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Proper noun



  1. Obsolete spelling of Hertfordshire.
    • 1590, John Stow, A Svmmarie of the Chronicles of England, from the Firſt arriuing of Brute in this Iſland, vnto this preſent yeere of Chriſt, 1590[1]:
      From thence to the riuer of Trent, which paſſeth through the middeſt of England, be 16 ſhires, whereof the firſt ſix (ſtanding Eaſtward) are Eſſex, Middleſex, Hartfordſhire, Suffolke, Northſolke and Cambridgeſhire: []
    • 1655, [Hamon L’Estrange], The Reign of King Charles: An History Faithfully and Impartially Delivered and Disposed into Annals, London: [] E. C. for Edward Dod, and Henry Seile the younger, [], page 64:
      He [Francis Bacon] lyeth interred in the Church of St. Michael at St. Albans in Hartfordſhire, and hath there a fair ſtatuary monument erected for him of white Marble at the coſt of Sir Thomas Meautis, his ancient ſervant, who was not neerer to him living then dead: []