {{t|fa|،|tr=-}} {{q|symbol}}
- comment:Noun:spoken remark
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|نَظَر}}, {{t|fa-ira|تَفْسیر}}
- committee:Noun:group of persons convened for the accomplishment of some specific purpose
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|委員會|tr=úi-oân-hōe}}
- committee:Noun:group of persons convened for the accomplishment of some specific purpose
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کُمیتِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|هِیْئَت}}, {{t|fa-ira|کُمیسِیون|tr=komisiyon}}
- common eland:Noun:antelope
- * Amhara: {{t|am|ወንደቢ}}
- common gull:Noun:Larus canus
- * Sami: {{t|se|skávli}}
- common purslane:Noun:Portulaca oleracea
- *: Jewish Palestinian Aramaic: {{t|arc|פרפחינא|tr=parpəḥīnā|m}}
- common whitefish:Noun:Coregonus lavaretus
- *: Kildin: {{t|sjd|ша̄бп}}
- common whitefish:Noun:Coregonus lavaretus
- *: Ter: {{t|sjt|ша̄бпа|tr=šābpa}}
- commotion:Noun:agitated disturbance or a hubbub
- *: Middle Welsh: {{t|wlm|kynnwryf}}
- communism:Noun:ideology/philosophy
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|共產主義}}
- communism:Noun:ideology/philosophy
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|共產主義|tr=kiōng-sán-chú-gī}}
- communism:Noun:ideology/philosophy
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کُمونیسْم}}
- communism:Noun:society
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|共產主義|tr=kiōng-sán-chú-gī}}
- community:Noun:group sharing a common understanding
- *: Plains Cree: {{t|crk|mâmawâyâwin}}
- community:Noun:group sharing a common understanding
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اِجْتِماع}}, {{t|fa-ira|جامِعِه}}
- community:Noun:residential or religious collective
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|جامِعِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|مِلَّت}}
- compact disc:Noun:optical disc used to store data
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|光碟|tr=kong‑tia̍p}}
- compaction:Noun:process of compacting
- *: Spanish: {{t+|es|compactación|f}} {{qual|geology}}
- company:Noun:in legal context, a corporation
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|公司}}, {{t|cdo|企業}}
- company:Noun:in legal context, a corporation
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|شِرْکَت}}
- company:Noun:in legal context, a corporation
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|شِرْکَت}}, {{t|fa-ira|کُمْپانی}}
- company:Noun:military unit
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|گُروهان}}
- compass:Noun:instrument to determine cardinal directions
- *: South Azerbaijani: {{t|az|قبله نما|tr=qiblanuma}}
- compass:Noun:instrument to determine cardinal directions
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|قُطْبنَمَا}}
- compass:Noun:instrument to determine cardinal directions
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|قُطْبنَما}}, {{t|fa-ira|قِبْلِهنَما}} {{qualifier|mostly religious}}
- competition:Noun:action of competing
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|رَقَابَت}}, {{t|prs|مُنَافَسَه}}
- competition:Noun:action of competing
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|رِقابَت}}, {{t|fa-ira|مُنافَسِه}}
- competition:Noun:contest for a prize or award
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|比賽|tr=pí-sài}}
- competition:Noun:contest for a prize or award
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|مُسَابَقَه}}
- competition:Noun:contest for a prize or award
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مُسابِقِه}}
- complaint:Noun:grievance, problem, difficulty, or concern; the act of complaining
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|شِکایَت}}, {{t+|fa-ira|گِلِه}}, {{t+|fa-ira|شِکْوِه}}
- complex:Adjective:not simple or straightforward
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|複雜|tr=ho̍k-cha̍p}}
- complexion:Noun:appearance of the skin on the face
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|頭面|tr=thâu-bīn}}
- computer:Noun:programmable electronic device
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|電腦}}
- computer:Noun:programmable electronic device
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|電腦|tr=tiān-náu}}, {{tt|nan-hbl|計算機|tr=kè-sǹg-ki}}
- computer:Noun:programmable electronic device
- *: Roman: {{tt|ff|hiisorgal}}
- computer:Noun:programmable electronic device
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|کمپیوتر|tr=kampyūtar}}
- computer:Noun:programmable electronic device
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|رایانِه|tr=râyâne}}, {{tt|fa-ira|کامْپْیوتِر|tr=kâmpyuter}}
- computer science:Noun:study of computers and their architecture
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|عُلومِ رایانِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|عُلومِ کامْپْیوتِر}}, {{t+|fa-ira|اَنْفورْماتیک|tr=anformâtik}}
- comrade:Noun:mate, companion, or associate
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|同志}}
- comrade:Noun:mate, companion, or associate
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|同志|tr=tông-chì}}
- comrade:Noun:mate, companion, or associate
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|رَفِیق}}
- comrade:Noun:mate, companion, or associate
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|رَفیق}}
- comrade:Noun:companion in battle, fellow soldier
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|同志}}
- comrade:Noun:companion in battle, fellow soldier
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|同志|tr=tông-chì}}
- comrade:Noun:companion in battle, fellow soldier
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|هَمرَزْم}}, {{t|fa-ira|بَرادَر}}
- comrade:Noun:fellow socialist or communist
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|同志}}
- comrade:Noun:fellow socialist or communist
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|同志|tr=tông-chì}}
- comrade:Noun:fellow socialist or communist
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|رَفِیق}}
- comrade:Noun:fellow socialist or communist
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|رَفیق}}
- comrade:Noun:title used in leftist circles
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|同志}}
- comrade:Noun:title used in leftist circles
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|同志|tr=tông-chì}}
- comrade:Noun:title used in leftist circles
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|رَفِیق}}
- comrade:Noun:title used in leftist circles
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|رَفیق}}
- con-:Prefix:add a notion similar to those conveyed by with, together, or joint
- *: Nynosk: {{t|nn|kon-}}
- concentration camp:Noun:camp where large numbers of persons are detained
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اُرْدوگاهِ کارِ اِجْباری}}
- concept album:Noun:album
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|概念專輯|tr=khài-liām choan-chip}}
- concert:Noun:a musical entertainment in which several voices or instruments take part
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کُنْسِرْت}}
- condition:Noun:logical clause or phrase
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|شَرْط}}
- condition:Noun:requirement or requisite
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|شَرْط}}
- condition:Noun:health status of a patient
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|حال}}, {{t+|fa-ira|حالَت}}
- condition:Noun:state of an object
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|حالَت}}, {{t+|fa-ira|حال}}
- condom:Noun:flexible sleeve worn on the penis
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|保險套|tr=pó-hiám-thò}}, {{t|nan-hbl|sak-khù}}, {{t|nan-hbl|sak-khuh}}
- conduct:Verb:to carry out
- *: Eastern: {{t|mhr|ышташ}}
- conductor:Noun:person who conducts an orchestra, choir or other music ensemble
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|رَهْبَرِ اُرْکِسْتْر}}, {{t|fa-ira|رَهْبَر}}
- cone:Noun:fruit of conifers
- *: badiot: {{t|lld|coca|f}}
- cone:Noun:fruit of conifers
- *: fascian: {{t|lld|piotol|m}}
- cone:Noun:fruit of conifers
- *: gherdëina: {{t|lld|put|m}}
- confederation:Noun:union or alliance
- *: Arabic: {{t|az|حكومت اجتماعيه|tr=hökumæt-i-ijtimā'yie}}, {{t|az|حكومت مجتمعه|tr=hökumæt-i-mujtæmæ}}
- confederation:Noun:union or alliance
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|کُنْفِدِراسْیون|tr=konfederâsyon}}
- conference:Noun:a meeting of people
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کُنْفِرانْس}}, {{t|fa-ira|هَمایِش}}, {{t|fa-ira|گِرْدِهَمایی}}
- confrontation:Noun:the act of confronting or challenging another, especially face-to-face
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|رویارویی}}, {{t|fa-ira|مُواجَهِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|مُقابِلِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|تَقابُل}}
- congee:Noun:a type of rice porridge
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|糜|tr=môe}}
- congratulations:Interjection:expressing approbation
- * Hawrami: {{t|hac|پیرۊز بۊ|tr=pîrüz bü}}, {{t|hac|چەمت ڕۊشن|tr=çem't rüşn}} (''singular''), {{t|hac|چەمتان ڕۊشن|tr=çem'tan rüşn}} (''plural'')
- congress:Noun:legislative body
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|کَانْگْرِس}}
- congress:Noun:legislative body
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کُنْگْرِه}}
- congress:Noun:conference
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کُنْفِرانْس}}, {{t|fa-ira|هَمایِش}}
- conjunction:Noun:grammar: word used to join words or phrases
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|حَرْفِ رَبْط}}
- conjunctive:Adjective:
- {{trans-top|logic: of or relating to logical conjunction}}
- conjunctivitis:Noun:inflammation
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|紅目}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|紅目墘}}, {{t|nan-hbl|赤目}}, {{t|nan-hbl|風目}}, {{t|nan-hbl|風火目}}
- connection:Noun:feeling of understanding and ease of communication between two or more people
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|關係|tr=koan-hē}}, {{t|nan-hbl|值大代|tr=tī-tōa-tāi}}, {{t|nan-hbl|值代|tr=tī-tāi}}
- conpoy:Noun:
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|乾貝|tr=kan-pòe}}
- conscience:Noun:moral sense
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|وِجْدان}}, {{t|fa-ira|وُجْدان}}, {{t|fa-ira|ضَمیر}}, {{t|fa-ira|باطِن}}
- conscience:Noun:moral sense
- *: Old Polish: {{t|zlw-opl|sąmnienie|n}}
- consciousness:Noun:awareness
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|意識|tr=ì-sek / ì-siak / ì-sit}}
- consciousness:Noun:awareness
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|خودْآگاهی}}, {{t+|fa-ira|آگاهی}}, {{t|fa-ira|شُعور}}, {{t+|fa-ira|هوش}}
- conservatism:Noun:political philosophy that favors maintaining limited government involvement
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|保守主義|tr=pó-siú chú-gī}}
- console:Verb:to comfort
- *: Arbëresh: {{t|sq|fqerënj}}
- consonant:Noun:sound
- * Mansi:
- consonant:Noun:sound
- *: Northern Mansi: {{t|mns-nor|туртал суй}}
- conspiracy theory:Noun:hypothetical speculation
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|تِئوریِ تُوْطِئِه|tr=te'ori-ye towte'e}}
- constantly:Adverb:in a constant manner
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|直直|tr=tit-tit}}
- constitution:Noun:formal or informal system of primary principles and laws regulating a government or other institutions
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|憲法}}
- constitution:Noun:formal or informal system of primary principles and laws regulating a government or other institutions
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|憲法|tr=hiàn-hoat}}
- constitution:Noun:formal or informal system of primary principles and laws regulating a government or other institutions
- *: Northern Min: {{t|mnp|憲法}}
- constitution:Noun:formal or informal system of primary principles and laws regulating a government or other institutions
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|قَانُونِ اَسَاسِی}}
- constitution:Noun:formal or informal system of primary principles and laws regulating a government or other institutions
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|قانونِ اَساسی}}
- constitution:Noun:legal document describing such a formal system
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|憲法|tr=hiàn-hoat}}
- constructed language:Noun:artificially created language
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|مصنوعی زبان}}
- construction:Noun:process of constructing
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|ساخْتوَساز}}, {{t+|fa-ira|ساخْت و ساز}}
- consul:Noun:official who protects the interests of citizens
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|領事|tr=léng-sīr / léng-sū}}
- consul:Noun:official who protects the interests of citizens
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کُنْسول}}, {{t|fa-ira|قُنْسول}}
- content:Noun:that which is contained
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مَضْمون}}, {{t|fa-ira|مُحْتَوا}}
- continent:Noun:each of main land-masses on earth's surface
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|大陸|tr=dâi-lṳ̆k}}
- continent:Noun:each of main land-masses on earth's surface
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|大陸|tr=tāi-lio̍k}}
- continent:Noun:each of main land-masses on earth's surface
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|قَارَّه}}
- continent:Noun:each of main land-masses on earth's surface
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|قارِّه}}
- contract:Noun:agreement that is legally binding
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|قَرارْداد}}, {{t|fa-ira|عَقْد}}, {{t|fa-ira|پِیْمان}}, {{t|fa-ira|مُعاهَدِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|کُنْتْرات}}, {{t|fa-ira|مُقاوِلِه}}
- controlled atmosphere:Noun:
- * Spainish: {{t|es|atmósfera controlada|f}}
- conversation:Noun:expression and exchange of individual ideas through talking with other people
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|گُفْتُگو}}, {{t|fa-ira|گُفْتِگو}}, {{t|fa-ira|گُفْتْگو}}, {{t|fa-ira|گُفْتُگویْ}}, {{t|fa-ira|گُفْتِگویْ}}, {{t|fa-ira|گُفْتْگویْ}}, {{t|fa-ira|صُحْبَت}}, {{t|fa-ira|بَحْث}}, {{t|fa-ira|مُکالِمِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|مُحادِثِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|مُذاکِرِه}}
- cook:Noun:person who prepares food
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|廚子師|tr=tô͘-chí-sai}}
- cook:Noun:person who prepares food
- *: Devanagari: {{tt|pi|सूदो|m}}
- cook:Noun:person who prepares food
- *: Latin: {{tt|pi|sūdo|m}}
- cook:Noun:person who prepares food
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|آشْپَز}}, {{t|fa-cls|پَزَنْدَه}}, {{t|fa-cls|طَبَّاخ}}
- cook:Noun:person who prepares food
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|آشْپَز}}, {{tt|fa-ira|پَزَنْدِه}}, {{tt|fa-ira|طَبَّاخ}}
- cooked rice:Noun:rice cooked by either steaming or boiling (idiomatic translations)
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|飯|tr=buông}}
- cooked rice:Noun:rice cooked by either steaming or boiling (idiomatic translations)
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|飯|tr=pn̄g, pūiⁿ}}
- coolie:Noun:unskilled Asian worker
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|苦役|tr=khó͘-ia̍h}}, {{t|nan-hbl|苦力|tr=khó͘-le̍k, khó͘-lo̍h}}, {{t|nan-hbl|居里|tr=ku-lí}}, {{t|nan-hbl|苦力|tr=ku-lí}}
- cooperation:Noun:act of cooperating or being cooperative
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|هَمْکاری}}, {{t|fa-ira|تَعاوُن}}
- copper:Noun:chemical element Cu
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|銅|tr=dè̤ng}}
- copper:Noun:chemical element Cu
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|銅|tr=tâng}}
- copper:Noun:chemical element Cu
- * Mansi:
- copper:Noun:chemical element Cu
- ** Northern Mansi: {{t|mns-nor|аргин}}
- copper sulfate:Noun:the common name for cupric sulphate, CuSO4
- *: Central Thai: {{t|th|จุนสี|tr=jun-sǐi}}, {{t|th|จุณสี|tr=jun-sǐi}} {{qualifier|dated}}
- copper sulfate:Noun:the common name for cupric sulphate, CuSO4
- *: Isan: {{t|tts|[[หิน]][[เขียว]]|tr=hǐn-kǐao}}
- copyright:Noun:right to publish
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|版權|tr=pán-kôan}}
- coral:Noun:substance
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|珊瑚|tr=săng-hù, dăng-hù}}
- coral:Noun:substance
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|珊瑚|tr=soan-ô͘, soan-lô͘, san-ô͘}}
- coriander:Noun:Coriandrum sativum plant
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|گَشْنِیز|tr=gašnīz}}
- coriander:Noun:Coriandrum sativum plant
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|گِشْنیز|tr=gešniz}}
- coriander:Noun:Coriandrum sativum plant
- *: Latin: {{t+|uz|kashnich}}, {{t|uz|kinza}}
- coriander:Noun:dried seeds of Coriandrum sativum plant
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|تُخْمِ گَشْنِیز|tr=tuxm-i gašnīz}}
- cork:Noun:phellem of the cork oak
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|چوبپَنْبِه}}
- cork:Noun:bottle stopper
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|چوبپَنْبِه}}
- cornel:Noun:fruit
- *: Jewish Northeastern Neo-Aramaic: {{t|arc|הלהלוכת|tr=halhalōkat|p}}
- corner:Noun:space in the angle between converging lines or walls
- * Lutuv: {{t|clt|kiy}}
- corner:Noun:space in the angle between converging lines or walls
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|گوشَه}}, {{t|prs|کُنْج}}
- corner:Noun:space in the angle between converging lines or walls
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|گوشِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|کُنْج}}
- corner:Noun:intersection of two streets
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|نَبْش}}
- coronavirus:Noun:member of the family Coronaviridae
- *: Hokkien: {{t-needed|nan-hbl}}
- corpse:Noun:dead body
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|屍體|tr=si-thé}}, {{tt|nan-hbl|死屍|tr=sí-si}}
- corpse:Noun:dead body
- *: Boharic: {{tt|cop|ⲙⲉⲗⲟⲥ|sc=Copt}}, {{tt|cop|ⲛⲉⲕⲣⲟⲛ}}
- corpse:Noun:dead body
- *: Cyrillic: {{tt|crh|джесет}}, {{tt|crh|мевта}}, {{tt|crh|олю}}
- corpse:Noun:dead body
- *: Latin: {{tt|crh|ceset}}, {{tt|crh|mevta}}, {{tt|crh|ölü}}
- corpse:Noun:dead body
- * Frisian:
- corpse:Noun:dead body
- *: North: {{tt|frr|Lieke}}
- corpse:Noun:dead body
- *: Saterland: {{tt|stq|Lieke}}
- corpse:Noun:dead body
- *: West: {{tt|fy|lyk|c}}
- corpse:Noun:dead body
- *: Pulaar: {{tt|ff|maaiɗo}} {{qualifier|Firdu}}
- corpse:Noun:dead body
- *: Mbyá Guaraní: {{tt|gun|mba'e guaxu}}
- corpse:Noun:dead body
- *: Tapieté: {{tt|tpj|t-ä'öwë}}
- corpse:Noun:dead body
- *: Eastern: {{tt|mhr|виля}}
- corpse:Noun:dead body
- *: Western: {{tt|mrj|виля}}
- corpse:Noun:dead body
- *: Dari: {{tt+|fa|نعش|tr=na'š}}, {{tt+|fa|لاش|tr=lâš}}, {{tt+|fa|جنازه|tr=janâze}} {{q|human}}
- corpse:Noun:dead body
- *: Kildin: {{tt|sjd|ёамм-олма}}
- corpse:Noun:dead body
- *: Sassarese: {{tt|sdc|morthu|m}}, {{tt|sdc|murthogiu|m}} {{q|animal}}
- corpse:Noun:dead body
- *: Kagwahiv: {{tt|pah|avujipava}}
- corpse:Noun:dead body
- *: Parintintín: {{tt|pah|aranongar}}, {{tt|pah|avujipav}}
- corpse:Noun:dead body
- *: Isthmus: {{tt|zai|gueʼtuʼ}}
- corpse:Noun:dead body
- *: Yatzachi: {{tt|zav|cuerp}}
- corpse:Noun:dead body
- *: Zoogocho: {{tt|zpq|ben̲at}}
- corral:Noun:enclosure for livestock
- * Old Portuguese: {{t|roa-opt|curral}}
- correct:Adjective:free from error
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|正確|tr=ciáng-káuk}}
- corridor:Noun:narrow hall or passage
- *: Dari: {{t+|prs|دَهْلِیز}}
- corridor:Noun:narrow hall or passage
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|راهْرُوْ}}, {{t+|fa-ira|کُریدور|tr=koridor}}, {{t+|fa-ira|دِهْلیز}}
- corridor:Noun:tract of land
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|کُریدور|tr=koridor}}
- corridor:Noun:airspace
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|کُریدور|tr=koridor}}
- corvee:Noun:unpaid labor required by a feudal lord
- *: Latin: {{t+|tr|kulluk}}
- corvee:Noun:unpaid labor required by a feudal lord
- *: Ottoman: {{t|ota|قوللق|tr=kulluk}}
- corvee:Noun:labor in lieu of taxes
- *: Latin: {{t+|tr|angarya}}
- corvee:Noun:labor in lieu of taxes
- *: Ottoman: {{t|ota|آنغاریه|tr=angarya}}
- cosmetologist:Noun:person who advises people on cosmetics and other beauty treatments
- *: bokmål: {{t|nb|kosmetologi|m}}
- cottage:Noun:A small house; a cot; a hut
- * Albania: {{t|sq|visele|f}}
- cotton:Noun:any plant yielding fiber like that of Gossypium
- * Frisian:
- cotton:Noun:any plant yielding fiber like that of Gossypium
- *: North Frisian: {{tt|frr|buumol}}
- cotton:Noun:any plant yielding fiber like that of Gossypium
- *: West Frisian: {{tt|fy|katoen|m}}
- cotton:Noun:any plant yielding fiber like that of Gossypium
- *: Carakan: {{tt+|jv|ꦏꦥꦱ꧀}}
- cotton:Noun:any plant yielding fiber like that of Gossypium
- *: Rumi: {{tt+|jv|kapas}}
- cotton:Noun:any plant yielding fiber like that of Gossypium
- * Kui: {{t|kxu|ପର୍ତି|tr=parti}}
- cotton:Noun:fiber
- * Frisian:
- cotton:Noun:fiber
- *: North Frisian: {{tt|frr|buumol}}
- cotton:Noun:fiber
- *: West Frisian: {{tt|fy|katoen|m}}
- cotton:Noun:fiber
- *: Carakan: {{tt+|jv|ꦏꦥꦱ꧀}}
- cotton:Noun:fiber
- *: Rumi: {{tt+|jv|kapas}}
- cotton:Noun:fiber
- *: Dutch Low German: {{tt|nds-nl|katoen}}
- cotton:Noun:fabric
- *: Brahmi: {{tt|pra|𑀧𑁄𑀢𑁆𑀢}}
- cotton:Noun:fabric
- *: Devanagari: {{tt|pra|पोत्त}}
- cotton:Noun:
- * Atong: {{tt|aot|kylchap}}
- cotton:Noun:
- * Ubikh: {{tt|uby|бабаи}}
- cougar:Noun:Puma concolor
- *: Osage: {{t|osa|Y^LO^KA}}
- cougar:Noun:Puma concolor
- *: Roman: {{t|osa|iⁿloⁿka}}
- cough:Noun:sudden, often involuntary expulsion of air from the lungs through the glottis, and out through the mouth
- *: Vidari: {{t|avd||tr=kolle}}
- count:Noun:ruler of a county (male)
- *: Old Polish: {{t|zlw-opl|grabia|m}}, {{t|zlw-opl|grof|m}}
- country:Noun:region of land
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|کِشْوَر}}, {{t|fa-ira|دِیار}}
- country:Noun:nation state
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|國家|tr=kok-ka}}
- country:Noun:nation state
- *: Northern Min: {{t|mnp|國家}}
- country:Noun:nation state
- * Luri:
- country:Noun:nation state
- *: Northern Luri: {{tt|lrc|ولات|tr=wlạt}}
- country:Noun:nation state
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|کِشْوَر}}, {{tt|fa-ira|میهَن}}, {{tt|fa-ira|سَرْزَمین}}
- country:Noun:the country, rural area, as opposed to the town or city
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|روسْتا}}, {{tt|fa-ira|[[حُوْمِهٔ]] [[شَهْر]]}}
- countryside:Noun:area outside of towns and cities, or such part of a larger area
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|دِهات}}
- county:Noun:land ruled by a count or countess
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کُنْتنِشین}}
- county:Noun:administrative region of various countries
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|縣}}
- county:Noun:administrative region of various countries
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|شَهْرِسْتان}}
- coup d'état:Noun:sudden overthrow of a government
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|政變|tr=chèng-piàn}}
- coup d'état:Noun:sudden overthrow of a government
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کودِتا}}
- court:Noun:enclosed space; a courtyard
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|حِیاط}}, {{t+|fa-ira|حَیاط|tr=hayât}}
- court:Noun:residence of a sovereign, prince, nobleman, or ether dignitary
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|دَرْبار}}
- court:Noun:hall, chamber, or place, where justice is administered
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|法庭|tr=hoat-têng}}, {{t|nan-hbl|法院|tr=hoat-īⁿ}}
- court:Noun:hall, chamber, or place, where justice is administered
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|دادْگاه}}, {{t+|fa-ira|مُحاکِمِه}}, {{t+|fa-ira|مَحْکَمِه}}
- court:Noun:tribunal established for the administration of justice
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|دادْگاه}}, {{t+|fa-ira|مُحاکِمِه}}, {{t+|fa-ira|مَحْکَمِه}}
- court:Noun:place for playing the game of tennis and some other ball games
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|زَمین}}
- court of law:Noun:court presided over by a judge
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|مَحْکَمِه}}, {{t+|fa-ira|دادْگاه}}, {{t+|fa-ira|مُحاکِمِه}}
- courtyard:Noun:unroofed walled area
- *: Bokmål: {{t|nb|gårdsplass|m}}, {{t|nb|borggård|m}}
- courtyard:Noun:unroofed walled area
- *: Dari: {{t-check|prs|حویلی|tr=?}}
- courtyard:Noun:unroofed walled area
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|حَیاط|tr=hayât}}, {{t|fa-ira|ریخده|tr=rixade}} {{qualifier|in Yazdi dialect}}
- cousin:Noun:child of a person’s parent’s brother or sister
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|叔伯兄|tr=chek-peh-hiaⁿ}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|older, father’s brother’s son|[[oFBS]]|und=1}}}}, {{t|nan-hbl|叔伯阿兄|tr=chek-peh-a-hiaⁿ}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|older, father’s brother’s son|[[oFBS]]|und=1}}}}, {{t|nan-hbl|叔伯小弟|tr=chek-peh-sió-tī}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|younger, father’s brother’s son|[[yFBS]]|und=1}}}}, {{t|nan-hbl|叔伯阿姊|tr=chek-peh-a-chí}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|older, father’s brother’s daughter|[[oFBD]]|und=1}}}}, {{t|nan-hbl|叔伯小妹|tr=chek-peh-sió-mōe, chek-peh-sió-bē}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|younger, father’s brother’s daughter|[[yFBD]]|und=1}}}}, {{t|nan-hbl|表兄|tr=piáu-hiaⁿ}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|older, mother’s sibling’s or father’s sister’s son|o[[MSiS]] or [[oFZS]]|und=1}}}}, {{t|nan-hbl|表小弟|tr=piáu-sió-tī}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|younger, mother’s sibling’s or father’s sister’s son|y[[MSiS]] or [[yFZS]]|und=1}}}}, {{t|nan-hbl|表姊|tr=piáu-ché, piáu-chí}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|older, mother’s sibling’s or father’s sister’s daughter|o[[MSiD]] or [[oFZD]]|und=1}}}}, {{t|nan-hbl|表小妹|tr=piáu-sió-mōe, piáu-sió-bē}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|younger, mother’s sibling’s or father’s sister’s daughter|y[[MSiD]] or [[yFZD]]|und=1}}}}
- cousin:Noun:child of a person’s parent’s brother or sister
- * Flemish: {{t+|nl|kozijn|m}}
- cousin:Noun:child of a person’s parent’s brother or sister
- *: Norther Kurdish: {{t+|kmr|pismam|m}} / {{t+|kmr|kurmam|m}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|father’s brother’s son|[[FBS#English:_anth|FBS]]|und=1}}}}, {{t+|kmr|dotmam|f}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|father’s brother’s daughter|[[FBD#English:_anth|FBD]]|und=1}}}}, {{t+|kmr|kurmet|m}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|father’s sister’s son|[[FZS#English:_anth|FZS]]|und=1}}}}, {{t+|kmr|keçmet|f}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|father’s sister’s daughter|[[FZD#English:_anth|FZD]]|und=1}}}}, {{t+|kmr|kurxal|m}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|mother’s brother’s son|[[MBS#English:_anth|MBS]]|und=1}}}}, {{t+|kmr|keçxal|f}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|mother’s brother’s daughter|[[MBD#English:_anth|MBD]]|und=1}}}}, {{t+|kmr|kurxalet|m}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|mother’s sister’s son|[[MZS#English:_anth|MZS]]|und=1}}}}, {{t+|kmr|keçxalet|f}} {{qualifier|{{tooltip|mother’s sister’s son|[[MZD#English:_anth|MZD]]|und=1}}}}
- cover:Verb:
- * Romansh: {{t-check|rm|cuvrir}}
- covey:Noun:group of other birds
- *: Cyrillic: {{t|sh|ја̏то|n}}
- covey:Noun:group of other birds
- *: Roman {{t+|sh|jȁto|n}}
- cow parsley:Noun:a weedy biennial umbellifer
- * Sami: [[dierpmárássi]]
- cow's milk:Noun:white liquid produced by the mammary glands of a cow
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|tr=ngù-nèng}}
- cow's milk:Noun:white liquid produced by the mammary glands of a cow
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|牛奶|tr=gû-leng}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|牛奶|tr=gû-lin}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|牛奶|tr=gû-ni}}
- coyote:Noun:canine
- *: Western: {{t|apw|ma’}}, {{t|apw|ba’}}
- coyote:Noun:canine
- * Chinantec:
- coyote:Noun:canine
- *: Lealao: {{t|cle|dsɨ³nuu³}}
- coyote:Noun:canine
- *: Alcozauca Mixtec: {{t|xta|ndivá'i}}
- coyote:Noun:canine
- *: Yosondúa Mixtec: {{t|mpm|va'u}}
- coyote:Noun:canine
- *: Eastern Durango: {{t|azd|koyot}}
- coyote:Noun:canine
- *: Eastern Huasteca: {{t|nhe|koyochichi}}
- coyote:Noun:canine
- *: Guerrero: {{t|ngu|kokoyotl}}
- coyote:Noun:canine
- *: Highland Puebla: {{t|azz|koyot}}
- coyote:Noun:canine
- *: Mecayapan: {{t|nhx|coyo̱'}}
- coyote:Noun:canine
- *: Western Durango: {{t|azn|koyót}}
- coyote:Noun:canine
- *: Western Huasteca: {{t|nhw|koyochichi}}
- coyote:Noun:canine
- *: Aloápam: {{t|zaq|sagueo}}
- coyote:Noun:canine
- *: Isthmus: {{t|zai|gueu'}}
- coyote:Noun:canine
- *: Yatzachi: {{t|zav|becoyo'o}}
- coyote:Noun:canine
- *: Zoogocho: {{t|zpq|beco'yo}}
- crab:Noun:crustacean
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|蠞|tr=chiĕk}}
- crab:Noun:crustacean
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|蟳仔|tr=chîm-á}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|蟳|tr=chîm}}
- crab:Noun:crustacean
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|خَرْچَنْگ}}, {{t|fa-ira|کَرْزَنْگ}}
- crack:Verb:to form cracks
- * Lutuv: {{t|clt|kyi}}
- cradle:Noun:oscillating bed for a baby
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|搖籃|tr=iô-nâ}}, {{t|nan-hbl|窩籃|tr=o͘-nâ}}
- cradle:Noun:oscillating bed for a baby
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مَهْد}}, {{t|fa-ira|گَهْوارِه}}
- craftsman:Noun:male artisan
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|廚工|tr=tû-kang}}
- cranberry:Noun:berry
- *: Kildin Sami: {{t|sjd|рыһпмӯррьй}}, {{t|sjd|рыһпмушш}}
- crane:Noun:bird
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|دُرْنا}}, {{t|fa-ira|کُلَنْگ}} {{qualifier|archaic}}
- crane:Noun:machinery
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|جَرِّ ثَقیل}}, {{t|fa-ira|جَرِ ثَقیل}}, {{t|fa-ira|جَرّ ثَقیل}}, {{t|fa-ira|جَر ثَقیل}}
- crawl:Verb:to move along the ground
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|趖}}
