Pages I've created, excluding verb inflexions and derivative terms I also added:
[Spanish] Non proper names
[edit]- churumba
- chiñar
- volar verga
- volar riata
- camanance
- bereco
- echarse la manta
- parar bola
- casaquero
- dar atole con el dedo
- chilatear
- cipotada
- acharralado
- echar la araña
- guayabear
- peperecho
- peperecha
- salvequear
- simás
- simasito
- valer verga
- huiste
- bayuncada
- nortear
- ser otro pisto
- cachimbazal
- cholco
- chambre
- (2. majorette) cachiporra
- (adj) chiche
- (adj) yuca
- (noun) cachudo
- (ety 3) buzo
- (noun) cachada
- (2. in vain) de choto
- (to splash) chispear
- (blind) choco
- (limping) patojo
- (meddlesome) chute
- (freeload) larva
- (mess) deschongue
- (to fall asleep) fondear
- (moneyless) acabado
- (on purpose) de hecho
- (to give a beating) verguear
- (noun) vergueada
- (Extra amount of goods) vendaje
- (rob) huevear
- (drunkenness) zumba
- (badmouth) hartar
- (deaf) sorbete
- ([several]) topar
- (go for it) topalo
- (interj) vergón
- (prickled) curtido
- tilinte
- (skinny) pechito
- cholero
- cholerear
- chimar
- cabuda
- dar virote
- ahuevar
- papear
- papeada
- (treat someone to (something)) sacar
- (hovel) champa
- al chile
- papucho
- poner los puntos sobre las íes
- (looks) plante
- tirar plante
- (gift) navidad
- (desert) charamusca
- topogigio
- tirar veneno
- junene
- bolado
- dundo
- tumblimbli
- media vez
- algotro
- normi
- nerfear
- quedar cheles
- (proper to El Salvador) aguacatero
- salvadoreñismo
- (snow cone) minuta
- dropear
- tiltear
- mish
- dioguarde
- terengo
- espamear
- bukelismo
- tapesco
- nayiliber
- frentudo
- golondrino
- arenero
- (well-dressed) chainear
- tetelque
- (exactly) exacto
- (exactly) cabal
- güegüecho
- tusquia
- chiviar
- chichipate
- chacho
- chunguear
- chumazo
- (stick) chilillo
- chirivisco
- pandeada
- (laziness) choya
- choyudo
- agarrar fuego el cañal
- (wind) norte
- irse en la chicagüita
- chicagüita
- enchibolar
- chiripa
- hacerse el de los panes
- ojo al Cristo
- ponerle queso
- poner el dedo
- chancomer
- rodajear
- levantamuertos
- fisiquear
- (spread one's legs) explayar
- épale
- peregueta
- (well fed) maiceado
- (ugly person) bagre
- chulunco
- colgar los tenis
- chirilica
- chimpinilla
- (and jayán derived terms) jayanada
- chapudo
- clareado
- agarrar llave
- chotear
- (tag, it game) mica
- saco
- tushte
- peregrina
- saltacuerdas
- chimbolero
- payulo
- (misfortune) sal
- shuquía
- (testicle) coyol
- (its alts.: chute, shute, chupte, sucte, sute; and its synonyms: chinín (chinene, chinini, xinene), aguacamico, aguacate de mico, aguacate de monte, pahua (pagua), yas, coyo) chucte
- chachama
- (chachaco) shashaco
- pushco
- (ety2) machote
- (rural) jincho
- caitudo
- vigiar
- chajazo
- embramar
- embramado
- pencazal
- vergazal
- (jargon) caliche
- (purpuseless) de adorno
- estar para el tigre
- taleguear
- talegueada
- (fart) ventoso
- hasta la verga
- hasta la madre
- caer el veinte
- (sweet roll) novia
- tile
- guanaquismo
- espantaviejos
- waifu
- husbando
- x2
- random
- bn
- rickrollear
- bb
- admin
- god
- WA
- IG
- qué pedo
- cospobre
- transcoreano
- cuck
- cuckear
- de esta
- de forma
- aquellar
- un momento
- día del Señor
- una barbaridad
- (producto escalar) producto punto
- nueva canción
- (producto vectorial) producto cruz
- arranca cebolla
- loquendero
- casa destroyer
- divisadero
- mirador
- queique
- lavado de dinero
- (entre gitanos no nos leemos la suerte) entre gitanos no nos leemos la mano
- a Dios
- Dios Padre
- altiveza
- ganapierde
- liorna
- (1 colón) suegra
- chi
- ño
- novela visual
- novela ligera
- a prisa
- (harmónica) proporción armónica
- sección aurea
- divina proporción
- a proporción
- razón áurea
- hidromancia
- alectomancia
- bibliomancía
- catoptromancia
- ceraunomancia
- ceromancia
- demonomancia
- espatulomancia
- heteromancia
- lecanomancia
- onicomancia
- oniromancia
- onomancia
- piromancia
- uromancia
- dingolondango
- sonetico
- sonecillo
- atriqui
- radiestesia
- pictopueblo
- crotolamo
- anacreóntico
- ya veremos, dijo el ciego
- coloreable
- Lachinoamérica
- gore
- clipero
- plus minusve
- nalgótica
- ser de plan y ladera
- frikiplaza
- ciudad que nunca duerme
- canto a lo poeta
- mujer pública
- mujer mundana
- team sangre
- team carne
- (pronunciation spelling of) wekereke
- huequereque
- Santa Cachucha
- guionazo
- whitexican
- (ambiguous, boring, cloudy) gris
- pupusódromo
- (regional senses, mf nouns) pelón
- la vieja
- Mataulipas
- bresca
- valeverguista
- desquehacerado
- sereguete
- cereguete
- cuilio
- cuilío
- frutifantástico
- putiferio
- (adj) dizque
- a vuelta de rueda
- (again) de vuelta
- manganime
- besto
- en fa
- en chinga
- titilgüita
