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From Usenet +‎ -ism.



Usenetism (plural Usenetisms)

  1. (uncommon, Internet) A term that is peculiar to Usenet. [from 1988]
    • 1988 June 24, Robert DeBenedictis, “Yet Another USENETism”, in misc.misc[1] (Usenet):
      I sense the birth of a new expression: "JJ"
      As in "He's a real JJ!" for referring to people that clog up the net.
      Or, "Don't be such a JJ!" I.e., a JJ is a net *sshole
    • 1997 August 5, Mary, “[I] Proof that girl geeks DO exist.”, in alt.fan.pratchett[2] (Usenet):
      > >>What, precisely, is an "obAncientHardware"? Or an "ObPratchett" for that
      > >>matter?
      > >
      > >It's a Usenetism, rather than a AFPism. In newsgroups where a
      > >distinction between ``on-topic and ``off-topic exists and matters,
      > >ObFoo precedes some on-topic material at the end of an off-topic post.
    • 2004 July 6, John Vinson, “SW inventory”, in microsoft.public.access.gettingstarted[3] (Usenet):
      >By the way, thanks and yes you did, and what is "p&e"???

      Sorry... usenetism for "Posted and Emailed".
    • 2004 October 8, Jacqui, “Celebs public about bf'ing”, in misc.kids.breastfeeding[4] (Usenet):
      It's no more a feature of CF groups than AOL or newsfroup or DH or any of the other assorted Usenetisms that have emerged over the last two decades are specific to any other group.
    • 2016 November 13, Siri Cruise, “Class S01E02 The Coach with the Dragon Tattoo”, in rec.arts.drwho[5] (Usenet):
      Pron is usenetism for porn. Maybe it was supposed to suggest people too excited to correct a metathesis.