- crayfish:Noun:freshwater crustacean resembling lobster
- * Lenape:
- crayfish:Noun:freshwater crustacean resembling lobster
- *: Unami: {{t|unm|shahëmwis}}
- crayfish:Noun:freshwater crustacean resembling lobster
- *: Yatzachi Zapotec: {{t|zav|nadoṉ}}
- crayon:Noun:colored chalk or wax
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|蠟筆|tr=la̍h-pit}}
- crazy:Adjective:insane, demented
- *: Chadian Arabic: {{t|shu|مشوطن|tr=mušōtin}}
- crazy:Adjective:insane, demented
- * Bisaya: {{t|ceb|buang}}
- crazy:Adjective:insane, demented
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|fou|m}}, {{t|lou|fòl|f}}, {{t|lou|pa tou la}}, {{t|lou|takala}}
- create:Verb:to put into existence
- *: Eastern: {{t|mhr|ышташ}}
- creator:Noun:one who creates
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|آفَرینَنْدِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|سازَنْدِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|خالِق}}
- credit card:Noun:card connected to a credit account used to buy goods or services
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|信用卡|tr=sìn-iōng-khah}}
- credit card:Noun:card connected to a credit account used to buy goods or services
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کارْتِ اِعْتِباری}}, {{t|fa-ira|کِرِدیت کارْت}}
- crevice:Noun:narrow crack
- * Chinese (Simplified): {{t+|zh|缝隙}}
- cricket:Noun:insect
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|蟋蟀|tr=sék-sáuk}}
- cricket:Noun:insect
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|杜猴|tr=tōo-kâu}}
- cricket:Noun:insect
- * !Xóõ: {{t|nmn|ǀɢā̰hm ǀō̰hle}}
- cricket:Noun:game
- *: Dari Persian: {{t|fa|کِرِکِت|tr=kirikit}}
- cricket:Noun:game
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa|کریکت|tr=kriket}}
- crime:Noun:specific act committed in violation of the law
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|جُرْم}}, {{t|prs|جِنَایَت}}, {{t|prs|گُنَاه}}
- crime:Noun:specific act committed in violation of the law
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|جُرْم}}, {{t|fa-ira|بِزِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|جِنایَت}}
- criminal:Noun:person guilty of a crime, breaking the law
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|بِزِهْکار}}, {{t|fa-ira|جِنایَتْکار}}, {{t|fa-ira|مُجْرِم}}, {{t|fa-ira|گُناهْکار}}
- crisis:Noun:unstable situation in political, social, economic or military affairs
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|危機|tr=gûi-ki}}
- crisis:Noun:unstable situation in political, social, economic or military affairs
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|بُحْرَان}}
- crisis:Noun:unstable situation in political, social, economic or military affairs
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|بُحْران}}
- crockery:Noun:dishes, plates, and other tableware, usually made of some ceramic material used for serving food on and eating it from
- *: Latin America: {{t+|es|vajilla}}
- crocodile:Noun:reptile
- *: Chadian Arabic: {{t|shu|تمساح|m|tr=tumsāh}}
- crocodile:Noun:reptile
- *: Juba Arabic: {{t|pga|timsaa}}
- crocodile:Noun:reptile
- * Dangaleat: {{t|daa|maara}}
- crocodile:Noun:reptile
- * Okordia: {{t|okd|igẽrẽ}}
- crocodile:Noun:reptile
- *: Mon: {{t|pi|ကုမ္ဘိလ|m}}
- croissant:Noun:a flaky roll or pastry in a form of a crescent
- *: Hokkien: {{t-needed|nan-hbl}}
- crosier:Noun:staff of a bishop or abbot
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|權杖|tr=khièn-chhóng}}
- cross:Noun:wooden post with a perpendicular beam, used for crucifixion
- *: Hebrew Script: {{t|arc|צליבא|m|tr=ṣlīwā, ṣlīwo}}
- cross fox:Noun:Red fox morph
- * Gwichʼin: {{t|gwi|neegoo ninilzraii}}
- cross fox:Noun:Red fox morph
- * Iñupiaq: {{t|ik|qianġaq}}
- cross to bear:Noun:a problem, or unpleasant or painful situation or person
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|麻煩|tr=mà-huàng}}
- cross to bear:Noun:a problem, or unpleasant or painful situation or person
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|煩惱|tr=hoân-ló}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|麻煩|tr=mâ-hoân}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[心理]][[負擔]]|tr=sim-lí hū-tam}}
- cross-country skiing:Noun:winter sport
- *: badiot: {{t|lld|paslunch|f}}
- cross-country skiing:Noun:winter sport
- *: fascian: {{t|lld|paslonch|f}}
- cross-country skiing:Noun:winter sport
- *: gherdëina: {{t|lld|pudejé}}
- cross-cousin:Noun:relationship between two cousins or two groups of cousins whose parents are brother and sister, respectively
- *: [[haŋkáši]] ''(man's [my] female cross cousin)''
- cross-cousin:Noun:relationship between two cousins or two groups of cousins whose parents are brother and sister, respectively
- *: [[tȟaŋháŋši]] ''(man's [my] male cross cousin)''
- cross-cousin:Noun:relationship between two cousins or two groups of cousins whose parents are brother and sister, respectively
- *: [[čépȟaŋši]], [[sčépȟaŋši]] ''(woman's [my] female cross cousin)''
- cross-cousin:Noun:relationship between two cousins or two groups of cousins whose parents are brother and sister, respectively
- *: [[šič'éši]] ''(woman's [my] male cross cousin)''
- crossbowman:Noun:someone equipped with a crossbow
- * Old Portuguese: {{t|roa-opt|baesteiro}}
- crosswalk:Noun:place where pedestrians can cross a street
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|斑馬線|tr=pan-má-sòaⁿ, pan-bé-sòaⁿ}}, {{t|nan-hbl|過路線|tr=kòe-lō͘-sòaⁿ, kè-lō͘-sòaⁿ}}
- crow:Noun:any bird of the genus Corvus
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|烏鴉|tr=ŭ-ă}}, {{tt|cdo|老鴰|tr=lō̤-uă}}
- crow:Noun:any bird of the genus Corvus
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|烏鴉|tr=o͘-a}}
- crow:Noun:any bird of the genus Corvus
- * Kriol: {{tt|rop|kro}}, {{tt|rop|wakwak}}
- crow:Noun:any bird of the genus Corvus
- *: Highland Puebla: {{tt|azz|kakalot}}
- crow:Noun:any bird of the genus Corvus
- *: Morelos: {{tt|nhm|kakalotl}}
- crow:Noun:any bird of the genus Corvus
- *: Southern Sami: {{tt|sma|voerhtje}}
- crowberry:Noun:the species Empetrum nigrum
- * East Cree:
- crowberry:Noun:the species Empetrum nigrum
- *: Southern East Cree: {{t|crj|ᐊᔅᒌᒥᓈᓐᐦ}}
- crown:Noun:royal headdress
- *: Old Occitan: {{tt|pro|corona}}
- crown:Noun:royal headdress
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|تاج}}, {{tt|fa-ira|اَفْسَر}}
- crown:Noun:topmost part of the head
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|تارَک}}, {{tt|fa-ira|هَباک}}
- crucian carp:Noun:Carassius carassius
- * Mansi:
- crucian carp:Noun:Carassius carassius
- *: Northern Mansi: {{t|mns-nor|тӯрхул}}
- cruciate ligament:Noun:ligament
- *: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|korsbånd|n}}
- crustacean:Noun:arthropod of the subphylum Crustacea
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|甲殼類|tr=kah-khak-lūi}}
- cry:Verb:intransitive: to shed tears
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|啼嘛|tr=tiè-mà}}, {{tt|cdo|啼|tr=tiè}}
- cry:Verb:intransitive: to shed tears
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|吼|tr=háu}}, {{tt+|nan-hbl|哭|tr=khàu}}
- cry:Verb:intransitive: to shed tears
- *: Northern Min: {{tt|mnp|啼|tr=tî}}
- cry:Verb:intransitive: to shed tears
- * Lutuv: {{t|clt|caa}}
- cry:Verb:intransitive: to shed tears
- *: Kildin Sami: {{t|sjd|лӯҋҋкэ}}
- crypt:Noun:underground vault
- * Malay: {{t|ms|kripta}}
- crystal:Noun:array of atoms
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|結晶|tr=kiat-cheng}}
- crystal:Noun:array of atoms
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|بُلور}}
- crystal:Noun:mineral
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|بُلور}}
- crystal:Noun:glassware
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|کِریسْتال}}
- cuckold:Noun:man married to an unfaithful wife
- *: Abjad: {{t|az|پيصر|tr=peisar}}, {{t|az|قرمساق|tr=qurumsāq}}, {{t|az|دیوث|tr=dæyyūs}}
- cuckold:Noun:man married to an unfaithful wife
- *: Roman: {{t|az|peysər}}, {{t+|az|oğraş}}, {{t|az|qurumsaq}}, {{t|az|dəyyus}}
- cuckoo:Noun:the bird
- * Sami: [[giehka]]
- cuckoo:Verb:to make the call of a cuckoo
- *: Classical Mongolian: {{t|cmg|ᠱᠣᠭᠱᠤᠤᠷᠯᠠᠮᠦᠢ}}
- cucumber:Noun:plant
- *: Medieval Greek: {{t|grc|ἀγγουρέα|f}}
- cucumber:Noun:plant
- *: Isan: {{t|tts|บักแตง|tr=bak-dtɛɛng}}, {{t|tts|หมากแตง|tr=maak-dtɛɛng}}
- cucumber:Noun:plant
- *: Northern Thai: {{t|nod|บะแต๋ง|tr=ba-dtɛ̌ng}}
- cucumber:Noun:plant
- *: Southern Thai: {{t|sou|แตงเบา|tr=dtɛɛng-bao}}
- cucumber:Noun:edible fruit
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|黃瓜}}
- cucumber:Noun:edible fruit
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|刺瓜|tr=chhì-koe}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|黃瓜|tr=n̂g-koe}}
- cucumber:Noun:edible fruit
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|بَادْرَنْگ}}, {{t|prs|خِیَار}}
- cucumber:Noun:edible fruit
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|خِیار}}
- cucumber:Noun:edible fruit
- *: Isan: {{t|tts|บักแตง|tr=bak-dtɛɛng}}, {{t|tts|หมากแตง|tr=maak-dtɛɛng}}
- cucumber:Noun:edible fruit
- *: Northern Thai: {{t|nod|บะแต๋ง|tr=ba-dtɛ̌ng}}
- cucumber:Noun:edible fruit
- *: Southern Thai: {{t|sou|แตงเบา|tr=dtɛɛng-bao}}
- cufflink:Noun:button used to hold a sleeve cuff together
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|دُکْمِه}}
- cuisine:Noun:characteristic style of preparing food
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|料理|tr=liāu-lí}}
- cultural:Adjective:pertaining to culture
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|文化|tr=bûn-hòa}}
- culture:Noun:arts, customs and habits
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|文化}}
- culture:Noun:arts, customs and habits
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|文化|tr=bûn-hoà}}
- cumin:Noun:plant Cuminum cyminum
- *: Bohairic: {{t|cop|ⲑⲁⲡⲉⲛ}}
- cumin:Noun:plant Cuminum cyminum
- *: Sahidic: {{t|cop|ⲧⲁⲡⲉⲛ|}}, {{t|cop|ⲧⲁⲡⲛ}}
- cumin:Noun:its seed used as spice
- *: Christian Palestinian Aramaic: {{t|arc-cpa|ܟܡܘܢܐ|m}}
- cumin:Noun:its seed used as spice
- *: Jewish Literary Aramaic: {{t|arc-jla|כַּמּוּנָא|tr=kammūnāʾ|m}}
- cumin:Noun:its seed used as spice
- *: Jewish Palestinian Aramaic: {{t|jpa|כמונא|m}}
- cumin:Noun:its seed used as spice
- *: Bohairic: {{t|cop|ⲑⲁⲡⲉⲛ}}
- cumin:Noun:its seed used as spice
- *: Sahidic: {{t|cop|ⲧⲁⲡⲉⲛ|}}, {{t|cop|ⲧⲁⲡⲛ}}
- cuneiform:Noun:ancient writing system
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|teng-á-jī}}
- cunt:Noun:genitalia
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|膣屄|tr=chi-bai}}
- cunt:Noun:unpleasant or objectionable person
- * Seraiki: {{t|skr|chutha}}
- cup:Noun:drinking vessel
- *: Eastern: {{t|ale|chaaskax̂}}
- cup:Noun:drinking vessel
- *: Western: {{t|ale|chaasxix̂}}
- cup:Noun:drinking vessel
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|杯仔|tr=poe-á}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|甌仔|tr=au-á}}
- cupboard:Noun:enclosed storage
- *: Standard Cornish: {{t|kw|amary|m}}
- cupboard:Noun:enclosed storage
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|الماری|tr=almārī}}
- cupboard:Noun:enclosed storage
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|گنجه|tr=ganje}}, {{t+|fa-ira|قفسه|tr=qafase}}, {{t+|fa-ira|کابینت|tr=kâbinet}}, {{t+|fa-ira|اشکاف|tr=eškâf}}
- curry:Noun:dish
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|咖喱}} or {{t+|nan-hbl|咖哩|tr=ka-lí}}
- curry:Noun:sauce or relish
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|咖喱}} or {{t+|nan-hbl|咖哩|tr=ka-lí}}
- curry powder:Noun:mixture of spices
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|咖喱粉}} or {{t|nan-hbl|咖哩粉|tr=ka-lí-hún}}
- curtain:Noun:piece of cloth covering a window
- *: Lebanese Arabic: {{t|ajp|برداية|tr=birdēye}}
- curtain:Noun:piece of cloth covering a window
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|窗仔|tr=thang-á}}, {{t|nan-hbl|窗簾仔|tr=thang-lî-á}}, {{t|nan-hbl|窗仔簾|tr=thang-á-nî}}, {{t|nan-hbl|kha-tián}}
- cushion:Noun:soft material in cloth bag
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کوسَن}}, {{t|fa-ira|نازْبالِش}}, {{t|fa-ira|تَکْیِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|بالِش}}
- custody:Noun:legal right to take care of something or somebody
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|حِفَاظَت}}
- custody:Noun:legal right to take care of something or somebody
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|حِفاظَت}}
- customer:Noun:one who purchases or receives a product or service
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مُشْتَری}}
- customs:Noun:the duties or taxes imposed on imported or exported goods
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|گُمْرُک}}
- cut:Verb:to divide with a sharp instrument
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|kā}}
- cutchery:Noun:spice
- * Imdonesian: {{t|id|kentjoer}}
- cuttlefish bone:Noun:internal shell of a cuttlefish
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|墨賊船|tr=ba̍k-cha̍t-chûn, ba̍t-cha̍t-chûn}}
- cyberattack:Noun:attack over a computer network
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[網路]][[攻擊]]|tr=bāng-lō͘ kong-kek}}
- cycle rickshaw:Noun:cycle rickshaw
- * Chinese (Mandarin): {{t+|cmn|三輪車|sc=Hani}}, {{t+|cmn|三轮车|tr=sānlúnchē|sc=Hani}}
- cyclist:Noun:person who rides a cycle
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|دوچَرْخِهسَوار|tr=dočarxe-savâr}}
- cyclonic:Adjective:of, pertaining to, or resembling a cyclone
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|ciclônico}}
- cyclonic:Adjective:of, pertaining to, or resembling a cyclone
- *: European: {{t|pt|ciclónico}}
- cynicism:Noun:skeptical, scornful or pessimistic attitude
- *: Roma: {{t+|sh|cinìzam|m}}
- cypress spurge:Noun:Euphorbia cyparissias
- * Slovenian: {{t|sl|cipresasti mleček}}
- cypress spurge:Noun:Euphorbia cyparissias
- *: Taxonomic name: ''{{t|mul-tax|Euphorbia cyparissias}}''
- dad:Noun:informal: a father
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|pap}}, {{t|lou|papa}}, {{t|lou|papi}}, {{t|lou|popa}}
- dad:Noun:informal: a father
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|پِدَر}}, {{t+|fa-ira|بابا}}, {{t+|fa-ira|باب}} {{qualifier|archaic}}
- dad:Noun:familiar address of one's own father
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|pap}}, {{t|lou|papa}}, {{t|lou|papi}}, {{t|lou|popa}}
- daddy:Noun:father
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|阿爸|tr=a-pah}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|阿爹|tr=a-tia}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|老爸|tr=lāu-pē}}
- daddy:Noun:father
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|بَابَا}}, {{t|prs|آتَه}}/{{t|prs|آتَی}} {{q|Hazaragi}}
- daddy:Noun:father
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|بابا}}
- daikon:Noun:large white radish
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|菜頭|tr=chhài-thâu}}
- daily:Adverb:every day
- * Azeri: {{t|az|hər gün}}
- dam:Noun:structure placed across a flowing body of water
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|水壩|tr=chúi-pà}}
- damage:Noun:abstract measure of something not being intact; harm
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|損害|tr=sún-hāi}}, {{t|nan-hbl|敗害|tr=pāi-hāi}}
- damma:Noun:an Arabic diacritic denoting the vowel point "u" (ḍamma)
- *: Classical Persian: {{t+|fa-cls|پیش}}, {{t|fa-cls|ضَمَّه}}
- damma:Noun:an Arabic diacritic denoting the vowel point "u" (ḍamma)
- *: Dari: {{t+|prs|پیش}}, {{t|prs|ضَمَّه}}
- damma:Noun:an Arabic diacritic denoting the vowel point "u" (ḍamma)
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|پیش}}, {{t|fa-ira|ضَمِّه}}
- damselfly:Noun:insect
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|秤仔|tr=chhìn-á}}
- damson:Noun:fruit
- *: Low German: {{t|nds|Kreke|f}}
- damson:Noun:fruit
- *: Middle Low German: {{t|dum|kreke|f}}
- dance:Noun:movements to music
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|舞蹈|tr=bú-tō / bú-tō͘}}, {{tt+|nan-hbl|跳舞|tr=thiàu-bú}}
- dancer:Noun:person who dances
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|舞蹈家|tr=bú-tō-ka}}
- dandruff:Noun:skin flakes
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|白㾀|tr=băh-kē̤}}, {{t|cdo|㾀|tr=kē̤}}
- dandruff:Noun:skin flakes
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|頭麩|tr=thâu-pho͘}}; {{t+|nan-hbl|頭殼}} {{q|Leizhou}}
- dandruff:Noun:skin flakes
- *: Eastern: {{t|mhr|лыге}}
- dandruff:Noun:skin flakes
- *: Western: {{t|mrj|лӹгӹ}}
- dandruff:Noun:skin flakes
- * Saami:
- dandruff:Noun:skin flakes
- *: Inari: {{t|smn|konnâ}}
- dandruff:Noun:skin flakes
- *: Kildin: {{t|sjd|кэ̄нн}}
- dandruff:Noun:skin flakes
- *: Lule: {{t|smj|gadna}}
- dandruff:Noun:skin flakes
- *: Northern: {{t|se|gatna}}
- dandruff:Noun:skin flakes
- *: Pite: {{t|sje|gadna}}
- dandruff:Noun:skin flakes
- *: Skolt: {{t|sms|kõnn}}
- dandruff:Noun:skin flakes
- *: Southern: {{t|sma|gïtne}}
- dandruff:Noun:skin flakes
- *: Latin: {{t|tt|qawıq}}
- danger:Noun:exposure to likely harm
- *: Dari: {{t+|prs|خَطَر}}
- danger:Noun:exposure to likely harm
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|خَطَر}}
- dangerous:Adjective:full of danger
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|危險|tr=gûi-hiám / hûi-hiám / ûi-hiám}}
- danta:Noun:Nesogordonia papaverifera
- * Sefwi: {{t|sfw|danta}}
- dare:Verb:to have courage
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|káⁿ}}
- data:Noun:information
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|數據|tr=sò͘-kì, sò͘-kù}}, {{tt+|nan-hbl|資料|tr=chu-liāu}}
- data warehouse:Noun:collection of data
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اَنْبارِ دادِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|اَنْبارِ دادِهها}}
- database:Noun:collection of information
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|پایْگاهِ دادِهها}}, {{t|fa-ira|پایْگاهِدادِه|tr=pâygâh-e-dâde}}, {{t|fa-ira|بانْکِ اِطِّلاعات}}, {{t|fa-ira|بانْکِ دادِه}}
- date:Noun:fruit of the date palm
- *: Classical Mandaic: {{tt|myz|ࡕࡅࡌࡀࡓࡕࡀ}} {{qualifier|one}}, {{tt|myz|ࡕࡅࡌࡓࡉࡀ}} {{qualifier|multiple}}
- date:Noun:fruit of the date palm
- *: Jewish Literary Aramaic: {{tt|arc|תַּמְרָא|m|tr=tamrā}}, {{tt|arc|תּוּמְרָא|m|tr=tumrā}}
- date:Noun:fruit of the date palm
- *: Jewish Palestinian Aramaic: {{tt|arc|תמרתה|f}} {{qualifier|one}}, {{tt|arc|תומרתה|f}} {{qualifier|one}}, {{tt|arc|תמרה|m}} {{qualifier|multiple}}, {{tt|arc|תומרה|m}} {{qualifier|multiple}}
- date:Noun:fruit of the date palm
- *: Sahidic, Akhmimic, Lycopolitan: {{t|cop|ⲃⲛⲛⲉ|}}
- date:Noun:fruit of the date palm
- *: Bohairic: {{t|cop|ⲃⲉⲛⲓ}}
- date:Noun:fruit of the date palm
- *: Fayyumic: {{t|cop|ⲃⲏⲛⲓ}}, {{t|cop|ⲃⲏⲛⲛⲓ}}
- date:Noun:that which specifies the time of writing, inscription etc.
- *: Coptic: {{t|cop|ⲥⲟⲩ-}}
- date:Noun:that which specifies the time of writing, inscription etc.
- *: Classical Persian: {{tt|fa-cls|تَارِیخ}}
- date:Noun:that which specifies the time of writing, inscription etc.
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|تاریخ}}
- date:Noun:point of time at which a transaction or event takes place
- *: Classical Persian: {{tt|fa-cls|تَارِیخ}}
- date:Noun:point of time at which a transaction or event takes place
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|تاریخ}}
- date:Noun:pre-arranged social meeting
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|قَرار}}
- date:Noun:meeting with a lover or potential lover; a person so met
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|قَرار}}
- date palm:Noun:Phoenix dactylifera
- *: Jewish Literary Aramaic: {{t|arc|תַּמְרָא|m|tr=tamrā}}, {{t|arc|תּוּמְרָא|m|tr=tumrā}}
- date palm:Noun:Phoenix dactylifera
- *: Jewish Palestinian Aramaic: {{t|arc|תמרתה|f}} {{qualifier|one}}, {{t|arc|תומרתה|f}} {{qualifier|one}}, {{t|arc|תמרה|m}} {{qualifier|multiple}}, {{t|arc|תומרה|m}} {{qualifier|multiple}}
- daughter:Noun:female offspring
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|諸娘囝}}
- daughter:Noun:female offspring
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|查某囝|tr=cha-bó͘-kiáⁿ}}
- daughter:Noun:female offspring
- *: Primitive Irish: {{tt|pgl|ᚔᚅᚔᚌᚓᚅᚐ|f}}
- daughter:Noun:female offspring
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{tt|lou|fiy}}
- daughter:Noun:female offspring
- *: Föhr-Amrum & Mooring: {{tt|frr|doochter|f}}
- daughter:Noun:female offspring
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|دُخْتَر}}, {{tt|prs|فَرْزَنْد}}
- daughter:Noun:female offspring
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|دُخْتَر}}, {{tt|fa-ira|فَرْزَنْد}}
- daughter:Noun:female offspring
- *: Vlax Romani: {{tt|rmy|ćhej|f}}
- daughter-in-law:Noun:wife of one's child
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|新婦|tr=sin-pū, sin-pǔ, sim-pū}}, {{t|nan-hbl|囝新婦|tr=kiáⁿ-sin-pū, káⁿ-sin-pǔ, kiáⁿ-sim-pū}}
- daughter-in-law:Noun:wife of one's child
- * Old Assamese: {{t|inc-oas|বহাৰী}}
- dauntless:Adjective:invulnerable to fear or intimidation
- * Mansi:
- dauntless:Adjective:invulnerable to fear or intimidation
- *: Northern Mansi: {{t|mns-nor|рохтуптаӈкве ве̄румта̄л}}, {{t|mns-nor|пилта̄л}}
- dawdle:Verb:to spend time idly and unfruitfully
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|挨絲撓倚|tr=oe-si-lǎ-óa}} {{qualifier|Quanzhou}}
- day after tomorrow:Adverb:on the day after tomorrow; in two days
- *: Anbarani: {{t|tly|پاشا|tr=pâšâ}}
- day after tomorrow:Noun:day after tomorrow
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|後日|tr=āu-ji̍t, āu-li̍t}}, {{t|nan-hbl|明落後日|tr=mê-lo̍h-āu-ji̍t}} {{qualifier|Magong}}
- dead cat bounce:Noun:temporary recovery in the price of an instrument
- *: German: {{t|de|Dead-Cat-Bounce|m}}
- deadly:Adjective:excellent, awesome, cool
- * Kriol: {{t|rop|dedli}}, {{t|rop|dedliwan}}
- deaf:Adjective:unable to hear
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|耳聾|tr=hīⁿ-lâng}}
- dear:Adjective:an ironic way to start (often after my) addressing an inferior
- *: {{qualifier|Mexico}} {{t+|es|cuate|m}}, {{t+|es|compadre|m}}, {{qualifier|colloquial}} {{t|es|[[compa]] [[mío]]|m}}, {{t|es|[[maestro]] [[mío]]|m}}
- dear:Adjective:an ironic way to start (often after my) addressing an inferior
- *: {{qualifier|Spain}} {{t+|es|majo|m}}, {{t+|es|guapo|m}}
- death:Noun:cessation of life
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|死亡|tr=sí-bông}}
- death:Noun:cessation of life
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|مَوْت}}, {{t|prs|مَرْگ}}, {{t|prs|وَفَات}}, {{t|prs|دَرْگُذَشْت}}, {{t|prs|اَجَل}} {{qualifier|poetic}}
- death:Noun:cessation of life
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|مُوْت}}, {{tt|fa-ira|مَرْگ}}, {{tt|fa-ira|وَفات}}, {{tt|fa-ira|دَرْگُذَشْت}}, {{t|fa-ira|اَجَل}} {{qualifier|poetic}}
- death camp:Noun:facility
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اُرْدوگاهِ مَرْگ}}
- death penalty:Noun:state punishment of death
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|اِعْدَام}}
- death penalty:Noun:state punishment of death
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اِعْدام}}, {{t|fa-ira|مُجازاتِ اِعْدام}}
- debate:Noun:argument, or discussion, usually in an ordered or formal setting
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مُناظِرِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|مُناظَرِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|مُباحِثِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|بَحْث}}
- debate:Noun:informal and spirited but generally civil discussion of opposing views
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|بَحْث|tr=bahs}}
- debate:Noun:discussion of opposing views
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|بَحْث|tr=bahs}}
- debate:Noun:type of literary composition
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مُناظِرِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|مُناظَرِه}}
- debt:Noun:action, state of mind, or object one has an obligation to perform for another
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|بِدِهی}}
- debt:Noun:money that one person or entity owes or is required to pay to another
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|بِدِهی}}, {{t+|fa-ira|قَرْض}}, {{t+|fa-ira|دِیْن}}
- debt:Noun:
- *: Roman: {{t+check|sh|dug|m}}
- decagon:Noun:polygon with ten sides
- *: East Frisian: {{t+|nds|tainkâant|m}}
- decalitre:Noun:ten liters
- *: Cyrillic: {{t|kk|декалитр}}
- decimetre:Noun:one-tenth of a metre
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|分米|tr=hun-bí}}, {{t|nan-hbl|公寸|tr=kong-chhùn}}
- decision:Noun:choice or judgement
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|تَصْمِیم}}, {{t|prs|قَرَار}}
- decision:Noun:choice or judgement
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|تَصْمیم}}, {{t|fa-ira|قَرار}}
- deck:Noun:pack of playing cards
- *: Modern: {{t+|tr|deste}}
- deck:Noun:pack of playing cards
- *: Ottoman: {{t|ota|دسته|tr=deste}}
- declare:Verb:to make a declaration
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|宣布|tr=soan-pò͘}}
- deer:Noun:animal of the family Cervidae
- *: Highland Puebla: {{t|azz|masat}}
- defeat:Noun:the act of being defeated, of losing
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|شِکَسْت}}, {{t|prs|بَاخْت}}
- defeat:Noun:the act of being defeated, of losing
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|شِکَسْت}}, {{t|fa-ira|باخْت}}
- defecate:Verb:expel feces from one's bowels
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|放屎|tr=[[pàng-sái]]}}
- defect:Verb:to desert; to flee combat
- * Jpanese: {{t+|ja|脱走|alt=脱走する|tr=dassō suru}}
- defender:Noun:someone who defends
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|حامی}}, {{t|fa-ira|پَدافَنْدْگَر}}, {{t|fa-ira|مُحافِظ}}, {{t|fa-ira|مُدافِع}}
- defense:Noun:action of protecting from attack
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|防禦|tr=hông-gū}}
- defense:Noun:action of protecting from attack
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|دِفاع}}, {{t|fa-ira|پَدافَنْد}}, {{t|fa-ira|حِمایَت}}, {{t|fa-ira|مُحافَظَت}}, {{t|fa-ira|مُدافِعِه}}
- definition:Noun:statement of the meaning of a word or word group or a sign or symbol
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|定義}}
- definition:Noun:statement of the meaning of a word or word group or a sign or symbol
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|定義|tr=tēng-gī}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|釋義|tr=sek-gī}}
- definition:Noun:statement of the meaning of a word or word group or a sign or symbol
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|تَعْرِیف}}
- definition:Noun:statement of the meaning of a word or word group or a sign or symbol
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|تَعْریف}}
- degree:Noun:academic award
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|學位|tr=hŏk-ôi}}
- degree:Noun:academic award
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|學位|tr=ha̍k-ūi}}
- degree:Noun:geometry: unit of measurement of angle
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|度|tr=tō͘}}
- degree:Noun:unit of measurement of temperature
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|度|tr=tō͘}}
- degree:Noun:stage or rank of privilege
- * Finish: {{t+|fi|asema}}
- deism:Noun:belief
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|自然神論|tr=chū-jiân-sîn-lūn, chū-liân-sîn-lūn}}, {{t|nan-hbl|理神論|tr=lí-sîn-lūn}}
- deliberate:Adjective:intentional
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|刁工|tr=thiau-kang}}
- deliberately:Adverb:intentionally
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|刁工|tr=thiau-kang}}
- delicious:Adjective:pleasing to taste
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|好食|tr=hó-chia̍h}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|美味|tr=bí-bī}}
- demerit:Noun:mark for bad conduct
- * Chinese (Simplified): [[记过]] (jìguò)
- demon:Noun:evil spirit
- * Old Portuguese: {{t|roa-opt|demo}}, {{t|roa-opt|demonio}}, {{t|roa-opt|diaboo}}, {{t|roa-opt|diablo}}, {{t|roa-opt|diabre}}
- demon:Noun:evil spirit
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|demônio|m}}
- demon:Noun:evil spirit
- *: European: {{t+|pt|demónio|m}}
- demon:Noun:false god, Satanic divinity
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|demônio|m}}
- demon:Noun:false god, Satanic divinity
- *: European: {{t+|pt|demónio|m}}
- demonstration:Noun:act
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|نَمایِش}}
- demonstration:Noun:public display of group opinion
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|تَظاهَرات}}, {{t|fa-ira|راهْپِیْمایی}}
- dengue fever:Noun:disease
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|天狗熱|tr=thian-káu-jia̍t}}
- dental floss:Noun:cord of thin filaments used to clean the gaps between the teeth
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|齒線|tr=khí-soàⁿ}}
- department:Noun:part, portion, subdivision
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|قِسْمَت}}
- department:Noun:part, portion, subdivision
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|قِسْمَت}}
- department:Noun:subdivision of organization
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|بَخْش}}, {{t|prs|شُعْبَه}}
- department:Noun:subdivision of organization
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|بَخْش}}, {{t|fa-ira|شُعْبِه}}
- department store:Noun:store containing many departments
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|百貨公司|tr=pah-hòe kong-si}}
- department store:Noun:store containing many departments
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|فُروشْگاهِ بُزُرْگ}}
- deplete:Verb:empty or unload
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|弄空|tr=làng-khang}}
- deprive:Verb:take something away; deny someone of something
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|褫奪|tr=thí-toa̍t}}
- deputy:Noun:representative
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|جانِشین}}, {{t|fa-ira|مُعاوِن}}, {{t|fa-ira|نایِب}}
- deputy first minister:Noun:co-leader of the Northern Ireland Executive
- * Ulster Scots: {{t|sco|First Meinister depute}}
- deradicalize:Verb:normalize politically, divest of radicalism
- * Italina: {{t|it|deradicalizzare}}
- dermatitis:Noun:inflammation of the skin
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|爛癬|tr=nōa-sián}}
- descendant:Noun:one who is the progeny of someone