- ser santo de la devoción de alguien
- (incestuous) norteño
- malir sal
- en fin, la hipotenusa
- (fall) matada
- teto
- burrear
- racistada
- Pulgarcito de América
- hablar en lenguas
- peruanada
- venir Elver
- fan de Cuties
- qlo
- a mediación
- comeaños
- tragaños
- tragaaños
- queveres
- ultimadamente
- (adj) ultimado
- (before) endenantes
- follaniños
- espantabrujas
- espantaflojos
- espantabobos
- el que no chilla no mama
- (noun) jijeo
- (something exemplary) cine
- zelda
- único y detergente
- pupusero
- pupusona
- pupusuda
- pupusear
- pupuseada
- pupusiada
- pupusa loca
- abogánster
- pandebono
- nel
- neles
- neli
- nel pastel
- neles pasteles
- (interjection) niguas
- zunzuncito
- (ah, chingados) achís
- achis
- bayunquear
- ijillo
- capiscol
- chipuste
- chipustear
- reyes del hogar
- gentillal
- gential
- genterío
- gentusero
- gentuzal
- averío
- balería
- balerío
- cablería
- cablerío
- carguerío
- chisperío
- cutrerío
- fiesterío
- trikitrákatelas
- kbron
- triquitraca
- triquitracas
- agustín
- lenguarse la traba
- medio medio
- putiza
- madral
- putimadral
- putamadral
- chingamadral
- chingalavista
- chingamelavista
- putarrajal
- mita y mita
- mita-mita
- cinco de yuca
- sin un cinco
- miguel
- miguelito
- puros dieces
- veintiúnico
- yunáis
- dulceabrigo
- (anus) ocho
- ocho con yo
- (adj,noun) drogo
- dundeco
- shockeante
- chuquear
- chuquillo
- chuquear
- irse chuco
- turuleco
- ser de
- (anus) cagón
- cagazón
- Dios primero
- primero Dios
- Dios mediante
- cristofué
- diostedé
- justofué
- justojuez
- diputítere
- dipurrata
- cachamblaca
- (adj) encachimbado
- (inter,adv) vientos
- (foul smell) ufa
- quizque
- quesque
- dolimiento
- punta de yuca
- punteyuca
- nueveabrileño
- nuncamente
- nunquilla
- nunquita
- Fiestas Julias
- Fiestas Agostinas
- ciudad morena
- Virgen Morena
- ponchada
- (a lot) montaña
- demonial
- catizumbazo
- (shedload) macanazo
- macanazal
- montonal
- chinguero
- vergo
- cachimbazo
- tenate
- (a lot) infinidad
- (a lot) burrada
- frikirap
- (escape) guinda
- (indiscreet) salido
- entrefalda
- entrejunta
- entrejunto
- entremiliao
- entreportón
- entresijado
- trasijado
- entretecho
- culumbrón
- de culumbrón
- a culumbrón
- curcucho
- cucucho
- curcuncho
- corcuncho
- (rain) aguasal
- chirajo
- chingaste
- chingazal
- chingatal
- chintano
- acurcucharse
- limosnero y con garrote
- ingrirse
- ingrido
- íngrimo
- inmediatamismo
- insiforia
- insingable
- insoria
- insuceso
- ipegüe
- irigote
- ipso pucho
- qué pex
- (storm clouds) negrura
- negrumo
- (crazy) fumado
- fomi
- amigui
- amiguis
- nadita
- hacer piojito
- (caress) piojito
- (gay man) pipián
- sietillo
- dedulce
- desmother
- banda de guerra
- barbaján
- bastedad
- cucar
- pijazo
- pijazal
- pijeada
- pijeado
- chinche y telepate
- biyuyo
- Papachú
- Papachús
- Papadiós
- Papalindo
- dos que tres
- elote loco
- (penis) mazacuata
- (deceive) enganchar
- soroco
- fulear
- mamplora
- manflora
- marimacha
- totoreco
- chacalele
- chajalele
- mosorola
- tulenco
- tulevieja
- totoca
- jelengue
- desvaciar
- merequetengue
- desguamilado
- bisnero
- gazuzo
- juraco
- huraco
- atenido
- indilgue
- huelepega
- pan mataniños
- de puro fay
- (small plate) paila
- chispotear
- (hopscotch) avión
- (soler) saber
- (wanker) chaquetero
- bironga
- cheva
- pilsen
- marinovio
- marinoviazgo
- (heartburn) agrura
- relanceado
- relanciado
- relanciadamente
- (lover) jaño
- (chair) haragana
- agua de cangrejo
- a las quinientas
- hora de los quiubos
- quiubo
- charralero
- contumerioso
- contumeria
- contumelia
- (in love) enculado
- (kill, die, fail) tronar
- ñuñuco
- (tie) manear
- mumuja
- irse de culo
- írsele la onda
- írsele el avión
- írsele el pájaro
- al suave
- tranquilo como Camilo
- (adj) paloma
- boca floja
- (smart, funny) chispa
- a la garduña
- (mob, game) garduña
- arrebatiña
- a la llama
- a pata
- (drunk) acelerado
- achucuyarse
- (cheat sheet) acordeón
- (cheat sheet) ferrocarril
- acuache
- adiós mis flores
- bocafloja
- boca floja
- adivina adivinico
- (pick up) juntar
- adormitarse
- afigurar
- afuerear
- agarrar de pato
- (hypocrite) agazapado
- aguambado
- aguantás
- en alas de cucaracha
- albarda sobre aparejo
- (coated popcorn) alboroto
- alero
- (adj) alentado
- (recuperate) alentar
- (aiguaste, aiguashte, ainguaste, alguaixte, alguaste, guaste, yuguaste, alhuashte, aihuashte, alhuaste) alguashte
- (wealthy) alivianado
- (to kill) alivianar
- (kooky) alucinado
- alucín
- (noun) amague
- (feing,gesture at) mate
- amansaburros
- mataburro
- amansaloco
- amansalocos
- amansabolos
- analfabestia
- anantes
- anantillo
- anantillos
- aniceto
- (noun) antimotines
- (noun) añal
- apajuilado
- apajuilarse
- apangado
- apangarse
- apante
- (to tamp) apelmazar
- apendejado
- apendejar
- apercollar
- apersogar
- persogar
- (bank, inaugurate) aperturar
- aplanar calles
- (to sit) aplastar
- apucuyar
- pucuyo
- tapacaminos
- apuñuscarse
- apuñar
- pochorola
- pochota
- (resent things) arder
- arrequín
- arrenquín
- arturo
- ( to live by freeloading) arrimar
- arrizar
- asegún
- asigún
- asolapar
- asolapado
- asuntar
- atangayarse
- atangayado
- ataquiento
- atipujarse
- atol chuco
- atol shuco
- atolada
- atoleada
- atortarse
- atrincar
- ahí nos vidrios
- nos vidrios
- ayotón
- (selfish) azadón
- (speed bump) túmulo
- (despicable) bagazo
- caballón
- baica
- (rustic) bajado
- vahar
- vahear
- bajar al pozo
- bajero
- (appetite) bajón
- (to eat) bajonear
- balastre
- balaste
- balastro
- baldonar
- (debris) balsera
- banquear
- (explain) barajar
- barril sin fondo
- bausano
- (prayer) bendito
- (adj) bestia
- billetal
- billetudo
- platudo
- (bisbiringo, bizbirindo, bizbiringo) bisbirindo
- birusco
- Pueblo Marrón
- bisbisear
- bizquera
- bocabierta
- bochincho
- (stupefaction, dizziness) bolencia
- charo
- bolsada
- (to steal) bombear
- (appetizer) boquita
- borroñoso
- (estado, fabrics) brazada
- horchatero
- breque
- (amazing) brutal
- (mouth) buchaca
- echar el buitre
- bullisto
- pleitisto
- buruca
- buscaniguas
- buscapiés
- cachipuco
- calacear
- calársela
- calentura de pollo
- calorón
- camagua
- camagüe
- camastrón
- camellar
- (bulge) camote
- camotillo
- campisto
- (Betty lamp) candil
- canechar
- canecho
- cangrejear
- (tremble) canillera
- (tilt, to do) cantear
- capirucha
- capirulazo
- capital golondrina
- carambada
- querque
- (petty conversation) carburo
- hablar carburo
- (dirty-faced) careto
- cascorvo
- (certificate) cartón
- casaquear
- (casimpulga) casampulga
- capulina
- chiltuca
- (pita bag) cebadera
- (seleque) celeque
- (national soccer team) selecta
- (sugar mill) central
- cerear
- (rummage) seriar
- cerotada
- chabacán
- chabeleado
- chabela
- chabelear
- chacachaca
- chagüital
- chagüite
- chahuite
- chahuital
- (assistant) chalán
- chalchihuite
- chalchigüite
- (Salesian) chaleco
- chamarrear
- chamaquear
- champepiado
- champepiar
- champerío
- champero
- chancaroso
- charenco
- dar chance
- (job) chance
- chanchona
- (cowbell) changarro
- changoneta
- chanti
- chapandongo
- chafandonga
- (rum) chaparro
- chapuco
- cutuco
- (mexican tree) morro
- chapupa
- charraludo
- (interj) charro
- (interj) charros
- (glass) chaya
- (job) cheje
- cheloso
- chemi
- conqué
- (foot,leg) patricia
- chenga
- cherada
- cheral
- cherche
- (adv) noche
- (adjective) entrado
- punketo
- darketo
- -eto
- tenguereche
- cherenqueque
- (cigarette) chéster
- (spit) cheta
- chifurnia
- chijurnia
- chicalote
- (chichicastre, chichicate, chichicaxtle, chichicaztle, chichicastle) chichicaste
- chichinguaste
- (panamense) chichipate
- chichipince
- (draft,torrent) chiflón
- chigüinada
- chigüín
- guadijeño
- chilguaco
- chiligüe
- cinco negritos
- (chiliposo) chilipioso
- chilipe
- chililludo
- chiltepe
- chiltota
- chiludo
- chiloso
- chimbimba
- chimpallate
- chinacate
- chinama
- chinchilete
- chinchillete
- chinchintora
- tamagás
- (nymph) chinchulín
- chingolingo
- chingolinguear
- chingolinguero
- (lampiño) chino
- chinta
- (yax, yas, yaquis) jacks
- matatena
- payaya
- chinto
- chipagua
- pegoste
- salir chipusteado
- chira
- chirajiento
- chirizo
- chilmol
- chulonear
- pulsudo
- chirolón
- chirotear
- chirrango
- (aim) pulso
- chocobanano
- chocholía
- chocoya
- -tepeque
- cacaopera
- chonguengue
- chonguenga
- chonguenguear
- chonte
- repámpanos
- rayos y centellas
- (trifle) balda
- acutísimo
- beneficentísimo
- chupistream
- narcoejecución
- narcopolicía
- ciberguerra
- narcovideo
- ciberguerrillero
- narcodinero
- narcosala
- (from english) facto
- (adj) de facto
- tryhard
- ún
- treinta y un
- cuarenta y un
- cincuenta y un
- sesenta y un
- setenta y un
- ochenta y un
- noventa y un
- (and all compound cardinals from 31 to 99) treintaiuno
- decillón
- arambel
- alhamar
- harambel
- jarambel
- marlota
- sayo baquero
- alcatifa
- catifa
- (leísmo) le
- alahé
- leitmotif
- (coctel molotov) cóctel molotov
- bomba molotov
- algara
- albardín
- barceo
- atijara
- cantadito
- cantito
- cundundear
- cortavenas
- neorriqueño
- (a trufax) factor
- chinchinear
- (a toy) chinchín
- (stomach heaviness) llenura
- (mancharse) llenar
- españolete
- qué tiene
- waos
- miniaturero
- (attendant) edecán
Proper names [some cities and proper names]
[edit]- Aguilares
- Guazapa
- Suchitoto
- Apopa
- San Pablo Tacachico
- Ayutuxtepeque
- Cuscatancingo
- El Paisnal
- Ilopango
- Mejicanos
- Nejapa
- Panchimalco
- Cipitío
- Sívar
- Irma
- Delmy
- Maritza
- Milagro