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|後裔|tr=hō͘-è}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|囝孫|tr=kiáⁿ-sun}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|後嗣|tr=hiō-sū, hiō-sû, hō͘-sû, āu-sû}}, {{t|nan-hbl|裔孫|tr=è-sun}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|後代|tr=āu-tāi, hiō-tāi}}
- desert:Noun:barren area
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|沙漠|tr=să-mŏk}}
- desert:Noun:barren area
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|沙漠|tr=soa-bô͘, soa-bo̍k, see-bô͘, sa-bo̍k, sa-bô͘}}
- desert:Noun:barren area
- *: Bavarian: {{tt|bar|Wiastn|f}}
- desert:Noun:barren area
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|بِیَابَان}}, {{tt|prs|صَحْرَا}}
- desert:Noun:barren area
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|بِیابان}}, {{tt|fa-ira|صَحْرا}}
- desist:Verb:to cease to proceed or act
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|停止|tr=thêng-chí}}
- desk:Noun:table for writing and reading
- *: Dari: {{t+|prs|میز}}, {{t|prs|میزِ تَحْرِیر}}
- desk:Noun:table for writing and reading
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|میز}}, {{t|fa-ira|میزِ تَحْریر}}
- despair:Noun:loss of hope
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|نُوْمیدی}}, {{t|fa-ira|نااُمیدی}}, {{t|fa-ira|نااُمّیدی}}, {{t|fa-ira|یَأْس}}, {{t+|fa-ira|یاس}}, {{t|fa-ira|مایوسی|tr=mâyusi}}
- destroyer:Noun:type of warship
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|驅逐艦|tr=khu-tio̍k-lām}}
- detective:Noun:police officer who looks for evidence
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کارْآگاه}}
- device:Noun:piece of equipment
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اَفْزارِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|اَبْزارَک}}, {{t|fa-ira|دَسْتْگاه}}, {{t|fa-ira|آلَت}}
- devil:Noun:evil creature
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|惡魔|tr=ok-mô͘}}, {{tt+|nan-hbl|魔鬼|tr=mô͘-kúi}}
- devil:Noun:evil creature
- *: Classical Persian: {{tt+|fa-cls|دیو|tr=dēw}}, {{tt|fa-cls|اِبْلِیس}}, {{tt|fa-cls|شَیْطَان}}
- devil:Noun:evil creature
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|دیو|tr=div}}, {{tt|fa-ira|اِبْلیس}}, {{tt|fa-ira|شِیْطان}}
- devil:Proper noun:the devil: the chief devil
- *: Classical Persian: {{tt|fa-cls|اَهْریمَن}}, {{t|fa-cls|شَیْطَان}}
- devil:Proper noun:the devil: the chief devil
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|اَهْریمَن}}, {{t|fa-ira|شِیْطان}}
- devil's backbone:Noun:Euphorbia tithymaloides
- *: Taxonomic name: ''{{t|mul-tax|Euphorbia tithymaloides}}'', ''{{t|mul-tax|Pedilanthus tithymaloides}}''
- devolution:Noun:a degeneration
- *: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|nedgang|m}}
- dew:Noun:moisture in the air that settles on plants, etc
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|larozé}}, {{t|lou|séren}}
- dharma:Noun:principle that orders the universe
- * Sauraseni Prakrit: {{t|pra-sau|𑀥𑀫𑁆𑀫}}
- diagnosis:Noun:identification of the nature and cause of an illness
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|تَشْخِیص}}
- diagnosis:Noun:identification of the nature and cause of an illness
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|تَشْخیص}}
- diagonal:Adjective:geometry: joining two nonadjacent vertices
- *: Classical Greek: {{t|grc|διαγώνιος}}
- dialect:Noun:particular variety of a language
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|方言}}
- dialect:Noun:particular variety of a language
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|方言|tr=hong-giân}}, {{t|nan-hbl|土話|tr=thó͘-ōe}} {{qualifier|local dialect}}
- dialect:Noun:particular variety of a language
- *: Luxembourgish: {{t|lb|Mondaart}}
- dialect:Noun:particular variety of a language
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|لَهْجَه}}, {{t|fa-cls|گویِش}}
- dialect:Noun:particular variety of a language
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|لَهْجَه}}, {{t|prs|گویِش}}
- dialect:Noun:particular variety of a language
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|لَهْجِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|گویِش}}
- dialogue:Noun:conversation or other discourse between individuals
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|گُفْتُگو}}, {{t|fa-ira|گُفْتِگو}}, {{t|fa-ira|گُفْتْگو}}, {{t|fa-ira|گُفْتُگویْ}}, {{t|fa-ira|گُفْتِگویْ}}, {{t|fa-ira|گُفْتْگویْ}}, {{t|fa-ira|صُحْبَت}}, {{t|fa-ira|بَحْث}}, {{t|fa-ira|مُکالِمِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|مُحادِثِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|مُذاکِرِه}}
- diamond:Noun:uncountable: mineral
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|金剛石|tr=kim-kong-chio̍h}}
- diamond:Noun:gemstone
- *: Arbëresh: {{tt|sq|padamar}}
- diamond:Noun:gemstone
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|璇石|tr=soān-chio̍h}}
- diarrhea:Noun:medical condition
- * Nama: {{t|naq|ǃnāb}}, {{t|naq|xausenǃnāb}}
- diarrhea:Noun:medical condition
- * Silian: {{t|scn|cacareḍḍu|m}}, {{t+|scn|diarrìa|f}}, {{t|scn|sciota|f}}
- diary:Noun:daily log of experiences
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|日記|tr=li̍t-kì / ji̍t-kì}}
- diary:Noun:daily log of experiences
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|کِتَابْچَهٔ خَاطِرَات}}, {{t|prs|روزْنَامَه}}
- diary:Noun:daily log of experiences
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|دَفْتَرِ خاطِرات}}, {{t|fa-ira|دَفْتَرِ خاطِراتِ روزانِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|روزْنامِه}}
- dick:Noun:penis
- *: Hadrami Arabic: {{t|ayn|زب|m|tr=zub}}
- dick:Noun:penis
- *: Libyan Arabic: {{t|ayl|زب|m|tr=zeb}}
- dick:Noun:penis
- *: Najdi Arabic: {{t|ars|زب|m|tr=zubb, zibb, zebb}}
- dick:Noun:penis
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|𡳞鳥|tr=lān-chiáu}}
- dick:Noun:penis
- *: Cypriot: {{t|grc|βίλλος|m}}
- dick:Noun:penis
- * Ventian: {{t|vec|caso}}
- dictator:Noun:totalitarian leader of a dictatorship
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|دیکْتاتور|tr=diktâtor}}
- dictatorship:Noun:a government led by a dictator
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|دیکْتاتوری|tr=diktâtori}}
- dictionary:Noun:publication that explains the meanings of an ordered list of words
- *: Juba Arabic: {{tt|pga|kamuus}}
- dictionary:Noun:publication that explains the meanings of an ordered list of words
- *: Arabic: {{tt|az|سوزلک}}, {{tt|az|لوغت}}
- dictionary:Noun:publication that explains the meanings of an ordered list of words
- * Cham:
- dictionary:Noun:publication that explains the meanings of an ordered list of words
- *: Eastern Cham: {{tt|cjm|ꨁꨗꨤꩃ}}, {{tt|cjm|inalang}}
- dictionary:Noun:publication that explains the meanings of an ordered list of words
- *: Western Cham: {{tt|cja|اينآلآڠ}}
- dictionary:Noun:publication that explains the meanings of an ordered list of words
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|字典|tr=lī-tián / jī-tián}}, {{tt|nan-hbl|詞典|tr=sû-tián}}, {{tt|nan-hbl|辭林|tr=sû-lîm}}
- dictionary:Noun:publication that explains the meanings of an ordered list of words
- * Frisian:
- dictionary:Noun:publication that explains the meanings of an ordered list of words
- *: North: {{tt|frr|wurdenbuk}}
- dictionary:Noun:publication that explains the meanings of an ordered list of words
- *: Saterland: {{tt|stq|Woudebouk|n}}
- dictionary:Noun:publication that explains the meanings of an ordered list of words
- *: West: {{tt+|fy|wurdboek|n}}
- dictionary:Noun:publication that explains the meanings of an ordered list of words
- *: Roman: {{tt|ff|saggitorde}}
- dictionary:Noun:publication that explains the meanings of an ordered list of words
- *: Carakan: {{tt|jv|ꦧꦲꦸꦱꦱ꧀ꦠꦿ}}
- dictionary:Noun:publication that explains the meanings of an ordered list of words
- *: Rumi: {{tt|jv|bausastra}}
- dictionary:Noun:publication that explains the meanings of an ordered list of words
- *: Dutch Low German: {{tt|nds-nl|woordenboek}}
- dictionary:Noun:publication that explains the meanings of an ordered list of words
- * Nenets:
- dictionary:Noun:publication that explains the meanings of an ordered list of words
- *: Tundra Nenets: {{tt|yrk|словарь}}
- dictionary:Noun:publication that explains the meanings of an ordered list of words
- *: Newa: {{tt|new|𑐏𑑃𑐐𑑂𑐰𑑅𑐳𑐦𑐹}}
- dictionary:Noun:publication that explains the meanings of an ordered list of words
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|لُغَتنَامَه}}, {{tt|prs|فَرْهَنْگ}}, {{tt|prs|وَاژَهنَامَه}}, {{tt|prs|لُغَت}}, {{tt|prs|قَامُوس}}
- dictionary:Noun:publication that explains the meanings of an ordered list of words
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|لُغَتنامِه}}, {{tt|fa-ira|فَرْهَنْگ}}, {{tt|fa-ira|واژِهنامِه}}, {{tt|fa-ira|لُغَت}}, {{tt+|fa-ira|قاموس}}, {{t+|fa-ira|فرهنگنامه|tr=farhangnâme}}, {{t|fa-ira|کتاب لغت|tr=ketâb-e loğat}}
- dictionary:Noun:publication that explains the meanings of an ordered list of words
- *: Balkan: {{tt|rmn|avazari|m}} {{q|Bugurdži}}, {{tt|rmn|dikcionari|m}} {{q|Ursari}}, {{tt|rmn|lavustik|f}} {{q|Arli}}
- dictionary:Noun:publication that explains the meanings of an ordered list of words
- *: Baltic: {{tt|rml|lavengiiri lilvari}} {{q|Latvian}}, {{tt|rml|lavengiiro lil}} {{q|Latvian}}, {{tt|rml|slovaŕo|m}} {{q|North Russian}}, {{tt|rml|lavēngiro lyl}} {{q|Litovska}}
- dictionary:Noun:publication that explains the meanings of an ordered list of words
- *: Carpathian: {{tt|rmc|alavengeri kenva}}, {{tt|rmc|alavni keňva}} {{q|East Slovak}}
- dictionary:Noun:publication that explains the meanings of an ordered list of words
- *: Kalo Finnish: {{tt|rmf|laavesko liin}}
- dictionary:Noun:publication that explains the meanings of an ordered list of words
- *: Sinte: {{tt|rmo|rakêrpaskêro lil}}
- dictionary:Noun:publication that explains the meanings of an ordered list of words
- *: Vlax: {{tt|rmy|alavari}}, {{tt|rmy|alavar|m}} {{q|Lovari}}, {{tt|rmy|dikcjonari|m}} {{q|Kalderash}}, {{tt|rmy|rečniko|m}} {{q|Gurbet, Kalderash}}
- dictionary:Noun:publication that explains the meanings of an ordered list of words
- *: Welsh: {{tt|rmw|lavengo lil}}
- dictionary:Noun:publication that explains the meanings of an ordered list of words
- *: Lule: {{tt|smj|báhkogirjje}}
- dictionary:Noun:publication that explains the meanings of an ordered list of words
- *: Devanagari: {{tt|sd|लुग़ति|tr=luġati}}, {{tt|sd|कोश|tr=koś}}
- dictionary:Noun:publication that explains the meanings of an ordered list of words
- *: Tifinagh: {{tt|shi|ⴰⵎⴰⵡⴰⵍ}}
- didactics:Noun:art and science of teaching
- * Greek, Modern: {{t+|el|διδακτική|f}}
- different:Adjective:not the same
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|無仝款|tr=bô-kāng-khoán, bô-kâng-khoán}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|無仝|tr=bô-kāng, bô-kâng}}
- difficult:Adjective:hard, not easy
- *: Bikol Legazpi: {{t+|bcl|dipisil}}
- difficult:Adjective:hard, not easy
- *: Bikol Naga: {{t|bcl|masakit}}
- digestive system:Noun:system of organs
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|消化系統|tr=[[siau-hòa hē-thóng]]}}
- dilapidation:Noun:
- *: Simplified: {{t+check|cmn|破坏|sc=Hans|tr=popi}}
- dilapidation:Noun:
- *: Traditional: {{t+check|cmn|破壞|sc=Hant|tr=popi}}
- dildo:Noun:artificial phallus
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|角車|tr=kakchhia}}, {{t|nan-hbl|假膦鳥|tr=kélānchiáu}}
- diligent:Adjective:hard-working and focused
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|ساعی}}, {{t+|fa-ira|کوشا}}, {{t+|fa-ira|پُرْکار}}
- dim sum:Noun:dim sum
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|點心|tr=tiám-sim}}
- dimple:Noun:skin depression, especially at corners of the mouth
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|酒窟仔|tr=chiú-khut-á}}
- dingo:Noun:wild dog native to Australia
- * Kriol: {{t|rop|dinggo}}
- dining car:Noun:restaurant carriage
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|واگُنِ غَذاخوری|tr=vâgon-e ğazâxori}}
- dinner:Noun:evening meal
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|شام}}
- dip:Verb:to lower into a liquid
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|搵}}
- dip:Verb:to lower into a liquid
- *: Teochew: {{t|nan-tws|搵}}
- direction:Noun:indication of the point toward which an object is moving
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|方向|tr=hong-hiòng / hong-hiàng}}
- director:Noun:supervisor, manager
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کارْگَرْدان}}, {{t|fa-ira|مُدیر}}
- dirt:Noun:soil or earth
- *: Sorani: {{t|ckb|خۆڵ}}, {{t+|ckb|خاک}}
- dirty:Adjective:covered with or containing dirt
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|垃渣|tr=lă-că}}
- dirty:Adjective:covered with or containing dirt
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|癩𰣻|tr=thái-ko}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|垃圾|tr=lah-sap}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|腌臢|tr=a-tsa}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|垃儳|tr=lâ-sâm}}
- dirty:Adjective:covered with or containing dirt
- *: Inuttut: {{t|iu|ainnik}}, {{t|iu|ippak}}, {{t|iu|itjunak}}, {{t|iu|salumaittuk}}
- disaccharide:Noun:a sugar consisting of two monosaccharides
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|雙醣}} or {{t|nan-hbl|雙糖|tr=siang-thn̂g}}
- disadvantageous:Adjective:not advantageous
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|tr=put-lī}}
- discount:Noun:reduction in price
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|تَخْفیف}}
- discovery:Noun:something discovered
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|کَشْف}}, {{t+|fa-ira|اِکْتِشاف}}, {{t+|fa-ira|یافْتِه}}
- discovery:Noun:the discovering of new things
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|کَشْف}}, {{t+|fa-ira|اِکْتِشاف}}
- discrimination:Noun:distinct treatment of an individual or group to their disadvantage
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|歧視|tr=kî-sī / khî-sī}}
- discussion:Noun:conversation or debate
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|بَحْث}}, {{t|fa-ira|گُفْتُگو}}, {{t|fa-ira|گُفْتِگو}}, {{t|fa-ira|گُفْتْگو}}, {{t|fa-ira|گُفْتُگویْ}}, {{t|fa-ira|گُفْتِگویْ}}, {{t|fa-ira|گُفْتْگویْ}}, {{t|fa-ira|مُباحَثِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|مُذاکِرِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|مُناظِرِه}}
- disease:Noun:an abnormal condition of the body causing discomfort or dysfunction
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|病|tr=bâng}}
- disease:Noun:an abnormal condition of the body causing discomfort or dysfunction
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|病|tr=pīⁿ, pēⁿ, pǐⁿ, pēng}}
- disease:Noun:an abnormal condition of the body causing discomfort or dysfunction
- *: Ionic: {{t|grc|νοῦσος|f}}
- disease:Noun:an abnormal condition of the body causing discomfort or dysfunction
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|بیماری}}, {{t+|fa-ira|ناخوشی|tr=nâxoši}}, {{t|fa-ira|مَرَض}}
- disgrace:Noun:condition of being out of favor
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|فَضاحَت}}, {{t+|fa-ira|رُسْوایی}}, {{t+|fa-ira|بَدْنامی}}
- disgusting:Adjective:repulsive, distasteful
- *: Doric: {{t|grc|βδελυχρός}}
- dish:Noun:vessel for holding/serving food
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|碟碟}}
- dish:Noun:vessel for holding/serving food
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|碟仔|tr=ti̍h-á}}
- dish:Noun:vessel for holding/serving food
- *: Northern Min: {{t|mnp|碟仔}}
- dish:Noun:vessel for holding/serving food
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|بُشْقاب}}, {{t+|fa-ira|دیس}}, {{t|fa-ira|طَبَق}}, {{t+|fa-ira|قاب}}
- dish:Noun:specific type of food
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|غَذا}}, {{t|fa-ira|طَعام}}, {{t+|fa-ira|خوراک|tr=xorâk}}
- dish:Noun:type of antenna
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|دیش}}
- dishwasher:Noun:machine
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|ماشینِ ظَرْفشویی}}
- distaff:Noun:device to which fibres are attached for temporary storage
- *: Jewish: {{t|arc||alt=*עַרְנָסָא|tr=*ʿarnāsā|m}}, {{t|arc|ארנס|tr=ʾarnās|m}}
- distance:Noun:(countable, uncountable) amount of space between points
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|دُورِی}}, {{t|prs|فَاصِلَه}}, {{t|prs|فَاصْلَه}}, {{t|prs|مَسَافَت}}
- distance:Noun:(countable, uncountable) amount of space between points
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|دوری}}, {{t|fa-ira|فَاصِلِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|مَسافَت}}
- district:Noun:administrative division
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|ناحِیِه}}, {{t+|fa-ira|بَخْش}}
- district:Noun:area or region
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|مَنْطَقِه}}, {{t+|fa-ira|ناحِیِه}}
- diuresis:Noun:excessive production of urine
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|利尿|tr=lī-jiō}}
- diuretic:Adjective:increasing urination
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|利尿|tr=lī-jiō, lī-liō}}
- divestment:Noun:sale of some kind of asset
- *: Katharevousa: {{t|grc|ἐκποίησις|f}}, {{t|grc|ἀποεπένδυσις|f}}
- divorce:Noun:legal dissolution of a marriage
- *: Dari: {{t+|prs|طَلَاق}}
- divorce:Noun:legal dissolution of a marriage
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|طَلاق}}
- divorce:Verb:end one's own marriage
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|طَلاق دادَن}}, {{t+|fa-ira|طَلاق گِرِفْتَن}}
- do I know you:Phrase:do I know you?
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[我]][[捌]][[汝]][[無]]?|tr=góa pat lí bô? / góa pat lír bô? / óa pat lú bô?}}
- do not disturb:Phrase:do not disturb
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[毋通]][[吵]]|tr=m̄-thang chhá}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[莫]][[吵]]|tr=mài chhá}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[甭]][[吵]]|tr=mang chhá}}
- do not enter:Phrase:
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[毋通]][[入去]]|tr=m̄-thang li̍p-khì / m̄-thang ji̍p-khì / m̄-thang li̍p-khìr / m̄-thang lia̍k-khì}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[毋通]][[入來]]|tr=m̄-thang li̍p-lâi / m̄-thang ji̍p-lâi / m̄-thang lia̍k-lâi}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[莫]][[入去]]|tr=mài li̍p-khì / mài ji̍p-khì / mài li̍p-khù}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[莫]][[入來]]|tr=mài ji̍p-lâi / mài li̍p-lâi}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[甭]][[入去]]|tr=mang li̍p-khì / mang li̍p-khìr / mang ji̍p-khì / mang lia̍k-khì}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[甭]][[入來]]|tr=mang li̍p-lâi / mang ji̍p-lâi / mang lia̍k-lâi}}
- do you accept credit cards:Phrase:do you accept credit cards?
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|آیا کارْتهایِ اِعْتِباری میپَذیرید؟}}
- do you believe in God:Phrase:do you believe in God?
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[汝]][[相信]][[上帝]][[無]]?|tr=lí siong-sìn Siōng-tè bô?}}
- do you come here often:Phrase:do you come here often?
- *: Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|تسیں ایتھے آؤندے رہیندے ہو؟|tr=tusī̃ aithē ā'ōndē rɛhndē hō?}} {{qualifier|formally}}
- do you know:Phrase:do you know? (of knowledge)
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[汝]][[知]][[無]]?|tr=lí chai bô? / lír chai bô? / lú chai bô?}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[汝]][[知影]][[無]]?|tr=lí chai-iáⁿ bô? / lír chai-iáⁿ bô? / lú chai-iáⁿ bô?}}
- do you know:Phrase:do you know? (of acquaintance)
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[汝]][[捌]][[無]]?|tr=lí pat bô? / lír pat bô? / lú pat bô?}}
- do you speak English:Phrase:do you speak English? (English specifically)
- *: Gheg: {{t|sq|a flêt ãnglisht?}} {{qualifier|familiar}}, {{t|sq|a flêtni ãnglisht?}} {{qualifier|polite}}
- do you speak English:Phrase:do you speak English? (English specifically)
- *: Tosk: {{t|sq|a flet anglisht?}} {{qualifier|familiar}}, {{t|sq|a flisni anglisht?}} {{qualifier|polite}}
- do you speak English:Phrase:do you speak English? (English specifically)
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اِنْگْلیسی بَلَدید؟}}, {{t|fa-ira|شُما اِنْگْلیسی بَلَدید؟}}, {{t|fa-ira|شُما اِنْگْلیسی حَرْف میزَنید؟}}
- do you speak English:Phrase:do you speak...? (fill with the name of the current foreign language)
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|فارْسی بَلَدید؟}}, {{t|fa-ira|شُما فارْسی بَلَدید؟}}, {{t|fa-ira|شُما فارْسی حَرْف میزَنید؟}}
- do you think you can walk:Phrase:do you think you can walk?
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[汝]][[會]][[行]][[𣍐]]?|tr=lí ē kiâⁿ--bōe? / lír ě kiâⁿ--bǒe? / lí ě kiâⁿ--bǒe? / lí ē kiâⁿ--bē? / lú ē kiâⁿ--bē? / lú ē kiâⁿ--bōe?}}
- do you think you can walk:Phrase:do you think you can walk?
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|توانوں لگدا اے میں چل سکاں گی؟|tr=tuwānũ lagdā ay mẽ chal sakã gi?}}
- doctor:Noun:person who has attained a doctorate
- *: Central Kurdish: {{t|ckb|دکتۆر}}
- doctrine:Noun:belief
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|دُکْتُرین}}
- doctrine:Noun:body of beliefs or teachings
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|تَعْلیم}}, {{t|fa-ira|دُکْتُرین}}
- document:Noun:original or official paper
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|سَنَد}}, {{t|fa-ira|مَدْرَک}}, {{t|fa-ira|حُجَّت}}
- dodder:Noun:parasitic plant (of about 100-170 species) of the genus Cuscuta
- *: Classical Latin: {{t|la|cassytas|f}}, {{t|la|cassythas|f}}, {{t|la|cadytas|f}} {{q|from a single locus in Plinius, insecure}}
- dodder:Noun:parasitic plant (of about 100-170 species) of the genus Cuscuta
- *: Medieval Latin: {{t|la|cuscūta|f}}, {{t|la|cuscūtha|f}} {{q|spread from Avicenna translations}}
- dodecagon:Noun:geometry
- *: East Frisian: {{t+|nds|twalfkâant|m}}
- does anyone here speak English:Phrase:does anyone here speak English?
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[遮]][[有人]][[會曉]][[講]][[英文]][[無]]?|tr=chiâ ū-lâng kóng Eng-bûn bô? / chiâ ǔ-lâng kóng Eng-bûn bô? / chia ū-lâng kóng Eng-bûn bô?}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[這兜]][[有人]][[會曉]][[講]][[英文]][[無]]?|tr=chit-tau ū-lâng kóng Eng-bûn bô? / chit-tau ǔ-lâng kóng Eng-bûn bô?}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[這落]][[有人]][[會曉]][[講]][[英文]][[無]]?|tr=chit-lo̍h ū-lâng kóng Eng-bûn bô?}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[這爿]][[有人]][[會曉]][[講]][[英文]][[無]]?|tr=chit-pêng ū-lâng kóng Eng-bûn bô? / chit-pêng ǔ-lâng kóng Eng-bûn bô?}}
- dog meat:Noun:dog eaten as meat
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|狗肉|tr=káu-bah}}
- dog paddle:Noun:swimming stroke
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|狗仔泅|tr=káu-á-siû}}
- doggy:Noun:a dog, especially a small one
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|狗仔|tr=káu-á}}
- dogtooth tuna:Noun:Gymnosarda unicolor
- * Waray: {{t|war|tindukon|}}
- doll:Noun:a toy in the form of a human
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|娃娃|tr=uă-uă}}
- doll:Noun:a toy in the form of a human
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|尪仔|tr=ang-á}}, {{t|nan-hbl|o͘-lín-gió}}, {{t|nan-hbl|玩偶|tr=oán-gió / oán-ngó͘}}, {{t|nan-hbl|布尪仔|tr=pò͘-ang-á}}, {{t|nan-hbl|番仔囝|tr=hoan-á-káⁿ}} {{qualifier| Western-style}}
- doll:Noun:a toy in the form of a human
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|گُدِی}}
- doll:Noun:a toy in the form of a human
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|عَروسَک}}
- dollar:Noun:designation for specific currency
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|箍|tr=kho͘}}
- dollar:Noun:designation for specific currency
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|دَالَر}}
- dollar:Noun:designation for specific currency
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|دُلار}}
- dolphin:Noun:aquatic mammal
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|海豬|tr=hái-ti, hái-tu}}, {{t|nan-hbl|海豬仔|tr=hái-ti-á, hái-tu-á}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|海豚|tr=hái-thûn}}, {{t|nan-hbl|海鼠|tr=hái-chhú}} {{qualifier|Magong}}, {{t|nan-hbl|鯃魚|tr=gô͘-hî, gô͘-hû}}, {{t|nan-hbl|海徛|tr=hái-khiā}}, {{t|nan-hbl|海鰡|tr=hái-liu}}, {{t|nan-hbl|烏鯃|tr=o͘-ngô͘}}, {{t|nan-hbl|白鯃|tr=pe̍h-gô͘, pe̍h-ngô͘}}, {{t|nan-hbl|白鰗|tr=pe̍h-kô͘}}
- domain:Noun:geographic area owned or controlled by a single person or organization
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|قَلَمْرُوْ}}, {{t|fa-ira|گُسْتَرِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|مَحْدودِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|مَرْز}}
- domain:Noun:a field or sphere of activity, influence or expertise
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|حُوْزِه}}
- domain:Noun:(mathematics) the set on which a function is defined
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|دامَنِه}}
- domain:Noun:DNS domain name
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|دامَنِه}}
- domain:Noun:(taxonomy) highest-level grouping of organisms
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|域|tr=he̍k}}
- domain:Noun:(taxonomy) highest-level grouping of organisms
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|دامَنِه}}
- don't:Verb:do not
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|伓通|tr=n̂g-tĕ̤ng}}, {{t|cdo|莫|tr=mŏ̤h}}
- don't:Verb:do not
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|伓通|tr=m̄-thang}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|毋通|tr=m̄-thang}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|莫|tr=mài}}
- don't:Verb:do not
- *: Northern Min: {{t|mnp|莫|tr=mŏ̤}}
- don't worry:Phrase:indicates to the interlocutor not to worry about something
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[毋通]][[煩惱]]|tr=m̄-thang hoân-ló / m̄-thang hoân-hó / mang hoân-ló / mang hoân-hó}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[莫]][[煩惱]]|tr=mài hoân-ló}}
- donkey:Noun:a domestic animal
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|驢|tr=lè̤}}
- donkey:Noun:a domestic animal
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|驢|tr=lû, lî, lîr}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|驢仔|tr=lû-á, lî-á, lîr-á}}
- donkey:Noun:a domestic animal
- * Kriol: {{t|rop|ginggong ginggong}}
- donkey:Noun:a domestic animal
- *: badiot: {{t|lld|müsc|m}}
- donkey:Noun:a domestic animal
- *: fascian: {{t|lld|èsen|m}}, {{t|lld|musciat|m}}
- donkey:Noun:a domestic animal
- *: gherdëina: {{t|lld|musciat|m}}
- donor:Noun:one who donates
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|بَخْشَنْدِه}}
- door:Noun:portal of entry into a building, room or vehicle
- *: Chadian Arabic: {{t|shu|باب|m|tr=bāb}}
- door:Noun:portal of entry into a building, room or vehicle
- *: Juba Arabic: {{t|pga|bab}}
- door:Noun:portal of entry into a building, room or vehicle
- *: Sudanese Arabic: {{t|apd|باب|m|tr=bāb}}
- door:Noun:portal of entry into a building, room or vehicle
- *: Hebrew Script: {{tt|arc|תרעא|tr=tar‘ā|m}}
- door:Noun:portal of entry into a building, room or vehicle
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|門|tr=muòng}}
- door:Noun:portal of entry into a building, room or vehicle
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|門|tr=mn̂g}}, {{tt+|nan-hbl|戶|tr=hō͘}}
- door:Noun:portal of entry into a building, room or vehicle
- *: Northern Min: {{tt|mnp|門|tr=mô̤ng}}
- door:Noun:portal of entry into a building, room or vehicle
- *: Burmese: {{tt|pi|ဒွါရ|n}}
- door:Noun:portal of entry into a building, room or vehicle
- *: Devanagari: {{tt|pi|द्वार|n}}
- door:Noun:portal of entry into a building, room or vehicle
- *: Khmer: {{tt|pi|ទ្វារ|n}}
- door:Noun:portal of entry into a building, room or vehicle
- *: Sinhalese: {{tt|pi|ද්වාර|n}}
- door:Noun:portal of entry into a building, room or vehicle
- *: Thai: {{tt|pi|ทฺวาร|n}}
- door:Noun:portal of entry into a building, room or vehicle
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|دَرْوازَه|tr=darwāza}}
- door:Noun:portal of entry into a building, room or vehicle
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa|دَر|tr=dar}}, {{t+|fa|باب|tr=bâb}}
- door god:Noun:divine guardian
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|門神|tr=mn̂g-sîn}}
- dot:Noun:small spot or mark
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|نُقْطَه}}, {{t|prs|پِنْدَه}}
- dot:Noun:small spot or mark
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|نُقْطِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|پِنْدِه}}
- doubt:Noun:disbelief or uncertainty (about something)
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|گُمان}}, {{t|fa-ira|شَکّ}}, {{t|fa-ira|شَک}}, {{t|fa-ira|شُبْهِه}}
- dough:Noun:mix of flour and other ingredients
- * Saterland Friesian: {{t|stq|Dee}}
- douhua:Noun:Chinese dessert
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|豆花|tr=tāu-hoe}}, {{t|nan-hbl|豆腐花|tr=tāu-hū-hoe}}
- doum palm:Noun:Hyphaene thebaica
- * Daura: {{t|dbp|gùrmo}}
- download:Noun:file transfer to the local computer
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|下載|tr=hā-chài}}
- dozen:Noun:twelve
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|打|tr=táⁿ}}
- drab:Adjective:with a dull or uninteresting appearance
- * French Canadian: {{t+|fr|drabe}}
- drachma:Noun:currency
- *: Cretan: {{t|grc|δαρχμά|f}}
- drachma:Noun:coin
- *: Cretan: {{t|grc|δαρχμά|f}}
- drag:Noun:puff on cigarette
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|پُک}}
- drag:Verb:to pull along a surface
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|拖|tr=thoa}}
- dragon fruit:Noun:fruit
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|火龍果|tr=hóe-liông-kó, hé-liông-kó}}
- dragon fruit:Noun:fruit
- *: Central Huasteca Nahuatl: {{t|nch|chacha}}
- dragon fruit:Noun:fruit
- *: Classical Nahuatl: {{t|nci|tzaponochtli}}
- dragon fruit:Noun:fruit
- *: Eastern Huasteca Nahuatl: {{t|nhe|chacha}}
- dragon fruit:Noun:fruit
- *: Western Huasteca Nahuatl: {{t|nhw|chacha}}
- dragon fruit:Noun:fruit
- *: Isthmus Zapotec: {{t|nch|bidxí}}
- dragonfly:Noun:insect of the infraorder Anisoptera
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|田嬰|tr=chhân-eⁿ, chhân-iⁿ, chhân-ni, chhân-ne, iân-mi}}
- dragonfly:Noun:insect of the infraorder Anisoptera
- *: Mecayapan: {{t|nhx|tzoncalhuihuitani}} {{qual|Mecayapan}}, {{t|nhx|a̱tzóncal}} {{qual|Tatahuicapan}}
- dragonfly:Noun:insect of the infraorder Anisoptera
- *: Northern Puebla: {{t|ncj|sayolatl}}, {{t|ncj|isayol in atl}}, {{t|ncj|icahuayo in ahmo cuali tlacatl}}
- dragée:Noun:a sweet or confection, originally used to administer drugs, medicine, etc.
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|نُقْل}}, {{t|fa-ira|دْراژِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|دِراژِه}}
- draw lots:Verb:
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|拈鬮}}
- drawer:Noun:open-topped box in a cabinet used for storing
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|屜|tr=tá̤}}
- drawer:Noun:open-topped box in a cabinet used for storing
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|屜|tr=thoah}}
- dreadful:Adjective:causing dread
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|可畏|tr=khó-ùi}}
- dream:Noun:imaginary events seen while sleeping
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|خواب}}, {{tt|fa-ira|رُؤْیا}}
- dream:Noun:imaginary events seen while sleeping
- *: Kildin Sami: {{t|sjd|нагерь}}
- dream:Noun:hope or wish
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|آرِزو}}, {{tt|fa-ira|آرْزو}}, {{tt|fa-ira|خِیال}}, {{tt|fa-ira|خَیال|tr=xayâl}}
- dress:Noun:item of clothing which both covers the upper part of the body and includes a skirt below the waist
- *: San'ani Yemeni Arabic: {{t|ayn|زَنّه|m|tr=zannah}}
- dress:Noun:item of clothing which both covers the upper part of the body and includes a skirt below the waist
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|لِباس}}, {{t|fa-ira|رَخْت}}
- dress:Noun:apparel or clothing
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|لِباس}}, {{t+|fa-ira|پوشاک}}
- drink:Noun:served beverage
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|飲料|tr=ím-liāu}}
- drink:Verb:consume liquid through the mouth
- *: Chadian Arabic: {{t|shu|شرب|tr=širib}}
- drink:Verb:consume liquid through the mouth
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|啜|tr=chiók}}
- drink:Verb:consume liquid through the mouth
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|啉|tr=lim}}
- drink:Verb:consume liquid through the mouth
- *: Doric: {{t|grc|πώνω}}
- drink:Verb:consume liquid through the mouth
- *: Föhr: {{t|frr|drank}}
- drink:Verb:consume liquid through the mouth
- *: Hallig: {{t|frr|drinke}}
- drink:Verb:consume liquid through the mouth
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|نوشیدَن}}, {{t|fa-ira|آشامیدَن}}
- drinking straw:Noun:a long plastic or paper tube through which a drink is drunk
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|欶管|tr=suh-kóng}}
- drive:Verb:to operate (a wheeled motorized vehicle)
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|捍車|tr=huǎⁿ-tshia}}
- driver:Noun:person who drives a motorized vehicle, such as a car or a bus
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|موتَرْران|tr=motarrān}}
- driver:Noun:person who drives a motorized vehicle, such as a car or a bus
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|رانَنْدِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|شوفِر}}
- driver's license:Noun:documenting permitting a person to drive
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|駕駛執照|tr=kà-sú chip-chiàu}} {{q|Taiwanese Hokkien}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|駕照|tr=kà-chiàu}} {{q|Taiwanese Hokkien}}, {{t|nan-hbl|車頭字|tr=chhia-thâu-lī}} {{q|Philippine Hokkien}}, {{t|nan-hbl|車字|tr=chhia-lī}} {{q|Philippine Hokkien}}
- driver's license:Noun:documenting permitting a person to drive
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|لَایْسَنْسِ رَانَنْدَگِی}}, {{t|prs|جَوَازِ رَانَنْدَگِی}}
- driver's license:Noun:documenting permitting a person to drive
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|گُواهینامِهٔ رانَنْدِگی}}
- dromedary:Noun:single-humped camel
- * Sami: [[dromedára]]
- drool:Verb:to secrete saliva
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|流瀾|tr=lâu-nuā}}
- drop:Verb:to let (something) fall; to allow (something) to fall (either by releasing hold of, or losing one's grip on)
- * Lutuv: {{t|clt|pathlaa}}
- drug addict:Noun:person with a chemical or psychological dependency on drugs
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مُعْتاد}}
- drunk:Adjective:intoxicated after drinking too much alcohol
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|sou}}, {{t|lou|ho}}, {{t|lou|piké}}, {{t|lou|chak}}
- drunk:Noun:habitual drinker
- *: Bikol Legazpi: {{t|bcl|parabuyong}}
- drunk:Noun:habitual drinker
- *: Bikol Naga: {{t+|bcl|buratsero}}
- drunk:Noun:habitual drinker
- * Kriol: {{t|rop|drangkinmen}}
- dry up:Verb:to become dry
- * Lutuv: {{t|clt|ky}}
- dual:Adjective:in grammar
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|雙數|tr=siang-sò͘}}
- duck:Noun:aquatic bird of the family Anatidae
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|鴨|tr=ah}}
- duck:Noun:aquatic bird of the family Anatidae
- *: Plains Cree: {{tt|crk|ᓰᓰᑊ|tr=[[sîsîp]]}}
- duck:Noun:aquatic bird of the family Anatidae
- *: Western: {{tt|mrj|лыдывлӓ}}
- duck:Noun:aquatic bird of the family Anatidae
- * Lenape:
- duck:Noun:aquatic bird of the family Anatidae
- *: Unami: {{tt|unm|kwikwinkëm}}
- duck:Noun:aquatic bird of the family Anatidae
- * Old Galician Portuguese: {{t|roa-opt|ãade|f}}, {{t|roa-opt|pato|m}}, {{t|roa-opt|pata|f}}
- duck:Noun:aquatic bird of the family Anatidae
- *: Dari: {{t+|prs|مرغابی|tr=murğābī}}
- duck:Noun:aquatic bird of the family Anatidae
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|اردک|tr=ordak}}, {{t+|fa-ira|مرغابی|tr=morğâbi}}
- duck:Noun:aquatic bird of the family Anatidae
- *: Classical Persian: {{t+|fa-cls|بت|tr=bat}}, {{t+|fa-cls|بط|tr=bat}}, {{t+|fa-cls|مرغابی|tr=murğābī}}
- duckling:Noun:young duck
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|鴨咪仔|tr=ah-bî-á}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|鴨仔囝|tr=ah-á-kiáⁿ}}
- dude:Noun:colloquial: man
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|boug}}
- dude:Noun:colloquial: term of address for a man
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|boug}}
- dumbbell:Noun:a weight with two disks attached to a short bar
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|دَمْبِل}}
- dung beetle:Noun:insect of the family Scarabaeidae
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|牛屎龜|tr=ngù-sāi-gŭi}}
- dung beetle:Noun:insect of the family Scarabaeidae
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|蜣螂|tr=khiong-lông}}, {{qualifier|Quanzhou Hokkien}} {{t|nan-hbl|屎龜|tr=sái-ku}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|牛屎龜|tr=gû-sái-ku}}
- dung beetle:Noun:insect of the family Scarabaeidae
- *: Teochew: {{t|nan-tws|牛屎核|tr=ghu5 sai2 hug8}}
- dust:Noun:fine, dry particles
- *: Abjad: {{t|az|توز|tr=tōz}}
- dust:Noun:fine, dry particles
- *: Roman: {{tt+|az|toz}}
- dust bunny:Noun:a small clump of dust
- *: Bavarian: {{t|bar|Lurch}}
- duty:Noun:that which one is morally or legally obligated to do
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|وَظیفِه}}, {{t+|fa-ira|تَکْلیف}}
- duty:Noun:tax; tariff
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|گُمْرُک}} {{qualifier|customs}}, {{t+|fa-ira|باج}}
- dwarf planet:Noun:a type of celestial body
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|矮惑星|tr=é-he̍k-chheⁿ}}, {{t|nan-hbl|矮行星|tr=é-hêng-seng}}
- dye:Verb:to colour with dye
- *: Doric: {{t|grc|ῥέζω}}
- dysentery:Noun:disease characterised by inflammation of the intestines
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|痢疾|tr=lī-chi̍t}}
- dysentery:Noun:disease characterised by inflammation of the intestines
- *: Old Occitan: {{t|pro|dissenteria|f}}
- e-mail address:Noun:unique identifier
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|آدْرِسِ ایمِیل}}, {{t|fa-ira|رایانِشانی}}, {{t|fa-ira|نِشانیِ پُسْتِ اِلِکْتِرونیک|tr=nešâni-ye post-e elekteronik}}
- eagle:Noun:any of several large carnivorous birds in the family Accipitridae
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|鷹仔|tr=eng-á}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|鷹|tr=eng}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|鴟鴞|tr=bā-hio̍h, ba̍h-hio̍h, ba̍h-hiō, lāi-hiō, lāi-hio̍h, na̍h-hio̍h, mōa-hio̍h, lā-hio̍h, nā-hio̍h}}, {{t|nan-hbl|鷹仔虎|tr=eng-á-hó͘}}, {{t|nan-hbl|覓雞鷹|tr=bōa-koe-eng}}, {{t|nan-hbl|鷹鳥|tr=eng-chiáu}}
- eagle:Noun:any of several large carnivorous birds in the family Accipitridae
- *: Kildin: {{t|sjd|куэццькэмь}}
- eagle:Noun:any of several large carnivorous birds in the family Accipitridae
- *: Lule: {{t|smj|goasskem}}
- eagle:Noun:any of several large carnivorous birds in the family Accipitridae
- *: Ter: {{t|sjt|kïeccʹkem}}
- eagle owl:Noun:
- * Sami: <!-- Please state what "kind" of Sami these words are and insert them into the above table as being that language --> [[bealljeskuolfi]] (this is most likely an alternative Northern Sami term to "eagle owl" as ''[[beallji]]'' means "ear" and ''[[skuolfi]]'' "snowy owl" in Northern Sami), [[bumbbástat]]
- eaglehawk:Noun:a large Australian eagle
- * Nyungar: {{t|nys|waalitj}}
- eardrop:Noun:pendant for the ear
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|耳鉤|tr=hīⁿ-kau, hī-kau}}, {{t|nan-hbl|耳環|tr=hīⁿ-khoân, hī-khoân}}
- earn:Verb:transitive: receive (money) for working
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|掙|tr=cĕng}}
- earphones:Noun:small speakers worn over the ears
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|گوشی}}, {{t|fa-ira|هِدْفون|tr=hedfon}}
- earring:Noun:piece of jewelry
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|耳鉤|tr=hīⁿ-kau, hī-kau}}, {{t|nan-hbl|耳環|tr=hīⁿ-khoân, hī-khoân}}
- earth:Noun:soil
- *: Kamviri: {{tt|bsh|muři}}
- earth:Noun:soil
- *: Kativiri: {{tt|bsh|mřai}}
- earth:Noun:soil
- * Khanty:
- earth:Noun:soil
- *: Northern Khanty: {{tt|kca-nor|мўв}} {{q|Kazym}}
- earth:Noun:soil
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|خَاک}}, {{tt|prs|زَمِین}}
- earth:Noun:soil
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|خاک}}, {{tt|fa-ira|زَمین}}
- earth:Noun:any general rock-based material
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|خاک}}, {{tt|fa-ira|گَرْد}}
- earth:Noun:the ground, land
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|زَمین}}, {{tt|fa-ira|سَرْزَمین}}
- earth:Noun:electrical connection
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|زَمین}}, {{tt|fa-ira|اِرْت}}
- earth:Noun:fox's lair
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|لانِه}}
- earth:Noun:world of our current life, as opposed to afterlife
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|گیتی}}, {{tt|fa-ira|جَهان}}, {{qualifier|religious}} {{tt|fa-ira|دُنْیا}}, {{qualifier|religious}} {{tt|fa-ira|مادِّه}}, {{qualifier|much-literally}} {{tt|fa-ira|گِیْهان}}
- earth:Noun:one of the four basic elements
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|خاک}}
- earth:Noun:one of the five basic elements
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|خاک}}
- earthquake:Noun:shaking of the surface of a planet
- * Cham:
- earthquake:Noun:shaking of the surface of a planet
- *: Eastern Cham: {{t|cjm|kayun tanâh}}, {{t|cjm|tatuen tanâh}}
- earthquake:Noun:shaking of the surface of a planet
- *: Western Cham: {{t-needed|cja}}
- earthquake:Noun:shaking of the surface of a planet
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|地震}}
- earthquake:Noun:shaking of the surface of a planet
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|地動|tr=tōe-tāng}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|地震|tr=tē-chín}}
- earthquake:Noun:shaking of the surface of a planet
- *: Northern Min: {{t|mnp|地震}}
- earthquake:Noun:shaking of the surface of a planet
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|زَمینلَرْزِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|زِلْزِلِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|بومَهَن}}
- earthworm:Noun:worm (animal)
- * Cham:
- earthworm:Noun:worm (animal)
- *: Eastern Cham: {{t|cjm|laning}}
- earthworm:Noun:worm (animal)
- *: Western Cham: {{t-needed|cja}}
- earthworm:Noun:worm (animal)
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|杜蚓|tr=tō͘-ún, tō͘-ín, tō͘-kún, tō͘-kín}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|杜蚓仔|tr=tō͘-kún-á, tō͘-ún-á}}, {{t|nan-hbl|牛貫|tr=gû-kǹg}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|塗蚓|tr=thô͘-ún}}
- east:Adjective:in or towards the east
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|東|tr=dĕ̤ng / dŭng}}
- east:Noun:compass point
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|東}}
- east:Noun:compass point
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|東|tr=tang / tong}}
- east:Noun:compass point
- *: Northern Min: {{t|mnp|東}}
- east:Noun:compass point
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|مَشْرِق}}, {{tt|prs|خَاوَر}}, {{tt|prs|شَرْق}}
- east:Noun:compass point
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|مَشْرِق}}, {{tt|fa-ira|خاوَر}}, {{tt|fa-ira|شَرْق}}
- east:Noun:compass point
- *: Kildin Sami: {{tt|sjd|нуҏҏьт}}
- east:Noun:compass point
- *: Pite Sami: {{t-needed|sje}}
- east:Noun:compass point
- *: Southern Sami: {{t-needed|sma}}
- east:Noun:compass point
- *: Ume Sami: {{t-needed|sju}}
- eat:Verb:to ingest
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|食|tr=sĭk / siĕk}}
- eat:Verb:to ingest
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|食|tr=chia̍h}}
- eat:Verb:to ingest
- *: Middle Dutch: {{tt|dum|eten}}
- eat:Verb:to ingest
- * Lutuv: {{t|clt|ce}}, {{t|clt|ning}}
- eat:Verb:to ingest
- *: Classical Persian: {{tt|fa-cls|خْوَارْدَن}}
- eat:Verb:to ingest
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|خورْدَن|tr=xurdan}}
- eat:Verb:to ingest
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|خورْدَن|tr=xordan}}
- eat:Verb:eat a meal
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|食飯|tr=chia̍h-pn̄g, chia̍h-pūiⁿ}}
- eat one's fill:Verb:to eat to one's satisfaction, until full
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|食飽|tr=chia̍h-pá}}
- eau de toilette:Noun:lightly scented perfume
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اُدوتویلِت|tr=?}}, {{t|fa-ira|آبِ مُعَطَّر}}
- eaves:Noun:underside of a roof that extends beyond the external walls of a building
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|簷墘|tr=sìng-gièng}}, {{t|cdo|檐墘頭}}, {{t|cdo|簷墘頭|tr=sìng-gièng-tàu}}
- eaves:Noun:underside of a roof that extends beyond the external walls of a building
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|厝簷|tr=chhù-chîⁿ}} {{qualifier|Xiamen, Zhangzhou}}, {{t|nan-hbl|厝簷口|tr=chhù-chîⁿ-kháu}} {{qualifier|Xiamen}}, {{t|nan-hbl|厝簷墘|tr=chhù-chîⁿ-kîⁿ}} {{qualifier|Quanzhou}}, {{t|nan-hbl|簾檐}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|簾簷|tr=nî-chîⁿ}} {{qualifier|Taiwan, Xiamen, Zhangzhou}}
- eaves:Noun:underside of a roof that extends beyond the external walls of a building
- *: Northern Min: {{t|mnp|厝簷|tr=chio̤̿-sâng}}, {{t|mnp|厝簷沿|tr=chio̤̿-sâng-ě̤ng}}
- echidna:Noun:any of the four species of small spined monotremes
- * Kriol: {{t|rop|bogibain}}
- ecology:Noun:branch of biology
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|生態學|tr=seng-thài-ha̍k}}
- economic:Adjective:pertaining to an economy
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|econômico}}
- economic:Adjective:pertaining to an economy
- *: European: {{t+|pt|económico}}
- economic:Adjective:cheap
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|econômico}}
- economic:Adjective:cheap
- *: European: {{t+|pt|económico}}
- economics:Noun:study
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|經濟學|tr=keng-chè-ha̍k}}
- economy:Noun:effective management of the resources of a community or system
- *: Roman: {{t|ff|faggudu}}, {{t+|sh|ekonomija|f}}
- economy:Noun:production and distribution and consumption
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|經濟}}
- economy:Noun:production and distribution and consumption
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|經濟|tr=keng-chè}}
- economy:Noun:production and distribution and consumption
- *: Roman: {{t|ff|faggudu}}
- economy:Noun:production and distribution and consumption
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|اِقْتِصَاد}}, {{t|prs|اِقْتِصَادِیَّات}}
- economy:Noun:production and distribution and consumption
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اِقْتِصاد}}, {{t|fa-ira|اِقْتِصادِیَّات}}
- ecosystem:Noun:system of an ecological community and its environment
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|生態系|tr=seng-thài-hē}}
- eczema:Noun:acute or chronic inflammation of the skin
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|濕疹//溼疹//湿疹|tr=sip-chín}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|爛癬|tr=nōa-sián}}, {{t|nan-hbl|濕癬//溼癬//湿癣|tr=sip-sián}}
- eczema:Noun:acute or chronic inflammation of the skin
- *: Ancient: {{t|grc|ἔκζεμα|n}}
- edelweiss:Noun:Leontopodium alpinum
- * Slowak: {{t|sk|plesnivec alpínsky|m}}
- education:Noun:process or art of imparting knowledge, skill and judgment
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|教育}}
- education:Noun:process or art of imparting knowledge, skill and judgment
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|教育|tr=kàu-io̍k}}
- education:Noun:process or art of imparting knowledge, skill and judgment
- *: Roman: {{t|ff|ekkitinol}}
- education:Noun:process or art of imparting knowledge, skill and judgment
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|آموزِش}}, {{t|prs|مَعْرِفَت}}, {{t|prs|تَعْلِیم}}, {{t|prs|تَرْبِیَت}}, {{t|prs|تَحْصِیل}}
- education:Noun:process or art of imparting knowledge, skill and judgment
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|آموزِش}}, {{t|fa-ira|مَعْرِفَت}}, {{t|fa-ira|تَعْلیم}}, {{t|fa-ira|تَرْبِیَت}}, {{t|fa-ira|تَحْصیل}}
- education:Noun:facts, skills and ideas that have been learned, either formally or informally
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|آموزِش}}
- education:Noun:facts, skills and ideas that have been learned, either formally or informally
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|آموزِش}}
- educational institution:Noun:place where people of different ages gain an education
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مُؤَسِّسِهٔ آموزِشی}}
- eel:Noun:any fish of the order Anguilliformes
- *: Levantine, North: {{t|apc|أَنْكَلِيس|m|tr=ʔankalīs}}
- eel:Noun:any fish of the order Anguilliformes
- *: Levantine, South: {{t|ajp|حَنْكَلِيس|m|tr=ḥankalīs}}
- eel:Noun:any fish of the order Anguilliformes
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|鰻|tr=muâ}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|鱸鰻|tr=lô͘-môa}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|海鰻|tr=hái-môa}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|烏耳鰻|tr=o͘-hī-môa}}
- efface:Verb:to erase
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|拍擦銷|tr=phah-chhat-siau}} {{qualifier|Xiamen}}
- effendi:Noun:title of respect
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|اَفَنْدِی}}
- effendi:Noun:title of respect
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اَفَنْدی}}
- efficacious:Adjective:effective
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|lêng}}
- eggplant:Noun:plant
- *: Sudanese Arabic: {{t|apd|أسود|tr=asūd}}
- eggplant:Noun:plant
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|茄|tr=kiô}}
- eggplant:Noun:edible fruit
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|紅菜|tr=âng-chhài}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|茄|tr=kiô}}, {{t|nan-hbl|紅茄|tr=âng-kiô}}, {{t|nan-hbl|紅皮菜|tr=âng-phôe-chhài, âng-phê-chhài}}
- eggplant:Noun:edible fruit
- *: Eastern: {{t|lmo|maresà|m}}, {{t|lmo|maregià|m}}
- eggplant:Noun:edible fruit
- *: Western: {{t+|lmo|meresgian|m}}, {{t|lmo|maresgian|m}}
- eggshell:Noun:object
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|卵殼|tr=nn̄g-khak}}
- egret:Noun:Any of various wading birds of the genera Egretta or Ardea
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|白鷺|tr=pe̍h-lō͘}}, {{t|nan-hbl|白鷺鷥|tr=pe̍h-lō͘-si}}
- eight:Numeral:cardinal number 8
- *: Atka: {{tt|ale|qamchiing}}
- eight:Numeral:cardinal number 8
- *: Attu: {{tt|ale|qavchiing}}
- eight:Numeral:cardinal number 8
- *: Eastern: {{tt|ale|qamchiing}}
- eight:Numeral:cardinal number 8
- *: Western Neo-Aramaic: {{tt|amw|ܬܡܢܝܐ|m|tr=ṯmōnya}}, {{tt|amw|ܬܡܢ|f|tr=ṯmōn}}
- eight:Numeral:cardinal number 8
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|八|tr=báik}}
- eight:Numeral:cardinal number 8
- *: Hokkien: {{qualifier|Xiamen}} {{tt+|nan-hbl|八|tr=peh, poeh, pat}}
- eight:Numeral:cardinal number 8
- *: Northern Min: {{tt|mnp|八|tr=băi}}
- eight:Numeral:cardinal number 8
- *: Teochew: {{tt|nan-tws|八|tr=boih4}}
- eight:Numeral:cardinal number 8
- * Lutuv: {{t|clt|suocari}}
- eight:Numeral:cardinal number 8
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|wit}}
- eight:Numeral:cardinal number 8
- *: Föhr-Amrum and Sylt: {{tt|frr|aacht}}
- eight:Numeral:cardinal number 8
- * Ogun: Shi áthòņ
- eighteen:Numeral:cardinal number
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|diz-wit}}
- eighty:Numeral:80
- *: {{qualifier|All French-speaking countries except part of Switzerland and Acadia}} {{t+|fr|quatre-vingts}}
- eighty:Numeral:80
- *: {{qualifier|former word, Switzerland}} {{t+|fr|octante}}
- eighty:Numeral:80
- *: {{qualifier|part of Switzerland, Acadia}} {{t+|fr|huitante}}
- eighty:Numeral:80
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|katre-vin}}
- ejaculate:Verb:to eject semen or vaginal fluid
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|濺精|tr=chōaⁿ-cheng}}
- elastomer:Noun:any polymer having the elastic properties of rubber
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|elastômero|m}}
- elastomer:Noun:any polymer having the elastic properties of rubber
- *: European: {{t|pt|elastómero|m}}
- elbow:Noun:joint between upper arm and forearm
- *: Föhr: {{t|frr|eelemböög|m}}
- elbow:Noun:joint between upper arm and forearm
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|آرَنْج}}
- elbow:Noun:joint between upper arm and forearm
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|آرَنْج}}
- elbow:Noun:joint between upper arm and forearm
- *: Hawick Scots: {{t|sco|elbi}}
- election:Noun:process of choosing a new leader or representatives by popular vote
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|選舉}}
- election:Noun:process of choosing a new leader or representatives by popular vote
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|選舉|tr=soán-kú / soán-kír / soán-kí}}
- election:Noun:process of choosing a new leader or representatives by popular vote
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|اِنْتِخَابَات}}, {{t|prs|اِنْتِخَاب}}
- election:Noun:process of choosing a new leader or representatives by popular vote
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اِنْتِخابات}}, {{t|fa-ira|اِنْتِخاب}}
- electrician:Noun:tradesman who works with electrical equipment
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|電工|tr=tiān-kang}}
- electricity:Noun:form of energy
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|電氣|tr=tiān-khì}}
- electricity:Noun:form of energy
- *: Roman: {{t|ff|laktiriisi}}
- electricity:Noun:form of energy
- *: Inuttut: {{t|iu|ĸuatsânattuk}}
- electricity:Noun:form of energy
- *: Dari: {{t+|prs|بَرْق}}
- electricity:Noun:form of energy
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|بَرْق}}, {{t+|fa-ira|اِلِکْتْریسیتِه}}
- electricity:Noun:form of energy
- * South Azerbaijani: {{t|az|كهربايى|tr=kahrubai}}
- electromagnetic field:Noun:field of force
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|電磁場|tr=tiān-chû-tiûⁿ}}
- electron:Noun:the negatively charged subatomic particles that orbit atoms
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|電子|tr=tiān-chú}}
- electron:Noun:the negatively charged subatomic particles that orbit atoms
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|elétron|m}}
- electron:Noun:the negatively charged subatomic particles that orbit atoms
- *: European: {{t+|pt|eletrão|m}}
- electron volt:Noun:a unit for measuring the energy of subatomic particles
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|elétron-volt|m}}
- electron volt:Noun:a unit for measuring the energy of subatomic particles
- *: European: {{t+|pt|eletrão-volt|m}}
- electronic:Adjective:pertaining to electrons
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|eletrônico}}
- electronic:Adjective:pertaining to electrons
- *: European: {{t+|pt|eletrónico}}
- electronic:Adjective:operating on behavior of electrons
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|eletrônico}}
- electronic:Adjective:operating on behavior of electrons
- *: European: {{t+|pt|eletrónico}}
- electronic:Adjective:generated by electronic device
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|eletrônico}}
- electronic:Adjective:generated by electronic device
- *: European: {{t+|pt|eletrónico}}
- electronic:Adjective:of or pertaining to the Internet
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|eletrônico}}
- electronic:Adjective:of or pertaining to the Internet
- *: European: {{t+|pt|eletrónico}}
- electronic cigarette:Noun:electronic cigarette
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|سیگارِ اِلِکْتِرونیکی|tr=sigâr-e elekteroniki}}
- electronics:Noun:physics
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|eletrônica|f}}
- electronics:Noun:physics
- *: European: {{t+|pt|eletrónica|f}}
- elegy:Noun:mournful or plaintive poem or song
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|哀歌|tr=ai-ko}}
- elephant:Noun:mammal
- *: Chadian Arabic: {{t|shu|فيل|m|tr=fīl}}
- elephant:Noun:mammal
- *: Old Catalan: {{tt|roa-oca|orifany|m}}, {{tt|roa-oca|aurifany|m}}, {{tt|roa-oca|olifany|m}}
- elephant:Noun:mammal
- * Cheq Wong: {{tt|cwg|itung}}
- elephant:Noun:mammal
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|象|tr=chiông}}
- elephant:Noun:mammal
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|象|tr=chhiūⁿ / chhiǔⁿ / chhiōⁿ / chhiāuⁿ / siōng / sióng / siǒng / chhiāng}}
- elephant:Noun:mammal
- *: Northern Min: {{tt|mnp|象|tr=siōng}}
- elephant:Noun:mammal
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|فِیل}}, {{tt|prs|پِیل}}
- elephant:Noun:mammal
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|فیل}}, {{tt+|fa-ira|پیل}}, {{t|fa-ira|کنجر|tr=kenjar}}
- elevate:Verb:raise
- * Mansi:
- elevate:Verb:raise
- *: Northern Mansi: {{t|mns-nor|а̄лмаяӈкве}}, {{t|mns-nor|а̄лмуӈкве}}
- eleven:Numeral:the cardinal number occurring after ten and before twelve
- *: Biblical: {{t+|he|עשתי עשר|alt=עַשְׁתֵּי עָשָׂר|tr=ʿashtē ʿasar|m}}, {{t|he|עשתי עשרה|alt=עַשְׁתֵּי עֶשְׂרֵה|tr=ʿashtē ʿesrē|f}}
- eleven:Numeral:the cardinal number occurring after ten and before twelve
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|onz}}
- elope:Verb:run away with a paramour
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|綴人走|tr=tòe-lâng-cháu}}
- elope:Verb:run away to get married
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|綴人走|tr=tòe-lâng-cháu, tè-lâng-cháu}}
- email:Noun:system for transferring messages from one computer to another
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|پُسْتِ اِلِکْتِرونیک|tr=post-e elekteronik}}, {{t|fa-ira|ایمِیل}}, {{t|fa-ira|رایانامِه}}
- email:Noun:message sent through email an email system
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|電子郵件|tr=tiān-chú iû-kiāⁿ}}, {{t|nan-hbl|電批|tr=tiān-phe, tiān-phoe}}
- email:Noun:message sent through email an email system
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|ایمِیل}}
- email:Noun:email address
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|آدْرِسِ ایمِیل}}
- emancipate:Verb:To set free from the power of another
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|解放|tr=kái-hòng}}
- embassy:Noun:organization representing a foreign state
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|سِفارَت}}, {{t|fa-ira|سِفارَتخانِه}}
- emerald:Noun:gemstone
- *: Vlax Romani: {{t|rmy|šmarago|m}} {{qualifier|Lovara}}
- emergence:Noun:the arising of emergent structure in complex systems
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|突現|tr=thé-hiān}}
- emergency:Noun:situation requiring urgent assistance
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|urjen}}, {{t|lou|sériyé}}
- emery:Noun:mineral
- *: Jewish: {{t|arc|שָׁמִירָא|tr=šāmīrā|m}}
- emery:Noun:mineral
- *: Abjad: {{t|az|سنباده|tr=suṁbāda}}
- emery:Noun:mineral
- *: Roman: {{t|az|sumbata}}
- emigrant:Noun:someone who leaves a country to settle in a new country
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|移民|tr=î-bîn}}
- emperor:Noun:ruler of an empire
- *: Old Occitan: {{t|pro|emperador}}
- emphasis:Noun:special weight or forcefulness given to something considered important
- * Panjabi/ਪੰਜਾਬੀ: {{t|pa|ਜੋਰ|f}}
- empire:Noun:political unit, having numerous or extensive territories
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|帝國|tr=tè-kok}}
- empire:Noun:political unit, having numerous or extensive territories
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اِمْپِراطوری}}, {{t|fa-ira|شاهَنْشاهی}}
- employee:Noun:person who provides labor to a company or another person
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|کارْمَنْد}}, {{t+|fa-ira|کارْگَر}}
- employment:Noun:state of being employed
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|اِسْتِخْدام}}
- emu:Noun:Dromaius novaehollandiae
- * Kriol: {{t|rop|emiyu}}, {{t|rop|imiyu}}
- encyclopedia:Noun:comprehensive with on a range of topics
- *: Arabic: {{t|az|قاموس|tr=qāmūs}}
- encyclopedia:Noun:comprehensive with on a range of topics
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|دانِشْنامِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|دایِرَةُالْمَعارِف|tr=dâyerat-ol-ma'âref}}, {{t|fa|دائِرَةُالْمَعارِف|tr=dâ'erat-ol-ma'âref}}, {{t|fa-ira|آنْسیکْلوپِدی|tr=ânsiklopedi}}
- endemic:Adjective:native to a particular area
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|endêmico}}
- endemic:Adjective:native to a particular area
- *: European: {{t|pt|endémico}}
- endemic:Adjective:peculiar to a particular area
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|endêmico}}
- endemic:Adjective:peculiar to a particular area
- *: European: {{t|pt|endémico}}
- endemic:Adjective:prevalent in a particular area
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|endêmico}}
- endemic:Adjective:prevalent in a particular area
- *: European: {{t|pt|endémico}}
- endless:Adjective:having no end
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|不盡|tr=put-chīn}}
- endocrine:Adjective:producing internal secretions that are transported around the body by the bloodstream
- * Bokmål: {{t|nb|endokrin}}
- endure:Verb:to continue despite obstacles
- *: Arbëresh: {{t|sq|psonj}}
- enemy:Noun:someone who is hostile to, feels hatred towards, opposes the interests of, or intends injury to someone else
- *: Old Occitan: {{tt|pro|enemic|m}}
- enemy:Noun:someone who is hostile to, feels hatred towards, opposes the interests of, or intends injury to someone else
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|دُشْمَن}}, {{tt|prs|خَصْم}}, {{tt|prs|عَدُو}}
- enemy:Noun:someone who is hostile to, feels hatred towards, opposes the interests of, or intends injury to someone else
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|دُشْمَن}}, {{tt|fa-ira|خَصْم}}, {{tt|fa-ira|عَدو}}
- engine:Noun:mechanical device
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|موتَر}}
- engine:Noun:mechanical device
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|موتور|tr=motor}}, {{t|fa-ira|مُحَرِّک}}
- engineer:Noun:person engaged in designing, constructing, or maintaining engines or machinery; (more generally) a person qualified or professionally engaged in any branch of engineering, or studying to do so
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|技師|tr=ki-su}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|工程師|tr=kang-têng-su}}
- engineer:Noun:person engaged in designing, constructing, or maintaining engines or machinery; (more generally) a person qualified or professionally engaged in any branch of engineering, or studying to do so
- *: Dari: {{t+|prs|اِنْجِنِیر}}, {{t+|prs|مُهَنْدِس}}
- engineer:Noun:person engaged in designing, constructing, or maintaining engines or machinery; (more generally) a person qualified or professionally engaged in any branch of engineering, or studying to do so
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|مُهَنْدِس}}, {{t+|fa-ira|اِنْجِنیر}}, {{t|fa-ira|مُهَنْدِز}} {{qualifier|archaic}}
- enneadecagon:Noun:geometry
- *: East Frisian: {{t+|nds|neegentainkâant|m}}
- enneagon:Noun:a polygon with nine sides; a nonagon
- *: East Frisian: {{t+|nds|neegenkâant|m}}
- enrich:Verb:to make rich(er)
- * Anglo-Norman: {{t|xno|enrichir}}
- enrollment:Noun:registration
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|نامنِویسی}}
- enter:Verb:to go into (a room, etc.)
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|入去|tr=li̍p-khì / li̍p-khìr / ji̍p-khì / li̍p-khù / gi̍p-khì / lia̍k-khì}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|入來|tr=ji̍p-lâi / li̍p-lâi / lia̍k-lâi}}
- enterprise:Noun:company, business, organization, or endeavor
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|شِرْکَت}}, {{t|fa-ira|بُنْگاه}}, {{t|fa-ira|مُؤَسِّسِه}}
- entertainment:Noun:activity designed to give pleasure or relaxation
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|سَرْگَرْمی}}, {{t|fa-ira|تَفْریح}}
- entomology:Noun:study of insects
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|昆蟲學|tr=khun-thiông-ha̍k}}
- entrance:Noun:action of entering, or going in
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|وُرود}}
- entrance:Noun:place of entering
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|وُرود}}, {{t|fa-ira|وُرودی}}, {{t|fa-ira|مَدْخَل}}
- envelope:Noun:wrapper for mailing
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|批囊|tr=phoe-lông, phe-lông}}
- envelope:Noun:wrapper for mailing
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|پاکَت}}, {{t+|fa-ira|لِفاف}}, {{t+|fa-ira|پاکَتِ نامِه}}
- environment:Noun:area around something
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مُحیط}}, {{t+|fa-ira|پیرامون}}
- environment:Noun:natural world or ecosystem
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|環境|tr=khôan-kéng}}
- environment:Noun:natural world or ecosystem
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|پیرامون}}, {{t|fa-ira|مُحیطِ زیسْت}}
- environment:Noun:political or social setting, arena or condition
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مُحیط}}
- environment:Noun:software or hardware on a computer
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اِجْرالان}}
- enzyme:Noun:catalytic protein
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|酵素|tr=kàⁿ-sò͘}}
- epazote:Noun:herb
- *: Eastern Huasteca: {{t|nhe|apasotl}}
- epazote:Noun:herb
- *: Guerrero: {{t|ngu|yepajsotl}}
- epazote:Noun:herb
- *: Highland Puebla: {{t|azz|epaso̱t}}
- epazote:Noun:herb
- *: Mecayapan: {{t|nhx|epaso̱ꞌ}}
- epazote:Noun:herb
- *: Michoacán: {{t|ncl|epasol}}
- epazote:Noun:herb
- *: Northern Puebla: {{t|ncj|yepasotl}}
- epazote:Noun:herb
- *: Tlamacazapa: {{t|nuz|yepasotl}}
- epazote:Noun:herb
- *: Western Huasteca: {{t|nhw|apasotl}}
- ephemeral:Adjective:lasting for a short period of time
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|efêmero}}
- ephemeral:Adjective:lasting for a short period of time
- *: European: {{t+|pt|efémero}}
- epic:Noun:extended narrative poem
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|史詩|tr=sú-si}}
- epic:Noun:extended narrative poem
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|حَماسِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|داسْتان}}
- epidemic:Adjective:like an epidemic
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|epidêmico}}
- epidemic:Adjective:like an epidemic
- *: European: {{t+|pt|epidémico}}
- epilogue:Noun:brief oration or script at the end of a literary piece
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|مُؤَخَّرَه}}
- epilogue:Noun:brief oration or script at the end of a literary piece
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مُؤَخَّرِه}}
- epistemology:Noun:branch of philosophy dealing with the study of knowledge
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|知識論|tr=tì-sek-lūn}}, {{t|nan-hbl|認識論|tr=jīn-sek-lūn}}
- equal:Verb:be equal to
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|匹敵|tr=phit-tia̍k}}
- equilibrium:Noun:condition of a system in which competing influences are balanced
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|平衡|tr=pêng-hêng, pêⁿ-hêng, pîⁿ-hêng}}
- equilibrium:Noun:physics: state of a body at rest or in uniform motion in which the resultant of all forces on it is zero
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|平衡|tr=pêng-hêng, pêⁿ-hêng, pîⁿ-hêng}}
- equilibrium:Noun:chemistry: state of a reaction in which the rates of the forward and reverse reactions are the same
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|平衡|tr=pêng-hêng, pêⁿ-hêng, pîⁿ-hêng}}
- era:Noun:time period
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|عَصْر}}, {{tt|fa-ira|دُوْرِه}}, {{tt|fa-ira|زَمان}}, {{tt|fa-ira|زَمانِه}}
- era name:Noun:period
- *: Mongolian script: {{t|mn|ᠣᠨ ᠤ ᠴᠣᠯᠠ}}
- eraser:Noun:thing used to erase something written or drawn
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|پِنْسِلپَاک}}
- eraser:Noun:thing used to erase something written or drawn
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|پاککُن}}, {{t|fa-ira|مِدادْپاککُن}}
- erhu:Noun:Chinese fiddle
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|二胡|tr=[[jī-ô͘]]}}
- error:Noun:mistake
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|錯誤|tr=chhò-gō͘ / chhò-ngō͘}}
- error:Noun:mistake
- * Mokshan: {{t|mdf|эльбятькс}}
- error:Noun:mistake
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|خَطا}}, {{t|fa-ira|اِشْتِباه}}, {{t|fa-ira|غَلَط}}
- error:Noun:mistake
- * (New) Prussian: {{t|prg|blānda}}
- escalator:Noun:mechanical device
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|پِلَّهبَرْقِی}}, {{t|prs|زِینَهٔ بَرْقِی}}
- escalator:Noun:mechanical device
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|پِلِّهبَرْقی}}
- essential amino acid:Noun:amino acid which is a dietry requirement
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|必需氨基酸|tr=pì-su an-ki-sng}}
- ester:Noun:compound with carbon-oxygen double bond joined via carbon to another oxygen atom
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|酯|tr=chí}}
- etc.:Phrase:and so on
- *: Classical: {{t|xcl|եւ այլն}}
- etc.:Phrase:and so on
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|等|tr=téng}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|等等|tr=téng-téng}}
- ethics:Noun:standards of conduct
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|倫理|tr=lûn-lí}}
- ethnicity:Noun:characteristics of an ethnic group
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|قَوْمِیَّت}}
- ethnicity:Noun:characteristics of an ethnic group
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|قُوْمِیَّت}}
- ethnicity:Noun:ethnic group
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|قَوْم}}
- ethnicity:Noun:ethnic group
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|قُوْم}}
- etymology:Noun:study of the historical development of languages, particularly of individual words
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|ریشِهشِناسی}}, {{t|fa-ira|واژِهپَژوهی}}, {{t|fa-ira|عِلْمِ اِشْتِقاق}}, {{t|fa-ira|اِتیمولوژی|tr=etimoloži}}
- etymology:Noun:account of the origin and historical development of a word
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|ریشِهشِناسی}}, {{t|fa-ira|واژِهپَژوهی}}, {{t|fa-ira|عِلْمِ اِشْتِقاق}}, {{t|fa-ira|اِتیمولوژی|tr=etimoloži}}, {{t|fa-ira|اِشْتِقاق}}
- etymon:Noun:ancestral form or source word
- * Napolitan: {{t|nap|ètimu|m}}
- evanescence:Noun:fading and vanishing from sight
- *: Bokmål: {{t|nb|flyktighet|mf}}, {{t|nb|kortvarighet|mf}}
- evening:Noun:time of day between dusk and night
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|شام}}
- evening:Noun:time of day between the approximate time of midwinter dusk and midnight
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|日欲暗|tr=ji̍t-beh-àm}}
- evening:Noun:time of day between the approximate time of midwinter dusk and midnight
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|شام}}, {{t+|fa-ira|شامْگاه}}, {{t+|fa-ira|عَصْر}}, {{t+|fa-ira|ایوار}} {{qualifier|poetic}}
- evening:Noun:time of day between the approximate time of midwinter dusk and midnight
- * Sauraseni Prakrit: {{t|pra-sau|साअं}}
- event:Noun:occurrence
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|事件|tr=sū-kiāⁿ}}, {{t|nan-hbl|活動|tr=oa̍h-tāng}}
- every:Determiner:all of a countable group
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|逐|tr=ta̍k}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|每|tr=múi}}
- every:Determiner:all of a countable group
- *: Pennsylvania German: {{t|pdc|jeder}}
- every:Determiner:all of a countable group
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|هَر}}
- every:Determiner:all of a countable group
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|هَر}}
- every dog has its day:Proverb:proverb
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|臭頭仔嘛會做皇帝,做總統你嘛有機會|tr=Chhàu-thâu-á mā ē chò hông-tè, chò chóng-thóng lí mā ū ki-hōe}}
- everybody:Pronoun:all people
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|逐家|tr=ta̍k-ke}}
- everyone:Pronoun:every person
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|逐家|tr=ta̍k-ke}}, {{t|nan-hbl|大家|tr=tāi-ke, ta-ke, tōa-ke}}
- everything:Pronoun:all the things
- *: Eastern Min: {{t-needed|cdo}}
- everything:Pronoun:all the things
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|凡事|tr=hoân-sū}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|萬事|tr=bān-sū}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|一切|tr=it-chhè}}
- everything:Pronoun:all the things
- *: Silesian: {{t|gmw-ecg|olles|n}} ({{t|gmw-ecg|Olles}}, {{t|gmw-ecg|Alles}})
- everywhere:Adverb:at all places
- *: Gheg Albanian: {{t|sq|tâna ânt}}
- evolution:Noun:biology: change in the genetic composition of a population over time
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|進化|tr=chìn-hòa}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|演化|tr=ián-hòa}}
- examination:Noun:formal test
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|考試|tr=khó-chhì}}
- example:Noun:something representative of a group
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|مِثَال}}, {{t|fa-cls|نَمُونَه}}, {{t|fa-cls|نِمُونَه}}, {{t|fa-cls|نُمُونَه}}
- example:Noun:something representative of a group
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مِثال}}, {{t|fa-ira|نِمونِه}}
- example:Noun:something serving to explain or illustrate a rule
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مِثال}}
- except:Preposition:introducing a noun or noun phrase forming an exception or qualification
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|為着|tr=ūi-tio̍h}}
- excited:Adjective:having great enthusiasm and energy
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|éksité}}
- excretion:Noun:process of removing from the body
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|排泄|tr=pâi-siat}}
- excuse me:Phrase:request to repeat
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[歹勢]],[[請]][[閣]][[講]][[一擺]]|tr=pháiⁿ-sè, chhiáⁿ koh kóng chi̍t-pái / phái-sè, chhiáⁿ koh kóng chi̍t-pái}}, {{q|less formal}} {{t|nan-hbl|[[閣再]][[講]][[一擺]]|tr=koh-chài kóng chi̍t-pái}}, {{q|plain}} {{t+|nan-hbl|啥物?|tr=siáⁿ-mi̍h? / siáⁿ-mih? / siám-mih? / sáⁿ-mi̍h? / siám-mi̍h? / siáⁿ-mí? / siáⁿ-meh? / sahⁿ-mi̍h?}}, {{t|nan-hbl|什物?|tr=sím-mi̍h? / sím-mi? / sím-mih? / sīm-mi̍h? / sám-mi̍h?}}, {{t|nan-hbl|何物?|tr=há-mi̍h?}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|哈?|tr=hâⁿ? / haⁿ? / hāⁿ? / hēⁿ? / hā?}}
- excuse me:Phrase:request to repeat
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|بِبَخْشید}}, {{t|fa-ira|مَعْذِرَت میخواهَم}}
- excuse me:Phrase:request for attention
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|歹勢|tr=pháiⁿ-sè / phái-sè}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|失禮|tr=sit-lé}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|請問|tr=chhiáⁿ-mn̄g / chhiáⁿ-mūi}}
- excuse me:Phrase:request for attention
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|بِبَخْشید}}, {{t|fa-ira|مَعْذِرَت میخواهَم}}
- excuse me:Phrase:request to pass
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|歹勢|tr=pháiⁿ-sè / phái-sè}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|失禮|tr=sit-lé}}
- excuse me:Phrase:request to pass
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|بِبَخْشید}}
- excuse me:Phrase:sorry, as apology
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|歹勢|tr=pháiⁿ-sè / phái-sè}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|失禮|tr=sit-lé}}
- excuse me:Phrase:sorry, as apology
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|بِبَخْشید}}, {{t|fa-ira|مَعْذِرَت میخواهَم}}
- excuse me:Phrase:indignation
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|啥物?|tr=siáⁿ-mi̍h? / siáⁿ-mih? / siám-mih? / sáⁿ-mi̍h? / siám-mi̍h? / siáⁿ-mí? / siáⁿ-meh? / sahⁿ-mi̍h?}}, {{t|nan-hbl|什物?|tr=sím-mi̍h? / sím-mi? / sím-mih? / sīm-mi̍h? / sám-mi̍h?}}, {{t|nan-hbl|何物?|tr=há-mi̍h?}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|哈?|tr=hâⁿ? / haⁿ? / hāⁿ? / hēⁿ? / hā?}}
- execution:Noun:act of putting to death or being put to death as a penalty
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|اِعْدَام}}
- execution:Noun:act of putting to death or being put to death as a penalty
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اِعْدام}}
- exercise:Noun:any activity designed to develop or hone a skill or ability
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|تَمْرین}}, {{t|fa-ira|مَشْق}}, {{t|fa-ira|اِگْزِرْسیز}} {{qualifier|dated}}
- exercise:Noun:physical activity intended to improve strength and fitness
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|وَرْزِش}}
- exhausted:Adjective:very tired
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|fatigé}}
- exhibition:Noun:instance of exhibiting
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|نَمَایِش}}
- exhibition:Noun:instance of exhibiting
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|نَمایِش}}
- exhibition:Noun:large scale public showing of objects or products
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|نَمَایِشْگَاه}}, {{t|prs|نَمَایِش}}
- exhibition:Noun:large scale public showing of objects or products
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|نَمایِشْگاه}}, {{t|fa-ira|نَمایِش}}
- exist:Verb:to be
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|存在|tr=chûn-chāi / chûn-chǎi}}
- exit:Noun:action of going out or going away, or leaving
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|خُروج}}
- exit:Noun:way out
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|出門|tr=chhut-mn̂g}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|出去|tr=chhut-khì / chhut-khìr / chhut-khù}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|出口|tr=chhut-kháu}}
- exit:Noun:way out
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|خُروج}}, {{t|fa-ira|خُروجی}}
- exit:Noun:passage or opening through which one can go from inside a place to the outside
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|خُروجی}}
- expensive:Adjective:having a high price or cost
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|貴|tr=kùi}}
- experience:Noun:effect upon the judgment or feelings produced by any event, whether witnessed or participated in
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|經驗|tr=keng-giām}}
- experience:Noun:effect upon the judgment or feelings produced by any event, whether witnessed or participated in
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|تَجْرُبِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|تَجْرِبِه}}
- experience:Noun:activity which one has performed
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|تَجْرُبِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|تَجْرِبِه}}
- experience:Noun:the knowledge thus gathered
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|經驗|tr=keng-giām}}
- experience:Noun:the knowledge thus gathered
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|تَجْرُبِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|تَجْرِبِه}}
- expert:Noun:person with extensive knowledge or ability
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|高手|tr=ko͘-chhiú}}
- explanation:Noun:the act or process of explaining
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|تَوْضِیح}}, {{t|prs|شَرْح}}
- explanation:Noun:the act or process of explaining
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|تُوْضیح}}, {{t|fa-ira|شَرْح}}
- expression:Noun:action of expressing thoughts, ideas, feelings, etc.