- Yanira
- Douglas
- Wendy
- Dina
- Yamileth
- Leslie
- (surname) Perla
- Estefany
- (surname) Avilés
- Pleitez
- Baires
- Batres
- Cristales
- Nataly
- Vanessa
- Vaneza
- Colato
- Josselyn
- Gerson
- Coreas
- Corea
- Brenda
- Macua
- Emperatriz
- Tobar
- Roque
- Edenilson
- Escoto
- Lilian
- Melani
- Maeda
- Navidad
- Rosmery
- Alvarenga
- Turcios
- Naomi
- Evangelina
- Erazo
- Vanegas
- Lemus
- Celedonio
- Lobos
- Marlene
- Nehemías
- Tatiana
- Saca
- Malespín
- Dinora
- Magaña
- Monterrosa
- Gladis
- Mena
- Segovia
- Ever
- Maura
- Rina
- Tránsito
- Abdón
- Abimelech
- Abner
- Adame
- Adelio
- Adiel
- Adonai
- Mirna
- Flor
- Lastenia
- Edith
- Melvin
- Milton
- Ada
- Doris
- Jessica
- Wilber
- Erica
- Elsy
- Evelin
- Ingrid
- Willian
- Nora
- Candida
- Petrona
- Marlon
- Jaqueline
- Felicita
- Aracely
- Néstor
- Emma
- Leonel
- Idalia
- Vitelio
- Gisela
- Bersabé
- Maynor
- Isela
- Gloribel
- Idania
- Eris
- Eligio
- Clemencia
- Grecia
- Alcira
- Ciriaco
- Regino
- Rosalva
- Jerónima
- Edna
- Eder
- Nolvia
- Guillerma
- Zenia
- Apolonia
- Brígido
- Yajaira
- Nahum
- Jovel
- Cordelia
- Secundino
- Kriscia
- Hazel
- Edita
- Ruperto
- Paola
- Teófila
- Genara
- Prudencio
- Eleazar
- Osmar
- Melva
- Ceferino
- Baudilio
- Eleuterio
- Celestina
- Sola
- Rosario de Mora
- San Martín
- Santiago Texacuangos
- Santo Tomás
- Soyapango
- Tonacatepeque
- Apaneca
- Atiquizaya
- Peruyork
- Perengano
- Perencejo
- Citano
- Esperancejo
- Concepción de Ataco
- El Refugio
- Guaymango
- San Francisco Menéndez
- San Lorenzo
- Jujutla
- Turín
- Cinquera
- Dolores
- Guacotecti
- Ilobasco
- Jutiapa
- San Isidro
- Sensuntepeque
- Tejutepeque
- Victoria
- Acelhuate
- Agua Caliente
- Arcatao
- Azacualpa
- Citalá
- Comalapa
- Concepción Quetzaltepeque
- Dulce Nombre de María
- El Carrizal
- El Paraíso
- La Laguna
- La Palma
- La Reina
- Las Flores
- Las Vueltas
- Nombre de Jesús
- Nueva Concepción
- Nueva Trinidad
- Ojos de Agua
- Potonico
- San Antonio de la Cruz
- San Antonio Los Ranchos
- San Fernando
- San Francisco Lempa
- San Francisco Morazán
- San Ignacio
- San Isidro Labrador
- San Luis del Carmen
- San Miguel de Mercedes
- San Rafael
- Santa Rita
- Tejutla
- Candelaria
- Cojutepeque
- Cuscatlán
- El Rosario
- Monte San Juan
- Oratorio de Concepción
- San Bartolomé Perulapía
- San Cristóbal
- San José Guayabal
- San Pedro Perulapán
- San Rafael Cedros
- San Ramón
- Santa Cruz Analquito
- Santa Cruz Michapa
- Tenancingo
- Antiguo Cuscatlán
- Chiltiupán
- Ciudad Arce
- Colón
- Comasagua
- Huizúcar
- Jayaque
- Jicalapa
- Nuevo Cuscatlán
- Quezaltepeque
- Sacacoyo
- San José Villanueva
- San Juan Opico
- San Matías
- San Pablo Tacachico
- Santa Tecla
- Talnique
- Tamanique
- Teotepeque
- Tepecoyo
- Zaragoza
- Zacatecoluca
- Cuyultitán
- Jerusalén
- Mercedes La Ceiba
- Olocuilta
- Paraíso de Osorio
- San Antonio Masahuat
- San Emigdio
- San Francisco Chinameca
- San Juan Nonualco
- San Juan Talpa
- San Juan Tepezontes
- San Luis La Herradura
- San Luis Talpa
- San Miguel Tepezontes
- San Pedro Masahuat
- San Pedro Nonualco
- San Rafael Obrajuelo
- Santa María Ostuma
- Santiago Nonualco
- Tapalhuaca
- Anamorós
- Bolívar
- Concepción de Oriente
- Conchagua
- El Sauce
- Intipucá
- Lislique
- Meanguera del Golfo
- Nueva Esparta
- Pasaquina
- Polorós
- San Alejo
- San José
- Santa Rosa de Lima
- Yayantique
- Yucuaiquín
- Arambala
- Cacaopera
- Chilanga
- Corinto
- Delicias de Concepción
- El Divisadero
- Gualococti
- Guatajiagua
- Joateca
- Jocoaitique
- Jocoro
- Lolotiquillo
- Osicala
- Meanguera
- Perquín
- San Carlos
- San Francisco Gotera
- San Simón
- Sensembra
- Sociedad
- Torola
- Yamabal
- Yoloaiquín
- Carolina
- Chapeltique
- Chinameca
- Chirilagua
- Ciudad Barrios
- Comacarán
- El Tránsito
- Lolotique
- Moncagua
- Nueva Guadalupe
- Nuevo Edén de San Juan
- Quelepa
- San Gerardo
- San Jorge
- San Luis de la Reina
- San Rafael Oriente
- Sesori
- Uluazapa
- Apastepeque
- Guadalupe
- San Cayetano Istepeque
- San Esteban Catarina
- San Ildefonso
- San Lorenzo
- San Sebastián
- Santa Clara
- Santo Domingo
- Tecoluca
- Tepetitán
- Verapaz
- Candelaria de la Frontera
- Chalchuapa
- Coatepeque
- El Congo
- El Porvenir
- Masahuat
- Metapán
- San Antonio Pajonal
- San Sebastián Salitrillo
- Santa Rosa Guachipilín
- Santiago de la Frontera
- Texistepeque
- Acajutla
- Armenia
- Caluco
- Cuisnahuat
- Juayúa
- Nahuizalco
- Nahulingo
- Salcoatitán
- San Antonio del Monte
- San Julián
- Santa Catarina Masahuat
- Santa Isabel Ishuatán
- Santo Domingo de Guzmán
- Sonzacate
- Alegría
- Berlín
- California
- Concepción Batres
- El Triunfo
- Ereguayquín
- Estanzuelas
- Jiquilisco
- Jucuapa
- Jucuarán
- Mercedes Umaña
- Nueva Granada
- Ozatlán
- Puerto El Triunfo