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|بَیان|tr=bayân}}, {{t+|fa|اِبْراز}}
- expression:Noun:particular way of phrasing an idea
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|بَیان|tr=bayân}}
- expression:Noun:colloquialism or idiom
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|عِبارَت}}, {{t|fa-ira|اِصْطِلاح}}
- expression:Noun:facial appearance
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|قِیافِه}}
- expression:Noun:mathematics: arrangement of symbols
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|عِبارَت}}, {{t|fa-ira|عِبارَتِ جَبْری}}
- expression:Noun:(computing) a piece of code in a high-level language that returns a value
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t-check|fa-ira|ارزاک|tr=?}}
- extinct:Verb:to cause (an animal or plant species) to die out completely or become extinct
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|斷種|tr=tňg-chéng, tn̄g-chéng, tūiⁿ-chéng}}
- extradition:Noun:process by which a criminal suspect is handed over to another government
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|引渡|tr=ín-tō͘}}
- extrovert:Noun:one who is outgoing, sociable
- *: Chinese: {{zh-l|[[外向]]的人|wàixiàng de rén}}
- eyalet:Noun:(historical) a former administrative division or province of the Ottoman Empire
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|اِیَالَت|tr=iyālat}}
- eyalet:Noun:(historical) a former administrative division or province of the Ottoman Empire
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اِیالَت}}
- eye socket:Noun:socket of eye
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|目空|tr=ba̍k-khang}}
- eyebrow:Noun:hair that grows over the bone ridge above the eye socket
- *: Kildin: {{t|sjd|кулльм}}
- eyedrop:Noun:eye medicine
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|目藥水|tr=ba̍k-io̍h-chúi}}
- eyelash:Noun:hair growing on the edge of an eyelid
- *: Vidari: {{t|avd|مجه|tr=mojje}}
- eyelash:Noun:hair growing on the edge of an eyelid
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|目眨|tr=mĕ̤k-tiák}}
- eyelash:Noun:hair growing on the edge of an eyelid
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|目睭毛//目珠毛|tr=ba̍k-chiu-mn̂g / ba̍k-chiu-mô͘}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|目睫毛|tr=ba̍k-chiah-mn̂g / ba̍k-cheeh-mô͘ / ba̍k-chiah-mô͘ / ba̍k-chia̍p-mn̂g / ba̍k-chiap-mn̂g}}, {{t|nan-hbl|目毛|tr=ba̍k-mn̂g / ba̍k-mô͘}}
- eyelash:Noun:hair growing on the edge of an eyelid
- *: Northern Min: {{t|mnp|目睭毛//目珠毛|tr=mì-ciú-mâu / mù-ciú-mâu}}
- eyelash:Noun:hair growing on the edge of an eyelid
- *: Teochew: {{t|nan-tws|目眥毛|tr=mag8 ci3 mo5}}
- eyelash:Noun:hair growing on the edge of an eyelid
- *: Plains: {{t|crk|ᒦᓴᐳᐃᐧᓈᐣ|tr=mîsapowinân}}
- eyelash:Noun:hair growing on the edge of an eyelid
- *: Cyrillic: {{t|crh|кирпик}}
- eyelash:Noun:hair growing on the edge of an eyelid
- *: Latin: {{t|crh|kirpik}}
- eyelash:Noun:hair growing on the edge of an eyelid
- *: Bolognese: {{t|egl|zejja|f}}
- eyelash:Noun:hair growing on the edge of an eyelid
- *: Carakan: {{t|jv|ꦲꦶꦢꦼꦥ꧀}}
- eyelash:Noun:hair growing on the edge of an eyelid
- *: Rumi: {{t+|jv|idep}}
- eyelash:Noun:hair growing on the edge of an eyelid
- * Komi:
- eyelash:Noun:hair growing on the edge of an eyelid
- *: Komi-Permyak: {{t|koi|синлыс}}
- eyelash:Noun:hair growing on the edge of an eyelid
- *: Komi-Zyrian: {{t|kpv|синлыс}}
- eyelash:Noun:hair growing on the edge of an eyelid
- *: Eastern: {{t|mhr|шинчапун|alt=шинчапу́н}}
- eyelash:Noun:hair growing on the edge of an eyelid
- *: Western: {{t|mrj|сӹнзӓ́вын}}
- eyelash:Noun:hair growing on the edge of an eyelid
- *: Classical Nahuatl: {{t|nci|ixtzontli}}
- eyelash:Noun:hair growing on the edge of an eyelid
- * Tarift: {{t|rif|aber|m}}, {{t|rif|abriw}}
- eyelash:Noun:hair growing on the edge of an eyelid
- *: Tifinagh: {{t|rif|ⴰⴱⴻⵔ|m}}
- eyelash:Noun:hair growing on the edge of an eyelid
- *: Latin: {{t|tt|kerfek}}
- ezafe:Noun:grammatical particle
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|اِضَافَه}}
- ezafe:Noun:grammatical particle
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اِضافِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|نَقْشنَمایِ اِضافِه}}
- fable:Noun:fictitious narration to enforce some useful truth or precept
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|寓言|tr=gū-giân}}
- face:Verb:position oneself towards
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|朝|tr=diu}}
- fact-free:Adjective:not containing fact
- * Ancient: {{t|grc|ἀπίμελος}}
- factor:Noun:doer, maker
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کارْگُزار}}
- factor:Noun:integral part
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|فاکْتور|tr=fâktor}}
- factor:Noun:mathematical sense
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|فاکْتور|tr=fâktor}}
- factory:Noun:manufacturing place
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|工廠|tr=kang-chhiúⁿ}}
- factory:Noun:manufacturing place
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|فَابْرِیکَه}}, {{t|prs|کَارْخَانَه}}
- factory:Noun:manufacturing place
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کارْخانِه}}
- failure:Noun:state or condition opposite of success
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|شِکَسْت}}
- failure:Noun:state or condition opposite of success
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|شِکَسْت}}
- fairy tale:Noun:folktale
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|囡仔古|tr=gín-á-kó͘}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|童話|tr=tông-ōe}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|神話|tr=sìng-uâ}}
- fairy tale:Noun:folktale
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|اَفْسَانَه}}
- fairy tale:Noun:folktale
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اَفْسانِه}}
- faith:Noun:feeling that something is true
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|اِیمَان}}, {{t|prs|اِعْتِقَاد}}
- faith:Noun:feeling that something is true
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|ایمان}}, {{t|fa-ira|اِعْتِقاد}}
- faith:Noun:religious belief system
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|اِیمَان}}, {{t|prs|دِین}}
- faith:Noun:religious belief system
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|ایمان}}, {{t+|fa-ira|دین}}
- faith:Noun:religious belief system
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|دھرم|m|tr=dharm}}
- fake:Adjective:not real
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|假|tr=ké}}
- fake:Adjective:not real
- *: Vedic: {{t|sa|आसत्|tr=ā́sat}}
- falcon:Noun:bird of the genus Falco
- *: Sorani: {{t|ckb|شاھین}}, {{t|ckb|باز}}
- fall:Verb:move to a lower position under the effect of gravity
- *: Western Neo-Aramaic: {{tt|arc|ܐܠܚܩ|tr=elḥak|sc=Syrc}}
- fall:Verb:move to a lower position under the effect of gravity
- ** bokmål: {{tt+|nb|falle}}, {{t+|nb|dette}}
- fall:Verb:move to a lower position under the effect of gravity
- ** nynorsk: {{tt|nn|falle}}, {{tt|nn|falla}}, {{t|nn|dette}}, {{t|nn|detta}}
- fall:Verb:come down or descend
- ** bokmål: {{tt+|nb|falle}}, {{t+|nb|dette}}
- fall:Verb:come down or descend
- ** nynorsk: {{tt|nn|falle}}, {{tt|nn|falla}}, {{t|nn|dette}}, {{t|nn|detta}}
- fall asleep:Verb:to pass into sleep
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|بَه خواب رَفْتَن|tr=ba xāb raftan}}
- fall asleep:Verb:to pass into sleep
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|بِه خواب رَفْتَن}}, {{t|fa-ira|خواب بردن|alt=خوابَش بُرْدَن}}
- fall over:Verb:fall from an upright position to a horizontal position
- * Lutuv: {{t|clt|tla}}
- falooda:Noun:dessert
- * Hindustani:
- falooda:Noun:dessert
- *: Hindi: {{t|hi|फ़ालूदा|m}}
- falooda:Noun:dessert
- *: Urdu: {{t|ur|فالودہ|tr=fālūdā|m}}
- false:Adjective:untrue, not factual, wrong
- *: Vedic: {{t|sa|आसत्|tr=ā́sat}}
- family:Noun:immediate family [as a group], e.g. parents and their children
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|家庭}}
- family:Noun:immediate family [as a group], e.g. parents and their children
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|家族|tr=ka-cho̍k}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|家庭|tr=ka-têng}}
- family:Noun:immediate family [as a group], e.g. parents and their children
- * Guarani: {{tt|gn|ogaygua}}
- family:Noun:immediate family [as a group], e.g. parents and their children
- * Mansi:
- family:Noun:immediate family [as a group], e.g. parents and their children
- *: Northern Mansi: {{t|mns-nor|колта̄гыл}}
- family:Noun:immediate family [as a group], e.g. parents and their children
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|خَانَوَادَه}}, {{t|fa-cls|خَانْدَان}}, {{t|fa-cls|عَائِلَه}}
- family:Noun:immediate family [as a group], e.g. parents and their children
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|خانِوادِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|خانْدان}}, {{t+|fa-ira|فامیل}}, {{t|fa-ira|عائِلِه}}
- family:Noun:immediate family [as a group], e.g. parents and their children
- *: Kildin Sami: {{tt|sjd|пӣрас}}, {{tt|sjd|петенҍе}}
- family:Noun:group of people related by blood, marriage, law, or custom
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|家族}}
- family:Noun:group of people related by blood, marriage, law, or custom
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|家族|tr=ka-cho̍k}}
- family:Noun:group of people related by blood, marriage, law, or custom
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|famiy}}
- family:Noun:group of people related by blood, marriage, law, or custom
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|خانْدان}}, {{t+|fa-ira|خویشان|tr=xišân}}, {{t|fa-ira|نَزْدیکان}}
- family:Noun:group of people related by blood, marriage, law, or custom
- *: Kildin Sami: {{tt|sjd|гоанҍц}}
- family:Noun:rank in a taxonomic classification, above both genus and species
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|科|tr=kho}}
- family:Noun:rank in a taxonomic classification, above both genus and species
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|خانِوادِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|تیرِه}}
- family:Noun:music: a group of instruments having the same basic method of tone production
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|هَمْنَوا}}
- family:Noun:linguistics: a group of languages believed to have descended from the same ancestral language
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|خانِوادِه}}
- fan:Noun:hand-held device
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|扇|tr=sìⁿ}}
- fan:Noun:hand-held device
- *: Dari Persian: {{t|fa|پَکَه دَسْتِی|tr=paka dastī}}
- fan:Noun:hand-held device
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa|بادْبِزَن|tr=bâdbezan}}, {{t+|fa|مِرْوَحِه|tr=mervahe}}
- fan:Noun:electrical device
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|電風扇|tr=tiān-hong-sìⁿ / tiān-hoang-sìⁿ}}, {{tt|nan-hbl|電扇|tr=tiān-sìⁿ}}, {{tt+|nan-hbl|風扇|tr=hong-sìⁿ / hoang-sìⁿ}}, {{tt+|nan-hbl|電風|tr=tiān-hong}} {{q|Taiwanese}}
- fan:Noun:electrical device
- *: Classical Persian: {{tt+|fa|پَنْکَه|tr=panka}}
- fan:Noun:electrical device
- *: Dari Persian: {{tt|fa|پَکَه|tr=paka}}
- fan:Noun:electrical device
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa|فَن|tr=fan}}, {{tt|fa|فَنِ اِلِکْتْریکی|tr=fan-e elektriki}}, {{tt+|fa|پَنْکِه|tr=panke}}
- fan-tan:Noun:a specific gambling game where objects are counted in sets of four
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|攤|tr=thoaⁿ}}
- fare:Noun:money paid for a transport ticket
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کِرایِه}}
- farewell:Interjection:Goodbye
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|順風|tr=sūn-hong}}
- farm:Noun:place where agricultural activities take place
- *: South Azerbaijani: {{t|az|چفتلك|tr=chiftlik}}, {{t|az|جفتلك|tr=jiftlik}}, {{t|az|مزرعه|tr=mazraa}}
- farm:Noun:place where agricultural activities take place
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|農場|tr=lông-tiûⁿ / lông-tiôⁿ}}
- farm:Noun:place where agricultural activities take place
- * Lutuv: {{t|clt|lu}}
- farmer:Noun:person who works the land and/or who keeps livestock
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|農民}}
- farmer:Noun:person who works the land and/or who keeps livestock
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|農民|tr=lông-bîn}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|作穡人|tr=chò-sit-lâng}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|作田人|tr=chó-chhân-lâng}}, {{t|nan-hbl|農夫|tr=lông-hu}}
- farmer:Noun:person who works the land and/or who keeps livestock
- *: Classical Mongolian: {{t|cmg|ᠲᠠᠷᠢᠶᠠᠯᠠᠩ ᠤᠨ ᠡᠷᠡ}}
- fart:Noun:an emission of flatulent gases
- *: Carpathian Romani: {{t|rmc|riľ}} {{qualifier|East Slovak Romani}}, {{t|rmc|khaň}} {{qualifier|East Slovak Romani}}
- fart:Noun:an emission of flatulent gases
- *: Vlax Romani: {{t|rmy|khaj}} {{qualifier|noiseless}}, {{t|rmy|ril}} {{qualifier|audible}}, {{t|rmy|khaj}} {{qualifier|Kalderash, noiseless}}, {{t|rmy|řîl}} {{qualifier|Kalderash, audible}}
- fart:Verb:to emit flatulent gases
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|放屁|tr=pàng-phùi}}
- fasciated antshrike:Noun:Cymbilaimus lineatus
- *: {{qualifier|Brazil}}: [[papa-formiga-barrado]]
- fascism:Noun:extreme totalitarian political regime
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|فاشیسْم}}
- fashion:Noun:current (constantly changing) trend, favored for frivolous rather than practical, logical, or intellectual reasons
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|時式|tr=sî-sek}}
- fashion:Noun:current (constantly changing) trend, favored for frivolous rather than practical, logical, or intellectual reasons
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|فَشَن}}
- fashion:Noun:current (constantly changing) trend, favored for frivolous rather than practical, logical, or intellectual reasons
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|مُد}}, {{t|fa-ira|فَشُن}}
- fast:Adjective:moving or capable of moving with great speed
- *: Croatian: {{tt|sh|бр̑з}}
- fast:Verb:to abstain from food
- *: Eastern Min: {{t-needed|cdo}}
- fast:Verb:to abstain from food
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|禁食|tr=kìm-chia̍h}}
- fasting:Noun:period of time when one abstains from or eats very little food
- *: Gheg: {{t|sq|ninimi}}, {{t|sq|njinimi}}
- fasting:Noun:period of time when one abstains from or eats very little food
- *: Tosk: {{t+|sq|agjërimi}}
- fat:Adjective:carrying a larger than normal amount of fat on one's body
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{tt|lou|gra}}, {{tt|lou|gro}}
- fat:Adjective:carrying a larger than normal amount of fat on one's body
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|فَرْبِه}}, {{tt+|fa-ira|چاق}}
- fat:Noun:specialized animal tissue
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|膩瓤|tr=jī-nn̂g}}
- fat:Noun:specialized animal tissue
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{tt|lou|lagrès}}
- fat:Noun:specialized animal tissue
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|چَرْبی}}, {{tt+|fa-ira|پیه}}, {{tt+|fa-ira|رُوْغَن}}, {{tt+|fa-ira|وَز}}
- fat:Noun:refined substance chemically resembling the oils in animal fat
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|چَرْبی}}
- fat tail:Noun:fat-tail of beast
- *: Christian Palestinian Aramaic: {{t|arc|ܐܠܝܬܐ|f}}
- fat tail:Noun:fat-tail of beast
- *: Classical Mandaic: {{t|myz|ࡀࡋࡉࡕࡀ|f}}
- fat tail:Noun:fat-tail of beast
- *: Jewish Literary Aramaic: {{t|arc|אֲלִּיתָה|f|tr=ʾallīṯā}}, {{t|arc|אֲלִּיתָא|f|tr=ʾallīṯā}}
- fat tail:Noun:fat-tail of beast
- *: Jewish Palestinian Aramaic: {{t|arc|אלייתה|f}}
- fate:Noun:that which predetermines events
- *: Arbëreshë: {{t|sq|psorë|m}}
- fate:Noun:that which predetermines events
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|سَرْنِوِشْت}}, {{t+|fa-ira|تَقْدیر}}, {{t+|fa-ira|قِسْمَت}}, {{t+|fa-ira|مُقَدَّر}}, {{t+|fa-ira|بَخْت}}, {{t+|fa-ira|قَضا}}
- fatha:Noun:in the Arabic script, the vowel point for "a" (fatḥa)
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|فَتْحَه}}, {{t|fa-cls|زَبَر}}
- fatha:Noun:in the Arabic script, the vowel point for "a" (fatḥa)
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|فَتْحَه}}, {{t|prs|زَبَر}}
- fatha:Noun:in the Arabic script, the vowel point for "a" (fatḥa)
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|فَتْحِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|زِبَر}}
- father-in-law:Noun:one's spouse's father
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|大官|tr=ta-kuaⁿ, tā-kuaⁿ, tōa-kuaⁿ}} {{qualifier|husband's father}}, {{t|nan-hbl|丈人|tr=tiǔⁿ-lâng, tiūⁿ-lâng, tiòⁿ-lâng}} {{qualifier|wife's father}}, {{t|nan-hbl|丈人公|tr=tiǔⁿ-lâng-kong, tiūⁿ-lâng-kong, tiòⁿ-lâng-kong}} {{qualifier|wife's father}}
- fatherland:Noun:country of one's ancestry
- *: Plautdietsch: {{t|pdt|Vodalaunt|n}}
- fatty acid:Noun:acid
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|脂肪酸|tr=chi-hông-sng, chí-hông-sng}}
- fatwa:Noun:formal ruling issued by an Islamic judicial authority
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|فَتْوا}}
- fear:Noun:uncountable: emotion caused by actual or perceived danger or threat
- *: Classical Chinese: {{tt|lzh|惧|tr=jù}}
- fear:Noun:uncountable: emotion caused by actual or perceived danger or threat
- * Divehi: {{tt|dv|ބިރުވެރިކަމަކީ}}
- fear:Noun:uncountable: emotion caused by actual or perceived danger or threat
- * Zenda: {{t|zne|gunde}}
- fear:Verb:feel fear about (something)
- *: Coptic: {{tt|cop|ⲥⲛⲁⲧ}}
- feather:Noun:branching, hair-like structure that grows on the bodies of birds
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|羽毛}}
- feather:Noun:branching, hair-like structure that grows on the bodies of birds
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|羽毛|tr=ú-mô͘}}
- feather:Noun:branching, hair-like structure that grows on the bodies of birds
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|پَر}}
- feather duster:Noun:implement used to remove surface dust
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|雞毛筅|tr=ke-mn̂g-chhéng, koe-mn̂g-chhéng}}
- federal city:Noun:title applied to some European cities
- *[[French]]: {{t+|fr|ville fédérale}}<ref name="swiss" />
- federal city:Noun:title applied to some European cities
- *[[German]]: {{t+|de|Bundesstadt|f}}<ref name="swiss" />
- federal city:Noun:title applied to some European cities
- *[[Spanish]]: {{t|es|ciudad federal|f}}
- federation:Noun:array of nations or states
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|聯邦|tr=liân-pang}}
- federation:Noun:array of nations or states
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|فِدِراسِیون|tr=federâsiyon}}, {{t|fa-ira|اِتِّحاد}}
- fee:Noun:monetary payment charged for professional services
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|دَسْتْمُزْد}}, {{t|prs|هَزینَه}}
- fee:Noun:monetary payment charged for professional services
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|دَسْتْمُزْد}}, {{t|fa-ira|هَزینِه}}
- feeble:Adjective:deficient in physical strength
- *: Ancient: {{t|grc|ἀσθενής}}, {{t|grc|ἀκιδνός}}, {{t|grc|ἀφαυρός}}, {{t|grc|μῶλυς}}
- feeding bottle:Noun:feeding bottle
- *: {{qualifier|Brazil}}: {{t+|pt|mamadeira|f}}
- feeding bottle:Noun:feeding bottle
- *: {{qualifier|Portugal}}: {{t+|pt|biberão|m}}
- feeling:Noun:sensation
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|اِحْساس}}, {{t+|fa-ira|حِس}}
- feeling:Noun:emotion; impression
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|اِحْساس}}
- fellow:Noun:(informal) male person; used as a familiar term of address to a man
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|boug}}, {{t|lou|nèg}}, {{t|lou|gayar}}
- female:Noun:one of the feminine sex or gender
- *: Gheg: {{t|sq|femën|f}}
- female:Noun:one of the feminine sex or gender
- *: Tosk: {{t+|sq|femër}}
- feminazi:Adjective:relating to a radical or militant feminist
- * Walon: {{t|wa|femirecsisse}}
- feng shui:Noun:ancient Chinese system of geomancy used to design buildings and graves, and to determine the spatial arrangement of things
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|風水|tr=hong-súi}}
- fennel:Noun:Foeniculum vulgare, the plant
- *: Jewish Palestinian Aramaic: {{t|arc|שומרא|m|tr=šummārā}}
- fennel:Noun:Foeniculum vulgare, the plant
- *: bokmål: {{t|nb|fennikel|m}}
- fennel:Noun:spice used in cooking
- *: Jewish Palestinian Aramaic: {{t|arc|שומרא|m|tr=šummārā}}
- fermentation:Noun:anaerobic biochemical reaction
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|發酵|tr=huák-gáu}}
- fermentation:Noun:anaerobic biochemical reaction
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|發酵|tr=hoat-kàⁿ}}
- fermion:Noun:particle with totally antisymmetric composite quantum states
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|férmion|m}}
- fermion:Noun:particle with totally antisymmetric composite quantum states
- *: European: {{t+|pt|fermião|m}}
- fermionic:Adjective:of, pertaining to, or characteristic of fermions
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|fermiônico}}
- fermionic:Adjective:of, pertaining to, or characteristic of fermions
- *: European: {{t|pt|fermiónico}}
- ferret:Noun:the mammal Mustela putorius furo
- * Sami: [[albinočáhppesbuoidda]], [[ferrehtta]]
- ferry:Noun:boat
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|فَرابَر}}, {{t|fa-ira|کَشْتیِ گُذارِه}}
- fervor:Noun:intense, heated emotion; passion, ardor
- *: Mandarin: {{t+|cmn|熱情|sc=Hani}}, {{t+|cmn|热情|tr=rèqíng|sc=Hani}}
- festival:Noun:event or community gathering
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|جَشْنْوارِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|فِسْتیوال}}, {{t|fa-ira|عِیْد}}, {{t|fa-ira|جَشْن}}
- fetus:Noun:an unborn or unhatched vertebrate showing signs of the mature animal
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|胎兒|tr=thai-jî}}
- fetus:Noun:an unborn or unhatched vertebrate showing signs of the mature animal
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|جَنِین}}
- fetus:Noun:an unborn or unhatched vertebrate showing signs of the mature animal
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|جَنین}}
- feud:Noun:A state of long-standing mutual hostility
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|sè-siû}}
- few:Determiner:indefinite, usually small number
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|少|tr=jiu}}
- fiancé:Noun:man who is engaged to be married
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|نامْزَد}} {{qualifier|fiancé or fiancée}}
- fiancée:Noun:woman who is engaged to be married
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|نامْزَد}} {{qualifier|fiancé or fiancée}}
- field:Noun:land area free of woodland, cities, and towns; open country
- * Lutuv: {{t|clt|lu}}
- field:Noun:land area free of woodland, cities, and towns; open country
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|مَیْدَان}}
- field:Noun:land area free of woodland, cities, and towns; open country
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|مِیْدان}}
- field:Noun:wide, open space used to grow crops or to hold farm animals
- *: Classical Nahuatl: {{tt|nci|milli}}, {{tt|nci|cuemitl}}
- field:Noun:course of study or domain of knowledge or practice
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|رِشْتَه}}
- field:Noun:course of study or domain of knowledge or practice
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|رِشْتِه}}
- field marshal:Noun:highest military rank after the commander in chief
- *: Juba Arabic: {{t|pga|mushiir}}
- fifteen:Numeral:cardinal number
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|kinz}}
- fifteen:Numeral:cardinal number
- * Seraiki: {{t|skr|پَندھَرَاں}}
- fifty:Numeral:cardinal number
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|sinkant}}
- fig:Noun:tree or shrub
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|無花果|tr=ù-huă-guō}}
- fig:Noun:tree or shrub
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|無花果|tr=bû-hoa-kó}}
- fig:Noun:fruit
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|無花果|tr=ù-huă-guō}}
- fig:Noun:fruit
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|無花果|tr=bû-hoa-kó}}, {{t|nan-hbl|文仙果|tr=bûn-sian-kó}}, {{t|nan-hbl|映日果|tr=iòng-ji̍t-kó}}, {{t|nan-hbl|優曇花|tr=iu-thâm-hoe}}
- fight:Verb:(intransitive) to contend in physical conflict
- *: Eastern Min: {{t-check|cdo|相伐|tr=soung pa}}
- fight:Verb:(intransitive) to contend in physical conflict
- *: Nunatsiavummiut: {{t|iu|pâk}}
- fighter plane:Noun:military aircraft
- *: Hokkien: {{t-check|nan-hbl|戰鬥機|tr=chiàn-tàu-ki}}
- file:Noun:collection of papers
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|پَرْوَنْدِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|دوسِیِه|tr=dosiye}}
- file:Noun:computing, aggregation of data
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|پَرْوَنْدِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|فایْل}}
- file:Noun:cutting or smoothing tool
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|سوهان}}
- film:Noun:photographic film
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|فیلْم}}
- film director:Noun:a person who directs and supervises the production of a movie, especially as profession
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|رِژیسور|tr=režisor}}
- fin:Noun:appendage of a fish
- *: Old Polish: {{tt|zlw-opl|plutwa|f}}
- fin:Noun:appendage of a fish
- *: Kildin Sami: {{t|sjd|ве̄ппьс}}
- final:Adjective:last; ultimate
- *: Ancient: {{t|grc|ἔσχατος}}, {{t|grc|λοῖσθος}}
- finch:Noun:any bird of the family Fringillidae
- *: Cryllic: {{t|sh|зеба}}
- find:Verb:encounter, locate, discover
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|揣著//揣着|tr=chhōe--tio̍h, chhē--tio̍h}}
- fingernail:Noun:covering near the tip of finger
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|掌甲}}
- fingernail:Noun:covering near the tip of finger
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|掌甲|tr=chéng-kah}}
- fingernail:Noun:covering near the tip of finger
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|نَاخُن}}
- fingernail:Noun:covering near the tip of finger
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|ناخُن}}
- fire brigade:Noun:group within a corporation or industrial site
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|آتَشنِشانی}}
- fire brigade:Noun:organization for preventing and putting out fires
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|消防隊|tr=siau-hông-tūi}}
- fire brigade:Noun:organization for preventing and putting out fires
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|سازْمانِ آتَشنِشانی}}
- fire engine:Noun:fire truck
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|水龍車}}, {{t|nan-hbl|救火車}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|消防車}}, {{t|nan-hbl|火燒車}}, {{t|nan-hbl|拍火車}}
- fire engine:Noun:fire truck
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|ماشینِ آتَشنِشانی}}
- fire extinguisher:Noun:device for putting out a fire
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کَپْسولِ آتَشنِشانی}}
- fire hydrant:Noun:a device used by firefighters to obtain water from the main
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|شیرِ آتَشنِشانی}}
- firearm:Noun:personal weapon
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|سِلاحِ گَرْم}}, {{t|fa-ira|اَسْلَحِهٔ گَرْم}}, {{t|fa-ira|تُفَنْگ}}
- firearm:Noun:personal weapon
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|آتشیں اسلحہ}}
- firefighter:Noun:person who puts out fires
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|آتَشنِشان}}, {{t|fa-ira|[[مَأْمورِ]] [[آتَشنِشان]]}}
- firefly:Noun:Lampyridae
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|藍尾星|tr=làng-muōi-sĭng}}
- firefly:Noun:Lampyridae
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|火金蛄|tr=hé-kim-ko͘, hóe-kim-ko͘}} {{q|Xiamen|Zhangzhou|Taiwan}}, {{t|nan-hbl|火焰蛄|tr=hé-iām-ko͘}} {{q|Xiamen}}, {{t|nan-hbl|火螢|tr=hér-iâⁿ}} {{q|Quanzhou}}
- firefly:Noun:Lampyridae
- *: Pennsylvania German: {{t|pdc|Feiervoggel|m}}
- firefly:Noun:Lampyridae
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|ٹٹیانا|m}}
- fireplace:Noun:open hearth
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|شومینِه|tr=šomine}}, {{t|fa-ira|بُخاری}}
- firsocostat:Noun:
- *Simplified Chinese: 非索考司他
- first:Adjective:numeral first
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|第一|tr=tē-it}}
- first:Adjective:numeral first
- *: Doric: {{tt|grc|πρᾶτος}}
- first:Adjective:numeral first
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{tt|lou|prémiyé}}, {{tt|lou|prinmiyé}}
- first:Adjective:numeral first
- *: Föhr-Amrum, Hallig: {{tt|frr|iarst}}
- fishball:Noun:pulverized fish shaped into a ball
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|魚丸|tr=hî-oân, hû-oân}}
- fisherman:Noun:person catching fish
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|討海仔|tr=thó-hái-á}}
- fisherman:Noun:person catching fish
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|ماهیگیر}}
- fishing net:Noun:net used for fishing
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|罟}}
- fishing rod:Noun:rod used for angling
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|چوبِ ماهیگیری}}
- fishmarket:Noun:market where fish is sold
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|魚市|tr=hî-chhī/hû-chhī}}, {{t|nan-hbl|魚仔市|tr=hî-á-chhī/hû-á-chhī}}
- fist:Noun:clenched hand
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|拳頭母|tr=gùng-tàu-mō̤}}
- fist:Noun:clenched hand
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|拳頭母|tr=kûn-thâu-bú, kûn-thâu-bó}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|拳頭|tr=kûn-thâu}}
- fist:Noun:clenched hand
- *: Northern Min: {{t|mnp|拳頭}}
- fist:Noun:clenched hand
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|مُشْت}}
- fist:Noun:clenched hand
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مُشْت}}
- fit:Verb:to be suitable for
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|kah}}
- five:Numeral:cardinal number
- *: Western Neo-Aramaic: {{tt|amw|ܚܡܫܐ|m|tr=ḥamša}}, {{tt|amw|ܚܡܫ|f|tr=ḥammeš}}
- five:Numeral:cardinal number
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|五|tr=ngū}}, {{tt|cdo|五|tr=ngô}}
- five:Numeral:cardinal number
- *: Hokkien: {{qualifier|Xiamen}} {{tt+|nan-hbl|五|tr=go, ngò}}
- five:Numeral:cardinal number
- *: Teochew: {{tt|nan-tws|五|tr=ngou6}}
- five:Numeral:cardinal number
- *: Plains Cree: {{tt|crk|niyānan}}
- five:Numeral:cardinal number
- * Lutuv: {{t|clt|suophangaa}}
- five:Numeral:cardinal number
- * Lenape:
- five:Numeral:cardinal number
- *: Unami: {{tt|unm|palenàxk}}
- five:Numeral:cardinal number
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|sink}}
- five:Numeral:cardinal number
- * Nama: {{tt|naq|koro}}
- five:Numeral:cardinal number
- *: Föhr-Amrum and Mooring: {{tt|frr|fiiw}}
- five:Numeral:cardinal number
- * Sarcee: {{tt|srs|gúùt'áá}}
- fixed point:Adjective:in computing
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|定点|tr=tēng-tiám}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|定點|tr=tēng-tiám}}
- flag:Noun:piece of cloth or often its representation
- *: Arbëresh: {{tt|sq|lon}}
- flag:Noun:piece of cloth or often its representation
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|پَرْچَم}}, {{tt|fa-ira|بِیْرَق}}, {{tt|fa-ira|عَلَم}}, {{tt|fa-ira|رایَت}}
- flamingo:Noun:bird
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|紅鶴|tr=âng-ho̍h}}
- flat:Adjective:having no variations in altitude
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|平|tr=bang}}
- flat:Adjective:having no variations in altitude
- * Old Portuguese: {{t|roa-opt|chão}}
- flatfoot:Noun:condition
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|鴨母蹄|tr=ah-bó-tê, ah-bú-tê}}
- flattened rice:Noun:
- * Meitei: {{t|mni|ꯆꯦꯡꯄꯥꯛ}}
- flatter:Verb:to compliment someone
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|諂媚|tr=thiám-bī }}, {{t+|nan-hbl|扶挺|tr=phô͘-tháⁿ}}
- flatulent:Adjective:affected by gas in the intestine
- *: Old English: {{t|ang|windiġ}}
- flax:Noun:plant
- *: Christian Palestinian Aramaic: {{t|arc|ܟܬܢܐ|m|ts=kittānā}}, {{t|arc|ܟܝܬܢܐ|m|ts=kittānā}}
- flea:Noun:parasitic insect
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|虼蚤|tr=ka-cháu}}
- flee:Verb:to run away; to escape
- *: Zazaki: {{t|zza|remayen}}
- flee:Verb:to run away; to escape
- *: Kildin Sami: {{t|sjd|поа̄ччкэ}}
- fleet:Noun:group of vessels or vehicles
- * Crimean Tartar: {{t|crh|flot|}}
- flesh:Noun:body tissue
- * Lutuv: {{t|clt|saa}}
- flesh:Noun:animal tissue as food
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|肉|tr=bah}}
- flesh:Noun:colour
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|肉色|tr=bah-sek}}
- flight attendant:Noun:member of the crew of an airplane who is responsible for the comfort and safety of its passengers
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|اِسْتُوَرْد}}
- flight attendant:Noun:member of the crew of an airplane who is responsible for the comfort and safety of its passengers
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مِهْمانْدارِ هَواپِیْما}}, {{t|fa-ira|مِهْمانْدار}}, {{t|fa-ira|اِسْتُوَرْد}}
- flint:Noun:hard fine-grained quartz which generates sparks when struck
- *: Cappadocian: {{t|cpg|κασκάρα}}
- flock:Noun:translations to be checked
- *: Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|群|tr=qún|sc=Hani}}
- flood:Noun:overflow of water
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|大水|tr=tōa-chúi}}
- flood:Verb:to overflow
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|漲水|tr=tiòng-chúi}}, {{t|nan-hbl|做大水|tr=chòe-tōa-chúi}}
- floor:Noun:bottom part of a room
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|塗跤|tr=thô͘-kha}}
- floor:Noun:bottom part of a room
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کَفِ زَمین}}, {{t|fa-ira|کَف}}, {{t|fa-ira|فَرْش}}
- floor:Noun:part of the house assigned to the members of a legislative assembly
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|صَحْن}}
- flop:Noun:
- *: Simplified: {{t-check|cmn|拍击声|tr=pāijīshēng}}
- flop:Noun:
- *: Traditional: {{t-check|cmn|拍擊聲}}
- floss:Noun:a thread used to clean the gaps between the teeth
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|齒線|tr=khí-soàⁿ}}
- flour:Noun:ground cereal grains or other foodstuff
- *: Mycenaean Greek: {{t|gmy|𐀎}}
- flour:Noun:ground cereal grains or other foodstuff
- * Mari: {{t|mhr|ложаш}}
- flour:Noun:ground cereal grains or other foodstuff
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|آٹا|tr=āṭṭā}}
- flower:Noun:reproductive structure in angiosperms
- * Cham:
- flower:Noun:reproductive structure in angiosperms
- *: Eastern Cham: {{tt|cjm|ꨝꨊꨭꨩ|tr=bangu}}, {{tt|cjm|ꨝꨪꨊꨭꨩ|tr=bingu}}
- flower:Noun:reproductive structure in angiosperms
- *: Western Cham: {{t-needed|cja}}
- flower:Noun:reproductive structure in angiosperms
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|花|tr=huă}}
- flower:Noun:reproductive structure in angiosperms
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|花|tr=hoe, hoa}}, {{tt+|nan-hbl|花蕊|tr=hoe-lúi}}
- flower:Noun:reproductive structure in angiosperms
- * Lenape:
- flower:Noun:reproductive structure in angiosperms
- *: Unami: {{tt|unm|òtaès}}
- flower:Noun:reproductive structure in angiosperms
- *: Coatepec: {{tt|naz|xuchi}}
- flower:Noun:reproductive structure in angiosperms
- *: Michoacán: {{tt|ncl|xuchil}}
- flower:Noun:reproductive structure in angiosperms
- * Nama: {{tt|naq|ǃkhas}}
- flower:Noun:reproductive structure in angiosperms
- * Old Portuguese: {{tt|roa-opt|chor}}, {{tt|roa-opt|flor}}, {{tt|roa-opt|fror}}
- flower:Noun:reproductive structure in angiosperms
- *: Devanagari: {{tt|pi|पुप्फ|n}}
- flower:Noun:reproductive structure in angiosperms
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|گُل}}
- flower:Noun:reproductive structure in angiosperms
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|گُل}}, {{tt|fa-ira|اِسْپَرْغَم}}
- flower:Verb:to put forth blooms
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|開花|tr=khui-hoe}}
- flower garden:Noun:garden where flowers are grown for decorative purposes
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|باغِ گُل}}
- flowerbed:Noun:place where flowers are grown
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|باغِ گُل}}
- flowerpot:Noun:container in which plants are grown
- *: Jewish: {{t|arc|אֲצִיצָא|tr=ʾăṣīṣā}}
- fluent:Adjective:able to speak a language accurately and confidently
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|輾轉|tr=liàn-tńg}}
- fly:Noun:insect of the order Diptera
- * Kriol: {{t-needed|rop}}
- fly:Noun:insect of the order Diptera
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|دوبالان|tr=dobâlân}}
- fly:Noun:insect of the family Muscidae
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|蒲蠅}}
- fly:Noun:insect of the family Muscidae
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|胡蠅|tr=hô͘-sîn}}
- fly:Noun:insect of the family Muscidae
- *: Northern Min: {{t|mnp|蠅}}
- fly:Noun:insect of the family Muscidae
- * Kriol: {{t-needed|rop}}
- fly:Noun:insect of the family Muscidae
- *: Northern Puebla: {{tt|ncj|sayoli}}
- fly:Noun:insect of the family Muscidae
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|مَگَس}}
- fly:Noun:insect of the family Muscidae
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|مَگَس}}
- fly:Verb:to travel through air
- * Atong: {{t|aot|pyw}}
- fly:Verb:to travel through air
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|飛|tr=buŏi}}
- fly:Verb:to travel through air
- *: Inuttut: {{tt|iu|tingik}}, {{tt|iu|pikik}} {{qualifier|birds}}, {{tt|iu|tingijok}} {{qualifier|in an airplane}}
- fly:Verb:to travel through air
- *: Mecayapan: {{tt|nhx|pata̱ni}}
- fly:Verb:to travel through air
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|پَرْواز کَرْدَن}}, {{t+|fa-ira|پَریدَن}}
- flying fox:Noun:bat of the genera Pteropus or Acerodon
- * Kriol: {{t|rop|flain foks}}
- flying fox:Noun:
- * Kriol: {{t-check|rop|blanbo}}, {{t-check|rop|dinga}}
- flying squirrel:Noun:squirrel
- *: Literary: {{t|lzh|鸓|tr=lěi}}, {{t|lzh|鼺|tr=léi}}
- flyswatter:Noun:device for swatting flies
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|胡蠅拍仔|tr=hô͘-sîn-phah-á}}
- foam:Noun:substance composed of a large collection of bubbles or their solidified remains
- *: Bavarian: {{t|bar|schaum}}
- foehn:Noun:warm dry wind blowing down the northern sides of the Alps
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|火燒風|tr=hóe-sio-hong/hé-sio-hong}}
- fog:Noun:cloud that forms at a low altitude and obscures vision
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|雺|tr=muò}}
- fog:Noun:cloud that forms at a low altitude and obscures vision
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|霧|tr=bū}}, {{tt|nan-hbl|霧氣|tr=bū-khì}}, {{tt+|nan-hbl|雺|tr=bông}}
- fog:Noun:cloud that forms at a low altitude and obscures vision
- *: Northern Min: {{tt|mnp|露|tr=sū}}
- fog:Noun:cloud that forms at a low altitude and obscures vision
- *: Kildin Sami: {{t|sjd|цӣгк}}
- fog:Noun:cloud that forms at a low altitude and obscures vision
- *: Ter Sami: {{t|sjt|цӣгк}}
- foie gras:Noun:fattened liver of geese or ducks
- *:: Aranese: {{t|oc|hitge gras|m}}
- foie gras:Noun:fattened liver of geese or ducks
- *: Gascon: {{t|oc|hetge gras|m}}
- folder:Noun:organizer
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|پوشِه}}
- folding knife:Noun:kind of knife whose blade or blades can be folded inside the handle
- * Slovák: {{t-check|sk|krivák|m}}, {{t-check|sk|zatvárací nôž|m}}
- folk medicine:Noun:traditional medical practices developed and used by non-physicians
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|روایتی دوائیاں}}
- folklore:Noun:tales, legends and superstitions of a particular ethnic population
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|民俗|tr=bîn-sio̍k}}
- folklore:Noun:tales, legends and superstitions of a particular ethnic population
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|فولْکُلور|tr=folkolôr}}, {{t|fa-ira|فَرْهَنْگِ مَرْدُم}}, {{t|fa-ira|فَرْهَنْگِ عامِّه}}
- food:Noun:any substance consumed by living organisms to sustain life
- *: Eastern: {{t|ale|qaqax̂}}
- food:Noun:any substance consumed by living organisms to sustain life
- *: Western: {{t|ale|qalgadax̂}}
- food:Noun:any substance consumed by living organisms to sustain life
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|食物}}
- food:Noun:any substance consumed by living organisms to sustain life
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|食物|tr=chia̍h-mi̍h / chia̍h-mn̍gh / si̍t-bu̍t}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|食食|tr=chia̍h-si̍t}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|物食|tr=mi̍h-chia̍h / mn̍gh-chia̍h}}
- food:Noun:any substance consumed by living organisms to sustain life
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|غَذا|tr=ğazā}}, {{t|fa-cls|خْوَراک|tr=xwarāk}}
- food:Noun:any substance consumed by living organisms to sustain life
- *: Dari: {{t+|prs|غِذا|tr=ğizā}}, {{t+|prs|خوراک|tr=xōrāk, xurāk}}, {{t+|prs|نان|tr=nān}} {{q|colloquial}}
- food:Noun:any substance consumed by living organisms to sustain life
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|غَذا|tr=ğazâ}}, {{t+|fa-ira|خوراک|tr=xorâk}}
- food:Noun:any substance consumed by living organisms to sustain life
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|اہار|m}}, {{t+|pnb|کھانا|m|tr=khānā}}
- food cache:Noun:
- * Yupik: {{t|esu|neqivik}}, {{t|esu|elagyaq}}
- fool:Noun:person with poor judgement or little intelligence
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|歁囝|tr=khám-kiáⁿ}}
- foot:Noun:part of human body
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|跤|tr=kha}}
- foot:Noun:part of human body
- * Duway: {{t|dbp|ə̀zgər}}
- foot:Noun:part of human body
- *: Laconian: {{tt|grc|πόρ|m}}
- foot:Noun:part of human body
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|پا}}
- foot:Noun:part of animal’s body
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|跤|tr=kha}}, {{tt+|nan-hbl|足|tr=chiok}} {{q|formal}}
- foot:Noun:part of animal’s body
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|پا}}
- foot:Noun:bottom of anything
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|بُنْیاد}}, {{tt|fa-ira|پایِه}}, {{tt|fa-ira|پِی}}
- foot:Noun:projection on equipment
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|پایِه}}
- foot:Noun:unit of measure
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|پا}}; {{tt+|fa-ira|فوت|s|p}}, {{tt+|fa-ira|فیت|p}}
- football:Noun:association football
- *: Lebanese Arabic: {{t|ar|فوتبول|tr=fūtbōl}}
- football:Noun:association football
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|跤球}}
- football:Noun:association football
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|跤球|tr=kha-kiû}}
- football:Noun:association football
- *: Bavarian: {{t|bar|Fuaßboi}}
- footbinding:Noun:binding of women's feet
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|縛跤|tr=pa̍k-kha}}
- for example:Prepositional phrase:as an example
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|比如|tr=pí-jû / pí-lû}}, {{t|nan-hbl|比在|tr=pí-chāi}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|比論|tr=pí-lūn}}
- for the sake of:Prepositional phrase:because of
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|為着|tr=ūi-tio̍h}}
- force:Noun:physical quantity
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|力|tr=la̍t}}
- forecast:Noun:estimation of future condition
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|پیشبینی}}, {{t+|fa-ira|پیشگویی}}
- forefinger:Noun:first finger next to the thumb
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|二指|tr=jī-cháiⁿ, lī-cháiⁿ}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|指指|tr=kí-cháiⁿ, kí-chúiⁿ, kí-chái, kí-chán}}, {{t|nan-hbl|食指|tr=si̍t-chí}}, {{t|nan-hbl|報路|tr=pò-lō͘}}
- forehead:Noun:part of face above eyebrows
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|額頭|tr=ngiăh-tàu}}, {{t|cdo|額|tr=ngiăh}}
- forehead:Noun:part of face above eyebrows
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|頭額|tr=thâu-hia̍h}}
- forehead:Noun:part of face above eyebrows
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|پیشَانِی}}
- forehead:Noun:part of face above eyebrows
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|پیشانی}}
- foreign country:Noun:country of which one is not a citizen
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|外國|tr=gōa-kok}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|他鄉|tr=thaⁿ-hiong}}
- foreign language:Noun:any language other than that spoken by the people of a specific place
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|外語|tr=gōa-gú / gōa-gí}}
- foreign language:Noun:any language other than that spoken by the people of a specific place
- *: Teochew: {{t|nan-tws|番話}}, {{t|nan-tws|番话|tr=huang1 uê7}}
- foreigner:Noun:person in a foreign land
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|外國人|tr=gōa-kok-lâng}}, {{t|nan-hbl|外國儂|tr=gōa-kok-lâng}}
- foreigner:Noun:person in a foreign land
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|اَجْنَبِی}}, {{t|prs|خَارِجِی}}, {{t|prs|بیگَانَه}}
- foreigner:Noun:person in a foreign land
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اَجْنَبی}}, {{t|fa-ira|خارِجی}}, {{t|fa-ira|بیگانِه}}
- forest:Noun:dense collection of trees
- *: Chadian Arabic: {{t|shu|غابة|f|tr=ḵāba}}
- forest:Noun:dense collection of trees
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|森林}}
- forest:Noun:dense collection of trees
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|森林|tr=sim-lîm, som-lîm}}
- forest:Noun:dense collection of trees
- *: Bavarian: {{tt|bar|Woid|m}}
- forest:Noun:dense collection of trees
- * Khanty:
- forest:Noun:dense collection of trees
- *: Eastern Khanty: {{t|kca-eas|вӫнт}}
- forest:Noun:dense collection of trees
- *: Northern Khanty: {{t|kca-nor|вөнт}}, {{tt-check|kca-nor|унт}}
- forest:Noun:dense collection of trees
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|بیشَه}}, {{tt|prs|جَنْگَل}}
- forest:Noun:dense collection of trees
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|بیشِه}}, {{tt|fa-ira|جَنْگَل}}
- forest:Noun:dense collection of trees
- *: Kildin Sami: {{t|sjd|ва̄ррь}}
- forget:Verb:to lose remembrance of
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|𣍐記得|tr=bōe-kì-tit / bǒe-kì-tit / bē-kì-tit / bōe-kì-chit / bē-kì-chit / bōe-kì-lit / bē-kì-lit / bōe-kì-eh / bē-kì-eh}}
- forgiveness:Noun:the action of forgiving
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|بَخْشِش}}, {{t|fa-ira|گُذَشْت}}, {{t|fa-ira|مُعافی}}
- fork:Noun:pronged tool
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|چَنْگَال}}
- fork:Noun:pronged tool
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|چَنْگال}}
- fork:Noun:eating utensil
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|攕仔|tr=chhiám-á}}
- fork:Noun:eating utensil
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|چَنْگَال}}, {{t|prs|پَنْجَه}}
- fork:Noun:eating utensil
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|چَنْگال}}
- form:Noun:shape or visible structure
- *: Dari: {{t+|prs|شَکْل}}
- form:Noun:shape or visible structure
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|شِکْل}}, {{t+|fa-ira|شَکْل}}, {{t+|fa-ira|صورَت}}, {{t+|fa-ira|فُرْم}}, {{t+|fa-ira|دیسِه}}
- form:Noun:document to be filled in
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|وَرَقِ رَسْمِی}}
- form:Noun:document to be filled in
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|فُرْم}}, {{t+|fa-ira|پُرْسِشنامِه}}
- former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia:Proper noun:provisional designation of the Republic of North Macedonia
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|Antiga República Iugoslava da Macedônia|f}}
- former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia:Proper noun:provisional designation of the Republic of North Macedonia
- *: European: {{t|pt|Antiga República Jugoslava da Macedónia|f}}
- formidable:Adjective:causing fear, dread, awe or admiration as a result of size, strength, or some other impressive quality
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|可畏|tr=khó-ùi}}
- formula:Noun:in mathematics
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|公式|tr=kong-sek}}
- formula:Noun:in mathematics
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|فُرْمول}}
- formula:Noun:in chemistry
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|فُرْمول}}
- fortieth:Adjective:ordinal form of forty
- *: (Selice): [[štarvaldešto]]
- fortress:Noun:fortified place
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|دِژ}}, {{t|prs|قَلْعَه}}
- fortress:Noun:fortified place
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|دِژ}}, {{t|fa-ira|قَلْعِه}}
- forty:Numeral:the cardinal number occurring after thirty-nine
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|四十|tr=(sei seik > si leik)}}
- forty:Numeral:the cardinal number occurring after thirty-nine
- *: Teochew: {{t|nan-tws|四十}}, {{t|nan-tws|卌}}
- forty:Numeral:the cardinal number occurring after thirty-nine
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|karant}}
- fountain pen:Noun:pen containing a reservoir of ink
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|鋼筆|tr=kǹg-pit}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|萬年筆|tr=bān-liân-pit}} {{qualifier|Taiwan}}
- four:Numeral:the cardinal number 4
- *: Attu: {{tt|ale|siching}}
- four:Numeral:the cardinal number 4
- *: Eastern: {{tt|ale|sichin}}
- four:Numeral:the cardinal number 4
- *: Western Neo-Aramaic: {{tt|amw|ܐܪܒ݆ܥܐ|m|tr=ʾarpʿa}}, {{tt|amw|ܐܪܒ݆ܥ|f|tr=ʾarpaʿ}}
- four:Numeral:the cardinal number 4
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|四|tr=sei}}
- four:Numeral:the cardinal number 4
- *: Hokkien: {{qualifier|Xiamen}} {{tt+|nan-hbl|四|tr=sì, sù}}
- four:Numeral:the cardinal number 4
- *: Teochew: {{tt|nan-tws|四}}
- four:Numeral:the cardinal number 4
- * Lutuv: {{t|clt|suopaliy}}
- four:Numeral:the cardinal number 4
- * Lenape:
- four:Numeral:the cardinal number 4
- *: Unami: {{tt|unm|newa}}
- four:Numeral:the cardinal number 4
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{tt|lou|kat}}
- four:Numeral:the cardinal number 4
- * Nama: {{tt|naq|haka}}
- four:Numeral:the cardinal number 4
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|چَهار}}, {{tt+|fa-ira|چار}}, {{tt|fa-ira|۴|tr=-}} {{qualifier|numeral}}
- four:Numeral:the cardinal number 4
- * Sarcee: {{tt|srs|diitc'íí}}
- four hundred:Numeral:cardinal number 400
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|四百|tr=sì-pah}}
- fourteen:Numeral:cardinal number
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|katòz}}
- fox:Noun:Vulpes
- *: San'ani Arabic: {{tt|ayn|ثعل|m|tr=ṯaʕal}}
- fox:Noun:Vulpes
- *: Sudanese Arabic: {{tt|apd|بعشوم|m|tr=baʕšūm}}
- fox:Noun:Vulpes
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|狐狸|tr=hù-lì}}
- fox:Noun:Vulpes
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|狐狸|tr=hô͘-lî}}
- fox:Noun:Vulpes
- *: Tuscan dialect: [[gorpe]]
- fox:Noun:Vulpes
- *: Middle Low German: {{tt|gml|vos}}
- fox:Noun:Vulpes
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|روباه}}, {{tt|fa-ira|روبَه}} {{qualifier|poetic}}
- fox:Noun:Vulpes
- *: Kildin Sami: {{t|sjd|рӣммьн}}
- fox:Noun:Vulpes
- *: Ter Sami: {{t|sjt|рӣммнӭ|tr=rīmmńe}}
- fox:Noun:Vulpes
- *: North Wales: {{tt+|cy|llwynog|m}}
- fox:Noun:Vulpes
- *: South Wales: {{tt+|cy|cadno|m}}
- fox:Noun:cunning person
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|فَریبْکار}}, {{tt|fa-ira|نِیْرَنْگْباز}}
- fox:Noun:attractive woman
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|دِلْکَش}}, {{tt|fa-ira|نازَنین}}
- fragrance:Noun:pleasant smell or odour
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|芳味|tr=phang-bī}}, {{t|nan-hbl|芳氣|tr=phang-khì}}
- frankincense:Noun:frankincense, olibanum
- *: Christian Palestinian Aramaic: {{t|arc|ܠܒܘܢܐ}}, {{t|arc|ܠܝܒܘܢܐ}}, {{t|arc|ܠܒܢܐ}}
- frankincense:Noun:frankincense, olibanum
- *: Imperial Aramaic: {{t|arc|𐡋𐡁𐡅𐡍𐡕𐡀|f}}
- frankincense:Noun:frankincense, olibanum
- *: Jewish Literary Aramaic: {{t|arc|לְבוּנתָּא|f|tr=ləḇūntā}}
- frankincense:Noun:frankincense, olibanum
- *: Jewish Palestinian Aramaic: {{t|arc|לבונתה|f}}
- fraternal:Adjective:
- *: Mandarin: {{t+check|cmn|兄弟|tr=xiōng-dì}}
- fraternal nephew:Noun:brother's son
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|姪仔|tr=ti̍t-á}}, {{t|nan-hbl|孫仔|tr=sun-á}}
- fraternal niece:Noun:brother's daughter
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|姪女|tr=ti̍t-lír, ti̍t-lú, ti̍t-lí}}
- free world:Noun:collectively, all of the countries that have democratic or capitalistic governments, as opposed to dictatorships or communist states
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|جَهانِ آزاد}}, {{t|fa-ira|دُنْیایِ آزاد}}
- freedom:Noun:state of not being imprisoned or enslaved
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|自由|tr=cê̤ṳ-iù}}
- freedom:Noun:state of not being imprisoned or enslaved
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|自由|tr=chū-iû}}
- freedom:Noun:state of not being imprisoned or enslaved
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|آزادی}}, {{tt|fa-ira|حُرِّیَّت}}
- freestyle:Noun:front crawl
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|掠篙泅|tr=lia̍h-ko-siû}}, {{t|nan-hbl|搤跤泅|tr=iah-kha-siû}}, {{t|nan-hbl|仆水泅|tr=phak-chúi-siû}}, {{t|nan-hbl|自由式|tr=chū-iû-sek}}
- fried chicken:Noun:meat of chicken cut into pieces and deep-fried
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|糋雞|tr=chìⁿ-koe / chìⁿ-ke}}, {{t|nan-hbl|炸雞|tr=chà-ke / chà-koe}}
- fried rice:Noun:form of rice
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|炒飯|tr=chhá-pn̄g}}
- friendly fire:Noun:fire from allied or friendly forces
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|آتَشِ خودی|tr=âtaš-e xodi}}
- friendship:Noun:(uncountable) condition of being friends
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|دوسْتِی}}
- friendship:Noun:(uncountable) condition of being friends
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|دوسْتی}}, {{t|fa-ira|آشْنائی}}
- frivolous:Adjective:silly; especially at an inappropriate time or in an inappropriate manner
- *: Syrian Arabic: {{t|ars|طايش|tr=tˤayeʃ}}
- frog:Noun:amphibian
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|蛤仔|tr=kap-á}}, {{tt+|nan-hbl|水雞|tr=chúi-ke, chúi-koe, súi-ke, súi-koe}}, {{tt+|nan-hbl|田蛤仔|tr=chhân-kap-á}}, {{tt+|nan-hbl|四跤仔|tr=sì-kha-á}}, {{tt|nan-hbl|四跤魚|tr=sì-kha-hî}}, {{tt|nan-hbl|大肚仔魚|tr=tōa-tō͘-á-hû}}, {{tt|nan-hbl|杜蝛仔|tr=tō͘-ui-á}}, {{tt|nan-hbl|肚蛙|tr=tō͘-kôe}}, {{tt|nan-hbl|田僑|tr=chhân-kiâu}}
- frog:Noun:amphibian
- *: Guerrero: {{tt|ngu|atemotl}}
- frolic:Verb:behave playfully and uninhibitedly
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|嬉戲|tr=hi-hì}}
- from:Preposition:with the source or provenance of or at
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|按|tr=àn}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|對|tr=tùi}}
- from:Preposition:with the origin, starting point or initial reference of or at
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|按|tr=àn}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|對|tr=tùi}}
- from:Preposition:with the separation, exclusion or differentiation of
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|按|tr=àn}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|對|tr=tùi}}
- from time to time:Prepositional phrase:occasionally
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|時而|tr=sî-lî / sî-jî}}
- fructose:Noun:monosaccharide ketose sugar
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|果糖|tr=kó-thn̂g}}
- fruit:Noun:part of plant
- * Bodo: {{tt|brx|फिथाइ}}
- fruit:Noun:part of plant
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|果|tr=kó}}, {{tt+|nan-hbl|果子|tr=kóe-chí, ké-chí}}, {{tt|nan-hbl|樹子|tr=chhiū-chí}}, {{tt|nan-hbl|果實|tr=kó-si̍t}}
- fruit:Noun:part of plant
- * Old Portuguese: {{tt|roa-opt|fruito}}, {{tt|roa-opt|fruyto}}
- fruit:Noun:part of plant
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|میوَه}}, {{tt|prs|ثَمَر}}
- fruit:Noun:part of plant
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|میوِه}}, {{tt|fa-ira|ثَمَر}}, {{tt+|fa-ira|بار}}
- fruit:Noun:part of plant
- * Western Panjabi: {{tt+|pnb|پھل|m}}
- fruit:Noun:food
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|果子|tr=kóe-chí, ké-chí}}, {{tt+|nan-hbl|水果|tr=chúi-kó}}
- fruit:Noun:food
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|میوَه}}
- fruit:Noun:food
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|میوِه}}
- fruit:Noun:figuratively: positive end result or reward of labour or effort
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|成果|tr=sêng-kó}}
- fruit juice:Noun:juice of fruit
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|果汁|tr=kó-chiap}}
- fry:Verb:to cook (something) in hot fat or oil
- * Lutuv: {{t|clt|kie}}
- fuck:Verb:to have sexual intercourse—obscene or vulgar
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|姦|tr=kàn}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|使|tr=sái}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|箍|tr=kho͘}}, {{t|nan-hbl|躄|tr=pih}}
- fuck your mother:Interjection:fuck your mother - translation entry
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|姦恁娘|tr=kàn-lín-niâ}}
- full stop:Noun:The punctuation mark “.”
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|نُقْطَه}}
- full stop:Noun:The punctuation mark “.”
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|نُقْطِه}}
- fumitory:Noun:any plant of genus Fumaria
- *: Cyrillic: {{t|sh|дѝмњача|f}}
- fun:Noun:enjoyment or amusement
- *: Syrian Arabic: {{t|ajp|تسلية|tr=tisláye}}
- functionality:Noun:ability
- *: Bokmal: {{t|nb|funksjonalitet|m}}
- funeral:Noun:ceremony to honour a deceased person
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|جَنَازَه}}, {{t|fa-cls|دَفْن}}
- funeral:Noun:ceremony to honour a deceased person
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|جَنَازَه}}, {{t|prs|دَفْن}}
- funeral:Noun:ceremony to honour a deceased person
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|جَنازِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|جِنازِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|دَفْن}}
- fungus:Noun:any member of the kingdom Fungi
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|ko͘}}
- funnel cake:Noun:specialty baked good
- *: Finland: {{t+|sv|struva|c}}
- funnel cake:Noun:specialty baked good
- *: Sweden: {{t|sv|funnel cake}}
- funny:Adjective:amusing; comical
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|fars}}
- funny:Adjective:strange; unusual
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|dròl}}, {{t|lou|drol}}, {{t|lou|fars}}
- fuse:Noun:device preventing overloading of a circuit
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|軟線|tr=nńg-sòaⁿ}} {{qualifier|Taiwan}}
- fuselage:Noun:main body of aerospace vehicle
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|بَدَنِه}}
- future:Noun:the time ahead
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|未來|tr=bī-lâi}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|將來|tr=chiong-lâi}}
- future:Noun:the time ahead
- *: Middle Low German: {{t|gml|tokumst}}
- future:Noun:the time ahead
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|آیَنْدِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|آتِیِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|مُسْتَقْبَل}}
- future bass:Noun:A genre of electronic music
- *: Simplified: {{t|zh|未來貝斯}}
- future bass:Noun:A genre of electronic music
- *: Traditional: {{t|zh|未來低音}}
- future tense:Noun:time form of a verb
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|آیَنْدِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|زَمانِ آیَنْدِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|مُسْتَقْبَل}}
- gadje:Noun:non-Romani person
- *: Sinti Romani: {{t|rmo|gadžo|m}}, {{t|rmo|gadži|f}}
- gadje:Noun:non-Romani person
- *: Welsh Romani: {{t|rmw|gådžo|m}}, {{t|rmw|gådži|f}}
- galactose:Noun:the monosaccharide
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|半奶糖|tr=pòaⁿ-leng-thn̂g, pòaⁿ-ni-thn̂g, pòaⁿ-lin-thn̂g}}
- gallows:Noun:wooden framework on which persons are put to death by hanging
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|絞刑架|tr=káu-hìn-ka}}
- gallstone:Noun:
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|膽石|tr=táⁿ-chio̍h}}, {{t|nan-hbl|膽結石|tr=táⁿ-kiat-chio̍h}}
- gambier:Noun:extract
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|柑仔蜜}}
- game:Noun:playful activity that may be unstructured, amusement, pastime
- *: Vidari: {{tt|avd|وازی|tr=vāzzi}}
- game:Noun:playful activity that may be unstructured, amusement, pastime
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|遊戲|tr=iù-hié}}
- game:Noun:playful activity that may be unstructured, amusement, pastime
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|遊戲|tr=iû-hì}}
- game:Noun:playful activity that may be unstructured, amusement, pastime
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|بَازِی}}
- game:Noun:playful activity that may be unstructured, amusement, pastime
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|بازی}}
- game:Noun:particular instance of playing a game; match
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|بَازِی}}
- game:Noun:particular instance of playing a game; match
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|بازی}}
- gamecock:Noun:fighting cock
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|相拍雞仔}}
- gang:Noun:a company of persons
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|گُروه}}
- gang:Noun:group of criminals who band together for mutual protection
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|گُروه}}, {{tt|fa-ira|دَسْتِه}}
- garage:Noun:building or section of building to store a car, tools etc.
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|車庫|tr=chhia-khò͘}}
- garage:Noun:building or section of building to store a car, tools etc.