- San Agustín
- San Buenaventura
- San Dionisio
- San Francisco Javier
- Santa Elena
- Santa María
- Santiago de María
- Tecapán
- Paz
- Cara Sucia
- Copinula
- Sensunapan
- Banderas
- Pululuya
- Jiboa
- Lempa
- Torola
- Sapo
- Sumpul
- Sucio
- Ostúa
- Jalponga
- El Guayabo
- El Potrero
- El Molino
- Río Grande de San Miguel
- Sirama
- Goascorán
- Titihuapa
- Güija
- Abrego
- Gudiel
- Siliezar
- (Gulf) Fonseca
- Montecristo
- Martín Pérez
- Conchagüita
- San Juan del Gozo
- El Espíritu Santo
- Meanguerita
- Zacatilla
- Chuchito
- Ilca
- Periquito
- La Cribá
- Coyote
- Olomega
- Club de los 27
- Valcárcel
- Chalate
- Chamba
- Chana
- El Chilamatal
- Guadix
[edit]- (Miscellaneous)
- (3 entries: 2. to say; 5. to request; 6. to provide) prompt
- ordinary language
- Telegramgate
- mesugaki
- reverse isekai
- Blursday
- quaranteam
- quaranteaming
- coronacoaster
- vaxication
- fatten the curve
- RYMer
- whevs
- silver swaddler
- gastrosexual
- buzz score
- lit flick
- holopresence
- regencycore
- Frutiger Aero
- corecore
- (noun) humblebragging
- human safari
- pay-neutral
- underbrag
- etymythology
- pulchronomics
- password wallet
- techno-fundamentalism
- techno-fundamentalist
- lab lit
- self-interrupt
- self-interruption
- (noun) catfishing
- spare room subsidy
- full nest syndrome
- xenointoxication
- demitarian
- tomtato
- nuts to butts
- quietway
- eyebomb
- eyebombing
- social supermarket
- skinny pig
- tech neck
- size inflation
- range extender
- canned hunting
- fly grazing
- kninkles
- fire ice
- pollen vortex
- (attributive, surgery) Cinderella
- gypset
- no poo
- dumbwalking
- kludgeocracy
- fugitive emissions
- sirtfood
- functional training
- ear jacket
- kyaraben
- food swamp
- grip-lit
- hamdog
- frosé
- freakshake
- glunge
- nutricosmetics
- sleep divorce
- (as verb, and adjective) sleep divorced
- conversational commerce
- (meditation) heartfulness
- knafeh
- sun pillar
- ice pillar
- solar pillar
- swimrun
- cloud egg
- (modeled after catfishing) kittenfishing
- (egg waffle) bubble waffle
- dopamine dressing
- enclothed cognition
- river bugging
- river bug
- sweatworking
- latte levy
- reverse Advent calendar
- egg coffee
- (uncommon) maranoia
- (uncommon) nanokicking
- Silicon Slopes
- workleisure
- root-to-stem
- menu hack
- attention economy
- skip-care
- (uncommon) pyjama paralysis
- mistake fare
- error fare
- vomit fraud
- (?its synonyms) silver tsunami
- (uncommon) mommune
- chat fiction
- book stuffing
- (collins dictionary has an entry) slashie
- undertourism
- (?uncommon) serial returner
- (attributive) tidewater
- tech vest
- burglary tourism
- moon garden
- revenge shopping
- revenge spending
- revenge buying
- gigabit city
- (?) wonderchicken
- grandmillennial
- granny chic
- grandma chic
- Japandi
- death diving
- (similar to revenge buying) revenge travel
- shecession
- awe walk
- genetic scissors
- (syn of microwedding) minimony
- (uncommon) tornado omelette
- cloffice
- skin fasting
- sauna blanket
- sponge city
- (?uncommon) extractive tourism
- air door
- air curtain
- proffee
- (wiki Marine mucilage) sea snot
- sea saliva
- (flammagenitus) fire cloud
- (uncommon, colloquial) social hangover
- (wiki drinking culture) vertical drinking
- (colloquial, apolo) Moon tree
- (event) midweeker
- meta-attention
- (mindfulness) mindful
- invisible kitchen
- Westsplaining
- artwashing
- doom spending
- Atlantic diet
- zero-dose
- immaculate disinflation
- resenteeism
- (WIKI:Carnivore diet) lion diet
- anti-haul
- (uncommon) recommerce
- Zoom town
- (?) crypto winter
- Palentine's Day
- (uncommon) AIgiarism
- para-astronaut
- parastronaut
- (?) boomerang employee
- (?rel, sustainable tourist) regenerative tourism
- butter board
- cloud bread
- quiet hiring
- (Merriam-Webster) flying ferry
- tomato flu
- tomato fever
- director of first impressions
- (less common) digital amnesia
- disloyalty card
- urban mining
- (uncommon) peecycling
- (facebook related) dark post
- shine light on
- shine a light on
- anituber
- contingent valuation
- girls with guns
- front projection
- (attributive) lead-lag
- (psychology) telescoping
- elliptize
- incircumscriptible
- ladettish
- ladettishness
- photoepilepsy
- photoepileptic
- attributableness
- (figurative) lobotomy
- counterie
- shieldedly
- ludibriously
- learnless
- beesom
- mysterical
- mysterically
- tempestful
- tempestless
- (prowl) prole
- nonplussation
- (adj) nonplussing
- confounding
- princessling
- queenling
- (petty town) townling
- stateling
- doorlet
- roadlet
- brookward
- florigraphic
- islandward
- shrubling
- flowerlings
- nightfulness
- wordfulness
- (noun) wordful
- castlelet
- bricklet
- bridgelet
- misease
- miseased
- jimmer
- kenspecked