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|گاراژ}}
- garam masala:Noun:culinary ingredient
- * Hindustani:
- garam masala:Noun:culinary ingredient
- *: Hindi: {{t|hi|गरम मसाला|m}}
- garam masala:Noun:culinary ingredient
- *: Urdu: {{t|ur|گرم مصالحہ|m|tr=garm-masālha}}
- garam masala:Noun:culinary ingredient
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|گرم مساله|tr=garm masāla}}, {{t|prs|گرم مصاله|tr=-}} {{q|alternative spelling}}
- garbage:Noun:waste material
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|糞掃}}
- garbage:Noun:waste material
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|糞埽|tr=pùn-sò}}
- garbage:Noun:waste material
- *: Northern Min: {{t|mnp|垃圾}}
- garbage:Noun:waste material
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|کِثَافَت}}, {{t|prs|کَثَافَت}}
- garbage:Noun:waste material
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|آشْخال}}, {{t|fa-ira|آشْغال}}, {{t|fa-ira|زُبالِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|پَسمانْد}}, {{t|fa-ira|کِثافَت}}, {{t|fa-ira|کَثافَت}}
- garbage can:Noun:waste receptacle
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|糞掃桶|tr=pùn-sò-tháng}}, {{t|nan-hbl|糞掃籠|tr=pùn-sò-láng}}
- garbage truck:Noun:waste collection vehicle
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|糞掃車}}
- garden:Noun:piece of land outside with flowers and plants
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|花園}}
- garden:Noun:piece of land outside with flowers and plants
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|花園|tr=hoe-hn̂g / hoa-hûiⁿ}}
- garden:Noun:piece of land outside with flowers and plants
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|باغ}}, {{tt|fa-ira|باغْچِه}}, {{tt+|fa-ira|پالیز}}
- garden:Noun:a vegetable garden
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|بوسْتان}}, {{tt|fa-ira|بُسْتان}}
- garden:Noun:gardens with public access
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|پَرْدیس}}, {{tt|fa-ira|بوسْتان}}, {{tt|fa-ira|بُسْتان}}, {{tt|fa-ira|پارْک}}
- garden:Noun:grounds at the front or back of a house
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|باغْچِه}}
- garden:Noun:slang: the pubic hair
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|مویِ زَهار}}
- garden croton:Noun:C. variegatum
- ** Hokkien: {{t|nan-xia|適箬|tr=sek-hio̍h}}
- gardenia:Noun:tree or shrub of the genus Gardenia
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|gardênia|f}}
- gardenia:Noun:tree or shrub of the genus Gardenia
- *: European: {{t+|pt|gardénia|f}}
- garland chrysanthemum:Noun:Glebionis coronaria
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|塘蒿}}, {{t|nan-hbl|苳蒿}}
- garlic:Noun:plant
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|蒜頭|tr=soàn-thâu / sǹg-thâu}}
- garlic:Noun:plant
- *: Bohairic: {{t|cop|ϣϭⲏⲛ}}
- garlic:Noun:plant
- *: Sahidic: {{t|cop|ϣϫⲏⲛ|}}
- garlic:Noun:plant
- *: Oxyrhynchite: {{t|cop|ⳉϫⲁⲛ}}
- garlic:Noun:plant
- * Flemish:
- garlic:Noun:plant
- *: West Flemish: {{t|vls|look|m}}
- garlic:Noun:plant
- * Frisian:
- garlic:Noun:plant
- *: West Frisian: {{t|fy|knyflok|n}}
- garlic:Noun:plant
- *: Dari: {{t+|prs|سیر}}
- garlic:Noun:plant
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|سیر}}
- garlic chive:Noun:plant
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|韭菜|tr=kú-chhài}}
- garlic chive:Noun:used in cooking
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|韭菜|tr=kú-chhài}}
- gas:Noun:(uncountable, chemistry) state of matter
- *: Roman: {{tt+|az|qaz}}
- gas:Noun:(uncountable, chemistry) state of matter
- *: Abjad: {{tt+|az|غاز|tr=gāz}}
- gas:Noun:(uncountable, chemistry) state of matter
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|氣體}}
- gas:Noun:(uncountable, chemistry) state of matter
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|氣體|tr=khì-thé}}
- gas:Noun:(uncountable, chemistry) state of matter
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|گاز}}
- gas cylinder:Noun:cylindrical vessel
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کَپْسولِ گاز}}
- gas station:Noun:an establishment which sells gasoline to pump directly into a car
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|加油站|tr=ka-iû-chām}}
- gas station:Noun:an establishment which sells gasoline to pump directly into a car
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|تَانْکِ تیل}}
- gas station:Noun:an establishment which sells gasoline to pump directly into a car
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|پُمْپِ بِنْزین}}, {{t|fa-ira|جایگاهِ سوخْت}}
- gasoline:Noun:motor fuel
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|汽油}}
- gasoline:Noun:motor fuel
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|汽油|tr=khì-iû}}, {{t|nan-hbl|ga-só͘-lín}}
- gasoline:Noun:motor fuel
- * Flemish: {{t+|nl|benzine}}
- gasoline:Noun:motor fuel
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|پِتْرول}}
- gasoline:Noun:motor fuel
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|بِنْزین}}
- gastric acid:Noun:acidic secretion of the stomach
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|胃酸|tr=ôi-sŏng}}
- gastric acid:Noun:acidic secretion of the stomach
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|刺酸|tr=chhiah-sng}}, {{t|nan-hbl|胃酸|tr=ūi-sng}}, {{t|nan-hbl|胃液|tr=ūi-e̍k}}
- gastritis:Noun:inflammation of the lining of the stomach
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|胃炎|tr=ūi-iām}}
- gastronomic:Adjective:of or pertaining to gastronomy
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|gastronômico}}
- gastronomic:Adjective:of or pertaining to gastronomy
- *: European: {{t|pt|gastronómico}}
- gate:Noun:door-like structure outside
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|دَر}}, {{t|fa-ira|دَرْوازِه}}
- gate:Noun:in an air terminal
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|گِیْت}}
- gay:Adjective:happy, joyful and lively
- *: Dari: {{tt+|prs|خوشحال|tr=xōšhāl, xušhāl}}
- gay:Adjective:happy, joyful and lively
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|خوشحال|tr=xošhâl}}
- gay:Adjective:homosexual
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|同性戀|tr=tông-sìng-luân}}, {{tt|nan-hbl|半陰}}, {{tt|nan-hbl|半陰陽}}
- gay:Adjective:homosexual
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|همجنسگرا|tr=hamjins-garā}}, {{tt+|prs|گی|tr=gē}}
- gay:Adjective:homosexual
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa|همجنسگرا|tr=hamjens-gerâ}}, {{tt+|fa|گی|tr=gey}}
- gay:Noun:homosexual person, especially male
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|半陰|tr=pòaⁿ-iam}}
- gecko:Noun:lizard of the family Gekkonidae
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|蟮蟲|tr=siān-thâng}}
- gee:Interjection:exclamation of surprise or pleasure
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|bòys}}, {{t|lou|boug}}
- gender:Noun:biological sex
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|性別}}
- gender:Noun:biological sex
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|性別|tr=sèng-pia̍t}}
- gender:Noun:biological sex
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|جِنْس}}, {{t|fa-ira|جِنْسِیَت}}
- gender:Noun:grammar: division of nouns and pronouns
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|性別}}
- gender:Noun:grammar: division of nouns and pronouns
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|性別|tr=sèng-pia̍t}}
- gender:Noun:grammar: division of nouns and pronouns
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|جِنْس}}
- gender identity:Noun:person's sense of self as a member of a particular gender
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|جنسی شناخت}}
- gene:Noun:unit of heredity
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|基因|tr=ki-in}}, {{t|nan-hbl|遺傳子|tr=ûi-thoân-chú}}
- gene expression:Noun:transcription and translation of a gene into messenger RNA
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|遺傳子表達|tr=ûi-thoân-chú piáu-ta̍t}}
- general:Noun:military rank
- *: South Azerbaijani: {{t|az|سرتیب|tr=sartib}}
- general:Noun:military rank
- *: Aeolic: {{t|grc|στρόταγος|m}}
- general election:Noun:election held at regular intervals
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|大選|tr=tāi-soán}}
- general relativity:Noun:theory in physics
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|一般相對性理論|tr=it-poaⁿ siong-tùi-sèng lí-lūn}}, {{t|nan-hbl|一般相對論|tr=it-poaⁿ song-tùi-lūn}}
- generation gap:Noun:disconnect between generations
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|代溝|tr=tāi-kau}}
- genetics:Noun:branch of biology
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|遺傳學|tr=î-toân-ha̍k, ûi-thoân-ha̍k, ûi-toân-ha̍k}}
- genetics:Noun:branch of biology
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|جینیٹکس}}
- genitive:Adjective:of a grammatical case: expressing that a thing denoted by a word is related to a thing denoted by another word as its origin or possessor, or expressing origin or possession; of, pertaining to, or used in the genitive case
- * Venetian: {{t|vec|genitivo}}
- genome:Noun:complete genetic information of an organism
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|基因體|tr=ki-in-thé}}, {{t|nan-hbl|遺傳體|tr=ûi-thoân-thé}}
- gentile:Adjective:non-Jewish
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|外邦|tr=gōa-pang}}
- gently:Adverb:in a gentle manner
- * Maharastri Prakrit: {{t|pra-mah|𑀈𑀲𑀻𑀲𑀺}}
- genus:Noun:rank in a taxonomic classification between family and species
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|屬|tr=sio̍k}}
- geography:Noun:study of physical structure and inhabitants of the Earth
- *: Aukštaitian: {{t+|lt|geografija|f}}
- geography:Noun:study of physical structure and inhabitants of the Earth
- *: Samogitian: {{t|sgs|geuograpėjė|f}}
- geomorphology:Noun:the study of landforms
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|地形學|tr=tē-hêng-ha̍k}}
- get:Verb:to obtain
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|掇|tr=do}}
- get drunk:Verb:to intoxicate oneself with alcohol
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|燒酒醉|tr=sio-chiú-chùi}}
- get married:Verb:become married to someone
- * Roman: {{t|sh|udavati se|impf}} {{qualifier|of women}}, {{t+|sh|udati se|pf}} {{qualifier|of women}}, {{t+|sh|ženiti se|impf}} {{qualifier|of men}}, {{t|sh|oženiti se|pf}} {{qualifier|of men}}
- get used:Verb:to become accustomed (intransitive)
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|慣勢}}
- get used:Verb:to become accustomed (intransitive)
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|慣勢|tr=koàn-sì}}
- get used:Verb:to become accustomed (intransitive)
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|عادَت کَرْدَن}}, {{t|fa-ira|خو گِرِفْتَن}}, {{t|fa-ira|خو کَرْدَن}}
- ghee:Noun:South Asian-style clarified butter
- * Halegannada: {{t|dra-okn|ತುಪ್ಪ}}
- ghee:Noun:South Asian-style clarified butter
- *: Kamviri: {{t|bsh|anū́}}
- ghee:Noun:South Asian-style clarified butter
- *: Kata-vari: {{t|bsh|anév}}
- ghee:Noun:South Asian-style clarified butter
- * Maharastri Prakrit: {{t|pra-mah|𑀢𑀼𑀧𑁆𑀧}}
- ghee:Noun:South Asian-style clarified butter
- * Pāli: {{t|pi|sappi}}
- ghost:Noun:spirit appearing after death
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|رُوح}}, {{tt|prs|شَبَح}}
- ghost:Noun:spirit appearing after death
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|روح}}, {{tt|fa-ira|شَبَح}}
- ghoul:Noun:a spirit said to feed on corpses
- *: South Azerbaijani {{t|az|غول|tr=ğul|sc=fa-Arab}}
- giddy:Adjective:lightheartedly silly
- *: Mongolian script: {{t|mn|ᠬᠥᠩᠭᠡᠨ}}
- gift:Noun:something given to another voluntarily, without charge
- *: Lebanese Arabic: {{tt|ajp|هدية|f|tr=hedíyi}}, {{tt|arz|كادو|m|tr=kadō}}
- gift:Noun:something given to another voluntarily, without charge
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|禮物|tr=lā̤-ŭk}}
- gift:Noun:something given to another voluntarily, without charge
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|禮物|tr=lé-bu̍t / lé-mi̍h / lé-mn̍gh}}
- gift:Noun:something given to another voluntarily, without charge
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|هَدِیِه}}, {{tt|fa-ira|پیشْکِش}}, {{tt+|fa-ira|کادو|tr=kâdo}}, {{t|fa-ira|تُحْفِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|بَخْشِش}}
- ginger:Noun:plant
- * Iloco: {{t|ilo|laya}}
- gingerbread:Noun:type of cake
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|薑餅|tr=kiuⁿ-piáⁿ}}
- ginseng:Noun:any of several plants, of the genus Panax
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|人參}}, {{t|nan-hbl|人蔘}}, {{t|nan-hbl|人参|tr=jîn-sam, jîn-sim, jîn-som, lîn-sam}}
- giraffe:Noun:mammal
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|長頷鹿|tr=tn̂g-ām-lo̍k}}, {{t|nan-hbl|長頭鹿仔|tr=tn̂g-thâu-lo̍k-á}}, {{t|nan-hbl|麒麟鹿|tr=kî-lîn-lo̍k}}
- girl:Noun:young female person
- *: Vidari: {{tt|avd|کنگ|tr=kaneg}}
- girl:Noun:young female person
- *: Chadian Arabic: {{t|shu|بنية|tr=bineyya}}
- girl:Noun:young female person
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|查某囡仔|tr=cha-bó͘ gín-á}}
- girl:Noun:young female person
- *: East Central German: {{tt|gmw-ecg|Madel}} {{q|Silesian}}, {{tt|gmw-ecg|Mädel}} {{q|Silesian}}
- girl:Noun:young female person
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{tt|lou|fiy}}
- girl:Noun:young female person
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|دُخْتَر}}
- girl:Noun:young female person
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|دُخْتَر}}
- girl:Noun:young female person
- *: Vlax Romani: {{tt|rmy|ćhej|f}} {{qualifier|Romani}}, {{tt|rmy|rakli|f}} {{qualifier|non-Romani}}
- girl:Noun:young female person
- * Seraiki: {{tt+|skr|چُھوہِر|f}}
- girl:Noun:woman
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{tt|lou|fenm}}
- girlfriend:Noun:a female partner in a romantic relationship
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|女朋友|tr=lú-pêng-iú}}
- give:Verb:transfer the possession of something to someone else
- *: Chadian Arabic: {{t|shu|أنطى|tr=ʔanta}}
- give:Verb:transfer the possession of something to someone else
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|乞|tr=ké̤ṳk}}
- give:Verb:transfer the possession of something to someone else
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|予|tr=ú, ír, í}}
- give:Verb:transfer the possession of something to someone else
- *: Northern Min: {{t-needed|mnp}}
- give:Verb:transfer the possession of something to someone else
- *: Dari: {{tt+|prs|دَادَن}}
- give:Verb:transfer the possession of something to someone else
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|دادَن}}
- give:Verb:transfer the possession of something to someone else
- * Pitjitjantjara: {{tt|pjt|unganyi}}
- give me:Verb:expression of preference
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[予]][[我]]|tr=hō͘ góa / thō͘ góa / hǒ͘ góa}}
- give the finger:Verb:make an obscene gesture
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|撟中指|tr=kiāu-tiong-chái}}, {{t|nan-hbl|術中指|tr=su̍t-tiong-chái}}
- glaciology:Noun:study of ice and its effect on the landscape
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|peng-hô-ha̍k}}
- glagol:Noun:name of the letter g in the Cyrillic and Glagolitic alphabets
- *: Roman: {{t+|sh|glȁgol|m}}
- glass:Noun:substance
- *: Vidari: {{tt|avd|شوشه|tr=šuše}}
- glass:Noun:substance
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|玻璃|tr=bŏ̤-là̤}}
- glass:Noun:substance
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|玻璃|tr=po-lê}}
- glass:Noun:substance
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{tt|lou|vè}}, {{tt|lou|vèr}}, {{tt|lou|vær}}
- glass:Noun:substance
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|شِیشَه}}
- glass:Noun:substance
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|شیشِه}}, {{tt|fa-ira|آبْگینِه}}
- glass:Noun:drinking vessel
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|杯仔|tr=poe-á}}
- glass:Noun:drinking vessel
- *: Laki Kurdish: {{t|lki|ئستکام}}
- glass:Noun:drinking vessel
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|گیلَاس}}
- glass:Noun:drinking vessel
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|لیوان}}, {{tt+|fa-ira|جام|tr=jâm}}, {{tt|fa-ira|اِسْتِکان}}, {{tt+|fa-ira|گیلاس}} {{qualifier|wine glass}}
- glitch:Noun:video games: bug or exploit
- *: Hijazi Arabic: {{t|acw|قليتش|m|tr=glītš, glitš}}
- global warming:Noun:increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere to cause climate change
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|全球燒烙化|tr=choân-kiû sio-lo̍h-hoà}}
- globe:Noun:spherical object
- *: Arabic: {{t|az|کره|tr=kure}}
- globe:Noun:spherical object
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کُرِه}}
- globe:Noun:planet Earth
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|کُرَه}}
- globe:Noun:planet Earth
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|کُرِه}}
- globe:Noun:model of Earth
- *: Arabic: {{t|az|کره مجسمه|tr=kure mujassame}}
- globe:Noun:model of Earth
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|گِلُب}}, {{t|fa-ira|کُرِهٔ اَرْض}}, {{t|fa-ira|کُرِهٔ جُغْرافِیَایی}}, {{t|fa-ira|کُرِهٔ زَمین}}
- globe thistle:Noun:any of the flowering plants in the genus Echinops, with spiny foliage and blue or white spherical flower heads
- *: Latin: {{t|az|toppuztikan}}
- globe thistle:Noun:any of the flowering plants in the genus Echinops, with spiny foliage and blue or white spherical flower heads
- *: Latin: {{t|uz|oqqunduz}}
- glory:Noun:great beauty or splendour
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|شُکوه}}, {{t+|fa-ira|جَلال}}
- glory:Noun:honour, admiration, or distinction
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|شُهْرَت}}, {{t+|fa-ira|اِفْتِخار}}, {{t+|fa-ira|عِزَّت}}, {{t+|fa-ira|شَرَف}}
- glory:Noun:worship or praise
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|سِتایِش}}
- glossy antshrike:Noun:a passerine bird of the antbird family
- *: {{qualifier|Brazil}}: [[choca-d'água]]
- glottis:Noun:organ of speech
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|聲門|tr=siaⁿ-mn̂g}}
- glove:Noun:item of clothing
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|手套}}, {{t|cdo|手絡}}
- glove:Noun:item of clothing
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|手囊|tr=chhiú-lông}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|手套|tr=chhiú-thò}}
- glove:Noun:item of clothing
- *: Northern Min: {{t|mnp|手套}}
- glove:Noun:item of clothing
- *: Pennsylvania German: {{t|pdc|Hensching|m}}
- glove:Noun:item of clothing
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|دَسْتْکَش}}
- glove:Noun:item of clothing
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|دَسْتْکِش}}, {{t|fa-ira|دَسْتانِه}}
- glucose:Noun:simple monosaccharide sugar
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|葡萄糖|tr=phû-tô-thn̂g, phô-tô-thn̂g, phôe-tô-thn̂g, pû-tô-thn̂g}}
- glue:Noun:sticky adhesive substance
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|چَسْب}}, {{t|fa-ira|سِریشُم}}
- gluon:Noun:massless gauge boson
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|glúon|m}}
- gluon:Noun:massless gauge boson
- *: European: {{t|pt|gluão|m}}
- gluonic:Adjective:mediated by gluons
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|gluônico}}
- gluonic:Adjective:mediated by gluons
- *: European: {{t|pt|gluónico}}
- gluteus maximus:Noun:the largest of the muscles of each buttock
- *: New Latin: {{t|la|musculus gluteus maximus|m}}
- glutinous rice:Noun:rice variety
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|秫米|tr=sŭk-mī}}
- glutinous rice:Noun:rice variety
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|秫米|tr=chu̍t-bí}}
- glycerine:Noun:the compound glycerol
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|甘油|tr=kam-iû}}
- glycocalyx:Noun:filamentous coating of glycoprotein and polysaccharide on the surface of some cells
- * Pronunciation: {{t|pt|glicocálice|m}}, {{t|pt|glicocálix|m}}
- gnash:Verb:to grind one's teeth in pain or in anger
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|咬牙|tr=kā-gê}}, {{t|nan-hbl|切齒|tr=chhiat-khí / chhiat-chhí}}
- gnash:Verb:to grind one's teeth in pain or in anger
- *: Teochew: {{t|nan-tws|咬牙切齒|tr=ga6 ghê5 ciag4 ki2}}
- gnash:Verb:to grind one's teeth in pain or in anger
- *: Urdu: {{t|ur|پِیسْنا|tr=pīsnā}}
- go:Verb:to move through space (especially from one place to another)
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|行|tr=giàng, hèng}}
- go:Verb:to move through space (especially from one place to another)
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|去|tr=khì}}, {{tt+|nan-hbl|來去|tr=lâi-khì}}
- go:Verb:to move through space (especially from one place to another)
- * Lutuv: {{t|clt|cakuo}}
- go:Verb:to move through space (especially from one place to another)
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|رَفْتَن}}, {{tt|fa-ira|شُدَن}}
- go away:Verb:to depart or leave a place
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|走|tr=cháu}}
- go fly a kite:Phrase:go away
- *: Libyan Arabic: {{t|ayl|الحس ظهرك}}
- go home:Verb:return to one's house
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|轉厝|tr=tńg-chhù}}
- go in one ear and out the other:Verb:to be heard but not attended to
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|一耳空入,一耳空出|tr=Tsi̍t hīnn-khang ji̍p, tsi̍t hīnn-khang tshut}}
- go out:Verb:to leave, especially a building
- *: Lebanese: {{t|ajp|طلع|tr=ṭiliʕ}}, {{t|ajp|خرج|tr=ḵaraj}}
- go to work:Verb:go to work
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|上班|tr=siōng-pan}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|出勤|tr=chhut-khîn / chhut-khûn}}
- goal:Noun:result one is attempting to achieve
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|هَدَف}}, {{t+|fa-ira|مَقْصَد}}, {{t+|fa-ira|نِشان}}
- goal:Noun:in many sports, an area into which the players attempt to put an object
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|گُل}}
- goal:Noun:(sport) act of placing the object into the goal
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|گُل}}
- goanna:Noun:various monitor lizards native to Australia
- * Kriol: {{t|rop|gowena}}
- goat:Noun:animal
- *: Lebanese Arabic: {{tt|arz|معزاية|f|tr=meʕzāye}}, {{tt|arz|عنزة|f|tr=ʕanze}}
- goat:Noun:animal
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|山羊}}
- goat:Noun:animal
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|山羊|tr=soaⁿ-iûⁿ}}
- goat:Noun:animal
- *: Northern Min: {{t|mnp|山羊}}
- goat:Noun:animal
- *: Bavarian: {{tt|bar|Goaß|f}}
- goat:Noun:animal
- *: Mycenaean Greek: {{t|gmy|𐁒}}
- goat:Noun:animal
- *: Dari: {{tt+|prs|بُز}}
- goat:Noun:animal
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|بُز}}
- goddess:Noun:female deity
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|女神|tr=lú-sîn / lí-sîn}}
- goddess:Noun:female deity
- *: Ionic: {{t|grc|θεή|f}}
- godfather:Noun:man present at the christening of a baby who promises to help raise the child in a Christian manner
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|پِدَرْخوانْدِه}}
- godmother:Noun:woman present at the christening of a baby who promises to help raise the child in a Christian manner
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مادَرْخوانْدِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|مادَرَنْدَر}}
- goldcrest:Noun:bird
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|سونا سری|m}}
- golden plover:Noun:Pluvialis apricaria
- *: Southern Sami: {{t|sma|sjorjehke}}
- goldeneye:Noun:duck
- *: Ume Sami: {{t|sju|tjåđggie}}
- goldsmith:Noun:person who makes things out of gold
- * Seraiki: {{t+|skr|سُنارا|tr=sunārā}}
- golf:Noun:ball game
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|𢪱球|tr=bu̍t-kiû}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|山球|tr=soaⁿ-kiû}}, {{t|nan-hbl|高爾夫球|tr=ko-ní-hu-kiû}}, {{t|nan-hbl|戛仔球|tr=khat-á-kiû}}
- gonad:Noun:sex gland
- *: Brazilian: {{t|pt|gônada|f}}
- gonad:Noun:sex gland
- *: European: {{t|pt|gónada|f}}
- good:Adjective:acting in the interest of good; ethical good intentions
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|好|tr=ho}}
- good afternoon:Phrase:greeting said in the afternoon
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|午安|tr=ngó͘-an}}, {{q|Philippines}} {{t|nan-hbl|[[好暗晡]]|tr=hó͘ àm-po͘}}
- good afternoon:Phrase:greeting said in the afternoon
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|عَصْر بَخَیْر}}, {{t|fa-cls|ظُهْر بَخَیْر}}, {{t|fa-cls|سَلَام عَلَیْکُم}}
- good afternoon:Phrase:greeting said in the afternoon
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|عَصْر بِخِیْر}}, {{t|fa-ira|ظُهْر بِخِیْر}}, {{t|fa-ira|سَلَام عَلِیْکُم}}
- good day:Phrase:greeting between sunrise and sunset
- *: Paderbornish German Low German: {{l|nds|guden Dag}}, {{l|nds|gu'n Dag}}, {{l|nds|gun Dag}}
- good evening:Interjection:greeting said in the evening
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|bonswa}}, {{t|lou|bonswar}}
- good evening:Interjection:greeting said in the evening
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|عَصْر بَخَیْر}}, {{t|fa-cls|شَب بَخَیْر}}
- good evening:Interjection:greeting said in the evening
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|عَصْر بِخِیْر}}, {{t|fa-ira|شَب بِخِیْر}}
- good job:Noun:a good thing
- * Traditional Chinese: {{t|zh|[[讚]][[讚]][[讚]]}}
- good morning:Interjection:when seeing someone for the first time in the morning
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|早頭好|tr=cā-tàu hō̤}}
- good morning:Interjection:when seeing someone for the first time in the morning
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|𠢕早|tr=gâu-chá}}
- good morning:Interjection:when seeing someone for the first time in the morning
- *: Common Cornish, Standard Written Form: {{t|kw|myttin da}}
- good morning:Interjection:when seeing someone for the first time in the morning
- *: Standard Cornish: {{t|kw|myttyn dâ}}
- good morning:Interjection:when seeing someone for the first time in the morning
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|صُبْح بَخَیْر}}
- good morning:Interjection:when seeing someone for the first time in the morning
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|صُبْح بَخَیْر}}
- good morning:Interjection:when seeing someone for the first time in the morning
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|صُبْح بِخِیْر}}
- good night:Phrase:a farewell
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|安眠|tr=an-bîn}}, {{t|nan-hbl|暗安|tr=àm-an}}
- good night:Phrase:a farewell
- *: Bavarian: {{t|bar|guade Nochd}}
- good night:Phrase:a farewell
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|شَب بَخَیْر}}, {{t|fa-cls|شَب خْوَش}}
- good night:Phrase:a farewell
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|شَب بِخِیْر}}, {{t|fa-ira|شَب خوش|tr=šab xoš}}
- good-looking:Adjective:attractive
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|媠|tr=súi}}
- goodbye:Interjection:farewell
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|再見}}
- goodbye:Interjection:farewell
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|再會|tr=chài-hoē}}, {{t|nan-hbl|順風|tr=sūn-hong}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|拜拜|tr=bái-bāi}}, {{t|nan-hbl|欲行囉|tr=beh kiaⁿ--lo͘}}, {{t|nan-hbl|欲去囉|tr=beh khì--lo͘}}
- goodbye:Interjection:farewell
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|aréwa}}, {{t|lou|aréwar}}, {{t|lou|oréwar}}, {{t|lou|bonjou}}, {{t|lou|zadjé}}
- goodbye:Interjection:farewell
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|خُداحافِظ}}, {{t|fa-ira|بِدْرود}}, {{t|fa-ira|خُدانِگَهْدار}}
- goodbye:Interjection:farewell
- *: Balkan Romani: {{t|rmn|aćh Devleça}}, {{t|rmn|beś Devleça}}, {{t|rmn|aćh sastimaça}}, {{t|rmn|beś sastimaça}} {{qualifier|said to a person remaining behind}}, {{t|rmn|aćhen Devleça}}, {{t|rmn|beśen Devleça}}, {{t|rmn|aćhen sastimaça}}, {{t|rmn|beśen sastimaça}} {{qualifier|said to those remaining behind}}, {{t|rmn|ʒa Devleça}}, {{t|rmn|ʒa sastimaça}} {{qualifier|said to a person leaving}}, {{t|rmn|ʒan Devleça}}, {{t|rmn|ʒan sastimaça}} {{qualifier|said to those leaving}}
- goods and services tax:Noun:tax very similar to the value added tax
- *: Canada: {{t|fr|taxe sur les produits et services|f}}
- goosander:Noun:diving duck
- *: Southern Sami: {{t|sma|liejpie-gåelsie}}
- goose:Noun:a grazing waterfowl of the family Anatidae
- * Khanty:
- goose:Noun:a grazing waterfowl of the family Anatidae
- *: Northern Khanty: {{t|kca-nor|ԓәнт}} {{q|Kazym}}
- goose:Noun:a grazing waterfowl of the family Anatidae
- *: Scientific Latinized genera: ''[[Anser]]'', {{taxfmt|Branta|genus}}, ''[[Chen]]'', {{taxfmt|Cereopsis|genus}}
- goose:Noun:a grazing waterfowl of the family Anatidae
- * Lenape:
- goose:Noun:a grazing waterfowl of the family Anatidae
- *: Unami: {{t|unm|òpsuwihële}}
- goose:Noun:a grazing waterfowl of the family Anatidae
- *: Plauttdietsch: {{t+|pdt|Gauns|f}}
- goose:Noun:a grazing waterfowl of the family Anatidae
- *: Kildin Sami: {{t|sjd|чуэнь}}
- goose egg:Noun:nothing
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|鴨卵|tr=ah-nn̄g}}, {{t|nan-hbl|鴨母卵|tr=ah-bú-nn̄g, ah-bó-nn̄g}}
- goshawk:Noun:bird of prey principally in the genus Accipiter
- * Old Portuguese: {{t|roa-opt|açor}}
- goshawk:Noun:bird of prey principally in the genus Accipiter
- * Sami: [[goahppilfálli]]
- gospel:Noun:first section of New Testament
- *:Turoyo: {{t|syc|ܡܓܰܠܝܽܘܢ|tr=mgalyūn}}
- gospel music:Noun:type of music
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|福音音樂|tr=hok-im im-ga̍k}}
- gossip:Noun:idle talk
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|閒仔話|tr=êng-á-ōe}}
- got it:Verb:Do you understand?
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[聽有]][[無]]?|tr=thiaⁿ-ū bô? / thiaⁿ-ǔ bô?}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[會曉]][[聽]][[無]]?|tr=ē-hiáu thiaⁿ bô? / ě-hiáu thiaⁿ bô?}}
- got it:Verb:I understand
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[聽有]]|tr=thiaⁿ-ū / thiaⁿ-ǔ}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[會曉]][[聽]]|tr=ē-hiáu thiaⁿ / ě-hiáu thiaⁿ}}
- gouge:Noun:chisel with a curved blade
- *: North Wales: {{t|cy|cŷn crwn|m}}
- gouge:Noun:chisel with a curved blade
- *: South Wales: {{t|cy|gaing gau|f}}
- gouge:Verb:To dig or scoop (something) out
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|剮|tr=kóa}}
- government:Noun:body with the power to make and/or enforce laws
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|政府}}
- government:Noun:body with the power to make and/or enforce laws
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|政府|tr=chèng-hú}}
- government:Noun:body with the power to make and/or enforce laws
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|دَوْلَت}}, {{t|fa-cls|حُکُومَت}}
- government:Noun:body with the power to make and/or enforce laws
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|دُوْلَت}}, {{t|fa-ira|حُکومَت}}
- grade:Noun:rating
- *: South Levantine: {{t|ajp|درجة|f|tr=dáraja, dáraje}}
- grade:Noun:performance expressed by a number, letter, or other symbol
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|نُمْرِه}}
- grade:Noun:level of pre-collegiate education
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|liv}}
- grade:Noun:level of pre-collegiate education
- *: Dari: {{t+|prs|دَرَجَه}}, {{t+|prs|صِنْف}}
- grade:Noun:level of pre-collegiate education
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|دَرَجِه}}, {{t+|fa-ira|صِنْف}}
- graduation:Noun:the action or process of graduating
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|畢業|tr=pit-gia̍p}}
- graft:Noun:small shoot or scion
- *: Andalusian Arabic: {{t|xaa|قرة|tr=qurra}}
- gram:Noun:unit of mass
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|公克|tr=kong-khek}}
- grammar:Noun:rules for speaking and writing a language
- *: Juba Arabic: {{t|pga|kawaayid}}
- grammar:Noun:rules for speaking and writing a language
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|語法|tr=ngṳ̄-huák}}
- grammar:Noun:rules for speaking and writing a language
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|文法|tr=bûn-hoat}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|語法|tr=gír-hoat, gú-hoat, gí-hoat}}
- grammar:Noun:rules for speaking and writing a language
- *: Fiji Hindi: {{t|hif|vyakaran}}
- grammar:Noun:rules for speaking and writing a language
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|دَسْتورِ زَبان}}, {{t|fa-ira|گِرامِر}}
- grammar:Noun:study of internal structure and use of words
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|دَسْتورِ زَبان}}, {{t|fa-ira|گِرامِر}}
- granary:Noun:storage facility
- *: Juba Arabic: {{t|pga|gugu}}
- grandchild:Noun:child of one’s child
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|نَوَاسَه}}, {{t|prs|نَبَسَه}}
- grandchild:Noun:child of one’s child
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|نَوِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|نَبَسِه}} {{qualifier|archaic}}
- granddaughter:Noun:daughter of someone’s child
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|查某孫|tr=tsa-bóo-sun}}
- granddaughter:Noun:daughter of someone’s child
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|نَوَاسَه}} {{qualifier|grandchild, any gender}}, {{t|prs|نَبَسَه}} {{qualifier|archaic}}
- granddaughter:Noun:daughter of someone’s child
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|نَوِه}} {{qualifier|grandchild, any gender}}, {{t|fa-ira|نَبَسِه}} {{qualifier|archaic}}
- grandfather:Noun:grandfather (from either side)
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|阿公|tr=a-kong}}, {{t|nan-hbl|俺公|tr=án-kong}} {{qualifier|paternal}}, {{t|nan-hbl|外公|tr=guā-kong}} {{qualifier|maternal}}, {{t|nan-hbl|火烌公|tr=hóe-hu-kong, hé-hu-kong}} {{qualifier|maternal}}, {{t|nan-hbl|內公|tr=lāi-kong}} {{qualifier|paternal, indirect}}
- grandfather:Noun:grandfather (from either side)
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|پَدَرْبُزُرْگ}}
- grandfather:Noun:grandfather (from either side)
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|پِدَرْبُزُرْگ}}
- grandmother:Noun:mother of someone's parent
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|阿媽|tr=a-má}}, {{t|nan-hbl|外媽|tr=guā-má}} {{q|maternal}}, {{t|nan-hbl|內媽|tr=lāi-má}} {{q|paternal, indirect}}
- grandmother:Noun:mother of someone's parent
- *: Silesian: {{t|gmw-ecg|Grußmutter|f}}, {{t|gmw-ecg|Gruußmutter|f}}
- grandmother:Noun:mother of someone's parent
- *: Föhr: {{t|frr|ualmam|f}}
- grandmother:Noun:mother of someone's parent
- *: Hallig: {{t|frr|aol|f}}
- grandmother:Noun:mother of someone's parent
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|بِیبِی}}, {{t|prs|مَادَرْکَلَان}}, {{t|prs|نَنَه|tr=nana}}, {{t|prs|مَادَرْبُزُرْگ}}
- grandmother:Noun:mother of someone's parent
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مادَرْبُزُرْگ}}, {{t|fa-ira|نَنِه}} {{q|dialectal}}
- grandparent:Noun:parent of one's parent
- *:: Westphalian: {{t|nds|Chrautellern|p}} {{qualifier|plural only}}
- grandson:Noun:son of one's child
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|نَوَاسَه}} {{qualifier|grandchild, any gender}}, {{t|prs|نَبَسَه}} {{qualifier|archaic}}
- grandson:Noun:son of one's child
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|نَوِه}} {{qualifier|grandchild, any gender}}, {{t|fa-ira|نَبَسِه}} {{qualifier|archaic}}
- grape:Noun:fruit
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|葡萄|tr=può-dò̤}}
- grape:Noun:fruit
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|葡萄|tr=phô-tô, pô-tô, phû-tô}}
- grape:Noun:fruit
- *: Kildin Sami: {{t|sjd|выннҍмӯррьй}}, {{t|sjd|мӯррмӯррьй}}
- grapefruit:Noun:tree
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|柚仔樹|tr=iū-á-chhiu}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|葡萄柚|tr=phû-tô-iū}}
- grapefruit:Noun:fruit
- *: Lebanese Arabic: {{t|ar|غْريْب فْروت|tr=greyp frūt}}
- grapefruit:Noun:fruit
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|柚仔樹|tr=iū-á-chhiu}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|葡萄柚|tr=phû-tô-iū}}
- grasp:Verb:to grip
- * Mansi:
- grasp:Verb:to grip
- *: Northern Mansi: {{t|mns-nor|а̄лмаяӈкве}}
- grass:Noun:ground cover plant