- kyrk
- kyrkmaster
- lilly-low
- evenglome
- nightgloom
- bairn-time
- anisong
- brusle
- (uncommon and rare, obsolete) bristle
- (noun) info-dumping
- (a look) glint
- ringle
- (adjective) ringled
- (noun) ringling
- agateward
- bambooze
- bullspink
- (verb) spink
- churchmaster
- (coin) Atchison
- beakment
- Loserville
- athean
- athamantin
- atheologian
- atlasite
- atmospherial
- ombrifuge
- decathect
- Ollendorffian
- obuncous
- nocency
- nocence
- naufragate
- naufrageous
- (any set) mournival
- morfound
- morfounded
- morfounding
- morfoundering
- turning evil
- dimmet
- dimmit
- deluginous
- malagrugrous
- lactoderm
- actative
- boresomely
- actuability
- adamantize
- adamantic
- adulatorious
- advention
- adventious
- adventiously
- adversant
- allodian
- alloquial
- almonage
- Alpish
- Pyrene
- alsinaceous
- altarward
- hopeward
- joyward
- Altess
- ambiate
- frolleague
- (a woman, a pot) fleshpot
- mivvy
- anack
- anabathrum
- breezeful
- breezelet
- thanely
- anarchially
- (noun) gustful
- fireful
- travest
- travested
- (adj) telly
- (inclined) showy
- push one's way
- (transitive cases) hitchhike
- giller
- (adj) boggling
- larkishly
- ultrathinness
- anecdotographer
- anelytrous
- anchoritish
- anchorist
- anchorism
- anchorably
- I shit you not
- I fuck you not
- incesty
- nonplussingly
- upsetti spaghetti
- Vietnam flashback
- angariate
- none of these words are in the Bible
- (verb) SA
- poverty-struck
- moege
- nanopunk
- cyberprep
- glare daggers
- annullity
- annullate
- cartoonify
- archbitch
- steprelative
- found family
- godmum
- godmom
- cartoonification
- (verb) anything
- enclaver
- everblowing
- schoolsick
- (verb) everything
- godmommy
- godmummy
- (verb) RPG
- (adjective) halfway
- a closed mouth doesn't get fed
- bohemianly
- iyashikei
- 2.5D musical
- (musical) 2.5D
- anogenic
- priestessly
- unhaul
- out-toeing
- turquoise-browed motmot
- Draw My Life
- Think break
- GachaTuber
- almoign
- skeller
- (sexual attraction) fever
- girl's girl
- lovewise
- moviewise
- appearancewise
- power fantasy
- relative majority
- neurocosmetic
- AuthorTube
- beshackle
- petty jury
- (to roar) rummish
- shewage
- fever lurden
- formosity
- maladif
- (verb) pitter-patter
- (adj) surfeit
- thereaways
- theredown
- thereup
- malignation
- nimiously
- soul knell
- allevation
- discostum
- (rubbish) kelter
- corification
- (adj) plighted
- quayward
- quaywards
- wharfward
- wharfwards
- (ADJ) annal
- (bucket, blade) awe
- deer-hay
- gifture
- notomy
- plasterman
- plet
- noyment
- (verb) quittance
- verdour
- whomsomever
- performation
- performent
- superacuteness
- thuribuler
- provene
- reverency
- garled
- god-bairn gift
- gossiphood
- provulge
- unbequested
- beast-gate
- substantious
- substantiously
- superspend
- (adj) droop
- wife-carl
- amant
- dissimulance
- dulcely
- Judasly
- Lady altar
- (verb) quickset
- (verb) random
- (verb) restaur
- (treat,discourse) tract
- wandought
- rehelm
- demonstre
- duplify
- exornate
- (ADJ) flounced
- moyen
- narr
- (pamper) pomp
- pomper
- patefy
- (pyx) custode
- custodient
- honeyfall
- blandiment
- golden mediocrity
- hellweed
- small pock
- unpartible
- browst
- silkpunk
- lucrous
- poindable
- uncome
- agonious
- caduce
- consolatrix
- easierly
- (to urge) instant
- invict
- nichil
- premiation
- spoo
- spin someone's wheels
- roadwhore
- thronize
- crine
- airbrain
- neuron activation
- Quitter’s Day
- presolve
- glomper
- whomper
- (monster) mimic
- slumper
- briggle
- calesce
- requiesce
- requiescence
- requiescent
- look ahere
- (----)
- (obsolete, archaic, dated forms of existent lemmas)
- sicknesse
- signe
- willingnesse
- infirmitie
- earnestnesse
- adge
- (obsolete verb) rhime
- securitie
- necessarie
- mayne
- bridegroome
- blessednesse
- bridall
- retchlesse
- fellowe
- fidelitie
- corne
- watchfulnesse
- carnall
- varietie
- goale
- ordinarie
- shipwracke
- gulfe
- endlesse
- apoplexie
- lethargie
- hopelesse
- helplesse
- stiffe
- senselesse
- wickednesse
- wretchedness
- safetie
- losse
- hardnesse
- prosperitie
- crie
- leprosie
- worshipfull
- pleasantnesse
- posteritie
- nobilitie
- unnaturall
- righteousnesse
- arrogancie
- Cornewall
- Hartfordshire
- Warwike
- Warwikeshire
- bishoprike
- Canterburie
- Salisburie
- Exceter
- Peterborow
- Dalketh
- Whitherne
- Witherne
- Aberdene
- milke
- cattell
- strawe
- topographie
- diocesse
- Michaelmasse
- Trinitie
- consistorie
- forenoone
- Ashwednesday
- Norfolke
- Suffolke
- fansie
- Rennish
- Renish
- colwort
- obliquangle
- obliquangled
- obtusangled
- acutangled
- vertvovs
- auncientnesse
- Castill
- releeve
- pilfre
- hautie
- hauty
- obloquie
- lowsie
- lowsy
- Mahumatism
- inrich
- secreat
- (slay) slue
- skinne
- Mihilmas
- (----)
- (contractions)
- fav'rite
- sev'ral
- prosp'rous
- conj'ror
- conj'rer
- invet'rate
- sov'reign
- desp'rate
- o'erjoy
- slav'ry
- murd'rer
- vig'rous
- (----)
- ([specific]: Effects, factors, problems, equations, anomalies, formulas, eponyms)
- Odagiri effect
- weekend effect
- Amazon effect
- Google effect
- accelerator effect
- Aharonov-Bohm effect
- Al Jazeera effect
- Allais effect
- Anrep effect
- anti-greenhouse effect
- Askaryan effect
- Askaryan radiation
- P-factor
- audience effect
- autokinetic effect
- Averch-Johnson effect
- Baader-Meinhof effect
- Balassa-Samuelson effect
- Bambi effect
- Baskerville effect
- Hound of the Baskervilles effect
- Bezold-Brücke effect
- Bezold-Brücke shift
- Abney effect
- Helmholtz-Kohlrausch effect
- big-fish-little-pond effect
- Bowditch effect
- cage effect
- calendar effect
- calendar anomaly
- Callendar effect
- capture effect
- castle thunder
- catapult effect
- catfish effect
- ceiling effect
- Christiansen effect
- Christiansen filter
- Christofilos effect
- clientele effect
- coattail effect
- cohort effect
- common-ion effect
- Cotton-Mouton effect
- Crabtree effect
- CSI effect
- Debye-Falkenhagen effect
- Dellinger effect
- denomination effect
- Diderot effect
- Ting Hai effect
- disposition effect
- Dole effect
- Downing effect
- Eagle effect
- Early effect
- electrocaloric effect
- embedding effect
- part-whole biases
- Emerson effect
- endowment effect
- Eötvös effect
- Epps effect
- Evershed effect
- Fåhræus-Lindqvist effect
- Fåhræus effect
- Fink effect
- diffusion hypoxia
- floor effect
- Florence Nightingale effect
- Flutie effect
- Forbush effect
- free surface effect
- Fujiwhara effect
- gauche effect
- generation effect
- Gerschenkron effect
- Gibbs-Donnan effect
- Gibbs-Thomson effect
- Gibbs-Thomson equation
- Gunn effect
- Haldane effect
- Hanbury Brown-Twiss effect
- Hanbury Brown and Twiss effect
- inert pair effect
- international Fisher effect
- jack-in-the-box effect
- Kapitza-Dirac effect
- Kautsky effect
- Kaye effect
- Keynes effect
- Kirkendall effect
- Klein–Nishina formula
- knife-edge effect
- Kohn anomaly
- Kondo effect
- late effect
- Lenard effect
- leveling effect
- magneto-optic effect
- magneto-optic Kerr effect
- Malter effect
- Massenerhebung effect
- maternal effect
- McCollough effect
- Mellanby effect
- memory effect
- mid-domain effect
- Miller effect
- missing letter effect
- Mohring effect
- name-letter effect
- Okorokov effect
- ostrich effect
- Pasteur effect
- Peltzman effect
- Petkau effect
- (?) picture superiority effect
- Pigou effect
- Pioneer anomaly
- Pratfall effect
- precedence effect
- Proteus effect
- quantum Zeno effect
- Ramsauer-Townsend effect
- ratchet effect
- Ringelmann effect
- Robin Hood effect
- Rossiter-McLaughlin effect
- (?) sailing ship effect
- Schottky effect
- screen-door effect
- second gas effect
- concentration effect
- serial position effect
- Shapiro time delay
- Shapiro delay
- (uncommon) Shapiro effect
- Shubnikov-de Haas effect
- Shubnikov-de Haas oscillation
- silk screen effect
- sleeper effect
- Somogyi effect
- spin Hall effect
- Szilard-Chalmers effect
- Tanzi effect
- Olivera-Tanzi effect
- testing effect
- Thorpe-Ingold effect
- Twomey effect
- Unruh effect
- Voigt effect
- Vroman effect
- Wahlund effect
- Wallace effect
- Warburg effect
- weapons effect
- Weissenberg effect
- Wien effect
- Wilson-Bappu effect
- Yarkovsky effect
- Yarkovsky-O'Keefe-Radzievskii-Paddack effect
- Abrikosov lattice
- Anderson-Higgs mechanism
- Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism
- Englert-Brout-Higgs-Guralnik-Hagen-Kibble mechanism
- Anderson-Darling test
- Michaelis-Arbuzov reaction
- Archimedes number
- Armstrong oscillator
- Meissner oscillator
- Arndt-Schulz rule
- Potts model
- Asinger reaction
- Babinet's principle
- Bagnold number
- Bamberger rearrangement
- Bamford-Stevens reaction
- Barton reaction
- Barton-McCombie deoxygenation
- Baylis-Hillman reaction
- Bejan number
- Atwood number
- CHSH inequality
- Bell inequality
- Bénard cell
- Rayleigh-Bénard convection
- Benedict's test
- Bergman cyclization
- Berry's phase
- Italian Game
- Four Knights Game
- Philidor Defense
- Vienna Game
- King's Gambit
- Center Game
- Danish Gambit
- Modern Game
- Queen's Gambit
- Queen's Gambit Accepted
- Slav Defense
- Stonewall Attack
- Colle System
- Aleppo Gambit
- }
- (----)
- (Some Usenet terms)
- (verb) netcop
- net.cop
- net-cop
- net cop
- ignorelist
- twitlist
- Usenetdom
- Usenetese
- Usenetism
- p&e
- Usenetverse
- Usenetiquette
- Usenetspeak
- netcoppy
- netcoppish
- (----)
- (Sciences-Physics)
- centripetal acceleration
- acoustic interferometer