- *: Juba Arabic: {{tt|pga|gesh}}
- grass:Noun:ground cover plant
- *: Bikol Legazpi: {{tt+|bcl|awot}}
- grass:Noun:ground cover plant
- *: Bikol Naga: {{tt+|bcl|duot}}
- grass:Noun:ground cover plant
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|草|tr=chāu}}
- grass:Noun:ground cover plant
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|草|tr=chháu}}
- grass:Noun:ground cover plant
- *: Pennsylvania German: {{tt|pdc|Graas|n}}
- grass:Noun:ground cover plant
- *: Eastern Huasteca: {{tt|nhe|xihuitl}}
- grass:Noun:ground cover plant
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|سَبْزَه}}, {{t|prs|عَلَف}}
- grass:Noun:ground cover plant
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|سَبْزِه}}, {{tt|fa-ira|عَلَف}}, {{tt|fa-ira|چَمَن}}, {{tt+|fa-ira|واش}}
- grass:Noun:ground cover plant
- *: Kirundi: {{tt|rw|ivyātsi}}
- grass:Noun:lawn
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|چَمَن}}, {{tt|fa-ira|فَرَزْد}}
- grass:Noun:marijuana
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t-check|fa-ira|گِراس}}, {{t-check|fa-ira|گِرَس}}
- grass jelly:Noun:jellylike dessert
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|草粿}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|草仔粿}}
- grass script:Noun:style of cursive script used in Chinese calligraphy
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|草書|tr=chhó-su}}
- grasshopper:Verb:an insect of the order Orthoptera
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|草蜢|tr=chháu-muih / chháu-meh / chháu-meeh / chháu-neh / chháu-nih / chháu-mih / chháu-mé}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|草蜢仔|tr=chháu-meh-á}}
- grasshopper:Verb:an insect of the order Orthoptera
- *: Central Nahuatl: {{t|nhn|chapolin}}
- grasshopper:Verb:an insect of the order Orthoptera
- *: Classical Nahuatl: {{t|nci|chapolin}}
- grassland:Noun:an area dominated by grass or grasslike vegetation
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|عَلَفْزار}}, {{t|fa-ira|واشْزار}}, {{t|fa-ira|چَمَنْزار}}
- grater:Noun:a tool with which one grates
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|菜礤|tr=chhài-chhoah}}
- grave:Noun:excavation for burial
- *: Turoyo: {{tt|tru|ܩܰܘܪܳܐ|m}}
- grave:Noun:excavation for burial
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|墳墓}}
- grave:Noun:excavation for burial
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|墳墓|tr=phûn-bōng / phûn-bō͘}}
- grave:Noun:excavation for burial
- *: Dari: {{tt+|prs|گور}}, {{tt|prs|قَبْر}}
- grave:Noun:excavation for burial
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|گور}}, {{tt|fa-ira|قَبْر}}
- gravedigger:Noun:a person employed to dig graves
- *: Old Polish: {{t|zlw-opl|grabarz|m}}, {{t|zlw-opl|grobnik|m}}, {{t|zlw-opl|kopacz|m}}, {{t|zlw-opl|relikwiarz|m}}
- graveyard:Noun:tract of land in which the dead are buried
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|公墓|tr=kong-bōng}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|墓地|tr=bō͘-tōe}}
- graveyard:Noun:tract of land in which the dead are buried
- *: Pennsylvania German: {{t|pdc|Karichhof|m}}
- graveyard:Noun:tract of land in which the dead are buried
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|قَبْرِسْتَان}}, {{t|prs|گورِسْتَان}}
- graveyard:Noun:tract of land in which the dead are buried
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|قَبْرِسْتان}}, {{t|fa-ira|گورِسْتان}}
- gravitation:Noun:fundamental force of attraction
- *: Abjad: {{t|az|جاذبه|tr=jāzibæ}}, {{t|az|انجذاب|tr=injizab}}, {{t|az|چکيم|tr=chækîm}}
- gravitation:Noun:fundamental force of attraction
- *: Roman: {{t+|az|cazibə}}, {{t|az|çəkim}}
- gravitational wave:Noun:fluctuation in spacetime that propagates as a wave at the speed of light
- *: Norwegian: {{t|no|gravitasjonsbølge|f|m}}
- graviton:Noun:a hypothetical gauge boson
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|gráviton|m}}
- graviton:Noun:a hypothetical gauge boson
- *: European: {{t|pt|gravitão|m}}
- gray:Adjective:of a color somewhere between white and black, as the ash of an ember
- *: Abjad: {{t|az|بوْز|tr=bōz}}, {{t|az|بوز|tr=bouz}}
- gray:Adjective:of a color somewhere between white and black, as the ash of an ember
- *: Roman: {{t+|az|boz}}, {{t|az|çal}}
- gray:Adjective:of a color somewhere between white and black, as the ash of an ember
- *: Vancouver Island: {{t|hur|tshwikw'}}
- gray:Adjective:of a color somewhere between white and black, as the ash of an ember
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|gri}}
- gray:Adjective:of a color somewhere between white and black, as the ash of an ember
- *: Föhr, Wiedingharde: {{t|frr|grä}}
- gray:Adjective:of a color somewhere between white and black, as the ash of an ember
- *: Hallig: {{t|frr|grai}}
- gray:Adjective:of a color somewhere between white and black, as the ash of an ember
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|خاکِسْتَری}}, {{t|fa-ira|توسی}}
- gray:Noun:colour
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|gri}}
- great antshrike:Noun:Taraba major
- *: {{qualifier|Brazil}}: [[chorá-boi]]
- great tit:Noun:bird
- * Sami: {{t|se|fiskesgaccet}}, {{t|se|buoidegaccet}}
- great white shark:Noun:Carcharodon carcharias
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|大白鯊|tr=tōa-pe̍h-soa}}
- great-grandson:Noun:son of a grandchild
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|乾仔孫|tr=kan-á-sun}}, {{t|nan-hbl|曾孫|tr=cheng-sun}}, {{t|nan-hbl|蝨母仔|tr=sat-bó-á, sat-bú-á}}
- great-great-grandchild:Noun:the child of one's great-grandchild
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|油柑孫|tr=iû-kam-sun}}
- great-great-grandson:Noun:the son of one's great-grandchild
- *: Hokkien: {{t|cmn|油柑孫|tr=iû-kam-sun}}
- great-uncle:Noun:uncle of one's parent
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|伯公|tr=peh-kong}} {{q|paternal grandfather's elder brother}}, {{t|nan-hbl|叔公|tr=chek-kong}} {{q|paternal grandfather's younger brother}}, {{t|nan-hbl|舅公|tr=kū-kong}} {{q|grandmother's brother}}
- greater yellow-headed vulture:Noun:Cathartes melambrotus
- * Ye'kanwa: {{t|mch|kudumö}}
- green tea:Noun:drink
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|綠茶|tr=le̍k-tê}}
- greet:Verb:to address with salutations or expressions of kind wishes
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|相借喙}}
- greylag goose:Noun:Anser anser
- * Frisian:
- greylag goose:Noun:Anser anser
- *: West Frisian: {{t+|fy|skiere goes}}
- greylag goose:Noun:Anser anser
- *: Southern Sami: {{t|sma|gaase}}
- grizzly bear:Noun:Ursus arctos horribilis
- *: Vancouver Island:
- grizzly bear:Noun:Ursus arctos horribilis
- * Nuu-Chah-Nulth: {{t|str|naana}}
- grocery:Noun:shop or store that sells groceries
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|بَقَّالی}}, {{t|fa-ira|سوپِری}}
- groin:Noun:long narrow depression of the human body that separates the trunk from the legs
- * Tashelhiyt: {{t|shi|awlal, wa-, awlaln|m}}
- gross:Adjective:causing disgust
- *: {{qualifier|Brazil}}: [[nojento]]
- ground:Noun:surface of the Earth
- * Old Portuguese: {{t|roa-opt|chão}}
- ground:Noun:surface of the Earth
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|زَمین}}
- ground:Noun:soil, earth
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|زَمین}}
- groundwater:Noun:Water existing beneath the earth's surface in underground streams and aquifers
- *: Low German: {{t+|nds-de|Grundwater|n}} {{qualifier|Schlewig-Holstein, Ostfriesland, Hamburg, Nordniedersachsen, Oldenburg-Bremen, Münsterland}}, {{t+|nds-de|Grundwaater|n}} {{qualifier|Westwestphalia}}
- group:Noun:number of things or persons being in some relation to each other
- *: New Latin: {{t|la|grupus|m}}
- group:Noun:number of things or persons being in some relation to each other
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|گُرُوه}}, {{t|prs|مَجْمُوعَه}}
- group:Noun:number of things or persons being in some relation to each other
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|گُروه}}, {{t|fa-ira|مَجْموعِه}}
- grouse:Noun:any of various game birds of the subfamily Tetraoninae
- *: Vancouver Island: {{t|hur|miit'}} {{qualifier|blue grouse}}, {{t|hur|stihwum}} {{qualifier|ruffed grouse, willow grouse}}
- grow:Verb:(intransitive) to become bigger
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|發|tr=buók}}
- growth:Noun:increase in size
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|生長|tr=sing-tióng}}
- growth:Noun:increase in size
- * Luxemburgish: {{t|lu|Wuesstem|n}}
- guarantee:Noun:anything that assures a certain outcome
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|ضَمانَت}}, {{t+|fa-ira|ضِمانَت}}, {{t+|fa-ira|گارانْتی}}, {{t+|fa-ira|کَفالَت}}
- guava:Noun:tree or shrub
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|林菝仔|tr=ná-pua̍t-á, ná-pa̍t-á}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|菝仔|tr=pua̍t-á, pa̍t-á}}
- guava:Noun:tree or shrub
- *: Central Thai: {{t+|th|ฝรั่ง|tr=fà-ràng}}
- guava:Noun:tree or shrub
- *: Isan: {{t|tts|บักสีดา|tr=bàk-sǐi-daa}}, {{t|tts|หมากสีดา|tr=màak-sǐi-daa}}
- guava:Noun:tree or shrub
- *: Northern Thai: {{t-needed|nod}}
- guava:Noun:tree or shrub
- *: Southern Thai: {{t|sou|ชมพู่|tr=chom-pûu}}
- guava:Noun:fruit
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|林菝仔|tr=ná-pua̍t-á, ná-pa̍t-á}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|菝仔|tr=pua̍t-á, pa̍t-á}}
- guava:Noun:fruit
- *: Highland Puebla: {{t|azz|xa̱lxocot}}
- guava:Noun:fruit
- *: Mecayapan: {{t|nhx|xa̱lxocoꞌ}}
- guava:Noun:fruit
- *: Michoacán: {{t|ncl|xalxocul}}
- guava:Noun:fruit
- *: Northern Puebla: {{t|ncj|xalxocotl}}
- guava:Noun:fruit
- *: Zacatlán-Ahuacatlán-Tepetzintla: {{t|nhi|xalxocotl}}
- guava:Noun:fruit
- *: Central Thai: {{t+|th|ฝรั่ง|tr=fà-ràng}}
- guava:Noun:fruit
- *: Isan: {{t|tts|บักสีดา|tr=bàk-sǐi-daa}}, {{t|tts|หมากสีดา|tr=màak-sǐi-daa}}
- guava:Noun:fruit
- *: Northern Thai: {{t-needed|nod}}
- guava:Noun:fruit
- *: Southern Thai: {{t|sou|ชมพู่|tr=chom-pûu}}
- guest:Noun:recipient of hospitality
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|人客|tr=nè̤ng-káh}}
- guest:Noun:recipient of hospitality
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|人客|tr=lâng-kheh, lâng-kheeh}}
- guest:Noun:recipient of hospitality
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|مِهْمَان}}
- guest:Noun:recipient of hospitality
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مِهْمان}}
- guide:Noun:someone who guides
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|راهْنَما}}, {{t|fa-ira|رَهْبَر}}
- guide:Noun:document, book
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|راهْنَما}}, {{t|fa-ira|کِتابِ راهْنَما}}
- guide book:Noun:book that provides guidance
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|راهْنَما}}, {{t|fa-ira|کِتابِ راهْنَما}}
- guinea pig:Noun:rodent
- * Sami: [[mársa]]
- guitar:Noun:musical instrument
- *: Chadian Arabic: {{t|shu|قتار|m|tr=gitār}}
- guitar:Noun:musical instrument
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|吉他|tr=gih-tah}}
- guitar:Noun:musical instrument
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|گیتار}}
- gulag:Noun:system of all Soviet labour camps and prisons in use, especially during the Stalinist period (1930s–1950s)
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|گولاگ}}
- gulf:Noun:geography
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|خَلِیج}}, {{t|prs|شَاخَاب}}
- gulf:Noun:geography
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|خَلیج}}, {{t+|fa-ira|شاخاب}}
- gulp:Verb:to react nervously
- * Romance:
- gulp:Verb:to react nervously
- *: Spanish: {{t+|es|glup|m|tr=gulp...|lit=gulp|alt=glup...}}
- gumbo limbo:Noun:tree
- * Mopan: {{t|mop|chikaj}}
- gun:Noun:portable, short weapon, for hand use
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|تَپَانْچَه}}, {{t|prs|تُفَنْگْچَه}}
- gun:Noun:portable, short weapon, for hand use
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|تَپانْچِه}}
- gun:Noun:less portable, long weapon
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|تُفَنْگ}}
- gun:Noun:less portable, long weapon
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|تُفَنْگ}}
- guqin:Noun:instrument
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|琴|tr=khîm}}
- gurdwara:Noun:a Sikh place of worship
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|گودواره|tr=gūdwāra}}
- gurdwara:Noun:a Sikh place of worship
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|گردواره|tr=gordvâre}}, {{t|fa-ira|گودواره|tr=gudvâre}}
- guts:Noun:(slang) courage
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|膽|tr=táⁿ, tám}}
- guts:Noun:
- <!--NOTE: translations in the sense of "courage" must be ''slang terms'' where possible - some given below are standard terms.-->
- guy:Noun:male, man
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|boug}}, {{t|lou|gayar}}
- gym:Noun:sporting facility specialized for lifting weights and exercise
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|وَرْزِشْگاه}}, {{t|fa-ira|سالُنِ وَرْزِش}}, {{t|fa-ira|زورْخانِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|وَرْزِشْخانِه}}, {{t|fa-ira|باشْگاه}}
- gymnasium:Noun:place for indoor sports
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|وَرْزِشْگاه}}, {{t|fa-ira|سالُنِ وَرْزِش}}
- habit:Noun:an action done on a regular basis
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|習慣|tr=si̍p-koàn}}
- habit:Noun:an action done on a regular basis
- *: Dari: {{t+|prs|عَادَت}}
- habit:Noun:an action done on a regular basis
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|عادَت}}
- habit:Noun:action performed repeatedly and automatically, usually without awareness
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|習慣|tr=si̍p-koàn}}
- hackberry:Noun:plant
- *: Palestinian Aramaic: {{t|arc|מַיְשָׁא|tr=mayšā|m}}
- hackney:Noun:carriage for hire or a cab
- * Droschke, Mietkutsche; Austrian German: Fiaker
- haemorrhoids:Noun:a pathological condition
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|痔瘡|tr=tī-chhng}}
- haggle:Verb:to argue for a better deal
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|چانِه زَدَن}}
- hail:Noun:balls of ice
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|雹|tr=pha̍uh}}
- hail:Noun:balls of ice
- *: Northern Min: {{tt|mnp|龍雹}}
- hail:Noun:balls of ice
- * Kamkata-vari:
- hail:Noun:balls of ice
- *: Kata-vari: {{tt|bsh|aši}}
- hail:Verb:to fall from the sky, of hail
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|落雹|tr=lo̍h-pha̍uh}}
- hail:Verb:to greet
- *: Hokkien: {{t+check|nan-hbl|叫|tr=kiò}}
- hair:Noun:mass of such filaments on the human head
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|頭髮|tr=tàu-huók}}
- hair:Noun:mass of such filaments on the human head
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|頭毛|tr=thâu-mn̂g, thâu-mô͘, thâu-mo͘}}, {{tt+|nan-hbl|頭鬃|tr=thâu-chang}}
- hair:Noun:mass of such filaments on the human head
- * Nama: {{tt|naq|ǀûn}}
- hair:Noun:mass of such filaments on the human head
- *: Dari: {{tt+|prs|مو}}, {{tt|prs|مُو}}, {{tt+|prs|گیس}}
- hair:Noun:mass of such filaments on the human head
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|مو}}, {{tt+|fa-ira|گیس}}
- hair:Noun:mass of such filaments on the human head
- *: Canka Quechua: {{tt|qu|cukca}}
- hair:Noun:mass of such filaments on the human head
- *: Waiwaş Quechua: {{tt|qu|agza}}
- hair:Noun:mass of such filaments on the human head
- *: Wanka Quechua: {{tt|qu|agca}}
- hair:Noun:mass of such filaments on the human head
- *: Kildin: {{tt|sjd|вӯппт}} {{qualifier|individual}}
- hairdresser:Noun:professional for haircutting or hairstyling
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|آرایِشْگَر}}, {{t|fa-cls|حَجَّام}}
- hairdresser:Noun:professional for haircutting or hairstyling
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|آرایِشْگَر}}, {{t|fa-ira|حَجَّام}}
- hairdryer:Noun:electrical appliance for drying hair
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|吹風機|tr=chhoe-hong-ki, chhe-hong-ki}}, {{t|nan-hbl|電吹|tr=tiān-chhoe, tiān-chhe}}
- hairdryer:Noun:electrical appliance for drying hair
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|سِشُوارِ مو}}, {{t|fa-ira|سِشُوار}}, {{t|fa-ira|مو خُشْککُن}}
- hairstyle:Noun:style of one's hair
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|مُدِلِ مو}}, {{t|fa-ira|آرایِشِ مو}}
- hajj:Noun:pilgrimage to Mecca
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|حج}}
- half:Noun:one of two equal parts into which anything may be divided
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|半|tr=pan}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|一半|tr=yit-pan}}
- half brother:Noun:son of the same mother but a different father
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|同母異父|tr=tông-bó-ī-hū / tông-bú-ī-hū}}, {{t|nan-hbl|仝母各爸|tr=kāng-bó-koh-pēe}}
- half brother:Noun:son of the same father but a different mother
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|同父異母}}, {{t|nan-hbl|同父异母|tr=tông-hū-ī-bió}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|仝爸各母|tr=kāng-pē-koh-bú / kāng-pē-koh-bó / kāng-pēe-koh-bó}}
- half sibling:Noun:child of the same mother but a different father
- *: Ekiti: {{t|yo|omiye}}
- half sibling:Noun:child of the same father but a different mother
- *: Ekiti: {{t|yo|ọmiba}}
- half sister:Noun:daughter of the same father but a different mother
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|同父異母}}, {{t|nan-hbl|同父异母|tr=tông-hū-ī-bió}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|仝爸各母|tr=kāng-pē-koh-bú / kāng-pē-koh-bó / kāng-pēe-koh-bó}} {{qualifier|+ words for elder/younger sister}}
- half-breed:Noun:derogatory: person of racially mixed ancestry
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|半仿仔|tr=pòaⁿ-hóng-á}}
- halfway:Adverb:midway
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|半路|tr=pòaⁿ-lō͘}}
- hallelujah:Interjection:exclamation to praise God
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|ha-lé-lú-iah}}
- hallucinogenic:Adjective:producing hallucinations
- *: Brazilian: {{t+|pt|alucinogênico}}
- hallucinogenic:Adjective:producing hallucinations
- *: European: {{t+|pt|alucinogénico}}
- halogen:Noun:any element of group 17
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|鹵素|tr=lū-só}}
- halogen:Noun:any element of group 17
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|鹵素|tr=ló͘-sò͘}}
- ham:Noun:thigh of a hog cured for food
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|火腿|tr=hóe-thúi, hé-thúi}}
- hamburger:Noun:sandwich
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|漢堡|tr=hàn-pó}}, {{t|nan-hbl|和肉敆|tr=hām-bah-kap}}, {{t|nan-hbl|美國割包|tr=Bí-kok koah-pau}}
- hammer:Noun:tool
- *: Central Atlas Tamazight: {{tt|tzm|tasmart}}
- hammer:Noun:tool
- *: Kabyle: {{tt|kab|tafḍist}}
- hammer:Noun:tool
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|摃錘仔|tr=kòng-thûi-á}}
- hammer:Noun:tool
- *: Griko: [[martèddhi]] {{g|n}}
- hammer:Noun:tool
- * Mari: {{tt|mhr|чӧгыт}}, {{tt|mhr|молот|m}}
- hammer:Noun:tool
- * Nenets: {{tt|yrk|ма}}
- hammer:Noun:tool
- *: Latin: {{tt|ug|bolqa}}
- hammer and sickle:Noun:symbol of communism
- *: Tosk: {{t|sq|drapëri dhe çekiçi}}
- hamster:Noun:rodent species belonging to the Cricetinae
- *: Old Polish: {{t|zlw-opl|krzeczek|m}}, {{t|zlw-opl|skrzeczek|m}}
- handbag:Noun:small bag carried in the hand
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|kha-báng}} {{qualifier|Taiwan}}
- handbrake:Noun:hand-operated brake in a car
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|手擋}}
- handcuffs:Noun:metal rings for fastening wrists
- *: Latin script: {{t+|sh|lisice|f-p}}
- handkerchief:Noun:cloth for wiping the face, eyes, nose or hands
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|دَسْتْمال}}, {{t+|fa-ira|رومال}}
- handkerchief:Noun:cloth for wiping the face, eyes, nose or hands
- *: Kinyarwanda: {{t|rw|umushwara}}
- handmaid:Noun:maid that waits at hand
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|女婢|tr=lí-pī}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|查某囝|tr=cha-bó͘-kiáⁿ}}
- handout:Noun:printed sheet given out free of charge (usually by hand) for a certain use
- * Ukraine: {{t-needed|uk}}
- handshake:Noun:grasping of hands by two people
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|握手|tr=ak-chhiú}}
- handshake:Noun:grasping of hands by two people
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|مُصافَحِه}}, {{t+|fa-ira|دست دادن|alt=دَسْتدادَن}}
- handsome:Adjective:of man: attractive
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|俊}}
- handsome:Adjective:of man: attractive
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|緣投}}
- handsome:Adjective:of man: attractive
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|bo}}, {{t|lou|vayan}}
- hangul:Noun:Korean phonetic script
- * Western Panjabi: {{t+|pnb|ہنگول}}
- happiness:Noun:emotion of being happy
- *: Literary: {{t|lzh|福|tr=fú}}, {{t|lzh|礽|tr=réng}}, {{t|lzh|祉|tr=zhǐ}}
- happiness:Noun:emotion of being happy
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|خوشْبَخْتی|tr=xošbaxti}}, {{t+|fa-ira|شادی}}, {{t|fa-ira|سَعادَت}}
- happy:Adjective:contented, joyous
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|歡喜|tr=hoaⁿ-hí}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|快樂|tr=khòai-lo̍k}}
- happy:Adjective:contented, joyous
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|gé}}, {{t|lou|èrè}}, {{t|lou|konten}}
- happy New Year:Phrase:Happy New Year
- * Central Alaskan Yup'ik: {{t|esu|Assilriamek Allrakukegtaarmek}}
- happy New Year:Phrase:Happy New Year
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|恭喜發財|tr=kiong-hí hoat-châi}}, {{t|nan-hbl|新年快樂|tr=sin-nî khoài-lo̍k}}
- happy birthday:Interjection:good wishes for a birthday
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|生日快樂|tr=seⁿ-ji̍t-khòai-lo̍k, siⁿ-ji̍t-khòai-lo̍k}}
- happy birthday:Interjection:good wishes for a birthday
- *: Dari: {{t|prs|تَوَلَّدَت مُبَارَک}}
- happy birthday:Interjection:good wishes for a birthday
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|تَوَلَّدَت مُبارَک}}, {{t|fa-ira|زادْروزَت فَرْخُنْدِه باد}}
- happy holidays:Phrase:holiday greeting
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[節日]][[快樂]]||tr=chiat-ji̍t khoài-lo̍k}}
- hard hat:Noun:construction helmet
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|安全帽|tr=an-choân-bō}}
- hardly:Adverb:harshly
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|重|tr=tiōng}}
- hardware:Noun:material part of a computer
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|硬體|tr=ngē-thé, ngī-thé}}
- hardware:Noun:electronic equipment
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|硬體|tr=ngē-thé, ngī-thé}}
- hardware store:Noun:merchant
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|臭鐵店|tr=chhàu-thih-tiàm}} {{q|Singapore}}, {{t|nan-hbl|鐵店|tr=thih-tiàm}} {{q|Philippines}}, {{t|nan-hbl|五金店|tr=ngó͘-kim-tiàm}} {{q|Penang}}
- hardworking:Adjective:taking their work seriously and doing it well and rapidly
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|骨力|tr=kut-la̍t}}, {{t|nan-hbl|勤勉|tr=khîn-bián, khûn-bián}}, {{t|nan-hbl|勤奮|tr=khîn-hùn, khûn-hùn}}, {{t|nan-hbl|刻苦|tr=khek-khó͘}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|努力|tr=ló͘-le̍k}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|拍拚|tr=phah-piàⁿ}}, {{t|nan-hbl|勤苦|tr=khîn-khó͘, khûn-khó͘}}
- hare:Noun:animal
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|خَرْگوش}}
- hare:Noun:animal
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|خَرْگوش}}
- harness:Noun:restraint or support
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|اِسْتام}}
- harp:Noun:musical instrument
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|徛琴|tr=khiā-khîm}}
- hartwort:Noun:plant of Europe
- *: 1708: {{t|ru|черметъ|m}}, {{t|ru|порѣ́зъ|m}}, {{t|ru|оле́ній ко́рень|m}}, {{t|ru|оле́ній хвостъ|m}}, {{t|ru|оле́ній хо́ботъ|m}}
- hartwort:Noun:plant of Europe
- *: 1918: {{t+|ru|чермет|m}}, {{t+|ru|поре́з|m}}, {{t|ru|оле́ний ко́рень|m}}, {{t|ru|оле́ний хвост|m}}, {{t|ru|оле́ний хо́бот|m}}
- haste makes waste:Proverb:being too hasty leads to wasteful mistakes
- *: Libyan Arabic: {{t|ayl|استعجل تبطى وتاكل خبطة}}
- hat:Noun:a head covering
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|帽|tr=mô̤}}
- hat:Noun:a head covering
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|帽仔|tr=bō-á}}
- hat:Noun:a head covering
- *: Northern Min: {{tt|mnp|帽|tr=māu}}
- hat:Noun:a head covering
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|کُلَاه}}
- hat:Noun:a head covering
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|کُلاه}}
- hat trick:Noun:three achievements in a single game, competition, season, etc.
- * Western Panjabi: {{t|pnb|ہیٹ ٹرک}}
- hatchet man:Noun:hatchet-wielding participant in a tong war
- *: Taishanese: {{t|zhx-tai|斧頭仔}}
- have:Verb:to possess
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|有|tr=ô, īu}}
- have:Verb:to possess
- *: Föhr-Amrum and Sylt dialect: {{t|frr|haa}}
- have:Verb:to possess
- *: Hallig and Mooring: {{t|frr|heewe}}
- have a safe trip home:Phrase:
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[倒去]][[較]][[細膩]]|tr=tò--khì khà sòe-lī}}
- have you eaten:Phrase:have you eaten?
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[汝]][[食]][[未]]?|tr=lí chia̍h bē? / lír chia̍h bēr? / lí chia̍h bōe? / lú chia̍h bōe? / lír chia̍h běr?}}
- hawk:Noun:predatory bird of Accipitridae
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|老鷂|tr=lâu-iŏh}}
- hawk:Noun:predatory bird of Accipitridae
- * Karachay Balkar: {{t|krc|къыртчыгъа}}, {{t|krc|картчыгъа}}
- hay:Noun:grass cut and dried for use as animal fodder
- *: Pennsylvania German: {{t|pdc|Hoi|n}}
- hay:Noun:grass cut and dried for use as animal fodder
- * Old Portuguese: {{t|roa-opt|fẽo}}
- hazel grouse:Noun:bird
- *: Kildin Sami: {{t|sjd|пыӈӈкав}} {{q|obsolete}}
- hazel grouse:Noun:bird
- *: Southern Sami: {{t|sma|brorke}}, {{t|sma|frorke}}
- head man:Noun:leader of a village
- *: Juba Arabic: {{t|pga|mukunggu}}
- headache:Noun:pain or ache in the head
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|頭疼|tr=thâu-thiàⁿ}}, {{t|nan-hbl|頭殼疼|tr=thâu-khak-thiàⁿ}}
- headlight:Noun:bright light in front of vehicle
- *: {{qualifier|Brazil}}: {{t+|pt|farol|m}}
- headquarters:Noun:military installation
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|سِتاد}}, {{t|fa-ira|قَرارْگاهِ مَرْکَزی}}, {{t|fa-ira|قَرارْگاه}}
- headquarters:Noun:center of organisation's activity
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|سِتاد}}
- headteacher:Noun:The most senior teacher in a school
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|校長|tr=hāu-tiúⁿ}}
- health:Noun:state of being free of physical or psychological disease, illness, or malfunction
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|健康}}
- health:Noun:state of being free of physical or psychological disease, illness, or malfunction
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|健康|tr=kiān-khong / kiàn-khong}}
- health:Noun:state of being free of physical or psychological disease, illness, or malfunction
- *: Classical Persian: {{t|fa-cls|سَلَامَت}}, {{t|fa-cls|سَلَامَتِی}}, {{t|fa-cls|صِحَّت}}
- health:Noun:state of being free of physical or psychological disease, illness, or malfunction
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|سَلامَت}}, {{t|fa-ira|سَلامَتی}}, {{t|fa-ira|صِحَّت}}
- health:Noun:physical condition
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|سَلامَت}}
- health care:Noun:prevention, treatment, and management of illnesses
- * Myanmar: {{t|my|ကျန်းမာရေးစောင့်ရှောက်ခြင်း}}
- health service:Noun:service providing health care
- *: Bokmal: {{t+|nb|helsevesen|n}}, {{t|nb|helsetjeneste}}
- healthy:Adjective:enjoying good health
- *: Middle Welsh: {{t|wlm|yach}}
- hear:Verb:to perceive with the ear
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[聽]][[著]]//[[听]][[着]]|tr=thiaⁿ-tio̍h}}
- hear:Verb:to perceive with the ear
- *: Föhr: {{t|frr|hiar}}
- hear:Verb:to perceive with the ear
- *: Mooring and Hallig: {{t|frr|hiire}}
- hear:Verb:to perceive with the ear
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|شِنیدَن}}, {{t|fa-ira|شُنیدَن}}
- hearse:Noun:vehicle for transporting dead
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|نَعْشکِش}}
- heart disease:Noun:disease affecting the heart
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|心臟病|tr=sim-chōng-pēⁿ, sim-chōng-pīⁿ}}
- heathen:Noun:person who does not follow an Abrahamic religion
- *: Dari: {{t+|prs|بُتپَرَسْت}}
- heathen:Noun:person who does not follow an Abrahamic religion
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|بُتپَرَسْت}}
- heather:Noun:plant
- *: Kildin Sami: {{t|sjd|нуҏҏт}}, {{t|sjd|нуаҏҏт}} {{qualifier|Ārʹsjogk dialect}}, {{t|sjd|кэцкас}} {{qualifier|dialectal}}
- heaven:Noun:sky
- * Old Portuguese: {{t|roa-opt|ceo}}
- heaven:Noun:paradise and upper-world
- *: Hijazi: {{t|acw|جنة|tr=janna}}
- heavy metal:Noun:genre of music
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|هِوی مِتال}}
- hectogon:Noun:geometry
- *: East Frisian: {{t|nds|hunnertkâant|m}}
- hedgehog:Noun:animal
- * Mansi:
- hedgehog:Noun:animal
- *: Northern Mansi: {{t|mns-nor|ю̄нтпыӈ ӯй}}
- heel:Noun:anatomy: part of the foot
- *: Föhr: {{tt|frr|haiel|m}}
- hegemonic:Adjective:of or pertaining to hegemony
- *: Ancient {{m|grc|ἡγεμονικός}}
- helicopter:Noun:aircraft
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|直升機//直昇機//直升机|tr=ti̍t-seng-ki}}
- helicopter:Noun:aircraft
- *: Sicilian: {{t|scn|elicòttiru|m}}
- helicopter:Noun:aircraft
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|بالْگَرْد}}, {{t|fa-ira|هِلیکوپْتَر|tr=heli-kopter}}, {{t-check|fa-ira|چَرْخْبال}}
- helium:Noun:chemical element
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|氦|tr=hâi}}
- helium:Noun:chemical element
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|氦|tr=hāi}}
- hell:Noun:place of suffering in life
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|地獄|tr=tē-ga̍k}}
- hell:Proper noun:abode for the condemned
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|地獄|tr=tē-ga̍k}}
- hell:Proper noun:abode for the condemned
- * Divehi: {{tt|dv|ނަރަކަ}}
- hello:Interjection:greeting
- *: Arbëreshë Albanian: {{t+|sq|falem}}
- hello:Interjection:greeting
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|汝好|tr=nṳ̄ hō̤}}
- hello:Interjection:greeting
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|汝好|tr=lí hó}}
- hello:Interjection:greeting
- *: Plains Cree: {{tt|crk|tânisi}}
- hello:Interjection:greeting
- * Hmong:
- hello:Interjection:greeting
- *: Green Hmong: {{tt|hnj|nyob zoo}}
- hello:Interjection:greeting
- *: White Hmong: {{tt|mww|nyob zoo}}
- hello:Interjection:greeting
- * Pa'O: {{tt+|blk|ခွဲးဟဝ်ဒျာႏ}}, {{tt|blk|မင်္ဂလာႏဒျာႏ}}{{qualifier|colloquial}}
- hello:Interjection:greeting
- *: Classical Persian: {{tt|fa-cls|سَلَام}}, {{tt|fa-cls|سَلَام عَلَیْکُم}}, {{tt|fa-cls|دُرود}}, , {{tt|fa-cls|دَرُود}}, {{tt|fa-cls|دَرُود}}
- hello:Interjection:greeting
- *: Dari: {{tt|prs|سَلَام}}, {{tt|prs|سَلَام عَلَیْکُم}} {{qualifier|formal}}, {{tt|prs|دُرُود}}, {{tt|prs|دَرُود}}
- hello:Interjection:greeting
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt|fa-ira|سَلام}}, {{tt|fa-ira|سَلام عَلِیْکُم}} {{qualifier|religious}}, {{tt|fa-ira|دُرود|tr=dorud}} {{qualifier|literary}}
- hello:Interjection:greeting
- *: Kinyarwanda: {{tt|rw|muraho}}
- hello:Interjection:greeting
- * Sesotho: {{tt|st|lumela}}
- hello:Interjection:when answering the telephone
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|喂|tr=oeh}}
- hello:Interjection:when answering the telephone
- *: Dari: {{tt+|prs|هلو|tr=halō}}
- hello:Interjection:when answering the telephone
- *: Iranian Persian: {{tt+|fa-ira|الو|tr=alow}}
- hello:Interjection:is anyone there?
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|有儂無?|tr=ū lâng bô}}
- help:Interjection:cry of distress
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[鬥]][[我]]|tr=tàu góa|lit=help me}}, {{t|nan-hbl|[[救]][[我]]|tr=kiù góa|lit=rescue me}}
- help:Noun:action given to provide assistance
- *: Dari: {{t+|prs|کُمَک}}, {{t+|prs|یَارِی}}, {{t+|prs|مَدَد}}, {{t+|prs|اِمْدَاد}}, {{t+|prs|مُسَاعَدَت}}, {{t+|prs|دَسْتْیَارِی}}, {{t+|prs|مُعَاضَدَت}}
- help:Noun:action given to provide assistance
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|کُمَک}}, {{t+|fa-ira|یاری}}, {{t+|fa-ira|مَدَد}}, {{t+|fa-ira|اِمْداد}}, {{t+|fa-ira|مُساعِدَت}}, {{t+|fa-ira|دَسْتْیاری}}, {{t+|fa-ira|مُعاضَدَت}}
- help:Noun:person or persons who provides assistance with some task
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|دَسْتْیار}}
- help:Verb:transitive: provide assistance to (someone or something)
- *: Old Javanese: {{t|kaw|tuluṅ}}
- help:Verb:transitive: provide assistance to (someone or something)
- * Lutuv: {{t|clt|bya}}
- help:Verb:transitive: provide assistance to (someone or something)
- *: Old Portuguese: {{t|roa-opt|ajudar}}
- help is on the way:Phrase:used to inform the interlocutor that emergency assistance is approaching
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|[[幫助]][[欲]][[來]][[囉]]|tr=pang-chō͘ beh lâi--lo͘ / pang-chō͘ beh lâi--lo͘h}}
- helper:Noun:one who helps
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t+|fa-ira|دَسْتْیار}}, {{t+|fa-ira|آسیسْتان}}, {{t+|fa-ira|یاوَر}}
- hemlock:Noun:poisonous plant of genus Conium
- *: Byzantine: {{t|grc|μαγγοῦνα|f}}, {{t|grc|μαγκοῦνα|f}}, {{t|grc|μαγγοῦτα}}, {{t|grc|μαγκοῦτα}}
- hemorrhoid:Noun:perianal varicosity
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|痔瘡|tr=tī-chhng}}, {{t|nan-hbl|起背仔|tr=khí-pèr-á}}
- hen:Noun:female chicken
- *: Hokkien: {{tt+|nan-hbl|雞母|tr=ke-bú}}
- hendecagon:Noun:geometry
- *: East Frisian: {{t+|nds|elfkâant|m}}
- heptadecagon:Noun:geometry
- *: East Frisian: {{t+|nds|söömtainkâant|m}}
- heptagon:Noun:polygon with seven sides and seven angles
- *: East Frisian: {{t+|nds|söömkâant|m}}
- here and there:Adverb:in one place and another
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|جابِجا}}
- heresy:Noun:dissension from religious dogma
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|بِدْعَت}}, {{t|fa-ira|هَرْطَقِه}}
- heresy:Noun:a controversial opinion
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|بِدْعَت}}
- hero:Noun:person of great bravery
- *: Eastern Min: {{t|cdo|英雄}}
- hero:Noun:person of great bravery
- *: Hokkien: {{t+|nan-hbl|勇者|tr=ióng-chiá}}, {{t+|nan-hbl|英雄|tr=eng-hiông}}
- hero:Noun:person of great bravery
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|قَهْرَمان}}, {{t|fa-ira|یَل}}, {{t|fa-ira|بَهادُر}}, {{t|fa-ira|گُرْد}}, {{t|fa-ira|پَهْلِوان}}, {{t|fa-ira|بَطَل}}
- heroic:Adjective:of or relating to a hero or heroine
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|豪邁|tr=hô-māi}}
- heroine:Noun:female hero
- *: Iranian Persian: {{t|fa-ira|شیرْزَن}}
- heron:Noun:bird
- *: Old Occitan: {{m|pro|*aigreta}}
- hertz:Noun:the derived unit of frequency
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|赫|tr=hek}}
- hetman:Noun:a historical military commander in various Eastern European countries
- *: Roman: {{t|az|getman}}
- hetman:Noun:a historical military commander in various Eastern European countries
- *: Abjad: {{t|az|حطمان|tr=hətaman}}
- hexabromocyclododecane:Noun:
- * Croatian: {{t|sh|heksabromociklododekan}}
- hexabromocyclododecane:Noun:
- * Serbian: {{t|sh|хексабромоциклододекан}}
- hexadecagon:Noun:geometry
- *: East Frisian: {{t+|nds|sestainkâant|m}}
- hexagon:Noun:A polygon with six sides and six angles
- *: East Frisian: {{t+|nds|seskâant|m}}
- hexose:Noun:a sugar containing six carbon atoms
- *: Hokkien: {{t|nan-hbl|己醣|tr=kí-thn̂g}}
- hey:Interjection:exclamation to get attention
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|hé}}
- hey:Interjection:informal greeting
- * Louisiana Creole French: {{t|lou|hé}}
- hi:Interjection:friendly, informal greeting
- *: Eastern Min: {{tt|cdo|汝好}}
- hi:Interjection:friendly, informal greeting
- *: Hokkien: {{tt|nan-hbl|你好|tr=lí hó}}
- hi:Interjection:friendly, informal greeting
- * Mansi:
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