- D region
- D layer
- F region
- Efimov state
- sporadic E layer
- free surface
- (----)
- (Music-related)
- wombadelia
- wombadelic
- neoclassical darkwave
- xuc
- funkot
- mashcore
- hardcore breaks
- HexD
- corrido tumbado
- barber beats
- future funk
- city pop
- midtempo bass
- future garage
- flashcore
- rawstyle
- dungeon synth
- Dariacore
- hyperflip
- Midwest emo
- tontipop
- música cebolla
- avanzada
- guarania
- filin
- bullerengue
- Cubatón
- dreamgaze
- kindie
- (----)
- (Constructed languages)
- Lingua Ignota
- Balaibalan
- Universalglot
- Sambahsa
- Mundolinco
- Vendergood
- (proper noun) Utopian
- Spocanian
- Lapine
- Baronh
- Communicationssprache
- Ro
- Timerio
- (proper noun) Sona
- Mondial
- Intal
- Lingua Sistemfrater
- (language) Neo
- Unilingua
- Eurolengo
- Poliespo
- Romániço
- Unish
- Tutonish
- Romanid
- Guosa
- Romance Neolatino
Middle English
[edit]- toforeseid
- tofore-
- wrongwis
- grundeswülie
- knolle
- knol
- chiriche
- cyrce
- chirchewardeyn
- wardein
- wardenship
- aunter
- peraventure
- afternone
- doublet
- briaunt
- brustel
- coolwort
- mysesed
- a gate
- colmose
- preesteresse
- morfounden
- founden
- naufragie
- nauffragus
- momurdotes
- mameren
- amortisen
- transgressen
- Pegase
- releven
- pertenen
- formosite
- therdoune
- intil
- kyngen
- duren
- flikeren
- avawmbrace
- maglen
- manglen
- manken
- (mangle) magen
- aforesaid
- skairen
Old English
[edit]MIDDLE Scots
[edit]Things I've helped to quote
[edit]Invariable adjectives
[edit]Tesis estudio del sustrato lingüístico indígena en el español salvadoreño
"El Salv. "
- Para tener a mano [from Argie222]
- Wiktionary:Maintenance templates
- Wiktionary:Requested entries (Spanish)
Pipil (Nawat, nahuat)
[edit]- achakat
- achi
- achiyut
- achut
- teksisti
- kuke
- kuwat
- kwat
- tekwisi
- chakalin
- nekti
- atimet
- teskan
- tekpin
- iswat
- puchut
- shukut
- sakat
- witzti
- kakawat
- uwat
- kamu
- ayut
- awakat
- chalukut
- tzaput
- kiniya
- iyat
- kuyul
- metat
- kumal
- mil
- tenesh
- istat
- nakat
- chichik
- tzupelek
- shukuk
- pukti
- neshti
- sesek
- tutunik
- tekumat
- tzutzukul
- wajkal
- chikiwit
- kukuya
- nakas
- tan
- tzuntekun
- ijti
- istit
- tzunkal
- kuchi
- tultik
- shushuwik
- tiltik
- istak
- ujti
- etek
- tet
- ustut
- kujtan
- tepet
- maltiya
- paka
- shapun
- teku
- ukich
- takat
- -pan
- -k
- -ku
- -tal
- -ka
- -kan
- -ni
- -s
- -lis
- -wis
- -was
- -tsin
- -pil
- -l
- -met
- ka
- tik
- pak
- shulet
- lamat
- -chin
- piltzin
- kua
- sala
- shumpe
- kweyat
- kwey
- kak
- kakti
- petat
- kal
- wey
- takwawak
- tayuwa
- biepta
- tzupina
- akat
To-do list
[edit]- los tiempos de dios son perfectos
- anacreóntica
- other Christian phrases?
- look for Spanish Wikcionario pages not in here:
- Category:Requests concerning Spanish
- Wiktionary:Requested entries (Spanish)
- User:JeffDoozan/lists/es missing drae
- Wiktionary:About_Spanish/Todo#Create_Needed_Entries
- Wiktionary:Redlink_dumps#Spanish
- Wiktionary:Frequency_lists/Spanish
- fundeu?
- "desus."
- historical terms
- look for old Salvadoran texts, attest their meanings
- Category:Spanish terms by usage
- Category:English thesaurus entries
- Appendix:English unattested phobias
- Create thesauruses??
- Create physiscs related terms. Look for glossaries, concepts lists, etc.
- create genres aKAS with citations
- List of constructed languages
- red links
- Look for dates terms were first attested, Use:
, the earliest documented use dates to December 5th, 2009 on the Argentine magazine Zoom,[1] though as a search term on the internet, it dates back to February 2005.[2]
- Category:en:Aesthetics
- Cambridge Neologisms
- Fandom terms, especially those describing fans: Avatard. Or users of sites: RYMer
- Brother in Christ with good tips: User:Equinox
- Look for "effect", "problem" or "syndrome" combinational terms, like Amazon effect. Also scientific phenomena named after people
- Diets: Diets
- Some common suffixes: -ed, -ing; -ly (to form adjectives), -ish, -like, -y; -ful, -less, -istic, -ical, -ic, -al, -ling, -let, -ette, -ess, -ine, -ship, -dom, -ness, -hood, -itude, -ity, -ward,
- Interesting pattern I've noticed: -ling is more common in disyllabic words with the stress in the first syllable (masterling); while -let is more common in monosyllabic or disyllabic words with stress in the second syllable (lagoonlet, kinglet). e.g., compare the results of streamling (1K) and streamlet (100K)
Sources first
[edit]- Issuu
- Wayback Machine (search with the five filters)
- Google Books
- Usenet-Google Groups
- 4chan archive search
- Some free access newspaper search: Chronicling America (US), Old Futon (US, CA). Comprenhensive list: Wikipedia:List_of_online_newspaper_archive